深澤 達矢 (フカザワ タツヤ)

工学研究院 環境工学部門 環境工学助教
Last Updated :2025/01/11



  • 博士(工学), 北海道大学



  • 有機塩素化合物
  • 重金属
  • 長距離輸送
  • 有機塩素系農薬
  • 大気降下物
  • 沈着
  • 流跡線
  • エアロゾル
  • 大気汚染
  • 三次元励起・蛍光スペクトル
  • ノニルフェノールエトキシレート
  • 蛍光強度
  • 界面活性剤
  • 高度処理システム
  • チクシ
  • 重金属汚染成分
  • 下水の再利用
  • 生態系
  • Excitation Emission Matrix
  • Chlorolobion braunni
  • 硫酸イオン
  • フルボ酸
  • 遊離塩素
  • HPLC
  • Chlorolobion braunii
  • 影響評価
  • 塩素耐性藻類
  • 稚内層珪藻頁岩
  • 北極ヘイズ
  • 大気環境汚染


  • 環境・農学, 環境動態解析
  • 社会基盤(土木・建築・防災), 土木環境システム
  • 環境・農学, 環境材料、リサイクル技術
  • 環境・農学, 環境負荷低減技術、保全修復技術



  • 2006年
    北海道大学, 大学院・工学研究科, 助教



  • Dynamics of ecosystem carbon balance recovering from a clear-cutting in a cool-temperate forest               
    Maricar Aguilos, Kentaro Takagi, Naishen Liang, Masahito Ueyama, Karibu Fukuzawa, Mutumi Nomura, Osamu kishida, Tatsuya Fukazawa, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Chikara Kotsuka, Rei Sakai, Kinya Ito, Yoko Watanabe, Yasumi Fujinuma, Yoshiyuki Takahashi, Takeshi Murayama, Nobuko Saigusa, Kaichiro Sasa
    Agricultural and Forest Mereorology, 197, 26, 39, 2014年06月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 東アジアの森林におけるエアロゾルの乾性沈着 (特別号 東アジアにおけるエアロゾルの植物・人間系へのインパクト) -- (エアロゾルの植物影響の解明)
    松田 和秀, 佐瀨 裕之, 村尾 直人
    エアロゾル研究, 29, 1, 160, 167, 日本エアロゾル学会, 2014年02月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Dry and wet deposition of elemental carbon on a tropical forest in Thailand
    Kazuhide Matsuda, Hiroyuki Sase, Naoto Murao, Tatsuya Fukazawa, Kan Khoomsub, Phuvasa Chanonmuang, Thiti Visaratana, Pojanie Khummongkol
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In order to further understand atmospheric deposition of elemental carbon (EC) with respect to climate and plant impacts, dry and wet deposition of EC was investigated in a tropical deciduous forest, Sakaerat, Thailand. Micro-meteorological measurements and monthly sampling of PM2.5 aerosols were carried out continuously over one year in 2010 at the top of an experimental tower 38 m above the ground established in the forest. The dry deposition was estimated by the inferential method by using an empirical parameterization of aerosol deposition velocity. For measurement of wet deposition, biweekly sampling of EC directly filtrated from rainwater was carried out continuously over one year in 2010. EC concentration significantly increased during the period from January to March due to heavy biomass burning, and decreased during the period from June to September due to less biomass burning and the washout effect by rainfall. High deposition velocities were caused by high wind speed in February to April and also by both large displacement height and medium wind speed in May to July. Dry deposition increased during the period from February to April when the concentration and deposition velocity were both high, and decreased during the period from June to December when the concentration or deposition velocity was low. Wet deposition peaked in March because of the washout effect of high EC in the atmosphere of the late dry season. Wet deposition was somewhat high from August to October with increased rainfall. Both dry and wet deposition increased in the leafless season and decreased in the leafy season, respectively. The annual dry and wet depositions were estimated as 0.58 and 0.05 mg m(-2) day(-1), respectively. Taking the uncertainties of estimations into account, dry deposition was still significantly higher than wet deposition. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Deposition of aerosols on leaves in a cool-temperate larch forest in Northern Hokkaido, Japan
