山田 朋人 (ヤマダ トモヒト)

工学研究院 土木工学部門 社会基盤マネジメント教授
Last Updated :2025/01/15



  • 博士(工学), 東京大学



  • 10554959


  • 土壌水分
  • 極端現象
  • 全球気候モデル
  • 陸面モデル
  • 全球再解析データ
  • 人工衛星
  • 地球水循環
  • 人間活動
  • 準季節予報
  • 大気陸面相互作用
  • 予報スキル
  • 予測可能性
  • 水文気象
  • 陸面状態
  • 衛星植生観測情報
  • 植生パラメータ
  • 双方向ネスティング
  • 海洋科学
  • モンスーン変動
  • 陸面過程
  • 自然現象観測・予測
  • 海洋物理
  • 計算物理
  • モンスーン
  • 水工水理学
  • 雲解像モデル


  • 社会基盤(土木・建築・防災), 水工学



  • 2022年05月 - 現在
    北海道大学, 工学(系)研究科(研究院), 教授
  • 2009年04月 - 2022年04月
    北海道大学 工学(系)研究科(研究院), 工学(系)研究科(研究院), 准教授
  • 2007年04月 - 2009年03月
    NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Global Modeling and Assimilation Office / University of Maryland Baltimore County, Research Associate



  • 2023年05月, 令和四年度土木学会北海道支部技術研究発表会, 土木学会北海道支部優秀学生講演賞               
  • 2023年05月, 令和四年度土木学会北海道支部技術研究発表会, 土木学会北海道支部優秀学生講演賞               
  • 2022年10月, 水文・水資源学会/日本水文科学会 2022年度研究発表会, 優秀発表賞               
  • 2022年10月, 水文・水資源学会/日本水文科学会, 水文・水資源学会/日本水文科学会2022年度研究発表会における優秀発表賞               
  • 2022年09月, 第30回地球環境シンポジウム, 地球環境優秀講演賞               
    気候予測データに基づく災害シナリオ作成 ~自治体災害支援システムIDR4Mを活用した避難情報の発令判断支援に向けて~
  • 2022年09月, 第30回地球環境シンポジウム, 地球環境シンポジウム優秀ポスター賞               
  • 2022年09月, 土木学会, ポスター発表賞               
  • 2022年08月, 第30回地球環境シンポジウム, 地球環境優秀講演賞               
  • 2021年07月, 日本気象学会北海道支部, 北海道支部発表賞               
    大屋 祐太;山田朋人
  • 2021年06月, 2020年度河川技術論文賞               
  • 2021年05月, 土木学会北海道支部, 令和二年度土木学会北海道支部優秀学生講演賞               
  • 2021年05月, 土木学会北海道支部, 令和二年度土木学会北海道支部優秀学生講演賞               
  • 2021年05月, 土木学会北海道支部, 令和二年度土木学会北海道支部優秀学生講演賞               
  • 2019年05月, 土木学会北海道支部, 平成30年度土木学会北海道支部優秀学生講演賞               
  • 2018年11月, 土木学会水工学委員会, 平成30年度 土木学会水工学論文奨励賞               
    清水啓太;山田朋人;山田 正
  • 2018年06月, 2018年度河川技術に関するシンポジウム, 2018年河川技術に関するシンポジウム優秀発表者賞               
  • 2018年, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2018年度河川技術論文賞受賞               
  • 2017年09月, 第25回地球環境シンポジウム, 第25回地球環境シンポジウム優秀ポスター賞               
    清水啓太,山田朋人,山田 正
  • 2016年12月, 土木学会応用力学委員会, 応用力学シンポジウムポスター賞               
  • 2016年09月, 土木学会地球環境委員会, 平成28年度地球環境論文奨励賞               
    一瀬輪子, 北野慈和, 山田朋人, 渡部靖憲, 泉典洋
  • 2016年01月, 土木学会北海道支部, 第56回土木学会北海道支部優秀学生講演賞               
    布川 敦士;山田 朋人
  • 2015年09月, 土木学会, 平成27年度第23回地球環境シンポジウム優秀ポスター賞               
    岡地寛季;山田朋人;渡部靖憲;猿渡亜由未;大塚 淳一;馬場 康之;水谷 英朗;久保 輝広;二宮 順一;内山 雄介;森 信人
  • 2015年04月, 土木学会北海道支部, 平成26年度優秀学生講演賞               
  • 2014年04月, 土木学会北海道支部, 平成25年度土木学会北海道支部優秀学生講演賞               
  • 2013年04月, 土木学会北海道支部令和二年度年次技術研究発表会, 平成23年度土木学会北海道支部優秀学生講演賞               
  • 2013年04月, 土木学会北海道支部, 土木学会北海道支部優秀学生講演賞               
    密度界面に発生するship waveの物理機構


  • Regional Characteristics of shape and stagnation of rainfall in Japan using Radar/Raingauge Analyzed Precipitation product
    Yuta Ohya, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Proceedings of IAHS, 386, 333, 338, Copernicus GmbH, 2024年08月13日
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Abstract. Recently, floods and sediment disasters caused by line-shaped rainbands (LRBs) have increased in frequency following events such as the torrential rainfall around Tokyo of September 2015, which flooded the Kinu River, Japan. During this event, the shape of the rainfall area matched the topology of the river basin, causing water levels to rise rapidly and resulting in a serious disaster. Therefore, the shape and duration of heavy rainfall patterns are critical factors that must be considered for flood prevention. In this study, we examined features of LRBs in river basins across Japan using long-term radar raingauge data, and investigated relationships between rainfall intensity, shape, duration, and quantity.
  • Meteorological characteristics of line-shaped rainbands in northern Japan and its surrounding seas under climate change
    Yuta Ohya, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Journal of Hydroinformatics, IWA Publishing, 2024年01月30日
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Abstract

    In recent years, line-shaped rainbands (LRBs) have increased in Hokkaido, Japan. LRBs caused several flood disasters historically, thus the meteorological patterns that cause them need to be investigated. This study aimed to understand statistically the relationship between LRBs and weather patterns during the summer months under climate change conditions. Our study investigates the link between LRBs and meteorological patterns in Hokkaido during July and August, using historical and climate prediction models. With a 2°/4° global temperature rise, LRB occurrences in this region increase by approximately 1.51/2.07 times. The highest occurrences of LRBs correlate with increased water vapor flux from the south and positive pressure anomalies over the Pacific Ocean. Three main meteorological patterns contribute significantly to LRBs: (1) a nearby low-pressure system, (2) a strengthening Pacific High frontal pattern, and (3) approaching or landing typhoons in Hokkaido. These patterns double the LRB occurrence probability, a trait observed across past and projected climates (+2K and +4K experiments). These are important insights for future flood risk management.
    Kei KOURA, Naoki KOYAMA, Tadashi YAMADA, Tomohito J. YAMADA
    Japanese Journal of JSCE, 80, 16, n/a, n/a, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2024年
  • 冬季石狩川下流域における筋状雲の抽出と雲域・非雲域下におけるGPS可降水量の定量的評価
    Japanese Journal of JSCE, 80, 16, n/a, n/a, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2024年
  • Regional characteristics of contribution of atmospheric fronts to heavy rainfall in boreal summer over Japan, Northwestern Pacific
    Maki Miyamoto, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Hydrological Research Letters, 18, 1, 28, 34, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, 2024年
  • Spatiotemporal classification of heavy rainfall patterns to characterize hydrographs in a high-resolution ensemble climate dataset
    Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Journal of Hydrology, 617, 128910, 128910, Elsevier BV, 2023年02月
  • Comparison of Meteorological Fields and Distribution of Rainfall in Typhoon Lionrock(2016) and Typhoon Phyllis(1981)
    Maki MIYAMOTO, Tomohito J. YAMADA
    Japanese Journal of JSCE, 79, 27, n/a, n/a, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2023年
  • Analysis of planetary boundary layer feedbacks on the multiple equilibria of the continental water cycle
    Abhinav Dengri, Tomohito Yamada
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1136, 1, 012012, 012012, IOP Publishing, 2023年01月01日
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Abstract

    A simple soil-atmosphere interaction model is developed to study the bimodal distribution of soil moisture in regions where there is feedback between precipitation and soil moisture. Our study includes planetary boundary layer (PBL) feedback in the coupled analytical soil-atmosphere interaction model with a varying PBL height and entrainment from the free atmosphere. This study aims to reveal the dominant PBL feedbacks that impact the occurrence of soil moisture bimodality by comparing the evolution of prognostic variables for a detailed PBL scheme (with varying PBL height and entrainment of heat and moisture from the free atmosphere) with the simple PBL scheme (with fixed PBL height and no entrainment). This study has shown the existence of multiple equilibria in the continental water balance for both detailed PBL and simple PBL schemes when the model is integrated for different initial soil moisture up to equilibria. Although both with and without PBL feedback, the results are in qualitative agreement; the soil moisture initialization to realize multiple equilibria of a detailed PBL scheme is larger than the simple PBL scheme. Although the direct quantitative comparison with observation is clearly limited in the simple model, it also demonstrates how the non-linear dynamics of the coupled soil-atmosphere system may be expected to occur in observations.
  • Changes in sediment erosion rate in the Azuma River basin after the Hokkaido eastern Iburi earthquake in 2018
    Kotaro Miyazaki, Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Keita Shimizu, Sourabh Shrivastava, Tomohito J Yamada
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1136, 1, 012027, 012027, IOP Publishing, 2023年01月01日
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Abstract

    The Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake in 2018 induced the largest landslide over the Azuma River basin in Hokkaido, the north island of Japan. This study estimated the sediment erosion rate over the Azuma River basin using the universal soil loss equation (USLE) for the pre- and post-earthquake conditions. The results showed that the potential sediment erosion rate from the entire basin increased by 8–29 times more than the pre-earthquake condition. The primary cause of the increase in sediment erosion rate was deforestation due to the landslide, which generated 13% of the bare land area in the entire basin. In addition, the influence of interannual variability of rainfall on sediment erosion rate was calculated from observed rainfall data. As a result, the minimum annual sediment erosion rate after the earthquake exceeded the maximum before the earthquake, indicating that the post-earthquake sediment erosion rate is substantially higher than the pre-earthquake rate. These findings suggest that in order to assess the sediment erosion risk over the Azuma River basin, it is necessary to predict and monitor the vegetation recovery, considering the interannual variability of rainfall.
  • Characteristics of line-shaped rainbands regarding duration, shape, and rainfall intensity in northern Japan using the Radar/Raingauge-Analyzed Precipitation Product
    Yuta Ohya, Tomohito J Yamada
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1136, 1, 012025, 012025, IOP Publishing, 2023年01月01日
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Abstract

    Line-shaped rainbands (LRBs), including Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs), stagnate on river basins and cause floods and landslides. Moreover, the frequency of LRBs is increasing around Hokkaido a part of northern Japan. Due to the complexity of the three-dimensional structures found in LRBs, some research dealt with two-dimensional observation data to identify them for the sake of simplicity. In previous studies, several methods to widely identify LRBs from radar rainfall data in terms of rainfall intensity, shape of rainfall area, and duration have been proposed. However, using the nationally consistent definition, the number of LRBs occurring in this region would be evaluated as very few due to the little rainfall climatology of this area. In this study, based on the previous studies, we adjust many combinations of threshold values, such as rainfall intensity, aspect ratio, and time duration in order to verify of validity the LRBs that occurred in northern Japan. The authors visually identified the six LRBs that caused the disaster and showed thresholds at which they were mechanically extractable by a computer program. The combination of thresholds that included at least six of those disaster-scale cases was “a rainfall area defined by a closed curve with a previous 3-hour rainfall of 40 mm or more, stagnating for 2 hours or more (covering 40% or more of its area), and with a maximum aspect ratio of 2.5 or more.”
  • Points of consideration on identification of the atmospheric fronts depicted on weather charts
    Maki Miyamoto, Tomohito J. Yamada
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1136, 1, 012023, 012023, IOP Publishing, 2023年01月01日
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Abstract

    Atmospheric fronts play an important role on the day-to-day variation of rainfall in Japan, North-western Pacific. They are defined as a discrepancy of air density and have been depicted on surface weather charts for more than 100 years by Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). This study develops an approach to detect fronts from the charts published from 1978 to 2020 and investigates how detected fronts could be utilized. The fronts which are depicted on the charts might have a diverse physical characteristic in each age. One of factors is a difference in how to represent fronts. The difference also prevents from detecting fronts under a certain accuracy. Previous study demonstrates detecting fronts based on the color available from the charts. However, this approach is applicable for weather charts published after 2000 by JMA. This paper describes consideration points for a unified detection of fronts from the charts for 43 years in detail. Furthermore, we compare fronts detected by several methods and discuss a spatial scale in which their differences could be neglected.
  • Future Changes in Tropical and Extratropical Cyclones Affecting Hokkaido and Their Related Precipitation Based on Large-Ensemble Climate Simulations
    Sho Kawazoe, Masaru Inatsu, Tomohito J. Yamada, Tsuyoshi Hoshino
    Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, American Meteorological Society, 2022年12月22日
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Abstract

    This study investigates the impact of future climate warming on tropical (TC) and extratropical cyclones (ETC) using the database for Policy Decision-making for Future climate change (d4PDF) large ensemble simulations. Cyclone tracking was performed using the Neighbor Enclosed Area Tracking algorithm (NEAT), and TC and ETCs were identified over the western North Pacific (WNP). For cyclone frequency, it was revealed that while a slight underestimation of the total number of TCs and ETCs in both the WNP and near Hokkaido, Japan, exists, the d4PDF reproduced the spatial distribution of both TC and ETC tracks well compared to observations/reanalysis. The 4-K warming scenarios derived from six different sea surface temperature warming patterns showed robust decreases in TC frequency in the tropical WNP and a slight reduction in ETCs near Japan. Next, precipitation characteristics for TCs or ETCs in the vicinity of Hokkaido were examined using 5 km-mesh regional climate ensemble simulations. Four representative cyclone locations near Hokkaido are identified using K-means clustering and revealed distinct precipitation characteristics between clusters, with higher TC-associated precipitation than ETC-associated precipitation and the heaviest precipitation in the southern portion of the prefecture. The 4-K warming scenarios revealed increased precipitation for all cyclone placements for both TCs and ETCs. Lastly, average cyclone intensity, translation speed, and size were examined. It was shown that TCs in future climates are more intense, propagate more slowly, and are smaller in terms of enclosed vorticity area as they approach Hokkaido. For ETCs, mean intensity does not change much, they travel slightly faster, and become smaller.
  • Land–sea thermal contrast associated with summer monsoon onset over the Chao Phraya River basin
    Tomohito J. Yamada, Sourabh Shrivastava, Ryosuke Kato
    Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 150, 1-2, 73, 83, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022年10月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Abstract

    Earlier onset of the Southeast Asian summer monsoon (SAM) was observed over the Chao Phraya River basin in Thailand using Thai Meteorological Department-derived high-resolution merged rainfall data from 1981 to 2016. SAM variability depends on numerous local and global factors, including thermal conditions over the Bay of Bengal (BoB) and Tibetan Plateau (TbT). Despite tremendous past research efforts, the effect of thermal heat contrast on the SAM remains unclear. Using observational and reanalysis datasets, we found that the absolute value of total heat over the BoB was increasing. However, the interannual variability of total heat was greater over the TbT. Changes in surface temperature (± 1.5 °C), air thickness (± 20 m), and geopotential height over the TbT were associated with the timing of SAM onset. The results also suggested that significant changes in air thickness are driven by surface temperature differences over the TbT, while changes in the integrated apparent heat source and integrated apparent moisture sink of ± 100 W m−2 resulted in anomalous convective activities over the BoB and mainland of the Indochina Peninsula in years of early and late SAM onset. At the intraseasonal timescale, Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) was observed over the Indian Ocean and Western Hemisphere for 4–10 days in years of early SAM onset. The opposite situation was found for years of late SAM onset, with MJO located over the Western Pacific Ocean and Maritime Continent.
  • Particulate Matter Concentrations over South Korea: Impact of Meteorology and Other Pollutants
    Shaik Allabakash, Sanghun Lim, Kyu-Soo Chong, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Remote Sensing, 14, 19, 4849, 4849, MDPI AG, 2022年09月28日, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Air pollution is a serious challenge in South Korea and worldwide, and negatively impacts human health and mortality rates. To assess air quality and the spatiotemporal characteristics of atmospheric particulate matter (PM), PM concentrations were compared with meteorological conditions and the concentrations of other airborne pollutants over South Korea from 2015 to 2020, using different linear and non-linear models such as linear regression, generalized additive, and multivariable linear regression models. The results showed that meteorological conditions played a significant role in the formation, transportation, and deposition of air pollutants. PM2.5 levels peaked in January, while PM10 levels peaked in April. Both were at their lowest levels in July. Further, PM2.5 was the highest during winter, followed by spring, autumn, and summer, whereas PM10 was the highest in spring followed by winter, autumn, and summer. PM concentrations were negatively correlated with temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation. Wind speed had an inverse relationship with air quality; zonal and vertical wind components were positively and negatively correlated with PM, respectively. Furthermore, CO, black carbon, SO2, and SO4 had a positive relationship with PM. The impact of transboundary air pollution on PM concentration in South Korea was also elucidated using air mass trajectories.
  • 確率限界法検定を導入した極値降雨量時系列の非定常性評価
    児玉武史, 清水啓太, 山田朋人
    河川技術論文集, 28, 343, 348, 2022年06月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等)
  • 日蘭共同研究「Flood Risk and Climate Change Hokkaido (北海道における氾濫リスクと気候変動)」最終報告書               
    Bob Maaskant, Bas Kolen, Mark Hegnauer, 千葉学, 植村郁彦, 山田朋人
    Yuta OHYA, Maki MIYAMOTO, Tomohito J. YAMADA
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 78, 2, I_43, I_48, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2022年
  • Global Warming Effect and Adaptation for a Flooding Event at Motsukisamu River in Sapporo
    Yuka Kanamori, Masaru Inatsu, Ryoichi Tsurumaki, Naoki Matsuoka, Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Tomohito J. Yamada
    SOLA, 18, 249, 253, Meteorological Society of Japan, 2022年
  • 北海道周辺における過去・将来気候下での線状かつ停滞性を有する降水帯の出現特性
    大屋 祐太, 山田 朋人
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 78, 5, I_225, I_231, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2022年
    日本語, 近年,全国で線状降水帯を伴う豪雨災害が多発しており,本研究では防災上の観点から閾値を満たす 3時間雨量の降水帯の形状と停滞時間から線状かつ停滞する降水帯を定義している.北海道で洪水・土砂災害が発生した事例を基準に線状かつ停滞性を有する豪雨を定義を見直し,観測および大量アンサンブルデータに適用した.その結果,観測及び過去気候に対して,将来気候では線状かつ停滞性を有する豪雨に起因する降雨量は増加傾向になり,特に過去にほとんど発生しなかったオホーツク海側で強い倍率を示した.また降雨帯の平均雨量の上昇に対し,発生数が大きく増加していることが明らかになった.また北海道周辺での海面水温が比較的に高い気候モデルにおいて,その増加傾向は強まる特徴が見られた.
  • 天気図に示された前線に基づく梅雨期における九州地方の降雨の気候特性
    宮本 真希, 山田 朋人
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 78, 5, I_151, I_156, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2022年
    日本語, 本研究では,気象情報として扱われている天気図から前線を抽出する手法を構築し,34年間分の天気図に適用した.前線をグリッドデータとして扱うことが可能となり,6, 7月の九州地方における降雨のうち,前線の周辺100キロメートルでの降雨が占める割合は3割以上であることを示した.さらに,前線が九州地方において南北方向に移動する時に通過した領域における空間平均降雨量は,前線が約300キロメートル移動した時に最大となることを明らかにした.その時の天気図パターンより,前線の南北移動には,前線を伴う低気圧の移動や台風・熱帯低気圧の接近,高気圧の張り出しが影響していることが示唆された.
  • 暴風下での海面砕波飛沫の粒径分布式の推定
    岡地 寛季, 山田 朋人
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 78, 5, I_171, I_177, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2022年
    日本語, 海面砕波飛沫は海上での降雨観測において降雨の中に混在しうるものであり,さらに,内陸における塩害被害,降雨発生要因となる海塩粒子をもたらすものとしての意味を有する.本研究ではディスドロメータを用いた野外での海面砕波飛沫の観測を実施し,得られた粒径分布から風速の関数としての粒径分布式を提案した.同式の提案により,降雨観測時に混在しうる飛沫量の推定や塩害被害及び降雨発生要因となる海塩粒子の元となる飛沫量の推定が可能となった.
  • Analysis of soil moisture and precipitation bimodal distribution for boreal summer using satellite data over northern India
    Dengri Abhinav, Yamada Tomohito
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 35, 257, 水文・水資源学会, 2022年
    日本語, We study bimodal distribution for soil moisture and precipitation using satellite dataset over the northern Indian region. Strong soil moisture bimodality is present over northern india which is caused by clear transition from dry to wet season.
  • 最近の気候変動予測研究と今後の先端的な気候変動予測に向けて
    高薮 出, 辻野 博之, 村田 昭彦, 川瀬 宏明, 仲江川 敏之, 山田 朋人, 山崎 剛, 石川 洋一, 坪木 和久
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 35, 113, 水文・水資源学会, 2022年
    日本語, 将来の水文・水資源の様相を評価するためには、将来気候変動の予測が必要不可欠である。気候変動予測シミュレーション技術の高度化等による将来予測の不確実性の低減や、気候変動メカニズムの解明に関する研究開発、気候予測データの高精度化等からその利活用までを想定した研究開発を一体的に推進することで、気候変動対策に活用される科学的根拠を創出・提供することを目的とした、文部科学省「気候変動予測先端研究プログラム」が開始された。このプログラムの下、日本域における気候変動予測の高度化を目指して(領域課題3:「日本域における気候変動の高度化」)、1:日本域気候変動の予測システム開発とメカニズム解明、2:極端現象のメカニズム解明による地域・流域に応じた適応策推進に資する気候変動予測情報の創出、3:海外の脆弱地域における高精度気候予測データセットの創出に、我々は取り組んでいる。また、水文・水資源分野を始めとして、多様なユーザーとの対話を通して、気候変動予測の共通認識の醸成を目指している。これらの研究目標の基盤となる研究を、すでに文部科学省「統合的気候モデル高度化研究プログラム」等で実施してきた。その成果の一例として、大気海洋相互作用を表現可能な日本域気候変動予測システム(Time Sequential Experiments with Coupled model; TSE-C)の開発や、近年洪水事例が多発している要因がこれまでの温暖化によるのか、それ以外の要因かを明らかにするイベントアトリビューション研究が挙げられる。気候変動予測の現在地点と今後の計画を紹介し、議論の端緒としたい。
  • 横堤の規模の違いによる河道および遊水池の遊水機能の感度分析
    石原 道秀, 山田 朋人
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 35, 285, 水文・水資源学会, 2022年
    日本語, 気候変動の影響により水害の更なる頻発・激甚化が懸念される中,流域治水関連法が令和3年11月に施行された.流域治水のおける治水計画では,流域を集水域・河川区域・氾濫域の3つから捉え,1)氾濫をできるだけ防ぐ・減らす対策,2)被害対象を減少させるための対策,3)被害の軽減,早期復旧・復興のための対策,をハード・ソフト一体で多層的に進められている1).これらの対策の具体のうち,本研究と関連するものは遊水池整備である. 遊水池は,洪水を一時的に貯めることで下流に洪水が一気に流れ出すことを防ぐ役割を持つ.遊水池が効果を発揮した一例として,釧路川および釧路湿原における2016年8月の大雨に伴う出水がある.釧路川および釧路湿原では,湿原が持つ遊水機能を高めるために,湿原の下流端に横堤が設置されている.これにより2016年8月の大雨では,湿原に約2.1千万m3の水量(東京ドーム約17杯分)を貯留し,横堤下流側の水位が低減したことが試算されている2).将来予測の不確実性を考慮した上で流域治水を実施するには,外力規模ごとの遊水池の効果の定量化が必要となるはずである.そこで本研究では,ある外力に対する横堤の規模の違いから遊水機能がどう変化するのか把握することを目的に,釧路川および釧路湿原を模した簡易的な数値実験による感度分析を実施した.
  • 泥炭堆積モデルの感度分析による泥炭地の特性を表すパラメータの推定
    内藤 大梧, 山田 朋人
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 35, 245, 水文・水資源学会, 2022年
    日本語, 泥炭地は地域特有の植生と高い地下水位によって成立しており,急速な温暖化の進行や人為的な地域水文環境の変動によって大きな影響を受ける可能性がある.一方で泥炭地の経年変化を数理モデル化した「泥炭堆積モデル(Peat Accumulation model)」においてその目的の多くは気候変動に対する炭素の固定量の変化の算出であり,透水係数をはじめとする各係数や堆積量などについて実際の泥炭地での観測との比較が行われた例は少ない.そのため,泥炭堆積モデルにおいて計算された各係数の値が,実際の値と一致しない可能性がある. ここでは,泥炭堆積モデルの最新モデルの一つであるMPeatについて感度分析を行い,どのようなパラメータがモデルの計算結果により大きな影響を及ぼすのか,観測結果と照らし合わせる必要があるかを明らかにした. 泥炭堆積モデルMPeatの感度分析の結果,泥炭地の半径や透水係数のパラメータ,ヤング率のパラメータ,植物の生産量がモデルの結果に特に大きな影響を与えていることが確認された.泥炭堆積モデルによる堆積予測を行う際には,対象地域の泥炭の特性を観測などにより十分理解する必要があると思われる.
  • 天気図に示された前線の高空間解像度グリッドデータによる表現とその活用
    宮本 真希, 山田 朋人
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 35, 249, 水文・水資源学会, 2022年
    日本語, 日本が位置する中緯度帯において,年間降水量のうち約7割は前線による降水である.前線に伴う豪雨災害は広範囲かつ甚大であり,例えば令和2年7月豪雨や平成30年7月豪雨では西日本を中心に,昭和56年水害では北海道の道央において被害が拡大した.これらは各地域の代表的な豪雨災害であるため,日本全国を対象として,前線に伴い生じる豪雨を議論する必要がある.天気図に示された前線はUtsumi et al. (2014)が提案した手法により1度格子データとして利用可能である.本研究では,より空間解像度の高いグリッドデータを作成し,前線データの活用について議論する.

