Researcher Database

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Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Medicine Surgery Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine

Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Medicine Surgery Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine


Profile and Settings

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Research Interests

  • 凝固炎症反応   自然免疫   自然免疫炎症反応   単球/マクロファージ   好中球   CyTOF   Inflammasome   angiopoietin   VEGF   心停止後症候群   頭部外傷   重症外傷   外科免疫   臓器不全   播種性血管内凝固症候群   血管新生関連因子   血管内皮細胞傷害   生体侵襲   敗血症   

Research Areas

  • Life sciences / Immunology
  • Life sciences / Neurosurgery
  • Life sciences / Emergency medicine

Research Experience

  • 2024/07 - Today 北海道大学大学院医学研究院 侵襲制御医学分野 救急医学教室 教授
  • 2020/08 - 2024/06 北海道大学大学院医学研究院 侵襲制御医学講座救急医学教室 助教
  • 2019/04 - 2020/07 Hokkaido University Hokkaido University Hospital
  • 2013/04 - 2019/03 Hokkaido University
  • 2016/12 - 2018/02 Brigham & Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Department of Surgery,
  • 2010/04 - 2013/03 Nippon Medical School Medical School
  • 2007/04 - 2010/03 Hokkaido University


  • 1999/04 - 2005/03  Hokkaido University  School of Medicine


  • 2019/02 北海道大学医学部 平成30年度 フラテ研究奨励賞
    受賞者: 和田剛志

Published Papers

  • Takumi Tsuchida, Kota Ono, Masaki Takahashi, Mariko Hayamaizu, Asumi Mizugaki, Kunihiko Maekawa, Takeshi Wada, Mineji Hayakawa
    Scientific reports 14 (1) 18745 - 18745 2024/08/13 
    Using a nationwide multicenter prospective registry in Japan's data, we calculated prognostic and predictive scores, including the Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA); Cardiac Arrest Hospital Prognosis (CAHP); Nonshockable rhythm, Unwitnessed arrest, Long no-flow or Long low-flow period, blood PH < 7.2, Lactate > 7.0 mmol/L, End-stage chronic kidney disease on dialysis, Age ≥ 85 years, Still resuscitation, and Extracardiac cause (NULL-PLEASE); revised post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome for Therapeutic hypothermia (rCAST); and MIRACLE2 scores, for adult patients with cardiac arrest. The MIRACLE2 score was validated with the modified MIRACLE2 score, which excludes information of pupillary reflexes. Each score was calculated only for the cases with no missing data for the variables used. These scores' accuracies were compared using neurological outcomes 30 days after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OOHCA). Patients with a cerebral performance category scale of 1 or 2 were designated as having favorable neurological outcomes. Each score's discrimination ability was evaluated by the receiver operating characteristic curve's area under the curve (AUC). To assess in detail in areas of high specificity and high sensitivity, which are areas of interest to clinicians, partial AUCs were also used. The analysis included 11,924 hospitalized adult patients. The AUCs of the OHCA, MIRACLE2, CAHP, rCAST, and NULL-PLEASE scores for favorable neurological outcomes were 0.713, 0.727, 0.785, 0.761, and 0.831, respectively. The CAHP and NULL-PLEASE scores were significantly more accurate than the rest. Accuracies did not differ significantly between the CAHP and NULL-PLEASE scores. The NULL-PLEASE score was significantly better at discriminating favorable neurological prognoses at 30 days in patients with OOHCA compared to other scoring systems.
  • Kasumi Satoh, Takeshi Wada, Akihito Tampo, Gaku Takahashi, Kota Hoshino, Hironori Matsumoto, Takayuki Taira, Satoshi Kazuma, Takamitsu Masuda, Takashi Tagami, Hiroyasu Ishikura
    Thrombosis journal 22 (1) 67 - 67 2024/07/22 
    Thrombocytopenia frequently occurs in patients with sepsis. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) may be a possible cause of thrombocytopenia owing to its high prevalence and association with poor outcomes; however, it is important to keep the presence of other diseases in mind in sepsis practice. Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA), which is characterized by thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), and complement-mediated HUS, is characterized by thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, and organ damage. TMA has become widely recognized in recent years because of the development of specific treatments. Previous studies have reported a remarkably lower prevalence of TMA than DIC; however, its epidemiology is not well defined, and there may be cases in which TMA is not correctly diagnosed, resulting in poor outcomes. Therefore, it is important to differentiate DIC from TMA. Nevertheless, differentiating between DIC and TMA remains a challenge as indicated by previous reports that most patients with TMA can be diagnosed as DIC using the universal coagulation scoring system. Several algorithms to differentiate sepsis-related DIC from TMA have been suggested, contributing to improving the care of septic patients with thrombocytopenia; however, it may be difficult to apply these algorithms to patients with coexisting DIC and TMA, which has recently been reported. This review describes the disease characteristics, including epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment, of DIC, TMA, and other diseases with thrombocytopenia and proposes a novel practical approach flow, which is characterized by the initiation of the diagnosis of TMA in parallel with the diagnosis of DIC. This practical flow also refers to the longitudinal diagnosis and treatment flow with TMA in mind and real clinical timeframes. In conclusion, we aim to widely disseminate the results of this review that emphasize the importance of incorporating consideration of TMA in the management of septic DIC. We anticipate that this practical new approach for the diagnostic and treatment flow will lead to the appropriate diagnosis and treatment of complex cases, improve patient outcomes, and generate new epidemiological evidence regarding TMA.
  • Kazuma Yamakawa, Yutaka Umemura, Katsunori Mochizuki, Tadashi Matsuoka, Takeshi Wada, Mineji Hayakawa, Toshiaki Iba, Yasuhiro Ohtomo, Kohji Okamoto, Toshihiko Mayumi, Toshiaki Ikeda, Hiroyasu Ishikura, Hiroshi Ogura, Shigeki Kushimoto, Daizoh Saitoh, Satoshi Gando
    Thrombosis and haemostasis 2024/05/10 
    BACKGROUND:  Japanese Association for Acute Medicine (JAAM) disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) criteria were launched nearly 20 years ago. Following the revised conceptual definition of sepsis and subsequent omission of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) score from the latest sepsis diagnostic criteria, we omitted the SIRS score and proposed a modified version of JAAM DIC criteria, the JAAM-2 DIC criteria. OBJECTIVES:  To validate and compare performance between new JAAM-2 DIC criteria and conventional JAAM DIC criteria for sepsis. METHODS:  We used three datasets containing adult sepsis patients from a multicenter nationwide Japanese cohort study (J-septic DIC, FORECAST, and SPICE-ICU registries). JAAM-2 DIC criteria omitted the SIRS score and set the cutoff value at ≥3 points. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses were performed between the two DIC criteria to evaluate prognostic value. Associations between in-hospital mortality and anticoagulant therapy according to DIC status were analyzed using propensity score weighting to compare significance of the criteria in determining introduction of anticoagulants against sepsis. RESULTS:  Final study cohorts of the datasets included 2,154, 1,065, and 608 sepsis patients, respectively. ROC analysis revealed that curves for both JAAM and JAAM-2 DIC criteria as predictors of in-hospital mortality were almost consistent. Survival curves for the anticoagulant and control groups in the propensity score-weighted prediction model diagnosed using the two criteria were also almost entirely consistent. CONCLUSION:  JAAM-2 DIC criteria were equivalent to JAAM DIC criteria regarding prognostic and diagnostic values for initiating anticoagulation. The newly proposed JAAM-2 DIC criteria could be potentially alternative criteria for sepsis management.
  • 冷凍倉庫内で受傷した腹部骨盤腔外傷,低体温症,そして凝固破綻 救えなかったか?
    村上 壮一, 和田 剛志, 方波見 謙一, 高岡 憲敬, 林 真理子, 三浦 巧, 海老原 裕磨, 倉島 庸, 七戸 俊明, 平野 聡
    日本外傷学会雑誌 (一社)日本外傷学会 38 (2) 227 - 227 1340-6264 2024/04
  • Takumi Tsuchida, Asumi Mizugaki, Shohei Tanaka, Akiko Semba, Takuma Nakajima, Takeshi Wada
    Shock 1073-2322 2024/03/25 
    Abstract Background This study clarified the relationship between sex with survival and transfusion volume in severe trauma cases. Methods A multicenter, collaborative post-hoc analysis of patients with trauma in Japan was conducted. Patients aged ≥18 years with severe trauma indicated by an Injury Severity Score (ISS) of 16 or higher were enrolled. Patients were matched and analyzed by gender based on propensity score with factors determined at the time of injury. Subgroup analysis was performed on patients younger than 50 years and older than 50 years. The significance level was defined as p < 0.05. Results The 1,189 patients included in this registry were divided into adjusted groups of 226 male and female patients each. In the main analysis, 28-day survival rates in females were significantly higher than those in males (p = 0.046). In the subgroup analyses, there was no statistically significant prognostic effect of gender. Secondary outcomes, including transfusion volume, showed no significant gender-based variations. Logistic regression analyses consistently demonstrated that female sex was a significant favorable prognostic factor in all ages. This was true for the over-50 group on subgroup analysis, but no significant gender-prognosis relationship was identified in the under-50 age group. High ISS were associated with poorer outcomes across all age groups. Conclusion In severe trauma, survival at 28 days was significantly lower in males. However, this trend was not observed in patients aged ˂50 years. Factors other than sex hormones may be responsible for differences in posttraumatic outcomes by gender.
  • Takumi Tsuchida, Yuto Makino, Takeshi Wada, Noritaka Ushio, Takaaki Totoki, Naoki Fujie, Shunsuke Yasuo, Tadashi Matsuoka, Hiroyuki Koami, Kazuma Yamakawa, Toshiaki Iba
    Acute Medicine & Surgery 11 (1) 2052-8817 2024/01 
    Abstract Aims There have been inconsistent reports regarding the effect of antithrombin on sepsis; furthermore, there are limited reports on how dosage affects therapeutic efficacy. Thus, we aimed to perform a systematic review and meta‐analysis of the use of antithrombin for sepsis and a meta‐regression analysis of antithrombin dosage. Methods We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and observational studies of adult patients with sepsis who received antithrombin. Outcomes included all‐cause mortality and serious bleeding complications. Statistical analyses and data synthesis were performed using a random‐effects model; further, meta‐regression and funnel plots were used to explore heterogeneity and biases. Results Seven RCTs and six observational studies were included. Most patients in the RCTs and observational studies had severe sepsis and septic‐disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), respectively. A meta‐analysis using RCTs showed no significant differences in mortality between the antithrombin and control groups. However, the meta‐analysis of observational studies indicated a trend of decreasing mortality rates with antithrombin administration (odds ratio [OR], 0.79; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.68–0.92; p = 0.002). Bleeding complications were significantly higher in the antithrombin group than in the control group in both study types (OR, 1.90; 95% CI, 1.52–2.37; p < 0.01). The meta‐regression analysis showed no correlation between antithrombin dosage and mortality. Conclusion A meta‐analysis of RCTs confirmed no survival benefit of antithrombin, whereas that of observational studies, which mostly focused on septic DIC, showed a significant beneficial effect on improving outcomes. Indications of antithrombin should be considered based on its beneficial and harmful effects.
  • 院外心停止蘇生後における神経学的予後不良群の長期予後
    早水 真理子, 土田 拓見, 水柿 明日美, 高氏 修平, 本間 慶憲, 斉藤 智誉, 吉田 知由, 方波見 謙一, 和田 剛志, 前川 邦彦, 早川 峰司
    日本救急医学会雑誌 (一社)日本救急医学会 34 (12) 731 - 731 0915-924X 2023/12
  • 原因不明の血小板減少症への診断的アプローチが遅れて脳出血に至ったヘパリン起因性血小板減少症の一例
    加藤 諄, 本間 慶憲, 斉藤 智誉, 吉田 知由, 方波見 謙一, 和田 剛志, 前川 邦彦, 早川 峰司
    日本救急医学会雑誌 (一社)日本救急医学会 34 (12) 782 - 782 0915-924X 2023/12
  • Tomoyo Saito, Mineji Hayakawa, Osamu Kumano, Yoshinori Honma, Mone Murashita, Jun Kato, Syouki Fukui, Masaki Takahashi, Yuki Takahashi, Takumi Tsuchida, Asumi Mizugaki, Shuhei Takauji, Mariko Hayamizu, Tomonao Yoshida, Kenichi Katabami, Takeshi Wada, Kunihiko Maekawa
    Journal of Intensive Care 11 (1) 2023/11/16 
    Abstract Background Unfractionated heparin (UFH) is primarily monitored using activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). However, the recent introduction of anti-activated factor X (anti-Xa) activity testing has provided a direct evaluation of Xa inhibition by anticoagulants. This study aimed to investigate discrepancies between APTT and anti-Xa activity during UFH monitoring in critically ill patients and explore their underlying causes. Methods This study analyzed 271 pairs of laboratory test results from blood samples of 99 critically ill patients receiving continuous intravenous UFH. Theoretical APTT values were calculated using fitted curve equations from spiked sample measurements with anti-Xa activity. Samples were categorized into three groups based on the measurement of the APTT/theoretical APTT ratio: the lower group (< 80%), the concordant group (80–120%), and the upper group (> 120%). Results The overall concordance rate between APTT and anti-Xa activity was 45%, with a 55% discrepancy rate. The lower group frequently showed apparent heparin overdoses, while coagulation factor activities in the lower and upper groups were higher and lower, respectively, than those in the concordant group. Particularly, the lower group exhibited higher factor VIII activity levels than the upper and concordant groups. Conclusions Discrepancies between APTT and anti-Xa activity were frequently observed, influenced by changes in coagulation factors activity levels. The lower and upper groups were classified as pseudo-heparin-resistant and coagulopathy types, respectively. Accurate monitoring of heparin in critically ill patients is crucial, especially in cases of pseudo-heparin resistance, where APTT values may wrongly indicate inadequate heparin dosing despite sufficient anti-Xa activity. Understanding these discrepancies is important for managing heparin therapy in critically ill patients. Trial registration: Not applicable.
  • Takeshi Wada, Satoshi Gando
    Thrombosis and haemostasis 2023/10/03 
    Two phenotypes of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) are systematically reviewed. DIC is classified into thrombotic and fibrinolytic phenotypes characterized by thrombosis and hemorrhage, respectively. Major pathology of DIC with thrombotic phenotype is the activation of coagulation, insufficient anticoagulation with endothelial injury, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1-mediated inhibition of fibrinolysis, leading to microvascular fibrin thrombosis and organ dysfunction. DIC with fibrinolytic phenotype is defined as massive thrombin generation commonly observed in any type of DIC, combined with systemic pathologic hyperfibrinogenolysis caused by underlying disorder that results in severe bleeding due to excessive plasmin formation. Three major pathomechanisms of systemic hyperfibrinogenolysis have been considered: (1) acceleration of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) release from hypoxic endothelial cells and t-PA-rich storage pools, (2) enhancement of the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin due to specific proteins and receptors that are expressed on cancer cells and endothelial cells, and (3) alternative pathways of fibrinolysis. DIC with fibrinolytic phenotype can be diagnosed by DIC diagnosis followed by the recognition of systemic pathologic hyperfibrin(ogen)olysis. Low fibrinogen levels, high fibrinogen and fibrin degradation products (FDPs), and the FDP/D-dimer ratio are important for the diagnosis of systemic pathologic hyperfibrin(ogen)olysis. Currently, evidence-based treatment strategies for DIC with fibrinolytic phenotypes are lacking. Tranexamic acid appears to be one of the few methods to be effective in the treatment of systemic pathologic hyperfibrin(ogen)olysis. International cooperation for the elucidation of pathomechanisms, establishment of diagnostic criteria, and treatment strategies for DIC with fibrinolytic phenotype are urgent issues in the field of thrombosis and hemostasis.
  • Takumi Tsuchida, Masaki Takahashi, Asumi Mizugaki, Hisashi Narita, Takeshi Wada
    Medicine 102 (38) e35065 - e35065 0025-7974 2023/09/22 
    Suicide is a social problem with significant economic losses, the victims of which are mainly from the productive population. There are numerous reports on the assessment of suicide risk, but most focus on long-term management. Therefore, factors influencing the severity of physical impairments in the acute phase and the prognosis of suicidal patients have not been sufficiently investigated. This is a single-center retrospective observational study. We collected data on suicidal patients admitted to our emergency department. The effect of age, gender, psychiatric history, method of suicide, alcohol consumption, and hospital admission on the outcome of suicide was assessed. Outcomes were assessed using the hospital mortality scale and the cerebral performance category scale for in-hospital mortality within 28 days. Methods of suicide with a high mortality rate (hanging, jumping, carbon monoxide poisoning, and burns) were defined as lethal methods. A detailed risk assessment of outcomes was performed for patients with schizophrenia, mood disorders, and somatoform disorders. We identified 340 suicide patients from computerized medical records and analyzed 322 records without missing data. The non-survivor group predominantly comprised older adults, men, and patients without a history of psychiatric treatment. Contrastingly, more patients drank alcohol before suicide in the survivor group. In the subgroup analysis, patients with schizophrenia had unfavorable neurological outcomes. Patients with mood disorders had worse in-hospital mortality than other psychiatric patients, as did patients who chose the lethal method. By disease, patients with stress-related and somatoform disorders tended to have higher survival rates, although their psychiatric hospitalization rates were lower. Conversely, patients with mood disorders had a higher rate of hospital visits but a lower survival rate. The results suggest that usual outpatient treatment alone may not be sufficient to reduce suicide mortality in patients with mood disorders who are considered to be at high risk of suicide.
  • Ryo Yamamoto, Kazuma Yamakawa, Akira Endo, Koichiro Homma, Yasunori Sato, Ryo Takemura, Takeshi Yamagiwa, Keiki Shimizu, Daiki Kaito, Masayuki Yagi, Taku Yonemura, Takayuki Shibusawa, Ginga Suzuki, Takahiro Shoji, Naoya Miura, Jiro Takahashi, Chihiro Narita, Saori Kurata, Kazunobu Minami, Takeshi Wada, Yoshihisa Fujinami, Yohei Tsubouchi, Mai Natsukawa, Jun Nagayama, Wataru Takayama, Ken Ishikura, Kyoko Yokokawa, Yasuo Fujita, Hirofumi Nakayama, Hideki Tokuyama, Kota Shinada, Takayuki Taira, Shoki Fukui, Noritaka Ushio, Masaki Nakane, Eisei Hoshiyama, Akihito Tampo, Hisako Sageshima, Hiroki Takami, Shinichi Iizuka, Hitoshi Kikuchi, Jun Hagiwara, Takashi Tagami, Yumi Funato, Junichi Sasaki, Study Group Er-Oxytrac
    BMJ open 13 (9) e074475  2023/09/15 
    INTRODUCTION: Cardiac arrest is a critical condition, and patients often experience postcardiac arrest syndrome (PCAS) even after the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). Administering a restricted amount of oxygen in the early phase after ROSC has been suggested as a potential therapy for PCAS; however, the optimal target for arterial partial pressure of oxygen or peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) to safely and effectively reduce oxygen remains unclear. Therefore, we aimed to validate the efficacy of restricted oxygen treatment with 94%-95% of the target SpO2 during the initial 12 hours after ROSC for patients with PCAS. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: ER-OXYTRAC (early restricted oxygen therapy after resuscitation from cardiac arrest) is a nationwide, multicentre, pragmatic, single-blind, stepped-wedge cluster randomised controlled trial targeting cases of non-traumatic cardiac arrest. This study includes adult patients with out-of-hospital or in-hospital cardiac arrest who achieved ROSC in 39 tertiary centres across Japan, with a target sample size of 1000. Patients whose circulation has returned before hospital arrival and those with cardiac arrest due to intracranial disease or intoxication are excluded. Study participants are assigned to either the restricted oxygen (titration of a fraction of inspired oxygen with 94%-95% of the target SpO2) or the control (98%-100% of the target SpO2) group based on cluster randomisation per institution. The trial intervention continues until 12 hours after ROSC. Other treatments for PCAS, including oxygen administration later than 12 hours, can be determined by the treating physicians. The primary outcome is favourable neurological function, defined as cerebral performance category 1-2 at 90 days after ROSC, to be compared using an intention-to-treat analysis. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board at Keio University School of Medicine (approval number: 20211106). Written informed consent will be obtained from all participants or their legal representatives. Results will be disseminated via publications and presentations. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: UMIN Clinical Trials Registry (UMIN000046914).
  • Mariko Hayamizu, Akira Kodate, Hisako Sageshima, Takumi Tsuchida, Yoshinori Honma, Asumi Mizugaki, Tomonao Yoshida, Tomoyo Saito, Kenichi Katabami, Takeshi Wada, Kunihiko Maekawa, Mineji Hayakawa
    Resuscitation 109790 - 109790 0300-9572 2023/04
  • Takeshi Wada, Kazuma Yamakawa, Daijiro Kabata, Toshikazu Abe, Seitaro Fujishima, Shigeki Kushimoto, Toshihiko Mayumi, Hiroshi Ogura, Daizoh Saitoh, Atsushi Shiraishi, Yasuhiro Otomo, Satoshi Gando
    Journal of intensive care 11 (1) 8 - 8 2023/03/05 
    BACKGROUND: The development of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in patients with sepsis has been repeatedly confirmed as a factor associated with poor prognosis. Anticoagulant therapy has been expected to improve sepsis patient outcomes, whereas no randomized controlled trials have demonstrated the survival benefit of anticoagulant therapies in non-specific overall sepsis. Patient selection based on the component of "high disease severity" in addition to "sepsis with DIC" has recently proved important in identifying appropriate targets for anticoagulant therapy. The aims of this study were to characterize "severe" sepsis DIC patients and to identify the patient population benefiting from anticoagulant therapy. METHODS: This retrospective sub-analysis of a prospective multicenter study included 1,178 adult patients with severe sepsis from 59 intensive care units in Japan from January 2016 to March 2017. We examined the association of patient outcomes, including organ dysfunction and in-hospital mortality, with the DIC score and prothrombin time-international normalized ratio (PT-INR), one of the components of the DIC score, using multivariable regression models including the cross-product term between these indicators. Multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression analysis with non-linear restricted cubic spline including a three-way interaction term (anticoagulant therapy × the DIC score × PT-INR) was also performed. Anticoagulant therapy was defined as the administration of antithrombin, recombinant human thrombomodulin, or their combination. RESULTS: In total, we analyzed 1013 patients. The regression model showed that organ dysfunction and in-hospital mortality deteriorated with higher PT-INR values in the range of < 1.5 and that this trend was more pronounced with higher DIC scores. Three-way interaction analysis demonstrated that anticoagulant therapy was associated with better survival outcome in patients with a high DIC score and high PT-INR. Furthermore, we identified a DIC score ≥ 5 and PT-INR ≥ 1.5 as the clinical threshold for identification of optimal targets for anticoagulant therapy. CONCLUSIONS: The combined use of the DIC score and PT-INR helps in selecting the optimal patient population for anticoagulant therapy in sepsis-induced DIC. The results obtained from this study will provide valuable information regarding the study design of randomized controlled trials examining the effects of anticoagulant therapy for sepsis. TRIAL REGISTRATION: UMIN-CTR, UMIN000019742. Registered on November 16, 2015.
