野口 聡 (ノグチ ソウ)
情報科学研究院 システム情報科学部門 システム融合学分野 | 教授 |
Last Updated :2025/02/13
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- 2023年09月 - 現在
北海道大学, 大学院情報科学研究院, 教授 - 2004年04月 - 2023年08月
北海道大学, 准教授 - 2017年10月 - 2022年09月
マサチューセッツ工科大学, Research Affiliate - 2017年08月 - 2017年09月
マサチューセッツ工科大学, 客員研究員 - 2016年12月 - 2017年07月
米国国立高磁場研究所, 客員研究員 - 2016年06月 - 2016年11月
マサチューセッツ工科大学, 客員研究員 - 2012年02月 - 2012年12月
マサチューセッツ工科大学, 客員研究員 - 1999年04月 - 2004年03月
広島大学, 助手 - 1998年05月 - 1999年03月
マサチューセッツ工科大学, 客員研究員
- Evaluation of the Thermal Stability of REBCO Pancake Coils With Partially Noncontact Areas Between Winding Turns
Kazuki Amano, Taro Nakamura, Nodoka Terauchi, Atsushi Ishiyama, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 34, 5, 1, 5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024年08月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Test of High Temperature Superconducting REBCO Coil Assembly for a Multi-Frequency ECR Ion Source
Tsun Him Chong, Mitsuhiro Fukuda, Tetsuhiko Yorita, Hiroki Kanda, Shigeo Nagaya, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi, Hiroshi Ueda, Satoshi Fukui, Tomonori Watanabe, Jun Yoshida, Takashi Hirayama, Yukio Mikami, Yuji Matsubara, Takashi Kitamura
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2024年08月, [査読有り], [国際誌]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌) - A Simple and Versatile Evaluation Method of Thermal Stability of NI HTS Magnets
Takanobu Mato, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 34, 5, 1, 5, 2024年08月01日, [査読有り], [最終著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌), In this article, a simple and versatile method of thermal stability evaluation for no-insulation (NI) high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnets is proposed. Thermal stability is fundamental to superconducting magnets. The evaluation of coil temperature is an essential part of magnet design even though NI HTS magnets exhibit high thermal stability. Already proposed methods with complicated equivalent circuits, such as a partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) model and a network model, require a long computation time and complication in coding. Hence, a simple way to evaluate the thermal stability of NI HTS coils is strongly desired; e.g., for a preliminary-design purpose. A method proposed in the article is a simple analytical formula derived from an equivalent RL-parallel circuit model of an NI HTS coil. The formulation considers a cooling effect with a simple assumption and Joule heating on radial (turn-to-turn contact) resistances. For a trial of the proposed simple evaluation, the thermal stability investigation is presented comparing the temperatures of the sudden discharge and ramp down. The results of the proposed analytical method are also compared with the PEEC model. - Experimental and Analytical Study on Contact Resistance and Current Distribution of NI HTS Coils in Low-Frequency AC Method
SeokBeom Kim, Daiki Sato, Ryota Inoue, Hiroshi Ueda, Mato Takanobu, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 34, 5, 1, 5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024年08月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Fabrication and Experiments on a 1/2-Scale Demonstration NI-REBCO Coil System of a Skeleton Cyclotron for Cancer Therapy
Rui Kumagai, Atsushi Ishiyama, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi, Tomonori Watanabe, Mitsuhiro Fukuda, Gen Nishijima, Jun Yoshida
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 34, 5, 1, 5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024年08月, [査読有り]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Experiment and Simulation on Mechanical Behavior in 1/2-Scale Demonstration REBCO Coil System of Skeleton Cyclotron for Cancer Therapy
Hiroshi Ueda, Ryota Komae, Aoi Yamashita, Ryota Inoue, SeokBeom Kim, So Noguchi, Tomonori Watanabe, Mitsuhiro Fukuda, Gen Nishijima, Rui Kumagai, Atsushi Ishiyama
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 34, 5, 1, 5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024年08月, [査読有り]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Effect Comparison of Different Conductor Widths in Magnetic Dam for Protection of NI REBCO Pancake Coils
Takanobu Mato, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 34, 3, 1, 5, 2024年05月01日, [査読有り], [最終著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌), One of the most challenging problems of no-insulation (NI) REBCO pancake coils is mechanical and thermal protection. Particularly, pancake coils suffer high stress during a local-normal state transition (quench event). One solution is a magnetic dam, which is merely NI windings with a few turns. The effectiveness of magnetic dams by 4-mm-wide NI windings was demonstrated numerically in the previous study. The effectiveness would be different when the REBCO tapes with different widths are employed. Therefore, in this article, the electromagnetic behaviors of NI REBCO pancake coils with the magnetic dam of 12-mm-wide REBCO tape are investigated numerically. The charging and the normal-state transition are simulated. It is demonstrated that the 4-mm-wide magnetic dam works more effectively due to the less screening current in the 4-mm-wide magnetic dam than the 12-mm-wide magnetic dam in this case. - Turn-to-Turn Contact Resistance Measurement of NI REBCO Double Pancake Coils
Takanobu Mato, Ryota Inoue, Hiroshi Ueda, SeokBeom Kim, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 34, 3, 1, 5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024年05月, [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Stress and Deformation Analysis of REBCO Pancake Coils With Individual Turn Movement
Kazuma Kodaka, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 33, 5, 2023年08月01日, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌), In recent years, rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) pancake coils have shown excellent performances in high magnetic field applications. The no-insulation (NI) winding technique enables to enhance the thermal stability and current density of REBCO pancake coils. Still, further developments of REBCO coils are expected; e.g., the mechanical deteriorations of REBCO tapes caused by electromagnetic forces have been reported. The screening currents are considered as one of the causes to damage the REBCO tapes because of a nonuniform current distribution. Meanwhile, the electromagnetic forces on non-impregnant NI REBCO coils, whose windings can be deformed separately with turns and moved easily, are complicated, and the detailed mechanism has not yet been clarified. Commonly, the circumferential movement/deformation of the winding is considered as a rigid body. In this study, we investigate the stresses and displacements due to the electromagnetic forces on NI REBCO pancake coils in high magnetic field using a current simulation and a 2D elastic finite element analysis in the radial and circumferential directions; i.e., each turn can individually move in the radial and circumferential directions considering the spiral winding structure. The simulation results show the circumferential movement/deformation of windings and the nonuniform hoop stress due to the electromagnetic force. - Electromagnetic Behavior Simulation of REBCO Pancake Coils Considering REBCO Tape Rotation Under High Magnetic Field
So Noguchi, Takanobu Mato, Kwangmin Kim, Seungyong Hahn
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 33, 5, 2023年08月01日, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者], [国際共著]
研究論文(学術雑誌), Since the screening current induced in rare earth-barium-copper-oxide (REBCO) magnet generates an irregular magnetic field, a few screening current simulation methods have been proposed. For an insert REBCO magnet generating ultra-high magnetic field, a new screening current method has been proposed with consideration of the coil-deformation effect. In this article, we have developed a new screening current method based on a partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) model coupling with a two-dimensional stress finite element analysis to accurately the time-transient distribution of accurate screening current. In the presented method, the changes of self/mutual inductances are considered due to the coil deformation. As the simulation results, it was found that the coil deformation affected the screening current distribution. When considering the coil deformations, the screening current-induced fields to operating current are different for charging cycles. It is necessary to simulate the coil deformation to accurately estimate the screening current and the screening current-induced field. - Axial Movement Effect on Voltage and Current Behaviors of Insert No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coil
Takanobu Mato, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 33, 5, 2023年08月01日, [査読有り], [最終著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌), In 2017, an insert 12-stacked no-insulation (NI) rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) magnet was used in the generation of a world-record DC magnetic field of 45.5 T. The experiment demonstrated its high thermal stability; however, NI REBCO pancake coils are facing mechanical problems. In such an ultra-high field, strong electromagnetic forces work on insert REBCO coils, in particular during sequential normal-state transitions. Strong forces may cause insert REBCO coils to deform and move. Some research revealed that some deformations and movements affected the coil voltages and the screening currents. Whereas, the coil movement in an ultra-high field has not been studied yet. Voltages and currents are induced by the movement of insert coils, and there is a possibility of degrading the coil stability. In this paper, we have investigated the electromagnetic behaviors during sequential normal-state transition, considering the coil movement due to strong axial forces. The electromagnetic behaviors are simulated using a radially-subdivided partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) model coupled with mechanical movement analysis. - A Study on the Critical Current Measurement of No-Insulation HTS Coils and the Effect of Screening Current-Induced Voltage
Jiho Lee, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 33, 5, 2023年08月01日, [査読有り], [最終著者], [国際共著]
研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper presents a study on the critical current measurement of the no-insulation (NI) high-temperature superconducting (HTS) coils and the effect of the screening current-induced voltage. During the analysis of the critical current measurement data, we observed the unexpected 'resistive-like' slope in the I-V curve of the NI rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) double-pancake (DP) coils. Because the coil is confirmed superconducting and has no internal joints, therefore we estimate the unexpected resistive-like slope is the result of the screening current-induced voltage. The circuit analysis using the one-dimensional simple equivalent circuit could not explain the screening current-induced voltage adequately. However, using the three-dimensional advanced PEEC model, we were able to successfully reproduce the resistive-like slope. - Inductive Voltage of Insert HTS Coils Due to Coil Deformation for Ultra-High Magnetic Field Generation
So Noguchi, Takanobu Mato, Seungyong Hahn
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 33, 5, 2023年08月01日, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者], [国際共著]
研究論文(学術雑誌), Some rare earth-barium-copper-oxide (REBCO) magnets have been developed as an 'insert' to generate ultra-high magnetic fields in a bore of 'outsert' background magnets, mainly owing to their good in-field capabilities to generate high fields. Meanwhile, REBCO ultra-high field magnets are known to have some technical challenges such as screening current-induced stress and the consequent plastic deformation that recently attracts much attention from magnet engineers. The coil geometry deformation not only causes mechanical damage to the REBCO layer but affects the screening current distribution itself. Significant coil deformation may lead to deformation of coil current, which results in additional inductive voltage change of individual coils having differential coil inductance. In this article, we have investigated such extra inductive voltage due to coil configuration deformation using electromagnetic numerical simulation together with deformation finite element analysis. The simulation shows that an insert REBCO magnet for ultra-high magnetic field generation may have a small voltage rise induced by the coil inductance change. It also shows the screening current distribution change due to the coil deformation. - Contact Resistance and Current Characteristics of NI HTS Coils in Low Frequency AC Method
SeokBeom Kim, Hirotaka Kobayashi, Daiki Sato, Ryota Inoue, Hiroshi Ueda, Takanobu Mato, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 33, 5, 1, 5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2023年08月, [査読有り]
研究論文(学術雑誌), The development of high-performance HTS magnets requires a method to correctly measure the contact resistance between turns of no-insulation (NI) coils. We have proposed a method to measure the turn-to-turn contact resistance of NI coils using low frequency alternating current (LFAC). In the LFAC method, AC current is used, and it is assumed that all the AC current flows in the radial direction of the NI HTS coil. To confirm the reliability of the proposed measurement method, AC current distribution characteristics were evaluated using four (quarter circle, 1/4 size) pickup coils in a previous study. The pickup coils were mounted under the NI test coils and the current bypass characteristics from circumferential to radial direction were evaluated as a function of frequency. However, the size of the fabricated four pickup coils was relatively large compared to the test coil, so its sensitivity and spatial resolution were not sufficient. Therefore, in this article, we prepared eight pickup coils smaller than the 1/4 size pickup coil used in the previous study. Two test coils with winding tensions of 0.5 and 1 kg were prepared, and the non-uniformity of the contact resistance of both NI coils was detected using eight pickup coils.**We also identified locations in the test coil where the contact resistance changed due to multiple cooling cycles by liquid nitrogen. - Electromagnetic and thermal characteristics of supplementary-conductor-based no-insulation REBCO pancake coils with comparison to conventional-based ones
Takanobu Mato, So Noguchi
Cryogenics, 131, 2023年04月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌), A no-insulation (NI) winding technique was originally developed in 2011 to enhance the thermal stability of Rare-Earth Barium Copper Oxide (REBCO) pancake coils. Thereafter, several similar techniques of controlling turn-to-turn contact resistance have been proposed, and they can be categorized as the conventional NI winding technique, named a conventional-based NI (CNI) technique in this paper. Recently, a few novel winding techniques different from the CNI winding technique but similar have been proposed: an intra-layer no-insulation technique and a conductive-epoxy-resin-coating technique. These techniques utilize supplementary conductors attached or embedded on REBCO coils as bypassing current paths, which is, in this paper, categorized as supplementary-conductor-based no-insulation (SNI) techniques. These conventional-based and supplementary-conductor-based NI techniques have high a potential for high-field applications. As of today, the applications of these NI techniques are nuclear magnet resonance and magnetic field imaging, and compact nuclear reactors. Those applications require a high performance; however, it is still uncertain which NI technique is suitable for which application since the differences in the characteristics are not clarified well. Therefore, we have systematically investigated the thermal stability of SNI REBCO pancake coils with different circuit parameters in this paper. The thermal stability simulation results of SNI REBCO coils were compared with those of CNI REBCO coils. As a result, the SNI REBCO pancake coils are able to be operated with high thermal stability without deteriorating charging performance as long as the turn-to-turn contact resistances between REBCO tapes and supplementary conductors are low. - Numerical Evaluation of Screening Current-Induced Magnetic Field in 1/2-scale No-Insulation REBCO Coil System of Skeleton Cyclotron for Cancer Therapy
Kaito Ota, Atsushi Ishiyama, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 34, 5, 1, 4, 2023年
研究論文(学術雑誌), A new-generation accelerator named “skeleton cyclotron” is being developed for the stable production of 211At used for targeted alpha-particle therapy, which is expected to be effective in treating advanced cancer. The coil system for skeleton cyclotron consists of two types of air-core no-insulation (NI) REBCO coils: a circular main coil and a noncircular sector coil. To investigate the electromagnetic, thermal, and mechanical characteristics, we fabricated the ultra-baby skeleton cyclotron (UBSC) coil system, which is a 1/2-scale demonstration model of the NI-REBCO coil system. In NI-REBCO coils, the current flows in the radial direction, causing an excitation delay. Because this affects the magnetic field, it is necessary to perform screening current-induced magnetic Field (SCIF) analysis that considers the current flowing in the radial direction in NI coil winding. Therefore, we developed a new simple calculation method for the SCIF using only electric circuits. In this study, we evaluated the electromagnetic behavior of 1/2-scale NI-REBCO coil system for UBSC by using the newly developed calculation method based on electrical circuit and confirmed its validity through comparison with experimental results. - Investigation into accuracy of turn-to-turn contact resistance measurement in low-frequency AC method by 3D numerical simulation
Takanobu Mato, Ryota Inoue, Hiroshi Ueda, Seok Beom Kim, So Noguchi
Superconductor Science and Technology, 36, 1, 2023年01月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌), In this paper, we discuss two points: (a) the accuracy of contact resistance measurement using the low-frequency AC (LFAC) method and (b) the relation between the contact resistance and the contact resistivity. The LFAC method is used to measure the turn-to-turn contact resistance of a no-insulation (NI) rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) pancake coil. We have previously shown the validity of the LFAC method by experiment. In this paper, the current distribution of aNI REBCO pancake coil on the applyication of the LFAC method is investigated using numerical simulation. The simulation results show the possibility of improving the measurement accuracy. Hence, a correction method is also proposed using the phase difference of the coil voltage and current. The LFAC simulation results also indicate the inconsistency of the well-known relation between contact resistance and contact resistivity. Therefore, we investigated the relation through the LFAC and sudden-discharging test simulations. - A customized electric heater to mitigate screening current by optimal control on temperature distribution in a high-temperature superconductor coil
Jeseok Bang, Jaemin Kim, Jung Tae Lee, Geonyoung Kim, Jeonghwan Park, Seong Hyeon Park, So Noguchi, Seungyong Hahn
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 132, 18, AIP Publishing, 2022年11月, [査読有り], [国際共著]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The so-called screening current in a high temperature superconductor (HTS) is a well-known phenomenon that has detrimental effects on performance of an HTS magnet. To date, many research efforts have been devoted to suppressing screening current in an HTS magnet. Here, we report a customized electric-heater, named "Thermal Eraser, " to mitigate the screening current. The key idea is to optimally control the spatial temperature distribution in an HTS magnet using the customized heater and the consequent temperature-dependent local critical current of HTS wires of the magnet. To validate the idea, a Thermal Eraser was designed, constructed, and installed in an actual single-pancake HTS coil. The Thermal Eraser with the test coil system was operated at temperatures ranging 7-40 K in our in-house conduction-cooling cryogenic facility. The feasibility of the Thermal Eraser was demonstrated in terms of two aspects: (1) creation of the designated spatial temperature distribution within the HTS test coil as designed and (2) quantitative evaluation of its effectiveness to mitigate screening current using both experimental and numerical results. We confirmed that the screening current induced field in the test coil was reduced by 0.6 mT after activation of the Thermal Eraser, which implies 60% reduction of screening current in the HTS test coil. The results demonstrate that the Thermal Eraser is a viable option to effectively reduce the screening current in an HTS magnet. Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing. - AC Loss Evaluation of NI REBCO Pancake Coils in External Low-Frequency Magnetic Field
Kazuhiro Daiho, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), No-insulation (NI) rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) pancake coils have attracted much attention because of their high thermal stability. It is, therefore, expected to apply NI REBCO pancake coils to various applications. In recent years, there have been discussions on the possibility of applying NI REBCO pancake coils to field coils of synchronous motors for ship and aircraft propulsion. NI REBCO field coils would be exposed to an AC magnetic field of similar to 1 Hz. The AC losses must be discussed because a current is induced in an NI REBCO coil under externa AC field. AC losses in NI REBCO pancake coils exposed to changing magnetic fields should be investigated in detail. In this paper, the AC Joule loss of the NI-REBCO pancake coils is investigated by simulation using a partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) model. The magnetization loss is also investigated based on the Bean model when a low-frequency AC magnetic field is applied to the NI REBCO pancake coil. From the simulation results, we concluded a high contact resistivity can sufficiently reduce the Joule loss. - Numerical Evaluation of Transient Thermal Stability of No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coils With a Noncontact Area Between Turns
Mayu Kitamura, Kyoka Tsuyoshi, Ui Nemoto, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We have been developing a no-insulation (NI) REBCO coil for applications in medical cyclotrons for cancer therapy and high-magnetic-field whole-body MRIs. NI-REBCO pancake coil is expected to realize both high current density and thermal stability, which are essentially trade-off relationships. Because electrical insulation is absent in an NI coil, the operating current can bypass toward adjacent turns to avoid the defect area when a local defect occurs. Using this feature, we investigated the possibility of continuous operation even if there is a local defect in a part of the coil windings. However, the contact condition between turns in actual coil windings is not uniform, and there is a possibility of an area that is not completely in contact. Moreover, when winding noncircular coils, e.g., coils for an accelerator, the noncontact area between turns can be large since the straight area is not tensioned. In such a case, even if a local defect occurs, it cannot bypass toward adjacent turns, compromising thermal stability. In this study, we examined the thermal stability of NI-REBCO pancake coils when a local defect occurred using the length, number, and location of noncontact areas between turns as parameters. We also examined the possibility of continuous operation and explored conditions that allow for continuous operation. - Current Behaviors of NI REBCO Pancake Coil Wound With Multi-Bundled Conductors During Charging and Against Local Normal-State Transition
Kazuma Kodaka, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), No-insulation(NI) Rare-Earth Barium Copper Oxide (REBCO) pancake coils can generate high magnetic fields and have the high thermal stability against normal-state transition due to allowing currents to radially bypass a local normal-state region through the turn-to-turn contacts. Despite these merits, no turn-to-turn insulation causes a charging delay. To solve this charging delay problem, an NI REBCO coil wound with multi-bundled (MB) conductors was proposed. As an experimental result, a charging delay was improved because the inductance per tape of MB coil is smaller than that of single-tape NI coil. Meanwhile, the current behaviors of MB coils are complicated and has not been clarified. We have investigated the current and thermal behaviors of MB REBCO coils during charging and against normal-state transition, comparing with and without turn-to-turn insulation. As the result, it is shown that the MB coil can be operated stably, and no pessimistic temperature rise is observed. However, the operating current of MB coils with turn-to-turn insulation may concentrate on one tape when the normal-state transition occurs. Therefore, MB coils without turn-to-turn insulation seems to be desirable. - Plastic Deformation Simulation of REBCO Tapes Using Particle Methods
Takanobu Mato, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Ultra-high field superconducting magnets are facing a mechanical degradation problem. On 2017, a world-record high DC magnetic field of 45.5 T was generated by insert no-insulation (NI) Rare-Earth Barium Copper Oxide (REBCO) pancake coils (14.4 T), called "LBC3", and an outsert resistive magnet (31.1 T). Although the experiment showed a high potential of the NI REBCO magnets for ultra-high field generation, the insert NI REBCO pancake coils and the REBCO tapes were plastically deformed. The critical current properties of damaged REBCO tapes were degraded although the Hastelloy substrate of REBCO tapes is stiff and it has a high yield point of approximately 1 GPa. However, the mechanisms of the damaging REBCO tapes are not clarified. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the mechanical phenomenon of REBCO tapes. In this paper, we model a REBCO tape with a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method, which can represent plastic deformation. The SPH simulation is coupled with electromagnetic analysis with a partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) model which we have previously developed. In the simulation, an external field, which linearly increases to 5 T and then decreases to 0 T, is applied to a short-length REBCO tape. The simulation results show that the REBCO tape largely deforms during the external field excitation and deexcitation. - Numerical Evaluation of Electromagnetic Behavior of Multi-Stacked No-Insulation REBCO Coil System for Whole-Body MRIs and Medical Cyclotrons
Ui Nemoto, Kyoka Tsuyoshi, Mayu Kitamura, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We have been developing a no-insulation (NI) REBCO pancake coil technology for applications in medical cyclotrons and high-field whole-body MRI. The thermal and electromagnetic behaviors of multi-stacked NI-REBCO double pancake coils are numerically analyzed in this study when a local defect occurs in one coil using coil diameter and operating temperature parameters. Based on changes in voltage at both ends of the coil and the magnetic field at the center, we present a numerical study of the possibility of continuous operation after the occurrence of a local defect. In the numerical analysis, a new simplified model based on the PEEC model (Partial Element Equivalent Circuit model) is suggested and used for current distribution analysis, and the results are compared. - An Optimal Configuration Method of Superconducting Magnet With Iron Shield Using Model Order Reduction
So Noguchi, Hiroshi Ueda, Tomonori Watanabe, Shigeo Nagaya, Atsushi Ishiyama, Mitsuhiro Fukuda
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We have been developing a cyclotron accelerator for radioisotope production of medical use. The features of developed cyclotron system are compactness, light weight, and multi energy outputs. To achieve such features, coils are wound with rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) tapes and the magnet has no iron core to generate an azimuthal varying field (AVF). To install the developed cyclotron accelerator into hospitals, an iron shield is needed for protection of leakage radiation and magnetic field. In this paper, to optimally design main coils with iron shield, a fast field computation method called "Model Order Reduction (MOR)" is adopted. Using MOR technique, the field computation is accelerated similar to 50 times. The error of MOR field computation is sufficiently small. Hence, the MOR is effective in the optimal configuration design of coils with iron shield. The optimized configuration of a miniaturized cyclotron accelerator magnet is also shown. - Numerical Evaluation of Screening Current-Induced Magnetic Field in REBCO Coil System for Skeleton Cyclotron Using a Full-Scale Model
Kodai Shirai, Atsushi Ishiyama, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi, Tomonori Watanabe, Shigeo Nagaya, Mitsuhiro Fukuda
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We have been developing a new-generation accelerator named high-temperature superconducting skeleton cyclotron (HTS-SC), an extremely compact and high-intensity accelerator capable of producing At-211 for targeted alpha-particle therapy, which is expected to be effective in treating advanced cancer. The coil system for HTS-SC consists of multiple air-core REBCO coils that create a magnetic field of high intensity and precision required for particle acceleration. The HTS-SC needs high-precision magnetic field distribution and temporal stability in the particle acceleration plane. However, the magnetic field induced by the screening current in the REBCO tape (SCIF: Screening Current-Induced magnetic Field) deteriorates the quality of the generated magnetic field spatially and changes it temporally. Therefore, in this paper, the SCIF is evaluated based on numerical analysis for a full-scale REBCO coil system designed for targeted alpha-particle therapy. In addition, the effect of the overshoot method, which is one of the current waveform control methods used to reduce the effect of SCIF on temporal stability, is investigated. - Numerical Evaluation of the Transient Thermal Stability of No-Insulation Pancake Coils Wound With a REBCO-Coated Conductor With Some Defects
Kyoka Tsuyoshi, Mayu Kitamura, Ui Nemoto, So Noguchi, Atsushi Ishiyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We have been developing large-diameter (m-class) no-insulation (NI) REBCO coil systems for applications in areas, such as medical cyclotrons and high-magnetic-field whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). NI coil technology can achieve both high thermal stability and current density, which have an in-verse relationship. Our previous studies revealed that the application of NI winding technology can allow a coil to continuously operate even when some parts of the coil windings are degraded. Accordingly, by applying the NI winding technology, the use of REBCO-coated conductors with defects or degradation, that is, coil production that allows for variations in conductor characteristics, can result in reduced costs. In this study, the transient thermal stability of NI pancake coils wound with a REBCO-coated conductor with one or more defects was analyzed and evaluated numerically. The conditions for stable operations in a coil with defects were clarified using turn-to-turn contact electrical resistance and I-OP/I-C ratios as parameters. In addition, we evaluated the possibility of establishing a monitoring technology to detect the state of health of the coil by observing changes in the voltage at both ends of the coil to see if any new deterioration has occurred. - Numerical Evaluation on Mechanical Behavior of No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coils in Small-Scale Model of Skeleton Cyclotron
Yuta Miyake, Yuki Nakai, Ryota Inoue, SeokBeom Kim, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi, Tomonori Watanabe, Shigeo Nagaya, Mitsuhiro Fukuda, Atsushi Ishiyama
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 32, 6, 1, 5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022年09月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We are developing a high-temperature superconducting (HTS) air-core compact cyclotron, named Skeleton Cyclotron (Ueda et al. 2013), (Ueda et al. 2019), that can accelerate various particles and variable energy for radioisotope (RI) production. The coil system of Skeleton Cyclotron consists of circular main coils and noncircular sector coils which are wound by REBa2Cu3O6+delta (REBCO) tape applied no-insulation (NI) winding technique for both high current densities and thermal stabilities. The electromagnetic and thermal behaviors in NI coil differs from those in conventional insulated coils during charging, discharging, and quenching. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the mechanical behavior and reinforcement structure of multiple NI coils in Skeleton Cyclotron. In this study, we report on the numerical evaluation of mechanical properties of NI REBCO coils in Skeleton Cyclotron at charging and quenching considering the current distributions and electromagnetic stresses unique to NI coils. In the quenching process, the radial current in a quenching pancake of the sector coil became dominant, resulting in generating the rotating force and non-symmetric deformation. YOROI-coil (Y-based oxide superconductor and reinforcing outer integrated coil) structure is effective for the additional magnetic stress. - Numerical Evaluation on Quench Behavior of No-Insulation REBCO Coil System in Small-Scale Model of Skeleton Cyclotron
Yuki Nakai, Yuta Miyake, Ryota Inoue, SeokBeom Kim, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi, Tomonori Watanabe, Shigeo Nagaya, Mitsuhiro Fukuda, Atsushi Ishiyama
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 32, 6, 1, 5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022年09月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We have proposed a cyclotron for cancer therapy, called Skeleton Cyclotron, which is based on non-insulation (NI) high temperature superconducting (HTS) technology. The Skeleton Cyclotron consists of circular main coils for the isochronous field and non-circular sector coils for the azimuthally varying field (AVF). In order to establish the development technology of HTS multi-coil system for the skeleton cyclotron, we have now designed a small half-size multi-coil system for demonstration, called Ultra-Baby Cyclotron, at the operating current of 540 A, the operating temperature of 20 K and the magnetic field of 1.6 T at the extraction radius of 0.2 m. The NI HTS coil can make both high current density and high magnetic field, so it can achieve miniaturization of its size and high intensity beams. Furthermore, in NI coils, the current flows not only in the coil winding direction but also in the radial direction. Therefore, even if the local normal transition occurs in the coil windings, the current can bypass into the neighboring wires and thermal stability can be improved. On the other hand, when the normal transition and quench occur, the electromagnetic and mechanical behaviors in NI coils are different from those of conventional insulated coil. Therefore, we developed a current distribution analysis code for non-insulation HTS coils and simulated the current distributions during the normal transition and quench in NI REBCO coil system for Skeleton Cyclotron. - Experimental Study on the Accuracy of the Proposed LFAC Method for Measuring the Contact Resistance of NI HTS Coils
SeokBeom Kim, Kohei Miyamoto, Hirotaka Kobayashi, Ryota Inoue, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 32, 6, 1, 5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022年09月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), No-insulation (NI) winding technique provides high thermal stability, and the turn-to-turn contact resistance is an important factor to characterize the thermal stability and charging delay of NI HTS magnets. Therefore, a method that can accurately measure the contact resistance between turns of NI HTS magnets was required. We have previously proposed a turn-to-turn contact resistance measurement method using a low frequency AC current. The proposed low-frequency-AC-current (LFAC) can accurately evaluate the contact resistance between turns only when the whole AC current flows in the radial direction of the NI HTS pancake coil (there is almost no coil inductance). In addition, the AC current flowing in the radial direction needs to have a uniform current distribution in the plane of winding wire (REBCO wire). Therefore, in this study, an experimental study was conducted to prove the reliability of the proposed LFAC method. In the experiment, three NI test coils with different winding tension (0.5, 1 and 2 kg) were prepared, and four pickup coils were placed under each test coil to evaluate the radial current bypass characteristics. The contact resistance of each test coil was decreased from a few percent to several tens of percent by multiple cooling cycles from room temperature to liquid nitrogen temperature. Although it is a qualitative observation, the validity of the LFAC method was proved by the prepared pickup coils, and it was shown that even a small change of contact resistance in NI coils can be measured. - Mechanical Strength Evaluation of a Yoroi-Coil Structured Non-Circular REBCO Pancake Coil in High Magnetic Field
Tomonori Watanabe, Shigeo Nagaya, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi, Hiroshi Ueda, Gen Nishijima
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 32, 6, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2022年09月01日, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In order to achieve a high intensity and compact multifunctional air-core cyclotron, the behavior of non-circular coils in a high magnetic field at 4.2 K were investigated. Two types of isosceles triangle shaped double-pancake coils: a coil with reinforcement by Yoroi-coil (Y-based oxide superconductor and reinforcing outer integrated coil) structuring and a coil without reinforcement, were manufactured and their behaviors were observed when current was applied to each coil in a high magnetic field. The non-reinforcement coil showed in 10 T external magnetic field that the superconducting properties of the coil were partially lost and a voltage generated in the coil winding was observed when the applied current exceeded 160 A. After disassembling this coil, it was found that the superconducting tape in the coil winding was plastically deformed and permanently bent at the corners. The reinforced coil due to Yoroi-coil structuring was powered up to the coil current of 300 A in a magnetic field of 14 T. A voltage of 0.3 mV was observed when the coil current was 277 A, and the excitation was terminated when the voltage reached 0.6 mV at 300 A. The coil winding, after the current flowing up to 300 A in 14 T field, indicated that the deformation of it was significantly limited. It was confirmed that the Yoroi-coil type structural reinforcement, even for triangular coils, has sufficient mechanical strength under the conditions of our air-core cyclotron. - Experimental Study and Frequency Domain Analysis on Metal-Insulation HTS Coil
Geonyoung Kim, Seong Hyeon Park, Jeseok Bang, Chaemin Im, Jaemin Kim, Jonghoon Yoon, Ki Jin Han, So Noguchi, Seungyong Hahn
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This work reports a frequency domain analysis on alternating current (AC) response of a metal-insulation (MI) high temperature superconducting (HTS) coil. An 85-turn MI test coil was wound and operated in a liquid nitrogen bath at 77 K. Sinusoidal current was applied to the test coil to measure the AC responses. The test coil's total voltage and the central magnetic field were measured from 0.01 Hz to 5 Hz. The phase difference between the total voltage and the azimuthal current was calculated from the measured data. To explain the phase difference between the total voltage and the azimuthal current, the additional frequency-dependent resistive component was adopted. The results demonstrate that the discrepancy between the measurement and the simulation results from the lumped-circuit model tends to increase with frequency. - Microplastic Collection With Ultra-High Magnetic Field Magnet by Magnetic Separation
Takanobu Mato, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In recent years, the increase of microplastics (MPs) in ocean have been recognized as one of ocean pollution listed in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since MPs absorb harmful chemicals while floating in ocean, small fish which eats the absorbed MPs may fall into bad digestion and poor health condition. To solve the ocean pollution problem, a good MP collection method must be proposed with a high processing speed and a high MP collection ability. While, recently, the performances of 2nd generation high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnets which can generate a field higher than 15 T have been improved. It is expected that MP collection performances are enhanced with such high field superconducting magnets. In this paper, we propose a conceptual design for MP collector from seawater using superconducting magnets. To evaluate the performances of the device, we developed a fluid simulation coupled with magnetic field simulation. The simulation results indicate that MPs can effectively be collected with a high magnetic field with a high processing speed. - A newly developed screening current simulation method for REBCO pancake coils based on extension of PEEC model
So Noguchi, Seungyong Hahn
SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 35, 4, IOP Publishing Ltd, 2022年04月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Since the screening current (SC) in rare earth-barium-copper-oxide (REBCO) coated conductor (CC) generates an undesired magnetic field, it must be accurately estimated, especially for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Moreover, in recent years, it was pointed out that the screening current enhanced the stress/strain in REBCO CC, when an REBCO magnet was operated as an insert under an ultrahigh magnetic field. The previously reported SC simulation methods may be roughly categorized into finite element method (FEM) and equivalent circuit method. The FEM-based method often adopted an axisymmetric model or a thin film approximation model, while the circuit-based are the simple equivalent circuit model and the network equivalent circuit model, so-called the partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) model. The latter is newly developed in this paper. Features of those SC simulation models are briefly compared to each other in this paper. Each SC simulation models have pros & cons. We have to adequately chose an SC simulation model depending on a purpose. We extended the original PEEC model to simulate SC. The extended model is named the advanced partial element equivalent circuit (A-PEEC) model. It is also extendable to an SC simulation of no-insulation REBCO pancake coils. To simulate the SC of a simple coil model and the LBC3 magnet, we investigated the screening current distribution maps, and the simulated screening current-induced fields were compared with the measurements. We have confirmed the validity of the newly developed A-PEEC model. - 無絶縁REBCO パンケーキ・コイルの安定性評価に関する検討 ―さまざまな種類の無絶縁巻線技術の比較―
野口 聡, 間藤 昂允, 小高 一真
低温工学, 57, 5, 315, 321, 公益社団法人 低温工学・超電導学会 (旧 社団法人 低温工学協会), 2022年, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
日本語, The no-insulation (NI) winding technique proposed by Hahn on 2011 drastically improves the thermal stability of REBCO pancake coils. Thereafter, several different kinds of NI winding techniques have been proposed, such as the partial-insulation, the metal-as-insulation (MI), the conductive-epoxy-resin-covering (CERC), and the intra-layer NI winding techniques. Recently, we have reported the thermal stability comparison of REBCO coils which these NI winding techniques are applied to. The reduction of contact resistance improves the thermal stability even more.
