



  • 氏名

    向井 徹(ムカイ トオル), ムカイ トオル


  • 水産科学研究院 海洋生物資源科学部門 海洋計測学分野


  • 水産科学研究院 海洋生物資源科学部門 海洋計測学分野



  • 2021, 海洋計測学特論Ⅰ, Advanced Marine Environment and Resource Sensing Ⅰ, 修士課程, 水産科学院, 音響計測,衛星計測,漁業計測
  • 2021, 海洋計測学特論Ⅱ, Advanced Marine Environment and Resource Sensing Ⅱ, 修士課程, 水産科学院, 音響計測,衛星計測,漁業計測
  • 2021, 海洋資源科学実験Ⅰ, Laboratory Work on Marine Resources Ⅰ, 学士課程, 水産学部, 海洋音響学、漁具工学、地球流体、情報処理技術、室内実験
  • 2021, 沿岸実習Ⅰ, Field Training I, 学士課程, 水産学部, 海洋環境計測機、水中音響計測機、漁具、採集具、沿岸漁業
  • 2021, 沿岸実習Ⅱ, Field Training II, 学士課程, 水産学部, 海洋環境計測機、水中音響計測機、漁具、採集具、沿岸漁業
  • 2021, 水産科学英語Ⅰ, English for Fisheries Sciences I, 学士課程, 水産学部, 科学英語論文,英文読解
  • 2021, 海洋計測学, Marine Metrology, 学士課程, 水産学部, 電磁波,測位,電波測位,衛星測位,衛星リモートセンシング,CTD,音波,測深,音響測深,魚群探知機,ソナー,ドップラー流向流速計
  • 2021, 海洋音響学, Ocean Acoustics, 学士課程, 水産学部, 超音波,魚群探知機,ソナー,流向流速計,海底面探査




  • 博士(水産学)(北海道大学)


  • プロフィール

  • 公開用メールアドレス

  • 向井, ムカイ
  • 徹, トオル
  • ID各種




  • ターゲットストレングス   計量魚群探知機   音響資源調査   生体密度   魚群探知機   音響反射   プランクトン   生体内音速   水中音響   海洋探査   水中音響技術   ローシー   海洋資源   音速   水中映像   体密度   動物プランクトン   体内通過音速   タイムオブフライト法   超音波散乱特性   海洋生態   カイアシ類   雌雄判別   オキアミ   スルメイカ   可視化   海洋生態系   FMTネット   デッドゾーン   ROV   水産音響   Acoustic Information   Fisheries Acoustics   


  • 環境・農学 / 環境動態解析
  • ライフサイエンス / 水圏生産科学


  • 2016年04月 - 現在 北海道大学 大学院水産科学研究院 教授
  • 2014年 北海道大学 水産科学研究科(研究院) 准教授
  • 2005年 - 水産科学研究院助教授(海洋生物資源科学部門海洋資源計測学分野) 助教授
  • 2005年 - Associate Professor
  • 2000年 - 水産科学研究科助教授(環境生物資源科学専攻資源計測学講座) 助教授
  • 2000年 - Associate Professor
  • 1995年 - 同助教授(水産学部海洋生産システム学科生産システム設計学講座) 助教授
  • 1995年 - Associate Professor
  • 1988年 - 北海道大学助手(水産学部漁業学科漁業測器学講座) 助手
  • 1988年 - Research Associate


  •         - 1986年   北海道大学   水産学部   漁業学科
  •         - 1986年   北海道大学


  • Mao Kuroda, Atsuhiko Isobe, Keiichi Uchida, Tadashi Tokai, Toshihide Kitakado, Miho Yoshitake, Yoshinori Miyamoto, Tohru Mukai, Keiri Imai, Kenichi Shimizu, Mitsuharu Yagi, Takahisa Mituhasi, Akimasa Habano
    Science of The Total Environment 925 171421 - 171421 2024年05月 [査読有り]
  • NAIZHENG YAN, Tohru Mukai, Kohei Hasegawa, Jun Yamamoto, Yoshiaki Fukuda
    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2023年12月12日 [査読有り]
    Abstract Measurement of target strength (TS) is important for estimating the abundance of species using fisheries acoustics. However, most researchers have only used a limited number of representative frequencies for acoustic measurements of fish without a swim bladder (bladderless fish). Here, we measured the broadband TS of three bladderless fish species, arabesque greenling (Pleurogrammus azonus), Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes personatus), and pointhead flounder (Cleisthenes pinetorum), using two broadband echosounders. TS measurements were conducted in a seawater tank over frequency ranges of 45–90 and 80–120 kHz using a tether method. Higher TS and directivity were observed at higher frequencies than at lower frequencies for pointhead flounder and arabesque greenling. However, the TS for Pacific sand lance was relatively flat over the measured frequency spectra. Additionally, the TS of pointhead flounder and Pacific sand lance could be expressed as a function of body length and the TS of arabesque greenling could be expressed as a function of body length and frequency, which could be used in fish species discriminations and size estimations.
  • Zhen Lu, TOHRU MUKAI, Yasuzumi Fujimori, Kohji Iida
    Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2023年11月29日 [査読有り]
  • YAN Naizheng, 向井徹, 長谷川浩平, 飯田浩二, 鶴田直剛
    海洋音響学会誌 50 4 2023年 [査読有り]
  • Yoshiaki FUKUDA, Kohei HASEGAWA, Tohru MUKAI, Tomohito IMAIZUMI
    The Journal of the Marine Acoustics Society of Japan 49 2 37 - 45 2022年04月01日
  • Bungo Nishizawa, Jumpei Okado, Yoko Mitani, Tomohiro Nakamura, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Tohru Mukai, Yutaka Watanuki
    Fisheries Science 88 1 109 - 118 2022年01月 [査読有り]
    To understand the environmental factors affecting the density of foraging seabirds across the cold-water belt in the southwestern Okhotsk Sea, we conducted a 1-day (180-km transect length) shipboard seabird survey off the northeastern coast of Hokkaido during summer in 2019, along with acoustic observations of potential prey (zooplankton and fish) biomass, thermosalinograph measurements, and CTD observations. Planktivorous short-tailed shearwaters Ardenna tenuirostris (66% of total seabirds) and piscivorous rhinoceros auklets Cerorhinca monocerata (28%) were predominant, but foraged in contrasting habitats. A large foraging flock of shearwaters was observed in the cold-water belt zone, including its front with coastal Soya Warm Current Water and the offshore Fresh Surface Okhotsk Sea Water, where surface chlorophyll a concentrations were the highest but not related to their prey (zooplankton) biomass at any spatial scale between 4.6 and 9.2 km. In contrast, the density of auklets was high in the coastal Soya Warm Current Water, where the acoustically determined fish biomass was large, and showed a positive relationship with the fish biomass especially in the lower layer (29–104 m depth) at any spatial scale. This species-specific difference in response to prey biomass might be related to prey-searching behaviors; i.e., rhinoceros auklets search prey underwater visually, but short-tailed shearwater can use both visual and olfactory cues to locate zooplankton patches from the air.
  • Atsuhiko Isobe, Takafumi Azuma, Muhammad Reza Cordova, Andrés Cózar, Francois Galgani, Ryuichi Hagita, La Daana Kanhai, Keiri Imai, Shinsuke Iwasaki, Shin’ichro Kako, Nikolai Kozlovskii, Amy L. Lusher, Sherri A. Mason, Yutaka Michida, Takahisa Mituhasi, Yasuhiro Morii, Tohru Mukai, Anna Popova, Kenichi Shimizu, Tadashi Tokai, Keiichi Uchida, Mitsuharu Yagi, Weiwei Zhang
    Microplastics and Nanoplastics 1 1 1 - 16 2021年09月 [査読有り]
    Abstract A total of 8218 pelagic microplastic samples from the world’s oceans were synthesized to create a dataset composed of raw, calibrated, processed, and gridded data which are made available to the public. The raw microplastic abundance data were obtained by different research projects using surface net tows or continuous seawater intake. Fibrous microplastics were removed from the calibrated dataset. Microplastic abundance which fluctuates due to vertical mixing under different oceanic conditions was standardized. An optimum interpolation method was used to create the gridded data; in total, there were 24.4 trillion pieces (8.2 × 104 ~ 57.8 × 104 tons) of microplastics in the world’s upper oceans.
  • 福田 美亮, 向井 徹, 澤田 浩一, 松裏 知彦
    海洋音響学会誌 48 1 1 - 14 特定非営利活動法人 海洋音響学会 2021年 [査読有り]

    We measured the density and sound-speed contrasts of Euphausia pacifica off the coast of Kushiro, Hokkaido from 2010 to 2014. These experiments were carried out in May–June (2010) and September–October (between 2011 to 2014). The density contrast was measured using the density bottle method, and the sound-speed contrast was measured by the time-of-flight method using a T-tube in each year. There were no significant differences in the mean values of the measured density and sound-speed contrasts by year, and the mean density and sound-speed contrasts through all years were 1.043 and 1.040, respectively. We also estimated the dorsal aspect mean target strength (TS) using the distorted-wave Born approximation-based deformed-cylinder model (DWBA model), finding that the relationships between total length (TL) [mm] and the mean TS at each frequency were TS=60.9 log TL−177.2 at 38 kHz, TS=57.2 logTL−163.6 at 70 kHz, TS=52.9 log TL−151.5 at 120 kHz, and TS=44.2 log TL−135.5 at 200 kHz. Since there was less annual variability in the density and sound-speed contrasts during the period examined in the present study, we recommend that the acoustic survey be conducted in September or October.

  • Kohei Hasegawa, Naizheng Yan, Tohru Mukai
    Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Taiwan) 29 2 135 - 145 2021年 [査読有り]
    Measurements of the broadband acoustic backscattering from fish should improve acoustic discrimination between species. The pulse compression processing of broadband systems can be used tomeasure acoustic backscattering with high range resolution and improve signal-to-noise ratio. This may increase opportunities for in situ target strength (TS) measurements, the preferredmethod of collecting TS data. To evaluate the availability of TS spectra for acoustic discrimination, three Simrad EK80 wideband transceivers and split-beam transducers of 70, 120, and 200 kHz were used to collect in situ frequency responses of TS from age-0 juvenile walleye pollock and pointhead flounder, a swim-bladderless flat-fish, distributed in and around Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan. The single echoes were extracted frombackscattering data, and the TS spectra of the two species were obtained. However, processing of the broadband acoustic data is under discussion. To ensure the reliability of our data, the TS spectra of standard targets were also calculated. The measured TS spectra of the standard targets were close to the theoretical TS spectra. The individual TS spectra of two species included complex frequency response; however, the mean TS spectrum was relatively stable. The different characteristics of the frequency responses observed for the two species were in good agreement with reported observations. The results available for the acoustic discrimination were similar to the multi-frequencymethod, which uses two or more single frequencies. The rawTS spectra should aid in not only discriminating between species but also estimating the size of the fish.
  • Zhen Lu, Tohru Mukai, Yasuzumi Fujimori, Kohji Iida
    Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Taiwan) 29 2 185 - 196 2021年 [査読有り]
    It is well known that there is bias using different sampling gear, such as a framed midwater trawl (FMT) and a ring net, when measuring the density and length distribution of target species. This limit is characterized by the sampling efficiency of the gear. Acoustic monitoring can be used to determine the sampling efficiencies of this gear, as its noninvasive, wide-range sweeps provide more reliable estimates of absolute abundance of the target species. The density measured by the gear can then be standardized by multiplying the initial density measurement by the derived sampling efficiency. In this study, we compared the estimated densities of the dominant zooplankton in the sound scattering layer (SSL) from acoustic monitoring to the densities of the same species measured using the FMT and ring net. The respective sampling efficiencies of this gear for zooplankton categories was then determined using linear regression models. For small Euphausiidae and Copepoda, the sampling efficiency of ring net was higher than that of FMT. In contrast, the ring net was less effective than FMT for large Euphausiidae. These results highlight that the entering and retention rates of the species depend on the type and characteristics of the survey gear, as well as the size and swimming ability of the target species.
  • Bungo Nishizawa, Nodoka Yamada, Haruka Hayashi, Charlie Wright, Kathy Kuletz, Hiromichi Ueno, Tohru Mukai, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Yutaka Watanuki
    Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 181-182 2020年12月 [査読有り]
    To understand the effect of an unusually early sea-ice retreat in the northern Bering Sea in the spring of 2018 on the marine ecosystem of the northern Bering Sea, we compared at-sea observations of seabird density and acoustic observations of prey (fish and zooplankton) biomass during shipboard surveys around St. Lawrence Island in the summers of 2017 and 2018. Densities of foraging seabirds in 2018 (piscivorous divers: 4.7 birds km−2, planktivorous divers: 5.1, shearwaters: 0.7, surface feeders: 6.6) were lower than those in 2017 (piscivorous divers: 14.7 birds km−2, planktivorous divers: 10.3, shearwaters: 11.9, surface feeders:11.9). Acoustically-determined prey biomass in 2018 (fish: 6.4 m2nmi−2, zooplankton: 2.3) was also lower than in 2017 (fish: 18.4 m2nmi−2, zooplankton: 5.5). Similarly, biomass of macrozooplankton (amphipods, euphausiids, Neocalanus spp. and Calanus marshallae) sampled using bongo nets was smaller in 2018. At scales of 5–30 km, correlations between the seabird density and prey biomass were weaker (−0.2–0.3 of Pearson's r) in 2018 than those in 2017 (0.4–0.9) for all seabirds except planktivorous divers. We suggest that the lack of sea ice, and the resulting lack of ice-edge phytoplankton blooms, may weaken trophic linkages by causing a low biomass of secondary consumers and hence a reduced density of seabirds.
  • Mao Kuroda, Keiichi Uchida, Tadashi Tokai, Yoshinori Miyamoto, Tohru Mukai, Keiri Imai, Kenichi Shimizu, Mitsuharu Yagi, Yuichi Yamanaka, Takahisa Mituhashi
    Marine Pollution Bulletin 161 Pt A 111670 - 111670 2020年12月 [査読有り]
    Marine debris on the seafloor has not been thoroughly investigated, and there is little information compared to other types of marine debris. We conducted bottom trawl surveys to determine the present situation of marine debris on the seafloor in offshore areas around Japan. The survey was conducted in three sea areas with different characteristics. As a result, it was found that the amount of marine debris in submarine canyons (2926.1 items/km2) was higher than on the continental shelf. It was revealed that most marine debris on the seafloor is comprised of plastic products, and that debris on the seafloor retains its condition for a long time (over 30 years) without deterioration. In addition, the type of marine debris is affected by the industries operating in each area. Continuing to investigate marine debris on the seafloor in more areas will contribute to solving the problem of marine debris.
  • Naizheng Yan, Tohru Mukai, Jun Yamamoto, Kohei Hasegawa
    Fisheries Research 105434 - 105434 2020年04月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 山口卓也, 磯田 豊, 伊藤海彦, 向井 徹, 小林直人
    海の研究 29 3 71 - 90 日本海洋学会 2020年 [査読有り][通常論文]

    成層期の津軽海峡西口付近における合成開口レーダ(SAR)の人工衛星海面画像には,2~3 本のストリーク帯(同一水塊内の海面収束帯)を伴う内部波群が映し出され,その波長は数100 mのオーダであった。このような内部波群のほとんどは,浅いシル(海堆)地形付近で観測された。シル上に捕捉されたようにみえる内部波群の経時変化を捉えることを目的に,2017年の夏季,高周波計量魚群探知機を用いた25時間連続観測を実施した。得られた音響画像は,海峡通過流強化時期のシル下流側において,全振幅が150 mを超える内部波群が遷移的に発達する様子を示した。内部波群は連なった2~3 本のストリーク帯で構成され,そこでは強い沈降流で生じたと思われる非常に乱れた海面状態を呈していた。シル上で発達する内部波の力学過程を調べるために,水平移流の影響や有限振幅波が表現できる非線形項を含む非静水圧モデルを用いた。モデルの密度成層及び強制力である順圧海峡通過流の経時変化は,本観測に近い状況を設定した。モデル再現の結果,フルード数が臨界点となるシル下流側付近では,シル東端斜面上で励起された上流伝播する内部波が同海域に停滞して効率的に重なり,内部波振幅の顕著な増幅を引き起こしていることが推測された。ただし,この力学過程では大振幅まで波が成長しても内部ソリトン波の構造を示さず,波の強い分散性よる散乱現象がむしろ支配的と思われる。

  • 水上 卓哉, 板谷 和彦, 向井 徹, 飯田 浩二
    北海道水産試験場研究報告 = Scientific reports of Hokkaido Fisheries Research Institutes 96 41 - 52 北海道立総合研究機構水産研究本部 2019年09月
  • Angga Dwinovantyo, Henry M. Manik, Tri Prartono, Susilohadi Susilohadi, Tohru Mukai
    Applied Sciences 9 9 1851 - 1851 2019年05月06日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • LU Zhen, 向井徹, 藤森康澄, 飯田浩二
    水産工学 55 2 135‐144  2018年11月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Kazuo Amakasu, Tohru Mukai, Masato Moteki
    Polar Science 12 79 - 87 2017年06月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, were observed using a broadband echosounder and their length density distribution was inferred from the echo data through a least square inversion. The observation was conducted in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean in January 2014. The transmit signal was a 10-ms linear frequency-modulated signal with a frequency sweep of 20-200 kHz. A large aggregation of Antarctic krill was observed at a sampling station over the continental shelf. The volume-backscattering strengths in the frequency range of 85-187 kHz were determined from the observed echoes. In addition, the signal-to-noise ratio at each frequency was estimated and the measured volume-backscattering strengths were evaluated before inversion for accurate inferences. In this inversion, Antarctic krill were modeled as prolate spheroids and the target strengths were predicted by the distorted-wave Born approximation. The acoustically inferred mean length was in good agreement with the mode length determined by a net sampling performed immediately after the echo sampling. Also, the acoustically inferred length-frequency distribution was in reasonable agreement with the determined one from the net samples. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. and NIPR. All rights reserved.
  • 広瀬 美由紀, 志村 健, 向井 徹
    日本水産工学会誌 54 3 163 - 172 日本水産工学会 2017年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of acoustic measurements between twofrequencies (38 kHz, 120 kHz) for estimations of the distribution and abundance of 0+ Japanese jackmackerel, Trachurus japonicus, off the Tottori coast in the Sea of Japan. The vessel Tottori Maru No. 1collected acoustic data off the coast of Tottori at frequencies of 38 and 120 kHz (KFC3000). Samplingwas also conducted using a midwater trawl net and an 80-cm ring net. A sound scattering layer wasfound to overlay the echo of the Japanese jack mackerel when sampled at 38 kHz, presenting an inherentproblem to acoustic studies at this frequency. However, signals from Japanese jack mackerel could beidentified on an echogram at 120 kHz. Also, the density of one individual per m3 (n) of Japanese jackmackerel, determined using the trawl net, was positively correlated with the value of the volumebackscattering strength( SV) at 120 kHz(Mean SV120 kHz = 10 log n – 58.01( r = 0.68)). Therefore, it ispossible to estimate the distribution and abundance of 0+ Japanese jack mackerel more accurately using120 kHz data.
  • 金 銀好, 向井 徹, 飯田 浩二
    日本水産学会誌 82 4 587 - 600 日本水産學會 2016年 [査読有り][通常論文]

    北海道噴火湾周辺海域において,周波数 38, 120, 200 kHz の計量魚群探知機を用いて音響散乱層の特徴を調べ,その構成生物であるオキアミ類とカイアシ類の識別方法を検討した。生物の確認は,直径 80 cm のリングネットによる垂直曳網で行った。オキアミ類とカイアシ類は,周波数 38 kHz よりも 120 kHz と 200 kHz でより強い音響散乱を示し,さらにこれら 2 周波数の SV 差は,オキアミ類で−1.5~1.3 dB,カイアシ類で 2.2-3.7 dB となり,この SV 差を利用して両種を識別する可能性が示された。

  • Kyounghoon Lee, Tohru Mukai, Dae-Jae Lee, Kohji Iida
    FISHERIES SCIENCE 80 1 1 - 11 2014年01月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    There are various techniques for identifying fish species, including the multi-frequency method, in situ target strength characteristics, and digital image processing methods. Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) are able to determine multiple current fields simultaneously and have been used to observe the swimming speed and behavior patterns of shoals of pelagic fish under natural conditions. In this study, we evaluated a classification method that can be used to determine the swimming velocity of both the sound-scattering layer and pelagic fish shoals using an ADCP (153.6 kHz) and a scientific echosounder (38, 200 kHz). To calculate the actual swimming speed of the fish shoals, the mean swimming velocity vectors of each stratified bin must be compared with the mean surrounding three-dimensional (3D) current velocity vectors. We found the average 3D swimming velocity of the sound-scattering layer to be characterized by a deviation of > 5.3 cm/s from the surrounding current field. The average 3D swimming velocity of Pacific saury Cololabis saira was calculated to be 91.3 cm/s, while that of lanternfish Diaphus theta was 28.1 cm/s. These swimming speeds correspond to 4.19- and 4.26-fold the body length, respectively. Thus, the use of ADCP swimming velocity data can be expected to be a valuable species identification method for various fishes distributed in a given survey area.
  • 広瀬 美由紀, 向井 徹
    海洋音響学会誌 41 1 1 - 11 特定非営利活動法人 海洋音響学会 2014年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Acoustic techniques are commonly used to study the distributions and abundances of fish and zooplankton, because these techniques can survey large areas relatively quickly. Recently, acoustic-scattering techniques such as echosounders have been applied to jellyfish monitoring. Several studies have examined the acoustic-scattering characteristics of Nemopilema nomurai, but the influence of changes in the swimming (swimming angle) of this jellyfish on target strength (TS) has yet to be determined. This information has important implications for estimations of the abundance of jellyfish. In this study, the TS of live jellyfish in a seawater tank was measured to clarify the relationship between TS and swimming angle. Both measured and modeled scattering patterns depended on the swimming angle, revealing that the TS was largest for the head-aspect (incident on the bell of the jellyfish: 0 degree) swimming angle, and 10 dB lower for the intermediate-aspect swimming angle. The reduced target strength (RTS) in the side-aspect angle (range, 20–160º) varied between −60 and −50 dB; there was good agreement between the estimated and measured TS values.
  • AMAKASU Kazuo, MISHIMA Yuka, SASAKURA Toyoki, MUKAI Tohru, SAWADA Kouichi
    海洋音響学会誌 40 3 126 - 137 2013年07月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 高橋 竜三, 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹, 西森 靖
    海洋音響学会誌 40 3 113 - 125 特定非営利活動法人 海洋音響学会 2013年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The horizontal acoustic backscattering strength of a fish school is an important factor for fisheries and for estimation of the size of a fish school using omnidirectional scanning sonar. However, the backscattering strength of a fish school is influenced by their behavior and orientation because the individual fish in the fish school have strong directivity of target strength. This paper discusses a method for estimating the directivity of the backscattering strength of the fish school by analyzing fish school behavior. Sonar data were collected by a purse seine fishing boat equipped with the quantitative scanning sonar FSV-30R in Barents Sea and on the Pacific coast of northern Japan. Swimming speed, swimming direction, volume backscattering strength (SV_SCH), and the target strength of the fish school (NTS) were analyzed for several swimming fish schools. The results showed strong directivity in the backscattering strength at the direction perpendicular to the swimming course; this result is similar to that of the directivity of the target strength. The directivity varied in relation to the distribution of the orientation of the fish, resulting from both the swimming speed and the direction of the fish school. These findings will enable the estimation of fish school abundance more precisely.
  • 福田 美亮, 向井 徹, 澤田 浩一, 飯田 浩二
    海洋音響学会誌 40 3 138 - 148 特定非営利活動法人 海洋音響学会 2013年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The target strength (TS) spectrum of a marine organism is a key factor in the target discrimination of that organism. In this study, the side-aspect TS spectrum of Euphausia pacifica was measured as a function of the incident angle of the ensonified wave in a seawater tank using a broadband transducer with a bandwidth of 300–700 kHz. The measurements were compared with the theoretical predictions by the distorted-wave Born approximation-based deformed-cylinder model (DWBA model). The TS pattern measurements were in good agreement with the DWBA model predictions for the main lobe but not with those for the side lobe. The measurements of the relationship between the normalized mean TS spectrum and the total length divided by wavelength ratio were in good agreement with model predictions.
  • KURNIA Muhammad, IIDA Kohji, MUKAI Tohru
    海洋音響学会誌 39 3 93 - 102 海洋音響学会 2012年07月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    We discuss the acoustic characteristics of the three-dimensional target strength (3DTS) of defrosted Japanese Jack mackerel and Chub mackerel. The target strength of fish in the whole aspect was measured in a tank by changing the horizontal incident angle from 0° to 360° by 1° steps and the pitch angle from 0° to 90° by 10° steps. Prior to measurement of TS, morphological parameters including swim bladder size and shape were measured by soft X-ray for theoretical estimation. The theoretical TS of fish were calculated using the prolate-spheroid model based on morphological parameters and were compared with the measured values. Results showed that both the maximum and the minimum TS were proportional to body length, and the directivity of the TS was strongly associated with its orientation. The TS of fish changed significantly with the changing yaw and pitch angle of the fish, but remained fairly constant as the roll angle of the fish changed. The maximum and minimum TS were found at the broadside and end-on aspects of the fish, respectively.
  • 福田 美亮, 向井 徹, 澤田 浩一, 飯田 浩二
    日本水産學會誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries 78 3 388 - 398 日本水産學會 2012年05月15日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    側面方向からの超音波の入射角変化に伴うツノナシオキアミのターゲットストレングス(TS)の変化を,周波数 120 kHz で 23 個体,200 kHz で 21 個体測定した。DWBA 変形円筒モデルにより推定した側面方向 TS パターンは,実測値と一致した。また,21 個体について遊泳状態の体の屈曲を考慮して背方向 TS パターンの推定を行った結果,背方向最大 TS を体長(TL)の 2 乗で規準化した規準化最大 TS(TScm, max)と体長と波長の比 TL/λ との関係は,TScm, max=36.5 log TL/λ−91.4 となった。
  • 広瀬 美由紀, 黄 斗湊, 向井 徹
    海洋音響学会誌 39 1 34 - 38 海洋音響学会 2012年01月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 山下 由起子, 藤森 康澄, 向井 徹, 清水 晋
    日本水産學會誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries 78 5 903 - 912 日本水産學會 2012年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    動物プランクトンの種別分布量を把握するため,曳航型レーザー式プランクトンカウンター(LOPC)のデータ解析法を検討した。2007 年 4 月昼間に北海道噴火湾の 12 点においてリングネットに装着した LOPC を鉛直曳航した。採集物のカイアシ類と端脚類の体サイズは一部重複したが,LOPC の検出粒子のサイズ組成は種別湿重量組成と同様の変化傾向を示した。LOPC を用いた種別計測のためには,動物プランクトンの種ごとの検出粒子の計測特性を明らかにする必要があると考えられた。
  • Muhammad Kurnia, Kohji Iida, Tohru Mukai
    JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TAIWAN 19 3 287 - 293 2011年06月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    This paper discusses the three-dimensional target strength (3DTS) of fish for a horizontal scanning sonar. Experiments were conducted in a tank using a defrosted Japanese mackerel. Measurements were made by changing the horizontal incident angle of a 50 kHz acoustic beam and the pitch angle of a tethered fish. Following the experiment, morphological characteristics, including the swimbladder size and shape, were measured using soft X-ray and digitized. The theoretical 3DTS was estimated using the prolate spheroid model and compared with the measured 3DTS. Results showed that the TS strongly depended on the fish orientation. The maximum and minimum TS were recorded at the broadside and the head/tail aspect of the fish, respectively. The horizontally averaged TS, which is necessary to estimate fish abundance by horizontal scanning sonar, gradually increased as the pitch angle increased, showing a minimum at 0 degrees and maximum at 90 degrees. The measured horizontally averaged TS was 3-5 dB lower than the theoretically estimated TS. Possible theoretical, biological, and technical reasons are discussed.
  • 藤森 康澄, 向井 徹, 山本 潤
    日本水産學會誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries 76 6 1080 - 1082 日本水産學會 2010年11月15日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    オキアミ採集におけるライトの効果を確認するとともに,その有無が採集個体のサイズ組成に与える影響を調べた。採集には口径 80 cm(NGG32)のリングネットを使用した。ペンネント上部にネット上方に光を照射するようにライトを取りつけ,ライト無し,点灯,閃光(点滅)の 3 条件について夜間に鉛直曳網を行った。ライトをつけた場合では点灯,閃光に関わらず,ライト無しの場合よりも密度は 4~6 倍に増加した。また,採集個体の体長組成はライトの有無で大きく異なり,点灯,閃光に関わらず大型個体の採集量は著しく増加した。
  • Characteristics of Acoustic Scattering according to Pulsation of the Large Jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai
    韓国水産学会誌 43 5 551 - 556 2010年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Miyuki Hirose, Tohru Mukai, Doojin Hwang, Kohji Iida
    ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE 66 6 1233 - 1237 2009年07月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Reports about jellyfish damaging nets and reducing fish catches are increasing, and data on the abundance and distribution of various jellyfish species are needed to forecast where and when their blooms will happen. Acoustic techniques can be used to obtain this information if the acoustic characteristics of the targets are known. This is a study of acoustic scattering from three jellyfish species: Nemopilema nomurai (order Rhizostomeae), Cyanea nozakii (Semaeostomeae), and Aurelia aurita (Semaeostomeae). Target strength (TS) at 38, 120, and 200 kHz, specific density, and sound speed were measured with live specimens. Specific densities were measured using the displacement-volume-weight and the dual-density methods. The sound speeds were estimated using the time-of-flight method. The reduced TS (RTS), i.e. the TS normalized by bell area, was smaller for N. nomurai (bell diameter range 19-38 cm) than for C. nozakii (bell diameter range 30-40 cm), and the differences in RTS between the species were 17.8, 12.6, and 5.8 dB at 38, 120, and 200 kHz, respectively. The respective sound-speed contrast h and density contrast g were 1.0008 +/- 0.009 (mean +/- s.d.) and 1.004 +/- 0.015 for N. nomurai; 1.038 and 1.073 for one C. nozakii; and 1.0001 +/- 0.025 and 0.989 +/- 0.019 for A. aurita.
  • 石井憲, 安部幸樹, 澤田浩一, 甘糟和男, 向井徹
    超音波Techno 21 2 66 - 69 2009年04月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 松倉 隆一, 向井 徹, 安藤 靖浩, 飯田 浩二, RYUICHI MATSUKURA, TOHRU MUKAI, YASUHIRO ANDO, KOHJI IIDA, Graduate School of Environmental Science Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University
    日本水産學會誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries 75 1 38 - 44 日本水産學會 2009年01月15日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    ツノナシオキアミの体内と海水の密度比,音速比によるターゲットストレングスへの影響と脂質含有量の関係を調べた。密度比は夏季で大きくワックスエステル含有量と負の相関があり,音速比は春季で大きく脂質含有量と正の相関があった。DWBA モデルで TL 15 mm の個体の TS(平均遊泳姿勢 30.4±19.9°)を推定すると,38 kHz で-105.9~-105.2 dB, 120 kHz で-91.3~-90.5 dB, 200 kHz で-86.3~-85.4 dB となった。春季と夏季では両比の変化は相殺し TS の変化は小さかった。
  • Nobuo Kokubun, Kohji Iida, Tohru Mukai
    DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY 55 16-17 1827 - 1836 2008年08月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The distributions of murres (Uria spp.) and their prey were examined on board T/S Oshoro maru in the southern part of St. George Island, southeastern Bering Sea during the summers of 2003-2005. Murre distribution was determined by sight-counting survey, and the biomass of fishes and plankton was estimated simultaneously using acoustic measuring. Fish were abundant in intermediate (30-90m) layers around the inner front or the northern edge of Pribilof Canyon, while plankton were abundant in deep (> 90 m) layers around the northern edge of Pribilof Canyon or the shelf-break front. In each year, murres foraged around the inner front or the northern edge of Pribilof Canyon, which had high productivity and abundant fish, as has been revealed previously. Non-linear regression analysis on the vertical distribution of prey and distribution of murres suggested that murres especially targeted on fishes concentrated in intermediate layers below the thermocline. Furthermore, comparison of abundance and distribution of prey revealed that fish abundance was lower and distributed in deeper layers in 2005 than in 2003 and 2004. Low abundance and deep distribution of fish prey may be related to poor breeding success of murres on St. George Island in 2005. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Fisheries science : FS 74 2 221 - 229 2008年04月01日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) have recently been used to estimate the dynamic characteristics and biomass of sound scattering layers (SSLs) or swimming speed of fish schools and to analyze SSL spatial distribution or various behavior patterns. This paper shows that it is necessary to verify mean volume backscattering strength (MVBS, dB) values acquired from each beam for quantitative analysis of the spatial distribution or the biomass estimates of such specific targets as SSL or a fish school when using an ADCP. In this study, the SSL was selected to be a homogeneous density layer over a large area and two methods were used to verify the MVBS values from each beam of the ADCP. First, a mutual comparison among four beams was conducted after calculating MVBS from the measured echo intensity. Second, the MVBS values were verified using comparison between the calculated MVBS from the 153.6 kHz ADCP and MVBS from three frequencies of a well-calibrated scientific echosounder. Moreover, the dominant scatterers (euphausiids) were collected by a framed midwater trawl. From these samples, biological data were used to identify the different frequency characteristics between two systems, using a distorted-wave Born approximation (DWBA) theoretical backscattering model in order to assess the averaged target strength and target strength TS differences for the three frequencies.
  • 藤森 康澄, 山下 由起子, 阿部 真之, 板谷 和彦, 向井 徹
    日本水産工学会誌 44 3 197 - 204 日本水産工学会 2008年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Jun Yamamoto, Miyuki Hirose, Tetsuya Ohtani, Katashi Sugimoto, Kazue Hirase, Nobuo Shimamoto, Tsuyoshi Shimura, Natsumi Honda, Yasuzumi Fujimori, Tohru Mukai
    MARINE BIOLOGY 153 3 311 - 317 2008年01月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The fate of the giant jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai after death was examined in the southwest Sea of Japan. The density of dead jellyfish was greater than that of live animals. The dead animals are heavier than the Japan Sea Proper Water which occurs deeper than 200 m, suggesting that dead jellyfish sink to the sea floor. The sea floor survey, conducted with a towed video tape recorder (VTR) monitoring system between mid September and mid October, observed a total of 138 jellyfish during 28 of 29 operations. The density of carrion ranged between 0.2 and 5.1 individuals/1,000 m(2) (mean +/- SE = 1.1 +/- 0.2). Ophiuroids occurred abundantly at 23 jellyfish carcasses and a sea anemone was observed attached to five carcasses. The VTR surveys confirmed that carrion sinks to the sea floor not only during the winter, the normal end of life for medusae, but also during the fall. A trap survey baited with medusae was also employed, and four different species were sampled with the traps: the snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio), a shrimp (Pandalopsis japonica), the ivory shell (Buccinum striatissimum) and an ophiuroid (Ophiura sarsii). Much of the trap bait remained (49-68% weight-mean = 60.3%) during the 23 h soak-time, and the reduction in weight was greater than that observed by bacterial decomposition, suggesting benthic animals consume dead organisms. The present study indicates that dead N. nomurai sink to the sea floor continuously and were subsequently consumed by benthic scavengers.
  • 広瀬 美由紀, 向井 徹, 志村 健
    海洋音響学会誌 34 2 109 - 118 海洋音響学会 2007年04月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai, which reaches up to 2 m in diameter and 200 kg in weight, has appeared in large numbers in the Sea of Japan during the last several years and has had a negative effect on coastal fisheries in this region. Data on the abundance and distribution of these jellyfish are needed to forecast when and where they will occur in coastal areas. Acoustic techniques are commonly used to study the distribution and abundance of fish and zooplankton because these techniques can survey large areas relatively quickly. Before such surveys can be conducted, the acoustic characteristics of the target species must be known. In this study, the density and speed-of-sound in live jellyfish were measured in order to clarify their acoustic characteristics using a theoretical scattering model. The density of the jellyfish was measured using the dual-density method, while the speed of sound was measured using the time-of-flight method. Their acoustic characteristics were estimated with the distorted-wave Born approximation (DWBA) model using these material properties and the shape of free-swimming jellyfish. The results demonstrate the feasibility of investigating the abundance and distribution of jellyfish using acoustic methods.
  • 山下 由起子, 藤森 康澄, 向井 徹
    数理水産科学 5 97 - 104 数理水産科学研究会 2007年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Fisheries science : FS 72 4 728 - 736 2006年08月01日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    In this study, density and sound speed contrasts were measured for the Japanese common squid Todarodes pacificus. Target strength (TS) data derived from an acoustic scattering model based on measurements of these two parameters were compared with TS values based on acoustic measurement data to determine whether the measured parameters are reasonable values for theoretical scattering model. Density contrast (g) was measured from the displacement volume and wet weight, while sound speed contrast (h) was measured from the acoustic measurements of travel time (time-of-flight method). The Kirchhoff ray mode model, which represents the squid body as a set of fluid-filled cylinders, was used to calculate theoretical TS. Mean g- and h-values of the squid were 1.029 and 1.041, respectively. Comparison with previous data showed that g was similar, whereas h was relatively high. The difference in the TS between the theoretical model using measured parameters and the acoustic measurement was within 3 dB. Thus, the measured g- and h-values are acceptable for theoretical models of squid.
  • K Iida, R Takahashi, Y Tang, T Mukai, M Sato
    An underwater acoustic camera enclosed in a pressure-resistant case was constructed to observe underwater marine animals. This enabled the measurement of the size, shape, and behavior of living marine animals in the detection range up to 240 cm. The transducer array of the acoustic camera was driven by 3.5 MHz ultrasonic signals, and B-mode acoustic images were obtained. Observations were conducted for captive animals in a water tank and for natural animals in a field. The captive animals, including fish, squid and jellyfish, were observed, and a three-dimensional internal structure of animals was reconstructed using multiple acoustical images. The most important contributors of acoustic scattering were the swimbladder and vertebra of bladdered fish, and the liver and reproductive organs of invertebrate animals. In a field experiment, the shape, size, and swimming behavior of wild animals were observed. The possibilities and limitations of the underwater acoustic camera for fishery applications were discussed.
  • Y Tang, K Iida, T Mukai, Y Nishimori
    Previous studies have resulted in a quantitative omnidirectional sonar (FSV30 research version, Furuno) using 64 multi-beams and a 24 kHz center operating frequency. The practical applications of this sonar are currently being studied with regard to fisheries resource assessment. This paper presents one part of this research, i.e., methods for estimating fish school volume using different sonar scanning modes. To determine its suitability for various purposes, we conducted a simulation to measure scatter aggregation; the simulation was validates by measuring the volume of a balloon filled with seawater. A practical survey was also simulated for spherical scatter aggregation with a 20 m, diameter, and its volume was examined using different scanning modes. Our results indicate that a semicircular cruise mode is more suitable than a circular mode for measuring fish school volume, and that using an anchored instrument scanning mode provides greater accuracy than a cruising scanning mode.
  • Tae-Geon Park, Kohji Iida, Tohru Mukai
    SEA LIONS OF THE WORLD 549 - 560 2006年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    We investigated the acoustics of Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) calls in wild individuals hauled out on shore reefs off the west coast of Hokkaido, northern Japan, and in captive sea lions at an aquarium using video camera observations. Steller sea lion calls were classified as "communication," "threat," "wheedling," and "acknowledge" according to associated behaviors. Classified calls were analyzed by means of sonograms for formant frequency (F-1), sound duration (T), and pitch pattern. All sounds emitted by males were lower in formant frequency than those of females, while sounds made by wild animals were lower than those of captive animals. Sounds by males were also longer in duration than those by females, while those made by wild animals were shorter than those by captive ones. Pitch of "communication" calls was a long flat pattern type, "threat" was a short descending type, and "wheedling" was a short ascending type for wild animals and a short wave-like type for the captives. The characteristics of pitch patterns of wild and captive animals suggest that the calls of Steller sea lions are for communication.
  • Kohji Iida, Tae-Geon Park, Tohru Mukai, Shoji Kotani
    SEA LIONS OF THE WORLD 535 - 548 2006年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Every winter, hundreds of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) visit the coast of Hokkaido, northern Japan. Their foraging behavior destroys fishing gear, which is a serious problem. In order to find a solution that allows the coexistence of both Steller sea lions and fishing activities, attempts have been made to control their behavior using acoustical and optical stimuli. This study examined methods of repelling Steller sea lions from fishery gear using aerial and underwater sounds and flashing lights. In this study, we (1) observed and analyzed the relationship between the calls and the behavior of Steller sea lions; (2) searched for effective stimuli for repelling Steller sea lions; (3) developed a displacing system that generates artificial stimuli to repel Steller sea lions using sounds and lights; and (4) tested the displacing system. Experiments were conducted at a Steller sea lion haul-out located on the west coast of Hokkaido, on the Sea of Japan. Steller sea lions were exposed to acoustical and optical stimuli consisting of repeated intermittent sounds with or without flashing lights. This system was controlled from the edge of a cliff, and the reactions of Steller sea lions were monitored using a video camera and microphone. Most of the Steller sea lions responded to the stimuli by vocalizing toward the source, while moving away and jumping in the water. The most effective stimuli for repelling Steller sea lions were aerial sounds, underwater sounds, and flashing lights in that order.
    日本水産学会誌 71 4 571 - 577 日本水産學會 2005年07月15日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    この論文の目的は,生きたエチゼンクラゲのターゲットストレングス(TS)を推定することである。実験は韓国南岸で SCUBA および定置網で採集した 7 個体について行った。海水水槽の中央に生きた個体をつるし,周波数 38 kHz と 200 kHz で TS 測定を行った。また,その行動を水中カメラで観察した。平均 TS は 38 kHz で-79.0~-47.5 dB, 200 kHz で-72.2 dB~-46.0 dB となり,200 kHz の方が 1.5~10.6 dB 大きかった。ほぼ同サイズの個体の TS で比べると,SCUBA で採集した個体の方が定置網採集のそれより約 20 dB 小さかった。また,傘の形状変化に伴い TS も変化した。
  • DY Kang, T Mukai, K Iida, DJ Hwang, JG Myoung
    ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE 62 4 779 - 789 2005年06月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    To measure the influence of changes in tilt angle on the acoustic target strength (TS) of the Japanese common squid (Todarodes pacificus), we conducted a series of experiments to estimate TS in relation to tilt angle and swimming angle. Swimming angle was measured in a seawater tank using two infrared, underwater cameras under dark conditions. Ex situ measurements of TS in relation to tilt angle on live specimens using a fishhook and cage method were then conducted at 38 and 120 kHz; mantle length (ML) ranged from 21 to 27 cm (mean 24.75 cm). For the more precise TS measurement with tilt angle, another set of ex situ TS measurements relative to tilt angle was made at 38 and 120 kHz on tethered, anesthetized specimens in seawater. The mean swimming angle was - 17.7 degrees (+/- 12.7 degrees s.d.). The mean TS varied from -48.6 to -44.6 dB and was relatively higher at 120 kHz than at 38 kHz, in the order of 0.7 and 2.5 dB. The empirical relationship between TS (dB) and ML (cm) is given by TS = 20 log(10)(ML) - 75.4 (r = 0.81) at 38 kHz or TS = 20 log(10)(ML) - 73.5 (r = 0.64) at 120 kHz. Based on the tethered method for the anesthetized squid, the mean standardized TS values (b(20)) were found to be highly correlated with the tilt angle, and the resultant fitted equations for b20 were expressed as: b20 = -73.3 + 0.48 X theta + 0.0122 X theta(2) + 0.00016 X theta(3) for 38 kHz and b(20) = -72.6 + 0.53 X theta + 0.0134 X theta(2) + 0.00014 X theta(3) for 120 kHz, where theta is the negative tilt angle in degrees. The mean TS based on the measurements using live squid was higher than that of tethered measurements, i.e., 2.6 dB at 38 kHz and 4.0 dB at 120 kHz. The higher mean TS in the ex situ measurements for the live squid can be explained by the influence of the low tilt angle on the overall TS data. The results can be used to understand the influence of tilt angle on the TS of Todarodes pacificus and thus improve the accuracy of biomass estimates. (c) 2005 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 貞安 一廣, 安部 幸樹, 澤田 浩一, 高尾 芳三, 向井 徹, 飯田 浩二
    海洋音響学会誌 32 1 30 - 39 特定非営利活動法人 海洋音響学会 2005年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Understanding the variability of fish acoustic target strength (TS) potentially improves the accuracy of fisheries acoustic survey. This study examines the effect of fish body bending by swimming activity on fish target strength. Bending shape of fish body and swimbladder were simulated from soft X-ray images of anesthetized walleye pollock. Target strength of bent fish was estimated using a Kirchhoff Ray-Mode model from simulated morphology as a function of fish pitch angle. TS patterns of whole fish and swimbladder did not change near the pitch angle at which maximum TS was obtained. But at the other pitch angle, TS patterns of bent fish differed from that of no bent fish. TS patterns of fish body changed at all the pitch angle. Decrease of maximum TS caused by fish bending was within 0.7 dB. Present study indicates that it is not necessary to take care of fish bending on TS estimation, when fish swimming behaviour is normal except for feeding time that fishes are more active.
    Fisheries science : FS 70 6 1051 - 1060 2004年12月01日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    An application of the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP, 153.6 kHz) in combination with a scientific echo sounder (EK60, 38 and 200 kHz) was investigated to estimate the density of krill Euphausia pacifica. The acoustic backscattering strength from sound scattering layers was compared with biomass estimates from midwater trawls. Euphausia pacifica was targeted among mixed species populations in the sound scattering layer in the offshore Funka Bay area of Hokkaido, Japan. The frequency characteristics of acoustic backscattering by krill were calculated using a distorted wave Born approximation scattering model at three frequencies. Krill aggregations identified from the EK60 data were extracted as the mean volume backscattering strength difference between two frequencies. They were then used to identify similar aggregations in the ADCP data by matching observation times and depths for the two methods, which were applied simultaneously. Results from the comparison of the mean volume backscattering strength and the density calculated from the ADCP and EK60 showed that ADCP can be used to measure density and spatial-temporal distribution of krill aggregations. Current speed and direction at the study site were found to be 16.1 cm/s and 187.00, respectively, and krill speed and direction (including the current component) were found to be 19.8 cm/s and 172.20, respectively Based on the ADCP data, the net speed and direction of the krill aggregations were found to be 5.9 cm/s and 128.00, respectively.
    Fisheries science : FS 70 5 819 - 828 2004年10月01日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Black porgy are hatched and released in marine ranching areas in Japan, Korea and Taiwan to maintain fisheries resources in coastal areas. If acoustic methods are used for field surveys, target strength (TS) information on the species is needed to convert acoustic data to biomass density. Target strength of black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) 15.5 - 32.9 cm fork length (nine individuals) was measured at 38 and 120 kHz (split beam) by ex situ measurements (cage and fishhook methods) of living fish, a tethered method with shock-frozen fish, and an acoustic scattering model, the Kirchhoff ray mode (KRM) model based on fish morphology. The ex situ TS-to-fork length (FL, cm) relationships were TS38kHz = 20log(10)FL - 64.6 (r = 0.77) and TS120kHz, = 20log10FL - 65.2 (r = 0.70). The values for the KRM model were TS38kHz = 20log(10)FL - 64.8 (r = 0.88) and TS120kHz = 20log(10)FL - 65.4 (r = 0.80). The agreement between the ex situ measurements and the KRM model for the mean TS was very good. In contrast, the results for the tethered method (TS38kHz, = 20log10FL - 69.3 [r = 0.42]) differed markedly from the other two methods, perhaps because of the effects of the shock-freezing procedure in air. The results of the ex situ measurements and scattering model provide basic information for studying TS and conducting acoustic surveys of black porgy, even though the tethered method must be modified.
  • 山本 潤, 向井 徹, 岩森 利弘, 木村 修, 桜井 泰憲
    海洋調査技術 16 2 25 - 30 海洋調査技術学会 2004年09月30日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) was used to observe a sound scattering layer (SSL) identified using a quantitative echo sounder near the mouth of Funka Bay, Hokkaido. The SSL was seen in a high frequency (100kHz) echogram to occur within 5 m of the sea floor. Video images taken by the ROV showed a dense school of krill swimming rapidly and continuously within the SSL. Furthermore, several walleye pollock were observed to approach the ROV at depths where relatively strong echoes appeared in a low frequency (25kHz) echogram. The density and size of the krill and walleye pollock were not determined, however, it is clear that ROVs are useful for observing the SSL and can provide valuable information about the biomass of marine resources more accurately.
  • Kusumoto Nami, Ando Yasuhiro, Matsukura Ryuichi, MUKAI Tohru
    Journal of oleo science 53 1 45 - 51 公益社団法人 日本油化学会 2004年01月01日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    This paper reports the total lipid content, lipid class composition, and fatty acid composition of the krill Euphausia pacifica collected in the northwestern Pacific Ocean near Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan. The krill were caught in spring, summer, and winter in three consecutive years, 2000-2002. Lipid content of the E. pacifica samples was ranged from 5.1 to 11.6% on the basis of dry weight. Major lipid classes determined for the samples of 2002 were triacylglycerols (TAG) (3.4-27.3%), free fatty acids (FFA) (6.9-22.2%), sterols (5.4-12.9%), phosphatidylethanolamines (PE) (3.4-17.5%), and phosphatidylcholines (PC) (36.2-53.8%). All of the samples subjected to fatty acid analysis were high in 16:0 (19.0-24.5% of total fatty acids), 18:1n-9 (7.5-10.0%), 18:1n-7 (6.3-8.1%), 20:5n-3 (IPA) (15.3-24.7%), and 22:6n-3 (DHA) (8.4-20.7%). The lipids of E. pacifica were found to be generally rich in PC and in IPA and DHA. Lipid content and proportion of TAG were higher in the spring samples than in the summer samples. The summer samples were higher in the concentration of DHA in total fatty acids.
  • Kusumoto Nami, Ando Yasuhiro, Matsukura Ryuichi, Mukai Tohru
    北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 54 3 73 - 77 北海道大学大学院水産科学研究科 2003年12月 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 本田 聡, 鈴木 千洋, 向井 徹, 飯田 浩二
    日本水産学会誌 69 4 558 - 567 公益社団法人 日本水産学会 2003年07月15日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 本間隆之, 高柳志朗, 坂口健司, 三宅博哉, 和田昭彦, 武藤卓志, 飯田浩二, 向井徹, 中野健一
    北海道立中央水産試験場事業報告書 2001 149 - 150 2002年12月 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Use of Geographical Parameters of Fish School in the Estimation of Fish School Abundance Using Scanning Sonar
    Bull. Korean Soc. Fish. Tech. 38 197 - 291 2002年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Observation of Juvenile Sourthern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyi C.) School Response to the Approaching Vesel Using Scanning Sonar
    J.Fish.Sci.Tech. 5 206 - 211 2002年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • The Application of Image Processing Technology for the Analysis of Fish School Behavior: Evaluation of Fish School Behavior Responce to the Approaching Vessel Using Scanning Sonar
    J.Fish.Sci.Tech. 5 212 - 218 2002年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 三宅博哉, 石田良太郎, 武藤卓志, 安部幸樹, 向井徹, 飯田浩二
    北海道立水産試験場研究報告 59 11 - 24 北海道立水産試験場 2001年03月30日 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Verification of diurnal change of target strength of walleye pollock. - An effect of resolution volume -
    Koki Abe, Satoshi Honda, Tatsuki Oshima, Kazushi Miyashita, Kohji Iida, Tohru Mukai
    Proceedings of the ACOUSTGEAR2000 1 48 - 54 2001年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Observation of juvenile southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii C.) school in response to the approaching vessel using a scanning sonar
    Yoo-Won Lee, Kazushi Miyashita, Tsutomu Nishida, Sei-ichiro Harada, Tohru Mukai, Kohji Iida
    Proceedings of the ACOUSTGEAR2000 1 108 - 112 2001年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 李 遺元, 向井 徹, 飯田 浩二
    日本水産学会誌 66 5 825 - 832 日本水産學會 2000年09月15日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    船舶の接近に伴なう魚群行動の変化をスキャニングソーナーを用いて観察し, 魚群の形状や行動の変化を6つのパラメータを用いて定量化し, それらのパラメータによる魚群行動の評価法について検討した。その結果, 観察した15魚群のうち5魚群について魚群形状や遊泳方向および遊泳速度に有意な変化が認められた。また, これらの魚群は魚群形状のトレースによる観察においても魚群行動に変化が認められたため, 用いたパラメータは魚群行動の分析に有効であると考えられた。
  • 三上 尚之, 向井 徹, 飯田 浩二
    日本水産学会誌 66 4 682 - 689 日本水産學會 2000年07月15日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    理論モデルを用いたツノナシオキアミのターゲットストレングス(TS)推定に必要な生体密度をdensity bottle法で, また体内音速をtime of flight法で測定した。その結果, 噴火湾で採集された生きているツノナシオキアミの生体密度は季節的に約1%変化し, 音速比は約3%変化した。測定された密度比, 音速比を用いて理論モデルからTSを推定したところ, 季節により最大約5dBの差が生じた。以上の解析から密度比, 音速比の季節的変化の幅と, その変化がTS推定に及ぼす影響を明らかにした。
  • IIDA K.
    Proceedings of the 3rd JSPS International Seminar on Fisheries Science in Tropical Area, Bali Island, Indonesia 214 - 219 2000年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 安部 幸樹, 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹
    日本水産学会誌 65 2 252 - 259 日本水産學會 1999年03月15日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    スケトウダラの音響資源調査において日周鉛直移動が資源量推定値におよぼす影響を調べた。実験は北海道西部日本海武蔵堆と積丹半島沖において, 計量魚探EK500を用いてスケトウダラ魚群の面積後方散乱係数SAとターゲットストレングスTSの昼夜変動を測定した。夜間のSAは昼間より, 武蔵堆で約3倍, 積丹沖では約1.4倍大きかった。一方, TSには昼夜変動は認められず, SAの昼夜変動は, 昼間の海底上魚群の計測不能による過小評価が原因と考えられた。
  • 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹, 森 英樹
    日本水産学会誌 65 1 66 - 72 日本水産學會 1999年01月15日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    北海道北部日本海において, オキアミとスケトウダラ稚仔魚が混在する音響散乱層(SSL)の体積後方散乱強度(SV)を38,50,120kHzの3周波数で測定した。そして, ビームトロールによりSSLの構成種を確認し, その組成の違いとSVを比較した。この結果, スケトウダラ稚仔魚が多い地点ではSVが大きく, かつ周波数間の変化はあまりなかった。しかし, オキアミが多い地点では高周波ほどSVが大きくなる傾向が認められた。これらの違いから重回帰分析による種別・周波数別のTS推定を試みた。その結果, 理論モデルとの差は認められるものの, 重回帰モデルを用いたTS推定の可能性が示された。
  • Iida Kohji, Mukai Tohru, Hwang Doo-Jin
    Fisheries science : FS 64 6 929 - 934 Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 1998年12月01日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Acoustic target strengths of captive juvenile fishes of three species were measured at four frequencies using fish cage method. Measurements were conducted on a barge constructed at a fishing port for the experiments, Measured fish were sea smelt Hypomesus pretiosus japonicus (Brevoort), goldeye rockfish Sebastes inermis (Cuvier), and purple puffer Takifugu porphyreus (Temminck et Schlegel). They were caught with a miniature purse seine and maintained in fish breeding tanks before the experiments. Their body lengths ranged from 30 to 65 mm. Each species was classified into three size classes. Specimens were maintained in a cubical cage of 0.5 m each side made of lace cloth during measurement. The echo signals from encaged fish at 25, 50, 100, and 200 kHz were recorded with a data recorder. Echo signals were later digitized and processed by squared integration to calculate the target strengths. The results show that, (1) The backscattering strength of encaged juveniles indicates a linear density dependence for most sample sets, (2) The normalized target strengths TScm of juveniles ranged from -66 to -55 dB, which is maximum 10 dB higher than that of adults, (3) Target strength changed by the frequency, that is, the TScm for L/lambda less than or equal to 2 was roughly 10 dB higher than the TScm for L/lambda greater than or equal to 2.
  • 三宅博哉, 金田友紀, 水野政巳, 吉田英雄, 石田良太郎, 夏目雅史, 飯田浩二, 向井徹
    水産海洋研究 62 1 30 - 32 1998年02月 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 三宅 博哉, 金田 友紀, 水野 政巳, 吉田 英雄, 石田 良太郎, 夏目 雅史, 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹
    水産海洋研究 62 1 30 - 32 水産海洋学会 1998年02月01日 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹, 堀内 則孝
    海洋音響学会誌 25 4 240 - 249 特定非営利活動法人 海洋音響学会 1998年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Sonar images obtained from a scanning acoustical beam are usually two-dimensional sectional images. However, since the sectional images can be easily obtained as an observation vessel moves forward, we can reconstruct three-dimensional images of underwater objects by analyzing stacked two-dimensional sectional images.
    The echo survey was conducted in Funka Bay aboard the R/V Ushio Maru, which is equipped with a 180-degrees sector scanning sonar (model KCH 1827, Kaijo Co. LTD). The sonar beam was directed downward perpendicularly to the ship's course. Vertical sectional sonar images were digitized every 1.5 seconds while the vessel was cruising at 10 knots. The stacked sectional images were analyzed to determine the spatial distribution and shape of fish schools using the three-dimensional image processing software SLICER.
    The distribution of fish schools was displayed by simultaneous expression of both horizontal and vertical projections. This expression method enabled us to observe fish avoidance from vessel, which can not be observed using ordinary vertical echo sounders.
    The reconstructed solid shape of fish schools by volume rendering could be observed by changing the visual point freely. This allowed to determine scale, features, and swimming direction of the fish schools. Three-dimensional display of sector scanning sonar images is a useful tool not only for a commercial fishing, but also for scientific surveys of fish resources and underwater drifters.
  • Three Dimensional Visualization of Fish Schools using Sector Scanning Sonar
    International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 32 729 - 734 1998年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹, 堀内 則孝
    海洋音響学会誌 25 4 240 - 249 特定非営利活動法人 海洋音響学会 1998年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Sonar images obtained from a scanning acoustical beam are usually two-dimensional sectional images. However, since the sectional images can be easily obtained as an observation vessel moves forward, we can reconstruct three-dimensional images of underwater objects by analyzing stacked two-dimensional sectional images.<BR>The echo survey was conducted in Funka Bay aboard the R/V Ushio Maru, which is equipped with a 180-degrees sector scanning sonar (model KCH 1827, Kaijo Co. LTD). The sonar beam was directed downward perpendicularly to the ship's course. Vertical sectional sonar images were digitized every 1.5 seconds while the vessel was cruising at 10 knots. The stacked sectional images were analyzed to determine the spatial distribution and shape of fish schools using the three-dimensional image processing software SLICER.<BR>The distribution of fish schools was displayed by simultaneous expression of both horizontal and vertical projections. This expression method enabled us to observe fish avoidance from vessel, which can not be observed using ordinary vertical echo sounders.<BR>The reconstructed solid shape of fish schools by volume rendering could be observed by changing the visual point freely. This allowed to determine scale, features, and swimming direction of the fish schools. Three-dimensional display of sector scanning sonar images is a useful tool not only for a commercial fishing, but also for scientific surveys of fish resources and underwater drifters.
  • 黄 斗〓, 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹
    海洋音響学会誌 24 3 165 - 175 特定非営利活動法人 海洋音響学会 1997年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    The bottom detection is very important for defining an integration layer with the bottom as a reference basis during acoustic survey of demersal fish.
    Therefore, we have considered theoretically elements which form bottom echoes, and have devised a stable bottom detection method namely maximum differential voltage method, which was not influenced by variable levels and waveform transformation. The method has been shown to be effective using in-situ bottom echo waveforms and computer simulation data.
    A comparison between near-botton SV profiles acquired in Funka Bay Hokkaido of Japan and East China Sea, with the threshold method and maximum differential voltage method, shows that the SV obtained with the maximum differential voltage method is 4-6 dB higher within 2m from the bottom.
    ICES C. M. 1997/FF 7 1 - 15 1997年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 宮下 和士, 青木 一郎, 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹, 黄 斗湊
    水産海洋研究 60 2 130 - 135 水産海洋学会 1996年05月25日 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • T Mukai, K Iida
    ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE 53 2 245 - 248 1996年04月 [査読無し][通常論文]
    The target strength (TS) of fish varies with a number of factors, especially the presence or absence of a swimbladder. This study investigated the effect of the swimbladder on the TS of live kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) in relation to depth. Experiments were conducted at Lake Kuttara, Hokkaido, Japan, which is abundant with kokanee. Fish samples were caught with a fishing net. The live fish were suspended on the sound beam axis, and tilted from -50 degrees (head-down aspect) to +50 degrees (head-up aspect). The dorsal aspect TS functions were measured al 50 kHz. Measurements were performed when the fish were forced to change depth rapidly. The TS values were measured as a function of tilt angle and depth, and the maximum dorsal aspect TS (TSmax) values and the averaged dorsal aspect TS (TSavg) values were calculated and compared. TSavg values were calculated with respect to fish tilt-angle distribution, which was assumed to have a mean value of -5 degrees and a standard deviation of 15 degrees. Both TSmax and TSavg decreased with depth in accordance with Boyle's law, i.e. a reduction rate of 6.7 dB per 10 atm was observed. (C) 1996 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
  • K Iida, T Mukai, DJ Hwang
    ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE 53 2 507 - 512 1996年04月 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Hydroacoustic sampling in the ocean is a useful technique for studying the biomass and structure of the distribution of marine organisms, including zooplankton. Acoustical and biological sampling of zooplankton in the sound-scattering layer (SSL) off the east coast of Oshima Peninsula, northern Japan has been conducted during the last 10 years to obtain the scale factor for converting the backscattering strength to biological density. The volume backscattering strength (SV) was measured at 25, 50, 100, and 200 kHz, while an IKMT (Isaacs-Kidd Midwater Trawl) and a Norpac (North Pacific standard net) were used to sample the biological organisms in the SSL. During drifting observation at dusk, the maximum speed of the upward migration of the SSL toward the surface was 3 m min(-1), and the SV changed over a range from -80 dB to -50 dB. Vertical lows of the Norpac indicated that euphausiids were the major zooplankton species of the migrating SSL. For quantitative analysis, the IKMT was towed horizontally about one hundred times, and the calculated density of zooplankton showed a maximum of 10g m(-3). We assumed that the acoustic reflectivity of the individual plankton was related to the size of the plankton squared, and that the acoustic backscattering strength of biomass was proportional to the distribution density, Results of regression analysis showed a linear relationship between the log of zooplankton density rho (mg m(-3)) and the acoustic volume backscattering strength SV (dB), with correlation coefficients greater than 0.5 at all frequencies. (C) 1996 international Council for the Exploration of the Sea.
  • K Iida, T Mukai, Y Aoki, T Hayakawa
    ACOUSTICAL IMAGING, VOL 22 22 583 - 588 1996年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 朴 容石, 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹, 桜井 泰憲
    日本水産学会誌 61 2 159 - 163 日本水産學會 1995年03月15日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    The auditory threshold levels of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas) were measured in order to determine the optimum conditions for marine ranching utilizing underwater sound. The auditory characteristics of walleye pollock were determined by heart beat conditioning using 8 frequencies of pure tone stimuli from 60 to 1, 000Hz coupled with an electric shock. Pure tone conditioning stimuli were presented to the fish for 5 seconds with a 0.1 second 12V DC electric shock applied 3 seconds after the start of the sound projection. The positive response to the pure tone stimulus of the conditioned fish consisted of an inhibition of one or more heartbeats.
    Results show that tested walleye pollock are sensitive to pure tones in the frequency range from 60 to 1kHz, with greatest sensitivity in the range from 120 to 200Hz. At the most sensitive frequencies, the mean thresholds were between 97.7 and 100.2dB (re 1μPa) under a background noise level between 55 and 75dB (re 1μPa/√Hz). Hearing ability declined gradually with increasing frequency above 400Hz. The upper limit of audible frequency is believed to be about 1kHz.
  • 朴 容石, 桜井 泰憲, 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹
    日本水産学会誌 61 2 243 - 244 日本水産学会 1995年03月15日 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 黄 斗〓, 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹
    日本水産学会誌 61 1 43 - 50 日本水産學會 1995年01月25日 [査読無し][通常論文]
    This paper discusses methods for the stable bottom detection and the optimum bottom offset which enable to separate the fish echoes from the bottom echoes with echo integration of demersal fish.
    In preprocessing of the echo signal, the bottom detection has to be done stably against the fluctuation of echo level and the bottom offset has to be set to a minimum height such that near bottom fish echoes are included.
    Two methods of bottom detection, namely echo level threshold method and maximum echo slope method were compared and analyzed. The echo level method works well if the ideal threshold level was given but it sometimes misses the bottom because of the fluctuation of the echo. Another method to detect the bottom which uses maximum echo slope indicates the simple and stable bottom detection.
    In addition, the bottom offset has to be set near to the bottom but not to include the bottom echo. Optimum bottom offset should be set a few samples before the detected bottom echo which relates the beginning of pulse shape and acoustic beam pattern to the bottom feature.
  • 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹, 黄 斗〓, 早川 知子, 松山 幸浩
    日本水産学会誌 61 1 27 - 34 日本水産學會 1995年01月25日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The distribution and behavior of so-called spawing walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma around Funka Bay were investigated during the acoustic survey by the R/V “Ushio Maru” in late 1993.
    Three types of echo, namely, near surface echo patches, near bottom echo patches and the sound scattering layer (SSL) in the middle layer, were recorded on the echogram of the dual frequency quantitative echo sounder.
    Hydrographic data by CTD observation showed that cold and less salty water mass below 5°C and 33.5 layers on the bottom of the shelf of Oshima Peninsula then formed a water front along the boundaries to surrounded the warmer and more salty waters.
    By comparing the hydrographic and acoustic dana, the sound scattering layer appeared along the water front and demersal echo patches were found in great numbers in the cold water mass, Activity of fishing boats and hydrographic conditions in this area suggested that the demersal echo patches were the schools of walleye pollock which were migrating for spawning and the sound scattering layer consisted of zooplankton aggregation in the water front.
    Distribution of the echograms indicated that the height of fish schools were 1 to 4 meters and the SV of the echo were about -65 to -60 dB. The density of the schools of walleye pollock along the transects were 5.8 in November to 8.1 shoals/nautical mile in December, respectively.
  • DooJin Hwang, Kohji Iida, Tohru Mukai
    日本水産学会誌 61 1 43 - 50 1995年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    This paper discusses methods for the stable bottom detection and the optimum bottom offset which enable to separate the fish echoes from the bottom echoes with echo integration of demersal fish. In preprocessing of the echo signal, the bottom detection has to be done stably against the fluctuation of echo level and the bottom offset has to be set to a minimum height such that near bottom fish echoes are included. Two methods of bottom detection, namely echo level threshold method and maximum echo slope method were compared and analyzed. The echo level method works well if the ideal threshold level was given but it sometimes misses the bottom because of the fluctuation of the echo. Another method to detect the bottom which uses maximum echo slope indicates the simple and stable bottom detection. In addition, the bottom offset has to be set near to the bottom but not to include the bottom echo. Optimum bottom offset should be set a few samples before the detected bottom echo which relates the beginning of pulse shape and acoustic beam pattern to the bottom feature. © 1995, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science. All rights reserved.
  • Mukai Tohru, Iida Kohji
    Fisheries science : FS 61 4 647 - 652 Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 1995年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    The diurnal variation of the dorsal aspect target strength of encaged fish was investigated, and an attempt was made to estimate the fish tilt angle distributions. The experiment was conducted at Lake Kuttara in Hokkaido. In this lake, kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka are the dominant species. The net cage was made of nylon monofilament, had a volume of approximately one cubic meter, and was nearly acoustically transparent. Five kokanees, caught by gill net, were released into the net cage. During the experiment periods, the net cage was kept at a depth of 10 m under the transducer which was driven by a 50 kHz transmitter. About 600 echoes from encaged fish occurring over a 24 hour period were measured and analyzed. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The shape of the dorsal aspect target strength probability density functions (PDFs) of encaged fish showed a large variation before and after sunrise and sunset. 2) Diurnal variation of the averaged dorsal aspect target strength of encaged fish was about 18 dB. 3) Some of the observed target strength PDFs agree approximately with estimated target strength PDFs based on fish tilt angle distribution which was assumed to truncated normal distribution.
  • Iida Kohji, Mukai Tohru
    Fisheries science : FS 61 4 641 - 646 Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 1995年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Acoustic surveys for studying the behavior of kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka in Lake Kuttara, Hokkaido, have been conducted over the past ten years and several interesting results have been obtained. Kokanee were recorded on echograms as school echoes in the daytime and as numerous individual echoes in the nighttime. Their swimming layer changes seasonally in accordance with the depth change of thermocline in the lake. Kokanee also have a diurnal behavioral pattern. Namely, they form schools after sunrise and they disperse after sunset. The shifting process from individuals to schools or from schools to individuals is strongly related to illuminance, and it takes 50 minutes at sunrise and sunset for the change to occur. The swimming speed of kokanee in the daytime is faster than that in the nighttime, and the fastest speed of the day occurs at twilight. Average swimming speeds were estimated to be 57 cm/s in the twilight, 48 cm/s in the daytime and 20 cm/s in the nighttime periods, respectively.
  • 桜井 泰憲, 向井 徹, 朴 容石
    日本水産學會誌 60 4 467 - 472 日本水産學會 1994年07月 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 向井 徹, 佐野 典達, 飯田 浩二, 佐々木 成二
    日本水産学会誌 60 2 215 - 222 日本水産學會 1994年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    The target strength (TS) of fish varies with acoustic frequency, fish size, fish activity, orientation, swimbladder and so on. Among these, the swimbladder is recognized as having the most important effect on TS. The dorsal aspect TS as a function of tilt angle of fish caught by bottom trawling in the East China Sea was measured at two frequencies (25 and 100 kHz). The swimbladder sizes (length and height) and inclination angle of the swimbladder to the lateral line of the fish were measured by X-ray photographs. TS and swimbladder data were then compared and analyzed, and the following results were obtained:
    (1) The eight species of fish, except the silver pomfret, have swimbladders, but the angle and size of the swimbladder varies.
    (2) For bladder fish, the angle of the maximum dorsal aspect TS agrees with the broadside direction of the swimbladder.
    (3) The dorsal aspect TS of the silver pomfret is clearly lower than that of bladder fish at the two frequencies.
    (4) The maximum and averaged dorsal aspect TS values of the silver pomfret, were lower by about 7-8 dB, 8-10 dB at 25 kHz, and by 8-10 dB, 9-11 dB at 100 kHz than two other bladder fish (yellow sea bream and whitefin crevalle).
  • 向井 徹, 佐野 典達, 飯田 浩二, 佐々木 成二
    日本水産学会誌 60 2 223 - 227 日本水産學會 1994年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    The dorsal aspect target strength (TS) of four live swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus were measured at 25kHz and 100kHz in Cheju port (Korea). Probability density functions (PDF), i.e., Rayleigh PDF and Rice PDF, were fitted to the distribution of backscattering amplitude from the live swimming crab. The following results were obtained:
    (1) TS was more dispersed at 100kHz than at 25kHz.
    (2) The PDFs of the backscattering amplitude agree approximately with Rice PDF at 25kHz and with Rayleigh PDF at 100kHz.
    (3) The Rice parameter γ tends to decrease with increasing carapace length, carapace width and acoustic frequency.
    (4) The averaged TS , estimated from PDFs, is about 2dB higher at 25kHz than at 100kHz.
    (5) Mean values of averaged target strength B, which is normalized with respect to body weight, are -52.5dB at 25kHz, -54.9dB at 100kHz. These values agree approximately with those of bladder fish.
  • Yong-Seok Park, Yasunori Sakurai, Tohru Mukai, Kohji Iida, Noritatsu Sano
    日本水産学会誌 60 4 467 - 472 1994年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    In the spawing season, sound production of captive walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas) was examined by the grunt call projection method. The pollock emitted four patterns of grunt calls, namely threatening call, aggressive-attacking call, courting call, and mating call. The sound frequency of these grunt calls is less than 800 Hz. The characteristics of walleye pollock behaviour matching each grunt call are as follows: (1) Only one threatening grunt call was emitted by the superior male to threaten other males encountered. (2) Aggressive-attacking grunt calls were emitted from two to five times in order to drive out other males from the male's occupied space. Behaviour included chasing, dorsal mounting and lateral mounting. (3) Courting calls were emitted from six to twelve times in order to court other males and females which are characterized by swimming faster than usual. The behaviour included chasing, dorsal mounting and lateral mounting. (4) Mating grunt calls were made more than thirteen times in order to mate with mature females. Behaviour included chasing, and dorsal, lateral and ventral mounting. © 1994, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science. All rights reserved.
  • 朴 容石, 桜井 泰憲, 向井 徹, 飯田 浩二, 佐野 典達
    日本水産学会誌 60 4 467 - 472 日本水産學會 1994年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    In the spawing season, sound production of captive walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas) was examined by the grunt call projection method. The pollock emitted four patterns of grunt calls, namely threatening call, aggressive-attacking call, courting call, and mating call. The sound frequency of these grunt calls is less than 800 Hz. The characteristics of walleye pollock behaviour matching each grunt call are as follows:
    (1) Only one threatening grunt call was emitted by the superior male to threaten other males encountered.
    (2) Aggressive-attacking grunt calls were emitted from two to five times in order to drive out other males from the male's occupied space. Behaviour included chasing, dorsal mounting and lateral mounting.
    (3) Courting calls were emitted from six to twelve times in order to court other males and females which are characterized by swimming faster than usual. The behaviour included chasing, dorsal mounting and lateral mounting.
    (4) Mating grunt calls were made more than thirteen times in order to mate with mature females. Behaviour included chasing, and dorsal, lateral and ventral mounting.
  • 黄 斗湊, 佐野 典達, 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹, 増田 紀義, 佐々木 成二
    北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 44 4 197 - 208 北海道大学 1993年11月 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 向井 徹, 佐野 典達, 飯田 浩二, 佐々木 成二
    日本水産学会誌 59 9 1515 - 1525 日本水産學會 1993年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    The dorsal aspect target strength functions of ten species of fish collected by bottom trawl were measured at two frequencies. The average TS were calculated with respect to fish tilt angle distribution, which is assumed to have a mean value of -5 degrees and a standard deviation of 15 degrees. Both maximum TS and average TS were normalized with the fish length (L[cm]) squared and the 2/3 power of body weight (W[g]), namely,
    TS=20logL+A, TS=20/3log W+B.
    The results obtained were as follows:
    (1) The target strength is generally higher at low frequency (25kHz) than at high frequency (100kHz). But for two species (Chub mackerel and Kandari), neither maximum nor average TS differ between low and high frequencies.
    (2) The target strength of Silver pomfret, a bladderless fish, is clearly lower than that of bladder fish at two frequencies.
    (3) The normalized TS (A or B) were calculated for the maximum TS (Amax or Bmax) and average TS (Aavg or Bavg). The results are: Amax = -63 - -59 dB, Aavg = -68 - -64 dB at low frequency; Amax = -65 - -59 dB, Aavg = -72 - -65 dB at high frequency, and Bmax = -52 - -45 dB, Bavg = -57 - -50 dB at low frequency; Bmax = -54 - -45 dB, Bavg = -60 - -52 dB at high frequency.
  • 向井 徹, 飯田 浩二, 佐野 典達
    北海道大学水産学部研究彙報 42 3 p90 - 97 北海道大學水産學部 1991年08月 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹, 石井 清彦
    日本水産学会誌 57 4 623 - 627 日本水産學會 1991年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    This paper discusses the application of a dual beam echo sounder to the estimation of fish length.
    The dual beam method is typically used for measurement of the in situ target strength of fish. The in situ target strength is an important parameter, not only for obtaining the echo integrator scaling factor but also for estimating the fish length that is related to target strength.
    A prototype dual beam echo sounder system with computer technology was developed and used in the acoustic survey conducted at Lake Kuttara. Kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka is abundant in this lake.
    Many individual echoes were recorded using the dual beam echo sounder and target strength data were collected.
    Converting target strength, TS, into body length, l, was done using the following relational formula:
    Results of the analysis indicated that both the distributions of target strength and body length which were estimated by the dual beam method agreed to the catch data obtained from net sampling.
  • 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹, 石井 清彦
    北海道大学水産学部研究彙報 41 4 p200 - 204 北海道大學水産學部 1990年11月 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 石井 清彦, 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹
    北海道大学水産学部研究彙報 40 4 p307 - 312 北海道大學水産學部 1989年11月 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 向井 徹, 鈴木 恒由, 佐野 典達, 飯田 浩二
    北海道大学水産学部研究彙報 39 2 p106 - 114 北海道大學水産學部 1988年05月 [査読無し][通常論文]




  • アジア水産音響学会   日本水産学会   海洋調査技術学会   海洋音響学会   アメリカ音響学会   



  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(開拓)
    研究期間 : 2020年07月 -2026年03月 
    代表者 : 山口 篤, 松石 隆, 向井 徹, 藤森 康澄, 別府 史章
    本年度は北海道大学大学院国際食資源学院漁業管理論の一環として「かいあし漁業ワークショップ」を、2020年11月12日~13日にかけて北大函館キャンパスにて開催した。参加者は留学生を中心とする20名弱で、言語は英語で行った。またかいあし漁業に関連する海産動物プランクトンを対象とした漁業として、ナンキョクオキアミ漁業に関する勉強会も開催した。ナンキョクオキアミは、単一生物としては地球上で最も生物量バイオマスの多い種として知られ、人類の食糧資源として注目され、日本も1970年代から漁業を行っていたが、採算ベースに乗らず、2011/2012年を最後に撤退している。ナンキョクオキアミについては、現在はクリルオイルを対象とした漁業がノルウェーを中心に行われている。ノルウェーのナンキョクオキアミ漁業はサプリメントを主要商品としており、漁獲後船上でサプリメントまでを加工する設備を整えた専用船を持ち、MSC認証を受けた企業がある。オキアミ類を対象とした漁業は、日本でも岩手県三陸沖にて、春先にツノナシオキアミを対象とする「イサダ漁」があり、そこで採集されたオキアミを使って「イサダオイル」の開発もなされている。一方、かいあし漁業を行っている企業は世界で唯一、ノルウェーのトロムセーにあり、その主要商品は「Calanus Oil」である。このCalanusとは、ノルウェー海で優占する年1世代を持つ大型カイアシ類Calanus finmarchicusやCalanus hyperboreusの名称である。北大西洋におけるCalanusに比較し得る、北太平洋の種はNeocalanus属で、Neocalanus属は年1世代の世代時間を持ち、体内に油分を貯める性質を持っている。このNeocalanus属を対象とした漁業の確立実行可能性を探るのが重要であるということが、初年度の調査研究の結論としてあげられる。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2019年04月 -2022年03月 
    代表者 : 向井 徹, 山本 潤, 長谷川 浩平
    本研究は,いまだかつて音響手法で行われたことのないカレイ類の現存量推定を,活発に遊泳するカレイ類の一種であるソウハチを対象として実現を目指す。これを実現するために,ソウハチの音響特性を野外調査と水槽実験で精密に調べ,音響資源調査に必要な基礎情報を蓄積し,本種の現存量を調べるための音響資源調査を実現するのが本研究の目的である。 2019年度は,北海道大学附属練習船うしお丸により,同船装備の周波数38kHz,120kHz,200kHzの3周波数の計量魚群探知機を用いて,4月から6月にかけてソウハチの現場調査を行った。そして,野外調査におけるソウハチ魚群のエコー形状の特徴把握ならびに周波数特性の解明を行った。その結果,今の段階では,ソウハチのエコーは中層にパッチ状に現れることがわかり,周波数特性では高周波数になるほど反応が強くなることがわかってきた。 また,函館市国際水産・海洋総合研究センターの大型海水水槽における水槽実験を行い,懸垂法と自由遊泳法によりソウハチの超音波反射強度の測定を行った。懸垂法による実験では9個体のソウハチについて行い,自由遊泳法では10個体のソウハチをケージに入れ,その中を遊泳するソウハチの音響反射強度を調べた。その結果,ソウハチの超音波反射強度の体長依存性が見られ,懸垂法においても現場同様高周波数の方が超音波反射強度が強くなっていた。自由遊泳法においては,ステレオカメラによるソウハチの姿勢角分布を明らかにした。ソウハチの遊泳姿勢は,主に,水平より若干上を向いた状態であることが多かった。周波数特性については,他の方法と同様高周波数ほど音響反射強度が強くなる傾向が見て取れた。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
    研究期間 : 2017年06月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 澤田 浩一, 向井 徹, 松裏 知彦
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 向井 徹, 澤田 浩一, 山本 潤
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究
    研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2016年03月 
    代表者 : 甘糟 和男, 向井 徹, 笹倉 豊喜
    高周波のリニアFM信号が使用可能なブロードバンドエコーサウンダーを構築した。システムの有効な周波数帯域は250~700 kHzであり,動物プランクトンの観測に適している。パルス圧縮処理によって距離分解能を向上させることにより,直径38.1 mmのタングステンカーバイド球の鏡面反射エコーを捉え,これを利用したシステムの送受信系感度を較正する手法を確立した。さらに,直径20.6 mmのタングステンカーバイド球と体長20~40 mmのヤマトヌマエビを対象とした水槽実験により,測定対象に固有のスペクトルが測定できることを確かめた。本研究の成果は,新しい動物プランクトンの観測手法の開発につながる。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(A)
    研究期間 : 2011年04月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 甘糟 和男, 向井 徹, 茂木 正人, 笹倉 豊喜
    積層圧電アクチュエータ(積層圧電素子)を応用した新しい広帯域送受波器とこれを利用した広帯域音響探査システムおよび解析手法を開発した。本システムの特長は,20~200 kHzの広帯域音波が送受信可能であり,海洋生物(魚類や動物プランクトン)のエコーから音響散乱スペクトルが測定可能な点である。スペクトルには観測対象の種(分類群),サイズ,行動などの情報を含んでいるため,ネットで採集せずともそれらの生物学的情報が得られる。ネット採集が困難なプラットフォーム(AUVや水中グライダーなど)での生物観測を可能にする技術である。その他には漁労技術,海中のガスや海底などの観測にも応用できる。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究
    研究期間 : 2009年 -2011年 
    代表者 : 向井 徹, 澤田 浩一
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    研究期間 : 2005年 -2007年 
    代表者 : 向井 徹, 山本 潤
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    研究期間 : 2003年 -2005年 
    代表者 : 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹, KANG Donhyug, TANG Yong, 佐藤 正典
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
    研究期間 : 2003年 -2005年 
    代表者 : 飯田 浩二, 芳村 康男, 向井 徹, 宮下 和士, KANG Don-Hyug, TANG Young, KANG Don?Hyug
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2002年 -2004年 
    代表者 : 藤森 康澄, 向井 徹, 山下 成治
    本研究の成果はWYSIWYG-Net(ウィジウィグ-ネット)を開発したことにあり,これは以下の2つをもって構成される。1.WYSIWYG-Netの開閉装置の開発:海中での確実なネットの開閉動作を行うための機構を開発した。また,特別なウインチを持たない調査船においても運用可能な開閉式ネットを実現することを目的として,従来の開閉式ネットの運用上の欠点であるアーマードケーブルによる有線制御とは異なる自動開閉制御機構の設計・開発を行った。上記の開閉装置を搭載したWYSIWG-Netのプロトタイプを製作し,陸上で動作実験を行うとともに,海上での曳網試験を実施した。これらの試験により,同ネットの曳網特性を明らかにするとともに,開閉機構の動作が確実なものであることを確認した。また,同ネットに関して特許出願を行った。(名称:多段開閉式ネット及び採集装置,出願番号:2005-285566)2.LOPC(Laser Optical Plankton Counter)によるプランクトンの種判別,個体数密度推定の手法確立:海上実験用試験プラットフォームを製作し,曳網深度確認用のSCANMARとLOPCを装着し曳網試験を行い,LOPCによるデータから動物プランクトンの種判別ならびに個体数密度を推定する方法を構築した。また,この方法により推定された種,個体数密度とネットによる結果との比較から,カイアシ類,オキアミ類についてLOPCによる種判別及び量的推定が可能であることを明らかにした。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
    研究期間 : 2001年 -2003年 
    代表者 : 齊藤 誠一, 飯田 浩二, 三浦 汀介, 向井 徹, 米田 國三郎, 藤森 康澄
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    研究期間 : 2000年 -2001年 
    代表者 : 向井 徹
    1.プランクトンの生体密度および生体内音速の測定:今年度の動物プランクトンの採集は,4月から11月にかけて北海道噴火湾において行ない,この海域の優占種であるツノナシオキアミの生体密度および生体内音速の測定を行なった。測定法は例年行なっているdensity bottle法およびTime of flight法によった。その結果,噴火湾のツノナシオキアミの生体密度は体長にあまり依存せず,ほぼ一定の値になることが示唆された。2.プランクトンの音響反射率の測定:動物プランクトンの音響反射率の実測を,周波数170kHzと230kHzの2周波数を備えた低ノイズ型TS測定装置で行なった。前年度に明らかになった送受波器の指向性の影響は,送受信系の改造により,かなり低減されていた。活きたツノナシオキアミに麻酔をかけて,この装置を用いて音響反射を実測した。また,これと同時に,水中カメラを水槽内に設置し,ツノナシオキアミの姿勢を観察した。その結果,姿勢のちょっとした変化によりツノナシオキアミの音響反射率が大幅に変化し,本装置によってもノイズにマスクされ音響反射率が測定できない部分も見られた。しかし,これらの実測値と上記1のパラメータを用いて音響理論モデルから推定された音響反射率の間には,非常に良い一致を見る事が出来た。従って,ノイズにマスクされた部分も,モデルにより推定できると考える。また,本方法により,生体密度・生体内音速の季節変化に伴う音響反射率の変化を実測で把握することが出来,これをモデルで推定することも出来た。今後は,ツノナシオキアミ以外の動物プランクトンへの本方法の適用,低ノイズ型TS測定装置の更なる改良,および現場における音響反射率の測定を試み,動物プランクトンの音響調査手法の確立を目指してく。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    研究期間 : 1998年 -1999年 
    代表者 : 向井 徹
    本年度は、実際に5月から9月にかけて、北海道噴火湾で捕獲した生きたツノナシオキアミの生体密度および生体内音速の測定を行った。測定法は前年度に確立した方法であり、生体密度の測定には海水とグリセロールの混合溶液を用いたdensity bottle法を用い、生体内音速の測定はTチューブを用いたTime of flight法によった。その結果、噴火湾のツノナシオキアミの生体密度は、いずれの月も体長の増加に伴って減少した。生体密度の季節的変化を見ると、同体長のツノナシオキアミでも、春季に小さく夏季に大きくなる傾向があった。また各月毎の平均生体密度をサンプル採集時の海水の密度で除した平均密度比も同様の季節的変化が見られ7月の方が6月より約1%大きかった。一方、音速比に関しても平均密度と同様に6月から7月にかけて約1%増加した。以上の測定により得られた各月毎の平均密度比、平均音速比を用いて音響理論散乱モデルからターゲットストレングス(TS)を推定し、季節によるTS変化を調べた。用いたモデルはオキアミを有限長のシリンダーに仮定する、有限長シリンダーモデルである。その結果、各月毎のツノナシオキアミのTSは同体長においても明確に異なっており、7月と9月ではそのTSは最大約5dB異なっていた。さらに平均密度比、平均音速比がともに約1%変化していた6月と7月では、算出されるTSが最大約3dB異なっていた。このことは、超音波反射の主要因である「うきぶくろ」を持たないオキアミのような生物のTSを推定する場合、単に体長を考慮する以上に密度比や音速比に適切な値を使わなければ、正確なTS推定ができないことを意味する。しかしこれら生体密度や生体内音速の季節的変化が、何に起因するかは今回の研究においては特定することができなかった。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 一般研究(C)
    研究期間 : 1994年 -1995年 
    代表者 : 飯田 浩二, 向井 徹
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 一般研究(B)
    研究期間 : 1991年 -1993年 
    代表者 : 佐野 典達, 石井 清彦, 小林 源司, 秋葉 芳雄, 向井 徹, 飯田 浩二, 秋葉 芳雄
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    研究期間 : 1992年 -1992年 
    代表者 : 向井 徹
  • 魚およびプランクトンによる音響散乱に関する研究
    研究期間 : 1985年
  • Studies on acoustic scattering signature of fish and zooplankton
    研究期間 : 1985年



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