Researcher Database

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  • Faculty of Medicine Social Medicine Social Medicine

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  • Faculty of Medicine Social Medicine Social Medicine


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Research Areas

  • Life sciences / Healthcare management, medical sociology / Global Health

Published Papers

  • Kumi Kono, Sharareh Eskandarieh, Yoshihide Obayashi, Asuna Arai, Hiko Tamashiro
    JOURNAL OF IMMIGRANT AND MINORITY HEALTH 18 (4) 940 - 940 1557-1912 2016/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Kumi Kono, Sharareh Eskandarieh, Yoshihide Obayashi, Asuna Arai, Hiko Tamashiro
    JOURNAL OF IMMIGRANT AND MINORITY HEALTH 17 (6) 1654 - 1659 1557-1912 2015/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We attempted to identify the risk factors that may affect mental health status of the international students and we conducted the survey using a self-administered questionnaire. Depressive symptoms were measured using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. The students were divided into two groups; (1) those who received scholarships and (2) those who didn't since we thought the division represented practical patterns of their financial status. The associations of socio-demographic characteristics with depressive symptoms were examined. Of the 726 students, 480 (66.1 %) responded and 207 (43.1 %) had depressive symptoms. The logistic regression analysis indicated that quality of sleep, amount of exercise, and housing conditions-but not financial status-were statistically associated with the risk of developing depressive symptoms. Although the inversion of the cause and effect is yet to be ascertained, the students who are unsatisfied with their housing conditions, quality of sleep and less exercise need more attention.
  • Koji Kanda, Yoshi Obayashi, Ananda Jayasinghe, G. S. P. de S. Gunawardena, N. Y. Delpitiya, N. G. W. Priyadarshani, Chandika D. Gamage, Asuna Arai, Hiko Tamashiro
    INTERNATIONAL HEALTH 7 (5) 348 - 353 1876-3413 2015/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    In Sri Lanka, one of the major challenges in rabies control is to manage the dog population and subsequently to protect people, especially young children, from dog bites. In 2009, an educational-entertainment campaign called 'Rabies Edutainment 4 Kids' was introduced in the school curricula in rural Sri Lanka to improve practices on rabies prevention and pet care among school children, and to evaluate its effectiveness through pre- and post-tests. The level of rabies knowledge, attitude and practice among the pupils was dependent on their responses to a survey, and scores were significantly improved both among the study and control groups after the intervention. A lecture accompanied by a rabies awareness leaflet was much more effective in improving knowledge than the leaflet alone. The type of intervention and language used was significantly associated with the score increment (p < 0.001). The threat of rabies to pupils in Sri Lanka would be reduced if they are given appropriate information on rabies prevention as a part of the school curricula. Close collaboration with local education offices is key to successful implementation of school-based rabies control programmes, which is, in turn, crucial to the eradication of rabies from Sri Lanka.
  • Yan Liu, Ying Zhang, Asuna Arai, Yoshihide Obayashi, Hiko Tamashiro
    ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 27 (2) NP1999 - NP2007 1010-5395 2015/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study aimed to explore the gender-based seasonal patterns of suicide in Japan between 2005 and 2012. With data from Japanese official reports, we carried out Prais-Winsten regression and Wilcoxon signed-rank test analysis with Stata 12.0 and SPSS 14.0. The suicide number was significantly higher in March, April, May, June, July, and October for both genders. The suicide number in men was markedly higher than that in women in every month. The suicide number in 2010 was lower than that in 2009 for men, while that in 2011 was higher than that in 2010 for women. The findings displayed that the nationwide television and publicity intervention campaigns might have positive effects on decreasing suicide of men while women suffered a post-earthquake increase. In terms of interventions, we should not only square up the seasonal patterns but also the gender differences in vulnerability.
  • Samidi Navaratna, Koji Kanda, Samath D. Dharmaratne, Sampath Tennakoon, Ananda Jayasinghe, Niroshan Jayasekara, Katsutoshi Nagano, Yoshihide Obayashi, Asuna Arai, Hiko Tamashiro
    AIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV 27 (3) 387 - 391 0954-0121 2015/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Currently, interventions for HIV/AIDS control in Sri Lanka are only carried out among the most-at-risk populations. This study was conducted to identify the level of awareness and stigma-related attitudes among the general population of Sri Lanka. A cross-sectional study was carried out among 869 residents of 18-64 years of age in Kandy, Sri Lanka. A self-administered questionnaire was utilised to obtain information about stigma, discrimination and HIV/AIDS-related knowledge. Chi-square test and multivariate analysis were applied to find possible associations between HIV-related variables and socio-demographic indicators. Response rate was 82.0%. Overall, 93.5% of the participants have heard of HIV/AIDS but the knowledge on HIV/AIDS was low with an average score of 51.7%, no statistically significant difference between genders (p = 0.352). Only 58.1% were aware that a condom was an effective tool for its prevention. There were many misconceptions related to epidemiology of HIV/AIDS. The participants showed more positive attitudes towards HIV/AIDS and people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) for all questionnaire items except for those listed under shame and blame. Positive attitudes towards PLHIV were observed to be greater among those with a better HIV/AIDS-related knowledge score. There was no significant association between the attitudes towards PLHIV and socio-demographic characteristics such as ethnicity and religion. There is a greater need of making attempts towards educating the public regarding HIV/AIDS to eliminate misconceptions prevalent in the society. Stigma-related attitudes are mainly due to shame and blame associated with the disease. As the attitudes towards PLHIV were more positive among those with a better HIV/AIDS-related knowledge score, targeted HIV/AIDS-related health education interventions maybe recommended in this regard.
  • C. D. Gamage, N. Koizumi, A. K. C. Perera, M. Muto, C. Nwafor-Okoli, S. Ranasinghe, S. A. M. Kularatne, R. P. V. J. Rajapakse, K. Kanda, R. B. Lee, Y. Obayashi, M. Ohnishi, H. Tamashiro
    TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES 61 (1) 91 - 96 1865-1674 2014/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease of global importance and one of the notifiable diseases in Sri Lanka. Recent studies on human leptospirosis have suggested that the cattle could be one of the important reservoirs for human infection in the country. However, there is a dearth of local information on bovine leptospirosis, including its implications for human transmission. Thus, this study attempted to determine the carrier status of pathogenic Leptospira spp in cattle in Sri Lanka. A total of 164 cattle kidney samples were collected from the meat inspection hall in Colombo city during routine inspection procedures conducted by the municipal veterinary surgeons. The DNA was extracted and subjected to nested PCR for the detection of leptospiral flaB gene. Amplicons were sequenced, and phylogenic distances were calculated. Of 164 samples, 20 (12.2%) were positive for flaB-PCR. Sequenced amplicons revealed that Leptospira species were deduced to L.borgpetersenii (10/20, 50%), L.kirschneri (7/20, 35%) and L.interrogans (3/20, 15%). The results indicate that a high proportion of the sampled cattle harbour a variety of pathogenic Leptospira spp, which can serve as important reservoirs for human disease.
  • Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. T. Cho, Y. Obayashi, A. Arai, H. Tamashiro
    JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 151 (1) 325 - 330 0165-0327 2013/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: The effects of socio-economic factors on suicide were gender-dependent. Japanese suicide mortality gender ratio (male: female) had gradually increased during the twentieth century. Methods: With the data covering 1947-2010 collected from Japanese official websites, we conducted non-parametric rank test, curve estimations, spearman ranking correlation and quantile regression in succession with Stata version 12.0. Results: The suicide mortality rate in male with a "U" shape had been always higher than that in female with a "J" shape. The male suicide mortality peaked around in 1955 (38.5 per 100,000 populations), dropped quickly afterwards until the 19705; it increased in the 19805 with another peak in 2003 (33.2 per 100,000 populations). For female, an overall decreasing trend was seen with a peak during the 1950s (23.5 per 100,000 populations in 1958). It dropped gradually afterwards with small variations in 1970s and 80s, and was stabilized after 1995 (9.3 per 100,000 populations). The unemployment rate could be used as a single positive predictor of suicide mortality for men (p < 0.01), while the total fertility rate (TFR) (p < 0.01) and divorce rate (p < 0.01) were significantly associated positively and negatively with women's suicide, respectively. Limitations: The impact of mental disorders was not analyzed and age specific analysis was not conducted. Conclusion: The findings of these gender differences in, and the associated factors with, suicide in Japan, warranted further studies including delineation of the implications of differential economic pressure between genders, as well as child rearing pressure and marriage satisfaction. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Yan Liu, Asuna Arai, Yoshihide Obayashi, Koji Kanda, Eugene Boostrom, Romeo B. Lee, Hiko Tamashiro
    GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 13 (3) 792 - 797 1444-1586 2013/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Aim: This study analyzed the trend of gender gaps in life expectancy (GGLE) in Japan between 1947 and 2010, and explored the correlations of GGLE with gender mortality ratio and social development indices. Methods: Using GGLE and social indices data collected from the official websites, we carried out trends analysis of GGLE by calculating segmented average growth rates for different periods. We explored the association between GGLE and all-cause mortality; and between GGLE and Human Development Index (HDI) while controlling for time trend, by computing the generalized additive models based on the software R (version 2.15). Results: Japan's GGLE increased in a fluctuating fashion. Across 53 years, the average growth rates varied widely: 0.14% (1947-1956), 1.43% (1956-1974), 1.06% (1974-2004) and -0.60% (2004-2010) (overall average 0.87%). The value of GGLE peaked to 7.00 years in 2004, and then has slowly declined (6.75 years in 2010). Age-adjusted all-cause gender mortality ratio had a statistically positive association with GGLE (P < 0.01), whereas HDI was found to have no such association. Conclusion: The increased trend of GGLE in Japan could be partly explained by increased disease-specific mortality ratios (male/female), especially those involving chronic bronchitis and emphysema, diseases of the liver, suicide and cancer. The recent decline of GGLE might imply that Japanese women have been catching up with the lifestyle of men, resulting in similar mortality patterns. This calls for gender-sensitive approaches to developing policies and programs that will help sustain healthy lifestyles to combat smoking and alcohol intake, and social support to prevent suicide. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2013; 13: 792-797.
  • 北海道大学におけるJICA地域別研修「仏語圏アフリカ母子保健」2011-2012年度 国連ミレニアム目標(MDG)達成に向けたわが国の取組の一環として
    常田 美和, 佐藤 洋子, 松中 あや子, 大林 由英, 新井 明日奈, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌 北海道公衆衛生学会 26 (2) 133 - 138 0914-2630 2013/03 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Koji Kanda, Ananda Jayasinghe, K. Tudor Silva, N. G. W. Priyadarshani, N. Y. Delpitiya, Yoshihide Obayashi, Asuna Arai, Chandika D. Gamage, Hiko Tamashiro
    GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH 8 (2) 159 - 173 1744-1692 2013/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Religious leaders in Sri Lanka may have a high potential of contributing to HIV/AIDS prevention among the general public because of their social status. In order to assess their current HIV/AIDS-related knowledge and attitude and the possibility of becoming community advocates of HIV/AIDS prevention, we conducted a questionnaire survey among Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim and Christian leaders in Sri Lanka in 2009. There were limited correct responses about HIV/AIDS-related knowledge and attitudes toward people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV), and information regarding condoms, HIV testing and counselling were poorly understood. Although a condom was less acceptable as a part of HIV/AIDS prevention, they were willing to learn more about HIV/AIDS and expressed support for both PLHIV and HIV prevention activities. Their experiences, preparedness and willingness of HIV prevention activities were associated with age, knowledge and/or religious background. In conclusion, intensive and systematic learning opportunities should be provided to equip the religious leaders with overall HIV/AIDS knowledge to become key players for HIV/AIDS prevention in their communities.
