Nishiyama Noriaki
Center for Advanced Tourism Studies | Professor |
Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies | Professor |
Last Updated :2025/01/11
■Researcher basic information
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- Apr. 2010 - Present
Hokkaido University, Center for Advanced Tourism Studies (CATS), Professor - Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2019
Hokkaido University, Center for Advanced Tourism Studies (CATS), Professor/Director - 2004 - 2010
九州大学芸術工学研究院教授 - 1998 - 2007
国立民族学博物館客員助教授(併任) - 2003 - 2004
九州大学芸術工学研究院助教授 - 1995 - 2003
九州芸術工科大学芸術工学部環境設計学科助教授 - 1992 - 1995
Educational Background
- Apr. 1988 - May 1992, Kyoto University, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Doctor of Engineering
- Apr. 1986 - Mar. 1988, Kyoto University, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Master of Engineering, Japan
- Apr. 1980 - Mar. 1986, Kyoto University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Japan
Committee Memberships
- Jul. 2022 - Present
別海町教育委員会, 別海町文化財保存活用地域計画策定協議会委員, Autonomy - Jun. 2022 - Present
公益財団法人日本ナショナルトラスト, 観光資源専門委員, Others - May 2022 - Present
公益財団法人江頭ホスピタリティ事業振興財団, 助成対象審査委員会 委員, Others - Oct. 2021 - Present
文化庁 (広域文化観光・まちづくりグループ), 文化財保存活用地域計画 指導専門家, Government - Oct. 2021 - Present
札幌市, はぐくみの軸強化方針検討会 委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2021 - Present
熊本県 (阿蘇世界文化遺産登録推進協議会), 保存管理専門部会 委員, Autonomy - Mar. 2020 - Present
中標津町教育委員会, 中標津町文化財保存活用地域計画協議会委員, Autonomy - Oct. 2019 - Present
熊本県, 阿蘇の文化的景観マネジメント委員会 会長, Autonomy - May 2019 - Present
下郷町教育委員会, 下郷町伝統的建造物群保存地区保存審議会 委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2018 - Present
公益財団法人はまなす財団, 知床斜里町観光協会アドバイザー, Others - Jun. 2017 - Present
熊本県(阿蘇世界文化遺産登録推進協議会), 阿蘇世界文化遺産学術委員会 委員, Autonomy - Feb. 2017 - Present
文化庁, 地域文化総合活用推進事業に係る協力者会議 委員, Government - Sep. 2016 - Present
岩国市, 「錦帯橋資料館整備検討委員会」会長, Autonomy - Apr. 2016 - Present
別海町, 「教育委員会別海町史跡旧奥行臼駅逓所整備検討委員会」委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2016 - Present
札幌市, 「豊平館アドバイザー会議」委員, Autonomy - Dec. 2015 - Present
日本エコツーリズム協会, 「エコツーリズム大賞本審査委員会審査」委員, Others - Jun. 2015 - Present
文化庁文化財部, 文化財保存活用大網及び文化財保存活用地域計画等に関する検討会 委員, Government - Apr. 2014 - Present
太宰府市, 太宰府市景観・市民遺産会議委員, Autonomy - Jul. 2013 - Present
国際連合世界観光機構(UNWTO)アジア太平洋センター, スペシャルアドバイザー, Government - Apr. 2013 - Present
萩市, 萩まちじゅう博物館文化遺産活用事業実行委員会講師, Autonomy - Jun. 2012 - Present
国土交通省国土交通大学校, 専門課程 歴史まちづくりによる地域活性化・観光振興研修 講師, Government - Apr. 2012 - Present
竹富町, 伝統的建造物群保存地区等保存審議会, Autonomy - Apr. 2012 - Present
別海町, 史跡旧奥行臼駅逓所保存管理計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - May 2010 - Present
国際協力事業団(JICA), 課題別支援委員会(観光セクター開発分野)委員, Government - Jul. 2009 - Present
岩国市, 帯橋世界文化遺産専門委員会, Autonomy - Apr. 2009 - Present
(社)日本ユネスコ協会連盟, 「未来遺産プロジェクト委員会」委員, Others - Oct. 2007 - Present
岐阜県白川村, 景観審議会会長, Autonomy - Apr. 2007 - Present
財団法人日本交通公社, 専門委員, Others - 2007 - Present
財団法人日本交通公社専門委員 - Dec. 2006 - Present
文化遺産国際協力コンソーシアム, 会員, Society - Oct. 2006 - Present
日本イコモス, 会員, Society - Jun. 2006 - Present
NPO法人全国町並み保存連盟, 理事, Others - Jun. 2005 - Present
竹富島遺産管理型NPO「NPOたきどぅん」, 主任研究員, Others - Oct. 2003 - Present
萩市, 萩まちじゅう博物館推進委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 1990 - Present
日本都市計画学会会員, 会員, Society - Apr. 1986 - Present
日本建築学会会員, 会員, Society - Jan. 2016 - May 2022
国立研究開発法人土木研究所, 外部評価委員, Government - 2020 - Mar. 2022
太宰府市教育委員会, 太宰府市文化財保存活用地域計画策定協議会 会長, Autonomy - Jan. 2015 - Oct. 2021
国土交通省北海道局, 「国土審議会」専門委員, Government - Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2021
文化庁, 文化審議会専門委員(文化財分科会), Government - May 2015 - Jun. 2020
2020東京オリ・パラの成功を支援する北海道の会, 常任幹事, Others - Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2020
文化庁, 文化庁選定「歴史の道百選」追加選定委員会 委員, Government - May 2018 - Mar. 2020
北海道, 史跡「開拓使札幌本庁本庁舎跡および旧北海道庁本庁舎」の保存活用に関する有識者懇談会 委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2020
公益財団法人はまなす財団, 「知床斜里町観光協会アドバイザー」, Others - Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2020
札幌市, 「歴史文化基本構想策定委員会」副会長, Autonomy - Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2020
札幌市, 歴史文化基本構想策定委員会 副会長, Autonomy - Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2020
札幌市, 「都市景観審議会」会長, Autonomy - Jul. 2016 - Jun. 2019
北海道, 北海道景観審議会委員, Autonomy - May 2017 - May 2019
公益社団法人日本都市計画学会, 理事, Society - Feb. 2019 - Mar. 2019
文化庁(地域文化創生本部事務局), 「文化財保存活用地域計画広報コンテンツ」制作委託業務に係る技術審査専門員, Government - May 2018 - Mar. 2019
北海道, 「史跡『開拓使札幌本庁本庁舎跡および旧北海道庁本庁舎』の保存活用に関する有識者懇談会」委員, Autonomy - Sep. 2012 - Mar. 2019
和歌山大学観光学部・大学院観光学研究科, 観光教育研究アドバイザー, Society - Jul. 2018 - Jul. 2018
北海道, 「ほっかいどう歴史・文化・自然「体感」交流空間構想検討会議(第2回)」有識者委員(2018.7.13), Autonomy - Jun. 2018 - Jun. 2018
日本展示学会, 「日本展示学会第37回研究大会」講演講師(2018.6.30), Society - Jun. 2018 - Jun. 2018
文化庁, 「平成30年度 歴史文化基本構想連絡協議会」パネリスト・コーディネーター(2018.6.27,28), Government - Jun. 2018 - Jun. 2018
国土交通大学校, 「平成30年度専門課程観光・歴史まちづくり行政研修」講師(2018.6.14), Society - Aug. 2017 - Jun. 2018
竹富町, 「竹富島地域自然資産協議会」委員, Autonomy - May 2018 - May 2018
札幌市, 札幌市歴史文化基本構想策定支援業務に係る企画競争実施委員会 委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2018 - Apr. 2018
北海道教育委員会, 「平成30年度高等学校進路指導対策会議講話」講師(2018.4.27), Autonomy - Jun. 2017 - Mar. 2018
札幌市, 「札幌市歴史的資産保存活用推進方針検討委員会」委員, Autonomy - Jun. 2017 - Mar. 2018
北海道, 北海道の歴史文化施設活性化に関する懇談会 構成員, Autonomy - Jun. 2017 - Mar. 2018
札幌市, 札幌市歴史的資産保存活用推進方針検討委員会 委員, Autonomy - Sep. 2016 - Mar. 2018
岩国市, 錦帯橋資料館整備検討委員会 会長, Autonomy - Jul. 2016 - Mar. 2018
萩市, 「堀内・平安古伝建地区整備活用協議会」委員, Autonomy - Jul. 2016 - Mar. 2018
萩市, 佐々並市旧小林家住宅整備活用協議会 委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2018
美瑛町, 景観審議会特別委員, Autonomy - Jan. 2018 - Jan. 2018
北海道教育委員会, 「平成29年度ハイレベル学習セミナー」講師(2018.1.5), Autonomy - Dec. 2017 - Dec. 2017
独立行政法人国際協力機構, 調査団員(Fiji)(2017.12.10〜18), Government - Dec. 2017 - Dec. 2017
独立行政法人国立文化財機構奈良文化財研究所, パネルディスカッションのコメンテーター(2017.12.9), Society - Nov. 2016 - Oct. 2017
竹富町教育委員会, 重要文化財旧与那国家住宅活用計画策定委員会 委員, Autonomy - Aug. 2017 - Aug. 2017
学校法人立命館, 「JICA研修」講師(2017.8.1), Society - Jun. 2017 - Jun. 2017
国土交通大学校, 「H29年度専門課程観光・歴史まちづくり行政研修」講師(2017.6.13), Society - Jun. 2017 - Jun. 2017
内閣府, 「パネルディスカッション」コーディネータ(2017.6.18), Government - Aug. 2016 - Mar. 2017
寿都町, 教育委員会 寿都町歴史文化基本構想策定委員, Autonomy - Jul. 2016 - Mar. 2017
萩市, 「佐々並市旧小林家住宅整備活用協議会」委員, Autonomy - Jul. 2016 - Mar. 2017
沖縄県, マリンタウンMICEエリアまちづくりビジョン策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Jun. 2015 - Mar. 2017
北海道, 「赤レンガ庁舎保存活用検討委員会」委員, Autonomy - May 2015 - Mar. 2017
美瑛町, 十勝岳山麓ジオパーク推進協議会 十勝岳山麓ジオパーク推進協議会学識顧問, Autonomy - Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2017
(社)日本都市計画学会北海道支部, 副支部長, Society - Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2017
札幌市, 都市景観審議会委員, Autonomy - Sep. 2004 - Mar. 2017
NPO萩まちじゅう博物館, 顧問, Others - Jan. 2016 - Mar. 2016
国立大学法人琉球大学, 非常勤講師, Society - Oct. 2015 - Mar. 2016
株式会社農都共生総合研究所, 農山漁村地域ビジネス創出人材育成事業プログラム委員会, Others - Aug. 2015 - Mar. 2016
江差町, 歴史文化基本構想策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Jul. 2015 - Mar. 2016
宗像市, 「宗像・沖ノ島と関連遺産群」世界遺産推進会議委員, Autonomy - Jul. 2015 - Mar. 2016
北海道開発局, 歴史・文化観光に関する検討委員会, Government - Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016
国際協力事業団(JICA), JICA研修「中南米地域 持続可能な地域観光開発」コース講師(28年3月まで), Government - Aug. 2013 - Mar. 2016
北海道, 「北海道・北東北の縄文遺跡群」の世界遺産登録推進のあり方に関する意見交換会委員, Autonomy - Oct. 2005 - Mar. 2016
熊本市, 国指定史跡「池辺寺跡」整備指導委員会委員, Autonomy - Oct. 2002 - Mar. 2016
萩市, 伝統的建造物群保存地区保存審議会委員, Autonomy - Aug. 2014 - Jul. 2015
国土交通省, 「日本らしく美しい景観づくりに関する懇談会」メンバー, Government - Oct. 2014 - Mar. 2015
国土交通省, 「都市景観大賞」審査委員, Government - Mar. 2014 - Mar. 2015
北海道, 縄文遺産群保存管理計画検討会議実行委員会「北海道縄文遺産群保存管理計画検討会議」委員, Autonomy - Sep. 2013 - Mar. 2015
宇治市, 重要文化的景観「宇治の文化的景観」保存整備計画作成にかかる専門指導員, Autonomy - Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2015
札幌市, 豊平館修理整備等検討委員会委員, Autonomy - Feb. 2013 - Mar. 2015
尾道市, 文化財保存活用推進準備委員会アドバイザー, Autonomy - Sep. 2012 - Mar. 2015
奄美市, 赤木名地区文化的景観等策定専門委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2015
阿蘇市, 阿蘇環境デザイン策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2015
阿蘇市, 阿蘇文化的景観調査検討委員会学術検討部会(土地利用部門)協力員, Autonomy - Jul. 2013 - Mar. 2014
文部科学省, 平成25年度 成長分野等における中核的専門人材養成の戦略的推進事業〜観光分野における教育認証のための情報公開ガイドライン開発と横断的教育教材の開発調査開発委員, Government - Jan. 2013 - Mar. 2014
荒尾市, 旧万田坑施設保存活用計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - May 2012 - Mar. 2014
平戸市, 文化的景観推進委員会委員, Autonomy - May 2012 - Mar. 2014
文化庁, 文化審議会世界文化遺産・無形文化遺産部会世界文化遺産特別委員会ワーキンググループ委員, Government - Jul. 2011 - Mar. 2014
宇城市, 三角西港保存活用計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2014
太宰府市景観・市民遺産会議, 議長, Autonomy - Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2014
国際協力事業団(JICA), JICA研修「中南米地域 持続可能な地域観光開発」コース コースリーダー, Government - Oct. 2005 - Mar. 2014
雲仙市, 伝統的建造物群保存地区保存審議会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2013
阿蘇市, 阿蘇文化的景観調査検討委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2013
日南市, 坂元棚田文化的景観保護・活用計画策定委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2013
国立大学法人九州大学大学院芸術工学府, 非常勤講師, Society - 2010 - Mar. 2013
岐阜県白川村世界遺産マスタープラン策定委員会委員 - Oct. 2008 - Mar. 2013
(社)日本都市計画学会, 表彰委員会委員, Society - Jul. 2007 - Mar. 2013
愛媛県内子町, 伝統的建造物群保存地区保存審議会委員, Autonomy - Aug. 2010 - Mar. 2012
岐阜県白川村, 世界遺産マスタープラン策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Aug. 2010 - Mar. 2012
愛媛県教育委員会, 愛媛県歴史の道総合計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Jul. 2010 - Mar. 2012
文化庁, 「歴史文化基本構想(仮称)」策定技術指針に関する検討委員会委員, Government - Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2012
文化庁「歴史文化基本構想(仮称)」策定技術指針に関する検討委員会委員, Government - Dec. 2009 - Mar. 2012
大洲市, 歴史的風致維持向上計画協議会委員, Autonomy - Aug. 2009 - Mar. 2012
荒尾市, 万田坑整備専門委員会, Autonomy - 2009 - Mar. 2012
太宰府市太宰府市民遺産推進計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Nov. 2007 - Mar. 2012
愛媛県内子町, 上芳我家保存活用委員会, Autonomy - 2010 - 2012
愛媛県教育委員会愛媛県歴史の道総合計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Aug. 2010 - Mar. 2011
由布市, 観光基本計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - 2010 - Mar. 2011
由布市観光基本計画策定委員会委員 - Mar. 2009 - Mar. 2011
太宰府市, 太宰府市民遺産推進計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Feb. 2009 - Mar. 2011
雲仙市, 景観計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - 2009 - Mar. 2011
大洲市歴史的風致維持向上計画協議会委員 - 2009 - Mar. 2011
萩市佐々並市伝統的建造物群保存地区保存計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Dec. 2008 - Mar. 2011
奄美市・伊仙町・宇検村, 文化財総合的把握モデル事業専門委員, Autonomy - Nov. 2008 - Mar. 2011
尾道市, 歴史文化基本構想等調査委員会委員, Autonomy - Oct. 2008 - Mar. 2011
日南市, 歴史文化基本構想等策定委員会委員, Society - 2009 - 2011
荒尾市万田坑整備専門委員会, Autonomy - 2008 - 2011
奄美諸島歴史文化基本構想等策定専門委員会委員, Autonomy - 2008 - 2011
尾道市歴史文化基本構想等調査委員会委員, Autonomy - 2008 - 2011
太宰府市景観計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - 2008 - 2011
日南市歴史文化基本構想等策定委員会委員, Autonomy - May 2010 - May 2010
国際協力事業団(JICA), ヨルダン・ハシミテ王国:観光セクター開発事業エコミュージアム構想にかかる現地調査団長(10日間), Government - Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2010
熊本県人吉市, 国宝青井阿蘇神社保存活用計画策定委員委員, Autonomy - Nov. 2008 - Mar. 2010
太宰府市, 景観計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Sep. 2008 - Mar. 2010
うきは市, 新川・田篭地区文化的景観保存調査委員会委員, Autonomy - Sep. 2008 - Mar. 2010
南島原市, 文化財専門委員会委員, Autonomy - Aug. 2008 - Mar. 2010
沖縄県, 沖縄県持続可能な観光地づくり支援事業委員会委員, Autonomy - 2008 - Mar. 2010
(社)日本都市計画学会表彰委員会委員, Society - 2008 - Mar. 2010
南島原市文化財専門委員会委員, Autonomy - Oct. 2007 - Mar. 2010
福岡県八女市, 景観計画策定委員会会長, Autonomy - Sep. 2007 - Mar. 2010
萩市, 世界遺産特別委員会委員, Autonomy - Jul. 2007 - Mar. 2010
日本建築学会, 「都市・地域マネジメント小委員会」委員, Society - Jul. 2007 - Mar. 2010
日本建築学会, 「建築・街並み・地域のあり方特別調査委員会」委員, Society - Jun. 2007 - Mar. 2010
日田市, 景観計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Jun. 2007 - Mar. 2010
日田市, 文化的景観保存計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - 2007 - Mar. 2010
愛媛県内子町伝統的建造物群保存地区保存審議会委員, Autonomy - Jun. 2006 - Mar. 2010
大野城市, 都市計画審議会委員, Autonomy - Aug. 2005 - Mar. 2010
日田市, 文化財保存審議会委員(文化的景観担当), Autonomy - Aug. 2002 - Mar. 2010
八女市, 文化的景観審議会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2001 - Mar. 2010
大刀洗町, 高橋官衙遺跡整備指導委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2010
福岡市, ごみ減量・リサイクル推進会議委員, Autonomy - Dec. 1997 - Mar. 2010
朝倉市(旧甘木市), 歴史的景観審議会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 1996 - Mar. 2010
うきは市(旧吉井町), 伝統的建造物群保存地区景観保存審議会委員, Autonomy - 2009 - 2010
雲仙市景観計画策定委員会委員 - 2008 - 2010
うきは市新川・田篭地区文化的景観保存調査委員会委員 - 2008 - 2010
沖縄県持続可能な観光地づくり支援事業委員会委員(沖縄県) - 2007 - 2010
福岡県八女市景観計画策定委員会会長 - 2007 - 2010
日本建築学会「都市・地域マネジメント小委員会」委員 - 2007 - 2010
日本建築学会「建築・街並み・地域のあり方特別調査委員会」委員 - 2010
国際協力事業団(JICA)ヨルダン・ハシミテ王国:観光セクター開発事業エコミュージアム構想にかかる現地調査団長(10日間) - Dec. 2008 - Mar. 2009
八女市, 大規模建設事業評価委員会, Autonomy - Oct. 2008 - Mar. 2009
八女市, 杉町高塚線整備研究委員会委員, Autonomy - Jul. 2007 - Mar. 2009
山口県, 文化財等保存活用調査研究委員会委員, Autonomy - Jun. 2007 - Mar. 2009
岐阜県白川村, 伝統的建造物群保存対策協議会委員, Autonomy - 2007 - Mar. 2009
愛媛県内子町上芳我家保存活用委員会, Autonomy - 2007 - Mar. 2009
岐阜県白川村伝統的建造物群保存対策協議会委員, Autonomy - 2007 - Mar. 2009
日田市景観計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - 2007 - Mar. 2009
日田市文化的景観保存計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Oct. 2005 - Mar. 2009
国立民族学博物館, 共同研究員(研究代表), Society - Sep. 2008 - Feb. 2009
国際協力事業団(JICA), 派遣専門家(ヨルダンSAPI調査), Government - 2008 - 2009
八女市大規模建設事業評価委員会 - 2008 - 2009
八女市杉町高塚線整備研究委員会委員 - 2008 - 2009
国際協力事業団(JICA)派遣専門家(ヨルダンSAPI調査) - 2007 - 2009
萩市世界遺産特別委員会委員 - 2007 - 2009
山口県文化財等保存活用調査研究委員会委員 - May 2008 - Sep. 2008
八女市, 都市計画道路見直し委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2008 - Apr. 2008
日本国際協力銀行(JBIC), 専門家派遣(ヨルダン)(14日間), Government - Oct. 2004 - Mar. 2008
伊万里市, 国指定史跡「大川内鍋島藩窯跡」保存整備計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - 2008 - 2008
八女市都市計画道路見直し委員会委員 - 2008
日本国際協力銀行(JBIC)専門家派遣(ヨルダン)(14日間) - Nov. 2007 - Nov. 2007
日本国際協力銀行(JBIC), 専門家派遣(ヨルダン)(11日間), Government - Nov. 2006 - Oct. 2007
文化庁, 文化審議会文化財分科会企画調査会委員, Government - Jul. 2007 - Jul. 2007
日本国際協力銀行(JBIC), 専門家派遣(ヨルダン)(10日間), Government - Oct. 2006 - Mar. 2007
福岡県, 旧福岡県公会堂貴賓館活用計画検討委員会委員長, Autonomy - Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2007
福岡市, 病院PFIアドバイザー審査委員会委員, Autonomy - Feb. 2006 - Mar. 2007
廿日市市, 厳島門前町伝統的建造物群保存対策調査委員会委員, Autonomy - 2006 - Mar. 2007
萩市, 浜崎拠点施設(旧山村家)施設整備検討委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2007
太宰府市, 景観まちづくり懇話会委員, Autonomy - Oct. 2001 - Mar. 2007
福岡市, PFI事業推進委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 1999 - Mar. 2007
福岡市, 都市景観賞選考委員会委員, Autonomy - 2006 - 2007
旧福岡県公会堂貴賓館活用計画検討委員会委員長(福岡県) - 2007
日本国際協力銀行(JBIC)専門家派遣(ヨルダン)(11日間) - 2007
日本国際協力銀行(JBIC)専門家派遣(ヨルダン)(10日間) - Oct. 2005 - Mar. 2006
長崎県, 景観アドヴァイザー(雲仙市に関する), Autonomy - Oct. 2002 - May 2005
竹富島遺産管理型NPO「NPOたきどぅん」, 理事, Others - Oct. 2004 - Mar. 2005
伊万里市, 学校給食センター(仮称)整備事業提案審査委員会会長, Autonomy - Aug. 2004 - Mar. 2005
広島県宮島町, 「宮島の町並み調査委員会」委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2004 - Mar. 2005
八女市, 都市計画マスタープラン策定委員会会長, Autonomy - Nov. 2003 - Mar. 2005
文化庁, 伝統的建造物群保存地区保存指針等の検討に関する協力者会議委員, Government - Aug. 2003 - Mar. 2005
太宰府市, 文化財保存活用計画策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Jun. 2002 - Jun. 2004
財団法人福岡市くらしの環境財団, 評議委員会評議員, Others - Jun. 2002 - Jun. 2004
日本建築学会, 九州支部代議員, Society - Apr. 2002 - Jun. 2004
環境省, 「竹富島ビジターセンター」整備検討会議, Government - May 2002 - May 2004
福岡県, 都市計画マスタープラン策定委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2004
塩田町, 伝統的建造物群保存地保存対策調査委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2003 - Oct. 2003
萩市, 萩まちじゅう博物館検討委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2002 - Oct. 2003
国見町, 伝統的建造物群保存地保存対策調査委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2003
国立民族学博物館, 共同研究員(研究代表), Society - Jan. 2000 - Mar. 2003
国際都市計画史学会, 会員, Society - Apr. 2001 - Dec. 2002
那珂川町, 文化財指導委員会副会長, Autonomy - Jan. 2000 - May 2002
日本建築学会, 九州支部学術幹事, Society - Oct. 2001 - Mar. 2002
環境省・農水省・文化庁, ヘリテージの森復興による地域活性化検討委員会委員, Government - Jan. 2000 - Mar. 2002
日本建築学会, 九州支部常議員, Society - Oct. 1999 - Mar. 2002
八女市, 景観整備委員会委員, Autonomy - Aug. 1998 - Mar. 2002
福岡県, 新宮町まちづくりに関する専任講師, Autonomy - Aug. 1998 - Mar. 2002
福岡県, 「まちづくりアドバイザー」(新宮町に関する), Autonomy - Apr. 1998 - Mar. 2002
福岡市, 専門委員(廃棄物処理施設等に関する調査研究), Autonomy - Oct. 1997 - Mar. 2002
日本観光学会, 会員, Society - Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2001
萩市, 郷土博物館(仮称)建設検討委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 1998 - Mar. 2000
萩市, 浜崎地区伝統的建造物群保存保存対策調査委員会委員, Autonomy - Aug. 1998 - Mar. 1999
福岡県, 「景観アドバイザー」(八女市に関する), Autonomy - May 1998 - Mar. 1999
北九州市, 「子供の館(仮称)に関する懇話会」専門委員, Autonomy - Apr. 1997 - Mar. 1999
佐賀市, 都市景観賞選考委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 1997 - Mar. 1999
鹿島市, 浜地区伝統的建造物群保存地保存対策調査委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 1996 - Mar. 1998
八女市, 八女福島伝統的建造物群保存地保存対策調査委員会委員, Autonomy - Apr. 1994 - Mar. 1995
吉井町, 伝統的建造物群保存地保存対策調査委員会委員, Autonomy - 美瑛町, 十勝岳・美瑛川地域連携施策検討委員会 委員長, Autonomy
Position History
■Research activity information
- レブカの歴史的建造物の特徴と発展に関する研究 その1:戸建住居の平面構成について
福本雅美, 江面嗣人, 西山徳明, 八百板季穂, 大森洋子, 成田聖
日本建築学会計画系論文集, 2020 - リビングヘリテージとしての文化的景観の観光活用
月刊文化財, 2019年, 10月号, p.16, p.18, Oct. 2019, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
Japanese, Research institution - The changing fabric and use of Levuka’s historic residences and shop houses
福本雅美, 江面嗣人, 西山徳明, 八百板季穂
31, 2019 - A Study of Cultural Resources Management in Tourism Development through International Cooperation:The case of Hagi City of Japan and As-salt City of Jordan
Murakami Kayo, Nishiyama Noriaki
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 50, 3, 1188, 1195, The City Planning Institute of Japan, 2015
Japanese, Born in France, the concept of Ecomuseum has uniquely developed further in Japan through Hagi's "Hagi Machijyu Museum (Open Air Museum)", which uses Ecomuseum-based cultural resources management. Such a development method can be applied overseas as an international cooperation, such as projects by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). An example of As-Salt, the conservative community in Jordan, shows how tourism development projects through Ecomuseum (Core museum/ Satellite/ Discovery Trail) can empower the local community's control of cultural resources and make visitors respect the culture of the region. In other words, an Ecomuseum is a universal and ideal system for tourism development to conserve heritage and enhance profits to the community. - THE INDUSTRIES AND SPATIAL CONFIGURATION IN THE AKAKINA AREA OF AMAMI CITY, KAGOSHIMA PREFECTURE
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), 78, 689, 1579, 1587, 日本建築学会, 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, This paper aims at analysing the traditional industries and spatial configuration in Akakina, Amami City, Kagoshima Prefecture, which is under official assessment for selection of important cultural landscapes, and suggesting which industry-related landscapes should be conserved.<br>As a result of this research, it was found that in Akakina, while rice paddies and fields were formed in the Paleozoic area suitable for crop production , residential grounds were developed in the alluvial plain of sandy soil where well water could be obtained. Although the maritime industry, the shipping industry, the sugar industry, and agriculture have grown in Akakina, at the present time, institutions from the early modern times such as schools, government offices, roads and the zoning system coexist with the agricultural land supplying materials to the sugar industry established in the same period. Considering the condition of the traditional industries and spatial configuration, it can be argued that agricultural and residential landscapes should be conserved. - Study on the Setting Standard of a Preservation Area Based on the Reexamination Investigation in Preservation Districts for Group of Historic Buildings : A Case of Yokaichi-Gokoku, Uchiko-town, Ehime-Prefecture
長野 麻里子, 西山 徳明, 谷 正和
芸術工学研究 : 九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院紀要, 17, 1, 9, 九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院, 2012
Japanese, Recently, the area of preservation district for groups of historic buildings is decided ground on the historic area, landscape, and unity of local community. However, they were narrowed because of various reasons at early stage of the institution. So it is necessary to consider its appropriate area. However, expansion of an area which is not based on a historical basis has a risk of making value lose. Therefore, expansion of an area requires detailed research. The purpose of the research is to put the reexamination of preservation district in apple-pie order and to show the items of the established criteria in Yokaichi-Gokoku. There are five items and show them in the following. It is not divided by the boundary line of a preservation area in consideration of the one nature of a site. It is the historical city area range of YokaichiGokoku. They are temples and shrines which should be saved as the element of history and the landscape composition. The elements such as historic building, stone fence, well, and tree peculiar to an area remains. Scene control for land use, such as farmland, not to develop into home lots is indispensable. These items are effective in order to conserve and succeed the characteristic property of Yokaichi-gokoku supported by the history and culture of the area. - A study on sustain of traditional industry and cultural landscape in the village of Onta Pottery (Sarayama)
山口 知恵, 松本 将一郎, 西山 徳明
Journal of architecture and planning, 74, 644, 2215, 2222, 日本建築学会 = Architectural Institute of Japan, Oct. 2009
Japanese, The Concept of Cultural Landscape has not been yet established because it is difficult to have conservation of Scenic Heritage Elements related to occupation and occupation itself compatible in the conservation system. Therefore, the aim of this study is to clarify the challenges of conservation and creation of the Cultural Landscape, through clarifying the condition to sustain traditional industry as an occupation and understanding the influence on the landscape from pottery industry in SARAYAMA. Findings of the study are that people in SARAYAMA have been inherited the values as intangible heritage in its potter through combining new protocols with traditional protocols and that each Scenic Heritage Element used in pottery has only one style and layout. The challenges for the conservation and creation of the traditional Cultural Landscape is to complete the Cultural Landscape model which is created by residents with advices from experts and tourists and to create the landscape by the residents. Especially, the considerations on the landscape models for kilns with stepped chambers, KARAUSU, IZE and shore protection is important. - METHODOLOGY FOR MAKING CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF HERITAGE ELEMENTS IN TRADITIONAL CITY : Case study on Taketomijima preservation district for groups of historic buildings
J. Archit. Plann., 625, 595, 600, Architectural Institute of Japan, 30 Mar. 2008
Japanese, It is necessary to select scenic heritage elements which should be inherited, when townscape conserving will be planning in traditional city. This study examines method to make criteria for selection in Taketomijima preservation district for groups of historic buildings.
The point of making criteria is to assume the continuance of characteristic and legislation degree to be grounds of the criteria. The investigation for selecting was demonstrated that method we practiced was effective for Taketomijima, also it could be applicable to other sites by meeting necessary requirements we derived. - TRADITIONAL LANDSCAPE AND SPECIFICATION OF RURAL VILLAGE BY HISTORICAL LAND USE : Case study on Shirakawa-Mura Ogimachi preservation district for groups of historic buildings
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), 72, 622, 91, 96, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2007
Japanese, The purpose of the research is definition about the view which is traditional with the grasping of the change of the land use in Ogimachi being based. As the way, it connected more than one sheet of character figures of the middle of Meiji and then it grasped land use in the Meiji period in Ogi-machi while consulting amount of literature and it grasped a traditional view. That it was possible to grasp is as the following. Because of the severe climate, spatial order was concluded by the unique water system in Ogi-machi as the rational life can be led. A method of the analysis which became in the clarifying in this paper can be utilized for the efforts that is decided a scene management plan of the rural farm village landscape in the future. - METHODOLOGY FOR EVALUATION OF SCENIC HERITAGE ELEMENTS IN TRADITIONAL CITY : Case study on Kojirokuji preservation district for groups of historic buildings
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), 72, 611, 145, 150, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2007
Japanese, This study examines method to evaluate scenic heritage elements for townscape planning in Kojirokuji preservation district for groups of historic buildings. The points of evaluation are based on the spatial and scenic characteristics. The investigation demonstrated that there are more than 500 elements to be conserved in Kojirokuji. It was also demonstrated method we practiced was effective for Kojirokuji, also it could be applicable to other sites. We have identified the fact that intangible elements have the role of conserving scenic characteristics of tangible elements. - THE TRADITIONAL LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT AND IT'S TRANSFORMATION IN OGIMACHI, SHIRAKAWA VILLAGE : A study on the capacity building of local community for the landscape management in historical villages Part 1
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), 71, 605, 127, 133, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2006
Japanese, The purpose of this paper is to clarify the traditional landscape management and its transformation in Ogimachi, Shirakawa villege. As a result,we found that the landscape had been managed traditionally until 1950's. In traditionally.they did easy management themselves, and the else difficult part,they left it to the specialist of carpenter etc., and did the help by mutual aid or manpower offer. And the material had been obtained from a more familiar range. But the following, the traditional one has changed by the depopulation, a modernization, and the spread of public service. Afterwards, the local society is working on the landscape management while substituting or reviving the management method because it aimed at the preservation of traditional landscape. - IDENTIFICATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGES AND ANALYSIS OF ITS MAINTENANCE : A study on cultural heritage management at Taketomi island, Okinawa Part 1
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), 69, 575, 61, 67, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2004
Japanese, The purpose of this paper is to identification the cultural heritage and analysis of its maintenance in Taketomi Island of Okinawa Prefecture. As a result, we found that the cultural heritage which constituted by tangible and intangible heritages are produced against the background of natural environment, history, and a wisdom of sustainable settlement and are the whole of Taketomi Island. After modernization, the traditional environment is changing and the cultural heritage management causes a problem. We made a list of the cultural heritage in order to identify the one. Base upon the verification, we drew the today's problems. - Conservation of Historical Townscape and Landscape by The Ordinance to Control Cultural Landscape : In Case of Yame-City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, pp.565-570, 3, 565, 570, 公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会, Oct. 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Yame-City adopted the Ordinance of Cultural Landscape in June, 2001. By this ordinance, they aim to conserve the Preservation Districts for Groups of Historic Buildings, and townscape dotted in the surrounding buffer zones and the city, and also to conserve and create the landscape of rural and farming villages. This report attempts to summarize the background, progress and principles of the city's project, and also clarify the further problems to solve. - Conservation of Historical Townscape and Landscape by The Ordinance to Control Cultural Landscape:In Case of Yame-City, Fukuoka Prefectur
Omori Yoko, Koguchi Ai, Nishiyama Noriaki
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 38, 95, 95, The City Planning Institute of Japan, 2003
Yame-City adopted the Ordinance of Cultural Landscape in June, 2001. By this ordinance, they aim to conserve the Preservation Districts for Groups of Historic Buildings, and townscape dotted in the surrounding buffer zones and the city, and also to conserve and create the landscape of rural and farming villages.
This report attempts to summarize the background, progress and principles of the city's project, and also clarify the further problems to solve. - Improvement to the D Cryo-plate Protocol Applied to Practical Cryopreservation of ~In Vitro Grown Potato Shoot Tips~
Omori Yoko, Koguchi Ai, Nishiyama Noriaki
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 38, 95, 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal, Yame-City adopted the Ordinance of Cultural Landscape in June, 2001. By this ordinance, they aim to conserve the Preservation Districts for Groups of Historic Buildings, and townscape dotted in the surrounding buffer zones and the city, and also to conserve and create the landscape of rural and farming villages. This report attempts to summarize the background, progress and principles of the city's project, and also clarify the further problems to solve. © 2003, The City Planning Institute of Japan. All rights reserved.
Other Activities and Achievements
- Future of Tourism Development : 'Destination Management' as a New Challenge of Urban Planning
西山 徳明, 都市計画 = City planning review, 66, 6, 68, 71, 15 Nov. 2017
日本都市計画学会, Japanese - Challenges of Creative Tourism Studies in Community Development and International Corporation from Hokkaido : Case Studies of Domestic Joint Partnership Agreements and JICA projects
Noriaki Nishiyama, 札幌大学総合研究 = Sapporo University Research Institute journal, 8, 1, 26, Mar. 2016
札幌大学附属総合研究所, Japanese - NEW METHODS OF HOW TO CONSERVE THE LANDSCAPE OF HISTORIC VILLAGE OF SHIRAKAWA-GO : Case study on Ogimachi-area of Shirakawa-village in Gifu-prefecture
麻生 美希, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会計画系論文集, 79, 700, 1373, 1381, Jun. 2014
日本建築学会, Japanese - A Study on Preservation Research and Plan of Cultural Landscape of Akakina, Amami City(No.3)Analysis of Cultural Landscape by Tracing The History of gravestone Investigation
YAMAGUCHI Tomoe, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. AIJ Kyushu Chapter architectural research meeting. 日本建築学会九州支部 編, 52, 301, 304, Mar. 2013
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - A Study on Living Heritage in Koujirokuji, Unzen City(No.3)Fundamental Study for Tourism Management Planning
YAMAGUCHI Tomoe, ITO Minako, YAOITA Kiho, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. AIJ Kyushu Chapter architectural research meeting. 日本建築学会九州支部 編, 52, 485, 488, Mar. 2013
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7344 Analysis of Tracing The History of Land Use of Akakina, Amami City, Kagoshima Prefecture
YAMAGUCHI Tomoe, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, 2012, 755, 756, 12 Sep. 2012
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 747 A Study on Preservation Research and Plan of Cultural Land Scape of Akakina, Amami City No.1 : Method of Value of Cultural Landscape
YAMAGUCHI Tomoe, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 51, 489, 492, 01 Mar. 2012
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 748 A Study on Preservation Research and Plan of Cultural Land Scape of Akakina, Amami City No.2 : Analysis of Cultural Landscape by Tracing The History of Land Use
YAMAGUCHI Tomoe, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 51, 493, 496, 01 Mar. 2012
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 747 Study on Cultural Resources Management (CRM) in Historical City, Salt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. No. 8 : The Formation Process of Town Space Developed from Cultural Resources
AMIMOTO Kaoru, MURAKAMI Kayo, ISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 50, 445, 448, 01 Mar. 2011
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 748 Study on Cultural heritage Management with a plan of "Hagi Machijyu Hakubutsukan" No. 8 : The Practice and Issue of Satellite Adoption on the Historical Commercial Town, Hamasaki
HASHIGUCHI Toshikazu, MURAKAMI Kayo, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 50, 449, 452, 01 Mar. 2011
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - The concept of urban heritage and discovery of cultural resources in Hagi city (no. 1) A study on historical and cultural aspects of community development in cultural resources management
村上 佳代, 西山 徳明, Journal of architecture and planning, 75, 657, 2615, 2624, Nov. 2010
日本建築学会, Japanese - 743 A Study on The Conservation of Townscape in Uchiko Town, Ehime Pref. Part 4 : Difference of Consideration to Historical Townscape of the Resident in Inside and Outside of Historical Area
NAGANO Mariko, NISHIMURA Keigo, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 49, 345, 348, 01 Mar. 2010
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 742 A Study on The Conservation of Townscape in Uchiko Town, Ehime Pref. Part3 : Landscape Target and Actual Conditions of Preservation and Improvement Project
NISHIMURA Keigo, NAGANO Mariko, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 49, 341, 344, 01 Mar. 2010
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 748 A Study on Cultural Resources Management in a Historical City, Salt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. NO.5 : Finding Out of Cultural Resources and Planning of Discovery Trails
NAKAMURA Mayumi, AKAHOSHI Mayumi, MURAKAMI Kayo, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 49, 365, 368, 01 Mar. 2010
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 752 A Study on Current Condition and Conjugation of Industrial Facilities as Modernization Heritage : A Case of MANDA Mine and It's Related Properties
MORINAGA Yusuke, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 49, 381, 384, 01 Mar. 2010
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 759 A Possibility of Urban Design for 'Public-Private Partnership' Utilizing Cultural Resources : Case Study in DAZAIFU City
MUTO Ayumi, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 49, 409, 412, 01 Mar. 2010
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 750 Study on Cultural Resources Management (CRM) in Historical City, Salt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan No.7 : Values of Historical Buildings as Cultural Resources from the Viewpoint of Changing Uses
AKAHOSHI Mayumi, MURAKAMI Kayo, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 49, 373, 376, 01 Mar. 2010
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 747 Fundamental Study on Cocept of Living Heritage
YAMAGUCHI Tomoe, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 49, 361, 364, 01 Mar. 2010
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 479 Study on Cultural Resources Management (CRM) in Historical City, Salt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan No.6 : Present Conditions of Historical Buildings
AKAHOSHI Mayumi, MURAKAMI Kayo, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 49, 369, 372, 01 Mar. 2010
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - Research on buffer zone in the world cultural heritage, (Case by Himeji Castle, Himeji-jo in Hyogo Prefecture)
YOSHIDA Masakuni, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Research reports of Kyusyu Branch of Architectural Institute of Japan, 377, 380, 2010
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 我が国の文化財の新たな展開--文化財の総合的把握と歴史文化基本構想の役割について(企画調査の取りまとめから) (特集 地域の文化財を総合的に把握する)
西山 徳明, まちづくり, 25, 20, 29, Dec. 2009
学芸出版社, Japanese - 7474 A Study on The Conservation of Townscape in Uchiko Town, Ehime Pref. Part2 : Relationship Between The Sustainable Habitation and Traditional Industry and Townscape
NAGANO Mariko, NISHIMURA Keigo, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2009, 1017, 1018, 20 Jul. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7473 A Study on The Conservation of Townscape in Uchiko Town, Ehime Pref. Part1 : Inspect the Preservation and Improvement Project
NISHIMURA Keigo, NAGANO Mariko, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2009, 1015, 1016, 20 Jul. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 6036 A Study on The Conservation of Historical Enviroment of Hagioukan Sasanamiiti : The Characteristic of Cultural Landscape Of Sasamaiiti by Transformation of The Historical Land Use
MATSUMOTO Shoichiro, NISH1YAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, 2009, 463, 464, 20 Jul. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7105 Study on Cultural Resources Management (CRM) in Historical City, As-Salt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. No.1 : Planning for Sustainable Tourism Development Utilizing Cultural Resources
MURAKAMI Kayo, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2009, 263, 264, 20 Jul. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7106 Study on Cultural Resources Management(CRM) in Historical City, As-Salt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan No.2 : Townscape Design for Interpretation
AKAHOSHI Mayumi, MURAKAMI Kayo, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2009, 265, 266, 20 Jul. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7427 A Study on Living Heritage in Koujirokuji, Unzen, City : Analising Transition of Samurai Residences and Occupants
YAMAGUCHI Tomoe, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2009, 923, 924, 20 Jul. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - Cultural heritage tourist destination management with PPP: NPOs and tourism: aiming for regional development through collaboration
西山 徳明, Transportation & economy, 69, 6, 20, 28, Jun. 2009
運輸調査局, Japanese - 720 The Study on Landscape Design on Cultural Landscape : For The Planning of Landscape Improvement Of Important Cultural Landscape "Ontayaki-no Sato"
YOKOI Hidenori, MATSUMOTO Shouichiro, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 48, 377, 380, 01 Mar. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 721 Study on Cultural Heritage Management in Ogimachi Shirakawa-mura, Pref.Gifu. No.9 : A Process of Building Increase from The Viewpoint of The Community Transition
SATO Mutsumi, MASUHARA Miki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, ASO Miki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 48, 381, 384, 01 Mar. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 718 A Study on The Conservation of Townscape in Uchiko Town, Ehime Pref. Part1 : Inspect the Preservation and Improvement Project
NISHIMURA Keigo, AKAHOSHI Mayumi, NAGANO Mariko, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 48, 369, 372, 01 Mar. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 722 Study on Cultural Heritage Management in Ogimachi Shirakawa-mura Pref.Gifu. No.10 : Landscape Conservation in Historical Village by Grasping Space Composition Changes
MASUHARA Miki, SATO Mutsumi, ASO Miki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 48, 385, 388, 01 Mar. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 719 A Study on The Conservation of Townscape in Uchiko Town, Ehime Pref. Part2 : Relationship Between The Sustainable Living and Traditional Industry and Townscape
NAGANO Mariko, NISHIMURA Keigo, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 48, 373, 376, 01 Mar. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 725 A Study on The Conservation of Historical Enviroment of Hagioukan Sasanamiiti No.1 : The Characteristic of Cultural Landscape Of Sasamaiiti by Transformation of The Historical Land Use
MATSUMOTO Shoichiro, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 48, 397, 400, 01 Mar. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 726 A Study on The Conservation of Historical Enviroment of Hagioukan Sasanamiiti No.2 : The Conservation Plan of Landscape by The Preservation Districts for Groups of Historic Buildings and The Protection of Cultural Landscape
MATSUMOTO Shoichiro, HANAOKA Takuro, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 48, 401, 404, 01 Mar. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 724 Comparison Study of "Hagi Machiju Hakubutsukan," "Rekishibunkakihonkousou" and "The Law of Rekishimatizukuri." about the Feature and Relation.
KAKIHARA Yoshiaki, MURAKAMI Kayo, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 48, 393, 396, 01 Mar. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 779 A Study on Cultural Resources Management in Historical City, Salt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. No.4 : A Methodology on Finding Out of Cultural Resources.
MATSUBARA Marina, AKAHOSHI Mayumi, MURAKAMI Kayo, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 48, 613, 616, 01 Mar. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 782 A Study on Living Heritage in Koujirokuji, Unzen, City No.2 : Analising Transition of Samurai Residences and Occupants
YAMAGUCHI Tomoe, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 48, 625, 628, 01 Mar. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 778 Study on Cultural Resources Management (CRM) in Historical City, Salt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. : No.2 Townscape Design for Interpretation
AKAHOSHI Mayumi, MATSUBARA Marina, MURAKAMI Kayo, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 48, 609, 612, 01 Mar. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 777 Study on Cultural Resources Management (CRM) in Historical City, Salt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. No.2 : Gripping of The Urban History for Conservation of Townscape
MURAKAMI Kayo, HANAOKA Takuro, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 48, 605, 608, 01 Mar. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 776 Study on Cultural Resources Management (CRM) in Historical City, Salt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. No.1 : Planning for Sustainable Tourism Development Utilizing Cultural Resources
MURAKAMI Kayo, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 48, 601, 604, 01 Mar. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 781 A Study on Living Heritage in Koujirokuji, Unzen, City No.1 : Succession of Living Heritage by the Community
ITO Minako, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 48, 621, 624, 01 Mar. 2009
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 八女福島伝建地区における「管理委託方式」による空き家修理・活用の試み,加藤浩司(評論)
西山 徳明, 日本建築学会技術報告集, 15, 29, 356, 356, 20 Feb. 2009
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7226 A Study on The Tourism Management from the Point of View of The Sustainable Living : In Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii
NAGANO Mariko, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2008, 475, 476, 20 Jul. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 6031 Study on Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism in Ogimachi Shirakawa-mura, Pref. Gifu. NO.2 : Landscape Changing by Expanding Community
SATO Mutsumi, ASO Miki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, 2008, 451, 452, 20 Jul. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - Cultural heritage management and tourism
西山 徳明, ランドスケープ研究, 72, 2, 162, 165, Jul. 2008
日本造園学会, Japanese - 729 The Study on Township of Levuka, the Old Capital of Fiji No. 7 : Heritage Management by stakeholder
KUBOSAKI Yoshikata, YAOITA Kiho, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 47, 385, 388, 01 Mar. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 715 Study on Cultual heritage Management with a plan of "Hagi Machijyu Hakubutsukan" No.6 : The Practice and Issue of Satellite Adoption on the Historical Commercial Town, Hamasaki
MURAKAMI Kayo, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 47, 329, 332, 01 Mar. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 727 A Study on The Preservation Plan of Cultural Landscape of "Ontayaki-no-Sato",Hita City No.6 : Sustain of Living Industry and Creation of Cultural Landscape
YAMAGUCHI Tomoe, ASO Miki, KAKIHARA Yoshiaki, MATSUMOTO Shoichiro, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 47, 377, 380, 01 Mar. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 725 A Study on The Preservation Plan of Cultural Landscape of "Ontayaki-no-Sato",Hita City No.4 : Characteristic of Trees of Cultural Landscape Elements
KAKIHARA Yoshiaki, ASO Miki, MATSUMOTO Shoichiro, YAMAGUCHI Tomoe, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 47, 369, 372, 01 Mar. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 724 A Study on The Preservation Plan of Cultural Landscape of "Ontayaki-no-Sato",Hita City No.3 : Characteristic of Structures except Buildings of Cultural Landscape Elements
ASO Miki, MATSUMOTO Shouitiro, KAKIHARA Yoshiaki, YAMAGUCHI Tomoe, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 47, 365, 368, 01 Mar. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 731 The Study on Township of Levuka, Old Capital of Fiji NO. 9
NARITA Satoshi, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 47, 393, 396, 01 Mar. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 723 A Study on The Preservation Plan of Cultural Landscape of "Ontayaki-no-Sato", Hita City No.2 : Analysis of Cultural Landscape by Tracing The History of Land Use
MATSUMOTO Shoichiro, ASO Miki, KAKIHARA Yoshiaki, YAMAGUCHI Tomoe, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 47, 361, 364, 01 Mar. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 716 Study on Cultual Heritage Management with a plan of "Hagi Machijyu Hakubutsukan". No.7 : An effort to add Hagi City to the World Heritage Tentative List based on the plan of "Machi Haku"
MURAKAMI Kayo, NAKAO Asumi, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 47, 333, 336, 01 Mar. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 717 A Study on The Tourism Management from The Point of View of The Sustainable Living In Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii
NAGANO Mariko, AKAHOSHI Mayumi, YAOITA Kiho, ASO Miki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 47, 337, 340, 01 Mar. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 730 A Study on Township of Levuka, the Old Capital of Fiji : History of Town Formation and Change of the landscape
Yaoita Kiho, Kubosaki Yoshikata, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 47, 389, 392, 01 Mar. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 720 Study on Cultural Heritage Management in Ogimachi Shirakawa-mura, Pref.Gifu. No.8 : Landscape Changing by Expanding Community
SATO Mutsumi, ASO Miki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 47, 349, 352, 01 Mar. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 735 Study on townscape design of heritage tourism site Lahaina, Hawaii
AKAHOSHI Mayumi, NAGANO Mariko, YAOITA Kiho, ASO Miki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 47, 409, 412, 01 Mar. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 770 Methodology for Townscape Planning : Grounded on Regional Characteristics in Itsukushima.Hatsukaichi City
OKADA Yuki, NAGANO Mariko, HANAOKA Takuro, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 47, 549, 552, 01 Mar. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 722 A Study on The Preservation Plan of Cultural Landscape of "Ontayaki-no-Sato" ,Hita City No. 1 : Method of Preservation Research and Plan of Cultural Landscape
MATSUMOTO Shoichiro, ASO Miki, KAKIHARA Yoshiaki, YAMAGUCHI Tomoe, NAKANOMARU Satoshi, OMORI Yoko, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 47, 357, 360, 01 Mar. 2008
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7316 A Study on The Preservation of Townscape in The Town Originally Built Around Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima Town, Hatsukaichi city, Hiroshima Pref. Part 4 : A study on design of sustainablc living cnvaironmcnt from a viewpoint of generation process of vacant buildings and vacant lands
NAGANO Mariko, HANAOKA Takuro, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2007, 689, 690, 31 Jul. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7165 A study on succession of composition of space in historical city : A case study on a urban area of Fukuoka city for the analysis of spatial elements and scenic elements
MATSUMOTO Shoichiro, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2007, 387, 388, 31 Jul. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 6020 Study on Representation Design in the Heritage Tourism Area Part. 1 : Preservation and Restoration Design of Watercourses in Shirakawa-mura, Ogimachi
ASO Miki, MIZUNOE Shuko, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, 2007, 425, 426, 31 Jul. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 6013 A Study on Specification of Rural Village by Historical Land Use : Case study on Shirakawa-Mura Ogimachi Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings
MIZUNOE Shuko, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, 2007, 411, 412, 31 Jul. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 6077 Study on Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism in Ogimachi Shirakawa-mura, Pref. Gifu NO.1 : Classification of Cultural Heritages, from a Viewpoint of Tourism
SATO Mutsumi, ASO Miki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education, 2007, 539, 540, 31 Jul. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7504 The Study on Township of Levuka, Old Capital of Fiji No.4
NARITA Satoshi, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2007, 1073, 1074, 31 Jul. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7505 A Study on Township of Levuka, the Old Capital of Fiji No.5 : Restoration Simuration of Historical Townscape by Archival Reserch
OKADA Yuki, YOKOI Hidenori, KUBOSAKI Yoshikata, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2007, 1075, 1076, 31 Jul. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7502 A Study on Township of Levuka, the Old Capital of Fiji No.2 : Progress on Preparation for World Heritage Nomination and Heritage Management, and Awareness of Residents
YAOITA Kihi, KUBOSAKI Yoshikata, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2007, 1069, 1070, 31 Jul. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7503 A Study on Township of Levuka, the Old Capital of Fiji No.3 : Analysis on scenic heritage elements
MURAKAMI Kayo, HANAOKA Takuro, KUBOSAKI Yoshikata, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2007, 1071, 1072, 31 Jul. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 729 A study on succession of composition of space in historical city : A case study on urban area of Fukuoka city for the analysis of spatial elements and scenic elements
MATSUMOTO Shoichiro, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 46, 397, 400, 01 Mar. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 730 A study on design of sustainable living environment in historical town : In the town originally built around Itsukusima shrine. Miyajima town Hatsukaichi city. Hiroshima pref.
NAGANO Mariko, HANAOKA Takuro, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 46, 401, 404, 01 Mar. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 721 Study on Cultural Heritage Management in Ogimachi Shirakawa-mura, Pref. Gifu. No. 6 : Classification of Cultural Heritages, from a Viewpoint of Tourism
SATO Mutsumi, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, ASO Miki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 46, 365, 368, 01 Mar. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 717 The Study on Township of Levuka, the Old Capital of Fiji No. 6 : Restoration Simuration of Historical Townscape by Archival Reserch
OKADA Yuki, YOKOI Hidenori, KUBOSAKI Yoshikata, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 46, 349, 352, 01 Mar. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 715 A Study on Township of Levuka, the Old Capital of Fiji No. 4 : Analysis on scenic heritage elements
MURAKAMI Kayo, HANAOKA Takuro, KUBOSAKI Yoshikata, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 46, 341, 344, 01 Mar. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 722 Study on Cultual Heritage Management in Ogimachi Shirakawa-mura Pref. Gifu. No. 7
ASO Miki, MIZUNOE Shuko, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 46, 369, 372, 01 Mar. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 716 The Study on Township of Levuka, Old Capital of Fiji No. 4
NARITA Satoshi, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 46, 345, 348, 01 Mar. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 727 A study on inducement technique of building design formation for the creation of variety and harmony for town scaping
ADACHI Mai, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 46, 389, 392, 01 Mar. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 714 The Study on Township of Levuka, the Old Capital of Fiji No. 3 : Progress on World Heritage Nomination and Heritage Management, and Awareness of Residents
YAOITA Kiho, KUBOSAKI Yoshikata, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 46, 337, 340, 01 Mar. 2007
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - CONSTRUCTION CONDITION OF THE CULTURAL HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: A study on cultural heritage management at Taketomi island, Okinawa: Part 2
池ノ上真一, 西山徳明, 日本建築学会計画系論文集, 612, 2007 - 7146 Possibility of Cultural Heritage management by residents : A Study on The Conservation of Townscape in The Town Originally Built Around Itsukushima Shrine, Hatsukaichi city, Miyajima Town, Hiroshima Pref. Part3
HANAOKA Takuro, OKADA Yuki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2006, 315, 316, 31 Jul. 2006
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7145 A Proposal of Townscape Design of Omotesando Street : A Study on The Conservation of Townscape in The Town Originally Built Around Itsukushima Shrine, Hatsukaichi city, Miyajima Town, Hiroshima Pref. Part2
OKADA Yuki, HANAOKA Takuro, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2006, 313, 314, 31 Jul. 2006
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7439 A Study of Heritage Management and Tourism Development in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii
YAOITA Kiho, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2006, 901, 902, 31 Jul. 2006
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 727 Study on Cultural Heritage Management with a focus on Historical Site No. 2 : Practice case on site of Dazaifu and Verification of plan for it
ANEGAWA Yasuhisa, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, SHIRAGAMI Hiroaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 45, 477, 480, 01 Mar. 2006
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 725 A Study of Heritage Management and Development in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii
YAOITA Kiho, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 45, 469, 472, 01 Mar. 2006
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 737 A study on the Living Environment for Townscape Conservation in temple town, Miyajima
OHNISHI Naoki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 45, 517, 520, 01 Mar. 2006
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 726 The study on Cultural Heritage Management focus on Historical Site No. 1 : Case study on a large scale Historical Sites in the whole country
ANEGAWA Yasuhisa, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, SHIRAGAMI Hiroaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 45, 473, 476, 01 Mar. 2006
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 729 Study on Cultual heritage Management with a plan of "Hagi Machijyu Hakubutukan". No. 5 : Verification of the initial movement based on action plans and views in the future.
ARIKAWA Tomoko, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 45, 485, 488, 01 Mar. 2006
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 728 Study on Community Making use of Cultual Heritage Management
SHIRAGAMI Hiroaki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, ANEGAWA Yasuhisa, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 45, 481, 484, 01 Mar. 2006
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 705 The Study on Township of Levuka,the Old Capital of Fiji No. 2 : Landscape analysis of Beachstreet district
JIKUMARU Masamichi, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 45, 389, 392, 01 Mar. 2006
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7154 Study on Community Making use of Cultual Heritage Management
SIRAGAMI Hiroaki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, ANEGAWA Yasuhisa, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2005, 369, 370, 31 Jul. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7182 A Study on Township of Levuka,the Old Capital of Fiji : Analization of history of Levuka and reserch for confirmation about
JIKUMARU Masamichi, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2005, 425, 426, 31 Jul. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7142 A Study on The Preservation of Townscape in The Town Originally Built Around Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima Town, Hiroshima Pref. Parts 1 : The Actual Condition and Problems of How to Preserve Tow nscape
HANAOKA Takuro, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2005, 345, 346, 31 Jul. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7143 A Study on transformation of landscape element in historical city : Case Study on Hagi-city in Yamaguchi
ARIKAWA Tomoko, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, YOSHIMURA Shigeaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2005, 347, 348, 31 Jul. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7153 Study on new cultural heritage concept "Hritage of Dazaifu citizen"
ANEGAWA Yasuhisa, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, SIRAGAMI Hiroaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2005, 367, 368, 31 Jul. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 769 A Study on Township of Levuka, the Old Capital of Fiji : Analization of history of Levuka and reserch for confirmation about "Hubbard Report"
軸丸 雅訓, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 44, 617, 620, 01 Mar. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 747 A Study on Cultural Heritage Management in Ogimati, Shirakawa : Analysis of the Subject of Cultural Heritage Management
TAKASAKI Keiko, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 44, 529, 532, 01 Mar. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 751 A Study on the Simulation of the Prototype Landscape of a Historical Samurai Residence Group : Case study at Kojirokuji Kunimicho Nagasaki Prefecture
SONODA Kaori, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 44, 545, 548, 01 Mar. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 742 Study on the Conservation of village landscape in the Historical Site System : Case study on Suganuma and Ainokura in the Nanto City, Toyama Prefectur
MIZUNOE shuko, Nishiyama Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 44, 509, 512, 01 Mar. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 740 A study on the Consciousness of gneral people for Townscape Conservation in temple town, Miyajima-cho,Hiroshima prefecture. No.2 : For understanding the consciousness of general people
大西 直樹, 西山 徳明, 重安 由紀子, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 44, 501, 504, 01 Mar. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 746 Study on Cultual heritage Management with a plan of "Hagi Matijyu Hakubutukan". No.4 : The analysis of the present cultual heritage situation for the construction of a cultual heritage database
YOSHIMURA Shigeaki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, NAKANO Aya, ARIKAWA Tomoko, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 44, 525, 528, 01 Mar. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 745 Study on Cultual heritage Management with a plan of "Hagi Matijyu Hakubutukan". No.3 : A institution of NPO and the subject of Cultual heritage Management
NAKANO Aya, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, ARIKAWA Tomoko, YOSHIMURA Shigeaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 44, 521, 524, 01 Mar. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 739 A Study on the Consciousness of general People for Townscape Conservation in temple town, Miyajima-cho, Hirosima Prefecuture. No.1 : From a viewpoint of tourism
SHIGEYASU Yukiko, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, OHNISHI Naoki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 44, 497, 500, 01 Mar. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 748 A Study on Conservation and Practical Use based on Local Context for Singing Sand Beach : For Environmental Design of Coastal Zone
OGAWA Katsuya, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, IKENOUE Sinichi, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 44, 533, 536, 01 Mar. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 741 Study on the preservation of townscape by The program for Preservation Districts for Groups of Historic Buildings : Case study on Kojirokuji, Kunimi town, Nagasaki prefecture
HANAOKA takuro, NISHIYAMA noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 44, 505, 508, 01 Mar. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 712 Study on the Spacial Cultural Property of the Plan for Preservation Practical Use
SHIRAGAMI Hiroaki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 43, 269, 272, 01 Mar. 2004
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 703 Study on Cultural Heritage Management at Shirakawa-village Ogimachi district, Gifu : The traditional landscape management and its transformation
KOGUCHI Ai, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, IKENOUE Shinichi, TAKASAKI Keiko, JIKUMARU Masamichi, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 43, 233, 236, 01 Mar. 2004
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 704 Study on Cultural Heritage Management at Ogimachi Shirakawa, Gifu. No.2 : Case study on Evaluation of Environmental Features and Histric Structures
JIKUMARU Masamichi, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, KOGUCHI Ai, IKENOUE Shinichi, TAKASAKI Keiko, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 43, 237, 240, 01 Mar. 2004
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 707 A study on Cultural heritage Management with a plan of "Matijyu Hakubutukan" in Hagi city. No.2 : For a management system of "Matijyu Hakubutukan"
NAKANO Aya, Nishiyama Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 43, 249, 252, 01 Mar. 2004
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 718 Study on the Revising for the Preservation Plan
NAKAO Asumi, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 43, 293, 296, 01 Mar. 2004
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 713 A study on historical change of local spase
OGAWA Katsuya, Nishiyama Noriaki, SHIRAGAMI Hiroaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 43, 273, 276, 01 Mar. 2004
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 705 Study on Cultural Heritage Management at Shirakawa-village Ogimachi district, Gifu. : Identification of Cultural Heritages and Analysis of its Maintenance
IKENOUE Shinichi, Nishiyama Noriaki, Kouguchi Ai, Takasaki Keiko, Jikumaru Masamichi, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 43, 241, 244, 01 Mar. 2004
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 717 Study on the Revising for the Preservation Plan
NAKAO Asumi, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 43, 289, 292, 01 Mar. 2004
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 706 Study on the Cultural Heritage Management in Ogimachi, Shirakawa
Takasaki KEIKO, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, KOGUCHI Ai, IKENOUE Shinichi, JIKUMARU Masamichi, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 43, 245, 248, 01 Mar. 2004
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 714 Study on Grasp of cultual heritage in historical site
ANEGAWA Yasuhisa, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, SHIRAGAMI Hiroaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 43, 277, 280, 01 Mar. 2004
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 708 A Study on Cultural heritage Management with a plan of "Matijyu Hakubutukan" in Hagi city. No.1 : For understanding the consciousness of general people
OHNISHI naoki, Nishiyama Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 43, 253, 256, 01 Mar. 2004
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - まちづくりNPO登場(1)NPOによる文化遺産のマネジメント--竹富島における文化遺産と観光の持続可能な関係づくりの取り組み
西山 徳明, まちづくり, 1, 93, 102, Jan. 2004
学芸出版社, Japanese - The Possibility of Cultural Heritage Management by the Community : The measure of cultural heritage management type NPO in Taketomi island
西山 徳明, 池ノ上 真一, Senri ethnological reports ; SER, 51, 53, 75, 2004
National Museum of Ethnology, Japanese - 文化遺産をめぐるホストとゲストの持続可能な関係とは : 共同研究 : 文化遺産管理とツーリズムに関する研究
西山 徳明, 民博通信, 102, 18, 19, Sep. 2003
国立民族学博物館, Japanese - 7177 Study on Spacial Cultural Property of Position and Extraction
SHIRAGAMI Hiroaki, NISHIYAMA Noraki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2003, 383, 384, 30 Jul. 2003
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7110 Study on the Preservation and Improvement of the Wall and Fence as Townscape Elements : Case study on the Hagi-shi Horiuchi Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings in Hagi-city
NAKAO Asumi, Nishiyama Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2003, 249, 250, 30 Jul. 2003
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7178 A study on the landscape analysis based on local context in farm villages
OGAWA Katsuya, Nishiyama Noriaki, SHIRAGAMI Hiroaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2003, 385, 386, 30 Jul. 2003
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 716 A Study on Cultural Heritage Management in Taketomi Island, Okinawa : A Condition for Institution of NPO According to Local Community
TAKASAKI Keiko, Nishiyama Noriaki, Ikenoue Shinichi, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 42, 265, 268, 01 Mar. 2003
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 708 Study on the Spacial Cultural Property of Positioning and Extraction
SHIRAGAMI Hiroaki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 42, 233, 236, 01 Mar. 2003
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 709 Study on the Spacial Cultural Property for the religional city of the Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine
EZOE Mari, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, SHIRAGAMI Hiroaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 42, 237, 240, 01 Mar. 2003
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 711 Study on Verification of the Cultural Property and the Spacial Planning
ZHANG Jieyi, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, SHIRAGAMI Hiroaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 42, 245, 248, 01 Mar. 2003
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 714 Stady on Preservation Plan of Environmental Features and Historic Structures in Preservation Districts for Groups of Historic Buildings : Case study on Waterway in the Ogimachi Sirakawa-Mura Gifu Prefecture
MIZUNOE Shuko, Nishiyama Noriaki, Ikenoue Shinichi, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 42, 257, 260, 01 Mar. 2003
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 715 Study on Cultural Heritage Management at Taketomi island, Okinawa. : For make clear what the Cultural Heritage in Taketomi island.
IKENOUE Shinichi, Nishiyama Noriaki, Takasaki Keiko, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 42, 261, 264, 01 Mar. 2003
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 713 Study on the Preservation and Improvement of the Wall and Fence as Townscape Elements : Case study on the Hagi-shi Horiuchi Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings in Hagi-city
NAKAO Asumi, Nishiyama Noriaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 42, 253, 256, 01 Mar. 2003
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 710 A study on the landscape analysis based on local context in farm villages
OGAWA Katsuya, Nishiyama Noriaki, SHIRAGAMI Hiroaki, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 42, 241, 244, 01 Mar. 2003
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 米国における地域コンテクスト重視型再開発~リトルトウキョウを事例として
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 第41号・3 計画系 pp.309-312, 2002 - ニューアーバニズムとトランジット・ビレッジの関係性~米国における公共交通指向型開発に関する研究(その3)
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 第41号・3 計画系 pp.301-304, 2002 - 現代アメリカ都市計画におけるトランジット・ビレッジの位置づけ~米国における公共交通指向型開発に関する研究(その2)
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 第41号・3 計画系 pp.297-300, 2002 - 交通と都市デザインから見た近代アメリカのアーバニズム~米国における公共交通指向型開発に関する研究(その1)
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 第41号・3 計画系 pp.293-296, 2002 - 竹富島における遺産管理とツーリズムの持続可能な関係の構築に関する研究
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 第41号・3 計画系 pp.253-256, 2002 - 都市デザインを支える概念としての「空間文化財」に関する研究
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 第41号・3 計画系 pp.229-232, 2002 - 保存計画の変遷と伝建制度の位置づけ~重要伝統的建造物群保存地区の保存計画に関する研究(その3)
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 第41号・3 計画系 pp.241-244, 2002 - 歴史的環境の保存整備計画とその助成内容~重要伝統的建造物群保存地区の保存計画に関する研究(その2)
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 第41号・3 計画系 pp.237-240, 2002 - 保存に関する基本的な考え方と保存すべき価値の決定~重要伝統的建造物群保存地区の保存計画に関する研究(その1)
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 第41号・3 計画系 pp.233-236, 2002 - 空間の情報化における基礎概念としての「モデル」に関する考察~モデル概念の3次元CGへの適用
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 第41号・3 計画系 pp.209-212, 2002 - SER no.021; 序文
石森 秀三, イシモリ シュウゾウ, Ishimori Shuzo, 西山 徳明, ニシヤマ ノリアキ, Nishiyama Noriaki, 国立民族学博物館調査報告, 21, 1, 2, 30 Mar. 2001
国立民族学博物館, Japanese - 717 歴史的町並み地区における町並み保存の課題に関する研究(その1) : 佐賀県鹿島市浜宿を事例として(都市計画)
大森 洋子, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 40, 261, 264, 01 Mar. 2001
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 718 歴史的町並み地区における町並み保存の課題に関する研究(その2) : 山口県萩市浜崎を事例として(都市計画)
大森 洋子, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 40, 265, 268, 01 Mar. 2001
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 歴史的環境学習支援システムの開発 〜「長崎街道木屋瀬宿記念館」におけるVR システムについて
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東), pp.731-732, 2001 - 歴史的集落における修理・修景事業に関する研究 〜重要伝統的建造物群保存地区沖縄県竹富町竹富島を事例として
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東), pp.847-848, 2001 - ニューアーバニズムによるまちなみの形成と再編
財団法人住宅生産振興財団『家とまちなみ』, vol.20 No.2, pp.36-43, 2001 - ヘリテージ・ツーリズム(遺産観光)評価の6つの指標
国際交流基金アジアセンター『アジアセンターニュース2001 』, No.18, 2001 - Heritage Tourism and Conservation of Historical Environments : Process and Problems of Spontaneous Tourism Development in the Case of Shirakawa-village, World Cultural Heritage site
西山 徳明, Senri ethnological reports ; SER, 21, 21, 61, 80, 2001
National Museum of Ethnology, Japanese - Autonomous Tourism in Heritage Tourism
西山 徳明, Senri ethnological reports ; SER, 21, 21, 21, 36, 2001
National Museum of Ethnology, Japanese - 環境共生の概念に基づく地域空間計画に関する研究-福岡県糟屋郡新宮町における土地利用調整基本計画策定を通じて
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 40計画系, 357, 360, 2001 - 「道の駅」に関する研究-まちづくり・地域振興のための施設として
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 40計画系, 325, 328, 2001 - 歴史的環境学習支援システムの開発-「長崎街道木屋瀬宿記念館」におけるVRシステムについて
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 40計画系, 333, 336, 2001 - 島嶼地域におけるツーリズム開発に関する研究-竹富島の地域環境管理システムとツーリズム・インパクトについて
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 40計画系, 329, 332, 2001 - 地域コンテストから見た都市計画の計画単位に関する研究-福岡市域を対象として
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 40計画系, 301, 304, 2001 - 歴史的集落における修理・修景事業に関する研究-重要伝統的建造物群保存地区竹富町竹富島を事例として
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 40計画系, 277, 300, 2001 - 歴史的都市における空間情報管理システムに関する研究-萩市における都市空間文化財の概念の適用
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 40計画系, 273, 276, 2001 - A Study on Community Planning Methods by the Community Participation : A Case Study of the Preparation of Shingu-cho Community Plan
SHIRAGAMI Hiroaki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, KOGUCHI Ai, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2000, 301, 302, 31 Jul. 2000
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 「まちなみ館」の構想と基本設計 (特集1 伝統的町並みの新たなチャレンジ) -- (パート・1 うつぐみの島の景観づくり--完成した沖縄・竹富島の「まちなみ館」)
西山 徳明, 造景, 26, 25, 27, Apr. 2000
建築資料研究社, Japanese - まちなみセンター「まちなみ館」 (特集1 伝統的町並みの新たなチャレンジ) -- (パート・1 うつぐみの島の景観づくり--完成した沖縄・竹富島の「まちなみ館」)
西山 徳明, 造景, 26, 20, 24, Apr. 2000
建築資料研究社, Japanese - 伝統的な景観管理とその変遷 (特集1 伝統的町並みの新たなチャレンジ) -- (パート・1 うつぐみの島の景観づくり--完成した沖縄・竹富島の「まちなみ館」)
西山 徳明, 造景, 26, 38, 41, Apr. 2000
建築資料研究社, Japanese - 遺跡に住む、遺跡と暮らす-ヘリテージ・ツーリズムとまちづくり
『都府楼』太宰府市, 31, 2, 13, 2000 - 環境・景観保全とまちづくりへの視点
「改正都市計画法と分権型まちづくり」月刊『地方分権』■, 24, 27, 2000 - 伝統的景観管理とその変遷-竹富島集落における景観管理能力の発展条件に関する研究 その1
高口愛, 日本建築学会計画系論文集, 538, 538, 133, 140, 2000 - 歴史的町並みを観光資源とする地域におけるまちづくりに関する研究-筑後吉井の町並み保存事業を事例として
大森洋子, 日本都市計画学会学術研究論文集, 35, 811, 816, 2000 - 現代アメリカ都市計画におけるニューアーバニズム論に関する研究
日本都市計画学会学術研究論文集, 35, 43, 48, 2000 - 歴史的町並みにおける修理・修景事業に関する研究-筑後吉井修理・修景マニュアルの作成調査
西山徳明, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(東北), F-1, 1041, 1042, 2000 - 歴史的環境における景観シミュレーション手法に関する研究-町家を主な景観構成要素とする中・小景観を対象として
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(東北), F-1, 1001, 1002, 2000 - トランジットビレッジの計画概念に関する研究-ニューアーバニズム論の発展として
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(東北), F-1, 617, 618, 2000 - 離島集落300人の景観づくり-伝統的建造物群保存地区竹富島における景観管理
2000年度日本建築学会大会(東北)都市計画部門・農村計画部門研究協議会資料, 9, 14, 2000 - 歴史的町並みの景観特性の把握とその変容に関する研究〜萩市浜崎地区を事例として
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 39, 373, 376, 2000 - 歴史的町並みにおける修理修景事業に関する研究〜筑後吉井修理修景マニュアル作成調査
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 39, 369, 372, 2000 - 八女市福島における町並み保存の課題に関する研究(その2)〜町並み保存と観光活動設計について
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 39, 365, 368, 2000 - トランジットビレッジの計画概念に関する研究〜ニューアーバニズム論の発展として
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 39, 193, 196, 2000 - 住民参加によるまちづくり手法に関する一考察〜福岡県糟屋郡新宮町まちづくり計画の策定を事例として
西山 徳明, 高口 愛, 白神 博昭, 日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 39, 189, 192, 2000
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 歴史的景観における景観シミュレーション手法に関する研究(その2)〜農山村集落の大中景観を対象として
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 39, 301, 304, 2000 - 歴史的景観における景観シミュレーション手法に関する研究(その1)〜町家を主な景観構成要素とする中小景観を対象として
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 39, 297, 300, 2000 - 「鳴き砂」の保全と活用に関する研究〜福岡県二丈町姉子の浜を事例として
池ノ上真一, 西山徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 39, 225, 228, 2000 - うつぐみの島の景観づくり
「造景26号」, 20-27, 32, 45, 2000 - ヘリテージツーリズムとしての伝統的集落観光
「民博通信No.87」国立民族学博物館, 133, 144, 2000 - Preservation Districts for Groups of Historic Buildings-Case in SHIRAKAWA-mura (World Cultural Heritage)
International Seminar on Historic City Conservation and Public Participation. Bangkok. THAILAND, 2000 - 725 現代アメリカの都市政策におけるニューアーバニズムに関する研究 : アメリカ都市政策の流れを受けたニューアーバニズムの位置づけと課題(都市計画)
新島 亜希子, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 38, 309, 312, 01 Mar. 1999
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 全国の歴史的集落町並みの分布と保存状況に関する研究(その2)〜保存の取り組みと町並みを活かしたまちづくり
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(中国), F-1, 405, 406, 1999 - 全国の歴史的集落町並みの分布と保存状況〜関する研究(その1)〜町並みの分布状況とその性格
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(中国), F-1, 403, 404, 1999 - アメリカの都市計画におけるニュホーアーバニズムに関する研究〜ニューアーバニズムの位置づけから〜
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(中国), F-1, 237, 238, 1999 - ツーリズム開発によるインバクトの発生とその包摂〜地域観光開発の課題と展望に関する一考察
日本観光学会第79回全国大会(沖縄)研究発表要旨集, 5, 6, 1999 - 伝統的な離島山村集落における景観管理と観光振興
日本建築学会農村計画委員会春期学術研究会資料集「若手研究者の視点と方法」, 33, 34, 1999 - ツーリズム開発によるインパクトの発生とその包摂〜地域観光開発の課題と展望に関する一考族
日本観光学会第79回全国大会(沖縄)研究発表要旨集, 5, 6, 1999 - 歴史的都市における景観要素の把握に関する研究-萩を対象として-
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 38, 253, 256, 1999 - 歴史的町並みにおける修理・修景マニュアルの作成-福岡県八女市福島地区街なみ環境整備事業-
木村 寛人, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 38, 249, 252, 1999
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 八女市福島における町並み保存の課題に関する研究(その1)-町並み保存の経緯と住民の意識について-
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 38, 245, 248, 1999 - 歴史的町並みを有する田園環境における景観形成とその維持に関する研究
堤 信一郎, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 38, 241, 244, 1999
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 全国の歴史的集落・町並みの分析と保存状況に関する研究
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 38, 237, 240, 1999 - 地域振興を目的としたツーリズム開発に関する研究
池ノ上真一, 西山徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 38, 133, 136, 1999 - 中国都市部における「商品住宅」の売れ残り問題に関する研究
HAKU Eika, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), 64, 521, 253, 260, 1999
The purpose of this paper is to consider the problems of the new housing supply policy by analyzing the enforcement condition of the housing system reform which enforced from 1978 in urban area of China. The results are as follows: 1) Because the new housing system was attached importance to the citizen who can acquire the public housing, and the acquiring possibility was decided by the enterprise, the unfairness appeared on the citizen's housing acquisition. 2) It is very important to build up a fair housing supply system by dividing the enterprise from the housing supply system., Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - A Study on Housing System Reform in Urban Area of China
521, 253, 260, 1999 - 中国の都市部における住宅制度改革に関する研究〜商品化住宅の売れ残り問題に着目して
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(九州), F-1, 1081, 1082, 1998 - 伝建地区における景観管理能力の発展条件に関する研究-竹富町竹富島・白川村荻町・下郷町大内宿を事例として
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(九州), F-1, 511, 512, 1998 - 伝統的集落における道路整備による景観の復原と維持に関する研究〜竹富町竹富島伝統的建造物群保存地区を事例として
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(九州), F-1, 509, 510, 1998 - 歴史的町並み地区における町並み保存の課題に関する研究〜福岡県八女市福島地区を事例として
日本建築学会大学会術講演梗概集(九州), F-1, 505, 506, 1998 - 歴史的市街地における景観特性の把握に関する研究〜熊本市旧市街地古町・新町地区を事例として
日本建築学会大会学術講梗概集(九州), F-1, 481, 482, 1998 - 日本発、まちなみというヘリテージとのつきあい方
「まほら」No.16特集「ヘリテージ・ツーリズム」旅の文化研究所, 16, 17, 1998 - 中国都市部における改革前の住宅供給政策に関する研究
日本都市計画学会学術論文集, 33, 433, 438, 1998 - サステイナブル・デベロップメントの概念に基づく近隣住区の設計条件についての研究〜アメリカ合衆国におけるまちづくりの事例から〜
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 37, 3,229-232, 1998 - 歴史町市街地における景観特性の把握に関する研究〜熊本市旧市街地古町・新町地区を事例として〜
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 37, 3,165-168, 1998 - 伝統的集落における道路景観復元・整備と維持に関する研究〜重伝統的建造物群保存地区竹富町竹富島を事例として〜
堤信一郎, 日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 37, 37, 3,161-164, 164, 1998 - 吉井町歴史的景観地区における景観管理計画に関する研究(その5)〜戦後の町並み景観の変容分析〜
日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 37, 3,157-160, 1998 - 解放後の中国における都市住宅発展過程に関する研究〜住宅政策を戦後日本と比較して〜
白英華, 日本建築学会研究報告九州支部, 37, 3,65-68, 68, 1998 - A Study on Housing Supply Policy before the Reform in Urban Area of China
33, 433, 438, 1998 - 717 歴史的町並みにおける文化演出型まちづくりの拠点施設の計画 : 北九州市八幡西区木屋瀬地区を事例として(都市計画)
松尾 佳奈, 高口 愛, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 36, 237, 240, 01 Mar. 1997
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 702 歴史的街道空間における修景景観のシミュレーションに関する研究 : 北九州市八幡西区木屋瀬地区を対象として(都市計画)
岡田 宏之, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 36, 177, 180, 01 Mar. 1997
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 716 市街化する史跡地周辺の将来景観に関する研究 : 国指定特別史跡水城跡周辺地域を対象として(都市計画)
今村 芳, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 36, 233, 236, 01 Mar. 1997
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 703 沿岸都市における原地形を用いた景観構造の把握に関する研究 : 鴻臚館跡・福岡城跡を対象として(都市計画)
梶本 祥子, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 36, 181, 184, 01 Mar. 1997
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 704 吉井町歴史的景観地区における景観管理計画に関する研究(その3) : 観光客の動向と観光活動(都市計画)
大森 洋子, 若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 小田 好一, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 36, 185, 188, Mar. 1997
日本建築学会, Japanese - 705 吉井町歴史的景観地区における景観管理計画に関する研究(その4) : 妻入町家建築伝統様式の景観的観点からの特性の解明(都市計画)
小田 好一, 若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 大森 洋子, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 36, 189, 192, Mar. 1997
日本建築学会, Japanese - 都市空間文化財の地理的成層分析とモデルカルチャ-・デザインに関する研究
三村 浩史, 中山 徹, 西山 徳明, 住宅総合研究財団研究年報, 24, 127, 136, 1997
住宅総合研究財団, Japanese - 歴史的町並み地区における観光活動設計に関する研究〜福岡県吉井町を事例として
大森洋子, 日本都市計画学会学術論文集, 32, 277, 282, 1997 - 沿岸都市における現地形を用いた景観要素の把握に関する研究〜福岡城跡および史跡周辺地域を対象として
日本都市計画学会学術論文集, 32, 289, 294, 1997 - これからの都市計画教育を考える〜都市計画とまちづくりをつなぐもの〜
日本建築学会大会(関東)都市計画部門パネルディスカッション資料, II72-75, 1997 - A Study on Tourism Design in Historical Area〜In Case of Yoshii-Town in Fukuoka Pref.
277, 282, 1997 - A Study on Grasp of the Landscape Elements by the Original Grand Landscape along the Coast〜Case Study of the Ruins of Fukuoka Castle in Fukuoka-pref.
32, 289, 294, 1997 - 737 地方都市における都市計画策定過程に関する研究 : その2 福岡市におけるマスタープラン的な計画について(都市計画)
井上 陽介, 若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 大久保 裕文, 日本建築学会研究報告. 中国・九州支部. 3, 計画系, 10, 433, 436, 01 Mar. 1996
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 757 地域空間構造把握方法とその空間変容の予測について : 九州北部N町を事例として(都市計画)
松原 正明, 若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告. 中国・九州支部. 3, 計画系, 10, 513, 516, 01 Mar. 1996
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 730 歴史的都心地区における景観単位に関する研究 : 福岡市御供所地区を対象として(都市計画)
荒木 弘一, 若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告. 中国・九州支部. 3, 計画系, 10, 405, 408, 01 Mar. 1996
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 625 住宅団地居住者の居住歴と住み替え欲求に関する研究(建築計画)
白 英華, 若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告. 中国・九州支部. 3, 計画系, 10, 97, 100, 01 Mar. 1996
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 721 吉井町歴史的景観地区における景観管理計画に関する研究 (その1) : 町並み保存と観光活動の発展過程(都市計画)
大森 洋子, 若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 小田 好一, 日本建築学会研究報告. 中国・九州支部. 3, 計画系, 10, 369, 372, Mar. 1996
日本建築学会, Japanese - 722 吉井町歴史的景観地区における景観管理計画に関する研究 (その2) : 通り景観の変容過程と伝統様式の数量的性格(都市計画)
小田 好一, 若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 大森 洋子, 日本建築学会研究報告. 中国・九州支部. 3, 計画系, 10, 373, 376, Mar. 1996
日本建築学会, Japanese - 観光開発地域における文化変容と演出設計および景観管理計画に関する研究(都市計画)(学位論文要旨)
西山 徳明, 建築雑誌. 建築年報, 1995, 159, 159, 20 Sep. 1995
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 757 Representation Design of Historical Environment in Coastal Town : Recognition of Characristics and Problems of Historical Environment Concerning Topographical Prototype Structure
KOBAYASHI Fumihiko, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, 35, 765, 768, 13 Jun. 1995
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 501 前原市街地の形成過程に関する研究 : 大都市近郊の地方小都市の市街地形成において農用地と都市的土地利用の両立する条件を探る その1 前原市街地の面的拡大過程・農用地の転換後の土地利用用途構成の把握(都市計画)
松原 正明, 西山 徳明, 若林 時郎, 宮崎 真, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 35, 241, 244, 01 Mar. 1995
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 505 地方都市の都市計画策定過程に関する研究 : 福岡県諸都市における総合計画と整開保の関係について(都市計画)
井上 陽介, 若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 大久保 裕文, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 35, 257, 260, 01 Mar. 1995
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 502 前原市街地の形成過程に関する研究 : 大都市近郊の地方小都市の市街地形成において農用地と都市的土地利用の両立する条件を探る その2 開発規模から見た市街地形成・農用地と都市的土地利用の混合形態の把握 : 農用地と都市的土地利用の両立する条件(都市計画)
宮崎 真, 西山 徳明, 若林 時郎, 松原 正明, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 35, 245, 248, 01 Mar. 1995
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 534 福岡市における住宅団地の外部空間構成とその評価に関する研究(都市計画)
大森 洋子, 若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 35, 35, 373, 376, Mar. 1995
日本建築学会, Japanese - 伝統的建造物郡保存地区選定後の集落景観の変容と維持に関する研究-白川村萩町合掌集落を事例として-
西山徳明, 日本建築学会計画系論文集, 474, 133, 141, 1995 - 観光開発地における文化変容と演出設計および景観管理計画に関する研究
西山徳明, 学位論文, 1995 - 市民広場建設の計画設計プロセス〜鹿児島県大口市の「大口スクェア」の場合〜 (共著)
日本都市計画学会学術論文集, 31, 655, 660, 1995 - 歴史的都心地区における景観計画に関する研究〜福岡市御供所地区を事例として(共著)
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(近畿), 835, 836, 1995 - 吉井町歴史的景観地区における景観管理計画に関する研究 その2(共著)
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(近畿), 839, 840, 1995 - 吉井町歴史的景観地区における景観管理計画に関する研究 その1(共著)
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(近畿), 837, 838, 1995 - 沿岸小都市における原地形構造に着目した歴史的環境の演出設計に関する研究〜その1原地形構造の復原〜,〜その2歴史的環境の現状と基本的演出設計方針〜
1995年度日本建築学会大会(北海道)学術講演梗概集, F-1, 235, 238, 1995 - 歴史的都心地区における景観変容に関する研究〜福岡市御供所地区を事例として
1995年度日本建築学会大会(北海道)学術講演梗概集, F-1, 49, 50, 1995 - 地方都市における都市計画策定に関する研究
1995年度日本建築学会大会(北海道)学術講演梗概集, F-1, 693, 694, 1995 - A STUDY ON LANDSCAPE TRANSFORMATION AND CONSERVATION IN A MOUNTAIN VILLAGE AFTER DEVOTED TO "CONSERVATION AREAS OF TRADITIONAL STRUCTURES" : Case study on Ogimachi-area of Shirakawa-village in Gifu-prefecture
NISHIYAMA Noriaki, MIMURA Hiroshi, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), 60, 474, 151, 160, 1995
This paper discusses subjects of landscape conservation in Ogimachi-area of Shirakawa-village devoted to "Conservation Areas of Traditional Structures" in 1976. The contents of this paper areas follows. 1. The development process of political operation and local movement for landscape conservation. 2. Inspections of landscape transformations as the result and investigation of its causes. 3. Presentation of conservation terms based on the analysis., Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 伝統的建造物群保存地区における景観管理計画に関する研究〜白川村荻町地区を事例として〜
日本建築学会計画系論文集, 474, 134, 141, 1995 - A Planning and Design Process on the Construction of a Civic Sguare
31, 655, 660, 1995 - A Study on Townscape Management
SUMMARIES OF TECHNICAL PAPERS OF ANNUAL MEETING ARCHITECTUAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN, 835, 836, 1995 - A Study on Landscape Management Planning in Historical District in Yoshii Town(part 2)
SUMMARIES OF TECHNICAL PAPERS OF ANNUAL MEETING ARCHITECTUAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN, 839, 840, 1995 - A Study on Landscape Management Planning in Historical District in Yoshii Town(part 1)
SUMMARIES OF TECHNICAL PAPERS OF ANNUAL MEETING ARCHITECTUAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN, 837, 838, 1995 - Representation Design of Historical Environment in Coastal Town Concerning Topographical Prototype Structure, Pert1. Restoration of Topographical Prototype Structure, Pert2. Conditions of Historical Environment and Basic Representation Design Policies
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan, F-1, 235, 238, 1995 - A Study on Townscape Transformation, A Case of Gokusyo District in Fukuoka-city
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan, F-1, 49, 50, 1995 - A Study on the Planning Process of City Planning in Provincial Cities
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan, F-1, 693, 694, 1995 - A Study on Lanrdscape Transformation and Conservation in a Mountain Village after Devoted "Conservation Areas of Traditional Structures",Case Study on Ogimachi-district of Shirakawa-Village in Gifu-pref.
NISHIYAMA Noriaki, MIMURA Hiroshi, Journal of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transaction of AIJ), 60, 474, 151, 160, 1995
This paper discusses subjects of landscape conservation in Ogimachi-area of Shirakawa-village devoted to "Conservation Areas of Traditional Structures" in 1976. The contents of this paper areas follows. 1. The development process of political operation and local movement for landscape conservation. 2. Inspections of landscape transformations as the result and investigation of its causes. 3. Presentation of conservation terms based on the analysis., Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - A Study on Lanrdscape Management Planning in "Conservation Areas of Traditional Structures",Case Study on Ogimachi-area of Shirakawa-village in Gifu-prefecture
Journal of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transaction of AIJ), 474, 134, 141, 1995 - 428 竹富島集落における伝統的形態把握の方法に関する研究 : その2 「伝統家屋存在範囲」による修景物件の評価(建築計画)
若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 林 秀雄, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 34, 109, 112, 01 Mar. 1994
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 427 竹富島集落における伝統的形態把握の方法に関する研究 : その1 「原型」景観とその変容(建築計画)
若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 林 秀雄, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 34, 105, 108, 01 Mar. 1994
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 525 宮崎市街地の形成過程に関する研究 : その1 市街地の面的拡大過程(都市計画)
谷口 博俊, 若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 熊原 和哉, 坂口 啓生, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 34, 285, 288, 01 Mar. 1994
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 526 宮崎市街地の形成過程に関する研究 : その2 基幹的交通施設の整備・改変過程及び計画的開発の推移(都市計画)
熊原 和哉, 若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 坂口 啓生, 谷口 博俊, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 34, 289, 292, 01 Mar. 1994
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 527 宮崎市街地の形成過程に関する研究 : その3 市街地形成の4都市比較(都市計画)
坂口 啓生, 若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 熊原 和哉, 谷口 博俊, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 34, 293, 296, 01 Mar. 1994
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 537 前原市における地区形成類型から見た地域運営組織に関する研究(都市計画)
宮崎 真, 若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 34, 333, 336, 01 Mar. 1994
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 419 福岡市における住宅団地開発に関する基礎的研究(建築計画)
若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 大森 洋子, 井上 陽介, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 34, 73, 76, Mar. 1994
日本建築学会, Japanese - 420 福岡市における住宅団地居住者の住み替え動機と居住環境評価の関連性について(建築計画)
若林 時郎, 西山 徳明, 大森 洋子, 井上 陽介, 日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系, 34, 77, 80, Mar. 1994
日本建築学会, Japanese - 福岡市における住宅団地開発に関する基礎的研究(共著)
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(東海), 113, 114, 1994 - 竹富島集落における伝統的形態把握の方法に関する研究(共著)
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(東海), 393, 394, 1994 - 鹿児島市街地の形成過程に関する研究 その3 市街地形成の3都市比較
1993年度大会(関東)学術講演梗概集, 543, 1994 - 鹿児島市街地の形成過程に関する研究 その2 市街地形成の特性
1993年度大会(関東)学術講演梗概集, 541, 1994 - 鹿児島市街地の形成過程に関する研究 その1 市街地の面的拡大過程
SUMMARIES OF TECHNICAL PAPERS OF ANNUAL MEETING ARCHITECTUAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN, 393, 394, 1994 - A Study on the Process of Urbanization in Kagoshima-city. Part-3 Comparison among Three Cities.
SUMMARIES OF TECHNICAL PAPERS OF ANNUAL MEETING ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN, 543, 1994 - A Study on the Process of Urbanization in Kagoshima-city. Part-2 The Characteristics of Urbanization.
SUMMARIES OF TECHNICAL PAPERS OF ANNUAL MEETING ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN, 541, 1994 - A Study on the Process of Urbanization in Kagoshima-city. Part-1 The Process of Urban Area Extension.
SUMMARIES OF TECHNICAL PAPERS OF ANNUAL MEETING ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN, 539, 1994 - A Study on preservation of village landscape by local management activity : with special reference to OGIMACHI
MORI Ikue, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. Architectural planning and design rural planning, 1992, 1099, 1100, 01 Aug. 1992
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - A Study on the Landscape Transformations in a Tourist Village
Nishiyama NORIAKI, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. Architectural planning and design rural planning, 1992, 1097, 1098, 01 Aug. 1992
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 6001 The Conservation of the Rural Environment by the Agricultural Tourism
KANKI Kiyoko, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, 32, 521, 524, 02 Jun. 1992
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - The Conservation of the Rural Environment by the Agricultural Tourism
KANKI Kiyoko, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. Architectural planning and design rural planning, 6055, 1095, 1096, 1992
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7165 A Study of Revitalization of Former Coal Mining Area in Tikuhou District(URBAN PLANNING)
Mutou Takashi, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture, 1991, 329, 330, 01 Aug. 1991
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7179 A Study on Urban Tourism Design vol.2 : An Analysis of the today's Urban Tourism Efforts(URBAN PLANNING)
SAITO Yukihiko, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture, 1991, 357, 358, 01 Aug. 1991
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7178 A Study on Urban Tourism Design (voi.1) : An Analysis of the structural elements of in-Urban Leisure(URBAN PLANNING)
Nishiyama Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture, 1991, 355, 356, 01 Aug. 1991
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7180 A Study on Urban Tourism Design vol.3 : with a proposition of Model Culture in Sakai-City(URBAN PLANNING)
KUBOTA Takayuki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture, 1991, 359, 360, 01 Aug. 1991
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7020 A Study on Urban Tourism Design : with special reference to Urban-Renewer Planning in Sakai-City
KUBOTA Takayuki, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, 31, 517, 520, 07 May 1991
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - モデルカルチャーによる都市観光活動設計に関する研究
西山徳明, 日本都市計画学会学術研究論文集, 26A, 1991 - A Study on the Urban Tourism Design Adapted the Method of Model Culture
26A, 1991 - 観光地域が主体的に発展できる観光活動設計条件に関する研究--岐阜県白川村荻町を事例として (1990年度〔日本都市計画学会〕学術研究論文集)
西山 徳明, 三村 浩史, 都市計画論文集, 25, p631, 636, Oct. 1990
日本都市計画学会, Japanese - A study on the making of the regional promotion plan due to tourism acutivity
KUBOTA TAKAYUKI, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture, 1990, 27, 28, 01 Sep. 1990
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - Study on Design of visit, stay and performance way in touristic region planning
三村 浩史, 西山 徳明, 谷口 昌利, 斉藤 雪彦, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture, 1990, 31, 32, 01 Sep. 1990
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 観光地域が主体的に発展できる観光活動設計条件に関する研究
西山徳明, 日本都市計画学会学術研究論文集, 25, 25, 625, 630, 1990 - A Study on the Tourism Design Items for the Village to Develop Independently
25, 1990 - Study on some Factors to Form the Wide Spread Network among : Touristic Spots Considered from the Analysis of Tourist Flow
NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture, 1989, 147, 148, 01 Sep. 1989
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - Study on regional planning of a small scale village type tourristic spot in wide spread tourristic zones
TANIGUCHI Masatoshi, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture, 1988, 93, 94, 01 Sep. 1988
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - Study on evolution and degeneration of tourristic spots in accordance with transition in wide spread tourristic zones
NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture, 1988, 95, 96, 01 Sep. 1988
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - Recognition of Townscape Composition by Way of Proto-type : Variation and Miscellaneous Typology
NISHIYAMA Noriaki, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting architectural institute of Japan. Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, history and theory of architecture, 1986, 49, 50, 25 Jul. 1986
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7013 Recognition of Townscape Composition by Way of Proto-type, Varietion and Miscellaneous Typology
NISIYAMA Noriaki, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, 26, 461, 464, 01 May 1986
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese
Books and other publications
- 竹富島景観形成マニュアル
竹富町教育委員会, Mar. 2021, [Single work] - 竹富町竹富島歴史的景観形成地区保存計画書 令和2年改訂
竹富町教育委員会, Apr. 2020, [Compilation] - 竹富島の集落と民家[第二版]竹富町竹富島伝統的建造物群保存対策調査報告書
西山徳明, 宮本雅明, 江面嗣人, 上田裕文, 麻生美希, 八百板季穂, 高口愛, 木下麻美, :序章、2-1(4.)、5 章(5-2 は高口愛と共著)、 6-1、6-2、6-3(八百板季穂と共著)、6-4、 6-5、7 章(木下麻美と共著)、9-5、9-6(木下麻美と共著)、10 章、別添資料1 〜5
竹富町教育委員会, Apr. 2020, [Joint work] - 大内宿の民家と集落〜下郷町大内宿伝統的建造物群保存対策調査報告書
西山徳明, 成田聖, 中尾七重, 坂本稔, 門叶冬樹, 大森洋子, 八百板季穂, 四戸秀和, 序章、3 章(3.1, 3.2)、5 章(5.1)、 7 章、8 章
下郷町教育委員会, Mar. 2019, [Joint work] - 国指定重要文化財 旧与那国家住宅 保存活用計画
西山徳明, 八百板季穂
Mar. 2017, [Compilation] - 'Heritage Management in Present-day Japan', "The SAGE Handbook of Modern Japanese Studies" Edited by James D. Babb
Noriaki NISHIYAMA, pp.100-123
SAGE Publications Ltd, Jan. 2015, [Single work] - 歴史都市の破壊と保全・再生〜世界のメトロポリスに見る景観保全のまちづくり
三村浩史, 西山徳明他, 第11章 観光都市か居住できる都市か〜ヴェネツィア pp.428-460
海路書院, Jun. 2006, [Joint translation] - 文化遺産マネジメントとツーリズムの持続可能な関係構築に関する研究
西山徳明, 序文 pp.1-5
国立民族学博物館研究報告(SER )61号, Mar. 2006, [Editor] - 「条例による文化遺産マネジメントとまちづくり(太宰府市)」(社)日本建築学会編『景観法と景観まちづくり』
白神博明,西山徳明, pp.136-139
学芸出版社, Jun. 2005, [Joint work] - 『萩まちじゅう博物館』萩ものがたり Vol.4
有限責任中間法人萩ものがたり, Oct. 2004, [Single work] - 文化遺産マネジメントとツーリズムの現状と課題
西山徳明, 序文
国立民族学博物館研究報告(SER )51号, Mar. 2004, [Editor] - 「町並み保全型まちづくり」日本建築学会編『まちづくり教科書 第2巻』
西山徳明, 4章 地域資源の発掘と活用:基本的な考え方と調査・計画手法 pp.36-59, 5章 動き始めたまちづくり保全型まちづくり [事例]萩市・太宰府市・竹富島 pp.92-99,106-111
Mar. 2004, [Joint work] - 日本の町並み 中国・四国・沖縄
西村幸夫, 西山徳明, 沖縄県 pp.136-144, p.168
平凡社 別冊太陽シリーズ, Aug. 2003, [Joint work] - アジア都市文化学の可能性
橋爪紳也編, 西山徳明, 都市における文化遺産のマネジメント pp.215-222
大阪市立大学文学研究科叢書 (1) 大阪市立大学大学院文学研究科アジア都市文化学教室, Mar. 2003, [Joint work] - 「萩 津和野」朝日ビジュアルシリーズ 日本遺産No.14
西山徳明, 原田大二郎, 城下町から都市遺産へ pp.8-13
朝日新聞社, Mar. 2003, [Joint work] - 地域空間の歴史的成層分析に基づく景観計画支援情報の整備に関する研究
1999-2001年度科研費調査報告書, 2002 - 草野町町並み調査報告書
久留米市, 2000 - 筑後吉井伝統的建造物群保存地区修理修景マニュアル
吉井町教育委員会, 2000 - 竹富島伝統的建造物群保存地区見直し調査報告書
竹富町教育委員会, 2000 - 二丈町姉子の浜の鳴き砂保全活用調査報告書
(財)日本ナショナルトラスト, 2000 - 萩市浜崎地区街なみ環境整備事業実施計画書
萩市都市計画局, 2000 - 萩市浜崎伝統的建造物群保存対策調査報告書
萩市教育委員会, 2000 - 住まい学体系099〜建築キーワード
土居義岳, 西山徳明, ツーリズム pp.448-459
住まいの図書館出版局, Dec. 1999, [Joint work] - ツーリズム
「住まい学体系099〜建築キーワード」住まいの図書館出版局, 1999 - 萩市浜崎地区街なみ環境整備事業基本方針報告書
萩市都市計画局, 1999 - 肥前浜宿伝統的建造物群保存対策調査報告書
鹿島市教育委員会, 1999 - 地域共生のまちづくり−生活空間計画学の現代的展開
三村浩史, 西山徳明, 執筆担当:「地域空間を演出するまちづくり〜フィールドミュージアムの構想」 pp.65-75
学芸出版社, Jul. 1998, [Joint work] - 堺市観光動態調査報告書
堺市, 1998 - 伝統的集落における歴史的環境整備を中心とした地域活性化方策の調査・検討報告書
文化庁, 1998 - 八女市福島地区街なみ修理修景マニュアル
八女市, 1998 - 八女市八女福島伝統的建造物群保存対策調査報告書
八女市, 1998 - 地域空間を演出するまちづくり〜フィールドミュージアムの構想
『地域共生のまちづくり-生活空間計画学の現代的展開』(全382頁)学芸出版社, 1998 - 網野銚子山古墳
(財)日本ナショナルトラスト, 1995 - 吉井町伝統的建造物群保存地区調査報告書(概報)(共著)
吉井町, 1995 - 竹富島景観形成マニュアル
1994 - 堺市観光振興基本計画
大阪府堺市, 1991 - Hosts & Guests
三村浩史, 西山徳明, はじめに v-ix, 序論 pp.1-24, ポリネシア文化センター pp.341-363
勁草書房, 1991, [Joint translation] - サンアントニオ水都物語
三村浩史, 西山徳明,他9名, 翻訳担当:序文 pp.11-16, 日本語版への序文 pp.17-19 , 執筆担当:サンアントニオ市とパセオ・デル・リオ pp.195-199
都市文化社, Apr. 1990, [Joint translation]
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Cultural Landscape of Biratori Town from the Perspective of Iwor (Traditional Livelihood Space)
令和4年度 平取町文化的景観シンポジウム 「 沙流川流域のイウォㇿ(伝統的生活空間)の景観を知ろう!~未来に引き継ぐために~ 」, 06 Nov. 2022, Japanese, Invited oral presentation
06 Nov. 2022 - 06 Nov. 2022, [Invited] - Aso Cultural Landscape and World Cultural Heritage
Aso World Cultural Heritage Inscription Promotion Tokyo Symposium Millennium Grassland, Aso - A cultural landscape nurtured by the coexistence of nature and people, 03 Nov. 2022, Japanese, Invited oral presentation
03 Nov. 2022 - 03 Nov. 2022, [Invited] - Sustainable management of cultural heritage
9th World Heritage Summit in Tomioka Silk Mill, 30 Oct. 2022, Japanese, Keynote oral presentation
29 Oct. 2022 - 30 Oct. 2022, [Invited] - Aso Cultural Landscape - An agro-pastoral system nurtured in a volcanic caldera
International Symposium on Promotion of Aso World Cultural Heritage Registration, 28 Oct. 2022, English, Invited oral presentation
28 Oct. 2022 - 28 Oct. 2022, [Invited] - Linking Cultural Resources and Local Communities with the Power of Museums: Ecomuseum Development Project in Hagi and Jordan
ICOM International Museum Day 2022 Symposium, 22 May 2022, Japanese, Keynote oral presentation
22 May 2022 - 22 May 2022, [Invited] - Considering Miyajima Tourism and Utilization of the Townscape as a “Living Heritage”
Miyajima Town, Hatsukaichi City, Commemorative Symposium for Selecting Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings, 19 Dec. 2021, Japanese, Keynote oral presentation
19 Dec. 2021 - 19 Dec. 2021, [Invited] - Past and Future of Townscape in Hagi
The 10th anniversary of Sasanami-ichi, the 20th anniversary of Hamasaki, and the 45th anniversary of Horiuchi-Hiyako symposium, 23 Nov. 2021, Japanese, Nominated symposium
23 Nov. 2021 - 23 Nov. 2021, [Invited] - The value of the cultural landscape “Aso Caldera” as World Heritage
Aso World Cultural Heritage Registration Promotion Kyushu Conference Symposium in Kumamoto, 06 Feb. 2020, Japanese, Keynote oral presentation
06 Feb. 2020 - 06 Feb. 2020, [Invited] - Sustainable Conservation of Cultural Landscapes in Chachapoyas, Peru, South America
Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage 13th Latin America Subcommittee, 20 Jan. 2020, Japanese, Keynote oral presentation
20 Jan. 2020 - 20 Jan. 2020, [Invited] - Heritage Management through Community-Based-Tourism
ACCU International Conference "Community-centred Approaches to the Preservation of Historic Townscape", 21 Nov. 2018, English, Nominated symposium
21 Nov. 2018 - 21 Nov. 2018, [Invited] - Medical tourism as a “must-do trip”
The 9th International Conference on Tourism Medicine Social Implementation of Tourism Medicine│Toward TOKYO 2020│, 06 Oct. 2018, Japanese, Keynote oral presentation
[Invited] - Post-2020 tourism trends and exhibits
The 37th Research Conference of the Japan Exhibition Society "Post-2020 Cultural Tourism and Exhibitions" Part 2: Understanding Trends: From the Three Perspectives of “Institution,” “Technology,” and “Tourism”, 30 Jun. 2018, Japanese, Keynote oral presentation
30 Jun. 2018 - 30 Jun. 2018, [Invited] - Basic Vision of history and culture as a trump card for regional revitalization - Utilization of cultural properties as tourism resources
2016 National Council of Historic Sites Maintenance Municipalities 1st Board Meeting, 28 Jul. 2016, Japanese, Keynote oral presentation - Heritage Management and Tourism in Japan
UNWTO International Conference on Heritage Tourism: How Do We Foster, Present and Preserve World Treasures?, 25 Feb. 2016, English, Keynote oral presentation
24 Feb. 2016 - 26 Feb. 2016, [Invited]
Affiliated academic society
- 文化遺産管理とツーリズムに関する研究
2002 - 2005 - 佐賀県塩田町伝統的建造物群保存対策調査
2002 - 2004 - 太宰府市文化財保存活用計画策定調査
2001 - 2004 - 萩市堀内・平安古伝統的建造物群保存地区保存計画見直し調査
2002 - 2003 - 長崎県国見町神代小路伝統的建造物群保存対策調査
2002 - 2003 - 岐阜県大野郡白川村伝統的建造物群保存地区(世界遺産地区)保存計画見直し調査
2002 - 2003 - 遺産管理型NPOによる竹富島(沖縄県)の文化遺産マネジメントに関する研究
2001 - 2003 - 竹富島伝統的建造物群保存地区における修理修景の設計監修
2001 - 2002, [Artistic activity] - 八女福島伝統的建造物群保存地区における修理修景の設計監修
2001 - 2002, [Artistic activity] - 筑後吉井伝統的建造物群保存地区における修理修景の設計監修
1997 - 2002, [Artistic activity] - 福岡県新宮町における第4次新宮町総合計画策定
2000 - 2001 - 福岡県新宮町における第3次新宮町国土利用計画策定
2000 - 2001 - 福岡県新宮町における土地利用調整基本計画策定
2000 - 2001 - 新宮町まちづくり計画策定調査
1998 - 2001 - 久留米市草野地区における歴史的景観形成に関する調査研究
1999 - 2000 - 筑後吉井重要伝統的建造物群保存地区の修理修景マニュアル作成に関する研究
1999 - 2000 - 二丈町の鳴き砂を活かしたまちづくりに関する調査研究
1999 - 2000 - 福岡県新宮町におけるまちづくり計画策定に関する調査研究
1998 - 2000 - 竹富島重要伝統的建造物群保存地区における新観光・交通システム計画の策定
2000 - 萩市浜崎地区まちなみ環境整備事業計画調査
1998 - 1999 - 萩市浜崎地区伝統的建造物群保存地区保存対策調査
1998 - 1999 - 竹富島重要伝統的建造物群保存地区におけるまちなみセンターの設計
1999, [Artistic activity] - 鹿島市浜宿伝統的建造物群保存地区保存対策調査
1997 - 1998 - 八女福島伝統的建造物群保存地区保存対策調査
1996 - 1997 - 筑後吉井伝統的建造物群保存地区保存対策調査
1994 - 1996 - 八女福島伝統的建造物群保存地区保存対策調査
1996 - 沖縄県竹富島集落景観マニュアル作成調査
1993 - 沖縄県竹富島における重要伝統的建造物群保存調査
Research Themes
- Study on Conservation and Utilization of Cultural Landscape as Tourism Resource
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2023
西山 徳明, 麻生 美希, 八百板 季穂
その他、CBT によるコミュニティへの効果分析については、竹富島と大内宿において行政、住民、財団への現地追加調査をおこなった。
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 19H04378 - A positive study on origin and development of residential and other buildings types in Levuka Historical Port Town
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2019
This study examined changes and developments of bungalow style residences in Levuka, the Republic of Fiji, from their original styles to the current ones based on actual measurements focusing on plans, designs and structures. Verandah colonial style residences from 19 century exist in Levuka Historical Port Town. The survey results on 82 buildings showed the process of indoorization in surrounding verandahs. This indoorization started with rear verandahs to incorporate kitchens and bathrooms in late 19 century. In 20 centry, the indoorization was promoted with front verandahs by partitioning to use them as more public rooms such as living rooms or bed rooms.We confirmed the existance of similar styles developed in other countiries in Oceania region. it is considered that they have the same origin.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Okayama University of Science, 16H05758 - Village-scape evaluation based on characteristics of livelihoods as an element of a cultural landscape
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2016
Yaoita Kiho, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, TANI Masakazu, HANAOKA Takuro, Swapan Abu Yusuf, Huda Faisal
This study aims to evaluate village-scape as elements of cultural landscape in Teknaf peninsula in Bangladesh. Landscape structure was understood through land use pattern analysis in villages with different livelihoods.
In results, elements of village scape, local community, farming land, agricultural fields, shore line, wind breaker trees are identified as elements of cultural landscape. On the other hand, forests, breaking off of special continuity between villages and shore by road construction are identified as lost elements of cultural landscape.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, 25360003 - International collaboration research for preservation of wooden structures in Indonesia -Application of Japanese restoration techniques and significance of preservation
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
01 Apr. 2011 - 31 Mar. 2014
UEKITA Yasufumi, SAITO Hidetoshi, TOMODA Hiromichi, INABA Nobuko, SATO Koji, HANAZATO Toshikazu, FUJIKAWA Masaki, ONO Kunihiko, UTSUMI Sawako, YOSHIDA Yoshida, MATSUI Tohiya, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, MINOWA Chikahiro
This research focuses on the conservation techniques for the traditional wooden houses in Indonesia. Japanese traditional wooden restoration techniques which fix wood materials to exchange or cut a deterioration part has been authorized in the Nara convention held in 1994. Based on the restoration method of wooden buildings in Japan, how should be done to restoration the Indonesian wooden houses as a cultural property in the climate of tropical zone? The research conducted two historic districts, Kotagede in Yogyakarta and Bawomataluo village in Nias island. Some restoration cases in the districts have converted all the wood materials of the old houses for rebuilt as a new building. And the carpenters used to exchange the whole wood parts in spite of a part of that's deterioration. It might be a theoretical method to maintain the traditional style of the house in which its wood materials are going to be perishable in tropical climate.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), University of Tsukuba, 23254006 - A Study on Bottom-up Approached Conservation Methods for Melaka & George Town World Heritage Sites
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2009 - 2011
CHONG Honshyan, MIMURAI Hirosh, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, HIRASAWA Tsuyoshi, KOBAYASHI Fumihiko
The inscription of world heritage is intensifying the collision between conservation and destruction in historic cities of Melaka and George Town where have its own outstanding value of living culture and urban fabric. Establishment of World Heritage Incorporated and foundation of grants for historic environment preservation are very helpful for building platforms for private expert participation. However destruction is still hard to prevent effectively because of the vagueness of responsibility and authority for making directions. The circumstance for private experts to raise direct opinion should be maintained and reinforced. Various activities to link government staffs and silent majority for value sharing are needed, for effective urban conservation running with simple-organization.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Tottori University of Environmental Studies, 21560657 - The study of the relationship between groundwater arsenic contamination and the poverty in developing countries
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2008 - 2011
TANI Masakazu, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, INABA Miyuki
This study examines the influence of groundwater arsenic contamination on the life of village residents in rural areas of the developing countries in Asia. Therefore, this study regards arsenic contamination not simply as a natural hazard, but as a social problem. The result of this study indicates that the rural poor disproportionally suffers from arsenic contamination in different contaminated areas in Asia. In Nepal, the severity of health problems greatly varied among social groups formed in the caste system.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyushu University, 20401045 - A Study on Sustainable Heritage Management and Tourism Development in Historical Port Towns
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2007 - 2010
The purpose of this study is to prove the hypothesis that "the condition of regional development through heritage tourism is to realize authentic inheritance of the heritage significance and sustainable development of local community in their interdependency". With case studies, challenges of heritage tourism development is shown focusing on questions like the followings : 1) what is the actual conditions of exposing and demolition of cultural heritage through tourism development without subjective participation? ; 2) what is the integrated value of tangible and intangible heritage with people's lives? ; and 3) what is the actual conditions of social infrastructure? The above hypothesis is verified through analysis and comparison of developing stages of each case to show the challenges of the heritage tourism development.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyushu University, 19404006 - 歴史文化基本構想と歴史まちづくりに関する研究
Competitive research funding - 文化遺産管理とツーリズムに関する研究
2002 - 2005
Competitive research funding - 観光開発国際協力に関する研究
Competitive research funding - 世界遺産の保存管理計画策定に関する研究
Competitive research funding - Study on landscape planning by historical layer analysis
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
1999 - 2001
In this research, we make a method to analyze historical layers as theoretical and practical tools of analysis, and find elements and principles of the actual scenery composition, by this method. And we think about the way to adopt those elements and principles in the future cultural property preservation administration or city planning administration as the way to use it as design element and design principle. As a conclusion, we propose the "space cultural property" (kukan - bunkazai) concept as new cultural property concept as follows.
1. "A space cultural property" is what people cannot be extinguished when a community hands down these contexts to future generations among physical/ spatial phenomena equipped with natural, historical, and the folk-customs con text of an area. e.g. the space of a historical street, a building group, a landscape, and a festival.
2. In the system of a cultural property protect administration, a "space cultural property" can be positioned as the same thing as a "burying cultural property", and is the cultural property which is latent in not underground but ground space.
3.The system of a city planning administration requires investigation like assessment and deep consideration for the development, same as the "burying cultural property", to the person who do the development about "space cultural property" which value was assured by the local government.
4. It can utilize a list of it which was investigated and databased before as resources in urban planning, city planning, and tourism development which is going to employ the characteristic of the region efficiently.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kyushu Institute of Design, 11650632 - Design Approach for Sustainability in Urban Environment
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
1994 - 1996
SUGIMOTO Masami, PERRY Robert, VERNON Noel, BESS David, CAVIN Brooks, NAKABA Kenneth, WOODWARD Joan, LYLE John T, UESUGI Takeo, KANEKIYO Hiroyuki, NISHIYAMA Noriaki, SHIGEMATSU Toshinori, MIYAMOTO Masaaki, MIKAWA Junji, ISHII Akio
A new concept and an approach in environmental design process might be required for the next generation. Especially, a sustainable development and management of our environmental resources is an important way to establish a comfortable and successive urban environment.
Therefore, the collaborational research project which is to recognize the basic problems for designing a sustainable urban environment had been proposed. These research projects were carried out with the members from the California Polytechnic University, Pomona during these three years from 1994 to 1996.
In 1994, some points of view to establish a sustainable urban environment were discussed about planning an ecological, natural and historical environment between us. As a result, some relationships between human activity and natural resources were recognized as problems to be identified in this research.
In 1995, some ways to investigate and identify the role of natural, cultural and social resources were recognized through field study in each other country.
Some basic requirements to establish a sustainable urban environment were recognized such as way of a life style with energy conservation, regenerating of waste, utilization of passive solar energy, adaptation with local micro climate and cultivation.
In 1996, some problems in the designing and planning process and approach to establish a sustainable urban environment as a comfortable living environment were identified from the viewpoints of environmental conservation, urban open space systems and total landscape.
As a results of this study, the following contents were recognized important in order to establish sustainable urban environment.
・Architecture should be designed to support long term physical or social characteristics.
・Urban district should be planned by considering human scale according to the open space systems and the design codes of traditional houses with the diversity of people's activity and the alleviation effect of thermal heat environment by trees.
・An environmental carrying capacity for people's tourism activities at each region should be evaluated.
・Organization for people's activity to access or maintain the natural resources in urban district should be supported.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research, Kyushu Institute of Design, 06045039 - 都市の成長管理計画に関する研究
Competitive research funding - 集落・市街地の景観管理計画に関する研究
Competitive research funding - STUDY ON GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING
Competitive research funding - STUDY ON TOURISM AREA DEVELOPMENT
Competitive research funding - STUDY ON LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT
Competitive research funding
Educational Organization
- Master's degree program, Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies
- Doctoral (PhD) degree program, Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies