Nakagawa Akihiko

Graduate School of Law Legal Practice Public LawProfessor
Last Updated :2025/01/11

■Researcher basic information

Researchmap personal page

Researcher number

  • 20378516

Research Keyword

  • 独占禁止法

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences, Social law



  • 2016 - Present
    北海道大学 法学(政治学)研究科(研究院), 教授

Committee Memberships

  • Apr. 2022 - Present
    札幌市入札・契約等審議委員会委員長, Autonomy
  • Apr. 2021 - Present
    札幌市コンプライアンス委員会委員, Autonomy
  • Apr. 2020 - Present
    北海道消費者苦情処理委員会委員長, Autonomy
  • Apr. 2020 - Present
    北海道特定調達契約等苦情検討委員会委員長, Autonomy
  • Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2022
    札幌市入札・契約等審議委員会委員, Autonomy
  • Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2020
    北海道消費者苦情処理委員会委員, Autonomy
  • Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2020
    北海道特定調達契約等苦情検討委員会委員, Autonomy

■Research activity information


  • 2004, 公正取引協会, 第20回横田正俊記念賞               


Other Activities and Achievements

Books and other publications

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • ビッグデータ・ビジネスにおける個人情報の利用と差別               
    中川晶比兒, 21 Dec. 2019, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 独禁法学からみた携帯電話市場における競争               
    中川晶比兒, 02 Aug. 2017, Japanese, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [Domestic Conference]

Research Themes

  • 競争と生産性格差の総合的研究
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2024
    中川 晶比兒
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 20K01323
  • 協調的行動規制の多角的検討
    2017 - 2019
    Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • A Legal and Economic Analysis of Antimonopoly Law: Japanese Competition Policy Evolving through Recent Court and Tribunal Decisions in the Global Economy
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2018
    Okada Yosuke, OHASHI Hiroshi, OKAMURO Hiroyuki, MATSUSHIMA Noriaki, TAKEDA Kuninobu, NAKAGAWA Akihiko, GOTO Akira
    This research explores economic impact of antimonopoly laws through the case
    studies of recent court and tribunal decisions. Our research focuses on an increasing number of antitrust cases regarding unilateral conducts, coordinated conducts and mergers by multinationals, which provokes fresh concerns for declining competition and persistent supra-normal profits among them. We also examine the digital economy posing many unsolved challenges for competition authorities: merger control for data collection; collusion using algorithms; vertical restraints and exclusion in e-commerce; jurisdictional disputes and extra-territoriality; privacy and security policy on the internet, to name a few. Our research suggests that the recent case laws become economically reasonable, although digital economies pose many unsolved issues to be clarified in future research.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hitotsubashi University, 15H03341
  • 水平的提携のガバナンス構造と競争効果の総合的解明
    2013 - 2016
    Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • Economic Impact of the Antimonopoly Law: Case Studies in Recent Court and Tribunal Decisions
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2015
    OKADA Yosuke, HAYASHI Shuya, OHASHI Hiroshi, OKAMURO Hiroyuki, MATSUSHIMA Noriaki, TAKEDA Kuninobu, NAKAGAWA Akihiko
    This research explores economic impact of the antimonopoly law through the case studies of recent court and tribunal decisions. In Japan, collaboration between legal scholars and economists, which sharpens the conception and way of thinking regarding enforcement, has not been so active as in Europe and the USA. Economic analysis is able to help with clarifying the universality and idiosyncrasy of the Japanese antimonopoly law. Hence we try extracting lessons and best practices from recent important court and tribunal decisions that have great impact on the case laws in Japan. Our research contributes to practitioners by reinterpreting and clarifying legal judgements and formulating reasonable code of conducts and guidelines for business people. Especially, it is important to scrutinize the validity of empirical evidences that are premises of sound legal judgements. Our research suggests that the recent case laws become economically reasonable, especially in collusion and merger.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hitotsubashi University, 24330084
  • 方法論的進化を遂げる実証研究と独禁法ルールとのマッチングに関する基礎的研究
    2010 - 2012
    Principal investigator, Competitive research funding

Educational Organization