Researcher Database

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Affiliation (Master)

  • Research Institute for Electronic Science

Affiliation (Master)

  • Research Institute for Electronic Science


Profile and Settings

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Research Interests

  • Plasmonics   Nanophotonics   

Research Areas

  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Optical engineering and photonics

Research Experience

  • 2019/04 - Today Hokkaido University Research Institute for Electronic Science
  • 2014/03 - 2019/03 大阪大学大学院 工学研究科 助教
  • 2013/04 - 2014/03 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • 2011/10 - 2013/03 理化学研究所 ポスドク
  • 2008/10 - 2011/09 理化学研究所 基礎科学特別研究員
  • 2006/04 - 2008/09 Osaka University
  • 2005/04 - 2006/03 大阪大学大学院 工学研究科 特任研究員
  • 2004/04 - 2005/03 大阪大学大学院 生命機能研究科 COE特任研究員
  • 2001/04 - 2004/03 大阪大学大学院 工学研究科 日本学術振興会特別研究員 (DC1)


  • 2001/04 - 2004/03  大阪大学大学院
  • 1999/04 - 2001/03  大阪大学大学院
  • 1995/04 - 1999/03  Osaka University  School of Engineering

Committee Memberships

  • 2019/01 - Today   SPIE/COS Photonics Asia   Program Committee


  • 2023/04 The OMC Best Paper Award
  • 2016/11 日本光学会 光学論文賞
    受賞者: 田口 敦清
  • 2009/11 日本分光学会 年次講演会若手ポスター賞
    受賞者: 田口 敦清
  • 2005/03 ファナックFAロボット財団 論文賞(特別賞)
    受賞者: 田口 敦清
  • 2004/03 精密工学会 沼田記念論文賞
    受賞者: 田口 敦清
  • 2003/02 自動車技術会 大学院研究奨励賞
    受賞者: 田口 敦清

Published Papers

  • Atsushi Nakayama, Yasuaki Kumamoto, Masafumi Minoshima, Kazuya Kikuchi, Atsushi Taguchi, Katsumasa Fujita
    Advanced Optical Materials 2200474 - 2200474 2195-1071 2022/07
  • 紫外領域のナノ光学
    光アライアンス 35 (5) 33 - 41 2022/05 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 紫外領域のプラズモニクスとナノ光学
    精密工学会誌 87 (9) 725 - 729 2021/09/05 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 添加材不要の二光子重合造形:進展する材料拡大と空間分解能の向上
    田口敦清, 中山篤史, 藤田克昌
    化学工業 72 (2) 124 - 129 2021/02/01 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Atsushi Nakayama, Ryosuke Oketani, Satoshi Kawata, Katsumasa Fujita
    ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 (11) 11434 - 11441 2574-0970 2020/11/25 [Refereed][Not invited]
    © 2020 American Chemical Society. Light-matter interactions in the deep-ultraviolet (DUV) wavelength region exhibit a variety of optical effects such as luminescence, photoisomerization, and polymerization in many materials. Despite the rich photochemistry and high spatial resolution due to the short wavelength, the notorious lack of DUV-compatible optical components and devices precludes the use of DUV light in microscopy and lithography as a routine laboratory tool. Here, we present the use of two-photon excitation with visible laser light to realize photopolymerization of molecules with an excitation energy equivalent to DUV light. Using standard optics for visible light, we polymerized methacrylate oligomers with 400 nm femtosecond pulses without any addition of photoinitiators and sensitizers. By scanning the laser focus in 3D, we created a series of fine 3D structures with the smallest resolved line-space features of 80 nm. We found that photopolymerizations induced by two-photon absorption at DUV is surprisingly efficient and requires laser intensity only on the order of 100 kW/cm2. The use of DUV absorption sites natively existing in monomers simplifies polymerization reactions without sacrificing material purities by adding initiators and facilitates applications to diverse materials. We have applied two-photon DUV polymerizations to metal-oxo clusters and the amino acid cysteine. With the variety of successful demonstrations including organic- and inorganic-material-made-structures presented, multiphoton DUV polymerization offers a distinct tool for fabrications of nanodevices in 3D.
  • 深紫外領域のプラズモニクスとラマン顕微鏡
    田口 敦清
    光学 48 (9) 360 - 366 2019/09 [Refereed][Invited]
  • Zhiqiang Zhang, Kazuki Bando, Kentaro Mochizuki, Atsushi Taguchi, Katsumasa Fujita, Satoshi Kawata
    Analytical Chemistry 91 (5) 3254 - 3262 0003-2700 2019/03/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Intracellular pH is one of the key factors for understanding various biological processes in biological cells. Plasmonic gold and silver nanoparticles (NPs) have been extensively studied for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) applications for pH sensing as a local pH probe in a living cell. However, the SERS performance of NPs depends on material, size, and shape, which can be controlled by chemical synthesis. Here, we synthesized 18 types of gold and silver NPs with different morphologies such as sphere, rod, flower, star, core/shell, hollow, octahedra, core/satellites, and chainlike aggregates, and quantitatively compared their SERS performance for pH sensing. The SERS intensity from the most commonly utilized SERS probe molecule ( para-mercaptobenzoic acid, p-MBA) for pH sensing was measured at the single nanoparticle level under the same measurement parameters such as low laser power (0.5 mW/μm2), short integration time (100 ms) at wavelengths of 405, 488, 532, 584, 676, and 785 nm. In our measurement, the Ag chain, Ag core/satellites, Ag@Au core/satellites, and Au core/satellites nanoassemblies showed efficient pH sensing at the single particle level. By using p-MBA-conjugated Au@Ag core/satellites, we performed time-lapse pH measurements during apoptosis of HeLa cells. These experimental results confirmed that the pH measurement using p-MBA-conjugated Au@Ag core/satellites can be applied for long-term measurements of intracellular pH during cellular events.
  • Saitoh Kohta, Taguchi Atsushi, Kawata Satoshi
    APL Photonics 4 (2) 21301  2378-0967 2019/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Kumamoto Yasuaki, Taguchi Atsushi, Kawata Satoshi
    Advanced Optical Materials 7 (5) 1801099  2195-1071 2018/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Atsushi Taguchi
    Recent Developments In Plasmon-Supported Raman Spectroscopy: 45 Years of Enhanced Raman Signals 117 - 135 2017/12/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Zhiqiang Zhang, Kazuki Bando, Atsushi Taguchi, Kentaro Mochizuki, Kazuhisa Sato, Hidehiro Yasuda, Katsumasa Fujita, Satoshi Kawata
    ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 9 (50) 44027 - 44037 1944-8244 2017/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and their assembled nanostructures such as core/satellite nanoassemblies are quite attractive in plasmonic-based applications. However, one biggest drawback of the AgNPS is, the poor chemical stability which also greatly limits theirapplications. We report fine Au coating on synthesized quasi-spherical, silver nano-,particles,(AgNSs) with few atomic layers to several rianorneters by stoichiometric method.. The fine Au coating layer was confirmed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy elemental mapping and aberration-corrected high-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy. The optimized minimal thickness of Au coating layer on different sized AgNSs (22 nm Ag@0.9 nm Au, 44 nm Ag@I.8 nm Au, 75,nm Ag@2.9 nm Au, arid 103 nm Ag@0.9 mu Au) was determined by extreme chemical stabilitytests using H2O2, NaSH, and 1-12$ gas. The thin Au coating, layer on AgNSs did not affect their plasmonic-based applications. The core/satellite assemblies 'based on Ag@Au NPs showed the comparable SERS intensity and uniformity three times higher than that of noncoated Ag core/satellites. The Ag@Au core/satellites also showed high stability in intracellular SERS imaging for at least two days, while the SERS of the noncoated Ag core/satellites decayed significantly. These spherical Ag@Au NPs can be widely used and have great advantages in plasmonbased applications, intracellular SERS probes, and other biblogical and analytical studies.
  • Tanja Deckert-Gaudig, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata, Volker Deckert
    CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS 46 (13) 4077 - 4110 0306-0012 2017/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
    An analytical technique operating at the nanoscale must be flexible regarding variable experimental conditions while ideally also being highly specific, extremely sensitive, and spatially confined. In this respect, tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) has been demonstrated to be ideally suited to, e.g., elucidating chemical reaction mechanisms, determining the distribution of components and identifying and localizing specific molecular structures at the nanometre scale. TERS combines the specificity of Raman spectroscopy with the high spatial resolution of scanning probe microscopies by utilizing plasmonic nanostructures to confine the incident electromagnetic field and increase it by many orders of magnitude. Consequently, molecular structure information in the optical near field that is inaccessible to other optical microscopy methods can be obtained. In this general review, the development of this still-young technique, from early experiments to recent achievements concerning inorganic, organic, and biological materials, is addressed. Accordingly, the technical developments necessary for stable and reliable AFM- and STM-based TERS experiments, together with the specific properties of the instruments under different conditions, are reviewed. The review also highlights selected experiments illustrating the capabilities of this emerging technique, the number of users of which has steadily increased since its inception in 2000. Finally, an assessment of the frontiers and new concepts of TERS, which aim towards rendering it a general and widely applicable technique that combines the highest possible lateral resolution and extreme sensitivity, is provided.
  • Atsushi Taguchi
    OPTICAL REVIEW 24 (3) 462 - 469 1340-6000 2017/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) microscopy is becoming an important tool for analyzing advanced nanomaterials and nanodevices because of its high spatial resolution and high sensitivity. However, despite the decade's efforts since its invention, strong Raman enhancement is still not always reproducible. Here, Author discusses two aspects in plasmonic metal tips to achieve efficient Raman enhancement. The first is the tip structure whose plasmonic properties directly affect the scattering efficiency and thus the enhancement. The second is the plasmonic tip for deep ultraviolet (DUV), with which TERS signal can be further enhanced by incorporating the resonance Raman effect. The materials for DUV-TERS tips are shown. With the efficient tip structures and materials, nano Raman imaging with TERS microscopy becomes more reliable as it should inherently be, bringing TERS microscopy to higher levels as a nanoanalysis tool useful for everyone.
  • Satoshi Kawata, Taro Ichimura, Atsushi Taguchi, Yasuaki Kumamoto
    CHEMICAL REVIEWS 117 (7) 4983 - 5001 0009-2665 2017/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Raman scattering microscopy is becoming one of the hot topics in analytical microscopy as a tool for analyzing advanced nanomaterials, such as biomolecules in a live cell for the study of cellular dynamics, semiconductor devices for characterizing strain distribution and contamination, and nanocarbons and nano-2D materials. In this paper, we review the recent progress in the development of Raman scattering microscopy from the viewpoint of spatial resolution and scattering efficiency. To overcome the extremely small cross section of Raman scattering, we discuss three approaches for the enhancement of scattering efficiency and show that the scattering enhancement synergistically increases the spatial resolution. We discuss the mechanisms of tip-enhanced Raman scattering, deep-UV resonant Raman scattering, and coherent nonlinear Raman scattering for micro- and nanoscope applications. The combinations of these three approaches are also shown as nanometer-resolution Raman scattering microscopy. The critical issues of the structures, materials, and reproducibility of tips and three dimensionality for TERS; photodegradation for resonant Raman scattering; and laser availability for coherent nonlinear Raman scattering are also discussed.
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Yuika Saito, Atsushi Taguchi, Mitsuhiro Honda, Satoshi Kawata
    UV and Higher Energy Photonics: From Materials to Applications 9926 0277-786X 2016 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 田口敦清, 齊藤結花, 河田聡, 熊本康昭
    Optronics オプトロニクス社 34 (408) 62 - 66 0286-9659 2015/12 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 田口敦清
    レーザー研究 レーザー学会 43 (10) 683 - 688 0387-0200 2015/10 [Refereed][Invited]
  • M. Honda, Y. Kumamoto, A. Taguchi, Y. Saito, S. Kawata
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 48 (18) 184006  0022-3727 2015/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Aluminum nanoparticles fabricated by oblique angle deposition (OAD) successfully increased the yield and reaction rate of UV photocatalysis due to the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) effect. Nanoparticles 20-60 nm in size were formed in an area larger than similar to 1 cm(2) when the film was highly tilted during the thermal deposition process. The size and density of these nanoparticles were readily controlled by the deposition thickness and speed. The yield of photocatalytic reactions increased by a factor of similar to 2, while the reaction rate increased by up to similar to 10 times. The aluminum nanostructures presented here are of tremendous advantage for future applications in photocatalysis through efficient coupling with UV light.
  • Hikaru Yoshino, Yuika Saito, Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atushi Taguchi, Prabhat Verma, Satoshi Kawata
    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES 31 (5) 451 - 454 0910-6340 2015/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Temperature-dependent photodegradation during UV-resonance Raman spectroscopy was investigated. Photodegradation was quantitatively probed by monitoring the temporal evolution of UV-resonance Raman spectra obtained from bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) showing, resonance effect at a 355-nm excitation wavelength. At 80 K, the molecular photodecomposition rate was 5-times lower than that at room temperature. The decomposition rates of BChl were analyzed by the Arrhenius formula, indicating that the mechanism of photodegradation includes a thermal process having an activation energy of 1.4 kJ/mol.
  • Imad Maouli, Atsushi Taguchi, Yuika Saito, Satoshi Kawata, Prabhat Verma
    APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS 8 (3) 32401  1882-0778 2015/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The use of optical antennas in tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) makes it a powerful optical analysis and imaging technique at the nanoscale. Optical antennas can work as nano-light sources in the visible region. The plasmonic resonance of an antenna depends on its length; thus, by varying the length, one can control the enhancement in TERS. In this study, we demonstrated a fabrication method based on focused ion beam milling to realize optical antennas with desired lengths. We then measured the resonances of these fabricated antennas and performed TERS imaging of carbon nanotubes to demonstrate the antenna length dependence on plasmonic resonance. (C) 2015 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • Atsushi Taguchi