  • Takumi Tsuchida, Takeshi Wada, Ryuta Nakae, Yu Fujiki, Takahiro Kanaya, Yasuhiro Takayama, Go Suzuki, Yasutaka Naoe, Shoji Yokobori
    Medicine 102 (6) e32850 - e32850 0025-7974 2023/02/10
  • Noritaka Ushio, Takeshi Wada, Yuichiro Ono, Kazuma Yamakawa
    Acute medicine & surgery 10 (1) e00843  2023 
    Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is an acquired syndrome characterized by widespread intravascular activation of coagulation, which can be caused by infectious and noninfectious insults, such as trauma, postcardiac arrest syndrome, and malignant diseases. At present, diagnosis and treatment of DIC clearly differ between Japan and Western countries; in Japan, DIC has long been considered a therapeutic target, and much evidence on DIC has been published. However, there has recently been no international consensus on whether DIC should be a therapeutic target with anticoagulant therapy. This review describes the coagulofibrinolytic system abnormalities associated with sepsis and discusses related management strategies. It also explores the reasons why DIC is perceived differently in different regions. There is a major discrepancy between diagnostic and treatment options in Japan, which are based on holistic assessments of trials, as well as the results of post hoc subgroup analyses and observational studies, and those in Western countries, which are based mainly on the results of sepsis mega trials, especially randomized controlled trials. The differences might also be due to various patient factors in each region, especially racial characteristics in thrombolytic mechanisms, and differences in interpretation of evidence for candidate drugs. Hence, Japanese researchers need to distribute their high-quality clinical research data not only to Japan but also to the rest of the world.
  • Ryuta Nakae, Yasuo Murai, Takeshi Wada, Yu Fujiki, Takahiro Kanaya, Yasuhiro Takayama, Go Suzuki, Yasutaka Naoe, Hiroyuki Yokota, Shoji Yokobori
    Scientific reports 12 (1) 19107 - 19107 2022/11/09 
    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with coagulation/fibrinolysis disorders. We retrospectively evaluated 61 TBI cases transported to hospital within 1 h post-injury. Levels of thrombin-antithrombin III complex (TAT), D-dimer, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) were measured on arrival and 3 h, 6 h, 12 h, 1 day, 3 days and 7 days after injury. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to identify prognostic factors for coagulation and fibrinolysis. Plasma TAT levels peaked at admission and decreased until 1 day after injury. Plasma D-dimer levels increased, peaking up to 3 h after injury, and decreasing up to 3 days after injury. Plasma PAI-1 levels increased up to 3 h after injury, the upward trend continuing until 6 h after injury, followed by a decrease until 3 days after injury. TAT, D-dimer, and PAI-1 were elevated in the acute phase of TBI in cases with poor outcome. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that D-dimer elevation from admission to 3 h after injury and PAI-1 elevation from 6 h to 1 day after injury were significant negative prognostic indicators. Post-TBI hypercoagulation, fibrinolysis, and fibrinolysis shutdown were activated consecutively. Hyperfibrinolysis immediately after injury and subsequent fibrinolysis shutdown were associated with poor outcome.
  • 病院の規模が院外心停止患者の予後に与える影響
    土田 拓見, 大野 浩太, 前川 邦彦, 和田 剛志, 早水 真理子, 早川 峰司
    日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (一社)日本集中治療医学会 29 (Suppl.1) 461 - 461 1340-7988 2022/11
  • Akira Endo, Kazuma Yamakawa, Takashi Tagami, Yutaka Umemura, Kyosuke Takahashi, Hiroki Nagasawa, Yuichi Araki, Mitsuaki Kojima, Toshiki Sera, Masayuki Yagi, Ryo Yamamoto, Jiro Takahashi, Masaki Nakane, Chikashi Takeda, Chihiro Narita, Satoshi Kazuma, Hiroko Okura, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Takeshi Wada, Shu Tahara, Ayaka Matsuoka, Todani Masaki, Atsushi Shiraishi, Keiichiro Shimoyama, Yuta Yokokawa, Rintaro Nakamura, Hisako Sageshima, Yuichiro Yanagida, Kunihiko Takahashi, Yasuhiro Otomo
    Trials 23 (1) 799 - 799 2022/09/24 
    BACKGROUND: Hemodynamic stabilization is a core component in the resuscitation of septic shock. However, the optimal target blood pressure remains debatable. Previous randomized controlled trials suggested that uniformly adopting a target mean arterial pressure (MAP) higher than 65 mmHg for all adult septic shock patients would not be beneficial; however, it has also been proposed that higher target MAP may be beneficial for elderly patients, especially those with arteriosclerosis. METHODS: A multicenter, pragmatic single-blind randomized controlled trial will be conducted to compare target MAP of 80-85 mmHg (high-target) and 65-70 mmHg (control) in the resuscitation of septic shock patients admitted to 28 hospitals in Japan. Patients with septic shock aged ≥65 years are randomly assigned to the high-target or control groups. The target MAP shall be maintained for 72 h after randomization or until vasopressors are no longer needed to improve patients' condition. To minimize the adverse effects related to catecholamines, if norepinephrine dose of ≥ 0.1 μg/kg/min is needed to maintain the target MAP, vasopressin will be initiated. Other therapeutic approaches, including fluid administration, hydrocortisone use, and antibiotic choice, will be determined by the physician in charge based on the latest clinical guidelines. The primary outcome is all-cause mortality at 90 days after randomization. DISCUSSION: The result of this trial will provide great insight on the resuscitation strategy for septic shock in the era of global aged society. Also, it will provide the better understanding on the importance of individualized treatment strategy in hemodynamic management in critically ill patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION: UMIN Clinical Trials Registry; UMIN000041775. Registered 13 September 2020.
  • Satoshi Gando, Atsushi Shiraishi, Takeshi Wada, Kazuma Yamakawa, Seitaro Fujishima, Daizoh Saitoh, Shigeki Kushimoto, Hiroshi Ogura, Toshikazu Abe, Toshihiko Mayumi, Junichi Sasaki, Joji Kotani, Naoshi Takeyama, Ryosuke Tsuruta, Kiyotsugu Takuma, Shin-Ichiro Shiraishi, Yasukazu Shiino, Taka-Aki Nakada, Kohji Okamoto, Yuichiro Sakamoto, Akiyoshi Hagiwara, Satoshi Fujimi, Yutaka Umemura, Yasuhiro Otomo
    Medicine 101 (32) e29711  2022/08/12 
    Tranexamic acid (TXA) reduces the risk of bleeding trauma death without altering the need for blood transfusion. We examined the effects of TXA on coagulation and fibrinolysis dynamics and the volume of transfusion during the early stage of trauma. This subanalysis of a prospective multicenter study of severe trauma included 276 patients divided into propensity score-matched groups with and without TXA administration. The effects of TXA on coagulation and fibrinolysis markers immediately at (time point 0) and 3 hours after (time point 3) arrival at the emergency department were investigated. The transfusion volume was determined at 24 hours after admission. TXA was administered to the patients within 3 hours (median, 64 minutes) after injury. Significant reductions in fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products and D-dimer levels from time points 0 to 3 in the TXA group compared with the non-TXA group were confirmed, with no marked differences noted in the 24-hour transfusion volumes between the 2 groups. Continuously increased levels of soluble fibrin, a marker of thrombin generation, from time points 0 to 3 and high levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, a marker of inhibition of fibrinolysis, at time point 3 were observed in both groups. TXA inhibited fibrin(ogen)olysis during the early stage of severe trauma, although this was not associated with a reduction in the transfusion volume. Other confounders affecting the dynamics of fibrinolysis and transfusion requirement need to be clarified.
  • Asumi Mizugaki, Takeshi Wada, Takumi Tsuchida, Satoshi Gando
    Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 9 885406 - 885406 2022/06/28 
    Background Patients successfully resuscitated from cardiac arrest often develop organ dysfunction caused by systemic inflammation and increased coagulation, leading to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). The involvement of histones in DIC and organ dysfunction in patients with sepsis and trauma has been previously reported, raising the probability that histones may also be associated with pathophysiology in patients after cardiac arrest and resuscitation. This study evaluated the relationship between histones and organ dysfunction related to coagulofibrinolytic changes in patients with post-cardiac arrest syndrome (PCAS). Methods This prospective single-center observational study assessed 35 adult patients with PCAS who were divided into two groups, i.e., 15 patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and 20 patients without MODS. MODS was defined as a sequential organ failure assessment score of ≥12. The plasma levels of histones and coagulofibrinolytic markers, including soluble fibrin, tissue-type plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, plasmin-alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor complex (PIC), and soluble thrombomodulin, were measured in patients with PCAS immediately after admission to the emergency department, and 3 and 24 h after arriving at the hospital. Results PCAS patients with MODS had higher DIC scores [4 (3.0–5.0) vs. 1 (0.0–3.0), p = 0.012] and higher mortality rates (66.7% vs. 20.0%, p = 0.013) than those without MODS. Moreover, patients with MODS exhibited higher histone levels than those without MODS during the early phase of the post-resuscitation period. Severe endothelial injury and higher thrombin and plasmin generation were observed in the MODS group. Plasma levels of histones were positively correlated with those of soluble fibrin immediately after resuscitation (rho = 0.367, p = 0.030) and PIC 3 h after arriving at the hospital (rho = 0.480, p = 0.005). This correlation was prominent in the patient population with MODS (soluble fibrin: rho = 0.681, p = 0.005, PIC: rho = 0.742, p = 0.002). Conclusions This study demonstrated that elevated histone levels were associated with increased levels of thrombin, and subsequent plasmin generation in PCAS patients, especially those with MODS. Further studies are required to elucidate the causal relationship between histones and organ dysfunction related to DIC in PCAS.
  • Takeshi Wada, Kazuma Yamakawa, Daijiro Kabata, Toshikazu Abe, Hiroshi Ogura, Atsushi Shiraishi, Daizoh Saitoh, Shigeki Kushimoto, Seitaro Fujishima, Toshihiko Mayumi, Toru Hifumi, Yasukazu Shiino, Taka-Aki Nakada, Takehiko Tarui, Yasuhiro Otomo, Kohji Okamoto, Yutaka Umemura, Joji Kotani, Yuichiro Sakamoto, Junichi Sasaki, Shin-Ichiro Shiraishi, Kiyotsugu Takuma, Ryosuke Tsuruta, Akiyoshi Hagiwara, Tomohiko Masuno, Naoshi Takeyama, Norio Yamashita, Hiroto Ikeda, Masashi Ueyama, Satoshi Fujimi, Satoshi Gando
    Scientific reports 12 (1) 9304 - 9304 2022/06/03 
    Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is one of the major organ dysfunctions associated with sepsis. This retrospective secondary analysis comprised data from a prospective multicenter study to investigate the age-related differences in the survival benefit of anticoagulant therapy in sepsis according to the DIC diagnostic criteria. Adult patients with severe sepsis based on the Sepsis-2 criteria were enrolled and divided into the following groups: (1) anticoagulant group (patients who received anticoagulant therapy) and (2) non-anticoagulant group (patients who did not receive anticoagulant therapy). Patients in the former group were administered antithrombin, recombinant human thrombomodulin, or their combination. The increases in the risk of hospital mortality were suppressed in the high-DIC-score patients aged 60-70 years receiving anticoagulant therapy. No favorable association of anti-coagulant therapy with hospital mortality was observed in patients aged 50 years and 80 years. Furthermore, anticoagulant therapy in the lower-DIC-score range increased the risk of hospital mortality in patients aged 50-60 years. In conclusion, anticoagulant therapy was associated with decreased hospital mortality according to a higher DIC score in septic patients aged 60-70 years. Anticoagulant therapy, however, was not associated with a better outcome in relatively younger and older patients with sepsis.
  • Yumi Mitsuyama, Kazuma Yamakawa, Katsuhide Kayano, Miho Maruyama, Yutaka Umemura, Takeshi Wada, Satoshi Fujimi
    Acute medicine & surgery 9 (1) e803  2022 
    AIM: To clarify the immune cellular changes in critically ill patients recovering from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). METHODS: The immune response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with severe COVID-19 in different stages of recovery (3, 6, and 12 months from hospitalization) was evaluated by single-cell mass cytometry. Immunological changes in patients were compared with those in age-matched healthy donors. RESULTS: Three patients with severe COVID-19 were compared with four healthy donors. In the patients, there was an increase in the cell density of CD4- and CD8-positive T lymphocytes, and B cells, over the course of the recovery period. CD4- and CD8-positive T lymphocytes expressing T-bet and granzyme B (Gzm B) in patients were abundant during all recovery periods. The level of regulatory T cells remained high throughout the year. The levels of natural killer (NK) cells in patients were higher than in those in the healthy donors, and the frequency of CD16+ NK cells expressing Gzm B increased throughout the year. CONCLUSION: Patients recovering from severe COVID-19 showed persistence of cytotoxic lymphocytes, NK cells, and regulatory T cells throughout the posthospitalization year of recovery.
  • Takeshi Wada, Atsushi Shiraishi, Satoshi Gando, Daijiro Kabata, Kazuma Yamakawa, Seitaro Fujishima, Daizoh Saitoh, Shigeki Kushimoto, Hiroshi Ogura, Toshikazu Abe, Toshihiko Mayumi, Yasuhiro Otomo
    Frontiers in immunology 13 1026163 - 1026163 2022 
    INTRODUCTION: Trauma activates the innate immune system to modulate hemostasis and minimize the damage caused by physiological bodily responses, including the activation of coagulation. Sufficiently severe trauma overwhelms physiological responses and elicits the systemic inflammatory response syndrome, which leads to the onset of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), characterized by dysregulated inflammatory coagulofibrinolytic responses. Impaired anticoagulant mechanisms, including antithrombin, constitutes the pathology of DIC, while the dynamics of antithrombin and relevance to outcomes in trauma-induced coagulopathy have not been fully elucidated. This study investigated the associations of antithrombin activity with DIC onset and outcomes in severely injured patients. METHODS: This retrospective sub-analysis of a multicenter, prospective study included patients with an injury severity score ≥16. We characterized trauma patients with low antithrombin activity (antithrombin <80% on hospital arrival, n = 75) in comparison with those who had normal antithrombin activity (antithrombin ≥80%, n = 200). Global markers of coagulation and fibrinolysis, molecular biomarkers for thrombin generation (soluble fibrin [SF]), and markers of anticoagulation (antithrombin) were evaluated to confirm the associations of antithrombin with DIC development and outcomes, including in-hospital mortality and the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). RESULTS: Patients with low antithrombin activity had higher prevalence of shock, transfusion requirements, and in-hospital mortality. Higher DIC scores and more severe organ dysfunction were observed in the low AT group compared to that in the normal AT group. Antithrombin activity on arrival at the hospital was an independent predictor of the development of DIC in trauma patients, and levels of SF increased with lower antithrombin values (antithrombin activity > 85%). Antithrombin activity at 3 h showed good predictive performance for in-hospital mortality, and a multivariable Cox proportional-hazard regression model with a cross-product term between the antithrombin and DIC showed that the in-hospital mortality in patients with DIC increased with decreased antithrombin activity. A multivariable logistic regression model showed that the odds for the development of MODS in patients with DIC increased with lower antithrombin values. CONCLUSION: Decreased antithrombin activity in trauma-induced coagulopathy is associated with poor outcomes through worsening of DIC.
  • Asumi Mizugaki, Takeshi Wada, Takumi Tsuchida, Yoshitaka Oda, Katsuhide Kayano, Kazuma Yamakawa, Shinya Tanaka
    Frontiers in medicine 9 982399 - 982399 2022 
    BACKGROUND: The disruption of immune homeostasis after trauma is a major cause of post-traumatic organ dysfunction and/or sepsis. Recently, a variety of neutrophil phenotypes with distinct functions have been identified and suggested as involved in various clinical conditions. The association between neutrophil phenotypes and post-traumatic immunodeficiency has also been reported, yet the specific neutrophil phenotypes and their functional significance in post-traumatic sepsis have not been fully clarified. Therefore, we sought to investigate neutrophil phenotypic changes in a murine model, as these may hold prognostic value in post-traumatic sepsis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Third-degree burns affecting 25% of the body surface area were used to establish trauma model, and sepsis was induced 24 h later through cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). The Burn/CLP post-traumatic sepsis model and the Sham/CLP control model were established to assess the immunological status after trauma. Histopathological evaluation was performed on the spleen, liver, kidneys, and lung tissues. Immunological evaluation included the assessment of neutrophil markers using mass cytometry as well as cytokine measurements in serum and ascitic fluid through multiplex analysis using LUMINEX®. RESULTS: The Burn/CLP group had a lower survival rate than the Sham/CLP group. Histopathological examination revealed an impaired immune response and more advanced organ damage in the Burn/CLP group. Furthermore, the Burn/CLP group exhibited higher levels of transforming growth factor-beta 1 in the blood and generally lower levels of cytokines than the Sham/CLP group. CD11b, which is involved in neutrophil adhesion and migration, was highly expressed on neutrophils in the Burn/CLP group. The expression of CD172a, which is related to the inhibition of phagocytosis, was also upregulated on neutrophils in the Burn/CLP group. The expression of sialic acid-binding lg-like lectin F and CD68 also differed between the two groups. CONCLUSION: Different neutrophil phenotypes were observed between Burn/CLP and Sham/CLP groups, suggesting that neutrophils are implicated in the immune imbalance following trauma. However, further studies are needed to prove the causal relationships between neutrophil phenotypes and outcomes, including survival rate and organ dysfunction.
  • Masaki Takahashi, Takeshi Wada, Ryuta Nakae, Yu Fujiki, Takahiro Kanaya, Yasuhiro Takayama, Go Suzuki, Yasutaka Naoe, Shoji Yokobori
    Frontiers in immunology 13 981826 - 981826 2022 
    Coagulopathy management is an important strategy for preventing secondary brain damage in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Antithrombin (AT) is a natural anticoagulant that controls coagulation and inflammation pathways. However, the significance of AT activity levels for outcomes in patients with trauma remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between AT activity levels and long-term outcomes in patients with TBI; this was a sub-analysis of a prior study that collected blood samples of trauma patients prospectively in a tertiary care center in Kawaguchi City, Japan. We included patients with isolated TBI (iTBI) aged ≥16 years admitted directly to our hospital within 1 h after injury between April 2018 and March 2021. General coagulofibrinolytic and specific molecular biomarkers, including AT, were measured at 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 h after injury. We analyzed changes in the AT activity levels during the study period and the impact of the AT activity levels on long-term outcomes, the Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended (GOSE), 6 months after injury. 49 patients were included in this study; 24 had good neurological outcomes (GOSE 6-8), and 25 had poor neurological outcomes (GOSE 1-5). Low AT activity levels were shown within 1 h after injury in patients in the poor GOSE group; this was associated with poor outcomes. Furthermore, AT activity levels 1 h after injury had a strong predictive value for long-term outcomes (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.871; 95% CI: 0.747-0.994). Multivariate logistic regression analysis with various biomarkers showed that AT was an independent factor of long-term outcome (adjusted odds ratio: 0.873; 95% CI: 0.765-0.996; p=0.043). Another multivariate analysis with severity scores showed that low AT activity levels were associated with poor outcomes (adjusted odds ratio: 0.909; 95% CI: 0.822-1.010; p=0.063). We demonstrated that the AT activity level soon after injury could be a predictor of long-term neurological prognosis in patients with iTBI.
  • Takumi Tsuchida, Takeshi Wada, Asumi Mizugaki, Yoshitaka Oda, Katsuhide Kayano, Kazuma Yamakawa, Shinya Tanaka
    Frontiers in medicine 9 765805 - 765805 2022 
    Background: Various animal models of sepsis have been developed to optimize sepsis treatment. However, therapeutic agents that were successful in animal models were rarely effective in human clinical trials. The cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) model is currently the gold standard for sepsis studies. However, its limitations include the high variability among researchers and the difficulty in comparing animals with different cecum shapes and sizes. In this study, we established a protocol for the creation of a simple and accessible sepsis rodent model using fecal suspensions that minimized differences in technical effects among researchers and individual differences in animals. Methods: A mouse model of sepsis using fecal suspension intraperitoneal injection (FSI) was created using fresh stool excreted within 24 h. The collected fresh stool was dissolved in saline solution and filtered. The obtained fecal suspension was injected intraperitoneally into the mice. Moreover, fecal suspensions with different concentrations were prepared, and the survival rates were compared among the fecal suspensions for each concentration. To assess the validity of the FSI as a sepsis model, CLP and FSI with similar mortality rates were compared pathologically, physiologically, immunologically, and bacteriologically. Histopathological comparison was evaluated by hematoxylin-eosin and Gram staining of the parenchymal organs. Physiological evaluation was performed by comparing the respiratory rate, body temperature, and blood gas analysis results. Immunological assessment was performed using multiplex analysis. Bacteriological comparisons were performed by culturing ascites fluid. Results: The FSI model increased mortality in proportion to the fecal suspension concentration. The mortality rate was reduced with antibiotic administration. In various comparative experiments conducted using the FSI and CLP models, both models showed findings consistent with sepsis. Furthermore, the FSI model showed less variability among the individuals in each test. Conclusion: This is the first detailed and accurate report of a protocol for creating a sepsis model using fecal suspension. The FSI model is a minimally invasive and accessible sepsis rodent model. Its clinical validity as a sepsis model was proven via histological, physiological, microbiological, and immunological evaluation methods. The FSI model minimizes individual differences between mice and helps to conduct accurate studies after the onset of sepsis.
  • Yumi Mitsuyama, Kazuma Yamakawa, Katsuhide Kayano, Miho Maruyama, Takeshi Wada, Satoshi Fujimi
    Journal of intensive care 9 (1) 76 - 76 2021/12/20 
    We evaluated the peripheral blood immune responses of lymphocytes in severe Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients in different stages of recovery using single-cell mass cytometry. The patients with prolonged hospitalization did not show recovery of B lymphocyte counts and CD4-positive T lymphocyte counts but did show abundant CD8-positive T lymphocytes. CD4 and CD8 T cells expressing high levels of T-bet and Granzyme B were more abundant in post-recovery patients. This study showed that cytotoxic Th1 and CD8 T cells are recruited to the peripheral blood long after recovery from COVID-19.
  • 胃気腫症を認め後腹膜膿瘍を伴う敗血症性ショックに対して緊急開腹手術による治療が奏功した一例
    本間 慶憲, 早川 峰司, 前川 邦彦, 和田 剛志, 方波見 謙一, 吉田 知由, 斎藤 智誉, 早水 真理子, 水柿 明日美, 定本 圭弘, 執行 亜希子
    日本救急医学会雑誌 (一社)日本救急医学会 32 (12) 2579 - 2579 0915-924X 2021/11
  • Mineji Hayakawa, Takumi Tsuchida, Yoshinori Honma, Asumi Mizugaki, Takayoshi Ooyasu, Tomonao Yoshida, Tomoyo Saito, Kenichi Katabami, Takeshi Wada, Kunihiko Maekawa
    Scientific reports 11 (1) 20283 - 20283 2021/10/13 
    In severe trauma, excessive fibrinolytic activation is associated with an increase in the transfusion volume and mortality rate. However, in the first several hours after a blunt trauma, changes in fibrinolytic activation, suppression, and activation-suppression balance have not yet been elucidated, which the present study aimed to clarify. Anesthetized 9-week-old male Wistar S/T rats experienced severe blunt trauma while being placed inside the Noble-Collip drum. Rats were randomly divided into four groups of seven. The no-trauma group was not exposed to any trauma; the remaining groups were analysed 0, 60, and 180 min after trauma. Immediately following trauma, total tissue-plasminogen activator (tPA) levels significantly increased in the plasma, and the balance of active tPA and active plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) significantly tipped toward fibrinolytic activation. After trauma, both tPA and PAI-1 levels increased gradually in various organs and active and total PAI-1 levels increased exponentially in the plasma. Total plasma tPA levels 60 min after trauma returned quickly to levels comparable to those in the no-trauma group. In conclusion, fibrinolytic activation was observed only immediately following trauma. Therefore, immediately after trauma, the fibrinolytic system was activated; however, its activation was quickly and intensely suppressed.
  • 心停止蘇生後の低リン血症は予後不良因子である
    高橋 正樹, 和田 剛志, 中嶋 拓磨, 執行 亜希子, 田中 祥平, 田原 就, 吉田 知由, 方波見 謙一, 前川 邦彦, 早川 峰司
    日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (一社)日本集中治療医学会 28 (Suppl.2) 451 - 451 1340-7988 2021/09
  • Moritoki Egi, Hiroshi Ogura, Tomoaki Yatabe, Kazuaki Atagi, Shigeaki Inoue, Toshiaki Iba, Yasuyuki Kakihana, Tatsuya Kawasaki, Shigeki Kushimoto, Yasuhiro Kuroda, Joji Kotani, Nobuaki Shime, Takumi Taniguchi, Ryosuke Tsuruta, Kent Doi, Matsuyuki Doi, Taka-Aki Nakada, Masaki Nakane, Seitaro Fujishima, Naoto Hosokawa, Yoshiki Masuda, Asako Matsushima, Naoyuki Matsuda, Kazuma Yamakawa, Yoshitaka Hara, Masaaki Sakuraya, Shinichiro Ohshimo, Yoshitaka Aoki, Mai Inada, Yutaka Umemura, Yusuke Kawai, Yutaka Kondo, Hiroki Saito, Shunsuke Taito, Chikashi Takeda, Takero Terayama, Hideo Tohira, Hideki Hashimoto, Kei Hayashida, Toru Hifumi, Tomoya Hirose, Tatsuma Fukuda, Tomoko Fujii, Shinya Miura, Hideto Yasuda, Toshikazu Abe, Kohkichi Andoh, Yuki Iida, Tadashi Ishihara, Kentaro Ide, Kenta Ito, Yusuke Ito, Yu Inata, Akemi Utsunomiya, Takeshi Unoki, Koji Endo, Akira Ouchi, Masayuki Ozaki, Satoshi Ono, Morihiro Katsura, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Yusuke Kawamura, Daisuke Kudo, Kenji Kubo, Kiyoyasu Kurahashi, Hideaki Sakuramoto, Akira Shimoyama, Takeshi Suzuki, Shusuke Sekine, Motohiro Sekino, Nozomi Takahashi, Sei Takahashi, Hiroshi Takahashi, Takashi Tagami, Goro Tajima, Hiroomi Tatsumi, Masanori Tani, Asuka Tsuchiya, Yusuke Tsutsumi, Takaki Naito, Masaharu Nagae, Ichiro Nagasawa, Kensuke Nakamura, Tetsuro Nishimura, Shin Nunomiya, Yasuhiro Norisue, Satoru Hashimoto, Daisuke Hasegawa, Junji Hatakeyama, Naoki Hara, Naoki Higashibeppu, Nana Furushima, Hirotaka Furusono, Yujiro Matsuishi, Tasuku Matsuyama, Yusuke Minematsu, Ryoichi Miyashita, Yuji Miyatake, Megumi Moriyasu, Toru Yamada, Hiroyuki Yamada, Ryo Yamamoto, Takeshi Yoshida, Yuhei Yoshida, Jumpei Yoshimura, Ryuichi Yotsumoto, Hiroshi Yonekura, Takeshi Wada, Eizo Watanabe, Makoto Aoki, Hideki Asai, Takakuni Abe, Yutaka Igarashi, Naoya Iguchi, Masami Ishikawa, Go Ishimaru, Shutaro Isokawa, Ryuta Itakura, Hisashi Imahase, Haruki Imura, Takashi Irinoda, Kenji Uehara, Noritaka Ushio, Takeshi Umegaki, Yuko Egawa, Yuki Enomoto, Kohei Ota, Yoshifumi Ohchi, Takanori Ohno, Hiroyuki Ohbe, Kazuyuki Oka, Nobunaga Okada, Yohei Okada, Hiromu Okano, Jun Okamoto, Hiroshi Okuda, Takayuki Ogura, Yu Onodera, Yuhta Oyama, Motoshi Kainuma, Eisuke Kako, Masahiro Kashiura, Hiromi Kato, Akihiro Kanaya, Tadashi Kaneko, Keita Kanehata, Ken-Ichi Kano, Hiroyuki Kawano, Kazuya Kikutani, Hitoshi Kikuchi, Takahiro Kido, Sho Kimura, Hiroyuki Koami, Daisuke Kobashi, Iwao Saiki, Masahito Sakai, Ayaka Sakamoto, Tetsuya Sato, Yasuhiro Shiga, Manabu Shimoto, Shinya Shimoyama, Tomohisa Shoko, Yoh Sugawara, Atsunori Sugita, Satoshi Suzuki, Yuji Suzuki, Tomohiro Suhara, Kenji Sonota, Shuhei Takauji, Kohei Takashima, Sho Takahashi, Yoko Takahashi, Jun Takeshita, Yuuki Tanaka, Akihito Tampo, Taichiro Tsunoyama, Kenichi Tetsuhara, Kentaro Tokunaga, Yoshihiro Tomioka, Kentaro Tomita, Naoki Tominaga, Mitsunobu Toyosaki, Yukitoshi Toyoda, Hiromichi Naito, Isao Nagata, Tadashi Nagato, Yoshimi Nakamura, Yuki Nakamori, Isao Nahara, Hiromu Naraba, Chihiro Narita, Norihiro Nishioka, Tomoya Nishimura, Kei Nishiyama, Tomohisa Nomura, Taiki Haga, Yoshihiro Hagiwara, Katsuhiko Hashimoto, Takeshi Hatachi, Toshiaki Hamasaki, Takuya Hayashi, Minoru Hayashi, Atsuki Hayamizu, Go Haraguchi, Yohei Hirano, Ryo Fujii, Motoki Fujita, Naoyuki Fujimura, Hiraku Funakoshi, Masahito Horiguchi, Jun Maki, Naohisa Masunaga, Yosuke Matsumura, Takuya Mayumi, Keisuke Minami, Yuya Miyazaki, Kazuyuki Miyamoto, Teppei Murata, Machi Yanai, Takao Yano, Kohei Yamada, Naoki Yamada, Tomonori Yamamoto, Shodai Yoshihiro, Hiroshi Tanaka, Osamu Nishida
    Journal of intensive care 9 (1) 53 - 53 2021/08/25 
    The Japanese Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2020 (J-SSCG 2020), a Japanese-specific set of clinical practice guidelines for sepsis and septic shock created as revised from J-SSCG 2016 jointly by the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine and the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine, was first released in September 2020 and published in February 2021. An English-language version of these guidelines was created based on the contents of the original Japanese-language version. The purpose of this guideline is to assist medical staff in making appropriate decisions to improve the prognosis of patients undergoing treatment for sepsis and septic shock. We aimed to provide high-quality guidelines that are easy to use and understand for specialists, general clinicians, and multidisciplinary medical professionals. J-SSCG 2016 took up new subjects that were not present in SSCG 2016 (e.g., ICU-acquired weakness [ICU-AW], post-intensive care syndrome [PICS], and body temperature management). The J-SSCG 2020 covered a total of 22 areas with four additional new areas (patient- and family-centered care, sepsis treatment system, neuro-intensive treatment, and stress ulcers). A total of 118 important clinical issues (clinical questions, CQs) were extracted regardless of the presence or absence of evidence. These CQs also include those that have been given particular focus within Japan. This is a large-scale guideline covering multiple fields; thus, in addition to the 25 committee members, we had the participation and support of a total of 226 members who are professionals (physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, clinical engineers, and pharmacists) and medical workers with a history of sepsis or critical illness. The GRADE method was adopted for making recommendations, and the modified Delphi method was used to determine recommendations by voting from all committee members.As a result, 79 GRADE-based recommendations, 5 Good Practice Statements (GPS), 18 expert consensuses, 27 answers to background questions (BQs), and summaries of definitions and diagnosis of sepsis were created as responses to 118 CQs. We also incorporated visual information for each CQ according to the time course of treatment, and we will also distribute this as an app. The J-SSCG 2020 is expected to be widely used as a useful bedside guideline in the field of sepsis treatment both in Japan and overseas involving multiple disciplines.
  • Takumi Tsuchida, Kota Ono, Kunihiko Maekawa, Takeshi Wada, Kenichi Katabami, Tomonao Yoshida, Mineji Hayakawa
    Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine 29 (1) 117 - 117 2021/08/14 
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to compare and validate the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA); cardiac arrest hospital prognosis (CAHP); non-shockable rhythm, unwitnessed arrest, long no-flow or long low-flow period, blood pH < 7.2, lactate > 7.0 mmol/L, end-stage chronic kidney disease, age ≥ 85 years, still resuscitation, and extracardiac cause (NULL-PLEASE) clinical; post-cardiac arrest syndrome for therapeutic hypothermia (CAST); and revised CAST (rCAST) scores in OHCA patients treated with recent cardiopulmonary resuscitation strategies. METHODS: We retrospectively collected data on adult OHCA patients admitted to our emergency department between February 2015 and July 2018. OHCA, CAHP, NULL-PLEASE clinical, CAST, and rCAST scores were calculated based on the data collected. The predictive abilities of each score were tested using the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. RESULTS: We identified 236 OHCA patients from computer-based medical records and analyzed 189 without missing data. In OHCA patients without bystander witnesses, CAHP and OHCA scores were not calculated. Although the predictive abilities of the scores were not significantly different, the NULL-PLEASE score had a large AUC of ROC curve in various OHCA patients. Furthermore, in patients with bystander-witnessed OHCA, the NULL-PLEASE score had large partial AUCs of ROC from sensitivity 0.8-1.0 and specificity 0.8-1.0. CONCLUSIONS: The NULL-PLEASE score had a high, comprehensive predictive ability in various OHCA patients. Furthermore, the NULL-PLEASE score had a high predictive ability for good and poor neurological outcomes in patients with bystander-witnessed OHCA.
  • Satoshi Gando, Takeshi Wada
    Shock (Augusta, Ga.) 2021/06/24 
    BACKGROUND: The pathomechanisms of hypoxemia and treatment strategies for type H and type L acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-induced coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have not been elucidated. MAIN TEXT: SARS-CoV-2 mainly targets the lungs and blood, leading to ARDS, and systemic thrombosis or bleeding. Angiotensin II-induced coagulopathy, SARS-CoV-2-induced hyperfibrin(ogen)olysis, and pulmonary and/or disseminated intravascular coagulation due to immunothrombosis contribute to COVID-19-associated coagulopathy. Type H ARDS is associated with hypoxemia due to diffuse alveolar damage-induced high right-to-left shunts. Immunothrombosis occurs at the site of infection due to innate immune inflammatory and coagulofibrinolytic responses to SARS-CoV-2, resulting in microvascular occlusion with hypoperfusion of the lungs. Lung immunothrombosis in type L ARDS results from neutrophil extracellular traps containing platelets and fibrin in the lung microvasculature, leading to hypoxemia due to impaired blood flow and a high ventilation/perfusion (VA/Q) ratio. COVID-19-associated ARDS is more vascular centric than the other types of ARDS. D-dimer levels have been monitored for the progression of microvascular thrombosis in COVID-19 patients. Early anticoagulation therapy in critical patients with high D-dimer levels may improve prognosis, including the prevention and/or alleviation of ARDS. CONCLUSIONS: Right-to-left shunts and high VA/Q ratios caused by lung microvascular thrombosis contribute to hypoxemia in type H and L ARDS, respectively. D-dimer monitoring-based anticoagulation therapy may prevent the progression to and/or worsening of ARDS in COVID-19 patients.
  • Susumu Nakahashi, Hiroshi Imai, Nobutake Shimojo, Yasuhiro Magata, Takahiro Einama, Mineji Hayakawa, Takeshi Wada, Yuji Morimoto, Satoshi Gando
    Shock (Augusta, Ga.) 57 (2) 298 - 308 2021/06/08 
    ABSTRACT: Ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) can be life-threatening and it is important to prevent the development of VILI. It remains unclear whether the prone position affects neutrophilic inflammation in the lung regions in vivo, which plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of VILI. This study aimed to assess the relationship between the use of the prone position and the development of VILI-associated regional neutrophilic lung inflammation. Regional neutrophilic lung inflammation and lung aeration during low tidal volume mechanical ventilation were assessed using in vivo 2-deoxy-2-[(18)F] fluoro-D-glucose (18F-FDG) positron emission tomography and computed tomography in acutely experimentally injured rabbit lungs (lung injury induced by lung lavage and excessive ventilation). Direct comparisons were made among three groups: control, supine, and prone position. After approximately 7 hours, tissue-normalized 18F-FDG uptake differed significantly between the supine and prone positions (SUP: 0.038 ± 0.014 vs. PP: 0.029 ± 0.008, P = 0.038), especially in the ventral region (SUP: 0.052 ± 0.013 vs. PP: 0.026 ± 0.007, P = 0.003). The use of the prone position reduced lung inhomogeneities, which was demonstrated by the correction of the disproportionate rate of voxel gas over the given lung region. The progression of neutrophilic inflammation was affected by the interaction between the total strain (for aeration) and the inhomogeneity. The prone position is effective in slowing down the progression of VILI-associated neutrophilic inflammation. Under low-tidal-volume ventilation, the main drivers of the its effect may be homogenization of lung tissue and that of mechanical forces.
  • Takeshi Wada, Atsushi Shiraishi, Satoshi Gando, Kazuma Yamakawa, Seitaro Fujishima, Daizoh Saitoh, Shigeki Kushimoto, Hiroshi Ogura, Toshikazu Abe, Toshihiko Mayumi, Junichi Sasaki, Joji Kotani, Naoshi Takeyama, Ryosuke Tsuruta, Kiyotsugu Takuma, Norio Yamashita, Shin-Ichiro Shiraishi, Hiroto Ikeda, Yasukazu Shiino, Takehiko Tarui, Taka-Aki Nakada, Toru Hifumi, Kohji Okamoto, Yuichiro Sakamoto, Akiyoshi Hagiwara, Tomohiko Masuno, Masashi Ueyama, Satoshi Fujimi, Yutaka Umemura, Yasuhiro Otomo
    Scientific reports 11 (1) 11031 - 11031 2021/05/26 
    Trauma patients die from massive bleeding due to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) with a fibrinolytic phenotype in the early phase, which transforms to DIC with a thrombotic phenotype in the late phase of trauma, contributing to the development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and a consequently poor outcome. This is a sub-analysis of a multicenter prospective descriptive cross-sectional study on DIC to evaluate the effect of a DIC diagnosis on the survival probability and predictive performance of DIC scores for massive transfusion, MODS, and hospital death in severely injured trauma patients. A DIC diagnosis on admission was associated with a lower survival probability (Log Rank P < 0.001), higher frequency of massive transfusion and MODS and a higher mortality rate than no such diagnosis. The DIC scores at 0 and 3 h significantly predicted massive transfusion, MODS, and hospital death. Markers of thrombin and plasmin generation and fibrinolysis inhibition also showed a good predictive ability for these three items. In conclusion, a DIC diagnosis on admission was associated with a low survival probability. DIC scores obtained immediately after trauma predicted a poor prognosis of severely injured trauma patients.
  • Takeshi Wada, Atsushi Shiraishi, Satoshi Gando, Kazuma Yamakawa, Seitaro Fujishima, Daizoh Saitoh, Shigeki Kushimoto, Hiroshi Ogura, Toshikazu Abe, Toshihiko Mayumi, Junichi Sasaki, Joji Kotani, Naoshi Takeyama, Ryosuke Tsuruta, Kiyotsugu Takuma, Shin-Ichiro Shiraishi, Yasukazu Shiino, Taka-Aki Nakada, Kohji Okamoto, Yuichiro Sakamoto, Akiyoshi Hagiwara, Satoshi Fujimi, Yutaka Umemura, Yasuhiro Otomo
    Frontiers in medicine 8 767637 - 767637 2021 
    Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI)-associated coagulopathy is a widely recognized risk factor for secondary brain damage and contributes to poor clinical outcomes. Various theories, including disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), have been proposed regarding its pathomechanisms; no consensus has been reached thus far. This study aimed to elucidate the pathophysiology of TBI-induced coagulopathy by comparing coagulofibrinolytic changes in isolated TBI (iTBI) to those in non-TBI, to determine the associated factors, and identify the clinical significance of DIC diagnosis in patients with iTBI. Methods: This secondary multicenter, prospective study assessed patients with severe trauma. iTBI was defined as Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) scores ≥4 in the head and neck, and ≤2 in other body parts. Non-TBI was defined as AIS scores ≥4 in single body parts other than the head and neck, and the absence of AIS scores ≥3 in any other trauma-affected parts. Specific biomarkers for thrombin and plasmin generation, anticoagulation, and fibrinolysis inhibition were measured at the presentation to the emergency department (0 h) and 3 h after arrival. Results: We analyzed 34 iTBI and 40 non-TBI patients. Baseline characteristics, transfusion requirements and in-hospital mortality did not significantly differ between groups. The changes in coagulation/fibrinolysis-related biomarkers were similar. Lactate levels in the iTBI group positively correlated with DIC scores (rho = -0.441, p = 0.017), but not with blood pressure (rho = -0.098, p = 0.614). Multiple logistic regression analyses revealed that the injury severity score was an independent predictor of DIC development in patients with iTBI (odds ratio = 1.237, p = 0.018). Patients with iTBI were further subdivided into two groups: DIC (n = 15) and non-DIC (n = 19) groups. Marked thrombin and plasmin generation were observed in all patients with iTBI, especially those with DIC. Patients with iTBI and DIC had higher requirements for massive transfusion and emergency surgery, and higher in-hospital mortality than those without DIC. Furthermore, DIC development significantly correlated with poor hospital survival; DIC scores at 0 h were predictive of in-hospital mortality. Conclusions: Coagulofibrinolytic changes in iTBI and non-TBI patients were identical, and consistent with the pathophysiology of DIC. DIC diagnosis in the early phase of TBI is key in predicting the outcomes of severe TBI.
  • Satoshi Gando, Takeshi Wada
    Frontiers in immunology 12 649122 - 649122 2021 
    Thromboplasminflammation in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) coagulopathy consists of angiotensin II (Ang II)-induced coagulopathy, activated factor XII (FXIIa)- and kallikrein, kinin system-enhanced fibrinolysis, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). All three conditions induce systemic inflammation via each pathomechanism-developed production of inflammatory cytokines. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) downregulates angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, leading to an increase in Ang II levels. Ang II-induced coagulopathy comprising platelet activation, thrombin generation, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expression and endothelial injury causes thrombosis via the angiotensin II type 1 receptor. SARS-CoV-2 RNA and neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) DNA activate FXII, resulting in plasmin generation through FXIIa- and kallikrein-mediated plasminogen conversion to plasmin and bradykinin-induced tissue-type plasminogen activator release from the endothelium via the kinin B2 receptor. NETs induce immunothrombosis at the site of infection (lungs), through histone- and DNA-mediated thrombin generation, insufficient anticoagulation control, and inhibition of fibrinolysis. However, if the infection is sufficiently severe, immunothrombosis disseminates into the systemic circulation, and DIC, which is associated with the endothelial injury, occurs. Inflammation, and serine protease networks of coagulation and fibrinolysis, militate each other through complement pathways, which exacerbates three pathologies of COVID-19 coagulopathy. COVID-19 coagulopathy causes microvascular thrombosis and bleeding, resulting in multiple organ dysfunction and death in critically ill patients. Treatment targets for improving the prognosis of COVID-19 coagulopathy include thrombin, plasmin, and inflammation, and SARS-CoV-2 infection. Several drugs are candidates for controlling these conditions; however, further advances are required to establish robust treatments based on a clear understanding of molecular mechanisms of COVID-19 coagulopathy.
  • Takumi Tsuchida, Takeshi Wada, Satoshi Gando
    Frontiers in medicine 8 651832 - 651832 2021 
    Background: In recent years, the use of veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) in patients with cardiopulmonary arrest who do not respond to conventional resuscitation, has increased. However, despite the development of VA-ECMO, the outcomes of resuscitated patients remain poor. The poor prognosis may be attributed to deterioration owing to the post-cardiac arrest syndrome (PCAS); this includes the systemic inflammatory response and coagulation activation caused by the extracorporeal circulation (VA-ECMO circuit) itself. This study aimed to evaluate the coagulofibrinolytic changes caused by VA-ECMO and to identify predictive factors of poor prognosis. Methods: We analyzed 151 cases of PCAS with witnessed cardiac arrest. As biomarkers, platelet counts, prothrombin time ratio, fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products, fibrinogen, antithrombin, and lactate were recorded from blood samples from the time of delivery to the third day of hospitalization. The maximum (max) and minimum (min) values of each factor during the study period were calculated. To evaluate the impact of VA-ECMO on patients with PCAS, we performed propensity score matching between the patients who received and did not receive VA-ECMO. Sub-analysis was performed for the group with VA-ECMO. Results: There were significant differences in all baseline characteristics and demographics except the time from detection to hospital arrival, percentage of cardiopulmonary resuscitations (CPR) by witnesses, and the initial rhythm between the groups. Propensity score matching adjusted for prehospital factors demonstrated that the patients who received VA-ECMO developed significantly severe coagulation disorders. In a sub-analysis, significant differences were noted in the prothrombin time ratio min, fibrinogen max, antithrombin max, and lactate min between survivors and non-survivors. In particular, the prothrombin time ratio min and antithrombin max were strongly correlated with poor outcome. Conclusion: In the present study, significant coagulopathy was observed in patients who received VA-ECMO for CPR. In particular, in patients receiving VA-ECMO, the minimum prothrombin time ratio and maximum antithrombin by day 3 of hospitalization were strongly correlated with poor outcomes. These results suggest that VA-ECMO-induced coagulopathy can be a promising therapeutic target for patients resuscitated by VA-ECMO.
  • 江⽊ 盛時, ⿊⽥ 泰弘, ⼭⽥ 亨, ⼭⽥ 博之, ⼭元 良, 吉⽥ 健史, 吉⽥ 悠平, 吉村 旬平, 四本 ⻯⼀, ⽶倉 寛, 和⽥ 剛志, 渡邉 栄三, ⼩⾕ 穣治, ⻘⽊ 誠, 浅井 英樹, 安部 隆国, 五⼗嵐 豊, 井⼝ 直也, ⽯川 雅⺒, ⽯丸 剛, 磯川 修太郎, 板倉 隆太, 今⻑⾕ 尚史, 志⾺ 伸朗, 井村 春樹, ⼊野⽥ 崇, 上原 健司, ⽣塩 典敬, 梅垣 岳志, 江川 裕⼦, 榎本 有希, 太⽥ 浩平, ⼤地 嘉史, ⼤野 孝則, ⾕⼝ 巧, ⼤邉 寛幸, 岡 和幸, 岡⽥ 信⻑, 岡⽥ 遥平, 岡野 弘, 岡本 潤, 奥⽥ 拓史, ⼩倉 崇以, ⼩野寺 悠, ⼩⼭ 雄太, 鶴⽥ 良介, ⾙沼 関志, 加古 英介, 柏浦 正広, 加藤 弘美, ⾦⾕ 明浩, ⾦⼦ 唯, ⾦畑 圭太, 狩野 謙⼀, 河野 浩幸, 菊⾕ 知也, ⼟井 研⼈, 菊地 ⻫, 城⼾ 崇裕, ⽊村 翔, ⼩網 博之, ⼩橋 ⼤輔, ⿑⽊ 巌, 堺 正仁, 坂本 彩⾹, 佐藤 哲哉, 志賀 康浩, ⼟井 松幸, 下⼾ 学, 下⼭ 伸哉, 庄古 知久, 菅原 陽, 杉⽥ 篤紀, 鈴⽊ 聡, 鈴⽊ 祐⼆, 壽原 朋宏, 其⽥ 健司, ⾼⽒ 修平, 中⽥ 孝明, ⾼島 光平, ⾼橋 ⽣, ⾼橋 洋⼦, ⽵下 淳, ⽥中 裕記, 丹保 亜希仁, ⾓⼭ 泰⼀朗, 鉄原 健⼀, 徳永 健太郎, 富岡 義裕, 中根 正樹, 冨⽥ 健太朗, 富永 直樹, 豊﨑 光信, 豊⽥ 幸樹年, 内藤 宏道, 永⽥ 功, ⻑⾨ 直, 中村 嘉, 中森 裕毅, 名原 功, 藤島 清太郎, 奈良場 啓, 成⽥ 知⼤, ⻄岡 典宏, ⻄村 朋也, ⻄⼭ 慶, 野村 智久, 芳賀 ⼤樹, 萩原 祥弘, 橋本 克彦, 旗智 武志, ⼩倉 裕司, 細川 直登, 浜崎 俊明, 林 拓也, 林 実, 速⽔ 宏樹, 原⼝ 剛, 平野 洋平, 藤井 遼, 藤⽥ 基, 藤村 直幸, 舩越 拓, 升⽥ 好樹, 堀⼝ 真仁, 牧 盾, 增永 直久, 松村 洋輔, 真⼸ 卓也, 南 啓介, 宮崎 裕也, 宮本 和幸, 村⽥ 哲平, 柳井 真知, 松嶋 ⿇⼦, ⽮野 隆郎, ⼭⽥ 浩平, ⼭⽥ 直樹, ⼭本 朋納, 吉廣 尚⼤, ⽥中 裕, ⻄⽥ 修, 松⽥ 直之, ⼭川 ⼀⾺, 原 嘉孝, ⼤下 慎⼀郎, ⻘⽊ 善孝, 稲⽥ ⿇⾐, 梅村 穣, ⽮⽥部 智昭, 河合 佑亮, 近藤 豊, 斎藤 浩輝, 櫻⾕ 正明, 對東 俊介, 武⽥ 親宗, 寺⼭ 毅郎, 東平 ⽇出夫, 橋本 英樹, 林⽥ 敬, 安宅 ⼀晃, ⼀⼆三 亨, 廣瀬 智也, 福⽥ ⿓将, 藤井 智⼦, 三浦 慎也, 安⽥ 英⼈, 阿部 智⼀, 安藤 幸吉, 飯⽥ 有輝, ⽯原 唯史, 井上 茂亮, 井⼿ 健太郎, 伊藤 健太, 伊藤 雄介, 稲⽥ 雄, 宇都宮 明美, 卯野⽊ 健, 遠藤 功⼆, ⼤内 玲, 尾崎 将之, ⼩野 聡, 射場 敏明, 桂 守弘, 川⼝ 敦, 川村 雄介, ⼯藤 ⼤介, 久保 健児, 倉橋 清泰, 櫻本 秀明, 下⼭ 哲, 鈴⽊ 武志, 関根 秀介, 垣花 泰之, 関野 元裕, ⾼橋 希, ⾼橋 世, ⾼橋 弘, ⽥上 隆, ⽥島 吾郎, 巽 博⾂, ⾕ 昌憲, ⼟⾕ ⾶⿃, 堤 悠介, 川崎 達也, 内藤 貴基, ⻑江 正晴, ⻑澤 俊郎, 中村 謙介, ⻄村 哲郎, 布宮 伸, 則末 泰博, 橋本 悟, ⻑⾕川 ⼤祐, 畠⼭ 淳司, 久志本 成樹, 原 直⼰, 東別府 直紀, 古島 夏奈, 古薗 弘隆, 松⽯ 雄⼆朗, 松⼭ 匡, 峰松 佑輔, 宮下 亮⼀, 宮武 祐⼠, 森安 恵実
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine 一般社団法人 日本集中治療医学会 27 (Suppl.) 263 - 263 1340-7988 2020/12 

  • Satoshi Gando, Atsushi Shiraishi, Takeshi Wada, Kazuma Yamakawa, Seitaro Fujishima, Daizoh Saitoh, Shigeki Kushimoto, Hiroshi Ogura, Toshikazu Abe, Yasuhiro Otomo
    Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH 18 (9) 2232 - 2244 2020/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
    BACKGROUND: Trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC) may progress to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) due to dysregulated inflammatory and coagulofibrinolytic responses to trauma. OBJECTIVES: We explored how DIC and TIC elicit the same coagulofibrinolytic changes which lead to massive transfusion. METHODS: Severely injured trauma patients with an injury severity score ≥ 16 were prospectively included. Platelet counts, global markers of coagulation and fibrinolysis and specific markers of thrombin and plasmin generation, anticoagulation, endothelial injury, and inhibition of fibrinolysis were measured at presentation to the emergency department (0 hour) and 3 hour after arrival. The patients were subdivided into those with and without DIC and those with and without TIC using the 0-hour data. Time courses of specific markers and the frequency of massive transfusion were evaluated. The association of various variables with DIC development was also confirmed. RESULTS: Two hundred and seventy-six patients were eligible for the analyses. The severity of injury (odds ratio; 1.038, P = .022) and thrombin generation (odds ratio; 1.014, P = .024) were associated with the development of DIC. Both DIC and TIC patients showed increased thrombin generation, insufficient anticoagulation controls, endothelial injury and increased fibrinolysis followed by elevated plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 levels at 0 and 3 hours. The frequency of massive transfusion was higher in both DIC (33.6% vs 7.9%, P < .001) and TIC (50.0% vs 13.3%, P < .001) patients than in those without DIC or TIC, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Disseminated intravascular coagulation and TIC evoked the same coagulofibrinolytic responses in severely injured trauma patients immediately after trauma and needed massive transfusion.
  • Mineji Hayakwa, Takayoshi Ooyasu, Yoshihiro Sadamoto, Tomoyo Saito, Tomonao Yoshida, Kenichi Katabami, Takeshi Wada, Kunihiko Maekawa, Masahiro Ieko
    Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis 26 1938-2723 2020 
    We investigated the relationships between circulating procoagulants and trauma severity, including cellular destruction, and the effects of thrombin generation on procoagulants in a rat blunt trauma model. The rats were subjected to tumbling blunt trauma, where they were tumbled for 0, 250, 500, or 1000 revolutions. Creatine kinase, nucleosome, and microparticle plasma levels increased gradually with trauma severity. Strong interrelationships were observed among creatine kinase, nucleosome, and microparticle levels. Time to initiation of thrombin generation shortened with increasing trauma severity. In accordance with trauma severity, prothrombin activity decreased, but the thrombin generation ratio increased. Time to initiation of thrombin generation and the thrombin generation ratio correlated with creatine kinase levels. In an in vitro study, a homogenized muscle solution, which included massive nucleosomes and microparticles, showed accelerated thrombin generation of plasma from healthy subjects. Procoagulants, such as microparticles and nucleosomes, are released from destroyed parenchymal cells immediately after external traumatic force, activating the coagulation cascade. The procoagulants shorten the time to initiation of thrombin generation. Furthermore, although coagulation factors are consumed, the thrombin generation ratio increases.
  • Tomoyo Saito, Mineji Hayakawa, Yoshinori Honma, Asumi Mizugaki, Tomonao Yoshida, Kenichi Katabami, Takeshi Wada, Kunihiko Maekawa
    Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis 26 107602962093300 - 107602962093300 1076-0296 2020/01/01 
    The association between severity of fibrinolysis, ascertained by rotational thromboelastometry to diagnose hyperfibrinolysis in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), and conventional fibrinolysis markers (ie, tissue-plasminogen activator [t-PA], plasminogen, α2-plasmin inhibitor [α2-PI], and plasminogen activator inhibitor [PAI]) with key roles in the fibrinolytic system was investigated. This prospective observational study included 5 healthy volunteers and 35 patients with OHCA from the Hokkaido University Hospital. Blood samples were drawn immediately upon admission to the emergency department. Assessments of the extrinsic pathway using tissue factor activation (EXTEM) and of fibrinolysis by comparison with EXTEM after aprotinin addition (APTEM) were undertaken. Conventional coagulation and fibrinolysis markers were measured in the stored plasma samples. Significant hyperfibrinolysis observed in EXTEM disappeared in APTEM. Patients exhibited significantly higher levels of fibrinogen/fibrin degradation products, plasmin–α2-PI complex, and t-PA but lower levels of fibrinogen, plasminogen, and α2-PI than healthy controls. The PAI level was unchanged. Fibrinolytic parameters of EXTEM correlated with levels of lactate and conventional fibrinolysis markers, especially t-PA. Increased t-PA activity and decreased plasminogen and α2-PI significantly correlated with increased severity of fibrinolysis (hyperfibrinolysis).
  • Yuki Itagaki, Mineji Hayakawa, Kunihiko Maekawa, Tomoyo Saito, Akira Kodate, Yoshinori Honma, Asumi Mizugaki, Tomonao Yoshida, Takayoshi Ohyasu, Kenichi Katabami, Takeshi Wada
    World journal of emergency surgery : WJES 15 7 - 7 2020 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: Fibrinogen plays an important role in haemostasis during the early phase of trauma, and low fibrinogen levels after severe trauma are associated with haemostatic impairment, massive bleeding, and poor outcomes. Aggressive fibrinogen supplementation may improve haemostatic function, as fibrinogen levels deteriorate before other routine coagulation parameters in this setting. Therefore, we evaluated whether early administration of fibrinogen concentrate (FC) was associated with improved survival in severe trauma patients. Methods: This single-centre retrospective study evaluated patients with severe trauma (injury severity score ≥ 16) who were admitted to our emergency department between January 2010 and July 2018. The exclusion criteria included age < 18 years, cardiac arrest before emergency department arrival, cervical spinal cord injury not caused by a high-energy accident, and severe burn injuries. The FC and control groups included trauma patients who received and did not receive FC within 1 h after emergency department arrival, respectively. Propensity scores were used to balance the two groups based on the trauma and injury severity score (TRISS), heart rate at emergency department admission, and age. The primary outcome was the in-hospital survival rate. Results: The propensity scoring model had a c-statistic of 0.734, the Hosmer-Lemeshow chi-squared value was 7.036 (degrees of freedom = 8), and the non-significant p value of 0.533 indicated a good model fit. The propensity score matching created 31 matched pairs of patients, who had appropriately balanced characteristics. The FC group had a significantly higher in-hospital survival rate than the control group (log-rank p = 0.013). The FC group also used significantly higher amounts of red blood cells and fresh frozen plasma within 6 h after emergency department admission. However, the two groups had similar transfusion amounts between 6 and 24 h after emergency department admission. Conclusions: The present study revealed that early FC administration was associated with a favourable survival rate among severe trauma patients. Therefore, FC may be useful for the early management of trauma-induced coagulopathy and may improve outcomes in this setting.
  • Takeshi Wada, Kazuma Yamakawa
    Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH 17 (9) 1571 - 1574 1538-7933 2019/09 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Seshadri A, Brat GA, Yorkgitis BK, Giangola M, Keegan J, Nguyen JP, Li W, Nakahori Y, Wada T, Hauser C, Salim A, Askari R, Lederer JA
    The journal of trauma and acute care surgery 87 (2) 337 - 341 2163-0755 2019/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Gando S, Wada T
    Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH 17 (8) 1205 - 1216 1538-7933 2019/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Toshiaki Iba, Yutaka Umemura, Eizo Watanabe, Takeshi Wada, Kei Hayashida, Shigeki Kushimoto
    Acute medicine & surgery 6 (3) 223 - 232 2019/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a frequent complication in sepsis. Once patients develop DIC, the mortality rate increases significantly. Moreover, recent studies have suggested that coagulation disorder plays a significant role in the development of organ dysfunction in sepsis. Thus, the early detection of DIC is vital in sepsis care, and the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine established a set of original diagnostic criteria in 2006 (JAAM DIC). Since then, the usefulness of the JAAM DIC has been repeatedly reported, and these criteria have been widely adopted in emergency and critical care settings in Japan. Different criteria have also been released by the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH overt-DIC), and the latter criteria are presently considered to be the international standard. Compared with the JAAM DIC, the ISTH overt-DIC criteria are stricter and the timing of diagnosis is later. This discrepancy is because of conceptual differences. As many physicians think sepsis-associated DIC is the target of anticoagulant therapies in Japan, the JAAM DIC criteria were designed to allow the early initiation of treatment. As other countries do not provide DIC-specific treatments, early diagnosis is not necessary, and this situation has led to a significant gap. However, as overt-DIC is a late-phase coagulation disorder, a need for early detection has been advocated, and members of the ISTH have recently proposed the category of sepsis-induced coagulopathy. In this review, we introduce the strengths and weaknesses of the major criteria including JAAM-DIC, ISTH overt-DIC, sepsis-induced coagulopathy, and Japanese Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis-DIC.
  • Toshiaki Iba, Eizo Watanabe, Yutaka Umemura, Takeshi Wada, Kei Hayashida, Shigeki Kushimoto, Hideo Wada
    Journal of intensive care 7 32 - 32 2019 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a common complication in sepsis. Since DIC not only promotes organ dysfunction but also is a strong prognostic factor, its diagnosis at the earliest possible timing is important. Thrombocytopenia is often present in patients with DIC but can also occur in a number of other critical conditions. Of note, many of the rare thrombocytopenic diseases require prompt diagnoses and specific treatments. To differentiate these diseases correctly, the phenotypic expressions must be considered and the different disease pathophysiologies must be understood. There are three major players in the background characteristics of thrombocytopenia: platelets, the coagulation system, and vascular endothelial cells. For example, the activation of coagulation is at the core of the pathogenesis of sepsis-associated DIC, while platelet aggregation is the essential mechanism in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and endothelial damage is the hallmark of hemolytic uremic syndrome. Though each of the three players is important in all thrombocytopenic diseases, one of the three dominant players typically establishes the individual features of each disease. In this review, we introduce the pathogeneses, symptoms, diagnostic measures, and recent therapeutic advances for the major diseases that should be immediately differentiated from DIC in sepsis.
  • Takeshi Wada, Satoshi Gando, Kunihiko Maekaw, Kenichi Katabami, Hisako Sageshima, Mineji Hayakawa, Atsushi Sawamura
    Critical Care 21 (1) 219  1466-609X 2017/08/22 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: There is evidence to demonstrate that the coagulopathy which occurs in patients with traumatic brain injury coincides with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). We hypothesized that DIC with increased fibrinolysis during the early stage of isolated traumatic brain injury (iTBI) affects the outcome of the patients and that hypoperfusion contributes to hyperfibrinolysis in the DIC. Methods: This retrospective study included 92 patients with iTBI who were divided into DIC and non-DIC groups according to the Japanese Association Acute Medicine DIC scoring system. The DIC patients were subdivided into those with and without hyperfibrinolysis. The platelet counts and global markers of coagulation and fibrinolysis were measured. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), organ dysfunction (assessed by the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score), tissue hypoperfusion (assessed by the lactate levels) and the transfusion volume were also evaluated. The outcome measure was all-cause hospital mortality. Results: DIC patients showed consumption coagulopathy, lower antithrombin levels and higher fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products (FDP) and D-dimer levels than non-DIC patients. All of the DIC patients developed SIRS accompanied by organ dysfunction and required higher blood transfusion volumes, leading to a worse outcome than non-DIC patients. These changes were more prominent in DIC with hyperfibrinolysis. A higher FDP/D-dimer ratio suggests that DIC belongs to the fibrinolytic phenotype and involves fibrin(ogen)olysis. The mean blood pressures of the patients with and without DIC on arrival were identical. Hypoperfusion and the lactate levels were not identified as independent predictors of hyperfibrinolysis. Conclusions: DIC, especially DIC with hyperfibrinolysis, affects the outcome of patients with iTBI. Low blood pressure-induced tissue hypoperfusion does not contribute to hyperfibrinolysis in this type of DIC.
  • Takeshi Wada, Satoshi Gando, Kunihiko Maekaw, Kenichi Katabami, Hisako Sageshima, Mineji Hayakawa, Atsushi Sawamura
    CRITICAL CARE 21 1466-609X 2017/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: There is evidence to demonstrate that the coagulopathy which occurs in patients with traumatic brain injury coincides with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). We hypothesized that DIC with increased fibrinolysis during the early stage of isolated traumatic brain injury (iTBI) affects the outcome of the patients and that hypoperfusion contributes to hyperfibrinolysis in the DIC. Methods: This retrospective study included 92 patients with iTBI who were divided into DIC and non-DIC groups according to the Japanese Association Acute Medicine DIC scoring system. The DIC patients were subdivided into those with and without hyperfibrinolysis. The platelet counts and global markers of coagulation and fibrinolysis were measured. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), organ dysfunction (assessed by the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score), tissue hypoperfusion (assessed by the lactate levels) and the transfusion volume were also evaluated. The outcome measure was all-cause hospital mortality. Results: DIC patients showed consumption coagulopathy, lower antithrombin levels and higher fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products (FDP) and D-dimer levels than non-DIC patients. All of the DIC patients developed SIRS accompanied by organ dysfunction and required higher blood transfusion volumes, leading to a worse outcome than non-DIC patients. These changes were more prominent in DIC with hyperfibrinolysis. A higher FDP/D-dimer ratio suggests that DIC belongs to the fibrinolytic phenotype and involves fibrin(ogen)olysis. The mean blood pressures of the patients with and without DIC on arrival were identical. Hypoperfusion and the lactate levels were not identified as independent predictors of hyperfibrinolysis. Conclusions: DIC, especially DIC with hyperfibrinolysis, affects the outcome of patients with iTBI. Low blood pressure-induced tissue hypoperfusion does not contribute to hyperfibrinolysis in this type of DIC.
  • Wada T, Gando S, Mizugaki A, Kodate A, Sadamoto Y, Murakami H, Maekawa K, Katabami K, Ono Y, Hayakawa M, Sawamura A, Jesmin S, Ieko M
    Acute medicine & surgery 4 (3) 371 - 372 2017/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Yuichi Ono, Mineji Hayakawa, Kunihiko Maekawa, Akira Kodate, Yoshihiro Sadamoto, Naoki Tominaga, Hiromoto Murakami, Tomonao Yoshida, Kenichi Katabami, Takeshi Wada, Hisako Sageshima, Atsushi Sawamura, Satoshi Gando
    RESUSCITATION 111 62 - 67 0300-9572 2017/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Objective: This study aimed to test the hypothesis that coagulation, fibrinolytic markers and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) score (International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis) at hospital admission of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients can predict neurological outcomes 1 month after cardiac arrest. Methods: In this retrospective, observational analysis, data were collected from the Sapporo Utstein Registry and medical records at Hokkaido University Hospital. We included patients who experienced OHCA with successful return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) between 2006 and 2012 and were transferred to Hokkaido University Hospital. From medical records, we collected information about the following coagulation and fibrinolytic factors at hospital admission: platelet count; prothrombin time; activated partial thromboplastin time; plasma levels of fibrinogen, D-dimer, fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products (FDP), and antithrombin; and calculated DIC score. Favorable neurological outcomes were defined as a cerebral performance category 1-2. Results: We analyzed data for 315 patients. Except for fibrinogen level, all coagulation variables, fibrinolytic variables, and DIC score were associated with favorable neurological outcomes. In the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, FDP level had the largest area under the curve (AUC; 0.795). In addition, the AUC of FDP level was larger than that of lactate level. Conclusions: All of the coagulation and fibrinolytic markers, except for fibrinogen level, and DIC score at hospital admission, were associated with favorable neurological outcomes. Of all of the variables, FDP level was most closely associated with favorable neurological outcomes in OHCA patients who successfully achieved ROSC. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Wada T
    Frontiers in medicine 4 156  2017 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Takeshi Wada, Satoshi Gando, Yuichi Ono, Kunihiko Maekawa, Kenichi Katabami, Mineji Hayakawa, Atsushi Sawamura
    Thrombosis Journal 14 (1) 43  1477-9560 2016/09/21 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: We tested the hypothesis that disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) during the early phase of post-cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is associated with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and affects the outcome of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients. Methods: A review of the computer-based medical records of OHCA patients was retrospectively conducted and included 388 patients who were divided into DIC and non-DIC patients based on the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine DIC diagnostic criteria. DIC patients were subdivided into two groups: those with and without hyperfibrinolysis. Pre-hospital factors, platelet count, coagulation and fibrinolysis markers and lactate levels within 24 h after resuscitation were evaluated. The outcome measure was all-cause hospital mortality. Results: DIC patients exhibited lower platelet counts, prolonged prothrombin time, decreased levels of fibrinogen and antithrombin associated with increased fibrinolysis than those without DIC. DIC patients more frequently developed SIRS and MODS, followed by worse outcomes than non-DIC patients. The same changes were observed in DIC patients with hyperfibrinolysis who showed a higher prevalence of MODS, leading to worse outcome than those without hyperfibrinolysis. Logistic regression analyses showed that lactate levels predicted hyperfibrinolysis and DIC is an independent predictor of patient death. Survival probabilities of DIC patients during hospital stay were significantly lower than non-DIC patients. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of DIC for the prediction of death was 0.704. Conclusions: The fibrinolytic phenotype of DIC during the early phase of post-CPR more frequently results in SIRS and MODS, especially in patients with hyperfibrinolysis, and affects the outcome of OHCA patients.
  • 丸藤哲, 和田剛志, 小野雄一, 前川邦彦, 方波見謙一, 早川峰司, 澤村淳
    ICUとCCU 40 171 - 178 2016 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Subrina Jesmin, Satoshi Gando, Takeshi Wada, Mineji Hayakawa, Atsushi Sawamura
    Journal of Intensive Care 4 (1) 1  2052-0492 2016 [Refereed][Not invited]
    We hypothesized that activated protein C does not increase in disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) after trauma and that the same is true for acute coagulopathy of trauma-shock (ACOTS). Activated protein C levels were prospectively measured in 57 trauma patients: 30 with DIC and 27 without DIC. Normal to more decreased activated protein C levels were observed in DIC patients than in the controls and non-DIC patients. The activated protein C levels in ACOTS patients were similar to those in DIC patients. In conclusion, activated protein C does not increase in either DIC or ACOTS in the early phase of trauma.
  • Yuichi Ono, Mineji Hayakawa, Kunihiko Maekawa, Asumi Mizugaki, Kenichi Katabami, Takeshi Wada, Atsushi Sawamura, Satoshi Gando
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE 33 (10) 1360 - 1363 0735-6757 2015/10 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Objective: Few studies have compared airway management via laryngeal masks (LM) or laryngeal tubes (LT) in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). This study evaluated whether LT insertion by emergency medical service (EMS) personnel affected ventilation and outcomes in OHCA patients (vs. the standard LM treatment). Methods: This prospective, cluster-randomized, and open-label study evaluated data that were collected by the Sapporo Fire Department between June 2012 and January 2013. We selected the 14 EMS teams that treated the greatest number of OHCA patients in Sapporo, Japan during 2011, and randomized the teams into Groups A and B. In the first study period (June 2012 to September 2012), Group A treated OHCA patients via LT and Group B treated OHCA patients via LM. In the second period (October 2012 to January 2013), Group A treated OHCA patients via LM and Group B treated OHCA patients via LT. If necessary, both groups were allowed to use an esophageal obturator airway (EOA) kit. The primary endpoints were time from cardiopulmonary resuscitation to device insertion and the rate of successful pre-hospital ventilation. The secondary endpoints were return of spontaneous circulation and survival and favorable neurological outcomes at 1 month after cardiac arrest. Results: LT was used in 148 OHCA patients and LM was used in 165 OHCA patients. Our intention-to-treat analyses revealed no significant differences in the primary and secondary outcomes of the LT-and LM-treated groups. Conclusion: Prehospital advanced airway management via LT provides similar outcomes to those of LM in OHCA patients. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Yuichi Ono, Mineji Hayakawa, Takeshi Wada, Atsushi Sawamura, Satoshi Gando
    Journal of Intensive Care 3 (1) 29  2052-0492 2015/06/24 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: To determine if the effects of epinephrine administration on the outcome of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), patients are associated with the duration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) performed by Emergency Medical Service (EMS) personnel. Methods: This retrospective, nonrandomized, observational analysis used the All-Japan Utstein Registry, a prospective, nationwide population-based registry of all OHCA patients transported to the hospital by EMS staff as the data source. We stratified all OHCA patients for quartile of EMSs' CPR duration. Group 1 consisted of patients who fell under the 25th percentile of EMSs' CPR duration (under 15 min) group 2, patients who fell into the 25th to 50th percentile (between 15 and 19 min) group 3, patients who fell into the 50th to 75th percentile (between 20 and 26 min) and group 4, patients who fell at or above the 75th percentile (over 26 min). The primary endpoint was a favorable neurological outcome 1 month after cardiac arrest. The secondary endpoints were ROSC before arrival at the hospital and 1-month survival. Results: A total of 383,811 patients aged over 18 years who had experienced OHCA between 2006 and 2010 in Japan, when stratified for quartile of EMSs' CPR duration, the epinephrine administration increased the rate of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) approximately tenfold in all groups. However, the beneficial effects of epinephrine administration on 1-month survival disappeared in patients on whom EMSs' CPR had been performed for more than 26 min, and the beneficial effects of epinephrine administration on neurological outcomes were observed only in patients on whom EMSs' CPR had been performed between 15 and 19 min (odds ratio, 1.327, 95 % confidence intervals, 1.017-1.733 P = 0.037). Conclusions: Epinephrine administration is associated with an increase of ROSC and with improvement in the neurological outcome on which EMSs' CPR duration is performed between 15 and 19 min.
  • Takeshi Wada, Masaki Kobayashi, Yuichi Ono, Asumi Mizugaki, Kenichi Katabami, Kunihiko Maekawa, Daisuke Miyamoto, Yuichiro Yanagida, Mineji Hayakawa, Atsushi Sawamura, Ken Iseki, Satoshi Gando
    Journal of Intensive Care 3 (1) 22  2052-0492 2015/05/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
    The aim of this study was to establish the pharmacokinetics of levofloxacin (LVFX) and determine the optimal dose of this drug in critically ill patients receiving continuous hemodiafiltration (CHDF). The results of in vivo and in vitro studies showed the pharmacokinetics of LVFX total clearance (CLtotal) according to the creatinine clearance (CLCre), dialysate flow (QD), and ultrafiltrate flow (QF), to be as follows: CLtotal (l/h) = 0.0836 × CLCre (ml/min) + 0.013 × body weight (kg) + 0.94(QD + QF) (l/h). The optimal dose of LVFX was expressed by the following formula: 50 × CLtotal. These results demonstrate that the usual dose of LVFX (500 mg) was sufficient for the patients evaluated in this study.
  • Mineji Hayakawa, Satoshi Gando, Yuichi Ono, Asumi Mizugaki, Kenichi Katabami, Kunihiko Maekawa, Daisuke Miyamoto, Takeshi Wada, Yuichiro Yanagida, Atsushi Sawamura
    SEMINARS IN THROMBOSIS AND HEMOSTASIS 41 (3) 267 - 271 0094-6176 2015/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Rapid evaluation of fibrinogen (Fbg) levels is essential for maintaining homeostasis in patients with massive bleeding during severe trauma and major surgery. This study evaluated the accuracy of fibrinogen levels measured by the CG02N whole blood coagulation analyzer (A&T Corporation, Kanagawa, Japan) using heparinized blood drawn for blood gas analysis (whole blood-Fbg). A total of 100 matched pairs of heparinized blood samples and citrated blood samples were simultaneously collected from patients in the intensive care unit. Whole blood-Fbg results were compared with those of citrated plasma (standard-Fbg). The whole blood coagulation analyzer measured fibrinogen levels within 2 minutes. Strong correlations between standard-Fbg and whole blood-Fbg were observed (=0.91, p<0.001). Error grid analysis showed that 88% of the values were clinically acceptable, and 12% were in a range with possible effects on clinical decision-making; none were in a clinically dangerous range without appropriate treatment. Using a fibrinogen cutoff value of 1.5 g/L for standard-Fbg, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of whole blood-Fbg was 0.980 (95% confidence interval 0.951-1.000, p<0.001). The whole blood coagulation analyzer can rapidly measure fibrinogen levels in heparinized blood and could be useful in critical care settings where excessive bleeding is a concern.
  • Mineji Hayakawa, Satoshi Gando, Yuichi Ono, Takeshi Wada, Yuichiro Yanagida, Atsushi Sawamura, Masahiro Ieko
    SHOCK 43 (3) 261 - 267 1073-2322 2015/03 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: There are two opposing possibilities for the main pathogenesis of trauma-induced coagulopathy: an acute coagulopathy of trauma shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation with the fibrinolytic phenotype. Objective: The objective of this study was to clarify the main pathogenesis of trauma-induced coagulopathy using a rat model of Noble-Collip drum trauma. Methods: Eighteen rats were divided into the control, trauma 0, and trauma 30 groups. The trauma 0 and 30 groups were exposed to Noble-Collip drum trauma. Blood samples were drawn without, immediately after, and 30 min after Noble-Collip drum trauma in the control, trauma 0, and trauma 30 groups, respectively. Coagulation and fibrinolysis markers were measured. Thrombin generation was assessed according to a calibrated automated thrombogram. Results: Spontaneous thrombin bursts resulting from circulating procoagulants were observed in the nonstimulated thrombin generation assay immediately after trauma. Soluble fibrin levels (a marker of thrombin generation in the systemic circulation) were 50-fold greater in the trauma groups than in the control group. The resultant coagulation activation consumed platelets, coagulation factors, and antithrombin. Endogenous thrombin potential and factor II ratio were significantly negatively correlated with antithrombin levels, suggesting insufficient control of thrombin generation by antithrombin. High levels of active tissue-type plasminogen activator induced hyperfibrin(ogen)olysis. Soluble thrombomodulin increased significantly. However, activated protein C levels did not change. Conclusions: The systemic thrombin generation accelerated by insufficient antithrombin control leads to the consumption of platelets and coagulation factors associated with hyperfibrin(ogen)olysis. These changes are collectively termed disseminated intravascular coagulation with the fibrinolytic phenotype.
  • Hayakawa M, Gando S, Ono Y, Wada T, Yanagida Y, Sawamura A
    Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis 41 (1) 35 - 42 1098-9064 2015/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Mineji Hayakawa, Satoshi Gando, Yuichi Ono, Takeshi Wada, Yuichiro Yanagida, Atsushi Sawamura
    SEMINARS IN THROMBOSIS AND HEMOSTASIS 41 (1) 35 - 42 0094-6176 2015/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
    In trauma, hemostatic functions should bemaintained appropriately to prevent massive bleeding. This study elucidated the time-dependent changes in platelet count and coagulation variables, and the effects of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) on these changes during the early phase of trauma. Trauma patients with an injury severity score >= 16 were enrolled. The critical levels of platelet count and coagulation variables were defined according to recent trauma guidelines. Massive transfusion was defined as >10 units red cell concentrate. The time from arrival at the emergency department to reaching the critical levels and meeting the criteria for massive transfusion were evaluated. Eighty trauma patients were enrolled; 35 were diagnosed with DIC on arrival. Among all patients, fibrinogen levels reached the critical level earliest among routine coagulation parameters; other routine coagulation parameters deteriorated after the patients met the criteria for massive transfusion. Routine coagulation parameters reached their critical levels earlier in DIC patients than patients without DIC. Massive transfusion was performed more frequently in DIC patients, who met the criteria earlier. During the early phase of trauma, fibrinogen levels deteriorate earlier than other routine coagulation parameters, especially in DIC patients.
  • Shunsuke Nakagawa, Yasuo Murai, Takeshi Wada, Kojiro Tateyama
    BMJ Case Reports 2015 1757-790X 2015/01/22 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Inadequate information is available about the cerebral blood flow and surgical strategies of a direct aneurysmal carotid cavernous fistula (daCCF). We report a quantitative analysis of flow velocity and volume using preoperative time-resolved phase-contrast MRI (fourdimensional (4D) flow MRI) in a daCCF. This is the first report of 4D flow findings with a daCCF. A 55-year-old woman developed a sudden headache and bruit of the right orbit, and MRI suggested the presence of a daCCF. Quantitative analysis using preoperative 4D flow MRI revealed the flow volume of the right internal carotid artery. The daCCF was successfully treated by high- flow bypass using a radial artery graft and internal carotid artery trapping. Postoperative angiography showed a complete obliteration of the daCCF. Studies to collect data from additional cases are required so that 4D flow findings can be further used in the management of daCCFs.
  • Fumihiro Matano, Yasuo Murai, Shunsuke Nakagawa, Takeshi Wada, Takayuki Kitamura, Akira Teramoto
    TURKISH NEUROSURGERY 25 (1) 168 - 173 1019-5149 2015/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Angiographically occult arteriovenous malformations (AOAVMs) are poorly understood. AOAVMs include spontaneous regression of cerebral AVMs. Here we discuss spontaneous angiographical regression of cerebral arteriovenous malformations (SRAVM). We present the case of a 34-year-old male patient with SRAVM in whom an arteriovenous (AV) shunt remnant was revealed by intraoperative indocyanine green videoangiography (ICG-VAG). Preoperative angiography indicated spontaneous regression of AVM. We reviewed the literature for articles having specific citations or case histories of SRAVMs. On the basis of our ICG-VAG findings, we confirmed the possibility of an AV shunt remnant being present in patients with SRAVMs. In addition to our own case, we reviewed previously reported cases and analyzed the data from 132 patients with SRAVMs. Ninety-five (72%) such patients received conservative therapy without surgical removal, and 37 (28%) were treated surgically. Only three patients in whom an SRAVM recanalized after 39, 31, and 16 months have been reported. The rate of recanalization in SRAVM including 3 previously reported cases and the present case, is 3.0% (4/132). Intraoperative ICG-VAG can reveal more SRAVMs that recanalize within a short period even if AV shunts are not depicted by angiography. Therefore, surgical removal of the AOAVM should be considered in cases with low surgical risk.
  • Mineji Hayakawa, Yuichi Ono, Takeshi Wada, Yuichiro Yanagida, Atsushi Sawamura, Hiroshi Takeda, Satoshi Gando
    Journal of Intensive Care 2 (1) 53  2052-0492 2014/09/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: Rikkunshito is a traditional Japanese medicine that has been widely prescribed for patients with various gastrointestinal symptoms. Recently, the prokinetic effects of Rikkunshito in patients with a variety of diseases have attracted attention in Japan. The prokinetic effects of Rikkunshito are believed to result from an increase of active ghrelin, which is most abundant in the stomach and which has a gastrokinetic function. The aim of the present pilot study was to investigate the effects of Rikkunshito on intragastric enteral feeding and plasma ghrelin levels in critically ill patients. Methods: The study population consisted of critically ill patients who were projected to require intragastric tube feeding for more than 7 days. The patients were prospectively assigned to one of two treatment groups and were randomized to receive either Rikkunshito (2.5 g) or metoclopramide (10 mg) every 8 h. All patients received standard enteral nutrition. Patients in both groups were begun on intragastric tube feeding according to our institution's feeding protocol. Results: All patients were undergoing mechanical ventilation at the time of enrollment. The portions of enteral nutrition provided to the target amount and the quantity of gastric discharge were not statistically significantly different between the two groups. The Rikkunshito group reached 50% of the target amount of enteral feeding significantly earlier than the metoclopramide group, although the proportion of patients in whom enteral feeding was successful did not differ significantly between the two groups. Patients in the Rikkunshito group showed significantly higher plasma levels of active ghrelin compared to those in the metoclopramide group. Conclusions: The administration of Rikkunshito increased the plasma level of active ghrelin, and induced prokinetic effects that were greater than those observed following treatment with metoclopramide in critically ill patients.
  • Susumu Nakahashi, Satoshi Gando, Takehiko Ishikawa, Takeshi Wada, Yuichiro Yanagida, Nobuhiko Kubota, Shinji Uegaki, Mineji Hayakawa, Atsushi Sawamura
    JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE 28 (4) 534.e1 - 5 0883-9441 2013/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine whether the relative change in the end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) obtained by the recruitment maneuver (RM) can serve as an indicator of the change in the P/F ratio. Materials and Methods: The effects of the intermittent stepwise increases in the RM (peak inspiratory pressure, 45, 50, and 55 cm H2O) were compared in 21 patients with atelectasis under mechanical ventilation. The EELV, the ratio of arterial oxygen concentration to the fraction of inspired oxygen P/F ratio, and relative change rate (Delta) in these parameters were evaluated after each RM. Results: A greater improvement in the EELV (1157 +/- 344 mL vs 1469 +/- 396 mL) and P/F ratio (250 +/- 99 vs 320 +/- 92) was observed after the RM. The Delta EELV was correlated with the Delta P/F ratio (rho = 0.73, P < .01) and was identified as an accurate predictor of the improvement of the Delta P/F ratio by the receiver operating characteristic curve (the area under the curve, 0.93; P < .01). Conclusions: These results suggest that the Delta EELV obtained by intermittent stepwise RM can serve as an indicator of the change in the P/F ratio. (c) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Susumu Nakahashi, Satoshi Gando, Takehiko Ishikawa, Takeshi Wada, Yuichiro Yanagida, Nobuhiko Kubota, Shinji Uegaki, Mineji Hayakawa, Atsushi Sawamura
    JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE 28 (4) 534E1 - 5 0883-9441 2013/08 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine whether the relative change in the end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) obtained by the recruitment maneuver (RM) can serve as an indicator of the change in the P/F ratio. Materials and Methods: The effects of the intermittent stepwise increases in the RM (peak inspiratory pressure, 45, 50, and 55 cm H2O) were compared in 21 patients with atelectasis under mechanical ventilation. The EELV, the ratio of arterial oxygen concentration to the fraction of inspired oxygen P/F ratio, and relative change rate (Delta) in these parameters were evaluated after each RM. Results: A greater improvement in the EELV (1157 +/- 344 mL vs 1469 +/- 396 mL) and P/F ratio (250 +/- 99 vs 320 +/- 92) was observed after the RM. The Delta EELV was correlated with the Delta P/F ratio (rho = 0.73, P < .01) and was identified as an accurate predictor of the improvement of the Delta P/F ratio by the receiver operating characteristic curve (the area under the curve, 0.93; P < .01). Conclusions: These results suggest that the Delta EELV obtained by intermittent stepwise RM can serve as an indicator of the change in the P/F ratio. (c) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Yuichiro Yanagida, Satoshi Gando, Atsushi Sawamura, Mineji Hayakawa, Shinji Uegaki, Nobuhiko Kubota, Taeko Homma, Yuichi Ono, Yoshinori Honma, Takeshi Wada, Subrina Jesmin
    SURGERY 154 (1) 48 - 57 0039-6060 2013/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background. We tested the hypotheses that an increase in systemic thrombin activity occurs in both disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIG) with the fibrinolytic phenotype and in acute coagulopathy of trauma shock (ACoTS), and that the patients diagnosed as having ACoTS overlap or are identical with those diagnosed as having DIG. Methods. We made a prospective study of 57 trauma patients, including 30 patients with DIG and 27 patients without DIG. Patients with ACoTS, defined as a prothrombin time ratio >1.2, were also investigated. We included 12 healthy volunteers as controls. The levels of soluble fibrin, antithrombin, prothrombinase activity, soluble thrombomodulin, and markers of fibrin(ogen)olysis were measured on days 1 and 3 after the trauma. The systemic inflammatory response syndrome and the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment were scored to evaluate the extent of inflammation and organ dysfunction. Results. Patients with DIG showed more systemic inflammation and greater Sequential Organ Failure Assessment scores and were transfused with more blood products than the patients without DIG. On day 1, normal prothrombinase activity, increased soluble fibrin, lesser levels of antithrombin, and increased soluble thrombomodulin were observed in patients with DIG in comparison with controls and non-DIG patients. These changes were more prominent in patients with DIC who met the overt criteria for DIC established by the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Multiple regression analysis showed that antithrombin is an independent predictor of high soluble fibrin in DIG patients. Greater levels of fibrin and fibrinogen degradation products, D-dimer, and the fibrin and fibrinogen degradation products/D-dimer ratio indicated increased fibrin(ogen)olysis in DIG patients. Almost all ACoTS patients overlapped with the DIG patients. The changes in the measured variables in ACoTS patients coincided with those in DIG patients. Conclusion. Normal prothrombinase activity and insufficient control of coagulation give rise to systemic increase in thrombin generation and its activity in patients with DIG with the fibrinolytic phenotype at an early phase of trauma. The same is true in patients with ACoTS, and shutoff of thrombin generation was not observed.
  • Takeshi Wada, Satoshi Gando, Asumi Mizugaki, Yuichiro Yanagida, Subrina Jesmin, Hiroyuki Yokota, Masahiro Ieko
    THROMBOSIS RESEARCH 132 (1) E64 - E69 0049-3848 2013/07 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Introduction: Post-cardiac arrest syndrome (PCAS) is often associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), thus leading to the development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). The aim of this study was to examine the pathophysiological relationships between coagulation, fibrinolysis and fibrinolytic shutdown by evaluating the levels of coagulofibrinolytic markers, including soluble fibrin, thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI), tissue plasminogen activator-plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 complex (tPAIC), plasmin-alpha2 plasmin inhibitor complex (PPIC), neutrophil elastase and fibrin degradation product by neutrophil elastase (EXDP). Materials and Methods: Fifty-two resuscitated patients were divided into two groups: 22 DIC and 30 non-DIC patients. Results: The levels of soluble fibrin, PPIC, tPAIC, EXDP and neutrophil elastase in the DIC patients with PCAS were significantly higher than those observed in the non-DIC patients. The values of the tPAIC and JAAM DIC scores were found to be independent predictors of increased SOFA scores in the DIC patients. The MODS patients demonstrated significantly higher levels of soluble fibrin and tPAIC; however, the levels of TAFI and EXDP were identical between the patients with and without MODS. In addition, positive correlations were observed between the levels of tPAIC and EXDP in the patients with non-MODS; however, no correlations were observed between these markers in the MODS patients. Conclusions: Thrombin activation and fibrinolytic shutdown play important roles in the development of organ dysfunction in PCAS patients. Neutrophil elastase-mediated fibrinolysis cannot overcome the fibrinolytic shutdown that occurs in DIC patients with PCAS, thus resulting in the development of MODS. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Takeshi Wada, Subrina Jesmin, Satoshi Gando, Yuichiro Yanagida, Asumi Mizugaki, Sayeeda Nusrat Sultana, Sohel Zaedi, Hiroyuki Yokota
    JOURNAL OF INFLAMMATION-LONDON 10 (1) 6  1476-9255 2013/02 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Background: Acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) are characterized by a disruption of the endothelium and alveolar epithelial barriers involving increased microvascular permeability, thus resulting in the set of protein-rich pulmonary edema. Angiogenic factors and their receptors, including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)/VEGF-receptor (VEGFR) and the angiopoietin (Ang)/Tie2 signaling pathways, play pivotal roles in both angiogenesis and microvascular permeability. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between angiogenic factors, their soluble receptors and ALI/ARDS associated with critically ill patients, including sepsis, severe trauma, and post-cardiac arrest syndrome (PCAS). Methods: One hundred fifty-nine critically ill patients, including 50 patients with sepsis, 57 patients with severe trauma and 52 resuscitated after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, were divided into three subgroups: including 25 ALI patients, 101 ARDS patients and 22 non-ALI/ARDS patients. The serum levels of angiogenic factors were measured at the time of admission (day 1), as well as day 3 and day 5 and then were compared among the ALI, ARDS and non-ALI/ARDS groups. Their predictive values for developing ALI/ARDS and 28-day mortality were evaluated. Results: Higher levels of sVEGFR1 and Ang2 were observed in the ALI and ARDS patients than in the non-ALI/ARDS patients during the entire study period. The Ang2/Ang1 ratio in the ARDS group was also significantly higher than that in the non-ALI/ADRS group. The sVEGFR2 levels in the ARDS group on day 1 were significantly lower than those of the non-ALI/ADRS group. In addition, significant positive correlations were seen between the sVEGFR1, Ang2, Ang2/Ang1, and the development of ALI/ARDS in critical illness. There were also significant negative correlations between the minimal value of sVEGFR2, the maximal value of Ang1 and the ALI/ARDS group. In particular, sVEGFR2 and Ang2 were independent predictors of developing ALI/ARDS. Moreover, Ang2 and sVEGFR2 also independently predicted the mortality in ALI/ARDS patients. Conclusions: Angiogenic factors and their soluble receptors, particularly sVEGFR2 and Ang2, are thus considered to be valuable predictive biomarkers in the development of ALI/ARDS associated with critical illness and mortality in ALI/ARDS patients.
  • Takeshi Wada, Subrina Jesmin, Satoshi Gando, Yuichiro Yanagida, Asumi Mizugaki, Sayeeda N. Sultana, Sohel Zaedi, Hiroyuki Yokota
    Critical Care 16 (5) R171  1364-8535 2012/09/29 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Introduction: Post-cardiac arrest syndrome (PCAS) often leads to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) with a poor prognosis. Endothelial and leukocyte activation after whole-body ischemia/reperfusion following resuscitation from cardiac arrest is a critical step in endothelial injury and related organ damage. Angiogenic factors, including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiopoietin (Ang), and their receptors play crucial roles in endothelial growth, survival signals, pathological angiogenesis and microvascular permeability. The aim of this study was to confirm the efficacy of angiogenic factors and their soluble receptors in predicting organ dysfunction and mortality in patients with PCAS.Methods: A total of 52 resuscitated patients were divided into two subgroups: 23 survivors and 29 non-survivors. The serum levels of VEGF, soluble VEGF receptor (sVEGFR)1, sVEGFR2, Ang1, Ang2 and soluble Tie2 (sTie2) were measured at the time of admission (Day 1) and on Day 3 and Day 5. The ratio of Ang2 to Ang1 (Ang2/Ang1) was also calculated. This study compared the levels of angiogenic factors and their soluble receptors between survivors and non-survivors, and evaluated the predictive value of these factors for organ dysfunction and 28-day mortality.Results: The non-survivors demonstrated more severe degrees of organ dysfunction and a higher prevalence of MODS. Non-survivors showed significant increases in the Ang2 levels and the Ang2/Ang1 ratios compared to survivors. A stepwise logistic regression analysis demonstrated that the Ang2 levels or the Ang2/Ang1 ratios on Day 1 independently predicted the 28-day mortality. The receiver operating characteristic curves of the Ang2 levels, and the Ang2/Ang1 ratios on Day 1 were good predictors of 28-day mortality. The Ang2 levels also independently predicted increases in the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scores.Conclusions: We observed a marked imbalance between Ang1 and Ang2 in favor of Ang2 in PCAS patients, and the effect was more prominent in non-survivors. Angiogenic factors and their soluble receptors, particularly Ang2 and Ang2/Ang1, are considered to be valuable predictive biomarkers in the development of organ dysfunction and poor outcomes in PCAS patients. © 2012 Wada et al. licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
  • Takeshi Wada, Subrina Jesmin, Satoshi Gando, Sayeeda N. Sultana, Sohel Zaedi, Hiroyuki Yokota
    Critical Care 16 (2) R63  1364-8535 2012/04/20 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Introduction: Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is characterized by the concomitant activation of coagulofibrinolytic disorders and systemic inflammation associated with endothelial dysfunction-induced microvascular permeability. Angiogenic factors, including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), angiopoietin (Ang), and their receptors, play crucial roles in angiogenesis and microvascular permeability. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between angiogenic factors, their soluble receptors and organ dysfunction associated with DIC after severe trauma.Materials and methods: A total of 57 patients with severe trauma were divided into two subgroups 30 DIC patients and 27 non-DIC patients. The DIC was diagnosed based on the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine (JAAM) DIC and the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) overt DIC criteria. The serum levels of angiogenic factors were measured at the time of admission (Day 1), Day 3 and Day 5. This study compared levels of these angiogenic factors between the two DIC groups, and evaluated their predictive value for organ dysfunction.Results: DIC patients, especially those with ISTH DIC, showed higher Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scores and lactate levels. There were lower levels of VEGF, Ang1 and the soluble Tie2 in the ISTH DIC patients than the non-DIC patients. The levels of soluble VEGF receptor-1 (sVEGFR1), Ang2 and the Ang2/Ang1 ratio in the ISTH DIC patients were higher than in non-DIC patients. The relationship between the presence of massive transfusion and angiogenic factors indicated the same results. The levels of sVEGFR1, Ang2 and the Ang2/Ang1 ratio correlated with the SOFA scores. In particular, sVEGFR1 and Ang2 were independent predictors of an increase in the SOFA score. The lactate levels independently predicted increases in the levels of sVEGFR1 and Ang2. The decrease in the platelet counts also independently predicted the increase in Ang2 levels in DIC patients.Conclusions: Angiogenic factors and their soluble receptors, particularly sVEGFR1 and Ang2, are considered to play pivotal roles in the development of organ dysfunction in DIC associated with severe trauma. DIC-induced tissue hypoxia and platelet consumption may play crucial roles in inducing sVEGFR1 and Ang2, and in determining the prognosis of the severity of organ dysfunction. © 2012 Wada et al. licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
  • Subrina Jesmin, Sohel Zaedi, A. M. Shahidul Islam, S. Nusrat Sultana, Yoshio Iwashima, Takeshi Wada, Naoto Yamaguchi, Michiaki Hiroe, Satoshi Gando
    INFLAMMATION 35 (2) 484 - 500 0360-3997 2012/04 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Molecular mechanisms of sepsis-associated acute lung injury (ALI) are poorly defined. Since vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent vascular permeability and mitogenic factor, it might contribute to the development of ALI in sepsis. Thus, using lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced (15 mg/kg, intraperitoneal) endotoxemic rat model, we studied the timeline (1, 3, 6, and 10 h) of pulmonary VEGF expression and its signaling machinery. Levels of pulmonary VEGF and its angiogenic-mediating receptor, Flk-1, were downregulated by LPS in a time-dependent manner; levels of plasma VEGF and its permeability-mediating receptor, Flt-1, in contrast, was upregulated with time. In addition, blockade of Flt-1 could improve the downregulated pulmonary VEGF level and attenuate the elevated plasma and pulmonary levels of TNF-alpha, followed by improvement of arterial oxygenation and wet-to-dry weight ratio of the lung. Expression of signaling, pro- and or apoptotic factors after LPS administration were as follows: phosphorylated Akt, a downstream molecule was downregulated time dependently; endothelial nitric oxide synthase levels were significantly reduced; pro-apoptotic markers caspase 3 and Bax were upregulated whereas levels of Bcl-2 were downregulated. The present findings show that VEGF may play a role through the expression of Flt-1 in LPS-induced ALI. Moreover, downregulation of VEGF signaling cascade may account for LPS-induced apoptosis and impaired physiological angiogenesis in lung tissues, which in turn may contribute to the development of ALI induced by LPS.
  • Takeshi Wada, Subrina Jesmin, Satoshi Gando, Sayeeda N. Sultana, Sohel Zaedi, Hiroyuki Yokota
    CRITICAL CARE 16 (2) 1466-609X 2012 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Introduction: Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is characterized by the concomitant activation of coagulofibrinolytic disorders and systemic inflammation associated with endothelial dysfunction-induced microvascular permeability. Angiogenic factors, including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), angiopoietin (Ang), and their receptors, play crucial roles in angiogenesis and microvascular permeability. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between angiogenic factors, their soluble receptors and organ dysfunction associated with DIC after severe trauma. Materials and methods: A total of 57 patients with severe trauma were divided into two subgroups; 30 DIC patients and 27 non-DIC patients. The DIC was diagnosed based on the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine (JAAM) DIC and the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) overt DIC criteria. The serum levels of angiogenic factors were measured at the time of admission (Day 1), Day 3 and Day 5. This study compared levels of these angiogenic factors between the two DIC groups, and evaluated their predictive value for organ dysfunction. Results: DIC patients, especially those with ISTH DIC, showed higher Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scores and lactate levels. There were lower levels of VEGF, Ang1 and the soluble Tie2 in the ISTH DIC patients than the non-DIC patients. The levels of soluble VEGF receptor-1 (sVEGFR1), Ang2 and the Ang2/Ang1 ratio in the ISTH DIC patients were higher than in non-DIC patients. The relationship between the presence of massive transfusion and angiogenic factors indicated the same results. The levels of sVEGFR1, Ang2 and the Ang2/Ang1 ratio correlated with the SOFA scores. In particular, sVEGFR1 and Ang2 were independent predictors of an increase in the SOFA score. The lactate levels independently predicted increases in the levels of sVEGFR1 and Ang2. The decrease in the platelet counts also independently predicted the increase in Ang2 levels in DIC patients. Conclusions: Angiogenic factors and their soluble receptors, particularly sVEGFR1 and Ang2, are considered to play pivotal roles in the development of organ dysfunction in DIC associated with severe trauma. DIC-induced tissue hypoxia and platelet consumption may play crucial roles in inducing sVEGFR1 and Ang2, and in determining the prognosis of the severity of organ dysfunction.
  • Nakahashi S, Hayakawa M, Katabami K, Wada T, Sawamura A, Ishikawa T, Gando S
    Journal of Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine. 19 (2) 191 - 196 2012 [Refereed][Not invited]
  • Mineji Hayakawa, Kenichi Katabami, Takeshi Wada, Yousuke Minami, Masahiro Sugano, Hidekazu Shimojima, Nobuhiko Kubota, Shinji Uegaki, Atsushi Sawamura, Satoshi Gando
    INFLAMMATION 34 (3) 193 - 197 0360-3997 2011/06 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is associated with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). Our purposes were to determine the serum MIF, cortisol, and tumor narcosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and to investigate the influences of the balance between the levels of MIF and cortisol in patients with blunt trauma. The cortisol levels were identical between the patients with and without MODS. However, the MIF and TNF-alpha levels in the patients with MODS were statistically higher than those of the patients without MODS. The cortisol/MIF ratios in the patients with MODS were statistically higher than those of the patients without MODS. The results show that MIF and TNF-alpha play an important role together in posttraumatic inflammatory response. An excessive serum MIF elevation overrides the anti-inflammatory effects of cortisol and leads to persistent SIRS followed by MODS in blunt trauma patients.
  • Mineji Hayakawa, Kenichi Katabami, Takeshi Wada, Masahiro Sugano, Hirokatsu Hoshino, Atsushi Sawamura, Satoshi Gando
    SHOCK 33 (1) 14 - 18 1073-2322 2010/01 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Neutrophil elastase plays an important role in the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in sepsis. Sivelestat is a selective neutrophil elastase inhibitor. It is possible that sivelestat improves the outcome of septic patients associated with ARDS and DIC. A retrospective data analysis of septic patients associated with ARDS and DIC was conducted to investigate the effects of sivelestat. Observational period was 5 days after admission to intensive care unit (ICU). The study included 167 septic patients associated with ARDS and DIG. Control group included 133 patients without sivelestat, and sivelestat group included 34 patients started to deadministered sivelestat on the admission to ICU. The lung injury scores and Pao(2)/Fio(2) ratio of the sivelestat group were significantly more severe than those of the control group from days 1 to 4. On day 5, the lung injury score and Pao(2)/Fio(2) ratio of the sivelestat group improved to the same levels of those of the control group. The DIC score of sivelestat group improved on day 3 in comparison to day 1, and those of control group remained unchanged until day 4. The length of ICU stay of the sivelestat group was significantly shorter than that of the control group. A stepwise multiple logistic-regression analysis showed the sivelestat administration to be an independent predictor of survival of the septic patients associated with both ARDS and DIC. The length of ICU stay of the sivelestat group was significantly shorter than that of the control group. In addition, sivelestat administration was found to be an independent predictor of survival of those patients.
  • Atsushi Sawamura, Mineji Hayakawa, Satoshi Gando, Nobuhiko Kubota, Masahiro Sugano, Takeshi Wada, Ken-ichi Katabami
    THROMBOSIS RESEARCH 124 (6) 706 - 710 0049-3848 2009/12 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Introduction: To validate the diagnostic criteria for disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) established by the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine (JAAM) at an early stage of trauma and to evaluate the hypothesis that the JAAM criteria can diagnose DIC with a higher sensitivity than the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) overt DIC criteria. Materials and Methods: Based on a review of medical records, the data of 314 trauma patients were retrospectively obtained at 4 time points within 24 hr after arrival to the Emergency Department. Results: One hundred and forty-one JAAM DIC patients (44.9%) showed differences in the prevalence of massive bleeding and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), and the outcome in comparison to the non-DIC patients. A stepwise logistic regression analysis showed that the maximum JAAM DIC scores independently predicted the patient death. All of the patients who developed ISTH overt DIC could be identified by the JAAM DIC criteria at early time points. The mortality rate and the incidence of massive bleeding and MODS of the patients with the ISTH overt DIC were higher than those only met the JAAM DIC criteria. Stepwise increases in the ISTH overt DIC scores and the incidence of the overt DIC were observed in accordance with the increases in the JAAM DIC scores. While the mortality rates were identical, there were marked differences in the incidence of MODS and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment scores between the DIC patients associated with trauma and sepsis. Conclusions: The results show that the JAAM scoring system has acceptable validity for the DIC diagnosis at an early phase of trauma, and also that the scoring system can diagnose DIC with a higher sensitivity than the criteria of the ISTH overt DIC. Bleeding as well as MODS may affect the prognosis of the patients associated with DIC. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Atsushi Sawamura, Mineji Hayakawa, Satoshi Gando, Nobuhiko Kubota, Masahiro Sugano, Takeshi Wada, Ken-ichi Katabami
    THROMBOSIS RESEARCH 124 (5) 608 - 613 0049-3848 2009/11 [Refereed][Not invited]
    Introduction: Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) with an antifibrinolytic phenotype is characterized by microvascular thrombosis leading to poor outcome at the late-stage of trauma. To test the hypothesis that DIC with a fibrinolytic phenotype at an early stage of trauma also contributes to a poor outcome due to severe bleeding, we conducted a retrospective. cohort study. Materials and Methods: The subjects included 314 consecutive severe trauma patients. A systematic review of medical records of the patients was conducted to provide the base line characteristics and DIC-related variables. The data of these variables were obtained at 4 time points within 24 hr after arrival to the emergency department (ED): Time Point 1, immediately after arrival to the ED to 4 hr after arrival; Time Point 2, 4 to 8 hr after arrival; Time Point 3, 8 to 16 hr after arrival; Time Point 4, 16 to 24 hr after arrival. Results: Nonsurvivors (87.3%, 48/55) met the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine (JAAM) DIC criteria showing lower fibrinogen levels, a prolonged prothrombin time, and higher fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products (FDP) and D-dimer levels in comparison to those of the 289 survivors. The FDP/D-dimer ratio and lactate level were significantly higher in the nonsurvivors than those of the survivors. Lower fibrinogen levels and higher FDP/D-dimer ratio suggest fibrinogenolysis in DIC of the nonsurvivors. Furthermore a stepwise logistic regression analysis showed that the JAAM DIC score, levels of fibrinogen, FDP and lactate at Time Point 1 are independent predictors of death. Low levels of fibrinogen and high FDP but not D-dimer predict massive bleeding at an early stage of trauma. The optimal cutoff points for the prediction of death and massive bleeding were fibrinogen (1.90, 1.90 g/L) and FDP (35.2, 68.7 mg/L), respectively. Conclusions: DIC with a fibrinolytic phenotype modified through fibrinogenolysis at an early phase of trauma contributes to poor prognosis due to massive bleeding. Tissue hypoperfusion may be involved in the pathogenesis of this type of DIC. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • 斉藤智誉, 水柿明日美, 高氏修平, 早水真理子, 本間慶憲, 吉田知由, 方波見謙一, 和田剛志, 前川邦彦, 早川峰司  日本集中治療医学会学術集会(Web)  51st-  2024
  • 高橋 正樹, 和田 剛志  Thrombosis Medicine  13-  (1)  19  -24  2023/03  
  • 前川邦彦, 高橋正樹, 松本悠, 水柿明日美, 早水真理子, 本間慶憲, 斉藤智誉, 吉田知由, 方波見謙一, 和田剛志, 早川峰司  日本集中治療医学会学術集会(Web)  50th-  2023
  • 斉藤智誉, 水柿明日美, 早水真理子, 本間慶憲, 吉田知由, 方波見謙一, 和田剛志, 前川邦彦, 早川峰司  日本集中治療医学会学術集会(Web)  50th-  2023
  • 和田剛志, 白石淳, 丸藤哲, 加葉田大志朗, 山川一馬, 藤島清太郎, 齋藤大蔵, 久志本成樹, 小倉裕司, 真弓俊彦, 大友康裕  日本血栓止血学会誌  34-  (2)  2023
  • 【循環器集中治療の最前線】重症疾患に合併したDIC
    土田 拓見, 和田 剛志  循環器内科  93-  (1)  40  -46  2023/01
  • 【徹底ガイドDICのすべて 2022-'23】基礎病態と治療 頭部外傷
    高橋 正樹, 和田 剛志  救急・集中治療  34-  (2)  740  -747  2022/07  
  • 【徹底ガイドDICのすべて 2022-'23】基礎病態と治療 心停止後症候群
    土田 拓見, 和田 剛志  救急・集中治療  34-  (2)  755  -761  2022/07  
    <ここがポイント!>▼心停止後症候群の構成要素の一つである全身性虚血/再灌流障害に伴う徴候の一つとしてDICを合併する。▼組織因子の血流への曝露に起因するトロンビン産生、内皮細胞傷害による抗凝固機構の破綻が過剰な凝固反応を促進するが、plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(PAI-1)による線溶遮断が凝固と線溶の不均衡をひき起こし、微小循環不全から臓器不全を発症し予後不良につながる。▼DICの本態は損傷細胞由来のヒストン、および活性化好中球から放出されるneutrophil extracellular traps(NETs)であり、NETsの主成分であるヒストンがさらにNETs放出を促進して相乗的に病態が進展する。▼現在までのところ、心停止後症候群に対する線溶療法、抗凝固療法の有用性は示されていない。(著者抄録)
  • 播種性血管内凝固の診断と治療
    高橋 正樹, 和田 剛志  集中治療医学レビュー  2022-'23-  287  -293  2022/05
  • 和田 剛志, 射場 敏明  医学のあゆみ  279-  (12-13)  1175  -1179  2021/12  
  • 和田 剛志  日本外傷学会雑誌  35-  (3)  209  -218  2021/07  
    外傷性凝固障害(TIC)は外傷そのものにより誘導される一次性凝固障害と,貧血,低体温,アシドーシスなどによる二次性凝固障害の複合的病因で発症する.TICの主病態は,損傷細胞/組織由来の分子パターンに起因するトロンビン産生亢進と消費性凝固障害,すなわち播種性血管内凝固症候群(DIC)であると古くから考えられてきたが,活性化プロテインC(APC)上昇に起因する凝固抑制および線溶亢進を病態の中心に据えるacute traumatic coagulopathy(ATC)が一次性凝固障害の主病態であるとする主張(APC仮説)がDICに否定的な欧米の外傷外科医よりなされている.APC仮説は疑義の多い病態概念であり,十数年にわたりTIC病態を巡る論争が繰り広げられてきた.本総説では,これまでの論争の争点を振り返りつつ現在の国際的コンセンサスを整理し,TICを診療する我々が歩むべき方向性を提示する.(著者抄録)
  • 高橋 正樹, 水柿 明日美, 吉田 知由, 方波見 謙一, 和田 剛志, 前川 邦彦, 早川 峰司  日本救急医学会雑誌  32-  (6)  295  -302  2021/06  
    【目的】重症熱傷は致死率の高い疾患であり,初療時に予後を的確に評価することが重要である。今回我々は,重症熱傷患者の在院死亡を予測する因子を後方視的に検討した。【対象】2010年4月から2020年3月の間に,北海道大学病院救急科に入院した成人重症熱傷患者を対象とした。重症熱傷の基準は,(1)2度以上熱傷面積25% total body surface area(TBSA)以上,(2)3度熱傷面積10%TBSA以上,(3)24時間以上の人工呼吸器管理を要した気道熱傷,のいずれかを満たすものとした。来院時心肺停止および外来死亡例,他院で24時間以上加療された症例は除外した。【結果】52名が参入基準を満たし,生存群が32名,死亡群が20名であった。既知の予後予測指標および搬入時血液検査を基に,在院死亡を予測するreceiver operating characteristic曲線下面積を算出すると,乳酸脱水素酵素(LDH)が0.960と最大で,次いで熱傷予後指数(PBI)が0.913,abbreviated burn severity index(ABSI)が0.898であった。【結語】重症熱傷において,LDHが予後予測に有用であり,カットオフ値を500IU/Lとすることで,在院死亡を予測できる可能性を示した。LDHは測定が簡便かつ客観的であり,他指標と併せて,熱傷の重症度評価の一助となりうる。(著者抄録)
  • 江木 盛時, 小倉 裕司, 矢田部 智昭, 安宅 一晃, 井上 茂亮, 射場 敏明, 垣花 泰之, 川崎 達也, 久志本 成樹, 黒田 泰弘, 小谷 穣治, 志馬 伸朗, 谷口 巧, 鶴田 良介, 土井 研人, 土井 松幸, 中田 孝明, 中根 正樹, 藤島 清太郎, 細川 直登, 升田 好樹, 松嶋 麻子, 松田 直之, 山川 一馬, 原 嘉孝, 大下 慎一郎, 青木 善孝, 稲田 麻衣, 梅村 穣, 河合 佑亮, 近藤 豊, 斎藤 浩輝, 櫻谷 正明, 對東 俊介, 武田 親宗, 寺山 毅郎, 東平 日出夫, 橋本 英樹, 林田 敬, 一二三 亨, 廣瀬 智也, 福田 龍将, 藤井 智子, 三浦 慎也, 安田 英人, 阿部 智一, 安藤 幸吉, 飯田 有輝, 石原 唯史, 井手 健太郎, 伊藤 健太, 伊藤 雄介, 稲田 雄, 宇都宮 明美, 卯野木 健, 遠藤 功二, 大内 玲, 尾崎 将之, 小野 聡, 桂 守弘, 川口 敦, 川村 雄介, 工藤 大介, 久保 健児, 倉橋 清泰, 櫻本 秀明, 下山 哲, 鈴木 武志, 関根 秀介, 関野 元裕, 高橋 希, 高橋 世, 高橋 弘, 田上 隆, 田島 吾郎, 巽 博臣, 谷 昌憲, 土谷 飛鳥, 堤 悠介, 内藤 貴基, 長江 正晴, 長澤 俊郎, 中村 謙介, 西村 哲郎, 布宮 伸, 則末 泰博, 橋本 悟, 長谷川 大祐, 畠山 淳司, 原 直己, 東別府 直紀, 古島 夏奈, 古薗 弘隆, 松石 雄二朗, 松山 匡, 峰松 佑輔, 宮下 亮一, 宮武 祐士, 森安 恵実, 山田 亨, 山田 博之, 山元 良, 吉田 健史, 吉田 悠平, 吉村 旬平, 四本 竜一, 米倉 寛, 和田 剛志, 渡邉 栄三, 青木 誠, 浅井 英樹, 安部 隆国, 五十嵐 豊, 井口 直也, 石川 雅巳, 石丸 剛, 磯川 修太郎, 板倉 隆太, 今長谷 尚史, 井村 春樹, 入野田 崇, 上原 健司, 生塩 典敬, 梅垣 岳志, 江川 裕子, 榎本 有希, 太田 浩平, 大地 嘉史, 大野 孝則, 大邉 寛幸, 岡 和幸, 岡田 信長, 岡田 遥平, 岡野 弘, 岡本 潤, 奥田 拓史, 小倉 崇以, 小野寺 悠, 小山 雄太, 貝沼 関志, 加古 英介, 柏浦 正広, 加藤 弘美, 金谷 明浩, 金子 唯, 金畑 圭太, 狩野 謙一, 河野 浩幸, 菊谷 知也, 菊地 斉, 城戸 崇裕, 木村 翔, 小網 博之, 小橋 大輔, 齊木 巌, 堺 正仁, 坂本 彩香, 佐藤 哲哉, 志賀 康浩, 下戸 学, 下山 伸哉, 庄古 知久, 菅原 陽, 杉田 篤紀, 鈴木 聡, 鈴木 祐二, 壽原 朋宏, 其田 健司, 高氏 修平, 高島 光平, 高橋 生, 高橋 洋子, 竹下 淳, 田中 裕記, 丹保 亜希仁, 角山 泰一朗, 鉄原 健一, 徳永 健太郎, 富岡 義裕, 冨田 健太朗, 富永 直樹, 豊崎 光信, 豊田 幸樹年, 内藤 宏道, 永田 功, 長門 直, 中村 嘉, 中森 裕毅, 名原 功, 奈良場 啓, 成田 知大, 西岡 典宏, 西村 朋也, 西山 慶, 野村 智久, 芳賀 大樹, 萩原 祥弘, 橋本 克彦, 旗智 武志, 浜崎 俊明, 林 拓也, 林 実, 速水 宏樹, 原口 剛, 平野 洋平, 藤井 遼, 藤田 基, 藤村 直幸, 舩越 拓, 堀口 真仁, 牧 盾, 増永 直久, 松村 洋輔, 真弓 卓也, 南 啓介, 宮崎 裕也, 宮本 和幸, 村田 哲平, 柳井 真知, 矢野 隆郎, 山田 浩平, 山田 直樹, 山本 朋納, 吉廣 尚大, 田中 裕, 西田 修, 日本版敗血症診療ガイドライン2020特別委員会  日本救急医学会雑誌  32-  (S1)  S1  -S411  2021/02  
    日本集中治療医学会と日本救急医学会は,合同の特別委員会を組織し,2016年に発表した日本版敗血症診療ガイドライン(J-SSCG)2016の改訂を行った。本ガイドライン(J-SSCG2020)の目的は,J-SSCG2016と同様に,敗血症・敗血症性ショックの診療において,医療従事者が患者の予後改善のために適切な判断を下す支援を行うことである。改訂に際し,一般臨床家だけでなく多職種医療者にも理解しやすく,かつ質の高いガイドラインとすることによって,広い普及を目指した。J-SSCG2016ではSSCG2016にない新しい領域[ICU-acquircd weakness(ICU-AW)とpost-intensive care syndrome(POCS),体温管理など]を取り上げたが,J-SSCG2020では新たに注目すべき4領域(Patient-and Family-Centered Care, sepsis treatment system,神経集中治療,ストレス潰瘍)を追加し,計22領域とした。重要な118の臨床課題(clinical question:CQ)をエビデンスの有無にかかわらず抽出した。これらのCQには,本邦で特に注目されているCQも含まれる。多領域にわたる大規模ガイドラインであることから,委員25名を中心に,多職種(看護師,理学療法士,臨床工学技士,薬剤師)および患者経験者も含めたワーキンググループメンバー,両学会の公募によるシステマティックレビューメンバーによる総勢226名の参加・協力を得た。また,中立的な立場で横断的に活躍するアカデミックガイドライン推進班をJ-SSCG2016に引き続き組織した。将来への橋渡しとなることを企図して,多くの若手医師をシステマティックレビューチーム・ワーキンググループに登用し,学会や施設の垣根を越えたネットワーク構築も進めた。作成工程においては,質の担保と作業過程の透明化を図るために様々な工夫を行い,パブリックコメント募集は計2回行った。推奨作成にはGRADE方式を取り入れ,修正Delphi法を用いて全委員の投票により推奨を決定した。結果,118CQに対する回答として,79個のGRADEによる推奨,5個のGPS(good practice statement),18個のエキスパートコンセンサス,27個のBQ(background question)の解説,および敗血症の定義と診断を示した。新たな試みとして,CQごとに診療フローなど時間軸に沿った視覚的情報を取り入れた。J-SSCG2020は,多職種が関わる国内外の敗血症診療の現場において,ベッドサイドで役立つガイドラインとして広く活用されることが期待される。なお,本ガイドラインは,日本集中治療医学会と日本救急医学会の両機関誌のガイドライン増刊号として同時掲載するものである。(著者抄録)
  • 【どんな薬剤・合併症・病態・患者背景にも対応できる 周術期の薬の使い方パーフェクトガイド】(第5章)病態に応じた周術期での注意点 播種性血管内凝固症候群(DIC)
    土田 拓見, 和田 剛志  薬事  63-  (3)  559  -566  2021/02  
    <Key Points>・播種性血管内凝固症候群(DIC)患者の治療で最も優先すべきは基礎疾患の治療である。・DICは、凝固線溶状態をリアルタイムに把握し、DICスコアを繰り返し評価することによるDIC診断に基づいて適切に治療介入を行う必要がある。・敗血症に対する抗凝固療法の効果はDICを伴う重症患者に限定的である可能性がある。・周術期において出血傾向があり輸血基準に適合する場合には、補充療法により出血のコントロールを行う。(著者抄録)
  • 江木 盛時, 小倉 裕司, 矢田部 智昭, 安宅 一晃, 井上 茂亮, 射場 敏明, 垣花 泰之, 川崎 達也, 久志本 成樹, 黒田 泰弘, 小谷 穣治, 志馬 伸朗, 谷口 巧, 鶴田 良介, 土井 研人, 土井 松幸, 中田 孝明, 中根 正樹, 藤島 清太郎, 細川 直登, 升田 好樹, 松嶋 麻子, 松田 直之, 山川 一馬, 原 嘉孝, 大下 慎一郎, 青木 善孝, 稲田 麻衣, 梅村 穣, 河合 佑亮, 近藤 豊, 斎藤 浩輝, 櫻谷 正明, 對東 俊介, 武田 親宗, 寺山 毅郎, 東平 日出夫, 橋本 英樹, 林田 敬, 一二三 亨, 廣瀬 智也, 福田 龍将, 藤井 智子, 三浦 慎也, 安田 英人, 阿部 智一, 安藤 幸吉, 飯田 有輝, 石原 唯史, 井手 健太郎, 伊藤 健太, 伊藤 雄介, 稲田 雄, 宇都宮 明美, 卯野木 健, 遠藤 功二, 大内 玲, 尾崎 将之, 小野 聡, 桂 守弘, 川口 敦, 川村 雄介, 工藤 大介, 久保 健児, 倉橋 清泰, 櫻本 秀明, 下山 哲, 鈴木 武志, 関根 秀介, 関野 元裕, 高橋 希, 高橋 世, 高橋 弘, 田上 隆, 田島 吾郎, 巽 博臣, 谷 昌憲, 土谷 飛鳥, 堤 悠介, 内藤 貴基, 長江 正晴, 長澤 俊郎, 中村 謙介, 西村 哲郎, 布宮 伸, 則末 泰博, 橋本 悟, 長谷川 大祐, 畠山 淳司, 原 直己, 東別府 直紀, 古島 夏奈, 古薗 弘隆, 松石 雄二朗, 松山 匡, 峰松 佑輔, 宮下 亮一, 宮武 祐士, 森安 恵実, 山田 亨, 山田 博之, 山元 良, 吉田 健史, 吉田 悠平, 吉村 旬平, 四本 竜一, 米倉 寛, 和田 剛志, 渡邉 栄三, 青木 誠, 浅井 英樹, 安部 隆国, 五十嵐 豊, 井口 直也, 石川 雅巳, 石丸 剛, 磯川 修太郎, 板倉 隆太, 今長谷 尚史, 井村 春樹, 入野田 崇, 上原 健司, 生塩 典敬, 梅垣 岳志, 江川 裕子, 榎本 有希, 太田 浩平, 大地 嘉史, 大野 孝則, 大邉 寛幸, 岡 和幸, 岡田 信長, 岡田 遥平, 岡野 弘, 岡本 潤, 奥田 拓史, 小倉 崇以, 小野寺 悠, 小山 雄太, 貝沼 関志, 加古 英介, 柏浦 正広, 加藤 弘美, 金谷 明浩, 金子 唯, 金畑 圭太, 狩野 謙一, 河野 浩幸, 菊谷 知也, 菊地 斉, 城戸 崇裕, 木村 翔, 小網 博之, 小橋 大輔, 齊木 巌, 堺 正仁, 坂本 彩香, 佐藤 哲哉, 志賀 康浩, 下戸 学, 下山 伸哉, 庄古 知久, 菅原 陽, 杉田 篤紀, 鈴木 聡, 鈴木 祐二, 壽原 朋宏, 其田 健司, 高氏 修平, 高島 光平, 高橋 生, 高橋 洋子, 竹下 淳, 田中 裕記, 丹保 亜希仁, 角山 泰一朗, 鉄原 健一, 徳永 健太郎, 富岡 義裕, 冨田 健太朗, 富永 直樹, 豊崎 光信, 豊田 幸樹年, 内藤 宏道, 永田 功, 長門 直, 中村 嘉, 中森 裕毅, 名原 功, 奈良場 啓, 成田 知大, 西岡 典宏, 西村 朋也, 西山 慶, 野村 智久, 芳賀 大樹, 萩原 祥弘, 橋本 克彦, 旗智 武志, 浜崎 俊明, 林 拓也, 林 実, 速水 宏樹, 原口 剛, 平野 洋平, 藤井 遼, 藤田 基, 藤村 直幸, 舩越 拓, 堀口 真仁, 牧 盾, 増永 直久, 松村 洋輔, 真弓 卓也, 南 啓介, 宮崎 裕也, 宮本 和幸, 村田 哲平, 柳井 真知, 矢野 隆郎, 山田 浩平, 山田 直樹, 山本 朋納, 吉廣 尚大, 田中 裕, 西田 修, 日本版敗血症診療ガイドライン2020特別委員会  日本集中治療医学会雑誌  28-  (Suppl.)  S1  -S411  2021/02  
    日本集中治療医学会と日本救急医学会は,合同の特別委員会を組織し,2016年に発表した日本版敗血症診療ガイドライン(J-SSCG)2016の改訂を行った。本ガイドライン(J-SSCG2020)の目的は,J-SSCG2016と同様に,敗血症・敗血症性ショックの診療において,医療従事者が患者の予後改善のために適切な判断を下す支援を行うことである。改訂に際し,一般臨床家だけでなく多職種医療者にも理解しやすく,かつ質の高いガイドラインとすることによって,広い普及を目指した。J-SSCG2016ではSSCG2016にない新しい領域[ICU-acquircd weakness(ICU-AW)とpost-intensive care syndrome(POCS),体温管理など]を取り上げたが,J-SSCG2020では新たに注目すべき4領域(Patient-and Family-Centered Care, sepsis treatment system,神経集中治療,ストレス潰瘍)を追加し,計22領域とした。重要な118の臨床課題(clinical question:CQ)をエビデンスの有無にかかわらず抽出した。これらのCQには,本邦で特に注目されているCQも含まれる。多領域にわたる大規模ガイドラインであることから,委員25名を中心に,多職種(看護師,理学療法士,臨床工学技士,薬剤師)および患者経験者も含めたワーキンググループメンバー,両学会の公募によるシステマティックレビューメンバーによる総勢226名の参加・協力を得た。また,中立的な立場で横断的に活躍するアカデミックガイドライン推進班をJ-SSCG2016に引き続き組織した。将来への橋渡しとなることを企図して,多くの若手医師をシステマティックレビューチーム・ワーキンググループに登用し,学会や施設の垣根を越えたネットワーク構築も進めた。作成工程においては,質の担保と作業過程の透明化を図るために様々な工夫を行い,パブリックコメント募集は計2回行った。推奨作成にはGRADE方式を取り入れ,修正Delphi法を用いて全委員の投票により推奨を決定した。結果,118CQに対する回答として,79個のGRADEによる推奨,5個のGPS(good practice statement),18個のエキスパートコンセンサス,27個のBQ(background question)の解説,および敗血症の定義と診断を示した。新たな試みとして,CQごとに診療フローなど時間軸に沿った視覚的情報を取り入れた。J-SSCG2020は,多職種が関わる国内外の敗血症診療の現場において,ベッドサイドで役立つガイドラインとして広く活用されることが期待される。なお,本ガイドラインは,日本集中治療医学会と日本救急医学会の両機関誌のガイドライン増刊号として同時掲載するものである。(著者抄録)
  • 和田 剛志  Thrombosis Medicine  10-  (4)  299  -303  2020/12  
  • 日本版敗血症診療ガイドライン2020:Now Open! 敗血症性DICの診断と治療
    射場 敏明, 久志本 成樹, 梅村 穣, 渡邉 栄三, 和田 剛志, 林田 敬, 日本版敗血症診療ガイドライン2020特別委員会  日本救急医学会雑誌  31-  (11)  919  -919  2020/11
  • 【災害医療2020 大規模イベント、テロ対応を含めて】(第IV章)災害現場での医療判断と対応 各種ショックへの対応
    和田 剛志, 土田 拓見  日本医師会雑誌  149-  (特別1)  S150  -S154  2020/06
  • 和田 剛志  Thrombosis Medicine  10-  (2)  138  -142  2020/06  
    <Points>●心停止蘇生では自然免疫炎症反応と凝固線溶反応が相乗的に作用し病的自然免疫凝固炎症反応(dysregulated inflammation & coagulofibrinolytic responses)を発症する。●活性化好中球から放出されるNETsと損傷細胞から放出されるヒストンが病的自然免疫凝固炎症反応の病態の中心を担う。●心停止蘇生早期では血管内皮細胞からのt-PA放出によるfibrinolytic phenotypeの播種性血管内凝固(DIC)を発症するが、t-PAに遅れて上昇するplasminogen activator inhibitor-1(PAI-1)により線溶遮断が起こりthrombotic phenotypeのDICに移行する。●Dダイマーやフィブリン・フィブリノゲン分解産物(FDP)は、心停止蘇生において凝固線溶異常を引き起こす血管内皮細胞障害の重症度を間接的に反映する臨床的に有用なマーカーである。(著者抄録)
  • 救急・集中治療領域におけるDIC診療 正しい凝固・線溶検査の理解に基づく病態の理解
    和田 剛志  日本血栓止血学会誌  31-  (2)  207  -207  2020/05
  • 【集中治療医学レビュー 最新主要文献と解説 2020-'21】I章 集中治療管理 血液凝固線溶系管理
    和田 剛志  集中治療医学レビュー  2020-'21-  64  -70  2020/03  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    世界が注目したSCARLET試験の結果は、「遺伝子組換えトロンボモジュリンは凝固異常を伴う重症敗血症患者の生命予後を改善させない」というものであったが、この結果だけで薬剤の効果がないと結論付けることはできない。「敗血症かつ播種性血管内凝固症候群(disseminated intravascular coagulation:DIC)かつ重症(臓器不全合併)」が、抗凝固療法の恩恵を受ける患者群であることが明らかにされてきており、SCARLETはこの患者群から外れた軽症症例を試験に組み込んでいた可能性がある。新たな患者選択基準で行われる質の高い臨床研究の結果が待たれる。感染症に血小板減少を合併する症例では、DIC以外にも血栓性微小血管症を鑑別する必要がある。特に補体/凝固制御因子異常で発症する非典型溶血性尿毒症症候群は特異的治療薬エクリズマブが有効であるため、早期診断・治療開始が重要である。トラネキサム酸の頭部外傷に対する効果を検証したCRASH-3試験の結果が公表された。受傷後早期のトラネキサム酸投与は、有害事象を増やすことなく安全に頭部外傷患者の死亡率減少に寄与することが示された。外傷による大量出血を想定したCRASH-2試験とともに、外傷に対するトラネキサム酸の有用性を証明した貴重な研究結果である。(著者抄録)
  • 執行亜希子, 早川峰司, 田中祥平, 中嶋拓磨, 高橋正樹, 田原就, 土田拓見, 定本圭弘, 川原翔太, 本間慶憲, 大安孝允, 早水真理子, 斉藤智誉, 吉田知由, 方波見謙一, 和田剛志, 前川邦彦  日本集中治療医学会北海道支部学術集会プログラム・抄録集(Web)  4th-  2020
  • 和田 剛志  Thrombosis Medicine  9-  (4)  361  -365  2019/12  
  • 土田 拓見, 和田 剛志  救急・集中治療  31-  (3)  974  -977  2019/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 土田 拓見, 和田 剛志  救急・集中治療  31-  (3)  981  -985  2019/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 和田 剛志  Thrombosis Medicine  9-  (1)  23  -29  2019/03  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    重症頭部外傷に合併する凝固線溶異常は、患者をまさに「死戦期」に追い詰める激烈な併存病態である。その病態の本体は過剰なトロンビン産生に起因する播種性血管内凝固症候群であり、血管内皮細胞活性化/傷害による抗凝固機構の破綻が凝固亢進に拍車をかける。頭部外傷では凝固亢進に伴う二次性の線溶亢進に加え損傷脳からの直接的なtissue-type plasminogen activator(t-PA)の放出が過剰な線溶亢進の原因となる。また、血小板機能低下も出血傾向を助長する。頭部外傷に特化した凝固異常補正の治療指針は存在しないが、外傷性凝固障害の病態理解に基づく適切なdamage control resuscitationが重症頭部外傷患者の「死戦期」からの脱出、および予後改善につながるものと期待される。(著者抄録)
  • 和田 剛志  日本血栓止血学会誌  30-  (1)  218  -222  2019/02  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    <ポイント>・外来微生物由来のpathogen-associated molecular patterns(PAMPs)同様に、自己損傷細胞/組織由来のdamage-associated molecular patterns(DAMPs)はパターン認識受容体(pattern recognition receptors:PRRs)に認識され自然免疫炎症反応が誘導される。・感染における凝固線溶変化は、生体恒常性維持のための生理的生体反応であり、immunothrombosis(免疫血栓)という概念で理解する。・外傷性凝固障害(trauma-induced coagulopathy:TIC)の主病態は線溶亢進型DICである。(著者抄録)
  • 和田剛志  救急・集中治療  30-  261‐266  2018/11/20  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 和田剛志  救急・集中治療  30-  273‐278  2018/11/20  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 集中治療管理 血液凝固線溶系管理
    和田 剛志  集中治療医学レビュー  2018-'19-  66  -72  2018/02  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    敗血症病態における凝固線溶異常の関与の重要性および治療対象としての意義が、本邦のみならず世界に浸透してきたことを反映し、敗血症の国際ガイドラインで初めて播種性血管内凝固症候群(disseminated intravascular coagulation:DIC)に言及された。本邦で開発されたDIC治療薬である遺伝子組換えトロンボモジュリンの効果を検証する国際第三相試験の結果が注目される。外傷に合併する凝固障害の主病態は「線溶亢進型DIC」で決着しつつある。外傷に対するビスコエラスティックデバイス使用、トラネキサム酸に関して血栓症などの副作用、頭部外傷への有用性などの議論が依然として続いている。直接作用型経口抗凝固薬に対する特異的中和薬のエビデンスが集積され臨床応用が進んでいる。(著者抄録)
  • 和田剛志  Intensivist  10-  (1)  47‐60  2018/01/01  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 和田剛志  Thrombosis Medicine  7-  (4)  257‐264  2017/12/01  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 和田剛志  救急・集中治療  29-  (5-6)  391‐396  2017/05/20  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • WADA Takeshi  Japanese Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostasis  28-  (6)  760  -762  2017  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Kunihiko Maekawa, Mineji Hayakawa, Yuichi Ono, Tomonao Yoshida, Kenichi Katabami, Takeshi Wada, AtsUshi Sawamura, Satoshi Gando  CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE  44-  (12)  2016/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Kunihiko Maekawa, Mineji Hayakawa, Yuichi Ono, Tomonao Yoshida, Kenichi Katabami, Takeshi Wada, AtsUshi Sawamura, Satoshi Gando  CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE  44-  (12)  2016/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 重症多発外傷患者における脳脂肪塞栓症の検討
    澤村 淳, 小館 明, 定本 圭弘, 村上 博基, 水柿 明日美, 方波見 謙一, 前川 邦彦, 宮本 大輔, 小野 雄一, 和田 剛志, 早川 峰司, 丸藤 哲  日本外傷学会雑誌  30-  (2)  230  -230  2016/05  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • S. Gando, T. Wada, Y. Ono, K. Maekawa  THROMBOSIS RESEARCH  141-  S59  -S59  2016/05  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 丸藤 哲, 和田 剛志, 小野 雄一, 前川 邦彦, 方波見 謙一, 早川 峰司, 澤村 淳  ICUとCCU = Japanese journal of intensive care medicine : 集中治療医学  40-  (3)  171  -179  2016/03  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 吉田 知由, 早川 峰司, 本間 多恵子, 小野 雄一, 和田 剛志, 柳田 雄一郎, 澤村 淳, 丸藤 哲  日本集中治療医学会雑誌  22-  (6)  519  -522  2015/11  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 和田剛志  救急医学  39-  (11)  1527‐1534  2015/10/10  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 和田剛志  レジデントノート  17-  (10)  1905  -1911  2015/10  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 3D-CTA診断が可能であったクモ膜下出血症例の検討
    澤村 淳, 小舘 旭, 村上 博基, 水柿 明日美, 前川 邦彦, 方波見 謙一, 小野 雄一, 宮本 大輔, 和田 剛志, 早川 峰司, 丸藤 哲  日本救急医学会雑誌  26-  (8)  383  -383  2015/08  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • S. Gando, A. Sawamura, M. Hayakawa, T. Wada, Y. Yanagida, D. Miyamoto, K. Maekawa, Y. Ono, A. Mizugaki, S. Jesmin  JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS  13-  327  -327  2015/06  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 外傷性脳内出血症例のpitfall
    澤村 淳, 水柿 明日美, 方波見 謙一, 前川 邦彦, 小野 雄一, 宮本 大輔, 和田 剛志, 柳田 雄一郎, 早川 峰司, 丸藤 哲  日本外傷学会雑誌  29-  (2)  197  -197  2015/05  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • WADA TAKESHI  救急医学  39-  (2)  185  -191  2015/02/10  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Takeshi Wada, Masaki Kobayashi, Daisuke Miyamoto, Yuichiro Yanagida, Mineji Hayakawa, Atsushi Sawamura, Ken Iseki, Satoshi Gando  CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE  42-  (12)  2014/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • T. Wada, S. Jesmin, A. Mizugaki, K. Katabami, Y. Ono, K. Maekawa, D. Miyamoto, Y. Yanagida, M. Hayakawa, A. Sawamura, S. Gando  INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE  40-  S272  -S272  2014/09  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • WADA TAKESHI  救急・集中治療  26-  (5-6)  824  -828  2014/07/08  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 丸藤哲, 和田剛志  Thromb Med  4-  (1)  5  -14  2014/03/01  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 丸藤哲, 和田剛志  Thromb Med  4-  (1)  15  -19  2014/03/01  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • WADA TAKESHI  Thromb Med  4-  (1)  28  -33  2014/03/01  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • ゾニサミド使用後に高体温を呈した2例
    吉田 知由, 本間 多恵子, 小野 雄一, 和田 剛志, 柳田 雄一郎, 早川 峰司, 澤村 淳, 丸藤 哲  日本集中治療医学会雑誌  21-  (Suppl.)  [DP  -106  2014/01  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Atsushi Sawamura, Takeshi Wada, Yu-ichi Ono, Daisuke Miyamoto, Yuichiro Yanagida, Masahiro Sugano, Mineji Hayakawa, Satoshi Gando  CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE  41-  (12)  2013/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Y. Yanagida, M. Hayakawa, H. Yamamoto, T. Wada, M. Sugano, A. Sawamura, S. Gando  INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE  39-  S242  -S243  2013/10  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • S. Gando, Y. Yanagida, A. Sawamura, M. Hayakawa, N. Kubota, T. Wada, Y. Ono, H. Yamamoto  JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS  11-  1049  -1049  2013/07  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 中川 俊祐, 村井 保夫, 和田 剛志, 展 広智, 立山 幸次郎, 喜多村 孝幸, 寺本 明, 水成 隆之, 小林 士郎, 吉田 陽一  日本脳神経外科救急学会プログラム・抄録集  18th-  72  -72  2013  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 院外心肺停止患者に対するECPR施行時脳低温療法の検討
    松本 学, 水柿 明日美, 和田 剛志, 田上 隆, 白石 振一郎, 増野 智彦, 宮内 雅人, 辻井 厚子, 布施 明, 横田 裕行  日本集中治療医学会雑誌  20-  (Suppl.)  292  -292  2013/01  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Subrina Jesmin, Yuichiro Yanagida, Takeshi Wada, Nobutake Shimojo, Taro Mizutani, Satoshi Gando  CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE  40-  (12)  U65  -U65  2012/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Takeshi Wada, Subrina Jesmin, Satoshi Gando, Yuichiro Yanagida, Asumi Higashiyama, Sayeeda Sultana, Sohel Zaedi, Hiroyuki Yokota  CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE  40-  (12)  U160  -U160  2012/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • WADA TAKESHI, GANDO SATOSHI  救急・集中治療  24-  (9-10)  1015  -1019  2012/10/23  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • T. Wada, S. Jesmin, S. Gando, A. Mizugaki, Y. Yanagida, H. Yokota  INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE  38-  S247  -S247  2012/10  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • S. Jesmin, T. Wada, S. Zaedi, N. Shimojo, S. N. Sultana, M. Moroi, T. Watanebe, S. Gando  INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE  38-  S104  -S104  2012/10  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Takeshi Wada, Satoshi Gando, Yuichiro Yanagida, Shinji Uegaki, Nobuhiko Kubota, Mineji Hayakawa, Atsushi Sawamura, Subrina Jesmin  THROMBOSIS RESEARCH  130-  S184  -S184  2012/10  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Takeshi Wada, Jesmin Subrina, Satoshi Gando  BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA  108-  76  -77  2012/03  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 太田好紀, 和田剛志, 小野雄一, 白石振一郎, 松本学, 斉藤徳子, 村田広茂, 増野智彦, 新井正徳, 横田裕行  日本集中治療医学会雑誌  19-  (Supplement)  2012
  • T. Wada, S. Jesmin, S. Zaedi, S. Gando  INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE  37-  S9  -S9  2011/09  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • 和田 剛志, 横田 裕行  The Japanese journal of acute medicine  35-  (4)  434  -437  2011/04  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Takeshi Wada, Mineji Hayakawa, Satoshi Gando  CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE  38-  (12)  U286  -U286  2010/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • WADA TAKESHI, SAWAMURA ATSUSHI, KATABAMI KEN'ICHI, SUGANO MASAHIRO, HAYAKAWA MINEJI, GANDO SATOSHI  日本救急医学会雑誌  21-  (9)  799-803 (J-STAGE)  -803  2010/09/15  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • HAYAKAWA Mineji, WADA Takeshi, SUGANO Masahiro, SHIMOJIMA Hidekazu, UEGAKI Shinji, SAWAMURA Astushi, GANDO Satoshi  日本救急医学会雑誌  21-  (4)  165  -171  2010/04/15  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    鈍的外傷による早期の死亡は大量出血によるものが大半である。その原因として,臓器損傷や血管損傷による直接的な出血と凝固障害を原因とする出血の2つの側面がある。今回,鈍的外傷患者では治療開始前の搬入直後に線溶亢進が認められ,その線溶亢進が凝固障害による大量出血と関係があるとの仮設を立て,受傷現場から直接搬入された鈍的外傷患者を対象に搬入直後の凝固線溶系の検査結果と大量出血の関係を後ろ向きに検討した。2005 年1 月1 日から2006 年12 月31 日の間に,受傷現場から北海道大学病院先進急性期医療センターに直接搬入となったabbreviated injury scale が3 以上の損傷を含む鈍的外傷症例を対象とした。対象患者の診療録から,患者背景,搬入直後の血液検査結果,輸血量などの情報を後ろ向きに収集し,大量出血群と非大量出血群に分類した。83 名が参入基準を満たした。大量出血群は17 症例,非大量出血群66 症例であった。fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products(FDP)とD-dimer に関しては,両群とも著明な高値を示し,大量出血群が非大量出血群と比較して統計学的な有意差を認めていた。ロジスティック回帰分析ではFDPのみが大量出血の独立した予測変数として選択された。大量出血予測に関するreceiver operating characteristic 曲線では,FDPが最も大きな曲線下面積を示した。鈍的外傷患者では,搬入直後にフィブリン/ フィブリノゲン分解に伴うFDPの異常高値を示しており,FDP>64.1μg/ml をカットオフ値とすることで,外傷早期の線溶亢進を原因とする大量出血を予測しうることを示した。鈍的外傷患者の搬入直後のFDP値に注目することにより,外傷早期の凝固障害に対して速やかに対応できる可能性がある。Introduction: Early death after blunt trauma is caused by massive bleeding. Our previous report demonstrated thatdisseminated intravascular coagulation with a fibrinolytic phenotype from the time of admission to the emergencydepartment until 4 hours thereafter contributes to a poor prognosis due to massive bleeding.Objective: Fibrinolysis at admission to the emergency department immediately after blunt trauma may predict massivebleeding. This study retrospectively investigated the relationship between coagulation and fibrinolysis, and massivebleeding at an early phase in patients presenting with blunt trauma.Methods: All patients with blunt trauma admitted to the emergency department, associated with, at least, one of the abbreviatedinjury scales ≥3 from January 2005 to December 2006 were enrolled in the study. The clinical backgroundsof the patients and the measured variables were retrospectively collected.Results: Eighty-three patients; 17 patients with massive bleeding and 66 patients without massive bleeding, were includedin this study. Fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products (FDP) and D-dimer levels markedly increased in bothgroups. FDP and D-dimer in the massive bleeding group were statistically higher than those in the non-massivebleeding group. A stepwise logistic regression analysis showed FDP to be an independent predictor of massivebleeding. The receiver operating characteristic curve analysis for massive bleeding showed FDP to have the largestarea under the curve and that the optimal cutoff point of FDP in order to predict massive bleeding was >64.1 μg/ml.Conclusion: Increased fibrin/fibrinogen degradation resulting in high FDP levels at an early phase of trauma istherefore considered to predict massive bleeding. The optimal cutoff point of FDP to predict massive bleeding was>64.1 μg/ml.
    Four cases of thyroid crisis are herein reported. The prompt diagnosis and immediate treatment resulted in all 4 patients achieving a complete recovery from the crisis. However, one patient unfortunately died from hypoxic encephalopathy which had been caused by cardiopulmonary arrest during transportation to our hospital. As pointed out in the previous studies, all 4 patients showed signs of cardiac decompensation during the treatment. Based on the findings of these present cases as well as those of previous reports, we would like to emphasize the need for strict hemodynamic monitoring of all patients associated with thyroid crisis. Moreover, we believe that it is extremely important to evaluate the thyroid function when trauma patients demonstrate persistent and unusual tachycardia and pyrexia after the onset of injury.
  • NAKATA Asako, HAYAKAWA Mineji, WADA Takeshi, SUGANO Masahiro, HOSHINO Hirokatsu, SAWAMURA Atsushi, GANDO Satoshi  日本救急医学会雑誌  21-  (1)  42  -49  2010/01/15  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    鈍的大動脈損傷に対する胸部下行大動脈置換術中に発症した脂肪塞栓症候群の1例を経験した。本症例では,術中から術後の急性呼吸不全と重度の全身性炎症反応症候群(systemic in-flammatory response syndrome; SIRS)の原因解明に難渋し,脂肪塞栓症候群の診断が遅延した。患者は 26 歳の男性。歩行中に乗用車にはねられ受傷した。当院搬入時は意識清明であった。画像診断で胸部下行大動脈損傷と右大腿骨骨幹部骨折を認めた。大腿骨骨折に対し創外固定を行った後,即日,人工血管置換術を施行した。ヘパリン投与後,経皮的心肺補助装置を導入し分離肺換気を開始した前後に,気道から淡血性泡沫状の分泌物を多量に認めはじめ,急速に酸素化能が悪化した。術後も手術侵襲のみでは説明が困難な SIRS と呼吸不全が遷延した。術後 5 日目に前胸部に点状出血があることに気づき,脂肪塞栓症候群を疑いステロイド治療を開始した。呼吸,循環動態はすみやかに改善した。意識障害が遷延し,第21病日にmagnetic resonance imaging(MRI)を撮影したところ,T2 star 強調画像や磁化率強調画像で,両側大脳白質や皮質下白質,脳梁,内包,視床,中脳から橋,小脳などに無数の微細な低信号を認め,脂肪塞栓症候群に典型的な画像であった。本症例では,脂肪塞栓症候群の特徴の一つである呼吸不全が人工血管置換術中に発症したため脂肪塞栓症候群の診断が遅延した。
  • M. Hayakawa, T. Wada, K. Katabami, M. Sugano, N. Henzan, H. Hoshino, A. Sawamura, S. Gando  INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE  35-  10  -10  2009/09  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • HAYAKAWA MINEJI, KATANAMI KEN'ICHI, WADA TAKESHI, SAWAMURA ATSUSHI, GANDO SATOSHI  日本外傷学会雑誌  23-  (2)  162  2009/04/20  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • GANDO Satoshi, SAWAMURA Atsushi, HAYAKAWA Mineji, HOSHINO Hirokatsu, KUBOTA Nobuhiko, HENZAN Naomi, SUGANO Masahiro, WADA Takeshi, KATABAMI Ken-ichi  Nihon Kyukyu Igakukai Zasshi  20-  (1)  1  -15  2009/01/15  [Not refereed][Not invited]
    This report reviews the recent developments in platelet, coagulation and fibrinolysis monitoring for critically ill patients. Initially the report reviews hemorrhagic and thrombotic tendencies, diagnosis and treatment methods, and artificial apparatuses that need monitoring for platelet, coagulation and fibrinolysis. Thereafter, detailed monitoring for platelet, coagulation and fibrinolysis was introduced and discussed. Finally, the activated clotting time, a thromboelastgraph, an activated thromboelastgraph, and a waveform analysis of the clotting test were reviewed. Further developments in the management and treatment of critically ill patients by using such platelet, coagulation and fibrinolysis monitoring system are thus anticipated.
  • Mineji Hayakawa, Kenichi Katabami, Takeshi Wada, Masahiro Sugano, Naomi Henzan, Nobuhiko Kubota, Hirokatsu Hoshino, Atsushi Sawamura, Satoshi Gando  CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE  36-  (12)  A142  -A142  2008/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]
  • Mineji Hayakawa, Naomi Henzan, Kenichi Katabami, Takeshi Wada, Masahiro Sugano, Nobuhiko Kubota, Horokatsu Hoshino, Atsushi Sawamura, Satoshi Gando  CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE  36-  (12)  A111  -A111  2008/12  [Not refereed][Not invited]

Association Memberships


Research Projects

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2023/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 久宗 遼, 山川 一馬, 谷口 高平, 和田 剛志
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 斉藤 智誉, 和田 剛志, 山川 一馬
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 三嶋 隆之, 山川 一馬, 和田 剛志, 中村 謙介, 梅村 穣
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2024/03 
    Author : 前川 邦彦
    敗血症モデルとして盲腸結紮穿孔(CLP)と、当研究室で新たにモデルとしての妥当性を検証したfecal suspension intraperitoneal injection(FSI)モデルを作成し、①生存率評価、②サイトカイン/ケモカインのLUMINEXによる網羅的測定のための血漿検体採取・保存、③Cytometry by time-of-flightにより血中免疫細胞評価のための血液検体処理・保存、④臓器障害評価のための肺、肝、腎、脾の摘出、保存、を行った。 1-①:生存率はCLP、FSIでそれぞれ77.5%、CLPで67.5%であり、生存したマウスに対して敗血症誘導1か月後にリポポリサッカライド(LPS)10mg/kgの投与をおこなった。sham損傷後LPS投与では、31%のマウスが死亡したが、予想に反して敗血症後マウスに対するLPS投与ではCLP、FSIともに死亡は確認されなかった。病態機序解明のため、上記②-④を行い、まず免疫学的機序解析のため③の検体測定を行ったが、検体処理過程で実施者の家族にCOVID-19陽性が判明し処理継続が不能となったため、CyTOF用の検体の大半が使用不能となった。そのため、最初からの実験やり直しを検討している。 また敗血症後の免疫変化はLPSによる二次性の侵襲に対して保護的に働いている可能性が示唆されている。実験前の仮説と異なる結果であり、二次性の侵襲をLPS投与ではなく、肺炎を誘導するなど感染症による変化を確認することを検討したい。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 丸藤 哲, 和田 剛志
    多施設共同で集積した外傷症例276症例を対象に、外傷性凝固障害(trauma-induced coagulopathy, TIC)と外傷後の播種性血管内凝固症候群(disseminated intravascular coagulation, DIC)の凝固線溶動態は同一である、と言う仮説の証明を試みた。 TIC/DICの血小板・凝固線溶動態を比較検討し、両者が同一の病態で有ることを以下の結果から証明した。 TIC/DICともに、1)活性化プロテインCが上昇するが、トロンビン制御可能な値ではない、2)その結果外傷直後から大量のトロンビン産生が起こる、3)トロンビン産生により消費性凝固障害が起こり血小板数、アンチトロンビン、プロテインCが減少する、4)外傷直後に血管内皮細胞から遊離したtissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA)が高値となり線溶亢進が起こるが約3時間の経過を経てplasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)発現が誘導され線溶抑制が生ずる、5)DIC症例は非DIC症例と比較して輸血量、新鮮凍結血漿投与量、濃厚血小板液投与量が多く(いずれもp<0.001)、病院死亡率は明らかに高値である(7.5 vs. 26.7%, p=0.001)。 さらに本研究は、DIC病態が外傷直後から起こる事を証明した事に意義があり、上記結果とともに外傷症例の治療方針に大きな示唆を与えるものと推定される。 これらの結果は、2020年7月開催(online) International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis Congressで報告し、同学会機関誌であるJournal of Thrombosis and Haemostais (202018:2232-44)に掲載された。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 和田 剛志
    頭部外傷(TBI)後二次性敗血症モデルを作成し、sham損傷後二次性敗血症モデルと①生存率、②生菌数の比較を行った。①生存率:TBI 87% vs. sham 67%とTBI群の方が生存率が高かった。②腹水中生菌数はTBI群ではsham群と比較して有意に低値であった。以上のことから、過去の報告同様、頭部外傷後に生じる免疫応答はその後の感染症/敗血症に保護的に働いている可能性が確認された。 続いて、LUMINEXによる血清、腹水中のサイトカインの網羅的測定を行った。TBI群では、IL-6、TNFalpha、IL-17に代表される炎症性サイトカインが有意に高値である一方、IL-4、IL-10などの抗炎症性サイトカインは両群間に有意な差は認められなかった。また、TBI群ではT細胞非依存性INF gamma誘導に重要な役割を果たすIL-12P70が高値であり、実際にINF gammaの高値も確認された。 以上より、頭部外傷後に生じる敗血症病態では、顕著な炎症反応活性化が病原体の除去、生存率の改善に寄与している可能性が示唆される。 上記2つのモデルにおける免疫細胞、特に好中球、単球(マクロファージ)をはじめとする自然免疫系の変化の解析をすべく、CyTOF mass cytometry用の検体を収集し、CyTOF測定を行った。今後、クラウドデータベースOMIC上で多次元解析を行い免疫細胞機能変化と上述の病態の関連を検討する予定である。TBIで生じている免疫変化を明らかにすることにより、新たな感染症治療の治療標的を見出すことが期待される。
  • CyTOF technologyを用いた生体侵襲後免疫変化に起因する臓器不全、敗血症発症の病態解明
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2022/03
  • 外傷性凝固障害(trauma-induced coagulopathy: TIC)の病態理解に基づく新診断基準の策定
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2022/03
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : Gando Satoshi, SAWAMURA Atsushi, HAYAKAWA Mineji, YANAGIDA Yuichiro, WADA Takeshi, MIYAMOTO Daisuke
    To elucidate the mechanisms of trauma-induced coagulopathy, prospective and retrospective studies were performed. We demonstrated that trauma itself induces changes in coagulation and fibrinolysis, which consists of activation of coagulation (thrombin generation), insufficient anticoagulation systems (TFPI, antithrombin, protein C and thrombomodulin), and inhibition of fibrinolysis by PAI-1. The conditions are coincided with the pathophysiology of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). These evidences were also confirmed by experimental studies using Noble-Collip Drum rat trauma models. Base on the results, we have published several original studies and review articles including one systematic review. To confirm these phenomenon, we, have conducted prospective multicenter study recruiting 108 institutes in Japan. The study has now completed and is waiting the publication of the obtained results in the English journal.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2017/03 
    As presented in the interim report of last year, we have measured damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) (histone H3, H4), molecules in complement pathways (C3a, C5a), and major anticoagulant molecules, activated protein C, in patients with sepsis and trauma. In addition, we studied relationships between disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and activated protein C to investigate pathophysiological roles of coagulation and fibrinolysis. Based on these results, we came to conclusion that in trauma patients with DIC, endothelial cells injury as well as reduction of activated protein C synergistically induces disseminated thrombin generation in the whole-body circulation. Disseminated thrombin generation, so-called DIC gives rise to multiple organ dysfunction, leading to worse outcome of trauma patients.
  • 補体系が関与する生体侵襲下臓器障害の病態解明とその治療体系の確立
    公益財団法人 先進医薬研究振興財団:血液医学分野 海外留学助成
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2017/03 
    Author : 和田剛志
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013 -2014 
    Author : WADA TAKESHI
    I investigated the important role of fibrinolysis which are involved in neutrophil elastase and plasmin, which is affected by plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), which is induced by Hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF1α) in post-cardiac arrest syndrome (PCAS). The results indicated that fibrinolytic shutdown plays important roles in the development of organ dysfunction in PCAS patients. Neutrophil elastase-mediated fibrinolysis cannot overcome the fibrinolytic shutdown that occurs in DIC patients with PCAS, thus resulting in the development of multiple organ dysfunction. In addition, I studied the relationship between the serum levels of HIF1α and the development of DIC or organ dysfunction in sepsis, severe trauma, and PCAS patients. These studies showed no significant results. This can be explained by the fact that HIF1α acts inside the cell.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2012 
    Author : GANDO Satoshi, JESMIN Saubrina, WADA Takeshi
    To test the hypothesis that Hypoxia-inducible factor1-α-induced angiogenetic factors (VEGF/VEGFR1/VEGFR2, angiopoietin and Tie2) deeply involved in the pathogenesis of organ dysfunction in patients with DIC associated with trauma, sepsis, and post cardiac arrest syndrome, we investigated the relationships of these factors and DIC. The results indicated that angiogenetic factors and DIC is one of the main causes of organ dysfunctionin patients with these three insults.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(若手研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2012 
    Author : Takeshi WADA
    The aim of this study was to elucidate the pathophysiology of sepsis-associated organ dysfunction involving the Ang/Tie2 signaling pathway and to establish a new therapeutic strategy for treating critical illnesses, such as sepsis, severe trauma and post-cardiac arrest syndrome. I examined the relationship between organ dysfunction associated with critical illness and angiogenic factors, including VEGF, Ang and their receptors and found that Ang2 plays a pivotal role in the development of organ dysfunction due to coagulofibrinolytic abnormalities. The findings of this study have been presented at six domestic and four international conferences and have also been published by four peerreview articles.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2012 
    Author : GANDO Satoshi, JESMIN Saubrina, AWAMURA Atsushi, WADA Takeshi
    To establish new methods to prevent and to treat organ dysfunction caused by the relationships between body insults and body responses, we have investigated pathogenesis of the interaction among three representative body insults, namely inflammation, tissue injury, and ischemia and reperfusion, and body responses to the insults. We specifiedto elucidate hypothesis that control of neuroendocrine responses could prevent organ dysfunction through the improvement of changes in coagulation and fibrinolytic response
  • ヒストン/NETsが担う病的自然免疫反応による外傷性凝固障害病態解明研究
    一般社団法人 日本損害保険協会:
  • 凝固・補体遺伝子解析による敗血症性播種性血管内凝固症候群と血栓性微小血管症の併存病態解明研究
    公益財団法人 武田科学振興財団:
  • 頭部外傷後免疫応答が関与する慢性外傷性脳症の病態解明と治療法開発に向けた基盤研究
    公益財団法人 脳神経財団:
  • CyTOF technologyを用いた外傷免疫機能変化の解明-白血球の「数」から「質」の評価へ
    Author : 和田剛志

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