森 太郎 (モリ タロウ)

工学研究院 建築都市部門 空間デザイン教授
Last Updated :2025/01/15



  • 博士, 北海道大学



  • エネルギー消費
  • 省エネルギー
  • 改修
  • CO2ヒートポンプ
  • 実測調査
  • 空気熱源ヒートポンプ
  • マルチエージェント
  • グラスカバードスペース
  • 体育館
  • 採暖装置
  • シミュレーション
  • ガラス温室
  • 環境税
  • 寒冷地
  • 画像解析
  • 日射遮蔽
  • 照明配置計画
  • アトリウム
  • 遮光布
  • 冷却流水面
  • 空気調和
  • パッシブ・デザイン
  • 建築環境・設備
  • 室温分布
  • 室内負荷の偏存
  • 焼成温度
  • 室内温熱環境
  • 住宅の室温分布
  • 集合住宅
  • 冷水のカスケード利用
  • 気象データ
  • GIS
  • 大空間
  • 積雪寒冷
  • 温熱環境
  • 建築環境


  • 人文・社会, 科学教育
  • 社会基盤(土木・建築・防災), 建築環境、建築設備



  • 2022年07月 - 現在
    北海道大学, 大学院工学院, 教授
  • 2022年04月 - 現在
    北海道大学, 大学院工学研究院, 教授
  • 2011年04月 - 現在
    北海道大学, 大学院工学研究院, 准教授
  • 2008年04月 - 2011年03月
    釧路工業高等専門学校, 建築学科, 准教授
  • 2004年04月 - 2008年03月
    釧路工業高等専門学校, 一般教科, 准教授
  • 1999年04月 - 2004年03月
    Graduate school of Eng., Hokkaido Univ., Instructor
  • 1996年04月 - 1998年03月
    Hokkaido polytechnic college, Part-time instructor
  • 1996年04月 - 1997年03月
    Japan Weather Association, Part time worker


  • 1994年04月 - 1999年03月, 北海道大学, 工学研究科, 建築工学専攻博士課程, 日本国
  • 1999年, 北海道大学, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Architectual Engineering
  • 1990年04月 - 1994年03月, 北海道大学, 工学部, 建築工学, 日本国
  • 1994年, 北海道大学, Faculty of Engineering, Architectual Eng.


  • 1999年 - 現在
    日本建築学会, 北海道支部環境工学専門委員会委員, 学協会
  • 2016年04月 - 2017年03月
    北海道R住宅ストック流通推進プロジェクト 座長
  • 2016年04月 - 2017年03月
    北海道, きた住まいる推進会議先導型ブランド住宅ワーキング 委員, 自治体
  • 2015年04月 - 2016年03月
    インスペクションによる住宅情報の蓄積・活用推進事業 座長
  • 2015年04月 - 2016年03月
    北海道, 平成27年度きた住まいる推進会議戸建住宅ワーキング 委員, 自治体
  • 2015年04月 - 2016年03月
    北海道, 避難所運営ゲーム検討委員会 委員, 自治体
  • 2014年04月 - 2016年03月
    日本建築学会北海道支部, 環境工学専門委員会 幹事, 学協会
  • 2014年04月 - 2015年03月
    北海道, 2014年度北方型住宅会議委員, 自治体
  • 2014年04月 - 2015年03月
    北海道, 2014年度北方型住宅会議戸建て住宅検討部会 座長, 自治体
  • 2013年04月 - 2015年03月
    空気調和衛生工学会北海道支部, 総務幹事, 学協会
  • 2013年04月 - 2014年03月
    北海道, 2013年度北方型住宅会議委員, 自治体
  • 2013年04月 - 2014年03月
    北海道, 2013年度北方型住宅会議戸建て住宅検討部会 座長, 自治体
  • 2012年04月 - 2014年03月
    日本建築学会北海道支部, 常議員幹事, 学協会
  • 2002年 - 2004年
    空気調和衛生工学会北海道支部, 北海道支部幹事, 学協会



  • 2024年05月, 建築設備技術者協会, カーボンニュートラル賞支部奨励賞               
    建築主;ダイダン(株;株;NTTファシリティーズ;ダイダン(株;株;丸田絢子建築設計事務;株;NTTファシリティーズ;ダイダン(株;建物利用者;ダイダン(株;検証者;羽山 広文;森 太郎;ダイダン(株;建築設備士;石井 要憲(ダイダ;阿部 早也香;ダイ;久保田 英里;NTTファシリティーズ
  • 2023年05月, 空気調和衛生工学会, 第37回振興賞技術振興賞               
    ダイダン株式会社北海道支店 「エネフィス北海道」
  • 2022年05月, 日本建築学会, 2022年日本建築学会賞(論文)               
  • 2021年05月, 空気調和衛生工学会, 技術振興賞               
    札幌市北 4 東 6 地区再開発 安全・健康・省エネルギーに配慮したスマートシティの設備計画
    計画 設計;北海道日建設計;計画 北海道ガ;施工 新菱冷熱工業;北海道支社;施工 検証;検証 (株;日建設計総合研究所;検証 森 太郎
  • 2020年10月, Wood Design Award, ウッドデザイン賞               
    Hokkaido CLT Pavillion
  • 2020年10月, 公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会, Good Design賞               
    低層木造建築 [Hokkaido CLT Pavilion]
  • 2020年08月, 住総研, 第18回 住総研 研究・実践選奨               
  • 2018年06月, The 7th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, Best Poster Awards               
    Snow Wall as an Interactive Display in Urban Environment
    森 太郎
  • 2018年05月, 建築設備技術者協会, 第6回(平成29年度)カーボンニュートラル賞               
    学校法人望洋大谷学園;北海道大谷室蘭高等学校;日本設計;松建設;株;森 太郎;佐藤;昌之;星野 秀明
  • 2018年05月, 一般社団法人 建築設備技術者協会, 第6回(平成29年度)カーボンニュートラル賞 北海道支部               
    森 太郎
  • 2017年11月, 北海道開発技術センター, 寒地技術賞(地域貢献部門)冬期の地震災害を念頭においた防災教育教材の開発               
    定池祐季;森 太郎
  • 2014年05月, 空気調和衛生工学会, 空気調和衛生工学会振興賞技術振興賞               
    森 太郎;羽山広文;辻 圭輔;社会福祉法人北海道福祉事業団;創建社;池田暖房;伊藤組土建
  • 2005年, Japan Design Foundation (JDF) and Japan External Trade Organization, 銅賞               
    森田 謙太郎;中村 和喜;森 太郎
  • 2000年, 日本電気硝子, 第7回空間デザインコンペティション 佳作               
    中村和喜;森 太郎


  • Potential of solar photovoltaics and waste heat utilization in cold climate data centers. Case study: Finland and northern Japan
    Johannes Hyvönen, Taro Mori, Juha Saunavaara, Pauli Hiltunen, Matti Pärssinen, Sanna Syri
    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 201, 114619, 114619, Elsevier BV, 2024年09月
  • Improving the Sustainability of Remote Arctic Communities with High-Energy-Efficiency Houses
    Osawa Hisato, Satoshi Oike, Taro Mori
    Polar Science, 101101, 101101, Elsevier BV, 2024年07月
  • Development of adaptive behaviour models for thermal comfort: Longitudinal investigation in Japanese office buildings and literature review
    Supriya Khadka, Hom B. Rijal, Katsunori Amano, Teruyuki Saito, Hikaru Imagawa, Tomoko Uno, Kahori Genjo, Hiroshi Takata, Kazuyo Tsuzuki, Takashi Nakaya, Daisaku Nishina, Kenichi Hasegawa, Taro Mori
    Journal of Building Engineering, 89, 109220, 109220, Elsevier BV, 2024年07月
  • Development of Adaptive Model and Occupant Behavior Model in Four Office Buildings in Nagasaki, Japan
    Kahori Genjo, Haruna Nakanishi, Momoka Oki, Hikaru Imagawa, Tomoko Uno, Teruyuki Saito, Hiroshi Takata, Kazuyo Tsuzuki, Takashi Nakaya, Daisaku Nishina, Kenichi Hasegawa, Taro Mori, Hom Bahadur Rijal
    Energies, 16, 16, 6060, 6060, 2023年08月18日, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A field survey of indoor environmental measurements and questionnaires on thermal sensation, overall comfort, and behaviors was conducted in four office buildings in Japan by visiting each office every month over a duration of more than a year during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The indoor environment was measured concurrently. We obtained 1047 votes from office workers in their 20s to 60s. The regression and Griffiths’ methods were used to calculate the indoor comfort temperature. A logistic regression analysis was used to develop the occupant behavior model. Over 70% of the occupants found the indoor environment comfortable at a mean comfort temperature of 23.2 to 25.9 °C. Gender differences were observed in thermal sensation and overall comfort, but a gender difference was observed only in the cooling mode for the indoor comfort temperature. An adaptive model was developed for the office buildings in Nagasaki city to predict the indoor comfort temperature from the outdoor air temperature. The proportions of heating, cooling, and fan usage can be predicted from the outdoor air temperature using a logistic regression analysis. The adaptive model and occupant behavior model are useful for the indoor temperature control of the existing buildings and thermal simulation of the new building design.
  • Risk Assessment of Heat Stroke during the Marathon of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics in Sapporo, Hokkaido
    Osawa Hisato, Taro Mori, Kouichi Shinagawa, Satoshi Nakayama, Hayato Hosobuchi, Emad Mushtaha
    Sustainability, 15, 5, 3997, 3997, MDPI AG, 2023年02月22日
    研究論文(学術雑誌), A marathon is a grueling endurance race, and runners are at risk of heatstroke. Therefore, the thermal environment of the marathon course should be accurately assessed. Solar radiation, a factor in the thermal environment, is particularly affected by the surrounding environment. In this study, we proposed a method to calculate wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) in a short period of time using geographic information system (GIS) data, considering changes in solar radiation. WBGT is used as an indicator of heat stroke. This method was used to assess the risk of heat stroke due to weather conditions, span of time, and location on the marathon course of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. According to the analysis results, in Sapporo, trees and buildings can suppress WBGT by about 2 °C, but on days when the average temperature exceeded 26 °C, WBGT exceeded 21 °C from 5:00 to 13:00. On the contrary, even in August, the hottest month of the year, there were days when WBGT was almost always below 21 °C from 5:00 to 13:00. In other words, it is concluded that the risk of heat stroke can be reduced if the marathon is held in accordance with the weather conditions of the day. In addition, by mapping and identifying locations where there is little change in attenuated WBGT, it is possible to identify locations where the thermal environment should be improved.
  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症流行下の寒冷地の学校教室における室内環境と換気代替手法の評価
    Taisei AKAMATSU, Taro MORI, Motoya HAYASHI, Hirofumi HAYAMA
    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), 88, 803, 43, 49, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2023年01月01日, [責任著者]
  • Study on Winter Comfort Temperature in Mixed Mode and HVAC Office Buildings in Japan
    Supriya Khadka, Hom B. Rijal, Katsunori Amano, Teruyuki Saito, Hikaru Imagawa, Tomoko Uno, Kahori Genjo, Hiroshi Takata, Kazuyo Tsuzuki, Takashi Nakaya, Daisaku Nishina, Kenichi Hasegawa, Taro Mori
    Energies, 15, 19, 7331, 7331, MDPI AG, 2022年10月06日
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Comfort temperature is important to investigate because the chosen office indoor temperatures affect the energy used in a building, and a thermally comfortable environment makes the occupants be more productive. The effects of temperature on comfort are broadly recognized for thermal comfort. Japanese office buildings are well equipped with air-conditioning systems to improve the thermal comfort of the occupants. The main objectives of this research were to compare the winter comfort temperature in mixed mode (MM) and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) office buildings and to investigate the relationship between the comfort temperature and the indoor air temperature. This study measured the thermal environmental conditions of the office buildings and surveyed the thermal comfort of the occupants. The field survey was conducted during winter in seven office buildings located in the Aichi prefecture of Japan. In total, 4466 subjective votes were collected from 46 occupants. The result suggested that the occupants were found to be more satisfied with the thermal environment of MM buildings than that of HVAC office buildings. Overall, 95% of comfort temperatures were in the range 22~28 °C in MM and HVAC buildings, which were higher than the indoor temperature of 20 °C recommended by the Japanese government. The comfort temperature was highly correlated to the indoor air temperature of the MM buildings than to that of HVAC buildings. This indicated that the occupants were more adapted towards the given thermal environment of MM buildings.
  • Analysis of Requirements for Achieving Carbon Neutrality in a Cold Dense City Using GIS
    Osawa Hisato, Taro Mori, Kouichi Shinagawa, Satoshi Nakayama, Hayato Hosobuchi, Emad Mushtaha
    Energies, 15, 19, 7063, 7063, MDPI AG, 2022年09月26日
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Photovoltaics (PV) can make a significant contribution to achieving carbon neutrality in buildings. Geographic information systems (GIS) make it easy to model cities and simulate PV with high accuracy. However, the computational burden from 3D urban models remains high. In this study, the complex geometry of a city was represented in 2D images, and we propose a method for performing multiple PV simulations in a short amount of time by using these 2D images. The ratio of electricity generation to primary energy consumption (EG/E) was calculated for 415 office buildings in Sapporo, Japan, and conditions for achieving carbon neutrality in these buildings were explored. For buildings with a small gross floor area, EG/E can be higher than one, and carbon neutrality can be achieved by improving the performance of the exterior walls and windows and by increasing the area of the PV installed. However, to improve EG/E in buildings with a large gross floor area, it is necessary to consider improving the performance of the equipment used and the efficient operation of the HVAC system. The method is useful for considering ways to achieve carbon neutrality in various cities.
  • Comparison of Indoor Environment and Energy Consumption before and after Spread of COVID-19 in Schools in Japanese Cold-Climate Region
    Taro Mori, Taisei Akamatsu, Kouhei Kuwabara, Motoya Hayashi
    Energies, 15, 5, 2022年03月01日
    研究論文(学術雑誌), A report released by the WHO indicates that aerosols from infected people are one of the major sources of the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, as the COVID-19 infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus spreads, it has become necessary to reconsider the design and operation of buildings. Inside school buildings in cold regions, not only is it not easy to increase ventilation during the winter, but it may also be difficult for students to attend classes while wearing masks during the summer because such buildings are not equipped with air-conditioning systems. In short, school buildings in cold climates have more problems than those in warm climates. We report on the results of indoor environmental measurement using our developed CO2-concentration meters, a questionnaire survey on students’ feeling of being hot or cold (i.e., ‘thermal sensation’), and a comparison of energy consumption before and after the spread of COVID-19 infection in schools in Sapporo, Japan, a cold-climate area. The results indicate that (1) more than 70% of the students participated in window ventilation by the CO2 meter, and (2) a relatively good indoor environment was maintained through the efforts of teachers and students. However, we also found that (1) 90% of the students felt hot in summer and (2) 40% felt cold in winter, (3) energy efficiency worsened by 7% due to increased ventilation, and (4) air quality was not as clean as desired during the coldest months of the year. Therefore, investment in insulation and air conditioning systems for school buildings is needed.
  • The impact of passive design strategies on cooling loads of buildings in temperate climate
    Emad Mushtaha, Tareq Salameh, Sahar Kharrufa, Taro Mori, Abdelsalam Aldawoud, Rawan Hamad, Tareq Nemer
    Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 28, 101588, 101588, Elsevier BV, 2021年12月
    Toru MAWATARI, Taro MORI, Atsushi IWANE, Toshinori ITO
    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 27, 67, 1402, 1407, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2021年10月20日
  • 建物群に対する熱供給を対象とした差圧を用いない変流量制御方式の数値解析による検討
    Yuhei Abe, Tsukasa Tsukidate, Taro Mori, Koki Kikuta, Hirofumi Hayama
    空気調和・衛生工学会論文集, 46, 291, 19, 29, 空気調和・衛生工学会, 2021年06月01日, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • A study of the impact of major Urban Heat Island factors in a hot climate courtyard: The case of the University of Sharjah, UAE
    Emad Mushtaha, Sundus Shareef, Imad Alsyouf, Taro Mori, Assel Kayed, Marwa Abdelrahim, Shamma Albannay
    Sustainable Cities and Society, 69, 2021年06月
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Urban development in urban areas accommodates a high concentration of human activities. The constant state of evolution in these urban areas is accompanied by environmental problems, including the formation of the Urban Heat Island effect (UHI), where the air is hotter than in rural areas. This research investigates where they occur the factors that contribute to the UHI by reviewing the previous literature on the subject and dividing the factors according to what has created them: 1) the wider environment, 2) their general urban surroundings, and 3) the specific buildings around them. Locally, it has been found that very few publications have covered the factors that compose UHI. Therefore, this study aims to support previous literature on this subject by adopting a novel approach and using two research methods to rank the most important UHI factors. In the first stage of the study, on the subjective basis of experts’ opinions, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to rank the UHI factors and, thus, identify the most important factor in each category. In the second stage of the study, this process was extended to test the hierarchy of UHI factors in an existing courtyard, which included most of the relevant factors in its design and construction. After developing proposed scenarios in the courtyard, ENVI-met simulation software was used to test and evaluate each factor. The scenarios were developed around factors from the building category and this resulted in another ranking, based on each factor's contribution to reducing the surface temperature. The more effective factors were together applied to three optimized scenarios and finally the outdoor surface temperature was reduced by 2.45 °C, partly by the best combination of the most effective factors to be identified.
    Mai HASEGAWA, Taro MORI, Hirofumi HAYAMA, Motoya HAYASHI
    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), 86, 783, 557, 566, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2021年05月30日
    Yusuke IWAMA, Taro MORI, Norihiko ITO
    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), 86, 781, 249, 258, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2021年
  • Impact of fan airflow of it equipment on thermal environment and energy consumption of a data center
    Naoki Futawatari, Yosuke Udagawa, Taro Mori, Hirofumi Hayama
    Energies, 13, 23, 2020年12月01日
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Energy-saving in regard to heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) in data centers is strongly required. Therefore, to improve the operating efficiency of the cooling equipment and extend the usage time of the economizer used for cooling information-technology equipment (ITE) in a data center, it is often the case that a high air-supply temperature within the range in which the ITE can be sufficiently cooled is selected. In the meantime, it is known that when the ambient temperature of the ITE rises, the speed of the built-in cooling fan increases. Acceleration of the built-in fan is thought to affect the cooling performance and energy consumption of the data center. Therefore, a method for predicting the temperature of a data center—which simply correlates supply-air temperature with ITE inlet temperature by utilizing existing indicators, such as air-segregation efficiency (ASE)—is proposed in this study. Moreover, a method for optimizing the total energy consumption of a data center is proposed. According to the prediction results obtained under the assumption of certain computer-room air-conditioning (CRAC) conditions, by lowering the ITE inlet temperature from 27 °C to 18 °C, the total energy consumption of the machine room is reduced by about 10%.
  • Optimization of a wood pellet boiler system combined with CO2HPs in a cold climate area in Japan
    Taro Mori, Yusuke Iwama, Hirofumi Hayama, Emad Mushtaha
    Energies, 13, 21, MDPI, 2020年10月22日
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Hot water supply is one of the leading consumers of energy in the building sector in cold climate areas. The use of woody biomass is effective in reducing CO2 emissions in hot-water supply systems. This report deals with a system that combines a wood pellet boiler (PB) and a heat pump system with CO2 (CO2HP) that is used in a facility for disabled people. The following research was conducted. The operation of a hybrid system combining a PB and CO2HPs was investigated. While operating the system, four specific operations were developed as countermeasures to save on costs and reduce system troubles while reducing CO2 emissions. The processes and results are introduced. Numerical simulations were carried out to optimize the operation. The hot water temperature, water volume, and hot water loads were simulated. The influence of the water volume ratio on the cost and primary energy consumption under the requirements for safe system operation was studied. The regional economic ripple effects (REREs) of this system were studied. The wood pellet boiler is not only a measure for reducing primary energy consumption but can also play an important role in a regional economy for sustainable development in countries that import energy resources such as Japan.
  • Improving prediction accuracy concerning the thermal environment of a data center by using design of experiments
    Naoki Futawatari, Yosuke Udagawa, Taro Mori, Hirofumi Hayama
    Energies, 13, 18, 2020年09月
    研究論文(学術雑誌), In data centers, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) consumes 30-40% of total energy consumption. Of that portion, 26% is attributed to fan power, the ventilation efficiency of which should thus be improved. As an alternative method for experimentations, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used. In this study, “parameter tuning”-which aims to improve the prediction accuracy of CFD simulation-is implemented by using the method known as “design of experiments”. Moreover, it is attempted to improve the thermal environment by using a CFD model after parameter tuning. As a result of the parameter tuning, the difference between the result of experimental-measurement results and simulation results for average inlet temperature of information-technology equipment (ITE) installed in the ventilation room of a test data center was within 0.2 ◦C at maximum. After tuning, the CFD model was used to verify the effect of advanced insulation such as raised-floor fixed panels and show the possibility of reducing fan power by 26% while keeping the recirculation ratio constant. Improving heat-insulation performance is a different approach from the conventional approach (namely, segregating cold/hot airflow) to improving ventilation efficiency, and it is a possible solution to deal with excessive heat generated in data centers.
  • 冬季積雪寒冷地の自宅住環境が高齢者の生活習慣や健康状態に及ぼす影響
    大沼 勇人, 森 太郎, 岩間 雄介
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 774, 625, 632, 日本建築学会, 2020年08月


     In recent years, many researchers research a relationship between indoor environments and health in older people because an aging society is rapidly progressing all over the world. In Japanese cases, the researches mentioned that the strong relationship between cold indoor environments and health problems such as heart disease and brain disease caused by high blood pressure. However, there are still a few previous studies dealing with the correlation between indoor thermal environment and chronic diseases in cold and snowy Hokkaido. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of the cold indoor environment on the health of older people in Hokkaido.


     Table 1 shows the outline of the survey. We conducted the questionnaire, medical examinations, and indoor climate measurement on older people who are over 70 years old without a care in the local cities of Hokkaido, such as Tomamae, Otofuke, Higashikawa, Higashi Kagura, Biei, and Yoichi. We conducted a questionnaire survey on personal attributes and a health condition such as current symptoms, drinking, smoking, sleeping habits. Also, we collected the data for housing information to estimates building energy efficiency. At the same time, we measured indoor temperatures and humidity in the living room and the dressing room as an indoor climate for 14 days from December 2017 to March 2018. The number of respondents was 574, but there were 95 respondents with a miss-measurement of temperature and humidity, and seven respondents whose questionnaires were invalidated. Then 472 respondents were eligible for analysis. We calculated the average temperature, the 1/4 temperature, and the average temperature during the sleeping of the living room and dressing room and the average of the temperature difference between the living room and dressing. Three temperature group, a warm group, a semi-cold group, and a cold group were considered for the logistic analysis. The objective variables of the analysis were high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and musculoskeletal symptoms.


     The adjusted odds ratio (AOR) was 15.23 (p<0.05) in the comparison of the cold group with the warm group on 1/4 temperature of a living room and dressing room when the objective variable is a stroke. It indicates that the lowest temperature during the winter season is an important index on stroke in a cold climate area.

     The AOR was 2.99 (p<0.05) in the comparison of the semi-cold group with the warm group on average temperature during a sleeping time when the objective variable is musculoskeletal symptoms. Also, COR and AOR were 3.17 (p<0.05) and 3.44 (p<0.05), respectively, on sleeping habits. The high odds ratio among musculoskeletal symptoms, sleeping temperature, and sleeping habits indicates that keeping an indoor environment during sleep effects on good health. AOR was 2.84 (p<0.05) in the comparison of the cold group with the warm group on 1/4 temperature of a living room and dressing room when the objective variable is heart disease. Previous researches found the relationship between heart disease and hypertension. But in this research, we are not able to find the relationship. The reason is that the analysis method was insufficiently considered.

