Researcher Database

Researcher Profile and Settings


Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Medicine Interdisciplinary Medicine Department of Medical Biology

Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Medicine Interdisciplinary Medicine Department of Medical Biology


Profile and Settings


  • Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Letters Division of History and Area Studies


  • Ph.D.(2007/12 University of New Mexico)

Profile and Settings

  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)

  • Name



  • Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Letters Division of History and Area Studies


Research Interests

  • human evolution   formation processes   environment   Paleolithic   dating methods   Japan   hearth   obsidian   America   Spain   Hokkaido   spatial analysis   geoarchaeology   lithics   archaeological method and theory   hunter-gatherers   anthropology   archaeology   

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Archaeology
  • Humanities & social sciences / Museology
  • Humanities & social sciences / Cultural properties

Research Experience

  • 2015/04 - Today Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University assistant professor
  • 2022/10 - 2024/03 Tohoku University The Faculty of Arts and Letters
  • 2021/10 - 2022/03 Tohoku University The Faculty of Arts and Letters
  • 2012/04 - 2015/03 Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University postdoctoral resaerch fellow
  • 2011/05 - 2012/03 Section of Social Education, Atsuma Board of Education, Atsuma Town, Hokkaido
  • 2011/08 - 2011/08 Tokyo Metropolitan University part-time lecturer
  • 2009/04 - 2011/04 Section of Cultural Heritage Management, Zao Board of Education, Zao Town, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
  • 2008/12 - 2010/11 University of New Mexico Department of Anthropology adjunct assistant professor
  • 2008/08 - 2008/12 Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico crew chief/lithic analyst
  • 2008/02 - 2008/07 TRC Companies, Inc. crew chief
  • 2006/08 - 2007/05 University of New Mexico Department of Anthropology graduate assistant


  • 2001/08 - 2007/12  University of New Mexico  Department of Anthropology
  • 1996/04 - 1998/03  Hokkaido University  Graduate School of Letters

Committee Memberships

  • 2023/06 - Today   Hokkaido Archaeological Society   Committee member


  • 2021/08 北海道大学 全学教育科目 エクセレント・ティーチャーズ
  • 2014/06 日本旧石器学会奨励賞(第1回)
    受賞者: 中沢祐一
  • 2011/08 日本第四紀学会論文賞
    受賞者: 中沢祐一;出穂雅実;赤井文人

Published Papers

  • Tsutsumi, T, Ikeya, N, Nakazawa, Y
    Natural Resource Enviornment and Humans (14) 89 - 96 2024/03 [Refereed]
  • On the ground lithic rod from the Tatsuki site: an analogical reasoning to the function
    Yuichi Nakazawa
    Bulletin of the Laboratory of Archaeology, Hokkaido University (3) 57 - 68 2024/02 [Not refereed]
  • Yuichi Nakazawa, Cristina Vega Maeso, Eduardo Carmona-Ballestero, John Rissetto, Alberto Berzosa Ordaz, Yasuo Naoe, Kensho Dohi, Mina Araya, Hidehiko Nomura, Mari Sumita, Hans-Ulrich Schmincke
    Quaternary International 676 37 - 52 1040-6182 2023/12 [Refereed]
  • 黒曜石水和層法:現状と課題
    季刊考古学 別冊42 20 - 23 2023/07 [Invited]
  • 伝熱工学的アプローチによる炉をめぐる車座モデルの評価
    旧石器研究 (19) 1 - 19 2023/05 [Refereed]
  • Nakazawa, Y
    Bulletin of the Laboratory of Archaeology, Hokkaido University (2) 55 - 63 2022/12 [Not refereed]
  • 仙台市富沢遺跡27層コンポーネントの年代決定:古本州島北部における最終氷期最盛期の石器群の年代と古サハリン-北海道-千島半島との関連
    出穂雅実, 國木田大, 斎野裕彦, 平塚幸人, 中沢祐一, 大谷 薫, 廣松滉一, 百原 新, 高原 光, 松崎浩之
    旧石器研究 (18) 51 - 69 2022/05 [Refereed]
  • Yuichi Nakazawa, Masaki Naganuma, Takashi Tsutsumi
    Quaternary International 608-609 75 - 87 1040-6182 2021/03 [Refereed]
  • 神子柴系石器群における遺跡形成過程
    季刊考古学 153 81 - 84 2020/10 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 実験痕跡研究における形成理論の役割
    石器痕跡研究の理論と実践 33 - 48 2020/10 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • Yuichi Nakazawa, Fumito Akai
    Lithic Technology 45 (3) 127 - 139 0197-7261 2020/07/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Yuichi Nakazawa, Sachio Kobayashi, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Fumito Akai, Hidehiko Nomura
    Quaternary International 535 3 - 12 1040-6182 2020/01 [Refereed]
    Archaeologists have long used obsidian hydration dating method to give chronometric dates for obsidian artifacts. Models using these equations independently employ different measurement systems, which are based on rim thicknesses determined by optical microscope and hydrogen depths measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), respectively, although the inconsistency of both measurements has been reported. Firstly, this paper describes a systematic comparison that was done on optical rim thicknesses and hydrogen depths by means of an isotope microscope, which provides micro-imaging with SIMS. Depth profiles of hydrogen were precisely obtained from the spots where optical measurements were taken on the archaeological obsidian flakes from two distinctive cultural horizons (older: Upper Paleolithic, younger: Initial Jomon) in the stratified open-air site of Jozuka in southern Kyushu (Japan). Secondarily, using the measurements of hydrogen depths that are the most consistent to the measurements of optical thicknesses, the estimated hydration rate of the Holocene (Initial Jomon) is slower than that of the Late Pleistocene (Upper Paleolithic), implying that the difference in hydration rates was due to the difference of intrinsic water content of obsidian and/or obsidian geochemistry. An application of micro-imaging with SIMS to measure hydrogen depths on obsidian shows promise as a tool for improving the practice of hydration dating and evaluating local climatic condition.
  • Nakazawa, Y.
    Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 13 11 - 13 2020/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Nakazawa, Y. Sano, K, Naoe, Y, Sakamoto, N, Izuho, M, Nomura, H
    International Association for Obsidian Studies Bulletin 62 8 - 15 2019/12 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Nakazawa, Y., Iwase, A., Yamahara, T., Kitazawa, M.
    Quaternary International 515 53 - 65 1040-6182 2019/05 [Refereed]
  • Nakazawa, Y., Bae, C.J.
    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 512 145 - 155 0031-0182 2018/12 [Refereed]
  • 北海道における神子柴系石器群の存在性
    シンポジウム神子柴系石器群その存在と影響 38 - 44 2018/09 [Refereed][Invited]
  • An examination of the microblade cores from the Nakazato district, Oketo Town, Hokkaido
    Yuichi Nakazawa
    Ronshu Oshorokko V 91 - 107 2018/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • An effect of hydration on the use-wear made on obsidian tools
    Midoshima, Tadashi, Yuichi Nakazawa
    Ronshu Oshorokko V 1 - 11 2018/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Masami Izuho, Dai Kunikita, Yuichi Nakazawa, Noriyoshi Oda, Koichi Hiromatsu, Osamu Takahashi
    PaleoAmerica 4 (2) 134 - 150 2055-5563 2018/04/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • オホーツク文化前期の集団関係―「幕別A地点」の土器から―
    天野哲也, 中沢祐一
    実証の考古学 松藤和人先生退職記念論文集 同志社大学考古学シリーズ12 2018 [Refereed]
  • Yuichi Nakazawa
    CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY 58 S539 - S552 0011-3204 2017/12 [Refereed][Invited]
    This paper provides a current understanding of human population history in the Pleistocene Japanese Archipelago, particularly with respect to the routes and timing of hunter-gatherer migrations, by incorporating multiple lines of evidence from the records of archaeology, human paleontology, and genetic studies. The human fossil remains are concentrated on the Ryukyu Islands in southwestern Japan, suggesting that there may have been a northward migration via the Ryukyu Islands. In contrast, studies of ancient mitochondrial DNA demonstrate genetic continuity among Holocene hunter-gatherer populations in the Paleo-Sakhalin-Hokkaido-Kurile Peninsula, whereas the Pleistocene genetic history is little explored. Although it is largely supported, the assumed population continuity from the Pleistocene to the Holocene inside the Japanese Archipelago is also challenged by an examination of the Paleolithic record and a comparison of the short-and long-term chronologies of the Japanese Paleolithic, implying that the Japanese Paleolithic record was created by hunter-gatherer population migrations from the north and south with substantial time lag and endemic technological invention and transformation during the Late Pleistocene.
  • 最終氷期最盛期の北海道における石刃石器群の使用痕分析:川西C遺跡の分析
    岩瀬 彬, 中沢祐一
    旧石器研究 13 35 - 56 2017/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Yaroslav V. Kuzmin, Yuichi Nakazawa, Akira Ono
    QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 442 (Part B) 1 - 4 1040-6182 2017/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Yuichi Nakazawa, Fumito Akai
    QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 442 (Part B) 43 - 54 1040-6182 2017/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The wedge-shaped microblade core technology found along the northern Pacific Rim has been regarded as a trait of hunter-gatherer adaptation during the Late Glacial and initial Holocene. Having recognized variable microblade core reduction methods among the technocomplexes in Hokkaido, by employing an optimization model in lithic technology, the present paper addresses the question of what role bifacial microblade core technologies played in foraging, through a comparative analysis of utility, cost of transportation, and failure rates between the larger ("Sakkotsu") and smaller ("Oshorokko") bifacial microblade core technologies in the Late Glacial Hokkaido. Results suggest that as opposed to the larger bifacial microblade core technology, the smaller bifacial microblade core technology was more effective for exploring unpredictable environment across the northern Pacific Rim. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
  • 北海道中央部の旧石器について
    晩氷期の人類社会 : 北方先史狩猟採集民の適応行動と居住形態 169 - 187 2016/05 [Refereed][Invited]
  • Yuichi Nakazawa
    QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 397 474 - 483 1040-6182 2016/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Since its novel invention in 1960, obsidian hydration dating is now recognized as the chronometric method to give dates of archaeological sites, based on measurements of hydration rim thickness. Contrary to the increased awareness of various factors that affect hydration rates and reliability in measurements, the question whether and the extent to which the validity in the rim thickness measurements corresponds to the interested event has been less discussed. Here, validity of obsidian hydration dates that designate event of human site occupations is discussed in terms of site integrity of the Early Jomon midden in the Holocene site of Ocharasenai (OCH), Hokkaido, northern Japan. Expected integrity of the midden evidently left by prehistoric hunter-gatherers is tested through a comparison of microscopically-measured average rim thicknesses between the primarily extracted specimens and those chosen after assessing the validity. No statistical difference in estimated hydration dates between these two groups supports high integrity of the midden. The estimated date for the Early Jomon occupation at the OCH is 4388-4942 BP, fallen into the end of Middle Holocene. Results of the present examination indicate that obsidian hydration dating will aid to understand site formation processes. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
  • 黒曜石水和層法における温度因子の重要性
    論集忍路子IV 1 - 16 2015/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 中沢祐一
    駿台史學 = Sundai historical review : the journal of the Historico-Geographical Association of Meiji University 明治大学史学地理学会 (152) 129 - 144,127-128 0562-5955 2014/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Masami Izuho, Kazuhiro Hayashi, Yuichi Nakazawa, Tsutomu Soda, Noriyoshi Oda, Toshiro Yamahara, Minoru Kitazawa, Ian Buvit
    GEOARCHAEOLOGY-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 29 (3) 202 - 220 0883-6353 2014/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    As debates about the late Pleistocene human occupation of northeast Asia continue, the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) prehistory of Hokkaido becomes more relevant. A geoarchaeological evaluation of key sites on the island will provide important evidence to understand human adaptive responses to LGM environments. Kawanishi-C is located on the middle terrace of the Satsunai River, eastern Hokkaido. Previous salvage excavations totaling 5756 m(2) revealed three archaeological layers in eolian sediments: (1) an early Jomon component above the Ta-d tephra (similar to 7000 cal. yr B.P.), (2) a microblade component between the Ta-d and En-a tephras (similar to 15,000 cal. yr B.P.), and (3) a blade/flake-based assemblage between the En-a and Spfa-1 tephras (27,000-25,000 cal. yr B.P.). Integration of geoarchaeological investigations and statistical analysis of the artifacts' spatial distribution indicates that the relatively low energy eolian matrix preserved the site's behavioral context, though some post-depositional agent, such as frost heaving, may have slightly displaced the artifacts vertically.
  • 北海道帯広市南町2遺跡スポット3の黒曜石遺物の蛍光X線分析
    ジェフリーR. ファーガソン, 出穂雅実, 尾田識好, 中沢祐一, 山原敏朗
    黒曜石の流通と消費からみた環日本海北部地域における更新世人類社会の形成と変容(Ⅱ) 97 - 102 2014/03/30
  • 厚真町上幌内モイ遺跡旧石器地点出土黒曜石石器の原産地推定:EPMA による黒曜石ガラスの化学組成
    和田恵治, 向井正幸, 出穂雅実, 赤井文人, 中沢祐一
    黒曜石の流通と消費からみた環日本海北部地域における更新世人類社会の形成と変容(Ⅱ) 57 - 74 2014/03/30
  • 北海道勇払郡厚真町上幌内モイ遺跡旧石器地点出土黒曜石遺物の蛍光X線分析および放射化分析
    ファーガソン、ジェフリー, グラスコック、マイケル, 出穂雅実, 尾田識好, 赤井文人, 中沢祐一, 佐藤宏之
    黒曜石の流通と消費からみた環日本海北部地域における更新世人類社会の形成と変容(Ⅱ) 57 - 74 2014/03/30 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Nakazawa, Y., Yamada, S.
    Emergence and Diversity of Modern Human Behavior in Paleolithic Asia 2014 [Refereed][Invited]
  • Integration of obsidian compositional studies and lithic reduction sequence analysis at the Upper Paleolithic Site of Ogachi-Kato 2, Hokkaido, Japan
    Izuho, M, Ferguson, J, R, Glascock, M, D, Oda, N, Akai, F, Nakazawa, Y, Sato, H
    Methodological Issues for Characterisation and Provenance Studies of Obsidian in Northeast Asia 125 - 142 2014 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 炉跡周辺の廃棄行動
    石器文化研究 19 102 - 110 2014/01 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • The Upper Paleolithic of Hokkaido: current evidence and its geochronological framework
    Izuho, M., Akai, F., Nakazawa, Y., Iwase, A.
    Environmental Changes and Human Occupation in East Asia during the OIS3 and OIS2 109 - 128 2012 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • The Palaeolithic Site in the Foot of Mt. Yakurai of Kami Town(2)
    Ono Shotaro, Kanomata Yoshitaka, Sakuma Kohei, Nakazawa Yuichi, Murakami Yuji, Murata Hiroyuki
    宮城考古学 (13) 193 - 202 2011/12/10 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Yuichi Nakazawa, Akira Iwase, Fumito Akai, Masami Izuho
    QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 242 (2) 416 - 433 1040-6182 2011/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The effect of the Younger Dryas cold reversal on the survival of Late Glacial hunter-gatherers in the Japanese Archipelago is evaluated, through a synthetic compilation of (14)C dates obtained from excavated Late Glacial and initial Holocene sites (332 (14)C dates from 88 sites). The estimated East Asian monsoon intensity and vegetation history based on the loess accumulations in varved sediments and pollen records in and around the Japanese Archipelago suggest an abrupt change to cool and dry climate at the onset of Younger Dryas, coupled with the Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles as recorded in Greenland. The chronometric placement of sites based on an assessment of (14)C dates show that the site numbers decrease from the Bolling-Allerod to Younger Dryas and increase from the Younger Dryas to Preboreal. However, human population dynamics inferred from a site distribution analysis was little changed from the previous Bolling-Allerod and to the following Preboreal. Moreover, hunter-gatherers consistently employed ceramic pottery technology since its emergence prior to the onset of Younger Dryas, while the quantity of ceramic vessels that were undermined during the Younger Dryas dramatically increased at the onset of the Holocene, implying that a substantial change in hunter-gatherer socioeconomy occurred after the end of Younger Dryas. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
  • 中沢祐一
    旧石器研究 日本旧石器学会 7 (7) 107 - 125 2011/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Nakazawa Yuichi, Yamahara Toshiro, Kitazawa Minoru
    Current Research in the Pleistocene Texas A & M Univ 27 (0) 46 - 48 2010 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Yuichi Nakazawa
    Asian Perspectives 49 (2) 231 - 250 1535-8283 2010 [Refereed][Not invited]
    An expansion in archaeological excavations and site identifications over the last 30 years, particularly through an increase in salvage projects and the growth of government archaeology in Japan, has made the Japanese Islands one of the most dense regions of Palaeolithic archaeological sites in East Asia. The history of Pleistocene site discoveries and chronological frameworks for Palaeolithic lithic industries are summarized, followed by a critical review of research trajectories in the accumulation of a Palaeolithic record, specifically in terms of changes in relationships among academic archaeology, government archaeology, the public, and mass media. This article also attempts to clarify the peculiar structure of current Japanese archaeology that allowed the construction of a falsified Palaeolithic prehistory by some unscrupulous researchers for 20 years until its sensational exposure by a national daily in 2000. © 2011 by the University of Hawai'i Press.
  • Masami Izuho, Yuichi Nakazawa, Fumito Akai, Tsutomu Soda, Hirotaka Oda
    GEOARCHAEOLOGY-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 24 (4) 492 - 517 0883-6353 2009/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
    In order to better understand modern human behavioral variability in Hokkaido, Japan, we consider the geoarchaeology of the Kamihoronai-Moi site in terms of its geochronology, stratigraphy, depositional environments, and post-depositional disturbances. A Paleolithic component is stratigraphically situated between the Eniwa-a (15,000-17,000 C-14 yr B.P.) and the Tarumae-d (8000-9000 C-14 yr B.P.) tephras. Moreover, six AMS C-14 ages on charcoal from a Pleistocene-aged hearth feature are between 14,400 and 14,800 C-14 yr B.P. Quantitative examinations of patterns in artifact distributions show a low degree of vertical and horizontal displacement of chipped-stone artifacts, suggesting that, post-depositional movement of the cultural material was insufficient, to disrupt. the original pattern of artifact distribution. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • NAKAZAWA Yuichi, IZUHO Masami, AKAI Fumito
    The Quaternary research 日本第四紀学会 48 (2) 85 - 96 0418-2642 2009/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Yuichi Nakazawa, Lawrence G. Straus, Manuel R. Gonzalez-Morales, David Cuenca Solana, Jorge Caro Saiz
    JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE 36 (3) 684 - 693 0305-4403 2009/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Stone boiling is one of the principal cooking methods used by hunter-gatherer societies. The present paper Proposes behavioral and organizational inferences as to how stone boiling was incorporated into hunter-gatherer subsistence practices through an examination of a sliallow-basin hearth in ail Early Magdalenian level (c. 15,500 (14)C B.P.) of El Miron Cave, Cantabria (northern Spain). Exploratory analysis of spatial patterns of archaeological remains (bones, lithic artifacts, and fire-cracked rocks) and use-life analysis of fire-cracked rocks demonstrate that the hearth was used and maintained during Visits Of humans who preyed mainly on ibex and red deer near the site. The relative accessibility of these ungulates and cost-induced technology of stone boiling suggest the implication that stone boiling was employed to maximize the energy and nutrition obtained from carcasses of these game taxa under the circumstance of resource intensification. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Human resource use during the upper paleolithic in Cantabria, northern Spain
    考古学ジャーナル 575 19 - 22 2008/07 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • Nakazawa, Y
    Quarterly of archaeological studies 考古学研究会 55 (1) 68 - 75 0386-9148 2008/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 北海道勇払郡厚真町上幌内モイ遺跡における居住史
    論集忍路子II 63 - 81 2008/05 [Refereed][Invited]
  • The Far East Archaeological Database (FEAD): A Minimum 1-Minute Resolution Dataset for Exploring the Big Picture
    Gillam, J.C., Tabarev, A.V., Izuho, M., Nakazawa, Y., Chen, Q., Tspgtbaatar, B., Yoo, Y.
    Current Research in the Pleistocene 25 197 - 199 2008 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Nakazawa, Y, Izuho, M, Akai, F
    Current Research in the Pleistocene 24 (24) 37 - 40 2007 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • On the variation of assemblage size in Late Pleniglacial Hokkaido: Sampling error or behavioral signature?
    Izuho, M, Nakazawa, Y
    Current Research in the Pleistocene (23) 4 - 6 2006 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Stone tool assemblage variability during the Last Glacial Maximum in Hokkaido
    Nakazawa, Y, M. Izuho
    Current Research in the Pleistocene (23) 26 - 28 2006 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • On the disposition of Kennewick Man
    Yuichi Nakazawa
    論集忍路子I 93 - 101 2005/05 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • Yuichi Nakazawa, Masami Izuho, Jun Takakura, Satoru Yamada
    Asian Perspectives 44 (2) 276 - 292 0066-8435 2005 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Five decades of research history on the late Upper Paleolithic in Hokkaido (northern Japan) shows that microblade assemblages appeared by approximately 20,000 B.P. and that various microblade technologies were developed during late Pleistocene. The empirically observed good association between the morphological features of lithic raw materials and the reduction sequences of microblade cores demonstrates that morphological features of procured lithic raw materials (i.e., size and surface condition), which were constrained by unique geological and geoarchaeological characteristics in Hokkaido, created remarkable variability in reduction methods of microblade technology. This implies that geoarchaeological perspective can contribute to understanding technological variability in microblade assemblages in northeastern Asia. © 2005 by the University of Hawai'i Press.
  • 中範囲理論と形成過程理論
    文化の多様性と比較考古学 391 - 398 2004 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 高倉 純, 中沢 祐一
    北海道考古学 北海道考古学会 39 (0) 1 - 16 0287-2161 2003/03 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • An experimental examination for detecting thermal traits on obsidian artifacts
    Nakazazwa, Y
    The Effects of Fire and Heat on Obsidian 203 - 219 2002/06 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 北海道最終氷期極相期における素材利用からみた剥片石器群の形成—千歳市丸子山遺跡恵庭a下層石器群の属性分析による型式学的検討—
    北海道旧石器文化研究 6 1 - 18 2001 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • NAKAZAWA Yuichi
    The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu) 日本第四紀学会 39 (6) 535 - 546 0418-2642 2000/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
    In order to detect the effects of thermally altered obsidian on lithic assemblage, prominent morphological characteristics of obsidian artifacts, which include crazing and breakages, were classified in examining a Meboshigawa 2 assemblage at a late upper Paleolithic site in Hokkaido, northern Japan.Observations made using a light microscope discerned six prominent morphological characteristics: crazing like a fingerprint, squamous crazing, tiny cracks, vesiculation, breakage with flat surface, and breakage with irregular surface. All specimens could fall into one of 33 categories in terms o...
  • 遺物重量と遺物の上下拡散—石器群垂直分布の多角的分析による「生活面」の認定—
    マイクロブレイド 創刊号 32 - 53 2000 [Not refereed][Not invited]


  • 青木要祐, 中沢祐一, 佐野恭平, 和田恵治  細石刃石器群発見 70 周年記念 日本列島および東ユーラシアにおける 細石刃石器群の展開  83  -84  2023/11
  • 中沢祐一  旧石器電子辞書  2023/02
  • 大雪山における遺跡踏査報告
    中沢祐一, 村本周三, 赤井文人, 瀬下直人, 山田哲, 髙倉純, 山原敏朗  第22回 北アジア調査研究報告会  2023/02
  • 居住と遺跡形成
    中沢祐一  第36回 東北日本の旧石器文化を語る会北海道大会 予稿集  19  -26  2022/12  [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 神子柴遺跡における破砕黒曜石の来歴
    堤 隆, 中沢祐一  シンポジウム 検証:サピエンス日本列島への道  47  -54  2022/10
  • Yuichi Nakazawa  日本旧石器学会ニュースレター  (49)  1  -3  2021/12/20  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 北海道常呂郡置戸町田付遺跡出土の石器について
    中沢祐一, 矢原史希  第35回東北日本の旧石器文化を語る会予稿集  44  -52  2021/12  [Not refereed][Invited]
  • シンポジウム「北海道の旧石器時代と集団」趣旨説明
    尾田識好, 中沢祐一  日本旧石器学会第19回研究発表シンポジウム予稿集  37  -38  2021/06  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 北回りルートと北海道における更新世人類居住:論点の素描
    中沢祐一  ホモ・サピエンスのアジア定着期における行動様式の解明  5-  2021/03  [Not refereed]
  • 忘れられた置戸遺跡群
    中沢祐一  第34回東北日本の旧石器文化を語る会予稿集  36  -45  2020/12  [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 4万年前以前の日本列島人類存否問題へのパースペクティヴ
    中沢祐一  Communications of the Palaeo Perspective 旧石器時代研究への視座  2-  28  -30  2020/11  [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 開地遺跡の形成過程について:北海道北東部における遺跡調査成果とパレオアジア研究における展望
    中沢祐一  文部科学省科学研究費補助金・新学術領域研究2016-2020:パレオアジア文化史学第9回研究大会  26  -26  2020/05/16  [Not refereed][Invited]
  • Yuichi Nakazawa  Inference: International Review of Science  5-  (2)  2020/05/04  [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 北海道常呂郡置戸町・共栄3遺跡の調査
    中沢祐一, 長沼正樹, 青木要祐, 赤井文人, 髙倉 純, 山田 哲, 中村雄紀, 早田 勉  第33回東北日本の旧石器文化を語る会 予稿集  59  -62  2019/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 北海道東北部常呂川上流域における考古遺跡調査(2018年度)
    中沢祐一  パレオアジア文化史学A02班2018年度研究報告  25  -29  2019/03  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Excavation of Nishitomi site 2018, Niseko,Hokkaido.
    TAKAKURA Jun, AKAI Fumito, Suzuki Kenji, TERASAKI Yasushi, NAKAZAWA Yu'ichi, NAGANUMA Masaki, MURAMOTO Shuzou, MORI Hisao  Proceedings of the 20th Anual meeting of the Research Association of the North Asia.  15  -16  2019/02  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 趣旨説明
    中沢祐一  日本旧石器学会第16回研究発表シンポジウム予稿集  45  -46  2018/06  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 考古 一 旧石器時代
    中沢祐一  史学雑誌  127-  (5 回顧と展望)  11  -16  2018/05  [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 北海道東北部常呂川上流域における考古遺跡調査:共栄3遺跡の試掘調査概要
    中沢祐一  ホモ・サピエンスのアジア定着期における行動様式の解明2(「パレオアジア」A02班2017年度研究報告)  2018/03  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Archeological Excavation of Nisitomi site(2017), Niseko town,Hokkaido
    TAKAKURA Jun, SUZUKI Kenji, NAKAZAWA Yuichi, NAGANUMA Masaki  19th Annual meeting of the RANA  21  -22  2018/03  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 論文展望
    中沢祐一  季刊考古学  (144)  113  -113  2018  [Not refereed][Invited]
  • An archaeological research of modern humans in the Kitami Basin, northeastern Hokkaido: A preliminary result of the text excavation at the Kyoei 3 site in Oketo Town, northeastern Hokkaido.
    NAKAZAWA Yuichi, NAGANUMA Masaki, HIROMATSU Koichi, AKAI Fumito, ODA Noriyoshi, YOSHIDOME Shohei, NAKAMURA Yuuki, UCHIDA Kazunori, TANEISHI Yu, TOMIZUKA Ryo, TAKAKURA Jun, IZUHO Masami  The 4th Conference on Cultural History of PaleoAsia: Integrative research on the formative processes of modern human culture in Asia  72  -73  2017/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 日本列島における前期旧石器研究の展望
    中沢祐一  第31回東北日本の旧石器文化を語る会 予稿集  110  -113  2017/12  [Not refereed][Invited]
  • An archaeological survey to trace modern human occupations in the Kitami Basin, northeastern Hokkaido
    NAKAZAWA Yuichi, TAMURA Masafumi, Masaki Naganuma, AKAI Fumito, TANEISHI Yu  Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Cultural History of PaleoAsia, February 10–12, 2017  36  -37  2017/02  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 置戸遺跡群の調査と地域的意義への展望
    中沢祐一  北海道立北方民族博物館第31回特別展図録「北からの文化の波:北海道の旧石器からオホーツク文化まで」  39  -41  2016/07  [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 出穂 雅実, 國木田 大, 尾田 識好, 廣松 滉一, 中沢 祐一, 赤井 文人, 高橋 理  旧石器研究 = Palaeolithic research  (12)  207  -215  2016/05
  • 第6節 西多羅ヶ迫遺跡X層出土ジャスパー製石器における加熱処理の可能性 被熱痕跡と実験の検討から
    中沢祐一  水迫遺跡IV・西多羅ヶ迫遺跡  434  -444  2013/03
  • 書評『スカルウォーズ』:ケネウィックマン,考古学,及び北米先住民アイデンティティーに関する闘い
    中沢祐一  北海道旧石器文化研究  (10)  159  -160  2005  [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 北米における石器研究―ムステリアン論争とその周辺―
    中沢祐一  北海道旧石器文化研究  8-  9  -11  2003  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 高倉 純, 出穂 雅実, 中沢 祐一, 鶴丸俊明  古代文化  53-  (9)  531  -538  2001/09  [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 千歳市丸子山遺跡恵庭a下層石器群における小型剥片の剥離過程
    中沢祐一  北海道旧石器文化研究  5-  35  -42  2000  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 北海道地方—旧石器時代石器群研究の課題—
    高倉 純, 中沢祐一  石器文化研究  7-  1  -10  1999  [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 黒曜石の被熱
    中沢祐一  北海道旧石器文化研究  3-  1  -12  1998/05  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 被熱黒曜石生成の実験ー黒曜石の白色部形成についてー
    中沢祐一  北海道考古学  (34)  122  -123  1998/03  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 馬場平遺跡採集の尖頭器
    中沢祐一  佐久考古通信  (65)  14  -16  1995/06  [Not refereed][Not invited]

