Researcher Database

Researcher Profile and Settings


Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Information Science and Technology Computer Science and Information Technology Mathematical Science

Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Information Science and Technology Computer Science and Information Technology Mathematical Science


Profile and Settings


  • Dr. of Engineering(Hokkaido University)

Profile and Settings

  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)

    Mayuka F.
  • Name



Research Interests

  • 数値解析   多値論理   ファジィ理論   Numerical Analysis   Multiple-Valued Logic   Fuzzy Theory   

Research Areas

  • Informatics / Intelligent informatics
  • Informatics / Information theory

Research Experience

  • 2019/04 - Today Faculty of Infomation Science & Technology, Hokkaido Univ. Division of Computer Science & Infomation Technology Associate Professor
  • 2014/04 - 2019/03 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Associate Professor
  • 2007/04 - 2014/03 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Associate Professor
  • 2004/04 - 2007/03 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Assistant Professor
  • 1995/04 - 2004/03 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Engineering Assistant Professor
  • 1988/10 - 1995/03 Hokkaido University Faculty of Engineering Instructor


  • 1987/04 - 1988/10  Hokkaido University  Graduate School of Engineering
  • 1985/03 - 1987/04  Hokkaido University  Graduate School of Engineering
  • 1983/04 - 1985/03  Hokkaido University  School of Engineering  Department of Electronics Engineering
  • 1981/04 - 1983/03  Hokkaido University

Committee Memberships

  • 1999   Japan Research Group on Multiple-Valued Logic   Committee member   Japan Research Group on Multiple-Valued Logic


  • 2017/09 Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics Contribution Award
    受賞者: KAWAGUCHI Mayuka F
  • 2017/01 Japan Research Group on Multiple-Valued Logic Attendance Award
    受賞者: KAWAGUCHI Mayuka F
  • 2007 2007年度日本知能情報ファジィ学会貢献賞
  • 1994 1993年度日本ファジイ学会奨励賞

Published Papers

  • Multiplicative Consistency Based Calibration Method for Paired Comparison Matrix as Intuitionistic Fuzzy Preference Relations
    Kazuki Joraku, Mayuka F. Kawaguchi, Akira Tanaka
    MVL Technical Report MVL-22 (6) 36 - 43 2022/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Some Properties on Derivations of Lattices
    M. F. Kawaguchi, M. Kondo
    Journal of Algebraic Systems 9 (1) 21 - 33 2021 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Hysterisial Variable-Threshold MOS Gates
    NAGATA Yasunori, KAWAGUCHI Mayuka F, YAMADA Chikatosi, MIYAGI Takeshi
    IEEJ Transaction on Electronics, Information and Systems 139 (9) 958 - 963 2019/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Design and Synthesis of Ternary CMOS Logic Circuits and D-Element
    NAGATA Yasunori, KAWAGUCHI Mayuka F, YAMADA Chikatoshi
    IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications 139 (2) 143 - 148 2019/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Monoidal t-norm 論理の自然演繹の構築
    木村 武志, 河口 万由香, 田中 章
    多値論理研究ノート 41 (16) 1 - 5 2018/09 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • パスカルの三角形と離散パスカル変換の性質について
    河口 万由香
    第31回多値論理とその応用研究会 技術研究報告 MVL18 (18) 109 - 113 2018/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Note on derivation of lattices
    KAWAGUCHI Mayuka F, KONDO Michiro
    RIMS Kokyuroku, Kyoto University 2051 1 - 8 2017/10 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 束のderivationについて
    近藤 通朗, 河口 万由香
    第30回多値論理とその応用研究会 技術研究報告 MVL17 (9) 44 - 49 2017/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • BCK代数のordinal sumに基づく集合演算構成法
    河口 万由香, 近藤 通朗
    多値論理研究ノート 39 (2) 1 - 6 2016/09 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Michiro Kondo, Mayuka F. Kawaguchi
    2016 IEEE 46TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC (ISMVL 2016) 162 - 166 0195-623X 2016 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We define a generalized state operator a on a residuated lattice X and a g-state residuated lattice (X, sigma), and consider properties of g-state residuated lattices. We show that a characterization theorem of sigma-filters and that the class F-sigma (X) of all sigma-filters of a g-state residuated lattice (X, sigma) is a Heyting algebra. Moreover we prove that every g-state residuated lattice (X, sigma) is isomprphic to a subdirect product of g-state residuated lattices {(X/P, sigma/P)}(P is an element of Spec sigma (X)), where Spec(sigma) (X) is the set of all prime sigma-filters of (X, sigma).
  • Effect代数における連言演算と含意演算の導入について
    宮島 洋文, 河口 万由香, 近藤 通朗
    第29回多値論理とその応用研究会 技術研究報告 MVL16 (6) 35 - 40 2016/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 有界BCK代数に関するordinal sum定理の一般化について
    青木 俊介, 河口 万由香
    情報処理北海道シンポジウム2015講演論文集 175 - 182 2015/10 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 剰余束上のreticulationについて
    近藤 通朗, 河口 万由香
    多値論理研究ノート 38 (1) 1 - 5 2015/09 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • BCK代数のordinal sumに関する一考察
    河口 万由香, 青木 俊介
    第25回ソフトサイエンス・ワークショップ講演論文集 2015/03 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Mayuka F. Kawaguchi, Michiro Kondo
    Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 19 (6) 861 - 866 1883-8014 2015 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This research report treats a correspondence between implicational fragment logics and fuzzy logics from the viewpoint of their algebraic semantics. The authors introduce monotone BI-algebras by loosening the axiomatic system of BCK-algebras. We also extend the algebras of fuzzy logics with weakly-associative conjunction from the case of the real unit interval to the case of a partially ordered set. As the main result of this report, it is proved that the class of monotone BI-algebras with condition (S) coincides with the class of weakly-associative conjunctive algebras.
  • Mayuka F. Kawaguchi, Michiro Kondo
    INTEGRATED UNCERTAINTY IN KNOWLEDGE MODELLING AND DECISION MAKING, IUKM 2015 9376 43 - 53 0302-9743 2015 [Refereed][Not invited]
    In this report, the ordinal sum theorem of semigroups is applied to construct logical operations for several fuzzy logics. The generalized form of ordinal sum for fuzzy logics on [0, 1] is defined in order to uniformly express several families of logical operations. Then, the conditions in ordinal sums for various properties of logical operations are presented: for examples, the monotonicity, the location of the unit element, the left/right-continuity, or and/orlikeness. Finally, some examples to construct pseudo-uninorms by the proposed method are illustrated.
  • 非可換剰余束の商構造について
    近藤 通朗, 河口 万由香
    第28回多値論理とその応用研究会 技術研究報告 MVL15 (10) 51 - 55 2015/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • ファジィ構造におけるガロア結合子
    近藤 通朗, 河口 万由香
    多値論理研究ノート 37 (13) 1 - 5 2014/09 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 線形BCK代数上のt-コノルムに基づく集合和
    青木 俊介, 河口 万由香
    第30回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集 576 - 581 2014/09 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • BCK代数の束演算構成に関する一考察
    河口 万由香, 青木 俊介
    第30回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集 572 - 575 2014/09 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Mayuka F. Kawaguchi, Michiro Kondo
