Kaneko Tomoo

Hokkaido University Hospital Central Clinical Facilities Center for Advanced Oral MedicineLecturer
Last Updated :2024/12/06

■Researcher basic information

Nickname etc.


Researchmap personal page

Research Keyword

  • 歯科矯正学
  • Orthodontics

Research Field

  • Life sciences, Sports science
  • Life sciences, Developmental dentistry



  • Dec. 2002 - Present
    Hokkaido University, Hokkaido University Hospital, 講師
  • Apr. 1996 - Nov. 2002
    Hokkaido University, School of Dental Medicine, 助手
  • Jul. 1992 - Mar. 1996
    Hokkaido University, School of Dental Medicine, 助手

Committee Memberships

  • 2007 - 2012
    日本矯正歯科学会, 代議員, Society
  • 2002 - 2009
    北海道矯正歯科学会, 理事,学術委員, Society
  • 2004 - 2008
    日本矯正歯科学会, 認定医委員会審査員, Society
  • 2002
    北海道矯正歯科学会, 理事, Society

■Research activity information


  • 顎関節症患者の咬合異常をどう捉えるか               
    山口泰彦, 金子知生, 後藤田章人
    日本歯科評論, 81, 33, 40, 2021
  • 顎関節の形態変化に伴う二次的咬合異常-クローズドロック後の開咬を中心に-               
    山口泰彦, 金子知生, 後藤田章人
    季刊歯科医療, 32, 86, 95, 2018
  • 北海道大学病院における矯正患者の永久歯先天性欠如に関する統計調査               
    中村 貴子, 田幡 千尋, 彦根 敦, 武藤 麻未, 正満 健斗, 木山 望, 宮上 雄希, 吉沢 早織, 上村 光太郎, 土屋 聡, 金子 知生, 山本 隆昭, 佐藤 嘉晃, 飯田 順一郎
    日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集, 76回, 218, 218, (公社)日本矯正歯科学会, Oct. 2017
  • Application of poly CDE(PCDME) gel to the palatal plate.               
    Kaneko T, Mikoya T
    Hokkaido J. Dent. Sci., 37, 136, 139, 2017
  • 北海道大学病院矯正歯科来院患者の埋伏歯に関する臨床統計               
    生野 啓一郎, 吉沢 早織, 中西 康, 木山 望, 正満 健斗, 宮上 雄希, 武藤 麻未, 菅原 由紀, 金 壮律, 山方 秀一, 金子 知生, 佐藤 嘉晃, 飯田 順一郎
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 44, 1, 118, 118, 北海道矯正歯科学会, Dec. 2016
  • PCDMEゲルの口蓋閉鎖床への応用               
    金子 知生, 黒川 孝幸, 三古谷 忠, 飯田 順一郎
    日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集, 75回, 264, 264, (公社)日本矯正歯科学会, Nov. 2016
  • Study of training for improving lip incompetence
    Saori Yoshizawa, Mai Ohtsuka, Tomoo Kaneko, Junichiro Iida
    Orthodontic Waves, 75, 3, 47, 53, Elsevier Ltd, 01 Sep. 2016, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Purpose We have been using myofunctional therapy in orthodontic treatment to improve orofacial disorders. Our previous study showed that lip training increased orbicularis oris muscle strength and endurance. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of hypoxic lip training for improving lip incompetence. Subjects and methods: Twenty healthy subjects (10 males and 10 females, 23.6 ± 2.3 years old) with lip incompetence participated in this study. We recorded the sealed lip ratio calculated by using the formula “(lip-sealing time/total recorded time) × 100″ during relaxation (listening to soothing music) and during concentration (performing a mathematical calculation). Then the subjects performed a standardized hypoxic lip training (5 repetitive contractions with 80% of maximum tensile strength of the orbicularis oris muscle) with a traction plate. Training was repeated daily for 4 weeks. To estimate training effects, the sealed lip ratios during relaxation and concentration were recorded before training (T1), at 2 weeks (T2) and 4 weeks (T3) after the start of training, and at 4 weeks (T4) and 8 weeks (T5) after the end of training. Results The sealed lip ratios in both the relaxation and concentration conditions significantly (p <
     0.003 after Bonferroni correction) increased during the training period. Although the sealed lip ratios slightly decreased during the post-training period, they were not significantly different from those at T3. Conclusions Hypoxic lip training increases the sealed lip ratio and is thus effective for improving lip incompetence. Sealed lip ratios were maintained after 8 weeks of training.
  • Clinical characteristics of acquired anterior open bite subsequent to TMJ closed lock
    後藤田 章人, 山口 泰彦, 金子 知生, 岡田 和樹, 三上 紗季, 箕輪 和行, 井上 農夫男
    日本補綴歯科学会誌, 8, 3, 281, 288, 日本補綴歯科学会, Jul. 2016

    Purpose: Recently, the occurrence of acquired anterior open bite subsequent to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) closed lock (AAOB-SCL) has attracted attention. However, the actual state has not been clarified. The present study examined retrospectively the clinical characteristics of AAOB-SCL.

    Methods: The subjects were 24 patients who were diagnosed as AAOB-SCL. Twenty-four TMJ closed-lock patients without AAOB-SCL also participated in this study as a control group. Patients with anterior open bite due to rheumatoid osteoarthrosis were excluded.

    Results: Most cases of AAOB-SCL occurred more than three months after the emergence of TMJ closed lock.

    For 5 patients of the AAOB-SCL group, an occlusal splint had not been applied and the rate of the cases without splint was not significantly different from that of the control group.

    Posterior open bite was found except the most posterior tooth, more frequently on the contra-affected side, in addition to anterior teeth. The mean maximum mouth opening range was significantly larger than that in the control group.

    Condyles on the affected side were deformed in all subjects and the rate of deformity was significantly larger than that in the control group.

    Conclusions: It was suggested that AAOB-SCLs tended to appear in the chronic phase, i.e., the phase in which mouth-opening limitation improved or was improving, on the anterior teeth and posterior teeth more frequently on the contra-affected side except the most posterior tooth. An occlusal splint was not always used before the emergence of AAOB-SCL.

  • Effectiveness of lip-strength training for improving lip incompetence
    Yoshizawa Saori, Kaneko Tomoo, Iida Junichiro
    The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function, 23, 1, 44, 45, Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function, 2016
  • The potential of aromatherapy for relieving toothache during orthodontic treatment
    KANEKO Tomoo, OTSUKA Mai, IIDA Junichiro
    Japan Journal of Aromatherapy, 17, 1, 31, 38, Aroma Environment Association of Japan, 2016, [Lead author]

    The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of aromatherapy in alleviating toothache associated with orthodontic treatment. Forty-eight patients (19 men and 29 women; mean age, 26 years 5 months) undergoing tooth separation of the mesiodistal left and right first molars of the upper jaw in orthodontic treatment were categorized by the method of minimization for allocation to clinical trials into three groups: the lavender, peppermint, and placebo (purified water) groups. The three groups received aromatherapy 48 h after the initiation of the tooth separation procedure. A visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to assess spontaneous pain at 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h after the initiation of tooth separation and 30 min and 1 h after beginning aromatherapy. Percussion pain was assessed with VAS 0 h and 48 h after the initiation of tooth separation and 30 min and 1 h after beginning aromatherapy. In addition, the amount of oxidized/reduced hemoglobin in the blood was observed during 1 h of aromatherapy by performing near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Aromatherapy was preceded and followed by a survey of the Profile of Mood States (POMS). Assessment with VAS and NIRS showed a toothache-alleviating effect that lasted for the first 30 min in the lavender group; the peppermint group showed a longer and more intense effect than the lavender group. Comparison of the rate of change between the groups with analysis of variance did not show a significant difference. Assessment with POMS showed a decrease in all items after inhalation. These results suggest that aromatherapy inhalation has an effect on alleviating toothache during tooth separation.

  • Methods of training for the patients with lip incompetense
    飯田順一郎, 金子知生, 山本隆昭, 佐藤嘉晃
    北海道歯学雑誌, 36, 2, 43, 46, 北海道歯学会, 2016
    Japanese, 口唇閉鎖不全状態,すなわち常時上下の口唇が離れて口呼吸をしているような状態でいると,口腔内が乾燥しやすく,歯肉炎,歯周病などの歯周疾患が進行する要因になると考えられている.一方で,歯科矯正学の分野においても,このような口唇閉鎖不全の状態は,不正咬合の原因,あるいは動的矯正治療後の歯の位置を安定させる保定に関連して,注意すべき事象の一つとなっている. 矯正歯科治療においては,セファロ分析法などを用いて顎顔面骨格形態を分析し,その顎顔面骨格形態に調和するように,治療ゴールとしての歯の位置を決めて正常咬合に導く治療をしている.しかし,歯あるいは顎骨の位置を正常咬合に導いた後,すなわち動的矯正治療が終了した後に,得られた歯の位置,あるいは得られた正常咬合が生涯にわたって維持されるかどうかということは,矯正治療の施術の意義に関わる重要な考慮すべきポイントである.動的矯正治療終了後に通常用いる保定装置は,このような観点から,歯の位置あるいは得られた正常咬合を機械的に保持するために用いるが,生涯にわたって保定装置を使い続けることは非常に稀である. 歯は口唇,頬,舌などの口腔周囲の筋・軟組織が生み出す力に絶えず晒されており,その力によって徐々にその位置を変え得ることから,そのような口腔周囲軟組織から受ける力を考慮して治療ゴールを決定することは矯正歯科治療の成果を左右する重要な要素である. 本稿ではこの様な観点から,口唇閉鎖不全の影響,またそれに対する対応に関して,これまで行われてきた研究成果を紹介する.
  • 北海道大学病院を受診した成長期のRussel-Silver症候群患者の特徴               
    山崎 与志紀, 佐藤 嘉晃, 熱田 結香, 大塚 麻衣, 福島 久夢, 山方 秀一, 金子 知生, 山本 隆昭, 三古谷 忠, 小山 明彦, 飯田 順一郎
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 43, 1, 23, 23, 北海道矯正歯科学会, Dec. 2015
  • Effectiveness of training methods to improve orbicularis oris muscle endurance in patients with incompetent lips
    Mai Ohtsuka, Tomoo Kaneko, Junichiro Iida
    Orthodontic Waves, 74, 4, 99, 104, Elsevier Ltd, 01 Dec. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Purpose: Lip-incompetence has various negative effects including malocclusion such as maxillary protrusion and open bite. We previously defined a lip-incompetence as having a sealed lip ratio of less than 30.1% during relaxation and less than 13.2% during concentration. The aim of this study was to estimate the effectiveness of lip endurance training in lip-incompetence. Subjects and methods: Eighteen healthy volunteers (12 males and 6 females, 25.0 ± 2.5 years) with lip-incompetence participated. The sealed lip ratio was estimated at the start of the study (T1) during relaxation (subjects listened to soothing music with their eyes closed) and during concentration (subjects were given a calculation task) and again after 4 weeks (T2). A traction plate was inserted into the oral vestibules of each subjects, who then performed a standardized lip-endurance training (20 repetitive contractions with 50% of maximum tensile strength of the orbicularis oris), repeated daily for 4 weeks. Sealed lip ratio was re-estimated at 2 weeks (T3) and 4 weeks (T4) after the start of training and at 4 weeks (T5) and 8 weeks (T6) after the termination of lip-endurance training. The sealed lip ratio was calculated "sealed lip ratio = (lip-sealing time/total recorded time) × 100″. Results: Sealed lip ratios during relaxation (9.0 ± 7.7%) and concentration (4.4 ± 5.1%) increased at T3 (64.2 ± 17.3% and 53.7 ± 18.3%
    0.01) and T4 (92.2 ± 9.1% and 90.7 ± 12.8%
    0.01). During post-training, there was no apparent difference between T4, T5 and T6. Conclusion: Lip-endurance training improves lip-competence and could be useful for improving QOL of patients with lip-incompetence.
  • PCDMEゲルの閉鎖床への応用               
    北海道歯学雑誌, 35, 77, 79, May 2015, [Lead author]
  • 口蓋裂の言語治療と口蓋閉鎖床               
    千葉県歯科医学会雑誌, 6, 23, 25, 2015, [Lead author]
  • 二段階口蓋形成手術を施行した唇顎口蓋裂症例の言語成績 4歳時および5歳時の評価
    曾我部 いづみ, 三古谷 忠, 澁川 統代子, 今井 智子, 石川 愛, 松沢 祐介, 伊藤 裕美, 松岡 真琴, 山本 栄治, 金子 知生, 道田 智宏, 鄭 漢忠
    日本口蓋裂学会雑誌, 39, 1, 7, 16, (一社)日本口蓋裂学会, Apr. 2014
    Japanese, 【目的】北海道大学病院高次口腔医療センターではHotz床併用二段階口蓋形成手術を行ってきたが、2003年11月より初回手術に修正を加えFurlow法による軟口蓋閉鎖とともに硬口蓋後方1/2までを閉鎖する術式とした。その言語成績を検討した。【対象と方法】二段階口蓋形成手術法の初回手術を施行した片側ならびに両側唇顎口蓋裂の連続症例39例である。術後、硬口蓋未閉鎖部に閉鎖床を装用したものは39例中18例(46.2%)であった。4歳時と5歳時において、鼻咽腔閉鎖機能を良好、ほぼ良好、不良の3段階に評価し、また、構音障害の有無と発現頻度について評価した。【結果と考察】鼻咽腔閉鎖機能獲得率は良好とほぼ良好合わせて4歳時で87.2%、5歳時で89.7%であった。異常構音の発現頻度は4歳時で59.0%、5歳時で56.4%であった。異常構音の内訳では、4歳時で口蓋化構音50.0%、声門破裂音35.7%、鼻咽腔構音7.1%、側音化構音3.6%、咽(喉)頭摩擦音3.6%であった。5歳時で口蓋化構音48.0%、声門破裂音32.0%、側音化構音16.0%、咽(喉)頭摩擦音4.0%であった。国内他施設における二段階法と比較して術後の鼻咽腔閉鎖機能は良好で異常構音の発現頻度も低かった。これは初回手術時に硬口蓋の1/2までを閉鎖したことにより、前方未閉鎖部の鼻口腔交通部が狭小化した症例が多くなったためと推測された。(著者抄録)
  • 1. 骨接合材を固定源として用いた症例の臨床統計(一般口演,第54回北海道矯正歯科学会大会)
    日下部 豊寿, 佐藤 嘉晃, 斉藤 文男, 山方 秀一, 金子 知生, 山本 隆昭, 飯田 順一郎
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 41, 1, 36, 36, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 2013
  • 5. 北海道における不正咬合や矯正治療に関する意識調査研究(一般口演,第53回北海道矯正歯科学会大会抄録)
    永山 和典, 金子 知生, 由川 将丈
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 40, 1, 28, 28, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 2012
  • 矯正歯科基本研修におけるルーブリックと振り返りの導入試行               
    佐藤 嘉晃, 金子 知生, 山本 隆昭, 日下部 豊寿, 金井 壮律, 飯田 順一郎
    日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集, 70回, 272, 272, (公社)日本矯正歯科学会, Oct. 2011
  • マウスガード装着による野球のバッティング時における口唇閉鎖および咬筋活動について
    金子 知生, 山本 隆昭, 飯田 順一郎
    スポーツ歯学, 13, 2, 144, 144, (一社)日本スポーツ歯科医学会, Feb. 2010
  • マウスガード装着による野球のバッティング時における口唇閉鎖および咬筋活動について               
    金子 知生, 山本 隆昭, 飯田 順一郎
    日本スポーツ歯科医学会学術大会プログラム抄録集, 20回, 89, 89, (一社)日本スポーツ歯科医学会, Jul. 2009
  • 4.ジェットウォッシャーによる洗浄がピンカッターに与える影響について(学術展示,第50回北海道矯正歯科学会大会抄録)
    山本 隆昭, 田中 聡, 諏訪 伸輔, 山方 秀一, 金子 知生, 飯田 順一郎
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 37, 1, 46, 46, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 2009
  • 6.マルチブラケット装置の治療における犬歯移動速度に関わる因子について(学術展示,第50回北海道矯正歯科学会大会抄録)
    半田 麻子, 金子 知生, 金 壮律, 角野 晃大, 桜木 修, 小原 三郎, 中井 丈生, 関 淳也, 田幡 千尋, 飯田 順一郎
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 37, 1, 47, 47, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 2009
  • 5.矯正器具の腐蝕と防蝕に関する検討(学術展示,第50回北海道矯正歯科学会大会抄録)
    諏訪 伸輔, 佐藤 嘉晃, 金子 知生, 山方 秀一, 日下部 豊寿, 宇尾 基弘, 飯田 順一郎
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 37, 1, 46, 47, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 2009
  • 野球のバッティング時における口唇閉鎖について               
    金子 知生, 山本 隆昭, 飯田 順一郎
    日本スポーツ歯科医学会学術大会プログラム抄録集, 19回, 70, 70, (一社)日本スポーツ歯科医学会, Jul. 2008
  • Effect of Disinfectants to the Dimensional Stability of Alginate Impression Materials
    Tanaka Satoru, Yamamoto Takaaki, Suwa Nobusuke, Kaneko Tomoo, Yamagata Syuichi, Uo Motohiro, Iida Junichiro
