Researcher Database

Researcher Profile and Settings


Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Engineering Division of Architecture Research Group of Architectural and Environmental Design

Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Engineering Division of Architecture Research Group of Architectural and Environmental Design


Profile and Settings


  • Hokkaido University, Faculty of Engineering Division of Architectural and Structural Design

Profile and Settings

  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)

  • Name



  • Hokkaido University, Faculty of Engineering Division of Architectural and Structural Design


Research Interests

  • 建築意匠   建築設計   建築論   トップライト   オランダ   景観   大学キャンパス   

Research Areas

  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Architectural history and design
  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Architectural and city planning

Research Experience

  • 2023/04 - Today Sapporo City University
  • 2021/04 - Today Hokkaido University Graduate School of Engineering
  • 2017/09 - 2021/03 Kanto Gakuin University
  • 2012/11 - 2017/09 Tokyo Institute of Technology


  • 2008/10 - 2012/10  Tokyo Institute of Technology  Graduate School of Science and Engineering
  • 2008/04 - 2008/09  Tokyo Institute of Technology  Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering
  • 2004/04 - 2008/03  Tokyo Institute of Technology  Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering
  • 2005/09 - 2006/08  デルフト工科大学
  • 2000/04 - 2004/03  Tokyo Institute of Technology  School of Engineering


  • 2022/06 一般社団法人 日本空間デザイン協会 日本空間デザイン賞2022 | Longlist(入選)
     古平町複合施設 かなえーる 
    受賞者: ディレクション;杉野宏樹;大成建設一級建築士事務所;デザイン;高橋章夫;大成建設一級建築士事務所;その他;小澤丈夫;北海道大学大学院工学研究院;建築デザイン学研究室;その他;内藤誠人;北海道大学大学院工学研究院;建築デザイン学研究室;家具デザイン;久守義和;近藤商会;ランドスケープデザイン;吉井 幹;日本データサービス;施工;大成建設;クライアント;古平町;撮影者;今田耕太郎
  • 2022/03 一般社団法人ソトノバ ソトノバ・アワード2021
    受賞者: 大学院工学研究院;建築デザイン学研究室
  • 2016/09 公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会 グッドデザイン賞2016
    受賞者: 内藤誠人
  • 2015/09 日本建築学会 2015年度技術部門設計競技優秀賞
    受賞者: 内藤誠人

Published Papers

  • NAITO Tomohito, TOTSUKA Hibiki, OZAWA Takeo
    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 日本建築学会 88 (814) 3426 - 3436 1340-4210 2023/12/01 
    The aim of this study is to clarify the transition of the editorial policy and some aspects of the contents of “VOLUME”, launched in 2005 as a platform for international architectural discourse in the Netherlands, founded by O. Bowman, R. Koolhaas and M. Wigley. First, the history of this magazine from its first issue in 1929 to “VOLUME” is summarized. Next, the editorial policy is summarized, and 59 issue are divided into six periods according to the differences in them. In addition, the writing of the editorial and the articles contributed by the co-founders reveal differences in their editorial involvement.
  • NAITO Tomohito, MURATA Ryo, YASUDA Koichi
    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 日本建築学会 83 (744) 155 - 164 1340-4210 2018 [Not refereed]
     In the history of the worship space, such as basilica type and centralized temple type in Christian churches are characterlized as symmetry and rotational symmetry has been used as a norm of the worship space. And they also have symmetrical section along the axis or point, such as gable roof and dome, that have highest point above them. In addition, the altar will be directed to the east where the sun rises until recently as a norm. In this norm, the priest pray to the direction of the sun rising in the morning, and received the evening light in his back from rose window in the Gothic churches. So that it seems to be possible to understand the natural light to produce a worship by the priest and laities around the altar. In such worship space, skylights which can be arranged at free position is plan is considered to be attached position within the normative spatial types. This study aims to clarify the day lighting methods in the worship space of contemporary religious buildings by their morphological characteristics as seen from the relationships between the form of the worship space and the arrangement of the skylights towards the altar.