    2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GRANULAR COMPUTING (GRC) 127 - 130 2014 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This research report treats a correspondence between implicational fragment logics and fuzzy logics from the viewpoint of their algebraic semantics. The authors introduce monotone BI-algebras by loosening the axiomatic system of BCK-algebras. Also, we extend the algebras of fuzzy logics with weakly-associative conjunction from the case of the unit real interval to the case of a partially-ordered set. As the main result of this report, it is proved that the class of monotone BI-algebras with condition (S) coincides with the class of weakly-associative conjunctive algebras.
  • 離散t-ノルムとBCK代数
    河口 万由香
    第29回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集 29 - 32 2013/09 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Shall we let algebraic agents play a board game ?
    ENDO Kentaro, MURAI Tetsuya, KUDO Yasuo, KAWAGUCHI Mayuka F, Nam Van Hunyh
    Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Affective Engineering 2013 (ISAE2013) 2013/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Mayuka F. Kawaguchi, Kouta Minami, Michiro Kondo
    Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic 209 - 211 0195-623X 2013 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This research work focuses on join operations and some lattice structures in BCK-algebras. As the main result, the authors introduce a new definition of a join operation on commutative BCK-algebra with condition (S) instead of the boundedness property. © 2013 IEEE.
  • Kawaguchi Mayuka F.
    Proceedings of the Fuzzy System Symposium 日本知能情報ファジィ学会 29 5 - 5 2013 
    In this research work, the author tries to generate several pairs of a t-norm and a t-conorm on a partially ordered set/a lattice in the framework of BCK-algebras. As the concrete model of such a system, a theory of multisets equipped with set operations based on discrete t-conorms and discrete t-norms is presented.
  • Algebraic agents playing a board game for Kansei enineering
    ENDO Kentaro, MURAI Tetsuya, KUDO Yasuo, KAWAGUCHI Mayuka F, Nam Van Hunyh
    Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS2012) 2012/11 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • マルチ集合とBCK代数
    南 浩太, 河口 万由香
    第28回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集 298 - 303 2012/09 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 非有界BCK代数における上限演算の導入と性質
    河口 万由香, 南 浩太
    多値論理研究ノート 35 (11) 1 - 3 2012/09 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Michiro Kondo, Mayuka F. Kawaguchi
    2012 42ND IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC (ISMVL) 85 - 88 0195-623X 2012 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We prove some fundamental properties of monotone modal operators on (non-commutative) residuated lattices (RL). Moreover we give a simple characterization of pseudo MV-algebras in terms of residuated lattices.
  • 河口 万由香
    第27回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集 2011/09 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 三段論法を有する論理代数と含意断片論理の対応について
    小田 智也, 河口 万由香, 宮腰 政明
    第21回ソフトサイエンス・ワークショップ講演論文集 67 - 70 2011/03 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Suppressed Fuzzy c-Means の挙動分析およびパラメータ決定法
    淺木 宏視, 河口 万由香, 宮腰 政明
    第21回ソフトサイエンス・ワークショップ講演論文集 39 - 42 2011/03 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Tetsuya Murai, Yasuo Kudo, Mayuka F. Kawaguchi, Seiki Akama
    Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, GrC 2011 485 - 489 2011 [Refereed][Not invited]
    A granular-sequence-based approach to multisets are proposed. By this, naïve subsets and multisets as well as rough sets and fuzzy sets are found to be represented by granularized classes through some isomorphism. © 2011 IEEE.
  • Michiro Kondo, Mayuka F. Kawaguchi, Masaaki Miyakoshi, Osamu Watari
    2011 41ST IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC (ISMVL) 69 - 72 0195-623X 2011 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We give an axiomatic system of a logic called here a weak uninorm based logic (wUL), which is proved to be characterized by the class of all (not necessary bounded nor integral) commutative residuated lattices. We see that the logic is algebraizable. Since many well-known logics, e.g., UBL by Watari and al., UL by Metcalfe and Montanga, ML by Hohle, MTL by Esteva and L.Godo, BL by Hajek, and so on, are axiomatic extensions of our logic, those logics are all algebraizable. Moreover we define filters of commutative residuated lattices X and show that the class of all filters of X is isomorphic to the class Con(X) of all congruences on X. At last, as an application of our characterization of wUL, we give a negative answer to the problem that "Is UBL characterized by the class of linearly ordered UBL-algebras?", which was left open in [10].
  • 弱結合的連言を有する論理代数と同値な含意的代数
    河口 万由香, 宮腰 政明
    多値論理研究ノート 33 (13) 1 - 4 2010/09 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Mayuka F. Kawaguchi, Yasushi Koike, Masaaki Miyakoshi
    INTEGRATED UNCERTAINTY MANAGEMENT AND APPLICATIONS 68 349 - 354 1867-5662 2010 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This research focuses on an algebraic structure of fuzzy logics equipped with weakly associative conjuctors. The authors show that the weak associativity of conjunctors should reduce to the associativity in such algebras with one conjuctor and two implicators as the conventional non-commutative fuzzy logics. As the main result of this article, we give the definition of an algebra equipped with one implicator and two weakly associative conjunctors.
  • BCK-代数に対応するファジィ論理に関する一考察
    小池 寧, 河口 万由香, 宮腰 政明
