
内海 俊介(ウツミ シユンスケ)
地球環境科学研究院 環境生物科学部門 生態遺伝学分野



  • 地球環境科学研究院 環境生物科学部門 生態遺伝学分野


  • 教授


  • 博士(理学)(京都大学)



  • 10642019


J-Global ID


  • 生物多様性   進化生態学   集団遺伝学   個体群生態学   群集生態学   動物と植物の相互作用   


  • ライフサイエンス / 森林科学
  • ライフサイエンス / 進化生物学
  • ライフサイエンス / 生態学、環境学



  • 日本進化学会   個体群生態学会   日本生態学会   



  • Kobayashi Makoto, Shunsuke Utsumi, Ruiqi Zeng, Wataru Mamiya, Tohru Miyazaki, Tomohiro Okuyama, Fumiya Tanaka, Takashi Yamada, Toshiya Yoshida
    Forest Ecology and Management 554 121672 - 121672 2024年02月
  • Tomoki Ishiguro, Marc T. J. Johnson, Shunsuke Utsumi
    Oikos 2023年12月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • The Herbivory Variability Network*†, M. L. Robinson, P. G. Hahn, B. D. Inouye, N. Underwood, S. R. Whitehead, K. C. Abbott, E. M. Bruna, N. I. Cacho, L. A. Dyer, L. Abdala-Roberts, W. J. Allen, J. F. Andrade, D. F. Angulo, D. Anjos, D. N. Anstett, R. Bagchi, S. Bagchi, M. Barbosa, S. Barrett, C. A. Baskett, E. Ben-Simchon, K. J. Bloodworth, J. L. Bronstein, Y. M. Buckley, K. T. Burghardt, C. Bustos-Segura, E. S. Calixto, R. L. Carvalho, B. Castagneyrol, M. C. Chiuffo, D. Cinoğlu, E. Cinto Mejía, M. C. Cock, R. Cogni, O. L. Cope, T. Cornelissen, D. R. Cortez, D. W. Crowder, C. Dallstream, W. Dáttilo, J. K. Davis, R. D. Dimarco, H. E. Dole, I. N. Egbon, M. Eisenring, A. Ejomah, B. D. Elderd, M.-J. Endara, M. D. Eubanks, S. E. Everingham
    Science 382 6671 679 - 683 2023年11月10日 
    Interactions between plants and herbivores are central in most ecosystems, but their strength is highly variable. The amount of variability within a system is thought to influence most aspects of plant-herbivore biology, from ecological stability to plant defense evolution. Our understanding of what influences variability, however, is limited by sparse data. We collected standardized surveys of herbivory for 503 plant species at 790 sites across 116° of latitude. With these data, we show that within-population variability in herbivory increases with latitude, decreases with plant size, and is phylogenetically structured. Differences in the magnitude of variability are thus central to how plant-herbivore biology varies across macroscale gradients. We argue that increased focus on interaction variability will advance understanding of patterns of life on Earth.
  • Takefumi Nakazawa, Noboru Katayama, Shunsuke Utsumi, Akira Yamawo, Masato Yamamichi
    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11 2023年06月19日 [査読有り]
    Mutualism is common in nature and is crucial for population dynamics, community structure, and ecosystem functioning. Studies have recently pointed out that life-history stage structure (e.g., juveniles and adults) is a key factor to better understand the ecological consequences of mutualism (termed stage-structured mutualism). Despite the potential importance, little is known about what kinds of stage-structured mutualism can evolve and when it is likely to occur. Here, we theoretically investigated how a mutualistic partner species should allocate efforts of mutualistic associations for different life-history stages of its host species to maximize its fitness. We assessed the partner’s optimal strategy by using a one host–one partner model with the host’s juvenile-adult stage structure. The results showed that different forms of stage-structured mutualism can evolve, such as juvenile-specialized association, adult-specialized association, and inter-stage partner sharing (i.e., the partner associates with both the juvenile and adult stages of the host) depending on the shape of association trade-off, i.e., how much association with one stage is weakened when the partner strengthens its association with the other stage. In general, stage-specialized association (either juvenile-specialized or adult-specialized association) tends to evolve when being associated with that stage is relatively beneficial. Meanwhile, when the association trade-off is weak, inter-stage partner sharing can occur if the mutualistic benefits of juvenile-specific and adult-specific associations are sufficiently large. We also found that when the association trade-off is strong, alternative stable states occur in which either juvenile-specialized or adult-specialized associations evolve depending on the initial trait value. These results suggest that pairwise interspecific mutualism is more complicated than previously thought, implying that we may under-or overestimate the strength of mutualistic interactions when looking at only certain life-history stages. This study provides a conceptual basis for better understanding the mechanisms underlying ontogenetic shifts of mutualistic partners and more complex mutualistic networks mediated by the life-history stages of organisms and their stage-structured interactions.
  • Jumpei Furusawa, Kobayashi Makoto, Shunsuke Utsumi
    Ecology and Evolution 13 3 2023年03月24日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Abstract Precipitation‐induced landslides, which are predicted to increase under the changing climate, may have large impacts on insect community properties. However, understanding of how insect community properties shift following landslides remains limited because replicated research involving landslides, which are large‐scale disturbances with stochastic natural causes, is difficult. To tackle this issue, we conducted a large‐scale field experiment by artificially causing landslides at multiple sites. We established 12 landslide sites, each 35 m × 35 m, and 6 undisturbed sites in both planted and natural forests and collected ground‐dwelling beetles 1 year later. We found that forest type (i.e., pre‐disturbance vegetation) did not affect the structure of a ground‐dwelling beetle community disturbed by a landslide (landslide community), but the structure of an undisturbed community was affected by forest type. Moreover, the structures of landslide and undisturbed communities were completely different, possibly because landslides create harsh environments that act as an ecological filter. Thus, a niche‐selection process may have a critical role in community assembly at landslide sites. There were no significant differences in species diversity between undisturbed and landslide communities, suggesting that landslides to not reduce species richness overall. However, among‐site variability in species composition was much greater at landslide sites than at undisturbed sites. This result suggests that stochastic colonization predominated at the landslide sites more than undisturbed sites. Synthesis and applications. Overall, our results suggest that both deterministic and stochastic processes are critical in community assembly, at least in the early post‐landslide stage. Our large‐scale manipulative field experiment with replications has thus resulted in new insights into biological community properties after a landslide.
  • James S. Santangelo, Rob W. Ness, Beata Cohan, Connor R. Fitzpatrick, Simon G. Innes, Sophie Koch, Lindsay S. Miles, Samreen Munim, Pedro R. Peres-Neto, Cindy Prashad, Alex T. Tong, Windsor E. Aguirre, Philips O. Akinwole, Marina Alberti, Jackie Alvarez, Jill T. Anderson, Joseph J. Anderson, Yoshino Ando, Nigel R. Andrew, Fabio Angeoletto, Daniel N. Anstett, Julia Anstett, Felipe Aoki-Goncalves, A. Z. Andis Arietta, Mary T. K. Arroyo, Emily J. Austen, Fernanda Baena-Diaz, Cory A. Barker, Howard A. Baylis, Julia M. Beliz, Alfonso Benitez-Mora, David Bickford, Gabriela Biedebach, Gwylim S. Blackburn, Mannfred M. A. Boehm, Stephen P. Bonser, Dries Bonte, Jesse R. Bragger, Cristina Branquinho, Kristien Brans, Jorge C. Bresciano, Peta D. Brom, Anna Bucharova, Briana Burt, James F. Cahill, Katelyn D. Campbell, Elizabeth J. Carlen, Diego Carmona, Maria Clara Castellanos, Giada Centenaro, Izan Chalen, Jaime A. Chaves, Mariana Chavez-Pesqueira, Xiao-Yong Chen, Angela M. Chilton, Kristina M. Chomiak, Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia, Ibrahim K. Cisse, Aimee T. Classen, Mattheau S. Comerford, Camila Cordoba Fradinger, Hannah Corney, Andrew J. Crawford, Kerri M. Crawford, Maxime Dahirel, Santiago David, Robert De Haan, Nicholas J. Deacon, Clare Dean, Ek Del-Val, Eleftherios K. Deligiannis, Derek Denney, Margarete A. Dettlaff, Michelle F. DiLeo, Yuan-Yuan Ding, Moises E. Dominguez-Lopez, Davide M. Dominoni, Savannah L. Draud, Karen Dyson, Jacintha Ellers, Carlos Espinosa, Liliana Essi, Mohsen Falahati-Anbaran, Jessica C. F. Falcao, Hayden T. Fargo, Mark D. E. Fellowes, Raina M. Fitzpatrick, Leah E. Flaherty, Padraic J. Flood, Maria F. Flores, Juan Fornoni, Amy G. Foster, Christopher J. Frost, Tracy L. Fuentes, Justin R. Fulkerson, Edeline Gagnon, Frauke Garbsch, Colin J. Garroway, Aleeza C. Gerstein, Mischa M. Giasson, E. Binney Girdler, Spyros Gkelis, William Godsoe, Anneke M. Golemiec, Mireille Golemiec, Cesar Gonzalez-Lagos, Amanda J. Gorton, Kiyoko M. Gotanda, Gustaf Granath, Stephan Greiner, Joanna S. Griffiths, Filipa Grilo, Pedro E. Gundel, Benjamin Hamilton, Joyce M. Hardin, Tianhua He, Stephen B. Heard, Andre F. Henriques, Melissa Hernandez-Poveda, Molly C. Hetherington-Rauth, Sarah J. Hill, Dieter F. Hochuli, Kathryn A. Hodgins, Glen R. Hood, Gareth R. Hopkins, Katherine A. Hovanes, Ava R. Howard, Sierra C. Hubbard, Carlos N. Ibarra-Cerdena, Carlos Iniguez-Armijos, Paola Jara-Arancio, Benjamin J. M. Jarrett, Manon Jeannot, Vania Jimenez-Lobato, Mae Johnson, Oscar Johnson, Philip P. Johnson, Reagan Johnson, Matthew P. Josephson, Meen Chel Jung, Michael G. Just, Aapo Kahilainen, Otto S. Kailing, Eunice Karinho-Betancourt, Regina Karousou, Lauren A. Kirn, Anna Kirschbaum, Anna-Liisa Laine, Jalene M. LaMontagne, Christian Lampei, Carlos Lara, Erica L. Larson, Adrian Lazaro-Lobo, Jennifer H. Le, Deleon S. Leandro, Christopher Lee, Yunting Lei, Carolina A. Leon, Manuel E. Lequerica Tamara, Danica C. Levesque, Wan-Jin Liao, Megan Ljubotina, Hannah Locke, Martin T. Lockett, Tiffany C. Longo, Jeremy T. Lundholm, Thomas MacGillavry, Christopher R. Mackin, Alex R. Mahmoud, Isaac A. Manju, Janine Marien, D. Nayeli Martinez, Marina Martinez-Bartolome, Emily K. Meineke, Wendy Mendoza-Arroyo, Thomas J. S. Merritt, Lila Elizabeth L. Merritt, Giuditta Migiani, Emily S. Minor, Nora Mitchell, Mitra Mohammadi Bazargani, Angela T. Moles, Julia D. Monk, Christopher M. Moore, Paula A. Morales-Morales, Brook T. Moyers, Miriam Munoz-Rojas, Jason Munshi-South, Shannon M. Murphy, Maureen M. Murua, Melisa Neila, Ourania Nikolaidis, Iva Njunji, Peter Nosko, Juan Nunez-Farfan, Takayuki Ohgushi, Kenneth M. Olsen, Oystein H. Opedal, Cristina Ornelas, Amy L. Parachnowitsch, Aaron S. Paratore, Angela M. Parody-Merino, Juraj Paule, Octavio S. Paulo, Joao Carlos Pena, Vera W. Pfeiffer, Pedro Pinho, Anthony Piot, Ilga M. Porth, Nicholas Poulos, Adriana Puentes, Jiao Qu, Estela Quintero-Vallejo, Steve M. Raciti, Joost A. M. Raeymaekers, Krista M. Raveala, Diana J. Rennison, Milton C. Ribeiro, Jonathan L. Richardson, Gonzalo Rivas-Torres, Benjamin J. Rivera, Adam B. Roddy, Erika Rodriguez-Munoz, Jose Raul Roman, Laura S. Rossi, Jennifer K. Rowntree, Travis J. Ryan, Santiago Salinas, Nathan J. Sanders, Luis Y. Santiago-Rosario, Amy M. Savage, J. F. Scheepens, Menno Schilthuizen, Adam C. Schneider, Tiffany Scholier, Jared L. Scott, Summer A. Shaheed, Richard P. Shefferson, Caralee A. Shepard, Jacqui A. Shykoff, Georgianna Silveira, Alexis D. Smith, Lizet Solis-Gabriel, Antonella Soro, Katie Spellman, Kaitlin Stack Whitney, Indra Starke-Ottich, Jorg G. Stephan, Jessica D. Stephens, Justyna Szulc, Marta Szulkin, Ayco J. M. Tack, Italo Tamburrino, Tayler D. Tate, Emmanuel Tergemina, Panagiotis Theodorou, Ken A. Thompson, Caragh G. Threlfall, Robin M. Tinghitella, Lilibeth Toledo-Chelala, Xin Tong, Lea Uroy, Shunsuke Utsumi, Martijn L. Vandegehuchte, Acer VanWallendael, Paula M. Vidal, Susana M. Wadgymar, Ai-Ying Wang, Nian Wang, Montana L. Warbrick, Kenneth D. Whitney, Miriam Wiesmeier, J. Tristian Wiles, Jianqiang Wu, Zoe A. Xirocostas, Zhaogui Yan, Jiahe Yao, Jeremy B. Yoder, Owen Yoshida, Jingxiong Zhang, Zhigang Zhao, Carly D. Ziter, Matthew P. Zuellig, Rebecca A. Zufall, Juan E. Zurita, Sharon E. Zytynska, Marc T. J. Johnson
    SCIENCE 375 6586 1275 - + 2022年03月 
    Urbanization transforms environments in ways that alter biological evolution. We examined whether urban environmental change drives parallel evolution by sampling 110,019 white clover plants from 6169 populations in 160 cities globally. Plants were assayed for a Mendelian antiherbivore defense that also affects tolerance to abiotic stressors. Urban-rural gradients were associated with the evolution of clines in defense in 47% of cities throughout the world. Variation in the strength of clines was explained by environmental changes in drought stress and vegetation cover that varied among cities. Sequencing 2074 genomes from 26 cities revealed that the evolution of urban-rural dines was best explained by adaptive evolution, but the degree of parallel adaptation varied among cities. Our results demonstrate that urbanization leads to adaptation at a global scale.
  • Ken-Ichi Kucho, Hiroyuki Tobita, Shunsuke Utsumi, Toshiki Uchiumi, Takashi Yamanaka
    Journal of Forest Research 27 2 96 - 99 2022年02月09日 [査読有り]
  • Hiromi Uno, Mizushi Yokoi, Keitaro Fukushima, Yoichiro Kanno, Osamu Kishida, Wataru Mamiya, Rei Sakai, Shunsuke Utsumi
    Freshwater Biology 2021年12月09日
  • Yoichiro Kanno, Audrey C. Harris, Osamu Kishida, Shunsuke Utsumi, Hiromi Uno
    Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2021年09月04日 [査読有り]
  • Kevin A. Fitzgerald, Matt R. Haworth, Kevin R. Bestgen, Collin J. Farrell, Shunsuke Utsumi, Osamu Kishida, Hiromi Uno, Yoichiro Kanno
    Fisheries Management and Ecology 28 6 507 - 515 2021年06月29日 [査読有り]
    Hatch timing in autumn-spawning stream salmonids is poorly understood in the subarctic region because snow cover prevents direct sampling of cryptic early life stages. Otolith micro-increment analysis was used to infer hatch dates of white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis (Pallas) and masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou (Brevoort) in a mainstem-tributary network in northern Japan. Accuracy and precision were validated by ageing hatchery individuals with known hatch date ranges. In July 2018, 93 wild young-of-the-year white-spotted charr and 81 masu salmon were collected and aged. Masu salmon hatched, on average, 24 days earlier (mean = February 8) than white-spotted charr (March 4), and hatch dates spanned a minimum of 2 months for each species. In masu salmon, hatch dates of individuals collected in the mainstem were nearly 3 weeks earlier than those in a tributary. This study provided knowledge on intra- and inter-specific variation in hatch timing of native salmonids in a subarctic stream network.
