八木 一三 (ヤギ イチゾウ)
地球環境科学研究院 物質機能科学部門 分子材料化学分野 | 教授 |
Last Updated :2025/02/13
- 40292776
J-Global ID
- 2013年04月 - 現在
北海道大学, 大学院地球環境科学研究院, 教授 - 2017年04月 - 2022年03月
理化学研究所, 放射光科学総合研究センター, 客員研究員 - 2013年04月 - 2015年03月
技術研究組合FC−Cubic, 触媒研究グループ, グループ長(兼任) - 2010年05月 - 2013年03月
技術研究組合FC−Cubic, 触媒研究グループ, 研究グループ長 - 2008年04月 - 2013年03月
理化学研究所, 播磨研究所, 客員研究員(兼任) - 2010年04月 - 2010年04月
産業技術総合研究所, ユビキタスエネルギー研究部門, 招聘研究員 - 2005年07月 - 2010年03月
産業技術総合研究所, 固体高分子形燃料電池先端基盤研究センター, 研究チーム長 - 2004年10月 - 2008年03月
科学技術振興機構, 「構造機能と計測分析」領域, さきがけ研究員(兼任) - 2005年05月 - 2005年06月
北海道大学, 大学院理学研究科, 助教授 - 2005年04月 - 2005年06月
産業技術総合研究所, 固体高分子形燃料電池先端基盤研究センター, 招聘研究員(兼任) - 1999年08月 - 2005年04月
北海道大学, 大学院理学研究科, 講師 - 2002年10月 - 2003年03月
NIST, レーザー応用グループ, 客員研究員(兼任) - 1997年08月 - 1999年07月
東京大学, 大学院工学系研究科, 助手 - 1997年04月 - 1997年07月
日本学術振興会, 特別研究員(PD) - 1994年04月 - 1997年03月
日本学術振興会, 特別研究員(DC1)
- 2020年02月 - 現在
日本化学会, 速報誌編集委員会委員, 学協会 - 2013年04月 - 現在
電気化学会北海道支部, 幹事, 学協会 - 2011年02月 - 現在
電気化学会ナノ界面・表面研究懇談会, 常任委員, 学協会 - 2009年10月 - 現在
触媒学会燃料電池関連触媒研究会, 世話人, 学協会 - 2019年03月 - 2024年03月
日本化学会北海道支部, 幹事, 学協会 - 2021年03月 - 2023年03月
電気化学会, 理事, 学協会 - 2019年01月 - 2021年01月
電気化学会北海道支部, 支部長, 学協会 - 2015年04月 - 2019年03月
日本分光学会北海道支部, 支部長, 学協会 - 2017年01月 - 2018年12月
電気化学会北海道支部, 副支部長, 学協会 - 2014年04月 - 2016年03月
電気化学会北海道支部, 常任幹事, 学協会 - 2012年02月 - 2014年01月
電気化学会, 編集委員会委員, 学協会
- Protein Film Electrochemistry and Spectroscopic Measurements of Transmembrane Metalloenzymes
Masaru KATO, Ichizo YAGI
Vacuum and Surface Science, 67, 10, 483, 488, Surface Science Society Japan, 2024年10月10日
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Co-presence of PtNi Nanowires and Ionic Liquid in Carbon Mesopores Enhances Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction Activity
Yuta Kato, Masaru Kato, Shun Saito, Yu Zhuang, Yoshimi Iguchi, Jun Sato, Tasuku Komanoya, Kentaro Soma, Koshiro Suzuki, Ichizo Yagi
Nanoscale, 2024年10月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌) - Cu, Fe, N‐doped Carbon Nanotubes Prepared through Silica Coating for Selective Oxygen Reduction to Water in Acidic Media
Masaru Kato, Daiki Abe, Siqi Xie, Shun Sato, Natsuki Fujibayashi, Koki Matsumoto, Akira Onoda, Takashi Hayashi, Takaya Mitsui, Kosuke Fujiwara, Takashi Yamamoto, Yasuaki Einaga, Colin A. Tadgell, Yuta Kato, Kiyotaka Asakura, Ichizo Yagi
ChemCatChem, Wiley, 2024年05月25日, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌), Abstract
We report Cu, Fe, N‐doped carbon nanotubes, (Cu,Fe)−N−CNT, as electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in acidic media. (Cu,Fe)−N−CNT was prepared using a silica coating method in pyrolysis to minimize the formation of carbon‐coated metal oxide or carbide nanoparticles, which are known to be inactive for the H2O2 reduction. (Cu,Fe)−N−CNT shows a turnover frequency of 0.66 e− site−1 s−1 at +0.8 V vs. RHE and H2O2 yields of <1 % for the ORR with a utilization factor of active sites of 82 %. Kinetic analysis reveals that 4e− transfer rates for (Cu,Fe)−N−CNT are higher than those of a monometallic counterpart of Fe−N−CNT. In situ X‐ray absorption spectroscopy enables us to determine redox potentials: E°’(FeIII/FeII)=0.65 V vs. RHE and E°’(CuII/CuI)=0.45 V for (Cu,Fe)−N−CNT, and E°’(FeIII/FeII)=0.65 V for Fe−N−CNT. These results indicate that bimetallic doping into carbon nanotubes gives the effect on kinetic parameters but not on thermodynamic ones. In other words, there is no direct electronic interactions between the Cu and Fe active sites for (Cu,Fe)‐N‐CNT because such interactions should modulate their redox potentials. - Platinum–Nickel Alloy Nanowire Electrocatalysts Transform into Pt-Skin Beads-on-Nanowires Keeping Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity During Potential Cycling
Yu Zhuang, Yoshimi Iguchi, Tianchi Li, Masaru Kato, Yasir Arafat Hutapea, Akari Hayashi, Takeshi Watanabe, Ichizo Yagi
ACS Catalysis, 2024年02月02日, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Dependence on the crystallographic orientation of Au single crystal surfaces modified with homocysteine toward enantioselective redox reactions
Sayuki Oka, Masaru Kato, Soichiro Yoshimoto, Ichizo Yagi
Chemistry Letters, 53, 2, 2024年02月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌), Effects of enantioselective interactions on redox reactions of chiral molecules were studied using Au single crystal electrodes modified with amino acids. The redox peak current densities of R(+)- or S(−)-N, N-dimethyl-1-ferrocenylethylamine on Au(111) modified with L- or D-homocysteine (L-/D-Hcy) depended on the combination of these chiralities. Hcy/Au(100) showed no dependence on redox peak current densities. The difference in the molecular arrangement of Hcy between Au(111) and Au(100) greatly affects enantioselective redox reactions at the electrode interface. - Selective electrocatalysis of the nitrous oxide reduction reaction to nitrogen on carbon-supported Pt–Pd–Sn nanoparticles
Abinash Chandro Sarker, Masaru Kato, Mitsuki Kawamura, Takeshi Watanabe, Ichizo Yagi
Catalysis Science & Technology, 14, 15, 4137, 4141, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2024年
研究論文(学術雑誌), Carbon-supported Pt–Pd–Sn nanoparticles show the electrocatalytic N2O reduction reaction activity with almost 100% Faradaic efficiency to N2 at ≥+0.06 V vs. RHE in acidic media under N2O and high selectivity in the co-presence of O2. - The pH dependence of the electrocatalytic nitrate reduction by tin-modified palladium(100) electrodes: Effects of structures of tin species and protonation of nitrite
Yang Deng, Masaru Kato, Jinhang Zheng, Chuanping Feng, Ichizo Yagi
Electrochimica Acta, 470, 143301, 143301, Elsevier BV, 2023年12月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Improving Oxygen Evolution Reaction Performance and Durability Using Rhombic Dodecahedral PtNiIr Nanoframes with Metal Oxide Supports in Acidic Media
Colin A. Tadgell, Masaru Kato, Keiko Miyabayashi, Ichizo Yagi
ACS Catalysis, 2023年09月05日, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Composite with a Glassy Nonporous Coordination Polymer Enhances Gas Adsorption Selectivity
Xin Zheng, Masaru Kato, Yohei Uemura, Daiju Matsumura, Ichizo Yagi, Kiyonori Takahashi, Shin-ichiro Noro, Takayoshi Nakamura
Inorganic Chemistry, 2023年01月23日, [査読有り]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Effects of Interfacial Interactions on Electrocatalytic Activity of Cytochrome c Oxidase in Biomimetic Lipid Membranes on Gold Electrodes
Masaru Kato, Ryoya Sano, Narumi Yoshida, Masatoshi Iwafuji, Yoshito Nishiyama, Sayuki Oka, Kyoko Shinzawa-Itoh, Yuya Nishida, Yasunori Shintani, Ichizo Yagi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13, 39, 9165, 9170, American Chemical Society (ACS), 2022年10月06日, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Electrocatalytic nitrate and nitrous oxide reduction at interfaces between Pt-Pd nanoparticles and fluorine-doped tin oxide
Abinash Chandro Sarker, Masaru Kato, Ichizo Yagi
Electrochimica Acta, 425, 140628, 2022年09月01日, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌), We report the preparation of Pt and/or Pd nanoparticle-deposited fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) electrodes by an arc-plasma deposition (APD) technique and their electrocatalytic activity for nitrate (NO3–), nitrite (NO2–), nitric oxide (NO), and nitrous oxide (N2O) reduction reactions in acidic media. Cyclic voltammetry of the electrodes revealed that the co-presence of Pt and Pd on FTO showed higher catalytic activity than Pt or Pd on FTO for the NO3– reduction reaction, where the PtPd/Sn interface acts as the catalytic active site. The PtPd/Sn interface also showed higher catalytic activity for the N2O reduction reaction to dinitrogen than the Pt/Sn or Pd/Sn interfaces, whereas it showed no drastic contribution to the electrocatalytic NO2– and NO reduction reactions. Because the NO3– and N2O reduction reaction occur in the potential region of hydrogen adsorption on Pt and Pd electrodes, the PtPd/Sn interface could enhance NO3– and N2O adsorption and/or suppress the hydrogen adsorption. Our findings will be useful for the design of interfaces between noble metal mixture/alloy nanoparticles and Sn, leading to the practical application of denitrification to harmless dinitrogen. - In situ fluorescence yield soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy of electrochemical nickel deposition processes with and without ethylene glycol
Akinobu Yamaguchi, Naoya Akamatsu, Shunya Saegusa, Ryo Nakamura, Yuichi Utsumi, Masaru Kato, Ichizo Yagi, Tomoko Ishihara, Masaki Oura
RSC Advances, 12, 17, 10425, 10430, 2022年04月, [査読有り]
研究論文(学術雑誌), The electrochemical Ni deposition at a platinum electrode was investigated in a plating nickel bath in the presence and absence of ethylene glycol (EG) using fluorescence yield soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy (FY-XAS) in the Ni L2,3-edge and O K-edge regions under potential control. At ≤+0.35 V vs. the reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE), the electrochemical Ni deposition was detected by the Ni L2,3-edge FY-XAS in the presence of EG whereas almost no such event was observed in the absence of EG. A drastic decrease of FY-XAS intensities in the O K-edge region was also observed in the presence of EG at >+0.35 V vs. RHE, suggesting that the nano-/micro-structured Ni deposition initiated by the removal of water molecules occurs on the Pt electrode. The complex formation of Ni2+ with EG and the adsorption of EG on the Ni surface could play an important role in the Ni deposition. This study demonstrates that the in situ FY-XAS is a powerful and surface-sensitive technique to understand (electro)chemical reactions including polyol synthesis and electrocatalysis at solid-liquid interfaces. - Zinc/graphitic carbon nitride co-mediated dual-template synthesis of densely populated Fe–Nx-embedded 2D carbon nanosheets towards oxygen reduction reactions for Zn–air batteries
Xiao-Fei Gong, Yun-Long Zhang, Lei Zhao, Yun-Kun Dai, Jia-Jun Cai, Bing Liu, Pan Guo, Qing-Yan Zhou, Ichizo Yagi, Zhen-Bo Wang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC}), 2022年, [査読有り]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - One-Step Preparation of Fe/N/C Single-Atom Catalysts Containing Fe−N4 Sites from an Iron Complex Precursor with 5,6,7,8-Tetraphenyl-1,12-Diazatriphenylene Ligands
Koki Matsumoto, Masaru Kato, Ichizo Yagi, Siqi Xie, Kiyotaka Asakura, Shin-ichiro Noro, Norimitsu Tohnai, Stéphane Campidelli, Takashi Hayashi, Akira Onoda
Chemistry – A European Journal, 28, 5, e202103545, Wiley, 2022年, [査読有り], [国際共著], [国際誌]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌) - Structural Transformation of Pt–Ni Nanowires as Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts to Branched Nanostructures during Potential Cycles
Masaru Kato, Yoshimi Iguchi, Tianchi Li, Yuta Kato, Yu Zhuang, Kotaro Higashi, Tomoya Uruga, Takahiro Saida, Keiko Miyabayashi, Ichizo Yagi
ACS Catalysis, 12, 1, 259, 264, American Chemical Society (ACS), 2021年12月15日, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Electrochemically Driven Specific Alkaline Metal Cation Adsorption on a Graphene Interface
Satoshi Yasuda, Kazuhisa Tamura, Masaru Kato, Hidehito Asaoka, Ichizo Yagi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (ACS), 2021年10月04日, [査読有り], [最終著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Electrocatalytic activity and volatile product selectivity for nitrate reduction at tin-modified Pt(100), Pd(100) and Pd–Pt(100) single crystal electrodes in acidic media
Masaru Kato, Yuki Unuma, Manabu Okui, Yunteng Qu, Jinhang Zheng, Satoshi Taguchi, Fumiya Kiguchi, Mashu Torihata, Yunzhi Gao, Nagahiro Hoshi, Ichizo Yagi
Electrochimica Acta, 139281, 139281, Elsevier BV, 2021年09月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Impact of membrane protein-lipid interactions on formation of bilayer lipid membranes on SAM-modified gold electrode
Masaru Kato, Yuya Masuda, Narumi Yoshida, Takehiko Tosha, Yoshitsugu Shiro, Ichizo Yagi
Electrochimica Acta, 373, 137888, 137888, Elsevier {BV}, 2021年03月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Impact of Heterometallic Cooperativity of Iron and Copper Active Sites on Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction Kinetics
Masaru Kato, Natsuki Fujibayashi, Daiki Abe, Naohiro Matsubara, Satoshi Yasuda, Ichizo Yagi
ACS Catalysis, 2356, 2365, American Chemical Society ({ACS}), 2021年02月19日, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - スズを修飾した貴金属単結晶電極における硝酸イオン還元
鵜沼佑規, 奥井学, 田口哲, 加藤優, 加藤優, 八木一三, 八木一三
表面と真空, 64, 8, 2021年, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者] - Terahertz Raman Spectroscopy of Ligand-Protected Au8 Clusters
Masaru Kato, Yukatsu Shichibu, Kazuya Ogura, Mitsuhiro Iwasaki, Mizuho Sugiuchi, Katsuaki Konishi, Ichizo Yagi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11, 19, 7996, 8001, American Chemical Society ({ACS}), 2020年10月01日, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Electronic Effects of Nitrogen Atoms of Supports on Pt–Ni Rhombic Dodecahedral Nanoframes for Oxygen Reduction
Masaru Kato, Ryota Nakahoshiba, Kazuya Ogura, Shoichi Tokuda, Satoshi Yasuda, Kotaro Higashi, Tomoya Uruga, Yohei Uemura, Ichizo Yagi
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3, 7, 6768, 6774, American Chemical Society ({ACS}), 2020年07月27日, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌), Pt-based nanostructures immobilized on carbon supports have been widely used as electrocatalysts. Their catalytic activity can be improved by support modification including nitrogen doping and coating with nitrogen-containing polymers, where nitrogen atoms possibly interact with surface Pt atoms at a catalyst/support interface. To understand electronic effects of nitrogen-doped and polymer-coated carbon supports on the catalytic activity of Pt-based nanostructured catalysts, we prepared Pt3Ni nanoframes (NFs) supported on polybenzimidazole (PBI)-coated and uncoated carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), and then compared their catalytic activities and electronic properties with those of NFs immobilized on nitrogen-doped and undoped carbon supports. Although both PBI-coating and nitrogen-doping approaches improved the catalytic activity of NFs, ex situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy revealed that nitrogen doping showed electronic effects on NFs, whereas PBI-coating showed almost no impact on the electronic state of NFs but stabilized Pt(OH)ad species under electrochemical conditions. Our studies demonstrate that difference in microscopic environments of nitrogen atoms at the catalyst/support interface is highly sensitive to the electronic effects of supports on Pt-based electrocatalysts. - Confinement of Hydrogen Molecules at Graphene-Metal Interface by Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Satoshi Yasuda, Kazuhisa Tamura, Tomo O. Terasawa, Masahiro Yano, Hideaki Nakajima, Takahiro Morimoto, Toshiya Okazaki, Ryuushi Agari, Yasufumi Takahashi, Masaru Kato, Ichizo Yagi, Hidehito Asaoka
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124, 9, 5300, 5307, 2020年03月05日, [査読有り]
研究論文(学術雑誌), Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society. Confinement of hydrogen molecules at graphene-substrate interface has presented significant importance from the viewpoints of development of fundamental understanding of two-dimensional material interface and energy storage system. In this study, we investigate H2 confinement at a graphene-Au interface by combining selective proton permeability of graphene and the electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction (electrochemical HER) method. After HER on a graphene/Au electrode in protonic acidic solution, scanning tunneling microscopy finds that H2 nanobubble structures can be produced between graphene and the Au surface. Defect dependence of the bubble formation suggests that intrinsic defects in graphene, which have high hydrogen permeation barrier but are permeable for protons, are involved in the fundamental mechanism of bubble formation. Strain analysis by Raman spectroscopy also shows that atomic size roughness on the graphene/Au surface originating from the HER-induced strain relaxation of graphene plays significant role in formation of the nucleation site and H2 storage capacity. The result presented herein would provide further understanding of molecular confinement at graphene-based interface and development of novel energy material. - Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction at Multinuclear Metal Active Sites Inspired by Metalloenzymes
Masaru Kato, Ichizo Yagi