  • Chinyere Nwafor-Okoli, Nobuo Koizumi, Senanayake A. Kularatne, Jayanthe Rajapakse, Chandika D. Gamage, Maki Muto, Mami Suzuki, Romeo B. Lee, Koji Kanda, Yoshihide Obayashi, Hiko Tamashiro
    SOUTHEAST ASIAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH 43 (4) 943 - 950 0125-1562 2012/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
    To help formulate a local intervention for leptospirosis in Sri Lanka, we determined the serogroups of leptospiral species among 97 patients diagnosed with leptospirosis at the University of Peradeniya Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka. Ninety-two point eight percent of the patients were men; nearly two-thirds were >= 35 years old; the majority had secondary or higher education level, half were farmers or laborers; and 57.7% presented in the acute-phase of the illness. Twenty-five patients (25.8%) were confirmed to have leptospirosis by a positive laboratory method; 17 and 8 cases were confirmed with a positive test by quantitative MAT and nested PCR, respectively. Of the 17 MAT positive cases, infection occurred in a variety of serogroups, but the predominant groups were Sejroe and Tarassovi. Of the 8 nested PCR positive cases, 7 were seen among those with a MAT titer <200 and 1 occurred in a patient with a MAT titer 200 but <400. Of the 8 PCR positive cases, 7 were infected with the leptospiral species L. interrogans. Approximately 26% of the clinically diagnosed patients were confirmed by the two laboratory methods. Laboratory positivity was based on the time of blood collection after the onset of fever. Further studies are warranted to refine the clinical diagnostic criteria and to develop more efficient and accurate diagnostic tests for leptospirosis in resource limited settings.
  • 性感染症の知識とHIV検査態度に関する一考察 中学高校大学生における調査から
    永嶋 良之, 新井 明日奈, 神田 浩路, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    日本エイズ学会誌 日本エイズ学会 14 (2) 118 - 124 1344-9478 2012/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • アフリカ8ヶ国におけるHIV/エイズ関連プログラムの成果ならびにインパクトの評価
    神田 浩路, ビルキス・イブラハム-ジブリン, リリアン・ンニシ, モハメド・イユル, モナパシ・マラカ, ムテンワ・ニャングル, ムーレ・ドゥラミニ, サミュエル・デリー, テボゴ・マディディマロ, 大林 由英, 新井 明日奈, ロメオ・リー, 玉城 英彦
    北海道医学雑誌 北海道医学会 87 (2-3) 82 - 82 0367-6102 2012/04 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Chandika D. Gamage, Jagath Amarasekera, Paba Palihawadana, Sudath Samaraweera, Devika Mendis, Navaratnasingam Janakan, Romeo B. Lee, Yoshihide Obayashi, Hiko Tamashiro
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES 65 (2) 157 - 161 1344-6304 2012/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    In Sri Lanka, leptospirosis is a notifiable disease. In addition to having a routine disease reporting system, Sri Lanka has implemented a hospital-based sentinel surveillance system since 2004. This report discusses the findings of a descriptive analysis of the sentinel surveillance data collected from 2005 to 2008. Of the 4,000 suspected leptospirosis cases, 46.9% and 26.8% were recorded from the Western and Sabaragamuwa provinces, respectively. Most of the individuals were male (83.5%), and approximately 45.6% were aged 30-49 years. Farmers accounted for 16.5%, and laborers for 16.1%; however, the occupation of nearly half (44.8%) of the study population was unknown. More than half (53.9%) of the individuals worked in paddy fields. Almost all had acute fever (98.8%), myalgia (92.9%), and headache (92.7%), but fewer had other related symptoms. Out of the 4,000 individuals, 2,496 (62.4%) underwent a laboratory test; however, the laboratory test results of only 1,445 (57.9%) and the microscopic agglutination results of only 41(2.8%) were available at the sentinel sites. Less than 2% of the reported individuals underwent prophylactic treatment. These findings will help enhance the ongoing efforts for controlling and preventing leptospirosis in Sri Lanka. Sentinel surveillance is a useful tool, but the data quality needs to be improved by supplementing the findings with adequate laboratory diagnosis data.