    第23回多値論理とその応用研究会 技術研究報告 MVL10 (11) 61 - 65 2010/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 非対称なファジィ同値関係の特性について
    藤田 将, 河口 万由香, 宮腰 政明
    第22回多値論理とその応用研究会 技術研究報告 MVL09 (8) 44 - 49 2009/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 含意演算から構成されるファジィ論理の代数構造
    荻野 慎平, 河口 万由香, 宮腰 政明
    第22回多値論理とその応用研究会 技術研究報告 MVL09 (9) 50 - 53 2009/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Mayuka F. Kawaguchi, Masaaki Miyakoshi
    ISMVL: 2009 39TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC 292 - 297 2009 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    This research work focuses on the logical connectives for type 2 fuzzy logics. Especially, the operators which are obtained by extending continuous t-(co)norms to the case of fuzzy truth values by mean of the generalized extension principle are considered. The authors show that these operators named generalized extended t-(co)norms satisfy the definitions of t-(co)norms of type 2.
  • A logic determined by commutative residuated lattices
    M. Kondo, O. Watari, M.F. Kawaguchi, M.Miyakoshi
    Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 31 (3) 435 - 446 2008/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • タイプ2 t-ノルムとしての拡張 t-ノルムの特性について
    河口 万由香, 亘理 修, 宮腰 政明
    多値論理研究ノート 31 (2) 2_1 - 2_5 2008/09 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Constructions of weakly associative functions
    M.F. Kawaguchi, M. Kondo, O. Watari, M.Miyakoshi
    MVL Technical Report MVL08 39 - 42 2008 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • commutative residuated latticeで特徴づけられる論理について
    近藤 通朗, 河口 万由香
    第21回多値論理とその応用研究会技術研究報 MVL08 (6) 35 - 38 2008/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 弱結合的関数の構成法について
    河口 万由香, 近藤 通朗, 亘理 修, 宮腰 政明
    第21回多値論理とその応用研究会技術研究報 MVL08 (7) 39 - 42 2008/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 信号解析に用いられるユニタリー行列の固有解析
    宮腰 政明, 田中 章, 河口 万由香
    電子情報通信学会論文誌A J90-A (5) 403 - 414 2007/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • M. Kondo, O. Watari, M. F. Kawaguchi, M. Miyakoshi
    We give an axiom system of a logic CRL which is characterized by the class of commutative residuated lattices. It has as axiomatic extensions well-known logics, UL by Metcalfe and Montanga (ML by Hohle, MTL by Esteva and L.Godo, BL by Hajek). Moreover we show that in any CRL algebra, the following four conditions (PL), (C-1) + (C-2), (E-1*) and (E-2*) are equivalent to each other in CRL. This is a generalization of the results proved in [5] and [6].
  • A logic determined by commutative residuated lattice
    M. Kondo, O. Watari, M.F. Kawaguchi, M.Miyakoshi
    Proceedings of 5th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT 2007) 45 - 48 2007 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Eigen analysis of unitary matrices used in signal processing
    M. Miyakoshi, A. Tanaka, M.F. Kawaguchi
    Trans of the Institute of Electronics Information and Communication Engineers J90-A (5) 403 - 414 2007 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Ordinal Sum による結合的関数の構成に関する一考察
    河口 万由香, 亘理 修, 宮腰 政明
    多値論理研究ノート 29 (4) 4_1 - 4_6 2006/08 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Uninorm based logic as an extension of substructural logics FLe
    O. Watari, M.F. Kawaguchi, M. Miyakoshi
    Proceedings of 11th International Conference of Information processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems (IPMU2006) 460 - 465 2006/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • On the constructions of associate functions by ordinal sum
    M.F. Kawaguchi, O. Watari, M. Miyakoshi
    Note on Multiple-Valued Logic in Japan 29 (4) 4_1-4_6  2006 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Constructions of pseudo-t-norms and pseudo-uninorms
    M.F. Kawaguchi, O. Watari, M. Miyakoshi
    MVL Technical Report MVL06 30 - 35 2006 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • On bounded lattices with Elkan's law
    M. Kondo, M.F.Kawaguchi
    MVL Technical Report MVL06 26 - 29 2006 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Elkan式をみたす有界な束について
    近藤 通朗, 河口 万由香
    第19回多値論理とその応用研究会技術研究報告 MVL06 (4) 26 - 29 2006/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 擬t-ノルムおよび擬ユニノルムの構成法
    河口 万由香, 亘理 修, 宮腰 政明
    第19回多値論理とその応用研究会技術研究報 MVL06 (5) 30 - 35 2006/01 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 共役勾配法によるブロック適応フィルタを用いた ANC システム
    藤沢勇希, 田中章, 河口万由香, 宮腰政明
    第18回DSPシンポジウム講演論文集 B5-4  2003/11 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 自己回帰・カオス合成モデルによる時系列予測
    安居吉典, 河口万由香, 田中章, 宮腰政明
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 非線形問題 102 (625) 55 - 60 2003/02 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • MF Kawaguchi, M Miyakoshi
    This chapter involves the problem of interpolative reasoning in sparse fuzzy rule bases. First of all, the authors propose a method of linear rule interpolation which utilizes the convex hull including two rules. Secondly, we extend such a linear interpolation technique to a non-linear one based on the idea of fuzzy splines. Both of rule interpolation methods give fuzzy interpolation functions which coincide with each rule of the given rule base. Next, we describe a method to generate a fuzzy partition through the fuzzy interpolation functions, which allows us to execute the ordinary approximate reasoning in the given rule base. Finally, some numerical examples demonstrate construction of fuzzy interpolation functions and fuzzy partitions by means of linear and spline interpolations.


  • 河口 万由香, 宮腰 政明  ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集  24-  380  -384  2008/09/03
  • 河口 万由香, 亘理 修, 宮腰 政明  ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集  23-  493  -496  2007/08/29
  • 亘理 修, 河口 万由香, 宮腰 政明  ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集  22-  785  -788  2006/09/06
  • 河口 万由香, 亘理 修, 宮腰 政明  ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集  22-  797  -800  2006/09/06
  • 大茂 洋岳, 田中 章, 河口 万由香  ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集  22-  43  -46  2006/09/06
  • Kimoto Tatsuya, Tanaka Akira, Kawaguchi Mayuka F., Miyakoshi Masaaki  情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集  4-  (3)  303  -306  2005/08/22
  • Ohshige Hirotake, Tanaka Akira, Kawaguchi Mayuka F., Miyakoshi Masaaki  情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集  4-  (3)  299  -300  2005/08/22
  • Saito Keiichi, Shi Jianming, Tanaka Akira, Kawaguchi Mayuka, Miyakoshi Masaaki  情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集  4-  (1)  51  -52  2005/08/22
  • ユニノルムに基づくファジィ論理
    亘理修, 河口万由香, 宮腰政明  多値論理研究ノート  28-  (7)  7_1-7_4  2005  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 非可換ファジィ論理と部分構造論理
    河口万由香, 亘理修, 宮腰政明  第18回多値論理とその応用研究会技術研究報告  MVL05-  44  -50  2005  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • M.F. Kawaguchi, O. Watari, M. Miyakoshi  Proceedings of 4th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology and 11 Rencontres Francophones sur la Logique Flue et ses Applications (EUSFLAT-LFA 2005)  973  -978  2005  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Uninorm based fuzzy logic
    O. Watari, M.F. Kawaguchi, M. Miyakoshi  Note on Multiple-Valued Logic in Japan  28-  (7)  7_1-7_4  2005  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • M Kondo, NF Kawaguchi  35th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Proceedings  26  -29  2005  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    We consider properties of partially ordered sets sith residuated t-norm and show that 1. If (X;T, 0, 1) is a bounded partially ordered set with residuated t-norm T, then (X; (*), 0(X), 1(X)) is a bounded BCK-algebra with condition (S); 2. Conversely, if (B;(*),0(B), 1(B)) is a bounded BCK-algebra with (S), then (B;T, 0, 1) is the bounded partially ordered set with residuated t-norm. This means that the class of all bounded partially ordered sets with residuated t-norm coincides with the class of all bounded BCK-algebras with condition (S) Since the class of these algebras forms a variety, the class of partially ordered sets with residuated t-norm is represented by only equations.
  • Non-commutative fuzzy logics and substructural logics
    M.F. Kawaguchi, O. Watari, M. Miyakoshi  MVL Technical Report  MVL05-  44  -50  2005  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 河口 万由香, 亘理 修, 宮腰 政明  ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集  20-  750  -753  2004/06/02
  • t-ノルムおよびユニノルムに基づくファジィ論理における二重否定律
    多値論理研究ノート  27-  (10)  10_1-10_7  2004  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 部分構造論理のモデルとしてのファジィ論理
    第17回多値論理とその応用研究会技術研究報告  MVL04-  1  -6  2004  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Involutions in Fuzzy Logics Based on t-Norms or Uninorms
    Note on Multiple-Valued Logic in Japan  27-  (10)  10_1-10_7  2004  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • MF Kawaguchi, M Miyakoshi  34TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC, PROCEEDINGS  44  -48  2004  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    This report focuses on a property of conjunctive operators named "weak associativity," which is one of sufficient conditions for the syllogism in fuzzy logic. The authors introduce a class of binary operators on [0, 1] which satisfy the weak associativity and some boundary conditions. Our newly introduced class is broader than the class of t-norms, and is included in that of Galois-operators on [0, 1], which and of which right-residuals form Galois-connections on [0, 1]. In addition, the authors show some methods to construct some weakly associative functions by using the generators of t-norms.
  • Fuzzy Logics as Some Models of Substructural Logics
    MVL Technical Report  MVL04-  1  -6  2004  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 部分構造論理とファジィ論理
    多値論理研究ノート  26-  (12)  12_1-12_6  2003  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 非線形ダイナミクスを考慮した自己回帰モデルによる時系列予測
    電子情報通信会技術研究報告[非線形問題]  NLP2002-  (102)  55  -60  2003  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 弱結合的連言演算とその生成法
    第16回多値論理とその応用研究会 技術研究報告  MVL03-  -  2003  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Substructural Logics and Fuzzy Logic
    Note on Multiple-Valued Logic in Japan  26-  (12)  12_1-12_6  2003  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Weakly associative functions as conjunctive operators for approximate reasoning
    Booklet of 12th International Workshop on Post-Binary ULSI Systems  47  -52  2003  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Time series prediction based on the autoregressive and caotic composition model
    IEICE Technical Report  NLP2002-  (102)  55  -60  2003  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Weakly associative conjunctions and their generation methods
    MVL Technical Report  MVL03-  20  -26  2003  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Extended t-norms as logical connectives of fuzzy truth values
    Multiple-Valued Logic  8-  (1)  53  -69  2002  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 部分構造化された様相理論とその代数的解釈(共著)
    第14回多値論理とその応用研究会 技術研究報告  MVL01-  15  -22  2001  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Substructural modal logics and thier algebraic interpolations
    MVL Technical Report  MVL01-  15  -22  2001  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • KAWAGUCHI Mayuka F., MIYAKOSHI Masaaki  ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集  16-  221  -222  2000/09/06
  • ファジィ真理値の論理演算としての拡張t-ノルムについて(共著)
    第13回多値論理とその応用研究会技術研究報告  MVL00-  95  -101  2000  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Fuzzy Spline Functions and Non-Linear Interpolation of IF-THEN Rules (共著)
    Proc. of 6th International Conference on Soft Computing  785  -792  2000  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • MF Kawaguchi, K Miyakoshi  NINTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS (FUZZ-IEEE 2000), VOLS 1 AND 2  488  -492  2000  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    This work deals with the problem of non-linear interpolative reasoning in a sparse fuzzy rule base with multiple input. First of ail, the authors introduce a method of fuzzy rule interpolation based on bi-splines and the notion of a fuzzy interpolation function (we call it a fuzzy spline surface in the case of two-input). Then, we propose a method to construct fuzzy partitions (a new dense rule base) through such a fuzzy function, which enables us to execute any conventional approximate reasoning method for arbitrary input.
  • Extended t-norms as logical connectives of fuzzy truth values
    MVL Technical Report  MVL00-  95  -101  2000  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • ファジィ量子論理の構造と性質(共著)
    第12回多値論理とその応用研究会技術研究報告  MVL99-  39  -45  1999  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Extended Triangular Norms in Type 2 Fuzzy Logic(共著)