Books etc

  • The Ocharasenai site
    Amakata, H, Miyazaki, M, Miyatsuka, S, Nakazawa, Y, Miyatsuka, Y, Inui, T, Nara, T (Joint editor)
    Atsuma Board of Education 2014/03 379
  • Waters, Michael R., 熊井, 久雄, 川辺, 孝幸, 松田, 順一郎, 高倉, 純, 出穂, 雅実, 別所, 秀高, 中沢, 祐一 
    朝倉書店 2012/07 (ISBN: 9784254530186) xvii, 326p
  • Nishiura B site
    Suzuki, M, Y. Nakazawa (ContributorLithic artifacts)
    Zao Board of Education 2011/01
  • 2007 Archeological Data Recovery Program at LA 26917: VC02 (Road B) Mitigation, Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico
    Turnbow, C.A, Nakazawa, Y (Joint editorLithic analysis)
    Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico 2009
  • 2007 Archeological Data Recovery Program at LA 26917: VC02 (Road B) Mitigation, Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexic
    Nakazawa, Y (ContributorDebitage mass analysis lithic data)
    Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico 2009
  • The Scorpion Site (LA 119530): changing land use patterns on an alluvial fan in Alamogordo, New Mexico
    Nakazawa, Y. (ContributorFlaked and ground stone analysis)
    Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico 2008
  • Archaeological investigations at the Alameda Elementary School Kindergarten (LA 421)
    Nakazawa, Y. (ContributorLithic analysis)
    Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico 2008
  • Data Recovery Investigations at the Wingate School Site (NM-Q-36-3/LA 76041): Fort Wingate, Iyanbito Chapter, McKinley County, New Mexico
    Brown, W.T., Nakazawa, Y. (ContributorHistoric Euroamerian artifact analysis)
    Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico 2007
  • The Volcano Vista High School Site: Excavation at LA 134636 on the West Mesa of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico
    Nakazawa, Y. (ContributorLithic analysis)
    Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico 2006/11
  • 上幌内モイ遺跡(1)
    中沢祐一 (Contributor遺物の空間分布)
    北海道厚真町教育委員会 2006/03
  • Across the Caja del Rio Plateau III: Hunters and Farmers in the Northern Rio Grande
    Nakazawa, Y. (ContributorLithic analysis)
    Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico 2005
  • Across the Caja del Rio Plateau II: Hunters and Farmers in the Northern Rio Grande
    Nakazawa, Y. (ContributorLithic analysis)
    Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico 2004


