



  • 氏名

    山内 太郎(ヤマウチ タロウ), ヤマウチ タロウ


  • 保健科学研究院 保健科学部門 健康科学分野


  • 保健科学研究院 保健科学部門 健康科学分野



  • 2021, 食資源と健康, Food Resources and Health, 修士課程, 国際食資源学院, 健康,食,栄養学,環境,人類生態学,人間栄養学,脂質,酸化,糖鎖生物学,蛋白質,腸内環境,機能性食品、ポストハーベスト加工技術
  • 2021, 大学院共通授業科目(教育プログラム):社会と健康, Inter-Graduate School Classes(Educational Program):Health, Society and Environment, 修士課程, 大学院共通科目, SDGs, Environmental Health
  • 2021, 人類生態学演習, Seminar on Human Ecology, 修士課程, 保健科学院, フィールドワーク、人口センサス、家系図、地図(住居、土地利用)、リモートセンシング(GIS, GPS)、生業活動、生活時間、タイムアロケーション、食事調査、栄養分析、身体活動量、身体計測、生体試料(血液、尿、唾液など)
  • 2021, 人類生態学特論, Human Ecology, 修士課程, 保健科学院, 人類生態学、生態学的健康観、フィールドワーク、国際保健学、人間生物学、人口学、栄養学、人類学、地球環境問題、ライフスタイルアプローチ
  • 2021, 国際看護学演習, Seminar on Global Health Nursing, 修士課程, 保健科学院, 国際看護学、国際保健学、医療人類学、人類生態学、フィールドワーク、人口静態・動態、リモートセンシング(GIS, GPS)、生業活動、生活活動時間、タイムアロケーション、食と栄養、身体活動、行動、身体計測
  • 2021, 国際看護学特論, Global Health Nursing, 修士課程, 保健科学院, 国際看護学、国際保健学、医療人類学、生態学的健康観、フィールドワーク、参与観察、ライフスタイルアプローチ
  • 2021, 調査研究方法特論, Research Strategies in Health Sciences, 修士課程, 保健科学院, 身体計測、身体活動量、食事調査、生体試料解析、心理社会的尺度、自己報告法、質問紙法、医療統計学
  • 2021, 大学院共通授業科目(教育プログラム):社会と健康, Inter-Graduate School Classes(Educational Program):Health, Society and Environment, 修士課程, 大学院共通科目, 国際保健, 人類生態学, フィールドワーク, 疫学, 栄養学, 子どもの成長と発達, 身体活動, クオリティ・オブ・ライフ(QOL), 基本的ヒューマンニーズ(BHN)
  • 2021, 大学院共通授業科目(教育プログラム):JICA開発大学院連携プログラム, Inter-Graduate School Classes(Educational Program):JICA Development Study Program, 修士課程, 大学院共通科目, Health Sciences development, modernization of Japan, pollution, sanitation, infectious disease, industrial structure, transition of disease structure
  • 2021, 大学院共通授業科目(教育プログラム):社会と健康, Inter-Graduate School Classes(Educational Program):Health, Society and Environment, 修士課程, 大学院共通科目, 健康科学,環境,人類生態,遺伝・細胞,代謝,ストレス応答,生体計測,健康情報,栄養、精神的健康
  • 2021, 健康科学特論, Health Sciences, 修士課程, 保健科学院, 健康科学,環境,人類生態,遺伝・細胞,代謝,ストレス応答,生体計測,健康情報,栄養、精神的健康
  • 2021, 健康評価科学特講, Advanced Study of Health Evaluation, 博士後期課程, 保健科学院, 健康,評価,環境,脂質代謝,糖代謝,エネルギー代謝,主要栄養素摂取量,リスクコミュニケーション
  • 2021, 健康評価科学特講演習, Advanced Seminar on Exercise on Health Evaluation, 博士後期課程, 保健科学院, 健康科学,健康評価,演習,プレゼンテーション,研究技術力,調査能力,計画立案能力,討議能力,論文作成
  • 2021, 社会看護科学特講, Advanced Study of Social Health and Nursing Science, 博士後期課程, 保健科学院, 保健医療福祉制度と健康、ストレス、地域社会、プロダクティブヘルス、高齢者支援システム、未来社会
  • 2021, 社会看護科学特講演習, Seminar on Social Health and Nursing Science, 博士後期課程, 保健科学院, 保健医療制度、地域保健、母子保健、高齢社会、国際保健、論文クリティーク
  • 2021, 健康と疫学, Population Health and Epidemiology, 学士課程, 医学部, EBM、研究デザイン、疫学の歴史、医療統計学、フィールド調査研究、国際保健・看護学
  • 2021, 医療統計学, Medical Statistics, 学士課程, 医学部, 平均、分散、信頼区間、カイ2乗検定、t検定(対応なし、あり)、分散分析(1要因)、散布図、相関係数、無相関検定
  • 2021, 国際保健学演習, Seminar in Global Health, 学士課程, 医学部, 国際保健、グローバル化、健康、フィールドワーク
  • 2021, 地域調査法, Research Strategies in Community Health, 学士課程, 医学部, フィールドワーク、地域調査、ライフスタイルと健康、英語プレゼンテーション、グループワーク、アクティブラーニング
  • 2021, 栄養学, Nutrition, 学士課程, 医学部, 食事摂取基準、栄養所要量、エネルギー代謝、体格・体組成、食事調査、身体活動、主要栄養素、エネルギーバランス
  • 2021, 保健情報科学, Informatics of Health Sciences, 学士課程, 医学部, 医療情報倫理、個人情報、コンピュータ、ネットワーク、病院情報システム、電子カルテ、EBM、医療情報政策、看護情報学、臨床経済学、アプリケーション・ソフトウェア、インターネット、文献検索、論文構成、遠隔医療、標準化
  • 2021, 国際保健学, International Health Sciences, 学士課程, 医学部, 国際保健、世界保健機構(WHO)、健康、フィールドワーク
  • 2021, 看護研究Ⅳ, Nursing Research Ⅳ, 学士課程, 医学部, 看護研究,研究方法,研究論文,研究報告
  • 2021, 看護研究Ⅲ, Nursing Research Ⅲ, 学士課程, 医学部, 看護研究,研究計画,文献検索,研究方法,研究計画書作成


  • 環境健康科学研究教育センター長, 2022年4月1日, 2024年3月31日




  • 環境健康科学研究教育センター, センター長


  • 博士(保健学)(1998年03月 東京大学)
  • 修士(保健学)(1995年03月 東京大学)


  • 山内, ヤマウチ
  • 太郎, タロウ
  • ID各種




  • 環境健康科学研究教育センター, センター長



  • 人類生態学   国際保健学   栄養人類学   水、トイレ、衛生   身体活動   食と栄養   子どもの成長   体力   生活の質(QOL)   オセアニア   サハラ以南アフリカ   


  • ライフサイエンス / 応用人類学
  • ライフサイエンス / 栄養学、健康科学
  • 人文・社会 / 子ども学、保育学
  • 人文・社会 / 地域研究
  • ライフサイエンス / 自然人類学
  • ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない


  • 2022年04月 - 現在 総合地球環境学研究所 客員教授
  • 2022年04月 - 現在 環境健康科学研究教育センター センター長
  • 2013年04月 - 現在 北海道大学 大学院保健科学研究院 教授
  • 2018年05月 - 2022年03月 総合地球環境学研究所 教授
  • 2007年04月 - 2013年03月 北海道大学 大学院保健科学院 准教授
  • 2007年 - 2008年 総合地球環境学研究所 客員准教授
  • 2002年 - 2007年 東京大学 大学院医学系研究科 助手
  • 2000年 - 2002年 日本学術振興会 日本学術振興会研究員(リサーチ・アソシエイト)
  • 1999年 - 2000年 オーストラリア国立大学 研究員


  •         - 1998年   東京大学   医学系研究科   国際保健学専攻
  •         - 1998年   東京大学
  •         - 1995年   東京大学   医学系研究科   国際保健学専攻
  •         - 1995年   東京大学
  •         - 1993年   東京大学   医学部   保健学科
  •         - 1993年   東京大学


  • 2023年04月 - 現在   環境科学会   理事
  • 2020年   International Association of Physiological Anthropology (IAPA)   Vice-president
  • 2020年   International Society for the Study of Human Growth and Clinical Auxology (ISGA)   Executive member
  • 2020年   日本アフリカ学会   北海道支部長
  • 2020年   生態人類学会   理事   生態人類学会
  • 2020年   日本生理人類学会   理事   日本生理人類学会
  • 2020年   日本人類学会   評議員   日本人類学会
  • 2020年   日本成長学会   副理事長   日本成長学会
  • 2020年   日本健康学会(旧称:日本民族衛生学会)   理事   日本民族衛生学会


  • 2022年03月 日本生理人類学会賞
  • 2021年12月 Sanitation Value Chain 2020 Best Presentation Award(共著)
  • 2020年11月 日本成長学会 優秀発表賞(共著)
  • 2019年05月 日本アフリカ学会 優秀発表賞(共著)
  • 2018年10月 日本生理人類学会 優秀発表賞(共著)
  • 2015年05月 日本生理人類学会 優秀発表賞(共著)
  • 2009年03月 日本オセアニア学会 日本オセアニア学会賞
  • 2008年 日本成長学会優秀論文賞
  • 2006年 日本人類学会Anthropological Science論文奨励賞
  • 2004年 石本記念デサントスポーツ科学振興財団、最優秀入選
  • 2003年 三島海雲記念財団学術奨励賞
  • 2003年 稲盛財団研究奨励賞