    Proc.of 7th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques&Soft Computing (CD-ROM:BCl-1-12669-P.pdf)  1999  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • KAWAGUCHI M. F.  Multiple-Valued Logic  4-  (4)  281  -306  1999  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Algebaic Structure and Characteristics of Fuzzy Quantum Logic(共著)
    MVL Technical Report  MVL99-  39  -45  1999  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • MF Kawaguchi, M Miyakoshi  INFORMATION SCIENCES  110-  (1-2)  113  -125  1998/09  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    Through this study, the authors treat two kinds of fuzzy logical operators, that is, non-commutative conjunctions and their residual implications which include almost all of already-known functions in the field of fuzzy logic, Corresponding to such operators, two kinds of generalized compositions of fuzzy relations are introduced, and the solutions of new composite relational equations are given. This work reveals that the solutions include the results of the Fast researches in the field of fuzzy relational equations as special cases. Some specific numerical examples of the solutions of a given equation illustrate the mechanism of these compositions. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
  • t-ノルムに基づく種々のファジィ論理関数の性質(共著)
    電子情報通信学会論文誌  J81-D-I-  (1)  1  -10  1998  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • ファジィ論理におけるQL-含意の特性について(共著)
    第11回多値論理とその応用研究会技術研究報告  MVL98-  49  -53  1998  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Fuzzy Spline Interpolation in Sparse Fuzzy Rule Bases(共著)
    Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on Soft Computing and Information/Intelligent Systems, Methodologies for the Conception, Design, and Application of Soft Computing  664  -667  1998  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Am Extended L-Fuzzy Logic(共著)
    Proc. of 7th International on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems  1748  -1755  1998  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • OHNO Takashi, F. KAWAGUCHI Mayuka, DA-TE Tsutomu  The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers.  J81-D-I-  (1)  1  -10  1998  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    本論文では, t-ノルムより導かれるS-含意, R-含意, n-対偶 R-含意の3種類の含意関数族および, 2種類の擬連言関数族を取り扱う。まずはじめに, 25種類の代表的なt-ノルムから導出される含意関数, 擬連言関数の実例を示す。次に, 3種類の含意関数族が満足する性質について調査し, 更に, t-ノルムと2種類の擬連言関数族を含む, 6種類の関数族の間のさまざまな関係を明らかにする。この際, t-ノルムの下半連続性を仮定することで, より多くの有用な関係を見出すことができる。最後に, これらの結果を用いた応用例として, ファジー推論において必然性測度を構成する関数族と, 推論規則を構成する関数族との対応関係を示す。
  • Certain Characteristics of QL-Implications in Fuzzy Logic(共著)
    MVL Technical Report  MVL98-  49  -53  1998  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • KAWAGUCHI Mayuka F., MIYAKOSI Masaaki  ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集  13-  153  -156  1997/06/04
  • 非可換な連言関数を有するL-ファジィ論理(共著)
    第10回多値論理とその応用研究会技術研究報告  MVL-97-  79  -86  1997  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • MF Kawaguchi, M Miyakoshi  PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOLS I - III  163  -169  1997  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    Through this paper, a broader class of conjunction functions and the class of their right-residual implication functions are treated. Various examples of such functions are enumerated, and a class of non-commutative conjunctions is proposed. As the main results of this work, the authors show some conditions for satisfaction of modus ponens, modus tollens and syllogism under ''the compositional rule of inference'' and ''the translating rule'' represented by such conjunctions and implications, respectively, and discuss the adequate combinations of conjunctions and implications for fuzzy reasoning.
  • Linear Interpolation with Triangular Rules in Sparse Fuzzy Rule Bases(共著)
    Proc. of 7th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress  2-  138  -143  1997  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • L-Fuzzy Logic with Non-Commutative Conjunctions
    MVL Technical Report  MVL-97-  79  -86  1997  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • KAWAGUCHI Mayuka F., MIYAKOSHI Masaaki  ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集  12-  139  -140  1996/06/04
  • 大野  第9回多値論理とその応用研究会技術研究報告  MVL-96-  (1)  96  -103  1996  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • ファジィ論理における種々の含意関数族について(共著)
    第9回多値論理とその応用研究会技術研究報告  MVL-96-  89  -95  1996  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Composite Fuzzy Relational Equations with Non-Commutative Conjunctions(共著)
    Proc. of 4th International Conference on Soft Computing, Methodologies for the Conception, Design, and Application of Intelligent Systems, World Scientific  331  -335  1996  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • MF Kawaguchi, T Ohno, H Tachibana, M Miyakoshi, T DaTe  FUZZ-IEEE '96 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-3  912  -917  1996  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 河口 敏子, 河口 万由香  学園論集  (88)  1  -13  1996  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Several Families of Implications in Fuzzy Logic
    MVL Technical Report  MVL-96-  89  -95  1996  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Mayuka F. Kawaguchi, Tsutomu Da-Te  Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing  1-  (4)  427  -438  1995  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    This article deals with a generalization of hybrid fuzzy arithmetic which consists of an operation by means of the extension principle and a nonstandard operation to solve a fuzzy arithmetic equation. It shows that all properties of hybrid fuzzy arithmetic based on logical product hold also when logical product is generalized to the family of all lower semicontinuous t-norms. Moreover, some new properties of the arithmetic are derived. © 1995 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
  • Some Remarks in Reference to the Relation between Two Kinds of g-Extensors(共著)
    TENSOR New Series  56-  (2)  132  -136  1995  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Optimization of Token Flows in Crossing Gate Network(共著)
    Proc. of 3rd European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing  3-  1728  -1729  1995  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Arithmetic Operations of Upper Semicontinuous Fuzzy Numbers(共著)
    Proc. of 3rd European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing  1-  264  -267  1995  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • On Divegence-Convergence Boundary of Homogeneous Quadratic Transformations in Two Dimensions.(共著)
    Proc. of 3rd European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing  1-  141  -144  1995  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • MF KAWAGUCHI, T DATE  FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS  68-  (3)  281  -291  1994/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    This study focuses on the concept of sup-(t-norm) convolution, a generalized version of Zadeh's extension principle. The authors treat the algebraic structure of fuzzy arithmetic based on the sup-(t-norm) convolution, and especially show some new properties comparing them with those of the conventional fuzzy arithmetic based on sup-min convolution.
  • ハイブリッドファジィ算法の一般化について(共著)