    Far-and Deep-Ultraviolet Spectroscopy 145 - 158 2015/01/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is a technique for amplifying a Raman scattering signal, which is intrinsically weak and therefore hard to detect. The Raman enhancement factor can be as high as 102–106 and may even be as high as 1015, which is sufficient to detect Raman scattering from single molecules. By combining this powerful SERS technique with deep-ultraviolet (DUV) resonance Raman spectroscopy, ultrasensitive detection and analysis of molecules by DUV resonance Raman spectroscopy become possible. In this chapter, recent progress in DUV-SERS is reviewed. Also, the available metals for selection as SERS substrates are discussed. As an application of DUV-SERS to molecular nanoimaging, the development of DUV tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) is also described. Finally, some issues to be overcome and future perspectives are discussed.
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Jun Yu, Prabhat Verma, Satoshi Kawata
    NANOSCALE 7 (41) 17424 - 17433 2040-3364 2015 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) has recently become one of the most important tools for analyzing advanced nano-devices and nano-materials, because it allows strong enhancement of weak Raman signal from the nanometric volume of a sample. However, consistent enhancement in TERS is still an issue and scientists have been struggling to fabricate good tips for reliable, strong and reproducible enhancement. There is a strong need to study the morphology and the arrangement of metal nanostructures near the tip apex for efficient plasmonic enhancement in TERS. Here, we present a study on the metal grains attached to the tip surface for producing higher and much consistent enhancement in TERS. Our study shows that the plasmonic enhancement strongly depends on the number of grains and on the their separations. We found through simulations that multiple grains arranged closely but discretely on a dielectric probe act as an efficient plasmonic antenna and that enhancement in TERS is maximum for an optimized number of grains. The number of grains and the nano-gap between them are crucial for reproducible enhancement. This promising result, which we also demonstrate and prove by experiments, will bring TERS to a new level, where it can be utilized with more confidence of large reproducible enhancement for those nano-sized samples that have extremely weak Raman scattering.
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Mitsuhiro Honda, Koichi Watanabe, Yuika Saito, Satoshi Kawata
    ACS PHOTONICS 1 (7) 598 - 603 2330-4022 2014/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The dielectric constant of indium in the deep-ultraviolet (DUV) region satisfies the conditions for localized surface plasmon resonance with low absorption loss. We report that indium acts as an agent of efficient surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) in the DUV. Indium-coated SERRS substrates were prepared by depositing indium on fused silica glass substrates, with control, of the deposition thickness to tailor the plasmon resonance in the DUV. With excitation 266 nm, SERRS was observed from thin adenine films deposited on the indium-coated substrates, and the signal intensity was up to 11 times higher than that of a bare fused silica glass substrate. FDTD calculations showed that an enhanced electromagnetic field can be locally generated on the indium-coated substrates. Considering the volume, of the enhanced field region in the excitation spot, we estimated the average enhancement factor to be 10(2) or higher. Our results indicate that indium is a Promising and easy-to-use metal for efficiently exciting DUV-SERRS of samples containing a small number of molecules.
  • Takashi Asaka, Kentaro Iwami, Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiro Umeda, Atsushi Masuda
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 53 (4) 04ER18  0021-4922 2014/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The formation of acetic acid via the penetration of moisture into ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) in photovoltaic (PV) modules is cited as the main reason for PV modules' degradation. Currently, there is no effective method for detecting acetic moisture in PV modules. We proposed a simple method for detecting acid moisture in PV modules using a dual-wavelength pH-sensitive dye that measures pH by the ratio of the intensities of two peaks in the fluorescence spectra of the dye. We detected the pH change caused by acetic acid with the change in the intensity ratio of the fluorescence spectra of the dried dye. Furthermore, we observed that the dry fluorescent dye is heat resistant to withstand the lamination process for the manufacturing of PV modules, and has good long-term durability. (C) 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • Mitsuhiro Honda, Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Yuika Saito, Satoshi Kawata
    APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 104 (6) 61108  0003-6951 2014/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We report plasmonic nanoparticle enhanced photocatalysis on titanium dioxide (TiO2) in the deep-UV range. Aluminum (Al) nanoparticles fabricated on TiO2 film increases the reaction rate of photocatalysis by factors as high as 14 under UV irradiation in the range of 260-340 nm. The reaction efficiency has been determined by measuring the decolorization rate of methylene blue applied on the TiO2 substrate. The enhancement of photocatalysis shows particle size and excitation wavelength dependence, which can be explained by the surface plasmon resonance of Al nanoparticles. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
  • J. Suzuki, K. Hirata, K. Iwami, A. Taguchi, N. Umeda
    International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics 121 - 122 2160-5033 2013 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    In this study, photochemical polishing based on a nonadiabatic optical near-field etching to sapphire substrate is studied. A sapphire substrate with an initial roughness of Ra=6.00 nm was polished by 100 Pa Cl2 gas atmosphere under laser irradiation for 60 minutes, and smoothened into Ra= 1.91 nm. Due to the Gaussian intensity distribution in the laser beam section, there was in-plane distribution of surface roughness. Furthermore, etching time got longer, the roughness was increased. This result suggests nonadiabatic optical near-field etching to sapphire substrate has an optimal etching time, which agrees with a result of SiO2 substrate. © 2013 IEEE.
  • Yuika Saito, Mitsuhiro Honda, Koichi Watanabe, Atsushi Taguchi, Yujian Song, Satoshi Kawata
    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS 77 (1) 27 - 31 0021-4876 2013/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Light couples with free electrons in metals on the nanometer scale, exhibiting a localization and enhancement effect known as Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR). LSPR has been exploited in many scientific and industrial fields, such as sensors, optical waveguides, high-sensitivity optical detection, high-resolution microscopy, etc. In spite of the versatility of LSPR, the applicable wavelength range of LSPR has been limited to the visible and infrared because the host materials for conventional LSPR, mainly gold and silver, do not exhibit metallic behavior at ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths. We used aluminum as a new candidate LSPR material at UV wavelengths and optimized its structure for better coupling with light from UV to deep-UV. Aluminum nanostructures were fabricated by a nanoparticle lithography method. In this report, we especially focus on the relationship between the LSPR wavelength and the height of the nanostructures. By increasing the height of the nanostructures, blue shifts of the LSPR wavelength were observed. With finer tuning of the nanostructures, an LSPR wavelength of 244 nm was successfully achieved, which is the shortest reported LSPR wavelength.
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Yuika Saito, Koichi Watanabe, Song Yijian, Satoshi Kawata
    APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 101 (8) 81110  0003-6951 2012/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Localized surface plasmon resonances were controlled at deep-ultraviolet (DUV) wavelengths by fabricating aluminum (Al) nanostructures in a size-controllable manner. Plasmon resonances were obtained at wavelengths from near-UV down to 270 nm (4.6 eV) depending on the fabricated structure size. Such precise size control was realized by the nanosphere lithography technique combined with additional microwave heating to shrink the spaces in a close-packed monolayer of colloidal nanosphere masks. By adjusting the microwave heating time, the sizes of the Al nanostructures could be controlled from 80 nm to 50 nm without the need to use nanosphere beads of different sizes. With the outstanding controllability and versatility of the presented fabrication technique, the fabricated Al nanostructure is promising for use as a DUV plasmonic substrate, a light-harvesting platform for mediating strong light-matter interactions between UV photons and molecules placed near the metal nanostructure. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. []
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Nicholas Isaac Smith, Satoshi Kawata
    JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS 17 (7) 76001  1083-3668 2012/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We report the first demonstration of deep ultraviolet (DUV) Raman imaging of a cell. Nucleotide distributions in a He La cell were observed without any labeling at 257 nm excitation with resonant bands attributable to guanine and adenine. Obtained images represent DNA localization at nucleoli in the nucleus and RNA distribution in the cytoplasm. The presented technique extends the potential of Raman microscopy as a tool to selectively probe nucleic acids in a cell with high sensitivity due to resonance. (C) 2012 society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.7.076001]
  • Hayazawa Norihiko, Tarun Alvarado, Taguchi Atsushi, Furusawa Kentaro
    445  2012 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Nicholas Isaac Smith, Satoshi Kawata
    BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 2 (4) 927 - 936 2156-7085 2011/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We employed deep UV (DUV) Raman spectroscopy for characterization of molecular photodamage in cells. 244 nm light excitation Raman spectra were measured for HeLa cells exposed to the excitation light for different durations. In the spectra obtained with the shortest exposure duration (0.25 sec at 16 mu W/mu m(2) irradiation), characteristic resonant Raman bands of adenine and guanine at 1483 cm(-1) and tryptophan and tyrosine at 1618 cm(-1) were clearly visible. With increasing exposure duration (up to 12.5 sec), these biomolecular Raman bands diminished, while a photoproduct Raman band at 1611 cm(-1) grew. By exponential function fitting analyses, intensities of these characteristic three bands were correlated with sample exposure duration at different intensities of excitation light. We then suggest practical excitation conditions effective for DUV Raman observation of cells without photodamage-related spectral distortion. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
  • Shuhei Uchida, Atsushi Taguchi, Munehisa Mitani, Taro Ichimura, Satoshi Kawata, Kazuya Yamamura, Nobuyuki Zettsu
    JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 11 (4) 2890 - 2896 1533-4880 2011/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We have demonstrated the higher yield dimerization of single-crystalline Ag nanocubes through preciously controlled face-selective functionalization. With the achievement of the higher yield dimerization, we could thus observe some interesting optical properties of the dimer. Both experimental and theoretical studies revealed that the 50-nm-diameter Ag nanocubes dimers with a ca. 3.3 nm gap at their junction exhibited two plasmon peaks centered at 446 nm and 600 nm, which contributed to transverse and longitudinal plasmon resonances, respectively. Elctromagnetic calculations based on the FDTD method clearly showed that a greater enhancement of the local field occurred, with an average amplitude of the electric field of 22, at the fractal space between the aggregated Ag nanocubes when the dimer was illuminated under longitudinally polarized light.
  • 田口 敦清
    分光研究 = Journal of the spectroscopical research of Japan 59 (2) 102 - 103 0038-7002 2010/04 [Refereed][Invited]
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiko Hayazawa, Satoshi Kawata
    XXII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY 1267 1251 - 1252 0094-243X 2010 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Norihiko Hayazawa, Kentaro Furusawa, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 106 (11) 113103  0021-8979 2009/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
    One-photon and two-photon excited fluorescence microscopies using either radial or azimuthal polarization have been developed and applied to the imaging of quantum dots. In both cases (one-photon and two-photon excitations), the fluorescence image profile of each quantum dot is in good agreement with the electric field intensity distribution of a tightly focused spot using a high numerical aperture objective lens. While this polarization dependence of the absorption/emission of quantum dots (or other dye molecules) is useful for characterizing the orientation of the quantum dots, most of the biological applications that employ quantum dots or dye molecules as labels require the information describing not only the orientation but also the precise position of each dot. In order to improve the sensing accuracy of the dot's position, we employ a modified near-field fluorescence microscopy system that utilizes a tip-enhancement technique and radially polarized two-photon excitations. For the tip enhancement, a commercially available silicon cantilever tip has been successfully utilized instead of metallic tips, as the latter tip can drastically quench the near-field fluorescence. Our tip-enhanced two-photon excited fluorescence microscopy technique enables visualization of the quantum dots distributed on a cover slip beyond the diffraction limit of light. We demonstrate that our approach is advantageous not only due to its high spatial resolution but also due to its high sensitivity by showing that the fluorescence signal is not detectable without the aid of the tip enhancement in some cases.
  • Yasushi Inouye, Atsushi Taguchi, Taro Ichimura
    Molecular Nano Dynamics: Vol. I: Spectroscopic Methods and Nanostructures / Vol. II: Active Surfaces, Single Crystals and Single Biocells 1 19 - 37 2009/11/27 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiko Hayazawa, Kentaro Furusawa, Hidekazu Ishitobi, Satoshi Kawata
    JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY 40 (9) 1324 - 1330 0377-0486 2009/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We report for the first time the tip-enhancement of resonance Raman scattering using deep ultraviolet (DUV) excitation wavelength. The tip-enhancement was successfully demonstrated with an aluminum-coated silicon tip that acts as a plasmonic material in DUV wavelengths. Both the crystal violet and adenine molecules, which were used as test samples, show electronic resonance at the 266-nm excitation used in the experiments. With results demonstrated here, molecular analysis and imaging with nanoscale spatial resolution in DUV resonance Raman spectroscopy can be realized using the tip-enhancement effect. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Norihiko Hayazawa, Alvarado Tarun, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 48 (8) 08JA02  0021-4922 2009/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Near-field scanning optical microscopy has been developed as a combination of scanning probe microscopy and optical microscopy in which the spatial resolution is determined by scanning probe microscope resolution while the signals detected are coming from several optical interactions. As a result, near-field scanning optical microscopy has achieved higher spatial resolution than that of the classical optical microscopy that uses a conventional lens, which is strictly limited by the diffraction limit of light. In this paper, recent advances in near-field optical microscopy and spectroscopy are reviewed, particularly, the metal tip based probes. The discussion covers tip-enhancement effect in various wavelength regions, deep ultraviolet (DUV), ultraviolet (UV), visible (vis), and infrared (IR) up to terahertz (THz) frequency. (C) 2009 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • Norihiko Hayazawa, Kentaro Furusawa, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata, Hiroshi Abe
    APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 94 (19) 193112  0003-6951 2009/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The use of silicon tips and nonlinear response of materials can be used in overcoming the two major drawbacks of the near-field fluorescence detection which are quenching and background signals. Silicon tips allow for quenching free detection while the two-photon excitation scheme selectively enhances the scattering rate near the tip apex, so that the fluorescence signal from this tiny volume outweighs the one from diffraction limited focused spot. We demonstrate tip-enhanced two-photon excited fluorescence microscopy using a commercially available silicon cantilever tip, and show that individual quantum dots can be clearly resolved with spatial separation of 70 nm.
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiko Hayazawa, Yuika Saito, Hidekazu Ishitobi, Alvarado Tarun, Satoshi Kawata
    OPTICS EXPRESS 17 (8) 6509 - 6518 1094-4087 2009/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We present a novel technique to tune the plasmon resonance of metal-coated silicon tips in the whole visible region without altering the tips original sharpness. The technique involves modification of the refractive index of silicon probe by thermal oxidization. Lowering the refractive index of silicon tip coated with metal shift the plasmon resonance of the metallic layer to shorter wavelength. Numerical simulation using FDTD agrees well with the empirical results. This novel technique is very useful in tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy studies of various materials because plasmon resonance can tuned to a specific Raman excitation wavelength. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
  • Katsumasa Fujita, Sawako Ishitobi, Keisaku Hamada, Nicholas I. Smith, Atsushi Taguchi, Yasushi Inouye, Satoshi Kawata
    JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS 14 (2) 24038  1083-3668 2009/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We perform time-resolved observation of living cells with gold nanoparticles using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The position and SERS spectra of 50-nm gold nanoparticles are simultaneously observed by slit-scanning Raman microscopy with high spatial and temporal resolution. From the SERS observation, we confirm the attachment of the particles on the cell surface and the entry into the cell with the subsequent generation of SERS signals from nearby molecules. We also confirm that the strong dependence of SERS spectra on the position of the particle during the transportation of the particle through the cell. The obtained SERS spectra and its temporal fluctuation indicate that the molecular signals observable by this technique are given only from within a limited volume in close proximity to the nanoparticles. This confirms the high spatial selectivity and resolution of SERS imaging for observation of biomolecules involved in cellular events in situ. (C) 2009 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3119242]
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Shintaro Fujii, Taro Ichimura, Prabhat Verma, Yasushi Inouye, Satoshi Kawata
    CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 462 (1-3) 92 - 95 0009-2614 2008/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We have found that the shape of silver nanocrystals is conveniently controlled by injection of oxygen gas during the polyol reduction of silver ions. The presence of oxygen effectively promotes the oxidative etching of multiple twined particles. Adjusting the flow rate of the oxygen gas yields uniformly-sized silver nanocubes, right bipyramids, nanowires, and spherical nanoparticles depending on the injection rate of the oxygen gas. Electron diffraction and high resolution TEM observations of the synthesized nanocrystals show our nanocrystals do consist of silver, not of silver oxide. SERS activities of the synthesized nanocrystals were also examined. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Y. Ikemoto, T. Moriwaki, H. Okamura, T. Sasaki, N. Yoneyama, A. Taguchi, Y. Inouye, S. Kawata, T. Kinoshita
    INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY 51 (5) 417 - 419 1350-4495 2008/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The authors report infrared near-field spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation at BL43IR, SPring-8 in the finger print region. At the microspectroscopy station, the infrared synchrotron radiation beam is focused on a cantilever probe with a 3 mu m square aperture. A comb-shaped An electrode with the width of 3 mu m and the distance of 3 mu m is used for the reflection measurement. The An electrodes can be resolved at 650 cm(-1) and the resolution is estimated to be lambda/5. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Atsushi Ono, Kyoko Masui, Yuika Saito, Takao Sakata, Atsushi Taguchi, Masashi Motohashi, Taro Ichimura, Hidekazu Ishitobi, Alvarado Tarun, Norihiko Hayazawa, Prabhat Verma, Yasushi Inouye, Satoshi Kawata
    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 37 (1) 122 - 123 0366-7022 2008/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We propose a novel technique of oxidizing silicon cantilever tips to characterize silicon-based semiconductors by tip-enhanced Raman measurements. The technique uses thermal oxidization process under steam atmosphere. It is aimed for the suppression of Raman scattering originating from the silicon tip itself without degrading the tip sharpness. The thickness of the oxidized silicon on the silicon tip is controlled by the thermal oxidization time. We successfully obtained 250-nm thick silicon dioxide in 1100 degrees C temperature under steam at 10-min oxidization time. Using the oxidized tip, we experimentally verified that silicon Raman vibration was completely suppressed.
  • Norihiko Hayazawa, Hidekazu Ishitobi, Atsushi Taguchi, Alvarado Tarun, Katsuyoshi Ikeda, Satoshi Kawata
    We propose a novel method to improve field enhancement factor in tip-enhanced spectroscopy techniques using gap mode configuration. In gap-mode, a silver coated tip is placed just above the focus at silver thin film deposited on a dielectric substrate. The enormous electric field enhancement generated at the focus is due to coupling of surface plasmon polaritons at the gap between the 48nm silver film and silver coated tip. The proposed technique was demonstrated in both radially polarized and linearly polarized beam. Radial polarization was found to be better than linear polarization in gap mode because only p-polarized component can contribute to the excitation of surface plasmon of the silver film. The electric field distributions at the gap below tip, are calculated using finite difference time domain method and experimentally visualized by scanning probe microscope. Numerical results are in good agreement with the empirical data.
  • Taka-Aki Yano, Taro Ichimura, Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiko Hayazawa, Prabhat Verma, Yasushi Inouye, Satoshi Kawata
    APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 91 (12) 121101  0003-6951 2007/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The authors developed a tip-enhanced near field Raman microscope that can precisely regulate longitudinal distance between a metallic tip and sample molecules. This was done by employing a time-gated photoncounting scheme that enabled us to observe exponentially decaying near field Raman intensity with the tip-sample distance. The exponential decay shows a characteristic of the enhanced field generated by the localization of the surface plasmon polaritons near the tip apex. This microscope was applied to evaluate metal-coated tips and also to investigate confinement of the field generated at a gap between two metal nanostructures from the decay curves. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
  • A Taguchi, T Miyoshi, Y Takaya, S Takahashi
    We have proposed an optical method that can be applied to in-process or in situ measurement of the microsurface profile. The present method is based on optically performed spectral analysis and the phase retrieval technique. Spectral information of a surface profile is obtained by measuring the Fraunhofer diffraction intensity. The phase retrieval technique is used to reconstruct the surface profile from the measured spectrum. We have developed an instrument on the basis of the general principles of the present method, and measured the surface of a reference standard having rectangular pockets 44 run deep at intervals of 10 mum. The measured surface profile was in good agreement with the nominal dimensions of the specimen as well as the surface profile obtained by atomic force microscopy (AFM). (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Taguchi Atsushi, Yamakita H, Takaya Y, Miyoshi T, Takahashi S
    Optelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing 39 (5) 16  2003 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • A Taguchi, T Miyoshi, Y Takaya, S Takahashi, K Saito
    CIRP ANNALS 2000: MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 49 (1) 423 - 426 2000 [Refereed][Not invited]
    With the advance of the nano-technology, especially micromachining, in-process measurement techniques for micro-machined profiles in the submicron order are increasingly required. However, conventional Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPM) come with numerous problems in applications to in-process measurement. In this paper, we propose a new optical measuring method which can be applied to the in-process measurement of three-dimensional micro-profiles with accuracy in the nanometer order. The optical inverse scattering phase method offers the advantage of measuring a three-dimensional profile within the whole area illuminated by the laser beam simultaneously. No scanning process is required. Employing Fourier phase retrieval algorithm, three-dimensional micro-profiles are reconstructed from only the measured Fraunhofer diffraction intensity. Computer simulations and actual measurements were performed for the verification of the proposed method. The result obtained in the measurement for an ultra precision grid plate, which has rectangular pockets 44nm deep at intervals of 10 mu m, shows the validity of this method.


Books etc

  • "Tip Enhanced Raman Microscopy," in "Comprehensive Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Second Edition"
    Atsushi Taguchi, Jun Yu, Kohta Saitoh (ContributorTip Enhanced Raman Microscopy)
    Academic Press 2019/01
  • Recent Developments in Plasmon-supported Raman Spectroscopy: 45 Years of Enhanced Raman Signals
    Atsushi Taguchi (ContributorDeep-Ultraviolet Surface- and Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy)
    World Scientific (Europe) 2018/01
  • Far- and Deep-Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
    Atsushi Taguchi (ContributorDeep-Ultraviolet Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering)
    Springer Japan 2015/07
  • Raman Spectroscopy for Nanomaterials Characterization
    Norihiko Hayazawa, Alvarado Tarun, Atsushi Taguchi, Kentaro Furusawa (ContributorTip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy)
    Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2012/04


  • Advanced instrumentation for DUV Raman microscopy: Finer, faster, and brighter  [Invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi
    SciX2023  2023/10
  • Advanced material 3D fabrication with DUV light  [Invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi
    SPIE Optics + Photonics  2023/08
  • Inverse photonic design as a tool for structured light science  [Invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi
    2023 Structured Laser and Matter  2023/06
  • 深紫外の先端技術  [Invited]
    分光基礎セミナー  2023/06
  • Inverse design finds chiral nanogap antennas  [Not invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi
    Optics & Photonics International Congress 2023 (OPIC 2023)  2023/04
  • キラル対称性を破るナノギャップアンテナ構造の探索  [Not invited]
    2023年第70回応用物理学会春期学術講演会  2023/03
  • 多光子励起を用いた深紫外3次元ナノリソグラフィ  [Not invited]
    2023年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会  2023/03
  • 計算科学を活用した新奇キラルナノ構造設計の探索  [Invited]
    ワークショップ 「キラルな光とキラルな物質」  2023/03
  • Computational inverse design finds chiral nanophotonic structures  [Not invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi
    Structured Light for Life  2023/02
  • 深紫外領域のナノフォトニクス  [Invited]
    光とレーザーの科学技術フェア2022(分光セミナー'22)  2022/11
  • A design of high NA reflectie objective for DUV micro-spectroscopy  [Not invited]
    Hikaru Takehara, Keiji Sasaki, Atsushi Taguchi
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2022)  2022/08
  • Quest for chiral nanogap structures using topology optimization  [Not invited]
    Yamato Fukui, Atsushi Taguchi, Keiji Sasaki
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2022)  2022/08
  • キラルナノギャップ構造のトポロジー最適化による探索  [Invited]
    福井岳人, 田口敦清, 笹木敬司
    第69回応用物理学会春期学術講演会  2022/03
  • A design of high NA reflective objective for DUV micro-spectroscopy  [Not invited]
    Hikaru Takehara, Keiji Sasaki, Atsushi Taguchi
    Global Nanophotonics 2022 (GNP2022)  2022/03
  • Photoinitiator-free micro/nano fabrication of biomaterials with nonlinear deep UV excitation  [Not invited]
    Atsush Nakayama, Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Katsumasa Fujita
    SPIE Photonics West 2022  2022/01
  • 科学と異分野融合ーー超解像光学を例として  [Invited]
    北海道高等学校教育研究会  2022/01
  • 暗励起子の生成に向けた金ナノディスク-WSe2 ヘテロ構造の作製  [Not invited]
    馬場亮佑, 田口敦清, パンクリストフ, 笹木敬司
    第57回応用物理学会北海道支部/第18回日本光学会北海道支部合同学術講演会  2022/01
  • 深紫外二光子重合を用いた3次元微細構造の造形特性評価  [Not invited]
    土井敬介, 笹木敬司, 田口敦清
    第57回応用物理学会北海道支部/第18回日本光学会北海道支部合同学術講演会  2022/01
  • Finding chiral nanogap antenna structures using inverse design  [Not invited]
    Yamato Fukui, Atsushi Taguchi, Keiji Sasaki
    Pacifichem 2021  2021/12
  • A design of high NA reflective objective for DUV microspectroscopy  [Not invited]
    Hikaru Takehara, Keiji Sasaki, Atsushi Taguchi
    Pacifichem 2021  2021/12
  • DUV spectroscopy at nanoscale: pushing its limits with surface plasmons  [Invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi
    Pacifichem 2021  2021/12
  • Plasmonic Nanoantenna-WSe2 Heterostructures for Studying Multipole-Plasmon-Material Interaction  [Not invited]
    Ryosuke Bamba, Atsushi Taguchi, Christophe Pin, Keiji Sasaki
    The 22nd RIES-Hokudai International Symposium  2021/12
  • トポロジー最適化を用いたナノギャップアンテナ構造の設計  [Not invited]
    福井岳人, 田口敦清, 笹木敬司
    Optics & Photonics Japan 2021  2021/10
  • 深紫外顕微鏡用反射対物レンズの高NA化の検討  [Not invited]
    竹原光, 笹木敬司, 田口敦清
    Optics & Photonics Japan 2021  2021/10
  • Pushing DUV Raman microscopy to its limits: toward nanoscale resolution  [Invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi
    SciX2021  2021/09
  • キラリティを有するナノギャップ構造の探索
    福井岳人, 田口敦清, 笹木敬司
    第82回応用物理学会秋期学術講演会  2021/09
  • 添加材不要の2光子造形法を用いた生体材料の3次元ナノ造形  [Not invited]
    中山篤志, 熊本康昭, 田口敦清, 藤田克昌
    第82回応用物理学会秋期学術講演会  2021/09
  • 添加材不要の3次元光ナノ造形法:3次元バイオプリンティングの新機軸  [Not invited]
    中山篤志, 田口敦清, 藤田克昌
    第19回産総研・産技連LS-BT合同研究発表会  2021/05
  • 計算機逆設計によるキラルナノ構造探索  [Invited]
    新学術領域「光圧によるナノ物質操作と秩序の創生」領域会議(非公開)  2021/01
  • 深紫外ラマン顕微鏡の現在と未来  [Invited]
    2020年度日本分光学会北海道支部シンポジウム  2021/01
  • ナノ粒子の光圧操作に向けたナノ構造の逆設計の提案  [Not invited]
    佐藤一生, 田口敦清, 笹木敬司
    第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2020/03
  • 分子イメージングにおける紫外光の可能性  [Invited]
    第19回OMIC事業推進セミナー  2020/01
  • 紫外プラズモニクスとその光圧研究への展開  [Not invited]
    新学術領域研究「光圧ナノ物質操作」公開シンポジウム  2020/01
  • 逆電磁場計算を利用したプラズモニックナノ構造の設計と最適化  [Not invited]
    佐藤 一生, 田口敦清, 笹木敬司
    第55回応用物理学会北海道支部/第16回日本光学会北海道支部合同学術講演会  2020/01
  • Plasmonics in deep UV for nanoimaging and spectroscopy  [Invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi
    International Symposium of RIES (Hokudai) and CEFMS (NCTU)  2019/12
  • 紫外領域の計測加工技術の新たな潮流  [Invited]
    P3フォーラム  2019/11
  • 深紫外ラマン顕微鏡を用いた材料観察:その現在と未来  [Not invited]
    ダイナミック・アライアンスG1グループ分科会  2019/11
  • Plasmonics in deep UV: materials and applications  [Not invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi
    SPIE.COS Photonics Asia  2019/10
  • 深紫外プラズモニクスとラマン分光  [Invited]
    日本分光学会・第55回夏期セミナー  2019/09
  • 添加剤不要の二光子光重合:マイクロ3D造形の新機軸!  [Invited]
    イノベーションジャパン2019〜大学見本市&ビジネスマッチング〜  2019/08
  • Nonlinear DUV lithography for 3D nano fabrication  [Not invited]
    Atsushi Nakayama, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata, Katsumasa Fujita
    SPIE Optics & Photonics  2019/08
  • 齋藤 広大, 田口 敦清, 河田 聡
    2019年日本分光学会年次講演会  2019/05  京都大学化学研究所(宇治)  日本分光学会
  • 紫外プラズモニクスとその光圧研究への展開  [Not invited]
    田口 敦清
    新学術領域研究「光圧ナノ物質操作」第4回領域会議  2019/05  北海道大学学術交流会館(札幌)  新学術領域研究「光圧ナノ物質操作」
  • 田口 敦清, 齋藤 広大, 河田 聡
    2019年度精密工学会春期大会学術講演会  2019/03  東京電機大学 東京千住キャンパス(北千住)  精密工学会
  • 田口 敦清, 中山 篤志, 河田 聡, 藤田 克昌
    2019年度精密工学会春期大会学術講演会  2019/03  東京電機大学 東京千住キャンパス(北千住)  精密工学会
  • Atsushi Taguchi
    Global Nanophotonics 2018  2018/12  TIFR, Mumbai(India)  JSPS Core-to-Core Program
  • Atsushi Nakayama, Atsushi Taguchi, Katsumasa Fujita
    Global Nanophotonics 2018  2018/12  TIFR, Mumbai(India)  JSPS Core-to-Core Program
  • Atsushi Taguchi
    SciX2018  2018/10  Marriott Marquis, Atlanta(USA)  SciX
  • 中山 篤志, 田口 敦清, 望月 健太郎, 藤田 克昌
    第79回応用物理学会秋期学術講演会  2018/09  名古屋国際会議場(名古屋)  応用物理学会
  • 田口 敦清
    日本学術振興会メタマテリアル187委員会研究会  2018/09  機械振興会館(芝公園)  メタマテリアル187委員会
  • 田口 敦清
    イノベーションジャパン2018〜大学見本市&ビジネスマッチング〜  2018/08  東京ビッグサイト(有明)  科学技術振興機構
  • Atsushi Taguchi
    SPIE Optics & Photonics  2018/08  San Diego Convention Center, San Diego(USA)  SPIE
  • Atsushi Taguchi
    SPIE Optics & Photonics  2018/08  San Diego Convention Center, San Diego(USA)  SPIE
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Kohta Saitoh, Satoshi Kawata
    International Conference on Advancing Molecular Spectroscopy (ICAMS)  2018/07  Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya(Japan)
  • 齋藤 広大, 田口 敦清, 河田 聡
    第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2018/03  早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス(大久保)  応用物理学会
  • 新田 将, 田口 敦清, 藤田 克昌
    第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2018/03  早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス(大久保)  応用物理学会
  • 柳生 昌宏, Yau Chuen Yiu, 田口 敦清
    第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2018/03  早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス(大久保)  応用物理学会
  • 音叉型水晶振動子を用いた先端増強ラマン散乱顕微用の開発:探針-試料間・原子間力制御下におけるラマン散乱の測定  [Not invited]
    齋藤 広大, 田口 敦清, 河田 聡
    第43回レーザー顕微鏡研究会  2018/01  大阪大学フォトニクスセンター(吹田)  レーザー顕微鏡研究会
  • Atsushi Taguchi
    Global Nanophotonics 2017  2017/12  Palawan Island(Philippines)  JSPS Core-to-Core Program
  • 新田 将, 田口 敦清, 藤田 克昌
    応用物理学会関西支部平成29年度第2回講演会  2017/11  京都(京都)  応用物理学会関西支部
  • 熊本 康昭, 田口 敦清, スミス ニコラス, 藤田 克昌, 河田 聡
    Optics & Photonics Japan 2017  2017/10  筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎(大塚)  日本光学会
  • Atsushi Taguchi
    SciX2017  2017/10  Reno(USA)  SciX
  • Kohta Saitoh, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    第78回応用物理学会学術講演会, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia  2017/09  福岡(福岡)  応用物理学会
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Kohta Saitoh, Satoshi Kawata
    第78回応用物理学会学術講演会, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia  2017/09  福岡(福岡)  応用物理学会
  • Efficient Plasmonic tip with multiple grains in tip-enhanced nano Raman microscopy  [Not invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    International Nanophotonics Symposium 2017  2017/08  Ito(Japan)  JSPS Core-to-Core Program
  • Tip-enhanced Raman scattering microscope using quartz-tuning-fork AFM probe  [Not invited]
    Kohta Saitoh, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    International Nanophotonics Symposium 2017  2017/08  Ito(Japan)  JSPS Core-to-Core Program
  • Deep-UV resonance Raman imaging of a cell  [Not invited]
    Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Nicholas Isaac Smith, Katsumasa Fujita, Satoshi Kawata
    International Nanophotonics Symposium 2017  2017/08  Ito(Japan)  JSPS Core-to-Core Program
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO-24)  2017/08  Shinjuku(Japan)
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO-24)  2017/08  Shinjuku(Japan)
  • Atsushi Taguchi