    対象期間は1978年から2020年の6月から10月とした.既往手法に加えて,本研究では,高解像度グリッドデータを作成するために物体認識および形状認識により三角および半円を取り除き,線として前線を表した.さらに,1999年以前の天気図においては前線が黒で描かれており,そのままでは色に基づく前線抽出が行えないため,目視による判断で前線を色付けして43年間の前線データを作成した. 作成した前線データは,前線の幅は約100kmであると仮定した場合,どの抽出方法においても概ね同質である.空間解像度を0.1度した場合においても抽出方法による前線の位置の違いは数十kmにとどまるため,天気図スケールより小さい空間スケールに対しても有用であると推測される.
  • 湖及びダム湖における鉛直水温分布の季節変動について
    青木 一眞, 山田 朋人
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 35, 197, 水文・水資源学会, 2022年
    日本語, 湖の水温は水面の熱収支の問題であり、季節や、それぞれのダム湖が位置する気候によって湖中の水温構造は変化する。水温構造の変化や、それに伴う水質の変化は、湖の生態系や、農業、工業、生活用水などの利水に影響を及ぼす。本研究では全国の湖やダム湖における水温構造、水質変化、全層循環の発生の有無の詳細な検討や、それらの将来における変化を示すことを目標とし、本稿ではその第一段階として十勝ダムにおける東大雪湖について鉛直1次元の水温解析モデルを適用した結果を示す。
  • 暴風雨時における海面付近に分布する飛沫濃度及び水平風速の推定手法
    岡地 寛季, 山田 朋人
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 35, 43, 水文・水資源学会, 2022年
    日本語, 海面抵抗の大きさの指標となる海面抵抗係数は従来風速に対して単調増加として扱われるが,Powell et al. (2003)は暴風時に減少することを観測より示した.近年はある風速を超えると一定値となることが示唆されている.しかし,海面近傍の飛沫の質量密度や水平風速は暴風雨下かつ混相流としての基礎的な物理量であるが,極端現象が生起することが稀有であることや暴風雨下での観測が困難であるという背景を有する.そこで本研究は極端現象下の海面近傍の領域を対象にレーダ観測を実施し,飛沫の質量密度及び水平風速の推定手法を提案する.
  • 夏季の北海道とその周辺域における豪雨の抽出とその時空間特性
    大屋 祐太, 山田 朋人
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 35, 253, 水文・水資源学会, 2022年
    日本語, 本研究は,北海道とその周辺域の観測データおよび大量アンサンブルデータから同地域における降雨量が集中する7-9月に発生した線状かつ停滞性を有する豪雨を客観的に抽出した.特に同地域は日本海・太平洋・オホーツク海の特性の異なる海に囲われ,大雪山系・日高山脈の地形によるエリアごとの気候特性を有するため,こうした特徴に注目し,議論を行う.
  • 気候変動を考慮した流域全体を俯瞰した水害リスクの考え方               
    日本不動産学会誌, 36, 1(140), 2022年, [筆頭著者]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 日蘭共同研究「Flood Risk and Climate Change Hokkaido (北海道における氾濫リスクと気候変動)」詳細報告書1               
    星野剛, Mark, H, 清水啓太, 山田朋人
  • Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and hydrologic hegemony over Abbay Basin
    Tesfa Gebrie Andualem, Mulatu Kassa, Girum Getachew Demeke, Guna Hewa, Imran Ahmed Dar, Quoc Bao Pham, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Sustainable Water Resources Management, 7, 6, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021年12月, [査読有り]
  • Probability assessment of slope instability in seasonally cold regions under climate change
    Yulong Zhu, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Tomohito J. Yamada, Srikrishnan Siva Subramanian
    Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience, 2, 1, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021年12月, [査読有り]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), AbstractTo semi-quantitatively assess the effects of climate change on the slope failures, this paper proposes an effective approach for evaluating the influences of climate change on slope stability in seasonally cold regions. To discuss climate change, this study firstly analyzes the trend of the two main climate factors (precipitation and air temperature) based on the regression analysis results of the meteorological monitoring data during the past 120 years in different scales (e.g., world, country (Japan), and city (Sapporo)), and the downscaled outputs of three different regional atmospheric models (RAMs) with lateral boundary conditions from three different general circulation models (GCMs). Next, to discuss the effects of different climate factors (air temperature, precipitation, etc.) and to determine the key climate factors on the slope instability, a slope stability assessment approach for evaluating the effects of climate changes on slope instability is proposed through the water content simulation and slope stability analysis with considering freeze-thaw action. Finally, to check the effectiveness of the above assessment approach, assessment of instability of an actual highway embankment slope with the local layer geometry is done by applying the past and predicted future climate data. The results indicate that affected by global warming, the air temperature rise in some cold cities is more serious. The climate changes (especially the increase in precipitation) in the future will increase the infiltration during the Spring season. It will lengthen the time that the highway slope is in an unstable state due to high volumetric water content, causing the occurrence of slope failures will be more concentrated in April. While during the Ssummer-Autumn period, the time domain of its occurrence will become wider.
  • 関東地方における洪水リスクの将来変化予測に向けた高解像度アンサンブル気候データセットの構築               
    山田朋人, 星野剛, 清水啓太, 成岱蔚
    Annual Report of the Earth Simulator April 2020 - February 2021, 2021年10月
  • 力学的ダウンスケーリングによる洪水リスクの将来変化予測とその要因分析               
    星野剛, 山田朋人
    Annual Report of the Earth Simulator April 2020 - February 2021, 2021年10月
  • Using a massive high‐resolution ensemble climate data set to examine dynamic and thermodynamic aspects of heavy precipitation change
    Tomohito J. Yamada, Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Akihiro Suzuki
    Atmospheric Science Letters, 22, 8, Wiley, 2021年08月04日, [査読有り]
  • Flood Inundation Assessment in the Low-Lying River Basin Considering Extreme Rainfall Impacts and Topographic Vulnerability
    Thanh Thu Nguyen, Makoto Nakatsugawa, Tomohito J. Yamada, Tsuyoshi Hoshino
    Water, 13, 7, 896, 896, MDPI AG, 2021年03月25日, [査読有り]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), This study aims to evaluate the change in flood inundation in the Chitose River basin (CRB), a tributary of the Ishikari River, considering the extreme rainfall impacts and topographic vulnerability. The changing impacts were assessed using a large-ensemble rainfall dataset with a high resolution of 5 km (d4PDF) as input data for the rainfall–runoff–inundation (RRI) model. Additionally, the prediction of time differences between the peak discharge in the Chitose River and peak water levels at the confluence point intersecting the Ishikari River were improved compared to the previous study. Results indicate that due to climatic changes, extreme river floods are expected to increase by 21–24% in the Ishikari River basin (IRB), while flood inundation is expected to be severe and higher in the CRB, with increases of 24.5, 46.5, and 13.8% for the inundation area, inundation volume, and peak inundation depth, respectively. Flood inundation is likely to occur in the CRB downstream area with a frequency of 90–100%. Additionally, the inundation duration is expected to increase by 5–10 h here. Moreover, the short time difference (0–10 h) is predicted to increase significantly in the CRB. This study provides useful information for policymakers to mitigate flood damage in vulnerable areas.
  • A review of climate-change impact and adaptation studies for the water sector in Thailand
    Masashi Kiguchi, Kumiko Takata, Naota Hanasaki, Boonlert Archevarahuprok, Adisorn Champathong, Eiji Ikoma, Chaiporn Jaikaeo, Sudsaisin Kaewrueng, Shinjiro Kanae, So Kazama, Koichiro Kuraji, Kyoko Matsumoto, Shinichiro Nakamura, Dzung Nguyen-Le, Keigo Noda, Napaporn Piamsa-Nga, Mongkol Raksapatcharawong, Prem Rangsiwanichpong, Sompratana Ritphring, Hiroaki Shirakawa, Chatuphorn Somphong, Mallika Srisutham, Desell Suanburi, Weerakaset Suanpaga, Taichi Tebakari, Yongyut Trisurat, Keiko Udo, Sanit Wongsa, Tomohito Yamada, Koshi Yoshida, Thanya Kiatiwat, Taikan Oki
    Environmental Research Letters, 16, 2, 023004, 023004, IOP Publishing, 2021年02月01日, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Thailand plays a central economic and policy-making role in Southeast Asia. Although climate change adaptation is being mainstreamed in Thailand, a well-organized overview of the impacts of climate change and potential adaptation measures has been unavailable to date. Here we present a comprehensive review of climate-change impact studies that focused on the Thai water sector, based on a literature review of six sub-sectors: riverine hydrology, sediment erosion, coastal erosion, forest hydrology, agricultural hydrology, and urban hydrology. Our review examined the long-term availability of observational data, historical changes, projected changes in key variables, and the availability of economic assessments and their implications for adaptation actions. Although some basic hydrometeorological variables have been well monitored, specific historical changes due to climate change have seldom been detected. Furthermore, although numerous future projections have been proposed, the likely changes due to climate change remain unclear due to a general lack of systematic multi-model and multi-scenario assessments and limited spatiotemporal coverage of the study area. Several gaps in the research were identified, and ten research recommendations are presented. While the information contained herein contributes to state-of-the-art knowledge on the impact of climate change on the water sector in Thailand, it will also benefit other countries on the Indochina Peninsula with a similar climate.
    Maki MIYAMOTO, Tomohito J. YAMADA
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 77, 2, I_463, I_468, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2021年
  • 内外水同時解析による浸水発生要因に着目した浸水被害特性の評価手法の提案               
    米田駿星, 佐藤誠, 川村育男, 山田朋人
    河川技術論文集, 27, 517, 522, 2021年, [査読有り]
  • 流域治水の検討に資するオランダの遊水地化事業に関する調査報告               
    戸村翔, 千葉学, 山本太郎, 武田淳史, 植村郁彦, 舛屋繁和, 大村宣明, 吉田隆年, 星野剛, 山田朋人, 中津川誠
    河川技術論文集, 27, 591, 596, 2021年, [査読有り]
  • d4PDFを活用した発電専用ダムによる洪水被害軽減運用手法の効果検証               
    松本知士, 池田典之, 河田暢亮, 山田朋人, 中津川誠, 中北英一
    河川技術論文集, 27, 637, 642, 2021年, [査読有り]
  • 風速シア無し・安定度一定条件のおろし風の水理学的表現の検討               
    北野慈和, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 77, 1315, 1320, 2021年, [査読有り]
  • アンサンブル気候データを用いた降雨強度-気温の関係の分析               
    星野剛, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 77, 1267, 1272, 2021年, [査読有り]
  • Analytical Land-vegetation-atmosphere Model to Study Soil Moisture Bimodality               
    A. Dengri, T. J. Yamada
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1(Hydraulic Engineering), 77, 235, 240, 2021年, [査読有り]
  • 九州地方を対象とした梅雨期における前線および周辺環境場の年々特性               
    宮本真希, 山田 朋人
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 77, 463, 468, 2021年, [査読有り]
  • 情報理論を導入した確率降雨量の統合的将来予測               
    清水啓太, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 77, 163, 168, 2021年, [査読有り]
  • 現代ポートフォリオ理論を用いた降雨時空間分布の不確実性を考慮した流域内各河川への効率的な投資比率について               
    舛屋繁和, 千葉 学, 山田 朋人
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 77, 1399, 1404, 2021年, [査読有り]
  • 大量アンサンブル気候データを活用した複合確率による降雨外力評価方法の提案
    米田 駿星, 川村 育男, 大川 重雄, 佐藤 誠, 山田 朋人
    水工学論文集, 77, 2, I_1285, I_1290, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2021年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Hydrological frequency analysis of large-ensemble climate simulation data using control density as a statistical control
    Daiwei Cheng, Keita Shimizu, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Hydrological Research Letters, 15, 4, 84, 91, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, 2021年, [査読有り]
  • Characteristics of Rain and Sea Spray Droplet Size Distribution at a Marine Tower
    Hiroki Okachi, Tomohito J. Yamada, Yasuyuki Baba, Teruhiro Kubo
    Atmosphere, 11, 11, 1210, 1210, MDPI AG, 2020年11月09日, [査読有り]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), The effects of sea spray on open-ocean rainfall measurements-the drop size distribution (DSD) and rainfall intensities-were studied using a state-of-the-art optical disdrometer. The number of rain droplets less than 1 mm in diameter is affected by several factors, including the type of rainfall and seasonality. Over the ocean, small rain and large sea spray droplets co-exist in the same diameter size class (0.072 to 1000 mm); hence, sea spray creates uncertainty when seeking to characterize the drop size distribution (DSD) of rain droplets over the ocean. We measured droplet sizes at a marine tower using a state-of-the-art optical disdrometer, a tipping-bucket rain gauge, a wind anemometer, and a time-lapse camera, over a period that included typhoon Krosa of 2019. The number of rain droplets of diameter less than 1 mm increased monotonically as the horizontal wind speed became stronger. Thus, the shape parameter μ of the Ulbrich distribution decreased. This decreasing trend can be recognized as an increase in sea spray. During no-rainfall hours (indicated by rain gauges on the ocean tower and nearby land), sea spray DSDs were obtained at various horizontal wind speeds. Furthermore, the proportions of sea spray to rainfall at different rainfall intensities and horizontal wind speeds were determined; at a horizontal wind speed of 16 to 20 m s−1, the average sea spray proportions were 82.7%, 19.1%, and 5.3% during total rainfall periods of 2.1 mm h−1, 8.9 mm h−1, and 32.1 mm h−1, respectively. Representation of sea spray DSDs, as well as rainfall DSDs, is a key element of calculating real rainfall intensities over the open ocean.
  • Introduction of Confidence Interval Based on Probability Limit Method Test into Non-Stationary Hydrological Frequency Analysis
    Keita Shimizu, Tadashi Yamada, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Water, 12, 10, 2727, 2727, MDPI AG, 2020年09月29日, [査読有り]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Nonstationarity in hydrological variables has been identified throughout Japan in recent years. As a result, the reliability of designs derived from using method based on the assumption of stationary might deteriorate. Non-stationary hydrological frequency analysis is among the measures to counter this possibility. Using this method, time variations in the probable hydrological quantity can be estimated using a non-stationary extreme value distribution model with time as an explanatory variable. In this study, we build a new method for constructing the confidence interval regarding the non-stationary extreme value distribution by applying a theory of probability limit method test. Furthermore, by introducing a confidence interval based on probability limit method test into the non-stationary hydrological frequency analysis, uncertainty in design rainfall because of lack of observation information was quantified, and it is shown that assessment pertaining to both the occurrence risk of extremely heavy rainfall and changes in the trend of extreme rainfall accompanied with climate change is possible.
  • Uncertainty Evaluation in Hydrological Frequency Analysis Based on Confidence Interval and Prediction Interval
    Keita Shimizu, Tadashi Yamada, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Water, 12, 9, 2554, 2554, MDPI AG, 2020年09月12日, [査読有り]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), The shortage of extreme rainfall data gives substantial uncertainty to design rainfalls and causes predictions for torrential rainfall to deviate strongly from adopted probability distributions used in river planning. These torrential rainfalls are treated as outliers which existing studies do not evaluate. However, probability limit method test which its acceptance region expresses with high accuracy the range where observed ith order statistics could realize. Confidence interval which quantifies uncertainty of adopted distributions can be constructed by assuming that these critical values in both sides of the adopted region follow the same function form applied to actual observed data. Furthermore, its validity is proved through comparison of confidence interval derived from ensemble downscaling calculations. In addition, these critical values are almost in accordance with outliers in samples from the ensemble downscaling calculations. Therefore, prediction interval which expresses the range that an unknown observed datum can take is constructed by extrapolating the critical values for limit estimation of a future datum. In this paper, quantification method of uncertainty of design rainfall and occurrence risk of outliers in the traditional framework, using the proposed confidence interval and prediction interval, is shown. Moreover, their application to future climate by using Bayesian statistics is explained.
  • Evaluation for Characteristics of Tropical Cyclone Induced Heavy Rainfall over the Sub-basins in The Central Hokkaido, Northern Japan by 5-km Large Ensemble Experiments
    Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Tomohito J. Yamada, Hiroaki Kawase
    Atmosphere, 11, 5, 435, 435, MDPI AG, 2020年04月25日, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Previous studies have shown that the acceleration of global warming will increase the intensity of rainfall induced by tropical cyclones (TCs) (hereinafter referred to as “TC-induced rainfall”). TC-induced rainfall is affected by TC position and topography (slope shape and direction). Thus, TC-induced rainfall is expected to vary by sub-basin due to varying topographies. However, these relationships have not been explained, as historical TCs, which occurred several decades earlier, do not exhaustively encompass all TC positions that could potentially affect each basin. We used large ensemble regional climate model experiments with 5 km grid spacing, which enabled us to prepare a huge TC database for understanding the characteristics of TC-induced rainfall over sub-basins. We quantified the characteristics of TC-induced rainfall (rainfall volume, relationship between TC position and rainfall intensity, and contribution of TC intensity on rainfall) over four sub-basins in the Tokachi River basin, central Hokkaido, northern Japan. The results reveal differences in TC-induced rainfall characteristics between the sub-basins. In addition, the large ensemble data under a future climate scenario were used to evaluate future changes in the characteristics of TC-induced rainfall for each sub-basin.
  • Influence of the Long-Term Temperature Trend on the Number of New Records for Annual Maximum Daily Precipitation in Japan
    Tomohito J. Yamada, Chhay Ngorn Seang, Tsuyoshi Hoshino
    Atmosphere, 11, 4, 371, 371, MDPI AG, 2020年04月10日, [査読有り]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Record-breaking precipitation events have been frequent in Japan in recent years. To investigate the statistical characteristics of the frequency of record-breaking events, observations can be compared with the values derived from sampling theory with a stationary state. This study counted the number of record-breaking daily and 3-day total precipitation events at 58 rain-gauge stations in Japan between 1901 and 2018. The average number of record-breaking events over the 118-year period was 5.9 for daily total precipitation, which is larger than the theoretical value of 5.4 derived using the assumption that the climate system over the same period was stationary. Sampling theory was used to incorporate the influence of the long-term temperature trend from the Clausius–Clapeyron relation associated with the saturation vapor pressure. In theory, the long-term temperature trend gives a similar number of observed record-breaking events when the long-term temperature trend is approximately 0.5 Kelvin/100 years.
  • Simulating flash floods using geostationary satellite-based rainfall estimation coupled with a land surface model
    Dwi Prabowo Yuga Suseno, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Hydrology, 7, 1, MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020年03月01日
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Clarifying hydrologic behavior, especially behavior related to extreme events such as flash floods, is vital for flood mitigation and management. However, discharge and rainfall measurement data are scarce, which is a major obstacle to flood mitigation. This study: (i) simulated flash floods on a regional scale using three types of rainfall forcing implemented in a land surface model
    and (ii) evaluated and compared simulated flash floods with the observed discharge. The three types of rainfall forcing were those observed by the Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System (AMeDAS) (Simulation I), the observed rainfall from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation (MLIT) (Simulation II), and the estimated rainfall from the Multi-purpose Transport Satellite (MTSAT), which was downscaled by AMeDAS rainfall (Simulation III). MLIT rainfall observations have a denser station network over the Ishikari River basin (spacing of approximately 10 km) compared with AMeDAS (spacing of approximately 20 km), so they are expected to capture the rainfall spatial distribution more accurately. A land surface model, the Minimal Advance Treatments of Surface Interaction and Runoff (MATSIRO), was implemented for the flash flood simulation. The river flow simulations were run over the Ishikari river basin at a 1-km grid resolution and a 1-h temporal resolution during August 2010. The statistical performance of the river flow simulations during a flash flood event on 23 and 24 August 2010 demonstrated that Simulation I was reasonable compared with Simulation III. The findings also suggest that the advantages of the MTSAT-based estimated rainfall (i.e., good spatial distribution) can be coupled with the benefit of direct AMeDAS observations (i.e., representation of the true rainfall).
  • Future change of tropical cyclone induced rainfall over the Tokachi River Basin, Northern Japan using database for policy decision making for future climate change (d4PDF)               
    Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Tomohito J. Yamada, Hiroaki Kawase
    22nd Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research-Asia Pacific Division, IAHR-APD 2020: "Creating Resilience to Water-Related Challenges", International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), 2020年
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Previous studies have shown that the acceleration of global warming will intensify the intensity of rainfall induced by tropical cyclones (TCs) (hereinafter referred to as “TC-induced rainfall”). TC-induced rainfall is affected by TC intensity, position and topography (slope shape and direction). It means that TC-induced rainfall is expected to vary by sub-basin due to varying topographies. However, relationships between TC intensity, position and topography have not been explained, as historical TCs, which occurred several decades earlier, do not exhaustively encompass all TC intensities and positions that could potentially affect each basin. In this study, we used large ensemble regional climate model experiments with 5 km grid spacing, which enabled us to prepare a huge TC database for understanding the characteristics of TC-induced rainfall over sub-basins. We quantified the characteristics of TC-induced rainfall (relationship between TC position and rainfall intensity, and contribution of TC intensity on rainfall) over two sub-basins in the Tokachi River basin, central Hokkaido, northern Japan. The results reveal differences in TC-induced rainfall characteristics between the two sub-basins. In addition, the large ensemble data under a future climate scenario were used to evaluate future changes in the characteristics of TC-induced rainfall for the sub-basins.
  • Comparison of hydrological models to determine flood characteristics for the Tokachi River, Hokkaido (Japan)               
    Mark Hegnauer, Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Tomohito J. Yamada
    22nd Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research-Asia Pacific Division, IAHR-APD 2020: "Creating Resilience to Water-Related Challenges", International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), 2020年
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), In 2016 Hokkaido (northernmost island in Japan) experienced extreme rainfall, resulting in severe flood damage due to the four typhoons. Climate change is expected to increase the intensity of typhoons that will cause heavy rainfall in Hokkaido in the future. Better understanding the dynamics of these events, a modelling study is conducted to simulate past and future flood dynamics. The study includes an ensemble meteorological events for past and future climate conditions. A set of over 8,000 events are used as input to multiple rainfall-runoff models. The ensemble of models includes both semi and fully distributed models and all cover the river basin of the Tokachi River. The models simulate the hydrological processes differently and differ in the level of detail they simulate these processes. The multimodel ensemble is used to investigate the importance of the different processes in the simulation of extreme flood events in Hokkaido. The results of the model comparison can be used to further develop the models to optimize their use in the flood risk assessment for Hokkaido and potentially Japan. The comparison is a joint effort of a consortium of researchers from Japan and The Netherlands.
  • Flood risk analysis for the Ishikari River considering rainfall patterns using downscaled D4PDF data               
    Nguyen Thanh Thu, Makoto Nakatsugawa, Tomohito J. Yamada, Tsuyoshi Hoshino
    22nd Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research-Asia Pacific Division, IAHR-APD 2020: "Creating Resilience to Water-Related Challenges", International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), 2020年
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), This study evaluated the flood risk of the Ishikari River basin under various climate change scenarios by using a large-ensemble dataset (d4PDF) with a high resolution of 5km. The top 20 and the top 36 rainfall events (corresponding to a return period of 150 years for the historical and future simulations, respectively) were selected. The Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS) was applied to simulate the flood risk under climate change scenarios after calibration and validation with observed discharge. After validation, we used the rainfall data from a large-ensemble dataset (d4PDF) as input to the IFAS model to assess the future flood risk. We found that the flood risk is expected to increase due to increases in rainfall for both historical and future simulations in the target basin. Moreover, the year of maximum rainfall (372 mm/72hr) does not agree with the year of greatest discharge of 17,982 m3/s under the historical simulation. In the future simulation, we obtained two cases with the same maximum rainfall amount (454 mm/72hr), but the peak discharges differed (30,018 m3/s versus 22,444 m3/s, respectively). This shows that the ranking of rainfall for a certain event does not necessarily coincide with the peak discharge ranking. As a result, river discharge volume depends not only on the total rainfall, but also on the temporal and spatial rainfall distribution. These results of this study will be helpful in developing flood disaster prevention plans in the target basin.
  • The analysis of future flood risk in Hokkaido, Northern Japan, using database for policy decision making for future climate change (d4PDF)               
    Tomohito J. Yamada, Tsuyoshi Hoshino
    22nd Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research-Asia Pacific Division, IAHR-APD 2020: "Creating Resilience to Water-Related Challenges", International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), 2020年
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), It is important to develop a plan to adapt to future heavy rainfall because heavy floods have frequently occurred in Japan over the past few years. This study examined the influence of climate change on rainfall characteristics over river basins in Hokkaido, Japan. We used dynamical downscaling to perform large ensemble regional climate experiments with a 5-km grid spacing from the d4PDF database for policy decision-making for future climate change. To evaluate the flood risk from various viewpoints, targets for dynamical downscaling were added: heavy rainfall events under the 2-K warmer condition and full 1-year dynamical downscaling for the past and 4-K warmer conditions. The results enabled us to quantify the influence of the degree of global warming on the annual maximum heavy rainfall and rainfall volume before heavy rainfall events. This research contributes to the expert committees for adaptation planning.
  • Fatality estimation by life loss evaluation model for the large-scale floods under future climate               
    Sho Tomura, Manabu Chiba, Taro Yamamoto, Fumihiko Uemura, Shigekazu Masuya, Noriaki Omura, Takatoshi Yoshida, Atsushi Takeda, Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Tomohito Yamada, Makoto Nakatsugawa
    22nd Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research-Asia Pacific Division, IAHR-APD 2020: "Creating Resilience to Water-Related Challenges", International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), 2020年
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), In recent years, large-scale floods frequently caused many fatalities in Japan. In Hokkaido, northern Japan, serious flood damage caused by hit of the three consecutive typhoons and approach of another typhoon in August 2016. After this, it became necessary to grasp accurate flood risk under future climate for considering climate change adaptation measures. The LIFESim model is used widely in Japan, which estimates numbers of fatalities based on water depth in flooded area. However, in the Netherlands, The life loss evaluation model has been used to grasp human damage in the national risk assessment project called Floris. This model considers not only flood depth but also water velocity and rise rate of water. In this study, we simulated floods for heavy rainfall events over the Tokachi River basin in Hokkaido under past and future climate detected from large ensemble climate projection data (d4PDF). We estimated the fatality in the urban area of Obihiro city located in the center of the Tokachi River basin from the simulation results by LIFESim model and life loss evaluation model. Finally, this study elucidated the differences of fatality by each model.
  • Projection for future change of confidence interval and prediction interval of extreme rainfalls based on Bayesian method using a large ensemble data set               
    Keita Shimizu, Tadashi Yamada, Tomohito Yamada
    22nd Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research-Asia Pacific Division, IAHR-APD 2020: "Creating Resilience to Water-Related Challenges", International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), 2020年
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), The main purpose of hydrological frequency analysis is to estimate hydrological quantity with design return period. In traditional hydrological frequency analysis, we estimate T-year hydrological quantity by using observed data which were accumulated for several decades. However, observed data of extremes which were accumulated so far are so limited ones that the design hydrological quantity includes uncertainty to a large extent. Moreover, one of the difficulties caused by the shortage of extreme value data is not to predict record heavy rainfall which deviate greatly from an adopted probability distribution used for river planning. So, it is often impossible to evaluate record heavy rainfalls and these rainfalls are treated as unexpected. Therefore, we propose a new hydrological frequency analysis introducing confidence interval and prediction interval based on probability limit method test. By introducing this confidence interval into hydrological frequency analysis, uncertainty of design hydrological quantity can be quantified. Also, by introducing this prediction interval, it can be possible to predict the scale and occurrence risk of catastrophic heavy rainfalls. In addition, another difficulty of hydrological frequency analysis is how to manage non-stationarity of rainfall which is caused by climate change. To manage non-stationarity of rainfall, using Bayesian statistics is effective. In this research, Bayesian update of confidence interval and prediction interval derived from past observed data was conducted by using a large ensemble database. In this research, a theoretical framework of hydrological frequency analysis introducing confidence interval and prediction interval and update method of these intervals using Bayesian statistics are shown.
    Yuta OHYA, Tomohito J. YAMADA
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 76, 2, I_193, I_198, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2020年
  • High wave coniditions due to typhoons measured at an offshore observation tower
    Yasuyuki Baba, Teruhiro Kubo, Nobuhito Mori, Yasunori Watanabe, Tomohito Yamada, Ayumi Saruwatari, Junichi Otsuka, Yusuke Uchiyama, Junichi Ninomiya, Tomoya Shimura
    22nd Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research-Asia Pacific Division, IAHR-APD 2020: "Creating Resilience to Water-Related Challenges", 2020年
    研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), This paper shows some observation results on high wave condition due to typhoons measured at an offshore observation tower. Japan is affected by typhoons every year, and some typhoons cause serious damages in Kii peninsula and its surrounding areas sometimes. In 2018, three typhoons (No.20, 21, 24) approached around the Kii peninsula, and the severe wave conditions caused by the typhoon Jebi (No.21) and the typhoon Trami (No.24) are observed at the observation tower of SOO. During the typhoon Jebi and the typhoon Trami approaching, the maximum significant wave heights reach 9.60m by the typhoon Jebi and 11.09m by the typhoon Trami, respectively. On the other hand, wave condition caused by the typhoon Cimaron (No.20) is relatively milder than the ones by the typhoon Jebi and the typhoon Trami, even though a central atmospheric pressure and the distance between the center of the typhoon and the observation tower are similar to those of the typhoon Jebi and the typhoon Trami. In case of 2018, it is pointed out that the magnitude of high wave condition is associated with the offshore wave direction around Kii peninsula because the observation site opens to the south-west (between about 190deg and 240deg). In this paper, the factors and backgrounds related to high wave conditions by typhoons are discussed based on the observation results including other typhoon cases.
  • 2014年9月に発生した線状降水帯における鉛直渦構造と降水強度の関係               
    大屋祐太, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 76, 193, 198, 2020年, [査読有り]
  • 船舶レーダによる 2018 年夏季の観測と 散乱理論に基づく粒径分布のパラメタ推定手法               
    岡地寛季, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 76, 181, 186, 2020年, [査読有り]
  • 力学・熱力学効果の観点での降雨の空間偏差要因の分析               
    星野剛, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 76, 19, 24, 2020年, [査読有り]
  • 気候変動予測情報を用いた極値水文量の統計的推定               
    清水啓太, 山田正, 山田朋人
    河川技術論文集, 26, 19, 24, 2020年, [査読有り]
  • 台風経路に着目した令和元年台風19号の大雨特性の評価
    Tsuyoshi HOSHINO, Hiroki OKACHI, Yui TAKEHARA, Tomohito J. YAMADA
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 76, 1, 414, 423, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2020年, [査読有り]
  • Assessing climate change impacts on extreme rainfall and severe flooding during the summer monsoon season in the Ishikari River basin, Japan
    Thu Thanh Nguyen, Makoto Nakatsugawa, Tomohito J. Yamada, Tsuyoshi Hoshino
    Hydrological Research Letters, 14, 4, 155, 161, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, 2020年, [査読有り]
  • Climate Change Impacts on Heavy Snowfall in Sapporo Using 5-km Mesh Large Ensemble Simulations
    Sho Kawazoe, Masaru Inatsu, Tomohito J. Yamada, Tsuyoshi Hoshino
    SOLA, 16, 233, 239, Meteorological Society of Japan, 2020年, [査読有り]
  • Effect of Human-Induced Land Disturbance on Subseasonal Predictability of Near-Surface Variables Using an Atmospheric General Circulation Model
    Tomohito J. Yamada, Yadu Pokhrel
    Atmosphere, 10, 11, 725, 725, MDPI AG, 2019年11月19日, [査読有り]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Irrigation can affect climate and weather patterns from regional to global scales through the alteration of surface water and energy balances. Here, we couple a land-surface model (LSM) that includes various human land-water management activities including irrigation with an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) to examine the impacts of irrigation-induced land disturbance on the subseasonal predictability of near-surface variables. Results indicate that the simulated global irrigation and groundwater withdrawals (circa 2000) are ~3600 and ~370 km3/year, respectively, which are in good agreement with previous estimates from country statistics and offline–LSMs. Subseasonal predictions for boreal summers during the 1986–1995 period suggest that the spread among ensemble simulations of air temperature can be substantially reduced by using realistic land initializations considering irrigation-induced changes in soil moisture. Additionally, it is found that the subseasonal forecast skill for near-surface temperature and sea level pressure significantly improves when human-induced land disturbance is accounted for in the AGCM. These results underscore the need to incorporate irrigation into weather forecast models, such as the global forecast system.
  • べイズ手法を用いた信頼区間の将来変化予測-アンサンブル気候予測データへの適用-               
    清水 啓太, 山田 正, 山田 朋人
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学) Vol.75, 2019年11月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • ベイズ手法に基づくアンサンブル気候予測データを用いた信頼区間の更新               
    清水 啓太, 山田 正, 山田 朋人
    水文・水資源学会2019年度研究発表会要旨集, 2019年09月
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 信頼区間・予測区間を導入した水文頻度解析における不確実性評価               
    清水 啓太, 山田 正, 山田 朋人
    河川技術論文集, 2019年06月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Using Weather Pattern Recognition to Classify and Predict Summertime Heavy Rainfall Occurrence over the Upper Nan River Basin, Northwestern Thailand
    Dzung Nguyen-Le, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Weather and Forecasting, 34, 2, 345, 360, American Meteorological Society, 2019年04月01日, [査読有り]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Abstract
    In this study, self-organizing maps in combination with K-means clustering are used to objectively classify the anomalous weather patterns (WPs) associated with the summertime [May–June (MJ) and July–August–September (JAS)] heavy rainfall days during 1979–2007 over the Upper Nan River basin, northwestern Thailand. The results show that in MJ, intensive rains are mainly brought by the remarkable enhancement of the westerly summer monsoon. Meanwhile, westward-propagating tropical disturbances including tropical cyclones are the primary factors that reproduce heavy rainfall over the Upper Nan in JAS. These results also suggest that the occurrence time of local heavy rainfall is strongly related to the seasonal transition of the summer monsoon over the Indochina Peninsula. The classification results are then implemented with the perfect prognosis and analog method to predict the occurrence (yes/no) of heavy rainfall days over the studied basin in summer 2008–17 using prognostic WPs from the operational Japan Meteorological Agency Global Spectral Model (GSM). In general, the forecast skill of this approach up to 3-day lead times is significantly improved, in which the method not only outperforms GSM with the same forecast ranges, but also its 3-day forecast is better than the 1–2-day forecasts from GSM. However, the false alarms ratio is still high, particularly in JAS. Nevertheless, it is expected that the new approach will provide warning and useful guidance for decision-making by forecasters or end-users engaging in water management and disaster prevention activities.
  • Analyses of Extreme Precipitation Associated with the Kinugawa River Flood in September 2015 Using a Large Ensemble Downscaling Experiment
    Fujita Mikiko, Sato Tomonori, Yamada Tomohito J, Kawazoe Sho, Nakano Masuo, Ito Kosuke
    JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 97, 2, 387, 401, 2019年04月, [査読有り]
  • ディスドロメータを用いた海上における2013年夏季の降雨観測
    岡地 寛季, 内山 雄介, 水谷 英朗, 山田 朋人, 渡部 靖憲, 猿渡 亜由未, 大塚 淳一, 森 信人, 馬場 康之, 久保 輝広, 二宮 順一
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 75, 5, I_41, I_46, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2019年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 2016年北海道豪雨災害を対象としたアンサンブル気象予測を用いた河川水位,河床変動及び氾濫形態の予測可能性               
    ムハマド イザーズ, ハズミー, ビン スハイミ, 山田朋人, 久加朋子, 清水康行, 奥田醇, 星野剛
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 75, 1435, 1440, 2019年, [査読有り]
  • オランダの治水分野における気候変動適応策の検討・実施状況に関する調査報告(第2報)               
    千葉学, 戸村翔, 山本太郎, 植村郁彦, 舛屋繁和, 吉田隆年, 大村宣明, 時岡真治, 佐々木博文, 濱田悠貴, 星野剛, 山田朋人, 中津川誠
    河川技術論文集, 25, 49, 54, 2019年, [査読有り]
  • 大量アンサンブルデータを用いた十勝川流域における8, 9月の大雨要因の将来変化の分析
    星野剛, 山田朋人, Nguyen-Le Dzung
    土木学会論文集 G(環境)(Web), 75, 5, I_25, I_31, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2019年, [査読有り]
  • Florisモデルを用いた将来気候下における大規模水害時の死者数推定
    Sho TOMURA, Shigekazu MASUYA, Fumihiko UEMURA, Takatoshi YOSHIDA, Noriaki OOMURA, Manabu CHIBA, Taro YAMAMOTO, Hirokazu OKABE, Hirofumi SASAKI, Ayaka KOBAYASHI, Tsuyoshi HOSHINO, Tomohito YAMADA, Makoto NAKATSUGAWA
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 75, 2, I_1357, I_1362, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2019年, [査読有り]
  • Possible hydrological effect of rainfall duration bias in dynamical downscaling
    Yuta Tamaki, Masaru Inatsu, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Hydrological Research Letters, 13, 4, 55, 61, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, 2019年, [査読有り]
  • 砕波による海洋表層混合のパラメタリゼーションと台風に対する応答
    髙木 雅史, 森 信人, 二宮 順一, 志村 智也, 内山 雄介, 馬場 康之, 水谷 英朗, 久保 輝広, 渡部 靖憲, 大塚 淳一, 山田 朋人, 猿渡 亜由未
    土木学会論文集. B2, 海岸工学 Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers. 土木学会海岸工学委員会 編, 75, 2, I_61, 66, 土木学会, 2019年, [査読有り]
  • 海中混入気泡による超音波後方散乱と熱輸送
    猿渡 亜由未, 大塚 淳一, 馬場 康之, 久保 輝広, 水谷 英朗, 志村 智也, 二宮 順一, 山田 朋人, 内山 雄介, 森 信人, 渡部 靖憲
    土木学会論文集. B2, 海岸工学 Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers. 土木学会海岸工学委員会 編, 75, 2, I_67, 72, 土木学会, 2019年, [査読有り]
  • 2018年夏期に観測された台風に伴う高波浪について
    馬場 康之, 久保 輝広, 森 信人, 渡部 靖憲, 山田 朋人, 猿渡 亜由未, 大塚 淳一, 内山 雄介, 二宮 順一
    土木学会論文集. B2, 海岸工学 Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers. 土木学会海岸工学委員会 編, 75, 2, I_271, 276, 土木学会, 2019年, [査読有り]
  • ディスドロメータを用いた海上における2013年夏季の降雨観測
    岡地 寛季, 山田 朋人, 渡部 靖憲, 猿渡 亜由未, 大塚 淳一, 森 信人, 馬場 康之, 久保 輝広, 二宮 順一, 内山 雄介, 水谷 英郎
    地球環境研究論文集 : 地球環境シンポジウム, 27, 41, 46, 土木学会, 2019年, [査読有り]
  • 信頼区間の導入による確率洪水ピーク流量の不確実性評価― 総合確率法の拡張―               
    清水啓太, 山田正, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 2018年11月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 大量アンサンブル気候予測データを用いた大雨の時空間特性とその将来変化の分析
    星野剛, 山田朋人, 稲津將, 佐藤友徳, 川瀬宏明, 杉本志織
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 74, 5, I_13, I_18, 2018年11月, [査読有り]
  • 確率限界法検定に基づく信頼区間を用いた確率洪水ピーク流量の不確実性評価               
    清水啓太, 山田正, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 2018年09月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • タンクモデルを参考にした小学校高学年向けの地下水学習の教材開発
    岩井尚人, 山中康裕, 根岸淳二郎, 山田朋人
    水利科学, 364, 5, 59, 80, 2018年08月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 地下水の持続可能な利用は,その保全にとって必要である。地下水を保全す る態度を育むために,小学校教育の中で地下水について学ぶ機会を作ることは,重要なことである。本研究では,小学校高学年生が地下水涵養に関する森 林の機能などの地下水に関する基本的知識を学べる教材を,タンクモデルを参 考にして開発した。教材は,3 段タンクで構成され,森林領域の下にある帯水 層に設置したスポンジが水を貯留し,その水は装置外へゆっくりと流出するよ うになっている。教材で表現したのは,森林は主要な地下水の涵養域であるこ と,地下水は地表水に比べて滞留時間が長いことの 2 つである。教材を用いた 散水実験では,3 段のタンクそれぞれからの流出ピークのタイムラグや滞留時 間の違いなど,上記 2 点を定量的に確認した。小学校等の教員13名を対象に実 施した教材の実演と,彼らに対する聞き取り調査では,多くの教員は,小学校 児童にとって,上記 2 点が分かりやすいと判断した。
  • Heavy Rainfall Duration Bias in Dynamical Downscaling and Its Related Synoptic Patterns in Summertime Asian Monsoon
    Yuta Tamaki, Masaru Inatsu, Dzung Nguyen-Le, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57, 7, 1477, 1496, American Meteorological Society, 2018年07月, [査読有り]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), AbstractDynamical downscaling (DDS) was conducted over Japan by using a regional atmospheric model with reanalysis data to investigate the rainfall duration bias over Kyushu, Japan, in July and August from 2006 to 2015. The model results showed that DDS had a positive rainfall duration bias over Kyushu and a dry bias over almost all of Kyushu, which were emphasized for extreme rainfall events. Investigated was the rainfall duration bias for heavy rainfall days, accompanied by synoptic-scale forcing, in which daily precipitation exceeded 30 mm day−1 and covered over 20% of the Kyushu area. Heavy rainfall days were sampled from observed rainfall data that were based on rain gauge and radar observations. A set of daily climatic variables of horizontal wind and equivalent potential temperature at 850 hPa and sea level pressure, around southwestern Japan, corresponding to the sampled dates, was selected to conduct a self-organizing map (SOM) and K-means method. The SOM and K-means method objectively classified three synoptic patterns related to heavy rainfall over Kyushu: strong monsoon, weak monsoon, and typhoon patterns. Rainfall duration had a positive bias in western Kyushu for the strong monsoon pattern and a positive bias in southern and east-coast Kyushu for the typhoon pattern, whereas there was little rainfall duration bias in the weak monsoon pattern. The bias for the typhoon pattern was related to rainfall events with a strong rainfall peak. The results suggest that bias correction for rainfall duration would be required for accurately estimating direct runoff in a catchment area in addition to the precipitation amount.
  • 北海道における気候変動に伴う洪水外力の変化               
    山田朋人, 星野剛, 舛屋繁和, 植村郁彦, 吉田隆年, 大村宣明, 山本太郎, 千葉学, 戸村翔, 時岡真治, 佐々木博文, 濱田悠貴, 中津川誠
    河川技術論文集, 24, 391, 396, 2018年06月, [査読有り]
  • Synoptic climatology of winter daily temperature extremes in Sapporo, northern Japan
    M. A. Farukh, Tomohito J. Yamada
    International Journal of Climatology, 38, 5, 2230, 2238, Wiley, 2018年04月, [査読有り]
  • 湖沼水温推定精度向上のための効果検証―印旛沼を例として―
    綿貫 翔, 山田 正
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 31, 198, 水文・水資源学会, 2018年
    日本語, 近年,パリ協定や国連サミット等で水問題解決に関わる諸スキームが相次いで採択されている.これらが共通していることとして,水域の計画的な管理がある.水域の管理をする上で,水域の状態をモニタリングやシミュレーションを通じて,正確に理解しておくことが必要である.特に,その水域の中で,日本の湖沼は世界と異なり,治水と利水の両方を担い,その利水状況も多岐に亘ることが多い.そのため,湖沼環境の変化は多方面に影響を与える可能性がある.
    水質項目の中でも,水温は湖沼の性質を知る上で,重要な水質項目であり,他の水質項目や生態系に影響を与える.利水先に着目すると,水温の変化は,コメの白濁化による農業従事者の所得の低下や浄水場のコスト増大等を引き起こす.そのため,水温を正確に知ることは,水温に関連した問題の程度や度合いを知るために重要である.しかし,水温のシミュレーションにおいて,年間を通じて,観測値と計算値の差が常に1 ℃以内とするのは,非常に難しく,そのような計算手法は著者が知る限り存在しない.
  • 浅い湖沼における日平均代表水温推定精度向上のための基礎的研究
    綿貫 翔, 山田 正
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 74, 5, I_117, I_123, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2018年
    日本語, 本研究は,水深が浅い湖沼において,熱収支法とデータ同化手法を用いることで,日平均水温の推定精度の検証を目的としている.データ同化手法には,最適内挿法を用い,水温の観測値を同化することで予測精度の向上度合いを調べる.そのため,観測誤差分散の値を予測誤差分散よりも小さい値を設定し,観測値に対する重みを3通りで水温を計算した.その結果,初期値の影響は約7日後までしか見られず,精度良く推定するためには7日以内に観測値を同化しなければ,年間の30~50%の日がデータ同化手法を用いる前の結果よりも悪化することがわかった.その原因は,8日以降の結果はデータ同化手法の適用の有無に関わらず,ほとんど変わらないからである.
    Yuta OHYA, Tomohito J. YAMADA
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 74, 5, I_229, I_234, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2018年
  • 大規模洪水時における内外水同時氾濫解析モデルを用いた時空間的な浸水リスク評価               
    米田駿星, 佐藤誠, 川村育男, 渡邊一晴, 松本勝治, 山田朋人
    河川技術論文集, 25, 43, 47, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 降雨・流出の不確実性を考慮した内外水同時氾濫解析による浸水被害のリスク評価
    Hayase YONEDA, Makoto SATOH, Ikuo KAWAMURA, Masashi YAMAGUCHI, Katsuharu MATSUMOTO, Tomohito YAMADA
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 74, 5, I_1387, I_1392, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2018年
  • 水資源の観点から見た,石狩川中流域に おける稲作の現状と将来への示唆               
    金子直広, 山田朋人
    水利科学, 62, 3, 52, 70, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 大気海面間での運動量交換に与える 砕破飛沫と雨滴の影響
    岡地寛季, 山田朋人, 渡部靖憲
    土木学会論文集 B1(水工学)(Web), 74, 4, I_265, I_270, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 大量アンサンブル気候予測データを用いた 日本国内全一級水系を対象とした 年最大流域平均降水量の分析
    星野剛, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集 B1(水工学)(Web), 74, 4, I_187, I_192, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 線状降水帯を対象とした三次元風速場の特徴
    Yuta OHYA, Yoshikazu KITANO, Dzung NGUYEN-LE, Tomohito J. YAMADA
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 74, 4, I_43, I_48, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 大量アンサンブル気候予測データを用いた 年最大降雨の時空間特性の将来変化の把握 ~十勝川流域を対象として~
    星野剛, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集 G(環境)(Web), 74, 5, I_25, I_31, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 十勝川上流域を対象とした豪雨の地形依存性
    Yui TAKEHARA, Tomohito J. YAMADA
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research), 74, 5, I_249, I_255, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 実河川流域における大量アンサンブル気候予測データに基づく年最大流域平均雨量の算定
    植村郁彦, 舛屋繁和, 吉田隆年, 大村宣明, 千葉学, 戸村翔, 山本太郎, 時岡真治, 佐々木博文, 濱田悠貴, 星野剛, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集 B1(水工学)(Web), 74, 5, I_115, I_120, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 波齢と砕波飛沫の影響を含めた運動量交換係数をもとに導出した海面からの潜熱・顕熱交換係数
    Hiroki OKACHI, Tomohito J. YAMADA
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 74, 5, I_1201, I_1206, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 海域・陸域を考慮したエネルギーバランスモデルにおける季節性と南北拡散が気候の安定性に与える影響
    Nobutaka HOSOI, Tomohito YAMADA
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 74, 5, I_55, I_60, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 十勝川を対象とした支川の流量の不確かさが本川のピーク水位・流量に及ぼす影響
    安藤麻衣, 星野剛, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集 B1(水工学)(Web), 74, 5, I_1249, I_1254, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 実河川流域における大量アンサンブル気候予測データに基づく不確実性を考慮した将来気候下での確率雨量
    舛屋繁和, 植村郁彦, 吉田隆年, 大村宣明, 千葉学, 戸村翔, 山本太郎, 時岡真治, 佐々木博文, 濱田悠貴, 星野剛, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集 B1(水工学)(Web), 74, 5, I_121, I_126, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • Effects of Rain Droplets and Sea Sprays on the Momentum and Latent Heat Fluxes
    H. Okachi, T. J. Yamada, Y. Watanabe, J. Ohtsuka
    International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)-Asia Pacific Division (APD) Congress: Multi-Perspective Water for Sustainable Development, IAHR-APD 2018., 1, 493, 501, 2018年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), © Proceeding of the 21st LAHR-APD Congress 2018. All rights reserved. Various fluxes are always exchanged at the air-sea surface. Considering flux exchanges in furious storm condition, there are much rain droplets and sea sprays generated from wave breaks. Sea sprays are instantly accelerated by local wind as they are generated. They have substantial mass. Therefore, momentum is conveyed by these droplets from the atmosphere to the ocean Focusing on the raindrops, they have horizontal speed more than wind speed when reaching the near-sea surface. That is, raindrops accelerate horizontal wind speed, however, there is no confirmation. Additionally, sea spray transfers latent heat extracted from the atmosphere in the process of its phase change. In this research, parameterization of momentum exchange at the air-sea surface is reconsidered concerning about drag coefficient. The drag coefficient increases as wind speed increases. We propose an equation which includes the effect of raindrops on the equation of drag coefficient that takes into account of sea spray and the characteristics of momentum exchange coefficient related to rainfall intensity and wind velocity. We also perform marine observation from 2013 to 2016 at an observational tower in Wakayama-prefecture, Japan, where typhoon often hits. Several typhoons passed near the tower for four years. We further conduct wind tunnel experiments to directly observe sea sprays (diameter > 72 μm) for six high wind speed conditions (U10=23∼28m/s).
  • 確率限界法検定に基づく確率分布モデルの信頼区間を導入した新しい水文頻度手法
    清水啓太, 山田朋人, 山田 正
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 74, 4, I_331, I_336, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2018年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • フェッチ制限下の風波砕波に伴う海面表層の応答
    猿渡 亜由未, 森 信人, 渡部 靖憲, 坂川 諒太, 大塚 淳一, 馬場 康之, 久保 輝広, 水谷 英朗, 二宮 順一, 山田 朋人, 内山 雄介
    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 74, 2, I_67, I_72, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • 半閉鎖性内湾における海水交換特性の季節変化とその形成メカニズムについて
    岡田 信瑛, 大塚 淳一, 山田 朋人, 猿渡 亜由未, 二宮 順一, 内山 雄介, 多田 拓晃, 遠藤 颯, 馬場 康之, 水谷 英朗, 久保 輝広, 森 信人, 渡部 靖憲
    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 74, 2, I_667, I_672, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2018年, [査読有り]
  • Classification and forecast of heavy rainfall in northern Kyushu during Baiu season using weather pattern recognition
    Dzung Nguyen-Le, Tomohito J. Yamada, Duc Tran-Anh
    ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 18, 8, 324, 329, WILEY, 2017年08月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In this study, the Self-Organizing Maps in combination with K-means clustering technique are used for classification of synoptic weather patterns inducing heavy rainfall exceeding 100mmday(-1) during the Baiu season (June-July) of 1979-2010 over northern Kyushu, southwestern Japan. It suggests that these local extreme rainfall events are attributed to four clustered patterns, which are primarily related to the Baiu front and the extratropical/tropical cyclone/depression activities and represented by the intrusion of warm and moist air accompanied by the low-level jet or cyclonic circulation. The classification results are then implemented with the analogue method to predict the occurrence (yes/no) of local heavy rainfall days in June-July of 2011-2016 by using the prognostic synoptic fields from the operational Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) Global Spectral Model (GSM). In general, the predictability of our approach evaluated by the Equitable Threat Score up to 7-day lead times is significantly improved than that from the conventional method using only the predicted rainfall intensity from GSM. Although the false alarm ratio is still high, it is expected that the new method will provide a useful guidance, particularly for ranges longer than 2 days, for decision-making and preparation by weather forecasters or end-users engaging in disaster-proofing and water management activities.
  • 積雪寒冷地における領域モデルを用いた渇水比流量の分布推定―現在と将来―
    阪田義隆, 上原弘之, 知北和久, 中津川誠, 山田朋人, 工藤啓介, 臼谷友秀
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 72, 5, 253, 264, 2017年02月, [査読有り]
  • 気候変動が北海道内の流域内降水量へ及ぼす影響の評価
    星野 剛, 山田 朋人
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 30, 12, 12, 水文・水資源学会, 2017年
    日本語, 2016年8月,4つの台風が北海道に相次いで接近・上陸し,全道各地に記録的な大雨をもたらした.これにより,氾濫や橋脚の流出などの大雨による被害が広域的に発生し,北海道だけでなく全国的にも前例のないほどの極めて深刻な水害となった。この記録的豪雨の背景には気候変動の影響が考えられ,気候変動へ適応した新しい水防災対策の構築が喫緊の課題として顕在化した.本研究ではこの新しい水防災対策を構築する上で基礎となる気候変動による流域内の降水量の変化を明らかにすることを目的に,気候予測データベース(d4PDF)に基づいて流域内の降水量を評価した.
  • ジェット気流が有する比エネルギーと大気ブロッキングの発生条件
    北野 慈和, 山田 朋人
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 30, 8, 8, 水文・水資源学会, 2017年
    日本語, 中緯度における気象擾乱がもたらす極端現象の要因の一つとして,大気ブロッキングが挙げられる.ブロッキングは,移動性高気圧よりもスケールの大きな高気圧が高緯度側に張り出し,大気中上層において通常とは逆転した南北ジオポテンシャル高度勾配,温位勾配が一地域に一定期間(多くの研究では5日程度)継続した場合同定される.また,ブロッキングの強度は,ブロッキング高気圧と周囲との気圧差やブロッキング高低気圧間に形成される東風の強さで定義される.本研究は,Rossby (1950)が提唱し,Armi (1989),Riffler (2005)により室内実験・現実大気のデータで検証された偏西風が有する比エネルギーの理論を用い,ブロッキングの流れ場が有する比エネルギーの大小からブロッキングを物理的に定義することを目的とする。ジェット気流が有する比エネルギーの式を現実大気場に適用可能とし、ブロッキングが発生するために必要な同エネルギーの下限値を導き出した。
  • 札幌圏において2014年9月に発生した線状降水帯の三次元風速場
    大屋 祐太, 長尾 賢汰, 山田 朋人
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 30, 28, 28, 水文・水資源学会, 2017年
    日本語, 複数のドップラーレーダと変分原理を用いることによって大気の三次元場の議論が可能になる.本研究では,気象庁によって設置・管理されている2基のCバンドレーダを用い,2014年9月に札幌圏で発生した線状降水帯を対象に降水を伴う気象場を分析した.三次元的な風速場の解明によって線状降水帯などの予測及び対策を可能にし,大規模災害を防ぐことに役立つと考えられる.
    使用した手法は,航空機搭載型のレーダによる観測のため考案され,その後地上レーダに特化した手法である.同手法は3項からなる二次元変分法を用いて計算する。 3項はそれぞれ極座標系から直交座標への内挿を行う項,質量保存項,平滑化項である.
  • 2016年北海道豪雨を対象とした降雨分布が与える河川流量の不確実性
    小林 彩佳, 柴田 幸之介, Nguyen-Le Dzung, 山田 朋人
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 30, 39, 39, 水文・水資源学会, 2017年
    日本語, 2016年8月の約2週間に4度の台風による豪雨で,北海道内では年降水量に匹敵する降雨量を記録し,河川氾濫や土砂災害等の甚大な災害が発生した.台風10号の大雨により, 南富良野町では堤防決壊及び河川氾濫が発生した. 本研究では, 南富良野町を含む空知川上流部に位置する金山ダムを対象流域とし,台風10号時の降雨流出特性を述べる.

    河川整備計画や防災対策は主に地上雨量観測値を用いて行われている.雨量計とは,地上に到達した雨滴を直径20cmの転倒マスで計測するものである.北海道の一級水系流域においては114km2に1つある計算となる.しかし,豪雨をもたらす積乱雲の空間スケールが数kmであり,山間部は地形による降雨強度の時空間的なばらつきが大きい特徴を有することを考慮すると,雨量計の存在する位置により総降雨量の観測値にばらつきが生じる. 一方, レーダー雨量計は面的かつ高解像度での観測が可能だが,間接的に降水強度を推定していることなどにより, 精度限界が存在する.これら2つの観測手法を組み合わせた解析雨量が存在する.解析雨量はレーダーで観測した面的なデータを,地上雨量との比較で補正したものである.本研究で用いる降雨データは,国交省C-band,気象庁C-band,地上雨量計(アメダス及び国土交通省保有のもの)及び解析雨量である.

    本研究は,降雨観測位置による不確実性について検討し,それらが対象流域に与える不確実性を定量化,さらには気象モデルによる2日前からの気象予測結果と比較, 検討をした.
  • 開水路流れとの類似点に着目したジェット気流が有するエネルギーの解析
    北野 慈和, 山田 朋人
    水工学論文集 Annual journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, 73, 4, I_439, I_444, 土木学会, 2017年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 2016年8月を含む1961年以降に北海道周辺を通過・上陸した台風の統計的解析
    北野 慈和, 山本 太郎, 小林 彩佳, 山田 朋人
    水工学論文集 Annual journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, 73, 4, I_1231, I_1236, 土木学会, 2017年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
    NGUYEN-LE Dzung, YAMADA Tomohito J.
    水工学論文集 Annual journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, 73, 4, I_199, I_204, 土木学会, 2017年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • マルチドップラーレーダを用いた札幌圏における豪雪時の気象場の特徴
    大屋 祐太, 山田 朋人
    地球環境研究論文集 = Global environment engineering research : 地球環境シンポジウム, 73, 5, I_269, I_274, 土木学会, 2017年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Relationship between atmospheric blocking and cold day extremes in current and RCP8.5 future climate conditions over Japan and the surrounding area
    Kitano Yoshikazu, Yamada Tomohito J.
    Atmospheric science letters, 17, 11, 616, 622, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016年11月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Atmospheric blocking is one of the most impactful weather patterns in midlatitude regions, causing floods, droughts and unusually high or low temperatures. This study investigates the relationship between extremely cold days over Japan and its surroundings and North Pacific blocking in the European Centre for Medium-rangeWeather Forecasts (ECMWF) re-analysis (ERA-40), phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) for historical weather and the representative concentration pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) experiments based on nine climate model datasets in the boreal winter season. Under the climate change conditions based on the RCP8.5 future scenario, extreme cold days (i.e. the first percentile of cold days) over Japan and its surroundings will become weaker but occur more widely when blocking is generated over the northwestern Sea of Okhotsk and its surroundings, because the blocking frequency over this area will decrease and the intensity will weaken.
  • Climatological Characteristics of Heavy Rainfall in Northern Pakistan and Atmospheric Blocking over Western Russia
    Tomohito J. Yamada, Daiki Takeuchi, M. A. Farukh, Yoshikazu Kitano
    JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 29, 21, 7743, 7754, AMER METEOROLOGICAL SOC, 2016年11月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Pakistan and northwestern India have frequently experienced severe heavy rainfall events during the boreal summer over the last 50 years including an event in late July and early August 2010 due to a sequence of monsoon surges. This study identified five dominant atmospheric patterns by applying principal component analysis and k-means clustering to a long-term sea level pressure dataset from 1979 to 2014. Two of these five dominant atmospheric patterns corresponded with a high frequency of the persistent atmospheric blocking index and positive sea level pressure over western Russia as well as an adjacent meridional trough ahead of northern Pakistan. In these two groups, a negative sea surface temperature anomaly was apparent over the equatorial mid-to eastern Pacific Ocean. The heavy precipitation periods with high persistent blocking frequency in western Russia as in the 2010 heat wave tended to have 1.2 times larger precipitation intensity compared to the whole of the heavy precipitation periods during the 36 years.
  • Cyclic steps on ice
    Yokokawa M., Izumi N., Naito K., Parker G., Yamada T., Greve R.
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 121, 5, 1023, 1048, American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2016年05月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Boundary waves often form at the interface between ice and fluid flowing adjacent to it, suchas ripples under river ice covers, and steps on the bed of supraglacial meltwater channels. They may alsobe formed by wind, such as the megadunes on the Antarctic ice sheet. Spiral troughs on the polar ice capsof Mars have been interpreted to be cyclic steps formed by katabatic wind blowing over ice. Cyclic stepsare relatives of upstream-migrating antidunes. Cyclic step formation on ice is not only a mechanical butalso a thermodynamic process. There have been very few studies on the formation of either cyclic steps orupstream-migrating antidunes on ice. In this study, we performed flume experiments to reproduce cyclicsteps on ice by flowing water, and found that trains of steps form when the Froude number is larger thanunity. The features of those steps allow them to be identified as ice-bed analogs of cyclic steps in alluvial andbedrock rivers. We performed a linear stability analysis and obtained a physical explanation of the formationof upstream-migrating antidunes, i.e., precursors of cyclic steps. We compared the results of experimentswith the predictions of the analysis and found the observed steps fall in the range where the analysispredicts interfacial instability. We also found that short antidune-like undulations formed as a precursor tothe appearance of well-defined steps. This fact suggests that such antidune-like undulations correspondto the instability predicted by the analysis and are precursors of cyclic steps.
  • 確率課程論に基づいた降雨流出解析における不確実性評価の理論的枠組みの提示
    吉見和紘, Chao-Wen WANG, 山田正, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 72, 4, 2016年03月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 1 高度の気象データから計算した顕熱及び潜熱輸送量を用いた湖沼における日平均水温の推定~印旛沼を例にして~
    綿貫 翔, 山田 正
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 29, 87, 水文・水資源学会, 2016年
    日本語, 水温を推定する手法として,熱収支法が広く用いられているが,その内の顕熱及び潜熱輸送量を計算する際に傾度法や熱収支ボーエン比法では2高度の気象データが必要である.1高度で計算が可能なバルク法においても,一般的にバルク係数が既知でなければならないため,大気安定度を中立として計算されている.これらのことから,本研究では傾度法の一部である逐次近似法及びバルク法,Kondoの式を用い,1高度の気象データから大気安定度考慮した顕熱及び潜熱輸送量を求め,日平均水温を推定し,その結果について考察した.計算対象は,平均水深が1.7 mと非常に浅い湖の印旛沼である.結果として,精度の向上は見られなかった。
    WANG Chao-Wen, YOSHIMI Kazuhiro, YAMADA Tadashi, YAMADA Tomohito
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 72, 4, I_1279, I_1284, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2016年
    日本語, Most of the past studies on the analysis of landslides are evaluated by determinism. It means the analysis are only two results, stable and unstable. However in the real environment, there are a lot of uncertainty factors that would affect the occurrence of landslides. In the study, the authors consider the hydrological uncertainty and the variability of soil parameters of the slope to propose a new method for the risk evaluation of landslide induced by rainfall. The uncertainty has two types, one is the limitation of observation or experiment and the other one is and the error of data. For the landslides analysis, the uncertainty analysis can be separated by the external force from rainfall and the resistance force of slope stability. In considering the external force, it would focus on the analysis the relationship between rainfall and storage by using storage function model based on the uncertainty rainfall and the analysis of slope stability would consider the deviation of the soil parameters. Finally the occurrence of landslides can be summarized as like the risk evaluation during rainfall based on the stochastic process theory.
  • Fundamental Study of Real-time Short-term Rainfall Prediction System in Watershed: Case Study of Kinu Watershed in Japan
    Tao Lu, Tomohito Yamada, Tadashi Yamada
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), This study focuses on the improvement of the accuracy and construction of a real-time, short-term rainfall prediction system in watershed, comparing the prediction results with radar observed rainfall intensity, to provide a reliable tool for disaster and water resource management. The short-term prediction of rainfall is very important for hydrologie forecasting for watershed with a short response time, especially under the global warming and extreme weather. Last September 9th (2015), heavy rain came a day after Tropical Storm Etau and triggered widespread flooding in Kinu Watershed. We use the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) to confirm the uncertainty of the rain prediction in Kinu watershed first, then will modify the WRF to suit the 6h, 12h, 24h rainfall prediction in Kinu watershed. Also, radar rainfall data will be employed to correct the WRF prediction in real-time meaning. Finally, we will check the possibility of general application of the system in other watersheds. We now are working on reproducing the heavy rain in Kinu watershed last September. We tried different microphysics, which describes the formation of cloud, to find one to reproduce the heavy rain in this case. The coverage, location of rain bands and distribution of heavy rainfall are applied to comparisons between calculations and observations by C-band radar. We found no Microphysics does well in this case and the area of heavy rain is underestimated by WRF, but the accumulated precipitation is overestimated. Detail insight at microphysics and modification are required. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • A nonlinear filter based on Fokker-Planck equation and its application on rainfall-runoff analysis
    Daiwei Cheng, Yoshimasa Morooka, Tadashi Yamada, Tomohito J. Yamada
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Rainfall-runoff process is the central issue of hydrology. The prediction of the runoff has many practical significances. In 1974, M. Hino had firstly applied the Kalman filter in forecasting the rainfall- runoff process, since then many new filters had been suggested and applied in rainfall- runoff process. However, there is no filter can help to recognize the physical meaning of the random external force.
    On the other hand, recently, K. Yoshimi and T. Yamada have tried to use Fokker-Planck equation to study the uncertainty of stream flow due to the random fluctuation in precipitation. And this can be used in the filter theory to deal with nonlinear systems and also to find the physical meaning of the system noise.
    The present study is based on K. Yoshimi and T. Yamada's work, aimed at directly using Fokker-Planck equation in the prediction step of filtering, and applied it in the rainfall-runoff process
  • 確率過程論を導入した降雨流出過程における不確実性の評価
    成 岱蔚, 山田 正, 山田 朋人
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 29, 128, 128, 水文・水資源学会, 2016年
    日本語, 水文学で扱う現象は,通常スケールは非常に大きいシステムなので,直接第一原理の物理法則を使うことができなく,モデル化をする必要がある.それによって,流域の情報が失い,解析結果と実現象の差が生じる.更に,モデルを使わず直接に流域スケールで第一原理の物理法則を使うことは,計算コスト上は可能だとしても,観測の限界があるため,その計算と相応しい初期条件を提供できない. それに対して,テータ同化,確率過程論などの手法を水文学に応用する研究が近年増えてきた.それらの手法の共通点は:モデルと観測データは実現象の近似に過ぎないことを承認し,実現象との差を確率変数として扱い,システムの状態の確率密度関数の時間発展を議論することである.その内に,吉見,山田らは伊藤の確率微分方程式理論を降雨流出過程に導入し,降雨の不確実性が流出与える影響を解明した. 本研究では,吉見,山田らと同様に伊藤の確率微分方程式理論を用いて,降雨の不確実性が鉛直浸透を考慮した降雨流出過程にどんな影響を与えるかを解明することを目標だとする.
  • 北日本を通過する爆弾低気圧と太平洋ブロッキングとの関係
    Yoshikazu KITANO, Tomohito J. YAMADA
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 72, 4, I_121, I_126, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2016年, [査読有り]
  • 現在気候及び将来気候における爆弾低気圧の強度とブロッキング発生位置との関係
    Yoshikazu KITANO, Tomohito J. YAMADA
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research), 72, 5, I_233, I_239, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2016年, [査読有り]
  • The Comparison between Explosive Cyclone and Typhoon over Northern Japan in the Current and Future Climate
    Yoshikazu Kitano, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Procedia Engineering, 154, 726, 732, Elsevier BV, 2016年, [査読有り]
  • 大気エアロゾルの海上現地観測
    猿渡 亜由未, 渡部 靖憲, 山田 朋人, 大塚 淳一, 馬場 康之, 水谷 英朗, 久保 輝広, 内山 雄介, 森 信人, 二宮 順一
    土木学会論文集A2(応用力学), 72, 2, I_537, I_547, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2016年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 海から発生する波飛沫は大気-海洋間の熱,湿度,運動量の輸送量を決定すると共に,海塩粒子となって大気エアロゾルを構成することから,海上気象場に影響を与える重要なファクターの一つとなっている一方,その発生量は様々な要因に影響を受けることから精度良い見積もりが困難である.本研究では波飛沫発生量と気象,海象条件との関係を明らかにすることを最終的な目的とし,和歌山県田辺湾上において大気エアロゾルの粒子数密度の海上現地観測を行った.測定対象の三粒径(0.3, 1.0, 5.0 &mu;m)のうち最も小さい粒子の数密度は観測期間を通して100 km以上のスケールの大気環境に支配され,平常時は波飛沫由来の海塩粒子の影響を多く含まないことが分かった.しかし太平洋側からの強風が卓越する気象イベント時においては何れの粒径の観測結果でも風速に対する単調増加傾向を示すことが確認された.この傾向は白波砕波が発生し始めると言われる海上風速6 ms<sub>-1</sub>以上の条件で表れ始めていることから,波飛沫由来の海洋性エアロゾル濃度の増加を観測した結果であると考える.
  • 現地観測に基づく水温躍層の破壊と鉛直混合に関する研究
    久保 慎也, 二宮 順一, 森 信人, 馬場 康之, 水谷 英朗, 久保 輝広, 内山 雄介, 渡部 靖憲, 山田 朋人, 大塚 淳一, 猿渡 亜由未
    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 72, 2, I_487, I_492, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2016年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 台風イベント時の水温躍層の破壊・再形成のプロセスに着目して,観測データの解析を行うことでプロセスの経過について検討した.水温躍層は水域内の流動に大きな影響を与え,水質問題が生じる要因にもなるため,詳細な現象の把握が求められている.そこで本研究では,台風イベント時の観測データからブラント・バイサラ振動数およびリチャードソン数を算出し,成層の安定性を評価した.その結果,密度成層期には,まず高波浪により成層の安定が崩され強風により更に不安定さが促進されるという仮説を得た.また,混合期は成層が不安定で,台風接近前からシア流の不安定が生じていて混合が生じていることがわかった.これらの結果を踏まえて,更にTS図を作成し混合期の水塊の特性を評価した.
  • 半閉鎖性海域湾口部における成層期および成層崩壊期の流動構造と海水交換について
    内山 雄介, 吉木 智軌, 多田 拓晃, 馬場 康之, 水谷 英朗, 久保 輝広, 森 信人, 猿渡 亜由未, 大塚 淳一, 二宮 順一, 渡部 靖憲, 山田 朋人
    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 72, 2, I_493, I_498, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2016年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 半閉鎖性内湾である和歌山県田辺湾湾口部において,ADCP,塩分水温計などを用いた長期連続観測を行い,主に流動構造と海水交換特性に関する解析を行った.クロススペクトル解析結果から,流速鉛直構造と外力との対応については,表層付近の日周期変動には海上風が,成層期の混合層下部の半日周期変動には内部潮汐が,成層崩壊期の混合層全層では半日周期潮汐がそれぞれ寄与していることが分かった.一方,海水交換に対しては半日周期潮汐変動が最も寄与しているのに対し,それと同程度に周期約3日にピークを有するサブタイダル長周期成分の影響が大きかった.この長周期変動は紀伊水道スケールで生じる地形性のメソスケール渦の消長と密接に関係しており,モデルによる先行研究と整合的であった.
  • 降雨の不確実性に基づく確率過程論を導入した堤防の信頼性評価
    Chao-Wen WANG, 吉見和紘, 山田正, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 71, 5, I_1, I_6, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2015年09月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 従来型の河川計画では,洪水外力として設定する基本高水位や計画洪水位は,決定論的にただひとつの値が決められ,それに基づいて計画が立案される.一方で,我々が認識しうる水文諸量には観測精度や観測誤差,人の認識限界といった不確実な要素が内包し,確率論的な要素を含む.また,洪水防御施設の一つである堤防も空間的に土質材料は不確実性を持つ.本研究では,外力(水位)の不確実性は確率過程論に基づいて降雨の不確実性から算出し,耐力(堤防)の不確実性は粘着力と内部摩擦角の不均一性を確率分布として考慮することで,堤防の信頼性評価を行った.この結果は,河川計画に対して確率過程論的な考え方の導入可能性を示し,他のリスクとの相互比較を可能とする理論的枠組を示したものである.
  • 確率過程論の導入による水文学的集中化法を用いた人体における放射能強度の確率分布に関する研究
    崔 瑂芝, 佐々木 翔太, 吉見 和紘, 山田 正, 山田 朋人
    第23回地球環境シンポジウム講演集, 23, 189, 192, 土木学会, 2015年09月
  • 確率微分方程式の導入による降雨流出過程における降雨の不確実性の評価
    吉見和紘, 山田正, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 71, 1, I_259, I_264, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2015年03月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper explained the uncertainty of discharge due to the uncertainty of rainfall theoretically and mathematically. The lumped rainfall-runoff model is represented by SDE (stochastic differential equation), because the temporal variation of rainfall is expressed by its average plus deviation, which is approximated by Gaussian distribution. As a result, this paper has shown that it is possible to evaluate the uncertainty of discharge by using the relationship between SDE and Fokker-Planck equation. Moreover, the results of this study show that the uncertainty of discharge increases as rainfall intensity rises and non-linearity about resistance grows strong. These results are clarified by PDFs (probability density function) that satisfy Fokker-Planck equation about discharge. It means the reasonable discharge can be estimated based on the theory of stochastic processes, and it can be applied to the probabilistic risk of flood management.
  • 熱帯夜の基礎的研究
    綿貫 翔, 山田 正
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 71, 5, I_305, I_310, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2015年
    日本語, 本論文では,熱帯夜の時間帯を午後6時から翌午後6時までと定義し,その時間帯における最低気温(平均値)と気象庁の統計データや既往の研究で用いられている日最低気温(瞬間値)との比較を行った.また,定義した時間帯における最低気温をとる時間帯やその回数などを全国12地点で調べた.
  • 熱帯夜の基礎的研究
    綿貫 翔, 山田 正
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 71, 5, I_305, I_310, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2015年
    日本語, 本論文では,熱帯夜の時間帯を午後6時から翌午後6時までと定義し,その時間帯における最低気温(平均値)と気象庁の統計データや既往の研究で用いられている日最低気温(瞬間値)との比較を行った.また,定義した時間帯における最低気温をとる時間帯やその回数などを全国12地点で調べた.
  • 安定度を考慮した混合距離に関する微分方程式の提案と大気境界層への適用可能性
    銭 潮潮, 山田 正
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 71, 5, I_283, I_288, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2015年
    日本語, 気候変動計算や気象予報の数値計算が広く行われており,地球上の水や大気循環の底面境界である接地境界層の境界条件としてMonin-Obukhovの対数分布と線形型を組み合わせた(Log+Linear則)風速分布を用いることが多い.しかし,Monin-Obukhovの安定度スケールは代数式であるために,数値計算に用いるには不向きである.また,大気が不安定のときに混合長の長さスケールが負になり,物理的な解釈が非常に困難である.さらに,不安定の時に現れる混合層の鉛直スケールは必ずアプリオリに与える必要がある.本研究ではこれらの問題点を解決すべく,安定度を考慮したより物理的に厳密な混合距離に関する新たな微分方程式を提案した.既存の代数式安定度スケールによる風速分布及び実測の風速分布との比較より,提案する新たな接地境界層の安定度スケールに関する微分方程式の適用性を検証した.
  • 底面の加熱及び冷却を伴う回転水槽実験
    一瀬 輪子, 北野 慈和, 山田 朋人, 渡部 靖憲, 泉 典洋
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 28, 100131, 水文・水資源学会, 2015年
    日本語, 中緯度地域における総観規模の気象は,偏西風の蛇行及び高低気圧の発生や移動に支配されるが,これは傾圧不安定波として解釈される.傾圧不安定波の室内実験としてはFultzやHideが提唱した回転水槽実験が挙げられる.既往の実験の多くでは,3重の円筒水槽を用い,中心に冷水,外側に温水を入れ,中間に位置する水槽内の流体を作業流体とする.この作業流体は側壁を通して温度差が与えられ,かつ回転させることで傾圧帯の大気の流れの特徴を有することが示されている.これはアニュラス型の実験と呼ばれるが,本実験では,既往の回転水槽実験と異なり,冷源,熱源を水槽の側壁ではなく底面に配置した装置を用いた.アニュラス型の実験では冷熱源としての内壁があるため,蛇行の振幅が一定となっているが,本実験装置には内壁がないため振幅が自由な場合の傾圧不安定波が形成される.さらに極域に相当する水槽中央部の挙動についても解析可能となる. この装置による実験を相互相関法PIV解析及びSR-PIV解析を利用して解析した.以後,地球大気に倣い,半径方向の流速を南北流速,円周方向の流速を東西流速と呼称する.実験条件を,実験開始前の非回転時の水深40mm,水槽の回転数,レーザシート光を挿入する高さ30mmとした.解析の結果,地球上での中緯度地域に当たる帯状領域で水槽の回転と同方向の東西流速が卓越する流れが観測された.この領域は南北方向に蛇行しており,その波数は地球上の偏西風の蛇行と同程度の4から6程度であった.卓越する帯状領域での東西流速の大きさは1分間の平均値にして0.1-0.4mm/sで時間経過によって増減し,負になる場合も存在した.また,東西風速が卓越する帯状領域において,東西方向に交互に正負の渦度が配置することが観測された.これは地球大気における対流圏上層の低気圧,高気圧の配置と類似している.水槽の中心付近の空間平均渦度と卓越する帯状領域の東西流速の時間変化は類似しており,おおむね同期して増減する.この現象と地球大気における極域の現象との比較は,今後の課題としていきたい.
  • 降雨流出解析への確率過程論の導入に関する基礎的研究
    吉見 和紘, オウ シャオウェン, 山田 正, 山田 朋人
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 28, 100107, 水文・水資源学会, 2015年
    日本語, 本研究では,流出解析に確率過程論を導入し,流出現象における不確実性を評価するための理論的な枠組みを示した.流出モデルが貯留関数法のように常微分方程式で表現される場合,差分形式で記述し,降雨の乱れ成分を考慮すれば,常微分方程式は確率微分方程式として置き換えられる.また,確率微分方程式とFokker-Planck方程式の対応関係から,流出高の確率密度関数の時間発展を得ることが出来る.これにより,降雨の不確実性に起因する流出高の不確実性を理論的に示すことが出来た.この結果は,河川計画への確率過程論の概念の導入可能性を示すものである.
  • A case study of long-and short-term hydraulic state changes in embankment in Hokkaido
    Satoshi Nishimura, Tetsuya Tokoro, Tomohito Yamada, Norihiro Izumi, Maria Fernanda Rivas
    6th Japan-China Geotechnical Symposium, SJGS 2015, 34, 39, 2015年
    研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Mechanical stability of embankments such as road embankments and river dykes is significantly influenced by their internal hydraulic states, as represented by phreatic surface location and pore water pressure distribution. The mass transfer across the embankment surfaces through water infiltration and evapotranspiration, and the internal migration of pore water to/from foundation soil layers are considered to play a major role in dictating the evolution of the hydraulic state. This paper reports a case study in which hydraulic state variations in an embankment in Hokkaido were monitored over 9 months, including a winter period with ground surface freezing and a significant snow cover. The studied embankment was relatively new, constructed with artificially mixed clay and sand which were generated by nearby excavation. The monitoring records indicate a consistent trend of under-drainage to the foundation layer all during the 9 months, with the pore water pressure at deeper parts registering minimum values during winter and reaching maxima during summer. Explanations for this and other observed features were sought by performing unsteady unsaturated seepage flow analysis with some assumed surface input models. Although the adopted models are fairly crude, the analysis results offer important insights into factors that govern the hydraulic state of low-permeability embankment in snowy cold regions.
  • 石狩川流域泥炭地における地盤沈下量に基づく地下水位変化の推定
    山田 朋人, 和智 光貴, 鈴木 英一
    地球環境研究論文集 = Global environment engineering research : 地球環境シンポジウム, 71, 5, I_55, I_60, 土木学会, 2015年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 全球気候モデルを用いた灌漑農業が大気場及び流域水収支に与える影響の評価
    竹内 大輝, 山田 朋人, Pokhrel Yadu N.
    地球環境研究論文集 = Global environment engineering research : 地球環境シンポジウム, 71, 5, I_189, I_196, 土木学会, 2015年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • XバンドMPレーダと地上雨量計の降雨検知時間差を利用した降雨量の再推定
    鈴木 章弘, 山田 朋人
    地球環境研究論文集 = Global environment engineering research : 地球環境シンポジウム, 71, 5, I_257, I_262, 土木学会, 2015年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 底面の加熱および冷却を伴う回転水槽実験による傾圧不安定波の再現
    一瀬 輪子, 北野 慈和, 山田 朋人
    地球環境研究論文集 = Global environment engineering research : 地球環境シンポジウム, 71, 5, I_289, I_294, 土木学会, 2015年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
    SUPRABA Intan, YAMADA Tomohiro J.
    地球環境研究論文集 = Global environment engineering research : 地球環境シンポジウム, 71, 5, I_17, I_22, 土木学会, 2015年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
    SASAKI Syota, YONEDA Hayase, YAMADA Tadashi
    水工学論文集 土木学会水工学委員会 編, 71, 4, I_49, I_54, 土木学会, 2015年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Multi-GCM by multi-RAM experiments for dynamical downscaling on summertime climate change in Hokkaido
    Inatsu Masaru, Sato Tomonori, Yamada Tomohito J, Kuno Ryusuke, Sugimoto Shiori, Farukh Murad A, Pokhrel Yadu N, Kure Shuichi
    Atmospheric Science Letters, 16, 3, 297, 304, 2015年, [査読有り]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), © 2015 Royal Meteorological Society. The experiments with three general circulation models (GCMs) by three regional atmospheric models (RAMs) for the dynamical downscaling (DDS) have been performed to evaluate the uncertainty in the global warming response during summertime in Hokkaido, Japan. The results of a 10-year RAM integration nested into GCM under present or future climate conditions were synthesized after applying bias correction. For the target decades during which the global-mean temperature increases by 2K in each GCM, the DDS results indicate that surface air temperature and precipitation mostly depend on the GCM imposed as the lateral boundary condition.
    SUPRABA Intan, YAMADA Tomohito J
    水工学論文集 土木学会水工学委員会 編, 59, 4, I_151, 156, 土木学会, 2015年
    英語, The majority of water catchments in Japan are located in mountainous areas that can produce large quantities of runoff, which may lead to flooding, erosion, and landslides. Thus, it is important to know the minimum total rainfall required to generate surface runoff by estimating the water storage capacity of each catchment. The threshold of minimum total rainfall required to generate surface runoff occurs when at least 95% of total rainfall becomes total loss rainfall such as infiltrates into the ground. The variation in this value is dependent on the catchment characteristics. Based on the relationship between total rainfall and total loss rainfall, the average values of minimum total rainfall required to generate surface runoff and total loss of saturated rainfall were 51.3 mm and 108.5 mm, respectively. Catchments consisting of a smaller area of sedimentary rock and higher values of drainage density, elongation ratio, and catchment width tended to have smaller values of minimum total rainfall required to generate surface runoff.