  • Chandika D. Gamage, Nobuo Koizumi, Maki Muto, Chinyere Nwafor-Okoli, Shanika Kurukurusuriya, Jayanthe R. P. V. Rajapakse, Senanayake A. M. Kularatne, Koji Kanda, Romeo B. Lee, Yoshihide Obayashi, Haruo Watanabe, Hiko Tamashiro
    VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES 11 (8) 1041 - 1047 1530-3667 2011/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Leptospirosis is an important bacterial zoonotic disease globally and one of the notifiable diseases in Sri Lanka. Other than human leptospirosis, little information is available on leptospirosis in domestic and feral animals in Sri Lanka. Thus, this study attempted to determine the prevalence and carrier status of leptospirosis in smallholder dairy cattle and peridomestic rodents to understand the impact of the disease on public health in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Cattle and rodent samples were collected from the Yatinuwara and Udunuwara divisional secretaries in Kandy. Serum samples were analyzed for the presence of antileptospiral antibodies using microscopic agglutination test. DNA was extracted from cattle urine and rodent kidney tissue samples, in which polymerase chain reaction was carried out to detect the Leptospira flaB gene. The cattle in 19 (38.8%) of the 49 farms harbored antileptospiral antibodies. Out of 113 cattle serum samples, 23 (20.3%) were positive; 17 (73.9%) and 6 (26.1%) reacted with serogroups Sejroe and Hebdomadis, respectively. Out of the 74 rodent samples, 13 (17.5%) were positive; 8 (61.5%) and 4 (30.8%) had reactions to serogroups Javanica and Icterohaemorrhagiae, respectively. Leptospiral DNA was detected in one cattle urine sample and identified as Leptospira interrogans. This study revealed a high prevalence of leptospirosis in cattle and rodents in Kandy. These animals were infected with a wide array of leptospiral serogroups, which are consistent with the research findings observed in humans in Kandy. Overall, serological data indicate that relative to rodents, cattle may be a more significant reservoir for human transmission and a greater source of potential risk to local agricultural communities.
  • 神田 浩路, 新井 明日奈, 大林 由英, 紺野 圭太, 加藤 真吾, 玉城 英彦
    日本エイズ学会誌 日本エイズ学会 13 (2) 99 - 104 1344-9478 2011/05 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Chandika D. Gamage, Shumpei P. Yasuda, Sanae Nishio, Senanayake A. Kularatne, Kosala Weerakoon, Jayanthe Rajapakse, Chinyere Nwafor-Okoli, Romeo B. Lee, Yoshi Obayashi, Kumiko Yoshimatsu, Jiro Arikawa, Hiko Tamashiro
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES 64 (1) 72 - 75 1344-6304 2011/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    A cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine the current prevalence of leptospirosis and hantaviral infections, and the socio-demographic characteristics and risk factors of infected patients, in Kandy, Sri Lanka. This report discusses the serological evidence of hantavirus infections among 105 suspected leptospirosis patients, 8 of whom had hantavirus antibodies. Serotyping ELISA showed that these 8 patients had high optical density values for Thailand virus. Most of the sera showed that the focus reduction neutralization test titer against Thailand virus was higher than that against Seoul virus, thereby suggesting that the hantaviral antibodies found in Sri Lanka are different from Seoul virus but closely related to Thailand virus. These findings imply that the hantaviral infection found in Kandy, Sri Lanka appears to be due to a virus similar to Thailand virus. Epidemiological analysis revealed that the association between hantavirus infection and socio-demographic characteristics was not statistically significant.
