Researcher Database

Researcher Profile and Settings


Affiliation (Master)

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences Division of Human Sciences Department of Behavioral Science

Affiliation (Master)

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences Division of Human Sciences Department of Behavioral Science


Profile and Settings


  • Hokkaido University, Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Professor
  • Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences, Director


  • Ph. D. Psychology(2005/02 Nagoya University)
  • MA of Psychology(1995/03 Nagoya University)

Profile and Settings

  • Name (Japanese)

  • Name (Kana)

  • Name

    G-4970-2012, 200901020040643779

Alternate Names


  • Hokkaido University, Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Professor
  • Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences, Director


Research Interests

  • Environmental Social Psychology   Risk Governance   Process design   Consensus Building   public acceptance   procedural justice   citizen participation   Gaming & Simulation   social dilema   Risk communication   pro environmental behavior   

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Social psychology / Procedural Justice
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Environmental policy and society
  • Humanities & social sciences / Sociology/history of science and technology / Citizen and Public Participation

Research Experience

  • 2020/10 - Today Hokkaido University Executive office for research strategy Advisor
  • 2018/10 - Today Hokkaido University The Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences Director
  • 2018/04 - Today Hokkaido University Department of Behavioral Science, Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences Professor
  • 2003/09 - 2018/03 Hokkaido University Department of Behavioral Science, Graduate School of Letters Associate Professor
  • 2012/04 - 2017/03 Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Collaborating researcher
  • 2000/04 - 2003/09 Fuji Tokoha University Lecturer
  • 1998/05 - 2000/03 Hokkaido University Department of Behavioral Science, Faculty of Letters Research Associate
  • 1995/04 - 1998/04 Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc


  • 2005/02 -   Ph.D. ( Psychology ) Nagoya University,  Graduate School of Environmental Studies
  • 1993/04 - 1995/03  Nagoya University  Graduate school of letters  Department of Psychology
  • 1989/04 - 1993/03  Nagoya University  Faculty of Letters

Committee Memberships

  • 2023/06 -2025/05   Japan Association of Simulation And Gaming   vice president, Chair of Academicc Committee
  • 2021/04 -2025/03   The Japanese Society of Social Psychology   board member
  • 2020/06 -2024/06   The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan   Editorial Board
  • 2023/01 -2024/03   The Society for Risk Analysis Japan   Vice-Chair of the Conference Committee
  • 2021/04 -2024/03   Ministry of the Environment   "Local Blue Ocean Vision" project, committee member
  • 2017/04 -2024/03   Sapporo city   Chair, Committee of Promotion of Environmental Education
  • 2021/01 -2023/12   Asian Journal of Social Psychology   Editorial Board Members
  • 2023/01 -2023/03   Sapporo City   Hassamu Incineration Plant Renewal Basic Concept Review Committee Chairman, Chair
  • 2017/06 -2021/06   Japan Association of Simulation And Gaming   Vice president / Chief Editor
  • 2009 -2021/06   Japan Association of Simulation And Gaming   Director
  • 2018/01 -2020/12   Simulation & Gaming (SAGE publication)   Associate editor
  • 2018/04 -2020/05   The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan   Director / ditor-in-chief
  • 2015/04 -2019/04   Center for Environmental Information Science   an inspector committee
  • 2017/04 -2019/03   The Japanese Society of Environmental Psychology   vice chair
  • 2014/05 -2017/05   Japan Society for Material Cycles and Waste Management, Hokkaido Branch   Chief secretary of Hokkaido Branch
  • 2015/04 -2017/03   Japanese Journal of Social Psychology   Vice-editor
  • 2014/11 -2017/03   National Institute for Environmental Studies   adviser board
  • 2013/04 -2017/03   The Japanese Society of Social Psychology Operating Committee of the congress   committee member
  • 2013/04 -2017/03   The Japanese Society of Social Psychology   director
  • 2015/03 -2015/07   International Simulation and Gaming Association   The 46th ISAGA Scientific Committee
  • 2010 -2011   Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Simulation And Gaming   Chair


  • 2023/09 The Japanese Psychological Association Outstanding Paper Award
     Determinants of Interdependent Happiness Focusing on the Role of Social Capital: Empirical Insight From Japan 
    受賞者: Hommerich, C;Ohnuma, S;Sato, K;Mizutori, S
  • 2022/05 Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management the Paper Award
     Change in Plastic Bag Refusal Rates at Convenience Stores following the Implementation of a Charging System: An Observational Survey on Stores in Sapporo 
    受賞者: Chihiro Adachi;Susumu Ohnuma
  • 2020/12 Japanese Association of Simulation and Gaming Fellow
    受賞者: Ohnuma Susumuシミュレーション&ゲーミング分野の見識に優れ、責任ある立場で長年にわたり指導的役割を果たし、学会の重要な活動に従事するなど社会に貢献してきた正会員の中から理事会が認めた者。
  • 2019/11 Japanese Psychological Association Excellent Presentation Award
     Influence of distribution of burden on NIMBY issue on public acceptance: A scenario experiment regarding reduction & recycling of the Removed Soil. 
    受賞者: Yokoyama Miki;Ohnuma Susumu;Kondo Yoshiki
  • 2018/03 Foundation for the Fusion Of Science and Technology The 11th Foundation for the Fusion Of Science and Technology Award
    受賞者: OHNUMA Susumu葛藤状況を社会的ジレンマ状況と再定義することで相互協力の達成が可能となるという仮説を提唱し、社会全体にとって望ましいことが必ずしも所与ではない状況から出発し、社会全体の便益を当事者が見出していくプロセスを解明した。
  • 2016/11 The Society for Risk Analysis Japan Excellent poster presentation award
     The effect of compensation exchange frames on the acceptance of shunned facilities 
    受賞者: IINO Mari;OHNUMA Susumu
  • 2015/12 Japan Association of Simulation And Gaming award for an excellent work
     award for an excellent work 
    受賞者: OHNUMA Susumu
  • 2015/09 The Japanese Psychological Association Excellent Paper Award
     Demonstrating that monitoring and penalties increase non-cooperative behavior in a social dilemma game 
    受賞者: KITAKAJI Yoko;OHNUMA Susumu
  • 2015/07 The 46th International Simulation & Gaming Association Annual Conference Excellent Oral Presentation Award
     Even Unreliable Information Disclosure Makes People Cooperate in a Social Dilemma: Development of the “Industrial Waste Illegal Dumping Game” 
    受賞者: KITAKAJI Yoko;OHNUMA Susumu
  • 2008/06 Japan Association of Simulation And Gaming Excellent Paper on JASAG
    受賞者: OHNUMA Susumu;KITAKAJI Yoko
  • 2008/03 Fusion Of Science and Technology The 1st Prize for Fusion Of Science and Technology
    受賞者: OHNUMA Susumu
  • 2006 日本心理学会 平成18年日本心理学会優秀論文賞
     Why do residents accept a demanding rule?: Fairness and social benefit as determinants of approval for a recycling system 
    受賞者: Ohnuma, S;Hirose, Y;Karasawa, K;Yorifuji, K;Sugiura, J

Published Papers

  • 柴田 侑秀, 土田 茜, 横山 実紀, 大沼 進
    社会心理学研究 39 (3) 192 - 203 2024/04 [Refereed]
  • Sofia Sahab, Jawad Haqbeen, Rafik Hadfi, Takayuki Ito, Richard Eke Imade, Susumu Ohnuma, Takuya Hasegawa
    Communications psychology 2024/03/21 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Intergroup contact occurring through indirect means such as the internet has the potential to improve intergroup relationships and may be especially beneficial in high conflict situations. Here we conducted a three-timepoint online experiment to ascertain whether the use of a conversational agent in E-contact platforms could mitigate interethnic prejudices and hostility among Afghanistan’s historically segregated and persistently conflictual ethnic groups. 128 Afghans of Pashtun, Tajik, and Hazara backgrounds were assigned to one of four E-contact conditions (control with no conversational agent and three experimental groups that varied in the conversational agent settings). Participants in the experimental conditions contributed more ideas and longer opinions and showed a greater reduction in outgroup prejudice and anxiety than those in the control group. These findings demonstrate that E-contact facilitated by a conversational agent can improve intergroup attitudes even in contexts characterized by a long history of intergroup segregation and conflict.
  • Yasuhiro Mori, Tomoko Nakamata, Risa Kuwayama, Shintaro Yuki, Susumu Ohnuma
    Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 1438-4957 2024/02/19 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Marine litter and plastic pollution are pressing concerns demanding immediate attention. Understanding psychological processes causing anti-environmental behavior is crucial to prevent littering. Even when people have the intention not to litter, they may still engage in littering behaviors. Therefore, this study develops a littering behavior model that incorporates the concept of implementation intention. This proposed model suggests that the willingness to admit to littering within a specific context is introduced between the behavioral intention and the actual behavior. For this study, a web questionnaire survey was conducted in Japan, yielding 4642 valid responses. We developed question items considering response bias toward socially undesirable content. Through this approach, we gathered participant responses that revealed a tendency to litter depending on the situation. The results of structural equation modeling confirmed the model’s validity, suggesting that implementation intention was a direct determinant of littering behavior. The model demonstrated that individuals may still engage in littering behavior in specific situations, despite having a goal of not littering, due to the influence of implementation intention. Accordingly, efficient interventions should be designed in alignment with this behavioral model.
  • Momo Takada, Michio Murakami, Susumu Ohnuma, Yukihide Shibata, Tetsuo Yasutaka
    Environmental management 2024/02 [Refereed]
    Radioactively contaminated soil from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident in 2011 is required by law to be finally disposed of outside Fukushima Prefecture by 2045. To gain public acceptance of this policy, it is essential to promote understanding and nationwide discussion. We conducted a web-based survey of 2000 people in Japan to examine public attitudes toward final disposal of the contaminated soil outside Fukushima Prefecture. Results show that policy approval was negatively correlated with perceived risk of a final disposal site, sense of inequity associated with building a final disposal site near residential areas, and values that are absolutely non-negotiable or protected from trade-offs with other values (protected values). Policy approval was positively correlated with high levels of interest in the Fukushima accident and subjective knowledge of decontamination and the policy. Respondents’ comments and opinions about the policy indicated that respondents who approved of the policy accepted burden sharing, while those who disapproved were unconvinced by the rationale behind disposal outside Fukushima Prefecture and were dissatisfied by the lack of information disclosure and transparency. While the government’s efforts to disseminate information about the current status and future of Fukushima have been effective to a certain extent, they are insufficient to achieve widespread public understanding of the policy. Our results indicate that attention needs to be paid to procedural fairness and explanations of risks.
  • Mie Tsujimoto, Kosuke Kawai, Taichi Misago, Miki Yokoyama, Susumu Ohnuma
    Studies in Simulation and Gaming 日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会 33 (2) 57 - 67 2024/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study developed a “consensus game of the geothermal energy” to observe the consensus-building process among stakeholders with different interests. The game simulates the conflict between local and broader societal views on the management of common pool resources, using a case study of geothermal resources. The game represents the conflict caused by different views of the same geothermal resource. On the one hand, players who are responsible for the public sector emphasize public benefits and sustainable economic development from the broader perspective of the entire society. On the other hand, players who are attached to regions emphasize the local tourism resources and uniqueness of history, culture, and traditions from a local perspective. Ten games were conducted to capture the discrimination between games that successfully resolved the conflict and those that failed. The results suggested that the games achieving consensus demonstrated that: a) the players discussed the same commons acknowledging the different interests and values of their opponents, b) they recognized the situation as pursuing everyone's interests, rather than seeking their own interests, and shaped a shared recognition among them, and c) the ideas that incorporated the values of both sides emerged and were reflected the final decision.
  • Yukihide SHIBATA, Kouta NAKAYAMA, Yume SOUMA, Izumi ORITO, Miki YOKOYAMA, Susumu OHNUMA
    Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis 日本リスク学会 33 (3) 139 - 151 2024 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study investigated a series of press releases related to the application of literature inspection as the first step in selecting a disposal site for high-level radioactive waste in Sutsu-town and Kamoenai-village. We collected the articles from the database of each newspaper company; Hokkaido, Yomiuri, Asahi, and Mainichi. The results indicated that the contents differed between the local press and the whole country press. In the whole country presses, they simplified the various inhabitants’ views and local contexts, which are complicated and thus would not be understood by the dichotomy of approval or opponent. The phenomenon was described that the issue, which primarily should be treated nationwide, is getting narrowed down to be localized.
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    Shinrigaku kenkyu 0021-5236 2023/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study aimed to demonstrate the effects of the provided information on the consequences of group decisions in the case of the treatment of decontaminated soil outside Fukushima. Citizens are expected to make decisions in light of the plural common goods in public deliberations, where objective information should be given while the information taking specific people’s sides should not. The criteria of common good are diverse such as utilitarianism, the equality principle, and the maximin principle. However, if the information about the least advantaged people is not presented, it may be difficult to make decisions considering them. We conducted a group discussion experiment manipulating the provided information about Fukushima residents. The results revealed that participants in the informed condition evaluated the consequences considering Fukushima residents more than in the not-informed condition.
  • Kosuke Shirai, Momo Takada, Michio Murakami, Susumu Ohnuma, Kazuo Yamada, Masahiro Osako, Tetsuo Yasutaka
    Journal of environmental management 345 (1) 2023/11 [Refereed][Not invited]
    TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident prompted extensive decontamination work. The decontaminated soil and incinerated ash generated by the process are scheduled for final disposal by March 2045 outside Fukushima Prefecture. The final disposal is unprecedented worldwide. Clarifying their acceptability will contribute to the final disposal of decontaminated soil and incinerated ash, as well as add knowledge about the perceived risk of low-concentration radioactive waste. A questionnaire survey was conducted to assess the psychological factors influencing final disposal acceptability. The results of the structural equation modeling demonstrated stable results, with risk perception decreasing acceptability, social benefits increasing acceptability, and personal benefits having limited impact. The initiative for the final disposal of decontaminated soil and incinerated ash can facilitate the reconstruction of Fukushima Prefecture after the disaster. Trust and intergenerational expectations are critical factors influencing the acceptability of this disposal. The responses were classified based on the relevance of moral norms using cluster analysis and moral foundations. The influence of each element on acceptability varied depending on the cluster. Trust was identified as the most influential factor in acceptability, regardless of the level of importance placed on moral norms.
  • Miki Yokoyama, Susumu Ohnuma, Hideaki Osawa, Shoji Ohtomo, Yukio Hirose
    Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Springer Science and Business Media LLC 10 (1) 2023/09/29 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study demonstrates that a decision-making process utilising ‘the veil of ignorance’ concept, defined in process terms as beginning from a blank slate encompassing the entire country as potential sites and shortlisting candidate sites based on scientific (geological) safety, promotes public acceptance of siting a repository for the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste and fosters procedural fairness. A hypothetical scenario experiment was conducted in Japan, manipulating the site selection process by setting two conditions—one being the application/proposal condition that the Japanese government currently employs, such as an application by municipalities or a proposal by the government, and the other being the veil of ignorance condition, in which multiple candidate areas are selected from a blank slate for the entire land area based purely on geological factors. Three stages of acceptance were presumed—at the level of general management policy, the site selection process itself with a specified decision policy, and the siting of a repository in their area of residence. Two hypotheses were tested: (a) the veil of ignorance condition will be evaluated as a more acceptable and fairer procedure and will engender increased national consensus than the application/proposal condition at the site selection and repository siting stages, and (b) procedural fairness and national consensus will impact acceptance at each stage; these variables at each stage help shape the same variables in the next stage. The results supported these hypotheses. This study discusses the importance of the site selection process, beginning where any de facto site can be a candidate and shortlisting the candidate sites based on scientific criteria.
  • Rafik Hadfi, Shun Okuhara, Jawad Haqbeen, Sofia Sahab, Susumu Ohnuma, Takayuki Ito
    Scientific Reports 13 (1) 14534  2023/09/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fostering the development of innovative methods of communication and collaboration. Integrating AI into Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is now ushering in an era of social progress that has the potential to empower marginalized groups. This transformation paves the way to a digital inclusion that could qualitatively empower the online presence of women, particularly in conservative and male-dominated regions. To explore this possibility, we investigated the effect of integrating conversational agents into online debates encompassing 240 Afghans discussing the fall of Kabul in August 2021. We found that the agent leads to quantitative differences in how both genders contribute to the debate by raising issues, presenting ideas, and articulating arguments. We also found increased ideation and reduced inhibition for both genders, particularly females, when interacting exclusively with other females or the agent. The enabling character of the conversational agent reveals an apparatus that could empower women and increase their agency on online platforms.
  • Effects of Trus, Moral Foundations, Associated with, Superiorization of Concerned Parties in the Context of NIMBY, Legitimacy of, Public Organizations, Indigenous People, Residents in Selecting, he Geological Disposal, Site in Canada
    リスク学研究 33 (1) 15 - 25 2023/07 [Refereed]
  • SOUMA Yume, YOKOYAMA Miki, NAKAZAWA Takashi, TATSUMI Tomoyuki, OHNUMA Susumu
    Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis 一般社団法人 日本リスク学会 32 (1) 11 - 23 2435-8428 2022/09/15 [Refereed][Not invited]
    An enormous amount of removed soils were produced by the decontaminated works derived from the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. Public understanding and dialogues are required to realize the final disposal of the removed soils. This study contemplated the plural principles of common goods surrounding the removed soils. A group discussion experiment was conducted, setting three arguing points. Before the experiment, the Discourse Quality Index (DQI) was developed to visualize the discussion qualities by plural evaluators, which was confirmed the validity showing sufficient matching rates between the evaluators. Results of the experiment by the analysis of DQI score showed that statements from the points of Utilitarianism were observed the most, while the statements from maximin were fewer. However, many decisions of the groups gave priority to the inequity alleviation and the maximin principles.
  • Momo Takada, Kosuke Shirai, Michio Murakami, Susumu Ohnuma, Jun Nakatani, Kazuo Yamada, Masahiro Osako, Tetsuo Yasutaka
    PLOS ONE 17 (6) e0269702 - e0269702 2022/06/22 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Large-scale decontamination work has been carried out in the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident in Japan in 2011. The soil that was removed and the wastes that were generated during the decontamination will be finally disposed of outside Fukushima Prefecture by 2045. To ensure successful and socially acceptable implementation of this final disposal process, it is essential to have a good understanding of what is considered important by the public. We used a choice-based conjoint analysis in the form of a web-based questionnaire to examine the relative importance of several factors in the choice of the final disposal sites of the removed soil and incinerated ash of the wastes. The questionnaires covered four attributes and 12 levels, namely the distance between the disposal site and a person’s residential area, procedural fairness (decision process), distributive fairness (direct mitigation of inequity through multiple siting locations), and the volume and radioactivity of the substances to be disposed. Responses were received from 4000 people nationwide, excluding Fukushima residents. The results showed that the respondents gave high importance to choosing sites that were far from residential areas and to the two types of fairness, especially distributive fairness. The respondents showed no preference for the volume and radioactivity. This indicates that the public cares about the fairness of the siting for the final disposal sites and feels uncomfortable with plans for a final disposal site located close to them. Distributive fairness is necessary to pursue consensus in addition to procedural fairness.
  • Carola Hommerich, Susumu Ohnuma, Kazushige Sato, Shogo Mizutori
    Japanese Psychological Research 64 (2) 205 - 221 0021-5368 2022/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study aimed to identify determinants of interdependent happiness (IH), with a focus on social capital resources. Using data from a population survey conducted in Sapporo, Japan, we ran hierarchical regressions to compare determinants of IH with determinants of a standard measure of subjective well-being (SWB), the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). While we confirmed the relationships of control variables generally associated with SWB also for IH, we found several decisive differences between the two well-being measures regarding social capital. For IH, an overall larger share of variance was predicted by social capital resources than for SWLS. IH is most strongly affected by social affiliation, which measures a sense of belonging to society, followed by interpersonal reliance, and social support. Reciprocal norms and institutional reliance predicted only IH, but not SWLS. Overall, our results imply that IH captures aspects of well-being related to social capital not fully covered by standard measures of SWB. Thus, for societies in which the cultural construal of happiness is more inclined to IH, the specific importance of social capital resources for SWB might be underestimated when relying solely on standard measures of well-being.
  • OSAWA Hideaki, HIROSE Yukio, OHTOMO Shoji, OHNUMA Susumu
    Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis 一般社団法人 日本リスク学会 31 (3) 235 - 247 2435-8428 2022/03/25
  • Susumu Ohnuma, Miki Yokoyama, Shogo Mizutori
    Sustainability 2022 14 (6) 2022/03/14 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Measures of sustainability-related participatory programs vary according to social and cultural contexts. Thus, this study proposed a stepwise participatory program in which stakeholders and randomly chosen citizens (citizen panels) were repeatedly and sequentially involved, and the citizen panels discharged discrete functions through all the planning stages. Procedural and outcome fairness was focal to the evaluation of the participatory program because these criteria are widely deemed essential for public acceptance. Evaluation by nonparticipants was imperative because of the limited number of participants, but sustainability plans affect and mandate the cooperation of the general public. Therefore, this study undertaken during the revision of the city of Sapporo’s environmental master plan compared evaluations of nonparticipants with those of participants from three stages of the stepwise participatory program applying backcasting sce-nario workshops. A two-wave mailout survey was administered to test two hypotheses: (a) workshop participants would evaluate the acceptance, process, outcome, and antecedent factors more positively than nonparticipants, and (b) procedural fairness and evaluation of expected outcomes would affect acceptance. The results supported these hypotheses. Procedural fairness was associated with acceptance most robustly and consistently. The study’s primary contribution to the extant literature entails accumulating empirical evidence on stepwise participatory pro-grams.
  • Yokoyama Miki, Ohnuma Susumu
    Studies in Simulation & Gaming 日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会 31 (2) 130 - 1142 1345-1499 2022/01/30 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study explored the effectiveness of the veil of ignorance in consensus building on NIMBY issues, focusing specifically on the selection of candidate geological disposal sites for high-level radioactive waste. Since NIMBY issues are notoriously difficult to reach consensus on, we examined the effectiveness of employing a ‘veil of ignorance’ during the site selection process. We refer to two elements of the veil of ignorance: the first is anyone can be a concerned party and the second is that individuals unaware of their interests discuss and make a decision. To establish this structure we designed a game, the “Consensus Building of High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site Game,” in which anyone can be selected as representing a candidate site, and there are a type of player that discuss the value criteria for deciding a disposal site without knowing their interest. The game involves two types of players: “the local governors” who are aware of their regions’ interests, and “citizens” who are unaware of their residential regions. The game also includes a stepwise selection process: the local governors first engage in discussion, then the citizens decide on the relevant value criteria for site selection. Our results demonstrated that a selection process employing a veil of ignorance was evaluated as fair but did not necessarily lead to acceptance. This suggested that incorporating a ‘veil of ignorance’ into a consensus building process is effective, but that it is necessary to combine alternative methods to increase acceptance of the outcome of the site selection process.
  • SOUMA Yume, NAKAZAWA Takashi, TATSUMI Tomoyuki, OHNUMA Susumu
    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI 一般社団法人 人工知能学会 JSAI2022 2H6OS11b02 - 2H6OS11b02 2022 
    In public discourse, citizens are expected to discuss referring to diverse common goods such as utilitarianism, equality, and maximin principle. The discourse quality should be evaluated from multiple viewpoints. The present study conducted group discussion experiments on the treatment of low removed concentration soil outside Fukushima. We evaluated the discussions regarding three types of common goods with the revised Discourse Quality Index (DQI) and scores of the participants and observers. There were two conditions: one with information about Fukushima and the other without the information. The study examined how this different information treatment would affect the evaluations on common goods. Results from the renewed DQI indicated that the number of arguments about the maximin principle was less than on the other common goods in both conditions. Results from scores of the participants and observers found a significant difference in the evaluations of the maximin principle between conditions. Moreover, a significant difference was found in the non-informed condition, indicating that the maximin principle was less discussed than utilitarianism, while it was not found in the informed condition. This study provided the empirical findings to help make AI enable to evaluate democracy.
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    Journal of environmental information science 2021 (2) 0389-6633 2021/10/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Chihiro Adachi, Susumu Ohnuma
    Journal of the Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management 廃棄物資源循環学会 32 65 - 71 1883-5856 2021/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Two observational surveys on the behavior of convenience store shoppers in Sapporo were conducted to investigate the effects of a charging system for plastic bags provided at registers implemented in July 2020. Specifically, Survey 1 aimed to examine: S1-1) How did behaviors change after the implementation of the charging system? and S1-2) Was there a difference in the refusal rates for plastic bags between the shops with the charging system and those without? Meanwhile, Survey 2 focused on S2). Could characteristics of those buying plastic bags after the charging system was implemented be identified? Study 1 was conducted from June through August 2020 and 554 samples were obtained, revealing a substantial difference in the refusal rates for plastic bags between the shops implementing a charging system and those without one. Study 2 was conducted in September 2020. The 4289 samples obtained revealed purchasing pattern characteristics related to plastic bag refusal rates: a) The number of people who brought reusable shopping bags was low overall; b) The refusal rate was lower for shoppers who bought bento (box lunch) or packed bowls/dishes than for those who bought other products; and c) The refusal rate was lower when the clerks asked whether a plastic bag was required or not.
  • Zhu Yao, Ohnuma Susumu
    Studies in Simulation & Gaming シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会 31 (1) 38 - 49 1345-1499 2021/06/25 [Refereed]
    The goal of the current study is to clarify the process of cooperation beyond intergroup conflicts over the disparity in wealth and resources. We conducted the Simulated International Society Game, which simulates the process of conflicts and cooperations in intergroup dynamics focusing on global environmental issues. Focusing on the recognition of common fate, i.e., the recognition of superordinate goals, we examined the associations of the factors that recognition of common fate is formed by communication and promotes acceptance of cooperation. We also examined how the representation of recognition of common fate differs for each group, analyzing at not only the individual level but also the group level. We conducted ten games. The results indicated that recognition of common fate was formed by communication and promoted acceptance of cooperation. In addition, in the representation on the group level, while many groups shaped recognition of common fate and increased cooperation after the occurrence of environmental issues which was the common crisis for all, some groups failed to shape recognition of common fate and increasing cooperation. Those failed groups intensified competition between companies and did not express concern about the environmental issues. The differences in the representations were discussed.
  • Sugiura Junkichi, Ohnuma Susumu, Hirose Yukio
    Studies in Simulation & Gaming 日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会 31 (1) 27 - 37 1345-1499 2021/06/25 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study developed a gaming simulation to learn a deliberative process of policy decisions and their evaluation by referring to stakeholders’ preferences in relation to a controversial issue in their community so as to arrive at a consensus. The content of the game referred to a tram system in Neuss city in Germany. There was a controversial debate on whether the tramline located in a narrow street of Neuss city center should be kept for citizens’ convenience or removed for their safety. In the game, after being provided with the background of the tram system in Neuss, players prioritized which of the six issues were important by referring to three citizen’s profile cards that reflected the results of a social survey conducted in Neuss in 2009. Thereafter, the players of small groups consisted of 2 to 5 decided which of the three options (the tram should be remove/remain/single track) to choose. Each player got a score based on whether his/her priority matched the group’s decision to promote deliberation on the opinion distribution of values not only for specific benefits but for the whole citizens. After the game, the players had a debriefing session during which they discussed the results of the decisions of the small groups and compared them to the consequences of the policy decisions that had been taken in Neuss. The results revealed that the players’ scores were based on their ability to discuss citizen profiles and their own opinion and to adjust their interests according to accept various values and views of the whole citizens. Finally, the applicability of this gaming simulation in decision making with reference to actual stakeholder opinions was discussed.
  • Miki Yokoyama, Susumu Ohnuma, Yoshiki Kondo
    The Japanese journal of psychology 日本心理学会 91 (6) 378 - 387 0021-5236 2021/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study examined the factors affecting public acceptance of the designation of areas in the Recycling Demonstration Project for Soil Generated from Decontamination Activities. The designated areas are requested to receive the soil collected after the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. This introduces what typically known as a Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) issue, which dominates around the inequitable allocation of a given burden and hinders the building of consensus. This study assumed that allocating the burden to multiple locations instead of only one location would increase acceptance. An experiment was conducted which presented a scenario manipulating the burden allocation amongst a sample of adults requited from all over Japan. The results revealed that participants who were allocated to the multiple-locations condition evaluated the situation as having less inequity, fewer risks and stigma, and a fairer procedure, as well as being more acceptable than those who were allocated to the one-place condition.
  • Shoji Ohtomo, Yukio Hirose, Susumu Ohnuma
    Journal of Risk Research 24 (2) 215 - 227 1366-9877 2021/02/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The disposal of designated radioactive contaminated waste resulting from the Fukushima nuclear accident is a primary issue in Japan. However, residents often strongly oppose siting a repository of designated waste; therefore, a possible site remains undecided. The NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) aspect, whereby people refuse to build a repository in their hometown, has led to strong opposition. This study examined a public acceptance model for the siting investigation of a repository of designated waste. The model proposes that the antecedents of the three types of fairness, namely, procedural, distributive, and interpersonal fairness, determine public acceptance in addition to affecting evaluation of designated waste. The study investigated the differences of influences of the three types of fairness between residents in possible siting areas and in a non-siting area to compare the cognitive process toward the NIMBY issue. The respondents included 1016 residents in possible siting areas (Miyagi, Tochigi, Gunma, Ibaraki, and Chiba Prefectures), and 1006 residents in a non-siting area (the Tokyo metropolitan area). All respondents completed a web-based questionnaire. The results revealed that the influence of procedural fairness on public acceptance in the non-siting area was stronger than it was in the possible siting areas. Conversely, the influence of distributive fairness was stronger in the possible siting areas than it was in the non-siting area. Furthermore, affect evaluation through antecedents of fairness was more influential for public acceptance in the possible sites than it was in the non-siting area. Therefore, the findings suggest that the strong opposition due to the NIMBY aspect was caused by the differences between the process of fairness and the concept of fairness that people emphasize.
  • Miki Yokoyama, Susumu Ohnuma, Yukio Hirose
    Simulation gaming through times and disciplines 139 - 152 0302-9743 2021
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    環境心理学研究 日本環境心理学会 8 (1) 16 - 25 2020/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study conducted a questionnaire survey to examine whether residents of Makomanai district, Sapporo city intended to use the pro-environmental transportations, which local NPOs and citizen groups consider to install in the area. The results revealed that a) awareness of the consequences of environmental problems had a positive effect on ascribed responsibility, and ascribed responsibility had a positive effect on moral obligation, b) moral obligation, perceived social norms and public benefit evaluation had positive direct effects on the intention to use the pro-environmental transportations, whereas the effects of cost evaluation and perceived behavioral control were not significant, and c) although community attachment correlated with the intention, it had a negative direct effect. The present study implies that it would be effective to emphasize social norms and public benefits of the pro-environmental transportations in order to nudge residents to use them.
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    シミュレーション&ゲーミング 2020/01/30
  • MAEDA Hiroe, HIROSE Yukio, OHNUMA Susumu, OHTOMO Shoji
    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 社団法人 環境科学会 33 (2) 24 - 41 0915-0048 2020 [Refereed][Not invited]

    The first global case of government-commissioned deliberative polling (DP) for developing the Strategy for Innovative Energy and Environment was held in August 2012. In the following October, we investigated the public evaluation of the policymaking process, focusing on the standpoint of citizens' perception of procedural fairness. We also explored the effects of procedural fairness of both DP and "Public Debates" on the social acceptance of the strategy, including DP, the public debate process, trust in the government, and the pros and cons of nuclear electric power generation. We administered an online survey to 2,000 Japanese residents. The findings were as follows: (a) the main determinants for procedural fairness in DP were "extent of deliberations" and "diversity and comprehensiveness of panel of experts"; (b) the main determinants for procedural fairness in "Public Debates" were "reflection of the policy" and "information disclosure"; (c) that of "procedural fairness evaluation in 'Public Debates,' " "DP," and "trust in the government" promoted public acceptance of the strategy. We discussed the importance of procedural fairness in environmental policymaking; public acceptance of a policy is not only affected by the procedural fairness for the entire citizen participation process, but also by each type of citizen participation.