  • Synoptic climatology associated with extreme snowfall events in Sapporo city of northern Japan
    M. A. Farukh, Tomohito J. Yamada
    ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 15, 4, 259, 265, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2014年10月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Synoptic-scale atmospheric circulations are crucial for extreme snowfall events. On the basis of topmost 100 snowfall intensity days in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan over winter seasons from 1992 to 2011, this study uses principal component analysis and K-means clustering to characterize synoptic circulation patterns. Composite maps were constructed for sea-level pressure, 850 hPa moisture and wind field, and 500 hPa geopotential height. The circulation patterns of the topmost seven snowfall events were triggered by the advection of very cold airmass from eastern Siberia, anomalously huge moisture with northerly strong wind, active and stationary Aleutian low, and 500 hPa deep cold-core low over the southern Hokkaido.
  • 水文学的モデルを用いた放射性同位体の経口摂取による人体における放射性同位体の原子数,放射能強度および内部被曝総量の推定手法の提案
    佐々木翔太, 山田正, 山田朋人
    水文・水資源学会誌, 27, 4, 170, 181, THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES, 2014年07月05日
    日本語, 本研究は人体における放射性同位体の原子数,放射能強度,内部被曝総量を計算するために複雑な人体のメカニズムを必要としない,水文学的モデルを用いた理解容易な方法論を提案することを目的とする.国際放射線防護委員会による既往研究は人体を忠実に再現した厳密なモデルが採用され,放射線医学の専門家の間では標準的なモデルと考えられている.既存の方法は厳密であるが,水文学の研究者を含む一般の研究者にとっては非常に複雑で全体を理解するには困難である.本研究は放射性同位体の経口摂取による被曝を,人体を単一の組織と見なして計算した.この手法によって複雑な人体のメカニズムを考慮せずに,人体における放射能強度について,ホールボディカウンタによる実測値と本研究によって得られた解析解が同等の結果を与えることが示された.
  • 開水路断面の不均一性に起因する不等流の水面形形成に関する基礎的研究
    銭 潮潮, 山田 正
    水利科学, 58, 1, 64, 99, 一般社団法人 日本治山治水協会, 2014年
  • MTSAT近赤外放射情報を用いた6~8月のチャオプラヤ川流域における雲の日内特性
    渡部 大和, 山田 朋人, Dwi Prabowo Yuga SUSENO, Kamol P.N. SAKOLNAKHON, Somkuan TONJAN, Chatchai CHAIYASAN
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 70, 4, I_313, I_318, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2014年
    日本語, Chao Phraya river basin is one of the largest basins in the Indochina Peninsula where is located at the South East Asian monsoon region. This study focuses on the diurnal patterns of several cloud types in the rainy season especially during June to August. We used MTSAT (Multi-functional Transport Satellite) Infra-red information from which we classified the clouds into 7 types and then analyzed diurnal characteristics of each cloud type especially in the years 2010 and 2011. 2010 was a drought year and clouds appeared earlier than in the climatology (1996-2011) and 2011, on the other hand, was a flood year and clouds appeared approximately 1 hour later than in the climatology. We obtained results which showed all types of clouds had each diurnal pattern of appearance. Furthermore, those patterns were similar between 2010 and 2011, however they shifted a few hours earlier in 2011 than in 2010.
  • CMIP5モデルにおけるブロッキング発生頻度と気候変動との関係
    北野 慈和, 山田 朋人
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 27, 100121, 100121, 水文・水資源学会, 2014年
    日本語, 大気ブロッキングは、気象条件がもたらす極端現象の中でも日本が位置する中緯度において時空間スケールが最大規模の現象である。この現象は、中緯度を絶えず東進している高低気圧の渦列の一部がジェット気流の流線から剥離することによって気圧が停滞することにより発生し、長期の場合は一ヶ月程度豪雨や干ばつ、熱波や寒波が持続する。近年の例では、2003年ヨーロッパ熱波事例では70000人の死者が発生し、2010年ロシア熱波事例では穀物収穫量の低下や山火事、パキスタン豪雨事例では大洪水により3000人近くの犠牲者が出た。このように、大規模災害をもたらすブロッキングの物理的メカニズムの解明並びに予測精度の向上は将来の適応策を策定する上でも非常に重要である。
    ブロッキングの将来予測について、Masato et al. (2013)やDunn-Sigouin and Son (2013)は第5次結合モデル相互比較計画(CMIP5)における、最も温暖化の寄与が大きいシナリオであるRCP8.5について、各国機関のモデル計算結果を解析し、現在気候および21世紀後半の地域ごとのブロッキング発生頻度の変動を調べた。両論文とも、ヨーロッパ東部を除き北半球の多くの地域でブロッキングは減少傾向にあることを示している。本研究では、上記既存研究と同様、CMIP5における過去の再現実験およびRCP8.5シナリオでのブロッキング発生頻度に着目する。先行研究が、20世紀後半及び21世紀後半の2パターンのブロッキング発生頻度を議論したのに対し、本研究では1950年~2099年の150年間のブロッキング発生頻度の変遷と中緯度大気の平均的な場の変動との関係を議論する。また、前述の二つのブロッキングインデックス両者を比較し、それぞれのインデックスが有する物理的な特徴と解析結果との関係についても議論を行う。
  • 水文・水資源学会研究グループ「北海道の渇水比流量分布の現在及び将来予測」活動報告
    阪田 義隆, 知北 和久, 中津川 誠, 山田 朋人, 工藤 啓介, 小池 明夫, 濱原 能成, 木村 峰樹, 臼谷 友秀, 上原 弘之
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 27, 100049, 100049, 水文・水資源学会, 2014年
    日本語, 2013年度水文・水資源学会研究グループ「北海道の渇水比流量分布の現在及び将来予測」の活動報告を行う。本研究グループでは,近年の渇水流況データ,支流や非人口地域の流量観測(補間),GISによる空間解析を通じ,北海道の渇水比流量分布をマッピングするとともに,そのトレンドを分析し将来分布推定を目標に設立された.2013年度は、主にデータ収集が行われ、GIS空間解析とトレンド分析は試行的に行われた。会合は計3回(2013年5月27日、12月26日、2014年2月20日)に行われ、研究方針や課題について議論がなされた。
  • 大気中の境界面における流速分布及び密度分布が与える擾乱への影響の考察
    北野 慈和, 山田 朋人, 泉 典洋
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 70, 4, I_871, I_876, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2014年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Schmid & Henningson discussed the point disturbance in the homogeneous medium of piecewise linear boundary layer using the method of stationary phase. In addition to this study, we include the density profile to consider the inhomogeneous boundary layer like atmospheric boundary layer. We assume first that the fluid is inviscid and incompressible, density being convected but not diffused. Then the fundamental equations are the Navier-Stokes equations, continuity equation and incompressibility equation and we derive the 3-dimentional Taylor-Goldstein equation. Under the Boussinesq approximation, we obtain the exact solution about the point disturbance propagation on the arbitrary horizontal plane. Using internal Froude number, we explain the characteristics of the solutions.
  • Clausius-Clapeyron式に基づく日平均気温と降水強度の関係式を用いた極端豪雨及び豪雪の極値推定法
    福島 大輝, 山田 朋人
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 70, 4, I_529, I_534, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2014年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper discussed estimation method of probable maximum value of extreme precipitation. We analyzed the 99th percentile of 10-minutes and 1-hour precipitation for each daily average temperature bin based on observational data in Sapporo. Even if temperature is lower than zero degrees, 99th percentile precipitation intensities tend to have an approximation equation that rate of the precipitation increase was almost same as the Clausius-Clapeyron like relation. We estimated the future 99th percentile rainfall intensity under climate change condition by using the projected future temperature in a dynamically downscaled temperature in the Regional Spectral Model (RSM).
  • 風波砕波下の飛沫と気泡の同時画像計測
    大塚淳一, 渡部靖憲, 田代晃基, 大山高弘, 猿渡亜由未, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web), 70, 2, I.41-I.45 (J-STAGE), I_45, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2014年
    日本語, Sprays and air bubbles formed during wind wave breaking events under various wind conditions were simultaneously visualized using two high-speed video cameras and a back-light imaging technique. The shapes of the sprays and entrained bubbles were quantitatively measured on the basis of novel level-set image detecting algorithm. Spectrum slope of spray and bubble size were found to decrease from approximately 2.2 mm and 1.5 mm respectively. It was also found that the volume rate and wind-wave Reynolds number (RB), the number density and RB are both related to positive correlation.
  • 風波下の高速表面水温計測による波面を通じた熱輸送の変調の解析
    渡部靖憲, 田代晃基, 大塚淳一, 大山高弘, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web), 70, 2, I.56-I.60 (J-STAGE), I_60, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2014年
    日本語, High speed infrared imaging measurements were performed for identifying mechanical factors to govern surface skin temperatures on wind waves under moderate to strong winds. Surface renewals owing to turbulent disturbances are found to predominantly determine the skin temperature amplitude and phase lags to surface elevation, which is parameterized by a so-called wind-wave Reynolds number (RB). The modulations of the skin temperature variations are observed at RB ~ 4 × 104, indicating governing dynamics to produce surface turbulence is altered at the boundary.
  • 紀伊半島田辺湾湾口部における海水交換特性に関する研究
    内山雄介, 松川大佑, 神吉亮佑, 馬場康之, 森信人, 水谷英朗, 渡部靖憲, 大塚淳一, 山田朋人, 猿渡亜由未, 二宮順一
    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web), 70, 2, I.446-I.450 (J-STAGE), I_450, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2014年
    日本語, Tanabe bay is a small embayment connected directly to the Pacific Ocean to the south, whereas frequently suffers from harmful algal blooms due to sewage effluent and the local aquaculture industry. For preserving the ecosystem in the bay, it is necessary to understand an oceanic structure in the bay along with water exchange at the bay entrance. We thus conduct a comprehensive investigation consisting of a shipboard measurement, a season-long platform observation, and a triply nested high-resolution ocean modeling. The water exchange at the bay mouth is largely affected by semi-diurnal tidal currents and episodic subtidal intrusion of the offshore water controlled by mesoscale circulations.
  • Extreme precipitation intensity in future climates associated with the Clausius-Clapeyron-like relationship
    Yamada Tomohito J., Farukh Murad. A., Fukushima Taiki, Inatsu Masaru, Sato Tomonori, Pokhrel Yadu N., Oki Taikan
    Hydrological Research Letters, 8, 4, 108, 113, THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES, 2014年
    英語, This paper introduces a method named "hybrid-downscaling" to estimate the future extreme hourly precipitation intensity based on observational evidence of the 99th percentile precipitation intensity against air temperature in Sapporo and Tokyo, Japan. The future projected air temperature under the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) A1B was used after dynamical downscaling using 3 different regional atmospheric models (RAMs) with lateral boundary conditions from 3 different general circulation models (GCMs). We analyzed the 99th percentile of hourly precipitation intensity against daily mean air temperature in Sapporo and Tokyo. The 99th percentile precipitation intensity tended to have an approximate equation in which the rate of increment was similar to the Clausius-Clapeyron rate of change in the saturated water vapor. This study also showed that the precipitable water vapor and the convective instability followed the Clausius-Clapeyron-like rate of change during the hours with the 99th percentile precipitation intensity.
  • The role of gps precipitable water vapor and atmosphere stability index in the statistically based rainfall estimation using MTSAT data
    Dwi Prabowo Yuga Suseno, Tomohito J. Yamada
    Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14, 6, 1922, 1932, Amer meteorological soc, 2013年12月
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A rainfall estimation method was developed based on the statistical relationships between cloud-top temperature and rainfall rates acquired by both the 10.8-μm channel of the Multi-Functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT) series and the Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System (AMeDAS) C-band radar, respectively. The method focused on cumulonimbus (Cb) clouds and was developed in the period of June-September 2010 and 2011 over the landmass of Japan and its surrounding area. Total precipitable water vapor (PWV) and atmospheric vertical instability were considered to represent the atmospheric environmental conditions during the development of statistical models. Validations were performed by comparing the estimated values with the observed rainfall derived from the AMeDAS rain gauge network and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 rainfall estimation product. The results demonstrated that the models that considered the combination of total PWV and atmospheric vertical instability were relatively more sensitive to heavy rainfall than were the models that considered no atmospheric environmental conditions. The use of such combined information indicated a reasonable improvement, especially in terms of the correlation between estimated and observed rainfall. Intercomparison results with the TRMM 3B42 confirmed that MTSAT-based rainfall estimations made by considering atmospheric environmental conditions were more accurate for estimating rainfall generated by Cb cloud. © 2013 American Meteorological Society.
  • 人間活動を考慮した陸面過程モデルの北海道への適用
    河野剛典, 河野剛典, 山田朋人, POKHREL Yadu Nath
    地球環境研究論文集, 21, 5, I.177-I.182, I_182, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2013年09月17日
    日本語, 水資源の安定及び持続的な確保は水ストレスを軽減させる上で必要不可欠である一方,農業による灌漑やダム湖への貯水などの人間活動が流域内の水収支に及ぼす影響は非常に大きいと考えられる.このような背景から全球スケールを対象とし人間活動の影響を考慮した陸面過程を再現するモデルが近年開発された.本研究は同モデルを北海道全域に適用し,その特徴並びに妥当性を明らかにするとともに,将来的には日本全域において水資源の効率的な活用方法を提示しうるモデルの構築を目指すものである.本論文では農業用灌漑活動が水熱収支に与える影響に特化した評価を行った.またモデルの再現するダム放流量については大雪ダムを対象に観測データとの比較を実施したところ年間取水量に関してある程度の妥当性が示された.
  • 鉛直浸透を考慮した斜面内流出計算手法の提案
    吉見 和紘, 山田 正
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 69, 5, I_145, I_150, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2013年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 地表面に到達した雨水がどのような経路を辿り河川や湖沼に到達するかは,水文学の分野において精力的に研究されてきた.一般的に洪水時の流出現象は複数の流出成分で構成されると考えられており,従来から山腹斜面を多層構造とした流出計算手法が提案されている.これらの研究は精力的に行われているものの,物理的意義を持ち普遍的に洪水ハイドログラフを再現し得るには至っていない.
  • Introduction to Radiological Hydrology: A Kinematic Model to Estimate the Effective Dose of Radioactive Substances in the Human Body for Radiological Protection
    Tadashi Yamada, Tomohito J. Yamada, Syota Sasaki
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), The present study provides a readily understandable kinematic-based model to estimate the effective dose of radioactive substances in the human body without the need for consideration of any complicated mechanism. For example, the International Commission on Radiological Protection has developed an exact model, which is considered by radiologists the standard method of calculating the effective dose. However, this method is too complex for non-professional researchers of radiology to understand because it divides a human body into similar to 20 organs. In contrast, here we calculate the effective dose by regarding the human body as a single vessel. Although the present study does not involve consideration of a complicated mechanism, it does provide results with an accuracy equal to those of existing research.
  • Overestimated water storage Reply
    Pokhrel Yadu N, Hanasaki Naota, Yeh Pat J. -F, Yamada Tomohito J, Kanae Shinjiro, Oki Taikan
    NATURE GEOSCIENCE, 6, 1, 2, 3, 2013年01月, [査読有り]
  • 石狩地域から勇払地域にかけての温度勾配と海陸風循環の関係
    福島大輝, 山田朋人, 宮崎真
    土木学会論文集 B1(水工学)(Web), 69, 4, I.1759-I.1764 (J-STAGE), I_1764, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2013年
    日本語, This paper discussed the land and sea breeze circulation (LSBC)between Ishikari and Yuhutsu areas in Hokkaido. The diurnal variation of LSBC during boreal summer(July and August) of 1985-2009 was mainly investigated by using various data. LSBC was observed between Ishikari and Sapporo up to 13km from coastal zones of the Japan Sea. Tomakomai to Atsuma area also showed LSBC around16km from coastal zones of the Pacific Ocean. For inland region that area from Chitose to Naganuma, southerly wind was observed all day long. The reason is related to a fact that this inland region has strong southerly wind associated with the meridional temperature gradient between Ishikari and Yuhutsu area. Thermal balance between SST and temperature of land could be important to control the horizontal scale of LSBC. In the La-Nina years, SST over the Japan Sea at the vicinity of Sapporo area was higher than the climatology, and LSBC was enhanced and expanded its spatial scale.
    山田 朋人, 秦 佳弘
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 69, 4, I_397, I_402, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2013年
    日本語, Atmospheric blocking is one of the main causes of extreme meteorological events such as spells of extremely cold weather, heat wave and continuous heavy rainfall in the mid-latitudes. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis Dataset (ERA-40) was analyzed to clarify both the characteristics of the latitudinal surface temperature field and the frequency of atmospheric blocking (FAB) in December, January, and February between 1960 and 1999. In years with a small meridional surface temperature gradient between the low and high latitudes, the FAB was larger than the average for the 40-year climatology, as well as persisting for longer and having a longitudinally larger spatial scale. A noticeable characteristic of these years was a larger dominant eddy scale length at the 500-hPa level compared to the average for the climatology. The amplitude of the dominant eddy scale length was also enhanced.
  • 下流進行する氷上のステップ地形
    内藤健介, 泉典洋, 横川美和, 山田朋人
    土木学会論文集 B1(水工学)(Web), 69, 4, I.1123-I.1128 (J-STAGE), I_1128, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2013年
    日本語, In recent years, cyclic steps are discovered in a variety of environments, such as deep ocean floors and ice floors on planets other than the earth. Water can exists only in the form of ice in the extraterrestrial environments, where temperature is commonly by far lower than that on the earth. Therefore, cyclic steps in the extraterrestrial environments are expected to be often found on ice. In order to obtain basic knowledge on the formation of ice steps, we have performed a series of experiments in a cold room of Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, and reproduced ice steps migrating in the downstream direction. In this paper, we formulated the formation process of ice steps, and provide a reasonable explanation of the downstream migrating ice steps based on the experimental results.
  • MTSATによる輝度温度情報から作成した東南アジアにおける雲の気候特性
    渡部大和, 山田朋人, SUSENO Dwi, Prabowo Yuga
    土木学会論文集 B1(水工学)(Web), 69, 4, I.301-I.306 (J-STAGE), I_306, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2013年
    日本語, There are many extreme hydrometeorological phenomena such as heavy rain and drought events in the world. A considerable shortage of observing stations was motivated us to utilize the remote sensing for observing water resources and related information from space. In this study we used MTSAT (Multi-functional Transport Satellite) to acquire cloud type characteristics. The observation target was the western pacific region. The spatial distribution between MTSAT and JMA(Japan Meteorological Agency) cloud classification showed reasonably good agreement while our result estimated many Cb(Cumulonimbus) focusing on June to September 2010. The Cb cloud was estimated 20 to 60% larger than the 15-year climatology(1996-2010) over northern part of Thailand in 2011.
  • 全球気候モデルにおける人間活動の影響を考慮した陸面初期値が準季節予報スキルに与える効果
    山原康希, 山田朋人, POKHREL Yadu
    土木学会論文集 B1(水工学)(Web), 69, 4, I.1807-I.1812 (J-STAGE), I_1812, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2013年
    日本語, In recent years, the damage caused by extreme weather events has frequently been reported in many parts of the world. Therefore the improvement of prediction accuracy for extreme events is an urgent issue. This study conducted to evaluate the sub-seasonal forecast skill with land initializations in an Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM) targeting a severe drought event which occurred in the North American continental in boreal summer of 1988. The experiment using land initialization with influence of human activities, sub-seasonal forecast skill for near surface temperature improved its skill comparing with another forecast experiment without realistic land initializations. We obtained the result of forecast that soil moisture states could come to have a long dry state by considering human activities at the drought event.
  • Seasonal variation of land-atmosphere coupling strength over the West African monsoon region in an atmospheric general circulation model
    Tomohito J. Yamada, Shinjiro Kanae, Taikan Oki, Randal D. Koster
    Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58, 6, 1276, 1286, Taylor & Francis, 2013年
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The seasonal variation of land-atmosphere coupling strength has been examined using an extended series of atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) simulations. In the Western Sahel of Africa, strong coupling strength for precipitation is found in April and May, just prior to and at the beginning of the monsoon season. At this time, heat and water fluxes from the surface are strongly controlled by land conditions, and the unstable conditions in the lower level of the troposphere, as induced by local land state, allow the surface fluxes to influence the variability of convective precipitation-and thus the timing of monsoon onset.Editor Z. W. KundzewiczCitation Yamada, T.J., Kanae, S., Oki, T., and Koster, R.D., 2013. Seasonal variation of land-atmosphere coupling strength over the West African monsoon region in an atmospheric general circulation model. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (6), 1276-1286. © 2013 IAHS Press.
  • 大気密度成層における擾乱の発達過程
    北野慈和, 山田朋人, 泉典洋
    地球環境研究論文集, 20, 5, I.205-I.210, I_210, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2012年09月13日
    日本語, 日本の豪雨イベントを引き起こすメソスケールの現象の一つとして線状降水帯が挙げられるが,その物理機構については不明な点が多い。線状降水帯の形成過程を解明することは防災の観点から非常に重要である。そこで本研究では,線状降水帯が発生する条件の一つである不安定な成層をした大気場の空間特性を解析的に明らかにした。解析では,問題を単純化するために降水や熱力学的な効果は考えず,大気場における鉛直方向の擾乱の水平分布のみを考慮している。この解析により擾乱の発達とフルード数及び密度差に関する無次元パラメータとの関係が明らかとなり,これらと線状降水帯との関係性について考察した。
  • Diurnal Characteristics of Rainfall over the Contiguous United States and Northern Mexico in the Dynamically Downscaled Reanalysis Dataset (US10)
    Tomohito J. Yamada, Myong-In Lee, Masao Kanamitsu, Hideki Kanamaru
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The diurnal characteristics of summer rainfall in the contiguous United States and northern Mexico were examined with the United States reanalysis for 5 years in 10-km horizontal resolution (US10), which is dynamically downscaled from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR) Global Reanalysis 1 using the Regional Spectral Model (RSM). The hourly precipitation outputs demonstrate a realistic structure in the temporal evolution of the observed rainfall episodes and their magnitudes across the United States without any prescriptions of the observed rainfall to the global reanalysis and the downscaled regional reanalysis. Nighttime rainfall over the Great Plains associated with eastward-propagating, mesoscale convective systems originating from the Rocky Mountains is also represented realistically in US 10, while the original reanalysis and most general circulation models (GCMs) have difficulties in capturing the series of nocturnal precipitation events in summer over the Plains. The results suggest an important role of the horizontal resolution of the model in resolving small-scale, propagating convective systems to improve the diurnal cycle of summer rainfall.
  • The onset of the West African monsoon simulated in a high-resolution atmospheric general circulation model with reanalyzed soil moisture fields
    T. J. Yamada, S. Kanae, T. Oki, Y. Hirabayashi
    ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 13, 2, 103, 107, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2012年04月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The simulation of the onset of the West African monsoon (WAM), associated with the northward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) occurring in May, June, and July, is a challenging task for atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs), because of complex water and energy balance through the land-atmosphere interaction as well as atmospheric processes. We provide evidence that a combination of state-of-the-art global fields of reanalyzed soil moisture anomalies and a sufficiently high-resolution (similar to 50 km) AGCM produces a successful simulation of the northward shift of the ITCZ and the following onset of the WAM in July. Copyright (C) 2011 Royal Meteorological Society
  • Climatology of line-shaped rainbands over northern Japan in boreal summer between 1990 and 2010
    Tomohito J. Yamada, Jun Sasaki, Naoki Matsuoka
    ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 13, 2, 133, 138, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2012年04月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Line-shaped rainbands (LRBs) are severe storm events that cause torrential rainfall across the mid-latitudes and are difficult to accurately predict because of their complex physical processes. We examined the occurrence of LRBs in boreal summer in northern Japan over the period 1990-2010. In years with anomalously many LRBs, the development of LRBs over northern Japan was driven by a combined positive anomaly of warm sea-surface temperatures and westerly moisture flux associated with the prominent pattern of the surface pressure anomalies between the main island of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk. In contrast, the number of LRBs were significantly small with opposite characteristics. Copyright (C) 2012 Royal Meteorological Society
  • Evolution of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami on the pacific coast of Hokkaido
    Yasunori Watanabe, Yuta Mitobe, Ayumi Saruwatari, Tomohito Yamada, Yasuo Niida
    Coastal Engineering Journal, 54, 1, 2012年03月, [査読有り]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), A numerical computation of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami was performed to identify fundamental features of the tsunami evolution along the coast of Hokkaido, Japan. Edge waves formed at multiple locations where the refracted tsunami focused, governing local surface oscillations and regional variations in tsunami height along the Pacific coast of Hokkaido. The computation reasonably reproduced the distribution of surveyed tsunami height as well as the time records of surface elevation recorded at ports in Hokkaido. The major features of the frequency spectrum for the 2011 Tohoku tsunami were identical to those for the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake tsunami; inherent local properties of surface oscillation caused by the passage of edge waves existed, determined by the local bathymetry. © 2012 World Scientific Publishing Company and Japan Society of Civil Engineers.
    Yasunori Watanabe, Yuta Mitobe, Ayumi Saruwatari, Tomohito Yamada, Yasuo Niida
    COASTAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 54, 1, 1250002.1-1250002.17, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 2012年03月
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A numerical computation of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami was performed to identify fundamental features of the tsunami evolution along the coast of Hokkaido, Japan. Edge waves formed at multiple locations where the refracted tsunami focused, governing local surface oscillations and regional variations in tsunami height along the Pacific coast of Hokkaido. The computation reasonably reproduced the distribution of surveyed tsunami height as well as the time records of surface elevation recorded at ports in Hokkaido. The major features of the frequency spectrum for the 2011 Tohoku tsunami were identical to those for the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake tsunami; inherent local properties of surface oscillation caused by the passage of edge waves existed, determined by the local bathymetry.
  • 2011年7月新潟・福島豪雨時における線状降水帯の形状特性・環境場に関する考察
    和田卓也, 山田朋人, SUSENO Yuga Dwi Prabowo
    水工学論文集(CD-ROM), 56, 4, ROMBUNNO.67, I_402, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2012年02月20日
    日本語, Meteorological characteristics of the formation and environment of the Niigata-Fukushima heavy rainfall on 28~30 July 2011 were studied. Line-shaped rainfall systems were observed by using synthetic radar and Xband MP radar on 29 July at 09~17 and on 30 July at 00~04. The purpose of this study is to classify these events and to reveal the reason why these occur and stagnate. It was found that the former event can be classified as Back Building type while the latter can be classified as Back Building composite type. The development environments were focused by the convergence, relative humidity, wind and temperature by using the Japan Meteorological Agency GPV mesoscale model dataset. Results indicate that convergence area, flow of high-humidity air at 950hpa and incursion of dry-low-temperature air generated the event on 29 July at 09~17. The event on 30 July at 00~04 was generated by the effect of cold air at 400hpa which flowed into high-humidity region.
  • 利根川上流域における降雨パターンの違いが流出現象に与える影響に関する研究
    吉見 和紘, 岡部 真人, 山田 正
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 68, 5, I_255, I_260, 公益社団法人 土木学会, 2012年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 降雨パターンの違いが流出現象に与える影響を解明する事は,従来から行われてきた多様な治水手法の組み合わせによる総合的な治水対策の更なる発展に寄与し,治水計画を検証する上で非常に有益である.本論文では,台風の経路は一様でない事や温暖化による気象現象の極端化を想定し,利根川上流域を対象として,カスリーン台風時の降雨データを元に擬似降雨を作成し, 降雨パターンの違いが八斗島基準点のピーク流量に与える影響を検証した. その結果,降雨パターンの違いによって,八斗島基準点のピーク流量に1割~2割の違いが現れる事を示した.また,カスリーン台風級の豪雨が襲来した場合,降雨パターンによっては八斗島基準点の基本高水流量を上回る事を示した.
    SUSENO Dwi, Prabowo Yuga, YAMADA Tomohito J
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 68, 4, I_175, I_180, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2012年
    This research deals with the use of geostationary satellite based rainfall estimation for characterizing storm severity. The objectives of this research are to estimate storm rainfall intensity by using Multi-functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT) blended with C-band rainfall radar data and to show the severity of the identified storm rainfall intensity by representing its return period map. A regional frequency analysis (RFA) method developed by Hosking and Wallis (1997) is used to define the frequency distribution of long-term hourly maximum rainfall over Hokkaido Island. RFA indicates that Generalized Normal/Log Normal three parameters (GNO/LN3) is suitable to describe the frequency distribution of long-term hourly maximum rainfall over Hokkaido Island. Characterization of severity of 24 August 2010 storm event has been performed over Ishikari river basin, Hokkaido according to estimated rainfall using MTSAT data. Even though the return period map shows underestimation in comparison with the current situation of flood event in Ishikari river basin, this information is useful for flood control and mitigation.
  • Two-dimensional, threshold-based cloud type classification using MTSAT data
    Dwi Prabowo Yuga Suseno, Tomohito J. Yamada
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A new two-dimensional threshold diagram (2D-THR) has been developed based on maximum likelihood cloud classification results, which can readily be applied for Multi-functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT) split window datasets. Because 2D-THR was trained using northern summer 2010 data for Japan and its surrounding area, it is typically suitable only for summer. Comparison of snapshot cloud type distributions showed that 2D-THR images and the corresponding night-time microphysical colour composite images as well as 2D-THR images and Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) cloud type images are in good agreement. A time series inter-comparison of the hourly 2D-THR cloud classification results with the JMA cloud type classification data product was performed by calculating spatial correlation of cloud percentage for 1 degrees x 1 degrees grid cells. For cumulonimbus, high-level, middle-level and low-level clouds over tropical and subtropical areas in the northwestern Pacific Ocean region, the spatial correlation between 2D-THR and JMA is moderate. Thus, 2D-THR cloud classification algorithm can be applied in both regions.
  • Application of adaptive mesh refinement to tsunami computation
    Yasunori Watanabe, Yuta Mitobe, Yasuo Niida, Tomohito Yamada
    Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 218, 223, 2011年09月19日
    研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) is one of the powerful computational tools to enhance local computing resolution at less cost. In this paper, computational performances of AMR for tsunami computer simulations were examined in terms of the accuracy and computational cost through computational tests for long wave propagation initiated by collapse of a water column on still water. AMR was also applied to a practical tsunami evolution - 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake tsunami, which was compared with observed water elevation for examining the applicability of this method to practical tsunami events. It was found through the numerical tests that the present method is capable of efficiently performing reliable computations of tsunami propagation at high resolution. Copyright © 2011 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).
  • 東京における120年時間降雨量データを用いたひと雨降雨形態の日変化形の検討
    和田卓也, 山田朋人
    水工学論文集(CD-ROM), 55, 4, ROMBUNNO.81, I_486, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2011年02月22日
    日本語, Various problems concerning the global environment such as climate change, urbanization, and the heat island phenomenon are paid to attention, especially in terms of rainfall characteristics. This paper focused on characteristics of diurnal patterns of rainfall at Tokyo (Ohtemachi) based on 120-years hourly data from 1890 to 2008. Diurnal patterns were analyzed by using the "P/D" diagnostics which indicates the shape of a single rainfall event by the peak rainfall amount and its duration (whole duration). The P/D diagnostics showed the intensification of short-time rainfall amount in recent. In addition, we proposed a new "P/D" diagnostics which indicates the shape of a single rainfall event with the peak rainfall amount and its duration (from the starting time to the peak time). The results we obtained are following. 1) There is an increasing tendency in the short-time afternoon rainfall. 2) The duration to reaching peak amount for each single rainfall event is clearly decreased particularly at 15LST and 19LST in the recent two decades.
    Takuya WADA, Tomohito YAMADA
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 67, 4, I_481, I_486, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2011年, [査読有り]
    YAMADA Tomohito J, KOSTER Randal D, KANAE Shinjiro, OKI Taikan
    水工学論文集(CD-ROM), 54, ROMBUNNO.56, 2010年02月22日
  • 河口部近傍における河床地形に関する水理実験
    相川 真人, 銭 潮潮, 五十嵐 剛, 一木 慎太朗, 山田 正
    水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 23, 87, 87, 水文・水資源学会, 2010年
    日本語, 河口部では,河川流,沿岸流,潮汐流,波浪など様々な流れが混在しており,非常に複雑な流れをしていることが一般的に知られている.これらの流れにより河口部の河床では,複雑な河床変動が生じており,河床の形成や発達の解明は困難である.よって本研究では沿岸流,潮汐流,波浪といった条件を除き河川流に着目した水理実験を行った.本実験は下流端水位や流量の条件を変化させ,河川流が河床の形成及び流速への影響を明らかにすることを目的とする.
  • Estimation of predictability with a newly derived index to quantify similarity among ensemble members
    Tomohito J. Yamada, Randal D. Koster, Shinjiro Kanae, Taikan Oki
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This study reveals the mathematical structure of a statistical index, Omega, that quantifies similarity among ensemble members in a weather forecast. Previous approaches for quantifying predictability estimate separately the phase and shape characteristics of a forecast ensemble. The diagnostic Omega, on the other hand, characterizes the similarity (across ensemble members) of both aspects together with a simple expression. The diagnostic Omega is thus more mathematically versatile than previous indices.
  • 夏季インドモンスーン域における降水予測可能性
    山田朋人, 鼎信次郎, 沖大幹
    水工学論文集(CD-ROM), 51, ROMBUNNO.53, 318, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2007年02月22日
    日本語, The predictability of the Indian summer monsoon is examined from an ensemble of 16 atmospheric general circulation model simulations with prescribed sea surface temperatures (SST). The predictability is estimated with a statistical index (Ω) to quantify similarity among the ensemble members. The model simulations show that the predictability of precipitation and the low-level moisture flux during May and June are much larger than that in July and August. The role of land-atmosphere interaction is also focused. During May and June the predictability of soil moisture and near surface temperature are increased by large predictability of precipitation. At the same time, the predictability of cumulus type precipitation could be improved or maintained by positive feedback of large predictability of soil moisture and near surface temperature through atmospheric instability in atmospheric boundary layer. Finally, we suggest two new statistical methods to estimate the phase and shape predictability, and discuss the monthly change of the predictability of the Indian summer monsoon using 3 types of predictability including Ω.
  • GLACE: The Global Land-Atmosphere Coupling Experiment. Part II: Analysis
    Zhichang Guo, Paul A. Dirmeyer, Randal D. Koster, Gordon Bonan, Edmond Chan, Peter Cox, C. T. Gordon, Shinjiro Kanae, Eva Kowalczyk, David Lawrence, Ping Liu, Cheng-Hsuan Lu, Sergey Malyshev, Bryant McAvaney, J. L. McGregor, Ken Mitchell, David Mocko, Taikan Oki, Keith W. Oleson, Andrew Pitman, Y. C. Sud, Christopher M. Taylor, Diana Verseghy, Ratko Vasic, Yongkang Xue, Tomohito Yamada
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The 12 weather and climate models participating in the Global Land-Atmosphere Coupling Experiment ( GLACE) show both a wide variation in the strength of land-atmosphere coupling and some intriguing commonalities. In this paper, the causes of variations in coupling strength-both the geographic variations within a given model and the model-to-model differences-are addressed. The ability of soil moisture to affect precipitation is examined in two stages, namely, the ability of the soil moisture to affect evaporation, and the ability of evaporation to affect precipitation. Most of the differences between the models and within a given model are found to be associated with the first stage-an evaporation rate that varies strongly and consistently with soil moisture tends to lead to a higher coupling strength. The first-stage differences reflect identifiable differences in model parameterization and model climate. Intermodel differences in the evaporation-precipitation connection, however, also play a key role.
  • GLACE: The Global Land-Atmosphere Coupling Experiment. Part I: Overview
    Randal D. Koster, Zhichang Guo, Paul A. Dirmeyer, Gordon Bonan, Edmond Chan, Peter Cox, Harvey Davies, C. T. Gordon, Shinjiro Kanae, Eva Kowalczyk, David Lawrence, Ping Liu, Cheng-Hsuan Lu, Sergey Malyshev, Bryant McAvaney, Ken Mitchell, David Mocko, Taikan Oki, Keith W. Oleson, Andrew Pitman, Y. C. Sud, Christopher M. Taylor, Diana Verseghy, Ratko Vasic, Yongkang Xue, Tomohito Yamada
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The Global Land-Atmosphere Coupling Experiment ( GLACE) is a model intercomparison study focusing on a typically neglected yet critical element of numerical weather and climate modeling: land atmosphere coupling strength, or the degree to which anomalies in land surface state ( e. g., soil moisture) can affect rainfall generation and other atmospheric processes. The 12 AGCM groups participating in GLACE performed a series of simple numerical experiments that allow the objective quantification of this element for boreal summer. The derived coupling strengths vary widely. Some similarity, however, is found in the spatial patterns generated by the models, with enough similarity to pinpoint multimodel "hot spots" of land-atmosphere coupling. For boreal summer, such hot spots for precipitation and temperature are found over large regions of Africa, central North America, and India; a hot spot for temperature is also found over eastern China. The design of the GLACE simulations are described in full detail so that any interested modeling group can repeat them easily and thereby place their model's coupling strength within the broad range of those documented here.
  • An Outline of Heavy Rainfall Disasters in Hidaka Region, Hokkaido Caused by Typhoon No.10 in 2003
    Hasegawa, K, T.Araya, T. Ogawa, S. Kikuchi, M. Kuroki, T. Komatsu, H. Saga, Y. Shimizu, O. Shimizu, H. Suzuki, Y. Suzuki, G. Tanaka, S. Tohma, M. Nakatsugawa, S. Hatta, Y. Murakami, T. Yamashita, T. Yamada, Y. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, M. Fujita
    Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, 24, 1, 41, 56, 2006年05月, [査読有り]
  • Influence of "realistic" land surface wetness on predictability of seasonal precipitation in boreal summer
    S Kanae, Y Hirabayashi, T Yamada, T Oki
    JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 19, 8, 1450, 1460, AMER METEOROLOGICAL SOC, 2006年04月
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Outputs from two ensembles of atmospheric model simulations for 1951-98 define the influence of "realistic" land surface wetness on seasonal precipitation predictability in boreal summer. The ensembles consist of one forced with observed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and the other forced with realistic land surface wetness as well as SSTs. Predictability was determined from correlations between the time series of simulated and observed precipitation. The ratio of forced variance to total variance determined potential predictability. Predictability occurred over some land areas adjacent to tropical oceans without land wetness forcing. On the other hand, because of the chaotic nature of the atmosphere, considerable parts of the land areas of the globe did not even show potential predictability with both land wetness and SST forcings.
    The use of land wetness forcing enhanced predictability over semiarid regions. Such semiarid regions are generally characterized by a negative correlation between fluxes of latent heat and sensible heat from the land surface, and are "water-regulating" areas where soil moisture plays a governing role in land-atmosphere interactions. Actual seasonal prediction may be possible in these regions if slowly varying surface conditions can be estimated in advance. In contrast, some land regions (e.g., south of the Sahel, the Amazon, and Indochina) showed little predictability despite high potential predictability. These regions are mostly characterized by a positive correlation between the surface fluxes, and are "radiation-regulating" areas where the atmosphere plays a leading role. Improvements in predictability for these regions may require further improvements in model physics.
  • 相似性を示す統計指標の数学的構造
    山田朋人, 鼎信次郎, 沖大幹
    水工学論文集, 49, 1, 1, 6, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2005年02月01日
    日本語, It is shown that a similarity parameter has new mathematical structure. Heretofore, the correlation coefficient is used for quantifying the correlation relationship between two ensemble members. Koster et al<SUP>1</SUP> introduced a statistical parameter, called Ω to quantify the similarity among several ensemble members with calculating the ensemble numbers and the two types of variances. However the mathematical structure of Ω had not been revealed in their studies. The present authors applied to derivate Ω for understanding the mathematical meaning of it. As results, we could have a knowledge that Ω consists of mainly two terms. One is the average value of cross correlation coefficients (ACCC) across all ensemble members. Another is the similarity of the mean value and the variance across all ensemble members. Therfore, the authorscan conclude that Ω shows the similarity of the 'shape' of all ensemble members and the mathematical characteristics is more capacious than the correlation coefficient. The paper ends with some remarks on the mathematical characteristics of 'as a new evaluation methodology for the predictabity of numerical forecast.' in monthly or seasonal time scale.
  • Contribution of land surface states to precipitation variability in boreal summer with an atmospheric general circulation model               
    Tomohito Yamada, Shinjiro Kanae, Taikan Oki
    85th AMS Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society - Combined Preprints, 1833, 1843, 2005年
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
  • Regions of strong coupling between soil moisture and precipitation
    RD Koster, PA Dirmeyer, ZC Guo, G Bonan, E Chan, P Cox, CT Gordon, S Kanae, E Kowalczyk, D Lawrence, P Liu, CH Lu, S Malyshev, B McAvaney, K Mitchell, D Mocko, T Oki, K Oleson, A Pitman, YC Sud, CM Taylor, D Verseghy, R Vasic, YK Xue, T Yamada
    SCIENCE, 305, 5687, 1138, 1140, AMER ASSOC ADVANCEMENT SCIENCE, 2004年08月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Previous estimates of land-atmosphere interaction (the impact of soil moisture on precipitation) have been limited by a lack of observational data and by the model dependence of computational estimates. To counter the second limitation, a dozen climate-modeling groups have recently performed the same highly controlled numerical experiment as part of a coordinated comparison project. This allows a multimodel estimation of the regions on Earth where precipitation is affected by soil moisture anomalies during Northern Hemisphere summer. Potential bene its of this estimation may include improved seasonal rainfall forecasts.
  • 大気大循環モデルにおける大気陸面過程相互作用の比較分析
    山田朋人, 鼎信次郎, 沖大幹
    水工学論文集, 48, 1, 223, 228, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2004年02月01日
    日本語, The extent of the coupling strength between the land and the atmosphere controls the behavior of the atmospheric processes. Precipitation is induced by the soil moisture variation. K02 focused on the coupling strength between four AGCMs. It is mentioned that the coupling strength has much model dependence. The authors are participating the GLACE (Global Land-Atmosphere Coupling Experiment) which follows the K02 experiment. Before undertaking the GLACE experiment, it is conducted the K02 experiment to compare or evaluate our AGCM (CCSR/NIES) result with K02 results. As a result, the coupling strength on the precipitation process is much weaker than the latent heat flux. This is the same characteristics in three of four models in other K02 participants. Moreover, the coupling strength on the latent heat flux shows the relatively high value over the Central Eurasia or the North America.



  • 水文・水資源学会誌 Vol.35, No.2               
    山田朋人, 私にとっての発想のたまご
    水文・水資源学会, 2022年03月
  • ながれ               
    一般社団法人日本流体力学会, 気候変動を踏まえた豪雨・洪水氾濫リスクの考え方
  • 総合土木技術誌土木施工               
    オフィス・スペース, 気候変動下における大雨の将来リスクに関する新しい解釈と提案
  • 雑誌「河川」               
    日本河川協会, アンサンブル手法による気候変動予測・リスク評価の考え方
  • 気候変動適応技術の社会実装ガイドブック               
    技報堂出版, 2020年, [分担執筆]
  • 国土交通省北海道開発局,北海道,北海道大学 監修:気候変動を踏まえた新しい洪水リスク解析               
    一般財団法人 北海道河川財団
    2019年, [監修]
  • 水循環 Journal of hydrological system :貯留と浸透               
    雨水貯留浸透技術協会, 気候変動下における積雪寒冷地域で想定される水循環,水資源の特徴
  • 水理公式集 [2018年度版]               
    土木学会 水工学委員会, 第2章 気象と大気・陸面水文過程
    2019年, [分担執筆]
  • 生活と環境               
    日本環境衛生センター, 将来の短時間豪雨の推定と降雨の不確実性―北海道を対象とする総合的ダウンスケール手法の開発と適用
  • 気候変動の適応策のデザイン               
    三村 信男, 太田 俊二, 武若 聡, 亀井 雅敏
    株式会社クロスメディア・マーケティング, 2015年, [分担執筆]


  • 地球温暖化による荷重・作用の激甚化と橋梁・道路ネットワークのレジリエンス評価
    2023年04月01日 - 2028年03月31日
    秋山 充良, 山田 朋人, 本田 利器, 松崎 裕, 石橋 寛樹, 高橋 良和
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 早稲田大学, 23H00217
  • 極端気象現象の重畳が誘発する洪水・渇水被害リスクの気候変動影響評価
    2022年04月01日 - 2025年03月31日
    山田 朋人, 中津川 誠, 星野 剛
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 22H01594
  • 令和元年台風19号及び台風21号による広域災害に関する総合研究
    2019年12月04日 - 2023年03月31日
    二瓶 泰雄, 中北 英一, 竹見 哲也, 山田 朋人, 三隅 良平, 飯塚 聡, 鈴木 真一, 仲江川 敏之, 柳瀬 亘, 立川 康人, 田中 茂信, 佐山 敬洋, 田中 智大, 朝位 孝二, 前野 詩朗, 田中 仁, 吉谷 純一, 田中 規夫, 泉 典洋, 矢野 真一郎, 森脇 亮, 赤松 良久, 内田 龍彦, 重枝 未玲, 岩崎 理樹, 清水 義彦, 小山 毅, 長谷川 兼一, 西嶋 一欽, 藤本 郷史, 毛利 栄征, 前田 健一, 岡村 未対, 卜部 厚志, 森口 周二, 蝦名 裕一, 松四 雄騎, 王 功輝, 竹林 洋史, 鈴木 素之, 田島 芳満, 佐々木 淳, 信岡 尚道, 森 信人, 有川 太郎, 鈴木 崇之, 下園 武範, 松井 正宏, 小林 文明, 畑山 満則, 牛山 素行, 佐藤 健, 梶谷 義雄
    日本学術振興会, 特別研究促進費, 東京理科大学, 19K24678
  • 高解像気候変動予測と作物データセットの充実による農業適応策の提示
    2019年04月01日 - 2023年03月31日
    廣田 知良, 稲津 將, 山田 朋人, 西尾 善太, 小南 靖弘, 下田 星児, 村上 貴一, 臼井 靖浩, 横山 岳, 濱嵜 孝弘
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 19H00963
  • 降雨パターンの膨大さと降雨流出-氾濫過程の不確実性を考慮した水災害リスク評価手法
    2019年04月01日 - 2022年03月31日
    山田 朋人, 泉 典洋, 清水 康行, 星野 剛, 久加 朋子
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 19H02241
  • 最先端解析手法を用いた多様な地表面上でのシビア現象発生機構の解明と予測
    2019年04月01日 - 2022年03月31日
    山田 芳則, 伊藤 純至, 山田 朋人, 林 修吾, 佐藤 晋介, 平田 祥人, 牛尾 知雄
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 19H00815
  • 高速大気海洋境界層流れの力学機構と災害脆弱性評価
    2018年04月01日 - 2022年03月31日
    渡部 靖憲, 猿渡 亜由未, 山田 朋人, 新井田 靖郎, 馬場 康之, 大塚 淳一, 志村 智也, 森 信人
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 北海道大学, 18H03791
  • ミュー粒子を活用した河川堤防及び土木構造物の内部構造可視化技術の開発
    2020年04月01日 - 2021年03月31日
    山田 正, 安田 浩保, 山田 朋人, 森島 邦博, 平川 大貴, 前田 健一
    日本学術振興会, 挑戦的研究(開拓), 中央大学, 20K20352
  • ミュー粒子を活用した河川堤防及び土木構造物の内部構造可視化技術の開発               
    科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(開拓)
    2018年06月29日 - 2021年03月31日
    山田 正, 安田 浩保, 山田 朋人, 森島 邦博, 平川 大貴, 前田 健一
    日本学術振興会, 挑戦的研究(開拓), 中央大学, 18H05334
  • 気候変動が引き起こす災害・水資源・食資源・大気汚染の年代別リスク変化とその適応策
    2017年07月18日 - 2020年03月31日
    安成 哲平, 山田 朋人, 成田 大樹, 増冨 祐司
    人類の持続可能性の観点から重要な,「災害」,「食(農)資源」,「水資源」,「大気汚染」に関連した研究を,気候モデル・衛星・再解析データ等を用いて解析し,経済分析を行った.大気汚染では,森林火災予測に直結する気候・環境要因を明らかにし,機械学習で火災予測の初期検討を行った.気候モデル実験では, シベリア森林火災が増加した際のPM2.5日平均環境基準を超える日数や若年性死亡数の変化を分析し,経済損失まで見積もった.また,MIROC最新版に改良版作物成長モデルMATCRO(作物4種)を導入した.水循環の観点から,日本では0.5K/100年間の気温上昇が存在で,実測降雨の新記録発生頻度が説明された.
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 17KT0066
  • 船上搭載型GNSSによる海上可降水量観測システムの構築
    2017年06月30日 - 2020年03月31日
    藤田 実季子, 山田 朋人, 菊森 佳幹, 牛山 朋来
    日本学術振興会, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構, 17K18963
  • 河川・土砂災害リスクを考慮した広域道路ネットワークの道路整備計画手法の構築
    2017年04月01日 - 2020年03月31日
    有村 幹治, 萩原 亨, 高橋 清, 内田 賢悦, 浅田 拓海, 川村 志麻, 山田 朋人
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 室蘭工業大学, 17H03318
  • 多相力学・マルチスケール分析による気候変動下の高緯度寒冷地盤の広域災害リスク評価
    2016年04月01日 - 2020年03月31日
    石川 達也, 西村 聡, 磯部 公一, 清水 康行, 山田 朋人, 川口 貴之, 川尻 峻三, 川端 伸一郎, 所 哲也
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 北海道大学, 16H02360
  • 蛇行長期動態の物理機構に基づく自然営力順応型川づくり
    2015年04月01日 - 2020年03月31日
    清水 康行, 渡邊 康玄, 泉 典洋, 山田 朋人, 渡部 靖憲, 井上 卓也, 竹門 康弘, 木村 一郎, 竹林 洋史, 川村 里実, 田中 岳
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 北海道大学, 15H02267
  • 暴風下に発達する大気-海洋気液混合層内の海面抵抗と熱輸送の変調
    2015年04月01日 - 2019年03月31日
    渡部 靖憲, 猿渡 亜由未, 山田 朋人, 大塚 淳一, 森 信人
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 15H04043
  • 可能最大洪水に対応できる数理科学的な河川計画手法の確立
    2014年04月01日 - 2018年03月31日
    山田 正, 萬矢 敦啓, 安田 浩保, 藤田 一郎, 山田 朋人, 清水 義彦, 長坂 俊成
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 中央大学, 26249072
  • 世界の水需給バランスを動的に考慮した全球水循環モデルによる極端現象の予測可能性
    2015年04月01日 - 2017年03月31日
    山田 朋人
    日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, 15K18118
  • 超高解像度観測と数値モデルによる大雪や突風をもたらす降雪雲の動態に関する研究
    2014年04月01日 - 2017年03月31日
    山田 芳則, 佐藤 友徳, 山田 朋人, 南雲 信宏, 藤吉 康志, 牛尾 知雄, 原 旅人
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 気象庁気象研究所, 26242036
  • ストーム時に発生するマイクロメカニクスによる大気海洋間輸送フラックス
    2012年04月01日 - 2015年03月31日
    渡部 靖憲, 山田 朋人, 森 信人, 大塚 淳一
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 24360196
  • 火星気候史解明に向けてのサイクリックステップの実験的研究
    2012年04月01日 - 2014年03月31日
    横川 美和, 泉 典洋, 山田 朋人, 内藤 健介, 角田 尭史
    日本学術振興会, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 大阪工業大学, 24654165
  • 雲解像モデルと詳細な陸面パラメータを用いた広域大気陸面相互作用の 総合研究
    2010年 - 2012年
    田中 賢治, 鼎 信次郎, 樋口 篤志, 篠田 太郎, 山田 朋人, 萬 和明, 相馬 一義
    雲解像モデル CReSS のバージョン 3.4 への更新に伴い、陸面過程モデル SiBUC についても畑地灌漑スキームや積雪融雪過程を更新し、最新版の結合モデルの開発と検証を進めた。2011 年のモンスーンオンセット時を基準として、各年の衛星観測植生指標の空間相関係数が最も下がる2010 年の地表面パラメータを用いた実験と実際の 2011 年の地表面パラメータを用いた実験を実施し、チャオプラヤ川の大洪水をもたらしたモンスーン変動と陸域植生の関係を検討した。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 京都大学, 22246066
  • 陸面初期情報を用いた水文気象予報スキルの評価
    2010年 - 2011年
    山田 朋人
    近年,世界各地で極端現象による被害が頻発しており,対策および予測精度の向上は喫緊の課題である.本研究は大陸スケールで発生した旱魃を対象事例とし,全球気候モデルにおける陸面初期情報が与える準季節スケールの予報スキルの評価を行った.人間活動の影響を考慮した陸面初期データを予報実験に用いたところ, 1988年夏に北米大陸において発生した旱魃の準季節スケールの予報スキルは向上し,高い精度で旱魃の事前把握の可能性を示した.また大陸河川の河川流量に与える陸面初期情報の影響についても検討を行い,人為的な河川流量の調整がない場合, 1か月先の河川流量の挙動は陸面初期情報に強く依存するという結果が得られた.
    日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, 22760364
  • 土壌水分の初期情報を用いた水文水資源量の準季節予報
    2009年 - 2010年
    山田 朋人
    本研究は土壌水分の初期情報を用いた水文水資源量の準季節予報スキルの評価を目的としたものである.申請者らのこれまで全球気候モデル(General Circulation Model ; GCM)を用いた研究成果において,土壌水分の湿潤状態は夏の降水量偏差に重要な影響を与える要因であることが明らかにされてきた.一方,地表面以深の土壌水分は初期値の影響(メモリ)が1~2か月間程度持続することが示唆されており,これは大気のメモリ(1~2週間)と比較して極めて時定数の長いものである.これらの研究成果を合わせると,土壌水分の初期情報は1~2か月(準季節)予報の精度向上をもたらす可能性を有するが,これまで科学的噂の範疇を出るものではなかった.本研究において,人工衛星や現地観測により得られたデータと陸面過程モデルを用いて計算される"準観測"土壌水分データを初期値としたGCMによる過去10年間の予報実験を行った結果,準季節スケールの降水量をはじめとする水文水資源量の予報精度がある程度改善されることが判明した.特に,1988年に北米を襲った大旱魃や同地域に大洪水をもたらした豪雨を2週間前以上前から予測するには,土壌水分の初期情報が必要不可欠であるという結果が得られた.
    日本学術振興会, 研究活動スタート支援, 北海道大学, 21860002