In addition, the multiple REBCO tape bundled (MB) technique was recently proposed. REBCO tapes may have a few defects before winding. When the MB technique applies to REBCO coils, the current can avoid the defect region to transfer into the neighboring REBCO tapes. That is why the technique can improve the charging delay. The MB winding technique is getting attention. We have also evaluated REBCO pancake coils with the MB winding technique comparing them with a conventional NI REBCO pancake coil. - Investigation on Mechanical Damage of No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coil by Multi-Physics Quench Simulation
Shumpei Mori, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31, 5, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2021年08月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A no-insulation (NI) winding technique greatly improves the thermal stability of REBa(RE = Rare Earth; REBCO) pancake coils. Since it has recently been pointed out that strong electromagnetic forces due to induced currents cause mechanical damage to NI REBCO coils during quench propagation under high magnetic field. The mechanical stability must be investigated and discussed further. We have developed a multi-physics quench simulation for NI REBCO pancake coils by combining a 2D stress/strain finite element analysis (FEA) with an electromagnetic field analysis of partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method and a 2D thermal FEA. The simulation results showed the consistency with the experimental results. - Numerical Evaluation of Screening Current-Induced Magnetic Field Considering Variable Output Energy in REBCO Coil System of Skeleton Cyclotron for Cancer Therapy
Takamitsu Ogata, Kodai Shirai, Atsushi Ishiyama, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi, Tomonori Watanabe, Shigeo Nagaya, Mitsuhiro Fukuda
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31, 5, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2021年08月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We have been developing a new-generation accelerator named 'Skeleton Cyclotron', which is an ultra-compact and high-intensity accelerator for the stable production of 211At used for targeted alpha-particle therapy. Coil system for Skeleton Cyclotron consists of circular and noncircular high-temperature superconducting magnets and it can cause the output energy to vary without being bounded by the non-linearity of the iron core. This will enable not only the production of 211At, but also the production of radioisotopes for positron emission tomography and neutron irradiation for boron neutron capture therapy with a single accelerator. A high-precision magnetic field distribution and a high temporal stability are required for stable beam acceleration, but the screening current, which is induced in the REBa2Cu3Ox (REBCO, RE: Rare Earth) coated conductor, generates an irregular magnetic field and deteriorates the quality of the magnetic field spatially and temporally. In this study, we numerically evaluated the temporal stability and reproducibility of the screening current-induced field considering the variable energy operation for the Ultra-Baby Skeleton Cyclotron, which is a small demonstration model of Skeleton Cyclotron. - Sudden Discharging and Overcurrent Simulations of REBCO Coils Coated with Conductive Epoxy Resin
Takanobu Mato, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31, 5, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2021年08月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In 2011, a no-insulation (NI) winding technique was first proposed. Rare-Earth Barium Copper Oxide (REBCO) pancake coils using the NI winding technique are promising to generate an ultrahigh magnetic field, because the NI winding technique drastically enhances the thermal stability. When a local hot spot appears on a turn of the NI REBCO pancake coil, the enforced current can bypass into the adjacent turns to suppress the Joule heat generation. Recently, different types of REBCO coils to enhance the thermal stability by escaping the current flow from a local hot spot have been researched and developed. A few years ago, a REBCO single pancake coil whose upper surface was coated with conductive epoxy resin was proposed as one kind of NI winding techniques. The high thermal stability of conductive-epoxy-resin-coated (CERC) REBCO single pancake coil was demonstrated through an overcurrent test. However, the current behavior in the coil is still unclear. Therefore, we have newly developed an equivalent circuit model for CERC REBCO pancake coils. The sudden discharging and overcurrent tests were simulated for CERC REBCO pancake coils, and the resistance parameters were varied to investigate the coil stability. - Numerical Evaluation of Screening Current-Induced Magnetic Field in No-Insulation REBCO Coil Systems
Satomi Ueda, Atsushi Ishiyama, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31, 5, 2021年08月, [最終著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌), We have been developing a no-insulation (NI) REBCO coil which is expected to be applied to medical accelerators and magnetic resonance imaging as a technology that can achieve both high thermal stability and high current density. Due to the flat shape and much greater, than the thickness, width of a REBCO-coated conductor, the screening currents are remarkably induced by changing the magnetic flux that penetrates the tape vertically. For insulated (INS) coils, this screening current causes an irregular magnetic field (screening current-induced magnetic field (SCIF)). Also, in the NI coil, an excitation delay occurs because of the current flowing in the radial direction with coil excitation. Therefore, as the cause of irregular magnetic field, it is necessary to simultaneously consider the influence of both the excitation delay and SCIF. In this study, we numerically investigate the magnetic field in the NI coil. The SCIF and an excitation delay reduce magnetic accuracy in the NI coil. Thus, we propose an energization waveform that can improve the magnetic field accuracy even if there is an excitation delay. Besides, we verified its effectiveness. - Mechanical Damage Protection Method by Reducing Induced Current in NI REBCO Pancake Coils during Quench Propagation
Takanobu Mato, Seungyong Hahn, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31, 5, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2021年08月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者], [国際共著]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The no-insulation (NI) winding technique has been attracting attention, because NI Rare-Earth Barium Copper Oxide (REBCO) pancake coils have high thermal stability. It is an indispensable technology to generate an ultra-high magnetic field. In 2017, using the NI winding technique a world-record high magnetic field, 45.5 T, was generated by 12 insert single pancake coils with an outsert magnet, and it showed a high potential to generate 14.4 T inside a background field of 31.1 T. After the experiment, the REBCO tapes were mechanically damaged, so that the critical currents were deteriorated. A large current was induced in NI REBCO coils next to the quenched coil when one of multi-stacked NI REBCO pancake coils quenched, resulting in tape property degradation and irreversible mechanical damage. Therefore, in order to protect NI REBCO pancake coils during quench, it is desired to reduce the amount of induced current. To suppress an induced current, the idea of 'magnetic dam' has been proposed previously. The idea is to use a copper pipe installed at the outside of NI REBCO pancake coils. However, the copper pipe just slowed the quench propagation. In this paper, we extended the method to decrease an induced current much more by installing extra NI REBCO windings instead of the copper pipe. The electromagnetic and stress behaviors of 6-stacked NI REBCO coils with extra windings are simulated when one of the stacked NI REBCO coils transitions into a normal state. The ability of mechanical damage protection from a strong stress by an induced current during quench propagation is demonstrated through simulations. - Evaluation Criterion for Determining Turn-to-Turn Contact Electrical Resistance Satisfying High Thermal Stability and Shortening Charging Delay in NI-REBCO Coils for MRIs
Yuka Yoshihara, Mai Hamanaka, Kyoka Tsuyoshi, Mayu Kitamura, Ui Nemoto, So Noguchi, Atsushi Ishiyama
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31, 5, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2021年08月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We have been developing a no-insulation (NI) coil technology to achieve high thermal stability and high current density. NI coils can continue to operate even if a part of the coils degrades; however, a charging delay occurs in the coils. Moreover, the turn-to-turn contact electrical resistance of the NI coils must be increased to shorten the charging delay; however, a large turn-to-turn contact electrical resistance reduces thermal stability. In this study, using turn-to-turn contact electrical resistance and IOP/IC ratios as parameters, we analyze thermal stability and consider the possibility that NI coils can continue to operate even if they have local defects. Furthermore, to establish an evaluation criterion for determining turn-to-turn contact electrical resistance that can shorten charging delay and ensure high thermal stability, we analyze and evaluate the relationship between turn-to-turn contact electrical resistance and thermal stability, focusing on three types of heat generation. - Turn-to-Turn Contact Resistance Measurement of No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coil: External Field Dependence
So Noguchi, Shunpei Mori, Takanobu Mato, Takahiro Tatsuta, Daisuke Nishikawa, Kohei Miyamoto, Ryota Inoue, Hiroshi Ueda, Seokbeom Kim
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31, 5, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2021年08月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The characteristics of no-insulation high-temperature superconducting (HTS) manet is dominated by the magnitude of the turn-to-turn contact resistance. A few techniques have been proposed to increase the turn-to-turn contact resistance. The relation between the turn-to-turn contact resistance and the magnet stability has also been investigated in simulations. Although the turn-to-turn contact resistance measurement was only the sudden-discharging method before, we proposed a low-frequency-AC current (LFAC) method. Using our proposed method, it is possible to measure the turn-to-turn contact resistance under various conditions. In a previous paper, we measured it when charging DC current to a single pancake coil. In this paper, the turn-to-turn contact resistance was measured by the LFAC method when an external field of 1-3 T was applied to a single pancake coil. The coil strain was also measured, and the relation of the turn-to-turn contact resistance and the coil strain was also discussed. - Numerical Evaluation on Electromagnetic and Thermal Stresses in Non-Circular REBCO Pancake Coils of Multi-Coil System for Skeleton Cyclotron
Hiroshi Ueda, Yuta Miyake, Yuta Awazu, Ryota Inoue, Seokbeom Kim, So Noguchi, Tomonori Watanabe, Shigeo Nagaya, Mitsuhiro Fukuda, Atsushi Ishiyama
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31, 5, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2021年08月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We proposed the air-core cyclotron using high-temperature superconducting (HTS) technology, named Skeleton Cyclotron, as high intensity compact, variable-energy and multi-particle cyclotron for RI production. Skeleton Cyclotron consists of HTS split circular main coils generating the isochronous field and HTS non-circular sector coils generating the azimuthally varying field (AVF). Now, we are currently developing the small-scale cryocooler-cooled HTS coil system of Skeleton Cyclotron, which accelerates the proton up to energy of 5 MeV at an extraction radius of 20 cm. Skeleton cyclotron is multi-coil system consists of HTS split circular main NI (no-insulation) coils and HTS non-circular sector NI coils. Therefore, the electromagnetic, thermal, and mechanical behaviors are expected to be very complicated. In this study, the structure analysis based on finite element method using COMSOL Multiphysics is performed for a non-circular sector coil. The coils in Ultra-Baby Cyclotron are reinforced with YOROI-coil structure. Therefore, the effect of YOROI-coil structure was numerically investigated during cool-down process and excitation process. YOROI-coil structure is effective for non-circular sector coil against the electromagnetic force. - Numerical Analysis of the Reduction of Screening-Current-Induced Magnetic Field in Copper-Plated and Striated REBCO-Coated Conductor Wound into Pancake Coils
Hinako Ishizaki, Satomi Ueda, Takamitsu Ogata, Atsushi Ishiyama, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31, 5, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2021年08月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We aim to develop REBCO coil systems for high-magnetic-field whole-body magnetic resonance imaging and medical cyclotron for cancer therapy. These applications require high temporal stability and spatial uniformity of the generated magnetic field. Although the magnetic field generated during excitation changes very slowly, a screening-current-induced magnetic field (SCIF) is generated, which affects the required accuracy of the magnetic field. To reduce the SCIF, we focus on two methods: 1) a current control method, and 2) the use of striated coated conductors. When adopting a striated coated conductor, it is necessary to plate copper onto it in order to maintain its thermal stability and mechanical strength. However, in the copper-plated layer, changes in the magnetic field induce a coupling current, which flows between the filaments of the REBCO coated conductor. In this study, we apply the overshoot method with a plateau as a current control to eliminate the effect of coupling currents in the copper plating layer. We numerically analyzed the effectiveness of this overshoot method by visualizing the changes in the current distributions in a model pancake coil wound with a REBCO-coated conductor separated into two filaments. For that purpose, we used a three-dimensional nonlinear transient electromagnetic field computation in which the spiral arrangement of the pancake coil windings is appropriately considered. - A simple screening current simulation method using equivalent circuit model for REBCO pancake coils
So Noguchi, Teki Imai, Dongkeun Park, Seungyong Hahn, Yukikazu Iwasa
SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 33, 11, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2020年11月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者], [国際共著]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The screening current induced in rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) tape generates an unwanted irregular magnetic field. The screening current-induced field (SCIF) is a challenging issue for MRI, NMR, and accelerators magnet composed of REBCO coils. A few FEM-based simulation methods have been proposed to estimate the SCIF; however, they require a long computation time. Recently, we have proposed a simple SCIF computation method based on the self and mutual inductances of REBCO pancake coils and screening current radial paths on the top and bottom of pancake coils. The accuracy of the proposed method is not excellent; however, the computation time is quite short. In this paper, we report an equivalent circuit model that includes the self and mutual inductances of a REBCO pancake coil and screening current radial path. Moreover, with this proposed method, we can compute the SCIF of no-insulation (NI) REBCO pancake coils, which is not the case with the previously proposed FEM-based simulation method. The proposed method has been validated by experimentation. The proposed method is available online. - Unbalanced radial current flow simulation of no-insulation REBCO pancake coils during normal state transition
Thomas Kurauchi, So Noguchi
SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 33, 10, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2020年10月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The no-insulation (NI) winding technique greatly enhances the thermal stability of REBCO (REBa2Cu3Ox, RE = Rare Earth) pancake coils by avoiding burn-out and thermal runaway. The complicated electrical behaviors in NI REBCO pancake coils produce convoluted mechanical behaviors, so that some journal papers reported that high-field NI REBCO pancake coils were mechanically damaged during quench. To apply NI REBCO magnets for practical commercial use, it is important to understand the electromagnetic and mechanical behaviors of NI REBCO pancake coils in detail with both experiments and simulations. To clarify the electrical behaviors, a few simulation methods for NI REBCO pancake coils have been proposed; such as a simple RL parallel equivalent circuit. In these previous models, the radial current paths along the top and bottom of the pancake coils are represented as one current circuit path. However, since the radial current path of the bottom of one pancake coil is actually very close to that of the top of the next lowest coil, inductive behavior between these two paths appears. The simulation results show a probability that different amounts of radial current on the top and bottom of one pancake coil are carried during quench. - Effectiveness of Filter Inductor of Rectifier Transformer Flux Pump in Energizing Multi-Stacked No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coils
Takanobu Mato, Thomas Kurauchi, So Noguchi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1590, 1, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2020年07月31日, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), In recent years, strong magnetic field rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) magnets are desired for various applications. For such magnets, since heat penetrating from current leads is undesirable, a flux pump is an attractive method to energize. However, it is difficult to apply a flux pump to a REBCO coil using no-insulation (NI) winding technique. Because, a large current flows into the radial direction due to a low contact resistance. Recently, a filter inductor installed into a rectifier transformer type flux pump (RTTFP) was proposed to effectively charge an NI REBCO single pancake coil. However, it is not sure whether it also works for multi-stacked NI REBCO pancake coils. Hence, we investigate the role of a filter inductor by a numerical simulation, and then we clarify the validity of filter inductor. As the result, the filter inductor accelerates the charging of multi-stacked NI REBCO pancake coils with low contact resistance. - A Feasibility Study on "Magnetic Dam" to Absorb Magnetic Energy in NI HTS Magnet During Quench
Soobin An, Kibum Choi, So Noguchi, Chaemin Im, Jeseok Bang, Uijong Bong, Jaemin Kim, Seungyong Hahn
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When a quench occurs in a no-insulation (NI) high temperature superconductor (HTS) magnet that consists of a stack of double-pancake (DP) coils, a large amount of current is often induced in an NI DP coil that is electromagnetically coupled with neighboring DP coils. The large induced current leads to an excessive magnetic stress and occasionally damages the magnet. In this paper, we propose a new quench protection concept to reduce the amount of induced current in an NI HTS magnet. The key idea is to use resistive copper in order to absorb a portion of electromagnetic energy that is initially stored in the magnet before the quench. We tentatively name these resistive coils as a "magnetic dam" as they may slow down the electromagnetic quench propagation speed among the NI DP coils, which may be beneficial to avoid over-stressing by the large over-current. - Turn-to-Turn Contact Resistance Measurement of No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coil at DC Current Operation
So Noguchi, Takahiro Tatsuta, Daisuke Nishikawa, Hiroshi Ueda, SeokBeom Kim
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), No-insulation (NI) (RE)Ba tex-math notation="LaTeX">$_3$ (REBCO) magnets are very promising for practical applications to generate high magnetic field. The NI winding technique provides high thermal stability so that quench protection is unnecessary. However, the turn-to-turn contact resistance (sometimes called characteristic resistance) is an important factor to characterize the thermal stability and charging delay of NI REBCO pancake magnets. Although the conventional sudden-discharging method is widely used to measure the turn-to-turn contact resistance, it is not applicable to various conditions; e.g., the change of DC operating current and temperature. Therefore, we have previously proposed a turn-to-turn contact resistance measurement method using a low-frequency AC (LFAC) current. In this paper, we measured the contact resistance for different DC operating currents or change of DC current to confirm the validity of LFAC method. In addition, by heating a test coil, the contact resistances were also measured during the change of DC operating current. Since the electromagnetic stress is small enough not to change the contact condition, the change in contact resistance is negligible. The measured contact resistance was unchanged, so we could conclude that the LFAC method is effective in measurement of the contact resistance when DC operating current was applied. - Influence of Coil Size and Operating Temperature on the Transient Stability of a Multi-Stacked No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coil System
Haruka Onoshita, Yuka Yoshihara, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi, Atsushi Ishiyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The no-insulation (NI) coil is a technology expected to realize both high current density and high thermal stability which are essentially trade-off relationship in REBCO coil application. This technique has been studied mainly for application to small-diameter inner coils of NMR magnets exceeding 30 T. In this case, the coil is cooled using 4.2-K liquid He. We are developing an NI-REBCO coil system for high-magnetic-field whole-body MRI, and for a medical cyclotron to be used for cancer therapy. The NI-REBCO coil which we aim for development has a diameter of similar to 1 m, a generated magnetic field is similar to 10 T, and a conduction cooling around 30 K is assumed. Because the size, operating temperature, and magnetic field differ from those of NMR coil, it is possible that the electromagnetic, thermal, and mechanical behaviors will be quite different. In this paper, we report on these behaviors when a local deterioration occurs in NI-REBCO double-pancake coils using numerical analysis considering coil size, operating temperature, and magnetic field as parameters. For the numerical simulation, we conducted a coupled analysis of current distribution analysis based on PEEC (Partial Element Equivalent Circuit) model and thermal analysis by the 2-dimensional finite element method. - Combined Circuit Model to Simulate Post-Quench Behaviors of No-Insulation HTS Coil
Mincheol Cho, So Noguchi, Jeseok Bang, Jaemin Kim, Uijong Bong, Jung Tae Lee, Soo Bin An, Kabindra R. Bhattarai, Kwangmin Kim, Kwanglok Kim, Chaemin Im, Ki Jin Han, Seungyong Hahn
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper presents a "combined" circuit model to simulate non-linear behaviors of a no-insulation (NI) high temperature superconductor (HTS) coil. The key idea is a selective use of either the lumped circuit model or distributed depending on an operating condition. When the NI coil current is below its critical current, the radial leak currents through turn-to-turn contacts may be assumed to be uniformly distributed over the entire coil, thus, the lumped circuit model may suffice to analyze the NI behaviors. When the coil current increases beyond the critical current, the distributed model plays the role to simulate the spatial distribution of currents, both radial and azimuthal. By limiting the use of the time-consuming distributed model only for the post-quench part, the combined model enables substantial reduction in calculation time without sacrificing simulation accuracy. To verify the validity of the combined model, an over-current charging test of an NI HTS coil was simulated with the lumped, distributed, and combined models. The simulation results of the combined model are barely discernible from those of the distributed model, and agreed well with the measured ones as well. The results validate the combined model for more efficient simulation of an NI HTS coil. - Turn-to-Turn Contact Resistance Measurement of No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coils
So Noguchi, Ryousuke Miyao, Haruyoshi Okusa, Takahiro Tatsuta, Hiroshi Ueda, SeokBeom Kim
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The turn-to-turn contact resistance (characteristic resistance) is a very important factor to a no-insulation (NI)(RE)Ba-2 Cu3Oy (REBCO) pancake coil. It characterizes the stability and charging delay of NI REBCO pancake coils. However, the ordinary sudden-discharging method cannot measure the turnto-turn contact resistance under different conditions, such as an operating current, a temperature, and an external magnetic field. Although the turn-to-turn contact condition is strongly affected by the pressure inside of the NI REBCO coils, the feature of the contact resistance must he clarified to estimate the stability of NI REBCO coils. In this paper, we have proposed a new method to measure the turn-to-turn contact resistance applying ac current. The theory and the measurement results are also shown. The measured turn-to-turn contact resistance is reasonable, compared with that measured by the ordinary sudden-discharging method. In near future, we will measure the turn-to-turn contact resistance under different conditions by means of the proposed method. - Conceptual Design of Compact HTS Cyclotron for RI Production
Hiroshi Ueda, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi, Tomonori Watanabe, Shigeo Nagaya, Jun Yoshida, Mitsuhiro Fukuda
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In autumn 2017, the project "Quantum Innovation for Safe and Smart Society (QiSS)" was started in Program on Open Innovation Platform with Enterprises, Research Institute and Academia (OPERA) by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). One of the key issues of this project is the advancement of compact cyclotron and beam irradiation device for stable supply of short-lived radioisotope (RI). We proposed the air-core cyclotron using high-temperature superconducting (HTS) technology, named Skeleton Cyclotron, as high intensity compact cyclotron. Currently, we are carrying out a feasibility study on a variable-energy multi-particle Skeleton Cyclotron for RI production. In this paper, key issues in HTS magnet technologies for Skeleton Cyclotron and the preliminary conceptual design of variable-energy multi-particle Skeleton Cyclotron are reported. - Electromagnetic, Thermal, and Mechanical Quench Simulation of NI REBCO Pancake Coils for High Magnetic Field Generation
So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The no-insulation (NI) winding technique drastically enhances the thermal stability of REBa2Cu3Oy (REBCO) coils. Even if a larger current than a critical current is carried in NI REBCO pancake coils, the coils would not burn out. So far, many NI REBCO pancake coils showed a "self-protecting" characteristic in experiments. However, most of these experiments have been done under a low magnetic field or cooled by liquid nitrogen. Under these conditions, a huge electromagnetic force does not occur after an NI REBCO pancake coil transitions into a normal state. Recently, the NI winding technique has been applied to high-field magnets, such as NMR and accelerators. Under a high magnetic field (> 20 T), a huge hoop stress is generated after one NI REBCO pancake coil constituting a high-field magnet by stacking reaches to quench. The huge hoop stress causes the delamination of REBCO-coated conductors. That is, the quench protection condition of high-field NI REBCO magnets is decided according to the mechanical condition, even though the magnets show a high thermal stability. In this paper, three simulation models for NI REBCO pancake coils are compared, and then the mechanical condition is discussed for a quench protection through an electromagnetic, thermal, and mechanical simulation of multistacked NI REBCO pancake coils for high field generation. - Evaluation of Electromagnetic Behavior of No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coil With Multiple Defects
Yuta Kakimoto, Tetsuri Ichikawa, Haruka Onoshita, Tetsuro Kinpara, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We previously developed a high-magnetic-field REBCO coil for use in medical devices such as medical accelerators and high-magnetic-field MRI. The use of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) coils in such applications necessitates their miniaturization while providing high magnetic fields. However, when the current density is improved by reducing the copper-stabilization-layer thickness in the conventional insulated HTS coil, the thermal stability is lowered, which leads to a tradeoff between high current density and high thermal stability. Therefore, we examine noinsulation (NI) coils that allow compatibility between high current density and thermal stability. Recent research has indicated that NI coils with multiple defects can afford a stable and high critical current (Ic) and operate without serious problems, which makes it possible to produce coils wound with commercial REBCO tapes containing several defects along the tape, which in turn makes fabrication economically viable. However, there are many unknown aspects of the current, magnetic field, and heat behaviors of NI coils with defects, particularly when large currents flow through them. Here, in order to examine the behavior of a multiple-defect NI coil subjected to a large current at the temperature of similar to 30 K via application of the conduction cooling method, we use a combination of the partial element equivalent circuit method and the finite-element method to investigate the detailed current and thermal behaviors. Our results indicate that defective NI coils can afford a critical current Ic value of similar to 80% of that of defect-free NI coils, which makes our findings valuable in terms of contributing to further developments in HTS coil applications. - Experiments on the Effects of Local Normal Transitions in Multi-Stacked No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coils
Tetsuri Ichikawa, Yuta Kakimoto, Haruka Onoshita, Tetsuro Kinpara, So Noguchi, Shigeo Nagaya, Tomonori Watanabe, Atsushi Ishiyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), No-insulation (NI) coils are an important technique for high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). One of the technical issues with NI coils is their thermal and electromagnetic behavior when a local normal transition occurs. Given that multiple stacked coils are used in MRI, the interaction between coils must also be investigated, because a local normal transition may affect the other NI coils through magnetic coupling. In fact, when a local normal transition occurs, there is a possibility that large electromagnetic forces are applied to the other coils, or quench may be induced in some of them. Even though overcurrent tests of stacked NI coils have been conducted, the results are not helpful in actual MRI operation. In this study, we investigate the effects of the occurrence of a local normal transition in multi-stacked NI coil systems under conditions similar to those of actual operation, with a constant transport current below the coil's I- c. The occurrence of a local normal transition is simulated by applying current to a heater inserted in manufactured small NI double pancake coils. To evaluate the interaction between NI coils, the voltage and changes in the generated magnetic field are measured at each evil. We also show the current distribution in the coils, as obtained by the partial element equivalent circuit method. The obtained results allow us to evaluate the interaction of the NI coils and evaluate coil protection methods. - Assembly and Test of a 3-Nested-Coil 800-MHz REBCO Insert (H800) for the MIT 1.3 GHz LTS/HTS NMR Magnet
Philip C. Michael, Dongkeun Park, Yoon Hyuck Choi, Jiho Lee, Yi Li, Juan Bascunan, So Noguchi, Seungyong Hahn, Yukikazu Iwasa
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We present assembly and test results of a 3-nested-coil 800-MHz (18.8 T) REBCO insert (H800) for the MIT 1.3 GHz LTS/HTS NMR magnet currently under completion. Each of the three H800 coils is a stack of no-insulation (NI) REBCO double-pancake coils (DPs). The innermost 8.7-T Coil 1 (26 DPs) was completed by mid-2016; the middle 5.6-T Coil 2 (32 DPs) was completed in mid-2017; while the outermost 4.5-T Coil 3 (38 DPs) was completed in early 2018. Coils 1, 2, and 3 were assembled together in early 2018 as a 3-nested-coil, the H800, and tested, first in liquid nitrogen to a power supply current of 20 A, followed by testing in liquid helium to a power supply current of 251.3 A, the H800's design operating current. After roughly five minutes settling time at 251.3 A, the H800 quenched. In this paper, we examine probable sources of quench initiation and simulate ensuing quench behavior. Remedial efforts to minimize the tendency toward quenching in the H800 are presented and discussed. - Quench Analyses of the MIT 1.3-GHz LTS/HTS NMR Magnet
So Noguchi, Dongkeun Park, Yoonhyuch Choi, Jiho Lee, Yi Li, Philip C. Michael, Juan Bascunan, Seungyong Hahn, Yukikazu Iwasa
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The MIT 1.3-GHz LTS/high-temperature superconducting (HTS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) magnet is currently under development. The unique features of this magnet include a three-nested formation for an 800-MHz REBa2Cu3Ox. (RE = Y, Gd) (REBCO) insert (H800) and the no-insulation (NI) winding technique for H800 coils. Because when it is driven to the normal state, an NI REBCO magnet will respond electromagnetically, thermally, and mechanically that may result in permanent magnet damage, analysis of a quenching magnet is a key aspect of HTS magnet protection. We have developed a partial element equivalent circuit method coupled to a thermal and stress finite-element method to analyze electromagnetic and mechanical responses of a nested-coil REBCO magnet each a stack of NI pancake coils. Using this method, quench simulations of the MIT 1.3-GHz LTS (L500)/HTS (H800) NMR magnet (1.3G), we have evaluated currents, strains, and torques of H800 Coils 1 to 3 and L500, and center fields of 1.3G, L500, and H800. Our analyses show H800 is vulnerable to mechanical damage. - 45.5-tesla direct-current magnetic field generated with a high-temperature superconducting magnet
Seungyong Hahn, Kwanglok Kim, Kwangmin Kim, Xinbo Hu, Thomas Painter, Iain Dixon, Seokho Kim, Kabindra R. Bhattarai, So Noguchi, Jan Jaroszynski, David C. Larbalestier
NATURE, 570, 7762, 496, +, NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2019年06月, [査読有り], [国際共著], [国際誌]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Strong magnetic fields are required in many fields, such as medicine (magnetic resonance imaging), pharmacy (nuclear magnetic resonance), particle accelerators (such as the Large Hadron Collider) and fusion devices (for example, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, ITER), as well as for other diverse scientific and industrial uses. For almost two decades, 45 tesla has been the highest achievable direct-current (d.c.) magnetic field; however, such a field requires the use of a 31-megawatt, 33.6-tesla resistive magnet inside 11.4-tesla low-temperature superconductor coils(1), and such high-power resistive magnets are available in only a few facilities worldwide(2). By contrast, superconducting magnets are widespread owing to their low power requirements. Here we report a high-temperature superconductor coil that generates a magnetic field of 14.4 tesla inside a 31.1-tesla resistive background magnet to obtain a d.c. magnetic field of 45.5 tesla-the highest field achieved so far, to our knowledge. The magnet uses a conductor tape coated with REBCO (REBa2Cu3Ox, where RE = Y, Gd) on a 30-micrometre-thick substrate(3), making the coil highly compact and capable of operating at the very high winding current density of 1,260 amperes per square millimetre. Operation at such a current density is possible only because the magnet is wound without insulation(4), which allows rapid and safe quenching from the superconducting to the normal state(5-10). The 45.5-tesla test magnet validates predictions11 for high-field copper oxide superconductor magnets by achieving a field twice as high as those generated by low-temperature superconducting magnets. - A simple protection evaluation method for no-insulation REBCO pancake coils during local normal-state transition
So Noguchi, Seungyong Hahn, Atsushi Ishiyama, Yukikazu Iwasa
SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 32, 4, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2019年04月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者], [国際共著]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), No-insulation (NI) and metal-insulation (MI) winding techniques are promising for enhancing the thermal stability of REBCO pancake coils, toward the practical use of nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging systems. The NI and MI REBCO pancake coils showed high thermal stability in many over-current tests. However, a disadvantage is a charging delay due to low turn-to-turn contact resistance. Therefore, many researchers have tried to increase turn-to-turn contact resistance to overcome the charging delay problem. Meanwhile, a partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) model can accurately simulate the over-current and charging/discharging tests of NI REBCO pancake coils in detail. Using the PEEC model coupling with thermal finite element analysis (FEA), the thermal stability was evaluated during a local normal-state transition. From the simulation results, it was found that a best range of turn-to-turn contact resistance existed to keep a high thermal stability during a local normal-state transition. However, the PEEC and thermal FLA method requires a substantial amount of time with complicated simulation approach. In this paper, we propose a simple mathematical formulation to obtain an appropriate range of turn-to-turn contact resistance during a local normal-state transition, supposing a worst cooling condition. The simple computation is easy to use and timesaving to roughly estimate the operation reliability of NI REBCO pancake coils. - A simple screening current-induced magnetic field estimation method for REBCO pancake coils
So Noguchi, Hiroshi Ueda, Seungyong Hahn, Atsushi Ishiyama, Yukikazu Iwasa
SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 32, 4, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2019年04月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者], [国際共著]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The development of NMR/MRI REBa2Cu3Oy (REBCO, RE = rare earth) magnets is happening all over the world. It has been found that screening current-induced magnetic fields (SCMFs) are a serious problem for NMR/MRI magnets wound with REBCO tapes. The reduction of SCMFs is strongly desired, and the estimation of SCMFs is also desired at the design stage of REBCO magnets. In order to evaluate a SCMF, a finite element method (FEM) or a boundary integration method is needed thus far, and a high-level simulation technique is required. In this paper, we develop an easy method to estimate a SCMF without a high-level simulation technique. In this method, the inductance of a winding turn is calculated and then a screening current is estimated according to the magnetic field penetrating into the winding turn. The SCMF is obtained from the estimated screening current. The SCMFs computed by the proposed method were compared with measurements and simulation results of the FEM. The results agreed well, but we can see a large difference. However, the SCMFs found by the proposed method are accurate enough to know they are at the design stage without the use of a high-level simulation technique. - 高温超電導応用機器の数値解析技術の現状
植田 浩史, 野口 聡, 石山 敦士
低温工学, 54, 2, 89, 96, Cryogenic Association of Japan, 2019年03月20日, [査読有り], [招待有り]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - 無絶縁REBCOパンケーキ・コイルにおける数値解析技術
野口 聡, 植田 浩史, 石山 敦士
低温工学, 54, 2, 103, 110, 2019年03月, [査読有り], [招待有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
日本語 - Electromagnetic and thermal simulation of stacked NI REBCO pancake coils after normal-state transition
Ryosuke Miyao, Hajime Igarashi, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper presents the current and thermal phenomena of multi-stacked No-Insulation (NI) REBa2 Cu3O7-x (REBCO, RE = Rare Earth) pancake coils during a local normal-state transition. An NI winding technique is expected to enhance the thermal stability of REBCO pancake coils, and it was verified in numerical simulations on a single pancake coil. However, a multi-stack of pancake coils are used to generate a high magnetic field in practical applications. When a normal-state transition occurs in one of multi-stacked pancake coils, it may deteriorate the stability of the other pancake coils. Therefore, we have developed a numerical simulation code to clarify the current and thermal behaviors of multi-stacked NI REBCO pancake coils using a partial element equivalent circuit model and a thermal finite element method. - Torque Simulation on NI REBCO Pancake Coils during Quench
So Noguchi, Seungyong Hahn
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), This paper presents the unbalanced torque generated in No-Insulation (NI) REBa2Cu3Ox (REBCO, RE = Rare Earth) pancake coils after a normal-state transition. The NI REBCO pancake coil has a high thermal stability, and it is desired to apply to ultra-high field magnets. When an NI REBCO pancake coil locally transitions into a resistive state, the operating current bypasses a normal-state-transitioned turn to adjacent turns in the coil-radial direction, and the amount of heat generation can be reduced. That is an inherent feature of NI REBCO pancake coils. However, when a radial current flows in a magnetic field, a Lorentz force is generated toward the coil-circumferential direction, i.e. torque. In case that the coil radius and the external magnetic field are very large, the extremely large torque is generated, and it could damage the magnet itself and/or the joints to terminals with a mechanical factor. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the behavior of the torque generated in the NI REBCO pancake coil after the quench.In this paper, we present the numerical simulation results of the behaviors of the torque generated in the NI REBCO double pancake coil after quench. Their current, thermal, and mechanical behaviors are simulated by a partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method and 2-D thermal finite element method (FEM). The behaviors are different depending on the coil size. In addition, the behavior is presented when the operating current is suddenly shut down after quench. - REBCO コイルにおける遮蔽電流不整磁場の抑制効果解析 ‐ 9.4 T 級ヒト全身用MRI コイルを対象として ‐
伊東慶太, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 石山敦士
低温工学, 54, 2, 119‐126(J‐STAGE), 126, 2019年, [査読有り]
日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌) - Simulation on Electrical Field Generation by Hall Effect in No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coils
So Noguchi, Kwangmin Kim, Seungyong Hahn
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The no-insulation (NI) winding technique is one of the most promising high-temperature superconducting (HTS) coil protection methods to realize the practical use of HTS magnets. Many NI REBa2Cu3O7-x (REBCO, RE = Rare Earth) magnets have been developed to generate ultrahigh magnetic fields for NMR or MRI magnets. When NI REBCO magnets are operated in a high magnetic field, uncommon phenomena can be observed, because the NI REBCO magnets have multicomplicated current paths. An unexpected voltage rise was experimentally observed during charging NI coils or after quench. The cause of such a voltage rise cannot be explained by means of a partial element equivalent circuit method, which was proposed to clarify such complicated current behavior. We think one of causes is an electric field generation by Hall effect. In this paper, therefore, we will investigate the electrical field behavior of NI REBCO coils by Hall effect. An unforeseen voltage would appear between terminals. - A Field-Shaking System to Reduce the Screening-Current-Induced Field in the 800-MHz HTS Insert of the MIT 1.3-GHz LTS/HTS NMR Magnet: A Small-Model Study
Jiho Lee, Dongkeun Park, Philip C. Michael, So Noguchi, Juan Bascunan, Yukikazu Iwasa
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In this paper, we present experimental results of a small-model study, from which we plan to develop and apply a full-scale field-shaking system to reduce the screening-current-induced field (SCF) in the 800-MHz high-temperature superconducting (HTS) Insert (H800) of theMIT 1.3-GHz low-temperature superconducting (LTS)/HTS nuclear magnetic resonance magnet (1.3 G) currently under construction-the H800 is composed of three nested coils, each a stack of no-insulation (NI) REBCO double pancakes (DP). In 1.3 G, H800 is the chief source of a large error field generated by its own SCF. To study the effectiveness of the field-shaking technique, we used two NI REBCO DPs, one from Coil 2 (HCoil2) and one fromCoil 3 (HCoil3) of the three H800 coils, and placed them in the bore of a 5-T/300-mm room-temperature bore LTS background magnet. The background magnet is used not only to induce the SCF in the DPs, but also to reduce it by the field-shaking technique. For each run, we induced the SCF in the DPs at an axial location where the external radial field BR >0, and then, for the field shaking, moved them to another location where the external axial field Bz >> B-R. Due to the geometry of H800 and L500, top DPs of three H800 coils will experience the considerable radial magnetic field perpendicular to the REBCO tape surface. To examine the effect of the field shaking on the SCF, we tested each NI REBCO DP in the absence or presence of a radial field. In this paper, we report 77-K experimental results and analysis of the effect and a few significant remarks of the field shaking. - Thermal and Electromagnetic Simulation of Multistacked No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coils on Normal-State Transition by PEEC Method
Ryosuke Miyao, Hajime Igarashi, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper presents the thermal and electromagnetic behaviors of multistacked no-insulation (NI) REBa2Cu3O7-x (REBCO, RE = rare earth) pancake coils. The NI winding technique gives a high enough thermal stability not to damage REBCO coils even though a normal-state transition occurs. The high thermal stability has been verified through overcurrent tests. Moreover, the numerical simulation of multistacked NI REBCO pancake coils has been performed to investigate the electromagnetic behaviors in detail. The simulation results also confirmed the high thermal stability of NI REBCO pancake coils. However, it does not mean that an NI REBCO magnet never quenches. In experiments, it was observed that a quench in one of the pancake coils propagated to the other pancake coils sequentially. The above sequential quench from pancake to pancake has not been confirmed in the numerical simulation since the thermal behavior is not considered. For the more reliable verification, we have developed a numerical simulation to investigate the thermal and electromagnetic behaviors by the partial element equivalent circuit method and the two-dimensional thermal finite-element method. In this paper, the six-stacked NI REBCO pancake coil is simulated with several operating temperatures, and the sequential quench is reproduced. The velocity of the sequential quench is also shown. - An Extended Thin Approximation Method to Simulate Screening Current Induced in REBCO Coils
So Noguchi, Seungyong Hahn, Hiroshi Ueda, SeokBeom Kim, Atsushi Ishiyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Superconducting magnets wound with second-generation high-temperature superconductors, i.e., REBa2Cu3O7-x (REBCO, RE = Rare Earth) tapes, are desired to apply high magnetic field nuclear magnetic resonance, MRI, and accelerators. However, a major problem for practical application is an undesirable irregular magnetic field caused by screening currents induced in REBCO tapes. To investigate the screening current-induced magnetic field, a few simulation methods have been proposed. One of the effective simulation methods employs a finite-element method with a thin approximation method. Although the thin approximation method was developed to simulate eddy currents in magnetic steel sheets, and it is not applicable to REBCO tapes carrying a transport current. Therefore, the thin approximation method is extended to simulate screening currents in REBCO tapes considering a carrying transport current. To show the validity of the proposed extended thin approximation method, the screening currents of an REBCO magnet are computed, and the results are compared with the measurement and simulation results of the conventional thin approximation method. The more accurate solution is available by using the proposed methods. - An Adaptive FEM Based on Magnetic Field Conservation Applying to Ferromagnetic Problems
So Noguchi, Shinya Matsutomo, Vlatko Cingoski
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We have previously been proposed a novel adaptive finite-element method (FEM) based on a magnetic field conservation indicator and a non-conforming mesh-refinement technique. However, we have applied to a very simple model consisting of a single permanent magnet for basic verification of the proposed method. In this paper, we have improved an error indicator, and tried to apply a newly proposed adaptive FEM to more complicated models, where ferromagnetic material is included. The newly proposed method is superior in torque error estimation to the Zienkiewicz-Zhu error estimation method in a 3-D permanent magnet motor model. - Current Behavior Simulation in Stacked NI REBCO Pancake Coils during Local Normal-State Transition
So Noguchi, Ryosuke Miyao, Katsutoshi Monma, Hajime Igarashi, Hiroshi Ueda, Atsushi Ishiyama
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 27, 4, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017年06月
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), © 2017 IEEE. This paper presents the current behavior and axial Lorenz force of stacked no-insulation (NI) REBa2Cu3O7-x (REBCO, RE = Rare Earth) double-pancake coils during local normal-state transition. The NI winding technique enhances the thermal stability and increases the engineering current density in REBCO pancake coils. The high thermal stability of NI REBCO coil has been verified in experiments of overcurrent test. In addition, the numerical simulations of NI REBCO single-pancake coils have been performed to confirm the high stability. However, REBCO magnets usually consist of some stacked double-pancake coils to generate a high magnetic field for practical applications. When a normal-state transition occurs in one of the stacked pancake coils, it may affect the other pancake coils. For the more reliable verification, the current and electromagnetic force behavior of stacked NI REBCO pancake coils during a normal-state transition should be simulated. To examine the stacked NI REBCO pancake coils, we extend the previously proposed partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) model to deal with a few double-pancake coils. In this paper, an NI REBCO double-pancake coil and their three stacked coils are simulated by using the extended PEEC model. - Screening-Current-Induced Magnetic Field of Conduction-Cooled HTS Magnets Wound With REBCO-Coated Conductors
Hiroshi Miyazaki, Sadanori Iwai, Tatsuro Uto, Yasumi Otani, Masahiko Takahashi, Taizo Tosaka, Kenji Tasaki, Shunji Nomura, Tsutomu Kurusu, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi, Atsushi Ishiyama, Shin-Ichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Superconducting magnets for magnetic resonance imaging systems require homogeneous, stable magnetic fields. The homogeneity of the magnetic field is highly dependent on the coils shape and positions. Furthermore, in REBa2Cu3O7-delta (REBCO) magnets, the screening-current-induced magnetic field, which changes the magnetic field distribution of the magnet, is one of the most critical issues. In the work described here, a small REBCO coil that can generate a magnetic field of over 10 T was fabricated and tested. The small REBCO coil was composed of a stack of 22 single pancake coils whose inner and outer diameters were 50 mm and 130 mm, respectively. The total conductor length was 1.5 km. The small REBCO coil could generate a central magnetic field of 8.27 T at 10 K. A magnetic field of over 10 T was achieved by replacing 12 of the single pancake coils with new ones wound with the latest REBCO-coated conductors. The measured value of the central magnetic field at 10 K was 13.53 T, which was lower than the calculated value of 13.94 T obtained without taking account of the screening-current-induced magnetic field. Furthermore, it was examined whether the current sweep reversal would be effective for 10 T-class magnetic field conditions. - Progress in the Development of Conduction-Cooled REBCO Magnets for Ultrahigh-Field MRI Systems
Hiroshi Miyazaki, Sadanori Iwai, Tatsuro Uto, Yasumi Otani, Masahiko Takahashi, Taizo Tosaka, Kenji Tasaki, Shunji Nomura, Tsutomu Kurusu, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi, Atsushi Ishiyama, Shin-ichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We started developing REBa2Cu3O7-delta (REBCO) magnets for ultrahigh-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems in 2013. Our final targets are 9.4 TMRI systems for whole-body and brain imaging. In this paper, a conduction-cooled 1.5 T REBCO MRI magnet having a room-temperature bore of 396 mm was fabricated and tested in order to evaluate the magnetic field homogeneity and stability. The magnet was composed of 60 single pancakes whose inner diameter was 500 mm. The total conductor length was 10.3 km, and the total inductance was 12.4 H. The size of the homogeneous magnetic field region was 200 mm diameter spherical volume. The central magnetic field was as high as 1.5 T at 192.7 A, and the current density of single pancakes was 301 A/mm(2). The magnet was cooled from room temperature to 4.7 K in 55 hours, and the temperature difference among the coils was 0.1 K or less during both initial cooling and excitation. The magnetic field inhomogeneity was 249.7 parts per million (ppm), and the Z(2) coefficient was largest at 579.6 ppm. The main reason for the error magnetic field was dimensional errors in the positions on the z-axis. The magnetic field inhomogeneity was improved to 4.1 ppm by passive shimming using iron pieces. The magnetic field stability was about 2 ppm/h because of a reduction in screening-current induced in the REBCO-coated conductors. Current sweep reversal improved the magnetic field stability from 2 ppm/h to 0.8 ppm/h. - Numerical Investigation of Metal Insulation Technique on Turn-to-Turn Contact Resistance of REBCO Pancake Coils
So Noguchi, Ryosuke Miyao, Katsutoshi Monma, Hajime Igarashi, Atsushi Ishiyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), No-insulation (NI) REBCO pancake coils show high thermal stability, however the charging delay is an issue. Hence, to improve the charging delay, it was proposed that a stainless steel (SUS) tape was cowound between turns, called "metal-as-insulation" or "metal-insulation (MI)," to increase the turn-to-turn contact resistivity. The MI technique could make the turn-to-turn contact resistivity approximately 50 times large compared to a conventional NI REBCO pancake coil. This paper reports a bypass current behavior on the cross section of MI REBCO pancake coil using two-dimensional finite element method. The influence of the SUS tape thickness, the MI material, and the number of SUS tapes on the turn-to-turn contact resistivity is investigated. As the result, it is clarified that the turn-to-turn contact resistivity strongly depends on the surface condition and number of SUS tapes. - Detection Method for a Local Normal-State Transition in a No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coil
Tao Wang, Kazuki Katsumata, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In this paper, we have proposed a detection method for detecting and locating a local normal-state transition in a meter-class no-insulation (NI) coil that is deployed in next-generation high-field magnetic resonance imaging scanners (MRIs), using a copper pickup coil. There are two schemes for detecting and locating the normal zone: one is a ring pickup coil assembled on the midplane of a central bore and the other consists of several sector pickup coils deployed on the coil winding, namely "scanning pickup coil." To verify the effectiveness of these detection methods, we performed a numerical simulation coupling consisting of a partial element equivalent circuit, a thermal analysis, and a magnetic field analysis. Based on the results of analyses, we reproduced the distributions of the temporal variations of the magnetic flux in the central bore and on the coil winding of the meter-class NI coil, and discussed the effectiveness of these pickup coil schemes for detecting and locating a local normal-state transition in a meter-class NI coil used in next-generation high-field MRIs. - A Computer Aided Education System Based on Augmented Reality by Immersion to 3-D Magnetic Field
Shinya Matsutomo, Tomohisa Manabe, Vlatko Cingoski, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), An immersive real-time visualization system of 3-D magnetic field for educational purposes is presented. This immersive visualization system is based on augmented reality technology. The proposed system provides observation of a magnetic field distribution and its stereoscopic vision in 3-D space using head mounted display. To improve the visualization capabilities, a new real-time method for drawing magnetic flux lines in 3-D space is developed and presented in this paper. It enables a user to easily observe and grasp a magnetic field generated by multiple sources (e.g., magnets and/or multiple coils) in an augmented 3-D space. Additionally, it permits a user to freely and interactively move the magnetic sources within the visualization space and to observe the magnetic fields interference in real-time. As a result, one can intuitively and easy visualize, observe and grasp the magnetic field even in 3-D space. - Influence of the Turn-to-Turn Contact Electrical Resistance on the Thermal Stability in Meter-Class No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coils During a Local Normal-State Transition
Kazuki Katsumata, Tao Wang, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi, Katsutoshi Monma, Shigeo Nagaya, Tomonori Watanabe
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Inmagnetic resonance imaging and nuclear magnetic resonance applications, it is important that the high-temperature superconducting coils provide a high magnetic field in a miniaturized form factor. Our research group considers these requirements to be compatiblewith no-insulation (NI) coils in which the thickness of the Cu stabilization layer and the turn-to-turn contact electrical resistance are key parameters that enable both high current densities and high thermal stabilities. When the Cu stabilization layer is thin, the current density is impaired, but the thermal stability is improved. If the turn-to-turn contact electrical resistance is very large, then the characteristics of the NI REBCO coil approach the characteristics of conventional insulated coils, and the thermal stability may be degraded. However, when the turn-to-turn contact electrical resistance is large, the excitation delay time is reduced. In this study, we used a combination of the partial element equivalent circuit method and the finite element method to perform a current distribution and thermal analysis of the behavior of NI REBCO coils when a local normal-state transition occurs. We also considered the appropriate turn-to-turn contact electrical resistance that could shorten the excitation delay time as much as possible while still suppressing the formation of hotspots, which is a disadvantage of the NI REBCO coil. - Numerical Evaluation on Irregular Field Generated by Screening Current in High-Field REBCO Coil for Whole-Body MRI
Kohei Nakazono, Hiroshi Ueda, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Taizo Tosaka, Tsutomu Kurusu, Shunji Nomura, Shinichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In recent years, high-field magnets wound with RE-BCO tape and their applications to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have undergone considerable research and development. MRI coil systems require a highly accurate field in the imaging space. However, in REBCO coils, the irregular magnetic field generated by the screening current is induced by the radial component of the magnetic field in the REBCO tape, and may deteriorate the field quality both spatially and temporally. Therefore, a design process with consideration for the effect of the screening-current field is required for the reduction and correction of this field for a high-accuracy-field REBCO coil. In this study, the screening-current distribution in the REBCO tape and the irregular magnetic field were analyzed by using the simulation we developed for a REBCO model coil system for whole-body MRI. We additionally discuss the effect of the screening-current field in the REBCO coil based on the coil shape and arrangement to use it as feedback to the design stage. - Simulation of Screening Current Reduction Effect in REBCO Coils by External AC Magnetic Field
So Noguchi, Vlatko Cingoski
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Second-generation high-temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes have been examined for applications, such as nuclear magnetic resonance, MRI, and accelerators. Each of these applications requires a precise magnetic field profile. However, screening currents induced while charging an HTS magnet degrade its magnetic field quality. Techniques to reduce the screening current effect have been proposed in the literature. One of the means to reduce screening currents is to apply an ac magnetic field using a "shaking magnet."The shaking effect enhances the quality of magnetic field by reallocating the screening currents inside HTS tapes. Although some experiments to study the shaking field effect were reported, the current distribution inside HTS tapes has not yet been clarified by simulation. This paper presents the simulation results for an ac magnetic field applied to a REBCO tape to reduce the influence of screening currents. In addition, we investigated the influence of the angle of applied ac magnetic field at the magnet center. The area of negative current density is also shown. From the simulation results, we conclude that a shaking field applied at an angle between 10 degrees and 30 degrees is effective to reduce the screening current effect. - Fast Computation Method of Magnetic Field Homogeneity for NMR/MRI REBCO Pancake Coils
Ryosuke Miyao, Hajime Igarashi, SeokBeom Kim, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Recently, multiple-stacked pancake coils wound with rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) tapes are expected to apply for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)/MRI magnets. Since REBCO tapes are very expensive, REBCO magnets should be optimally designed so as to minimize the winding volume. Surely, a highly homogeneous magnetic field is also required for NMR/MRI magnets. To achieve the accurate homogeneity of REBCO magnets, it is necessary to compute the contribution of all REBCO layers one by one, because currents carry over very thin area compared with a whole magnet cross section. However, NMR/MRI magnets generating high-magnetic field usually consist of multiple-stacked REBCO pancake coils, and each pancake coil has > 300 turns. To evaluate the field homogeneity contributed by every REBCO layer, therefore, it is necessary to repeatedly compute more than ten thousand times as one magnet shape. In a conventional optimization algorithm, it is necessary to iterate more than one million times for the optimal design of an NMR or MRI magnet. Such an iterative computation is not realistic. Based on the backgrounds, we present a fast computation method using the shift operator of spherical harmonics. In addition, to confirm the validity of the proposed method, it was applied to the shape optimization of 1.5-T MRI magnet. In this paper, the optimization result and computation time are also shown. - A New Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method in FEA Based on Magnetic Field Conservation at Elements Interfaces and Non-Conforming Mesh Refinement Technique
So Noguchi, Takuto Naoe, Hajime Igarashi, Shinya Matsutomo, Vlatko Cingoski, Akira Ahagon, Akihisa Kameari
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Mesh quality strongly affects the solution accuracy in electromagnetic finite-element analysis. Hence, the realization of adequate mesh generation becomes a very important task. Several adaptive meshing methods for automatic adjustments of the mesh density in accordance with the shape and complexity of the analyzed problem have been proposed. However, the most of them are not enough robust, some are quite laborious and could not be universally used for adaptive meshing of complex analysis models. In this paper, a new adaptive mesh refinement method based on magnetic field conservation at the border between finite elements is proposed. The proposed error estimation method provides easy mesh refinements, and generates smaller element within regions with large curvature of the magnetic flux lines. The proposed adaptive mesh refinement method based on non-conforming edge finite elements, which could avoid generation of flat or ill-shaped elements, was applied to a simple magnetostatic permanent magnet model. To confirm the validity and accuracy, the obtained results were compared with those obtained by means of the Zienkiewicz-Zhu (ZZ) error estimator. The results show that the computational error using the proposed method was reduced down to 1% compared with that of the ZZ method, which yields error of 8.6%, for the same model. - Design of a conduction-cooled 9.4T REBCO magnet for whole-body MRI systems
Hiroshi Miyazaki, Sadanori Iwai, Yasumi Otani, Masahiko Takahashi, Taizo Tosaka, Kenji Tasaki, Shunji Nomura, Tsutomu Kurusu, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi, Atsushi Ishiyama, Shinichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A project on the development of REBa2Cu3O7-delta (REBCO) magnets for ultra-high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was started in 2013. Since REBCO-coated conductors feature high mechanical strength under tensile stress and high critical current density, use of REBCO coils would allow superconducting magnets to be made smaller and lighter than conventional ones. In addition, a conduction-cooled superconducting magnet is simpler to use than one cooled by a liquid helium bath because the operation and maintenance of the cryogenic system become simpler, without the need to handle cryogenic fluid. Superconducting magnets for MRI require homogeneous, stable magnetic fields. The homogeneity of the magnetic field is highly dependent on the coil shape and position. Moreover, in REBCO magnets, the screening-current- induced magnetic field, which changes the magnetic field distribution of the magnet, is one of the critical issues. In order to evaluate the magnetic field homogeneity and the screening-current- induced magnetic field, a 1 T model magnet and some test coils were fabricated. From an evaluation of the 1 T model magnet, it was found that the main reason for magnetic field inhomogeneity was the tolerances in the z-axis positions of the coils, and therefore, it is important to control the gap between the single pancakes. In addition, we have already demonstrated the generation of an 8.27 T central magnetic field at 10 K with a small test coil. The screening-current-induced magnetic field was 0.43 T and was predictable by using an electromagnetic field simulation program. These results were reflected in the design of a conduction-cooled 9.4 T REBCO magnet for whole-body MRI systems. The magnet was composed of six main coils and two active shield coils. The total conductor length was 581 km, and the stored energy was 293 kJ. The field inhomogeneity was 24 ppm peak to peak and 3 ppm volume-root-mean-square (VRMS) for a 500 mm diameter spherical volume (DSV). The axial and radial 5 gauss line locations were less than 5 m and 4.2 m respectively. - Experimental Results of Screening-Current Field with 10-T Class Small REBCO Coil
S. Iwai, H. Miyazaki, Y. Ohtani, T. Tosaka, K. Tasaki, S. Nomura, T. Kurusu, H. Ueda, S. Noguchi, A. Ishiyama, S. Urayama, H. Fukuyama
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26, 4, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2016年06月
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), © 2002-2011 IEEE. A REBCO-coated conductor has a tape shape and is suitable for forming a stack of single pancakes for generating a high magnetic field. However, the magnetic flux going through the tape surface causes a screening current, which reduces the magnetic field in conventional coil designs. Magnetic resonance imaging systems need high uniformity of the magnetic field, both spatially and temporally, and thus, the screening field resulting from the screening current is one of the critical issues. In this paper, a 10-T class small test coil using REBCO-coated conductors was fabricated and tested in a conduction-cooled configuration from 10 to 60 K for investigating the effect of the screening field on the generated magnetic field in the inner space of the coil. The coil was composed of a stack of 22 single pancakes using 4-mm-wide REBCO tapes with an inner diameter of 50 mm, an outer diameter of 129 mm, and a height of 104 mm. For different stacking orders based on the coil critical currents, the measured values of the central magnetic field at 10 K were 7.66 and 8.27 T, which were lower than the calculated values of 8.07 and 8.70 T obtained without taking account of the screening-current fields. - Shape Optimization of the Stacked HTS Double Pancake Coils for Compact NMR Relaxometry Operated in Persistent Current Mode
S. B. Kim, R. Saito, M. Takahashi, Y. J. Park, M. H. Lee, Y. K. Oh, S. Noguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26, 4, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2016年06月
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), © 2016 IEEE. The low temperature superconducting (LTS) coils are used in NMR devices, and liquid helium is used for their cooling. It is possible to reduce the operating costs by manufacturing the superconducting magnet that is consisted of the high temperature superconducting (HTS) coil using liquid nitrogen cooling. We have been developing the NMR relaxometry devices using the HTS double pancake coils and operated in the persistent current mode at liquid nitrogen temperature. The required strength and homogeneity of the magnetic field of proposed NMR relaxometry devices are 1.5 T and 150 ppm/cm3, respectively. To achieve the target field strength of 1.5 T, it is necessary to increase the numbers of pancake coils and winding turns of each coil, and the large operating current is required as much as possible. In this paper, Ic-B properties of HTS wire and superconducting joint are measured to determine the operating current (load line) for the proposed NMR relaxometry devices. Moreover, 3-D finite-element-model-based analysis was carried out to design the stacked HTS magnets for compact NMR relaxometry with downsizing and low cost. - Evaluation of Magnetic Field Distribution by Screening Current in Multiple REBCO Coils
Ayumu Mochida, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi, Tao Wang, Atsushi Ishiyama, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Taizo Tosaka, Shunji Nomura, Tsutomu Kurusu, Shinichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Coil systems are fabricated with various combinations of multiple coils in order to generate homogenous fields for NMR and MRI applications. In multiple coil systems using REBCO coils, the behavior of the screening current, which deteriorates field homogeneity, depends on the patterns of the transport current, the charging sequence of the coils, and the various resulting magnetic fields. It is therefore important to investigate and clarify the behavior of the irregular magnetic field and screening current in multiple coil systems under different operating environments. In a previous study, we experimentally and numerically clarified the different behaviors of irregular magnetic fields based on the charging sequence of coils in multiple-model REBCO coils [1], [2]. In this paper, we constructed the multiple-model REBCO coils in order to obtain the fundamental data for reducing or improving the resulting irregular magnetic field. Furthermore, the distribution of the irregular magnetic field in terms of the screening current was measured by using the reversal current method [3], [4]. We also calculated the spatial and temporal behavior of the irregular magnetic field by using our developed 3-D numerical simulation. Based on the experimental and numerical results, we discuss the behavior of the magnetic field in terms of the screening current when using the current sweep reversal method in multiple-model REBCO coils. - Transient Behaviors of No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coil During Local Normal-State Transition
Aika Ikeda, Takahiro Oki, Tao Wang, Atsushi Ishiyama, Katsutoshi Monma, So Noguchi, Tomonori Watanabe, Shigeo Nagaya
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Recently, no-insulation (NI) winding techniques have been proposed for achieving high current density and high thermal stability. To verify the excellent characteristics achieved using these techniques, we investigated the transient behaviors of NI REBCO pancake coils. In this paper, we evaluate transient electromagnetic and thermal behaviors during a local normal-state transition, based on a partial element equivalent circuit and thermal coupled numerical analysis. Moreover, we investigate temporal and spatial current distributions in the NI coil winding after a local normal transition occurs. We also clarify the reason for the suppression of temperature increase caused by the local normal-state transition in the NI winding. Subsequently, we evaluate the influence of the thickness of a Cu stabilizer on the thermal stability of the NI and conventional insulation windings. Finally, we discuss the mechanism of high thermal stability attained in the NI coil winding technique. - R&D Project on HTS Magnets for Ultrahigh-Field MRI Systems
Taizo Tosaka, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Sadanori Iwai, Yasumi Otani, Masahiko Takahashi, Kenji Tasaki, Shunji Nomura, Tsutomu Kurusu, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi, Atsushi Ishiyama, Shinichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), An R&D project on high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnets using (RE) Ba2Cu3O7 (REBCO; RE = rare earth) wires for ultrahigh-field (UHF) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems is described. Our targets are 9.4-T MRI systems for whole-body imaging and brain imaging. REBCO wires are promising components for UHF-MRI because REBCO wires have high critical current density in high magnetic fields and high strength against hoop stresses, which allows MRI magnets to be smaller and lighter than conventional ones. The aim of the project is to establish basic magnet technologies for adapting REBCO coils for UHF-MRI. The project term is three years, and this year is the final year. We have already demonstrated the generation of an 8.27-T magnetic field with a small test coil composed of 22 REBCO pancake coils. A magnetic field spatial distribution with inhomogeneity of several hundreds of parts permillion within 100-mm diameter spherical volume (DSV) was demonstrated with a 1-T model magnet. A stable magnetic field of a few parts per million per hour was also demonstrated with the 1-T model magnet. The targets of the project, to be achieved by March 2016, are to demonstrate the generation of a 9.4-T field with the small REBCO coil, and to demonstrate a homogeneous magnetic field in 200-mm DSV with a 1.5-T magnet having three pairs of split coils. Imaging will be performed with the 1.5-T magnet. - Experiment and Simulation of Impregnated No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coil
So Noguchi, Katsutoshi Monma, Sadanori Iwai, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Taizo Tosaka, Shunji Nomura, Tsutomu Kurusu, Hiroshi Ueda, Atsushi Ishiyama, Shinichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), It is important to investigate the stability and behavior of an epoxy-resin-impregnated no-insulation (NI) REBCO pancake coil to implement high-field applications, such as ultra-high-field magnetic resonance imaging. We have performed sudden discharging and overcurrent tests for the impregnated NI REBCO pancake coil. From the discharging test, the contact resistivity is estimated, and it changes depending on the initial current. From the overcurrent test, the high thermal stability of the impregnated NI REBCO pancake coil is confirmed. The REBCO pancake coil is charged up to 67 A though the critical current is only 46 A, and no degradation has been found. To investigate in detail the electromagnetic behavior of an impregnated NI REBCO pancake coil, the simulation is performed by means of the partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) model. In the sudden discharging test, the simulation results for the case of lower initial current are in good agreement with the experimental data. As can be inferred from the simulation results, the current drastically decreases from the inside of the impregnated NI REBCO pancake coil. The result of the overcurrent simulation is almost identical to the experimental one. However, since the contact resistivity is presumed to be constant in the simulation, the difference is observed in the high current region. - Evaluation of Irregular Magnetic Field Generated by Screening Current in REBCO Coils for High Accuracy Field
Ayako Matsumi, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi, Tao Wang, Atsushi Ishiyama, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Taizo Tosaka, Shunji Nomura, Tsutomu Kurusu, Shinichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In recent years, research and development of applications for a high field magnet wound with a REBCO tape into nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging have been carried out. These applications require a very high accuracy field, that is, the spatial uniform and temporally stable field. However, in the REBCO coils, the irregular magnetic field is generated by the screening current, which is remarkably induced by the radial component of the magnetic field in a REBCO tape. Therefore, a nonconventional approach is required for the reduction or correction of the irregular magnetic field generated by the screening current in the stage of design for a high-accuracy-field REBCO coil. The prediction and improvement of the irregular magnetic field generated by the screening current is a serious issue for the development and design of REBCO coils and correction shims. In this study, we numerically investigated the screening current distribution in the winding and the irregular magnetic field generated by the screening current. Moreover, we discuss the irregular effect of the magnetic field generated by the screening current in the REBCO coil from the arrangement of the coil windings and excitation pattern. - Numerical Simulation on Magnetic Field Generated by Screening Current in 10-T-Class REBCO Coil
Hiroshi Ueda, Yohei Imaichi, Tao Wang, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi, Sadanori Iwai, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Taizo Tosaka, Shunji Nomura, Tsutomu Kurusu, Shinichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In a REBCO superconducting magnet for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications, the large screening current induced by a magnetic field perpendicular to the winding tape is a serious problem: it generates irregular magnetic field that deteriorates the spatial field homogeneity and temporal field stability in MRI applications. Therefore, we need to estimate the magnetic field generated by the screening current using electromagnetic field analysis to design and develop a REBCO magnet that generates highly accurate and stable magnetic field. Therefore, to examine the influence of the magnetic field generated by the screening current, we constructed cryocooler-cooled small bore-coil stacked pancake REBCO coils with an inner diameter of 50 mm. This coil generates a magnetic field of 10 T at the center. In this study, we report the evaluation of the current distribution and magnetic field in the REBCO coil using the developed 3-D numerical simulation code for electromagnetic field analysis in a REBCO tape using the finite-element method and fast multipole method. The numerical results agree well with the experimental results. Furthermore, we discuss the current distribution in the REBCO tape and the spatial and temporal behavior of the magnetic field on the basis of the results of the experiments and numerical simulation. - Evaluation on Quench Protection for No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coil
Takahiro Oki, Aika Ikeda, Tao Wang, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi, Katsutoshi Monma, Tomonori Watanabe, Shigeo Nagaya
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We have been developing a no-insulation (NI) winding technique to be used in both high thermal stability and high current density, which have a tradeoff relationship. This paper presents numerical and experimental studies on the thermal stability of an NI REBCO pancake coil by focusing on a quench protection scheme. In the case of an accident or a local normal-state transition, the power supply for the superconducting coil must be immediately shut down in order to ensure its safety. During the sudden discharging of a conventional insulated winding coil, most of the stored electromagnetic energy is dissipated by an external dump resistor connected across the coil terminals as a quench protection system. However, in an NI pancake coil, current flows in the radial direction in order to bypass the local normal-state area to the adjacent turns. The stored energy in the coil may be dissipated as Joule heat owing to the turn-to-turn contact electrical resistance. In this study, by using experiments and numerical analyses, we evaluated two transient behaviors during sudden discharging: the distribution of energy dissipation and the temperature increase in model NI REBCO pancake coils. We also evaluated the thermal behavior of the NI coil during a local normal transition. - Evaluation of Magnetic Field Homogeneity of a Conduction-Cooled REBCO Magnet with a Room-Temperature Bore of 200 mm
H. Miyazaki, S. Iwai, Y. Otani, M. Takahashi, T. Tosaka, K. Tasaki, S. Nomura, T. Kurusu, H. Ueda, S. Noguchi, A. Ishiyama, S. Urayama, H. Fukuyama
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26, 3, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2016年04月
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), © 2002-2011 IEEE. Development of a higherature superconducting magnet wound with REBa2Cu3O7-δ (REBCO)-coated conductor for ultrahigh-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is in progress. Our final targets are 9.4-T MRI systems for whole-body and brain imaging. Since REBCO-coated conductors feature high mechanical strength under a tensile stress and high critical current density, superconducting magnets could be made smaller by using REBCO coils. Superconducting magnets for MRI require homogeneous stable magnetic fields. The homogeneity of the magnetic field is highly dependent on the size and current density of the coils. Furthermore, in REBCO magnets, the screening-current-induced magnetic field that changes the magnetic field distribution of the magnet is one of the critical issues. In order to evaluate the magnetic field homogeneity and the screening-current-induced magnetic field of REBCO magnets, a conduction-cooled REBCO magnet with a roomerature bore of 200 mm was fabricated and tested. The REBCO coils were composed of 12 single pancakes, and the size of the homogeneous magnetic field region was 100-mm diameter spherical volume (DSV). The central magnetic field was as high as 1 T at 285 A. The magnetic field distribution on the z-axis was measured by using an NMR probe. The maximum error magnetic field was 470 parts per million (ppm) in the range from -50 to +50 mm, as well as in the coefficients of the spherical harmonic expansion for a 100-mm DSV. The error magnetic fields due to the screening-current-induced magnetic field were less than 5 ppm, because there was a sufficient distance between the coil and the homogeneous magnetic field region. The main reason for the error magnetic field was dimensional errors in the outer diameters and positions on the $z$-axis. - Investigation of Current Flow Between Turns of NI REBCO Pancake Coil by 2-D Finite-Element Method
So Noguchi, Katsutoshi Monma, Hajime Igarashi, Atsushi Ishiyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The no-insulation (NI) winding technique for an NI ReBCO pancake coil is expected to improve dynamic and thermal stability and enhance current density. The investigations on electromagnetic and thermal behaviors are important for the development of NI ReBCO coils. Many stability investigations of the NI ReBCO coil itself have been carried out by experiments and simulations. However, the detailed behavior of the bypass current between turns has not been shown. Although contact resistivity was obtained through prior experiment, it included the resistivity of not only contact surface but also the components, i.e., the copper stabilizer and the Hastelloy substrate, of a ReBCO tape. To investigate the detailed bypass current behavior in this paper, the true contact surface resistivity is taken into account in the simulation. The bypass current on the cross section of the NI ReBCO tape is simulated using the two-dimensional finite-element method. From the simulation results, the influence of the coil-radial resistivity between turns on the turn-to-turn contact surface resistivity is clarified. In addition, the heat loss is also reported, and a simple equivalent circuit of the turn-to-turn contact is proposed. - Fast Magnetic Flux Line Allocation Algorithm for Interactive Visualization Using Magnetic Flux Line Existence Probability
Takuto Naoe, So Noguchi, Vlatko Cingoski, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The visualization of magnetic flux lines is one of the most effective ways to intuitively grasp a magnetic field. The depiction of continuous and smooth magnetic flux lines according to the magnetic field is of paramount importance. Thus, it is important to adequately allocate the distribution of magnetic flux lines in the analyzed space. We have already proposed two methods of determining the allocation of magnetic flux lines in 3-D space. However, both the methods exhibited a long computation time to determine the allocation of magnetic flux lines. For solving this problem, in this paper, we propose a new improved method for the correct allocation of magnetic flux lines in the 3-D space with modest computational cost. The main advantages of this method are shorter computation time, correct allocation of the magnetic flux lines, and, especially, short computation time for the visualization of magnetic flux lines when changes in the number of depicted flux lines are requested. - R&D Progress of HTS Magnet Project for Ultrahigh-field MRI
Taizo Tosaka, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Sadanori Iwai, Yasumi Otani, Masahiko Takahashi, Kenji Tasaki, Shunji Nomura, Tsutomu Kurusu, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi, Atsushi Ishiyama, Shinichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), An R&D project on high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnets using rare-earth Ba2Cu3O7 (REBCO) wires was started in 2013. The project objective is to investigate the feasibility of adapting REBCO magnets to ultrahigh field (UHF) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems. REBCO wires are promising components for UHF-MRI magnets because of their superior superconducting and mechanical properties, which make them smaller and lighter than conventional ones. Moreover, REBCO magnets can be cooled by the conduction-cooling method, making liquid helium unnecessary. In the past two years, some test coils and model magnets have been fabricated and tested. This year is the final year of the project. The goals of the project are: (1) to generate a 9.4 T magnetic field with a small test coil, (2) to generate a homogeneous magnetic field in a 200 mm diameter spherical volume with a 1.5 T model magnet, and (3) to perform imaging with the 1.5 T model magnet. In this paper, the progress of this R&D is described. The knowledge gained through these R&D results will be reflected in the design of 9.4 T MRI magnets for brain and whole body imaging. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. - An Accelerated Computation Method of Legendre Polynomial Coefficients for MRI REBCO Magnet Design
So Noguchi, Ryosuke Miyao, Hajime Igarashi, Atsushi Ishiyama
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), When designing an MRI magnet, its field homogeneity is evaluated by higher-order coefficients of the Legendre polynomial expression than 0th. Recently, the development of ultra-high-field (similar to 10 T) MRI magnet wound with REBCO tapes is underway. REBCO tapes are flat, and its current-carrying region is very narrow compared to its cross section. However, to compute the higher-order coefficients for MRI REBCO magnet is a labor task because the currentcarrying region is discretely arranged.In this paper, we propose an accelerated method of computing the higher-order coefficients of the Legendre polynomials for MRI REBCO magnet design using a shift operator. - Classification and Size Estimation of Wafer Defects by Using Scattered Light Distribution
Yoshihiko Sugihara, Toshifumi Honda, Yuta Urano, Masahiro Watanabe, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Usually, wafer inspection is a two-step process. The first step, which is very important, consists of detection of defects on the wafer. The second step classification of the detected defects, which is done after defect detection as necessary. Recently, it has become necessary to perform simultaneous detection and classification of wafer defects in order to reduce the wafer inspection time while maintaining high resolution of inspection. Optical wafer inspection is the most effective method for detecting and classifying defects and estimating their size in a short time. In this method, the scattered light distribution is compared with a database of previous scattered light distributions and pattern matching is used to classify defects and estimate their size. Therefore, to achieve optical wafer inspection based on scattered light distribution, it is necessary to gather scattered light distribution data for many samples of various kinds. The first aim of this study is to develop a defect classification and size estimation method utilizing the scattered light distribution. We propose a method of classifying defects on wafers and estimating their size. The proposed method is based on pattern matching utilizing a parametric eigenspace. The second aim of the paper is to validate the proposed method by applying it to scattered light distribution samples. The light scattering distribution samples were generated by discrete dipole approximation (DDA) simulation. A database of the light scattering distribution is easily created using the simulation. (C) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. - Charging Behavior in No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coils
Xudong Wang, Tao Wang, Erika Nakada, Atsushi Ishiyama, Ryusei Itoh, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper presents analytical studies on the charging characteristics of a no-insulation (NI) REBCO pancake coil. A partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) model has been developed to evaluate the local current paths in NI REBCO pancake coils. The PEEC model is able to consider the asymmetry of the coil winding, the partial turn-to-turn contact electrical resistance, and the partial self and mutual inductances. The analysis results are compared with previous charging experimental results and simulations using a simplified parallel equivalent circuit (SPEC) model to validate the proposed approach with the PEEC model. To investigate the charging characteristics of a meter-class NI REBCO pancake coil, numerical simulations were performed by using the PEEC and SPEC models as a parameter of the turn-toturn contact electrical resistance. In addition, the magnetic field in a 3-T NI REBCO coil was calculated by the SPEC model to clarify the charging delay of a practical scale magnet. - Analyses of Transient Behaviors of No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coils During Sudden Discharging and Overcurrent
Tao Wang, So Noguchi, Xudong Wang, Issei Arakawa, Katsuhiko Minami, Katsutoshi Monma, Atsushi Ishiyama, Seungyong Hahn, Yukikazu Iwasa
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Stability margin of a high-temperature superconducting (HTS) coil is two or three orders of magnitude greater than that of a low-temperature superconducting coil. In recent years, many papers have reported test results of turn-to-turn no-insulation (NI) HTS coils having extremely enhanced thermal stability, such that burnout never occurs in an NI coil, even at an operating current exceeding 2.5 times the critical current. Thus, The main goal of this paper is to clarify transient electromagnetic and thermal behaviors and mechanism of the high thermal stability in an NI REBCO coil. A partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) model is proposed for the numerical simulation of an NI REBCO coil, which considers a local electrical contact resistance between turns, an I-V characteristic of an REBCO tape, and local self and mutual inductances of the NI REBCO coil. Using the PEEC model, we investigate the influence of the turn-to-turn contact resistance on the transient behavior of the NI REBCO coil during sudden discharging. We also perform thermal conduction analyses with the PEEC model to clarify the transient behavior of an NI REBCO coil during an overcurrent operation. - Active Shimming for the Entire Components of Magnetic Field Using Tilted Ellipsoidal Correction Coils
So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Magnets creating highly homogeneous and high magnetic field have been used in MRI, NMR, accelerator, and so on. Coils have various shapes, such as solenoid, dipole, D-shape, toroid. When employing a high-field superconducting magnet, it is hard to use ferromagnetic material for shimming because of its magnetic saturation. Commonly, a superconducting magnet is shimmed with currents, called "active shimming." Usually, for shimming, a magnetic field is expressed with spherical harmonics function. To achieve a highly homogeneous field, the higher order spherical harmonic coefficients than the 0th are vanished by suitably arranging shim coils. So far, a formulation of spherical harmonic expression of a circular coil is presented in many papers. However, the circular coil is restricted to eliminate inhomogeneity coefficients. Moreover, only the axial component of the spherical harmonics is represented in these papers. Recently, a few magnets are under development to create a magnetic field tilted from the axis. It is, therefore, necessary to vanish the inhomogeneous field of the entire components. This paper presents the spherical harmonic expression of the entire field components for an ellipsoidal coil, and the translation and rotation of spherical harmonics. Finally, an example of active shimming is shown. - A 1.5-T Magic-Angle Spinning NMR Magnet: 4.2-K Performance and Field Mapping Test Results
John Voccio, Seungyong Hahn, Youngjae Kim, Jungbin Song, Kazuhiro Kajikawa, So Noguchi, Juan Bascunan, Yukikazu Iwasa
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We present results of full-current testing at 4.2 K of a z-axis 0.866-T solenoid and an x-axis 1.225-T dipole coil that comprise a 1.5-T/75-mm room temperature bore magic-anglespinning nuclear magnetic resonance magnet developed at the MIT Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory. Also included in the paper are results of the magnet performance when the magnet assembly is immersed, to enhance its thermal mass, in solid nitrogen, and operated in the temperature range of 4.2-4.3 K. - Rational Design Optimization Method for Reducing Cost and Improving Performance of Commonalized IPM Motors
So Noguchi, Shinya Matsutomo
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In this paper, we propose an economically efficient optimal design method of different-size interior permanent magnet (IPM) motors to maximize their efficiency. Since the homothetic shape is used, the optimization design is, at once, performed. The use of the commonalized design can reduce the productive costs. Game theory is employed as an optimization method. The game theory can simultaneously increase the efficiency of all the IPM motors with the common and homothetic shape. So far, there are no previous reports considering both the economical efficiency and the motor performance simultaneously. Therefore, the proposed optimal design method of the commonalized different-size IPM motors using the game theory method achieves a high electrical efficiency in addition to the economical efficiency due to design optimization. - Numerical Simulation of DC SQUID Taking Into Account Quantum Characteristic of Josephson Junction
Naoya Terauchi, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), High-temperature superconducting quantum interference devices (HTS SQUIDs) have been developed as an extremely sensitive magnetic sensor. The HTS SQUIDs are required to have high robustness with respect to the magnetic noise for stable operation in an unshielded environment and also reduced cost to widen the application range. It is, therefore, necessary to clarify the quantum magnetic behavior of the HTS SQUID. However, a simulation tool, which can consider the quantum magnetic behavior, has not been developed yet. In this paper, an equivalent circuit of a Josephson junction comprising the HTS SQUID is more properly considered to represent the quantum behavior. It can consider the ac and dc Josephson effect. The obtained results are compared with an ordinary simulation using a simplified circuit model, and the results agree well with each other. Using the proposed simulation method instead of the ordinary simulation, the current path is more accurately simulated, so this new method will be used to evaluate the robustness of the SQUID. - Project Overview of HTS Magnet for Ultra-high-field MRI System
Taizo Tosaka, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Sadanori Iwai, Yasumi Otani, Masahiko Takahashi, Kenji Tasaki, Shunji Nomura, Tsutomu Kurusu, Hiroshi Ueda, So Noguchi, Atsushi Ishiyama, Shinichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), A project to develop an ultra-high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system based on HTS magnets using (RE)Ba2Cu3O7 (REBCO; RE=rear earth) coils is underway. The project is supported by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and aims to establish magnet technologies for a whole-body 9.4 T MRI system. REBCO wires have high critical current density in high magnetic fields and high strength against hoop stresses, and therefore, MRI magnets using REBCO coils are expected to have cryogenic systems that are smaller, lighter, and simpler than the conventional ones. A major problem in using REBCO coils for MRI magnets is the huge irregular magnetic field generated by the screening current in REBCO tapes. Thus, the main purpose of this project is to make the influence of this screening current predictable and controllable. Fundamental technologies, including treatment of the screening currents, were studied via experiments and numerical simulations using small coils. Two types of model magnets are planned to be manufactured, and the knowledge gained in the development of the model magnets will be reflected in the magnet design of a whole-body 9.4 T MRI system. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). - Numerical Electromagnetic Simulation of Effective Partial-Insulation NbTi Superconducting Coil
So Noguchi, Katsutoshi Monma, Ryusei Itoh, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), The no-insulation winding technique is a promising way of enhancing the thermal stability of NbTi superconducting coils. However, it takes a long time to charge a no-insulation superconducting coil, because the time constant is relatively large. Hence, a partial-insulation winding technique was also proposed to reduce the time constant with a high thermal stability. However, the time constant of the previously proposed partial-insulation NbTi superconducting coil could not drastically be improved, and the cause was investigated using a partial-element equivalent circuit model. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new partial-insulation structure, and the effectiveness is verified using a partial element equivalent circuit model. The results show that a relatively small time constant is achieved when charging and discharging the proposed partial-insulation NbTi superconducting coil. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). - Overturning Force Simulation on Normal-State Transition of Toroidal HTS-SMES Taking Into Account an Electromagnetic and Thermal Condition
So Noguchi, Ryusei Itoh, Yuki Oga, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Recently, many investigations about toroidal high-temperature superconducting magnetic energy storage systems have been reported. Some papers reported that there was a possibility that the chain of normal-state transitions occurred on the toroidal HTS-SMES magnet by normal-state-transition simulation. Hence, it should also be investigated that the behavior of unbalanced electromagnetic force during the sequential normal-state transition of the superconducting coil elements. In this paper, we have developed a simulation code to investigate the behavior of the overturning electromagnetic force on the toroidal HTS-SMES system during the normal-state transition. The magnetic field and the circuit analysis were coupled and solved in the previously developed simulation code. Additionally, in order to investigate the normal-state transition more accurately, we also take the thermal analysis into account. Carrying out the newly developed numerical simulation, we investigate the time transition of the transport current, the overturning force, and the magnetic field applied to the superconducting coil elements for a few toroidal HTS-SMESs. - Numerical Simulation of Superconducting Coil Wound With No-Insulation NbTi Wire
So Noguchi, Ryusei Itoh, Seungyong Hahn, Yukikazu Iwasa
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A no-insulation winding technique for an NbTi superconducting coil is expected to improve its dynamic stability during charging or discharging. Experimental results, recently reported, demonstrated the charging stability enhancement of an NI coil. In an NI winding, an amount of current can bypass to adjacent wires to avoid the generation of a local hot spot and, as a result, the dynamic stability is improved. In spite of the potential technical merits of the NI technique, the charging responses of an NI coil, including the non-uniform current distribution under a time-varying condition, have not been investigated analytically yet. In this paper, we propose a simulation method using an equivalent circuit equation for an NI coil with its inductance and the contact turn-to-turn resistances taken into consideration. The simulation results were analyzed in three aspects: terminal voltage, loss energy, and stored magnetic energy. - Measurement and Simulation of Magnetic Field Generated by Screening Currents in HTS Coil
Hiroshi Ueda, Mitsuhiro Fukuda, Kichiji Hatanaka, Kenta Michitsuji, Hiraku Karino, Tao Wang, Xudong Wang, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi, Yoshinori Yanagisawa, Hideaki Maeda
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In coils wound with high-temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes, large screening currents are induced in the tape by the radial component of the magnetic field. Furthermore, when a transport current is supplied to the HTS tape under a magnetic field, the total current (which consists of the transport and screening currents) flows inhomogeneously. The magnetic field generated by the screening currents affects the magnetic field distribution in cyclotron applications. Investigating the effects of the screening currents on the reduction, hysteresis, and drift of the magnetic field in the HTS coil is therefore necessary. In our previous studies, we have developed a novel simulation code for a three-dimensional electromagnetic field with the aim of clarifying these effects. In the present study, we measured the reduction and hysteresis of the magnetic field generated by the screening currents for a small model of HTS pancake coil. Additionally, we numerically investigated the influence of the screening current in the Furs coil on the spatial and temporal behavior of the magnetic field using our developed simulation code, which considers the nonlinear voltage-current characteristics. - Passive Shimming for Magic-Angle-Spinning NMR
So Noguchi, Seungyong Hahn, Yukikazu Iwasa
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The superconducting dipole magnets wound with HTS wires have been developed for a magic-angle-spinning NMR. The magnetic field of the dipole magnets is tilted from z-axis. Since the highly homogeneous magnetic field is required, the magnetic field of the dipole magnets is necessarily compensated by passive and/or active shimming. However, the compensation of all the components has not been reported. Usually, due to the axial symmetry of a solenoid magnet, only z component of the magnetic field is homogenized. In this paper, all the x, y, and z components of the magnetic field generated by the superconducitng dipole magnet are compensated because of the tilt from the z-axis. - Formulation of the spherical harmonic coefficients of the entire magnetic field components generated by magnetic moment and current for shimming
So Noguchi
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 115, 16, 163908-163908-18, AMER INST PHYSICS, 2014年04月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), For MRI and NMR magnet design, a highly homogeneous and high magnetic field has to be achieved by active and/or passive shimming. The active and passive shimming commonly homogenize the magnetic field around the magnet center by cancellation of the higher terms of a spherical harmonic series than the 0th term. So far, the spherical harmonic expression in the cylindrical coordinate system is well known for a circular coil, a solenoid coil, and magnetization of ferromagnetic material with/without its volume. In a shimming design, only the z-component of an inhomogeneous magnetic field is compensated because it is dominant to the performance of MRI/NMR. However, various kinds of MRI and NMR systems have recently been developed, and these magnets sometimes have an axially asymmetric configuration or generate a tilted magnetic field. Therefore, the entire x-, y-, and z-components have to be homogenized for such magnets. I derive the spherical harmonic expression of the entire components of magnetic field generated by a circular coil, a dipole coil, and a straight line current. In addition, since the entire magnetization components of the ferromagnetic material having the volume contribute the entire components of the magnetic field around the magnet center, I also derive the equations of the spherical harmonic coefficients of the magnetic field generated by ferromagnetic material. Since these equations need a numerical integration, such as the Gauss quadrature integration, the computation accuracy of the spherical harmonic coefficients is investigated against the number of the evaluation points. We can calculate the highly accurate spherical harmonic coefficients with the small number of the evaluation points. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC. - Meaning of the Rational Solution Obtained by Game Theory in a Multi-Objective Electromagnetic Apparatus Design Problem
So Noguchi, Tomoyuki Miyamoto, Shinya Matsutomo
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The optimization method is often used for designing the configuration of electromagnetic apparatuses in order to enhance performance. Many optimal design methods have been developed and popularized. However, most of the optimal design methods can only take into account a single objective function. Therefore, when the problem has a few purposes, a weighted summed objective function is usually employed. Recently, we have proposed a new method, taking into account the multiple purposes simultaneously and individually. The proposed method can select one rational solution from among the Pareto optima, based on the game theory. However, the meaning of the selected rational solution is unclear. Therefore, the meaning is investigated by calculating the weight parameters of the weighted summed objective function so that the optimal solution of the weighted summed objective function is identical to the rational solution of the game theory. We can intuit the meaning of the rational solution by comparing the weight parameters. - Passive Shimming by Eliminating Spherical Harmonics Coefficients of all Magnetic Field Components Generated by Correction Iron Pieces
So Noguchi, SeokBeom Kim, Seungyong Hahn, Yukikazu Iwasa
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When a magnet generating highly homogeneous magnetic field is designed, a shimming is required. The shimming is usually performed so that the magnetic field only in the axis direction is compensated by iron pieces and/or coils. The compensation is commonly achieved by eliminating the coefficients of the spherical harmonics expansion of the magnetic field generated by the main magnet. Some papers showed the coefficients of the spherical harmonics expansion in only the z-direction for passive shimming. However, recently some magnets generate a magnetic field tilted from the z-axis, such as a magic-angle-spinning nuclear magnetic resonance/MRI. It is, therefore, necessary to eliminate the coefficients of the spherical harmonics expansion in the x- and y-direction. - Acceleration of Dynamic Bubble Mesh Generation for Large-Scale Model
So Noguchi, Fumiaki Nobuyama, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), An automatic mesh generation method employing a dynamic bubble system can provide a high-quality mesh for electromagnetic finite element analysis. However, it takes a very long time to compute bubbles' movement when a mesh with a large number of elements is generated. The bubbles move according to a force among them, such as the van der Waals force. However, the force received from bubbles of very far distance can be ignored. Therefore, it is unnecessary to calculate the force from all the bubbles. In this paper, we propose a subdivided dynamic bubble system in order to shorten the computation time. The proposed method considers the analysis region to be divided into some tetrahedral subdivisions, and then the bubbles move independently in the tetrahedral subdivisions. As a result, acceleration of the computation time is achieved. - Numerical simulation of SQUID magnetometer considering equivalent electrical circuit of Josephson junction
Naoya Terauchi, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), A SQUID is a highly sensitive magnetic sensor. However, a defect of SQUID is high susceptibility to magnetic noise. The high robustness of SQUID with respect to magnetic noise enables to widen the range of applications. We have striven to clarify the mechanism of weakness in magnetic noise by means of numerical electromagnetic field simulation to support a SQUID development. However, a Josephson junction was modeled as a constant resistance and a SQUID behaviour was not correctly simulated in the previous paper. Therefore, the non-linear current-voltage characteristic of the Josephson junction is newly taken into account the simulation to represent the SQUID behaviour. As the results, the phenomena of the step-increasing magnetic flux and the spike voltage that could not be reproduced in the previous paper is simulated. It is successful to qualitatively evaluate the SQUID behaviour, i.e. it becomes possible to represent superconducting-to-voltage and voltage-to-superconducting state transitions. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. - Conceptual Design of Next Generation HTS Cyclotron
Hiroshi Ueda, Mitsuhiro Fukuda, Kichiji Hatanaka, Tao Wang, Xudong Wang, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi, Shigeo Nagaya, Naoji Kashima, Nobuyuki Miyahara
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In recent years, the quality of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes has been improving rapidly, becoming available in sufficient quantity and length, and can be applied to devices for power systems and industrial applications. Therefore, we are carrying out a feasibility study on the application of HTS coil to a medical accelerator system for particle cancer therapy, and designing a new HTS cyclotron that is to be compact, highly efficient, is able to extract high-energy beam and consume less power. In this paper, we report our effort to develop a conceptual magnetic design of a "next generation HTS cyclotron" using high-temperature superconducting technology. - Screening Current Simulation Inside YBCO Tape in Charging YBCO Magnet
Ryusei Itoh, Yuki Oga, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), It was reported that a magnetic field perpendicular to a high temperature superconducting (HTS) tape induced a screening current in the HTS tape of an HTS magnet, and a central magnetic field decreased due to the screening current after the HTS magnet was charged. Hence, it is necessary to investigate the distribution of the screening current inside the HTS tape. This paper reports numerical simulation results about the current distribution and an electrical resistance inside the HTS tape of two HTS magnets, which have different shapes but generate the same central magnetic field, using the finite element method taking into account the E-J characteristic of the HTS tape. The results indicate that the distribution of the perpendicular magnetic field and the electrical resistivity are dependent on the coil shape. The current path in the HTS tape is determined from their distribution. It is concluded that the HTS magnet with a bad shape generates a little large electrical resistance. - Spatial and Temporal Behavior of Magnetic Field Distribution Due to Shielding Current in HTS Coil for Cyclotron Application
Hiroshi Ueda, Mitsuhiro Fukuda, Kichiji Hatanaka, Tao Wang, Atsushi Ishiyama, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We intend to develop and obtain a compact, high-efficiency and high-performance cyclotron using the high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnet technology. In cyclotron applications, a high-accuracy magnetic field distribution with an isochronous field and an azimuthally varying field is spatially and temporally required for an HTS coil. In coils wound with HTS tapes, large shielding currents are induced in the HTS tape by the radial component of the magnetic field. The magnetic field generated by the shielding current affects the magnetic field distribution in the cyclotron application in the following issues: (1) field reduction by the shielding current, (2) accuracy of the field distribution, (3) temporal stability of the time-dependent shielding currents, and (4) field repeatability after charge and discharge repetitions. These effects are very critical in cyclotron applications. We developed a novel numerical simulation based on the finite element method, boundary integral equation, and fast multipole method. We investigated the spatial and temporal behavior of the magnetic field attributed to the shielding current in the HTS coil for the HTS cyclotron application. - Comparison of Optimal Configuration of SMES Magnet Wound With MgB2 and YBCO Conductors
Yuki Oga, So Noguchi, Makoto Tsuda
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper describes a comparison of an optimal configuration of SMES magnets wound with MgB2 or YBCO conductors. For YBCO SMES, it is well known that a toroidal magnet is an ideal structure from the view point of the influence of the perpendicular component of magnetic field applied to an YBCO tape. We investigated an ideal structure for MgB2 SMES by comparing with the YBCO SMES. Because an MgB2 wire has no anisotropic magnetic property like an YBCO tape, the toroidal structure is unsuitable for MgB2 SMES. Therefore, we proposed a new structure of MgB2 SMES where the magnetic flux leaking between conductors is avoided. An MgB2 SMES of the proposed structure can store approximately 5.6 times higher than that of a single solenoid structure with the same winding volume. - Normal Transition Simulation on Toroidal HTS-SMES Considering Electromagnetic and Thermal Characteristics
Yuki Oga, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We previously investigated the stability of toroidal HTS-SMES magnets by simulation. The simulation took an electric circuit and a magnetic field phenomenon into account. However, a thermal condition is an important factor in investigating the behavior of an HTS-SMES magnet. Therefore, we have improved the previously developed simulation code to consider the thermal phenomenon. With the newly developed numerical simulation, we have investigated a time transition of a coil current, a critical current, and a temperature in the toroidal HTS-SMES magnets. As a result, it was confirmed that the temperature of all the HTS coils rose up quickly one after another, after the temperature at a certain local area of one HTS coil was increased. - A New Mesh Smoothing Method to Improve the Condition Number of Submatrices of Coefficient Matrix in Edge Finite Element Method
So Noguchi, Atsushi Takada, Fumiaki Nobuyama, Masahiko Miwa, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A common mesh smoothing method strives to improve the shape quality of all elements. Generally a mesh consisting of only well-shaped elements is desired in finite element analysis. Although a perfect-shaped element yields short computation time, even a well-shaped element, whose shape is close to a regular polygon, sometimes prolongs the computation time of solving the system of equations derived with the edge-based finite element method. In this paper, we propose a new smoothing scheme of improving a convergence property of the system of equations by applying a common mesh smoothing method to some elements, which cause long computation time of the iterative solver. The proposed smoothing scheme utilizes the condition number of submatrices, into which coefficient matrix derived with the edge-based finite element method is subdivided, in order to choose ill-conditioned elements to be smoothed. As a result, the computation time is shortened applying a smoothing process only to the chosen ill-conditioned elements. - The Parallelized Automatic Mesh Generation Using Dynamic Bubble System With GPGPU
Fumiaki Nobuyama, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), An automatic mesh generation method employing a dynamic bubble system can provide a high-quality mesh for electromagnetic finite-element analysis. However, there is a problem in that it takes a very long time to compute the bubbles' movement when a mesh with a large number of elements is produced. It is possible to independently and simultaneously compute the bubbles' movement; therefore, the computation of the bubbles' movement is suitable for parallel computing. In order to shorten the computation time, the computation of the bubbles' movement is parallelized with the graphics-processing unit (GPU). We propose a dynamic bubble system parallelized with GPU. As a result, a reduction in computation time was achieved. - Real Time Simulation Method of Magnetic Field for Visualization System With Augmented Reality Technology
Shinya Matsutomo, Kenta Mitsufuji, Yuta Hiasa, So Noguchi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In this paper, we propose a real-time visualization system utilizing Augmented Reality Technology for electromagnetics education. It gives an image of magnetic field generated by a bar magnet with a piece of iron in real-time, however the bar magnet and the piece of iron are represented by mock ones. In the newly proposed visualization system, these mocks are captured by a web camera, and mesh needed in the calculation of magnetic field is deformed. Subsequently, a finite element analysis is carried out in very short time and then the magnetic field is immediately visualized. Thereby, it is, in real-time, observable that magnetic flux lines generated by the bar magnet are attracted to a piece of iron. Moreover, when a user moves the mocks, the magnetic flux lines are immediately depicted according to the position of the mocks. - Clarification of the rational solution obtained from game theory in multipurposed optimisation problem
Tomoyuki Miyamoto, Shinya Matsutomo, Naoya Terauchi, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Usually, multiple objectives have to be considered when an electromagnetic apparatus is optimally designed. In such a multipurposed optimal design problem many solutions exist and are termed Pareto optimum. Hence, we have previously proposed a multipurposed optimal design method based on a game theory. The proposed method can choose one rational solution from Pareto optima. It is, however, unconfirmed what the signification of the chosen rational solution is. Therefore, the signification is investigated by calculating the weight parameters of a weighted summed objective function. - 散乱光分布を利用した半導体ウエハ上の欠陥種分類および寸法推定に関する研究
杉原 慶彦, 本田 敏文, 浦野 雄太, 渡辺 正浩, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌), 133, 11, 15, 2124, 一般社団法人 電気学会, 2013年
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Usually, there are two processes in wafer inspection. One is detection of defects on a wafer, which is very important. The other is classification of the detected defects, which is done after defect detection as necessary. Recently, it has been necessary to simultaneously detect and classify defects on wafers in order to shorten the wafer inspection time with high resolution. Optical wafer inspection is the most effective method for detecting and classifying a defect and estimating its size in a short time. Optical wafer inspection utilizing scattered light distribution can easily detect and classify a defect since the distribution depends on both the type and size of the defect. The measured scattered light distribution is compared with a database of the previous scattered light distributions using pattern matching in order to classify the defect and estimate its size. Therefore, to achieve optical wafer inspection with scattered light distribution, it is necessary to gather scattered light distribution data for many various samples.The first aim of this study is to develop a defect classification and size estimation method utilizing scattered light distribution. We propose a way for classifying a defect on a wafer and estimating its size. The proposed method uses pattern matching utilizing a parametric eigenspace. The second aim of the paper is to validate the proposed method by applying it to scattered light distribution samples. The light scattering distribution samples are generated by Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA) simulation. The database of the light scattering distributions is easily created using the simulation. - A Study on Multi-purposed Optimal Design of Ejector Nozzle of Optical Sorter for Productivity and Economic Efficiency Improvement
宮本知幸, 野口聡
日本シミュレーション学会論文誌(Web), 5, 4, 59-66 (J-STAGE), 66, Japan Society for Simulation Technology, 2013年
英語, An optical sorter is commonly employed as an equipment of sorting and processing for various kinds of particles. Recently, the optical sorter is demanded in various fields in order to improve the food safety and/or product quality of particles. It is, hence, desired to develop an optical sorter with high performance targeting widely various materials. An efficient sorting mechanism of the optical sorter has to be designed in order to improve the yield in the sorting and processing line and to increase the productivity.
In the previous paper, we have reported about a study on air flow from an ejector nozzle of optical sorter using a numerical simulation approach. We clarified that the behavior of the air flow from the ejector nozzle strongly depends on the configuration of the ejector nozzle. In this paper, due to the productivity development of the optical sorter, we propose a product design approach from the viewpoints of social trends, customer needs, and customer benefits, instead of the conventional approach of engineering design from the viewpoints of only the scientific based result using CAD and CAE. Therefore, we also propose a method of applying the game theory to the multi-purposed trade-off design problem taking into account the economic viewpoint in the productivity development. The game theory can evaluate individual and collective rationality and select an appropriate solution from Pareto-optima of the multi-purposed design problem.
In this paper, for the purpose of productivity and economic-efficiency improvement of the optical sorter, the ejector of the optical sorter is optimally designed. It is required that the air pressure is so high using less amount of the air that foreign particles are removed without mistakingly discharging a good particle. Although these requirements are trade-off each other, the air-pressure portion and nozzle height of the ejector is rationally decided using the game theory. - A Case Study for Design and Development of an Optical Sorter Using Numerical Simulation Approach
宮本知幸, 野口聡
日本シミュレーション学会論文誌(Web), 5, 1, 1-9 (J-STAGE), 2013年
英語 - Numerical simulation of screening current distribution in HTS tape of high field magnet
Ryusei Itoh, Yuki Oga, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi, Hiroshi Ueda
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In recent years, properties of high temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes, especially in-field performance and mechanical strength, have been continuously improved. The HTS tapes have been widely used for high field (>20 T) magnet researches and there are several technical challenges including field attenuation of an HTS magnet by screening currents induced within the HTS tapes. Several publications reported that the screening currents, induced by penetration of self magnetic fields into HTS tapes within an HTS magnet, weakened a field constant of the HTS magnet. The result may demonstrate that the screening current changes an overall current density distribution in HTS tapes and, as a consequence, the generated magnetic field. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the screening current distribution in an HTS tape. This paper reports numerical simulation of the screening current distribution in an HTS tape of high field magnets using 2D finite element method with the E-J characteristic of the HTS tape taken into account. Self magnetic field distribution and its orientation to the HTS tape are also considered to compute critical currents and locally generated electric fields, two key components to figure out the distribution of screening currents. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - Simulation of Chain of Quenches on Toroidal HTS-SMES Taking Account of B - J - theta Characteristics
Yuki Oga, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Recently, many HTS-SMES systems have been designed and investigated in many countries. They usually consist of some superconducting element coils owing to effectively storing excessively high energy. If one of the superconducting element coils transition into a resistive state, the energy stored in the resistive superconducting element coil has to be immediately dispersed by a shunt resistor to prevent the superconducting conductor from burning. However, the electromagnetic behavior of the HTS-SMES with some resistive superconducting element coils has not yet been well investigated. Therefore, we have developed a simulation code to investigate the electromagnetic behavior of the HTS-SMES magnet after one or more superconducting element coils transitions into the resistive state. In the simulation, the magnetic field analysis and the electrical circuit analysis are coupled with the critical current calculation considering the B - J - theta characteristics of HTS tape. By the electromagnetic simulation, it is indicated that a chain of quenches is caused by the quench of one element coil. - Overturning Force Simulation on Chain of Quenches of Toroidal HTS-SMES
Yuki Oga, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In recent years, many toroidal HTS-SMES consisting of some superconducting element coils have been investigated and designed. In stable operation, the electromagnetic force applying to the superconducting element coils maintains balance because of the toroid structure and the same transport current of each superconducting element coil. However, if one of the superconducting element coils transitioned into a resistive state, the balance of the electromagnetic force would be broken down, and then the huge electromagnetic force would work onto the superconducting element coils. The huge electromagnetic force may overturn the superconducting element coils, and consequently a large accident occurs. However, the behavior of the overturning electromagnetic force after the transition of some superconducting element coils into the resistive state has been not yet well investigated. For the design of the HTS-SMES magnet, it is, therefore, necessary to investigate the overturning electromagnetic force on the design stage. We have developed a simulation code to investigate the behavior of the overturning electromagnetic force on the toroidal HTS-SMES system after the transition of one superconducting element coil into the resistive state. The magnetic field and the circuit analysis are coupled and solved in the developed simulation code. - Real-Time Visualization System of Magnetic Field Utilizing Augmented Reality Technology for Education
Shinya Matsutomo, Takenori Miyauchi, So Noguchi, Hideo Yamashita
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In electromagnetics education, it is important for beginners, who start to learn electromagnetics, to give an illustration of magnetic field. In this paper we propose a new real-time visualization system. It can visualize a composite image of source materials and their generated magnetic field utilizing the Augmented Reality technique to the users. With this real-time visualization system, electromagnetics learners can observe the visualized magnetic field as a realistic magnetic distribution on real-time and the visualized field changes immediately they move the objects. - Magnetic Field and Fluid Flow Computation of Plural Kinds of Magnetic Particles for Magnetic Separation
So Noguchi, SeokBeom Kim
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Magnetic chromatography is an effective system for fine magnetic particle separation because of its strong magnetic field gradients. We have been developing the magnetic chromatography system to separate two or more kinds of fine magnetic particle with different sizes. To evaluate the performances of our developed system, we have also developed a simulation code with taking into account the fluid dynamics and magnetics. It is, however, difficult to consider two or more kinds of fine magnetic particles with different sizes in the simulation, because magnetic interferences between two or more kinds of magnetic particles need to be considered. Therefore, we have newly developed a simulation code to deal with magnetic interferences between two or more kinds of fine magnetic particles. - Characteristic Analysis of Directly Coupled HTS dc-SQUID Magnetometer With Superconducting Film Magnetic-Shield Considering Josephson-Junction Resistance
Naoya Terauchi, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Saburo Tanaka
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A high temperature superconducting quantum interface device (HTS SQUID) is an extremely sensitive magnetic sensor. The HTS SQUID is required to have a high robustness with respect to magnetic noise for stable operation outside a magnetic shielding room. In order to achieve the high robustness of HTS SQUID, use of a magnetic shield with a superconducting film has been proposed, and its effectiveness has been confirmed in the experiments. In this paper, an electromagnetic field simulation was performed using the 3-D edge finite element method to confirm the effectiveness of the superconducting film magnetic-shield. Since both the SQUID magnetometer and the superconducting film magnetic-shield are made of HTS, it is required to consider the HTS characteristics in the electromagnetic field simulation. Additionally, the SQUID magnetometer has Josephson junction. In this paper, the property of the Josephson junction is also considered. The simulation accuracy depending on the type of the finite element mesh is also investigated. - Adaptive Mesh Generation Method Utilizing Magnetic Flux Lines in Two-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis
Shinya Matsutomo, So Noguchi, Hideo Yamashita
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), To solve electromagnetic field problems by the finite element method, it is necessary for a user to make a mesh in preprocess. However, the made mesh is usually different from that made by the other users, since it depends on the user's experience and knowledge. The mesh strongly affects the accuracy of the analysis result. The adaptive finite element method has been researched in order to address this problem. In this paper, we propose a new mesh generation method utilizing magnetic flux lines in two-dimensional electromagnetic field problem. Utilizing the magnetic flux lines computed with a rough mesh, it is possible to distribute elements with different densities suitable for the electromagnetic field distribution. - A New Acceleration Factor Decision Method for ICCG Method Based on Condition Number
Atsushi Takada, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The ICCG method is widely used to solve a sparse symmetric linear system which results from the finite element method. In order to improve the convergence property of the ICCG method, the introduction of the acceleration factor was proposed. The automatic acceleration factor decision method, using the incomplete Cholesky decomposition of a coefficient matrix, has been previously proposed. However, when employing the previously proposed automatic decision method, much more iterations of ICCG method are sometimes necessary, compared with using the optimum acceleration factor, which minimizes the number of ICCG iterations. In this paper, we propose a new acceleration factor decision method. The proposed method takes into account the condition number of the coefficient matrix. It is well known that the condition number represents the quality of the matrix, so the optimum acceleration factor should be decided to minimize the condition number of the coefficient matrix. However, the condition number of the coefficient matrix is not almost available due to requiring a large memory in computing. Therefore, we develop a new method using submatrix, that does not need a large memory. The procedure and demonstration of the proposed method are described in this paper. - Numerical Simulation and Experimental Verification for Rice Using Distinct Element Method
Tomoyuki Miyamoto, So Noguchi, Shinya Matsutomo
ASIASIM 2012, PT I, 323, 472, +, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2012年, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Distinct Element Method (DEM) has been developed for simulating behavior of discontinuous material by considering interaction between distinct elements, i.e. particles. After confirming the validity of DEM through some analysis, we can investigate behavior of material on a chute of a Sorting Machine with DEM. In the previous paper, we have reported that DEM is useful in simulating particles with various shapes, that is sorted by a Sorting Machine. The purpose of this paper is to discuss designing for an effective chute of a Sorting Machine from DEM results. At first, a repose angle of various types of rice in a stock box was simulated and the simulation results were compared with experimental ones. Secondly, the behavior of rice on a chute of a Sorting Machine was simulated and the simulated behavior was compared with actual one. Finally, we designed an effective chute of a Sorting Machine with DEM. - Simulation of chain of quenches on toroidal HTS-SMES taking account of thermal and electromagnetic characteristics
Y. Oga, S. Noguchi, H. Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), When a temperature rise occurs at a local area inside a coil of toroidal HTS-SMES by any reason, a temperature hotspot which results in a thermal runaway appears at the local area. Subsequently, after appearing the local normal zone in the HTS coil, the transport current of the HTS coil decrease since the resistance of HTS coil appears and the current partially flows into a parallel-connecting shunt resistance. However, if the transport current of the normal-transitioned HTS coil is hardly changed, the temperature on the hotspot would rise more and then the normal zone would spread rapidly. It may cause a serious accident due to high stored energy. Therefore, using the numerical simulation, we have investigated the behaviors of the coil current, the critical current, and the temperature in the superconducting element coils of HTS-SMES. Consequently, the temperature of the superconducting element coils rises up extremely when a large heat is generated at a certain area of one of them by any reason. Moreover, there is a possibility that the shunt resister hardly functions for protection since the coil is burned out due to high inductances and low resistance of the superconducting element coil. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of ISS Program Committee. - Magnetic shielding simulation of superconducting film magnetic shield covering directly coupled HTS dc-SQUID magnetometer
Naoya Terauchi, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi, Yoshimi Hatsukade, Saburo Tanaka
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), An HTS SQUID magnetometer is a highly sensitive magnetic sensor. The SQUID magnetometer is, however, susceptible to magnetic noise. Hence, to enhance the robustness of the SQUID magnetometer with respect to magnetic noise, a cover with a superconducting film magnetic shield has been proposed. The superconducting film magnetic shield improves the robustness with respect to magnetic noise and widens the effective area of the SQUID sensor. It was also confirmed that the shape of the superconducting film magnetic shield affected the effectiveness in the magnetic shield in experiments.In our research, we have carried out a magnetic shielding simulation of the SQUID magnetometer covered with the superconducting film magnetic shield by using a 3D edge finite element method. To clarify the influence of the shape of the superconducting film magnetic shield on the effective area of the SQUID sensor, the simulation concerning a few shapes of the superconducting film magnetic shield was carried out. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the superconducting film magnetic shield, the supercurrent inside the SQUID magnetometer and the superconducting film magnetic shield are simulated. From the simulation results, it is confirmed that the effective area of the SQUID sensor is widened by attaching the superconducting film magnetic shield over the SQUID ring. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Guest Editors. - Quench simulation of SMES consisting of some superconducting coils
S. Noguchi, Y. Oga, H. Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In recent years, many HTS superconducting magnetic energy storage (HTS-SMES) systems are investigated and designed. They usually consist of some superconducting element coils due to storing excessively high energy. If one of them was quenched, the storage energy of the superconducting element coil quenched has to be immediately dispersed to protect the HTS-SMES system. As the result, the current of the other element coils, which do not reach to quench, increases since the magnetic coupling between the quenched element coil and the others are excessively strong. The increase of the current may cause the quench of the other element coils. If the energy dispersion of the element coil quenched was failed, the other superconducting element coil would be quenched in series. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the behavior of the HTS-SMES after quenching one or more element coils. To protect a chain of quenches, it is also important to investigate the time constant of the coils. We have developed a simulation code to investigate the behavior of the HTS-SMES. By the quench simulation, it is indicated that a chain of quenches is caused by a quench of one element coil. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - Magnetic shield effect simulation of superconducting film shield covering directly coupled HTS dc-SQUID magnetometer
N. Terauchi, S. Noguchi, H. Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), An HTS SQUID is a high sensitive magnetic sensor. In recent years, the HTS SQUID is widely used in various applications. In some applications, high robustness with respect to magnetic noise is required to realize stable operation at outside of a magnetic shielding room. The target of this paper is a directly coupled HTS dc-SQUID magnetometer. To enhance the robustness of the SQUID magnetometer, use of a superconducting thin film shield has been proposed. The magnetic field directly penetrating the SQUID ring causes the change of the critical current of Josephson junction, and then the SQUID magnetometer transitions into inoperative state. In order to confirm the magnetic shield effect of the superconducting film shield, electromagnetic field simulation with 3D edge finite element method was performed. To simulate the high temperature superconductor, E-J characteristics and c-axis anisotropy are considered. To evaluate the effect of the superconducting film shield, an external magnetic field which is supposed to be a magnetic noise is applied. From the simulation results, the time transition of the magnetic flux penetrating the SQUID ring is investigated and the effect of the superconducting film shield is confirmed. The amplitude of the magnetic flux penetrating the SQUID ring can be reduced to about one-sixth since the superconducting film shield prevents the magnetic noise from directly penetrating the SQUID ring. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - Magnetic shield effect simulation of superconducting film shield covering directly coupled HTS dc-SQUID magnetometer
N. Terauchi, S. Noguchi, H. Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), An HTS SQUID is a high sensitive magnetic sensor. In recent years, the HTS SQUID is widely used in various applications. In some applications, high robustness with respect to magnetic noise is required to realize stable operation at outside of a magnetic shielding room. The target of this paper is a directly coupled HTS dc-SQUID magnetometer. To enhance the robustness of the SQUID magnetometer, use of a superconducting thin film shield has been proposed. The magnetic field directly penetrating the SQUID ring causes the change of the critical current of Josephson junction, and then the SQUID magnetometer transitions into inoperative state. In order to confirm the magnetic shield effect of the superconducting film shield, electromagnetic field simulation with 3D edge finite element method was performed. To simulate the high temperature superconductor, E-J characteristics and c-axis anisotropy are considered. To evaluate the effect of the superconducting film shield, an external magnetic field which is supposed to be a magnetic noise is applied. From the simulation results, the time transition of the magnetic flux penetrating the SQUID ring is investigated and the effect of the superconducting film shield is confirmed. The amplitude of the magnetic flux penetrating the SQUID ring can be reduced to about one-sixth since the superconducting film shield prevents the magnetic noise from directly penetrating the SQUID ring. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - Simulation of Magnetic Fluid to Develop the Magnetic Chromatography for Magnetic Particle Separation
So Noguchi, SeokBeom Kim
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A magnetic chromatography is a very useful system for an ion and/or fine magnetic particle separation. Recently, its performance has been enhanced using a superconducting magnet. The superconducting magnet can generate a high magnetic field and its strong magnetic field gradients in a very small flow channel. We have developed the magnetic chromatography system to separate the fine particles. However, its numerical simulation is difficult, since the scale of the fine magnetic particles in fluid is much different from the scale of the superconducting magnet generating the strong magnetic field. In order to accurately simulate the magnetic separation, it is necessary to develop the simulation code dealing with the multiscale. The performance of the developed magnetic chromatography is evaluated by the developed simulation tool, and it is clarified that it is unsuitable for magnetic particle separation. Therefore, a magnetic chromatography is newly designed and its performance is evaluated by the developed simulation tool. - Investigation on Novel Magnetic Chromatography With Ferromagnetic Nano-Wires for Ion Separation
So Noguchi, SeokBeom Kim
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Magnetic chromatography is a very useful system for ion and/or fine magnetic particle separation due to strong magnetic field gradients in a very small flow channel. We have developed the magnetic chromatography system to separate the ions and fine particles. It is, however, difficult to separate the ions or the magnetic particles using the developed magnetic chromatography. It makes the strong magnetic field gradients in the flow channel, but the alternate direction of the gradient is not suitable for magnetic separation. Therefore, we have newly designed a novel magnetic column with ferromagnetic nano-wires. In this paper, the new magnetic column is presented, and the magnetic field and its gradients in the flow channel are investigated. - Influence of Magnetic Property of Ferromagnetic Shield on High Field Magnet Analysis
Keisuke Yoshizawa, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In this paper, an influence of a magnetic property of a ferromagnetic shield on design of a high field magnet, which generates high magnetic field with high homogeneity, such as NMR and MRI, is described. The NMR and MRI magnets often need the magnetic shield to protect an environment and to reduce a stray magnetic field. An iron shield used as a general magnetic shield typically has a nonlinear magnetic property. In magnetic analysis for the magnet design, we have to take into account the nonlinearity of the magnetic property of iron to compute the accurate magnetic field, since the ferromagnetic shield is exposed to so high magnetic field. That is, the iron is saturated in high magnetic field. So far the design of the high field magnets with the ferromagnetic shield exposed to over 2 T has been less reported. Recently, it was reported that the nonlinear magnetic properties of iron were measured at high magnetic fields over 2 T. The difference among the magnetic fields of the high field magnets with the ferromagnetic shield, computed by the finite element method with a few magnetization curves, is investigated. - An Optimal Configuration Design of Superconducting Magnets for DC Reactor Taking Loss into Account
So Noguchi, Makoto Tsuda
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Large-inductance DC reactors are often required in practical factories, and superconducting magnets represent an interesting alternative for the construction of such devices. It is therefore useful to obtain optimized designs for DC reactors, particularly for the minimization of the winding volume under many constraints. The superconducting magnets of DC reactors can be operated at higher temperature than that of SMES, since the rated current in the case of DC reactors is much smaller. To operate at high temperature (77 K) makes the coolant cost low. However, the flux flow loss becomes large at 77 K, and then it has to be taken into account at the design stage. In this paper, the optimized configurations of toroidal superconducting magnets for DC reactor are presented and the configurations of HTS conductor are investigated under taking the flux flow loss into account. - Development of a Numerical Simulation Method for the Magnetic Separation of Magnetic Particles
Noguchi So, Kim SeokBeom
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 47, 5, 898, 901, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011年05月, [査読有り]
英語, Magnetic separation is a very useful tool in medicine manufacturing and sludge disposal and we have developed the magnetic chromatography system, which separates the magnetic particles or the ions from fluid due to its strong magnetic field gradients in the very small flow channel. There are many fine ferromagnetic wires on the wall of the developed magnetic column. A superconducting magnet applies a strong magnetic field to the magnetic column, and fine ferromagnetic wires make strong magnetic field gradients. It was, however, impossible to accurately evaluate the performance of the developed magnetic column due to the absence of a good simulation method. In order to enhance the accuracy of the simulation, it is necessary to couple the fluid dynamics simulation with the magnetic field simulation. Therefore, we have developed a simulation code dealing with the fluid dynamics, solving Navier-Stokes, control volume, and magnetic field equations simultaneously, and compared the simulation result with the experimental one to verify the validity. - Semi-Three-Dimensional Visualization of Electromagnetic Field Analysis Result With Volumetric Display
Noguchi So, Inaba Tomoaki, Igarashi Hajime
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 47, 5, 1330, 1333, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011年05月, [査読有り]
英語, When visualizing a 3-D electromagnetic field analysis result, physical quantity on a surface or a cross-section of objects is visualized mostly. It is, however, desired to observe the physical quantity and the phenomenon inside the objects in 3-D space. In this paper, the method to visualize the physical quantity inside the objects with a volumetric display is proposed. The volumetric display is based on a stack of LCDs, and developed to separately display the images on the LCDs. With the volumetric display, the physical quantity, which changes on different cross-sections of the objects in 3-D, can be visualized simultaneously. The volumetric display is also used for image comparison. In order to compare the results of magnetic field analysis, usually each image is compared by overlappingly visualizing these. However, it is easy to visualize the images and compare these, using the volumetric display. The volumetric display is a useful tool for post-processing of the electromagnetic field analysis. - Stability of Toroidal SMES using YBCO Tapes for Simultaneous Quench of a few Coils
So Noguchi, Seok Beom Kim
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), We have investigated the stability of 2.0 GJ toroidal HTS-SMES, which consists of 90 element coils wound from YBCO tape. If one or more element coils are quenched, the storage energy reduces due to change of the magnetic field distribution. A series of quench for some element coils may occur, when the energy of the quenched coil cannot be consumed adequately. The simultaneous quench of some element coil may cause the system down. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the simultaneous quench properties. - Evaluation of Hexahedral Mesh Quality for Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics
Y. Motooka, S. Noguchi, H. Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), We have previously proposed an automatic hexahedral mesh generator. It is necessary to understand about the quality and characteristic of the generated mesh to perform hexahedral edge finite element analysis in electromagnetic. Therefore, we have compared high-quality meshes with poor-quality meshes, and investigated about the factors that affect the accuracy and the computation time. In addition, we investigated about the effect of the templates used in the proposed method. We will conclusively apply the result to improving the automatic hexahedral mesh generator. - The study on optimization issues for magnetic separation by magnetic chromatography
S. B. Kim, R. Iwamoto, K. Kataoka, S. Noguchi, H. Okada
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The magnetic chromatography is a very useful system for an ion and/or fine magnetic particle separation because it has strong magnetic field gradients even in a very narrow flow channel. We have not only developed the magnetic chromatography system to separate the fine particles and ions, but also the numerical analysis code based on the fluid dynamics and electromagnetism to investigate the separating characteristics and to optimize design of magnetic column. In this study, the simple experiments using a superconducting magnet with a large room-temperature-bore and a micro-scale magnetic column consisting of ferromagnetic wires were carried out to understand the ions separation. The cobalt chloride (CoCl(2)) and the nickel sulfate (NiSO(4)) were used as ions, and the magnetic field and length of magnetic column were used as a parameter in an experiment and an analysis. It can be expected that the ion mobility of a single and complex are quite different, and the ability of the separation will be improved by increasing the column length without external magnetic field. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - The study on optimization issues for magnetic separation by magnetic chromatography
S. B. Kim, R. Iwamoto, K. Kataoka, S. Noguchi, H. Okada
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The magnetic chromatography is a very useful system for an ion and/or fine magnetic particle separation because it has strong magnetic field gradients even in a very narrow flow channel. We have not only developed the magnetic chromatography system to separate the fine particles and ions, but also the numerical analysis code based on the fluid dynamics and electromagnetism to investigate the separating characteristics and to optimize design of magnetic column. In this study, the simple experiments using a superconducting magnet with a large room-temperature-bore and a micro-scale magnetic column consisting of ferromagnetic wires were carried out to understand the ions separation. The cobalt chloride (CoCl(2)) and the nickel sulfate (NiSO(4)) were used as ions, and the magnetic field and length of magnetic column were used as a parameter in an experiment and an analysis. It can be expected that the ion mobility of a single and complex are quite different, and the ability of the separation will be improved by increasing the column length without external magnetic field. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - An Optimal Configuration Design of Superconducting Magnets With HTS Tapes for DC Reactor
So Noguchi, Makoto Tsuda
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Large-inductance DC reactors are often required in practical factories, and superconducting magnets represent an interesting alternative for the construction of such devices. It is therefore useful to obtain optimized designs for DC reactors, particularly for the minimization of the winding volume under many constraints. In this paper the optimized configurations of toroidal superconducting magnets for DC reactor are presented and the configurations for SMES are compared. - Development of Numerical Analysis Method for Magnetic Separation of Magnetic Particle and Ion With Magnetic Chromatography
So Noguchi, SeokBeom Kim, Katuhito Kataoka
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The magnetic chromatography is a very useful system for an ion and/or fine magnetic particle separation due to its strong magnetic field gradients in a very small flow channel. We have developed the magnetic chromatography system to separate the fine particles and ions. However, its numerical simulation is difficult, since the scale of the ions or fine particles in fluid is much different from the scale of the superconducting magnet generating the strong magnetic field. In order to accurately simulate the magnetic separation, it is necessary to develop the simulation code dealing with the multi-scale problem. - Characteristics of Magnetic Separation for Magnetic Particle and Ion by Magnetic Chromatography With Novel Magnetic Column
SeokBeom Kim, Yuichi Okimoto, Satoru Murase, So Noguchi, Hidehiko Okada
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The magnetic chromatography (MC) is a very useful system for an ion and/or fine magnetic particle separation due to its strong magnetic field gradients in a very small flow channel. We have not only developed the MC system to separate the fine particles and ions, we have also developed the numerical analysis computer code based on the fluid dynamics and electromagnetism to investigate the separating characteristics and to optimize design of magnetic column. In this paper, we studied MC technology for magnetic particles and ion separations using micro-scale magnetic column with ferromagnetic wires experimentally. The influences of the strength of magnetic gradient, flow velocity and coefficient of viscosity of solvent were studied by the developed computer code. - Flexible Control of Multimaterial Tetrahedral Mesh Properties by Using Multiresolution Techniques
Hiroaki Date, So Noguchi, Masahiko Onosato, Satoshi Kanai
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper describes a method for flexibly controlling the properties of a given multimaterial tetrahedral mesh for finite-element analysis. Our method is based on multiresolution techniques. A given mesh is first subdivided and then simplified so that the resulting mesh satisfies the user-specified thresholds for mesh properties (element size, shape, valence, and geometric tolerance). Once the simplification is completed, mesh resolution and density can be modified quickly by using level of detail. - An optimal configuration design method for HTS-SMES coils tanking account of thermal and electromagnetic characteristics
So Noguchi, Youichi Inaba, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper describes an optimal design method for SMES coils wound with high temperature superconducting tapes. Commonly, on the design stage of a SMES coil, its configuration is optimized to reduce the winding' volume and the weight under taking into account the electromagnetic characteristics of high temperature superconducting tapes. The better configuration can be optimally designed to taken into account its thermal characteristics. So, we propose an optimal design method for SMES coils wound with Bi2223/Ag tape taking into account both electromagnetic and thermal characteristics. In this paper, the designs of 72 MJ toroidal SMES coil are investigated using the Simulated Annealing as an optimization method and the Finite Element Method as a thermal analysis method. - Selection of an optimal solution for multiobjective electromagnetic apparatus design based on Game Theory
Tomoyuki Miyamoto, So Noguchi, Hideo Yamashita
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In general, many optimal solutions exist to a multipurpose optimal design problem, and the selection of one appropriate solution from the optimal set is a challenging task. In this work, a method applying Game Theory for decision-making from the Pareto-optimal solutions is proposed. From a practical point of view, more than two objectives frequently have to be taken into account. The optimal design method presented in this paper is able to deal with such problems. The proposed method was applied to an optimal design problem with multiple objectives to confirm its usefulness. - 六面体辺有限要素解析結果からの磁束線算出手法とバブルシステムによる磁束線配置手法
平畠 将士, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 山下 英生
電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society, 127, 11, 1205, 1212, 一般社団法人 電気学会, 2007年11月01日
日本語, This paper presents analytical calculation of magnetic flux line from hexahedral edge finite element analysis and its allocation using the Bubble System for visualization. Most of methods to draw magnetic flux lines can't take their distribution into sufficient consideration. As a result, such visualizations bring out observer's misunderstanding about the magnetic field and the phenomenon. Therefore, the method to appropriately allocate the magnetic flux lines in a space using the Bubble System is proposed. In the proposed method, the bubble's radius of the Bubble System depends on the magnetic flux density to consider the density of lines. The proposed method using the Bubble System can visualize magnetic flux lines appropriately. Then, the observer can correctly grasp the magnetic field and the phenomenon. - 電磁機器の多目的最適化設計におけるゲーム理論を用いた解選択に関する検討
宮本 知幸, 野口 聡, 山下 英生
シミュレーション = JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY, 26, 2, 121, 126, 日鉄技術情報センタ-, 2007年06月15日
日本語, In this paper, we propose a method applying Game Theory for decision-making from the Pareto-optimal solutions. In general, many optimal solutions exist to a multi-purpose optimal design problem, and to select one appropriate solution from the optimal set is a challenging task. therefore, two kinds of the non-zero-sum games without cooperation and with bargaining are applied to the multi-purposed design problem. As the results, the approach using the Game Theory is effective in the information-providing for selecting a suitable solution for multi-purposed optimal design problem. Additionally, the multiple-designers' intention, at the design stage, can be clearly and effectively reflected by the proposed approach. - Asymmetrical normal zone propagation analysis considering Hall effect for large aluminum stabilized superconductor
So Noguchi, Nobuki Kawawada, Hajime Igarashi, Atsushi Ishiyama, Nagato Yanagi, Shinsaku Imagawa
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Aluminum stabilized superconductors are used in accelerators, SMES, and fusion devices, such as the LHD helical coils. These superconductors have large cross-sectional area of high purity aluminum to improve their stability. However, one of the important properties of these superconductors is the transient stability, which is caused by a long duration of transport current transfer from the superconducting strands into the aluminum in a normal state region. Once a normal zone is initiated in such superconductors, excess joule heat is generated in a small region of the aluminum stabilizer near the superconducting strands during the transport current diffusion time. It hence deteriorates the transient stability. Therefore, it is important to investigate the characteristics of the transient stability by numerical analysis. The latest experiments of the LHD helical coil conductor showed an asymmetrical propagation of normal zone along the longitudinal direction of the conductor. The Hall effect is clearly one of the causes of this phenomenon. The Hall effect prevents the transport current from transferring between the superconducting strands and the aluminum stabilizer. It causes the asymmetrical transport current distribution, and affects the stability of the superconductor. In order to simulate the normal zone propagation in the superconductor more precisely and to clarify the cause of the asymmetrical propagation, we have developed a 2D finite element analysis code taking account of the Hall effect and investigated the characteristics of the normal zone propagation of large aluminum stabilized superconductors. - Operating property analysis of parallelized resistive fault current limiter using YBCO thin films
So Noguchi, Takanori Tanikawa, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The resistive Superconducting Fault Current Limiters are very attractive devices for electric power circuits. We have investigated the operating properties of a parallelized superconducting fault current limiter made from YBCO thin film and gold film on sapphire substrate by numerical simulation. In order to improve the operating properties and the stability, the YBCO films need to be parallelized. However, it is necessary to investigate whether a few sheets of YBCO film with different critical current density will deteriorate the device's operating properties and stability. That is, when the fault current occurs in power circuit, all YBCO films with different critical current density have not simultaneously quenched. It causes the deterioration of the operating properties. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the influence of the imbalanced critical current density on the quench characteristics of the parallelized superconducting fault current limiter by numerical simulation. The simulation is performed by a newly developed code coupling the thermal diffusion and the current circuit. It takes into account the E-J power low depending temperature, obtained by experiments. The current limiting properties and the recovery properties are evaluated from quench behavior when the YBCO films have some inhomogeneities. Moreover, the influence of the thickness of gold film on the current limiting properties is also investigated. To grasp such properties is required when the resistive fault current limiter using YBCO thin film is designed. - An automatic hexahedral mesh generation to control shape of elements
Hirotomo Fujimori, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi, Hideo Yamashita
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In this paper, an automatic hexahedral mesh generation method is presented in order to control the element size along each direction. By utilizing Ellipsoidal Bubbles as mesh density data, the present method can generate the mesh with flat elements for analysis, including very thin domain such as eddy current regions of conductor, motor air gaps, and so on. In order to verify the effectiveness of the present method, the finite element analysis was actually performed. - 重み付き評価型の学習機能を有するアダプティブ・メッシング手法
藤森 寛朝, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. D, A publication of Industry Applications Society, 127, 3, 293, 299, 一般社団法人 電気学会, 2007年03月01日
日本語, This paper presents an adaptive mesh generation with parameterized learning. The present method does not need to perform iterative processes of field analysis in contrast with the conventional adaptive meshing methods. The present method evaluates mesh qualities for each element by means of evaluation function, which is weighted linear combination of shape and area of elements, distance from material corners and so on. The element which has the worst value of the evaluation function is divided into a few elements according to its shape, and this procedure is repeated until the prescribed number of elements is obtained. By using the simple Genetic Algorithm (sGA), the weighting coefficients are optimized through learning with example models such that the resultant mesh has the lowest numerical error.
The good mesh can be obtained without time-consuming computation, since the weight values for the mesh features are learned by the sGA. The present method would allow us to realize effective design and development of electromagnetic machine and devices. - A new analysis method for accurate supercurrent distribution inside HTS bulk
Tomohiro Yanagawa, Kazufumi Kaneda, So Noguchi, Hideo Yamashita
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), It is necessary to accurately comprehend the characteristics of high-temperature superconducting bulk in application. However, the accurate simulation of supercurrent in high-temperature superconducting bulk is difficult even by adopting the finite element method. The equivalent electrical conductivity of high-temperature superconducting bulk is introduced for the supercurrent analysis. Due to the strong non-linearity of the conductivity, the analytical convergence of the non-linear equation solvers, e.g., the Newton-Raphson method deteriorates. Consequently, the unreasonable supercurrent is observed in the results. Therefore, in this paper, the accuracy of the supercurrent analysis in the high-temperature superconducting bulk is discussed and a new method is proposed for the accurate high-temperature superconducting bulk simulation, and then the validity of the proposed method is discussed by analyzing two example models, a disk and a sphere. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - A new method for the robust design of high field, highly homogenous superconducting magnets using an immune algorithm
Felipe Campelo, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When designing high-field superconducting magnets, such as the ones used in nuclear magnetic resonance, one is often interested in using the minimum winding volume, in order to reduce the construction costs. On the other hand, a highly homogeneous, highly regulated magnetic field is an essential requirement for this kind of system. Moreover, small variations in the design parameters are unavoidable in the construction of any equipment, and must be taken into account during the design process. Due to these many requirements, the design of magnets with high field homogencity is a very difficult task for traditional optimization methods.Optimization methods based in the artificial immune systems paradigm are usually able to perform global as well as local exploration of the search space. The local search feature can be used to perform an estimation of the sensitivity of the candidate solutions, thus enabling the algorithm to search for points that represent robust devices at a reasonable computational cost.In this work, we explore the design of a high-field, highly homogeneous superconducting magnets by using an immune-based robust optimization algorithm. The algorithm is described, and applied to the optimization of the device. The analysis of the results shows the validity of the proposed method. - Transient stability analysis taking into account Hall effect for large aluminum stabilized superconductor
Nobuki Kawawada, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi, Atsushi Ishiyama, Nagato Yanagi, Shinsaku Imagawa
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Aluminum stabilized superconductors are used in accelerators, SMES, and fusion devices, such as the LHD helical coils. These superconductors have large-cross sectional area of high purity aluminum to improve their stability. However, one of the important properties of these superconductors is the transient stability, which is caused by a long duration of transport current transfer from the superconducting strands into the aluminum in a normal-state region. Once a normal zone is initiated in such superconductors, excess joule heat is generated in a small region of the aluminum stabilizer near the superconducting strands during the transport current diffusion time. It hence deteriorates the transient stability. Therefore, it is important to investigate the characteristics of the transient stability by numerical analysis. The latest experiments of the LHD helical coil conductor show an asymmetrical propagation of normal zone along the longitudinal direction of the conductor.The Hall current generation is clearly one of the causes of this phenomenon. The Hall current generation prevents the transport current from transferring between the superconducting strands and the aluminum stabilizer. It causes the asymmetrical transport current distribution, and affects the stability of the superconductor. In order to simulate the normal-zone propagation in the superconductor more preciously and to clarify the cause of the asymmetrical propagation, we have developed a 2D finite element analysis code taking account of the Hall effect and investigated the transient stability of large aluminum stabilized superconductors. - A new analysis method for accurate supercurrent distribution inside high-temperature superconducting bulk
Yanagawa Tomohiro, Kaneda Kazufumi, Ishiyama Atsushi, Noguchi So, Yamashita Hideo
IEEE transactions on magnetics, 42, 4, 751, 754, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS, 2006年04月
英語, It is difficult to accurately simulate supercurrent in high-temperature superconducting bulk even by adopting the finite-element method. The equivalent electrical conductivity of high-temperature superconducting bulk, which has a strong nonlinearity according to the E-J power law, is introduced for the supercurrent analysis. However, the strong nonlinearity results in bad convergency of the nonlinear equation solvers, i.e., the Newton-Raphson (NR) method. Consequently, the unsuitable and/or undulating supercurrent is observed. Therefore, in this paper, the accuracy of the supercurrent analysis in the high-temperature superconducting bulk is discussed and a new method is proposed for the accurate high-temperature superconducting bulk simulation. Then, the method combined a line search with the NR method is adopted as a nonlinear equation solver, and the improvement of convergency and computation time are investigated - An error evaluation scheme based on rotation of magnetic field in adaptive finite element analysis
Matsutomo Shinya, Miyamoto Tomoyuki, Kaneda Kazufumi, Noguchi So, Yamashita Hideo
IEEE transaction on magnetics, 42, 4, 567, 570, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS, 2006年04月
英語, The finite-element analysis is widely used in design stage of electromagnetic apparatuses. The analysis accuracy depends on the characteristics of the finite-element mesh, e.g., number of nodes, number of elements and shape of elements. Recently, the adaptive finite-element analysis is one of the most promising numerical analysis techniques. In process of the adaptive finite-element method, the error evaluation is one of the important schemes. In this paper, a new error evaluation scheme, which is suitable for electromagnetic problems, is proposed The proposed error evaluation method is then applied to two-dimensional and three-dimensional magnetostatic field problems for its verification - A modified immune network algorithm for multimodal electromagnetic problems
Campelo Felipe, Guimarães Frederico G., Igarashi Hajime, Ramírez Jaime A., Noguchi So
IEEE transactions on magnetics, 42, 4, 1111, 1114, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS, 2006年04月
英語, Some optimization algorithms based on theories from immunology have the feature of finding an arbitrary number of optima, including the global solution. However, this advantage comes at the cost of a large number of objective function evaluations, in most cases, prohibitive in electromagnetic design. This paper proposes a modified version of the artificial immune network algorithm (opt-AINet) for electromagnetic design optimization. The objective of this modified AINet (m-AINet) is to reduce the computational effort required by the algorithm, while keeping or improving the convergence characteristics. Another improvement proposed is to make it more suitable for constrained problems through the utilization of a specific constraint-handling technique. The results obtained over an analytical problem and the design of an electromagnetic device show the applicability of the proposed algorithm - An optimal configuration design method for HTS-SMES coils
S Noguchi, A Ishiyama, S Akita, H Kasahara, Y Tatsuta, S Kouso
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Recently, the properties of high temperature superconducting tapes have been in advance and high temperature superconducting magnets have been constructed and demonstrated. However, the high temperature superconducting tapes have different thermal characteristics compared with low temperature superconducting wires. Therefore, it is necessary to consider these characteristics of high temperature superconducting tapes at the magnet design stage. We proposed an optimal design method for superconducting coils wound with Bi2223/Ag tapes. In this paper, the configuration of 72 MJ SMES coils wound with Bi2223/Ag tapes are optimized. - An automatic hexahedral mesh generation for high-quality mesh by deformation and tree structure
S Noguchi, T Maeda, K Yamashita, H Yamashita, Cingoski, V
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), An automatic mesh generator for hexahedral elements has already been proposed. However, the application of this generator to a model with both the hexahedral and the cylindrical objects results with generated meshes with large number of flat finite elements. It is known that a large number of flat elements lead to much lengthy finite element analysis (FEA) and lower accuracy of the obtained results. Therefore, the development of the versatile and high-quality automatic hexahedral mesh generator for models consisting hexahedral and cylindrical objects in the same model is strongly desired. In the proposed generation method, where the geometrical change of the model is employed, the generated mesh is composed mainly of well-shaped hexahedral elements. Moreover, the same number of boundary nodes for imposing periodical boundary conditions can be generated. - Analytical computation and visualization of magnetic flux lines in 3-D space from hexahedral edge finite element results
S Noguchi, T Yoshigai, H Yamashita
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper describes an analytical method for the computation of magnetic flux lines in three-dimensional (3-D) space from hexahedral edge finite element results and its visualization. Using the results obtained from the edge finite element analysis by hexahedral mesh and the magnetic flux line equation in 3-D space, the sequence of line segments that construct the magnetic flux line is computed as faithfully as possible. The features of the proposed method are short computation time and high accuracy, providing cheap and efficient computation. The procedure and three examples to present the usefulness of the proposed method are described. - Transient stability analysis of large aluminum stabilized superconductor by 3D finite element method
T Tsuchiya, S Noguchi, H Yamashita
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Very large current composite superconductors are used in SMES coils and fusion applications. These superconductors have large cross-sectional areas of high purity aluminum to improve their stability and to enhance the overall current density. Once a normal zone is initiated in such superconductors, the current transfers from the superconducting strands to the aluminum stabilizer according to the temperature distribution. The time constant of current diffusion in the aluminum stabilizer, however, is very long due to the low electrical resistivity of aluminum. Therefore, excess joule heat is generated in a small region of aluminum stabilizer near superconducting strands and the temperature increases locally. Therefore, some 2D numerical analyses have been carried out in order to investigate the transient stability. However, recently, the performance of computer is enhanced and a huge numerical simulation becomes possible to be carried out. Therefore, we have developed a 3D finite element analysis codes and carried out some analyses. Finally, we compared the results of 2D and 3D analyses. (c) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V. - An automatic hexahedral mesh generation method for hexahedral elements towards rotating machine
T Maeda, S Noguchi, H Yamashita, Cingoski, V
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We have proposed an automatic mesh generator for hexahedral elements previously. This technique can be applied to almost all models. However, if it is applied to a cylindrical model, its mesh, which contains many flat elements, is generated. Using such mesh, it is time consuming to perform finite element analysis (FEA) and its result may not have enough accurate. Therefore, an automatic mesh generator for cylindrical models is required. In this paper, the hexahedral mesh generation method for cylindrical models is proposed. In this method, by using cylindrical coordinate system, the mesh with well-shaped hexahedral elements is generated even for complicated analysis domain. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - MEG Source Localization by using Artificial Neural Network
JSAEM Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 15, 133, 136, 2005年 - A New Method of Error Estimation for Adaptive Finite Element Method
JSAEM Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 15, 137, 142, 2005年 - 電磁気学教育, 電磁機器設計のための電磁場可視化・電磁力知覚インタラクティブシステムの開発
野口 聡, 松林 豊, 山下 英生
シミュレーション = JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY, 23, 3, 212, 220, 日鉄技術情報センタ-, 2004年09月15日
日本語, In this paper, we propose a new interactive visualization system with force feedback device in 3D electromagnetics. The proposed system can not only visualize some kinds of field distribution, but also make electro-magnetic force perceptible to a user simultaneously, immediately he changes the position of movable object. Perceiving electromagnetic force and observing field distribution help users, who are electromagnetic learners and electric apparatus designers, understand of electromagnetic phenomenon more deeply than a common visualization system with only graphical visualization from computation results. And, the proposed system can interactively visualize the magnetic vector potential distribution, the magnetic flux density distribution, the magnetic flux lines and the magnetic flux density vector or any combination of them. - Transient stability analysis of large aluminum stabilized superconductor by 2D and 3D finite element analysis
T Tsuchiya, S Noguchi, H Yamashita, A Ishiyama, N Yanagi, T Mito
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Very-large-current composite superconductors are used in SMES coils and fusion applications. These superconductors have large cross-sectional areas of high purity aluminum to improve their stability. Once a normal zone is initiated in such superconductors, the current transfers from the superconducting strands to the aluminum stabilizer according to the Maxwell's equations and the temperature distribution. However, the time constant of current diffusion in the aluminum stabilizer is very long as electrical resistivity of aluminum is very low. Therefore, excess Joule heating is generated in a small region of aluminum stabilizer near superconducting strands, and the temperature increases locally. Some 2D numerical analyses have been carried out in order to investigate the transient stability of the superconductor applied to the Helical Coil of LHD in National Institute for Fusion Science. But, as the performance of computers have improved, huge numerical simulations are new feasible. So we wrote a 3D finite element analysis code ourselves to carry out some now analyses that we compared with 2D analysis. - A new interactive visualization system with force feedback device in 3-D electromagnetic
S Noguchi, Y Matsubayashi, H Yamashita, Cingoski, V
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper describes an interactive visualization system with force feedback device in three-dimensional (3-D) electromagnetics. We present an extension and improvement of the previously developed two-dimensional (2-D) interactive visualization system used for visualization of various 2-D field distribution maps with arbitrarily movable objects inside the analyzed region. We improve our 2-D visualization system to deal with real 3-D models. Moreover, we knew that perceiving electromagnetic force along with observing various 3-D field distribution maps could significantly help users to better understand the complex electromagnetic phenomenon. Driven by these ideas, we have developed a 3-D interactive visualization system with force feedback device for fast and easy perception of the electromagnetic force and electromagnetic field distribution maps for 3-D models with movable objects. - A new concept for optimal design method considering modeling accuracy of electromagnetic device
S Matsutomo, S Noguchi, H Yamashita, S Tanimoto
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Optimal design techniques, which consist of numerical analysis and optimization technique, are commonly used for enhancing the efficiency and,for reducing the noise of electromagnetic device. In the optimal design techniques, it is required that the exact solution of the analysis and the precise characteristic of the electromagnetic devices should be obtained. However, usually it is impossible to make the exact model of an electromagnetic device and to remove the numerical error of the numerical analysis. This is one of the reasons why the optimal design techniques has not been more widely utilized. In this paper, a new concept for optimal design considering the accuracy of the analysis is proposed. The proposed optimal design method considers the accuracy of the analysis and indicates multiple solutions. To verify its usefulness, in this paper, an example using the proposed method is shown. - Automatic hexahedral mesh generation for rotating machine
T Maeda, S Noguchi, H Yamashita, Cingoski, V
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In this paper, an automatic hexahedral mesh generator for rotating machines is proposed. In the proposed method, hexahedral mesh with well-shaped elements is generated by means of transformation of coordinates of the analysis model. The main feature of this method is its applicability for meshing models with cylindrical shape due to provided coordinate transformation forward and backward between Cartesian coordinate system and the cylindrical coordinate system. The previously proposed hexahedral mesh generation method could easily control the mesh density and generate well-shaped elements. However, applying that method to rotating machines, due to their cylindrical shape always generates bad-shaped elements. Therefore, we improved and extended this mesh generation method to become fully applicable for meshing complex cylindrically shaped domains of the rotating machines. By using the newly proposed method, a well-shaped hexahedral finite element meshes could be generated suitable for fast and accurate finite element analysis of any cylindrically shaped domains. - A new interactive visualization system with force feedback for electromagnetics education
S Noguchi, Y Matsubayashi, H Yamashita, Cingoski, V
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper describes an interactive visualization system with force feedback device in 3D electromagnetics. Previously, we developed the interactive system that can not only visualize some kinds of field distribution, but make a user feel the magnetic force in 2D electromagnetics simultaneously. The aim of the previous system is mainly educational because physical behavior in 2D electromagnetics is simpler than that of 3D. However, the 3D interactive visualization system with force feedback is required for design, education and so on, since the realistic model is necessarily used. Therefore, we have developed the 3D interactive visualization system with force feedback device. - An Optimal Design Method for Configuration of HTS SMES Coils
Institute of Physics, Conference Series Number 181 [CD-ROM], 1124, 1131, 2004年 - An optimization method for design of PM motor by using Voltage Driven Finite Element Method and Genetic Algorithm
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 19, 1-4, 433, 436, 2004年 - Investigation of Error Estimation and Mesh Refinement for Adaptive Finite Element Method
Computational Engineering I -Advances in Continuum Mechanics and Electromagnetics-, 291, 298, 2004年, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌) - Investigation on Convergency of Non-nested Multigrid Method for High Frequency Electromagnetic Problems
Computational Engineering I -Advances in Continuum Mechanics and Electromagnetics-, 133, 139, 2004年, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌) - Enhancing the Speed of the 3D Finite Element Analysis by the Geometric Multigrid Method With Edge Elements
Spasov Vasil, Noguchi So, Yamashita Hideo
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. D, A publication of Industry Applications Society, 123, 10, 1169, 1175, 一般社団法人 電気学会, 2003年10月01日
英語, This paper presents a fast electromagnetic field analysis by the 3D geometric multigrid method with edge elements. The multigrid method uses a symmetric Gauss-Seidel smoother with Conjugate Gradient acceleration. The convergence and computation speed of the V-cycle, W-cycle and full multigrid method using this smoother are compared with the conventional multigrid using Gauss-Seidel. Comparison is also made between the multigrid method and the ICCG method which is commonly used in the finite element analysis. The efficiency of the multigrid method is analyzed for meshes whose maximum aspect ratios vary in a wide range. It is proven that the multigrid method with the accelerated symmetric Gauss-Seidel outperforms the multigrid with Gauss-Seidel and the ICCG method. The multigrid method with the accelerated symmetric Gauss-Seidel shows stable convergence rate that does not deteriorate for bad quality meshes. It is robust against mesh distortion and parameter variations and is much faster than the conventional multigrid with Gauss-Seidel and the finite element method using ICCG. - An optimization method for design of SMES coils using YBCO tape
S Noguchi, H Yamashita, A Ishiyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Recently, the properties of high temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes have been in advance and HTS magnets have been constructed and demonstrated. However, the HTS tapes have thermal different characteristics compared with the low temperature superconducting (LTS) wires. Moreover, Bi2223/Ag tapes and YBCO coated conductors have the different properties about the dependence on the degree of external magnetic field. Therefore it is necessary to consider these characteristics of HTS tapes at magnet design stage. We proposed an optimal design method for superconducting coils using Bi2223/Ag tapes. And the proposed configuration is optimized by using the simulated annealing (SA), which is one of the optimization algorithms, under a lot of constraints such as B-I characteristic, storage energy, and so on. The details of the optimization method and an example of its application to SMES coils (72 NU) using YBCO coated conductors are shown. - An optimization method for design of SMES coils using YBCO tape
S Noguchi, H Yamashita, A Ishiyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Recently, the properties of high temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes have been in advance and HTS magnets have been constructed and demonstrated. However, the HTS tapes have thermal different characteristics compared with the low temperature superconducting (LTS) wires. Moreover, Bi2223/Ag tapes and YBCO coated conductors have the different properties about the dependence on the degree of external magnetic field. Therefore it is necessary to consider these characteristics of HTS tapes at magnet design stage. We proposed an optimal design method for superconducting coils using Bi2223/Ag tapes. And the proposed configuration is optimized by using the simulated annealing (SA), which is one of the optimization algorithms, under a lot of constraints such as B-I characteristic, storage energy, and so on. The details of the optimization method and an example of its application to SMES coils (72 NU) using YBCO coated conductors are shown. - Fast 3-D edge element analysis by the geometric multigrid method using an accelerated symmetric Gauss-Seidel smoother
Spasov, V, S Noguchi, H Yamashita
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A fast magnetostatic field analysis by the three-dimensional (3-D) geometric multigrid method with edge hexahedra is presented. The multigrid method uses a symmetric Gauss-Seidel smoother with conjugate gradient acceleration. The convergence and the speed of the V- and W-cycle multigrid method using this smoother are compared with the multigrid using Gauss-Seidel. Comparison is also made with the finite-element method (FEM)using ICCG. The multigrid with the accelerated symmetric Gauss-Seidel shows a stable convergence rate that does not deteriorate for bad quality meshes. It is, much faster than the conventional multigrid with Gauss-Seidel and the FEM using ICCG. - Development of a tracking and steering system in a network environment
S Noguchi, F Kanagawa, H Yamashita
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We have been developing a tracking and steering system, which can successively observe numerical data during the numerical computation and can change parameters in the numerical analysis. Moreover, the proposed system is also developed to connect computers in the network: one for numerical computation, the other, for visualization, tracking, and steering of the numerical computation. In this paper, we propose two kinds of systems with different methods of communication between computers. One is the application software client, where the computers are directly communicated by using TCP/IP. Another is the web browser client, where the web server and web browser are necessary. The proposed system enables users to control the numerical computation from everywhere. - 永久磁石モータの最適化設計のための電源電圧決定法に関する一考察
松友 真哉, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 谷本 茂也
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. D, A publication of Industry Applications Society, 123, 4, 364, 369, 一般社団法人 電気学会, 2003年04月01日
日本語, The permanent magnet motors (PM motors) are widely used in electrical machinery, such as air conditioner, refrigerator and so on. In recent years, from the point of view of energy saving, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of PM motor by optimization. However, in the efficiency optimization of PM motor, many design variables and many restrictions are required. In this paper, the efficiency optimization of PM motor with many design variables was performed by using the voltage driven finite element analysis with the rotating simulation of the motor and the genetic algorithm. - 科学数値解析ソフトウェアのためのサーバ・クライアント型トラッキング・ステアリングシステム
野口 聡, 金川 文寛, 山下 英生
シミュレーション, 22, 1, 62, 70, 日鉄技術情報センタ-, 2003年03月15日
日本語, In this paper, we have proposed a tracking and steering system for numerical analysis in network environment. With development of the software and hardware technology on computer, the numerical analyses for huge and complex models have been performed. However, the numerical computations of such models are timeconsuming, and there is high possibility to mistake to input the data of model. Therefore, the steering technique, which is to visualize the physical quantity in calculating, and the tracking technique, which is to control the parameter in order to modify or improve the mistake, are necessary to reduce computing costs. Moreover, in the proposed system, the tracking and the steering can be performed from anywhere through the internet. - Automatic hexahedral mesh generation for FEM using shape recognition technique and tree method
S Nagakura, S Noguchi, H Yamashita, Cingoski, V
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In this paper, a method for automatic hexahedral (Hex) mesh generation is presented. In this method, the shape recognition technique and the tree method are used. Utilizing the shape recognition technique, a mesh is generated in a complicated analysis domain, and a high-quality Hex mesh is obtained. By using the tree method, control of the mesh density is easily enabled. In this proposed system, a modest amount of input data is necessary, like object parameters and the mesh density data. - An optimal design method for SMES coils using HTS tapes
S Noguchi, H Yamashita, A Ishiyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper describes an optimal design method for SMES coils wound with high temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes (e.g., Bi2223/Ag tapes). Recently, the properties of HTS tapes have advanced and HTS magnets have been constructed and demonstrated [1]-[3]. However, the HTS tapes have thermal different characteristics compared with the low temperature superconducting (LTS) wires. Therefore, it is necessary to consider these characteristics of HTS tapes at magnet design stage. We propose an optimal design method for SMES coils using Bi2223/Ag tapes. And the proposed configuration is optimized by using the simulated annealing, (SA), which is one of the optimization algorithms, under a lot of constraints such as B-I characteristic, storage energy, and so on. The details of the optimization method and examples of its application to small SMES coils (0.5 MJ) using Bi2223/Ag tape are shown. - Evolvable analog LSIs: Adaptation to process variations via genetic algorithms
Yoshihiro Hosokawa, So Noguchi, Hideo Yamashita, Shigeya Tanimoto
Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi), 138, 3, 63, 71, 2002年02月01日
We propose a concept of evolvable analog LSIs and apply it to Intermediate Frequency (IF) filters, which are widely used in cellular phones. The developed chip can correct discrepancies in the values of analog circuit components by genetic algorithms (GAs), which have attained (1) a yield rate of 97%, (2) a 60% reduction of the filter area, and (3) a 38% reduction of power dissipation, compared with AKM commercial products. When analog Integrated Circuits (ICs) and Large-Scale Integrated Circuits (LSIs) are manufactured, the values of the analog circuit components, such as resistors or capacitors, often vary from the precise design specifications. Analog LSIs with such defective components cannot perform at required levels and thus have to be discarded. However, our technique can improve yield rates of analog LSIs and has two additional advantages, namely, smaller circuits and less power dissipation, which can lead to cost reductions and efficient implementation of analog LSIs: This approach could be applied to a wide variety of analog LSIs. © 2001 Scripta Technica, Electr. Eng. Jpn. - マルチグリッド法を用いた有限要素解析の高速化解法
坪田 克己, 野口 聡, 山下 英生
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. D, A publication of Industry Applications Society, 121, 10, 1017, 1023, 一般社団法人 電気学会, 2001年10月01日
日本語, In this paper, the convergency of the multigrid method for electromagnetic field computations is presented. The convergency and computational time of three multigrid algorithms (V-cycle, W-cycle and Full multigrid) are discussed and compared with each other. A comparison of the computational time between the multigrid method and the ICCG method, which is commonly used solution method in the finite element analysis, is also presented. It is proven that the convergency of the multigrid methods is better than that of the ICCG method especially for solving the large system. - 回転機の電磁界解析技術とその応用 永久磁石モータの効率最適化設計に関する一手法 GA・SAを用いた最適化設計手法
細川佳寛, 野口聡, 山下英生, 谷本茂也
電気学会論文誌 D, 121, 2, 171, 177, 2001年09月01日
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In optimal design of permanent magnet motor (PM motor), many design variables are required to consider some device properties. These variables are, for example, the shape of core and magnet, the teeth length, the number of turns, the winding radius, and so on. Moreover, many restrictions must be considered toward the practical PM motor design. These restrictions are, for example, the slot space factor, the cogging torque, and so on. However, the optimization problem, which has many design variables by using finite element method(FEM), has not been reported. In this paper, the efficiency of PM motor under considering described above is optimized by using FEM and optimization algorithm. In this problem, an objective function has many local minima and it is difficult to calculate its gradient. For these reasons, the genetic algorithm (GA) and the simulated annealing method(SA), which are stochastic method, are used for optimization method, becase of unnecessarity of the gradient and possibility of the global range search. Adding to both optimization methods, in this paper, SA combined with GA is used for one of optimization methods. As the results, the solutions optimized by these methods are reasonable from engineering point of view. © 2001, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved. - Automatic quadrilateral mesh generation for FEM using dynamic bubble system
S Nagakura, S Noguchi, K Kaneda, H Yamashita, Cingoski, V
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In this paper, a method for automatic quadrilateral (Quad) mesh generation using dynamic bubble system is presented. The proposed method can be separated into three separate computational processes: the first one generates nodes inside the analysis domain using physically-based system of bubbles, the second one for automatic generation of Quad finite elements using previously generated set of nodes, and the last process where the generated elements are smoothed using Laplacian smoothing operator. The proposed method is suitable and easy extendable for automatic meshing of a complex 3-D domains. - 制約条件を考慮する目的関数を用いた遺伝的アルゴリズムによる電磁機器の形状設計
横瀬 義雄, 野口 聡, 山下 英生
日本AEM学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics, 9, 1, 33, 38, 日本AEM学会, 2001年03月10日
日本語, Recently, the stochastic searching methods such as Genetic Algorithm (GA) are usually used for optimization of the configuration of electromagnetic devices on design stage, along with the development of computers. This optimization is the intricate problem with the complex objective function and many restrictions. And the GA is ususlly time consuming and has the possibility to trap the local minima. So, it is necessary to decide the objective function to reach the best solution effectively and to consider the restrictions. In this paper, we present a method for making the objective function to search the global minimum under considering the restrictions. As an example, we take up the magnetic shield problem, which is to minimize the section area of iron shield under constraints about the stray magnetic field. In this problem, we reveal the decision of the objective function with taking into account the constraints. And then, we propose a method to decrease the computation time, and show the obtained result. - An optimal design method for superconducting magnets using HTS tape
S Noguchi, M Yamashita, H Yamashita, A Ishiyama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This paper describes an optimal design method for superconducting magnets wound with high temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes (e.g. Bi2223/Ag tapes). Recently, the properties of HTS tapes have been in advance and HTS magnets have been constructed and demonstrated [1]-[4]. However, the HTS tapes have thermal different characteristics compared with the low temperature superconducting (LTS) wires. Therefore it is necessary to consider these characteristics of HTS tapes at magnet design stage. We propose a new configuration of the superconducting magnets using Bi2223/Ag tapes. And the proposed configuration is optimized by using the simulated annealing (SA), which is one of the optimization algorithms, under a lot of constraints such as B-I characteristic, central magnetic filed, held homogeneity and so on. The details of the optimization method and an example of its application to 12-tesla superconducting magnet using Bi2223/Ag tape are shown. - 永久磁石モータの効率最適化設計に関する一手法- GA・SAを用いた最適化設計手法-
細川 佳寛, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 谷本 茂也
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. D, A publication of Industry Applications Society, 121, 2, 171, 177, 一般社団法人 電気学会, 2001年02月01日
日本語, In optimal design of permanent magnet motor (PM motor), many design variables are required to consider some device properties. These variables are, for example, the shape of core and magnet, the teeth length, the number of turns, the winding radius, and so on. Moreover, many restrictions must be considered toward the practical PM motor design. These restrictions are, for example, the slot space factor, the cogging torque, and so on. However, the optimization problem, which has many design variables by using finite element method (FEM), has not been reported. In this paper, the efficiency of PM motor under considering described above is optimized by using FEM and optimization algorithm. In this problem, an objective function has many local minima and it is difficult to calculate its gradient. For these reasons, the genetic algorithm (GA) and the simulated annealing method (SA), which are stochastic method, are used for optimization method, becase of unnecessarity of the gradient and possibility of the global range search. Adding to both optimization methods, in this paper, SA combined with GA is used for one of optimization methods. As the results, the solutions optimized by these methods are reasonable from engineering point of view. - Comparison of the methods for electromagnetic force computation by edge elements
Spasov, V, S Noguchi, H Yamashita
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Three methods for electromagnetic force computation using edge elements are analyzed - the virtual work method, the Maxwell stress tensor method and the nodal force method. The methods are applied to compute the force at different air gaps of a voltage-fed nonlinear ac contractor. A comparison is made from the viewpoint of accuracy, speed and computer implementation. The sensitivity of the Maxwell stress tensor method to the choice of the integration surface is investigated. The computed results are compared with measurements. - Fundamental characteristic estimation based on finite element method for magnetic shielding type superconducting fault current limiter
A Ishiyama, J Nakatsugawa, S Noguchi, H Kado, M Ichikawa
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The superconducting fault current limiter is expected to be the first application of high-Tc superconductors (HTSs) in power systems. To develop a magnetic shielding-type superconductor fault current limiter, we have carried out some fundamental experiments on the magnetic shielding characteristics of an HTS bulk cylinder. In this paper, the experimental results of magnetic flux penetration into Bi-2223 cylinders are shown. An ac magnetic field is applied to the sample by a primary winding (copper coil) excited by ac triangular- and sinusoidal-waveform currents in the frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz. We also developed a finite element method computer program for evaluation of the dynamic electromagnetic behavior of the HTS cylinder in a time-varying external magnetic field. The results of computer simulations considering the voltage-current (E-J) characteristic are compared with experiments. Next we carried out a current-limiting test with a small limiter model, and the developed finite element method computer program successfully simulated the electromagnetic behavior in current-limiting operation. (C) 2000 Scripta Technica. - A new interpolation method for interactive visualization system
S Noguchi, H Yamashita, Y Matsubayashi, E Okayama
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A new interactive visualization system for education and design purposes in 2D electromagnetics is proposed. The proposed system using numerically computational results for several typical model configurations can display interactively electromagnetic field phenomena for any other model configuration bounded with the previously computed ones. It uses simple bilinear interpolation techniques in order to provide fast interactive display. This visualization system can be used for design purposes of problems with different model configurations and as an educational tool for teaching electromagnetics. - Interactive visualization system for education and design in electromagnetics
E Okayama, Cingoski, V, S Noguchi, K Kaneda, H Yamashita
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A new interactive visualization system for educational and design purposes in 2D electromagnetics is proposed, The proposed system using numerically obtained results for several typical model configurations can display interactively electromagnetic field phenomena for any other model configuration bounded with the previously computed ones, It uses simple bilinear interpolation techniques in order to provide fast interactive display. This visualization system can be used for design purposes of problems with different model configurations and as an educational tool for teaching electromagnetics. - Fast multigrid solution method for nested edge-based finite element meshes
Cingoski, V, R Tokuda, S Noguchi, H Yamashita
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In this paper a fast multigrid solution method for edge-based finite element magnetostatic held computation with nested meshes is introduced and its efficiency is investigated. Special prolongation and restriction matrices were constructed according to the nature of the edge based held approximation. The comparison of the computation speed between the multigrid method and the ICCG method is also presented, showing that the multigrid method is very promising as a fast solution method for large system of equations. - Interactive visualization system for education and design in electromagnetics
Eiji Okayama, Vlatko Cingoski, So Noguchi, Kazufumi Kaneda, Hideo Yamashita
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 36, 4, 990, 994, 2000年
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A new interactive visualization system for educational and design purposes in 2D electromagnetics is proposed. The proposed system using numerically obtained results for several typical model configurations can display interactively electromagnetic field phenomena for any other model configuration bounded with the previously computed ones. It uses simple bilinear interpolation techniques in order to provide fast interactive display. This visualization system can be used for design purposes of problems with different model configurations and as an educational tool for teaching electromagnetics. © 2000 IEEE. - Fast multigrid solution method for nested edge-based finite element meshes
Vlatko Cingoski, Ryutaro Tokuda, So Noguchi, Hideo Yamashita
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 36, 4, 1535, 1538, 2000年
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In this paper a fast multigrid solution method for edge-based finite element magnetostatic field computation with nested meshes is introduced and its efficiency is investigated. Special prolongation and restriction matrices were constructed according to the nature of the edge based field approximation. The comparison of the computation speed between the multigrid method and the ICCG method is also presented, showing that the multigrid method is very promising as a fast solution method for large system of equations. © 2000 IEEE. - 有限要素法による磁気遮へい型超電導限流器の基礎特性評価
石山 敦士, 中津川 潤之介, 野口 聡, 門 裕之, 市川 路晴
電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society, 119, 11, 1201, 1209, 電気学会, 1999年11月01日
日本語 - "Electromaglev" ("active-maglev") - magnetic levitation of a superconducting disk with a DC field generated by electromagnets. Part 4. theoretical and experimental results on supercurrent distributions in field-cooled YBCO disks
M Tsuda, H Lee, S Noguchi, Y Iwasa
CRYOGENICS, 39, 11, 893, 903, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 1999年11月
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We present Part 4 results of a comprehensive theoretical study of an "electromaglev" system, in which a high-temperature superconducting bulk YBCO sample is levitated stably in a DC magnetic field generated by magnet system underneath the floating object. An electromagnetic analysis, based on a three-dimensional finite element technique (FEM) applied to the current vector potential method, has been developed to determine the supercurrent distribution in a field-cooled (and hence trapped-flux) YBCO disk that levitates stably in a magnetic field generated by the magnet system. The supercurrent distribution thus de termined was in turn used to compute trapped-flux-induced field profiles of the disk and predict a "levitation current" in the magnet system at which the disk, initially resting on a support plate, begins to levitate. Agreement between computed field profiles and levitation currents and those measured in the experiment was excellent, validating the analysis itself and the method used to derive solutions. The analysis demonstrates that the supercurrent distribution within a trapped-flux disk is far more complicated than that derived from the Bean model for a long cylinder under a uniform axial magnetic field. It is used for a parametric study of the effects of disk dimensions (radius, thickness, radius/thickness ratio) and trapped-flux strength on supercurrent distribution and lift-to-weight ratio. The magnitude of the B-r component generated by the magnet system is very important for lift and it is shown that thinner disks rather than thicker disks can improve Lift-to-weight ratio. Because accuracy of the analysis is disk-size independent, small disks are time-efficient for performing the analysis. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. - Magnetic characteristics of a high-T c superconducting cylinder for magnetic shielding type superconducting fault current limiter
J. Nakatsugawa, S. Noguchi, A. Ishiyama, H. Kado, M. Ichikawa
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 9, 2, 1373, 1376, 1999年
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The superconducting fault current limiter (SCFCL) is expected to be the first application of high-T c superconductors (HTSs) in power systems. To develop a magnetic shielding type superconducting fault current limiter, we have carried out some fundamental experiments concerning the magnetic shielding characteristics of an HTS bulk cylinder. In this paper, the experimental results of magnetic flux penetration into a Bi(2223) cylinder are shown. AC magnetic field is applied to the sample by a primary winding (copper coil) excited by AC triangular- and sinusoidal-waveform currents in the frequency range of 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz. We also developed a Finite Element Method (FEM) computer program for evaluation of the dynamic electromagnetic behavior of the HTS cylinder in a time-varying external magnetic field. The results of computer simulations considering the voltage-current (E-J) characteristic are compared with experiments. © 1999 IEEE. - Transient stability of large aluminum stabilized superconductors
S. Noguchi, A. Ishiyama, T. Satow, N. Yanagi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 9, 2, 624, 627, 1999年
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Very large current composite superconductors have been considered and adopted to use in SMES coils and fusion applications, such as the Large Helical Device (LHD). These superconductors have large cross-sectional area of high purity aluminum stabilizer to improve their stability and to enhance the overall current density. Once a normal-zone is initiated in such a composite superconductor, the current transfers to the aluminum stabilizer according to the temperature distribution. The time constant of current diffusion in the stabilizer, however, is very long due to the low electrical resistivity of aluminum and the large conductor size. Therefore, an excess joule heat is generated in a small area near superconducting filaments and the temperature increases locally. In this paper, to evaluate this peculiar property we carry out some simulations with regard to quench process in the superconductor applied to the helical coil of LHD in National Institute for Fusion Science. The simulations by using a newly developed computer code are compared with the experimental results of the stability tests on the short samples of LHD conductor. Furthermore, we focus on the influence of the CuNi alloy clad adopted to the LHD conductor on the normal transition and normal-zone propagation properties. © 1999 IEEE. - 感度解析を取り入れた高磁界・高均一超電導マグネットの最適化設計
野口 聡, 石山 敦士
電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society, 118, 10, 1103, 1109, 電気学会, 1998年10月01日
日本語 - 電磁界解析等数値解析技術の電力・エネルギー機器への応用 感度解析を取り入れた高磁界・高均一超電導マグネットの最適化設計
野口聡, 石山敦士
電気学会論文誌 B, 118-B, 10, 1103, 1109, 1998年10月
日本語 - An optimal design method for high-field superconducting magnets with ferromagnetic shields
S. Noguchi, A. Ishiyama
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 7, 1, 439, 442, 1997年12月01日
This paper describes an optimal design method for high-field and highly homogeneous superconducting magnet systems with hybrid iron and active shielding. The presented design technique is a combination of the equivalent magnetization current method for the computation of the magnetic field problem, which includes nonlinear and saturated iron, and the simulated annealing for solving the corresponding optimization problem. The equivalent magnetization current method is superior in estimating the field homogeneity at the center of the magnet systems. By using the simulated annealing, the positions of each coil are optimized as continuous design variables, while the number of turns and layers of the coil windings are treated as discrete design variables. In this paper, the detail of the algorithm and the example of its application to 9-tesla magnet system with hybrid iron and active shield are shown. © 1997 IEEE. - Optimal design method for MRI superconducting magnets with ferromagnetic shield
S. Noguchi, A. Ishiyama
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 33, 1904, 1907, 1997年12月01日
This paper describes an optimal design method for highly homogeneous superconducting magnet systems with ferromagnetic shield. The presented design technique is a combination of the equivalent magnetization current method for the computation of the magnetic field problem, which includes nonlinear and saturated iron, and the simulated annealing for solving the corresponding optimization problem. The equivalent magnetization current method is superior in estimating the field homogeneity of the center of the magnet systems. By using the simulated annealing, the positions of each solenoid coil are optimized as continuous design variables, while the number of turns and layers of the coil windings are treated as discrete design variables. The details of the algorithm and some examples of its application to 1.5-tesla magnet systems with three types of magnetic shielding are shown. © 1997 IEEE. - 高磁界・高均一超電導マグネットの最適化設計
野口 聡, 石山 敦士
電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society, 116, 7, 804, 811, 一般社団法人 電気学会, 1996年06月20日
日本語, We have been developing optimal design methods for high-field multi-section superconducting magnets for MRI and NMR study using mathematical programing method. To enhance the central magnetic field homogeneity, notch coils are added outside of the main solenoid. In this design, there is difficulty that the distances between notches are continuous design variables while the number of turns and layers of the main solenoids and notch coils are discrete variables. So we tried to develop a method which can deal with such two kinds of design variables at the same time by applying a modified simulated annealing. However, its convergence is relatively slow. Therefore, we adopt the Genetic algorithm, which can obtaine an optimal solution quickly, and combine it with the modified simulated annealing. Furthermore, we developed those method so as to be applied to non-linear optimization problems with constraints, such as characteristics of superconductor (e. g. B-J characteristic), Lorentz force and so on. The details of the algorithm and several examples of its application to three-section superconducting magnets are shown. - An optimal design method for highly homogeneous and high-field superconducting magnets
S. Noguchi, A. Ishiyama
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 32, 4, 2655, 2658, 1996年
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Highly homogeneous and high-field superconducting magnets arc difficult to be designed for its optimal configuration, which has the minimum winding volume. In this paper, we proposed an optimal design method utilizing a modified Genetic algorithm, which is newly developed, to realize the minimum winding volume design for multi-section superconducting magnets. The detail of the algorithm and two examples of its application to three-section superconducting magnets are shown. © 1996 IEEE. - An optimal design method for high field superconducting magnets
S Noguchi, A Ishiyama
PHYSICA B, 216, 3-4, 212, 214, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 1996年01月
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), It is important for superconducting utilization, such as MRI, that superconducting magnets generate a highly homogeneous magnetic field. In order to enhance the field homogeneity, some notches are placed outside of a solenoid. The optimal design of notched solenoid arrangement becomes a problem which has both continuous and discrete design variables. In this paper, we propose an optimal design method utilizing a modified simulated annealing algorithm to realize the minimum winding volume design for notched multi-section superconducting magnets.
- 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(2024年春):1/2スケール実証用無絶縁REBCOコイルシステムの数値計算に基づく励磁特性解析・評価
折原菜月, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 107th, 2024年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(2024年春)-1/2スケール実証用REBCOコイルシステムの過渡的電磁力解析-
植田浩史, 山下葵, 廣田悠力, 南前俊介, 井上良太, KIM SeokBeom, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 福田光宏, 石山敦士, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 107th, 2024年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(2024年春)-1/2スケール実証用無絶縁REBCOコイルシステムの数値計算に基づく熱的過渡安定性解析・評価-
日浦琢言, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 107th, 2024年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの過渡的電磁力解析
植田浩史, 山下葵, 廣田悠力, 南前俊介, 井上良太, KIM Seok Beom, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 福田光宏, 石山敦士, 電気学会研究会資料(Web), MC-24-016-025/ASC-24-016-025, 2024年 - 等価回路モデルのみに基づく無絶縁REBCOコイルの励磁特性評価
島田亜緒, 太田海斗, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 渡部智則, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 106th, 2023年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(2023年秋):1/2スケール実証用REBCOコイルシステムの励磁特性試験
折原菜月, 熊谷塁, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 渡部智則, 吉田潤, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 106th, 2023年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(2023年秋)-1/2スケール実証用REBCOコイルシステムの機械特性評価-
植田浩史, 山下葵, 小前諒太, 井上良太, KIM SeokBeom, 石山敦士, 熊谷塁, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 吉田潤, 福田光宏, 西島元, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 106th, 2023年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(2023年秋):1/2スケール実証用無絶縁REBCOコイルシステムにおける遮蔽電流磁場の数値解析・評価
吉藤夢来, 太田海斗, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 106th, 2023年 - 出力可変スケルトンサイクロトロンの磁場設計
CHONG Tsun Him, 福田光宏, 依田哲彦, 神田浩樹, 斎藤高嶺, 安田祐介, 原隆文, ZHAO Hang, 橘高正樹, 松井昇太朗, 渡辺薫, 井村友紀, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩士, 吉田潤, 長屋重夫, 渡部智則, 日本加速器学会年会(Web), 20th, 2023年 - 自己遮蔽型高温超伝導スケルトン・サイクロトロンの設計と軌道計算
松井昇大朗, 福田光宏, 依田哲彦, 神田浩樹, 齋藤高嶺, 田村仁志, 安田裕介, 長屋重夫, 原隆文, CHONG Tsun Him, ZHAO Hang, 橘高正樹, 井村友紀, 渡辺薫, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 福井聡, 松原雄二, 三上行雄, 吉田潤, 平山貴士, 渡辺智則, 日本加速器学会年会(Web), 20th, 2023年 - 積層無絶縁REBCOコイルにおける遮蔽電流磁場低減のための通電波形
吉藤夢来, 日比祐太, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2023, 2023年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発:小型実証REBCOコイルシステムの製作
折原菜月, 熊谷塁, 糸日谷浩平, 小久保早希, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 福田光宏, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2023, 2023年 - 双方向分割回路型解析手法を用いた無絶縁コイルの遮蔽電流磁場解析
島田亜緒, 小久保早希, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2023, 2023年 - 等価回路モデルのみに基づく無絶縁REBCOコイルの遮蔽電流磁場解析
吉藤夢来, 内山誠士郎, 太田海斗, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 電気学会研究会資料(Web), ASC-23-001-014.016, 2023年 - 等価同路モデルのみに基づく無絶縁REBCOコイルの励磁特性評価
島田亜緒, 内山誠士郎, 太田海斗, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 電気学会研究会資料(Web), ASC-23-001-014.016, 2023年 - 等価回路モデルのみに基づく無絶縁REBCOコイルの遮蔽電流解析
吉藤夢来, 内山誠士郎, 太田海斗, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 105th, 2023年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(2023年春):(その1)全体概要
石山敦士, 熊谷塁, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 渡部智則, 吉田潤, 福田光宏, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 105th, 2023年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(2023年春):(その3)無絶縁REBCOコイル励磁時のコイル両端電圧波形
島田亜緒, 熊谷塁, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 渡部智則, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 105th, 2023年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(2023年春):(その4)1/2スケール実証用REBCOコイルシステムのひずみ評価
植田浩史, 山下葵, 小前諒太, 井上良太, KIM SeokBeom, 石山敦士, 熊谷塁, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 吉田潤, 福田光宏, 西島元, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 105th, 2023年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムを想定した熱的安定性評価
日浦琢言, 中村太郎, 天野一樹, 寺内和, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 105th, 2023年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(2023年春):(その2)1/2スケール実証用REBCOコイルシステムの冷却・励磁特性試験
折原菜月, 熊谷塁, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 渡部智則, 吉田潤, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 105th, 2023年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(2023年春):(その5)ECRイオン源用無絶縁REBCOコイルの開発
CHONG Tsun Him, 福田光宏, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 福井聡, 吉田潤, 渡部智則, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 105th, 2023年 - 自己遮蔽型高温超伝導スケルトンサイクロトロンの概念設計
松井昇大朗, 福田光宏, 依田哲彦, 神田浩樹, 畑中吉治, 齋藤高嶺, 田村仁志, 安田裕介, 長屋重夫, 森田泰之, 武田佳次朗, 原隆文, CHONG Tsun Him, ZHAO Hang, 橘高正樹, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 福井聡, 松原雄二, 三上行雄, 吉田潤, 平山貴士, 渡部智則, 日本加速器学会年会(Web), 19th, 2022年 - REBCOコイルを用いた高温超伝導ECRイオン源の開発
CHONG Tsun Him, 福田光宏, 依田哲彦, 神田浩樹, 畑中吉治, 斎藤高嶺, 安田祐介, 長屋重夫, 森田泰之, 武田佳次朗, 原隆文, ZHAO Hang, 橘高正樹, 松井昇太朗, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩士, 福井聡, 松原雄二, 三上行雄, 吉田潤, 平山貴士, 渡部智則, 日本加速器学会年会(Web), 19th, 2022年 - 双方向分割型回路解析手法を用いた無絶縁コイルの遮蔽電流磁場解析(その2):解析結果
内山誠士郎, 小久保早希, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 104th, 2022年 - 双方向分割型回路解析手法を用いた無絶縁コイルの遮蔽電流磁場解析(その1):定式化
太田海斗, 小久保早希, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 104th, 2022年 - スケルトンサイクロトロンを想定した無絶縁REBCOマルチコイルの熱的安定性
中村太郎, 長渕大河, 結城拓真, 濱田一希, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 104th, 2022年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発:小型実証REBCOコイルシステムの製作
熊谷塁, 糸日谷浩平, 小久保早希, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 104th, 2022年 - 無絶縁多層REBCOコイルにおける遮蔽電流磁場低減のための通電波形
内山誠士郎, 村上将吾, 小久保早希, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2022, 2022年 - 高温超電導スケルトンサイクロトロンにおける通電電流制御による時間安定度の改善
熊谷塁, 白井航大, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2022, 2022年 - 劣化のある無絶縁REBCOコイルの健全性の監視法に関する基礎的検討
寺内和, 結城拓真, 長渕大河, 濱田一希, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 103rd, 2022年 - 径方向分割型解析手法を用いた遮蔽電流磁場解析プログラムの妥当性の評価
太田海斗, 小久保早希, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 103rd, 2022年 - Multi-Stacked無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルシステムにおける局所的劣化発生時の継続運転の可能性
中村太郎, 長渕大河, 結城拓真, 濱田一希, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 103rd, 2022年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(その3):実規模コイルシステムの設計
野口聡, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 福田光宏, 鷲尾方一, 東達也, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 103rd, 2022年 - LFAC法を用いたNI REBCOコイルにおける接触抵抗の測定精度に関する検討
井上良太, 宮本康平, 小林大剛, 植田浩史, KIM SeokBeom, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 103rd, 2022年 - 無絶縁積層REBCOコイルにおける遮蔽電流磁場低減のための通電波形
内山誠士郎, 小久保早希, 糸日谷浩平, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 103rd, 2022年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(その1):全体概要
石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 鷲尾方一, 東達也, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 103rd, 2022年 - 交流通電による無絶縁REBCOコイルのターン間接触抵抗測定時の電流現象解析
間藤昂允, 井上良太, 植田浩史, KIM SeokBoem, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 103rd, 2022年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(その2):小型実証REBCOコイルシステムの設計・製作
石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 鷲尾方一, 東達也, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 103rd, 2022年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(その4):実規模コイルシステムにおける遮蔽電流と電磁応力評価
植田浩史, 仲井悠貴, 井上良太, KIM SeokBeom, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 鷲尾方一, 東達也, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 103rd, 2022年 - 層間接触不良領域を有するREBCOパンケーキコイルの熱的安定性
天野一樹, 長渕大河, 結城拓真, 濱田一希, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 103rd, 2022年 - 次世代医療用高温超電導サイクロトロンにおける遮蔽電流磁場の影響評価
熊谷塁, 糸日谷浩平, 小久保早希, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 103rd, 2022年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(その5):鉄シールド付きコイルシステムの設計
野口聡, 植田浩史, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 石山敦士, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 101st, 2021年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(その3):YOROI補強を施した無絶縁非円形REBCOパンケーキコイルの機械強度の解析・評価
仲井悠貴, 三宅雄大, 井上良太, KIM SeokBeom, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 石山敦士, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 101st, 2021年 - 高温超電導スケルトンサイクロトロンにおけるREBCO線材細線化による遮蔽電流磁場低減の検討
糸日谷浩平, 白井航大, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 101st, 2021年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(その1):全体概要
石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 鷲尾方一, 東達也, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 101st, 2021年 - 無絶縁高温超電導コイルの巻線間接触抵抗測定に関する検討
宮本康平, 小林大剛, 井上良太, 植田浩史, KIM SeokBeom, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 101st, 2021年 - 無絶縁REBCOコイルシステムにおける励磁遅れを考慮した遮蔽電流磁場の低減法
小久保早希, 村上将吾, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 101st, 2021年 - 銅メッキおよび細線化を施したREBCO線材を巻線したパンケーキコイルにおける結合電流による不整磁場の低減法
村上将吾, 石崎比奈子, 下之園友梨, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 101st, 2021年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(その6):REBCO線材の優れた特性を活かすコイル化技術の検討
石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 101st, 2021年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(その2):Yoroi補強を施した無絶縁非円形REBCOパンケーキコイルの機械強度評価試験
渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 西島元, 石山敦士, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 101st, 2021年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発(その4):出力エネルギー変化時の遮蔽電流磁場の低減法
日比祐太, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 101st, 2021年 - 10GHz高温超伝導ECRイオン源のためのミラーコイルの開発
CHONG Tsun Him, 福田光宏, 依田哲彦, 神田浩樹, 畑中吉治, 斎藤高嶺, 安田祐介, KOAY Hui Wen, 森田泰之, 武田佳次朗, 原隆文, ZHAO Hang, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩士, 福井聡, 松原雄二, 三上行雄, 鶴留武尚, 高橋伸明, 吉田潤, 平山貴士, 長屋重夫, 渡辺智則, 日本加速器学会年会(Web), 18th, 2021年 - スケルトンサイクロトロン用REBCOコイルシステムにおける電流制御による遮蔽電流磁場低減の検討
糸日谷浩平, 白井航大, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 102nd (CD-ROM), 2021年 - 無絶縁REBCOマルチコイルシステムにおける遮蔽電流磁場解析手法の比較
小久保早希, 村上将吾, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 102nd (CD-ROM), 2021年 - 高温超電導スケルトンサイクロトロンにおけるREBCO線材細線化による遮蔽電流磁場低減の検討
糸日谷浩平, 白井航大, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2021, 2021年 - 高温超電導スケルトンサイクロトロンにおける可変出力エネルギーを考慮した遮蔽電流磁場の数値解析
日比祐太, 白井航大, 緒方隆充, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2021, 2021年 - 「スケルトン・サイクロトロン」用REBCOコイルシステムの開発
石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 電気学会研究会資料(Web), 2021, MC-21-001-008/ASC-21-001-008, 3, 5, 2021年
電気学会, 日本語 - REBCO線材の優れた特性を活かすコイル化技術
石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 電気学会研究会資料(Web), MC-21-001-008/ASC-21-001-008, 2021年 - 無絶縁REBCOコイルシステムにおける励磁遅れを考慮した遮蔽電流磁場の低減法
小久保早希, 村上将吾, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 電気学会研究会資料(Web), MC-21-001-008/ASC-21-001-008, 2021年 - 高温超電導スケルトンサイクロトロンにおける遮蔽電流磁場低減法の検討
白井航大, 緒方隆充, 稲垣善太, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2020, 2020年 - 無絶縁REBCO超電導コイルの励磁特性に関する解析評価
村上将吾, 稲垣善太, 上田聡美, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2020, 2020年 - サイクロトロン応用に向けた非円形コイルの熱応力を考慮した補強構造の検討
三宅雄大, 仲井悠貴, KIM SeokBeom, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 石山敦士, 電気・情報関連学会中国支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 71st, 2020年 - 交流通電による無絶縁高温超電導コイルの巻線間接触抵抗測定
小林大剛, 宮本康平, 西川大亮, 井上良太, 植田浩史, KIM SeokBeom, 野口聡, 電気・情報関連学会中国支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 71st, 2020年 - 高温超電導スケルトンサイクロトロンにおける可変出力エネルギーを考慮した遮蔽電流磁場の数値解析
白井航大, 緒方隆充, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 100th, 2020年 - サイクロトロン応用に向けた非円形高温超電導コイルの補強構造に関する検討
仲井悠貴, 三宅雄大, KIM SeokBeom, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 石山敦士, 電気・情報関連学会中国支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 71st, 2020年 - 無絶縁高温超電導コイルの反復窒素冷却による巻線間接触抵抗測定に関する検討
宮本康平, 小林大剛, 西川大亮, 井上良太, 植田浩史, KIM SeokBeom, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 100th, 2020年 - 無絶縁REBCO超電導コイルにおける磁場精度向上のための通電波形の提案
村上将吾, 上田聡美, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 100th, 2020年 - 高温超電導スケルトン・サイクロトロンにおける非円形無絶縁REBCOコイルの補強構造に関する検討
三宅雄大, 仲井悠貴, 井上良太, KIM Seokbeom, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 福田光宏, 石山敦士, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 100th, 2020年 - スケルトン・サイクロトロン開発のための高温超電導コイルの要素技術開発
久松万里子, 福田光宏, 依田哲彦, 神田浩樹, 中尾政夫, 安田裕介, 友野大, KOAY Hui Wen, 森田泰之, 武田佳次朗, 原隆文, 大本恭平, CHONG Tsunhim, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 福井聡, 鎌倉恵太, 松原雄二, 三上行雄, 鶴留武尚, 高橋伸明, 吉田潤, 平山貴士, 長屋重夫, 渡部智則, 日本加速器学会年会(Web), 17th, 2020年 - 核医学治療用高温超電導スケルトン・サイクロトロンの開発(3)―実証用高温超電導小型マルチコイルシステムの遮蔽電流解析―
植田浩史, 粟津佑太, KIM SeokBeom, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 吉田潤, 福田光宏, 石山敦士, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 98th, 79, 2019年05月28日
日本語 - MRI用REBCOコイルシステムにおける遮蔽電流に起因する不整磁場の低減法:電流制御波形の最適化について
緒方隆充, 稲垣善太, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 98th, 123, 2019年05月28日
日本語 - 核医学治療用高温超電導スケルトン・サイクロトロンの開発(4)―実証用高温超電導小型マルチコイルシステムの機械特性解析―
粟津佑太, KIM SeokBeom, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 吉田潤, 福田光宏, 石山敦士, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 98th, 80, 2019年05月28日
日本語 - 核医学治療用高温超電導スケルトン・サイクロトロンの開発(2)―実証用高温超電導小型マルチコイルシステムの設計―
野口聡, 植田浩史, 粟津佑太, KIM SeokBeom, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 吉田潤, 福田光宏, 石山敦士, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 98th, 78, 2019年05月28日
日本語 - 銅メッキを施した細線化REBCO線材で巻線された超電導コイルの遮蔽電流磁場低減法:電流制御法適用時の挙動解析
石崎比奈子, 上田聡美, 稲垣善太, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 98th, 121, 2019年05月28日
日本語 - Multi‐Stacked無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルにおける運転温度の熱的安定性への影響評価
吉原優花, 尾下遥, 金原徹郎, 浜中麻衣, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 98th, 120, 2019年05月28日
日本語 - 銅メッキを施した細線化REBCO線材で巻線された超電導コイルの遮蔽電流磁場低減法:電流制御法適用時の不整磁場低減効果
上田聡美, 稲垣善太, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 98th, 122, 2019年05月28日
日本語 - 核医学治療用高温超電導スケルトン・サイクロトロンの開発(1)―REBCOコイルシステムの開発課題―
石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 吉田潤, 福田光宏, 東達也, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 98th, 77, 2019年05月28日
日本語 - 3軸磁気センサを使った磁界観察教材の検討
谷崎礼治, 山内康平, 松友真哉, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2019, ROMBUNNO.1‐018, 2019年03月01日
日本語 - ARと3軸磁気センサを使った磁界可視化教材の検討
山内康平, 谷崎礼治, 眞鍋知久, 松友真哉, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2019, ROMBUNNO.1‐007, 2019年03月01日
日本語 - MRI用REBCOコイルシステムにおける遮蔽電流による不正磁場の低減法(その1):細線化と電流制御併用法の効果
上田聡美, 伊東慶太, 稲垣善太, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2019, ROMBUNNO.5‐169, 2019年03月01日
日本語 - MRI用REBCOコイルシステムにおける遮蔽電流に起因する不整磁場の低減法(その3):ヒステリシスを利用したオーバーシュート法
石崎比奈子, 稲垣善太, 伊東慶太, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2019, ROMBUNNO.5‐171, 2019年03月01日
日本語 - Multi‐Stacked無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルにおける運転温度の熱的安定性への影響評価
吉原優花, 市川哲理, 柿本雄太, 尾下遥, 金原徹郎, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2019, ROMBUNNO.5‐173, 2019年03月01日
日本語 - MRI用REBCOコイルシステムにおける遮蔽電流に起因する不整磁場の低減法(その2):細線化と電流制御の併用法の最適化
緒方隆充, 稲垣善太, 伊東慶太, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2019, ROMBUNNO.5‐170, 2019年03月01日
日本語 - AR/VRを利用した電磁界可視化システムの開発(その2)
河村悠汰, 長井玲音, 眞鍋知久, 松友真哉, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2019, ROMBUNNO.1‐008, 2019年03月01日
日本語 - FDTD法による筋血管内の近赤外光散乱シミュレーション
阿部直弥, 野口聡, 小野弓絵, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2019, ROMBUNNO.2‐144, 2019年03月01日
日本語 - 特性劣化部分を有する無絶縁REBCOコイルの特性評価
浜中麻衣, 市川哲理, 柿本雄太, 尾下遥, 金原徹郎, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2019, ROMBUNNO.5‐172, 2019年03月01日
日本語 - サイクロトロン用高温超電導マグネットの巻線精度が発生磁場に及ぼす影響
三宅雄大, 粟津佑太, KIM SeokBeom, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 吉田潤, 福田光宏, 石山敦士, 電気・情報関連学会中国支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 70th, 2019年 - 高温超電導応用機器の数値解析技術の現状
植田浩史, 野口聡, 石山敦士, 低温工学, 54, 2, 89‐96(J‐STAGE), 96, 2019年
Cryogenic Association of Japan, 日本語 - 無絶縁REBCO パンケーキ・コイルにおける数値解析技術 ‐解析手法の比較および解析事例‐
野口聡, 植田浩史, 石山敦士, 低温工学, 54, 2, 103‐110(J‐STAGE), 2019年
日本語 - Multi‐Stacked無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルシステムの電磁的特性の評価
尾下遥, 市川哲理, 柿本雄太, 金原徹郎, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 97th, 80, 2018年11月19日
日本語 - 次世代医療用スケルトンサイクロトロンに用いる高温超電導コイルシステムの電磁力解析
粟津佑太, KIM SeokBeom, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 吉田潤, 福田光宏, 石山敦士, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 97th, 88, 2018年11月19日
日本語 - 欠陥のあるREBCO線材で巻線した無絶縁パンケーキコイルの電磁的・熱的特性解析・評価
石山敦士, 市川哲理, 尾下遥, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 97th, 95, 2018年11月19日
日本語 - 無絶縁REBCOマグネットのターン間接触抵抗の測定方法
野口聡, 野口聡, 立田貴裕, 植田浩史, KIM Seokbeom, 石山敦士, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 97th, 98, 2018年11月19日
日本語 - REBCOパンケーキコイルの遮蔽電流磁場計算ウェブサイト
野口聡, 野口聡, 今井適, PARK Dongkeun, HAHN Seungyong, HAHN Seungyong, 岩佐幸和, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 97th, 94, 2018年11月19日
日本語 - ヒステリシスを利用したオーバーシュート法による遮蔽電流不整磁場の低減法:9.4T級ヒト全身用MRIコイルを対象として
稲垣善太, 伊東慶太, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 97th, 79, 2018年11月19日
日本語 - 高強度小型多機能スケルトンサイクロトロンの開発―全体概要―
福田光宏, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 吉田潤, 鶴留武尚, 高橋伸明, 三上行雄, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 96th, 51, 2018年05月28日
日本語 - 高強度小型多機能スケルトンサイクロトロンの開発―超電導コイルシステム要求仕様―
石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 吉田潤, 鶴留武尚, 高橋伸明, 三上行雄, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 96th, 52, 2018年05月28日
日本語 - 超高磁場用無絶縁REBCOマグネットの熱的・機械的安定性
野口聡, 野口聡, PARK Dongkeun, HAHN Seungyong, HAHN Seungyong, 岩佐幸和, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 96th, 149, 2018年05月28日
日本語 - REBCOコイルにおける部分的細線化による遮蔽電流磁場低減効果:9.4‐T級ヒト全身用MRIコイルを対象として
稲垣善太, 小曽根裕一, 伊東慶太, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 96th, 71, 2018年05月28日
日本語 - 高強度小型多機能スケルトンサイクロトロンの開発―遮蔽電流磁場解析―
粟津佑太, KIM SeokBeom, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 石山敦士, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 吉田潤, 鶴留武尚, 高橋伸明, 三上行雄, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 96th, 78, 2018年05月28日
日本語 - 高強度小型多機能スケルトンサイクロトロンの開発―超電導コイル設計―
野口聡, 植田浩史, 石山敦士, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 吉田潤, 鶴留武尚, 高橋伸明, 三上行雄, 福田光宏, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 96th, 79, 2018年05月28日
日本語 - Multi‐Stacked無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの局所的常電導転移時の電磁的挙動
尾下遥, ZHENG Qiyi, 市川哲理, 柿本雄太, 金原徹郎, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 96th, 148, 2018年05月28日
日本語 - AR/VRを利用した電磁界可視化システムの開発
河村悠汰, 杉龍明, 眞鍋知久, 松友真哉, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2018, ROMBUNNO.1‐003, 2018年03月05日
日本語 - サイクロトロン用高温超電導マグネットの遮蔽電流磁場評価
粟津佑太, KIM Seok Beom, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 石山敦士, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 吉田潤, 鶴留武尚, 高橋伸明, 三上行雄, 福田光宏, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2018, ROMBUNNO.5‐160, 2018年03月05日
日本語 - Multi‐Stacked無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルにおける熱的安定性の特性評価実験
尾下遥, 矢代聡佳, ZHENG Qiyi, 市川哲理, 柿本雄太, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋恵夫, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2018, ROMBUNNO.5‐163, 2018年03月05日
日本語 - 9.4T‐MRIにおけるREBCO線材の細線化による遮蔽電流磁場への影響の解析
稲垣善太, 伊東慶太, 小曽根裕一, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2018, ROMBUNNO.5‐161, 2018年03月05日
日本語 - 積層無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの電磁・熱・応力連成シミュレーション
立木百一, 野口聡, 岩佐幸和, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2018, ROMBUNNO.1‐026, 2018年03月05日
日本語 - 数値シミュレーションによる積層した無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの局所常電導転移発生時の電流及び温度分布解析
宮尾亮介, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017, ROMBUNNO.7, 2017年10月28日
日本語 - A new thin approximation simulation method of screening current in REBCO tape considering tape's thickness
S. Noguchi, A. Ishiyama, H. Ueda, 2017 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2017, 2017年08月10日
© 2017 IEEE. An extremely high field homogeneity is required for applications of NMR and MRI magnets., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 英語 - 高磁場コイルシステムの研究開発 ―高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発―
宮﨑 寛史, 岩井 貞憲, 戸坂 泰造, 野村 俊自, 来栖 努, 植田 浩史, 野口 聡, 石山 敦士, 浦山 慎一, 福山 秀直, 低温工学, 52, 4, 224, 233, 2017年07月, [査読有り], [招待有り]
A project for developing of RE1Ba2Cu3O7-δ (REBCO) magnets to be utilized in ultrahigh-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was started in 2013. Our final targets are 9.4 T MRI systems for whole-body and brain imaging. In this project, two different development approaches towards the final target were planned. One is a small REBCO coil that can generate 10 Tclass magnetic fields, which is the same level as the target magnetic field. The other is a conduction-cooled 1.5 T REBCO MRI magnet that has a room-temperature bore of 396 mm, which is as large as those of mid-sized model magnets. These results were reflected in the design of a conduction-cooled 9.4 T REBCO magnet for whole-body MRI systems., 公益社団法人 低温工学・超電導学会 (旧 社団法人 低温工学協会), 日本語, 記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌) - 銅メッキ付き多芯REBCO線材における遮蔽電流による不整磁場の低減効果
武藤優真, 石山敦士, 小泉智暉, 植田浩史, KIM Seok Beom, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 94th, 7, 2017年05月22日
日本語 - 9.4T級ヒト全身用MRI用コイルにおける遮蔽電流による不整磁場の解析・評価
伊東慶太, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 宮崎寛史, 戸坂泰造, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 94th, 133, 2017年05月22日
日本語 - ML‐MI REBCOパンケーキコイルにおける層間電気抵抗の調整実験
市川哲理, 矢代聡佳, ZHENG Qiyi, 柿本雄太, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 94th, 170, 2017年05月22日
日本語 - 超電導線接続箇所を有する無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの熱的安定性評価
柿本雄太, ZHENG Qiyi, 矢代聡佳, 市川哲理, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 94th, 135, 2017年05月22日
日本語 - REBCOパンケーキコイルの遮蔽電流磁場簡易計算法
宮尾亮介, 植田浩史, 石山敦士, HAHN Seungyoung, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 94th, 9, 2017年05月22日
日本語 - 無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルにおける層間接触電気抵抗の調整に関する検討
市川哲理, 勝俣一輝, 矢代聡佳, ZHENG Qiyi, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017, ROMBUNNO.5‐112, 2017年03月05日
日本語 - 9.4T級ヒト全身用MRI用コイルにおける遮蔽電流による不整磁場の解析
伊東慶太, 中園浩平, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 宮崎寛史, 戸坂泰造, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017, ROMBUNNO.5‐115, 2017年03月05日
日本語 - 複数の超電導線接続箇所を有する無絶縁REBCOコイルの熱的安定性評価
柿本雄太, 勝俣一輝, ZHENG Qiyi, 矢代聡佳, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 長屋重夫, 渡部智則, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017, ROMBUNNO.5‐111, 2017年03月05日
日本語 - Optimal configuration design of MRI REBCO magnet taking into account superconducting layer
So Noguchi, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Taizo Tosaka, Shunji Nomura, Tsutomu Kurusu, Hiroshi Ueda, Atsushi Ishiyama, Shinichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama, IEEE CEFC 2016 - 17th Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2017年01月12日
© 2016 IEEE. The development of ultra-high-field (∼10 T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) device is underway. It is, therefore, required to achieve the extremely high field homogeneity at a magnet design stage, where the field homogeneity is evaluated using the Legendre polynomials. Commonly, it is supposed that the current uniformly flows on the cross section of coils. However, for REBCO magnet, the no-current-flowing region has to be taken into account, such as a copper stabilizer. In addition, the REBCO layer inside REBCO tape is very thin, 1-2 μm, so the current-flowing region is 1/100 of the REBCO tape area. Therefore, it is necessary to consider that the current flows only in the REBCO layer, for accurate evaluation of field homogeneity., IEEE, 英語 - A new adaptive meshing method using non-conforming finite element method
So Noguchi, Takuto Naoe, Hajime Igarashi, Shinya Matsutomo, Vlatko Cingoski, IEEE CEFC 2016 - 17th Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2017年01月12日
© 2016 IEEE. An adaptive meshing method based on element error estimation followed by suitable mesh refinement is a promising methodology for high-quality electromagnetic FEA. However, achieving suitable mesh refinement process is a hard and labor task, because very often during re-meshing process, an undesired flat-shape elements could be generated which strongly deteriorate simulation accuracy. Therefore, a new kind of mesh refinement method, robust and less laborious, is desired. We propose a new adaptive meshing method employing non-conforming electromagnetic edge FEM. Utilizing the nonconforming FEA results with easy mesh refinements and avoids generating flat-shape elements and low accuracy results., IEEE, 英語 - A computer aided education system based on augmented reality by immersion to 3-D magnetic field
Shinya Matsutomo, Tomohisa Manabe, Vlatko Cingoski, So Noguchi, IEEE CEFC 2016 - 17th Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2017年01月12日
© 2016 IEEE. In this paper, a visualization system of immersion into 3D magnetic field based on the augmented reality technology using a head mounted display, for education purpose, is presented. By utilizing the proposed visualization method, a user can easily observe and perceive in real-time a magnetic field distribution generated by single/multiple sources (e.g., permanent magnets and/or coils) and other magnetic/nonmagnetic material in an augmented 3-D space., IEEE, 英語 - Electromagnetic analysis on magnetic field and current distribution in high temperature superconducting thin tape in coil winding
Hiroshi Ueda, Seok Beom Kim, So Noguchi, Atsushi Ishiyama, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Sadanori Iwai, Taizo Tosaka, Shunji Nomura, Tsutomu Kurusu, Shinichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama, IEEE CEFC 2016 - 17th Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2017年01月12日
© 2016 IEEE. High temperature superconducting (HTS) wires are high aspect ratio cross-section tapes. Therefore, the applications of HTS tapes lead to various problems such as AC loss, non-uniform current, and screening current. In practice, we must investigate the detail of current distribution in HTS tapes using the electromagnetic analysis technique dealing with high aspect ratio tape and nonlinearity of superconductor. We developed the numerical simulation code of electromagnetic field analysis in HTS tape using a finite element method (FEM) and fast multipole method (FMM)., IEEE, 英語 - An accelerated computation method of Legendre polynomial coefficients for MRI REBCO magnet design
So Noguchi, Ryosuke Miyao, Hajime Igarashi, Atsushi Ishiyama, IEEE CEFC 2016 - 17th Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2017年01月12日
© 2016 IEEE. When designing an MRI magnet, its field homogeneity is evaluated by higher-order coefficients of the Legendre polynomial expression than 0th. Recently, the development of ultra-high-field (∼10 T) MRI magnet wound with REBCO tapes is underway. REBCO tapes are flat, and its current-carrying region is very narrow compared to its cross section. However, to compute the higher-order coefficients for MRI REBCO magnet is a labor task because the current-carrying region is discretely arranged. In this paper, we propose an accelerated method of computing the higher-order coefficients of the Legendre polynomials for MRI REBCO magnet design using a shift operator., IEEE, 英語 - A new adaptive mesh refinement method in FEA based on conservation of magnetic field at interface between two elements
So Noguchi, Takuto Naoe, Hajime Igarashi, Shinya Matsutomo, Vlatko Cingoski, Akira Ahagon, Akihisa Kameari, IEEE CEFC 2016 - 17th Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2017年01月12日
© 2016 IEEE. Mesh quality strongly affects the solution accuracy in electromagnetic finite element analysis (FEA). Hence, the realization of adequate mesh generation becomes a very important task. Although highly experienced users with sufficient knowledge of the electromagnetic phenomenon could easily resolve this problem, to aid in these matters especially for beginners in the field computation, several adaptive meshing methods have been proposed for automatic adjustment of the mesh density in accordance with the shape and difficulty of the analyzed problem. In this paper, a new type of adaptive meshing method based on the conservation of the magnetic field is proposed., IEEE, 英語 - REBCOコイルにおける細線化処理による遮蔽電流不整磁場低減効果の解析:9.4T級ヒト全身用MRIコイルを対象として
伊東慶太, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 95th, 2017年 - 高磁場コイルシステムの研究開発:―高磁場MRI 用高温超電導磁石の開発―
宮﨑 寛史, 福山 秀直, 岩井 貞憲, 戸坂 泰造, 野村 俊自, 来栖 努, 植田 浩史, 野口 聡, 石山 敦士, 浦山 慎一, 低温工学, 52, 4, 224, 233, 2017年A project for developing of RE1Ba2Cu3O7-δ (REBCO) magnets to be utilized in ultrahigh-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was started in 2013. Our final targets are 9.4 T MRI systems for whole-body and brain imaging. In this project, two different development approaches towards the final target were planned. One is a small REBCO coil that can generate 10 Tclass magnetic fields, which is the same level as the target magnetic field. The other is a conduction-cooled 1.5 T REBCO MRI magnet that has a room-temperature bore of 396 mm, which is as large as those of mid-sized model magnets. These results were reflected in the design of a conduction-cooled 9.4 T REBCO magnet for whole-body MRI systems.
, 公益社団法人 低温工学・超電導学会 (旧 社団法人 低温工学協会), 日本語 - 数値シミュレーションによる積層した無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの局所常電導転移発生時の電流分布解析
宮尾亮介, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016, ROMBUNNO.16, 2016年11月05日
日本語 - 数値解析によるREBCO線材に対するシェイキングマグネットの効果調査
川口浩平, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016, ROMBUNNO.15, 2016年11月05日
日本語 - 新世代アクチュエータの性能評価とそれを活かす多自由度構成の提案
楡井雅巳, 上田靖人, 乾成里, 大井英司, 土屋淳一, 青柳学, 井門康司, 上野敏幸, 大路貴久, 太田智浩, 大橋健, 奥山晃久, 苅田充二, 川嶋健嗣, 五福明夫, 坂間清子, 竹村研治郎, 冨田良幸, 野口聡, 卜穎剛, 堀越敦, 本田智, 真下智昭, 宮城大輔, 森實俊充, 矢野智昭, 山口忠, 山本晃生, 電気学会技術報告, 1378, 64p, 62,裏表紙, 2016年07月15日
電気学会, 日本語 - REBCOマルチコイルにおける遮蔽電流による不整磁場の低減法 (金属・セラミックス 超電導機器合同研究会・超電導応用ならびに材料関連技術)
小曽根 裕一, 中園 浩平, 王 韜, 石山 敦士, 植田 浩史, 野口 聡, 宮崎 寛史, 戸坂 泰造, 野村 俊自, 来栖 努, 電気学会研究会資料. ASC = The papers of technical meeting on application of superconductivity, IEE Japan, 2016, 13, 43, 47, 2016年06月28日
電気学会超電導機器研究会, 日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発 (金属・セラミックス 超電導機器合同研究会・超電導応用ならびに材料関連技術)
宮崎 寛史, 岩井 貞憲, 戸坂 泰造, 野村 俊自, 来栖 努, 植田 浩史, 野口 聡, 石山 敦士, 浦山 慎一, 福山 秀直, 電気学会研究会資料. ASC = The papers of technical meeting on application of superconductivity, IEE Japan, 2016, 13, 49, 51, 2016年06月28日
電気学会超電導機器研究会, 日本語 - REBCOマルチコイルにおける遮蔽電流による不整磁場の低減法 (金属・セラミックス 超電導機器合同研究会・超電導応用ならびに材料関連技術)
小曽根 裕一, 中園 浩平, 王 韜, 石山 敦士, 植田 浩史, 野口 聡, 宮崎 寛史, 戸坂 泰造, 野村 俊自, 来栖 努, 電気学会研究会資料. MC, 2016, 13, 43, 47, 2016年06月28日
電気学会, 日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発 (金属・セラミックス 超電導機器合同研究会・超電導応用ならびに材料関連技術)
宮崎 寛史, 岩井 貞憲, 戸坂 泰造, 野村 俊自, 来栖 努, 植田 浩史, 野口 聡, 石山 敦士, 浦山 慎一, 福山 秀直, 電気学会研究会資料. MC, 2016, 13, 49, 51, 2016年06月28日
電気学会, 日本語 - 無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルにおける熱的安定性―局所的常電導転移発生時の特性評価実験―
矢代聡佳, 勝俣一輝, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 93rd, 12, 2016年05月30日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(‘16年春)―9.4Tヒト全身用MRIコイルの最適化設計と不整磁場評価―
植田浩史, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 野口聡, 石山敦士, 岩井貞憲, 戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 93rd, 5, 2016年05月30日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(16年春)―工業製品化を前提とするMRI用REBCOコイルシステムの開発―
石山敦士, 植田浩史, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 宮崎寛史, 戸坂泰造, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 93rd, 6, 2016年05月30日
日本語 - PEECモデルによる無絶縁REBCOダブルパンケーキコイルにおける局所常電導転移発生時の電流分布解析
宮尾亮介, 野口聡, 石山敦士, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 93rd, 13, 2016年05月30日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(16年春)―9.4T高温超電導MRI磁石設計―
宮崎寛史, 岩井貞憲, 宇都達郎, 大谷安見, 戸坂泰造, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 93rd, 3, 2016年05月30日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(16年春)―全体概要―
戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 岩井貞憲, 宇都達郎, 大谷安見, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 93rd, 1, 2016年05月30日
日本語 - (50T・500A/mm2・5GPa)‐REBCO超電導コイルシステムの開発
石山敦士, 我妻洸, 齋藤隆, 野口聡, 植田浩史, KIM SeokBeom, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 93rd, 114, 2016年05月30日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(16年春)―REBCOマルチコイルにおける遮蔽電流による不整磁場の低減法―
小曽根裕一, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 宮崎寛史, 戸坂泰造, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 93rd, 4, 2016年05月30日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(16年春)―伝導冷却1.5T‐MRI磁石の試験結果―
宮崎寛史, 岩井貞憲, 宇都達郎, 大谷安見, 戸坂泰造, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 93rd, 2, 2016年05月30日
日本語 - m級無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルにおける銅安定化層厚の熱的安定性に対する影響
矢代聡佳, 勝俣一輝, 大木隆広, 池田愛花, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, 野口聡, WANG Xudong, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016, ROMBUNNO.5‐093, 2016年03月05日
日本語 - PEECモデルを用いた無絶縁REBCOダブルパンケーキコイルにおける局所常電導転移発生時に関する数値シミュレーション
宮尾亮介, 門馬克敏, 野口聡, 石山敦士, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016, ROMBUNNO.5‐094, 2016年03月05日
日本語 - 拡張現実感技術を利用した磁場可視化教材の開発
宮崎駿佑, 福山舟, 松友真哉, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016, ROMBUNNO.1‐004, 2016年03月05日
日本語 - m級無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの局所的常電導転移時における銅安定化層厚と層間接触抵抗の熱的安定性に対する影響
勝俣一輝, 池田愛花, 大木隆広, WANG Tao, JIA Yunhao, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 門馬克敏, 長屋重夫, 渡部智則, 電気学会超電導機器研究会資料, ASC-16, 1-12, 11‐15, 2016年02月02日
日本語 - 9.4Tヒト全身用MRIコイルにおける遮蔽電流による不整磁場と磁場均一度の評価
中園浩平, 松見絢子, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 宮崎寛史, 戸坂泰造, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 電気学会超電導機器研究会資料, ASC-16, 1-12, 1‐6, 2016年02月02日
日本語 - 9.4Tヒト全身用MRIコイルにおける遮蔽電流による不整磁場と磁場均一度の評価 (超電導機器 金属・セラミックス合同研究会・超電導応用ならびに材料関連技術)
中園 浩平, 松見 絢子, 王 韜, 石山 敦士, 植田 浩史, 野口 聡, 宮崎 寛史, 戸坂 泰造, 野村 俊自, 来栖 努, 浦山 慎一, 福山 秀直, 電気学会研究会資料. MC, 2016, 1, 1, 6, 2016年02月02日
電気学会, 日本語 - m級無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの局所的常電導転移時における銅安定化層厚と層間接触抵抗の熱的安定性に対する影響 (超電導機器 金属・セラミックス合同研究会・超電導応用ならびに材料関連技術)
勝俣 一輝, 池田 愛花, 大木 隆広, 王 韜, 賈 昀昊, 石山 敦士, 野口 聡, 門馬 克敏, 長屋 重夫, 渡辺 智則, 電気学会研究会資料. MC, 2016, 1, 11, 15, 2016年02月02日
電気学会, 日本語 - A computer aided education system based on augmented reality by immersion to 3-D magnetic field
Shinya Matsutomo, Tomohisa Manabe, Vlatko Cingoski, So Noguchi, 2016 IEEE CONFERENCE ON ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD COMPUTATION (CEFC), 2016年, [査読有り]
In this paper, a visualization system of immersion into 3D magnetic field based on the augmented reality technology using a head mounted display, for education purpose, is presented. By utilizing the proposed visualization method, a user can easily observe and perceive in real-time a magnetic field distribution generated by single/multiple sources (e. g., permanent magnets and/or coils) and other magnetic/nonmagnetic material in an augmented 3-D space., IEEE, 英語 - A New Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method in FEA Based on Conservation of Magnetic Field at Interface Between Two Elements
So Noguchi, Takuto Naoe, Hajime Igarashi, Shinya Matsutomo, Vlatko Cingoski, Akira Ahagon, Akihisa Kameari, 2016 IEEE CONFERENCE ON ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD COMPUTATION (CEFC), 2016年, [査読有り]
Mesh quality strongly affects the solution accuracy in electromagnetic finite element analysis (FEA). Hence, the realization of adequate mesh generation becomes a very important task. Although highly experienced users with sufficient knowledge of the electromagnetic phenomenon could easily resolve this problem, to aid in these matters especially for beginners in the field computation, several adaptive meshing methods have been proposed for automatic adjustment of the mesh density in accordance with the shape and difficulty of the analyzed problem. In this paper, a new type of adaptive meshing method based on the conservation of the magnetic field is proposed., IEEE, 英語 - Electromagnetic Analysis on Magnetic Field and Current Distribution in High Temperature Superconducting Thin Tape in Coil Winding
Hiroshi Ueda, SeokBeom Kim, So Noguchi, Atsushi Ishiyama, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Sadanori Iwai, Taizo Tosaka, Shunji Nomura, Tsutomu Kurusu, Shinichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama, 2016 IEEE CONFERENCE ON ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD COMPUTATION (CEFC), 2016年, [査読有り]
High temperature superconducting (HTS) wires are high aspect ratio cross-section tapes. Therefore, the applications of HTS tapes lead to various problems such as AC loss, nonuniform current, and screening current. In practice, we must investigate the detail of current distribution in HTS tapes using the electromagnetic analysis technique dealing with high aspect ratio tape and nonlinearity of superconductor. We developed the numerical simulation code of electromagnetic field analysis in HTS tape using a finite element method (FEM) and fast multipole method (FMM)., IEEE, 英語 - Optimal Configuration Design of MRI REBCO Magnet Taking into Account Superconducting Layer
So Noguchi, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Taizo Tosaka, Shunji Nomura, Tsutomu Kurusu, Hiroshi Ueda, Atsushi Ishiyama, Shinichi Urayama, Hidenao Fukuyama, 2016 IEEE CONFERENCE ON ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD COMPUTATION (CEFC), 2016年, [査読有り]
The development of ultra-high-field (similar to 10 T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) device is underway. It is, therefore, required to achieve the extremely high field homogeneity at a magnet design stage, where the field homogeneity is evaluated using the Legendre polynomials. Commonly, it is supposed that the current uniformly flows on the cross section of coils. However, for REBCO magnet, the no-current-flowing region has to be taken into account, such as a copper stabilizer. In addition, the REBCO layer inside REBCO tape is very thin, 1 - 2 mu m, so the current-flowing region is 1/100 of the REBCO tape area. Therefore, it is necessary to consider that the current flows only in the REBCO layer, for accurate evaluation of field homogeneity., IEEE, 英語 - New Adaptive Meshing Method Using Non-conforming Finite Element Method
So Noguchi, Takuto Naoe, Hajime Igarashi, Shinya Matsutomo, Vlatko Cingoski, 2016 IEEE CONFERENCE ON ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD COMPUTATION (CEFC), 2016年, [査読有り]
An adaptive meshing method based on element error estimation followed by suitable mesh refinement is a promising methodology for high-quality electromagnetic FEA. However, achieving suitable mesh refinement process is a hard and labor task, because very often during re-meshing process, an undesired flat-shape elements could be generated which strongly deteriorate simulation accuracy. Therefore, a new kind of mesh refinement method, robust and less laborious, is desired.We propose a new adaptive meshing method employing non-conforming electromagnetic edge FEM. Utilizing the non-conforming FEA results with easy mesh refinements and avoids generating flat-shape elements and low accuracy results., IEEE, 英語 - m級無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの基礎特性評価:局所的常電導転移の検出法に関する提案
WANG Tao, JIA Yunhao, 勝俣一輝, 池田愛花, 大木隆広, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 門馬克敏, 渡辺智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 92nd, 147, 2015年12月02日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石開発の進捗(15年秋)―伝導冷却1.5T‐MRI磁石の開発―
宮崎寛史, 岩井貞憲, 宇都達郎, 大谷安見, 戸坂泰造, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 92nd, 185, 2015年12月02日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石開発の進捗(15年秋)―極小口径10Tコイルの開発―
岩井貞憲, 宮崎寛史, 大谷安見, 宇都達郎, 戸坂泰造, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 92nd, 184, 2015年12月02日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石開発の進捗(15年秋)―進捗概要―
戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 岩井貞憲, 宇都達郎, 大谷安見, 高橋政彦, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 92nd, 183, 2015年12月02日
日本語 - m級無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの基礎特性評価:局所的常電導転移時における負荷率と銅安定化層厚みの熱的安定性に対する影響
池田愛花, 勝俣一輝, 大木隆広, JIA Yunhao, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 門馬克敏, 渡辺智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 92nd, 92, 2015年12月02日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石開発の進捗(15年秋)9.4Tヒト全身用MRIコイルにおける遮蔽電流による不整磁場と磁場均一度の評価
松見絢子, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 宮崎寛史, 戸坂泰造, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 92nd, 186, 2015年12月02日
日本語 - m級無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの基礎特性評価:局所的常電導転移時における層間接触抵抗の熱的安定性に対する影響
勝俣一輝, 池田愛花, 大木隆広, 矢代聡佳, WANG Tao, JIA Yunhao, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 門馬克敏, 長屋重夫, 渡部智則, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 92nd, 93, 2015年12月02日
日本語 - 2次元FEMを用いた無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの迂回電流解析
門馬克敏, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2015, ROMBUNNO.5, 2015年11月07日
日本語 - 2G HTSマグネットにおける遮蔽電流に関する数値シミュレーション
川口浩平, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2015, ROMBUNNO.6, 2015年11月07日
日本語 - 磁束の連続性を評価するアダプティブ・メッシング手法についての検討 (静止器 回転機合同研究会・電磁界数値計算技術とその応用)
直江 宅杜, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 亀有 昭久, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 2015, 114, 21, 26, 2015年09月28日
電気学会, 日本語 - 磁束の連続性を評価するアダプティブ・メッシング手法についての検討 (静止器 回転機合同研究会・電磁界数値計算技術とその応用)
直江 宅杜, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 亀有 昭久, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 2015, 76, 21, 26, 2015年09月28日
電気学会, 日本語 - ヘッドマウントディスプレイによる立体視を用いた3次元磁場の可視化システムの検討
宮崎駿佑, 松友真哉, 野口聡, 電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2015, ROMBUNNO.1-17, 2015年09月26日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石開発の進捗(15年春)―1/2サイズコイル試験―
宮崎寛史, 岩井貞憲, 大谷安見, 高橋政彦, 戸坂泰造, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 91st, 148, 2015年05月27日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石開発の進捗(15年春)―均一磁場コイル最適化設計―
野口聡, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 宮崎寛史, 戸坂泰造, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 91st, 151, 2015年05月27日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石開発の進捗(15年春)―プロジェクト進捗概要―
戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 岩井貞憲, 大谷安見, 高橋政彦, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 91st, 147, 2015年05月27日
日本語 - 無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの局所的常電導転移時における銅安定化層厚が熱安定性に及ぼす影響
WANG Tao, 池田愛花, 大木隆宏, JIA Yunhao, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 門馬克敏, 渡辺智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 91st, 132, 2015年05月27日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石開発の進捗(‘15年春)―極小口径10Tコイルの遮蔽電流磁場解析―
植田浩史, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 岩井貞憲, 戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 91st, 150, 2015年05月27日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石開発の進捗(15年春)―含浸無絶縁コイル試験―
岩井貞憲, 宮崎寛史, 大谷安見, 戸坂泰造, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 91st, 149, 2015年05月27日
日本語 - 無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルにおける局所的常電導転移の検出法
JIA Yunhao, WANG Tao, 池田愛花, 大木隆宏, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 門馬克敏, 渡辺智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 91st, 131, 2015年05月27日
日本語 - 無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの遮断時のエネルギー回収特性評価
勝俣一輝, 池田愛花, 大木隆広, JIA Yunhao, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 門馬克敏, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 91st, 126, 2015年05月27日
日本語 - 高温超電導量子干渉素子の量子的特性を考慮した数値解析 (静止器 回転機合同研究会・電磁界数値計算技術とその応用)
寺内 直也, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 2015, 25, 19, 24, 2015年03月06日
電気学会, 日本語 - 高温超電導量子干渉素子の量子的特性を考慮した数値解析 (静止器 回転機合同研究会・電磁界数値計算技術とその応用)
寺内 直也, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 2015, 33, 19, 24, 2015年03月06日
電気学会, 日本語 - 無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの通電特性解析と発生磁場の時間遅れに関する検討
勝俣一輝, 大木隆広, 池田愛花, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, 野口聡, WANG Xudong, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2015, ROMBUNNO.5-082, 2015年03月05日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導マグネットの開発
戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 岩井貞憲, 大谷安見, 高橋政彦, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2015, ROMBUNNO.5-S8-4, 2015年03月05日
日本語 - 無絶縁及び部分絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの通電特性解析・評価
荒川一誠, 南克彦, 中田恵理香, 大木隆広, 池田愛花, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, 野口聡, WANG Xudong, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 電気学会超電導機器研究会資料, ASC-15, 2-7, 5, 10, 2015年01月21日
電気学会超電導応用電力機器研究会, 日本語 - 高温超伝導コイルを用いた高強度小型サイクロトロンの概念設計
福田光宏, 植田浩史, 畑中吉治, 依田哲彦, 島田健司, 安田裕介, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 長屋重夫, 渡辺智則, 三上行雄, 吉田潤, 横田渉, 倉島俊, 宮脇信正, 吉田健一, 柏木啓次, 日本加速器学会年会(Web), 12th, THP071 (WEB ONLY), 2015年
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石開発の進捗(’14年秋)―プロジェクト進捗―
戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 岩井貞憲, 大谷安見, 高橋政彦, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 90th, 192, 2014年11月05日
日本語 - PEECモデルを用いた無絶縁REBCOコイルの過電流通電特性の解析
南克彦, 中田恵理香, 荒川一誠, 池田愛花, 大木隆広, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 門馬克敏, HAHN Seungyong, 岩佐幸和, WANG Xudong, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 90th, 12, 2014年11月05日
日本語 - PEECモデルを用いた部分絶縁REBCOコイルの励磁特性解析・評価
池田愛花, 大木隆広, 荒川一誠, 中田恵理香, 南克彦, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, 伊藤龍成, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 90th, 10, 2014年11月05日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石開発の進捗(14年秋)―極小口径10Tコイル遮蔽電流解析―
植田浩史, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 90th, 194, 2014年11月05日
日本語 - 無絶縁・部分絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの通電特性評価のための回路解析法
荒川一誠, 池田愛花, 大木隆広, 中田恵理香, 南克彦, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, WANG Xudong, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 90th, 148, 2014年11月05日
日本語 - 層間接触電気抵抗の不規則分布を考慮した無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの遮断特性解析
中田恵理香, 池田愛花, 大木隆広, 荒川一誠, 南克彦, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, WANG Xudong, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 90th, 149, 2014年11月05日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石開発の進捗(14年秋)―極小口径10Tコイル試験―
宮崎寛史, 岩井貞憲, 大谷安見, 高橋政彦, 戸坂泰造, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 90th, 193, 2014年11月05日
日本語 - PEECモデルを用いた無絶縁及び部分絶縁REBCOコイルの遮断特性解析・評価
大木隆広, 池田愛花, 荒川一誠, 中田恵理香, 南克彦, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, 野口聡, WANG Xudong, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 90th, 11, 2014年11月05日
日本語 - 無絶縁HTSパンケーキコイルの励磁中における過渡解析
門馬克敏, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014, ROMBUNNO.9, 2014年10月25日
日本語 - 高温超電導導体内における磁束線挙動の解析
中谷健吾, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014, ROMBUNNO.10, 2014年10月25日
日本語 - ジョセフソン接合の位相差を考慮したdc‐SQUIDの数値シミュレーション
寺内直也, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014, ROMBUNNO.11, 2014年10月25日
日本語 - 磁束の連続性を評価するアダプティブ・メッシング法の開発
直江宅杜, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014, ROMBUNNO.8, 2014年10月25日
日本語 - 高精度磁場発生用REBCOコイルにおける不整磁場の発生要因とその評価
石山敦士, 野口聡, 植田浩史, 戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 電気学会超電導機器研究会資料, ASC-14, 15-24, 39, 44, 2014年09月18日
日本語 - 無絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの過電流特性に関する数値解析・評価
大木隆広, 池田愛花, 荒川一誠, 南克彦, 中田恵理香, WANG Tao, 石山敦士, WANG Xudong, 野口聡, HAHN Seungyong, 岩佐幸和, 電気学会超電導機器研究会資料, ASC-14, 15-24, 45, 49, 2014年09月18日
日本語 - 無絶縁REBCO線材を巻き線したパンケーキコイルの層間接触抵抗の解析・評価
大木隆広, 池田愛花, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡, SEUNGYONG Hahn, 岩佐幸和, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 89th, 65, 2014年05月26日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(5)―遮蔽電流磁場の計算評価―
石山敦士, WANG Xudong, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 89th, 155, 2014年05月26日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(2)―極小口径10Tコイル―
宮崎寛史, 岩井貞憲, 戸坂泰造, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 89th, 152, 2014年05月26日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(3)―コイル配置最適化設計―
石山敦士, WANG Xudong, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 89th, 153, 2014年05月26日
日本語 - 無絶縁REBCO線材を巻線したパンケーキコイルの過電流通電特性に関する数値解析・評価
WANG Tao, 池田愛花, 大木隆宏, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡, HAHN Seungyong, 岩佐幸和, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 89th, 84, 2014年05月26日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(4)―巻線誤差の不整磁場への影響―
石山敦士, WANG Xudong, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 89th, 154, 2014年05月26日
日本語 - 無絶縁REBCO線材を巻線したm級パンケーキコイルの励磁特性解析・評価
池田愛花, 大木隆広, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 89th, 64, 2014年05月26日
日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(1)―プロジェクト概要―
戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 岩井貞憲, 大谷安見, 高橋政彦, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 89th, 151, 2014年05月26日
日本語 - YBCOパンケーキコイルにおける遮へい電流による不整磁場評価:解析
今市洋平, 辻義明, 持田歩, 有谷友汰, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014, ROMBUNNO.5-160, 2014年03月05日
日本語 - REBCOコイルの遮蔽電流磁場低減に関する検討
植田浩史, 辻義明, 今市洋平, 持田歩, 有谷友汰, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014, ROMBUNNO.5-161, 2014年03月05日
日本語 - No‐Insulation(NI)REBCOパンケーキコイルの層間接触抵抗評価実験
大木隆広, 池田愛花, 荒川一誠, 南克彦, 中田恵理香, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡, HAHN Seungyong, IWASA Yukikazu, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014, ROMBUNNO.5-163, 2014年03月05日
日本語 - 拡張現実感技術を利用した磁場可視化システムの開発状況
光藤健太, 松友真哉, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014, ROMBUNNO.5-220, 2014年03月05日
日本語 - YBCOパンケーキコイルにおける遮へい電流による不整磁場評価:実験
持田歩, 今市洋平, 辻義明, 齋藤隼, 有谷友汰, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014, ROMBUNNO.5-159, 2014年03月05日
日本語 - REBCO超電導コイルにおける遮へい電流の影響評価
植田浩史, 野口聡, 道辻健太, 有谷友汰, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 電気学会超電導機器研究会資料, ASC-14, 1-7.9-14, 25, 30, 2014年01月30日
日本語 - 非絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの層間接触抵抗と励磁特性の評価
WANG Xudong, WANG Tao, 増井裕太, 石山敦士, 伊藤竜誠, 野口聡, 植田浩史, HAHN Seungyong, 岩佐幸和, 電気学会超電導機器研究会資料, ASC-14, 1-7.9-14, 31, 35, 2014年01月30日
日本語 - 拡張現実感技術を利用した3次元磁場可視化手法の一検討 (静止器 回転機合同研究会・電磁界数値計算技術とその応用)
光藤 健太, 松友 真哉, 野口 聡, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 2014, 16, 17, 20, 2014年01月24日
電気学会, 日本語 - 拡張現実感技術を利用した3次元磁場可視化手法の一検討 (静止器 回転機合同研究会・電磁界数値計算技術とその応用)
光藤 健太, 松友 真哉, 野口 聡, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 2014, 16, 17, 20, 2014年01月24日
電気学会, 日本語 - 自然要素法を用いた2次元の電磁界解析 (静止器 回転機合同研究会・電磁界数値計算技術とその応用)
信山 史明, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 2014, 1, 1, 4, 2014年01月23日
電気学会, 日本語 - 自然要素法を用いた2次元の電磁界解析 (静止器 回転機合同研究会・電磁界数値計算技術とその応用)
信山 史明, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 2014, 1, 1, 4, 2014年01月23日
電気学会, 日本語 - 電磁新世代アクチュエータの1自由度系の性能評価と多自由度系の評価に向けての機能性流体アクチュエータの全体からの位置付け
太田智浩, 井門康司, 野口聡, 竹村研治郎, 電気学会産業応用部門大会(CD-ROM), 2014, ROMBUNNO.3-S5-6, 2014年
日本語 - 高温超伝導コイルを用いたスケルトン・サイクロトロン電磁石の設計研究
福田光宏, 植田浩史, 畑中吉治, 依田哲彦, 石山敦士, WANG Xudong, 長屋重夫, 渡辺智則, 野口聡, 横田渉, 倉島俊, 宮脇信正, 日本加速器学会年会(Web), 11th, WEB ONLY SUOL05, 2014年
日本語 - No‐Insulation REBCOパンケーキコイルの層間接触抵抗評価実験
中田恵理香, 荒川一誠, 南克彦, 増井裕太, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, HAHN Seungyong, IWASA Yukikazu, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 88th, 141, 2013年12月04日
日本語 - No‐Insulation REBCOパンケーキコイルの励磁特性に関する実験と簡易解析
荒川一誠, 南克彦, 中田恵理香, 増井裕太, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡, HAHN Seungyong, IWASA Yukikazu, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 88th, 6, 2013年12月04日
日本語 - No‐insulation ReBCOコイルのターン間接触抵抗の影響についての数値シミュレーションによる検討
野口聡, 伊藤竜誠, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, HAHN Seungyong, IWASA Yukikazu, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 88th, 5, 2013年12月04日
日本語 - YBCOパンケーキコイルにおける遮へい電流磁場評価実験
有谷友汰, 斎藤隼, 梅田大貴, 狩野開, 道辻健太, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 福田光宏, 畑中吉治, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 88th, 145, 2013年12月04日
日本語 - Passive ShimmingによるMRI/NMRマグネットの全方向磁界成分均一化のための球面調和関数による磁界解析
野口聡, HAHN Seungyong, IWASA Yukikazu, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 88th, 157, 2013年12月04日
日本語 - Partial‐insulation技術を用いたNbTiマグネットのシミュレーション
野口聡, 伊藤竜誠, KIM Youngjae, HAHN Seungyong, IWASA Yukikazu, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 88th, 166, 2013年12月04日
日本語 - REBCOコイルの遮へい電流磁場の低減に関する検討
植田浩史, 齋藤隼, 有谷友汰, 梅田大貴, 道辻健太, 狩野開, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 福田光宏, 畑中吉治, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 88th, 15, 2013年12月04日
日本語 - マルチストランド線の解析における分布定数回路適用の検討
伊藤琢, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2013, ROMBUNNO.3, 2013年10月19日
日本語 - 無絶縁超電導線を用いたコイルのシミュレーション
伊藤竜誠, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2013, ROMBUNNO.10, 2013年10月19日
日本語 - 等価回路を用いたジョセフソン接合の電流‐電圧特性シミュレーション
寺内直也, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2013, ROMBUNNO.1, 2013年10月19日
日本語 - 第二種超電導体内における磁束線挙動のシミュレーション
中谷健吾, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2013, ROMBUNNO.2, 2013年10月19日
日本語 - 大規模モデルに向けたバブルシステム・メッシュ生成手法の高速化
信山史明, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2013, ROMBUNNO.4, 2013年10月19日
日本語 - 磁界を用いるアクチュエータの性能評価 2―間接的磁気駆動―
野口聡, 井門康司, 太田智浩, 大橋健, 山口忠, 本田智, 電気学会リニアドライブ研究会資料, LD-13, 83-103, 37, 42, 2013年10月07日
日本語 - 高温超電導コイルの遮蔽電流と磁場分布の測定実験および解析
植田 浩史, 福田 光宏, 畑中 吉治, 野口 聡, 齋藤 隼, 有谷 友汰, 狩野 開, 道辻 健太, 王 韜, 王 旭東, 石山 敦士, 電気学会研究会資料. ASC, 超電導応用電力機器, 2013, 22, 101, 106, 2013年09月24日
日本語 - 素線絶縁を施していないNbTiコイル
伊藤竜誠, 野口聡, HAHN Seungyong, IWASA Yukikazu, 電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(CD-ROM), 2013, ROMBUNNO.P9, 2013年08月27日
日本語 - Y系ダブルパンケーキコイルの遮へい電流磁場解析
植田浩史, 福田光宏, 畑中吉治, 野口聡, 齋藤隼, 有谷友汰, 狩野開, 道辻健太, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 87th, 11, 2013年05月13日
日本語 - 次世代超電導サイクロトロン用コイルの設計最適化
植田 浩史, 福田 光宏, 畑中 吉治, 王 旭東, 石山 敦士, 野口 聡, 鹿島 直二, 長屋 重夫, 宮原 信幸, 電気学会研究会資料. ASC, 超電導応用電力機器, 2013, 1, 55, 60, 2013年01月15日
日本語 - 次世代超電導サイクロトロンの開発:開発課題
石山敦士, WANG Xudong, 植田浩史, 福田光宏, 畑中吉治, 野口聡, 長屋重夫, 鹿島直二, 宮原信幸, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 86th, 186, 2012年11月07日
日本語 - 次世代超電導サイクロトロンの開発:コイル形状の設計最適化
植田浩史, 福田光宏, 畑中吉治, 野口聡, 石山敦士, 長屋重夫, 鹿島直二, 宮原信幸, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 86th, 124, 2012年11月07日
日本語 - GPGPUを用いたバブルシステム・メッシュ生成の並列化による高速化
信山史明, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2012, ROMBUNNO.9, 2012年10月20日
日本語 - 高温超電導マグネットにおける遮蔽電流による磁場減衰に関する研究
伊藤竜誠, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2012, ROMBUNNO.13, 2012年10月20日
日本語 - 磁界‐臨界電流密度特性を考慮したトロイダルHTS‐SMESの連鎖クエンチシミュレーション
大賀友貴, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2012, ROMBUNNO.12, 2012年10月20日
日本語 - 超電導薄膜磁気シールド付SQUIDマグネトメータのシールド形状最適化
寺内直也, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2012, ROMBUNNO.14, 2012年10月20日
日本語 - 加速器応用を想定した高温超電導コイルの遮へい電流と磁場分布の空間的・時間的変化の3次元解析
植田 浩史, 福田 光宏, 畑中 吉治, 野口 聡, 石山 敦士, 電気学会研究会資料. ASC, 超電導応用電力機器, 2012, 1, 47, 51, 2012年06月21日
日本語 - 拡張現実感技術を利用した電磁気教育のための電磁場可視化システムの一提案(その2)
宮内 武紀, 松友 真哉, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2012, 1, 19, 23, 2012年01月26日
電気学会, 日本語 - 四面体辺有限要素解析のための部分的なスムージングによるメッシュ特性改善についての検討
高田 篤, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 三輪 將彦, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2012, 1, 13, 18, 2012年01月26日
電気学会, 日本語 - 四面体辺有限要素解析のための部分的なスムージングによるメッシュ特性改善についての検討 (静止器 回転機合同研究会・電磁界数値計算技術とその応用)
高田 篤, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 三輪 將彦, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 2012, 1, 13, 18, 2012年01月26日
電気学会, 日本語 - 四面体辺有限要素解析のための部分的なスムージングによるメッシュ特性改善についての検討
高田 篤, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 三輪 將彦, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2012, 1, 13, 18, 2012年01月26日
日本語 - 拡張現実感技術を利用した電磁気教育のための電磁場可視化システムの一提案(その2)
宮内 武紀, 松友 真哉, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2012, 1, 19, 23, 2012年01月26日
日本語 - 拡張現実感技術を利用した電磁気教育のための電磁場可視化システムの一提案(その2) (静止器 回転機合同研究会・電磁界数値計算技術とその応用)
宮内 武紀, 松友 真哉, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 2012, 1, 19, 23, 2012年01月26日
電気学会, 日本語 - 要素形状スムージングによる電磁界辺有限要素解析の高速化の検討
高田篤, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2011, ROMBUNNO.5, 2011年10月22日
日本語 - 2次元磁気流体解析を用いた磁気クロマトグラフィー法による磁性微粒子の挙動解明に関する研究
香西勇樹, KIM S. B, 野口聡, 日本磁気学会学術講演概要集, 35th, 280, 2011年09月27日
日本語 - 拡張現実感技術を利用した電磁気教育のための電磁場可視化システムの一提案
宮内 武紀, 松友 真哉, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2011, 63, 53, 57, 2011年08月25日
日本語 - 拡張現実感技術を利用した電磁気教育のための電磁場可視化システムの一提案
宮内 武紀, 松友 真哉, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2011, 76, 53, 57, 2011年08月25日
日本語 - ダイレクトカップル型HTS dc‐SQUIDマグネトメータの有限要素解析の精度検討
寺内直也, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 廿日出好, 田中三郎, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 84th, 124, 2011年05月18日
日本語 - Semi-Three-Dimensional Visualization of Electromagnetic Field Analysis Result With Volumetric Display
So Noguchi, Tomoaki Inaba, Hajime Igarashi, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 47, 5, 1330, 1333, 2011年05月
When visualizing a 3-D electromagnetic field analysis result, physical quantity on a surface or a cross section of objects is visualized mostly. It is, however, desired to observe the physical quantity and the phenomenon inside the objects in 3-D space. In this paper, the method to visualize the physical quantity inside the objects with a volumetric display is proposed. The volumetric display is based on a stack of liquid crystal displays (LCDs), and developed to separately display the images on the LCDs. With the volumetric display, the physical quantity, which changes on different cross sections of the objects in 3-D, can be visualized simultaneously. The volumetric display is also used for image comparison. In order to compare the results of magnetic field analysis, usually each image is compared by overlappingly visualizing these. However, it is easy to visualize the images and compare these, using the volumetric display. The volumetric display is a useful tool for postprocessing of the electromagnetic field analysis., IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 英語 - Development of a Numerical Simulation Method for the Magnetic Separation of Magnetic Particles
So Noguchi, SeokBeom Kim, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 47, 5, 898, 901, 2011年05月
Magnetic separation is a very useful tool in medicine manufacturing and sludge disposal, and we have developed the magnetic chromatography system, which separates the magnetic particles or the ions from fluid due to its strong magnetic field gradients in the very small flow channel. There are many fine ferromagnetic wires on the wall of the developed magnetic column. A superconducting magnet applies a strong magnetic field to the magnetic column, and fine ferromagnetic wires make strong magnetic field gradients. It was, however, impossible to accurately evaluate the performance of the developed magnetic column due to the absence of a good simulation method. In order to enhance the accuracy of the simulation, it is necessary to couple the fluid dynamics simulation with the magnetic field simulation. Therefore, we have developed a simulation code dealing with the fluid dynamics, solving Navier-Stokes, control volume, and magnetic field equations simultaneously, and compared the simulation result to the experimental one to verify the validity., IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 英語 - 2次元流体解析を用いた磁気クロマトグラフィー法による磁性微粒子の分離現象に関する研究
香西勇樹, 片岡克仁, KIM SeokBeom, 野口聡, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2011, 2, 186, 2011年03月05日
日本語 - 要素形状の歪みとICCG法の収束性に関する検討(その2)
高田 篤, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2011, 1, 25, 29, 2011年01月20日
日本語 - 要素形状の歪みとICCG法の収束性に関する検討(その2)
高田 篤, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2011, 1, 25, 29, 2011年01月20日
日本語 - Magnetic Shielding simulation of superconducting film shield covering directly coupled HTS dc-SQUID magnetometer
N. Terauchi, S. Noguchi, H. Igurashi, Y. Hatsukade, S. Tanaka, Abstracts of Superconductivity Centennial Conf. 2011 (SCC2011), 78, 78, 2011年, [査読有り]
英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議) - Numerical Simulation of SQUID Magnetometer Consideraing Josephson Junction as Equivalence Ciarcuit
N.Terauchi, S.Noguchi, H.Igarashi, Y.Hatsukade, S.Tanaka, Abstracts of 24th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2011), 268, 268, 2011年, [査読有り]
英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議) - YBCOテープ線材を用いた直流リアクトル用トロイダルコイルの特性
山本昌弘, 原田直幸, 内藤裕志, 植田清隆, 津田理, 濱島高太郎, 古瀬充穂, 淵野修一郎, 野口聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 83rd, 232, 2010年12月01日
日本語 - ボリュームディスプレイを用いた電磁界解析結果の可視化
稲葉 共昭, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2010, 1, 19, 23, 2010年01月28日
日本語 - 六面体要素自動分割のためのスムージング手法に関する検討
本岡 雄一郎, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2010, 1, 13, 17, 2010年01月28日
日本語 - 六面体要素自動分割のためのスムージング手法に関する検討
本岡 雄一郎, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. MAG, マグネティックス研究会, 2010, 1, 13, 17, 2010年01月28日
日本語 - ボリュームディスプレイを用いた電磁界解析結果の可視化
稲葉 共昭, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. MAG, マグネティックス研究会, 2010, 1, 19, 23, 2010年01月28日
日本語 - 六面体要素自動分割のためのスムージング手法に関する検討
本岡 雄一郎, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2010, 1, 13, 17, 2010年01月28日
日本語 - ボリュームディスプレイを用いた電磁界解析結果の可視化
稲葉 共昭, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2010, 1, 19, 23, 2010年01月28日
日本語 - New smoothing method in the automatic hexahedral mesh generator for improving solver convergence property
So Noguchi, Yuichiro Motooka, Hajime Igarashi, Digests of the 2010 14th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, CEFC 2010, 2010年
We have developed an automatic hexahedral mesh generator, and evaluated the quality of the generated mesh. It was confirmed that the ratio of the longest and the shortest diagonal lengths of the elements affected the convergence of the ICCG solver. Therefore, for improving the mesh quality, it is necessary to develop the smoothing method in the automatic hexahedral mesh generator. © 2010 IEEE., 英語 - 散乱光分布を利用した半導体ウエハ上欠陥種分類手法
杉原慶彦, 本田敏文, 浦野雄太, 渡辺正浩, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, ViEWビジョン技術の実利用ワークショップ講演論文集, 2009, 211, 216, 2009年12月03日
日本語 - YBCOテープ線材を用いた直流リアクトル用トロイダルコイルの製作
原田 直幸, 伊藤 俊, 内藤 裕志, 植田 清隆, 津田 理, 濱島 高太郎, 古瀬 充穂, 淵野 修一郎, 野口 聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 81, 101, 101, 2009年11月18日
日本語 - 六面体要素形状の悪化が電磁界有限要素解析に与える影響について
本岡雄一郎, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2009, ROMBUNNO.5, 2009年10月17日
日本語 - 超電導マグネットの最適化設計に関する研究
吉澤佳祐, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2009, ROMBUNNO.4, 2009年10月17日
日本語 - 散乱光分布を利用した半導体ウエハ上欠陥種分類手法
杉原慶彦, 本田敏文, 浦野雄太, 渡辺正浩, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2009, ROMBUNNO.14, 2009年10月17日
日本語 - ボリュームディスプレイを用いた電磁界解析結果の立体表示
稲葉共昭, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2009, ROMBUNNO.3, 2009年10月17日
日本語 - 六面体要素形状が有限要素解析に与える影響について
本岡 雄一郎, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2009, 54, 53, 58, 2009年09月16日
日本語 - 磁気クロマトグラフィー法による微細粒子分離現象に関する検討(その3)
片岡 克仁, 岩本 竜一, 金 錫範, 村瀬 暁, 野口 聡, 岡田 秀彦, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 80, 1, 170, 170, 2009年05月13日
日本語 - 時間周期有限要素法を用いたモータの三次元磁界解析
杉原慶彦, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2008, ROMBUNNO.0032, 2008年10月25日
日本語 - 六面体要素自動分割手法のための節点移動とスムージングによる要素形状改善に関する研究
本岡雄一郎, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2008, ROMBUNNO.0034, 2008年10月25日
日本語 - モータの三次元磁界解析における時間離散化の解析精度への影響に関する研究
稲葉共昭, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2008, ROMBUNNO.0033, 2008年10月25日
日本語 - 六面体要素自動分割手法のための節点移動とスムージングによる要素形状改善に関する研究
本岡 雄一郎, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2008, 49, 13, 17, 2008年09月18日
日本語 - 六面体辺有限要素解析結果から算出される磁束線の精度に関する検討
平畠 将士, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. MAG, マグネティックス研究会, 2008, 13, 7, 12, 2008年01月24日
日本語 - 有限要素解析結果からの磁束線算出精度に関する検討
平畠将士, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2007, ROMBUNNO.7, 2007年10月27日
日本語 - アダプティブ有限要素法における誤差推定とメッシュ制御についての検討
松友 真哉, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2007, 70, 1, 5, 2007年09月21日
日本語 - 六面体要素自動分割手法の汎用性の向上に関する研究
藤森 寛朝, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2007, 1, 13, 18, 2007年01月25日
日本語 - LHD超電導導体の過渡安定性解析
野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 石山 敦士, 柳 長門, 今川 信作, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 75, 248, 248, 2006年11月15日
日本語 - 温度と磁界を考慮したHTS‐SMESコイルの形状最適化設計に関する研究
稲場陽一, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2006, ROMBUNNO.188, 2006年10月28日
日本語 - 楕円体バブルを考慮した六面体要素自動分割手法
藤森寛朝, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2006, ROMBUNNO.179, 2006年10月28日
日本語 - 三次元バブルシステムを用いた磁束線配置手法の提案
平畠将士, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2006, ROMBUNNO.189, 2006年10月28日
日本語 - 回転機の電磁界解析高精度モデリング技術
米谷晴之, 山崎克巳, 山田隆, 中野正嗣, 石原好之, 大神光司, 大立泰治, 大戸基道, 大場彰人, 岡田幸弘, 開道力, 葛西功, 河瀬順洋, 久保田史郎, 堺和人, 沢孝一郎, 下村徹, 城野政博, 高倉正実, 高橋則雄, 筒井宏次, 百目鬼英雄, 野口聡, 野村達衛, 藤岡琢志, 真下明秀, 宮田健治, 宮田浩二, 村松和弘, 森安正司, 山際昭雄, 米田弘, 池田文昭, 平田勝弘, 溝上良一, 大河内利典, 河治学, 佐々木豊成, 杉田貴紀, 田頭康範, 電気学会技術報告, 1044, 79P, 77, 2006年02月01日
電気学会, 日本語 - 電磁機器の多目的最適化設計におけるゲーム理論を用いた解選択手法に関する検討
宮本 知幸, 金田 和文, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2006, 1, 33, 37, 2006年01月26日
日本語 - 電磁界解析における高速大規模数値計算技術
亀有昭久, 五十嵐一, 若尾真治, 野口聡, 池田文昭, 石橋一久, 榎園正人, 遠藤久, 大場彰人, 金井靖, 金山寛, 神谷淳, 河本正, 久保武春, 結石友宏, 島崎真昭, かん浩司, 坪井始, 徳増正, 徳良晋, 西口磯春, 羽野光夫, 房安浩嗣, 藤原耕二, 本間利久, 松田哲也, 松原克夫, 村松和弘, 宮田健治, 森田克明, 山下英生, 黄こう宇, 松尾哲司, 美船健, 山田隆, 岩下武史, 島田茂樹, 大神光司, 浜田昌司, 瀬島紀夫, 電気学会技術報告, 1043, 120P, 2006年01月05日
日本語 - A technique for selecting an optimal solution from among pareto-optima of multi-purposed electromagnetic apparatus design based on game theory
Tomoyuki Miyamoto, Kazufumi Kaneda, So Noguchi, Hideo Yamashita, 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, CEFC 2006, 2006年
A new technique for selecting an optimal solution to multi-purposed design problem of electromagnetic apparatus based on game theory [1] is presented in this paper. In common, there are so many optimal solutions, which are called pareto-optimal solutions, to the multi-purposed design problem that it is difficult to select appropriate one from among them. Therefore, the two-person bargaining game is applied to the multi-proposed design problem. ©2006 IEEE., 英語 - An automatic hexahedral mesh generation to control shape of elements
Hirotomo Fujimori, So Noguchi, Hajime Igarashi, 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, CEFC 2006, 2006年
We have previously proposed an automatic hexahedral mesh generator [1], The previously proposed method can generate well-shaped mesh. However, it is required to control the element size along every direction on eddy current region, air gap region and so on. On such regions, it is needed to generate flat elements on purpose. Such flat elements can't be generated by using the previously proposed method. Therefore, Ellipsoidal Bubble as mesh density data is introduced. By taking into account the Ellipsoidal Bubble, mesh size can be controlled along each direction. ©2006 IEEE., 英語 - Electrical and thermal characteristics of Bi2212/Ag HTS coils for conduction-cooled SMES
N. Hayakawa, S. Noguchi, C. Kurupakorn, H. Kojima, F. Endo, N. Hirano, S. Nagaya, H. Okubo, 7TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY (EUCAS'05), 43, 813, 816, 2006年
In this paper, we investigated the electrical and thermal performance of conduction-cooled Bi2212/Ag HTS coils with 4K-GM cryocooler system. First, we measured the critical current I-c for different ambient temperatures T-0 at 4.2 K - 40 K. Experimental results revealed that I-c increased with the decrease in T-0 and was saturated at T-0 < 10 K. We carried out thermal analysis considering heat generation, conduction and transfer under conduction-cooling condition, and reproduced the electrical and thermal characteristics of the conduction-cooled HTS coil, taking account of temperature dependence of specific heat and thermal conductivity of the materials. We also measured the temperature rise of Bi2212/Ag HTS coil for different continuous current levels at T-0 = 4.8 K. Experimental results revealed the criterion of thermal runaway, which was discussed in terms of heat generation and propagation in the test coil., IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 英語 - ホール効果を考慮したLHD超電導導体の過渡安定性評価シミュレーション
川和田 伸樹, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 石山 敦士, 柳 長門, 今川 信作, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 73, 33, 33, 2005年11月21日
日本語 - 超電導バルク体の電磁気特性シミュレーションのための一検討
柳川 友洋, 金田 和文, 野口 聡, 津田 理, 柳 長門, 三戸 利行, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 73, 223, 223, 2005年11月21日
日本語 - 3次元有限要素法を用いた複写機用誘導加熱定着ローラの回転を模擬した特性評価
宮本知幸, 野口聡, 山下英生, 金田和文, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2005, 5, 324, 2005年03月17日
日本語 - An Immune Algorithm for Robust Optimization of Electromagnetical Devices
CAMPELO Felipe, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2005, 1, 51, 56, 2005年01月27日
英語 - 3次元磁場解析におけるアダプティブ有限要素法の検討
松友 真哉, 宮本 知幸, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 金田 和文, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2005, 1, 13, 18, 2005年01月27日
日本語 - 電磁界アダプティブ解析における誤差推定法に関する検討
松友 真哉, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2004, 68, 17, 22, 2004年07月08日
日本語 - 六面体辺有限要素解析結果からの磁束線の解析的算出およびその立体視可視化手法の提案
中條 孝昭, 吉開 孝裕, 金田 和文, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2004, 68, 7, 12, 2004年07月08日
日本語 - 六面体物体と円筒形物体を含む領域のための六面体要素自動分割手法に関する研究
前田 利博, 山下 晃司, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2004, 14, 57, 62, 2004年01月27日
日本語 - 六面体物体と円筒形物体を含む領域のための六面体要素自動分割手法に関する研究
前田 利博, 山下 晃司, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2004, 14, 57, 62, 2004年01月27日
日本語 - アダプティブ有限要素解析における誤差推定法が解析精度に与える影響に関する検討
松友 真哉, 野口 総, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2004, 1, 19, 24, 2004年01月26日
日本語 - 電磁界数値解析で役立つ解析積分公式集(その4)
若尾 真治, 藤原 耕二, 野口 聡, 松尾 哲司, 亀有 昭久, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2004, 1, 1, 6, 2004年01月26日
日本語 - 電磁界数値解析で役立つ解析積分公式集(その4)
若尾 真治, 藤原 耕二, 野口 聡, 松尾 哲司, 亀有 昭久, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2004, 1, 1, 6, 2004年01月26日
日本語 - アダプティブ有限要素解析における誤差推定法が解析精度に与える影響に関する検討
松友 真哉, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2004, 1, 19, 24, 2004年01月26日
日本語 - 系統安定化用SMESを想定した高温超電導コイルの最適化設計
石山 敦士, 野口 聡, 秋田 調, 高祖 聖一, 辰田 昌功, 電気学会研究会資料. ASC, 超電導応用電力機器, 2004, 1, 31, 35, 2004年01月19日
日本語 - 系統安定化用SMESを想定したHTSコイルの最適化設計
石山 敦士, 野口 聡, 秋田 調, 笠原 奉文, 辰田 昌功, 高祖 聖一, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 68, 208, 208, 2003年05月21日
日本語 - 触覚インタフェイスを用いた電磁力知覚および電磁場可視化インタラクティブシステムの開発
松林豊, 野口聡, 山下英生, 電気学会静止器研究会資料, SA-03, 7-17, 19, 24, 2003年01月28日
日本語 - An optimization method for design of PM motor by coupling voltage driven finite element method with genetic algorithm
S. Matsutomo, S. Noguchi, H. Yamashita, S. Tanimoto, Intermag 2003 - Program of the 2003 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, 2003年
In this paper, we propose a method proportional to the supply voltage of the PM motor at the optimal design stage., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 英語 - An optimization method for design of PM motor by coupling voltage driven finite element method with genetic algorithm
S. Matsutomo, S. Noguchi, H. Yamashita, S. Tanimoto, Intermag 2003 - Program of the 2003 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, 2003年
In this paper, we propose a method proportional to the supply voltage of the PM motor at the optimal design stage., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 英語 - 永久磁石モータの最適化設計に関する考察 : 諸問題に対する解決法への一考察
松友 真哉, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 谷本 茂也, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2002, 76, 43, 48, 2002年09月03日
日本語 - マルチグリッド法の応用によるアダプティブ有限要素解析
山口 和宏, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2002, 58, 59, 64, 2002年09月02日
日本語 - 電磁力フィードバック電磁場インタラクティブ可視化システム
松林豊, 野口聡, 山下英生, 電磁力関連のダイナミックスシンポジウム講演論文集, 14th, 631, 634, 2002年05月22日
日本語 - 境界要素・有限要素・エレメントフリーガラーキン混合解析法の自然き裂探傷への適用
原田 悠平, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2002, 12, 45, 49, 2002年01月29日
日本語 - 分散環境における解析ソフトウェアのステアリングシステムの開発
金川 文寛, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 2002, 1, 25, 30, 2002年01月28日
日本語 - An optimal design method for efficiency of permanent magnet motors
Yoshihiro Hosokawa, So Noguchi, Hideo Yamashita, Shigeya Tanimoto, Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi), 138, 3, 72, 79, 2002年
In optimal design of a permanent magnet (PM) motor, many design variables are required to consider some device properties. These variables are, for example, the shape of core and magnet, the tooth length, the number of turns, and the winding radius. Moreover, many restrictions must be considered in practical PM motor design. These restrictions are, for example, the slot space factor and the cogging torque. However, the optimization problem, which has many design variables by the finite element method (FEM), has not been reported. In this paper, the efficiency of PM motor under the considerations given above is optimized by using FEM and optimization algorithm. In this problem, an objective function has many local minima and it is difficult to calculate its gradient. For these reasons, the genetic algorithm (GA) and simulated annealing method (SA), which are stochastic methods, are used for optimization method, because of the possibility of global range search and because gradient calculation is not required. Adding to both optimization methods, in this paper, SA combined with GA is used for one of the optimization methods. It is found that the solutions optimized by these methods are reasonable from an engineering point of view. © 2001 Scripta Technica, Electr. Eng. Jpn., 英語 - 六面体要素のための自動メッシュ生成手法
前田 利博, 山下 英生, 野口 聡, 日本応用数理学会年会予稿集, 2002, 0, 49, 49, 2002年
3次元電磁場解析においては、計算時間および解析精度の面で有利な六面体要素に注目が集まっている。しかし、六面体要素を自動的に生成するためのアルゴリズムは確立されていない。そのため、要素分割にかかる時間は多大なものとなっている。我々は先に形状認識と木構造を用いた六面体要素自動分割手法を提案した。この手法では、形状認識により解析モデルを直交座標系に割り当てる。しかし、円筒形物体を直交座標系に割り当て要素分割を行うと、扁平な要素が生成されてしまうといった問題が生じる。特に電磁場解析の分野では、モータや発電機といった回転機などは円筒形物体であり、解析精度向上のために扁平要素の少ない要素分割が不可欠である。そこで本手法では、解析モデルを円筒座標系に割り当てることでこの問題を回避している。本手法により、良好な六面体要素を生成することができる。また、要素に粗密分布を与えることもできる。, 一般社団法人 日本応用数理学会 - 永久磁石モータの最適化設計 回転シミュレーションを考慮した多変数設計問題
松友真哉, 野口聡, 山下英生, 谷本茂也, 電気学会静止器研究会資料, SA-01, 20-38, 103, 108, 2001年08月03日
日本語 - Fundamental characteristic estimation based on finite element method for magnetic shielding type superconducting fault current limiter
A Ishiyama, J Nakatsugawa, S Noguchi, H Kado, M Ichikawa, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN, 134, 1, 17, 27, 2001年01月
The superconducting fault current limiter is expected to be the first application of high-Tc superconductors (HTSs) in power systems. To develop a magnetic shielding-type superconductor fault current limiter, we have carried out some fundamental experiments on the magnetic shielding characteristics of an HTS bulk cylinder. In this paper, the experimental results of magnetic flux penetration into Bi-2223 cylinders are shown. An ac magnetic field is applied to the sample by a primary winding (copper coil) excited by ac triangular- and sinusoidal-waveform currents in the frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz. We also developed a finite element method computer program for evaluation of the dynamic electromagnetic behavior of the HTS cylinder in a time-varying external magnetic field. The results of computer simulations considering the voltage-current (E-J) characteristic are compared with experiments. Next we carried out a current-limiting test with a small limiter model, and the developed finite element method computer program successfully simulated the electromagnetic behavior in current-limiting operation. (C) 2000 Scripta Technica., WILEY-BLACKWELL, 英語 - Bi2223テープ線材を用いた超電導マグネットの最適化設計
山下 誠, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 石山 敦士, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 63, 253, 253, 2000年10月31日
日本語 - バルク超電導体を含む電磁界の数値シミュレーションとその応用
石山 敦士, 植田 浩史, 大山 俊彰, 村松 亮, 津田 理, 野口 聡, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2000, 13, 37, 42, 2000年08月05日
日本語 - 分散環境における解析ソフトウェアのステアリングシステムの開発
金川 文寛, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2000, 13, 1, 5, 2000年08月05日
日本語 - マルチグリッド法による有限要素解析の高速化
徳田 龍太郎, 坪田 克己, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 計算工学講演会論文集, 5, 1, 405, 408, 2000年05月24日
日本計算工学会, 日本語 - Characteristics of Bulk Superconducting Cylinder for Magnetic Shielding Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter
S. Noguchi, H. Ueda, A. Ishiyama, H. Kado, M. Ichikawa, Applied Superconductivity 1999, 1, 997, 1000, 2000年 - 磁界2 1-II-2 電気機器設計および電磁教育へ向けた2Dインタラクティブ可視化システム (日本シミュレーション学会 第20回計算電気・電子工学シンポジウム(1999年11月25日,26日)) -- (第1日目 平成11年11月25日(木))
岡山 英司, 野口 聡, 金田 和文, 計算電気・電子工学シンポジウム論文集, 20, 73, 76, 1999年11月25日
日本シミュレ-ション学会, 日本語 - 磁界3 2-I-5 時間周期有限要素法における直接解法の収束特性についての一考察 (日本シミュレーション学会 第20回計算電気・電子工学シンポジウム(1999年11月25日,26日)) -- (第2日目 平成11年11月26日(金))
金堀 伸二, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 計算電気・電子工学シンポジウム論文集, 20, 147, 150, 1999年11月25日
日本シミュレ-ション学会, 日本語 - 有限要素法による磁気遮へい型超電導限流器の動作特性評価
植田 浩史, 石山 敦士, 野口 聡, 門 裕之, 市川 路晴, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 61, 215, 215, 1999年11月10日
日本語 - 探索補助解を生成し動的探索範囲の変更を行う遺伝的探索による電磁機器の最適設計
横瀬義雄, 野口聡, 金田和文, 山下英生, 電気・情報関連学会中国支部連合大会講演論文集, 50th, 254, 1999年10月23日
日本語 - バブルシステムを用いた3次元有限要素自動作成法
長倉 智志, 野口 聡, 金田 和文, 山下 英生, 横山 貴之, シンポジウム電磁力関連のダイナミックス講演論文集, 11, 679, 682, 1999年10月13日
日本語 - バブルシステムを用いた3次元有限要素自動作成法
長倉智志, 野口聡, 金田和文, 山下英生, 横山貴之, 電磁力関連のダイナミックスシンポジウム講演論文集, 11st, 679, 682, 1999年10月12日
日本語 - ノンネスティッドマルチグリッド法を用いた有限要素解析の高速化
坪田 克己, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 電気学会研究会資料. RM, 回転機研究会, 1999, 55, 19, 24, 1999年08月19日
日本語 - 有限要素法による磁気遮へい型超電導限流器の基礎特性評価
中津川 潤之介, 野口 聡, 石山 敦士, 門 裕之, 市川 路晴, 電気学会研究会資料. ASC, 超電導応用電力機器, 1999, 10, 47, 52, 1999年01月29日
日本語 - Stability test results on the aluminum stabilized superconductor for the helical coils of LHD
Nagato Yanagi, Takashi Satow, Toshiyuki Mito, Shinsaku Imagawa, Kazuya Takahata, Akifumi Iwamoto, Hirotaka Chikaraishi, Satarou Yamaguchi, Sadao Satoh, Osamu Motojima, Soh Noguchi, Atsushi Ishiyama, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 9, 2 PART 1, 1113, 1116, 1999年
Stability tests have been carried out on short samples of the aluminum/copper stabilized composite-type superconductors developed and used for the pool-cooled helical coils of the Large Helical Device. The waveform of the longitudinal voltage initiated by resistive heaters shows a short-time rise before reaching a final value, which seems to correspond to the diffusion process of transport current into the pure aluminum stabilizer. The propagation velocity has a finite value even for the transport current being lower than the recovery current, and it differs depending on the direction with respect to the transport current. © 1999 IEEE. - 磁気遮へい型限流器用超電導バルク円筒体の磁気遮へい特性
中津川潤之介, 野口聡, 石山敦士, 門裕之, 市川路晴, 電気学会静止器研究会資料, SA-98, 27-32.34-36, 19, 23, 1998年12月10日
日本語 - 磁気遮へい型限流器用超電導バルク円筒体の磁気遮へい特性 : 実験と解析
野口 聡, 中津川 潤之介, 石山 敦士, 門 裕之, 市川 路晴, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 59, 124, 124, 1998年10月13日
日本語 - 感度解析を考慮した高磁界・高均一超電導マグネットの最適化設計
野口 聡, 石山 敦士, 電気学会研究会資料. ASC, 超電導応用電力機器, 1998, 7, 69, 74, 1998年01月30日
日本語 - Experimental and analytical estimation for transient stability in AC multi-strand superconducting cables
A Ishiyama, M Sasaki, T Susa, S Noguchi, SB Kim, M Tsuda, H Yumura, K Ohmatsu, K Sato, INTERNATIONAL CRYOGENIC ENGINEERING CONFERENCE 1998, 17, 365, 368, 1998年, [査読有り]
We have been investigating the transient stability of non-insulated multi-strand superconducting cables forAC use by experiments and numerical simulations using a newly developed computer program. In this paper, we focus on the effect of Cu matrix allocation on the transient stability of multi-strand superconducting cables. To evaluate the effect of Cu matrix quantitatively, we carried out experiments and analyses on two types of three-strand NbTi/CuNi cables, with Cu-sheath and with no Cu-sheath, having almost the same strand diameter, the same matrix to superconductor ratio and the same B-J characteristics., IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 英語 - 磁気遮へい型限流器用超電導バルク円筒体の磁気遮へい特性
門 裕之, 市川 路晴, 野口 聡, 中津川 潤之介, 石山 敦士, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 57, 95, 95, 1997年11月18日
日本語 - 感度解析を考慮した高磁界・高均一超電導マグネットの最適化設計
野口 聡, 石山 敦士, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 57, 231, 231, 1997年11月18日
日本語 - 磁気シールド付き高磁界超電導マグネットの最適化設計
野口 聡, 石山 敦士, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 54, 67, 67, 1995年11月03日
日本語 - 超電導マグネット設計への遺伝的アルゴリズムの適用
野口 聡, 石山 敦士, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 53, 207, 207, 1995年05月17日
日本語 - マルチセクション超電導マグネットのための最適化設計手法の比較
石山 敦士, 野口 聡, 低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 53, 206, 206, 1995年05月17日
日本語 - Genetic Algorithm・Simulated Annealing併用法による磁界系非線形最適化問題の解法 高磁界・高均一超電導マグネットの最適化設計
野口聡, 石山敦士, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 1995, 5, 5.200, 1995年03月
日本語 - 高磁界超電導マグネット設計への遺伝的アルゴリズムの適用
野口 聡, 石山 敦士, 電気学会研究会資料. EC, 電線・ケーブル研究会, 1995, 1, 173, 182, 1995年01月26日
日本語 - Simulated Annealing法に基づく高磁界・高均一超電導マグネットの最適設計法
野口聡, 坂原淳史, 石山敦士, 電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 1994, 8, 8.122, 1994年03月
- 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(1)―プロジェクト概要―
戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 岩井貞憲, 大谷安見, 高橋政彦, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2014年05月26日, 日本語 - 無絶縁REBCO線材を巻線したm級パンケーキコイルの励磁特性解析・評価
池田愛花, 大木隆広, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2014年05月26日, 日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(5)―遮蔽電流磁場の計算評価―
石山敦士, WANG Xudong, 植田浩史, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 野口聡, 戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2014年05月26日, 日本語 - 無絶縁REBCO線材を巻き線したパンケーキコイルの層間接触抵抗の解析・評価
大木隆広, 池田愛花, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡, SEUNGYONG Hahn, 岩佐幸和, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2014年05月26日, 日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(2)―極小口径10Tコイル―
宮崎寛史, 岩井貞憲, 戸坂泰造, 田崎賢司, 野村俊自, 来栖努, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 野口聡, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2014年05月26日, 日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(3)―コイル配置最適化設計―
石山敦士, WANG Xudong, 植田浩史, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 野口聡, 戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2014年05月26日, 日本語 - 無絶縁REBCO線材を巻線したパンケーキコイルの過電流通電特性に関する数値解析・評価
WANG Tao, 池田愛花, 大木隆宏, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡, HAHN Seungyong, 岩佐幸和
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2014年05月26日, 日本語 - 高磁場MRI用高温超電導磁石の開発(4)―巻線誤差の不整磁場への影響―
石山敦士, WANG Xudong, 植田浩史, 植田浩史, 野口聡, 野口聡, 戸坂泰造, 宮崎寛史, 野村俊自, 来栖努, 浦山慎一, 福山秀直
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2014年05月26日, 日本語 - No‐Insulation(NI)REBCOパンケーキコイルの層間接触抵抗評価実験
大木隆広, 池田愛花, 荒川一誠, 南克彦, 中田恵理香, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡, HAHN Seungyong, IWASA Yukikazu
電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014年03月05日, 日本語 - YBCOパンケーキコイルにおける遮へい電流による不整磁場評価:解析
今市洋平, 辻義明, 持田歩, 有谷友汰, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡
電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014年03月05日, 日本語 - REBCOコイルの遮蔽電流磁場低減に関する検討
植田浩史, 辻義明, 今市洋平, 持田歩, 有谷友汰, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡
電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014年03月05日, 日本語 - YBCOパンケーキコイルにおける遮へい電流による不整磁場評価:実験
持田歩, 今市洋平, 辻義明, 齋藤隼, 有谷友汰, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 野口聡
電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014年03月05日, 日本語 - 非絶縁REBCOパンケーキコイルの層間接触抵抗と励磁特性の評価
WANG Xudong, WANG Tao, 増井裕太, 石山敦士, 伊藤竜誠, 野口聡, 植田浩史, HAHN Seungyong, 岩佐幸和
電気学会超電導機器研究会資料, 2014年01月30日, 日本語 - REBCO超電導コイルにおける遮へい電流の影響評価
植田浩史, 野口聡, 道辻健太, 有谷友汰, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士
電気学会超電導機器研究会資料, 2014年01月30日, 日本語 - REBCOコイルの遮へい電流磁場の低減に関する検討
植田浩史, 齋藤隼, 有谷友汰, 梅田大貴, 道辻健太, 狩野開, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 福田光宏, 畑中吉治, 野口聡
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2013年12月04日, 日本語 - Partial‐insulation技術を用いたNbTiマグネットのシミュレーション
野口聡, 伊藤竜誠, KIM Youngjae, HAHN Seungyong, IWASA Yukikazu
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2013年12月04日, 日本語 - Passive ShimmingによるMRI/NMRマグネットの全方向磁界成分均一化のための球面調和関数による磁界解析
野口聡, HAHN Seungyong, IWASA Yukikazu
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2013年12月04日, 日本語 - YBCOパンケーキコイルにおける遮へい電流磁場評価実験
有谷友汰, 斎藤隼, 梅田大貴, 狩野開, 道辻健太, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 植田浩史, 福田光宏, 畑中吉治, 野口聡
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2013年12月04日, 日本語 - No‐insulation ReBCOコイルのターン間接触抵抗の影響についての数値シミュレーションによる検討
野口聡, 伊藤竜誠, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, HAHN Seungyong, IWASA Yukikazu
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2013年12月04日, 日本語 - No‐Insulation REBCOパンケーキコイルの励磁特性に関する実験と簡易解析
荒川一誠, 南克彦, 中田恵理香, 増井裕太, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡, HAHN Seungyong, IWASA Yukikazu
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2013年12月04日, 日本語 - No‐Insulation REBCOパンケーキコイルの層間接触抵抗評価実験
中田恵理香, 荒川一誠, 南克彦, 増井裕太, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫, HAHN Seungyong, IWASA Yukikazu
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2013年12月04日, 日本語 - 高温超電導コイルの遮蔽電流と磁場分布の測定実験および解析
植田浩史, 福田光宏, 畑中吉治, 野口聡, 齋藤隼, 有谷友汰, 狩野開, 道辻健太, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士
電気学会超電導応用電力機器研究会資料, 2013年09月24日, 日本語 - 素線絶縁を施していないNbTiコイル
伊藤竜誠, 野口聡, HAHN Seungyong, IWASA Yukikazu
電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(CD-ROM), 2013年08月27日, 日本語 - Y系ダブルパンケーキコイルの遮へい電流磁場解析
植田浩史, 福田光宏, 畑中吉治, 野口聡, 齋藤隼, 有谷友汰, 狩野開, 道辻健太, WANG Tao, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 渡部智則, 長屋重夫
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2013年05月13日, 日本語 - 次世代超電導サイクロトロン用コイルの設計最適化
植田 浩史, 福田 光宏, 畑中 吉治, 王 旭東, 石山 敦士, 野口 聡, 鹿島 直二, 長屋 重夫, 宮原 信幸
電気学会研究会資料. ASC, 超電導応用電力機器, 2013年01月15日, 日本語 - 次世代超電導サイクロトロン用コイルの設計最適化
植田浩史, 福田光宏, 畑中吉治, WANG Xudong, 石山敦士, 野口聡, 鹿島直二, 長屋重夫, 宮原信幸
電気学会超電導応用電力機器研究会資料, 2013年01月15日, 日本語 - 次世代超電導サイクロトロンの開発:開発課題
石山敦士, WANG Xudong, 植田浩史, 福田光宏, 畑中吉治, 野口聡, 長屋重夫, 鹿島直二, 宮原信幸
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2012年11月07日, 日本語 - 次世代超電導サイクロトロンの開発:コイル形状の設計最適化
植田浩史, 福田光宏, 畑中吉治, 野口聡, 石山敦士, 長屋重夫, 鹿島直二, 宮原信幸
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2012年11月07日, 日本語 - 磁界‐臨界電流密度特性を考慮したトロイダルHTS‐SMESの連鎖クエンチシミュレーション
大賀友貴, 野口聡, 五十嵐一
電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2012年10月20日, 日本語 - 加速器応用を想定した高温超電導コイルの遮へい電流と磁場分布の空間的・時間的変化の3次元解析
植田浩史, 福田光宏, 畑中吉治, 野口聡, 石山敦士
電気学会超電導応用電力機器研究会資料, 2012年06月21日, 日本語 - 加速器応用を想定した高温超電導コイルの遮へい電流と磁場分布の空間的・時間的変化の3次元解析
植田 浩史, 福田 光宏, 畑中 吉治, 野口 聡, 石山 敦士
電気学会研究会資料. ASC, 超電導応用電力機器, 2012年06月21日, 日本語 - 四面体辺有限要素解析のための部分的なスムージングによるメッシュ特性改善についての検討
高田 篤, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 三輪 將彦
電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2012年01月26日, 日本語 - 拡張現実感技術を利用した電磁気教育のための電磁場可視化システムの一提案(その2)
宮内 武紀, 松友 真哉, 野口 聡, 山下 英生
電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2012年01月26日, 日本語 - A Numerical Study for Air Flow from Ejector Nozzle of Sorting Machines Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Proc JSST Annu Conf (CD-ROM), 2012年, 英語 - A Numerical Study for Rice Using Distinct Element Method
Proc JSST Annu Conf (CD-ROM), 2012年, 英語 - ダイレクトカップル型HTS dc‐SQUIDマグネトメータの有限要素解析の精度検討
寺内直也, 野口聡, 五十嵐一, 廿日出好, 田中三郎
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2011年05月18日, 日本語 - 2次元流体解析を用いた磁気クロマトグラフィー法による磁性微粒子の分離現象に関する研究
香西勇樹, 片岡克仁, KIM SeokBeom, 野口聡
電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2011年03月05日, 日本語 - Numerical simulation of screening current distribution in HTS tape of high field magnet
Proceedings of 24th International Symposium on Superconductivity (CD-ROM), 2011年 - Simulation of Chain of quenches on toroidal HTS-SMES taking account of thermal and electromagnetic characteristics
Proceedings of 24th International Symposium on Superconductivity (CD-ROM), 2011年 - Magnetic shielding simulation of superconducting film shield covering directly coupled HTS dc-SQUID magnetometer
Proceedings of Superconductivity Centennial Conference 2011 (CD-ROM), 2011年 - Overturning Force Simulation on Chain of Quenches of Toroidal HTS-SMES
Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Magnet Technology (CD-ROM), 2011年 - Adaptive Mesh Gneneration Method Utilizing Magnetic Flux Lines in Two-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis
Proceedings of 18th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (CD-ROM), 2011年 - A New Acceleration Factor Decision Method for ICCG method Utilizing Quality of Finite Element Mesh
Proceedings of 18th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (CD-ROM), 2011年 - Mesh Quality Investigation to Improve Convergence Property of ICCG Method for Finite Element Method
Proceedings of 18th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (CD-ROM), 2011年 - Characteristic Analysis of Directly Coupled HTS dc-SQUID Magnetometer Considering Josephson Junction as Equivalent Circuit
Proceedings of 18th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (CD-ROM), 2011年 - Real-time Visualization System of Magnetic Field Utilizing Augmented Reality Technology for Education
Proceedings of 18th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (CD-ROM), 2011年 - Magnetic Field Gradients and Fluid Flow Computation for Design of Magnetic Chromatography to Separte Magnetic Particles
Proceedings of 18th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (CD-ROM), 2011年 - Simulation of magnetic fluid to develop the magnetic chromatography for magnetic particle separation
Proceedings of 2011 International Magnetics Conference (CD-ROM), 2011年 - YBCOテープ線材を用いた直流リアクトル用トロイダルコイルの特性
山本昌弘, 原田直幸, 内藤裕志, 植田清隆, 津田理, 濱島高太郎, 古瀬充穂, 淵野修一郎, 野口聡
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2010年12月01日, 日本語 - Characteristic Analysis of Directly Coupling HTS dc-SQUID Magnetometer
Proceedings of 23rd International Symposium on Superconductivity, 2010年 - Quench Simulation of SMES Consisting of Some Supercondcuting Coils
Proceedings of 23rd International Symposium on Superconductivity, 2010年 - Development of Numerical Analysis Method for Ion Separation with Novel Magnetic Chromatography
Proceedings of 2010 Applied Superconductivity Conference (CD-ROM), 2010年 - An Optimal Configuration Design of Superconducting Magnets for DC Reactor
Proceedings of 2010 Applied Superconductivity Conference (CD-ROM), 2010年 - An Optimal Configuration Design of Superconducting Magnets with Magnetic Sheilding for NMR
Proceedings of 2010 Applied Superconductivity Conference (CD-ROM), 2010年 - Development of Numerical Simulation Method for Magnetic Separation of Magnetic Particles
Digests of the 2010 14th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Compuatation (CD-ROM), 2010年 - New Smoothing Method in the Automatic Hexahedral Mesh Generator for Improving Solver Convergence Property
Digests of the 2010 14th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Compuatation (CD-ROM), 2010年 - Semi-three-dimensional Visualization of Electromagnetic Field Analysis Results with Volumetric Display
Digests of the 2010 14th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Compuatation (CD-ROM), 2010年 - 散乱光分布を利用した半導体ウエハ上欠陥種分類手法
杉原慶彦, 本田敏文, 浦野雄太, 渡辺正浩, 野口聡, 五十嵐一
ViEWビジョン技術の実利用ワークショップ講演論文集, 2009年12月03日, 日本語 - YBCOテープ線材を用いた直流リアクトル用トロイダルコイルの製作
原田 直幸, 伊藤 俊, 内藤 裕志, 植田 清隆, 津田 理, 濱島 高太郎, 古瀬 充穂, 淵野 修一郎, 野口 聡
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 2009年11月18日, 日本語 - 散乱光分布を利用した半導体ウエハ上欠陥種分類手法
杉原慶彦, 本田敏文, 浦野雄太, 渡辺正浩, 野口聡, 五十嵐一
電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2009年10月17日, 日本語 - 磁気クロマトグラフィー法による微細粒子分離現象に関する検討(その3)
片岡克仁, 岩本竜一, KIM S. B, 村瀬暁, 野口聡, 岡田秀彦
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, 2009年05月13日, 日本語 - Evaluation of Solution Accuracy on Finite Elemetn Analysis using Magnetic Flux Lines
Proceedings of 17th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (CD-ROM), 2009年 - Quality Evaluation of Automatically Generated Hexahedral Mesh for FEA
Proceedings of 17th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (CD-ROM), 2009年 - The Study on Optimization Issues for Magnetic Separation by Magnetic Chromatography
Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Superconductivity (CD-ROM), 2009年 - Visualization Method of Magnetic Flux Lines with Accurate Allocation Applying Tube System
Proceedings of 17th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (CD-ROM), 2009年 - An Optimal Configuration Design of Superconducting Magnets with HTS Tapes for DC reactor
Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Magnet Technology (CD-ROM), 2009年 - Development of Numerical Analysis Method for Magnetic Separation of Magnetic Particle and Ion with Magnetic Chromagtography
Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Magnet Technology (CD-ROM), 2009年 - Evaluation of Hexahedral Mesh Quality for Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics
Proceedings of 6th Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials, 2009年 - Stability of Toroidal SMES using YBCO tapes for Simultaneous Quench of a few Element Coils
Proceedings of 6th Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials, 2009年 - Development of magnetic separation system with micro-scaled magnetic column
Proceedings of IEEE International Magnetics Conference (CD-ROM), 2009年 - 六面体要素自動分割手法のための節点移動とスムージングによる要素形状改善に関する研究
本岡雄一郎, 野口聡, 五十嵐一
電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2008年10月25日, 日本語 - Characteristics of magnetic separation particle and ion by magnetic chromatography with novel magnetic column
Proceedings of 2008 Applied Superconductivity Conference (CD-ROM), 2008年 - Flexible Control of Multi-material Tetrahedral Mesh Properties Using Multiresolution Techniques
Proceedings of 13th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CD-ROM), 2008年 - Allocation Method of Magnetic Flux Lines Applying Tube System for Magnetic Field Visualization
Proceedings of 13th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CD-ROM), 2008年 - A Technique for Selecting An Optimal Solution among Pareto-optima of Multi-purposed Electromagnetic Apparatus Design Using Game Theory
Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology, 2007年 - Error Estimation and Mesh Control Scheme in Adaptive Finite Element Method for Nonlinear Magnetostatic Field Problems
Proceedings of 16th Compumag Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, 2007年 - Allocation Method of Magnetic Flux Lines Using Bubble System for Magnetic Field Visualization
Proceedings of 16th Compumag Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, 2007年 - Selection of an Optimal Solution for Multi-objective Electromagnetic Apparatus Design based on Game Theory
Proceedings of 16th Compumag Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, 2007年 - LHD超電導導体の過渡安定性解析
野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 石山 敦士, 柳 長門, 今川 信作
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 2006年11月15日, 日本語 - Asymmtrical Normal-Zone Propagation Analysis Considering Hall Effect for Large Aluminum Stabilized Superconductor
Proceedings of 2006 Applied Superconductivity Conference (USB Memory), 2006年 - Operating Property Analysis of Parallelized Resistive Fault Current Limiter using YBCO Thin Films
Proceedings of 2006 Applied Superconductivity Conference (USB Memory), 2006年 - A Technique for Selecting An Optimal Solution from among Pareto-optima of Multi-purposed Electromagnetic Apparatus Design based on Game Theory
Proceedings of The Twelfth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2006年 - An Automatic Hexahedral Mesh Generation to Control Shape of Elements
Proceedings of The Twelfth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2006年 - 超電導バルク体の電磁気特性シミュレーションのための一検討
柳川 友洋, 金田 和文, 野口 聡, 津田 理, 柳 長門, 三戸 利行
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 2005年11月21日, 日本語 - ホール効果を考慮したLHD超電導導体の過渡安定性評価シミュレーション
川和田 伸樹, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一, 石山 敦士, 柳 長門, 今川 信作
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 2005年11月21日, 日本語 - Decision-Making in Multiobjective Electromagnetic Optimization Using Self-Organizing Maps
計算工学講演会論文集, 2005年05月31日, 英語 - An Immune Algorithm for Robust Optimization of Electromagnetical Devices
CAMPELO Felipe, 野口 聡, 五十嵐 一
電気学会研究会資料. SA, 静止器研究会, 2005年01月27日, 英語 - Transient Stability Analysis Taking into Account Hall Effect for Large Aluminum Stabilized Superconductor
Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Magnetic Technology, 2005年 - A New Robust Design Method for High-Field and Highly Homogenous Superconducting Magnets Using an Immune Algorithm
Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Magnetic Technology, 2005年 - An Optimal Design Method for High-Frequency Dielectric Heating Device
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Electromagnetic, Mechanic & Biomedical Problems, 2005年 - A New Analysis Method for Accurate Supercurrent Distribution inside HTS Bulk
Proceedings of 4th Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials, 2005年 - A Modified Immune Network Algorithm for Multimodal Electromagnetic Problems
Proceedings of 15th Compumag Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, 2005年 - An Error Evaluation Scheme Based on Magnetic Field Intensity in Adaptive Finite Element Analysis for Electromagnetics
Proceedings of 15th Compumag Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, 2005年 - Robust Optimization using the Real-coded Clonal Selection Algorithm
Proceedings of 15th Compumag Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, 2005年 - A New Analysis Method for Accurate Supercurrent Distribution inside High-Temperature Superconducting Bulk
Proceedings of 15th Compumag Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, 2005年 - Development of a new 3D interactive visualization system with force feedback device for electromagnetics education and electromagnetic apparatus design
Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology, 2004年 - An Optimal Configuration Design Method for HTS-SMES Coils
Proceedings of 2004 Applied Superconductivity Conference, 2004年 - A New Error Estmation Scheme in Adaptive Finite Element Analysis
Proceedings of 49th Annual Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic & Materials, 2004年 - An Automatic Hexahedral Mesh Generation for High Quality Mesh by Defromation and Tree Structure
Proceedings of The Eleventh Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2004年 - Analytical Computation and Visualization of Magnetic Flux Lines in 3-D Space from Hexahedral Edge Finite Element Result
Proceedings of The Eleventh Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2004年 - A New Error Method in Adaptive Finite Element Analysis for Electromagnetic Problems
Proceedings of The Eleventh Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 2004年 - 系統安定化用SMESを想定したHTSコイルの最適化設計
石山 敦士, 野口 聡, 秋田 調, 笠原 奉文, 辰田 昌功, 高祖 聖一
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 2003年05月21日, 日本語 - Automatic Hexahedral Mesh Generation for Rotating Machine
Record of the 14th COMPUMAG Conference on the Computation of Magnetic Fields, 2003年 - An Optimization Design Method for Enhancing Efficiency of PM Motor by Using Voltage Driven Finite Element Method with Adjusting Supply Voltage
Record of the 14th COMPUMAG Conference on the Computation of Magnetic Fields, 2003年 - Bi2223テープ線材を用いた超電導マグネットの最適化設計
山下 誠, 野口 聡, 山下 英生, 石山 敦士
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 2000年10月31日, 日本語 - 有限要素法による磁気遮へい型超電導限流器の動作特性評価
植田 浩史, 石山 敦士, 野口 聡, 門 裕之, 市川 路晴
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 1999年11月10日, 日本語 - 磁気遮へい型限流器用超電導バルク円筒体の磁気遮へい特性 : 実験と解析
野口 聡, 中津川 潤之介, 石山 敦士, 門 裕之, 市川 路晴
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 1998年10月13日, 日本語 - 感度解析を考慮した高磁界・高均一超電導マグネットの最適化設計
野口 聡, 石山 敦士
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 1997年11月18日, 日本語 - 磁気遮へい型限流器用超電導バルク円筒体の磁気遮へい特性
門 裕之, 市川 路晴, 野口 聡, 中津川 潤之介, 石山 敦士
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 1997年11月18日, 日本語 - 磁気シールド付き高磁界超電導マグネットの最適化設計
野口 聡, 石山 敦士
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 1995年11月03日, 日本語 - 超電導マグネット設計への遺伝的アルゴリズムの適用
野口 聡, 石山 敦士
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 1995年05月17日, 日本語 - マルチセクション超電導マグネットのための最適化設計手法の比較
石山 敦士, 野口 聡
低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, 1995年05月17日, 日本語 - Genetic Algorithm・Simulated Annealing併用法による磁界系非線形最適化問題の解法 高磁界・高均一超電導マグネットの最適化設計
野口聡, 石山敦士
電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 1995年03月, 日本語
- 保護の不要な高ロバスト・高性能・低コスト高温超伝導コイルシステムの実現
2022年04月01日 - 2025年03月31日
石山 敦士, 植田 浩史, 野口 聡, 福井 聡
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 早稲田大学, 22H01478 - 超高磁場発生のための高耐久高安定マグネットの開発技術および経済性運転技術の確立
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
2020年04月01日 - 2024年03月31日
野口 聡, 金 錫範
2)誘導電流低減の電磁機構“Magnetic Dam”を提案してきた。超伝導コイルの内側と外側に、メインコイルから絶縁された無絶縁巻線超伝導巻線を数ターン配置することで、大幅に誘導電流を低減できることを明らかにしてきたが、応力などによる超伝導特性の低下が起きないかなどの諸問題をシミュレーションにより検討した。
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 20H02125 - 磁気アルキメデス法による海中マイクロプラスチック回収装置の概念設計
科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
2020年07月30日 - 2023年03月31日
野口 聡
日本学術振興会, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 北海道大学, 20K20989 - 次世代医療用高温超伝導スケルトン・サイクロトロンの設計原理・開発基盤の確立
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(S)
2018年06月11日 - 2023年03月31日
石山 敦士, 植田 浩史, 野口 聡, 東 達也, 福田 光宏, 鷲尾 方一
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(S), 早稲田大学, 18H05244 - 次世代医療用高温超伝導スケルトン・サイクロトロンの設計原理・開発基盤の確立
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
2018年04月01日 - 2022年03月31日
石山 敦士, 植田 浩史, 野口 聡, 福田 光宏, 鷲尾 方一
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 早稲田大学, 18H03785 - 次世代MRI/NMRのための磁性流体によるシミングの基礎検討
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
2016年04月01日 - 2019年03月31日
野口 聡, 宮尾 亮介
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 16K01403 - 次世代医療用サイクロトロン開発のための5H超伝導コイルシステムの基盤技術の確立
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
2014年06月27日 - 2018年03月31日
石山 敦士, 金 錫範, 植田 浩史, 山川 宏, 野口 聡
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 早稲田大学, 26249036 - ナノ医用診断のためのSQUID磁気センサの高性能化設計用シミュレーションの開発(国際共同研究強化)
科学研究費助成事業 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化)
2016年 - 2018年
野口 聡, 岩佐 幸和, Hahn Seungyong, Larbalestier David, 宮尾 亮介
日本学術振興会, 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化), 北海道大学, 15KK0192 - 核廃棄物処理のための大出力サイクロトロン用超伝導コイルシステムの設計研究
科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究
2014年04月01日 - 2016年03月31日
石山 敦士, 野口 聡, 植田 浩史, 山川 宏
日本学術振興会, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 早稲田大学, 26630116 - ナノ医用診断のためのSQUID磁気センサの高性能化設計用シミュレーションの開発
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
2013年04月01日 - 2016年03月31日
野口 聡
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 25350558 - 蛋白質分離のための磁気クロマトグラフィ用磁場・流体連成シミュレーションの開発
科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
2011年 - 2012年
野ロ 聡
日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 23700570 - ナノ磁性微粒子を用いた医用診断のための高精度磁場・磁性流体シミュレーションの開発
科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
2008年 - 2010年
野口 聡
日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 20700403 - 磁性流体のシミュレーション
競争的資金 - 系統安定化用SMESやMRI用超伝導マグネットの実用的最適化設計手法に関する研究
科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
2006年 - 2007年
野口 聡
超伝導マグネットの実用的な設計を磁場解析・熱解析・最適化手法の連成により行えるようにするために,「堅固な設計」と「多目的設計に対する最適設計」についての検討を行った.「堅固な設計」については,Immune Algorithmを堅固な設計用に修正し,その修正法を用いることで,大幅な計算時間の短縮化も達成できた.また,「多目的設計に対する最適設計」ついては,ゲーム理論の適用により,トレードオフの関係にある多数の目的を考慮することが可能となった.さらに,協力ゲームや非協力ゲームなどの種々のゲーム理論を比較し,最適化設計に適したゲーム理論の調査を行った.
日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 18760209 - 電磁場教育向け視覚情報・触覚情報併用3次元対話型バーチャル実験システムの開発
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
2005年 - 2006年
山下 英生, 野口 聡, 三好 孝治
バーチャル磁場空間の正確な情報を計算するためには、3次元磁場解析の精度の向上が必要である。そのためには、有限要素解析における適切な大きさの要素を適切な位置に配置する六面体要素自動生成技術が必須であり、その開発を行い、IEEE Transaction on Magneticsに発表した。
3次元有限要素解析の解析結果の精度を補償するためのアダプティブ有限要素解析手法の開発を行った。磁界の回転をベースとして誤差を推定する方法である。その成果を、IEEE Transaction on Magneticsに発表した。
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 広島工業大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 17560271 - An Optimal Design Method for Superconducting Magnets
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
競争的資金 - 系統安定化用超伝導エネルギー貯蔵装置の大規模解析手法と最適化設計に関する研究
科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
2004年 - 2005年
野口 聡
日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 16760228 - 電気機器解析のための有限要素モデルを自動生成する学習機械の開発
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
2003年 - 2005年
五十嵐 一, 野口 聡, 渡辺 浩太
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 15560233 - 電磁場教育・機器設計に有用な視覚触覚情報併用3次元対話型バーチャルシステムの開発
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
2003年 - 2004年
山下 英生, 野口 聡, 金田 和文
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 広島大学->広島工業大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 15560243 - 高温酸化物超伝導体の応用機器のための解析手法と最適化設計に関する研究
科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
2002年 - 2003年
野口 聡
これらの成果は,6th European Conference on Applied Superconductivityをはじめとする国内外の学会にて発表を行った.
日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 広島大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 14750211 - 3次元触覚情報を活用する電磁場バーチャル空間のインターラクションシステムの開発
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
2001年 - 2002年
山下 英生, 野口 聡, 金田 和文
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 広島大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 13650308 - 高温酸化物超電導体の応用と最適化に関する研究
科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
2000年 - 2001年
野口 聡
これらの成果は、Applied Superconductivity Conferenceをはじめとする国内外の学会にて発表を行った。
日本学術振興会, 奨励研究(A), 広島大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 12750242 - 水滴の流れのCGアニメーション手法の開発
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
1999年 - 2000年
金田 和文, 野口 聡, 山下 英生
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 広島大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 11680362 - 電磁場解析結果の可視化
競争的資金 - 電磁場解析手法に関する技術開発
競争的資金 - メッシュ生成技術
競争的資金 - 超電導バルク体の解析手法の開発
競争的資金 - Sientific Visualization for Results of Numerical Computation
競争的資金 - Development of Technique for Numerical Computation in Electromagnetics
競争的資金 - Mesh Generation
Funded Research
競争的資金 - Development of Numerical Computation for Superconducting Bulk
競争的資金 - 電磁機器の最適化設計
競争的資金 - An Optimal Design Method for Electromagnetic Apparatuses
- 電磁誘導加熱コイル、電磁誘導加熱装置及び金属体の加熱方法
特許権, 澤 尚志, 野口 聡, 高田 篤, 積水化学工業株式会社, 国立大学法人北海道大学
特願2010-259374, 2010年11月19日
特開2012-113838, 2012年06月14日
201203058342721914 - 磁場形成装置及びこれを用いた粒子加速器
特許権, 石山 敦士, 植田 浩史, 野口 聡, 宮原 信幸, 鹿島 直二, 長屋 重夫, 学校法人早稲田大学, 独立行政法人放射線医学総合研究所, 中部電力株式会社
特願2009-055556, 2009年03月09日
特開2010-212031, 2010年09月24日
201003027509242668 - コイルシステム及びこれを用いた粒子加速器
特許権, 石山 敦士, 植田 浩史, 野口 聡, 宮原 信幸, 鹿島 直二, 長屋 重夫, 学校法人早稲田大学, 独立行政法人放射線医学総合研究所, 中部電力株式会社
特願2009-055551, 2009年03月09日
特開2010-212029, 2010年09月24日
201003036703748253 - コイルシステム及びこれを用いた粒子加速器
特許権, 石山 敦士, 植田 浩史, 野口 聡, 宮原 信幸, 鹿島 直二, 長屋 重夫, 学校法人早稲田大学, 独立行政法人放射線医学総合研究所, 中部電力株式会社
特願2009-055555, 2009年03月09日
特開2010-212030, 2010年09月24日