  • Measures against COVID-19 concerning Summer Indoor Environment in Japan
    Motoya Hayashi, U. Yanagi, Kenichi Azuma, Naoki Kagi, Masayuki Ogata, Shoichi Morimoto, Hirofumi Hayama, Taro Mori, Koki Kikuta, Shin-ichi Tanabe, Takashi Kurabuchi, Hiromi Yamada, Kenichi Kobayashi, Hoon Kim, Noriko Kaihara
    JAPAN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW, 3, 4, 423, 434, WILEY, 2020年08月, [査読有り]
    英語, Information on air-conditioning and ventilation has been continuously disseminated in response to the Japanese Government's announcement of the need for appropriate ventilation measures against the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and the issuing of an emergency presidential discourse by the presidents of Engineering Societies. In this paper, we add to the information the latest knowledge on the behavior of SARS-CoV-2 in air, describe its diffusion characteristics in the built environment, and summarize the effects of temperature and humidity on the virus. Then we recommend varying approaches of air-conditioning control for facility type.
  • Thermal insulated PVC windows for residential buildings: feasibility of insulation performance improvement by various elemental technologies
    Kazunori Takada, Hirofumi Hayama, Taro Mori, Koki Kikuta
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Herein, we aimed to improve the thermal insulation of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) windows to reduce the energy consumption of buildings. Currently, the gold standard PVC window is triple glazed and has a thermal transmittance of 0.7 W/(m(2)center dot K). However, further reduction in the thermal transmittance of the windows via quadruple glazing is not feasible because this would make the windows too heavy and expensive. We searched for an alternative method for reducing the thermal transmittance without increasing the weight. The window frame, glazing, and glazing edge parts of a PVC window significantly affect the overall thermal insulation; thus, we evaluated the insulation contribution of each of the above to identify their optimal conditions. Using these optimal conditions, we were able to create a window having a thermal transmittance of 0.46 W/(m(2)center dot K). However, these optimal conditions make their production difficult. Hence, we manufactured an alternative using practical specifications more suited for actual production. This window achieved a thermal transmittance of 0.63 W/(m(2)center dot K).
  • Automatic energy-saving operations system using robotic process automation
    Toru Yamamoto, Hirofumi Hayama, Takao Hayashi, Taro Mori
    Energies, 13, 9, 2342, 2355, MDPI, 2020年05月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We have developed an energy-saving operations system featuring remote operation of central monitoring equipment installed in a building. This system applies robotic process automation to remote operation to automatically perform energy-saving operations on behalf of the operations manager. Furthermore, as another feature, the system requires only a local area network to connect to the central monitoring equipment enabling automatic operation to be performed regardless of the specifications of the central monitoring equipment. The items targeted for energy-saving operation by this system are the optimal operation of a heat source system, setting of the supply water temperature of heat source equipment, setting of room temperature, and setting of outside-air intake volume. At present, the operations manager has the role of performing these energy-saving operations, but finding the optimal value for each of these operations is a difficult task. An operations manager, moreover, is responsible for tasks other than facility operations such as maintenance management, so changing optimal settings accurately at regular intervals on an ongoing basis can be quite a burden. This system uses robotic process automation technology, so it is capable of performing all energy-saving operations that can be executed by the central monitoring equipment. We installed this system in a large-scale shopping mall and performed energy-saving operations on outside-air processing units. In this trial, we achieved a 44% reduction in the amount of energy required for outside-air processing and a 47% reduction in CO2 emissions.
  • 住宅用樹脂製窓の熱的性能が寒冷地の窓の暖房負荷に与える影響
    高田和規, 羽山広文, 森 太郎, 菊田弘輝
    日本建築学会技術報告集, 26, 62, 173, 178, 一般社団法人 日本建築学会, 2020年02月, [査読有り]
    日本語, In this research an evaluation of windows to realize the optimal heat balance according to the regional climatic characteristics and bearings was performed, focusing on the heating load of PVC windows in cold regions. In order to carry out this investigation the Taguchi method for trial calculations was used while studying appendage of windows, the thermal transmittance of windows, the solar heat gain coefficients of windows and the air permeability of windows, and examining their influence on heating load of windows, as well as demonstrating the reduced configuration of heating load of windows.
  • Analysis on design method and energy consumption for high thermal performance housings
    Shoei Maruyama, Taro Mori
    Japan Architecture Review, 2, 4, 603, 609, 2019年10月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 北海道における木造高断熱住宅の断熱性能の劣化に関する研究
    丸山 翔永, 森 太郎, 大柳 佳紀
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 764, 911, 918, 日本建築学会, 2019年10月, [査読有り]
    日本語, <p> Introduction</p><p> Recently, highly insulated housings are increasing nationwide. Especially in Hokkaido, the development of wooden high insulated housing has been developed from the early days. The number of those housing supplied to the market was growing after the 1980s. Nowadays, those housings are renovating. It is a good opportunity to observe how various methods have influenced insulation performance and deterioration. The purpose of this research is to give insight into distribution of second-hand housing. We analyzed insulation performance such as Q-value and air-tightness of the housings with entire insulation renovation and the existing housings in Hokkaido.</p><p> </p><p> Methods</p><p> First, we conducted a questionnaire survey. The target housings are 51 housings (Hoppougata-Jyutaku) built in Asahikawa city, Sapporo city (Kita-ku, Toyohira-ku), Kitahiroshima city in the 1990s. Next, we conducted an inspection of the target housings. The target housings consist of 13 renovated houses (a1-a13) in Sapporo city, Kitahiroshima city, Tomakomai city and 17 existing houses in Sarufutsu town, Shimokawa town, Asahikawa city, Sapporo city and Takasu town (b1-b17).</p><p> </p><p> Summary</p><p> 1) The most frequent renovation was "painting or replacement the outer wall and roof." Also, there were many answers which conducted "replacement of heating and hot-water supply equipment at the same time."</p><p> 2) About C-value of renovated housings, the RMSE of C-value was 0.56 cm<sup>2</sup>/m<sup>2</sup> and the average absolute error rate was 43%. The C-value in the inspection, about ten years after renovation, were higher than the values just after renovation in many houses, and the airtightness was somewhat deteriorated. However, in most housings, no significant deterioration of the air-tightness was confirmed even after ten years from the renovation. It was confirmed that the performance can be maintained when wooden houses are adequately insulated and repaired. </p><p> About C-value of existing housings, those can be classified into the values under 2.0 that provide sufficient air-tightness compared with new houses and the values over 3.5 that not provide enough air-tightness. There were deteriorations such as moisture problem, dew, and fungi when the air-tightness was not enough.</p><p> 3) About the Q-value, the average error between calculation values and measurement value was 0.32 W/m<sup>2</sup>K, and the average reliable section width was 0.36 W/m<sup>2</sup>K. Also, 36.4% of calculated values were within the reliable section, and few housings were below the calculation values. In the future, it is predicted that more reliable values can be calculated by conducting detailed examination of the heating area.</p><p> 4) In this report, the housings with entire insulation renovation, the deterioration of insulation performance was hardly confirmed. However, in the case of cold climate areas, there is the possibility of deterioration in partial insulation renovation. Therefore, we will consider the finance system to achieve full insulation renovation, not partial renovation in the future.</p>
  • 機械学習を利用した蓄熱換気予熱システムの制御手法の開発
    工藤 和樹, 森 太郎
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 84, 759, 515, 524, 日本建築学会, 2019年, [査読有り]
    日本語, <p> Introduction</p><p> The number of residences with thick insulation and air-tightness continues to increase in cold region. Ventilation loads cause over half of the heating load of such houses. In the previous report<sup>1)</sup>, we developed a ventilation preheating system combining the solar thermal collector and the PCM panel shown in Fig. 1. We verified its performance with the experiment and numerical simulation. As the result, it is difficult to optimize the control system by a simple feedback system against ever-changing weather and indoor and outdoor environments. Therefore, in this research, we aim to develop a control method for a fan air volume of ventilation preheating system by machine learning. Initially, we outlined machine learning and reinforcement learning. Next, we explained how to introduce reinforcement learning in existing systems. Finally, we examined the performance of existing ventilation preheating system (VP system) and ventilation preheating system (RL system) controlled by reinforcement learning and examined the possibility of practical application.</p><p> </p><p> Introduction of Reinforcement learning</p><p> Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 shows the outline of reinforcement learning. We used the Q-Learning algorithm as the method of reinforcement learning. Fig. 4 shows the calculation process and simplified code of Q-Learning. The calculation formulas and algorithms were used to install reinforcement learning into the existing system. Fig. 6 shows a flowchart of the Q-Learning algorithm used in the calculation process in this study.</p><p> </p><p> Control of ventilation preheating system with reinforcement learning</p><p> We set the target schedule from October to March and prepared several cases of the operating periods and the air volume in VP system. We compared those results with the results operated by RL system. The findings obtained by this study are shown below.</p><p> (1) As shown in Fig. 7 and 8, it was confirmed that the RL system automatically controlled the air flow of the fan.</p><p> (2) As shown in Fig. 9, the RL system is equal to or higher than the performance of the VP system through the calculation period. Especially in the winter season, December to February, the performance of the RL system was the best in all cases.</p><p> (3) Since reinforcement learning was successfully introduced. Also, the performance of RL system was better than the other cases, it is possible to study for practical application in the future.</p>
  • 樹脂製窓と躯体の間の線熱貫流率軽減手法に関する研究
    高田 和規, 立松 宏一, 下ノ薗 慧, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎, 菊田 弘輝
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 83, 754, 955, 964, 日本建築学会, 2018年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, &nbsp;In this study, to investigate a method for reducing the linear thermal transmittance between windows and building walls, we used Taguchi&rsquo;s method to calculate the linear thermal transmittance between PVC windows, FIX, Casements, Sliding, and the building wall in the wooden filling heat insulation construction method. We quantitatively evaluated the impact of the insulation performance and the position of the frame part on the building wall as well as the influence of the properties of the indoor casing (thermal conductivity) on the linear thermal transmittance. We presented a configuration that minimized the linear thermal transmittance, described the fabrication of test specimens, and reported the appropriateness of these specimens via performance verification. Our results are summarized as follows.<br>&nbsp;1) The linear thermal transmittance (<i>&psi;<sub>b</sub></i>) between the windows and building walls was similar in all cross sections. In each case, the numerical magnitude could be confirmed with a certain extent of difference, possibly because of the influence of the control factor on the heat flux between the windows and building walls.<br>&nbsp;2) From the average value of the SN ratio, configuration that minimized the linear thermal transmittance were found for the combination, (Case 18) which accounted for the third level of the control factor (control factor A being the second level) common to all cross sections.<br>&nbsp;3) From the average value of the SN ratio, we found that the linear thermal transmittance can be reduced by improving the heat insulation performance of the frame part and the indoor casing and reducing the distance of the installation position of the frame part on the building wall directed inside the room.<br>&nbsp;4) It is possible to clearly show the ranking of control factors contributing to the reduction in the linear thermal transmittance at each section site; however, when considering window species having different cross-sectional structures, it is difficult to clearly judge the hierarchy from the extent of the impact of the SN ratio for each section site depending on the location of Sliding as an example.<br>&nbsp;5) The precedence order for each control factor could be clarified as a window based on the impact of the SN ratio obtained using the average <i>&psi;<sub>b</sub></i> (<i>Ave</i><i>&psi;<sub>b</sub></i>) between the window and the building wall per aperture window.<br>&nbsp;6) Performance verification was conducted for the average linear thermal transmittance between the window and the building wall per aperture window in FIX by fabricating test specimens (Cases 1, 5, and 18). The measured values, similar to the calculated values, demonstrated a tendency of decreased linear thermal transmittance in the order of Case 1 &rarr; Case 5 &rarr; Case 18. Furthermore, in each case, the divergence between the two values was less than 10%, which exhibited good consistency and proved the validity of the calculated values.<br>&nbsp;7) The installation position of the frame part had a higher effect on the convection component compared with the radiation component of the heat transfer resistance on the outdoor side; however, the impact on the linear thermal transmittance was small.
  • カラマツCLT 建造物の断熱性能の検証
    森 太郎, 鷹野 敦, 大島 亘, 植松武是
    日本建築学会技術報告集, 24, 58, 101, 106, 2018年10月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 北海道におけるFuel Povertyの実態に関する研究
    紺野 良文, 森 太郎, 岩間雄介
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 83, 751, 729, 736, 2018年09月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 太陽熱空気集熱器とPCMパネルを組み合わせた換気予熱システムの試作, 数値モデルの作成とカスケードシステムの検討
    工藤 和樹, 森 太郎, 石戸谷 裕二, 大槻 香子, 草間 友花
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 83, 750, 669, 678, 日本建築学会, 2018年08月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Introduction
     In cold climate area, the number of houses with high energy efficiency and high airtightness continues to increase. Most of the heating loads for such houses are caused by fresh air which has large temperature differences. Reducing ventilation load, preheating is effective with natural resources. Therefore, in this research, we aim to develop a preheating system for ventilation combining a solar thermal collector and a heat storage. Initially, we verified PCM panels for mounting in a heat storage. Next, we made a numerical model related to the heat storage. Finally, we investigated the performance of multilayer thermal storage using PCM panels and the availability of this system using the numerical model.

     Thermal Heat Storage System with PCM Panel
     Warm air heated in solar thermal collector flow into the heat storage chamber in which one PCM panel shown in Figs. 4, 5, and 6 was installed, and the heat was stored in the PCM panel. After heat storage periods, the cold fresh air flow into the heated heat storage chamber, and heat exchange is carried out by passing the cold air through the PCM panel. Figures 8, 9, and 10 show the measurement results of inlet temperature and outlet temperature during the procedure. The difference between the inlet temperature and the outlet temperature shows the effect of heat storage and preheating.

     Numerical Model Outline
     Based on the experimental results of the above system, we made a numerical model and verified the consistency between the experimental value of the exit temperature and the analytical value. The numerical models are shown in equations (1), (2) and (3). Based on the comparison of the experimental value and analysis value shown in Fig. 12 and the result of RMSE shown in Table 4, we judged that the model had enough consistency.

     Analysis of Cascade System and Conclusion
     In order to expand a range of the heat storage temperature and increase the PCM weight per installation area, PCM panels in the heat storage chamber were arranged at a certain interval. In addition, we changed the combination of melting points of PCM panels and investigated the influence of the range of the heat storage temperature. In this analysis, the solar radiation and the outside air temperature obtained from the standard weather data were used through the system, the room air warmed by the solar air collector flows into the heat storage chamber during the day, and outside fresh air was heated by heat storage chamber before it flows into the room. The findings obtained by this analysis are shown below.
     (1) According to the results showing in Fig. 14 and 15, no significant difference between the inlet temperature and outlet temperature was confirmed regardless of the change in the heat storage temperature.
     (2) According to the results showing in Fig. 16, 17 and 18, the distribution of outlet temperature from the heat storage chamber and the radiation time had the difference at the range from 15 to 30 °C.
     (3) No significant difference was observed in the distribution and the total heat dissipation in typical one week shown in Figs. 19 and 20.
  • Snow wall as an interactive display in urban environment
    Antti Jussi Yliharju, Taro Mori, Jonna Häkkilä
    PerDis 2018 - Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 2018年06月06日, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Public displays have invaded urban spaces, and different types of interactive screens are commonplace. In this poster paper, we describe an unconventional solution to construct an interactive display in an urban environment, projecting on a wall of snow. We demonstrated an interactive installation, where passersby could interact with a playful mirror application using gestures. The demonstrated installation projected on a snow wall offers an inspiring and aesthetic alternative screen set-up, which can also be used as part of the environmental and architectural landscape design for winter contexts.
  • 高断熱住宅群の設計手法の分析とエネルギー消費実態に関する研究
    丸山 翔永, 森 太郎
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 83, 748, 515, 521, 2018年06月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • エネルギーシミュレーションのための機器特性データベースの構築に関する研究:第2報−中央および個別分散熱源機器のデータベースと感度解析
    品川 浩一, 村上 周三, 石野 久彌, 柳井 崇, 川津 行弘, 森 太郎
    空気調和・衛生工学会 論文集, 43, 253, 51, 59, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, 2018年, [査読有り]
    日本語, <p>シミュレーションツールの陳腐化の要因に,新規開発機器に関する特性データの調査・更新が公開後に行われなくなってしまうというものがある。本データベースでは機器特性調査について,各種工業会の協力による機器分類毎による継続的な分科会体制を構築した。また,エクスプリシット法による建築全体の連成計算および短い計算時間間隔といった様々なシミュレーションへの対応を考慮し,機器特性は2 つの機器特性モデル(統計・物理モデル),3 つのデータセット(定格性能特性・中間性能特性・動特性性能データ)を用いた構築法を提案している。提案したデータベースによる熱源特性モデルのエネルギー消費量に関して感度解析を行い,台数分割を行う中央熱源は動特性が,個別分散空調は低負荷域のモデル化の影響が大きいことを示した。</p>
  • 寒冷地における高断熱改修住宅を用いた中古住宅流通促進に関する研究
    紺野良文, 森太郎
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 82, 736, 599, 607, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2017年06月01日, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In Japan, vacancy rates has been soaring. Since provincial cities would collapse if we allowed the situation, various measures are being considered. Among them, one of the most effective measure is renovate existing houses to continue to live and to be distributed. In this report, we carried out the Questionnaire survey to analyze an actual situation of energy consumption and living environment in thermal renovated residential houses. The result indicates that the resale business after renovation is valid as promotion method for existing houses.
  • A study of home energy management systems for northern houses
    Atsuhiro Kawamura, Hiroki Hayashi, Taro Mori, Hidekazu Kajiwara, Kazunori Chida, Takafumi Noguchi, Makoto Arai, Hiroshi Uchiumi
    Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 96, 4, 112, 120, Japan Institute of Energy, 2017年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The purpose of this study is to construct a home energy management system (HEMS) that uses information and communication technologies (ICT) and solar energy more effectively to reduce energy consumption without sacrificing comfort in houses at higher northern latitudes, i.e., in colder climates. The two core technologies of this system are a room environment control system that regulates temperature and illuminance only in the vicinity of the occupants by detecting them and a solar heating system that uses a ventilation heater that warms fresh air via stored solar energy. The aim of the former is to reduce energy consumption by not raising the average room temperature and illuminance. The aim of the latter is to improve the total efficiency of the solar heating system by increasing the efficiency of the input and output of the storage tank. To achieve these goals, the two core techniques were implemented with a solar photovoltaic (PV) system and the HEMS in an existing experimental northern house. As a result of having operated this system from December 2013 to March 2014, the effectiveness of the solar heating system using a ventilation heater was confirmed. In addition, knowledge relating to improving comfort and a suggestion for reducing kerosene consumption were obtained.
  • 寒冷地における厳冬期被災時の住宅と避難所の温熱環境
    森 太郎
    日本建築学会技術報告集, 22, 52, 1021, 1026, 2016年10月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Generally, local residents are warned to evacuate to evacuation facilities such as schools, gymnasiums, and community centers, when a disaster occurred or is predicted to occur. However, there are not many investigations about thermal environment of those facilities under severe cold weather. In this report, we report the results of questionnaire for the thermal environment of housings under large-scale power failures in winter. Moreover, we investigated the thermal environment of evacuation facilities during disaster drills in severe weather. The results indicate that the thermal environments of gymnasiums are very severe, especially if it does not have enough thermal insulation.
  • チセとトイチセの冬期の熱環境性能に関する研究
    森太郎, 西澤岳夫, 桑原浩平, 佐藤彰治
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 81, 720, 189, 197, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2016年02月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Recently, people pay attention to a life style of Ainu people who live in Hokkaido and north Asia area as indigenous people. Chise is a traditional house for them. They are made of just local materials such as wood and cogon grasses. In this report, we made two different types of Chise and measure the thermal environments and the skin temperature of the research participants in severe cold weather. The results indicate thermal environment in each Chise is very poor (Toichise is better than Chise). They probably had some method except housing to get warm in cold environment.
  • 魚眼レンズを用いた局所的な日照時間推定に関する検討
    森 太郎, 浅水 仁
    釧路工業高等専門学校紀要, 第50号, 72, 75, 2016年, [査読有り]
  • 画像処理による日射量予測に関する検討~建築物と植物の分離方法について~”
    浅水 仁, 森 太郎
    釧路工業高等専門学校紀要, 第50号, 68, 71, 2016年, [査読有り]
  • GISデータを利用した寒冷地住宅の暖房負荷解析 ダイレクトソーラーゲイン効果に作用する周辺建物の影響の把握
    大沢飛智, 森太郎, 濱田裕章, 緒形浩佑, 羽山広文, 菊田弘輝
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 81, 721, 327, 336, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2016年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Direct solar heat gain (hereafter DSHG) is expected to decrease heating energy consumption of housings with airtightness and thick insulation in northern region. It is important to calculate precise solar heat gain through window, since the values influence on the strategy whether we should use DSHG or not. In this report, we suggest the method to calculate solar radiation in a site where build a building. Then the relationship between thermal environment and heating energy is analyzed by using the climate data combined with GIS data. The results identify that southern sky factor is able to explain an effect of DSHG.
  • Analysis of Cooling Characteristics in Datacenter Using Outdoor Air Cooling
    Yoshiyuki Inoue, Hirofumi Hayama, Taro Mori, Koki Kikuta, Noriyuki Toyohara
    Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 9, 1, David Publishing Company, 2015年01月28日
  • GISデータを用いた都市内における日射量分布解析 その4 住宅の暖冷房負荷と南側天空率の関係
    大沢 飛智, 森 太郎, 湯澤 秀樹, 近藤 武士, 羽山 広文, 菊田 弘輝
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集, 2015.5, 101, 104, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, 2015年
    日本語, 近年、太陽エネルギーの利用が急速に普及している。そのため、取得可能なエネルギー量を正確に把握することは重要だ。そこで、本研究ではGISデータを利用して、外部環境による影響を考慮した日射量を算出するプログラムの作成、および算出されたデータの利用方法の提案を目的とする。 本報ではプログラムの日射量算出プロセスと札幌市の住宅地を対象としたシミュレーションを行った。また、算出結果を利用して、住宅性能と南側天空率の関係について検討した。
  • Prediction of Recirculation through Vent Holes on Ceiling in Server Room
    Yoshiyuki Inoue, Hirofumi Hayama, Taro Mori, Koki Kikuta, Motoya Hayashi, Noriyuki Toyohara
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Cooling effectiveness is one of the most important factors in evaluating the value of a datacenter. The datacenter taken up in this paper is located in a cold district in Japan. Outdoor air cooling helps us to cut the power consumption for cooling. This paper first assesses the efficiency of Ishikari datacenter measuring the temperatures in a building where the cooling air flowing. Second, the author will point out the recirculation through vent holes on a ceiling in the server room and describe the most efficient method for the operation. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • GISデータによる寒冷地のダイレクトソーラーゲイン住宅の設計判断に関する研究
    緒形 浩佑, 森 太郎, 大沢 飛智, 濵田 裕章, 羽山 広文, 菊田 弘輝
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 80, 708, 109, 116, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2015年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), It is important for planning an effect of direct solar gain to calculate the effect of surrounding environment, especially buildings around a numerical model. Therefore in this study, simulation of heating load with a boundary condition based GIS data was conducted. The result showed that solar heat gain was larger than heat loss from a window where Rss was larger than 0.4. The detail simulation were carried out for the building where Rss was larger than 0.4, and results revealed the relationship of glass size and heating load and interior design.
  • 寒冷地における太陽熱空気集熱器と潜熱蓄熱材を組み合わせた外気負荷削減装置の開発:個別要素の特性によるシステム効果の数値解析
    高山 裕香子, 森 太郎, 石戸谷 裕二, 松永 潤一郎, 羽山 広文, 菊田 弘輝
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 80, 708, 117, 126, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2015年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The number of house with thick insulation and air tightness is increasing in cold climate region to decrease heating energy and to save daily life cost. Decreasing fresh air load is important to save heating energy in such houses. The purpose of this study is to develop pre-heating system by using solar air heat collector with thermal storage system. First, we examined the performance of the solar air heat collector and thermal storage system. Second, we made the numerical model. Third, we analyzed the possibility and the application of the system by using the numerical model.
  • 建築物総合シミュレーションツールを用いた天井放射冷房システムの設計法の検討:-夏期・中間期の運用を考慮したシステム選定法の提案-
    松本 若菜, 森 太郎, 羽山 広文, 菊田 弘輝
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 80, 707, 21, 28, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2015年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Designing radiant ceiling cooling system is complex because radiant ceiling panels are used with other equipment for dehumidification, ventilation and cooling. The objective of this study was to propose the design method of radiant ceiling cooling system based on operation by using building simulation. The design value of radiant ceiling panels and air-conditioning can be decided easily by using simulation results. The results show that the optimal design and operation of radiant ceiling cooling system depend on first priority of building owners and designers such as thermal comfort and prevention of dew condensation.
  • 大学施設におけるGHP空調機器の信頼性・保全性の解析
    小島 俊一, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎, 菊田 弘輝
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 80, 707, 29, 35, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2015年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Air conditioning systems generally have moving parts, so an understanding of their reliability is important in system maintenance. Most university buildings have very many air conditioning systems that are often managed by a single maintenance department, so it is necessary to obtain an overall grasp of air conditioning system reliability for the entire university. We report here results obtained by analyzing reliability and maintainability concerning the introduction of gas heat pump (GHP) air conditioners to university facilities. We used a Weibull distribution to analyze the GHP failure time and a lognormal distribution to analyze the maintenance time for the GHP. From the value of the shape parameter obtained in the Weibull analysis, we determined that the GHP failure rate was rising but can be said to be nearly constant. It is estimated that major maintenance in which the maintenance time is 6 hours or more differs from a failure of 6 hours or less. Additionally, the reliability and maintainability analysis was performed separately for all of the field data, each department, the maintenance time, major maintenance, and various maintenance measures.