     The worship spaces in the contemporary religious buildings built after 1950s were selected as cases to study. First, planar form of worship space were examined by its symmetry and proportion as refereing to the type of basillica and cetralized plan. In addition to this, the composition of chancel and nave, the arrangement of congregation's chair were also analyzed to know the direction created by theirarrangement. And sectional form of ceiling were analyzed by the axis along the altar and digonal axist of it.
     Second, arrangement of skylight in plan was viewd. First, the orientation of altar was confirmed wether if they face to the east as its nome. Sectional form of skylights and planar arrangement of skylights were analyzed.
     Third, based on all these results, we discussed the morphological characteristics of adopting day-light methods by the combination of sectional form of worship space as seen from the inclined direction of the ceiling and arrangement of skylights in worship space.

     1) Symmetrical planar form at the worship space is still keeped as a nome. And deep proportion is the major in them. As the sectional form, flat ceiling and the ceiling inclined along the cross axis like dome are both major. The sectional shape can be characterized by the planar composition of chancel and altar, and the arrangement of congregation's chairs.
     2) The major orientation of altar is still east in the four orientation even though the cases which don't face to east are more than half. Skylights which placed above chancel and nave are the major placement more than above chancel. By analayzed the combination between the area and the position toward to the periphery of whorship space, there are clear diferent relashinships between each sets.
     3) The conclusion has came up with 6 adopting daylight methods by the combination of the sectional form of ceiling and lit area by skylights. There are some methods adopting to the original form of the worship space such as the basillica and centralized types. And some other methods to adopt new type of form of the worship spaces were founded, such as the sectional from inclined to the altar direction and the form with flat ceiling. And there are some methods which have different shape under the same types, especially by the placement of skylights.
  • NAITO Tomohito, YOSHIMOTO Kotaro, MURATA Ryo, YASUDA Koichi
    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 日本建築学会 82 (740) 2521 - 2529 1340-4210 2017 [Not refereed]
    The aim of this study is to clarify the methods of top-lighting in the open-stack reading space in contemporary library. Top-lighting and high side lighting were only way to let daylight in the reading area located in the middle of the space when the walls are ocupied by the bookshelves before the artificial light were invented. Today, top-lighting is still important in open-stack reading space not only for giving the light for reading under the requirement of energy saving but also for creating the atmosphere by light that cannot be achived by the artificial light in the changing of requirement to the function of library fromlending type to staying type. Therefore, more variety can be seen in the top-lighting design in the illuminated area of use, the location and form of skylights.
  • NAITO Tomohito, SUZUKI Haruna, MURATA Ryo, YASUDA Koichi
    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 日本建築学会 79 (701) 1553 - 1560 1340-4210 2014 [Not refereed]
    The aim of this study is to clarify the methods of daylighting from skylight in exhibition rooms of the contemporary art museums as the methods of creating “heterogeneous” exhibition space to get rid of “homogeneous” exhibition space which has rectangular solid space with the lighting from whole ceiling, which has been the cliché as known as “WHITE CUBE” in modern museum. Firstly, the form of exhibition rooms, such as the shape of plan and ceiling are analyzed by the difference from rectangular solid. Secondly, the form of skylight, such as the position on the exhibition room is analyzed, and the type of exhibition rooms, the relation to the position of art works and type of art works are considered. Finally, four types of methods of daylighting are suggested by defining the “homogeneous form of space and illumination” as a typical method. Furthermore, the feature of the combination of daylighting from skylight in each contemporary art museums are clarified by these four types of methods.

