法学研究科 法学政治学専攻 現代法講座 | 教授 |
人間知・脳・AI研究教育センター | 教授 |
高等教育推進機構 | 教授 |
Last Updated :2024/12/10
- My research interests focus on scrutinizing impacts of intellectual property law and its individual branches on various business activities, innovation and consumers’ behaviour. In my research, I employ methods of interdisciplinary, empirical and comparative analysis. At the moment, I conduct three long-term interdisciplinary, empirical and comparative research projects. They examine (i) impacts of broadening copyright liability doctrines on the development of new reproduction and communication technologies and online services; (ii) impacts of copyright law regimes and concentration of copyright industries on cultural production and diversity of cultural goods and services; and (iii) impacts of strategic standardization and patenting under technical standards on the development of new communication technologies.
J-Global ID
- 2019年04月 - 現在
北海道大学, 法学研究科, 教授 - 2012年10月 - 2019年03月
北海道大学, 法学研究科, 准教授 - 2011年04月 - 2012年09月
北海道大学, 法学研究科, 特任准教授 - 2011年02月 - 2011年06月
國立清華大學, 科技管理學院・科技法律研究所, 特任准教授 - 2009年05月 - 2011年03月
北海道大学, 法学研究科, 助教 - 2009年01月 - 2009年05月
北海道大学, 法学研究科), 特任助教 - 2006年03月 - 2008年11月
Čechová & Partners弁護士事務所, Associate - 2007年01月 - 2008年08月
九州大学, 法学研究院, 特任助教 - 1999年09月 - 2001年03月
スロバキア共和内閣府, Institute for Approximation of Law, Bratislava, 法律アドバイザー
- 著作権法上の非変容的利用をめぐる人々の意識―日米独仏の文化比較による実証研究
ブラニスラヴ・ハズハ, 清水紀子
田村善之、山根崇邦・編『知財のフロンティア 第1巻』, 285, 312, 勁草書房, 2021年10月, [招待有り], [筆頭著者]
日本語, 論文集(書籍)内論文 - Autorské právo z pohľadu používateľov internetu v EÚ, USA a Japonsku (Copyright Law from a Viewpoint of Internet Users in the EU, US and Japan)
Zuzana Adamová (ed.), Nové technológie, internet a duševné vlastníctvo 5 (New Technologies, Internet and Intellectual Property 5), 67, 106, Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis, 2021年, [査読有り], [国際誌]
スロバキア語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), This paper aims to shed light on a conundrum faced by contemporary copyright law and policy in the digital environment that the general public completely ignores and disregards copyright law. To do so, it relies upon an empirical study examining how the general public perceives various commercial and private non-transformative uses of copyrighted works without any prior permission obtained from the concerned copyright holders. The study shows that, contrary to often presented views, the general public clearly recognizes copyright law and deems using of copyrighted works for commercial purposes or in massive way without any consent from the concerned authors as wrongful activity. This evidently confirms that intellectual property law, and especially copyright law, has solid and sound foundations in social norms recognized by the general public and is not any pure construct of law. However, there is a notable mismatch between public views and recent trends in copyright law which attempt to restrict various non-commercial private uses of copyrighted works. This explains why such restrictions, which have no underpinning in social norms, might be quite costly to enforce, especially when they try to change social conduct which is considered by the public as normal and rightful. - Vyhotovovanie rozmnoženín diel pre súkromnú potrebu: Nový náhľad na tradičnú problematiku (Private Copying: New Views on the Traditional Problem)
Zuzana Adamová (ed.), Nové technológie, internet a duševné vlastníctvo 4 (New Technologies, Internet and Intellectual Property 4), 11, 56, Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis, 2020年, [査読有り], [国際誌]
