



  • 氏名

    小野里 雅彦(オノサト マサヒコ), オノサト マサヒコ


  • 情報科学研究院 システム情報科学部門 システム創成学分野


  • 情報科学研究院 システム情報科学部門 システム創成学分野



  • 2021, システム情報科学特別演習Ⅰ, Advanced Exercise in System Science and Informatics Ⅰ, 修士課程, 情報科学研究科, フリートピックトーク,イントロダクトリセミナー
  • 2021, システム情報科学特別演習Ⅰ, Advanced Exercise in System Science and Informatics I, 修士課程, 情報科学院, フリートピックトーク,イントロダクトリセミナー
  • 2021, システム情報科学特別演習Ⅱ, Advanced Exercise in System Science and Informatics Ⅱ, 修士課程, 情報科学研究科, システム情報科学
  • 2021, システム情報科学特別演習Ⅱ, Advanced Exercise in System Science and Informatics II, 修士課程, 情報科学院, システム情報科学
  • 2021, システム環境情報学特論, Informatics for Systems and Environment, 修士課程, 情報科学研究科, サイバーフィールド,ディジタルモデル,仮想システム
  • 2021, システム環境情報学特論, Informatics for Systems and Environment, 修士課程, 情報科学院, サイバーフィールド,ディジタルモデル,仮想システム
  • 2021, システム創成学特論, Frontiers of System Creation Technologies, 修士課程, 情報科学研究科, H∞制御,人間センシング,ディジタル幾何処理,サイバーフィールド
  • 2021, システム創成学特論, Frontiers of System Creation Technologies, 修士課程, 情報科学院, H∞制御,人間センシング,ディジタル幾何処理,サイバーフィールド
  • 2021, システム情報科学特別研究, Advanced Study in System Science and Informatics, 博士後期課程, 情報科学研究科
  • 2021, システム情報科学特別研究, Advanced Study in System Science and Informatics, 博士後期課程, 情報科学院
  • 2021, システム環境情報学特論, Informatics for Systems and Environment, 博士後期課程, 情報科学研究科, サイバーフィールド,ディジタルモデル,仮想システム
  • 2021, システム環境情報学特論, Informatics for Systems and Environment, 博士後期課程, 情報科学院, サイバーフィールド,ディジタルモデル,仮想システム
  • 2021, システム創成学特論, Frontiers of System Creation Technologies, 博士後期課程, 情報科学研究科, H∞制御,人間センシング,ディジタル幾何処理,サイバーフィールド
  • 2021, システム創成学特論, Frontiers of System Creation Technologies, 博士後期課程, 情報科学院, H∞制御,人間センシング,ディジタル幾何処理,サイバーフィールド
  • 2021, インターンシップⅠ, Internship Ⅰ, 学士課程, 工学部, 創造的人材育成、実践的人材育成、就業体験、国内外インターンシップ
  • 2021, インターンシップⅡ, Internship Ⅱ, 学士課程, 工学部, 創造的人材育成、実践的人材育成、就業体験、国内外インターンシップ
  • 2021, 情報数学, Mathematics for Computer Science, 学士課程, 工学部, 集合と論理,ブール代数,順列・組合せ,基数法,グラフ理論
  • 2021, 科学技術英語演習, Exercise in Technical English, 学士課程, 工学部, 科学技術英語 英語論文 英語プレゼンテーション
  • 2021, 最適化理論, Optimization Theory, 学士課程, 工学部, 数理計画問題 最適解 アルゴリズム プランニング 意思決定
  • 2021, システムマネジメント, System Management, 学士課程, 工学部, システム,分析,品質,電力システム,生産システム,経済性,安全性と信頼性,環境問題,工学倫理
  • 2021, システムデザイン, System Design, 学士課程, 工学部, 設計方法論,事象駆動システム設計/解析,電子回路設計,制御系設計
  • 2021, 電気制御システム演習Ⅰ, Exercise in System, Control and Electrical Engineering I, 学士課程, 工学部, 電気回路学,線形システム,電磁気学,最適化理論,システムデザイン


  • 質保証推進本部, 2023年4月1日, 2024年3月31日
  • 評価室室員, 2013年7月1日, 2015年6月30日
  • 評価室室員, 2015年7月1日, 2017年6月30日
  • 評価室室員, 2017年7月1日, 2019年6月30日
  • 評価室室員, 2019年7月1日, 2021年6月30日
  • 評価室室員, 2021年7月1日, 2023年6月30日




  • 東京大学空間情報科学研究センター, 客員教授


  • 博士(工学)(東京大学)


  • プロフィール

  • 小野里, オノサト
  • 雅彦, マサヒコ
  • ID各種






  • 東京大学空間情報科学研究センター, 客員教授



  • サイバーフィールド   フィールド情報学   レスキュー工学   生産システム   Field Informatics   Rescue Engieering   


  • 情報通信 / 知能ロボティクス
  • 情報通信 / 知覚情報処理
  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 設計工学
  • 社会基盤(土木・建築・防災) / 安全工学
  • 社会基盤(土木・建築・防災) / 社会システム工学
  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 加工学、生産工学


  • 2004年04月 - 現在 北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科システム情報科学専攻 教授
  • 2003年04月 - 2004年03月 北海道大学大学院工学研究科システム情報工学専攻 教授
  • 1997年04月 - 2003年03月 大阪大学大学院工学研究科電子制御機械工学専攻 助教授
  • 1994年04月 - 1997年03月 大阪大学工学部電子制御機械工学科 助教授
  • 1989年05月 - 1994年03月 大阪大学工学部電子制御機械工学科 助手
  • 1987年10月 - 1989年04月 神戸大学工学部生産機械工学科 助手
  • 1985年04月 - 1987年09月 東京大学工学部精密機械工学科 助手
  • 1985年 - 1987年 Research Associate,Research Associate (RA) at the University of Tokyo


  • 1983年04月 - 1985年03月   東京大学   大学院工学系研究科   精密機械工学専攻
  • 1979年04月 - 1983年03月   東京大学   工学部   精密機械工学科


  • 2019年03月 - 現在   精密工学会   フェロー
  • 2013年05月 - 現在   システム制御情報学会   理事
  • 2013年01月 - 現在   IEEE RAS TC on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics   Co-Chair
  • 2016年03月 - 2018年03月   精密工学会   理事
  • 2011年02月 - 2013年01月   公益社団法人精密工学会   北海道支部支部長


  • 2020年03月 一般社団法人日本機械学会生産システム部門 98期優秀講演論文表彰
    受賞者: 小野里雅彦
  • 2017年05月 一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会 2017年度学会賞「論文賞」
    受賞者: 高橋啓太;小野里雅彦;田中文基
  • 2014年12月 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門 SI2014 優秀講演賞
    受賞者: 伴丈遼一;小野里雅彦;田中文基
  • 2013年12月 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門 SI2013 優秀講演賞
    受賞者: 川尻将大;小野里雅彦;田中文基
  • 2013年08月 Asian Conference on Design & Digital Engineering 2013 Best Presentation Award
     Direct Construction of a Four-Dimensional Mesh Medel from Three-Dimensional Object with Continuous Rigid Body Movement 
    受賞者: 小友 活;小野里 雅彦;田中 文基
  • 2012年11月 The 10th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics Best Paper Award
     Digital Gareki Archives: An Approach to Know More About Collapsed Houses for Search and Rescue Activities 
    受賞者: Masahiko Onosato;Shota Yamamoto;Masahiro Kawajiri;Fumiki Tanaka
  • 2012年05月 (一社)日本リモートセンシング学会 平成23年度優秀論文発表賞
    受賞者: 橋本秀太郎;田殿武雄;小野里雅彦;堀雅裕;森山隆
  • 2008年07月 (社)日本機械学会生産システム部門 第86期優秀講演論文表彰
    受賞者: 小野里雅彦;田中文基;伊達宏昭
  • 2008年06月 消防防災ロボット・高度な資機材等の研究開発・実用事例 消防庁長官賞(優秀賞)
    受賞者: 小野里雅彦
  • 2007年12月 (社)計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門 SI2007 優秀講演賞
     災害支援を目的とした係留型気球InfoBalloonの開発-これまでの 研究成果と今後の開発課題- 
    受賞者: 小野里 雅彦
  • 2007年11月 the 4th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century Best Paper Award
     Development of a Digital Machining Information Model to Support a Real-Virtual Machinig System 
    受賞者: 田中文基;松田拓也;小野里雅彦;伊達宏昭
  • 2006年12月 (社)計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門 SI2006 優秀講演賞
    受賞者: 小野里雅彦
  • 2006年10月 SICE-ICCAS2006 International Jount Conference 2006 Best Paper Award
  • 2004年12月 (社)計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門 SI2004 優秀講演賞
  • 2002年12月 (社)計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門 SI2002 ベストセッション賞
  • 2002年09月 The 6th International Conference of Mechatronics Technology (ICMT2002) Best Paper Award
     An implicit shape representation method for sequence-free force estimation in end-milling 
    受賞者: Jun'ichi Kaneko;Koji Teramoto;Masahiko Onosato
  • 1993年04月 社団法人日本機械学会 論文賞
     Modeling Time Information in Manufacturing 
    受賞者: 小野里雅彦;岩田一明;西田修三


  • 張 同, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2022S 493 - 494 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2022年03月02日 
    Nowadays, most of the strategies that commonly used to represent dynamic machining are based on three-dimensional (3D) geometric models and its motion with time steps information. These existing methods cause user to use shorter intervals, larger iteration number and longer calculation time if you need more precise result. We proposed a system to represent tool-workpiece engagement situation of dynamic machining process by four-dimensional (4D) geometric model based on Spatio-Temporal space. In the last report, the T-map method was proposed to simplify cutter-workpiece engagement analysis in 4D space. However, T-map method is more suitable for the situation between a static and a moving 3D object. This requires the user to convert the motion of workpiece to the cutter. Therefore, a method was considered for computing the general intersection between tool-occupied region and 4D mesh workpiece. Considering versatility, the boundary intersection determination method checks each pair of tetrahedrons and discusses case by case and get the intersection condition of tetrahedrons. However, it takes a lot of times for traversing all the tetrahedrons and analyzing according to the intersection situation. For accelerating the computation, parallel processing was introduced for optimizing preprocess and intersection determination steps.
  • 江種 鋭二, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2022S 160 - 161 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2022年03月02日 
  • 野際 哲, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基
    生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2022 401  一般社団法人 日本機械学会 2022年 
    現在,市場の要求に柔軟に対応できる生産システムが求められている.そこで,本講演ではHexagonal Baseという生産機能を搭載した移動可能な正六角形型のモジュールを用いて動的再構成可能な生産システムを構築する.その生産システムにおいて,効率的に組み合わせ集合を表現できるデータ構造であるZDDをレイアウト設計問題に適応することで解空間の組み合わせ爆発を抑制し,与えられたオーダーを実行するための生産コストと従来のレイアウトからの移動に要する移動コストを考慮したレイアウトを設計する手法を示す.
  • Using four-dimensional geometric models for representing dynamic machining process based on parallel processing by GPGPU
    Zhang Tong, Onosato Masahiko, Tanaka Fumiki
    Proceeding of 10th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century 60 - 65 2021年11月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Fumiki Tanaka, Yuta Nakajima, Eiji Egusa, Masahiko Onosato
    Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Sustainability and Innovations - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenaince, Safety and Management, IABMAS 2020 2984 - 2991 2021年 
    A data model containing information of design and inspection data is important in inspection, maintenance, and asset management using information and communication technology. In this paper, we propose a three-dimensional (3D) bridge information model based on Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), which are a building information modeling standard, for the support of inspection, evaluation, and maintenance. Various data, such as text, photographs, point clouds, and measured polygon meshes, relating to the inspection, evaluation, and repair of a bridge are recorded in the 3D bridge model. A viewer system, which has the ability to visually present not only 3D geometric models but also a virtual-reality environment, is developed to show the model. This system also extracts information from past inspection reports written as documents. A data segmentation procedure is proposed for point clouds and measured polygon meshes.
  • TANAKA Fumiki, TSUCHIDA Makoto, ONOSATO Masahiko
    International Journal of Automation Technology 13 4 482‐489 - 489 2019年07月05日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality technologies are utilized at various stages of product lifecycle. For products with long lifecycles such as bridges and dams, the maintenance and inspection stages are very important to keep the product safe and well-functioning. One of the advantages of VR/AR is the ability to add important information such as past inspection data. Past inspection information is summarized in a document consisting of the 2D sketches of bridge degradation drawings. However, this degradation sketch is in 2D, and it has no correspondence with the 3D world. In this study, we propose a method to associate important information of 2D sketches with a 3D industry foundation classes (IFC) model, which is a standardized computer aided design model. To display a VR image of a bridge during the inspection process, the proposed method is applied to the 3D IFC model of the bridge and 2D degradation sketch of the inspection report.
  • Wataru Arai, Fumiki Tanaka, Masahiko Onosato
    International Journal of Automation Technology 12 5 680 - 687 2018年09月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    A novel method is proposed for estimating the machining errors on machined surfaces caused by errors of multi-axis machine tools, such as geometric errors, based on a new generating method of tool swept volumes. In the proposed tool swept volume generation method, the boundary surfaces of the tool swept volumes are derived as triangular mesh models satisfying the required approximation accuracy based on the tangency condition. Using the proposed method, tool swept volumes can be derived for various tool paths including the tool self-intersecting motion. A tool path evaluation method based on the error vectors with respect to the start position of a specific tool path is also proposed. In the proposed evaluation method, error vectors on machined surfaces are derived by comparing the points on the nominal tool swept volumes (excluding the machine tool errors) with the triangles on the error tool swept volumes (including the machine tool errors).
  • Atsushi Taniguchi, Masahiko Onosato
    International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS) 10 5 1 - 15 2018年05月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    According to a recent study, it has been said that “lessons learned” is one of the most important and “value added” aspects of the project management lifecycle. However, it has been reported that it is often the most ignored part of finishing a project. Various reasons have been offered for this phenomenon. This article describes the systematic approach to initiate the project review on the specific project identified for requiring the formal quality audit based on the use of project management information system for having the execution date fixed by the independent quality reviewer with the project manager. Then, the project review process is started by retrieving the lessons learned data from the lessons learned repository, which were collected from the previous project reviews for the relevant ERP implementation projects, for the preparation of conducting the project document review and project stakeholder interviews. A case study methodology was applied to the historical lessons learned data of the ERP implementation projects conducted by the solution provider for their customers in the various industries in Japan, which were retrieved for a period of four years from 2014 to 2017 to analyze how the lessons learned collected from the project reviews of the earlier projects were reused in those of the succeeding projects conducted during the period. Use of lessons learned based on the past project review results was found to be effective in focusing on the specific areas projected for improvement during the processes of conducting the project document review and project stakeholder interviews, as well as putting together the practical recommendations for the findings to finalize the results of the project review, which were to be formally presented and submitted to the customer as the results of the quality audit.
  • 田中 文基, 大山 高輝, 川村 英彰, 土田 諒, 小野里 雅彦, 羽田 芳朗, 中尾 学, 小林 弘樹, 長谷川 英司, 菅原 登志也
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2018 565 - 566 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2018年 


  • 土田 諒, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦, 羽田 芳朗, 中尾 学, 小林 弘樹, 長谷川 英司, 菅原 登志也, 大山 高輝
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2018 563 - 564 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2018年 


  • 荒井 航, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2018 693 - 694 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2018年 


  • 中根 悠, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2018 695 - 696 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2018年 