  • Hino Takafumi, Yuri Kanno, Shin Abe, Tetsuto Abe, Tsutomu Enoki, Toshihide Hirao, Tsutom Hiura, Kazuhiko Hoshizaki, Hideyuki Ida, Ken Ishida, Masayuki Maki, Takashi Masaki, Shoji Naoe, Mahoko Noguchi, Tatsuya Otani, Takanori Sato, Michinori Sakimoto, Hitoshi Sakio, Masahiro Takagi, Atsushi Takashima, Naoko Tokuchi, Shunsuke Utsumi, Amane Hidaka, Masahiro Nakamura
    We present the largest freely available herbivory dataset for Japan representing data collected from a network of 19 natural forest sites across the country. Sampled network sites were part of the Monitoring Sites 1000 Project organized by the Ministry of the Environment. Sites were located across a range of climate zones, from subarctic to subtropical, and broadleaf trees (both evergreen and deciduous) were targeted at each site. Litterfall traps were used to assess leaf damage caused by leaf-chewing insects in 2014 and 2015. Using a standardized protocol, we assessed herbivory on 117,918 leaves of 39 dominant tree species. Preliminary analyses suggest that insect herbivory increases with increasing latitude for deciduous broadleaf species. In particular, oak (Quercus crispula) and beech (Fagus crenata) were subject to increased insect herbivory with increasing latitude. In contrast, insect herbivory decreased with increasing latitude in evergreen broadleaf species. The latitudinal gradient of herbivory differed according to leaf type (i.e., evergreen or deciduous). This dataset offers excellent opportunities for meta-analysis and comparative studies of herbivory among various forest types. The complete dataset for this abstract published in the Data Paper section of the journal is available in electronic format in MetaCat in JaLTER at .
  • 門脇 浩明, 山道 真人, 深野 祐也, 石塚 航, 三村 真紀子, 西廣 淳, 横溝 裕行, 内海 俊介
    保全生態学研究 25 2 n/a  一般社団法人 日本生態学会 2020年12月 [査読有り]
  • 昆虫群集を予測する樹木の種内変異
    鍵谷進乃介, 内海俊介
    New Entomologist 69 48 - 61 2020年09月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Shunsuke Utsumi
    Plant and Soil 452 1-2 513 - 527 2020年07月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Yoichiro Kanno, Naoki Yui, Wataru Mamiya, Rei Sakai, Yuri Yabuhara, Tohru Miyazaki, Shunsuke Utsumi, Osamu Kishida, Hiromi Uno
    Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77 6 1090 - 1100 2020年06月 
    We studied movement of a native salmonid, white-spotted char (Salvelinus leucomaenis), in a 1-km tributary in northern Hokkaido, Japan, in May–July 2018. Based on physical mark–recapture of 501 unique individuals and detection by mobile PIT antenna over monthly intervals, a majority of fish (70%–80%) stayed within 60 m of previously released locations, demonstrating what appeared to be restricted movement patterns. However, fixed PIT antenna data showed that as much as 17% of marked individuals emigrated from the study area during the 2-month study period. Probability of emigration did not depend on where in the 1-km segment individuals had been released, indicating that emigration likely represented long-distance movement. Once emigrants made a decision to emigrate, they left the tributary within 1–3 median days by moving downstream in a unidirectional manner, based on detections at a total of three antenna arrays deployed throughout the tributary. Our multiscale analysis provided strong support for co-existence of short- and long-distance movement patterns, and we conclude that movement data at multiple spatial scales complement each other to characterize population-scale movement.
  • Nanoko Meguro, Osamu Kishida, Shunsuke Utsumi, Shigeru Niwa, Susumu Igarashi, Chikara Kozuka, Aiko Naniwa, Takuya Sato
    Ecological Research 35 3 482 - 493 2020年05月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Yuzu Sakata, Shunsuke Utsumi, Timothy P. Craig, Joanne K. Itami, Mito Ikemoto, Takayuki Ohgushi
    Ecology and Evolution 2020年03月02日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2020年02月03日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    We studied movement of a native salmonid, white-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis), in a 1-km tributary in northern Hokkaido, Japan, in May-July 2018. Based on physical mark-recapture of 501 unique individuals and detection by mobile PIT antenna over monthly intervals, a majority of fish (70-80 %) stayed within 60 m of previously released locations, demonstrating what appeared to be restricted movement patterns. However, fixed PIT antenna data showed that as much as 17% of marked individuals emigrated from the study area during the two-month study period. Probability of emigration did not depend on where in the 1-km segment individuals had been released, indicating that emigration likely represented long-distance movement. Once emigrants made a decision to emigrate, they left the tributary within 1-3 median days by moving downstream in a unidirectional manner, based on detections at a total of three antenna arrays deployed throughout the tributary. Our multi-scale analysis provided strong support for co-existence of short- and long-distance movement patterns, and we conclude that movement data at multiple spatial scale complement each other to characterize population-scale movement.
  • Chisato Terada, TaeOh Kwon, Nobuko Kazahari, Osamu Kishida, Shunsuke Utsumi
    Ecological Research 2019年05月24日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • 遺伝子・多様性・循環の科学 生態学の領域融合へ 2019年02月28日 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Yuzu Sakata, Timothy, P. Craig, Joanne K. Itami, Mito Ikemoto, Shunsuke Utsumi, Takayuki Ohgushi
    Evolutionary Ecology 32 5 547 - 559 Springer Nature America, Inc 2018年10月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    To understand rapid evolution in plant resistance to herbivory, it is critical to determine how the genetic correlation among resistances varies genetically and/or environmentally. We conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment of tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima with multiple replicates within the native range (USA) and the introduced range (Japan) to explore the differences in phenotypic traits of resistance to multiple herbivorous insects and their relationships between and within the countries. The Japanese plants were more resistant to the lace bug, Corythucha marmorata, which had recently invaded Japan, but were more susceptible to other herbivorous insects compared to the USA plants. An antagonistic relationship was found between plant resistances to lace bugs and other herbivorous insects in both USA and Japanese plants. In addition, this relationship was more obvious in gardens with a high level of foliage damage than in gardens with a low level of foliage damage by other herbivorous insects. An antagonistic relationship between resistances to aphids and lace bugs was also observed in USA gardens, but not in Japanese garden. These results suggest that the strength of constraints on the evolution of plant resistance due to genetic trade-offs may differ among biotic environments, including community structure of herbivorous insects. Therefore, differences in herbivorous insect communities between the native and introduced ranges can result in the rapid evolution of greater resistance in plants in the introduced range than in the native range.
  • Shinnosuke Kagiya, Masaki Yasugi, Hiroshi Kudoh, Atsushi J. Nagano, Shunsuke Utsumi
    Molecular Ecology 27 5 1284 - 1295 2018年03月01日 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Understanding how genetic variation within a foundation species determines the structure of associated communities and ecosystem processes has been an emerging frontier in ecology. Previous studies in common gardens identified close links between intraspecific variation and multispecies community structure, and these findings are now being evaluated directly in the complex natural ecosystem. In this study, we examined to what extent genomic variation in a foundation tree species explains the structure of associated arthropod communities in the field, comparing with spatial, temporal and environmental factors. In a continuous mixed forest, arthropods were surveyed on 85 mature alders (Alnus hirsuta) in 2 years. Moreover, we estimated Nei's genetic distance among the alders based on 1,077 single nucleotide polymorphisms obtained from restricted-site-associated DNA sequencing of the alders’ genome. In both years, we detected significant correlations between genetic distance and dissimilarity of arthropod communities. A generalized dissimilarity modelling indicated that the genetic distance of alder populations was the most important predictor to explain the variance of arthropod communities. Among arthropod functional groups, carnivores were consistently correlated with genetic distance of the foundation species in both years. Furthermore, the extent of year-to-year changes in arthropod communities was more similar between more genetically closed alder populations. This study demonstrates that the genetic similarity rule would be primarily prominent in community assembly of plant-associated arthropods under temporally and spatially variable environments in the field.
  • Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd. 2017年06月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Mito Ikemoto, Takashi Y. Ida, Shunsuke Utsumi, Takayuki Ohgushi
    ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY 42 2 164 - 172 2017年04月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    1. The flower visitor community consists not only of pollinators but also of non-pollinators, such as florivores, thieves and predators that attack flower visitors. Although there is increasing evidence that early-season foliar herbivory influences pollinator visitation through changes in floral traits, few studies have explored indirect effects of foliar herbivory on community structure of the flower visitors. We examined how early-season foliar herbivory influences the flower visitor community established in late season. 2. We conducted an inoculation experiment using a lacebug (Corythucha marmorata), which is a predominantly herbivorous insect attacking leaves of tall goldenrod (Solidago altissima) in Japan. 3. Flower abundance significantly decreased when damaged by the lacebug. The numbers of pollinators, florivores and thieves were positively correlated with flower abundance, whereas predators were not. In response to flower abundance, florivores decreased on damaged plants. On the other hand, thieves increased on damaged plants, and pollinators and predators did not differ between damaged and undamaged plants. 4. When effects of flower abundance were excluded, foliar herbivory still influenced florivores negatively and thieves positively. This implies that factors besides flower abundance may have affected the numbers of florivores and thieves. 5. Community composition of flower visitors on damaged plants significantly differed from undamaged plants, although overall abundance, taxonomic richness and taxonomic evenness were unaffected by foliar herbivory in the early season. It is important to recognise that only evaluating species diversity and overall abundance may fail to detect the significant consequence of early-season herbivory on the flower visitor community.
  • Yoshino Ando, Shunsuke Utsumi, Takayuki Ohgushi
    FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY 31 3 632 - 641 2017年03月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Ecological communities consist of antagonistic and mutualistic interactions that can vary in their strength. Indirect effects act among species within or across trophic levels through multiple pathways in an interaction network. Although there are many studies showing indirect effects in ecological communities, we know little about how indirect effects impact the wider community by linking other direct and indirect interactions. Herbivore-induced indirect effects are ubiquitous and powerful forces in structuring ecological communities. In a plant-associated network, aphids have the potential to connect multiple interactions through ant- and plant-mediated indirect effects on co-occurring and/or temporally separated species. We examined how aphids affect the interaction network on tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima, based on data of arthropod species on it with and without the aphid, Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum, using structural equationmodelling (SEM) analysis. The presence of aphids greatly changed the strength of several species interactions throughout the season. In the early season, aphids had negative indirect effects on leafhoppers and moth caterpillars through ants. On the other hand, aphid-induced leaf regrowth decreased scale insects but increased grasshoppers in the late season, when the aphid was no longer present. Moreover, the aphid-generated interactions increased seed production of tall goldenrods, due to indirect pathways through the leaf regrowth. The aphid thus played a critical role as a network creator in determining the interaction network by generating ant- and plant-mediated indirect effects. In particular, the aphid-induced leaf regrowth contributed to interaction diversity (i.e. total number of positive/negative interactions and link density per each species) by connecting arthropod species in the early and late seasons. We disentangled the complexity of direct and indirect pathways generated by the aphid (i.e. keystone herbivore), which largely determines community structure of associated arthropods and plant reproductive success. Our study combining ant- and plant-mediated indirect interactions mediated by the aphid provides a basis of better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of how the impact of the keystone herbivore can spread through plant-based insect networks via direct and indirect pathways.
  • 中路達郎, 岸田治, 内海俊介, 福澤加里部, 小林真, 伊藤悠也, 間宮春大, 芦谷大太郎, 上浦達哉
    北方森林保全技術 34 34 43 - 47 北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター森林圏ステーション 2017年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Shunsuke Utsumi
    JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 103 4 829 - 839 2015年07月 [査読無し][通常論文]
    Genetic variation in individual species can have important ecological consequences, and sometimes, these interactions are mediated through another species. For example, genetic variation in an herbivore could alter plant responses that then influence other plant-associated arthropods. However, few systems have experimentally tested the ecological consequences of genetic variation as mediated through other species, especially within the same trophic community context. I studied how evolution of feeding preference in the willow leaf beetle (Plagiodera versicolora), which occurs under selection in a herbivore community context, feeds back to an arthropod community through plant-mediated indirect interactions. Previous studies show beetle populations locally adapt distinct preferences ranging from the gourmet-type, which feeds exclusively on new leaves of willows, to the no-preference (no-pref) type, which displays non-preferential feeding on leaves of different ages. I conducted field experiments at two sites that mimicked evolutionary changes in the feeding preference of the leaf beetle. I manipulated the composition of leaf beetle feeding types for 6days in spring and then investigated subsequent development of arthropod communities. I found that initial herbivory by a higher proportion of gourmet-type beetles led to lower subsequent abundance of conspecific beetle larvae. In contrast, a higher proportion of gourmet-type beetles resulted in higher abundance of aphids. Aphid-tending ants also increased with the increasing abundance of aphids. As a result, species diversity of arthropod communities decreased with the proportion of gourmet-type beetles in the initial beetle treatment. Community assembly dynamics were significantly influenced by interactive effects between the initial beetle treatment and subsequent colonizer species identities. Thus, beetle genetic variation had long-lasting effects through a temporal chain of indirect interactions likely mediated through induced plant responses and the abundance of aphids.Synthesis. Evolutionary changes in feeding traits within an herbivore species had profound but predictable impact on local arthropod communities. Because the feeding evolution of herbivores nearly always occurs in a community context, plant-mediated feedback loops between the evolution and ecological community of arthropods may be widespread in nature.
  • Teiji Sota, Hideki Kagata, Yoshino Ando, Shunsuke Utsumi, Takashi Osono
    SpringerBriefs in Biology Springer Japan 2014年 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Teiji Sota, Hideki Kagata, Yoshino Ando, Shunsuke Utsumi, Takashi Osono
    Species Diversity and Community Structure 25  Springer Japan 2013年08月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Teiji Sota, Hideki Kagata, Yoshino Ando, Shunsuke Utsumi, Takashi Osono
    Species Diversity and Community Structure 1  Springer Japan 2013年08月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Teiji Sota, Hideki Kagata, Yoshino Ando, Shunsuke Utsumi, Takashi Osono
    Species Diversity and Community Structure 45  Springer Japan 2013年08月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Shunsuke Utsumi
    ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH 28 3 359 - 371 2013年05月 [査読有り][招待有り]
    In the 21st century, researchers have attempted a synthesis between community ecology and evolutionary biology. This emerging research area, which aims to synthesize community ecology and evolutionary biology, is evolutionary community ecology. Evolutionary community ecology addresses how intraspecific trait variation in community members is essential for predicting community properties and, how community properties are a key component of the selective forces that determine genetic and phenotypic variation in a community member. In this paper, I review recent findings in evolutionary community ecology in plant-associated arthropods in terrestrial ecosystems. I discuss roles of both genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity as a source of trait variation in plants in shaping plant-associated arthropod communities. Also, I discuss effects of genetic variation in herbivores on plant-associated arthropod communities. Furthermore, I highlight community context evolution in which multiple species interactions and community composition affect trait evolution of a community member. Finally, I argue that future studies should investigate a feedback loop between community and evolutionary dynamics beyond unidirectional studies on effects of evolution on a community or vice versa. This approach will provide major insights into mechanistic principles for making predictions of community ecology.
  • Shunsuke Utsumi, Yoshino Ando, Heikki Roininen, Jun-ichi Takahashi, Takayuki Ohgushi
    Ecology Letters 16 3 362 - 370 2013年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Several recent studies have emphasised that community composition alters species trait evolution. Here, we demonstrate that differences in composition of local herbivore communities lead to divergent trait evolution of the leaf beetle Plagiodera versicolora through plant-mediated indirect interactions. Our field surveys, genetic analyses and community-manipulation experiments show that herbivore community composition determines the degree of herbivore-induced regrowth of willows (Salicaceae), which in turn, promotes the divergent evolution of feeding preference in the leaf beetle from exclusive preference for new leaves to a lack of preference among leaf-age types. Regrowth intensity depends both on the differential response of willows to different herbivore species and the integration of those herbivore species in the community. Because herbivore-induced regrowth involves phenological changes in new leaf production, leaf beetle populations develop divergent feeding preferences according to local regrowth intensity. Therefore, herbivore community composition shapes the selection regime for leaf beetle evolution through trait-mediated indirect interactions. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/CNRS.
  • Yoshino Ando, Shunsuke Utsumi, Takayuki Ohgushi
    ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY 36 5 643 - 653 2011年10月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    1. The aphid Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum Olive, which is specialised to the tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima L., in its native range, has become a dominant species on the introduced tall goldenrod in Japan. How this exotic aphid influenced arthropod communities on the introduced tall goldenrod in aphid-present (spring) and aphid-absent (autumn) seasons was examined, using an aphid removal experiment. 2. In spring, aphid presence increased ant abundance because aphid honeydew attracted foraging ant workers. A significant negative correlation was found between the numbers of ants and herbivorous insects other than aphids on the aphid-exposed plants, but no significant correlation was detected on the aphid-free plants. Thus, the aphid presence was likely to decrease the abundance of co-occurring herbivorous insects through removal behaviour of the aphid-tending ants. There were no significant differences in plant traits between the aphid-exposed and aphid-free plants. 3. In autumn, the numbers of lateral shoots and leaves, and the leaf nitrogen content were increased in response to the aphid infestation in spring. Because of the improvement of plant traits by aphid feeding, the abundance of leaf chewers increased on aphid-exposed plants. In contrast, the abundance of sap feeders decreased on the aphid-exposed plants. In particular, the dominant scale insect among sap feeders, Parasaissetia nigra Nietner, decreased, followed by a decrease in the abundance of ants attending P. nigra. Thus, aphid feeding may have attenuated the negative impacts of the tending ants on leaf chewers. 4. Aphid presence did not change herbivore species richness but changed the relative density of dominant herbivores, resulting in community-wide effects on co-occurring herbivores through ant-mediated indirect effects, and on temporally separated herbivores through plant-and ant-mediated indirect effects. The aphid also altered predator community composition by increasing and decreasing the relative abundance of aphid-tending ants in the spring and autumn, respectively.
  • Shunsuke Utsumi, Yoshino Ando, Timothy P. Craig, Takayuki Ohgushi
    PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 278 1721 3108 - 3115 2011年10月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    It is critical to incorporate the process of population dynamics into community genetics studies to identify the mechanisms of the linkage between host plant genetics and associated communities. We studied the effects of plant genotypic diversity of tall goldenrod Solidago altissima on the population dynamics of the aphid Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum. We found genotypic variation in plant resistance to the aphid in our experiments. To determine the impact of plant genotypic diversity on aphid population dynamics, we compared aphid densities under conditions of three treatments: single-genotype plots, mixed-genotype plots and mixed-genotype-with-cages plots. In the latter treatment plants were individually caged to prevent natural enemy attack and aphid movement among plants. The synergistic effects of genotypes on population size were demonstrated by the greater aphid population size in the mixed-genotype treatment than expected from additive effects alone. Two non-exclusive hypotheses are proposed to explain this pattern. First, there is a source-sink relationship among plant genotypes: aphids move from plant genotypes where their reproduction is high to genotypes where their reproduction is low. Second, natural enemy mortality is reduced in mixed plots in a matrix of diverse plant genotypes.
  • Shunsuke Utsumi
    POPULATION ECOLOGY 53 1 23 - 34 2011年01月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    It is increasingly recognized that the ecology of communities and evolution of species within communities are interdependent, and researchers have been paying attention to this rapidly emerging field of research, i.e., through studies on eco-evolutionary dynamics. Most of the studies on eco-evolutionary dynamics have been concerned with direct trophic interactions. However, community ecologists have shown that trait-mediated indirect effects play an important role in shaping the structure of natural communities. In particular, in terrestrial plant-insect systems, indirect effects mediated through herbivore-induced plant responses are common and have a great impact on the structure of herbivore communities. This review describes eco-evolutionary dynamics in herbivorous insect communities, and specifically focuses on the key role of herbivore-induced plant responses in eco-evolutionary dynamics. First, I review studies on the evolution of herbivore traits relevant to plant induction and discuss evolution in a community context mediated by induced plant responses. Second, I highlight how intraspecific genetic variation or evolution in herbivore traits can influence herbivore community structure. Finally, I propose the hypothetical model that induced plant responses supports eco-evolutionary feedback in herbivore communities. In this review, I argue that the application of the indirect interaction web approaches into studies on eco-evolutionary will provide profound insights into understanding of mechanisms of the generation and maintenance of biodiversity.
  • Takayuki Ohgushi, Yoshino Ando, Shunsuke Utsumi, Timothy P. Craig
    JOURNAL OF PLANT INTERACTIONS 6 2-3 147 - 150 2011年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima, was introduced from North America 100 years ago, and it has become widely distributed all over Japan. We have been investigating plant-based indirect interaction webs on the tall goldenrod in Japan and the US. We found that arthropod communities on Japanese goldenrods are organized via plant- and ant-mediated indirect effects caused by the dominant aphid, Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum, which came from the US in the early 1990s. The aphid also generated bottom-up cascading effects on temporally separated communities. Our results highlight the importance of herbivore-induced plant phenotypes in determining the structure of indirect interaction webs. We review our ongoing research that focuses on the effect of plant genotypic variation on the formation of indirect interaction webs. Our findings of the genotypic effects on aphid population dynamics and herbivore community composition provide a more complete understanding of the community consequences of plant genotypic diversity, as well as herbivore-induced plant phenotypes.
  • Timothy P. Craig, Joanne K. Itami, Takayuki Ohgushi, Yoshino Ando, Shunsuke Utsumi
    JOURNAL OF PLANT INTERACTIONS 6 2-3 141 - 145 2011年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Host-associated differentiation is hypothesized to be one of the primary means by which new species of herbivorous insects evolve. Divergent selection for host plant use following a host shift is a critical assumption of host-associated differentiation. Host shifts are more likely to occur between closely related host species, and the probability of a host shift and of the evolution of reproductive isolation depends on the genetic variation within both the host plant population and the herbivorous insect. We have been studying the evolution of reproductive isolation in populations of Eurosta solidaginis that form galls on Solidago altissima altissima and Solidago altissima gilvocanescens. Each of the Eurosta populations is a host race that is partially but incompletely isolated from the other host races by its adaptation to its host plants. The Solidago sp. populations show high intraspecific variation within and among populations in their resistance to attack by the host races which are adapted to them. There is also evidence that they vary in their susceptibility to host races adapted to other Solidago species. We examine the hypothesis that the intraspecific Solidago variation determines the degree of gene flow among Eurosta populations and that this can create barriers or bridges to gene flow and therefore determine the course of speciation in these insects. The intraspecific host plant variation can influence the interactions with herbivores when it is an invasive species. The restricted range of genetic variation introduced into a new region may be a good or poor match with populations of herbivores that are also introduced into the new area.
  • Shunsuke Utsumi, Yoshino Ando, Takayuki Ohgushi
    JOURNAL OF PLANT INTERACTIONS 6 2-3 171 - 172 2011年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    The questions of how the indirect interactions mediated by herbivore-induced plant responses influence trait evolution of herbivores have been poorly investigated. We previously demonstrated that allopatric populations of the willow leaf beetle, Plagiodera versicolora (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) could evolutionarily develop divergent preference, according to locally distinct intensity of induced plant regrowth. Our herbivore removal experiment suggested that the local intensity of herbivore-induced regrowth strongly influenced the geographic variation in the plant regrowth response. Furthermore, attack by another herbivore species could induce willow regrowth, which in turn increased the relative fitness of the beetles with strong preference for new leaves compared with the beetles with weak preference. Therefore, we conclude that the plant-utilizing trait of the leaf beetle can evolve in response to indirect effects of other herbivore species mediated by herbivore-induced plant regrowth.
  • Yoshino Ando, Shunsuke Utsumi, Timothy P. Craig, Joanne Itami, Takayuki Ohgushi
    JOURNAL OF PLANT INTERACTIONS 6 2-3 169 - 170 2011年 [査読有り][通常論文]
    We have tried to understand mechanisms of organizing herbivore communities on introduced tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima. At first, to assess pattern on herbivore communities on S. altissima, we compared community composition, density, and species richness of herbivorous insects on S. altissima and on a related native species Solidago virgaurea at a same habitat in Japan. We found a large difference in community composition on the two plant species. In particular, exotic aphid greatly contributed to the difference in community composition. Next, to examine the aphid impacts on other herbivores, we conducted several experiments in Japan. We found strong impacts of the aphid on co-occurring herbivorous insects through the removal behavior of tending ants and on temporally separated herbivorous insects through changes in foliar quality and production of S. altissima. These two studies suggest that the exotic aphid plays an important role in organizing herbivore communities on S. altissima.
  • Shunsuke Utsumi, Osamu Kishida, Takayuki Ohgushi
    POPULATION ECOLOGY 52 4 457 - 459 2010年10月 [査読有り][通常論文]
  • Shunsuke Utsumi, Yoshino Ando, Takeshi Miki
    POPULATION ECOLOGY 52 4 485 - 497 2010年10月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Plants have diverse ways of responding to damage by herbivores, such as changes in allelochemistry, physiology, morphology, growth, and phenology. These responses form the mechanistic basis for trait-mediated indirect interactions (TMIIs) between organisms on the plants. There is a growing appreciation that such TMIIs form complex networks (i.e., indirect interaction webs) in terrestrial plant-associated arthropod communities. Almost all previous studies have had the same framework: examining trait-mediated indirect effects within a single interactive unit consisting of one initiator of herbivore, a host plant as a mediator, and one receiver [trait-mediated indirect interaction unit (TMIU)]. However, this framework is too simple to understand the dynamics of the indirect interaction web. Recent studies suggest that there is a wide variety of interactions among TMIUs within a community, which may largely affect the outcomes of indirect effects in each unit. Here, we review recent advance in studies of trait-mediated indirect effects in plant-associated arthropod communities and explore the mechanisms of linkages among TMIUs. Then, we argue the importance of examining linkages among TMIUs as a new framework for future studies on the indirect interaction web. Finally, we propose the hypothesis that linkages among TMIUs contribute to the maintenance of biodiversity.
  • Yoshino Ando, Shunsuke Utsumi, Takayuki Ohgushi
    ENTOMOLOGIA EXPERIMENTALIS ET APPLICATA 136 2 174 - 183 2010年08月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    We compared community composition, density, and species richness of herbivorous insects on the introduced plant Solidago altissima L. (Asteraceae) and the related native species Solidago virgaurea L. in Japan. We found large differences in community composition on the two Solidago species. Five hemipteran sap feeders were found only on S. altissima. Two of them, the aphid Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum Olive (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and the scale insect Parasaissetia nigra Nietner (Hemiptera: Coccidae), were exotic species, accounting for 62% of the total individuals on S. altissima. These exotic sap feeders mostly determined the difference of community composition on the two plant species. In contrast, the herbivore community on S. virgaurea consisted predominately of five native insects: two lepidopteran leaf chewers and three dipteran leaf miners. Overall species richness did not differ between the plants because the increased species richness of sap feeders was offset by the decreased richness of leaf chewers and leaf miners on S. altissima. The overall density of herbivorous insects was higher on S. altissima than on S. virgaurea, because of the high density of the two exotic sap feeding species on S. altissima. We discuss the importance of analyzing community composition in terms of feeding guilds of insect herbivores for understanding how communities of insect herbivores are organized on introduced plants in novel habitats.
  • Shunsuke Utsumi, Osamu Kishida, Takayuki Ohgushi
    Population Ecology 52 4 457 - 459 2010年 [査読無し][通常論文]
  • Shunsuke Utsumi, Takayuki Ohgushi
    OIKOS 118 12 1805 - 1815 2009年12月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    It has been widely accepted that herbivory induces morphological, phenological, and chemical changes in a wide variety of terrestrial plants. There is an increasing appreciation that herbivore-induced plant responses affect the performance and abundance of other arthropods. However, we still have a poor understanding of the effects of induced plant responses on community structures of arthropods. We examined the community-level effects of willow regrowth in response to damage by larvae of swift moth Endoclita excrescence (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) on herbivorous and predaceous arthropods on three willow species, Salix gilgiana, S. eriocarpa and S. serissaefolia. The leaves of sprouting lateral shoots induced by moth-boring had a low C:N ratio. The overall abundance and species richness of herbivorous insects on the lateral shoots were increased on all three willow species. Densities of specialist chewers and sap-feeders, and leaf miners increased on the newly emerged lateral shoots. In contrast, the densities of generalist chewers and sap-feeders, and gall makers did not increase. Furthermore, ant and spider densities, and the overall abundance and species richness of predaceous arthropods increased on the lateral shoots on S. gilgiana and S. eriocarpa, but not S. serissaefolia. In addition to finding that effects of moth-boring on arthropod abundance and species richness varied among willow species, we also found that moth-boring, willow species, and their interaction differentially affected community composition. Our findings suggest that moth-boring has community-wide impacts on arthropod assemblages across three trophic levels via induced shoot regrowth and increase arthropod species diversity in this three willow species system.
  • Shunsuke Utsumi, Masahiro Nakamura, Takayuki Ohgushi
    JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY 78 5 953 - 963 2009年09月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    P> Herbivory often changes resource quality for herbivorous insects through induced plant responses depending on the intensity of damage. We hypothesized that the willow's response following herbivory affects the entire arthropod community structure on the tree due to changes in plant quality. To examine this hypothesis, we investigated arthropod communities on three willow species, Salix gilgiana, Salix eriocarpa and Salix serissaefolia. In our common garden, cuttings were established in 2003 and experimental treatments were applied in 2005. Damage by a boring caterpillar of a swift moth (Endoclita excrescens) and artificial cutting of 25% stems were applied as partial herbivory within individual trees, and 100% cutting of stems was applied to represent severe herbivory to whole individual trees. These treatments stimulated lateral shoot production depending on damage intensity, resulting in full compensation for biomass loss. Positive relationships were detected between within-tree variation in foliar nitrogen content and overall abundance/species richness of herbivores. Moth boring and 25% cutting increased herbivore abundance and species richness relative to controls. However, we found no significant differences in herbivore abundance and species richness between 100% cut and control trees. Community composition of herbivore species was significantly different between the following three groups: (i) bored and 25% cut; (ii) 100% cut; and (iii) control trees. Changes in community structure of herbivores were likely due to changes in plant quality depending on the intensity of damage. Although total predator abundance and species richness were not significantly different among treatments, community composition of predator species was significantly different among treatments. These results indicate that herbivore-induced willow responses can largely determine the entire arthropod community structure of multitrophic levels due to changes in plant quality. We suggest that heterogeneous resource conditions induced by herbivory within and among plant individuals increase the species diversity of arthropods.
  • Shunsuke Utsumi, Yoshino Ando, Takayuki Ohgushi
    ECOLOGY LETTERS 12 9 920 - 929 2009年09月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    Much attention has been paid to ecology and evolution of damage-induced plant responses. Recently, it has been emphasized that phenotypic plasticity, such as induced plant responses, has the potential to lead to evolutionary changes of interacting partners. Here, we report that induced plant regrowth promotes a locally adaptive feeding preference of a leaf beetle, Plagiodera versicolora. We found that there was among-population variation in the strength of the feeding preference of the leaf beetle for leaf-age types of conspecific host plants. The strength of the preference was positively correlated to leaf production of host plants across populations, and the intensity of induced regrowth was likely to have been responsible for geographic variation in new leaf production. Within one population, we detected a significant additive genetic variance and heritability in the preference for consuming new vs. old leaves. Moreover, the strength of preference was significantly related to egg production depending on the leaf-age types. Thus, allopatric populations can evolutionarily develop different adaptive preference, according to locally distinct patterns of induced host regrowth.
  • Shunsuke Utsumi, Takayuki Ohgushi
    ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY 33 2 250 - 260 2008年04月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    1. We examined the plant-mediated indirect effects of the stem-boring moth Endoclita excrescens (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) on the leaf beetle Plagiodera versicolora (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in three willow species, Salix gilgiana, S. eriocarpa, and S. serissaefolia. 2. When the stem-boring moth larvae damaged stems in the previous year, willows were stimulated to produce vigorously growing lateral shoots on these stems. These new lateral shoots were significantly longer and the upper leaves had significantly higher nitrogen and water content than current-year shoots on unbored stems, although the carbon content and leaf dry mass were not different between lateral and current-year shoots. 3. In the field, leaf beetle larvae and adults had significantly greater densities on lateral shoots of bored stems than on current-year shoots of unbored stems. A laboratory experiment showed that female beetles had significantly greater mass and fecundity when fed on leaves of newly-emerged lateral shoots. Thus, the stem-boring moth had a positive effect on the temporally and spatially separated leaf beetle by increasing resource availability by inducing compensatory regrowth. 4. The strength of the indirect effects on the density and performance of the leaf beetle differed among willow species, because there was interspecific variation in host quality and herbivore-induced changes in plant traits. In particular, we suggest that the differences in magnitude of the changes among willow species in shoot length and leaf nitrogen content greatly affected the strength of the plant-regrowth mediated indirect effect, coupled with host-plant preference of the leaf beetle.
  • Utsumi S, Ohgushi T
    Population Ecology 49 3 241 - 248 2007年07月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    To examine plastic willow regrowth response to herbivory, we studied the effect of a boring insect, the swift moth Endoclita excrescens ( Hepialidae: Lepidoptera), which does not remove apical meristems, on shoot growth in three willow species - Salix gilgiana, S. eriocarpa, and S. serissaefolia - by direct observations and experiments in the field. We hypothesized that the stem-boring could initiate new lateral bud activation, and result in secondary shoot regrowth without the removal of the primary apical meristems. There were significantly more lateral shoots on naturally attacked than unattacked stems, and a significant positive correlation between lateral shoot density and the number of swift moth tunnels per tree was observed for all three willow species. Artificial boring, and larval infestation, resulted in an increase in the number of lateral shoots, but did not affect growth of current-year shoots. The length of lateral shoots differed between species, being significantly longer in S. gilgiana than S. eriocarpa and S. serissaefolia. The results of this study show that compensatory regrowth can result even if herbivory does not remove the apical meristem. We argue that this type of plant compensatory response is probably widespread, given that the stem-boring is a common feeding type of insect herbivores.
  • M Nakamura, S Utsumi, T Miki, T Ohgushi
    JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY 74 4 683 - 691 2005年07月 [査読有り][通常論文]
    1. Following the passing of a typhoon over central Japan in late August 2001, a large-scale flood occurred owing to the heavy precipitation. Willow trees on the banks of the Yasu River were badly damaged. In the following year, we examined the effects of the flood on the regrowth response of a willow, Salix eriocarpa (Franch), and its subsequent effects on the densities of a leaf beetle, Plagiodera versicolora (Laicharting), and its predators. 2. We used 10 randomly selected pairs of heavily and lightly damaged trees. Field observations showed that the number of sprouting shoots was significantly greater on heavily damaged trees than on lightly damaged trees. The sprouts continued to grow until August, producing lateral shoots and leaves. 3. The numbers of leaf beetles at all developmental stages (egg, larva, pupa and adult) significantly increased on heavily damaged trees as compared to numbers on lightly damaged trees. Adults of the leaf beetle aggregated predominantly on sprouting shoots throughout the growing season. 4. As a result of the increase in the number of leaf beetles, leaf herbivory on heavily damaged trees was significantly greater than on lightly damaged trees. 5. Two arthropod predators, the larvae of the ladybird Aiolocaria hexaspilota (Hope) and the web-building spider Agelena opulenta (L. Koch), also increased significantly on heavily damaged trees. These findings indicate that the flood caused by the typhoon initiated bottom-up cascading effects from the willow to arthropod predators through herbivorous insects by increased foliage sprouting.




  • 2022年02月 北海道大学 北海道大学教育研究総長表彰
    受賞者: 内海俊介
  • 2012年03月 日本生態学会 第16回宮地賞
    受賞者: 内海 俊介
  • 2011年10月 個体群生態学会 第5回個体群生態学会奨励賞
    受賞者: 内海 俊介


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2024年04月 -2028年03月 
    代表者 : 内海 俊介
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2019年04月 -2024年03月 
    代表者 : 内海 俊介, 門脇 浩明, 吉田 俊也, 小林 真
    生態系復元実験のために、北海道大学雨龍研究林・中川研究林・天塩研究林の3地域において、大規模な山腹崩壊を模した実験地を造成することができた。本年は、その実験地における研究を開始することができた。実験地は、各林に35m四方のサイトが5か所で、合計15か所である。 まず、北海道の異なる地域から昨年度中に集めておいた樹木の種子(ケヤマハンノキ・ダケカンバ・イタヤカエデ・トドマツ)を用いて、2021年6月に播種を行った。このとき、遺伝的多様性の操作(種子の由来地域における単独と混合)と種多様性の操作(単種と4種混合)のすべての組み合わせで処理区を設定し(20処理区)、各サイトに3つの反復を設けた。すなわち、合計900区画の播種実験を行った。秋にまず最初の発芽状況の調査を行った。 次に、大規模撹乱に対する節足動物群集の新たな形成過程を実験的に検証するため、上記の実験地を活用して、地上徘徊性昆虫の調査を行った。実験地を山腹崩壊処理区とし、隣接する天然林・人工林を対照区として、地上徘徊性昆虫群集の撹乱応答を比較した。その結果、処理区と対照区では、群集の種組成がまったく異なることが分かった。さらに、処理区では各サイト間での組成の変異性(β多様性)が対照区と比較してきわめて高いことが分かった。すなわち、大規模撹乱が生じた際には、森林内に生息する昆虫種は定着できず、周囲の撹乱地をハビタットとするような種が移入すること、その移入には確率性も大きく貢献していること、という過程を通して群集が形成されることが分かった。そしてこの移入が機能しない場合には、多様性回復は遅くなることが示唆された。 さらに、植物上の陸域昆虫群集について環境DNAによる調査を行った。それにより、環境DNAによって、植物上の陸域昆虫群集の種組成や多様性を調べることが可能であることが新たない明らかになった。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2019年04月 -2024年03月 
    代表者 : 小林 真, 内海 俊介, 山田 孝, 吉田 俊也
    豪雨などによる山腹崩壊後の森林の生態系機能を効率的に回復させる上では、森林植生を速やかに回復させる植林技術の開発が鍵になる。特に、広範囲で適応可能な山腹崩壊後の植生回復指針を確立するためには、多様な立地環境において発生した山腹崩壊地を対象に、 環境特性にあった植栽樹種を明らかにすることが有効である。山腹崩壊跡地では、しばしば窒素固定植物が植栽された際に高い生存率・成長率を示すことが知られているが、多様な窒素固定植物の中でも、どの樹種が、どのような立地で発生した山腹崩壊跡地への生存に適しているかは明らかにされていない。そこで本年は、前年に多様な立地環境に人工的に作成した15箇所の人工山腹崩壊試験地に植栽していた北海道に自生する2種の窒素固定植物(ヤマハギおよびケヤマハンノキ )について、その生存率と環境要因の関係を検証した。 環境条件を調査した結果、15箇所の山腹崩壊跡地では、斜面の斜度が急になるとともに、土壌含水率は低下し、表層土砂の流出量は増加した。一方、斜面の斜度が急になるとともに、エゾシカの発見頻度は低下した。植栽木については、同じ窒素固定植物であっても、ヤマハギとケヤマハンノキでは、ケヤマハンノキの方が山腹崩壊跡地の生存率は高いことがわかった。また、2種間で生存率へ影響する立地環境は異なり、ヤマハギへは土壌の母岩の違いが、ケヤマハンノキへは崩壊地の斜度、土壌の粒径、土壌含水率が影響を及ぼしていた。興味深かったのは、ケヤマハンノキの生存が、斜度が急な立地で生存率が高かったことである。急傾斜地へ植栽したケヤマハンノキが高い生存率を示したことについては、近年増加しているエゾシカによる食害が急傾斜地では起きにくいことが関係していることが考えられた。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
    研究期間 : 2021年07月 -2023年03月 
    代表者 : 内海 俊介
    気候変動・生息地断片化・外来種などの人間活動に関連する環境変化が深刻さを増しており、それによる生物の絶滅が急速に進行している。それに対し、環境ストレスに適応する、野外生物の迅速な進化によって絶滅が回避される進化的救助という新しい理論が注目を集めている。進化的救助とは、環境ストレスに対する生物の迅速な適応進化のポテンシャルを予測し、自然生態系における適応進化を制御することを通して、野外生物の保全に繋げようというこれまでに人類が成したことのない新しい挑戦である。しかし実践は容易ではない。そもそも自然生態系での実験検証が困難であり、それが進化的救助の研究の進展を妨げている。そこで本提案は、ミュゼオミクスという新興アプローチからこの分野のブレークスルーを起こそうというものである。博物館の自然史標本の生化学・分子情報を網羅的に抽出し、それにより進化史や遺伝的多様性の変遷などを推定しよういうのがミュゼオミクスである。本研究は、広域長期モニタリングによって集積された標本を対象とすることによって、集団や群集という個体よりも上位の生物階層パラメータまでも紐付けた新規なミュゼオミクスに取り組む。すなわち、過去から現在までの地球気候変動(気温上昇)・適応的な対立遺伝子頻度の変化・集団サイズの変化の3つを関連付けて解析することによって、野外生物における進化的救助の実態と意義を世界に先駆けて明らかにすることが目的である。 本年度は、この目的に対する基礎的な準備を進めた。まず、野外調査により、クロツヤヒラタゴミムシ野外個体の採集と飼育を行い、ロングリード解析の基礎となる良質で大量のゲノムDNAの抽出をすることが出来た。また、クロツヤヒラタゴミムシの標本の一部からDNA抽出を試みた。標本からのDNA抽出は部分的に成功し、標本の年代が古くなるほど抽出できる量は少なくなる傾向にあることがわかった。
  • シロツメクサ都市適応進化と都市-生態-進化連関:ニッチモデリングによるアプローチ
    公益財団法人 旭硝子財団:環境フィールド研究 サステイナブルな未来への研究助成(提案研究コース)
    研究期間 : 2021年04月 -2022年03月
  • 景観群集ゲノミクス・アプローチによる群集生態-進化動態の統合的解明
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 内海 俊介
  • 植物と昆虫の相互作用における進化―生態ダイナミクス
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2019年 
    代表者 : 大串 隆之
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 佐藤 拓哉, 渡辺 勝敏, 徳地 直子, 舘野 隆之輔, 金岩 稔, 瀧本 岳, 日浦 勉, 岸田 治, 内海 俊介
    寄生者介在型のエネルギー流 (PMEF, Parasite-Mediated Energy Flow) の時間変動性に注目して、PMEFが異なる時間スケールでどのように群集動態に影響を及ぼし、寄生者自身の感染動態にフィードバックするかを実証と理論を統合したアプローチで検証した。地域に応じたハリガネムシ類の種多様性と宿主利用の多様性に依存して、PMEFの時間変動性が規定されていた。野外実験と数理モデルから、PMEFの時間変化に対するサケ科魚類の応答の個体間変異が、群集動態を規定する重要な要因になることが確かめられた。生態系間の季節的な相互作用が群集の形成過程に重要な役割を果たすことが示された。
  • ダムが森林の生物多様性に与える影響:渓畔林樹種の分散経路としての河川機能に着目して
    研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 内海 俊介
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B))
    研究期間 : 2014年 -2015年 
    代表者 : 内海 俊介
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))
    研究期間 : 2013年 -2015年 
    代表者 : 大串 隆之, 内海 俊介
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費補助金(特別研究員奨励費)
    研究期間 : 2010年04月 -2013年03月 
    代表者 : 内海 俊介
  • 河川の流水特性が植物の再生長を介して流域の生物多様性に与える影響
    研究期間 : 2009年04月 -2010年03月 
    代表者 : 内海 俊介



  • 生物圏科学実習Ⅰ
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 修士課程
    開講学部 : 環境科学院
    キーワード : 森林の種類と分布、環境保全機能、森林保全、資料作成・発表、ディスカッション type and distribution of forests, ecosystem services, forest conservation, presentation, discussion
  • 生物圏科学実習Ⅱ
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 修士課程
    開講学部 : 環境科学院
    キーワード : 森林の種類と分布、環境保全機能、森林保全、資料作成・発表、ディスカッション type and distribution of forests, ecosystem services, forest conservation, presentation, discussion
  • 多様性生物学特論Ⅱ
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 修士課程
    開講学部 : 環境科学院
    キーワード : 生物多様性、進化生態学、適応、生物間相互作用、被食防衛系、昆虫生態学、群集生態学、生態系機能 biodiversity, evolutionary ecology, adaptation, biological interaction, defensive system, pollination system, ecological entomology, community ecology, ecosystem function
  • 森林圏科学特論Ⅲ
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 修士課程
    開講学部 : 環境科学院
    キーワード : 動物生態学,保全,野外調査,研究発表 Animal Ecology, Conservation, Field Investigation, Presentation
  • 大学院共通授業科目(一般科目):自然科学・応用科学
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 修士課程
    開講学部 : 大学院共通科目
    キーワード : 生態学、北方生態系、北海道、植物、動物、昆虫、魚類、森林、山岳、ツンドラ、沿岸、河川、湿原、相互作用、外来種、野生作物、気候変動 ecology, northern ecosystem, Hokkaido, plants, animals, insects, fishes, forest, mountain, tundra, seacoast, river, wetland, interaction, invasive species, field crop, climate change
  • 北方生態系の生物多様性基礎論
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 修士課程
    開講学部 : 環境科学院
    キーワード : 生態学、北方生態系、北海道、植物、動物、昆虫、魚類、森林、山岳、ツンドラ、沿岸、河川、湿原、相互作用、外来種、野生作物、気候変動 ecology, northern ecosystem, Hokkaido, plants, animals, insects, fishes, forest, mountain, tundra, seacoast, river, wetland, interaction, invasive species, field crop, climate change
  • 生物圏科学特別講義Ⅰ
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 修士課程
    開講学部 : 環境科学院
    キーワード : 集団遺伝学,系統地理学,種分化ゲノミクス,保全遺伝学 Population genetics, Phylogeography, Speciation genomics, Conservation of genetic diversity
  • フィールド科学基礎論
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 修士課程
    開講学部 : 環境科学院
    キーワード : 生物資源創成、共生生態系保全、持続的生物生産、生物多様性、生態系機能、生物群集生態 Bio-resources development, Ecosystem conservation, Sustainable bio-production, Biodiversity, Ecosystem function, Population and community ecology
  • 応用動物学
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 学士課程
    開講学部 : 農学部
    キーワード : 生態進化学、群集生態学
  • 一般教育演習(フレッシュマンセミナー)
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 学士課程
    開講学部 : 全学教育
    キーワード : 自然共生社会、生物多様性、生態系再生、生態系サービス、持続可能性、SDGs、人口減少社会
  • 環境と人間
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 学士課程
    開講学部 : 全学教育
    キーワード : 共生、寄生、進化、生物生産、植物、哺乳動物、昆虫、微生物、ウィルス、分子生物学、生態学、環境保全
  • 野生動物管理実習
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 学士課程
    開講学部 : 農学部
    キーワード : 野生動物調査,動物生態学,捕獲法,マーキング,群集解析,哺乳類,鳥類,魚類,昆虫類
  • 野生動物管理学
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 学士課程
    開講学部 : 農学部
    キーワード : 保全, 群集, 個体群, 生物多様性, 進化,外来種種
  • 森林空間機能学
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 学士課程
    開講学部 : 農学部
    キーワード : 森林、環境保全機能、生物多様性保全、野生生物保全、土地利用、流域保全、森林利用
  • 森林空間機能学演習
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 学士課程
    開講学部 : 農学部
    キーワード : 森林の種類と分布、森林空間、環境保全機能、森林保全、資料作成方法、発表方法、ディスカッション
  • 一般教育演習(フレッシュマンセミナー)
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 学士課程
    開講学部 : 全学教育
    キーワード : 生態学、観察実験、進化、食う―食われる関係、温暖化、リモートセンシング、樹木、両生類、昆虫、土壌、グループワーク
  • 一般教育演習(フレッシュマンセミナー)
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 学士課程
    開講学部 : 全学教育
    キーワード : フィールド、体験型、環境科学、自然、産業
  • 国際交流Ⅱ
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 学士課程
    開講学部 : 国際本部
    キーワード : Ecosystem conservation, Sustainable bioproduction, Biodiversity, Material cycling, Harmonizable relation between human and environment
  • 英語演習
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 学士課程
    開講学部 : 全学教育
    キーワード : 生態系保全、持続的生物生産、生物多様性、物質循環、人間環境共生系
  • 環境と人間
    開講年度 : 2021年
    課程区分 : 学士課程
    開講学部 : 全学教育
    キーワード : 生物資源創成、共生生態系保全、持続的生物生産、生物多様性、生態系機能、生物群集生態



  • 2019年09月 - 現在   個体群生態学会   理事
  • 2019年01月 - 現在   個体群生態学会   Population Ecology 特集担当編集委員
  • 2018年03月 - 現在   日本生態学会   理事
  • 2017年12月 - 現在   日本生態学会   代議員
  • 2013年04月 - 現在   日本生態学会   大会企画委員
  • 2011年01月 - 現在   個体群生態学会   Population Ecology 編集委員
  • 2014年09月 - 2017年09月   個体群生態学会   理事
  • 2013年04月 - 2014年09月   個体群生態学会   運営委員

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