Researcher Database

Researcher Profile and Settings


Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Economics and Business Division of Modern Economics and Management Social and Historical Economics

Affiliation (Master)

  • Faculty of Economics and Business Division of Modern Economics and Management Social and Historical Economics


Profile and Settings


  • Hokkaido University

Profile and Settings

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  • Name



  • Hokkaido University


Research Interests

  • 経済思想史 経済哲学 オーストリア学派経済学 リバタリアニズム   

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Philosophy and ethics
  • Humanities & social sciences / Theoretical economics
  • Humanities & social sciences / Economic doctrines and thought

Research Experience

  • 2024/04 - Today Hokkaido University
  • 2023/05 - 2023/08 Mises Institute Summer Research Fellow


  • 2020 - 2024  Hokkaido University
  • 2018 - 2020  Hokkaido University
  • 2013 - 2017  上海外国語大学


  • 2021/03 Mises Institute Kenneth Garschina Graduate Student Essay Prize
     A Further Clarification of Ludwig von Mises as a Currency School Free Banker 
    受賞者: Kesong Wang

Published Papers

  • Kesong Wang
    Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 25 (1) 1098-3708 2022/07/15 [Refereed]
    This article refutes the view that Ludwig von Mises proposed freedom in banking as the most suitable means to render the issue of additional fiduciary media completely impossible and shows why Mises’s proposal should not be credited as such. Following in Joseph T. Salerno’s footsteps, this article interprets Mises’s thoughts in light of the nineteenth-century debate between the currency and banking schools in Britain. It finds that Mises’s free banking theory incorporates theoretical insights from both sides and as such represents an incomplete resolution to the old debate and presages the ultimate split in modern literature on free banking. This article also addresses the law of reflux of the banking school within Mises’s free banking theory. After a critical exposition on the law of reflux, it is revealed that the actual and common employment of standard sound money in exchange and cash holding is fundamental in order for the law to serve as a strong restriction on the supply of fiduciary media in a fractional reserve free banking industry.


  • Mythology of Capital or Misuse of Abstraction in Economics: Reconsidering the Böhm-Bawerk/Clark/Taussig Controversy
    Kesong Wang
    Austrian Economics Research Conference 2024  2024/03
  • Division of Labor and Social Rationalism: from Smith, to Menger, Taussig and Mises
    Kesong Wang
    2024 International Adam Smith Society Conference  2024/03
  • Ludwig von Mises and Contemporary Free Banking Theory
    Wang Kesong
    JSHET Conference 2020  2020/10

Association Memberships

  • 経済学史学会   

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