Taiki Takahashi
MEDICAL HYPOTHESES 75 (4) 393 - 396 0306-9877 2010/10
[Refereed][Not invited] Because obesity is a risk factor for many serious illnesses such as diabetes, better understandings of obesity and eating disorders have been attracting attention in neurobiology, psychiatry, and neuroeconomics. This paper presents future study directions by unifying (i) economic theory of addiction and obesity [4-6], and (ii) recent empirical findings in neuroeconomics and neurobiology of obesity and addiction. It is suggested that neurobiological substrates such as adiponectin, dopamine (D2 receptors), endocannabinoids, ghrelin, leptin, nesfatin-1, norepinephrine, orexin, oxytocin, serotonin, vasopressin, CCK, GLP-1, MCH, PYY, and stress hormones (e.g., CRF) in the brain (e.g., OFC, VTA, NAcc, and the hypothalamus) may determine parameters in the economic theory of obesity. Also, the importance of introducing time-inconsistent and gain/loss-asymmetrical temporal discounting (intertemporal choice) models based on Tsallis' statistics and incorporating time-perception parameters into the neuroeconomic theory is emphasized. Future directions in the application of the theory to studies in neuroeconomics and neuropsychiatry of obesity at the molecular level, which may help medical/psychopharmacological treatments of obesity (e.g., with sibutramine), are discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.