  • ペレットボイラーとCO2ヒートポンプによるハイブリッド給湯システムの最適運用方法の検討
    森 太郎, 辻 圭輔, 辻 弘明, 羽山 広文
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 80, 707, 37, 44, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2015年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Hot water energy consumption is one of the biggest energy consumption and living expense in our life. In this paper, we report the energy consumption of hybrid system by using pellet boiler with CO2HP in the welfare facility. The facility has multi purpose, such as a dormitory, a hospital and a sheltered workshop for physical disabilities. It needs much hot water for cooking and bathing. We conducted the measurement of the energy consumption for hot water. The results shows that the power of pellet boiler was much less than design value and the COP of CO2HP was very low. Therefore, we optimized the usage of thermal storage tank and HP system. Also, we conducted the numerical simulation for hot water supply with the Hybrid system. The result indicate that cost is lower when the difference between water level in a day and that in a night is bigger.
  • 都市計画基礎調査データを用いた建築環境シミュレーション その3 都市計画基礎調査データとRadianceを用いた都市の日射解析
    濵田 裕章, 大沢 飛智, 緒形 浩佑, 森 太郎, 羽山 広文, 菊田 弘輝
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集, 2014.10, 93, 96, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, 2014年
    日本語, 建築物の省エネルギー化を実現するため、PVや太陽熱集熱装置などを用いた太陽エネルギー利用技術が注目されている。それに付随して、これらの技術については多くの研究が実施されているが、建物が密集し時に複雑な形状を持つ都市内において、どの程度日射取得が可能なのかを検討している例は少ない。そこで本報は近年利用が進む、都市計画基礎調査データ等を用いて都市形状の再現を行うことで、外部環境による影響を考慮した都市の日射解析を実施した。
  • 都市計画基礎調査データを用いた建築環境シミュレーション その4 標高と地形による影響
    大沢 飛智, 濵田 裕章, 緒形 浩佑, 森 太郎, 羽山 広文, 菊田 弘輝
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集, 2014.10, 97, 100, 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, 2014年
    日本語, 近年北海道では住宅の高断熱、高気密化が進んだことにより、ダイレクトソーラーゲインが暖房の主熱源となる可能性がある。他方で、建築物の省エネルギー評価が算定プログラムを用いた一次エネルギー消費量で行われている。しかし、このプログラムでは建築物の周辺環境が考慮されていないため、正確な評価ができない可能性がある。そこで、本研究では都市計画基礎調査データを利用して、外部環境による影響を考慮した日射量を算出し、建物の暖房負荷を推測できる手法を提案する。
  • Analysis of Cooling Characteristics in Datacenter using Outdoor Air Cooling
    Yoshiyuki Inoue, Hirofumi Hayama, Taro Mori, Koki Kikuta, Noriyuki Toyohara
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), advancements in information technology have proceeded with developments in information and communication technology (ICT), increasing the demand for building datacenters. The datacenter we studied is located in Ishikari, a cold region in Hokkaido, Japan. The data center cools its electrical devices by outdoor air. We argue that this cooling system is more efficient than other more conventional systems.This paper comprises five sections. In Section 1, we present the background for our work and our objectives.In Section 2, we give an overview of the Ishikari datacenter and discuss the temperature characteristics obtained from annual measurements. We then discuss two problems, short circuit (cool air is exhausted from the server room without passing through the server racks) and recirculation(hot air exhausted from electronic devices goes back through an nonoperational part in a rack to the cool area in a server room).In Section 3, we assess the observation results given in Section 2 by using indicators we introduce. The room exhaust-heat efficiency was 0.71 in room A and 0.67 in room B. This means that about 30% of cooling air did not pass through the devices. The equipment reabsorption ratio was 0.30 in room A.In section 4, we discuss our estimation of the annual power consumption for the ventilation flow ratio by using four different patterns. The patterns differed depending on the air conditioning supply-air temperature; 18 degrees C or 27 degrees C, and whether a cap on the operational part in server racks was set. We found that the best method of controlling the cooling system was an air conditioning supply-air temperature of 27 degrees C, set cap, and ventilation flow ratio of 0.51. With this method, the annual power usage effectiveness of this data center was estimated to be 1.11 in room A.In Section 5, we summarize the results of our research.
  • 道東沿岸地域住民の冬期における津波からの避難状況について
    草苅敏夫, 森太郎, 南慎一, 竹内慎一
    寒地技術論文・報告集(CD-ROM), 30, ROMBUNNO.II-013, 2014年, [査読有り]
  • 冬期における大規模停電発生時の対応と課題 : 2012年11月、12月停電に関する質問紙調査を中心に
    定池 祐季, 森 太郎, 南 慎一
    寒地技術論文・報告集 寒地技術シンポジウム, 30, 230, 235, 北海道開発技術センター, 2014年, [招待有り]
  • 厳冬期避難時の温熱環境と防災対策の検討
    森 太郎, 南 慎一, 桑原 浩平
    寒地技術論文・報告集 寒地技術シンポジウム, 30, 116, 121, 北海道開発技術センター, 2014年, [査読有り]
  • Development of solar heating using information and communication technologies for northern houses
    Atsuhiro Kawamura, Hiroki Hayashi, Hidekazu Kajiwara, Taro Mori, Kazunori Chida, Takafumi Noguchi, Makoto Arai, Hiroshi Uchiumi
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), The purpose of this study is to construct an integrated system that uses information and communication technologies (ICT) and solar energy more effectively to reduce energy consumption in houses at higher northern latitudes, i.e., in colder climates [1-2]. The core technology of this system is an active indoor environment control system that regulates temperature and illuminance only in the vicinity of the occupants. A goal of this technology is to decrease unnecessary energy consumption caused by controlling the average temperature and illuminance of an entire room. With this technology, a room is divided into multiple zones. Two radiators are installed on opposite-facing walls in two adjacent zones, and one distributed power-saving light is installed in each zone. Two sensors that detect the presence of occupants are installed at the ceiling corners to monitor the room. The occupant positions and the illuminance in sunlit locations are detected by these sensors. In this study, measurements of solar energy were taken in the northern part of Japan, and it was confirmed that there exists an adequate amount of solar energy in winter. Several essential technologies were developed to regulate temperature and illuminance only in the vicinity of the occupants, and the effectiveness of these technologies was partially confirmed using a subset of the final system.
    The integrated system will be installed in an experimental house this winter. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • Design of solar water heating system for detached house in cold climate area
    Taro Mori, Atsuhiro Kawamura
    Energy Procedia, 48, 2014, 1393, 1400, Elsevier Ltd, 2014年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Awareness of an environmental problem and high energy cost, people is interested in renewable energy. Solar energy is one of the renewable energy which it is the simplest and is easy to use. In this report, design method for solar water heating system in severe cold region at middle latitude is discussed. 1st: the measurement result of the solar water heating system combined with heat-pump system was introduced. 2nd: the results of the numerical analysis for the above system are introduced. 3rd: the solar water heating system for detached house in a cold climate area based on the above result was proposed. Also, the numerical analysis for the system is conducted. The result indicates multiple tank system is more efficient than single tank with thermal stratification.
  • 厳冬期の避難所運営に関するアンケート調査〜釧路市を対象に〜
    草苅敏夫, 南慎一, 竹内慎一, 森太郎, 定池祐季
    釧路工業高等専門学校紀要, 47, 47, 33, 37, 釧路工業高等専門学校, 2013年12月21日, [査読有り]
  • 北方先住民族住居を用いた実践的教育プログラムの開発
    西澤岳夫, 森太郎
    釧路工業高等専門学校紀要, 47, 111, 114, 釧路工業高等専門学校, 2013年12月, [査読有り]
  • 釧路高専北方型実験住宅における再生可能エネルギー活用に関する研究
    川村淳浩, 森太郎, 千田和範, 野口孝文, 荒井誠, 内海洋
    釧路工業高等専門学校紀要, 47, 13, 16, 釧路工業高等専門学校, 2013年12月, [査読有り]
  • 再循環を考慮したICT機器の冷却特性の予測手法
    二渡 直樹, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 78, 687, 409, 418, 日本建築学会, 2013年05月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In the conventional design method, it's difficult to estimate exhaust gas recirculation and short circuit that worsen ther-mal environment. It's preventing the improvement of air conditioning efficiency because thermal conditions become severe in anticipation of rising temperature caused to them. In this study, we create an air flow network model that predicts cool-ing characteristics of ICT equipment. We study how to predict machine cooling characteristics by analyzing this model. And we build a server rack which imitates the air flow system for machine cooling to carry out comparative evaluation between model analysis and actual measurement. Result of the comparison, the analysis captured the features of the ac-tual tendency, especially average. Then, we made a simple prediction chart of machine cooling characteristics for air condi-tioning design.
  • 非定常熱解析による高断熱建物を対象とした最大熱負荷設計法の提案と検証
    辻 圭輔, 森 太郎, 羽山 広文, 絵内 正道, 菊田 弘輝
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 78, 694, 929, 938, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2013年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Generally speaking, heat source capacity of HVAC system is designed by maximum thermal load calculation method. Considering peak thermal load of the buildings emerge only a few days throughout the year especially in highly insu-lated buildings, heat source tend to deteriorate its performance due to partial load operation. The purpose of this study is to propose new design method for highly insulated buildings. Firstly, operational state of existing HVAC systems in Hokkaido during winter was clarified. Second, case studies on operational state of heat source and indoor temperature using EPS-r were carried out.
  • 置換換気される室内の機器排熱が室温分布へ与える影響
    剱持 圭佑, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎, 菊田 弘輝, 福島 明
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 77, 677, 591, 597, 日本建築学会, 2012年07月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), There had previously been many studies about displacement ventilation systems, but only a few cases mentioned mechanism of heat emitting. Therefore, this study presents the effects of adjusting heights and air volume of heat emitting to the indoor thermal environment by experiments of the model and the factory installed a displacement ventilation system. As results of them, adjusting heights and air volume of heat emitting avoids rise in temperature at the low level in the room. And it was suggested that a normalized temperature can be given as an unique function of the Archimedes number.
  • 北海道における集合住宅の南側共用廊下の熱環境とその設計法
    森 太郎, 辻 圭輔, 菅沼 秀樹, 羽山 広文, 菊田 弘輝
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 77, 675, 357, 363, 日本建築学会, 2012年05月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Corridors on an apartment house are usually at indoor in Hokkaido. It can be achieved to make non-frozen and non-severe cold sharing space by installing those corridors on south side of apartment houses. Those places are useful for people in cold region. In this paper, the measurement results of thermal environment in the southern corridor at eastern Hokkaido is introduced. Also, the calculated result, thermal environment, by Esp-r and distribution of solar radiation by radiosity method are introduced.We found the following as the result. 1) The temperatures in the southern corridors during daytime are over 15 degree Celsius in winter season. 2) Temperature without heating system can be predicted by simple heat balance equation. 3) Southern corridors in the Pacific ocean side region can maintain high temperature in winter season. 4) The results by radiosity method indicates a. high solar absorptance interior, b. narrow corridor, c. not-large window are effective to achieve high temperature in corridor and high transmittance into room simultaneously. Also, we suggested the simple calculation method for solar absorption and temperature without heating in southern corridors.
  • 空調システムにおける信頼性と冗長構成に関する評価
    羽山 広文, 阿南 陽介, 渡邉 均, 森 太郎, 木下 学
    日本建築学会技術報告集, 15, 31, 817, 822, 日本建築学会, 2009年10月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The concentration and performance of the information processing devices that make up these systems are increasing rapidly, and this has led to an increase in the heat concentration of Data Centers as well. For this reason, air conditioning systems for Data Centers must offer a high level of reliability to constantly maintain appropriate room temperatures. In this paper, we will use the previously proposed calculation method to conduct the following studies, targeting cases in which the systems have actually been implemented. 1) Simulation to grasp the reliability characteristic in the system. 2) Examination for introducing thermal storage equipment to an information processing room.