  • タチカルシュナイ第V遺跡C地点出土の黒曜石原産地と水和層の解釈  [Not invited]
    青木要祐, 中沢祐一, 佐野恭平, 和田恵治
    細石刃発見70周年記念シンポジウム『日本列島および東ユーラシアにおける細石刃石器群の展開』  2023/11
  • Tsutumi, T, Nakazawa, Y
    IOC Engaru  2023/07
  • Why does thermally-altered obsidian develop irregular hydration rims? a diagnosis using SEM-EDS  [Not invited]
    Nakazawa, Y, Matsumoto, A.
    IOC Engaru  2023/07
  • 北海道柏台1遺跡の剥片石器群を対象とした石器使用痕分析  [Not invited]
    岩瀬 彬, 中沢祐一
    日本旧石器学会第21回研究発表  2023/06
  • 大雪山における遺跡踏査報告  [Not invited]
    第22回 北アジア調査研究報告会  2023/02
  • 居住と遺跡形成  [Invited]
    第36回 東北日本の旧石器文化を語る会  2022/12
  • Obsidian hydration dating: current status of research and issues
    Nakazawa, Y
    2022年度北大史学大会(online)  2022/07
  • 北海道常呂郡置戸町田付遺跡出土の石器について  [Not invited]
    中沢祐一, 矢原史希
    第35回 東北日本の旧石器文化を語る会(online)  2021/12
  • シンポジウム「北海道の旧石器時代と集団」趣旨説明
    尾田識好, 中沢祐一
    日本旧石器学会第19回シンポジウム(online)  2021/06
  • 忘れられた置戸遺跡群  [Not invited]
    第34回東北日本の旧石器文化を語る会(online)  2020/12
  • A human exploitation of obsidian in Pre-Hispanic Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain: A preliminary result of obsidian sourcing based on pedestrian survey and geochemical analysis  [Not invited]
    Yuichi Nakazawa, Cristina Vega Maeso, Mari Sumita, Eduardo Carmona-Ballestero, John Rissetto, Alberto Berzosa Ordaz, Yasuo Naoe, Kensho Dohi, Mina Araya, Mercedes del Arco-Aguilar, Hans-Ulrich Schmincke
    JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020(online)  2020/07
  • 北海道常呂郡置戸町・共栄3遺跡の調査  [Not invited]
    中沢祐一, 長沼正樹, 青木要祐, 赤井文人, 髙倉 純, 山田 哲, 中村雄紀, 早田 勉
    第33回 東北日本の旧石器文化を語る会秋田大会  2019/12
  • 共栄3遺跡の発掘成果: 北海道東北部における現生人類居住に関する考古学的調査  [Not invited]
    パレオアジア文化史学 第8回研究大会  2019/12
  • Stone tool caches and early ceramic producers in the terminal Pleistocene of Japan  [Not invited]
    Nakazawa, Y, Tsutsumi, T
    20th Congress of INQUA  2019/07
  • 母岩別資料を用いた黒曜石水和層法の知見:旧白滝3遺跡の例  [Not invited]
    中沢祐一, 佐野恭平, 直江康雄, 坂本尚史
    日本旧石器学会第17回大会  2019/06
  • 北海道の初源的石刃技術と北アジアにおける石刃技術の出現  [Not invited]
    中沢祐一, 岩瀬 彬
    パレオアジア文化史学第7回研究大会  2019/05
  • An assessment of the intrinsic water content toward understanding obsidian hydration: a case study of Paleolithic obsidian from the Shirataki in Hokkaido, Japan.  [Not invited]
    Nakazawa, Y, Sano, K
    IAOS (International Association for Obsidian Studies) symposium at 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology  2019/04
  • Technological Choices of the Last Glacial Maximum foragers in Hokkaido, Northern Japan: Blade or Flake?  [Not invited]
    Nakazawa, Y
    Paleoanthropology Society 2019 annual meeting  2019/04
  • 黒曜石石器の表面状態の分析に係る実験について  [Not invited]
    赤井文人, 瀬下直人, 中沢祐一
    北海道旧石器文化研究会2018年度定例研究会  2019/03
  • 置戸町共栄3遺跡の調査  [Not invited]
    中沢祐一, 長沼正樹, 赤井文人, 青木要祐, 早田 勉
    北海道旧石器文化研究会2018年度定例研究会  2019/03
  • 北海道における神子柴系石器群の存在性  [Not invited]
    シンポジウム神子柴系石器群その存在と影響  2018/09
  • 趣旨説明  [Not invited]
    2018年度日本旧石器学会シンポジウム「日本列島への人類拡散と後期旧石器時代の成立を考える」  2018/06
  • Excavation at the Upper Paleolithic site of Tarvagataiin Am, Khudel Sum, Selenge Aimag (Mongolia): A preliminary result
    Izuho, M, Gunchinsuren, B, Tsogtbaatar, F, Akai, F, Hiromatsu, K, Iizuka, F, Bazargur, D, Odsuren, D, Nakazawa, Y
    The 18th UISPP Wrold Congress  2018/06
  • The earliest microblade core technology in the Paleo-Sakhalin-Hokkaido-Kurile Peninsula  [Not invited]
    Nakazawa, Y, Akai, F
    The 18th UISPP World Congress  2018/06
  • 北海道東北部の置戸黒曜石産地周辺における人類活動  [Not invited]
    パレオアジア文化史学 第5回研究大会  2018/05
  • 陸別町斗満台地遺跡出土石器群の再検討  [Not invited]
    中沢祐一, 岩瀬 彬, 尾田識好, 赤井文人, 廣松晃一, 出穂雅実, 大鳥居仁
    北海道旧石器文化研究会2017年度定例研究会  2018/03
  • 北海道東北部・北見盆地における現生人類遺跡の考古学的調査:  [Not invited]
    中沢祐一, 長沼正樹, 廣松滉一, 赤井文人, 尾田識好, 吉留頌平, 中村雄紀, 内田和典, 種石 悠, 富塚 龍, 高倉 純, 出穂雅実
    パレオアジア文化史学 第4回研究大会  2017/12
  • 日本列島における前期旧石器研究の展望  [Not invited]
    第31回 東北日本の旧石器文化を語る会岩手大会  2017/12
  • ストーンボイリングおよび関連した文化革新/ 退行についての民族誌データ  [Not invited]
    山田仁史, 中沢祐一
    文部科学省科学研究費補助金・新学術領域研究2016–2020:パレオアジア文化史学第4回研究大会  2017/12
  • 北海道東北部・北見盆地における現生人類遺跡の考古学的調査: 共栄3遺跡(置戸町)の試掘調査の成果  [Not invited]
    中沢祐一, 長沼正樹, 廣松滉一, 赤井文人, 尾田識好, 吉留頌平, 中村雄紀, 内田和典, 種石 悠, 富塚 龍, 高倉 純, 出穂雅実
    文部科学省科学研究費補助金・新学術領域研究2016–2020:パレオアジア文化史学第4回研究大会  2017/12
  • 資源利用の集約化とストーンボイリング:パレオアジアの礫群分析に向けたヨーロッパ後期旧石器からの展望  [Not invited]
    文部科学省科学研究費補助金・新学術領域研究2016–2020:パレオアジア文化史学第3回研究大会  2017/05
  • Yuichi Nakazawa, Cristina Vega Maeso, Eduardo Carmona Ballestero, John Risseto, Alberto Berzosa Ondaz, Yasuo Naoe, Kensho Dohi, Mina Araya, Mercedes del Arco-Aguilar
    JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017  2017/04
  • 黒曜石水和層法による北海道最終氷期の石器群の時間的関係:旧白滝3遺跡の検討例  [Not invited]
    中沢祐一, 直江康雄, 坂本尚史
    北海道旧石器文化研究会2016年度定例研究会  2017/03
  • 北海道東北部の北見盆地における現生人類遺跡の考古学的踏査  [Not invited]
    中沢祐一, 田村昌文, 長沼正樹, 赤井文人, 種石 悠
    文部科学省科学研究費補助金・新学術領域研究2016–2020:パレオアジア文化史学第2回研究大会  2017/02
  • 考古資料に基づく後期旧石器時代の社会・人間行動復元の現状と課題  [Not invited]
    中沢祐一, 出穂雅実
    文部科学省科学研究費補助金・新学術領域研究2016–2020:パレオアジア文化史学第1回研究大会  2016/11
  • 北アメリカの先史文化の誕生と北海道の旧石器文化  [Invited]
    北方民族博物館平成28年度講座  2016/08
  • Measuring Obsidian Hydration Rim using the Optical Microscope and Micro-Imaging with Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: A Case Study from the Stratified Open-Air Site of Jozuka in Southern Kyushu, Japan  [Not invited]
    Yuichi Nakazawa, Sachio Kobayashi, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Fumito Akai, Hidehiko Nomura
    The 8th Meeting of the Asian Paleolithic Association  2016/06
  • アメリカ考古学の最前線  [Invited]
    秋田県立博物館講演会  2015/10
  • An application of obsidian hydration dating to prehistoric sites in Japan  [Not invited]
    Nakazawa, Y, Akai, F
    The 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology  2015/04
  • The lithic technological strategies in the Upper Paleolithic of Hokkaido: a view to the transition from the LGM to post-LGM  [Not invited]
    Yuichi Nakazawa
    The 7th international symposium of the Asian Paleolithic Association  2014/11
  • 中沢祐一
    日本第四紀学会2014年大会  2014/09
  • 炉跡周辺の廃棄行動  [Invited]
    第17回石器文化研究交流会  2014/01
  • Iwase, A, Nakazawa, Y
    International Workshop of “Changes in Behavioral and Technological Adaptation around the LGM in Eurasia”  2013/11
  • Akai, F, Nakazawa, Y
    International Workshop of “Changes in Behavioral and Technological Adaptation around the LGM in Eurasia”  2013/11
  • Hayashi, K, Nakazawa, Y, Izuho, M
    International Workshop of “Changes in Behavioral and Technological Adaptation around the LGM in Eurasia”  2013/11
  • 黒曜石水和層法における計測値の評価  [Not invited]
    日本第四紀学会2013年大会  2013/08
  • 二次加工部の形態変異について:北海道LGM石器群の分析から  [Not invited]
    中沢祐一, 岩瀬 彬, 出穂雅実
    日本旧石器学会第11回大会  2013/06
  • 黒曜石水和層法の新しい方向  [Not invited]
    北海道旧石器文化研究会  2013/05
  • An evaluation of site occupation intensity: hearth-centered spatial organization at the Upper Paleolithic open-air site of Kawanishi C, Hokkaido, Japan  [Not invited]
    Nakazawa, Y, Iwase, A, Izuho, M, Yamahara, T, M. Kitazawa
    78th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology  2013/04
  • Use-wear analysis of the portable blade tools: organization of technology among the Upper Paleolithic foragers in Hokkaido  [Not invited]
    Iwase, A, Y. Nakazawa
    78th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology  2013/04
  • Toward a reexamination of the Last Glacial Maximum occupation of Kashiwadai 1  [Invited]
    Yuichi Nakazawa
    Upper Paleolithic Geochronology around the LGM in Northeast Asia  2012/11
  • アメリカ合衆国における文化資源管理—南西部ニューメキシコ州の例―  [Not invited]
    第66回日本人類学会大会  2012/11
  • 北海道の細石刃石器群について―発生から展開へ―  [Invited]
    戸沢充則先生追悼シンポジウム:細石刃石器群研究へのアプローチ  2012/07
  • 携帯性石刃石器はどのように使われたのか―北海道帯広市川西C遺跡出土石器の使用痕分析―  [Not invited]
    岩瀬 彬, 中沢祐一
    日本旧石器学会第10回大会  2012/06
  • 遺跡形成過程にみる開地遺跡における居住強度の変化  [Not invited]
    日本旧石器学会第10回大会  2012/06
  • On the Stone Tool Assemblage Variability in Hokkaido and Emergence of Microblade Technology in Northern Eurasia  [Invited]
    Nakazawa, Y, S. Yamada
    Emergence and Diversity of Modern Human Behavior in Palaeolithic Asia  2011/12
  • The origin of humanly used cobbles: A study of the ‘manuports’ from the Late Glacial cultural deposit of El Mirón cave, Cantabria (Spain)  [Not invited]
    Nakazawa, Y.
    The Archaeological Sciences of the Americas Symposium 2006  2006

Teaching Experience

  • Archaeology readingArchaeology reading Tohoku University
  • Archaeology of hunter-gatherer societiesArchaeology of hunter-gatherer societies Tohoku University
  • Archaeology Reading (Introduction to basic archaeological theory)Archaeology Reading (Introduction to basic archaeological theory) Tohoku University
  • Environment and Human (Human evolutionary history)Environment and Human (Human evolutionary history) Hokkaido University
  • Freshman seminar (Material culture that you wouldn't know)Freshman seminar (Material culture that you wouldn't know) Hokkaido University
  • Freshman seminar (Toolbox of ancient people)Freshman seminar (Toolbox of ancient people) Hokkaido University
  • Human evolutionary history before farmingHuman evolutionary history before farming Hokkaido University
  • Human society before farmingHuman society before farming Hokkaido University
  • Archaeology Special Lecture I/Archaeological Research 1 (Archaeology as anthropology)Archaeology Special Lecture I/Archaeological Research 1 (Archaeology as anthropology) Tokyo Metropolitan University

Association Memberships



Research Projects

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 出穂 雅実, 佐野 勝宏, 中沢 祐一, 半田 直人
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2023/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 中沢 祐一, 堤 隆
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/06 -2021/03 
    Author : 門脇 誠二, 出穂 雅実, 小野 林太郎, 中沢 祐一
    【遺跡調査】 ヨルダン、モンゴル、インドネシア、北海道における遺跡調査を予定通りに行い、研究課題に直接関わるオリジナルの考古記録の収集を行うことができた。ヨルダンとモンゴルに共通して採取されたInitial Upper Paleolithicの記録は、ヨルダンではホモ・サピエンスの定着(旧人の絶滅)、モンゴルでは拡散初期に相当する貴重なものである。インドネシアでも3万年前近くに遡る記録が得られた。今年度も調査現場において異分野連携を推進し、B01班の文化人類学者がヨルダンの遺跡調査に参加した。 【海外研究】 連携研究者2名が海外研究を行い資料調査や試料分析を行った。中国黒竜江省ハルビン市と大慶市大慶博物館の訪問では、後期更新世後半から最終氷期最盛期(LGM)にかけての動物骨標本を観察した。また国際活動支援予算により、ドイツ、テュービンゲン大学の地球科学分野の研究室において遺跡出土動物遺存体の同位体分析を行った。 【試料分析】 遺跡調査で得られた標本は、班内外の研究者との連携を通して分析が進められた。公募研究として進められているタンパク質分析による動物種の同定は、1万年前よりも新しい標本(新石器時代)については安定した結果が蓄積したため、今年度は3万年前に遡る標本(上部旧石器時代)の分析を開始した。 【成果発信】 ホモ・サピエンスの拡散と定着プロセスに直接関わる考古記録の1つであるInitial Upper Paleolithicの特集号(Archaeological Research in Asia)が分担者の出穂雅実を主体として編集された。また、2018年12月に京都で国際研究会を開催した。 【若手育成】 遺跡調査やシンポジウムへの大学院生の参加、および資料分析を通した学士・修士・博士研究の指導を行った。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2018/03 
    Author : WADA Keiji, SATO Eiichi, SATO Hiroyuki, ONO Akira, SANO Kyohei, NAKAZAWA Yuichi, AKAI Fumito, YAMADA Satoru, ODA Noriyoshi, YAMAHARA Toshiro, Ferguson Jeffrey R., Glascock Michael, Vasilevski Alexander A., Grishchenko Vyacheslav, Grebennikov Andrei V., McPhie Jocelyn
    We clarified the internal structure of obsidian lavas from the following three localities; Shirataki in the north Hokkaido, Kozushima, one of the Izu islands, and the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia. Based on the layer structure in obsidian lava and the rock texture and composition, we presented a formation model of obsidian caused by the promotion of outgassing and of rhyolite by leaving air bubbles through the cooling process of highly viscous magma. We constructed a systematic archeological obsidian research in Hokkaido. We made it possible to identify the sources of obsidian artifacts by the most practical and accurate method of combining X-ray fluorescence and neutron activation analysis. Analyses of more than 3,400 obsidian artifacts of the late Paleolithic sites in Hokkaido suggest that the behavior pattern of the hunter-gatherer group and accompanying obsidian procurement behavior changes with time as a boundary at the late glacial maximum of about 20,000 years ago.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03 
    Author : Nakazawa Yuichi, YURIMOTO Hisayoshi, IZUHO Masami, AKAI Fumito, NAOE Yasuo, VEGA MAESO Cristina
    This study addressed the question as to the extent to which obsidian hydration dating has validity under the different climatic regimes recorded at the scales of regions and archaeological sites. I performed observations and measurements of obsidian hydration rims on archaeological specimens from the prehistoric sites located in various climatic zones including temperate and subarctic, as well as temperate zone in the Atlantic Ocean. The principal method of observation was thin-section method using the petrographic microscope, while selected hydration rims in a portion of samples were also observed using the secondary ion mass spectrometry that allowed one to measure the depths of hydrogen irons. The major results of this study are that estimated hydration rates not only vary depending on the climatic zones but also change in response to variations in endemic conditions notably obsidian provenances and water contents within a single obsidian provenance.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2015/03 
    Author : IZUHO Masami, KAIFU Yousuke, SATO Hiroyuki, NAKAZAWA Yuichi, KONSTANTINOV Mikhail, TSOGTBAATAR Batmunkh
    The present research discussed the process of appearance of Upper Paleolithic in Japanese Archipelago, through examine the northern route for the first modern human in the Last Glacial from Archaeological and Anthropological point of views. Hunter-Gatherer were targeted group mammals that inhabited cold grass-land and open forests during the LGM, particularly about 26,000-22,000 cal yr BP. However, the change at the LGM was not just a replacement of the small flake industry by microblades, but a divergence of the Flake-based, Blade-based, and Microblade-based toolkits. In addition with these result, the late Pleistocene radiocarbon chronology of the Transbaikal to conclude that humans completely abandoned the area between 25,000 and 22,000 cal yr BP, suggested us Hokkaido to serve as a refuge and the origin of microblade technology.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/08 -2014/03 
    Author : NAKAZAWA Yuichi
    The goal of present research is to explore the new research direction of obsidian hydration dating (OHD). Toward the establishment of reliable chronology of prehistoric sites and estimation of paleoclimatic conditions, I examined as to whether and to what extent OHD works. A procedure to choose reliable measurement was proposed through a systematic comparison of variation in rim thicknesses within and between the specimens. Site dates were estimated by using the mean rim thickness that was systematically chosen from the samples. The mathematical formula to estimate the effective hydration temperature (EHT) proposed by Rogers (2007) was employed. The difference between EHT for studied early Holocene site and mean temperature based on the local meteorological data indicated that both Holocene climatic maximum and changes in depths of samples in response to the accumulation of sediments had effects on EHT.

Social Contribution

  • Obsidian knapping workshop: exhibition for non-specialists
    Date (from-to) : 2023/07/01-2023/07/01
    Role : Organizing member
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Engaru Town
    Event, Program, Title : IOC Engaru 2023
  • 公開講座
    Date (from-to) : 2023/05/06-2023/05/20
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 道新文化センター
    Event, Program, Title : 楽しい考古学 北海道の遺跡散歩

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