



  • 氏名

    林 基哉(ハヤシ モトヤ), ハヤシ モトヤ


  • 工学研究院 建築都市部門 空間デザイン


  • 工学研究院 建築都市部門 空間デザイン



  • 2021, 建築衛生特論, Building and Health, 修士課程, 工学院, 公衆衛生、建築環境衛生、建築都市環境、シックビル、シックハウス、感染症、寒地、省エネルギー
  • 2021, 空間性能システム特別演習, Advanced Exercise in Human Environmental Systems, 修士課程, 工学院, 環境システム工学,環境人間工学,建築環境学,建築ランドスケープ学,環境空間デザイン学,建築構造性能学,建築材料学
  • 2021, 建築衛生特論, Building and Health, 博士後期課程, 工学院, 公衆衛生、建築環境衛生、建築都市環境、シックビル、シックハウス、感染症、寒地、省エネルギー
  • 2021, 空間性能システム特別研究, Advanced Research on Human Environmental Systems, 博士後期課程, 工学院, 環境システム工学,環境人間工学,建築環境学,建築ランドスケープ学,環境空間デザイン学,建築構造性能学,建築材料学
  • 2021, 建築都市学概論, Introduction to Architecture Urban Engineering, 学士課程, 工学部, 都市再生、持続可能な都市、都市建築、都市住宅、都市の歴史、まちづくり、都市景観、都市環境、都市防災、
  • 2021, インターンシップⅠ, Internship Ⅰ, 学士課程, 工学部, 海外研修,Short Visit (SV),国内研修
  • 2021, インターンシップⅡ, Internship Ⅱ, 学士課程, 工学部, 海外研修,Short Visit (SV),国内研修
  • 2021, 学外建築実習, On-the-Job Training in Architectural Skills, 学士課程, 工学部, 建築現場 建築職能 実践活動 実態的学修 インターンシップ 研修旅行
  • 2021, 建築都市学ゼミナールⅠ, Seminar on Architecture and Urban Studies I, 学士課程, 工学部, 建築 都市 生活環境 空間 建築家
  • 2021, 建築都市学ゼミナールⅡ, Seminar on Architecture and Urban Studies II, 学士課程, 工学部, 建築 都市 生活環境 空間 建築家
  • 2021, 環境と設備の演習, Exercise in Architectural Environment and Equipment, 学士課程, 工学部, 公衆衛生、建築環境衛生、建築都市環境、シックビル、シックハウス、感染症、寒地、省エネルギー
  • 2021, 科学技術英語演習, Exercise in Technical English, 学士課程, 工学部, 科学技術英語 英語資料検索 英文レター 英文CV 英語論文作成技術
  • 2021, 建築序説, Introduction to Architecture, 学士課程, 工学部, 建築思想、建築学の広がり、建築の基礎知識、建築の職能




  • 工学博士(1988年03月 北海道大学)


  • プロフィール


  • 公開用メールアドレス

  • 基哉
  • ID各種




  • 建築設備感染症対策   住居衛生   シックハウス対策   サステナブル建築デザイン   建築物衛生法   


  • 社会基盤(土木・建築・防災) / 建築環境、建築設備 / 建築・施設管理


  • 2020年04月 - 現在 北海道大学 建築都市部門 教授
  • 2014年10月 - 2020年03月 国立保健医療科学院 統括研究官
  • 2009年04月 - 2014年09月 宮城学院女子大学 学芸学部 生活文化デザイン学科 教授
  • 2004年04月 - 2009年03月 宮城学院女子大学大学院 人文科学研究科生活文化デザイン学専攻 教授
  • 2002年04月 - 2004年03月 宮城学院女子大学 学芸学部 生活文化学科 教授
  • 2000年04月 - 2002年03月 宮城学院女子大学 学芸学部 生活文化学科 助教授
  • 1999年04月 - 2000年03月 宮城学院女子短期大学 助教授
  • 1988年04月 - 1999年03月 積水ハウス株式会社


  • 1983年04月 - 1988年03月   北海道大学   大学院工学研究科   建築工学専攻
  • 1979年04月 - 1983年03月   北海道大学   工学部   建築工学科


  • 2019年05月 日本建築学会 日本建築学会賞(論文)
  • 2019年01月 建築物衛生管理全国大会 平成29年度建築物衛生管理全国大会研究集会優秀発表表彰特別賞
    受賞者: 小松礼奈、鍵直樹、柳宇、東賢一、金勲、林基哉、開原典子
  • 2018年08月 空気清浄とコンタミネーションコントロール研究大会 空気清浄とコンタミネーションコントロール研究大会研究大会会長奨励賞
    受賞者: 小松礼奈、鍵直樹、柳宇、東賢一、金勲、林基哉、開原典子、大澤元毅
  • 2016年12月 室内環境学会 平成28年度室内環境学会・論文賞
    受賞者: 金勲,林基哉;阪東美智子;開原典子;大澤元毅
  • 2014年12月 室内環境学会 平成26年室内環境学会学術大会・ポスター賞
    受賞者: 林基哉;吉野博
  • 2012年09月 10th international CIB Conference Healthy Building 2012 Best Poster Award
     Numerical Experiments on Indoor Air Quality Considering Infiltration of Mould from Crawl Space
  • 2005年02月 積水ハウス株式会社 優秀発明表彰
    受賞者: 林基哉、他4
  • 2004年12月 発明協会大阪支部 発明協会大阪支部長賞
    受賞者: 林基哉、他4
  • 2000年04月 日本建築学会 日本建築学会奨励賞(論文)
     寒冷地住宅の煙突効果を活かした集中換気システムの換気特性 天井チャンバ-を用いた給気システムの可能性の検討
  • 1999年09月 Building Simulation 99 Best Poster Award Third Prize
  • 1998年11月 積水ハウス株式会社 積水ハウス科学賞1級
    受賞者: 開発チーム(代表 林基哉・他多数)
  • 1996年06月 INDOOR AIR 96 Poster Award
  • 1990年09月 積水ハウス株式会社 積水ハウス技術功労省2級
    受賞者: プロジェクトチーム(林基哉・他多数)
  • 1988年09月 The first international CIB Conference“Healthy Buildings 88” Poster Award Silver Prize


  • Ryo ASAOKA, Wataru UMISHIO, Naoki KAGI, Motoya HAYASHI, Takao SAWACHI, Takahiro UENO
    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) 89 817 135 - 140 2024年03月01日
  • Motoya Hayashi, Yoshinori Honma, Koki Kikuta, Asako Hasegawa, Sayaka Murata, Hiromi Yamada, Masayuki Ogata, Naoki Kagi, U Yanagi, Toshio Yamanaka, Hoon Kim, Kenichi Kobayashi, Noriko Kaihara, Akira Ito, Fumihiko Shinohara, Shoichi Morimoto
    Abstract COVID‐19 outbreaks occurred in several hospitals, and the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, local authorities, and universities carried out investigations into ventilation in hospitals. The results indicated that ventilation performance was insufficient to prevent aerosol infection due to poor air conditioning, equipment maintenance, and existing ventilation design guidelines. The authors investigated guidelines for ventilation measures for general patient wards with the cooperation of The Society of Air‐Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan and the Japanese Society for Infection Prevention and Control. Based on a survey of COVID‐19 outbreaks in hospitals, ventilation countermeasure plans for 3 stages (a. normal conditions, b. increased risk of outbreaks, and c. infected patients treated) were compiled.
  • Junichiro Matsunaga, Koki Kikuta, Hideki Hirakawa, Motoya Hayashi, Akira Fukushima
    Energies 2023年07月21日
  • Ryo ASAOKA, Wataru UMISHIO, Naoki KAGI, Motoya HAYASHI, Takao SAWACHI, Takahiro UENO
    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) 88 808 547 - 555 2023年06月01日
    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) 88 806 300 - 306 2023年04月01日
  • Motoya Hayashi, U Yanagi, Yoshinori Honma, Yoshihide Yamamoto, Masayuki Ogata, Koki Kikuta, Naoki Kagi, Shin-ichi Tanabe
    Atmosphere 14 1 150 - 150 2023年01月10日 
    The importance of effective ventilation as one of the measures against COVID-19 is widely recognized worldwide. In Japan, at the early stage of the pandemic, in March 2020, an official announcement was made about basic ventilation measures against COVID-19. WHO also used the term “long-range aerosol or long-range airborne transmission” for the first time in December 2021. Based on the aerosol infection control measures before 2021 by the Japanese government, we conducted experiments on methods related to partition placement as an element of effective ventilation methods. In July 2022, the governmental subcommittee on Novel Coronavirus Disease Control provided an emergent proposal about effective ventilation methods to prevent two types of aerosol infection; infection by large aerosol on the air current and infection by small floating aerosol diffusion in a room. They also showed the way of setting droplet prevention partitions, which do not block off ventilation based on this investigation’s results.
  • Taisei AKAMATSU, Taro MORI, Motoya HAYASHI, Hirofumi HAYAMA
    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) 88 803 43 - 49 2023年01月01日
  • Takashi Kawasaki, Koki Kikuta, Motoya Hayashi, Michiko Bando, Kenichi Hasegawa, Takao Sawachi
    Indoor air 32 10 e13136  2022年10月 
    Appropriate knowledge and actions of residents in housing are expected to reduce health effects, defined as "living literacy." With the spread of COVID-19 and the diversification of lifestyles, a quantitative evaluation of a comprehensive model that includes living literacy in the housing environment is required. In this study, the author conducted two web-based surveys of approximately 2000 different households in Japan during the summer of 2020 and winter of 2021, and a statistical analysis based on the survey results. As a result, ventilation by opening windows was observed as a new resident behavior trend under COVID-19. In addition, structural equation modeling using the survey samples confirmed the certain relationship between living literacy and subjective evaluation of the indoor environment and health effects in both periods.
  • Han Yang, Koki Kikuta, Motoya Hayashi
    Energies 15 5 1873  2022年03月03日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Taro Mori, Taisei Akamatsu, Kouhei Kuwabara, Motoya Hayashi
    Energies 15 5 2022年03月01日 
    A report released by the WHO indicates that aerosols from infected people are one of the major sources of the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, as the COVID-19 infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus spreads, it has become necessary to reconsider the design and operation of buildings. Inside school buildings in cold regions, not only is it not easy to increase ventilation during the winter, but it may also be difficult for students to attend classes while wearing masks during the summer because such buildings are not equipped with air-conditioning systems. In short, school buildings in cold climates have more problems than those in warm climates. We report on the results of indoor environmental measurement using our developed CO2-concentration meters, a questionnaire survey on students’ feeling of being hot or cold (i.e., ‘thermal sensation’), and a comparison of energy consumption before and after the spread of COVID-19 infection in schools in Sapporo, Japan, a cold-climate area. The results indicate that (1) more than 70% of the students participated in window ventilation by the CO2 meter, and (2) a relatively good indoor environment was maintained through the efforts of teachers and students. However, we also found that (1) 90% of the students felt hot in summer and (2) 40% felt cold in winter, (3) energy efficiency worsened by 7% due to increased ventilation, and (4) air quality was not as clean as desired during the coldest months of the year. Therefore, investment in insulation and air conditioning systems for school buildings is needed.
  • Wataru Umishio, Naoki Kagi, Ryo Asaoka, Motoya Hayashi, Takao Sawachi, Takahiro Ueno
    Indoor Air 32 1 2022年01月 
    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has drastically changed work styles and environments. Given the coexistence of work in the office and work from home (WFH) in the future, studies are needed to identify ways to increase productivity when working in both places. We conducted a questionnaire survey and environment measurements of 916 workers in 22 offices across 2 weeks in November–December 2020 in Japan. While average workdays at the offices decreased from 4.9 to 3.9 days/week, those at homes increased from 0.1 to 1.1 days/week due to COVID-19, indicating an increase in the relative importance of WFH. Compared to the office, the satisfaction rate was lower for lighting, spatial, and information technology (IT) environments, but higher for thermal, air, and sound environments at home. Although it was easier to concentrate on work and to refresh at home, workers experienced challenges associated with business communication from home. Meanwhile, in the office, satisfaction with COVID-19 countermeasures was significantly associated with work productivity. Furthermore, lower PM2.5 concentration was associated with greater satisfaction with COVID-19 countermeasures, indicating that reducing PM2.5 may increase satisfaction with COVID-19 countermeasures and work productivity. We expect these findings will help improve work productivity in the New Normal era.
  • 室内空気中SVOC(準揮発性有機化合物)濃度の実態調査
    金 勲, 稲葉 洋平, 戸次 加奈江, 東 賢一, 林 基哉, 荒木 敦子, アイツバマイ ゆふ, 篠原 直秀, 欅田 尚樹
    室内環境学会学術大会講演要旨集 2021年 104 - 105 (一社)室内環境学会 2021年12月
  • Junichiro Matsunaga, Koki Kikuta, Hideki Hirakawa, Keita Mizuno, Masaki Tajima, Motoya Hayashi, Akira Fukushima
    Energies 14 22 7651 - 7651 2021年11月16日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    In this paper, the authors examined the technology to maximize the use of renewable energy. Passive ventilation systems are expected to reduce the energy consumption of the fan and the maintenance burden. In addition, the wall-mounted solar air heater can supply thermal energy without using any energy at all. Therefore, this paper presents a “passive ventilation system with a solar air heater” that combines a passive ventilation system with the solar air heater to preheat the air. This system can reduce the ventilation load. To evaluate the solar air heater performance in a real environment, we developed a simulation for calculating the heat collection capacity of the solar air heater, and then the system was implemented in a real building for verification. The simulation performs hourly unsteady calculations, allowing for accurate evaluation of the annual simulation. Based on the measurement results, the effects of heating load reduction and prediction methods are presented. The solar air heater reduced the monthly ventilation load by up to 50% or more, and by at least 15%. It was also confirmed that there was a high correlation between the actual measurements and the simulation results.
  • Takashi Kurabuchi, U. Yanagi, Masayuki Ogata, Masayuki Otsuka, Naoki Kagi, Yoshihide Yamamoto, Motoya Hayashi, Shinichi Tanabe
    JAPAN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 2021年07月02日 [査読有り]
  • Mai HASEGAWA, Taro MORI, Hirofumi HAYAMA, Motoya HAYASHI
    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) 86 783 557 - 566 2021年05月30日 [査読有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma, U Yanagi, Naoki Kagi, Hoon Kim, Masayuki Ogata, Motoya Hayashi
    Environmental health and preventive medicine 25 1 66 - 66 2020年11月03日 [査読有り]
    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a new zoonotic agent that emerged in December 2019, causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This infection can be spread by asymptomatic, presymptomatic, and symptomatic carriers. SARS-CoV-2 spreads primarily via respiratory droplets during close person-to-person contact in a closed space, especially a building. This article summarizes the environmental factors involved in SARS-CoV-2 transmission, including a strategy to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a building environment. SARS-CoV-2 can persist on surfaces of fomites for at least 3 days depending on the conditions. If SARS-CoV-2 is aerosolized intentionally, it is stable for at least several hours. SARS-CoV-2 is inactivated rapidly on surfaces with sunlight. Close-contact aerosol transmission through smaller aerosolized particles is likely to be combined with respiratory droplets and contact transmission in a confined, crowded, and poorly ventilated indoor environment, as suggested by some cluster cases. Although evidence of the effect of aerosol transmission is limited and uncertainty remains, adequate preventive measures to control indoor environmental quality are required, based on a precautionary approach, because COVID-19 has caused serious global damages to public health, community, and the social economy. The expert panel for COVID-19 in Japan has focused on the "3 Cs," namely, "closed spaces with poor ventilation," "crowded spaces with many people," and "close contact." In addition, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan has been recommending adequate ventilation in all closed spaces in accordance with the existing standards of the Law for Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings as one of the initial political actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, specific standards for indoor environmental quality control have not been recommended and many scientific uncertainties remain regarding the infection dynamics and mode of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in closed indoor spaces. Further research and evaluation are required regarding the effect and role of indoor environmental quality control, especially ventilation.
  • Motoya Hayashi, U Yanagi, Kenichi Azuma, Naoki Kagi, Masayuki Ogata, Shoichi Morimoto, Hirofumi Hayama, Taro Mori, Koki Kikuta, Shin‐ichi Tanabe, Takashi Kurabuchi, Hiromi Yamada, Kenichi Kobayashi, Hoon Kim, Noriko Kaihara
    JAPAN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 3 4 423 - 434 2020年08月22日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Information on air-conditioning and ventilation has been continuously disseminated in response to the Japanese Government's announcement of the need for appropriate ventilation measures against the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and the issuing of an emergency presidential discourse by the presidents of Engineering Societies. In this paper, we add to the information the latest knowledge on the behavior of SARS-CoV-2 in air, describe its diffusion characteristics in the built environment, and summarize the effects of temperature and humidity on the virus. Then we recommend varying approaches of air-conditioning control for facility type.
  • Impact of climate and ambient air pollution on the epidemic growth during COVID-19 outbreak in Japan
    Kenichi Azuma a, Naoki Kagi, Hoon Kim, Motoya Hayashi
    Environmental Research 2020年08月12日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 林 基哉, 小林 健一, 金 勲, 開原 典子
    保健医療科学 69 1 63 - 72 2020年02月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Effects of the total floor area of an air-conditioned office building on building-related symptoms: Characteristics of winter and summer
    Kenichi Azuma, Naoki Kagi, U. Yanagi, Hoon Kim, Kenichi Hasegawa, Dai Shimazaki, Noriko Kaihara, Naoki Kunugita, Motoya Hayashi, Kenichi Kobayashi, Haruki Osawa
    16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Creative and Smart Solutions for Better Built Environments, Indoor Air 2020 2020年
  • 開原 典子, 金 勲, 小林 健一, 林 基哉, 柳 宇, 鍵 直樹, 東 賢一, 長谷川 兼一, 中野 淳太, 李 時桓
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2020.8 289 - 292 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2020年 
  • 中野 淳太, 林 基哉, 小林 健一, 金 勲, 開原 典子, 柳 宇, 鍵 直樹, 東 賢一, 長谷川 兼一, 李 時桓
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2020.8 297 - 300 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2020年 
  • 金 勲, 小林 健一, 開原 典子, 柳 宇, 鍵 直樹, 東 賢一, 長谷川 兼一, 中野 淳太, 李 時桓, 林 基哉
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2020.8 293 - 296 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2020年 
  • 林 基哉, 小林 健一, 金 勲, 開原 典子, 柳 宇, 鍵 直樹, 東 賢一, 長谷川 兼一, 中野 淳太, 李 時桓
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2020.8 285 - 288 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2020年 
    The indoor air environment was analyzed using the measurement data in 42 office buildings. The nonconformity rates of CO2 concentrations were high in winter and summer and those of humidity in winter. One factor in causing the nonconformity rates in semi-large and little buildings with separate air-conditioners is that ventilation and humidification are not well controlled there.
  • 【建築物衛生法制定50周年に当たって(1)】特定建築物における空気環境不適率の実態
    林 基哉, 金 勲, 開原 典子, 小林 健一, 鍵 直樹, 柳 宇, 東 賢一
    空気清浄 57 5 14 - 23 (公社)日本空気清浄協会 2020年01月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • 建築物衛生法とISO基準による国内事務所建築の室内温熱環境評価の比較
    中野 淳太, 林 基哉, 小林 健一, 金 勲, 開原 典子, 柳 宇, 鍵 直樹, 東 賢一, 長谷川 兼一, 李 時桓
    室内環境学会学術大会講演要旨集 2019年 394 - 395 (一社)室内環境学会 2019年12月
  • Motoya Hayashi, Hoon Kim, Yoshinori Honma, Junichiro Matsunaga
    E3S Web of Conferences 111 2019年08月13日 
    In order to retain good indoor air quality through the year in detached houses with passive ventilation systems, the authors investigated a mechanical control air-supply method. Firstly, indoor environments in houses with passive ventilation systems with thermal dampers, were examined using a simulation program (Fresh). Secondly, a passive ventilation system with a thermal damper, an under-floor-heating system with a heat pump and were installed in an airtight house at Maebashi in Japan and measurements on its ventilation characteristics and indoor air quality were made. The simulation results showed that if the thermal damper is well tuned, this mechanically controlled air-supply opening keeps ventilation rates adequate through the year especially in airtight houses. The measurement results showed that the ventilation rates were kept above the required level through the year and the TVOC concentration decreases from 3000 to 200 μg/m3 in 5 months after the construction.
  • 林 基哉, 本間 義規, 厳 爽, 菊田 弘輝, 羽山 広文, 加用 現空, 開原 典子, 金 勲, 加用 現空, 鈴木 信恵, 開原 典子, 金 勲
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 84 761 699 - 708 日本建築学会 2019年07月 [査読有り][通常論文]

     The aim of this study is to verify the annual characteristics of indoor environments in facilities for the elderly in cold regions. The temperatures, humidity and CO2 concentrations were measured in rooms and common spaces of 4 facilities for the elderly in Finland Espoo and 4 facilities for the elderly in Hokkaido Sapporo through a year. At first, the daily characteristics and the annual characteristics of indoor environments were analyzed. Secondly, the required humidification rate to control the indoor relative humidity to meet 40RH% (SEHMB: Standard for Environment and Health Management of a Building) were calculated using the results of the long-term measurements. The required humidification rates on condition that carbon dioxide concentrations are same as the measured concentrations and the rate on condition that the concentration controlled to 800ppm were calculated and the results of Finnish facilities and those of Hokkaido's facilities were compared. Thirdly, the energy loads for ventilation and humidification and the influenza concentrations were calculated with these conditions on ventilation. The results showed the followings.

     1. In winter, the outdoor temperatures of Finnish facilities are not so different from those of Hokkaido's facilities. However in mild or cooling seasons, the outdoor temperatures and absolute humidity are higher in Hokkaido than in Finland.

     2. Temperatures are well controlled in winter by floor heating systems in both Finnish facilities and Hokkaido's facilities.

     3. Even if the portable humidifiers were used in Hokkaido's facilities, the humidity is lower than the standard 40RH% .The indoor humidity is lower in Finnish facilities and the indoor absolute humidity is same as the outdoor in Finnish facilities where humidifiers are not used at all.

     4. In summer, the absolute humidity decreases in Hokkaido's facilities where cooling systems were used in the common spaces. However the absolute humidity did not decrease in Finnish facilities.

     5. The concentrations of carbon dioxide were enough lower than the SEHMB 1000ppm in all facilities. The concentrations change with the dwellers behaviors especially in Hokkaido's facilities where they open windows and operate ventilation fan in order to control smell and risk of influenza infection.

     6. Because the ventilation rate are kept higher in Finish facilities, the risk of influenza infection is lower in Finish facilities than in Hokkaido's facilities.

     7. Because heat recovery systems are used in Finish facilities, the energy load of humidification and ventilation is kept lower in Finish facilities.

     These results showed that it is necessary to control both ventilation and humidification considering energy loads and influenza infection risks.

  • 湿度変化における高齢者の心理反応
    開原 典子, 林 基哉
    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集 28回 58 - 58 日本臨床環境医学会 2019年06月
  • 建築物衛生法の特定建築物における空気環境の不適率(その1) 空気衛生環境基準の不適率の現状
    金 勲, 林 基哉, 開原 典子, 小林 健一, 鍵 直樹, 柳 宇, 東 賢一
    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集 28回 63 - 63 日本臨床環境医学会 2019年06月
  • 建築物衛生法の特定建築物における空気環境の不適率(その2) 室内二酸化炭素濃度の不適率の要因分析
    林 基哉, 金 勲, 開原 典子, 小林 健一, 鍵 直樹, 柳 宇, 東 賢一
    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集 28回 63 - 63 日本臨床環境医学会 2019年06月
  • 開原 典子, 金 勲, 林 基哉, 小林 健一, 柳 宇, 鍵 直樹, 東 賢一, 長谷川 兼一, 中野 淳太, 李 時桓
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2019.7 49 - 52 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2019年 
  • 中野 淳太, 林 基哉, 小林 健一, 金 勲, 開原 典子, 柳 宇, 鍵 直樹, 東 賢一, 長谷川 兼一, 李 時桓
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2019.7 61 - 64 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2019年 
  • 柳 宇, 鍵 直樹, 金 勲, 林 基哉, 小林 健一, 開原 典子, 東 賢一, 長谷川 兼一, 中野 淳太, 李 時桓
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2019.7 57 - 60 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2019年 
  • 林 基哉, 小林 健一, 金 勲, 開原 典子, 柳 宇, 鍵 直樹, 東 賢一, 長谷川 兼一, 中野 淳太, 李 時桓
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2019.7 45 - 48 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2019年 
  • 金 勲, 林 基哉, 小林 健一, 開原 典子, 柳 宇, 鍵 直樹, 東 賢一, 長谷川 兼一, 中野 淳太, 李 時桓
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2019.7 53 - 56 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2019年 
    特定建築物におけるCO2濃度の不適率増加は、換気不足と空気衛生環境の悪化に繋がるリスクを内在している。特定建築物は法的根拠から環境衛生が管理されているが、中小規模建築に関しては室内環境や衛生管理に関する情報が皆無の状態であり、その実態把握が急務となっている。 本研究では、中小規模建築を中心に全国42件のオフィス用建物に対する冷暖房期におけるCO2濃度を連続測定した結果を報告する。 結果、平均濃度で1000ppmを超える建物は、夏期36%、冬期33%であり、1回でも1000ppmを超えた建物は夏期67%、冬期69%であった。
  • 林 基哉, 金 勲, 開原 典子, 小林 健一, 鍵 直樹, 柳 宇, 東 賢一
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 84 765 1011 - 1018 日本建築学会 2019年 [査読有り][通常論文]

     The state of the increase in the nonconformity rates of air environment in specific buildings was investigated using local government survey reports. The factors in the increase of carbon dioxide concentration were analyzed in consideration of the increase of ambient concentration, the characteristics of indoor concentrations and the characteristics of the government reports. The results were as follows.

     1 The nonconformity rates of humidity, temperature and carbon dioxide concentration have increased with the number of specific buildings since 1999. And reports made by the owners of specific buildings are substituted for inspections by government officials in most prefectures.

     2 One of the factors in the increase of nonconformity rates of temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide concentration is the increase of reports using measurement data by building maintenance suppliers. The nonconformity rates of humidity and carbon dioxide concentration were higher in northern prefectures.

     3 The frequency of indoor carbon dioxide concentration in specific buildings in Tokyo was similar to that in Osaka. The frequency distribution of the differences between indoor concentration and outdoor concentration in Tokyo follows Weibull frequency distribution.

     4 The ambient concentration of carbon dioxide has increased especially in urban areas. The increase of ambient concentration is thought to increase the indoor concentrations in specific buildings.

     5 The nonconformity rates of carbon dioxide concentration depend on not only ambient concentration but also the rates of ventilation reduction and survey methods by governments. The nonconformity rates were calculated using an equation composed on the basis of Weibull frequency. The coefficients of these factors were calculated using the equation and the survey data on all Japan.

     6 The increase of ambient concentration made the nonconformity rate of indoor concentration 3.1% higher and ventilation reduction made it 7.2% higher and the change of survey method made it 11.6% higher in these nineteen years.

     These results showed that the increase of nonconformity rates depends on several factors. Therefore it is necessary to design integrated countermeasures in order to decrease these nonconformity rates.

  • Effects of thermal conditions and carbon dioxide concentration on building-related symptoms: a longitudinal study in air-conditioned office buildings
    Azuma K, Kagi N, Yanagi U, Kim H, Kaihara N, Hayashi M, Osawa H
    Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate ID106 6 pages  2018年07月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 金 勲, 柳 宇, 鍵 直樹, 東 賢一, 林 基哉, 大澤 元毅
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 83 749 581 - 588 日本建築学会 2018年07月 [査読有り][通常論文]
     Endotoxin (ET) is the outer membrane component of gram-negative bacteria and secreted by destruction of bacterial cell. It is ubiquitous in living environment and elicits strong immune responses such as inflammation, fever, septic shock etc. when get into the blood. It also known as lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and lipoglycans, has been ascribed as allergen on the hygiene hypothesis.
     Since most of the eubacteria are gram-negative and ET is also the specific substance produced from gram-negative bacteria, it is reasonable premise that ET concentration can serve as a representative index to bacterial pollution.

     The aim of this study is to prove the benefit of measuring ET as a substitute for the traditional cultural method to investigate the bacterial pollution in indoor air.

     The followings were reported in this article.
     1) Interference tests to gelatinization of lysate reagent in order to select the air sampling filter and preservation method
     2) Field survey results on airborne ET and bacteria concentrations in indoor air at office buildings and elderly facilities
     3) Correlation analysis between ET and bacteria concentration

     As a result, it was obvious that ET concentration tended to be high in elderly facilities than in offices, and the same tendency was not observed from airborne bacterial concentrations measured with the cultural method. In elderly facilities, there were several rooms that indicated evidently higher ET concentrations and a few of them observed repeatedly in the winter seemed to be associated with domestic humidifiers and/or a drop in ventilation amount.
     I/O ratios of bacterial concentrations in offices differed significantly with those of ET as “I/O ratio≧1” was observed more frequently, while were not marked by a difference in elderly facilities. Numerical values of I/O ratios of ET concentrations had a tendency to fall behind those of bacterial concentrations.
     “Outdoor air” of elderly facilities and “indoor air” of offices revealed the moderate correlation between ET and bacterial concentrations. Meanwhile, the correlation between the two methods was derived from all data of elderly facilities. For whole values measured, however, the moderate correlation was found only in outdoor air. Though the moderate correlations could be obtained partially between ET and bacterial concentrations, the definite correlation could not be obtained as a whole in all the measurement results.
     Determination method of ET has a high performance and reliability in terms of quantitative accuracy and reproducibility. Even if there are several limitations to be resolved, determining ET might be useful to investigate the bacterial contamination from the viewpoint of practical use in field survey and analysis convenience.

     Further studies should be also performed to comprehensively understand the correlation between airborne ET and bacterial concentrations, and one example for possible consideration might be a genetic sequencing method.
  • Indoor Environment and Influenza Air-Borne Infection Risks in Facilities for the Elderly in Japan and Finland
    Motoya Hayashi, Noriko Kaihara, Hoon Kim, Shuang Yan, Yoshinori Honma, Koki Kikuta, Genku Kayo, Nobue Suzuki
    Roomvent & Ventilation 2018 2018年06月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 林 基哉, 金 勲, 竹熊 美貴子, 大澤 元毅
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 83 747 481 - 490 日本建築学会 2018年05月 [査読有り][通常論文]
     The aim of this study is to keep indoor air quality well considering the infiltration of chemicals from concealed spaces in detached houses. The building standard law was revised to prevent sick house syndrome in 2003. The use of continuous ventilation systems, the prohibition of chlorpyrifos, the control of the emission rate of formaldehyde and the countermeasure toward the infiltration from the concealed spaces like the ceiling space have been regulated after this revision.
     In this study, the infiltration characteristics of VOCs from the concealed spaces, were investigated using the measurement data of 8 new wooden houses with exhaust ventilation systems or exhaust and supply ventilation systems in Saitama prefecture. The structurer and building materials of these houses are general in Japan. The structures of these houses were wooden post and beam structures. The floor is made with plywood and flooring. The wall is made with plasterboard and vinyl cloth/plaster finishing. The ceiling is also made with plasterboard and vinyl cloth/plaster finishing. The results showed the followings.

     1. The indoor emission rates and the infiltration rates from the concealed spaces can be calculated from airtight levels of houses, ventilation rates, VOCs concentrations when the ventilation system is used and when the air is exhausted.
     2. The equivalent leakage area of houses were 0.5~3.0 (cm2/m2). The decompression levels were -5.3~6.0 (Pa) when the ventilation systems were used and 9.7~60.3 (Pa) when the air is exhausted.
     3. The indoor VOCs concentrations when the air is exhausted were higher than the VOCs concentrations when the ventilation systems are used in most houses.
     4. The infiltration rates were significantly higher than the indoor emission rates not only in houses with the exhaust ventilation systems but also in houses with the exhaust and supply ventilation systems.
     5. The indoor VOCs concentrations increases with the indoor decompression level.

     These studies showed that the indoor VOCs concentrations depend on the infiltration rates from concealed spaces in new houses in Japan. Therefore, the countermeasure toward the infiltration from the concealed spaces and the control of air quality in the concealed spaces, are still important.
  • 金 勲, 阪東 美智子, 林 基哉, 大澤 元毅
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 83 746 393 - 401 日本建築学会 2018年04月 [査読有り][通常論文]
     It is critical to understand the facility managing system and the actual condition of indoor environment in order to improve quality of life such as health and comfort, and to prevent infectious diseases in care welfare facilities for the elderly. Although the related facilities are in high demand, the actual situation of indoor environment has not been clear since there have not been a regulation and control law at all. Moreover, there are many residents who need a high degree of nursing care in those facilities and inevitably odours arisen out of excretion help and human body have been a persistent problem.
     The mid and long term goal of our research is to suggest the proper planning and operational management to improve the indoor air environment in those facilities. The field surveys and the questionnaire on special nursing homes all over the country have been conducted to clarify the actual condition and the maintenance of indoor environment such as temperature, humidity, air quality and ventilation situation.
     In this study to clarify the odour environment and problems, the questionnaire items related to the odour environment were extracted and analyzed statistically.

     The followings were reported in this article.
     1) Questionnaire results on odour perceptions and measures for odour control
     2) Bivariate analysis between odour perceptions and facility environmental / behavioral factors
     3) Elucidation of influential factors on odour environment by multivariate analysis

     As a result, it was obvious that the feces and body odour perceived at rooms and corridors were the major problem. Although a large majority of respondents reported the discomfort come from the feces odour, most of replies to acceptability were on neutral and acceptable side.
     The facilities taking a measure for odour were likely to declare a higher degree of discomfort. It was reasonable, however, to interpret that the odour measures such as ventilation, fragrance and deodorant did not work as factors increasing the degree of discomfort, but rather that those were desired in the facilities with poor odour environment. The same explanation could also be made for odour intensity.
     The bivariate analysis derived 19 variables as significant effect factors for hedonic tone, 18 variables for odour intensity and 11 variables for acceptability. Furthermore, the multivariate analysis derived the four factors of nursing care type, odorous bedroom, feces odour and ventilation by fan as the decisive candidates for perceived air quality. Conclusively feces odour and odorous bedroom were defined as the most decisive explanatory variables that could simultaneously explain all three objective variables of odour perceptions.
     To control the odour environment indoor can lead to not only improving the working environment for staffs but also reducing the health risk of residents since it is also closely related to ventilation and general indoor air quality.
  • 開原 典子, 林 基哉, 金 勲, 大澤 元毅, 阪東 美智子, 小林 健一, 本間 義規, 厳 爽, 厳 爽, 菊田 弘輝
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 83 745 267 - 276 日本建築学会 2018年03月 [査読有り][通常論文]
     In this paper, to better understand indoor humidity in cold regions where it is more difficult to maintain indoor humidity in winter and to obtain basic information for improving indoor humidity, we evaluated thermal environments from measurement data in special nursing homes for the elderly of Miyagi and Hokkaido, and estimated the lack of humidification from an analysis of ventilation amount in these cold regions.

     Measured of indoor temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration showed the following.
     1) Although there were differences in the number of years of construction and the type of facility, it was shown that the indoor temperature was almost the same, the relative humidity was about 20 to 30%, which was a low humidity environment, and the CO2 concentration was less than 1,000 ppm in the facilities investigated. In addition, it was shown that the average value of the indoor temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration of the common space and the rooms were the same for the same building and the same floor.
     2) The indoor temperature of the common space and rooms in the facilities were controlled relatively stably, and the indoor temperature fluctuation during the three months in winter tends to be smaller in facilities in Hokkaido Prefecture than in facilities in Miyagi Prefecture.
     3) The indoor humidity ratio in the common space and rooms in the facilities was low and the indoor humidity ratio also fluctuated up and down following the change in humidity ratio of the outside air, showing that the indoor humidity ratio is strongly affected by outside air.
     4) Indoor temperature and humidity (temperature, relative humidity and humidity ratio) and CO2 concentration showed a tendency to fluctuate with the user's daily rhythm spent in the common space during the day and in the rooms at night.

     An analysis of the ventilation amount and required humidification amount showed the following.
     1) It was shown that there was diversity in ventilation patterns, and ventilation modes in each facility, such as by opening windows, or opening and shutting the living room door, were closely related to building performance. Also, it was shown that the colder the region, the more the ventilation amount tended to increase.
     2) It was shown that there was a need to introduce an industrial humidifier at an early stage in examination facility construction specifications so that indoor relative humidity could be more than 40%, because the humidification produced by portable humidifiers was insufficient.
     3) It was shown that if CO2 concentration were controlled to 1,000ppm, the lack of humidification could be reduced by more than 50%.
  • 金 勲, 柳 宇, 鍵 直樹, 東 賢一, 長谷川 兼一, 林 基哉, 大澤 元毅, 志摩 輝治
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2018.7 1 - 4 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2018年 
    普及が急速に進んでいる家庭用超音波式加湿器による室内空気の微生物汚染が懸念されることから、微生物汚染の経時変化を実験を通じて調べた。 加湿空気と加湿水中ET濃度は3日目までは緩やかな上昇を示すが、4〜5日目から指数関数的に急増し、急速な汚染が進行することが観察された。加湿器の洗浄や加湿水交換を毎日行っても細菌濃度が上昇することがあり、これはET及び浮遊細菌の測定結果から確認できた。
  • 鍵 直樹, 東 賢一, 金 勲, 柳 宇, 長谷川 兼一, 林 基哉, 開原 典子, 大澤 元毅
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2018.7 109 - 112 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2018年 
  • 山田 裕巳, 林 基哉, 田辺 新一, 大澤 元毅, 長谷川 兼一, 本間 義規
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 82 740 863 - 871 日本建築学会 2017年10月 [査読有り][通常論文]
     Currently, most detached houses in Japan are airtight wooden structures that have a high risk of vapor condensation in the wall cavities. Vapor condensation in insulation material is a primary contributor to mold growth in wall cavities. Indoor mold concentrations depend not only on indoor mold sources, but also on infiltration from concealed spaces, such as beam space and crawl space. The air pollutants infiltrate houses from these spaces by indoor decompression via the ventilation system, and mold that infiltrates through the glass wool used for heat insulation may remain and grow on the material. In order to measure the mold concentrations in glass wool, a new method is required for air cavity sampling. A method using a Teflon tube inserted into thin spaces in wall cavities or crawl spaces is useful for accomplishing this task. The surface of Teflon is very smooth, but mold adheres to it because of friction or static electricity. The objectives of the present investigation were to develop a method to measure mold concentration using Teflon tubes and to characterize the movement of mold spores between heat insulators.
     The following conclusions were obtained from this study:
     (1) The mean rates of mold retention in 0.3, 0.5, and 1.0 m Teflon tubes, which were washed three times with sterilized physiological salt solution, were 5%, 21%, and 37%, respectively. This indicated that retention rates increase with increases in Teflon tube length, and it was concluded that a useful sampling method for concealed spaces must use a Teflon tube that is about 0.3 m long, given the retention rate. Data from inter-laboratory testing indicated that a Teflon tube that is 1 m long is unsuitable for this sampling method.
     (2) The amount of mold spores in the glass wool heat insulator decreased the more it was washed using sterilized physiological salt solution to clarify the movement of mold spores. After the third wash, the desorption rate of mold spores in the glass wool was about 85%, showing that three rounds of washing were required to measure the mold movement.
     (3) Measurement of the movement of mold spores inside the heat insulator showed that the quantity of mold spores adhering to the heat insulator decreases exponentially with an increase in length of the Teflon tubes.
     (4) In this range of the wind velocity, the movement of mold spores between insulators through the heat insulator is not significantly influenced by wind in the small chamber.
     (5) The experimental results indicate that the quantity of mold spores displaced from the heat insulator by air transportation was not significant.
  • Hoon Kim, Motoya Hayashi, Haruki Osawa, Noriko Kaihara, Michiko Bando, Koki Kikuta, Hirofumi Hayama, Yoshinori Honma, U Yanagi
    Healthy Building 2017 (USB) 214  2017年07月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 金 勲, 阪東 美智子, 大澤 元毅, 林 基哉
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 82 736 589 - 589 日本建築学会 2017年06月 [査読有り][通常論文]
     Japan has been well on the way to an aging society and entered a super-aged society at 21.5 percent aging rate in 2007, and the facility demand for the elderly is increasing rapidly. More careful control of indoor environment is needed for the elderly, since the autonomous control ability, recuperative and immunological power of them are poorer than healthy people. It is critical to understand the facility managing system and the actual condition of indoor environment in order to improve quality of life such as health and comfort and to prevent infectious diseases in care welfare facilities for the elderly.
     Although the related facilities are in high demand, the actual situation of indoor environment has not been clear because there has not been a regulation and control law at all. Cross-sectional study utilizing the questionnaire survey on special nursing homes all over the country was conducted to clarify the management, maintenance and actual condition of indoor environment and building equipment in 2013.
     Survey results found that average floor area is 3000m2 or more, mean building age is 18 years and facilities of more than 30% have experienced extension and renovation work. While the facilities of conventional type (with multiple bed room) account for more than 60%, unit care type has been popular in facilities built after the 2000s and the hybrid type combined with conventional and unit care type is not also negligible due to consistent high demand for multiple bed room.
     As might be expected, area (climate) and facility age make a difference to HVAC equipment and this study also confirmed it. As the unit care type increases associating with government guidance, the installation of individual air conditioning equipment also expanded countrywide due to the benefits of initial and operating costs, energy conservation and high control performance. While about 60% of facilities have criteria for the air temperature, criteria for humidity and ventilation are in lower proportion. It is certain that facilities are much more taking care of infectious diseases and dryness since humidity and ventilation criteria are in higher ratio in winter season than in the others. Although they have obviously interests in air quality, hygrothermal environment and energy conservation, their recognition of countermeasure and execution seems not to be sufficient. In addition, there was a problem in knowledge and recognition of facility managers for air conditioning equipment, for example since a large difference was observed in the response rate concerning a central type of ventilation and a central HVAC system.
     In order to secure and maintain the favorable indoor environment and hygiene in the elderly facilities, it seems appropriate to remark that a professional administrator should be employed as a facility manager, and they should be educated and provided with the related knowledge and techniques.
  • 冬期の室内環境改善のための建築設備設計(特集 高齢者施設の室内環境)
    林 基哉
    空気清浄 32 2 66 - 71 2017年05月 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • A study on effective control of influenza infection considering energy saving in buildings
    Motoya Hayashi, Kenichi Kobayashi, Michiko Bando, Hoon Kim, Noriko Kaihara, Haruki Osawa
    Healthy Buildings Europe 2017 2017年 
    Influenza air-borne infection depends basically on indoor humidity and ventilation rate. The authors proposed an index of influenza infection according to these factors, using the results of the experiments on survival rates of influenza viruses in air by G.J.Harper. This index is a ratio of indoor influenza concentration toward the generation rate of influenza viruses from a carrier in a space. The estimate made using this index showed that if the indoor absolute humidity is higher than a critical point, the required ventilation rate is low and the energy consumption for ventilation and humidification is also low. The indoor air environments of specific buildings were estimated using the data of inspections by health centres in Tokyo. The results were as follows. Although humidity is very low in the buildings, the index is low and the risk of infection is low. The reason is that the ventilation rate a person is very high. A case study on the optimization of ventilation rate and humidity, showed that reducing ventilation rate and retaining higher humidity have a good effect on the control of influenza infection and on energy saving.
  • 金 勲, 林 基哉, 大澤 元毅, 阪東 美智子
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2017.7 65 - 68 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2017年 
    全国の介護老人福祉施設(特別養護老人ホーム)を対象に温湿度・換気の管理状況、におい対策など空気環境の実態を把握する目的で行ったアンケート調査結果から、におい環境に関する項目を抽出し、詳細解析した結果を報告する。 多変量分析から快不快度、臭気強度、受容度の知覚空気質を説明出来る変数として、「施設タイップ、におう場所_居室、気になるにおい_糞便臭、におい対策_居室_換気扇」の4つが挙げられ、知覚空気質3項目を同時に説明できる変数として「糞便臭」と「居室のにおい」が最終的に認められた。
  • 水野 敬太, 菊田 弘輝, 福家 智大, 林 基哉, 金 勲
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2017.6 313 - 316 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2017年 
  • 開原 典子, 林 基哉, 大澤 元毅, 金 勲, 柳 宇, 東 賢一, 鍵 直樹
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2017.7 81 - 84 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2017年 
  • 林 基哉
    保健医療科学 66 2 101 - 101 国立保健医療科学院 2017年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 林 基哉
    空気清浄 : コンタミネーションコントロール 55 1 45 - 52 日本空気清浄協会 2017年 [査読無し][招待有り]
  • 林 基哉
    保健医療科学 66 2 163 - 171 国立保健医療科学院 2017年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    以上の評価結果を踏まえて,高齢者施設の湿度維持のための以下の方策が必要であることを示した. 1. 臭気などの室内空気汚染に配慮した上で,一人当りの換気量を抑制しつつ加湿によって湿度を維持することが必要である. 2. 湿度維持に伴う結露防止へのために開口部等の断熱化が必要である.
  • 浅田 朋彦, 三浦 良勝, 阪東 美智子, 林 基哉, 福山 秀直
    保健医療科学 66 4 451 - 457 国立保健医療科学院 2017年 [査読無し][通常論文]

    歩道敷設について医学と工学の学際領域の協働の重要性を最近の国内外の文献に基づいて検討した.まず,歩道敷設の前提となる歩道の利用(歩行)促進の効果を医学(公衆衛生学)的に検討した.次にユニバーサルデザインの歩道敷設について,これまでと現在について概説した.続いて,今後の歩道敷設に関する医学的課題の工学技術的解決について,専門的視点と利用者視点から解説した.最後に,将来の'歩道敷設におけるユニバーサルデザインの深化'のために,利用者視点を超える医学(神経科学)的課題の提起と工学技術による解決について提言した.例としてCAT(Coincidence Anticipation Timing) performanceを挙げて,利用者が気付かない転倒の防止対応の必要性について医学(神経科学)的に解説し,具体的な工学技術による解決法を提案した.今後このようなユニバーサルデザインの更なる深化を超高齢社会に向けて,実現していくべきであろう.