  • Ando Kaori, Sugiura Junkichi, Ohnuma Susumu, Tam Kim-Pong, Hubner Gundula
    Simulation & Gaming 50 (5) 532 - 555 1046-8781 2019/11 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the “persuasion game” (Sugiura, 2003) in changing environmental attitudes and behaviors in different cultural contexts. Personal communication has been identified as a key facilitator of environmental behaviors, but environmental communication in our daily lives is infrequent.
    Intervention. This study tested the effects of the persuasion game in Germany, Hong Kong, and Japan. The game divides participants into two groups: persuaders and persuadees. The persuaders were given 10 minutes to persuade as many persuadees as they could to adopt energy-saving behaviors. Further, after 10 minutes, these participants were asked to switch their roles.
    Method. The study employed a quasi-experimental pretest/posttest design to examine changes in attitudes and behavioral intentions of the participants toward energy-saving before and after their participation in the persuasion game. Participants were university students in Germany (N = 116), Hong Kong (N = 65), and Japan (N = 92).
    Results. In all three countries, playing the game was associated with increased intention to adopt energy-saving behaviors, perceived seriousness of environmental problems, descriptive norm, and subjective norm. The increase in subjective norm was especially high in Japan, where the increase in intention to adopt energy-saving behavior was particularly pronounced among those who had less environmental communication.
    Discussion. The results indicate that this game can not only facilitate communication on environmental issues in different cultural contexts but also change how people perceive others’ interest in environmental issues.
    Conclusion. This study showed that persuasion game can be played in countries other than Japan as well. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to communicate with others on environmental issues, which may contribute to promoting future environmental behaviors.
  • Kitakaji Yoko, Ohnuma Susumu
    Simulation & Gaming 50 (5) 509 - 531 1046-8781 2019/11 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: Many studies have shown that sanctions promote cooperation in social dilemma situations. However, it has also been suggested that sanctions have a negative effect. The interactions among people and systems need to be considered to examine the consequences of sanctions.
    Aim: We examined whether rewards and mutual punishment increased non-cooperation. We regarded illegal industrial waste dumping as a social dilemma in which everyone bears the burden of the cost of illegal dumping, legal treatment is cooperative behavior, and illegal dumping is non-cooperative behavior.
    Method: We used the Industrial Waste Illegal Dumping Game. This game simulates the structure of industrial waste treatment (incomplete surveillance, various industries with different roles and payoffs, cost of cooperation, etc.) in addition to the social dilemma structure. Players take on roles in industrial waste treatment, negotiating and dealing with other players, and treating industrial waste. We set three conditions. In the reward condition, players can earn rewards by rapidly treating industrial waste. In the mutual punishment condition, players can mutually monitor and punish each other. In the control condition, neither reward nor punishment exists.
    Results: Non-cooperation occurred more frequently in the reward condition than in the control condition. Conversely, there was no difference in non-cooperation between the mutual punishment and control conditions. Players under the reward condition did not gather information proactively, and information on benefits was not shared.
    Conclusion: This study showed that sanctions caused non-cooperation. Social dynamics should be considered when evaluating the effectiveness of sanctions. Gaming allows us to examine social consequences, including social dynamics, which leads to discoveries not possible through traditional methods.
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    日本リスク研究学会誌 2019/10/25
  • Toshiko Kikkawa, Susumu Ohnuma
    Simulation and Gaming 50 (5) 491 - 493 1046-8781 2019/10/01 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    シミュレーション&ゲーミング 2019/08/30
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    シミュレーション&ゲーミング 2019/08/30
  • Yokoyama, M, Ohnuma, S
    imulation & Gaming: Through times and across disciplines, past and future, heritage and progress 05 - 119 2019/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study aims to demonstrate the significance of discussion under the “veil of ignorance” in building consensus about the Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) issue. The Siting for a Contaminated Waste Landfill Game simu-lates conflicts related to the site selection of a contaminated waste landfill created by the accident at Fukushima nuclear power plant. It was developed with the veil of ignorance implemented as the prevailing social structure. The game involves two types of players: mayors, who are aware of the interests of their regions but can only engage in discussion; and citizens, who are un-aware of the specific concerns of their regions (i.e., under the veil of igno-rance) but are tasked with engaging in discussions and making the final deci-sion. The transformations of the ideas of the players were examined through this game relating to building consensus. Ten games were conducted, and no unfair decisions were discerned under the veil of ignorance. A qualitative analysis of the open-ended questions revealed that a) the participants fo-cused on fair viewpoints and avoided fixating on their regional interests after the discussion, and b) emphasized the importance of including a variety of perspectives before and after the discussion. Hence, this study succeeded in demonstrating that by participating in discussions under the veil of igno-rance, participants were able to form a shared recognition of the multiple-decision process on the NIMBY issue.
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    シミュレーション&ゲーミング 2019/03/30
  • Ohnuma, S, Hirose, Y, Sugiura , J
    Journal of Societal Safety Science 9 89 - 101 2019/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study investigated the effects of value similarity and procedural fairness of citizen participation on public acceptance of environmental policy decision in a case study of the tram system in Neuss city, Germany. We carried out a case study investigating the tram system in the city center of Neuss. In Neuss, the street in the city center was too narrow and dangerous because the trams went through the main street. There was a big controversial debate of whether the tram should remain or be removed from there. After a decade of discussion, the city mayor had decided the tram line to become a single track from double track on the section of the city center. To investigate how residents evaluate the decision process and to explore what factors influence people’s acceptance of the decision, a mail-out survey was conducted in Neuss. We differentiated the acceptance of single track, which is a compromised resolution reflected both opinions, from approval of remain/remove the tram system, which is a dichotomy. Results showed that a) when the acceptance was a dependent variable,both value similarity and procedural fairness had effects on the acceptance, while b) when approval was a dependent variable, value similarity had a stronger effect, but procedural fairness had a weaker effect. These results indicated that discussion framework focusing on the controversy as dichotomy might blindfold many values, on the contrary, the compromise between both sides might turn their attention to diverse values causing evaluation of procedural fairness to become more significant.
  • Yorifuji, K, Ando, K, Ohnuma, S, Hirose, Y
    Journal of Societal Safety Science 9 131 - 143 2019/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The aim of our study is to confirm that children’s environmental personal norms were formed by injunctive norms of close others. We conducted a longitudinal survey with one-year interval for 5th and 6th grade elementary school children and their parents/caregivers. The results of the study revealed that children’s personal norms were formed by injunctive norms of their parents, and that parents’ environmental - conscious behaviors affected children’s descriptive norms at the same time point. Parents’ attention/praise affected children’s injunctive norms at the next year. The study also showed that the influence from their parents were larger than that of their peers.
  • Ohtomo, S, Hirose, Y, Ohnuma, S
    Journal of Societal Safety Science 9 177 - 186 2019/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Disposal of designated waste that is radioactive contaminated by the Fukushima nuclear accident is a primary issue in Japan. This study examined the determinants of public acceptance of siting a repository for designated waste, focusing on affective reaction, procedural fairness, and trust. The study presumed that affective reaction moderates the effects of procedural fairness and trust on public acceptance. To examine the presumption, the study implemented a hypothetical scenario experiment that manipulated two factors: an opportunity of voice as an antecedent of procedural fairness and similarity value to the authority as a component of trust. 289 people participated in the web-based experiment. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions: procedural fairness (voice vs. no voice) × trust (similarity vs. no similarity) factorial design associated with acceptance of siting investigation for designated waste. The experiment measured affective reaction to the siting, and evaluations of procedural fairness, trust, public acceptance in the decision-making process. Results indicated that affective reaction, procedural fairness, and trust determined public acceptance. Moreover, the interactive effect of affective reaction × trust was found. A process analysis indicated that the effect of trust on public acceptance was strengthened when the affective reaction was negative. However, the interactive effects of affective reaction × procedural fairness and trust × procedural fairness were not found. The study showed that trust was susceptible to affect. This study suggested the significance of trust for people with a strong affective reaction in promoting the public acceptance of siting a facility for designated waste.
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    実験社会心理学研究 59 (1) 1 - 13 2019 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Osawa Hideaki, Ohtomo Shoji, Hirose Yukio, Ohnuma Susumu
    Journal of Human Environmental Studies 人間環境学研究会 17 (1) 59 - 64 1348-5253 2019 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study examined the determinants of public acceptance of siting a repository for High-level radioactive waste (HLW), focusing on procedural fairness and trust. The study presumed that interactive effect of procedural fairness × trust on public acceptance exist. To examine the presumption, the study implemented a hypothetical scenario experiment that manipulated two factors: an opportunity of voice as an antecedent of procedural fairness and value similarity to the authority as a component of trust. Three-hundred seventeen people participated in the web-based experiment. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions: procedural fairness (voice vs. no voice) × trust (similarity vs. no similarity) factorial design associated with acceptance of siting investigation for a repository of HLW. The experiment measured affective reaction to the siting, and evaluations of procedural fairness, trust, public acceptance in the decision-making process. Results indicated that affective reaction, procedural fairness, and trust determined public acceptance. Moreover, the interactive effect of procedural fairness × trust on public acceptance was found. A process analysis indicated that the effect of procedural fairness was strengthened when the trust on similarity was negative.
  • IINO Mari, OHNUMA Susumu, HIROSE Yukio, OSAWA Hideaki, OHTOMO Shoji
    Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis 一般社団法人日本リスク学会 29 (2) 95 - 102 0915-5465 2019 [Refereed][Not invited]

    The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of compensation framing on acceptance of a high level radioactive waste (HLW) geological repository. Monetary compensation is sometimes provided for local governments as a benefit for accepting certain risks. However, Fray et al. (1996) demonstrated that monetary compensation failed to procure acceptance of a nuclear waste disposal repository. In reality, offering to improve social welfare is also sometimes used as compensation for accepting a risky facility. From the above, we hypothesized that monetary compensations would be rejected by residents of proposed site. To test these hypotheses, we conducted a scenario experiment. We conducted a web-based survey and obtained 1200 valid Japanese responses. The results demonstrated that there were no main effects of condition, which suggested that the framing of compensation had no significant impact on acceptance of a HLW geological repository.

  • YOKOYAMA Miki, OHNUMA Susumu
    Sociotechnica 15 1 - 11 1882-4609 2018/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study hypothesized that prior consent is essential for a NIMBY issue before beneficiaries and victims are divided, and demonstrated the significance of a stepwise decision making process involving stakeholders. We focused on procedural fairness to investigate what kind of element is important for the public acceptance of decision method. We conducted a scene experiment, which took a case of siting a landfill for waste contaminated with radioactive materials. We manipulated four conditions concerning involving stakeholders in the hypothetical decision process: the government condition, mayors condition, citizens condition and stepwise condition. The results suggested that the stepwise decision-making was evaluated higher procedural fairness and acceptance than the other conditions.
  • Hirose Yukio, Ohnuma Susumu, Yokoyama Miki
    Journal of societal Safety Science 8 83 - 90 2186-0823 2018/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The purpose of our study is to develop a consensus making game of NIMBY typed public planning, and to examine whether this game can be applied for understanding the idea of “veil of ignorance” as a measure to facilitate consensus-making in a NIMBY-type situation. The policy of siting repositories for radioactive waste by the Fukushima nuclear accident became difficult to introduce because of disagreement of the residents. In order to facilitate risk communication between administrations and residents, we develop a game to seek consensus of the policy. Twelve players take either mayor’s or resident’s role of six communities. The mayors discuss and propose evaluative criterias for judging options of siting repository, and the residents discuss and evaluate the options with the criterias proposed by the mayors.
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    環境心理学研究 6 (1) 12 - 21 2018 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study investigated the effect of feedback of others’ electricity consumption through a field experiment. It is reported that sending an energy report, which includes a comparison of electricity consumption of other and one’s own household, has an effect of about 2% reduction in electricity consumption (Haig, 2014; Allcott & Rogers, 2012). However, psychological processes associated with this change have not yet been revealed. In this study, feedback of others’ electricity consumption was sent to the participants in the “Leading Eco Life Tsurumi” project in Osaka city. The results showed that the difference between feedback group and no-feedback group on electricity consumption was marginally significant. The comparison between feedback groups indicated that whether it includes comparison of self and other households did not have impact on one’s electricity consumption. The regression analysis showed that self-reported energy-saving behavior was a significant determinant of the electricity consumption, which indicated that adopting energy-saving behavior at home can have effects on electricity consumption.
  • Osawa, H, Hirose, Y, Ohnuma, S, Ohtomo, S
    Journal of Societal Safety 関西大学社会安全学部 9 (9) 145 - 160 2186-0815 2018 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The purpose of our study is to understand decision-making process on selection of management policy for high-level radioactive waste. We compared decision-making process between Switzerland and UK by document review. The resuls show that decision-making process in both Swizerland and UK have similar features on flow of decision-making, comparative criteria for selecting options of management policy, and trade-off regarding intergenerational faireness, except for manner of public participation. The decision-making was performed extraction of options, establishment of comparative criteria, assessment and selection of options in turn. As comparative criteria, safety and intergenerational faireness etc. were considered to be important. The position of ‘Deal with it now by waste disposal’ emphasizing the responsibility of the present generation had a trade-off relation with that of ‘Leave it until later by long-term storage’ emphasizing the rights of future generations. The sense of values, recusing HLW repository as so-called troublesome facility agaist future and present generation, appeared to be mitigated through the consideration of trade-off relation described above. As a result, both coutries have chosen geological disposal considering reversibility of decisions and retrievability of radioactive waste.
  • Osawa, H, Hirose, Y, Ohnuma, S, Ohtomo, S
    ournal of Societal Safety Science 関西大学社会安全学部 9 (9) 161 - 176 2186-0815 2018 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The purpose of our study is to understand decision-making process on site selection for the deep geological repository of high-level radioactive waste. We compared site selection process by screening based primarily on technical criteria with the main emphasis on safety in Switzerland, and that by a voluntarism and partnership approach in UK by document review. The voluntarism and partnership approach in UK is based on the ethical consideration that faireness in siting facilities could only be achieved by the enhancement of well-being and public acceptability based on a willingness to participate and a right to withdraw from a siting process. On the other hand, it could be interpreted that the screening approach with the main emphasis on safety in Switzerland would be based on the concept of the veil of ignorance of veil, hypothesized that people would accept the decision if they consent the decision way beforehand under condition everyone could be involved in as a potential interest party. The responses of public against siting by the voluntarism and partnership approach shows that there were some issues on the suitability of geology at candidate site and a right to withdraw by legal base. The siting by the screening approach shows that people would accept follow the rule of this siting process so far. However, a conclusion has not been reached concerning whether only one candidate site could be selected from some sites by safty and other criteria, and whether local people at candidate site could consent and accept.
  • Maeda, H, Hirose, Y, Sugiura, J, Ohnuma, S
    Journal of Societal Safety Science 関西大学社会安全学部 9 (9) 187 - 204 2186-0815 2018 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study explored whether citizen participation empowers people, and examined the effect of empowerment expectation on intention to participate in future citizen participation programs. We also focused on three subscales of competence: deepening participants’ understanding of discussion themes, enabling mutual understanding among participants, and performance appraisal of citizen’s panel conference; and examined their relationships with measures of empowerment.
    We explored the “Citizen’s Report for Health” program, conducted from 2001 to 2002 in eight regions of Bavaria, Germany. They used the “Planning Cells” citizen participation and deliberation model, involving randomly selected citizens. Fifty residents from each region (n=405) attended a four-day meeting and discussed the suggestions for future health policies. A questionnaire survey was administered to 405 participants and 3500 non-participants (500 residents randomly selected from each of the seven regions) in early 2007. The main results were as follows: 1) participants revealed higher scores than non-participants regarding participation intention in a future opportunity, each subscale of competence, and, each subscale of empowerment, 2) both participants and non-participants determined the intention to participate in future participation programs by the empowerment expected to be gained. 3) Competence was the main determinant of each empowerment. We discussed the necessity to encourage people with no experience of citizen participation to foster greater expectations of empowerment to promote their participation.
  • Mayuko Nakamaru, Hayato Shimura, Yoko Kitakaji, Susumu Ohnuma
    JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 437 79 - 91 0022-5193 2018/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The evolution of cooperation is an unsolved research topic and has been investigated from the viewpoint of not only biology and other natural sciences but also social sciences. Much extant research has focused on the evolution of cooperation among peers. While, different players belonging to different organizations play different social roles, and players playing different social roles cooperate together to achieve their goals. We focus on the evolution of cooperation in linear division of labor that is defined as follows: a player in the i-th role interacts with a player in the i + 1-th role, and a player in the n-th role achieves their goal (1 <= i < n) if there are n roles in the division of labor. We take the industrial waste treatment process as an example for illustration. We consider three organizational roles and B-i is the i-th role. The player of B; can choose two strategies: legal treatment or illegal dumping, which can be interpreted as cooperation or defection (i = 1-3). With legally required treatment, the player of B-j pays a cost to ask the player of Bj+1 to treat the waste (j = 1, 2). Then, the cooperator of Bj+1 pays a cost to treat the waste properly. With illegal dumping, the player of Bi dumps the waste and does not pay any cost (i= 1-3). However, the waste dumped by the defector has negative environmental consequences, which all players in all roles suffer from. This situation is equivalent to a social dilemma encountered in common-pool resource management contexts. The administrative organ in Japan introduces two sanction systems to address the illegal dumping problem: the actor responsibility system and the producer responsibility system. In the actor responsibility system, if players in any role who choose defection are monitored and discovered, they are penalized via a fine. However, it is difficult to monitor and detect the violators, and this system does not work well. While, in the producer responsibility system, the player in B-1 is fined if the player cannot hand the manifest to the local administrative organ because the players of B-i (i=1-3) who choose defection do not hand the manifest to the player of B-1. We analyze this situation using the replicator equation. We reveal that (1) the three-role model has more empirical credibility than the two-role model including B-1 and B-3, and (2) the producer responsibility system promotes the evolution of cooperation more than the system without sanctioning. (3) the actor responsibility system does not promote the evolution of cooperation if monitoring and detecting defectors is unsuccessful. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    シミュレーション&ゲーミング 2017/11/30
  • Miki Yokoyama, Susumu Ohnuma, Yukio Hirose
    Studies in Simulation & Gaming 26 (2) 21 - 32 2017/11/30 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study examined whether and how a veil of ignorance contributes to consensus building on NIMBY issues, modifying a game designed by Hirose (2015) that focuses on the siting of radioactive waste disposal facility. The game involves two categories of players: ‘mayors’- who are aware of their regions’ interests but can only engage in discussion, and ‘citizens’- who are unaware of their regions’ interests (i.e. operate under a veil of ignorance) yet are tasked with engaging in discussion and making final decisions. We used this game to examine the extent to which decision makers would make fair decisions, and whether interested parties (the mayors) not engaged in the decision making could accept the decisions made by the other players. In study 1, unfair decisions were observed in three of eight groups and the interested parties evaluated the decisions less acceptable.In study 2, all players had previously taken part as mayors in another game in which no consensus was achieved. All players therefore had experienced a failure of consensus. In study 2, in contrast with study 1, no unfair decisions were observed and the level of acceptance increased. These findings imply that solely making decisions while operating under a veil of ignorance is insufficient to achieve a consensus but that when such conditions are combined with previous experience of a failure to establish a consensus then both consensus and acceptance from interested parties can be reached.
  • OHNUMA Susumu, KITAKAJI Yoko
    Studies in Simulation and Gaming 25 (2) 107 - 113 1345-1499 2017/11/25 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    This study explores the processes required to achieve consensus on controver-sial issues that involve social dilemmas and developed the “Consensus Build-ing of Wind Farm Game” (WinG). A social dilemma is a conflict between per-sonal profit and public benefits wherein the results of individuals pursuing their own profit means that public benefits decline; thus, ultimately, individu-als lose their profit. Shared recognition of a common goal is crucial in resolv-ing social dilemmas; however, in actual practice, developing such a shared recognition is difficult due to conflicts among stakeholders. To help identify effective resolutions to this problem, we examined a case of planning for a wind farm, which often involves controversy, even though many people gener-ally agree to the plan. WinG was developed to simulate the type of conflicts among stakeholders when planning a wind farm. There are five types of play-ers (stakeholders) in WinG and each has a different goal and is provided with different information. All the players are required to maximize their individ-ual goals within the time limit, however at the same time, from the viewpoint of public benefit, an optimal achievement point is hidden in the game that re-sults in the second best outcome for all the players. Through negotiations, bar-gaining, and debate, the social dynamics of achieving (or failing to achieve) a consensus were observed in WinG. Analysis from 10 games showed that shared recognition of a common goal was related to consensus, while only infor-mation sharing was not sufficient.
  • Ando Kaori, Ohnuma Susumu
    THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会 57 (2) 128 - 135 2017 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The present study examined the determinants of electricity saving behaviors after the Great East Japan Earthquake with the university students in 5 areas: Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu and Kansai. After the earthquake, Japan experienced severe electricity shortage and citizens were asked to save electricity. Electricity saving in the public spaces such as using dimmer lights were carried out. Previous studies showed that descriptive norms, which is the cognition or presence that most others conduct the behavior, can affect environmental behaviors (e.g. Schultz, 1999). In the present study, we examined the hypothesis that observing the electricity saving in the public spaces served as descriptive norms. The total number of valid responses was 610. The results showed that the experiences of electricity saving in public spaces and perceived others’ behavior affected one’s electricity saving behaviors. The changes in one’s values, seriousness perception of energy issues, experiences of planned blackout and the perception of the shortage of electricity supply also affected electricity saving behaviors. The present study confirmed that descriptive norms have impacts on electricity saving behaviors even in the untypical situation that electricity supply is limited after the disaster. The effectiveness of electricity saving in the public spaces on electricity saving behaviors was discussed.
  • MORI Yasuhiro, KOBAYASHI Tsubasa, OHNUMA Susumu
    Papers on Environmental Information Science 一般社団法人 環境情報科学センター 30 261 - 266 0389-6633 2016/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The current study aimed to 1) understand the characteristics of and barriers to pro-environmental behaviors to encourage the behaviors by simultaneously measuring a number of behaviors, and 2) investigate peoples’ expectations of ripple effect by spreading pro-environmental behaviors, which might influence the other policy domains. Overall, the study was designed to inform a revision of the Basic Environment Plan Sapporo (Hokkaido, Japan). Results showed the importance of reducing the laboriousness of, and providing opportunities to engage in, pro-environmental behavior. Furthermore, it was found that perception of ripple effect correlated with pro-environmental behaviors, and all sample, obtained from random sampling citizens, citizen groups and companies, expressed strong expectation to ripple effect.
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    社会心理学研究 32 (2) 115 - 122 2189-1338 2016/11 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study investigated the effects of imagining others on cooperation in a one-shot Prisoner's Dilemma (PD) game. There were two ways to imagine others’ perspectives: “imagining other” or considering how the other person feels, and “imagining self” or projecting oneself onto the other person. Participants were assigned to one of three conditions: a) the imagining other condition, b) the imagining self condition, and c) the control condition (thinking about a landscape). Participants played a one-shot PD game and completed the social value orientation (SVO) scale, which measures one’s cooperative tendency. Results showed that the cooperation rate was higher in the imagining other condition, and participants in the imagining other condition expected that the partner would cooperate and that the partner thinks they would cooperate. In contrast, in the imagining self condition, no significant difference were observed about these variables. Furthermore, cooperation rate increased mediated by two way expectations in imagining others condition, while not observed in imagining self conditions. These results show the importance of imagining others, not as a reflection of self, in increasing expectation of mutual cooperation and promoting cooperation.
  • OSAWA Hideaki, OHTOMO Shoji, OHNUMA Susumu, HIROSE Yukio
    Sociotechnica 社会技術研究会 13 86 - 95 1349-0184 2016/05 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study examined determinants of public acceptance regarding siting a geological disposal facility for high-level radioactive waste (HLW) in France, where a candidate site has been selected following on a variety of public involvement activities. Data from 886 French residents were collected in 2014 by an internet survey that was performed near a district that is a candidate for a HLW repository and in an outlying region away from the candidate site. Results indicate that procedural fairness, intergenerational subjective norm, public benefit and personal benefit were significant factors for public acceptance in dealing with the NIMBY issue in addition to factors such as trust, risk perception and stigma, dealt with in previous research on risk analysis. Furthermore, personal benefit and affect by personal judgement had stronger impact on the acceptance than public benefit, procedural fairness and intergenerational subjective norm by social judgement. This suggests that influence from determinants to public acceptance would depend on such elements as cultural background and status of siting.
  • MORI Yasuhiro, OHNUMA Susumu, Kloeckner Christian
    Journal of Environmental Information Science 44 (5) 87 - 98 2188-5796 2016/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    “Waste stations”, where residents dispose of household waste, are usually maintained by the residents themselves; however, not all stations are well maintained. It was hypothesized that the level of waste station maintenance would correlate with the degree of social ties in the community, and would be influenced by local environment in the area around the waste station. A combination of observational and survey research methods were employed to test these hypotheses. Self-reported inappropriate disposal behavior and social ties were measured using a questionnaire survey, while the level of maintenance of waste stations and local surrounding environment were recorded using observational methods. Data from 508 residents, assigned to 102 waste stations in 23 local areas of Sapporo, Japan, were analyzed. Sequential regression analysis indicated that social ties in the community was the stronger predictor of the management level of waste station than the self-report disposal behavior. Furthermore, multi-level model tests revealed that the level of management of waste stations was predicted by the local surrounding environment, which provided spatial reminders of community interactions. This indicates that managing the local surrounding environment is an important intervention to encourage appropriate waste station management.
  • MORI Yasuhiro, OHNUMA Susumu, KLÖCKNER Christian
    Journal of Environmental Information Science 一般社団法人 環境情報科学センター 44 87 - 98 0389-6633 2016 

    "Waste stations", where residents dispose of household waste, are usually maintained by the residents themselves; however, not all stations are well maintained. It was hypothesized that the level of waste station maintenance would correlate with the degree of social ties in the community, and would be influenced by local environment in the area around the waste station. A combination of observational and survey research methods were employed to test these hypotheses. Self-reported inappropriate disposal behavior and social ties were measured using a questionnaire survey, while the level of maintenance of waste stations and local surrounding environment were recorded using observational methods. Data from 508 residents, assigned to 102 waste stations in 23 local areas of Sapporo, Japan, were analyzed. Sequential regression analysis indicated that social ties in the community was the stronger predictor of the management level of waste station than the self-report disposal behavior. Furthermore, multi-level model tests revealed that the level of management of waste stations was predicted by the local surrounding environment, which provided spatial reminders of community interactions. This indicates that managing the local surrounding environment is an important intervention to encourage appropriate waste station management.

  • Yoko Kitakaji, Susumu Ohnuma
    SIMULATION AND GAMING IN THE NETWORK SOCIETY 9 369 - 385 2197-8832 2016 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study explores whether information disclosure can cause cooperation in a social dilemma, even when people can disseminate false information. In the past, illegal dumping increased in Japan despite the strengthening of penalties and surveillance laws, due to practical limitations in monitoring and surveillance. To resolve this, the tracking sheet used to trace the trading and processing of the waste must be traceable, in order to detect illegal dumping. This means that manifests must be written precisely in order to be effective, but if maintaining a tracking log has some function other than surveillance, this may not be the case. To examine this issue, we used the "Industrial Waste Illegal Dumping game" (Ohnuma S, Kitakaji Y. Simure-syon ando geimingu (Stud Simul Gaming) 17 (1): 5-16, 2007) which simulates the disposal of industrial waste and is structured as a social dilemma with asymmetry of information. In this study we utilized two conditions: a disclosure and a control (need not disclose) condition. Under the disclosure condition, players had to enter the amount of commission or disposal in the landfill but did not have to fill in the correct amount. Although other players could read the report, they did not know who performed illegal dumping or how much they contributed. Therefore, this disclosure did not have an effective surveillance function and could not help detect noncooperation. However, the results showed that the amount of illegal dumping was reduced, and information about payoffs was actually shared more in the disclosure condition than in the control condition. Moreover, players collected and shared their information more in the disclosure condition than in the control condition. The study thus indicates that the function of disclosure is not surveillance, but information sharing which is essential for voluntary cooperation.
  • Hiroshi Nonami, Yukio Hirose, Susumu Ohnuma, Cees Midden, Shoji Ohtomo
    ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 18 (3) 216 - 224 1367-2223 2015/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    In citizen participation, a few representatives of the total citizen population participate in discussions with authorities regarding public decisions and policies. The present study examines a dual process model in which the representatives' voice and similarity of values facilitate public acceptance through procedural fairness and trust in representatives, respectively. The results of an experiment employing a scenario method, which included participants from Japan (n=211) and the Netherlands (n=200), indicate that the representatives' voice increased procedural fairness and public acceptance when the similarity of representatives was high. The effects of representatives' voice on public acceptance via procedural fairness was supported in both nations, while other effects of representatives' similarity on acceptance via trust were indicated only in Japan. These results suggest that the indirect voice of citizens, as conveyed by representatives, plays an important role in increasing perceptions of procedural fairness and public acceptance among citizens.
  • Kaori Ando, Kayo Yorifuji, Susumu Ohnuma, Ellen Matthies, Ayumi Kanbara
    Asian Journal of Social Psychology 18 (2) 134 - 144 1467-839X 2015/06/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The present study examined the processes by which children acquire pro-environmental behaviours in different cultures. Our focus was on parental influence. Several studies have been conducted on adults' environmental behaviours however, we know little about how children's environmental attitudes and behaviours are formed. We conducted a questionnaire survey with elementary school children and one of their parents in Germany and Japan. Two hundred and twenty-one pairs participated in Germany and 365 in Japan. The results of structural equation modelling showed that parents' behaviours affected children's environmental behaviours directly and also via the subjective norm (the children's experienced expectations of their parents). A comparison of the two countries revealed that hypothesized cultural differences between the impact of personal norms and subjective norms were clearer for adults. The results also showed that the effects of subjective norms were stronger for children, indicating that children are more likely to be influenced by expectations of others. The results of the study suggest that for promoting children's environmental behaviours, showing the behaviours in daily life would be most effective.
  • Sakamoto Go, Takiguchi Ryo, Ohnuma Susumu
    Japanese Journal of Environmental Psychology 日本環境心理学会 3 (1) 1 - 10 2189-1427 2015/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Findings in commons literature, represented by Ostrom (1990), have been applied practically to development policy determination in the name of community-based natural resource management (CBNRM). To put a great emphasis on the effectiveness of property rights regime, CBNRM requires definitions of clear boundaries of natural resources themselves and of who are the appropriators for them. However, applying of CBNRM to Mongolia raises social and psychological problems, which were discussed in this paper. First, with reference to the history of laws and principles of land management in Mongolia, we suggested that a serious conflict occurs in the pastoralist’s societies between the norms of reciprocity that underlie in their societies and the notion of clear boundaries required by CBNRM. Second, based on the social identity theory, we claimed that commons studies with the notion of boundaries underestimate the social influence processes which may affect social cognition and behavior of the group members, even if a given boundary seems trivial. Delineated boundaries may have threatened the social system which is based on the extensive cooperative behavior through generalized exchange, as seen in the pastoral societies in Mongolia. Finally, we proposed more effective guidelines for designing rules and institutions.
  • OHNUMA Susumu, SATO Kosuke, KITAKAJI Yoko, ISHIYAMA Kiichi
    Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis 一般社団法人日本リスク研究学会 25 (3) 121 - 130 0915-5465 2015 [Refereed][Not invited]
    One of the underground research centers for geological disposal of radioactive wastes is located in Horonobe, Hokkaido. The facility is regarded as NIMBY. When considering NIMBY, we face on protected values (PVs), those that resist tradeoffs with other values. Those of placing high PVs often refuse a dialogue, making it more complicated to build a consensus. However, PVs are lessened, given fair procedure adopted. Horonobe research center regularly hold a briefing of the project for public hearing, in which they put a chair in the hands of the opposition group. This episode is regarded as abandonment of authority control (AAC), one of the criteria of procedural fairness. A survey was conducted. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that PVs had a negative effect on the acceptance, however, interaction between PVs and AAC was significant, suggesting that those of high PVs tend to care about AAC and PVs can be lessened if they perceive the authority abandons control.
  • Yasuhiro Mori, Tsubasa Kobayashi, Yoshihisa Anpo, Susumu Ohnuma
    Research in Social Psychology 31 (3) 160 - 171 0916-1503 2015 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The purpose of this study is to investigate extrinsic and intrinsic motivation factors relating to longterm household energy-saving behaviors. Sixty-nine households from Asahikawa City, Japan, participated in a one-year energy-saving project, reporting monthly actual energy use of electricity, gas, and paraffin oil. Participating households also completed a questionnaire at the beginning, the half-way point, and upon completion of the one-year project. Results showed that intrinsic motivation such as enjoyment and interest impacted both self-reported and actual energy use. Moreover, intrinsic motivation at 6 months had an effect on behavior at one year. Meanwhile, extrinsic motivation, provided in the form of points, failed to impact behaviors, although extrinsic motivation at 6 months affected intrinsic motivation at one year. The role of extrinsic motivation as initial participation encouragement, and the effect of intrinsic motivations on longterm behavior are discussed.
  • OHNUMA Susumu
    Economic Studies 64 (2) 116 - 123 2014/12 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • KOBAYASHI Tsubasa, OHNUMA Susumu, MORI Yasuhiro
    Papers on Environmental Information Science 一般社団法人 環境情報科学センター 28 37 - 42 0389-6633 2014/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Though numerous studies into household energy-saving behaviors exist, studies tracing long-term behavioral change are rare. Addressing this gap in research, the present study focuses on participants’ qualitative change in energy-saving. The study was carried out over one year, as part of a local energy-saving campaign. Participants in the current study were all enrolled in the year-long campaign, and participated in group interviews. Participants’ statements were analyzed via text mining, after which expression frequencies and relationships between words were examined. Results showed that economic gain, heating, and ease of seeing the fruits of one’s efforts presented at the beginning of the project were often mentioned during the first half-year group interview. In the final half-year group interview, however, there was an increase in comments regarding how not only oneself but also how family life had changed, and also regarding new initiatives put into practice by participants themselves.
  • KITAKAJI Yoko, OHNUMA Susumu
    The Japanese Journal of Psychology 85 (1) 9 - 19 1884-1082 2014/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This research demonstrated the negative influence of monitoring and punishing during a social dilemma game, taking the illegal dumping of industrial waste as an example. The first study manipulated three conditions: a producing-industries monitoring condition (PIM), an administrative monitoring condition (ADM), and a control condition (no monitoring). The results showed that non-cooperative behavior was more frequent in the PIM condition than in the control condition. The second study had three conditions: a punishing condition (PC), a monitoring condition (MC), and a control condition (no monitoring, no punishing). The results indicated that non-cooperative behavior was observed the most in the PC, and the least in the control condition. Furthermore, information regarding other players’ costs and benefits was shared the most in the control conditions in both studies. The results suggest that sanctions prevent people from sharing information, which decreases expectations of mutual cooperation.
  • Shoji Ohtomo, Susumu Ohnuma
    RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING 84 57 - 65 0921-3449 2014/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    A field study was conducted to investigate the reduction of plastic bag usage at supermarkets. Many behaviors leading to potential damage to the environment may be unintentional. This study applied a dual motivation model to plastic bag usage and examined the effects of an intervention aimed at promoting pro-environmental behavior. A voice prompt intervention was implemented in Japanese supermarkets. In the first (control) week, shoppers were given free plastic bags by the cashier. In the second (intervention) week, cashiers asked shoppers whether they wanted plastic bags. We collected observational and questionnaire measures of variables that predicted free plastic bag usage during the intervention. The results supported a dual motivation model of behavioral change. The voice prompt decreased the usage of plastic bags by both discouraging unintentional usage and encouraging an intentional reduction in usage. Possibilities for interventions designed both to attenuate unintentional motivation and to promote intentional motivation are considered. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • OHTOMO Shoji, OSAWA Hideaki, HIROSE Yukio, OHNUMA Susumu
    Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis 一般社団法人日本リスク研究学会 24 (1) 49 - 59 2185-4548 2014 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study examined the impacts of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident on the public acceptance of siting a disposal facility of high level radioactive waste (HLW). We applied the social acceptance model to predict public acceptance of investigation for siting of a geological disposal facility of HLW. 1930 Japanese people completed longitudinal internet surveys that were measured before the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident (in February, 2011) and after the accident (in February, 2012). Results indicated that the level of public acceptance of investigation for siting of a geological disposal facility decreased after the accident. Intergenerational subjective norm, social benefit and procedural fairness determined public acceptance consistently before and after the accident. However, the perceptions of stigma and intergenerational subjective norm became more salient after the accident. Our results show that the Fukushima nuclear accident reminds people of ethical problems of acceptance of a geological disposal facility of HLW.
    Key Words: Fukushima nuclear accident, geological disposal, HLW, procedural fairness, social acceptance
  • Shimada Takahito, Miyawaki Kaori, Mori Yasuhiro, Nakamata Tomoko, Okinaka Takeshi, Hanyu Kazunori, Ohnuma Susumu
    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association 公益社団法人 日本心理学会 78 SS - 044-SS-044 2014
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    環境心理学研究 1 2013/03 [Refereed][Invited]
  • OSAWA Hideaki, HIROSE Yukio, OHNUMA Susumu, OHTOMO Shoji
    Safety Science Review 関西大学社会安全学部 4 (4) 51 - 76 2186-0815 2013 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The purpose of our study is to estimate procedural fairness and distributive fairness of past
    decision-making process of the management policy for high-level radioactive waste (HLW) and
    siting of repository in France. We conducted normative analysis by document review and interview
    survey with CILS members and a sociologist participated in the public debate on HLW management
    policy in 2005 by CNDP. The results show that prior clarification when and how decision-making of
    HLW management policy and siting of repository will be carried out in the step-wise approach is
    important to enhance the legitimacy of the process. With regard to distributive fairness between
    generations, it is important to carefully consider responsibility of current generation and decision
    right of future generation in terms of equity and equality in the fair decision-making process,
    because HLW management policy might depend on concept of distributive fairness between
    generations. It is necessary to carefully debate both interregional distributive fairness of negative
    legacy and economical distributive fairness in the fair decision-making process, because they are
    inextricably linked together.
  • SATO Kosuke, OHNUMA Susumu
    Japanese Journal of Social Psychology 日本社会心理学会 29 (2) 94 - 103 0916-1503 2013 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The current study investigates the influence of social factors, such as self-interest and involvement, on trust and its determinants, in the context of public decision-making in government, through two scenario experiments. In both experiments, participants' involvement (high/low) and, subsequent interest in the high-involvement condition (agreed/opposed) were manipulated and two trust models were compared: a traditional model, which regards expectation about intention and competence as the component of trust; and an SVS model, which regards perceived salient value similarity as the primary determinant of trust. Two hypotheses were tested: 1) conflict of interest diminishes trust and value similarity; 2) expectation of the government's intention consistently predicts trust in government, regardless of self-interest. The results supported both hypotheses. Implications of value similarity in the context of public decision-making are discussed.
  • 森 康浩, 大沼 進, 前田 絵美
    環境心理学研究 日本環境心理学会 1 (1) 70 - 70 2013
  • MORI Yasuhiro, OHNUMA Susumu
    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association 公益社団法人 日本心理学会 77 2EV - 135-2EV-135 2013
  • Konishi, N, Nakamae, C, Hara, F, Hori, S, Sato, K, Ohnuma, S
    Proceedings of Cold Region Technology Conference 北海道開発技術センター 29 114 - 118 1883-3489 2013 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Nagasaka, K, Sato, K, Ohnuma, S
    Simulation and Gaming NPO法人 日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会 22 (1) 122 - 136 1345-1499 2012/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • MORI Yasuhiro, OHNUMA Susumu
    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association 公益社団法人 日本心理学会 76 2AMA57 - 2AMA57 2012
  • OHNUMA Susumu
    Journal of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management 22 (2) 101 - 113 1883-5856 2011/03/31 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The aim of this study was to : 1) classify varied types of lifestyles according to daily consumption and spending patterns, and 2) compare demographics, along with behaviors and attitudes on appropriate separation of waste and recycling, as they pertain to overall living styles and personal patterns of consumption and shopping. A survey of households with random sampling was conducted in the city of Sapporo. Questionnaires were sent out by mail and collected door-to-door. The collection rate was 65% (499 valid samples). Scores regarding consumption and spending behaviors, which were constructed through correspondent analysis and factor analysis, were calculated based on cluster analysis for classifications of varied living styles. Five groups were clustered : Type practicing the 3Rs ; Matter-of-fact Type ; Frugality Type ; At-home Consumption Type ; and Type Relying on Home-meal Replacements and Eating Out. Those classified as Type Relying on Home-meal Replacements and Eating Out were found to practice less waste separation and recycling behaviors, and to be less interested in general waste problems as compared to those in the remaining four groups. No significant differences were found in the behaviors and intentions between Type practicing the 3Rs and the other three types (Matter-of-fact Type, Frugality Type, At-home Consumption Type).
  • MORI Yasuhiro, OHNUMA Susumu
    Papers on Environmental Information Science 一般社団法人 環境情報科学センター 25 67 - 72 0389-6633 2011 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We conducted an action research to improve the inappropriate disposal and separation of household waste targeting residents living in one-person apartments, who usually have a weak relationship with community. We conducted a quasi-experiment with three conditions each of which a notice encouraging appropriate disposal and separation behaviors is given to the residents: 1)only notice condition -- the notice is posted in the entrance of building, 2) greeting condition -- a resercher greets to residents,and 3) feedback condition -- gives feedbacks to residents about the amount of reduced inappropriate behaviors. Result showed that l) inappropriate behaviors reduced in all three conditions during the actions were implemented, 2) but inappropriate behavior increased after the actions were removed in notice and greeting conditions, but not observed in the feedback condition. This implies that it is important residents are informed about other residents do appropriate behavior.
  • MORI Yasuhiro, Ohnuma Susumu
    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association 公益社団法人 日本心理学会 75 3PM133 - 3PM133 2011
  • Ando Kaori, Ohnuma Susumu, Matthies Ellen, Sugiura Junkichi
    Journal of environmental information science Center for Environmental Information Science 38 (5) 21 - 32 0389-6633 2010/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The current study explored the determinants of individual and collective pro-environmental behaviors in Germany and Japan. A self report questionnaire was sent to two random sample respondents by mail in Cologne, Germany (N=996) and Nagoya, Japan (N=531). Hierarchical regression analyses demonstrated an interaction between country of respondent and both individual and collective behaviors. For individual behavior, subjective norms played an important role in Japan where interpersonal relationship is emphasized, whereas perceived behavioral control played an important role in Germany. Social factors, such as the amount of network and subjective norms, affected collective pro-environmental behaviors in both samples. The results highlighted the importance of social factors in studies of collective pro-environmental behaviors.
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    シミュレーション&ゲーミング 2008/12/25
  • 大沼 進
    Quarterly journal of public policy & management 三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティング 1 (4) 143 - 158 1881-5308 2007/10 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • Kaori Ando, Susumu Ohnuma, Edward C. Chang
    ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 10 (3) 171 - 178 1367-2223 2007/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The present study explored the influences of subjective and descriptive norms on environmentally conscious behaviours between the USA and Japan. It was predicted that subjective norms would have a larger effect on behaviour in Japan than in the USA. Descriptive norms were expected to have a greater influence on behaviour in the USA. The survey was done with 160 American students and 114 Japanese students. The results showed that subjective norms are relevant only in Japan, but the effect was limited. Alternatively, descriptive norms were a powerful determinant in the USA. It was also found that respondents asserted that they commit environmentally conscious behaviours more frequently than others, regardless of their country. The present research suggests that the role of subjective and descriptive norms may vary between cultures, and highlights a necessity for distinguishing between interpersonal and social norms.
  • OHNUMA Susumu, KITAKAJI Yoko
    Studies in simulation and gaming 日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会 17 (1) 5 - 16 1345-1499 2007/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
    社会的ジレンマ構造に,利得や情報の非対称性,フローの一方向性,信頼ゲームなどの要素を取り入れた「産業廃棄物不法投棄ゲーム」を開発した.このゲームは五つの異なる利得を持つプレーヤーからなり,利益と産業廃棄物を生み出す排出事業者,産業廃棄物の量を減らす中間処理業者,埋め立て処理をする最終処理業者,産業廃棄物を運搬する一次収集運搬業者および二次収集運搬業者が存在する. いずれの業者も,協力(適正処理や処理委託)と非協力(不法投棄)を選択できる.8ゲームを実施し,次の結果が得られた.①フェイズを追うごとに不法投棄が減った.②処理フローの下流に行くほど不法投棄が多かった.③排出事業者は罰金やゲーム後の費用負担を恐れて委託金を低く抑える傾向があり,その結果,下流で適正処理費用が不足し不法投棄が増え,多くの費用を負担しなければならなくなった.④業者聞の評価では,接触できないプレーヤーに対して信頼が低く,逆に,接触できるプレーヤーに対しては比較的信頼していた.The"Industrial Waste Illegal Dumping Game" is based on a simulated social dilemma structure with aspects of asymmetry of incentive and information,one way flow of waste,and trust game. There are five different types of players in this game: the producing industries who produce money and waste; the mid-process industries who can reduce waste; the terminal industries who reclaim waste in landfill; the first and the second carriers who convey the waste. All players have to make decisions between cooperation (appropriate disposition and commission) and non-cooperation (illegal dumping). Eight games were conducted and the following are the results obtained: 1) Illegaldumping decreased over phases. 2) The players in downstream of the waste flow did more illegal dumping. 3) The Producing industry did not pay enough money to allow appropriate disposition,because they feared paying for potential fines and environmental restoration after all sessions are completed. Lack of initial spending money brought about more illegal dumping,causing later defrayment of greater costs. 4) Players who could not move were likely to be evaluated as less trustful,while those who could move were likely be evaluated as trustful.
  • Susumu Ohnuma, Yoichiro Ishibashi, Yuko Suzuki, Kazuhiko Chikamoto
    JOURNAL OF RISK RESEARCH 10 (6) 883 - 898 1366-9877 2007 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study explored two questions: 1) what kind of method for instilling trust is evaluated to be important by the general public and 2) who is considered as a legitimate third party, when administrators and organizations go through an information disclosure process. We hypothesized that voluntary declaration of self-sanctions, before an issue becomes public, would be important in instilling trust as well as the intervention of outsiders. Further, we explored which groups were evaluated as acceptable third parties. In a social survey conducted in the Kanto district of Japan, 621 responses (24.8% response rate) were obtained using a two stage systematic stratified random sampling method and mail-out procedure. Results showed that declaration of self- sanctions was seen as most important in instilling trust, but with involvement of an outsider also seen as important. An analysis of possible trusted third parties showed that academics and citizens interested in the issue were considered as most appropriate 'outsiders', while politicians, governor/mayor and administrative officials were considered less appropriate. Finally, cluster analysis showed that mass media was included within the same cluster as the political group.
  • 日独における環境配慮行動の阻害要因の比較 ―フォーカス・グループの実施―
    安藤 香織, 広瀬 幸雄, 杉浦 淳吉, 大沼 進, 依藤 佳世, 大友 章司, 前田 洋枝, Anke Bloebaum, Ellen Matthies
    奈良女子大学人間文化研究科年報 22 159 - 168 2007 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 遺伝子組み換え作物のリスク認知とリスクコミュニケーション
    大沼 進
    科学技術倫理研究 3 171 - 174 2006/10 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • S Ohnuma, Y Hirose, K Karasawa, K Yorifuji, J Sugiura
    JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 47 (1) 1 - 11 0021-5368 2005/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study examined why people accepted a demanding rule in a recycling system that was newly introduced in Nagoya City. We focused on two social psychological topics: social dilemmas and fairness. While the new system succeeded in reducing waste, it imposed a burden on citizens without providing incentives and sanctions. In a research survey, 1442 responses from a sample of 3000 (48% response rate) were obtained using a stratified sampling method. The results showed that the new recycling system was approved despite the demands placed on citizens, with a preference for more strict rules such as penalties and surveillance for noncompliance. The main determinants of approval of the new recycling system were social benefit and procedural fairness, whereas the main determinant of preference for strict rules was outcome fairness. We argue that (a) social benefit should be emphasized to facilitate cooperative behavior in a social dilemma situation and (b) the government should ensure sufficient discussion with citizens and acknowledgment of their opinions.
  • Cognition of environmentally-conscious behaviors in Japan and Germany : Social psychological approach using qualitative and quantitative analysis
    Ando K, Ohnuma, S, Bloebaum, A, Matthies, E
    環境情報科学 33 (4) 89 - 98 2005/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Yorifuji Kayo, Hirose Yukio, Sugiura Junkichi, Ohnuma Susumu, Hagiwara Yoshiyuki
    Journal of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts Japan Society of Waste Management Experts 16 (1) 55 - 64 1883-1648 2005/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • OHTOMO Shoji, HIROSE Yukio, OHNUMA Susumu, SUGIURA Junkichi, YORIFUJI Kayo, KATO Hirokazu
    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu 公益社団法人 土木学会 2004 (772) 203 - 213 0289-7806 2004 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The purpose of this study is to examine psychological determinants of promoting P&R measure. Our hypothesis was based on the decision making model of environment conscious behavior (Hirose, 1995). A survey was carried out for residents in the area where a social experiment of P&R was being implemented, and 893 responses were obtained (61%). The results were as follows, a) Main determinants of public transport choice behavior were perceived behavior control, cost evaluation and behavioral intention. b) Attitude and subjective norm affected the behavior indirectly by way of behavioral intention. We discussed that psychological strategy only for encouraging the environment consciousness was insufficient, while the strategies of affecting to perceived behavior control and cost evaluation should be emphasized.
  • 環境リスクマネジメントにおける信頼と合意形成−千歳川放水路計画についての札幌市での質問紙調査−
    中谷内一也, 大沼進
    実験社会心理学研究 42 (2) 187 - 200 2003/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • OHNUMA Susumu, NAKAYACHI Kazuya
    Japanese Journal of Social Psychology 日本社会心理学会 19 (1) 18 - 29 0916-1503 2003 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The role of citizens in developing environmental policy in the case of the Chitose Drainage Canal Plan was studied through a survey in Sapporo, Japan. An attempt was made to determine why many people demand citizen participation in social decision making, even though they have no direct involvement with the issue. The results showed that citizens were considered a neutral agent, while the Hokkaido government, which behaved as mediator, was not considered neutral. Citizens might be expected to monitor the fairness of the decision process from the point of view of a "third party." The role of experts, who were evaluated to be specialized and fair, was also discussed.
  • 災害リスク政策の合意形成をめぐる事例研究−千歳川放水路計画撤回プロセスの定性的研究−
    中谷内一也, 大沼進
    日本リスク研究学会誌 14 (1) 121 - 131 2002/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Ohnuma Susumu, Hirose Yukio
    Studies in Simulation & Gaming 日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会 12 (1) 33 - 43 1345-1499 2002/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • 垂澤 由美子, 広瀬 幸雄, 大沼 進
    シミュレーション&ゲーミング 日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会 11 (2) 9 - 15 1345-1499 2001/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • OHNUMA Susumu, NONAMI Hiroshi, ANDO Kaori, SUGIURA Junkichi, TAKAHASHI Nao
    Environmental information science 環境情報科学センタ- 30 (3) 45 - 53 0389-6633 2001/10/29 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    The Japanese Journal of Psychology 日本心理学会 72 (5) 369 - 377 0021-5236 2001 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study examined how environmental change and others' behavior affected cooperative behavior and solution preference of the person in social dilemma situation. Participants in two experiments played an "environment game," in which gradual pollution in environment and reduction in profit rate were simulated. Information on behavior of other players was manipulated: in "free rider" condition, one person was an extreme free rider, and the others were cooperative in "loafing" condition, everyone loafed. In both experiments, "Bad Apple Effect" was not observed clearly, and cooperative behavior increased as environmental pollution worsened. In Experiment 2. there was no main effect of others' behavior on solution preference. However, signilicant correlations were found among solution preference, motivation to control others' behavior, and perceived seriousness of the situation, only when an extreme free rider was among them.
  • Ohnuma Susumu
    環境情報科学 28 (4) 60 - 60 1999 [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • SUGIURA Junkichi, OHNUMA Susumu, NONAMI Hiroshi, HIROSE Yukio
    Japanese Journal of Social Psychology 日本社会心理学会 13 (2) 143 - 151 0916-1503 1998 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study clarified informational and normative influences of environmental volunteer groups on residents' recycling attitudes and behaviors. In the first survey, 14 volunteer groups were categorized into two types based on their activity level and group size. High active groups collected cans and bottles from most part of their areas while low active groups collected from small part of their areas. In the second survey, a questionnaire was distributed to 180 residents from 3 different areas in which there were no volunteer group, low active groups, or high active groups. Attitude, social norm, perceived control, and behavior were compared among the 3 areas. As a result, attitudes toward recycling (evaluation of social benefit and personal benefit) did not differ in the 3 areas. But feasibility evaluation for recycling, social norm awareness and recycling behavior in the area of the high active group were more positive than other two areas.
  • Hiroshi Nonami, Junkichi Sugiura, Susumu Ohnuma, Hajime Yamakawa, Yukio Hirose
    Shinrigaku Kenkyu 68 (4) 264 - 271 0021-5236 1997 [Refereed][Not invited]
    This study researched the effects of cognitive variables on recycling behavior, as well as effects of various media of influence on the cognition and behavior. According to Hirose (1994), the decision making process for recycling consists of two steps. The first leads to goal intention of an ecological lifestyle. The second is related to behavior intention of recycling in line with the goal intention. Mass media, such as newspaper and TV, are thought to influence beliefs about environmental problems, including three determinants of goal intention: perception of seriousness, responsibility, and effectiveness. Personal media, such as personal contacts with pro-environmental activists, are thought to influence evaluation of behavior, including three determinants of behavior intention: evaluation of feasibility, cost and benefits, and social norms. Local media, such as municipal announcement and circular, are hypothesized to have a mixed effect of the two. Path analysis indicated that goal intention affected recycling behavior through behavior intention. Effects of the three media of influence on the cognitive variables were also consistent with the hypothesis.
    PSYCHOLOGIA 38 (3) 192 - 198 0033-2852 1995/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of ''grasping-form'' of non-annular test figure (TF) on simultaneous brightness contrast in Koffka-ring type patterns. To systematically manipulate the figural unity under brightness contrast, we used a color-graphic system to investigate the stimulus conditions (five degrees of separation) of the TF. Utilizing the two attitudes for grasping the TF (i.e., as a unified whole or two segmented parts), seven subjects were instructed to adjust the comparison figure to match the apparent brightness of two TF sections overlapping on a black-white inducing figure with gray background. The results revealed that the magnitudes of brightness contrast (MBCs) in the TF decreased as the degree of separation decreased for both grasping attitudes. The average MBCs were significantly larger in the segment-grasping than in the unity-grasping, although the decrease-trait of the MBCs generally corresponded to cash other in either type of grasping-form. grasping-form. As a consequence, the grasping-form attitudes seem to represent a kind of ''image-manipulation'' by the observers, who may perceive the configuration of the TF at various information-processing stages without being directly influenced by the TF appearance.


  • 保高徹生, 村上道夫, 高田モモ, 大沼進, 柴田侑秀, 万福裕造  32-  (3)  215  -219  2023/03  [Not refereed]
  • Takayuki ITO, Tokuro MATSUO, Susumu OHNUMA, Shun SHIRAMATSU  The Journal of Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  106-  (3)  230  -237  2023/03  [Not refereed][Invited]
    本稿では,ソフトウェアエージェントと人間が一緒に参加するソーシャルネットワークでの民主主義(ハイパデモクラシー)のための合意形成プラットホームを解説する.AI,スマホ,インターネットなどの急激な発展とCOVID-19 による急激な環境の変化により,新しい社会システムの実現が一層現実味を帯びている.具体的には,民主主義の基盤としてのソーシャルネットワークの中に,複数のエージェントを常駐させ,人間の代理として働き,意思決定やインタラクションを仲介し,より良い合意形成や集団意思決定を支援する.特に,意見や好みを収集しながら,各参加者の感情にも寄り添った代理行動を行い,人間の主体的かつ納得感のある合意を効率良く得られるように支援する.すなわち,人間の主体感・納得感を醸造する寄り添う合意形成とエージェントの超効率的・超合理的な合意形成とのトレードオフを解決する.SNS では,炎上,フェイクニュース,集団分極化,ゲリマンダリングなどの社会的諸問題が指摘されているが,エージェントが人間と協調しながら諸問題を解決する.
  • Michio MURAKAMI, Susumu OHNUMA, Yukihide SHIBATA, Momo TAKADA, Tomoyuki KOBAYASHI, Aya GOTO, Tetsuo YASUTAKA  Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis  32-  (3)  2022/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    The environment surrounding surveys requiring the cooperation of participants has been changing, with increasing awareness of the need to protect personal information and the use of online surveys. Issues such as how to respond to inquiries from participants, what should be communicated to relevant bodies in advance about the survey, and how to provide incentives and feedback to participants are important to ease tension and prevent conflicts between participants and researchers, or between researchers and relevant bodies, and to increase the public trust in researchers and the science. Based on the authors’ experiences, this letter summarizes notes for conducting surveys that require participants’ cooperation. As the social impact of research has been gaining increasing attention, it is expected that practical tips and views on conducting field surveys are widely shared.
  • Kyoko ONO, Kenkichi FUJII, Susumu OHNUMA  Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis  2021/02  [Refereed][Not invited]
    The committee of Society for Risk Analysis, Japan translated a report “COVID-19 a risk governance perspective” into Japanese, which was published by International Risk Governance Center (IRGC). This article introduces the Japanese translation of the report to share the state-of-art of risk governance methodology for Japanese readers. IRGC risk governance framework, which can be used as a structured method for examining the steps of solving various risk problems, was customized to COVID-19. IRGC proposed the five stages of the framework as follows: scientific assessment, perception, evaluation, management and communication. IRGC re-organized procedures which were used for cope with COVID-19 problems on these 5 stages and listed remaining challenges for each stage. Finally, IRGC listed 10 lessons (might be) learned for the immediate future.
  • 大学生の環境配慮行動の国際比較-日本、中国、ドイツ、アメリカにおける調査-
    安藤 香織, 大沼 進, 安達 菜穂子, 古澤 文, 安 姍姍  環境社会心理学研究  19-  1  -44  2014  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Ohnuma Susumu  MERA Journal  15-  (2)  38  -39  2012/12/30  [Not refereed][Invited]
  • Ohnuma Susumu  Studies in simulation and gaming  21-  (1)  13  -15  2011  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 環境配慮型ライフスタイルの世代間伝播に関する日独比較研究-小学生とその親における紙の分別・利用状況に関するアンケート調査-
    安藤 香織, 依藤 佳世, 大沼 進, 杉浦 淳吉, 薄井 純子, Ellen Matthies, Sebastian Selge  環境社会心理学研究  8-  1  -57  2007  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • On the Genesis of Habits and Travel Mode Fixation - A Comparison of the Travel Mode Socialization in Germany, Japan and Sweden.
    Bloebaum, A, Klockner, C.A, Matthies, E. Preisner, C.L., Schulte, R. Johansson, M, Brazel, C, Ando, K. Hirose, Y, Ohnuma, S, Sugiura, J  Bericht aus der Fakultat fur Psychologie, AE Kognitions- und Umweltpsychologie Nr. 57/2004. Bochum: Ruhr-Universitat, Fakultat fur Psychologie.  2004  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 環境計画への市民参加とボランティアのエンパワーメント:日進市の一般廃棄物処理基本計画に対するボランティアの意識調査
    広瀬 幸雄, 杉浦 淳吉, 大沼 進, 安藤 香織, 前田 洋枝  環境社会心理学研究  7-  1  -154  2003  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 大沼 進, 広瀬 幸雄, 杉浦 淳吉  廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集  13-  81  -83  2002/11/28
  • 環境配慮行動の普及に向けた行政・住民団体・一般住民の連携に関する基礎調査
    大沼 進, 野波 寛, 杉浦 淳吉, 安藤 香織, 高橋 直  環境情報科学研究奨励金研究報告書  1  -24  2001  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 容器包装収集制度に対する住民の評価と行動:名古屋市における住民意識調査
    広瀬 幸雄, 唐沢 かおり, 杉浦 淳吉, 大沼 進, 安藤 香織, 西 和久, 依藤 佳世, 垂沢 由美子, 前田 洋枝  環境社会心理学研究  6-  1  -163  2001  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Goto Takuo, Ito Mitsuyo, Uchiyama Ichiro, Takahashi Shin'ya, Hanari Takashi, Nakamura Shinji, Nonami Hiroshi, Ohnuma Susumu, Kobari Hiroyuki, Sugiura Junkichi, Hishimura Yutaka  日本色彩学会誌  21-  54  -55  1997
  • Goto Takuo, Hanari Takashi, Ohnuma Susumu, Kobari Hiroyuki, Shinoda Naoko, Sugiura Junkichi, Tamoto Kazumi, Hishimura Yutaka  日本色彩学会誌  18-  (1)  120  -121  1994

Books etc

  • Yokoyama Miki, Ohnuma Susumu, Hirose Yukio (ContributorCan the Veil of Ignorance Create Consensus?: A Qualitative Analysis Using the Siting for a Contaminated Waste Landfill Game)
    Springer 2021/03
  • Ohnuma Susumu (ContributorConsensus Building: Process design toward finding a shared recognition of common goal beyond conflicts)
    Springer 2020/09 (ISBN: 9789811303708) 
    This chapter endeavors to find out the roads to build a consensus from the perspective of social dilemmas. Consensus does not mean making any one party happy and is not merely half measures. Rather, it refers to discovering values that anyone can admit and can share the goals. Even if it appears controversial and conflictive, a consensus is a crystal of the process that everyone attends the attempt to seek and share a common goal. First, the literature on social dilemmas, particularly applying game experiments in social psychology, is introduced. Guiding theories, such as goal expectation theory emphasizing expectation to mutual cooperation, are presented. In the second part, game-simulation is introduced as a tool to understand the consensus process. Three studies using game-simulation are presented, where different types of players are inevitably in conflict with one another due to their different interests. Overall, the findings using game-simulation suggest that a social dilemma is not a target to be resolved but a way of framing to realize the importance of mutual cooperation. The real world is so complicated that social dilemma is one of the aspects or that it is uncertain whether society has a social dilemma structure. Under the complex situation, once individuals recognize an issue as a social dilemma, they begin to seek a common goal desirable for the entire society. Thereby, if shared recognition is established, consensus can be built resolving the conflicts beyond different interests. Attention should be paid to the process of comprehending the common goal.
  • The encyclopedia of risk research
    OHNUMA Susumu (ContributorProcess design towards consensus satisfying procedural fairness)
    Maruzen Publishing 2019/06 (ISBN: 9784621303818) 804 246-247.
  • Environmental psychology
    OHNUMA Susumu (ContributorPsychology of global environmental issues)
    kitaohji Shobo 2017/09 (ISBN: 9784762829895) 163 107-123 
  • OHNUMA Susumu (ContributorCitizen participation and procedural fairness in a policy for reduction of household wastes: process design from planning to implementation in Sapporo)
    Shinsen-sha 2017/03 (ISBN: 9784787717016) 343 30-58
  • Simulation and Gaming in the Network Society
    Kitakaji, Y, Ohnuma, S (ContributorEven Unreliable Information Disclosure Makes People Cooperate in a Social Dilemma: Development of the “Industrial Waste Illegal Dumping Game”)
    Springer 2016/08 (ISBN: 9789811005749) 474 369-385 
    This study explores whether information disclosure can cause cooperation in a social dilemma, even when people can disseminate false information. In the past, illegal dumping increased in Japan despite the strengthening of penalties and surveillance laws, due to practical limitations in monitoring and surveil-lance. To resolve this, the tracking sheet used to trace the trading and pro-cessing of the waste must be traceable, in order to detect illegal dumping. This means that manifests must be written precisely in order to be effective but if maintaining a tracking log has some function other than surveillance this may not be the case. To examine this issue we used the “Industrial Waste Illegal Dumping game” (Ohnuma & Kitakaji, 2007) which simulates the disposal of industrial waste and is structured as a social dilemma with asymmetry of in-formation. In this study we utilised two conditions: a disclosure and a control (need not disclose) condition. Under the disclosure condition, players had to en-ter the amount of commission or disposal in the landfill but did not have to fill in the correct amount. Although other players could read the report, they did not know who performed illegal dumping or how much they contributed. Therefore, this disclosure did not have an effective surveillance function and could not help detect non-cooperation. However, the results showed that the amount of illegal dumping was reduced, and information about payoffs was actually shared more in the disclosure condition than in the control condition. Moreover, players collected and shared their information more in the disclo-sure condition than in the control condition. The study thus indicates that the function of disclosure is not surveillance, but information sharing which is es-sential for voluntary cooperation.
  • Dictionary of Psychology
    OHNUMA Susumu (ContributorEnvironmental Behavior)
    Seishin-Shobo 2014/09 (ISBN: 9784414305074) 1104 193-216
  • Social psychology of Risk Governance
    HIROSE Yukio (ContributorCitizen participation and establishing trust for public acceptance of risk, Deliberative democracy for risk governance)
    Nakanishiya 2014/06 (ISBN: 9784779508530) 222 pp. 175-191., 193-216.
  • A point of contact between ecology and social sciences. Lectures on ecology Vol.4
    OHNUMA Susumu (ContributorSocial dilemma and environmental issues)
    Kyoritsu Shuppan 2014/03 (ISBN: 9784320057425) 203 pp. 63-79
  • Social Psychology in Daily Life
    ANDO Kaori, SUGIURA Junkichi (Contributor「自分一人くらい」の心理学:日常生活に潜む社会的ジレンマのワナ)
    Nakanishiya 2012/03 (ISBN: 9784779506598) 169 pp. 25-36.
  • Learning Social Psychology with Simulated International Society Game
    HIROSE Yukio (Contributor環境問題の合意形成の社会的ジレンマ:個人や地域の利害と社会全体の利害は調整できるのか,不確実性のもとでの集団意思決定:集団決定は個人の決定とどのような違いがあるのか)
    Nakanishiya 2011/03 (ISBN: 9784779505010) 183 pp. 99-113, 83-97.
  • Social Psychology of Environmental Behavior
    HIROSE Yukio (ContributorCan social dilemma surrounding environment be resolved?)
    Kitaoji Shobo 2008/03 (ISBN: 9784762825941) 150 pp. 18-27.
  • What resolution do people prefer?: social dilemma approach.
    OHNUMA Susumu (Single work)
    Nakanishiya 2007 (ISBN: 9784779501302) 201
  • Cultural And Ecological Foundations of the Mind
    Hokkaido University Press 2007
  • Cultural And Ecological Foundations of the Mind
    Hokkaido University Press 2007
  • Gaming, Simulation, and Society: Research scope and prespective
    Springer Verlag 2005
  • 心理学ラボの内外課題研究のためのガイドブック
    ナカニシヤ出版 2001
  • 全予測環境問題
    ダイヤモンド社 1997
  • シミュレーション世界の社会心理学 -ゲームで解く葛藤と共存-
    ナカニシヤ出版 1997


  • Kazuhiko Mori, Shiyao Ding, Susumu Ohnuma, Yume Souma, Takayuki Ito
    The 4th Meeting of Consensus and Cocreation  2024/02  Hokkaido University, Sapporo  合意と共創特別研究専門委員会
  • Yume SOUMA, Honami UE, Yukihide SHIBATA, Mie TSUJIMOTO, Qinglin CUI, Takashi NAKAZAWA, Tomoyuki TATSUMI, Yoshiko ARIMA, Susumu OHNUMA
    The 4th Meeting of Consensus and Cocreation  2024/02  Hokkaido University, Sapporo  合意と共創特別研究専門委員会
    A group discussion experiment was conducted to examine the effects of discussion frames on the reflection of minority opinions in the group decision. Manipulating discussion frames conflictive or comprehensive, we compared the group decisions of each condition and the participants' evaluations of the decisions. The results suggested that the comprehensive frame was more likely to reach compromises by overcoming differences of initial opinions in the group. Moreover, we found that participants in the comprehensive frame condition evaluated the decisions better than those in the conflictive frame condition.
  • Qinglin Cui, Yukihide Shibata, Hiromu Hara, Yume Souma, Mie Tsujimoto, Susumu Ohnuma
    The 4th meeting of Consensus and Cocreation  2024/02  Hokkaido University  合意と共創特別研究専門委員会
  • Yukihide SHIBATA, Qinglin CUI, Yume SOUMA, Mie TSUJIMOTO, Honami UE, Nana KIHARA, Maiko Takamoto, Tetsuo YASUTAKA, Susumu OHNUM
    The 4th Meeting of Consensus and Cocreation  2024/02  Hokkaido University, Sapporo  合意と共創特別研究専門委員会
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in the opinions and attitudes of participants before and after participating in the citizen participation workshop (WS) to discuss the treatment of removed soil outside Fukushima prefecture. At the beginning of the workshop, participants received information on this problem, and then had discussions in groups. Participants answered a questionnaire before and after the WS. As a result of the analysis, acceptance of the reuse of removed soil in participants’ own region increased after the WS, and the negative correlation with interest seen before the WS disappeared after the WS.
  • Mie Tsujimoto, Yuto Suzuki, Susumu Ohnuma
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming 2023 Autumn  2023/11  Chiba  Japn Association of Simulation and Gaming
  • Yumiko Taresawa, Susumu Ohnuma
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming 2023 Autumn  2023/11  Chiba  Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming
  • Yuta Nakadegawa, Kento Miura, Kengo Suzuki, Takeshi Shibuya, Susumu Ohnuma
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming 2023 Autumn  2023/11  Chiba  Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming
  • Susumu Ohnuma, Yukihide Shibata, Nana Kihara, Yume Souma, Mie Tsujimoto, Honami Ue, Tetsuo Yasutaka
    36th Annual Conference of the Japanese Risk Society  2023/11  Hokkaido University, Sapporo  Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Kosuke Shirai, Momo Takada, Michio Murakami, Susumu Ohnuma, Kazuo Yamada, Masahiro Osako, Tetsuo Yasutaka
    36th Annual Conference of the Japanese Risk Society  2023/11  Sapporo  Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Michio Murakami, Momo Takada, Yukihide Shibata, Kosuke Shirai, Susumu Ohnuma, Tetsuo Yasutaka
    36th Annual Conference of the Japanese Risk Society  2023/11  Sapporo  Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Momo Takada, Testuo Yasutaka, Michio Murakami, Susumu Ohnuma, Yukihide Shibata
    36th Annual Conference of the Japanese Risk Society  2023/11  Sapporo  Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Testuo Yasutaka, Momo Takada, Michio Murakami, Kosuke Shirai, Susumu Ohnuma, Yukihide Shibata
    36th Annual Conference of the Japanese Risk Society  2023/11  Sapporo  Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Yume Souma, Yukihide Shibata, Honami Ue, Takashi Nakazawa, Tomoyuki Tatsumi, Yoshiko Arima, Susumu Ohnuma
    36th Annual Conference of the Japanese Risk Society  2023/11  Sapporo  Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Yukihide Shibata, Qinglin Cui, Yume Souma, Mie Tsujimoto, Honami Ue, Nana Kihara, Maiko Takamoto, Tetsuo Yasutaka, Susumu Ohnuma
    36th Annual Conference of the Japanese Risk Society  2023/11  Sapporo  The Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Mie Tsujimoto, Yukihide Shibata, Tatsuya Nakagawa, Susumu Ohnuma, Naoko Kuriyama
    36th Annual Conference of the Japanese Risk Society  2023/11  Sapporo  Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Yukihide Shibata, Yume Souma, Mie Tsujimoto, Susumu Ohnuma
    The 87th Annual Conference of the Japanese Psychological Association  2023/09  KoKobe International Conference Center, Kobe International Exhibition Hall  the Japanese Psychological Association
  • Mie Tsujimoto, Kosuke Kawai, Susumu Ohnuma
    The 64th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2023/09  Sophia University  the Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Yume Souma, Yukihide Shibata, Mie Tsujimoto, Takashi Nakazawa, Tomoyuki Tatsumi, Susumu Ohnuma
    The 64th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2023/09  Sophia University, Tokoy  the Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • yukihide Shibata, Yume Souma, Mie Tsujimoto, Nana Kihara, Susumu Ohnuma, Tetsuo Yasutaka
    The 64th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2023/09  Sophia University  The Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Kaori Ando, Tomohiro Ioku, Ayumi Kanbara, Junkichi Sugiura, Erika Kanayama, Susumu Ohnuma
    The 64th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2023/09  Sophia University, Tokyo  the Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Tomoko Nakamata, Yasuhiro Mori, Yasumasa Urata, Shintaro Yuki, Susumu Ohnuma
    The 64th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2023/09  Sophia University, Tokoyo  日本社会心理学会
  • Momo Takada, Testuo Yasutaka, Michio Murakami, Susumu Ohnuma, Yukihide Shibata
    The 12th Conrefence on The Society for Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in the Environment  2023/08  Fukushim  The Society for Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in the Environment
  • Yumiko Kanai, Momo Takada, Susumu Ohnuma, Tetsuo Yasutaka
    The 12th Conference on The Society for Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in the Environment  2023/08  Fukushima  The Society for Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in the Environment
  • Momo Takada, Tetsuo Yasutaka, Michio Murakami, Susumu Ohnuma, Yukihide Shibata
    The 12th Conference on The Society for Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in the Environment  2023/08  Fukushima  The Society for Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in the Environment
  • Yume Souma, Takashi Nakazawa, Tomoyuki Tatsumi, Susumu Ohnuma
    The 19th biennial meeting of the International Society for Justice Research  2023/07  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany  International Society for Justice Research
    Citizens in a public deliberation are expected to discuss from the perspective of common goods that contain multiple principles, including a criterion for distributive justice. The Discourse Quality Index (DQI) was developed to evaluate whether diverse common goods were considered (Steenbergen et al., 2003). Although DQI is useful, an evaluation of the entire discussion and its outcomes by the participants is also necessary. Therefore, this study uses multiple measures of discourse quality. This study examined the discussion of treatment of low-contaminated removed soil outside of Fukushima prefecture, Japan. This issue required the deliberation of multiple common goods, such as utilitarianism and the maximin principle. Nevertheless, the maximin principle might be underestimated because the public knows little about the least advantaged people, i. e., Fukushima residents. Given such a situation, it is worth examining the effects of information about the residents on the deliberation of the maximin principle, using measures of discourse quality and its outcomes. We conducted a group discussion experiment manipulating the least advantaged people’s information to explore factors affecting the discourse regarding multiple common goods. The analysis of DQI found no significant difference between conditions regarding the maximin principle. As for the evaluations, the participants in the informed condition weighed the maximin principle more than those in the non-informed condition regarding the outcomes, while a significant difference in the maximin principle was not found regarding the discourse quality. Reasons for the differing results based on the measurements used are discussed, suggesting the necessity of evaluation using plural measures.
  • Tomoyuki Tatsumi, Takashi Nakazawa, Yume Souma, Susumu Ohnuma
    The 2nd Meeting of Consensus and Co-Creation  2023/06  Mie  Consensus and Co-Creation Study Group
  • Yukihide Shibata, Yume Souma, Mie Tsujimoto, Nana Kihara, Susumu Ohnuma, Tetsuo Yasutaka
    The 37th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  2023/06  Kumamoto  人工知能学会
    本研究では、除去土壌県外最終処分を題材として実施したワークショップで行われた議論を取り上げ、Discourse Quality Index (DQI) を用いて討議の質を可視化することを目的とした。社会問題の議論においては、功利主義や不衡平の緩和、除去土壌の中間貯蔵という負担を負ってきた最不遇者である福島への慮りというマキシミン原理といった社会全体の望ましさである共通善が万遍なく議論されることが望ましい。DQIは討議に参加していない第三者が、議論で行われた発話ごとにどのような側面からの発言であるかを評価するものである。評価の結果、共通善ではリスクやコストといった功利主義的な視点が最も言及されていた一方、福島への慮りという視点からの発言は少なかった。また、風評被害や公衆の理解、新たに負担を引き受ける人々についての言及が多かった。テキストマイニングによる分析の結果、「福島」という地名の登場回数が多くないことや、「安全」という言葉が再生利用などと強く結びついていた。以上より、討議では福島の人々が負ってきた負担というマキシミン原理からの議論よりも、リスクやそれに対する人々の反応について言及されていた。
  • Susumu Ohnuma, Yume Souma, Takashi Nakazawa, Tomoyuki Tatsumi
    The 1st conference on Consensus and Cocreation  2023/03  Kyoto University (online)  電子情報通信学会特別研究専門委員会「合意と共創」(Consensus)
  • Susumu Ohnuma, Yasumasa Urata, Shintaro Yuki, Tomoko Nakamata, Yasuhiro Mori
    The 9th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management  2023/03  Kyoto University, Kyoto  The Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management
  • Ayumi Kanbara, Kaori Ando, Junkichi Sugiuira, Susumu Ohnuma
    The 16th Conference on Japanese Environmental Psychology  2023/03  online  日本環境心理学会
    他者は環境配慮に関心がないと思うがゆえに,人は環境配慮について会話をしない(Geiger and Swim, 2016).そこで,環境配慮行動についての自己及び他者の関心の程度の認知が環境問題についての会話意図や会話行動に及ぼす影響過程を検討した.その結果,他者の関心の程度の認知は,他者が環境問題についての会話を行っている程度の認知を介して,自分自身が環境問題についての会話をする程度に影響を与えていた.そして,他者の関心や他者が会話をする程度の認知は自己の関心の程度よりも会話行動に与える影響より大きいことが示唆された.
  • Yume Souma, Takashi Nakazawa, Tomoyuki Tatsumi, Susumu Ohnuma
    The SRA-Japan 35th Annual meeting  2022/11  Kyoto  Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Hideaki Osawa, Susumu Ohnuma
    The SRA-Japan 35th Annual meeting  2022/11  Kyoto  Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Yumiko Kanai, Momo Takada, Susumu Ohnuma, Tetsuo Yasutaka
    The SRA-Japan 35th Annual meeting  2022/11  Kyoto  Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Yukihide Shibata, Yume Souma, Mie Tsujimoto, Susumu Ohnuma, Tetsuo Yasutaka
    The SRA-Japan 35th Annual meeting  2022/11  Kyoto  Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Susumu Ohnuma, Yukihide Shibata, Yume Souma
    The SRA-Japan 35th Annual meeting  2022/11  Kyoto  Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Hiroshi Nonami, Susumu Ohnuma, Toshiaki Aoki, Shoji Ohtomo
    The SRA-Japan 35th Annual meeting  2022/11  Kyoto  Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Mie Tsujimoto, Kosuke Kawai, Taichi Misago, Miki Yokoyama, Susumu Ohnuma
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming 2022 Autumn.  2022/11  Asahikawa, Hokkaido  Japan Association of Simulation And Gaming
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    3rd Joint ERCIM-JST Workshop  2022/10  Rocquencourt, France  ERCIM (European Research Consortium on Informatics and Mathematics) and JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency)
  • Yasuhiro Mori, Tomoko Nakamata, Risa Kuwayama, Susumu Ohnuma
    The 33rd Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycle and Waste Management  2022/09  Miyazaki  Japan Society of Material Cycle and Waste Management
  • Kaori Ando, Susumu Ohnuma, Ayumi Kanbara, Junkichi Sugiura, Erika Kanayma, yīyī Zhāng
    The 68th Conference for the Japanese Group Dynamics Association  2022/09  Kyoto  the Japanese Group Dynamics Association
  • Susumu Ohnuma
    The 63rd Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2022/09  Kyoto  the Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Kaori Ando, Chihiro Adachi, Ayumi Kanbara, Junkichi Sugiura, yīyī Zhāng, Susumu Ohnuma
    The 63rd Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2022/09  Kyoto  the Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Yume Soma, Takashi Nakazawa, Tomoyuki Tatsumi, Susumu Ohnuma
    The 63rd Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2022/09  Kyoto  the Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Keizou Mizuta, Susumu Ohnuma
    The 86th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association  2022/09  Tokyo
  • Ohnuma Susumu
    7th Collective Intelligence Symposium  2022/03  Kyoto  Kyoto University
  • Ohnuma Susumu
    Symposium on artificial agents and service sciences & behavioral science  2022/02  online  Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology
  • Susumu Ohnuma, Miki Yokoyama
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming 2021 Autumn  2021/12  Kyushu Sangyo University  Japan Association of Simulation And Gaming
  • Souma Yume, Yokoyama Miki, Nakazawa Takashi, Tatsumi Tomoyuki, Ohnuma Susumu
    The SRA-Japan 34th Annual meeting  2021/11  online  Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Ohnuma Susumu, Souma Yume, Yokoyama Miki, Nakazawa Takashi, Tatsumi Tomoyuki
    The SRA-Japan 34th Annual meeting  2021/11  online  The Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Ohnuma Susumu, Yokoyama Miki, Tsuchida Akane
    Organized session: Stepwise and cooperative approach with the national debate for the site selection of geological disposal. The SRA-Japan 34th Annual meeting  2021/11  online  The Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Ohnuma Susumu, Souma Yume, Nakayama Kota
    Organized session: Issues of risk communication about the site selection for the geological disposal. The SRA-Japan 34th Annual meeting  2021/11  online  The Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Evaluations of the affected factors on acceptance of final repository site outside Fukushima prefecture for incineration residue caused by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant  [Not invited]
    Shirai Kosuke, Ohnuma Susumu, Michio Murakami, Takada Momo, Yamada Kazuo, Osako Masahiro, Yasutaka Tetsuo
    The 10th conference on The Society for Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in the Environment  2021/08
  • Results of a questionnaire survey on acceptance of final repository site for decontaminated waste  [Not invited]
    Yasutaka Tetsuo, Takada Momo, Shirai Kosuke, Ohnuma Susumu, Michio Murakami, Yamada Kazuo, Osako Masahiro
    The 10th conference on The Society for Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in the Environment  2021/08
  • Ohnuma Susumu, Yokoyama Miki
    The Society for Risk Analysis - European 29th Annual Conference  2021/06  Espoo, Finland  The Society for Risk Analysis - Europe
    This study examines the effect of the decision way involving under the veil of ignorance on public acceptance of a geological disposal site for high-level radioactive waste (HLW). The site selection for geological disposal of HLW in Japan has not proceeded, in which the candidate sites are to be selected by application of municipalities or proposal of the government. The fair decision process is crucial for gaining public acceptance, particularly when the inequitable distribution is inevitable. When considering public acceptance, we differentiate three decision stages: acceptance of the general policy, of the decision way, and of the location if it becomes a candidate site. This study focuses on the stage of deciding because the decision way is closely related to the fairness of the decision process. Prior to deciding the location, acceptance of a decision way is required. Therefore, it is essential whether people can evaluate the decision procedure as fair at the stage of deciding the decision way as a fair procedure is closely related to the public acceptance. As conflicts are more likely to occur if the victims and beneficiaries are given beforehand, we propose to make a prior consent of a decision way under the situation that anyone can be a party involved as a candidate, i.e., under the veil of ignorance. We hypothesize that the decision way with the veil of ignorance is evaluated as fairer and more acceptable than the current decision way, which leads to the acceptance of the location. We conducted a web-based scenario experiment to examine the effects of the decision process, manipulating the decision way: the veil of ignorance condition, anyone could be selected as a candidate site or the proposal by the government condition. We obtained a total of 864 valid responses. The results revealed that procedural fairness and acceptance were evaluated higher in the veil of ignorance condition than the government proposal condition at the stages of both deciding the decision ways and the location. Acceptance of the decision way was associated with the acceptance of the location more in the veil of ignorance condition, while the effects of the procedural fairness on the acceptance were constant between the conditions in each stage. The significance of the veil of ignorance as a measure of installing a fair procedure was discussed.
  • Ohnuma Susumu
    he 1st seminar on CREST Core technologies for trusted quality AI systems  2021/03
  • An examination of the long-term effect of Settoku-Nattoku Game  [Not invited]
    Ando Kaori, Sugiura Junkichi, Ohunuma Susumu
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming 2020 Autumn  2020/12  apan Association of Simulation and Gaming
  • Yokoyama Miki, Ohnuma Susumu
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming 2020 Autumn  2020/12  Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming
  • Practice and Evaluation of online lessons in the Simulated International Society Game  [Not invited]
    Taresawa Yumiko, Ohnuma Susumu
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming 2020 Autumn  2020/12  Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming
  • Ohnuma Susumu, Yokoyama, Miki, Tsuchida Akane
    The 61st Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2020/11
  • Yokoyama, Miki, Ohnuma Susumu, Tsuchida Akane
    The 61st Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2020/11
  • Yokoyama Miki, Ohnuma Susumu, Kondo Yoshiki
    The 13th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Environmental Psychology  2020/02  Sapporo  The Japanese Society of Environmental Psychology.
  • Mizutori Shogo, Ohnuma Susumu, Hommerich Carola
    The 13th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Environmental Psychology  2020/02  Sapporo  The Japanese Society of Environmental Psychology
  • Sato Kazushige, Mizutori Shogo, Shirakawa Mayuka, Ohnuma Susumu, Hommerich Carola
    The 13th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Environmental Psychology  2020/02  Sapporo  the Japanese Society of Environmental Psychology
  • Ohnuma Susumu
    the SRA-Japan 32nd Annual meeting  2019/11  Tokyo  The Society for Risk Analysis
  • Ohnuma Susumu
    the SRA-Japan 32nd Annual meeting  2019/11  Tokyo  The Society for Risk Analysis
  • Yokoyama Miki, Ohnuma Susumu, Kondo Yoshiki
    The SRA-Japan 32nd Annual meeting  2019/11  Tokyo  The Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Ohnuma Susumu, Yokoyama Miki, Hirose Yukio, Osawa Hideaki, Ohtomo Shoji
    Proceedings of the SRA-Japan 32nd Annual meeting  2019/11  Tokyo  the Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • Yokoyama Miki, Ohnuma Susumu, Hirose Yukio
    he 60th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2019/11  Tokyo  the Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Mizutori Shogo, Ohnuma Susumu, Hommerich Carola
    The 60th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2019/11  Tokyo  the Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Sato Kazushige, Ohnuma, Susumu, Mizutori Shogo, Hommerich Carola
    The 60th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2019/11  Tokyo  the Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Shu Y, Ohnuma, S
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming 2019 Autumn  2019/11  Kyoto  Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming
  • Ohnuma Susumu, Yokoyama Miki, Hirose Yukio, Osawa Hideaki, Ohtomo Shoji
    The 60th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2019/11  Tokyo  the Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Ando Kaori, Sugiura Junkichi, Ohnuma Susumu, Tam Kim-Pong, Hübner Gundula, Adachi Nahoko
    The 60th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2019/11  Tokyo  the Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Influence of distribution of burden on NIMBY issue on public acceptance: A scenario experiment regareding reduction & recycling of the Removed Soil  [Not invited]
    Yokoyama Miki, Ohnuma Susumu, Kondo Yoshiki
    Meeting for Hokkaido Branch of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management.  2019/10  Sapporo  Hokkaido Branch of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management
  • OHNUMA Susumu
    The 83th Annual Convetion of the Japanese Psychological Association  2019/09  Ritsumeikan University, Osaka Japan  The Japanese Psychological Association
  • Yokoyama, M, Ohnuma, S, Kondo, Y
    he 83th Annual Convetion of the Japanese Psychological Association  2019/09  Ritsumeikan University, Osaka Japan  The Japanese Psychological Association
  • OHNUMA Susumu
    Ohnuma, S., Yokoyama, M., Takeda, N., Manpuku, Y.  2019/09  Ritsumeikan University, Osaka Japan  he Japanese Psychological Association
  • Ohnuma Susumu, Yokoyama Miki, Mizutori Shogo
    International Conference on Environmental Psychology  2019/09  Plymouth, UK  International Association of Applied Psychology, Division 4: Environmental Psychology
    Studies in citizen participation showed the significance of procedural fairness in the evaluation of citizen participation leading to public acceptance in policy planning. As the number of participants is limited, evaluation by non-participants is imperative. In addition, one-shot participation is insufficient because the roles of participants vary depending on the stages of the planning. Therefore, we need the process design for participatory programs. Sapporo city conducted three stages of stepwise participatory programs for the revision of the environmental master plan, involving both stakeholders and a panel of randomly selected citizens. At the first and second stage, citizens discussed ideal goals to be achieved by back-cast scenario workshops. At the third stage, citizens evaluated the proposed plan. The questions were whether a) even non-participants accept the plan if they perceive the process to have been fair, and b) the ratings of the repeated programs increase. We conducted a two-wave mailout survey for participants and non-participants by random sampling. The results revealed that participants rated procedural fairness and acceptance more positively than non-participants, and the ratings did not change among the two waves. Nevertheless, procedural fairness had the strongest effects on acceptance consistently, indicating that the hypothesis was partially supported. We discuss how the stepwise participation programs can be evaluated.
  • Yokoyama Miki, Ohnuma Susumu, Hirose Yukio
    The International Simulation and Gaming Association 50th Anniversary Conference  2019/08  Warsaw Poland  The International Simulation and Gaming Association
  • OHNUMA Susumu
    Health, Risk Disaster (HeaRD) UK-Japan Network  2019/04  Fukushima Japan  Fukushima Medical University
  • A research of psychological model on the behavioral intention towards not relying on automobile: A case study of Makomanai Sapporo  [Not invited]
    MIZUTORI Shogo, OHNUMA Susumu
    he 32th meeting on Environmental Information Science  2018/12  Nihon Daigaku Kaikan, Tokyo  Center for Environmental Information Science
  • Yokoyama, M, Ohnuma, S, Hirose, Y
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming 2018 Autumn  2018/11  Kumamoto Japan  Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming
  • Shu, Y, Ohnuma, S
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming 2018 Autumn  2018/11  Kumamoto Japan  Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming
  • Sugiura, J, Ando, K, Hübner, G, Woznica, A, Adachi, N, Ohnuma, S
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming 2018 Autumn  2018/11  Kumamoto Japan  Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming
  • Ando, K, Sugiura, J, Ohnuma, S, Adachi, N
    Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming 2018 Autumn  2018/11  Kumamoto Japan  Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming
  • Ohnuma, S, Hirose, Y, Osawa, H, Ohtomo, S, Yokoyama, M
    the SRA-Japan 31st Annual meeting  2018/11  Fukushima, Japan  The Society for Risk Analysis Japan
  • ANDO Kaori, SUGIURA Junkichi, OHNUMA Susumu, ADACHI Nahoko
    5th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency  2018/09  Zurich, Switzerland  Zurich University of Applied Sciences
    The present study examines what kind of message is most effective at promoting the purchase of environmentally friendly products which are not currently accepted widely. Most environmental products promise two types of benefits: individual benefits and environmental protection. It is not confirmed which benefit should be emphasised to promote the purchase of new environmental products. Evans et al. (2012) examined the effect of messages on pro-environmental behaviour and found that participants performed higher pro-environmental behaviour when they received environmental information than the control group, while there was no difference detected when they received only financial information [1]. Sugiura (1998) discussed the importance of congruence between the sender of the message and the contents of the message [2]. In his study, a message to promote an ecological telephone system, which had both financial and ecological merits, was shown to participants. The message was most effective when the sender of the message and the contents were congruent. This study also examines the mediating effect of the cultural self on the effect of pro-environmental messages. Markus & Kitayama (1991) suggested two types of cultural self; an independent self and interdependent self [3]. Those who are high in interdependent self were more likely to prioritise harmonious relationships with others. According to this theory, a message from a friend will have a stronger effect on those high in interdependent self. To summarise, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of messages on the promotion of environmentally friendly products by 2 (sender of the message: company, friend) x 3 (contents of the message: individual benefit, ecological benefit, mixed) design. A hypothetical experimental scenario was conducted with university students in Japan. A total of 151 participants (Female 108, Male 43) were given the following; a leaflet which contained a base message, a pre-questionnaire, a message from company or friend and a post-questionnaire. The base message contained basic information on a portable photovoltaic device. Following the pre-questionnaire, participants read a message from the company who produced the product, or a friend who used the product. The content of the message focussed either on individual benefits, environmental benefits or a combination of both. The difference in intention to buy the product in pre- and post-questionnaire was assessed as a dependent variable. An ANOVA assessing the change in intention to buy the product as the dependent variable showed that the effects of the sender and the contents of the message were not significant. The next analysis examined the mediating effect of the cultural self. An ANOVA using the change in intention to buy the product as dependent variable with the sender of the message and independent self (high, low) as dependent variables demonstrated a significant interaction term (F(1,147)=4.05, p<.05). Those who are high in interdependent self expressed a greater intention to buy the product after reading a message from a friend. We then conducted a multiple regression analysis to examine the determinants of a change in intention to buy the product. Independent variables were perceived behavioural control, subjective norms, individual/social benefits of the product and the evaluation of the sender of the message. The results showed that perceived behavioural control and individual benefits were significant determinants in both company and friend condition. The evaluation of the sender was significant only when the message was sent by a company, while subjective norms were significant only when the message was sent by a friend. The results indicated that acceptance of the message sent by a friend has an impact upon the intention to buy the environmental product, depending on the level of the interdependent self. Those who are high in interdependent tend to try and meet the expectations of others; therefore, they were more likely to act on messages sent by friends. However, if a message was sent by the company, this effect was absent. The results also showed that the contents of the message did not have a significant impact on the change in intention to buy the product; although, the results of the regression analysis indicated that individual benefits were stronger determinants of the intention to buy the environmental products used in the present study.
  • SHU Yao, OHNUMA Susumu
    The 59th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2018/08  Otemon Gakuin University, Osaka  The 59th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology
    The 59th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2018/08  Otemon Gakuin University  The 59th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Ohnuma, S, Yokoyama, M
    29th International Congress of Applied Psychology  2018/06  Montreal, Canada  International Association of Applied Psychology
    Citizen participation in environmental planning is getting popular. A back-cast scenario workshop focuses on an ideal future and the participants share what they should do to achieve some ideal goal. However, few studies examined whether participants give consideration for future consequences, which is a foundation of pro-sociality including pro-environmental behaviors. We have two datasets from mail-out surveys. One is a non-participants sample that randomly sampled 1000 people from the residential list and obtained 457 valid responses. The second is a participant sample involving those who participated in back-cast workshops held in Sapporo, randomly chosen from the residential list (n=103). The results revealed that workshop participants were more future-oriented than non-participants, and more engaged in pro-environmental behaviors and community activities. Furthermore, participants supported the new basic environmental plan proposed by the local government compared to non-participants, and they felt there was efficacy to joining the participatory program. Overall our results indicated that participation in back-cast scenario workshop generated policy support and made people more future-oriented by joining in discussions on an ideal future. Although it is possible that highly motivated citizens might be overrepresented in the participant sample, both samples were randomly chosen improving validity. This study involved a large-scale intervention in environmental policymaking, and examined the impact of the intervention from a perspective of future consideration. The findings of this study suggested that back-cast scenario workshops are useful for developing good plans and making people more future-oriented.
  • Ohtomo, S, Hirose, Y, Osawa, H, Ohnuma, S
    29th International Congress of Applied Psychology  2018/06  Montreal, Canada  International Association of Applied Psychology
    Background: People are willing to accept a repository for radioactive wastes somewhere else, however, they are unwilling to accept a repository in their own backyard. The study examines the effect of the site selection methods on the psychological process of public acceptance in such a NIMBY issue. Especially, the study investigates whether people's NIMBY reaction becomes salient due to the site-selection methods: scientific approach, voluntary procedure, social economic approach, mixed approach with scientific and economic approach. Method: 400 Japanese participated in a field study with hypothetical scenarios and were randomly assigned to one of four scenarios of site-selection methods of a geological repository for radioactive wastes. The study measured public acceptance depending on the area of personal relevance, and the general and personal consensus toward a geological repository. Results: The main results showed the interaction effects of site-selection method × area of personal relevance, general consensus × site-selection methods, personal consensus × site-selection method, and area of personal relevance × general consensus. Thus, the process of public acceptance was differed depending on the site-selection methods and area of personal relevance. Conclusions: The weaker area of personal relevance, the stronger public acceptance became. The NIMBY reaction to siting a repository was strong. However, the effect of area of personal relevance was mitigated in the scenario where a scientific approach was applied. The general consensus became salient when the area of personal relevance was strong. Therefore, consensus formation is important for public acceptance when people regard the issue as an immediate problem.
  • Kitakaji, Y, Ohnuma, S, Hizen, Y
