河原 純一郎 (カワハラ ジユンイチロウ)

文学研究院 人間科学部門 心理学分野教授
Last Updated :2025/02/13



  • 博士(心理学), 広島大学



  • 30322241


  • 魅力
  • 認知心理学
  • 注意
  • 記憶
  • (衛生)マスク
  • ヒューマンエラー
  • 心的構え
  • 潜在的認知
  • ストレス
  • 認知制御
  • 実験系心理学


  • 人文・社会, 実験心理学, 知覚,認知心理学




  • 2020年04月 - 現在
    北海道大学, 大学院文学研究院, 教授
  • 2015年04月 - 2020年03月
    北海道大学, 大学院文学研究科, 准教授
  • 2012年04月 - 2015年03月
    中京大学, 大学院心理学研究科, 教授
  • 2010年04月 - 2012年03月
    独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, ヒューマンライフテクノロジー研究部門, 主任研究員
  • 2006年04月 - 2010年03月
    独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, 人間福祉医工学研究部門, 主任研究員
  • 2003年04月 - 2006年03月
    広島大学, 大学院教育学研究科, 助教授
  • 2003年08月 - 2004年08月
    ブリティッシュコロンビア大学, 心理学科, 文部科学省在外研究員
  • 1999年10月 - 2003年03月
    広島大学, 大学院教育学研究科, 講師
  • 1998年08月 - 1999年09月
    ブリティッシュコロンビア大学, 心理学科, 視覚研究室博士研究員
  • 1997年 - 1998年
    東京大学, 大学院人文社会系研究科, 博士研究員(日本学術振興会特別研究員)


  • 2021年11月 - 現在
    Japanese Psychological Research Chief Editor
  • 2020年10月 - 現在
    Visual Cognition, Consulting Editor, その他
  • 2018年09月 - 現在
    日本認知心理学会, 理事, 学協会
  • 2017年10月 - 現在
    日本学術会議(2017年から連携会員,2023年10月から会員), その他
  • 2017年06月 - 現在
    日本心理学会, 代議員, 学協会
  • 2014年12月 - 現在
    日本基礎心理学会, 常務理事(2024年12月まで),理事長, 学協会
  • 2011年 - 現在
    Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, Consulting Editor, その他
  • 2011年 - 現在
    Attention and Performance, Advisory Council Member, 学協会
  • 2022年07月 - 2025年03月
    学術システム研究センター, 主任研究員
  • 2015年11月 - 2019年11月
    日本心理学会, 心理学ワールド編集委員会, 学協会
  • 2011年 - 2019年
    心理学研究,Japanese Psychological Research, 編集委員,副編集委員長, 学協会
  • 2016年 - 2018年
    日本ストレス学会, 評議員, 学協会
  • 2013年 - 2017年12月
    The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Associate Editor, その他
  • 2011年 - 2015年
    認知心理学研究(認知心理学会), 編集委員, 学協会



  • 2024年06月, 日本認知心理学会, 日本認知心理学会優秀発表賞(社会的貢献度評価部門)               
  • 2020年11月, 日本基礎心理学会, 2019年度 日本基礎心理学会優秀論文賞               
    Kenji Yamauchi, Ken Kihara, Jun I. Kawahara: Predicting sustained performance over a short time
    Kenji Yamauchi, Ken Kihara, Jun I. Kawahara
  • 2019年05月, 日本認知心理学会, 日本認知心理学会優秀発表賞 新規性部門               
  • 2018年09月, 日本心理学会, 学術大会優秀発表賞               
    伊藤 資浩;山内 健司;河原 純一郎
  • 2018年, 北海道心理学会, 北海道心理学会奨励賞               
  • 2017年09月, 日本心理学会, 優秀論文賞               
    The Sanitary-Mask Effect on Perceived Facial Attractiveness
  • 2016年, 日本心理学会, 学術大会優秀発表賞               
  • 2015年, 日本認知心理学会, 優秀発表賞(発表力評価部門)               
  • 2015年, 日本認知心理学会, 優秀発表賞(総合性評価部門)               
  • 2015年, 日本心理学会, 日本心理学会特別優秀発表賞               
  • 2014年, 日本心理学会, 日本心理学会特別優秀発表賞               
    大杉尚之;河原純一郎, 国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞
  • 2014年, 日本基礎心理学会, 日本基礎心理学会優秀論文賞               
    河原純一郎;佐藤稔久;永井聖剛;熊田 孝恒;相馬優樹;根本英明;西崎友規子
  • 2014年, 第3回印東太郎賞               
    河原純一郎, 出版社・新聞社・財団等の賞
  • 2009年, 日本心理学会, 国際賞奨励賞               
  • 2007年, 日本基礎心理学会, 優秀論文賞               
  • 2007年, 日本認知心理学会第4回大会優秀発表賞 (総合性評価部門)               
  • 2004年, 日本心理学会, 優秀論文賞               
  • 2001年, 日本基礎心理学会優秀発表賞               
  • 1997年, 日本心理学会, 研究奨励賞               


  • Interference from semantically distracting sounds in action scene search
    Tomoki Maezawa, Miho Kiyosawa, Jun I. Kawahara
    Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2025年02月06日
  • Replicating Camera Perspective Bias in the Japanese Justice System
    Tomoyuki Tanda, Makiko Naka, Jun‐Ichiro Kawahara
    Japanese Psychological Research, Wiley, 2024年08月06日, [査読有り], [最終著者]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Abstract

    The camera perspective of recorded video interrogations has been shown to influence judgments concerning confession voluntariness; this is a phenomenon known as camera perspective bias (CPB), originally reported by Lassiter and Irvine (1986). When comparing perspectives where the suspect is visible (suspect‐focused), the detective is visible (detective‐focused), and both are visible (equal‐focused), the perceived voluntariness of a confession was greatest under the suspect‐focused condition and lowest under the detective‐focused condition. However, research conducted under the Japanese recording style by Nakata et al. (2018), using a dual‐presentation format, yielded inconsistent results, possibly because of insufficient statistical power. To address this issue, our study investigated the occurrence of CPB under the Japanese recording style with sufficient power. In Experiment 1, we aimed to replicate Nakata et al.'s (2018) study using the same mock interrogation materials. In Experiment 2, we aimed to replicate the original study conducted under the Japanese recording style. However, we did not find any evidence supporting the presence of CPB. These results suggest that CPB may not be robust, at least under the Japanese recording style.
  • Efficacy of neurofeedback training for improving attentional performance in healthy adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    Ikko Kimura, Hiroki Noyama, Ryoji Onagawa, Mitsuaki Takemi, Rieko Osu, Jun-ichiro Kawahara
    Imaging Neuroscience, 2, 1, 23, MIT Press, 2024年01月05日, [査読有り], [最終著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Abstract

    This systematic review and meta-analysis examined the neurofeedback training (NFT) effects on attentional performance in healthy adults. Six databases were searched until June 2022 to identify parallel randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating attentional improvements after NFT. Risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Collaboration tool. We identified 41 RCTs for qualitative synthesis and 15 RCTs (569 participants) for meta-analysis. The overall NFT effect on attentional performance was significant (standardized mean difference = 0.27, 95% confidence interval = 0.10–0.44). However, no significant pooled effect was found within the trials comparing its effect with sham-NFT (eight RCTs). Additionally, variable effects were observed on individual subsets of attentional performance. Further sham-controlled RCTs are required to validate the improvement of attentional performance with NFT.
  • Effects of wearing an opaque or transparent face mask on the perception of facial expressions: A comparative study between Japanese school-aged children and adults
    Yuki Miyazaki, Miki Kamatani, Shuma Tsurumi, Tomokazu Suda, Kei Wakasugi, Kaori Matsunaga, Jun I Kawahara
    Perception, 3010066231200693, 3010066231200693, 2023年09月20日, [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The negative side effects of mask-wearing on reading facial emotional cues have been investigated in several studies with adults post-2020. However, little is known about children. This study aimed to determine the negative influence of mask-wearing on reading emotions of adult faces by Japanese school-aged children, compared to Japanese adults. We also examined whether this negative influence could be alleviated by using a transparent face mask instead of an opaque one (surgical mask). The performance on reading emotions was measured using emotion categorization and emotion intensity rating tasks for adult faces. As per the findings, the accuracy of emotion recognition in children was impaired for various facial expressions (disgust, fear, happy, neutral, sad, and surprise faces), except for angry faces. Conversely, in adults, it was impaired for a few facial expressions. The perceived intensity for happy faces with a surgical mask was weaker in both children and adults than in those without the mask. A negative influence of wearing surgical masks was generally not observed for faces wearing a transparent mask in both children and adults. Thus, negative side effects of mask-wearing on reading emotions are observed for more facial expressions in children than in adults; transparent masks can help remedy these.
  • Prefrontal GABA and glutamate-glutamine levels affect sustained attention.
    Hirohito M Kondo, Hiroki Terashima, Ken Kihara, Takanori Kochiyama, Yasuhiro Shimada, Jun I Kawahara
    Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 2023年08月10日, [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Attention levels fluctuate during the course of daily activities. However, factors underlying sustained attention are still unknown. We investigated mechanisms of sustained attention using psychological, neuroimaging, and neurochemical approaches. Participants were scanned with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while performing gradual-onset, continuous performance tasks (gradCPTs). In gradCPTs, narrations or visual scenes gradually changed from one to the next. Participants pressed a button for frequent Go trials as quickly as possible and withheld responses to infrequent No-go trials. Performance was better for the visual gradCPT than for the auditory gradCPT, but the 2 were correlated. The dorsal attention network was activated during intermittent responses, regardless of sensory modality. Reaction-time variability of gradCPTs was correlated with signal changes (SCs) in the left fronto-parietal regions. We also used magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to measure levels of glutamate-glutamine (Glx) and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the left prefrontal cortex (PFC). Glx levels were associated with performance under undemanding situations, whereas GABA levels were related to performance under demanding situations. Combined fMRI-MRS results demonstrated that SCs of the left PFC were positively correlated with neurometabolite levels. These findings suggest that a neural balance between excitation and inhibition is involved in attentional fluctuations and brain dynamics.
  • Replication of the bowing effect in a web-based experiment
    Takayuki Osugi, Jun I. Kawahara
    The Japanese journal of psychology, The Japanese Psychological Association, 2023年
  • Occlusion of faces by sanitary masks improves facial attractiveness of other races
    Kamatani, M, Miyazaki, Y, Kawahara, J. I
    Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Frontiers Media SA, 2023年01月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Recent studies provide mixed results regarding whether the perception of facial attractiveness is increased or decreased by partial occlusion with a sanitary mask. One set of studies demonstrated that occluding the bottom half of a face increased facial attractiveness. This effect is thought to occur because the occluded area is interpolated by an average facial representation that is perceived as attractive. However, several groups of studies showed that partial occlusion can increase or decrease perceived attractiveness depending on the attractiveness of the original (unoccluded) face, due to regression to the mean. To reconcile this inconsistency, we propose that the occluded area is interpolated not by an average facial representation, but by a template of moderate attractiveness, shaped by the distribution of each viewer’s experience. This hypothesis predicts an interaction between occlusion and the attractiveness of the original face so that occluded attractive faces are rated as less attractive, while occluded unattractive faces are rated as more attractive. To examine this hypothesis, the present study used attractiveness-rating tasks with mask-free versus masked faces in own-race and other-races categories. Viewers were familiar with own-race faces and unfamiliar with other-races faces. If moderate-attractiveness interpolation were the explanatory factor, the interaction between the occlusion and the attractiveness of the original face should be found only in the rating of own-race faces. Consistent with this hypothesis, the interaction between the occlusion and the attractiveness of the original faces was significant only for the own-race faces. Specifically, wearing a sanitary mask decreased the facial attractiveness of attractive faces in the own-race, while it increased the attractiveness regardless of the level of facial attractiveness in other-races. These findings suggest that the occluded area of own-race faces is interpolated by a facial template of moderate attractiveness. The other-races template could be developed using familiar exemplars such as celebrities. Thus, interpolation by such a template should result in elevated attractiveness relative to that by an own-race template. Accordingly, the apparent inconsistency in the literature regarding the effect of partial occlusion on physical attractiveness can be explained in terms of differences in the template involving interpolation of the occluded area.
  • The Spill‐over Effect of Formal Bowing Motion on Subjective Facial Attractiveness1
    Takayuki Osugi, Jun I. Kawahara
    Japanese Psychological Research, 2023年01月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
  • Attentional biases toward real images and drawings of negative faces
    Tomoyuki Tanda, Kai Toyomori, Jun I. Kawahara
    Acta Psychologica, 229, 103665, 103665, Elsevier BV, 2022年09月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The allocation of attention is affected by internal emotional states, such as anxiety and depression. The attention captured by real images of negative faces can be quantified by emotional probe tasks. The present study investigated whether attentional bias toward drawings of negative faces (line drawings and cartoon faces) differs from that of real faces. Non-clinical university students indicated their levels of anxiety and depression via self -report questionnaires, and completed a probe discrimination task under three face image conditions in a between-participants design. Significant correlations were found between bias scores and scores on the self -reported BDI-II under the real face condition. However, two types of face drawings were only weakly corre-lated with self-report scores. In our probe task to investigate attentional bias to facial stimuli in nonclinical adults, the strength of the relationship between depression and attentional bias to negative face was stronger for real faces than for face drawings.
  • Infants’ anticipatory eye movements: feature-based attention guides infants’ visual attention
    Shuma Tsurumi, So Kanazawa, Masami K. Yamaguchi, Jun I. Kawahara
    Experimental Brain Research, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022年07月29日, [査読有り], [最終著者]
  • Processing symmetry between visual and auditory spatial representations in updating working memory
    Tomoki Maezawa, Jun I Kawahara
    Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 174702182211032, 174702182211032, SAGE Publications, 2022年06月20日, [査読有り], [最終著者]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Updating spatial representations in visual and auditory working memory relies on common processes, and the modalities should compete for attentional resources. If competition occurs, one type of spatial information is presumably weighted over the other, irrespective of sensory modality. This study used incompatible spatial information conveyed from two different cue modalities to examine relative dominance in memory updating. Participants mentally manoeuvred a designated target in a matrix according to visual or auditory stimuli that were presented simultaneously, to identify a terminal location. Prior to the navigation task, the relative perceptual saliences of the visual cues were manipulated to be equal, superior, or inferior to the auditory cues. The results demonstrate that visual and auditory information competed for attentional resources, such that visual/auditory guidance was impaired by incongruent cues delivered from the other modality. Although visual bias was generally observed in working-memory navigation, stimuli of relatively high salience interfered with or facilitated other stimuli regardless of modality, demonstrating the processing symmetry of spatial updating in visual and auditory spatial working memory. Furthermore, this processing symmetry can be identified during the encoding of sensory inputs into working-memory representations. The results imply that auditory spatial updating is comparable to visual spatial updating in that salient stimuli receive a high priority when selecting inputs and are used when tracking spatial representations.
  • The Attractiveness of Masked Faces Is Influenced by Race and Mask Attitudes
    Veronica Dudarev, Miki Kamatani, Yuki Miyazaki, James T. Enns, Jun I. Kawahara
    Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Frontiers Media SA, 2022年05月17日, [査読有り], [最終著者]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), This study tests the influence of wearing a protective face mask on the perceived attractiveness of the wearer. Participants who identified as White, and who varied in their ideological stance toward mask wearing, rated the attractiveness of facial photographs. The photos varied in baseline attractiveness (low, medium, and high), race (White and Asian), and whether or not the face was wearing a protective mask. Attitudes regarding protective masks were measured after the rating task using a survey to identify participants as either pro- or anti-mask. The results showed that masked individuals of the same race were generally rated as more attractive than unmasked individuals, but that masked individuals of another race were rated as less attractive than unmasked individuals. Moreover, pro-mask participants rated masked individuals as generally more attractive than unmasked individuals, whereas anti-maskers rated masked individuals as less attractive. A control experiment, replicating the procedure but replacing the protective masks with a partially occluding notebook, showed that these effects were mask-specific. These results demonstrate that perceived attractiveness is affected by characteristics of the viewer (attitudes toward protective masks), their relationship to the target (same or different race), and by circumstances external to both (pandemic).
  • Effects of wearing a transparent face mask on perception of facial expressions
    Yuki Miyazaki, Miki Kamatani, Tomokazu Suda, Kei Wakasugi, Kaori Matsunaga, Jun I. Kawahara
    i-Perception, 13, 3, 204166952211059, 204166952211059, {SAGE} Publications, 2022年05月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Wearing face masks in public has become the norm in many countries post-2020. Although mask-wearing is effective in controlling infection, it has the negative side effect of occluding the mask wearer’s facial expressions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of wearing transparent masks on the perception of facial expressions. Participants were required to categorize the perceived facial emotion of female (Experiment 1) and male (Experiment 2) faces with different facial expressions and to rate the perceived emotion intensity of the faces. Based on the group, the participants were assigned to, the faces were presented with a surgical mask, a transparent mask, or without a mask. The results showed that wearing a surgical mask impaired the performance of reading facial expressions, both with respect to recognition and perceived intensity of facial emotions. Specifically, the impairments were robustly observed in fear and happy faces for emotion recognition, and in happy faces for perceived intensity of emotion in Experiments 1 and 2. However, the impairments were moderated by wearing a transparent mask instead of a surgical mask. During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the transparent mask can be used in a range of situations where face-to-face communication is important.
  • Development of upper visual field bias for faces in infants
    Shuma Tsurumi, So Kanazawa, Masami K. Yamaguchi, Jun‐ichiro Kawahara
    Developmental Science, Wiley, 2022年04月06日, [査読有り], [最終著者]
  • Dynamic Transitions Between Brain States Predict Auditory Attentional Fluctuations
    Hirohito M. Kondo, Hiroki Terashima, Takahiro Ezaki, Takanori Kochiyama, Ken Kihara, Jun I. Kawahara
    Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 816735, 816735, Frontiers Media SA, 2022年03月18日, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Achievement of task performance is required to maintain a constant level of attention. Attentional level fluctuates over the course of daily activities. However, brain dynamics leading to attentional fluctuation are still unknown. We investigated the underlying mechanisms of sustained attention using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Participants were scanned with fMRI while performing an auditory, gradual-onset, continuous performance task (gradCPT). In this task, narrations gradually changed from one to the next. Participants pressed a button for frequent Go trials (i.e., male voices) as quickly as possible and withheld responses to infrequent No-go trials (i.e., female voices). Event-related analysis revealed that frontal and temporal areas, including the auditory cortex, were activated during successful and unsuccessful inhibition of predominant responses. Reaction-time (RT) variability throughout the auditory gradCPT was positively correlated with signal changes in regions of the dorsal attention network: superior frontal gyrus and superior parietal lobule. Energy landscape analysis showed that task-related activations could be clustered into different attractors: regions of the dorsal attention network and default mode network. The number of alternations between RT-stable and erratic periods increased with an increase in transitions between attractors in the brain. Therefore, we conclude that dynamic transitions between brain states are closely linked to auditory attentional fluctuations.
  • Auditory enhancement of visual searches for event scenes
    Tomoki Maezawa, Miho Kiyosawa, Jun I. Kawahara
    Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022年02月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
  • A label indicating an old year of establishment improves evaluations of restaurants and shops serving traditional foods
    Tomoki Maezawa, Jun I. Kawahara
    PLOS ONE, 16, 11, e0259063, e0259063, Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2021年11月10日, [査読有り]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), This study examined whether the presence of product information focused on a past era (e.g., year of establishment) improved consumers’ evaluations of a shop serving traditional products when the label and shop were congruent in terms of temporal focus. Across five experiments, participants viewed and evaluated advertisements from traditional food restaurants and shops that showed an old year of establishment. They showed favorable evaluations of the restaurants and food shops more frequently when a label focused on the past was displayed than when the label was absent or when a label focused on the present was displayed. Subsequent experiments indicated that this labeling effect was strongest when the label and shop were consistent in terms of traditional culture such that the year of establishment on the label showed the Japanese era name (Japan’s traditional date format) and was accompanied by Japanese classic foods. Importantly, in this study, qualitative domains were consistently improved more often than were ratings of visit intention and expected taste. The results suggest that temporal congruence between the label and restaurants rated plays an essential role in ensuring that these advertisements are effective in improving positive evaluations.
  • Wearing a mint-scented face mask reduces appetite
    Yuki Miyazaki, Jun Kawahara
    Center for Open Science, 2021年10月06日
  • Beat Patterns Determine Inter-Hand Differences in Synchronization Error in a Bimanual Coordination Tapping Task
    Yuka Saito, Tomoki Maezawa, Jun I. Kawahara
    i-Perception, 12, 5, 204166952110538, 204166952110538, SAGE Publications, 2021年09月
    研究論文(学術雑誌), A previous study reported the unique finding that people tapping a beat pattern with the right hand produce larger negative synchronization error than when tapping with the left hand or other effectors, in contrast to previous studies that have shown that the hands tap patterns simultaneously without any synchronization errors. We examined whether the inter-hand difference in synchronization error occurred due to handedness or to a specificity of the beat pattern employed in that study. Two experiments manipulated the hand–beat assignments. A comparison between the identical beat to the pacing signal and a beat with a longer interval excluded the handedness hypothesis and demonstrated that beat patterns with relatively shorter intervals were tapped earlier (Experiment 1). These synchronization errors were not local but occurred consistently throughout the beat patterns. Experiment 2 excluded alternative explanations. These results indicate that the apparent inconsistency in previous studies was due to the specificity of the beat patterns, suggesting that a beat pattern with a relatively shorter interval between hands is tapped earlier than beats with longer intervals. Our finding that the bimanual tapping of different beat patterns produced different synchronization errors suggests that the notion of a central timing system may need to be revised.
  • Attentional blink in preverbal infants
    Tsurumi, S, Kanazawa, S, Yamaguchi, M. K, Kawahara, J. I
    Cognition, 214, 104749, 104749, Elsevier BV, 2021年09月, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Primary cognitive processes, such as spatial attention, are essential to our higher cognitive abilities and develop dramatically in the first year of life. The spatial aspect of infants' working memory is equivalent to that of adults. However, it is unclear whether this is true for the temporal domain. Thus, we investigated the temporal aspect of infants' working memory using an attentionally demanding task by focusing on the attentional blink effect, in which the identification of the second of the two brief targets is impaired when inter-target lags are short. We argue that finding a similar pattern of the attentional blink in preverbal infants and adults indicates that infants can complete the consolidation of the first target into working memory at a similar temporal scale as adults. In this experiment, we presented 7- to 8-month-old infants with rapid serial visual streams at a rate of 100 ms/item, including two female faces as targets, and examined whether they could identify the targets by measuring their preference to novel faces compared to targets. The temporal separation between the two targets was 200 or 800 ms. We found that the infants could identify both targets under the longer lag, but they failed to identify the second target under the shorter lag. The adult experiment using the same temporal separation as in the infant experiment revealed the attentional blink effect. These results suggest that 7- to 8-month-old infants can consolidate two items into working memory by 800 ms but not by 200 ms.
  • COVID-19流行が黒色衛生マスク着用者への顕在的・潜在的態度に及ぼす影響
    鎌谷 美希, 伊藤 資浩, 宮﨑由樹, 河原純一郎
    心理学研究, 92, 5, 350, 359, The Japanese Psychological Association, 2021年07月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
  • Effects of Masks Worn to Protect Against COVID-19 on the Perception of Facial Attractiveness
    Miki Kamatani, Motohiro Ito, Yuki Miyazaki, Jun I. Kawahara
    i-Perception, 2021年05月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
  • Commonalities of visual and auditory working memory in a spatial-updating task
    Tomoki Maezawa, Jun I. Kawahara
    Memory & Cognition, 49, 6, 1172, 1187, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021年02月22日, [査読有り], [最終著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Although visual and auditory inputs are initially processed in separate perception systems, studies have built on the idea that to maintain spatial information these modalities share a component of working memory. The present study used working memory navigation tasks to examine functional similarities and dissimilarities in the performance of updating tasks. Participants mentally updated the spatial location of a target in a virtual array in response to sequential pictorial and sonant directional cues before identifying the target's final location. We predicted that if working memory representations are modality-specific, mixed-modality cues would demonstrate a cost of modality switching relative to unimodal cues. The results indicate that updating performance using visual unimodal cues positively correlated with that using auditory unimodal cues. Task performance using unimodal cues was comparable to that using mixed modality cues. The results of a subsequent experiment involving updating of target traces were consistent with those of the preceding experiments and support the view of modality-nonspecific memory.
  • The influence of social anxiety, trait anxiety, and perceived vulnerability to disease on the frequency of face mask wearing
    Yuki Miyazaki, Miki Kamatani, Jun I. Kawahara
    The Japanese journal of psychology, 92, 5, 339, 349, The Japanese Psychological Association, 2021年
  • Inhibitory template for visual marking with endogenous spatial cueing
    Kenji Yamauchi, Jun I. Kawahara
    Visual Cognition, 28, 10, 581, 604, Informa {UK} Limited, 2020年11月25日, [査読有り], [最終著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 顔面下部のサイズ情報が顔の見かけの大きさに強く影響する               
    宮崎由樹, 伊藤資浩, 神山龍一, 柴田彰, 河原純一郎
    人間工学, 56, 6, 222, 230, 2020年11月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
  • Common principles underlie the fluctuation of auditory and visual sustained attention
    Hiroki Terashima, Ken Kihara, Jun Kawahara, Hirohito M Kondo
    Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74, 4, 174702182097225, 174702182097225, SAGE Publications, 2020年10月26日, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Sustained attention plays an important role in adaptive behaviours in everyday activities. As previous studies have mostly focused on vision, and attentional resources have been thought to be specific to sensory modalities, it is still unclear how mechanisms of attentional fluctuations overlap between visual and auditory modalities. To reduce the effects of sudden stimulus onsets, we developed a new gradual-onset continuous performance task (gradCPT) in the auditory domain and compared dynamic fluctuation of sustained attention in vision and audition. In the auditory gradCPT, participants were instructed to listen to a stream of narrations and judge the gender of each narration. In the visual gradCPT, they were asked to observe a stream of scenery images and indicate whether the scene was a city or mountain. Our within-individual comparison revealed that auditory and visual attention are similar in terms of the false alarm rate and dynamic properties including fluctuation frequency. Absolute time scales of the fluctuation in the two modalities were comparable, notwithstanding the difference in stimulus onset asynchrony. The results suggest that fluctuations of visual and auditory attention are underpinned by common principles and support models with a more central, modality-general controller.
  • Search and concealment strategies in the spatiotemporal domain
    Motohiro Ito, Jun-ichiro Kawahara
    Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 5, 2393, 2414, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020年07月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
  • Replicability of the curvature effect as a function of presentation time and response measure in Japanese observers
    Maezawa, T., Kawahara, J.
    i-Perception, 11, 2, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2020年03月, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    エウェ語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Although objects with curved contours are generally preferred over those with sharp-angled contours, the strength of this preference varies according to several factors. In the present study, non-Western Japanese observers viewed and rated their preferences (e.g., liking or attractiveness) for real and meaningless objects with curved or sharp-angled contours. We varied the presentation time (90 ms vs. until a response was received) and the response measure (like/dislike vs. 1-100 rating scale). When using like/dislike ratings, a preference for curved objects was found only when images of real objects were presented briefly (90 ms), whereas this effect was reversed (i.e., increased preference for sharp-angled contours) when using the 1 to 100 scale under the until-response condition. In addition, the curvature effect was not observed for real objects when the like/dislike rating and the until-response condition were employed or when the 1 to 100 scale and 90 ms presentation time were used. The curvature effect for meaningless objects remained unstable regardless of presentation time or response measure. Similar to the preference for real objects, a preference for sharp-angled objects was observed when preference was measured using a 1 to 100 rating scale. Taken together, the present findings indicate that the preferences for curved objects were situation-dependent in Japanese observers.
  • An object-based template for rejection effect
    Tomoyuki Tanda, Jun Kawahara
    Visual Cognition, 2020年02月10日, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • お辞儀と顔の外見的特徴が主観的魅力に及ぼす影響               
    大杉尚之, 河原純一郎
    認知心理学研究, 17, 2, 69, 77, 2020年02月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 衛生マスクへの着香が花粉症の不快感低減に及ぼす効果とその時間的推移               
    前澤知輝, 宮崎由樹, 松長芳織, 柴田彰, 河原純一郎
    人間工学, 2020年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Distance estimation by blindfolded sighted participants using echolocation               
    Maezawa, T, Kawahara, J
    Perception, 2019年10月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Auditory perceived distance can be distorted in one’s internal representation. Thus, the present study examined whether blindfolded sighted participants could reduce the bias and preserve estimated distance for 5–15 s using echolocation. The participants performed a delayed reproduction task that consisted of testing sessions on two separate days in which the target distance was manipulated from 20–50 cm. Participants were blindfolded and asked to reproduce the distance of a target after a temporal delay of several seconds using click bursts produced by a loudspeaker. The testing session was preceded by a practice session that included training and feedback. The relationship between estimated and actual distances was approximated based on a power function and the over- and underestimation of the target distance on each test day. Although participants showed systematic bias in distance estimation on both days, participants changed their bias in the second session by shifting reproduced locations closer to their bodies, the accuracy and consistency of their responses improved across the two days. Neither accuracy nor consistency were affected by the retention intervals. These enhancements of performance might be due to improved hearing ability and/or calibration of internal spatial references through a practice session.
  • The effect of cue lead time on the template for rejection
    Tanda, T, Kawahara, J
    Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 81, 6, 1880, 1889, SPRINGER, 2019年08月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The human visual system can actively prioritize task-relevant features to search for a target. Recent studies have reported cases in which the system may suppress irrelevant features by using a template for rejection. However, in those studies, the templates used for rejection were limited to the color domain, and they have yielded mixed results. Our literature review identified three differences among studies that may be responsible for such mixed results: differences in the spatial segmentation of items (i.e., segregated or intermixed across the display), differences in how features are defined and reported (i.e., combined or separate), and differences in cue lead times (short or long). Participants searched for a target-line segment in a shape and identified its orientation from among non-target line-shaped compound shapes that were preceded by one of three cue displays. Positive cues indicated that the target segment would appear in a shape, and negative cues that it would not appear in a shape. Neutral cues indicated that a particular shape would not appear in the current search display. The results demonstrated that reaction times were faster under the negative-cue condition than the neutral-cue condition, reflecting the effect of a shape-based template for rejection (Experiment 1). Experiment 2 replicated the absence of the effect in the shape domain. Experiment 3 indicated that the template-for-rejection effect occurred only when the cue lead time was relatively long, suggesting that time is required (approximately 2,400 ms or longer) for the visual system to form rejection templates. Experiment 4 excluded the possibility that a confound in the target-defining/reporting feature was involved. These results indicated that apparent inconsistencies in research on the template-for-rejection effect can be explained in terms of the time required for templates to be configured.
  • Effects of visual working memory on individual differences in echolocation performance in sighted participants
    Maezawa, T, Kawahara, J
    i-Perception, 10, 4, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2019年07月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Echolocation performance differs widely among individuals. This study examined a possible factor that may explain this variation, namely, visual working memory, which is a subcomponent of spatial working memory. Sighted participants performed an object-detection task consisting of initial testing on 2 separate days (up to 8 days apart) with follow-up testing on a third day (up to 1 month after the second day of testing) while manipulating the target distance from 20 to 50 cm. Participants performed two types of visual spatial working memory tasks, one of which required them to memorize color-location combinations and the other, an imaginary pathway. The participants' performance on the object-detection task generally improved in the first 2 days, but there were substantial individual differences in detection ability. A positive correlation was observed between performance on these tasks and visual working memory capacity, except on the second day, after detection ability had improved. These findings suggest that factors contributing to echolocation skill are related to nonauditory factors in a sighted group.
  • The effects of visual impediment on the approaching behavior of harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoena
    Maezawa, T, Matsuishi, T, Ito, K, Kaji, S, Tsunokawa, M, Kawahara, J
    Mammal Study, 44, 3, 205, 213, MAMMALOGICAL SOC JAPAN, 2019年07月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Studies on odontocetes (e.g., porpoises) have revealed that these animals may adaptively use vision. The present study examined the contributions of vision to the approaching behavior of the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). When a porpoise approached a target, the time-to-contact perceived by the animal and its trajectory with a visual impediment condition were compared with those in the control (no impediment) condition. The results suggested that approaching behavior to a stationary target was guided by the animal's evaluation of time-to-contact (tau), maintaining the time derivative of tau ((tau) Over dot) at a constant value. A porpoise with visual deprivation exhibited grater (tau) Over dot) value and a longer evaluation time before contact than a porpoise that was not blindfolded in the task of reaching for the target. Furthermore, the porpoise with a visual impediment changed its swimming trajectory toward a target less than the control, which appeared to adaptively adjust its approaching trajectory. These findings imply that the use of vision aided echolocation and enables precise control and alteration of the trajectory during the approach. The present study has implications for adaptive use of vision during approaching behavior in the harbor porpoise.
  • Rapid identification of the face in infants
    Tsurumi, S, Kanazawa, S, Yamaguchi, M, Kawahara, J
    Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 186, 45, 58, 2019年06月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • ウェットティッシュの取り出しやすさが製品の印象や製品選択に及ぼす影響               
    宮崎由樹, 神山龍一, 三宅大輔, 河原純一郎
    人間工学, 2019年05月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Predicting sustained performance over a short time
    Yamauchi, K, Kawahara, J
    Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 2019年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • A singleton distractor updates the inhibitory template for visual marking
    Yamauchi, K., Kawahara, J.I.
    Acta Psychologica, 192, 200, 211, 2019年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Measurement of Mood States Following Light Alcohol Consumption: Evidence from the Implicit Association Test
    Motohiro Ito, Naoyuki Matsuzaki, Jun Kawahara
    Behavioral Sciences, 8, 9, 79, 79, {MDPI} {AG}, 2018年09月03日, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Effects of Head Nodding and Shaking Motions on Perceptions of Likeability and Approachability
    Takayuki Osugi, Jun I. Kawahara
    Perception, 47, 1, 16, 29, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2018年01月01日, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), It has been demonstrated that bowing motion of computer-generated female three-dimensional figures enhanced perceived attractiveness. Given that nodding and shaking head motions are used as communicative signals, such as signals of approval (and denial), these motions could be expected to modulate perceived trait impressions of model faces. We used movie clips of the nodding and shaking head motions of computer-generated figures and examined the modulation effects of these motions on perceived trait impressions (i.e., attractiveness, likability, and approachability). The results showed that the nodding head motion significantly increased ratings of subjective likability and approachability relative to those of the shaking or control conditions, whereas the shaking motion did not influence the ratings. Furthermore, it was shown that a nodding head motion of the computer-generated models primarily increased likability attributable to personality traits, rather than to physical appearance. We concluded that head nodding motion is treated as information regarding approach-related motivations and enhances perceived likeability.
  • Sex differences in temporal but not spatial attentional capture
    Inukai, T., Kawahara, J.I.
    Frontiers in Psychology, 9, OCT, 2018年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 黒色の衛生マスクの着用が印象と魅力の知覚に及ぼす影響
    伊藤資浩, 河原純一郎
    北海道心理学研究, 2018年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • The effect of participants’ stress manipulation on experimenters’ mood states
    Sato, H, Kawahara, J
    Psychology, 8, 1229, 1237, 2017年08月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Effect of the Presence of a Mobile Phone during a Spatial Visual Search
    Motohiro Ito, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara
    JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 59, 2, 188, 198, WILEY, 2017年04月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Recent studies suggest that the "mere presence" of a mobile phone impairs social interactions and neuropsychological test performance. The present study examined whether the presence of a mobile phone causes spatial bias toward the device during a visual search task. Participants identified a target among spatially distributed non-targets. We manipulated three factors: device presence (mobile phone or notepad), target congruency (congruent or incongruent), and attentional load (set size 8 or 24). A mobile phone (or a notepad in the control condition) was placed on the left side of the computer screen. Participants also completed a questionnaire to measure Internet usage and attachment. Participants with high scores on the questionnaire rapidly identified the target at the congruent (same side as the phone) location, but the mere presence effect did not occur in this condition. In contrast, participants with low scores on the questionnaire demonstrated the mere presence effect, but no spatial bias was observed. These results suggest that the mere presence effect can be modulated by individual differences in the degree to which a device is appealing.
  • Attention capture without awareness in a non-spatial selection task
    Chris Oriet, Mamata Pandey, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Distractors presented prior to a critical target in a rapid sequence of visually-presented items induce a lag-dependent deficit in target identification, particularly when the distractor shares a task-relevant feature of the target. Presumably, such capture of central attention is important for bringing a target into awareness. The results of the present investigation suggest that greater capture of attention by a distractor is not accompanied by greater awareness of it. Moreover, awareness tends to be limited to superficial characteristics of the target such as colour. The findings are interpreted within the context of a model that assumes sudden increases in arousal trigger selection of information for consolidation in working memory. In this conceptualization, prolonged analysis of distractor items sharing task-relevant features leads to larger target identification deficits (i.e., greater capture) but no increase in awareness. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Auditory and visual scene analysis: an overview
    Hirohito M. Kondo, Anouk M. van Loon, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara, Brian C. J. Moore
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We perceive the world as stable and composed of discrete objects even though auditory and visual inputs are often ambiguous owing to spatial and temporal occluders and changes in the conditions of observation. This raises important questions regarding where and how 'scene analysis' is performed in the brain. Recent advances from both auditory and visual research suggest that the brain does not simply process the incoming scene properties. Rather, top-down processes such as attention, expectations and prior knowledge facilitate scene perception. Thus, scene analysis is linked not only with the extraction of stimulus features and formation and selection of perceptual objects, but also with selective attention, perceptual binding and awareness. This special issue covers novel advances in scene-analysis research obtained using a combination of psychophysics, computational modelling, neuroimaging and neurophysiology, and presents new empirical and theoretical approaches. For integrative understanding of scene analysis beyond and across sensory modalities, we provide a collection of 15 articles that enable comparison and integration of recent findings in auditory and visual scene analysis.
    This article is part of the themed issue 'Auditory and visual scene analysis'.
  • Multiple attentional sets while monitoring rapid serial visual presentations
    Jun I. Kawahara, Takatsune Kumada
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The present study examined whether observers are able to establish multiple attentional sets to concurrently monitor two different spatial locations. Observers identified a target letter in red or cyan among nontarget letters of other heterogeneous colours during a temporal feature search. A peripheral distractor display consisted of one item of either the same colour as the current target, and the other potential target colour, or an irrelevant colour that could never be the target. They identified an odd-ball colour letter among homogenous colours during a singleton search. The results revealed that observers maintained multiple attentional sets for detecting two singletons or for targets involving two (or three) features. However, they were unable to maintain a mixture of sets. Moreover, exposure to a distractor containing feature that corresponded to a feature of the current target was advantageous for target identification. The presence or absence of this set-specific capture depended on top-down knowledge and did not occur automatically in the singleton-detection stream. These results demonstrate a limitation in the flexibility of attentional sets. Although two singleton detections were possible, multiple attentional templates for a more complex attentional set could not be maintained concurrently when monitoring multiple rapid serial visual presentations.
  • Differential Contributions of GABA Concentration in Frontal and Parietal Regions to Individual Differences in Attentional Blink
    Ken Kihara, Hirohito M. Kondo, Jun I. Kawahara
    JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 36, 34, 8895, 8901, SOC NEUROSCIENCE, 2016年08月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Selective attention plays an important role in identifying transient objects in a complex visual scene. Attentional control ability varies with observers. However, it is unclear what neural mechanisms are responsible for individual differences in attentional control ability. The present study used the following attentional blink paradigm: when two targets are to be identified in rapid serial visual presentation, the processing of the first target interrupts the identification of the second one appearing within 500 ms after the first-target onset. It has been assumed that the reduction of the second-target accuracy is mainly due to a transient inhibition of attentional reorienting from the first to the second target, which is modulated by the GABA system. Using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, we investigated whether individual variation of attentional blink magnitude is associated with GABA concentrations in the left prefrontal cortex (PFC), right posterior-parietal cortex (PPC), and visual cortex (VC) of humans. GABA concentrations in the PFC were related negatively to attentional blink magnitude and positively to the first-target accuracy. GABA concentrations in the PPC were positively correlated with attentional blink magnitude. However, GABA concentrations in the VC did not contribute to attentional blink magnitude and first-target accuracy. Our results suggest that frontoparietal inhibitory mechanisms are closely linked with individual differences in attentional processing and that functional roles of the GABAergic system in selective attention differ between the PFC and PPC.
  • The Sanitary-Mask Effect on Perceived Facial Attractiveness
    Yuki Miyazaki, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara
    JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 58, 3, 261, 272, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2016年07月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Currently, some Japanese women use a sanitary mask to hide their faces when not wearing makeup, perhaps because they believe that they are more attractive (or less ugly) when wearing a sanitary mask than when not wearing makeup. The present study examined the effect of wearing a sanitary mask on the perception of facial attractiveness. We manipulated the presence or absence of a mask in the main experiments or an occluder (e.g., notebook) in control experiments and asked participants to rate facial images. The results revealed that attractive faces wearing a sanitary mask were perceived as less attractive than the same faces without the mask, contrary to Japanese women's belief. This is the first study to demonstrate a new phenomenon, the sanitary-mask effect, in which observers underestimate the physical attractiveness of a mask-wearing face. Importantly, the pattern of the results of perceived attractiveness was substantially altered when a control object occluded the faces. This suggests that facial occlusion by a sanitary mask has a unique effect, due to occlusion and unhealthiness priming.
  • Attentional capture during attentional awakening
    Tomoe Inukai, Tomonari Shimomura, Jun I. Kawahara
    ATTENTION PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 78, 1, 159, 167, SPRINGER, 2016年01月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We investigated whether attentional set is available at the beginning of a trial or whether it develops gradually within a trial. Thus, we manipulated the time from the onset of a trial to a target and observers' search strategy. We also observed the effect of the presence or absence of distractors as an index of the temporal development of attentional set. Participants identified a target letter embedded in a stream of rapidly presented nontargets while ignoring peripheral distractors. Baseline accuracy when no peripheral distractor was presented increased as the target appeared later in the stream, suggesting attentional awakening. Identification accuracy was impaired by the presence of peripheral distractors (i.e., attentional capture) early in the stream only when observers adopted the feature search mode. The magnitude of attentional capture increased over the course of the first 1, 000 ms of a trial under the singleton detection and feature search modes. These results suggest that singleton detection mode requires time for a bottom-up signal to be effective in capturing attention, whereas the feature search mode does not require such a warm-up period to be effective and is available from the beginning of viewing the stream.
  • Contingent attentional capture across multiple feature dimensions in a temporal search task
    Motohiro Ito, Jun I. Kawahara
    ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA, 163, 107, 113, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2016年01月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The present study examined whether attention can be flexibly controlled to monitor two different feature dimensions (shape and color) in a temporal search task. Specifically, we investigated the occurrence of contingent attentional capture (i.e., interference from task-relevant distractors) and resulting set reconfiguration (i.e., enhancement of single task-relevant set). If observers can restrict searches to a specific value for each relevant feature dimension independently, the capture and reconfiguration effect should only occur when the single relevant distractor in each dimension appears. Participants identified a target letter surrounded by a non-green square or a non-square green frame. The results revealed contingent attentional capture, as target identification accuracy was lower when the distractor contained a target-defining feature than when it contained a nontarget feature. Resulting set reconfiguration was also obtained in that accuracy was superior when the current target's feature (e.g., shape) corresponded to the defining feature of the present distractor (shape) than when the current target's feature did not match the distractor's feature (color). This enhancement was not due to perceptual priming. The present study demonstrated that the principles of contingent attentional capture and resulting set reconfiguration held even when multiple target feature dimensions were monitored. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Attentional capture by completely task-irrelevant faces
    Shiori Sato, Jun I. Kawahara
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The present study investigated whether faces capture attention regardless of attentional set. The presentation of a face as a distractor during a visual search has been shown to impair performance relative to when the face was absent, implying that faces automatically attract attention. If attentional control is contingent on the observer's current goal, faces should not capture attention when they are irrelevant to the observer's attentional set. Previous studies demonstrating face-induced attentional capture used faces that were relevant to the task. Thus, a task in which faces were completely irrelevant to the observer's set was created. Participants identified a target letter among heterogeneously colored non-targets while ignoring a peripheral facial image that appeared as a brief distractor. No face-specific capture was observed when the target-distractor stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) was long (Experiment 1). When the SOA was shortened, attentional capture by irrelevant faces was observed (Experiment 2). Experiment 3 extended this finding to all conditions, regardless of the attractiveness of faces. No such capture effect was found in Experiment 4 with inverted-face distractors. These results indicate that completely task-irrelevant faces break through top-down attentional set given a brief distractor-target SOA.
  • Effects of bowing on perception of attractiveness
    Takayuki Osugi, Jun I. Kawahara
    ATTENTION PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 77, 5, 1697, 1714, SPRINGER, 2015年07月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Bowing is a greeting behavior. The present study examined the modulation effect of bowing on perception of attractiveness. In each trial, a portrait digitized from university yearbooks was presented on a computer screen. The portrait was mildly tilted toward participants to simulate a greeting bow (25-degree angle). Participants evaluated the subjective attractiveness of the face using a visual analog scale (0-100). The mean attractiveness judgment of the bowing portrait was significantly higher relative to that of the bending-backward or standing-still control conditions (Experiment 1). Additional control experiments revealed that alternative accounts relying on apparent spatial proximity and physical characteristics could not solely explain the effect of bowing (Experiment 2) and indicated that the effect was specific to objects perceived as faces (Experiment 3). Furthermore, observers' in-return bowing behavior did not reduce the bowing effect (Experiment 4), and bowing motion increased the ratings of subjective politeness and submissiveness (Experiment 5). Finally, tilting the 3D faces elicited the same effect from observers as did tilting the still photos (Experiment 6). These results suggest that a tilting motion of portraits (or images of face-like objects) mimicking bowing enhances perceived attractiveness, at least as measured in a culture familiar with greeting by bowing.
  • Pupillometric evidence for the locus coeruleus-noradrenaline system facilitating attentional processing of action-triggered visual stimuli
    Ken Kihara, Tatsuto Takeuchi, Sanae Yoshimoto, Hirohito M. Kondo, Jun I. Kawahara
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), It has been argued that attentional processing of visual stimuli is facilitated by a voluntary action that triggers the stimulus onset. However, the relationship between actioninduced facilitation of attention and the neural substrates has not been well established. The present study investigated whether the locus coeruleus-noradrenaline (LC-NA) system is involved in this facilitation effect. A rapid serial visual presentation paradigm was used to assess the dynamics of transient attention in humans. Participants were instructed to change a digit stream to a letter stream by pressing a button and specifying successive targets of four letters. Pupil dilation was measured as an index of LC-NA function. Accuracy of target identification was better when the temporal delay between participants' key press and target onset was 800 ms than when targets appeared just after the key press or when targets appeared without key press. Accuracy of target identification was positively correlated with both the peak amplitude of pupil dilation and the pupil size at the time of the key press. These results indicate that target identification in the visual task is closely linked to pupil dilation. We conclude that the LC-NA system plays an important role in the facilitation of transient attention driven by voluntary action.
  • Word attribute effects on and error analysis of spelling of Kanji words in normal Japanese adults
    Noriko Akashi, Ami Sambai, Akira Uno, Junichiro Kawahara, Max Coltheart
    Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 55, 2, 162, 166, Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 2014年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We investigated word attribute effects on and characteristics of errors in spelling to dictation of two-character Japanese Kanji words in 48 Japanese normal adults. Frequency, imageability, and spelling consistency significantly affected spelling accuracy and latency. The frequency and imageability effects are taken to reflect lexical processing, and the spelling consistency effect is taken to reflect sub-lexical processing. These results suggest that both lexical and sub-lexical processing occur during spelling to dictation of Kanji words. Spelling duration was affected by frequency and number of strokes. The spelling errors were mainly classified into three types: one-character correct responses, phonologically plausible errors, and non-responses. This outcome suggests that phonologically plausible errors result from sub-lexical processing for spelling inconsistent words.
  • グループ全体としての顔魅力知覚
    鑓水秀和, 河原純一郎
    認知科学, 21, 314, 324, 2014年, [査読有り]
  • 成人の漢字単語書き取りにおける単語属性効果および誤反応特徴               
    明石法子, 三盃亜美, 宇野彰, 河原純一郎, Cortheart, M
    音声言語医学, 55, 162-166, 2014年, [査読有り]
  • 大きいモノは強く叩く-オブジェクトの大きさに関する概念的知識と反応出力強度との適合性-
    永井 聖剛, 山田 陽平, 河原 純一郎
    日本心理学会大会発表論文集, 77, 2PM-024, 2PM-024, 公益社団法人 日本心理学会, 2013年09月19日
  • The role of cognitive functions in merging manoeuvres during simulated highway driving.
    Kawahara, J, Sato, T, Nagai, M, Kumada, T, Soma, Y, Nemoto, H, Nishizaki, Y
    Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science., 32, 1, 14-28, 28, 日本基礎心理学会, 2013年09月
    英語, The present study examined a model of the role of cognitive functions related to attention and decision making in merging manoeuvres during simulated highway driving. To test this model, we screened participants who scored high or low on two sets of tasks that were assumed to represent attentional function and decisiveness. We then conducted a driving simulation experiment in which attentional function and decisiveness were between-subject factors and task difficulty was varied as a within-subject factor. The results indicated that the attentional function was the primarily determinant of the swiftness and success of merging. The role of decisiveness was confined primarily to the activation of the turn signal. Thus, the present experiment suggests that attention is the cognitive function that determines performance during merging behaviour in the setting under examination. Exploratory multivariate analyses confirmed the measureable behaviour obtained from the simulation. The present results provided information about the cognitive functions for merging behaviour that may be useful to the automobile industry.
  • The effect of fatigue on the attentional blink
    Jun I. Kawahara, Hirotsune Sato
    ATTENTION PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 75, 6, 1096, 1102, SPRINGER, 2013年08月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 長時間運転での疲労蓄積への影響要因の分析とドライバーの疲労蓄積タイプの分類
    佐藤 稔久, 河原 純一郎, 熊田 孝恒, 赤松 幹之
    自動車技術会論文集, 44, 6, 1451, 1458, 公益社団法人 自動車技術会, 2013年
    日本語, 長時間運転して疲労を感じている際に,その疲労がさらに大きくなる要因を検討した.ドライバー100名にアンケート調査を行い,高速道路や高速道路走行後の一般道での交通状況等で疲労の蓄積に影響を与える要因を分析した.その結果,5つの因子が抽出された.この因子を基に,ドライバーの感じる疲労のタイプ分類を試みた.
  • 潜在的な快感情の喚起による視覚情報処理範囲の拡大
    藤 圭, 佐藤 広英, 河原 純一郎, 永井 聖剛
    認知科学, 20, 4, 498, 501, 日本認知科学会, 2013年
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), このたびは,大会発表賞という栄えある賞を賜り,大変光栄に存じております.受賞の機会を下さいました学会運営委員,選考委員会の先生方に心より御礼申します.また,会場での発表に耳を傾けて下さり,本研究を評価くださった皆様にも,深く感謝致します.この研究では,わずかな身体・表情の変化によって,自覚もなされないうちに認知処理のあり方が変容するという現象について検討しました.昨今のインターネットやメディアの発展に伴い,徐々に失われつつある身体・表情を介したコミュニケーションにも,人々の視野を広げ思考を彩る様々な可能性が内包されていることを示す結果が得られたかと考えております.今回の受賞を励みに,今後もまた,研究を重ねていく所存です. 最後になりますが,長きに渡り丁寧にご指導を下さった永井聖剛先生,折に触れ的確なご助言を下さいました河原純一郎先生,佐藤広英先生のご尽力に,この場をお借りして改めて心より感謝申し上げたいと存じます.
  • The effect of variance in members' attractiveness on perceived group attractiveness
    Jun Kawahara, Michiteru Kitazaki
    Proceedings - SAP 2013: ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, 141, 2013年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Like selective visual attention, the representation of multiple objects as an ensemble is a major strategy used by the visual system to overcome a bottleneck that the system cannot handle multiple objects simultaneously. Although simple image properties including mean size, orientation, and brightness as well as higher-level properties such as the average emotion and gender of faces, can be extracted from a group of items/images (see Alvarez, 2011 for review), it is not clear whether subjective values (e.g., attractiveness) are processed in a similar manner. © 2013 Authors.
  • Attentional set protects visual marking from visual transients
    Takayuki Osugi, Jun I. Kawahara
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When some distractors (old items) appear before others (new items) in an inefficient visual search task, the old items are excluded from the search (visual marking). Previous studies have shown that changing the shape of old items eliminates this effect, suggesting that shape identity must be maintained for successful visual marking. However, the contribution of top-down target knowledge to the maintenance of visual marking under shape change conditions has not been systematically examined. The present study tested whether the vulnerability of visual marking to shape change is contingent on observers' attentional set, by manipulating compatibility of the set and the domains in which the change occurs. The results indicated that visual marking survived shape changes when the observer's attentional set was consistent with critical features between the old and new items. This protection was observed when the set was based on explicit instructions at the beginning of the experiment, and when the task set was implicitly carried over from the previous task. These results suggest that top-down processes play a role in maintaining memory templates by enhancing the grouping and suppression processes during visual search, despite disruptive bottom-up signals.
  • 急性ストレスが選択的注意に及ぼす影響
    竹中一平, 河原純一郎, 熊田孝恒
    基礎心理学研究, 31, 1, 42, 56, 日本基礎心理学会, 2012年09月, [査読有り], [責任著者]
    日本語, In cognitive psychology, increasing task load impairs effortful processing such as selective attention and working memory operations (accessing/updating). However, it is unclear whether stress, which is assumed to be a factor that consumes cognitive resources, has a similar effect as task load on selective attention and working memory. Herein a literature review reveals that the apparently mixed findings with regard to working memory can be interpreted based on task load; the effect of stress emerges only with high task loads. In contrast, psycho-social stress tends to impair selective attention, but physical stress may improve it. Moreover, some recent studies have found that psycho-social stress interacts with perceptual load, suggesting that load and stress manipulations consume common cognitive resources.
  • Attentional set protects visual marking from visual transients.               
    Osugi, T, Kawahara, J
    Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 18, 1, 22, 2012年07月27日, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Voluntary triggering of the first target attenuates the attentional blink
    Ken Kihara, Jun I. Kawahara
    ATTENTION PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 74, 2, 312, 321, SPRINGER, 2012年02月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The term attentional blink (AB) refers to a failure in identifying the second of two targets, separated by less than 500 ms, embedded in a rapid succession of nontargets. To examine whether the expectation of the onset of the first target affects the AB, we compared the magnitudes of the AB deficit when participants triggered the appearance of the first target and when the target was presented automatically at some time point, as in traditional AB studies. In Experiment 1, the first target appeared immediately after a participant's voluntary keypress, revealing that the accuracy for identifying the first target increased and that the AB deficit was attenuated. In Experiment 2, the temporal delay between a voluntary keypress and the first-target presentation was manipulated. The results showed that both targets could be reported accurately only when the first target was presented within 300 ms after the action. In Experiment 3, we ruled out an alternative explanation that would attribute the facilitation effect to mere physical movement, by examining the accuracy of target identification when participants voluntarily pressed a key but that action was unrelated to the onset of the first target. Taken together, the results suggest that voluntary action to trigger the onset of a visual target facilitates processing and reduces the subsequent AB deficit when the target appears within 300 ms of the action.
  • Assessing acute stress with the Implicit Association Test
    Hirotsune Sato, Jun-ichiro Kawahara
    COGNITION & EMOTION, 26, 1, 129, 135, PSYCHOLOGY PRESS, 2012年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Assessments of acute stress using self-report questionnaires can be biased by various factors, including social desirability. The present study used a bias-free method, the Implicit Association Test (IAT), to assess stress. Unlike a previous study (Schmukle & Egloff, 2004) in which acute stress was not detected with the IAT, this study manipulated stress by generating test anxiety and threatening self-esteem. The results revealed that the IAT effect was greater in the high-stress group than in the low-stress group. Participants in the high-stress group associated their concept of self with the concept of anxiety more strongly than did those in the low-stress group. This result suggests that the IAT is a sensitive measure for detecting group differences in acute stress.
  • The effects of acute stress and perceptual load on distractor interference
    Hirotsune Sato, Ippei Takenaka, Jun I. Kawahara
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Selective attention can be improved under conditions in which a high perceptual load is assumed to exhaust cognitive resources, leaving scarce resources for distractor processing. The present study examined whether perceptual load and acute stress share common attentional resources bymanipulating perceptual and stress loads. Participants identified a target within an array of nontargets that were flanked by compatible or incompatible distractors. Attentional selectivity was measured by longer reaction times in response to the incompatible than to the compatible distractors. Participants in the stress group participated in a speech test that increased anxiety and threatened self-esteem. The effect of perceptual load interacted with the stress manipulation in that participants in the control group demonstrated an interference effect under the low perceptual load condition, whereas such interference disappeared under the high perceptual load condition. Importantly, the stress group showed virtually no interference under the low perceptual load condition, whereas substantial interference occurred under the high perceptual load condition. These results suggest that perceptual and stress related demands consume the same attentional resources.
  • Attentional capture by the onset and offset of motion signals outside the spatial focus of attention
    Jun Kawahara, Kaori Yanase, Michiteru Kitazaki
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The present study examined whether participants were able to ignore a task-irrelevant commencement or cessation of optic flow while they were engaging in a letter-identification task, as claimed by adherents of the view that attentional set determines deployment of attention, or whether irrelevant events would capture attention regardless of observers' attentional set, as claimed by adherents of a broad range of views emphasizing the behavioral urgency of stimulus motion. Observers identified a green letter in a central rapid stream of heterogeneously colored nontargets. A completely task-irrelevant optic flow occurred in the periphery. If attentional deployment were governed by a top-down attentional set, the letter identification would be unaffected by the temporal change in the optic flow. The results reflected attentional capture by commencement or cessation of optic flow, which is inconsistent with the top-down view. When the peripheral dots expanded at various speeds before onset of the target, identification was impaired relative to when no motion occurred. Mere commencement or cessation of motion was sufficient to produce the capture effect. Qualitative ( commencement or cessation) rather than quantitative changes (acceleration or deceleration) of the motion display were critical for the occurrence of attentional capture. We conclude that salient discontinuities in optic flow induce attentional capture when observers search for a feature in a different stimulus domain, an idea implying a unique role for of expanding global motion in the deployment of visual attention.
  • The Sparing Is Far From Spurious: Reevaluating Within-Trial Contingency Effects in the Attentional Blink
    Christian N. L. Olivers, Johan Hulleman, Thomas Spalek, Jun-ichiro Kawahara, Vincent Di Lollo
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The attentional blink is the marked deficit in awareness of a 2nd target (T2) when it is presented shortly after the 1st target (T1) in a stream of distractors. When the distractors between TI and T2 are replaced by even more targets, the attentional blink is reduced or absent, indicating that the attentional blink results from online selection mechanisms that act in response to distracting input rather than being the result of TI-induced cognitive resource depletion. However, Dell'Acqua, Jolicoeur, Luria, and Pluchino (2009) recently contended that an attentional blink is found in the multiple-target case as long as the appropriate trial context and analyses are used, thus reinstating resource-based explanations of the attentional blink and challenging the selection account. Specifically, an attentional blink reemerges when target performance is analyzed contingent on previous target accuracy. We argue on theoretical and empirical grounds that neither the trial context nor the type of analysis poses a serious problem for selection accounts. We show that the attentional blink and previous target contingency effects can be dissociated, with the latter depending more on low-level, short-range competition. We conclude that selection mechanisms involved in filtering for targets still provide a strong and coherent explanation of the attentional blink.
  • Distractor Devaluation Effect in the Attentional Blink: Direct Evidence for Distractor Inhibition
    Ken Kihara, Yoshihiko Yagi, Yuji Takeda, Jun I. Kawahara
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When two targets (T1 and T2) are embedded in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP), T2 is often missed (attentional blink, AB) if T2 follows T1 by less than 500 ms. Some have proposed that inhibition of a distractor following T1 contributes to the AB, but no direct evidence supports this proposal. This study examined distractor inhibition by assessing a distractor devaluation effect where inhibited items were evaluated less positively than controls. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that a distractor presented just after T1 was evaluated less favorably when T2 was misidentified, independently of stimulus characteristics. Experiment 3 produced distractor devaluation in T2 incorrect trials when the evaluated distractor was the second item after T1. In contrast, a distractor presented before TI was not devaluated (Experiment 4). Experiment 5 demonstrated that participants could not recognize presented distractors after an RSVP task, rejecting the possibility that memorized distractors were devalued. Results show a relationship between the devaluation of distractors following T1 and the AB, providing the first direct evidence of the distractor inhibition during the AB.
  • Selective bias in retrospective self-reports of negative mood states
    Hirotsune Sato, Jun-ichiro Kawahara
    ANXIETY STRESS AND COPING, 24, 4, 359, 367, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2011年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Retrospective self-report questionnaires of negative mood states experienced in the past (e. g., the most recent two weeks) tend to be exaggerated in a negative direction relative to the average ratings given to the moods contemporaneously. The present study used three measures that decomposed mood states into their constituent elements to examine whether certain components selectively contributed to this negative bias or all components contributed to this bias equally. Fifty-three participants responded to the questionnaires via the Internet every evening for two weeks. On the final day, participants recalled and retrospectively evaluated their mood state over the previous two weeks as a whole. The results revealed that memory bias occurred selectively for negative mood states. Anxiety, depression, and helplessness were exaggerated in the global compared with the daily ratings. None of the positive mood components showed any bias in the retrospective global ratings. A regression analysis indicated that the difference in daily and global ratings for negative mood was partly explained by peak and final scores. Higher peak scores led to greater overestimation whereas final scores had smaller effects; the higher the final score was, the less participants overestimated their negative mood in the global ratings.
  • Object-based maintenance of temporal attention in rapid serial visual presentation
    Atsunori Ariga, Jun-ichiro Kawahara, Katsumi Watanabe
    VISUAL COGNITION, 19, 5, 553, 584, PSYCHOLOGY PRESS, 2011年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The visual system dynamically modulates attention to identify a target embedded in a rapid sequence of nontargets. Typically, the accuracy of target identification increases as the number of preceding items increases and is maintained at this increased level: Known as the attentional awakening phenomenon. In this study, we investigated the temporal characteristics of the visual system that contribute to maintaining attentional state throughout a trial. In Experiment 1, we initially demonstrated that the enhanced state of attention was reset after a gap of 500-1000 ms that was inserted in the sequence. In Experiment 2, we found that the attentional state was maintained when the temporally separated sequences were encapsulated by a continuous sequence of random dots. In the following experiments, we systematically manipulated the spatiotemporal configurations of random dots (or used a different object) and found that the attentional state was maintained as long as the object continuity was maintained.
  • No commonality between attentional capture and attentional blink
    Jun I. Kawahara, Ken Kihara
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Visual search for a unique target is impaired when a salient distractor is presented (attentional capture). This phenomenon is said to occur because attention is diverted to a distractor before it reaches the target. Similarly, perception of the second of two targets embedded in a rapid stream of nontargets is impaired, suggesting attentional deprivation due to the processing of the first target (attentional blink). We examined whether these phenomena emerge from a common underlying attentional mechanism by using correlation studies. If these phenomena share a common foundation, the magnitude of these deficits should show within-subject correlations. Participants (N = 135) revealed significant attentional deficits during spatial and temporal capture and the attentional blink tasks. However, no significant correlation was found among these tasks. Experiment 2 (N = 95) replicated this finding using the same procedure as that used in Experiment 1 but included another attentional blink task that required spatial switching between the two targets. Strong correlations emerged only between the two attentional blink tasks (with/without spatial switching). The present results suggest that attentional deficits during spatial and temporal capture and the attentional blink tasks reflect different aspects of attention.
  • Usability of liquid crystal displays for research in the temporal characteristics of perception and attention
    Ken Kihara, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara, Yuji Takeda
    BEHAVIOR RESEARCH METHODS, 42, 4, 1105, 1113, SPRINGER, 2010年11月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Recently, the use of liquid crystal displays (LCDs) in computer monitors has increased in popularity. Can LCDs produce results similar to those obtained in cathode-ray tube (CRT) displays in studies of temporal attention and perception tasks? Performance in two tasks (metacontrast masking and attentional blink) was examined using an LCD, a CRT oscilloscope, and a raster scan CRT display. Experiment 1 focused on metacontrast masking where a typical metacontrast function emerged irrespective of monitor type. Experiments 2 and 3 examined whether differences in monitors influence the attentional blink. Again, all displays elicited similar performance profiles for both the attentional blink and the trade-off between identification accuracy of the two targets. Although our results may not generalize to all LCD applications and all experimental paradigms, they indicate that LCDs can reproduce results similar to those found in metacontrast masking and attentional blink studies that were originally identified with CRT displays.
  • Visual marking survives graphical change if meaning is retained
    Takayuki Osugi, Takatsune Kumada, Jun Kawahara
    ATTENTION PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 72, 8, 2144, 2156, SPRINGER, 2010年11月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When some distractors (old items) appear before others (new items) in an inefficient visual search task, the old items are excluded from the search (visual marking). Previous studies have shown that shape changes of static old items are sufficient to eliminate this effect when global luminance is maintained, suggesting that shape identity must be maintained for successful visual marking. It was unclear whether the change in meaning or shape was critical, because these changes were confounded in previous studies. The present study examined whether consistency in the semantic or the graphical identity of old items is critical for visual marking by introducing shape change in the absence of meaning change. The results indicated that visual marking survived graphical changes in old items as long as their meaning was maintained, suggesting that the memory template underlying visual marking represents the semantic identity of items.
  • Identifying a "default" visual search mode with operant conditioning
    Jun-ichiro Kawahara
    ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA, 135, 1, 38, 49, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2010年09月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The presence of a singleton in a task-irrelevant domain can impair visual search. This impairment, known as the attentional capture depends on the set of participants. When narrowly searching for a specific feature (the feature search mode), only matching stimuli capture attention. When searching broadly (the singleton detection mode), any oddball captures attention. The present study examined which strategy represents the "default" mode using an operant conditioning approach in which participants were trained, in the absence of explicit instructions, to search for a target in an ambiguous context in which one of two modes was available. The results revealed that participants behaviorally adopted the singleton detection as the default mode but reported using the feature search mode. Conscious strategies did not eliminate capture. These results challenge the view that a conscious set always modulates capture, suggesting that the visual system tends to rely on stimulus salience to deploy attention. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    Akiko Oh-uchi, Jun-ichiro Kawahara, Likio Sugano
    PSYCHOLOGIA, 53, 2, 114, 124, PSYCHOLOGIA SOC, 2010年06月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Recent studies on metaattention have demonstrated a tendency toward overestimating one's performance on attentionally demanding tasks. However, the extent to which such metacognitive failures apply to all attentional phenomena remains unclear. The present study examined whether participants could anticipate attentional capture elicited by a task-irrelevant distractor during visual search. We measured attentional capture among university students and preschoolers and examined metaattentional judgments made by university students and the preschoolers' parents. The students and preschoolers exhibited attentional capture. The university group underestimated their attentional performance, and the parents predicted that they would be less affected by capture than would their children. These results indicate that the tendency toward overestimating metaattentional capabilities is not a ubiquitous but rather represents a domain-specific effect. We propose that veridical metaattentional judgements can be made when the attentional phenomena in question relate to deficits that participants are able to notice in actual life.
  • Attentional capture decreases when distractors remain visible during rapid serial visual presentations
    Tomoe Inukai, Takatsune Kumada, Jun-ichiro Kawahara
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The identification of a central visual target is impaired by the onset of a peripheral distractor. This impairment is said to occur because attentional focus is diverted to the peripheral distractor. We examined whether distractor offset would enhance or reduce attentional capture by manipulating the duration of the distractor. Observers identified a color singleton among a rapid stream of homogeneous nontargets. Peripheral distractors disappeared 43 or 172 msec after onset (the short- and long-duration conditions, respectively). Identification accuracy was greater in the long-duration condition than in the short-duration condition. The same pattern of results was obtained when participants identified a target of a designated color among heterogeneous nontargets when the color of the distractor was the same as that of the target. These findings suggest that attentional capture consists of stimulus onset and offset, both of which are susceptible to top-down attentional set.
  • Nonspatial interdimensional attentional capture
    Tomoe Inukai, Jun-ichiro Kawahara, Takatsune Kumada
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Accuracy in identifying a target is impaired by a task-irrelevant singleton distractor even when the target and distractor appear in the same location. However, whether this impairment, known as a nonspatial interdimensional attentional capture, is contingent on a top-down attentional set or determined by stimulus-driven signals from distractors is unclear. To examine whether interdimensional attentional capture is affected by a top-down attentional set, the present study explicitly manipulated observers' search strategies (the singleton detection or feature search modes) and the number of objects consisting of the search items. The results indicated that interdimensional attentional capture occurred even under the feature search mode but that the capture effect decreased under this search mode irrespective of the number of distractors, suggesting that top-down knowledge was effective in modulating nonspatial interdimensional capture.
  • Measuring the spatial distribution of the metaattentional spotlight
    Jun-ichiro Kawahara
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Studies in cognitive psychology have shown that the deployment of visual attention operates under spatial limitations, rendering its assignment to multiple locations difficult or costly. This study explored whether this conventional understanding applies to human metaattention as well 1 measured the spatial distribution of metaattention during viewing of natural scenes and found that participants believed they could attend to multiple locations simultaneously Study 2 tested whether this tendency could be modified by information about the tendency to overestimation After participants were informed of this tendency toward overestimation with both verbal instruction and demonstrations of attentional blindness and blindness to these phenomena, the selectivity of metaattention increased Study 3 demonstrated that participants overestimated their attentional abilities by comparing the metaattentional drawings and the actual behavioral performances of the same participants These results were consistent with recent findings of metaattentional overestimation in change detection and suggested human insensitivity in monitoring attentional limitations (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved
  • Flicker is a Primitive Visual Attribute in Visual Search
    Thomas M. Spalek, Jun-ichiro Kawahara, Vincent Di Lollo
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), At the earliest processing stages, visual stimuli are decomposed by a set of filters tuned to specific values of such attributes as colour, orientation, and motion. These filters have been characterised both neurophysiologically and behaviourally. The single exception is the attribute of flicker that has been characterised neurophysiologically but not behaviourally. Using a visual search paradigm, the authors provide the first behavioural demonstration that flicker is indeed a primitive attribute used by the visual system in stimulus encoding. Consistent with the temporal contrast-sensitivity function, sensitivity to flicker was highest at about 10 Hz and decreased as the flicker rate was either increased or decreased.
  • 認知課題による精神性ストレスの計測 : 宇宙ステーションでの利用をめざして
    熊田 孝恒, 河原 純一郎, 武田 裕司, 永井 聖剛, 瀧田 正寿
    JASMA : Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application, 26, 4, 260, 268, 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会, 2009年10月19日
  • Long-term Abstract Learning of Attentional Set
    Andrew B. Leber, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara, Yuji Gabari
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), How does past experience influence visual search strategy (i.e., attentional set)? Recent reports have shown that, when given the option to use 1 of 2 attentional sets, observers persist with the set previously required in a training phase. Here, 2 related questions are addressed. First, does the training effect result only from perseveration with the currently active set or from long-term learning? Experiment 1 supported the latter alternative: When training and test were separated by up to 1 week, to prevent perseveration across the 2 sessions, the training effect was still obtained. Second, is the learning feature-specific (tuned to a precise set of colors) or more abstract? Experiments 2 and 3 supported the latter: When stimulus colors were switched between training and test to remove the possibility of feature-specific learning, the training effect again was obtained. These experiments indicate that attentional set is largely guided by long-term abstract learning.
  • When Do Additional Distractors Reduce the Attentional Blink?
    Jun-ichiro Kawahara
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When 2 targets are embedded in a rapid serial visual presentation stream of distractors, perception of the second target is impaired when the intertarget lag is relatively short (less than 500 ms). Stimuli concurrently presented with the stream can affect this phenomenon, which is called attentional blink (AB). Previous studies have yielded conflicting results concerning the direction of the effect of added distractors on the AB: Some studies report an increased AB, whereas others report a decreased AB. The present Study explored the boundary conditions of the exaggeration-reduction effects of distractors on the AB and investigated underlying mechanisms by manipulating the spatial configuration, timing, and type of distractors. The results indicate that the magnitude of the AB deficit increased, regardless of the type of distractors. when spatial uncertainty of the target locations was involved. The reduction of the AB occurred at optimal presentation of distractors and disappeared when the second target was presented at a suprathreshold level. These results suggest that stochastic resonance or the center-surround attentional mechanism may contribute to the reduction effect of distractors on the AB deficit.
  • The spatial distribution of inhibition in preview search
    Takayuki Osugi, Takatsune Kumada, Jun-ichiro Kawahara
    VISION RESEARCH, 49, 8, 851, 861, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2009年05月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In an inefficient visual search task, when some distractors (old items) temporally precede some others (new items), the old items are excluded from the search, a phenomenon termed visual marking. This effect is said to occur because the locations of the old items are inhibited before the new items appear. The present study used a probe-detection task to examine whether this inhibition occurs only at the precise locations of old items or at and around the locations of old items. We also investigated the effect of inhibition overreaching boundaries to encompass neighboring regions. Participants searched for a target or detected a probe that appeared after the new items appeared. The results revealed that the probe reaction times at locations inside grouped regions were longer than those at a blank region where no items had been presented and were comparable to those at a location occupied by old items. Probe detection was not delayed when the probe was presented near but external to the external boundary of the grouped regions. The overreaching effect was obtained before and after the new items appeared. We conclude that the inhibitory template for visual marking represents clusters of old items for at least 200 ms before the onset of new items, and that this spatial schema is preserved until at least 200 ms after the onset of new items. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • The attentional blink: Increasing target salience provides no evidence for resource depletion. A commentary on Dux, Asplund, and Marois (2008)
    Christian N. L. Olivers, Thomas M. Spalek, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara, Vincent Di Lollo
    PSYCHONOMIC BULLETIN & REVIEW, 16, 1, 214, 218, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2009年02月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The authors have argued elsewhere that the attentional blink (AB; i.e., reduced target detection shortly after presentation of an earlier target) arises from blocked or disrupted perceptual input in response to distractors presented between the targets. When targets replace the intervening distractors, so that three targets (T1, T2, and T3) are presented sequentially, performance on T2 and T3 improves. Dux, Asplund, and Marois (2008) argued that T3 performance improves at the expense of T1, and thus provides evidence for resource depletion. They showed that when T1 is made more salient (and presumably draws more resources), an AB for T3 appears to reemerge. These findings can be better explained, however, by (1) the relationship between T1 and T2 (not T1 and T3) and (2) differential salience for T3 in the long-lag condition of Dux et al.'s study. In conclusion, the Dux et al. study does not present a severe challenge to input control theories of the AB.
  • Selection Difficulty and Interitem Competition Are Independent Factors in Rapid Visual Stream Perception
    Jun-ichiro Kawahara, James T. Enns
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When observers try to identify successive targets in it visual stream at a rate of 100 ms per item, accuracy for the 2nd target is impaired for intertarget lags of 100-500 ins. Yet, when the same stream is presented more rapidly (e.g., 50 ins per item), this pattern reverses and a 1st-target deficit is obtained. M. C. Potter, A. Staub, and D. H. O'Connor (2002) accounted for these findings with a 2-stage competition theory (detection followed by identification) in which each stage is limited by its own pool of resources. In 5 experiments we varied the items that preceded the 1st target. The results show strong influences of these leading items on the 1st-target deficit, with almost no influence on 2nd-target accuracy. This is interpreted as strong support for multiple factors influencing target accuracy in rapid visual streams (J. Kawahara, J. T. Enns. & V. Di Lollo. 2006).
  • Past rejections lead to future misses: Selection-related inhibition produces blink-like misses of future (easily detectable) events
    Alejandro Lleras, Jun-ichiro Kawahara, Brian R. Levinthal
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Our recent experiences can have substantial effects on our future behavior. Here we show influences of prior visual experiences on the future workings of selective attention. Selective attention uses inhibitory processes to suppress distracting information on a given trial. We show that, once in place, this selective inhibition persists across trials and leads to misses of future targets when they belong to the previously distracting category of stimuli. This effect is documented using a single-target RSVP task, in which participants are asked to report the case (or color) of an oddball target. Furthermore, we show that selective inhibition is not present when observers are merely asked to detect the presence or absence of the oddball target. We argue that selective inhibition is a mechanism aimed at facilitating the access to secondary (non-target de. ning) features of the target stimuli, and that our results provide further evidence that visual stimuli are processed in a hierarchical, non-holistic manner.
  • Visual marking survives graphical change without semantic change.               
    Osugi, T, Kumada, T, Kawahara, J
    Journal of Vision, 9, 1175, 1175, 2009年, [査読有り]
  • The remains of the trial: goal-determined inter-trial suppression of selective attention
    Alejandro Lleras, Brian R. Levinthal, Jun Kawahara
    ATTENTION, 176, 195, 213, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2009年, [査読有り]
    英語, 論文集(書籍)内論文, When an observer is searching through the environment for a target, what are the consequences of not finding a target in a given environment? We examine this issue in detail and propose that the visual system systematically tags environmental information during a search, in an effort to improve performance in future search events. Information that led to search successes is positively tagged, so as to favor future deployments of attention toward that type of information, whereas information that led to search failures is negatively tagged, so as to discourage future deployments of attention toward such failed information. To study this, we use an oddball-search task, where participants search for one item that differs from all others along one feature or belongs to a different visual category, from the other stimuli in the display. We find that when participants perform oddball-search tasks, the absence of a target delays identification of future targets containing the feature or category that was shared by all distractors in the target-absent trial. We interpret this effect as reflecting an implicit assessment of performance: target-absent trials can be viewed as processing "failures" insofar as they do not provide the visual system with the information needed to complete the task. Here, we study the goal-oriented nature of this bias in three ways. First, we show that the direction of the bias is determined by the experimental task. Second, we show that the effect is independent of the mode of presentation of stimuli: it happens with both serial and simultaneous stimuli presentation. Third, we show that, when using categorically defined oddballs as the search stimuli (find the face among houses or vice versa), the bias generalizes to unseen members of the "failed" category. Together, these findings support the idea that this inter-trial attentional biases arise from high-level, task-constrained, implicit assessments of performance, involving categorical associations between classes of stimuli and behavioral outcomes (success/failure), which are independent of attentional modality (temporal vs. spatial attention).
  • Electrophysiological evidence for independent consolidation of multiple targets
    Ken Kihara, Jun-ichiro Kawahara, Yuji Takeda
    NEUROREPORT, 19, 15, 1493, 1496, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, 2008年10月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When observers are asked to identify two targets (T1 and T2) embedded in a rapid serial visual presentation, they frequently fail to identify T2 if it appears 200-500 ms afterT1 (attentional blink). The response to T2 is, however, unimpaired if it appears directly after T1 (lag-1 sparing). Furthermore, when another target immediately follows T2, the identification accuracy for the third target is also unimpaired (lag-2 sparing). It was unclear whether multiple targets were consolidated into working memory simultaneously or independently during lag-2 sparing. We observed the P3 component of the event-related potential to examine this issue. Three separable P3 components, corresponding to the three targets, were obtained when lag-2 sparing occurred, suggesting that each target can be consolidated independently.
  • The effect of false memory on temporal perception
    Fuminori Ono, Jun-ichiro Kawahara
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This study examined the effect of false memory on temporal perception. The Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm, which elicits false recognition of a nonpresented word, was used to determine whether the perceived duration of falsely remembered words was longer than that for control words. The study results revealed that the perceived duration for falsely recognized words was longer than that for correctly rejected words. This is the first study to show the effect of false memory on temporal perception and suggests that temporal perception can be affected by conceptual fluency without any perceptual repetition.
  • Intertrial inhibition of focused attention in pop-out search
    Alejandro Lleras, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara, Xiaoang Irene Wan, Atsunori Ariga
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 70, 1, 114, 131, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2008年01月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When a visual search for a color oddball is performed, responses to target-present trials are affected by the color of items in immediately preceding target-absent trials, a phenomenon known as the distractor-previewing effect (DPE). Specifically, the color of the items in the target-absent trial suppresses responses to a target of that color in the subsequent trial, even though participants report a target feature uncorrelated with color. We believe that this suppression reflects a transient inhibitory effect on focused attention that biases attention away from items that are of the same color as the items in the target-absent trial. Experiments 1-3 show that the DPE is present only in tasks that require focused attention. Experiments 4A and 4B show that the DPE persists even when target-absent displays are masked. Last, Experiment 5 shows that the DPE emerges as early as within the first 100 msec of a target-present trial and is fully in place by the 250-msec mark.
  • The spatial distribution of visual marking.               
    Osugi, T, Kumada, T, Kawahara, J
    Journal of Vision, 8, 1115, 1115, 2008年, [査読有り]
  • Does attention accompany the conscious awareness of both location and identity of an object?
    Ghorashi, S., Jefferies, L.N., Kawahara, J.-I., Watanabe, K.
    Psyche (Pasadena), 14, 2008, 2008年, [査読有り]
  • Intertrial inhibition of focused attention in pop-out search
    Alejandro Lleras, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara, Xiaoang Irene Wan, Atsunori Ariga
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 70, 1, 114, 131, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2008年01月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When a visual search for a color oddball is performed, responses to target-present trials are affected by the color of items in immediately preceding target-absent trials, a phenomenon known as the distractor-previewing effect (DPE). Specifically, the color of the items in the target-absent trial suppresses responses to a target of that color in the subsequent trial, even though participants report a target feature uncorrelated with color. We believe that this suppression reflects a transient inhibitory effect on focused attention that biases attention away from items that are of the same color as the items in the target-absent trial. Experiments 1-3 show that the DPE is present only in tasks that require focused attention. Experiments 4A and 4B show that the DPE persists even when target-absent displays are masked. Last, Experiment 5 shows that the DPE emerges as early as within the first 100 msec of a target-present trial and is fully in place by the 250-msec mark.
  • Auditory-visual contextual cuing effect
    Jun-Ichiro Kawahara
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 69, 8, 1399, 1408, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2007年11月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Under incidental learning conditions, a spatial layout can be acquired implicitly and facilitate visual searches (the contextual cuing effect). Whereas previous studies have shown a cuing effect in the visual domain, the present study examined whether a contextual cuing effect could develop from association between auditory events and visual target locations (Experiments 1 and 2). In the training phase, participants searched for a T among Ls, preceded by 2 sec: of auditory stimulus. The target location could be predicted from the preceding auditory stimulus. In the test phase, the auditory-visual association pairings were disrupted. The results revealed that a contextual cuing effect occurs by auditory-visual association. Participants did not notice the auditory-visual association. Experiment 3 explored a boundary condition for the auditory-visual contextual cuing effect. These results suggest that visual attention can be guided implicitly by crossmodal association, and they extend the idea that the visual system is sensitive to all kinds of statistical consistency.
  • Ignorance is bliss: The role of observer expectation in dynamic spatial tuning of the attentional focus
    Lisa N. Jefferies, Shahab Ghorashi, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara, Vincent Di Lollo
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 69, 7, 1162, 1174, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2007年10月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When two sequential targets (T1, T2) are inserted in an RSVP stream of distractors, perception of T2 is impaired at intertarget lags shorter than 700 msec. Paradoxically, this deficit disappears when T2 is presented directly after T1 (lag-1 sparing). Visser, Bischof, and Di Lollo (1999) found that lag-1 sparing occurs only when T1 and T2 are presented in the same stream. In contrast, Shih (2000) obtained lag-1 sparing with targets in separate streams. Four experiments addressed this inconsistency and revealed lag-1 sparing with targets in different streams, but only when observers had no foreknowledge of T1's location. We hypothesized that when T1 location is known, attention is focused narrowly on that strewn; if T2 then appears in the other stream it is missed, and lag-1 sparing does not occur. When T1 location is not known, attention is focused broadly, encompassing both streams, and lag-1 sparing ensues.
  • Dividing attention between two different categories and locations in rapid serial visual presentations
    Yuki Yamada, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 69, 7, 1218, 1229, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2007年10月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When two targets are embedded in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) stream of distractors, perception of the second target is impaired if the intertarget lag is relatively short (less than 500 msec). This phenomenon, called attentional blink, has been attributed to a temporal inability of attentional resources. Nevertheless, a recent study found that observers could monitor two RSVP streams concurrently for up to four items presented in close succession, suggesting a much larger visual capacity limit. However, such high-capacity performance could be obtained by a rapid shift of attention, rather than concurrent monitoring of multiple locations. Therefore, the present study examined these alternatives. Results from six experiments indicate that observers can concurrently monitor two noncontiguous locations, even when targets and distractors are from different categories, such as digits, English alphabet letters, Japanese characters, and pseudocharacters. These results can be explained in terms of a modified input-filtering model in which a multidimensional attentional set can be flexibly configured at different spatial locations.
  • Ignorance is bliss: The role of observer expectation in dynamic spatial tuning of the attentional focus
    Lisa N. Jefferies, Shahab Ghorashi, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara, Vincent Di Lollo
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 69, 7, 1162, 1174, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2007年10月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When two sequential targets (T1, T2) are inserted in an RSVP stream of distractors, perception of T2 is impaired at intertarget lags shorter than 700 msec. Paradoxically, this deficit disappears when T2 is presented directly after T1 (lag-1 sparing). Visser, Bischof, and Di Lollo (1999) found that lag-1 sparing occurs only when T1 and T2 are presented in the same stream. In contrast, Shih (2000) obtained lag-1 sparing with targets in separate streams. Four experiments addressed this inconsistency and revealed lag-1 sparing with targets in different streams, but only when observers had no foreknowledge of T1's location. We hypothesized that when T1 location is known, attention is focused narrowly on that strewn; if T2 then appears in the other stream it is missed, and lag-1 sparing does not occur. When T1 location is not known, attention is focused broadly, encompassing both streams, and lag-1 sparing ensues.
  • The subjective size of visual stimuli affects the perceived duration of their presentation
    Fuminori Ono, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 69, 6, 952, 957, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2007年08月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The perception of time spent looking at a stimulus is lengthened or shortened when its physical attributes, such as area, differ from those of a comparison stimulus. We measured the perceived presentation duration of a visual object whose apparent area was altered by the Ebbinghaus illusion while its physical size remained invariant, so that a central circle surrounded by larger inducers appeared smaller than a same-size central circle surrounded by smaller inducers. The results showed that the perceived duration of presentation for apparently larger circles was longer than that of apparently smaller circles, although the actual area remained invariant across all circles. We concluded that the time perception process receives input from later visual processing.
  • The subjective size of visual stimuli affects the perceived duration of their presentation
    Fuminori Ono, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 69, 6, 952, 957, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2007年08月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The perception of time spent looking at a stimulus is lengthened or shortened when its physical attributes, such as area, differ from those of a comparison stimulus. We measured the perceived presentation duration of a visual object whose apparent area was altered by the Ebbinghaus illusion while its physical size remained invariant, so that a central circle surrounded by larger inducers appeared smaller than a same-size central circle surrounded by smaller inducers. The results showed that the perceived duration of presentation for apparently larger circles was longer than that of apparently smaller circles, although the actual area remained invariant across all circles. We concluded that the time perception process receives input from later visual processing.
  • Feature-based attention influences later temporal perception
    Fuminori Ono, Kyoko Yamada, Kazumitsu Chujo, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 69, 4, 544, 549, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2007年05月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We investigated the influence of feature-based visual attention on later temporal perception. Although there is ample evidence that space-based attention modulates temporal perception, it is not known whether feature-based attention also serves this function. The present study combined a visual selection task with a temporal interval production task to determine whether feature-based attention interacted with temporal perception. The results indicated that temporal perception of visual stimuli depended on whether the same stimulus had been attended to or ignored in a previous visual selection task. The temporal production of previously ignored stimuli was longer than the temporal production of either previously attended to or novel stimuli. This is the first demonstration of the effect of feature-based attention on later temporal perception. We concluded that temporal perception is affected by previously ignored stimuli.
  • Feature-based attention influences later temporal perception
    Fuminori Ono, Kyoko Yamada, Kazumitsu Chujo, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 69, 4, 544, 549, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2007年05月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We investigated the influence of feature-based visual attention on later temporal perception. Although there is ample evidence that space-based attention modulates temporal perception, it is not known whether feature-based attention also serves this function. The present study combined a visual selection task with a temporal interval production task to determine whether feature-based attention interacted with temporal perception. The results indicated that temporal perception of visual stimuli depended on whether the same stimulus had been attended to or ignored in a previous visual selection task. The temporal production of previously ignored stimuli was longer than the temporal production of either previously attended to or novel stimuli. This is the first demonstration of the effect of feature-based attention on later temporal perception. We concluded that temporal perception is affected by previously ignored stimuli.
  • Area-specific attentional effect in the Delboeuf illusion
    Jun-ichiro Kawahara, Tomohiro Nabeta, Jiro Hamada
    PERCEPTION, 36, 5, 670, 685, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2007年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In the Delboeuf illusion, a circle judged initially has a weaker effect of size induction than a circle judged subsequently (the judgment-order effect). This effect has been attributed to differential allocation of visual attention (Hamada et al, 2002 Japanese Journal of Psychology 73 58-63, in Japanese). To establish the influence of attention, in experiment I we examined whether the effect occurred mandatorily once the outer circle was attended to, or whether it was necessary to direct attention specifically to the size of the area of the outer circle. Observers trisected the circumference of the outer circle thus attending to the outer circle in terms of its circumference, but ignoring its area. The illusion was stronger when the inner-circle area estimation was followed by the outer-circle area estimation than when the inner-circle area estimation was followed by the trisection task. In experiment 2 this result was replicated by using diameter judgment, instead of the size of the area. These findings indicate that mere allocation of attention to the outer circle contour is not sufficient to produce the judgment-order effect. Rather, attention must be specific to the task-relevant dimension, in this instance the visual area, to be effective.
  • Dividing attention between two different categories and locations in rapid serial visual presentations
    Yuki Yamada, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara
    Perception and Psychophysics, 69, 7, 1218, 1229, Psychonomic Society Inc., 2007年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When two targets are embedded in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) stream of distractors, perception of the second target is impaired if the intertarget lag is relatively short (less than 500 msec). This phenomenon, called attentional blink, has been attributed to a temporal inability of attentional resources. Nevertheless, a recent study found that observers could monitor two RSVP streams concurrently for up to four items presented in close succession, suggesting a much larger visual capacity limit. However, such high-capacity performance could be obtained by a rapid shift of attention, rather than concurrent monitoring of multiple locations. Therefore, the present study examined these alternatives. Results from six experiments indicate that observers can concurrently monitor two noncontiguous locations, even when targets and distractors are from different categories, such as digits, English alphabet letters, Japanese characters, and pseudocharacters. These results can be explained in terms of a modified input-filtering model in which a multidimensional attentional set can be flexibly configured at different spatial locations. Copyright 2007 Psychonomic Society, Inc.
  • Auditory-visual contextual cuing effect
    Jun-Ichiro Kawahara
    Perception and Psychophysics, 69, 8, 1399, 1408, Psychonomic Society Inc., 2007年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Under incidental learning conditions, a spatial layout can be acquired implicitly and facilitate visual searches (the contextual cuing effect). Whereas previous studies have shown a cuing effect in the visual domain, the present study examined whether a contextual cuing effect could develop from association between auditory events and visual target locations (Experiments 1 and 2). In the training phase, participants searched for a T among Ls, preceded by 2 sec of auditory stimulus. The target location could be predicted from the preceding auditory stimulus. In the test phase, the auditory-visual association pairings were disrupted. The results revealed that a contextual cuing effect occurs by auditory-visual association. Participants did not notice the auditory-visual association. Experiment 3 explored a boundary condition for the auditory-visual contextual cuing effect. These results suggest that visual attention can be guided implicitly by crossmodal association, and they extend the idea that the visual system is sensitive to all kinds of statistical consistency. Copyright 2007 Psychonomic Society, Inc.
  • Implicit spatiotemporal learning of visual context during divided attention
    Kawahara Jun-ichiro
    基礎心理学研究, 25, 2, 193, 198, 日本基礎心理学会, 2007年
    英語, Visual search performance can be facilitated implicitly through repetitive viewing of the same layout of a search display (the contextual cueing effect). Researchers know that selective attention affects the occurrence of the cueing effect, but it has not been clear whether divided attention has the same effect. By introducing an attentional blink procedure, this study tested whether implicit learning of visual displays occurs while attention is devoted to a primary task. Observers searched for two digits among distracter letters. In the training phase, the sequence of rapidly presented distracters was predictive of the location of the second target; an attentional blink effect was obtained. More importantly, when the predictive value was removed in the testing phase, search performance slowed. These results suggest that the visual system can acquire spatiotemporal contextual memory even when deprived of attentional resources.
  • The attentional blink is not a unitary phenomenon
    Jun-ichiro Kawahara, James T. Enns, Vincent Di Lollo
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Identification of the second of two targets is impaired if it is presented less than about 500 ms after the first. Three models of this second-target deficit, known as attentional blink (AB), were compared: resource-depletion, bottleneck, and temporary loss of control (TLC). Five experiments, in which three sequential targets were inserted in a stream of distractors, showed that identification accuracy for the leading target depended on an attentional switch whose magnitude varied with distractor-target similarity. In contrast, accuracy for the trailing target depended on similarity between the target and the trailing mask. These results strongly suggest that the AB is not a unitary phenomenon. Resource-depletion was ruled out as a viable account. The effect of attentional switching was handled naturally by the TLC model, while bottleneck models offered the best account of the effect of backward masking.
  • The attentional blink is governed by a temporary loss of control
    Jun-Ichiro Kawahara, Takatsune Kumada, Vincent Di Lollo
    PSYCHONOMIC BULLETIN & REVIEW, 13, 5, 886, 890, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2006年10月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Identification of the second of two brief targets is impaired at intertarget lags of less than about 500 msec. We compared two accounts of this attentional blink (AB) by manipulating the number of digit distractors-and hence the lag-inserted among three letter targets in a rapid serial visual presentation stream of digit distractors. On the resource-depletion hypothesis, longer lags provide more time for processing the leading target, thus releasing resources for the trailing target. On the temporary-loss-of-control (TLC) hypothesis, intervening distractors disrupt the current attentional set, producing a trailing-target deficit. Identification accuracy for trailing targets was unimpaired not only at lag I (conventional lag I sparing) but also at later lags, if preceded by another target. The results supported the TLC hypothesis but not the resource-depletion hypothesis. We conclude that the AB is caused by a disruption in attentional set when a distractor is presented while the central executive is busy processing a leading target.
  • The attentional blink is governed by a temporary loss of control
    Jun-Ichiro Kawahara, Takatsune Kumada, Vincent Di Lollo
    PSYCHONOMIC BULLETIN & REVIEW, 13, 5, 886, 890, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2006年10月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Identification of the second of two brief targets is impaired at intertarget lags of less than about 500 msec. We compared two accounts of this attentional blink (AB) by manipulating the number of digit distractors-and hence the lag-inserted among three letter targets in a rapid serial visual presentation stream of digit distractors. On the resource-depletion hypothesis, longer lags provide more time for processing the leading target, thus releasing resources for the trailing target. On the temporary-loss-of-control (TLC) hypothesis, intervening distractors disrupt the current attentional set, producing a trailing-target deficit. Identification accuracy for trailing targets was unimpaired not only at lag I (conventional lag I sparing) but also at later lags, if preceded by another target. The results supported the TLC hypothesis but not the resource-depletion hypothesis. We conclude that the AB is caused by a disruption in attentional set when a distractor is presented while the central executive is busy processing a leading target.
  • Two noncontiguous locations can be attended concurrently: Evidence from the attentional blink
    Jun-Ichiro Kawahara, Yula Yamada
    PSYCHONOMIC BULLETIN & REVIEW, 13, 4, 594, 599, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2006年08月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When two targets (T1 and T2) are inserted in a rapid stream of visual distractors (RSVP), detection/identification accuracy of T2 is impaired at intertarget lags shorter than about 500 msec. This phenomenon, the attentional blink (AB), has been regarded as a hallmark of the inability of the visual system to process multiple items. Yet, paradoxically, the AB is much reduced when T2 is presented directly after T1 (known as lag-1 sparing). Because lag-1 sparing is said to depend on observers' spatial attention being set to process the first target, we predicted that if observers are set to monitor two RSVP streams, they could process more than two items; that is, two instances of lag-1 sparing would be obtained concurrently. The results of three experiments indicated that this was the case. When observers searched for two targets in each of two synchronized RSVP streams, lag-1 sparing occurred concurrently in both streams. These results suggest that the visual system can handle up to four items at one moment under RSVP circumstances.
  • Two noncontiguous locations can be attended concurrently: Evidence from the attentional blink
    Jun-Ichiro Kawahara, Yula Yamada
    PSYCHONOMIC BULLETIN & REVIEW, 13, 4, 594, 599, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2006年08月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When two targets (T1 and T2) are inserted in a rapid stream of visual distractors (RSVP), detection/identification accuracy of T2 is impaired at intertarget lags shorter than about 500 msec. This phenomenon, the attentional blink (AB), has been regarded as a hallmark of the inability of the visual system to process multiple items. Yet, paradoxically, the AB is much reduced when T2 is presented directly after T1 (known as lag-1 sparing). Because lag-1 sparing is said to depend on observers' spatial attention being set to process the first target, we predicted that if observers are set to monitor two RSVP streams, they could process more than two items; that is, two instances of lag-1 sparing would be obtained concurrently. The results of three experiments indicated that this was the case. When observers searched for two targets in each of two synchronized RSVP streams, lag-1 sparing occurred concurrently in both streams. These results suggest that the visual system can handle up to four items at one moment under RSVP circumstances.
  • Congruency effect of presentation modality on false recognition of haptic and visual objects
    T Nabeta, JI Kawahara
    MEMORY, 14, 3, 307, 315, PSYCHOLOGY PRESS, 2006年04月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Studying a list of items related to an item that is not presented (lure item) produces a false memory. We investigated whether a haptic study/test results in false recognition and, if so, whether congruency of presentation modality between study and test reduces the false recognition. After haptic or visual study of lists of real objects that are related to a lure object, participants were asked to recognise whether the objects were presented haptically or visually. We obtained false recognition results with haptic study and/or test. False recognition was reduced when presentation and study modalities were congruent. After haptic study, false recognition was reduced in the haptic test, as compared to the visual test. In contrast, visual study always reduced visual false recognition. These results indicate that there is a general effect of retrieval cues that will reduce false recognition.
  • The effect of unconscious priming on temporal production
    F Ono, J Kawahara
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We examined the effects of unconscious priming on temporal-interval production. In Experiment 1, participants were instructed to keep visual displays on a screen for 2500 ms intervals. Half of the displays were repeated across blocks throughout the entire experiment, and the others were newly generated from trial to trial. The displays consisted of patterns so complex that the participants could not intentionally memorize them. The results showed that significantly more time elapsed for old displays than for new displays before participants indicated that a 2500 ms interval had elapsed. Experiment 2 replicated this effect and excluded an alternative account based on perceived pattern complexity. The effect of repetitive presentation was obtained despite the fact the participants did not recognize the repetition, suggesting that unconscious priming increased temporal production. These results suggest that time perception is affected by an unconscious process. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Intertrial temporal contextual cuing: Association across successive visual search trials guides spatial attention
    F Ono, J Kawahara, YH Jiang
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Contextual cuing refers to the facilitation of performance in visual search due to the repetition of the same displays. Whereas previous studies have-focused on contextual cuing within single-search trials, this study tested whether I trial facilitates visual search of the next trial. Participants searched for a T among Ls. In the training phase, the spatial layout on trial N-1 was predictive of the target location on trial N. In the testing phase, the predictive value was removed. Results revealed an intertrial temporal contextual cuing effect: Search. speed became progressively shorter in the training phase, but it significantly lengthened during testing. The authors conclude that the visual system is capable of retaining spatial contextual memory established earlier to facilitate perception.
  • System reconfiguration, not resource depletion, determines the efficiency of visual search
    Di Lollo, V, D Smilek, JI Kawahara, SMS Ghorashi
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 67, 6, 1080, 1087, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2005年08月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We examined two theories of visual search: resource depletion, grounded in a static, built-in brain architecture, with attention seen as a limited depletable resource, and system reconfiguration, in which the visual system is dynamically reconfigured from moment to moment so as to optimize performance on the task at hand. In a dual-task paradigm, a search display was preceded by a visual discrimination. task and was followed, after a stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) governed by a staircase procedure, by a pattern mask. Search efficiency, as indexed by the slope of the function relating critical SOA to number of distractors, was impaired under dual-task conditions for tasks that were performed efficiently (shallow search slope) when done singly, but not for tasks performed inefficiently (steep slope) when done singly. These results are consistent with system reconfiguration, but not with resource depletion, models and point to a dynamic, rather than a static, architecture of the visual system.
  • System reconfiguration, not resource depletion, determines the efficiency of visual search
    Di Lollo, V, D Smilek, JI Kawahara, SMS Ghorashi
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 67, 6, 1080, 1087, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2005年08月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We examined two theories of visual search: resource depletion, grounded in a static, built-in brain architecture, with attention seen as a limited depletable resource, and system reconfiguration, in which the visual system is dynamically reconfigured from moment to moment so as to optimize performance on the task at hand. In a dual-task paradigm, a search display was preceded by a visual discrimination. task and was followed, after a stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) governed by a staircase procedure, by a pattern mask. Search efficiency, as indexed by the slope of the function relating critical SOA to number of distractors, was impaired under dual-task conditions for tasks that were performed efficiently (shallow search slope) when done singly, but not for tasks performed inefficiently (steep slope) when done singly. These results are consistent with system reconfiguration, but not with resource depletion, models and point to a dynamic, rather than a static, architecture of the visual system.
  • Priority information used for the processing of Japanese sentences: Thematic roles, case particles or grammatical functions?
    K Tamaoka, H Sakai, J Kawahara, Y Miyaoka, H Lim, M Koizumi
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The present study investigated scrambling effects on the processing of Japanese sentences and priority information used among thematic roles, case particles and grammatical functions. Reaction times for correct sentence decisions were significantly prolonged for scrambled active sentences with transitive verbs in the first experiment and with ditransitive verbs in the second experiment. Errors were made with scrambled sentences more than canonical sentences in both experiments, which suggested that scrambling effects were apparent in active sentences. Passive sentences in the third experiment indicated that canonical order defined based on case particles, not thematic roles, was more quickly and accurately identified than scrambled order. Potential sentences in the fourth experiment and causative sentences in the fifth experiment indicated that the processing of scrambled sentences based on grammatical functions, but not on case particles, required longer reaction times and resulted in higher error rates than canonical sentences. Consequently, scrambling effects in the present study indicated that neither thematic roles nor case particles can provide fully-satisfactory information for canonical phrase order, and that only grammatical functions offer satisfactory information in all types of sentences.
  • Priority information used for the processing of Japanese sentences: Thematic roles, case particles or grammatical functions?
    K Tamaoka, H Sakai, J Kawahara, Y Miyaoka, H Lim, M Koizumi
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The present study investigated scrambling effects on the processing of Japanese sentences and priority information used among thematic roles, case particles and grammatical functions. Reaction times for correct sentence decisions were significantly prolonged for scrambled active sentences with transitive verbs in the first experiment and with ditransitive verbs in the second experiment. Errors were made with scrambled sentences more than canonical sentences in both experiments, which suggested that scrambling effects were apparent in active sentences. Passive sentences in the third experiment indicated that canonical order defined based on case particles, not thematic roles, was more quickly and accurately identified than scrambled order. Potential sentences in the fourth experiment and causative sentences in the fifth experiment indicated that the processing of scrambled sentences based on grammatical functions, but not on case particles, required longer reaction times and resulted in higher error rates than canonical sentences. Consequently, scrambling effects in the present study indicated that neither thematic roles nor case particles can provide fully-satisfactory information for canonical phrase order, and that only grammatical functions offer satisfactory information in all types of sentences.
  • The attentional blink: Resource depletion or temporary loss of control?
    Di Lollo, V, J Kawahara, SMS Ghorashi, JT Enns
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Identification of the second of two targets is impaired if it is presented less than about 500 ms after the first. Theoretical accounts of this second-target deficit, known as attentional blink (AB), have relied on some form of limited attentional resource that is allocated to the leading target at the expense of the trailing target. Three experiments in the present study reveal a failure of resource-limitation accounts to explain why the AB is absent when the targets consist of a stream of three items belonging to the same category (e.g., letters or digits). The AB is reinstated, however, if an item from a different category is inserted in the target string. This result, and all major results in the AB literature, is explained by the hypothesis that the AB arises from a temporary loss of control over the prevailing attentional set. This lapse in control renders the observer vulnerable to an exogenously-triggered switch in attentional set.
  • The effect of study-phase length on auditory false recognition
    Nabeta Tomohiro, Kawahara Jun-ichiro, Chujo Kazumitsu
    基礎心理学研究, 24, 1, 11, 15, 日本基礎心理学会, 2005年
    英語, Studying a list of words that are semantically related to an unseen word creates a false recognition. In the visual domain, research shows that false recognition increases when the length of the study phase is extended. This study examined whether the increase in false recognition is specific to the visual domain, or if it is common to another modality, such as the auditory domain. The results demonstrate that auditory false recognition increases when the insertion of an extra blank interval between words or between lists lengthens the study phase. Therefore, these findings suggest that processes not specific to visual modality mediate the effect of study phase length on false recognition.
  • Lag-1 sparing in the attentional blink with multiple RSVP streams
    Yamada, Y, Kawahara, J
    The Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 24, 1, 1, 10, 日本基礎心理学会, 2005年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When two targets are presented in a rapid stream of distractors, the accuracy of identifying the second target is impaired when the temporal lag between the targets is brief (attentional blink; AB). When the second target is presented immediately after the first target, the AB deficit is considerably reduced, a phenomenon called Lag-1 sparing. A recent study (Kristjansson & Nakayama, 2002) however, reported that Lag-1 sparing did not occur when multiple distractor streams were presented, although it had occurred in other studies (e.g., Peterson & Juola, 2000). The present study found that specific target attributes were the key for this inconsistency. When two targets in the same stream appear to be similar and are distinctive from the distractors, the first target is masked by the second. This masking of the first target increases the AB deficit, and Lag-1 sparing does not occur.
  • [Are the visually marked items encoded as a context?].
    Ono F, Nabeta T, Kawahara J
    Shinrigaku kenkyu : The Japanese journal of psychology, 75, 3, 207, 212, 3, 2004年08月, [査読有り]
  • 日本語の音韻組立処理を検討するための心理実験法
    河原 純一郎, 玉岡 賀津雄, 丸石 正治, 村中 博幸
    広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域, 52, 215, 218, 広島大学, 2004年03月28日
    日本語, The present study investigated phonological assembly in the Japanese language. Twenty-eight native Japanese speakers were presented with CVCVCV-structured words and nonwords in hiragana. Participants were asked to make lexical decisions for 25 words and 25 nonwords. In the assembly condition, meaningful words were anagrammed so that participants had to assemble apparently nonsensical morae into a meaningful unit in order to make a lexical decision. The reaction times for the assembly condition were substantially slower (a difference of 1770 ms) than those for the control condition. This result suggests that phonological assembly for three hiragana morae is involved in identifing meaningful words from the Japanese lexicon.
  • Previous subthreshold exposures reduce perceived duration
    F Ono, J Kawahara, F Matsuda
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Our perceived duration of events is affected by factors that are at least partly conscious. Here, we report that the perceived duration of visual events can be affected by a completely unconscious factor. Participants were briefly (12.5 ms) exposed to nonsense syllables, followed by backward pattern masking in an exposure phase. In a second phase, they estimated the presented durations of nonsense syllables that were either previously exposed or not exposed. Additional discrimination tests with other participants ensured that the stimuli in the exposure phase had been presented below the conscious detection threshold. The results indicated that the mean estimated duration for the stimuli that were previously exposed was shorter than that for the new stimuli. When the backward mask was removed, and the participants were aware of the exposed stimuli, a reduction in perceived duration was not observed. These results suggest that unconscious experience may be one of determinants for reducing the perceived duration of events.
  • Are the visually marked items encoded as a context?
    Ono, F., Nabeta, T., Kawahara, J.-I.
    Shinrigaku Kenkyu, 75, 3, 207, 212, 2004年, [査読有り]
  • The perceptual and cognitive distractor-previewing effect
    A Ariga, J Kawahara
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The time it takes to respond to an odd-colored target (e.g., a red diamond among green diamonds) is reduced when distracter-colored items in an appropriate geometric configuration (e.g., multiple red diamonds) are previewed in a preceding trial. B. A. Goolsby and S. Suzuki (2002) suggested that this phenomenon, the distracter-previewing effect, occurs because target saliency is increased by global adaptation to the previewed distractors. The present study tested and extended this idea with visual search experiments using color, face, motion, and word stimuli. We found that the distracter-previewing effect can be obtained with all of these stimuli. In particular, we found that the distracter-previewing effect was elicited by prior activation of distractors by word labels, suggesting a high-level locus for the effect.
  • The effects of phrase-length order and scrambling in the processing of visually presented Japanese sentences
    K Tamaoka, H Sakai, J Kawahara, Y Miyaoka
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The present study investigated the effects of phrase length and scrambling in the processing of Japanese sentences. Reading times of short phrases, long phrases, verbs, and whole sentences, measured by the method of self-paced reading, did not differ in terms of phrase-length order and scrambling. In addition, four types of sentences constructed on the basis of phrase-length order and scrambling did not affect duration times of correctness decision-making for sentences. However, error rates differed between canonical and scrambled sentences regardless of phrase-length order. This result implies that scrambled sentences were harder to judge as correct sentences than canonical sentences. Thus, scrambling affects the appropriate integration of information, whereas phrase-length order is simply an indication of preference and not of cognitive processing. To explain the present result, the authors propose the "configurational structure without movement," which predicts no difference in speed between the processing of canonical and scrambled sentences, apart from error rates.
  • The effects of phrase-length order and scrambling in the processing of visually presented Japanese sentences
    K Tamaoka, H Sakai, J Kawahara, Y Miyaoka
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The present study investigated the effects of phrase length and scrambling in the processing of Japanese sentences. Reading times of short phrases, long phrases, verbs, and whole sentences, measured by the method of self-paced reading, did not differ in terms of phrase-length order and scrambling. In addition, four types of sentences constructed on the basis of phrase-length order and scrambling did not affect duration times of correctness decision-making for sentences. However, error rates differed between canonical and scrambled sentences regardless of phrase-length order. This result implies that scrambled sentences were harder to judge as correct sentences than canonical sentences. Thus, scrambling affects the appropriate integration of information, whereas phrase-length order is simply an indication of preference and not of cognitive processing. To explain the present result, the authors propose the "configurational structure without movement," which predicts no difference in speed between the processing of canonical and scrambled sentences, apart from error rates.
  • Task switching mediates the attentional blink even without backward masking
    JI Kawahara, SM Zuvic, JT Enns, Di Lollo, V
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 65, 3, 339, 351, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2003年04月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When two targets are presented in rapid succession, perception of the second target is impaired at short intertarget lags (100-700 msec). This attentional blink (AB) is thought to occur only when the second target is backward masked. To the contrary, we show that task switching between the targets can produce an AB even without masking (Experiments 1 and 3). Further, we show that task switching produces an AB only when the second target does not belong to a class of overlearned stimuli such as letters or digits (Experiments 1 and 4). When the second target is masked, however, an AB is invariably obtained regardless of switching or overlearning. We propose that task switching involves a time-consuming process of reconfiguration of the visual system, during which the representation of the second target decays beyond recognition, resulting in an AB deficit. We suggest that overlearned stimuli are encoded in a form that, while maskable, decays relatively slowly, thus outlasting the delay due to reconfiguration and avoiding the AB deficit.
  • Task switching mediates the attentional blink even without backward masking
    JI Kawahara, SM Zuvic, JT Enns, Di Lollo, V
    PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 65, 3, 339, 351, PSYCHONOMIC SOC INC, 2003年04月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When two targets are presented in rapid succession, perception of the second target is impaired at short intertarget lags (100-700 msec). This attentional blink (AB) is thought to occur only when the second target is backward masked. To the contrary, we show that task switching between the targets can produce an AB even without masking (Experiments 1 and 3). Further, we show that task switching produces an AB only when the second target does not belong to a class of overlearned stimuli such as letters or digits (Experiments 1 and 4). When the second target is masked, however, an AB is invariably obtained regardless of switching or overlearning. We propose that task switching involves a time-consuming process of reconfiguration of the visual system, during which the representation of the second target decays beyond recognition, resulting in an AB deficit. We suggest that overlearned stimuli are encoded in a form that, while maskable, decays relatively slowly, thus outlasting the delay due to reconfiguration and avoiding the AB deficit.
  • Transfer of spatial context from visual to haptic search
    T Nabeta, F Ono, J Kawahara
    PERCEPTION, 32, 11, 1351, 1358, PION LTD, 2003年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Under incidental learning conditions, spatial layouts can be acquired implicitly and facilitate visual search (contextual-cueing effect). We examined whether the contextual-cueing effect is specific to the visual modality or transfers to the haptic modality. The participants performed 320 (experiment 1) or 192 (experiment 2) visual search trials based on a typical contextual-cueing paradigm, followed by haptic search trials in which half of the trials had layouts used in the previous visual search trials. The visual contextual-cueing effect was obtained in the learning phase. More importantly, the effect was transferred from visual to haptic searches; there was greater facilitation of haptic search trials when the spatial layout was the same as in the previous visual search trials, compared with trials in which the spatial layout differed from those in the visual search. This suggests the commonality of spatial memory to allocate focused attention in both visual and haptic modalities.
  • Rehabilitation technique facilitates association cortices in hemiparetic patients: functional MRI study
    M Maruishi, H Muranaka, M Miyatani, J Kawahara, T Tsuji, S Noda, T Kajima
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), We used fMRI to study brain activation with facilitative rehabilitation techniques (passive hand movements and visual feedback) in two patients with subcortical lesions. Two tasks were given in a sequence. The first task (trial 1) was repetitive hand grasping by the paretic hand at a rate of 0.5 Hz with the eyes closed. The second task (trial 2), the facilitative rehabilitation technique, included task I plus support by a trainer to move the paretic hand with the eyes open to get visual feedback of the movement. The data were analyzed by a subtractive method. When task I was subtracted from task 2, it was found that the bilateral visual cortex, contralateral premotor cortex and posterior parietal cortex were involved with the passive hand movement and visual feedback. These facilitative rehabilitation techniques may integrate networks between sensory information and motor commands, and lead to functional reorganization.
  • The effect of observer's set on the processing of temporally distributed items
    Jun-Ichiro Kawahara
    Japanese Psychological Research, 45, 2, 109, 114, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2003年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Perception of the second of two rapidly presented targets is impaired when the temporal lag between them is short (attentional blink, AB). Previous studies showed two types of AB functions. One is that the performance for the second target has been found to be most impaired at the shortest lag (Lag 1), that is, when the second target appeared directly after the first target. The other is that the performance was not impaired at Lag 1 (Lag 1 sparing). The present study examined whether the task set of observers determines the occurrence of Lag 1 sparing. The experiment revealed that Lag 1 sparing occurred only when the observers were informed of the relationships of target locations. The present results extend the explanation of Lag 1 sparing by attentional gating (Visser, Zuvic, Bischof, &
    Di Lollo, 1999b) and suggest that this gating system is not stimulus-driven but subject to goal-directed control.
  • Facilitation of local information processing in the attentional blink as indexed by the shooting line illusion
    Jun-Ichiro Kawahara
    Psychological Research, 66, 2, 116, 123, 2, 2002年05月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Perception of the second of two rapidly sequential targets is impaired if the temporal lag between them is relatively short. This attentional blink (AB) is said to occur because the first target preoccupies attentional resources, leading to a shortage of attention for, and subsequent failure of judgement of, the second target. In the present study, we examined whether the attention which is preoccupied by the first target carries the common characteristic of spatial attention, that is local facilitation of information processing. To index the facilitation, we presented an attention-sensitive probe known as the shooting line illusion in which observers see a progressively drawn line from the attended end to the other. We found that illusory motion was perceived to emanate from the end where the first target was presented. This result demonstrates the inherently spatial nature of attention, even when it is defined by temporal and symbolic variables.
  • Facilitation of local information processing in the attentional blink as indexed by the shooting line illusion
    J Kawahara
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Perception of the second of two rapidly sequential targets is impaired if the temporal lag between them is relatively short. This attentional blink (AB) is said to occur because the first target preoccupies attentional resources, leading to a shortage of attention for, and subsequent failure of judgement of, the second target. In the present study, we examined whether the attention which is preoccupied by the first target carries the common characteristic of spatial attention, that is local facilitation of information processing. To index the facilitation, we presented an attention-sensitive probe known as the shooting line illusion in which observers see a progressively drawn line from the attended end to the other. We found that illusory motion was perceived to emanate from the end where the first target was presented. This result demonstrates the inherently spatial nature of attention, even when it is defined by temporal and symbolic variables.
  • 書字行動からみた言語の認知・学習過程に関する研究 : 書字行動測定用ソフトウエア開発の試み
    河原 純一郎, 玉岡 賀津雄, 中條 和光, 松見 法男
    広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域, 50, 317, 324, 広島大学, 2002年02月28日
    日本語, There is little extistent literature that has investigated the process involved in writing Japanese two-morpheme (kanji) compound words. One reason for this scarcity has been the difficulty in devising instruments to measure latencies for writing behaviour. To asnwere this problem, we developed software that enabled us to present auditory stimuli, to measure writing latencies, to track trajectories during the writing of kanji characters, and to assist data analysis. This software runs on the Microsoft Windows 98 Operating System with a commercially available pen-tablet. Technical details of this software will be explained in this paper.
  • Preattentive perception of multiple illusory line-motion: A formal model of parallel independent-detection in visual search
    JI Kawahara, K Yokosawa
    JOURNAL OF GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY, 128, 4, 357, 383, HELDREF PUBLICATIONS, 2001年10月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The phenomenon referred to as illusory line-motion (ILM; O. Hikosaka, S. Miyauchi, & S. Shimojo, 1993a) has been described as a measure of the local facilitation of attention gradient. However, J. Kawahara, K. Yokosawa, S. Nishida, and T. Sato (1996) have demonstrated a spatially parallel search for an "odd man out" in the ILM direction. Apart from showing preattentive ILM perception in terms of an analogy between line-motion and apparent motion, the authors examined whether ILM perception is possible without attention from another point of view. Four experiments revealed that the ILM target can be detected in parallel without invoking attentional facilitation and invalidated the possible contribution of attentional set in parallel ILM search. Participants were able to correctly detect the ILM target among multiple nontargets, even when the line orientation was changed from trial to trial. The authors' independent-detection model predicted ILM search performance well on several occasions. These findings strongly support a preattentive and stimulus-driven explanation of ILM perception.
  • The effect of informative and uninformative cueing of attention on feature integration
    JI Kawahara, M Miyatani
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In the present study, the authors observed the effect of informative and uninformative attentional cueing on visual search for targets that were defined by a simple feature or by conjunctions of features. Three different types of attentional cueing were tested in three experiments: peripheral informative cueing, peripheral uninformative cueing, and central informative cueing. Participants showed a greater effect of cueing in detecting a conjunction of features than in detecting unique features only when attention was oriented by either peripheral or central informative cueing. This differential cueing effect was not observed when attention was oriented by peripheral uninformative cueing. The results suggest that voluntarily oriented attention plays a more important role in feature integration than automatically oriented attention does. The results also pose limits on the generalizability of K. A. Briand's (1998) proposal regarding the role of automatically oriented attention in feature integration.
  • The effect of meaning on visual image segmentation
    SL Ngohayon, J Kawahara, T Toshima
    PSYCHOLOGIA, 42, 3, 170, 182, PSYCHOLOGIA SOC, 1999年09月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This study aimed to find out whether image segmentation is affected by the object's meaning. In Experiment 1, 20 subjects judged whether or not two probe circles embedded in a meaningless two-part figure have the same color. The probes shared the same part (same object) or different parts (different objects) of the figure. The metric distance from, fixation point to probes was identical across conditions. Responses were faster and more accurate in the same object than in the different object condition (same-object-advantage). In experiment 2, meaningful Japanese kanji and meaningless jumbled-kanji were used as stimuli. The kanji measured the effect of meaning on segmentation while the jumbled-kanji measured the applicable range of this effect. Data from 20 subjects reveal that reaction time for same-object was longer than the different-object condition (same-object-disadvantage) irrespective of whether they were kanji or jumbled-kanji. These findings suggest that meaning and it's influence affect image segmentation.
  • Stimulus-driven Control of Attention : Evidence from Visual Search for Moving Target Among Static Nontargets
    Kawahara Jun′ichiro, Toshima Tamotsu
    基礎心理学研究, 15, 2, 77, 87, 日本基礎心理学会, 1997年
    英語, Previous research (Kawahara, 1996) suggest that visual attention is directed to the most salient stimulus in the visual field irrespective of the subjects' knowledge or intention (attentional capture). In the present study, we conducted two visual search experiments and confirmed the idea that visual attention is directed in the stimulus-driven way. Subjects searched for a target which was defined by motion. In one condition, the target was presented among static nontargets; in another condition, one of the nontarget was replaced with a task-irrelevant distractor which had a unique color. Experiment 1 showed that the presence of the distractor prolonged the reaction time for target identification even when the target can be detected independent of the total number of items in the stimulus display (display size). Decreasing the saliency of the distractor color diminished attentional capture (Experiment 2). These results are consistent with the notion of stimulus-driven way of attentional deployment. A further analysis and experiment were conducted to characterize the nature of attentional capture. The distance and the compatibility of features between the target and distractor were not significant determinant of attentional capture in the present study. Finally, a possibility and problem for proposing the single activation map model of attentional deployment was discussed.
  • Role of attention in illusory line motion search
    Kawahara, J., Yokosawa, K.
    Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 38, 4, 1997年, [査読有り]
  • Illusory line motion in visual search: Attentional facilitation or apparent motion?
    J Kawahara, K Yokosawa, S Nishida, T Sato
    PERCEPTION, 25, 8, 901, 920, PION LTD, 1996年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A line, presented instantaneously, is perceived to be drawn from one end when a dot is flashed at that end prior to the presentation of the line. Although this phenomenon, called illusory line motion, has been attributed to accelerated processing at the locus of attention, preattentive (stimulus-driven) motion mechanisms might also contribute to the line-motion sensation. We tested this possibility in an odd-target-search task. The stimulus display consisted of two, four, or eight pairs of dots and lines. All lines were presented on the same side of the dots (eg right), except for the target line, which was presented on the opposite side (left). Subjects were asked to report the presence or absence of the target, which was presented in half of the trials. Low error rates for target detection (about 10%) even when the display consisted of eight dot-line pairs (ie display size was eight) indicated that illusory line motion could be perceived simultaneously at many locations. The interstimulus interval (ISI) between the dots and lines (0-2176 ms) and the contrast polarity (both dots and lines were brighter than the background, or dots were darker and lines were brighter) were also manipulated. When an ISI of a few hundred milliseconds was inserted, target detection was nearly impossible with larger display sizes. When the contrast polarity was changed, the target-detection performance was impaired significantly, even with no ISI. Moreover, it was found that the effects of display size, ISI, and contrast polarity were comparable in searches for a two-dot apparent-motion target. These results support the idea that preattentive, apparent-motion mechanisms, as well as attentional mechanisms, contribute to illusory line motion.
  • The effect of stimulus-driven factor on attentional capture: Evidence from visual search paradigm containing static and dynamic stimuli
    Jun'ichiro Kawahara
    Shinrigaku Kenkyu, 67, 1, 25, 32, Japanese Psychological Association, 1996年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The present study investigated the nature of attentional control when the stimulus display contained both static and dynamic items. Subjects searched for a target defined by color presented among nontargets, one of which was a distractor with a unique feature in a different stimulus dimension. Experiment 1 showed that the presence of a distractor with a taskirrelevant form hindered identification of the color-defined target. When it was easy to distinguish the target from the other items, this attentional capture was not observed even if the display contained a motion distractor (Experiment 2). Decreasing the saliency of a target color yielded the attentional capture by a motion distractor and interfered target identification performance (Experiment 3) - These results suggest that the attentional control mainly depends on the stimulus-driven activations caused by differences between features in stimulus dimensions whether the target and the distractor are defined by static or dynamic features. In order to explain these findings of the attentional capture, a possibility for proposing the single activation map model was discussed.
  • Object-specific priming in apparent motion display
    H Yoshida, J Kawahara, S Maedo, T Toshima
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 66, 5, 354, 360, JAPAN PSYCHOL ASSOC, 1995年12月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The perceptual process of an object with multiple features mainly consists of two stages. At first, features are encoded independently at the modular level (feature level). Secondly, they are recombined to build a temporal representation of the object (conjunctive level). Using the apparent motion technique in which stimuli were defined by color and shape, we examined the levels at which the object-specific priming takes place. Although the discrimination of the second stimulus was facilitated when it shared the features with the first stimulus, the priming effects were different according to the number of stimulus items of the first frame. When the first frame contained one stimulus item, the priming benefits were obtained at the both conjunctive and the feature levels. However, the benefit was found only at the feature level when the item number was increased to eight (one of them disappeared in the following frames as the apparent motion stimulus). The roles of modular analysis and attention integration were discussed in terms of the economical validity of feature preservation in object perception.
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 64, 5, 396, 400, JAPAN PSYCHOL ASSOC, 1993年12月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), One of the unsettled issues in visual search research is whether the search for a conjunction of motion and the other physical feature (e. g. color or shape) is serial or parallel. In the present experiment, the subjects (six undergraduate students) were instructed to search for a target defined by color, shape, motion, or combinations of the two out of these three features, and the reaction time was measured. The slopes of the regression (number of items in the display vs. reaction time) are the largest for a target defined by a conjunction of color and shape, the smallest for a target defined by one feature, and intermediate for a moving conjunctive target. These results are consistent with those of McLeod and colleagues (1988, 1991) which suggest that a specific visual subsystem operates as a movement filter.


  • リアルライフでの視覚探索
    河原 純一郎, 認知科学, 31, 4, 651, 659, 2024年12月01日
    Searching is an inevitable behavior for us, but its accuracy is not perfect, and in most cases, it is slow and time-consuming due to optical and structural limitations. Moreover, searching is limited by cognitive bottlenecks: the number and content of objects that can be analyzed and matched to memory at any one time are restricted. Attention is an essential cognitive function during visual searches by prioritizing and selecting objects that seem important, allowing us to come to terms with these constraints. This functionality of attention has been primarily examined in the laboratory using visual search tasks. The present article reviews a brief history of research on visual attention, including visual searches and real-life application studies., 日本認知科学会, 日本語
  • 生脚による注意捕捉効果
    鶴見周摩, 反田智之, 反田智之, 河原純一郎, 東北心理学研究, 71, 2023年
  • 物体検出における視野異方性
    鶴見周摩, 河原純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 41, 2, 2023年
  • covert attentionの発達-方位と運動方向の弁別-
    鶴見周摩, 鶴見周摩, 金沢創, 山口真美, 河原純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 40, 2, 2022年
  • 乳児におけるcovert attentionの発達過程
    鶴見周摩, 鶴見周摩, 金沢創, 山口真美, 河原純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 39, 2, 2021年
  • 衛生マスクが顔の印象に及ぼす効果とCOVID-19の流行—COVID-19 epidemic and the effect of wearing sanitary masks on facial impressions—特集 Withコロナにおける色彩の「今」
    河原 純一郎, 宮崎 由樹, 伊藤 資浩, 鎌谷 美希, 日本色彩学会誌 = Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan, 44, 6, 262, 264, 2020年
    東京 : 日本色彩学会, 日本語
  • 顔の上視野優位性の発達
    鶴見周摩, 鶴見周摩, 金沢創, 山口真美, 河原純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 38, 2, 2020年
  • 衛生マスクが顔の印象に及ぼす効果とCOVID-19 の流行               
    河原純一郎, 宮崎由樹, 伊藤資浩, 鎌谷美希, 日本色彩学会誌, 44, 6, 262, 264, 2020年, [招待有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
  • 注意の瞬きは1歳未満の乳児でも生じるか?
    鶴見周摩, 金沢創, 山口真美, 河原純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 37, 2, 208, 2019年03月31日
  • 視聴覚の持続的注意の特性比較               
    寺島裕貴, 木原健, 河原純一郎, 近藤洋史, 日本音響学会 聴覚研究会資料, 689, 694, 2018年11月
  • Differences between self-perspective and others’ perspectives in assessing one’s own perceived facial attractiveness               
    Miyazaki, Y, Kawahara, J. I, 59th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 2018年11月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)
  • 乳児における高速遂時視覚呈示(RSVP)中の顔検出能力の検討               
    鶴見 周摩, 金沢 創, 山口 真美, 河原 純一郎, Vision, 30, 1, 54, 55, 2018年01月
    日本視覚学会, 日本語
  • 衛生マスクが顔の魅力と大きさの知覚に及ぼす効果               
    河原 純一郎, 宮崎 由樹, FRAGRANCE JOURNAL, 45, 11, 48, 52, 2017年11月
    日本語, 記事・総説・解説・論説等(商業誌、新聞、ウェブメディア)
  • 顔の大きさ知覚における顔面下部の物理的大きさの重要性               
    宮崎 由樹, 伊藤 資浩, 神山 龍一, 柴田 彰, 河原 純一郎, 日本心理学会第81回大会, 2017年09月
    日本語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)
  • 選択的注意
    河西哲子, 河原純一郎, 生理心理学と精神生理学, 33, 1, 1, 3, 2016年08月, [招待有り]
    日本語, 記事・総説・解説・論説等(その他)
  • Emerging Psychologists' Program: Cognitive, Developmental, and Personality studies
    Jun-Ichiro Kawahara, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 51, 632, 632, 2016年07月
    ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)
  • The mere presence of a cell phone may result in a spatial bias toward the device
    Motohiro Ito, Jun Kawahara, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 51, 190, 190, 2016年07月
    ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)
  • 顔の大きさ知覚に及ぼす衛生マスク着用効果
    宮崎 由樹, 伊藤 資浩, 神山 龍一, 柴田 彬, 河原 純一郎, 日本認知心理学会第14回大会, 2016, 43, 43, 2016年06月
    近年,衛生マスク (以下,マスク) は,風邪や花粉対策等の衛生用途以外にも使われる。例えば,若年女性の一部は,小顔に見せる為にマスクを利用することがある。本研究では,見た目の顔の大きさにマスクの着用が及ぼす効果を検証した。実験はマスク着用 (着用,非着用) と元々の見た目の顔の大きさ (小顔,中顔,大顔群) の2要因被験者内計画で実施した。被験者は,LCDに呈示された顔画像の見た目の顔の大きさを1 (小さい) から100 (大きい) の範囲で評定した。その結果,元々の見た目の顔の大きさに関わらず,マスク非着用画像に比べ,マスク着用画像の方が顔が小さく知覚されることが示された (マスク着用の効果量は小顔群に比べ,中顔・大顔群の方が大きかった)。この効果は,マスク着用で,顔の大きさ判断に用いられる視覚手がかり (咬筋部や下顎周りの皮膚厚等) が利用できなくなること,顔が遮蔽されたことによる錯視効果に基づくと考えられる。, 日本認知心理学会, 日本語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)
  • 奇抜な名前が社会的評価の印象形成に及ぼす影響
    伊藤 資浩, 宮崎 由樹, 河原 純一郎, 日本認知心理学会第14回大会, 2016, 140, 140, 2016年06月
    外見や社会的地位だけでなく名前そのものが対人評価に影響することがある。例えば,名前の魅力や流暢性の高さが付加価値となり,社会的な評価場面において好意的な印象が形成される。本研究では,名前の奇抜さが見た目の社会性,特にリーダーシップ性に及ぼす影響を検証した。具体的に,名前の奇抜さ(奇抜な名前・一般的な名前)と元々の見た目のリーダーシップ性の程度(低群・中群・高群)を実験要因として,被験者は呈示される若年者の顔画像と名前から見た目のリーダーシップ性の程度を評価した。その結果,元々の見た目のリーダーシップ性の程度に関わらず,一般的な名前に比べて奇抜な名前が呈示されたとき,リーダーシップ性は低く評価された。またこの効果は,高齢者の顔画像が呈示されたとき強く生じた。これらの結果は,近年のいわゆるキラキラネームは社会性評価において付加価値とならず,外見に関わらず非好意的な印象を生むことを反映している。, 日本認知心理学会, 日本語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議)
  • Effects of a sanitary mask on perceived facial size and attractiveness               
    Miyazaki, Y, Ito, M, Kamiyama, R, Shibata, A, Kawahara, J, International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society 2016, 195, 2016年05月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)
  • Louder voice for bigger physical movement: Compatibility between vocalization and action production
    Masayoshi Nagai, Yohei Yamada, Jun-Ichiro Kawahara, Yukiko Nishizaki, PERCEPTION, 44, 245, 245, 2015年08月
    SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)
  • ストレスが認知的行動に及ぼす影響 : 選択的注意とストレス測定 (第29回日本ストレス学会学術総会記録 社会に貢献できる心理生物学的研究)
    河原 純一郎, 佐藤 広英, ストレス科学 : 日本ストレス学会誌, 29, 1, 18, 28, 2014年07月31日
    日本ストレス学会, 日本語
  • Irrelevant Faces Capture Attention Without Awareness
    CANADIAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOC, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)
  • 長時間運転疲労チェックシートの開発とドライバーの疲労タイプの分類
    佐藤稔久, 河原純一郎, 熊田孝恒, 赤松幹之, 自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集, 118-12, 5, 10, 2012年10月03日
  • PTPシートの識別性を定量的に測定する : 逐次判断法の開発 (特集 医薬品包装のユーザビリティ)
    河原 純一郎, 熊田 孝恒, 小島 史靖, 包装技術, 49, 11, 779, 784, 2011年11月
    日本包装技術協会, 日本語
  • 注意の瞬き--資源剥奪理論vs.選択理論 (2010年度 第1回フォーラム 認知神経科学のひろがり)
    河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 29, 2, 159, 163, 2011年03月
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • 捕捉される注意と瞬く注意の共通性(日本基礎心理学会第28回大会,大会発表要旨)
    木原 健, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 28, 2, 285, 285, 2010年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • ストレスの想起時に生じる選択的記憶バイアス(日本基礎心理学会第28回大会,大会発表要旨)
    佐藤 広英, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 28, 2, 267, 267, 2010年
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • ストレスは注意資源を消費するのか?(日本基礎心理学会第28回大会,大会発表要旨)
    竹中 一平, 佐藤 広英, 河原 純一郎, 熊田 孝恒, 基礎心理学研究, 28, 2, 286, 286, 2010年
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • RSVP事態における複数標的符号化処理の時間特性 : 事象関連電位研究(日本基礎心理学会第27回東北大会,大会発表要旨)
    木原 健, 河原 純一郎, 武田 裕司, 基礎心理学研究, 27, 2, 171, 171, 2009年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • 視覚的印付けへの意味変化の影響(日本基礎心理学会第27回東北大会,大会発表要旨)
    大杉 尚之, 熊田 孝恒, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 27, 2, 172, 172, 2009年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • Flicker is a primitive visual attribute
    Thomas Spalek, Jun-ichiro Kawahara, Vincent Di Lollo, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-REVUE CANADIENNE DE PSYCHOLOGIE EXPERIMENTALE, 62, 4, 313, 313, 2008年12月
    CANADIAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOC, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)
  • 視覚的印付けに伴う抑制の空間的分布(日本基礎心理学会第26回大会,大会発表要旨)
    大杉 尚之, 河原 純一郎, 熊田 孝恒, 基礎心理学研究, 26, 2, 202, 202, 2008年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • イベントベースの注意(日本基礎心理学会第26回大会,大会発表要旨)
    有賀 敦紀, 河原 純一郎, 渡邊 克巳, 基礎心理学研究, 26, 2, 210, 210, 2008年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • 妨害刺激が消失すると注意捕捉は増大する(日本基礎心理学会第26回大会,大会発表要旨)
    犬飼 朋恵, 熊田 孝恒, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 26, 2, 210, 210, 2008年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • Maintenance of temporal attention in rapid serial visual presentation               
    Ariga, A, Kawahara, J, Watanabe, K, Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 27, 111, 112, 2008年, [査読有り], [招待有り]
    英語, 速報,短報,研究ノート等(学術雑誌)
  • Time perception is influenced by subjective area size of a brief stimulus.               
    Ono, F, Kawahara, J, The Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 25(2), 277-278., 25, 2, 277, 278, 2007年
  • Reduction of false recognition through haptic presentation of objects
    Nabeta, T., Kawahara, J.-I., European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 18, 6, 801, 812, 2006年11月01日
    False recognition of an item that is not presented (the lure) can occur when participants study and are tested on their recognition of items related to the lure. False recognition is reduced when the study and test modalities are congruent (e.g., both visual) rather than different (e.g., visual study and auditory test). The present study examined whether such a congruency effect occurs for haptic and auditory modalities. After studying items presented haptically or auditorily, participants took a haptic or auditory recognition test. False recognition was reduced when both the study and test were haptic, but not when the study was auditory and the test was haptic. These results indicate that cues encoded through the haptic modality can reduce false recognition. © 2006 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business.
  • 主観的大きさによる時間知覚の伸縮(日本基礎心理学会第25回大会,大会発表要旨)
    小野 史典, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 25, 1, 136, 136, 2006年09月30日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • 際立つ違いは聴覚的虚再認を減らす(日本基礎心理学会第25回大会,大会発表要旨)
    鍋田 智広, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 25, 1, 139, 139, 2006年09月30日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • 知覚的構えの受動的な維持と課題間転移に関する研究(日本基礎心理学会第24回大会,大会発表要旨)
    賀張 祐司, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 24, 2, 215, 215, 2006年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • Delboeuf錯視の判断順序効果に及ぼす知覚的構えの影響(日本基礎心理学会第24回大会,大会発表要旨)
    鍋田 智広, 濱田 治良, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 24, 2, 218, 218, 2006年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • 時間知覚に与える主観的大きさの影響 : エビングハウス錯視を用いた検討(日本基礎心理学会第24回大会,大会発表要旨)
    小野 史典, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 24, 2, 236, 236, 2006年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • The effect of subjective area size on time perception.               
    Ono, F, Kawahara, J, The Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 25(1), 119-120., 25, 1, 119, 120, 2006年
  • 非注意事態での空間処理 : 注意の瞬きと線運動錯視による検討(日本基礎心理学会第23回大会,大会発表要旨)
    河原 純一郎, ゴラシ シャハブ, 基礎心理学研究, 23, 2, 224, 224, 2005年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • 触覚および聴覚における虚再認とモダリティ一致効果(日本基礎心理学会第23回大会,大会発表要旨)
    鍋田 智広, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 23, 2, 230, 230, 2005年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • 注意を誘導する試行間関係の潜在記憶(日本基礎心理学会第23回大会,大会発表要旨)
    小野 史典, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 23, 2, 241, 241, 2005年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • Does one's name attract visual attention?
    Kawahara, J.-I., Yamada, Y., Visual Cognition, 11, 8, 997, 1017, 2004年11月01日
    Does one's name attract visual attention? To answer this question, we conducted four experiments. Experiment 1 adopted the method of a previous study (Bundesen, Kyllingsbæk, Houmann, & Jensen, 1997), but used Japanese names; the results of this experiment replicated the lack of evidence for attentional attraction by the observer's name. Experiments 2 and 3 tested two arguments put forward by Bundesen et al. (1997) to explain this null effect of observer's name on attentional attraction. The results showed that neither efficient target selection by colour nor the number of target characters could explain the null effect. Alternatively, we proposed that the observer's set plays a critical role in the attentional attraction of observer's name. Experiments 4 and 5 tested this idea by manipulating the observer's set; the results showed that when the observer's set matches the target defining feature, the observer's name does capture attention. These five experiments suggest that attentional attraction by an observer's name depends on the relationship between the observer's set and task. © 2004 Psychology Press Ltd.
  • 1P064 お弁当持った? : 触覚における虚偽記憶とモダリティ効果(2003年度 日本基礎心理学会第22回大会優秀発表賞)
    鍋田 智広, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 23, 1, 97, 98, 2004年09月30日
    A false memory is created by studying a list of items related to an item which is not presented. The present study examined whether a haptic study/test results in false recognition and, if so, whether a congruency of the presentation modality in the study and test reduces the false recognition. Following haptic or visual study of lists of objects participants completed a haptic or visual recognition test. We obtained a haptic false memory. Furthermore the amount of false recognition was reduced when the presentation modality was congruent with the study modality. Haptic study reduced false ..., 日本基礎心理学会
  • Brain activation during manipulation of the myoelectric prosthetic hand: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
    M Maruishi, Y Tanaka, H Muranaka, T Tsuji, Y Ozawa, S Imaizumi, M Miyatani, J Kawahara, NEUROIMAGE, 21, 4, 1604, 1611, 2004年04月
    Neuroimaging data, particularly functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) findings, have not been reported in users of the myoelectric or electromyographic (EMG) prosthetic hand. We developed a virtual EMG prosthetic hand system to eliminate mutual signal noise interference between fMRI imaging and the EMG prosthesis. We used fMRI to localize activation in the human brain during manipulation of the virtual EMG prosthetic hand. Fourteen right-handed normal subjects were instructed to perform repetitive grasping with the right hand with eyes closed (CEG); repetitive grasping with the right hand with eyes open-to obtain visual feedback of their own hand movement (OEG); and repetitive grasping with the virtual EMG prosthetic hand with the eyes open to obtain visual feedback of the prosthetic hand movement (VRG). The specific site activated during manipulation of the EMG prosthetic hand was the right ventral premotor cortex. Both paradigms with visual feedback also (OEG and VRG) demonstrated activation in the right posterior parietal cortex. The center of activation of the right posterior parietal cortex shifted laterally for visual feedback with the virtual EMG prosthetic hand compared to a subject's own hand. The results suggest that the EMG prosthetic hand might be recognized in the brain as a high-performance alternative to a real hand, being controlled through a "mirror system" in the brain. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 英語
  • 時間知覚に与える潜在記憶と顕在記憶の影響(日本基礎心理学会第22回大会,大会発表要旨)
    小野 史典, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 22, 2, 212, 212, 2004年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • お弁当持った? : 触覚における虚偽記憶とモダリティ効果(日本基礎心理学会第22回大会,大会発表要旨)
    鍋田 智広, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 22, 2, 216, 216, 2004年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • Previous subthreshold exposures reduce perceived duration
    Fuminori Ono, Fuminori Ono, Jun Ichiro Kawahara, Fumiko Matsuda, Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive, 22, 27, 40, 2004年02月01日
    Our perceived duration of events is affected by factors that are at least partly conscious. Here, we report that the perceived duration of visual events can be affected by a completely unconscious factor. Participants were briefly (12.5 ms) exposed to nonsense syllables, followed by backward pattern masking in an exposure phase. In a second phase, they estimated the presented durations of nonsense syllables that were either previously exposed or not exposed. Additional discrimination tests with other participants ensured that the stimuli in the exposure phase had been presented below the conscious detection threshold. The results indicated that the mean estimated duration for the stimuli that were previously exposed was shorter than that for the new stimuli. When the backward mask was removed, and the participants were aware of the exposed stimuli, a reduction in perceived duration was not observed. These results suggest that unconscious experience may be one of determinants for reducing the perceived duration of events.
  • 視覚的印付けされた刺激配置は文脈手がかりとなりうるか?
    小野 史典, 鍋田 智広, 河原 純一郎, 心理学研究, 75, 3, 207, 212, 2004年
    We examined the attentional constraints of the contextual cueing effect known to occur only for attended items. We focused on whether the items not only attended to but also inhibited afterwards yield the effect or not. We adopted a hybrid paradigm of visual marking and contextual cueing procedures. In the experiment, half the distractors preceded the others and a target for one second. The results showed the contextual cueing effect even with visually marked items. These results suggest that spatial configurations previously attended to and inhibited afterwards can be encoded as visual context., 日本心理学会, 日本語
  • Rehabilitation technique facilitates association cortices in hemiparetic patients: Functional MRI study
    M. Maruishi, H. Muranaka, M. Miyatani, J. Kawahara, T. Tsuji, S. Noda, T. Kajima, Acta Neurochirurgica, Supplementum, 87, 75, 78, 2003年12月01日
    We used fMRI to study brain activation with facilitative rehabilitation techniques (passive hand movements and visual feedback) in two patients with subcortical lesions. Two tasks were given in a sequence. The first task (trial 1) was repetitive hand grasping by the paretic hand at a rate of 0.5 Hz with the eyes closed. The second task (trial 2), the facilitative rehabilitation technique, included task I plus support by a trainer to move the paretic hand with the eyes open to get visual feedback of the movement. The data were analyzed by a subtractive method. When task 1 was subtracted from task 2, it was found that the bilateral visual cortex, contralateral premotor cortex and posterior parietal cortex were involved with the passive hand movement and visual feedback. These facilitative rehabilitation techniques may integrate networks between sensory information and motor commands, and lead to functional reorganization. © Springer-Verlag 2003.
  • Task-set is vulnerable to exogenous resetting during target identification
    Kawahara, J.-I., Enns, J., Di Lollo, V., Journal of Vision, 3, 9, 2003年12月01日
    Perception of the second of two rapidly sequential targets is impaired if the temporal lag between them is short ("attentional blink"). We show how this can arise from an exogenously-triggered change in task-set. Observers saw a rapid stream of distractors (digits) centred on the screen. In the THREE-LETTER condition, observers reported three successive letters embedded in the stream of digits. In the TWO-LETTER condition, a digit replaced the second letter, with observers reporting only the two letters. Identification accuracy for the final letter was significantly higher in the Three-letter than in the Two-Letter condition, even though memory load was higher in the former. We propose (1) that the intervening digit triggered an involuntary change in task-set from letters to digits, and (2) that this was only possible while the system was busy identifying the first target. Thus, perception of the final letter in the Two-Letter condition was impaired because it did not fit the new task-set imposed by the intervening digit. Additional studies confirmed this account. First, the final-letter deficit remained when observers reported the intervening digit as well as the two letters. Second, the deficit vanished when the intervening distractor in the two-letter condition was rendered virtually invisible by an abrupt spatial shift in the location of the stream after the first target. Third, a central stream of preceding digits interfered much less with target-letter identification than a stream of preceding letters. We propose that an endogenously-established task-set can be maintained quite effectively during the period in which a target letter is anticipated, permitting the efficient exclusion of task-irrelevant distractor digits. However, as soon identification of the target letter begins, the task set becomes vulnerable to alteration by exogenous distractors, making it now optimally tuned to the stimuli exemplified by the distractor digits instead of the letters.
  • Contextual cueing in 3D layouts defined by binocular disparity
    Jun Ichiro Kawahara, Visual Cognition, 10, 837, 852, 2003年10月01日
    Under incidental learning conditions, a spatial layout can be acquired implicitly and facilitates visual search (the contextual cueing effect; Chun & Jiang, 1998). We investigated two aspects of this effect: Whether spatial layouts of a 3D display are encoded automatically or require selective processing (Experiment 1), and whether the learned layouts are limited to 2D configurations or can encompass three dimensions (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, participants searched for a target presented only in a specific depth plane. Contextual cueing effect was obtained only when the location of the items in the attended plane was invariant and consistently paired with a target location. In contrast, repeating and pairing the layout of the ignored items with the target location did not produce a contextual cueing effect. In Experiment 2, we found that reaction times for the repeated condition increased significantly when the disparity of the repeated distractors was reversed in the last block of trials. These results indicate that contextual cueing in 3D displays occurs when the layout is relevant and selectively attended, and that 3D layouts can be preserved as an implicit visual spatial context.
  • 1-B-22 潜在記憶は時間知覚を短縮させる(2002年度 日本基礎心理学会第21回大会優秀発表賞)
    小野 史典, 藤木 大介, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 22, 1, 29, 30, 2003年09月30日
    The perceived duration of events is known to be affected by factors that are at least partly conscious. In the present study we report that the perceived duration of visual events can be affected even by an unconscious factor. The participants were briefly (12.5ms) exposed to nonsense syllables which were followed by backward pattern masking. A discrimination test for other participants confirmed that the stimuli were presented below a threshold level. The participants subsequently estimated the duration of the presentation of each of the nonsense syllables that either had, or had not, been..., 日本基礎心理学会, 英語
  • 1-B-42 視覚的文脈は触覚探索に転移するか?(2002年度 日本基礎心理学会第21回大会優秀発表賞)
    鍋田 智広, 小野 史典, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 22, 1, 35, 36, 2003年09月30日
    Under incidental learning conditions spatial layouts can be acquired implicitly and facilitate visual search (contextual cueing effect). We examined whether the visual contextual cueing effect is specific to the modality or transfers to the haptic modality. The participants performed visual search trials based on a typical contextual cueing paradigm, followed by haptic search trials in which half of the trials had layouts used in the previous visual search trials. The visual contextual cueing effect was obtained in the learning phase. More importantly, the effect was transferred from visual..., 日本基礎心理学会, 英語
  • Mere prsence of distractors: Another determining factor for the attentional blink
    Kawahara, J.-I., Japanese Psychological Research, 45, 3, 140, 151, 2003年09月01日
    When two visual targets are presented in rapid succession, perception of the second target is deteriorated if the temporal lag between the two targets is short (0-300 ms). This 'attentional blink' (AB) phenomenon has been believed to occur only when the second target is followed by a backward mask or when there is a task switching between two targets. The present study revealed another determining factor for the occurrence of the AB, the presence or absence of a distractor stream. Five experiments examined the effect of possible confounding factors in the extant literature and suggested that the mere presence of a distractor stream affects the processing of targets even when the observers tried to ignore them, resulting in a processing delay. This effect is discussed in a model of AB deficit in terms of decay of the second target's representation.
  • The effect of observer's set on the processing of temporally distributed items
    Jun Ichiro Kawahara, Japanese Psychological Research, 45, 109, 114, 2003年05月01日
    Perception of the second of two rapidly presented targets is impaired when the temporal lag between them is short (attentional blink, AB). Previous studies showed two types of AB functions. One is that the performance for the second target has been found to be most impaired at the shortest lag (Lag 1), that is, when the second target appeared directly after the first target. The other is that the performance was not impaired at Lag 1 (Lag 1 sparing). The present study examined whether the task set of observers determines the occurrence of Lag 1 sparing. The experiment revealed that Lag 1 sparing occurred only when the observers were informed of the relationships of target locations. The present results extend the explanation of Lag 1 sparing by attentional gating (Visser, Zuvic, Bischof, & Di Lollo, 1999b) and suggest that this gating system is not stimulus-driven but subject to goal-directed control.
  • 潜在記憶は時間知覚を短縮させる(発表要旨,日本基礎心理学会第21回大会)
    小野 史典, 藤木 大介, 吉田 有美子, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 21, 2, 161, 161, 2003年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • 視覚的文脈は触覚探索に転移するか?(発表要旨,日本基礎心理学会第21回大会)
    鍋田 智広, 小野 史典, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 21, 2, 165, 165, 2003年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • 因果関係の推論は記憶を歪める : 聴覚刺激を用いた再認バイアスの検討(発表要旨,日本基礎心理学会第21回大会)
    中尾 敬, 武澤 友広, 國田 祥子, 河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 21, 2, 179, 180, 2003年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • 注意の瞬き (特集:視覚的注意) -- (第二部 基礎研究編)
    河原 純一郎, 心理学評論, 46, 3, 501, 526, 2003年
    心理学評論刊行会, 日本語
  • Contextual cueing effect in three-dimensional layouts
    Kawahara, J.-I., Journal of Vision, 2, 7, 2002年12月01日
    Under incidental learning conditions, the spatial layout of visually presented objects can be acquired implicitly and can be used to facilitate visual search (contextual cueing effect; Chun & Jiang, 1998). We investigated the nature of the implicitly learned spatial layouts in stereo (3-D) displays. Experiment 1 examined whether the learned layouts are limited to 2-D configurations or can encompass three dimensions. Subjects received 720 trials of a visual search task with stereo shutter goggles so that half the items were in the frontal plane and the others were in the back. They searched for a rotated " T" among rotated "L". In the OLD condition, 12 different layouts were presented repeatedly for 360 trials. In the NEW condition, a new layout was generated on each of 360 trials. In the last 60 trials of the OLD condition, the disparity of the items was reversed. Reaction times in the OLD condition were faster than in the NEW condition even though the subjects were not able to recognize the OLD layouts (contextual cueing effect). More important, reaction times in the OLD condition increased significantly when the disparity was reversed, suggesting that the 3-D layouts had been implicitly learned during the initial 300 trials. Experiment 2 investigated whether 3-D layouts are encoded automatically or requires selective processing. Subjects searched for a target presented only in a specific depth plane (e.g., front, never in the back). A contextual cueing effect was obtained only when the location of the items in the attended plane was invariant and was consistently paired with a target location. In contrast, repeating and pairing the layout of the ignored items with the target location did not produce contextual cueing effect. These results indicate that visual attention can be guided by implicit knowledge in 3-D layouts, provided that the layout is relevant and selectively attended.
  • P-2B-19 潜在的な位置の記憶は奥行きを含むか?(2001年度 日本基礎心理学会第20回大会優秀発表賞)
    河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 21, 1, 59, 60, 2002年09月30日
    The spatial layout of objects can be acquired implicitly and facilitate visual search under incidental learning conditions (the contextual cueing effect; Chun & Jiang, 1998). The present study investigated whether the learned layouts are limited to two-dimensional configurations or can encompass three dimensions. We found that the reaction times for the repetition condition increased significantly when the disparity of the repeated distractors was reversed in the end of the session. These results indicate that three-dimensional layouts can be preserved as implicit visual spatial contexts., 日本基礎心理学会, 英語
  • 潜在的な位置の記憶は奥行きを含むか?(発表要旨,日本動物心理学会第61回大会・日本基礎心理学会第20回大会合同大会)
    河原 純一郎, 基礎心理学研究, 20, 2, 233, 233, 2002年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • Local facilitation of information processing in the attentional blink as indexed by the shooting line illusion
    Kawahara, J., Journal of Vision, 1, 3, 2001年12月01日
    Perception of the second of two rapidly sequential targets (T1, T2) is impaired if the temporal lag between them is short. This attentional blink (AB) is said to occur because T1 preoccupies attentional resources leading to a shortage of attention for, and subsequent failure in judgement of T2. We examined whether or not the attention preoccupied by T1 carries the common characteristic of spatial attention, that is, local facilitation of information processing. To index the facilitation, we utilized an attention sensitive phenomenon known as the shooting line illusion in which observers see a progressively drawn line from the attended end to the other. In a trial, three RSVP streams of digits (distractors) and an alphabet (target) were displayed forming an imaginary equiangular triangle. Two streams contained distractors and a target, while the other had distractors only. A probe line was presented with T2, between T2 and another item. The temporal lag between T1 and T2 ranged from 100 to 700 ms. Observers were to identify T1 and T2, and to indicate the perceived direction of the probe line. We hypothesized that if attention captured by T1 has a spatial nature and thus, facilitates local processing of information, then the probe line will be perceived as if it was drawn from the side of T1 to the other side. Contrary, if attention captured by T1 has unitary and non-spatial nature, then the shooting line illusion will not be perceived. A significant AB was obtained. During this AB period, the shooting line motion was perceived to emanate from the end where T1 was presented. The motion sensation of a shooting line was especially strong at shorter lags. This result suggests that the attention engaged by T1 involves local facilitation of the spatially adjacent location. This finding may enable us to distinguish between two stage and competition models of AB.
  • Preattentive perception of multiple illusory line-motion: A formal model of parallel independent-detection in visual search
    Jun Ichiro Kawahara, Kazuhiko Yokosawa, Journal of General Psychology, 128, 357, 383, 2001年10月01日
    The phenomenon referred to as illusory line-motion (ILM; O. Hikosaka, S. Miyauchi, & S. Shimojo, 1993a) has been described as a measure of the local facilitation of attention gradient. However, J. Kawahara, K. Yokosawa, S. Nishida, and T. Sato (1996) have demonstrated a spatially parallel search for an "odd man out" in the ILM direction. Apart from showing preattentive ILM perception in terms of an analogy between line-motion and apparent motion, the authors examined whether ILM perception is possible without attention from another point of view. Four experiments revealed that the ILM target can be detected in parallel without invoking attentional facilitation and invalidated the possible contribution of attentional set in parallel ILM search. Participants were able to correctly detect the ILM target among multiple nontargets, even when the line orientation was changed from trial to trial. The authors' independent-detection model predicted ILM search performance well on several occasions. These findings strongly support a preattentive and stimulus-driven explanation of ILM perception.
  • The preattentive emperor has no clothes: A dynamic redressing
    Vincent Di Lollo, Vincent Di Lollo, Jun Ichiro Kawahara, Samantha M. Zuvic, Troy A W Visser, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 130, 479, 492, 2001年09月01日
    Preattentive models of early vision have not been supported by the evidence. Instead, an input filtering system, which is dynamically reconfigured so as to optimize performance on the task at hand, is proposed. As a case in point, the authors examined Sagi and Julesz's (1985a) claim that detection tasks are processed preattentively and efficiently (shallow search slopes), whereas discrimination tasks require focal attention and yield inefficient steep slopes. In 5 visual search experiments, efficiency was found to depend not on the nature of the task but on whether the task is single or dual. The second component of a dual task, whether detection or discrimination, is performed inefficiently if it does not fit the configuration of the input system, which had been set optimally for the first component. But, even the second component is processed efficiently if there is enough time to reconfigure the system after processing the first component.
  • Attentional Requirements in Visual Detection and Identification: Evidence from the Attentional Blink
    Kawahara, J.-I., Di Lollo, V., Enns, J.T., Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 27, 4, 969, 984, 2001年08月01日
    Perception of the 2nd of 2 targets (T1 and T2) is impaired if the lag between them is short (0-500 ms). The authors used this attentional blink (AB) to index attentional requirements in detection and identification tasks, with or without backward masking of T2, in 2 stimulus domains (line orientation, coherent motion). With masking, the AB occurred because T2 was masked during the attentional dwell time created by T1 processing (Experiments 1, 2, and 3). Without masking, an AB occurred only in identification because during the attentional dwell time, T2 decayed to a level that could support simple detection but not complex identification. However, an AB occurred also in detection if T2 was sufficiently degraded (Experiment 4). The authors drew 2 major conclusions: (a) Attention is required in both identification and detection, and (b) 2 factors contribute to the AB, masking of T2 while attention is focused on T1 and decay of the T2 trace while unattended.
  • 課題切り替えが並列・逐次探索勾配に与える影響について(研究発表A,VII.第19回大会発表要旨)
    河原 純一郎, Lollo Vincent Di, 基礎心理学研究, 19, 2, 128, 129, 2001年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • The effect of informative and uninformative cueing of attention on feature integration
    Jun Ichiro Kawahara, Makoto Miyatani, Journal of General Psychology, 128, 57, 75, 2001年01月01日
    In the present study, the authors observed the effect of informative and uninformative attentional cueing on visual search for targets that were defined by a simple feature or by conjunctions of features. Three different types of attentional cueing were tested in three experiments: peripheral informative cueing, peripheral uninformative cueing, and central informative cueing. Participants showed a greater effect of cueing in detecting a conjunction of features than in detecting unique features only when attention was oriented by either peripheral or central informative cueing. This differential cueing effect was not observed when attention was oriented by peripheral uninformative cueing. The results suggest that voluntarily oriented attention plays a more important role in feature integration than automatically oriented attention does. The results also pose limits on the generalizability of K. A. Briand's (1998) proposal regarding the role of automatically oriented attention in feature integration.
  • Attentional switching mediates the attentional blink.
    J Kawahara, Di Lollo, V, JT Enns, INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE, 41, 4, S421, S421, 2000年03月
  • Endogenous orienting elicits space-and object-based visual attention
    Ngohayon Serafin L., Kawahara Jun-ichiro, 利島 保, 広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 第三部 教育人間科学関連領域, 49, 321, 328, 2000年
    広島大学大学院教育学研究科, 英語
  • The effect of meaning on visual image segmentation
    Serafin L. Ngohayon, Jun Ichiro Kawahara, Tamotsu Toshima, Psychologia, 42, 170, 182, 1999年09月01日
    This study aimed to find out whether image segmentation is affected by the object's meaning. In Experiment 1, 20 subjects judged whether or not two probe circles embedded in a meaningless two-part figure have the same color. The probes shared the same part (same object) or different parts (different objects) of the figure. The metric distance from fixation point to probes was identical across conditions. Responses were faster and more accurate in the same object than in the different object condition (same-object-advantage). In experiment 2, meaningful Japanese kanji and meaningless jumbled-kanji were used as stimuli. The kanji measured the effect of meaning on segmentation while the jumbled-kanji measured the applicable range of this effect. Data from 20 subjects reveal that reaction time for same-object was longer than the different-object condition (same-object-disadvantage) irrespective of whether they were kanji or jumbled-kanji. These findings suggest that meaning and it's influence affect image segmentation.
  • Attentional blink: Separating what we see from when we see it.
    J Kawahara, Di Lollo, V, JT Enns, INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE, 40, 4, S49, S49, 1999年03月
  • C-03 遮蔽された物体上での視覚的注意の広がり : 空間的手がかり課題による検討
    河原 純一郎, 佐藤 隆夫, 基礎心理学研究, 17, 1, 47, 48, 1998年09月30日
    To examine the characteristics of representation on which visual attention operates, we observed the cuing effects on a visual search of a target letter presented on partially occluded two-dimensional objects. Four rectangles were arranged in a woven tick-tack-toe grid. A cue was flashed at one end of a rectangle. Subjects judged the identity of the target letter presented on a rectangle. Reaction time was delayed when another object bisected the cued and the target location than when there was no occlusion between them. This indicated that visual attention does not operate solely on spatia..., 日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • 遮蔽された物体上での視覚的注意の広がり : 空間的手がかり課題による検討(研究発表C,IV.第16回大会発表要旨)
    河原 純一郎, 佐藤 隆夫, 基礎心理学研究, 16, 2, 119, 119, 1998年03月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • Role of attention in illusory line motion search
    J. Kawahara, K. Yokosawa, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 38, 1997年12月01日
    Purpose. Kawahara, Yokosawa, Nishida, & Sato (1996, Perception, 25, 901-920) demonstrated spatially parallel search performance for an illusory line motion (ILM) target when multiple ILM distractors were in the horizontally opposite direction. They suggested that preattentive, apparent motion mechanisms were mainly responsible for ILM. On the other hand, the observed performance was concluded to involve the contribution of attention because the predicted error rate for preattentive search based on the independent single ILM judgments was lower than the observed error rate. However, the role of attention was unclear. The difference between the observed and estimated performance might come from ( 1 ) the subjects' anticipation of the horizontal ILM direction or (2) high performance in the single ILM judgment due to less attentional load. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of attention in ILM search. Method. Subjects performed a visual search task to detect an ILM target presented in half of the trials. Either 2, 4 or 8 dots were flashed for 120ms at random locations and followed by the same number of short line segments. To reduce directional anticipation, the line directions were chosen among eight radial directions from the dot. All the lines were presented in the same direction except for a target, which was presented in the opposite direction. In the control condition, to examine attentional load, after a variable number of dots ( 1, 2,4 or 8) were presented, a single line was presented and subjects judged the motion direction of the line. Results. High correct rates for ILM target detection, even when the display contained eight lines, indicated that ILM was perceptible simultaneously at multiple locations without any directional anticipation. This result was consistent with the preattentive account of the ILM. However, in both experimental and control conditions, correct rates decreased with display size increment. That is, the performance in both conditions depended on the number of dots. The multiple-dot/single-line performance in the control condition well predicted the ILM search. Conclusion. The results of this study confirmed that ILM search can be spatially processed in parallel, but the attentional load for multiple dots influences the search performance.
  • Illusory line motion in visual search: Attentional facilitation or apparent motion?
    Jun'ichiro Kawahara, Perception, 25, 901, 920, 1996年12月01日
    A line, presented instantaneously, is perceived to be drawn from one end when a dot is flashed at that end prior to the presentation of the line. Although this phenomenon, called illusory line motion, has been attributed to accelerated processing at the locus of attention, preattentive (stimulus-driven) motion mechanisms might also contribute to the line-motion sensation. We tested this possibility in an odd-target-search task. The stimulus display consisted of two, four, or eight pairs of dots and lines. All lines were presented on the same side of the dots (eg right), except for the target line, which was presented on the opposite side (left). Subjects were asked to report the presence or absence of the target, which was presented in half of the trials. Low error rates for target detection (about 10%) even when the display consisted of eight dot-line pairs (ie display size was eight) indicated that illusory line motion could be perceived simultaneously at many locations. The interstimulus interval (ISI) between the dots and lines (0-2176 ms) and the contrast polarity (both dots and lines were brighter than the background, or dots were darker and lines were brighter) were also manipulated. When an ISI of a few hundred milliseconds was inserted, target detection was nearly impossible with larger display sizes. When the contrast polarity was changed, the target-detection performance was impaired significantly, even with no ISI. Moreover, it was found that the effects of display size, ISI, and contrast polarity were comparable in searches for a two-dot apparent-motion target. These results support the idea that preattentive, apparent-motion mechanisms, as well as attentional mechanisms, contribute to illusory line motion.
  • 探索課題の性質と空間選択的注意 : 周辺・自動的手がかり効果の検討(セッションB,VI.第15回大会発表要旨)
    河原 純一郎, 宮谷 真人, 利島 保, 基礎心理学研究, 15, 1, 62, 62, 1996年09月30日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • 注意補捉に及ぼす刺激駆動的要因の効果--静的刺激と動的刺激を含む視覚探索による検討
    河原 純一郎, 心理学研究, 67, 1, 25, 32, 1996年04月
  • The effect of stimulus-driven factor on attentional capture: Evidence from visual search paradigm containing static and dynamic stimuli
    Jun&apos, ichiro Kawahara, Shinrigaku Kenkyu, 67, 25, 32, 1996年04月01日
    The present study investigated the nature of attentional control when the stimulus display contained both static and dynamic items. Subjects searched for a target defined by color presented among nontargets, one of which was a distractor with a unique feature in a different stimulus dimension. Experiment 1 showed that the presence of a distractor with a taskirrelevant form hindered identification of the color-defined target. When it was easy to distinguish the target from the other items, this attentional capture was not observed even if the display contained a motion distractor (Experiment 2). Decreasing the saliency of a target color yielded the attentional capture by a motion distractor and interfered target identification performance (Experiment 3) - These results suggest that the attentional control mainly depends on the stimulus-driven activations caused by differences between features in stimulus dimensions whether the target and the distractor are defined by static or dynamic features. In order to explain these findings of the attentional capture, a possibility for proposing the single activation map model was discussed.
  • 認知障害者に対するパソコンによる神経心理学的評価と認知的リハビリテーションに関する展望
    利島 保, 吉田 弘司, 柴崎 光世, 河原 純一郎, 永山 ルツ子, 前堂 志乃, 広島大学教育学部紀要. 第一部, 心理学, 44, 1, 8, 1996年03月10日
    広島大学, 日本語
  • Stimulus-driven attentional capture: Evidence from visual search paradigm containing static and dynamic features
    J Kawahara, H Hoshida, T Toshima, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 31, 3-4, 1247, 1247, 1996年
    PSYCHOLOGY PRESS, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)
  • Object-specific priming in apparent motion display
    H. Yoshida, J. Kawahara, S. Maedo, T. Toshima, Shinrigaku kenkyu : The Japanese journal of psychology, 66, 354, 360, 1995年12月01日
    The perceptual process of an object with multiple features mainly consists of two stages. At first, features are encoded independently at the modular level (feature level). Secondly, they are recombined to build a temporal representation of the object (conjunctive level). Using the apparent motion technique in which stimuli were defined by color and shape, we examined the levels at which the object-specific priming takes place. Although the discrimination of the second stimulus was facilitated when it shared the features with the first stimulus, the priming effects were different according to the number of stimulus items of the first frame. When the first frame contained one stimulus item, the priming benefits were obtained at the both conjunctive and the feature levels. However, the benefit was found only at the feature level when the item number was increased to eight (one of them disappeared in the following frames as the apparent motion stimulus). The roles of modular analysis and attention integration were discussed in terms of the economical validity of feature preservation in object perception.
  • 探索課題の性質と空間選択的注意効果(A-1,VI.第14回大会発表要旨)
    河原 純一郎, 宮谷 真人, 利島 保, 基礎心理学研究, 14, 1, 31, 31, 1995年08月31日
    日本基礎心理学会, 日本語
  • 視覚探索における注意の性質 : 外発的制御と内発的制御
    河原 純一郎, 広島大学教育学部紀要. 第一部, 心理学, 43, 39, 48, 1994年03月10日
    広島大学, 日本語
  • 視覚探索に及ぼす刺激の運動の効果
    河原 純一郎, 心理学研究, 64, 5, 396, 400, 1993年12月01日
    One of the unsettled issues in visual search research is whether the search for a conjunction of motion and the other physical feature (e.g. color or shape) is serial or parallel. In the present experiment, the subjects (six undergraduate students) were instructed to search for a target defined by color, shape, motion, or combinations of the two out of these three features, and the reaction time was measured. The slopes of the regression (number of items in the display vs. reaction time) are the largest for a target defined by a conjunction of color and shape, the smallest for a target defined by one feature, and intermediate for a moving conjunctive target. These results are consistent with those of McLeod and colleagues (1988, 1991) which suggest that a specific visual subsystem operates as a movement filter., 日本心理学会


  • 人物で読む心理学事典 マイケル・ポズナー
    長岡, 千賀, 横光, 健吾, 和田, 有史, 佐藤, 達哉, pp.339-344
    朝倉書店, 2024年02月, 9784254520361, x, 408p, 日本語, [分担執筆]
  • 臨床心理学スタンダードテキスト
    岩壁, 茂, 遠藤, 利彦, 黒木, 俊秀, 中嶋, 義文, 中村, 知靖, 橋本, 和明, 増沢, 高, 村瀬, 嘉代子, 第4部-心理学研究法 3-研究倫理 pp.225-234.
    金剛出版, 2023年02月, 9784772419161, x, 1028p, 日本語, [分担執筆]
  • コロナ時代の身体コミュニケーション
    山口, 真美, 河野, 哲也, 床呂, 郁哉
    勁草書房, 2022年07月, 9784326299348, vi, 241, xviiip, 日本語
  • 注意の生涯発達心理学 : 研究テーマ別
    坂田, 陽子, 日比, 優子, 河西, 哲子, 3章,注意の容量 河原純一郎
    ナカニシヤ出版, 2020年03月, 9784779514524, ix, 198p, 日本語, [分担執筆]
  • 知覚・認知心理学
    箱田, 裕司, 野島, 一彦, 繁桝, 算男, (河原純一郎6章), 6章,注意
    遠見書房, 2020年03月, 9784866160573, 186p, 日本語, [分担執筆]
  • 心理学実験
    山口, 真美, 金沢, 創, 河原, 純一郎
    遠見書房, 2019年10月, 9784866160566, 234p, 日本語
  • 美しさと魅力の心理               
    三浦佳世, 河原純一郎
    ミネルヴァ書房, 2019年10月, 9784623086597, 216, 日本語, 一般書・啓蒙書, [編者(編著者)]
  • 強調表示と打消し表示に関する景品表示法上の考え方 : 調査報告書の概説と関連分野からの考察・評価
    大元, 慎二, 糸田, 省吾, 河原, 純一郎, 土橋, 治子, 村, 千鶴子
    商事法務, 2019年, 9784785771416, vii, 232p, 日本語
  • 基礎心理学実験法ハンドブック               
    河原純一郎, 責任編集
    朝倉書店, 2018年06月, 9784254520231, [分担執筆]
  • 悩める人間―人文学の処方箋(北大文学研究科ライブラリ 15)               
    河原純一郎, 思考抑制(8章)
    北海道大学出版会, 2017年06月, [分担執筆]
  • 注意               
    河原純一郎, 横澤一彦
    勁草書房, 2015年11月, 9784326251087, 日本語, 学術書, [単著]
  • エンサイクロペディア心理学研究方法論
    Ray, William J., 岡田, 圭二, 中尾, 敬, 南, 学, 河原, 純一郎, 木村, 堅一, 水原, 幸夫, 下野, 正俊, 北崎, 充晃, 入戸野, 宏, 越智, 啓太, 岡林, 秀樹
    北大路書房, 2013年, 9784762828065, xviii, 381p, 日本語
  • 心理学の実験倫理―「被験者」実験の現状と展望
    河原 純一郎, 坂上 貴之
    勁草書房, 2010年11月09日, 4326298960, 264, [共編者(共編著者)]


  • 心理学研究法               
    2021年10月 - 現在
  • 北大生のための心理学概論               
    2020年04月 - 現在
  • 心理学概論               
    2017年10月 - 2020年02月
  • 注意と認知の心理学               
  • 心理実験法               
  • 心理学基礎実験演習               
  • 認知心理学               


  • 顔認知のエキスパート化に顔学習環境が及ぼす影響の実験的検討
    2024年04月01日 - 2029年03月31日
    山口 真美, 河原 純一郎, 佐藤 弥, 宮崎 由樹, 小林 恵
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 中央大学, 24H00178
  • 潜在連合テストによるスマートフォン依存リスク検出の試み
    2021年04月01日 - 2024年03月31日
    佐藤 広英, 河原 純一郎
    本研究課題は,潜在連合テスト(Implicit Association Test;IAT)を用いてスマートフォン依存傾向の評価ができるかどうかを検証すると共に,スマートフォン依存リスクの高い者を検出するための客観的基準を検討することを目指すものである。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 信州大学, 21K02961
  • 知覚と注意のゆらぎのメカニズムを脳活動と自律神経系から統合的に理解する
    2020年04月01日 - 2024年03月31日
    近藤 洋史, 河原 純一郎, 木原 健, 江崎 貴裕
    1)知覚のゆらぎ: 研究対象者の自閉症傾向と統合失調型パーソナリティに正の相関が認められた。それぞれの傾向が高いほど、「単語変形効果」の知覚交替回数は減少することを見出した。ある聞こえ方に知覚が固定化される傾向によって、聴覚知覚の鋭敏さや物事に執着する性格特性が形成されるのかもしれない。
    2)脳内の興奮・抑制バランス: 聴覚野でグルタミン酸/ギャバ比が大きくなるほど、自閉症傾向あるいは統合失調型パーソナリティの傾向は高くなった。一方で、前頭葉領域ではそのような相関関係は認められなかった。これらの結果は、上記の学説を支持するものであり、自閉症や統合失調症が生じるメカニズムを理解する一助となる。得られたデータに構造方程式モデリングを適用して、性格特性、知覚交替、および神経伝達物質の関係性を検証したところ、後二者の変数はやや独立して性格特性に影響していた。この点については今後さらなる検証の必要があろう。
    3)アウトリーチ活動: 大学生や一般市民を対象としたオンライン講演会1件、プレスリリース1件、テレビ出演1件、取材協力3件などの活動をおこなった。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 中京大学, 20H01789
  • 過敏性腸症候群を不安モデル症例とした新しい注意バイアス修正法の開発
    2020年04月01日 - 2024年03月31日
    河原 純一郎, 田山 淳
    注意は主要な認知機能の1つであり,情報選択の役割を担う。物理的に顕著な属性をもつもの(閃光など)や現在遂行中の課題に関連するものごと(会話相手の声など)以外にも,自らが価値をおく対象(金銭など)や心的状況に一致した対象(心配ごと)にも注意は向く。本研究は不安な状態に関わる場面やものごとに注意が向きやすくなる状態である注意バイアスについて調べた。過敏性腸症候群(irritable bowel syndrome, IBS)の傾向をもつ対象者に対して,胃腸症状に関連した語はネガティブ語に比べて注意が向きやすいかを検討した。IBS患者は胃腸症状に関連した語を多く想起することが知られている。Tkalcic et al. (2014)はストループ課題を用いて,ストループ促進効果を報告している。一方で,古典的には抑うつ者は抑うつ関連語の反応時間が却って遅延する(Gotlib & McCann, 1984)。ストループ課題の場合はどの段階での干渉・促進課が判然としないため,本研究は胃腸症状に関わる状況脅威語(旅行,トイレなど)への注意バイアスをドットプローブ課題を用いて測定した。Tkalcic et al. (2014)で使用された語を入手し,日本語訳したのちに測定を行った。本年度も対面授業が抑制されていたため,実験室に来室した参加者の中にIBS傾向にある者の参加がほとんど得られなかった。状態不安と消化器症状関連語への注意バイアスとの関連を測定したところ,状態不安の高い個人は,消化器症状関連語に普段から注意を向け警戒している可能性があることがわかった。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 20H01779
  • 乳児の視覚的注意の発達から意識の形成過程を実験的に検討する               
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2019年04月01日 - 2023年03月31日
    山口 真美, 河原 純一郎
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 中央大学, 19H01774
  • IBS症状のセルフケアためのeHealthシステム構築及びその効果についての研究
    2019年02月07日 - 2023年03月31日
    田山 淳, 武岡 敦之, 井ノ上 憲司, 小川 豊太, 河原 純一郎, 一藤 裕
    日本学術振興会, 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)), 18KK0275
  • 衛生マスクが生み出すポジティブ・ネガティブな顔遮蔽効果
    2020年04月01日 - 2022年03月31日
    河原 純一郎
    顔はその人物が誰であるかという個人同定情報だけでなく,笑顔などの情動状態を伝えるはたらきをもつ。衛生マスクは顔の下半分を遮蔽するという点でコミュニケーションにとっては不利な効果をもつといわれていた。COVID-19流行によって衛生マスクの装着が強制される世界に一変した中で,本研究では,COVID-19流行前に測定した,衛生マスクつきの対人認知データと現在を比較し,対人認知が未曾有の社会的事象によって変容するようすを調べた。COVID-19 の流行前に,マスクの着用に関する信念を調査したところ,約半数の評定者はマスクの着用は不健康であるという印象を持っていた。この傾向は黒色マスクで特に強く見られ,不健康だという印象を持つ回答者が70%近くに達した。しかし,同じ調査をCOVID-19流行中の現在に実施したところ,不健康さとマスクの連想は弱まっており,1/3から1/4程度の者がマスク着用者に対する不健康さを感じているだけだった。一方,マスク装着顔の対人魅力については,2017年にわれわれが提案した2要因モデルを検証する好機となった。2要因モデルでは遮蔽とマスク装着による不健康さが魅力を引き下げていると捉えている。今回の調査ですでにマスク装着と不健康さの連合が失われていることが分かったため,マスク装着顔の魅力は遮蔽による効果だけになるはずである。66枚の顔画像に対して見た目の魅力を測定したところ,予測に一致して,もともとの魅力が高い者は魅力が下がり,低いものは上がるという効果が得られた。この結果は2要因モデルを支持しており,COVID-19の流行という社会的状況の変化によって,マスク装着顔の認知モデルが検証できたといえる。
    日本学術振興会, 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型), 北海道大学, 20H04568
  • 身体運動に起因する自己移動感・運動主体感と空間的注意分布               
    科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
    2019年06月28日 - 2021年03月31日
    佐藤 隆夫, 永井 聖剛, 金谷 英俊, 河原 純一郎, 温 文, 鳴海 拓志, 北崎 充晃
    日本学術振興会, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 立命館大学, 19K21823
  • スマートフォンで潜在的なメンタルヘルスを評価するアプリケーションの開発               
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2018年04月01日 - 2021年03月31日
    佐藤 広英, 河原 純一郎
    本研究課題は,日常のメンタルヘルスの評価方法として潜在連合テスト(Implicit Association Test;IAT)に着目し,スマートフォン上で潜在連合テストを実施するウェブアプリケーションを開発し,その測定の妥当性を検証することを目指すものである。平成30年度はスマートフォン上で潜在連合テストを実施するためのウェブアプリケーションの開発を行った。開発したウェブアプリケーションの仕様は,以下の通りである。(A)画面中央に表示される刺激語を左右のいずれかに分類する課題であり,左右いずれかのエリアをタッチすることで課題を進める。刺激呈示からタッチまでの反応時間を測定する。画面は縦向きでも横向きでも実施可能である。(B)2つのメインブロックの平均反応時間,標準的なスコアリング法であるDスコアを自動で出力する,(C)カテゴリ名,刺激語(およびその数)を自由にカスタマイズ可能であり,メンタルヘルスだけでなくさまざまな潜在的測定法に利用可能である。(D)潜在連合テストと共に,ウェブアンケート(カスタマイズ可能)による自己報告測度も利用可能である。(E)個人のメンタルヘルス評価に利用することを想定し,IDとパスワードにより個人ごとのデータ管理が可能である。ただし,現状のウェブアプリケーションでは「画像刺激が利用できないこと」,「single-blocked IATが実施できないこと」,「自動出力される数値の検算ができていないこと」といった課題が残されている。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 信州大学, 18K03002
  • 社会的立場と性ホルモンの交互作用による注意制御の適応的メカニズムの解明               
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2017年04月01日 - 2021年03月31日
    犬飼 朋恵, 河原 純一郎
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 神戸親和女子大学, 17K04511
  • 注意の逆説的投資効果とニューロフィードバック
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2017年04月01日 - 2020年03月31日
    河原 純一郎, 小川 健二
    本年度は,注意の意図的制御,および自動的制御の両側面からの行動実験を実施した。意図的制御に関しては,作業記憶に探索すべき属性を残してから探索する,能動的注意条件と,探索すべきではない属性を残してから探索する,能動的抑制条件,および無関係な属性を残してから探索する統制条件を設けた。こうした実験では,能動的注意条件が探索を容易にさせる効果があることはこれまでに頑健に示されてきた。しかし,能動的抑制条件に関しては見解に不一致があり,属性の抑制が可能であるという知見と,それを否定する知見が混在していた。詳細に従来の知見を比較したところ,鍵となる要因はおそらく2つあり,1つは空間配置の交絡,もう1つは手がかり先行時間であった。本年度実施した実験では,先行研究では攻落していた空間配置を分離することができ,さらに,これまで知られていなかった形状次元での抑制効果を見出すことができた。この際,手がかりの先行時間が重要であることがわかった。従来,能動的抑制が効かないと主張する研究では,手がかりの先行時間は比較的短め(500-1000ms程度)であり,一方で抑制効果を見出していたものでは1300msよりも長かった。本年度はこの手がかり先行時間を体系的に操作したところ,1500msよりも長い条件で抑制効果を見出すことができた。この結果から,意図的抑制が起こるためには,長い手がかりの先行時間時間が必要であることが結論できる。この成果はAttention, Perception & Psychohysics誌に投稿・改稿中である。自動制御に関しては,個人特性(不安傾向)の高低と,ネガティブ表情および中立表情顔への注意捕捉の程度が相関することを見出した。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 17H02648
  • 神経伝達物質の直接計測に基づく視覚的注意の脳機能モデル構築               
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2017年04月01日 - 2020年03月31日
    木原 健, 河原 純一郎, 近藤 洋史
    1年目である昨年度は、研究目的を達成するための行動実験として、注意の切り替えが不要だが一定時間注意を維持しなければならないGo-NoGo課題の改良版である、gradual-onset continuous performance task(gradCPT)を検証し、研究目的に適していることを確認した。この結果に基づき、2年目である本年度は、gradCPTを用いて予備的な神経伝達物質測定実験を実施し、核磁気共鳴スペクトロスコピー(MRS)でgradCPT課題を利用した際に生じる問題点を洗い出した。また、持続的注意制御に関わる認知的・神経的処理機序の視覚的側面と聴覚的側面を比較検証するために、聴覚的なgradCPTを新たに構築して、データを収集、解析した。その結果、視聴覚課題間でほぼ類似した行動成績が得られることを確認した。さらに、視覚的gradCPTの計測に必要な課題時間を検証する実験を行った。その結果、通常の課題時間である8分間とそれを短縮した2分間では、課題成績は高い相関を示すことを明らかにした。加えて、奥行き知覚に関わる視覚的注意の新たな役割を明らかにし、研究への利用可能性を検討した。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所, 17K04494
  • 顔・視線による注意捕捉効果推定ソフトウエアの開発
    科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究
    2016年04月01日 - 2018年03月31日
    河原 純一郎, 宮崎 由樹
    日本学術振興会, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 北海道大学, 16K13503
  • 潜在連合テストを用いた新たな心理的・身体的ストレス測定法の開発
    科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    2015年04月01日 - 2018年03月31日
    佐藤 広英, 河原 純一郎
    日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 信州大学, 15K17248
  • 意図的な行動生成時における注意資源配置のダイナミクス
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2014年04月01日 - 2017年03月31日
    河原 純一郎, 木原 健, 中尾 敬
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 中京大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 26285168
  • 平均・加重を越えた多要素集団の持つ魅力評価手法の確立
    科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究
    2014年04月01日 - 2016年03月31日
    河原 純一郎, 宮崎 由樹, 北崎 充晃
    日本学術振興会, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 中京大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 26590183
  • 潜在学習事態における能動的構えと学習効率に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2013年04月01日 - 2016年03月31日
    遠藤 信貴, 河原 純一郎
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 近畿大学, 25380990
  • 性ホルモンが関与する注意制御機能の男女差
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2013年04月01日 - 2016年03月31日
    犬飼 朋恵, 河原 純一郎
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 神戸親和女子大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 25380993
  • 潜在連合テストを用いたストレス状態の測定―汎用化に向けた検討―
    科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    2012年04月01日 - 2015年03月31日
    佐藤 広英, 河原 純一郎
    本研究の目的は,潜在連合テスト(IAT)によってストレス状態を潜在的かつ行動指標で測定できるとする潜在的ストレス測定法仮説の検証することである。本研究の成果として,IATの順序効果を排除する新しい方法としてSwitching IATを開発し,Switching IATによってストレス状態の測定が可能であることを示した。
    日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 信州大学, 24730505
  • 認知資源の個人差と急性ストレス
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2011年04月28日 - 2015年03月31日
    河原 純一郎
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所->中京大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 23530970
  • 顔および社会的情報が関わる場面での注意制御とそのメタ認知
    科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)
    2011年04月01日 - 2013年03月31日
    河原 純一郎
    顔が関わる社会的場面での注意捕捉に関する研究では,従来は顔は人間の注意を引きつけやすく,特に意図的に顔を探索していなくても注意を捕捉してしまうと言われていた。しかし,これまでの研究を精査すると,ほとんど全ての研究で顔への構えと,目下の課題への構えが重複していた。例えば,Langton et al.(2008)は被験者に物体の探索をさせており,この中に顔画像も含まれていた。従って,純粋な顔による注意捕捉を調べるためには,知覚的構えが顔と主課題とで重複しない事態を設ける必要があった。本研究は高速逐次視覚呈示事態を用いて,顔による注意捕捉は自動的に起こると言うよりも,課題依存であることを示す知見を得た。魅力の並列抽出に関する実験では,2-5名で構成される集団の平均的魅力を同時抽出できるかを調べた。その結果,集団内の魅力のばらつきによる魅力の押し上げ・押し下げバイアスがあることがわかった。こうした結果は,集団の魅力抽出が可能であることを示唆していた。
    日本学術振興会, 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型), 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 23119731
  • 月経周期と注意制御機能の統合的メカニズムの解明
    科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究
    2011年 - 2012年
    犬飼 朋恵, 河原 純一郎
    日本学術振興会, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 中京大学->神戸親和女子大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 23653232
  • ノイズ刺激の追加による認知成績向上と適応的メンタルセット形成に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2008年 - 2010年
    河原 純一郎
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 20530676
  • 第3の注意駆動原理の提案:言語的加重による知覚システムの直接制御
    科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    2007年 - 2008年
    熊田 孝恒, 河原 純一郎
    日本学術振興会, 萌芽研究, 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 19653084
  • 意識的知覚のゲートウェイとしての心的構えの維持と非意図的制御に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    2005年 - 2007年
    河原 純一郎
    本研究では,意識的知覚を支える主要認知機能の一つである心的構えとその制御方略を調べた。意識的知覚が損なわれる例として知られる注意の瞬き(attentional blink)現象は,これまでの研究では,時間的に先行して呈示される第1標的に注意資源が占有されるため,その後に呈示される第1標的の知覚が損なわれると考えられてきた。本研究では,3つの標的を連続して呈示し,第3標的の知覚成績が第2標的よりも高いことを示し,従来の説明では不十分であることを示した。加えて,こうした意識的知覚の欠如としての見落としは常に起こるわけではないことを示した。これまで,短い時間で2つの標的を検出するとき,2つめの標的は見落とされやすいことがわかっているが,観察者が知覚的構えを維持したまま2つの標的が時間的に連続して呈示される場合は見落としが激減する(見落とし回避)。研究発表11.3は,この現象を知覚的構えの指標として利用し,同時に2箇所の位置に注意の構えを向けることができることを示した。また,標的カテゴリが複数でも見落とし回避は同時に2箇所で起こりうることを示した。この結果は,注意分割を調べる手続きとして注意の瞬き減少が利用できることを示した点で新しい視点を提供したといえる。研究発表11.1では,標的の視覚探索事態において,注意を向ける位置についての意識的な構えがなくても,視空間的文脈を反復して経験することによって,探索が速くなる効果について調べた。従来の研究では視覚的な文脈の学習が起こることが知られていたが,本研究では聴覚刺激と標的位置の対連合を無意識的に学習できることを明らかにした。研究発表11.2では,刺激の呈示順序によって心的構えを操作し,心的構えが幾何学的錯視のひとつであるDelboeuf錯視の大きさに影響することを明らかにした。(739字)
    日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 広島大学->独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 17730433
  • 統語的プライミングを手がかりとした再帰的計算能力を支える皮質構造の解明
    科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究
    2005年 - 2005年
    酒井 弘, 玉岡 賀津雄, 河原 純一郎
    繰り返し適用可能な統語的操作によって新たな文構造を無限に処理・産出する再帰的計算能力は、人間に固有な言語能力の中核として、言語機能の理論的モデル構築を日指す言語学者にとっても、機能を支える皮質構造の解明を目指す脳科学者にとっても、極めて興味深い研究対象である。この研究では、統語的プライミング現象を手がかりに統語処理の過程を純粋に抽出し、fMRIを使用した脳機能イメージング実験を実施することで、再帰的計算能力を支える皮質構造を特定しその機能を解明することを目指している。言語処理の脳機能イメージング実験の手法を確立するとともに、統語的プライミングの心理言語学的実験における実験パラダイムを整備するために、まず音声呈示された日本語の複合語を処理する際の脳機能イメージングを計測する実験を実施した。続いて統語的プライミングの行動レベルでの影響を探るための心理言語学的実験を実施した.イメージング実験では、両半球側頭葉上側頭回の聴覚連合野に加えて、複合語を処理する際には左脳上側頭回前方と島回に強い活動が観察され、側頭葉上側頭回〜島回〜前頭葉下前頭回に、音声言語を処理するためのネットワークが存在する可能性が示された。行動実験では、日本語の語順を操作して文理解における統語的プライミング効果を測定する実験を実施したところ、英語と同様にプライム文とターゲット文の動詞が一致している際に、語順のプライム効果が最大となると言う結果が得られた。動詞が目的語などに後続する日本語でも、動詞が先行する英語と同じ結果が得られることが確認されたのは初めてである。言語の認知神経科学研究における研究情報を交換するためにMax-Planck Institute for Human Cognition and Brain Science(Leipzig, Germany)及びUniversity of Marburg(Marburg, Germany)から研究者を招聘して、国際ワークショップを開催した。
    日本学術振興会, 特定領域研究, 広島大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 17022030
  • 乳幼児の認知・情動的クオリアの発達に関する神経心理学的研究
    2002年 - 2005年
    利島 保, 河原 純一郎, 宮谷 真人, 松橋 有子, 松田 文子, 小林 正夫, 橋本 優花里, 近藤 武夫
    文部科学省, 基盤研究(A), 広島大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 14201012
  • 複数同時作業事態における知覚的構えと見落としエラーに関する研究
    2002年 - 2004年
    河原 純一郎
    本研究の目的は,短時間のうちに連続して2つの課題を行うとき,2つ目の課題がうまく遂行できず,見落としたりするというヒューマンエラーの原因を探ることであった.具体的には,(1)1つ目の課題を行っているときに注意はどこに向けられているか,(2)2つの課題の成績に影響する環境変数(妨害刺激の有無,(3)2つの課題を行うときの空間的特性,(4)課題を行うときの心的構えの影響という4つの観点で目的を設定した.これらの4つの観点に対応した実験は全て終了し,次のような成果が得られた.1.高速逐次視覚呈示法を利用し,短時間内で連続して2つの作業を行うときの認知負荷の評価方法を開発した.とくに,標的間の空間的位置関係は大きな作業負荷となることを見いだした.昨年度の成果である,平均作業成績を被験者間で統制して比較可能な動的ノイズ操作法を利用して,上述の(2),(3)を調べるための実験を行った.短時間内に連続して2つの作業を行う場合,同じ位置で行う場合のほうが,位置を移動させる場合に比べて,作業者にとって負荷が少ないことが分かった.このJapanese Psychological Research誌に発表した.2.連続して2つの課題を行うとき,注意は少なくとも300-400ms程度,第1標的が呈示された場所にとどまっていることが分かった.これは,線運動錯視という錯覚を用いることで明らかになった.この成果はPsychological Research誌に発表した.3.標的に対するマスキング特性を検討した実験では,従来報告されていた注意の瞬き現象は,第1標的の困難度による成分と,課題切り替えによる成分があることが分かった.従来の研究では,これらの2つの成分に加え,視覚マスキングの効果が混同されており,本研究によって初めてマスキングの成分を除いた課題切り替え成分による見落とし効果が明らかになった.この成果はPerceptoin & Psychophysics誌に発表した.この研究では,見落としに及ぼす学習の効果を検討するための実験をさらに行っており,過学習された視覚パターンは見落としを起こしにくくする性質があることがわかった.
    文部科学省, 若手研究(B), 広島大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 14710045
  • 動詞形態の認知処理過程を手がかりとした言語機構の構造の解明
    2002年 - 2004年
    酒井 弘, 河原 純一郎, 牧岡 省吾, 小泉 政利, 玉岡 賀津雄
    複雑な動詞形態処理の神経基盤を探るために、(i)心理言語学的研究、(ii)神経科学的研究、(iii)計量言語学的研究、(iv)理論言語学的研究、(v)コネクショニストモデル構築研究を実施した。日本語の派生語を材料としてCross-Modal Primingと呼ばれる実験パラダイムを使用した形態処理の認知実験を実施し、規則的接辞付加による派生語は、意味的・音韻的類似性はあるが派生関係のない関連語より、強いプライミング効果を示すと言う結果を得た。動詞形態処理の脳機能を探るため、広島県立リハビリテーションセンターの協力を得て、fMRIを使用して文の適切性判断を行う際の日本語母語話者の脳機能イメージを計測し、動詞活用形を処理する際には特に、前頭葉下前頭回のいわゆるブロカ野と、側頭葉側頭極の活動が顕著だという結果を得た。事象関連電位を指標として、母語話者が動詞形態の誤りを含む刺激を処理する際の神経活動を探る実験を実施し、動詞の活用の違反を含む刺激に対して、統語的逸脱に特徴的な脳波成分であるP600が観察されることを明らかにした。日本語複合動詞の使用に関するコーパス研究を実施し、理論言語学において主張される語彙的複合動詞と統語的複合動詞の相違が、計量言語学的にも支持されることを示した。日本語の複合述語によって形成される構文の構造と意味についての理論言語学的研究を実施した。語形処理のコネクショニストモデル構築に関する研究を実施した。研究情報を交換し、研究計画にアドバイスを受け、研究成果を発表するために14年度はColin Phillips博士(米国メリーランド大学)、15年度はLiina Pylkkanen博士(米国ニューヨーク大学)、16年度はMatt Davis博士(英国Medical Research Council研究員)を招聘して言語の認知神経科学に関するセミナーを実施した。
    文部科学省, 基盤研究(C), 広島大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 14510623
  • 認知的および情動的ストレス状況におけるワーキングメモリのはたらき
    2002年 - 2004年
    宮谷 真人, 河原 純一郎, 中條 和光, 深田 博己, 中尾 三月, 島津 明人, 橋本 芳世子
    文部科学省, 基盤研究(B), 広島大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 14310042
  • 知識獲得の時間的展開とそのモデル化
    2001年 - 2003年
    松田 文子, 利島 保, 河原 純一郎, 中條 和光, 宮谷 真人, 湯澤 正通, 中尾 美月
    文部科学省, 基盤研究(B), 広島大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 13410037
  • 連続2作業実行時の情報処理コストに関する研究
    2000年 - 2001年
    河原 純一郎
    本研究では,短時間のうちに2つの課題を行うとき,2つ目の課題が見落とされたり,うまく遂行できないというヒューマンエラーの原因を探るため,a)2標的間の空間的関係(標的位置の同異),b)2課題の性質(同じ課題か,異なる課題か),c)切り替え負荷の時間的特性,d)標的後に呈示される物体のマスキング特性,e)標的位置での局所的情報処理促進の有無という5つの観点で目的を設定した.これらの5つの観点に対応した実験は全て終了し,次のような成果が得られた.1.短時間内で連続2作業を行うときの認知負荷の評価方法として,高速逐次視覚呈示法を利用した実験から,標的間の空間的位置関係は大きな作業負荷となることが見いだされた.本研究では,平均作業成績を被験者間で統制して比較可能な動的ノイズ操作法を初めて開発した.これらの成果はJournal of Experimental Psychology : Human Perception & Performance誌に発表した.2.処理負荷を起こす2課題の性質は,両者の物理的特徴が異なっていることが決定的な成分となっていることがわかった.これは,視覚的特徴と反応(認知操作)を分離した実験で明らかになった.3.切り替えの時間的特性を検討した実験では,2つの課題がきわめて短時間内(〜300ms)に呈示されることが大きな処理負荷を生じることが分かった.実際に反応する順序は問題ではないことも見いだされた.これら2および3の点はJournal of Experimental Psychology : General誌に発表した.4.標的に対するマスキング特性を検討した実験では,従来報告されていた注意の瞬き現象は,第1標的の困難度による成分と,課題切り替えによる成分があることが分かった.従来の研究では,これらの2つの成分に加え,視覚マスキングの効果が混同されており,本研究によって初めてマスキングの成分を除いた課題切り替え成分による見落とし効果が明らかになった.この成果はPerceptoin & Psychophysics誌に掲載予定である.5.標的位置での局所的促進の有無を調べた実験では,連続2作業を実施する場合に標的位置に焦点化される注意は,局所的な処理の促進を引き起こすことが示された.これはPsychological Research誌に掲載予定である.
    文部科学省, 奨励研究(A), 広島大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 12710041
  • 高次視覚における統合実験環境とシミュレーション・モデルの構築に関する研究
    2000年 - 2001年
    横澤 一彦, 河原 純一郎, 齋木 潤, 熊田 孝恒
    高次視覚研究用の実験ソフトウェアと実験データベースの作成を行った。新たな実験環境を実現するにあたり、様々な環境で動作することを念頭に置き、Jaba環境で動作する実験ソフトウェアと実験データベースを作成し、インターネットで公開した。更に、シミュレーション・モデル構築を目指す高次視覚研究を展開した。線運動錯視探索のモデル(Kawahara & Yokosawa,2001)では、探索の誤答率を,線運動がおのおの独立して生起するという仮現運動モデルによって予測した。その結果、様々な状況での探索成績がこのモデルで予測可能であることを確認すると共に、線運動錯視が視覚的注意によって起こる場合と,独立して画面内の複数の位置で起こる仮現運動によって起こる場合があることが示唆された。視覚的選択過程モデル化(Kumada & Humphreys, in press)を試みた結果、従来の認知心理学における反応時間の分析では、正答反応のみが分析の対象として用いられてきたが、誤答の反応時間が、正答の反応時間の分布と比較した場合に極めて有意義なデータをもたらすことを発見し、それらを可視化する手法としてLOC分析(Latency Operation Characteristics analysis)を開発した。パルスニューラルネットワークモデル(齋木,2002)を使って、選択的注意のモデルとして,CrickとKochの提案した視覚的注意の時間タグ付け仮説を実装し,視覚的注意の神経生理学の古典的知見であるMoran & Desimone(1985)の結果をシミュレートした。第2標的への遅延マスキングがない場合にも注意の瞬きが見られる場合があることを実験的に見いだしたので、表象減衰による注意の瞬きモデル(Kawahara, in press)を提案し、第2標的の視覚表象は時間経過とともに減衰することによって、注意の瞬きが起こる過程の説明をした。
    文部科学省, 基盤研究(B), 東京大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 12551001


  • 情報処理装置及びそのプログラム               
    特許権, 河原純一郎, 薮崎智穂, 小林恵子, 今井史
    特願2018-86366, 2018年04月27日
  • 疲労判定装置、疲労判定方法、及びそのプログラム
    特許権, 河原 純一郎, 佐藤 稔久, 国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所
    特願2012-278580, 2012年12月20日
    特開2014-121410, 2014年07月03日
  • 疲労判定装置、疲労判定方法、及びそのプログラム
    特許権, 河原 純一郎, 佐藤 稔久, 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所
    特願2012-278580, 2012年12月20日
    特開2014-121410, 2014年07月03日


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