  • 濱野拓人, 小野里雅彦, 田中文基
    日本機械学会論文集(Web) 84 859 ROMBUNNO.17‐00480(J‐STAGE) - 00480-17-00480 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 2018年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    物理エンジンを用いた家屋倒壊シミュレーションは,救助活動の場であるがれきのデータを取得する手段として有効であるが,家屋モデルは多数の剛体を接続して構成されるため処理には時間がかかる.本研究では倒壊シミュレーションを高速化するため,4種類の物理エンジン(Open Dynamics Engine, Bullet Physics Library, PhysX 2.8.1, PhysX 3.4)について処理速度の評価を行った.その結果PhysX 3.4でGPUを用いた処理が最も高速であるとわかり,この処理を倒壊シミュレーションに適用することで,倒壊家屋1軒から成るがれきのリアルタイム生成が可能となった.加えて処理に必要なGPUメモリを推定し,規模を30軒に拡大することで,倒壊家屋相互の干渉が含まれる大規模ながれきフィールドの作成を可能にした.
  • Atsushi TANIGUCHI, Masahiko ONOSATO
    International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science 10 1 1 - 15 2018年01月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Atsushi TANIGUCHI, Masahiko ONOSATO
    International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS) 9 12 1 - 10 2017年12月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 荒井 航, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2017 391 - 392 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2017年 
  • 中根 悠, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2017 389 - 390 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2017年 
  • 荒井航, 田中文基, 小野里雅彦
    精密工学会誌(Web) 83 9 883‐887(J‐STAGE) - 887 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2017年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Error characteristics of multi-axis machine tools such as geometric errors cause machined errors on machined surfaces of machined parts. To estimate the machined errors on machined parts, shapes of machined parts with machined errors should be derived in computer simulation. By representing shapes of machined parts as difference set between a workpiece and tool swept volumes, the machined errors on machined surfaces can be estimated. A tool swept volume is composed of tool swept areas on tool surfaces that form surfaces of the tool swept volume. Tool swept areas on tool surfaces change its shape depending on tool motion. In order to derive tool swept volumes without any restriction on tool motion, all shape types of tool swept areas should be classified as tool swept types for general tools in multi-axis machining. Hence, in our previous study, tool swept types of cylindrical surface (side surface of a flat endmill), tapered surface (side surface of a taper endmill) and planar surface (bottom surface of an endmill) were classified. In this paper, tool swept types of torus that represents a corner radius of a radius endmill are classified into 8 tool swept types.
  • 永谷 裕子, 小野里 雅彦
    プロジェクトマネジメント学会誌 18 2 26 - 33 プロジェクトマネジメント学会 2016年04月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 小野里 雅彦
    日本ロボット学会誌 34 2 110 - 112 一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会 2016年03月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • 荒井 航, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2016 685 - 686 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2016年 
  • 川端 一真, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2016 109 - 110 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2016年 
  • 荒井 航, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2016 79 - 80 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2016年 
    本研究では,コンピュータシミュレーションにて多軸工作機械のもつ幾何学的誤差等の誤差特性の影響により生じる加工誤差を含む加工形状を導出するため,工具掃引体導出手法を提案してきた.提案手法では,Tangency conditionに基づき,工具表面に生じる速度ベクトルと法線ベクトルで表現される工具掃引条件式を用いる.本報では,誤差特性をもつ多軸工作機械における工具運動を工具掃引条件式に基づき分類し,各運動における工具掃引体導出手法を提案する.
  • 田中 文基, 堀 正人, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2016 787 - 788 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2016年 
  • 松永 大輝, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2016 653 - 654 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2016年 
  • 金澤 佑香, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2016 199 - 200 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2016年 
    任意のオフセット距離における3次元オフセット形状の高速な導出や,あるオフセット距離における複数立体の干渉程度判定等への利用のため,オフセット距離を任意に選択可能とする可変オフセット形状を作成する必要がある.本研究では,可変オフセット形状として,基準となる3次元凸形状三角形メッシュモデルからのオフセット距離を第4 軸と定義し,4次元空間中の四面体形状より表現される4次元メッシュモデルとして定義する.
  • Takuto Hamano, Masahiko Onosato, Fumiki Tanaka
    House-collapsing simulation is an effective method for acquiring structural data regarding collapsed houses with the aim of understanding the properties of destroyed or disordered structures for designing and operating urban search and rescue (USAR) robots. The purpose of this study is to find an appropriate configuration of computer hardware and software that can accelerate house-collapsing simulations. This study compares the performances of three major physics engines, namely PhysX, Bullet Physics Library, and Open Dynamics Engine (ODE), on four computers equipped with different CPU and GPU configurations with respect to a sample structure, including a large number of rigid bodies combined with joint elements. Results of the experiments show that multi-threaded processing on PhysX has the best performance among the engines tested, and the use of multiple CPU and GPU configurations does not contribute to the acceleration of collapsing simulations for joint-connected rigid body structures in any of the evaluated versions of the physics engines. Based on the results, an existing simulation system for collapsing processes has been improved and can successfully speed up the process of collapsing simulations to approximately four times as fast as our previous system. To achieve greater speeds and larger-scale simulations, up-to-date physics engine technologies must be continuously examined and adopted for practical use in house-collapsing simulations.
  • Wataru Arai, Fumiki Tanaka, Masahiko Onosato
    In order to satisfy the requirements of the machined part under effects of machine tool error characteristics such as geometric errors, the errors on the machined surfaces caused by the error characteristics should be estimated and taken into account in the process planning before actual machining. To estimate the amount of machining errors on the machined surfaces, the shape of the machined part should be derived. In computer simulation, a shape of a machined part is derived as a difference set between a workpiece and tool swept volumes. Hence, in this study, the generating method for tool swept volumes under effects of machine tool error characteristics has been proposed based on the tangency condition. In the previously proposed method, it was assumed that there was only one swept state, that is, two curves on a tool that generate tool swept volumes. However, there are other swept states of a tool, for example, two lines and a circle that generate tool swept volumes, and tool swept volumes of such states cannot be derived by the previously proposed method. Hence, in this paper, swept states of the generalized tool are classified as tool swept types based on the analysis of the tangency condition. Furthermore, the generating method of tool swept volumes for each tool swept type is proposed.
  • Keita Takahashi, Masahiko Onosato, Fumiki Tanaka
    Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 2 2 105 - 112 2015年04月01日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) ranges from design concepts of products to disposal. In this paper, we focus on the production planning phase in PLM, which is related to process planning and production scheduling and so on. In this study, key decisions for the creation of production plans are defined as production-planning attributes. Production-planning attributes correlate complexly in production-planning problems. Traditionally, the production-planning problem splits sub-problems based on experiences, because of the complexity. In addition, the orders in which to solve each sub-problem are determined by priorities between sub-problems. However, such approaches make solution space over-restricted and make it difficult to find a better solution. We have proposed a representation of combinations of alternatives in production-planning attributes by using Zero-Suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams. The ZDD represents only feasible combinations of alternatives that satisfy constraints in the production planning. Moreover, we have developed a solution search method that solves production-planning problems with ZDDs. In this paper, we propose an approach for managing solution candidates by ZDDs׳ network for addressing larger production-planning problems. The network can be created by linkages of ZDDs that express constraints in individual sub-problems and between sub-problems. The benefit of this approach is that it represents solution space, satisfying whole constraints in the production planning. This case study shows that the validity of the proposed approach.
  • 高橋啓太, 小野里雅彦, 田中文基
    システム制御情報学会論文誌 28 3 107 - 115 一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会 2015年03月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Dynamic changes as machine breakdowns make current production plan infeasible and inaccurate. The influence of dynamic changes spread to whole production planning that consists of several domains such as process planning, production scheduling and so on. In this study, solution space in the production planning is defined as comprehensive. We have applied Zero-Suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams (ZDDs) for the representation of solution candidates that satisfy constraints between such domains so for. In dynamic production planning problems, manufacturing achievements and dynamic changes may make solution space change. In this paper, we define such events as constraints for ZDDs and propose an approach to update the ZDD to deal with the events. Moreover,we propose a genetic algorithm (GA) to find solutions in the ZDD. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach to address such event with ZDDs and the GA are effriciently used to solve the dynamic production planning problem.
  • 堀 正人, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2015 61 - 62 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2015年 
  • 荒井 航, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2015 571 - 572 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2015年 
  • 腰地 大貴, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2015 109 - 110 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2015年 
  • 荒井 航, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2015 339 - 340 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2015年 
  • 川尻将大, 小野里雅彦, 田中文基
    計測自動制御学会論文集 51 1 16 - 23 2015年01月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 小野里 雅彦
    計測と制御 53 6 499 - 504 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 2014年06月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Hirotaka Kameyama, Ikuru Otomo, Masahiko Onosato, Fumiki Tanaka
    International Journal of Automation Technology 8 3 437 - 444 Fuji Technology Press 2014年05月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 橋本秀太郎, 田殿武雄, 小野里雅彦, 堀雅裕, 塩見慶
    日本リモートセンシング学会誌 34 2 102 - 112 The Remote Sensing Society of Japan 2014年04月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Here we propose an accurate and robust method for large-area land-use and land-cover (LULC) mapping using multi-temporal optical data. The conventional method for LULC classification usually uses time-series data at regular intervals to consider the seasonality of LULC. However, high-resolution optical data have considerable seasonal biases, making it difficult to use time-series data. Our basic idea for the accurate classification of LULC using high-resolution optical satellite data is to implement a classification for each scene considering seasonality first, and to then integrate multi-temporal classification results. In the per-scene classification, we accurately estimated the class-conditional spectral-seasonal densities of observation values from training data by conducting a kernel density estimation (KDE), and we used the densities in a Bayesian inference to obtain the class posterior probability. After the multi-temporal per-scene classification, we calculated the classification score by integrating class posterior probabilities in multi-temporal scenes. We conducted an 8-class classification for the entirety of Japan with 10-m spatial resolution using 1,876 scenes from the Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2 (AVNIR-2) low-cloud-cover data, and we evaluated the accuracy of the classification by conducting a cross validation test and comparing the results to that obtained with existing methods: maximum likelihood classifier (MLC) and support vector machines (SVMs). The evaluation results showed that the overall accuracy of the proposed method is the best of all of the methods examined.
  • Direct construction of a four-dimensional mesh model from a three-dimensional object with continuous rigid body movement
    Ikuru Otomo, Masahiko Onosato, Fumiki Tanaka
    Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 1 2 96 - 102 2014年02月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Masahiko Onosato, Yosuke Saito, Fumiki Tanaka, Ryoji Kawagishi
    Computer-Aided Design and Applications 11 6 649 - 658 2014年01月01日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    ABSTRACT: This paper presents a method of four-dimensional (4-D) mesh modeling that generates a 4-D mesh model from a series of three-dimensional (3-D) voxel models. To reduce the size of model data and the computing time for mesh generation, the authors have been developing 4-D Mesh Weaver which generates a 4-D mesh model in a compact data model by incrementally loading 3-D voxel files. For efficient processing in 4-D Mesh Weaver, a 4-D triangulation table was preprocessed for fast processing, and an algorithm of 4-D mesh generation was improved so as to avoid the redundant vertices of mesh tetrahedrons.
  • Keita Takahashi, Masahiko Onosato, Fumiki Tanaka
    The goal of the production-planning problem is to find the optimal solution from combinations that satisfy constraints. Traditionally, production-planning problems have been treated separately, due to the problem size and complex constraints, whereas the constraints in production planning spread to the entirety of production planning. For example, when the dynamic changes as machine breakdowns and new machine addition occur, a production plan should be modified with new constraints caused by these dynamic changes. Therefore, it is required to represent a set of solution candidates that satisfy constraints in production planning. Zero-Suppressed Binary Decision Diagram (ZDD) is a directed graph representation of Boolean function and can efficiently represent a set of combinations. This paper describes the validity of application of the ZDD to production planning to represent a set of solution candidates. Experimental results applied to a sample-planning problem demonstrate that the ZDD is efficiently used for production planning and for dealing with dynamic changes.
  • Fumiki Tanaka, Hiroyuki Abe, Shinji Igari, Masahiko Onosato
    International Journal of Automation Technology 8 3 388 - 395 2014年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Annotations on Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD& T), surface roughness, etc. are needed for machining or measuring. However, these annotations are not used for the digital format in the product development process, nor is there any clear, explicit relationship between annotation, machining information, and measuring results. In this research, an integrated information model for design, machining, and measuring based on annotated features is proposed. A model for surface texture is also proposed because surface texture parameters are closely related to machining process parameters. A modeling system for the proposed integrated model is also implemented.
  • 永谷 裕子, 小野里 雅彦
    プロジェクトマネジメント学会研究発表大会予稿集 2014 338 - 343 プロジェクトマネジメント学会 2014年 
  • Keita Takahashi, Masahiko Onosato, Fumiki Tanaka
    The goal of the production-planning problem is to find the optimal solution from combinations that satisfy constraints. Traditionally, production-planning problems have been treated separately, due to the problem size and complex constraints, whereas the constraints in production planning spread to the entirety of production planning. For example, when the dynamic changes as machine breakdowns and new machine addition occur, a production plan should be modified with new constraints caused by these dynamic changes. Therefore, it is required to represent a set of solution candidates that satisfy constraints in production planning. Zero-Suppressed Binary Decision Diagram (ZDD) is a directed graph representation of Boolean function and can efficiently represent a set of combinations. This paper describes the validity of application of the ZDD to production planning to represent a set of solution candidates. Experimental results applied to a sample-planning problem demonstrate that the ZDD is efficiently used for production planning and for dealing with dynamic changes.
  • Team Building Approaches to Maximize Project Management Values from View of Services Science
    Hiroko Nagaya, Masahiko Onosato
    Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Project Management (ProMAC 2013) 2013年11月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Direct Construction of Four-Dimensional Mesh Model from Three-Dimensional Object with Continuous Rigid Body Movement
    Ikuru Otomo, Masahiko Onosato, Fumiki Tanaka
    Proceedings of 2013 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACCDE 2013) 147 - 154 2013年08月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Weaving a four‐dimensional mesh model from a series of three‐dimensional voxel model
    Masahiko Onosato, Yosuke Saito, Fumiki Tanaka, Ryoji Kawagishi
    Proceedings of International CAD Conference and Exhibition 2013 (CAD'13) 2013年06月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Land Cover Classification of Entire Japan by Kernel-based Probabilistic Inference using Multitemporal AVNIR-2 Data
    Shutaro Hashimoto, Tajeo Tadono, Masahiko Onosato, Masahiro Hori
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013  - OM002386 2013年05月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Shutaro Hashimoto, Takeo Tadono, Masahiko Onosato, Masahiro Hori
    This paper describes a new land use and land cover (LULC) classification method for classifying multi-temporal high-resolution satellite data in large areas. The classification method uses combined value of both reflectance of a pixel and its observation date as an input data, and calculates its probability distribution among all LULC classes via Bayesian inference based on a generative model estimated by kernel density estimation. This method can be easily applied to multi-temporal data to exploit phenological change information of vegetation, even if available multi-temporal data have a seasonal bias. In this paper, we conducted the classification over the entire land mass of Japan, using the multi-temporal data observed by the Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2 (AVNIR-2) aboard the ALOS, and we evaluated its accuracy in comparison to conventional methods.
  • Shinji Igari, Fumiki Tanaka, Masahiko Onosato
    To generate optimal machining information, an automatically customizable micro process planning system that reflects the change of properties of an actual machine tool is proposed. The system consists of an updatable machining database and a database oriented micro process planning algorithm. A machining database is updated based on analyzing NC data that are adaptively generated for an actual machine tool by skilled process planners. From the updated machining database, a database oriented micro process planning algorithm is generated by a decision tree and a regression tree. Machining strategy and cutting tools are determined using IF-THEN rules that are generated from the database by decision tree method. Cutting conditions were determined from a feasible regression equation. Regression equations and selection rules of these equations were generated from the database by regression tree method. The example of micro process planning using the generated algorithm is also shown.
  • 猪狩真二, 田中文基, 川口貴司, 小野里雅彦
    精密工学会誌 79 1 93 - 98 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2013年01月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    To automatically generate and update a machining database for feature based process/operation planning, a generating and updating method of a machining database based on Numerical Control (NC) data analysis is proposed. As the content of the database, the ISO 14649 machining information which consists of machining feature, machining operation, machining strategy, cutting tool and cutting conditions is derived from NC data, a cutting tool model and a rawpiece model. To derive the machining information for a machining feature, the tool paths are split according to their geometrical characteristics of the tool path, and a machining feature is derived from the machining process model which is generated from a split tool path, a cutting tool model and a rawpiece model. A machining operation for a machining feature is identified as roughing or finishing operation based on the geometrical relationship between the machining process models. A machining strategy is extracted from a split tool path based on tool motion pattern. As the cutting conditions, spindle speed and feed rate are derived from S and F code of NC data. The example of generating ISO 14649 machining information from NC data using the proposed analysis method is shown.
  • 橋本秀太郎, 田殿武雄, 小野里雅彦, 堀雅裕
    日本リモートセンシング学会誌 33 1 13 - 26 The Remote Sensing Society of Japan 2013年01月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Change detection using satellite data is frequently used in cases of natural disasters to identify the location and extent of the damage. However, current practical analysis for disaster monitoring largely depends on manual analysis by experts, creating a bottleneck of data that hinders effective and prompt response. This paper proposes an automatic change detection system that can execute entire processes of change detection without the intervention of human experts. The proposed system employs a knowledge-driven system based on ontology. The system stores knowledge modules, each of which can extract information or make an inference. At the time of change detection, the system selects the appropriate knowledge modules and constructs a Bayesian network for the inference of target change by interpreting the semantics of the target change and knowledge modules using ontology. The system extracts information and makes an inference, yielding probability images that indicate the confidence degree of the inference of the target change. This paper presents a demonstration of the proposed detection system by applying it without any modifications in the system to two cases of disaster monitoring: a mudslide and a flood.
  • 三神 惇平, 船木 謙一, 細田 順子, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2013 745 - 746 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2013年 
  • 高橋 啓太, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2013 743 - 744 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2013年 
  • 齋藤 洋介, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2013 795 - 796 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2013年 
  • 徳本 健二, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2013 21 - 22 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2013年 
  • 小野里雅彦
    電気学会誌 132 4 225 - 228 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan 2012年04月 [査読無し][招待有り]
  • 小野里雅彦
    電気学会誌 132 3 160 - 163 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan 2012年03月 [査読無し][招待有り]
  • Shinji Igari, Fumiki Tanaka, Masahiko Onosato
    International Journal of Automation Technology 6 6 717 - 723 2012年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    To generate optimal machining information, a machining database and operation planning algorithm have to be customized for an actual machine tool based on the knowledge of a skilled planner. In this paper, a method to update a machining database from NC data is proposed. The database is updated by adding machining information extracted from NC data, based on tool path analysis. A method of generating a database-oriented planning algorithm from the machining database based on a decision tree method is also proposed. Machining strategy, cutting tool, and cutting conditions are determined based on the algorithm and k nearest neighbor method.
  • 亀山 博隆, 小友 活, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2012 565 - 566 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2012年 
  • 猪狩 真二, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2012 535 - 536 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2012年 
  • 高橋 啓太, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2012 765 - 766 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2012年 
  • T. Tadono, S. Hashimoto, M. Onosato, M. Hori
    Change detection is a fundamental approach in utilization of satellite remote sensing image, especially in multi-temporal analysis that involves for example extracting damaged areas by a natural disaster. Recently, the amount of data obtained by Earth observation satellites has increased significantly owing to the increasing number and types of observing sensors, the enhancement of their spatial resolution, and improvements in their data processing systems. In applications for disaster monitoring, in particular, fast and accurate analysis of broad geographical areas is required to facilitate efficient rescue efforts. It is expected that robust automatic image interpretation is necessary. Several algorithms have been proposed in the field of automatic change detection in past, however they are still lack of robustness for multi purposes, an instrument independency, and accuracy better than a manual interpretation. We are trying to develop a framework for automatic image interpretation using ontology-based knowledge representation. This framework permits the description, accumulation, and use of knowledge drawn from image interpretation. Local relationships among certain concepts defined in the ontology are described as knowledge modules and are collected in the knowledge base. The knowledge representation uses a Bayesian network as a tool to describe various types of knowledge in a uniform manner. Knowledge modules are synthesized and used for target-specified inference. The results applied to two types of disasters by the framework without any modification and tuning are shown in this paper.