    29th International Congress of Applied Psychology  2018/06  Montreal, Canada  International Association of Applied Psychology
    Communication helps resolve conflicts, and social dilemma is one such conflict. Much research shows that communication entered into by all members increases cooperation (Dawes, et al., 1977; Balliet, 2010). However, it is often difficult for large groups to gather all the members in one place. Although some research implies the limitation of communication among limited members (Schmitt, et al., 2000; Kinukawa, et al., 2002), they did not set up situations in which everyone communicated all together or in which some of the members were absent from a communication. Our research aims at comparing the effect of communication among selected members to communication by all, and revealing the effect of communication among selected members to absentees. We repeated a six-person public goods game twenty times in each session. Between the tenth and eleventh rounds, we inserted 1) a communication among all the members, 2) a communication among three members selected randomly, or 3) no communication (i.e., control). Social value orientation (SVO) was also measured. The result showed that the cooperation rate was higher in conditions 1) and 2) than condition 3). Proself individuals did not cooperate unless they entered into communication by themselves. The cooperation rate of prosocials was not different whether they joined the communication or not as long as the others communicated. Entering into communication has a strong effect on increasing cooperation regardless of orientation, and communication among the other members affected people differently by SVO. We should be careful in the people’s orientation when considering fostering of cooperation.
  • OHNUMA Susumu, YOKOYAMA Miki
    All conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence  2018/06  Kagoshima, Japan  the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
    This paper demonstrated a significance of policy decision making with multiple stepwise citizen participation programs with introducing a case of revising the basic environmental plan Sapporo. Sapporo city implemented participatory programs involving both applicants who were willing to join the discussion and residents who were randomly chosen. The participation programs were designed from the beginning stage to final stage of the planning. Back Cast Scenario Workshops (BCSW) were conducted in the participation program, in which participants begin with the discussion mapping out an ideal future and consider backward to present situation. We discussed the different role of participants in each step of the participatory program. Furthermore, we stated the advantages and points to note as for installing BCSW. Finally, we mentioned the limitations of our approach and remarked expectations to AI.
  • Ohnuma Susumu, Yokoyama Miki, Iino Mari
    Society for Risk Analysis, Asia Conference  2018/03  Kansai University, Osaka Japan  Society for Risk Analysis, Asia
  • Yokoyama Miki, Ohnuma Susumu
    Society for Risk Analysis, Asia Conference  2018/03  Kansai University, Osaka Japan  Society for Risk Analysis, Asia
  • Iino, M, Ohnuma, S, Hirose, Y, Osawa, H, Ohtomo, S
    Society for Risk Analysis, Asia Conference  2018/03  Kansai University, Osaka Japan  Society for Risk Analysis Asia
  • OHNUMA Susumu
    The 2nd symposium on AI and Consensus Building.  2017/12  Nagoya Institue of Technology, Nagoya Japan  Large-scale Consensus Support Systems based on Agent Technologies
  • Yokoyama Miki, Ohnuma Susumu, Hirose Yukio
    Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming 2017 Autumn  2017/11  Hokkaido University of Sciente, Sapporo Japan  Japan Association of Simulation And Gaming
  • Kitakaji Yoko, Hizen Yoichi, Ohnuma Susumu
    The 58th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2017/10  Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima Japan  Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Ohnuma Susumu, Kobayashi Tsubasa, Anpo Yoshihisa, Nakamata Tomoko, Iino Mari, Yokoyama Miki
    The 58th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2017/10  Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima Japan  Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Yokoyama Miki, Ohnuma, Susumu
    The 58th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2017/10  Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima Japan  Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Iino Mari, Ohnuma Susumu, Hirose Yukio, Osawa Hideaki, Ohtomo Shoji
    The 58th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2017/10  Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima Japan  Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Ohtomo Shoji, Hirose Yukio, Ohnuma Susumu
    The 58th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2017/10  Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima Japan  Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Ando Kaori, Sugiura Junkichi, Ohnuma Susumu, Adachi Nahoko
    58th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2017/10  Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima Japan  Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Energy and environmental issues as social dilemmas: comparison of gaming with experiments in psychology  [Invited]
    OHNUMA Susumu
    The 1st colloquium of sectional research group for energy and environment: Japanese Association of Simulation & Gaming  2017/09  Tokyo campus of Tsukuba University, Tokyo Japan  sectional research group for energy and environment: Japanese Association of Simulation & Gaming
    This presentation introduces studies of consensus building in terms of social dilemma approach. The social dilemma is a situation that, as a consequence of individuals pursuing own profit, the entire society lose the profit. Referring to the findings in consensus building of social dilemma studies, I present the gaming method with comparing experimental method developed in psychology. For example, experimental method weighs the control and manipulation of factors, while gaming emphasizes the free interaction of the participants. After mentioning the methodological characteristics of these two, I summarize the common findings and the difference between these two approaches by focusing on the uniqueness of gaming approach. Finally, I expect to open up discussion about the framing of consensus building of energy and environmental issues.
  • Ohnuma Susumu, Kobayashi Tsubasa, Anpo Yoshihisa, Nakamata Tomoko, Iino Mari, Yokoyama Miki
    International Conference on Environmental Psychology  2017/08  A Coruña, Spain  The People-Environment Research Group, University of A Coruña
    Introduction: Hakodate is famous for possessing one of the ‘Three Major Night Views of Japan’. Over a million tourists visit the area every year. For energy saving it would be preferable if the existing older lights could be changed to LEDs (light-emitting diode). However, due to the high initial cost, it has proven difficult to replace the relevant light facilities that constitute the night view. Therefore, the municipality proposed that donations collected from tourists could be used to contribute to the replacement of the older light facilities. Theoretical background: This scenario can be conceived of as a public goods game (PGG); there is a public benefit to donate for the environment, but individuals have no reason to donate if they prioritize their personal economic gain. Previous studies have shown that cooperation rates in PGGs are lower in one shot than in repeated scenarios. Given that tourists are usually in a one-shot scenario, it can be anticipated that few people will make a donation. Nevertheless, many people do make public goods donations, in support of environmental conservation and cultural heritages, even when they may never visit a location again. If individuals recognize the value in energy saving, they will be more willing to pay for the replacement of the light facilities. WTP (Willing to Pay) is often measured through economic means (Mitchell, et al., 1989). However, since the donation is a pro-environmental behavior, intention to donate could be better accounted for by psychological variables, such as social norms and perceived behavioral control. This study aims a) to measure the WTP for the replacement of the light facilities, and b) to explore the psychological factors determining WTP. Methods: We distributed questionnaires to tourists at the top of Hakodate Mountain, and obtained 981 valid responses. WTP, psychological variables, and demographics were measured. Results: WTP was calculated by a log linear logit model according to orthodox methods and returned a result of 1,580 yen/person (approx. 13 euros), which seemed an overestimation. Therefore, we conducted curve fitting to quadratic function using the least square method with a logarithm scale, which resulted in 818 yen/person (approx. 7 euros). Indicated determinants of WTP were found to be reputation, perceived behavioral control, subjective norm, cost estimation and personal norms. Cultural differences were also found, including that reputation was the strongest determinant for foreign tourists, but not significant for domestic tourists. Conclusions: This study involved a survey conducted in a real setting and calculated a plausible estimation for willingness to donate for energy saving. The findings also suggest that previous results from pro-environmental behavior studies can be extended to WTP related to public goods issues.
  • OHNUMA Susumu
    Symposium on AI and consensus building  2017/07  Hokkaido University, Sapporo Japan  Large-scale Consensus Support Systems based on Agent Technologies (CREST)
  • Contribution to the environmental policy from social psychology: Process design of public decision making  [Not invited]
    OHNUMA Susumu
    Environmental Psychology Workshop  2017/06  Nara Women’s University 
  • OHNUMA Susumu
    interim report of Topic-Setting Program to Advance Cutting-Edge Humanities and Social Sciences Research (Responding to Real Society)  2017/05  Keio University  Mita Philosophy Society
  • OHNUMA Susumu
    Information Processing Society of Japan, 185th Intelligent Complexity System Colloquium.  2016/12  Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya Japan  Information Processing Society of Japan, Intelligent Complexity System
  • OHNUMA Susumu, HIROSE Yukio, OHTOMO Shoji
    SRA Japan The 29th Annual Meeting  2016/11  Horuto Hall Oita, Oita Japan  The Society for Risk Analysis Japan
    This study examined the effects of the opportunity of voice and framing of compensation on the public acceptance of siting a disposal of contaminated waste caused by the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Powerplant, which is a typical NIMBY situation. A scenario experiment was used. Participants were assigned to each of conditions according to the block design. The results showed that opportunity of voice increased trust, procedural fairness, and public acceptance, while framing of compensation did not have effects on them. However, structural equation model indicated that framing exposing the benefit of social welfare influenced both procedural fairness and trust while framing exposing monetary gain had a negative effect on trust. We discussed that risk-benefit evaluation is not uni-dimensional, and thus we should be careful what is exchangeable and unexchangeable values.
  • IINO Mari, OHNUMA Susumu
    SRA Japan The 29th Annual Meeting  2016/11  Horuto Hall Oita, Oita Japan  The Society for Risk Analysis Japan
    Focusing on a typical NIMBY issue, this study aims to determine the psychological factors influencing public acceptance of shunned facilities. We focus on the cognitive frame of “taboo trade-offs”, where individuals refuse the exchange of one value for another. Monetary compensation, for example, is usually proposed as a tradeoff for accepting a risky facility in a region. However, monetary compensation often fails to gain public acceptance, and sometimes backfires. This study used a scenario experiment and manipulated the frame of compensation. Results did not show a main effect of compensation framing, however taboo trade-offs showed a stronger effect on public acceptance than risk-benefit evaluation. We argue that taboo trade-offs, denial of exchanging values, should be considered in NIMBY issues. While a risk-benefit tradeoff assumes the integration of uni-dimensional values, consideration of the taboo trade-off implies multi-dimensional values, which are unexchangeable each other.
  • YOKOYAMA Miki, OHNUMA Susumu, HIROSE Yukio
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming Autumn  2016/11  Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya Japan  Japan Association of Simulation And Gaming
  • Mori, Y, Kobayashi, T, Ohnuma, S
    The 57th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2016/09  Kwansei Gakuin University  The Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Kitakaji, Y, Ohnuma, S
    The 57th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2016/09  Kwansei Gakuin University  The Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Kobayashi, T, Anpo, Y, Nakamata, T, Iino, M, Yokoyama, M, Mori, Y, Ohnuma, S
    The 57th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2016/09  Kwansei Gakuin University  The Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Ando, K, Ohnuma, S, Adachi, N, Tashiro, Y
    The 57th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2016/09  Kwansei Gakuin University  The Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Ohtomo, S, Hirose, Y, Osawa, H, Ohnuma, S
    The 57th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2016/09  kwansei Gakuin University  The Japanese Society of Social Psychology
  • Nakamaru, M, Shimura, H, Kitakaji, Y, Ohnuma, S
    The annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology 2016  2016/09  Kyushu University, Fukuoka Japan  Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology
    Cooperation is a foundation of our society. The evolution of cooperation is an unsolved research topic and has been investigated from the viewpoint of not only evolution but also other research areas such as social sciences. We are on an equal footing and cooperation among peers is essential in some social situations. Many previous researches have focused on the evolution of cooperation among peers. While, we are on a different footing, different players play different social roles such as leaders and subordinates in a group and hierarchy in some organizations, and then players playing different social roles have to cooperate to achieve their goal. In this talk, we focus on cooperation in division of labor. The industrial waste treatment process is an example of division of labor and consists of five types of industry: generators (or W1), the 1st waste haulers (or W2), the intermediate treatment facilities (or W3), the 2nd waste haulers (or W4) and the landfill sites (or W5). Wi can choose two strategies: legal treatment or illegal dumping. In legal treatment, Wi pays a cost to have Wi+1 treat the waste (i = 1−4). In illegal dumping, Wi does not pay any cost (i = 1−5). However, the illegal dumping damages the environment and all agents, even who choose legal treatment, are penalized a fine. This situation is equivalent to social dilemma and the studies about the evolution of cooperation can be applied into this situation. The previous studies about the evolution of cooperation show that cooperators punishing defectors promotes the evolution of cooperation. In reality, the local administrative organ introduces two punishment systems to solve the illegal dumping problem: the party responsibility system and the producer responsibility system. In the party responsibility system, if agents who choose illegal dumping are discovered, they are penalized a fine. However, it is hard to discover those who choose illegal dumping, and this rule may not work. While, in the producer responsibility system, the generator is penalized a fine if the generator cannot hand the manifest to the local administrative organ, as the agents of Wi (i = 2−5) who choose illegal dumping do not hand the manifest to the generator. We investigate whether the producer responsibility system can restrain the illegal dumping more than the party responsibility system. We analyzed the replicator dynamics of two assumptions: (i) two types of industry, generators and the landfill sites, exist, and (ii) three types of industry, generators, intermediate treatment facilities, and landfill sites, exist. Then we found out that (1) three-type model explains the present situation of illegal dumping more than two-type model, and (2) the producer responsibility system promotes the evolution of cooperation in division of labor. While, the party responsibility system promotes not only the evolution of legal treatment but also that of illegal dumping.
  • Kobayashi, T, Anpo, Y, Nakamata, T, Iino, M, Yokoyama, M, Mori, Y, Ohnuma, S
    3rd Behavior, Energy, & Climate Change Conference  2016/09  Tokyo Japan  Behavior, Energy, & Climate Change Conference
    夜景の名所として知られる函館では、環境面と経済面を考慮した夜景の保存のため、照明施設のLED化を検討している。しかし、LED化については初期投資の費用がかかる上、LED化によって夜景の観光資源としての価値が損なわれるのではないかという懸念を解消しつつ進める必要がある。両問題を同時に解決するために、観光客にサポーターとなってもらう案が検討されている。 本研究は、観光客が夜景のLED化をサポートするならばどのようなインセンティブや心理要因が影響するかを明らかにすることを目的する。 函館山ロープウェイ山頂を訪れた観光客を対象に、アンケート調査を依頼した。回答者はその場で回答するか、郵送、またはWebにより回答した。合計で1010の有効回答を得た。 本研究では、景観の保全における調査で用いられている、回答者に直接提供意思額を尋ねる仮想評価法(CVM)に類似した方法を用いた。ただし、CVMには回答金額を回答者が本当に支払うならばというリアリティを持たせるよう工夫が必要となる。そこで、本研究では実際にサポーターになった際の特典の希望について回答し、サポーターとなることについて具体的なイメージを持たせたうえで、公共施設のライトアップLED化促進のために支払ってもよいと思う提供意思額を尋ねた。 分析の結果、公共施設LED化促進のための提供意思額には、実行可能性評価と対処有効性が強く影響していた。さらに、互恵性の認知や評判といった要因も提供意思額を高める要因として影響していた。 本研究は都市景観の保全に対する支払い意思額の規定因について、環境配慮行動の枠組みで捉えられることを示した。さらに、従来の環境配慮行動では取り上げられてこなかった、互恵性や評判といった要因も関連することを示し、環境配慮行動研究の拡張可能性を示唆すると同時に、観光客という一過性の人が協力できる要件の一端を示した。
  • Ohnuma. S, Kitakaji, Y, Kobayashi, T
    31st International Congress of Psychology  2016/07  Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama Japan  International Congress of Psychology
    Studies on social dilemmas have shown that communication can increase cooperation, as discussion promotes a shared recognition of common fate. This is relevant for addressing global environmental issues. Conversely, the disparity between rich and poor can hinder cooperation, and promote intergroup conflicts. This study proposes that, even with disparity, communication focusing on global environmental issues can increase cooperation and ease intergroup conflicts. To assess this we used the Simulated International Society Game (SIMINSOC), which simulates processes of intergroup conflict and cooperation. In each game, there were two rich and two poor regions, each containing 10-15 individuals. We conducted 15 games with 722 participants in total. The results revealed that recognition of common fate, which was facilitated by communication, increased acceptance of the burden for mitigating environmental impacts, even in poor regions. Furthermore, a super-ordinate (global) identity became stronger after experiencing an environmental disaster, suggesting intergroup conflict could be reduced.
  • Mori, Y, Ohnuma, S
    31st International Congress of Psychology  2016/07  Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama Japan  International Congress of Psychology
    Eyes arouse situational norm if one can see the icon close distance. However, mere exposer of a poster does not have effect on promoting pro-environmental behavior. Some studies have shown that existence of a person arouse social norm. To see the effects of contextual cue in a realistic setting, we conducted an experiment in the lecture room. Three conditions were manipulated: eyes poster condition, face poster condition, and real person present condition. Dependent variable was the inappropriately left leaflets after the class, which are distributed before beginning the lecture, and irrelevant and trifling for students. Results indicated that the number of leaflets left decrease only in real human present condition compare to base rate, indicating that present of eyes’ poster and face poster had little effect on an appropriate behavior if not managed the attention with a distance.
  • Kitakaji, Y, Ohnuma, S
    31st International Congress of Psychology.  2016/07  Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama Japan  International Congress of Psychology
    In general, discussion increases cooperation in social dilemmas. However, when participants can choose whether to join in discussion, discussion may result in either cooperation or non-cooperation: either 1) a “bad apple effect” might occur whereby cooperators become non-cooperative due to the existence of a free rider, or 2) social norms may be invoked which increase cooperation. To explore which pattern is observed, we developed a “cleaning duty game”, a chicken game type commons. Four players in this game share “waste station”. If one player cleans the station (incurring cost), all players gain profit but if no one cleans the station, all players lose their profit. We created three conditions: all discussion, applicants’ discussion, and a control (no discussion) condition. 22 game were conducted with 88 participants. The results revealed a significant difference between control condition and both other conditions, indicating that the presence of discussion opportunity increased cooperation.
  • OHNUMA Susumu
    31st International Congress of Psychology  2016/07  Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama Japan  International Congress of Psychology
  • Does the mere presence of an opportunity for discussion increase cooperation even when non-participants exist?: an experiment utilizing the "cleaning duty game"  [Not invited]
    Yoko Kitakaji, Susumu Ohnuma
  • Ando, K, Ohnuma, S
    24th International Association for People Environment Studies Conference  2016/06  Lund Sweden  Lund University
  • Kobayashi, T, Ohnuma, S
    24th International Association for People Environment Studies Conference  2016/06  Lund Sweden  Lund University
    The installation of energy-efficient facilities, such as photovoltaics and hyper-boilers, is essential to increase energy saving in households and help to prevent of climate change, but the cost of adoption for such facilities creates a barrier. Therefore, debates concerning the economic issues have been the primary focus, while psychological aspects have been discussed less. Indeed, although many studies have examined the psychological determinants of day-to-day pro-environmental behaviors relevant to energy saving in households, only a limited number of studies have specifically addressed the psychological determinants relating to the adoption of expensive facilities. Such an oversight is due to demographic factors, such as yearly income and type of dwelling, being considered as the primary factors that account for the variance in adoption. This study seeks to address such assumptions by exploring the psychological determinants relating to the adoption of expensive energy-saving facilities. For this purpose, this study employed Bamberg’s (2013) self-regulated stage model of behavioral change (SSBC). Various models, proposing that behavioral intention directly predicts pro-environmental behavior, have been attempted. However, these models inevitably encounter the problem that the association between behavioral intention and behavior is rarely stable, especially when the cost for the target behavior is high. Alternatively, the SSBC proposes that implementation intention, which is triggered in a specific contextual situation, should be sited between behavioral intention and actual behavior. The SSBC then assumes four necessary stages in order to achieve a change in a target behavior, including altering goal-, behavioral- and implementation-intentions as critical factors for transition to next stage. We administered a web survey in Hokkaido, Japan. A quota sampling method was used to capture a representative sample of the target population with regards to sex and age, and 312 residents provided valid responses. Variables derived from the SSBC and demographic factors were measured in the questionnaire. Our analysis of the questionnaire data indicated the strongest predictor of adopting energy-saving facilities was implementation intention. Demographic factors such as type of dwelling and housewives also predicted the adoption of energy-saving facilities, while yearly income had no effect. Unsurprisingly, people living in detached houses tend to adopt more facilities than those living in apartment house. However, a surprising result was that higher income did not necessarily predict greater adoption of energy-saving facilities. In addition, behavioral intentions did not directly predict adoption, but did so indirectly through the mediation of implementation intentions. These results suggest the value in fostering implementation intentions, including the acquisition of planning abilities to be able to consider under what conditions, when, and where to implement facilities. In other words, a desirable new behavior may not be practically executable without some feasible plan in place, even if behavioral intention is formed. In sum, we succeeded in demonstrating the usefulness of the SSBC model, which was originally developed for habit change, for understanding household adoption of expensive energy-saving facilities. Furthermore, our results revealed that intentions could be formed independent of certain demographic factors, suggesting that the potential for spreading energy-saving facilities next ends beyond any specific demographic.
  • OHNUMA Susumu
    The 21st symposium of The Mathematical Society of Traffic Flow  2015/12  Nagoya  The Mathematical Society of TrafficFlow
    Studies in classic crowd psychology and group decision making have shown pessimistic ndings. Although some scholars suggest that independent decision is required for producing collective wisdom, in reality, it is impossible to exclude the influence of the others as long as the other people exist. The author proposes that it is given to communicate each other positively; therefore, process design for public decision making should be prepared for preventing the destruction of the entire society.
  • Kobayashi, T, Ohnuma, S
    2nd behavior, Energy, & Climate Change Conference  2015/09  Hitotsubashi, Tokyo  BECC Japan
    家庭におけるエネルギー効率をさらに高めるには、こまめな節電や節水といった省エネ行動だけではなく、太陽光発電設備など導入に高いコストのかかる省エネ設備の普及を促進していくことも効果的な手段である。環境配慮行動研究においては行動変容に関する多くの蓄積があるが、高額な省エネ機器は世帯収入や持ち家の有無といった要因が導入の強い規定因であると考えられてきたため、心理要因の研究はあまり行われてこなかった。本研究では、省エネ設備の導入過程を検討するため、ステージモデル(Bamberg, 2013)を用いた。ステージモデルは、目標意図、行動意図、実行意図をそれぞれ喚起する段階を経て、実際の行動に移るという4つのステージをからなる。このモデルの特徴は、従来の環境配慮行動のモデルでは説明できなかった、ある行動をしようという行動意図が高まっても、実際の行動に移すことができないような行動を扱うために、特定の場面において行動を喚起される意図である実行意図をモデルに加えている点である。北海道内在住者を対象に割り当て法によるWeb調査を行い、312の有効回答を得た。分析の結果、省エネ設備の導入有無には導入意図と、属性要因として住居所有の有無、専業主婦(夫)が影響していた。また、構造方程式によって作成したモデルから、省エネ設備の導入過程がステージモデルによって説明できることが示された。世帯収入があっても省エネ設備の導入には至らなかったことから、必ずしも経済的要因だけで高額省エネ機器の導入は説明できず、むしろ、省エネ機器導入の予測には環境配慮行動のモデルが有効であることが示された。また、住環境における制約があっても導入の動機を高めることが出来る可能性が示唆された。本研究で作成されたモデルは、省エネ設機器の導入を促進するための具体的な介入策の検討に役立つだろう。
  • OHNUMA Susumu
    2015 Joint Meeting of JSMB and CJK Colloquium on Mathematical Biology  2015/08  Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan  China-Japan-Korea Colloquium on Mathematical Biology
    This presentation introduces studies in social psychology toward resolving a social dilemma, which is a conflict between personal profit and social benefit. One of the major theories guiding mutual cooperation in social dilemmas is goal expectation theory (Pruitt & Kimmel, 1977; Yamagishi, 1986), which consists of two steps: (1) individuals recognize the importance of group or societal benefit and becomes to aim for mutual cooperation and (2) the individuals can believe that others also realize the importance of common benefit and mutual cooperation; hence they can have expectation that others will cooperate if they witness cooperation. Therefore, the research question is how people can have an expectation of mutual cooperation. Many experimental studies in social psychology have shown that communication can lead people to mutual cooperation as communication brings about trust and expectation to the others, although it is not unconditional. In contrast, a mere implementation of sanctions such as surveillance and penalty often fails to guide mutual cooperation due to the limited resource for maintaining the sanction system that requires additional costs. A gaming study revealed that strengthening sanction increased non-cooperative behavior because participants failed to share relevant information obtained from communication (Kitakaji & Ohnuma, 2014). Furthermore, filed studies have shown the significance of dialogues in terms of procedural fairness, which refers the decision process. For example, case studies about waste management policy for waste reduction and recycling promotion, which is regarded as a social dilemma, suggested that evaluations of public benefit and procedural fairness were the determinants of the policy support (Ohnuma et al., 2005). Ohnuma (2009) found from a case study of implementing a charge system for household waste that it was hard to engage in a constructive discussion when focusing only on the charge system, but was successful when focusing on public benefit, such as how to direct a circulative society and how to reduce waste and inappropriate disposal. By focusing on public benefit, people began to consider and discuss what can be done and what type of rules should be implemented for directing the common goal beyond the controversy over the charge system. Throughout the discussion of a participatory program, citizens began to share a concrete image of a common goal. Finally, this presentation remarks the importance of creating recognition of a common goal throughout dialogues.
  • OHNUMA Susumu, KITAKAJI Yoko
    The 46th International Simulation & Gaming Association Annual Conference  2015/07  Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto Japan  the International Simulation and Gaming Association
    This study explores the processes required to achieve consensus on controversial issues that involve social dilemmas and developed the “Con-sensus Building of Wind Farm Game” (WinG). A social dilemma is a conflict between personal profit and public benefits wherein the results of individuals pursuing their own profit means that public benefits decline; thus, ultimately, individuals lose their profit. Shared recognition of a common goal is crucial in resolving social dilemmas; however, in actual practice, developing such a shared recognition is difficult due to conflicts among stakeholders. To help identify effective resolutions to this problem, we examined a case of planning for a wind farm, which often involves controversy, even though many people generally agree to the plan. WinG was developed to simulate the type of con-flicts among stakeholders when planning a wind farm. There are five types of players (stakeholders) in WinG and each has a different goal and is provided with different information. All the players are required to maximize their in-dividual goals within the time limit, however at the same time, from the view-point of public benefit, an optimal achievement point is hidden in the game that results in the second best outcome for all the players. Through negotia-tions, bargaining, and debate, the social dynamics of achieving (or failing to achieve) a consensus were observed in WinG. Analysis from 10 games showed that shared recognition of a common goal was related to consensus, while only information sharing was not sufficient.
  • KITAKAJI Yoko, OHNUMA Susumu
    The 46th International Simulation & Gaming Association Annual Conference  2015/07  Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto Japan  the International Simulation and Gaming Association
    This study explores whether information disclosure can cause cooperation in a social dilemma, even when people can disseminate false information. In the past, illegal dumping increased in Japan despite the strengthening of penalties and surveillance laws, due to practical limitations in monitoring and surveillance. To resolve this, the tracking sheet used to trace the trading and processing of the wastes must be traceable in order to detect illegal dumping. This means that manifests must be written precisely in order to be effective but if maintaining a tracking log has some function other than surveillance this may not be the case. To examine this issue we used the “Industrial Waste Illegal Dumping game” (Ohnuma & Kitakaji, 2007) which simulates the disposal of industrial waste and is structured as a social dilemma with asymmetry of information. In this study we utilised two conditions: a disclosure and a control condition. Under the disclosure condition, players had to enter the amount of commission or disposal in the landfill but did not have to fill in the correct amount. Although players could read the report, they could not know who performed illegal dumping or how much they contributed. Therefore, this disclosure did not have an effective surveillance function and could not help detect non-cooperation. However, the results showed that the amount of illegal dumping was reduced, and information on payoffs was shared more in the disclosure condition than in the control condition. Moreover, players collected and shared their information more in the disclosure condition than in the control condition. The study thus indicates that the function of disclosure is not surveillance, but information sharing which is essential for voluntary cooperation.
  • OHNUMA Susumu, KITAKAJI Yoko
    The 46th International Simulation & Gaming Association Annual Conference  2015/07  Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto Japan  the International Simulation and Gaming Association