  • データセンターの機器冷却特性と空調効率に関する研究
    羽山 広文, 降旗 由紀, 森 太郎, 絵内 正道, 木下 学
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 74, 640, 721, 728, 日本建築学会, 2009年06月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In the work reported here, we investigated the items listed below to identify factors that affect the ICT machine air intake temperature, focusing on the effects of machine cooling characteristics on air conditioning efficiency. 1)We created a machine cooling model that relates the temperatures in different parts, derived the parameters that affect the machine air intake temperature, and analyzed the factors that govern the machine cooling characteristics. 2)To understand the factors that affect the air intake temperature of rackmounted machines that generate high heat, we conducted experiments on the relation of the machine mounting method and the air intake temperature for various amounts of air conditioning in-flow. 3)We presented a method for determining the amount of air conditioning inflow that takes machine cooling characteristics into account, and evaluated the effect of machines cooling characteristics on air conditioning efficiency.
  • 冷却水流水面による大規模吹抜け空間の調湿・除湿 : 第5報-PIVによる流水面近傍の気流速度分布の把握と数値解析境界条件の検討
    森 太郎, 酒井 孝一郎, 西澤 繁毅, 絵内 正道, 羽山 広文
    空気調和・衛生工学会論文集, 34, 146, 55, 62, 社団法人空気調和・衛生工学会, 2009年05月, [査読有り]
    日本語, アトリウムなどに付設されている噴水や滝や池など,水辺の凝縮・蒸発現象を取り込んだ空間内の温湿度の環境設計に資することを目的として,流下水面近傍の空気流れの性質をPIVによって測定することで,その性質を把握し,CFDの境界条件を整理した.また,これまでの論文の知見を整理し,流下水面の空調設計用のフローを作成した.
  • 冷却流水面による大規模吹抜け空間の調湿・除湿 : 第4報-冷却流水面が付設された屋内公開空地のCFD解析
    森 太郎, 会田 悟史, 西澤 繁毅, 絵内 正道, 羽山 広文, 川口 康文
    空気調和・衛生工学会論文集, 31, 110, 17, 25, 社団法人空気調和・衛生工学会, 2006年05月, [査読有り]
    日本語, アトリウムなどに付設されている噴水や滝や池など,水辺の凝縮・蒸発現象を取り込んだ空間内の温湿度の環境設計に資することを目的として,第3報で得られた流水面の蒸発・凝縮モデルをCFD解析に導入した.そして,そのモデルの妥当性を検討したうえで,水温が空間の気流分布,温度分布,相対湿度分布にどのような影響を与えるかを検討した.
  • 簡易予測制御を適用した高断熱建物の躯体蓄熱システムに関する研究
    菊田 弘輝, 絵内 正道, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 71, 599, 95, 102, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 2006年01月, [査読有り]
    日本語, The aims of this study are to verify the optimum operation methods and the indoor comfort about thermal storage heating and cooling systems consisting of piping laid inside the floor for highly insulated buildings based on simplified predictive control. Principally, We consider the usefulness of continuous and nighttime operations on the basis of energy consumption for heating and cooling systems and indoor environment. As a result, the operation methods of equivalent for continuity like continuous and nighttime operations were effective for the problem of stopping operations on Saturday and Sunday in heating season. But stopping operations on Saturday and Sunday & continuous operations on weekdays was irrational. The operation methods of equivalent for intermittence like intermittent and nighttime operations were effective for the problem of rising room temperature during daytime in cooling season.
  • 寒冷地における高断熱建物の室内温熱環境と暖房エネルギー消費量の特性に関する実態調査研究
    菊田 弘輝, 絵内 正道, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 71, 599, 39, 46, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 2006年01月, [査読有り]
    日本語, The aim of this study is to verify qualities of indoor thermal environment and heating energy consumption through this research on highly insulated buildings introduced reduction systems of fresh air load in cold regions. The research objects are two government offices for outside insulated RC buildings newly built in Obihiro City and Hakodate City. We consider the temperature characteristics on effects of high heat insulation and thermal storage in buildings, and the heating systems and control techniques on operations for highly insulated buildings. Also we consider the effects of energy reduction and usefulness on introductions of reduction systems of fresh air load. Based on what we have learned through this research, we discuss the subjects and suggestions for highly insulated buildings in cold regions.
  • 通気層付き外断熱複合板の外装材の乾燥性状(環境工学)
    森 太郎, 塚田 佳奈, 舘脇 英, 上林 英文, 絵内 正道, 羽山 広文
    日本建築学会技術報告集, 22, 22, 275, 280, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 2005年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, The construction method of exterior insulated building by the composite wall, which is made of EPS and calcium silicate board, has many benefits. But there have been some troubleness by frost damage in the buildings made by the method. It is nessesary for protecting the composite wall form the frost damege to dry the exterior finishing. In this paper, we conduct the model experiment, the measurement in the test house and numerical simulation for realizing the desorption performance of the composite wall compund with air layer.
  • 外断熱住宅の躯体蓄熱型暖房システムに関する研究
    菊田 弘輝, 絵内 正道, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎, 宮坂 敏一
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 589, 589, 37, 42, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 2005年03月, [査読有り]
    日本語, The aim of this study is to clarify the effects of thermal storage system in midnight using the waste heat and midnight electric power, and to propose the new floor heating system using the thermal characteristics on external insulated houses. On numerical simulation of conditionally specified model, the results were as follows; (1) It was possible to maintain the room temperature and floor surface temperature by thermal storage in midnight after stopping the floor heating in daytime. (2) The amenity of thermal environment was evaluated by PMV and PPD, and the usefulness of this system was confirmed. (3) It was confirmed that the intermittent heating of approximately 6 hours for a day heating using this system was irrational from the result of radiator output and max output.
  • 高断熱建物における床暖冷房システムと室温変動の許容に関する研究               
    菊田 弘輝, 絵内 正道, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎
    IBPSA-Japan講演論文集/2005, 11, 18, 2005年02月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Sustainable Design for the Residences in Gaza City
    S. Emad Mushtaha, Masamichi Enai, Taro Mori
    Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 4, 1, 271, 278, 2005年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), It has been understood that the environmental impact of housing design, construction and operation has lower priority in research studies as compared to the conventional interests in cost, size, form, location and aesthetics. Gaza's climatic data indicates that both cold and warm percentages are in the extreme values such as finding a flexible design tool that can satisfy human comfort is an important requirement in a predominantly sustainable architecture concept. Using this new concept to improve the thermal environment and ventilation of buildings through identifying, developing, and testing innovative concepts that can have potential for achieving human satisfaction in homes. Herein, basic principles of Successive Integration Method have been utilized on some materials and varying passive elements to achieve an adequate module's elements. An integrated design with floor cooling and heating, natural ventilation and some additional passive techniques found that indoor temperature could be properly maintained. © 2005, Architectural Institute of Japan. All rights reserved.
  • 高齢者向け住宅の温度のバリアフリーに関する研究,高齢者問題研究               
    羽山広文, 上田好美, 絵内正道, 森太郎
    高齢者問題研究, 21, 1, 12, 2005年, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • The Effect Air-Intake Format of Equipment Gives to Air Conditioning System in a Data Center
    Yuki Furihata, Hirofumi Hayama, Masamichi Enai, Taro Mori
    IEICE TRANS. COMMUN, E87-B, 12, 3568, 3575, 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会, 2004年12月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The effects of air-intake format of forced-air-cooled equipment on the efficiency of air conditioning systems are studied. A modern data center features a large number of information-processing devices to provide telecommunication services. These devices generate considerable heat, and the equipment that houses these devices often employs "forced air cooling" in which a cooling effect is achieved by sucking in large amounts of room air. An air conditioning system used for a machine room filled with such equipment therefore requires high fan driving power resulting in significantly low air conditioning efficiency. In this study, we first performed mockup-based experiments to obtain a quantitative understanding of how different air-intake formats for equipment affect the temperature at various room locations such as equipment intake. We then created a model for predicting the temperature at various locations, and on the basis of this model, we analyzed the factors affecting intake temperature and examined how intake temperature affects air conditioning efficiency. It was found that placing air inlets in the lower 1/3 portion of forced-air-cooled equipment could prevent the equipment from reabsorbing the hot air that it blows out and therefore improve air conditioning efficiency.
  • Planning of Air-conditioning and Circulation Systems for Data Center
    Hirofumi Hayama, Masamichi Enai, Taro Mori, Manabu Kishita
    IEICE TRANS. COMMUN, E87-B, 12, 3443, 3450, 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会, 2004年12月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This development proposes a highly efficient air-conditioning airflow system for a computer-machine room having high-heat-generating equipment using forced-air cooling. The proposed system recirculates room air in the area surrounding equipment back to the cooling supply air supplied from a double floor. The recirculated air is therefore used as cooling air for computers. This system enables the blowing temperature difference of air-conditioner units to be increased, blower capacity to be decreased, and overall efficiency of air-conditioner units to be increased. Here, we have proposed an air-conditioning airflow system that decreases the amount of cooling supply air while ensuring adequate air ventilation for equipment using forced-air cooling, and a design method for achieving this system.
  • 冷却流水面による大規模吹抜け空間の調湿・除湿 : 第3報-断熱飽和温度を用いた流水面の凝縮(蒸発)実験結果の再検討
    森 太郎, 繪内 正道, 会田 悟史, 斎藤 貢, 羽山 広文
    空気調和・衛生工学会論文集, 29, 95, 25, 33, 社団法人空気調和・衛生工学会, 2004年10月25日
    日本語, アトリウムなどに付設されている噴水や滝や池など,水辺の凝縮・蒸発現象を取り込んだ空間内の温湿度の環境設計に資することを目的として,既報の小型模型空間の実験より入手した流下水面の凝縮・蒸発量を用いて,水面近傍気流速,水蒸気圧差,水面温度,相対湿度と物質伝達に関わる基礎的な再検討を行った.本論文では,熱コンダクタンスを援用した内分比と断熱飽和温度から流水表面温度を推定する工夫を試みている.
  • 信頼性の要因分析とシステム構成の提案 : コージェネレーションシステムを用いた空調システムの信頼性評価法に関する研究 その2
    羽山 広文, 阿南 陽介, 渡邉 均, 林 正博, 絵内 正道, 森 太郎
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 69, 584, 53, 59, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 2004年10月, [査読有り]
    日本語, Information systems play an important role in today's advanced information society. The concentration and performance of the information processing devices that make up these systems are increasingly rapidly, and this has led to an increase in the heat concentration of Data Centers as well. For this reason, air conditioning systems for Data Centers must offer a high level of reliability to constantly maintain appropriate room temperatures. In a previous report, we proposed a calculation method for evaluating the reliability of air conditioning systems - targeting central heat source A/C systems and distributed A/C systems as well as co-generation systems with complex system configurations - and examined the unique features of this calculation method. In this paper, we will use the previously proposed calculation method to conduct the following studies, targeting cases in which the systems have actually been implemented. 1) Study methods for evaluating reliability with consideration to change in the performance of air conditioners, and change in room temperature accompanying A/C system stoppages. 2) In an A/C system comprised of several A/C units, evaluate how the reliability characteristics of each individual air conditioner, and the number of devices that make up the system, affect the overall reliability of the system. 3) Evaluate how the individual units that make up a co-generation system affect the overall reliability of the system.
  • 流れの時間スケールを考慮した換気・通風空間のむらの評価指標とマクロモデルへの展開
    西澤 繁毅, 繪内 正道, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 69, 576, 29, 36, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 2004年02月, [査読有り]
    日本語, It's difficult to apply the age of air and ventilation effectiveness to evaluating the space with natural ventilation and cross ventilation, because the property of indoor environment changes under the influence of external condition. New index which expresses the unevenness in space for natural ventilation and cross ventilation is examined from movement and diffusion of tracer gas, in consideration of time scale of airflow field. And 2-zone model is examined as the macro model in consideration of unevenness. 1. Volume index is derived from concentration at exhaust to gas input at supply. And it is confirmed the index expresses the unevenness in space. 2. It is confirmed to able to grasp the overview of velocity distribution from the volume index. 3. 2-zone model based on the volume index is presented. And correspondence to the transient analysis is considered. 4. The identification method of the interzonal airflow rate is examined.
  • 冷却流水面による大規模吹抜け空間の調湿・除湿               
    空気調和・衛生工学論文集, 95, 25, 33, 2004年, [査読有り]
  • Improving the efficiency of cooling systems in data centers considering equipment characteristics               
    Yuki Furihata, Hirofumi Hayama, Masamichi Enai, Taro Mori, Manabu Kishita
    INTELEC, International Telecommunications Energy Conference (Proceedings), 32, 37, 2004年
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Internet data centers are helping to expand the network society throughout the world. These data centers require air conditioning to operate, and raising the efficiency of their cooling systems can have significant benefits such as the prevention of equipment failure and the saving of energy as well as improved cost performance. A data center in which much heat-generating equipment has been installed produces a large amount of heat, and achieving a balance between cooling power and fan driving power holds the key to greater efficiency. This study consisted of: 1) Full-scale mockup experiments that consider the ventilation of even heat-generating equipment installed in racks
    and 2) Efficiency evaluation and intake-temperature evaluation based on measurement results for fixed heat-generating equipment using ventilation volume and inter-equipment gap area as parameters. The results of these evaluations revealed that intake temperature could be predicted when varying these two parameters.
  • 塩化カルシウム含浸珪藻土粒を用いた吸放湿型除湿・熱交換換気装置の開発とその性能把握(環境工学)
    繪内 正道, 大橋 正知, 荒谷 登, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎
    日本建築学会技術報告集, 17, 17, 243, 246, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 2003年06月, [査読有り]
    日本語, Diatomite is a famous material for efficient moisture absorbent. We can control humidity level in room air by using it. In this study, the performance of ventilation devices for moisture-absorbent dehumidification and heat exchange was developed and tested by using the diatomite saturated with CaCl_2.
  • 遮光布によるアトリウム空間の光・熱環境調整法に関する研究 : その1 遮光布を設置したアトリウムの室内環境実測調査
    森 太郎, 酒井 義幸, 菅原 正則, 繪内 正道, 羽山 広文
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 68, 568, 119, 125, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 2003年06月, [査読有り]
    日本語, Shield cloths are expected as a simple and effective method to improve the luminous and thermal environment in an atrium space. But it has not been clear the effect of this method. In this study, the environment, distribution of luminosity, distribution of temperture on the shield cloth, thermal environment and impression of occupied people, in the two atrium space which set the shield cloths and didn't set the shield cloths were measured and the measurement results of the environment in the atrium space with shield cloths and the atrium space without shield cloths were compared.
  • 北海道を事例にしたClimate Severity Indexと主成分分析結果の比較
    絵内 正道, 吉原 美保子, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎, 田村 佳愛
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 68, 568, 103, 110, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 2003年06月, [査読有り]
    日本語, In cold region like Hokkaido, severity index evaluated by weather conditions and sense of climate in each area is required for defining winter's misery. 1) When assuming total hours of snowstorm or freezing precipitation in case of Japan, climate severity index (CSI) in Hokkaido can be calculated. CSl in Hokkaido had a range from 32 to 50. 2) Six levels of adaptation to winter defined by N. Pressman were asked to staffs of promotion section of Cities in Hokkaido and to two groups of students in Hokkaido University as a questionnaire. Replies of enduring winter were the most among the six levels. Reply pattern of each group to the six levels was very similar. 3) Regional climate map (Hokkaido) was proposed by using coefficient from principle component analysis. The analysis used data of questionnaire results to officials of Hokkaido Government and of weather condition. Regional climate map was well relative to CSI.
  • 冷却流水面による大規模吹抜け空間の調湿・除湿 : 第2報 小型模型空間を用いた流下水面の凝縮・蒸発量の実験結果
    繪内 正道, 森 太郎, 川口 泰文, 羽山 広文
    空気調和・衛生工学会論文集, 28, 89, 37, 43, 社団法人空気調和・衛生工学会, 2003年04月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 大規模吹抜け空間に付設されている噴水や滝や池などの水辺は大きな加湿要因や発湿源となり,夏期は冷房の潜熱負荷を増大させ,冬期は大規模にガラス被覆された壁面で結露し,建物の汚損や補修の要因ともなっている.本論文では,建物内に付設された流水面をそのまま援用し,その凝縮現象を取り込んだ空間内の温湿度の環境設計に資することを目的として,小型模型空間を用いた流下水面の凝縮・蒸発量の実験を行い,水面近傍気流速,水蒸気圧差,水面温度,相対湿度と物質伝達に関わる基礎的な検討を行った.本論文はそれらの実験結果をとりまとめたものである.
  • Planning of air-conditioning and circulation systems for data center
    H Hayama, M Enai, T Mori, M Kishita
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), This development proposes a highly efficient air-conditioning airflow system for a computer-machine room having high-heat-generating equipment using forced-air cooling. The proposed system recirculates room air in the area surrounding equipment back to the cooling supply air supplied from a double floor. The recirculated air is therefore used as cooling air for computers.
    This system enables the blowing temperature difference of air-conditioner units to be increased, blower capacity to be decreased, and overall efficiency of air-conditioner units to be increased. Here, we have proposed an air-conditioning airflow system that decreases the amount of cooling supply air while ensuring adequate air ventilation for equipment using forced-air cooling, and a design method for achieving this system.
  • Efficient cooling system for IT equipment in a data center
    Y Furihata, H Hayama, M Enai, T Mori
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), The effects of air-intake format of forced-air-cooled equipment on the efficiency of air conditioning systems are studied. A modern data center features a large number of information-processing devices to provide telecommunication services. These devices generate considerable heat, and the equipment that houses these devices often employs "forced air cooling" in which a cooling effect is achieved by sucking in large amounts of room air. An air conditioning system used for a machine room filled with such equipment therefore requires high fan driving power resulting in significantly low air conditioning efficiency. In this study, we first performed mockup-based experiments to obtain a quantitative understanding of how different air-intake formats for equipment affect the temperature at various room locations such as equipment intake. We then created a model for predicting the temperature at various locations, and on the basis of this model, we analyzed the factors affecting intake temperature and examined how intake temperature affects air conditioning efficiency. It was found that placing air inlets in the lower 1/3 portion of forced-air-cooled equipment could prevent the equipment from reabsorbing the hot air that it blows out and therefore improve air conditioning efficiency.
  • Research on efficiency of air conditioning system for data-center
    M Norota, H Hayama, M Enai, T Mori, M Kishita
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Now, as we move toward the advanced information society, systems for transmitting multimedia information, including text, sound, video, and computer data, play the vital role in society. Particularly, the Internet, which can make us get information all over the world, has spread remarkably and adopted broadband communication systems. Servers and routers supporting these networks are set up in data-center and necessary for information relay.
    Air conditioning systems are introduced in data-center so as to do smooth working of machines and it is maintain the information systems environment. In case of heat distribution in the room, the operate temperature of air conditioning system must be dropped so that the hottest machines don't exceed the appropriate temperature. But this is not efficiency operating. Thus, the distribution of heat generation is one of the factors that are effective in efficiency of air conditioning system. It's not clearly the degree of this factor now. So I inspected the relation between heat distribution and energy consumption of air conditioning system. I expected that the results of this research assist the air conditioning system arrangement in data-center.
    In laboratory there are a lot of machines that can change heat generation. The room temperature and the efficiency of air conditioning system were measured. As a result, heat generation affect on the energy consumption.
  • パルス法による通風輪道の同定とその検討
    西澤 繁毅, 繪内 正道, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎
    日本建築学会技術報告集, 117, 15, 155, 160, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 2002年06月, [査読有り]
    日本語, It is too difficult to find out the main current in the field of cross ventilation as current zone. In this report, the distribution of gas concentration diffused after the pulse injection in the field of steady cross ventilation is caluculated by using CFD, and the zone of main current is identified by degree which gas reaches from opening and goes out. And it is confirmed that the current zone has spatial characteristics.
  • 有効混合容積を指標とした通風空間の換気特性について
    西澤 繁敏, 繪内 正道, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎
    日本建築学会技術報告集, 116, 14, 165, 170, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 2001年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, It is too difficult to evaluate cross ventilation quantitatively. In this report, the effective volume index, which shows the diffuse degree of tracer gas, is applied to the steady cross ventilation. And then the effective volume index is examined by using CFD analysis, spatial characteristics are decided by such volume. In conclusion, it is confirmed to be able to evaluate whether the cross wind passes through the room without most mixing air or it mixes room air immediately.
  • 重力に平衡した自由浮遊バグによる気流動の可視化 : その2 バグの移動速度検定と自動追跡手法の開発
    森 太郎, 小西 崇永, 絵内 正道, 羽山 広文
    日本建築学会技術報告集, 116, 13, 125, 130, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 2001年07月, [査読有り]
    日本語, In this report, the two subjects for elevating the availability of this method were discussed. (1) The velocity of balloons by the wind channel test was examined to evaluate accuracy of the measurement. It can be seen that the velocity of balloons was in direct proportion to the air velocity in wind channel, the inclinations of correlation line were more than 0.8 ; and the correlation coefficients were more than 0.9. (2) The automatic algorism to track balloons in pictures was developed to ease the operation of the measurement. And the algorism was useful as speed and accuracy.
  • 重力に平衡した自由浮遊バグによる気流動の可視化
    森 太郎, 絵内 正道
    日本建築学会技術報告集, 7, 7, 87, 92, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 1999年02月, [査読有り]
    日本語, In this report, we proposed the technique to reproduce the flight track of the tetra-type bag for gravity free and showed one example of air currents in an atrium space under the heating condition by using this technique. Generally, it is impossible to estimate the velocity of the bag as equal to air velocity, because the bag is too large as a tracer particle of the air current. To clarify the influence of this scale factor on the techniques, the measured results by using this technique for measuring the air current were compared with them by using of hot wire anemometer. It was found that the statistical averages of air movement according to the bag scale represent the bag movements.
  • 冷却流水面による大規模吹抜け空間の調湿・除湿 : 第1報-小型模型空間を用いた流水面の凝縮・蒸発量の実験結果
    絵内 正道, 荒谷 登, 前田 英彦, 川口 泰文, 森 太郎
    空気調和・衛生工学会論文集, 24, 72, 47, 56, 社団法人空気調和・衛生工学会, 1999年01月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 大規模吹抜け空間に付設されている噴水や滝や池などは大きな加湿要因や発湿源となり,夏期は冷房の潜熱負荷を増大させ,冬期は大規模にガラス被覆された壁面で結露し,建物の汚損や補修の要因ともなっている.建物内に付設された水面を用い,その凝縮/蒸発現象を取り込んだ空間内の温湿度の環境設計に資することを目的として,小型模型空間を用いて冷却流水面の凝縮(結露)水量の変動にかかわる近傍気流速,水面と近傍空気の水蒸気圧差,相対湿度などの諸関係を把握し,併せて従前の水辺空間を想定した流水面の蒸発量とその変動要因の基礎的な検討を行った.本報告は,それらの実験結果をとりまとめたものである.
  • 遮光布によるグラスカバードスペースの光・熱環境調整効果の検討
    森 太郎, 絵内 正道, 荒谷 登
    日本建築学会技術報告集, 3, 5, 163, 167, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 1997年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, Shielding daylight by the use of cloths and to expelling warm stagnant air at the ceiling level by buoyant convection are widely used to prevent a Glass-Covered Space (GCS) from overheat due to excessive daylight transmission in summer. In this report, some shield models and cloths for controlling the luminous and thermal environment in the GCS are discussed. To clarify the effects of shield on the thermal and luminous environment of a GCS, the distribution of luminous intensity on wall surfaces were numerically calculated by using Monte Cairo Methods. The results shows that shield cloths, especially the hanging type, are effective for controlling daylight conditions and can improve the thermal environment of a GCS.




  • 建築環境計画特論               
    2021年12月 - 現在
  • 建築環境論               
    2021年04月 - 現在
  • コンピューティング演習               
    2015年04月 - 現在
  • 応用物理               
  • 物理               
  • 空調設備               
  • 建築都市学ゼミナール               
  • 一般教育演習「建築と都市」               
  • 応用数学演習               
  • 応用数学               
  • 建築環境・設備計画               
  • 環境と設備の演習               
  • 環境工学               


  • 日本太陽エネルギー学会               
  • 空調・衛生工学会               
  • 日本建築学会               
  • SHASE               
  • A. I. J.               


  • 一般建築の運用エネルギー低減を目的とした簡易コミッショニングシステム開発に関する研究               
    2004年 - 2005年
  • 大規模市場の換気性状に関する研究               
    2002年 - 2003年
  • RC戸建住宅の躯体蓄熱利用型外断熱工法と空気熱源式ヒートポンプの熱特性把握とその適合検証               
    2002年 - 2003年
  • 日本電気硝子(株)、第7回空間デザインコンペ、提案部門、佳作               


  • 高度な地図情報と気象情報によるデジタルツインを用いた普及型ZEB,ZEH研究
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2022年04月01日 - 2025年03月31日
    森 太郎, 細淵 勇人, 桑原 浩平, 岩間 雄介, 渡部 典大, 中山 哲士
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 22H01647
  • 日本のオフィスビルにおける熱的快適性の適応モデルの開発とそのメカニズムの解明
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2021年04月01日 - 2024年03月31日
    RIJAL HOMBAHADUR, 西名 大作, 森 太郎, 中谷 岳史, 源城 かほり, 宇野 朋子
    関西のオフィスで調査を実施した。秋季~冬季の調査結果では,平均快適温度は 24.3℃であり,寒がりの方が快適温度のばらつきが広い傾向であった。快適温度と外気温の相関関係が非常に弱いのは,短期間の調査結果の分析であることと,執務者達が季節変動の小さい室内温熱環境で勤務しており,それに慣れてしまったためと考えられる。(宇野朋子)
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 東京都市大学, 21H01496
  • ビッグデータを用いた地域環境・住環境が健康リスクに与える影響の評価
    科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
    2019年06月28日 - 2021年03月31日
    羽山 広文, 菊田 弘輝, 林 基哉, 森 太郎
    本研究は、厚生労働省の人口動態統計データの死亡票(1972年~2016年)、国土交通省 気象庁のアメダス気象データ(日本国内約1300か所)、総務省の住宅・土地統計データおよび国勢調査データなどのビッグデータを活用し、以下の事項を進め、健康リスクに影響を与える要因を明らかにし、健康で安全な地域環境・住環境形成の指標を得ることを目的にしている。今年度は以下の事項を進めた。
    日本学術振興会, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 北海道大学, 19K22000
  • ウエアラブル端末を用いた高齢者の認知機能に影響する歩行パラメータと修飾要因の検討
    科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(開拓)
    2018年06月29日 - 2021年03月31日
    玉腰 暁子, 角家 健, 鵜川 重和, 森 太郎
    日本学術振興会, 挑戦的研究(開拓), 北海道大学, 20K20395
  • 生産施設用空調方式の高効率化と信頼性に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2018年04月01日 - 2021年03月31日
    羽山 広文, 菊田 弘輝, 森 太郎
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 18H01591
  • 冬季積雪寒冷地の自宅住環境が高齢者の生活習慣や健康状態におよぼす影響の解明
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2017年04月01日 - 2020年03月31日
    鵜川 重和, 森 太郎, 玉腰 暁子
    積雪冬季に主要産業が異なる北海道内5 町に居住する要介護認定を受けていない高齢者569人を対象とした調査を実施した。居間2週間平均室温の中央値は20.9(最低3.6、最高29.7)℃、脱衣室2週間平均室温の中央値は17.4(最低-0.2、最高27.0)℃であり建築時期が新しいほど居間、脱衣室共に2週間平均室温の中央値が高くなる傾向が見られた。しかし、居間の2週間平均温室と認知機能、7日間の平均歩数、座位時間、食塩取量との間にいずれも有意な相関関係は認めなかった。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 大阪市立大学, 17H04129
  • 北海道型高性能住宅群のエネルギー消費パラメータに関する研究               
    2016年10月 - 2017年10月
    森 太郎
    LIXIL生活財団, 研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • 寒冷地におけるFuel povertyの実態把握に関する研究               
    2016年10月 - 2017年10月
    森 太郎
    住総研, 研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • 高発熱機械室の高効率空調設備構築と信頼性評価に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2014年04月01日 - 2017年03月31日
    羽山 広文, 菊田 弘輝, 森 太郎, 木幡 悠士, 小島 俊一, 松本 若菜, 井上 義之
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 26289199
  • 地域性・場所性を考慮した気象データの作成手法の構築と利用に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2014年04月01日 - 2017年03月31日
    森 太郎, 浅水 仁, 桑原 浩平, 林 裕樹
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 26420577
  • トイチセの建設を通した体験的環境教育に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2013年04月01日 - 2017年03月31日
    西澤 岳夫, 佐藤 彰治, 森 太郎
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 釧路工業高等専門学校, 25350272
  • 都市計画基礎調査データを利用した札幌市内全ての建物の日射利用データベースの構築               
    2014年11月 - 2015年11月
    森 太郎
    (一財)日本建設情報総合センター, 研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • 札幌市の全建物の日射データベースの作成と分析               
    2014年10月 - 2015年10月
    森 太郎
    LIXIL生活財団, 研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • 住宅の温熱環境が居住者へ与える影響の定量的評価
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2011年04月01日 - 2014年03月31日
    羽山 広文, 齊藤 雅也, 菊田 弘輝, 森 太郎, 梅村 朋弘
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 23360253
  • 札幌市における厳冬期被災時の避難所運営手法に関する研究               
    2013年04月 - 2014年03月
    森 太郎
    札幌市, 研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • 札幌市のダイレクトソーラーゲインポテンシャルマップの作成               
    2013年04月 - 2014年03月
    森 太郎
    北海道ガス, 研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • トロンブウォールとPCMによる外気負荷削減システムの開発               
    2013年04月 - 2014年03月
    森 太郎
    ノーステック財団, 研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • 厳冬期被災を想定した避難所運営手法に関する研究               
    2012年04月 - 2014年03月
    森 太郎
    日本建築学会, 研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • 寒冷地における日射取得最大化に向けた技術開発               
    2012年10月 - 2013年10月
    森 太郎
    LIXIL生活財団, 研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • 高性能住宅向け採暖システムの開発と評価
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2011年 - 2013年
    森 太郎, 梶原 秀一, 笹岡 久行, 桑原 浩平, 浅水 仁, 林 裕樹
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 23560710
  • 北方先住民族住居を用いた実践的教育プログラムの開発
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2010年 - 2012年
    西澤 岳夫, 森 太郎
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 釧路工業高等専門学校, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 22500872
  • 建築都市の安全性の評価分析とバリアフリー対策
    科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    2006年 - 2007年
    羽山 広文, 繪内 正道, 森 太郎, 渡邉 均
    日本学術振興会, 萌芽研究, 北海道大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 18656161
  • AHP蒸発器の建築化による一般住宅の暖房給湯エネルギーの大幅削減に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    2006年 - 2007年
    森 太郎
    日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 釧路工業高等専門学校, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 18760444
  • 冷却流水面による室内オープンスペースの調湿、除湿               
    2005年 - 2007年
  • 冷却流水面とハイブリッド換気による屋内公開空地の熱・空気環境の改善効果
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2005年 - 2007年
    繪内 正道, 羽山 広文, 菊田 弘輝, 森 太郎, 林 基哉, 西澤 繁毅, 長野 克則, 濱田 靖弘
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 17360280
  • MASによる環境配慮施策の効果予測               
    2004年 - 2005年
  • 北方圏域における小学校児童から成人の冬の適応に関する意識調査
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2004年 - 2005年
    繪内 正道, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎, 瀬戸口 剛, 本間 義規, 林 基哉, 佐藤 彰治
    本申請研究の目的は、冬をポジティブに捉えている子供達が、何時の時点で冬をネガティブに考えるようになるか、それに影響を与えている大人の側では、冬に対してどの様な適応状況にあるか、北方圏域における小学生や成人を対象にしたアンケート調査を通じて、経時的推移の実態把握を量ることにある。下記の「冬への適応に関する6軸の項目」に関わって、日本(札幌・盛岡・仙台)、カナダ(Waterloo, Gatineau)、フィンランド(Espoo)、ロシア(Knabarovsk)、中国(Harbin)においてアンケート調査を実施した。
    1.Enduring Winter(冬を忍耐する)、2.Tolerating Winter(冬を大目に見る)、3.Accepting Winter(冬を受け入れる)4.Respecting Winter(冬に期待する)、5.Appreciating Winter(冬に感謝する)、6.Celebrating Winter(冬を祝賀する)
    第二部では、札幌で行われたInternational Forum CREATION OF BETTER OPEN SPACES IN COLD REGIONS のProceedingsを収録した。このフォーラムでは、北方圏域における公開空地のあり方や学童の冬の屋外活動の実態を対象に、発表・討議を行い、Winter Citiesに求められる公開空地等の基本的な都市計画は如何にあるべきか、についてディスカッションを行った。更に、学童の冬の屋外活動を誘発するためワークショップを行い、学童による屋外活動を活発にする施設の提案や、研究者・都市計画家・建築家・行政官による屋外活動を誘発するためConcepts, Strategies, Toolsに関わった基礎的なディスカッションの結果を取りまとめた。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 16404015
  • 熱搬送動力の削減を目指したオフィス用空調方式の開発
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2004年 - 2005年
    羽山 広文, 繪内 正道, 森 太郎
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 16560522
  • MASを用いた札幌市における環境配慮施策の小規模事務所ビルへの効果解析
    科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    2004年 - 2005年
    森 太郎
    日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 釧路工業高等専門学校, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 16760469
  • 稚内珪質頁岩を用いた吸放湿型除湿・熱交換換気装置の開発
    科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    2003年 - 2004年
    絵内 正道, 羽山 広文, 森 太郎, 本間 義規
    日本学術振興会, 萌芽研究, 北海道大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 15656134
  • 画像解析による競技者の視線追跡手法の開発と体育館照明配置計画への応用に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    2002年 - 2003年
    森 太郎
    I バレーボール競技者を対象としたアンケート
    II 体育館の調査
    III 競技者の視線追跡手法の開発
    日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 14750489
  • 外断熱によるRC造集合住宅のリニューアルに関する実験的研究
    科学研究費助成事業 地域連携推進研究費
    2000年 - 2002年
    繪内 正道, 長谷川 寿夫, 森 太郎, 羽山 広文, 石田 秀樹, 鈴木 憲三, 佐々木 隆
    北海道大学工学部建築都市学科実験棟の塔屋にコンクリートパネルを組み立て、外断熱工法による外壁4種の外装を取り付け、同一条件下で実大の比較実験を試みた。主要な検討は次の6項目になる。(1)外装パネル開発に必要な情報、既存の内断熱住宅の経時的な劣化状況などの収集 (2)梅雨期の冷房時に本州以南の外断熱建物が遭遇する外の高温高湿、内の低温低湿時の検討 (3)融雪水を主因とする対凍害性をオープンジョイント (4)意匠設計者に好まれる外装仕上げの検討 (5)実験塔屋を事例とした施工性やコストパフォーマンスの検証 (6)安全性と耐久性 その他に、外断熱を取り巻く背景、住宅政策と集合住宅、外断熱外壁の熱的な特質、外断熱改修の効用、公営集合住宅を対象とした外断熱化技術開発と適用、地域性から見た外断熱、建物の再生から地域の再生へ などを取り上げて検討を加えた。
    日本学術振興会, 地域連携推進研究費, 北海道大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 12792012
  • 屋内オープンスペースにおける開放冷却水面を利用した涼房システムに関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2000年 - 2002年
    繪内 正道, 森 太郎, 羽山 広文
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 12450230
  • 自然通風型熱交換器を用いた高効率空調システムに関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2000年 - 2001年
    羽山 広文, 森 太郎, 繪内 正道
    1.自然通風型熱交換器の冷却特性の評価 1)天井面の開口面積、熱交換器周辺の気流ガイド(チムニー)の構成など、天井を構成する各種構成材の形状を変化させた小規模実験を行った。その結果、天井開口面積、天井懐などの形状、チムニーの形状、により通気抵抗係数、コイル前後の圧力が変化し、コイルの冷却能力に大きな影響を与えることがわかった。2)天井および自然通風型熱交換器の熱移動モデルを作成し、各種条件の異なる場合について、コイルの冷却能力を実用的な精度で求める実験式を導き、その妥当性を検証した。さらに、この熱移動モデルを用い天井の適正な形状および構成を明らかにした。3)自然通風型熱交換器の設置パターンと室温分布の関係を実験により把握し、室温分布のばらつきを適正に維持するような熱交換器の冷却能力および設置パターンを明確にした。
    2.空調用冷水をカスケード的に利用する冷水再循環方式の実用検討 1)空調機(AHU、FCU)からの還り冷水を自然通風型熱交換器で再度利用する冷水再循環方式に関し、そのシステム構成、省エネルギー効果を把握した。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 12650594
  • 遮光布によるアトリウム空間の温熱環境調整計画に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    2000年 - 2001年
    森 太郎
    アトリウムの壁面への入射日射量の計算のために,数種類の布の光学的な性状を把握するための実験を行い,数値計算用にモデル化を行った.透過・反射成分の分布は,CGで用いられる表現技法を使用したモデル化から推定した[拡散性透過(反射)の様子⇒Lambert Model,指向性透過の様子⇒Phong Model,入射角毎の透過率,反射率,吸収率⇒フレネルの式]
    日本学術振興会, 奨励研究(A), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 12750524
  • 外断熱に関する研究               
  • 建物の省エネ改修手法、効果解析               
  • no Study Theme Name               


  • 避難所運営ゲームの実践               
    2015年06月27日 - 2015年06月27日
    特別企画:防災研究の成果と地域住民ニーズの接点 ~研究の深さと横の広がり~
  • 高断熱療養施設 「太陽の園」 におけるコミッショニング事例の紹介               
    2015年06月12日 - 2015年06月12日
  • Numerical simulation of thermal environment by using GIS               
    2015年06月03日 - 2015年06月03日
    Sustainable Regional Development
  • 避難所運営ゲーム               
    2015年05月26日 - 2015年05月26日
  • New methodology for analysis of urban thermal environment using GIS data               
    2015年03月23日 - 2015年03月23日
    北海道大学トップコラボ事業 ダブリン工科大学 ―北海道大学 「アイルランド-日本 エネルギーセミナー」
  • Numerical simulation of thermal environment by using GIS               
    2015年02月24日 - 2015年02月24日
    Dublin institute of technology
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(上川管内町村防災担当者会議)               
    2015年01月23日 - 2015年01月23日
  • Problem of Energy System in Shrinking Hokkaido               
    2014年11月05日 - 2014年11月07日
    Hokkaido Univ., Lapland Univ.
    SUSTAINABILITY WEEKS 2014 - Finnish-Japanese Joint Symposium Innovation and Well-being through Multidisciplinary Dialogue
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(地域防災マスターフォローアップ研修)               
    2014年10月26日 - 2014年10月26日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(音更)               
    2014年10月09日 - 2014年10月09日
    平成26年度 避難所運営訓練(HUG)
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(厚真町)               
    2014年10月04日 - 2014年10月04日
    2014年 日本建築学会建築文化週間
  • 【講義・演習】防災教育とHUGについて               
    2014年05月16日 - 2014年05月16日
    平成26年度 札幌市新任管理職研修会
  • 高断熱療養施設 「太陽の園」 におけるコミッショニング事例の紹介               
    2014年03月20日 - 2014年03月20日
  • Sustainable housing development in Hokkaido               
    2014年03月10日 - 2014年03月10日
    Aalto Univ., Hokkaido Univ.
    Research exchange seminar with Hokkaido University (Hokudai): Arctic collaboration for sustainable building and urban development
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(足寄)               
    2014年02月25日 - 2014年02月25日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(帯広冬季防災訓練)               
    2014年02月08日 - 2014年02月08日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(新琴似北小学校)               
    2014年01月20日 - 2014年01月20日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(美香保小学校)               
    2014年01月16日 - 2014年01月16日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(二条小学校)               
    2014年01月14日 - 2014年01月14日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(北野台小学校)               
    2013年12月13日 - 2013年12月13日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(釧路工業高等専門学校)               
    2013年12月07日 - 2013年12月07日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(手稲)               
    2013年11月25日 - 2013年11月25日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(白老)               
    2013年11月20日 - 2013年11月20日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(北海道建築士会女性部)               
    2013年11月04日 - 2013年11月04日
  • 避難所運営研修               
    2013年10月17日 - 2013年10月17日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(音更町緑が丘中学校)               
    2013年10月10日 - 2013年10月10日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(十勝広域防災研修)               
    2013年09月20日 - 2013年09月20日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(仙台工業高等専門学校)               
    2013年06月24日 - 2013年06月24日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(上士幌町)               
    2013年06月21日 - 2013年06月21日
    6/21 上士幌町,上士幌町山村開発センターを避難所として想定(厳冬期における地震被害)
  • 釧路管内地域防災力強化促進モデル事業               
    2013年03月01日 - 2013年03月01日
    3/1: 浜中町,釧路管内地域防災力強化促進モデル事業,NHK北海道
  • 帯広市厳冬期防災訓練               
    2013年02月16日 - 2013年02月16日
  • 避難所運営研修               
    2013年01月26日 - 2013年01月26日
  • 札幌市基幹避難所研修               
    2013年01月09日 - 2013年01月09日
  • 避難所運営ゲーム(浦幌)               
    2012年10月15日 - 2012年10月15日