  • Masahiko Onosato, Shota Yamamoto, Masahiro Kawajiri, Fumiki Tanaka
    The paper presents an approach to an engineering of "gareki", which generally means destroyed or disordered structures in Japanese. Gareki has never been a subject for both natural sciences and engineering. Therefore we have had less scientific knowledge about gareki, while search and rescue activities in earthquake disasters need it much. The first part of the paper discusses what to be studied about gareki with respect to search and rescue activities. To share knowledge about gareki, the concept of digital gareki archives is explained and four approaches for gareki data acquisition are discussed. As a prototype of digital gareki archives, a computer software system named Virtual Gareki Field (VGF) which generates digital gareki data based on collapsing process simulation has been developed and models and tools related to VGF are explained.
  • Shutaro Hashimoto, Takeo Tadono, Masahiko Onosato, Masahiro Hori, Takashi Moriyama
    The recognition of concepts that we human beings are able to locate within satellite imagery requires analysis based on the particular context using knowledge. In this paper, we present a supervised pixel-based classification approach toward utilization of the classification results in knowledge-based satellite data interpretation system. The proposed approach is based upon a generative model, which is able to output the classification results with their probabilities and subsequently utilize them in detailed analysis. The experiment of classification was performed to demonstrate characteristics of the approach.
  • Hiroaki Date, Yusuke Kaneta, Akihiro Hatsukaiwa, Masahiko Onosato, Satoshi Kanai
    Computer-Aided Design and Applications 9 2 187 - 197 2012年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    This paper describes a method of object recognition in terrestrial laser scan data of complex scenes. By local 3D shape matching between the CAD model mesh of the object and the laser scan data of the scene, the existence of the object is recognized and its location and orientation in the scene are extracted. Spin-images are used for shape matching. In this paper, some techniques for applying spin-image matching to the terrestrial laser scan data are proposed. They include robustness improvements for the scan noise and the differences in vertex densities by normal averaging and uniform point sampling, and efficient calculation by using multi-resolution images and geometric point filtering. © 2012 CAD Solutions, LLC.
  • 小野里雅彦
    精密工学会誌 78 1 23 - 26 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2012年01月 [査読無し][招待有り]
  • Kensuke Sato, Hiroaki Date, Masahiko Onosato
    International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing 5 2 133 - 136 2011年06月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    In this paper, we propose a method for matching, combinations extraction and configuration of mesh models for assembly and geometric modeling. Given two mesh models, a graph is first generated for each model. This graph, called a "feature-graph", represents abstract geometry information and connections of segments (local regions) for the model. Next, a set of pairs of segments which can be matched are extracted by performing sequential matching tests on the graphs. Finally, using the resulting pairs, the configuration between the models is determined by phased registrations keeping previous contact condition. An example of application to assembly modeling is included. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
  • Automatic Change Interpretation for Remote Sensing Data Using an Ontology-based Knowledge Information Process
    Proc. of 34th International Symposium for Remote Sensing of the Environment (CD-ROM) 1  2011年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Micro Process Planning for an Actual Machine Tool with Updatable Machining Database
    Proc. of 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CD-ROM) 1  2011年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Shutaro Hashimoto, Takeo Tadono, Masahiko Onosato, Masahiro Hori, Takashi Moriyama
    This paper proposes a new framework for automatic interpretation, especially for change interpretation, in order to implement insightful and versatile interpretation like manual interpretation. The framework considers remote sensing data analysis as a knowledge information processing. For handling large amount of knowledge on computers consistently, the framework employs double-layered knowledge structure; ontology and heuristic. The ontology is a conceptual dictionary about remote sensing domain, and heuristic is experimental knowledge containing uncertainty. Additionally, this paper introduces the method for constructing Bayesian network using knowledge, and inferring target objects and changes using it. An experiment of change detection is conducted to demonstrate our framework.
  • IGARI Shinji, TANAKA Fumiki, ONOSATO Masahiko
    Proc. of The 6th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (CD-ROM) 2011 6 3268 - 1"-"3268-6" 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2011年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    To generate optimal machining information, a machining database and operation planning algorithm have to be customized for an actual machine tool based on knowledge of a skilled planner. In this paper, a method to update a machining database from NC data is proposed. The database is updated by adding machining information extracted from NC data based on tool path analysis. A method to generate a database oriented planning algorithm from the machining database based on a decision tree method is also proposed. Machining strategy, cutting tool and cutting conditions are determined based on the algorithm and k nearest neighbor method.
  • 猪狩 真二, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2011 39 - 40 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2011年 
  • 寺島 貴宏, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2011 329 - 330 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2011年 
  • 岩田 一明, 小野里 雅彦, 谷水 義隆
    日本機械学會論文集. C編 76 772 3184 - 3189 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2010年12月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • 金井 理, 増田 宏, 小野里 雅彦, 河村 幸二, 伊達 宏昭
    精密工学会誌 76 10 1121 - 1124 公益社団法人 精密工学会 2010年10月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Efficient Cutaway Model Generation for Interactive Cutaway Viewing System
    Hiroaki Date, Hiromu Furukawa, Masahiko Onosato
    Proceedings of IDMME - Virtual Concept 2010 VC-P156  2010年10月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Shutaro Hashimoto, Masahiko Onosato, Takeo Tadono, Masahiro Hori, Takashi Moriyama
    This paper suggests a new automatic change detection approach using image-object-based contextual inference. The approach first detects changed areas, and then infers what happened there. The inference process uses knowledge based on a change detection process performed by humans. It enables flexible and intuitive description of the change detection process. In this paper, we describe the results of case studies on automatic change detection using the Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type-2 (AVNIR-2) onboard the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS, nicknamed "Daichi").
  • Dimension-driven deformation and untangling of tetrahedral meshes
    Proc. of Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering 2010 483 - 491 2010年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Proc. of 43rd CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems 659 - 666 2010年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Hiroaki Date, So Noguchi, Masahiko Onosato, Satoshi Kanai
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 45 3 1352 - 1355 2009年03月 [査読無し][通常論文]
    This paper describes a method for flexibly controlling the properties of a given multimaterial tetrahedral mesh for finite-element analysis. Our method is based on multiresolution techniques. A given mesh is first subdivided and then simplified so that the resulting mesh satisfies the user-specified thresholds for mesh properties (element size, shape, valence, and geometric tolerance). Once the simplification is completed, mesh resolution and density can be modified quickly by using level of detail.
  • Hiroaki Date, So Noguchi, Masahiko Onosato, Satoshi Kanai
    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 45 3 1352 - 1355 2009年03月 [査読無し][通常論文]
    This paper describes a method for flexibly controlling the properties of a given multimaterial tetrahedral mesh for finite-element analysis. Our method is based on multiresolution techniques. A given mesh is first subdivided and then simplified so that the resulting mesh satisfies the user-specified thresholds for mesh properties (element size, shape, valence, and geometric tolerance). Once the simplification is completed, mesh resolution and density can be modified quickly by using level of detail.
  • 田中 文基, 猪狩 真二, 小野里 雅彦
    年次大会講演論文集 2009 331 - 332 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2009年 
    This paper proposes CAD data integrated machining system for realizing advanced machining which is feature-based and machine independent. STEP-NC remedies the shortcomings of current NC data and is basic data structure for realizing the advanced machining system. To realize STEP'NC based manufacturing systems, it is necessary to perform machining feature extraction and data complementing of machine specific parameters. In this paper, a method to assist manufacturing feature extraction is proposed, which extracted an area of a product corresponding to a manufacturing feature based on the cutting tool approach direction. For data complementing of machine specific parameters, value setting method is also proposed. This method sets a default value of optional attribute using EXPRESS-X.
  • Takashi Tsubouchi, Koichi Osuka, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Hajime Asama, Satoshi Tadokoro, Masahiko Onosato, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Tomoharu Doi, Mika Murata, Yuko Kaburagi, Ikuko Tanimura, Naoko Ueda, Ken'Ichi Makabe, Koichi Suzumori, Eiji Koyanagi, Tomoaki Yoshida, Osamu Takizawa, Toshi Takamori, Yasushi Hada, Itsuki Noda
    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 161 - 174 2009年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    This chapter presents a process of making connections between researchers who develop rescue search devices and first responders, and presents scenario training experiments utilizing the devices operated by the responders. The development of the rescue search devices is aimed at practical deployment in the future so that the development researchers must have taken a pragmatic approach. It was crucial that researchers took every opportunity to demonstrate them in the presence of first responders and that they had contacts with several volunteer incumbent firemen who offered practical comments on the developed devices. Such comments will be used in the next stage of the development of rescue search devices. © 2009 Springer London.
  • Satoshi Tadokoro, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Hajime Asama, Masahiko Onosato, Koichi Osuka, Tomoharu Doi, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Itsuki Noda, Koichi Suzumori, Toshi Takamori, Takashi Tsubouchi, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Mika Murata
    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 17 - 31 2009年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The DDT Project on rescue robots and related technologies was carried out in Japan's fiscal years 2002-2006 by nationwide researchers, and was organized by International Rescue System Institute. The objective of this project was to develop practical technologies related to robotics as a countermeasure against earthquake disasters, and include robots, intelligent sensors, information equipment, and human interfaces that support emergency responses such as urban search and rescue, particularly victim search, information gathering, and communication. Typical technologies are teleoperated robots for victim search in hazardous disaster areas, and robotic systems with distributed sensors for gathering disaster information to support human decision making. This chapter introduces the objective of this project, and a brief overview of the research results. © 2009 Springer London.
  • Development of Digital Semantic Machining Models for STEP-NC Based on STEP Technology
    Advanced Design and Manufacturing Based on STEP 283 - 305 2009年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Masahiko Onosato, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Kenzo Nonami, Kuniaki Kawabata, Yasushi Hada, Hajime Asama, Fumiaki Takemura, Kiyoshi Maeda, Kenjiro Miura, Atsushi Yamashita
    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 33 - 55 2009年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    This chapter introduces R& D results for aerial robot systems for urban search and rescue (USAR). Different types of aerial robot system have been developed and effectively combined so as to offer a quick and continuous service for disaster information gathering. First, autonomous helicopters collect disaster situation data from the sky for first decision making in USAR planning. Then, a blimptype robot system and a cable-driven robot system survey victims under collapsed houses by detecting faint signs of life. As a continuous information service, a captive balloon system with a monitoring camera presents bird's-eye-views of the disaster area, and relays wireless communication among working teams on the ground. These robot systems and other developed technologies are integrated to provide a total solution for quick information gathering from the sky for USAR activity support. The availability of aerial robot systems was demonstrated in field tests conducted at Yamakoshi village. © 2009 Springer London.
  • Shinji Igari, Fumiki Tanaka, Masahiko Onosato
    The current NC data format (ISO 6983) puts restrictions on CNC machine tools because the NC data are specified in a low-level language, describing machine axis motion and some machine instructions. STEP-NC remedies the shortcomings of current NC data and has many advantages. However, to realize STEP-NC based machining systems, it is necessary to perform machining feature extraction, to generate machine-specific information, and to create a relationship between coordinate systems without disturbing data porting. This paper proposes the solutions for these problems and introduces a prototype of STEP-NC based process planning and a machining system.
  • Development of Digital Semantic Machining Models for STEP-NC Based on STEP Technology
    Advanced Design and Manufacturing Based on STEP 283 - 305 2009年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Masahiko Onosato, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Kenzo Nonami, Kuniaki Kawabata, Yasushi Hada, Hajime Asama, Fumiaki Takemura, Kiyoshi Maeda, Kenjiro Miura, Atsushi Yamashita
    Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue 33 - 55 2009年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    This chapter introduces R& D results for aerial robot systems for urban search and rescue (USAR). Different types of aerial robot system have been developed and effectively combined so as to offer a quick and continuous service for disaster information gathering. First, autonomous helicopters collect disaster situation data from the sky for first decision making in USAR planning. Then, a blimptype robot system and a cable-driven robot system survey victims under collapsed houses by detecting faint signs of life. As a continuous information service, a captive balloon system with a monitoring camera presents bird's-eye-views of the disaster area, and relays wireless communication among working teams on the ground. These robot systems and other developed technologies are integrated to provide a total solution for quick information gathering from the sky for USAR activity support. The availability of aerial robot systems was demonstrated in field tests conducted at Yamakoshi village. © 2009 Springer London.
  • 小野里 雅彦, 増田 寿信, 毛利 健二, 伊達 宏昭, 田中 文基
    図学研究 42 1 45 - 48 日本図学会 2008年 
    大地震等で倒壊した家屋から被災者を救助するためのレスキュー機器の研究開発が重要な課題となっている.しかしながら救助の場であるがれきに対する学術的知見が不足しており, がれきに対する研究が求められている.本研究グループでは工学的アプローチのひとつとして, がれきの形態解析をこれまで行っており, 本報告では, 物理シミュレータを用いて形成した模擬的ながれきのモデルを対象に, がれきの定量的なパラメータの分類と, がれきの形成する内部空間の構造を離散ボロノイ分割に基づき分析する手法の提案を行っている.これによりがれきの内部自由空間は分散する局所最大空球とそれらを結ぶネットワークにより特徴付けられることを示した.こうした空間の構造分析手法によりレスキューロボット等の開発に必要となる内部自由空間に関する特徴量を得ることが可能となった.
  • Development of a 3D user interface system for the deformation of mesh models
    Proc. of Virtual Concept 2008 VC-P61  2008年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Fast matching, combinations extraction and configuration of mesh models using graph-based feature representation
    Proc. of Virtual Concept 2008 VC-P63  2008年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Hiroaki Date, Masahiko Onosato
    Computer-Aided Design and Applications 5 1-4 287 - 295 2008年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    In this paper, we propose a triangular mesh deformation method based on dimensions. By specifying the type of dimensions, the regions defining the dimensions, and the target dimensions, the mesh is automatically deformed so that it satisfies the target dimensions. Mesh deformation is based on space-based deformation using barycentric coordinates. The deformation handle, which consists of a set of triangular prisms, is automatically created by mesh segmentation, simplification and offsetting of simplified mesh. In deformation, the deformation and fixed spaces are assigned to each prism in the handle, and the mesh is deformed by applying affine transformation to the control vertices and space-based deformation to the deformation space. Results for the mechanical parts show the effectiveness of our method. © 2008 CAD Solutions, LLC.
  • Analysis Of Nc Data Based On Cnc Data Model For Retaining Machining Information
    Proc. of 2008 International Symposium on Flexible Automation JL-026  2008年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Masahiko Onosato, Fumiki Tanaka, Hiroaki Date, Ryoji Kawagishi
    Manufacturing in the digital age is deeply dependent on the information and communication technologies (ICT) and the manufacturing activities have been changing from direct operations by human operators to digital data exchanges by computers. It is fairly difficult for engineers and workers to understand the entire image of digital manufacturing activities. A concept of complex manufacturing space (CMS) introduces the duality of the physical world and the information world to manufacturing design, planning, control, and other activities. This paper explains the complex manufacturing space concept and some technical challenges for its implementation.
  • Fumiki Tanaka, Masahiko Onosato, Takeshi Kishinami, Kiyoshi Akama, Makoto Yamada, Tsukasa Kondo, Satoshi Mistui
    To realize the articulate link between design and manufacturing, it is necessary to realize interoperable digital tools which represent the semantics of information independently of any implementations. It is necessary to assure that the quality of the shape information overcomes the limitation of interoperability of the shape information. In manufacturing, the interoperable CNC machining systems can be characterized as being capable of 1) seamless information flow; 2) feature based machining; etc. In this research, modeling and implementation of the Digital Semantic Model for 5-axis machining that fulfils the above requirements is proposed.
  • Flexible Control of Multi-material Tetrahedral Mesh Properties Using Multiresolution Techniques
    Proc. the 13th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation PC3-6  2008年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Takuya Matsuda, Fumiki Tanaka, Masahiko Onosato, Hiroaki Date
    In a machining system using computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools, detailed models of machining information are necessary to simulate detailed machining and to control the complex motion of machine tools. However, existing machining information models lack the necessary information and are described in their own formats. Consequently, many models which include the same information exist. Moreover various simulations for a virtual machining system and adaptive control for a real machining system are inacculate. To solve these problems, a digital machining information (DMI) model to support a real-virtual machining system is proposed in this study.
  • 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基, 伊達 宏昭
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2007 949 - 950 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2007年 
  • Development of a Digital Machining Information Model to Support a Real-Virtual Machining System
    Proc. the 4th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (CD-ROM) 825 - 830 2007年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 小野里 雅彦
    シミュレーション 25 2 89 - 95 日本シミュレーション学会 2006年06月 [査読有り][招待有り]
    This article presents an idea of combining virtual manufacturing technology and manufacturing knowledge management. The idea, named Active Knowledge Archive, utilizes a virtual manufacturing system as four dimensional data archives of experts' decision makings in practical problem solving. A prototype system of Active Knowledge Archive has been implemented with VirtualWorks, virtual shopfloor modeler and simulator, and XML database. Two concepts, VWSI (Virtual World Situation Identifier) and Knowledge Tag, are newly introduced to connect Virtual Works and XML database. The prototype system ...
  • 田中 将貴, 小野里 雅彦, 寺本 孝司, 竹内 芳美
    精密工学会誌論文集 72 2 271 - 275 公益社団法人精密工学会 2006年02月05日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Realization of resource circulation systems is recently desired. Thus this research aims to investigate conditions required to realize sustainable circulation systems, by means of making a product circulation model and applying life cycle simulation. A feature of this research is that a resource circulation system is modeled as interaction between agents with behavioral preferences. These agents include users and product makers in this model. Each user individually purchases products and each product maker individually supplies products. These actions are carried out through a market. Then some simulation scenarios were set up. These scenarios differ in behavioral preferences of product makers. Next, life cycle simulation was carried out in each scenario. As a result, the sale amount of products and environmental load in whole product life cycle were output. By means of comparing these results, it was possible to show the rational product development plan of product makers.
  • 伊達 宏昭, 金井 理, 西垣 一朗, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2006 41 - 42 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2006年 
  • 田中 将貴, 小野里 雅彦, 寺本 孝司, 竹内 芳美
    精密工学会誌論文集 72 2 271 - 275 公益社団法人精密工学会 2006年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Realization of resource circulation systems is recently desired. Thus this research aims to investigate conditions required to realize sustainable circulation systems, by means of making a product circulation model and applying life cycle simulation. A feature of this research is that a resource circulation system is modeled as interaction between agents with behavioral preferences. These agents include users and product makers in this model. Each user individually purchases products and each product maker individually supplies products. These actions are carried out through a market. Then some simulation scenarios were set up. These scenarios differ in behavioral preferences of product makers. Next, life cycle simulation was carried out in each scenario. As a result, the sale amount of products and environmental load in whole product life cycle were output. By means of comparing these results, it was possible to show the rational product development plan of product makers.
  • Jaesung Song, Manseung Seo, Masahiko Onosato
    COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS - ICCSA 2006, PT 1 3980 3960 469 - 479 2006年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Increasing the robustness and flexibility of the toot path finding method may broaden the application fields of pocket machining. We aim to develop a path finding method for various applications. Through an integration of the entire tool path finding process, the method becomes not merely optimal to generate an efficient path but also robust enough to be applied to any system with any configuration. The flexibility of the devised method enables us to broaden the application fields of pocketing to fields such as prototype printed circuit board manufacturing. The devised method is applied to generate a clearing path for prototype printed circuit boards. The results verify that the method is concise and simple, but robust and flexible enough to achieve the optimal path in any configuration.
  • Lithography Using a Microelectronic Mask
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 18 6 816 - 823 2006年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Hiroshi Yamada, Fumiki Tanaka, Masahiko Onosato
    2006 SICE-ICASE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-13 2629 - + 2006年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Retaining technical information is an important element for performing high quality machining. However, actual NC data (ISO 6983) contain implicit technical information which reflects the skilled worker's knowledge. In this research, to obtain technical information, NC data are analyzed based on a next-generation CNC control language (ISO 14649) which contains technical information explicitly. In this paper, we demonstrate how ISO 6983 NC data generated by CAM software are applied to the test implemented system, and how valid technical information is obtained.
  • Hiroshi Yamada, Fumiki Tanaka, Masahiko Onosato
    Retaining technical information is an important element for performing high quality machining. However, actual NC data (ISO 6983) contain implicit technical information which reflect the skilled worker's knowledge. In this research, for obtaining technical information, NC data are analyzed based on a next-generation CNC control language (ISO 14649) which contains technical information explicitly. In this paper, we demonstrate how ISO 6983 NC data generated by CAM software are applied to the test implemented system.
  • Fumiki Tanaka, Masahiko Onosato, Takeshi Kishinami, Kiyoshi Akama, Makoto Yamada, Tsukasa Kondo, Satoshi Mistui
    2006 SICE-ICASE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-13 5145 - + 2006年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    In. order to realize the articulate link between design and manufacturing and a traceable manufacturing system, it is necessary to represent the semantics of information independently of any implementations. Moreover, the quality of data that represent information should be ensured during the product life cycle. A significant amount of research for machining process planning and machining feature extraction has been carried out to help realize an integrated CAD/CAPP/CAM system. However, all data are not used throughout product development processes. The Standard for the Exchange of Product model data (STEP) has also emerged as a viable method for product model data exchange among design activities. However, a consistent application for integrating design, process planning and machining for mechanical components based on STEP/AP set has not completely been developed thus far. In this research, the Digital Semantic Model that fulfills the above requirements is proposed. In this paper, modeling and implementation of Digital Semantic Model for 5-axis machining is reported.
  • Yamazaki Tomoyuki, Onosato Masahiko, Tanaka Fumiki
    Progress of Machining Technology, Proceedings 539 - 542 2006年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    A new method for non-contact shape measurement of a specular surface like metallic surface, is proposed. The principle of the proposed method is the simultaneous measurement of 3D coordinates and normal vector on a specular surface using double laser spot images. Position and direction of the reflected beam are detected by the projected spot image on a l-axis movable screen. Then, the position and the normal vector of the reflection point on the surface are determined based on the law of ray reflection. Both position and normal vector are measured simultaneously. The system, based on the proposed method, contains only standard devices: a laser, a CCD camera and a screen. An experimental setup has been created to check the validity of the proposed method. To test the apparatus we measured some primitive shapes. The experimental results are shown and accuracy in addition to the properties of the proposed method, are evaluated.
  • Gaku Mizuno, Hiroaki Date, Satoshi Kanai, Takeshi Kishinami, Masahiko Onosato
    2006 SICE-ICASE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-13 3697 - + 2006年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Free-Form Deformation (FFD) is a popular method for deforming 3D geometric models. FFD first embeds the model in the parametric space defined by regular lattice (handle). Then by deforming the handle, the embedded model is deformed. However the FFD has following problems for engineering applications such as deformation of mesh models for Computer Aided Engineering (CAE): 1) It is difficult to make handle suitable for intended deformation type such as bend and twist, 2) it requires complicated manipulation to deform and 3) it can not explicitly specify the degree of deformations such as angle of bend. Therefore, in order to solve these problems, we present a parametric deformation method for mesh models. First, we propose an FFD based on barycentric coordinates (BCFFD). Then, we propose an automatic handle construction method for the BCFFD based on definition and classification of deformation types such as bend, twist and so on. Finally, we propose a parametric deformation method. Using our methods, the user can deform the mesh model by selecting deformation type and portions to be deformed, and by manipulating one or two deformation parameters.
  • Lithography Using a Microelectronic Mask
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 18 6 816 - 823 2006年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Manseung Seo, Haeryung Kim, Masahiko Onosato
    Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependability in a New Era 109 - 112 2006年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    It is not easy to find an efficient method for tool path generation free from uncut regions. Offset-loop dissection method (ODM) based on the offset loop entity (OLE) concept enables the method to be implemented easily into the system at any condition regardless of the number of offsets, the number of intersections, and even the number of islands. Recognizing the robustness and flexibility of the ODM and realizing the fact that uncut regions exist if there is an intersection between a previous tool envelope and a current tool envelope, the ODM is extended to uncut region detection. For the adoption of the ODM, the tool envelope loop entity (TLE) is defined. This concept enables the offset curve generation method to be extended further as a distinctive method in which uncut region detection is done through an identical way of offsetting. To ensure the method works, a prototype system is implemented and evaluated with the tool path generation obviating uncut regions. The result verifies that the proposed method fulfils technological requirements for uncut free pocketing. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Jaesung Song, Manseung Seo, Masahiko Onosato
    COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS - ICCSA 2006, PT 1 3980 3960 469 - 479 2006年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Increasing the robustness and flexibility of the toot path finding method may broaden the application fields of pocket machining. We aim to develop a path finding method for various applications. Through an integration of the entire tool path finding process, the method becomes not merely optimal to generate an efficient path but also robust enough to be applied to any system with any configuration. The flexibility of the devised method enables us to broaden the application fields of pocketing to fields such as prototype printed circuit board manufacturing. The devised method is applied to generate a clearing path for prototype printed circuit boards. The results verify that the method is concise and simple, but robust and flexible enough to achieve the optimal path in any configuration.
  • TANAKA Fumiki, YAMADA Horishi, ONOSATO Masahiko, KISHINAMI Takeshi
    Proceedings of International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st century : LEM21 2005 2 415 - 420 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2005年10月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Technical information, such as machining features, type of machining operations and machining conditions, should be represented explicitly and integrated into one data structure with some relation between the information in order to manage, modify, and verify NC data and avoid human error. However, traditional NC data (ISO 6983) contains such kind of technical information implicitly. In this research, technical information is extracted from NC code, and the extracted technical information is transformed into a next-generation CNC control language (ISO14649) which contains the technical info...
  • 小野里 雅彦, 中西 弘明
    ロボット 72 2 4 - 8 日本ロボット工業会 2005年05月 [査読有り][招待有り]
    Realization of resource circulation systems is recently desired. Thus this research aims to investigate conditions required to realize sustainable circulation systems, by means of making a product circulation model and applying life cycle simulation. A feature of this research is that a resource circulation system is modeled as interaction between agents with behavioral preferences. These agents include users and product makers in this model. Each user individually purchases products and each product maker individually supplies products. These actions are carried out through a market. Then ...
  • 小野里 雅彦
    年次大会講演論文集 2005 13 - 14 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2005年 
    The paper deals with a new method for describing detail situations of production activities based on the virtual manufacturing technology. The author has proposed a knowledge acquisition and utilization framework named Active Knowledge Archive (AKA) in which decision makings by expert designers or engineers are recorded with the descriptions of production situations. Three dimensional simulation models of manufacturing systems based on the virtual manufacturing approach are conveniently used for the reference of situation descriptions.
  • Systematic Approach to Contour-Parallel Tool Path Generation of 2.5-D Pocket with Islands
    Computer-Aided Design and Application 2 1-4 213 - 222 2005年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Manufacturing Knowledge in the Digital Age: Recording Expert's Activities of Problem Solving in Digital Working Environment for Knowledge Intentisive Manufacturing
    CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems 34 5 1  2005年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Systematic Approach to Contour-Parallel Tool Path Generation of 2.5-D Pocket with Islands
    Computer-Aided Design and Application 2 1-4 213 - 222 2005年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 田中 将貴, 寺本 孝司, 竹内 芳美, 小野里 雅彦
    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting 2004 7 269 - 270 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2004年09月04日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Construction of resource circulation systems is presently necessary. Thus this work purposes to search for conditions required to construct circulation systems, by means of modeling various functions organizing product life cycles and simulating that. When we consider resource circulation systems, it is important that behaviors of consumers and product makers with indefinite factors influence some flows at all of product life cycle. Therefore in this work we analyze these influences. Concretely we set up characteristics of consumers and product makers as parameters and analyzed sensitivity ...
  • 小野里 雅彦
    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan 22 5 558 - 561 The Robotics Society of Japan 2004年07月15日
  • 寺本 孝司, 小野里 雅彦
    日本機械学會論文集. C編 70 694 1824 - 1829 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2004年06月25日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    In the conventional end-milling research, operation planning is fragmented into partial planning such as determination of fixturing method, tool path generation and selection of cutting condition. Fragmented plans in operation planning are generated separately, although those generations are dependent each other. Advanced machining operations are directed to complicated and/or thin shape workpiece precision machining. This trend requires considering the interdependency among the partial plans. This paper presents a besic framework and procedure of coordinative generation of total operation ...
  • 小野里 雅彦
    システム/制御/情報 : システム制御情報学会誌 48 6 208 - 213 システム制御情報学会 2004年06月15日 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 金子 順一, 寺本 孝司, 小野里 雅彦, 竹内 芳美
    精密工学会誌論文集 70 3 423 - 427 公益社団法人精密工学会 2004年03月05日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    The study deals with an accurate cutting error prediction of end milling in the finishing operation. As it was indicated that the consideration of cutting edge roundness improves the accuracy of cutting force simulation, a new estimation method of cutting force has been proposed for end milling with the straight flute tools, based on the calculation of the actual depth of cut. The influence of cutting edge roundness was not considered in the conventional cutting error prediction. Then, the study proposes an extended estimation method of cutting error for the helical flute end mill. It is ne...
  • 小野里 雅彦
    年次大会講演論文集 2004 55 - 56 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2004年 
    Knowledge and skills are the most important resources for industrial companies and they need effective methods to promote the utilization of more and more knowledge and skills. This paper deals with an overview of manufacturing knowledge and skills in the digital age. Digital working environment including CAD/CAM/CAE, E-mail, Web makes it easier to record the problem solving activities of experts. Tracing the processes of their problem solving will give us important information about their knowledge and skills.
  • 竹内 裕昭, 小野里 雅彦
    年次大会講演論文集 2004 241 - 242 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2004年 
    There's likely to problem not to inherit the skills and knowledge about manufacturing and designing. Annotation function in CAD software could embed such informations, however it requires extra operations and the locations are dependent on CAD. We develop a system that can embed the information intuitively by the use of mixed reality. The device "XEONA" consists of 3D monitor, PHANToM haptic device and fuses them by half-mirror. Our system can obtain the shapes of the models as surface-model from CAD software seemlessly and represents it by OpenGL and PHANToM API. We developed a tool-independent expression for 3D locations using the codes by Hierarchical Triangular Mesh(HTM). Therefore, we suggests the system that embed the knowledge informations onto and retrieve it from 3D product models directly and intuitively based on XEONA.
  • 柴田 洋輔, 小野里 雅彦
    年次大会講演論文集 2004 255 - 256 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2004年 
    Nowadays CAD/CAM systems have been spreading and they are frequently used in a field of design and manufacturing. In case the discussion of the model created using the CAD software, conversations including spatial infomation such as "I want this part is more right." are often occured. If you can point the "this part" of the model which exists on real space and virtual space using a pointing device without distinction, it will become more intelligible for a everyone in the discussion. And we call this system which can point a model without distinction of space Universal Pointing system. Then, we use a mouse, FASTRAK and MicroScribe as a device for pointing object. We aim at development for the system which can point a real object or a virtual object that was reflected on the screen etc. using these three devices. Moreover, the technique as, for which an exchange of data is made to a system using TCP/IP-was proposed.
  • Development of Active Knowledge Archives based on Virtual Manufacturing Systems
    CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems 33 2 151 - 159 2004年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Configuration of Task Support Environment for the Enhancement of Machining Skills
    CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems 33 4 355 - 361 2004年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 寺本 孝司, 小野里 雅彦
    日本機械学会論文集C編 70 694 1824 - 1829 2004年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 金子 順一, 寺本 孝司, 小野里 雅彦, 竹内 芳美
    精密工学会誌 Vol. 70 No. 3 423 - 427 公益社団法人精密工学会 2004年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    The study deals with an accurate cutting error prediction of end milling in the finishing operation. As it was indicated that the consideration of cutting edge roundness improves the accuracy of cutting force simulation, a new estimation method of cutting force has been proposed for end milling with the straight flute tools, based on the calculation of the actual depth of cut. The influence of cutting edge roundness was not considered in the conventional cutting error prediction. Then, the study proposes an extended estimation method of cutting error for the helical flute end mill. It is necessary to calculate the actual depth of cut with an accurate description method of workpiece surface since the amount of cutting error on workpiece surface usually changes with the height of a cutting flute. As a change in workpiece surface in machining is correctly estimated by the calculation of the actual depth of cut, the estimation of cutting error is attained by referring to the form of machined workpiece surface, which is left behind after the end mill passed. A prototype of simulation system is developed, based on the proposed method. The effectiveness of the proposed estimation method is demonstrated by making cutting experiments with helical flute end mill under the cutting condition of finishing operation. The predicted cutting error shows a good qualitative agreement with the measured one, thus the more accurate prediction of cutting error is realized by the proposed method.
    CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems 33 2 151 - 159 2004年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 金子 順一, 寺本 孝司, 小野里 雅彦, 竹内 芳美
    精密工学会誌 Vol. 70 No. 3 423 - 427 公益社団法人精密工学会 2004年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    The study deals with an accurate cutting error prediction of end milling in the finishing operation. As it was indicated that the consideration of cutting edge roundness improves the accuracy of cutting force simulation, a new estimation method of cutting force has been proposed for end milling with the straight flute tools, based on the calculation of the actual depth of cut. The influence of cutting edge roundness was not considered in the conventional cutting error prediction. Then, the study proposes an extended estimation method of cutting error for the helical flute end mill. It is necessary to calculate the actual depth of cut with an accurate description method of workpiece surface since the amount of cutting error on workpiece surface usually changes with the height of a cutting flute. As a change in workpiece surface in machining is correctly estimated by the calculation of the actual depth of cut, the estimation of cutting error is attained by referring to the form of machined workpiece surface, which is left behind after the end mill passed. A prototype of simulation system is developed, based on the proposed method. The effectiveness of the proposed estimation method is demonstrated by making cutting experiments with helical flute end mill under the cutting condition of finishing operation. The predicted cutting error shows a good qualitative agreement with the measured one, thus the more accurate prediction of cutting error is realized by the proposed method.
  • Configuration of Task Support Environment for the Enhancement of Machining Skills
    CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems 33 4 355 - 361 2004年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 寺本 孝司, 小野里 雅彦
    日本機械学会論文集C編 70 694 1824 - 1829 2004年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 金子 順一, 寺本 孝司, 小野里 雅彦, 竹内 芳美
    精密工学会誌 69 11 1605 - 1609 公益社団法人精密工学会 2003年11月05日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    This paper deals with an accurate cutting force prediction method of end milling in the finishing operation. In order to evaluate the finishing process of end milling, it is necessary to model the workpiece surface precisely. Thus, a cutting process model is proposed. It is based on the actual depth of cut, where the effect of elastic recovery, ploughing force and tool deflection is taken into account. The cutting process in surface generation is investigated from the viewpoint of depth of cut. Three cutting phases, that is, burnishing, rubbing and cutting, are introduced in order to descri...
  • 寺本 孝司, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会誌 69 8 1098 - 1103 公益社団法人精密工学会 2003年08月05日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    This paper deals with an accurate cutting force prediction method of ball end milling in non-horizontal tool movement. A model learning technique is introduced in order to enhance the applicable range of process simulation. Because ball end mill has complex shape of cutting edge, cutting situations vary widely according to the change of tool-workpiece interference region. A model learning based simulation framework is proposed to predict cutting force accurately. A procedure of the model learning is proposed by combining the quasi-Newton method and memory-based learning. The effectiveness o...
  • 寺本 孝司, 小野里 雅彦
    『精密工学会誌』 69 8 1098 - 1103 2003年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 金子 順一, 寺本 孝司, 小野里 雅彦, 竹内 芳美
    『精密工学会誌』 69 11 1605 - 1609 2003年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Kaneko J, Teramoto K, Onosato M, Takeuchi Y
    Proceedings of International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st century : LEM21 2003 777 - 782 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2003年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    This paper deals with an accurate cutting force prediction method of end milling. Cutting condition with small feed rate is often adopted in finish machining. In such conditions, the depth of cut in the radial direction of end mill cannot be estimated accurately by conventional cutting force prediction methods. When the depth of cut is quite small, the error on workpiece surface and the displacement of cutting edge are regarded as dominant factors to determine cutting force. Then, two estimation models about tool deflection and elastic recovery named "Actual depth of cut" are introduced in ...
  • 金子 順一, 寺本 孝司, 小野里 雅彦, 竹内 芳美
    『精密工学会誌』 69 11 1605 - 1609 公益社団法人精密工学会 2003年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    This paper deals with an accurate cutting force prediction method of end milling in the finishing operation. In order to evaluate the finishing process of end milling, it is necessary to model the workpiece surface precisely. Thus, a cutting process model is proposed. It is based on the actual depth of cut, where the effect of elastic recovery, ploughing force and tool deflection is taken into account. The cutting process in surface generation is investigated from the viewpoint of depth of cut. Three cutting phases, that is, burnishing, rubbing and cutting, are introduced in order to describe the surface generation. Next, a new simulation model is proposed. It is based on the evaluation model of cutting force ratio and actual cutting depth according to three cutting phases. Furthermore, a new procedure of cutting force calculation is proposed in order to consider the effect of error on workpiece surface. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by developing the prototype simulation system and making cutting experiments with straight flute end mill, where it is difficult to predict the cutting force by conventional simulation methods. The cutting force measured in the experiment shows a good qualitative agreement with the predicted one.
  • 寺本 孝司, 小野里 雅彦
    『精密工学会誌』 69 8 1098 - 1103 公益社団法人精密工学会 2003年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    This paper deals with an accurate cutting force prediction method of ball end milling in non-horizontal tool movement. A model learning technique is introduced in order to enhance the applicable range of process simulation. Because ball end mill has complex shape of cutting edge, cutting situations vary widely according to the change of tool-workpiece interference region. A model learning based simulation framework is proposed to predict cutting force accurately. A procedure of the model learning is proposed by combining the quasi-Newton method and memory-based learning. The effectiveness of the model learning is demonstrated by making comparisons between experimental data and predicted cutting force
  • 岩田 一明, 小野里 雅彦
    自動車技術 56 12 9 - 13 自動車技術会 2002年12月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • 小野里 雅彦
    日本機械学會誌 105 1002 353 - 353 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2002年05月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • 小野里 雅彦
    年次大会講演論文集 2002 391 - 392 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2002年 
    The modularity is now considered as the key concept of the current manufacturing systems. The modularity was originally investigated in software engineering and it has never been examined in the context of manufacturing systems configuration. This paper firstly introduces five aspects of modules, which are segmentation, operation, encapsulation, independence, and interface, and then explains five relationships in manufacturing systems, which are cohesion, similarity, continuity, cooperation, and dependece. The concept of modularity in manufacturing systems is redefined by using the conceptual scheme of modularity for manufacturing.
  • A Framework of Human-Computer Collaboration for Situation Conscious Operation Planning
    CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems 31 3 235 - 240 2002年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Masahiko Onosato, Taro Watasue
    Advanced Robotics 16 6 545 - 548 2002年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    The Great Hanshin-Awaki Earthquake in 1995 made Japan aware that the infrastructure of its technological society is so fragile and unreliable in case of disasters beyond supposition. From 1996, Osaka University has been studying the linkage between robots and disaster information, and have proposed robotic systems and a research framework. An outline of the research conducted to date is given.
