Researcher Database

Researcher Profile and Settings


Affiliation (Master)

  • Hokkaido University Hospital Central Clinical Facilities Center for Advanced Oral Medicine

Affiliation (Master)

  • Hokkaido University Hospital Central Clinical Facilities Center for Advanced Oral Medicine


Profile and Settings


  • 1991 Doctor of Dental Science (Hokkaido University)(Hokkaido University)

Profile and Settings

  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)

  • Name



Research Interests

  • Medical Safety Management   歯内療法学   歯周治療学   Endodontology   Periodontology   

Research Areas

  • Life sciences / Healthcare management, medical sociology
  • Life sciences / Conservative dentistry and endodontics

Research Experience

  • 2014/08 - Today Hokkaido University Hospital Center for Advanced Oral Medicine Associate Professor
  • 2006 - 北海道大学病院口腔総合治療部 講師
  • 2006 - Lecturer
  • 2000 - 北海道大学大学院助手(歯学研究科口腔医学専攻口腔健康科学講座歯周・歯内療法学教室) 助手
  • 2000 - Research Associate
  • 1997 - 北海道大学助手(歯学部歯科保存学第二講座) 助手
  • 1997 - Research Associate
  • 1995 - 北海道大学助手(歯学部附属病院第二保存科) 助手
  • 1995 - Research Associate


  •        - 1991  Hokkaido University
  •        - 1991  Hokkaido University  Graduate School, Division of Dental Research
  •        - 1987  Hokkaido University  School of Dental Medicine
  •        - 1987  Hokkaido University  Faculty of Dentistry

Published Papers

  • Koji Inagaki, Takeshi Kikuchi, Toshihide Noguchi, Akio Mitani, Keiko Naruse, Tatsuaki Matsubara, Masamitsu Kawanami, Jun Negishi, Yasushi Furuichi, Eiji Nemoto, Satoru Yamada, Hiromasa Yoshie, Koichi Tabeta, Sachiyo Tomita, Atsushi Saito, Sayaka Katagiri, Yuichi Izumi, Hiroshi Nitta, Takanori Iwata, Yukihiro Numabe, Matsuo Yamamoto, Nobuo Yoshinari, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Hidemi Kurihara, Fusanori Nishimura, Toshihiko Nagata, Hiromichi Yumoto, Toru Naito, Kazuyuki Noguchi, Koichi Ito, Shinya Murakami, Rimei Nishimura, Naoko Tajima
    Diabetology International 12 (1) 52 - 61 2190-1678 2021/01 [Refereed]
    Japan Diabetes Complication and Prevention prospective (JDCP) study was conducted to examine the association between glycemic control and oral conditions in a large database of Japanese patients with diabetes. It included a total of 6099 patients with diabetes (range, 40-75 years) who had been treated as outpatients between 2007 and 2009. The mean number of present teeth at baseline was 19.8 and women with type 2 diabetes had fewer teeth than men with type 2 diabetes. Within the previous year, 17% of all patients had lost teeth. At baseline, 32% had experienced gingival swelling, 69% had brushed more than twice a day, 37% had used interdental cleaning aids, and 43% had undergone regular dental checkups. Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that type 1 patients with HbA1c ≥ 7.0% were at higher risk of having fewer than 20 teeth (odds ratio [OR] 2.38; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.25-4.78), and type 2 patients with HbA1c ≥ 8.0% also were at high risk of having fewer than 20 teeth (OR 1.16; 95% CI 1.00-1.34), after adjustment for nine possible confounding factors. In conclusion, patients with diabetes were found to be at high risk of tooth loss, and the poorer the glycemic control, the higher the risk of tooth loss in these patients.
  • 糖尿病教育入院患者の口腔衛生状態に関する因子の検討~とくにPAIDとPCRの関りについて~
    森田加代, 斎藤しのぶ, 中山絵里, 前澤かおる, 高橋大郎, 根岸 淳
    有病者歯科医療 29 (5) 233 - 240 2020/11 [Refereed]
  • 稲垣幸司, 菊池 毅, 野口俊英, 三谷章雄, 成瀬桂子, 松原達昭, 川浪雅光, 根岸 淳, 古市保志, 根本英二, 山田 聡, 吉江弘正, 多部田康一, 富田幸代, 齋藤 淳, 片桐さやか, 和泉雄一, 新田 浩, 岩田隆紀, 沼部幸博, 山本松男, 吉成伸夫, 藤田 剛, 栗原英見, 西村英紀, 永田俊彦, 湯本浩通, 内藤 徹, 野口和行, 伊藤公一, 村上伸也, 西村理明, 田嶼尚子
    糖尿病 (一社)日本糖尿病学会 63 (4) 195 - 205 0021-437X 2020/04 [Refereed]
    JDCP studyベースライン時の糖尿病患者6,099名(1型6%,2型94%,61.1±8.1歳)の病態と口腔所見の関係を検討した.現在歯数は平均19.8本,2型糖尿病で男性より女性の方が少なかった.1年間の歯の喪失者,歯肉腫脹既往者,口腔清掃回数2回以上,歯間清掃用具使用者,歯科定期健診者の割合は,それぞれ17%,32%,69%,37%,43%であった.関連9因子を説明変数,現在歯数(20歯未満,20歯以上)を従属変数とした多重ロジスティック回帰分析では,1型糖尿病でHbA1c 7.0%以上になると20歯未満となるオッズ比(OR)は2.38(95%CI 1.25-4.78),2型糖尿病でHbA1c 8.0%以上になると20歯未満となるORは1.16(95%CI 1.00-1.34)となった.糖尿病患者では,現在歯数が少なく血糖コントロール状態の悪化に伴い歯の喪失リスクが高くなった.(著者抄録)
  • Koji Inagaki, Takeshi Kikuchi, Toshihide Noguchi, Akio Mitani, Keiko Naruse, Tatsuaki Matsubara, Masamitsu Kawanami, Jun Negishi, Yasushi Furuichi, Eiji Nemoto, Satoru Yamada, Hiromasa Yoshie, Koichi Tabeta, Sachiyo Tomita, Atsushi Saito, Sayaka Katagiri, Yuichi Izumi, Hiroshi Nitta, Takanori Iwata, Yukihiro Numabe, Matsuo Yamamoto, Nobuo Yoshinari, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Hidemi Kurihara, Fusanori Nishimura, Toshihiko Nagata, Hiromichi Yumoto, Toru Naito, Kazuyuki Noguchi, Koichi Ito, Shinya Murakami, Rimei Nishimura, Naoko Tajima
    Journal of the Japan Diabetes Society 63 (4) 195 - 205 0021-437X 2020 [Refereed]
    © 2020 Japan Diabetes Society. All rights reserved. The Japan Diabetes Complications and its Prevention (JDCP) prospective study was conducted to analyze the association between glycemic control and oral conditions in a large database of Japanese patients with diabetes. It included a total of 6,099 patients with diabetes (range, 40-75 years) who were treated as outpatients between 2007 and 2009. The mean number of teeth at baseline was 19.8 and women had fewer teeth than men in type 2 diabetes. Within the previous year, 17 % had lost teeth. At baseline, 32 % had experienced gingival swelling, 69 % brushed more than twice a day, 37 % used interdental devices, and 43 % received dental regular checkups. A multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that type 1 diabetic patients with HbAlc 7.0 % had a higher risk having fewer than 20 teeth (odds ratio [OR]: 2.38; 95 % confidence interval [CI]: 1.25-4.78), and type 2 diabetic patients with HbAlc 8.0 % also had a high risk having fewer than 20 teeth (OR: 1.16; 95 % CI: 1.00-1.34), after adjusting for 9 possible confounders. In conclusion, diabetic patients had a high risk of tooth loss and the poorer the glycemic control, the higher the risk of tooth loss.