    SPIE Optics & Photonics  2017/08  San Diego(USA)  SPIE
  • Yau Chuen Yiu, Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    応用物理学会関西支部平成29年度第1回講演会  2017/05  姫路(兵庫)  応用物理学会関西支部
  • 新田 将, 田口 敦清, 藤田 克昌
    応用物理学会関西支部平成29年度第1回講演会  2017/05  姫路(兵庫)  応用物理学会関西支部
  • 齋藤 広大, 田口 敦清, 河田 聡
    日本物理学会第72回年次大会  2017/03  豊中(大阪)  日本物理学会
  • 齋藤 広大, 田口 敦清, 河田 聡
    第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2017/03  横浜(神奈川)  応用物理学会
  • 田口 敦清
    日本分光学会遠紫外分光部会・第2回講演会  2017/01  丸の内(東京)  日本分光学会遠紫外分光部会
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Nicholas Isaac Smith, Katsumasa Fujita, Satoshi Kawata
    Japan-Taiwan Medical Spectroscopy International Symposium  2016/12  Awaji(Japan)
  • Zhiqiang Zhang, Kentaro Mochizuki, Jun Ando, Atsushi Taguchi, Kazuki Bando, Katsumasa Fujita, Satoshi Kawata
    Global Nanophotonics 2016  2016/11  Osaka(Japan)  JSPS Core-to-Core Program
  • 田口 敦清
    Optics & Photonics Japan 2016  2016/10  大塚(東京)  日本光学会
  • Yau Chuen Yiu, Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    応用物理学会関西支部平成28年度第2回講演会  2016/10  西宮(兵庫)  応用物理学会関西支部
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    第77回応用物理学会学術講演会, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia  2016/09  新潟(新潟)  応用物理学会
  • Atsushi Taguchi
    第77回応用物理学会学術講演会, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia  2016/09  新潟(新潟)  応用物理学会
  • Hideaki Nagasaki, Toshinari Mochizuki, Ryo Hamaoka, Kentaro Iwami, Atsushi Taguchi, Hiroyuki Ohno, Norihiro Umeda
    The 14th International conference on Near-Field Optics, Nanophotonics and Related Techniques (NFO-14)  2016/09  Hamamatsu(Japan)
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Yuika Saito, Mitsuhiro Honda, Satoshi Kawata
    The 14th International conference on Near-Field Optics, Nanophotonics and Related Techniques (NFO-14)  2016/09  Hamamatsu(Japan)
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Prabhat Verma, Satoshi Kawata
    The 14th International conference on Near-Field Optics, Nanophotonics and Related Techniques (NFO-14)  2016/09  Hamamatsu(Japan)
  • Atsushi Taguchi
    SPIE Optics & Photonics  2016/08  San Diego(USA)  SPIE
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Yuika Saito, Atsushi Taguchi, Mitsuhiro Honda, Satoshi Kawata
    SPIE Optics & Photonics  2016/08  San Diego(USA)  SPIE
  • 田口 敦清
    第5回分光イノベーションシンポジウム  2016/05  豊中(大阪)  分光イノベーション研究会
  • Yau Chuen Yiu, Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2016/03  大岡山(東京)  応用物理学会
  • 田口 敦清, 河田 聡
    第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2016/03  大岡山(東京)  応用物理学会
  • 望月 俊成, 長崎 秀昭, 岩見 健太郎, 牧 禎, 田口 敦清, 大野 弘幸, 梅田 倫弘
    第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2016/03  大岡山(東京)  応用物理学会
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Jun Yu, Prabhat Verma, Satoshi Kawata
    5th International Conference on Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS-5)  2015/10  Osaka(Japan)
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    5th International Conference on Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS-5)  2015/10  Osaka(Japan)
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Yuika Saito, Atsushi Taguchi, Mitsuhiro Honda, Satoshi Kawata
    5th International Conference on Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS-5)  2015/10  Osaka(Japan)
  • Kohta Saitoh, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    5th International Conference on Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS-5)  2015/10  Osaka(Japan)
  • Shota Ushiba, Yau Chuen Yiu, Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    5th International Conference on Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS-5)  2015/10  Osaka(Japan)
  • 望月 俊成, 原 昌平, 長崎 秀昭, 岩見 健太郎, 牧 禎, 田口 敦清, 大野 弘幸, 梅田 倫弘
    第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会  2015/09  名古屋(愛知)  応用物理学会
  • 熊本 康昭, 齊藤 結花, 吉野 光, 田口 敦清, バルマ プラブハット, 河田 聡
    第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会  2015/09  名古屋(愛知)  応用物理学会
  • 望月 俊成, 牧 禎, 長崎 秀昭, 田口 敦清, 梅田 倫弘
    第28回九州電子顕微鏡技術研究会  2015/09  北九州(福岡)  九州電子顕微鏡技術研究会
  • Toshinari Mochizuki, Hideaki Nagasaki, Kentaro Iwami, Tei Maki, Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiro Umeda
    The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-Field Optics (APNFO-10)  2015/07  Hakodate(Japan)
  • 田口 敦清, 河田 聡
    第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2015/03  平塚(神奈川)  応用物理学会
  • 熊本 康昭, 齊藤 結花, 田口 敦清, 本田 光裕, 河田 聡
    第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2015/03  平塚(神奈川)  応用物理学会
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    第75回応用物理学会秋期学術講演会,JSAP-OSAジョイントシンポジウム  2014/09  札幌(北海道)  応用物理学会
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Yuika Saito, Atsushi Taguchi, Mitsuhiro Honda, Koichi Watanabe, Satoshi Kawata
    第75回応用物理学会秋期学術講演会,JSAP-OSAジョイントシンポジウム  2014/09  札幌(北海道)  応用物理学会
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Yuika Saito, Atsushi Taguchi, Mitsuhiro Honda, Koichi Watanabe, Satoshi Kawata
    The 14th International Conference of Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS2014)  2014/08  Jena(Germany)
  • 熊本 康昭, 齊藤 結花, 田口 敦清, 本田 光裕, 渡邊 晃一, 河田 聡
    平成26年度日本分光学会年次講演会  2014/05  和光(埼玉)  日本分光学会
  • 湯本 敦, 望月 俊成, 田口 敦清, 岩見 健太郎, 大野 弘幸, 梅田 倫弘
    第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2014/03  相模原(神奈川)  応用物理学会
  • 手島 昂太朗, 高和 宏行, 田口 敦清, 岩見 健太郎, 梅田 倫弘
    第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会  2014/03  相模原(神奈川)  応用物理学会
  • 21310 DUV plasmon resonances for nano Raman vibrational spectroscopy
    TAGUCHI Atsushi
    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集  2014/03  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
    I discuss first the concept of "UV plasmonics", which is an emerging field of the plasmonics. Then, I will demonstrate localized surface plasmon resonances in deep-UV using aluminum (Al) nanostructures. Finally, I will demonstrate the tip-enhanced resonance Raman scattering using Al probe. These results demonstrated here will open up a new opportunity for utilizing UV light in nano-imaging, ultrasensitive sensing, and others applications.
  • Indium for deep-ultraviolet (DUV) plasmonics  [Not invited]
    Yasuaki Kumamoto, Yuika Saito, Atsushi Taguchi, Mitsuhiro Honda, Koichi Watanabe, Satoshi Kawata
    UK Japan Workshop on Nanophotonics, Metamaterials, and Plasmonics at Handai  2014/03  Suita(Japan)  PARC, Osaka University
  • 手島 昂太朗, 梅田 倫弘, 田口 敦清, 岩見 健太郎, 高和 宏行, 築地 光雄
    日本機械学会関東支部・第20期総会・講演会  2014/03  小金井(東京)  日本機械学会
  • 李 永波, 本田 諭志, 田口 敦清, 岩見 健太郎, 太田 善弘, 吉松 大輝, 梅田 倫弘
    日本機械学会関東支部・第20期総会・講演会  2014/03  小金井(東京)  日本機械学会
  • 田口 敦清
    日本機械学会関東支部・第20期総会・講演会  2014/03  小金井(東京)  日本機械学会
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Nicholas Isaac Smith, Satoshi Kawata
    The 44th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE-2014)  2014/01  Snowbird(USA)
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    The 44th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE-2014)  2014/01  Snowbird(USA)
  • 熊本 康昭, 田口 敦清, スミス ニコラス, 河田 聡
    平成25年度日本分光学会年次講演会  2013/11  豊中(大阪)  日本分光学会
  • 本田 諭志, 李 永波, 田口 敦清, 岩見 健太郎, 太田 善弘, 吉松 大輝, 梅田 倫弘
    日本光学会年次学術講演会: Optics & Photonics Japan (OPJ2013)  2013/11  奈良(奈良)  日本光学会
  • 細胞の深紫外共鳴ラマン散乱イメージング  [Not invited]
    熊本 康昭, 田口 敦清, 河田 聡
    理研シンポジウム:第1回「光量子工学領域」  2013/10  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • インジウム・マルチグレイン基板の深紫外プラズモニクス  [Not invited]
    熊本 康昭, 田口 敦清, 齊藤 結花, 河田 聡
    理研シンポジウム:第1回「光量子工学領域」  2013/10  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • 深紫外局在表面プラズモン制御  [Not invited]
    田口 敦清, 河田 聡
    理研シンポジウム:第1回「光量子工学領域」  2013/10  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • Deep UV resonance Raman microscopy and spectroscopy for biomolecular imaging of a cell  [Not invited]
    Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Nicholas Isaac Smith, Satoshi Kawata
    UV-DUV Plasmonics and Nanophotonics Workshop (UPN2013)  2013/10  Suita(Japan)
  • Tip-enhancement in the DUV for nano resonance Raman spectroscopy  [Not invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi, Yuika Saito, Satoshi Kawata
    UV-DUV Plasmonics and Nanophotonics Workshop (UPN2013)  2013/10  Suita(Japan)
  • Plasmon enhanced UV photocatalysis  [Not invited]
    Yuika Saito, Mitsuhiro Honda, Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    UV-DUV Plasmonics and Nanophotonics Workshop (UPN2013)  2013/10  Suita(Japan)
  • Takashi Asaka, Kentaro Iwami, Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiro Umeda, Atsushi Masuda
    International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2013)  2013/09  Fukioka(Japan)
  • 内田 修平, 是津 信行, 田口 敦清, 遠藤 勝義, 山村 和也
    第74回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会  2013/09  田辺(京都)  応用物理学会
  • Deep UV resonance Raman microscopy for nucleotide imaging of a cell  [Not invited]
    Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Nicholas Isaac Smith, Satoshi Kawata
    The 7th International Conference of Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS-7)  2013/08  Kobe(Japan)
  • 熊本 康昭, 田口 敦清, スミス ニコラス, 河田 聡
    第39回レーザ顕微鏡研究会 (SLM-39)  2013/07  和光(埼玉)  レーザ顕微鏡研究会
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Yuika Saito, Satoshi Kawata
    The 6th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP6)  2013/05  Ottawa(Canada)
  • 熊本 康昭, 田口 敦清, スミス ニコラス, 河田 聡
    第35回日本分子生物学会年会  2012/12  福岡(福岡)  日本分子生物学会
  • アルミニウムナノ構造を用いた紫外局在プラズモン共鳴制御  [Not invited]
    田口 敦清, 早澤 紀彦, 河田 聡
    先端光科学研究領域中間評価  2012/12  和光(埼玉)
  • 熊本 康昭, 田口 敦清, スミス ニコラス, 河田 聡
    平成24年度社団法人日本分光学会年次講演会  2012/11  大岡山(東京)  日本分光学会
  • 田口 敦清, 齊藤 結花, 渡邊 晃一, 早澤 紀彦, 河田 聡
    平成24年度社団法人日本分光学会年次講演会  2012/11  大岡山(東京)  日本分光学会
  • 米山 英男, 田口 敦清, 早澤 紀彦, 河田 聡
    平成24年度社団法人日本分光学会年次講演会  2012/11  大岡山(東京)  日本分光学会
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Nicholas Isaac Smith, Satoshi Kawata
    第73回応用物理学会学術講演会,JSAP-OSAジョイントシンポジウム  2012/09  松山(愛媛)  応用物理学会
  • Koichi Watanabe, Yuika Saito, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    第73回応用物理学会学術講演会,JSAP-OSAジョイントシンポジウム  2012/09  松山(愛媛)  応用物理学会
  • 内田 修平, 田口 敦清, 山村 和也, 是津 信行
    第73回応用物理学会学術講演会  2012/09  松山(愛媛)  応用物理学会
  • アルミニウムナノ構造を用いた紫外プラズモニクスの開拓  [Not invited]
    田口 敦清, 早澤 紀彦, 河田 聡
    日本光学会・ナノオプティクス研究グループ研究討論会,第20回記念シンポジウム  2012/05  三田(東京)  日本光学会ナノオプティクス研究グループ
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Nicholas Isaac Smith, Satoshi Kawata
    Focus on Microscopy 2012  2012/04  Singapore(Singapore)
  • Analysis of single cell Halobarcerium Salinarum by resonance Raman imaging  [Not invited]
    Nur Najwa, Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata, Yoshiko Okada-Shudo
    電気通信大学・東京農工大学第8回合同シンポジウム「ナノ未来材料とコヒーレント光科学」  2011/12  小金井(東京)
  • Nur Najwa, Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata, Yoshiko Okada-Shudo
    平成23年度日本分光学会年次講演会  2011/11  横浜(神奈川)  日本分光学会
  • 熊本 康昭, 田口 敦清, スミス ニコラス, 河田 聡
    第72回応用物理学会学術講演会  2011/08  山形(山形)  応用物理学会
  • 内田 修平, 田口 敦清, 南本 大穂, 津田 哲哉, 山村 和也, 是津 信行
    第72回応用物理学会学術講演会  2011/08  山形(山形)  応用物理学会
  • 紫外近接場顕微鏡装置の開発  [Not invited]
    熊本 康昭, 田口 敦清, 早澤 紀彦, 河田 聡
    第12回エクストリームフォトニクス研究  2011/06  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • 核酸とタンパク質の細胞内非染色イメージングに向けた深紫外ラマン分光顕微鏡の開発  [Not invited]
    熊本 康昭, 田口 敦清, 早澤 紀彦, 河田 聡
    第12回エクストリームフォトニクス研究  2011/06  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • 深紫外ラマン分光による細胞内生体分子の光化学変化の経時解析  [Not invited]
    熊本 康昭, 田口 敦清, スミス ニコラス, 河田 聡
    第58回応用物理学関係連合講演会  2011/03  厚木(神奈川)  応用物理学会
  • Metallic tip enhancement of DUV resonance Raman scattering using aluminum probe  [Not invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiko Hayazawa, Satoshi Kawata
    第9回メタマテリアル&ナノフォトニクスシンポジウム  2011/03  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiko Hayazawa, Satoshi Kawata
    18th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy  2010/12  Atagawa(Japan)
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    Frontiers in Optics 2010  2010/10  Rochester(USA)  OSA
  • 深紫外近接場ラマン散乱測定にむけたAFM開発の現状  [Not invited]
    田口 敦清, 早澤 紀彦, 河田 聡
    第11回エクストリームフォトニクス研究  2010/10  和光(埼玉)  理科学研究所
  • Near-field Raman microscopy in deep UV  [Invited]
    Satoshi Kawata, Atsushi Taguchi, Yasuaki Kumamoto
    11th International Conference on Near-field Optics, Nanophotonics and Related Techniques (NFO-11)  2010/08  Beijing(China)
  • DUV tip-enhancement in resonance Raman scattering using aluminum probes  [Not invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiko Hayazawa, Satoshi Kawata
    XXII International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS 2010)  2010/08  Boston(USA)  ICORS
  • Atsushi Taguchi
    Gordon Research Conference, "Vibrational Spectroscopy"  2010/08  Biddeford(USA)  GRC
  • Deep-UV tip enhancement in Raman scattering using metallic tip  [Not invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi
    理研ASI-横浜キャンパス連携フォーラム  2010/02  横浜(神奈川)  理化学研究所
  • 金属プローブを用いた深紫外共鳴ラマン散乱の増強  [Not invited]
    田口 敦清, 早澤 紀彦, 古澤 健太郎, 石飛 秀和, 河田 聡
    「エクストリームフォトニクス研究,テラヘルツ光研究」第I期研究成果報告会  2009/12  仙台(宮城)  理化学研究所
  • One-photon and two-photon excited fluorescence microscopy based on polarization-control: applications to tip-enhanced microscopy  [Not invited]
    Norihiko Hayazawa, Kentaro Furusawa, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-Field Optics (APNFO-7)  2009/11  Jeju(Korea)
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiko Hayazawa, Yuika Saito, Hidekazu Ishitobi, Alvarado Tarun, Satoshi Kawata
    平成21年度日本分光学会年次講演会  2009/11  大岡山(東京)  日本分光学会
  • Yasuaki Kumamoto, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    平成21年度日本分光学会年次講演会  2009/11  大岡山(東京)  日本分光学会
  • 田口 敦清, 早澤 紀彦, 河田 聡
    第8回ナノフォトニクス&メタマテリアルシンポジウム/第1回ナノ分光部会シンポジウム「SPMを用いたナノ分光及びセンシング技術」  2009/11  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • 田口 敦清, 早澤 紀彦, 齊藤 結花, 石飛 秀和, 河田 聡
    第8回ナノフォトニクス&メタマテリアルシンポジウム/第1回ナノ分光部会シンポジウム「SPMを用いたナノ分光及びセンシング技術」  2009/11  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • 早澤 紀彦, 古澤 健太郎, 田口 敦清, 河田 聡
    第8回ナノフォトニクス&メタマテリアルシンポジウム/第1回ナノ分光部会シンポジウム「SPMを用いたナノ分光及びセンシング技術」  2009/11  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • Satoshi Kawata, Atsushi Taguchi
    SPIE Optics & Photonics  2009/08  San Diego(USA)  SPIE
  • Norihiko Hayazawa, Kentaro Furusawa, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    8th European Conference on Nonlinear Spectroscopy and 28th European CARS Workshop  2009/05  Frascati(Italy)  Advanced Physical Technologies and New Materials Department of Frascati ENEA Research Center
  • 金属プローブを用いた深紫外共鳴ラマン散乱の増強  [Not invited]
    田口 敦清, 早澤 紀彦, 古澤 健太郎, 石飛 秀和, 河田 聡
    エクストリームフォトニクスシンポジウム「光で繋ぐ理研の基礎科学」  2009/05  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • シリコンチップ増強2光子蛍光顕微鏡  [Not invited]
    早澤 紀彦, 古澤 健太郎, 田口 敦清, 河田 聡
    エクストリームフォトニクスシンポジウム「光で繋ぐ理研の基礎科学」  2009/05  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • Hidekazu Ishitobi, Norihiko Hayazawa, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoshi Kawata
    平成20年度日本分光学会年次講演会  2008/11  仙台(宮城)  日本分光学会
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiko Hayazawa, Yuika Saito, Hidekazu Ishitobi, Satoshi Kawata
    平成20年度日本分光学会年次講演会  2008/11  仙台(宮城)  日本分光学会
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Shintaro Fujii, Taro Ichimura, Prabhat Verma, Yasushi Inouye, Satoshi Kawata
    平成20年度日本分光学会年次講演会  2008/11  仙台(宮城)  日本分光学会
  • Two-phton fluorescence based tip-enhanced near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) with a silicon tip  [Not invited]
    Kentaro Furusawa, Norihiko Hayazawa, Atsushi Taguchi, Hiroshi Abe, Satoshi Kawata
    The 8th Workshop on Extreme Photonics, "Ultrafast meets ultracold"  2008/11  蒲郡(愛知)  理化学研究所
  • Shape control synthesis of silver nanoparticles using oxygen injected polyol synthesis  [Not invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi, Taro Ichimura, Prabhat Verma, Yasushi Inouye, Satoshi Kawata
    RIKEN Symposium, 7th Nanophotonics & Metamaterials Symposium  2008/11  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • Optimization of plasmon resonance wavelength in TERS probe by refractive index modification  [Not invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiko Hayazawa, Yuika Saito, Hidekazu Ishitobi, Satoshi Kawata
    RIKEN Symposium, 7th Nanophotonics & Metamaterials Symposium  2008/11  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • 内田 修平, 三谷 宗久, 山村 和也, 遠藤 勝義, 是津 信行, 市村 垂生, 田口 敦清, 河田 聡
    第69回応用物理学会学術講演会  2008/09  春日井(愛知)  応用物理学会
  • シリコン酸化膜厚制御による近接場プラズモニックプローブの共鳴波長制御  [Not invited]
    田口 敦清, 早澤 紀彦, 齊藤 結花, 石飛 秀和, 河田 聡
    第7回理研・分子研合同シンポジウム「エクストリームフォトニクス」研究  2008/05  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • ギャップモードチップ増強ラマン顕微鏡  [Not invited]
    石飛 秀和, 早澤 紀彦, 田口 敦清, 河田 聡
    第7回理研・分子研合同シンポジウム「エクストリームフォトニクス」研究  2008/05  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • 藤井 信太郎, 田口 敦清, 市村 垂生, 吉川 弘文, 井上 康志, 河田 聡
    第55回応用物理学関係連合講演会  2008/03  船橋(千葉)  応用物理学会
  • Optimization of plasmon resonance wavelength in TERS probe by multi-layered base structure  [Not invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiko Hayazawa, Yuika Saito, Hidekazu Ishitobi, Satoshi Kawata
    RIKEN Symposium, 6th Nanophotonics Symposium, "Novel Functional Materials and Nanophotonics"  2007/11  和光(埼玉)  理化学研究所
  • 集光ビーム励起表面プラズモンを用いたギャップモードチップ増強ラマン分光  [Not invited]
    石飛 秀和, 早澤 紀彦, 田口 敦清, Alvarado Tarun, 河田 聡
    第6回エクストリーム・フォトニクス研究会「先端光源開発と量子科学への応用」  2007/11  蒲郡(愛知)  理化学研究所
  • 多層化によるSPRシフトを利用したチップ増強ラマンプローブの作製  [Not invited]
    田口 敦清, 早澤 紀彦, 石飛 秀和, 河田 聡
    第6回エクストリーム・フォトニクス研究会「先端光源開発と量子科学への応用」  2007/11  蒲郡(愛知)  理化学研究所
  • Taka-aki Yano, Taro Ichimura, Atsushi Taguchi, Norihiko Hayazawa, Prabhat Verma, Yasushi Inouye, Satoshi Kawata
    平成19年度日本分光学会年次講演会  2007/11  大岡山(東京)  日本分光学会
  • 田口 敦清, 早澤 紀彦, 河田 聡
    平成19年度日本分光学会顕微分光部会シンポジウム「分子イメージングに向けた分光技術の展開」  2007/10  本郷(東京)  日本分光学会顕微分光部会
  • Broad band infrared near-field spectroscopy at finger print region using SPring-8  [Not invited]
    Yuka Ikemoto, Taro Moriwaki, Hidekazu Okamura, Takahiko Sasaki, Naoki Yoneyama, Atsushi Taguchi, Yasushi Inouye, Satoshi Kawata, Toyohiko Kinoshita
    4th International Workshop on Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Accelerator Based Sources (WIRMS 2007)  2007/09  Awaji Island(Hyogo)
  • 市村 垂生, 矢野 隆章, 金澤 あかり, 田口 敦清, 早澤 紀彦, Prabhat Verma, 河田 聡, 井上 康志
    第54回応用物理学関係連合講演会  2007/03  相模原(神奈川)  応用物理学会
  • 田口 敦清, 山北 博士, 高谷 裕浩, 三好 隆志
    2003年度精密工学会秋期大会学術講演会  2003/10  富山(富山)  精密工学会
  • 田口 敦清, 山北 博士, 高谷 裕浩, 三好 隆志
    2003年度精密工学会北海道支部学術講演会  2003/09  室蘭(北海道)  精密工学会北海道支部
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Takashi Miyoshi, Yasuhiro Takaya, Satoru Takahashi
    XVII IMEKO World Congress: Metrology in the 3rd Millennium  2003/06  Dubrovnik(Croatia)  IMEKO
  • 田口 敦清, 三好 隆志, 高谷 裕浩, 高橋 哲
    2003年度精密工学会春期大会学術講演会  2003/03  小金井(東京)  精密工学会
  • 田口 敦清, 三好 隆志, 高谷 裕浩, 高橋 哲
    2002年度精密工学会秋期大会学術講演会  2002/10  熊本(熊本)  精密工学会
  • 高谷 裕浩, 田口 敦清, 三好 隆志, 高橋 哲
    2002年度日本機械学会年次大会  2002/09  本郷(東京)  日本機械学会
  • Optical inverse scattering phase method for nano-inprocess measurement of microsurface profile  [Not invited]
    Atsushi Taguchi, Takashi Miyoshi, Yasuhiro Takaya, Satoru Takahashi
    Seventh International Symposium on Laser Metrology Applied to Science, Industry, and Everyday Life  2002/09  Novosibirsk(Russia)
  • 田口 敦清, 三好 隆志, 高谷 裕浩, 高橋 哲
    2002年度精密工学会春期大会学術講演会  2002/03  大岡山(東京)  精密工学会
  • 田口 敦清, 三好 隆志, 高谷 裕浩, 高橋 哲
    2001年度精密工学会秋期大会学術講演会  2001/09  豊中(大阪)  精密工学会
  • 田口 敦清, 三好 隆志, 高谷 裕浩, 高橋 哲
    2001年度精密工学会春期大会学術講演会  2001/03  八王子(東京)  精密工学会
  • Three-dimensional laser inverse scattering phase method for evaluating microstructure  [Not invited]
    Yasuhiro Takaya, Atsushi Taguchi, Satoru Takahashi, Takashi Miyoshi
    Process Control and Inspection for Industry  2000/11  Beijing(China)
  • Atsushi Taguchi, Takashi Miyoshi, Yasuhiro Takaya, Satoru Takahashi, Katsumasa Saito
    50th CIRP General Assembly  2000/08  Sydney(Australia)  CIRP
  • 田口 敦清, 三好 隆志, 高谷 裕浩, 高橋 哲
    精密工学会2000年度関西地方定期学術講演会  2000/08  田辺(京都)  精密工学会関西支部