    Fukazawa Tatsuya, Murao Naoto, Sato Hisashi, Takahashi Masahiro, Akiyama Masayuki, Yamaguchi Takashi, Noguchi Izumi, Takahashi Hiroyuki, Kozuka Chikara, Sakai Rei, Takagi Kentaro, Fujinuma Yasumi, Saigusa Nobuko, Matsuda Kazuhide
    Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, 6, 4, 281, 287, Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, 2012年, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Aerosol concentrations at the CC-Lag site in the Teshio Experimental Forest increased from winter to spring and sometimes showed extremely high values associated with Kosa and/or forest-fire events. The range and mean of the mass concentrations of aerosol chemical species were as follows: total particulate mass, 1.2-29, 5.0
    elemental carbon, 0.061-2.2, 0.43
    organic carbon, 0.059-3.5, 0.79
    and sulfate, 0.12-6.2, 1.8 μg/m3. The total masses of the deposited particles on hybrid larch and on bamboo leaves were approximately 35 and 30 μg/cm2, respectively. The amounts of soil particles on the leaves were 6 μg/cm2 for the upper part of hybrid larch, 2 μg/cm2 for the lower part of hybrid larch, and 1 μg/cm2 for Sasa bamboo leaves. The amounts of deposited black carbon were 2.3 μg/cm2 for the upper part of hybrid larch, 0.6 μg/cm2 for the lower part of hybrid larch, and 0.2 μg/cm2 for Sasa bamboo leaves. Half of the total deposited particular mass was attached on the hybrid larch
    however, most of the total deposited mass was adhered on the Sasa bamboo leaves. Regardless of the species, there tend to be more deposited particles on the leaves in the upper part than in the lower part, with only a few meters height difference. Comparing the composition of the deposited particles to that of the atmospheric aerosols without any size cut, the fractions of water-soluble material sulfate and sea salt in the deposited aerosols were about one tenth and one hundredth lower than that in the aerosols, respectively. On the basis of the measured concentration and the deposited amount on leaves, the deposition velocity of black carbon was estimated to be approximately 0.5 cm/s.
    Journal of global environment engineering, 16, 11, 17, 2011年02月, [査読有り]
  • 摩周湖水中ニッケル及びバナジウム濃度の深度プロファイルと大気経由人為起源ニッケル及びバナジウム供給の可能性
    南 尚嗣, 坂上 寛敏, 白 俊玲, 万徳 佳菜子, 原田 大資, 高橋 信夫, 厚谷 郁夫, 深澤 達矢, 濱田 浩美, 五十嵐 聖貴, 藤江 晋, 小林 拓, 田中 敦, 神 和夫
    分析化学 = Japan analyst, 59, 12, 1105, 1111, The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, 2010年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 摩周湖は,国連環境計画GEMS/Water(Global Environment Monitoring System/Water)プログラムのベースラインモニタリングステーションとして登録されている日本で唯一の湖である.本研究では,摩周湖水中ニッケル濃度の深度プロファイルを明らかにし,ニッケルの供給源に関する知見を得ることを目的に検討を行った.その結果,成層期の表層湖水中ニッケル濃度は温度躍層より深部の湖水中濃度に比べて高く,湖岸の降雨試料及びカルデラ壁上部の積雪試料中ニッケル濃度は,表層湖水中濃度より更に高いことを明らかにした.これらの傾向はバナジウム濃度にも見られた.雪試料中ニッケル濃度とバナジウム濃度の比は,石油燃焼ばい塵中の両元素濃度比の報告値と一致した.一方,温度躍層深度でニッケル濃度の高濃度異常が観察された.湖水中両元素濃度の深度分布挙動,雨及び雪試料中の両元素濃度と湖水中濃度との比較を通して,湖水中ニッケルの一部は化石燃料燃焼排気が起源と考えられる粒子状物質として,大気経由で摩周湖に供給されている可能性を示した.