    THE JOURNAL OF HOKKAIDO ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY, 36, 1, 13, 20, Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, 2008
    Japanese, Recently, nosocomial infections of HBV, HCV, and HIV have become a concern, and the prevention of such infections for medical staff and patients based on standard precautions is important. Here the dimensional changes in alginate impressions after immersion in disinfectants and rinsing with water after disinfection was investigated. Experimental condition is as follows : Immersion in disinfectant test 1) Group D: in phtharal for 20 minutes. 2) Group SH: in 0.1% sodium hypochloride solution for 60 minutes. 3) Group W: in distilled water for 60 minutes. Disinfections-rinsing with water test 1) Group D-W : in distilled water for 30 minutes, after immersion in phtharal for 5 minutes. 2) Group SH-W: in distilled water for 30 minutes, after immersion in 0.1% sodium hypochloride solution for 60 minutes. There were 15 test pieces in each condition, and the test pieces were measured with a projector, and dimension change rates were calculated. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and post hoc tests. The results may be summarized as follows. 1. The dimensional changes of Group D and Group SH were smaller than the changes of Group W. 2. The test pieces immersed in distilled water after immersion in disinfectants expanded immediately. 3. Therefore, impressions should be rinsed with water quickly after immersion in disinfectant, then next inject plaster into the impressions soonest possible.
  • 3. アルジネート印象材用消毒液の寸法精度への影響(一般口演,第49回北海道矯正歯科学会大会)
    田中 聡, 山本 隆昭, 諏訪 伸輔, 金子 知生, 山方 秀一, 飯田 順一郎
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 36, 1, 51, 51, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 2008
  • 2. リテーナー洗浄剤が鑞着部位に及ぼす影響について(一般口演,第46回北海道矯正歯科学会大会)
    杉山 治, 金子 知生, 山方 秀一, 山本 隆昭
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 33, 1, 64, 65, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 2005
  • 口唇閉鎖機能の新しい評価法               
    半田 薫, 佐藤 嘉晃, 金子 知生, 山本 隆昭, 飯田 順一郎
    日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集, 63回, 171, 171, (公社)日本矯正歯科学会, Nov. 2004
  • 機能性下顎前突症例における前歯部被蓋改善時下顎位の予測法               
    飛塚 昌則, 山本 隆昭, 岩崎 弘志, 梶井 貴史, 豊泉 裕, 山方 秀一, 金子 知生, 飯田 順一郎
    日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集, 62回, 227, 227, (公社)日本矯正歯科学会, Oct. 2003
  • 8. 口唇圧測定法の開発 : 極超低圧用プレスケールを用いた方法(一般口演,第43回北海道矯正歯科学会大会)
    森定 歩, 金子 知生, 片桐 洋一, 本間 俊美, 飯田 順一郎
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 30, 1, 104, 104, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 2002
  • Prediction of mandibullar position following correction of functional anterior crossbite
    Tobitsuka Masanori, Yamamoto Takaaki, Iwasaki Hiroshi, Toyoizumi Yutaka, Furuya Tadanori, Yamagata Shuichi, Kaneko Tomoo, Iida Junichiro
    THE JOURNAL OF HOKKAIDO ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY, 29, 1, 16, 23, Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, 2001
    Japanese, The purpose of this study is to predict the mandibular position following correction of functional anterior crossbite. Multiple regression analyses were carried out using data obtained from lateral cephalograms in the intercuspal and rest positions at the first examination and at an examination after correction of anterior crossbite in 19 patients. The following results were obtained. 1. For Δ SNB", a multiple regression equation (a multiple correlation coefficient : 0.76) was obtained when S・Pog-OP (Upper) , NF-MP, ANB and overbite were used as the explanatory variables. 2. For Δ B", a multiple regression equation (a multiple correlation coefficient : 0.87) was obtained when S・Pog-OP (Upper), ANB, NF-OP (Upper), Δ B (X)' and SNB were used as the explanatory variables. 3. For Δ B (X)", a multiple regression equation (a multiple correlation coefficient : 0.82) was obtained when S*Pog-OP (Upper) , ANB, NF-MP and Δ SNB' were used as the explanatory variables. 4. For Δ B (Y)", a multiple regression equation (a multiple correlation coefficient : 0.39) was obtained when overjet was used as the explanatory variable. The results suggested that it was possible to predict the degree of horizontal change in mandibular position following correction of functional anterior crossbite by the multiple regression equations obtained in this study.
  • 7.機能的前方位を伴う前歯部反対咬合症例における被蓋改善時下顎位の予測(一般口演,第42回北海道矯正歯科学会大会)
    飛塚 昌則, 山本 隆昭, 岩崎 弘志, 豊泉 裕, 古谷 忠典, 山方 秀一, 金子 知生, 飯田 順一郎
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 29, 1, 67, 67, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 2001
  • 8.歯頚部における歯根吸収の一考察(学術展示,第40回北海道矯正歯科学会大会)
    佐藤 嘉晃, 日下部 豊寿, 入江 丈元, 金子 知生, 石川 博之
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 27, 1, 115, 115, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 1999
  • 5.矯正治療後の上顎中切歯歯根の位置に関するCTを用いた評価(学術展示,第40回北海道矯正歯科学会大会)
    雪野 直子, 佐藤 嘉晃, 日下部 豊寿, 若尾 二郎, 入江 丈元, 金子 知生, 石川 博之
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 27, 1, 114, 114, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 1999
  • 1.両側顎関節症を伴う叢生症例の咬合再構成で、矯正治療中にIVROを行った症例(症例展示,第40回北海道矯正歯科学会大会)
    金子 知生, 井上 農夫男
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 27, 1, 118, 118, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 1999
  • 矯正患者の顎関節症状の有症者と無症者における行動因子や情緒因子に関するアンケート調査(一般講演抄録,第39回北海道矯正歯科学会大会)
    柳 禎子, 梅田 和宏, 山本 隆昭, 金子 知生, 井上 則子, 岡本 亨, 梶井 抄織, 藤井 元太郎, 堀井 豪, 今井 徹, 中村 進治
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 26, 1, 44, 45, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 1998
  • 不正咬合者における未萌出側方歯群歯冠幅径予測に関する臨床的研究(一般講演抄録,第37回北海道矯正歯科学会大会)
    山崎 毅, 上野 拓郎, 金子 知生, 梅田 和宏, 杉山 治, 山方 秀一, 浦本 英二, 松山 功, 柳 禎子, 由川 将丈, 今井 徹, 中村 進治
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 24, 1, 97, 98, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 1996
  • 顔面非対称症例に関する歯科矯正学的検討(一般講演抄録,第34回北海道矯正歯科学会大会)
    林田 薫, 岡本 亨, 金沢 成美, 土肥 和成, 遠藤 憲雄, 杉山 治, 西山 公仁, 村松 幸保, 稲積 実佳子, 金子 知生, 寿盛 真, 山本 隆昭, 今井 徹, 中村 進治
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 21, 1, 85, 85, 北海道矯正歯科学会, 1993

Other Activities and Achievements

  • Orthodontic treatment for congenital tooth agenesis at Hokkaido University Hospital
    保浦七愛, 武藤麻未, 中西康, 金子知生, 山本隆昭, 佐藤嘉晃, 北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 51, 1, 2023
  • 開業医も知っておきたい二次的咬合異常 : 顎関節や咀嚼筋の障害を中心に
    山口 泰彦, 後藤田 章人, 佐藤 華織, 金子 知生, 岡田 和樹, 日本歯科評論, 78, 3, 103, 112, Mar. 2018
    ヒョーロン・パブリッシャーズ, Japanese
  • Lip incompetence and myofunctional therapy
    Iida Junichiro, Kaneko Tomoo, Nakanishi (Ohtsuka) Mai, Yoshizawa Saori, Yamamoto Takaaki, Sato Yoshiaki, 北海道歯学雑誌, 38, 130, 135, Sep. 2017
    Lip incompetence, which is a state in which the upper and lower lips are constantly apart, is thought to induce mouth breathing that may result in the development of gingivitis and periodontal disease. In the orthodontic field, lip incompetence has major problems for diagnosis, when determining the treatment goal and at the time of retention. We have been performing studies on lip incompetence and have obtained the following results : (1) it is possible to predict to some extent the state of lip closure during sleep by examination only in an awake state, (2) anterior teeth are positioned forward in individuals with lip incompetence, and (3) a training method called Button Pull is effective as a myofunctional therapy for improving lip incompetence, but there remains a need to clarify the background., 北海道歯学会, English
  • 下顎の機能的偏位と表情認知に関連する脳賦活状況の検討
  • Novel innovation of materials and the consequent paradigm shift in the orthodontic practices
    山方 秀一, 山本 隆昭, 金子 知生, 佐藤 嘉晃, 飯田 順一郎, 北海道歯学雑誌, 34, 1, 18, 20, 15 Sep. 2013
    北海道歯学会, Japanese
  • Research on influence of oral function by playing games
    KANEKO Tomoo, IIDA Junichiro, 日本顎口腔機能学会雑誌 = The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function, 18, 2, 186, 187, 28 Feb. 2012
  • Trial introduction of rubric for the basics of dental practice in orthodontics
    SATO Yoshiaki, YAMAGATA Shuichi, IWASAKI Hiroshi, KUSAKABE Toyohisa, SUGAWARA KATO Yuki, KIM Takenori, KAJII Takashi, KANEKO Tomoo, YAMAMOTO Takaaki, YOSHIMURA Manabu, YAWAKA Yasutaka, IIDA Junichiro, 北海道歯学雑誌, 32, 1, 46, 54, 15 Sep. 2011
    北海道大学歯学部の専門教育期に行われる臨床基礎実習のうち,歯科矯正学教室が担当する歯科矯正学臨床基礎実習は舌側弧線装置作製実習と症例分析・診断学実習で構成されている.本実習の目標は「歯科矯正学講義で習得した基礎的,臨床的知識を基に症例分析法・矯正治療,技工技術を身に付けること」である.このようなものは一部パフォーマンス課題と呼ばれるものと考えられるが,従来型の評価法では適正な評価が行われない部分である.昨今,教育カリキェラムがプロセス基盤型からアウトカム基盤型へ移行するに伴い,ポートフォリオなどが徐々に取り入れられており,パフォーマンス系の課題にも対応可能な事が知られている.今回われわれは将来的なポートフォリオ評価の導入も視野に入れることも踏まえ,特にアウトカムに着目したルーブリックを実習にて試行し,有用性を評価することを目的とした.対象は平成21年度の3年次学生(平成22年度の4年次学生)46名とした.これらの学生に対して行われた舌側弧線装置作製実習と症例分析・診断学実習に際して,ルーブリックを用いてアウトカムに対する自己評価をさせた.得られたルーブリックから各項目の平均点を算出し比較した.結果より,両実習ともにプロフェッショナリズムは漸増する傾向がみられ,初回よりも最終回で有意に高かった.さらに,全体に舌側弧線装置作製実習の平均値よりも症例分析・診断学実習のそれが高い傾向を示した.この結果より,将来的なポートフォリオ評価を念頭におくこともふまえ,ルーブリックは歯科矯正学臨床基礎実習の実習に対する応用に有効なツールであることが示唆された., 北海道歯学会, Japanese
  • Questionnaire survey for using rubric and reflection in the basics of dental practice in orthodontics
    SATO Yoshiaki, IWASAKI Hiroshi, YAMAGATA Shuichi, KUSAKABE Toyohisa, SUGAWARA KATO Yuki, KIM Takenori, KAJII Takashi, KANEKO Tomoo, YAMAMOTO Takaaki, YOSHIMURA Manabu, YAWAKA Yasutaka, IIDA Junichiro, 北海道歯学雑誌, 32, 1, 55, 61, 15 Sep. 2011
    近年,アウトカム基盤型教育の浸透とともに,ポートフォリオの使用が学習ツールとしても評価としても重要視されている.現在,歯科矯正学臨床基礎実習の4年次前期に行われる症例分析・診断学実習に対しては,将来的なポートフォリオの導入も視野に入れ,「ルーブリック」と「振り返り」を導入している.今回われわれは,この「ルーブリック」と「振り返り」が学習者である学生にとってどの程度の効果があったかを調べるためにアンケートを行った.対象は2010年の4年次学生55名である.これら学生に対して,症例分析・診断学実習における「ルーブリック」および「振り返り」について各々に無記名式のアンケートを行った.アンケート内容はルーブリックや振り返りの効果や実習への反映を問うものである.結果より,「ルーブリック」「振り返り」ともに,学習ツールと しての有効性を認める学生が多かった事,アウトカムの重要性や振り返りを認識できた学生が少なからずいた事,がわかった.一方,「ルーブリック」は日常の学習への反映と言う点ではうまくできていない学生もみられた.これらより,「ルーブリック」「振り返り」の利用は歯科矯正学臨床基礎実習にとって有効である事が示唆された., 北海道歯学会, Japanese
  • 北海道大学病院高次口腔医療センターにおける口唇裂・口蓋裂患者の臨床統計的調査
    三古谷 忠, 松沢 祐介, 曾我部 いづみ, 伊藤 裕美, 山本 栄治, 澁川 統代子, 金子 知生, 三上 愛, 今井 智子, 道念 正樹, 村上 有二, 渡辺 政明, 中村 英司, 井上 農夫男, 戸塚 靖則, 日本口蓋裂学会雑誌, 36, 3, 166, 173, 2011
    北海道大学病院高次口腔医療センターでは、1995年に口唇裂・口蓋裂のチームアプローチ治療体制の構築をはかった。1995年1月から2010年12月までの16年間に当センターに登録された口唇裂・口蓋裂患者一次症例について臨床統計的観察を行い、以下の結果を得た。1.一次症例総数は461例であった。うち226例(49%)は産科・小児科からの紹介で、次いで118例(25.6%)は形成外科から、80例(17.4%)は他の病院歯科口腔外科からの紹介であった。2.裂型分類では、口唇(顎)口蓋裂222例(48.2%)、口蓋裂126例(27.3%)、粘膜下口蓋裂55例(11.9%)、口唇(顎)裂51例(11.1%)、口唇(顎)裂を伴う粘膜下口蓋裂7例(1.5%)であった。3.裂型別の初診時暦齢の平均では、口唇(顎)裂は10.8週、口唇(顎)口蓋裂は5.0週、口蓋裂は14.2週、粘膜下口蓋裂は96.6週、口唇(顎)裂を伴う粘膜下口蓋裂は38.0週であった。4.居住地分布では、451例(98%)は北海道内居住者で、札幌市を含む石狩支庁が252例(54.7%)と最も多く、次いで苫小牧市を含む胆振支庁が48例(10.4%)、釧路市を含む釧路支庁が30例(6.5%)、小樽市を含む後志支庁が29例(6.3%)で、他の支庁は5%に満たなかった。5.唇裂の側性では、唇裂を有していた280例中、左側は151例(53.9%)、右側は60例(21.4%)、両側は69例(24.6%)で、片側性と両側性の比は3.1:1、左右比は2.5:1であった。6.他の先天異常の合併は461例中127例(27.5%)にみられ、裂型別出現頻度では粘膜下口蓋裂と口蓋裂が高く、それぞれ55例中26例(47.3%)、126例中57例(45.2%)であった。次いで口唇(顎)口蓋裂は222例中40例(18.0%)、口唇(顎)裂は51例中4例(7.8%)であった。(著者抄録), (一社)日本口蓋裂学会, Japanese
  • 口唇運動に及ぼすマウスガードの影響の解析               
    可視化情報全国講演会講演論文集, 223, 224, 2010
  • クローズドロックに継発する前歯部開咬に関する臨床的検討               
    後藤田 章人, 山口 泰彦, 金子 知生, 岡田 和樹, 三上 紗季, 後藤田 幸, 松田 慎平, 佐藤 華織, 小松 孝雪, 梶井 貴史, 由川 哲也, 箕輪 和行, 井上 農夫男, 日本顎関節学会雑誌, 21, Suppl., 139, 139, Jul. 2009
    (一社)日本顎関節学会, Japanese
  • 顎関節症患者における心理社会的特徴 筋症状の有無による違い               
    岡田 和樹, 山口 泰彦, 後藤田 章人, 三上 紗季, 後藤田 幸, 松田 慎平, 佐藤 華織, 由川 哲也, 金子 知生, 梶井 貴史, 井上 農夫男, 日本顎関節学会雑誌, 21, Suppl., 159, 159, Jul. 2009
    (一社)日本顎関節学会, Japanese
  • Differences in dento-facial morphology in lip competence and lip incompetence
    Satimary Endo Leonardo, Yoshiaki Sato, Tomoo Kaneko, Takaaki Yamamoto, Kaori Handa, Junichiro Iida, Orthodontic Waves, 68, 1, 12, 19, Mar. 2009
    Clinicians have hypothesized that lip competence is related to dental inclination, overjet, and overbite. Though some studies have been made to clarify this interrelation, a distinctive conclusion has not been reached. Studies have further shown that some subjects with normal occlusion show lip incompetence. Considering this, it could be hypothesized that dento-facial morphology plays a role in the causes of lip incompetence. To establish this it is necessary to distinguish dento-facial morphology factors from occlusal conditions such as overjet or overbite. A number of methods evaluate lip sealing: visual examination, cephalometric radiographs, and others
    however these methods make determinations for short periods, and none evaluate the lip competence directly. The purpose of this study is to elucidate a correlation between lip competence and dento-facial morphology using subjects with normal occlusion, excluding overbite and overjet factors, with a sufficiently reproducible and reliable method to evaluate lip sealing. The study shows that individuals with normal occlusion (n = 30) can be divided into 3 groups based on lip sealing ability: a competent, a partially competent, and an incompetent group. Statistical evaluations showed morphologically significant differences between these groups on SNA, ANB, NA-Pog, NPog-A, ANS-Me, N-ANS/ANS-Me, ANS-Me/N-Me, Wits appraisal, L1-MP, NPog-U1, NPog-L1, and FMIA measurements. According to the results, more skeletal class II relationships, longer anterior lower facial height, and a backward positioned Pogonion were observed, in the group with lip incompetence. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd and the Japanese Orthodontic Society., English
  • 6.Orbicularis oris muscle training
    Handa Kaori, Kaneko Tomoo, Ooya Waka, Iida Junichiro, 日本顎口腔機能学会学術大会, 42, 19, 20, 2009
    日本顎口腔機能学会, Japanese
  • Training methods effectively in the strength and endurance of the orbicularis oris muscle
    Ooya Waka, Kaneko Tomoo, Handa Kaori, Iida Junichiro, The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function, 15, 2, 131, 138, 2009
    In orthodontics and pedodontics, parafunction including oral breathing and tongue thrusting are considered to be factors that lead to malocclusion including maxillary protrusion and open bite. In order to correct these parafunction, oral myofunctional therapy (MFT) is commonly used. There are several MFT training regimens for lips, which include button pull exercises (pulling a button with the lips closed tight) and the use of the Patakara, a mouth rehabilitation instrument. However, there has been limited research to objectively evaluate training methods to improve the strength and endurance of the orbicularis oris muscle. Our previous studies measuring oxygenation dynamics in the orbicularis oris muscle by using near-infrared spectrometry indicated that performing 5 or 10 sets of 5 seconds load at 80% 1-RM (1 repetition maximum) and 5 seconds rest was effective for the orbicularis oris muscle to enhance muscle strength as a result of the hypoxic conditions in the muscle. These studies also indicated that repetition of 15 sets of 5 seconds load at 50% 1-RM and 5 seconds rest was effective as the endurance of the orbicularis oris muscle as a result of the aerobic conditions in the muscle. The aim of this study was to validate the effectiveness of hypoxic and aerobic conditions for improving the strength and endurance of the orbicularis oris muscle, respectively. Subjects consisted of 15 adults from both sexes with normal stomatognathic function and no interference with lip closure. Traction plates were inserted in the upper and lower oral vestibules, and 1-RM was measured by pulling against the plates using a universal testing machine. Subjects were assigned to three groups: Group A subjects completed 20 sets comprised of load of 50% 1-RM for 5 seconds and rest for 5 seconds; Group B subjects completed 5 sets comprised of load of 80% 1-RM for 5 seconds and rest for 5 seconds; and Group C subjects completed 5 sets comprised of load of 50% 1-RM for 5 seconds and rest for 5 seconds. Maximum tension and duration of contraction of the orbicularis oris muscle were measured 14 and 28 days after the loading. The results revealed that for orbicularis oris muscle training, 5 sets with load of 80% 1-RM was more effective for improving muscle strength, whereas 20 sets with load of 50% 1-RM was more effective for improving endurance., Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function, Japanese
  • Training methods effectively in the strength and endurance of the orbicularis oris muscle
    Waka Ooya, Tomoo Kaneko, Kaori Handa, Junichiro Iida, The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function, 15, 2, 131, 138, 2009
  • 口輪筋訓練の条件に関する検討―近赤外線分光法を用いた口輪筋酸素化動態の観察―               
    北海道歯学会誌, 29, 2, 129, 138, 2008
  • Relationship between lip sealing ability and dentofacial morphology               
    北海道歯学雑誌, 29, 2, 139, 147, 2008
  • Consideration in the orbicularis oris muscle trainin-Oxygenation in orbicularis oris muscle using near-infrared spectroscopy-               
    Hokkaido Journal of Dental Science, 29, 2, 129, 138, 2008
  • 1. 釧路赤十字病院歯科口腔外科矯正歯科における唇顎口蓋裂患者の統計的観察(一般口演,第47回北海道矯正歯科学会大会)
    永山 和典, 村上 有二, 佐藤 嘉晃, 菅原 由紀, 角野 晃大, 飛塚 昌則, 北澤 慎一, 松山 功, 石井 教生, 山崎 与志紀, 喜多 宏明, 今井 徹, 金子 知生, 山本 隆昭, 三古谷 忠, 井上 農夫男, 飯田 順一郎, 北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 34, 1, 25, 25, 25 Dec. 2006
    北海道矯正歯科学会, Japanese
  • The effect of Ga-Al-As diode laser irradiation on palate scar tissue formation in rats
    SAKURAGI Osamu, KUSAKABE Toyohisa, KANEKO Tomoo, KIM Takenori, IIDA Junichiro, 北海道歯学雑誌, 27, 2, 130, 138, 15 Dec. 2006
  • 最大口唇閉鎖圧に対する上下口唇間距離の影響               
    北海道歯学雑誌, 27, 1, 33, 40, 2006
  • Effect of distance between upper and lower lips on maximum pressure of lip closing               
    Hokkaido Journal of Dental Science, 27, 1, 33, 40, 2006
  • A new method to evaluate lip sealing and its clinical application : Part 2 Lip sealing during the daytime and sleep
    HANDA Kaori, SATO Yoshiaki, KANEKO Tomoo, YAMAMOTO Takaaki, IIDA Junichiro, 北海道歯学雑誌, 26, 2, 153, 163, 15 Dec. 2005
  • 日常生活における口唇閉鎖状態の新しい評価方法と応用第1報口唇閉鎖状態連続記録装置の開発               
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 26, 146, 152, 2005
  • 日常生活における口唇閉鎖状態の新しい評価方法と応用第2報睡眠時と覚醒時における口唇閉鎖状態について               
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 26, 146, 152, 2005
  • 咬みしめおよび歯の非接触状態が最大握力発揮能力に与える影響               
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 25, 281, 292, 2004
  • 4. 金属アレルギーをもつ矯正患者に対する調査(一般口演,第43回北海道矯正歯科学会大会)
    入江 丈元, 入江 幸保, 菅原 由紀, 大瀧 尚子, 由川 将丈, 永山 和典, 山方 秀一, 佐藤 嘉晃, 金子 知生, 飯田 順一郎, 北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 30, 1, 102, 102, 20 Dec. 2002
    北海道矯正歯科学会, Japanese
  • A Study of orthodontic patients with metal allergy
    Irie Jogen, Irie Sachiho, Yoshikawa Masatake, Sugawara Yuki, Ohtaki Naoko, Nagayama Kazunori, Yamagata Shuichi, Satoh Yoshiaki, Kaneko Tomoo, Iida Junichiro, THE JOURNAL OF HOKKAIDO ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY, 30, 1, 34, 39, 2002
    A questionnaire survey was carried out to clarify the points regarding metal allergy that attention should be given to when treating orthodontic patients. The subjects were 7 orthodontic patients (1 male and 6 females; mean age, 21.3 years) who had been diagnosed as having metal allergies by patch tests. The following results were obtained. 1. Nickel was the most frequently identified metal showing a positive reaction in patch tests (in half of the patients). Since nickel is frequently used in orthodontic treatment, care should be taken over the selection of material when treating orthodontic patients with metal allergies. 2. All of the patients had other allergy symptoms. Thus, taking detailed histories may lead to the discovery of metal allergies in patients who are not aware of such allergies. 3. Four of the seven patients had symptoms of metal allergy caused by earrings and other such ornaments. Since many orthodontic patients are young women, taking detailed histories and conducting careful observations are important., Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, Japanese
  • Morphological characteristics of anterior openbite cases with a history of TMD               
    Hokkaido Journal of Dental Science, 20, 1, 20, 25, 2001
  • 同胞にみられた移転歯に関する一考察               
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 29, 3, 10, 2001
  • Consideration of migrated tooth in a family
    Kaneko Tomoo, Okamoto Toru, Koshikawa Mino, Kamiura Yohji, Kumazawa Takaki, Iida Junichiro, The Journal of Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, 29, 1, 3, 10, 2001
    A migrating tooth is a rarely encountered phenomenon, the cause of which is not clear. We examined the possible factors causing migrating teeth using etiological study models and cephalograms of patients who had a familial migrating tooth or teeth. The subjects were two sisters and a brother. The elder sister had bilateral migrating teeth, and the younger sister had one migrating tooth in the maxilla. The brother had no migrating teeth. Our results showed that factors causing migrating teeth are upper basal arch width, size of the maxilla, arch length discrepancy, and congenitalness., Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, Japanese
  • Long-term follow-up of clinical symptoms in TMD patients who underwent occlusal reconstruction by orthodontic treatment
    T Imai, T Okamoto, T Kaneko, K Umeda, T Yamamoto, S Nakamura, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS, 22, 1, 61, 67, Feb. 2000
    Fifty-eight patients (mean age 18.4 years) who had received splint therapy for internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) were examined retrospectively to investigate the efficacy of occlusal reconstruction by orthodontic treatment. The subjects were divided into three groups: 18 patients (mean age 18.6 years) who underwent orthodontic treatment combined with the use of splints (ST group); 27 patients (mean age 18.2 years) who underwent orthodontic treatment without the use of splints (NST group); and 13 patients (mean age 17.9 years) who received only splint therapy for temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD; control group). TMJ sound, pain on movement and restriction of mandibular movement were examined at the initial examination (T1), at the end of the splint therapy for TMD or beginning of orthodontic treatment (T2), at the end of orthodontic treatment (T3), and at recall or 1 year after orthodontic treatment (T4).
    The following results were found. (1) The percentage of patients with no joint sound at T2 was 20-30 per cent. The percentage of such patients in both the ST and NST groups increased to over 50 per cent at T3, but slightly decreased to 39-50 per cent at T4. There were no significant inter-group differences at any time point. (2) The number of patients who had no pain on movement at T2 was 60-80 per cent. The percentage of such patients in both the ST and NST groups increased to over 90 per cent at T3, but then slightly decreased to 80 per cent at T4. There were no significant inter-group differences at any time point. (3) None of the patients showed restriction of movement of the TMJ at T2 or T4. One patient in the ST group was found to have restriction at T3. There were no significant inter-group differences at any time point. (4) The most frequent type of malocclusion in both ST and NST groups was anterior open bite.
    These results suggest that TMD symptoms that have been eliminated by splint therapy are not likely to recur due to subsequent orthodontic treatment, but it cannot be concluded that orthodontic treatment itself had a positive effect on TMD symptoms. The results also indicate that there is a relationship between anterior open bite and TMD., OXFORD UNIV PRESS, English
  • Relationship between the sound in temporomandibular joint and the morphological aspects in adolescent orthodontic patients with anterior open bite
    Kajii Takashi, Imai Tohru, Kaneko Tomoo, Matsuyama Isao, Kajii Saori, Okamoto Toru, Iida Junichiro, THE JOURNAL OF HOKKAIDO ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY, 28, 1, 10, 14, 2000
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between sound in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and morphological aspects in adolescent orthodontic patients with anterior open bite. The selected subjects were 40 patients of the Orthodontic Clinic of Hokkaido University Dental Hospital who had anterior open bite and were less than 15 years old at the first examination. ClassIII patients were excluded from the study. The subjects were divided into two groups : one group of 17 patients who exhibited sound in TMJ before and/or during orthodontic treatment (symptomatic group) and one group of 23 patients who did not exhibit temporomandibular disorders (asymptomatic group) . Lateral cephalograms were used as materials. The following results were obtained : 1. The symptomatic group included 42.5% of the subjects. 2. In skeletal pattern, patients in the symptomatic group had a significantly more-posteriorly inclined ramus and narrower gonial angle than did patients in the asymptomatic group. Patients in the symptomatic group tended to exhibit more skeletal Class n jaw relationships and a shorter ramus than did patients in the asymptomatic group. 3. In denture pattern, there were no differences between anterior tooth inclinations in the two groups. These results suggested that many adolescent orthodontic patients with anterior open bite have sound in the TMJ as well as a posteriorly inclined and short ramus., Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, Japanese
  • Maxillofacial morphology in open bite subjects with a history of temporomandibular dysfunction               
    European orthodontic society, 22, 590, 590, 2000
  • 矯正治療中に再発した顎関節症患者に対する下顎枝垂直骨切り術(IVRO)               
    北海矯歯誌, 27, 1, 82, 88, 1999
  • Intraoral vertical ram us osteotomy for treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction which was recurred in orthodontic treatment
    Kaneko Tomoo, Inoue Nobuo, THE JOURNAL OF HOKKAIDO ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY, 27, 1, 82, 88, 1999
    Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, Japanese
  • Questionnaire survey about unexpected occlusal changes and condylar deformities and resorption in orthodontic patients
    IMAI Tohru, KANEKO Tomoo, UMEDA Kazuhiro, OKAMOTO Tohru, NAKAMURA Shinji, TOTSUKA Yasunori, SHIBATA Takanori, Orthodontic waves : journal of the Japanese Orthodontic Society = Orthodontic waves : journal of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, 58, 1, 57, 64, 1999
    The purpose of this research was to survey the condition of orthodontic patients in whom unstable occlusal changes such as mandibular posterior displacement and/or lateral shift with condylar deformity or resorption occurred suddenly during orthodontic treatment. Questionnaires were sent to 31 orthodontic clinics of university dental hospitals. Responses to the questionnaire were received from 21 clinics (67.7%). The results were as follows : 1. The prevalence of patients in whom occlusal change was 122 out of 22, 777 cases (0.54%) during active treatment and 52 out of 15, 334 cases (0.34%) in the retention period. 2. The most frequent type of malocclusion in these 174 cases was maxillary protrusion (mandibular deficiency), followed by mandibular protrusion, crowding, and openbite. 3. A correlation was not found between orthodontic appliances and the occurrence of unstable occlusal changes. 4. Morphological change in the condyle was found in 16 patients during active treatment and 7 patients during the retention period. Deformity was the most prominent change in the condyle. This research revealed that sudden occlusal changes that are suspected to be degenerative condylar changes occur in some orthodontic patients., 日本矯正歯科学会, Japanese
  • Intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy for treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction which was recurred in orthodontic treatment
    Kaneko Tomoo, Inoue Nobuo, The Journal of Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, 27, 1, 82, 88, 1999
    Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, Japanese
  • Consideration of many congenitally missing teeth including first molars
    Yamazaki Takeshi, Sato Yoshiaki, Kitazawa Shinichi, Tsukada Haruka, Irie Jougen, Okazaki Keiichiro, Kaneko Tomoo, Ishikawa Hiroyuki, Nakamura Shinji, THE JOURNAL OF HOKKAIDO ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY, 26, 1, 11, 19, 1998
    Many statistical investigations confirm the low incidence of congenital missing of incisors and first molars. We encountered in familial congenital missing of many teeth including first molars in four cases (father, son, and two daughters) accompanied without congenital ectodermal dysplasia. All cases were examined by X-ray cephalometric analysis and cast model analysis. The findings were as follows : 1) [table] 2) In these cases, there were no characteristic features regarding the shapes of the erupted teeth and mesiodistal diameters of the crown, and dental arch forms. 3) In maxillofacial morphology, it was suggested that the congenital missing of molars was related with antero-posterior underdevelopmennt of an upper jaw, the small posterior facial height and an wide gonial angle, though these cases were exhibited blood relation., Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, Japanese
  • Questionnaire survey on behavioral and mental factors of orthodontic patients with and without TMD signs and symptoms
    Uchida Yoshiko, Umeda Kazuhiro, Yamamoto Takaaki, Kaneko Tomoo, Inoue Noriko, Okamoto Tohru, Kajii Saori, Fujii Gentarou, Horii Gou, Imai Tohru, Nakamura Shinji, THE JOURNAL OF HOKKAIDO ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY, 26, 1, 31, 38, 1998
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the behavioral and mental factors, and TMD signs and/or symptoms in orthodontic patients. A total of 208 orthodontic patients (68 males, 140 females, mean age : 23.6 years old) were selected as the subjects, and were divided into 3 groups ; NS group was 59 patients with no TMD symptoms, SNT group was 98 patients with TMD symptoms who haven't received TMD therapy, and ST group was 51 patients with TMD symptoms and have received TMD therapy. Further, the follow-up study was carried out excluding surgical cases in 93 patients (NS : 17, SNT : 47, ST : 29), and it was compared with the previous questionnaire survey. The results were as follows ; 1. The incidence of patients in SNT increased with age and that in NS decreased. ST did not change with age. 2. The prevalence of patients who had the history of three symptoms was 48.0% in SNT and 90.2% in ST. 3. Following the follow-up study, overall condition of TMD didn't become worse in 3 groups. But in most of SNT groups, TMD sounds still remained. 4. The questionnaire survey suggested that in SNT and ST groups, there was a relationship between TMD symptoms and mastication of big and hard food, unilateral chewing, grinding, clenching, resting one's cheek on one's hand, abnormal sleeping position, and insecurity and anxiety., Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, Japanese
  • 成人矯正治療における上顎前歯の歯根吸収に関する臨床的研究               
    北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 25, 1, 61, 75, 1997
  • A clinical study on the prediction of the sizes of unerupted canines and premolars in malocclusions.
    Yamazaki Takeshi, Ueno Takuro, Kaneko Tomoo, Umeda Kazuhiro, Sugiyama Osamu, Yamagata Shuuiti, Uramoto Eiji, Matuyama Isao, Yanagi Yoshiko, Yoshikawa Masatake, Imai Tohru, Nakamura Shinji, THE JOURNAL OF HOKKAIDO ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY, 24, 1, 21, 27, 1996
    Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, Japanese
  • Biological Response in Orthodontics               
    Biomechanics-Functional Adaptation and Romocleling, 283, 305, 1996
  • 歯に矯正力を加えた際の圧迫側歯周組織の三次元的様相について
    金子 知生, 歯科基礎医学会雑誌, 36, 2, 170, 186, 1994
  • Clinical study on impacted permanent teeth : Condition and treatment of impacted permanent teeth
    Sugiyama Osamu, Tsuchida Takahiko, Yamamura Masahiko, Nagayama Kazunori, Ishii Yoshio, kin Takenori, Domon Haruka, Dohi Kazunari, Endoh Norio, Maeda Hidekazu, Takahashi Naoyuki, Kaneko Tomoo, Misaki Kouichi, Inoue Noriko, Sumori Shin, Ishikawa Hiroyuki, Nakamura Shinji, THE JOURNAL OF HOKKAIDO ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY, 22, 1, 11, 17, 1994
    Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, Japanese
  • Morphological characteristics of facial asymmetries and orthodontic treatment effects on facial change
    Hayashida Kaoru, Okamoto Tohru, Kanazawa Shigemi, Dohi Kazunari, Endoh Norio, Sugiyama Osamu, Nishiyama Kimihito, Muramatsu Sachiho, Inazumi Mikako, Kaneko Tomoo, Sumori Shin, Yamamoto Takaaki, Imai Tohru, Nakamura Shinji, THE JOURNAL OF HOKKAIDO ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY, 21, 1, 1, 13, 1993
    Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, Japanese
  • 動的矯正治療前後での上顎前歯の歯根吸収に関する臨床的考察(一般講演抄録,第33回北海道矯正歯科学会大会)
    渡邊 郁恵, 土田 隆彦, 遠藤 憲雄, 西山 公仁, 村松 幸保, 杉山 治, 林田 薫, 稲積 実佳子, 金子 知生, 塚田 隆一, 大野 ふじ恵, 寿盛 真, 原口 直子, 山本 隆昭, 松野 功, 今井 徹, 中村 進治, 北海道矯正歯科学会雑誌, 20, 1, 75, 76, 01 Dec. 1992
    北海道矯正歯科学会, Japanese
  • A clinical study on apical root resorption of maxillary incisors occurring durig orthodontic treatment
    Watanabe Fumie, Tsuchida Takahiko, Endoh Norio, Nishiyama Kimihito, Muramatsu Sachiho, Sugiyama Osamu, Hayasida Kaoru, Inazumi Mikako, Kaneko Tomoo, Tsukada Kouichi, Ohno Fujie, Sumori Shin, Haraguchi Naoko, Yamamoto Takaaki, Matsuno Isao, Imai Tohru, Nakamura Shinji, THE JOURNAL OF HOKKAIDO ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY, 20, 1, 1, 6, 1992
    Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, Japanese

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • マルチブラケット装置装着患者に対するマウスガードの作製法               
    金子知生, 中西康, 佐藤嘉晃
    第78回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 2019, Japanese, Poster presentation
    2019 - 2019
  • A traction case of the causative impacted tooth with ameloblastic fibroma               
    Kaneko T, Iida J
    51th Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists, 2018, English, Poster presentation
    2018 - 2018
  • Application of the PCDME gel as adhesive in palatal plates               
    Kaneko T, Mikoya T
    The 13th International Congress on Cleft Lip/Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, 2017, English, Poster presentation
    2017 - 2017
  • Application of the PCDME gel as adhesive in obturators               
    Kaneko T, Iida J
    50th Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists, 2017, English, Poster presentation
    2017 - 2017
  • 交通事故を受傷したサッカー選手の歯科治療症例               
    第28回日本スポーツ歯科医学会総会・学術集会, 2017, Japanese, Poster presentation
    2017 - 2017
  • The possibility of relieving toothache during orthodontic treatment with aromatherapy.               
    Kaneko T, Yoshizawa S, Ohtsuka M, Iida J
    The 94th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, 2016, English, Poster presentation
    2016 - 2016
  • PCDMEゲルの口蓋閉鎖床への応用.               
    金子知生, 黒川孝幸, 三古谷忠, 飯田順一郎
    第75回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 2016, Japanese, Poster presentation
    2016 - 2016
  • 北海道大学病院歯科診療センターにおける顎変形症のリハビリテーション               
    金子 知生
    第25回日本顎変形症学会総会・学術大会, 04 Jun. 2015, Japanese, Nominated symposium
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Adhesive evaluation of the adhesive gels for the application of the palatal plate               
    KANEKO Tomoo
    第39回日本口蓋裂学会総会・学術集会, 21 May 2015, Japanese, Poster presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 粘着性ゲルのマウスガード材料への応用について               
    金子知生, 飯田順一郎
    第26回日本スポーツ歯科医学会総会・学術集会, 2015, Japanese, Poster presentation
    2015 - 2015

Affiliated academic society

  • 日本スポーツ歯科医学会               
  • 日本口腔機能療法研究会               
  • 日本顎口腔機能学会               
  • アメリカ矯正歯科学会               
  • 日本顎関節学会               
  • 北海道矯正歯科学会               
  • 日本解剖学会               
  • 歯科基礎医学会               
  • 日本矯正歯科学会               
  • 日本口蓋裂学会               
  • American Association of Orthodontists               

Research Themes

  • Elucidation of acutual state of awake bruxism in patients with temporomandibular disorders by using wearable electromyogram systems
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    2009 - 2011
    YAMAGUCHI Taihiko, OKADA Kazuki, SATOH Kaoru, KANEKO Tomoo, GOTOUDA Akihito
    To clarify the actual state of awake bruxism in patients with temporomandibular disorders and nocturnal bruxism, we analyzed their masseteric activities in the daytime and nighttime. Total integral value of elctromyographic(EMG) activities of masseter muscles during awake state in the daytime except meal time was relatively small in healthy subjects. The value obtained in the patients with temporomandibular disorders and nocturnal bruxism was relatively large and almost equal to those in the total meal time. The masseteric EMG activities during awake states intermingled among the sleep stages in the nighttime accounted for considerable rate of nocturnal masseteric EMG activities. It was suggested that we should pay attention to muscle activities at awake states in the daytime and awake stages among sleep stages in the nighttime, as well as muscle activities during sleep stages, when we consider influences of bruxism on human organism and life.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, 21592441
  • Change of the response of the periodontal ligament to mechanical stimulation with aging : from the aspect of the interrelation between microvasculature and the periodontal ligament cells
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    2002 - 2004
    IIDA Junichiro, FUJIMORI Osamu, INOUE Nobuo, SATO Yoshiaki, KANEKO Tomoo
    1.The purpose was to clarify the acute microvascular reaction to mechanical stimulation especially on the interrelation between endothelial cells and white blood cells.
    Continuous and intermittent pressure stimulation was applied to post-capillary venule in the cheek pouch of golden hamsters. As a result, at the site just below the stimulation, rolling and adhering leukocytes especially monocytes were significantly increased.
    2.The purpose was to clarify the long-term morphological changes of the microvasculator under the mechanical stimulation. Continuous and intermittent pressure stimulation was applied to the dorsal skin of a hamster using a dorsal skin chamber, and observed capillaries using intravital microscopy for 7days. As a result, strong increase in the permeability was observed under the continuous stimulation. Angiogenesis was detected during the observation, and the diameter of capillaries was doubled at 7 days under the intermittent stimulation.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 14370685
  • 顎口腔機能について(口唇)口腔機能療法について               
    Competitive research funding
  • Oral function,Myofunctional therapy               
    Competitive research funding
  • Research of the Neurobiological and histological Changes of Periodontal Mechanoreceptors by Applying the Orthodontic Force
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    1995 - 1997
    KANEKO Tomoo, OKAZAKI Keiichiro, KAMATA Tsutomu, IMAI Tohru, AKAIKE Tadashi, NAKAMURA Shinji
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the response characteristics of periodontal mechanoreceptors after applying 100g orthodontic force with a closed-coil spring for either 1 day or 4 days. 28 cats were used in the experiment. We electrophysiologically recorded the responses of single periodontal mechanosentitive (Ms) units supplying the lower canine both from fine filaments dissected from the inferior alveolar nerves (Inf.) and from the trigeminal main sensory nucleus (Vms).
    The responses of Ms showed two types of response pattern : slowly adapting type and rapidly adapting type. After applying the orthodontic force the ratio of the rapidly adapting type increased in Inf as well as in Vms. The thresholds and the latency of Ms in Inf.gradully increased after applying the orthodontic force. The thresholds of Vms.reachcd to a maximum after 1 day then decreased 4 days after applying the force. The latency remained unchanged.
    On immunohistological research, we recognized the cell free zone in the pressure side of periodontium and the deformed nerves stained like a granule around there on 4 days after applying the orthodontic fcrce.
    In the clinical examination 100g forces were applied to the upper central incisors of the 6 subjects (24-32years) by a lingual arch for 7 days. As a result, the thresholds of pressure sense were highest after 1 day and decreased after 7 days. But they were higher than control. The thresholds of tactile sense were highest after 2 days and decreased after 7days. This was also higher than control.
    The results suggest that orthodontic force have effects on the response characteristics of periodontal mechanoreceptors. The cause of physiological changes incident to orthodontic tooth movement was probably due to tissue reorganization.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, 07672206
  • 矯正力の再荷重時の歯周組織の変化について
    1994 - 1994
    金子 知生
    日本学術振興会, 奨励研究(A), 北海道大学, 06771981
  • 顎関節症について               
    Competitive research funding
  • 歯に矯正力を加えた際の歯周組織の変性について               
    Competitive research funding
  • Orthodontic change of the periodontal ligament.Oral function,Myofunctional therapy,TMJ               
    Competitive research funding

Industrial Property Rights

  • 口腔内装置及び口腔内装置の作製方法               
    Patent right, 金子 知生
    特願2014-219234, 28 Oct. 2014

Educational Organization