  • Endotoxin Concentration in House Dust and Indoor Air in Japan
    Kim H, Lim E, Yanagi U, Kagi N, Azuma K, Osawa H, Hayashi M
    Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate ID457 2 pages  2016年07月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 林 基哉, 菅原 正則, 本間 義規, 倉渕 隆
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 81 719 93 - 93 日本建築学会 2016年01月 [査読有り][通常論文]
     One of the factors to influence the indoor air quality is dweller's habit of operating windows. An instrument to measure the open-width of sliding window was developed and the open-widths were measured in six detached houses through a year. The results are the followings.
     1. The open-width depends on the daily dweller's schedule and the indoor temperature.
     2. The open-width increases with the indoor temperature, but the time length of wind opening is short in the room with cooler.
     3. In the room which temperature is high, the room is cooled more frequently and the open-width becomes large when the window opens.
  • 林 基哉, 大澤 元毅, 本間 義規
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 81 727 819 - 826 日本建築学会 2016年 [査読有り][通常論文]
     The aim of this study is to clarify the influences of pollutants infiltration from concealed spaces upon indoor air quality in detached houses. The annual changes of pollutant concentrations were calculated using three leakage networks of wooden structures (A: a highly airtight wooden 2x4 stud structure, B: an airtight post-and-beam structure and C: a common post-and-beam structurer). The simulation program “Fresh” was used. The simulation program is based on three methods: a dynamic thermal calculation method using successive integration by Dr. Aratani, a calculation method of ventilation networks using Newmark-beta by Hayashi and Dr. Enai and a calculation method of pollutant concentrations using the ventilation networks by Hayashi. The annual changes of concentrations of pollutants which generate in the concealed spaces (beam spaces and a crawl space) in models with two ventilation systems (an exhaust ventilation system and an exhaust and supply ventilation system) are calculated using the weather data of Tokyo. These simulation results were compared with the measured infiltration ratios from concealed spaces.
     The results are the followings:
     1. The pollutants move upward by temperature difference and wind pressure and the pollutants infiltrate to the indoor spaces from the concealed spaces.
     2. The influence of leakage networks and ventilation systems upon the concentrations of pollutants which generate in the concealed spaces, is not similar to the influence upon those of CO2 and CO which generate in the indoor spaces.
     3. The indoor concentrations of pollutants from concealed spaces (beam spaces and a crawl space), are high in the case of the airtight houses (the equivalent leakage area: 2.8 cm2/m2) and the highly airtight houses (the equivalent leakage area: 0.3 cm2/m2), especially in those with exhaust ventilation systems.
     4. The similar characteristics of indoor decompression by ventilation systems and infiltration from concealed spaces are seen both in the simulation results and the measurement results.
     These results showed that it is necessary to prevent the pollutant infiltration from the concealed spaces according to the building standards on the sick house syndrome enforced in 2003. And the results showed that indoor air quality depends on the airtightness of houses and the decompression by ventilation systems. It is necessary to control air quality in the concealed spaces and to design ventilation networks in consideration of infiltration.
  • 林 基哉, 本間 義規, 長谷川 兼一, 金 勲
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 80 716 1013 - 1013 日本建築学会 2015年10月 [査読有り][通常論文]
     The aim of this study is to use the building environmental performance as a base of healthy life of victims after great east japan earthquake in 2011. The equivalent leakage areas of the houses for victims were investigated and an easy measurement method was developed to the airtight levels to be high in the houses. The results showed the followings.
     1. The equivalent leakage area varied in the houses and are not enough for the latest building code for energy saving in some cases under the high housing demand for the victims.
     2. An easy examination method using a fan in kitchen is useful to check the airtight levels in houses which equivalent leakage area is less than about 2.0 cm2/m2.
  • Yoshiyuki Inoue, Hirofumi Hayama, Taro Mori, Koki Kikuta, Motoya Hayashi, Noriyuki Toyohara
    6TH INTERNATIONAL BUILDING PHYSICS CONFERENCE (IBPC 2015) 78 2052 - 2057 2015年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Cooling effectiveness is one of the most important factors in evaluating the value of a datacenter. The datacenter taken up in this paper is located in a cold district in Japan. Outdoor air cooling helps us to cut the power consumption for cooling. This paper first assesses the efficiency of Ishikari datacenter measuring the temperatures in a building where the cooling air flowing. Second, the author will point out the recirculation through vent holes on a ceiling in the server room and describe the most efficient method for the operation. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 林 基哉, 本間 義規, 長谷川 兼一
    住総研研究論文集 41 0 49 - 60 一般財団法人 住総研 2015年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    本研究は,東日本大震災の復興住宅の環境性能の向上が,被災者の健康的な生活の基礎となることを最終的な目標としている。震災後3 年が経過し,敷地の確保,材料不足,工賃の高騰が,復興住宅建設の課題となっている中,断熱気密性能等の環境性能の向上と普及のために,以下の研究を行った。地域型復興住宅生産グループへの環境性能に関するアンケート調査では,復興住宅建設の遅れと環境性能の多様性が明らかとなった。復興住宅の環境性能測定でも,気密性能(c値)の多様性:0.27~5.14(cm/㎡)が明らかとなった。簡易気密測定方法の開発と検証では,厨房ファンによる簡易測定の可能性が確認され,簡易気密測定法の普及と気密性能担保の基礎が得られた。
  • 金 勲, 林 基哉, 開原 典子, 大澤 元毅, 阪東 美智子
    室内環境 18 2 77 - 87 一般社団法人 室内環境学会 2015年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • A field study on biological pollution and its environmental factors-mould and mite on the interior surface in winter and summer
    Haruki Osawa, Motoya Hayashi
    Indoor Air 2014 - 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 345 - 352 2014年 
    The purpose of this study is to grasp the entire image of biological pollution in houses. A questionnaire about buildings, residents and living styles was used to investigate the countermeasures. Mite and mould were sampled from the interior surfaces by residents. The results showed that the mould density in winter was higher than that in summer, and it was higher at the corner of the floor and on the low-part of the wall. The mite density on the floor in winter was lower than that in summer. As regards building equipment and environment, the number of rooms, thermal insulation and vapour condensation on the wall influences both mould and mite. Room cleaning and the operation of ventilating systems were effective in decreasing mite.
  • A field study on biological pollution and its environmental factors-annual change of mould and mite in the indoor air and on interior surface
    Motoya Hayashi, Haruki Osawa
    Indoor Air 2014 - 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 221 - 228 2014年 
    The aim of this study is to investigate environmental factors in causing the movement of mould and mite clear. The concentration of mould in the air, the amount of allergen in the dust on the floor were measured in about thirty houses in four seasons. The measurement results showed their movement in houses changes with seasons. Mould invades rooms from outside in mild seasons. It stays and grows in a house. They stay with dust on the floor even in winter. Mites on the floor increase or decrease with temperature. Mites increase the excrement of mites and Der. 1. Mites decrease with temperature and the body of mites and Der. 2 increase from summer to autumn. Dust is a factor in increasing mould on surface and the allergens. These results show that the basic countermeasures against biological pollution in houses: insulation, ventilation and cleaning are effective.
  • Dwellers’ habit of opening windows in detached houses in cold and hot-humid climate of Japan
    Motoya Hayashi, Yoshinori Honma, Masanori Sugawara
    Journal of Environmental Protection Vol.5 663 - 671 2014年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Numerical Experiments on Indoor Air Qual-ity Considering Infiltration of Mould from Crawl Space
    Motoya Hayashi, Haruki Osawa, Kenichi Hasegawa, Yoshinori Honma
    Journal of Environmental Protection Vol.5 916 - 923 2014年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Infiltration of Mould from Crawl Space under the Prefabricated Bathroom
    Motoya Hayashi, Haruki Osawa, Kenichi Hasegawa, Yoshinori Honma, Hiromi Yamada
    Journal of Environmental Protection Vol.5 837 - 846 2014年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Prediction of indoor air quality in houses with concentrationcontrol- Ventilation systems considering the concealed air leaks and dwellers opening behaviour
    Motoya Hayashi, Haruki Osawa
    Proceedings of BS 2013: 13th Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association 565 - 572 2013年 
    In order to find an effective method to keep indoor air quality good through the year in real houses, a simulation program: Fresh was reformed to integrate several important factors in Japanese detached houses and named "Fresh2010". The factors are infiltration from the concealed spaces, behaviour of window openings, the kind of ventilation systems and a concentration control systems. The present dwellers' habits of opening windows may be one of the factors in causing indoor air pollution. The concentration control ventilation with proper design may keep indoor air quality good through a year. Copyright © 2011 by IPAC'11/EPS-AG.
  • 山田 裕巳, 松下 和彦, 田辺 新一, 林 基哉
    室内環境 16 1 23 - 34 一般社団法人 室内環境学会 2013年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Influence of crawl spaces upon indoor air quality: The measurements of the pollution by mould in the crawl spaces and the indoor spaces in Japanese houses
    Kenichi Hasegawa, Motoya Hayashi, Yoshinori Honm, Haruki Osawa
    10th International Conference on Healthy Buildings 2012 2 1508 - 1513 2012年 
    Recently, dampness in buildings has been indicated to be associated with occupants' adverse health effect such as allergies. In particular mould in indoor air is considered to be a significant risk factor of health. The indoor concentration of airborne fungi becomes higher with growing mould on the surfaces of wall and so on. However, existing mould in the concealed spaces such as crawl spaces, could not be ignored as one of the emission sources. There is a possibility that mould in crawl spaces should move through the concealed spaces in walls and flow into rooms through the leakages of walls, outlets and so on. Airborne fungi in both crawl spaces and indoor rooms have been investigated for several months in twenty-two detached houses located in Japan. This paper describes the measured results of airborne fungi and the possibility of indoor air pollution by mould in the concealed spaces is assessed.
  • Influence of the crawl space upon the indoor air quality the numerical experiments on the indoor air quality considering the infiltration from crawl space
    Motoya Hayashi, Haruki Osawa, Kenichi Hasegawa, Yoshinori Honma
    10th International Conference on Healthy Buildings 2012 1 788 - 793 2012年 
    How the air quality of crawl space influences the indoor air quality is investigated using a simulation program "Fresh2010", air leakage network models, and the measurement results on the mould concentrations in crawl spaces of detached houses. The annual changes of indoor mould concentrations were calculated in well airtight houses and common houses. And the relationship between the measured indoor mould concentrations and the calculated concentrations was investigated. The results show that it is necessary to control the air quality of crawl spaces and the infiltration from crawl spaces.
  • Current state of Basement layouts in Japanese houses Awareness of crawl space design on indoor air quality
    Haruki Osawa, Motoya Hayashi, Kenichi Hasegawa, Yoshinori Honma
    10th International Conference on Healthy Buildings 2012 1 106 - 107 2012年
  • 林 基哉
    日本雪工学会誌 : journal of snow engineering 28 1 28 - 32 日本雪工学会 2012年01月01日 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Prediction of indoor air quality and energy consumption considering dweller's opening behavior based on the measurements on the opening habit in houses
    Motoya Hayashi, Yoshinori Honma, Masanori Sugawara
    12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2011 2 1687 - 1692 2011年 
    The indoor air quality is influenced by the building performances and the dweller's living habit. A monitor instrument to measure the width of opening was devised. The width of the window opening as well as the indoor and outdoor temperature and the humility were measured constantly for almost a year houses from the temperate zone to the sub frigid zone in Japan. A simulation program "Fresh2010" was composed considering the dweller's opening habit based on these measurement results. The indoor air temperature, heating and cooling energy, ventilation rate and indoor concentrations were calculated considering the conditions on heating system, cooing system and dweller's opening behavior and the condition of the surround of the house. These results show that the indoor concentrations change hourly, daily and annually. Dweller's opening behavior influences the indoor air quality very much.
  • A study on improvement of traditional Japanese houses considering indoor comfort and energy saving using three test houses
    Mao Tanaka, Motoya Hayashi, Yoko Hirano
    12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2011 3 1979 - 1984 2011年 
    Three types of structure a traditional house, a new house and the hybrid house were designed and built in Kyoto. The hybrid house was built using traditional technologies and new technologies. Mud wall was covered with insulation board outside. The new house was built according to the latest building code for energy saving. Exhaust ventilation systems were installed in the three structures. The airtight levels, ventilation rates, infiltration ratios of pollutants from crawl space, concentrations of volatile organic compounds were measured in these three test houses in winter. The results show the following. The airtight level is very low in the traditional house. The equivalent leakage area of the traditional house was three times of that of the new house. But the indoor air quality of the traditional house is not so high. Because, chemical compounds infiltrated from the crawl space, this characteristic was shown in the hybrid structure.
  • Field Survey on Indoor Microorganism in Twenty-Five Residences in Japan
    Naoya Ando, Hiroshi Yoshino, Rie Takaki, Shin-ichi Tanabe, Motoya Hayashi, Kenichi Hasegawa
    Healthy Buildings 2009 2009年09月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Syracuse, USA, 13-17 Sep. 2009
  • A field study on mould, mites and environmental factors in houses
    Motoya Hayashi, Haruki Osawa
    9th International Conference and Exhibition - Healthy Buildings 2009, HB 2009 2009年 
    A field study on mould and mites in houses was made in 2006. The amount of mould on the interior surfaces and in the indoor air, the number of mites on the floor and the amount of allergen were measured. These results were analyzed with the answers of occupants on the living style and the building performances. The biological pollutions depended on the living style and the building performances. For example, the number of mites depended on the frequency of cleaning. The mould depended on the vapour condensation and the age of building. And the state of biological pollution in new houses was not worse than that in old houses.
  • Field measurement of airborne fungal spores of detached houses with insulated crawl space foundation in Japan
    Yoshinori Honma, Motoya Hayashi, Kenichi Hasegawa, Haruki Osawa
    9th International Conference and Exhibition - Healthy Buildings 2009, HB 2009 2009年 
    The concentration of airborne fungal spores and hygrothermal condition were measured in houses in Tohoku, northern area of JAPAN through a yearlong. From the measurement results, concentration of Penicillium in the crawl space is higher in winter than in summer in general. The concentration of Cladosporium in indoors and outdoors is relatively high in summer season and low in winter season. The statistically analysis of concentration of airborne fungal spores and the relation to hygrothermal condition in the crawl space air, were executed to clarify the mold risk of unventilated crawl space with insulated on foundation wall.
  • Development of Ventilation Measurement Method Using Human Expiration- Experimental Study for Estimation Accuracy-
    Mitsutoshi Fujikawa, Hiroshi Yoshino, Rie Takaki, Hiroyasu Okuyama, Motoya Hayashi, Masanori Sugawara
    Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC) 3 177 - 184 2007年10月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Sendai, Japan, Oct.28-31, 2007
  • Possibility of personal storing of cereals
    Takashi Sasaki, Yoshinori Honma, Motoya Hayashi
    IAQVEC 2007 Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings: Sustainable Built Environment 3 327 - 332 2007年 
    Farming is very popular in Tohoku Region. Especially the yield of rice in this region is more than 10% of that in Japan. However, farmers have a problem with its storage in winter and summer. In general, rice should be harvested in autumn, and be stored until the harvest next year. To store it in summer, electric refrigerators are generally used and they cost a couple of million yen every year. This is not good in view of the promotion of Kyoto Protocol concerning global warming. In this study, the authors propose a passive storing model that makes the best use of the thermal insulation ability and the thermal capacity of the soil. Although an old tunnel has been used as a passive storehouse for several years in Iwate Prefecrture, it has not been know yet to farmers in general. The authors started the investigations of actual conditions of Tohoku Region, and examined the possibility of a personal storing by experiments and calculations. The results of this review will show the possibility of a passive and personal model for storing cereals.
  • Decline of VOC concentrations with aging of houses in Japan
    Motoya Hayashi, Haruki Osawa
    IAQVEC 2007 Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings: Sustainable Built Environment 1 527 - 534 2007年 
    The purpose of this investigation is to know the long term characteristics of VOC concentrations in houses built before the building code in 2003 and to know the need of the countermeasures in the houses were already built for example the improvement of the living habit, ventilation and building materials. The concentrations of VOCs were measured in these houses from 2000 to 2005. The results showed that the concentration of formaldehyde decreased in the first year. After that the decline of the concentration became invisible and the concentration changed only with the temperature. The characteristic of decline was thought to be caused by the two mechanisms of emission. One is an emission of concealed formaldehyde in the process of material production and another is an emission with the generation of formaldehyde from adhesives of urea resin and moisture. The concentration of toluene decreased rapidly in the first year. The concentrations of xylene, ethyl-benzene and styrene showed a similar change. But the concentrations of acetaldehyde which were measured from the summer of 2002 did not decrease and its concentrations in some houses were higher than the guideline even in the winter of 2005.
  • 林 基哉
    生活環境科学研究所研究報告 40 15 - 27 宮城学院女子大学生活環境科学研究所 2007年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Motoya Hayashi, Haruki Osawa, Yoshinori Honma, Miyuki Matsui
    BUILDING SIMULATION 2007, VOLS 1-3, PROCEEDINGS 870 - + 2007年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    In this study. the characteristics of the movement of chemical compounds in the concealed spaces and indoor spaces In houses were investigated using building cut models and a simulation prop-ram Fresh2006. The equivalent leakage areas in the concealed spaces were measured using cut models of wooden structures: a common wooden structure, an improved wooden structure and a wooden (2 inch x 4 inch) stud structure. The movements of chemical compounds were calculated using the measured equivalent leakage areas and the simulation program. The indoor concentrations of the chemical compounds which volatilized in concealed spaces change with the weather and the behaviors of residents. The infiltration ratios from the concealed spaces to indoor spaces were influenced by mechanical ventilation. The influence of the infiltration upon the indoor air quality was larger in the house with an exhaust ventilation system than with any other ventilation system.
    Hiroshi Yoshino, Sounghun Yun, Motoya Hayashi, Hiromi Yamada, Rie Takaki
    The 5th International Conference on Cold Climate Heating, Moscow 2006年05月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 本間 義規, 佐々木 隆, 内田 信平, 林 基哉
    岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部研究論集 = Bulletin of Morioka Junior College Iwate Prefectural University 8 8 29 - 32 2006年03月01日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 佐々木 隆, 林 基哉, 本間 義規, 内田 信平
    岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部研究論集 = Bulletin of Morioka Junior College Iwate Prefectural University 8 8 25 - 28 岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部 2006年03月01日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 林 基哉, 須永 修通, 長谷川 兼一
    住宅総合研究財団研究論文集 32 0 307 - 318 一般財団法人 住総研 2006年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 林 基哉
    生活環境科学研究所研究報告 39 12 - 18 宮城学院女子大学生活環境科学研究所 2006年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 山田 裕巳, 田辺 新一, 林 基哉
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 71 604 39 - 44 日本建築学会 2006年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Concentrations of acetaldehyde and the ventilation rates were measured in an experimental house for three years. And the emission rates from the materials were measured using small chambers. 1) The concentrations of acetaldehyde changed with the temperature for three years. 2) The influence of the temperature and the concentration upon the emission rate of acetaldehyde was lower than the influence in the case of formaldehyde. 3) The emission rates of acetaldehyde from the materials in three years were as same as the rate from the materials in two years.
  • 林 基哉
    生活環境科学研究所研究報告 38 10 - 18 宮城学院女子大学生活環境科学研究所 2005年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 林 基哉
    生活環境科学研究所研究報告 38 1 - 9 宮城学院女子大学生活環境科学研究所 2005年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 尹 星勲, 吉野 博, 林 基哉, 山田 裕巳, 高木 理恵
    日本建築学会技術報告集 11 22 319 - 323 日本建築学会 2005年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The basic concept of a hybrid ventilation system is to provide an acceptable indoor air quality by alternationg the passive ventilation mode and the mechanical ventilation mode for minimizing the energy consumption. Therefore, the control strategy for the supplemental fan and the damper of hybrid ventilation system is very important for the system performance. The hybrid ventilation system using a pressure difference sensor for monitoring the exhaust airflow rate as the control strategy was installed in a detached test house. Performance of this ventilation system was evaluated through the field measurement. The results of the measurements showed that the exhaust airflow rate was relatively stable while the indoor-outdoor temperature difference varied and the wind velocity changed. But when the wind velocity was strong from the west, the airflow rate was far from the target airflow rate. Totally, the airflow rate met almost the target airflow rate in 75% of the measuring period.
  • 山田 裕巳, 田辺 新一, 林 基哉
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 70 589 23 - 29 日本建築学会 2005年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The concentrations of formaldehyde and the ventilation rates were measured in an experimental house for two years. The emission rates from the materials were separately measured by using of a small chamber. It was found that the concentrations in the house was increased during the summer season. The total emission amount in the ventilated room was about 10 times as large as that in the non-ventilated room. The emission rates from the materials in the ventilated room were 70% of those from the materials in the non-ventilated room. Emission from particle board was lasted for two years experiment.
  • 大澤 元毅, 池田 耕一, 林 基哉, 桑沢 保夫, 真鍋 純, 中林 由行
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 68 566 65 - 71 日本建築学会 2003年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    The purpose of this research is to know the present status of the indoor air chemical pollution by VOCs in Japanese houses in 2000. The concentrations of formaldehyde, toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene were measured in five thousand houses, and the following results were obtained. 1) In 27.3% of surveyed houses, the indoor concentrations of formaldehyde exceeded the guideline established by the Ministry of health, labor and welfare of Japanese Government. And those of toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene were 12.3, 0.013 and 0% respectively. 2) The formaldehyde concentrations correlated well to the indoor temperatures. 3) The averages of the formaldehyde concentrations in houses according to the age of year after construction were analyzed, and the concentration in houses built after 1997 was lower than that in 1996, which showed the highest value.
  • 佐藤 重幸, 廣川 美子, 坊垣 和明, 桑沢 保夫, 林 基哉, 近藤 誠治
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 68 571 75 - 81 日本建築学会 2003年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    The characteristics of VOCs emission in wooden houses were investigated using an environmental large chamber. A small-scale wooden house was built in the chamber and the concentrations of VOCs, the ventilation rate were measured. And VOCs contents in building materials were measured. On the bases of these measurements, the following mentions were obtained. 1) The indoor temperatures increased the permeability of VOCs such as ethylbenzene, 1,2,4-trimetylbenzene, n-decane from the caulking compounds on the external wall into the indoor space. 2)The indoor temperature did not influence upon the permeability of VVOCs such as methyl alcohol, acetaldehyde.
  • 林 基哉, 大澤 元毅
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 68 573 63 - 69 日本建築学会 2003年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    The purpose of this research is to know the influence of chemical emission from the concealed building materials upon the indoor air quality in Japanese houses with exhaust ventilation systems. From the investigations using a test house, a partial structure model and small chambers, the following results were obtained. 1. The emission rates of formaldehyde from the concealed materials were not lower than those from the interior materials. 2. The formaldehyde infiltrated into the indoor space through the leaks and the infiltration rates of formaldehyde changed with the temperatures.
  • 佐藤 重幸, 廣川 美子, 坊垣 和明, 桑沢 保夫, 林 基哉, 近藤 誠治
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 68 564 99 - 106 日本建築学会 2003年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    In this study, the VOCs emission was investigated during the interior finish work in two apartment houses under construction. To confirm the results of the VOCs emission, the concentrations of the VOCs were measured for a week in other apartment houses. The concentration of methyl alcohol emitted from wood-based panels was the highest of all the concentrations of the VOCs detected in the houses. The emission rates of VVOCs such as pentane, hexane became g/hr order in the process of fixing interior panels to the walls, but after construction, these compounds did not remain indoors. Compared with the guideline values of indoor air quality in Japan, the levels of toluene and xylene were higher both under and after construction.
  • 土屋 喬雄, 林 基哉
    日本建築学会技術報告集 9 18 442 - 442 日本建築学会 2003年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 佐藤 重幸, 廣川 美子, 坊垣 和明, 林 基哉, 近藤 誠治
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 67 554 93 - 100 日本建築学会 2002年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    In order to grasp the movement of styrene, which is thought to be an endocrine disruptor, its emission rate was measured at every stage of the process in which an apartment house is constructed, and the emission rate from 'tatami' mats using polystyrene boards in a large chamber was also measured. As a result, the followings are made clear. 1. The emission rate of styrene becomes high after the installation of the wall panels and after the completion of the building. The emission rate at the completion reaches55 (mg/h) and its concentration is 1.4 (mg/m3) when the air change rate is 0.5(1/h). 2. The emission rate of styrene increases with dynamic loads by walking. The increase continues for six days at the shortest. From the above-mentioned results, the risk of indoor air pollution by styrene from 'tatami' mats using polystyrene boards is suggested.
  • 佐藤 重幸, 廣川 美子, 林 基哉, 坊垣 和明, 大澤 元毅, 近藤 誠治
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 67 562 113 - 119 日本建築学会 2002年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The aim of this study is to clarify the movement characteristics of styrene gas in houses. The emission rates from a straw mat with styrene boards were measured in a large chamber and the following results were obtained. 1) The pressurization of the installation of the straw mat and the walking on the mat makes the emission rate of styrene higher. The rate of increase was 350 μg/h by 1000 steps and is the same as the rate by 650 steps. 2) The emission rate does not increase linearly with the number of the steps. The peek of the emission rate after the pressurization with 1000 steps was 700μg/h. The rate was not over 700μg/h under the condition that 1000 steps are carried out everyday. 3) The emission characteristic of styrene is similar to those of the volatile organic compounds from the straw mat.
  • 林 基哉, 佐々木 隆, 菅原 正子
    生活環境科学研究所研究報告 35 44 - 48 宮城学院女子大学生活環境科学研究所 2002年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 山田 裕巳, 田辺 新一, 林 基哉
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 67 559 21 - 27 日本建築学会 2002年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    This paper aims at clarifying the influence that the ventilation characteristics have on formaldehyde concentration in a house. The indoor formaldehyde concentration, ventilation rates and routes have been measured using an experimental house. The formaldehyde concentration has been calculated by characteristics of emission rates. It was found that the room in which polluted air flows is higher than that of an inflow of outdoor air. It is important to design ventilation routes into which polluted air doesn't flow. The calculated concentration is consistent with the measurement results excluding the period after being made airtight. After being sealed, the experiment value decreased gently as compared with the calculation value.
  • 山田 裕巳, 林 基哉, 田辺 新一
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 67 553 55 - 61 日本建築学会 2002年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The aim of the study is to propose a prediction method of indoor Formaldehyde concentration based on the emission characteristics in small chambers for a full-scale experimental house. Concentrations of Formaldehyde, temperatures, humidity, ventilation rates and routes, and emission rates from the interior surface were compared with the predicted data. It was found that indoor concentrations calculated with the emission rates using FLEC and the ventilation rates agreed well with the measured results. Indoor concentration was influenced by temperature and ventilation rate, and it decreased gradually by time. The speed of decay was lower than that in small chambers. The predicted indoor concentrations considering the decay speed aereed well with the measured results.
  • 魚住 恵, 佐々木 隆, 菅原 正子, 林 基哉
    岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部研究論集 3 3 55 - 60 岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部 2001年03月 [査読無し][通常論文]
    We, the authors, conducted a survey focused on the interior climate and food customs of homes in summer. Along with the survey, we measured indoor temperatures, and conducted detailed research on the eating habits of Iwate's residents. 1. From the questionnaire survey we guessed that the job for living, a family composition and a private farm products were related to the type of their meal. 2. It was thought that the correlation seen between the concentration of salt in soup which temperatures fluctuate in winter and the resident in the house were taking had exerted the influence on the food custom in summer. 3. The main cause of the difference of each kitchen temperature, when the kitchen in daytime of summer was used, is solar radiation. 4. In Iwate Pref., it was admitted that the indoor temperature might be higher than the outside temperature degree in daytime of summer. 5. On the kitchen of summer, it is necessary to think about the structure of the house in order that the temperature of the kitchen does not rise because of the heat generated from cooking.
  • 菅原 正子, 佐々木 隆, 魚住 恵, 林 基哉
    岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部研究論集 3 3 47 - 54 岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部 2001年03月 [査読無し][通常論文]
    This is one of the studies based on the idea that the synthetic evaluation of clothing, eating and living environment is necessary in order to improve the performance of the general houses in Iwate Prefecture and to realize good energy saving. On the actual condition of the clothing life, its relation with the living environment, which is the base of the life, is a matter for much consideration. To pursue a more comfortable and safer clothing life and to study the improvement of the clothing life is important in a society with a lot of elderly people. The previous study was on the clothing, eating and living environment in winter. And this study focuses on the relationship of temperature and indoor conditions with the clothing life in summer. The results of the investigation show that the clothing life is much influenced by the living environment. In Iwate Prefecture, "to break the barrier of temperature" will make the clothing life safe and very comfortable.
  • 佐々木 隆, 菅原 正子, 魚住 恵, 林 基哉
    岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部研究論集 3 3 39 - 46 岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部 2001年03月 [査読無し][通常論文]
    This report is a summary of the investigation result of the living life in summer. As for the result of the mailing questionnaire survey, it has been understood that correspondence to the indoor heat is done by an environmental adjustment by ventilation. The use of the dehumidification machine stood out remarkably in Kuji where the influence of "YAMASE" was especially large the existence of mold. The use of the dehumidification machine stood out also in Morioka in the city part. It has been understood that there is few house where air-conditioning as a result of the investigation. And, there are not necessarily a lot of regions where air-conditioning is needed. This result shows the problem in the plan with a lot of dependence on air-conditioning device at a present, and shows that the succession of the tradition does not go well. As for the indoor temperature of the shape house of the present age of insulated shortage, it has been understood to tend higher room temperature than the outdoor from the measurement result of the indoor environment. The room temperature rise by solar radiation is suppressed in the effect of the super-insulation of the roof in old traditional thatched private house .In the life by ventilation mainly done, the outdoor temperature often controls the room temperature. It is obviously that the thermal performance of house, which the insolation through the window has been covered and well insulated and high-airtightend is high, when the room temperatures are lower than the outside temperature. The author excluded, defined the value by an insolation value as the insolation room temperature rise efficiency, and arranged inside and outside temperatures fluctuate by the standard deviations a result, the value has grown in an insulated house where the insolation cover is inconsistent and the shape house of the present age of insulated shortage. The value was small in insulated and airtightend house where a thorough insolation had been covered. The authors have taken the conclusion basing on the questionnaire survey result obtained above that there was a cause in condition of life if there was a room temperature rise in an insulated house, and is no necessity of air-conditioning of the house in Iwate Pref.
  • 林 基哉
    日本建築学会技術報告集 7 14 394 - 394 日本建築学会 2001年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • 山田 裕巳, 上原 浩二, 林 基哉, 田辺 新一
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 66 543 57 - 63 日本建築学会 2001年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of the environmental factors upon the concentration of formaldehyde using small chambers and to develop a prediction method of indoor air quality in houses. The results of the measured emission rates in the small chambers are asfollows. 1. The emission rate increases as temperature rises and its influence is larger than those of the other factors: the humidity, the ventilation rate, the concentration and the sink effect. 2. The emission process influences upon the emission rates and the process is influenced by these factors. 3. The characteristics of the emission rates influenced by these factors obtained from the experiments using the small chambers meet the characteristics of the calculated values using the proposed simple equations.
  • 林 基哉
    生活科学研究所研究報告 32 41 - 43 宮城学院女子大学生活科学研究所 2000年03月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 佐々木 隆, 林 基哉, 荒谷 登
    岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部研究論集 2 2 41 - 47 岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部 2000年03月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    In the previous reports, the authors have done natural ventilation form analysis of the multi layer window's hollow layer that considered wind pressure fluctuation and an open mouth part. These studies showed that the incoming and outgoing of the air by wind pressure fluctuation happens also in the space with one opening. The authors also showed the fundamental method of computation, the design guideline of the opening condition that is related efficacy to the prevention of vapour condensation of the multi layer window and confirm by the inspection that used the model. This report examined the method that accuracy is raised more in the wind force ventilation calculation of actual the structure. Comparing and examining the result by the method of computation that considered the fluctuation that was intended for one room of a model and also gathering residence by using the concrete fluctuating wind pressure data of the building periphery, as the examination of the precision method to solution. It is confirmed efficacy of the method with the several measurement results in this report.
  • 林 基哉, 佐々木 隆, 荒谷 登
    生活科学研究所研究報告 32 13 - 25 宮城学院女子大学生活科学研究所 2000年03月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 林 基哉, 絵内 正道, 山田 裕巳
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 65 529 39 - 46 日本建築学会 2000年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    A passive stack ventilation system to control the ventilation rate was designed in an airtight test house and the ventilation rates were measured for five months in -winter. And the annual characteristics of the ventilation and the indoor air quality in houses with the passive ventilation systems were calculated by using a house model and the standard daily schedule models from NHK. The results were as follows. 1) The ventilation rates in the house with a passive ventilation system meet the ventilation requirement through the year with a fan controlled by an airflow speed sensor. 2) The ventilation rates change with the temperature differences between the inside and the outside. If the dwellers don't open windows to keep the indoor air quality, the ventilation rates were lower during the marginal season without the control system in houses 3) The energy demand levels to keep the ventilation rates using fans in the marginal season are low because the airflow ratio of the stack ventilation system is high. But the energy loss with the over ventilation rates in the coldest season are large, so the damper system is very necessary for saving energy.
  • 林 基哉, 山田 裕己, 絵内 正道
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 63 504 47 - 54 日本建築学会 1998年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The purpose of the study is to discuss the feasibility of a passive stack ventilation system using the beam space of a house as an air distribution chamber. The results of the calculation and the measured air flow rates in a test house are as follows 1) The proposed system requires less airtigthness than a direct air supply system using wall inlets. Designing stacks is easy in the proposed system because the height of the neutral zone is not influenced by the degree of airtightness. 2) In airtight houses, the distribution of fresh air and the ventilation routes can be well-designed using the beam space. The ventilation rate increased with the difference between the indoor temperature and the outdoor temperature. 3) In houses using a space heating system, the passive stack ventilation system fulfills the ventilation requirement during 90% of the heating season. And the ratio of the total ventilation volume to the ventilation requirement is 70%.
  • 石田 建一, 鎌田 元康, 千田 善孝, 星川 邦彦, 林 基哉
    日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 438 0 23 - 31 日本建築学会 1992年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    In this paper we present a simplified calculation method of the house infiltration rates with the building air tightness. The characteristic of the method is able to estimate the infiltration rates for combination of out door wind speed and indoor-outdoor temperatuer difference. The proposed calculation method was tested using the measured infiltration data of a experimental house for a year. A results of the comparison between the calculations and measurements showed that the agreement between the prediction and the measurement was also within 0.1 volume par hour.
  • 佐々木 隆, 林 基哉, 荒谷 登
    日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 384 0 20 - 26 日本建築学会 1988年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Diese Abhandlung wird tlber die Beschlagdicht der Luftschicht zwischen den zwei Scheibenfenster bes-chrieben. Der Schllisse sind wie das Folgende; 1) Die AuBenluft flieBt in die Luftschicht gegen der Windrichtung des Gebaudes ein. 2) Das Verhaltnis des Einflusses von AuBenluft in die Luftschicht nimmt zu, wenn der Schwingungsweite groB ist und die Frequenz hoch ist. 3) Filr die Beschlagdicht der Luftschicht soil die auBeren Llicke etwa 1/50 gegen der inneren Lucke als die DurchlaBigkeit brauchen.
  • 佐々木 隆, 林 基哉, 荒谷 登
    日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 372 0 67 - 73 日本建築学会 1987年 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Diese Abhandlung wird uber dem Luftungszustand der Luftschicht beschrieben. Der Schlusse sind wie das Folgende ; 1) Die Luft in der Lucke bewegt als die Masse. 2) Die Berechnung von Bewegung der Luft in der Lucke soll mit Luftmasse in Erwagung gezogene Methode handeln. 3) Der Verfasser haben die Berechnung-Modell der Luftung von der Luftschicht mit dem Glas-Schwingung gemacht und gerechnet. 4) Das Glas-Schwingung nimmt die Luftungmenge von der Luftschicht in der Niederfrequenz zu.



  • 住まいと人と環境 プロフェッショナルからの提言「シックハウスと隙間換気」
    林 基哉 (担当:分担執筆)
    技報堂出版 2015年11月 55-58
  • 住まいと人と環境 プロフェッショナルからの提言「冬対応と夏対応の両方を考えよう」
    林 基哉 (担当:分担執筆)
    技報堂出版 2015年11月 127-131



  • 日本臨床環境医学会   日本公衆衛生学会   International Building Performance Simulation Association   室内環境学会   雪工学会   空気調和・衛生工学会   日本建築学会   


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2025年03月 
    代表者 : 林 基哉, 金 勲, 菊田 弘輝, 山田 裕巳, 長谷川 兼一, 稲葉 洋平, 東 賢一, 田島 昌樹
    ①常時換気と室内空気質に関する実態調査については、住宅及び生活リテラシーに関するWebアンケート調査(北海道、秋田県、宮城県、埼玉県、東京都、神奈川県の2019年1月から2020年12月までに建てられた新築二階建住宅計約1000件の住宅を対象)を、冬期及び夏期に行った。本調査では、新型コロナウイルス感染症対策の換気習慣の影響を踏まえた内容を加えて実施した。 ②室内空気質と健康リスクに関する調査分析については、上記①の結果をもとに、常時換気設備の運転状況に関する統計分析を行った。常時換気設備の連続運転が定着していない状況(連続運転は60%程度)が改めて確認された。温暖な地域(連続運転の比率は、北海道・秋田県では約80%に対して、東京都では約50%)でこの傾向が強いことが明らかとなった。なお、新型コロナ感染症対策のための窓開け習慣が顕著であることが示された(冬期60%、夏期80%)。 ③常時換気による室内空気質改善に関する分析については、東北7件、北海道5件を含め、計15件の改善事例に関する換気性状(風量、トレーサーガス法による換気量、気流性状等)、室内化学物質(パッシブサンプラー及びアクティブ法)に関する測定、分析を行った。また、換気設備方式、構法によって生じる室内化学物質濃度等の空気環境の特性に関する分析を加えた。室内空気質に考慮して設計施工された住宅においても、TVOC濃度が基準値を大幅に超えていること、厨房換気扇の運転によって顕著に室内のVOC濃度が上昇することから、内部空間由来のVOCによって室内TVOC濃度が高くなっていることが明らかとなった。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2021年04月 -2024年03月 
    代表者 : 開原 典子, 高田 暁, 林 基哉
    本研究は、日常生活の中で起こる室内環境に起因する健康リスクを未然に防ぐための知見整備の一環として、人体の皮膚表面からの不感蒸泄量やその変化の大きさが人体に与える影響を定量的に解明することを目的としている。本研究の実施項目は、①詳細な生理・心理応答の調査・測定、②健康状態把握のための日常健康調査、③不感蒸泄予測の数値人体モデルの開発と適用範囲の検証である。これらの結果により、皮膚乾燥疾患予防や血管内からの水分浸潤由来による脱水・血栓等の健康リスクに与える影響を予測する手法の一助として活用することを目指している。 ①詳細な生理・心理応答の調査・測定では、高齢者と高齢者以外の比較群を対象に生理量と心理量の測定調査を行う。2021年度は、既往研究のデータを本研究の観点から再分析している。 ②健康状態把握のための日常健康調査では、季節ごとに、脈拍、血圧、活動強度等、および生活行動の調査を行う。2021年度は、予備調査として、冬期調査を行っている。 ③不感蒸泄予測の数値人体モデルの開発と適用範囲の検証では、これまでに開発している皮膚内部の水分移動に関する非定常応答の数値人体モデルを基礎として、不感蒸泄量について、人体周囲空気の変化に応じて算出できる数値人体モデルに再開発し、これまでのモデルの適用範囲を拡大する。皮膚の体液供給に供する温度決定の仕組みは、人体熱モデル(Two-node model)を基礎として、体幹部から皮膚までの熱伝導と血流による対流を再構築する。2021年度は、不感蒸泄予測の数値人体モデルの開発に着手している。
  • 建築物環境衛生管理における空気調和設備等の適切な運用管理手法の研究
    研究期間 : 2020年03月 -2023年04月 
    代表者 : 林 基哉
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2023年03月 
    代表者 : 金 勲, 鍵 直樹, 小笠原 岳, 林 基哉, 柳 宇, Lim Eunsu
    調査では、空気及びハウスダストの採取と、住環境アンケートを実施している。今までの研究により空気捕集法とフィルター選定、分析法などを確立している。COVID-19の影響により、1年目は現場での空気採取が殆どできなかったが、2年目(2021年度)は住宅で96試料(26軒+9軒)、オフィス6施設(11試料)を採取・分析した。空気試料とは別に、郵送で依頼できるハウスダスト試料を174試料(61軒)、またオフィスの空調ダクト内ダスト12試料を採取し分析を終えた。 ①26軒(78試料)の調査からは、寝室(夏期1.99 [EU/m3],秋期1.56 [EU/m3])が居間(夏期0.25 [EU/m3]、秋期0.61 [EU/m3])より高かった。冬期の居間濃度は夏秋期より高かい傾向を示した。 ②9軒(18試料)からは、寝室0.03~0.19 EU/m3、リビングで0.06~0.33 EU/m3であった。ダスト濃度は寝室では4,365~20,651 EU/g、リビングでは2,285~48,265 EU/gであった。ダスト濃度の平均は寝室、居間、脱衣場の順に高く、3カ所平均は夏期(11,732 [EU/g])よりも秋期(17,211 [EU/g])の方が高い。 ③オフィスでは、平均濃度0.13 (S.D. 0.19)EU/m3、最大0.63 EU/m3であり、IO比は平均1.3、最大6.3と室内濃度が高い傾向を示した。 ④オフィスのダクト内ダスト濃度は600 (S.D. 1374) EU/gとハウスダストに比べると高くはないが、最大値は4,249EU/gと住宅並の汚染が観察された。 ⑤今後、換気設備の有無や掃除頻度、建物構造と空気及びダスト濃度との相関分析を行う。
  • 健康増進にむけた住宅環境整備のための研究
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2023年03月 
    代表者 : 林 基哉
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
    研究期間 : 2019年06月 -2021年03月 
    代表者 : 羽山 広文, 菊田 弘輝, 林 基哉, 森 太郎
    季節と健康に関する研究は生気象学・公衆衛生学に関する分野であり、既に多くの研究がなされている。本研究は、厚生労働省の人口動態統計データの死亡票(1972年~2015年)、国土交通省 気象庁のアメダス気象データ(日本国内約1300か所)、総務省の住宅・土地統計データおよび国勢調査データなどのビッグデータを活用し、以下の事項を進め、健康リスクに影響を与える要因を明らかにし、健康で安全な地域環境・住環境形成の指標を得た。 1) 各種ビックデータから必要なデータを連結する手法の開発、2) 季節・外気温度が死亡リスクへ与える影響の評価、3) 住宅政策の経年変化と死亡リスクの明確化
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
    研究期間 : 2018年06月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 金 勲, 柳 宇, Lim Eunsu, 林 基哉
    本研究は、培養法が基本となっている細菌汚染評価法に対して、より迅速かつ再現性及び定量性が高い評価手法として、真正細菌の殆どを占めるグラム陰性菌が産生するエンドトキシン(Endotoxin;内毒素、以下ET)を測定することを提案し、その活用性と実用性を探索することで空気経由の感染症及び微生物汚染を定量的に評価し、感染症予防と環境改善に資することを目的とする。 実施項目は、①室内空気中ET濃度の実態把握、②培養法及び遺伝子分析法による細菌濃度の測定、③ET濃度と細菌濃度の相関を調べ、ET測定による室内細菌汚染度の評価法を探索、である。 特別養護老人ホームを対象に北海道4施設、仙台6施設を選定し、2018年11月(北海道4件)、2019年3月(仙台5件、北海道3件)に室内計36カ所の濃度測定を行った。測定項目はET、浮遊真菌・細菌、DNA解析、測定箇所は寝室2室、共用空間1カ所、外気である。空調がされているオフィスは1EU/m3以下が多く見られるが、高齢者施設でも多くの部屋で1~2EU/m3以下の濃度が見られた。しかし、1施設では寝室、共用部共に16.9~48.4Eの非常に高い濃度が検出され、I/O比(外気濃度と対する室内濃度の比)も14.6~41.7と非常に高い。施設全体に影響している汚染源があると考えられた。 住宅に関しては寝室とリビングのハウスダストを採取し、室内汚染度を調べると共に室内環境と居住者健康に関するアンケートを実施している。2018年度に51軒の協力を得て、濃度分析を終え得ている。ダスト中ET濃度は5000EU/g未満が40カ所、5000~10000が31カ所、10000~20000が22カ所、20000~30000が5カ所、30000超過が4カ所であり、平均9,710±11,861EU/g、中央値6,010、最大80,349となった。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2017年04月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 開原 典子, 林 基哉
    本研究では、老化に伴い生理機能が低下する高齢者の健康リスク低減対応の一環として、乾燥疾患予防のための室内環境管理対策モデル提案に取り組む。高齢者の皮膚は若年者よりも乾燥しやすく、老人性乾皮症、老人性皮膚掻痒症といったトラブルに繋がりやすいと言われており、介護支援専門員等から、皮膚のケアの負担を懸念する声も聞かれる。本申請では、高齢者のQOL(Quality of Life)向上の基礎となる情報整備とその発信として、皮膚乾燥疾患予防のための室内空気衛生環境条件を調査し、乾燥感の生じるメカニズム解明への道筋をつけるとともに、高齢者の皮膚乾燥疾患予防のための湿度基準に関するエビデンスの構築と高齢者の健康維持増進のための室内空気環境に関する住まい方のモデルケース提案を行うことを目的とする。 本研究は、1)日常生活における乾燥感発生予防に関する実態調査研究と、2)乾燥疾患の予防に関する実験室研究の2つの研究からなる。実態調査では、室内のQOL改善に関心の高い高齢者を対象に、生理量・心理量・環境測定を複数年に渡り行う。実験室でも同様に高齢者の協力を得て、無理のない範囲で生理量や心理量の測定を行う。本年度は、皮膚水分率の深さ方向の分布などの生理量と心理量の測定を実験室行うとともに、統計解析及び人体モデル等を用いた解析を行い、乾燥疾患予防のための湿度条件を含めた物理要因の寄与率の算出に着手した。これらの結果について、次年度の改善提案に落とし込む予定である。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 林 基哉, 金 勲, 菊田 弘輝, 山田 裕巳, 阪東 美智子, 長谷川 兼一, 厳 爽, 開原 典子, 欅田 尚樹, 本間 義規, 大澤 元毅
    居住リテラシー、住居・設備、室内環境に関する調査では、平成28年度の2000-2005全国室内空気質実態調査及びカビダニ等アレルゲンの調査に居住リテラシーに関する内容を加えた全国調査の統計解析の基礎的な部分について行った。また、約50件を対象にしたアンケート調査及び測定結果について取りまとめた。モデルスタディーとして13件の住宅での通年室内環境測定を行い、リテラシー提供前の状況について、約1年半のデータを回収した。この化学物質分析については、埼玉県衛生研究所の竹熊貴美子氏の協力によって、分析を行った。基礎データとして、人口動態統計の死因に関する分析については、アメダスデータとの連結が可能になった。 居住リテラシーを考慮した室内環境予測手法では、研究2の分析結果に対応した、住居・設備モデル及び居住リテラシーの想定とプログラム化の妥当性の可能性を検討した。また、モデルスタディーにおける住居・設備モデル及び居住リテラシーの想定によるシミュレーション結果と空気環境及び温熱環境の測定結果との照合を行うための準備を行った。 ハイリスク対象のモデルスタディーでは、シックハウス対策法前後の高齢者住宅、復興住宅、高齢者施設等のハイリスク対象と一般住宅について、シミュレーションを行うと共に実測調査結果をまとめた。 居住リテラシーに関するガイドラインでは、実態調査、温熱空気環境のメカニズムと居住リテラシーを考慮したシミュレーション、ハイリスク対象のモデルスタディーの結果を受けて、居住に係る健康リスクのフローにおける要因と寄与係数又は関数を設定するための考え方を整理した。
  • 建築物衛生管理基準の検証に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2017年04月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 林基哉
  • 室内湿度環境管理による皮膚乾燥疾患の予防と改善に関する基礎的検討
    研究期間 : 2017年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 開原 典子、林 基哉、他
  • 半揮発性有機化合物をはじめとした種々の化学物質曝露によるシックハウス症候群への影響に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2018年03月
  • パーソナル空調を用いた空間の室内環境測定法に関する調査
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2017年03月 
    代表者 : 林基哉
  • 建築物環境衛生管理に係る行政監視等に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2016年03月
  • 復興住宅の断熱気密等環境性能の実態 東日本大震災復興住宅の断熱気密施工に関する調査
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 林基哉
  • 東北のプラスエナジーホームの設計ガイドラインと普及
    公益財団法人 LIXIL:助成金
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 林基哉
  • 老人福祉施設における出張理容・出張美容の実施に関する調査研究
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 阪東美智子、大澤元毅、他
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
    研究期間 : 2010年04月 -2014年03月 
    代表者 : 林 基哉, 大澤 元毅, 長谷川 兼一, 本間 義規
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2006年 -2009年 
    代表者 : 林 基哉, 本間 義規, 長谷川 兼一, 大澤 元毅, 大澤 元毅
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    研究期間 : 2006年 -2007年 
    代表者 : 吉野 博, 持田 灯, 内海 康雄, 三田村 輝章, 奥山 博康, 林 基哉
    1.換気量測定方法の検討 居住者の呼気を用いた換気量測定法における理論的検討を行った。また、各室のCO_2ガスの時系列変化を用いて、最小二乗法を基本とするシステム同定理論の適用性について検討した。 2.測定方法の考案 室内の在室者の人数を把握できる方法を考案した。また、各種測定機器の性能(測定限界、精度など)について検証し、居住者への負担を軽くするための居室への設置方法について検討した。 3.実住宅における測定の試行 前年度に行った実験家屋における実験結果を基に、実住宅での換気量測定を行った。第一に、在室者の行動をコントロールした条件で、様々な生活行為(在室者の移動、窓・間仕切りの開閉など)が測定精度に及ぼす影響について段階的に実験した。次に、居住者が任意の生活行動をした条件での実験を行い、実住宅における居住状態での換気量測定の精度について検証した。 4.実住宅における実測データの収集 3で試行した結果を基に様々な換気システム、居住者構成、気象条件の下で実測し、データを収集した。また、測定時における問題点などを整理して、測定精度の向上について検討した。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2005年 -2007年 
    代表者 : 繪内 正道, 羽山 広文, 菊田 弘輝, 森 太郎, 林 基哉, 西澤 繁毅, 長野 克則, 濱田 靖弘
    本研究では、第一段階として、実験室内で行った熱収支・物質収支に基づいて水平流水面の熱物質伝達モデルと垂直流水面の熱物質伝達モデルを提示した。 次いで、数値的な検証の一環として、実大実験と熱物質伝達モデルを組み込んだCFDの比較を行ったが、その拠り所とするために、境界層レベルの熱・物質伝達のメカニズムの解明に欠かせない、PIVによる流水面近傍の気流速分布測定を行った。 境界層厚さ、速度分布、蒸発・凝縮量の相互関係を探り、気流分布解析(CFD)用市販ソフトSTREAMに取り込み、実測と数値計算の一致度合いを検討した。2方程式(K-ε)モデルに移動境界速度を適用した場合、実測分布と数値解析分布が全く異なったので、流水面近傍では層流底層に対し、何らかの考慮が必要になることが分かった。 屋内公開空地を対象とした熱・空気環境計画には、事前に光環境の実態把握が欠かせない。トップライト型ボイド空間の熱・光環境の連成を行い、日射負荷の推定を可能にした。また、アトリウムを片面コア型モデル、中央コア型モデル、線形コア型モデルの類別し、PAL低減に寄与する上位パラメーターの水準分析を行い、最適仕様の組み合わせを明らかにした。 温度むらを生かした環境計画の一助に不可欠なマクロモデルによる数値解析の検討は、冷却流水面を取り込んだCFD解析の可能性の検討と合わせて引き続き行っていく所存である。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2004年 -2005年 
    代表者 : 繪内 正道, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎, 瀬戸口 剛, 本間 義規, 林 基哉, 佐藤 彰治
    本申請研究の目的は、冬をポジティブに捉えている子供達が、何時の時点で冬をネガティブに考えるようになるか、それに影響を与えている大人の側では、冬に対してどの様な適応状況にあるか、北方圏域における小学生や成人を対象にしたアンケート調査を通じて、経時的推移の実態把握を量ることにある。下記の「冬への適応に関する6軸の項目」に関わって、日本(札幌・盛岡・仙台)、カナダ(Waterloo, Gatineau)、フィンランド(Espoo)、ロシア(Knabarovsk)、中国(Harbin)においてアンケート調査を実施した。 1.Enduring Winter(冬を忍耐する)、2.Tolerating Winter(冬を大目に見る)、3.Accepting Winter(冬を受け入れる)4.Respecting Winter(冬に期待する)、5.Appreciating Winter(冬に感謝する)、6.Celebrating Winter(冬を祝賀する) 6項目合わせて、100%とするアンケート調査の実施例はなかった。この6軸項目を拠り所にして小学校学童や成人を対象にアンケート調査を実施することにより、言語や文化な違いを超えて、北方圏域で生活する人々の『冬の捉え方』を相互に分かり合い、共通の尺度を共有することは、冬とどの様に向き合い、冬期の屋外活動とどの様に取り組むのか、のシナリオが見出された時、積雪寒冷な地域に望まれるこれからのライフスタイル、特に微気候計画に基づいた街づくり(コミュニティーづくり)や省エネルギーのあるべき姿が明らかになり、これからの建築環境計画や都市計画に欠かせない基礎資料となる 第一部では、日本の小学生(低学年)は、冬をポジティブに捉え、大人になるに従ってネガティブになる。カナダの小学生も冬をポジティブに捉えるが、成人は2面的になっていた。フィンランドは小学生も成人も冬をポジティブに捉え、ロシアや中国(Harbin)では、冬を受は入れるという心理特性にあることが分かった。また、対象地域において学童や成人の外套下の温湿度測定・就寝時の寝室の温湿度測定の結果を取りまとめ、検討を加えた。 第二部では、札幌で行われたInternational Forum CREATION OF BETTER OPEN SPACES IN COLD REGIONS のProceedingsを収録した。このフォーラムでは、北方圏域における公開空地のあり方や学童の冬の屋外活動の実態を対象に、発表・討議を行い、Winter Citiesに求められる公開空地等の基本的な都市計画は如何にあるべきか、についてディスカッションを行った。更に、学童の冬の屋外活動を誘発するためワークショップを行い、学童による屋外活動を活発にする施設の提案や、研究者・都市計画家・建築家・行政官による屋外活動を誘発するためConcepts, Strategies, Toolsに関わった基礎的なディスカッションの結果を取りまとめた。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2003年 -2005年 
    代表者 : 林 基哉, 本間 義規
    本研究では、戸建住宅における居住状態での化学物質屋内濃度の履歴を把握するために、新たに開発した窓開巾記録器による窓開放習慣の把握と共に、窓の開閉に関係する温湿度、換気測定、室内空気質の測定を行って年間性状の実態を把握し、その結果を用いて、居住空間及び構造内部空間の温湿度、発生源中の含有量減少による発生能力の減少、建材の吸着脱離の影響、換気経路を考慮した長期の温熱・換気回路・濃度非定常シミュレーションを行って、換気方式や窓開放習慣が居住者吸気濃度の履歴に与える影響を明らかにすることを目的としている。 13件の住宅の窓開閉実態に関するデータ及び3物件のCO2、ホルムアルデヒドの室内濃度の連続データを用いて、窓の開閉と室内濃度の関係を分析し、窓の開閉パターンと室内濃度の関係を確認した。さらに、戸建住宅の隙間ネットワークモデルを用いて、生活スケジュールと窓開閉調査から得られた特性を考慮した非定常熱負荷換気汚染濃度の数値実験を行い、CO2、ホルムアルデヒド、天井裏と床下でそれぞれ発生させたトレーサーガスの空間移動、空間濃度等を計算した.建物気密性能、換気方式によって、各濃度等の年間推移に差異があると共に、夏期の窓開放によって特にホルムアルデヒド濃度が低下し、秋以降の濃度の抑制にも寄与することが確認された.また、換気方式によって内部空間からの汚染物質の侵入状況が変わり、第3種換気における侵入程度が高いことが確認された。このような内部空間からの侵入物質についても、窓開放によって室内濃度が低下するが窓開放の実態を踏まえたこの結果では、冷房を行わない想定でも夏期の月平均濃度は無視できない程度であった.以上により、現状の窓閉鎖傾向が室内空気汚染の要因となっており、長期の室内空気汚染に対する対策として夏期の窓開放が重要であることが確認できたと考える。

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