Association Memberships


Research Projects

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
    Date (from‐to) : 2023/04 -2028/03 
    Author : 田口 敦清
  • 光の螺旋性を操るプラズモニクスの開拓とナノキラル物質操作
    日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 学術変革領域研究(A)
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/06 -2027/03 
    Author : 田口 敦清
  • 高次ポアンカレ・ナノ光源創生に向けた偏光メタマテリアルのトポロジー探索と機能実証
    公益財団法人 池谷科学技術振興財団:単年度研究助成
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 田口 敦清
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 田口 敦清, 石飛 秀和, 田中 慎一, 田口 智清, 笹木 敬司
    本研究では、これまで常識的に近赤外光励起が使われてきた「二光子重合」を深紫外領域に展開し、深紫外吸収を利用した光化学的な物質変換相互作用により、二光子造形の対象を樹脂、金属・半導体を含む無機材料や生体適合材料へと拡張することを目的としている。これにより、物質合成とナノ構造構築を統合し、マルチマテリアル対応の立体ナノ造形の手法を確立する。同時に、光と物質とのコヒーレントな相互作用にも着目し、励起光ベクトル場による反応場形成を活用して、キラル物質などの微視的秩序創成とそのナノ構造化によるデバイス創造へと展開する。さらに、原子・分子をボトムアップで積み上げる原子スケールのナノ構造製造技術の創出を視野にいれ、レーザー捕捉技術を組み合わせた原子組立技術を開拓し、ナノサイエンス、ナノデバイス工学、ナノ材料科学、ナノバイオ医療工学への貢献を目指す。 本年度は、金属ナノ粒子やフラーレンなどのナノ物質をレーザー捕捉、重合することで、ナノ物質をボトムアップ的に構造化することを目指した。PAMAMデンドリマーを使って金ナノクラスターを合成し、その特性を電子顕微鏡による形態観察や吸収分光で評価し、二光子重合への適応性を検討した。また、デンドリマー同士を重合させるために用いるデンドリマー末端の官能基修飾についても検討を開始し、官能基の吸収スペクトルと 重合反応の観点から官能基の選定を進め、選定した官能基のデンドリマーへの導入を試験的に進めている。また、生体適合材料としてコラーゲンの二光子重合を検討し、ラマン散乱顕微鏡を用いたその場観察から、コラーベン分子の光重合過程の解析を進め、最適な入射光パワーや反応時間を見い出すことに成功した。
  • 産学が連携した研究開発成果の展開 研究成果展開事業 研究成果最適展開支援プログラム(A-STEP) トライアウト
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/11 -2022/06 
    Author : 田口 敦清
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : TAGUCHI Atsushi
    In this study, we succeeded in generating deep-ultraviolet light at nano-sized source using second harmonic generation (SHG) from metal. In the experiment, aluminum nanoparticles were prepared and irradiated with femtosecond pulse laser having a center wavelength of 530 nm. By analyzing the scattered light, we observed deep ultraviolet light of 265 nm in wavelength. We also investigated the how the efficiency of SHG changes with respect to the size of aluminum nanoparticles. The result shows a clear correlation between the plasmon resonance wavelength of metal nanoparticles and the SHG efficiency.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2015/03 
    Author : TAGUCHI Atsushi
    Ti-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) is a powerful technique that enables optically analyzing nanomaterials with a spatial resolution down to nanometer scale. In this study, I investigated the possibility of analyzing molecular dynamics using TERS. Based on AFM apparatus, I have build a molecular tracking system, with which it is capable to position a probe onto a spatially moving molecule, such as motor protein molecule. I have also designed and fabricate a metallic probe which provides high TERS enhancement by optimizing the resonant frequency of the plasmonic antenna at the tip. The results obtained in this study suggests the possibility of measuring molecular dynamics in nanoscale using TERS.
  • 紫外ナノ顕微鏡の開発
    公益財団法人 新世代研究所:研究助成
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2013/03 
    Author : 田口敦清
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2008 
    Author : 田口 敦清
    金属ナノ構造の形状やサイズを高い精度で制御することは,プラズモン共鳴の精密な制御につながり,非線形光学効果の増強に応用できる.ポリオール合成法を用いた銀ナノ微粒子の作製において,反応溶液中に流量を制御した酸素を供給することでナノ微粒子の結晶構造を簡便に制御し作り分ける手法を確立した.ポリオール合成法は,熱したエチレングリコールの還元作用によって硝酸銀を還元し,銀結晶を析出成長させる化学合成法である.本研究では,反応溶液に加えた臭化ナトリウムの示す酸化的エッチングの進行速度を,反応溶液中における酸素の濃度で直接制御し,結晶構造によって酸化的エッチングによる耐性が異なることを利用して,所望の結晶構造以外の結晶核を全てエッチング消滅させる.このようなアプローチで銀ナノ結晶の作製を試みた例は他に無く,また,不明な点が多く残されている酸化的エッチング機構の解明にも繋がるものであり,本研究成果はChem Phys Lett誌に掲載された.また,種々の形状の銀ナノ結晶を簡便に作製可能な本手法は,実用的な面から見ても,将来のプラズモニックデバイスの作製のための基本要素技術として有望であり,特許出願した.作製した銀ナノ結晶は,自己組織化などの手法を用いてプローブ先端に集積し,非線形近接場プローブとして用いる.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2003 
    Author : 田口 敦清
    MEMS (microelectromechanical system)に代表されるような微細三次元構造に、所望の機能を発現させるためには,加工された三次元構造の形状精度を厳密に保証することが必要である.本研究は、微細三次元形状をナノメートルオーダの精度でインプロセス計測することを目的とし、レーザによって照明された三次元物体からの回折光強度分布の測定像から、位相回復法を用いることで、任意の物体表面プロファイルを三次元的に復元する手法を確立する。 開発した実験装置を用い、走査型プローブ顕微鏡(scaning probe microscopy, SPM)のキャリブレーションに用いられる標準格子の測定実験を行った。試料は深さ44nm、幅5μmの矩形ポケットが10μm周期で二次元的に配列した構造を有す。回折光分布の測定の結果、試料の基本空間周波数に正確に一致した位置に一連のピークをもつ回折光が測定され、このことから、開発した実験装置は物体の構造をパワースペクトル密度に正しく変換可能であることが確認された。位相回復により回折像より復元された形状は、標準試料の公称寸法、およびAFMで測定した表面プロファイルと垂直方向に±5nmの偏差で一致し、また、水平方向には回折限界分解能が達成された。 さらに、周期性を持たない、より一般的な三次元構造を測定することで、任意形状に対する開発手法の有効性を検証した。試料の作成には収束イオンビーム(focused ion beam, FIB)加工機を用い、現実の三次元形状で多く現れる、多数のステップ形状を積み重ねた三次元構造物を形成した。測定実験の結果、周期性を持たない三次元形状の場合においても、形状の三次元的な復元に成功し、数十ナノメートルの垂直分解能で各ステップの高さを得ることができた。同時に行った計算機シミュレーションによれば、回折光強度測定器のダイナミックレンジを大きくすることで、垂直分解能は数ナノメートルのオーダが期待される。また、測定された形状寸法は、白色干渉計で得られた値とよい一致を示した。

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