  • Allometric Relationships and Carbon and Nitrogen Contents for Three Major Tree Species (Quercus crispula, Betula ermanii, and Abies sachalinensis) in Northern Hokkaido, Japan
    TAKAGI Kentaro, KOTSUKA Chikara, FUKUZAWA Karibu, KAYAMA Masazumi, KOBAYASHI Makoto, WATANABE Tsunehiro, NOMURA Mutsumi, FUKAZAWA Tatsuya, TAKAHASHI Hiroyuki, HOJYO Hajime, ASHIYA Daitaro, NANIWA Akihiko, SUGATA Sadao, KAMIURA Tatsuya, SUGISHITA Yoshiyuki, SAKAI Rei, ITO Kinya, KOBAYASHI Makoto, MAEBAYASHI Mamoru, MIZUNO Masato, MURAYAMA Takeshi, KINOSHITA Koji, FUJIWARA Daisaku, HASHIDA Shukichi, SHIBATA Hideaki, YOSHIDA Toshiya, SASA Kaichiro, SAIGUSA Nobuko, FUJINUMA Yasumi, AKIBAYASHI Yukio
    Eurasian J For Res, 13-1, 1, 7, 2010年08月, [査読有り]
  • 北日本における亜硝酸ガス濃度と窒素酸化物由来成分の挙動
    野口 泉, 林 健太郎, 加藤 拓紀, 山口 高志, 秋山 雅行, 大塚 英幸, 酒井 茂克, 高木 健太郎, 深澤 達矢, 柴田 英昭, 藤沼 康実, 三枝 信子, 下鳥 稔, 遠藤 朋美, 家合 浩明, 松田 和秀, 角皆 潤, 原 宏
    大気環境学会誌 = Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment, 45, 4, 153, 165, 大気環境学会, 2010年07月, [査読有り]
    日本語, フィルターパック法または拡散デニューダ法を用いて札幌(都市地域),母子里(田園地域),利尻(遠隔地域,海岸部)および天塩(遠隔地域,山間部)において亜硝酸ガス(HONO)を含む各酸化態窒素の大気濃度を測定し,その挙動について考察した。HONO濃度は都市地域である札幌で最も高く,年平均濃度では他の地域の11~31倍を示した。HONO濃度は,都市地域では冬に,遠隔地域では夏に高く,田園地域では両方の特徴を示した。また環境大気中のHONO/NOx比はKurtenbach et al. (2001)による直接発生源のそれより大きく,大気中のHONOの生成には大気中粒子表面や地表面におけるNO2と水の不均一反応による二次生成の寄与が大きいと考えられた。地表面での不均一反応の場合,NO2の沈着により,HONOが放出されるため,HONOとNO2の濃度勾配には負の相関関係が見られるはずであるが,天塩ではHONOとNO2の高度別濃度差(30および10m)に正の相関関係が見られた。また利尻のHONOとPM10に有意な相関が認められ,また利尻および母子里のHONO/NO2と絶対湿度に有意な相関が認められた。このことから,NO2濃度が比較的低い田園および遠隔地域では大気中の粒子表面での不均一反応の寄与が大きいと考えられた。一方,都市部である札幌では地表面における二次生成の寄与は,特にNO2濃度の高い冬期に無視できない寄与があると考えられた。さらに冬期の札幌ではHONOおよびNOとHNO3およびO3は負の相関関係を示した。これはNO濃度が高い冬期の都市部ではO3濃度が低くなり,NO2からHNO3および粒子状硝酸塩への変換が進まないためと考えられた。このように,大気中のHONOの挙動は,大気中粒子表面や地表面におけるNO2と水の不均一反応による二次生成に支配されており,NO2濃度,大気中水分,O3濃度は,この不均一反応に大きな影響を及ぼすと考えられた。
  • Ammonia Emission from a Young Larch Ecosystem Afforested after Clear-Cutting of a Pristine Forest in Northernmost Japan
    Kentaro Hayashi, Kentaro Takagi, Izumi Noguchi, Karibu Fukuzawa, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Tatsuya Fukazawa, Hideaki Shibata, Yasumi Fujinuma
    WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION, 200, 1-4, 33, 46, SPRINGER, 2009年06月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The present study aimed to elucidate the atmosphere-forest exchange of ammoniacal nitrogen (NH(X)-N) at a young larch ecosystem. NH(X)-N exchanges were measured at a remote site in northernmost Japan where 4-year-old larches were growing after a pristine forest had been clear-cut and subsequent dense dwarf bamboo (Sasa) had been strip-cut. The site was a clean area for atmospheric ammonia with mean concentrations of 0.38 and 0.11 mu g N m(-3) in snowless and snow seasons, respectively. However, there was a general net emission of NH(X)-N. The annual estimated emission of NH(X)-N of 4.8 kg N ha(-1) year(-1) exceeded the annual wet deposition of 2.4 kg N ha(-1) year(-1), but the weekly exchange fluxes may have been underestimated by 28-60%. The main cause of the ammonia loss from the young larch ecosystem was probably enhanced nitrogen supply stimulated by the cutting of the pristine forest and Sasa, in particular, the Sasa.
  • Effects of clear-cutting on nitrogen leaching and fine root dynamics in a cool-temperate forested watershed in northern Japan
    K Fukuzawa, H Shibata, K Takagi, M Nomura, N Kurima, T Fukazawa, F Satoh, K Sasa
    FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 225, 1-3, 257, 261, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2006年04月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), cutting of understory vegetation, dwarf bamboo (Sasa senanensis), were investigated to understand the effect of these disturbances on biogeochemical processes on forested watershed in northern Japan. Tree-cutting did not cause a significant increase of nitrate (NO3-) concentration in stream water during the growing season after the cutting. Subsequent Sasa-cutting caused significant increase of stream NO3- concentration to ca. 15 mu mol L-1. There was no significant change of stream pH following both cuttings. NO3- concentration in soil solution increased after both cutting, but the change of concentration was higher (> 100 mu mol L-1) after the Sasa-cutting than after the tree-cutting. In a riparian conserved area, on the other hand, NO3- in soil solution remained low after tree-cutting, suggesting the riparian area acted as a NO3- sink after the tree-cutting. There was no significant change in total biomass of fine roots after the tree-cutting because of an increase in Sasa root biomass despite a decrease in tree roots. The subsequent Sasa-cutting caused a 50% decrease of fine root biomass compared to that in the un-cut Sasa site. These results suggested that nitrogen uptake by Sasa was very important in preventing nitrogen leaching after tree-cutting. and decline of this nitrogen uptake after Sasa-cutting lead to marked NO3- leaching to the stream. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Isotopic composition and origin of snow over Siberia
    Naoyuki Kurita, Atsuko Sugimoto, Yoshiyuki Fujii, Tatsuya Fukazawa, Vladimir N. Makarov, Okitsugu Watanabe, Kimpei Ichiyanagi, Atusi Numaguti, Naohiro Yoshida
    Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 110, 13, D13102.1-D13102.16, 2005年
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The spatial isotopic distribution of the snowpack over Siberia, where winter temperatures are as cold as those of the polar regions, was observed by the Trans-Siberian Snow Survey (TSSS) and Trans-Verkhoyansk Snow Survey Expedition (TVSSE) in March 2000 and March 2001. The results show inland 6D depletion and a slightly increasing deuterium excess value, d, in the snowpack over Siberia. To explore the relationship between source region variability and the isotopic composition of snow, a model simulation was performed that reproduced the observed isotopic composition of snow. Moisture sources for Siberian precipitation were estimated using the Center for Climate System Research/National Institute for Environmental Studies (CCSR/NIES) atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM). A simple isotopic model was used to evaluate the total isotopic changes during transport from the designated source region to the region of precipitation. The results showed that the variability of the contribution of each source to the snow results in large isotopic variability, and the fact that the model reproduced the observed inland depletion of δD in snowpack suggests that GCM-predicted source contributions were verified by observed values. However, the modeled d values did not match observed d values over Siberia. Observations of d values in precipitation show an increase during autumn toward a maximum in late autumn and then a decrease during winter; however, the modeled d value reached a maximum in early autumn and decreased toward a minimum in winter. The simple isotope model does not consider additional moisture evaporation joining an airmass moving from a source region. Therefore the disagreement between the modeled and observed d values of snow suggests that moisture supplied from the land surface during transportation significantly contributes to autumn snow. The increased d values of Siberian snow show that evaporation from open water or from the soil surface, which are accompanied by isotopic fractionation, are more important than transpiration flux, which does not change the isotopic content. The contribution of land-derived moisture that has evaporated from open water plays an important role in eastern Siberian snow. Copyright 2005 by the American Geophysical Union.

