Researcher Database

Researcher Profile and Settings


Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Public Policy Center for Public Policy Studies

Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Public Policy Center for Public Policy Studies


Profile and Settings


  • Hokkaido University
  • Hokkaido University
  • Hokkaido University, Research Institute for Electronic Science
  • Rakuno Gakuen University, Graduate School

Profile and Settings

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  • Hokkaido University
  • Hokkaido University
  • Hokkaido University, Research Institute for Electronic Science
  • Rakuno Gakuen University, Graduate School


Research Interests

  • 生物多様性の保全・自然保護・野生生物保護   国立公園・景観・自然共生型観光・小笠原・知床・世界遺産・ジオパーク・ロングトレイル・登山   環境政策・地域脱炭素・環境アセスメント   地方創生・観光振興・自然を生かした観光地域づくり   

Research Areas

  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Environmental policy and society
  • Humanities & social sciences / Tourism studies
  • Life sciences / Ecology and environmental science

Research Experience

  • 2024/06 - Today Hokkaido University
  • 2024/06 - 2024/06 Hokkaido University
  • 2024/05 - Today Rakuno Gakuen University Graduate School
  • 2024/05 - Today Hokkaido University
  • 2024/04 - Today Hokkaido University Research Institute for Electronic Science
  • 2023/09 - 2024/06 Hokkaido University
  • 2023/07 - Today 環境省 大臣官房付(研究休職)
  • 2012/04 - 2024/03 Rakuno Gakuen University Graduate School Department of Dairy Science
  • 2022/07 - 2023/06 環境省 中部地方環境事務所 所長
  • 2020/08 - 2022/07 環境省 東北地方環境事務所 所長
  • 2020/04 - 2020/09 Toyo University
  • 2019/07 - 2020/07 内閣府 地方創生推進事務局 参事官
  • 2018/07 - 2020/07 内閣官房 内閣参事官(まち・ひと・しごと創生本部事務局勤務)
  • 2016/04 - 2018/07 環境省 信越(長野)自然環境事務所 所長
  • 2013/04 - 2016/03 環境省 自然環境局 生物多様性センター センター長
  • 2011/07 - 2013/03 環境省 釧路自然環境事務所 次長・総括保全企画官・国立公園課長
  • 2010/10 - 2011/03 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • 2009/04 - 2011/03 環境省 自然環境局国立公園課 総括補佐
  • 2004/04 - 2009/03 環境省 小笠原自然保護官事務所 首席自然保護官 等
  • 2001/04 - 2004/03 環境省 西北海道地区自然保護事務所 公園保護科長
  • 1998/07 - 2001/03 環境省 総合環境政策局環境影響評価課 課長補佐(技術班長)
  • 1995/04 - 1998/03 国土庁 大都市圏整備局 首都機能移転企画課 推進調査室 企画班係長
  • 1992/07 - 1995/03 環境庁 白山国立公園管理官事務所(石川県) 管理官・主査


  • 1989/04 - 1991/03  信州大学大学院

Published Papers

  • IKI Shinji, NAKAYAMA Ryuji, ABE Shintaro, TSUKAMOTO Yoshio, TERASAWA Hiroaki, NAITO Maki
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 公益社団法人 土木学会 72 (2) I_763 - I_768 1884-2399 2016 [Not refereed]
    The natural environment of the Pacific coast of the Tohoku Region was largely affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake which occurred in 2011. Since then, the changes in the natural environment caused by natural recovery and alternation by human activities regarding the restoration and reconstruction projects are observed in the region. In this survey, the quantitative changes of shoreline and land cover (sandy beach, sand dune vegetation, coastal forest, others) of the hinterland from 1970s to 2014 were analyzed. The target area contains the sandy/muddy beaches of Aomori prefecture to Chiba prefecture (about 680km) which were affected by the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami. As a result, it was observed that the area of coastal forest decreased as the one of development land increased, and the area of sand dune vegetation decreased due to retreat of shoreline after the earthquake. Also, it was found that features of those changes differed depending on the coasts. In some coasts, the sand quickly returned to the beaches, whereas in some others, recoveries were not observed even at the sandbars of river mouth.
  • 中山 隆治
    環境情報科学 = Environmental information science 環境情報科学センター 44 (4) 19 - 24 0389-6633 2016 [Not refereed][Invited]
  • 中山, 隆治
    新世代法政策学研究 北海道大学グローバルCOEプログラム「多元分散型統御を目指す新世代法政策学」事務局, 北海道大学情報法政策学研究センター 18 79 - 107 1883-342X 2012/11 [Invited]
    Papers on Environmental Information Science 一般社団法人 環境情報科学センター ceis26 113 - 118 0389-6633 2012 [Refereed]
    A case study on the Nature Restoration Project in Kushiro Wetland(the first case led by the government ) was conducted in this paper. The authors considered the relationship between the administrative measures and the trend of the actors' participation, with the aim of constructing a methodology to promote continuous and autonomous nature restoration activities through participation of various actors. The results include the following: The framework of the committee based on the Law for the Promotion of Nature Restoration enabled the participation of various actors ; Free and voluntary mechanisms for participation other than the committee would promote broad participation by the local public and industries; Promotion of voluntary activities among stakeholders such as those in agricultural and forestry sectors would require measures such as matchmaking and coordination of joint projects.
  • Yasushi Oda, Ryuji Nakayama, Akio Kuroda, Junichi Sekiguchi
    MGG Molecular & General Genetics 241 (3-4) 380 - 388 0026-8925 1993/11 [Refereed]
    We have cloned a DNA fragment containing the gene for a cell wall hydrolase from Bacillus licheniformis FD0120 into Escherichia coli. Sequencing of the fragment showed the presence of an open reading frame (ORF; designated as cwlL), which is different from the B. licheniformis cell wall hydrolase gene cwlM, and encodes a polypeptide of 360 amino acids with a molecular mass of 38 994. The enzyme purified from the E. coli clone is an N-acetylmuramoyl-l-alanine amidase, which has a Mr value of 41 kDa as determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and is able to digest B. licheniformis, B. subtilis and Micrococcus luteus cell walls. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of cwlL are very similar to those of ORF3 in the putative operon xpaL1-xpaL2-ORF3 in B. licheniformis MC14. Moreover, the amino acid sequence homology of CwlL with the B. subtilis amidase CwlA indicates two evolutionarily distinguishable regions in CwlL. The sequence homology of CwlL with other cell wall hydrolases and the regulation of cwlL are discussed. © 1993 Springer-Verlag.


Books etc

  • 国立公園図鑑
    (Joint work白山国立公園)
  • 環境庁レンジャーが選んだ国立公園フィールドガイド
    (Joint work白山国立公園)
    山と渓谷社 1993/08

Association Memberships

  • 日本生態学会   日本造園学会   日本景観生態学会   環境アセスメント学会   


  • 国立公園満喫プロジェクト・中部山岳国立公園南部地域利用推進プログラム2020
    中部山岳国立公園南部地域利用推進協議会 2018/04
  • 中部山岳国立公園登山道標識統一デザイン基準
    環境省長野自然環境事務所(中部山岳国立公園登山道標識統一化検討会) 2018/03
  • 風力発電施設の審査に関する技術的ガイドライン
    環境省自然環境局 2011/03
  • 小笠原の自然環境の保全と再生に関する基本計画
    環境省 2007/03
  • 自然環境のアセスメント技術〈3〉生態系・自然とのふれあい分野の環境保全措置・評価・事後調査の進め方
    環境庁環境影響評価技術検討会/国立印刷局 2001/10
  • 大気・水・環境負荷分野の環境影響評価技術(II). 調査・予測の進め方
    環境庁環境影響評価技術検討会, 国立印刷局 2001
  • 自然環境のアセスメント技術〈2〉生態系・自然とのふれあい分野の調査・予測の進め方
    環境庁環境影響評価技術検討会/国立印刷局 2000/11
  • 自然環境のアセスメント技術〈1〉生態系・自然とのふれあい分野のスコーピングの進め方
    環境庁環境影響評価技術検討会/国立印刷局 2000/03
  • 大気・水・環境負荷分野の環境影響評価技術(I). スコーピングの進め方
    環境庁環境影響評価技術検討会/国立印刷局 2000

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