Researcher Database

Researcher Profile and Settings


Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Economics and Business Division of Modern Economics and Management Social and Historical Economics

Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Economics and Business Division of Modern Economics and Management Social and Historical Economics


Profile and Settings

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Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Economic history

Published Papers

  • 農業税与土地調査:新中国初期査田定産的実施及其衰歇
    中国当代史研究 (4) 129 - 146 2023/12 [Invited]
  • The Mechanism Underlying Increased Grain Production in China in the 1970s and Its Intersection with Policy Changes before and after "Refprm and Opening-Up"
    TOYO GAKUHO 105 (3) 67 - 99 2023/12 [Refereed]
  • 糧食統購統銷制度下的農村幹部与農民―及其農業集体化之路
    集体化時代的中国 249 - 278 2021/09 [Not refereed][Invited]
    The Journal of Agricultural History 日本農業史学会 54 15 - 28 1347-5614 2020 [Refereed]
    The People's Republic of China started food control policy in 1953. In the first few years, rural areas were in crisis because of aggressive purchases by rural cadres. However, despite such hard controls, the amount of collected food was stagnated. This caused by the inability of rural cadres to accurately assess food production. In order to overcome the difficulty, the PRC adopted a new policy of fixing the amount of food purchase. The timing of the new policy and agricultural collectivization movement overlapped led peasants to joining agricultural cooperatives even for those who were originally reluctant to agricultural collectivization. Thus, the agricultural collectivization movement progressed at a speed faster than the central leader's expectation.
  • 2013年の歴史学界――回顧と展望 中国現代史
    史学雑誌 123 (5) 238 - 245 2014/05 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 中国計画経済時期糧食供応政策的演進過程
    松村 史穂
    日本当代中国研究(歴史・社会) (1) 170 - 199 2013/09 [Refereed]
  • 松村 史穂
    アジア経済 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所 52 (11) 2 - 26 0002-2942 2011/11 [Refereed]
    identifier:PJa/33/Aj11 identifier:ZAJ201111_002
  • 1950-1970年代中国糧棉相剋―以国內棉花生產為主―
    松村 史穂
    海峡両岸近現代経済研究(東京大学社会科学研究所) 141 - 159 2011/03
  • 松村 史穂
    近代東アジア土地調査事業研究ニューズレター 大阪大学文学研究科片山剛研究室 4 (4) 120 - 123 2009/03 [Not refereed][Not invited]
    平成20 年度科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(A)1930年代広東省土地調査冊の整理・分析と活用(課題番号 17251006)研究成果報告書第三回ワークショップ「近代東アジア土地調査事業研究」
    SOCIO-ECONOMIC HISTORY 社会経済史学会 75 (4) 365 - 388 0038-0113 2009 [Refereed]
    This paper examines the grain distribution system in China that was adopted to constrain industrial development, with the grain crisis following the Great Leap Forward as its turning point. It shows how shortage of commercial grain products restricted industrial development under a planned economy. The distribution system adopted in urban communities during the 1950s was an attempt at efficient distribution of grain, targeting only the non-agricultural population, which was the pillar of industrialization. While the objective of the distribution system was a reduction in grain supply to urban communities, it did not reduce the non-agricultural population itself. As a result of aggressive promotion of industrialization throughout the 1950s, the non-agricultural population steadily increased beyond the commercial grain-supply capacity. Beginning with the grain crisis at the start of the 1960s, efforts were made to reduce the non-agricultural population by combining the distribution system with a population registration system, leading to a retreat in industrialization. At the same time, a strong consciousness developed regarding the policy of considering non-agricultural population and the scale of industrialization together with the scale of commercial grain that could be supplied by the agricultural sector. In the 1970s, the volume of grain supply to the non-agricultural population came to be linked to the scale of the commercial grain supply. This meant that industrialization at that time was constrained by the scale of the commercial grain supply.
  • 松村 史穂
    アジア経済 = Quarterly journal of Institute of Developing Economies Japan External Trade Organization / 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所学術情報センター 編 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所学術情報センター 49 (6) 2 - 18 0002-2942 2008/06 [Refereed]
  • 中華人民共和国期における農産物と化学肥料の流通統制
    松村 史穂
    20世紀の中国化学工業―永利化学・天原電化とその時代― 125 - 145 2005/03


Books etc

  • 田島, 俊雄, 加島, 潤, 湊, 照宏 (Contributor1970年代中国における農村経済の変容と食糧統制の弛緩)
    晃洋書房 2024/03 (ISBN: 9784771038028) iv, 289p
  • 东洋文库超域亚洲研究部门现代中国研究班 
    東洋文庫 2021/09 (ISBN: 9784809703096) xxiv, 603p
  • 日本当代中国研究(第一輯 歴史・社会)
    松村 史穂 (Contributor中国計画経済時期糧食供応政策的演進過程)
    社会科学文献出版社(中国・北京) 2013/09
  • 海峡両岸近現代経済研究
    松村 史穂 (Editor1950-1970年代中国糧棉相剋―以国內棉花生產為主―)
    東京大学社会科学研究所 2011/03
  • 20世紀の中国化学工業―永利化学・天原電化とその時代―
    東京大学社会科学研究所 2005/03


  • 従糧食問題来分析農業合作化的加速現象―以1950年代中期為中心―  [Invited]
    松村 史穂
    第8届中国当代史研究工作坊(中国上海・華東師範大学)  2019/11
  • 毛時代晩期的農村経済変化―以糧食流通為中心―  [Invited]
    松村 史穂
    中国当代史研究中心国際研討会議(中国上海・華東師範大学)  2019/08
  • 中華人民共和国における食糧統制と農業集団化――1950年代半ばを中心として  [Invited]
    松村 史穂
    農業史学会全国大会(筑波大学)  2019/03
  • The Food Distribution and the Transformation of Rural Villages in the Late Mao Period  [Invited]
    Shiho Matsumura
    Fourty years of Reforms in China’s long XXth century of modernization. Exploring local and foreign inspiration in economy, society, manufacturing and technology.  2018/11
  • Food Shortage and the Development of Rural Industry in the Late Mao Period: Changing Central–Local Relations  [Invited]
    Shiho Matsumura
    World Economic History Congress  2018/08
  • 文化大革命期の中国における食糧流通と農村の変容  [Invited]
    松村 史穂
    社会経済史学会全国大会(大阪大学)  2018/05
  • 在中国計画経済時期省級及省内的糧食流通変遷  [Invited]
    松村 史穂
    中国糧食流通与貿易研討会(東京大学)  2015/12
  • 毛沢東時代中国の貿易構造と国際環境  [Invited]
    北海道大学史学会  2015/07
  • 糧食統購統銷与価格政策
    松村 史穂
    韓日中国近現代史研究者交流会(近畿大学)  2014/01
  • 建国初期統購統銷与収購価格  [Invited]
    松村 史穂
    1949年以後的中国城郷社会文化変遷国際学術研討会(中国上海・華東師範大学)  2013/12
  • 1950年代糧食統購統銷的引進過程
    松村 史穂
    産業与区域経済発展国際研討会(中国広東・中山大学)  2013/12
  • 農業税与土地調査―人民共和国初期査田定産工作的実施及其夭折―
    松村 史穂
    中国当代史研究第1回研究交流会(中国上海・華東師範大学)  2012/07
  • 中華人民共和国建国初期的土地調査―以査田定産工作為中心―
    松村 史穂
    東亜論壇―明清以来的中国―(中国上海・复旦大学)  2012/05
  • 経済時期糧食供応政策的演進過程
    松村 史穂
    中国経済史研究―産業与金融(中国河南・河南大学)  2011/08
  • 1950-1970年代中国糧棉相克―以国内棉花生産為主―
    松村 史穂
    海峡両岸近現代政経比較研究(台湾・国立暨南国際大学)  2010/08
  • 計画経済期中国における綿花供給政策と食糧制約
    松村 史穂
    社会経済史学会全国大会(創価大学)  2009/09
  • 中華人民共和国成立初期的亜州糧食貿易―従聯合国的禁運決議到亜非万隆会議―
    松村 史穂
    第八次両岸三地歴史学研究生論文発表会(中国浙江・浙江大学)  2007/09
  • 中華人民共和国建国初期的亜州糧食貿易
    松村 史穂
    経済発展と歴史認識:台湾・中国を中心に(東京大学)  2007/07

Research Projects

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2024/04 -2027/03 
    Author : 松村 史穂
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2021/03 
    Author : MATSUMURA Shiho
    This research subject considers why the People's Commune, which was the basis of collective management in rural areas, was dismantled. This research compares both the rural areas where voluntarily worked on the dismantling of the People's Commune and the rural areas where wanted the People's Commune to continue, and investigate what was the difference between the two. Through this research project, it became clear that (1) the change in agricultural production conditions, which can be said to be the arrival of the "Green Revolution", occurred in China in the 1970s, and (2) some rural areas increased production and sales of both agriculture and industry, (3) but many rural areas were left out of change, which brought widening economic disparities. It was revealed that the rural area of (2) was reluctant to dismantle the People's Commune, while the rural area of (3) was positive.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2019/03 
    Author : Tahara Fumiki, Kadazaki Shinya
    Urban-rural relation is one of the crucial issues in understanding contemporary China. Employing dual perspectives of the “county society” and the “human circulation,” this research project has shed a new light on largely omitted aspects on China’s recent urbanization processes centered on the county level. During the research period, members conducted field survey in counties located in Beijing, Shandong, Jiangxi, Gansu, Guizhou, and Guangxi. Based on the data collected, members are presently working on each case study, including (a) human circulations by political, administrative system, (b) human circulations by labor market, and (c) human circulations by education system.

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