    “Consensus Building of Wind Farm Game” (WinG) is developed for under-standing the social dynamics of stakeholders and the process of consensus build-ing, which simulated conflicts among stakeholders when planning a wind farm. Although many people generally approve of siting wind power facilities, contro-versies often arise during the creation of a concrete plan. It is essential to under-stand social dynamics of stakeholder interactions to find a way to build consensus in such a controversial situation. In the game play session, participants are expected to experience WinG by tak-ing one of the roles.
  • OHNUMA Susumu, HIROSE Yukio, OSAWA Hideaki, OHTOMO Shoji
    The 24th The Society for Risk Analysis Europe Conference  2015/06  Maastricht, the Netherlands  The Society for Risk Analysis Europe
    Deciding on the appropriate siting of a facility for High-level Radioactive Waste (HLW) is one of the most difficult NIMBY issues to gain public acceptance of. This study explores the factors related to public acceptance of HLW facilities in terms of procedural fairness, which is important particularly when trust in authority is low. Increasing opportunities for participation by various stakeholders and the public was expected to have positive effects on procedural fairness and lead to greater acceptance. However, social stigma, that is concern about the negative image from people living in other places, might prevent people from accepting any involvement with siting because people care about intergenerational subjective norms, including the welfare of their children, grandchildren and future generations. Hence, people tend to find siting unacceptable when the issue involves their community. In the UK, Public Stakeholder Engagement (PSE) was conducted through three steps from 2009 to 2012 in West Cumbria and involved public meetings, workshops and deliberative meetings. Initially, a public opinion poll conducted after the PSE process was completed, revealed that the majority of participants supported the initiation of an investigation process to choose a site. However, after the county council of Cumbria and the borough councils of Copeland and Allerdale each took individual decisions on whether they should proceed to the next stage in January 2013, the majority of the Cumbria county council voters against the motion. Therefore, while there were more a majority of proponents for proceeding in the two borough councils, the Government decided not to proceed to the next stage in West Cumbria. An internet survey was conducted in London and Cumbria, to compare the differences of attitudes between regions. A quota method stratified by age and sex was used for the sampling. Two types of acceptance were measured: 1) Acceptance of the decision about West Cumbria and 2) Acceptance of a siting HLW facility in their community using a hypothetical question in which respondents were the residents of the proposed candidate site for a geological disposal facility for HLW. The results showed that acceptance of the decision concerning West Cumbria was high and procedural fairness had a strong effect on this acceptance. However, although procedural fairness still produced a significant effect, fear of stigma and concern with perceived intergenerational subjective norms had negative effects on the acceptance of a siting facility in the individual’s community.
  • Procedural fairness as a buffering factor of protected values: a case study of Horonobe Underground Research Center for the disposal of radioactive waste  [Invited]
    OHNUMA Susumu
    The 2nd Berlin Conference: Energy Transitions around the World  2015/03  Freie Universitat Berlin, Berlin Germany
  • A Text-mining-based Investigation of Longitudinal Energy Saving Behavior: A Case Study of Asahikawa’s Ene-Eco Project  [Not invited]
    Kobayashi, T, Ohnuma, S, Mori, Y
    The 28th Conference of Environmental Information Science  2014/12
  • What is Perspective-Taking?: The Effect of the two Ways to consider from the Others View in Prisoner's Dilemma  [Not invited]
    Sone, M, Kitakaji, Y, Ohnuma, S
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming Autumn, 2014  2014/12
  • Can we overcome with controversy with a conflict of interest?: Demonstration of "Consensus Building of Wind Farm Game"  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S, Kitakaji, Y, Sone, N, Yamaki, D
    The Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming Autumn, 2014  2014/12
  • Effects of procedural fairness on lessening the protected values in a consensus building about NIMBY  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S, Sato, K. Kitakaji, Y. Ishiyama, K
    The 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Risk Analysis Japan,  2014/11
  • Social Reality in SIMULATED INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY Game  [Invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    The 19th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan  2014/09
  • Behavioral and motivational change for energy saving in “Asahikawa Ene-Eco Project”: A social psychological study regarding decreasing point system.  [Invited]
    Ohnuma, S, Mori, Y, Kobayashi, T
    1st Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference  2014/09
  • Discussion; From the viewpoint of social norms  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    78th Annual Convetion of the Japanese Psychological Association  2014/09
  • Influence of communication on pro-environmental behavior: A comparison of students in Japan, China and Germany  [Not invited]
    Ando, K, Adachi, N, Ohnuma, S
    78th Annual Convetion of the Japanese Psychological Association  2014/09
  • A comparative study about students' pro-environmental behavior.  [Not invited]
    Ando, K, Ohnuma, S
    The 55th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2014/07
  • Determinants of public acceptance of a facility for underground disposal of high-level radioactive waste in France.  [Not invited]
    Osawa, H, Ohtomo, S, Ohnuma, S, Hirose, Y
    The 55th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2014/07
  • Effects of procedural fairness on lessening protected values: case study of Horonobe Underground Research Center for the disposal of radioactive waste.  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S, Kitakaji, Y. Sato, K, Ishiyama, K
    The 55th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2014/07
  • It’s not NIMBY! Effects of imagining to be involved residents on the acceptance of unwelcome facilities: case study of Horonobe Underground Research Center for the disposal of radioactive waste  [Not invited]
    Kitakaji, Y, Ohnuma, S, Ishiyama, K
    The 55th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2014/07
  • Trend of household energy saving behavior and its sequential change: analysis using text mining  [Not invited]
    Kobayashi, T, Ohnuma, S, Mori, Y, Anpo, Y
    The 55th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2014/07
  • Can Perspective-taking promote the cooperation in Prisoner’s Dilemma?  [Not invited]
    Sone, M, Kitakaji, Y, Ohnuma, S
    The 55th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2014/07
  • Did Deliberative Polling concerning energy policy in Japan reflect the opinions of Japanese people?  [Not invited]
    Maeda, H, Hirose, Y, Ohnuma, S, Sato, K, Nonami, H, Sugiura, J, Otomo, S
    The 55th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2014/07
  • The influence of others' presence on inhibiting inappropriate behavior  [Not invited]
    Mori, Y, Ohnuma, S
    The 55th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2014/07
  • エネルギー問題の評価において係争的な枠組みがもたらす効果  [Not invited]
    Sato, K, Tahara, M, Ohnuma, S
    The 55th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2014/07
  • Determinants of public acceptance in order to site a facility for high-level radioactive waste in France.  [Not invited]
    Osawa, H, Hirose, Y, Ohtomo, S, Ohnuma, S
    28th international Congess Applied Psychology.  2014/07
  • Intergenerational and interregional justice for policy acceptance of geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste: a case study in France.  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S, Hirose, Y, Osawa, H, Otomo, S
    28th international Congess Applied Psychology.  2014/07
  • Can fair procedure lessen protected values in NIMBY? a case study of Horonobe Underground Research Center for the disposal of radioactive waste.  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S, Ishiyama, K, Kitakaji, Y, Sato, K
    The 23rd SRA-E Conference  2014/06
  • Nakamae Chika, Konishi Nobuyoshi, Hara Humihiro, Hori Shoutarou, Sato Kosuke, Ohnuma Susumu
    北海道の雪氷  2014/01
  • Energy saving behavior after the great hazard of Higashi Nihon  [Not invited]
    Ando, K, Ohnuma, S, Kakimoto, T, Sugiura, J, Nonami, H, Kanbara, A
    The 54th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2013/11  沖縄県宜野湾市
  • The effects of involvement and decision frame on group decision making  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S, Nagasaka, K, Sato, K, Kitakaji, Y, Yoshida, Y
    The 54th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2013/11  沖縄県宜野湾市
  • Measuring a long term effects of intervention for reduction of household energy consumption: A case study of one year social experiment in Asahikawa  [Not invited]
    Mori, Y, Ohnuma, S, Anpo, Y
    The 54th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2013/11  沖縄県宜野湾市
  • Effect of aggenda setting on approval of energy issues  [Not invited]
    Sato, K, Tahara, M, Ohnuma, S
    The 54th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2013/11  沖縄県宜野湾市
  • 社会的ジレンマ状況において虚偽可能でも行動履歴の公開が協力行動をもたらすとき:産業廃棄物不法投棄ゲームによる例証  [Not invited]
    Kitakaji, Y, Ohnuma, S
    The 54th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2013/11  沖縄県宜野湾市
  • A development of learning tools for the promotion of understanding opinion distribution and regulating the interests of the parties concerned  [Not invited]
    Sugiura, J, Ohnuma, S, Hirose, Y
    The 54th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2013/11  沖縄県宜野湾市
  • Habit change toward pro-environmental behavior:A case study of “Sapporo kitchen garbage recycling operation test”  [Not invited]
    Bai, J, Mori, S, Ohnuma,S
    The 54th Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2013/11  沖縄県宜野湾市
  • Have the attitude toward nuclear power plants changed after the Fukushima nuclear accident?  [Not invited]
    Ando, K, Ohnuma, S
    10th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2013/09  Magdeburg, Germany
  • An intervention on energy consumption by visualization of behavior: An investigation using self-reported behavior and actual energy consumption  [Not invited]
    Mori, Y, Ohnuma, S, Anpo, Y
    10th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2013/09  Magdeburg, Germany
  • Long term effects of intervention for habit change: promoting reusable bottle for reducing one way bottle  [Not invited]
    Bai, J, Mori, S, Ohnuma,S
    10th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2013/09  Magdeburg,Germany
  • Procedural fairness and social acceptance of the Deliberatitve Poll on future energy and environmental policy.  [Not invited]
    Maeda, H, Hirose, Y, Ohnuma, S, Sato, K, Nonami, H, Sugiura, J, Ohtomo, S
    10th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2013/09  Magdeburg, Germany
  • Examination of household energy consumption by actual energy use: using actual enery use and self-reported behavior  [Not invited]
    Mori, Y, Ohnuma, S
    The 77th annual Convention of the Jpanese psychological Association  2013/09  北海道札幌市
  • When Rewards Cause Non-Cooperative Behaviors in a Social Dilemma Situation: A Study Using the "Industrial Waste Illegal Dumping Game“  [Not invited]
    Kitakaji, Y, Ohnuma, S
    15th International Conference on Social Dilemmas  2013/07  Zurich
  • The impacts of Fukushima nuclear accident on public acceptance of geological disposal of high level radioactive waste  [Not invited]
    Ohtomo, S, Osawa, H, Hirose, Y, Ohnuma, S
    The 22nd Sociecty for Risk Analysis-Europe conference  2013/06  Trondheim, Norway
  • Public acceptance under low-trust situations: A case study of Zenibako Wind Power Plant in Japan  [Not invited]
    Sato, K, Ohnuma, S
    The 22nd Sociecty for Risk Analysis-Europe conference  2013/06  Trondheim, Norway
  • Place attachment or protected values? Barriers of public acceptance: A case study of Zenibako Wind Power Plant in Japan  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S, Sato, K, Ishiyama, K
    The 22nd Sociecty for Risk Analysis-Europe conference  2013/06  Trondheim, Norway
  • Influence of procedural fairness of participatory programs on public acceptance: from planning to implementation  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    Seminar series of Understanding Risk  2013/05  Wales, the UK
  • How to Design Decision Making Process with Participatory Programs about Radioactive Waste Managemen  [Invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    Comparing Japanese and German Approaches to Denuclearization and Energy System Transformation  2013/03  Berlin, Germany
  • Still controversial even though main problems have been removed: A case study of Zenibako Wind Power Plant in Japan  [Not invited]
    Sato, K, Ohnuma, S
    Conference on Wind power and Environmental impacts  2013/02  Stockholm, Sweden
  • Konishi Nobuyoshi, Nakamae Chika, Hara Humihiro, Hori Shoutarou, Sato Kosuke, Ohnuma
    Summaries of JSSI and JSSE Joint Conference on Snow and Ice Research  2013  The Japanese Society of Snow and Ice / Japan Society for Snow Engineering
  • Participatory programs: from planning to implementation and action: Influence of procedural fairness on public acceptance a case study of waste management rule in Sapporo  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    Colloquium of Environmental Psychology Research  2012/11  Magdeburg, Germany
  • 低信頼状況下における社会的受容に必要なものはなにか:銭函風力発電所建設事例  [Not invited]
    佐藤浩輔, 大沼進
    第25回日本リスク研究学会年次大会  2012/11  滋賀県彦根市
  • Citizen participation in Japan: Cooperation in large scale society  [Invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    Annual Meetings of the Citizen Participation and Citizen Report  2012/10  Kempten Germany
  • 社会的ジレンマ状況で行動履歴を記録することの効果:産業廃棄物不法投棄ゲームを用いた情報公開の効果  [Not invited]
    北梶陽子, 大沼進
    日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会2012年度秋期全国大会  2012/10  青山学院大学青山キャンパス, 東京都渋谷区
  • 多元的公正の検討ツールとしてのゲーミング:仮想世界ゲームを用いた検討  [Not invited]
    長坂邦仁, 大沼進
    日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会2012年度秋期全国大会  2012/10  青山学院大学青山キャンパス, 東京都渋谷区
  • 習慣行動の解凍と新規環境配慮行動促進についての長期的効果の検討:容器入り飲料削減とマイボトル利用促進に関する実験  [Not invited]
    白晶, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第53回大会  2012/10  茨城県つくば市
  • 高レベル放射性廃棄物地層処分の受容に関する規定因(1)−スティグマや世代間主観的規範の影響  [Not invited]
    大友章司, 大澤英昭, 広瀬幸雄, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第53回大会  2012/10  茨城県つくば市
  • 高レベル放射性廃棄物地層処分の受容に関する規定因(2)−福島原子力発電所事故前後の主要要因の平均値の変化  [Not invited]
    大澤英昭, 大友章司, 広瀬幸雄, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第53回大会  2012/10  茨城県つくば市
  • ごみステーション管理状況と地域の特徴と地域内ネットワークの関係:観察と質問紙調査を組み合わせたマイクロ‐マクロ分析  [Not invited]
    森康浩, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第53回大会  2012/10  茨城県つくば市
  • 社会的ジレンマ状況において正負のサンクションが協力行動を減少させるとき:産業廃棄物不法投棄ゲームによる検討  [Not invited]
    北梶陽子, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第53回大会  2012/10  茨城県つくば市
  • 環境問題解決場面における多元的な公正:仮想世界ゲームを用いた検討  [Not invited]
    長坂邦仁, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第53回大会  2012/10  茨城県つくば市
  • 合意形成問題におけるステークホルダーへの信頼:銭函海岸風力発電所事例  [Not invited]
    佐藤浩輔, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第53回大会  2012/10  茨城県つくば市
  • 手続き的公正が社会的受容に及ぼす影響:札幌市ごみ減量化施策に関する市民参加事例研究  [Invited]
    『多元的な価値の中の環境ガバナンス:自然資源管理と再生可能エネルギーを焦点に』第2回全体会  2012/10  東京都千代田区
  • ごみステーションの排出状況と人付き合いと地域の特徴の関連: 観察調査・質問紙調査による定量的検討  [Not invited]
    森康浩, 大沼進
    日本心理学会76回大会  2012/09  専修大学生田キャンパス,神奈川県川崎市
  • The effects of social network on appropriate household waste-processing behavior: A social survey of quasi-experimental design in Sapporo  [Not invited]
    Mori, Y, Ohnuma, S
    International Association of People-Environment Studies Conference  2012/06  Glasgow, UK
  • 手続き的公正が社会的受容に及ぼす影響:札幌市ごみ減量化施策に関する市民参加事例研究  [Not invited]
    グローバルCOEプログラム「心の社会性に関する教育研究拠点」総括シンポジウム“心は「なぜ」、「どのように」社会的か?〜フロンティアとアジェンダ〜”  2012/03  学術総合センター, 東京都千代田区
  • ごみステーションの排出状況と指標化した関連する地域の状況との関わり:札幌市におけるごみステーション観察調査  [Not invited]
    森康浩, 石原あず沙, 大沼進
    日本環境心理学会第5回大会  2012/03  東京大学柏キャンパス,千葉県柏市
  • 利害対立場面において当事者性の違いが各主体への信頼に与える影響:公共的決定場面のシナリオ実験を用いた比較検討  [Not invited]
    佐藤浩輔, 大沼進
    第24回日本リスク研究学会年次大会  2011/11  静岡大学浜松キャンパス,静岡県浜松市
  • 3R行動やごみ分別・排出行動と地域内外のネットワークの関連  [Not invited]
    大沼進, 森康浩, 白晶
    第22回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会  2011/11  東洋大学白山第二キャンパス, 東京都文京区
  • 『我が国の選択〜The Government Choice〜』の開発と実践  [Not invited]
    新保留美子, 廣瀬岳史, 大沼進
    日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会2011年度秋期全国大会  2011/10  北海道大学,札幌市
  • 排出取引ゲームの開発と実践:外交と市場の交差する社会的ジレンマ  [Not invited]
    長坂邦仁, 佐藤浩輔, 大沼進
    日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会2011年度秋期全国大会  2011/10  北海道大学,札幌市
  • 多元的な社会的現実感の集団での表象:仮想世界ゲームにおけるマスメディア導入の効果  [Not invited]
    大沼進, 長坂邦仁, 北梶陽子
    日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会2011年度秋期全国大会  2011/10  北海道大学,札幌市
  • Transmitting the environmental norm from parents to children: 3 years longitudinal survey  [Not invited]
    Ando, K, Yorifuji, K, Ohnuma, S, Sugiura, J
    9th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2011/09  Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Long term Effect of Citizen Participation procedure on public acceptance: A Case study of Waste Management System in Sapporo  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    9th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2011/09  Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • 社会的ジレンマ状況における共有認識と社会的帰結の相互構成:排出取引ゲームを用いた検討  [Not invited]
    長坂邦仁, 佐藤浩輔, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第52回大会  2011/09  名古屋大学,名古屋市
  • ルール変更に伴う習慣的環境配慮行動の変容:札幌市ごみ収集区分変更に伴う習慣変更の規定因  [Not invited]
    白晶, 森康浩, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第52回大会  2011/09  名古屋大学,名古屋市
  • 社会的ジレンマ状況において監視が非協力行動をもたらすとき:産業廃棄物不法投棄ゲームを用いた検討  [Not invited]
    北梶陽子, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第52回大会  2011/09  名古屋大学,名古屋市
  • 公共事業を巡る対立場面における信頼:シナリオ実験による信頼モデルの比較  [Not invited]
    佐藤浩輔, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第52回大会  2011/09  名古屋大学,名古屋市
  • ごみ排出マナー改善に向けた単身者向け賃貸住宅でのアクションリサー  [Not invited]
    森康浩, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第52回大会  2011/09  名古屋大学,名古屋市
  • 価値類似性と手続き的公正が社会的受容に及ぼす効果:ドイツノイス市におけるトラムの事例調査  [Not invited]
    日本社会心理学会第52回大会  2011/09  名古屋大学,名古屋市
  • 共同住宅における不適正排出・分別改善に向けたアクションリサーチ―クリーンごみステーションキャンペーンでの参与調査  [Not invited]
    森康浩, 大沼進
    日本心理学会第75回大会  2011/09  日本大学,東京都
  • Enhancing acceptance of social decisions by procedural fairness and trust; the moderating role of issue importance  [Not invited]
    Ohtomo, S, Nonami, H, Hirose, Y, Ohnuma, S, Midden, C. J. H
    20th SRA-Europe Meeting  2011/06  Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Germany
  • 共同住宅における不適正排出・分別改善に向けた取り組みの効果測定:クリーンごみステーションキャンペーンでの参与調査  [Not invited]
    森康浩, 大沼進
    日本環境心理学会第4回大会  2011/03  東京都市大学横浜キャンパス,横浜市
  • Cooperation in large scale society: A case study of public acceptance of waste management and recycling system in Sapporo  [Invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    5th Japanese-French Frontiers of Science Symposium  2011/01  Harumi Grand Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
  • Ohnuma Susumu, Mori Yasuhiro, Bai Jing
    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management  2011  Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management
    Many municipalities have achieved effects for reducing household waste by implementation of changes system and change of collection rules. However, few studies examined whether such system change influences reducing and reusing behavior. This study explored the effects of system change on 2R and related behaviors in terms of social networks with the case study of Sapporo. A mail-out survey was carried out, in which 1,500 residents were randomly sampled and obtained 53% of response rate. Results showed that waste putting behavior and recycling behavior by group (community) collection are related to networks in the community, while reuse behavior was related to networks in the outside community. Furthermore, recycling at the supermarkets was related to both networks in and outside the community. It was discussed that social networks in and outside community might be important for leading 2R behavior through change in the rule of household waste collection.
  • 排出権取引ゲームの実演  [Not invited]
    長坂邦仁, 大沼進
    日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会2010年全国大会  2010/11  江戸川大学,千葉県流山市
  • 罰だけでなく報酬も非協力行動を引き起こすとき:産業廃棄物不法投棄ゲームを用いた検討(4).  [Not invited]
    大沼進, 北梶陽子
    日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会2010年全国大会  2010/11  江戸川大学,千葉県流山市
  • SVSモデルと伝統的信頼モデルの比較研究:ダブルバインド状況におけるシナリオ実験  [Not invited]
    佐藤浩輔, 大沼進
    日本リスク研究学会第23回年次大会  2010/11  明治大学駿河台キャンパス,東京都千代田区
  • 札幌市におけるごみ・資源回収ルール変更の多面的評価  [Not invited]
    大沼進, 吉田文和, 松藤敏彦
    第21回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会  2010/11  石川県金沢市
  • 社会規範が子どもの環境配慮行動に及ぼす影響:親子ペアによる分析  [Not invited]
    安藤香織, 依藤佳世, 大沼進, 杉浦淳吉, 菊地真理
    日本社会心理学会第51回大会  2010/09  広島大学, 東広島市
  • 子どもの自発的な環境配慮行動に及ぼす親からの影響  [Not invited]
    依藤佳世, 安藤香織, 大沼進, 杉浦淳吉
    日本社会心理学会第51回大会  2010/09  広島大学, 東広島市
  • 地域活動が参加者のエンパワーメントに与える効果:中学校での事例調査  [Not invited]
    森康浩, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第51回大会  2010/09  広島大学, 東広島市
  • 集団資源回収への参加の規定因:札幌市の取り組み事例  [Not invited]
    日本社会心理学会第51回大会  2010/09  広島大学, 東広島市
  • Effects of communication between government officers and citizens on procedural fairness and social acceptance: A case study of waste management rule in Sapporo.  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    The International Society for Justice Research 13th Biennial Conference  2010/08  Banff, Canada
  • The Effect of Participating in Community Activity on Self and Collective Efficacy: An intervention in class works of junior high school in Sapporo  [Not invited]
    Mori, Y, Ohnuma, S
    The 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology  2010/07  Melbourune, Australia
  • The effect of prompt by bespeaking on pro-environmental behavior: An intervention study for reducing plastic bags at supermarkets  [Not invited]
    Ohtomo, S, Ohnuma, S
    The 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology  2010/07  Melbourune, Australia
  • Effects of value similarity and procedural fairness on social acceptance: a case study of tram system in Neuss  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S. Hirose, Y. Sugiura, J, Maeda, H
    2010/06  Leipzig, Germany
  • How to foster cooperation: social psychological approach for sustainable socieety  [Invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing  2009/12  Sapporo, Japan
  • 親から子への環境配慮行動の伝達過程:縦断的研究(2)  [Not invited]
    依藤佳世, 安藤香織, 大沼進, 杉浦淳吉
    日本社会心理学会第50回大会・日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会第56回大会合同大会  2009/10  大阪大学, 吹田市大阪府
  • 親から子への環境配慮行動の伝達過程:縦断的研究(1)  [Not invited]
    安藤香織, 依藤佳世, 大沼進, 杉浦淳吉
    日本社会心理学会第50回大会・日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会第56回大会合同大会  2009/10  大阪大学, 吹田市大阪府
  • 市民参加の手続きが社会的受容に及ぼす影響:札幌市ごみ減量化施策の事例調査  [Not invited]
    日本社会心理学会第50回大会・日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会第56回大会合同大会  2009/10  大阪大学, 吹田市大阪府
  • Effects of voice and similarity on social acceptance; Procedural fairness and trust in delegates  [Not invited]
    Nonami, H, Hirose, Y, Ohnuma, S, Midden, C.J. H
    8th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2009/09  University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Transmitting the pro-environmental norm to the next generation: Comparing Germany and Japan  [Not invited]
    Ando, K, Yorifuji, K, Matthies, E, Selge, S, Ohnuma, S, Sugiura, J, Usui, J
    8th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2009/09  University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Comparison between participants and non-participants in a citizen participation program in terms of intention to participate and empow  [Not invited]
    Maeda, H, Hirose, Y, Sugiura, J, Ohnuma, S
    8th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2009/09  University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Effects of citizen participation program as procedural fairness on social acceptance: a case study of implementing a charge system on household waste in Sapporo  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    8th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2009/09  University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
  • When sanctions cause non-cooperative behavior in a social dilemma situation: a study using the "Industrial Waste Illegal Dumping Game"  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    13th International Conference on Social Dilemma  2009/08  Kyoto Miyako Hotel, Kyoto, Japan
  • 店頭におけるアクションリサーチのレジ袋削減への効果  [Not invited]
    大沼進, 佐藤智子
    第19回廃棄物学会研究発表会  2008/11  京都大学, 京都市
  • 市民による熟慮型討議への参加意図の規定因−参加経験者と未経験者の比較  [Not invited]
    前田洋枝, 広瀬幸雄, 杉浦淳吉, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第49回大会  2008/11  鹿児島市
  • 親から子への環境配慮行動の伝達過程:日独比較  [Not invited]
    安藤香織, 依藤佳世, 大沼進, 杉浦淳吉, 平井純子, Matthies, E, Selge, S
    日本社会心理学会第49回大会  2008/11  鹿児島市
  • 『我が国の選択〜The Government Choice〜』の開発と実践  [Not invited]
    新保留美子, 廣瀬岳史, 大沼進
    日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会全国大会2008年  2008/10  千葉県習志野市, 千葉工業大学
  • 社会的ジレンマ状況における罰則の非協力行動促進効果:産業廃棄物不法投棄ゲームを用いた検討(3)  [Not invited]
    日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会全国大会2008年  2008/10  千葉県習志野市, 千葉工業大学
  • Social Dilemma Approach to Environmental Policy Decision  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    Open Workshop of Global COE Program: The Center for the Sociality of Mind  2008/09  Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
  • Effects of voice and similarity on procedural fairness and trust: Experiments in Japan & the Netherlands  [Not invited]
    Nonami, H, Hirose, Y, Ohnuma, S, Midden, C. J. H
    XXIX International Congress of Psychology  2008/07  Berlin, Germany
  • Effects of participation in the social decision process on social acceptance: A case study in Bavaria  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S. Hirose, Y. Sugiura, J, Maeda, H
    XXIX International Congress of Psychology  2008/07  Berlin, Germany
  • Determinants of children’s waste reduction behavior  [Not invited]
    Yorifuji, K, Ando, K, Ohnuma, S. Sugiura, J, Usui, J
    XXIX International Congress of Psychology  2008/07  Berlin, Germany
  • 市民とは誰か?市民の役割は何か?  [Invited]
    土木計画学春大会スペシャルセッション「社会資本整備における市民合意形成のあり方と課題」  2008/06  北海道大学,札幌市
  • Determinants of children's waste reduction behavior  [Not invited]
    Kayo Yorifuji, Kaori Ando, Susumu Ohnuma, Junkichi Sugiura, Junko Usui
  • ライフスタイルから見る環境配慮行動:消費購買行動の類型化による人びとの特徴  [Not invited]
    大沼進, 角田芳忠, 松藤敏彦, 加賀谷文江
    第18回廃棄物学会研究発表会  2007/11
  • 産業廃棄物不法投棄ゲームを用いた社会的ジレンマ研究:監視・罰則の非協力行動促進効果  [Not invited]
    大沼進, 清家涼央
    日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会全国大会2007年秋  2007/10
  • 環境ゲームをより興味深くするための進化計算の活用とその効果  [Not invited]
    馬場則夫, 半田久志, 大沼進, 長澤健太
    日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会全国大会2007年  2007/10  秋田市, 秋田大学
  • 政策受容に及ぼす公正感の効果:EUにおける熟議型社会的決定の事例調査  [Not invited]
    大沼進, 広瀬幸雄, 野波寛, 杉浦淳吉
    日本社会心理学会第48回大会  2007/09
  • 子どものごみ減量行動における個人的規範の規定因. 日本社会心理学会第48回大会発表論文集  [Not invited]
    依藤佳世, 安藤香織, 大沼進, 杉浦淳吉, 薄井純子
    日本社会心理学会第48回大会  2007/09  東京都新宿区, 早稲田大学
  • 市民は参加を通じてエンパワーメントを獲得できたのか?−ドイツBayernにおけるPlanungszelle事例調査−  [Not invited]
    前田洋枝, 広瀬幸雄, 杉浦淳吉, 大沼進
    日本社会心理学会第48回大会  2007/09  東京都新宿区, 早稲田大学
  • 地域活動への参加がエンパワーメントへ及ぼす効果:札幌市豊平区陵陽中学校の活動事例  [Not invited]
    大沼進, 須藤泰史
    日本心理学会第71回大会  2007/09
  • A field study of bicycle parking behavior from a social dilemma approach  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S, Kono, Y
    7th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2007/09
  • Comparison between participants and non-participants in a citizen participation program in terms of procedural fairness and its relevant factors: A case study in Bavaria, "Citizens' report for health"  [Not invited]
    Sugiura, J, Hirose, Y. Ohnuma, S, Maeda, H
    7th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2007/09  Bayreuth, Germ
  • Transmitting Environmental norms from parents to children  [Not invited]
    Ando,K, Yorifuji, K. Ohnuma, S. Sugiura, J, Usui, J
    7th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2007/09  Bayreuth, Germ
  • Procedural fairness as a determinant of policy support via a citizen participation project: a case study of planning-cells in Lengerich.  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S, Hirose, Y, Nonami, H, Sugiura, J
    10th European Congress Psychology  2007/07
  • Effects of procedural and distributive fairness for other groups on acceptance of cost allocation in commons dilemma situation  [Not invited]
    Hirose, Y, Ohtomo, S, Ohnuma, S, Nonami, H
    10th European Congress Psychology  2007/07  Prague, the Czech Republic
  • Effects of voice and similarity on the procedural fairness: Trust in both authority and delegates in social decisions  [Not invited]
    Nonami, H. Hirose, Y, Ohnuma, S, Midden, C. L. H
    10th European Congress Psychology  2007/07  Prague, the Czech Republic
  • 路上違法駐輪への社会的ジレンマアプローチ  [Not invited]
    大沼進, 河野由里子
    日本心理学会第70回大会  2006/11
  • 産業廃棄物不法投棄ゲームの開発2:利得構造と情報の非対称性という構造的与件がもたらす効果の検討  [Not invited]
    大沼進, 北梶陽子
    日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会全国大会2006年  2006/11
  • Click me! Do you trust me?  [Not invited]
    大沼進, 三浦亜澄
    日本社会心理学会第47回大会  2006/09
  • ごみ減量行動の日独比較:規範・ネットワークの影響  [Not invited]
    安藤香織, 大沼進, 広瀬幸雄, 杉浦淳吉, Matthies, E, Bl?baum, A
    日本社会心理学会第47回大会  2006/09
  • Effects of procedural fairness on the acceptance of policy decisions with strict rules: A case study of the implementation of a bylaw penalizing littering in Chiyoda-ward.  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S, Unuma, K
    26th International Congress of Applied Psychology  2006/07
  • 産業廃棄物不法投棄ゲームの開発  [Not invited]
    大沼進, 北梶陽子
    日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会全国大会2006年春  2006/05
  • How to develop a trustworthy relationship to reduce a perceived risk factor: Is information disclosure sufficient?  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S, Ishibashi, Y, Suzuki, Y, Chikamoto, K
    International Conference on Risk Assessment and Management.  2005/11
  • Acceptance of a high cost sanction system: Why decision by discussion is preferred  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    6th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2005/09
  • Comparing collective action as an environmental protection in Germany and Japan  [Not invited]
    Sugiura, J, Ohnuma, S, Bl?baum, A, Ando, K, Matthies, E, Hirose, Y
    6th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2005/09  Bochum, Germany
  • Comparing the determinants of environmentally - conscious behaviors in Germany and Japan  [Not invited]
    Ando, K, Ohnuma, S, Bl?baum, A, Matthies, E, Hirose, Y, Sugiura, J
    6th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology  2005/09  Bochum, Germany
  • How to develop a trustworthy relationship to reduce a perceived risk factor: Is information disclosure sufficient?  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S, Ishibashi, Y, Suzuki, Y, Chikamoto, K
    International Conference on Risk Assessment and Management.  2004/11  Seoul, Korea
  • The determinants of participation in a Park Ride measure  [Not invited]
    S Ohtomo, Y Hirose, J Sugiura, S Ohnuma
  • Empowerment as the determinants of citizen participation for making making waste reduction plan  [Not invited]
    H Maeda, Y Hirose, J Sugiura, S Ohnuma, K Ando
  • Choosing public transport for environmental reasons: Cross-cultural comparison between Germany and Japan  [Not invited]
    Ando, K, Ohnuma, S, Hirose, Y, Bloebaum, A, Matthies, E
    International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology  2004/09  Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • Neutrality and expertness as enhancing legitimacy of decision members: a case study of the public transport plan  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S, Hirose, Y, Ando, K
    International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology  2004/09  Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • Fairness and competence as evaluative yardsticks of citizen participation in the public transport plan  [Not invited]
    Hirose, Y, Ohnuma, S, Ando, K
    International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology  2004/09  Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • Empowerment as the determinants of citizen participation for making waste reduction plan  [Not invited]
    Maeda, H, Hirose, Y, Sugiura, J, Ohonuma, S, Ando. K
    28th International Congress of Psychology  2004/08  Beijin,China
  • The determinants of participation of Park & Ride measure. 28th International Congress of Psychology  [Not invited]
    Ohtomo, S, Hirose, Y, Sugiura, J, Ohnuma, S
    28th International Congress of Psychology  2004/08  Beijin,China
  • Free Rider: Not As 'Bad Apple' But As 'Scapegoat' - Gaming Experiments about 'The Tragedy of Commons' named 'Environmental Game'  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    10th International Conferenceon on Social Dilemma  2003/08  Sweden
  • Environmental Commons Game ? is Free Rider a "Bad Apple"?  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    International Simulation And Gaming Association The 34th Annual Conference  2003/08  Kazusa, Chiba, Japan
  • How People Come to Accept a Costly Rule: A Study of Evaluations and Consensus Formation about a Newly Introduced Recycling Program  [Not invited]
    Ohnuma, S
    XXV International Congress of Applied Psychology  2002/07  Singapore
  • The effect of social networks on the environmentally-conscious lifestyle  [Not invited]
    S Ohnuma, K Ando

Teaching Experience

  • Special course of science literacySpecial course of science literacy Hokkaido University
  • Special Lecture on PsychologySpecial Lecture on Psychology Gakushuin University

Association Memberships

  • International Association for People-Environment Studies   Asian Association of Social Psychology   CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION SCIENCE   The Society for Risk Analysis Japan   JAPAN SOCIETY OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT   JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF SIMULATION & GAMING   International Association of Applied Psychology   THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY   THE JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION   International Society for Justice Research   

Research Projects

  • Environmental Research and Conservation Agency:戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム(SIP) 「サーキュラーエコノミーシステムの構築」
    Date (from‐to) : 2023/10 -2028/03 
    Author : Misuzu Asari, Shutaro Takeda, Hiroshi Uyama, Susumu Ohnuma
  • JSPS:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2027/03 
    Author : Susumu Ohnuma, Yoshiko Arima, Tomoyuki Tatsumi
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 安藤 香織, 杉浦 淳吉, 大沼 進, 神原 歩
  • 環境省(環境再生保全機構):環境研究総合推進費
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 大迫 政浩, 稲葉 陸太, 中山 裕文, 小口 正弘, 石垣 智基, 今泉 圭隆, 中山 忠暢, 大沼 進, 山川 肇, 寺園 淳
  • Japan Science and Technology Agency:Strategic Basic Research Programs
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/12 -2026/03 
    Author : Takayuki Ito, Shiramatsu Shun, Matsuo Tokuro, Ohnuma Susumu
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 鈴木 研悟
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 水田 恵三, 高木 竜輔, 大沼 進
  • Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency:Environment Research and Technology Development Fund
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2024/03 
    Author : 大澤 英昭, 大沼 進
  • Foundation for the Fusion of Science and Technology:調査研究助成
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/02 -2023/02 
    Author : Ohnuma Susumu, Yokoyama Miki
  • Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2022/03 
    Author : OHNUMA Susumu
    The scope of this study is to seek a way of resolution beyond the dichotomy of utilitarianism vs fairness. This study aims to investigate the factors influencing on the acceptance of a decision, which becomes clear to be disadvantageous for people after they agreed upon the decision way under the condition unknowing the interests and profits (under the veil of ignorance). We treat the NIMBY issue with a case of contaminated waste caused by accident at Fukushima nuclear powerplant using the game simulation and scenario experiments.
  • Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan:support research on social aspects of geological disposal
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2021/11 
    Author : Hiroshi Nonami, Susumu Ohnuma, Shoji Ohtomo, Toshiaki Aoki
  • Foundation for the Fusion Of Science and Technology:grant for research on the fusion of science and technology
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/02 -2021/02 
    Author : OHNUMA Susumu
    本研究は、利害の不一致が明確で、かつ、多数決で決めるとかえって葛藤が拡大するような問題(NIMBY問題)の合意形成を巡り、誰もが潜在的に当事者となり得るという無知のヴェール下で決め方についての事前合意ができたのちに、自分の利害が判明したときに、その決定を受容できるか、もしできるとしたら必要な条件は何かを明らかにする。 NIMBY問題は、あらかじめ当事者(忌避施設立地地域)となることがわかっていれば必ず反発が生じ、自分が当事者とならないように受益を得るべくジョーカー(受苦)を押しつけ合うゲームとなるためいつまでも解決できない。そこで、候補地名があがり受益-受苦関係が明確になる前に、つまり、誰もが当事者となり得る可能性がある中で、客観的で公正だと認められる基準を用いて決定していくという決め方に事前合意することが有効となる。ただし、のちに当事者性が明らかになったときに本当にその決定を受容できるかは不明である。当事者となることがわかった途端に反発するのか、事前合意があることで受容に繋がるのかを検討する必要がある。
  • The Japanese Psychological Association:Practice and study for rehabilitation from disaster
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/08 -2019/08 
    Author : OHNUMA Susumu
    The aim of the study is to provide a basic data and material for seeking a better way of communication regarding reuse of decontaminated solid which mitigates gaps among the nation, inhabitants of the devastated area, and a majority of people in Japan.
  • Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan:support research on social aspects of geological disposal
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/12 -2019/07 
    Author : Hiroshi Nonami, Susumu Ohnuma, Shoji Ohtomo, Toshiaki Aoki
  • Japanese Society for Promotion of Science:Grant in aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2019/03 
    Author : HIROSE Yukio
  • Foundation for the Fusion Of Science and Technology:Foundation for the Fusion Of Science and Technology
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/03 -2019/02 
    Author : OHNUMA Susumu
    人は“今ここ”に反応し、将来の利得を割り引く癖がある。これが政策レベルの決定になると、現世代の目先の対応が優先され、財政赤字の累積などの問題が先送りされ将来世代への負担が増加の一途となる。この点で現世代と将来世代は葛藤関係にあるが、将来世代は発言の機会や決定への関与が限定的なため、世代間不公正が生じる。よって、長期的な影響を考慮すべき社会的意思決定においては将来世代の代弁者というプレーヤーを必要とする。 一方で、現世代内での葛藤もある。このとき、共通目標の共有ができれば利害を超えた相互協力に繋がることを申請者らは示してきた。“将来世代のために”を共通目標にできれば、現世代内と世代間の葛藤を同時に解消できると期待される。だが現実には、理想の未来像から計画を考えるバックキャストシナリオワークショップなどの市民参加手法が導入されているが、多くは現世代内の葛藤が棚上げされた理念のみで、十分な効果を得られていない。 そこで、世代内と世代間の両葛藤状況を盛り込んだゲーミングを作成し、将来世代の代弁者というプレーヤーを置くことで、現世代のプレーヤーが目先の利害ではなく長期的な共通目標に目を向けやすくなること、それが実現される要件を明らかにすることを目的とする。
  • Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science:Topic-Setting Program to Advance Cutting-Edge Humanities and Social Sciences Research (Responding to Real Society)
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/10 -2018/09 
    Author : OHNUMA Susumu
  • Foundation for the Fusion Of Science and Technology:Foundation for the Fusion Of Science and Technology
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/02 -2017/02 
    Author : OHNUMA Susumu
  • foundation for the Fusion Of Science and Technology:Research Grants for the Fusion Of Science and Technology
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/02 -2015/02 
    Author : OHNUMA Susumu
  • Japanese Society for the promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Scientific Research C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2013 -2015 
    Author : Susumu Ohnuma
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(A))
    Date (from‐to) : 2012 -2015 
    Author : 宮内 泰介, 西城戸 誠, 立澤 史郎, 三上 直之, 角 一典, 佐藤 哲, 丸山 康司, 富田 涼都, 鬼頭 秀一, 菊地 直樹, 福永 真弓, 山本 信次, 関 礼子, 大沼 進, 鈴木 克哉, 菅 豊, 赤嶺 淳, 松村 正治, 笹岡 正俊
  • The Asahi Glass Foundation:Continuation Grants for Outstanding Projects
    Date (from‐to) : 2011/04 -2014/03 
    Author : OHNUMA Susumu
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2012 -2014 
    Author : 広瀬 幸雄, 大澤 英昭, 大沼 進, 大友 章司
  • Citizen participation and measure evaluation in the process of sustainable system designing
    0100 (Japanese Only)
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2013
  • foundation for the Fusion Of Science and Technology:research grants
    Date (from‐to) : 2010/02 -2012/02 
    Author : OHNUMA Susumu
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : Susumu OHNUMA
    This study examined the long term effect of citizen participation, which acts as a measure of procedural fairness, on public acceptance. Results i ndicated that participatory programs and communications had effects on procedural fairness and public acceptance, but the effects of each program and communication were not lasted long. People accept the new rule more after its implementation not because of the procedural fairness at the planning stage but because of the continuous opportunities to participation.
  • The Asahi Glass Foundation:Research Encouraging Grants
    Date (from‐to) : 2009/05 -2010/03 
    Author : OHNUMA Susumu
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(若手研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2007/04 -2010/03 
    Author : Susumu OHNUMA
    The purpose of this study was to clarify what kinds of aspects are more influential for social acceptance. Social surveys using random sampling were conducted twice in Sapporo. The results indicated that representativeness of the participants, opportunity of voice and reflection of voice were significant factors for procedural fairness. Further, participation to participatory programs, such as "citizen discussion" and community meetings, had strong effects on procedural fairness and social acceptance.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : Yukio HIROSE, Susumu OHNUMA, Hiroshi NONAMI, Junkichi SUGIURA, Cees J, H. MIDDEN, Hiroe MAEDA, Shoji OHTOMO
    This study investigated the effect of procedural fairness and trust on social acceptance of environmental planning, which are particularly difficult to achieve agreement. Case studies in EU and comparative experiments between Japan and Europe were conducted. Results from case study showed that procedural fairness was a significant determinant of acceptance of eclectic decision, while opinion similarity related to trust determined the dichotomy between approval and disapproval. Results from experiments showed that social acceptance was influenced not only by procedural fairness, which contributed to public benefit, but also by opinion similarity, which represented personal benefit.
  • Ministry of the Environment:Resaerch Grant for Waste Management
    Date (from‐to) : 2006/04 -2009/03 
    Author : MATSUTO Toshihiko
  • Promoting environmental sustainability by effective social decision making
    Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science:ravel Grant for international Conference of JSPS
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2008 
    Author : OHNUMA Susumu
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2007 
    Author : Yukio HIROSE, Hiroshi NONAMI, Susumu OHNUMA, Junkichi SUGIURA
    The purpose of our study was to examine the effect of citizen participation on social acceptance of environment management plan in EU and Japan.We conducted analyses on two surveys on social acceptance of environment management plan we conducted in Lengerich and other cities, Germany. The results of theses surveys revealed that the citizens evaluated the plan not only from the aspect of expected outcomes of the plan, but also from the aspect of perceived fairness of the participatory procedure. The results of surveys also indicated that the citizen participation projects enhanced not only citizens' trust for their authorities, but also the participants' empowerment.We also conducted analyses on the surveys in Kuwana and Tajimi, Japan in order to compare the determinants of social acceptance of the environment management plan with citizen participation between Germany and Japan. The results of surveys revealed that main determinant of the social acceptance was procedural fairness of citizen participation, same factor as the result of German surveys.Furthermore, we conducted comparative scenario-based experiments between the Netherland and Japan in order to examine the effects of voice and belief similarity on social acceptance of the plan and trust for the authority and participants of citizen participatory project to make the plan. The results indicated that voice and belief similarity had positive impacts on social acceptance through trust for authority and participants.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2006 
    Author : Yoshitada KAKUTA, Toshihiko MATSUTO, Susumu ONUMA
    The purpose in this study was to examine some effective actions for promotion of waste plastic recycling through the interview and questionnaire investigation in Sapporo city and the surrounding area, in where engineering, economical, and behavioral scientific examinations were fused.In the evaluation of the recycling process based on material flow analysis, they were concluded that mixed waste plastics should be used as energy resources in cement and paper industries, chemical recycling of packaging plastics should be promoted more, and mechanical recycling of foamed plastic should be promoted more.In the difference of environmentally conscious behavior between citizens, it was confirmed that most people were "bad manner" and "indifferent" while some people made an effort to solve the problem, and that the achievement of good manner by most people was very difficult in spite of the recognition to be necessary and important.In the quantification of the promotional and obstructive factor, life pattern of citizens was categorized into model type, practical approach type, shoddy housework type, careless type, and dependence type on plastics based on their consuming and purchasing behavior. It was suggested by the comparative analysis of these types that more propagation of environmentally conscious behavior such as waste reduction and 3R action made it possible.Influential factors of inlet, process, and outlet at the recycling enterprise were investigated for the stability evaluation of recycling system. In addition, the evaluation index was discussed taking account of technology establishment, economy, supply and demand balance, and consensus between stakeholders.
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2006 
    Author : 大沼 進
    環境問題の解決策に関する事例調査及び実験研究から、社会的ジレンマ状況における合意形成プロセスの研究を行った。合意形成の中でも、解決策としての制度導入支持へ関連する要因としてのフリーライダー問題と手続き的公正の観点から検討した。本研究では、環境問題のジレンマ解決への合意形成の阻害・促進要因としてのフリーライダーと公正の知見について、ゲーム実験及び事例調査から検討した。(1)ゲーミング・ゲーム実験新たなゲーミングを開発した。産業廃棄物の不法投棄問題を扱い、従来の単純な社会的ジレンマ構造に、利得の非対称性、情報の非対称性、フローの一方向性などを加味し、プレーヤー間のインタラクションがある現実味をもったゲーミングを作成した。監視を強化しても協力行動につながらない状況があることをデモンストレーションした。これらの成果は、シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会春大会にて実演し、秋の大会で詳細な報告をした。また、インターネットを使った仮想実験で、環境配慮行動の持続性と行動と態度の変化を調べ、態度が行動を規定するというより、行動することにより社会規範が形成されることを示した。(2)事例調査環境問題に関する社会的ジレンマ及び公正感に関する社会調査を2つ実施した。一つは、いわゆるポイ捨て禁止条例の受容に係る調査である。千代田区における事例調査の結果、手続き的公正感が高いほど施策を受容しやすいという結果が得られた。この結果は26th International Congress of Applied Psychologyにて報告した。もう一つは、自転車の路上違法駐輪に関する調査で、社会的ジレンマ事態における行動選択の一つと捉えたときに、現実には、監視や罰則の強化はあまり有効でなく、外界の誘因を考慮した強化子を発見していく方法が有効である可能性を示唆した。この結果は、日本心理学会第70回大会で報告した。なお、以上の成果の一部は、査読論文として学術誌に投稿しており、現在審査中である。さらに、ゲーミング実験や社会調査などの結果を集大成として社会的ジレンマという切り口から一冊の著書「人はどのような環境問題解決を望むのか-社会的ジレンマからのアプローチ」として取りまとめ2007年2月に刊行した。
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2005 
    Author : Yukio HIROSE, Susumu OHNUMA
    The purpose of our study was to clarify the determinants of residents' consensus building for waste reduction policy and to examine the effect of citizen participation on public acceptance of waste reduction policy and plan.We conducted analyses on the surveys of public acceptance of waste reduction plan and other environmental policies we conducted in Tsushima and other cities. The results of theses surveys revealed that the citizens evaluated the policies of waste reduction not only from the aspect of expected outcomes of the policy, but also from the aspect of perceived fairness of the participatory procedure. The perceived procedural fairness consisted of four factors as information disclosure, access to discourse, representative participant, and decision control. The results of surveys also indicated that the citizen participation projects enhanced citizens' trust for their authorities. We also conducted analyses on the surveys in Nagoya and other cities in order to clarify the facilitating factors of citizens' participation on waste reduction planning. The results of surveys revealed that main determinant of citizens' participation was not the expected social outcomes of the plan but the expected private empowerment obtained from their own participation. The expected empowerment consisted of three factors as social effectiveness, self efficacy, and solidarity. Furthermore, we conducted gaming-simulations of waste reduction and environmental issues in order to examine that citizens and students can improve their motivation to participate on environmental activities through their experiences of the gaming-simulation. The results indicated that the gaming method was effective for students to attain higher motivation toward tackling environmental issues.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2004 
    Author : Yukio HIROSE, Kaori ANDO, Susumu OHNUMA, Junkichi SUGIURA
    The purpose of our studies were to clarify the determinants of environmentally conscious behaviors and to examine the effect of citizen participation on social acceptance of environmental plan in Japan and Germany.We conducted analyses on the survey of environmentally conscious behaviors we conducted in 2003 with citizens in Nagoya and Cologne. The results on 3R behaviors revealed that personal norm affected behaviors in both countries while the effect of subjective norm and shame had relatively stronger effects in Japan. Ecological guilt was more relevant in Germany. The results indicated that Japanese are more likely to be affected by external norm. We also carried out focus group meeting in Japan and Germany as a follow-up study. Citizens in Nagoya and Cologne discussed the hindrances of pro-environmental 3R and transportation behaviors. Furthermore, we conducted a survey with students in Japan, Germany and Sweden on socialization of transportation behaviors. The results of this survey will be used to analyze the influence of parents and society which were not included in the main survey.We also conducted analyses on the survey of social acceptance of environmental plan we conducted 2003 with citizens in Karlsruhe and Tsushima. The results of this survey revealed the citizens in both countries evaluated their city plans of environmental management not only from the aspect of expected outcomes of the plan, but also from the aspect of perceived fairness of the participatory method. The perceived procedural fairness consisted of two factors as information disclosure & access to discourse, and representative participant.
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2003 
    Author : 大沼 進
    本研究は、インターネットでプレイできる共有地の悲劇型をした環境ゲームを用いた実験により、フリーライダーの効果と環境変動について、より明確な関係を見いだすことを目的とする。特に、環境変動の要因をパラメータとして導入すると"Bad Apple Effect"よりも、フリーライダーの存在が問題解決の意図を高める可能性について、そのプロセスを明らかした。フリーライダーへの不公平感やそれに付随する怒りの感情により、高いコストを払ってまで問題解決しようとするという仮説を検証した。フリーライダーの存在が、高いコストを払ってまで問題解決をしようとするに至る要因を検証するために、他者行動を操作した2つの実験を行った。解決意図の促進に影響を与える主要な要因として、フリーライダーへの不公平感と協力者同士の規範意識があり、さらにその背後には、不公平感には怒りの感情、規範意識は他者への共感といった、感情が起因している可能性が確認された。さらに、解決の動機についても分類した検討を行い、共同志向が高まるとよりコストを払ってでも問題解決をしようとするようになり、この共同志向は怒りや共感などの感情や社会規範によって高まることが確認された。今後の課題として、解決策選好の提示文脈や手続き的公正の観点からさらなる検討を要することが論ぜられた。これらの成果は、国内外の学会等で発表され、中でも、2003年には、the 34th Annual Conference of the International Simulation And Gaming Association(ISAGA2003)で報告されたものについて、大会後、約200あった発表から約30編を選りすぐり学術図書として出版する企画があり、本発表がそれに採択された。
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
    Date (from‐to) : 2000 -2002 
    Author : Yukio HIROSE, 大沼 進, 杉浦 淳吉, 安藤 香織, Yukio HIROSE
    The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of volunteers' networking and empowerment on their participatory intentions of the waste management program.Main results were as follows.We conducted the first survey research for investigating how fair and competent the residents, who had already participated in voluntary recycling activities,evaluated a new collection system of strict separation between recyclable and non-recyclable materials in Nagoya city. Main results were that they evaluated both of the effectiveness and fairness of the new system more positively than the other residents who had not participated in voluntary recycling activities.The second survey focused on volunteer members who had participated in the recycling activities and clarified promoting factors of their commitment to the citizen participation in the waste management program. The results indicate that the friendship network and prior experiences of recycling activities had a significant effect on the volunteer's empowerment. The volunteer's empowerment consists three factors of self-efficacy, solidarity, and social effectiveness. The more they perceived their empowerment, the more they were willing to participate in the waste management program.Our surveys clarified that networking by environmental volunteer group are main determinants of both of volunteer's empowerment and commitment to the environmental activities.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 1999 -2001 
    Author : 山岸 俊男, Midori YAMAGISHI, 大沼 進, 山岸 みどり, Masaki YUKI, Toshio YAMAGISHI
    The goals of this study were (1) to construct a system for international collaborative experiments over internet, (2) to conduct a series of experiments with the newly constructed internet experiment system, and (3) to assess problems and difficulties in conducting cross-societal experiments over the internet. The first goal was mostly achieved during 1999, when a prototype of the experiment system was constructed. In 2000 and 2001, cross-societal experiments were conducted using the newly constructed system, first between Japan (Hokkaido University) and Australia (La Trobe University) and then between Japan and the United States (Cornell University). We encountered a series of problems with unstable communications via internet, especially, problems of delayed and interrupted communications. Since then, technical improvement was introduced to the system, and we encountered much less problems in the Japan-US experiments. Besides having developed a system that can be widely used for cross-societal experiments, we obtained following major findings from the series of cross-societal experiments. (1) Stereotype contents and historical contexts heavily influence Japanese participants' inter-group behavior, whereas Australians' inter-group behavior was much less influenced by those factors. The findings were interpreted in terms of differential conception of groups in the two societies. (2) An option to determine the level of risks participants are willing to take improves the process of building mutually trusting and trustworthy relationships either among American participants or Japanese participants, and yet, the positive effect of being able to choose the levels of social risks was much stronger among Americans than among Japanese participants.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
    Date (from‐to) : 1999 -2001 
    Author : Tatsuya KAMEDA, 大沼 進
    This study examined adaptive bases of social sharing rules from an evolutionary perspective. As repeatedly found in anthropology and sociology, social exchange and sharing of important resources with others constitute a core element of human group life. We conducted a series of computer simulations and evolutionary game modeling to explore adaptive values of social sharing, and then submitted the theses derived from the modeling for empirical tests by a series of psychological/behavioral experiments. The game modeling revealed that, when resource-acquisition is highly uncertain, a communal-sharing strategy that designates the resource for public goods is an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy. Cross-national experiments using American as well as Japanese participants provided some empirical supports for this thesis, revealing that human sharing tendency is highly contingent upon the degree of uncertainties involved in resource acquisition.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 1998 -2001 
    Author : 山岸 俊男, S, Miller ALAN, ミラー アランS, Midori YAMAGISHI, 大沼 進, ミラー アラン, Yosuke OTSUBO
    (1) Accuracy of prediction of other people's behavior in PD was found to be related to "imagination" factor, but not with the other three factors, of empathy scale. Recognition rate of the photographs of the faces of those who have defected in PD was found to be higher than that of those who have cooperated in PD.(2) Group-based trust or trust in members of one's own group was found to have a foundation in "expectation of bounded generalized reciprocity" - default perception of groups according to which group members are expected to help each other - not in group-based positive stereotypes of one's own group members.(3) The process of establishing mutually trusting and mutually cooperative relationships was found to be facilitated by giving people an option to decide the level of risks involved in interacting with an exchange partner.(4) In an experimental market characterized by information asymmetry, even a simple reputation system prevents, to a certain degree, the market to be a market for lemons. However, it was also found that the currently available reputation systems such as those used in internet auction cites, are far less than satisfactory in preventing the market for lemons. Needs for developing an "accountable" reputation system in which reputation of those who evaluate traders' behavior in the market is assessed are found to be critical for the success of markets with information asymmetry.

Social Contribution

  • Date (from-to) : 2020/04-Today
    Role : Organizing member
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : NPO Environment Re-Friends
  • Date (from-to) : 2024/03/02-2024/03/02
    Role : Appearance
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 札幌スリムネット(札幌市環境局環境事業部循環型社会推進課内)
    Event, Program, Title : 第16回さっぽろスリムネットフォーラム
  • Date (from-to) : 2023/09-2024/03
    Role : Advisor
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : (株)HBCフレックス, 日本財団
    Event, Program, Title : さっぽろごみ発見クエスト
  • Date (from-to) : 2023/12/02-2023/12/02
    Role : Appearance
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Sapporo City
    Event, Program, Title : さっぽろこども環境コンテスト2023
    札幌エルプラザ公共4施設ホール 小学生・中学生による環境保全活動の発表と、優秀な取り組みの表彰 「環境首都・札幌」を目指し、環境保全活動に取り組む札幌市内の団体・グループによる取組の発表を行った。その表彰委員長を務めた。
  • Date (from-to) : 2023/06/24-2023/06/24
    Role : Appearance
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : SDGs Kyoto Times
    Event, Program, Title : 京都めぐるSDGs問答
  • Date (from-to) : 2023/05/01-2023/05/01
    Role : Panelist
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : NPO法人環境り・ふれんず
    Event, Program, Title : NPO法人環境り・ふれんず設立20周年特別記念講演会
  • Date (from-to) : 2023/03/07-2023/03/07
    Role : Appearance
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 内閣府原子力委員会
    Event, Program, Title : 第8回原子力委員会定例会への出席
  • Date (from-to) : 2023/03/03-2023/03/03
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 北海道容器包装の簡素化を進める連絡会
    Event, Program, Title : 「G7札幌 気候・エネルギー・環境大臣会合」開催記念事業
  • Date (from-to) : 2022/12/09-2023/01/31
    Role : Advisor
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 環境省
    Event, Program, Title : プラスチックスマートの登録取組事例より別途定める評価軸に則り優良事例の選定および評価
  • Date (from-to) : 2022/12/10-2022/12/10
    Role : Appearance
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Sapporo City
    Event, Program, Title : さっぽろこども環境コンテスト2022
  • Promoting pro-environmental behavior: A story of environmental behavioral science
    Date (from-to) : 2022/12/09-2022/12/09
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : ドルトン東京学園
    Event, Program, Title : ドルトン東京学園モデル教育プログラム
  • Date (from-to) : 2021/12-2021/12
    Role : Advisor
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 札幌市
    Event, Program, Title : さっぽろ子ども環境コンテスト2021
  • Date (from-to) : 2021/11/28-2021/11/28
    Role : Panelist
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : NPO Fukushima Dialogue
    Event, Program, Title : 処理水をめぐる課題を福島で考える、世界と考える
  • Date (from-to) : 2021/04/14-2021/10/14
    Role : Panelist
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : The Japanese Psychological Association
  • Date (from-to) : 2020/12-2020/12
    Role : Advisor
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 札幌市
    Event, Program, Title : さっぽろ子ども環境コンテスト2020
  • A workshop on the multi-disciplinary collaboration for the waste disposal in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant
    Date (from-to) : 2019/12/25-2020/03
    Role : Advisor
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Japan Atomic Energy Agency
    Event, Program, Title : A workshop on the multi-disciplinary collaboration for the waste disposal in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant
  • さっぽろこども環境コンテスト2019審査委員長
    Date (from-to) : 2019/12/07-2019/12/07
    Role : Organizing member
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 札幌市環境局
    Event, Program, Title : さっぽろこども環境コンテスト2019
  • 政策協働の実現に向けた市民と行政の対話の意義:札幌市における2つの市民参加による計画づくりの事例から
    Date (from-to) : 2019/02/13-2019/02/13
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 市民と行政の協働に関する勉強会
    Event, Program, Title : 市民と行政の協働に関する勉強会
  • 政策協働の実現に向けた市民と行政の対話の意義について
    Date (from-to) : 2019/02/13-2019/02/13
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 環境中間支援会議・北海道
    Event, Program, Title : 市民と行政の協働に関する勉強会~~ 政策協働を進める「対話」の場づくり ~
  • Date (from-to) : 2018/12/01-2018/12/01
    Role : Advisor
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 札幌市
    Event, Program, Title : さっぽろこども環境コンテスト
  • 地域力で解決!ごみ出しマナー
    Date (from-to) : 2018/11/20-2018/11/20
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 恵庭市
    Event, Program, Title : ごみ集積所マナー改善シンポジウム
  • Date (from-to) : 2018/02/14-2018/02/14
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Ritsumeikan Keisho Junior High School
    Junior high school students Ritsumeikan Keisho Junior High School
  • Possibility of promoting 2R: From a perspective of pro-environmental behavior
    Date (from-to) : 2018/01/23-2018/01/23
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Japan Waste Management Association
    Governmental agency 札幌市 北海道内の廃棄物処理に関わる自治体職員向けに2R促進の具体的な取り組み事例について紹介した。
  • Date (from-to) : 2017/07/30-2017/07/31
    Role : Advisor
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : NPO Eco Mobility Sapporo
    General NPO法人エコ・モビリティ・サッポロが地球環境基金の助成金で実施している「低炭素コミュニティ創造@真駒内に向けたプレ・アクションプログラム」の一環として、地域住民への意識調査を実施を計画した。この調査の企画・実施・報告書作成等を協働で実施した。
  • Date (from-to) : 2017/02/18-2017/02/18
    Role : Commentator
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Environmental Bureau Sapporo
    General Sapporo 札幌市環境基本計画見直し作業の一環として札幌市が実施した市民ワークショップ(無作為抽出で選ばれた市民が参加)で、運営方法に助言をし、最後に全体コメントをした。
  • Date (from-to) : 2016/11/07-2016/11/07
    Role : Commentator
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : NPO Green Fund
    Event, Program, Title : How to swich on for the energy saving? How to measure the effects of energy saving?
    Environment Plaza Sapporo
  • Date (from-to) : 2016/09/10-2016/09/10
    Role : Commentator
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Environmental Bureau Sapporo
    General Sapporo 札幌市環境基本計画見直し作業の一環として札幌市が実施した市民ワークショップ(無作為抽出で選ばれた市民が参加)で、運営方法に助言をし、最後に全体コメントをした。
  • Let's co-consider the"Environmental Capital SAPPORO" with practical persons
    Date (from-to) : 2016/08/30-2016/08/30
    Role : Commentator
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Environmental Partnership Office Hokkaido
    Sapporo Japan 札幌市環境局が策定中の環境基本計画に意見反映をするため、環境活動の実践に従事している市民団体や企業等からの参加者21名が、ワークショップで議論を行った。ファシリテーションを含むその運用方法やとりまとめなどについて、企画立案段階から助言指導を行った。
  • 風力発電と原子力防災に関する意見交換
    Date (from-to) : 2016/06/13-2016/06/13
    Role : Informant
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 日本エヌ・ユー・エス
  • adviser to Sapporo city for the Basic Environmental Plan
    Date (from-to) : 2015/09-2016/03
    Role : Advisor
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Environmental Bureau, Sapporo
    Governmental agency 札幌市環境基本計画見直しにかかる市民アンケート調査の作成・分析の助言
  • Date (from-to) : 2015/07-2015/12
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : NPO a seed of sunflower
    Odori Park and the other places 独立行政法人環境再生保全機構の助成を受け、札幌市、札幌観光協会、札幌商工会議所、グリーンエネジー・プラットフォームの共催により、環境に配慮をした先駆的な取り組みの”語り部”を養成する。
  • Environmental Education program for Moiwa high school
    Date (from-to) : 2015/09/11-2015/09/11
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Sapporo Moiwa high school
    High school students
  • a system for renewing educational personnel certificates
    Date (from-to) : 2015/08/06-2015/08/06
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : The Ministry of Education, culture, sports, science & Technology
    Event, Program, Title : a system for renewing educational personnel certificates
    Teachers Hokkaido University
  • Date (from-to) : 2015/02/27-2015/02/27
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : NPO法人北海道グリーンファンド
  • Let's be a Greener for sustainable Hokkaido!
    Date (from-to) : 2011/10/30-2011/10/30
    Role : Presenter
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Green Purchase Network Hokkaido
  • Improvement of appropriate household waste collaboration with the residents
    Date (from-to) : 2010/09/28-2010/09/28
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Sapporo City
    Sapporo 「居住者と共に進める ごみ排出マナー改善の取組」について講演を行った。
  • social dilemma and consensu building
    Date (from-to) : 2010/03/03-2010/03/03
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : NPO A seed of Sunflower
    Event, Program, Title : "The GovaCho" communication live
    Environment support Center Hokkaido
  • How we can talk about environmental issues with friends
    Date (from-to) : 2009/02/06-2009/02/06
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Students alliance in Hokkaido: green-station gsDAY
  • Date (from-to) : 2008/03/13-2008/03/13
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Environmental Citizens Hokkaido
    Event, Program, Title : The 11th conference on Environmental Citizens
  • ゲーミング技法を用いた研究紹介
    Date (from-to) : 2007/08/06-2007/08/06
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 内閣府原子力委員会
    Event, Program, Title : 原子力廃棄物立地支援のための広報・コミュニケーションのあり方を探る自主的な研究会
  • Why people accept a rule with a burden separating householde waste
    Date (from-to) : 2006/10/26-2006/10/26
    Role : Lecturer
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 北海道
    Event, Program, Title : 環境リサイクルセミナー2006北海道
  • Dialogues of citizens in Sapporo
    Date (from-to) : 2006/02-2006/03
    Role : Organizing member
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Environmental Bureau Sapporo
  • Adviser
    Date (from-to) : 2003/10-2004/03
    Role : Advisor
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Japan NUS

Media Coverage

  • Date : 2024/03/03
    Writer: Other than myself
    Publisher, broadcasting station: 北海道新聞社
    Program, newspaper magazine: 北海道新聞
    朝刊地域面札幌市内15ページ Paper
  • Date : 2023/10/05
    Writer: Other than myself
    Publisher, broadcasting station: The Yomiuri Shimbun
    Program, newspaper magazine: Yomiuri Shimbun Newspaper
    社会面 Paper
  • Date : 2023/08/31
    Writer: Myself
    Publisher, broadcasting station: HBC(北海道放送)
    Program, newspaper magazine: HBCテレビ「グッチーな!」
    Media report 日本財団が推進する海洋ごみ対策プロジェクト「海と日本プロジェクト・CHANGE FOR THE BLUE」の一環で開催する「さっぽろごみ発見クエスト」を紹介。この取組について環境社会心理学の専門家の立場から、番組内でコメントした。
  • Date : 2021/06/15
    Writer: Other than myself
    Publisher, broadcasting station: NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
    Program, newspaper magazine: Hot news Hokkaido
    Media report レジ袋有料化後のプラスチック削減について、経済的インセンティブの効果について尋ねられた。経済的インセンティブは短期的には効果があるが、効果が持続しなかったり、逆効果になる場合があるので、プラスチック削減の意義を理解し、環境への動機づけをしていくこととあわせて取り組んでいく必要性を解説した。
  • Date : 2021/06/06
    Writer: Other than myself
    Publisher, broadcasting station: The Hokkaido Shimbun Press
    Program, newspaper magazine: Hokkaido Shinbun
    6面 Paper
  • (耕論)核のごみ、解はどこに 小泉純一郎さん、松延宏幸さん、大沼進さん
    Date : 2020/11/05
    Writer: Other than myself
    Program, newspaper magazine: 朝日新聞社
    オピニオン1 13ページ Paper
  • Date : 2020/04/02
    Writer: Other than myself
    Program, newspaper magazine: 朝日新聞 朝刊(福島全県)
    Paper 環境省が2019年度に行った全国調査で「中間貯蔵施設(双葉町、大熊町)で保管する原発事故の汚染土の再生利用は必要」とする回答が増加したことについて、行動科学の専門家の立場からコメントした。
  • 〈SDGs 持続可能な未来へ〉レジ袋有料 義務化方針 「協力したい」広がる理解 プラごみ全体の抑制なるか
    Date : 2019/06/01
    Program, newspaper magazine: 北海道新聞
    朝刊全道(生活・くらし) Paper 国が表明したレジ袋有料義務化方針に対して、レジ袋を配布する小売店の現状と今後の対応、消費者の受け止め方についての取材記事。ごみ問題に詳しい環境社会心理学の専門家の立場から、コメントした。
  • 集合住宅のごみ出しマナー改善へ 地域力で問題解決 恵庭市 シンポジウムに市民50人
    Date : 2018/11/02
    Writer: Other than myself
    Program, newspaper magazine: 千歳民報
    Paper 11月20日に恵庭市で「ごみステーションシンポジウム」が開催された。環境社会心理学の専門家として基調講演を行い、第2部のパネルディスカッションのコメンテーターも務めた。
  • 地域力を高めて ごみ問題解決を
    Date : 2018/11/02
    Writer: Other than myself
    Program, newspaper magazine: 北海道新聞
    朝刊地方(札幌近郊) Paper 11月20日に恵庭市で「ごみステーションシンポジウム」が開催された。大沼教授は、環境社会心理学の専門家として基調講演を行い、第2部のパネルディスカッションのコメンテーターも務めた。
  • フクシマ忘れた?原発とは決別のはず..ベースロード電源にならない5つの理由
    Date : 2014/02/26
    Publisher, broadcasting station: 東京新聞
    Paper 使用済み核燃料の地層処分問題について、何十年も先送りされてきた問題として、原発への賛否にかかわらず取り組まなければならない課題であるというコメントをした。

Academic Contribution

  • Date (from-to) :2020/07/01-Today
    Role: Review
    Type: Review
    Organizer, responsible person: The Fusion Of Science and Technology
  • Reviewer
    Date (from-to) :2023/03/13-2024/01/13
    Role: Peer review
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: PLOS Climate
  • Reviewer
    Date (from-to) :2023/06/10-2023/09/23
    Role: Peer review
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
  • 査読者
    Date (from-to) :2022/11-2023/02
    Role: Peer review
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 日本心理学会
  • reviewer
    Date (from-to) :2022/08/03-2022/12
    Role: Peer review
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
  • Date (from-to) :2020/05-2020/09
    Role: Peer review
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: Energy and Climate Change
  • Date (from-to) :2020/05-2020/08
    Role: Peer review
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: Environmental Information Science
  • Date (from-to) :2020/01-2020/07
    Role: Peer review
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: Asian Journal of Social Psychology
  • Date (from-to) :2020/04-2020/05
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Academic society etc
    Organizer, responsible person: The Japanese Society for Risk Analysis
    国際リスクガバナンスカウンシル(International Risk Governance Council : IRGC)が公開したレポート”COVID-19: A risk governance perspective”に注目し、同センターに許可を得て日本語訳を監訳した。
  • Date (from-to) :2020/03-2020/05
    Role: Peer review
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
  • Date (from-to) :2020/02-2020/05
    Role: Peer review
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: Japanese Psychological Research
  • Date (from-to) :2020/07-2020
    Role: Peer review
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: SAGE Open
  • Date (from-to) :2019-2020
    Role: Review
    Type: Review
    Organizer, responsible person: The Japanese Society for Social Psychology
  • Reviewer
    Date (from-to) :2019/05-2019/12
    Role: Peer review
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: [Journal] The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
  • Date (from-to) :2019/06-2019/11
    Role: Peer review
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
  • Date (from-to) :2019/04-2019/07
    Role: Peer review
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: The Japanese Journal of Psychology
  • Date (from-to) :2008
    Role: Peer review
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: Papers on Environmental Information Science

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