  • Hiroshi Nitta, Sayaka Katagiri, Toshiyuki Nagasawa, Yuichi Izumi, Isao Ishikawa, Hajime Izumiyama, Isao Uchimura, Masao Kanazawa, Hiroshige Chiba, Akira Matsuo, Kazunori Utsunomiya, Haruyasu Tanabe, Izumi Takei, Soichiro Asanami, Hiroshi Kajio, Toaki Ono, Yoichi Hayashi, Kiichi Ueki, Masatomi Tsuji, Yoichi Kurachi, Toshikazu Yamanouchi, Yoshimi Ichinokawa, Toshiki Inokuchi, Akiko Fukui, Shigeru Miyazaki, Takashi Miyauchi, Reiko Kawahara, Hideki Ogiuchi, Narihito Yoshioka, Jun Negishi, Masatomo Mori, Kenji Mogi, Yasushi Saito, Hideki Tanzawa, Tetsuo Nishikawa, Norihiko Takada, Kishio Nanjo, Nobuo Morita, Naoto Nakamura, Narisato Kanamura, Hirofumi Makino, Fusanori Nishimura, Kunihisa Kobayashi, Yoshinori Higuchi, Toshiie Sakata, Shigetaka Yanagisawa, Chuwa Tei, Yuichi Ando, Nobuhiro Hanada, Shuji Inoue
    Journal of diabetes investigation 8 (5) 677 - 686 2040-1116 2017/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    AIMS/INTRODUCTION: To explore the relationships between periodontitis and microvascular complications as well as glycemic control in type 2 diabetes patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This multicenter, hospital-based, cross-sectional study included 620 patients with type 2 diabetes. We compared the prevalence and severity of periodontitis between patients with ≥1 microvascular complication and those without microvascular complications. We also compared the prevalence and severity of periodontitis among patients with different degrees of glycemic control. RESULTS: After adjusting for confounding factors, multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the severity of periodontitis was significantly associated with the number of microvascular complications (odds ratio 1.3, 95% confidence interval 1.1-1.6), glycated hemoglobin ≥8.0% (64 mmol/mol; odds ratio 1.6; 95% confidence interval 1.1-2.3), and older age (≥50 years; odds ratio 1.7; 95% confidence interval 1.1-2.6). However, the prevalence of periodontitis was not significantly associated with the number of microvascular complications, but was associated with male sex, high glycated hemoglobin (≥8.0% [64 mmol/mol]), older age (≥40 years), longer duration of diabetes (≥15 years) and fewer teeth (≤25). Furthermore, propensity score matching for age, sex, diabetes duration and glycated hemoglobin showed that the incidence of severe periodontitis was significantly higher among patients with microvascular complications than among those without microvascular complications (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The number of microvascular complications is a risk factor for more severe periodontitis in patients with type 2 diabetes, whereas poor glycemic control is a risk factor for increased prevalence and severity of periodontitis.
  • NEGISHI Jun, TSUKUDA Nobukazu, MATSUMOTO Atsushi, ITO Yutaka, OKA Hidehiro, TANAKA Naohito, TSUTSUMI Hirohiko, KAWANAMI Masamitsu, KATO Hiroshi
    Journal of the Japanese Association of Periodontology 特定非営利活動法人日本歯周病学会 34 (4) 779 - 788 0385-0110 1992 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study was performed to investigate methods of root treatment used to attach periodontal tissue on exposed root dentin. Root dentin fragments (4×4×1mm) were prepared from extracted periodontally-involved teeth. After 0, 7, 14 or 28 days of intra-oral exposure, root fragments from each period were divided into three groups: 1) no treatment 2) slight root planing 3) exhaustive root planing. Then the root fragments were placed in Petri dishes and seeded with 1×10^5/ml human gingival fibroblasts in MEM containing 200units/ml penicillin and 200μg/ml streptomycin, and incubated for 96h. After the fragments had been fixed and stained, the number of cells which had attached and grown were counted by light microscopy. In addition, these dentin were histopathologically observed by light microscopy. The results were as follows: 1) In the no treatment group, there were very few attached cells after 7 days of intra-oral exposure. 2) In the slight root planing group, few fibroblasts had attached and plaque persisted on a portion of the dentin surface in this group. 3) In the exhaustive root planing group, a large number of fibroblasts attached and there was no plaque on them. Our results suggest that, when root dentin surfaces are exposed intra-orally for more than a week, exhaustive root planing with a curette type scaler is necessary for the purpose of periodontal attachment.


  • 糖尿病教育入院患者の口腔衛生状態に関連する因子について
    斎藤 しのぶ, 中山 絵里, 日原 加代, 佐々木 亜美, 上田 亜紀, 前澤 かおる, 高橋 大郎, 根岸 淳  口腔衛生学会雑誌  71-  (3)  163  -164  2021/07
  • 歯科医師卒後臨床研修修了時のアンケート結果の分析(第6報)
    田中 佐織, 飯田 俊二, 高師 則行, 根岸 淳, 井上 哲  日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 39回  39回-  103  -103  2020/09
  • 稲垣幸司, 稲垣幸司, 稲垣幸司, 菊池毅, 野口俊英, 三谷章雄, 成瀬桂子, 成瀬桂子, 松原達昭, 松原達昭, 川浪雅光, 根岸淳, 古市保志, 根本英二, 山田聡, 吉江弘正, 多部田康一, 富田幸代, 齋藤淳, 片桐さやか, 和泉雄一, 新田浩, 岩田隆紀, 沼部幸博, 山本松男, 吉成伸夫, 藤田剛, 栗原英見, 西村英紀, 西村英紀, 永田俊彦, 永田俊彦, 湯本浩通, 内藤徹, 野口和行, 伊藤公一, 村上伸也, 西村理明, 西村理明, 田嶼尚子, 田嶼尚子  糖尿病(Web)  63-  (4)  2020
  • 歯科医科連携 歯科からできる糖尿病療養支援 ~歯科に望む糖尿病療養支援とは?~
    手納信一, 原瀬忠弘, 根岸 淳  DM Ensemble  8-  (増刊号)  43  -43  2019/11
  • 医療事故の再発防止への提言(第3号)に対する取り組み アドレナリン注射液0.3mg製剤の院内配置
    沖 洋充, 山崎 浩二郎, 熊井 正貴, 古藤 幸子, 本田 秀子, 根岸 淳, 菅原 満, 南須原 康行  医療の質・安全学会誌  14-  (Suppl.)  498  -498  2019/11
  • 歯科医師卒後臨床研修修了時のアンケート結果の分析(第5報)
    高師 則行, 飯田 俊二, 田中 佐織, 根岸 淳, 井上 哲  日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 38回  38回-  130  -130  2019/06
  • 糖尿病問題領域質問表(PAID)スコアとプラークコントロールレコード(PCR)の関連について
    森田 加代, 中山 絵里, 斎藤 しのぶ, 佐々木 亜美, 上田 亜紀, 前澤 かおる, 高橋 大郎, 根岸 淳  有病者歯科医療  27-  (6)  505  -505  2018/12
  • 歯科医科連携
    根岸 淳, 赤司 朋之, 原瀬 忠広  DM Ensemble  7-  (増刊号)  40  -40  2018/11
  • 歯科医師卒後臨床研修修了時のアンケート結果の分析(第4報)
    飯田 俊二, 田中 佐織, 高師 則行, 根岸 淳, 井上 哲  日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 37回  37回-  148  -148  2018/07
  • JDCP研究が示す我が国の糖尿病診療の現状 JDCP研究ベースライン時の歯周病所見
    稲垣 幸司, 菊池 毅, 野口 俊英, 三谷 章雄, 成瀬 桂子, 松原 達昭, 川浪 雅光, 根岸 淳, 古市 保志, 根本 英二, 吉江 弘正, 齋藤 淳, 富田 幸代, 片桐 さやか, 和泉 雄一, 新田 浩, 沼部 幸博, 山本 松男, 吉成 伸夫, 藤田 剛, 西村 英紀, 永田 俊彦, 内藤 徹, 野口 和行, 栗原 英見  糖尿病  61-  (Suppl.1)  S-89  -S-89  2018/04
  • 歯科医科連携
    原瀬 忠広, 根岸 淳, 赤司 朋之  DM Ensemble  6-  (増刊号)  36  -36  2017/11
  • 化学療法時のB型肝炎再活性化防止への取り組み
    沖 洋充, 山崎 浩二郎, 熊井 正貴, 岡林 靖子, 根岸 淳, 小川 浩司, 遠藤 晃, 小松 嘉人, 井関 健, 南須原 康行  医療の質・安全学会誌  12-  (Suppl.)  255  -255  2017/10
  • 未読放射線画像診断レポートゼロに向けた取り組み
    南須原 康行, 遠藤 晃, 根岸 淳, 岡林 靖子, 石田 香代子, 沖 洋充, 加藤 扶美, 真鍋 徳子, 工藤 與亮  医療の質・安全学会誌  12-  (Suppl.)  280  -280  2017/10
  • 看護職の医療安全に対する意識向上の取り組み
    岡林 靖子, 石田 香代子, 沖 洋充, 根岸 淳, 南須原 康行  医療の質・安全学会誌  12-  (Suppl.)  336  -336  2017/10
  • 歯科医師卒後臨床研修修了時のアンケート結果の分析(第3報)
    飯田 俊二, 田中 佐織, 高師 則行, 根岸 淳, 井上 哲  日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 36回  36回-  153  -153  2017/07
  • 誤抜歯に関わる学生の意識
    佐藤 嘉晃, 八若 保孝, 井上 哲, 根岸 淳, 中西 康, 飯田 順一郎  日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 36回  176  -176  2017/07
  • 歯科医科連携 ー自分にできること、自分にしかできないことー
    原瀬忠弘, 赤司朋之, 根岸 淳  DM Ensemble  5-  (増刊号)  38  -38  2016/11
  • 歯科医師卒業臨床研修修了時のアンケート結果の分析(第2報)
    飯田 俊二, 田中 佐織, 根岸 淳, 井上 哲  日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 35回  148  -148  2016/07
  • 歯科医科連携 ー新たな歯科医科連携への挑戦ー
    原瀬忠弘, 西田 亙, 赤司朋之, 根岸 淳  DM Ensemble  4-  (増刊号)  27  -27  2015/11
  • 放射線レポート登録通知機能の有用性と限界
    南須原 康行, 遠藤 晃, 根岸 淳, 加藤 扶美, 真鍋 徳子, 工藤 與亮  医療の質・安全学会誌  10-  (Suppl.)  208  -208  2015/10
  • 病院薬剤部と院外薬局による教訓事例の情報共有
    沖 洋充, 久保田 康生, 深井 敏隆, 大井 睦美, 根岸 淳, 南須原 康行, 山田 武宏, 井関 健  医療の質・安全学会誌  10-  (Suppl.)  234  -234  2015/10
  • OSCEの評価を電子化した新しいシステムの開発
    飯田 俊二, 田中 佐織, 井上 哲, 八若 保孝, 根岸 淳, 桑原 毅, 島田 誠  日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 34回  83  -83  2015/07
  • 私と臨床研修、臨床実習、そして医療安全
    根岸 淳  北海道歯学雑誌  35-  (2)  201  -201  2015/03
  • 本学歯学部における「学生による臨床実習評価」13年間のデータ分析
    根岸 淳, 飯田 俊二, 飯塚 正, 兼平 孝, 佐藤 嘉晃, 長谷部 晃, 岡田 和樹, 北村 哲也, 鈴木 邦明, 井上 哲, 八若 保孝  日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 33回  118  -118  2014/07
  • 歯科医師卒後臨床研修修了時のアンケート結果の分析
    飯田 俊二, 根岸 淳, 飯塚 正, 兼平 孝, 佐藤 嘉晃, 長谷部 晃, 岡田 和樹, 北村 哲也, 鈴木 邦明, 八若 保孝, 井上 哲  日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会プログラム・抄録集 33回  139  -139  2014/07
  • 新規デンタルユニット連動型自律神経活動モニターシステムの開発
    下地伸司, 菅谷 勉, 根岸 淳, 田中佐織, 伊藤 豊, 小田島朝臣, 宮治裕史, 齋藤恵美子, 川村直人, 元木洋史, 臼井 薫, 川浪雅光  第135回秋季日本歯科保存学会学術大会 プログラムおよび講演抄録集  208  2011/10  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 井上修二, 千葉博茂, 松尾朗, 金沢真雄, 能登谷洋子, 石川烈, 新田浩, 長澤敏行, 内村功, 金村成智, 中村直登, 宮内孝, 宮崎滋, 小野富昭, 梶尾裕, 田辺晴康, 宇都宮一典, 市ノ川義美, 山内俊一, 和泉雄一, 鄭忠和, 稲垣幸司, 松原達昭, 仲谷寛, 河村博, 佐藤聡, 柴崎浩一, 根岸淳, 吉岡成人, 安藤雄一, 花田信弘  口腔保健と全身のQOLの関係に関する総合研究 平成19年度 総括研究報告書  2008
  • 八若 保孝, 加我 正行, 飯塚 正, 山本 恒之, 佐藤 嘉晃, 根岸 淳, 北川 善政, 鈴木 邦明, 森田 学, 吉田 重光  Journal of higher education and lifelong learning  16-  (16)  153  -159  2008  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    Activities of Faculty Development (FD) in the Graduate School of Dental Medicine and School of Dental Medicine of Hokkaido University consist of lectures on FD, workshops on FD and student evaluation of undergraduate lectures. Basically, the lectures on FD are held 4 times every year. The speakers are selected not only from the faculty of Hokkaido University but also from outside the university. A workshop on FD is held once every year. Usually about 30 faculty members of the Graduate School of Dental Medicine participate in the workshop that takes place for two days in a hotel out of campus. The student evaluation of undergraduate lectures is conducted twice every year; i.e., for the lectures in the first semester and the second semester. The lectures and workshop on FD began in 2000, and the student evaluation of undergraduate lectures began in 1997. Many faculty members have participated in the lectures and workshops on FD and made efforts to develop their competence. The student evaluation of undergraduate lectures showed a gain in the score. However, there are a few faculty members who have a negative view of FD in practice.
  • 八若 保孝, 加我 正行, 飯塚 正, 山本 恒之, 佐藤 嘉晃, 根岸 淳, 北川 善政, 鈴木 邦明, 森田 学, 吉田 重光  Journal of higher education and lifelong learning  16-  (16)  153  -159  2008  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    Activities of Faculty Development (FD) in the Graduate School of Dental Medicine and School of Dental Medicine of Hokkaido University consist of lectures on FD, workshops on FD and student evaluation of undergraduate lectures. Basically, the lectures on FD are held 4 times every year. The speakers are selected not only from the faculty of Hokkaido University but also from outside the university. A workshop on FD is held once every year. Usually about 30 faculty members of the Graduate School of Dental Medicine participate in the workshop that takes place for two days in a hotel out of campus. The student evaluation of undergraduate lectures is conducted twice every year; i.e., for the lectures in the first semester and the second semester. The lectures and workshop on FD began in 2000, and the student evaluation of undergraduate lectures began in 1997. Many faculty members have participated in the lectures and workshops on FD and made efforts to develop their competence. The student evaluation of undergraduate lectures showed a gain in the score. However, there are a few faculty members who have a negative view of FD in practice.
  • 井上修二, 千葉博茂, 松尾朗, 金沢真雄, 能登谷洋子, 石川烈, 新田浩, 長澤敏行, 内村功, 金村成智, 中村直登, 宮内孝, 宮崎滋, 小野富昭, 梶尾裕, 田辺晴康, 宇都宮一典, 市ノ川義美, 山内俊一, 和泉雄一, 鄭忠和, 稲垣幸司, 松原達昭, 仲谷寛, 河村博, 佐藤聡, 柴崎浩一, 根岸淳, 吉岡成人, 安藤雄一, 花田信弘  地域住民の口腔保健と全身的な健康状態の関係についての総合研究 平成18年度 総括研究報告書  2007
  • ストレスと歯周病
    Preventive Periodotology  152  -156  2007  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 井上修二, 千葉博茂, 松尾朗, 金沢真雄, 能登谷洋子, 石川烈, 新田浩, 長澤敏行, 内村功, 金村成智, 中村直登, 宮内孝, 宮崎滋, 小野富昭, 梶尾裕, 田辺晴康, 宇都宮一典, 市ノ川義美, 山内俊一, 和泉雄一, 鄭忠和, 稲垣幸司, 松原達昭, 仲谷寛, 河村博, 佐藤聡, 柴崎浩一, 根岸淳, 吉岡成人, 安藤雄一, 花田信弘  地域住民の口腔保健と全身的な健康状態の関係についての総合研究 平成17年度 総括・分担研究報告書  2006
  • 本学歯学部における「学生による臨床実習評価」の解析
    日本歯科医学教育学会雑誌  22-  (3)  257  -263  2006  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Jun Negishi, Masamitsu Kawanami, Eriko Ogami  Journal of Dentistry  33-  (5)  399  -404  2005/05  [Refereed][Not invited]
    Objective. The risk of failure of root canal therapy was assessed in teeth with inaccessible apical constriction and factors influencing treatment outcome in these teeth were analyzed. Methods. From the same 57 patients, one tooth with inaccessible apical constriction (n=57) and one tooth with adequate accessibility (n=57) were included in this retrospective investigation. Cox regression analysis was used to analyze factors that may have influenced the outcome one or more years after obturation. These factors included inaccessibility, systemic disease, canal curvature, preoperative periradicular lesion, widening of periodontal ligament space, patient gender and age, size of master apical file, preoperative pulp vitality, years of operator experience and obturation length. Results. Inaccessible apical constriction was a significant factor related to outcome (odds ratio, 5.301). Preoperative presence of periradicular lesion significantly influenced the outcome in cases with inaccessibility (odds ratio, 4.448). Conclusion. Inaccessibility increases the risk of root canal therapy failure particularly in teeth with preoperative periradicular lesion. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • IWASAKA Kensuke, YAMAJI Kozo, TAKAHASHI Dairo, OGAMI Eriko, NEGISHI Jun, KAWANAMI Masamitsu  日本歯周病学会会誌  46-  136  -136  2004/04/25
  • Negishi J., Kawanami M., Terada Y., Matsuhashi C., Ogami E., Iwasaka K., and Hongo T.:"Effect of lifestyle on periodontal disease status in diabetic patients" J Int Acad Periodontol,6:120-124(2004)*
    2004  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 「凍結保存歯の移植・再植-急速保存歯の影響-」
    『歯科臨床研究』  1-  (1)  116  -117  2004  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • IWASAKA Kensuke, NEGISHI Jun, YAMAJI Kozo, KAWANAMI Masamitsu  JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE ORGANISATION FOR RESEARCH OF PERIODONTOLOGY  46-  (4)  266  -277  2004  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    We studied bone formation induced by recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) combined with polylactate-polyglycolate-copolymer/gelatine sponge complexes (PGS) at palatal subperiosteal sites in 54 male Wister rats with STZ-induced diabetes mellitus (DM), insulin-treated STZ-induced diabetes mellitus (INS-DM), or nondiabetes mellitus (nonDM). Rats were divided into 6 groups consisting of PGS implanted alone (nonDM-PGS, DM-PGS, and INS-DM-PGS) and rhBMP-2 combined with PGS implanted (nonDM-BMP, DM-BMP, and INS-DM-BMP). Rats were sacrificed 6 weeks after implantation and histopathologically observaed and histometrically evaluated. New bone formation was observed in all groups, and the new bone was almost completely continuous with the original palatal bone. The DM-PGS group showed significantly less new bone thickness among the 3 groups with PGS implantion alone. NonDM-BMP, DM-BMP and INS-DM-BMP showed significantly greater new bone thickness than did nonDM-PGS, DM-PGS, and INS-DM-PGS groups.
