Researcher Database

Researcher Profile and Settings


Affiliation (Master)

  • Research Faculty of Media and Communication Media and Communication International Regional Culture Studies

Affiliation (Master)

  • Research Faculty of Media and Communication Media and Communication International Regional Culture Studies


Profile and Settings

Profile and Settings

  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)

  • Name



Research Interests

  • サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステラ巡礼   テゼ共同体   パワースポット   巡礼地   聖地   後期近代化   宗教社会学理論   世俗化   フランス   ツーリズム   聖地巡礼   

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Tourism studies
  • Humanities & social sciences / Sociology
  • Humanities & social sciences / Religious studies

Research Experience

  • 2022/10 - Today Hokkaido University


  • 2004/04 - 2010/03  筑波大学大学院人文社会科学研究科哲学・思想専攻
  • 1999/04 - 2004/03  Ritsumeikan University  College of Letters


  • 2022/06 日本観光研究学会 第15回学会賞 観光著作賞(学術)
    受賞者: 山田義裕;岡本亮輔
  • 2020/07 観光学術学会 教育・啓蒙著作賞
     『フィールドから読み解く観光文化学:「体験」を「研究」にする16章』(ミネルヴァ書房 2019年5月)
  • 2013/09 日本宗教学会賞
    受賞者: 岡本 亮輔
  • 2012/02 第6回(財)国際宗教研究所賞
    受賞者: 岡本 亮輔

Published Papers


Books etc

  • 岡本, 亮輔 (Single work)
    講談社 2023/09 (ISBN: 9784065332474) 267p
  • 宗教学
    (Contributor第10章 宗教とツーリズム──なぜ聖地は増え続けるのか)
    昭和堂 2023/04 (ISBN: 9784812222157)
  • 中央公論 2022年 2 月号
    (Others〔鼎談:島薗 進×大谷栄一×岡本亮輔〕日本人は何を宗教に求めているのかーグリーフケア・科学・スピリチュアル)
    中央公論新社 2022/01
  • (Contributorこれからの宗教入門、無神論者のための宗教学道場)
    ユーフォリアファクトリー 2021/12 (ISBN: 4065263670) 180
  • (Contributorなぜアマビエの聖地は存在しないのか)
    大正大学出版会 2021/12 (ISBN: 4909099662) 112
  • 岡本亮輔 (Contributor葬儀のゆくえー日本人の宗教観と未来の葬送(pp.66-81))
    ビー・エヌ・エヌ 2021/10 (ISBN: 4802512295) 352
  • 五来 重 (Others巻末解説「歩いて鍛えた庶民宗教論」(pp. 275 - 285))
    講談社 2021/10 (ISBN: 4065257492) 288
  • (Contributorコラム:巡礼ツーリズム)
    春秋社 2021/07 (ISBN: 4393299663) 296
  • 岡本 亮輔 (Single work)
    中央公論新社 2021/04 (ISBN: 412102639X) 223
  • RT no.1
    立教大学観光学部 2021/04
  • いま私たちをつなぐもの―拡張現実時代の観光とメディア
    山田 義裕, 岡本 亮輔 (Joint editor第5章 1906年のコンテンツツーリズム――牧師・山田寅之助の聖地旅行)
    弘文堂 2021/02
  • 岡本亮輔 (Contributor第八章 パワースポット・ブームと風紀――誰が神社を語るのか)
    岩波書店 2021/01 (ISBN: 9784000614474) ix, 356p
  • 社会学で読み解く文化遺産:新しい研究の視点とフィールド
    木村至聖, 森久 聡 (Contributor5.3 宗教施設 聖と俗の衝突と変容)
  • 伊達聖伸 (第8章 聖母巡礼地における所属と実践─メジュゴリエの事例)
    勁草書房 2020/10 (ISBN: 9784326102860) viii, 306, xxvip
  • 山中, 弘 (Contributor第1章 ジェネリック宗教試論)
    弘文堂 2020/08 (ISBN: 433516100X) 384
  • 西川, 克之, 岡本, 亮輔, 奈良, 雅史 (Joint editor)
    ミネルヴァ書房 2019/05 (ISBN: 9784623085859) xii, 327p
  • 岡本, 亮輔, OKAMOTO Ryosuke 
    Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture 2019/03 (ISBN: 9784866580647) 175 p.
  • 東アジア観光学――まなざし・場所・集団
    岡本 亮輔 (Joint editor)
    2017/03 (ISBN: 9784750515052) 320
  • 岡本, 亮輔 
    筑摩書房 2017/03 (ISBN: 9784480069511) 317p
  • 多文化時代の観光学――フィールドワークからのアプローチ
    岡本 亮輔 (Contributorパワースポットめぐり――伝統と観光が衝突する場所)
    世界思想社 2017
  • 岡本 亮輔 (Single work)
    中央公論新社 2015/02 (ISBN: 4121023064) 228
  • 聖地巡礼ツーリズム
    星野英紀, 山中弘, 岡本亮輔 (Joint work)
    弘文堂 2012/11 (ISBN: 4335160712)
  • 宗教と社会のフロンティア
    高橋典史, 塚田穂高, 岡本亮輔 (Joint work)
    勁草書房 2012/08 (ISBN: 4326602422)
  • 聖地と祈りの宗教社会学―巡礼ツーリズムが生み出す共同性
    岡本 亮輔 (Single work)
    春風社 2012/05 (ISBN: 4861103150)
  • 宗教とツーリズム――聖なるものの変容と持続
    岡本 亮輔 (Contributor信仰なき巡礼者――サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラへの道)
    世界思想社 2012
  • 山中 弘, 伊藤 雅之, 岡本 亮輔 (Joint translation)
    メレディス・B. マクガイア 明石書店 2008/05 (ISBN: 4750327964) 554

Association Memberships

  • 「宗教と社会」学会   日本宗教学会   観光学術学会   日本観光研究学会   

Research Projects

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : Yamada Yoshihiro
    The outcome of the present study can be summarized in the following three points. The first is to understand the current situation of the fusion of tourism and media through fieldwork. Carrying out fieldwork in East Asia, we have grasped the current situation in which the virtual world and the real world, or media and tourism are being fused together. Secondly, we investigated media discourse about tourism and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The third was a theoretical study on the framework for considering the above two surveys from the perspective of place/space theory and information media theory.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2020/03 
    Author : DATE Kiyonobu
    For this research, by adopting an interdisciplinary approach, we attempted to gain a new perspective on church and state relations in Europe. Our scope of interest has been extensive both geographically and historically. We were successful, to some extent, in coming up with a new narrative about Europe. We did our best in combining efforts of researchers from various disciplines each of whom examined the unique features of each country/area. That enabled us to gain a more adequate, or realistic overview of church and state relations in Europe as a whole. Through attaining sufficient understanding of different historical contexts as well as various geographical areas, we managed to ultimately gain a surer foundation from which we could reinterrogate the categories of the secular and the religious in Europe.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2019/03 
    Author : YAMANAKA Hiroshi
    (1) the religious market is growing through consumerism in modern advanced soceity. Even in developing coutries, as consumerism is prevailing among fast growing middle class, the demand for a package of religious tourism produced by tourism industries is rising. However, this situation does not necessarily mean that old established religion has been replaeced by alternative religions like New Age or spiritualtiy. (2)the theoretical framework of "spiritual market place" presuposes four ideas:(1)religious pluralism, (2)emergence of religious consumers on the basis of individualistic preference for religion,(3)the development of religious market place,(4)emergence of psychological mind-set of "quest orientation" or "reflexive spirituality" on demand side.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2019/03 
    Author : TAKAYAMA YOKO
    The purpose of this project is to examine a process to be saved and exhibited the dark memory of wars and disasters in museums by comparing East Asian cases; Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The concept of dark tourism occurs in the West, therefore the perspectives often depend on Judeo-Christian tradition. On the other hands, the East Asian view of death still has some influence on Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, despite modernization and globalization. It is necessary to explore another analytical framework of dark memory like revolutionary wars and recent earthquake disasters, which are specific phenomenon in East Asia.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2010 
    Author : 岡本 亮輔
  • フランスを中心とした西欧キリスト教の聖地巡礼/ツーリズムの宗教社会学的研究

Social Contribution

  • 札幌市観光まちづくりプラン改定検討委員会・副委員長
    Date (from-to) : 2017/07-2018/06
    Role : Others

Media Coverage

  • 『ダークサイドミステリー▽感染症パニック!見えない恐怖・なぜ人類は間違えるのか?』
    Date : 2020/07/23
    Publisher, broadcasting station: NHKBSプレミアム
  • 日本/東京から聖地巡礼を考える ──宗教的聖地とアニメ聖地はどう違うのか?
    Date : 2017/03/07
    Publisher, broadcasting station: ゲンロンカフェ

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