  • Nyambe S, Kataoka Y, Hanyika S, Yamauchi T
    TRAJECTORIA 5 2024年03月 [査読有り]
  • Sambo J, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 14 1 15 - 26 2024年01月 [査読有り]
  • Rifqi MA, Hamidah U, Sintawardani N, Harada H, Nyambe S, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    Journal of Water and Health 21 11 1651 - 1662 2023年10月19日 [査読有り]
  • Michinaka M, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    PLOS ONE 18 10 2023年10月 [査読有り]
  • Yokoya S, Suzuki K,Sai A, Yamauchi T
    Asian Nursing Research 17 4 219 - 225 2023年09月 [査読有り]
  • Sato K, Hamidah U, Sai A, Ikemi M, Ushijima K, Sintawardani N, Yamauchi T
    Sanitation 7 2 25 - 42 2023年07月 [査読有り]
  • Sai A, Konishi T, Nishiyama H, Yamazaki M, Hao M, Yamauchi T, Yamauchi T
    International Journal on Homelessness 3 2 139 - 155 2023年04月 [査読有り]
  • Etoga SP, Hayashi K, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    Sanitation 7 1 7 - 21 2023年02月03日 [査読有り]
  • Zobome CG, Hayashi K, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    Sanitation 7 1 22 - 28 2023年02月03日 [査読有り]
  • Zeng Y, He J, Hao M, Han W, Yamauchi T
    Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics 28 2 99 - 108 2023年 [査読有り]
  • Min Li Chua, Imasiku Nyambe, Shigeo Fujii, Taro Yamauchi, Hidenori Harada
    npj Clean Water 5 1 2022年12月 
    Sanitation facility conditions and waste disposal practices are hypothesized to affect the fecal contamination of drinking water and kitchenware. The present study aimed to examine the physical conditions of sanitation facilities and waste disposal locations as well as determine the concentrations of Escherichia coli in drinking water, cups, dishes, flies, toilet floors, and kitchen floors. A total of 336 samples were collected from 17 households in peri-urban Lusaka. Generalized linear mixed models showed that six out of seven physical pit-latrine conditions, waste disposal practices, and kitchen hygiene practices had significant effects on the contamination of either kitchenware or drinking water. The results highlighted that improving the physical pit-latrine conditions, dumpsite location, washing water, and kitchenware-drying location may potentially reduce fecal contamination of drinking water, cups, and dishes.
  • Okabe C, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    Health Education Journal 81 8 1028 - 1038 2022年10月 [査読有り]
  • Washio S, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    Nursing & Health Sciences 24 3 634 - 642 2022年09月 [査読有り]
  • Asada Y, Chua ML, Tsurumi M, Yamauchi T, Nyambe I, Harada H
    Journal of Water and Health 20 7 1027 - 1037 2022年06月 [査読有り]
    Fecal contamination with a poor water, sanitation and hygiene environment in urban informal settlements poses diarrhea risks. Little information is available on the contamination of environmental media with enteric pathogens in such settlements. We investigated the contamination of Escherichia coli, rotavirus, and Cryptosporidium spp. in water, on kitchenware, and on flies in urban informal settlements of Chawama and Kanyama, Lusaka, Zambia. These environmental media were examined by XM-G agar cultivation for E. coli and specific real-time RT-PCR assays to detect rotavirus and Cryptosporidium spp. E. coli, rotavirus, and Cryptosporidium spp. were detected in samples of household stored drinking water (6 of 10 samples, 3 of 10 samples, and 2 of 10 samples, respectively), cups (10 of 20 samples, 2 of 13 samples, 1 of 13 samples, respectively), and flies (35 of 55 samples, 5 of 17 samples, 1 of 17 samples, respectively). The ranges of rotavirus concentrations in household stored drinking water, on cups, and flies were 2.9 x 10(2)-2.2 x 10(5) copies/L, 1.2 x 10(2)-4.3 x 10(2) copies/cup, and 2.0 x 10(1)-2.0 x 10(2) copies/fly, respectively. These results indicate the contribution of drinking water and kitchenware to enteric pathogen exposure and potential role of flies in microbial transmission.
  • Mitsunaga A, Yamauchi T
    Ecology of Food and Nutrition 61 4 484 - 502 2022年02月02日 [査読有り]
  • Konishi T, Yamauchi T
    Anthropological Science 130 2 161 - 169 2022年01月 [査読有り]
  • Agestika L, Sintawardani N, Hamidah U, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 12 1 32 - 40 2022年01月 
    Abstract Children's faecal waste is a major environmental health issue despite increasing access to sanitation facilities and sanitary products in Indonesia. This cross-sectional study investigated child faecal management practice and disposable diaper usage among under-fives living in an urban slum of Indonesia. Data on household socio-demographics, child characteristics, and child faeces management practices were collected from 184 randomly selected pairs of mothers and children through interviews and observations. Findings revealed children's common defaecation sites as improved toilet, disposable diaper, and reusable diaper at 33.7, 33.2, and 16.3%, respectively. However, hygienic child faeces disposal was at 45%. Multivariate logistic regression indicated that the common use of disposable diapers and bathroom floor as the child's defaecation site increased unhygienic disposal. This prevalence decreased for mothers with higher education and those who had initiated toilet training. Promoting mothers' disposal of child faeces from disposable diapers, preventing child defaecation on the bathroom floor, and initiating toilet training as soon as a child can walk alone are thus potential interventions.
  • Mariko Isshiki, Izumi Naka, Ryosuke Kimura, Nao Nishida, Takuro Furusawa, Kazumi Natsuhara, Taro Yamauchi, Minato Nakazawa, Takafumi Ishida, Tsukasa Inaoka, Yasuhiro Matsumura, Ryutaro Ohtsuka, Jun Ohashi
    BMC Ecology and Evolution 21 1 179  2021年12月 [査読有り]
    Abstract Background Homo sapiens have experienced admixture many times in the last few thousand years. To examine how admixture affects local adaptation, we investigated genomes of modern Polynesians, who are shaped through admixture between Austronesian-speaking people from Southeast Asia (Asian-related ancestors) and indigenous people in Near Oceania (Papuan-related ancestors). Methods In this study local ancestry was estimated across the genome in Polynesians (23 Tongan subjects) to find the candidate regions of admixture-enabled selection contributed by Papuan-related ancestors. Results The mean proportion of Papuan-related ancestry across the Polynesian genome was estimated as 24.6% (SD = 8.63%), and two genomic regions, the extended major histocompatibility complex (xMHC) region on chromosome 6 and the ATP-binding cassette transporter sub-family C member 11 (ABCC11) gene on chromosome 16, showed proportions of Papuan-related ancestry more than 5 SD greater than the mean (> 67.8%). The coalescent simulation under the assumption of selective neutrality suggested that such signals of Papuan-related ancestry enrichment were caused by positive selection after admixture (false discovery rate = 0.045). The ABCC11 harbors a nonsynonymous SNP, rs17822931, which affects apocrine secretory cell function. The approximate Bayesian computation indicated that, in Polynesian ancestors, a strong positive selection (s = 0.0217) acted on the ancestral allele of rs17822931 derived from Papuan-related ancestors. Conclusions Our results suggest that admixture with Papuan-related ancestors contributed to the rapid local adaptation of Polynesian ancestors. Considering frequent admixture events in human evolution history, the acceleration of local adaptation through admixture should be a common event in humans.
  • Sato K, Widyarani, Hamidah U, Ikemi M, Ushijima K, Sintawardani N, Yamauchi T
    Sanitation Value Chain 5 2 83 - 97 2021年11月 [査読有り]
  • Konishi T, Sonoda K, Hayashi K, Peng Y, Yamauchi T
    Sanitation Value Chain 6 1 23 - 38 2021年06月 [査読有り]
  • Sikopo Nyambe, Taro Yamauchi
    Global Health Promotion 175797592199571 - 175797592199571 2021年03月06日 [査読有り]
    Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) factors are responsible for 11.4% of deaths in Zambia, making WASH a key public health concern. Despite annual waterborne disease outbreaks in the nation’s peri-urban (slum) settlements being linked to poor WASH, few studies have proactively analysed and conceptualised peri-urban WASH and its maintaining factors. Our study aimed to (a) establish residents’ definition of peri-urban WASH and their WASH priorities; and (b) use ecological theory to analyse the peri-urban WASH ecosystem, highlighting maintaining factors. Our study incorporated 16 young people (aged 17–24) residing in peri-urban Lusaka, Zambia in a photovoice exercise. Participants took photographs answering the framing question, ‘What is WASH in your community?’ Then, through contextualisation and basic codifying, participants told the stories of their photographs and made posters to summarise problems and WASH priorities. Participant contextualisation and codifying further underwent theoretical thematic analysis to pinpoint causal factors alongside key players, dissecting the peri-urban WASH ecosystem via the five-tier ecological theory ranging from intrapersonal to public policy levels. Via ecological theory, peri-urban WASH was defined as: (a) poor practice (intrapersonal, interpersonal); (b) a health hazard (community norm); (c) substandard and unregulated (public policy, organisational); and (d) offering hope for change (intrapersonal, interpersonal). Linked to these themes, participant findings revealed a community level gap, with public policy level standards, regulations and implementation having minimal impact on overall peri-urban WASH and public health due to shallow community engagement and poor acknowledgement of the WASH realities of high-density locations. Rather than a top-down approach, participants recommended increased government–resident collaboration, offering residents more ownership and empowerment for intervention, implementation and defending of preferred peri-urban WASH standards.
  • Ming HAO, Jiabei HE, Yi ZENG, Wei HAN, Akira SAI, Taro YAMAUCHI
    Sanitation Value Chain 2021年01月07日 [査読有り]
  • Annan, R.A., Apprey, C., Agyemang, G.O., Tuekpe, D.M., Asamoah-Boakye, O., Okonogi, S., Yamauchi, T., Sakurai, T.
    African Health Sciences 21 2 927 - 941 2021年 
    Background: Adequate nutrition is required for growth and development in children. This study tested the effectiveness of nutrition education on knowledge and BMI-for-age (BFA) of school-aged children in the Kumasi Metropolis. Methods: Children, aged 9-13 years old were recruited from ten randomly selected primary schools in the Metropolis. The schools were randomly allocated into 3 groups: nutrition education (3 schools), physical activity (PA) education (3 schools), both interventions (2 schools), or control (2 schools). Following a baseline nutrition and PA knowledge and status assessment in 433 children, twice-monthly nutrition and PA education and demonstrations were carried out for 6 months, followed by a post-intervention assessment. Results: PA and nutrition knowledge improved in all groups (P<0.001); the highest improvement was among those who received both interventions (31.0%), followed by the nutrition education group (29.8%), and the least, the control group (19.1%). Overall, BFA improved by +0.36, from baseline (-0.26) to end of the intervention (+0.10, P<0.001). Within the groups, the nutrition group (+0.65, P<.001) had the highest improvement, then, both the intervention group (+0.27, P<0.001), the PA group (+0.23, P<0.001) and lastly, the control group (+0.18, P=0.001). Conclusion: Nutrition education could improve knowledge and BMI-for-age in school-aged children in Ghana.
  • Arimi Mitsunaga, Taro Yamauchi
    Journal of Physiological Anthropology 39 1 2020年12月 [査読有り]
    Abstract Background Growth references (growth charts) are used to assess the nutritional and growth status of children. In developed countries, there are growth charts based on the country’s national surveys. However, many developing countries do not have their own growth references, so they usually use WHO and US CDC references. In such cases, it is known that the growth statuses of the subject are underestimated or overestimated. This study sought to accurately assess the growth status of children by developing a local growth chart for children living in the Southern Province of Zambia. Methods Anthropometric measurements were conducted on 1135 children aged 2–19 years in the target area. The height and weight data for each sex and age were smoothed using the LMS method, and a percentile curve of height and weight was developed. Based on the US CDC reference, three indicators of undernutrition (stunting, underweight, and thinness) were calculated to determine the proportion of those who are undernourished (z-score < − 2). Results The 50th percentile curve of height and weight in the growth chart of the target population was equivalent to the 5–25th percentile curve of the US reference, and the children of Zambia were both small and of low weight. Conversely, although many subjects are small and of low weight, it was found that there were few poor nutritional statuses as judged by BMI. Through comparison with a previous study in the Southern Province of Zambia, a secular change in the growth of children over 20 years was found. Although there was no significant increase in height and weight in the older age group, there was a significant increase in height and weight at an earlier age. This is thought to be due to an increase in the growth rate of children due to improved socioeconomic conditions, women’s education level, and improvement in health care standards. Conclusions The subjects were small and of low weight compared to the US population, but the nutritional status was not poor by BMI. The height and weight at an earlier age increased compared to 20 years ago.
  • Dinala H, Sambo J, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    Sanitation Value Chain 4 3 37 - 60 2020年11月26日 [査読有り]
  • Sambo, J, Muchindu, M, Nyambe, S, Yamauchi, T
    Sanitation Value Chain 4 2 039 - 050 2020年08月25日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Sai A, Al Furqan R, Ushijima K, Hamidah U, Ikemi M, Widyarani, Sintawardani N, Yamauchi, T
    Sanitation Value Chain 4 2 051 - 066 2020年08月25日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Sikopo Nyambe, Lina Agestika, Taro Yamauchi
    PLOS ONE 15 5 e0232763  2020年05月13日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Mariko Isshiki, Izumi Naka, Yusuke Watanabe, Nao Nishida, Ryosuke Kimura, Takuro Furusawa, Kazumi Natsuhara, Taro Yamauchi, Minato Nakazawa, Takafumi Ishida, Ricky Eddie, Ryutaro Ohtsuka, Jun Ohashi
    Scientific Reports 10 1 2020年04月23日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Takahiro Miki, Tomohiko Nishigami, Tsuneo Takebayashi, Taro Yamauchi
    Journal of Orthopaedic Science 26 3 337 - 342 2020年04月 
    BACKGROUND: Low back pain (LBP) is a major problem; it causes significant burden, incurs considerable economic and human costs, and adversely affects the quality of life (QoL). Central sensitivity syndrome (CSS) is known as a group of overlapping conditions that share a common pathophysiological mechanism of central sensitization. Previous studies have shown that CSS is present in several disorders. However, it has been studied for people with presurgical LBP. The purpose of the study was to investigate the proportion of patients with CSS for presurgical LBP and to analyse the association of CSS with clinical symptoms and psychological factors. METHODS: Data of demographics, the central sensitization inventory (CSI), psychological measures, clinical symptoms of 238 patients with presurgical LBP were evaluated. The patients were divided into two groups depending on the CSI scores (≥40 and < 40). The two groups were compared, and the correlation between the CSI scores and other outcomes was analysed. Furthermore, multiple regression analysis was performed to identify factors contributing to the CSI scores. RESULTS: 13.0% of participants were CSS. All outcomes were significantly different between the groups and significant associations were found between the CSI scores and all other outcomes. In addition, Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) was most significant associated scale for the CSI scores. CONCLUSION: We found that certain patients had CSS with presurgical LBP. The CSI scores were significantly associated with the majority of the factors. The PCS was the factor with the most influence on the CSI scores.
  • Reginald Adjetey Annan, Solomon Adjetey Sowah, Charles Apprey, Nana Ama Frimpomaa Agyapong, Satoru Okonogi, Taro Yamauchi, Takeshi Sakurai
    BMC Nutrition 6 19 2020年04月01日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Abstract Background Good nutrition and physical activity of school-aged children are important for ensuring optimum growth and reducing obesity. This present study assessed associations between breakfast consumption, BMI-for-Age (BMI) and physical fitness in a cross-section of school-aged children attending government-owned primary schools in Kumasi, Ghana. Method The sample consisted of 438 pupils (boys = 213; girls = 225; mean age 11.1 ± 1.1), attending 10 randomly selected schools. Weight (kg), height (cm) and Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) were measured for each participant, and BMI-for-age z-scores determined using the World Health Organisation (WHO) anthroplus software. Participants were stratified into thinness, normal weight, overweight/obese using WHO cut offs. Physical fitness was assessed using forward jump, left and right handgrips, flexibility, sit-ups and 50 metre run following standard procedures and converted to scores of 1 to 10 following Japanese standards, based on which percentiles were derived. Total fitness score for each pupil was computed by adding all scores. A questionnaire was used to assess meal intake patterns. Results The mean BMI-for-age z-score for participants was − 0.24 ± 0.99. Thinness, normal weight and overweight/obesity were 2.7, 86.5, and 10.5% respectively among the pupils. Overweight was higher in girls (14.2%) compared to boys (4.2%), p = 0.003. Similarly, mean MUAC was significantly (p = 0.021) higher in the girls (22.0 ± 3.2 cm) than the boys (20.7 ± 7.3 cm). For physical fitness, the girls scored higher in forward jump (p < 0.0001), 50-m run (p = 0.002) and overall fitness score than the boys (21.0 ± 6.2 versus 19.2 ± 8.3, p = 0.012). However, a larger proportion of boys performed excellently and poorly than girls (p = 0.019). A positive correlation was observed between BMI z-score and hand grip (r = 0.21, p < 0.001), while sit up (r = − 0.11, p = 0.018) showed a negative correlation with BMI z-score. No other fitness test varied by BMI. Overweight children performed best in handgrip. Majority of children said they engaged in exercise (89.9%) and consumed breakfast (78.9%). Breakfast consumption was not associated with BMI z-score (x2 0.0359, p = 0.549) but non-breakfast consumers performed better in 50 m run compared to consumers (7.0 seconds ± 2.3 vrs 6.3 seconds ± 2.5, p = 0.022). Children who reported to exercise were physically fitter than those who did not. Conclusion Underweight levels were low while overweight was over 10% in these children. Girls were more than 3 times affected by overweight than boys, and were also physically fitter than boys. Breakfast consumption was not related to weight or fitness.
  • Knowledge, attitudes and practices of sanitation and hygiene among primary school students in rural area of Northeast China.
    He JB, Zeng Y, Hao M, Yamauchi T
    Sanitation Value Chain 4 1 039 - 050 2020年03月30日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Peipei Wang, Ming Hao, Wei Han, Taro Yamauchi
    Nursing & Health Sciences 21 3 323 - 329 2019年09月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Reginald Adjetey Annan, Charles Apprey, Odeafo Asamoah‐Boakye, Satoru Okonogi, Taro Yamauchi, Takeshi Sakurai
    Food Science & Nutrition 7 9 3042 - 3051 2019年09月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Yumiko Otsuka, Lina Agestika, Hidenori Harada, Lies Sriwuryandari, Neni Sintawardani, Taro Yamauchi
    Tropical Medicine & International Health 24 8 954 - 961 2019年08月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Junko Hasegawa, Hideki Suzuki, Taro Yamauchi
    Annals of Human Biology 46 4 323 - 329 2019年05月19日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Kanae Sato, Masako Sasaki, Mitsuhiro Nishimura, Taro Yamauchi
    Annals of Human Biology 46 4 340 - 346 2019年05月19日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Noël Cameron, Taro Yamauchi, Jun Ohashi
    Annals of Human Biology 46 4 285 - 286 2019年05月19日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Ming Hao, Wei Han, Taro Yamauchi
    Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 31 4 348 - 358 2019年05月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether an exercise intervention, nutrition education, or the combination of both were effective in weight reduction and maintenance for rural school children. Two hundred twenty-nine primary school children aged 9 to 12 years determined as overweight/obese were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups: exercise intervention, nutrition education, combination of both, and control. Nutrition education and rope-skipping sessions were performed for 2 months. Anthropometric measurements were administered at baseline, after 2 months (postintervention), and 1 year later (follow-up). The order of change from high to low in the body mass index standard deviation scores (BMI-SDS) between postintervention and baseline was combined intervention, exercise intervention, and nutrition education. The BMI-SDS between following-up and baseline was for combined intervention, exercise intervention, and nutrition education. The combined intervention had the best short-term and long-term effects. The exercise intervention had a better short-term effect than nutrition education, while nutrition education had a better long-term effect than the exercise intervention.
  • Yumiko Otsuka, Lina Agestika, Widyarani, Neni Sintawardani, Taro Yamauchi
    The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 100 3 727 - 732 2019年03月06日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Agestika L, Otsuka Y, Widyarani, Sintawardani N, Yamauchi T
    Sanitation Value Chain 3 1 13 - 23 2019年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Ushijima K, Dicko S, Yamauchi T, Funamizu N
    Sanitation Value Chain 3 1 25 - 39 2019年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 佐藤香苗, 鈴木みずえ, 山内太郎
    日本生理人類学会誌 24 4 149 - 158 (一社)日本生理人類学会 2019年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Hasegawa J, Suzuki H, Yamauchi T
    Journal of Physiological Anthropology 37 1 2018年12月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Chikako Nagahori, Yoshihide Kinjo, Assogba Joseph Vodounon, Maroufou Jules Alao, Geneviève Padonou Batossi, Benjamin Hounkpatin, Eve Amoule Houenassi, Taro Yamauchi
    Pediatrics International 60 9 875 - 881 2018年09月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Mariko Isshiki, Izumi Naka, Nao Nishida, Takuro Furusawa, Ryosuke Kimura, Kazumi Natsuhara, Taro Yamauchi, Minato Nakazawa, Takafumi Ishida, Tsukasa Inaoka, Yasuhiro Matsumura, Ryutaro Ohtsuka, Jun Ohashi
    Meta Gene 17 172 - 176 2018年09月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Jun Ohashi, Izumi Naka, Takuro Furusawa, Ryosuke Kimura, Kazumi Natsuhara, Taro Yamauchi, Minato Nakazawa, Takafumi Ishida, Tsukasa Inaoka, Yasuhiro Matsumura, Ryutaro Ohtsuka
    Annals of Human Biology 45 3 215 - 219 2018年04月03日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Mariko Issiki, Izumi Naka, Ryosuke Kimura, Takuro Furusawa, Kazumi Natsuhara, Taro Yamauchi, Minato Nakazawa, Takafumi Ishida, Ryutaro Ohtsuka, Jun Ohashi
    Journal of Human Genetics 63 1 101 - 104 2018年01月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Water, sanitation, hygiene, health and civic participation of children and youth in peri-urban communities: an overview of Lusaka, Zambia, field research report 2016
    Nyambe S, Hayashi K, Zulu J, Yamauchi T
    Sanitation Value Chain 2 1 39 - 54 2018年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Mapping of water, sanitation, hygiene and child health in an urban slum of Indonesia
    Otsuka Y, Ushijima K, Ikemi M, Milawati D, Sintawardani N, Yamauchi T
    Sanitation Value Chain 2 1 27 - 37 2018年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 山内太郎
    日本食生活学会誌 28 4 247 - 252 2018年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Chikako Nagahori, Yoshihide Kinjo, Jean Paul Tchuani, Taro Yamauchi
    Journal of General and Family Medicine 18 6 365 - 371 2017年12月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Japanese Journal of Health and Human Ecology 83 6 174 - 183 2017年11月30日
  • Assessing the impact of improved sanitation on the health and happiness of a west African local population: concepts and research methodology
    Yamauchi T, Funamizu N
    Sanitation Value Chain 1 1 63 - 70 2017年11月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Izumi Naka, Takuro Furusawa, Ryosuke Kimura, Kazumi Natsuhara, Taro Yamauchi, Minato Nakazawa, Yuji Ataka, Takafumi Ishida, Tsukasa Inaoka, Yasuhiro Matsumura, Ryutaro Ohtsuka, Jun Ohashi
    Journal of Human Genetics 62 9 847 - 849 2017年09月
  • Junko Hasegawa, Yoichi M. Ito, Taro Yamauchi
    GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION 10 1 1339981  2017年07月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Background: Maternal and child undernutrition is an important issue, particularly in low-and middle-income countries. Children at high risk of malnutrition should be prioritized to receive necessary interventions to minimize such risk. Several risk factors have been proposed; however, until now, there has been no appropriate evaluation method to identify these children. In sub-Saharan Africa, children commonly receive regular check-ups from community health workers. A simple and easy nutrition assessment method is therefore needed for use by semi-professional health workers. Objectives: The aim of this study was to develop and test a practical screening tool for community use in predicting growth stunting in children under two years in rural Zambia. Methods: Field research was conducted from July to August 2014 in Southern Province, Zambia. Two hundred and sixty-four mother-child pairs participated in the study. Anthropometric measurements were performed on all children and mothers, and all mothers were interviewed. Risk factors for the screening test were estimated by using least absolute shrinkage and selection operator analysis. After re-evaluating all participants using the new screening tool, a receiver operating characteristic curve was drawn to set the cut-off value. Sensitivity and specificity were also calculated. Results: The screening tool included age, weight-for-age Z-score status, birth weight, feeding status, history of sibling death, multiple birth, and maternal education level. The total score ranged from 0 to 22, and the cut-off value was eight. Sensitivity and specificity were 0.963 and 0.697 respectively. Conclusions: A screening tool was developed to predict children at high risk of malnutrition living in Zambia. Further longitudinal studies are needed to confirm the test's validity in detecting future stunting and to investigate the effectiveness of malnutrition treatment.
  • Takuro Furusawa, Izumi Naka, Taro Yamauchi, Kazumi Natsuhara, Ricky Eddie, Ryosuke Kimura, Minato Nakazawa, Takafumi Ishida, Ryutaro Ohtsuka, Jun Ohashi
    PLOS ONE 12 3 e0172676 - e0172676 2017年03月02日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 山内太郎, 佐藤香苗, 菅野未奈子, 松村康弘
    日本生理人類学会誌 22 1 3 - 6 日本生理人類学会 2017年02月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    We collected anthropometric data (height and weight) and calculated the body mass index (BMI [kg/m2]) of 89preschool children, aged 3 years (range, 36-47 months), who were living in a rural area of Hokkaido, in order to evaluatetheir growth and nutritional status. On average, the children had normal BMI; only 3% of children (n=3) or 1%of children (n=1) were classified as "obese" or "underweight", respectively. The obesity screening methods used—"obesity rates" and "BMI percentile"—had 99% agreement (only 1 child was classified differently), suggesting thateither method is accurate for the evaluation of overweight in preschool children.
  • Izumi Hagino, Taro Yamauchi
    Social Learning and Innovation in Contemporary Hunter-Gatherers 135 - 144 2016年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Taro Yamauchi
    Social Learning and Innovation in Contemporary Hunter-Gatherers 285 - 291 2016年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Chikako Nagahori, Jean Paul Tchuani, Taro Yamauchi
    NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES 17 2 229 - 235 2015年06月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    This study was conducted to clarify nutritional status and associated factors in 5-24 month old children in the district of Batouri, Republic of Cameroon. Mothers were interviewed using a semistructured questionnaire, and the child's weight, length, head circumference, and mid-upper arm circumference was collected. The data were compared with child growth standards proposed by the World Health Organization using Z-scores; (2)-test, Fisher's exact test, and Wilcoxon rank sum test were used to determine variables associated with malnutrition. A total of 100 mother-child pairs participated in this study; valid data from 100 pairs were subjected to analysis. The percentages of children with malnutrition indicators were wasting (6%), stunting (31%), underweight (14%), and low mid-upper arm circumference (16%). Five factors were found to be statistically significant in their association with the children's malnutrition: mother's age, child's age, mother's educational level, mothers who had family planning information, and the source of tap water. A high percentage of stunting was positively associated with a high percentage of chronic malnutrition. We speculate that insufficient nutrition was more likely to begin after weaning.
  • Kazuki Yoshida, Daisuke Sawamura, Keita Ogawa, Katsunori Ikoma, Kiyoshi Asakawa, Taro Yamauchi, Shinya Sakai
    Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy 24 2 81 - 87 2014年12月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Nutritional status and physical fitness of Pygmy hunter-gatherers living in the African rainforests.
    Yamauchi T, Sato H, Kawamura K
    African Study Monographs 47 Suppl 25 - 34 2014年03月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • The demographic characteristics and nutritional status for a hunter-gatherer society with social transitions in southeastern Cameroon.
    Hagino I, Sato H, Yamauchi T
    African Study Monographs 47 Suppl 45 - 57 2014年03月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Blood pressure of Baka Pygmies living in southeastern Cameroon.
    Kawamura K, Yamauchi T, Hayashi K, Sato H
    African Study Monographs 47 Suppl 35 - 44 2014年03月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • A controlled foraging trip in a communal forest of southeastern Cameroon.
    Sato H, Hayashi K, Inai H, Yamaguchi R, Kawamura K, Yamauchi T
    African Study Monographs 47 Suppl 5 - 24 2014年03月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Chieko Umetsu, Thamana Lekprichakul, Takeshi Sakurai, Taro Yamauchi, Yudai Ishimoto, Hidetoshi Miyazaki
    Social-Ecological Systems in Transition 157 - 178 2014年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 肥満化・体力低下時代を生きる子どもたち―日本と世界の子どもの体格とフィットネス―
    思春期学 32 1 160 - 167 2014年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 在宅知的障害者の栄養状態とQOLとの関連予測因子
    佐藤香苗, 川上貴代, 山内太郎
    Health Sciences 30 1 9 - 16 2014年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Kazuki Yoshida, Kiyoshi Asakawa, Taro Yamauchi, Satoshi Sakuraba, Daisuke Sawamura, Yui Murakami, Shinya Sakai
    Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy 23 2 54 - 61 2013年12月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Objective/Background The degree of a patient's absorption in tasks as a measure of rehabilitation effectiveness has yet to be studied. The objective of this study is to develop a scale that can measure a patient's flow state in a clinical situation such as occupational therapy (OT). Methods The final 14 items were determined from the comprehensive assessment of item analysis results by a preliminary experiment. A total of 240 participants engaged in computer games that induced three psychological states: flow, anxiety, and boredom. After performing each task, participants completed our flow scale and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The validity was confirmed from three viewpoints, namely, the correlation coefficient with the STAI, the discrimination power of each psychological state, and the accuracy of factor structure. An occupational analysis of various activities was also conducted to confirm that the computer game task was representative of measurable activities. Results Cronbach's alpha coefficient was.918. The total score of the scale was significantly negatively correlated with the total score of STAI (r = -.537, p < .01). A significant difference among each psychological state was observed (p < .01). Covariance structure analysis indicated that the model fit index showed an acceptable fit. The computer game task used in this experiment was closely related to games, crafts, learning, cooking, and playing an instrument. Conclusion Our flow scale appears to have satisfactory reliability and validity to verify quantitatively whether the occupational tasks used in OT can effectively provide a flow experience for patients. Copyright © 2013, Elsevier (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • I. Naka, K. Hikami, K. Nakayama, M. Koga, N. Nishida, R. Kimura, T. Furusawa, K. Natsuhara, T. Yamauchi, M. Nakazawa, Y. Ataka, T. Ishida, T. Inaoka, S. Iwamoto, Y. Matsumura, R. Ohtsuka, N. Tsuchiya, J. Ohashi
    International Journal of Obesity 37 9 1204 - 1210 2013年09月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Objective:Obesity is a growing health concern in the Oceanic populations. To investigate the genetic factors associated with adult obesity in the Oceanic populations, the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the beta-2 adrenergic receptor (ADRB2) gene with obesity was examined in 694 adults living in Tonga and Solomon Islands.Results:A screening for variation in 16 Oceanic subjects detected 17 SNPs in the entire region of ADRB2, of which nine SNPs including two non-synonymous ones, rs1042713 (Arg16Gly) and rs1042714 (Gln27Glu), were further genotyped for all subjects. The rs34623097-A allele, at a SNP located upstream of ADRB2, showed the strongest association with risk for obesity in a logistic regression analysis adjusted for age, sex, and population (P=5.6 × 10-4, odds ratio OR=2.5, 95% confidence interval CI=1.5-4.2). The 27Glu was also significantly associated with obesity in the single-point association analysis (P=0.013, OR=2.0, 95%CI=1.2-3.4) however, this association was no longer significant after adjustment for rs34623097 since these SNPs were in linkage disequilibrium with each other. A copy of the obesity-risk allele, rs34623097-A, led to a 1.6 kg/m2 increase in body mass index (BMI defined as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) (P=0.0019). A luciferase reporter assay indicated that rs34623097-A reduced the transcriptional activity of the luciferase reporter gene by approximately 10% compared with rs34623097-G. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay demonstrated that rs34623097 modulated the binding affinity with nuclear factors. An evolutionary analysis implies that a G> A mutation at rs34623097 occurred in the Neandertal genome and then the rs34623097-A allele flowed into the ancestors of present-day humans.Conclusion:The present results suggest that rs34623097-A, which would lead to lower expression of ADRB2, contributes to the onset of obesity in the Oceanic populations. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited.
  • Maria Mexitalia, Taro Yamauchi, Agustini Utari, Damayanti R. Sjarif, Hertanto W. Subagio, Agustinus Soemantri, Takafumi Ishida
    Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 26 5-6 441 - 447 2013年05月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Aim: Uncoupling protein (UCP) genes, which may contribute to energy metabolism in mitochondria, may be involved in the pathogenesis of obesity. We analyzed the differences in energy expenditure between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) UCP3 - 55C/T , UCP3 Y210Y , and UCP2 A55V among Indonesian children. Methods: The study included 76 schoolchildren (36 obese and 40 healthy mean age, 12.8 years) in Semarang, Indonesia. Body composition was measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis resting energy expenditure (REE) by indirect calorimetry physical activity by uniaxial accelero meter and total energy expenditure (TEE) by the equations extrapolated from REE and physical activity. UCP3-55C/T , UCP3 Y210Y , and UCP2 A55V were examined by restriction length fragment polymorphism analysis. Results: The TEE of the subjects with the T/T genotype at UCP3-55C/T after adjusting for fat-free mass (63.2 ± 7.2 kcal/ kg/day) and T/T at UCP2 A55V (62.8 ± 5.6 kcal/kg/day) was lower than that of the subjects with the C/C and C/T genotypes (p < 0.05). The REE of the subjects with these T/T geno types tended to be lower than that of the subjects with C/C and C/T (p = 0.05). No significant differences in REE or TEE were found between the UCP3 Y210Y genotypes. Conclusions: The subjects with the T/T genotypes of UCP3-55C/T or UCP2 A55V had lower TEE than those with other genotypes.
  • Takuro Furusawa, Izumi Naka, Taro Yamauchi, Kazumi Natsuhara, Ricky Eddie, Ryosuke Kimura, Minato Nakazawa, Takafumi Ishida, Tsukasa Inaoka, Yasuhiro Matsumura, Yuji Ataka, Ryutaro Ohtsuka, Jun Ohashi
    Journal of Human Genetics 58 3 142 - 149 2013年03月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Izumi Hagino, Koji Hayashi, Kyohei Kawamura, Hiroaki Sato, Taro Yamauchi
    Annals of Human Biology 40 1 9 - 14 2013年01月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Introduction: Many studies have been carried out to reveal the mechanism of the short stature of Pygmy hunter-gatherers in the African rainforest. However, due to limitations concerning age-estimation, sample collecting and data analysis, their complete growth pattern has not yet been clarified. Aims: This study has three aims as below (1) to develop a smoothed growth curve, (2) to elucidate the presence of adolescent growth spurt and (3) to assess the correlation of growth pattern factors to their final short stature. Subjects and methods: Anthropometric measurements including height and weight were carried out for 626 Baka children in southeast Cameroon. LMS method and Preece-Baines function were adopted to develop a smoothed growth curve and to assess their growth pattern. Results: The height velocity curve and acceleration curve derived from the LMS method showed the presence of an adolescent growth spurt. Biological parameters indicated their spurt was extremely weak and started at nearly the same time as published populations. Height gains between take-off and final height were almost equal between Baka children and children in published populations. Conclusion: The presence of a weak adolescent growth spurt is suggested in the growth pattern of Pygmy hunter-gatherers. Moreover, their short adult stature is possibly related to growth rate before onset of puberty. © Informa UK, Ltd.
  • Azusa Uemura, Maria Mexitalia, Johannes Capritanus Susanto, Taro Yamauchi
    International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 63 2 145 - 152 2012年03月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Our objectives were to (1) compare the measured and predicted resting energy expenditure (REE) using 18 equations in normal-weight and obese adolescents, and (2) examine potential predictive factors for accurately estimating REE in obese adolescents. The subjects chosen were 41 obese and 35 normal-weight adolescents living in an urban area in Indonesia. REE was measured using indirect calorimetry and compared with predicted REE determined via 18 equations. New predictive equations were developed via stepwise multiple regression analysis. Mean differences between the predicted and measured REE were within ± 5% with 13 equations tested in normal-weight subjects, and only six equations in obese subjects. New predicted REE derived from our new equations was significantly correlated with measured REE (P < 0.0001, R2 = 0.50.7). Measured REE was overestimated by existing predictive equations, especially in obese subjects. New predictive equations need to be developed that take age, climate and ethnicity into account, in addition to physical characteristics. © 2011 Informa UK, Ltd.
  • Addressing the wild yam question: How Baka hunter-gatherers acted and lived during two controlled foraging trips in the tropical rainforest of southeastern Cameroon
    Hiroaki Sato, Kyohei Kawamura, Koji Hayashi, Hiroyuki Inai, Taro Yamauchi
    Anthropological Science 120 2 129 - 149 2012年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    We designed observational surveys of controlled foraging trips of Baka hunter-gatherers in Cameroon to verify the 'wild yam question'-i.e. is it possible for human beings to live without agricultural products in a tropical rainforest?-and to examine their foraging lifestyle. We observed two 20-day trips during which no agricultural or commercial food except salt and pepper could be used. The first trip was conducted by six married couples in August, the short dry season, of the year 2003, and the second one by eight married couples in October, the rainy season, 2005. The Baka cooperators obtained 22 species and 43 vernacular names of food in all during both survey periods. No cooperators lost weight from any food shortage in both seasons. Energy intake per consumption-day was estimated at 2528-2865 kilocalories in the dry season, and at 2479-2777 kilocalories in the rainy season. Providing more than 60% of estimated energy intake in both seasons, wild yam tubers proved to be an essential food to enable a foraging life in tropical rainforests. From this survey we could find no evidence that it is impossible to live independently of agriculture in a tropical rainforest although it seemed that the cooperators paid a high energy cost to secure food, especially wild yam tubers. This study implies that a Paleolithic foraging lifestyle in the African tropical rainforest was very likely, although not easy, and that Paleolithic foragers may have been the ancestors of the present 'pygmy' hunter-gatherers. © 2012 The Anthropological Society of Nippon.
    Anthropological Science 120 2 151 - 155 2012年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Takuro Furusawa, Izumi Naka, Taro Yamauchi, Kazumi Natsuhara, Ryosuke Kimura, Minato Nakazawa, Takafumi Ishida, Nao Nishida, Ricky Eddie, Ryutaro Ohtsuka, Jun Ohashi
    American Journal of Human Biology 23 4 435 - 444 2011年07月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Objectives: This study examined the association between the serum leptin level and body mass index (BMI) and the effects of urbanization and polymorphisms of leptin (LEP) or leptin receptor (LEPR) genes on the leptin level in three Solomon Islands populations. Methods: A Melanesian population living in a remote area (participants: 106 males and 106 females, ages: 18-74 years), a Melanesian population in an urban area (89 and 94, 18-79 years), and a Micronesian population who migrated to a peri-urban area in the 1960s (84 and 69, 18-71 years) were studied. Anthropometric and serum leptin measurements and genotyping for LEP G-2548A and LEPR K109R and Q223R were performed. Results: The prevalence of obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) was the highest in the Micronesian population (30.1%), followed by the urban (18.6%) and the rural (2.4%) Melanesian population. The serum leptin concentration was the highest in the urban Melanesian, followed by the Micronesian and the rural Melanesian populations (P < 0.05). Interestingly, the parameter coefficients of the leptin concentrations on the BMIs were nearly identical in the urban and rural Melanesians after adjusting for age and gender. The LEPR 223Q/Q genotype was associated with an increased leptin level only in the Micronesian population after adjusting for BMI (P = 0.0008 and 0.0016 referenced to the Q/R and the R/R types, respectively). Conclusions: These observations suggest that the increase in obesity in the Micronesians had a genetic component while that in Melanesians might have been related with the urbanization. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 櫻井 武司, 那須田 晃子, 木附 晃実, 三浦 憲, 山内 太郎, 菅野 洋光
    経済研究 62 2 166 - 187 岩波書店 2011年04月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Neighborhood environment associated with daily physical activity measured both objectively and subjectively among residents in a community in Japan
    Jung Su LEE, Kanae KONDO, Kiyoshi KAWAKUBO, Yusuke KATAOKA, Katsumi MORI, Masahiro UMEZAKI, Taro YAMAUCHI, Yasushi ASAMI, Hirofumi TAKAGI, Akira AKABAYASHI
    Japanese Journal of Health and Human Ecology 77 3 94 - 107 2011年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Takuro Furusawa, Izumi Naka, Taro Yamauchi, Kazumi Natsuhara, Ryosuke Kimura, Minato Nakazawa, Takafumi Ishida, Tsukasa Inaoka, Yasuhiro Matsumura, Yuji Ataka, Nao Nishida, Naoyuki Tsuchiya, Ryutaro Ohtsuka, Jun Ohashi
    Human Genetics 127 3 287 - 294 2010年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Various Pacific Island populations have experienced a marked increase in the prevalence of obesity in past decades. This study examined the association of a promoter polymorphism of the leptin gene (LEP), G-2548A (rs7799039), and two non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms of the leptin receptor gene (LEPR), K109R (rs1137100) and Q223R (rs1137101), with body weight, body mass index (BMI) and obesity (BMI ≥ 30) in Pacific Islanders. A total of 745 Austronesian (AN)-speaking participants were analyzed after adjusting for age, gender, and population differences. The results revealed that carriers of the 223Q alleles of LEPR had significantly higher body weight (P = 0.0009) and BMI (P = 0.0022) than non-carriers (i.e., 223R homozygotes) furthermore, the 223Q carriers also had a significantly higher risk of obesity in comparison to non-carriers (P = 0.0222). The other two polymorphisms, G-2548A and K109R, were associated with neither body weight, BMI, nor obesity. The 223Q allele was widely found among the AN-speaking study subjects, thus suggesting that the LEPR Q223R polymorphism is one of the factors contributing to the high prevalence of obesity in the Pacific Island populations. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.
  • Impact of Ethnic Conflict on the Nutritional Status and Quality of Life of Suburban Villagers in the Solomon Islands
    Taro YAMAUCHI, Minato NAKAZAWA, Hiroshi OHMAE, Kiseko KAMEI, Kanae SATO, Bernard BAKOTE'E
    Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 56 4 227 - 234 2010年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 佐藤香苗, 千葉ひとみ, 山内太郎
    腎臓 32 2 119 - 126 2009年10月25日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Kanae Kondo, Jung Su Lee, Kiyoshi Kawakubo, Yusuke Kataoka, Yasushi Asami, Katsumi Mori, Masahiro Umezaki, Taro Yamauchi, Hirofumi Takagi, Hiroshi Sunagawa, Akira Akabayashi
    Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 14 3 196 - 206 2009年05月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Objective Previous studies on the association between physical activity (PA) and neighborhood environments (NE) focused on either objectively measuring the NE or the residents? perception of NE. Here, we investigate which actual or perceived NE is associated with residents? PA in Japan. Methods Two regions with an objectively assessed high and low residential density, land use mix-diversity, and street connectivity, respectively, were identified in one city. The subjects were selected using a stratified random sampling method by sex and age in each region. The NE of the subjects was objectively measured using the Geographic Information System (GIS), and the subjects? perception of the NE was assessed using a questionnaire. The daily total number of walking steps was measured with an accelerometer, and walking and cycling time were assessed by a questionnaire. Results For the female subjects, the mean cycling time, subjectively assessed as a means of transport, was signifi- cantly longer in the group with a high GIS score for the number of land use types, while the score for total number of walking steps was significantly higher among those who were aware of places to walk to, and cycling time for transport was longer for those who perceived an accessibility to post offices, banks/credit unions, gymnasiums/fitness facilities, and amusement facilities in their neighborhood. For the male subjects, the score for walking time for leisure was longer for those who perceived aesthetics and an accessibility to parks, and the score for total walking steps was significantly higher for those who perceived an accessibility to bookstores or rental video stores in their neighborhood. Conclusions The results to this study demonstrate that daily PA was high among female subjects living in a NE with land use mix-diversity, and who had an awareness of places to walk to and the accessibility to facilities for daily necessities in their neighborhood. For male subjects, daily PA was high among those who perceived the aesthetics of and accessibility to facilities for pleasure in their neighborhood. Further research is needed to determine the association between PA and NE on the basis of sex differences. © 2009 The Japanese Society for Hygiene.
  • 横山 真太郎, 佐藤 麻希, 久保 まり, 中島 弘二, 前田 享史, 倉前 正志, 山内 太郎, 石井 勝
    日本生理人類学会誌 14 3 117 - 122 日本生理人類学会 2009年 [査読有り]
    We have performed an investigative study about health, physical strength and living environment of children in East Asia. We investigated various measurement items, for example, local cold tolerance, measurement of physical fitness and questionnaire about a lifestyle in five cities of East Asia. The database was made based on these findings. By using the present database, we can investigate the actual situation of a lifestyle and developmental state of children living in urban area of East Asia. In this report, we describe and discuss the result that compared Japan with other cities in East Asia.
  • Yamauchi Taro, Lekprichakul Thamana, Sakurai Takeshi, Kanno Hiromitsu, Umetsu Chieko, Sokotela Sesele
    高等教育ジャーナル 16 16 67 - 75 北海道大学高等教育機能開発総合センター 2008年12月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The nutritional status, growth, and health of children are useful indicators for assessing the ability of a population to adapt to the environment and the extent of this adaptation. These indicators can be used to measure and evaluate the overall nutritional status and health of young children. In Zambia, in southern Africa, drought and unpredictable erratic rainfall are major factors affecting the health and nutrition of the inhabitants, particularly small children. A recent national survey conducted in Zambia indicated that the nutritional status of children was poor because 50% of children between 3 and 59 months of age had stunted growth (extremely short for their age), 20% were underweight (low weight for their age), and 6% showed growth wasting (low weight for their height). By contrast, between 1991 and 2004, data from six cross-sectional national surveys did not show any evidence of effects of drought. Therefore, an intensive, village-level, longitudinal monitoring survey is required to assess the effects of drought on the growth and nutrition of children. We briefl y summarize the growth and nutrition of Zambian children using data from the report of the Living Conditions Monitoring Survey (LCMS) 2004, with special focus on the southern and eastern provinces of Zambia. In addition, we propose a methodology for conducting a longitudinal survey to monitor child growth and nutrition in rural villages in the eastern and southern provinces of Zambia and report a 1-week intensive program to train local health assistants to make anthropometric measurements.
  • Jun Ohashi, Izumi Naka, Ryosuke Kimura, Kazumi Natsuhara, Taro Yamauchi, Takuro Furusawa, Minato Nakazawa, Yuji Ataka, Jintana Patarapotikul, Pornlada Nuchnoi, Katsushi Tokunaga, Takafumi Ishida, Tsukasa Inaoka, Yasuhiro Matsumura, Ryutaro Ohtsuka
    Journal of Human Genetics 52 12 1031 - 1035 2007年12月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    It has been suggested that Neel's "thrifty genotype" model may account for high body weights in some Oceanic populations, which presumably arose in modern times. In European populations, common variants (rs1421085-C, rs17817449-G, and rs9939609-A) in the fat mass and obesity (FTO associated) were recently found to be associated with body mass index (BMI) or obesity. In this study, we investigated the population frequencies of these variants in six Oceanic populations (Melanesians, Micronesians, and Polynesians) and tested for an association with BMI. Unlike European populations, the Oceanic populations displayed no significant association between the FTO polymorphisms and BMI. These variants were in strong linkage disequilibrium. The population frequencies ranged between 4.2 and 30.3% in the six Oceanic populations, and were similar to those in southeast and east Asian populations. Our study of the FTO polymorphisms has generated no evidence to support the thrifty genotype hypothesis for Oceanic populations. © 2007 The Japan Society of Human Genetics and Springer.
  • 離島に居住する男性高齢者の身体活動―連続7日間の加速度モニタリング―
    黒木 匡, 山内 太郎, 萩原 潤, 佐々木 久美子, 渡辺 知保
    民族衛生 73 4 127 - 136 2007年07月
  • 遺伝および環境要因と思春期の成長、栄養状態 ―南太平洋ソロモン諸島の3集団の比較―.
    山内太郎, 石森大知, 中澤港, 河辺俊雄, 大塚柳太郎
    日本成長学会雑誌 / 日本成長学会編集委員会 編 13 1 27 - 37 2007年04月 [査読有り]
    Geriatrics & gerontology international 7 1 26 - 33 2007年03月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Yamauchi Taro, Kim Soo-Nam, Lu Zhongfan, Ichimaru Naoto, Maekawa Ryuichi, Natsuhara Kazumi, Ohtsuka Ryutaro, Zhou Huan, Yokoyama Shintaro, Yu Wenquan, He Minxue, Kim She-Hwan, Ishii Masaru
    Journal of physiological anthropology and applied human science 26 2 101 - 107 Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology 2007年 
    Physical activity in childhood is important as it may establish adult behavior. However, few studies on physical activity in children have been conducted, especially in Asian children. We performed anthropometric measurements of 159 school children in two grades (grade 5: 10-11 years old and grade 8: 13-14 years old) from urban areas of Korea (n=79) and China (n=80). The total daily energy expenditure (TEE) was estimated for 7 consecutive days using an accelerometer. The mean height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) for boys and girls in both countries exceeded the US national reference median (CDC, 2000). Physical activity levels (PALs) were significantly higher in the grade 5 group (10-11 years old) and in girls than in boys for both grades. No significant difference in PALs or daily step-counts (STPs) was observed between 'normal' and 'overweight' subgroups based on BMI, although negative correlations were found between weight, BMI, or %body fat vs. PAL or STP among Korean girls and Chinese boys (r=0.32-0.38, all p<0.05). Daily variation in physical activity was observed in Korean children. In the Koreans (boys and girls, both grades pooled), TEE and STP were significantly lower than the 7-day average on Sundays, whereas for the Chinese population, STP did not clearly differ between the weekends and the week averages. In summary, PALs were higher in the fifth grade boys and girls than in the eighth grade children; interestingly, girls tended to have higher PALs than boys. Daily variation in physical activity was observed in Korea; children were less active on Sundays.
  • Age and Gender Differences in the Physical Activity Patterns of Urban Schoolchildren in Korea and China
    Taro Yamauchi, Soo-Nam Kim, Zhongfan Lu, Naoto Ichimaru, Ryuichi Maekawa, Kazumi Natsuhara, Ryutaro Ohtsuka, Huan Zhou, Shintaro Yokoyama, Wenquan Yu, Minxue He, She-Hwan Kim, Masaru Ishii
    Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 26 2 101 - 107 2007年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Beekley MD, Abe T, Kondo M, Midorikawa T, Yamauchi T
    Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, Combat Sports Special Issue 5 CSSI 13 - 20 2006年07月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Sumo wrestling is unique in combat sport, and in all of sport. We examined the maximum aerobic capacity and body composition of sumo wrestlers and compared them to untrained controls. We also compared "aerobic muscle quality", meaning VO2max normalized to predicted skeletal muscle mass (SMM) (VO2max /SMM), between sumo wrestlers and controls and among previously published data for male athletes from combat, aerobic, and power sports. Sumo wrestlers, compared to untrained controls, had greater (p < 0.05) body mass (mean ± SD; 117.0 ± 4.9 vs. 56.1 ± 9.8 kg), percent fat (24.0 ± 1.4 vs. 13.3 ± 4.5), fat-free mass (88.9 ± 4.2 vs. 48.4 ± 6.8 kg), predicted SMM (48.2 ± 2.9 vs. 20.6 ± 4.7 kg) and absolute VO2max (3.6 ± 1.3 vs. 2.5 ± 0.7 L·min(-1)). Mean VO2max /SMM (ml·kg SMM(-1)·min(-1)) was significantly different (p < 0.05) among aerobic athletes (164.8 ± 18.3), combat athletes (which was not different from untrained controls; 131.4 ± 9.3 and 128.6 ± 13.6, respectively), power athletes (96.5 ± 5.3), and sumo wrestlers (71.4 ± 5.3). There was a strong negative correlation (r = - 0.75) between percent body fat and VO2max /SMM (p < 0.05). We conclude that sumo wrestlers have some of the largest percent body fat and fat-free mass and the lowest "aerobic muscle quality "(VO2max /SMM), both in combat sport and compared to aerobic and power sport athletes. Additionally, it appears from analysis of the relationship between SMM and absolute VO2max for all sports that there is a "ceiling "at which increases in SMM do not result in additional increases in absolute VO2max. Key PointsSumo wrestlers have a high absolute VO2max compared to untrained controls.However, sumo wrestlers have a low VO2max /kg of skeletal muscle mass compared to other combat sports, other strength/power sports, and untrained controls.The reason for this is unknown, but is probably related to alterations in sumo skeletal muscle compared to other sports.Based on the present and previous data, there appears to be a "ceiling "at which increases in skeletal muscle mass do not result in additional increases in absolute VO2max.
  • Robert Walker, Michael Gurven, Kim Hill, Andrea Migliano, Napoleon Chagnon, Roberta De Souza, Gradimir Djurovic, Raymond Hames, A. Magdalena Hurtado, Hillard Kaplan, Karen Kramer, William J. Oliver, Claudia Valeggia, Taro Yamauchi
    American Journal of Human Biology 18 3 295 - 311 2006年05月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    This study investigates variation in body growth (cross-sectional height and weight velocity) among a sample of 22 small-scale societies. Considerable variation in growth exists among hunter-gatherers that overlaps heavily with growth trajectories present in groups focusing more on horticulture. Intergroup variation tends to track environmental conditions, with societies under more favorable conditions displaying faster growth and earlier puberty. In addition, faster/earlier development in females is correlated with higher mortality. For example, African "Pygmies," Philippine "Negritos," and the Hiwi of Venezuela are characterized by relatively fast child-juvenile growth for their adult body size (used as a proxy for energetic availability). In these societies, subadult survival is low, and puberty, menarche, and first reproduction are relatively early (given their adult body size), suggesting selective pressure for accelerated development in the face of higher mortality. In sum, the origin and maintenance of different human ontogenies may quire explanations invoking both environmental constraints and selective pressures. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • Jun Ohashi, Izumi Naka, Ryosuke Kimura, Katsushi Tokunaga, Taro Yamauchi, Kazumi Natsuhara, Takuro Furusawa, Rain Yamamoto, Minato Nakazawa, Takafumi Ishida, Ryutaro Ohtsuka
    Journal of Human Genetics 51 5 407 - 411 2006年05月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 佐藤 弘明, 川村 協平, 稲井 啓之, 山内 太郎
    アフリカ研究 2006 69 1 - 14 Japan Association for African Studies 2006年 
    熱帯多雨林において人類は農作物への依存なしに生存することは難しい, といういわゆる Wild Yam Question を検証するために, 2003年8月, カメルーン南部においてピグミー系狩猟採集民 Baka の6家族 (成人男女各6名と子ども4名) の協力を得て, 森の野生食物だけで生活する連続20日間の"純粋"な狩猟採集生活を観察した。調査期間中, 協力者のほとんどは体重を減少させず, 健康面にも障害を起こすことはなかった。調査期間中に協力者によって獲得された食物の含有エネルギーは, 比較的小柄な協力者たちの食料としては十分と思われる1日1人あたり2732キロカロリーと推定された。その53パーセントを野生ヤマノイモが, 26パーセントを獣肉類が, 13パーセントをナッツ類が占めていた。調査期間を通して, 野生ヤマノイモの採集量に変化は見られず, 採集圧の証拠は見出せなかった。他の食物も後半に増えたナッツ類以外調査期間の前後半で採捕量に有意な差はなかった。1日の平均歩数とキャンプ外出時間から見た食物エネルギーの採捕コストに関しては, 調査期間の前後半で有意な差はなかった。今回の観察からは, 熱帯多雨林における狩猟採集生活が困難であるという証拠は得られなかった。
  • Overweight in Urban Schoolchildren Assessed by Body Mass Index and Body Fat Mass in Dalian, China
    Huan Zhou, Taro Yamauchi, Kazumi Natsuhara, Zhili Yan, Hua Lin, Naoto Ichimaru, She Whan Kim, Masaru Ishii, Ryutaro Ohtsuka
    Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 25 1 41 - 48 2006年01月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Mika Tanaka, Masahiro Umezaki, Kazumi Natsuhara, Taro Yamauchi, Tsukasa Inaoka, Tetsuro Hongo, Megumi Nagano, Chiho Watanabe, Ryutaro Ohtsuka
    American Journal of Human Biology 17 6 696 - 703 2005年11月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Pacific Islands populations can be broadly divided into Austronesians (AN) and Non-Austronesians (NAN); obesity and type 2 diabetes are prevalent in the former, although leptin levels in both groups have seldom been investigated. Thirty-seven (20 male and 17 female) adult pairs, matched by age and percent body fat, from AN-speaking Balopa and NAN-speaking Huli, all of whom migrated to settle in Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea, were selected for comparison of their serum leptin concentrations. The Balopa did not differ significantly from the HuIi in age (30.5 ± 9.7 and 30.0 ± 8.7 years for males, 33.7 ± 8.9 and 34.1 ± 7.5 years for females, respectively) or percent body fat (19.4 ± 5.6 and 18.8 ± 4.6 for males, 34.1 ± 6.2 and 33.3 ± 5.0 for females), although the BMI of females was lower in the Balopa (26.4 ± .9) than in the Huli (29.7 ± 4.7) (P = 0.02). In both ethnic groups, females had markedly higher leptin concentrations than males, but there was no significant inter-group difference in males (3.5 ± 2.6 and 3.1 ± 4.7 ng/ml, P = 0.14) or females (22.7 ± 12.9 and 19.7 ± 11.9 ng/ml, P = 0.40), after controlling for lifestyle factors and serum lipids. Mu
    The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 72 5 534 - 539 2005年05月01日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Shoko Fukuyama, Tsukasa Inaoka, Yasuhiro Matsumura, Taro Yamauchi, Kazumi Natsuhara, Ryosuke Kimura, Ryutaro Ohtsuka
    Annals of Human Biology 32 6 714 - 723 2005年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Background: Despite much concern about adult obesity among Pacific Islanders, childhood obesity has seldom been investigated. Aim: Based on the anthropometry of Tongan children aged 5-19 years, this study aims to elucidate age and sex differences in obesity prevalence calculated from BMI and its relation to body fat estimated by skinfold thicknesses. Subjects and methods: 895 students, aged 5-19 years, in the most modernized island and a remote island, were measured for stature, body weight, circumferences at waist, hip and mid-upper arm, and skinfold thicknesses at biceps, triceps and subscapular. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was calculated using the reference data of the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Results: The prevalence of obesity of Tongan adolescent girls defined by the IOTF and CDC references was 19.4% and 22.8%, respectively, being considerably higher than that of not only juvenile girls but also adolescent boys. Among adolescents, the girls' BMI was positively correlated with fat mass whereas in boys it was not. The sex difference in adolescents was parallel to that in adults, being attributable to gender differences in daily behavioural patterns. Conclusions: Among Tongan adolescents, obesity prevalence in girls was much higher than in boys, in association with fat accumulation in the former. © 2005 Taylor & Francis.
  • Body composition and resting metabolic rate of Japanese college Sumo wrestlers and non-athlete students: are Sumo wrestlers obese?
    Anthropological Science 112 2 179 - 185 2004年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 緑川 泰史, 山内 太郎, 石森 大知, 大塚 柳太郎
    民族衞生 69 4 132 - 142 The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology 2003年07月31日 
    Seasonality of nutrient intake was evaluated by 7-successive-day food consumption survey in the ordinary season (March) and the slack season (June) of fish catch among 13 married couples in a Solomon Islands society, who were engaged in traditional horticulture and fishing, together with time allocation study. Males' time spent in gardening and fishing was significantly shorter in June than in March (gardening: -48 min/d, and fishing: -43 min/d; P<0 .05, respectively), while there was no seasonal difference in females. On the other hand, males spent more time in hunting and marketing, and females in particular did more time in marketing (P<0.01). No significant difference in energy intake between March and June was observed for either sex. The protein intake was significantly lower in June than in March (males: -23.9 g/d, P<0.01; females: -12.0 g/d, P<0.05). The males' fat intake was significantly higher in June than in March (+14.8 g/d, P<0.05), thought not significantly in females. To compensate the smaller amount of fish catch in June, the villagers spent more time in hunting and marketing, and they took larger amounts of coconut and a kind of nut, which abounds with fat . This study thus suggested that changes in food obtaining activities and food intake patterns of the villagers played significant roles to cope with seasonal shortage of fish catch.
  • Nakazawa M, Yamauchi T, Tanaka M, Ishimori D, Furusawa T, Midorikawa T, Ohtsuka R
    People and Culture in Oceania 18 35 - 44 Japanese Society for Oceanic Studies 2002年09月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Urine dipstick screening has clarified the overall health conditions of Melanesians who inhabit four less-modernized societies of Solomon Islands and shows that there is a slight inter-village difference in dietary conditions, which may be prognostic of health transitions in relatively modernized villages.
  • Nutritional adaptation of women in contrasting agricultural environments, Tari, Papua New Guinea.
    Yamauchi T, Ohtsuka R
    Papua New Guinea Medical Journal 45 99 - 105 2002年03月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Masahiro Umezaki, Taro Yamauchi, Ryutaro Ohtsuka
    Journal of Biosocial Science 34 1 133 - 137 2002年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Time spent on subsistence activities was compared between rural sedentes and urban migrants of the Huli population in Papua New Guinea. Person-day observation data were collected for rural sedentes (441) in the Tari basin and for urban migrants in Port Moresby (175). The time spent on subsistence activities by males was longer in the urban area than in rural areas, while that by females was similar in both areas. Conspicuous gender inequality with respect to labour hours in rural areas seems to diminish when people move to urban areas, reflecting the different subsistence regime between rural and urban environments.
  • 山内 太郎, 大塚 柳太郎
    民族衞生 67 4 156 - 168 The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology 2001年07月31日 
    Basal metabolic rate (BMR) and energy expenditure at rest and during step-tests were measured among urban migrants of Papua New Guinea Highlanders (n=6, 3 males and 3 females). Total energy expenditure (TEE) was assessed by heart-rate (HR) monitoring (flex-HR method) and physical activity level (PAL) calculation was based on BMR (i, e. PAL=TEE/BMR). All males had relatively higher PAL (above 2.0), whereas PAL of females varied (range, 1.51-1.96). These high PALS observed in males may reflect that they performed unusual heavy task (carpentry) during survey period. In addition, evaluation of accelerometers for the assessment of TEE was conducted by using TEE estimated from HR monitoring as reference . It was found that the TEE estimated from the accelerometer counts was highly correlated with that estimated from HR monitoring (r=0.85, p<0.05). The results suggest that the acceleration monitoring is a useful method for assessing physical activity of free-living populations.
  • T. Yamauchi, M. Umezaki, R. Ohtsuka
    British Journal of Nutrition 85 1 65 - 73 2001年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The influence of urbanisation on physical activity and dietary changes was examined in a Papua New Guinea Highland population. Adult male and female subjects (n 56) were selected, including twenty-seven rural villagers and twenty-nine urban migrants. BMR was calculated from values measured in similar samples of Huli-speaking population, according to gender and body weight. Total daily energy expenditure (TEE) was assessed by 24 h heart rate (HR) monitoring (flex-HR method) and physical activity level (PAL) calculation was based on BMR. Energy, protein and fat intakes were measured by weighing food on a single day. Urban subjects were heavier and taller than their rural counterparts significant differences were found in stature in men (P < 0.05) and body weight in women (P < 0.05). Urban subjects had longer sedentary periods (HR ≤ flex-HR) and shorter active periods (HR > flex-HR) than rural subjects. Consequently, the former had lower TEE and PAL than the latter significant differences were found in women (TEE, P < 0.05, PAL, P < 0.01) but not in men. Total daily energy intake and TEE were well balanced (< 7 %) in all groups, whereas protein and fat intakes were considerably higher in urban subjects than rural subjects. Reduced PAL and increased fat intake by urban dwellers may increase the risks of obesity and chronic degenerative diseases.
  • Taro Yamauchi, Masahiro Umezaki, Ryutaro Ohtsuka
    American Journal of Physical Anthropology 114 3 258 - 268 2001年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Several studies on human energetics have been conducted in developed and developing countries, but very few simultaneously measured time use and energy expenditure. Only a few quantitatively compared subsistence patterns between rural and urban dwellers of an identical population. Here we present the daily physical activity level (PAL), physical exertion, time, and energy expenditure in contrasting subsistence/occupational activities of Papua New Guinea Highlanders, comparing 27 rural villagers (15 men, 12 women) who maintained traditional subsistence agriculture, with 29 urban migrants (14 men, 15 women) who engaged in cash-earning work. A large sex inequality in the division of labor was noted between rural males and females, but not among urban dwellers. Rural-urban comparison indicated sex differences in urbanization. For urban men, the reduction of physical exertion level during work, from energy-consuming agricultural work to sedentary cash-earning work, together with significantly extended work time (by 261 min/day, P < 0.001), led to an increase in work energy expenditure (15-29% of PAL). In contrast, urban women who spent almost equal time at work relative to rural women showed a lower energy expenditure (18% compared to 26% of PAL). The associations with urbanization included a gain in body weight (by 6.4 kg for either sex) and reduced PAL (by 7%, not significant in men 13%, P < 0.01 in women). Further research is needed to elucidate the effects of urbanization on time use, energy expenditure, and PAL, by comparing rural residents with urban migrants in the same population. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • Kazumi Natsuhara, Tsukasa Inaoka, Masahiro Umezaki, Taro Yamauchi, Tetsuro Hongo, Megumi Nagano, Ryutaro Ohtsuka
    American Journal of Human Biology 12 5 655 - 664 2000年09月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Taro YAMAUCHI, Hiroaki SATO, Kyohei KAWAMURA
    African study monographs 21 2 67 - 82 京都大学 2000年04月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The nutritional status of 75 male and 73female pygmy hunter-gatheres were surveyed as well as the daily physical activity, energy and intake of major nutrients, and total energy expenditure were examined for two married couples of the Baka hunter-gatherers in Cameroon. The average stature was intermediate relative to other Pygmy hunter-gatherers, and the subjects were generally well nourished. Despite the limited sample size and survey duration, the results indicated that the energy intake and energy expenditure of Cameroonian Baka hunter-gatherers were relatively low, which may enable them to adapt to low food availability in the village camps during the rainy season.
  • T. Yamauchi, R. Ohtsuka
    European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 54 6 494 - 499 2000年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Objective: (1) To evaluate inter-individual variations, regional and sex differences in the basal metabolic rate (BMR) and related variables (2) to compare measured BMR with estimated BMR using predictive equations and (3) to examine the net mechanical efficiency (NME) in step tests. Design: BMR and energy costs at rest and during step tests were measured by the Douglas bag technique of indirect calorimetry. NME was calculated from BMR and energy costs of step tests. Setting: Rural villages under subsistence agriculture and urban settlements under cash economy. Subjects: Adult males and females (n=33) including 16 rural villages and 17 urban migrants. Interventions: Step exercise test. Results: There were significant regional differences in BMR (per body weight) in both sexes. The BMR predicted by Schofield equation correlated with the measured BMR ( - 1 to + 3%), while the BMR predicted by Henry and Rees equations under estimated the measured BMR by 6 - 11%. NME was higher in urban subjects with larger body size than in rural subjects for both sexes, albeit insignificantly. NME tended to be higher with increased stepping level in both sexes. Conclusions: Urban migrants had lower BMR than rural dwellers, and the BMR predicted by Schofield equation correlated with the measured BMR in both sub-groups.
  • T. Yamauchi, M. Umezaki, R. Ohtsuka
    Annals of Human Biology 27 6 571 - 585 2000年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Objectives: The study aimed to (1) elucidate the energetic adaptations of Huli people by comparing the three sub-populations in relation to their diversified natural and socioeconomic environment, based on energy expenditure and time allocation data and (2) assess the applicability of a new index of physical exertion levels of activities (physical exertion index: PEI). Research design and methods: Married males and females (n = 43) were selected, including 14 from a hilly village, 13 from a flat swampy village and 16 migrants to a town. Continuous heart rate (HR) monitoring, in conjunction with minute-by-minute observation of activities, was undertaken. Total energy expenditure was assessed by flex-HR method and physical activity level (PAL) was calculated as multiples of basal metabolic rate. Observed activities were divided into 15 categories and the PEI was calculated for each: PEI = (mean HR of a categorized activity)/(flex HR) x 100. Results: No significant difference was found in PAL among the three sub-populations: 1.77, 1.92 and 1.81 for men and 1.78, 1.98 and 1.66 for women in hilly and flat villages, and a town, respectively. The comparison of the two village groups revealed that hilly terrain did not affect substantially the physical intensity of agricultural activities. On the other hand, the town migrants were engaged in sedentary paid jobs and these were less energy consuming than agricultural work. However, the different energy costs between paid jobs and agricultural work were offset by longer work time in the town group than in the two village groups (251 vs 50 or 70 min in males 258 vs 152 or 138 min in females), resulting in similar PAL in the three groups. Conclusions: Despite contrasting natural and social environments, no significant difference was found in daily physical activity level among the three sub-populations (two villages and a town) of Huli-speaking people in Papua New Guinea Highlands.
  • Impact of population pressure on food production: An analysis of land use change and subsistence pattern in the Tari basin in Papua New Guinea Highlands
    Masahiro Umezaki, Yukio Kuchikura, Taro Yamauchi, Ryutaro Ohtsuka
    Human Ecology 28 3 359 - 381 2000年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The impact of increase in population on land use and subsistence pattern was examined in two environmentally contrasting Huli-speaking communities, Heli and Wenani, in the Tari basin in Papua New Guinea Highlands. Despite the similar extent of population increase in both communities, the damage to land differed markedly. In Heli, a decrease in land productivity owing to excessive agricultural use has induced farmers to shorten the fallow duration, which in turn has led to further land degradation and difficulties in increasing food production. In contrast, Wenani villagers have coped with the population increase by enlarging areas for cultivation and possibly will be able to double their present production level, although increasingly frequent disputes over land rights have restricted peoples' access to fertile areas. During a period of climatic perturbations in 1994, land and labor productivities of crops were three times higher in Wenani than in Heli, which suffered a severe food shortage. This difference in ability to cope with climatic perturbations may have increased with population growth. The findings in the present study suggest that the effects of population pressure on food production may differ between communities, depending on the indigenous environment and subsistence pattern.
  • Masahiro Umezaki, Taro Yamauchi, Ryutaro Ohtsuka
    Ecology of Food and Nutrition 37 5 409 - 427 1998年12月 [査読有り][通常論文]