    These results indicate that rhBMP-2 combined with PGS enhances new bone formation continuous with original bone under STZ-induced diabetes status, although it decreases reparative bone formation.
  • 「「学生による授業評価」の結果に影響を与える評価項目」
    『日本歯科教育学会雑誌』  19-  (2)  169  -176  2004  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • GAMA Hiroki, NEGISHI Jun, SHIMOJI Shinji, TOBE Hifumi, KAWANAMI Masamitsu  日本歯科保存学雑誌  45-  (0)  71  -71  2002/10/21  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • SHIMOJI Shinji, GAMA Hiroki, NEGISHI Jun, TOBE Hifumi, KAWANAMI Masamitsu  日本歯科保存学雑誌  45-  (0)  130  -130  2002/10/21  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • IWASAKA Kensuke, NEGISHI Jun, TERADA Yutaka, MATSUHASHI Chikako, OGAMI Eriko, HONGO Tetsunari, KAWANAMI Masamitsu  Journal of the Japanese Association of Periodontology  43-  94  -94  2001/09/30
  • NEGISHI Jun, NISHIOKA Toshiaki, KAWANAMI Masamitsu, HASEGAWA Atsushi, TERADA Yutaka, MATSUHASHI Chikako, OGAMI Eriko, KATO Hiroshi  Journal of the Japanese Association of Periodontology  42-  110  -110  2000/04/15
  • KAWANAMI Masamitsu, TOMITA Mahito, SASAKI Masaru, NEGISHI Jun, KATO Katsuya, NAKANE Kouji, KATO Hiroshi  日本歯科保存学雑誌 = THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY  43-  98  -98  2000/03/21
  • KAWANAMI Masamitsu, SASAKI Masaru, NEGISHI Jun, TOMITA Mahito, KATO Hiroshi  日本歯科保存学雑誌  42-  81  -81  1999/10/01
  • 梅田 誠, 萩原 さつき, 魚島 マリコ, 冨永 由美子, 高森 由季子, 矢野 和子, 小島 丈尚, 野口 和行, 木村 真太郎, 本郷 興人, 岩並 知敏, 坂上 竜資, 菅谷 勉, 西岡 敏明, 根岸 淳, 松本 敦至, 伊藤 豊, 齋藤 彰, 川浪 雅光, 和田 育男, 加藤 熈, 石川 烈  『日本歯周病学会会誌』  41-  (4)  436  -449  1999  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • NEGISHI Jun, NISHIOKA Toshiaki, KAWANAMI Masamitsu, HASEGAWA Atsushi, TERADA Yutaka, KATO Hiroshi  Journal of the Japanese Association of Periodontology  39-  66  -66  1997/09/05
  • SUGAYA Tsutomu, NEGISHI Jun, KAWANAMI Masamitsu, KATO Hiroshi, YUHTA Toshio  Journal of the Japanese Association of Periodontology  33-  (0)  114  -114  1991/08/20  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • NEGISHI Jun, KATO Hiroshi, MATSUMOTO Akira  Journal of the Japanese Association of Periodontology  33-  71  -71  1991/04/20
  • NEGISHI Jun, KAWANAMI Masamitsu, TSUKUDA Nobukazu, MATSUMOTO Atsushi, ITO Yutaka, OKA Hidehiro, TANAKA Naohito, TSUTSUMI Hirohiko, KATO Hiroshi  Journal of the Japanese Association of Periodontology  33-  72  -72  1991/04/20
  • TSUKUDA Nobukazu, NEGISHI Jun, KAWANAMI Masamitsu, KATO Hiroshi, HISADA Yoh, MATSUMOTO Akira  Journal of the Japanese Association of Periodontology  31-  62  -62  1989/09/22
  • FUJIYASU Yoshihiro, ATSUTA Tsutomu, TSUKADA Kiyoshi, NEGISHI Jun, TUKUDA Nobukazu, KAWANAMI Masamitsu, KATO Hiroshi  Journal of the Japanese Association of Periodontology  30-  92  -92  1988/10/15
  • TSUKADA Kiyoshi, TSUKUDA Nobukazu, KAWANAMI Masamitsu, MAEZAWA Kazuhiro, TODA Ikuo, MUKAINAKANO Yutaka, TOHKAIRIN Kohji, TAKAHASHI Yukihiro, NEGISHI Jun, NIN Tokushige, KATO Hiroshi  Journal of the Japanese Association of Periodontology  29-  101  -101  1987/10/10