    北海道大学工学部研究報告  (167)  107  -116  1994  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • A Generalization of Hybrid Fuzzy Arithmetic(共著)
    Bulltin of the Faculty of Engineering Hokkaido University  (167)  107  -116  1994  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • ヒーノルムに基づくファジィ算法に関する諸性質
    日本ファジィ学会誌  5-  (5)  1113  -1121  1993  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 離散表現方式によるファジィ算法方程式の近似解法
    北海道大学工学部研究報告  163,25-33-  1993  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • KAWAGUCHI MayukaF., DATE Tsutomu  Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems  5-  (5)  1113  -1121  1993  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    The aim of this paper is to clarify the properties of fuzzy arithmetic based on a generalized extension principle and consider the possibility of its applications. The generalized extension principle corresponding to sup-(t-norm) convolution enables us to control the growth of fuzziness in calculation by choosing an adequate t-norm. In this paper, it was made clear that the family of fuzzy numbers forms commutative monoids concerning addition and multiplication, respectively. Also, the authors found some new properties on the distribution of multiplication on addition, and showed their differences from those of the ordinary fuzzy arithmetic based on sup-min convolution.
  • MF KAWAGUCHI, T DATE  SECOND IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOLS 1 AND 2  470-476-  470  -476  1993  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Approximate Solution of Fuzzy Arithmetic Equations using Digital Representation
    Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University  163,25-33-  1993  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 離散表現によるWeakly Non-Interactiveファジィ数の基本演算について
    日本ファジィ学会誌  4-  (3)  1992  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • On Calculations of Fundamental Operations of Weakly Non-Interactive Fuzzy Numbers using Digital Representation
    Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems  4-  (3)  1992  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • MF KAWAGUCHI, T DATE  IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS  153  -160  1992  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • チェビシェフ多項式係数の性質と最適補間多項式次数の決定について
    電子情報通信学会論文誌A  J72-A-  (8)  1989  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 多項式を扱う近似処理の有効性・柔軟性の向上-Chebyshev多項式係数の特性の活用
    北海道大学工学部研究報告  147-  1989  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Properties of Chebyshev Polynomial Coefficients and the Estimate for Optimal Degree of Interpolating Polynomials
    Trans of the Institute of Electronics Information and Commutication Engineers  J72-A-  (8)  1989  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Efficiency and Flexibility in Processing Polynomial Approximation-Application of the Properties of Chebyshev Polynomial Coefficients
    Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering Hokkaido University  147-  1989  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Mayuka F. Kawaguchi, Tsutomu Da‐te  Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part I: Communications)  71-  (6)  1  -9  1988  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    The least‐square approximation, the minimax approximation, the approximation by partial sum of series expansion and its modifications, are generally used methods of functional approximation, and each has proper advantage for each use. In the case of the least‐square polynomial approximation, the accuracy is expected intuitively to increase as the degree of polynomial is increased, and then reach a ceiling. However, actually, a decrease in accuracy occurs at a certain degree of polynomial when it is run from low to high. As one of its causes, the effect of ill‐condition of simultaneous linear equations in the power series approximation is well known. However, there are phenomena of decrease in accuracy which cannot be explained by the foregoing. To elucidate their causes, this paper shows that the decrease in accuracy as the degree of polynomial increases also occurs in the approximation by orthogonal polynomial in which results are obtained without solving simultaneous linear equations. Also, the differences of the two representative approximations are shown quantitatively by numerical examples. Moreover, the analysis of the cause and experiments on predicting theoretical approximation accuracy by simple formulas are reported. Copyright © 1988 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company
  • Mayuka F. Kawaguchi, Tsutomu Da‐te  Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part I: Communications)  71-  (6)  1  -9  1988  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    The least‐square approximation, the minimax approximation, the approximation by partial sum of series expansion and its modifications, are generally used methods of functional approximation, and each has proper advantage for each use. In the case of the least‐square polynomial approximation, the accuracy is expected intuitively to increase as the degree of polynomial is increased, and then reach a ceiling. However, actually, a decrease in accuracy occurs at a certain degree of polynomial when it is run from low to high. As one of its causes, the effect of ill‐condition of simultaneous linear equations in the power series approximation is well known. However, there are phenomena of decrease in accuracy which cannot be explained by the foregoing. To elucidate their causes, this paper shows that the decrease in accuracy as the degree of polynomial increases also occurs in the approximation by orthogonal polynomial in which results are obtained without solving simultaneous linear equations. Also, the differences of the two representative approximations are shown quantitatively by numerical examples. Moreover, the analysis of the cause and experiments on predicting theoretical approximation accuracy by simple formulas are reported. Copyright © 1988 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company
  • Legendre多項式近似誤差の拡大・縮小の様相について
    北海道大学工学部研究報告  134-  1987  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 多項式による最小二乗近似の精度と多項式次数の関係について
    電子情報通信学会論文誌A  J70-A-  (1)  1987  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • On the Behaviors of Errors in the Approximation of Functions by Legendre Polynomials
    Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering Hokkaido University  134-  1987  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • A Consideration on the Definition of g-Extensor and the Crossed g-Extensor Analysis
    TENSOR New Series  43-  (3)  1986  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 最小二乗法の精度低下現象の解析
    北海道大学工学部研究報告  128-  1985  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 準ミニマックス法による多項式近似の精度について
    北海道大学工学部研究報告  128-  1985  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Analysis of Drops in Accuracy of Least-Squares Approximation
    Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering Hokkaido University  128-  1985  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Accuracy of Polynomial Approximation of Quasi-Minimax Methods
    Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering Hokkaido University  128-  1985  [Not refereed][Not invited]

Books etc

  • Non-commutative fuzzy logics and substructural logics
    Advances in Logic Based Intelligent Systems (K.Nakamatsu & M.Abe (eds.), IOS Press 2005
  • Sequent systems for classical and intuitionistic substructural modal logic
    Proceedings of the 7th and 8th Asian Logic Conferences, Singapore University Press & World Scientific 2003
  • Fuzzy Spline Interpolation in Sparse Fuzzy Rule Bases (共著)
    A New Paradigm of Knowledge Engineering by Soft Computing (L. Ding, ed.), World Scientific 2001
  • ソフトコンピューディングハンドブック 第(]G0001[)部 第4章 ファジィ関係(共著)
    共立出版 2000
  • ソフトコンピューティング用語集(分担執筆)
    朝倉書店 1996


  • かわいい推論  [Not invited]
    村井 哲也, 河口 万由香, 工藤 康生, 赤間 世紀
    第12回感性工学会大会  2010/09

Association Memberships

  • 多値論理研究会   計算機統計学会   テンゾル学会   米国電気学会(IEEE)   計測自動制御学会   日本知能情報ファジィ学会   電子情報通信学会   情報処理学会   Japan Research Group on Multiple-Valued Logic   IEEE   

Research Projects

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2024/03 
    Author : 河口 万由香
    本研究の目的は、マルチ集合およびファジィ・マルチ集合の理論をBCK代数に基づいて再構築し、最終的には、ファジィ集合、マルチ集合、ファジィ・マルチ集合の各構造について、BCK代数を共通プラットフォームとした統一基盤を形成することである。各集合論の特徴や位置づけ、公理の強弱のような関連が整然と整理されることとなり、ひいてはさらなる応用への視野が広がるものと期待される。 本研究の初年度計画は、以下の項目からなる。(A) BCK代数理論の整理と整備、具体的には非有界BCK代数が束をなすための必要十分条件を求め、BCK代数のordinal sumがまたBCK代数をなすことを確認する。(B) マルチ集合論に対応するBCK代数の公理の整備、具体的には非有界BCK代数の和演算と積演算を構成するために必要な性質を求める。(C) 以上の結果を適宜内外の学会で発表するとともに、ファジィ・マルチ集合に関する情報収集を行い、次年度の研究段階への準備を進める。 2年目以降の計画は、ファジィ・マルチ集合に相当する代数モデルの構築であり、(D) BCK代数の直積がまたBCK代数をなすための条件を求める、(E) ファジィ・マルチ集合のグレード部分とカウント部分をそれぞれに異なるBCK代数で表現し、その直積をもってファジィ・マルチ集合の代数モデルを構築する方法の検討、である。以上の成果を内外の学会で発表するとともに、当該研究期間の後半には最終的な論文投稿を行う。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2007 
    Author : MIYAKOSHI Masaaki, KAWAGUCHI Mayuka, TANAKA Akira
    Digital signal processing is the theory of matrices related to unitary matrices. The goal of this research is a basic study to investigate the possibility for extending the field of complex numbers on which the existing many methods of signal processings are based to the Clifford algebra, the fields of quaternion and hyper complex numbers. We investigated precisely discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) from the point of view for symmetry groups, we found a relation between 2-dimesional DFT and permutations. From the point of view we investigated to extend the results to general unitary matrices which have intrinsically symmetries with more than 2 order. The extension of DFT to quaternions and Clifford algebra is done by replaced the imaginary units by three units vectors of quaternions, but this extension is intrinsically related to a permutation with order 2. Therefore, the extension along this idea cannot be applied to general unitary matrices which have symmetries with more than 2 order. In this research, we investigated basically and theoretically to extend complex numbers to quaternions and Clifford algebra for unitary matrices of which eigenvalues are of finite orders., and we found the possibility of theoretical extension. When the unitary matrices have the symmetry of e order for one-dimensional signals, applying these unitary matrices to two-dimensional signals, we have a symmetry of e^2 order. But without reducing the symmetry of e^2 order, using e^2 volume elements of Clifford algebra Cl_n, it is indicated that we may not be able to embed unitary matrices into C4-matrices so that we can keep the symmetry of e^2 order. Using a subset B of which elements are disjoint bivectors each other, and the commutative subalgebra R_<2n,o>^+, it yields the reduction of the symmetry of e^2 order, but this embedding to Cl_n,-matrices still keeps about a half of e^2 symmetries. When the symmetries of two-dimensional signals are of more than 2 order, we can investigate the symmetries by Kronecker product for Cl_n-matrices, and but, for more than three-dimensional signals, we have to use tensor product for embedding unitary matrices to C4-matrices. This problem is still open. We shall study the problems.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2002 
    Author : MIYAKOSHI Masaaki, IMAI Hideyuki, TANAKA Akira, KAWAGUCHI Mayuka
    Functional Analysis-Theoretical developments of Image Restoration Problems carried on, and many filter-families such as Projection Filter- and Parametric Projection Filter-families were proposed. In practice, since the fidelity of restored images to original images depends on the stability of used restoration filters, it is very important to strengthen their robustness. The study is to introduce a new filter-family that is robust against the perturbation of degraded processes for the parametric projection filter-family with less calculations and high fidelity. In the two-years term of project, we proposed the following three restoration filter-families and confirmed their effectiveness by numerical simulations : Regularized Parametric Projection Filter-Family, M-N-Norm Parametric Projection Filter-Family, and Signal Adaptive Parametric Projection Filter-Family. Moreover, we introduced a criterion to choose perturbation, parametric and regularized parameters. The criterion makes us possible to choose the optimal, parameter of Parametric Projection Filter-family in a sense, and it results in the higher fidelity of restored images.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    Date (from‐to) : 1995 -1995 
    Author : 河口 万由香
    本研究の計画は以下の3段階から成っていた. 1.実用的条件下でのファジィ推論による関数近似精度の定量的評価. 2.近似精度からみた最適ルール数の選択法の考案. 3.1.2.で得られた結果をふまえた補間推論法の考案. 1.に関しては,ファジィ推論の中で最も扱いやすい方法として代数積演算と中心平均による非ファジィ化法を用いたものをとりあげ,推論規則群の前件部条件のうち隣合うもの同士の距離の最大値hとおいたとき,hの2乗に比例する定数で関数近似誤差の限界を押さえられる見通しがついた.ただし,中心平均法は非ファジィ化としてはあまり一般化ではないので,最も広く使用されている重心法の場合との比較が今後の課題である. 2.に関しては,1.で得られた誤差限界と所要精度から推論規則の前件部の間隔を計算するこができるので,近似区間内のルールの個数を見積ることが可能となった.ただし,誤差限界式は過大評価の傾向があり,ルール数もやや多めに見積られるので,この点についてさらに数値実験による検証を進めている. 3.に関しては,疎なルール間に与えられた入力に対する出力を直接補間する従来の線形補間推論法に対して,本研究では,ルールの間隙を覆うような複数のルールをある種の補間法で補う方法を考案した.補うべきルールの数は2.の成果を用いて見積りを行う.本手法は従来法に比べて計算量は著しく増大するが一度補ったルールはそのまま別の補間推論に適用できるので,制御等への応用を考える場合にはむしろ有利である.さらに,従来法では適切な補間結果が得られなかった特殊な例についても,良好な結果が得られることが実験で示されている.

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