  • カメルーンのピグミー系狩猟採集民 Baka の衛生観と帰属意識
    佐井旭, 山内太郎
    第29回 生態人類学会研究大会 2024年03月 口頭発表(一般) 美松(福井県あわら市) 生態人類学会
  • Community-based WASH Research: A Global Sanitation Project.  [招待講演]
    Yamauchi T
    Kaohsiung Medical University, Hokkaido University, Research Exchange Workshop 2024年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Kaohsiung
  • 山内太郎
    「出ユーラシアの統合的人類史学ー文明創出メカニズムの解明ー」第10回全体会議 2024年03月 ポスター発表 岡山大学(岡山県岡山市), online
  • Indigeneity in Cameroon: Hygiene attitude and a sense of belonging among Baka hunter-gatherers  [招待講演]
    Sai A, Yamauchi T
    International Cameroon & Japan Workshop: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in urban and semi-urban slums in Cameroon 2024年02月 Yaounde
  • Global challenges in water, sanitation and hygiene: Transdisciplinary approach  [招待講演]
    Yamauchi T
    International Cameroon & Japan Workshop: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in urban and semi-urban slums in Cameroon 2024年02月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(公募) Yaounde
  • 子どもと地域と共創する未来のサニテーション:人類生態学からプラネタリーヘルスへ  [招待講演]
    北海道大学医学部衛生学教室100周年記念講演会 2023年12月 口頭発表(招待・特別) ANAクラウンプラザホテル札幌(北海道札幌市) 北海道大学大学院医学研究院 社会医学分野衛生学教室
  • インドネシアの都市スラムに居住する女子学生の初経及び月経に関する知識、 態度、経験について
    砂澤楓華, 佐井旭, 山内太郎
    第88回日本健康学会総会 2023年12月 ポスター発表 弘前大学(青森県弘前市), online 日本健康学会
  • マレーシアの都市部に居住する若年男性のボディイメージと社会文化的要因
    佐井旭, 山内太郎
    第88回日本健康学会総会 2023年12月 口頭発表(一般) 弘前大学(青森県弘前市), online 日本健康学会
  • Menstrual characteristics and obesity among adolescent girls of Bandung, Indonesia
    Sunazawa F, Nilawati D, Hamidah U, Sai A, Sintawardani N, Yamauchi T
    International Society for Sanitation Studies Annual Conference 2023 2023年11月 ポスター発表 International Society for Sanitation Studies (ISSS)
  • Water, sanitation and hygiene assessment for menstrual health and hygiene in peri-urban schools of Kafue district in Lusaka, Zambia
    Sambo J, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    International Society for Sanitation Studies Annual Conference 2023 2023年11月 口頭発表(一般) online International Society for Sanitation Studies (ISSS)
  • Assessment of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Peri-urban Kafue, Zambia  [招待講演]
    Zgambo J, Meki C, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    International Society for Sanitation Studies Annual Conference 2023 2023年11月 口頭発表(招待・特別) online International Society for Sanitation Studies (ISSS)
  • Exploring menstrual hygiene management and socio- demographic factors affecting menstrual product usage among nursing and midwifery students in Bangladesh
    Uz Zaman MD, Nyambe S, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    International Society for Sanitation Studies Annual Conference 2023 2023年11月 口頭発表(一般) online International Society for Sanitation Studies (ISSS)
  • Assessing malnutrition in urban slum children: The influence of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and dietary intake during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Rifqi MA, Hamidah U, Sintawardani N, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    International Society for Sanitation Studies Annual Conference 2023 2023年11月 口頭発表(一般) online International Society for Sanitation Studies (ISSS)
  • ステークホルダーとの協働 ー超学際研究とサニテーションの共創ー  [招待講演]
    第3回 Future Earth 日本サミット2023 人新世における平和と生命(いのち) 2023年11月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名) 総合地球環境学研究所 (京都府京都市), online フューチャー・アース日本委員会
  • Hand hygiene and child diarrhea in urban slum Indonesia during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Rifqi MA, Hamidah U, Sintawardani N, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    The 7th International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains 2023年11月 口頭発表(一般) Bandung, online Research Center for Environmental and Clean Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
  • "Does the community-based water supply system have cost merit?: Case in Hokkaido, Japan
    Ushijima K, Yamauchi T
    The 7th International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains 2023年11月 口頭発表(一般) Bandung, online Research Center for Environmental and Clean Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
  • Community-based WASH Research: A Global Sanitation Project Revisit  [招待講演]
    Yamauchi T
    The 7th International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains 2023年11月 口頭発表(基調) Bandung, online Research Center for Environmental and Clean Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
  • Mental Health Challenges: Faced by Urban-slum Sanitation Workers in Indonesia
    Sai A, Sintawardani N, Yamauchi T
    The 7th International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains 2023年11月 口頭発表(一般) Bandung, online Research Center for Environmental and Clean Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
  • 人間の行動をハカル:時空間利用から栄養適応へ  [招待講演]
    大型野生動物学と人類学のGPS・生体情報計測研究の最先端と今後の課題 2023年11月 口頭発表(招待・特別) ラッセホール(兵庫県神戸市) 科研費基盤 (S) 社会性の起原と進化:人類学と霊長類学の協働に基づく人類進化理論の新開拓
  • Future approach to exploring garbage workers’ mental health and quality of life during the pandemic
    Sai A, Yamauchi T
    KAKENHI” Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists”: Research Meeting on Urban Sanitation and Mental and Social Well-being In Bandung, Indonesia 2023年10月 その他 Bandung
  • Co-creation of Community-based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) with Local Stakeholders  [招待講演]
    Yamauchi T
    The 6th FHS International Conference 2023年10月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名) Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido) Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
  • Menstrual Hygiene Management among Adolescent Girls in Lilongwe District, Malawi
    Mitsunaga A, Yamauchi T
    The 6th FHS International Conference 2023年10月 ポスター発表 Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido) Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
  • Water, sanitation and hygiene facilities and child diarrhea in urban-slum Indonesia during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Rifqi MA, Hamidah U, Sintawardani N, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    The 6th FHS International Conference 2023年10月 ポスター発表 Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido) Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
  • Understanding Menstrual Hygiene Management : A Narrative Review and Pilot Study in Bangladesh
    Uz Zaman MN, Sai A, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    The 6th FHS International Conference 2023年10月 ポスター発表 Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido) Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
  • Menstrual Hygiene Management Mapping: A Baseline Study of the Impact of an Interventional Study on Menstruating Schoolgirls in Kafue Peri-urban Schools of Lusaka, Zambia
    Sambo J, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    The 6th FHS International Conference 2023年10月 ポスター発表 Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
  • Water-Environment-Health Nexus : Assessing the Interplay of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene with Environmental Factors and Health Risks in Peri-urban Zambia
    Zgambo J, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    The 6th FHS International Conference 2023年10月 ポスター発表 Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido) Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
  • Menstrual knowledge and attitude of school girls in urban-slum Indonesia
    Sunazawa F, Nilawati D, Sintawardani N, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    The 6th FHS International Conference 2023年10月 ポスター発表 Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido) Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
  • 地域社会と未来のサニテーションを共創する:ポストSDGsを見据えて  [招待講演]
    長崎大学大学院セミナー 2023年10月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 長崎大学(長崎県長崎市) 長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科
  • Food security and nutritional adaptation of adults in contrasting ecological zones in rural Zambia  [招待講演]
    Yamauchi T
    Global Center for Food, Land and Water Resources (GCF) International Symposium 2023: Solutions to Address Food and Environmental Problems 2023年09月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名) School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido) Global Center for Food, Land and Water Resourcess, Hokkaido University
  • Division of Labor and Physical Activity Levels among Caregivers in the Context of Childcare in the Baka Society: An Anthropometric and Observational Study
    Yamauchi T
    16th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology 2023年09月 口頭発表(一般) Kota Kinabal International Association of Physiological Anthropology
  • 女性と男性にとっての月経衛生対処: 課題発見と身体的・精神的・社会的対応策
    シコポ・ニャンベ, 佐井旭, 山内太郎
    北海道大学COI-NEXT「こころとカラダのライフデザイン共創拠点」サイトビジット 2023年09月 口頭発表(一般)
  • Socio-economics, environment and health of the three populations of "Out of Eurasia" from the anthropometric perspective  [招待講演]
    Yamauchi T
    International Workshop in Arequipa, Peru : Various Perspectives for Landscape Studies 2023年08月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名) Le Corbusier auditorium. National University of San Agustin of Arequipa
  • 地球1つで暮らしていくために「企業に期待すること」とは?  [招待講演]
    山内太郎, 山極壽一
    SWiTCH CHAT for actions~Z世代が企業に期待するサステナブルアクションとは?~ 2023年07月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 SHIBUYA QWS(東京都渋谷区) 一般社団法人SWiTCH
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Participatory Action Research with Children & Youth in peri-urban Lusaka, Zambia.
    Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress 2023 2023年06月 Panama City
  • Co-creation with local communities: An overview of Sanitation and Health in Indonesia, Japan and Zambia.
    Yamauchi T
    Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress 2023 2023年06月 Panama City
  • Community-based WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene): Using participatory action research to explore ‘different ways of knowing’.
    Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    Hokkaido University-University of Melborune International Workshop "Indigenous Health: Exploring Perspectives, Well-being, and Community-based Approaches". 2023年06月 Centennial Hall Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido)
  • Indigeneity: Hygiene attitude and a sense of belonging among hunter-gatherers in Cameroon.
    Sai A, Yamauchi T
    Hokkaido University-University of Melborune International Workshop "Indigenous Health: Exploring Perspectives, Well-being, and Community-based Approaches". 2023年06月 Centennial Hall Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido)
  • Food Security and Nutrition: Nutritional status, dietary intake and physical activity of rural villagers in contrasting ecological zones in Southern Zambia.
    Yamauchi T
    Hokkaido University-University of Melborune International Workshop "Indigenous Health: Exploring Perspectives, Well-being, and Community-based Approaches". 2023年06月 Centennial Hall Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido)
  • 子どもと地域で創る未来のサニテーション
    令和5年度北海道大学公開講座(全学企画)「社会変革の実現に向けた大学の役割:SDGs研究最前線」 2023年06月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 online 北海道大学
  • Pythonを用いた表面筋電図データ解析 -歩行時の筋活動を例に-
    山本理恵子, 白石俊彦, 伊丹渉, 河端将司, 岩田啓芳, 山内太郎
    日本生理人類学会第84回大会 2023年06月 ポスター発表 九州大学(福岡県福岡市) 日本生理人類学会
  • Understanding our community through the eyes of children - a focus on peri-urban water, sanitation hygiene.
    Zgambo J, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    11th Zambia Water Forum & Exhibition 2023年06月 Lusaka
  • Adopting a holistic approach for Menstrual Health and Hygiene: Possible opportunities and challenges for WASH interventions in peri-urban Lusaka, Zambia.
    Sambo J, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    11th Zambia Water Forum & Exhibition 2023年06月 Lusaka
  • The Dziko Langa Training and Activity Manual: Leveraging positive community identity, civic participation, and self-worth for sustainable WASH.
    Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    11th Zambia Water Forum & Exhibition 2023年06月 Lusaka
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Co-design: Building resilient WASH solutions through transformative transdisciplinary collaborations.
    Yamauchi T
    11th Zambia Water Forum & Exhibition 2023年06月 Lusaka
  • Future Earth(地球の未来)を共創する  [招待講演]
    WHOオフィサーと語る~地球の未来とSDGs~ 2023年06月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 北海道大学医学部百年記念館(北海道札幌市) 北海道大学環境健康科学研究教育センター 北海道大学大学院保健科学研究院
  • 山内太郎
    新学術領域研究「出ユーラシアの統合的人類史学- 文明創出メカニズムの解明 -」B01会議 2023年05月 同志社女子大学(京都府京都市)
  • サニテーションと健康:ザンビア首都ルサカのごみ集積場を事例に
    佐井旭, Joy Sambo, 山内太郎
    日本アフリカ学会第60回学術大会 2023年05月 口頭発表(一般) 幕張国際研修センター(千葉県千葉市) 日本アフリカ学会
  • 山内太郎
    日本アフリカ学会第60回学術大会 2023年05月 口頭発表(一般) 幕張国際研修センター(千葉県千葉市) 日本アフリカ学会
  • 山内太郎
    サントリー文化財団研究助成「学問の未来を拓く」2022年採択課題公開セミナー「排泄の自然誌を編む」:人類学・霊長類学・環境工学・国際保健学を跨いだクロストーク 2023年04月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等 信州大学(長野県松本市)
  • 山内太郎
    若者との共創プロジェクト 第1回若者検討会/ 一般社団法人 SWiTCH 2023年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 札幌
  • Sai A, Yamauchi T
    KAKENHI "Fostering Joint International Research (B)": Research meeting on urban-slum water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in Yaoundé, Cameroon 2023年02月 Yaoundé, Cameroon
  • Yamauchi T
    KAKENHI "Fostering Joint International Research (B)": Research meeting on urban-slum water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in Yaoundé, Cameroon 2023年02月 Yaoundé, Cameroon
  • サニテーションと健康―3つの健康(身体的、精神・心理的、社会的)と将来展望
    科研費国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)「トイレを必要とする条件とは: 狩猟採集民、農耕民、都市生活者の排泄と衛生条件の比較」 2023年01月 札幌
  • 山内太郎
    【子育ての生態学的未来構築コロキアム】第1回「サニテーションからみるアフリカ狩猟採集民の未来」 2023年01月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 京都
  • 山内太郎
    新学術領域研究 出ユーラシアの統合的人類史学 第8回全体会議 2023年01月 東京
  • Uz Zaman MN, Yamauchi T
    First ISSS Annual Conference 2022年12月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Kakiyama K, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    First ISSS Annual Conference 2022年12月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Sunazawa F, Sai A, Sintawardani N, Yamauchi T
    First ISSS Annual Conference 2022年12月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Fear of COVID-19 and its associated risks among people experiencing homelessness in Japan
    Michinaka M, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    First ISSS Annual Conference 2022年12月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Sambo J, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    First ISSS Annual Conference 2022年12月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Zgambo J, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    First ISSS Annual Conference 2022年12月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Rifqi MA, Hamidah U, Sintawardani N, Sai A, Harada H, Yamauchi T
    First ISSS Annual Conference 2022年12月 Online
  • Co-create sanitation with local community and youth
    Yamauchi T
    Co-Co WASH (Co-creation of a community-based water, sanitation, and hygiene model with children and youth) Kick-off Symposium 2022年12月 Online
  • ヒトのライフヒストリーと成長・行動:狩猟採集民の子どもの生活世界
    日本人間行動進化学会第15回大会 2022年12月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 札幌
  • 山内太郎
    第1回 北大・地球研 連携協定記念シンポジウム 2022年11月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 札幌
  • Sai A, Nilawati D, Wulan DR, Rifqi MA, Hamidah U, Ushijima K, Sintawardani N, Yamauchi T
    The 6th International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains 2022 2022年11月 Online
  • Rifqi MA, Hamidah U, Sintawardani N, Sai A, Harada H, Yamauchi T
    The 6th International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains 2022 2022年11月 Online
  • Introduction of Faculty of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Health Sciences, and Department of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
    Yamauchi T
    Hokkaido – Melbourne Joint Research Workshops 2022年11月 Melbourne, Australia
  • ヒト生物学研究におけるストレスバイオマーカーの測 定:POCT を応用して
    柿山かりん, 山内太郎
    第37回日本国際保健医療学会学術大会 2022年11月 ポスター発表 Online
  • 砂澤楓華, 山内太郎
    第37回日本国際保健医療学会学術大会 2022年11月 ポスター発表 Online
  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症流行下における ホームレスの抑うつ・不安状態と感染恐怖の実態
    道中将浩, 佐井旭, 山内太郎
    第87回日本健康学会総会 2022年11月 ポスター発表 Online
  • 若手男性看護師が直面する障壁とキャリア形成 に関する質的研究
    横谷柊太, 佐井旭, 山内太郎
    第87回日本健康学会総会 2022年11月 ポスター発表 Online
  • 狩猟採集民の子どもはどのようにして大人になるのか:育児協働と子どもの狩猟採集活動
    公開シンポジウム「ライフヒストリー:サルとヒトの誕生・成長・死」 2022年10月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Online
  • How do hunter-gatherer children become adults in the forest?: Children’s hunting and gathering activities
    Yamauchi T
    The 15th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology 2022 2022年09月 Eugene, USA
  • Yamauchi T, Hayashi K, Sai A
    The International Workshop for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Cameroon 2022年08月 Yaoundé, Cameroon
  • Nyambe S, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    AJ-CORE (Africa-Japan Collaborative Research) -South Africa Workshop 2022年08月 Durban, South Africa
  • Nyambe S, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    AJ-CORE (Africa-Japan Collaborative Research) -Botswana Workshop 2022年08月 Francistown, Botswana
  • Introduction to our Africa-Japan Collaborative Research Project focused on the co-creation of community-based water, sanitation and hygiene
    Nyambe S, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    AJ-CORE (Africa-Japan Collaborative Research) -Zambia Workshop 2022年08月 Lusaka, Zambia
  • Yamauchi T, Nyambe S, Sai A
    AJ-CORE (Africa-Japan Collaborative Research) Kick-off Meeting (Japan side) 2022年08月 Online
  • Yamauchi T
    10th Zambia Water Forum Exhibition 2022年07月 Online
  • Z’gambo J, Yamauchi T
    10th Zambia Water Forum Exhibition 2022年07月 Online
  • Sambo J, Yamauchi T
    10th Zambia Water Forum Exhibition 2022年07月 Online
  • Childcare in hunter-gatherer societies: The meaning of alloparenting in which children are raised in groups
    Yamauchi T
    Conference of Hunting and Gathering Societies 13 2022年06月 Dublin, Ireland
  • How hunter-gatherer children become adults in the forest? Children's hunting and gathering activities
    Yamauchi T
    Conference of Hunting and Gathering Societies 13 2022年06月 Dublin, Ireland
  • Indigenous identity: Hunter-gatherers and displacement from the forest
    Sai A, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    Conference of Hunting and Gathering Societies 13 2022年06月 Dublin, Ireland
  • Hayashi K, Shimizu T, Harada H, Nakao S, Yamauchi T
    Conference of Hunting and Gathering Societies 13 2022年06月 ポスター発表 Dublin, Ireland
  • Yamauchi T
    Sustainable Research and Innovation Congress 2022 2022年06月 Online
  • The case of Zambia: Tigwilizane
    Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    Sustainable Research and Innovation Congress 2022 2022年06月 Online
  • Sai A, Sintawardani N, Yamauchi T
    Sustainable Research and Innovation Congress 2022 2022年06月 Online
  • 原田英典, 後藤正太郎, 鶴見茉由, Chua Min Li, Sikopo Nyambe, 山内太郎
    日本アフリカ学会第59回学術大会 オンライン
  • 満永有美, 山内太郎
    日本アフリカ学会第59回学術大会 オンライン
  • 国際連携・協力WGからの報告:カーボンニュートラル達成に向けて未来社会像をどう描くか
    カーボンニュートラル達成に貢献する大学等コアリション全体シンポジウム 2022年03月 オンライン
  • Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    TERRA School (Transdisciplinarity for Early careeR Researchers in Asia School) 2021 2022年02月 Online
  • Sai A, Yamauchi T
    TERRA School (Transdisciplinarity for Early careeR Researchers in Asia School) 2021 2022年02月 Online
  • Yamauchi T
    TERRA School (Transdisciplinarity for Early careeR Researchers in Asia School) 2021 2022年02月 Online
  • 山内太郎
    未来洗浄研究会第6回セミナー 2022年02月
  • 子どもの身体に異変が起きている:世界の子どもの体格・体力  [招待講演]
    ひと・健康・未来研究財団第50回未来研究会 2022年02月
  • 山内太郎
    第82回地球研市民セミナー 2022年01月
  • 小玉祐矢, Sikopo Nyambe, 佐井旭, 山内太郎
    第36回日本国際保健医療学会学術大会 2021年11月 ポスター発表 オンライン
  • 満永有美, 山内太郎
    第36回日本国際保健医療学会学術大会 2021年11月 ポスター発表 オンライン
  • 中国郊外に暮らす乳幼児の衛生環境と養育者の衛生習慣:飲み水、サニテーション及び衛生を中心として
    曾怡,郝明,韓威, 原田英典, 山内太郎
    第36回日本国際保健医療学会学術大会 2021年11月 ポスター発表 オンライン
  • ピアサポート介入を用いた大学生の朝食習慣を改善する取り組みの評価
    岡部千帆, 佐井旭, 山内太郎
    第86回日本健康学会総会 2021年11月 ポスター発表 オンライン
  • 札幌市におけるホームレス経験者の精神的健康度と生活習慣要因との関連性
    道中将浩, 佐井旭, 山内太郎
    第86回日本健康学会総会 2021年11月 ポスター発表 オンライン
  • 女子大学生の生活形態の変化と不安状態との関連 -新型コロナウイルス感染症
    鷲尾彩恵, 佐井旭, 山内太郎
    第86回日本健康学会総会 2021年11月 ポスター発表 オンライン
  • 看護教育における男子看護学生が直面する障壁とその対処方法
    横谷柊太, 佐井旭, 山内太郎
    第86回日本健康学会総会 2021年11月 ポスター発表 オンライン
  • 山内太郎
    公開講座「環境✕健康✕SDGs」 2021年11月 北海道大学環境健康科学研究教育センター
  • Yamauchi T
    International Symposium for Global Sanitation “The Sanitation Triangle: Socio-Culture, Health, Materials” 2021年10月 Online
  • Nyambe S, Kataoka Y, Harada H, Yamauchi T
    International Symposium for Global Sanitation “The Sanitation Triangle: Socio-Culture, Health, Materials 2021年10月 Online
  • Ikemi M, Ushijima K, Sai A, Sintawardani N, Hamidah U, Nilawati D, Widyarani, Rahayuning Wulan D, Yamauchi T
    The 5th International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains 2021 2021年10月 Online
  • Yamauchi T
    The 5th International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains 2021 2021年10月 口頭発表(基調) Online
  • Sai A, Ushijima K, Ikemi M, Sintawardani M, Yamauchi T
    The 5th International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains 2021 2021年10月 Online
  • 保健分野における若手研究者の雇用の可視化
    壽啓一朗, 山内太郎
    第13 回日本ヘルスコミュニケーション学会学術集会 2021年10月 ポスター発表 オンライン
  • 古澤輝由, 山内太郎
    第13 回日本ヘルスコミュニケーション学会学術集会 2021年10月 ポスター発表 オンライン
  • Furusawa K, Yamauchi T
    The 5th Faculty of Health Sciences International Conference 2021年09月 ポスター発表 Online
  • The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Undergraduate Female Nursing Students
    Washio S, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    The 5th Faculty of Health Sciences International Conference 2021年09月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Sambo J, Mambwe E, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    The 5th Faculty of Health Sciences International Conference 2021年09月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Associations Between Hygiene Practices and Fecal Contamination in the Household Environment of Children in a Suburban Area of China
    Zeng Y, He J, Hao M, Han W, Harada H, Yamauchi T
    The 5th Faculty of Health Sciences International Conference 2021年09月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Dinala H, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    The 5th Faculty of Health Sciences International Conference 2021年09月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Rifqi MA, Puspikawati SI, Yamauchi T
    The 5th Faculty of Health Sciences International Conference 2021年09月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Mitsunaga A, Yamauchi T
    The 5th Faculty of Health Sciences International Conference 2021年09月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Evaluation of Peer Support Intervention to Improve Breakfast Habits Among University Students
    Okabe C, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    The 5th Faculty of Health Sciences International Conference 2021年09月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Factors Affecting Drive for Muscularity Among Japanese University Rugby Players: Body Image, Eating Disorders and Perfectionism
    Yokoya S, Kanno K, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    The 5th Faculty of Health Sciences International Conference 2021年09月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Mental Health of the Homeless Living in Snow-Covered City of Japan
    Michinaka M, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    The 5th Faculty of Health Sciences International Conference 2021年09月 ポスター発表 Online
  • Secular changes in growth and emerging health issues among Japanese children
    Yamauchi T
    Japan-Russia Scientific Forum Online Workshop “Child Health and Growth” 2021年09月 Online
  • Nyambe S, Mambwe E, Yamauchi T
    9th Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition 2021年06月 Online
  • Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    Japan Association of African Studies(日本アフリカ学会) 2021年05月 Online
  • 山内太郎
    第10回JINSHA情報共有会 2021年05月 口頭発表(招待・特別) オンライン
  • Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    Global Station for Indigenous Studies and Cultural Diversity Online Workshop. 2021年03月 Online
  • Sikopo Nyambe, Lina Agestika, Taro Yamauchi
    Online International Symposium Sanitation Value Chain 2020 2020年12月 口頭発表(一般) Online
  • Akira Sai, Radhitiya Al Furqan, Ken Ushijima, Umi Hamidah, Mayu Ikemi, Widyarani, Neni Sintawardani, Taro Yamauchi
    Online International Symposium Sanitation Value Chain 2020 2020年12月 口頭発表(一般) Online
  • An Assessment of Sustainable Solid Waste Management and Occupational Health in Lusaka, Zambia
    Joy Sambo, Mazuba Muchindu, Sikopo Nyambe, Taro Yamauchi
    Online International Symposium Sanitation Value Chain 2020 ポスター発表 Online
  • Hermes Dinala, Sikopo Nyambe, Taro Yamauchi
    Online International Symposium Sanitation Value Chain 2020 ポスター発表 Online
  • Chua Min Li, Hidenori Harada, Mayu Tsurumi, Shigeo Fujii, Imasik Nyambe, Meki Chirwa, Taro Yamauchi
    Online International Symposium Sanitation Value Chain 2020 ポスター発表 Online
  • Tatsuki Konishi, Koji Hayashi, Taro Yamauchi
    Online International Symposium Sanitation Value Chain 2020 ポスター発表 Online
  • Kotomi Sato, Widayarani, Umi Hamidah, Mayu Ikemi, Ken Ushijima, Neni Sintawardani, Taro Yamauchi
    Online International Symposium Sanitation Value Chain 2020 ポスター発表 Online
  • Yi Zeng, Jiabei He, Ming Hao, Wei Han, Taro Yamauchi
    Online International Symposium Sanitation Value Chain 2020 ポスター発表 Online
  • 岡部千帆, 佐井旭, 山内太郎
    第85回日本健康学会総会 ポスター発表 オンライン
  • 山内太郎
    地球研・高知大学合同勉強会 2020年12月 オンライン
  • Kotomi Sato, Taro Yamauchi
    The 6th RIHN-LIPI International Webinar 2020年11月 Online
  • 小玉祐矢, Sikopo Nyambe, Hermes Dinala, 佐井旭, 山内太郎
    Joint Congress on Global Health 2020 Osaka ポスター発表 オンライン
  • Yi Zeng, Jiabei He, Ming Hao, Wei Han, Taro Yamauchi
    Joint Congress on Global Health 2020 Osaka ポスター発表 Online
  • Joy Sambo, Mazuba Muchindu, Sikopo
    Joint Congress on Global Health 2020 Osaka ポスター発表 Online
  • 滿永有美, 山内太郎
    第31回回日本成長学会学術集会 2020年10月 オンライン開催
  • 小西達貴, 林耕次, 山内太郎
    第74回日本人類学会大会 2020年10月 オンライン開催
  • Sato K, Yamauchi T
    The 5th RIHN-LIPI International Webinar 2020年10月 オンライン開催
  • 郝明, 賀加貝, 曾怡, 韓威, 山内太郎
    日本生理人類学会第81回大会 2020年10月 オンライン開催
  • 佐藤寿実, 山内太郎
    日本生理人類学会第81回大会 2020年10月 オンライン開催
  • 佐藤寿実, 山内太郎
    第1回サニテーション研究会:インドネシア都市スラムのサニテーション課題 2020年10月 北海道大学大学院保健科学研究院
  • 山内太郎
    第6回人文・社会科学系研究推進フォーラム 2020年10月 オンライン開催
  • Dinala H, Nyambe S, Sambo J, Yamauchi T
    1st Webinar on Sanitation and Health in Lusaka 2020年09月 zoom
  • Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    1st Webinar on Sanitation and Health in Lusaka 2020年09月 zoom
  • Yamauchi T
    1st Webinar on Sanitation and Health in Lusaka 2020年09月 zoom
  • Yamauchi T
    The 3rd Online Workshop on Exploring New Style for International Joint Field Research with/after COVID-19 between Cameroon and Japan 2020年09月 zoom
  • Yamauchi T
    The 3rd RIHN-LIPI International Webinar 2020年08月 zoom
  • Yamauchi T
    The 2nd Online Workshop on Exploring New Style for International Joint Field Research with/after COVID-19 between Cameroon and Japan 2020年08月 zoom
  • Yamauchi T
    The 1st Online Workshop on Exploring New Style for International Joint Field Research with/after COVID-19 between Cameroon and Japan 2020年08月 zoom
  • Yamauchi T
    RIHN-LIPI The 2nd International Mini Webinar: “Exploring new style for international joint field research after/with COVID-19” 2020年07月 zoom Sanitation Project, Research Institute for Humanity & Nature & Indonesian Institute of Sciences
  • Yamauchi T
    RIHN-LIPI Joint Mini Webinar: “Exploring new style for international joint field research after/with COVID-19” 2020年06月 zoom Sanitation Project, Research Institute for Humanity & Nature & Indonesian Institute of Sciences
  • Sato K, Sai A, Yamauchi T
    RIHN-LIPI Joint Mini Webinar: “Exploring new style for international joint field research after/with COVID-19” 2020年06月 zoom Sanitation Project, Research Institute for Humanity & Nature & Indonesian Institute of Sciences
  • 佐藤寿実, 山内太郎
    女性のサニテーション研究会 2020年06月 zoom 総合地球環境学研究所サニテーションプロジェクト(主催) 月経研究会(共催)
  • 「トイレを必要とする条件は何か:アフリカ熱帯の定住した狩猟採集民の事例より」
    林耕次, 中尾世治, 山内太郎
    第25回生態人類学会 2020年03月 香川
  • Designing sanitataion systems collaborating with local communities: Participatory action research, fecal contamination assessment, and parasitic infection screening.
    Yamauchi T, Harada H, Mishima N
    The 2nd International Workshop for sanitation and hygiene in Cameroon 2020年02月 Yaounde, Cameroon,
  • サニテーション価値連鎖の提案
    地球研―国環研合同セミナー 2020年01月 京都
  • 「Future Earthの取り組み:北海道大学大学院保健科学研究院、環境健康科学研究教育センター」
    Future Earth日本サミット 2019年12月 東京
  • 「インドネシア都市スラムにおける女性の月経および生理用品の使用・処理の実態について」
    佐藤寿実, Widayarani, Umi Hamidah, 池見真由, Neni Sintawardani, 山内太郎
    第84回日本健康学会 2019年11月 ポスター発表 長崎
  • 「中国東北部農村の子どもの体型不満とその影響因子」
    郝明,韓威, 山内太郎
    第84回日本健康学会 2019年11月 ポスター発表 長崎
  • Unsafe child heces disposal as a risk factor of child stunting in an urban slum of Indonesia.
    Agestika L, Hamidah U, Sintawardani N, Yamauchi T
    The 4th International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains 2019 2019年10月 Jakarta, Indonesia
  • SDGs達成に向けた私たちの取り組み「地域の人びとと未来のサニテーションをデザインする」
    2019年度CEHS市民講演会 2019年10月 札幌
  • Children living in obese and low physial fitness era: intergeneration changes among Japanese children.
    Yamauchi T
    The 14th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology 2019 2019年09月 National University of Singapore, Singapore,
  • Outline of the Sanitation Value Chain project and the significance of field research in Cameroon.
    Yamauchi T
    The 1st International Workshop for sanitation and hygiene in Cameroon 2019年09月 Yaounde, Cameroon,
  • 「サニテーションの新たな価値創造に向けて」
    TICAD7公式サイドイベント 2019年08月 横浜
  • 北海道大学のFuture Earthの取り組み;Health関連
    日本学術会議 2019年08月 東京
  • Central sensitization was associated with pain, disability and psychological factors in people with pre-surgical low back pain.
    Miki T, Yamauchi T
    The 4th FHS International Conference 2019年07月 Sapporo, Hokkaido
  • Sanitation and Health Challenges in Rural and Urban India.
    Sasase T, Masuki Y, Yamauchi T
    The 4th FHS International Conference 2019年07月 Sapporo, Hokkaido
  • What can Children Do? The Role and Behavior of Children in Sanitation in Peri-Urban Lusaka.
    Dinala H, Yamauchi T
    The 4th FHS International Conference 2019年07月 Sapporo, Hokkaido
  • Local children's art-based research on peri-urban water, sanitation and hygiene in Lusaka, Zambia.
    Nyambe S, Zulu J, Yamauchi T
    The 4th FHS International Conference 2019年07月 Sapporo, Hokkaido
  • Rural Sanitation in Cameroon: Comparison between Hunter-gathers, Farmers and Merchants.
    Rin Mifune, Taro Yamauchi
    The 4th FHS International Conference 2019年07月 Sapporo, Hokkaido
  • Body Image in Female College Students: Misperception and Relationship between Desire for Thinness, and Eating Habits and Lifestyle.
    Kotomi Sato, Sakino Shinokawa, Taro Yamauchi
    The 4th FHS International Conference 2019年07月 Sapporo, Hokkaido
  • Relationship between self-rated health, life satisfaction and exercise satisfaction and frailty.
    Hasegawa J, Yamauchi T
    The 4th FHS International Conference 2019年07月 Sapporo, Hokkaido
  • The Relationship Between Lifestyle, Living Environment and Male Obesity Prevalence in Japan: A Review Based on National Statistical Data.
    Konishi T, Ishi K, Ming H, Yamauchi T
    The 4th FHS International Conference 2019年07月 Sapporo, Hokkaido
  • Risk factors associated with elementary school children diarrhea among rural area of Northeast China.
    Zeng Y, He JB, Hao M, Yamauchi T
    The 4th FHS International Conference 2019年07月 Sapporo, Hokkaido
  • Factors improving the subjective health perceptions of female nursing students.
    Shinokawa S, Sato K, Yamauchi T
    The 4th FHS International Conference 2019年07月 Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • Knowledge, attitude and practice of sanitation and hygiene among primary school students in the rural area of Northeast China.
    He JB, Zeng Y, Hao M, Yamauchi T
    The 4th FHS International Conference 2019年07月 ポスター発表 Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • サニテーション価値連鎖の共創:超学際研究、参加型アクションリサーチ
    第33回人類生態学研究会 2019年06月 東京
  • The Use of Social Networking Systems for Visualise on in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.
    Nyambe S, Kataoka Y, Yamauchi T
    8th Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition (ZAWAFE 2019) 2019年06月 Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Lusaka, Zambia
  • Developing the Sanitation Value Chain: Co-designing future sanitation systems through community-based participation research.
    Yamauchi T
    8th Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition (ZAWAFE 2019) 2019年06月 Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Lusaka, Zambia.
  • Sanitation and Health: Sanitation Value Chain.
    Yamauchi T
    Future Earth Health Knowledge-Action Network Symposium 2019年05月 Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 「定住した狩猟採集民にみるサニテーションの現状と変容」
    林耕次, 中尾世治, 山内太郎
    日本アフリカ学会第56回学術大会 2019年05月 京都
  • 「Socio-demographic factors determining household Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in peri-urban Lusaka, Zambia」
    Sikopo Nyambe, 山内太郎
    日本アフリカ学会第56回学術大会 2019年05月 京都
  • フォーラム「サハラ以南アフリカにおけるサニテーションの未来をデザインする」
    山内太郎, 林耕次
    日本アフリカ学会第56回学術大会 2019年05月 京都
  • 狩猟採集民、農耕民、商人のトイレと狩猟採集民女性の月経
    三船凛, 山内太郎
    日本アフリカ学会第56回学術大会 2019年05月 ポスター発表 京都
  • 「2018年カメルーン調査報告」
    三船凛, 山内太郎
    カメルーン会議2019 2019年04月 京都
  • Sanitation Value Chain: Designing Sanitation Systems as Eco-Community-Value System.
    Yamauchi T
    1st Workshop of Core to Core IRIS (2018-2022) 2019年03月 Oxford University, UK
  • Field Research in Human Ecology: Bottom-Up Approach in Developing Countries.
    Yamauchi T
    Special Lecture of Anthropology and Archeology 2019年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Oxford University, UK
  • サニテーション価値連鎖プロジェクトにおけるvisualizationの取り組み.高度可視化事業報告会.
    山内太郎, 片岡良美
    2019年03月 総合地球環境学研究所, 京都
  • 人の遊動・行動・生活をハカル~生活時空間から栄養適応への展望.
    第48回ホミニゼーション研究会 2019年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 京都大学霊長類学研究所,犬山
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Urban South, East Africa,
    Dinala H, Komba A, Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    日本アフリカ学会北海道支部第2回例会 2019年02月
  • Dziko Langa, Action research study in Lusaka, Zambia.
    Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    日本アフリカ学会北海道支部第2回例会 2019年02月
  • 北海道大学大学院保健科学研究院の研究紹介.
    第3回フューチャー・アース日本委員会 2019年02月 東京
  • Community-based participatory research to develop and drive the 'Sanitation Value Chain' in local communities.
    Yamauchi T
    Japan-Philippine-Indonesia International Symposium on Sanitation 2019 2019年01月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Manila, Philippine
  • Secular changes in growth and physical fitness among Japanese children: past, present and future.
    Yamauchi T
    Russian-Japanese Scientific Symposium Moscow, Russia
  • インドネシア都市スラムにおける成人男女のQOL/メンタルヘルスの現状およびその関連.
    藪岸翔子, 井上貴雄, Neni SINTAWARDANI, 山内太郎
    第 33 回日本国際保健医療学会
  • Modernization in Paradox: Infant and Young Children Faeces Management as well as Child Growth in The Urban Slum of Indonesia.
    Agestika, L, Hamidah, U, Sintawardani, N, Yamauchi T
    The 33rd Japan Association for International Health (JAIH) Conference
  • 中国東北部に居住する小学生の衛生に関する知識、態度および実践とその影響要因.
    賀加貝, 曾怡, 韓威, 郝明, 山内太郎
    第83回 日本健康学会 群馬大学, 群馬
  • 積雪寒冷地における地域在住高齢者の身体活動の季節変動とサルコペニアの関係.
    長谷川純子, 鈴木英樹, 山内太郎
    第5回日本サルコペニア・フレイル学会 2018年11月 ポスター発表 ソラシティカンファレンスセンター,東京
  • Influence of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) on child health in an urban slum of Indonesia.
    Yamauchi T, Otsuka Y
    3rd International Symposiumu on Green Technology for Value Chains 2018 口頭発表(招待・特別) Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 中国の都市郊外に居住する乳幼児の体格と粗大運動発達.
    郝明, 王佩佩, 韓威, 山内太郎
    第78回日本生理人類学会 2018年10月 ポスター発表 東京大学,東京
  • サニテーションと健康と幸福.寄附で応援!北大の研究, アンビシャスな交流会.
    北海道大学ホームカミングデー 2018年09月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 北海道大学,札幌
  • 人類生態学者に聞く,研究生活の魅力~フィールドワークで解き明かす人類のライフスタイルと健康.
    日本生理人類学会夏季セミナー 2018年09月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 札幌
  • The image of peri-urban sanitation and health through the eyes of the young: Understanding community sanitation and health in Lusaka, Zambia.
    Nyambe S, Hayashi K, Yamauchi T
    6th International Dry Toilet Conference Tampere, Finland
  • サニテーション価値連鎖と地域住民の健康とウェルビーイング
    2018年08月 北海道大学北極域センター.札幌
  • Daily behavior and food procurement activities of Baka children in central African rainforest.
    Hagino I, Yamauhi T
    12th International Conference on Hunting Gathering Societies (CHAGS 12) Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
  • Defecation without toilets: toward the study of sanitation activities in the hunter-gatherers.
    Hayashi K, Nakao S, Yamauchi T
    12th International Conference on Hunting Gathering Societies (CHAGS 12) Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
  • CO-CREATING THE SANITATION VALUE CHAIN: Designing sanitation system as eco-community-value systems.
    Yamauchi, T
    XXIII International Conference Society for Human Ecology 口頭発表(招待・特別) Lisbon, Portugal
  • Dziko Langa Kilo! A health living, I see you!: Incorporating children and youth in peri-urban sanitation and health in Lusaka.
    Nyambe, S, Hayashi, K, Zulu, J, Yamauchi T
    Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition (ZAWAFE) Government Complex, Lusaka, Zambia
  • Co-creating the sanitation value chain in Lusaka, Zambia by designing sanitation systems.
    Yamauchi, T
    Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition (ZAWAFE) 口頭発表(招待・特別) Government Complex, Lusaka, Zambia
  • 人類生態学フィールドワーク入門:人々の暮らしと健康.
    第4回サニテーションセミナー 2018年06月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 総合地球環境学研究所, 京都
  • Using photographs to tell the story of;sanitation;and health in peri-urban Lusaka;Zambia
    Nyambe S, Zulu J, Hayashi K, Yamauchi T
    55th Annual Conference for Japan Association of African Studies 2018年05月 Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • サハラ以南アフリカにおけるサニテーション研究の現状と課題.
    山内太郎, 中尾世治
    第55回日本アフリカ学会 2018年05月 北海道大学,札幌
  • 狩猟採集民の排泄行動―カメルーン,バカ・ピグミーの個体追跡による時間・空間分析から.
    林耕次, 中尾世治, 山内太郎
    第55回日本アフリカ学会 2018年05月 ポスター発表 北海道大学,札幌
  • 中央アフリカ熱帯雨林狩猟採集民Bakaの子ども食物獲得:16日間の狩猟キャンプ観察.
    萩野泉, 山内太郎
    第55回日本アフリカ学会 2018年05月 ポスター発表 北海道大学,札幌
  • ザンビア共和国における2歳未満児の低栄養状態スクリーニング方法の開発.
    長谷川純子, 山内太郎
    第55回日本アフリカ学会 2018年05月 ポスター発表 北海道大学,札幌
  • What are the sanitation challenges in my home and community? Findings of a photovoice exercise in peri-urban Lusaka, Zambia.
    Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    第23回生態人類学会 2018年03月 ユインチホテル南城,沖縄
  • Research methods and case studies on Human Ecological fieldwork.
    Yamauchi T
    Special Lecture in Archeology and Anthropology 2018年03月 Oxford University, Oxford, UK
  • Indigenous health focusing on northern populations and the Sami.
    Yamauchi T
    Hokkaido-Umeå Seminar 口頭発表(招待・特別) Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
  • The child and youth perspective on sanitation, health and community participation in urban slums: Baseline findings in Lusaka, Zambia.
    Nyambe S, Hayashi K, Zulu J, Yamauchi T
    Japan Association of International Health (JAIH) Conference University of Tokyo, Japan
  • Association of elementary school student handwashing practices with child nutritional status, morbidity and school performance in the urban slum of Bandung, Indonesia.
    Agestika L, Otsuka Y, Sintawardani N, Widyarani, Yamauchi T
    Japan Association of International Health Conference (JAIH) University of Tokyo, Japan
  • 地域在住高齢者の身体活動量と体組成および身体機能の関係.
    長谷川純子, 鈴木英樹, 山内太郎
    日本生理人類学会第76回大会 京都大学,京都
  • 中国東北部農村に暮らす肥満小学生の肥満改善:縄とびと食育による2か月間の介入と1年後のフォローアップ.
    郝明,韓威, 山内太郎
    第82回日本健康学会総会 沖縄科学技術大学院大学,沖縄
  • 中国東北部都市郊外に居住する幼児の栄養状態・粗大運動発達状況とその影響要因.
    王佩佩, 郝明,韓威, 山内太郎
    第82回日本健康学会総会 沖縄科学技術大学院大学,沖縄
  • インドネシア都市スラムにおける子どもの健康・栄養状態と衛生意識・行動の評価.
    大塚裕美子, Lina Agestika, 原田英典, Widyarani, SINTAWARDANI Neni, 山内太郎
    第82回日本健康学会総会 沖縄科学技術大学院大学,沖縄
  • Trends in childhood obesity and decreased physical fitness among Japanese children: intergenerational changes and mitigative-preventive measures.
    Yamauchi T
    The 14th International Congress of Auxology, Centro de Docencia y Capacitacion Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 日常をハカル:時空間利用と身体活動への展望.
    主題講演Ⅱ.日本食生活学会第55回大会 2017年10月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 天使大学,札幌
  • Economic situation of value chain actors in urban slums of Bandung: a case study of Kiaracondong.
    Ikemi M, Ushijima K, Otsuka Y, Yamauchi T, Nilawati D, Wulan DR, Sintawardani N
    International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains 2017 2017年10月 Balai Kartini, Jakarta
  • Sanitation activities among the Baka hunter-gatherers in Cameroon: from individual observations at the forest camp and the settlement.
    Hayashi K, Nakao S, Yamauchi T
    International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains 2017 2017年10月 Balai Kartini, Jakarta
  • Assessing child health, nutritional status and hand hygiene in an urban slum of West Java, Indonesia.
    Otsuka Y, Agestika L, Harada H, Widyarani, Sintawardani N, Yamauchi T
    International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains 2017 2017年10月 Balai Kartini, Jakarta
  • 子どもの身体に異変が起きている ―世界の子どもの体格・体力の現状と時代変化―
    日本人類学会講演会 2017年10月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 札幌医科大学
  • Children living in the era of obesity and low physical fitness: intergenerational changes in Japanese children.
    Yamauchi T
    Special Lecture at School of Public Health 2017年09月 口頭発表(招待・特別) China Medical University, Shenyang
  • Short - and long-term beneficial effects of exercise intervention and nutrition education among overweight school children in Northeast China.
    Hao M, Han W, Yamauchi T
    2017 Symposium of the Society for the Study of Human Biology & International Association of Physiological Anthropology Loughborough, UK
  • Sanitation innovation created and promoted by children and local communities.
    Yamauchi T, Nyambe S, Agestika L, Otsuka Y
    Indonesia & Philippine & Japan Joint International Seminar on Water and Sanitation 2017年09月 Kyoto
  • 進化するサニテーション ― 地域住民の健康と幸福を支えるシステムの提案.
    FS段階の研究計画を作成するワークショップ 2017年07月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 北海道大学,札幌
  • Challenge in Implementing nutrition education and sanitation programs in elementary school.
    Agestika L, Yamauchi T
    The third FHS International Conference 2017年07月 Sapporo
  • Preliminary findings of a basic sanitation and health assessment in peri-urban Lusaka, Zambia.
    Nyambe S, Hayashi K, Zulu J, Yamauchi T
    The third FHS International Conference 2017年07月 Sapporo
  • Factors contributing to anxiety status in female nursing students.
    Yabugishi S, Hao M, Wang P, Otsuka Y, Yamauchi T
    The third FHS International Conference 2017年07月 Sapporo
  • Using questionnaire to evaluate biopsychological factors of low back pain in Physical Therapy.
    Miki T, Yamauchi T
    The third FHS International Conference 2017年07月 Sapporo
  • Physical growth and development and affecting factors of children in suburban area of Northeastern China.
    Wang P, Hao M, Han W, Yamauchi T
    The third FHS International Conference 2017年07月 Sapporo
  • Effect of short and long-term nutrition education and exercise intervention among overweight primary school children in Northeast China.
    Hao M, Han W, Yamauchi T
    The third FHS International Conference 2017年07月 Sapporo
  • Mapping of water, sanitation, hygiene, and child health in urban slums of Indonesia.
    Otsuka Y, Ushijima K, Ikemi M, Neni S, Yamauchi T
    The third FHS International Conference 2017年07月 Sapporo
  • Development of a screening to predict malnutrition among children under two years old in Zambia.
    Hasegawa J, Ito MY, Yamauchi T
    The third FHS International Conference 2017年07月 Sapporo
  • ヒトの成長:ライフヒストリーの進化と成長パターンの変化.
    日本人類学会進化人類学分科会第39回シンポジウム「ヒトにとってオトナになるとはどういうことか?」 2017年06月 口頭発表(招待・特別) キャンパスプラザ京都,京都
  • The Sanitation Value Chain: Designing sanitation systems as eco-community-value systems.
    Yamauchi T, Funamizu N
    Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Lusaka, Zambia
  • A Glimpse into Peri-Urban Lusaka: Findings of a 2016 preliminary assessment on the sanitation of peri-urban Lusaka, Zambia.
    Nyambe S, Hayashi K, Zulu J, Yamauchi T
    Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Lusaka, Zambia
  • Gauging the sanitation and health challenge for children and youth in the urban slums of Lusaka, Zambia.
    Nyambe S, Zulu J, Hayashi K, Yamauchi T
    54th Annual Conference for Japan Association of African Studies 2017年05月 Shinshu University, Nagano
  • Field Research in Human Ecology: Bottom-Up Approach in Developing Countries.
    Yamauchi T
    Nitobe College Special Lecture 2017年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別) University of Oxford
  • Contrasting lifestyles of contemporary hunter-gatherers in African rainforest: village camp vs. forest camp.
    Yamauchi T
    Seeking the Human Landscape: Archaeology, Anthropology and Indigenous Studies 口頭発表(招待・特別) University of Helsinki
  • 途上国都市部に居住する学童の体格と身体活動量
    2016年度ヴィエンチャン調査科研会議 2017年02月 帝京大学医学部, 東京
  • 健康観の視点からみたギデラの伝統医療とその変容
    中澤港, 萩原潤, 山内太郎
    2016年度狩猟採集民研究会 2017年02月 北海道大学東京オフィス, 東京
  • ギデラ住民の生活の現状
    萩原潤, 中澤港, 山内太郎
    2016年度狩猟採集民研究会 2017年02月 北海道大学東京オフィス, 東京
  • パプアニューギニア狩猟採集民調査2011-2016の振り返りと今後の展開.
    山内太郎, 萩原潤, 中澤港
    2016年度狩猟採集民研究会 2017年02月 北海道大学東京オフィス, 東京
  • すべての人に健康と福祉を―肥満化・体力低下時代を生きる子どもたち
    日本学術会議北海道地区会議学術講演会「持続可能な世界にむけて、国連が採択した目標(SDGs)に貢献する北海道の知」 2017年02月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 北海道大学, 札幌
  • 地域住民のValueの可視化とValue Chainの創発.
    住民のValueの可視化とValue Chainの創発.SIPインフラ維持管理・更新・マネジメント技術「地域自律型の次世代型・水インフラマネジメントシステムへの転換」拡大キックオフ会合 2016年12月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 道総研プラザ, 札幌
  • 2016年度研究報告、子どもと地元団体のアクション・リサーチ.
    総合地球環境学研究所PR研究ワークショップ 北海道大学
  • Sanitation Value Chain Zambia Fieldsite 2016-2017.
    Sikopo Nyambe, Koji Hyashi, Taro Yamauchi
    Research Institute For Humanity And Nature (RIHN) End of Year Meeting Hokkaido University
  • 調査報告と今後の展望-Indonesia Bandung-.
    大塚裕美子, 山内太郎
    総合地球環境学研究所PR研究ワークショップ 北海道大学
  • Nutritional Adaptation of Modern Hunter-gatherers in African Rainforests.
    Yamauchi T, Hayashi K, Kawamura K, Sato H
    Landscapes in the anthropocene, France-Japan joint symposium 口頭発表(招待・特別) EHESS, Paris
  • インドネシア都市部に居住する子どもの健康・栄養状態と母親の衛生意識.
    大塚裕美子, 牛島健, 池見真由, SINTAWARDANI Neni, 山内太郎
    第31回日本国際保健医療学会 久留米シティプラザ,福岡
  • 中国東北部の農村小学生に対する肥満改善プログラムの効果の持続性―食育および運動介入1年間後のフォローアップ調査.
    郝明, 韩威, 山内太郎
    第31回日本国際保健医療学会 久留米シティプラザ, 福岡
  • Saitation, health and children and youth civic participation in peri-urban Lusaka, Zambia: Assessing social values and quality of life.
    Sikopo Nyambe, Koji Hyashi, Joseph Zulu, Taro Yamauchi
    31st Japan International Health Society Kurume City Plaza, Fukuoka
  • The association between breastfeeding practices and children’s growth in suburban area of Northeast China.
    Peipei Wang, Wei Han, Taro Yamauchi
    31st Japan International Health Society Kurume City Plaza, Fukuoka
  • 肥満化・体力低下時代を生きる子どもたち.
    第81回日本民族衛生学会総会 2016年11月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 女子栄養大学,東京
  • カメルーンの子どもの栄養不良と離乳食開始時期の関連.
    長堀智香子, 金城芳秀, Jean Paul TCUANI, 山内太郎
    第81回日本民族衛生学会総会 女子栄養大学,東京 
    民族衛生82付録pp. 110-111
  • 人類たずねて三千里 ~異文化フィールドワーカー 幸せを考える~
    第91回サイエンス・カフェ札幌 2016年11月 北海道大学,札幌
  • 伝統社会で暮らす人々のライフスタイルと健康.
    北海道大学保健科学研究院公開講座2016「ようこそ!ヘルスサイエンスの世界へ」 2016年11月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 北海道大学, 札幌
  • 認知症高齢者の 安静時エネルギー消費量~認知機能別の比較と推定~.
    佐藤香苗, 長谷川めぐみ, 神明子, 鈴木みずえ, 山内太郎
    日本生理人類学会第74回大会 和倉温泉観光会館, 七尾
  • Future Sanitation Based on the Insight and Participation of Children: A Collaboration between Schoolchildren in Indonesia and Japan
    Yamauchi T, Ushijima K, Sintawardani N, Funamizu N
    The 1st International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chain 2016 口頭発表(招待・特別) Indonesia Convention Exhibition, BSD
  • Children living in the era of obesity and low physical fitness: intergenerational changes in Japanese children.
    Yamauchi T
    Joint conference by the Japan Society for Physiological Anthropology and the Human Biology Association, MHAPR 2016 口頭発表(招待・特別) University of Hawaii, Hilo
  • Factors associated with stunting among children in Sinazongwe district, Zambia; a case control study.
    Hasegawa J, Yamauchi T
    International Society of Environmental Epidemiology and International Society of Exposure Science- Asia Chapter Conference 2016 Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • Effect of education and exercise intervention among overweight chidren in Northeast China.
    Hao M, Jia LH, Yamauchi T
    International Society of Environmental Epidemiology and International Society of Exposure Science- Asia Chapter Conference 2016 Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • Equity in Health and Health Promotion: An adolescent Deaf-hearing substance abuse peer education project in Lusaka, Zambia.
    Nyambe S, Serpell R, Yamauchi T
    International Society of Environmental Epidemiology and International Society of Exposure Science- Asia Chapter Conference 2016 ポスター発表 Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • 中国東北部の農村小学生における栄養教育と運動介入による肥満改善の検証.
    郝明, 贾丽红, 山内太郎
    日本生理人類学会第73回大会 大阪市立大学, 大阪
  • When youth take action: Incorporation of youth in Zambia's health care system.
    Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    Zambia Research Seminar 2016年05月 Hokkaido University
  • Climate Change, Agricultural Production and Nutrition: Towards Integrated Policy Design for Food Security.
    Umetsu C, Sakurai T, Yamauchi T, Miyazaki H, Mwale M
    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016 Makuhari Messe
  • 子どもの力で学校・地域のサニテーションを変える:アフリカ都市スラムの挑戦(Field Research in Lusaka 2016).
    山内太郎, 林耕次
    総合地球環境学研究所FS研究ワークショップ 2016年05月 北海道大学
  • Zambia: An Overview.
    Nyambe S, Yamauchi T
    Research Institute For Humanity And Nature (RIHN) Feasibility Study Workshop 2016年05月 Hokkaido University
  • History of the concept and research of quality of life (QOL) and WHOQOL-BREF.
    Yamauchi T
    Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) feasibility study Workshop Hokkaido University
  • ザンビア南部州における栄養・健康に関するフィールド調査:レビューと展望.
    フューチャーアース企画ワークショップ「半乾燥熱帯農村部における気候変動レジリアンス構築へ向けた総合的支援策策定のための超学際的研究の可能性」 2016年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 長崎大学,長崎
  • Evolving Health Sciences: Our Mission to the Future / Field Research in Global Health and Human Ecology.
    Yamauchi T
    2016年02月 口頭発表(招待・特別) University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam
  • 女子看護学生の栄養状態,ライフスタイル,排便状況の関連.
    山村凌大, 礒野晃照, 金安顕子, 櫻井ちひろ, 田中穂乃佳, 西川明里, 山内太郎
    日本生理人類学会・健康栄養科学研究部会 第1回研究会 天使大学,札幌
  • 認知症高齢者の代謝機能は亢進しているか.
    佐藤香苗, 長谷川めぐみ, 神明子, 鈴木みずえ, 山内太郎
    日本生理人類学会・健康栄養科学研究部会 第1回研究会 天使大学,札幌
  • 中国東北部農村部の肥満小学生に対する栄養教育と運動介入.
    郝明, 贾丽红, 山内太郎
    日本生理人類学会・健康栄養科学研究部会 第1回研究会 天使大学,札幌
  • 肥満化・体力低下時代を生きる子どもたち.
    日本生理人類学会・健康栄養科学研究部会 第1回研究会 口頭発表(招待・特別) 天使大学,札幌
  • Prevalence of Malnutrition and Associated Factors among Children under the age of five in the Eastern Region of the Republic of Cameroon,
    Nagahori C, Tchuani JP, Yamauchi T
    Third International Conference on Global Public Health 2015 (GPH 2015) Taj Samudra Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • ネアンデルタールの生理・生態.
    交替劇プロジェクトA02班メモリアル研究会 口頭発表(招待・特別) 朝里川温泉,小樽
  • 中国東北部の農村小学生の肥満に対する食育と運動介入の効果の検証.
    郝明, 韩威, 山内太郎
    第30回日本国際保健医療学会 金沢大学, 金沢
  • 認知症高齢者の安静時エネルギー消費量.
    佐藤香苗, 長谷川めぐみ, 神明子, 鈴木みずえ, 山内太郎
    第51回日本食生活学会 ノートルダム清心女子大学, 岡山
  • 女子看護学生の身体特性、生活習慣、健康状態の関連.
    山村凌大, 金安顕子, 田中穂乃佳, 西川明里, 山内太郎
    第30回日本国際保健医療学会 金沢大学, 金沢
  • インドネシアの都市郊外に居住する乳児の栄養素摂取量の関連-母乳および補完食の観点から-.
    勢田英果, Adriyan Pramono, Rina Pratiwi, Maria Mexitalia
    第30回日本国際保健医療学会 金沢大学,金沢
  • Health and Happiness of Children in Finland and Japan.
    Yamauchi T
    Session 2: Population in the Arctic, Hokkaido University - Finnish Universities Joint Symposium 2015年11月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • 新しいサニテーションプログラム:子どものアクションリサーチによる健康とQOLの向上.
    地球研プロジェクト 研究者会合 2015年11月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 北海道大学,札幌
  • Developing a new sanitation program, improving health and QOL
    Yamauchi T
    action research by children. 5th Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition (ZAWAFE) 口頭発表(招待・特別) Government Complex, Lusaka, Zambia
  • The Relationships among Physical Characteristics, Lifestyle and Health Status in Female Nursing Students.
    Yamamura R, Kaneyasu A, Tanaka H, Nishikawa A, Yamauchi T
    The 12th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba
  • Body growth and life history of modern humans and Neanderthals from the perspective of human evolution.
    Yamauchi T
    The 12th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology 口頭発表(招待・特別) Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba
  • 伝統社会に暮らす人々の生活と健康:異文化フィールドワーク入門.
    UHB大学 一般教養講座 2015年10月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 道新ホール
  • 女子大生の食習慣、身体活動と排便状況:便秘予備群のリスク.
    山村凌大, 礒野晃照, 櫻井ちひろ, 山内太郎
    第22回未病システム学会 北海道大学, 札幌
  • 中国東北部の都市部・農村部に暮らす小学生の肥満に影響する因子の検討.
    郝明, 山村凌大, 韩威, 贾丽红, 山内太郎
    第22回未病システム学会 北海道大学, 札幌
  • 異文化フィールドワークと人材育成.
    札幌北ロータリークラブ 第2028回 例会 卓話 2015年09月 口頭発表(招待・特別) センチュリーロイヤルホテル
  • フィールドワークからみた地域住民の生活の質と健康.
    第1回 地域生活価値勉強会 2015年09月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 北海道立総合研究機構 北方建築総合研究所
  • Cooperative Infant Care among the Baka Hunter-Gatherers.
    Ito S, Yamauchi Y
    11th Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS11) University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
  • Water, Sanitation and Health: global burden of diarrhoeal disease.
    Yamauchi T
    JSPS e-learning program lecture 2015年07月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • Nutritional status, food consumption and physical fitness of rural and urban elementary school children in Northeast China.
    Hao M, Han W, Jia LH, Yamauchi T
    2nd FHS International Conference 2015年07月 Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • Child nutritional status and related factors in Zambia.
    Hasegawa J, Yamauchi T
    2nd FHS International Conference 2015年07月 Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • Physical fitness performance and body composition of urban and rural students in Central Java, Indonesia.
    Seta H, Yoshimura A, Mexitalia M, Yamauchi T
    2nd FHS International Conference 2015年07月 Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • Lifestyle and bowel habits in female college students: Risk of the Pre-Constipation group.
    Yamamura R, Isono A, Sakurai C, Yamauchi T
    2nd FHS International Conference 2015年07月 Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  • 未来のサニテーション―地域住民の健康と幸福に貢献できるか.
    地球研インキュベーション研究「ポストモダン・サニテーションの提案」第1回ワークショップ 2015年07月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 総合地球環境学研究所,京都
  • 中国東北部の都市部、農村部に暮らす小学生の体格、食物摂取と体力.
    郝明, 韩威, 贾丽红, 山内太郎
    日本生理人類学会第72回大会 北海道大学,札幌
  • 女子大学生の生活習慣と排便状況―便秘予備群のリスク―.
    山村凌大, 礒野晃照, 櫻井ちひろ, 山内太郎
    日本生理人類学会第72回大会 北海道大学,札幌
  • インドネシア共和国中部ジャワ州に居住する小中学生の身体特性と運動能力の関連性.
    勢田英果, 吉村彩, Maria Mexitalia, 山内太郎
    日本生理人類学会第72回大会 北海道大学,札幌
  • 北海道上川地区に居住する幼児の体型評価と肥満化傾向.
    山内太郎, 佐藤香苗, 菅野未奈子, 松村康弘
    日本生理人類学会第72回大会 北海道大学,札幌
  • 狩猟採集民を生理と生態の視座から再考する~理想か幻想か~.
    日本生理人類学会第72回大会 口頭発表(招待・特別) 北海道大学,札幌
  • アグロ・サニテーションは地域住民の健康と幸福にどう貢献できるか.
    日本アフリカ学会第52回学術大会 犬山国際観光センター「フロイデ」,犬山
  • Lifestyle and body weight changes over two years in female nursing students.
    Yamamura R, Kato A, Hirai N, Maeda S, Yamauchi T
    12th Asian Congress of Nutrition Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama
  • 北海道大学人類生態学研究室による、近年のカメルーン調査について.
    2015年度カメルーン連絡会議 2015年04月 京都大学,京都
  • 森キャンプにおける狩猟採集民Bakaの子どもの食物獲得,
    萩野泉, 山内太郎
    中部アフリカ研究会合同研究会 2015年03月 北海道大学,札幌
  • カメルーン熱帯雨林に居住するピグミー系狩猟採集民の子どもの生態
    萩野泉, 山内太郎
    新学術領域「ネアンデルタールとサピエンス交替劇の真相」A02班会議 2015年03月 神戸学院大学,明石
  • 萩野泉,山内太郎
    狩猟採集民Bakaの子どもにおける食物獲得への参与と成果, 日間の狩猟キャンプにおける観察から
    交替劇プロジェクト第10回研究大会 2015年03月 高知会館,高知
  • ネアンデルタールのライフステージと栄養生態 ― 現代の狩猟採集民のフィールド調査とネアンデルタールのエネルギー適応戦略仮説.
    山内太郎, 萩野泉, 伊藤早織
    交替劇プロジェクト第10回研究大会 2015年03月 高知会館,高知
  • カメルーン狩猟採集民調査:1996-2014.
    中部アフリカ研究会合同研究会 2015年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 北海道大学,札幌
  • ネアンデルタールのライフステージと栄養生態
    新学術領域「ネアンデルタールとサピエンス交替劇の真相」A02班会議 2015年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 神戸学院大学,明石
  • Evolving health sciences and global health fieldwork in developing countries.
    Yamauchi T
    International Workshop for Studying in Japan 2015年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別) University of Zambia, Lusaka
  • アフリカ熱帯雨林に暮らす狩猟採集民Bakaの子どもの成長と森林キャンプにおける栄養生態.
    山内太郎, 萩野泉
    2014年度 狩猟採集民研究会 口頭発表(招待・特別) 北海道大学,札幌
  • ネアンデルタール人の成長・発達と栄養生態.
    公開講演会「ネアンデルタール人の絶滅の謎に迫る」 2015年02月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 東京大学,東京
  • Child Undernutrition and Associated Factors in The Republic of Cameroon.
    Nagahori C, Tchuani J, Yamauchi T
    1st International Conference on Nursing 2015年02月 Malang, Indonesia
  • Global health field research: bottom-up approach in developing countries.
    Yamauchi T
    International Symposium on Modern Health Sciences 2015年02月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • 子どもの成長:評価方法、日本の現状、進化的視点とライフステージ.
    環境健康科学研究教育センター平成26年度公開セミナー 2015年 口頭発表(招待・特別) 北海道大学,札幌
  • 発展途上国における栄養アセスメント―コミュニティーレベルのアプローチ―.
    JICA青年研修「タイ職業訓練教育コース」 2014年12月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Evolution of Learning Capacity and Acquired Behaviors of Modern Humans From the Perspective of Life History and Brain Development.
    Yamauchi T
    2nd International Conference Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans: Testing Evolutionary Models of Learning 2014年12月 Cultural Center, Date City, Japan
  • Fertility and population dynamics of Baka hunter-gatherers in southeast Cameroon.
    Hagino I, Yamauchi T
    2nd International Conference Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans: Testing Evolutionary Models of Learning 2014年12月 Cultural Center, Date City, Japan
  • ザンビア共和国農村部における子どもの栄養状態と関連因子の検証.
    長谷川純子, 山内太郎
    第29回日本国際保健医療学会 2014年11月 東京
  • カメルーン共和国東部州における生後5~24ヶ月の子どもの栄養不良と関連要因
    長堀智香子, Jean Paul TCHUANI, 山内太郎
    第29回日本国際保健医療学会 2014年11月 東京
  • インドネシアに居住する子どもの運動能力と身体組成~都市部と農村部の比較~,
    勢田英果, 吉村彩, 山内太郎
    第29回日本国際保健医療学会 2014年11月 東京
  • カメルーン熱帯雨林狩猟採集民Bakaの子どもにおける時間利用と食物獲得
    萩野泉, 山内太郎
    第29回日本国際保健医療学会 2014年11月 東京
  • アフリカ熱帯雨林に居住するピグミー系狩猟採集民における乳幼児の健康と育児
    伊藤早織, 山内太郎
    第29回日本国際保健医療学会 2014年11月 東京
  • 北海道上川地区3歳児の栄養状態並びに主要食品のポーションサイズ
    佐藤香苗, 菅野美奈子, 山内太郎, 松村康弘, 佐藤ゆき, 中山祥嗣
    第79回日本民族衛生学会 2014年11月 つくば
  • 中国東北部に暮らす小学生の食物摂取、栄養状態と体力,
    郝明, 贾麓红, 山内太郎
    第79回日本民族衛生学会―農村部と都市部の比較調査― 2014年11月 つくば
  • Assessing the impact of improved sanitation on health and happiness of local population.
    Yamauchi T
    1st Research Meeting for JSPS Core-to-Core program (Asia-Africa Science Platforms), Resources Oriented Sanitation Model for Developing Regions 2014年10月 Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
  • ヒトの学習能力と学習行動の進化―生活史と脳の成長・発達の視座から.
    新学術領域「ネアンデルタールとサピエンス交替劇の真相」A02班会議 2014年10月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 北九州市立大学,北九州
  • 国際保健学・人類生態学フィールド調査.
    H26年度 第2回看護学研究情報交換会 2014年09月 北海道大学,札幌
  • The diversity of growth of children in Asia-Pacific region from parameters estimated from Preece-Baines model.
    Hagihara J, Yamauchi T, Nakazawa M, Kawabe T
    XIII International Congress of Human Growth and Clinical Auxology 2014年09月 Maribor, Slovenia
  • Nutritional status of children in sub-Saharan arid areas: A growth chart of children in Southern Province of Zambia and verification of secular trends.
    Yamauchi T, Mitsunaga A, Kubo H, Umetsu C
    XIII International Congress of Human Growth and Clinical Auxology 2014年09月 Maribor, Slovenia
  • Growth status and anthropometric characteristics of Baka Pygmies in southeast Cameroon.
    Hagino I, Hayashi K, Yamauchi T
    XIII International Congress of Human Growth and Clinical Auxology 2014年09月 Maribor, Slovenia
  • Fieldwork in small societies: adaptation of local population to the living environment.
    Yamauchi T
    Special lecture of China Medical University 2014年09月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Shenyang, China
  • Introduction of Hokkaido University and Faculty/Graduate School of Health Sciences.
    Yamauchi T
    Special lecture of China Medical University 2014年09月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Shenyang, China
  • コンポストトイレの導入が地域住民の健康とQOLにおよぼす影響を評価する.
    JICA-JST 地球規模課題対応 国際科学技術協力事業「アフリカサヘル地域の持続可能な水・衛生システム開発」H26年度 第2回全体会議 2014年08月 北海道大学,札幌
  • Global health fieldwork in small communities.
    Yamauchi T
    Special lecture of Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University 2014年08月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Semarang, Indonesia
  • Introduction of Hokkaido University and Facutly/Graduate School of Health Sciences.
    Yamauchi T
    Special lecture of Department of Rehabilitation, Dr. Kariadi Hosipital 2014年08月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Semarang, Indonesia
  • Influence of liestyle change during Ramadan fasting on wegith loss in Indonesian adolescents.
    Yamauchi T
    Special lecture of Faculty of Public Health 2014年08月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
  • 狩猟採集社会における育児行動と乳幼児の発育 -2014年度夏調査に向けて-.
    伊藤早織, 山内太郎
    新学術領域「ネアンデルタールとサピエンス交替劇の真相」A02班会議 2014年07月 千歳市
  • Assessing the impact of improved sanitation on health and QOL.
    Yamauchi T
    Africa Water Forum 2014, Institut International d'lngenierie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement (2iE) 2014年06月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
  • ザンビア共和国農村部に居住する子どもの食事と栄養―食物摂取頻度調査票の開発と栄養評価―.
    山内太郎, 満永有美, 香西はな, 梅津千恵子
    第51回日本アフリカ学会 2014年05月 京都大学,京都
  • カメルーン南東部のBakaピグミーにおける出生力と時代変化.
    萩野泉, 山内太郎
    第51回アフリカ学会 2014年05月 京都大学,京都
  • ピグミー系狩猟採集民のライフスタイルと成長.
    第41回ホミニゼーション研究会「成長と加齢」 2013年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 犬山
  • サピエンス、ネアンデルタールのライフステージと栄養生態.
    ネアンデルタールとサピエンス交替劇の真相(交替劇)第6回研究大会 2013年01月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 東京
  • Estimation of the period of childhood and child growth characteristics of pygmy.
    Yamauchi T, Hagino I
    2012 International Conference on Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans: Testing Evolutionary Models of Learning 2012年11月 Tokyo, Japan
  • Daily physical activity and time-space allocation of pygy hunter-gatherers' children in southeast Cameroon.
    Hagino I, Yamauchi T
    2012 International Conference on Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans: Testing Evolutionary Models of Learning 2012年11月 Tokyo, Japan
  • ソロモン諸島首都近郊農村に暮らす思春期女子にみられる成熟にともなう行動変容と肥満化の関連.
    前田千明, 中澤港, 山内太郎
    第77回日本民族衛生学会 2012年11月 東京
  • 骨密度からみるソロモン諸島都市居住者の栄養状態.
    萩原潤, 中澤港, 山内太郎, 坂花奈美, 石森大知, 河辺俊雄
    第77回日本民族衛生学会 2012年11月 東京
  • ベナン共和国における統合医療普及の推進.
    長堀智香子, 山内太郎
    第77回日本民族衛生学会 2012年11月 東京
  • 中央アフリカ熱帯医雨林に居住するピグミー系狩猟採集民の子どもにおける身体活動と生活時間利用.
    萩野泉, 山内太郎
    第77回日本民族衛生学会 2012年11月 東京
  • サブサハラ乾燥地域に居住する子どもの栄養状態.
    満永有美, 久保晴敬, 梅津千恵子, 山内太郎
    第77回日本民族衛生学会 2012年11月 東京
  • ソロモン諸島首都に居住する社会経済状況の高い若年成人の肥満評価.
    坂花奈美, 古澤拓郎, Pitakaka F, 河辺俊雄, 中澤港, 山内太郎
    第77回日本民族衛生学会 2012年11月 東京
  • Human Ecological Fieldwork on Children in Developing Countries.
    Yamauchi T
    Hokkaido University SW2012 International Symposium: East Asian Children's Health Posed by the Living Environments and Sustainable Society. 2012年10月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • フィールドワークで途上国の子どもの安全・健康・幸福に貢献する.
    SW2012シンポジウム「東アジアの子どもの健康とサステナビリティ」 2012年10月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 札幌
  • Influence of lifestyle changes during Ramadan fasting on the body weights of Indonesian adolescents.
    Yamauchi T, Uemura A, Pramono A, Mexitalia M
    International Symposium: Impact of genetic and environment interaction to health and nutrition. 2012年07月 口頭発表(招待・特別) Semarang, Indonesia
  • ピグミー系狩猟採集民の子どもの年齢上昇にともなう日常行動の変化.
    萩野泉, 林耕次, 山内太郎
    第49回日本アフリカ学会 2012年05月 大阪
  • 狩猟採集民の子どものライフスタイルと集団の人口構造、人口動態.
    ネアンデルタールとサピエンス交替劇の真相(交替劇)第5回研究大会 2012年04月 口頭発表(招待・特別) 東京
  • Growth and nutritional status of Pygmy Hunter-gatherers in African rainforest.
    Yamauchi T, Hagino I, Kawamura K, Sato H
    The 12th International Congress of Auxology 2011年09月 Mexico City, Mexico
  • Longitudinal Monitoring Survey on the Growth and Nutritional Status of Tonga Children in Rural Zambia.
    Yamauchi T, Kubo H, Kon S
    The 3rd Lusaka Workshop on Vulnerability and Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems 2011年08月 Lusaka, Zambia
  • Nutritional Ecology of Tonga, Southern Zambia: Nutritional status, dietary intake and physical activity of adults living in contrasting ecological zones.
    Yamauchi T, Kon S
    The 3rd Lusaka Workshop on Vulnerability and Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems 2011年08月 Lusaka, Zambia
  • Longitudinal Monitoring Survey on the Nutritional Status of Adults Living in Contrasting Ecological Zones in Zambia.
    Yamauchi T, Kon S, Kubo H, Lekprichakul T, Sakurai T, Umetsu C
    Resilience Internaional Symposium: Building Social-Ecological Resilience in Changing World 2011年06月 Kyoto
  • Low resting energy expenditure and low daily physical activity levels in chronic hemodialysis patients.
    Yamauchi T, Sato K, Ashimura H, Koizumi T, Sue Y
    The 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition 2011年06月 Bangkok, Thailand
  • Longitudinal monitoring survey on the growth and nutritional status of adults and children living in contrasting ecological zones in Zambia.
    Yamauchi T, Kon S, Kubo H, Lekprichakul T, Sakurai T, Umetsu C
    Resilience2011: Second International Science and Policy Conference 2011年03月 Tempe, AZ, USA
  • Physical fitness of school children in Honiara and suburban villages. Health, Disease and Social Change in Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.
    Yamauchi T, Takahashi H
    Research Finding Dissemination Workshop 2011年02月 Honiara, Solomon Islands
  • Growth, nutritional status of children in suburban villages of Guadalcanal Province, Solomon Islands. Health, Disease and Social Change in Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.
    Yamauchi T, Maeda C, Takahashi H
    Research Finding Dissemination Workshop 2011年02月 Honiara, Solomon Islands
  • Body size and blood pressure of adults: from the viewpoint of aging and seasonality. Health, Disease and Social Change in Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.
    Yamauchi T, Maeda C
    Research Finding Dissemination Workshop 2011年02月 Honiara, Solomon Islands
  • Nutritional adaptation of Pygmy hunter-gatherers in Cameroon: from the viewpoint of body size, physical activity, and dietary intake.
    Yamauchi T, Hayashi K, Kawamura K, Sato H
    International Conference on Congo Basin Hunter-gatherers 2010年09月 Montpellier, France
  • Physical fitness and nutritional status of urban and rural school children in Indonesia.
    Yamauchi T, Yoshimura A, Mexitalia M
    The 10th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology 2010年09月 Fremantle, Australia
  • Growth and Nutritional Status of Children and Adults Living in Contrasting Ecological Zones in the Southern Province of Zambia.
    Yamauchi T
    The 2nd Lusaka Workshop on Vulnerability and Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems 2009年08月 Lusaka, Zambia
  • Gender and Age Differences in the Nutritional Status and Daily Physical Activity of Urban School Children from Four Asian Cities.
    Yamauchi T, Kim SN, LU Z, Weing CC, Ichimaru N, Natsuhara K, Zhou H, Yokoyama S, Kim SH, He M, Jaw SP, Ishii M
    1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education 2009年07月 Makuhari, Japan
  • Nutritional status, physical activity, and dietary intake of Pygmy hunter-gatherers in Cameroon.
    Yamauchi T, Hayashi K, Kawamura K, Sato H
    The 9th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology 2008年08月 Delft, the Neterlands
  • Gender and age differences in the daily physical activity of urban school children from four Asian countries.
    Yamauchi T, Kim SN, Lu, Weing CC, Ichimaru N, Natsuhara K, Zhou H, Yokoyama S, Kim SH, He M, Jaw SP, Ishii M
    2008 Annual International Health and Physical Fitness Conference 2008年03月 Taichung, Taiwan
  • Gender differences in daily time allocation and physical activity of rice farmers in Lao PDR.
    Yamauchi T, Onishi H, Phonepadith X, Monely V
    National Health Research Forum 2007年09月 Vientiane, Lao PDR
  • Socioeconomic influence and genetic factor on growth and nutritional status of adolescents in the Solomon Islands.
    Yamauchi T, Ishimori D, Nakazawa M, Kawabe T, Ohtsuka R
    The 11th International Congress of Auxology 2007年09月 Tokyo, Japan
  • Age and gender differences in the physical activity patterns of urban school children in Korea and China.
    Yamauchi T, Kim SN, Lu Z, Ichimaru N, Maekawa R, Natsuhara K, Ohtsuka R, Zhou H, Yokoyama S, Yu W, He M, Kim SH, Ishii M
    The 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology 2006年10月 Kamakura, Japan
  • Physical activity in obese and non-obese school children in Central Java, Indonesia.
    Yamauchi T, Mexitalia M, Shimizu H, Soetadji A
    10th International Congress on Obesity 2006年09月 Sydney, Australia
  • Nutritional status and physical activity among East Asian urban school children.
    Yamauchi T
    14th European Congress on Obesity 2005年06月 Athenes, Greece
  • Physical capacity, nutritional status and physical activity for East Asian school children.
    Yamauchi T
    Invited lecture in department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University 2005年04月 Semarang, Indonesia
  • Physical activity and body composition of urban children in Korea and China.
    Yamauchi T
    International Symposium 2004 Fukuoka University of Education, Global Arena 2005年01月 Munakata, Japan
  • Growth and nutritional status of adolescents in the Solomon Islands: effects of genetic and socioeconomic factors.
    Yamauchi T, Ishimori D, Ohtsuka R
    The X International Congress of Auxology 2004年07月 Florence, Italy
  • Gender differences in rural-urban migrants and changing physical activity among Papua New Guinea Highlanders.
    Yamauchi T, Otsuka R
    The International 17th Puijo Symposium 2003年06月 Kuopio, Finland
  • Rural-urban migration and nutritional adaptation: impact of urbanization on behavioural and dietary pattern and physical activity among Papua New Guena Highlanders.
    Yamauchi T, Otsuka R
    MUUT Tropical Medicine Meeting, Mahidol University 2002年11月 Bangkok, Thailand
  • Modernization and body composition of Papua New Guena Highlanders and Solomon Islanders.
    Yamauchi T
    Inter-Comgress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 2002 2002年09月 Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
  • Impacts of development and cash economy on nutrition and health status.
    Yamauchi T
    Community-based Approach to Biocultural Adaptation in the Solomon Islands, JSPS Research for the Future Program 2002年09月 University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
  • Impact of urbanisation on physical activity and work pattern among Papau New Guinea Highlanders.
    Yamauchi T
    6th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology 2002年08月 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • Impact of microenvironment on food security and nutritional adaptation in the Tari Basin.
    Yamauchi T
    Papua New Guinea Food and Nutrition 2000 Conference 2000年06月 PNG University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea
  • Nutrition and energy expenditure of women under conditions of environmental stress: agricultural intensification in poor environment.
    Yamauchi T
    Agricultural Intensification Workshop 1998年11月 Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
  • Energetic and behavioral adaptation of the Huli-speaking population: Field investigation by heart rate monitoring and time allocation.
    Yamauchi T
    Huli health―into the next millennium, The Institute of Medical Research meeting 1998年05月 Tari, Papua New Guinea


  • 日本オセアニア学会   生態人類学会   日本生理人類学会   日本人類学会   日本成長学会   日本健康学会(旧称: 日本民族衛生学会)   International Association of Physiological Anthropology (IAPA)   Society for the Study of Human Biology (SSHB)   International Society for the Study of Human Growth and Clinical Auxology (ISGA)   日本アフリカ学会   


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2022年04月 -2027年03月 
    代表者 : 高田 明, 川島 理恵, 橋弥 和秀, 安岡 宏和, 中川 裕, 山内 太郎, バーデルスキー マシュー
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B))
    研究期間 : 2019年10月 -2024年03月 
    代表者 : 山内 太郎, 林 耕次, 中尾 世治, 彭 宇潔, 山口 亮太
    初年度である本年度はおもに以下について実施した。 1.都市部:首都ヤウンデ市内の民家密集地区(2区、6区)を訪れ、サニテーションに関わる現地の状況視察やそれらに関連した住民組織の活動についての聞き取り調査をおこなった。また、以前より協力関係にある現地NGOとMOUを締結し、共同研究の体制を確立した。 2.地方都市:東部州において地域住民の衛生改善やトイレ普及をおこなっているNGO の協力で、農村地域でのサニテーション状況の現状把握とその改善方法について情報交換をおこなった。このNGOとの間にもMOUを締結し、今後の具体的なパイロットファームの運営を踏まえた共同研究の可能性について議論した。 3.狩猟採集民定住集落:東部州において、定住した狩猟採集民(BAKA)を対象としたサニテーションに関する現地調査をおこなった。トイレの設置や使用状況に焦点をしぼり、現地のNGOと連携しながら住民主導によるトイレ造りを始動した。 4.国際ワークショップの開催:首都ヤウンデにおいて、カウンターパートのヤウンデ第1大学在籍の研究者、NGO関係者らとカメルーンのサニテーションに関する国際ワークショップを開催した。キックオフワークショップとして、参加者のバックグラウンドについての自己紹介を兼ねつつ、今後の共同研究の可能性について議論した。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)
    研究期間 : 2019年06月 -2024年03月 
    代表者 : 大西 秀之, 稲村 哲也, 清水 展, 木村 友美, 須田 一弘, 河合 洋尚, 山内 太郎
    本年度は、まず個人の研究活動から領域全体に対する貢献までを議論し共有する機会として、本研究計画班の代表者・分担者・協力者が参加する班会議を二回開催した。第1回会合では、初年度の確認事項として、申請時点での領域全体とB01班の研究計画を把握した上で、各メンバーが調査研究の計画を報告するとともに、どのような貢献を領域全体とB01班に対して果たしうるか検討を行い今後の方針を議論した。第2回会合では、本年度の各メンバーの活動と今後の計画を報告するとともに、次年度(2020年度)に本計画班がホストとなる第3回全体会議のテーマ選定に加え、ベーリンジアにおける人類集団の進出をテーマとする国際シンポジウムの開催計画などを議論した。 次に具体的な活動として、まず代表者1名・分担者5名・協力者4名それぞれが、本学術領域の対象地域である中南米・東南アジア・オセアニアで民族誌調査を実施した。また第1回・第2回の全体会議では、代表者1名・分担者5名・協力者5名が口頭発表・コメント・ポスター報告を行い、各自の調査研究計画と領域全体に対する貢献を提示した。なお詳細に関しては、本領域の『2019年度報告』(http://out-of-eurasia.jp/images/report2019.pdf)「B01班活動報告」(44-84頁)を参照願いたい。 以上のような活動を基に、本年度は、学術雑誌論文11本(和文7本・英文4本)、書籍掲載論文7本(和文6本・英文1本)、単著・編著3編(和文2編・英文1編)、発表講演(日本語26・英語12)を刊行・報告することができた。各詳細に関しては、本報告と前掲書『2019年度報告』「業績」(123-126頁)を参照願いたい。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2018年04月 -2022年03月 
    代表者 : 山内 太郎, 鍋島 孝子, 伊藤 竜生
    本年度(2年目)は、以下の3点を実施した。 1.衛生とサニテーションに関するプログラムの実施(ザンビア):既存のトレーニングプログラム「Child Hygiene and Sanitation Training (CHAST)」をベースに、カウンターパートの研究者、小学校の教師、地元団体のメンバーと協議して現地の文化習慣、規範に合わせてアレンジしたプログラムを実施した。現地の映像作家の協力を得て、子どもたちの活動を映像(写真および動画)で記録した。 2.現地小学生の成長・栄養、衛生・健康状態の評価(インドネシア):都市スラムの小学校において、身体計測(身長、体重)を行い、WHOおよびインドネシアの成長リファレンスを用いて、栄養状態を評価した。下痢の罹患について質問紙調査を実施した。子どもと保護者(母親)に衛生とトイレに関する知識・態度・実践(Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, KAP)質問紙調査を行った。小学生にいつも行っている手洗いをデモンストレーションしてもらい、チェックリストと時間計測によって手洗い技術を評価した。 3.参加型アクション・リサーチの発表会とイベント開催(ザンビア):首都ルサカのスラム地区において、小学生と若者団体(Youth Group)が実施したアクション・リサーチの成果を発表する展示会を開催した。またルサカ市、市長と協働してイベント(サニテーション・フェスティバル)を開催した。ブラスバンドを従え、市長と子どもクラブメンバーそして日本人研究者が道路を行進した。マーケットでゴミ拾いのデモンストレーションを行った。
  • 総合地球環境学研究所:実践プロジェクト
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2022年03月
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2019年03月 
    代表者 : 山内 太郎, 船水 尚行
    ザンビア共和国の首都ルサカ市から2つの未計画居住区(スラム)を選び、それぞれ子どもクラブを設立した。子どもクラブのメンバーは地域の青年団の有志と小学生から構成される。青年団の若者と小学生にサニテーション、安全な飲み水、衛生についてのレクチャーを行い、スラム地区においてフィールド調査を実施した。 子どもたちの調査結果の発表会を開催し、200名を超える人々が参加した。地元の映像作家によって、子どもクラブの一連の活動(ワークショップ、フィールド調査、発表会など)が写真、動画で記録された。現在編集作業中である。終了後はインターネット(ウェブサイト、YouTube等)で広く世界に公開する。


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