スロバキア語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Although private copying existed even at the time when the first modern copyright laws were adopted, its relationship with copyright law has significantly changed over time. The causes of these considerable changes were the broadening of the scope of copyright protection and the introduction of reproduction technologies which allowed the general public to make copies of copyrighted works instantly, cheaply and in high quality. The outcome of all the changes is a quite negative approach of copyright law and policy towards private copying. This Paper questions several established premises upon which the current caselaw of the Court of Justice of the European Union on private copying is based. It shows that its foundations are difficult to substantiate by sound and reliable evidence provided by empirical studies. Contrary to those premises, empirical studies suggest mutually beneficial relationship between private copying and the commercial exploitation of copyrighted works by the right holders. In addition to analyzing recent empirical studies, the results of online surveys conducted in four countries with major economies (i.e. the U.S., China, Japan and Germany) are presented. They allow to better understand the copyright users’ habits, reasons and attitudes with regard to private copying. - Licenčné zmluvy a distribúcia autorských diel cez internet (Licensing Agreements and the Distribution of Copyrighted Works through the Internet)
Zuzana Adamová (ed.), Nové technológie, internet a duševné vlastníctvo 3 (New Technologies, Internet and Intellectual Property 3), 74, 112, Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis, 2019年, [査読有り], [国際誌]
スロバキア語, 研究論文(その他学術会議資料等), The last few decades are characterized by the emergence of new ways for distributing copyrighted works. Contrary to the traditional distribution of copyrighted works which is based on tangible media, the new ways dematerialize distribution and employ digital communication networks. In addition, various contractual arrangements are used by copyright holders in order to strengthen their control over the uses of copyrighted works by consumers. These changes in distribution of copyrighted works question the foundations, upon which its traditional ways have been based, and especially the future of so-called secondary markets with copyrighted works in the digital virtual environment. This Paper thus examines the current law and case law concerning the relationship between licensing agreements and exhaustion of rights. It also analyses the views of concerned stakeholders and scholars on the role of the exhaustion of rights in the digital environment. Furthermore, the consumers’ attitudes towards contractual limitations on their possibility to resell legally acquired copies of copyrighted works on secondary markets are scrutinized. - International Harmonization with Regulatory Competition: A Case of Intellectual Property Law
Shin-yi Peng, Han-Wei Liu & Ching-Fu Lin (eds.), Governing Science and Technology under the International Economic Order: Regulatory Divergence and Convergence in the Age of Megaregionals, 298, 317, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018年, [招待有り], [国際誌]
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Over the last few decades, bilateral and regional free trade agreements have been frequently criticized for imposing too-high standards of intellectual property protection on developing countries by powerful developed economies. As those standards tend to be higher than the ones recognized and required on the international level, it is usually argued that such an approach can hinder developing countries in designing their national policies in a way that allows them to catch up with advanced countries in terms of economic development and technological progress. This chapter questions that criticism and shows that although bilateral and regional free trade agreements lead to international harmonization on ever-higher levels of intellectual property protection, they still provide enough room for regulatory competition between individual countries so that they can further their national policies in the field of innovation and technological progress. Individual countries can thus design their science and technology policies in the way which fits to the needs of their economies and industries. - Private Copying and Harm to Authors: Compensation versus Remuneration
Law Quarterly Review, 133, 269, 295, 2017年04月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌) - 著作権法における私的秩序形成と消費者の権利―日本の消費者の視点から
ハズハ・ブラニスラヴ, 劉 曉倩, 渡部 俊英, 沼 裕
知的財産法政策学研究, 47, 261, 299, 北海道大学大学院法学研究科, 北海道大学情報法政策学研究センター, 2015年11月, [査読有り]
日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌) - Private ordering and consumers' rights in copyright law: A view of Japanese consumers
Branislav Hazucha, Hsiao-Chien Liu, Toshihide Watabe
Graeme B. Dinwoodie (ed.), Intellectual Property and General Legal Principles: Is IP a Lex Specialis?, 119, 155, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2015年03月27日, [査読有り], [筆頭著者]
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス) - 消費者から見た著作権法―日本における著作権遵守の実証研究―
ハズハ・ブラニスラヴ, 劉 曉倩, 渡部 俊英
著作権研究, 40, 122, 157, 著作権法学会, 2014年12月, [筆頭著者]
日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌) - Copyright and New Technologies : Technology Providers as "New" Old Actors in Copyright Law and Policy
Hazucha Branislav
Intellectual property law and policy journal, 1, 45, 81, Graduate School of Law, Research Institute for Information Law & Policy, Hokkaido University, 2014年03月
英語, This Article examines the role of technology providers as "new" o1d actors in the three recent institutional turns within copyright law and its enforcement in the digital environment. First, many international technical standards for reproduction or dissemination technologies, e.g. CDs. DVDs or Blu-ray Discs, have incorporated various proprietary technologies. including digital rights management technologies, at the expense of other creators, technology providers and consumers. Second, many commies around the world have adopted or are currently planning to adopt so-called three-strike rule regimes requiring internet service providers to disconnect frequent copyright infringers from the internet upon three allegations being made by affected copyright holders. In some countries, the courts have gone even further and have already imposed on internet service providers a variety of duties to monitor their networks under specific circumstances in order to prevent acts of copyright infringement committed by their internet users. Finally, some internet or online service providers have recently entered into agreements with major record labels or other copyright holders to allow unrestricted use of copyrighted works by their premium users. This Article enquires into the interaction between individual institutions and norms within all three institutional turns within copyright law and its enforcement in the digital environment, and their impacts on copyright law and the behavior of individual stakeholders at the present and in the future. - 著作権、技術的転換と音楽パッケージの販売(2・完)日本の音楽産業を題材に
HAZUCHA Branislav, 佐藤 豊
知的財産法政策学研究 = Intellectual property law and policy journal, 44, 183, 215, 北海道大学大学院法学研究科, 2014年03月
日本語 - 著作権、技術的転換と音楽パッケージの販売(1)日本の音楽産業を題材に
HAZUCHA Branislav, 佐藤 豊
知的財産法政策学研究 = Intellectual property law and policy journal, 43, 145, 156, 北海道大学大学院法学研究科, 2013年11月
日本語 - 国際技術標準と必須特許―技術の競争に関する国際ハーモナイゼーションの観点から(2)
知的財産法政策学研究, 34, 35, 147, 176, 北海道大学グローバルCOEプログラム「多元分散型統御を目指す新世代法政策学」事務局, 北海道大学情報法政策学研究センター, 2011年09月, [招待有り]
日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌) - 国際技術標準と必須特許―技術の競争に関する国際ハーモナイゼーションの観点から(1)
知的財産法政策学研究, 35, 34, 111, 137, 北海道大学グローバルCOEプログラム「多元分散型統御を目指す新世代法政策学」事務局, 北海道大学情報法政策学研究センター, 2011年06月, [招待有り]
日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌) - 知的財産権と文化多様性--市場と文化との関係に関する2つの見解 (特集 文化政策における知的財産権の役割)
Hazucha Branislav, 南部 朋子
知的財産法政策学研究, 0, 28, 39, 90, 北海道大学大学院法学研究科21世紀COEプログラム「新世代知的財産法政策学の国際拠点形成」事務局, 2010年03月
日本語 - ロクラク事件とオンデマンド放送─新技術とオンラインサービスの規制における法、市場、裁判所の役割
知的財産法政策学研究, 26, 26, 113, 165, 北海道大学大学院法学研究科21世紀COEプログラム「新世代知的財産法政策学の国際拠点形成」事務局, 2010年01月, [招待有り]
日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌) - 連続企画 政策形成プロセスと知的財産法(その3)他人の著作権侵害を助ける技術に対する規律のあり方--デュアル・ユース技術の規制における社会規範の役割
Hazucha Branislav, 田村 善之, 丹澤 一成
知的財産法政策学研究, 0, 24, 25, 96, 北海道大学大学院法学研究科21世紀COEプログラム「新世代知的財産法政策学の国際拠点形成」事務局, 2009年09月
- ユーザーから見た著作権とその保護手段のあり方
HAZUCHA Branislav, 劉 曉倩, 渡部 俊英, 栁瀬 貴子(訳), 知的財産法政策学研究, 41, 179, 208, 2013年02月
北海道大学グローバルCOEプログラム「多元分散型統御を目指す新世代法政策学」事務局, 北海道大学情報法政策学研究センター, 日本語
- 〔主要な業績〕Autorský zákon: Komentár (著作権法―コンメンタール―)
アダモヴァー・ズザナ, ハズハ・ブラニスラヴ, 1160
C. H. Beck, 2018年04月, 9788089603589, 1160, 1160, スロバキア語, 学術書, [国際共著], [査読有り], [共著]
- パブリック・ドメインの醸成と確保という観点からみた各種知的財産法の横断的検討
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(S)
2018年06月11日 - 2023年03月31日
田村 善之, 中山 一郎, HAZUCHA B, 山根 崇邦, 鈴木 將文, 吉田 広志, 前田 健, 橘 雄介, 駒田 泰土, 上野 達弘, 奥邨 弘司, 金子 敏哉, 村井 麻衣子, 比良 友佳理, 孫 友容, 宮脇 正晴, 平澤 卓人, 小嶋 崇弘, Rademacher C
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(S), 18H05216 - 公衆の視点からみた著作権侵害の不法性
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
2018年04月01日 - 2023年03月31日
The research project progressed in 3 main aspects. First, I continued in collecting and analysing legal and policy documents and academic literature on copyright infringements with the focus on non-transformative copying of copyrighted works. My research stay in France allowed me to trace necessary sources from the EU and France and to consult preliminary findings with French scholars. Second, based upon the results of such analysis, questionnaires with 5 coded vignettes were prepared in 4 languages, i.e. English, Japanese, French and German. Individual characteristics of each studied jurisdiction were considered during the coding of vignettes and the drafting of questionnaire. Third, online surveys were conducted in the US, Japan and France, and collected data preliminary analysed.
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 18K01380 - 公衆の視点からみたパロディの著作権法における位置づけ
科学研究費助成事業 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(A))
2019年 - 2021年
In the fiscal year of 2019, the research was conducted in collaboration with Prof. Geiger at the Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) of the University of Strasbourg in France. This allowed us to collect and analyse literature and case law on parody available in French language with regard to the French and EU laws. In addition, situations in the other studied countries (i.e. Japan, US and Germany) were also mapped. We were thus able to identify main factors used in parody cases by courts in the studied countries. These factors were then coded into 5 different vignettes in order to measure whether they play any role in public views on wrongfulness in parody cases. The vignettes were used for the preparation of questionnaires in 4 languages for online surveys.
日本学術振興会, 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(A)), 北海道大学, 18KK0356 - パブリック・ドメインの醸成と確保という観点からみた各種知的財産法の横断的検討
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
2018年04月01日 - 2019年03月31日
田村 善之, HAZUCHA B, 山根 崇邦, 吉田 広志, 村井 麻衣子, 比良 友佳理, 平澤 卓人, 小嶋 崇弘, 橘 雄介
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 北海道大学, 18H03610 - ユーザーから見た著作権等の技術的保護手段のありかた
科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
2015年04月01日 - 2018年03月31日
日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, 15K16970 - 新世代知的財産法政策学の探求
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
2013年04月 - 2018年03月
田村 善之, HAZUCHA B, 吉田 広志, 丁 文杰, 比良 友佳理, 小嶋 崇弘, 山根 崇邦, 村井 麻衣子
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 北海道大学, 25245013 - 権利者・利用者双方に親和的な情報通信技術・サービスを構築する効率的な法の創造
科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
2010年 - 2012年
ハズハ ブラニスラヴ
日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, 22730101