  • 戦後日本の狂犬病対策と今後の課題 文献学的考察
    木場 宣宏, 肥田野 新, 川崎 怜子, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌 北海道公衆衛生学会 23 (2) 67 - 72 0914-2630 2010/03 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 国立スリランカ病院における動物による咬傷の様態と狂犬病管理
    Nwafor Chinyere, Gunesekera Amila, 神垣 太郎, Ditangco Rossana A, Matibag Gino C, 神田 浩路, 木場 宣宏, 奥村 昌子, 後藤 ゆり, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌 北海道公衆衛生学会 22 (2) 77 - 81 0914-2630 2009/03 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Koji Kanda, Yoshi Obayashi, Rossana A. Ditangco, Gino C. Matibag, Hiroko Yamashina, Shoko Okumura, K. Tudor Silva, Hiko Tamashiro
    Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 3 (8) 611 - 619 2036-6590 2009 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence is relatively lower in Sri Lanka than in other Asian countries however, the number of HIV-infected persons has rapidly increased in recent years. Methodology: A baseline study on HIV, acquired immunodeficiency virus (AIDS), and sexually transmitted infections (STI) knowledge, attitude, and practice was conducted at two construction sites in Sri Lanka from January to February 2007 to design an effective intervention strategy for the construction workers. Results: Among 611 respondents (mostly males, mean age 32.8 years), nearly two-thirds lived away from home. Knowledge was fairly good on AIDS prevention but poorer on STI than on HIV. Some misconceptions were also observed. A high percentage did not consider HIV/AIDS as their own personal issue, and over 50% respondents expressed discriminatory attitudes towards HIV positives. Condom access was limited due to social and cultural norms. Mobility was not significantly associated with practice of prevention of HIV and STI. Conclusion: This study showed that the construction workers were not specially at higher risk of HIV at that time. In order to minimize the potential risk of infection, however, it would be effective to reduce stigma and discrimination among them through the prevention program, working together with community or religious leaders in the areas. More comprehensive assessment among other population groups would also be beneficial to identify their risk of infection. Copyright © 2009 Kanda et al.
  • Ditangco R, Kanda K, Obayashi Y, Matibag G, Tamashiro H
    AIDS (London, England) 22 (1) 167 - 169 0269-9370 2008/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Gino C. Matibag, Taro Kamigaki, Pallegoda V. R. Kumarasiri, Thula G. Wijewardana, Anil W. Kalupahana, D. R. Anuruddhika Dissanayake, D. D. Niranjala De Silva, G. S. Panduka De S. Gunawardena, Yoshihide Obayashi, Koji Kanda, Hiko Tamashiro
    Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 12 (2) 84 - 89 1342-078X 2007 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Objectives: The primary objective of this study was to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of rabies management and control of a sample population. The secondary objective was to compare the KAP with respect to rabies management and control between urban and rural areas and between pet and non-pet owners. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out by conducting face-to-face interviews using structured questionnaires among 1570 respondents from selected households in the Kandy District, Sri Lanka. Results: Approximately 58% of the sample population was pet owners. Among all the respondents, there was a high level of awareness (90%) that dogs are the most common rabies reservoir, that the disease is fatal (79%), and that rabies can be prevented by vaccination (88%). Most of the subjects (96%) would seek treatment from a doctor or a hospital after being bitten by a dog. Although 76% of the respondents said that their pet dogs were vaccinated, only one-half were able to present a vaccination certificate upon request. The subjects from the urban areas would submit the head of an animal for rabies evaluation (69%) compared with those from the rural areas (57%). Pet owners (93%) are more aware that dog rabies vaccines are available from authorized offices than non-pet owners (87%). Conclusions: The level of awareness of rabies and the level of receptiveness to rabies control measures are high. There is a difference in the attitudes and pet care practices relevant to rabies control between urban and rural areas. Pet owners tend to be more cooperative to rabies control activities. The attitudes and practices of the respondents may reflect the inaccessibility of facilities and the lack of services that would enable community participation in rabies control.
  • S Aoyama, H Masui, M Ohkubo, K Arai, Y Ohbayasi, K Kato, M Chiba
    International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Pts 1 and 2 769 553 - 556 0094-243X 2005 [Refereed][Not invited]
    A newly designed retrieval system of nuclear reaction data is developed on the IntelligentPad architecture, which is called CONTIP. We designed the network-base retrieval system. The relational database is constructed on the UNIX server and the retrieval interface is constructed on the Windows PC. We applied it for NRDF and Exfor compilations as an application example.
  • Y Ohbayasi, S Aoyama, H Masui, K Kato, M Chiba
    JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 26 (1) 29 - 37 0165-5515 2000 [Refereed][Not invited]
    A newly designed retrieval system of charged-particle nuclear reaction data (CPND) is developed on the IntelligentPad architecture. NRDF (Nuclear Reaction Data File), which is a kind of CPND compilation, is applied as an example. The authors designed the network-based (client-server) retrieval system. The server system is constructed on a UNIX workstation with a relational database; the client system is built on a Microsoft Windows PC using an IntelligentPad software package. The system is called CONTIP, which is an abbreviation of 'Creative, Cooperative and Cultural Objects for Nuclear data and Tools on IntelligentPad'. CONTIP will be developed to realise effective utilisation of nuclear reaction data: (i) reproduction, re-edit, reuse, (ii) circulation, coordination and evolution and (iii) knowledge discovery.
  • K Varga, Y Ohbayasi, Y Suzuki
    PHYSICS LETTERS B 396 (1-4) 1 - 6 0370-2693 1997/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This paper extends the application of the stochastic variational method to noncentral interactions. Several examples are presented for three- and four-nucleon systems with realistic nuclear forces. The correlated Gaussians easily cope with the strong short-range repulsion of the potential and the stochastic variational method efficiently selects the most important spin, isospin and orbital angular momentum components of the wave function. The examples confirm the usefulness and accuracy of the method. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
    NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 588 (1) C15 - C21 0375-9474 1995/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Detailed structure of light exotic nuclei is described with a multicluster model comprising alpha, t, He-3, p and n clusters. The multicluster dynamics is fully taken into account with the stochastic variational method. The model enables us to describe the non-uniform and spatially extended density distribution of the halo. structure. It is discussed that light stable nuclei have halo-like structure as the isospin increases.
    PHYSICS LETTERS B 346 (3-4) 223 - 226 0370-2693 1995/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The beta-decay of Li-11 into Li-9 and d is studied using simple halo wave functions of Li-11. The transition probability is found to be sensitive to the description of the halo part and to the choice of the potential between Li-9 and d. A branching ratio of the order of magnitude of 10(-4) is obtained for a standard set of the potential parameters.


  • エイズ治療ブロック拠点病院の外来医師を対象としたHIV検査に関する意識調査 HIV検査に関する経験の有無と検査体制への意識との関連の分析
