Researcher Database

Researcher Profile and Settings


Affiliation (Master)

  • Research Faculty of Agriculture Fundamental AgriScience Research Forest Science

Affiliation (Master)

  • Research Faculty of Agriculture Fundamental AgriScience Research Forest Science


Profile and Settings

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  • Name (Japanese)

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Alternate Names


Research Interests

  • Environmental Valuation   Natural Resource Management   Environmental Economics   

Research Areas

  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Environmental policy and society
  • Life sciences / Forest science
  • Humanities & social sciences / Economic policy

Research Experience

  • 2023/04 - Today Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University Professor
  • 2008/10 - 2023/04 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Agriculture Research Faculty of Agriculture
  • 2007/03 - 2008/10 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Agriculture Research Faculty of Agriculture
  • 2005/04 - 2007/03 北海道大学大学院農学研究科 助手
  • 2003/04 - 2005/03 日本学術振興会 特別研究員PD
  • 2000/01 - 2002/03 日本学術振興会 特別研究員DC2


  • 1999/04 - 2002/03  Hokkaido University
  • 1997/04 - 1999/03  Hokkaido University
  • 1995/04 - 1997/03  Hokkaido University  Faculty of Agriculture  Department of Forest Science


  • 2007 林業経済学会奨励賞

Published Papers

  • Koichi Kuriyama, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Tsuge
    Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 2024/08
  • Kota Mameno, Arne Arnberger, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Kubo
    Environmental Conservation First View 1 - 8 0376-8929 2024/05/28 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Farmland abandonment contributes to agroecosystem degradation and food crises. Sustainable farmland use requires a well-designed agri-environmental policy to provide farmers with incentives, including agroecosystem services apart from food production. One of these is recreation. Here, we focus on a Japanese terraced paddy land. We assessed seasonal changes in the value of recreational ecosystem services by integrating mobile phone big data of on-site visitors, collected between 2018 and 2020, into a valuation method. The application of mobile data enables the precise and consistent analysis of non-market agroecosystem services. The recreational value of the paddy land varied with season but overall was high. Sustainable farmland use provides social benefits, and we support the validity of agri-environmental policies that relate to economic incentives for agroecosystem conservation. However, the results show that the incentives provided by the public/government may be insufficient in comparison to this recreational value. Our findings provide information regarding the appropriate amount of economic support required to achieve sustainable agricultural land use in this setting.
  • Hyerin Kim, Claudio Feliciani, Sakurako Tanida, Xiaolu Jia, Tetsuya Aikoh, Yasushi Shoji, Katsuhiro Nishinari
    Journal of Disaster Research 19 (2) 370 - 378 1881-2473 2024/04/01 [Refereed]
    Understanding how visitors respond to crowding is crucial for ensuring the success, safety, and overall enjoyment of large-scale exhibitions. However, despite its significance, limited research has explored this issue. To address this gap, we conducted a questionnaire survey in 2022 and 2023 for visitors to exhibitions held at the Tokyo Big Sight Convention Center. Our research aims to explore the level of consistency between perceived and actual crowding, levels of discomfort in crowded situations, tolerance levels for crowding, and behaviors to avoid crowded situations. The results revealed significant changes in visitor perceptions across the two-year period. Notably, the acceptable crowd density in 2023 increased by 13% compared to 2022. This change in level of tolerance for crowding might have been influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic and other contextual factors that altered visitors’ perceptions toward crowding. Interestingly, despite these perceptual changes, behaviors to avoid crowded situations remained consistent across both years. The most common response was that no special action was taken to avoid crowded situations. These findings underscore that perceptions and behaviors related to crowding in the context of large-scale exhibitions are not uniform. Our findings offer several implications and insights for crowd management, which event organizers can use to devise strategies aimed at enhancing visitors’ experiences and effectively managing crowding in large-scale exhibitions.
  • Tetsuya Aikoh, Satoshi Yahiro, Yasushi Shoji, Hyerin Kim
    Journal of Disaster Research 19 (2) 359 - 369 1881-2473 2024/04/01 [Refereed]
    In some natural parks, introducing a shuttle bus system as an alternative to private cars can help reduce congestion and protect nature. This study examines the pilot program to effectively induce visitors to switch to the shuttle bus, while examining the visitors’ understanding of the expansion of the restricted vehicle section in Shiretoko National Park—a World Natural Heritage site known for its rich natural resources, especially as a high-density habitat for brown bears. There are concerns about conflicts between visitors and brown bears that appear along roads. Visitor restrictions, such as limited access to transportation, limit the use of a place and alter the behavior and experience. Therefore, careful consideration is needed before introducing visitor restrictions. The results of our questionnaire survey of visitors indicated that most favored the expansion of the shuttle bus section. The choice experiment revealed that the guides on the bus and an optional experience encouraged visitors to switch to the shuttle buses. Nonetheless, awareness of the pilot program was low, and some visitors preferred their cars, indicating the need for further promotion of awareness and understanding of these new measures.
  • Riku Miyagawa, Daichi Yanagisawa, Xiaolu Jia, Yasushi Shoji, Tetsuya Aikoh, Katsuhiro Nishinari
    Journal of Disaster Research 19 (2) 279 - 292 1881-2473 2024/04/01 [Refereed]
    Regulated egress is often conducted after large events to avoid extreme congestion at stations around event venues. In regulated egress, people are divided into several groups and egress in order. By controlling the number of groups and the time interval between each group’s egress, managers can mitigate the congestion at the stations. In this study, a mathematical model was developed to identify the effective regulated egress. level of discomfort (LOD) was used to evaluate the performance of the regulated egress instead of the total egress time. LOD is the product of the function of density and duration of egress and represents the accumulated discomfort through the egress. A questionnaire survey was conducted to determine the LOD function parameters. Under the assumed conditions, the results of the calibrated model indicated that effective regulated egress could be conducted by dividing the people into two or three groups, which is presumable in terms of management in the real world. In addition to the main result for the effective number of groups, the robustness of the model was confirmed by comparing the results of the two types of LOD functions. In other words, the effective number of groups does not strongly depend on the detailed form of the LOD functions.
  • Yasushi Shoji, Hyerin Kim, Takahiro Tsuge, Koichi Kuriyama
    Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 4 (2) 100104  2023/08 [Refereed]
  • Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Tsuge, Takahiro Kubo, Kohei Imamura, Koichi Kuriyama
    Journal of Forest Economics 38 (3) 235 - 263 1104-6899 2023/08 [Refereed]
  • Kota Mameno, Takahiro Kubo, Kiyokazu Ujiie, Yasushi Shoji
    Ecological Economics 204 107691  0921-8009 2023/02 [Refereed]
  • Hyerin Kim, Yasushi Shoji, Kota Mameno, Takahiro Kubo, Tetsuya Aikoh
    Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 80 127828  1618-8667 2023/01 [Refereed]
  • Yuki Ishizue, Yoichi Kawaguchi, Kojiro Watanabe, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Sato, Gen Terayama
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 57 (3) 1301 - 1308 0916-0647 2022/10/25 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 阿蘇くじゅう国立公園における二次草原保全活動ボランティアの活動継続と制約の要因
    町田怜子, 愛甲哲也, 武正憲, 松島肇, 庄子康
    ランドスケープ研究 2022/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Tsuge, T, Shoji, Y, Kuriyama, K, Onuma, A
    Sustainability 14 4753  2022/04/15 [Refereed]
  • Mameno, K, Kubo, T, Suzuki, T, Tsuge, T, Shoji, Y
    Environmental Conservation 1 - 8 0376-8929 2022/04/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Summary Message framing contributes to an increase in public support for invasive species management. However, little is known about people’s preferences for the multiple objectives of management within different contexts relating to the challenges and benefits of invasive species management. We examine Japanese citizens’ preferences for the goals of free-roaming unowned cat (Felis catus) management in three contextual frames by applying experimentally controlled information and the best–worst scaling technique. Our results indicate that the ecological frame highlighting the ecological impacts of free-roaming unowned cats on native ecosystems significantly increases Japanese citizens’ concern about cat predation, although the frame did not change the preference ranking of goals. There are differences in the effects of message framing depending on cat ownership. The best–worst scaling technique shows that Japanese citizens prefer to maintain a sanitary environment, followed by the prevention of zoonotic diseases. Although the ranking of sanitary environmental management does not depend on cat ownership, the ranking of the other goals differs depending on cat ownership. The findings highlight the importance of strategic message framing and its prioritization in encouraging public support for invasive species management.
  • Mameno, K, Kubo, T, Oguma, H, Amagai, Y, Shoji, Y
    Climatic Change 170 (3-4) 0165-0009 2022/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
    AbstractAlpine landscapes are projected to be degraded under climate change, which would threaten their benefits to society. Previous studies, however, have been limited to aesthetic change, and it remains unclear how much the aesthetic change would affect human welfare. To address this issue and gain insights into climate change adaptation policies, we conducted a choice experiment survey using digitally manipulated images based on climate change scenarios and natural scientific knowledge in a mountainous national park in Japan. We uncovered that park visitors appreciate the alpine landscapes that include snow patches on mountains and some types of alpine flowers by analyzing the data from 445 respondents. Conversely, both the invasion of alpine vegetation by dwarf bamboo and the disappearance of snow patches due to climate change substantially deteriorated the perceived aesthetic benefits from alpine landscapes. The economic loss caused by climate-induced landscape degradation was estimated at more than 100 USD per visitor, at maximum; the disappearance of snow patches and invasion by dwarf bamboo reduced the benefits by approximately 13 USD and 101 USD, respectively. Our findings suggest that sustaining the aesthetic value of alpine landscapes in national parks via climate change adaptation has potentially significant economic benefits. By supposing that the mountain national park attracts 70,000 visitors in summer, climate change would cause as a minimum of eight million USD economic loss at the park without appropriate measures annually. Our findings highlight the importance of climate change measures by considering climate change impacts on social benefits associated with alpine landscapes.
  • Hyerin Kim, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Tsuge, Tetsuya Aikoh, Koichi Kuriyama
    Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 65 127332  1618-8667 2021/11 [Refereed]
  • Hyerin Kim, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Tsuge, Takahiro Kubo, Futoshi Nakamura
    People and Nature 3 (4) 861 - 871 2575-8314 2021/08 [Refereed]
    The initial purpose of our study was to understand preferences of stakeholders on green infrastructure for flood control using a discrete choice experiment. However, the results of our study included unexpected findings. According to the utility theory of economics, an inexpensive green infrastructure scenario should have been chosen under ceteris paribus conditions, but our results differed from this expectation. Inconsistent results like ours are often interpreted as indicating bias and/or questionnaire design issues. However, our results can be interpreted using relational values. We studied green infrastructure in a large-scale flood control basin in Naganuma, a town in the Hokkaido prefecture in Northern Japan. We conducted a discrete choice experiment with town residents as stakeholders of the green infrastructure. Through the examination of choice and membership parameters of our results, we interpreted that individual identity and place attachment, which are types of relational values, are taken into consideration in the choice situation of the discrete choice experiment. We also found that a notion of social responsibility, which is also a relational value, can help us to understand unexpected findings that cannot be interpreted in terms of economic theory alone. Relational values contribute to our interpretation of preferences related to managing ecosystem services with implications for green infrastructure, culturally significant wildlife, wildlife-related recreation and flood control. A free Plain Language Summary can be found within the Supporting Information of this article.
  • Kota Mameno, Takahiro Kubo, Yasushi Shoji
    Conservation Science and Practice csp2417  2578-4854 2021/05/05 [Refereed]
  • Yasushi Shoji, Hyerin Kim, Takahiro Kubo, Takahiro Tsuge, Tetsuya Aikoh, Koichi Kuriyama
    Journal for Nature Conservation 60 125954  1617-1381 2021/01
  • Tetsuya Aikoh, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Tsuge, Shigemitsu Shibasaki, Kiyotatsu Yamamoto
    Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 32 100195  2213-0780 2020/12 [Refereed]
    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Investigating visitors’ crowding norms is necessary to establish the carrying capacity of natural recreation areas. For this purpose, several question formats have been used, but it is known that these have methodological issues. To reduce these methodological issues, we compared several different question formats to investigate respondents’ perceptions of acceptable crowding limits, using montage photographs of different numbers of people at four sites in Shiretoko and Yakushima World Natural Heritage Site in Japan. We applied the double-bounded dichotomous choice model used in the contingent valuation method. Our use of conventional long- and short-format question models shows that acceptability decreases as the number of people increases, in single- and double-bounded models. This confirms the findings of past studies. Despite differences in the crowding norms as measured using different question formats, there was little difference in the number of people depicted in the photographs. The logit model of the double-bounded dichotomous choice model makes it possible to analyze the impact of differences in the number of people and other relevant factors, including the respondents’ characteristics and attitudes. The number of respondents and the burden on respondents vary in each question format, and each provides different information to managers. Management implications: • A double-bounded dichotomous choice model is shown to be a suitable method to analyze crowding norms at natural recreation sites. • This model is less burdensome for respondents and requires fewer samples than some other methods. • The choice model also permits one to analyze the influences of visitors' characteristics and other factors on crowding norms.
  • Koichi Kuriyama, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Tsuge
    Journal of Choice Modelling 37 100238  1755-5345 2020/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Satomi Mitsui, Takahiro Kubo, Yasushi Shoji
    Journal for Nature Conservation 56 125857  1617-1381 2020/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Hyerin Kim, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Tsuge, Tetsuya Aikoh, Koichi Kuriyama
    Forest Policy and Economics 111 102086  1389-9341 2020/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study aims to understand the preferences regarding 15 services in ecosystem and facilities provided by urban green spaces using a partial profile choice experiment. The method is one type of discrete choice experiment in which researchers present respondents with only a subset of all the attributes under consideration. Therefore, it has the advantage of valuating large numbers of attributes simultaneously. In Northern Japan's Sapporo city area, which is the site of our study, the future vision for urban green spaces needs to be revised, and thus a valuation of the services from ecosystems and facilities provided by urban green spaces is necessary. The survey was conducted in December 2017 by a contracted research company. Respondents were members of the general public that were registered at the research company and live in the study site. The results showed that overall, services from the ecosystem were preferred over those from facilities. "Forming the landscape" and "Providing places to interact with the forest," which are generally considered requirements of urban green spaces, were highly valuated, as were "Conserving biodiversity" and "Providing evacuation sites," neither of which have been previously considered major services in the context of Japan's urban green space management. Finally, despite Japan's declining birth rate and aging population, "Providing facilities for the elderly" was valuated lower than "Providing facilities for children."
  • Futoshi Nakamura, Nobuo Ishiyama, Satoshi Yamanaka, Motoki Higa, Takumi Akasaka, Yoshiko Kobayashi, Satoru Ono, Nao Fuke, Munehiro Kitazawa, Junko Morimoto, Yasushi Shoji
    River Research and Applications 36 (6) 921 - 933 1535-1459 2019 [Refereed][Not invited]
    © 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd In recent years, we have experienced mega-flood disasters in Japan due to climate change. In the last century, we have been building disaster prevention infrastructure (artificial levees and dams, referred to as “grey infrastructure”) to protect human lives and assets from floods, but these hard protective measures will not function against mega-floods. Moreover, in a drastically depopulating society such as that in Japan, farmland abandonment prevails, and it will be more difficult to maintain grey infrastructure with a limited tax income. In this study, we propose the introduction of green infrastructure (GI) as an adaptation strategy for climate change. If we can use abandoned farmlands as GI, they may function to reduce disaster risks and provide habitats for various organisms that are adapted to wetland environments. First, we present a conceptual framework for disaster prevention using a hybrid of GI and conventional grey infrastructure. In this combination, the fundamental GI, composed of forests and wetlands in the catchment (GI-1) and additional multilevel GIs such as flood control basins that function when floodwater exceeds the planning level (GI-2) are introduced. We evaluated the flood attenuation function (GI-1) of the Kushiro Wetland using a hydrological model and developed a methodology for selecting suitable locations of GI-2, considering flood risk, biodiversity and the distribution of abandoned farmlands, which represent social and economic costs. The results indicated that the Kushiro Wetland acts as a large natural reservoir that attenuates the hydrological peak discharge during floods and suitable locations for introducing GI-2 are concentrated in floodplain areas developing in the downstream reaches of large rivers. Finally, we discussed the network structure of GI-1 as a hub and GI-2 as a dispersal site for conservation of the Red-crowned Crane, one of the symbolic species of Japan.
  • Takahiro Kubo, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Tsuge, Koichi Kuriyama
    Ecological Economics 144 124 - 128 0921-8009 2018/02/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Donation is one of the most important solutions to inadequate funding for protected area management however, there has been little agreement on the measures to be used to encourage visitors to donate. We conducted a field experiment in Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan, to examine the effect on donation behavior of providing information about two types of initial contributions. The first type of contribution is toward the fundraising campaign for trail maintenance and the initial amount of government funding (i.e., seed money) and information is provided about the target amount. The second type is for trail maintenance and information is provided on the value of one day's contribution by other participants. We found that announcing the seed money amount and the target significantly increased the probability of a positive contribution and raised the average contribution, compared with the control treatment of no additional announcements. When the participants knew others' contribution beforehand, the likelihood of a positive contribution increased however, the average contribution tended to decrease. In conclusion, announcing the seed money and the fundraising target is superior to the other measures studied in this paper to raise funds in this specific context of protected area management.
  • Masayuki Senzaki, Yuichi Yamaura, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Kubo, Futoshi Nakamura
    Biological Conservation 214 1 - 5 0006-3207 2017/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Assessing the non-market value of biodiversity conservation is crucial to justify it economically. Using a choice experiment on wetland restoration in Hokkaido, northern Japan, we assessed the willingness of citizens to pay for different ecological statuses of a flagship species (absence, occasional occupancy, permanent occupancy, and breeding) and other principal conservation targets (establishment of a birdwatching station and wetland sizes). The results showed that the fundraising potential of the flagship species surpassed those of other conservation targets, irrespective of its ecological status, highlighting the superior publicity generated by charismatic species. We also showed that upgrading ecological status from occupancy to breeding did not result in additional financial support. Our study emphasizes that, although publicizing ecologically important statuses such as breeding is critical for successful conservation efforts, focusing much effort on flagship species rather than other conservation targets may be important to increase the economic value of conservation practices if such species are available.
  • Takahiro Kubo, Yasushi Shoji
    Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 16 44 - 49 2213-0780 2016/12/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Wildlife viewing is a popular activity in wilderness recreation areas. However, a desire to avoid human–wildlife conflicts often results in trail restrictions though meant to safeguard visitor safety, these restrictions can curtail park visitors’ opportunities to see wildlife against their wishes and limit a park's economic benefits for the local community. Visitor demand for wildlife viewing must be balanced against the need for public safety. Little research has been conducted on the balance between wildlife-viewing opportunities and human safety. This study uses a discrete choice experiment to quantify park visitors’ willingness to pay to view brown bears (Ursus arctos) on hiking trails in Japan's Daisetsuzan National Park. A latent class model is applied to capture preference heterogeneity among park visitors. The results reveal that two visitor groups—non-local and local—are involved. Non-local visitors evince significant demand for bear viewing and bear-related lectures from trained guides. They also prefer group tours and round-trip hikes that include currently restricted areas. On the other hand, local visitors are not interested in either bear viewing or group tours they do not want extra information from the guide but prefer to hike to the closest destination from the trailhead. These results suggest that implementing a variety of zoning management practices and well-designed nature-based tours in bear habitat areas can improve visitor satisfaction and provide new economic benefits while also protecting visitors from bear attacks. Management implications • The present study has shown that the introducing organized bear viewing tours can create a win-win situation for park visitors and a local community. • This study has demonstrated that bear viewing tours do not only satisfy with visitors’ demand for bear viewing but also enhance their safety by promoting group-hiking in a bear habitat. • This study strengthens the idea that bear viewing tours provide new economic benefits to the local community while avoiding unexplained trail restrictions.
  • Taro Mieno, Yasushi Shoji, Tetsuya Aikoh, Arne Arnberger, Renate Eder
    Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 19 20 - 28 1618-8667 2016/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study explored visitors' preferences for social conditions of trail use in urban forests. It is important to understand the heterogeneous nature of visitor preferences because the recreational use of urban forests is characterized by multipurpose uses with different visiting motivations. To understand preference heterogeneity, this study used a discrete choice experiment using a latent class model that incorporated motivational and sociodemographic factors as membership likelihood function. In 2006, 256 visitors to the Nopporo Forest Park, Hokkaido, in northern japan, completed questionnaires with a series of discrete choice tasks using computer-manipulated images presenting various social conditions of trail use, such as visitor numbers and harvesting behavior on wild food plants. The study identified two visitor groups. One group consisted of more elders whose motivation was to enjoy the natural environment. Although they tended to tolerate crowded conditions, they particularly disliked plant pickers, who harvest wild vegetables alongside the trail. The other group was less tolerant of crowds, and enjoying the natural environment was not their primary purpose for visiting the park. These visitors especially disliked excessive numbers of visitors, but they did not dislike plant pickers. These results suggest that traditional park management assumptions about typical visitors poorly serve the heterogeneous nature of the visitor population. (C) 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
  • Yuichi Yamaura, Yasushi Shoji, Yasushi Mitsuda, Hajime Utsugi, Takahiro Tsuge, Koichi Kuriyama, Futoshi Nakamura
    Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (4) 1117 - 1126 0021-8901 2016/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
    For biodiversity conservation to be an effective and significant social investment, non-marketed values of biodiversity conservation and its associated opportunity costs should be evaluated in monetary terms. In this study, we measured the willingness to pay (WTP) for bird abundance using a choice experiment (CE) based on the random utility model. We performed a cost-benefit analysis to identify the optimal proportion of broadleaved trees in conifer plantations on a volume basis to maximize the social benefits of bird conservation and wood production. The results suggested that respondents to the CE were not satisfied with their current situation and preferred an increase in bird abundance. However, the estimated WTP indicated diminishing returns of bird conservation. More specifically, WTP first greatly increased before gradually experiencing decreasing marginal values, reaching its peak and finally decreasing slightly with increasing bird abundance. Optimization analyses indicated that when the relationship between bird abundance and broadleaved tree proportion was convex, semi-natural plantations with nonzero broadleaved tree proportion (002-022) were always optimal options. When the relationship was linear, optimal broadleaved tree proportion ranged from 0 to 078 and was greatly affected by wood values. When the relationship was concave, there were only two optimal broadleaved tree proportions: a very high proportion (approximately 090) and the lowest possible proportion (0). When the convex and concave relationships approached the linear form, comparable benefits could be attained across broad ranges of broadleaved tree proportion both within and across the relationships. In such cases, it would be useful to increase the likelihood of a feasible land-use strategy of either land sparing or land sharing in order to be successful.Synthesis and applications. It can be difficult to set quantitative targets in biodiversity conservation solely on an ecological basis, and social benefits of biodiversity conservation can create diminishing returns in many situations. The framework we propose shows how to reconcile resource production and biodiversity conservation in the real world.
  • Takahiro Kubo, Yasushi Shoji
    European Journal of Wildlife Research 62 (2) 203 - 210 1612-4642 2016/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The purpose of this study is to segment residents based on their perception of the risk of brown bear attacks. In addition, in order to design effective risk communication, we investigated the association between residents' risk perception and their sociodemographic characteristics and beliefs. We conducted a questionnaire survey of residents of Shibetsu Town, Japan. For this survey, questions, developed from several risk perception studies, were used to evaluate the perception of the risk of brown bear attacks. Using a principal component analysis (PCA), we obtained four principal factors: seriousness, avoidability, accountability, and management. Furthermore, a cluster analysis using the PCA factor scores identified three groups of respondents with significantly different risk perceptions. Each group had significantly different sociodemographic characteristics and beliefs. Group 1 respondents had had negative experiences with bears, and therefore considered bear attacks to be high risk. In contrast, group 2 respondents felt less accountable for bear attacks because their lives were less connected to the bears. Finally, group 3 respondents had positive attitudes towards bear conservation. They perceived that, owing to increasing bear populations, bear attacks were unavoidable; however, they did not think the risk was serious. Segmentation based on risk perception can help to reduce potential human-wildlife conflicts and improve wildlife management.
  • Masashi Soga, Yuichi Yamaura, Tetsuya Aikoh, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Kubo, Kevin J. Gaston
    Landscape and Urban Planning 143 69 - 75 0169-2046 2015/11 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Halting the 'extinction of experience', the progressive disengagement of people with the natural world, is vital to human health and wellbeing and to public support for global biological conservation. Home to the majority of humanity, urban areas are the key for engaging people with nature, raising the crucial question of how cities should best be designed to facilitate these experiences. For the purposes of maintaining local biodiversity, intensive development within a small area (land sparing) has been shown to be better than extensive development over a large area (land sharing). Here, we investigated for the first time how different city forms affect people's experience of nature, measured in terms of their use of greenspaces. We selected five pairs of land-sharing and land-sparing study regions with different coverage by greenspaces within the city of Tokyo, central Japan and used a questionnaire survey to determine the use residents made of these spaces. We found the frequency of people's recreational use of urban greenspaces was higher in urban land-sharing than land-sparing regions. Moreover, satisfaction with local green environments was also higher in land-sharing regions. This suggests a potential conflict in the design of cities between the urban form that is most desirable for the direct protection of regional biodiversity, and that which best promotes people's nature experiences and the support for its wider protection. A strong emphasis on the advantages of land sparing may increase the separation of humans from nature, and further reduce public interest in, and awareness of, biodiversity and its benefits. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Tsuge
    Tourism Economics 21 (2) 387 - 407 1354-8166 2015/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study investigates off-season tours by examining people's heterogeneous preferences for nature-based tours in sub-frigid climate zones. To explore heterogeneous preferences for winter nature-based tours in Shiretoko, Japan, the authors conducted a discrete choice experiment with a latent class model. Even though the visitors' preferences were different, it was possible to segment them into three groups based on the results. The first segment clearly preferred a wildlife observation tour and considered the possibility of finding rare eagles and detailed interpretation highly important. At the other extreme, the second segment preferred an adventure-based drift ice tour and were not interested in eagles or detailed interpretation. The final segment comprised those visitors whose preferences were between these two extremes. The findings show that, for satisfactory and profitable tours, tourist agents should provide specific recreation experiences to cater to these heterogeneous preferences rather than experiences thought to be acceptable to all visitors.
  • Takahiro Kubo, Yasushi Shoji
    Biological Conservation 176 126 - 132 0006-3207 2014/08 [Refereed]
  • Takahiro Kubo, Yasushi Shoji
    European Journal of Wildlife Research 60 (3) 501 - 510 1612-4642 2014/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Our study reveals trade-offs associated with human- wildlife conflicts in recreation areas. It is common for recreational users to face risks of wildlife attacks while hiking. Although some studies show that recreational users consider trade-offs between three dimensions of recreational experiences consisting of resource, social and management conditions, there are no studies addressing human-wildlife conflicts from the perspective of the trade-offs for the users. To better understand trade-offs considered by recreational users, we performed a discrete choice experiment. We conducted a questionnaire-based survey among recreational users at the Numameguri hiking trail in Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan, which has a high density of brown bears. Using a series of choice tasks, respondents indicated a preferred trail scenario from a group of alternatives. Scenarios varied in terms of their destinations (resource), crowding (social), management system (management) and bear encounter risk (bear appearances on the trail and bear appearances on mountain slopes seen from the trail). Results show that risk conditions have decisive, negative effects on satisfaction level for those hiking. Specifically, when the risk of encountering brown bears on the trail is high, user satisfaction cannot be increased on the other three dimensions. A consideration of only resource-, social-and management-based indicators is insufficient for understanding recreation experiences in areas with a high risk for human-wildlife conflict. At the recreation areas that are home to large wildlife, a guided tour may leave users more satisfied and safe from wildlife attacks. Understanding trade-offs related to the risk helps tour design and enhances the users' experience.
  • Yasushi Shoji, Nobuhiko Nakao, Yukari Ueda, Hiroaki Kakizawa, Takuro Hirai
    Forest Policy and Economics 43 1 - 9 1389-9341 2014/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The purpose of this study is to examine the preferences of Japanese consumers for certified forest products and estimate their price premiums using a discrete choice experiment. Although Japanese consumers have almost no opportunity to purchase forest certification products now, except paper and paper-related products, Japan may be a promising market with significant scope for increasing the demands for the forest certification products. Each choice task of our discrete choice experiment contained alternative wall renovation scenarios with interior wood materials showing five attributes. In 2008, 150 respondents living in Sapporo, northern Japan, completed our questionnaire, which contained a series of the choice tasks. To understand heterogeneous preferences and identify consumer segments in a systematic way, a latent class model was applied. The results show that the mean price premium on Forest Stewardship Council certification of interior materials was 40.5% under a ceteris paribus condition. However, two identified consumer segments both placed greater value on other attributes of the interior materials: dimensional stability and/or area of production. The results indicate that for suppliers of forest products outside of Japan, the merit of forest certification and the demerit of foreign product will cancel each other out in Japan. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Kensuke Ishikawa, Naoko Hachiya, Tetsuya Aikoh, Yasushi Shoji, Katsuhiro Nishinari, Akiko Satake
    Tourism Management Perspectives 8 (October) 18 - 27 2211-9736 2013/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Increasingly there is a call for appropriate management policies to be implemented in national parks to minimize the impacts of tourism on both ecosystems and recreational settings. One facet of such problems is that of traffic congestion as car ownership grows. This study applies a traffic Cellular Automaton Model (CAM) as a decision support tool to ease traffic congestion at Shiretoko National Park in Japan. Despite serious traffic congestion having been reported in the park, a new guiding system and the regulation of private car use was started in the same year. This study shows that a probable increase in traffic congestion can be expected after the introduction of these new management systems, but congestion can be relieved by a slight modification of the temporal and spatial daily inflow of visitors. This study highlights the benefits of computational modeling to support decision-making regarding traffic management in protected areas. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
  • MINAKAMI Shin, SHIBASAKI Shigemitsu, AIKOH Tetsuya, TSUGE Takahiro, SHOJI Yasushi, YAMAKI Kazushige, YAMAMOTO Kiyotatsu
    Journal of Forest Economics 林業経済学会 59 (3) 10 - 20 0285-1598 2013 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This paper aims to clarify the status and issues of risk management in the Oirase Stream Area (OSA). First of all, a visitor questionnaire was carried out in the OSA in October 2009. The respondents were asked to answer questions such as notion of self-responsibility for accidents. The survey showed that respondents could be divided into 4 groups with regard to risk preferences. While around 90% of respondents hoped more recreation facilities should be built for safety, a small portion of respondents agreed to the notion of self-responsibility even in case of the OSA. Furthermore, risk management practices in the OSA were investigated by taking interviews to public authorities. After an accident happened in the OSA in 2003, the public authorities more frequently conducted inspections of fallen trees and fallen branches in advance. Also the Aomori Prefecture signed the facility liability insurance. There, however, still exits potential risks such as inadequate infrastructure and ambiguous borders among stakeholders. More collaborative actions such as establishing a liaison council could be needed.
  • Tetsuya Aikoh, Reina Abe, Ryo Kohsaka, Mari Iwata, Yasushi Shoji
    Forests 3 (2) 155 - 165 1999-4907 2012/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Visitor information often serves as the basis for the management plan of parks. However, there exist few scientific and fundamental surveys for parks and open spaces in Japan. We analyzed the correlation between the number of visitors and the various factors in a suburban open space in a northern Japanese city, Takino Park. To explain the fluctuations in the number of visitors in Takino Park, multiple regression analyses with the stepwise method were conducted. The analyses employed social factors and meteorological factors, such as the day of the week, school vacations, temperature and the weather. The results show that the most influential factor is the day of the week, i.e., Sundays and holidays. The weather is also influential as the number of visitors decreases on rainy and snowy days. Comparing different seasons of the year, we found that influential factors varied from one season to the other. A key distinguishing finding of our results is that the weather conditions at the departure site and the weather forecast are also determining factors. These findings will help park managers understand the current situations and examine future management strategies to maintain and enhance visitor satisfaction, and improve information services.
  • Modeling observed and unobserved heterogeneity in choice experiments.
    Juutinen, A, Svento, R, Mitani, Y, Mäntymaa, E, Shoji, Y, Siikamäki, P
    Environmental Economics 3 (2) 57 - 65 2012 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Kubo Takahiro, Shoji Yasushi
    Wildlife Conservation Japan 「野生生物と社会」学会 13 (2) 9 - 8 1341-8777 2012 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study explores the potential demand for a bear-watching tour under consideration in Daisetsuzan National Park, Hokkaido, northern Japan, using choice experiment. The brown bear (Ursus arctos yesoensis) is representative of land mammals in Hokkaido. Local residents have overlooked to recognize bears as a potential tourist attraction; however, a bear-watching tour could provide benefit for local residents. Previous studies have shown that this kind of tour also improved wildlife management. A questionnaire survey was conducted in September 2008, and 302 responses (50.3%) were returned by mail. After removing respondents who were not interested in the tour, we analyzed the remaining 190 completed responses. Conditional logit model estimates demonstrate that the willingness-to-pay for the ideal tour, which is the best combination of tour destinations, group sizes, information services and probability of finding bears, is 8,804 JPY; thus, the tour would be profitable for the local residents. However, mixed logit model estimates show that hikers have heterogeneous preferences for tour destinations and information services. Therefore, varieties in terms of tour destination and information services are required to meet hikers' demands.
  • Artti Juutinen, Yohei Mitani, Erkki Mantymaa, Yasushi Shoji, Pirkko Siikamaki, Rauli Svento
    Ecological Economics 70 (6) 1231 - 1239 0921-8009 2011/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Increasing pressure to diversify development of national parks emphasizes the need for new and relevant information for park management decisions. In this paper, we use choice experiment to value different tradeoffs that evolved in park development scenarios. Specifically, we examine which kind of development profiles are worth considering and which paths not to follow. We focus on biodiversity and recreational services provided by Oulanka National Park in Finland, which represents a popular recreation site attracting a large number of visitors. The increase of biodiversity was the most highly valued feature by the respondent national park visitors. Thus, our results show that the protection of biodiversity and recreational and tourism use of national parks can cause conflicting welfare effects if managed in inappropriate ways. Increasing the number of visitors, expanding present resting places, constructing new resting places and an intense increase in information boards, especially if combined with shrinking biodiversity, are welfare reducing managerial actions in national parks. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 自然地域におけるレクリエーション研究の展開と今後の展望
    林業経済研究 57 (1) 27 - 36 2011 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 久保雄広, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏
    Landscape Research Japan Online Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 74 (5) 527 - 530 1340-8984 2011 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The eco-tour has been encouraged in Shiretoko, a world heritage site, northern Japan, to balance nature conservation with local economy. To keep the number of participants of the tours, acquiring both of new visitors and repeaters is needed. The purpose of this study is to examine what kind of eco-tour should be provided to acquire the new visitors and the repeaters. To understand the preferences of them, choice experiments were applied to general public which contains potential new visitors and on-site visitors which contains potential repeaters. The result shows that the potential new visitors prefer the famous destinations such as Kamuiwakka, while the potential repeaters prefer the sites where they can enjoy primitive settings such as Lake Rausu. Furthermore, there are differences between the preferences for the quality of lecture provided by tour guides and the number of the participants of a tour. The potential repeaters only prefer detailed explanation of the guides and the tour with the small number of participants.
  • YAMAMOTO Kiyotatsu, TSUGE Takahiro, SHOJI Yasushi, SHIBASAKI Shigemitsu, AIKOH Tetsuya, YAMAKI Kazushige
    Journal of Forest Economics 林業経済学会 57 (3) 22 - 30 0285-1598 2011 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The aims of this study were to analyze the data of accidents during 1989-2008 in the climbing at Mt. Fuji which extends over both prefecture of Yamanashi and Shizuoka in Japan and to clarify the characteristics of the accidents according to four main routes. In addition to those, authors tried to grasp the regional activities and management system to promote safe climbing in Yoshida route as a case study and considered risk management and planning of climbing. Analysis of a data set of accidents collected by prefectural police and interview with relevant people were employed. As a result, it was found that many accidents occurred at 7th and 8th steps at the mountain on the whole. With distinction of routes, there were more fall accidents in Yoshida and Fujinomiya routes and more lost climbers in Subashiri and Gotenba routes than the others respectively. In view of the results, it was suggested that it is necessary to organize information based on the characteristics of places and causes of accidents before providing it to climbers.
  • 八巻一成, 庄子康, 林雅秀
    林業経済研究 57 (3) 2 - 11 2011 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 香坂玲, 庄子康
    Japanese journal of human animal relation ヒトと動物の関係学会 25 (25) 66 - 71 1341-8874 2010 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Arne Arnberger, Tetsuya Aikoh, Renate Eder, Yasushi Shoji, Taro Mieno
    Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 9 (3) 215 - 225 1618-8667 2010 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Differences in trail preferences for social conditions of visitors to forests in Vienna and Sapporo were investigated in 2006 using a standardised image-based stated choice approach. On-site visitors to two comparable pen-urban forests - the Lobau Forest in Vienna, Austria (n = 373), and the Nopporo Forest in Sapporo, Japan (n = 256) - evaluated the same sets of computer manipulated images depicting 128 trail scenarios with different levels of social stimulation. Latent class segmentations, in three sub-segments of similar sizes, differentiated by partly opposite preferences for social conditions, were derived for both samples. A positive contribution of social stimulation to preferences was found for about 17% of Nopporo and 9% of Lobau respondents, while for close to 50% of Lobau respondents and 38% of Nopporo respondents very low levels of social stimulation were preferred. The results indicate that urban forests should be managed for users with a desire for low social densities as well as a denser social setting providing some levels of social stimulation. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
  • Nobuyuki Ito, Kenji Takeuchi, Koichi Kuriyama, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Tsuge, Yohei Mitani
    Ecological Economics 68 (8-9) 2426 - 2431 0921-8009 2009/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We conduct an experimental survey to analyze how rules for collective decision-making influence individual preferences regarding nature restoration plans. Our study compares two decision-making rules-a consensus rule and a majority rule-wherein participants decide on a plan regarding nature restoration in the Kushiro Wetland, Japan. Our main finding is that the difference between the individual preferences and collective decision-making is less significant under the consensus rule than the majority rule. Furthermore, there is a larger disparity with regard to the marginal willingness to pay between collective and individual decisions when participants are unsatisfied with the results of collective choice. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Yohei Mitani, Yasushi Shoji, Koichi Kuriyama
    Landscape and Ecological Engineering 4 (2) 103 - 113 1860-1871 2008/11 [Refereed][Not invited]
    As the pace of ecosystem restoration increases, more attention has been directed towards understanding public preferences for ecosystem restoration projects. This paper utilizes a choice experiments technique to evaluate the restoration project of an endangered species, Nymphoides peltata (known locally as asaza) in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan. The restoration project evaluated in this paper consists of two attributes: an extinction risk and a lakeshore ecosystem. First, we observe a positive willingness-to-pay for the vegetation restoration project: the mean willingness-to-pay for restoring the endangered specie and avoiding extinction was about JPY6,800 and the mean willingness-to-pay for restoring the covering area to the ideal condition that the species originally inhabited in 1996 was about JPY1,600. Second, we clarify what kinds of individual characteristics affect preferences for restoration projects compared with preferences for the status quo. The results show that respondents who have strong environmental attitudes, visit experience, high income, and are female are more likely to prefer restoration projects to the status quo. Third, we investigate whether knowledge and comprehension of ecological information have any influence on respondents' value formations. We find that respondents' comprehension of ecological information is positively related to their willingness-to-pay for the avoidable level of extinction risk attribute, while respondents' knowledge of ecological terms has no effect. Overall, our findings suggest that the public strongly desires the avoidance of extinction of endangered species, and indicates that researchers should be careful about how ecological information is given.
  • Yasushi Shoji, Kazuo Yamaguchi, Kazushige Yamaki
    Journal of Forest Research 13 (5) 286 - 295 1341-6979 2008/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Information on visitor flow is fundamental to the management of recreation areas. Without such data, recreation managers cannot develop appropriate action plans to maintain a healthy ecosystem and the quality of visitor experiences. Little attention has been paid in Japan on estimating the exact number of visitors to a facility, especially in multi-trailhead systems. A new study in Daisetsuzan National Park, northern Japan, develops a systematic method of estimating visitor flow in complicated trail systems using infrared trail traffic counters and self-registration books. The focus is on using self-registration data that has been underutilized in USA and European countries. Results show that the estimated number of trekkers, 124,000, is almost twice that estimated using only self-registration data, which is commonly adopted by recreation managers as an official number of trekkers. In addition, this method enables us to detect considerable time-series variations of trekker number on any specific trailhead and assists planning measures to combat overuse of segments of the trail system. However, characteristic of this method is that the estimators are biased, and always underestimates. And the smaller the number of visitors at a low-used trailhead, the larger the error is likely to be. Furthermore, an extremely high rate of one-way-trip trekkers on self-registration data invites a critical error. We must also draw attention to the flaws, when we implement this method.
  • SHOJI Yasushi, YAMAKI Kazushige, MITANI Yohei, TSUGE Takahiro, KURIYAMA Koichi
    Landscape Research Japan Online Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 71 (5) 635 - 638 1340-8984 2008 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Understanding a site-choice behavior of park visitor has been a major focus of research in management of national parks and protected areas. This paper addresses a site-choice behavior of general public using choice experiment for six national parks in Hokkaido, Japan : Rishiri-Rebun-Sarobetsu, Shiretoko, Daisetsuzan, Akan, Kusiro-Shitsugen, and Shikotsu-Toya National Park. The result shows that visiting each national park is valued by respondents. The highest willingness to pay is JPY 80,767 for visiting Shiretoko National Park, and the lowest is JPY 16,476 for Shikotsu-Toya National Park, for example. In addition, a short travel time is positively valued as expected. A willingness to pay for additional one hour is JPY-2,289. On the basis of the results and rates of past visitation for these national parks, recreation opportunities expected by visitors are all different respectively, therefore; role-sharing and characteristic park plans to meet various taste of recreation or tourism in Hokkaido need to be prepared.
  • 世界遺産管理における住民参加の可能性―鹿児島県屋久島の事例―
    柴崎茂光, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 土屋俊幸, 永田信
    地球環境 13 71 - 81 2008 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 絶滅危惧種の保全に対する地域住民と訪問者の認識の違い―礼文島のレブンアツモリソウをめぐって―
    庄子康, 八巻一成, 愛甲哲也
    地域政策学研究 6 97 - 104 2008 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • AIKOH Tetsuya, SAKIYAMA Naruko, SHOJI Yasushi
    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 社団法人 日本造園学会 71 (5) 727 - 730 1340-8984 2008 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Green spaces in residential areas have various functions, such as for recreational activities, making the place beautiful and so on. In this research, we investigated the economic effect of green spaces on the land prices in the residential area of Sapporo City, through an environmental economics technique. Factors contributing to the formation of the posted land price for the residential area in Sapporo City were identified by the hedonic approach. Results showed that the size of the nearest park or the ratio of green space surrounding the land contributed to the formation of the land price in addition to the area, shape, zoning and the access conditions such as the distance to the closest station and school. Therefore, the building and conservation of green spaces seems to be one clear option for raising the asset value of the residential area.
  • KURIYAMA Koichi, SHOJI Yasushi
    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, JAPAN 21 (4) 307 - 316 0915-0048 2008 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Movement in search of benefit-received principle spreads in natural parks in Japan as a background of financial difficulties. Although the principle is reasonable, impacts on visitors have never been studied so far, when price settings become higher than before or the number of recreation sites that introduce cost burden increase. This paper discusses issues on a cooperative funding, which is a widely-distributed practical method of benefit received principle in Japan. On-site sampling contingent valuation survey was conducted in Shiratani Unsuikyo and Yakusugi Land, Yakushima Island. The results indicate that an increase in setting of price from JPY 300 to 500 decrease 5% of the number of current visitors. And an increase in pricing to JPY 1, 000 decrease 20% of them. Furthermore higher pricing have more serious impact on younger visitors and visitors living in the vicinity of the island. Moreover, in the present circumstances, almost all of associations that operate the cooperative funding have independent accounting system and no partnership with other associations, therefore; prevalence of the current system without coordination has a possibility to impede the solution of the problems.
  • Providing quality recreation experiences in Japan
    Shoji, Y., Mitani, Y., Mieno, T, Kuriyama, K.
    Economics Bulletin 17 (7) 1 - 11 2008 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • AIKOHA Tetsuya, KOBAYASHI Kihiro, SHOJI Yasushi, YAMAKI Kazushige
    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 社団法人日本造園学会 69 (5) 645 - 650 1340-8984 2006/03/27 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Trail degradations have been found in popular mountainous natural parks in Japan. For maintenance of trails, managers should pay attention to the attitudes of hikers and stakeholders, and they should get the consensus for the ideal maintenance method of trails with hikers and concerned stakeholders. The method that demonstrates projected trail maintenance method is needed. In this paper, we compared the hikers' evaluation of trail condition and the image of trail maintenance between on-site survey and mail-back survey at Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan. We also applied photo-montage method to evaluate projected trail maintenance by stakeholders using conjoint analysis. There were little differences between on-site hikers evaluation and mail-back evaluation. The results also didn't show any differences between labeled photos and unlabeled photos. The results of conjoint analysis showed that stakeholders considered the importance of limit of use level less than trail surface maintenance. Stakeholders preferred boardwalk at Susoaidaira where are flat and muddy area.
  • SHOJI Yasushi, TSUGE Takahiro, MIYAHARA Norihisa
    Landscape Research Japan Online 社団法人日本造園学会 68 (5) 783 - 786 1340-8984 2005 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Providing measures to relieve over-use problems are important for management of alpine recreation areas in Japan. For discussing how to control number of visitors, or how many visitors should be limited, it is essential to understand site-choice behavior in those areas. In this study, we explored the modeling of site-choice behavior applying choice experiment, using a sample of fall trekking season in Daisetsuzan National Park. Our results showed that condition of fall leaves and crowding have significant effects on site-choice behavior as well as recreational settings of destination, itinerary, and trekking times. These results will be particularly applicable in designing "regulated utilization area" system that the Ministry of the Environment established in 2003 for coping with over-use situation in National Parks and Quasi National Parks in Japan.
  • Will a new inscription of a national park in Japan on the World Heritage list benefit visitors?
    Shoji, Y, Shibasaki, S
    林業経済研究 51 (2) 21 - 29 2005 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Yamaki K, Hirota J, Ono S, Shoji Y, Tsuchiya T, Yamaguchi K
    JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE FORESTRY SOCIETY THE JAPANESE FORESTRY SOCIETY 85 (1) 55 - 62 0021-485X 2003 [Refereed][Not invited]
    To conserve naturalness and establish systematic recreational use management in alpine natural parks, it is essential to clarify each zone's recreational characteristic and management goal in the area, and develop recreation facilities and manage the area in keeping with the goal. This study classified recreation areas in Daisetsuzan National Park using ROS (Recreation Opportunity Spectrum), a planning concept that takes into account the recreation experiences of users. Data concerning users were obtained from a questionnaire survey, and then users were classified into four groups that prefer different levels of facility development, accessibility, etc. Using these results, we classified the areas into four types from a zone with more human influences, development and visitors to a zone with less human influences, development and visitors according to the recreation settings of the zones. We concluded that we could make an objective and rational park plan by considering the degree of development and the management principle of each zone from the viewpoint of visitors' recreation experiences.
  • SHOJI Yasushi
    Landscape Research Japan Online 社団法人日本造園学会 64 (5) 685 - 690 1340-8984 2001 [Refereed][Not invited]
    In recent years environmental valuation method has been used as a method of managing Natural Parks in Japan. There are some methods, such as Travel Cost Method (TCM) and Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), that can evaluate the outdoor recreational value and the environmental values. To obtain the reliable valuation, it is important to compare the valuation of TCM with that of CVM. In this study I evaluated the value of outdoor recreation on Uryunuma Mire, Hokkaido, Japan by applying Zone Travel Cost Method (ZTCM), Individual Travel Cost Method (ITCM), and CVM. Then I compared and discussed these results. The estimate mean of ZTCM was 1214.9yen per visit, and that of ITCM was 1552.6yen per visit. The estimate median and mean of the Single-Bound Model CVM were 1255.7yen and 2260.7yen, and those of the Double-Bound Model CVM were 1192.8yen and 1687.7yen, respectively. Although these values cannot be compared among others directly, all these values relatively concentrated between 1, 000 yen and 2, 000 yen.
  • 野外レクリエーションによる過剰利用に対する規制について
    庄子康, 栗山浩一
    林業経済研究 45 (1) 51 - 56 1999 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Shoji Y., Kuriyama K.
    Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society 一般社団法人日本森林学会 81 (1) 51 - 56 0021-485X 1999 [Refereed][Not invited]
    A problem of the over-use in the natural park causes not only uncomfortable use but also has bad influence for the landscape and ecosystem. We discuss a user fee's effect, especially the effect to the over-use controls. Willingness to Pay (WTP) for a recreational use is estimated by contingent valuation survey for our case study area, Uryunuma mire. Split sample comparison between two elicitation method, payment card and dichotomous choice, is analyzed. The estimated WTPs by payment card are 500 yen for median and 453 yen for mean. The estimated WTPs by dichotomous choice are 2,186 yen for median and 3,322 yen for mean. Our results shows that user fees can reduce the over-use, and visitors who came from far away, had a knowledge about flowers, and had known the that fee have a large WTP.
  • 庄子康
    ランドスケープ研究 62 (5) 669 - 702 1999 [Refereed][Not invited]


  • 生物多様性分野におけるエビデンスに基づく政策評価の確立に向けて
    豆野皓太, 久保雄広, 庄子康  環境経済・政策研究  13-  (1)  2020  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Conservation of the mixed conifer-broadleaf forests of Hokkaido University Forest in northern Japan for educational development
    Koike, T, Shoji, Y, Uemura, S, Shibata, H  Studia i Materiały Ośrodka Kultury Leśnej  16-  81  -107  2017  [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 久保雄広, 庄子康  北方林業 = Northern forestry, Japan  68-  (4)  153  -156  2017  [Refereed][Not invited]
  • ベスト・ワースト・スケーリングによる知床国立公園の魅力の定量評価
    柘植隆宏, 庄子康, 愛甲哲也, 栗山浩一  甲南経済学論集  56-  (3-4)  59  -78  2016  [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 河原孝行, 北村系子, 八巻一成, 幸田泰則, 志村華子, 高橋英樹, 庄子康, 杉浦直人, 村山誠治, 飯野拓也  森林総合研究所研究成果選集  2014-  52  -53  2014/07  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 国立公園とその費用負担(特集・「国立公園の過去、現在、そして未来~国立公園指定80周年を迎えて~)
    庄子康  ランドスケープ研究  78-  (3)  238  -239  2014  [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 野生動物管理における環境経済学の意義と役割
    久保雄広, 庄子康  環境経済政策研究  7-  (1)  34  -36  2014  [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 香坂 玲, 長縄 香穂, 冨吉 満之  椙山人間学研究 : 椙山人間学研究センター年誌  9-  222  -242  2013  [Refereed][Not invited]
  • トラベルコスト法の研究動向
    柘植隆宏, 庄子康, 栗山浩一  環境経済政策研究  4-  (2)  46  -68  2011  [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 国立公園におけるレクリエーション地域区分と管理方針の定量的評価
    庄子康  北海道大学農学部演習林研究報告  65-  (1)  1  -18  2008  [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 自然公園管理と費用負担―協力金の問題点―
    庄子康  国立公園  657-  12  -15  2007  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • TAKAHASHI Masayoshi, SHOJI Yasushi, YAMAKI Kazushige  Transactions of the Meeting in Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Forestry Society  (52)  145  -147  2004/02/01
  • TAKAHASHI Masayoshi, Yamaki Kazushige, SHOJI Yasushi, TANGE Shuhei, YAMAGUCHI Kazuo  Transactions of the Meeting in Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Forestry Society  (51)  123  -125  2003/02/01
  • 庄子康  日本林学会誌  51-  (1)  78  -87  2003  [Refereed][Not invited]
  • ニセコ神仙沼リフレッシュ事業の推進における現場と研究者の協働
    荻原裕, 山口和男, 庄子康  森林科学  51-  47  -49  2003  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 自然公園における利用者規制の環境経済学的分析-北海道雨竜沼湿原を事例として
    庄子康, 栗山浩一  北海道大学農学部演習林研究報告  55-  (2)  369  -414  1998  [Refereed][Not invited]

Books etc

  • 生物多様性の保全を進める新たな手法(第10章)「保持林業(柿澤宏昭・山浦悠一・栗山浩一編著)
    栗山浩一, 庄子康 
    築地書館 2018/11 (ISBN: 9784806715702)
  • Barry C. Field, 著, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一 (Others)
    日本評論社 2016 (ISBN: 9784535557987)
  • Why people visit zoos: An empirical approach using the travel cost method for the Higashiyama Zoo, Nagoya, Japan. In Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Service: Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network (Ecological Research Monographs)
    Kohsaka, R, Naganawa, K, Shoji, Y 
    Springer 2016 (ISBN: 9811007780)
  • 環境の価値をはかる(第8章)「シリーズ現代の生態学(日本生態学会編)・第4巻生態学と社会科学の接点(巌佐庸・佐竹暁子編著)」
    三谷羊平, 庄子康 
    共立出版 2014 (ISBN: 4320057422)
  • 栗山浩一, 柘植隆宏, 庄子 康 
    勁草書房 2013 (ISBN: 9784326503728)
  • The value of biodiversity and recreation demand models: A spatial Kuhn–Tucker model. In The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services; Managi, S. (ed.)
    Kuriyama, K, Shoji, Y, Tsuge, T 
    Routledge 2012 (ISBN: 0415625637)
  • 生態系サービスの評価―環境経済からのアプローチ「エコシステムマネジメント―包括的な生態系の保全と管理へ(森章編)」
    香坂玲, 庄子康 
    共立出版 2012 (ISBN: 4320057767)
  • 地域資源を守っていかすエコツーリズム:人と自然の共生システム
    敷田麻実, 森重昌之 
    講談社 2011 (ISBN: 4061552309)
  • 環境評価の最新テクニック:表明選好法・顕示選好法・実験経済学
    柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一, 三谷羊平 
    勁草書房 2011 (ISBN: 4326503572)
  • 森林のはたらきを評価する―市民に森づくりに向けて
    中村太士, 柿澤宏昭 
    北海道大学図書出版会 2009 (ISBN: 4832981897)
  • 尾瀬におけるガイドツアーに対する紅葉期入山者の選好分析「サステイナブル社会とアメニティ(高崎経済大学付属産業研究所編)」
    柘植隆宏, 庄子康, 荒井裕二 
    日本経済評論社 2008 (ISBN: 4818819948)
  • 赤外線カウンターと入林届による登山利用者数の推定/広域における登山道の現況調査手法:デジタルカメラを用いた調査手法
    山口和男, 庄子康, 八巻一成, 山口和男, 庄子康 
    古今書院 2008
  • 外線カウンターと入林届による登山利用者数の推定「利用者の行動と体験(自然公園シリーズ2・小林昭裕・愛甲哲也編著)」
    山口和男, 庄子康, 八巻一成 
    古今書院 2008 (ISBN: 4772241035) 72-84
  • エコツアーのマーケットリサーチ―環境保全と観光振興の両立を目指して「新地場産業と産業環境の現在と産業環境の現在(高崎経済大学付属産業研究所編)」
    柘植隆宏, 庄子康 
    日本経済評論社 2007 (ISBN: 481881931X)
  • 環境経済学「林業経済研究の論点―50年の歩みから―(林業経済学会編)」
    永田信, 柴崎茂光, 庄子康 
    日本林業調査会 2006 (ISBN: 4889651659)
  • 環境評価研究の動向と今後の課題―自然公園管理への応用を中心に「環境経済・政策研究の動向と展望(環境経済・政策学会編)」
    庄子康, 栗山浩一, 柘植隆宏, 三谷羊平, 宮原紀壽, 竹内憲司 
    東洋経済新報社 2006 (ISBN: 4492313710)
  • 環境と観光の経済評価―国立公園の維持と管理―
    栗山浩一, 庄子康 
    勁草書房 2005 (ISBN: 4326502703)


  • 森林の多面的機能の経済評価  [Not invited]
    豆野皓太, 柘植隆宏, 久保雄広, 庄子康
    第135回日本森林学会大会  2024/03
  • 高温は都市緑地・近郊林の訪問者数を変化させたか:ビックデータによる解析  [Not invited]
    若山茉央, 豆野皓太, 庄子康, 愛甲哲也
    第135回日本森林学会大会  2024/03
  • 人々はどの程度暑いと都市緑地・近郊林への訪問行動を変化させるのか?  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 豆野皓太, 若山茉央, 愛甲哲也
    第135回日本森林学会大会  2024/03
  • 支笏湖の適正利用を目的とした費用負担導入に対する利用者意識  [Not invited]
    深津幸太郎, 庄子康, 愛甲哲也
    第135回日本森林学会大会  2024/03
  • 大雪山国立公園における登山道維持の課題と登山者参加  [Not invited]
    愛甲哲也, 深津幸太郎, 庄子康
    第135回日本森林学会大会  2024/03
  • COVID-19 の感染拡大による都市緑地利用の変化と管理者の対応  [Not invited]
    諸岡航太朗, 庄子康, 愛甲哲也
    第134回日本森林学会大会学術講演集  2023/03
  • 知床国立公園における代替交通手段の有料化に対する利用者の選好把握  [Not invited]
    金慧隣, 庄子康, 愛甲哲也
    第134回日本森林学会大会学術講演集  2023/03
  • 国立公園における協力金に対する支払意志額:持続可能な費用負担に向けて  [Not invited]
    千葉泰史, 庄子康, 愛甲哲也
    第134回日本森林学会大会学術講演集  2023/03
  • 国立および国定公園における利用者負担制度の現状:系統的検索の結果から  [Not invited]
    深津幸太郎, 庄子康, 愛甲哲也
    第134回日本森林学会大会学術講演集  2023/03
  • 北アルプス南部地域における登山道維持の課題と利用者参加制度  [Not invited]
    愛甲哲也, 安原有紗, 庄子康
    第134回日本森林学会大会学術講演集  2023/03
  • 携帯電話ビッグデータで挑む観光行動の解明  [Not invited]
    久保雄広, 岸田隆明, 瓜生真也, 三重野太郎, 柘植隆宏, 康傑鋒, 豆野皓太, 庄子康, Arne Arnberger
    第134回日本森林学会大会学術講演集  2023/03
  • 国立公園の利用者負担の現状と課題(企画:国立公園の環境価値と利用者負担政策)  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 愛甲哲也
    環境経済・政策学会2022年大会  2022/10
  • 公共緑地の市民協働による管理運営の促進・阻害要因  [Not invited]
    愛甲哲也, 庄子康, 町田怜子, 三上直之, 武正憲, 御手洗洋蔵, 松島肇, 林和沙
    第133回日本森林学会大会学術講演集  2022/03
  • 知床国立公園におけるシャトルバスの運行に対する利用者の選好  [Not invited]
    八尋聡, 愛甲哲也, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 金慧隣, 伊藤瑠海, 松島肇
    第133回日本森林学会大会学術講演集  2022/03
  • COVID-19の流行による都市緑地利用の変化:ビッグデータによる把握  [Not invited]
    金慧隣, 庄子康, 豆野皓太, 久保雄広, 愛甲哲也
    第133回日本森林学会大会学術講演集  2022/03
  • Evaluating consumer preference for wildlife-friendly certification and labeled rice.  [Not invited]
    豆野皓太, 久保雄広, 氏家清和, 庄子康
    環境経済・政策学会2021年大会  2021/09
  • モンタージュ写真を用いた国立公園の混雑感評価:現地とWEB調査の比較  [Not invited]
    伊藤瑠海, 愛甲哲也, 庄子康, 松島肇, 金慧隣, 八尋聡
    第132回日本森林学会大会学術講演集  2021/03
  • COVID-19流行前と期間中の自然観光地の混雑許容度の比較  [Not invited]
    金慧隣, 愛甲哲也, 庄子康, 松島肇, 伊藤瑠海, 八尋聡
    第132回日本森林学会大会学術講演集  2021/03
  • 知床国立公園における車両規制の見直しに対して利用者が示した態度・行動  [Not invited]
    八尋聡, 愛甲哲也, 庄子康, 松島肇, 金慧隣, 伊藤瑠海
    第132回日本森林学会大会学術講演集  2021/03
  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症が国立公園に及ぼした影響の経済分析  [Not invited]
    栗山浩一, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏
    環境経済・政策学会2020年大会  2020/09
  • Local Communities's Perceptions of Grey and Green Combined Infrastructure in Coastal Zones: A Case Study of Japan.  [Not invited]
    大森結衣, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一, 大沼あゆみ
    環境経済・政策学会2020年大会  2020/09
  • 選好の多様性に考慮したレクリエーションエリアにおける混雑度の許容限界評価  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 金慧隣, 柘植隆宏, 愛甲哲也, 栗山浩一
    環境経済・政策学会2020年大会  2020/09
  • 国民は森林環境税に何を期待しているのか?  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 栗山浩一
    第131回日本森林学会大会学術講演集  2020/03
  • 防災効果とその不確実性に対する市民の評価  [Not invited]
    柘植隆宏, 庄子康, 栗山浩一
    環境経済・政策学会2019年大会  2019/09  福島大学
  • 国立公園における入山料の経済分析  [Not invited]
    栗山浩一, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏
    環境経済・政策学会2019年大会  2019/09  福島大学
  • 国立公園の費用負担で考慮すべき観点の把握:ベスト・ワーストスケーリングによる評価  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一
    環境経済・政策学会2019年大会  2019/09  福島大学
  • 都市公園の生態系サービスの評価:部分プロファイル型選択型実験を用いて  [Not invited]
    金慧隣, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 愛甲哲也, 栗山浩一
    第130回日本森林学会大会  2019/03  朱鷺メッセ(新潟コンベンションセンター)
  • 国立公園の管理有効性評価における協働型管理運営にむけた指標作成  [Not invited]
    沖田雄都, 愛甲哲也, 庄子康
    第130回日本森林学会大会  2019/03  朱鷺メッセ(新潟コンベンションセンター)
  • 大山における山岳トイレ整備:携帯トイレと費用負担の導入の可能性  [Not invited]
    岡野瑞樹, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 愛甲哲也, 栗山浩一
    第130回日本森林学会大会  2019/03  朱鷺メッセ(新潟コンベンションセンター)
  • 自然地域における混雑度の許容限界評価:順序ロジットモデルの適用  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 愛甲哲也, 柘植隆宏
    第130回日本森林学会大会  2019/03  朱鷺メッセ(新潟コンベンションセンター)
  • Advantages of using partial profile choice experiment: Examining preference for forest ecosystem services.  [Not invited]
    Shoji, Y, Tsuge, T, Kubo, T, Imamura, K, Kuriyama, K
    2018 Annual Conference of Taiwan Association of Environmental and Resource Economics  2018/12
  • ベスト・ワースト・スケーリングによる森林生態系サービスに対する選好の把握  [Not invited]
    柘植隆宏, 庄子康, 久保雄広, 今村航平, 栗山浩一
    環境経済・政策学会2018年大会  2018/09
  • 部分プロファイル選択実験による森林の生態系サービスの経済評価  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 久保雄広, 今村航平, 栗山浩一
    環境経済・政策学会2018年大会  2018/09
  • グリーンインフラは土地利用に関する合意形成を複雑化させるか:二つの選択型実験の結果を踏まえて  [Not invited]
    金慧隣, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 久保雄広, 中村太士
    環境経済・政策学会2018年大会  2018/09
  • Understanding the value of opportunities for tourist support in managing non-native invasive species.  [Not invited]
    Mameno, K, Shoji, Y, Kubo, T, Tsuge, T, Kuriyama, K
    The 9th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas, Bordeaux, France  2018/08
  • Understanding the demand for ecosystem services provided by parks and green spaces: Using the partial profile choice experiment.  [Not invited]
    Kim, H, Shoji, Y, Tsuge, T, Aikoh, T, Kuriyama, K
    The 9th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas, Bordeaux, France  2018/08
  • Understanding the distance between humans and brown bears that tourists consider appropriate: A case study at Shiretoko National Park, Japan.  [Not invited]
    Akashi, M, Shoji, Y, Aikoh, T
    The 9th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas, Bordeaux, France  2018/08
  • Trends and awareness of foreign visitors in national parks: A case study of national parks in Japan.  [Not invited]
    Aikoh, T, Wang, M, Gokita, R, Shoji, Y
    The 9th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas, Bordeaux, France  2018/08
  • Advantages of using partial profile choice experiment: Examining preference for forest ecosystem services.  [Not invited]
    Shoji, Y, Tsuge, T, Kubo, T, Imamura, K, Kuriyama, K
    WCERE 2018: 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists  2018/06
  • The value of leisure time of weekends and long holidays: The multiple discrete–continuous extreme value (MDCEV) choice model with triple constraints.  [Not invited]
    Kuriyama, K, Shoji, Y, Tsuge, T
    WCERE 2018: 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists  2018/06
  • 国立公園の経済評価  [Not invited]
    栗山浩一, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏
    第129回日本森林学会大会  2018/03
  • 知床国立公園における野生動物に対する訪日外国人旅行客の意識  [Not invited]
    明石瑞恵, 王茂琪, 庄子康, 愛甲哲也
    第129回日本森林学会大会  2018/03
  • 知床国立公園の利用をめぐる議論の見える化─テキスト分析を通じて  [Not invited]
    三ツ井聡美, 庄子康
    第129回日本森林学会大会  2018/03
  • Exploring the site-choice behavior of urban parks and green spaces: A Web-based survey  [Not invited]
    Kim, H, Shoji, Y, Tsuge, T, Aikoh, T, Kuriyama, K
    第129回日本森林学会大会  2018/03
  • 外来魚駆除を組み込んだエコツアーを観光客は評価するか?  [Not invited]
    豆野皓太, 庄子康, 久保雄広, 栗山浩一
    第129回日本森林学会大会  2018/03
  • 野生動物を見る、見せるー体験がもたらす観光客の意識変化ー  [Not invited]
    三ツ井聡美, 久保雄広, 庄子康
    環境教育  2018
  • 奄美大島「金作原原生林」における今後の管理策に対する評価:ベスト・ワースト・スケーリングの適用  [Not invited]
    三ツ井聡美, 久保雄広, 庄子康
    林業経済学会2017年秋季大会  2017/11
  • 座談会からみる一般市民のネコ管理に対する態度  [Not invited]
    豆野皓太, 久保雄広, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一
    第23回「野生生物と社会」学会大会  2017/11
  • 国立公園における利用制限および費用負担の導入に対する評価  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 豆野皓太, 久保雄広, 柘植隆宏, 愛甲哲也
    環境経済・政策学会2017年大会  2017/09
  • The Value of Leisure Time of Weekends and Long Holidays: The Multiple Discrete–Continuous Extreme Value (MDCEV) Choice Model with Triple Constraints  [Not invited]
    栗山浩一, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏
    日本経済学会2017年度春季大会  2017/06
  • 知床国立公園の利用をめぐる議論の見える化─テキスト分析を通じて  [Not invited]
    三ツ井聡美, 庄子康
    第129回日本森林学会大会  2017/03
  • 野生動物保全と外来種管理に対する人々の認識:アマミノクロウサギとネコに着目して  [Not invited]
    豆野皓太, 久保雄広, 庄子康
    第128回日本森林学会大会  2017/03
  • 沖縄県やんばる地域における入域料の導入可能性  [Not invited]
    金岡武蔵, 藤野正也, 栗山浩一, 庄子康
    第128回日本森林学会大会  2017/03
  • 国立公園の費用負担に対する選好の多様性:ベスト・ワーストスケーリングによる評価  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 豆野皓太, 久保雄広, 柘植隆宏, 愛甲哲也, 栗山浩一
    第128回日本森林学会大会  2017/03
  • 国立公園利用と時間価値─週末と長期休暇の訪問行動分析─  [Not invited]
    栗山浩一, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏
    第128回日本森林学会大会  2017/03
  • 統一フォーマットを用いた国立公園機能の経済評価:13国立公園に関する分析  [Not invited]
    今村航平, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一
    第128回日本森林学会大会  2017/03
  • 保全ターゲットとしてのアンブレラ種:湿地の生態系サービス・面積との経済評価  [Not invited]
    先崎理之, 山浦悠一, 庄子康, 久保雄広, 中村太士
    日本生態学会第64回全国大会  2017/03
  • マングース防除事業に対する市民認識:議論と情報提供による影響  [Not invited]
    豆野皓太, 久保雄広, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一
    日本生態学会第64回全国大会  2017/03
  • 国立公園利用と時間価値─週末と長期休暇の訪問行動分析  [Not invited]
    栗山浩一, 庄子 康, 柘植隆宏
    日本森林学会  2017/03
  • 奄美における野生動物観察ツアーの経済分析  [Not invited]
    久保雄広, 豆野皓太, 三ツ井聡美, 栗山浩一, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏
    林業経済学会2016年秋季大会  2016/11
  • どうすればノネコ対策に観光客を巻き込めるか?奄美大島を事例に  [Not invited]
    豆野皓太, 久保雄広, 三ツ井聡美, 庄子康
    第22回「野生生物と社会」学会大会  2016/10
  • Voluntary contributions to maintenance for hiking trail: Evidence from a natural field experiment in Japan  [Not invited]
    久保雄広, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一
    第20回実験社会科学カンファレンス  2016/10
  • How many broadleaved trees are enough in conifer plantations? The economy of land sharing, land sparing and quantitative targets  [Not invited]
    Yamaura, Y, Shoji, Y, Mitsuda, Y, Utsugi, H, Tsuge, T, Kuriyama, K, Nakamura, F
    IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania 2016  2016/10
  • Estimating preferences for pricing policies in Japanese national parks using best-worst scaling.  [Not invited]
    Mameno, K, Shoji, Y, Kubo, T, Aikoh, T, Tsuge, T
    The 8th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas  2016/09
  • The actual situation and the attitude of visitors toward feeding of wild animals in the Japanese suburban forest.  [Not invited]
    Aikoh, T, Kubo, T, Inaba, A, Shoji, Y
    The 8th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas  2016/09
  • アンケート調査の設計とデザイン(企画セッション:アンケート調査でどんな研究ができるか、調査票をどう作成するか)  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 久保雄広
    環境経済・政策学会2016年大会  2016/09
  • Voluntary contributions to maintenance for hiking trail: Evidence from a natural field experiment in Japan  [Not invited]
    久保雄広, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一
    環境経済・政策学会2016年大会  2016/09
  • 針葉樹人工林に広葉樹はどのくらいあれば十分か?土地の共有、節約、数値目標の経済性  [Not invited]
    山浦悠一, 庄子康, 光田靖, 宇都木玄, 柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一, 中村太士
    第127回日本森林学会大会  2016/03
  • 山岳地域におけるドローン利用に対する登山者の評価:大雪山国立公園における事例研究  [Not invited]
    田岡拓未, 庄子康, 愛甲哲也, 齋藤天道
    第127回日本森林学会大会  2016/03
  • 世界遺産登録の経済分析:疑似実験アプローチによる評価  [Not invited]
    栗山浩一, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏
    第127回日本森林学会大会  2016/03
  • 登山道補修に関する募金フィールド実験:アンケート調査との比較  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 久保雄広, 柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一
    第127回日本森林学会大会  2016/03
  • 登山道補修に関する募金フィールド実験:情報提供が募金行動に与える影響  [Not invited]
    久保雄広, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一
    登山道補修に関する募金フィールド実験:情報提供が募金行動に与える影響  2016/03
  • 山浦悠一, 山浦悠一, 庄子康, 光田靖, 宇都木玄, 柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一, 中村太士
    日本森林学会大会学術講演集  2016/03
  • 保残伐をどう普及させるか:社会経済学的視点から  [Not invited]
    栗山浩一, 庄子康, 柿澤宏昭, 小野理
    日本生態学会第63回全国大会  2016/03
  • Visitor Preference of the for Recreational Use of Small Drones in Protected Areas: A Case Study in Daisetsuzan National Park, Northern Japan  [Not invited]
    Taoka, T, Saitoh, H, Shoji, Y, Aikoh, T
    Travel and Tourism Research Association, Asia Pacific 3rd Conference: 2015  2015/12
  • Understanding Local Eco-tour Operators in the Amami Oshima: In the Run-up to the Designation as a World Natural Heritage Site  [Not invited]
    Miyamoto, Y, Kubo, T, Izu, N, Tsuge, T, Shoji, Y, Aikoh, T, Kuriyama, K
    Travel and Tourism Research Association, Asia Pacific 3rd Conference: 2015  2015/12
  • 海洋生態系保全に対する選好の分析  [Not invited]
    柘植隆宏, 久保雄広, 庄子康, 栗山浩一
    2015年度日本応用経済学会創立10年記念大会  2015/11
  • 国立公園ブランドを考える―保全とレクリエーションのトレードオフ―  [Not invited]
    久保雄広, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏
    第126回日本森林学会大会  2015/03
  • 全国の国立公園の環境価値評価  [Not invited]
    栗山浩一, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏
    第126回日本森林学会大会  2015/03
  • 公園利用者への情報提供はヒグマとの軋轢を緩和できるか  [Not invited]
    辻田茜, 久保雄広, 庄子康, 愛甲哲也
    第126回日本森林学会大会  2015/03
  • 世界遺産地域における交通規制に対する利用者の意識と混雑感  [Not invited]
    愛甲哲也, 斎藤優太, 庄子康
    第126回日本森林学会大会  2015/03
  • 針葉樹人工林の混交林化政策の効果予測―北海道東部でのケーススタディ―  [Not invited]
    小野理, 柿澤宏昭, 立花敏, 庄子康, 烏野亮祐
    日本生態学会第62回全国大会  2015/03
  • 治山ダムのスリット化の経済効果②~河川生態系の修復に関する便益と外部不経済~  [Not invited]
    大串伸吾, 庄子康, 卜部浩一, 川村洋司, 下田和孝, 宮澤晴彦
    平成26年度日本水産学会春季大会  2014/03
  • 生物多様性と生態系サービスのトレードオフ:持続可能な都市計画に向けて  [Not invited]
    曽我昌史, 山浦悠一, 小池伸介, 愛甲哲也, 久保雄広, 庄子康, Kevin J. Gaston
    第125回日本森林学会大会  2014/03
  • 保護区の設定で自然は守れるか?「経験の絶滅」を防ぐための都市計画  [Not invited]
    曽我昌史, 山浦悠一, 小池伸介, 愛甲哲也, 久保雄広, 庄子康, Kevin J. Gaston
    日本生態学会第61回全国大会  2014/03
  • Attitudes of visitors and local stakeholders toward introducing the new visitor restriction programs in a brown bear habitat in Japan.  [Not invited]
    Aikoh, T, Ohba, K, Shoji, Y, Kubo, T, Akiba, K
    The 1st Asia Parks Congress  2013/11
  • Visitors' attitudes toward possible issues on recreational uses in the Amami Islands, a World Natural Heritage candidate  [Not invited]
    Kubo, T, Izu, N. Tsujita, A. Shoji, Y, Aikoh, T
    The 1st Asia Parks Congress  2013/11
  • 奄美大島における森林レクリエーションに関する現状と課題  [Not invited]
    伊豆菜津美, 久保雄広, 辻田茜, 庄子康, 愛甲哲也
    2013年林業経済学会秋季大会  2013/11
  • Comprehensive examination of choice set issues in Kuhn-Tucker model of recreation demand.  [Not invited]
    Mieno, T, Tsuge, T, Shoji, Y, Kuriyama, K
    The 20th Annual Conference, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists  2013/06
  • Estimating welfare measure of recreation site condition through changes in time investment: A multiple discrete-continuous extreme value choice model  [Not invited]
    Tsuge, T, Kuriyama, K, Shoji, Y
    AERE Summer Conference  2012
  • Estimating the value of mortality risk reduction in outdoor recreation: An application of the Kuhn-Tucker demand model  [Not invited]
    Kuriyama, K, Shoji, Y, Tsuge, T
    The 19th Annual Conference, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists  2012
  • Trekkers' preferences for bear-encounter risk management in Daisetsuzan National Park, northern Japan: Using a choice experiment  [Not invited]
    Kubo, T, Shoji, Y
    The 20th International Conference on Bear Research and Management  2012
  • Understanding residents' risk perceptions associated with fatal brown bear accidents: A case study in Shibetsu town, northern Japan  [Not invited]
    Kubo, T, Shoji, Y, Takimoto, K, Suzuki, H, Osada, M
    The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas  2012
  • Visitors' attitudes toward introducing a new visitor management program into a brown bear habitat in Japan  [Not invited]
    Aikoh, T, Ohba, K, Shoji, Y, Kubo, T
    The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas  2012
  • Residents' preference for bear occurrence in Shiretoko Peninsula, Japan  [Not invited]
    Kubo, T, Shoji, Y, Masuda, Y, Aikoh, T
    2012 Human Dimensions Conference  2012
  • The conservation of Cypripedium macranthos var. rebunense from multiple points of view  [Not invited]
    Kawahara, T, Koda, Y, Shimura, H, Sugiura, N, Takahashi, H, Izawa, T, Yamaki, K, Shoji, Y, Iino, T, Yamashita, N. Kitamura, K, Inoue, K
    The 8th international Symposium on Diversity and Conservation of Asian Orchids Abstracts  2012
  • 国立公園の環境変化が観光利用に及ぼす影響:利用者の時間配分に基づく分析  [Not invited]
    柘植隆宏, 栗山浩一, 庄子康
    環境経済・政策学会2012年大会  2012
  • 国立公園のレクリエーション需要:空間的多様性を考慮した端点解モデルによる分析  [Not invited]
    栗山浩一, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏
    環境経済・政策学会2012年大会  2012
  • レクリエーション事故の責任の所在とリスク認識  [Not invited]
    光林憲勝, 小長谷幸平, 庄子康
    2012年林業経済学会秋季大会  2012
  • Modeling observed and unobserved heterogeneity in choice experiments  [Not invited]
    Juutinen, A. Mitani, Y, Mäntymaaa, E, Shoji, Y, Siikamäki, P, Svento, R
    The 18th Annual Conference, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists  2011
  • Recreation demand models with spatial heterogeneity: A spatial Kuhn-Tucker model  [Not invited]
    Kuriyama, K. Shoji, Y, Tsuge, T
    The 18th Annual Conference, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists  2011
  • Applying a familiarity-base choice site approach to the Kuhn-Tuchker model.  [Not invited]
    Tsuge, T, Shoji, Y, Kuriyama, K
    Inaugural AERE Summer Conference  2011
  • Estimating value of mortality risk reduction using the Kuhn-Tucker model: An application to recreation demand  [Not invited]
    Kuriyama, K, Shoji, Y, Tsuge, T
    Inaugural AERE Summer Conference  2011
  • Visitor preferences for a low-risk option: A new guided-tour in Shiretoko National Park  [Not invited]
    Shoji, Y, Shiina, H, Kubo, T, Aikoh, T
    World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations  2011
  • 自然公園利用者のヒグマ遭遇に対するリスク認識の違い  [Not invited]
    久保雄広, 庄子康
    日本生態学会第58回全国大会  2011
  • 森林認証材に対する消費者の評価とその多様性:木質内装材を例として  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 中尾信彦, 上田ゆかり, 柿澤宏昭, 平井卓郎
    環境経済・政策学会2011年大会  2011
  • 自然地域の管理とリスク認識―リスク回避度を用いた分析から―  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 久保雄広, 柘植隆宏, 愛甲哲也
    2011年林業経済学会秋季大会  2011
  • 自然公園利用者のヒグマ遭遇に対するリスク認識の違い  [Not invited]
    久保雄広, 庄子康
    第58回日本生態学会札幌大会  2011
  • An application of the Kuhn-Tucker model to SP data: A case study of recreation demand in Hokkaido, JAPAN.  [Not invited]
    Tsuge, T, Shoji, Y, Kuriyama, K
    The Fourth World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists  2010
  • Potential demand for a bear watching tour in Hokkaido, northern Japan: A stated-choice approach, The 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Abstracts in the Web Site  [Not invited]
    Kubo, T, Shoji, Y
    The 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management  2010
  • Visitors' attitudes to the collection of voluntary fees in national parks in Japan  [Not invited]
    Aikoh, T, Kikuchi, K, Shoji, Y
    The 5th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas  2010
  • Current situations and issues of risk management in protected areas: A case study of the Oirase Stream Area in Towada-Hachimantai National Park, Japan  [Not invited]
    Shibasaki, S, Onodera, S, Aikoh, T, Tsuge, T, Shoji, Y, Yamaki, K
    The 5th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas  2010
  • Heterogeneous preferences for trekking in bear habitat: The use of latent class stated preference choice model  [Not invited]
    Kubo, T, Shoji, Y
    The 5th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas  2010
  • Social network structure in Rebun Lady-slipper  [Not invited]
    Yamaki, K, Shoji, Y, Hayashi, M
    World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations  2010
  • 知床国立公園における交通量のシミュレーション  [Not invited]
    蜂谷菜保子, 庄子康, 愛甲哲也, 西成活裕, 佐竹暁子
    日本生態学会第57回全国大会  2010
  • 尾瀬ガイドツアーに係る旅行者の選好分析  [Not invited]
    大床太郎, 荒井裕二, 柘植隆宏, 庄子康
    環境経済・政策学会2010年大会  2010
  • 知床国立公園における交通量シミュレーション  [Not invited]
    蜂谷菜保子, 愛甲哲也, 庄子康, 西成活裕, 佐竹暁子
    2010年度数理生態学会  2010
  • ヒグマと登山者との軋轢をどう緩和するか:表明選好法によるアプローチ  [Not invited]
    久保雄広, 庄子康
    第16回野生生物保護学会・日本哺乳類学会2010年度合同大会  2010
  • 希少資源管理のガバナンス―レブンアツモリソウを事例に―  [Not invited]
    八巻一成, 庄子康, 林雅秀
    2010年林業経済学会秋季大会  2010
  • 富士山南麓の登山口別山岳遭難事故の特性  [Not invited]
    山本清龍, 柘植隆宏, 庄子康, 柴崎茂光, 愛甲哲也, 八巻一成
    2010年林業経済学会秋季大会  2010
  • 十和田八幡平国立公園奥入瀬渓流におけるリスクマネジメントの現状と課題−利用者と管理者の視点から−  [Not invited]
    皆上伸, 柴崎茂光, 愛甲哲也, 柘植隆宏, 庄子康, 八巻一成, 山本清龍
    2010年林業経済学会秋季大会  2010
  • ヒグマとの遭遇事故に対する登山者の認識の多様性  [Not invited]
    久保雄広, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏
    2010年林業経済学会秋季大会  2010
  • 北海道における自然公園の訪問行動と山岳遭難リスクの影響−クーン・タッカーモデルによる分析−  [Not invited]
    栗山浩一, 庄子康, 柘植隆宏
    2010年林業経済学会秋季大会  2010
  • レクリエーション地域における一般市民のリスク認識−WEBアンケート調査の結果から−  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 柘植隆宏, 愛甲哲也, 柴崎茂光, 久保雄広, 山本清龍, 八巻一成
    2010年林業経済学会秋季大会  2010
  • 国立公園における利用者の安全・安心対策の現状  [Not invited]
    柴崎茂光, 小野寺伸, 愛甲哲也, 柘植隆宏, 庄子康, 八巻一成, 山本清龍
    2010年林業経済学会秋季大会  2010
  • 車両通行規制が保護地域訪問者に及ぼす影響−知床世界自然遺産カムイワッカ湯の滝におけるアンケート調査を事例に−  [Not invited]
    三谷太郎, 庄子康, 光林憲勝
    2010年林業経済学会秋季大会  2010
  • 湿原再生における森林の役割とその経済的評価  [Not invited]
    栗山浩一, 柘植隆宏, 庄子康, 三谷羊平, 竹内憲司, 伊藤伸幸
    2009年日本森林学会大会  2009
  • レブンアツモリソウ保全における社会ネットワーク構造  [Not invited]
    八巻一成, 庄子康
    2009年日本森林学会大会  2009
  • 知床五湖の認定ガイド制導入に対する利用者の評価  [Not invited]
    椎名博之, 庄子康
    2009年林業経済学会秋季大会  2009
  • 絶滅危惧種の保全をめぐる地域社会−レブンアツモリソウを事例に−  [Not invited]
    八巻一成, 庄子康, 林雅秀
    2009年林業経済学会秋季大会  2009
  • Conservation of Local Resources in Rural Areas through Building Footpaths  [Not invited]
    Nakao, N, Matsumura, A, Shoji, Y
    The international conference on sustainable agriculture for food, energy and industry  2008
  • レブンアツモリソウ保全をめぐる関係者のネットワーク  [Not invited]
    八巻一成, 庄子康
    2008年日本森林学会大会  2008
  • 大雪山国立公園におけるROSによる施設整備水準の検討  [Not invited]
    愛甲哲也, 庄子康, 八巻一成
    2008年日本森林学会大会  2008
  • Conservation of Local Resources in Rural Areas through Building Footpaths  [Not invited]
    Nakao, N, Matsumura, A, Shoji, Y
    The international conference on sustainable agriculture for food, energy and industry  2008
  • 潜在セグメントモデルへのEMアルゴリズムの適用可能性について  [Not invited]
    栗山浩一, 三谷羊平, 庄子康
    日本経済学会2008年度秋季大会  2008
  • The valuation of maintenance and repair of alpine trails: An approach using choice experiment and photographic technique, In School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University  [Not invited]
    Shoji, Y, Hashizume, T, Kuriyama, K, Tsuge, T
    The 12th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management  2007
  • Has the designation of a world heritage site led to environmental improvement or environmental destruction? A case study of Yakushima Island, Japan, The 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Abstracts in the Web Site  [Not invited]
    Shibasaki, S. Shoji, Y, Tsuge, T, Hirata, K, Tsuchiya, T, Nagata, S
    The 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management  2007
  • Quantitative evaluation of crowding and conflict perception in an urban forest park, Japan, The 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Abstracts in the Web Site  [Not invited]
    Mieno, T, Aikoh, T, Shoji, Y
    The 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management  2007
  • 国有林「レクリエ-ションの森」における利用区分へのROSの導入  [Not invited]
    土屋俊幸, 山崎陽介, 八巻一成, 庄子康, 山口和男, 小野理, 広田純一, 吉松重記, 森谷克彦, 石橋岳志, 河野晃, 平之山俊作
    2007年日本森林学会大会  2007
  • カナダの国立公園における利用者管理とゾーニング  [Not invited]
    八巻一成, 庄子康
    2007年日本森林学会大会  2007
  • レブンアツモリソウの販売が礼文島への訪問者数に与える影響  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 八巻一成, 三谷羊平, 栗山浩一
    環境経済・政策学会2007年大会  2007
  • Classification of trail settings in an alpine national park using the recreation opportunity spectrum approach, In Siev?nen, T  [Not invited]
    Yamaki, K, Shoji, Y
    The Second International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas  2006
  • 北海道における山菜取り中の遭難事故に関する調査―その1:事故発生状況の記述疫学的分析  [Not invited]
    後藤ゆり, 山田公平, 庄子康, 高橋正義, 玉城英彦
    第58回北海道公衆衛生学会  2006
  • 北海道における山菜取り中の遭難事故に関する調査―その2:遭難救助などにかかる費用面からの分析  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 山田公平, 高橋正義, 後藤ゆり, 玉城英彦
    第58回北海道公衆衛生学会  2006
  • コンジョイント分析によるエコツアー参加者の選好分析  [Not invited]
    柘植隆宏, 庄子康, 藤原千尋
    2006年応用経済学会春季大会  2006
  • 利用者はどのような登山道補修を望んでいるのか―モンタ-ジュ写真と選択型実験によるアプローチ―  [Not invited]
    橋爪智也, 庄子康
    2005年日本森林学会大会  2005
  • 山菜採取中における遭難事故―北海道における現状とその対応策―  [Not invited]
    山田公平, 高橋正義, 庄子康
    2006年林業経済学会秋季大会発表  2005
  • 離散選択型トラベルコスト法による紅葉期登山者の目的地選択モデルの構築  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 栗山浩一
    環境経済・政策学会2005年大会  2005
  • エコツアー参加者はどのようなツアーを望んでいるのか―知床国立公園における実証研究―  [Not invited]
    柘植隆宏, 庄子康, 宮原紀壽, 藤原千尋
    環境経済・政策学会2005年大会  2005
  • Understanding visitor flows in Daisetsuzan National Park: A case study in fall trekking season  [Not invited]
    Shoji, Y, Yamaguchi, K, Yamaki, K
    Social Roles of Forests for Urban Population: Forest Recreation, Landscape, Nature Conservation  2004
  • Visitor perceptions of trail deterioration in Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan, In Ito, T  [Not invited]
    Yamaki, K, Shoji, Y, Kobayashi, A, Yamaguchi, K
    Social Roles of Forests for Urban Population: Forest Recreation, Landscape, Nature Conservation  2004
  • Valuing crowding and site-choice behavior in fall trekking season: A case study of Daisetsuzan National Park, In Ito, T  [Not invited]
    Shoji, Y, Tsuge, T, Miyahara, N
    Social Roles of Forests for Urban Population: Forest Recreation, Landscape, Nature Conservation  2004
  • Visitor perceptions of the inscription on the World Heritage List: The use of stated choice methods, In Siev?nen, T  [Not invited]
    Shoji, Y, Yamaki, K
    The Second International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas  2004
  • 奥定山渓国有林における春期の入林状況について  [Not invited]
    高橋正義, 庄子康, 八巻一成
    日本林学会北海道支部大会  2004
  • 経済状況と距離の差による森林利用の違い―ネパ-ル:サンク・コミュニティフォレストにおける聞き取り調査より―  [Not invited]
    内山鉄也, Anita Manandhar, 庄子康
    2003年日本林学会大会  2003
  • CVMの評価額に含まれる倫理的満足と選択型実験によるその評価  [Not invited]
    環境経済・政策学会2001年大会  2002
  • 入林者数調査システムの精度について  [Not invited]
    高橋正義, 八巻一成, 庄子康, 丹下修平, 山口和男
    日本林学会北海道支部大会  2002
  • 選択型実験によるレクリエーションの価値評価―自然公園の適正利用に向けて  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 栗山浩一, Wiktor L. Adamowicz, Peter Boxall
    環境経済・政策学会2001年大会  2001
  • 自然公園における費用負担と維持管理について―北海道雨竜沼湿原を事例として―  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 栗山浩一
    1998年日本林学会大会  1998
  • 自然公園管理に対する経済学的アプローチ―CVM(仮想的市場評価法)を用いた分析―  [Not invited]
    庄子康, 栗山浩一
    日本造園学会北海道支部大会研究事例報告会  1998

Association Memberships

  • 日本森林学会   林業経済学会   環境経済・政策学会   Association of Environmental and Resource Economists   

Research Projects

  • 国立公園の環境価値と利用者負担政策の評価手法開発に関する研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 栗山浩一
  • 機械学習による画像とテキストのデータ統合を基盤とする環境価値評価手法の開発
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 栗山浩一
  • ポストコロナ社会における自然地域の利用モデル構築
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 庄子康
  • ひとりひとりに届く危機対応ナビゲーターの構築
    Date (from‐to) : 2020 -2025 
    Author : 西成活裕
  • マーケティング理論を用いた農地生態系の保全:食料生産とのトレードオフ解消に向けて
    Date (from‐to) : 2019 -2023 
    Author : 久保 雄広
  • 深層学習とビッグデータを用いた環境価値評価手法の開発
    Date (from‐to) : 2019 -2022 
    Author : 栗山 浩一
  • 公共緑地の市民協働による管理運営の促進・阻害要因の解明
    Date (from‐to) : 2019 -2022 
    Author : 愛甲 哲也
  • 我が国における自然環境施策への効果的な資源動員に向けた研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2018 -2020 
    Author : 栗山 浩一
  • 環境省:環境研究総合推進費
    Date (from‐to) : 2018 -2020 
    Author : 中村 太士
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2017 -2020 
    Author : 山浦 悠一
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2016 -2019 
    Author : 庄子 康
  • 環境省:環境研究総合推進費
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2017/03 
    Author : 中村 太士
  • 環境省:環境経済の政策研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2017/03 
    Author : 栗山 浩一
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2015 -2017 
    Author : 栗山 浩一
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013 -2017 
    Author : OZAKI KENICHI, SAYAMA Katsuhiko, NAKAMURA Futoshi, YAMANAKA Satoshi, INARI Naoki, HIRONAKA Yutaka
    We evaluated the effects of retention harvesting on ecosystem survices such as water and soil conservation, insect damage control and edible wild plants provision in a large-scale retention foresty experiment in fir plantations in Japan. For water and soil conservation services, water discharge and nitrogen runoff one year after harvest were affected by retention levels of broad-leaved tress in each experimental plot. For services to protect insect damage, avian predation on artificial caterpillars did not correlate with small bird density. Also, growth rate of todo-fir aphids (Cinara todocola) on fir seedlings differed with ant species that attended colonies of todo-fir aphids. For the provision of edible wild plants, we determined the change in the abundance of these plants after harvest and estimated the economic value of these wild plants.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014 -2016 
    Author : Aikoh Tetsuya
    The objective of this study is to evaluate the planning and management of national parks from various perspectives like biodiversity, recreational use, economic effects, regional collaboration, etc., and to propose a framework to utilize its effectiveness in management. In the management plan, there have been few examples to address regional future visions. From the case study, the place of discussion by stakeholders is important for sustainable tourism development in protected areas. Volunteers on mountain trails are expected to benefit their lives and health. However, general citizens have not recognized the effects of multifaceted values of national parks. The proposed draft of the management effectiveness evaluation indicators can be utilized in securing transparency of future planning, management and accountability of protected area management.
  • 環境省:環境研究総合推進費
    Date (from‐to) : 2014 -2016 
    Author : 土屋 俊幸
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2011/04 -2014/03 
    Author : SHIBASAKI Shigemitsu, AIKOH Tetsuya, AOKI Takahiro, KUMAGAI Yoshitaka, SAITSU Yumiko, NISHITANI Masaru, OKUYAMA Yoichiro, KAWAMURA Kiyoshi, SHOJI Yasushi, HIRATA Kunihiro, YAMAKI Kazushige
    This study aims to examine more sustainable management of a world natural heritage site and its adjacent areas in Yakushima Island, including resourcization of local history and folklore. It became more popular that urban residents (women people in particular) who might have influenced by information of travel magazines, travel to Yakushima Island seeking for its wilderness and visit mountain areas such as the Johmon-sugi Cedar. Intensive visitation of mountain areas caused a rise in the percentage of people who felt congestion in peak season. In national forests, there found a lot of forestry remains such as forest railways and settlements; moreover, management system to preserve these remains should be constructed. These remains could be used for educational resources in the medium-term or long-term. It is now a good opportunity for local governments to draw up a comprehensive management plan based on public involvement for diverse resourcization of Yakushima Island.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013 -2014 
    Author : SHOJI Yasushi
    The purpose of this research project is to construct travel demand model with budget and time constraints. The project also tried to incorporate multi-purpose and multi-destination trips into the model. My preliminary results represented a way of modeling change in traveler behaviors in national parks by designation of new protected areas and/or policy change. The model is expected to be not only a tool for reducing congestion and environment impact in protected areas, but also a tool for wide range of application in policy planning.
  • 我が国における効果的な生物多様性の経済価値評価手法及び経済価値評価結果の普及・活用方策に関する研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2012 -2014 
    Author : 栗山 浩一
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012 -2014 
    Author : KURIYAMA Koichi, KAKIZAWA Hiroaki, TACHIBANA Satoshi, SHOJI Yasushi, YAMAURA Yuichi, ONO Satoru, TSUGE Takahiro
    Forest owner's economic incentives for biodiversity conservation are analyzed using environmental economics and forest ecology. First, the survey for forest owners was conducted to develop behavioral model of forest management. Second, spatial data of forests was analyzed using forest GIS. Third, the effects of forest age on the population of birds were statistically analyzed. Fourth, choice experiment study was conducted to estimate the economic value of the ecosystem services of forests. Fifth, economic effects of forest policy to increase bird population were analyzed. Finally, the cost-benefit analysis was conducted to analyze the optimal forest management which maximized the total values of conservation and timber.
  • レブンアツモリソウをモデルとした人を含む在来生態系と共生できる絶滅危惧種自生地の復元技術の研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2013 
    Author : 河原 孝行
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(若手研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2011 
    Author : Yasushi SHOJI
    Many regions across the world introduce ecotourism to protect natural environment and vitalize local economy. Ecotourism is seen as a promising alternative tourism to mass tourism, which based on ever-increasing tourism demands. This research evaluates contribution of ecotourism to local economy using environmental valuation method. In addition, this research suggests an ideal way to provide eco-tours with high profit of suppliers and high tourists satisfaction considering heterogeneous preferences.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2011 
    Author : AIKOH Tetsuya, YAMAKI Kazushige, SHIBASAKI Shigemitsu, SHOJI Yasushi, TSUGE Takahiro, YAMAMOTO Kiyotatsu
    The natural park system in Japan is insufficient for the concept of risk management. This research project aimed to reveal the actual situation and to examine the future possible park management system improvements. Actual accidents and concerns in national parks were reported by park managers. Visitors were asked to answer their attitudes to risk and responsibilities of outdoor activities in Rishirisan, Daisetsuzan, Shiretoko and Oirase. In addition, we investigated the risk management framework of the Department of Conservation, New Zealand, and the evaluation of the protected area effectiveness in Finland. The possibility of applying to Japanese park system was discussed.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2011 
    Author : KURIYAMA Koichi, TAKEUCHI Kenji, SHOJI Yasushi, TSUGE Takahiro
    The purpose of this research is to provide an economic analysis of the environmental policy for the Shiretoko world heritage site from the point of view of the balance between the nature conservation and recreation use. Namely, we considered the recreation management zone system implemented at the Shiretoko five lakes area since 2011, and compared the recreation use before and after the implementation. A field experimental analysis(i. e. natural experiment) for the management system was applied.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(A))
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2010 
    Author : Futoshi NAKAMURA, 森本 幸裕, 夏原 由博, 鎌田 磨人, 小林 達明, 柴田 昌三, 遊磨 正秀, 庄子 康, 森本 淳子
    We developed methodology of ecosystem evaluations regarding forests, rivers and agricultural lands. Also, we examined connectivity and historical changes of habitat mosaics and roles of biological legacies such as large wood in recovering processes of vegetation and stream biota. Fishes, invertebrates, plants, amphibians, mussels and mammals were selected as indicator species to evaluate restoration project based upon the results of monitoring and experiment. As for the economical and social aspects, restoration projects were analyzed, and social acceptance and future dimension were discussed.
  • 持続可能な社会構築に森林が果たす役割に関する研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2008 
    Author : 柿澤 宏昭
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(若手研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2008 
    Author : Yasushi SHOJI
  • 絶滅危惧種の保全における主体間ネットワークの構築に関する共同研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2008 
    Author : 八巻一成
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2008 
    Author : Koichi KURIYAMA, 竹内 憲司, 庄子 康, 柘植 隆宏, 三谷 羊平
    本研究では, 自然再生事業に対する人々の要求を評価する手法として, 選択型実験と合意形成実験を統合化した手法の開発を行い, 釧路湿原の自然再生事業の評価を行った。選択型実験では, 森林再生事業の価値が高いものの, 住民選好の異質性が合意形成を困難にしていることが明らかとなった。合意形成実験では, 合意形成の手順として多数決と全員一致で比較したところ, 合意形成手順が集団的意思決定に影響を及ぼすことが示された。
  • 北海道の「森林機能評価基準」を活用した地域住民・NPO・行政機関・研究者の協働による森林管理体系の形成
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2007 
    Author : 中村 太士
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2007 
    Author : Shin NAGATA, 土屋 俊幸, 柴崎 茂光, 庄子 康
    This Project aims to clarify management system as well as current state of recreational use of world natural heritages : Yakushima Island, Shirakami-Sanchi, and Shiretoko in Japan. Ogasawara which is a candidate site for world natural heritage was chosen as our research site, too. Furthermore, management system of Tongariro National Park in New Zealand, which was designated both as world natural and as cultural heritage site, was investigated to compare with Japanese heritage sites. Concerning Yakushima Island, the cost of maintenance of the entire island dramatically rose after the designation, and management system in Yakushima became very complicated. Over 60% of the local people realized that Yakushima's environment was deteriorating, and they lodged complaints against the public authorities' efforts, saying that they were disrespectful of the opinions of the local residents. A questionnaire survey for tourists conducted at Shirakami-Sanchi showed that ecotourism conducted in Anmon Area are inclined to mass-tourism because of economic efficiency for ecotourism guides. It was also estimated that tourists' expenditures who visited Juniko-Lake should be around 600 million yen per year and recreational value of the site be 860 million yen per year. A Conjoint Analysis was applied to ecotourists in Shiretoko Peninsula, and their WTP for an ecotour within guidelines was estimated to be around 10 thousand yen per capita. In Ogasawara, it was observed that at least 18 local rules for nature resources were build up by local people after 1989, and these rules played an important role in filling gaps between actual situations and legal ones. Interview surveys for key informants who belonged to Ngati Tuwharetoa or Ngati Rangi around Tongariro National Park, New Zealand so that what to extent public involvement for Maori people was approved. Though Maori people had a chance to give submissions for a draft of Tongariro National Park Management Plan to the department of conservation, there was no reply from the department of conservation.
  • 離散選択型モデルによるレクリエーション資源の環境評価と持続可能な利用モデルの構築
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2004 
    Author : 庄子 康
  • コンジョイント分析を用いた国有林・自然公園等の適正利用に関する研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2000 -2001 
    Author : 庄子 康

Media Coverage

  • キャンパスから
    Program, newspaper magazine: 北海道新聞
    分担で年数回記事掲載 Paper

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