Association Memberships

  • 北海道歯学会   日本歯周病学会   日本歯科保存学会   日本歯科医学会   日本歯科医学教育学会   日本総合歯科学会   日本有病者歯科医療学会   


  • 北海道大学大学院歯学研究科におけるFaculty Development―FD ワークショップの評価―

Research Projects

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1997 -1998 
    Author : KATO Hiroshi, NEGISHI Jun, IWANAMI Tomotoshi, SUGAYA Tsutomu, SAKAGAMI Ryuji
    1. Development of a New Compact Bruxism Monitoring Device We developed a new compact bruxism monitoring device, which had ease of application and auto- analyzing system. The size of the new device is 65mm x 100 mm x 35mm. It can be placed on the forehead, and 5 pick-up cables need to be connected to the electrodes with AND circuit that works only when both masseter muscles were activated. The device has 3 digital monitors that shows total bruxism time of right, left and both masseter muscles. It can objectively monitor the bruxism activities, and has less unpleasant feeling to the patients compared to the previous models, so that can be used when subjects are awake and sleeping. As the result of using the device to the cohorts, it was shown that the new device was useful for examining the bruxism activities during daytime and night. 2. Study of the Relation between Periodontal Destruction and Bruxism The. difference of jaw movement, muscle activity and tooth contacts between nocturnal bruxism and conscious bruxism in daytime were compared by using the jaw movement recorder developed by Y.Katoet. The result showed that the jaw position and the jaw movement direction in the daytime and night was quite different. The destruction process of furcation areas of monkeys with experimental periodontitis and occlusal trauma were investigated clinically, radiographically and pathologically. It was concluded that furcation involvement would advance slowly at initial stage by inflammation and progress rapidly with combination of inflammation and occlusal trauma. The influence of bruxism on human molar furcation involvement was clinically investigated, In the first experiment, 45 patients with furcation involvement were examined, and in the second experiment, 37 patients were classified into two groups : the first group wore occlusal splints for more than 1 year ; the second group wore splints for short period, and clinical and bacteriological examination were performed. The result showed that the furcation involvement was more severe in the strong bruxism group. Furcation involvement in the first group improved considerably as compared to that of the second group. However, there was no difference in the bacterial ratio between the two groups. Therefore, it was suggested that nocturnal bruxism influences the progression of furcation involvement.
  • 糖尿病の病状と、歯周病の進行状態および歯周治療の予後との関連 歯内療法処置が根尖に及ばない場合の予後についての検討 歯の凍結保存法についての研究
  • The relationship between diabetes and Periodontitis Root canal treatment for teeth with inaccessible apical constriction Cryopreservation of tooth

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