Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(国際学術研究)
Date (from‐to) : 1995 -1996
Author : Noboru KAWAMOTO, Petersen Jen, Ulesen Poul, Nielsen Holg, Ambjorn Jan, 末廣 一彦, 中山 隆一, 石川 健三, Damgaard Pou, Petersein Je, Olesen Poul, 鈴木 久男, DAMGAARD Pou, PETERSEN Jen, NIELSEN Holg, OLESEN Poul, AMBJORN Jan
This has been a very intensive exchange program. The followings are the collaborations between the members of two groups :1) Numerical simulations of two-dimensinal lattice quantum gravity for c=-2 model.2) Lattice gravity for 3-dimensional Ashtekar formalism.3) Non-critical open strings.There are further cooperative discussions which may have influenced the following subjects :1) Quantization of generalized Chern-Simons actions in arbitrary dimensions.2) Two-dimensional quantum gravity and strings.3) Quantum hall effects.4) Non-perturbative aspects of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories.