Tashiro Akiko

Research Faculty of Media and Communication Media and Communication International Regional Culture StudiesAssociate Professor
Center for Ainu and Indigenous StudiesAssociate Professor
Center for Advanced Tourism StudiesAssociate Professor
Global Institute for Collaborative Research and EducationAssociate Professor
Center for Language LearningAssociate Professor
Last Updated :2024/12/06

■Researcher basic information


  • Master(Area Studies), Sophia University

Researchmap personal page

Research Keyword

  • Heritage Tourism
  • 文化遺産保存
  • 東南アジア
  • local participation
  • Conservation of Cultural Heritage
  • Southeast Asia

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences, Local studies



  • Apr. 2015 - Present
    Hokkaido University, メディア・コミュニケーション研究院, 准教授
  • Nov. 2010 - Mar. 2015
    奈良文化財研究所, 企画調整部国際遺跡研究室, アソシエイトフェロー
  • Jun. 2006 - Oct. 2010
    東京文化財研究所, 文化遺産国際協力センター, 特別研究員
  • Apr. 2003 - Mar. 2006
    日本学術振興会, 特別研究員
  • 2002 - 2003
    上智大学アジア文化研究所 共同研究員

Educational Background

  • Apr. 2003 - Mar. 2006, Sophia University, 外国語学研究科地域研究専攻博士後期課程
  • Apr. 1999 - Mar. 2001, Sophia University, 外国語学研究科地域研究専攻博士前期課程, Japan
  • Apr. 1995 - Mar. 1999, Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Policy Studies, Department of Policy Studies, Japan

■Research activity information


  • Mobility of Object and Archaeology: Case from a Ban Chiang Collection in Japan               
    Akiko Tashiro
    journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology, 40, 21, 33, Jan. 2021, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • 観光は建築文化遺産に危機をもたらすのか               
    建築雑誌, 11, 13, 15, Nov. 2020, [Invited], [Lead author]
  • Conservation and Rehabilitation of Historic Urban Landscapes as Kawasan Cagar Budaya: Case in Padang, West Sumatra
    Akiko Tashiro, Yasushi Takeuchi, Yoshihisa Wakita, Jonny Wongso
    5th International seminar on tropical eco settlement, Nov. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Symposium
  • ガーデンツーリズムにみる歴史的庭園の保存と活用               
    田代 亜紀子
    観光資源としての庭園, 131, 140, 2018
    Japanese, Research society
  • 英国における庭園観光と庭園保存に関する一考察               
    田代 亜紀子
    観光資源としての庭園(1), 7, 17, 2017
    Japanese, Research society
  • International Cooperation in Conservation and Politics of Cultural Heritage: Cases from Southeast Asia               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    Advances in the Study of Cultural Properties, IV, 1301, 1316, Oct. 2012
  • 遺跡保存とヘリテージ・ツーリズム               
    田代 亜紀子
    月刊考古学ジャーナル, 609, 28, 30, Jan. 2011, [Invited]
  • Monument Conservation and Heritage Tourism: The Case of Angkor
    TASHIRO Akiko
    Journal of Sophia Asian Studies, 28, 81, 88, 上智大学アジア文化研究所, Dec. 2010, [Invited]
    English, Research institution, 〈特集〉カンボジア研究 (Sophia Cambodia Studies)
  • Heritage Tourism and Local: Cases in Phimai (Thailand ) and in Angkor (Cambodia)               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    Cultural Heritage, Natural Environment and Tourism: International Contributions on Angkor Vat, 61, 71, 2006
    English, Symposium
  • Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Local Identity: A Case in Northeast Thailand               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    Conservation in Changing Societies: Heritage and Development, 139, 145, May 2005
    English, Symposium
  • 遺跡観光と文化遺産管理―アンコール遺跡群における事例研究               
    田代 亜紀子
    旅の文化研究所報告書, 14, 15, 32, 2003
    Japanese, Research institution
  • 遺跡保存と住民―アンコール遺跡を事例として―               
    田代 亜紀子
    カンボジアの文化復興, 18, 219, 255, Dec. 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Research institution

Other Activities and Achievements

  • 001 解明がもとめられるポスト・アンコール期の都
    田代 亜紀子, たしろ あきこ, Tashiro Akiko, 奈文研ニュース, 49, 1, 1, Jun. 2013
    独立行政法人国立文化財機構奈良文化財研究所, Japanese
  • 東南アジア地域におけるユネスコ文化遺産保存協力-アンコール遺跡における事例を中心に-               
    KGPS Review (Kwansei Gakuin Policy Studies Review), 1, 59, 70, 2002

Books and other publications

  • 東南アジアの文化遺産とミュージアム               
    雄山閣, Jun. 2023, 9784639028925, [Contributor]
  • The West-East Cultural Corridor of Mainland Southeast Asia               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    Geo Informatics, Jun. 2019, [Contributor]
  • 観光考古学               
    田代 亜紀子, 遺跡保存とヘリテージ・ツーリズム
    ニューサイエンス社, May 2012, [Joint work]
  • 文化財論叢 IV               
    田代 亜紀子, 東南アジアにおける文化遺産保存と国際協力
    奈良文化財研究所, 2012, [Contributor]
  • グローバル/ローカル-文化遺産               
    田代 亜紀子, 遺跡保存とアイデンティティー――東北タイにおける観光を通した「語り」
    上智大学出版, Jul. 2010, [Joint work]
  • アンコール・ワットを読む               
    田代 亜紀子, アンコール遺跡と地域社会
    連合出版, Dec. 2005, [Joint work]

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Community Empowerment in World Heritage Sites               
    Akiko TASHIRO
    The 8th International Expert Meeting on Borobudur, 25 Oct. 2023, English, Invited oral presentation
    23 Oct. 2023 - 27 Oct. 2023, [Invited]
  • 東南アジアにおける宗教遺産とオーセンティシティ
    『宗教遺産をめぐる真正性-宗教遺産テクスト学の発展的展開』国際シンポジウム, 31 Mar. 2023, Japanese, Nominated symposium
    30 Mar. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2023, 32281611, [Invited]
  • An Outline of Project on the Ancient East-West Cultural Corridor in Mailand Southeast Asia'               
    Mamoru Shibayama, Akiko Tashiro
    22nd Congress of Indo-Pacific prehistory Association, 09 Nov. 2022, Oral presentation
  • Who needs authenticity?: A case of Hokkaido Heritage in Japan               
    Akiko Tashiro
    International Conference on Humanities, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia, 11 Aug. 2022, Keynote oral presentation
  • オーセンティシティを必要とするのは誰か:北海道遺産の事例から               
    上智大学アジア文化研究所「文化遺産の学際的研究」プロジェクト主催オンライン研究会, 01 Jul. 2022, Public discourse
  • Mobility of Object and Archaeology: Case from a Ban Chiang Collection in Japan
    Akiko Tashiro
    14th International Conference on Thai Studies, 01 May 2022, Oral presentation
  • Adaptive Reuse Strategies and Community
    Akiko TASHIRO
    Workshop on Adaptive Reuse on Cultural Heritage Area, Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 20 Jun. 2021, English, Nominated symposium
    32281611, [Invited]
  • Rethinking of Museum and Tourism: Cases from Asia               
    Akiko Tashiro
    ACCU International Workshop: Museum and Local Community, English, Nominated symposium
    16 Dec. 2020 - 22 Dec. 2020, [Invited]
  • Local Wisdom and Cultural Heritage               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    International Conference on Local Wisdom, The 2nd INCOLWIS, 29 Aug. 2019, English
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • Introduction:Past and Present, through pottery from Thailand               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    第268回東南アジア考古学会例会, 02 Aug. 2019, English, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • An Ancient East-West Corridor of Mainland Southeast Asia: An Outline of EWCC Project – Phase II               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    3rd SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, 17 Jun. 2019, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Conservation and Rehabilitation of Historic Urban Landscapes as Kawasan Cagar Budaya: Case in Padang, West Sumatra               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    5th International Seminar on Tropical Eco Settlements, 14 Nov. 2018, English, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Community Based Tourism and Heritage               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    International Expert Meeting on Borobudur 2018, 08 Aug. 2018, English, Invited oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 言語と文化からみる東南アジアの多様性               
    田代 亜紀子
    平成30年度北海道大学メディア・コミュニケーション研究院公開講座『世界の言語と文化』, 21 Jun. 2018, Japanese, Public discourse
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Monument Conservation in Southeast Asia: Cases in Indonesia, Cambodia and Thailand               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    金沢大学国際文化資源研究センター, 22 Jan. 2018, English, Public discourse
    [Invited], [Domestic Conference]
  • ヘリテージ・マネジメントからDMを考える               
    田代 亜紀子
    平成27年度観光学高等研究センター公開講座『デスティネーション・マネジメントと地域のこれから』, 14 Dec. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 東南アジアにおけるヘリテージ・ツーリズムを再考する               
    田代 亜紀子
    国際セミナー『アジアにおける文化遺産と観光』, 23 Nov. 2017, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • ガーデンツーリズムにみる歴史的庭園の保存と活用               
    田代 亜紀子
    平成29年度「観光資源としての庭園」に関する研究会, 23 Nov. 2017, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 東南アジアを歩く               
    田代 亜紀子
    海外教養講座、アウトバウンド促進協議会(一般社団法人日本旅行業協会/JATA・北海道大学観光学高等研究センター主催, 26 Aug. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 世界遺産を歩く               
    田代 亜紀子
    海外教養講座、アウトバウンド促進協議会(一般社団法人日本旅行業協会/JATA・北海道大学観光学高等研究センター主催, 26 Aug. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
    [Domestic Conference]
  • International Conservation Code Application in East and Southeast Asia: From the Athens Charter to the World Heritage Convention               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    East Asian Anthropological Association, 16 Oct. 2016, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • The Medieval East-West Cultural Corridor and Archaeo-Ontology Database               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    8th World Archaeologist Congress, 30 Aug. 2016, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Heritage Tourism and Local Community: How community-based Tourism can contribute to local community and monument conservation?               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    UNESCO/World Bank/Government of Afghanistan International Conference on Cultural Heritage & Development Initiatives: A Challenge or a Contribution to Sustainability?, 26 May 2016, English, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • 文化遺産とまちづくり―パダン(インドネシア)を事例として               
    田代 亜紀子
    公開セミナー「文化資源の活用」金沢大学新学術創成研究機構未来社会創成研究文化遺産国際協力ネットワーキングユニット主催, 17 Feb. 2016, Japanese, Public discourse
    [Invited], [Domestic Conference]
  • 英国における庭園観光と庭園保存に関する一考察               
    田代 亜紀子
    観光資源としての庭園に関する研究会, 11 Feb. 2016, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 東南アジアにおける遺跡保存とアイデンティティ               
    田代 亜紀子
    平成27年度観光学高等研究センター公開講座『記憶をめぐる観光論―アーカイブ構築とアイデンティティ形成』, 05 Nov. 2015, Japanese, Public discourse
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 西スマトラ州パダン歴史地区における文化遺産保存と復興- 観光をとおしたまちづくりの可能性 -               
    田代 亜紀子
    都市計画学会北海道支部, 31 Oct. 2015, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 東南アジアにおける遺跡保存と国際基準の受容―ボロブドゥール、アンコールからピマーイへ               
    田代 亜紀子
    東南アジア学会関西例会, 29 Mar. 2014, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 地域からみる世界遺産―グローバルとローカルの狭間で               
    田代 亜紀子
    グローバル社会を歩く―生物多様性、文化遺産、イスラーム世界, 26 Jun. 2013, Japanese, Nominated symposium
    [Invited], [Domestic Conference]
  • 東北タイのアンコール王朝期の遺跡からみるタイ文化遺産保存政策―カンボジア、インドネシアと比較して               
    田代 亜紀子
    第7回日本タイ学会若手研究会, 23 Nov. 2012, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 遺跡保存と観光:ピマーイ遺跡(タイ)における地域社会の試み               
    田代 亜紀子
    東南アジア考古学会月例会, Nov. 2006, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Local Identity: A Case in Northeast Thailand               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    International Conference on Conservation in Changing Societies: Heritage and Development, May 2006, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Comparative Study on Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism: Cases in Phimai (Thailand) and in Angkor(Cambodia)               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    The World Archaeology Congress, Osaka (Japan), Jan. 2006, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Heritage Tourism and Local: Cases in Phimai (Thailand ) and in Angkor (Cambodia)               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    Sophia International COE Symposium on Cultural Heritage, Natural Environment and Tourism: International Contributions on Angkor Vat, Jan. 2006, English, Oral presentation
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • 東南アジア地域における遺跡保存と地域社会―アンコール遺跡(カンボジア)を事例として               
    田代 亜紀子
    第32回環境社会学セミナー, Dec. 2005, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Conservation of Cultural Heritage and the Formation of Local Identity: A Case in Northeast Thailand               
    TASHIRO Akiko
    The second Asian Public Intellectuals Workshop on the theme “Economic Prospects, Cultural Encounters, and Political Decisions: Scenes in a Moving Asia East and Southeast, Dec. 2003, English, Oral presentation
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • 遺跡観光と文化遺産管理―アンコール遺跡群における事例研究               
    田代 亜紀子
    第9回旅の文化研究フォーラム, Apr. 2003, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Invited], [Domestic Conference]


  • 北海道観光研究               
    Apr. 2023 - Present
  • 地域研究               
    Apr. 2019 - Present
  • インドネシア語入門               
    Oct. 2017 - Present
  • 文化遺産国際協力論演習               
    Apr. 2015 - Present
  • 英語で学ぶ東南アジア               
    Oct. 2024 - Feb. 2025
  • English Ⅱ               
    Hokkaido University
    Apr. 2023 - Sep. 2024

Affiliated academic society


Research Themes

  • 東南アジアにおける歴史的環境の継承に向けた計画論
    01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2027
    脇田 祥尚, 白石 英巨, 牧 紀男, 田代 亜紀子, 張 漢賢
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 近畿大学, 23H01591
  • 聖祠の配置から解明する東南アジアの多層的都市文化の漸層性に関する研究
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2025
    竹内 泰, 脇田 祥尚, 田代 亜紀子, 張 漢賢
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Tohoku Institute of Technology, Coinvestigator, 21H01510
  • 北海道ガーデンツーリズムに関する研究ー英国との比較から
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2023
    田代 亜紀子

    新型コロナの影響により、引き続き海外研究者の招聘を控えているため、道内のガーデン調査を集中して行った。具体的には、前年度に引き続き継続調査として、滝上町の陽殖園、旭川上野ファーム、上川町の大雪森のガーデンでの調査をおこなった。特に、陽殖園は、9月~10月にかけて集中的に訪問し、観光客行動の観察をおこなった。海外からの招聘は新型コロナの影響でできなかったが、本学に滞在している観光学のEmilie Crossley博士に同行いただき、滝上町の陽殖園、大雪森のガーデンをはじめとした庭園を調査することで、自然景観と庭園の関係性について議論を深めることができた。さらにCrossley博士はキツネを対象としたツーリズムを研究しているため、キツネなどの野生動物と庭園、観光客の関係性について議論をおこなう良い機会となった。

    また、これまでの研究において収集してきた英国における歴史庭園に関するパンフレットをはじめとする資料を精査した。特に、先行研究として重要なJournal of Garden Historyの主要論文をまとめていくことで、本研究の位置づけを整理した。
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, Principal investigator, 20K12421
  • インドネシアにおける歴史的環境の復興・継承に向けた計画手法
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2022
    脇田 祥尚, 竹内 泰, 牧 紀男, 田代 亜紀子, 張 漢賢
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 近畿大学, 19H02326
  • Ancient East-West Corridor - Historical Dynamics of Communication Network in Mainland Southeast Asia
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    01 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2022
    柴山 守, 田代 亜紀子, 伊東 利勝, 関野 樹, 山田 太造, 佐藤 由似, 丸井 雅子
    [情報班]東南アジア考古遺跡目録(約 15,600 件)および調査報告・文献情報を対象にして、定型項目と非定型な全文テキスト記述で整理された遺跡・遺物データ群の(1)語彙分析、(2)遺跡・遺物情報の知識体系化、(3)オントロジー指向知識ベー ス ArcOnBase の構築よる類似性・特徴パターン探索機能、(4)得られた知見・知識の知識ベースにおける累積機能および可視化方式の順に研究を遂行した。研空成果は、PNC Annual Conference and Joint Meetings 2018にて発表した。
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Kyoto University, 18H03588
  • 港市パダンの社会文化変容と文化遺産地区に関する研究               
    Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2020
    田代 亜紀子
    日本学術振興会, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • Building Ontology-oriented Archaeological Knowledge-Base in Mainland Southeast Asia
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2019
    Shibayama Mamoru
    Using archaeological site data for Mainland Southeast Asia, this study has tried to develop a knowledge-base and systemize ontology-oriented knowledge for site/artifact data. The description of site/artifact data with meta-information in general is extremely difficult in terms of standardization, and neither effective nor integrated management is possible using relational databases during recording/management, surveying/verification, or publication/feedback. Through this study using site data on Myanmar, Thailand, and Cambodia, the structuring/systemization of knowledge through morphological or network analysis of description data, and built the knowledge-base ArcOnBase using this structured knowledge. This empirical study has built a knowledge-base, making it possible to search data family that are semantically related in terms. And, the study can be contributed to the formulation of principles for sharing of resources related to cultural asset and heritage information.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyoto University, 26280122
  • Comparative Study on the Potential of Gardens as Touristic Resources in Japan and European Countries through its Past and Present
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2018
    This study focused on the history and present situation of gardens functioning as popular touristic resources in Japan and European countries through on-site researches, document researches and symposiums. The study revealed the following historic facts for example: 1) the system of garden tourism had been organized in Kyoto by the end of the 18th century; 2) the custom of opening private gardens to the public started in Rome in the 16th century; 3) the garden tourism for the particular classes had been established in England by the end of the 18th century. On the other hand, as for the present management for the historic gardens functioning as touristic resources, following points can be mentioned: 1) it is necessary to take attention that gardens have both cultural and natural aspects; 2) careful maintenance, correct and plain information offering, and appropriate event planning are essential for the visitors’ satisfaction.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 26283021
  • Ancient East-West Corridor - Historical Dynamics on Communication Network in Myanmar and Thai Cross-Border
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2017
    Shibayama Mamoru, ISHIZAWA Yoshiaki
    Study on ancient East-West Corridor explores the mystery of the historical dynamics on regional land-based communication network between ancient cities from the 4th to 18th centuries with transition to and from each era. As well as the cultural exchange and impact focusing on the economic exchange and trade, the rule, and the religion in ancient cities and between cities in mainland Southeast Asia are to be emerged. This research, the EWCC (East-West Cultural Corridor) project, has conducted multi-layered GIS analyses from the perspective of historical view points and geographical spaces, including evidences obtained by field surveys, and based on previous studies and newly obtained archaeological site’s data from approximately 16,000 places in Myanmar, Thailand and the Khmer archaeological sites. As a result, a historical corridor that reaches total length of around 2,000 kilometers emerged throughout each era from Dvaravati to Angkor, Sukhothai, and Ayutthaya.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyoto University, 26300024
  • Study on the archaeological information sharing as examples of Angkor sites
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2017
    Morimoto Susumu, TASHIRO Akiko, BRUGUIER Bruno
    There are many institutions, even only Japanese, that engage the research, study, conservation and human resource development in Angkor area. The information sharing between the institutions is an important subject. We make inventories of the research results of each agency. And also we do the digitization from paper media and arrange the format of digital data. We product a trial version of retrieval system of concerning information and consider the notation fluctuation of terms. We examine the utilization method of private collections and tackle the reconstruction of a lost database.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, 25244039
  • Comprehensive study on the rehabilitation of cultural heritage in Padang historical area, West Sumatra
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2015
    KAMEI Nobuo, TOMODA Masahiko, TAKEUCHI Yasushi, WAKITA Yoshihisa, ABUKU Masaru, TASHIRO Akiko
    This research is a continuous endeavor and collaboration with Indonesian government and researchers, in supporting the rehabilitation of cultural heritage in the historic district of Padang, capital city of West Sumatra, Indonesia, since 2009 when it was devastated by the Sumatra earthquake. Based on the previous research results, we clarified historical transition of the city structure of Padang, as well as characteristics and distribution of the historical buildings through field surveys and materials investigations, in order to identify its cultural value to be saved as a group, as well as the current situation and issues. Also, by interviews with local residents, we researched the social organizations, lives, customs and changes after the earthquake, and exchanged views toward the reconstruction through organizing workshops with stakeholders. Finally, we summed up a recommendation to indicate an orientation for the preservation and rehabilitation of the historical district.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Independent Administrative Institution National Institutes for Cultural Heritage Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, 24404022
  • Research on cultural heritage management of local community by heritage tourism
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    2011 - 2013
    IKENOUE Shinichi, TASHIRO Akiko
    This research aimed at showing clearly what kind of thought and methodology heritage tourism as a form of tourism which makes management of nature and a cultural heritage sustainable is paying attention to the tourism-Based community development which utilized history culture.It turned out that it is important to push in the empirical research in the area and to reproduce the relation between a cultural heritage, a local community, and a person. For the important framework for that, three viewpoints of the data bank function of local resources, the promotion function of utilization, and a life reduction function were able to be got.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, 23614003
  • A comprehensive study on conservation undertaken in the Thang Long Imperial Citadel
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    2009 - 2011
    SHIMIZU Shinichi, TOMODA Masahiko, KOHDZUMA Yohsei, INOUE Kazuto, AOKI Shigeo, MOMOKI Shirou, UENO Kunikazu, TASHIRO Akiko
    The historical and archaeological survey revealed the location of buildings which were placed in the central part of the imperial citadel. The architectural studies were conducted to understand its basic structure as an approach to reconstructing buildings. Besides, architectural survey for French colonial buildings around the central part of the imperial citadel was carried out for the master plan for the citadel. Environmental measurement to conserve the excavated site was conducted and basic analysis on excavated wooden artifact was done as a part of conservation scientific studies. These results were contributed for the academic value of the site, the making process of management plan for the imperial citadel, and the conservation treatment of the archaeological remains.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 21251001
  • 熱帯アジアにおける文化遺産保存活用と地域アイデンティティ形成過程               
    2003 - 2006
    Competitive research funding
  • 文化伝統と地方のアイデンティティ形成過程:タイ東北部の事例研究               
    API フェローシップ
    Jun. 2002 - Feb. 2003
    田代 亜紀子
    日本財団, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding