Researcher Database

Researcher Profile and Settings


Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Medicine Specialized Medicine Reconstructive Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine

Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Medicine Specialized Medicine Reconstructive Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine


Profile and Settings


  • M.D.,Ph.D.(Hokkaido University)

Profile and Settings

  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)

  • Name



Research Interests

  • 制御性T細胞   ケロイド   軸索再生   末梢神経   リンパ節郭清   リンパ節転移   遠隔転移   リンパ系再構築   リンパ系機能不全   転移   免疫系   組織培養・移植学   リンパ組織再構築   放射線照射   羊膜   再生医療   脂肪移植   間葉系幹細胞   fibroblast   悪性黒色腫   ケモカイン   myofibroblast   fibrocyte   keloid   形成外科   Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery   

Research Areas

  • Life sciences / Plastic and reconstructive surgery

Research Experience

  • 2005/04 - Today 北海道大学医学研究院 形成外科学教室 教授
  • 2003/10 - 2005/03 北海道大学医学研究科 形成外科学分野 助教授


  • 1991/04 - 1995/03  Hokkaido University
  • 1978/04 - 1984/03  Hokkaido University  School of Medicine
  •        - 1984  Hokkaido University  Faculty of Medicine


  • 2000 日本形成外科学会臨床研究部門学術奨励賞
  • 1997 American association for Pediatric Plastic Surgeons Poster Award

Published Papers

  • Dongkyung Seo, Taku Maeda, Tomonori Ooka, Takahiro Miura, Kosuke Ishikawa, Emi Funayama, Satoru Wakasa, Yuhei Yamamoto
    The Heart Surgery Forum 27 (9) E998 - E1002 1098-3511 2024/09/10 
    Left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) are vital for managing severe heart failure in transplant-ineligible patients, but device exposure and infection pose significant challenges. This report details a 42-year-old man with dilated cardiomyopathy and bronchial asthma who presented with an externalized LVAD following a HeartMate II to HeartMate III exchange due to malfunction. Our tailored surgical strategy treated the LVAD driveline and main body as two distinct parts. This distinction is crucial, as major upstream infections typically originate from the driveline. We applied flaps to these parts for different purposes, maximizing their unique characteristics. The omental flap, chosen for its flexibility, blood supply, and immunological activation upon foreign body contact, covered the driveline. The latissimus dorsi flap provided vascularity and mechanical protection for the LVAD. Additionally, we review the omentum's basic physiological aspects, which are often unfamiliar to clinicians. Infection has not recurred in 6 months postoperatively, demonstrating the approach's effectiveness.
  • Dongkyung Seo, Shin Ariga, Kosuke Ishikawa, Takahiro Miura, Rika Moku, Emi Funayama, Yuhei Yamamoto, Taku Maeda
    Journal of Wound Management and Research 20 (2) 168 - 172 2586-0402 2024/06/30 
    Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have expanded therapeutic options for advanced malignancies, offering new hope for conditions once deemed untreatable. However, the advent of ICIs has introduced a spectrum of immune-related adverse events (irAEs), including leukocytoclastic vasculitis (LCV), a rare but significant complication. This case report describes development of LCV after treatment with nivolumab and ipilimumab in a 70-year-old man with malignant melanoma, highlighting the diagnostic and management challenges of such irAEs. Despite extensive investigation, conventional pathology failed to identify the immune complexes typically associated with LCV. The clinical presentation, alongside a detailed medical history and the exclusion of infections, medications, and autoimmune diseases, was crucial in establishing a diagnosis. Ulcer resolution following discontinuation of ICI therapy and initiation of steroids further support the conclusion that LCV was an irAE in this patient. This case underscores the need for vigilant monitoring for irAEs for the variable onset after ICI therapy and the importance of thorough history-taking to guide diagnosis and treatment. With ICIs becoming increasingly prevalent in oncology, the incidence of ICI-induced ulcers like LCV is expected to rise, necessitating heightened awareness and multidisciplinary approaches to patient care.
  • Ishikawa K, Maeda T, Funayama E, Murao N, Miura T, Sasaki Y, Seo D, Mitamura S, Oide S, Yamamoto Y, Sasaki S
    Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (8) 2369  2024/04/18 [Refereed][Invited]
  • Takuya Nishio, Taku Maeda, Kosuke Ishikawa, Naoki Murao, Kanako Fuyama, Yuhei Yamamoto, Toshihiko Hayashi
    International Journal of Clinical Oncology 29 (5) 582 - 591 1341-9625 2024/03/30
  • Kosuke Ishikawa, Hiroshi Furukawa, Yuhei Yamamoto, Emi Funayama, Takahiro Miura, Taku Maeda
    Annals of Plastic Surgery 0148-7043 2024/03/27 
    Purpose Treatment for polysyndactyly of the toes aims at cosmetic improvement but the lateroplantar rotation of the new fifth toe remains challenging. This study evaluated our novel surgical procedure for postaxial polysyndactyly of the toes. Materials and Methods Patients with postaxial polysyndactyly involving the fourth, fifth, and sixth toes treated in 2007 to 2017 with a minimum follow-up duration of 1 year were retrospectively investigated. Our aims of surgery for this condition were to avoid excessive lateroplantar rotation of the new fifth toe by using a proximally elongated plantar “shark-fin flap” and to make the tip of this toe appear to be naturally pointing inward by using the dog-ear component of the flap on the tip of the toe. The excess skin of the shark-fin flap was grafted onto the lateral surface of the fourth toe. Lateroplantar rotation of the fifth toe in these patients was compared with that in photographs of the feet of 96 normal 4-year-old children. Results A total of 11 feet in 10 patients (6 male, 4 female; mean age 1.3 years) were analyzed. Syndactyly between the fourth and fifth toes was complete in 3 feet, incomplete at the level of the distal interphalangeal joint of the fifth toe in 5, and incomplete at the level of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the fifth toe in 3. Lateroplantar rotation of the fifth toe, evaluated by the mean angle between 2 intersecting lines extending from the proximal nail fold of the third and fifth toes, was 25 ± 10° in normal feet and 0 ± 12° in operated feet with polysyndactyly. The absolute left-right difference in this angle was 7 ± 5° in normal children and 22 ± 12° in patients with polysyndactyly. Valgus deformity of the new fifth toe improved in all patients during a mean postoperative follow-up of 3.8 years. Conclusions Using our procedure, no excessive lateroplantar rotation has been observed when the tip of the fifth toe is inclined inward using a dog-ear flap component. This procedure could be useful in patients in whom the cosmetic outcome is a priority.
  • Erika Guilpain Kusajima, Kosuke Ishikawa, Emi Funayama, Takahiro Miura, Katsumi Horiuchi, Suguru Matsui, Tatsuya Saito, Hotaka Matsui, Yuhei Yamamoto, Taku Maeda
    International Journal of Surgical Wound Care 5 (1) 1 - 7 2024/03/01
  • Yuki Sasaki, Yusuke Sakuhara, Satoru Sasaki, Taku Maeda, Yuhei Yamamoto, Kosuke Ishikawa
    Clinical Case Reports 11 (12) 2050-0904 2023/12/19 
    Key Clinical Message We present a case of spontaneous cervical chyle leak that showed as left‐sided neck swelling. Spontaneous chyle leak is extremely rare. Lymphangiography with lipiodol is useful as a diagnostic and therapeutic approach for chyle leak.
  • Dongkyung Seo, Taku Maeda, Yuhei Yamamoto, Emi Funayama, Takahiro Miura, Norifumi Matsuda, Kosuke Ishikawa
    Burns Open 2468-9122 2023/12
  • Yuki Sasaki, Kosuke Ishikawa, Takahiro Miura, Emi Funayama, Yuhei Yamamoto, Taku Maeda
    Clinical Case Reports 11 (10) 2050-0904 2023/10/17 
    Key Clinical Message We present a case of partially involuting congenital hemangioma (PICH) that showed rapid growth with ulceration after incisional biopsy. PICH does not typically grow after birth. However, if growth occurs due to stimuli like biopsy, it is essential to consider the possibility of pyogenic granuloma complication.
  • Yuki Sasaki, Kosuke Ishikawa, Kanako C. Hatanaka, Yumiko Oyamada, Yusuke Sakuhara, Tadashi Shimizu, Tatsuro Saito, Naoki Murao, Tomohiro Onodera, Takahiro Miura, Taku Maeda, Emi Funayama, Yutaka Hatanaka, Yuhei Yamamoto, Satoru Sasaki
    Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 18 (1) 2023/09/04 
    Abstract Background Klippel–Trenaunay syndrome (KTS) is a rare slow-flow combined vascular malformation with limb hypertrophy. KTS is thought to lie on the PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum, but reports are limited. PIK3CA encodes p110α, a catalytic subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) that plays an essential role in the PI3K/AKT/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway. We aimed to demonstrate the clinical utility of targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) in identifying PIK3CA mosaicism in archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues from patients with KTS. Results Participants were 9 female and 5 male patients with KTS diagnosed as capillaro-venous malformation (CVM) or capillaro-lymphatico-venous malformation (CLVM). Median age at resection was 14 years (range, 5–57 years). Median archival period before DNA extraction from FFPE tissues was 5.4 years (range, 3–7 years). NGS-based sequencing of PIK3CA achieved an amplicon mean coverage of 119,000x. PIK3CA missense mutations were found in 12 of 14 patients (85.7%; 6/8 CVM and 6/6 CLVM), with 8 patients showing the hotspot variants E542K, E545K, H1047R, and H1047L. The non-hotspot PIK3CA variants C420R, Q546K, and Q546R were identified in 4 patients. Overall, the mean variant allele frequency for identified PIK3CA variants was 6.9% (range, 1.6–17.4%). All patients with geographic capillary malformation, histopathological lymphatic malformation or macrodactyly of the foot had PIK3CA variants. No genotype–phenotype association between hotspot and non-hotspot PIK3CA variants was found. Histologically, the vessels and adipose tissues of the lesions showed phosphorylation of the proteins in the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway, including p-AKT, p-mTOR, and p-4EBP1. Conclusions The PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway in mesenchymal tissues was activated in patients with KTS. Amplicon-based targeted NGS could identify low-level mosaicism from low-input DNA extracted from FFPE tissues, potentially providing a diagnostic option for personalized medicine with inhibitors of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway.
  • Takahiro Miura, Yuhei Yamamoto, Emi Funayama, Kosuke Ishikawa, Taku Maeda
    Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 82 211 - 218 1748-6815 2023/07
  • Taku Maeda, Kosuke Ishikawa, Yoichiro Oda, Satoshi Kano, Nayuta Tsushima, Tomohiro Sakashita, Akihiro Homma, Yuhei Yamamoto, Emi Funayama
    The Laryngoscope 0023-852X 2023/06/29
  • Yoshitada Hoshino, Masayuki Osawa, Emi Funayama, Kosuke Ishikawa, Takahiro Miura, Masahiro Hojo, Yuhei Yamamoto, Taku Maeda
    Lymphatic Research and Biology 21 (4) 372 - 380 1539-6851 2023/03/07
  • Kosuke Ishikawa, Satoru Sasaki, Hiroshi Furukawa, Taku Maeda, Takahiro Miura, Yuki Sasaki, Yuhei Yamamoto, Emi Funayama
    Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology 135 (3) 355 - 362 2212-4403 2023/03
  • Naoki Murao, Akihiko Oyama, Yuhei Yamamoto, Emi Funayama, Kosuke Ishikawa, Taku Maeda
    Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine 1066-2936 2023/01/01 
    Introduction: Microtia reconstruction with autologous costal cartilage framework grafting is challenging because the three-dimensional structure of the ear is highly complex, and meeting the high aesthetic demands of patients can be difficult. If the skin flap overlying the framework is thinned to achieve a smooth and accentuated outline, a poor blood supply in the thin skin flap may lead to skin necrosis, exposure of the framework, and poor surgical results. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy can promote the healing of complex wounds and flaps. This study sought to determine the effectiveness of HBO2 therapy for prevention of postoperative complications after framework grafting in microtia reconstruction. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated postoperative complications and compared outcomes in pediatric patients who underwent costal cartilage grafting for microtia reconstruction at our institution between 2011 and 2015 according to whether or not they received postoperative HBO2 therapy. HBO2 therapy was applied once daily for a total of 10 sessions starting on the first postoperative day. Results: During the study period, eight patients received HBO2 therapy after costal cartilage grafting and 12 did not. There was no significant difference in the incidence of postoperative ulcers. However, the incidence of framework exposure was lower and the healing time was shorter in patients who received HBO2 therapy than in those who did not. Discussion: HBO2 therapy can be used safely in pediatric patients to reduce postoperative complications and improve the aesthetic outcome of microtia reconstruction. After costal cartilage grafting, HBO2 therapy should be considered as adjuvant therapy.
  • ProPlan CMFを用いた術前3Dシミュレーションに基づく下顎再建の経験
    北條 正洋, 前田 拓, 三浦 隆洋, 石川 耕資, 大澤 昌之, 舟山 恵美, 足利 雄一, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 49回 222 - 222 2022/12
  • Erika G. Kusajima, Yuhei Yamamoto, Kosuke Ishikawa, Takahiro Miura, Emi Funayama, Masayuki Osawa, Ryo Takagi, Taku Maeda
    Microsurgery 0738-1085 2022/11/02
  • Taku Maeda, Yuhei Yamamoto, Toshihiko Hayashi, Hiroshi Furukawa, Kosuke Ishikawa, Takahiro Miura, Masahiro Hojo, Emi Funayama
    Surgery Today 53 (5) 588 - 595 0941-1291 2022/10/29
  • Norifumi Matsuda, Kosuke Ishikawa, Emi Funayama, Shintaro Mitamura, Satoru Sasaki, Yuhei Yamamoto, Taku Maeda
    The Journal of Emergency Medicine 0736-4679 2022/10
  • チームサージャリーにおける形成外科の貢献 新型コロナウイルス感染症が及ぼした影響
    松田 識郁, 石川 耕資, 前田 拓, 大澤 昌之, 舟山 恵美, 村尾 尚規, 林 利彦, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 42 (7) 369 - 374 0389-4703 2022/07 
  • 大臀筋弁を用いて再建した仙骨浸潤を伴う熱傷瘢痕癌の1例
    石井 陸, 前田 拓, 石川 耕資, 山尾 健, 山本 有平, 林 利彦
    創傷 (一社)日本創傷外科学会 13 (3) 118 - 123 2022/07
  • 好酸球性多発血管炎性肉芽腫症に伴う神経障害によって足部潰瘍を生じた1例
    石井 陸, 村尾 尚規, 石川 耕資, 舟山 恵美, 前田 拓, 大澤 昌之, 山本 有平
    創傷 (一社)日本創傷外科学会 13 (3) 124 - 127 2022/07
  • チームサージャリーにおける形成外科の貢献 新型コロナウイルス感染症が及ぼした影響
    松田 識郁, 石川 耕資, 前田 拓, 大澤 昌之, 舟山 恵美, 村尾 尚規, 林 利彦, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 42 (7) 369 - 374 0389-4703 2022/07 
  • 前田 拓, 石井 陸, 北條 正洋, 石川 耕資, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 35 (2) 45 - 50 0916-4936 2022/06
  • リンパ節移植という局所外科的リンパ系再構築法がもたらす可能性 循環と免疫の観点から
    前田 拓, 石川 耕資, 村尾 尚規, 林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 舟山 恵美, 大澤 昌之, 山本 有平
    リンパ学 日本リンパ学会 45 (1) 38 - 41 0910-4186 2022/06
  • 粉瘤様の外観を呈したPrimary dermal melanomaの治療経験
    草島 英梨香, 前田 拓, 石川 耕資, 三浦 隆洋, 舟山 恵美, 大澤 昌之, 吉田 哲也, 山本 有平
    日本臨床皮膚外科学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 日本臨床皮膚外科学会 40回 31 - 31 2022/05
  • 遊離空腸再建における合併症早期発見のためのカラーエコーの有用性について
    前田 拓, 林 利彦, 石川 耕資, 北條 正洋, 舟山 恵美, 三浦 隆洋, 山本 有平
    頭頸部癌 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 48 (2) 180 - 180 1349-5747 2022/05
  • 肺および大腿骨に遠隔転移を来した頭部巨大基底細胞癌の治療経験
    北條 正洋, 前田 拓, 林 利彦, 山本 有平
    頭頸部癌 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 48 (2) 230 - 230 1349-5747 2022/05
  • マイクロサージャリー術後合併症予防への工夫・対応 遊離空腸再建における術後合併症のリスク回避と早期対応のわれわれの取り組み
    前田 拓, 林 利彦, 石川 耕資, 北條 正洋, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 48回 277 - 277 2021/12
  • マイクロサージャリーにおける経済・QOL評価 頭頸部再建チームサージャリーにおけるマイクロサージャリーの経済的貢献
    石川 耕資, 前田 拓, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 村尾 尚規, 松田 識郁, 三浦 隆洋, 北條 正洋, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 48回 286 - 286 2021/12
  • 頸部食道再建において上腸間膜動脈解離があったため遊離前外側大腿皮弁で再建した1例
    石井 陸, 前田 拓, 石川 耕資, 三浦 隆洋, 北條 正洋, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 48回 321 - 321 2021/12
  • 顕微鏡下マウスリンパ節移植モデルの開発 新たな材料を求めて
    北條 正洋, 前田 拓, 石川 耕資, 大澤 昌之, 舟山 恵美, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 48回 355 - 355 2021/12
  • Takahiro Miura, Yuhei Yamamoto, Naoki Murao, Taku Maeda, Masayuki Osawa, Toshihiko Hayashi, Emi Funayama
    Surgery Today 51 (10) 1630 - 1637 0941-1291 2021/10
  • 竹田 朋弘, 石川 耕資, 林 利彦, 前田 拓, 石井 陸, 佐々木 雄輝, 北條 正洋, 三浦 隆洋, 大澤 昌之, 舟山 恵美, 山本 有平
    熱傷 (一社)日本熱傷学会 47 (3) 114 - 121 0285-113X 2021/09 
  • 石川 耕資, 前田 拓, 草島 英梨香, 舟山 恵美, 林 利彦, 大澤 昌之, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平
    リンパ学 日本リンパ学会 44 (1) 24 - 27 0910-4186 2021/07
  • ケロイド・肥厚性瘢痕の集学的予防と治療 ケロイド・肥厚性瘢痕の集学的治療と再発制御
    村尾 尚規, 林 利彦, 前田 拓, 山本 有平
    瘢痕・ケロイド治療ジャーナル (株)全日本病院出版会 (15) 1 - 3 2185-7776 2021/07
  • Riri Ito, Yuhei Yamamoto, Taku Maeda, Kosuke Ishikawa, Emi Funayama
    Congenital Anomalies 61 (4) 142 - 143 0914-3505 2021/07
  • 石川 耕資, 前田 拓, 草島 英梨香, 舟山 恵美, 林 利彦, 大澤 昌之, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平
    リンパ学 日本リンパ学会 44 (1) 24 - 27 0910-4186 2021/07
  • Hiroko Takahashi, Shunsuke Ohnishi, Yuhei Yamamoto, Toshihiko Hayashi, Naoki Murao, Masayuki Osawa, Taku Maeda, Kosuke Ishikawa, Naoya Sakamoto, Emi Funayama
    Plastic and reconstructive surgery 147 (6) 1342 - 1352 2021/06/01 
    BACKGROUND: Mesenchymal stem cells or their conditioned medium improve chronic wound healing, and their effect is enhanced by hypoxia. Diabetic foot ulcers are chronic wounds characterized by abnormal and delayed healing, which frequently require amputation. The authors evaluated the effect of topical application of conditioned medium from hypoxically cultured amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cells on wound healing in diabetic mice. METHODS: Amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cells were cultured under 21% oxygen to prepare normoxic conditioned medium and under 1% oxygen to prepare hypoxic conditioned medium. Hydrogels containing standard medium, normoxic conditioned medium, or hypoxic conditioned medium were topically applied to excisional wounds of mice with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Ulcer tissues were harvested on day 9; immunohistochemical and quantitative polymerase chain reaction analyses were performed to analyze angiogenesis, inflammatory cell infiltration, and expression levels of inflammation-related genes. RESULTS: Hypoxic conditioned medium significantly enhanced wound closure, increased capillary density and epithelization, and reduced macrophage infiltration. It also tended to reduce the infiltration of neutrophils and enhance the infiltration of regulatory T cells; it showed a tendency to downregulate the expression of the inflammation-related genes interleukin-1β, interleukin-6, chemokine ligand 1, and chemokine ligand 2. Normoxic conditioned medium exhibited similar effects, although they were of lesser magnitude than those of hypoxic conditioned medium. CONCLUSIONS: Hydrogels containing hypoxically cultured, amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cell conditioned medium accelerated wound healing in diabetic mice by enhancing angiogenesis, accelerating epithelization, and suppressing inflammation. Therefore, topical application of amnion mesenchymal stem cell-derived hypoxic conditioned medium could be a novel treatment for diabetic foot ulcers.
  • Erika Guilpain Kusajima, Taku Maeda, Naoki Murao, Emi Funayama, Yuhei Yamamoto
    Congenital anomalies 61 (3) 103 - 104 2021/05
  • 下顎癌再建後の上半身熱傷の治療経験
    石川 耕資, 伊藤 梨里, 草島 英梨香, 三浦 隆洋, 北條 正洋, 星野 善允, 石井 陸, 佐々木 雄輝, 竹田 朋弘, 山本 有平
    熱傷 (一社)日本熱傷学会 47 (1) 36 - 36 0285-113X 2021/03
  • 遊離広背筋弁による再建を要した頭部III度熱傷の1例
    竹田 朋弘, 石川 耕資, 林 利彦, 前田 拓, 伊藤 梨里, 北條 正洋, 石井 陸, 佐々木 雄輝, 山本 有平
    熱傷 (一社)日本熱傷学会 47 (1) 36 - 36 0285-113X 2021/03
  • 下肢外傷後の創傷治癒遅延からCushing病と診断された症例の経験
    西尾 卓哉, 村尾 尚規, 北條 正洋, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 41 (1) 44 - 50 0389-4703 2021/01 
  • Kosuke Ishikawa, Taku Maeda, Toshihiko Hayashi, Ryuji Shichinohe, Naoki Murao, Masahiro Hojo, Riri Ito, Masayuki Osawa, Yuhei Yamamoto, Emi Funayama
    Burns Open 5 (1) 21 - 24 2468-9122 2021/01
  • 古川 洋志, 安村 恒央, 田中 真美, 梅本 泰孝, 前田 拓, 七戸 龍司, 大澤 昌之, 林 利彦, 山本 有平
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 36 (4) 149 - 153 0914-594X 2020/12
  • 頭皮原発血管肉腫に対する化学療法および強度変調放射線照射による集学的治療の有用性
    前田 拓, 北條 正洋, 林 利彦, 山本 有平, 安田 耕一
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 36回 153 - 153 2020/12
  • 頭皮原発血管肉腫に対する化学療法および強度変調放射線照射による集学的治療の有用性
    前田 拓, 北條 正洋, 林 利彦, 山本 有平, 安田 耕一
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 36回 153 - 153 2020/12
  • Taku Maeda, Yuhei Yamamoto, Naoki Murao, Toshihiko Hayashi, Chu Kimura, Suguru Matsui, Tatsuya Saito, Hotaka Matsui, Masayuki Osawa, Emi Funayama
    Journal of wound care 29 (Sup12) S28-S32  2020/12/01 
    OBJECTIVE: In critical limb ischaemia (CLI), first-line therapy is revascularisation, but alternative treatment options are needed in certain cases. Maggot debridement therapy (MDT) is historically considered to be contraindicated in ischaemic ulcers. Wound care in patients with CLI is becoming increasingly diverse with the development of novel revascularisation strategies; therefore, CLI now needs to be reconsidered as an indication for MDT. METHOD: We retrospectively reviewed five legs with CLI (five male, one female) treated with MDT between January 2013 and December 2017. Changes in skin perfusion pressure (SPP) around the ulcer before and after MDT were evaluated. One or two cycles of MDT were performed (eight in total). We also evaluated the proportion of necrotic tissue in the ulcer and the presence of exposed necrotic bone. The proportion of necrotic tissue in the ulcer was classified as NT 1+ (<25%), NT 2+ (25-50%), NT 3+ (50-75%) or NT 4+ (>75%). RESULTS: When the proportion of necrotic tissue was >50%, with no exposed necrotic bone in the wound, an increase in SPP was observed after five (62.5%) of eight cycles of MDT. And with a proportion of necrotic tissue of <25% and/or exposed necrotic bone in the wound, a decrease in SPP was observed after three (37.5%) of eight cycles. Wound healing was accelerated in the presence of increased SPP. CONCLUSION: Effective MDT with increased SPP requires an ulcerative state of necrotic tissue grade > NT 3+, with no exposed necrotic bone.
  • T Maeda, E Funayama, Y Yamamoto, N Murao, M Osawa, K Ishikawa, T Hayashi
    Journal of tissue viability 2020/11/30 
    BACKGROUND: Recurrence rates of keloids have generally been reported at one time point. However, the longer the duration after treatment, the greater the likelihood that such lesions will recur. In this study, we analysed the time to recurrence during long-term follow-up. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed recurrence-free interval in 52 patients with keloid (age 8-79 years) who had been treated between June 2006 and January 2011 using a standardised protocol developed by our group. RESULTS: Mean duration of follow-up was 37.5 (range, 7-120) months in patients with keloid. Kaplan-Meier survival curves revealed a statistically significant difference in recurrence-free interval between ear keloids and keloids excluding ear keloids. Recurrence rate for keloids was high in the first 2 years after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Kaplan-Meier analysis was useful for understanding the tendency of recurrence of keloids after treatment using a standardised protocol.
  • Maeda Taku, Yuhei Yamamoto, Akihiko Oyama, Satoru Sasaki, Toshihiko Hayashi, Naoki Murao, Masayuki Osawa, Emi Funayama
    The Journal of craniofacial surgery 31 (8) 2231 - 2234 1536-3732 2020/11/01 
    The purpose of this retrospective study was to compare outcomes of cleft palate repair in patients with non-syndromic Pierre Robin sequence (NS-PRS) versus those with non-syndromic isolated cleft palate (NS-ICP). Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) was defined as a diagnosis of the triad of microretrognathia, glossoptosis, and cleft palate, and the severity of PRS was assessed based on the presence of respiratory and feeding problems. All patients underwent palatoplasty between January 2000 and December 2011. The authors examined age at palatoplasty, type of cleft palate, fistula rate, velopharyngeal (VP) function, nasal emission, hypernasality, and need for secondary speech surgery, in addition to PRS severity in the NS-PRS patients. A total of 15 NS-PRS patients and 40 NS-ICP patients were reviewed. The incidence of VP dysfunction, nasal emission, hypernasality, and secondary speech surgery was not significantly different between the NS-PRS patients and NS-ICP patients. Age at palatoplasty was significantly different between the 2 groups (P = 0.012) but type of CP was not (P = 1.00). Only 2 NS-PRS patients were classified as category III (severe), and all of the NS-PRS patients who had VP insufficiency were classified as PRS severity category I (not severe). The findings of this study indicate that NS-PRS patients may not have worse outcomes than NS-ICP patients.
  • Maeda Taku, Yuhei Yamamoto, Akihiko Oyama, Satoru Sasaki, Toshihiko Hayashi, Naoki Murao, Masayuki Osawa, Emi Funayama
    The Journal of craniofacial surgery 2020/10/13 
    The purpose of this retrospective study was to compare outcomes of cleft palate repair in patients with non-syndromic Pierre Robin sequence (NS-PRS) versus those with non-syndromic isolated cleft palate (NS-ICP). Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) was defined as a diagnosis of the triad of microretrognathia, glossoptosis, and cleft palate, and the severity of PRS was assessed based on the presence of respiratory and feeding problems. All patients underwent palatoplasty between January 2000 and December 2011. The authors examined age at palatoplasty, type of cleft palate, fistula rate, velopharyngeal (VP) function, nasal emission, hypernasality, and need for secondary speech surgery, in addition to PRS severity in the NS-PRS patients. A total of 15 NS-PRS patients and 40 NS-ICP patients were reviewed. The incidence of VP dysfunction, nasal emission, hypernasality, and secondary speech surgery was not significantly different between the NS-PRS patients and NS-ICP patients. Age at palatoplasty was significantly different between the 2 groups (P = 0.012) but type of CP was not (P = 1.00). Only 2 NS-PRS patients were classified as category III (severe), and all of the NS-PRS patients who had VP insufficiency were classified as PRS severity category I (not severe). The findings of this study indicate that NS-PRS patients may not have worse outcomes than NS-ICP patients.
  • Kosuke Ishikawa, Munezumi Fujita, Tomohiro Takeda, Shintaro Mitamura, Takuya Nishio, Emi Funayama, Toshihiko Hayashi, Masayuki Osawa, Taku Maeda, Yuhei Yamamoto, Satoru Sasaki
    The Journal of craniofacial surgery 31 (6) e600 - e602 1536-3732 2020/09/01 
    Infantile hemangiomas arising in the palate are rare. The authors describe a case of ulcerated infantile hemangioma of the hard palate with feeding difficulty. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of immunohistochemically diagnosed palatal infantile hemangioma successfully treated using oral propranolol.
  • ケロイド組織で炎症が遷延するメカニズム 炎症性サイトカインIL-6とCD4陽性T細胞のケロイド線維芽細胞に対する作用
    村尾 尚規, 藤田 宗純, 林 利彦, 清野 研一郎, 村上 正晃, 山本 有平
    瘢痕・ケロイド治療ジャーナル (株)全日本病院出版会 (14) 4 - 6 2185-7776 2020/09
  • 松田 識郁, 村尾 尚規, 小田 陽一郎, 山本 有平
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 36 (3) 143 - 148 0914-594X 2020/09 
  • Kosuke Ishikawa, Munezumi Fujita, Tomohiro Takeda, Shintaro Mitamura, Takuya Nishio, Emi Funayama, Toshihiko Hayashi, Masayuki Osawa, Taku Maeda, Yuhei Yamamoto, Satoru Sasaki
    Journal of Craniofacial Surgery Publish Ahead of Print 1049-2275 2020/07/03
  • 頭皮原発血管肉腫に対する強度変調放射線照射(IMRT)の有用性
    前田 拓, 林 利彦, 北條 正洋, 山本 有平
    頭頸部癌 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 46 (2) 166 - 166 1349-5747 2020/07
  • Guilpain Kusajima Erika, Yamamoto Yuhei, Murao Naoki, Hayashi Toshihiko, Osawa Masayuki, Maeda Taku, Ishikawa Kosuke, Horiuchi Katsumi, Matsui Suguru, Saito Tatsuya, Matsui Hotaka, Funayama Emi
    International Journal of Surgical Wound Care 1 (1) 20 - 26 2020/06
  • 村尾 尚規, 齋藤 達弥, 山本 有平
    PEPARS (株)全日本病院出版会 (162) 35 - 41 1349-645X 2020/06 
    重症下肢虚血において、下肢切断レベルがより近位である程、歩行機能が低下し、生命予後が悪くなる恐れがある。中足骨を温存し歩行機能を維持することが重要である。一方で、重症下肢虚血においては、切断レベルがより遠位である程、創傷治癒を得るのに十分な血流がないことがある。足趾切断術後の創部が治癒せず壊死することによって、より近位での切断を要したり、保存的治療を選択せざるを得ず治療期間が長期化したりすると、結果的に歩行機能を維持できなくなることがある。創縁の血流を障害せず、且つ切除範囲を最小限とするような低侵襲足趾切断術が望ましい。足趾切断術の際のmedial-lateral flaps法やfillet toe flap法などの工夫や、インドシアニングリーン蛍光造影を用いた術中血流評価の実際について述べる。(著者抄録)
  • 北條 正洋, 村尾 尚規, 草島 英梨香, 伊藤 梨里, 前田 拓, 山本 有平
    創傷 (一社)日本創傷外科学会 11 (2) 92 - 95 2020/04 
    症例は38歳男性で、排尿障害、陰嚢腫大を主訴とした。生下時に46XY性分化疾患と診断され、9歳時に尿道下裂に対する尿道形成術の既往があった。尿培養よりPeptostreptococcus spesies、Morganella morganii、Lactobacillus speciesを認め、陰茎基部左側の潰瘍部培養からEnterococcus faecalisを検出した。単純CTで両側鼠径部を主体に広範囲に皮下軟部組織の網状濃度上昇を認め、フルニエ壊疽と診断し、緊急手術により膀胱瘻造設とデブリードマンを施行した。抗生剤はMEPM点滴投与から手術後6日目よりABPC/SBT経口投与へ変更した。感染が鎮静化したため手術後37日目に尿道狭窄に対する尿道拡張術と、皮膚欠損に対する左大腿分層皮膚植皮を施行し、植皮の生着は良好であった。初回手術より54日後に自宅退院し、術後2年経過して排尿障害の再発もなく経過は良好である。
  • 古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    Facial Nerve Research 日本顔面神経学会 39 9 - 10 0914-790X 2020/03 
    著者等は、ラットの顔面神経と舌下神経との間に流入型の端側神経縫合を行ったモデルを作製し、表情筋の舌下神経支配を促進する工夫を研究してきた。今回、これまでの著者等の研究と、同時期の海外からの報告を比較しながら、ネットワーク型再建による顔面神経の回復過程と、今後の新しい展開(Next step)について考察した。顔面神経麻痺に対するネットワーク型再建は、不全麻痺に陥った表情筋の舌下神経支配への切り替えを促す術式であり、表情筋の回復が可能な不全麻痺には合理的な術式であると考えられた。Next stepとして、本術式が表情筋の質の改善に寄与するか否かについて研究を進めていきたい。
  • Erika Guilpain Kusajima, Yuhei Yamamoto, Naoki Murao, Toshihiko Hayashi, Masayuki Osawa, Taku Maeda, Kosuke Ishikawa, Katsumi Horiuchi, Suguru Matsui, Tatsuya Saito, Hotaka Matsui, Emi Funayama
    International Journal of Surgical Wound Care 1 (1) 20 - 26 2020
  • Taku Maeda, Naoki Murao, Toshihiko Hayashi, Emi Funayama, Masayuki Osawa, Kosuke Ishikawa, Yuhei Yamamoto
    International Journal of Surgical Wound Care 1 (2) 47 - 52 2020
  • 古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    末梢神経 日本末梢神経学会 30 (2) 161 - 162 0917-6772 2019/12
  • 眼外胚葉症候群(Oculoectodermal syndrome)の治療経験
    開田 ひろみ, 村尾 尚規, 舟山 恵美, 石川 耕資, 高橋 周子, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 39 (12) 623 - 629 0389-4703 2019/12 
  • Ishikawa K, Funayama E, Yamamoto Y, Furukawa H, Hayashi T, Murao N, Osawa M, Maeda T, Fujita M, Sasaki S
    The Journal of dermatology 46 (11) e403 - e405 0385-2407 2019/11 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Ito R, Maeda T, Yamamoto Y, Funayama E, Murao N, Osawa M, Ishikawa K, Ikeda M, Hayashi T
    The Journal of craniofacial surgery 30 (8) 2614 - 2616 1049-2275 2019/11 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 災害発生における拠点病院の対応 平成30年北海道胆振東部地震 北海道大学病院形成外科での経験
    村尾 尚規, 前田 拓, 石井 浩子, 星野 善允, 開田 ひろみ, 徐 東經, 山本 有平
    熱傷 (一社)日本熱傷学会 45 (4) 164 - 165 0285-113X 2019/11
  • 低体温症に使用された加温用赤外線灯による医原性熱傷の治療経験
    石川 耕資, 村尾 尚規, 伊藤 梨里, 北條 正洋, 山本 有平, 七戸 龍司
    熱傷 (一社)日本熱傷学会 45 (4) 179 - 179 0285-113X 2019/11
  • 重症虚血肢を有する透析症例の大切断を防ぐための集学的治療 SWAT
    齋藤 達弥, 酒井 征則, 水野 妃呂乃, 柳谷 敦, 佐竹 享子, 坂入 隆人, 駒木 亨, 草島 英梨香, 前田 拓, 村尾 尚規, 山本 有平, 松井 傑
    脈管学 (一社)日本脈管学会 59 (Suppl.) S182 - S182 0387-1126 2019/10
  • 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 前田 拓, 林 利彦, 大澤 昌之, 舟山 恵美, 七戸 龍司
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 35 (3) 84 - 88 0914-594X 2019/09 
  • T Hayashi, K Kuribayashi, T Maeda, Y Yamamoto
    The British journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery 57 (7) 697 - 698 2019/09
  • Ito R, Osawa M, Yamamoto Y, Murao N, Hayashi T, Maeda T, Ishikawa K, Oyama A, Funayama E
    The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 30 (6) e576 - e578 1049-2275 2019/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Oculo-auriculo-fronto-nasal syndrome (OAFNS) is a rare anomaly characterized by features overlapping those of frontonasal dysplasia (FND) and the oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum (OAVS).1 The FND features malformation of frontonasal process-derived structures, characterized by anomalies in the central portion of the face. The OAVS is characterized by developmental anomalies of the first and second pharyngeal arches. The OAFNS is a condition with clinical features of both FND and OAVS. Here, the authors present the case of a male with OAFNS who not only exhibited typical OAFNS symptoms but also a dysplastic bony structure that bridged the anterior nasal spine and inferior nasal bones, and unilateral type 3 Duane retraction syndrome (absence of right-eye abduction). Abnormal nasal bones are characteristic of OAFNS; such abnormalities are absent from FND and OAVS. The authors reduced the dysplastic nasal bony structure via open external rhinoplasty, followed by lateral nasal osteotomy when he was 16 years of age. The nasal dorsum appeared natural after surgery and he was satisfied with the result.
  • Maeda T, Hayashi T, Murao N, Yamamoto Y
    Aesthetic plastic surgery 43 (3) 658 - 662 0364-216X 2019/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Keloids can be recalcitrant, and a well-planned treatment strategy is essential. Multiple ear piercings have recently become popular, particularly among younger age groups. Management of keloids that develop after piercing of the ear cartilage may be particularly problematic. Helical rim keloids are difficult to excise because of the complex, three-dimensional, cartilaginous structure of the helix and its thin and tightly adherent covering layer of skin. The chondrocutaneous advancement flap introduced by Antia and Buch may be a useful reconstructive option for a helical rim keloid after marginal loss of a segment of the helix as a result of trauma, a burn, or excision of a malignant tumor. However, this technique is limited to wounds that involve only the helix. In this technical note, we describe the use of a chondrocutaneous bilateral advancement flap with postoperative radiation therapy to treat a more invasive and relatively large keloid on the scapha. This technique is straightforward and safe in terms of preserving the blood supply. The addition of adjuvant radiation therapy can help to decrease the risk of recurrence and preserve the morphological structure of the ear and patient satisfaction.Level of Evidence IV This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .
  • 北海道大学病院における自家培養表皮適応症例の検討
    村尾 尚規, 前田 拓, 伊藤 梨里, 三浦 隆洋, 北條 正洋, 星野 善允, 開田 ひろみ, 山本 有平, 藤田 宗純, 山尾 健, 七戸 龍司
    熱傷 (一社)日本熱傷学会 45 (2) 99 - 99 0285-113X 2019/06
  • 透析患者における外科的デブリドマン後のNPWTの有用性
    草島 英梨香, 村尾 尚規, 前田 拓, 松井 傑, 齋藤 達弥, 堀内 勝己, 佐竹 享子, 柳谷 敦, 山本 有平
    日本下肢救済・足病学会誌 日本下肢救済・足病学会 11 (2) 165 - 165 1883-857X 2019/06
  • Ishikawa K, Yamamoto Y, Funayama E, Furukawa H, Sasaki S
    Advances in Wound Care 8 (6) 246 - 255 2019/06 [Refereed][Invited]
    Significance: In Klippel–Trenaunay syndrome (KTS), management of a wound in the affected limb can be difficult because of the underlying vascular malformations present. This review describes the characteristics of KTS with wound complications in light of the genetic and molecular mechanisms of the disease. Recent Advances: KTS is a slow-flow combined vascular malformation characterized by the triad of capillary malformation, venous malformation with or without lymphatic malformation, and limb overgrowth. KTS is encompassed within the phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha (PIK3CA)-related overgrowth spectrum (PROS), having recently been linked to activating mutations in the PIK3CA gene. This clearly has implications for both molecular diagnosis and potential treatment strategies for the disease. Critical Issues: KTS should be distinguished from Parkes Weber syndrome, a fast-flow-type combined vascular malformation with limb overgrowth. Individualized management is needed for KTS and should be focused on the treatment of symptoms. Future Directions: Targeted therapies that inhibit the phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling pathway are a potential treatment option for PROS.
  • Ishikawa K, Funayama E, Maeda T, Hayashi T, Murao N, Osawa M, Ito R, Furukawa H, Oyama A, Yamamoto Y
    Journal of surgical oncology 119 (6) 700 - 707 0022-4790 2019/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Vascularized lymph node transfer (LNT) is gaining popularity in the treatment of lymphedema. However, it is unclear whether the vascularization of transferred lymph nodes (LNs) contributes to functional improvement. High endothelial venules (HEVs) are specialized vessels that allow lymphocytes to enter LNs. In this study, we compared the numbers of HEVs and lymphocytes in LNs after vascularized and nonvascularized LNT. METHODS: Fifty mice were divided into three groups (group 1, pedicled vascularized LNT; group 2, pedicled nonvascularized LNT; group 3, free nonvascularized LNT). Afferent lymphatic reconnection was confirmed by patent blue staining. The transferred LNs were harvested 4 weeks after surgery. HEVs, B-cells, and T-cells were subjected to immunohistochemical staining and quantified. RESULTS: Afferent lymphatic reconnection was observed in 13 of 20 transferred LNs in group 1, 11 of 15 in group 2, and 7 of 15 in group 3. The ratio of dilated/total HEVs in transferred LNs with afferent lymphatic reconnection was significantly higher in group 1 than in groups 2 and 3. No significant differences in numbers of B-cells and T-cells were found in the transferred LNs. CONCLUSIONS: We found that more functional HEVs were preserved in cases with successful afferent lymphatic reconnection after vascularized LNT than after nonvascularized LNT.
  • Ishikawa K, Maeda T, Funayama E, Hayashi T, Murao N, Osawa M, Furukawa H, Oyama A, Yamamoto Y
    Microsurgery 39 (3) 247 - 254 0738-1085 2019/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    PURPOSE: Vascularized lymph node transfer is becoming more common in the treatment of lymphedema, but suitable small animal models for research are lacking. Here, we evaluated the feasibility of pedicled vascularized inguinal lymph node transfer in mice. METHODS: Twenty-five mice were used in the study. An inguinal lymph node-bearing flap with a vascular pedicle containing the superficial caudal epigastric vessels was transferred into the ipsilateral popliteal fossa after excision of the popliteal lymph node. Indocyanine green (ICG) angiography was used to confirm vascularity of the flap. ICG lymphography was performed to evaluate lymphatic flow at 3 and 4 weeks postoperatively. Patent blue dye was injected into the ipsilateral hind paw to observe staining of the transferred lymph node at 4 weeks postoperatively. All transferred lymph nodes were then harvested and histologically evaluated by hematoxylin and eosin staining. RESULTS: In 16 of the 25 mice, ICG lymphography showed reconnection between the transferred lymph node and the afferent lymphatic vessels, as confirmed by patent blue staining. Histologically, these transferred lymph nodes with afferent lymphatic reconnection significantly regressed in size (0.37 ± 0.24 mm2 ) and showed clear follicle formation, whereas those without afferent lymphatic reconnection showed less size regression (1.31 ± 1.17 mm2 ); the cell population was too dense to allow identification of follicles. CONCLUSIONS: We established a mouse model of vascularized lymph node transfer with predictable afferent lymphatic reconnection. Both the vascularization and reconnection might be necessary for functional regeneration of the transferred lymph node.
  • 古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 蕨 雄大, 山本 有平
    Facial Nerve Research 日本顔面神経学会 38 10 - 11 0914-790X 2019/03 
  • Funayama E, Yamamoto Y, Oyama A, Murao N, Hayashi T, Maeda T, Furukawa H, Osawa M
    Lasers in medical science 34 (9) 1925 - 1928 0268-8921 2019/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 小田 陽一郎, 古川 洋志, 村尾 尚規, 高桑 恵美, 山本 有平
    Skin Cancer (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 33 (3) 250 - 254 0915-3535 2019/02 
    症例は3ヵ月、女児。生後2ヵ月時に偶然家族が左腰部に皮下腫瘤を発見した。その後腫瘤は急速な増大を認め、悪性の可能性も懸念され生後3ヵ月時に当科紹介となった。初診時の腫瘤の大きさは30×20mmで、弾性軟、辺縁不整な皮下腫瘤であった。CT、MRI検査でも診断がつかなかったため、部分生検を施行した結果、lipofibromatosisやfibrous hamartoma of infancyの可能性が疑われた。しかし、腫瘤は急速に増大しており、診断の確定には全体像での評価が必要であった。生後5ヵ月時に摘出術を行ったところ、lipofibromatosisの診断となった。Lipofibromatosisは稀な腫瘍であり、体幹に発生した症例は非常に珍しいため報告する。(著者抄録)
  • Funayama E, Yamamoto Y, Oyama A, Furukawa H, Murao N, Hayashi T, Maeda T, Osawa M
    The Journal of craniofacial surgery 30 (1) 133 - 136 1049-2275 2019/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The timing of cleft lip nose surgery remains controversial. The less invasive the procedure at the time of primary cleft lip repair, the less the growth and development of the nose is affected. Therefore, the nasal-stenting component of presurgical nasoalveolar molding has increasingly been used. However, not all cleft centers use such treatment. Conventional postsurgical placement of silicone nasal retainers remains popular. No report has yet compared presurgical nasal stenting (preNS) and postsurgical nasal retainer placement (postNR). In this study, postoperative nasal form outcomes after primary lip repair using preNS or postNR in patients with complete unilateral cleft lips, alveoli, and palates were compared. Patients in whom preNS alone was used for 6 months (group I) were compared with those receiving postNR (no preNS) for 6 months after primary nasal cartilage dissection (group II) and controls with no appliance (group III). Nasal anthropometric distances and angular relationships were measured photographically to assess nasal symmetry at 4 years of age in all groups. Compared to group III, groups I and II exhibited significantly greater nostril heights (P = 0.0075, P = 0.0015 respectively) and columellar deviation angles (P = 0.0020, P = 0.0221). Groups I and II did not differ significantly. No significant between-treatment difference in terms of nasal symmetry between preNS and postNR was observed. However, both treatments afforded significantly better results than no treatment. Since older infants tend to resist the placement of nasal devices, preNS is more feasible in this age group.
  • 顔面神経麻痺に対するマイクロサージャーリー 顔面神経不全麻痺に対する、舌下神経の流入型端側神経縫合を用いたネットワーク型神経再建
    古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 前田 拓, 林 利彦, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 45回 140 - 140 2018/12
  • 手背部熱傷に対する晩期手術および植皮術後の機能予後に影響する因子の解析
    七戸 龍司, 山本 有平, 村尾 尚規, 古川 洋志, 川嶋 邦裕, 堀内 勝己, 吉田 哲憲, 木村 中, 大野 健太郎
    熱傷 (一社)日本熱傷学会 44 (4) 191 - 191 0285-113X 2018/11
  • Maeda T, Hayashi T, Furukawa H, Iwasaki D, Ishikawa K, Funayama E, Murao N, Osawa M, Oyama A, Yamamoto Y
    International journal of cancer 143 (5) 1224 - 1235 0020-7136 2018/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Lymph node (LN) transplantation is a recognized method for reconstruction of the lymphatic system and is used in the clinical setting to treat lymphedema. However, it is unclear whether transplanted LNs contribute to immune surveillance. In our study, we investigated whether a single transplanted non-vascularized LN, defined as a tumor-draining transplanted lymph node (TDTLN), could exert an immune-mediated antitumor effect. LN and lung metastases and primary tumor enlargement were evaluated in mice that were inoculated with B16-F10-luc2 melanoma cells in a hind limb footpad without (group 1) and with (group 2) popliteal lymph node (PLN) resection and in mice that underwent LN transplantation after PLN resection (group 3). The function of a TDTLN (group 3) and a tumor-draining popliteal lymph node (TDPLN; group 1) was evaluated in the context of cancer. LN and lung metastases were significantly aggravated by PLN resection but were significantly decreased by LN transplantation. Immunohistochemistry showed that the TDTLNs retained T-cells and B-cells and fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis confirmed expansion of lymphocytes in these nodes; however, the degree of expansion in TDTLNs was different from that in TDPLNs. Expression of cytokines associated with immunostimulation was confirmed in the TDTLNs as well as in the TDPLNs. One of the differences in the immune-mediated antitumor effect of the TDPLNs and TDTLNs was ascribed to a difference in the site of lymphocyte homing to peripheral LNs through high endothelial venules. Non-vascularized LN transplantation had an immune-mediated antitumor effect.
  • カルシフィラキシスによる有痛性難治性潰瘍の治療戦略
    齋藤 達弥, 佐竹 享子, 坂入 隆人, 駒木 亨, 草島 英梨香, 村尾 尚規, 山本 有平, 松井 傑
    脈管学 (一社)日本脈管学会 58 (Suppl.) S194 - S194 0387-1126 2018/09
  • Fujita M, Yamamoto Y, Jiang JJ, Atsumi T, Tanaka Y, Ohki T, Murao N, Funayama E, Hayashi T, Osawa M, Maeda T, Kamimura D, Murakami M
    The Journal of investigative dermatology 139 (2) 333 - 341 0022-202X 2018/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Keloids mark a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by a fibroproliferative disorder of the skin. A genome-wide association study showed that single-nucleotide polymorphism rs8032158 in the neural precursor cell-expressed NEDD4 gene, which has six protein-coding transcript variants (TVs), is genetically linked to keloids. Here, we show that the high frequency of risk allele C in rs8032158 in keloid patients is associated with a selectively higher expression of TV3 of NEDD4 to activate the NF-κB pathway. Comparisons of keloid scars with normal skin samples that do not have the single-nucleotide polymorphism allele and were derived from different anatomical sites showed stronger expressions of NEDD4 TV3 and activated forms of NF-κB and STAT3 in keloid scars. Forced expression or selective knockdown of NEDD4 TV3 increased or decreased NF-κB activation in vitro. Furthermore, NEDD4 knockdown suppressed NF-κB-dependent inflammation development in vivo. Mechanistic analysis showed that NEDD4 TV3 is involved in NF-κB activation through its association with the adaptor protein RIP. These results suggest that NEDD4 TV3 is a potential diagnostic marker and therapeutic target for chronic skin diseases, including keloid.
  • Our techniques for secondary alveolar bone grafting
    Masayuki Osawa, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Yuhei Yamamoto
    Japanese Journal of Plastic Surgery 61 (7) 824 - 834 0021-5228 2018/07/01 
    Secondary alveolar bone grafting is an essential surgical procedure in a series of treatments for cleft lip and palate. However, it is sometimes difficult to prepare the bed for safe alveolar bone grafting owing to the effects of prior surgery, such as primary lip plasty or palatoplasty. In this article, we describe techniques to deal with pitfalls associated with difficult cases experienced in our department to improve outcomes in alveolar bone grafting.
  • 下肢熱圧挫損傷後の骨、軟部組織におけるMRI信号の経時的変化
    草島 英梨香, 村尾 尚規, 前田 拓, 林 利彦, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本下肢救済・足病学会誌 日本下肢救済・足病学会 10 (2) 169 - 169 1883-857X 2018/07
  • 下肢難治性創傷におけるNPWTi-d治療の有効性
    草島 英梨香, 村尾 尚規, 齋藤 達弥, 松井 傑, 佐竹 享子, 山本 有平
    日本下肢救済・足病学会誌 日本下肢救済・足病学会 10 (2) 189 - 189 1883-857X 2018/07
  • チームサージャリーにおける形成外科の貢献に関する10年間の検討
    石川 耕資, 古川 洋志, 小山 明彦, 舟山 恵美, 林 利彦, 村尾 尚規, 大澤 昌之, 前田 拓, 関堂 充, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 38 (6) 277 - 282 0389-4703 2018/06 
  • [A 10-year analysis of the contribution of plastic surgeons to team surgery]
    Kosuke Ishikawa, Hiroshi Furukawa, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Toshihiko Hayashi, Naoki Murao, Masayuki Osawa, Taku Maeda, Mitsuru Sekido, Yuhei Yamamoto
    Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (一社)日本形成外科学会 38 (6) 277 - 282 0389-4703 2018/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Purpose: The objective of this study was to elucidate the contribution of plastic surgeons to team surgery in terms of medical fees and human resources.
    Methods: A retrospective analysis of inpatients from other clinical departments who underwent operations conducted by plastic surgeons from 2007 to 2016 was performed. Inpatient departments, surgical fees, time, and number of plastic surgeons per operation were reviewed.
    Results: The mean number of operations conducted in collaboration with other departments was 65.5 per year. Reconstructive surgery of the head and neck by the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (25.2%) and the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / Department of Oral Diagnosis and Medicine (23.8%) accounted for approximately half of all cases. Mean surgical fees of plastic surgeons comprised 58.1 % of total surgical fees for team surgery. These fees accounted for 33.9 % of the independent surgical fees of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Average operation time involving plastic surgeons in a team surgery was 4.5 hours. On average, 3.6 plastic surgeons participated in a team surgery.
    Conclusions: In this study, we demonstrated our contribution to team surgery and the importance of team surgery in our clinical practice.
  • 斗南病院における血管奇形患者116例の血液凝固系についての検討
    藤田 宗純, 佐々木 了, 石川 耕資, 舟山 恵美, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 38 (4) 183 - 191 0389-4703 2018/04 
    序論:静脈奇形(venous malformation;以下VM)に代表される血管奇形の患者では、奇形血管内での凝固因子大量消費による凝固系異常(localized intravascular coagulopathy;以下LIC)を呈することが報告されている。方法:今回、斗南病院における116例の血管奇形患者の血液凝固系検査データについて検討した。結果:VMで最も多くLIC症例を認め、63例中21例であった。さらにVMでは、体表面積100cm2以上の病変、多発性の病変、症候群を有する症例では、DダイマーやFDPの上昇、フィブリノーゲンの低下がみられた。考察:上記の結果は、LICの病態の特徴であり、特に巨大VMや全身多発性VMの場合、LICをきたしている可能性が高い。結論:巨大VMや全身多発性VMの患者では、定期的にDダイマーやFDP、フィブリノーゲンの検査を行う必要があると考えられたため、報告した。(著者抄録)
  • Taku Maeda, Yuhei Yamamoto, Daisuke Iwasaki, Toshihiko Hayashi, Emi Funayama, Akihiko Oyama, Naoki Murao, Hiroshi Furukawa
    Lymphatic Research and Biology 16 (2) 165 - 173 1557-8585 2018/04/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: Lymph node transplantation is being increasingly recognized as a method of reconstruction of the lymphatic system for the treatment of lymphedema. However, the mechanisms regulating the connections between the lymphatic vessels and the lymph nodes remain poorly understood. The objective of this study was to examine whether removal of a popliteal lymph node (PLN) could result in rerouting of lymph flow and whether a single transplanted nonvascularized lymph node could reconnect with a lymphatic vessel and restore lymph flow. Methods and Results: Thirty-six mice were allocated to undergo resection of a PLN alone (group 1) or a transplanted lymph node after resection of a PLN (group 2). Changes in lymph flow were observed using indocyanine green dye. The ability of the transplanted lymph node to reconnect with the lymphatic vessels was examined by fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran and immunohistochemical staining. In group 1, the flow of lymph was redirected to an inguinal lymph node (ILN) in 8 of 18 mice and continued to drain to the PLN in 10 mice. In group 2, the lymph continued to drain normally after removal of the PLN, and was also directed to an ILN in two mice. FITC-dextran demonstrated continuity of the transplanted PLN and the lymphatic vessels. Immunohistochemical staining showed that T cell and B cell populations in the transplanted lymph node were preserved. Conclusion: Lymphatic flow was rerouted after lymph node resection. A transplanted lymph node can be made viable with normal lymph flow by reconnecting the transplanted lymph node to a lymphatic vessel.
  • Sato C, Yamamoto Y, Funayama E, Furukawa H, Oyama A, Murao N, Hosono H, Kawakubo K, Sakamoto N, Ohnishi S
    Plastic and reconstructive surgery 141 (2) 390 - 398 0032-1052 2018/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: Mesenchymal stem cells are a valuable cell source in regenerative medicine, and conditioned medium obtained from mesenchymal stem cells reportedly inhibits inflammation. Keloids are characterized by abnormal fibrosis, caused by fibroblasts in response to inflammation. In this study, the authors evaluated whether conditioned medium obtained from amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cells suppressed activation of keloid fibroblasts.Methods: Keloid (n = 7), mature (n = 5), and normal (n = 5) fibroblasts were harvested from patients. Fibroblasts were stimulated with transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta, and the effects of conditioned medium obtained from amni-on-derived mesenchymal stem cells on cell proliferation, activation, and expression of extracellular matrix-related genes were analyzed. The effect of concentrating the conditioned medium by ultrafiltration on fibroblast activation was also analyzed.Results: Conditioned medium obtained from amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cells significantly up-regulated proliferation of mature fibroblasts but tended to suppress that of keloid fibroblasts. Conditioned medium obtained from amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cells significantly suppressed the TGF-ss-induced up-regulation of a-smooth muscle actin in keloid and normal fibroblasts and collagen I in keloid fibroblasts, but not in mature fibroblasts. The conditioned medium obtained from amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cells concentrated by ultrafiltration and the filtrate significantly suppressed TGF-ss-induced a-smooth muscle actin expression.Conclusion: Conditioned medium obtained from amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cells prevents proliferation and activation of keloid fibroblasts and is a promising keloid treatment for administration as a topical agent.
  • Apert症候群との鑑別を要したoral-facial-digital syndrome type Iの1例
    伊藤 梨里, 小山 明彦, 林 利彦, 舟山 恵美, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 33 (4) 132 - 136 0914-594X 2017/12 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    4ヵ月女児。生下時より軟口蓋裂、舌裂、頬小帯の形成、両手第2・3指間の合指症を認め、頭位は生下時36.0cmから1週間に0.6cm拡大を呈して小泉門の膨隆を認めた。顔面には多発する小丘疹を認めApert症候群を疑ったが、生後6ヵ月時の頭部CT・MRIで脳梁の低形成、多房性の半球間裂嚢胞を認めた。頭蓋縫合の早期癒合は認めず、小泉門の膨隆および脳圧亢進は嚢胞内への嚢液貯留によるものであり、Apert症候群は否定された。臨床所見、画像所見から総合的にOral-facial-digital syndrome type Iと診断し、生後7ヵ月時にクモ膜嚢胞-腹腔シャント術を施行し、1歳11ヵ月時にFurlow法による軟口蓋形成術を施行した。6歳時に咽頭弁形成術を施行し、経過観察中である。
  • Kosuke Ishikawa, Yuhei Yamamoto, Hiroshi Furukawa, Yoichi Ohiro, Akira Satoh, Toshihiko Hayashi
    JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 75 (12) 2682 - 2688 0278-2391 2017/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Purpose: This study evaluated short-term and long-term changes in bone height after mandibular reconstruction using an osteotomized fibula graft, with the aim of identifying factors associated with atrophy of the graft in an elderly population. Patients and Methods: This retrospective study involved patients who underwent mandibular reconstruction using a free vascularized fibula graft from 2005 through 2015 and had at least 12 months of follow-up. Postoperative panoramic radiographs were used to measure bone height at standardized locations on each segment of the graft at 1 year postoperatively and at later follow-up. Results: The sample was composed of 30 patients (15 men, 15 women; mean age, 62.6 years; age range, 50 to 80 years). According to the HCL classification (H, hemimandibular segment including the condyle; C, central segment including both mandibular canine teeth; L, lateral segment without the condyle), mandibular defect types were L (n = 19), LC (n = 7), LCL (n = 3), and H (n = 1). There were 0 to 3 segmental osteotomies with the fibula graft. None of the patients received an osseointegrated dental implant during a mean follow-up of 4.0 years (range, 1.5 to 9.7 yr). All patients underwent reconstruction of the mandibular body, 10 of whom also underwent reconstruction of the mandibular ramus. Atrophy of the fibula graft was observed in 9.9 and 15.0% of the body segment and 5.9 and 6.6% of the ramal segment at 1 year postoperatively and at later follow up, respectively. Graft hypertrophy occurred in the ramal segment in 2 patients. Multivariate analysis showed a significantly higher rate of graft atrophy in women than in men at later follow-up (P = .033). Conclusions: Fibula grafts showed long-term stability, and in 2 cases even a gain in bone height, in this elderly population. Female gender was identified as a risk factor for atrophy of the fibula bone graft in the body segment of the reconstructed mandible. (c) 2017 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
  • 骨露出にいたった下肢熱圧挫損傷の治療経験
    草島 英梨香, 林 利彦, 七戸 龍司, 村尾 尚規, 石川 耕資, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平
    熱傷 (一社)日本熱傷学会 43 (4) 227 - 227 0285-113X 2017/11
  • 手稲渓仁会病院形成外科における眼窩骨折に対するスーパーフィクソーブの使用経験
    大澤 昌之, 七戸 龍司, 佐々木 雄輝, 山本 有平
    口腔顎顔面外傷 日本口腔顎顔面外傷学会 16 (2) 81 - 81 1347-9903 2017/10
  • E. Kusajima, H. Furukawa, E. Funayama, A. Oyama, T. Mitsuhashi, Y. Yamamoto
    CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY 42 (7) 767 - 770 0307-6938 2017/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Malignant melanoma (MM), a well-known skin cancer with a poor prognosis, has various clinical manifestations, but vesiculobullous lesions have seldom been reported. We report a case of MM forming amelanotic vesicles at the site of an in-transit metastasis, and we also review the published reports on vesiculobullous MM. Our patient was an 87-year-old man with a history of a treated plantar MM 2 years previously, who had recurrence of the MM and development of an in-transit metastasis in his lower leg. Histopathological findings revealed vesicles caused by infiltration of the tumour. A review of the English literature revealed nine cases with various clinical presentations of the vesicles or blisters. For patients with MM with vesiculobullous lesions, an accurate medical history and examination of biopsies are of primary importance for management.
  • Munezumi Fujita, Yuhei Yamamoto, Satoru Sasaki, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Hiroshi Furukawa
    JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY 28 (7) E675 - E678 1049-2275 2017/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Patients with arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are at risk of significant hemorrhage and AVMs are especially difficult to manage in those desiring future pregnancy. Few patients with successful deliveries have been previously reported. The authors report an unusual case of AVM of the tongue in a pregnant woman who presented with massive pulsatile bleeding from a ruptured artery in the tongue in late gestation, this was thought to be caused by the changes in hormonal balance and the increase in cardiac output. The bleeding was controlled with transarterial embolization and transmucosal absolute ethanol sclerotherapy. Furthermore, her second and third deliveries were successfully managed. The authors managed symptomatic tongue AVM by combining transarterial embolization and transmucosal sclerotherapy, which was followed by successful deliveries. This patient supports the utility of transmucosal absolute ethanol sclerotherapy for tongue AVM and multidisciplinary medical care for a successful delivery.
  • Ryuji Shichinohe, Yuhei Yamamoto, Kunihiro Kawashima, Chu Kimura, Kentaro Ono, Katsumi Horiuchi, Tetsunori Yoshida, Naoki Murao, Toshihiko Hayashi, Emi Funayama, Akihiko Oyama, Hiroshi Furukawa
    JOURNAL OF BURN CARE & RESEARCH 38 (5) E851 - E858 1559-047X 2017/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Early excision and skin grafting is the principle treatment for a burned hand although there are occasions when it cannot be done such as severe general condition, delayed consultation, and the lack of a definitive assessment of burn depth. This study analyzes the factors that affected function after a delayed excision and skin graft for hands with a deep dermal burn. This study retrospectively evaluated 43 burned hands that required a delayed excision and split-thickness skin graft on the dorsal side. Cases were required to only have split-thickness skin grafting from the dorsum of the hand and fingers distally to at least the proximal interphalangeal joint at least 8 days after the injury. The hands were divided into two functional categories: Functional category A, normal or nearly normal joint movements, and functional category B, abnormal joint movements. Demographic data were assessed statistically by a univariate analysis following a multiple regression analysis by a stepwise selection. A significant difference was observed between the groups in the number of days from grafting to complete wound healing of the graft site and with or without an escharotomy in the analysis. These parameters were statistically significant predictors of functional category B. The functional outcome of a burned hand after a delayed excision and split-thickness skin graft on the dorsal side became degraded depending on the number of days from grafting to complete wound healing. Cases that underwent an escharotomy also showed deterioration in function.
  • Taku Maeda, Yuhei Yamamoto, Hiroshi Furukawa, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Naoki Murao, Toshihiko Hayashi
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 22 (4) 774 - 779 1341-9625 2017/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background The purpose of this study was to evaluate the superficial lymph drainage patterns of primary skin cancers of the head arising from the occipital or parietal region. Method The dominant patterns of lymph drainage were retrospectively reviewed in eight patients aged 36-85 years with skin cancers in the occipital or parietal region in whom sentinel lymph node biopsy or lymph node dissection had been performed at Hokkaido University Hospital between January 1981 and December 2015. Results Lymph drainage was mainly to the occipital (6/8, 75%), level II (5/8, 63%), and level V lymph nodes (5/8, 63%). Of the six patients with drainage to the occipital lymph nodes, four (67%) also had drainage to level V nodes. Conclusions The dominant lymph drainage pattern in patients with skin cancer arising from the occipital or parietal region was to the occipital, level II, and level V lymph nodes. Further, lymph tended to drain directly from the occipital region to the level V lymph nodes.
  • 下顎再建後のプレート露出に対するVAC治療システムおよび高気圧酸素療法を用いた集学的治療
    前田 拓, 林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 村尾 尚規, 小山 明彦, 舟山 恵美, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 37 (6) 332 - 332 0389-4703 2017/06 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Hinged mastoid fascial flapを用いたトリーチャーコリンズ症候群のlow hairline microtiaの再建
    前田 拓, 小山 明彦, 舟山 恵美, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 村尾 尚規, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 37 (6) 344 - 344 0389-4703 2017/06 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Toshihiko Hayashi, Hiroshi Furukawa, Takashi Kitamura, Ryuji Shichinohe, Naoki Murao, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Taku Maeda, Yuhei Yamamoto
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 22 (3) 569 - 576 1341-9625 2017/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background Past studies showed that integumentectomy and incontinuity could be effective procedures in the surgical management of melanoma patients. The present study reports on the historical background of these procedures. In addition, we analyze the ICG assisted integumentectomy and incontinuity techniques and algorithms that we had created when performing this procedure. Method In accordance with our algorithm, we performed ICG assisted integumentectomy/incontinuity procedures on 17 patients with stage III melanomas between 2008 and 2016. We also investigated the locoregional recurrence rate in a control group comprising 60 patients at stage III without using the algorithm. Results The former group exhibited a tendency of locoregional recurrence rate suppression. Melanoma cells in the dissected intervening tissue were microscopically identified in 2 out of 17 cases. Conclusions Our ICG assisted integumentectomy or incontinuity procedures could be effective in controlling locoregional recurrence rates in melanoma cases. Moreover, our method can be generally applied because the dissection is only performed within the lymphatic pathway region identified using indocyanine green.
  • 体幹悪性黒色腫の所属リンパ節と予後の検討
    村尾 尚規, 林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 33回 144 - 144 2017/05
  • 鼠径部に生じた脱分化型脂肪肉腫の1例
    七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 村尾 尚規, 林 利彦, 山本 有平, 今本 鉄平, 岡田 宏美, 三橋 智子
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 33回 166 - 166 2017/05
  • 耳下腺・頸部転移を認めた眼瞼脂腺癌の治療経験
    草島 英梨香, 林 利彦, 七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 池田 正起, 山本 有平
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 33回 192 - 192 2017/05
  • Emi Funayama, Yuhei Yamamoto, Hiroshi Furukawa, Naoki Murao, Ryuji Shichinohe, Takeshi Yamao, Toshihiko Hayashi, Akihiko Oyama
    JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY 28 (3) 734 - 737 1049-2275 2017/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Full-thickness defects of the entire nasal ala, including the rim, can be challenging to reconstruct. A forehead flap may provide a more imperceptible and natural-appearing reconstructed nasal ala. Previously, many authors have insisted adding cartilaginous infrastructural support for an entire, full-thickness defect to keep the postoperative alar structure symmetrical. They finally use a forehead flap after thinning of the distal covering portion subcutaneously, possibly for a Caucasian-type nasal ala. However, Asian skin has a thicker and more compact dermis than that of Caucasian skin, and the Asian ala is rounder and thicker. There may be another approach for an Asian-type nasal ala. The authors propose the possibility of nasal alar reconstruction for an entire, full-thickness defect in Asians using a forehead flap without structural support. Six patients with entire full-thickness nasal alar defects treated with full-thickness forehead flaps above the periosteum without structural support were reviewed. Five patients demonstrated esthetically good to excellent outcomes in color, texture, and symmetry. Their nasal linings were reconstructed using mucoperiosteal flaps or mucosal grafts. One patient treated with a nasal lining using a local flap showed a fair result esthetically. Asians forehead above the periosteum has adequate thickness and supportability to reconstruct the entire full-thickness nasal ala in Asians. No cartilage support is necessary.
  • 術前TAEを施行した大腿リンパ管奇形の1例
    曽山 武士, 阿保 大介, 木村 輔, 森田 亮, 作原 祐介, 工藤 與亮, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平
    IVR: Interventional Radiology (一社)日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会 31 (4) 375 - 375 1340-4520 2017/01
  • Daisuke Iwasaki, Yuhei Yamamoto, Naoki Murao, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Hiroshi Furukawa
    PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY 139 (1) 67E - 78E 0032-1052 2017/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: The pathophysiology of secondary lymphedema remains poorly understood. This study aimed to establish a consistent mouse hindlimb lymphedema model for further investigation of the mechanism and treatment of lymphedema. Methods: The authors developed a novel postsurgical lymphedema model in the mouse hindlimb by modifying previously described methods. Lymphedema in the hindlimb was created by removing both the inguinal and popliteal lymph nodes together with the surrounding fat pads, followed by silicone splint placement in the inguinal region. Using this modified mouse model, the authors analyzed lymphatic function, histologic changes, and the expression of lymphangiogenic factors including vascular endothelial growth factor C at various time points. Results: The splinted lymphedema model showed a significant increase of edema formation in the hindlimb compared with the sham surgery control animals. Indocyanine green lymphography revealed lymphatic drainage impairment shown by dermal backflow and rerouting of lymph flow in the lymphedema model. Histopathologic and immunohistochemical examinations showed a significant increase of skin thickness and abnormally dilated lymphatics in the lymphedema model. The expression of lymphangiogenic factors in lymphedematous tissues of the splinted lymphedema model was significantly increased compared with controls, depending on the degree of lymphedema. Conclusions: This splinted lymphedema model closely simulates the volume response, histopathology, and lymphography characteristics of human acquired lymphedema. Given these similarities to human lymphedema, this refinement of a mouse hindlimb model of acquired lymphedema represents a promising platform for the study of lymphatic vascular insufficiency and for the evaluation of new therapeutic modalities.
  • 頭頸部再建を極める 下顎再建における再建法の選択の考え方 皮弁の種類/自家骨あるいはプレート再建/double flapsの選択
    林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 43回 110 - 110 2016/11
  • 下顎再建後の嚥下機能における義歯の役割
    林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 濱田 浩美, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 43回 265 - 265 2016/11
  • 3つのコンセプトを融合した片側唇裂口唇形成術の改良法 "ASSIST" technique
    小山 明彦, 舟山 恵美, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 村尾 尚規, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 32 (3) 182 - 182 0914-594X 2016/10
  • 初回口蓋形成術後の言語成績の比較検討 非症候群性Pierre Robin Sequence VS非症候群性口蓋裂
    前田 拓, 舟山 恵美, 小山 明彦, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 村尾 尚規, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 32 (3) 183 - 183 0914-594X 2016/10
  • 広範な先天性頭皮頭蓋骨欠損の治療経験 保存的治療か外科的治療か
    前田 拓, 小山 明彦, 舟山 恵美, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 村尾 尚規, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 32 (3) 216 - 216 0914-594X 2016/10
  • Taku Maeda, Yuhei Yamamoto, Soichi Tanaka, Toshihiko Hayashi
    JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY 27 (7) E601 - E604 1049-2275 2016/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The authors report a case of an 84-year-old woman with an exposed mandibular plate after reconstruction, which finally healed with combination therapy using vacuum-assisted closure therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The woman was diagnosed with mucosal carcinoma of the right oral cavity. During reconstruction after segmental excision of the mandible, a titanium plate was selected based on several risk factors. After the operation, the plate became exposed at the center of the chin. A second surgery was deemed inappropriate because of her age, malnutrition, and recurrent aspiration pneumonia. Instead, combination therapy consisting of vacuum-assisted closure therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy was initiated, leading to epithelizaion of the wound. Adapt Barrier Rings was effectively used to generate a stable negative pressure at the complicated craniofacial wound. A surgical or conservative approach is chosen as salvage treatment of an exposed plate. In this patient, only conservative treatment involving combination therapy resulted in complete healing of the wound with plate exposure. This patient highlights 2 important clinical issues: combination therapy was effective for an exposed mandibular plate, and a dressing technique using Adapt Barrier Rings enabled stable negative pressure in the craniofacial wound.
  • 松井 傑, 齋藤 達弥, 山本 有平, 七戸 龍司, 村尾 尚規, 堀内 勝己, 檀浦 裕
    日本高気圧環境・潜水医学会雑誌 (一社)日本高気圧環境・潜水医学会 51 (3) 174 - 174 2432-9088 2016/09
  • Toshihiko Hayashi, Yuhei Yamamoto, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Ryuji Shichinohe, Naoki Murao, Hiroshi Furukawa
    ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY 77 (2) 173 - 177 0148-7043 2016/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The cheek region is the most common site for malignant tumor occurrence and the treatment of malignant skin tumor requires extensive local excision. Many previous reports have covered methods of reconstruction using local flaps for skin defects in the cheek region. In this article, we describe our experience with a surgical reconstruction using a new flap method for 8 patients with missing tissue in the cheek region. This flap is based on the concept of separately designing the flap with the 3 areas comprising the malar, posterior auricular, and cervical regions. We named the flap containing these 3 regions the malar-posterior auricular-cervico flap. Esthetically satisfactory outcomes were achieved in all cases. In conclusion, we recommend our malar-posterior auricular-cervico flap to reconstruct the tissue defects of approximately 20 to 40 cm(2) after tumor excision in the cheek region. If preauricular skin is included in the design of this flap, the sideburn can be reconstructed using a part of the nape region with hair.
  • Kentaro Ono, Yuhei Yamamoto, Ryuji Shichinohe, Naoki Murao, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Hiroshi Furukawa
    JOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY 69 (8) 1072 - 1079 1748-6815 2016/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background and aim: Various techniques have been introduced for reconstruction of the facial nerve. An improved method of neurorrhaphy to achieve satisfactory mimetic muscle function is required. We made and compared three different neurorrhaphy models to elucidate the effect of neural window size and condition of the neurorrhaphy site on axonal regeneration. Methods: Rats were divided into four groups: group A, untreated incomplete palsy; group B, treatment by end-to-side neurorrhaphy through a small perineural window; group C, treatment by side-to-side neurorrhaphy through a large perineural window; and group D, treatment by side-to-side neurorrhaphy through a small perineural window. After surgery, mimetic muscle movement was evaluated. Retrograde-labeled neurons through the facial nuclei were counted, and mimetic muscle specimens were examined. The axon number was counted in nerve specimens. Results: The facial palsy scores of groups B and C were significantly greater than those of groups A and D. With regard to the number of neurons at the facial nuclei, groups B and C had more neurons than groups A and D. Group D had significantly more neurons than group A. With respect to the number of axons, groups B, C, and D had significantly greater numbers than group A, but there were no significant differences between the reconstructed groups. Conclusions: Window size and condition of the neurorrhaphy site, which affected mainly the number of axons, influenced axonal regeneration in nerve reconstruction. This result indicates the possibility of obtaining a better result for facial nerve or other peripheral nerve reconstruction with a tidbit of operative artifice. (C) 2016 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • T. Maeda, A. Oyama, E. Funayama, Y. Yamamoto
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 45 (6) 731 - 734 0901-5027 2016/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS) is a rare genetic disorder leading to congenital craniofacial malfoiniations. Although this syndrome presents with various symptoms, corrective surgery for bilateral microtia with low hairline is one of the most challenging operations given the complex contours of the external ear. In this technical note, a novel, simple procedure for dealing with the low hairline by using a hinged mastoid fascial flap simultaneously with costal cartilage grafting is described. Several techniques for the reconstruction of low hairline microtia have been reported previously, such as skin graft, skin flap, and tissue expander, but the high number of repeat operations and residual scars remain problematic. As a simultaneous procedure with framework grafting, the use of a temporoparietal flap with skin grafting is popular; however, its drawbacks include the operative scar, decreased hair growth, and hair thinning Patients with TCS show anatomical variations of the superficial temporal vessels supplying the temporoparietal flap. In contrast, due to the high vascularity of the mastoid fascia, the mastoid fascial flap can be elevated safely and easily as an anteriorly, posteriorly, superiorly, or inferiorly based flap.
  • 救肢連携HSS-Lineと治療戦略Penta-SWAT
    松井 傑, 山本 有平, 七戸 龍司, 村尾 尚規, 堀内 勝己, 檀浦 裕
    日本透析医学会雑誌 (一社)日本透析医学会 49 (Suppl.1) 669 - 669 1340-3451 2016/05
  • 眼球浸潤および耳下腺内リンパ節転移を認めた左眼瞼脂腺癌の1例
    七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 村尾 尚規, 林 利彦, 山本 有平, 石嶋 漢, 桑原 健, 畑中 佳奈子
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 32回 133 - 133 2016/05
  • 後頭リンパ節に転移を認めた頭部原発皮膚悪性腫瘍におけるリンパ流の検討
    林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 村尾 尚規, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 32回 140 - 140 2016/05
  • 顔面中央部において広範囲浸潤したモルフェア型基底細胞癌の治療経験
    岩嵜 大輔, 七戸 龍司, 村尾 尚規, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 桑原 健, 岡田 宏美, 高桑 恵美
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 32回 168 - 168 2016/05
  • 初回口蓋形成術後の鼻咽腔閉鎖不全と二次修正術について 非症候性Pierre Robin Sequenceと非症候性口蓋裂
    前田 拓, 舟山 恵美, 小山 明彦, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 村尾 尚規, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 (一社)日本口蓋裂学会 41 (2) 104 - 104 0386-5185 2016/04
  • 古田 康, 津布久 崇, 松村 道哉, 大澤 昌之, 澤村 豊, 大谷 文雄, 藤原 圭志, 福田 諭, 山本 有平
    日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (一社)日本耳鼻咽喉科学会 119 (4) 367 - 368 0030-6622 2016/04 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Ryuta Shioya, Hiroshi Furukawa, Naoki Murao, Toshihiko Hayashi, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Yuhei Yamamoto, Noriko Saito
    ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY 76 (4) 442 - 445 0148-7043 2016/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Lymphedema is a condition characterized by progressive swelling and adipose deposition that occurs commonly after lymphadenectomy. Recent clinical studies have suggested that the transfer of lymph nodes to the lymphedematous limb can improve lymphatic function. In this report, we investigate dynamic modulation of lymphatic flow and the microscopic changes of lymphatic regeneration using a lymphedema mouse model that was treated with nonvascularized lymph node transplantation. To evaluate the effect of lymph node transplantation in this model, paw volume was measured using a water displacement plethysmometer; an indocyanine green fluorescence-sensitive camera system was used. The improvement of edema was evident in the paw of the transplantation group. The abnormal fluorescence image pattern gradually improved and disappeared 4 weeks postoperatively in the transplantation group. Uptake in the transplanted lymph node was observed 4 weeks postoperatively. This finding suggested that the transplanted lymph node was engrafted. A collateral pathway was observed in the ventral area 1 week postoperatively. The collateral pathway may have contributed to the early improvement of edema. Our findings suggest that lymph node transplantation can restore lymphatic function. This result has important conceptual implications in the treatment of postsurgical lymphedema.
  • 小耳症耳介形成術後の皮膚潰瘍に対する治療戦略
    小山 明彦, 古川 洋志, 舟山 恵美, 林 利彦, 村尾 尚規, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 36 (3) 137 - 137 0389-4703 2016/03
  • 小耳症耳介形成術後の皮膚潰瘍の予防を目的とした高気圧酸素療法の有用性
    小山 明彦, 塩谷 隆太, 古川 洋志, 舟山 恵美, 林 利彦, 村尾 尚規, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 36 (3) 138 - 138 0389-4703 2016/03
  • 北大形成外科における下肢リンパ浮腫の治療戦略
    古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 林 利彦, 大野 健太郎, 塩谷 隆太, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 36 (3) 138 - 138 0389-4703 2016/03
  • Go Yasui, Yuhei Yamamoto, Ryuji Shichinohe, Emi Funayama, Akihiko Oyama, Toshihiko Hayashi, Hiroshi Furukawa
    JOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY 69 (3) 328 - 334 1748-6815 2016/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background and aim: Neuregulin-1 is an essential axoglial signal required for peripheral nerve development, and evidence that neuregulin-1 is also required for effective nerve repair is growing. In this study, the effects of neuregulin-1-impregnated gelatin hydrogels on nerve regeneration and functional recovery after anastomosis of the facial nerve were investigated in a rat model of traumatic facial nerve paralysis. Materials and methods: Twenty-four adult male rats underwent complete resection of the facial nerve trunk, followed by end-to-end anastomosis with epineural sutures. The animals were then randomly allocated to one of three treatment groups (eight rats/group): no additional intervention (Group I), single-shot injection of neuregulin-1 into the epineurium of the facial nerve at the suture sites (Group II), or implantation of a hydrogel impregnated with neuregulin-1 at the injury site (Group III). After surgery, mimetic muscle movements were evaluated weekly. Eight weeks after surgery, the mimetic muscles were injected with a neural tracer (1,10-dioctadecyl-3,3,30,30-tetramethylindocarbocyanin perchlorate, DiI). Retrograde-labeled neurons were counted in the facial nuclei, and facial nerve specimens were stained with toluidine blue for histological examination of axon density. Results: Group III exhibited significantly faster recovery of mimetic muscle function, a higher density of large-diameter axons (>5 mu m) in the facial nerve, and greater numbers of retrogradely labeled neurons in the ipsilateral facial nucleus compared with Groups I and II. Conclusions: Continuous release of neuregulin-1 from impregnated gelatin hydrogels can accelerate facial nerve regeneration. (C) 2015 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Hiroshi Furukawa, Toshiyuki Hayashi, Yuhei Yamamoto
    ICG Fluorescence Imaging and Navigation Surgery 203 - 207 2016/01/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Lymph node dissection is a standard treatment for Stage III melanoma. Indocyanine green fluorescence lymphography and angiography may help to perform en-bloc dissection, to decide the levels to be excised, and to prevent postoperative wound dehiscence especially in groin dissection.
  • Emi Funayama, Yuhei Yamamoto, Hiroshi Furukawa, Naoki Murao, Ryuji Shichinohe, Toshihiko Hayashi, Akihiko Oyama
    JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 44 (1) 27 - 33 1010-5182 2016/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Various techniques have been described for unilateral cleft lip repair. These may be broadly classified into three types of procedure/concept: the straight-line method (SL; Rose-Thompson effect); rotation -advancement (RA; upper-lip Z-plasty); and the triangular flap method (TA; lower-lip Z-plasty). Based on these procedures, cleft lip repair has evolved in recent decades. The cleft lip repair method in our institution has also undergone several changes. However, we have found that further modifications are needed for Asian patients who have wider philtral dimples and columns than Caucasians, while following the principles of the original techniques mentioned above. Here, we have incorporated the advantages of each procedure and propose a refined hybrid operating technique, seeking a more appropriate procedure for Asian patients. To evaluate our new technique, a comparison study was performed to evaluate RA, SL, and our technique. We have used our new technique to treat 137 consecutive cleft lip cases of all types and degrees of severity, with or without a cleft palate, since 2009. In the time since we adopted the hybrid technique, we have observed improved esthetics of the repaired lip. Our technique demonstrated higher glance impression average scores than RA/SL. (C) 2015 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 端側神経縫合を用いた顔面神経麻痺に対するネットワーク型再建の手術手技
    古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 蕨 雄大, 安居 剛, 大野 健太郎, 林 利彦, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 35 (12) 705 - 705 0389-4703 2015/12
  • 美容外科教育 大学での美容外科教育の現状と課題 北海道大学病院における整容・美容外科の現状と教育の課題
    舟山 恵美, 小山 明彦, 古川 洋志, 村尾 尚規, 七戸 龍司, 林 利彦, 山本 有平
    日本美容外科学会会報 (一社)日本美容外科学会 37 (4) 137 - 137 0288-2027 2015/12
  • 指背・手背部熱傷症例の検討 待機的手術症例について
    七戸 龍司, 大野 健太郎, 石川 耕資, 岩井 里子, 藤田 宗純, 岩嵜 大輔, 村尾 尚規, 山本 有平, 堀内 勝己, 川嶋 邦裕, 吉田 哲憲, 高橋 紀久子, 野崎 愛, 三浦 隆洋
    熱傷 (一社)日本熱傷学会 41 (4) 176 - 176 0285-113X 2015/11
  • 北海道大学病院における急性期熱傷症例の過去5年間の検討
    藤田 宗純, 村尾 尚規, 山尾 健, 七戸 龍司, 林 利彦, 舟山 恵美, 小山 明彦, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 丸藤 哲
    熱傷 (一社)日本熱傷学会 41 (4) 202 - 202 0285-113X 2015/11
  • 神経縫合条件の違いによる機能回復についての軸索形態学的評価・表情筋臨床的評価の側面からの考察
    大野 健太郎, 吉川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 大澤 昌之, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 42回 124 - 124 2015/11
  • Homma A, Nakamaru Y, Hatakeyama H, Mizumachi T, Kano S, Furusawa J, Sakashita T, Shichinohe T, Ebihara Y, Hirano S, Furukawa H, Hayashi T, Yamamoto Y, Fukuda S
    European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Springer 272 (11) 3551 - 3556 0937-4477 2015/11 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Total laryngo-pharyngo-esophagectomy (TLPE) with gastric pull-up reconstruction is still considered to be associated with major complications and a significant risk of in-hospital death. Minimally invasive esophagectomy, avoiding thoracotomy and laparotomy, has been increasingly performed for esophageal malignancies with the hope of reducing mortality and morbidity, such as pulmonary complications. The aim in this study was to assess early and long-term morbidity as well as treatment outcomes in patients treated with TLPE with gastric pull-up reconstruction via thoracoscopy, laparoscopy and cervical incision. From 2004 to 2013, 10 patients with a median age of 64 years (range 47-71 years) underwent minimally invasive TPLE with gastric pull-up reconstruction. Seven of the 10 patients had previously received radiotherapy. As for early postoperative complications, no patient died during the early postoperative period, and pneumonia was observed in 1, skin necrosis in 1, pseudomembranous enterocolitis in 1, arrhythmia in 2, hemorrhage in the neck in 2, anastomotic leakage in the neck in 3, and tracheal necrosis in 6 patients. Three patients developed tracheostomal stenosis as a long-term postoperative complication, and an anastomotic stricture was observed in one patient. All patients were able to achieve oral intake, but 3 patients required feeding tube support. In conclusion, postoperative systemic complications during the early postoperative period were considered to be acceptable, although wound complications such as tracheal necrosis and anastomotic leakage were commonly observed. Therefore, this minimally invasive procedure might help reduce mortality and morbidity in patients requiring TLPE with gastric pull-up reconstruction.
  • Tessier No.3およびNo.4の合併症例 12年間のフォローアップ
    前田 拓, 小山 明彦, 岡本 亨, 舟山 恵美, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 村尾 尚規, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 31 (3) 247 - 247 0914-594X 2015/10
  • メラノーマ治療の画期的進歩と今後の課題 メラノーマの外科治療におけるICG蛍光リンパ管造影の現状と展望
    古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 七戸 龍司, 村尾 尚規, 山本 有平
    日本癌治療学会誌 (一社)日本癌治療学会 50 (3) 1071 - 1071 0021-4671 2015/09
  • 右前腕部Spitz母斑様悪性黒色腫の1例
    七戸 龍司, 林 利彦, 村尾 尚規, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 菅野 宏美, 畑中 佳奈子, 福本 隆也, 木村 鉄宣
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 31回 137 - 137 2015/07
  • Pigmented epithelioid melanocytomaの1例
    七戸 龍司, 林 利彦, 本田 進, 村尾 尚規, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 三橋 智子, 中 智昭, 菊池 慶介
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 31回 138 - 138 2015/07
  • 上眼瞼全層欠損に対する余剰皮膚を利用した一期的再建
    林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 村尾 尚規, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 31回 156 - 156 2015/07
  • 皮膚腫瘍外科に役立つ画像診断 ICG蛍光リンパ管造影の利用
    林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 村尾 尚規, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 31回 157 - 157 2015/07
  • 救肢戦略Penta-SWAT 大切断はもうさせない
    松井 傑, 駒木 亨, 坂入 隆人, 七戸 龍司, 村尾 尚規, 山本 有平, 堀内 勝己, 檀浦 裕
    日本下肢救済・足病学会誌 日本下肢救済・足病学会 7 (2) 105 - 105 1883-857X 2015/07
  • 七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 山本 有平
    耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科 (株)医学書院 87 (7) 502 - 507 0914-3491 2015/06 
  • 北海道大学病院における広範囲熱傷の治療戦略 形成外科医の立場から
    藤田 宗純, 村尾 尚規, 七戸 龍司, 林 利彦, 舟山 恵美, 小山 明彦, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 宮本 大輔, 丸藤 哲
    熱傷 (一社)日本熱傷学会 41 (2) 99 - 99 0285-113X 2015/06
  • 上眼瞼全層欠損に対する余剰皮膚を利用したadvancement flapによる再建
    林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 村尾 尚規, 小山 明彦, 舟山 恵美, 山本 有平
    頭頸部癌 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 41 (2) 215 - 215 1349-5747 2015/05
  • Maeda T, Oyama A, Funayama E, Furukawa H, Cho K, Yamamoto Y
    The Journal of craniofacial surgery 26 (3) e275 - 7 1049-2275 2015/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 片側性唇顎口蓋裂の術前顎矯正および一期手術 術前・術後の歯槽形態の変化について
    岡本 亨, 小山 明彦, 舟山 恵美, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 村尾 尚規, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 (一社)日本口蓋裂学会 40 (2) 111 - 111 0386-5185 2015/04
  • Warabi T, Furukawa H, Shichinohe R, Hayashi T, Yamamoto Y
    Facial plastic surgery : FPS 31 (2) 152 - 159 0736-6825 2015/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We previously reported double innervation of rat mimetic muscles with labeling of facial nuclei. However, whether denervated mimetic muscles are affected after such nerve repair is not known. Rats were divided into five groups: Group A, controls; Group B, complete facial palsy; Group C, complete facial palsy with repair using end-to-end neurorrhaphy; Group D, incomplete facial palsy; and Group E, incomplete facial palsy with repair using end-to-side neurorrhaphy. Preoperatively and postoperatively, facial palsy and myogenin (Myog) expression in mimetic muscles were evaluated. Expression peaked on day 7 in Group B but was lower in Groups C and D. Expression in Groups D and E was comparable on day 28, and each model's score showed characteristic changes. Myog expression in facial mimetic muscles increases with denervation and decreases with nerve repair. Determining Myog expression levels in mimetic muscles just after nerve repair may help surgeons predict postoperative prognosis in facial palsy.
  • Ishikawa K, Sasaki S, Furukawa H, Nagao M, Iwasaki D, Fujita M, Saito N, Oyama A, Yamamoto Y
    Case Reports in Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery 2 (2) 37 - 39 2015/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Vascular malformations of bone are complex lesions that can cause deformity and pain. A combined soft tissue and intraosseous venous malformation of the left thumb in a girl was treated with two sessions of ethanol sclerotherapy using a bone marrow aspiration needle under fluoroscopic guidance.
  • IWASAKI Daisuke, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, SAITO Noriko, YOSHIDA Tetsunori, YAMAMOTO Yuhei
    Skin Cancer The Japanese Skin Cancer Society 30 (1) 26 - 29 0915-3535 2015 
    A 63-year-old female patient underwent wide local excision after a diagnosis of malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) on the left side of the chest. Thirteen years later, she noticed a painless enlarging subcutaneous mass in the left axillary region. CT showed local recurrence and metastasis of MFH to the axillary lymph nodes. A biopsy was performed. Histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations revealed the diagnosis of undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (MFH). We performed axillary lymph node dissection. Histopathological examination of a resected specimen showed no residual tumor. The patient has been free from recurrence and metastasis 8 years postoperatively. Recurrence of MFH with an interval of 13 years is a rare event. To improve the prognosis of MFH, surgical prevention of local recurrence is essential. [Skin Cancer (Japan) 2015 ; 30 : 26-29]
  • ONO Kentaro, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, HAYASHI Toshihiko, YAMAMOTO Yuhei
    Skin Cancer 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 30 (3) 223 - 227 0915-3535 2015 
    We report a case of multiple primary melanomas detected after long-term follow-up for the first primary melanoma. A patient with cutaneous melanoma in the left breast region received treatment at 42 years of age. After the initial treatment, we followed the patient on a yearly basis. A new primary cutaneous melanoma was observed in the right femoral region at age 66 years. Wide local excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy were performed, which did not reveal any metastasis. Five years after the second treatment, a recurrent lesion was detected at the right inguinal lymph node. Extensive resection and lymph node dissection was performed, and the patient did not show any recurrence at the follow-up. In most cases of multiple primary melanomas, the second primary melanoma has been detected within a decade. We experienced a rare case of multiple primary melanomas occurring 24 years after the first primary tumor was detected.[Skin Cancer (Japan) 2015 ; 30 : 223-227]
  • Yasui G, Furukawa H, Warabi T, Hayashi T, Oyama A, Funayama E, Yamamoto Y
    Case reports in plastic surgery & hand surgery 2 (2) 25 - 28 2015 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 腹腔鏡下で採取された遊離空腸の移植術 血管吻合のピットフォールと対策
    古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 七戸 龍司, 村尾 尚規, 大野 健太郎, 安居 剛, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 41回 155 - 155 2014/12
  • 当科における過去10年間の頭頸部再建の遊離組織移植術後血栓症例の検討
    七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 山本 有平, 齊藤 亮, 関堂 充
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 41回 159 - 159 2014/12
  • 上口唇2/3以上の全層欠損あるいは口角を含む欠損の再建 局所皮弁/遊離皮弁の選択について
    林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 41回 163 - 163 2014/12
  • 下顎再建後のプレート露出に対するVAC治療システムおよび高気圧酸素療法を用いた集学的治療
    前田 拓, 林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 栗林 和代, 小野 貢伸, 村尾 尚規, 小山 明彦, 舟山 恵美, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 41回 166 - 166 2014/12
  • 当科における腫瘍切除後の肝動脈再建症例の検討
    七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 山本 有平, 齊藤 亮, 関堂 充
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 41回 184 - 184 2014/12
  • ラットモデルにおける端側神経縫合と側側神経縫合の比較
    大野 健太郎, 古川 洋志, 大澤 昌之, 七戸 龍司, 安居 剛, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 41回 272 - 272 2014/12
  • Emi Funayama, Yuhei Yamamoto, Noriko Nishizawa, Tadashi Mikoya, Toru Okamoto, Satoko Imai, Naoki Murao, Hiroshi Furukawa, Toshihiko Hayashi, Akihiko Oyama
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY 78 (12) 2127 - 2131 0165-5876 2014/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Objective: This study was performed to investigate speech outcomes after three different types of palatoplasty for the same cleft type. The objective of this study was to investigate the surgical techniques that are essential for normal speech on the basis of each surgical characteristic. Methods: Thirty-eight consecutive nonsyndromic patients with unilateral complete cleft of the lip, alveolus, and palate were enrolled in this study. Speech outcomes, i.e., nasal emission, velopharyngeal insufficiency, and malarticulation after one-stage pushback (PB), one-stage modified Furlow (MF), or conventional two-stage MF palatoplasty, were evaluated at 4 (before intensive speech therapy) and 8 (after closure of oronasal fistula/unclosed hard palate) years of age. Results: Velopharyngeal insufficiency at 4 (and 8) years of age was present in 5.9% (0.0%), 0.0% (0.0%), and 10.0% (10.0%) of patients who underwent one-stage PB, one-stage MF, or two-stage MF palatoplasty, respectively. No significant differences in velopharyngeal function were found among these three groups at 4 and 8 years of age. Malarticulation at 4 years of age was found in 35.3%, 10.0%, and 63.6% of patients who underwent one-stage PB, one-stage MF, and two-stage MF palatoplasty, respectively. Malarticulation at 4 years of age was significantly related to the presence of a fistula/unclosed hard palate (P < 0.01). One-stage MF palatoplasty that was not associated with postoperative oronasal fistula (ONF) showed significantly better results than two-stage MF (P < 0.01). Although the incidences of malarticulation at 8 years of age were decreased in each group compared to at 4 years of age, the incidence was still high in patients treated with two-stage MF (45.5%). On the whole, there was a significant correlation between ONF/unclosed hard palate at 4 years of age and malarticulation at 8 years of age (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Appropriate muscle sling formation can compensate for a lack of retropositioning of the palate for adequate velopharyngeal closure. Early closure of the whole palate and the absence of a palatal fistula were confirmed to be essential for normal speech. To avoid fistula formation, multilayer repair of the whole palate may be critical. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Taku Maeda, Akihiko Oyama, Toru Okamoto, Emi Funayama, Hiroshi Furukawa, Toshihiko Hayashi, Naoki Murao, Yoshiaki Sato, Yuhei Yamamoto
    JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 42 (8) 1985 - 1989 1010-5182 2014/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Tessier cleft types 3 and 4 are both rare craniofacial anomalies. Here we present the first case of a girl born with a combined anomaly of Tessier clefts 3 and 4 with severe bilateral cleft lip, a displaced premaxilla, and three-dimensional underdevelopment of the hard and soft tissues of the maxilla and zygoma. This type of rare facial cleft poses a major operative challenge. Over a period of years, presurgical alveolar molding with an active appliance was followed by seven operations. A satisfactory esthetic outcome was obtained. A multidisciplinary approach to treatment with a plastic surgeon in charge of the operations and an orthodontist in charge of the cleft deformity is essential. (C) 2014 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 南本 俊之, 杉井 政澄, 工藤 和洋, 下山 則彦, 大東 寛幸, 堤 豊, 足立 真紀, 石川 耕資, 林 利彦, 山本 有平
    Skin Surgery 日本臨床皮膚外科学会 23 (3) 128 - 130 0918-9688 2014/10 
  • 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 27 (3) 67 - 71 0916-4936 2014/09
  • Furukawa H, Hayashi T, Oyama A, Funayama E, Murao N, Yamao T, Yamamoto Y
    Surgery today 45 (8) 973 - 8 0941-1291 2014/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
    PURPOSE: The incidence of postoperative wound dehiscence following inguinal lymph node dissection (ILND) is higher than that in other anatomic regions. To prevent wound dehiscence, intraoperative interventions, such as trimming off the ischemic part of the flap before wound closure based on indocyanine-green (ICG) fluorescence angiography, have been introduced in our institute. This report describes a retrospective clinical study of 17 cases, and the objective of the study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of intraoperative intervention using ICG fluorescence angiography. METHOD: A total of 17 patients who underwent ILND for skin cancer between 2009 and 2013 at our institute were reviewed retrospectively, and the significance of variables, including intervention using ICG fluorescence angiography, was evaluated using Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: There were nine cases of wound dehiscence, and two of these cases required a secondary skin graft. Only one case of wound dehiscence developed in the eight patients who underwent intervention based on ICG fluorescence angiography. This procedure was a significant factor influencing the risk of wound dehiscence (p = 0.003) in our study. CONCLUSION: Although this was a small case series, intraoperative intervention based on ICG fluorescence angiography was effective for preventing postoperative wound dehiscence after ILND.
  • Tomoshige Akino, Nobuo Shinohara, Kanako Hatanaka, Nozomi Kobayashi, Yuhei Yamamoto, Katsuya Nonomura
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 21 (6) 619 - 621 0919-8172 2014/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We herein present an extremely rare case of primitive neuroectodermal tumor originating in the penis. A 16-year-old male adolescent presented with painful penile swelling. Pathological, immunohistochemical and cytogenetical examinations of the specimens obtained from total penectomy confirmed the diagnosis of primitive neuroectodermal tumor. After total penectomy, the patient received adjuvant chemotherapy with ifosfamide-based regimen for 48 weeks. As a series of therapies, the patient underwent penile reconstruction surgery after completing adjuvant chemotherapy. The patient has not shown any evidence of recurrence for the 7 years after penile reconstruction surgery, and voiding function is completely normal. A favorable outcome was observed by multimodal therapy including aggressive resection for local control, intensive adjuvant chemotherapy, and penile reconstruction with cosmetic and functional success. Similar therapeutic approaches might be selected for children with primary malignant tumors of the penis.
  • 腹腔鏡下遊離空腸採取に伴う問題点と対策
    村尾 尚規, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 山本 有平, 本間 明宏, 七戸 俊明
    頭頸部癌 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 40 (2) 165 - 165 1349-5747 2014/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 顔面神経信号入力変化をRNAで捉える 顔面神経麻痺における顔面表情筋mRNA発現の定量(第3報)
    蕨 雄大, 林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 七戸 龍司, 齋藤 亮
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 34 (4) 310 - 310 0389-4703 2014/04
  • 南本 俊之, 杉井 政澄, 工藤 和洋, 下山 則彦, 大東 寛幸, 堤 豊, 石川 耕資, 山本 有平
    Skin Surgery 日本臨床皮膚外科学会 23 (1) 51 - 51 0918-9688 2014/04
  • Yamato H, Kawakami H, Takagi K, Ogawa K, Hatanaka K, Yamamoto Y, Naruse H, Kawakubo K, Sakamoto N
    Gastrointestinal endoscopy 79 (4) 676; discussion 676 - 8 0016-5107 2014/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Murao N, Seino K, Hayashi T, Ikeda M, Funayama E, Furukawa H, Yamamoto Y, Oyama A
    Experimental dermatology 23 (4) 266 - 271 0906-6705 2014/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Keloid is an inflammatory and fibrotic disease with an unknown pathogenesis. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) of CD4+ lineage can suppress other effector CD4+ T cells and modulate the immune response. A relative decrease in the number of Tregs may be involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory and fibrotic diseases. We therefore investigated the number of Tregs in keloids using immunohistochemistry and examined the interaction between Tregs and keloid fibroblasts (KFs) using a coculture system. It was found that the ratio of Tregs/CD4+ T cells was lower compared with that in other common inflammatory skin conditions. In addition, Treg-enriched CD4+ T cells reduced collagen synthesis by KFs. Our findings suggest that a local imbalance of Tregs contributes to the development of keloids and that correction of this imbalance might represent a novel therapeutic approach to keloid fibrosis.
  • Toshihiko Hayashi, Hiroshi Furukawa, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Akira Saito, Yuhei Yamamoto
    JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY 25 (2) E98 - E101 1049-2275 2014/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background The most common site for melanoma occurrence is the cheek region, and the treatment of melanoma requires extensive local excision. This study evaluated factors that influence the selection of reconstructive procedures after excision of a cheek melanoma. Methods A total of 26 cases (12 with skin grafts, 7 with local flaps, and 7 with free flaps) were included in the study. Factors in the selection of reconstructive procedures were evaluated by examining the size of the skin defects, patient age, and prognosis. Results Free flaps were frequently used in cases with large areas of skin defect and with thicker melanomas. Skin grafts were used for a wide variety of tumor thicknesses and for older patients with thick melanomas (due to the general condition of the patients). The dividing line of the range of skin defects between local and free flaps was approximately 40 cm(2). Reconstruction procedures had no impact on prognosis. Conclusions In deciding on a reconstruction procedure after the excision of a cheek melanoma, 3 factors are important: the range of the skin defect, the severity of the melanoma, and the age of the patient.
  • Toshihiko Hayashi, Hiroshi Furukawa, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Akira Saito, Yuhei Yamamoto
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 19 (1) 193 - 197 1341-9625 2014/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background The objective of this study is to evaluate the lymph drainage from the primary focus to the regional lymph nodes in patients with melanomas of the upper extremity and upper trunk region. Method The study is a retrospective study of 20 patients with upper extremity melanomas and 14 patients with upper trunk melanomas treated with axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) or sentinel lymph node biopsy at the hospital. ALND was performed in 14 cases. In these cases, 12 were curative dissections and 2 were elective dissections. The dominant lymph drainage patterns from the primary regions were analyzed. Results Among the upper extremity and upper trunk region melanomas, lymph drainage to Level I was determined in all cases. In these two regions there were no cases of lymph drainage to Level II not passing through Level I. Furthermore, there were no cases where sentinel lymph node or metastasis of the lymph nodes was clearly determined in Level III. Among the upper extremity melanomas, lymph drainages to the cubital (10 %) and mid-arm nodes (5 %) were established. Among the scapular region melanomas, lymph drainages to the supraclavicular nodes (25 %) were determined. Conclusions There was a dominant lymph drainage pattern of melanomas of the upper extremity and upper trunk region to Level I. No lymph node dissection of Level III in patients with melanomas of the upper extremity and upper trunk region is necessary unless preoperative examination determines a high possibility of metastasis-positive lymph nodes in level III.
  • Toshihiko Hayashi, Akira Saito, Hiroshi Furukawa, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Yuhei Yamamoto
    European Journal of Plastic Surgery 37 (5) 297 - 300 1435-0130 2014 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Coagulation disorders can be classified into two types: excessive bleeding and excessive clotting. Furthermore, the severity of the coagulation disorders can vary significantly among patients. We evaluated two relatively rare cases involving factor XIII subunit deficiency and antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) with concomitant systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in two patients undergoing flap reconstructions after tumor excision. In the patient with excessive bleeding as a result of a factor XIII subunit deficiency, flap necrosis occurred from a large subcutaneous hematoma that pressed on the perforator pedicle. Normal clotting function was restored during the surgery by administering a factor XIII preparation (Fibrogammin® P). The patient with excessive clotting as a result of APS and SLE suffered necrosis of the flaps after undergoing radial forearm free flap (RFFF) and pedicled pectoralis major musculocutaneous (PMMC) flap operations. With clotting factor deficiencies, there are patients in whom no evidence of a coagulation disorder exists preoperatively. It is important for surgeons to pay close attention to the potential for coagulation disorders patients and to consult with specialists promptly when indicated. Level of Evidence: Level V, risk/prognostic study. © 2014 Springer-Verlag.
  • Hiroshi Furukawa, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Toshihiko Hayashi, Yuhei Yamamoto
    International Journal of Culture and Mental Health 7 (1) 43 - 45 1754-2863 2014 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Hikikomori, or severe social withdrawal, in Japan's young people has been a prominent public mental health concern since around 2000. A case of skin necrosis in a hikikomori teenager is reported in this article. From the patient's history and the shape of the skin ulcer, we diagnosed her necrotic ulcer was pressure sore, caused by sitting on the toilet seat for a long time. Antibiotic treatment, surgical debridement and skin were performed. The ulcer was healed eight weeks after admission. In future, the incidence that medical staff, not psychiatrists, encounters in hikikomori patients may increase because of the increase of the secondary disease based on hikikomori. The consensus about the causes, diagnosis and therapeutic interventions for hikikomori will be required not only by psychiatrists but also by all of the medical staff now, with urgency. © 2012 Taylor & Francis.
  • Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Hiroshi Furukawa, Toshihiko Hayashi, Akira Saito, Yuhei Yamamoto
    ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY 72 (1) 47 - 49 0148-7043 2014/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    In minor-form or microform cleft lip, normal anatomical structures with slight displacement remain and should be used effectively to obtain symmetrical results. We treated 7 patients with minor-form or microform cleft lip between 2005 and 2009. In all patients, the peak of Cupid bow with a natural curve of the white roll was recognized on the lateral lip. We modified the incision line to maintain the natural curve and obtained a symmetrical and natural-looking Cupid bow. In this article, we emphasize the importance of preserving the remaining normal structure, particularly the curve of the white roll on the lateral lip, and suggest that the peak of the curve should be defined as Cupid bow peak of the cleft side. Details of our concept for the correction of minor-form or microform cleft lip are also introduced.
  • Minagawa T, Tabata Y, Oyama A, Furukawa H, Yamao T, Yamamoto Y
    International journal of biomaterials 2014 134521  1687-8787 2014 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Unfavorable Results of Head and Neck Reconstructive Cases Due to Complications of Microvascular Anastomosis Requiring Surgical Salvage
    FURUKAWA,Hiroshi, HAYASHI,Toshihiko, SAITO,Akira, YAMAMOTO,Yuhei, SEKIDO,Mitsuru
    J. Jpn. S. R. M. Japanese Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery 27 (4) 117 - 125 0916-4936 2014 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    In this paper, a review of unfavorable head and neck reconstructive cases due to the complication of microvascular anastomosis at our institute is described. Between 2004 and 2014, the total number of head and neck reconstructive cases in which free flaps and microvascular augmentation were performed as team surgery was 239. In this series, 11 cases ( 4.4% ) required secondary surgical salvage due to postoperative thrombosis at the anastomosed site. Finally, 9 flaps failed and the rate of total necrosis of free flaps was 3.8%. Evaluation of the causes and methods of surgical salvage in cases with unfavorable results is very important for future advances and improvements in reconstructive surgery.
  • 遊離腓骨皮弁で再建した下顎骨粘液腫の1例
    佐藤 千草, 坂本 泰輔, 蕨 雄大, 舟山 恵美, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 33 (11) 835 - 840 0389-4703 2013/11 
  • 神経損傷に対する神経縫合・神経移植・神経剥離の実際と術後成績 端側神経縫合による顔面神経麻痺に対するネットワーク型再建
    古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 蕨 雄大, 山本 有平, 七戸 龍司, 齋藤 亮
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 40周年記念 112 - 112 2013/09
  • ネットワーク型神経移植の特性と新たな可能性 ラット顔面神経不全麻痺モデルを用いた神経間置移植の検討
    七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 蕨 雄大, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 40周年記念 264 - 264 2013/09
  • Ishikawa K, Sasaki S, Furukawa H, Nagao M, Iwasaki D, Saito N, Yamamoto Y
    Dermatologic Surgery 39 (6) 907 - 912 1524-4725 2013/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    BACKGROUND: It has recently been demonstrated that near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging can be used to visualize the blood vasculature. Although sclerotherapy has been successfully used in treating venous malformations, the spread of sclerosant is difficult to monitor during sclerotherapy. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of NIR fluorescence imaging in percutaneous sclerotherapy of soft-tissue venous malformations. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The use of NIR fluorescence imaging after administration of indocyanine green (ICG) was evaluated in duplex-guided sclerotherapy performed on 15 patients with venous malformations. The lower extremities were involved in seven, the upper extremities in four, and the face in four. RESULTS: In 13 of the 15 procedures, spotty fluorescence images were obtained, and in eight procedures, linear fluorescence images were obtained. In two patients with intramuscular venous malformations in the lower extremities, no fluorescence images were obtained. Observational depth seemed to be <1 cm below the skin surface with an ICG concentration of 0.01 mg/mL. No complications associated with ICG were observed. Adjacent tissue ulceration occurred in one patient. CONCLUSION: NIR fluorescence imaging with ICG can be a useful additional monitor for percutaneous sclerotherapy of venous malformations, especially in the face and hands, enabling noninvasive assessment of real-time spread of sclerosant.
  • 組織移植術における手技と主義 端側神経縫合を用いた顔面神経麻痺に対するネットワーク型再建
    古川 洋志, 蕨 雄大, 林 利彦, 山本 有平, 七戸 龍司, 齋藤 亮
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 33 (5) 366 - 366 0389-4703 2013/05
  • 顔面神経信号入力変化をRNAでとらえる 顔面神経麻痺における顔面表情筋mRNA発現の定量(第2報)
    蕨 雄大, 林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 七戸 龍司, 齋藤 亮
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 33 (4) 290 - 290 0389-4703 2013/04
  • Hiroshi Furukawa, Satoru Sasaki, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Toshihiko Hayashi, Noriko Saito, Munetomo Nagao, William Mol, Yuhei Yamamoto
    European Journal of Plastic Surgery 36 (2) 105 - 110 0930-343X 2013/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: Venous malformations (VM) of lower extremities have characteristic symptoms, especially swelling, pain at rest or with dependence, or in the morning, or with exertion. Sclerotherapy has been applied and has been showed to alleviate the associated signs and symptoms. The aim of this study is to evaluate the outcomes of ethanol sclerotherapy for VM of lower extremities. Methods: The 21 patients of intramuscular VM of the lower extremities, who received percutaneous sclerotherapy using absolute ethanol in our institute, were reviewed retrospectively. The average age at the time of the initial diagnosis was 18.6 years, and average follow-up period after last sclerotherapy is 19.4 ± 13.5 months. The postinterventional changes of the associated signs and symptoms were evaluated by utilizing original VM scoring system. Results: The average number of sclerotherapy sessions was 2.6 times per case. The average total amount of ethanol used in each patient was 41.3 ml. Sclerotherapy reduced the associated signs and symptoms in many of the patients (n = 19/21). Preinterventional VM score as the overall baseline status was 10, and the average VM score after sclerotherapy was 4.1. There was no inverse correlation between the amount of ethanol used and the VM score. In seven cases treated more than three times, reverse correlation between the "VM score" and the number of sclerotherapy sessions was demonstrated (p < 0.05, ρ = 0.8214). Conclusions: The characteristic symptoms and signs of the VM were improved by sclerotherapy. More than three sessions of ethanol sclerotherapy improved the overall status of extensive intramuscular VM in lower extremities. Level of Evidence: Level IV, therapeutic study. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
  • 大芦 孝平, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 山本 有平
    Skin Cancer The Japanese Skin Cancer Society 27 (3) 271 - 272 0915-3535 2013
  • 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 大芦 孝平, 小山 明彦, 舟山 恵美, 山本 有平, 堤田 新, 齋藤 亮, 皆川 英彦, 吉田 哲憲
    Skin Cancer The Japanese Skin Cancer Society 27 (3) 274 - 274 0915-3535 2013
  • 林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 大芦 孝平, 小山 明彦, 舟山 恵美, 山本 有平
    Skin Cancer The Japanese Skin Cancer Society 27 (3) 268 - 268 0915-3535 2013
  • 林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 大芦 孝平, 小山 明彦, 舟山 恵美, 山本 有平
    Skin Cancer The Japanese Skin Cancer Society 27 (3) 294 - 295 0915-3535 2013
  • Oashi K, Hayashi T, Furukawa H, Tsutsumida A, Kimura C, Oyamatsu H, Oyama A, Funayama E, Saito A, Yamamoto Y
    Annals of plastic surgery 1 70 (1) 79 - 81 0148-7043 2013/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 母指原発悪性黒色腫の切除と再建:北大形成外科の症例をふりかえって
    古川, 洋志, 林, 利彦, 大芦, 孝平, 小山, 明彦, 山本, 有平, 堤田, 新, 齋藤, 亮, 皆川, 英彦, 國分, 一郎, 吉田, 哲憲, 関堂, 充
    Skin Cancer 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 27 (3) 307 - 307 0915-3535 2013 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Oashi K, Furukawa H, Nishihara H, Ozaki M, Oyama A, Funayama E, Hayashi T, Kuge Y, Yamamoto Y
    J Invest Dermatol. 133 (2) 537 - 44 2013 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 神経縫合後の顔面表情筋mRNA発現変化についての基礎研究(第3報)
    蕨 雄大, 七戸 龍司, 齋藤 亮, 林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 39回 296 - 296 2012/12
  • 古川洋志, 舟山恵美, 山本有平
    PEPARS (71) 19 - 25 1349-645X 2012/11/15 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 蕨 雄大, 齋藤 亮, 林 利彦, 山本 有平
    Facial Nerve Research 日本顔面神経学会 32 44 - 45 0914-790X 2012/11
  • E. Funayama, S. Sasaki, H. Furukawa, T. Hayashi, T. Yamao, K. Takahashi, Y. Yamamoto, A. Oyama
    BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY 167 (5) 1085 - 1091 0007-0963 2012/11 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background There is no consensus on the most appropriate treatment for patients with large to giant congenital melanocytic naevi (CMN) because of the risk of melanoma development. Surgical excision followed by skin grafting or expanded skin coverage may cause unfavourable scarring. There is a balance to be achieved between minimizing the disfiguring appearance and the risk of malignant change. The pulsed dye laser (PDL) is commonly used for vascular lesions and is highly absorbed by melanin and haemoglobin. Its pulse duration is longer than that of Q-switched ruby lasers (QsRL), which can have nonspecific photothermolytic effects on surrounding nonpigmented naevus cells. Objectives To investigate the effectiveness of combined treatment with the PDL and QsRL for large to giant CMN. Methods Six patients with large to giant CMN were enrolled in this study. Treatment consisted of one pass of PDL treatment followed by one pass of QsRL treatment. Multiple rounds of treatment were applied to all patients. Results All patients responded to this combined regimen, and the lesional colour was effectively reduced. The mean number of rounds of laser treatment required to achieve skin lightening was 7.7. No patients suffered severe hypertrophic scarring. No cases of recurrence or malignant transformation were observed. The histological results from the patient who underwent the most laser therapy in this study showed a remarkable reduction in the number of melanocytic naevus cells after treatment. Conclusions This technique may enable the removal of most of the pigmented lesion and melanocytic naevus cells with minimal scarring.
  • Oashi K, Furukawa H, Oyama A, Funayama E, Hayashi T, Saito A, Yamamoto Y
    Annals of plastic surgery 5 69 (5) 565 - 568 0148-7043 2012/11 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 古川, 洋志, 大澤, 昌之, 齋藤, 亮, 林, 利彦, 舟山, 恵美, 小山, 明彦, 関堂, 充, 山本, 有平
    北海道醫學雜誌 = Acta medica Hokkaidonensia 87 (6) 270 - 270 0367-6102 2012/11 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 長尾宗朝, 古川洋志, 佐々木了, 坂本泰輔, 山本有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 32 (8) 566 - 570 0389-4703 2012/08/20 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Hayashi T, Furukawa H, Oyama A, Funayama E, Saito A, Yamamoto Y
    International journal of clinical oncology 4 17 (4) 330 - 335 1341-9625 2012/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 32 (7) 463 - 468 0389-4703 2012/07/20 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    上肢の静脈奇形(以下VM)は、腫脹、疼痛などを主訴に外来を受診することが多い。それに対し当科では、経皮的硬化療法を積極的に行ってきた。その結果から、治療効果を阻害する要因につき検討を行った。対象は、北海道大学病院形成外科で1992年8月より2006年12月まで硬化療法により治療を行った上肢のVM22症例とした。部位、治療回数、合併症などを踏まえ治療効果の検討を行ったところ、ほぼ満足のいく症例(good以上)が59%、改善はあるものの不満が残る症例(fair)が41%であった。さらに条件別に検討を加えたところ、筋肉内病変を有する症例のうちfairの症例が63%、流速がintermediate flow typeでは67%、過去に切除歴を有する症で57%認められた。このような条件により治療効果が出づらいものと考えられ、疼痛などの症状の改善と上肢機能の保持とのバランスを考慮しつつ、治療を進めていく必要があるものと思われた。(著者抄録)
  • Hayashi T, Furukawa H, Oyama A, Funayama E, Saito A, Murao N, Yamamoto Y
    Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.] 6 38 (6) 893 - 897 1076-0512 2012/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    BACKGROUND: Published reports indicate that corticosteroid injections can prevent recurrence after keloid excision, but the side effects of repetitive intralesional steroid injections may preclude treatment maintenance. Additionally, few of these studies employed a standardized treatment protocol. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the results of a new uniform treatment protocol combining corticosteroid injections and ointment application designed to reduce recurrence rates after excisional surgery in individuals with keloids or hypertrophic scars. METHODS: As a standard procedure, the first corticosteroid injection took place after removal of the sutures and then once every 2 weeks after that until it had been done five times. In addition, all postsurgical wounds received self-administered steroid ointment application twice daily for 6 months after suture removal. RESULTS: Postoperative follow-up in this series ranged from 24 to 57 months (median 32 months, mean 32.5 months). Recurrence occurred in three of the 21 keloid cases (14.3%) and one of the six hypertrophic scar cases (16.7%). CONCLUSION: We evaluated a new standardized adjuvant corticosteroid therapy to prevent recurrence after surgical keloid or hypertrophic scar excision. Using this method, we achieved low recurrence rates.
  • Shichinohe R, Furukawa H, Sekido M, Saito A, Hayashi T, Funayama E, Oyama A, Yamamoto Y
    Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS 6 65 (6) 763 - 770 1748-6815 2012/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    BACKGROUND: The use of an interpositional nerve graft (IPNG) between the facial and hypoglossal nerves for incomplete facial palsy has recently been reported. However, its mechanism has not been elucidated. We established a rat model of IPNG to study incomplete facial palsy and confirmed the direction of innervation through the grafted nerve with or without facial nerve injury. METHODS: Twenty rats were divided into five groups (n = 4): a control group (group A), an incomplete facial palsy group (group B), an IPNG-treated group (group C), an incomplete facial palsy group treated with IPNG (group D) and an incomplete hypoglossal nerve palsy group treated with IPNG (group E). After surgery, mimetic muscle movement was evaluated using an original scoring system. Twelve weeks after surgery, the mimetic muscles of the tongue were injected with Fast Blue and DiI. Retrograde-labelled neurons were counted through the facial and hypoglossal nuclei, and mimetic muscle specimens stained with Masson's trichrome were examined. RESULTS: Fast Blue-labelled neurons were noted in the hypoglossal nucleus in groups C and D, and DiI-labelled neurons within the facial nucleus were noted in groups C and E. The group D facial palsy score statistically exceeded the group B score. CONCLUSIONS: The results revealed that axonal regeneration through IPNG is bi-directional and is preferentially directed towards the injured side. Innervation from the hypoglossal nerve to mimetic muscles through IPNG prevents muscle atrophy and helps counter facial palsy.
  • 古川洋志, 七戸龍司, 蕨雄大, 林利彦, 山本有平
    頭けい部癌 38 (2) 198  1349-5747 2012/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 林利彦, 古川洋志, 大芦孝平, 塩谷隆太, 池田正起, 村尾尚規, 山本有平
    頭頸部癌 38 (2) 155  1349-5747 2012/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Hayashi T, Furukawa H, Oyama A, Funayama E, Saito A, Yamao T, Yamamoto Y
    Head & neck 5 34 (5) 758 - 761 1043-3074 2012/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Saito A, Saito N, Furukawa H, Hayashi T, Oyama A, Funayama E, Minakawa H, Yamamoto Y
    Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS 5 65 (5) 665 - 670 1748-6815 2012/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Hiroshi Furukawa, Toshihiko Hayashi, Akihiko Oyama, Akira Takasawa, Yuhei Yamamoto
    European Journal of Plastic Surgery 35 (4) 329 - 332 0930-343X 2012/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    In-transit metastases of melanoma almost certainly results from lymphatic dissemination of melanoma cells to tissues between the primary melanoma site and the draining regional lymph nodes. Most in-transit metastases occur after lymphatic obstruction, due either to tumor involvement or to surgical removal. The treatment of in-transit metastatic melanoma has not been standardized, and should be tailored accordingly. We report a case of in-transit metastatic melanoma in head and neck after regional lymph node dissection. In-transit metastases in the cheek were excised with tailored surgical margins based on the evaluation of lymph flow using indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence lymphography. ICG fluorescence lymphography has been reported recently in non-invasive sentinel lymph node mapping, and lymphaticovenous anastomosis. Using this system, not only sentinel lymph nodes and lymph vessels but also dermal lymphatic back flow caused by previous surgery is detectable as a white spot through fluorescence high-sensitivity near-infrared video camera system. This enables our detection of abnormal lymphatic flow, which indicates possible areas of melanoma cell spreading through the lymphatic system. Although a preliminary case report, we propose tailored excision of in-transit metastatic melanoma based on ICG fluorescence lymphography. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.
  • Funayama E, Minakawa H, Otani H, Oyama A, Furukawa H, Hayashi T, Saito N, Saito A, Yamamoto Y
    Surgery today 3 42 306 - 311 0941-1291 2012/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • YAMAO Takeshi, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, HAYASHI Toshihiko, KOURABA Sachio, HONDA Kouichi, YAMAMOTO Yuhei
    Skin Cancer 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 27 (1) 64 - 66 0915-3535 2012 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    A 72-year-old male was suffering from a chronic ulcer on his left lower leg treated by a cardiovascular surgeon for 40 years. One year ago, the plastic surgeon performed a biopsy at the site of the tumor on the ulcer, and histological examination suspected it to be malignant. He consulted our hospital for treatment of the tumor. A 25×15 cm-sized mass was located on his left lower leg. Above-knee amputation was performed. A pathological diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma, and stage III (T3N0M0) was established. No relapse or metastasis has been observed during a 10-month follow-up period. ...
  • 舌亜全摘以上の欠損に対する機能的再建法
    関堂充, 足立孝二, 佐々木薫, 富樫真二, 斉藤亮, 古川洋志, 山本有平
    形成外科 Vol.55-1 (2012) 克誠堂出版 55 (1) 23-29  2012/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Kohei Oashi, Hiroshi Furukawa, Sadanori Akita, Masahiro Nakashima, Katsuya Matsuda, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Toshihiko Hayashi, Akiyoshi Hirano b, Yuhei Yamamoto
    Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS 65 (10) 1403 - 1409 1878-0539 2012 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 顔面神経麻痺に対する神経移行術(端側縫合を含む) ネットワーク型再建による耳下腺癌切除後の顔面神経即時再建 頸神経ワナ翻転法、ALT皮弁内外側大腿皮神経移植の試み
    古川 洋志, 齋藤 亮, 林 利彦, 蕨 雄大, 山本 有平, 関堂 充, 七戸 龍司
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 38回 153 - 153 2011/11
  • 神経縫合後の顔面表情筋mRNA発現変化についての基礎研究(第2報)
    蕨 雄大, 七戸 龍司, 齋藤 亮, 林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 38回 224 - 224 2011/11
  • 岩嵜 大輔, 佐々木 了, 長尾 宗朝, 石山 誠一郎, 山本 有平
    創傷 (一社)日本創傷外科学会 2 (4) 171 - 176 2011/10 
  • Akira Saito, Hiroshi Furukawa, Toshihiko Hayashi, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Yuhei Yamamoto
    MICROSURGERY 31 (7) 582 - 583 0738-1085 2011/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • FUNAYAMA Emi, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, OYAMA Akihiko, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, HAYASHI Toshihiko
    日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 31 (9) 619 - 627 0389-4703 2011/09/20 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 顔面神経信号入力変化をmRNA発現で捉える 顔面神経障害の定量的評価
    蕨 雄大, 齋藤 亮, 林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 七戸 龍司
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 31 (9) 667 - 667 0389-4703 2011/09
  • Akira Saito, Hiroshi Furukawa, Toshihiko Hayashi, Akihiko Oyama, Emi Funayama, Yuhei Yamamoto
    MICROSURGERY 31 (6) 499 - 501 0738-1085 2011/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Network型再建による耳下腺癌切除後の顔面神経の即時再建
    古川 洋志, 齋藤 亮, 林 利彦, 大澤 昌之, 池田 正起, 蕨 雄大, 山本 有平, 七戸 龍司, 関堂 充
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 31 (7) 502 - 502 0389-4703 2011/07
  • こだわりのSuper microsurgery 基礎研究に生かすSuper microsurgery
    古川 洋志, 大澤 昌之, 七戸 龍司, 齋藤 亮, 林 利彦, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 24 (2) 69 - 69 0916-4936 2011/07
  • 神経縫合後の顔面表情筋mRNA発現変化についての基礎研究
    蕨 雄大, 七戸 龍司, 齋藤 亮, 林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 24 (2) 121 - 121 0916-4936 2011/07
  • 遊離腓骨皮弁を用いた下顎再建と義歯装着までの一貫治療
    林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 斎藤 亮, 秦 浩信, 野谷 健一, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 24 (2) 111 - 111 0916-4936 2011/07
  • 下顎再建の新しい工夫 遊離腓骨皮弁を用いた下顎再建と義歯装着までの一貫治療 歯科的視点と形成外科的視点から考えた下顎再建
    林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 斎藤 亮, 秦 浩信, 野谷 健一, 山本 有平
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 27 (2) 99 - 100 0914-594X 2011/06
  • Hiroshi Furukawa, Satoru Sasaki, Akihiko Oyama, Toshihiko Hayashi, Emi Funayama, Noriko Saito, Yuhei Yamamoto
    JOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY 64 (6) 809 - 811 1748-6815 2011/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Ethanol is a commonly used sclerosant for lymphatic malformation (LM), and recent evidence has shown that macrocystic LMs respond very well to percutaneous sclerotherapy. However, the volume of absolute ethanol that can be injected safely is small (0.5-1ml/kg), and that is the reason it is often ineffective in extensive LM. We report two cases of giant LM with occasional high fever and pain or abnormal gait. To overcome dose limitation and to prevent systematic toxicities, we performed both injection of absolute ethanol and aspiration of it after 5 min exposure to LM. The injected maximum ethanol dose per one session is 70-260 ml and no systemic complication occurred. The 1-3 sessions of those procedures reduced the frequency of high fever and improved the swelling of those lesions. The injection and aspiration technique maximises the efficacy of sclerotherapy for extensive macrocystic LM in adults. (C) 2010 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 初発遠隔転移が肺であった悪性黒色腫症例の検討
    七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 山本 有平, 堤田 新
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 31 (5) 342 - 342 0389-4703 2011/05
  • 脈絡膜原発悪性黒色腫の肝転移巣に対する肝動脈動注・塞栓療法について
    大芦 孝平, 林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 阿保 大介, 作原 祐介, 堤田 新
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 31 (5) 342 - 342 0389-4703 2011/05
  • Hiroshi Furukawa, Masayuki Osawa, Akira Saito, Toshihiko Hayashi, Emi Funayama, Akihiko Oyama, Mitsuru Sekido, Yuhei Yamamoto
    PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY 127 (5) 1804 - 1811 0032-1052 2011/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: Microsurgical lymphaticovenous implantation in lymphedema is done to create a lymphaticovenous shunt by an implantation of collecting lymphatics into the small vein, as reported previously. The authors have recently introduced ultrasonograpy and indocyanine green fluorescence lymphography into this procedure. Methods: Nine cases of postmastectomy lymphedema had received preoperative venous marking using ultrasonography and lymphatic mapping using indocyanine green fluorescence lymphography. The concept of modification is to pick up the most effective point for microsurgical lymphaticovenous implantation that involves both subcutaneous veins and the dermal backflow of excess lymphatics. Objective improvement was analyzed by the percent reduction of edema circumference at two points of the affected forearm. Results: Preoperative lymphography showed a spotty image for dermal backflow in all nine extremities, a linear image on the dorsal hand in six extremities, and a linear image on the forearm in three extremities. With an average follow-up of 17 months, three patients had excellent results with the reduction of edema circumference more than 50 percent for both the distal and proximal sites of the treated forearm. Four patients had good results with the reduction of edema circumference more than 50 percent at the distal or proximal sites, two patients had fair results, and no patients had poor results. The average number of modified microsurgical lymphaticovenous implantations was 3.7 per case. Conclusion: Modified microsurgical lymphaticovenous implantation is expected to provide favorable results with aminimum number of these modified implantations, even though no linear lymph channel was detected by preoperative indocyanine green fluorescence lymphography. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 127: 1804, 2011.)
  • 古川 洋志, 山本 有平
    ペパーズ 全日本病院出版会 0 (53) 1 - 8 1349-645X 2011/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Emi Funayama, Satoru Sasaki, Akihiko Oyama, Hiroshi Furukawa, Toshihiko Hayashi, Yuhei Yamamoto
    PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY 1 127 (1) 340 - 346 0032-1052 2011/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: Although Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome is a mixed vascular malformation characterized by abnormal growth in the extremities, no uniform diagnostic criteria have been established because of the variety in its manifestation. Consequently, no anatomical analysis based on a comparison study has been reported. In this study, the authors determine the frequency of various vascular malformations and abnormal growth and assess any statistical relationship between vascular malformation type/location and abnormal growth in terms of length and girth. Methods: Thirty-five patients with Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome satisfying the criteria proposed by Oduber et al. in 2008 were enrolled. The type and location of the vascular malformation and abnormal circumferential growth were assessed by magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography. Bone girth was assessed by axial magnetic resonance imaging/computed tomography. Plain radiographs of the long bones were used to measure growth in length. Results: The spectrum of vascular types was similar to that in previous reports. There was no significant association between leg length and vascular malformation type or location. Leg bone circumferential hypoplasia was observed in 50 percent of cases and was significantly related to the presence of intramuscular lesions. A single venous malformation in the subcutaneous tissue was significantly associated with the presence of subcutaneous hypertrophy. Patients with intramuscular lymphatic malformations had a significantly higher frequency of muscle hypoplasia. Conclusion: The type and location of certain vascular malformations were significantly associated with abnormal subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and bone growth. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 127: 340, 2011.)
  • Funayama E, Oyama A, Furukawa H, Hayashi T, Sugino M, Yamamoto Y
    Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.] 12 36 (12) 2050 - 2052 1076-0512 2010/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • ネットワーク型神経再建の特性と神経損傷に関する神経トレーサーによる検証
    七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 蕨 雄大, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 30 (11) 649 - 649 0389-4703 2010/11
  • Circulating fibrocyteの性質異常とケロイド病態との関連性 創傷モデルマウスを用いた検討
    長尾 宗朝, 小山 明彦, 村尾 尚規, 小浦場 祥夫, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 外丸 詩野, 石津 明洋
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 30 (11) 649 - 649 0389-4703 2010/11
  • 耳下腺腺様嚢胞癌の1例
    七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 堤田 新
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 30 (8) 448 - 449 0389-4703 2010/08
  • N. Saito, S. Sasaki, H. Furukawa, W. Mol, A. Saito, Y. Yamamoto
    Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica 30 (3) 149 - 152 0392-100X 2010/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Sclerotherapy for arteriovenous malformations has to be performed under general anaesthesia because of the pain during injection and the need of careful monitoring. Two cases with arteriovenous malformations of the face regions are presented in whom percutaneous sclerotherapy was performed under local anaesthesia in the outpatient clinic. The sessions were uneventful and there was a visible decrease in the overall size and an improvement in skin colour of the lesion could be seen. Sclerotherapy can be used in the outpatient clinic to treat arteriovenous malformations that have a slow flow or a venous outflow that can be compressed to artificially slow the flow during injection.
  • 低蛋白血症が原因と推察された熱傷術後の創傷治癒遅延
    蕨 雄大, 大野 健太郎, 池田 正起, 大芦 耕平, 七戸 龍司, 林 利彦, 舟山 恵美, 山本 有平
    熱傷 (一社)日本熱傷学会 36 (2) 108 - 109 0285-113X 2010/06
  • マイクロサージャリーのトレーニングモデルの理想と現実 動物実験とビデオプレゼンテーションの有用性
    古川 洋志, 前田 拓, 大芦 孝平, 七戸 龍司, 大澤 昌之, 齋藤 亮, 林 利彦, 山本 有平, 関堂 充
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 23 (2) 107 - 108 0916-4936 2010/06
  • ネットワーク型神経再建の特性と神経損傷の関係についての検証
    七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 蕨 雄大, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 23 (2) 205 - 205 0916-4936 2010/06
  • 初発遠隔転移が肺であった悪性黒色腫の検討
    七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 山本 有平, 堤田 新
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 26回 181 - 181 2010/06
  • 頭頸部メラノーマの治療における近赤外線カメラを用いたICG蛍光リンパ管造影所見の検討
    古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 大澤 昌之, 七戸 龍司, 大芦 孝平, 山本 有平, 高澤 啓
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 26回 183 - 183 2010/06
  • 肝転移に対して抗癌剤動注・塞栓療法を行った脈絡膜メラノーマの治療経験
    大芦 孝平, 林 利彦, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 阿保 大介, 作原 祐介
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 26回 121 - 121 2010/06
  • 耳下腺癌切除後のネットワーク型再建による顔面神経の即時再建
    古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 大澤 昌之, 斎藤 亮, 山本 有平, 本間 明宏, 福田 諭, 古田 康, 関堂 充
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 23 (2) 206 - 206 0916-4936 2010/06 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    Skin Cancer 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 25 (1) 75 - 80 0915-3535 2010/05/15 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    We report a case of a 51-year-old female neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1) patient with endocranial invasion of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) which occurred in her scalp. A neurosurgeon had carried out marginal excision twice, but resulted in recurrences. After we excised the tumor, an 8cm diameter area of arachnoid had been exposed. The defect of arachnoid has been repaired by free pericranial graft, and the bone defect has been reconstructed with a cranial bone bridge (cranioplasty). A free latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap was placed over the bone bridge. After the o...
  • 頭頸部悪性黒色腫の治療における近赤外線カメラを用いたICG蛍光リンパ管造影所見の検討
    古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 大澤 昌之, 七戸 龍司, 大芦 孝平, 山本 有平, 高澤 啓
    頭頸部癌 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 36 (2) 171 - 171 1349-5747 2010/05
  • SAITO Noriko, SASAKI Satoru, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, ISHIYAMA Seiichiro, YAMAMOTO Yuhei
    日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 30 (4) 149 - 154 0389-4703 2010/04/20 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Tessier No.0&2 Cleftの1例
    長尾 宗朝, 小山 明彦, 佐々木 了, 川嶋 邦裕, 大澤 昌之, 山本 有平
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 26 (1) 54 - 58 0914-594X 2010/03 
    在胎36週、2050gで出生した女児。生下時より上口唇、右鼻翼部の変形が認められ、著者らの施設へ紹介となった。初診時、上口唇正中裂、右痕跡唇裂、右鼻裂がみられ、3D-CTでは顔面骨の正中および右鼻骨に裂が認められた。以上より、Tessier分類はNo.0&2 cleftと考えられ、生後5ヵ月時に初回手術として上口唇正中部、右鼻翼部の形成術を施行し、7歳時に右鼻翼部瘢痕、右鼻孔の狭小、鼻中基部の下方偏位、赤唇縁の不整に対し二次修正術が行なわれた。目下、8歳となるが、成長や発達ともに問題なく経過している。尚、本症例は二卵性双胎の第2子であったが、第1子には異常所見は認められなかった。
  • Furukawa H, Sasaki S, Yamamoto Y
    Plastic and reconstructive surgery 3 125 (3) 125e - 7e 0032-1052 2010/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Secondary Reconstruction Using a Free Flap in Head and Neck Cancer
    SEKIDO,Mitsuru, FURUKAWA,Hiroshi, OYAMA,Akihiko, OSAWA,Masayuki, SAITO,Akira, SASAKI,Satoru, YAMAMOTO,Yuhei
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 26 (1) 29 - 37 0914-594X 2010/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • FURUKAWA,Hiroshi, TSUTSUMIDA,Arata, SAITO,Akira, ISHIYAMA,Seiichirou, SAKURAI,Keisuke, SEKIDO,Mitsuru, YAMAMOTO,Yuhei, YAMADA,Yosuke, KUBOTA, Kanako C
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery 23 (1) 75 - 79 0916-4936 2010/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Reconstructive considerations in the treetment of soft tissue sarcomas of the cheek.
    Saito, N, Tsutsumida, A, Sekido, M, Furukawa, H, Oyama, A, Funayama, E, Saito, A, Yamamoto, Y
    ACTA italica 30 103-106  2010/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 顔面神経をいったん切離してアプローチした、側頭筋から頬部に浸潤した脂肪肉腫の1例
    古川 洋志, 堤田 新, 長尾 宗朝, 七戸 龍司, 石山 誠一郎, 山本 有平, 関堂 充
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 29 (12) 788 - 788 0389-4703 2009/12
  • 眼窩内静脈奇形の2例 硬化療法の適応例と非適応例
    長尾 宗朝, 古川 洋志, 齊藤 典子, 山本 有平, 佐々木 了, 浅野 剛, 坂本 泰輔
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 29 (12) 789 - 789 0389-4703 2009/12
  • TSUTSUMIDA Arata, YAMAMOTO Akifumi, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, HAYASHI Toshihiko, YOSHIDA Tetsuya, MINAGAWA Tomohiro, YAMAMOTO Yuhei
    Skin Cancer 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 24 (2) 301 - 304 0915-3535 2009/10/10 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    We conducted this preliminary study to determine the feasibility of adjuvant therapy administration schedule of S-1 for locoregionally advanced non-melanoma skin cancers (squamous cell carcinoma, apocrine adenocarcinoma, eccrine porocarcinoma, extramammary Paget's disease). Five patients receiving definitive treatments were enrolled to receive oral S-1 for 2-weeks' administration followed by a 2-week rest for 12 months.The cumulative rates of the relative total administration dose of S-1 at 100% were 80% (4/5). Adverse events were not severe. The incidences of neutropenia (Grade 1) and skin...
  • Tamotsu Kamishima, Akiko Hasegawa, Kanako C. Kubota, Naomi Oizumi, Norimasa Iwasaki, Akio Minami, Satoru Sasaki, Yuhei Yamamoto, Tokuhiko Omatsu, Yuya Onodera, Satoshi Terae, Hiroki Shirato
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 27 (8) 328 - 332 1867-1071 2009/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Intravenous pyogenic granuloma is a rare solitary form of lobular capillary hemangioma that usually occurs in the veins of the neck and upper extremities. We report two cases of intravenous pyogenic granuloma localized in the finger, giving details of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. These two cases had similar locations in fingers and identical MRI findings. The differential diagnoses of this rare entity are also discussed.
  • 古田 康, 大谷 文雄, 稲村 直哉, 鈴木 章之, 本間 明宏, 折舘 伸彦, 山本 有平, 福田 諭
    頭頸部癌 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 35 (3) 213 - 216 1349-5747 2009/10 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 古川 洋志, 山本 有平
    Japanese journal of plastic surgery 克誠堂出版 52 (10) 1193 - 1199 0021-5228 2009/10 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Saito A, Tsutsumida A, Furukawa H, Saito N, Mol W, Sekido M, Sasaki S, Oashi K, Kimura C, Yamamoto Y
    Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS 10 62 1272 - 1276 1748-6815 2009/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • FURUKAWA,Hiroshi, SAITO,Akira, HAYASHI,Toshihiko, YAMAMOTO,Yuhei, HOMMA,Akihiro, FUKUDA,Satoshi, FURUTA,Yasushi, SEKIDO,Mitsuru
    頭頸部癌 = Head and neck cancer 35 (3) 217 - 222 1349-5747 2009/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Saito N, Hamada J, Furukawa H, Tsutsumida A, Oyama A, Funayama E, Saito A, Tsuji T, Tada M, Moriuchi T, Yamamoto Y
    Pigment cell & melanoma research 22 (5) 601 - 610 1755-1471 2009/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Problems and solutions of mandibular distraction osteogenesis in the treatment for hemifacial microsomia and treacher-collins syndrome
    Satoru Sasaki, Masayuki Osawa, Akihiko Oyama, Kunihiro Kawashima, Yoshiaki Sato, Toru Okamoto, Toshihiko Hayashi, Yuhei Yamamoto
    Japanese Journal of Plastic Surgery 52 (9) 1051 - 1062 0021-5228 2009/09 
    Hemifacial microsomia (HFM) and Treacher-Collins syndrome (TCS) are forms of mandibulofacial disostoses that have various severities of hypoplasia of mandibular condyle and lack of soft tissue. Mandibular distraction osteogenesis (DO) has become one of the most suitable operative procedures for micrognathia. We reviewed thirteen cases of HFM and five cases of TCS that underwent mandibular DO to verify its effectiveness and problems. In HFM, ce-phalometric analysis showed relapse of occulusal cant in all three cases that underwent mandibular DO without simultaneous maxillary distraction. The control of maxillary development may be important for successful mandibular DO for severe HFM. In TCS, a three-dimensional distracter was required for the treatment of severe open bite, and distraction ge-nioplasty with hyoid advancement was applied to two cases with severe obstructive sleep apnea. TCS patients require multiple surgical operations, therefore, it is necessary to construct a detailed plan for long-term treatment. DO can expand soft tissue as well as bone and is a useful option especially for the preparation of additional treatments such as Two-Jaw surgery.
  • 長尾 宗朝, 大浦 武彦, 高橋 誠, 大澤 昌之, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平
    日本褥瘡学会誌 (一社)日本褥瘡学会 11 (3) 331 - 331 1345-0417 2009/08
  • 齋藤 亮, 佐々木 了, 古川 洋志, 堤田 新, 山本 有平
    日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 29 (7) 425 - 428 0389-4703 2009/07/20 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 腹腔内血管を移植床血管とした遊離皮弁移植
    関堂, 充, 本間, 豊大, 山本, 有平, 野平, 久仁彦, 新富, 芳尚
    形成外科 克誠堂 52 (7) 2009/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 神経の変則的縫合術 神経逆行性トレーサーを用いたネットワーク型神経移植術の神経二重支配の検証
    七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 22 (2) 89 - 90 0916-4936 2009/06
  • Opitz症候群の治療経験
    長尾 宗朝, 佐々木 了, 大澤 昌之, 小山 明彦, 川嶋 邦裕, 山本 有平
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 25 (2) 112 - 113 0914-594X 2009/06
  • 顔面神経をいったん切離してアプローチした、側頭筋から頬部に浸潤した脂肪肉腫の治療経験
    古川 洋志, 堤田 新, 長尾 宗朝, 石山 誠一郎, 山本 有平, 関堂 充
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 22 (2) 99 - 99 0916-4936 2009/06
  • 同側耳下腺転移をきたした左頬部皮膚有棘細胞癌の1例
    七戸 龍司, 堤田 新, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 木村 鉄宣
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 25回 198 - 198 2009/05
  • 耳下腺腺様嚢胞癌の一例
    七戸 龍司, 堤田 新, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 皆川 英彦
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 25回 236 - 236 2009/05
  • 耳下腺癌切除後の顔面神経即時再建 我々の手技と工夫 Network型再建による耳下腺癌切除後の顔面神経即時再建
    古川 洋志, 齋藤 亮, 山本 有平, 本間 明宏, 福田 諭, 古田 康, 関堂 充
    頭頸部癌 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 35 (2) 54 - 54 1349-5747 2009/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 耳下腺癌切除後の顔面神経即時再建 我々の手技と工夫 耳下腺癌切除後の顔面神経即時再建の適応と現状、術後の評価について
    古田 康, 大谷 文雄, 稲村 直哉, 鈴木 章之, 本間 明宏, 折舘 伸彦, 山本 有平, 福田 諭
    頭頸部癌 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 35 (2) 51 - 51 1349-5747 2009/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 29 (4) 221 - 225 0389-4703 2009/04/20 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 当科における汗腺癌の検討
    七戸 龍司, 堤田 新, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 木村 鉄宣
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 29 (3) 211 - 211 0389-4703 2009/03
  • 遅発性リンパ節転移をきたした悪性黒色腫の1例
    七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 堤田 新, 山本 有平, 木村 鉄宣
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 29 (3) 216 - 216 0389-4703 2009/03
  • 大澤 昌之, 関堂 充, 長尾 宗朝, 池田 正起, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 22 (1) 57 - 61 0916-4936 2009/03 
    66歳男。患者は両上肢から背部にかけてのIII度凍傷に対し同部位のデブリードマンと網状分層植皮術が施行された。しかし受傷1年後、左頸部と左腋窩部に瘢痕拘縮が生じ、これに対しZ形成術が施行され、術後は左肩関節の運動制限は改善したが、時間の経過とともに両上肢と背部の連続した植皮による絞扼感を強く訴えるようになった。そこで、肩部瘢痕拘縮形成術を施行するに至ったが、皮下脂肪織表層までの欠損であることから広背筋皮弁は不適切と考えられた。肩甲皮弁、傍肩甲皮弁に関しては皮弁採取部領域が皮下脂肪層までデブリードマン施行後に網状分層植皮術を施行されていたため使用できず、したがってZ形成術施行10ヵ月後、比較的薄い皮弁の作成が可能であったことからrotation arcが長い有茎広背筋穿通枝皮弁を用いて手術を施行することになった。その結果、術後経過は良好で、拘縮による関節可動域制限は認めず、絞扼感の訴えもない。
  • Tomohiro Sakashita, Nobuhiko Oridate, Akihiro Homma, Yuji Nakamaru, Fumiyuki Suzuki, Hiromitsu Hatakeyama, Shigenari Taki, Yutaka Sawamura, Yuhei Yamamoto, Yasushi Furuta, Satoshi Fukuda
    SKULL BASE-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH 19 (2) 127 - 132 1531-5010 2009/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Objectives: To evaluate the risk factors for perioperative complications among patients undergoing craniofacial resection for the treatment of skull base tumors. Design: Retrospective analysis. Participants: The study group comprised 29 patients with skull base tumors (22 malignant and 7 benign) who underwent 30 craniofacial resections at Hokkaido University Hospital between 1989 and 2006. Of these cases, 21 had undergone prior treatment by radiation (16 cases), surgery (7 cases), or chemotherapy (1 case). Moreover, 19 needed extended resection involving the dura (11 cases), brain (5 cases), orbit (12 cases), hard palate (5 cases), skin (3 cases), or cavernous sinus (2 cases). Main outcome measures: Perioperative complications and risk factor associated with their incidence. Results: Perioperative complications occurred in 12 patients (40%; 13 cases). There was a significant difference between complication rates for cases with and without prior therapy (52.4% vs. 11.1%). The complication rate for dural resection cases was 81.8%. There was a significant difference between complication rates for cases with and without dura resection. No postoperative mortality was reported. Conclusions: Craniofacial resection is a safe and effective treatment for skull base tumors. However, additional care is required in patients with extended resection (especially dural) and those who have undergone prior therapy.
  • Use of the arcade vessels after disruption of the vascular pedicle of pedicled jejunum transfer for a recurrent esophageal cancer patient
    Saito, A, Furukawa, H, Yamamoto, Y, Sekido, M, Sichinohe, T, Kondo, S
    Microsurgery 29 499-501  2009/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Efficacy of polidocanol sclerotherapy for capillary malformation with masked venous malformation
    Saito, N, Sasaki, S, Sekido, M, Furukawa, H, William, M, Yamamoto, Y
    Dermatol Surg 35 161-4  2009/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • SEKIDO,Mitsuru, FURUKAWA,Hiroshi, SASAKI,Satoru, SAITO,Akira, OSAWA,Masayuki, YAMAMOTO,Yuhei
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery 21 (4) 424 - 429 0916-4936 2008/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • ラットの顔面神経・舌下神経の端側縫合モデル作成 病的共同運動と神経二重支配の関係
    古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 斉藤 亮, 関堂 充, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 28 (11) 732 - 732 0389-4703 2008/11
  • 非退縮性の先天性血管腫(NICH)の治療経験
    長尾 宗朝, 佐々木 了, 古川 洋志, 齋藤 典子, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 28 (11) 684 - 689 0389-4703 2008/11 
    血管腫の新たな亜型概念に、先天性血管腫(congenital hemangioma)が提唱されている。それは、自然退縮するrapidly involuting congenital hemangioma(RICH)および退縮しないnon-involuting congenital hemangioma(NICH)の2通りに分けられる。われわれは、1982年より2006年にいたるまでNICHと考えられた症例を4例経験した。病変は3歳近くになっても一向に退縮せず、最終的には4例とも切除術を施行した。先天性血管腫は、すでに病変が胎内で成長し出生前に増殖のピークを迎えているが、乳児血管腫の多くは、出生後の数週間以内に出現し、1歳までに増大していくという経過の違いがある。さらにarteriovenous malformation(AVM)とも鑑別を要するため、治療の面からも3歳前後までは経過を観察し、確実に診断することが重要であると考えられた。(著者抄録)
  • Saito A, Tsutsumida A, Furukawa H, Saito N, Yamamoto Y
    Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS 11 61 1328 - 1331 1748-6815 2008/11 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 長尾 宗朝, 大浦 武彦, 高橋 誠, 大澤 昌之, 関堂 充, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平
    日本褥瘡学会誌 (一社)日本褥瘡学会 10 (3) 426 - 426 1345-0417 2008/08
  • 当科の過去10年間における汗腺癌の検討
    七戸 龍司, 堤田 新, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 木村 鉄宣
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 24回 132 - 132 2008/07
  • 遅発性リンパ節転移をきたした悪性黒色腫の1例
    七戸 龍司, 古川 洋志, 堤田 新, 山本 有平, 木村 鉄宣
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 24回 156 - 156 2008/07
  • 遊離皮弁を用いた熱傷後頸部瘢痕拘縮の経験
    安居 剛, 関堂 充, 古川 洋志, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 28 (5) 350 - 350 0389-4703 2008/05
  • 非退縮性の先天性血管腫(NICH)の治療経験
    長尾 宗朝, 佐々木 了, 古川 洋志, 齋藤 典子, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 28 (5) 348 - 348 0389-4703 2008/05
  • 血管内皮細胞における硬化剤の作用に関する研究:最終報告
    William Mol, 長尾 宗朝, 斉藤 亮, 斉藤 典子, 林 利彦, 畠 真也, 古川 洋志, 佐々木 了, 山本 有平, 外丸 詩野
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 28 (5) 348 - 348 0389-4703 2008/05
  • 機能面を考慮した口腔・中咽頭再建 舌根1/2以上を合併切除した口腔中咽頭がんに対する機能再建
    関堂 充, 山本 有平, 本間 明宏, 鈴木 章之, 福田 諭, 古田 康
    頭頸部癌 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 34 (2) 135 - 135 1349-5747 2008/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 頭頸部vascular malformationに対する治療戦略 頭頸部vascular malformationに対する治療戦略
    古川 洋志, 佐々木 了, 堤田 新, 関堂 充, 山本 有平, 浅野 剛, 鈴木 章之, 本間 明宏
    頭頸部癌 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 34 (2) 126 - 126 1349-5747 2008/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Saito A, Saito N, Mol W, Furukawa H, Tsutsumida A, Oyama A, Sekido M, Sasaki S, Yamamoto Y
    Melanoma research 2 18 85 - 94 0960-8931 2008/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 28 (3) 125 - 130 0389-4703 2008/03/20 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 創傷治癒に関わる新見解 ケロイド体質とCirculating fibrocyte
    長尾 宗朝, 外丸 詩野, 石津 明洋, 岩崎 沙理, 馬場 智久, 笠原 正典, 小山 明彦, 小浦場 祥夫, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 97 (1) 201 - 201 0300-9181 2008/03
  • Oyama A, Fujimori H, Funayama E, Yamamoto Y
    Plastic and reconstructive surgery 3 121 (3) 129 - 130 0032-1052 2008/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Saito N, Tsutsumida A, Saito A, Furukawa H, Suzuki K, Nishioka T, Yamamoto Y
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 3 35 495 - 497 0385-0684 2008/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • YAMAMOTO Yuhei, FURUKAWA Hiroshi
    Facial N Res Jpn 27 (0) 199 - 202 0914-790X 2008/01/30 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    Skin Cancer The Japanese Skin Cancer Society 23 (2) 194 - 201 0915-3535 2008 
    Primary mucinous carcinoma is a rare malignant tumor that originates from the deepest portion of the eccrine sweat duct. We report four cases of primary mucinous carcinoma and review the clinical, histologic, and immunohistochemical features of this tumor.
    This series of four cases included only male patients; the average age was 52 years (range: 37-69 years) . Two lesions were located on the face, 1 on the abdomen and 1 on the axilla. All cases had undergone simple excision or curettage following clinical diagnosis of epidermal cyst at other hospitals and were diagnosed with primaly mucinous carcinoma after histopathological examination. In our hospital, additional excision was performed on all of the cases, with a 10-20mm margin. Three of them underwent sentinel lymph node biopsy simultaneously. The tumors were excised with clear margins, and there was no metastasis to the lymph nodes which were taken out in sentinel lymph node biopsy. There has been no clinical recurrence in all four cases after surgery. [Skin Cancer (Japan) 2008; 23: 194-201]
  • Oyama A, Sasaki S, William M, Funayama E, Yamamoto Y
    Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS 61 110 - 113 1748-6815 2008 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • SAITO Akira, TSUTSUMIDA Arata, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, SAKAMOTO Taisuke, SAITO Noriko, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, KIMURA Tetsunori
    Skin Cancer 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 23 (1) 22 - 26 0915-3535 2008 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    A 45-year-old man visited a local physician with a one-year history of an asymptomatic subcutaneous nodule on his left cheek. A skin punch biopsy was taken, and the findings led to probable diagnosis of myxofibrosarcoma. He was referred to our hospital for evaluation and management. On his initial visit, physical examination revealed a skin-colored, elastic-soft, well-demarcated nodule on his left cheek, 4.5×3.5cm in size. We performed wide local excision and the defect was reconstructed by a cervicofacial flap. The patient was well and remained disease-free at 9 months follow-up.A histopat...
  • Furukawa H, Saito A, Mol W, Sekido M, Sasaki S, Yamamoto Y
    Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS 3 61 257 - 264 1748-6815 2008 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • ラットの顔面神経-舌下神経の端側縫合モデル作成:病的共同運動と神経二重支配の関係
    古川洋志, 七戸龍司, 斉藤, 亮, 関堂, 充, 山本有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会誌 21 256-263  2008/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • チームサージャリーにおける形成外科の貢献―保険点数、手術時間の観点からー
    関堂充, 古川洋志, 小山明彦, 佐々木了, 山本有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 28 690-694  2008/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 進行性顔面半側萎縮症(ロンバーグ病)に対する遊離皮弁移植法―術後の修正術についてー.
    関堂充, 小山明彦, 古川洋志, 斎藤亮, 大澤昌之, 佐々木了, 山本有平
    形成外科 51 1291-1297  2008/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Mol W, Furukawa H, Sasaki S, Tomaru U, Hayashi T, Saito A, Nagao M, Saito N, Hata S, Yamamoto Y
    Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.] 12 33 (12) 1452 - 1459 1076-0512 2007/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
    BACKGROUND: Sclerosants are used to treat vascular malformations. Owing to variations in the flow, the injected concentrations and the duration of exposure of these sclerosants are altered. Therefore, the clinical effectiveness of sclerotherapy is variable. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to evaluate the differences in clinical response, usually observed among ethanol, polidocanol, and OK-432, using an in vitro sclerotherapy model. METHODS: Endothelial cells were cultured and exposed to different concentrations of the sclerosants for 5 seconds and the remaining viable cells were counted using a MTT assay kit. Dyes were used to visualize the morphologic changes. Precipitant formation in blood was also evaluated. Finally, the degree of ICAM-1 expression, after exposure to lower concentrations of these sclerosants, was studied using immunocytochemistry. RESULTS: Only ethanol causes precipitant formation and kills almost all cells from 30% concentration. Polidocanol begins to disrupt the cell membrane from 0.0125% onward. Only OK-432 induces ICAM-1 expression. CONCLUSION: Ethanol's strong precipitant-forming effect may induce thromboembolism, thus enhancing sclerosis. Polidocanol's endothelial cell-lysing effect was clearly documented. OK-432 may mediate its effect by inducing inflammatory response of the endothelium via ICAM-1 expression. This in vitro model may be useful in evaluating other sclerosants as well.
  • YASUTA Masato, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, SEKIDO Mitsuru, YAMAO Takeshi, TAKAMI Maiko, YAMAMOTO Yuhei
    Skin Cancer The Japanese Skin Cancer Society 22 (2) 170 - 173 0915-3535 2007/11/30 
    A median plantar flap is most frequently used for weight-bearing plantar reconstruction. However, a large area involving the anterior plantar surface of the foot is difficult to reconstruct.
    We report the reconstruction of a weight-bearing area of the forefoot using a free anterolateral thigh flap.
    The patient was a 64-year-old man with squamous cell carcinoma involving an old burn scar on the forefoot. We performed extensive resection of the tumor along with the burn scar and involved bone, followed by weight-bearing plantar reconstruction with free anterolateral thigh flap. Good results were obtained, and there has not been any ulcer formation in the reconstructed region.
    An anterolateral thigh flap, which can withstand weight pressure and shearing force and has the ability to provide recovery of sensation, is considered a good alternative for covering a forefoot defect. [Skin Cancer (Japan) 2007; 22: 170-173]
    Skin Cancer 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 22 (2) 140 - 144 0915-3535 2007/11/30 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    A 72-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for a painful subcutaneous nodule on the anterior aspect of her left knee. The tumor was hard, with a size of 50mm×50mm. A biopsy specimen of the nodule revealed leiomyosarcoma. After wide local excision, the defect was covered using a perforator flap of the lower leg. The tumor was diagnosed as an undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma. There was no histopathological evidence of metastasized regional lymph nodes. Three months after the operation, regional lymph node metastases and subcutaneous metastases of the left thigh appeared. Despite wid...
  • 長尾 宗朝, 佐々木 了, 古川 洋志, 内山 英祐, 山本 有平
    日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (一社)日本形成外科学会 27 (11) 779 - 782 0389-4703 2007/11/20 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 長尾 宗朝, 小山 明彦, 佐々木 了, 本田 進, 川嶋 邦裕, 山本 有平
    形成外科 克誠堂出版(株) 50 (10) 1187 - 1192 0021-5228 2007/10 
    生後12日、女児。生下時より右口角部に裂を認めた。当科初診時、右外眼角部から口角部へ弧を描くような痕跡的線状陥凹、右口角部の裂、口蓋裂を認め、口蓋垂の近傍に6mm大、半球状の嚢胞を認めた。3D-CTでは右上顎骨から頬骨にかけて裂を認めた。Tessier分類NO.6・7 cleftと診断し、生後6ヵ月時に巨口症に対する口角形成術を、1歳8ヵ月時に口蓋形成術と口蓋垂近傍の嚢胞切除術を施行した。5歳時に二次修正として右口角、頬部瘢痕を切除し皮膚のみ縫合した。現在6歳で、口角部に若干の拘縮を認めたが、顎発育、咬合に問題なく、開口制限や構言障害は認めず経過良好であった。
  • 足底部AVMに対する硬化療法の経験
    佐々木 了, 古川 洋志, 斉藤 典子, 長尾 宗朝, 山本 有平, 清水 匡
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 27 (10) 749 - 749 0389-4703 2007/10
  • Tessier No.0 & 2 cleftの1例
    長尾 宗朝, 小山 明彦, 佐々木 了, 山本 有平, 川嶋 邦裕
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 27 (10) 749 - 749 0389-4703 2007/10
  • 非定型口蓋裂を伴った顔面裂(Tessier No.6 & 7 cleft)の治療経験
    長尾 宗朝, 小山 明彦, 佐々木 了, 山本 有平, 川嶋 邦裕
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 27 (10) 749 - 749 0389-4703 2007/10
  • 長尾 宗朝, 大浦 武彦, 高橋 誠, 大澤 昌之, 塩谷 隆太, 藤田 宗純, 古川 洋志, 関堂 充, 山本 有平
    日本褥瘡学会誌 (一社)日本褥瘡学会 9 (3) 394 - 394 1345-0417 2007/08
  • 本田 進, 古川 洋志, 近藤 雅嗣, 七戸 龍司, 長尾 宗朝, 齋藤 亮, 横山 統一郎, 佐々木 了, 山本 有平, 大城 あき子, 橋本 直樹
    日本褥瘡学会誌 (一社)日本褥瘡学会 9 (3) 409 - 409 1345-0417 2007/08
  • Tsutsumida A, Furukawa H, Yamamoto Y, Horiuchi K, Yoshida T, Minakawa H, Fujii S, Murao N, Kuwahara H, Minamimoto T, Fujioka H, Sakamoto T, Honma T
    International journal of clinical oncology 4 12 (4) 245 - 249 1341-9625 2007/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 非定型口蓋裂を伴った顔面裂(Tessier No.6 & 7 cleft)の治療経験
    長尾 宗朝, 小山 明彦, 佐々木 了, 川嶋 邦裕, 井川 浩晴, 山本 有平
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 23 (2) 75 - 75 0914-594X 2007/06
  • Tessier No.0 & 2 cleftの1例
    長尾 宗朝, 小山 明彦, 佐々木 了, 川嶋 邦裕, 井川 浩晴, 山本 有平
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 23 (2) 76 - 76 0914-594X 2007/06
  • 眼輪筋皮弁により治療した眼瞼分離母斑の1例
    近藤 雅嗣, 佐々木 了, 古川 洋志, 長尾 宗朝, 山本 有平
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 23 (2) 105 - 106 0914-594X 2007/06
  • 下顎骨延長術20例の中期成績の検討(第一報) Hemifacial microsomia症例の延長後の後戻りについて
    大澤 昌之, 佐々木 了, 小山 明彦, 長尾 宗朝, 山本 有平, 佐藤 嘉晃, 岡本 亨, 川嶋 邦裕, 林 利彦
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 23 (2) 132 - 132 0914-594X 2007/06
  • 側頸嚢胞に対する無水エタノール硬化療法
    齋藤 典子, 佐々木 了, 関堂 充, 古川 洋志, 長尾 宗朝, 山本 有平
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 23 (2) 161 - 162 0914-594X 2007/06
  • 有茎胸背動脈穿通枝(TAP)皮弁を用いた肩部瘢痕拘縮手術
    大澤 昌之, 関堂 充, 長尾 宗朝, 山本 有平
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 20 (2) 199 - 200 0916-4936 2007/06
  • 複数回の手術を要した乳癌術後放射線潰瘍の1例
    大澤 昌之, 関堂 充, 長尾 宗朝, 斉藤 典子, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 林 利彦, 冨士森 英之
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 20 (2) 223 - 223 0916-4936 2007/06
  • Tsutsumida A, Furukawa H, Yamamoto Y, Horiuchi K, Yoshida T, Fujii S
    International journal of clinical oncology 3 12 (3) 242 - 243 1341-9625 2007/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 腋窩原発のFollicular dendritic cell sarcomaの治療経験
    塩谷 隆太, 古川 洋志, 安田 聖人, 近藤 雅嗣, 七戸 龍司, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 27 (5) 405 - 405 0389-4703 2007/05
  • 静脈奇形の治療戦略 筋肉内病変を含むExtensive Venous Malformationに対する治療
    佐々木 了, 古川 洋志, 関堂 充, 小山 明彦, 堤田 新, 齋藤 典子, 長尾 宗朝, William Mol, 山本 有平
    静脈学 日本静脈学会 18 (2) 114 - 114 0915-7395 2007/05
  • 頬口腔頸部巨大リンパ管奇形の治療経験
    長尾 宗朝, 佐々木 了, 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 内山 英祐
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 27 (5) 404 - 404 0389-4703 2007/05
  • 当科における下肢筋肉内脈管奇形の検討
    佐々木 了, 長尾 宗朝, 安田 聖人, William Mol, 山本 有平
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 27 (5) 404 - 404 0389-4703 2007/05
  • 曾我部 いづみ, 山本 栄治, 井上 農夫男, 三古谷 忠, 伊藤 裕美, 佐々木 了, 黒須 拓郎, 松沢 祐介, 山本 有平, 齋藤 豪紀, 戸塚 靖則
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 (一社)日本口蓋裂学会 32 (2) 188 - 188 0386-5185 2007/04
  • 遊離皮弁術による再建手術における術前治療の影響
    瀧 重成, 本間 明宏, 古田 康, 鈴木 章之, 折舘 伸彦, 坂下 智博, 関堂 充, 山本 有平, 福田 諭
    日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (一社)日本耳鼻咽喉科学会 110 (4) 365 - 365 0030-6622 2007/04 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Emi Funayama, Hiroharu H. Igawa, Noriko Nishizawa, Akihiko Oyama, Yuhei Yamamoto
    OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY 136 (1) 33 - 37 0194-5998 2007/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the incidence of unilateral hypodynamic palate (UHP) and velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) in hemifacial microsomia (HFM), and to determine the dysmorphic manifestations having significant associations with UHP/ VPI in HFM. STUDY DESIGN: This was a nonrandomized study of 48 patients with unilateral HFM without cleft palate. The correlation between each anomaly and UHP/VPI was analyzed statistically. In addition, we observed 4 HFM patients with cleft palate to examine the influence on cleft palate speech. RESULTS: The incidence of UHP in HFM was 50.0% and that of VPI was 14.6%. All the VPI patients had UHP. Severe micrognathia and soft tissue deficiency, macrostomia, and mental retardation were significant risk factors for developing VPI in HFM. Moreover, UHP exacerbated speech in HFM with cleft lip and palate. CONCLUSIONS: Significant correlations were detected between VPI and HFM. This finding should be helpful in the overall management of HFM. (c) 2007 American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. All rights reserved.
  • Y. Yamamoto, M. Sekido, H. Furukawa, A. Oyama, A. Tsutsumida, S. Sasaki
    JOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY 60 (3) 223 - 231 1748-6815 2007 [Refereed][Not invited]
    To obtain symmetric appearance in facial palsy patients, it is important to retain any remaining potential of the compromised facial mimetic muscles. The purpose of the present study was to introduce surgical rehabilitation based on neural signal, augmentation neural supercharge concept for the treatment of reversible facial palsy patients. With construction of facial-hypogtossal network system using end-to-side neurorrhaphy technique, both facial and hypoglossal motor signals are provided to the compromised facial. mimetic muscles. It is hypothesised that the remaining potential of incompletely or completely paralysed muscles without atrophy is activated by a neural 'supercharge' effect. To date, nine patients presented with reversible facial palsy have been treated by surgical rehabititation with facial-hypoglossal. network system in our institutes. Facial mimetic muscle function evaluated by the House-Brackmann grading system was improved from grade IV-VI to II-III in this series. The postoperative ENMG findings showed double innervation of the mimetic muscles supplied by the facial and hypoglossal donor motor sources. Hemiglossal dysfunction and mimetic muscle synkinesis associated with tongue motion were never seen with an average follow-up period of 21 months after surgery. This reconstructive concept offers a significant advantage for the treatment of the facial palsy patients with persistent incomplete type and reversible complete type without distinct mimetic muscle atrophy. (c) 2007 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Pubtished by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Hayashi T, Sasaki S, Oyama A, Kawashima K, Horiuchi K, William M, Yamamoto Y
    The Journal of craniofacial surgery 1 18 (1) 113 - 119 1049-2275 2007/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Furukawa H, Tsutsumida A, Yamamoto Y, Sasaki S, Sekido M, Fujimori H, Sugihara T
    Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS 1 60 (1) 24 - 31 1748-6815 2007 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Tsutsumida A, Furukawa H, Hata S, Saito A, Yamamoto Y
    The Journal of dermatology 1 34 (1) 31 - 36 0385-2407 2007/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Furukawa H, Sasaki S, William M, Sekido M, Tsutsumida A, Oyama A, Yamamoto Y
    Scandinavian journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery and hand surgery / Nordisk plastikkirurgisk forening [and] Nordisk klubb for handkirurgi 4 41 (4) 189 - 192 0284-4311 2007 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 無水エタノール硬化療法による側頸嚢胞の治療経験
    齋藤典子, 佐々木了, 関堂充, 古川洋志, 長尾宗朝, 山本有平, 無水エタノール硬化療法による側頸嚢胞の治療経験
    日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 23 256-260  2007/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 体幹部をdonorとする遊離穿通枝皮弁の有用性 深下腹壁動脈穿通枝皮弁、胸背動脈穿通枝皮弁
    長尾 宗朝, 関堂 充, 山本 有平, 板谷 純幸, 天海 恵子
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 19 (4) 449 - 455 0916-4936 2006/12 
    深下腹壁動脈穿通枝皮弁(DIEP flap)6例、胸背動脈穿通枝皮弁(TAP flap)2例を対象とし、年齢、疾患、部位、皮弁サイズ、合併症などについて検討した。皮弁の大きさは、6×8cm〜13×17cmで、再建部位は頭頸部5例、下腿3例であった。皮弁は全例生着したが、そのうち1例に部分壊死、1例に辺縁部に小潰瘍を認めた。合併症を認めた2例とも軟膏治療で保存的に治癒した。血栓や皮弁全壊死、その他の合併症は認めなかった。経過の中で、2例に皮弁減量術を要した。皮弁採取部についても、全例ともに明らかな合併症は認めなかった。
  • SAITO Noriko, TSUTSUMIDA Arata, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, ITO Tomoo, YAMAMOTO Yuhei
    Skin Cancer 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 21 (2) 220 - 225 0915-3535 2006/10/31 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    We analyzed 33 cases of soft tissue sarcoma observed at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University during the course of 24 years (1980-2004), and retrospectively investigated 32 cases using the FNCLCC grading system and the AJCC Staging System. The current results indicate a correlation between these grading and staging systems and prognosis. We suggest these systems are useful for estimating the clinical prognosis in patients with soft tissue sarcoma. [Skin Cancer (Japan) 2006; 21: 220-225]
  • Umbilicoplasty for pentalogy of cantrell; a case report
    Akira Saito, Mitsuru Sekido, Hiroshi Furukawa, Yuhei Yamamoto, Takehiro Kubota
    Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 49 (7) 815 - 820 0021-5228 2006/07 
    In 1958, Cantrell and associates described a rare syndrome consisting of (1) a supraumbilical wall defect, (2) a defect of the lower sternum, (3) a deficiency of the anterior diaphragm, (4) a defect of the diaphragmatic pericardium, and (5) various intracardiac defects, and that henceforth was referred to as the pentalogy of Cantrell. The survival rate of patients with a complete pentalogy of Cantrell is very low and the outcome depends on the cardiac malformation, therefore they are rarely treated by plastic surgeons. In this report, we presented a staged repair of the complete pentalogy of Cantrell. In the first stage, the repair of intracardiac malformations was performed at 1 year and 4 months of age. In the second stage, omphalocele was successfully repaired and umbilicoplasty was performed for a defect of the umbilicus at 2 years and 5 months of age. The umbilicoplasty was carried out using the method that anchors the inferior based triangular flap of a reverse Y-shaped skin flap to the newly created umbilical fossa as we described previously, and we obtained satisfactory results for the umbilicus, which had a deep umbilical fossa. We think that this is the first case report that describes umbilicoplasty for the pentalogy of Cantrell. We conclude that we can perform umbilicoplasty successfully if the intracardiac malformations are well repaired beforehand.
  • 当科における深下腹壁動脈穿通枝,胸背動脈穿通枝を用いた遊離皮弁の経験
    長尾 宗朝, 関堂 充, 山本 有平, 板谷 純幸, 天海 恵子
    日本形成外科学会会誌 (一社)日本形成外科学会 26 (6) 410 - 410 0389-4703 2006/06
  • 当科における深下腹壁動脈穿通枝,胸背動脈穿通枝を用いた遊離皮弁の経験
    長尾 宗朝, 関堂 充, 山本 有平, 板谷 純幸, 天海 恵子
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 19 (2) 227 - 228 0916-4936 2006/06
  • DIEP(深下腹壁動脈穿通枝)皮弁を用いた頭頸部再建
    関堂 充, 長尾 宗朝, 古川 洋志, 矢島 和宜, 林 利彦, 山本 有平
    頭頸部癌 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 32 (2) 169 - 169 1349-5747 2006/05
  • A surgical approach to reanimation for reversible facial palsy patients; a neural network system based on the neural signal augmentation concept
    Yuhei Yamamoto, Mitsuru Sekido, Hiroshi Furukawa
    Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 49 (4) 411 - 417 0021-5228 2006/04 
    In the surgical approach to reanimation of facial palsy, it is important to realize that the patient has reversible or atrophic mimetic muscles. Recently, we have developed a facial reanimation surgery using a neural network system based on the neural signal augmentation concept for treatment of reversible facial palsy patients. The technique to reanimate the paralyzed mimetic muscles includes more than one neural source to augment neural signals. Physiological recovery is expected when using a facial neural source and an early and reliable recovery is expected when using a hypoglossal neural source. With the application of several types of end-to-side neurorrhaphy techniques, a neural network system is established to obtain rapid restoration of resting tone and powerful facial movements of the reinnervated face. Hypoglossal-facial nerve cooptation with an end-to-side fashion prevents the occurrence of synkinesis and hemiglossal dysfunction. The surgical approach using this neural network system is generally employed for incomplete-type paralyzed cases more than 1 year from onset or complete-type cases within 2 years from onset. In this article, three representative reversible facial palsy cases undergoing establishment of a neural network system to augment neural signals from facial and hypoglossal neural sources are presented.
    The Japanese Journal of Dermatology 日本皮膚科学会 116 (3) 297 - 301 0021-499X 2006/03/20 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    In recent years, outpatient chemotherapy has become generally acceptable in Japan. We reviewed the patients who underwent outpatient chemotherapy for advanced malignant tumors or adjuvant chemotherapy. For advanced malignant tumors, including adenoid cystic carcinoma with bone metastasis, leiomyosarcoma with lung metastases, and cutaneous melanoma with lymph node metastases, chemotherapy was useful for maintaining the quality of life (QOL).For adjuvant chemotherapy, most of the anticancer agents were applied orally, although it is still controversial to decide its indication and to perform adjuvant chemotherapy for skin cancer or soft tissue sarcoma. Outpatient chemotherapy will become a useful treatment not only to maintain QOL but also to restrain the cost of medical care.
    Skin Cancer 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会 20 (3) 264 - 267 0915-3535 2006/02/15 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    Sentinel lymph node biopsy is increasingly used for treating melanoma in Japan. When sentinel lymph nodes are positive, complete lymph node dissection is generally recommended. In the case of groin nodal metastases, it remains controversial whether the radical groin dissection (RGD) or superficial groin dissection (SGD) should be performed. Sixteen patients of cutaneous melanoma with regional lymph node micrometastases who underwent elective lymph node dissection or lymph node dissection after positive sentinel lymph nodes were examined. In five cases of elective radical groin dissection, i...
  • Mitsuru Sekido, Hiroshi Furukawa, Toshihiko Hayashi, Yuhei Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Minamimoto
    Toukeibu Gan 32 (3) 241 - 246 1881-8382 2006 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The role of the Plastic surgeon in head and neck reconstruction involves reconstruction after ablative surgery and secondary revision. In addition, donor site closure after flap harvest is performed by the plastic surgeon during microsurgery and flap suture in most cases. Details of donor site closure have rarely been reported. In this paper, we describe a device for donor site closure in head and neck reconstruction using primary closure, skin grafts and local flap. In many cases, secondary revision after reconstruction is required. Plastic surgery techniques are very useful in this situation. Techniques used for secondary revision include: 1) scar revision, 2) local flaps, 3) dermal fat graft, 4) liposuction, 5) lipoinjection, 6) free flap and so on. It is very important to choose adequate reconstruction methods to improve the better QOL of patients. © 2006, Japan Society for Head and Neck Cancer. All rights reserved.
  • Variation of Microvascular Blood Flow Augmentation-Supercharge in Esophageal and Pharyngeal Reconstruction
    M., Sekido, Y., Yamamoto, H., Minakawa, S., Sasaki, H., Furukawa, T., Sugihara, K., Nohira, K., Yajima, S., Okushiba, H., Kato, A, Watanabe, M, Hosokawa
    Rozhl. Chir. 85 9-13  2006/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Hiroshi Furukawa, Satoru Sasaki, Eisuke Uchiyama, Kunihiro Kawashima, Yuhei Yamamoto
    Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS 12 59 (12) 1385 - 1387 1748-6815 2006 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Cantrell 症候群における臍形成の1例
    齋藤, 亮, 関堂充, 古川洋志, 山本有平
    形成外科 49 815-820  2006/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 表情筋の回復が期待される顔面神経麻痺症例に対する外科的アプローチ~Neural signal augmentation/Neural supercharge仮説に基づいたnetwork型神経再建~
    山本有平, 関堂充, 古川洋志
    形成外科 49 411-417  2006/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • ポリドカノールを用いた経皮的硬化療法
    佐々木了, 古川洋志, 関堂充, 小山明彦, 長尾宗朝, 河合佳子, Mol, William, 山本有平
    IVR会誌 21 403-407  2006/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 頭頚部領域における形成外科再建手技―基本手技における工夫と2次修正について
    関堂充, 古川洋志, 林利彦, 山本有平, 南本俊之
    頭頚部癌 32 241-246  2006/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • SEKIDO Mitsuru, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, SUGIHARA Tsuneki, NOHIRA Kunihiko
    日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 25 (11) 715 - 723 0389-4703 2005/11/20 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • SEKIDO Mitsuru, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, MINAKAWA Hidehiko, SASAKI Satoru, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, SUGIHARA Tsuneki, NOHIRA Kunihiko, YAJIMA Kazuyoshi, SHINTOMI Yoshihisa, OKUSHIBA Syunichi, KATO Hiroyuki, HOSOKAWA Masao
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery 18 (4) 370 - 375 0916-4936 2005/11/10 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Tsutsumida A, Furukawa H, Yamamoto Y, Sugihara T
    International journal of clinical oncology 5 10 (5) 311 - 317 1341-9625 2005/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Yasushi Furuta, Akihiro Homma, Tatsumi Nagahashi, Nobuhiko Oridate, Yasushi Mesuda, Noriko Nishizawa, Mitsuru Sekido, Yuhei Yamamoto, Shun-Ichi Okushiba, Satoshi Fukuda
    Auris, nasus, larynx 32 (3) 269 - 74 0385-8146 2005/09 
    BACKGROUND: Voice restoration after circumferential pharyngolaryngectomy (CPL) with free jejunal graft remains a difficult problem to solve. Few reports have analyzed the success rate and complications following primary insertion of indwelling voice prostheses during CPL with free jejunal graft. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eight patients who underwent CPL with free jejunal graft had a Groningen voice prosthesis inserted as a tracheoesophageal (TE) shunt at the time of oncological surgery. A 10-point scale was used to assess each patient's speech intelligibility. Complications following the voice prosthesis insertion were also analyzed. RESULTS: Six of the eight patients (75%) achieved excellent speech intelligibility and the remaining two patients (25%) were judged as moderate. Six of the eight patients (75%) used the TE shunt as their major means of daily communication. Leakage through or around the prosthesis, which occurred in six (75%) patients, was the most frequent prosthesis-related complication. CONCLUSIONS: This safe and reliable technique can be effective in improving the quality of life in selected patients undergoing CPL.
  • M Sekido, Y Yamamoto, A Tsutsumida, T Yoshida, H Minakawa, K Nohira, Y Shintomi, T Sugihara
    SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY AND HAND SURGERY 39 (4) 222 - 226 0284-4311 2005/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Little has been written about reconstructive methods after resection of melanomas in the head and neck region. We investigated reconstructive methods retrospectively related to the site and size of the melanomas resected by examining the medical records of 28 patients who had malignant melanomas of the head and neck resected at our hospital from 1984 to 2001. The tumour distribution was 12 in the cheek, 6 in the conjunctiva, 2 in the upper lip, 2 in the lower lip, one each in the lower eyelid, eyebrow, scalp, nose, and auricle. Reconstructive methods were 18 skin grafts, seven local flaps, and three free flaps. Three patients who had skin grafts required secondary reconstruction using free flaps. No local recurrences were observed. Reconstructions with local flaps give better aesthetical and functional results than free flaps and skin grafts. Immediate reconstruction with a flap is safe and it does not affect observation of local recurrences.
  • A Tsutsumida, T Yoshida, Y Yamamoto, T Itoh, H Minakawa, T Sugihara
    PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY 116 (1) 8 - 12 0032-1052 2005/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: Superficial leiomyosarcoma is a rare soft-tissue tumor. Management of this tumor, including pathological evaluations and therapies, is not clearly defined in the existing literature. Methods: Ten patients with superficial leiomyosarcoma treated in our institutes were recalled and scheduled for examination. Assessments were carried out according to clinical characteristics, therapies used, histological grade (based on the grading system of the Federation Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre Le Cancer), tumor-node-metastasis stage (using the American joint Committee on Cancer staging system), recurrences rates, state of metastases, and the current condition of each patient. Results: No local recurrences or distant metastases were seen in eight patients with low-grade and early stage disease, whereas two patients with high-grade and advanced-stage disease had recurrence and one of these two patients died of the disease. Conclusions: This study indicates that evaluations using the Federation Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre Le Cancer grading system and the American joint Committee on Cancer tumor staging system were useful. The authors advocate that Surgical treatment of low-grade cutaneous leiomyosarcoma by complete excision with a narrow margin is adequate. For low-grade and early-state subcutaneous or soft-tissue leiomyosarcoma, wide excision with a minimum 2-cm lateral margin and one-tissue barrier deep margin is recommended. Management of high-grade leiomyosarcomas is still difficult; adequate wide excision may be the only option.
  • M Sekido, Y Yamamoto, T Sugihara
    PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY 115 (6) 1547 - 1552 0032-1052 2005/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: The authors measured pedicle arterial flow volume output using color Doppler ultrasonography in 23 patients after free tissue transfer in head and neck reconstruction. Methods: Transferred flaps included six free jejunums, eight free radial forearm flaps, and four anterolateral thigh flaps. Flow volume output could be measured on all patients and was selectively measured in 17 patients with color Doppler ultrasonography on days 1, 4, 7, 14, 21, and 28 after surgery. The authors compared output change in different periods. In addition, they compared flow volume output on the first postoperative day in the different flaps and in the different recipient arteries and veins, and the effectiveness of irradiation in the different patients. Results: Three of the 17 patients developed venous thrombosis. Flow volume output on the skin flaps increased gradually from day 1 to 7 after surgery and decreased gradually until day 28 in 14 patients without venous thrombosis. The free jejunum had more pedicle arterial blood flow than the skin flaps and it showed minimal flow volume output change. There were no significant differences among different recipient vessels or different skin flaps, or in the effectiveness of irradiation in the different patients. Three patients who developed venous thrombosis were salvaged by reanastomoses of the thrombosed vein. Conclusions: Before reanastomosis, abnormal arterial waveform, decreasing flow volume output, and a lack of venous blood flow were observed in the patients who developed venous thrombosis. After reanastomoses, the output was significantly improved and the flaps survived completely in all three cases. The authors conclude that color Doppler ultrasonography is useful for detecting venous thromboses too.
    日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 25 (3) 175 - 180 0389-4703 2005/03/20 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Hayashi T, Honda K, Kimura C, Yamamoto Y, Oyama A, Sugihara T
    Annals of plastic surgery 6 53 554 - 559 0148-7043 2004/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Skin Cancer The Japanese Skin Cancer Society 19 (2) 198 - 202 0915-3535 2004/10/15 
    A hemangioma simplex (HS) or a port-wine stain has a tendency to darken in color and to become thickened gradually in its natural history. But it is uncommon for a skin cancer to develop inside an HS.
    We report a case of a 64-year-old female, who had a large HS on her face from birth, in which a basal cell carcinoma (BCC) developed. At first an excisional biopsy was done to define the histological diagnosis of the nodule which developed on her lower lip, and the diagnosis was BCC. Then a wide local excision of the nodule with 5mm surgical margin and plasty of the enlarged lip and tongue were performed under general anesthesia. At 11 months after the final operation, no sign of loco-regional recurrence was observed.
    There have been reported 19 cases of BCC developing inside HS in the literature. Eleven of these cases had some previous treatments for HS, such as thorium-X irradiation or cryotherapy. The etiological significance of the therapy is still unknown but is discussed in this article. [Skin Cancer (Japan) 2004; 19: 198-202]
  • 下咽頭・食道の再建 下咽頭・食道の再建 難治性皮膚瘻孔
    山本 有平, 関堂 充, 堤田 新, 矢島 和宜, 杉原 平樹, 古田 康, 本間 明宏, 永橋 立望, 福田 論, 奥芝 俊一, 八木 克憲
    頭頸部腫瘍 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 30 (2) 128 - 128 0911-4335 2004/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 頭頸部,上部消化管再発癌における微小血管吻合を用いた再建に関する検討
    関堂 充, 山本 有平, 佐々木 了, 古川 洋志, 杉原 平樹, 本間 明宏, 永橋 立望, 古田 康, 福田 諭, 矢島 和宜, 野平 久仁彦, 新冨 芳尚, 八木 克憲, 上田 倫弘, 山下 徹郎
    頭頸部腫瘍 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 30 (2) 286 - 286 0911-4335 2004/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Y Yamamoto, K Kawashima, T Sugihara, K Nohira, Y Furuta, S Fukuda
    HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK 26 (3) 247 - 256 1043-3074 2004/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background. Few published large series have described a surgical approach to maxillary skeletal reconstruction on the basis of the extent of maxillectomy. Methods. We have reviewed a 10-year experience with 38 consecutive maxillary reconstructions with respect to maxillectomy defects, reconstructive procedures, reconstructed buttresses, and functional and aesthetic outcomes. Results. Maxillectomy defects were classified into three categories on the basis of the buttress concept. Buttress reconstruction was most frequently performed in category III maxillary defects (56%), followed by category 1 (50%) and category 11 (20%). The vascularized composite autograft included the rectus abdominis myocutaneous free flap combined with costal cartilage, and the latissimus dorsi myocutaneous free flap combined with the V-shaped scapula is an effective method for reliable reconstruction of both skeletal and soft tissues. Conclusions. A critical assessment for skeletal defects and associated soft tissue defects is essential for an adequate approach to solve complex problems in maxillary reconstruction. On the basis of retrospective analysis of this series, a reconstructive algorithm for surgical management of maxillectomy defects is proposed. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • YAMAMOTO Yuhei, SEKIDO Mitsuru, TSUTSUMIDA Arata, MINAGAWA Tomohiro, OSAWA Masayuki, SUGIHARA Tsuneki
    Skin Cancer The Japanese Skin Cancer Society 18 (3) 334 - 337 0915-3535 2004/02/10 
    In reconstruction of resultant defects after excision of malignant soft tissue neoplasms, flap transfer is required for coverage of exposed major vessels, nerves, tendons, or bone. A perforator flap is effectively used for reconstruction of lower extremity defects because the flap is thin and provides low morbidity. In this report, a 72-year-old female presented with undifferentiated sarcoma of the knee. She was successfully treated with a pedicled anterior tibial perforator flap. In addition, a 68-year-old male presented with malignant fibrohistiocytoma of the leg. His limb was uneventfully reconstructed with a free deep inferior epigastric perforator flap. These two cases are described in this report. [Skin Cancer (Japan) 2003; 18: 334-337]
  • Maxillary and Mandibular Alveolar Ridge Reconstruction with a Free Muscle Vascularized Pedicle (MVP) Bone Flap; An Analysis of 19 Cases
    Hiroharu Igawa, Hidehiko Minakawa, Yuhei Yamamoto, Kunihiko Nohira, Yoshihisa Shintomi, Tsuneki Sugihara
    Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 47 (2) 147 - 156 0021-5228 2004/02 
    We analyzed 19 cases of maxillary or mandibular alveolar ridge reconstruction with a free muscle vascularized pedicle (MVP) bone flap, which was secondarily vascularized by a pedicled muscle flap with its intact nutritional vessels. Iliac crest and rectus abdominis muscle were used as donor bone and muscle, respectively, in 18 of the 19 free MVP bone flaps. The operative procedures were divided into three steps, that is, vascular implantation, bony delay, and flap transfer. A long rectus abdominis muscle flap with its inferior epigastric vessels intact was united to the iliac crest to reproduce an ideal anatomic location between the maxillary or mandibular defect and microsurgical anastomosis site. After a short surgical delay, which is basically omissible because the MVP bone flap has an axial-pattern, the free MVP iliac crest flap was successfully transferred microsurgically without any interposition of vein grafts in 18 of the 19 free MVP bone flaps. Osseointegrated implants were placed in the iliac crest which had been tightly resurfaced with a split-thickness skin graft (STSG) at the time of vascular implantation or bony delay and a dental prosthesis was worn for immobilization and stability. The procedures enabled recovery of a satisfactory facial appearance and excellent masticatory function. The MVP bone flap which is resurfaced with STSG and in which osseointegrated implants are placed should be a useful alternative for functional alveolar ridge reconstruction of the maxilla and mandible. Moreover, this concept may prove suitable as a methodology for revascularization of tissue or an organ produced by regeneration medicine.
    Skin Cancer The Japanese Skin Cancer Society 19 (3) 331 - 335 0915-3535 2004 
    To improve the response to chemotherapy for advanced skin cancers and soft tissue sarcomas, effective drugs should be selected for each patient. From 2002, we tried to select the anticancer drugs based on the collagen gel droplet-embedded culture drug sensitivity test (CD-DST) ; it is one of the useful clinical chemosensitivity tests for some malignant tumors. This test has been applied to 7 cases of skin cancer and 2 cases of soft tissue sarcoma. It is inconclusive whether the results of this assay will correlate with the clinical effects of the drugs; however, this test may serve as a guide to select the specific regimens of chemotherapy for skin cancers and soft tissue sarcomas, thus avoiding the side effects of the ineffective anticancer drugs. [Skin Cancer (Japan) 2004; 19: 331-335]
  • Sekido M, Yamamoto Y, Furukawa H, Sugihara T
    Microsurgery 4 24 (4) 289 - 292 0738-1085 2004 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Sekido M, Yamamoto Y, Minakawa H, Sasaki S, Furukawa H, Sugihara T, Nohira K, Yajima K, Shintomi Y, Okushiba S, Kato H, Hosokawa M
    Surgery 3 134 (3) 420 - 424 0039-6060 2003/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • TSUTSUMIDA Arata, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, SUGIHARA Tsuneki, YOSHIDA Tetsunori, MINAKAWA Hidehiko, KOKUBU Ichiro
    Skin Cancer The Japanese Skin Cancer Society 18 (1) 70 - 74 0915-3535 2003/05/30 
    A 70-year-old patient who presented with a black, reddish nodule on his scrotum was referred to our hospital in March 1994. Many inguinal lymph nodes were palpable. Under the clinical diagnosis of malignant melanoma, a wide local excision combined with a 4-5cm lateral margin including the external spermatic fascia and continuous superficial inguinal lymphadenectomy was performed. Histopathological diagnosis revealed nodular malignant melanoma of pT4bNOM0 (2002 UICC) with a tumor thickness of 13mm. After the surgical treatment the patient was treated with three cycles of DAV-feron biochemotherapy regimen and Bestatin for three years. At 7 years after the initial operation the patient is disease-free.
    Primary malignant melanoma of the scrotum is a rare entity, with only 10 cases reported previously around the world. [Skin Cancer (Japan) 2003; 18: 70-74]
  • 上部消化管再建後壊死症例のsalvage手術
    関堂 充, 山本 有平, 佐々木 了, 杉原 平樹, 矢島 和宜, 野平 久仁彦, 新冨 芳尚, 皆川 英彦, 古川 洋志, 本間 明宏, 永橋 立望, 古田 康, 福田 諭, 八木 克憲
    頭頸部腫瘍 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 29 (2) 335 - 335 0911-4335 2003/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • S Kondo, Y Ambo, H Katoh, S Hirano, E Tanaka, S Okushiba, T Morikawa, H Igawa, Y Yamamoto, T Sugihara
    HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGY 50 (50) 305 - 307 0172-6390 2003/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background/Aims: Radical distal pancreatectomy with en-bloc resection of the common hepatic, celiac, and left gastric arteries for pancreatic body cancer that involves these arteries does not routinely require arterial reconstruction because the collateral pathways via the pancreatoduodenal arcades from the superior mesenteric artery are recruited immediately. However, accidental injury to the pancreatoduodenal artery compromises collateral blood flow and may lead to fatal complications. This article describes the middle colic artery-gastroepiploic artery bypass as an emergent salvage procedure for restoring collateral flow. Methodology: The inferior pancreatoduodenal artery was accidentally injured in 2 of 9 patients who underwent the radical procedure between 1997 and 2001. Microvascular anastomosis between the left branch of the middle colic artery and the gastroepiploic artery in an end-to-side fashion was employed. Results: The pulsation of the gastroepiploic artery and the color of the stomach recovered immediately after completion of the middle colic artery-gastroepiploic artery bypass. No ischemia-related complication developed. postoperatively. Postoperative angiography showed the middle colic artery-gastroepiploic artery bypass supplying arterial flow to the liver, stomach, duodenum, and pancreas. Conclusions: The middle colic artery-gastroepiploic artery bypass is an excellent alternative restoring compromised collateral flow via the pancreatoduodenal arcades when microsurgical technique is available.
  • 遊離空腸再建症例におけるvoice prosthesis一期的挿入による音声再建
    古田 康, 永橋 立望, 本間 明宏, 折舘 伸彦, 目須田 康, 西澤 典子, 福田 諭, 関堂 充, 山本 有平, 奥芝 俊一
    頭頸部腫瘍 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 28 (2) 420 - 420 0911-4335 2002/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Duplex scan(超音波パルスドップラー法)を用いた微小血管吻合後の血流モニタリング
    関堂 充, 山本 有平, 杉原 平樹, 横山 朋子, 古川 洋志, 矢島 和宜, 本間 明宏, 永橋 立望, 折舘 伸彦, 古田 康, 福田 諭
    頭頸部腫瘍 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 28 (2) 442 - 442 0911-4335 2002/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 側頭骨外科,頭蓋底外科 頭蓋底外科の適応疾患,合併症,現在の動向 多施設トライアルの結果を中心として
    福田 諭, 本間 明宏, 永橋 立望, 八木 克憲, 古田 康, 犬山 征夫, 山本 有平, 澤村 豊
    頭頸部腫瘍 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 27 (2) 281 - 281 0911-4335 2001/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • The standard flap in reconstructive surgery: Breast reconstruction
    Y. Yamamoto, T. Sugihara, K. Nohira
    Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 44 (9) 859 - 866 0021-5228 2001 
    The transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous (TRAM) flap reconstruction procedure has been well accepted as the gold standard for breast reconstruction. The TRAM flap has first priority in breast reconstruction for the following reasons: (1) It is an autologous breast reconstruction thereby avoiding common postoperative complications due to foreign body reactions. (2) A sufficient volume of soft tissue is provided by this technique to adequately reconstruct the breast symmetrically. (3) The donor-site scar is made in an invisible region. There are various types of TRAM flaps sorted according to their vascular supply, and an understanding of their survival areas is very important in order to obtain satisfactory results. The order of increased survival area is as follows: c-MVA TRAM flap> double pedicled TRAM flap> i-MVA TRAM flap/free TRAM flap> free DIEP flap> conventional TRAM flap. The free TRAM flap is better perfused than the pedicled type however, the risk of total flap necrosis due to vessel thrombosis is still possible. Therefore, some plastic surgeons regard the free TRAM flap as too risky to use on a regular basis in breast reconstruction. Concerning donor site morbidity, postoperative abdominal strength and the risk of a lower abdominal bulge/hernia should be discussed separately. A transient decrease in abdominal strength is essentially regained at 6-12 months postoperatively and the activities associated with daily living are rarely affected in most patients undergoing the TRAM flap procedure. To prevent a lower abdominal bulge/hernia, a secure approximation of the abdominal fascia at the caudal region, where the posterior sheath is absent, is important. Especially, in a case using the deep inferior epigastric vessels, much attention should be paid to properly closing the fascia because the caudal area is surgically damaged during dissection.
  • YAMAMOTO Yuhei, SEKIDO Mitsuru, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, SUGIHARA Tsuneki, FUKUDA Satoshi, FURUTA Yasushi, YAGI Katsunori, NAGAHASHI Tatsumi, HONMA Akihiro, INUYAMA Yukio
    Japanese jornal of Head and Neck Cancer 26 (3) 436 - 440 0911-4335 2000/11/25 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • FURUKAWA Hiroshi, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, CHODON Thinle, SUGIHARA Tsuneki
    日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 20 (9) 545 - 550 0389-4703 2000/09/20 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • The efficacy of the back wall technique in reconstruction of the arterial systems of the intra-abdominal organs
    S. Sasaki, Y. Yamamoto, K. Nohira, H. Furukawa, Y. Okubo, H. Minakawa, T. Sugihara
    Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 43 (5) 445 - 450 0021-5228 2000 
    During the last seven and a half years, 32 patients underwent microsurgical reconstruction of 29 hepatic and four superior mesenteric arterial systems following extended pancreatectomy or hepatectomy, and in living-related liver transplantations (LRLT). All microvascular anastomoses in this series were performed using a back wall technique, in which the micro-sutures are placed in the back wall of the vessel first, eliminating the need to turn the microclamp over. This back wall technique is useful for microvascular reconstruction in a deep abdominal cavity in which there is no room to turn the microclamp over. In LRLTs, if the hepatic artery of the graft liver is too short the microclamp on it cannot be rotated, this technique overcomes such difficult situations. Microvascular anastomosis performed without turning the clamp over is superior to the conventional method in terms of reducing intimal damage to the vessels. The vessels located vertical to the microvascular surgeon are smoothly anastomosed using this technique. The authors advocate this back wall technique as advantageous in microsurgical reconstructions of the hepatic and superior mesenteric arterial systems.
  • 山田 和之, 福田 諭, 八木 克憲, 目須田 康, 横浜 優樹, 本間 明宏, 永橋 立望, 古田 康, 佐藤 信清, 犬山 征夫, 山本 有平, 大野 耕一, 奥芝 俊一
    日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (一社)日本耳鼻咽喉科学会 102 (12) 1279 - 1286 0030-6622 1999/12 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • YAMAMOTO Yuhei, SASAKI Satoru, SEKIDO Mitsuru, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, SUGIHARA Tsuneki, FUKUDA Satoshi, FURUTA Yasushi, YAGI Katsunori, NAGAHASHI Tatsumi, HONMA Akihiro, INUYAMA Yukio, OKUSHIBA Shunichi, YOSHIDA Tetsunori, NOHIRA Kunihiko, WATANABE Akihito, YAMASHITA Teteuro
    Japanese jornal of Head and Neck Cancer 25 (3) 471 - 475 0911-4335 1999/11/25 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Yamamoto Yuhei, Sasaki Satoru, Furukawa Hiroshi, Igawa Hiroharu, Okushiba Shunichi, Ohno Koichi, Furukawa Hiroyuki, Kishida Akihiro, Ohmura Takashi, Nomura Masaru, Nohira Kunihiko
    Journal of Japan Surgical Society 一般社団法人日本外科学会 100 (9) 557 - 561 0301-4894 1999/09/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • FURUKAWA Hiroshi, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, KUWAHARA Hiroaki, SEKIDO Mitsuru, KOYAMA Naoko, SASAKI Satoru, H. IGAWA Hiroharu, MINAKAWA Hidehiko, SUGIHARA Tsuneki
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery 12 (3) 211 - 216 0916-4936 1999/09/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 再度遊離空腸移植術を必要とした下咽頭頸部食道再建例の検討
    古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 関堂 充, 杉原 平樹, 福田 諭, 佐藤 信清, 古田 康, 八木 克憲, 永橋 立望, 本間 明宏
    頭頸部腫瘍 (一社)日本頭頸部癌学会 25 (2) 284 - 284 0911-4335 1999/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • YAMAMOTO Yuhei, MINAKAWA Hidehiko, SASAKI Satoru, SAKAMURA Ritsuo, SEKIDO Mitsuru, KUWAHARA Hiroaki, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, SUGIHARA Tsuneki, NOHIRA Kunihiko, SHINTOMI Yoshihisa, YOSHIDA Tetsunori
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery 12 (1) 16 - 21 0916-4936 1999/03/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Treatment of pyogenic arthritis of the hip caused by pressure sores
    S. Hata, M. Murazumi, A. Fujii, S. Tsutsumida, A. Oyama, K. Yajima, Y. Yamamoto, T. Sugihara
    Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 42 (10) 933 - 938 0021-5228 1999 
    If paraplegic patients with trochanteric and ischial pressure sores are neglected over the long term without proper treatment, the pressure sores may extend into the hip joint due to infection resulting in pyogenic arthritis. The author reports six cases of pyogenic arthritis of the hip. Four patients who had pyogenic arthritis with a small pressure sore and narrow required resecting of the femoral head and neck (Girdlestone procedure type 4) and closing by surrounding soft tissues without dead space for the purpose of restraining infection. Resection of the femur and total thigh flap procedure were required in two patients who had pyogenic arthritis with broad soft tissue necrosis and osteomyelitis of the femoral shaft.
  • Y Yamamoto, T Sugihara, Y Furuta, S Fukuda
    PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY 102 (4) 993 - 998 0032-1052 1998/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The authors describe their experience with functional restoration of tongue and deglutition muscles at the floor of the mouth after an extensive resection of tongue cancer. Five patients underwent immediate tongue reconstruction using a reinnervated rectus abdominis myocutaneous free flap in which the included tenth intercostal nerve was coapted to the remaining hypoglossal nerve. The rectus sheath strips attached on both cut ends of the muscle were used to create the firm tendinous insertions between the mandible and hyoid bone based on the anatomic findings of the extrinsic tongue and suprahyoid muscles. The postoperative course was uneventful in all patients. All patients presented with good tongue bulk without obvious atrophy. Three patients with subtotal glossectomy demonstrated good cooperative mobility of the reconstructed and remaining tongue and had solid or semisolid/soft diet. However, two patients with total glossectomy did not show satisfactory rehabilitation of the reconstructed tongue. Postoperative electromyographic assessment in two patients showed good functional recovery of the grafted muscle. The cine-magnetic resonance imaging deglutition study in one patient with 80-percent tongue resection demonstrated sufficient elevation of the dorsal base of the reconstructed tongue, contraction of the reconstructed deglutition muscles, complete glosso-palatal closure, and elevation of the hyoid bone and larynx during the deglutition. This reconstructive technique is strongly recommended for the patients who have undergone subtotal glossectomy to provide physiological functional recovery of the reconstructed tongue synchronizing with the remaining tongue.
  • Y Yamamoto, S Sasaki, H Furukawa, S Okushiba, K Ohno, T Sugihara
    ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY 41 (1) 22 - 26 0148-7043 1998/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Total pharyngoesophageal reconstruction has remained a challenging field in digestive surgery. During the past 3 years, the authors performed six microsurgical reconstructions of the digestive tract following pharyngolaryngectomy and total esophagectomy due to a multiple cancer or skip metastasis. Digestive continuity was restored using a combination of a pulled-up gastric pedicle and free jejunal transfer in 2 patients, and an elongated gastric pedicle with microvascular augmentation in 4 patients. One elongated gastric pedicle developed partial necrosis, and a free jejunal graft was placed additionally. One patient suffered from respiratory dysfunction and died 1 month after surgery. Postoperative radiographic examination showed a good swallowing mechanism without reflux and stasis in all patients. Microvascular surgery contributes to the successful reconstruction of the digestive tract following extensive pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy.
  • Reconstructive surgery with the fasciocutaneous flap for the treatment of pressure sores
    Y. Yamamoto, A. Oyama, A. Tsutsumida, M. Murazumi, K. Honda, T. Sugihara
    Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 41 (12) 1113 - 1119 0021-5228 1998 
    The causes of pressure sore development and our experience with surgical reconstruction of such sores are described. In most cases, sacral sore result from ischemic changes of the skin caused by continuous external pressure, whereas ischial sores result from friction between the bony and subcutaneous soft tissues caused by the activity of the patient. Fasciocutaneous flaps in the buttock and posterior thigh regions are preferred for treatment of pressure sores because they possess a suitable anatomic structure that resists physical stimulation or external pressure myocutaneous and muscle flaps are not suitable for covering the pressure-bearing area. Long-term follow-up of the surgical treatment of 69 pressure sores revealed that the frequency of recurrence for was greater ischial sores was greater than that for sacral sores. In addition, reconstruction of sores with the fasciocutaneous flap yield better result than did reconstruction with the myocutaneous or muscle flaps. These observations indicate that use of the fasciocutaneous flap provides better long-term results in the surgical reconstruction of pressure sores than does the myocutaneous flap or the muscle flap.
  • Role of plastic and reconstructive surgery in the team approach to surgical restoration of body structures
    Y. Yamamoto, T. Sugihara, H. Minakawa, H. Igawa, K. Nohira, Y. Shintomi, T. Yoshida
    Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 41 (8) 715 - 719 0021-5228 1998 
    The role of plastic and reconstructive surgery in the team approach to surgical restoration of body structures is addressed. On the basis of our experience with more than 400 instances of team surgery during the past 12 years, we have found that this role can be assigned to one of three categories: (1) Pedicled or free composite tissue transfer. The advantage of pedicled or free composite tissue transfer in reconstructive surgery is that defects in cutaneous tissue, adipose tissue, muscle, bone, or the digestive tract can be corrected with tissue of the same type. Such reconstruction is ideal from the standpoint of anatomic considerations. Transfer of adequately vascularized tissue allows superior functional and esthetic reconstruction after resection of a malignant tumor. (2) Microvascular reconstruction. Application of microvascular reconstruction enables physiological recovery of the blood supply of the tissues to be restored. This reconstructive procedure reduces the incidence of local postoperative complications even after radical surgery. (3) Esthetic surgical techniques. Application of esthetic surgical techniques in team surgery results in great improvement in the quality of life of the patient. The current problems associated with, and a prospective view of, the team surgery approach will also be described.
  • FURUKAWA Hiroshi, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, SUGIHARA Tsuneki, FURUTA Yasushi, FUKUDA Satoshi, INUYAMA Yukio
    日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery 10 (1) 27 - 32 0916-4936 1997/03/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Y Yamamoto, K Nohira, T Sugihara, Y Shintomi, T Ohura
    PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY 97 (1) 79 - 83 0032-1052 1996/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Our experience with 50 transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous (TRAM) flap transfers was evaluated as to the types of TRAM flaps, indications for breast reconstruction with a TRAM flap, and complications. The TRAM flap was transferred as a fr ee flap in 7 patients, a unipedicled flap in 14 patients, and a microvascularly augmented flap in 29 patients. Microvascular augmentation was performed through the contralateral inferior epigastric vascular system to the superiorly pedicled muscle in 10 patients who had undergone radical mastectomy and the ipsilateral inferior epigastric vascular system in 19 patients who had undergone modified radical mastectomy. In this series, the incidence of flap-site complications, including total flap loss, partial flap loss, and fat necrosis, was lowest in the microvascularly augmented flap group. Particularly, incidence of partial flap loss in the microvascularly augmented flap group was significantly lower than in the unipedicled flap group (p < O.O1). These outcomes demonstrated the superiority of the microvascularly augmented TRAM flap for breast reconstruction.
  • Y Yamamoto, K Nohira, T Sugihara
    XXX WORLD CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, VOLS 1-2 1685 - 1688 1996 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The authors have experienced with 50 transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous (TRAM) flap transfers during the past 7 years. The TRAM flap was transferred as the free flap in 7 patients, the unipedicled flap in 14 patients, and the microvascularly augmented flap in 29 patients. Microvascular augmentation was performed through the contralateral deep inferior epigastric vascular system to the superiorly pedicled muscle in IO patients who had underwent radical mastectomy and ipsilateral deep inferior epigastric vascular system in 19 patients who had underwent modified radical mastectomy. In this series, incidence of flap-site complications including total flap loss, partial flap loss, and fat necrosis was lowest in the microvascularly augmented flap group. These outcomes demonstrated the superiority of the microvascularly augmented TRAM flap for breast reconstruction. In the Fronteer Video Symposium, we present a case report, who had undergone a modified radical mastectomy 1 year and 9 months previously, underwent secondary breast reconstruction with the microvascularly augmented TRAM flap through the deep ipsilateral inferior epigastric vascular system.
  • Yuhei Yamamoto, Kunihiko Nohira, Tetsuro Yamashita, Yoshihisa Shintomi, Masao Hosokawa, Hiroshi Furukawa, Tsuneki Sugihara, Takehiko Ohura
    Head & Neck 17 (3) 219 - 225 1097-0347 1995 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background. As early as 1981, the scapular crest was reported as a versatile donor site of vascularized bone flap. In our institute, much attention has been paid to applying a compound flap based on the subscapular vascular system for composite mandibular reconstruction. Methods. The combined V figure‐shaped scapular osteocutaneous and latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap has been used for primary or secondary reconstruction of the mandible, intraoral mucosa and/or external skin following major ablation of the malignant tumors in seven patients. Results. There was one total flap failure. Satisfactory results were obtained in the remaining patients. Conclusions. The V figure‐shaped scapular bone flap supplied by the angular branch provides a long rotation arc of vascular pedicle, a long bony segment of more than 14 cm, and a good contour of mental protuberance. The combination of the scapular osteocutaneous flap with latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap allows reliable reconstruction of massive and three‐dimensional composite mandibular defects. © 1995 Jons Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright © 1995 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company
  • The use of free microvascular transfers for reconstructions: An analysis of 227 cases involving team surgery
    H. Furukawa, Y. Yamamoto, T. Yoshida, H. Minakawa, H. Ikawa, T. Sugihara, T. Ohura, K. Nohira, Y. Shintomi, C. Kimura, S. Sasaki, R. Sakamura
    Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 37 (12) 1373 - 1378 0021-5228 1994 
    The authors discuss their experiences in the use of free microvascular transfers for reconstructions involving team surgery. During the past 9 years and 3 months, a total of 227 such cases were handled and the results have been analyzed from various points of view. These 227 cases consisted of 202 head and neck reconstructions, 17 chest and abdominal wall reconstructions, and 8 intra-abdominal vascular reconstructions after a pancreatic cancer resection. The 202 head and neck reconstructions involved the repair of defects resulting from the resection of 49 pharyngeal tumors, 35 tongue tumors, 34 esophageal tumors, 34 oral cavity tumors, 22 fistulas of the reconstructed esophagus, and 28 other head and neck tumors. Out of a total of 219 cases involving the reconstruction of the head and neck or the chest and the abdominal wall, the reconstructive methods used consisted of 72 free jejunum transfers, 46 rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flaps, 41 forearm flaps, 30 augmented and pulled-up intestines, 13 latissimus dorsi flaps, 12 scapular flaps, 11 scapular bone flaps, and 19 flaps of other types. In only 6 cases did flap necrosis occur and the overall flap survival rate was 94%. Because of an increase in cases requiring head and neck surgery, the need for microvascular surgeons has correspondingly grown.
  • Venous end-to-end anastomoses using the unilink system
    H. Furukawa, Y. Yamamoto, H. Minakawa, T. Yoshida, T. Sugihara, T. Ohura, K. Nohira
    Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 37 (4) 415 - 420 0021-5228 1994 
    The authors discuss the UNILINK system, a microvascular coupling device developed by Ostrup et al., and advocate its use for venous anastomoses, rather than for anastomoses of the arteries, and present their reasons. They also review a series of 11 cases involving microsurgical procedures in which the UNILINK system was used one for venous anastomoses. Nine of these cases involved surgery of the head and neck, two cases involved the reconstruction of a mammary defect. In 12 anastomoses using this system, there was only one anastomotic failure that occurred during surgery and the anastomosed section was eliminated and a new anastomosis was accomplished by suturing. In using UNILINK, the authors stress that experienced microsurgeons select the appropriate vessels to ensure a good anastomosis.
  • The selection of flaps for the reconstruction of ischial areas affected by pressure sores
    Y. Yamamoto, T. Ohura, T. Sugihara, T. Yoshida, H. Igawa, T. Tsukishima
    Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 34 (11) 1167 - 1175 0021-5228 1991
  • Abdominoplasty for paraplegics
    Y. Yamamoto, T. Ohura, K. Nohira, T. Sugihara, T. Yoshida, H. Igawa
    Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 34 (12) 1303 - 1308 0021-5228 1991
  • The use of a rectus abdominis myocutenous flap to reconstruct areas affected by ischial pressure sores
    Y. Yamamoto, T. Ohura, K. Nohira, T. Sugihara, T. Yoshida, H. Igawa, T. Yokoyama
    Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 34 (11) 1177 - 1182 0021-5228 1991
  • The reconstruction of sacral pressure sore areas using fasciocutaneous flaps
    Y. Yamamoto, T. Ohura, T. Sugihara, T. Yoshida, H. Igawa, T. Tsukishima, Y. Shintomi
    Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 34 (11) 1159 - 1165 0021-5228 1991
  • Yamamoto Yuhei, Nohira Kunihiko, Ohura Takehiko, Fujii Hitoshi
    THE JOURNAL OF JAPAN SOCIETY FOR LASER SURGERY AND MEDICINE 特定非営利活動法人 日本レーザー医学会 9 (3) 507 - 510 0288-6200 1988 
    A new method was proposed to visualize the microvascular circulation using a dynamic laser speckle effect. The present study was performed to evaluate the skin blood flow in axial pattern flap and random pattern flap and adjacent intact skin before and after operation using this new technique. The blood flow gradient was found in skin flaps for early postoperative hours. Comparison was made between the findings of this study and investigations from another report concerning of skin flap blood flow by the Xenon-133 clearance technique.
  • Yamamoto Yuhei, Nohira Kunihiko, Ohura Takehiko, Fujii Hitosi
    THE JOURNAL OF JAPAN SOCIETY FOR LASER SURGERY AND MEDICINE 特定非営利活動法人 日本レーザー医学会 9 (1) 9 - 13 0288-6200 1988 
    A new instrument is developed to visualize the microcirculation map using a dynamic laser speckle effect. The variation of the flow level in the area of interest is displayed in color graphics.
    Several experiments are applied to an avasculised finger and two different types of skin flaps on the rabbit auricle. It is demonstrated that the color graphic image reflects the local circulation very clearly.


Books etc

Association Memberships

  • JAPAN SOCIETY OF FACIAL NERVE RESEARCH   日本抗加齢学会   日本頭蓋底外科学会   日本下肢救済足病学会   JAPANESE SOCIETY OF PRESSURE ULCERS   JAPAN SOCIETY FOR HEAD AND NECK CANCER   日本乳房オンコプラスティックササージャリー学会   JAPAN SOCIETY OF CRANIO-MAXILLO-FACIAL SURGERY   JAPAN SOCIETY OF AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY   日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会   日本創傷外科学会   日本形成外科手術手技学会   日本頭頚部腫瘍学会   米国形成再建外科学会   国際マイクロサ-ジャリ-学会   日本形成外科学会   日本マイクロサージャリー学会   


  • Expression of a Truncated Gelsolin in Malignant Melanoma
  • endothelial Changes Following Irradiation
  • Development of Laserflowgraphy

Research Projects

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2024/04 -2027/03 
    Author : 前田 拓, 石川 耕資, 山本 有平, 村尾 尚規
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2023/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 高橋 周子, 山本 有平, 前田 拓, 石川 耕資
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2023/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 石川 耕資, 山本 有平, 舟山 恵美, 前田 拓
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 大澤 昌之, 舟山 恵美, 山本 有平, 前田 拓, 石川 耕資, 林 利彦
    創傷治癒過程において酸素環境は重要である。生体は低酸素状態に対する適応応答としてHIF-1α (hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha) を発現することで、血管新生などの創傷治癒の多段階で作用し、創傷治癒を促進するとされる。 本研究は、リンパ浮腫・虚血・糖尿病を念頭に置いたマウス下肢慢性創傷モデルを用いてHIF-1α調整薬剤の創傷治癒に与える影響を検証し、生体が本来もつ低酸素応答システムを利用した、新たな慢性創傷に対する治療法の開発を目的とした。 本年度は、2年目の計画に従い、初年度で行ったマウス後肢リンパ浮腫モデルを利用した創傷モデルの作成、Roxadustat(HIF-1α安定化薬)およびYC-1(HIF-1α阻害薬)の容量用法の検討に基づき、薬剤投与群と非投与群の間で創傷治癒期間および各タイムポイントでの創傷閉鎖割合に差があるかどうかを検討した。 作成した群は、①皮膚切開のみのコントロール(手術なし・薬剤非投与群)②リンパ浮腫モデル(薬剤非投与群)③リンパ浮腫モデル(Roxadustat投与群)④リンパ浮腫モデル(YC-1投与群)の4群であり、それぞれ大腿部に創傷を作成した。 皮膚切開のみのコントロール(手術なし・薬剤非投与群)に比してリンパ浮腫モデル(薬剤非投与群)は有意に創傷治癒期間が遅延した。また、通常のリンパ浮腫モデル(薬剤非投与群)に比して、Roxadustat(HIF-1α安定化薬)を使用した群で、創傷治癒期間の短縮および創閉鎖割合が促進し、YC-1(HIF-1α阻害薬)を使用した群で、創傷治癒期間の延長および創閉鎖割合が減少する傾向が見られた。また、薬剤を投与したリンパ浮腫モデル群間で後肢の周径の差および皮膚厚の差を認めた。これにより、リンパ浮腫の動態に対しても薬剤による影響がある可能性が示唆された。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 村尾 尚規, 山本 有平, 林 利彦, 舟山 恵美, 前田 拓, 石川 耕資
    ケロイドは創傷治癒過程の異常により炎症と線維化が亢進した状態である。抗原とサイトカインの刺激を受けたCD4陽性T細胞、制御性T細胞とTh17細胞は相互に制御しバランスを保っており、炎症性疾患の発症や病態は制御性T細胞とTh17細胞のバランスにより影響される。われわれは既報でケロイド内では制御性T細胞の発現が低下し、免疫バランスの破綻により 炎症が遷延し線維化が亢進することを報告した。一方、近年ケロイド内は、低酸素状態であることがわかってきた。低酸素誘導因子(hypoxia-inducible factor、HIF)は、酸素供給が滞った組織内の細胞で活性化し 様々な遺伝子の発現を誘導し、生体の環境への適応を促す転写因子である。HIFは低酸素適応応答だけでなく、炎症や悪性腫瘍の病態にも関与する。HIFのサブタイプの中でも、ケロイド内ではHIF-1αの発現が亢進しており、低酸素状態を反映していると考えられる。HIF-1αはTh17細胞への分化を促進するが、制御性T細胞への分化を抑制し、免疫バランスを破綻させる。ケロイドにおいても持続的なHIF-1αの発現亢進が制御性T細胞とTh17細胞の免疫バランスを破綻させることで、ケロイド病態を悪化させている可能性があると仮定し、本研究を計画した。本年度は、文書による同意を得て、17例のケロイド患者からケロイド組織の採取を行い、そのうち15例から血液サンプルを採取することができた。採取した組織の部位別内訳は、耳垂7例、耳介6例、頚部1例、肩部1例、臍部2例であった。パラフィンブロック作成及び初代培養を行い、線維芽細胞を凍結保存した。また、採取した血液検体からLeucosep管を用いて末梢血単核球を分離し、凍結保存した。今後はこれらの検体を使用して共培養を行う予定である。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2022/03 
    Author : Yamamoto Yuhei
    Reconstruction using various materials has been reported as a method of physiologic surgical treatment of impairment of local lymphatic system. In this study, we focused on the omentum, which is considered to play a central role immunologically among visceral fat and verified it in an experimental animal model using mice. We designed two models: a pedicled omentum transplantation model in which blood flow is maintained as a stemmed tissue valve, and a less invasive free omentum transplantation model, and compared and verified the contribution of each group to lymphatic reconstruction. The results suggest that both groups may promote lymphatic remodeling.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2021/03 
    Author : Funayama Emi
    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been investigated to promote the survival of fat grafts, such as using grafts with autologous stromal vascular fractions or adipose-derived MSCs. Amnion is a rich source of MSCs that is available to allogeneic transplantation. We explored the feasibility of using amnion-derived MSCs (AMSCs) to enhance fat graft survival, and suggested that AMSCs promote the survival of fat grafts and prevent fibrosis in the grafts.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : 七戸 龍司, 舟山 恵美, 山本 有平, 村尾 尚規
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2019/03 
    Author : YAMAMOTO Yuhei, FURUKAWA Hiroshi
    Vascularized lymph node transfer is gaining popularity in the treatment of lymphedema. However, it is unclear whether vascularization of transferred lymph nodes contributes to functional improvement. This is the first experimental study to compare changes in the quantitative histology of transferred lymph nodes with or without vascularization in a mouse model of vascularized lymph node transfer. We found that vascularized lymph node transfer preserved more functional high endothelial venules within the transferred lymph node than did nonvascularized lymph node transfer.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : FURUKAWA Hiroshi
    Recently, as a relatively new physiologic surgical treatment of impairment of local lymphatic system, lymph node transplantation was introduced and applied. However, the reports supporting the utility of the lymph node transplantation are limited. Here, the authors demonstrated that a transplanted LN served as a tumor-draining LN and exerted an immune-mediated antitumor effect. Following local tumor control by surgical resection, an additional lymph node transplant might be practical for preventing lymphedema and reduced immunity.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03 
    Author : MURAO Naoki, SEINO Kenichiro
    Keloid is an inflammatory and fibrotic disease. CD4+ T cells have been shown to play an important role in regulating inflammation and fibrosis. CD4+ T cells, especially regulatory T cells, suppress the inflammatory response and the expression of inflammatory cytokines via secreting an anti inflammatory cytokine IL-10. Nevertheless, little is known about the role of CD4+ T cells in the pathogenesis of keloid. We therefore investigated the interaction between CD4+ T cells and keloid fibroblasts using a coculture system. Our data suggested that IL-10 secreted from CD4+ T cells attenuate IL-6 production in keloid fibroblasts. Strategies to activate CD4+ T cells secreting IL-10 in keloids might represent a novel approach for the treatment of keloids.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03 
    Author : Oyama Akihiko
    As a treatment for lymphedema, conservative treatment and surgical treatment including lymphaticovenous anastomosis are performed, but treatment is often difficult. Therefore, effective treatment for lymphedema including new lymphatic regeneration is desired. It has been reported that VEGF-C which is one of vascular endothelial cell growth factors induces lymphatic regeneration in lymphedema tissues by stimulating lymphatic endothelium and promoting migration of lymphatic endothelial cells . In this study, we aimed to develop efficient treatment of lymphedema, and aimed to analyze the role played by VEGF-C in lymphedema tissue and factors related to the regulation of expression of VEGF-C in edematous tissue. It was demonstrated that the expression of inflammatory cells such as macrophages and hypoxia response factors such as HIF-1 alpha were increased in the lymphedema.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2016/03 
    Author : FURUKAWA Hiroshi, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, OYAMA Akihiko, HAYASHI Toshihiko, MURAO Naoki, SHICHINOHE Ryuji, ONO Kentaro
    This work aimed to validate whether axonal regeneration would be possible through the venous network in the muscle. At first, we planned to use the latissimus dorsi muscle dominated by thoracodorsal nerve and vein, but we changed experimental animal model because of surgical difficulty. Eventually, we used saphenous nerve and femoral vein at inside of the thigh. The saphenous nerve was cut and inserted into the femoral vein, and two months later, we removed specimen compounded of nerve and vein. The specimen was stained with NF-H and CD34 by immunostaining procedure and observed to ascertain that axonal regeneration occurred in the vein. Unfortunately, we couldn’t identify the regeneration of axons. This study indicated that the distal condition which was the target of axonal elongation was of the same importance as scaffold of axonal regeneration.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2016/03 
    This study aimed to establish a consistent mouse hindlimb lymphedema model for further investigation of the mechanism and treatment of lymphedema. Using this modified mouse model, we analyzed lymphatic function, histological changes, and the expression of lymphangiogenic factors including vascular endothelial growth factor C at various time points. In addition, we reproduced melanoma in-transit metastasis in this model by implanting melanoma cells into the footpad of mice with lymphedema. Mice with in-transit metastasis were more likely to develop lung metastases than control mice. Primary tumor growth was augmented in lymphedema mice compared with control mice. These findings suggest that lymphatic dysfunction attenuates tumor immunity in malignant melanoma.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2015/03 
    Author : YAMAMOTO Yuhei, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, OYAMA Akihiko, FUNAYAMA Emi, HAYASHI Toshihiko, MURAO Naoki
    Keloid is an inflammatory and fibrotic disease. To modulate inflammation is an important approach for the treatment of keloids. We investigated the effect of immunosuppressive agents on the interaction between keloid fibroblasts and CD4+ T cells in a coculture system. Our results suggest that the agents may affect keloid formation by modulating inflammation and directly affecting keloid fibroblasts.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2015/03 
    Author : OSAWA Masayuki, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, OYAMA Akihiko, FUNAYAMA Emi, HAYASHI Toshihiko, MURAO Naoki
    This study demonstrated that the effect of neural reconstruction in rat models. In control group (group A), buccal branch was compressed by a ligature clip at peripheral to bifurcation of mandibular brunch and mandibular brunch was cut and ligated. In groups B, C and D, the nerve reconstruction was made in a different manner. The method of neurorrhaphy were ‘end-to-side’(group B), ‘side-to-side (large window)’(group C) and ‘side-to-side (small window)’(group D) technique. Facial palsy score was assessed every week. We measured the count of neural cells at the facial nucleus and axons at the distal point of neurorrhaphy. The result showed that group B was equal to group C and group D was inferior to B and C, and group A was worst score in all groups.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2015/03 
    Author : HORIUCHI Katsumi, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, OYAMA Akihiko, FUNAYAMA Emi, HAYASHI Toshihiko, OSAWA Masayuki, SEKIDO Mitsuru
    We analyzed the mechanism of the improvement of lymphedema using mouse hind limb model, with fluorescence lymphatic imaging using indocyanine green and in vivo imaging system as a fluorescence detector. To evaluate the improvement of lymphedema paw volume was measured using a water displacement plethysmometer, We found a constant correlation between a degree of paw edema improvement and the reduction of the intensity of fluorescence.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2014/03 
    Author : SAITO Noriko, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, OYAMA Akihiko, FUNAYAMA Megumi, SAITO Akira
    We developed the new lymph node transfer method using mouse hind limb model, in which we transferred the axillary lymph node to the popliteal space at the opposite side after the lymph node removal. Compared to control group, earlier improvement of lymphedema was observed in the lymph node transfer group. We analyzed the mechanism of the improvement of lymphedema with the lymph node transfer, with fluorescence lymphatic imaging using indocyanine green and PDE system equipped with a charge-coupled device camera as a fluorescence detector. In the lymph node transfer group, formation of the collateral pathway and the transferred lymph node take were observed. This result supports the hypothesis that the lymph node transfer can improve lymphedema by increasing the lymphatic flow.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2014/03 
    Author : SAITO Akira, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, HURUKAWA Hiroshi, OYAMA Akihiko, FUNAYAMA Emi, OSAWA Masayuki
    In the basic experiment using nine-week-old wistar male rat, when the main trunk of the facial nerve was cut and anastomosed by epineural suture, the nerve regeneration already started from the sutured edge at four week past from the operation, and the nerve could reached to the mimetic muscles. Furthermore, when it was attached bFGF-impregnated MedGel on the point of epineural suture, the speed of nerve regeneration was faster than former group. And finally it also improve the movement of the mimetic muscles. This will enable us to expect a good role and capacity of the control released bFGF in the treatment of facial palsy after neurotmesis.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2014/03 
    Author : FURUKAWA Hiroshi, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, OYAMA Akihiko, FUNAYAMA Emi, HAYASHI Toshiyuki, HORIUCHI Katsumi, SAITO Noriko
    Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) bind to estrogen receptors acting as an agonist or an antagonist depending on the target tissue. First, we detected the expression of estrogen receptors in keloid fibroblasts. Second, we investigated the effects of SERMs on keloid fibroblasts. The effect is different depending on the concentration of SERMs. Some SERMs are suggested to inhibit cell proliferation of keloid fibroblasts.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2011/04 -2014/03 
    Author : AKIRA Saito, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, OYAMA Akihiko, FUNAYAMA Emi, HAYASHI Toshihiko, TABATA Yasuhiko
    The purpose of this study was to reduce the side effects and the pain caused by frequent injections of IFN-beta for melanoma while specifically targeting the lymph nodes by taking advantage of metal coordination to bind IFN-beta to hyaluronic acid. Sustained release of IFN-beta by conjugation with HA prolongs lymphatic retention. IFN-beta-hyaluronic acid conjugates can be given as an adjuvant therapy post-surgery to reduce the risk of recurrence and eradicate melanoma residuals, such as micrometastases. In addition, due to the sustained release characteristics of the conjugate, weekly injections for melanoma could replace conventional daily injections, thereby reducing pain as well as healthcare costs.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2013 
    Pirfenidone is a novel anti-fibrotic agent used in the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Keloid is a cutaneous fibrotic disease characterized by fibroblast overproliferation and fibrogenesis such as the abnormally high production of alpha smooth muscle actin and collagen in keloid-derived fibroblasts. The effects of pirfenidone on cell proliferation, type I collagen production, and alpha-smooth muscle actin expression in keloid-derived fibroblasts were investigated in this study. Results showed that pirfenidone significantly inhibited cell proliferation, type I collagen production, and alpha-smooth muscle actin expression in keloid-derived fibroblasts. Our study highlights the potential use of pirfenidone in the treatment of keloids.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2013 
    Author : OYAMA Akihiko, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, FUNAYAMA Emi, HAYASHI Toshikhiko, SAITO Akira, TABATA Yasuhiko
    A total of 27 calvarial defects were randomly divided into nine treatment groups. One set of defects was filled with a beta-TCP disc containing normal saline alone (group-A, control) or 1 (group-B), 5 (group-C), or 20 ug of G-CSF saline solution (group-D). Another set of defects was filled with a beta-TCP disc with an overlaid gelatin hydrogel sheet incorporating normal saline alone (group-E), or 1 (group-F), 5 (group-G), or 20 ug of G-CSF solution (group-H). The last set of defects was left untreated (group-I). Histologic and histomorphometric analyses were performed at eight weeks postoperatively. In groups F and G, values of newly formed bone were significantly higher compared to group A. The percentage of remaining beta-TCP in group G was significantly lower compared to group A.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2012 
    Author : YAMAMOTO Yuhei, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, OYAMA Akihiko, FUNAYAMA Emi, HAYASHI Toshihiko, SAITO Akira
    HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) and TGF-β(transforming growth factor-β) often act antagonistically each other. For example, TGF-β accelerates liver fibrosis, whereas HGF prevents its progression. In our study, HGF suppressed type I collagen mRNA expression in keloid fibroblasts. HGF is suggested to repress TGF-β signal transduction pathway.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : FURUKAWA Hiroshi, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, OYAMA Akihiko, FUNAYAMA Emi, HAYASHI Toshihiko, SAITO Akira, OZAKI Michitaka, TSUTSUMIDA Arata, KUGE Yuji, OASHI Kohei
    We reproduced melanoma in-transit metastasis (ITM) in a mouse hind limb by transplanting melanoma cells into the footpad of a mouse with lymphedema (LE). The tumor cells at the ITM site were highly proliferative, and mice with ITMs were more likely than control mice to develop distant lymph node and lung metastases. Peritumoral lymphatic vessels and tumor-associated blood vessels were increased in the primary tumor site of the LE mice.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : YAMAMOTO Yuhei, SEKIDOU Mitsuru, HATOU Naoto, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, OYAMA Akihiro
    Myogenin expression in facial mimetic muscles would be accumulated by denervation rapidly, and repressed by nerve repair. Myog expression level of mimetic muscle, just after nerve repair, will help surgeon to predict thepost-operative prognosis for facial palsy.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : FUNAYAMA Emi, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, OYAMA Akihiko, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, HAYASHI Toshihiko
    Identification of chemokine (CXCL12) in human keloid tissue using immunohistochemistry(2) Development of a mouse dermal inflammation model using PMA(3) Isolation of human fibrocyte and transfer of human fibrocytes to mice
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : HAYASHI Toshihiko, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, OYAMA Akihiko, FUNAYAMA Emi, SEKIDO Mitsuru, TSUTSUMIDA Arata, SAITO Akira
    In a keloid lesion, T lymphocytes are found around activated and invasive keloid fibroblasts whose levels of type 1 collagen production, transforming growth factor-beta expression and α-SMA expression are very high. So we co-cultured keloid fibroblasts with T lymphocytes to establish the keloid in vitro model. But the levels of type 1 collagen and transforming growth factor-beta of the keloid fibroblasts co-cultured with T lymphocytes tended to rather decrease. Some subset of T lymphocytes might suppress keloid fibroblasts.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : OYAMA Akihiko, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, FUNAYAMA Emi, HAYASHI Toshihiko, SAITO Akira
    Laminin-421 secreted by LEC possibly facilitates lymphatic metastasis through the induction of chemotaxis of melanoma cells.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2009 
    Author : FURUKAWA Hiroshi, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, OYAMA Akihiko, FUNAYAMA Emi, HAYASHI Toshihiko, TABATA Yasuhiko
    In this study, we succeeded in invention of new lymphatic imaging complex, consists of hyaluronicacid derivative labeled by indocyanine green (ICG) dye, which is clinically used in neae-infraredbioimaging, such as sentinel lymph node biopsy. Investigations into physical characteristics and in vivo kinetics of this complex have revealed that ICG fluorescence was enhanced and sustained enough for clinically use due to formation of the complex, and it is likely that the complex has more tendency to be transported to lymphatics.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2008 
    Author : 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 堤田 新
    マウスの背部に皮膚欠損創を作製、シリコン製のチャンバーを装着して辺縁皮膚からの上皮化を阻止することにより、ヒトの皮膚潰瘍と肉眼的に同様な肉芽組織を作製できることを確認した。病理組織学的にはヒトの肉芽組織と同様に、表面にフィブリンによる租なマトリックスが形成され、その中に多数の新生血管が存在することを確認した。この血管には最先端に内皮細胞のみからなる新生血管が存在し、その下層では形態的に未熟な間葉系細胞に類似した周皮細胞が存在することをCD31とα-smooth muscle actinによる免疫染色で確認した。これらの細胞はcollagenase type Iによる処理で分離され、特別なsupplementなしに10%FBSで培養可能なことを確認した。2種の細胞が混和した状態での培養の際、周皮細胞が先にシャーレに接着・増殖し、このような状況では内皮細胞のほとんどがシャーレに接着できずfloating cellとなることを見いだし、この手技を用いて簡便に内皮細胞と周皮細胞を分離・培養する方法を考案した。これらの細胞は10%FBSのみの培養条件下でも形態的に未分化な状態を維持する一方、confluentな状態を一定期間維持すると内皮細胞は通常の成熟した内皮細胞様の細胞間がtightに接合した敷石状の形態・配列を示し、周皮細胞は毛細血管で観察されるように棚状配列を示すことを確認した。またこの周皮細胞はneurosphereを作製する条件でsphereを形成することが確認され、stem/progenitor cellとしての性質を持つことが示唆された。これらの細胞はMatrigelやtype I collagenのマトリックス内で管腔構造を有するnetworkを形成し、マトリックスの条件を整えることにより移植可能で機能し得る3次元血管網となる可能性が示唆され、今後その条件を見いだす必要があるものと考えられた。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2008 
    Author : SEKIDO Mitsuru, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, FURUTA Yasushi, TSUTSUMIDA Arata, OYAMA Akihiko, SAITO Akira
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2008 
    Author : 関堂 充, 山本 有平, 佐々木 了, 古川 洋志, 小山 明彦
    DDSに使用する薬剤として濃度計測が可能で安定した化合物である塩酸バンコマイシン(VCM)を選択した。25mgの単層カーボンナノホーン(SWNH)を10mlの水に分散した後18mgのVCMを加えて撹搾しSWNH-VCM-水分散液をつくり、室温窒素雰囲気中で水を蒸発、乾燥させた。得られたVCM/SWNHの熱重量分析などから、VCM/SWNHにはVCMが約40%含まれていることがわかった。VCM/SWNHの透過電子顕微鏡観察を行ったところ、SWNHの鞘の中にVCMが内包されているのが確認できた。また、X線エネルギー分散スペクトル測定装置を搭載した操作型透過電子顕微鏡を用いて、VCMがもっている窒素元素の分布を測定したところ、多くのVCMがSWNHに内包されていることが示唆された。次にVCM/SWNH 8mgを5mlのリン酸緩衝液中に分散し、VCMの放出を分光光度計により測定した。VCM/SWNHは分散初期に一期的なVCMの急激な放出を認めた後、分散後200時間にわたりVCMを徐放し、ほぼ一定の濃度(約30〜45ug/ml)を維持する、zero-order reactionを示すことが確認された。VCMの臨床における至適血中濃度ピーク値は30〜45μg/mlであり、本剤が理想的なVCMキャリアとして機能することが示された。大腸菌を用いたin vitro実験により実際に薬剤が徐放され、かつ殺菌力を有することが確認された。現在動物の創傷を用いたin vivo実験にて臨床における有用性を検討中である。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2008 
    Author : YAMAMOTO Yuhei, MORIUCHI Tetsuya, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, SEKIDO Mitsuru, SASAKI Satoru, TSUTSUMIDA Arata
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2007 
    Author : 古川 洋志, 山本 有平, 佐々木 了, 関堂 充
    我々は、商業ベースで入手したヒト新生児真皮由来リンパ管内皮細胞を不死化させる目的で、当初、ヒトテロメラーゼ逆転写酵素hTERTの遺伝子導入を計画したが、諸般の事情により、SV40LargeT抗原の遺伝子導入を試みた。用いたベクターは温度感受性SV40LargeT抗原をもつウイルスベクターであり、33℃では活性化(不死化)するが、39℃では抗原は不活化する。リポフェクション法による遺伝子導入後、アンピシリンによるセレクションを行った。その後、継代したリンパ管内皮細胞において、RT-PCR法を行ったが、リンパ管マーカー(Prox-1.Podoplanin,VEGFR-3)の発現を確認することはできなかった。しかし遺伝子導入を行わなかったリンパ管内皮細胞において、RT-PCR法により、リンパ管マーカーの発現は、初代より第5継代までは維持していることが確認されたため、第3、第4代のリンパ管内皮細胞を用いて実験を継続した。 三次元リンパ網モデルの作成は、ブタ腱由来酸可溶性タイプIコラーゲン(セルマトリックス;新田ゼラチン)を用いて行った。12ウエルプレートにタイプIコラーゲンをコートして細胞を播種し、24時間後にタイプIコラーゲンをのせ、リンパ管内皮細胞を上層と下層でサンドイッチ状にはさみこむように培養した。予め、リンパ管内皮細胞をdiIで標識することにより、48時間後、共焦点蛍光顕微鏡下にリンパ網の形成をを確認することができた。現在、このリンパ網が管腔構造を形成しているのか電子顕微鏡で確認している。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2006 
    Author : 関堂 充, 山本 有平, 古川 洋志, 小山 明彦
    Wister系ラット(オス・13週齢)を用い、顕微鏡下で、左顔面神経本幹と左舌下神経を露出させ、A群顔面神経麻痺モデル(denervation model)、B群端端縫合モデル(single innervation model)、C群端側縫合モデル(double innervation model)を作成した。個体数は各群6匹とした。 非協調運動の評価:モデル作成後2ヶ月で顔面表情筋の動きをビデオに記録、特に、非麻酔科での髭の自動運動、摂食時の顔面の非対称(瞬目の増加、鼻背の非対称)、少量麻酔による沈静下での、角膜の空気圧刺激による瞬目の有無、髭のfibrillationを評価した。その結果、B群では6匹ともに通常は顔面神経麻痺を呈しているが、摂食と飲水時に顔面左に収縮(mass movement)を認めた。C群では正常ラットと全く変化を認めない4匹(C-1群)と、摂食と飲水時に左眼瞼の瞬目の増加を認めた2匹(C-2群)とに分かれた。 トレーサーによる評価:複数の逆行性トレーサーを顔面表情筋(Whisker pad muscleと上眼瞼)へ局注、1-2週間の生存期間ののち、安楽死させ、4%パラホルムアルデヒドで還流固定、脳幹を摘出し、凍結切片を作成、蛍光顕微鏡にてトレーサーの蓄積を脳神経核で検出し、double innervationを検証した。 結果、B群では6匹で、左舌下神経核のトレーサー蓄積が見られた。C-1群では眼瞼に注射したDilは左舌下神経核に認めなかったが、Whisker pad muscleに注射したfast blueの蓄積を認めた。C-2群では、Dilもfast blueも両方とも左舌下神経核に蓄積を認めた。C群では顔面神経核への正常なトレーサー蓄積も確認した。 このことから、以下の結論に至った。 1)神経二重支配は神経端側縫合で人為的に誘導可能である。 2)二重支配されていても、Whisker pad muscleは摂食飲水で異常共同運動を起こさない。 3)二重支配された場合、眼瞼の表情筋は摂食飲水で異常共同運動を起こす。 4)従って神経端側縫合により、不全麻痺に陥った神経を刺激する場合、吻合する神経の種類により、異常共同運動が出ない場合と出る場合がある。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2006 
    Author : 山本 有平, 佐々木 了, 小山 明彦, 古川 洋志, 林 利彦, 堤田 新
    ブクラデシンナトリウム(DBcAMP)は細胞内に移行し脱アシル化後cAMPに変換される。cAMPの上昇はcollagenの産生の抑制を招くことが明らかになっている。このcAMPのコラーゲン産生の抑制効果を利用して、cAMP製剤(DBcAMP)が、ケロイド線維芽細胞のコラーゲンの産生を抑制すれば、新たなケロイド治療の開発につながると考え実験を計画した。 そこでわれわれは、まず一般的なcAMP activatorであるForskolinを正常線維芽細胞とケロイド線維芽細胞に投与して細胞内のcAMP濃度を強制的に上昇させた。結果、正常線維芽細胞だけではなくケロイド線維芽細胞も同様にコラーゲン産生が抑制されることを確認した。 つぎに、Forskolinのかわりに実際に臨床応用されているDBcAMPを用いてケロイド由来線維芽細胞のコラーゲン産生の抑制効果を検討した。結果、DBcAMPを添加した場合、比較的高濃度で正常線維芽細胞とケロイド由来線維芽細胞ともコラーゲン産生が抑制されることを確認した。すなわち、細胞外のDBcAMP投与によって細胞内cAMPが上昇して線維芽細胞のコラーゲン産生が抑制されると考えた。 また、cAMPとProteinKinaseA(PKA)の関連については過去に報告があり、本研究においても細胞内cAMPの上昇からコラーゲン産生の抑制に至る経路においてPKAが関与していると考えた。そこで、正常線維芽細胞にKT5720(PKA inhibitor)を作用させた後、DBcAMPを投与し線維芽細胞のコラーゲン産生の抑制効果を検討した。結果、DBcAMPのコラーゲン抑制作用はPKA inhibitorの投与によって阻害された。この結果より細胞内cAMP上昇に伴う下流の経路にはPKAの上昇が深く関与している可能性が示唆された。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2005 
    Author : YAMAMOTO Yuhei, SASASKI Satoru, FURUKAWA Hiroshi, TSUTSUMIDA Arata, HAMADA Jun-ichi, MORIUTI Tetsuya
    HOX genes act as master genes to control morphogenesis. In human, HOX genes form 4 clusters composing 9 to 11 HOX genes (39 genes in total) on different chromosomes. We hypothesized that aberrant expression of HOX genes was associated with development and subsequent progression of melanoma and that the 39 HOX gene expression pattern determined the sites where melanoma grew. The expression levels of 39 HOX genes in 15 human cutaneous melanoma specimens and 7 nevus pigmentosus specimens were quantified by a comprehensive analysis system based on the real-time RT-PCR method. We found that the expression levels of HOXA11,A13,B9,D12 and D13 in melanoma were higher than those in nevus pigmentosus and that the expression levels of HOXA11, B2 and C13 were significantly different between pT4 melanoma and pT1 to pT3 melanoma. It was most notable that the expression levels of HOXA1,A2,C4 and B13 in melanoma with distant metastasis were higher than those in melanoma without it. On the other hand, we found no relationship between HOX genes expression patterns and the growing sites of melanoma. These results indicated that the misexpressions of some specific HOX genes were implicated in melanoma genesis and metastasis but had no linkage with melanoma sites. And we did similar experiment of PAX genes which are also Homeobox genes.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2005 
    Author : SASAKI Satoru, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, OYAMA Akihiko
    We hypothesized that gene therapy by using small interfering RNA (siRNA) would be valid on keloid. Firstly, we tried to knockdown TGF- 1 mRNA by transduction of siRNA. As a result, TGF- 1 production was down-regulated. We found that collgen production and cell growth in keloid-derived fibroblasts (KF) down-regulated by decreased TGF- 1 production. Therefore we believe that gene therapy by using siRNA may be useful for the treatment of keloid. In this study, We investigated the metabolism of arachidonic acid in normal skin-derived fibroblasts (NF) as well as in keloid-derived fibroblasts (KF) in response to macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), a pluripotent cytokine. We found that MIF enhanced cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) activity in NF more than in KF. Consistent with this finding, prostaglandin E_2 (PGE_2), an antifibrogenic molecule, was more significantly increased in NF than in KF by MIF treatment. As regarding E prostanoid receptor 2 (EP2), the level of expression was significantly lower in KF than in NF. On the other hand, Forskolin, a direct activator of adenylcyclase, decreased collagen synthesis in both NF and KF, which indicates that cAMP plays an important role in regulating collagen synthesis. Since PGE_2 induces cAMP production, it is conceivable that increased collagen synthesis in KF might be due to decreased PGE_2 and cAMP production. These findings may aid in the development of a therapeutic strategy for the regulation of collagen synthesis in keloid fibroblasts.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2005 
    Author : TSUTSUMIDA Arata, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, SEKIDO Mitsuru, OYAMA Akihiko, FURUKAWA Hiroshi
    In 2004, we analyzed the expression of multiple genes of keloid-derived fibroblast, and strong expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) and receptor for lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) has been confirmed. MIF and LPA have been known as key role factors in wound healing and inflammation. However there has not been reported about the relationship between these two molecules in keloid, so we analyzed it. We comfirmed the chemotaxis of fibroblasts derived from keloid was higher than normal skin fibroblasts when they were activated by LPA. And both the molecule and mRNA of MIF were highly induced by LPA stimulation with dose dependent manner. The expression pattern of LPA receptor subtypes was different between keloid-derived fibroblast and normal skin fibroblast. Making them together, we strongly guessed those two molecules, MIF and LPA, were meaningful candidates for novel strategy for treatment of keloid. In order to achieve our research project of 2005, we decide the use of siRNA of MIF for inhibition of function in keloid-derived fibroblasts. The effect of MIF on chemotaxis of keloid derived fibroblast, and the relation ship between LPA and MIF were also researched. The inhibition of LPA effect (chemotaxis) by siRNA of MlF was confirmed in keloid derived fibroblasts. Rho activation has been also inhibited. In this project, we inhibit MIF function in cytozol of keloid derived fibroblasts using siRNA of MIF, and chemotaxis of them were suppressed. The mechanism included the signaling pathway from LPA activation to Rho.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2005 
    Author : 関堂 充, 山本 有平, 堤田 新, 古川 洋志, 川嶋 邦裕
    形成外科で扱う予後不良の癌の一つである悪性黒色腫は抗癌剤に抵抗性である。この耐性を克服できれば感受性の向上が期待でき、引いては予後改善につながると考えられる。現在、進行期悪性黒色腫に対する化学療法ではシスプラチンを含めたプロトコールが多いが、その奏効率は高くない。 これまで、悪性黒色腫に関しての抗癌剤耐性に関する研究はまだほとんどなされていない。癌化学療法の感受性は同じ組織系の腫瘍であっても、個々により異なることが知られているが、薬剤耐性に関与する遺伝子を検索し、個々に感受性のある薬剤を使用することで、副作用の軽減を計り、有効な化学療法を行うことができると思われる。また癌細胞はある抗癌剤に感受性があっても長期間の接触により耐性になることも知られており、この耐性化機序を分子生物学的に解明していくことも抗癌剤治療の個別化への道を拓くものと思われる。 そこで本研究は、進行期悪性黒色腫に対する治療の個別化を目指した第一歩として、悪性黒色腫株における抗癌剤のうち特にシスプラチン耐性関連遺伝子の発現解析を目的とした。 悪性黒色腫細胞株を用いて、感受性試験(CD-DST法)を行い、シスプラチン感受性を検討した。すべてのシスプラチン耐性悪性黒色腫細胞株においてMDR-1の発現が亢進しており、他癌でも報告されている抗癌剤耐性関連遺伝子であるMDR-1の発現亢進が、悪性黒色腫においてもシスプラチン耐性に関わる遺伝子と考えられた。 今後、MDR-1を指標としてシスプラチン感受性を予測し、抗癌剤の個別化治療に進むと期待できる結果であった。また将来的に、siRNAなどを用いてMDR-1の発現を低下させることによりシスプラチン耐性を克服し、ひいては進行期悪性黒色腫の予後の改善につながる結果と考えられた。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2004 
    Author : 山本 有平, 関堂 充, 堤田 新, 小山 明彦
    男性型脱毛は,遺伝的要因が強く,男性ホルモンが関係している。テストステロンが毛包中の還元酵素により活性化され,毛乳頭に存在する受容体と結合することで,毛の細胞分裂を抑制する.しかし,なぜ脱毛が,頭髪しかも前頭・頭頂部に発生するのか,なにが部位の決定因子となっているかは未だ解明されていない.形態形成のマスター調節遺伝子として,現在39個のHOX遺伝子群が知られている.HOX遺伝子は,胎生期において体の位置情報を管理しており,成体においても組織に特徴的な発現パターンを示すことが分かってきた.近年,成人ヒト線維芽細胞においては,胎生期に獲得したHOX遺伝子の位置情報が残存しているという報告がなされた.脱毛や発毛に最も関係する毛乳頭は,線維芽細胞によって構成されている.そこで我々は,毛髪の部位決定因子としてHOX遺伝子に着目し,毛乳頭部のHOX遺伝子の発現パターンを解析するという独創的な発想に至った. 今回,39個のHOX遺伝子の発現解析には,微細な発現量を正確に検出するため,SYBR greenケミストリに基づく,リアルタイムPCR法を用いた.また,毛乳頭に限局した発現パターンを検出するため,レーザーマイクロダイセクションを導入し組織の採取を計画した.,さらに,得られた微量な検体を,組織培養によって増幅した場合,種々の増殖因子によりHOX遺伝子の発現が変化する恐れがあるため,T7-RNAポリメラーゼ法を用いて微量なRNAの増幅を行った.しかし,実際に増幅したRNAを検証した結果,均一に増幅することは非常に困難であることが判明した.そこで現在,多数本の毛髪から,顕微鏡下に毛乳頭を可能な限り採取し,解析に必要なRNAの抽出を試みている.今後,この方法を応用して,脱毛部と非脱毛部における,毛乳頭部のHOX遺伝子の発現パターンを解析する予定である.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2003 
    Author : SUGIHARA Tsuneki, TSUTSUMIDA Arata, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, IGAWA Hiroharu, MORIUCHI Tetsuya, HAMADA Jun-ichi
    We hypothesized that in coculture of Keratinocytes and Malignant Melanoma cells, the apoptosis of melanoma cells would be induced, if TGF-β1 production of keratinocytes by transduction of gene was down-regulated. Firstly we tried to induce apoptosis in melanoma cells by the action of anti-Fas antibody and anti-TGP-β1 antibody. But we failed to induce apoptosis. Therefore we changed to using keloid-derived fibroblasts which is benign tumor instead of melanoma cells. In this study, we investigated the influence of normal skin-and keloid-derived keratinocytes (NK and KK) on normal skin-and keloid-derived fibroblasts (NF and KF) utilizing a serum-free indirect co-culture system. The keloid-derived fibroblasts showed a greater proliferation and minimal apoptosis when co-cultured with normal skin-or keloid-derived keratinocytes and the results were most significant in the latter. This difference was not observed when the fibroblasts were treated with conditioned media obtained from normal skin-and keloid-derived keratinocytes. However, conditioned media treated groups showed mote proliferation and less apoptosis as compared to the non-conditioned medium treated control groups. We also analyzed the profile of factors involved in cell growth and apoptosis in fibroblasts co-cultured with kelatinocytes. Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) phosphorylations, expression of Bcl-2 and transforming growth factor-b1 (TGF-b1) were alt significantly up-regulated in the fibroblasts co-cultured with keloid-derived keratinocytes. Together, these results strongly suggest that the overlying keratinocytes of the keloid lesion play an important role in keloidogenesis by promoting more proliferation and less apoptosis in the underlying fibroblasts through paracrine and double paracrine effects
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2003 
    Author : 山本 有平, 杉原 平樹, 井川 浩晴
    我々はこれまでに、ケロイドの成立におけるアポトーシス耐性の一因として、ケロイド由来線維芽細胞自身の内因性TGF-β1の存在を明らかにしている。このTGF-β1をコントロールすることができれば創傷治癒過程の過剰な瘢痕を克服できると考え、また表皮角化細胞より産生されるサイトカインがケロイド組織内の線維芽細胞の増殖やアポトーシスの制御に関与していると推測した。 今回、インフォームドコンセントの得られた手術検体より採取した正常およびケロイド組織から表皮角化細胞、線維芽細胞の培養を行った。上下2チャンバーになっている6穴プレートを使用し、上部に正常線維芽細胞によるfeeder layer、および表皮角化細胞を、下部に線維芽細胞を種々の組み合わせで播種することにより共培養系を確立し、正常皮膚由来表皮角化細胞あるいはケロイド由来表皮角化細胞との共培養下における正常皮膚およびケロイドの線維芽細胞の増殖とアポトーシス抵抗性について検討した。 この結果、ケロイド由来表皮角化細胞と共培養した線維芽細胞で最も高い細胞増殖率を認め、かつ血清除去下で共培養を行いアポトーシスを誘導すると高いアポトーシス抵抗性を示した。また、アポトーシスに関連するMAPKカスケードの下流に位置するERK,JUNKのリン酸化およびアポトーシス関連タンパク(Fas/FasL,Bcl-2,TGF-β)の発現の解析においても、ケロイド由来表皮角化細胞と共培養した線維芽細胞で、最も高い発現を認めた。以上より、ケロイド表皮は正常表皮に比べ共培養下のケロイド由来線維芽細胞の増殖およびアポトーシス耐性に強い影響を持つことが明らかになった。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2003 
    Author : YAMAMOTO Yuhei, MORIUCHI Tetsuya holkaido univ., HAMADA Jun-ichi, SUGIHARA Tsuneki
    Homeobox genes regulate sets of genes that determine cellular fates in embryonic morphogenesis and maintenance of adult tissue architecture by regulating cellular motility and cell-cell interactions. Our previous studies showed that a specific member, HOXD3, when overexpressed, enhanced cell motility and invasiveness of human lung cancer A549 cells (Hamada et al. Int. J. Cancer 2001; 93: 516-25 [19]). In the present study, we investigated the roles of HOXD3 in motile and invasive behavior of human malignant melanoma cells. Of seven melanoma cell lines examined here, six cell lines expressed the HOXD3 gene, whereas normal melanocytes did not. We transduced the HOXD3-antisense gene expression vector into two cell lines (A375M and MMIV). The cell transduced with the HOXD3-antisense gene showed reduced in vitro invasion of Matrigel. The transduction of the HOXD3-antisense gene also decreased cell spreading, haptotactic activity to vitronectin and laminin-1, and phagokinetic activity. To find the difference of gene expression between the HOXD3-antisense-transduced A375M cells and the control A375MNeo2 cells, we carried out cDNA microarray analysis. The results of the microarray analysis indicated that the increased expression of cdc42-interacting protein 4, KIAA0554 and tropomyosin 1, which are all associated with the cytoskeletal system, may be involved in the reduction of motile and invasive activity by the HOXD3-antisense gene transduction. We hypothesized that HOX genes give the cells spatial information to maintain tissue-or organ-specificity in adult body and that the deregulated expression of HOX genes results in tumor development. To better understand the roles of HOX genes in melanoma genesis and subsequent malignant progression, we compared the HOX gene expression patterns among melanomas in different body sites.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2002 
    Author : SASAKI Satoru, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, NISHIHIRA Jun, SUGIHARA Tsuneki, YOKOYAMA Toichiro
    It has been shown that macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) plays a key role in wound repair based on the results on in vitro and in vitro studies. Keloids form when the normal wound-healing process is dysregulated and the evolving scar remains in the proliferative phase of healing. In this study, we reported for the first time that fibroblasts of the keloid express high MIF mRNA and produce MIF protein. Immunohistochemocal analysis demonstrated that MIF was mostly localized in the cytoplasm of fibroblast. To assess the role of MIF overexpression in keloid, short interferring RNA (siRNA) for MIF was transfected to keloid-derived fibroblasts. The results demonstrated that the cell growth rate and expression of type I collagen mRNA were markedly suppressed. Taken together, these results indicated that it is likely that MIF may function as a novel growth factor that stimulates incessant growth and extracellular matrix production of fibroblast of keloid. MIF plays an important role in keloidgenesis.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2002 
    Author : 杉原 平樹, 堤田 新, 山本 有平, 大久保 佳子
    メラノーマにおいて最近メラノーマ関連抗原として多くの分子が同定され、RT-PCR法による腫瘍特異的遺伝子の検出を行いその意義が検討されはじめている。今回、メラノーマ患者のリンパ節および末梢血中のメラノーマ関連抗原遺伝子の検出を行い、リンパ節に関しては病理組織学的検査の結果と比較した。血液に関してはUICCのTNM分類による病期と血液中メラノーマ関連抗原遺伝子検出との関連性、病勢のマーカーになりうるのかを検討した。メラノーマ関連抗原のうちtyrosinase、MART-1、MAGE-1、MAGE-3の遺伝子に特異的なプライマーを作成した。メラノーマ患者のリンパ節生検あるいは郭清清時に摘出されたリンパ節および末梢血からRNAを抽出し、RT-PCR法を用いてまずtyrosinaseの検出をおこなった。 (リンパ節)15例23個のリンパ節中6個において病理組織学的に転移を認めた。このうちtyrosinaseの発現は5個に認め、1個はtyrosinaseが検出されなかった。病理組織学的に転移を認めない17個のうち4個にtyrosinaseの発現が認められた。tyrosinase偽陽性の問題を解決するためにMART-1、MAGE-1、MAGE-3の発現を観察した。MART-1は組織学的転移陽性、tyrosinase陽性例に発現が見られる傾向にあったが、MAGE-1、MAGE-3は組臓学的転移陰性かつtyrosinase陽性例に発現がみられる傾向にあり、tyrosinaseとMAGE-1、MAGE-3の組み合わせはメラノーマの微小リンパ節転移の検出に優れたマーカーであると思われた。 (血液)Stage Iの5例Stage IIの9例Stage IIIの10例Stage IVの3例、計27例の末梢血中のtyrosinaseはStage IVの2例においてのみ認められた。病勢のマーカーとしてはその意義は少ないものと考えられた。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 1999 -2000 
    Author : YAMAMOTO Yuhei, SUGIHARA Tsuneki
    1 At first, we studied the transfection of ha-tagged human gelsolin cDNA in human squamous carcinomacell line HEC46 and human melanoma cell line in stead of keratinocyte and melanocyte. We used human melanoma tissue and normal skin tissue as a control, and found out a unique 85Kda protein in Western blotting. 2 By Western blotting analysis of 38 melanoma samples for the expression of gelsolin using anti-gelsolin antibodies, we identified a new truncated variant of gelsolin p85 (GSNp85) lacking the C-terminal domain, which was always co-expressed with wild type gelsolin. The GSNp85 variant was more frequently expressed in vertical growth phase (VGP) melanomas as compared to radial growth phase (RGP) melanomas and was not expressed in other skin cancers, normal skin tissues, and nevi tissues except for 2 congenital junctional types. These data suggest that the occurrence of GSNp85 in melanoma may be a new indicator for the advanced stage of the tumor.
  • 放射線障害における血管内皮由来弛緩因子(NO)の作用に関する基礎的研究
    文部科学省 科学研究費補助金:奨励研究(A)
    Date (from‐to) : 1997/04 -1999/03 
    Author : 山本 有平
  • Basic and clinical research of skin cancer
  • Clinical study of functional and aesthetic reconstructive surgery
  • Functional evaluation of arterial, venous, and lymphatic vessel

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