Books etc

  • TIT建築設計教育研究会 
    TIT建築設計教育研究会 冊


Teaching Experience

  • 近現代建築史近現代建築史 Sapporo City University
  • Human Settlement DesignHuman Settlement Design Hokkaido University
  • 建築都市計画演習建築都市計画演習 Hokkaido University
  • 計画・設計特別演習Ⅰ計画・設計特別演習Ⅰ Hokkaido University
  • 計画・設計演習Ⅲ計画・設計演習Ⅲ Hokkaido University
  • 計画・設計演習Ⅱ計画・設計演習Ⅱ Hokkaido University
  • 計画・設計演習Ⅰ計画・設計演習Ⅰ Hokkaido University
  • 計画・設計基礎演習計画・設計基礎演習 Hokkaido University
  • 建築と都市建築と都市 Hokkaido University
  • 建築都市学概論建築都市学概論 Hokkaido University
  • Architecture History and DesignArchitecture History and Design Hokkaido University

Association Memberships

  • 日本建築学会   日蘭建築文化協会   


  • Kamifushiko Comunity Center
    内藤誠人, 平輝 2024/04
  • Regional Disaster Prevention Center, Furubira Town Hall CAN@YELL
    Tomohito Naito, Shin Azuma, Keita Tachibana, Takeo Ozawa 2022/11
    Takeo Ozawa, Hui Ping, Tomohito Naito, Miyuka Yoshikawa, Hiromitsu Umino, Hidenori Kadomoto 2021/08
  • 反復する切妻屋根のオフィス
    内藤誠人 2015/11
  • 斎藤准教授の家
    安田幸一, 北田明裕, 内藤誠人 2013/08
  • SmartWall
    徳久悟, 内藤誠人 慶應義塾大学湘南藤沢キャンパスメディアセンタ地下ホワイエ 2005/03 -2009/03
  • MYSQ - My Style So Qute!
    徳久悟, 小田部巧, 勝呂冠宇, 大久保創介, 内藤誠人 KDDI DESIGNING STUDIO Next Interface, 東京都渋谷区 2005/03 -2008/09

Research Projects

Media Coverage

  • 第43回北海道建築作品発表会「実践としての北海道建築」
    Date : 2024/02
    Writer: Myself
    Publisher, broadcasting station: 日本建築学会
    Program, newspaper magazine: 建築雑誌
    pp.61-62 Pr
  • Lighting environment design subcommittee ( committee visit)
    Date : 2022/10
    Writer: Other than myself
    Publisher, broadcasting station: Architecture Institute of Japan
    Program, newspaper magazine: Architectural Magazine
    pp.34-35 Pr
  • 第41回北海道建築作品発表会「北海道の建築と光」
    Date : 2019/12
    Writer: Myself
    Publisher, broadcasting station: 北海道建築士事務所協会
    Program, newspaper magazine: ひろば
  • Tokyo Financial Street 039
    Date : 2018/02/23
    Publisher, broadcasting station: STOCK VOICE 社
    Program, newspaper magazine: Tokyo Financial Street
  • 建築家が気づいた「貯蓄から投資へ」を阻む壁
    Date : 2017/09/25
    Publisher, broadcasting station: 日経BP社
    Program, newspaper magazine: 日経XTECH

Academic Contribution

  • 塚本由晴と考える建築と光のふるまい
    Date (from-to) :2024/02/20
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Competition etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 日本建築学会光環境デザイン小委員会
  • 末光弘和が語る光と建築
    Date (from-to) :2023/03/07
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Competition etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 日本建築学会光環境デザイン小委員会
  • 内藤廣と面出薫が語る光と建築
    Date (from-to) :2022/02/24
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Competition etc
  • 大橋諭が語るザハ・ハディド建築と光
    Date (from-to) :2021/03/09
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Competition etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 日本建築学会光環境デザイン小委員会
  • 田根剛が語る光と建築
    Date (from-to) :2020/02/21
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Competition etc
  • 捏造された白
    Date (from-to) :2019/10/08
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Competition etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 日本建築学会光環境デザイン小委員会
  • 保坂猛と語る光と建築
    Date (from-to) :2018/03/13
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Competition etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 日本建築学会光環境デザイン小委員会

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