  • M Onosato, T Watasue
    SICE 2002: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 41ST SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-5 890 - 892 2002年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Life-saving from collapsed buildings is the most important mission of disaster response robotics, but we have less knowledge about disorderly objects like collapsed houses - GAREKI. The authors proposed the concept of GAREKI engineering and have been studying a computer modeling and simulation system of GAREKI for defining GAREKI factors representing its features.
  • M Onosato, T Kawano, K Iwata
    DIGITAL HUMAN MODELING CONFERENCE 1675 329 - 342 2002年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    This paper deals with the digital human models which can work in a virtual factory. To generate appropriate motions of digital human models depending on the given task and working environment, the authors designed the information exchanging process between a digital human model and his/her surrounding objects. We call this process "Virtual Affordance Protocols(VAP)". Based on VAP, a digital human communicates with the target object or other objects in the working environment and decides his/her motions for operating the task object. VAP provides digital human with autonomous ability with which he/she can generate task motions adaptively for various situations.
  • M Onosato, T Watasue
    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 16 6 545 - 548 2002年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • M Onosato, T Watasue
    ADVANCED ROBOTICS 16 6 545 - 548 2002年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Gerontechnology in Work and Daily Life
    ", in (eds) Gerontechnology: Technology and Aging - Starting into the Third Millenium 19 - 34 2002年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • A Framework of Human-Computer Collaboration for Situation Conscious Operation Planning
    CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems 31 3 235 - 240 2002年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 小野里 雅彦
    科学と工業 75 4 166 - 172 大阪工研協会 2001年04月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • M Onosato, N Suppen, K Teramoto, K Iwata
    The most important issue of manufacturing in the 21st century is the change of manufacturing scheme from mass-production/consumption to a new one that enables sustainable development. The authors propose a new manufacturing scheme that opens manufacturing activities, knowledge, skills, and facilities, which have been enclosed in industrial factories, to everybody who wants to develop and fabricate his/her own artifacts. The scheme, named Person-Achieved Ubiquitous Manufacturing (PAUM), will also change the styles of product design, industrial business, the flow of materials, product recycling loops, and education of engineering.
  • Tsuneo Kawano, Masahiko Onosato, Kazuaki Iwata
    SAE Technical Papers 2000年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    In the present study an objective method for evaluating work-related painfulness at a pectoral limb (that is an upper limb of human body) was derived from combining biomechanical and physiological evaluations. Flexions and extensions about an elbow joint with a tool in a hand were taken up for the work models with a pectoral limb. Experiments of the model works at five different positions were carried out by ten male subjects in order to evaluate physical and physiological burdens. On the basis of the experimental results an objective index of painfulness was defined as proportional to the magnitude of the physical load and inversely proportional to the level of the skin blood flow. And it was confirmed that the index of painfulness agreed well with the subjective evaluations. Copyright © 2000 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
  • N Suppen, M Onosato, K Iwata
    The new "green" manufacturing trends and consumer preferences have led facilities to seek for improvement in their activities towards the environment, human health and safety. This paper presents a process model of maintenance, which regards the release of emissions and wastes and the occurrence of occupational injuries as failures. Environmental, operational, human health and safety parameters are modeled in an estimation loop to evaluate performance in different stages of the facility life cycle. Multiple objective factors are considered to plan maintenance in a more reliable and accurate manner.
  • 宋 在晟, 平井 慎一, 小野里 雅彦, 岩田 一明
    日本機械学會論文集. C編 65 629 409 - 415 一般社団法人日本機械学会 1999年01月25日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    An analytical method to the design of compliant hand appropriate to given assembly operations is presented. Use of passive compliance devices in mating operations is effective in order to prevent excessive contact forces and to guide an assembled part to its goal location despite of positioning errors among the parts. Methods to design passive compliance devices are thus required. First, quasistatic equilibrium conditions are established based on the kinematic and the static analysis of mechanical contacts. Second, feasible candidates for the desired end-point compliance are calculated base...
  • N Suppen, M Onosato, K Iwata
    An excellent way to bring environmental concerns into account in the process activities of a manufacturing facility is to consider them as part of the scope of maintenance engineering. This paper presents a methodology for incorporating environmental considerations, human health and safety issues in maintenance engineering in each of the process life cycles using an overall reliability analysis. This methodology can help to make a better planning and implementation of maintenance activities.
  • 尾崎 優, 小野里 雅彦, 岩田 一明
    精密工学会誌 64 11 1613 - 1617 公益社団法人精密工学会 1998年11月05日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    "Virtual Manufacturing" is one of the most attractive techniques in the field of manufacturing. In order to make a Virtual Shop Floor (VSF) as a first step to build Virtual Manufacturing Systems, Open System Architecture for Virtual Shop floor (OSAViS) is presented. OSAViS is an architecture to make the VSF as a set of various modules and execute a distributed and parallel simulation of shop floors. In this paper, a data management method, a synchronization process, and a communication mechanism in OSAViS are described. These subjects are important to simulate shop floors on a distributed a...
  • 尾崎 優, 小野里 雅彦, 岩田 一明
    精密工学会誌 64 9 1309 - 1313 公益社団法人精密工学会 1998年09月05日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    "Virtual Manufacturing"is one of the most effective techniques to make a model of manufacturing systems and simulate manufacturing processes. In this paper, Virtual Shop Floor (VSF) is investigated as a first step to make Virtual Manufacturing Systems. VSF is a computer system which supports designing and operating desirable shop floors in various manufacturing environments. A new concept of Open System Architecture for Virtual Shop Floor (OSAViS) is proposed, in order to make VSF fast enough, so as to be able to follow the changes of a manufacturing environment. OSAViS is an architecture f...
  • 宋 在晟, 平井 慎一, 小野里 雅彦, 岩田 一明
    日本機械学會論文集. C編 64 620 1464 - 1471 一般社団法人日本機械学会 1998年04月25日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    A systematic approach to the design of passive compliance for assembly operations is presented. Use of passive compliance in mating operations is effective in order to prevent excessive contact forces and to guide an assembled part to its goal location despite of positioning errors of parts. Elements of a compliance matrix must be determined adequately so that the operations can be performed successfull and quickly. However, no systematic methods to design the elements of a passive compliance matrix for individual mating operations have been established. In this paper, a new method to deter...
  • 西田 修三, 川野 常夫, 橋本 正治, 田中 栄二, 岩田 一明, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会誌 64 2 221 - 225 公益社団法人精密工学会 1998年02月05日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Authors of this paper constructed a remote control simulation system of micromachine, to make clear experimentally the accomplishment of guiding tasks and the formation of man's cognitive models of space configuration when man remote-controls a micromachine in some fine tubes. The system gives pictures of the inner part of the test space. Subjects were set to a task to guide a micromachine from a start point to a goal point by relying on these 'subjective' visual images. The test space was set to 2-dimensions and motions of the micromachine were restricted to going forward-and-backward and ...
  • K Teramoto, M Onosato, K Iwata
    CIRP ANNALS 1998 - MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, VOL 47, NO 1 47 437 - 440 1998年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    In the conventional end-milling research, fixturing and machining plans in operation planning are generated separately, although those generations are mutually dependent. Advanced machining operations are directed to complicated and/or thin shape workpiece precision machining. This trend requires to consider the interdependency between machining and fixturing. This interdependency is dealt with in the newly developed coordination cycle where physical consistency and evaluation coherence are managed. This research paper presents a basic framework and procedure of the problem solving for coordinative generation of machining and fixturing plans. This paper also describes an example to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.
  • JS Song, S Hirai, M Onosato, K Iwata
    Using compliance is effective in assembly operations with positioning errors, so that it prevents excessive contact forces and guides a part to its goal. In this paper we present a systematic method to design a compliant hand appropriate to given assembly task. The desired end-point stiffness matrix is decided through the results of quasi-static analyses of contact states. The mechanical structure of a compliant hand is then designed based on the derived stiffness matrix. The validity of the design method is illustrated through an assembly simulation.
  • 仲 義輝, 小野里 雅彦, 住岡 晋一郎, 岩田 一明
    日本機械学會論文集. C編 63 616 4417 - 4423 一般社団法人日本機械学会 1997年12月25日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    For successful concurrent engineering, one should understand how each member of the design task carries out his processes in the organization. All task processes conducted in the design task form a kind of structure in which various factors are related to each other in a complicated way. The authors named this the organizational task processing structure (OTP structure). In this paper, the authors propose a method for OTP structure modelling, named ScoPy (Simultaneous and Collaborative Processing Systematization and Analysis). The definition of the Scopy object model for OTP structure is in...
  • 仲 義輝, 小野里 雅彦, 岩田 一明
    日本機械学會論文集. C編 63 616 4410 - 4416 一般社団法人日本機械学会 1997年12月25日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    For successful concurrent engineering, it is important to form a well organized team, outline good task processing and manage it in detail. The purpose of this research is to clarify the relationship among factors related to these task processings, and to establish a framework for systematic approaches of understanding, analyzing and designing the activities. In this paper, various activities observed during task processing are analyzed. From an individual viewpoint, nine factors and five primitive actions are extracted, and from an organizational viewpoint, four more factors and three typi...
  • 小野里 雅彦, 岩田 一明, 福田 圭一
    日本機械学會論文集. C編 63 616 4394 - 4401 一般社団法人日本機械学会 1997年12月25日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Time information frequently plays an important role in the areas of design and manufacturing. The processing of time information data is done by application programs in different ways. The authors developed a modeling system for time information in which various facts and conditions concerning temporal situations are described, processed, and inferred in an integrated way. In this paper we outline an approach for realizing the system and propose the system requirements, architecture, and basic functions. Based on these proposals, a modeling system for time information, labeled Time Informat...
  • 谷水 義隆, 杉村 延広, 岩田 一明, 小野里 雅彦
    日本機械学會論文集. C編 63 615 4065 - 4070 一般社団法人日本機械学会 1997年11月25日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) draws upon many important areas of manufacturing automation, such as CAD, CAM and MRP. It is not necessarily the sum of these compooents but the linking of them into an interoperable system that satisfies the various strategies and objectives of the CIM systems. The objective of the present research is to develop a formal modelling method in order to realize concurrent development and integration of the various CIM models. A model architecture of the CIM is discussed to establish systematic and logical criteria for classifying the CIM models. A comput...
  • 小野里 雅彦, 岩田 一明
    精密工学会誌 63 10 1395 - 1399 公益社団法人精密工学会 1997年10月05日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    In conventional modeling, a design object is mostly described as a static and unique structure composed of entities. Such a static model only gives a snapshot of the design object on the specific aspect. For advanced product design, products should be modeled as both time-changeable and multiphase objects. To deal with machine behaviors, the changes of attribute values and relations of components should be described explicitly according as its history. Industrial products are now considered as multidisciplinary objects. Entities such as parts and units are inadequate to represent design objects with behaviors and multiphase in some integrated way. In order to extend the entitybased modeling framework so as to include behaviors and multiphase, the authors proposed the statebased modeling framework. The modeling primitive in the framework is called 'state'. Each state is described as a combination of the spatial region occupied, the time interval in which it exists, and a list of attribute values for the specified spatial region and time interval. Entities such as parts, units, and products are represented as the aggregation of states which are distributed in the space-time extent.
  • K Iwata, M Onosato, K Teramoto, S Osaki
    CIRP ANNALS 1997 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, VOLUME 46/1/1997 46 335 - 338 1997年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Advanced information technology such as computer networking and 3D graphics is now forcing industrial companies to change their manufacturing systems to information-oriented ones. The authors propose an new approach to an advanced information infrastructure with manufacturing semantics by using virtual manufacturing systems. Virtual manufacturing systems have much potential to integrate manufacturing resources and activities distributed in computer networks. The paper also describes how virtual manufacturing systems will be applied to applications as the informational kernel with open architecture in advanced manufacturing systems.
  • Kazuaki Iwata, Masahiko Onosato, Koji Teramoto, Man-Seung Seo
    JSME International Journal, Series C: Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing 40 3 533 - 539 1997年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Concurrent, cooperative and consistent product design by multiple designers and engineers is a key concept for success in a quickly changing market. For such design, the product modeling system is considered to be the common work space that integrates both design activities and design information from multiple designers and engineers. In this paper a framework of feature-based modeling is proposed to support concurrent, cooperative and consistent product design involving functional design, machining, assembly and maintenance. The framework defines a mechanism for interpreting shape descriptions from the viewpoint of different applications into a unified representation. With this mechanism, designers and engineers can deal cooperatively with product shapes in an environment of concurrent engineering. Based on this framework, a feature-based modeling system has been developed and an example of implementation is briefly introduced.
  • 川野 常夫, 西田 修三, 橋本 正治, 山元 税, 岩田 一明, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会誌 62 5 712 - 716 公益社団法人精密工学会 1996年05月05日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    A consulting system for the body loads taken on individual joints while working has been developed using a kinetic analysis system of human body motions and a posture input device shaped like a robot, called CHAPLIN (Consultation by HAndling Puppet-Like INterface). CHAPLIN has 15 skeletal segments made of vinyl chloride resin, and 16 total degrees of freedom. The sensors are invisibly imbedded in the resin, thereby allowing the exterior form to be crafted so that postures are easily recognizable. The torques acting at body joints are calculated from the posture inputted to a computer and the consulter's anthropometric data. In the system real-time skeletal animation is displayed with colored visualization of the torque intensity about the joints. Based on both the CHAPLIN's posture and the torque intensity displayed, the consultation is conducted comparing the body loads corresponding to several postures during load liftings. As a result of consultations with 20 subjects, it was found that this system is very useful for enabling workers to understand how to improve their postures.
  • 岩田 一明, 小野里 雅彦
    精密工学会誌 62 1 13 - 18 公益社団法人精密工学会 1996年01月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • 薮崎 清・ヒベルト, 岩田 一明, 荒井 栄司, 小野里 雅彦
    日本機械学會論文集. C編 61 584 1734 - 1739 一般社団法人日本機械学会 1995年04月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Computer representation of the product object is necessary for realization of concurrent engineering. This representation should be determined cooperatively by design and production departments using communication systems. This paper describes minimum design and production criteria to meet requirements and functions for modelling. The authors propose one method for representation of the product object, using object-oriented programming and an object-oriented database management system. Reliable data for this product object representation were obtained by interviewing several experienced des...
  • 岩田 一明, 荒井 栄司, 小野里 雅彦, 薮崎 清・ヒベルト
    日本機械学會論文集. C編 61 582 730 - 735 一般社団法人日本機械学会 1995年02月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Communication among design, manufacturing and other departments is indispensable for the realization of concurrent engineering. This paper describes a communication system for human-centered concurrent engineering, focusing principally on non-real-time communication. The authors propose a conversation model for multiple users and analyze linguistic actions in order to exchange information in a reliable way. Then, the functions required for communication systems are described for achieving a high level of communication in cooperative work groups via computers.
  • K. Iwata, M. Onosato, K. Teramoto, S. Osaki
    CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 44 1 399 - 402 1995年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Virtual manufacturing systems are integrated computer models that represent the precise and whole structure of manufacturing systems and simulate their physical and logical behavior in operation. Since each virtual manufacturing system is an aggregation of various computer hardware and software, it is necessary to develop a system architecture which defines functional components required for modelling and simulation, interfaces between components, virtual-real interactions, and system infrastructure. This paper deals with a modelling and simulation architecture for virtual manufacturing systems for the practical development and describes a method of modelling and simulation for distributed simulation of virtual manufacturing systems. © 1995 CIRP.
  • 平尾 好弘, 小野里 雅彦, 岩田 一明
    精密工学会誌 60 8 1179 - 1183 公益社団法人精密工学会 1994年08月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Non-manifold models have been studied in order to represent and manipulate the shape of products in design and manufacturing processes consistently. Most developments of non-manifold modeling are based on the Radial-edge structure which has complicated structures and operations of topologies. In this paper, a new non-manifold modeling method based on cells, which is named Cell-model, is proposed. A Cell-model is composed of two prime concepts; Cells as topological elements and Cell-lists as adjacencies of Cells. Orders among adjacent Cells, which are essential for topological information, can he derived from a Cell-model by applying Switching functions to Cell-lists and chaining the selected Cells. A set of basic operators for handling topological structures of Cell-models are defined, and the basic concept of set operations in the Cell-modeling is explained with an example of modeling processes.
  • K. Iwata, M. Onosato, M. Koike
    CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 43 1 379 - 383 1994年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Manufacturing systems are now required to have a capability to cope with the changes of manufacturing conditions and to carry out efficient production continuously. The concept of Random Manufacturing System (RMS) is proposed in order to realize flexible and adaptive production for dynamically-changing orders. RMS consists of machine agents each of which can decides its own schedule. The operation of RMS is carried out according to the tender-based decision making. In this paper, the basic concept, architecture, and operation procedure of RMS are introduced, and methods for improving RMS performance and two simulation systems are explained. © 1994 CIRP.
    ADVANCEMENT OF INTELLIGENT PRODUCTION 1 13 - 18 1994年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Masahiko Onosato, Kazuaki Iwata
    CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 42 1 475 - 478 1993年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Virtual manufacturing(VM) is a concept of executing manufacturing processes in computers as well as in the real world. VM makes it possible to estimate manufacturing processes previously without using real facilities, and therefore, VM is expected to be used for many applications in manufacturing. This paper firstly introduces the concept of VM systems and discusses the relations with other concepts in manufacturing. After the discussion about the requirements for VM systems, the architecture of VM systems is explained. Lastly, some systems developed for VM systems are introduced. © 1993 CIRP.
    This paper describes a concept of a central modeling system for time information and a methodology to realize it. First, the importance of developing temporal modeling systems which are commonly used by application programs is discussed from the viewpoint of computer-integrated manufacturing. After analyzing the diversity of temporal information to be considered, a unified representation method of various temporal information is proposed and its mathematical formalization is explained. According to the proposed approach, an experimental system, time information manager, is implemented. The system adopts J.F. Allen's method as a consistency management algorithm. The system is also extended so as to deal with cyclic time intervals, the multiple time axes, and qualitative information. It is applied to some present methodologies concerned with time information to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
  • Kazuaki Iwata, Eiji Matsuo, Masahiko Onosato
    CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 41 1 161 - 164 1992年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Summary: The concept of "Mechanism Diagram" is introduced in order to realize the quick understanding of mechanism in mechanical design. Mechanism Diagram is constituted by the connection of "symbolized elements with movement", which are derived by analyzing kinematic relations of mechanical elements in machines. A drawing system for Mechanism Diagram is also developed. The result of experiments by using it shows that Mechanism Diagram can remarkably reduce time for understanding a complicated mechanism. © 1992 CIRP.
  • 岩田 一明, 小野里 雅彦, 西田 修三, 西中 大之
    精密工学会誌 57 8 1399 - 1405 公益社団法人精密工学会 1991年08月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    This paper describes a three-dimensional model of a human hand considering the softness of fingers and the revolving resistance of finger joints. They are expressed by nonlinear springs that can set limits to their possible displacements. To measure the elastic characteristics of nonlinear springs and the friction coefficients of finger ball skin, three measuring devices are developed. Based on the model with elasticity of fingers and joints, a simulation method is proposed which makes it possible to estimate torques by muscle, torques by elasticity, the distribution of acting forces betwee...
  • 小野里 雅彦, 吉川 弘之
    精密工学会誌 54 8 1556 - 1561 公益社団法人精密工学会 1988年08月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    This paper describes a systematic method which can generate effective robot motion for handling constrained objects automatically. In this study, constraints which appear in the time of object manipulation are divided into following three parts. The first one is a natural constraint which is observed between an object and a base on which the object is constrained. Most of the natural constraints of industrial products are considered as a kinematic pair and this fact makes costraint problem simple. The second one is an artificial constraint which exists between an object and an end-effector ...


  • 岩佐和磨, 小野里雅彦, 田中文基 計測自動制御学会北海道支部学術講演会論文集 55th 2023年
  • 小野里雅彦 Designシンポジウム講演論文集 2023 (CD-ROM) 2023年
  • 土谷卓也, 小野里雅彦, 田中文基 計測自動制御学会北海道支部学術講演会論文集 54th 2022年
  • ZHANG Tong, YABUKI Yuga, ONOSATO Masahiko, TANAKA Fumiki 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集 2021 2021年
  • 矢吹悠河, 小野里雅彦, 田中文基 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集 2021 2021年
  • 北井洋人, 小野里雅彦, 田中文基 日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2021 2021年
  • 野際哲, 小野里雅彦, 田中文基 日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2021 2021年
  • 園部一真, 小野里雅彦, 田中文基 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM) 21st 2020年
  • 森裕介, 小野里雅彦, 田中文基 日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集 2019 2019年
  • 山田瑞羽, 小野里雅彦, 田中文基 日本機械学会生産システム部門研究発表講演会講演論文集 2019 2019年
  • 青山 藤詞郎, 梅田 和昇, 小野里 雅彦, 国枝 正典, 厨川 常元, 新野 秀憲, 武田 稔, 諸貫 信行, 山内 和人, 池野 順一, 上野 友之, 道畑 正岐 精密工学会誌 84 (1) 1 -6 2018年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 中根悠, 田中文基, 小野里雅彦 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集 2017 2017年
  • 荒井 航, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2017 209 -210 2017年 
  • 川端 一真, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2017 405 -406 2017年 
  • 箱石 開, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2017 31 -32 2017年 
  • 濱野 拓人, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2017 557 -558 2017年 
  • 松永 大輝, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2017 597 -598 2017年 
  • 田中 文基, 小林 響平, 小野里 雅彦, 小林 弘樹, 中尾 学, 羽田 芳朗, 横地 克謙, 大山 高輝, 菅原 登志也 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2017 543 -544 2017年 
  • 青山 弘季, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2017 547 -548 2017年 
  • 濱野 拓人, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2017 1P2 -O03 2017年 

    Rescue robot simulation is an effective method for evaluating the performance of rescue robot in various rubble fields. However, simulating a rescue robot in a large rubble field such as a collapsed house needs a lot of time, since it needs to process a large number of rigid bodies and joints. This study accelerates the rescue robot simulation by using multi-core CPU and GPU on a physics engine. To consider the effect of GPU about rescue robot simulation, this study measures the processing time of two situations, including only rescue robot or a rescue robot and rubbles, on two computers equipped with different GPU. Result of the experiments show that the use of GPU, especially high-speed GPU, is effective for a situation which includes a rescue robot and rubbles. Based on the results, this study simulates a rescue robot in a collapsed house in real-time using GPU.

  • Wataru Arai, Fumiki Tanaka, Masahiko Onosato Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, LEM 2015 2015 (8) "1901 -1"-"1901-6" 2015年10月18日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Geometric errors of machine tools affect the quality of machined parts. In order to obtain high accuracy in the machining of parts, machined errors of a machined part should be estimated before actual machining. This paper describes a tool swept volume generation method for multi-axis machining with machine tool errors to derive a shape of a machined part and its machined errors. In this paper, the tool swept volume generation method based on the tangency condition and form shaping theory is proposed. To demonstrate the validity of the proposed method, case studies for 5-axis machining with the errors are also presented.
  • 川端 一真, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦 年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2015 "S1410102 -1"-"S1410102-5" 2015年09月13日 
    The G-code (ISO 6983) focuses on tool path information mainly, and it has limited information. STEP-NC (ISO 14649) includes information of tools, tool paths, workpieces, and features. Then, STEP-NC allows bidirectional data flow between CAD/CAM and CNC without any information loss. However, STEP-NC is not used in industries widely. In this study, CNC interface using STEP-NC is developed. In this system, the target feature is a freeform feature, which represented by the Region surface. Through the implemented system and machining simulation results, the superiorities of STEP-NC are also showed.
  • 大村 洋平, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 "1A1 -T06(1)"-"1A1-T06(4)" 2015年05月17日 
    A captive balloon system named InfoBalloon has been developed as a system for collecting and distributing disaster information. In the disaster, information and communication service may break down by congestion of communication line, destruction of base stations, disconnection of cables, and so on. Therefore disaster area residents will fall into informational isolation. As a new emergency communication approach to solve these problems, we have investigated a method for the information distribution by flashing LEDs loaded on InfoBalloon. This paper describes algorithms for receiving flashing LEDs by using a smart phone camera, and method to increase transmission quantity by using multi-color LEDs.
  • 高橋 啓太, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2015 85 -86 2015年03月13日 
    In this study, key decision for the creation of production plans are defined as production-planning attributes. Production-planning attributes correlate complexly in production-planning problems. Traditionally, the production-planning problem splits sub-problems based on experiences, because of the complexity. Such approaches make solution space over-restricted and make it difficult to find a better solution. We have proposed ZDDs' network for addressing larger production-planning problems. The network can be created by linkages of ZDDs that express constraints in individual sub-problems and between sub-problems. In this paper, we describe a solution searching method for the restricted solution space represented by the ZDDs' network.
  • 小野里 雅彦 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 "1P2 -I05(1)"-"1P2-I05(4)" 2014年05月24日 
    Gareki, which means collapsed structure or heaps of rubble in Japanese, is the main field of search and rescue activities in earthquake disasters. The author's group has been studying Gareki to accumulate engineering knowledge of disaster fields which can be effectively utilized for rescue robot evaluation and rescue operation planning. This report first explains the approach of Gareki engineering, and then summarizes the main results about Gareki structure analysis, digital Gareki archive, and rescue robot evaluation, followed by several topics to be investigated for applications in practical search and rescue activities.
  • 伴丈 遼一, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 "1P1 -H01(1)"-"1P1-H01(4)" 2014年05月24日 
    A captive balloon system named InfoBalloon has been developed as a system for collecting and distributing disaster information. To support a disaster area, the captive balloon has to be stably moored. However, height, position and posture of the captive balloon are in danger of changing by wind in mooring. So it is necessary to evaluate behavior of the balloon in various wind conditions and methods of mooring to develop steadier InfoBalloon. We know the motions of the balloon are different depending on the conditions of the mooring point, so we evaluate the balloon motion of each mooring condition under changing wind direction and wind speed with the mooring simulator. Finally, we simulate rotation around the axis of symmetry of the balloon.
  • 三神 惇平, 船木 謙一, 細田 順子, 小野里 雅彦 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2014 21 -22 2014年03月14日 
    In globalized manufacturing industry, we need suitable safety stock placement. But it is difficult to use exhaustive methods because we have to choose the amount of safety stock to each warehouse from many choices. Existing method has a problem of computational cost for simulation to get evaluation value. In this study, we focus on Kriging to reduce the number of times for simulation. It is the method to predict solutions' value by approximating the relation between design variables and responses with some kind of functions. In this paper, we show the new method is more efficient than the existing method.
  • 高橋 啓太, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2014 19 -20 2014年03月14日 
    Dynamic changes in manufacturing sites influence whole production planning. Therefore, production planning should be treated as comprehensive. However, the production planning has been treated as separate, such as process planning, production scheduling aad so on. In this study, we use Zero-Suppressed Binary Decision Diagram (ZDD) to represent only combinations satisfying the constraints in the comprehensive solution space. By searching in the ZDD, feasible solution can be obtainedコn this paper, we describe how to solve the dynamic production planning problem using the ZDD. Experimental results demonstrate that the ZDD can create and represent only feasible combinations adapting to dynamic changes, quickly.
  • 川尻 将大, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 "1P1 -P02(1)"-"1P1-P02(4)" 2013年05月22日 
    In order to develop rescue robots suitable for disaster site, it is necessary to test running performances of rescue robots in various structures of rubble. However, lacking number of collapsed houses in real world makes it difficult to accumulate enough knowledge about rubble and rescue robots. The purpose of this study is to develop a system which enables to evaluate mobility of rescue robots in virtual rubble fields. In this paper, we propose a method to evaluate degree of surface relief of rubble for classification by the structure.
  • 伴丈 遼一, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 "1P1 -P07(1)"-"1P1-P07(4)" 2013年05月22日 
    A captive balloon system named InfoBalloon has been developed as a system for collecting and distributing disaster information. To support a disaster area, the captive balloon has to be stably moored. However, height, position and posture of the captive balloon are in danger of changing by wind in mooring. So it is necessary to evaluate behavior of the balloon in various mooring conditions and decide optimal shape of the balloon and method of mooring to develop steadier InfoBalloon. We analysis aerodynamics characteristic of the balloon with computational fluid dynamics and develop a mooring simulator for InfoBalloon based on kinetics. With the simulator, calculation of the balloon behavior becomes possible before conducting a mooring experiment. Finally, we evaluate height, position and posture of balloon.
  • 高橋 啓太, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2013 89 -90 2013年03月11日 
    Dynamic changes in manufacturing production sites make current production schedule infeasible and inaccurate. In these cases, some parts in plans consisting of production planning are changed to obtain the plans adapted to these changes. In this study, we refer to these parts as optionality in production planning. In related research about production planning, optionality is preliminary set. However, this fixed optionality may not be suitable for certain cases, such as the case of having different factories, products and so on. In this study, we have analyzed optionality in production planning so far. In this paper, we develop new replanning model based on the optionality.
  • 中島 潤一, 宮島 春弥, 林 秀樹, 徳永 光芳, 藤井 輝也, 小野里 雅彦 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会講演論文集 2012 (1) 397 -397 2012年08月28日
  • 山本 将太, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 "2A2 -N08(1)"-"2A2-N08(3)" 2012年05月27日 
    At the time of earthquake, it is important to obtain information on the internal structure, such as position of free space and fragile part in the collapsed houses, in rescue operation. However, it is difficult to know the internal structure from external information alone. Therefore, this study aims to establish a method for estimating the internal structure of collapsed houses. In this paper, we report that we make some different house models of structure and adhesion strength for collec collapsed house data. We construct the digital GAREKI library by making various collapsed house model, changing a seismic waveform as shaking conditions.
  • 小野里 雅彦 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 "2A2 -N09(1)"-"2A2-N09(3)" 2012年05月27日 
    The Great East Japan Earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011 has forced us to change our images of Tsunami disaster by its overwhelming destruction. For mitigation of Tsunami disaster, it is necessary to define the basic facts about Tsunami disasters based on the observations and then analyze the requirement in development of new robot systems. In this report five images of robot systems against Tsunami disaster are suggested as basic for further discussion. Additional remarks on InfoBalloon and GAREK.I engineering applications to Tsunami mitigation are given at last.
  • 川尻 将大, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 "2A2 -N06(1)"-"2A2-N06(4)" 2012年05月27日 
    In order to develop rescue robots suitable for disaster site, it is necessary to establish a method to evaluate mobility of rescue robots in rubble. However researchers are unable to do running tests of rescue robots in rubble for lack of collapsed houses in real world. Therefore this study creates a rescue robot and rubble virtually for running tests in cyber field. For collecting knowledge about rubble and rescue robots, this study presents a method to evaluate changes in rubble structure due to running effect by a virtual rescue robot and analyzes relations between rubble structure and running performance of a virtual rescue robot.
  • 片山 嘉彦, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 "2A2 -N07(1)"-"2A2-N07(4)" 2012年05月27日 
    A captive balloon system named InfoBalloon has been developed as a system for collecting and distributing disaster information. There is possibility of losing safety of captive balloon in the strong wind. So it is necessary to avoid operating InfoBalloon in the strong wind based on short term weather forcast and local weather forcast. This paper proposes a method of short range prediction of strong wind aloft using Kalman Filter. Then, we set an error-adjusted prediction of maximum wind speed so as to decrease operation risk. We can decide stop or resumption of InfoBalloon mooring by comparing the maximum value by the prediction with the given value of regulation. Finally, we evaluate the InfoBalloon operation rule based on the prediction method in an assumed use of captive balloon.
  • 阿部 裕之, 猪狩 真二, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2012 33 -34 2012年03月07日 
    Annotations such as GD&T (geometric dimensioning and tolerancing) and surface roughness included in 3D annotated model are needed for machining or inspection process. However, when annotations in 3D annotated model are used at downward process, it is necessary to associate machining area with annotations. The purpose of this study is to generate machining information based on machining feature with annotation from 3D annotated model and NC data. In this study, at first, feature candidates are searched in 3D annotated model. Then, these feature candidates are matched with the machining feature from NC data. The generated model can be used for process planning or on-machine path planning.
  • 亀山 博隆, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2012 31 -32 2012年03月07日 
    In the fields of machining process, 3D models are used for the purpose of representing motions of tool and workpiece. However, 3D models can't describe changes of state to time direction continuously, so representing machining process efficiently is difficult. The objective of this study is to represent 5-axis cutting processes explicitly by using 4D mesh models, which can describe changes of state to time direction continuously. In order to show the availability of 4D representation, tool and workpiece are defined as "4D models of accumulated volume" which have information of motion records. In this report, 4D mesh models are obtained from time-series data of 3D voxel models which are made from 5-axis cutting simulation. Generated 4D mesh models are observed as 3D models by cross-section extraction. Also, cutting areas are obtained by collision detection between tool and workpiece.
  • 川端 玄太, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 "1A2 -J05(1)"-"1A2-J05(4)" 2011年05月26日 
    In order to develop available rescue devices, it is necessary to make them run in various types of rubble and evaluate their mobility statistically. However, the evaluation under collapsed houses in real world is not enough. Therefore, our research group has enabled to create a lot of piles of virtual rubble model by physical simulation and to get their quantitative characters by methods based on geometric models. This study has established a method to structure internal working space for rescue devices as a path network. In addition, this study suggests a method to evaluate largeness of inside space through which rescue devices can access from outside space of rubble with Gareki-space Migratory Difficulty Index.
  • 樫村 健, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 "1A2 -I05(1)"-"1A2-I05(3)" 2011年05月26日 
    Captive balloon systems named InfoBalloon have been developed for collecting and distributing disaster information. This paper proposes a method for making an image archive with direction and time information. And also an idea for searching and showing image information for users is discussed. Information about direction is put by data which is estimated using quaternion rotation and SIFT matching on a virtual sphere centered on a pan-tilt camera. To classify images, the sphere is subdivided and each image is set out. Image searching is processed using the classified images. Search range is set by user and images in the range are shown. And also we will propose a method for estimating oscillation of InfoBalloon using the gap of the specified value and the value which is estimated.
  • 山本 将太, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 "1A2 -J06(1)"-"1A2-J06(3)" 2011年05月26日 
    At the time of earthquake, it is important to obtain information on the internal structure when we carry out a rescue operation. For example, position of free space and fragile part in the collapsed houses. However, it is difficult to know the internal structure from external information alone. Therefore, this study aims to establish of a method for estimating the internal structure of collapsed houses. This study suggests an evaluation method with the living space deformation using Space Deformation Index. Space Deformation Index is evaluation index to evaluate compression or/and deformation of the living space, based on the analysis of the digital rubble model.
  • 寺島 貴宏, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2011 23 -24 2011年03月16日 
    In machining process, especially multi-axis NC machining with robots, it is necessary to simulate the motion for confirmation of NC data, robot motion data, and collisions of their systems. In such case, there are two problems; 1) There is no common integrated model of kinematics and shapes for machine tools and robots. 2) It is difficult to calculate inverse kinematics with machine tool system with robot system. To solve these problems, an integrated model of kinematic model and shape model for machine tool system with robot system based on STEP (ISO10303) was proposed. However, it is difficult to calculate inverse kinematics for machine tool system with robot system. In this study, a unified solving method which can calculate inverse kinematics for machine tools and robots is proposed. Collision detection using OPCODE is also proposed. To demonstrate the effectivity of proposed method, a motion simulation system with collision detection is developed.
  • 小野里 雅彦 形の科学会誌 = Bulletin of the Society for Science on Form 25 (3) 243 -244 2011年03月01日
  • 寺島 貴宏, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦, 下川部 晴紀 生産加工・工作機械部門講演会 : 生産と加工に関する学術講演会 2010 (8) 109 -110 2010年11月19日 
    In machining process, especially multiaxis NC machining, it is necessary to simulate the motion for confirmation of NC data. Recently, machine tool systems consist of not only machine tools but also auxiliary devices such as robots, then the systems are complicated. In such case, there are two problems; 1) There is no common integrated model of kinematics and shapes for machine tools and robots. 2) There is no unified solving method of inverse kinematics with machine tools and robots. In this paper, to solve these problems, an integrated model of kinematic model and shape model for machine tools and robots based on STEP(ISO10303) is proposed. A motion simulation system including a unified solving method of inverse kinematics using Groebner Basis is also developed. Then, an example of the integrated model and solving inverse kinematics for machine tools with robots using this model are also demonstrated.
  • 小野里 雅彦, 川岸 良次, 加藤 航平, 伊達 宏昭, 田中 文基 映像情報メディア学会年次大会講演予稿集 (2010) 13 -3-1-"13-3-2" 2010年08月31日 
    The authors' group has been developing a geometric modeling system which generates four-dimensional mesh models using a time sequence of three dimensional voxel models captured from OpenGL scene animation. Each four-dimensional mesh model includes object's dynamic information like movement and deformation.
  • 田中 文基, 猪狩 真二, 小野里 雅彦 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2010 49 -50 2010年03月12日 
    This paper proposes the analysis system of NC data based on a feature information representation. This model is a next-generation CMC control language (ISO 14649) which contains machining information such as machining features, machining operation, and machining conditions enabling feature-based description of the machining process. The machining features and the process information are extracted from a traditional NC program based on a form-shaping function. The proposed analysis system is implemented using data mapping language EXPRESS-X between two sets of model data which are described in EXPRESS data modeling language. The implemented system is applied to the ISO 6983 NC data for the milling machine generated by commercial CAM software.
  • 小野里 雅彦 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2010 45 -46 2010年03月12日 
    Engineering for manufacturing systems inevitably include a time factor as well as a spatial factor. Thinking objects and behaviors in four-dimentional framework of space-time is effective and rational. This report introduces the development of a four-dimentional mesh modeling system, and then discuss several potential applications for manufacturing systems engineereing.
  • 川端 玄太, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 "1A2 -C13(1)"-"1A2-C13(4)" 2010年 
    In order to evaluate the mobility of rescue devices statistically, it is necessary to make the devices run in various types of rubble. However, there are few test rubble fields in the real world. Our research group has enabled to create a lot of piles of virtual rubble model by physical simulation and to get their quantitative characters by some methods. This study structures the devices' working space in a virtual rubble model as path network connecting Local Maximum Vacant Spheres. In addition, this study suggests an evaluation method with a mobile difficulty index and enables to evaluate the mobility of the devices in the virtual rubble model.
  • 樫村 健, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 "1A2 -C25(1)"-"1A2-C25(4)" 2010年 
    A captive balloon system named InfoBalloon has been developed as a system for collecting and distributing disaster information. In this report, an effective use of multidirectional images by a pan-tilt camera mounted on InfoBalloon is discussed. Captured images should be integrated into an omni-directional image. However, view direction of the camera changes in the wind, so specified pan-tilt value to the camera cannot be used for image integration. Each image is pasted on a virtual sphere screen based on quaternion of positional interrelation derived by Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) without using specified pan-tilt value to the camera. Finally, an omni-directional image is generated from the virtual sphere that images are pasted. Moreover, we also propose omni-directional image showing system that enables users to see the image in a sense near the viewpoint of the camera.
  • 岩田 一明, 小野里 雅彦, 谷水 義隆 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2010 (0) 97 -98 2010年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Important activities in manufacturing such as R&D, design, production management, production engineering, and manufacturing operation need advanced skills formed as results of a number of practices and thinking. We name these skills manufacturing phronesis. Manufacturing phronesis in Japanese industry has been decreasing while it is a key resource for competitive products. This paper reports the present state of manufacturing phronesis in Japanese manufacturers based on the analysis of questionnaire survey and interviews to engineers.
  • 小野里 雅彦, 川岸 良次, 伊達 宏昭, 田中 文基 設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集 2009 (19) 471 -475 2009年10月28日 
    In usual design process with a three-dimensional CAD system, it is difficult to decide a shape, position and orientation, and motion of a design object simultaneously. Four-dimensional geometric modeling enables us to deal with a dynamic three-dimensional design object as a static object in a higher-order space of space-time extension. The authors have been developing a four-dimensional geometric modeling system which weaves four-dimensional mesh models from successive three-dimensional voxel models. This report presents discussion on how four-dimensional geometric modeling effects both the concept of design objects and design processes.
  • 小野里 雅彦 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2009 "1A2 -G12(1)"-"1A2-G12(2)" 2009年05月25日 
    InfoBalloon is the name of the captive balloon system which has been developed at Hokkaido University for collecting and distributing disaster information. InfoBalloon is intended for operations both in disaster time and ordinary time. Therefore, InfoBalloon should provide information services to residents in its territory community with long-term and stable operations. In this report requirements of captive balloons for realizing continuous services are firstly introduced and then technical problems to be addressed are discussed. To enable long-term and stable operations of InfoBalloon, a new balloon shape and tethering method for InfoBalloon have been developed. The balloon shape for the wind effect and the tethering method with three parallel wires and a pivot base keep InfoBalloon at required position in air against a wind with stable attitude. A breakage prevention system against heavy wind and thunder is also designed and now being implemented for safety and continuous operations of InfoBalloon.
  • 小野里 雅彦 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2009 85 -86 2009年03月09日 
    The concept of virtual manufacturing systems (VMS) was proposed more than fifteen years ago and a large number of research and development have been done for realizing VMS. Even with these efforts, VMS has not rearched its effective and practical phase. This report first analyzes the obstacles for realizing VMS in the past research and development, and then describes some emerging technologies which may clear the obstacles and enable industrial applications. Lastly challenges and visions for future VMS research and development are described.
  • 田中 文基, 下川部 晴紀, 猪狩 真二, 小野里 雅彦 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2009 41 -42 2009年03月09日 
    In a manufacturing system, the digital tools such as CAD, CAM, and simulation systems has been usually used. Then, communication among these systems frequently occurs. However, interoperability among heterogeneous software systems and tools is generally not available. Moreover, existing machining information models lack the necessary information and are described in their own formats. Consequently, many models which include the same information exist. There is another problem that various simulations for a virtual machining system and adaptive control for a real machining system are inacculate. To solve this problem, a digital machining information (DMI) model to support a real-virtual machining system is proposed in this study.
  • 下川部 晴紀, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦, 伊達 宏昭 生産加工・工作機械部門講演会 : 生産と加工に関する学術講演会 2008 (7) 191 -192 2008年11月21日 
    In machining process, especially multiaxis NC machining, it is necessary to simulate the motion for confirmation of NC data. However, in such case, there are three problems; 1) It is no common integrated model of kinematics and shape for machine tools. 2) It is no modeling system of integrated machine tool model. 3) It is no unified solving method of inverse kinematics. To solve these problems, an integrated model of kinematic model and shape model for machine tools based on STEP(ISO10303) is proposed. A modeling system to generate an integrated model to associate kinematic model with shape model is developed and the integrated model for 5-axis machining is generated as an example. A motion simulation system including a unified solving method of inverse kinematics using Groebner Basis is also developed.
  • 田中 文基, 川口 貴司, 小野里 雅彦 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2008 63 -64 2008年07月03日 
    NC data analysis is one of the efficient methods for acquisition and retaining the machining knowledge. However, code interpretation of actual NC data (ISO 6983) differs among CNC controllers. Typical examples of interpretation difference are fixed cycle orders which are significant for the machining of hole feature. Thus, it is difficult to analyze actual NC data directly. In this research, for obtaining the machining knowledge, actual ISO 6983 NC data is transformed into a next-generation CNC control language (IS014649) which contains the technical information. In this report, the method for extracting Workingstep which consists of Machining feature, Machining strategy from NC code depending on the controller based on Form-shaping function is described.
  • 小野里 雅彦 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2008 17 -18 2008年07月03日 
    A manufacturing system often has various descriptions of its past records, present states, and future plans along with time axis. In addition to these variations, models on its virtual system are made as well as real system. We need a conceptual scheme with which various descriptions on a manufacturing system could be integrated and managed consistently. In this paper a complex manufacturing space (CMS) is examined from the viewpoint of real-virtual duality in model description and implementation issues are briefly explained.
  • 小野里 雅彦, 増田 寿信, 毛利 健二 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 "2P2 -B03(1)"-"2P2-B03(4)" 2008年06月06日 
    The paper summarizes main results obtained in a five years research project on modeling and analysis of collapsed houses for supporting rescue activities. Study subjects on collapsed houses were categorized into five research fields: object modeling, forming process, analysis, human search methods and human rescue methods. As a key technology for connecting these fields, digital models of collapsed houses are studied from the aspects of measurement, construction, and analysis. Rubble forming processes are simulated with a large number of elements by using a physics engine and the spatial characteristics of the produced rubble models are analyzed in order to present the design requirements for developing rescue robots working in rubble.
  • 毛利 健二, 増田 寿信, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基, 伊達 宏昭 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 "2P2 -B02(1)"-"2P2-B02(2)" 2008年06月06日 
    In order to evaluate the rescue robots' performance in disaster areas by earthquake, it is necessary to analyze the charateristics of rubble with a large number of house structural elements. The paper deals with digital rubble models of wooden houses by collapsing process simulation using a physical engine. Different rubble models are constructed by changing the condition of the house structural parameters and their rubble characteristics are analyzed for accessibility of rubble's inside space by rescue robots.
  • 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦, 岸浪 建史, 山田 誠, 近藤 司, 三井 聡 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2007 45 -46 2007年07月12日 
    In order to realize the articulate link between design and manufacturing and a traceable manufacturing system, it is necessary to represent the semantics of information independently of any implementations. A significant amount of research for machining process planning and machining feature extraction has been carried out to help realize an integrated CAD/CAPP/CAM system. However, all data are not used throughout product development processes. In this research, the Digital Semantic Model that fulfills the above requirements is proposed. In this paper, modeling and implementation of Digital Semantic Model for 5-axis machining is reported.
  • 増田 寿信, 小野里 雅彦, 伊達 宏昭, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2007 "2P1 -K05(1)"-"2P1-K05(4)" 2007年05月11日 
    In order to use for the design and assessment for the rescue robots, it is necessary to analyze rubble. To get huge amount rubble's models with speed, we have constructed rubble with only balance, which is decided by location of vertexes and center of gravity. Recently physics engines are developing rapidly, and are able to treat real-time simulation with physical effects. After evaluating three typical physics engines, which are PhysX, Havok FX, gaming engine in Blender, the rubble construct simulator is developed by using PhysX. The simulator makes it possible to construct and handle rubble with physical effects.
  • 梅本 淳, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基, 伊達 宏昭 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2007 "2A2 -A03(1)"-"2A2-A03(2)" 2007年05月11日 
    Aerial videos are effective to obtain the situation of a stricken area at disaster outbreak. It takes, however, much time and cost to analyze video contents for finding out the scene in which the damage of a watching point is confirmed. We have been developing a metadata generation method in which a necessary point in an aerial video is retrieved quickly by using aerial videos associated with moving camera data of positions and orientations. The positions and orientations of a moving camera are acquired by GPS and INS installed on a helicopter. We judge whether a destination is included in the view cone of a camera from orientations of a camera and a position of a destination to be it and calculate the time when a destination is recorded.
  • 小野里雅彦, 田中文基, 伊達宏昭 日本機械学会生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2007 (Web) 2007年
  • GISを用いた指定場所映像の空撮ビデオアーカイブ検索手法に関する研究
    梅本純, 小野里雅彦, 中西弘明, 伊達宏昭, 田中文基 第8回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会講演論文集 1121 -1122 2007年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 綿末 太郎, 小野里 雅彦 計算力学講演会講演論文集 2006 (19) 237 -238 2006年11月02日
  • 渡辺 将史, 田中 文基, 小野里 雅彦, 伊達 宏昭 情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集 5 (4) 407 -408 2006年08月21日
  • 田中 文基, 渡辺 将史, 小野里 雅彦, 伊達 宏昭 情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集 5 (4) 409 -410 2006年08月21日
  • Masahiko Onosato, Fumiaki Takemura, Kenzo Nonami, Kuniaki Kawabata, Kenjiro Miura, Hiroaki Nakanishi 2006 SICE-ICASE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-13 1592 -+ 2006年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The paper introduces R&D results and plans of aerial robot development for USAR. Different types of aerial robots have been developed and they are systematically combined so as to offer continuous information gathering in the suffered area. Autonomous helicopters are collecting the initial disaster situation from the sky for USAR first action. A blimp system and a wire robot system survey the victims under the collapsed houses. A captive balloon system with monitoring cameras presents bird's eye views of the suffered area continuously. These robots and technologies are integrated to a total solution for a quick information gathering in USAR.
  • 災害情報データベースのための空撮ビデオ映像とGISの連携手法に関する研究
    梅本純, 小野里雅彦, 田中文基, 伊達宏昭, 中西弘明 2006年度精密工学会北海道支部学術講演会講演論文集 19 -20 2006年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 被災状況確認を目的とした自律無人ヘリコプタの空撮ビデオからの指定場所映像の検索手法
    梅本純, 小野里雅彦, 中西弘明, 伊達宏昭, 田中文基 第7回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2006) 講演論文集 2006年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Jaesung Song, Manseung Seo, Masahiko Onosato COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS - ICCSA 2006, PT 1 3980 469 -479 2006年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Increasing the robustness and flexibility of the toot path finding method may broaden the application fields of pocket machining. We aim to develop a path finding method for various applications. Through an integration of the entire tool path finding process, the method becomes not merely optimal to generate an efficient path but also robust enough to be applied to any system with any configuration. The flexibility of the devised method enables us to broaden the application fields of pocketing to fields such as prototype printed circuit board manufacturing. The devised method is applied to generate a clearing path for prototype printed circuit boards. The results verify that the method is concise and simple, but robust and flexible enough to achieve the optimal path in any configuration.
  • 柴田 洋輔, 竹内 裕昭, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集 2005 (15) 418 -419 2005年08月02日 
    When the targets of an argument are mixed, as a product model in computer made with CAD and that's prototype, there are often difficult situations to understand what object is pointed and disucussed. Then, in our study, we aim at the development of the system which an opinion of a participant in an argument is positively reflected by making the target clear using three demension pointing device. We called this system "Universal Pointing System (UPS)". UPS is capable of pointing the object regardless of entities or representations using three demension pointing devices. Furthermore it is possible to add easily devices and applications because the entire system is going to be designed with the client-server model.
  • 小野里 雅彦 設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集 2005 (15) 338 -339 2005年08月02日 
    A cyber field is a digital image built in a computer which has its structure, properties, and abilities equivalent to the real one. Virtua manufacturing systems and geographical information systems are typical examples of cyber fields. This report gives an explanation about the framework for representing object worlds based on the frame of space-time and state primitives, followed by the introduction of the research project on the cyber field.
  • 伊藤 宏平, 小野里 雅彦, 田中 文基 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 95 -95 2005年06月09日
  • 綿末 太郎, 小野里 雅彦, 田所 諭 日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan 22 (5) 572 -573 2004年07月15日 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 綿末 太郎, 小野里 雅彦 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2004 169 -169 2004年06月18日
  • 永村 豊, 寺本 孝司, 小野里 雅彦, 竹内 芳美 生産システム部門講演会講演論文集 2003 17 -18 2003年03月28日 
    The diversification of consumer's needs and the shortening of product's lifecycle increase uncertainty about production volume and period. Manufacturing systems are now required to realize competitive and optimized ones which can be following a fluctuation of demand in the market. Therefore, we propose a methodology for designing manufacturing systems with adaptability for market trends. This methodology consists of two methods; namely, "manufacturing system modularization" and "implementation of improvement". In this paper, the usefulness of this methodology is verified by computer simulation.
  • 金田忠裕, 升谷保博, 田所諭, 永井清, 関森大介, 大須賀公一, 鈴木昭二, 小野里雅彦, 浅田稔 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 17th 1999年
    Concurrent, cooperative and consistent product design by multiple designers and engineers is a key concept for success in a quickly changing market, For such design, the product modeling system is considered to be the common work space that integrates both design activities and design information from multiple designers and engineers. In this paper a framework of feature-based modeling is proposed to support concurrent, cooperative and consistent product design involving functional design, machining, assembly and maintenance. The framework defines a mechanism for interpreting shape descriptions from the viewpoint of different applications into a unified representation, With this mechanism, designers and engineers can deal cooperatively with product shapes in an environment of concurrent engineering. Based on this framework, a feature-based modeling system has been developed and an example of implementation is briefly introduced.
  • 岩田一明, 小野里雅彦 生産と技術 47 (2) 1995年
  • 谷水義隆, 岩田一明, 小野里雅彦 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集 1994 (Autumn 2) 595 -596 1994年09月 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 川野 常夫, 橋本 正治, 西田 修三, 岩田 一明, 小野里 雅彦 精密工学会誌 60 (3) 436 -440 1994年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Human body dynamography(HBD) is proposed as a convenient system for analyzing and evaluating human body motions specifically the torque acting at joints of a human body. Torque intensity is visually displayed using a color scale. A kinetic model of the human body, consisting of fifteen rigid cylinders equivalent to the body segments and the equations of motion, is derived to estimate each torque during joint action. A sequence of motions in both the frontal and sagittal planes is simultaneously taken by two video cameras, and the coordinates of individual joints are digitized with a PC. Visualization of torque was tested on the planar motions in a popular physical exercise of a Japanese radio program. Rings centered on individual joints were drawn on a skeletal model, and colored corresponding to the magnitude of torque. Torque was normalized by the cross·section area (Normalization 1) and volume (Normalization 2) of each segment. Additionally, HBD was compared with thermography to evaluate the normalizations.
  • 谷水義隆, 岩田一明, 小野里雅彦 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集 1993 (Autumn 3) 763 -764 1993年09月 [査読無し][通常論文]
    This paper describes a concept of a central modeling system for time information and a methodology to realize it. First, the importance of developing temporal modeling systems which are commonly used by application programs is discussed from the viewpoint of computer-integrated manufacturing. After analyzing the diversity of temporal information to be considered, a unified representation method of various temporal information is proposed and its mathematical formalization is explained. According to the proposed approach, an experimental system, time information manager, is implemented. The system adopts J.F. Allen's method as a consistency management algorithm. The system is also extended so as to deal with cyclic time intervals, the multiple time axes, and qualitative information. It is applied to some present methodologies concerned with time information to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
  • 西田 修三, 岩田 一明, 橋本 正治, 小野里 雅彦 人間工学 27 (4) 181 -189 1991年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    本論文は, 人間の眼と手の協調を伴う遠隔操作による微細位置決め作業の特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした. ディスプレイ上のターゲットの中心を狙つて, 遠隔操作により位置決めする作業を用いて実験した. その結果は次のとおりである. (1) 本作業は, ターゲットへの進入段階である第1段階, 位置決め誤差が定常状態に達するまでの第2段階, 最終位置決めの第3段階からなる. 第2段階は従来の的当て作業と同じとみなせ, Fitts の法則と矛盾しない. (2) 最終位置決め誤差と所要作業時間の間には相関がみられない. (3) 最終位置決め誤差とターゲットの大きさおよびC/D比との相関は高い. (4) MTM法による標準時間の算定は実測値とかなり相違する.


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    朝倉書店 2011年09月
  • スキルの科学
    岩田一明編著 (担当:分担執筆範囲:第2章 2.1, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6)
    財団法人国際高等研究所 2007年07月 (ISBN: 9784906671540)
  • 生産工学門
    岩田一明監修 (担当:分担執筆範囲:3.4 コンピュータによる生産支援)
    森北出版 1997年04月



  • 最適化理論北海道大学工学部情報エレクトロニクス学科電気制御システムコース
  • システム創成学特論北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科システム情報科学専攻
  • システム環境情報学特論北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科システム情報科学専攻
  • 情報数学北海道大学工学部情報エレクトロニクス学科
  • システムマネジメント北海道大学工学部情報エレクトロニクス学科電気制御システムコース
  • システムデザイン北海道大学工学部情報エレクトロニクス学科電気制御システムコース


  • 次世代安心・安全ICTフォーラム   日本ロボット学会   計測自動制御学会   システム制御情報学会   IEEE   日本機械学会   精密工学会   


  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))
    研究期間 : 2019年04月 -2022年03月 
    代表者 : 小野里 雅彦
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))
    研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2017年03月 
    代表者 : 小野里 雅彦
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(挑戦的萌芽研究)
    研究期間 : 2012年04月 -2014年03月 
    代表者 : 小野里雅彦
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))
    研究期間 : 2008年04月 -2011年03月 
    代表者 : 小野里雅彦
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))
    研究期間 : 2006年 -2007年 
    代表者 : 小野里雅彦, 田中文基, 伊達宏昭
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(萌芽研究)
    研究期間 : 2005年 -2007年 
    代表者 : 本間利久, 小野里雅彦, 木村圭司
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))
    研究期間 : 2005年 -2006年 
    代表者 : 田中文基, 岸浪建史, 小野里雅彦
    製品設計から製造において,CAD, CAE, CAM, PDM, CNC工作機械などといったデジタルツールへの依存が増加している.そこで,近年のグローバル生産システムにおいて日本の優位性を保つためには,これらデジタルツールに基づき,加工不具合の迅速対応や,加工結果の正当な判断が可能となるトレーサブルな加工システムの確立が重要となる.しかしながら,現在のCAMからの出力データでは,NCデータ,図面,加工工程表など情報に関連性が無く,しかも意味的情報が無いため理解が困難となり,トレーサブルにならず,ヒューマンエラーの原因にさえなっている.その解決方法としては,技術的な意味情報であるフィーチャ情報,加工作業情報,工具情報・素材情報・加工機械情報などを統合し,関係付けを行い,一つのデータ構造で表現することが必要となる.本研究では,そのような要件を満たすモデルをセマンティック加工情報モデルとして提案した.セマンティック加工情報モデルは,EXPRESS, EXPRESS-X, Part28といったSTEP技術を応用してXMLで保存される.また,セマンティック加工情報モデルに基づくシミュレーションシステムや加工システムを開発した.さらに,従来のCAMシステムと提案システムのインタフェースシステムを開発した.すなわち,セマンティック加工情報モデルの基本要素であるworkingstepは,形状...
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(萌芽研究)
    研究期間 : 2005年 -2006年 
    代表者 : 小野里雅彦
  • A Study on Cyber Field Construction and its Applications
    研究期間 : 2006年
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))
    研究期間 : 2002年 -2004年 
    代表者 : 川野常夫, 小野里雅彦, 西田修三
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))
    研究期間 : 2002年 -2004年 
    代表者 : 小野里雅彦, 近藤司, 金子俊一, 寺本孝司, 田中文基
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(萌芽的研究, 萌芽研究)
    研究期間 : 2001年 -2002年 
    代表者 : 小野里雅彦, 寺本孝司
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))
    研究期間 : 1999年 -2000年 
    代表者 : 小野里雅彦, 岩田一明, 寺本孝司
    本研究は生産システムのライフサイクル(設計,構築,計画運用,保守,改変,解体,廃棄など)におけるアクティビティに関して,いかにして効率的な支援を実現するか,という問題に対して研究を実施したものである.以下にその研究成果をまとめる.・ 生産システムのライフサイクル支援の中核となる技術として,仮想生産システムは,ライフサイクルの各アクティビティの間での情報共有の場として有効である.すなわち,時間,地理,応用の3つの側面に関して情報統合を行うことが仮想生産システムの実現により期待される.・ 生産システムに関わる知識を,知識の適用される状況とその効果を含めた生産知識の「動態保存」の概念を提示し,それの実装例をVirtualWorksを用いて示した.・ 生産システムの保全性,労働者の安全性,健康への影響といった運用上の課題を設計段階で考慮をし,さらには設備改善を実施するLife-Cycle Maintenanceの概念を提示し,その方法を提示した.こうした研究成果に基づき,今後は仮想生産システムの構成に関する標準の制定,生産知識の組織的収集,ならびに製品ではなく,生産システムに関するLCAの手法の新たな開発などが重要な研究課題となることを示した.
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))
    研究期間 : 1996年 -1997年 
    代表者 : 小野里雅彦
  • Development of Captive Information Balloon - InfoBalloon
    研究期間 : 1997年
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(総合研究(A), 基盤研究(A))
    研究期間 : 1995年 -1996年 
    代表者 : 岩田一明, 小野里雅彦, 高田祥三, 大場史憲, 木村文彦, 伊東誼
  • GAREKI Engineering for Search and Rescue
    研究期間 : 1996年
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(一般研究(A))
    研究期間 : 1994年 -1995年 
    代表者 : 岩田一明, 平井慎一, 小野里雅彦, 三好隆志, 白井良明, 花崎伸作
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(奨励研究(A))
    研究期間 : 1994年 -1994年 
    代表者 : 小野里雅彦
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(試験研究(A))
    研究期間 : 1993年 -1994年 
    代表者 : 岩田一明, 大島道隆, 平井慎一, 小野里雅彦
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(試験研究(A))
    研究期間 : 1990年 -1991年 
    代表者 : 岩田一明, 井手清, 小野里雅彦, 高田祥三
  • Manufacturing System Digitalization based on Virtual Manufacturing
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    研究期間 : 1990年
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(一般研究(C))
    研究期間 : 1988年 -1989年 
    代表者 : 杉村延広, 小野里雅彦, 岩田一明, 森脇後道
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(一般研究(A))
    研究期間 : 1988年 -1989年 
    代表者 : 岩田一明, 村田英人, 金田悠紀夫, 森脇俊道, 松井進, 杉村延広, 小野里雅彦
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(一般研究(B))
    研究期間 : 1985年 -1986年 
    代表者 : 吉川弘之, 小野里雅彦



  • 小学生向け科学教室
    期間 : 2011年08月14日
    役割 : 実演
    主催者・発行元 : せたな町立馬場川小学校 こども会
  • 子供向け科学教室
    期間 : 2010年07月25日
    役割 : 実演
    主催者・発行元 : 太平南小学校父母会
    イベント・番組・新聞雑誌名 : 太平南小学校サマーフェスティバル
  • 市民向け科学教室
    期間 : 2008年10月25日
    役割 : 実演
    主催者・発行元 : 札幌市青年会議所
    イベント・番組・新聞雑誌名 : まちづくりフェスタ2008


  • ロボットコンテスト審査委員
    報道 : 2018年10月28日
    発行元・放送局 : 全国高専連合会/NHK
    番組・新聞雑誌 : 高専ロボコン2018北海道地区大会
    旭川市 テレビ・ラジオ番組
  • ロボットコンテスト審査委員
    報道 : 2017年10月22日
    発行元・放送局 : 全国高専連合会/NHK
    番組・新聞雑誌 : 高専ロボコン2017北海道地区大会
    函館市 テレビ・ラジオ番組
  • ロボットコンテスト審査委員
    報道 : 2016年10月16日
    発行元・放送局 : 全国高専連合会/NHK
    番組・新聞雑誌 : 高専ロボコン2016北海道地区大会
    釧路市 テレビ・ラジオ番組
  • ロボットコンテスト審査委員
    報道 : 2015年10月11日
    発行元・放送局 : 全国高専連合会/NHK
    番組・新聞雑誌 : 高専ロボコン2015北海道地区大会
    苫小牧市 その他
  • ロボットコンテスト審査委員
    報道 : 2014年10月12日
    発行元・放送局 : 全国高専連合会/NHK
    番組・新聞雑誌 : 高専ロボコン2014北海道地区大会
    旭川市 その他
  • ロボットコンテスト審査委員
    報道 : 2012年10月21日
    発行元・放送局 : 全国高専連合会/NHK
    番組・新聞雑誌 : 高専ロボコン2012北海道地区大会
    釧路市 テレビ・ラジオ番組
  • ロボットコンテスト審査委員
    報道 : 2011年10月09日
    発行元・放送局 : 全国高専連合会/NHK
    番組・新聞雑誌 : 高専ロボコン2011北海道地区大会
    苫小牧市 テレビ・ラジオ番組
  • ロボットコンテスト審査委員
    報道 : 2010年10月24日
    発行元・放送局 : 全国高専連合会/NHK
    番組・新聞雑誌 : 高専ロボコン2010北海道地区大会
    旭川市 テレビ・ラジオ番組

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