    大林 由英, 新井 明日奈, 大野 稔子, 玉城 英彦  日本エイズ学会誌  14-  (4)  397  -397  2012/11  [Not refereed][Not invited]

Books etc


  • スリランカの母親の産後うつに関する疫学調査 ペラデニヤ大学病院の調査より  [Not invited]
    常田 美和, 新井 明日奈, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集  2014/10
  • 地域住民の生活習慣と健康状態 加入医療保険別の検討  [Not invited]
    新井 明日奈, 中筋 咲良, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌  2013/11
  • 大学生におけるHIV/AIDSへの偏見・差別に関する調査研究  [Not invited]
    廣岡 憲造, 吉村 有未, 吉田 恵, 大林 由英, 新井 明日奈, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌  2012/11
  • 北海道内市町村および二次医療圏での医療従事者数の可視化とその年次変遷  [Not invited]
    大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌  2012/11
  • HIV/AIDSに対する偏見に影響する要因 大学生を対象とした調査結果から  [Not invited]
    廣岡 憲造, 吉村 有美, 吉田 恵, 大林 由英, 新井 明日奈, 玉城 英彦
    日本エイズ学会誌  2012/11
  • 北海道大学の留学生における精神的健康とその関連要因の検討 収入源を中心に  [Not invited]
    河野 公美, Eskanadrieh Sharareh, 大林 由英, 新井 明日奈, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌  2012/11
  • A町一般住民におけるエイズに関する意識調査 我が国におけるエイズ偏見・差別尺度開発の試み  [Not invited]
    布施 千恵, 永野 勝稔, 永嶋 良之, 藤原 悠, 神田 浩路, 新井 明日奈, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    日本エイズ学会誌  2011/11
  • 大学生のHIV検査に対する意識と受検に関する要因  [Not invited]
    神田 浩路, 永嶋 良之, 新井 明日奈, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    日本エイズ学会誌  2011/11
  • スリランカの一般住民を対象としたHIV検査に関する実態調査  [Not invited]
    神田 浩路, 永野 勝稔, 布施 千恵, Jayasinghe Ananda, Tudor Silva K, 新井 明日奈, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    日本エイズ学会誌  2011/11
  • HIV/AIDSに対する偏見差別とHIV検査への態度 高等専門学校生を対象として  [Not invited]
    永嶋 良之, 大林 由英, 神田 浩路, 新井 明日奈, 玉城 英彦
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集  2011/10
  • 性別役割分業意識と性教育 北海道の議会議員を対象に  [Not invited]
    奥村 昌子, 吉田 恵, 吉村 有未, 後藤 ゆり, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌  2009/11
  • 札幌市の高校生を対象とした性に関する調査 平成16年と平成20年の比較  [Not invited]
    吉村 有未, 後藤 ゆり, 永野 勝稔, 芦村 寿生, 布施 千恵, 沼田 栗実, 保田 玲子, 大林 由英, 神尾 知佳, 小林 八重子, 塚原 英代, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌  2009/11
  • 札幌市の中学生を対象とした性に関する調査 平成16年と20年の比較  [Not invited]
    芦村 寿生, 沼田 栗実, 永野 勝稔, 布施 千恵, 保田 玲子, 後藤 ゆり, 吉村 有未, 奥村 昌子, 吉田 恵, 河野 公美, 常田 美和, 大林 由英, 神尾 知佳, 小林 八重子, 塚原 英代, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌  2009/11
  • 青少年の健康教育に関する北海道・市町村議会議員調査(第1報) 議員のエイズに関する知識  [Not invited]
    後藤 ゆり, 奥村 昌子, 吉田 恵, 吉村 有未, 高橋 佳奈, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌  2008/11
  • 北海道民を対象とした性行動に関する調査(その1) 若者に広がるリスク行動に対する意識寛容  [Not invited]
    山品 博子, Matibag Gino C, 神田 浩路, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌  2008/11
  • スリランカの大学生を対象としたリスク認知調査(経過報告)  [Not invited]
    神田 浩路, Ranaraja RMRD, 山品 博子, Chowdhury ABMA, Wattegama S, Kumarasiri PVR, Silva KT, Matibag GC, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌  2008/11
  • 北海道民を対象とした性行動に関する調査(その2) 性行動がHIV/AIDSリスク認知に及ぼす影響  [Not invited]
    山品 博子, Matibag Gino C, 神田 浩路, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌  2008/11
  • 青少年の健康教育に関する北海道・市町村議会議員調査(第2報) エイズに対する議員の認識  [Not invited]
    奥村 昌子, 後藤 ゆり, 吉田 恵, 吉村 有未, 高橋 佳奈, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    北海道公衆衛生学雑誌  2008/11
  • 感染症や災害、テロ等のリスクに対する認知の調査(3) (1)と(2)の調査法の比較  [Not invited]
    大内 淳也, 増地 あゆみ, 神田 浩路, 孫 芸先, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集  2006/10
  • 感染症や災害、テロ等のリスクに対する認知の調査(1) 郵送法  [Not invited]
    神田 浩路, 大内 淳也, 孫 芸先, 増地 あゆみ, 大林 由英, 玉城 英彦
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集  2006/10

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