Kosugi Yasushi
Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences Division of Humanities Department of History | Specially Appointed Professor |
Last Updated :2025/02/13
■Researcher basic information
Researchmap personal page
J-Global ID
Research Keyword
Research Field
Educational Organization
- Bachelor's degree program, School of Humanities and Human Sciences
- Master's degree program, Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences
- Doctoral (PhD) degree program, Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences
Educational Background
Position History
■Research activity information
- Theory on non-existence of pottery Style: Recommendation of analytical method for a pottery group composition associated by shite or layer, part 2
Bulletin of the Laboratory of Archaeology, Hokkaido University, 3, 1, 36, Feb. 2024, [Lead author]
Japanese, Research institution - The archaeology of road
Kosugi, Yasushi
Bulletin of the Laboratory of Archaeology, Hokkaido University, 2, 1, 24, Dec. 2022, [Lead author]
Japanese, Research institution - The archaeology of fire
Kosugi, Yasushi
Bulletin of the Laboratory of Archaeology, Hokkaido University, 1, 1, 15, Dec. 2021, [Lead author]
Japanese, Research institution - 奄美と縄文―「再葬」をめぐる考古学の冒険
小杉 康
再:くりかえす世界, 127, 161, 31 Mar. 2021, [Lead author]
Japanese, In book - 続縄文期初頭の土器群構成について―土器群構成分析法のすすめ(上)―
小杉 康
北海道考古学, 53, 131, 152, Mar. 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Harpoon Heads of Rebunge Site from First Half of Epi-Jomon Period
KOSUGI Yasushi
hokkaido kokogaku, 52, 1, 18, 北海道考古学会, Mar. 2016, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - 太古の時を追い求めて―時間と考古学―
小杉 康
時間を編む人間, 147, 178, Aug. 2015, [Lead author]
Japanese, Research institution - SITES and MATERIALS : Preliminary Report on the Third Excavation (Season1-3) at Rebunge Site in Toyoura Town, Hokkaido
小杉 康, 高瀬克範, 渡邊つづり, 神田いずみ
北海道考古学, 51, 51, 85, 94, 北海道考古学会, Mar. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - 文化制度としての縄文モニュメント
小杉 康
日本考古学協会2014年度伊達大会 研究発表資料集 貝塚研究の新視点・墓とモニュメント, 805, 818, Oct. 2014, [Lead author]
Japanese, Research society - 経済的交換から友好関係を生み出す交換へ
小杉 康
新発見日本の歴史, 49, 24, 25, Jun. 2014, [Invited]
Japanese, Symposium - 葬墓祭制と大規模記念物
小杉 康
日本考古学講座4縄文時代(下), 4, 439, 483, May 2014, [Invited]
Japanese, Others - Distribution of the Late Palaeolithic sites in the modern Japanese archipelago based on the GIS kernel density estimation
KOSUGI Yasushi
Palaeolitjic research, 9, 99, 118, 日本旧石器学会, May 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - 縄文土器造形に見る‘ヒト-動物関係’の始まり
小杉 康
生物という文化, 3, 36, Mar. 2013
Japanese, Research institution - Large Monuments and Local Societies of Late Jomon in Hokkaido
小杉 康
北海道考古学, 49, 49, 35, 49, 北海道考古学会, Mar. 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - 弥生社会の平等と不平等―縄文階層社会との比較―
小杉 康
弥生時代の考古学1弥生研究のあゆみと行方, 9, 170, 186, Nov. 2011, [Invited]
Japanese, Others - 子生みの造形・鼻曲りの造形
明治大学考古学研究室編『地域と文化の考古学Ⅰ』, 589-620頁, 2005 - 縄文文化に戦争は存在したのか:棍棒をもつ社会
考古学研究会50周年記念論文集『文化の多様性と比較考古学』, 215-224頁, 2004 - 生業としての交換活動(下)
考古学研究, 50, 2, 10, 27, Sep. 2003, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - 生業としての交換活動(上)
小杉 康
考古学研究, 49, 43, 30, 31, Mar. 2003, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Micro-landforms, Subsurface Sediments, 14C Dates and Paleoliquifaction in the Hokkaido University Campus, Sapporo City
Geographical Studies, 74,pp.9-14, 74, 9, 14, The Hokkaido Geographical Society, 2003
Japanese - 定住のはじまりから三内丸山まで:列島における後氷期適応
科学, 68, 4, 314, 322, 1998 - 物質文化からの民族文化誌的再構成の試み-クリールアイヌを例として-
国立民族学博物館研究報告, 21, 2, 391, 502, 1997 - アイヌの杓子
物質文化, 61, 18, 45, 1996 - 文化制度としての模倣製作
飛騨と考古学, 35, 76, 1995 - 縄文時代の時期区分と縄文文化のダイナミックス
駿台史学, 73, 99, 124, 1987
Other Activities and Achievements
- Comments and discussion
小杉 康, 高瀬 克範, 下垣 仁志, Quarterly of archaeological studies, 57, 3, 50, 60, 2010
考古学研究会, Japanese - Was there Warfare in the Jomon?:A Society with Stone Clubs
The Society of Archaeological Studies 50th Anniversary Volume Cultural Diversities and Comparative Archaeology, p.p.215-224, 2004 - Reevaluation of the exchange of goods in the Jomon period as a subsistence activity
Quarterly of archaeological studies, 50-2,p.p.10-27, 2003 - 有珠6遺跡調査概報--噴火湾岸域における後氷期の自然環境の変動と人類適応
小杉 康, 高倉 純, 高瀬 克範, 北海道考古学, 37, 115, 122, Mar. 2001
北海道考古学会, Japanese - The Process from the Generation of Sedentary Settlement for the Establishment of Sannai-naruyama Site : Post-Blacial Adaptations in Japan Islands
Science Journal KAGAKU, 68, 4, 314, 322, 1998 - Ethnographic Reconstruction from the Material Culture of the Kuril Ainu
Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology, 21, 2, 391, 502, 1997 - Jomon Period--Clay Objects - Taking for Examples the Hollow Animal-shaped Objects
KOSUGI Yasushi, Journal of the Archaeological Society of Nippon, 82, 2, 37, 49, 1996
学術雑誌目次速報データベース由来, Japanese - A Ladle of the Ainu
Material Culture(A Journal of Archaeologico-Folkloric Studies), 61, 18, 45, 1996 - The Establishment of Large Scale Stone Monuments in the Latter Half of the Jomon Period : Genetic Structure and Relational Function of "Funerals-Grave-Mourning Systems"
The Journal of the Historical Association of Meiji University, 93, 101, 149, 1995 - Type and Style ; for Primitive and Ancient Pottery in Japan's Archaeology
The Journal of the Historical Association of Meiji University, 94, 58, 131, 1995 - Imitative Pottery Making as Cultural Institution
Collection of Essays in Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of Society of Archaeological Studies at Hida, 35, 76, 1995 - The Fundamental Data for a Group Identity in the Jomon Period.
The Institute of Humanities, Meiji University, 36, 229, 243, 1994 - A Study of Technical Terms in Archaeology in the Case of Pre-ceramic and Jomon Movable Remains : Is the Turtle-shape Clay Figurine Really a Turtle?
The Journal of Historical Association of Meiji University, 85, 44, 100, 1992 - Possibility of the existence of the class society in J(]E87C7[)mon Period
Quarterly of Archaeological Studies, 37, 4, 97, 121, 1991 - The Stone Tool Industry of the Early Yoriito-mon Phase of the Incipient J(]E87C7[)mon Age at Hikageyama Site
The Report of Archaeological Survey at Shinkoji-Hirobakama Sites, IV, 325, 404, 1989 - The Periodical Subdivisions of Jomon Period and the Dynamics of Jomon Culture
The Journal of Historical Association of Meiji University, 73, 99, 124, 1987
Books and other publications
- In Hokkaido! Getting to know Jomon World Heritage Site, Part 12: Take a footpath at Ofune Site and Kakinoshima Site
Kosugi, Yasushi
北海道開発協会, Jun. 2023, [Single work] - In Hokkaido! Learn about Jomon: Jomon World Heritage Site Part 10: extra edition “What is the name of the ruins?”
Kosugi, Yasushi
北海道開発協会, Apr. 2023, [Single work] - In Hokkaido! Getting to know Jomon World Heritage Site, Part 8: Take a footpath at Washinoki Stone Circle
Kosugi, Yasushi
北海道開発協会, Feb. 2023, [Single work] - In Hokkaido! Getting to know Jomon World Heritage Site, Part 6: Take a footpath at Irie Site and Takasago Burial Site
kosugi, Yasushi
北海道開発協会, Dec. 2022, [Single work] - In Hokkaido! Getting to know Jomon World Heritage Site, Part 4: Take a footpath at Kitakogane Site
Kosugi, Yasushi
北海道開発協会, Oct. 2022, [Single work] - In Hokkaido! Getting to know Jomon World Heritage Site, Part 2: Take a footpath at Kiusu Earthwork Burial Circles
Kosugi, Yasushi
Kosugi, Yasushi, 北海道開発協会, Aug. 2022, [Single work] - In Hokkaido! Getting to know Jomon World Heritage Site, Part 1: An invitation to Jomon sites
Kosugi, Yasushi
北海道開発協会, Jul. 2022, [Single work] - Hokkaido University campus sites XXVIII
Kosugi, Yasushi, Takakura, Jun, Moriya, Toyohito
北海道大学, Mar. 2022, [Editor] - 北大構内の遺跡
小杉 康, 大学埋文における計画調査の意義と次期の課題
北海道大学埋蔵文化財調査センター, 31 Mar. 2021, [Editor] - 北大構内の遺跡ⅩⅩⅥ
北海道大学埋蔵文化財調査センター, 31 Mar. 2020, [Joint editor] - 考古学からみた北大キャンパスの5000年
小杉 康
中西出版株式会社, Jul. 2019, [Joint editor] - 北大構内の遺跡ⅩⅩⅤ
小杉 康
北海道大学埋蔵文化財調査センター, Mar. 2019, [Editor] - 環状列石ってなんだ-御所野遺跡と北海道・北東北の縄文遺跡群
小杉 康, 世界遺産としての縄文文化
新泉社, Mar. 2019, [Joint work] - 北大構内の遺跡ⅩⅩⅣ
小杉 康
北海道大学埋蔵文化財調査センター, Mar. 2018, [Joint editor] - 北大構内の遺跡ⅩⅩⅢ
小杉 康
北海道大学埋蔵文化財調査センター, Mar. 2017, [Editor] - 北大構内の遺跡ⅩⅩⅡ
小杉 康
北海道大学埋蔵文化財調査センター, Mar. 2016, [Editor] - はじめて学ぶ考古学
小杉 康, 第4章・第7章・第8章・第12章
有斐閣, Apr. 2011, [Joint editor] - 縄文のマツリと暮らし
岩波書店, 2003 - 縄文時代の儀礼と祭祀
縄紋の祈り・弥生の心(大阪府立弥生文化博物館刊), 1998
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 世界遺産としての縄文遺跡の価値を考える
小杉 康
八戸市埋蔵文化財センター是川縄文館考古学講座, 07 Dec. 2019, Japanese, Public discourse - キウス周堤墓群と縄文にハマる人々
小杉 康
キウス周堤墓群を守り活かす会講演会, 17 Feb. 2019, Japanese, Public discourse - 北海道の縄文文化―海浜適応と大規模記念物
小杉 康
放送大学公開講座, 16 Nov. 2018, Japanese, Public discourse - 縄文遺跡と世界遺産-北の縄文の実像を探る
小杉 康
苫小牧縄文文化講演会, 25 Nov. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse - 縄文文化研究の現状と北海道
小杉 康
北海道埋蔵文化財センター講演会, 28 Sep. 2016, Japanese, Public discourse - 北の縄文―世界遺産と人類史
小杉 康
札幌国際大学縄文世界遺産研究室講演会, 09 Jul. 2016, Japanese, Public discourse - 石狩紅葉山49号遺跡から縄文世界遺産へのメッセージ
小杉 康
いしかり砂丘の風資料館講演会, 05 Dec. 2015, Japanese, Public discourse
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 環状列石、周堤墓を築く社会
小杉 康
青森県立郷土館 土曜セミナー, 14 Nov. 2015, Japanese, Public discourse
[Domestic Conference] - イルカを狩るムラ・オットセイを狩るムラ-礼文華遺跡と小幌洞窟遺跡-
小杉 康
一般社団法人日本考古学協会第81回(2015年度)総会研究発表, 24 May 2015, Japanese, Poster presentation
[Domestic Conference]
- 北海道虻田郡豊浦町礼文華遺跡の発掘調査
小杉 康, Aug. 2013 - 2015, [Others] - 北海道虻田郡豊浦町小幌洞窟遺跡の発掘調査
小杉 康, Aug. 2006 - Aug. 2012, [Others] - 北海道伊達市有珠6遺跡の発掘調査
小杉 康, Aug. 2000 - Aug. 2005, [Others] - 北海道有珠6遺跡発掘調査
2000 - 2003 - The Excavation of Usu 6 Site in Hokkaido Pref,,Japan
2000 - 2003 - アムール川下流域における先住民社会と交易に関する民族学的調査
1997 - 1999 - The Field Research of Native societies and Trades in the Lower Amur Basin,Russia
1997 - 1999 - 長野県鷹山黒曜石採掘址発掘調査
1991 - 1994 - The Excavation of Takayama J(]E87C7[)mon Site of Obsidian Mine in Nagano Pref. , Japan
1991 - 1994 - 茨城県陣屋敷低湿地遺跡発掘調査
1989 - The Excavation of Jinyashiki Wet Site in Ibaraki Pref.,Japan
1989 - 東京都伊豆諸島大石山遺跡発掘調査
1983 - 1985 - The Excavation of (]E87B3[)ishiyama J(]E87C7[)mon Site in the Izu Islands, Tokyo, Japan
1983 - 1985 - 福井県鳥浜貝塚発掘調査
1980 - 1985 - The Excavation of Torihama J(]E87C7[)mon Shell-Midden in Fukui Pref. , Japan
1980 - 1985
Research Themes
- 縄文文化「続縄文期」における海獣狩猟集落の研究
Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2019
小杉 康
文部科学省, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - Overall study about Kotsuboku and Kiboku in a Kanji cultural sphere
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2018
KONDO Hiroyuki, HOSOI Hiroshi, TSURUNARI Hisaaki
It was investigated, it was considered and a reproduction experiment was made about cauterization method of a scapula of a deer in Kotsuboku骨卜 (Futomani太占) in the Yayoi Era by this research.Investigation objects are Bokukotsu卜骨 of Tottori Aoya青谷 Kamizichi上寺地 remains unearthing,Bokukotsu卜骨 of Nara Karako-Kagi唐古・鍵 remains unearthing and Bokukotsu卜骨 of Nagasaki Ikishima壱岐島 unearthing.We got a clue from the description of "Seibokukou 正卜考 " written by Nobutomo-Ban伴信友.
A way of both of the way to bury a scapula of a deer in earth and the way to put it in water was tried.The way to cauterize the bone by moxa was considered.Using moxa and it was reproduced to choose a scapula of a deer as baking 2or3 points at the same time and control the crack which occurs to a bone.As a result of the reproduction experiment, we got a very similar cauterization scar to a cauterization scar of unearthing Bokukotsu卜骨.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, 15K02970 - Basic Study of Jomon Culture on the Coast of Funkawan (Volcano Bay), Hokkaido
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2017
AONO Tomoya, KOSUGI Yasushi, USUKI Isao, SAKAMOTO Minoru, NIIMI Michiko, SOEDA Yuuji, DODO Yukio, FUJIWARA Hideki, FUKUDA Yuuji, TSUNODA Takashi, KANNO Nobuhiro, NAKAMURA Kentarou, MORO Masashi, YOSHIDA Chikara, MATSUDA Kousuke, TAKAHASHI Tuyoshi, OOYA Sigeyuki, MITANI Tomohiro, WATANABE Tuduri, MIYAJI Tsudumi, CHINO Yoshio, NAGAYA Yukihito
Funka Bay in southern Hokkaido is one of the regions in Japan well known for its abundance of shell mounds, and it has been serving as a center of shell mound study since the 1950s. The results of research over the past six decades and state-of-the-art analyses of findings from recent excavations conducted with new perspectives allow us to reconstruct the past environmental transitions and activities of the people of the region.
This study presents the composition ratios of animal species on a period-to-period basis, based on the data compiled from the archaeological sites in Funka Bay and the analytical results of samples from small-scale excavations of the shell strata of Wakkaoi site, Date City, and Etomo site, Muroran City. This is a detailed model of an environmental transition of the region during the period of climate change including the Jomon transgression and regression.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Date City Institute of Funnkawann Culture, 26284125 - 噴火湾北岸縄文エコミュージアム構想とサテライト形成
Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2011
小杉 康
文部科学省, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 噴火湾岸域における後氷期における自然環境の変化と人類適応
Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2006
文部科学省, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - A General Hypothesis Based on Physical and Chemical Analyses: An Examination of the "Ritual Exchange System of the Early Jomon"
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
1998 - 2001
KOSUGI Yasushi, NAGASHIMA Masaharu
Reconstruction of ceramic assemblage structures, ceramic composition analysis, and the analysis of lacquer-like residues on pottery were conducted in order to test the general hypothesis regarding the ritual exchange of the Early Jomon period in the Kanto to eastern Chubu regions and in the western Chubu to Kansai regions.
Reconstruction of ceramic assemblage structures resulted in the identification of three typical patterns based on the quantities of locally-made deep bowls, locally-produced copies of shallow bowls, and imported deep and shallow bowls. These patterns with approximate percentages are described as follows:
Nakagiri Uwano Pattern: 80% locally-made deep bowls; 10% locally-produced copies of shallow bowls; 10% imported shallow bowls.
Mizukumi Pattern: 70-75% locally-made deep bowls; 20-25% locally-produced copies of shallow bowls; 5% imported shallow bowls.
Ochiai Goro Pattern: 65% locally-made deep bowls; 5% locally-produced copies of shallow bowls; 15% imported shallow bowls; 5% imported deep bowls.
Ceramic composition analysis demonstrated that there is a high probability that imported shallow bowls from sites of the Mizukumi Pattern derived from a specific area. As a result, a hypothesis recognizing the existence of exchange partners can be added to the initial general hypothesis.
The analysis of lacquer-like residues showed that at sites of the Nakagiri Uwano Pattern, there is a high probability that copies of shallow bowls were produced in several areas. The general hypothesis was thus extended to propose a division of labor between primary exchange partners.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, 10610390 - 縄文時代後半期の動物骨及び動物造形を伴う儀礼過程の研究
1994 - 1994
小杉 康
日本学術振興会, 奨励研究(A), 明治大学, 06710236 - Cross Dating of Final Jomon Pottery Complexes
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
1992 - 1993
HAYASHI Kensaku, KOSUGI Yasushi, SHITARA Hiromi, OTSUKA Tatsuro, SUDO Takashi, SUZUKI Kimio
Chronologocal parallels are well-established between the complexes of Obora B_1, B_2(Tohoku) - Angyo 3a(Kanto) - Okyozuka, Obora B-C(Tohoku) - Angyo 3b(Kanto) - Nurudehara=Okyozuka 1,2 - Shinohara 1(Kinki), Obora C_1(Tohoku) - Angyo 3c(Kanto) - Nakaya 1-3(Hokuriku) - Shinohara 3(Kinki). Due to lack of adequate data, parallel of Shigasato 1,2 has been left unestablished. Also, such further details, as the more detailed parallels between Obora B's and subdevisions of Angyo 3a, Obora B-C's and Angyo 3b, is left open to further analysis.
An Unifocal Model has been maitained to explain the interaction between pottery complexes as well as transport of pottery vessels themselves. It is made evident that subsidiary centers in Northern Kanto, and Niigata has playd an vital role in distributing pseudo-Kamegaoka potteries. It is also made clear that Shigasato-like potteries in the Central Highland, the Kanto and the Tohoku are produced not in the Kinki, but in the Tokai. This is further substantiated with the fact that we have encounterd only an exceptional evidence to cross-date the Kamegaoka Pottries and Shigasato Potteries. In other words, it was a very scarce opportunity that long-diatance transport of a pottery vessel, from a classical center to center, would have realized. It should also be mentioned, that the potteries of the Hokuriku origin, lids for example, show much wider distribution than ever estimated. An another new model, a Polyfocal Model, should be generated to explain these situations.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Co-operative Research (A), HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, 04301049 - Ethnology of Native Societies and Trades in North Pacific
Competitive research funding - Study on Material Culture of the Ainu
Competitive research funding - Study on the group relation in Jomon Period
Competitive research funding