小野寺 丈尚太郎, 高橋 孝三, 大西 広二, 簗田 満, Jonaotaro Onodera, Kozo Takahashi, Hiroji Onishi, Mitsuru Yanada, Center for Advanced Marine Core Research Kochi University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Kyushu University, Graduate School of Fisheries Science Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Fisheries Science Hokkaido University 海の研究 = Umi no Kenkyu (Oceanography in Japan) 18 (5) 307 -322 2009年
[査読無し][通常論文] 珪藻沈降群集フラックスと海洋環境変動との対応関係を探るために,Station AB(ベーリング海)とStation SA(北太平洋北部中央亜寒帯)において,1990年8月から1999年1月上旬までに得られたセディメントトラップ試料を分析した。全珪藻フラックス変動の極大は,多くの年は両Stationともに春と秋のどちらか年一回か,春と秋の年2回観察された。しかし,年によっては特異なフラックス変動が観測され,そのタイミングはStations ABとSAで異なっていた。これらの経年変動は,おそらく冬季鉛直混合と,それに引き続く夏季成層構造の発達度合いとタイミングの違いが影響していると思われる。珪藻沈降群集の優占種はNeodenticula seminaeで,8年間を通した平均優占率はABで80%,SAで82%に達した。8年間を通して,珪藻沈降群集組成に若干の変化が両Stationで見られたが,これらの変動傾向が長期的な海洋環境変動と関係しているかどうかについては,9年目以降の試料分析を通して考察する必要がある。In order to decipher the relationship between the changes in diatom floral fluxes and the oceanographic conditions, we've deployed sediment traps at Stations AB (the Aleutian Basin) and SA (the central subarctic Pacific) from August of 1990 to the present. For the first eight years, we've conducted a diatom flux study. Total diatom fluxes (TDF) at both stations usually showed spring and/or fall peaks in a year. However, significant interannual variations of TDF were observed at both stations. At Station SA, significant correlation coefficient was obtained between mean TDF of each year and Pacific Decadal Oscillation index. These interannual variations are possibly due to the differences in the strength and timing of winter mixing and the subsequent summer stratification. The dominant species at both stations was Neodenticula seminae with mean abundances of 80% (Station AB) and 82% (Station SA) of TDF throughout the sampled duration. Coastal species were more abundant at Station AB than Station SA. At Station SA, relatively small numbers of Chaetoceros resting spores occurred in summers of some years as the result of lateral advection from the Aleutian Islands. During the eight years, the slight changes of diatom sinking flora were observed at both stations. Whether or not these trends suggest the changes in oceanographic condition for long-term, a further observation is warranted and to be continued.