英語, Polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) are a clean, sustainable device to convert chemical energy to electricity and can provide power for automobiles, trains, and ships. In PEFCs, the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) occurs at the cathode and is catalyzed at electrocatalysts. The activity of ORR electrocatalysts is known to limit the overall performance of PEFCs because the ORR is more sluggish than the hydrogen oxidation reaction at the anode. In the state-of-the-art PEFC, platinum group metal (PGM)-based ORR electrocatalysts are used. Since PGMs are rare and expensive, highly active and durable non-PGM ORR electrocatalysts are required for widespread applications of PEFCs. In nature, metalloenzymes such as cytochrome c oxidase and multicopper oxidases efficiently catalyze the ORR and utilize multinuclear iron and/or copper complexes as active sites. The structure of these active sites and enzyme reaction mechanisms would give us design concepts of artificial non-PGM electrocatalysts for the ORR, possibly leading us to develop next-generation non-PGM electrocatalysts. Herein, recent research progress on understanding enzymatic ORR reaction mechanisms and developing non-PGM ORR electrocatalysts is reviewed from the viewpoint of bio-inspired approaches. - Host–guest chemistry between cyclodextrin and a hydrogen evolution catalyst cobaloxime
Masaru Kato, Keita Kon, Jun Hirayama, Ichizo Yagi
New Journal of Chemistry, 43, 25, 10087, 10092, Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC}), 2019年, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
研究論文(学術雑誌) - Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy of Bacterial Nitric Oxide Reductase under Electrochemical Control Using a Vibrational Probe of Carbon Monoxide
Kato Masaru, Nakagawa Shogo, Tosha Takehiko, Shiro Yoshitsugu, Masuda Yuya, Nakata Kou, Yagi Ichizo
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 9, 17, 5196, 5200, 2018年09月06日, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者] - Cathodic Arc-plasma Deposition of Platinum Nanoparticles on Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide for Electrocatalytic Nitrate Reduction Reaction
Masaru Kato, Ai Araki, Yuki Hara, Satoshi Taguchi, Ichizo Yagi
Electrochemistry, 86, 5, 220, 222, 2018年08月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌) - Enhancement of Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction Activity and Durability of Pt-Ni Rhombic Dodecahedral Nanoframes by Anchoring to Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Support
Kato Masaru, Ogura Kazuya, Nakagawa Shogo, Tokuda Shoichi, Takahashi Kiyonori, Nakamura Takayoshi, Yagi Ichizo
ACS OMEGA, 3, 8, 9052, 9059, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2018年08月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Pt-based nanostructured electrocatalysts supported on carbon black have been widely studied for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), which occurs at the cathode in polymer electrolyte fuel cells. Because sluggish ORR kinetics are known to govern the cell performance, there is a need to develop highly active and durable electrocatalysts. The ORR activity of Pt-based electrocatalysts can be improved by controlling their morphology and alloying Pt with transition metals such as Ni. Improving the catalyst durability remains challenging and there is a lack of catalyst design concepts and synthetic strategies. We report the enhancement of the ORR activity and durability of a nanostructured Pt-Ni electrocatalyst by strong metal/support interactions with a nitrogen-doped carbon (NC) support. Pt-Ni rhombic dodecahedral nanoframes (NFs) were immobilized on the NC support and showed higher ORR electrocatalytic activity and durability in acidic media than that supported on a nondoped carbon black. Durability tests demonstrated that NF/NC showed almost no activity loss even after 50 000 potential cycles under catalytic conditions, and the Ni dissolution from the NFs was suppressed at the NC support, as confirmed by, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis. Physicochemical measurements including surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy of surface-adsorbed CO revealed that the strong metal/support interactions of the NF with the NC support caused the downshift of the d-band center position of the surface Pt. Our findings demonstrate that tuning the electronic structure of nanostructured Pt alloy electrocatalysts via the strong metal/support interactions with heteroatom-doped carbon supports will allow the development of highly active and robust electrocatalysts. - 表面増強赤外吸収分光法による電極/溶液界面における反応計測
八木一三, 加藤優, 中田耕, 中川省吾
分光研究, 67, 2, 41, 56, 2018年04月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
日本語 - Incorporation of Multinuclear Copper Active Sites into Nitrogen-Doped Graphene for Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction.
M. Kato, M. Muto, N. Matsubara, Y. Uemura, Y. Wakisaka, T. Yoneuchi, D. Matsumura, T. Ishihara, T. Tokushima, S.-i. Noro, S. Takakusagi, K. Asakura, I. Yagi
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 1, 5, 2358, 2364, 2018年04月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌) - Bio-inorganic hybrid photoanodes of photosystem II and ferricyanide-intercalated layered double hydroxide for visible-light-driven water oxidation
Masaru Kato, Hisako Sato, Ichizo Yagi, Miwa Sugiura
Electrochimica Acta, 264, 386, 392, Elsevier Ltd, 2018年02月20日, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Photosynthesis converts solar energy into chemical energy. Photosystem II (PSII) oxidizes water to produce oxygen, electrons and protons under solar light irradiation. This light-driven water oxidation initiates a series of reactions in photosynthesis. Basic photoelectrochemical studies on PSII are directed toward the enzymatic applications of PSII for sustainable production of electricity or solar fuels. To maximize the photoelectrochemical catalytic activity of PSII on electrode substrates, interfacial designs between PSII and electrode substrates are important. Herein, we report bio-inorganic photoanodes of PSII and ferricyanide-intercalated layered double hydroxide (LDH) for visible-light-driven water oxidation. PSII is simply drop-cast onto a ferricyanide-intercalated cobalt–aluminum LDH and then shows a turnover frequency of 0.5 ± 0.1 s−1 and a turnover number of 920 ± 40 for 1 h at pH 6.5 at +0.5 V vs. NHE under visible light irradiation. Photoelectrochemical experiments using a PSII inhibitor or a bio-engineered PSII suggest that interfacial electron transfer from the plastoquinone QA site of PSII to ferricyanide may play an important role in improving the photo-electrocatalytic activity and stability of PSII. Our studies will open up new possibilities in fundamental or advanced photoelectrochemical studies of PSII. - Development of a spectro-electrochemical cell for soft X-ray photon-in photon-out spectroscopy
Tomoko Ishihara, Takashi Tokushima, Yuka Horikawa, Masaru Kato, Ichizo Yagi
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We developed a spectro-electrochemical cell for X-ray absorption and X-ray emission spectroscopy, which are element-specific methods to study local electronic structures in the soft X-ray region. In the usual electrochemical measurement setup, the electrode is placed in solution, and the surface/interface region of the electrode is not normally accessible by soft X-rays that have low penetration depth in liquids. To realize soft X-ray observation of electrochemical reactions, a 15-nm-thick Pt layer was deposited on a 150-nm-thick film window with an adhesive 3-nm-thick Ti layer for use as both the working electrode and the separator window between vacuum and a sample liquid under atmospheric pressure. The designed three-electrode electrochemical cell consists of a Pt film on a SiC window, a platinized Pt wire, and a commercial Ag vertical bar AgCl electrode as the working, counter, and reference electrodes, respectively. The functionality of the cell was tested by cyclic voltammetry and X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy. As a demonstration, the electroplating of Pb on the Pt/SiC membrane window was measured by X-ray absorption and real-time monitoring of fluorescence intensity at the O 1s excitation. Published by AIP Publishing. - Electrocatalytic nitrate reduction on well-defined surfaces of tin-modified platinum, palladium and platinum-palladium single crystalline electrodes in acidic and neutral media
Masaru Kato, Manabu Okui, Satoshi Taguchi, Ichizo Yagi
JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 800, 46, 53, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 2017年09月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Nitrate anion is one of the main nitrogen-containing-pollutants in groundwater and can be removed" using denitrification systems including electrocatalytic systems. Herein we report on electrocatalytic nitrate reduction catalyzed on tin-modified single crystalline electrodes of palladium, platinum and palladium-platinum alloy in acidic and neutral media. We have prepared electrodes with the (111) surface or the (100) surface and modified their surface with tin. Cyclic voltammetry of the electrodes has revealed that the tin-modified alloy (trimetallic) electrodes show higher electrocatalytic activity than the tin-modified platinum or palladium (bimetallic) electrodes, and the catalytic reaction is more efficiently catalyzed on the (100) surface rather than the (111) surface. The tin-modified PdPt(100) electrode shows the highest catalytic activity in acidic media as well as in neutral media. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy suggests that metallic tin forms on the (100) surface, but divalent tin species on the (111) surface, indicating that a surface alloy of tin may form on the (100) surface, resulting in enhancement of the electrocatalytic activity. Our findings suggest that design and preparation of ternary metallic electrodes with the (100) surface will pave the way to the development of practical systems on electrocatalytic denitrification. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - Bioinspired Iron- and Copper-incorporated Carbon Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Masaru Kato, Takeshi Murotani, Ichizo Yagi
CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 45, 10, 1213, 1215, CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN, 2016年10月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We report an Fe/Cu/N-doped carbon electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction to water. Pyrolysis of metal precursors supported on oxidized carbon black provides the electrocatalyst with high catalytic activity and selectivity. Detailed physical-chemical studies have revealed that the. copresence of iron and copper catalytic sites in carbon in a 1:1 mole ratio, which is the same as that of an enzyme of cytochrome c oxidase, might be the key to synthesize highly active and selective electrocatalysts. - Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalyzed by Self-Assembled Monolayers of Copper-Based Electrocatalysts on a Polycrystalline Gold Surface
Masaru Kato, Nobuhisa Oyaizu, Katsuaki Shimazu, Ichizo Yagi
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 120, 29, 15814, 15822, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2016年07月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We report two-dimensional model systems to study the electrocatalytic activities of dinuclear copper complexes for various electrocatalytic reactions including the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), where we can use electrochemical techniques as well as surface-sensitive techniques such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy. Heteroaromatic thiols, including four triazoles and a thiadiazole, are used as metal ligands as well as anchors to a polycrystalline gold electrode. The thiols are self-assembled on the polycrystalline gold electrode and then react with copper(II) ions to give monolayers of copper-based ORR catalysts on the surface. The dinuclear copper complexes of 1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol and 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole-5-thiol show ORR activity and pH-dependent catalytic behavior similar to that of counterparts supported on carbon black, suggesting that our two-dimensional systems can serve as model catalysts for carbon-supported molecular catalysts. We have also self-assembled dinuclear copper complexes with long alkyl or perfluoroalkyl chains on the surface and studied their orientation on the surface and oxygen transport. - Deprotonation of a dinuclear copper complex of 3,5-diamino-1,2,4-triazole for high oxygen reduction activity
Masaru Kato, Ken'ichi Kimijima, Mari Shibata, Hideo Notsu, Kazuya Ogino, Kiyoshi Inokuma, Narumi Ohta, Hiromitsu Uehara, Yohei Uemura, Nobuhisa Oyaizu, Tadashi Ohba, Satoru Takakusagi, Kiyotaka Asakura, Ichizo Yagi
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 17, 14, 8638, 8641, ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY, 2015年, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A dinuclear copper(II) complex of 3,5-diamino-1,2,4-triazole is one of the highly active copper-based catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in basic solutions. Our in situ X-ray absorption near edge structure measurements revealed that deprotonation of the triazole ligand might cause coordination geometrical changes, resulting in the enhancement of the ORR activity. - Molecular Structure of Buried Perfluorosulfonated Ionomer/Pt Interface Probed by Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy
Ichizo Yagi, Kiyoshi Inokuma, Ken'ichi Kimijima, Hideo Notsu
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 118, 45, 26182, 26190, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2014年11月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Perfluorosulfonated ionomer (PFSI), such as Nafion, in polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) has been recognized as an important component to shuttle protons during the electrocatalytic reactions, especially the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) at the cathode. However, a molecular structure of PFSIs inside catalyst layers in PEFCs has been unclear, since the polymers surrounding the gas-diffusion electrode with meso-to-macroporous structures have been considered to be much more complicated to resolve. Recent progress in the environmental electron microscopic technology clarified the real thickness of PFSI films to be only several nanometers, which can be analyzed by spectroscopic techniques and simulation modelings with molecular insights. Infrared and Raman spectroscopies were promptly applied to obtain the molecular arrangement of Nafion on the surface of Pt catalysts, but the thicknesses of the Nafion films seemed to be much thicker than the real thicknesses of PFSI in catalyst layers. In the present study, the preparation method of an ultrathin film of Nafion on Pt surface with <1 nm thickness was established and the vibrational sum frequency generation (VSFG) spectroscopy, which is an inherently surface-selective method, was applied to extract the interfacial molecular structure even at relatively thick Nafion films on Pt surfaces. By comparing thickness dependencies of IR and VSFG spectra, the molecular arrangement of Nafion at buried Nafion/Pt interface was confirmed to adsorb via sulfonate terminals of side-chains. - Ultrafast Dynamics of Photogenerated Electrons in CdS Nanocluster Multilayers Assembled on Solid Substrates: Effects of Assembly and Electrode Potential
Ichizo Yagi, Kensuke Mikami, Masayuki Okamura, Kohei Uosaki
CHEMPHYSCHEM, 14, 10, 2174, 2182, WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 2013年07月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The ultrafast dynamics of photogenerated electrons in multilayer assemblies of CdS nanoparticles prepared on quartz and indium-tin oxide (ITO) substrates were followed by femtosecond (fs) visible-pump/mid-IR probe spectroscopy. Based on the observation of the photoinduced transient absorption spectra in the broad mid-IR range at the multilayer assembly of CdS nanoparticles, the occupation and fast relaxation of higher electronic states (1P(e)) were clarified. As compared with the electron dynamics of isolated (dispersed in solution) nanoparticles, the decay of photoexcited electrons in the multilayer assembly was clearly accelerated probably due to both electron hopping and scattering during interparticle electron tunneling. By using an ITO electrode as a substrate, the effect of the electric field on the photoelectron dynamics in the multilayer assembly was also investigated in situ. Both the amplitude and lifetime of photoexcited electrons gradually reduced as the potential became more positive. This result was explained by considering the reduction of the interparticle tunneling probability and the increase in the electron-transfer rate from the CdS nanoparticle assembly to the ITO electrode. - Evaluation of change in nanostructure through the heat treatment of carbon materials and their durability for the start/stop operation of polymer electrolyte fuel cells
Xiaojing Zhao, Akari Hayashi, Zhiyun Noda, Ken'ichi Kimijima, Ichizo Yagi, Kazunari Sasaki
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Carbon supports of electrocatalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cells were heat treated with the aim of proposing carbon materials with high corrosion resistance and with the sufficient nanostructure to interact with platinum particles, simultaneously. Two kinds of commercially available state-of-the-art carbon black materials, Vulcan XC-72 and Ketjen Black EC600-JD, were heat treated at 1100, 1600, and 2000 degrees C in order to produce the graphitized surface. Eight different Pt/C catalysts were synthesized, and their durability was examined using an electrochemically accelerating potential cycle protocol, considering a practical condition of fuel cell vehicles. Their durability was evaluated through the change in electrochemically active surface area, oxygen reduction reactivity, and platinum particles in TEM images. As expected, higher graphitization degree lead to increasing in corrosion resistance, but at the same time resulted in reducing the immobilization ability of platinum on carbon supports. Therefore, an optimum condition with both high corrosion resistance and sufficient interaction with platinum particles was investigated. Consequently, in this study we have found graphitization at 1600 degrees C is an optimum temperature among 1100, 1600, and 2000 degrees C to obtain highest durability for Pt/C catalysts, and the graphitization degree is an important factor to develop catalysts with high durability. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. - Micro-to-Nanostructures to probe electrocatalysts by SERS
I. Yagi, K. Inokuma, N. Ohta
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Focusing the void plasmon toward the rim part of the sphere segment void (SSV) type plasmonic crystalline structures are further developed by retaining the polystyrene nanospheres inside the voids. Plasmonic whispering gallery modes (WGMs) are proved to appear in such the hybrid structures by the measurements of reflectance spectroscopy and cause the improvement of signal/background ratio in the SERS spectra. From the detailed experimental analyses, a possibility of the plasmonic WGMs to enhance the molecular signal at the Pt electrode surfaces is shown. - The charged interface between Pt and water: First principles molecular dynamics simulations
Tamio Ikeshoji, Minoru Otani, Ikutaro Hamada, Osamu Sugino, Yoshitada Morikawa, Yasuharu Okamoto, Yumin Qian, Ichizo Yagi
AIP ADVANCES, 2, 3, AMER INST PHYSICS, 2012年09月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The charged interface between a platinum electrode and an aqueous solution is investigated by first-principles molecular dynamics simulations in which charges in the system are controlled by the effective screening medium method under periodic boundary conditions. H3O+ and OH are located above or on the Pt surface. Water molecules rotate to screen the electric field induced by the charge accumulated on the Pt surface. The time-averaged electrostatic potential near the Pt surface is structured with a flattened "bulk" region. The potential difference between the Pt Fermi level and the bulk potential is proportional to the charge and is used to estimate the Pt electrode potential via the PZC (potential of the zero charge). The surface charge significantly polarizes the water molecules near the Pt surface. The OH stretching frequency of molecules on the negatively charged (7 similar to 14 mu C/cm(2)) Pt electrode shift to lower values (red shift) by 100 similar to 200 cm(-1). For the positively charged Pt lattice, a complex feature results from a charge transfer reaction that takes place there. The electrode structure is also influenced by accumulated charge as the distance between the top surface Pt layer and the next layer underneath increases for both the negatively and positively charged surfaces. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4756035] - Adsorption and Electroreduction of Oxygen on Gold in Acidic Media: In Situ Spectroscopic Identification of Adsorbed Molecular Oxygen and Hydrogen Superoxide
Narumi Ohta, Kamba Nomura, Ichizo Yagi
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 116, 27, 14390, 14400, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2012年07月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy was applied to the in situ observations of the surface. intermediates during the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on quasi-Au(111) thin-film electrode surfaces in contact with 0.5 M perchloric acid aqueous solutions. The spectroscopy revealed the presence of adsorbed molecular oxygen (O-2(ads)) and hydrogen superoxide (HO2(ads)) during the reaction. These species are not present on the surfaces exposed to the solutions containing no dissolved O-2. In addition, coupled to the onset of the reaction current for the ORE, the surface coverages of the O-2(ads) and the HO2(ads) showed an abrupt decrease and increase, respectively. These results constitute the first spectroscopic evidence of the proton coupled one electron electroreduction of the O-2(ads) to form the HO2(ads), which has been postulated to occur during the ORR on Au surfaces in acidic media. In addition, the spectroscopy provided for the first time detailed information regarding the structure of the ionic and molecular species formed on the electrode surface in which the O-2(ads) is present; that is, the O-2 hydrated with water molecules is preferentially adsorbed onto the surfaces over the perchlorate anions. - Electrochemistry in nano-space of structurally controlled carbon materials
A. Hayashi, I. Yagi, K. Kimijima, K. Sasaki
ECS Transactions, 41, 19, 15, 23, 2012年
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), For the purpose of studying electrochemical reactions in nanospace of structurally controlled carbon, electrochemistry inside the hydrophobic 8 nm pores with platinum deposited mesoporous carbon (Pt/MC) was investigated, and reaction selectivity within carbon nano-space was demonstrated. Distinctive activities toward hydrogen evolution/oxidation and oxygen evolution reactions were observed, comparing to reactions in larger pores (>
30 nm). Only small amount of water is expected to exist within such small nano-space even though a proton pass is effectively maintained. Consequently, selectivity in reactions, such as activation of proton-related reactions and suppression of water-related reactions, is achieved by Pt/MC electrocalatysts. ©The Electrochemical Society. - Electrocatalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction Reaction of Pseudomorphic Pt Monolayer Prepared Electrochemically on a Au(111) Surface
Toshihiro Kondo, Chunli Song, Naoko Hayashi, Takara Sakurai, Masayo Shibata, Hideo Notsu, Ichizo Yagi
CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 40, 11, 1235, 1237, CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN, 2011年11月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Electrocatalytic activity for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) of pseudomorphic Pt monolayer prepared electrochemically on a Au(111) surface was investigated and compared with that of a single-crystal Pt(111) electrode. - Study of Platinum Dissolution Mechanism Using a Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance
Takara Sakurai, Masayo Shibata, Reiko Horiuchi, Ichizo Yagi, Toshihiro Kondo
CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 40, 4, 402, 404, CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN, 2011年04月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Platinum (Pt) dissolution during oxidation/reduction cycle in various potential cycle ranges and in various pHs of the oxygen-saturated and deaerated H2SO4 and HClO4 electrolyte solutions was monitored by the highly sensitive electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) system. It was found that the Pt mass reduction depended on the potential cycle range and pH of the electrolyte solution with dissolved oxygen. Based on these results, it can be suggested that the dissolution of Pt requires one proton per one Pt and that it also requires dissolved oxygen, and then we can conclude that the dissolution reaction of Pt is as followings; PtO + H+ + 1/2O(2) + H2O -> Pt(OH)(3)(+) and/or PtOH + H+ + 3/4O(2) + 1/2H(2)O -> Pt(OH)(3)(+). - Nanostructures to Probe Electrocatalytic Reactions II
I. Yagi, N. Ohta, K. Inokuma
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Two dimensional plasmonic structures provide rigid and stable SERS-active substrate. For example, sphere segment void (SSV) structure seems to be attractive, since this structure can be prepared only by wet chemistry and the SERS enhancement coupled with various plasmon modes is available. On the other hand, the SERS-active sites become unclear from the contribution of various plasmon modes and the distribution of them should be understood to investigate the electrocatalytic reactions with in situ electrochemical SERS measurements. In this study, the localization of SERS-active sites in Au-SSV and the focusing the plasmon field to different metals are investigated. - In Situ Observation of Nafion-Model Molecular Behaviors at Metal Electrodes by SEIRAS
I. Yagi, K. Nomura, H. Notsu, K. Kimijima, N. Ohta
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), The role of ionomer inside catalyst layers of polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) are much interested to understand the reaction mechanism and to optimize the structure of catalyst layer in the molecular scale. Electrochemical and spectroscopic investigations are performed in perfluoroalkylsulfonic acid electrolyte as models for side-chain of Nafion ionomers. Specific adsorption of Nafion side chain model anion is observed both at Pt(111) and Au(111)-like electrodes. The effect of perfluoroalkyl chain length seems clearer at Au(111)-like electrode than at Pt(111) and monitored by in situ SEIRA spectroscopy. - Electrochemical Modification of Surface Morphology of Au/Ti Bilayer Films Deposited on a Si Prism for in Situ Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption (SEIRA) Spectroscopy
Narumi Ohta, Kamba Nomura, Ichizo Yagi
LANGMUIR, 26, 23, 18097, 18104, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2010年12月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA)-active Au/Ti bilayer films sputter deposited on Si substrates have been prepared by an electrochemical annealing (ECA) treatment for the first time. The application of Au/Ti bilayer films on Si substrates to the spectroscopic technique is a promising alternative to the conventional technique using directly deposited Au films on Si substrates, offering excellent adhesive durability of the deposited metal films. However, Au/Ti bilayer films have never been selected for the spectroscopy technique because the films in the as-prepared state exhibit relatively smooth surface morphology: the excitation of the localized surface plasmon is vital to achieving SEIRA enhancements but could hardly be observed on the smooth morphology. It is shown by ex situ scanning tunneling microscopy measurements that the unfavorable smooth morphology of the as-prepared Au/Ti bilayer films can be modified by the ECA treatment to a reasonably rough, island-structure morphology similar to that of the conventional SEIRA-active Au films. In situ infrared absorption spectroscopy of adsorbed sulfate anions has been conducted on the Au/Ti bilayer film both before and after ECA treatment. The spectroscopy measurements demonstrate that the SEIRA activity of the film after being subjected to the treatment is significantly improved so that the technique could detect adsorbates on the film electrodes even with the submonolayer coverage. As an additional benefit, the ECA treatment has brought about a substantial increase in the fraction of Au(111) domains on the polycrystalline Au film surfaces. Accordingly, this approach enables us to prepare SEIRA-active Au films having sufficient adhesion to the Si substrates as well as the highly preferred (111) orientation. - Oxygen Reduction Reactivity of Precisely Controlled Nanostructured Model Catalysts
Ken'ichi Kimijima, Akari Hayashi, Shun Umemura, Junichi Miyamoto, Koshi Sekizawa, Toshihiko Yoshida, Ichizo Yagi
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 114, 35, 14675, 14683, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2010年09月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Novel model catalysts to characterize the structural factors related to the activity of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) at the thin film electrode of elcctrocatalysts were proposed. Model catalysts were constructed of mesoporous carbon aerogels (CAGs) and ionomers of various molecular weights in order to estimate the effect of the nanostructure of the catalysts or catalyst layers on their ORR activity. The ORR kinetics of the Pt-deposited mesoporous CAG catalysts clearly depended on their pore sizes in the supports, and the smaller pore size resulted in a lower kinetic current for the ORR. However, the ORR kinetics even for the Pt-deposited CAG catalyst with the smallest pores (similar to 7 nm) was improved by the addition of an ionomer with a much lower molecular weight than Nafion, compared to that of the commercially available catalyst without rigid mesopores. These results indicated that the introduction of ionomers in the catalyst layer was a key to increasing the utility of a platinum catalyst and to develop a novel design of nanostructured catalyst layers. - Mesoporous Materials toward Nanofabricator and Nanoreactor
Ichizo Yagi, Akari Hayashi, Ken'ichi Kimijima, Hideo Notsu, Narumi Ohta, Akira Yamaguchi
ELECTROCHEMISTRY, 78, 2, 105, 113, ELECTROCHEMICAL SOC JAPAN, 2010年02月, [査読有り], [招待有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Construction of nanomaterials has been developed from both top-down and bottom-up approaches. In these approaches, surfactant-templated mesoporous materials are promising because of their tunability, uniformity and reproducibility in both the size and shape of produced mesopores. Mesoporous silica materials have been widely and deeply investigated in the early stage, basing on the sol-gel chemistry of silicate. Although insulating mesoporous silica cannot be directly applicable to electrode materials, the mesoporous silica films and their hybrid films are recently applied as hard templates and electrodeposition of metals inside the mesopores realizes the formation of metal nanowire assembly, which has parallel orientation to the electrode surface. Furthermore, the mesoporous silica film with perpendicularly oriented mesochannels are prepared and used as hard-template, resulting in the fabrication of metal nanowire assembly standing on the electrode surface. On the other hand, conductive materials are recently fabricated as mesoporous structure by the surfactant-template method. Mesoporous carbon becomes the most conventional mesoporous conductive material and has been investigated as the electrode material mainly applicable to energy conversion. By introducing catalyst particles and ionomers inside mesochannels, triple phase boundary can be constructed and the application toward cathode electrode in the polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) has been investigated. - Electrochemical Fabrication of Cubic-Shaped Pt Nanoparticles onto Carbon Fiber Electrodes
Narumi Ohta, Kiyoshi Inokuma, Keiko Miyabayashi, Mikio Miyake, Ichizo Yagi
ELECTROCHEMISTRY, 78, 2, 132, 135, ELECTROCHEMICAL SOC JAPAN, 2010年02月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Cubic-shaped Pt nanoparticles have been deposited on carbon fiber (CF) electrode surfaces directly by two electrochemical techniques, namely, potential cycling and stepping in an aqueous solution of 1 mM K2PtCl4 and 0.1 M H2SO4 containing I mM NaI. It is shown that both nucleation and growth processes of the Pt phase formation on the CF surfaces were extensively suppressed by the strong interaction between Pt surface and I- anions. Consequently, this has lead to the formation of the highly dispersed preferentially cubic-shaped Pt nanoparticles. - Nanostructures to Probe Electrocatalytic Reactions
I. Yagi, K. Nomura, H. Notsu, K. Kimijima, A. Hayashi, N. Ohta
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), The electrochemical annealing of very flat Au thin film with adhesive Ti layer can modify its morphology to an island-like film, which is favorable for spectroscopies with the surface enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) method. The nanostructured Au/Ti bilayer can be also useful to detect adsorbates on commercial or developed catalysts deposited on its surface. - PT/mesoporous carbon nanocatalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cell
Akari Hayashi, Ken’ichi Kimijima, Ichizo Yagi
Advances in Nanotechnology. Volume 2, 325, 346, 2010年01月01日, [査読有り]
© 2010 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Mesoporous materials are attractive because of their highly controllable ordered pore structure, and they are possibly used as catalytic nanoreactors if catalysts are successfully deposited within the pores. Among those mesoporous materials, mesoporous carbon (MC) materials were chosen owing to their high electric conductivity, and Pt was deposited inside the pores in order to apply for electrode materials. MC materials are commonly synthesized using mesoporous silica template, but the resulting pores are 2-3 nm sized and probably not large enough to deposit catalyst particles in the pores. Here, MC with relatively large pores was synthesized through self-organization of a surfactant and carbon precursors followed by carbonization. The obtained MC had 7-8 nm sized pores, and Pt nanoparticles were deposited inside the pores of MC by addition of Pt cations followed by reduction to metal Pt. The size and dispersion of Pt nanoparticles depended on the starting Pt precursors, but well dispersion of 1 nm or smaller Pt nanoparticles inside the pores was obtained without sintering. The properties as cathode of polymer electrolyte fuel cell were examined. To do so, Nafion® should also be introduced to mespores. Developing of an ideal triple phase boundary by introducing catalyst nanoparticles and ionomers into the pores and further building up the nanoreactor array were expected. When oxygen reduction reactivity with Pt deposited MC (Pt/MC) thin film rotating disk electrode was examined, the addition of Nafion® lead to increase in oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) current comparing to that without Nafion®. Therefore, a triple phase boundary was successfully developed inside the pores. Oxygen reduction reactivity depended on which Pt precursors were in use or how easily Nafion® could access to the pores. When Nafion® was dispersed in more hydrophobic solvent, Nafion® was more easily accessible to the pores, and as a result, higher ORR current was obtained. Furthermore, ORR current at Pt/MC thin film rotating disk electrode appeared to be not under control of oxygen diffusion from the electrolyte solution in the region where Pt/CB thin film rotating disk electrode showed the diffusion limited current. Then, oxygen transfer and storage processes within the pores were investigated, and the process was a characteristic function of Pt/MC. Mesopores can produce a channel connecting catalysts and external environment and favorably transferring oxygen, and oxygen is diffused through Nafion® inside the pores. - Development of mesoporous carbon membrane for electrode catalysts and their electrochemical properties
Ken'Ichi Kimijima, Akari Hayashi, Ichizo Yagi
ACS National Meeting Book of Abstracts, 2009年12月01日
A nano-scale structure of catalyst layer (electrode) of PEFC (polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell) seems to be one of important factors for its performance, since the formation of effective reaction sites and the mass transfer of reactant are governed by the pore structure. In order to evaluate the pore structure, a model electrode was made by using mesoporous carbon membrane which with controlled pore structure. In this report, we show that preparation of a model electrode and electrochemical analysis. - Oxygen Transfer and Storage Processes inside the Mesopores of Platinum-Deposited Mesoporous Carbon Catalyst Thin-Layer Electrode
Akari Hayashi, Ken'ichi Kimijima, Junichi Miyamoto, Ichizo Yagi
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 113, 28, 12149, 12153, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2009年07月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Platinum-deposited mesoporous carbon (Pt/MC) catalyst has revealed an interesting response toward oxygen reduction. Its thin-layer rotating disk electrode (RDE) has shown characteristic oxygen reduction Current that does not depend oil oxygen diffusion through the electrolyte solution, while Pt-deposited carbon black (Pt/CB) thin-layer RDE shows diffusion-limited current. This is due to unique oxygen transfer and storage occurring within the 7-8 nm sized mesopores of MC support, which do not exist in CB support. With a Pt/MC thin-layer electrode, mesopores can produce in ionomer-filled channel connecting catalysts and external environment and favorably transferring oxygen. Also, even after oxygen inside the pores is used up, oxygen call be restored during the potential cycling. - Direct Observation of Well-dispersed Pt Nanoparticles inside the Pores of Mesoporous Carbon through the Cross Section of Pt/Mesoporous Carbon Particles
Akari Hayashi, Ken'ichi Kimijima, Junichi Miyamoto, Ichizo Yagi
CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 38, 4, 346, 347, CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN, 2009年04月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Pt nanoparticles were deposited on mesoporous carbon support using two different Pt precursors, and the difference in mass activity toward oxygen reduction between the two was successfully examined through direct observation of Pt nanoparticles inside the mesopores. Existence of 1-nni-sized Pt particles on the wall of mesopores was observed, and catalytic activity was hi-her if the size of Pt particles inside the pores was smaller. The size and stability of Pt catalysts encapsulated in nanospace is key for catalytic activity. - In Situ Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectroscopic Study of Pyridine Adsorbed on Gold Electrode Surfaces Comprised of Plasmonic Crystal Structures
Narumi Ohta, Ichizo Yagi
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 112, 45, 17603, 17610, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2008年11月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The work presented here describes the first steps toward designing a planar surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-active electrode surface, instead of randomly roughened electrode surfaces conventionally used, with the potential to conduct in situ monitoring of electrochemical and electrocatalytic reactions. A planar and preferentially (111) orientated Au film sputtered on a micropatterned Si surface consisting of a square lattice of inverted pyramidal pits has been prepared to generate high-quality SERS signals at 785 nm excitation wavelength and is applied to detect the orientational phase transition of adsorbed pyridine (Py) in aqueous solution. We have successfully obtained the potential-dependent frequency shift of the totally symmetric ring-breathing mode (v(1)) of Py adsorbed on the Au electrode surface from 1015 to 1011 cm(-1) as the electrode potential is successively changed from 0.84 to -0.06 V vs RHE, tracking the orientational phase transition of the adsorbate from almost end-on fashion at positive potentials to an almost flat-on orientation at negative potentials. This result indicates the possibility of the sensitivity of SERS on the planar Au surfaces, down to the submonolayer molecular adsorbate level. In addition, the good reversibility of the frequency shift of the v(1) mode observed during the continued positive-going potential sweep proves the planar Au surface and the Au-coated micropatterned structure are stable in the practical electrochemical condition. - 表面和周波発生(SFG)分光によるキラル表面の評価
八木 一三
表面科学 : hyomen kagaku = Journal of the Surface Science Society of Japan, 29, 9, 518, 525, 日本表面科学会, 2008年09月10日, [査読有り], [招待有り], [筆頭著者, 最終著者, 責任著者]
日本語, Two-dimensional chirality has attracted interest as an approach to develop novel chiral catalysts and sensors. However, there is no standard tool to distinguish and evaluate the chirality at surfaces and interfaces, since the number of chiral molecules or chiral sites are limited in the two-dimensional system. Linear chiroptical spectroscopy, such as circular dichroism (CD) and Raman optical activity (ROA), cannot be applied to the two dimensional system, because these methods are basing on the optical transition forbidden under the electric dipole approximation and, then, the chiral responses becomes much weak. Recently, one of the nonlinear spectroscopy, infrared-visible sum frequency generation (VSFG) has been established as a novel chiroptical tool to investigate the molecular and surface chirality. In the present study, this optical technique was applied to recognize the chirality at chiral molecules-modified surfaces under the nonelectronic resonant condition. For polycrystalline films of bi-naphthol (BINOL), chiral VSFG signal reached around 50% of achiral SFG signal and the chirality of the thin film could be successfully recognized. On the other hand, for submonolayer of binaphthyl molecules on Au, there was a limitation in the sensitivity and it was desired to introduce the doubly resonant VSFG enhancement for in situ monitoring of chiral recognition processes. - Preparation of Pt/mesoporous carbon (MC) electrode catalyst and its reactivity toward oxygen reduction
Akari Hayashi, Hideo Notsu, Ken'ichi Kimijima, Junichi Miyamoto, Ichizo Yagi
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 53, 21, 6117, 6125, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2008年09月, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Highly structurally controllable mesoporous carbon (MC) support was synthesized through the self-organization of surfactants and carbon precursors, followed by carbonization. Then, Pt catalysts were successfully deposited on MC, in order to create a model of an ideal triple phase boundary in such a nano-space. The resulting Pt/MC catalysts showed better oxygen reduction reactivity with the existence of Nafion (R) than without that. Handling of ionomers is a key to develop an ideal triple phase boundary within the pores of MC. Depending on the solvent where Nafion (R) was diluted, the reactivity toward oxygen reduction was different. Due to its hydrophobic pores of MC, Nation (R) diluted by more hydrophobic solvent was able to access to the pores easily. As a result, Pt inside the mesopores was efficiently used. Furthermore, by changing a Pt precursor, oxygen reduction current started to increase at more positive potential, indicating the enhanced activity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. - In situ 非線形分光法による電極表面の分析
八木 一三
電気化学および工業物理化学 : denki kagaku, 76, 3, 220, 226, 電気化学会, 2008年03月05日, [招待有り]
日本語 - Preparation of a self-standing mesoporous carbon membrane with perpendicularly-ordered pore structures
Ken'ichi Kimijima, Akari Hayashi, Ichizo Yagi
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 44, 5809, 5811, ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY, 2008年, [査読有り], [最終著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A self-standing mesoporous carbon membrane (sOMC) with perpendicularly-ordered pore structures was prepared through a simple synthetic method; the pores with a diameter of 8 nm were well ordered over a large area and perpendicularly-oriented to the surface without any external field; in the formation of this ordered structure, the drying process is key, and a porous alumina support is important to induce drying. - Photocontrolled magnetization of CdS-modified Prussian blue nanoparticles
Minori Taguchi, Ichizo Yagi, Masaru Nakagawa, Tomokazu Iyoda, Yasuaki Einaga
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 128, 33, 10978, 10982, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2006年08月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The first photocontrollable magnetic nanoparticles containing CdS and Prussian blue (PB) have been created using reverse micelles as nanoreactors. Photoinduced electron transfer from CdS to PB in the reverse micelle changed the magnetic properties of the composite nanoparticles from ferromagnetic to paramagnetic. The magnetization in the ferromagnetic region below 4 K was substantially decreased after UV light illumination and could be restored almost to its original level by thermal treatment at room temperature. This novel strategy of designing composite nanoparticles containing photoconductive semiconductors and magnetic materials to create photoswitchable magnetic materials may open many possibilities in the development of magneto-optical devices. - Size-dependent carrier dynamics in CdS nanoparticles by femtosecond visible-pump/IR-probe measurements
Ichizo Yagi, Kensuke Mikami, Kojiro Ebina, Masayuki Okamura, Kohei Uosaki
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 110, 29, 14192, 14197, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2006年07月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Ultrafast photoexcited carrier dynamics in CdS nanoparticles prepared by an AOT/n-heptane reversed micelle system were investigated by a femtosecond visible-pump/mid-IR probe technique. A mid-IR probe beam was found to mainly probe the ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited electrons in the conduction band. Dispersions of CdS nanoparticles with 8 different mean diameters from 2.9 to 4.1 nm were prepared by tuning the mole ratio between water and AOT (W = [H2O]/[AOT]) in the reversed micelle systems. The excited state lifetime strongly depended on the mean size of CdS nanoparticles with a maximum around a mean diameter of 3.5 nm. This result was explained by considering the balance between the carrier recombination rates via surface states and those via interior states. The relationship between the excited state lifetime and the size of CdS nanoparticles was drastically changed when the surface was terminated by thiol molecules. - Optical recognition of surface chirality at Au(hkl) single crystalline surfaces by second harmonic generation rotational anisotropy
Yagi, I, M Chiba, K Uosaki
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 127, 36, 12743, 12746, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2005年09月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Two-dimensional chirality at naturally chiral gold single crystalline surfaces was detected and characterized using optical second harmonic generation (SHG) measurements. SHG rotational anisotropy (SH-RA) patterns at Au(643)(S) and Au(643)(R) surfaces were mirror symmetric to each other. Systematic SH-RA measurements at chiral Au(hkl) surfaces with the same step and kink structures but different (111) terrace widths showed a linear correlation between surface step density and SH-RA fitting parameters arising from defects. These results indicate that SH-RA measurements provide information not only on surface chirality but also on density of surface defects. - 二次高調波発生分光による金属電極/溶液界面の電子構造評価とキラル化学への展開
八木 一三, 魚崎 浩平
光化学 = Photochemistry, 36, 1, 2, 9, 光化学協会, 2005年05月12日, [筆頭著者]
日本語 - Electrodeposition of flattened Cu nanoclusters on a p-GaAs(001) electrode monitored by in situ optical second harmonic generation
Yagi, I, S Idojiri, T Awatani, K Uosaki
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 109, 11, 5021, 5032, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2005年03月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In situ optical second harmonic generation (SHG) technique was employed to investigate the shape and density of Cu nanoclusters, which were electrochemically formed on p-GaAs(001) electrode surfaces. Since GaAs is not a centrosymmetric medium, a significant portion of SHG signal arises from the bulk dipole susceptibility, but it was possible to separate a surface-induced signal from a bulk-induced signal by choosing an appropriate experimental geometry and appropriate data processing. The rotational anisotropy (RA) pattern of the SHG signal from a p-GaAs(001) electrode changed in both shape and magnitude during potential cycling in an electrolyte solution containing Cu2+. The surface plasmon-induced SHG signal from Cu nanoclusters deposited on GaAs was attributed to the modulation source for the RA-SHG pattern. More detailed study was carried out with both in situ SHG and ex situ AFM measurements for Cu nanoclusters deposited by potential step. The results showed that the SHG signal at the present optical geometry was sensitive to the number of oblate or flattened Cu nanoclusters with lateral diameter larger than 30 nm and that the SHG enhancement occurred because of resonant coupling between the surface plasmon induced in the flattened Cu nanoclusters and the near-infrared fundamental light. - Electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen to water at Au nanoclusters vacuum-evaporated on boron-doped diamond in acidic solution
Yagi, I, T Ishida, K Uosaki
ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, 6, 8, 773, 779, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2004年08月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen at a boron (B)-doped diamond (BDD) electrode on which Au nanoclusters (GNCs) were deposited by vacuum-evaporation was investigated in 50 mM H2SO4 solution. Oxygen reduction current started to flow at a more positive potential at the GNCs/BDD electrode than at a polycrystalline gold electrode. Formation of water through a 4-electron reduction pathway at the GNCs/BDD electrode was confirmed, although oxygen reduction at gold electrodes in acidic solutions generally proceeds via a 2-electron pathway generating H2O2. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V. - Preparation of cocrystals of 2-amino-3-nitropyridine with benzenesulfonic acids for second-order nonlinear optical materials
H Koshima, H Miyamoto, Yagi, I, K Uosaki
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 4, 4, 807, 811, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2004年07月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Noncentrosymmetic and chiral cocrystals were prepared from 2-amino-3-nitropyridine (2A3NP) and achiral benzenesulfonic acids (Ar-SO3H), which were designed for second-order nonlinear optical materials. Both components are commonly crystallized in 1:1 ionic forms of 2A3NPH(+)-Ar-SO3-. The molecular packings of cocrystals are controlled by the aromatic-aromatic interactions as well as multidirectional ionic and hydrogen bonds between the 2A3NPH(+) cations and the sulfonate anions. The crystal of 2A3NP with p-toluenesulfonic acid belongs to acentric space group Pna2(1), in which 2A3NPH(+) cations and anions are alternately stacked with some dihedral angle due to the large sulfonate anions to form two independent column structures in a perpendicular direction to each other. The crystal of 2A3NP with p-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid crystallizes into chiral space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). The 2A3NPH(+) cations and the anions are also alternately stacked to give herringbone network of 2A3NPH(+) cations. The crystal of 2A3NP with 2,5-dimethylbenzenesulfonic acid belongs to acentric space group Pn, in which two independent stacking structures are formed in perpendicular directions. Second-harmonic generation (SHG) power measured with an evanescent wave technique revealed the relatively high SHG efficiency of cocrystal of 2A3NP with p-toluenesulfonic acid, 2-fold larger than that of well-known m-nitroaniline. - Femtosecond visible pump mid-IR probe study on the effects of surface treatments on ultrafast photogenerated carrier dynamics in n-GaAs (100) crystals
K Ebina, Yagi, I, H Noguchi, K Uosaki
CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 33, 5, 604, 605, CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN, 2004年05月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The femtosecond visible pump mid-IR probe technique was employed to investigate photogenerated carrier dynamics in n-GaAs (100) crystals Subjected to various surface treatments in a time domain of picoseconds-several tens of picoseconds. Pt- or Ru-treatment significantly accelerated the carrier recombination as a result of the introduction of surface states. The recombination rate was also increased by Au-treatment but less significantly than that by the Pt- or Ru-treatment. The effect of sulfide treatment on the recombination dynamics seemed to be rather small, although it has been reported that the density of Surface states is decreased by the Sulfide treatment. - Cocrystals of 2-amino-5-nitropyridine with benzenesulfonic acids for second order nonlinear optical materials
Hideko Koshima, Hironori Miyamoto, Ichizo Yagi, Kohei Uosaki
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 414, 77, 86, 2004年, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Cocrystals were prepared from 2-amino-5-nitropyridine (2A5NP) and achiral benzenesulfonic acids (Ar-SO3H), which were designed for second-order nonlinear optical materials. Both components are commonly crystallized in 1:1 ionic forms of 2A5NPH+̇Ar-SO3 -, The cocrystal of 2A5NP with 2-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid belongs to acentric space group Pc, in which 2A5NPH+ cation and anion are alternately stacked in an almost parallel and superimposed manner to form column and layer structures. The cocrystal of 2A5NP with 3-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid is crystallized into chiral space group P21212 1. The 2A5NPH+ cation and anion are also alternately stacked with some dihedral angle to form column structures. These organic-organic cocrystals are controlled by the aromatic-aromatic interactions as well as multidirectional ionic and hydrogen bondings between the 2A5NPH + cations and Ar -SO3- anions. Second-harmonic generation (SHG) powers of the crystals measured by second-harmonic generation with evanescent wave (SHEW) technique were, however, smaller than that of area. The reasons for small SHG powers are discussed based on the molecular arrangements. - Cocrystals of 2-amino-5-nitropyridine with benzenesulfonic acids for second order nonlinear optical materials
H Koshima, H Miyamoto, Yagi, I, K Uosaki
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Cocrystals were prepared from 2-amino-5-nitropyridine (2A5NP) and achiral benzenesulfonic acids (Ar-SO3H), which were designed for second-order nonlinear optical materials. Both components are commonly crystallized in 1:1 ionic forms of 2A5NPH(+).Ar-SO3-. The cocrystal of 2A5NP with 2-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid belongs to acentric space group Pc, in which 2A5NPH(+) cation and anion are alternately stacked in an almost parallel and superimposed manner to form column and layer structures. The cocrystal of 2A5NP with 3-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid is crystallized into chiral space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). The 2A5NPH(+) cation and anion are also alternately stacked with some dihedral angle to form column structures. These organic-organic cocrystals are controlled by the aromatic-aromatic interactions as well as multidirectional ionic and hydrogen bondings between the 2A5NPH(+) cations and Ar-SO3- anions. Second-harmonic generation (SHG) powers of the crystals measured by second-harmonic generation with evanescent wave (SHEW) technique were, however, smaller than that of area. The reasons for small SHG powers are discussed based on the molecular arrangements. - Surface crystallographic orientation dependence of anodic oxide formation on gold single crystalline electrodes
Yagi, I, T Awatani, T Kondo, K Hanaoka, J Morita, S Takakusagi, K Tamura, M Takahasi, J Mizuki, K Uosaki
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Electrochemical oxide layer formation and reduction processes at single crystalline Au(100) and Au(111) surfaces were investigated by optical second harmonic generation (SHG) and surface X-ray scattering (SXS) techniques. SH signal response under 600 nm excitation wavelength at highly ordered Au(100) and Au(111) single crystalline surfaces were totally different. At the Au(100) electrode, the SH signal under 600 nm excitations increased upon the formation of highly oxidized surface. This response was essentially the same as those at polycrystalline Au electrode surfaces. At the Au(111) electrode, however, the SH signal excited by 600 nm showed essentially no change within the oxide formation/reduction region. On the other hand, the SXS results have indicated that the rate of incorporation of oxygen species into the low-lying Au layers was higher at the Au(100) than at the Au(111) surfaces. These results were explained in terms of the kinetically controlled formations of different kinds of Au oxides at each surface. - Cocrystals of 2-amino-5-nitropyridine with benzenesulfonic acids for second-order nonlinear optical materials
H Koshima, H Miyamoto, Yagi, I, K Uosaki
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Cocrystals were prepared from 2-amino-5-nitropyridine ( 2A5NP) and achiral benzenesulfonic acids (Ar-SO3H), which were designed for second-order nonlinear optical materials. Both components are commonly crystallized in 1: 1 ionic forms of 2A5NPH+.Ar-SO3-. The cocrystal of 2A5NP with 2-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid belongs to acentric space group Pc, in which 2A5NPH(+) cation and anion alternately stacked in almost parallel and superimposed manner to form column and layer structures. The cocrystal of 2A5NP with 3-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid is crystallized into chiral space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). The 2A5NPH(+) cation and anion are also alternately stacked with some dihedral angle to form column structures. These organic-organic cocrystals are controlled by the aromatic-aromatic interactions as well as multidirectional ionic and hydrogen bondings between the 2A5NPH(+) cations and Ar-SO3- anions. Second-harmonic generation ( SHG) powers of the crystals measured by second-harmonic generation with evanescent wave ( SHEW) technique were, however, smaller than that of urea. The reasons for small SHG powers are discussed based on the molecular arrangements. - Direct proof for electrochemical substitution of surface hydrogen of boron-doped diamond electrode by TOF-ESD method
Yagi, I, K Ogai, T Kondo, A Fujishima, K Ueda, K Uosaki
CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 32, 11, 1050, 1051, CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN, 2003年11月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The substitution of surface hydrogen on boron (B)-doped diamond electrodes during electrochemical hydrogen evolution was confirmed using TOF-ESD method. The results show that surface-H(D) was substituted by D(H) as a result of the reduction of D+(H+) in solution during the electrochemical hydrogen evolution at the B-doped diamond. - Second harmonic generation study on electrochemical deposition of palladium on a polycrystalline gold electrode
Tadashi Awatani, Ichizo Yagi, Hidenori Noguchi, Kohei Uosaki
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 524-525, 1, 184, 193, Elsevier, 2002年05月03日, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Electrochemical deposition (electrodeposition) and dissolution processes of Pd on a polycrystalline Au electrode surface in HClO4 solution containing PdCl42- were investigated by second harmonic generation (SHG) measurements. Both 1064 nm (near-IR) and 600 nm (visible) excitations were employed to monitor the SHG behavior in situ. Under the near-IR excitation, the resulting SHG signal contained contributions from both the Pd deposit and the adsorbed PdCl42-. On the other hand, the adsorption of the PdCl42- did not affect the SHG signal under the visible excitation. The SHG signal under the visible excitation was resonantly enhanced with the first and second monolayer depositions of Pd but declined with higher Pd coverage. These results confirm the unique structure and property of an ultra-thin Pd overlayer on gold, suggested by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), surface X-ray scattering (SXS) and electrochemical measurements at electrodeposited Pd thin layers on single crystalline gold surfaces. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. - The effects of nitrogen and plasma power on electrochemical properties of boron-doped diamond electrodes grown by MPCVD
Yagi, I, K Tsunozaki, A Fujishima, B Ohtani, K Uosaki
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The influences of nitrogen addition and the attenuation of microwave power during microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) of diamond films on electrochemical properties of the grown films were investigated. Although diamond films grown in the presence of a small amount of nitrogen did not contain sp(2) carbon and appeared to be normally deposited films, the electrical and electrochemical properties were different from films grown under an atmosphere without nitrogen. Especially, the potential windows of diamond films grown in the presence of nitrogen at low microwave power were very wide and extended to 3.6 V in sulfuric acid solution, which is comparable to the widest value of the potential window of diamond electrodes reported till now. It was also found that the attenuation of the plasma power during MPCVD by itself was effective in the expansion of the potential window because of the defect-free growth of diamond crystals. (C) 2001 The Electrochemical Society. - Synthesis, structure, and second-harmonic generation of noncentrosymmetric cocrystals of 2-amino-5-nitropyridine with achiral benzenesulfonic acids
H Koshima, M Hamada, Yagi, I, K Uosaki
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 1, 6, 467, 471, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2001年11月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A series of noncentrosymmetric cocrystals were prepared from 2-amino-5-nitropyridine (2A5NP) and achiral benzenesulfonic acids (Ar-SO3H), which were designed for nonlinear optical materials. The cocrystals are colorless, and the melting points are fairly high, at around 200degreesC. Both components are commonly crystallized in 1:1 ionic forms of 2A5NP(+).Ar-SO3-. The crystal of 2A5NP and 3-methyl-4-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid belongs to chiral space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), in which the 2A5NP(+) cation and the anion are alternately stacked with a dihedral angle due to the large sulfonic anion to form column structures. Crystals of 2A5NP with both p-toluenesulfonic acid and p-chlorobenzenesulfonic acid are crystallized into noncentrosymmetric space group Pc and are isomorphic with each other. The 2A5NP+ cation and anion in each crystal are also alternatively stacked to form independently elongated zigzag and layer arrays in perpendicular directions. The crystal of 2A5NP and p-phenolsulfonic acid belongs to acentric space group Pna2(1), in which herringbone networks of 2A5NP(+) cations are arranged in the lattice. The feature of these organic-organic crystals is that the molecular packings are controlled by the aromatic-aromatic interactions as well as multidirectional hydrogen bondings between the 2A5NP(+) cations and anions. Second-harmonic generation (SHG) powers measured by the SHEW (second-harmonic generation with evanescent wave) technique revealed the high SHG efficiencies of cocrystals of 2A5NP with p-toluenesulfonic and p-phenolsulfonic acid, comparable to those of the well-known m-nitroaniline and 4-(dimethylamino)-3-acetamidonitrobenzene (DAN), respectively. - Synthesis of well-aligned diamond nanocylinders
H Masuda, T Yanagishita, K Yasui, K Nishio, Yagi, I, TN Rao, A Fujishima
ADVANCED MATERIALS, 13, 4, 247, +, WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 2001年02月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Alumina templates are used to assist the deposition of highly ordered polycrystalline diamond nanocylinders (see Figure) and diamond-like carbon nanotubes. The growth of diamond is carried out by microwave plasma-assisted CVD, using acetone as the carbon source. The dimensions of the nanofibers are easily controllable and this technique could be adopted to prepare arrays for various applications. - Surface carbonyl groups on oxidized diamond electrodes
H Notsu, Yagi, I, T Tatsuma, DA Tryk, A Fujishima
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Oxygen-containing functional groups can be introduced onto the surface of polycrystalline boron-doped diamond electrodes by either anodic polarization or oxygen plasma treatment. Of these, the carbonyl groups are of particular interest and can be studied specifically by means of specific chemical modification with dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH). The modification of the surface carbonyl groups with DNPH retards the Fe2+/3+ redox reaction, which is known to be catalyzed by carbonyl groups. Anodic polarization generated a larger number of carbonyl groups per unit area that were reactive with DNPH than that generated by oxygen plasma treatment. The molar ratio of the DNPH-reactive carbonyl groups to the total of all types of oxygen atoms could be as high as 5% for electrochemically oxidized diamond surfaces. This value is reasonable in view of steric limitations. The total number of carbonyl groups per unit area introduced by oxygen plasma treatment was probably larger than that introduced by anodic polarization, but the number that can react with DNPH is lower due to disordering by energetic oxygen ions. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. - Nanolithographic modification of homoepitaxial and polished polycrystalline boron-doped diamond surfaces
M Yanagisawa, H Tai, Yagi, I, DA Tryk, A Fujishima, L Jiang
英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Both homoepitaxial and polished polycrystalline diamond films were used to produce micrometer and sub-micrometer-scale patterns that were characterized by differences in conductivity, topography, and friction force. In some cases, the differences in conductivity were more than two orders of magnitude. The patterns were produced by repetitively scanning the surface with a gold-coated AFM tip, with the sample biased positive (+2 to +3 V) vs, the tip. It may be possible to use the patterns thus produced for the preparation of nanoscale electronic devices such as field-effect transistors. - Introduction of oxygen-containing functional groups onto diamond electrode surfaces by oxygen plasma and anodic polarization
H Notsu, Yagi, I, T Tatsuma, DA Tryk, A Fujishima
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Two simple methods for chemically modifying boron-doped diamond (BDD) films by oxidative treatment were examined. These treatments have shown promise in imparting selectivity to BDD electrodes, for example, between dopamine and ascorbic acid (AA). BDD surfaces were treated either by oxygen plasma or anodic polarization in alkaline solution. The treatments resulted in the incorporation of substantial amounts of oxygen on the surface and also increased the overpotential for AA oxidation. Interestingly, using cathodic polarization, the increase in overpotential was largely negated for the anodically treated surface, whereas it was little affected on the plasma-treated surface. Two different models are proposed to explain this difference in behavior. (C) 1999 The Electrochemical Society. S1099-0062(99)05-079-6. All rights reserved. - Control of the dynamics of photogenerated carriers at the boron-doped diamond electrolyte interface by variation of the surface termination
Yagi, I, K Tsunozaki, DA Tryk, A Fujishima
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The photoelectrochemical response of boron-doped diamond electrode/electrolyte interfaces was examined to establish the influence of the chemical termination at the diamond surface on the dynamics of photogenerated carriers. Photocurrent transients resulting from pulsed excimer laser irradiation at hydrogen-terminated (as-deposited) diamond electrodes and at oxygen-terminated electrodes, which were prepared either by exposing the surface to oxygen plasma or by anodic polarization in an electrolyte solution, were compared. A significant difference between the photocarrier dynamics for these two surfaces was observed in terms of the full width at half-maximum of the photocurrent transients. The much faster decay rate that was observed for the oxygen-terminated surface is attributed to either the depassivation of deep trapping sites due to removal of subsurface hydrogen or to the introduction of defect recombination sites by the oxygen plasma. (C) 1999 The Electrochemical Society. S1099-0062(99)03-024-2. All rights reserved. - Electroanalysis of dopamine and NADH at conductive diamond electrodes
A Fujishima, TN Rao, E Popa, BV Sarada, Yagi, I, DA Tryk
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Highly boron-doped diamond thin-film electrodes were examined for various possible applications in electroanalysis. Electrochemical oxidation of dopamine and NADH was investigated using cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. Comparison experiments were performed using glassy carbon electrodes. Anodically treated diamond electrodes made it possible to determine dopamine selectively with high sensitivity in the presence of a large excess of ascorbic acid in acidic media. A detection limit of 50 nM was obtained using chronoamperometry. The treated electrodes were found to be stable for several months. Electrochemical oxidation of NADH was carried out at as-deposited diamond electrodes, with which very stable and reproducible cyclic voltammograms for NADH oxidation were obtained, unlike glassy carbon, at which a significant positive shift (similar to 200 mV) in the peak potential was observed within 1 h. The amperometric detection limit was found to be similar to 10 nM. Interference of ascorbic acid was minimal using untreated electrodes when the concentration of ascorbic acid was comparable to the NADH concentration. Diamond microelectrodes small enough to consist of only one or two high quality microcrystals were fabricated in order to compare the electrochemical behavior with that of polycrystalline thin film electrodes, which contain large numbers of grain boundaries, at which non-diamond (sp(2)) carbon can exist. This work demonstrates the potential of diamond electrodes for electroanalytical applications. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved. - Electrochemical selectivity for redox systems at oxygen-terminated diamond electrodes
Yagi, I, H Notsu, T Kondo, DA Tryk, A Fujishima
JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 473, 1-2, 173, 178, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 1999年09月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Oxygen-terminated diamond electrodes were prepared by exposing as-grown hydrogen-terminated diamond thin films to oxygen plasma. The as-grown surfaces, which were highly hydrophobic, become hydrophilic after the oxygen plasma treatment. The apparent surface conductivity was not significantly changed after the oxygen plasma treatment. However, the electrochemical responses to several redox systems became remarkably different. For example, the cyclic voltammetric anodic-cathodic peak separations for the oxygen-terminated diamond electrodes became extremely large compared to those for the as-grown electrodes. This behavior was examined in comparison with as-grown diamond and glassy carbon electrodes. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved. - Electrochemical oxidation of NADH at highly boron-doped diamond electrodes
TN Rao, Yagi, I, T Miwa, DA Tryk, A Fujishima
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 71, 13, 2506, 2511, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1999年07月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Conductive boron-doped chemical vapor-deposited diamond thin films, already known to have superior properties for general electroanalysis, including low background current and a wide potential window, are here shown to have additional advantages with respect to electrochemical oxidation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), including high resistance to deactivation and insensitivity to dissolved oxygen, Cyclic voltammetry, amperometry, and the rotating disk electrode technique were used to study the reaction in neutral pH solution. Highly reproducible cyclic voltammograms for NADH oxidation were obtained at as-deposited diamond electrodes. The response was stable over several months of storage in ambient air, in contrast to glassy carbon electrodes, which deactivated within 1 h, The diamond electrode exhibited very high sensitivity for NADH, with an amperometric detection limit of 10 nM (S/N = 7), The response remained stable, even in the very low concentration range, for several months. In addition, interference effects due to ascorbic acid were minimal when the concentrations of NADH and ascorbic acid were comparable. An NADH-mediated dehydrogenese-based ethanol biosensor incorporating an unmodified diamond electrode is demonstrated. The present results indicate that diamond is a useful electrode material for the analytical detection of NADH, making it attractive for use in sensors based on enzyme-catalyzed reactions involving NADH as a cofactor. - 気相合成ダイヤモンド薄膜の最近の動向 ダイヤモンドの電気化学反応への応用
八木一三, 藤嶋昭
表面技術, 50, 6, 486, 493, 一般社団法人 表面技術協会, 1999年06月01日, [招待有り]
日本語 - Electrochemical control of the second harmonic generation property of self-assembled monolayers containing a trans-ferrocenyl-nitrophenyl ethylene group on gold
T Kondo, S Horiuchi, Yagi, I, S Ye, K Uosaki
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The second harmonic (SH) intensity at gold electrodes modified with self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of two novel molecules, which have trans-ferrocenyl-nitrophenyl ethylene and thiol groups as the second harmonic generation and surface-attached groups, respectively, was found to be strongly dependent on the oxidation state of the ferrocene group. The SH intensity increased when the ferrocene moiety of the SAMs was oxidized electrochemically to the ferricenium cation, and it decreased and returned to the original value when the ferricenium cation of the ferrocene moiety was reduced to neutral ferrocene. These changes were reversible and were repeated many times. The molecular orientation change in each SAM upon reduction/oxidation of the ferrocene moiety was investigated by in situ Fourier transform infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy, and the hyperpolarizabilities of these molecules were calculated using a computational electronic structure model. The origin of the SH intensity change is discussed on the basis of these results. - Real time monitoring of electrochemical deposition of tellurium on Au(111) electrode by optical second harmonic generation technique
Yagi, I, S Nakabayashi, K Uosaki
SURFACE SCIENCE, 406, 1-3, 1, 8, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 1998年05月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Electrochemical deposition of Te on a single crystal Au(lll) electrode was monitored by the optical second harmonic generation (SHG) technique. The rotational anisotropic SHG measurement was used to estimate the overall symmetry of the electrode surface during the first underpotential deposition (upd), the second upd and bulk deposition of Te in real time. The formation of the first Te upd layer seemed to proceed in two steps as the SH rotational anisotropy became rather isotropic in the middle of the first upd and, then, the anisotropic character of the surface recovered again after the completion of the first upd. The experimental results suggest random deposition in the initial stage followed by the island growth, leading to the highly ordered (root 3 x root 3)R30 degrees structure. It was also found that the anisotropic character of the overall surface symmetry was attenuated after the second upd and bulk deposition of Te. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. - In situ optical second harmonic rotational anisotropy measurements of an Au(111) electrode during electrochemical deposition of tellurium
I Yagi, S Nakabayashi, K Uosaki
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 102, 15, 2677, 2683, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1998年04月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者]
英語, The electrodeposition of Te on a single-crystalline Au(111) electrode was studied with 1064-nm-excited SH rotational anisotropy measurements. The SH rotational anisotropy was significantly changed with the first underpotential deposition (upd) of Te, and the bulk Te deposition attenuated the anisotropic character of the overall surface symmetry. The change in the SH rotational anisotropy during the first upd of Te was examined using two different models. The first model considered only the contribution of the Au(111) surface to the SHG response, while the second one took into account the contributions of both the Au(111) substrate and the adsorbed Te layer. In the former case, the change in the SH rotational anisotropy can be explained by considering the quenching of the nonlinear susceptibility of the Au(111) surface. The analysis based on the latter model resulted in a rotation angle of 608 for the adsorbed Te layer against the the Au(111) lattice. This value was not consistent with that expected from the adsorbate structure of the first upd layer of Te, i.e., (root 3x root 3)R30 degrees. Thus. the former model seems to be more appropriate to explain the present results. The SH rotational anisotropy measurement also suggests that the morphology became more isotropic after the bulk Te deposition. - Reaction pathway of four-electron oxidation of formaldehyde on platinum electrode as observed by in situ optical spectroscopy
S Nakabayashi, Yagi, I, N Sugiyama, K Tamura, K Uosaki
SURFACE SCIENCE, 386, 1-3, 82, 88, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 1997年10月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), When a platinum electrode is dipped into aqueous sulfuric acid solution containing formaldehyde, the surface is covered by CO, which is formed by the dissociative adsorption of formaldehyde. A second harmonic generation voltammogram pumped by a 532 nm laser pulse and photo-reflectance voltammogram probed by a 670 nm laser beam are sensitive to the surface CO and surface oxide, respectively. The experiments demonstrate that the anodic oxidation pathway of the formaldehyde through CO adsorption proceeds by coupling with the surface oxide formation and that the CO controls the dual reaction pathway, the anodic and cathodic path of the reaction, and induces a non-linear self-sustained oscillation. The kinetics of the dissociative adsorption is discussed based on the time course of the current induced by the laser desorption of CO. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. - Excitation Wavelength Dependent Three-Wave Mixing at a CO-Covered Platinum Electrode
Yagi Ichizo, Nakabayashi Seiichiro, Uosaki Kohei
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 101, 38, 7414, 7421, American Chemical Society, 1997年09月18日, [査読有り], [筆頭著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The interfacial electronic structure of a CO-covered polycrystalline platinum electrode has been studied by using the optical second harmonic generation (SHG) and sum frequency generation (SFG) techniques with various excitation wavelengths. Although the nonlinear optical (NLO) signal was enhanced by the absorption of CO at all excitation wavelengths employed in this study, the potential dependent behaviors of the NLO signal were different between the near-infrared excitation and the visible excitation. The difference was attributed to the different mechanisms for the enhancement of the NLO signal. While the electron transition from the Fermi level of Pt to the unoccupied 2πa* orbital of adsorbed CO was considered to be coupled with the NLO photon in the case of visible excitation, the dc field induced SHG regime was applied to the result obtained by the near-infrared excitation. - In situ observation of anodic dissolution process of p-GaAs(001) in HCl solution by surface X-ray diffraction
K Uosaki, M Koinuma, T Kondo, S Ye, Yagi, I, H Noguchi, K Tamura, K Takeshita, T Matsushita
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The grazing incidence X-ray diffraction technique has been applied to monitor the anodic dissolution process of GaAs(001) in 0.1M HCl solution. The surface diffraction intensity for the [11] direction of GaAs(001) was clearly observed and it decreased with time when the positive potential was applied to the electrode. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A. - In situ optical second harmonic generation studies of electrochemical deposition of tellurium on polycrystalline gold electrodes
Ichizo Yagi, Juliette M. Lantz, Seiichiro Nakabayashi, Robert M. Corn, Kohei Uosaki
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 401, 1-2, 95, 101, Elsevier, 1996年01月24日, [査読有り], [筆頭著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The electrodeposition of tellurium (Te) on polycrystalline gold electrodes was studied using in situ optical second harmonic generation (SHG) at two different excitation wavelengths. On excitation at 1064 nm, the SH signal decreased dramatically with the first Te underpotential deposition (upd) and increased slightly with the second upd and the bulk deposition of Te. There was a linear correlation between the square root of the SH intensity from the surface and the surface coverage of Te, although the proportionality constant of this correlation for the first Te upd was different from those for the second upd and bulk deposition. This is possibly because of the stronger interaction of the first upd layer of Te than the second and bulk layer of Te with the substrate surface. However, on excitation at 585 nm, the behavior of the SH signal was more complicated, especially during the desorption process of the first Te monolayer. An increase in the SH intensity was observed with the first Te upd, but this increase in SHG still continued in the potential region in which no deposition of Te occurred. These results are interpreted by considering the existence of an optical resonance at the Au surface covered with a Te monolayer. - In situ optical second harmonic generation study of electrochemical oxidation of formaldehyde on a polycrystalline platinum electrode
Yagi, I, S Nakabayashi, K Uosaki
CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 7, 529, 530, CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN, 1996年, [査読有り], [筆頭著者]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In situ optical second harmonic generation(SHG) technique was employed to investigate the electrochemical oxidation of formaldehyde on a polycrystalline Pt electrode. At 532 nm excitation, the SH signal generated at a Pt surface seems to be enhanced by the existence of adsorbed CO and can be related to the surface coverage of CO(a) which cannot be determined by the electrochemical methods. Thus, the potential dependence of the SH signal provides useful information to understand the mechanism of this reaction. - ELECTROCHEMICAL QUARTZ-CRYSTAL MICROBALANCE STUDIES OF SELF-ASSEMBLED MONOLAYERS OF 11-FERROCENYL-1-UNDECANETHIOL - STRUCTURE-DEPENDENT ION-PAIRING AND SOLVENT UPTAKE
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Mass transport accompanying the redox process of ferrocenyle-undecanethiol monolayers has been examined by an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) for both compact and loosely packed layers with different surface coverages prepared by self-assembly method. Ferricinium cations formed upon the oxidation of ferrocene group associate with anions in solution to form ion pairs. The anion association was not accompanied by water incorporation into the layers independent of the surface coverage, unless the layers were pretreated with water before the measurements were made. Immersion of the thiol-modified electrode in water caused a drastic increase in interfacial mass transport upon oxidation, particularly at a loosely packed layer. It is concluded that this increase is the result of the incorporation of water molecules into the space between the alkyl chains of the oriented ferrocenylundecanethiol. The space seems to be pre-occupied by hexane during the self-assembly process. - PACKING STATE AND STABILITY OF SELF-ASSEMBLED MONOLAYERS OF 11-FERROCENYL-1-UNDECANETHIOL ON PLATINUM-ELECTRODES
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Self-assembled monolayers of 11-ferrocenyl-1-undecanethiol on Pt have been characterized with an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Well-packed monolayers were defect-free, but less compact than on Au. The high affinity of Pt for oxygen made the monolayer relatively unstable compared with monolayers on Au. - INSITU AND DYNAMIC MONITORING OF THE SELF-ASSEMBLING AND REDOX PROCESSES OF A FERROCENYLUNDECANETHIOL MONOLAYER BY ELECTROCHEMICAL QUARTZ CRYSTAL MICROBALANCE
LANGMUIR, 8, 5, 1385, 1387, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1992年05月, [査読有り]
英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The self-assembling process of ferrocenylundecanethiol on a gold surface has been measured in situ using the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM). Initial adsorption was fast and was followed by the slow adsorption whose rate was 2 orders of magnitude smaller. The number of adsorbed thiol molecules, estimated from the frequency change, suggests the formation of the monomolecular layer of the thiol. This number agrees well with that calculated from the electrochemical charge associated with oxidation/reduction of the monolayer in 1 M HClO4. The EQCM was also used to follow the mass change during the oxidation/reduction of the ferrocenylundecanethiol monolayer. It was confirmed that anions are incorporated into the self-assembled layer upon oxidation of the ferrocene group.
- 低次元ナノ構造を有する触媒材料 Pt合金ナノフレーム,ナノワイヤを触媒とした電極触媒反応
加藤優, 八木一三, 触媒, 66, 1, 2024年 - 燃料電池材料研究の最前線 非白金酸素還元触媒の現状と展望
加藤優, 八木一三, 太陽エネルギー, 49, 2, 2023年 - 3.白金系および非白金電極触媒におけるその場X線吸収分光計測
加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学, 90, 1, 2022年 - 電位負荷環境下におけるPt-Niナノワイヤー触媒の形態変化と酸素還元反応活性
加藤優太, 井口誼美, ZHUANG Yu, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 88th, 2021年 - 可視光応答型多層被覆電極による第一級アミンの脱水素化反応
姉帯一樹, 永井かなえ, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 88th, 2021年 - FTO上にスパッタリングしたNiによるベンジルアミンの電気化学的酸化
姉帶一樹, 永井かなえ, 加藤優, 八木一三, 日本表面真空学会東北・北海道支部学術講演会講演予稿集, 2019, 2020年 - Pt-Ni合金ナノ構造体の電極触媒活性に及ぼす担体の効果
中干場亮太, LI Tianchi, YU Zhuang, 井口誼美, 阿部大輝, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 87th, 2020年 - Pt/C触媒表面の分子修飾による電極触媒活性への影響
村松舜, ZHUANG Yu, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 87th, 2020年 - 白金合金ナノワイヤーの酸素還元活性と構造変化
加藤優, LI Tianchi, 井口誼美, ZHUANG Yu, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 87th, 2020年 - ホモシステイン修飾電極における電子移動速度のキラリティ依存性
岡紗雪, 加藤優, 加藤優, 八木一三, 八木一三, 日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2020, 2020年 - スズ修飾白金-パラジウム合金単結晶電極における硝酸還元
鵜沼佑規, 奥井学, 田口哲, 星永宏, 加藤優, 加藤優, 八木一三, 八木一三, 日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2020, 2020年 - SAM-Au電極における金属酵素吸着過程と脂質膜構築のその場観察
吉田生未, 鳴海旭, 増田侑也, 當舎武彦, 加藤優, 加藤優, 八木一三, 八木一三, 日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2020, 2020年 - 金属微粒子を含まない(Cu,Fe)-Nドープカーボン触媒の酸素還元活性
阿部大輝, 藤林那月, 加藤優, 保田諭, 八木一三, 電池討論会PDF要旨集(CD-ROM), 61st, 2020年 - 白金合金ナノワイヤー触媒の合成とその酸素還元反応活性
井口誼美, LI Tianchi, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電池討論会PDF要旨集(CD-ROM), 61st, 2020年 - SAM修飾Au電極における金属酵素の吸着と脂質膜構築のその場観察
吉田生未, 鳴海旭, 増田侑也, 當舎武彦, 加藤優, 八木一三, 日本表面真空学会東北・北海道支部学術講演会講演予稿集, 2019, 2020年 - 異なる手法で形成したグラフェン/金属への電気化学的分子修飾
西山佳祐, 鶴飼里菜, 丹野駿, 加藤優, 田村和久, 保田諭, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 87th, 2020年 - Nafion極薄膜/Pt(111)界面構造の解析
金内理矩, 齋藤僚, 加藤優, 田村和久, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 87th, 2020年 - 白金合金ナノワイヤーの酸素還元活性と電子状態
加藤優, 井口誼美, 李天馳, 庄宇, 八木一三, 触媒討論会討論会A予稿集(CD-ROM), 126th, 2020年 - 単層グラフェンのプロトン透過能と電気化学的手法を利用したグラフェン-金属界面への水素ナノバブル形成
保田諭, 田村和久, 矢野雅大, 寺澤知潮, 加藤優, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人, 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 66th, 2019年 - Pt-Ni合金ナノフレーム電極触媒の酸素還元活性および耐久性に対する担体効果
加藤優, 小倉和也, 徳田翔一, LI Tianch, 中干場亮太, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 86th, 2019年 - 白金ナノワイヤーの調製と酸素還元触媒活性
LI Tianchi, 小倉和也, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 86th, 2019年 - 酸性水溶液中での酸素還元活性に対する鉄-銅共ドープ効果
藤林那月, 加藤優, 加藤優, 保田諭, 八木一三, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 86th, 2019年 - 膜電極接合体カソードにおける電極表面酸素種の軟X線分光計測
石原知子, 石原知子, 加藤優, 加藤優, 新部正人, 徳島高, 堀川裕加, 堀川裕加, 永山まゆみ, 林灯, 植野一輝, 植野一輝, 橋本由介, 大浦正樹, 大浦正樹, 八木一三, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 86th, 2019年 - グラフェン被覆した種々の金属基板への電気化学的分子修飾
鶴飼里菜, 丹野駿, 保田諭, 田村和久, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 86th, 2019年 - 自己組織化単分子層を介して電極上に固定した一酸化窒素還元酵素の分光電気化学
鳴海旭, 増田侑也, 中川省吾, 當舎武彦, 加藤優, 八木一三, 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 99th, 2019年 - グラフェン-金属界面で形成されるナノバブルの水素同位体効果
保田諭, 田村和久, 矢野雅大, 寺澤知潮, 加藤優, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 86th, 2019年 - Pt-Niナノ構造体の電極触媒活性に対する担体効果
中干場亮太, LI Tianchi, 小倉和也, 藤林那月, 保田諭, 加藤優, 八木一三, 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 99th, 2019年 - 触媒担体表面への分子修飾によるアイオノマー配向制御と酸素還元活性への影響
村松舜, 加藤優, 長谷川直樹, 長谷川直樹, 北野直紀, 加藤久雄, 八木一三, 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 99th, 2019年 - グラフェン被覆Au(111)表面へのアニリン誘導体の修飾
西山佳祐, 鶴飼里菜, 丹野駿, 加藤優, 保田諭, 八木一三, 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 99th, 2019年 - 単層グラフェンへの構造規定欠陥の導入と電気化学水素ポンプ法によるプロトン透過能評価
保田諭, 寺澤知潮, 矢野雅大, 小河浩晃, 加藤優, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人, 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 80th, 2019年 - 金属電極表面におけるアイオノマーモデル電解質の挙動解析
八木一三, 加藤優, 野津英男, 田村和久, SPring-8/SACLA利用研究成果集(Web), 7, 2, 2019年 - 窒素ドープカーボン担体による白金合金ナノワイヤの酸素還元活性と耐久性への影響
庄宇, 中干場亮太, 李天馳, 加藤優, 八木一三, 触媒討論会討論会A予稿集(CD-ROM), 124th, 2019年 - Pt-Ni合金ナノ構造体の酸素還元活性に対する担体効果
加藤優, 小倉和也, 徳田翔一, 中干場亮太, 李天馳, 庄宇, 八木一三, 触媒討論会討論会A予稿集(CD-ROM), 124th, 2019年 - 放射光と振動分光を駆使した酸素還元電極触媒のその場計測
八木一三, 日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2019, 2019年 - アイオノマー被覆白金単結晶電極における膜厚と酸素還元活性との相関
金内理矩, 齋藤僚, 加藤優, 加藤優, 田村和久, 八木一三, 八木一三, 日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2019, 2019年 - グラフェンの水素イオン同位体透過能の評価
保田諭, 寺澤知潮, 矢野雅大, 加藤優, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人, 日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2019, 2019年 - 金属上基板への分子修飾グラフェンの転写
西山佳祐, 鶴飼里菜, 丹野駿, 加藤優, 加藤優, 田村和久, 保田諭, 八木一三, 八木一三, 日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2019, 2019年 - 膜電極接合体を用いたグラフェンのプロトン透過能評価
保田諭, 寺澤知潮, 矢野雅大, 加藤優, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019, 2019年 - 白金合金ナノワイヤー触媒における酸素還元反応活性の向上
LI Tianchi, 小倉和也, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019, 2019年 - 酸素還元活性を示す白金合金ナノ構造体への担体効果
加藤優, 中干場亮太, 小倉和也, LI Tianchi, ZHUANG Yu, 八木一三, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019, 2019年 - 多層被覆CdSナノロッドによる水の光電気化学的酸化
永井かなえ, 石原由貴, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019, 2019年 - 脂質膜修飾電極における金属酵素反応の追跡
増田侑也, 加藤優, 加藤優, 當舎武彦, 中川省吾, 八木一三, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 86th, 2019年 - 金属酵素-電極界面での人工脂質二分子膜形成挙動の追跡
加藤優, 加藤優, 鳴海旭, 増田侑也, 中川省吾, 當舎武彦, 八木一三, 八木一三, 日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2019, 2019年 - APD法により調製したカーボン担持Pt-Niナノ粒子の酸素還元活性
原由樹, 加藤優, 八木一三, 化学系学協会北海道支部冬季研究発表会(Web), 2018, 2018年 - 表面被覆した金属硫化物電極の調製と光電気化学特性
石原由貴, 加藤優, 八木一三, 化学系学協会北海道支部冬季研究発表会(Web), 2018, 2018年 - 表面被覆した金属硫化物電極の調製と光電気化学性質
石原由貴, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 85th, 2018年 - 窒素導入カーボン担持Pt-Ni合金ナノフレームの酸素還元活性および耐久性
小倉和也, 中川省吾, 徳田翔一, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 85th, 2018年 - アークプラズマ蒸着Pt-Niナノ粒子の酸素還元活性と担体効果
原由樹, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 85th, 2018年 - 種々の基板金属を用いたグラフェンへの電気化学的分子修飾
鶴飼里菜, 丹野駿, 保田諭, 田村和久, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 85th, 2018年 - グラフェン-金属界面で形成した水素ナノバブル評価
保田諭, 田村和久, 佐藤祐輔, 加藤優, 丹野駿, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 85th, 2018年 - アイオノマー極薄膜を被覆したPt(111)電極の酸素還元反応
齋藤僚, 二本柳聡史, 田村和久, 田原太平, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 85th, 2018年 - 電気化学的に制御された一酸化窒素還元酵素の表面増強赤外吸収分光計測
中川省吾, 加藤優, 當舎武彦, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 85th, 2018年 - グラフェンへの電気化学的分子修飾における基板金属の影響
鶴飼里菜, 丹野駿, 佐藤祐輔, 加藤優, 八木一三, 化学系学協会北海道支部冬季研究発表会(Web), 2018, 2018年 - 分子プローブを用いた一酸化窒素還元酵素修飾電極の表面増強赤外吸収分光計測
中川省吾, 加藤優, 當舎武彦, 八木一三, 化学系学協会北海道支部冬季研究発表会(Web), 2018, 2018年 - コバルト含有カーボン電極触媒が示す二元機能触媒活性
米内翼, 菅野康仁, 加藤優, 加藤優, 八木一三, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 85th, 2018年 - 多核金属錯体担持カーボン酸素還元電極触媒のX線吸収分光法によるその場観察
松原直啓, 武藤毬佳, 加藤優, 加藤優, 八木一三, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 85th, 2018年 - 軟X線分光測定による白金表面への酸素種の吸着脱離の観察
石原知子, 堀川裕加, 堀川裕加, 加藤優, 加藤優, 徳島高, 大浦正樹, 大浦正樹, 八木一三, 八木一三, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2018, 2018年 - 単層グラフェンへの電気化学ドーピングとその電気化学的挙動の評価
保田諭, 田村和久, 佐藤祐輔, 加藤優, 丹野駿, 朝岡秀人, 八木一三, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2018, 2018年 - Local Conformation at lonomer/Metal Interfaces
Ichizo Yagi, Kobunshi, 66, 65, 66, 2017年02月01日
© 2017 The Society of Polymer Science, Japan. Molecular conformation at Nafion/Pt interfaces was investigated with vibrational spectroscopies. Attenuated total reflection infrared (ATR-IR) and vibrational sum frequency generation (VSFG) spectroscopies were appliec to monitor the thickness dependencies of Nafion. By the inherent surface- or interfacial- selectivity of VSFG, sulfonate terminal groups in the Nafion sidechains were confirmed to be oriented toward Pt surfaces. To correlate the sulfonate orientation with the pseudocapacitive current responses on Nafion-modified Pt(lll) single crystalline electrodes, in situ dynamic VSFG measurements are desired. - 多核銅錯体埋込型カーボン電極触媒の酸素還元活性と活性中心構造の解明
加藤優, 加藤優, 松原直啓, 武藤鞠佳, 上村洋平, 脇坂祐輝, 松村大樹, 高草木達, 朝倉清高, 八木一三, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 84th, 2017年 - Au(111)電極上に合成した単層グラフェンのプロトン透過能評価
保田諭, 中島浩司, 森本崇宏, 中島秀朗, 岡崎俊也, 田村和久, 加藤優, 丹野駿, 八木一三, 村越敬, 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 64th, 2017年 - 単層グラフェンの電気化学的プロトン透過能評価
保田諭, 中島浩司, 森本崇宏, 中島秀朗, 岡崎俊也, 田村和久, 加藤優, 丹野駿, 八木一三, 村越敬, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 84th, 2017年 - Snで修飾した金属単結晶電極を用いた硝酸イオン還元
奥井学, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 84th, 2017年 - Pt(111)電極におけるアイオノマー膜厚の影響評価
齋藤僚, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 84th, 2017年 - カーボン担持PtNi合金ナノ構造体の酸素還元活性
小倉和也, 徳田翔一, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 84th, 2017年 - アークプラズマ蒸着を用いて調製した金属ナノ粒子電極による硝酸イオン還元
荒木愛, 加藤優, 田口哲, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 84th, 2017年 - Au(111)上に成膜した単層グラフェンへの電気化学的分子修飾
丹野駿, 佐藤祐輔, 中島浩司, 田村和久, 保田諭, 村越敬, 加藤優, 八木一三, 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 97th, 2017年 - アイオノマーを複合した撥水性白金担持カーボン電極の酸素還元活性
矢野祥平, 加藤優, 八木一三, 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 97th, 2017年 - Au(111)上に成膜した単層グラフェンへの電気化学的分子修飾
丹野駿, 佐藤祐輔, 中島浩司, 田村和久, 保田諭, 村越敬, 加藤優, 八木一三, 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 97th, 2017年 - アークプラズマ蒸着法により調製したPt-Ni電極触媒の酸素還元活性
原由樹, 荒木愛, 加藤優, 八木一三, 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 97th, 2017年 - Pt-Ni合金ナノ構造体電極触媒の合成とそのORR活性評価
徳田翔一, 小倉和也, 加藤優, 八木一三, 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 97th, 2017年 - アイオノマー複合金属担持カーボン電極の撥水性及び酸素還元活性
矢野祥平, 加藤優, 八木一三, 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 97th, 2017年 - Pt-Ni合金ナノ構造体電極触媒の合成とそのORR活性評価
徳田翔一, 小倉和也, 加藤優, 八木一三, 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 97th, 2017年 - グラフェン-Au(111)界面に形成した水素ナノバブルのSTM観察
保田諭, 田村和久, 佐藤祐輔, 加藤優, 丹野駿, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2017, 2017年 - Pt(111)電極上におけるアイオノマー膜厚の酸素還元反応に対する影響
齋藤僚, 二本柳聡史, 田村和久, 田原太平, 加藤優, 八木一三, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2017, 2017年 - 表面増強赤外吸収分光法による電極表面上一酸化窒素還元酵素の反応追跡
加藤優, 中川省吾, 當舎武彦, 中田耕, 八木一三, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2017, 2017年 - コバルト含有カーボン電極触媒の調製とその酸素還元活性の評価
米内翼, 加藤優, 加藤優, 八木一三, 八木一三, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2017, 2017年 - 多核金属錯体埋込型カーボン電極触媒におけるin situ XAFS測定
松原直啓, 武藤毬佳, 加藤優, 加藤優, 八木一三, 八木一三, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2017, 2017年 - 表面増強赤外吸収分光による一酸化窒素還元酵素の電気化学反応追跡
中川省吾, 加藤優, 當舎武彦, 八木一三, 錯体化学会討論会講演要旨集, 67th, 2017年 - ナノレベルでの単層グラフェンのプロトン透過能評価
保田諭, 田村和久, 丹野駿, 佐藤祐輔, 加藤優, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人, 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 78th, 2017年 - 表面増強赤外分光法による一酸化窒素還元酵素修飾電極の反応計測
八木一三, 中川省吾, 當舎武彦, 加藤優, 分子科学討論会講演プログラム&要旨(Web), 11th, 2017年 - 燃料電池電極触媒の周辺環境計測と非白金系触媒への展開
八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 84th, 2017年 - スズを修飾した金属単結晶電極を用いた硝酸還元
奥井 学, 加藤 優, 八木 一三, 表面科学学術講演会要旨集, 36, 68, 68, 2016年
近年、硝酸イオンによる地下水汚染が問題となっており、硝酸イオン除去法の開発発展が求められている。電極触媒を用いた先行研究ではSnを修飾したPtやPdが高い触媒活性を示すことが報告されてきたが、その多くは多結晶電極を用いているため表面原子配列が活性に与える影響については明確にされていない。本研究ではPtやPd、Pd-Pt合金の単結晶電極を用いて、表面原子配列がその活性に与える影響について検討する。 , 公益社団法人 日本表面科学会, 日本語 - 光化学系II複合体で表面修飾された層状複水酸化物電極による水の光酸化
加藤優, 佐藤久子, 杉浦美羽, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 83rd, ROMBUNNO.3J23, 2016年
日本語 - 多核銅錯体をカーボンに組み込んだ酸素還元電極触媒
武藤 毬佳, 加藤 優, 八木 一三, 表面科学学術講演会要旨集, 35, 359, 359, 2015年
固体高分子形燃料電池の酸素還元電極触媒として、現在白金族金属が用いられている。しかし、白金の埋蔵量の少なさゆえにコスト面で問題を抱えているため、安価かつ高活性な非白金系酸素還元電極触媒の開発が望まれている。そこで、三角形配置銅三核錯体をカーボンに組み込むことに着目し、高温加熱処理により酸素還元電極触媒を新たに調製した。本発表では、その合成条件の検討結果や酸素還元触媒活性について報告する。, 公益社団法人 日本表面科学会 - カーボン担持銅二核錯体からなる酸素還元電極触媒のin situ XAFS観察
加藤 優, 君島 堅一, 柴田 真里, 野津 英男, 荻野 和也, 猪熊 喜芳, 太田 鳴海, 小柳津 暢久, 上原 広充, 大場 惟史, 上村 洋平, 高草木 達, 朝倉 清高, 八木 一三, 表面科学学術講演会要旨集, 35, 357, 357, 2015年
固体高分子形燃料電池の酸素還元電極触媒としては主に白金系合金が用いられているが、埋蔵量やコスト面に問題を抱えているため、安価かつ高活性な非白金系酸素還元電極触媒の開発が近年盛んに行われている。本発表では、銅系酸素還元電極触媒の中で特に高い触媒活性を示す銅二核錯体触媒に着目し、その高い触媒活性を示す理由を解明するためにin situ XAFS測定を行ったので、その結果に関して報告する。, 公益社団法人 日本表面科学会 - 多核銅錯体をカーボンに組み込んだ非白金系電極触媒
加藤優, 武藤毬佳, 八木一三, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2015, 2015年 - ヘテロダインVSFG分光法によるNafion超薄膜/Pt界面の構造評価
八木一三, 二本柳聡史, 田原太平, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 80th, 2013年 - 粒子埋込型SSVプラズモニック結晶基板の電気化学SERS
猪熊喜芳, 太田鳴海, 八木一三, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 80th, 2013年 - 炭素鎖長の異なるナフィオン側鎖モデル電解質中における白金単結晶電極での酸素還元反応
野津英男, 野村芳, 野村芳, 近藤敏啓, 八木一三, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 80th, 2013年 - 金属単結晶電極表面におけるナフィオン側鎖モデル分子の吸脱着挙動
八木一三, 八木一三, 野津英男, 野村芳, 近藤敏啓, 表面科学学術講演会講演要旨集, 33rd, 2013年 - Analysis of correlation between catalyst nano-structures and their ORR activity: Synthesis of a model catalyst layer with novel mesoporous carbon membrane
Ken'ichi Kimijima, Ichizo Yagi, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 243, 2012年03月
AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議) - In situ ATR-SEIRASによるナフィオン側鎖モデル分子の電極表面吸着挙動の観察
野村芳, 野村芳, 太田鳴海, 野津英男, 近藤敏啓, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 79th, 2012年 - 炭素鎖長の異なるナフィオン側鎖モデル電解質中における白金単結晶電極の電気化学挙動
野津英男, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 79th, 2012年 - 表面振動分光法によるPt/ナフィオン超薄膜界面の構造評価
八木一三, 八木一三, 猪熊喜芳, 君島堅一, 電池討論会講演要旨集, 53rd, 2012年 - 表面振動分光法によるアイオノマー/白金界面の分子構造評価
八木一三, 八木一三, 猪熊喜芳, 君島堅一, 野津英男, 表面科学学術講演会講演要旨集, 32nd, 2012年 - 表面振動分光法によるナフィオン及びフッ素化自己組織化膜の構造評価
八木一三, 八木一三, 猪熊喜芳, 君島堅一, 野津英男, 分子科学討論会講演プログラム&要旨(Web), 6th, 2012年 - 粒子埋込型SSVプラズモニック結晶基板の調製とそのSERS活性
猪熊喜芳, 太田鳴海, 八木一三, 八木一三, 分子科学討論会講演プログラム&要旨(Web), 6th, 2012年 - Quantitative analysis of correlation between Nafion distribution in mesoporous carbon catalyst and their ORR reactivity
Ken'ichi Kimijima, Shun Umemura, Ichizo Yagi, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 242, 2011年08月
AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議) - EQCMによる燃料電池のカソード触媒としてのPt溶解反応の追跡
櫻井宗良, 柴田昌代, 近藤敏啓, 八木一三, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 91st, 2, 2011年 - 吸着アニオンが酸素還元反応に及ぼす影響のSEIRASによる評価
野村芳, 太田鳴海, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 78th(CD-ROM), 2011年 - 白金単結晶電極のナフィオン側鎖モデル電解質中での電気化学挙動
野津英男, 野村芳, 太田鳴海, 八木一三, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 2011, 2011年 - プラズモニック結晶基板を用いたSERS計測と電極反応への応用
八木一三, 八木一三, 猪熊喜芳, 太田鳴海, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 2011, 2011年 - 電極触媒上におけるペルフルオロアルキルスルホン酸吸着過程のその場SEIRAS観察
野村芳, 太田鳴海, 野津英男, 八木一三, 電池討論会講演要旨集, 52nd, 2011年 - 貴金属電極表面におけるナフィオン側鎖モデル分子の吸脱着挙動
八木一三, 八木一三, 野津英男, 野村芳, 太田鳴海, 表面科学学術講演会講演要旨集, 31st, 2011年 - メソ細孔を有するカーボン膜を用いた燃料電池モデル触媒層
君島堅一, 八木一三, 触媒討論会討論会A予稿集, 108th, 2011年 - SEIRA活性金膜電極による酸性水溶液中における酸素還元反応中間体のその場検出
太田鳴海, 野村芳, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 77th, 2010年 - 構造規制白金超薄膜における酸素還元触媒能評価
近藤敏啓, 林直子, 野津英男, 八木一三, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 90th, 1, 2010年 - メソポーラスカーボンのナノ空間を利用した燃料電池用モデル電極触媒
林灯, 林灯, 君島堅一, 八木一三, 林靖彦, 種村眞幸, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 77th, 2010年 - 構造規制白金超薄膜における酸素還元触媒能評価
近藤敏啓, 林直子, 野津英男, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 77th, 2010年 - メソ細孔を有するカーボンにおける三相界面モデルの構築
君島堅一, 林灯, 梅村瞬, 宮本淳一, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 77th, 2010年 - Electrochemical catalytic activity for oxygen reduction reaction by Pt monolayer prepared on Au single crystal electrodes
Toshihiro Kondo, Naoko Hayashi, Hideo Notsu, Ichizo Yagi, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 238, 2009年08月
AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議) - カーボンファイバー上への低過電圧電析による少数白金粒子電極調製
猪熊喜芳, 太田鳴海, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 76th, 2009年 - ドライプロセスを用い安定性を高めた表面増強赤外吸収(SEIRA)活性Au膜の作製
野村芳, 太田鳴海, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 76th, 2009年 - 電解析出法によるカーボンファイバー上への立方体型白金微粒子調製
猪熊喜芳, 太田鳴海, 八木一三, 宮林恵子, 三宅幹夫, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 2009, 2009年 - 高感度EQCMシステムを用いた白金溶解過程のその場追跡
櫻井宗良, 柴田昌代, 八木一三, 近藤敏啓, 表面科学学術講演会講演要旨集, 29th, 2009年 - 金単結晶上に電析した白金超薄膜の酸素還元触媒能評価
林直子, 野津英男, 八木一三, 近藤敏啓, 表面科学学術講演会講演要旨集, 29th, 2009年 - メソ細孔内に三相界面を構築したナノリアクターアレイの創製
八木一三, 表面科学学術講演会講演要旨集, 29th, 2009年 - 錯体重合法により合成したNbドープTi酸化物のPEFC触媒担体としての特性評価
野津英男, 喜多村卓也, 八木一三, 電池討論会講演要旨集, 50th, 2009年 - SEIRA活性金膜電極による酸性水溶液中でのORR中間体の検出
野村芳, 太田鳴海, 八木一三, 電池討論会講演要旨集, 50th, 2009年 - 電解析出法によるカーボンファイバー上への立方体型白金微粒子触媒調製
猪熊喜芳, 太田鳴海, 八木一三, 宮林恵子, 三宅幹夫, 電池討論会講演要旨集, 50th, 2009年 - Pt/メソポーラスカーボンモデル電極を用いた酸素還元・水素酸化反応解析
林灯, 君島堅一, 宮本淳一, 八木一三, 電池討論会講演要旨集, 50th, 2009年 - メソ細孔を有するカーボン膜を用いたモデル触媒層の作製
君島堅一, 林灯, 梅村瞬, 宮本淳一, 八木一三, 電池討論会講演要旨集, 50th, 2009年 - 電気化学測定が可能な液体セルによる電極上の水の軟X線発光分光測定
徳島高, 小林英一, 八木一三, 堀川裕加, 堀川裕加, 新井秀実, 新井秀実, 原田慈久, 原田慈久, 原田慈久, 辛埴, 辛埴, 日本放射光学会年会・放射光科学合同シンポジウム予稿集, 23rd, 2009年 - Au単結晶上に電析させたPt超薄膜の酸素還元触媒能
林直子, 野津英男, 八木一三, 近藤敏啓, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 76th, 2009年 - 白金/メソポーラスカーボンモデル電極触媒-ナノ空間での酸素供給プロセス-
林灯, 君島堅一, 宮本淳一, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 76th, 2009年 - メソポーラスNbTiOxの合成とPEFCカソード触媒担体への応用
野津英男, 喜多村卓也, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 76th, 2009年 - 電極触媒反応追跡に資する分光計測ツールの開発
八木一三, 野村芳, 荻野和也, 太田鳴海, 分子科学討論会講演プログラム&要旨(Web), 3rd, 2009年 - COLL 190-Preparation of mesoporous carbon membranes with perpendicularly ordered pore structure
Ken'ichi Kimijima, Akari Hayashi, Ichizo Yagi, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 236, 2008年08月, [査読有り]
AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議) - プラズモニック結晶構造による電気化学SERS
太田鳴海, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 75th, 2008年 - 粒子間細孔径を制御した担体を用いた電極触媒の酸素還元特性
君島堅一, 林灯, 宮本淳一, 鶴井隆雄, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 75th, 2008年 - カソード触媒における白金使用量低減のための表面原子層制御
林直子, 近藤敏啓, 野津英男, 八木一三, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 88th, 1, 2008年 - 金属酸化物を担体に用いた燃料電池カソード触媒の特性評価
野津英男, 喜多村卓也, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 75th, 2008年 - メソポーラスカーボン担体を用いた三相界面モデルの形成
林灯, 君島堅一, 宮本淳一, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 75th, 2008年 - メソポーラスカーボンを担体に用いた電極触媒の開発と電気化学特性
君島堅一, 林灯, 宮本淳一, 八木一三, コロイドおよび界面化学討論会講演要旨集, 61st, 2008年 - PEFC触媒層解析技術の最新動向
長谷川弘, 八木一三, 触媒討論会討論会A予稿集, 102nd, 2008年 - 細孔径制御したカーボン粒子を担体に用いたPEFC用カソード電極触媒
君島堅一, 林灯, 宮本淳一, 八木一三, 電池討論会講演要旨集, 49th, 2008年 - PEFC用モデル電極触媒-白金/メソポーラスカーボン-
林灯, 君島堅一, 宮本淳一, 八木一三, 電池討論会講演要旨集, 49th, 2008年 - 金単結晶上に形成させた白金超薄膜の酸素還元触媒能
林直子, 近藤敏啓, 野津英男, 八木一三, 表面科学学術講演会講演要旨集, 28th, 2008年 - 24pPSA-15 軟X線発光分光法による電極/溶液界面水の電子状態の研究(ポスターセッション,領域9,表面・界面,結晶成長)
小林 英一, 八木 一三, 徳島 高, 堀川 裕加, 原田 慈久, 辛 埴, 日本物理学会講演概要集, 63, 0, 2008年
日本語 - プラズモニックSERS活性基板を用いた電極反応その場計測
八木一三, 八木一三, 太田鳴海, 表面科学講演大会講演要旨集, 27th, 2007年 - 白金担持メソポーラスカーボン電極触媒の酸素還元特性-白金担持法の影響-
林灯, 君島堅一, 宮本淳一, 八木一三, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 2007, 2007年 - プラズモン結晶構造を利用したSERS活性貴金属電極表面による表面吸着反応中間体分子認識
太田鳴海, 八木一三, 電池討論会講演要旨集, 48th, 2007年 - 担体制御による燃料電池カソード触媒の研究
野津英男, 林灯, 八木一三, 表面科学講演大会講演要旨集, 27th, 2007年 - 新規メソポーラスカーボンを担体に用いたPEFC用カソード電極触媒
林灯, 君島堅一, 宮本淳一, 八木一三, 電池討論会講演要旨集, 48th, 2007年 - CdSを修飾したプルシアンブルー微粒子の光物性制御
田口実, 八木一三, 中川勝, 彌田智一, 名嘉節, 阿尻雅文, 栄長泰明, 光化学討論会講演要旨集, 2007, 2007年 - 単粒子貴金属電極触媒の電気化学特性
猪熊喜芳, 太田鳴海, 八木一三, 電池討論会講演要旨集, 48th, 2007年 - 新規メソポーラスカーボンを担体に用いた電極触媒の酸素還元特性
林灯, 野津英男, 君島堅一, 八木一三, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 74th, 2007年 - 軟X線発光分光法による金属電極/溶液界面の水の研究
小林英一, 八木一三, 徳島高, 堀川裕加, 堀川裕加, 原田慈久, 原田慈久, 辛埴, 辛埴, 日本放射光学会年会・放射光科学合同シンポジウム予稿集, 21st, 2007年 - COLL 194-Optical recognition of naturally chiral metal surfaces by optical second harmonic generation
Ichizo Yagi, Masaki Chiba, Kohei Uosaki, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 232, 2006年09月, [査読有り]
AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議) - CdSを修飾したプルシアンブルー微粒子の光磁性制御
田口実, 八木一三, 中川勝, 彌田智一, 栄長泰明, 光化学討論会講演要旨集, 2006, 2006年 - フェムト秒可視光ポンプ-赤外光プローブ法による多核金属錯体における光励起ダイナミクスの追跡
勝本覚成, 八木一三, 八木一三, 阿部正明, 佐々木陽一, 魚崎浩平, 光化学討論会講演要旨集, 2006, 2006年 - 金属単結晶キラル表面構造の分光学的評価
八木一三, 八木一三, 八木一三, 千葉正樹, 魚崎浩平, 分子構造総合討論会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2006, 2006年 - フェムト秒可視光ポンプ-赤外光プローブ法による多核金属錯体における電子励起緩和過程の追跡
勝本覚成, 米山達亮, 八木一三, 八木一三, 阿部正明, 佐々木陽一, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 86th, 1, 2006年 - 二次高調波発生法による金単結晶表面のキラリティ評価
八木一三, 千葉正樹, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 72nd, 2005年 - フェムト秒可視ポンプ-赤外プローブ分光法によるCdSナノ粒子分散系および積層膜におけるキャリアダイナミクスの追跡
八木一三, 三上健介, 蝦名幸次郎, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 85th, 1, 2005年 - 光第二高調波発生法による金単結晶不斉表面の認識
千葉正樹, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 85th, 1, 2005年 - フェムト秒可視光ポンプ-赤外プローブ分光法による多核ルテニウム錯体における分子内電荷移動過程の追跡
勝本覚成, 米山達亮, 八木一三, 阿部正明, 佐々木陽一, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会北海道支部研究発表会講演要旨集, 2005, 2005年 - フェムト秒可視ポンプ-赤外プローブ分光法による多核ルテニウム錯体における分子内電荷移動過程の追跡
勝本覚成, 米山達亮, 八木一三, 阿部正明, 佐々木陽一, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 85th, 1, 2005年 - Visible pump IR probe study on carrier dynamics at semiconductor nanoclusters.
UOSAKI K, YAGI I, MIKAMI K, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 229, U719, U720, 2005年, [査読有り] - フェムト秒可視光ポンプ-赤外プローブ法によるCdSナノ粒子中のキャリアダイナミクスと電荷移動過程の評価
三上健介, 蝦名幸次郎, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 71st, 2004年 - 時間分解可視ポンプ-赤外プローブ分光法による半導体ナノ微粒子における光励起キャリアダイナミクス
八木一三, 三上健介, 蝦名幸次郎, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 84th, 1, 2004年 - フェムト秒可視ポンプ-赤外プローブ分光法による多核ルテニウム錯体における分子内電荷移動過程の追跡
八木一三, 米山達亮, 勝本覚成, 阿部正明, 佐々木陽一, 魚崎浩平, 光化学討論会講演要旨集, 2004, 2004年 - フェムト秒可視光ポンプ-赤外プローブ法によるCdSナノ粒子積層膜の光生成キャリアダイナミクス
三上健介, 蝦名幸次郎, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 光化学討論会講演要旨集, 2004, 2004年 - Second harmonic generation study on the formation and reduction of anodic oxide on gold single crystal electrode surface of various crystal orientations.
K Uosaki, Yagi, I, T Awatani, K Hanaoka, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 225, U682, U683, 2003年03月, [査読有り]
AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議) - Optical second harmonic generation study on pd electrodeposition at gold single crystalline electrodes.
Yagi, I, T Awatani, K Uosaki, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 225, U643, U643, 2003年03月, [査読有り]
AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議) - フェムト秒可視光ポンプ-中赤外光プローブ法を用いたCdSxSe1-xドープガラスの光生成キャリヤーダイナミクス
蝦名幸次郎, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 三好正毅, 日本化学会北海道支部研究発表会講演要旨集, 2003, 2003年 - 二重共鳴和周波発生分光法による金電極表面に吸着したアントラキノン誘導体の構造評価
八木一三, MCGIVEN W S, 飴沼紳一郎, 二本柳聡史, STEPHENSON J S, 魚崎浩平, 分子構造総合討論会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2003, 2003年 - 金単結晶電極におけるアルカンチオール単分子層の還元脱離挙動の面方位依存性
花岡一哉, 千葉正樹, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 2003, 2003年 - 界面二次高調波発生分光法による金単結晶電極における表面酸化被膜形成過程の追跡
八木一三, 粟谷正, 花園一哉, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 2003, 2003年 - フェムト秒可視光ポンプ-赤外プローブ法によるCdSナノ粒子中の光生成キャリアダイナミクス
三上健介, 蝦名幸次郎, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 光化学討論会講演要旨集, 2003, 2003年 - 界面光第二高調波発生分光法によるPd被覆金単結晶電極界面の電子構造に関する研究
八木一三, 粟谷正, 花岡一哉, 魚崎浩平, 分子構造総合討論会講演要旨集, 2002, 2002年 - 金単結晶電極の酸化皮膜形成にともなう電子構造変化
花岡一哉, 粟谷正, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 分子構造総合討論会講演要旨集, 2002, 2002年 - 表面光第二高調波発生法による有機分子修飾Si(111)表面の評価
井戸尻悟, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 光化学討論会講演要旨集, 2002, 2002年 - 界面光第二高調波発生分光法による固体表面に吸着した色素分子の配向及び吸着構造に関する研究
八木一三, 樋口隆英, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 81st, 1, 2002年 - 光第二高調波発生分光法よる単結晶Au(111)及びAu(100)電極表面上へのパラジウム原子層電析に伴う界面電子構造変化の評価
粟谷正, 八木一三, 花岡一哉, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 81st, 1, 2002年 - アミノピリジン-ベンゼンスルホン酸系の塩結晶の構造と二次非線形光学特性
小島秀子, 宮本裕紀, 長野理希, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 81st, 2, 2002年 - フェムト秒可視光ポンプ-赤外光プローブ法を用いた半導体電極におけるキャリヤーダイナミクス
蝦名幸次郎, 井戸尻悟, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 81st, 1, 2002年 - 界面光第二高調波発生分光法による金属電極反応の追跡
八木一三, 粟谷正, 樋口隆英, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 2001, 2001年 - 界面光第二高調波発生法による金属電析反応の追跡
八木一三, 粟谷正, 井戸尻悟, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 79th, 1, 2001年 - 界面光第二高調波発生法による固/液界面電子構造変化の追跡
八木一三, 粟谷正, 井戸尻悟, 魚崎浩平, 分子構造総合討論会講演要旨集, 2001, 2001年 - p-GaAs(001)電極表面上へのCu電析過程の表面光第二高調波発生(SHG)法による追跡
井戸尻悟, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 2001, 2001年 - 走査型水素顕微鏡によるダイヤモンド電極における反応機構の解明
八木一三, 小粥啓子, 藤嶋昭, 上田一之, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 68th, 2001年 - 表面修飾GaAs(001)表面における光励起キャリアーダイナミクス
八木一三, 蝦名幸次郎, 井戸尻悟, 魚崎浩平, 光化学討論会講演要旨集, 2001, 2001年 - 二次高調波発生分光法によるPd/Au電極表面の評価
粟谷正, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 68th, 2001年 - フェムト秒可視光ポンプ-赤外光プローブ法を用いた半導体電極におけるキャリヤーダイナミクス
蝦名幸次郎, 井戸尻悟, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 分子構造総合討論会講演要旨集, 2001, 2001年 - 界面光第二高調波発生分光法による金電極上への異種金属電析に伴う電子構造変化の追跡
八木一三, 粟谷正, 魚崎浩平, 固体・表面光化学討論会講演要旨集, 20th, 2001年 - 界面光第二高調波発生に及ぼす固体表面に吸着した色素分子の効果に関する研究
樋口隆英, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 固体・表面光化学討論会講演要旨集, 20th, 2001年 - 光第二高調波発生法による半導体電極反応のその場追跡
井戸尻悟, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会北海道支部研究発表会講演要旨集, 2001, 2001年 - Thirteenth International Conference on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS-2000)
八木 一三, 大古 善久, 光化学 = Photochemistry, 31, 3, 213, 214, 2000年12月28日
日本語 - ダイヤモンド電極における多光子励起フォトルミネッセンスと光電気化学応答
八木一三, 角崎健太郎, 藤嶋昭, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 2000, 2000年 - ダイヤモンド電極における多光子励起ルミネッセンスと多光子光電気化学
八木一三, 角崎健太郎, 藤嶋昭, 魚崎浩平, 光化学討論会講演要旨集, 2000, 2000年 - 二次高調波発生分光法によるPd電極表面における上へのアルカリイオンの影響評価
粟谷正, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 2000, 2000年 - 二次高調波発生分光法による金電極上へのパラジウム金属電析過程の追跡
粟谷正, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会北海道支部研究発表会講演要旨集, 2000, 2000年 - 導電性ダイヤモンド薄膜における光誘起電子移動
八木一三, 角崎健太郎, 藤嶋昭, 角崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 78th, 1, 2000年 - ホモエピタキシャルダイヤモンド電極の表面改質と電気化学特性
近藤剛史, 栄長泰明, 八木一三, TRYK D A, 藤嶋昭, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 78th, 1, 2000年 - 二次高調波発生分光法による金電極表面上に構築した異種原子層の評価
粟谷正, 八木一三, 野口秀典, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 67th, 2000年 - 種々の官能基を有するチオールの吸着による金薄膜表面抵抗変化の追跡
樋口隆英, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会北海道支部研究発表会講演要旨集, 2000, 2000年 - 導電性ダイヤモンド及びダイヤモンドライクカーボン薄膜の光電気化学特性
八木一三, 角崎健太郎, 藤嶋昭, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 67th, 2000年 - ダイヤモンド電極
電気化学便覧, 2000年 - Introduction of oxygen-containing functional groups onto diamond electrode surfaces by oxygen plasma and anodic polarization
H Notsu, Yagi, I, T Tatsuma, DA Tryk, A Fujishima, ELECTROCHEMICAL AND SOLID STATE LETTERS, 2, 10, 522, 524, 1999年10月
Two simple methods for chemically modifying boron-doped diamond (BDD) films by oxidative treatment were examined. These treatments have shown promise in imparting selectivity to BDD electrodes, for example, between dopamine and ascorbic acid (AA). BDD surfaces were treated either by oxygen plasma or anodic polarization in alkaline solution. The treatments resulted in the incorporation of substantial amounts of oxygen on the surface and also increased the overpotential for AA oxidation. Interestingly, using cathodic polarization, the increase in overpotential was largely negated for the anodically treated surface, whereas it was little affected on the plasma-treated surface. Two different models are proposed to explain this difference in behavior. (C) 1999 The Electrochemical Society. S1099-0062(99)05-079-6. All rights reserved., ELECTROCHEMICAL SOC INC, 英語 - 機能性ニューダイヤモンドの新展開 3 機能性ダイヤモンド薄膜の電気化学的応用
野津英男, 八木一三, 藤嶋昭, 電気化学および工業物理化学, 67, 4, 389, 394, 1999年04月05日
電気化学会, 日本語 - Electrochemical applications of functional diamond thin films
H Notsu, Yagi, I, A Fujishima, ELECTROCHEMISTRY, 67, 4, 389, 394, 1999年04月
ELECTROCHEMICAL SOC JAPAN, 日本語 - Determination of electronic structure at electrode/electrolyte interfaces by SHG spectrocsopy.
AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議) - 導電性ダイヤモンドのエピタキシャル成長とその表面構造
柳沢政夫, 八木一三, 藤嶋昭, TRYK D A, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 76th, 1, 1999年 - ホモエピタキシャルダイヤモンド電極の表面改質と電気化学特性
近藤剛史, 八木一三, TRYK D A, 藤嶋昭, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 77th, 1999年 - ダイヤモンド半導体電極の分光電気化学
角崎健太郎, 八木一三, 藤嶋昭, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 77th, 1999年 - ポーラスアルミナを鋳型とするダイヤモンドシリンダーアレーの作成
柳下崇, 安井賢志, 渡辺光夫, 八木一三, RAO T, 藤嶋昭, 益田秀樹, 応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 46th, 1, 1999年 - 導電性ダイヤモンド薄膜の電気化学特性に対する表面終端種の影響
八木一三, 近藤剛史, 角崎健太郎, 藤嶋昭, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 77th, 1999年 - ポーラスアルミナを鋳型とするダイヤモンドシリンダーアレーの作成
柳下崇, 安井賢志, 渡辺光夫, 八木一三, RAO T, 藤嶋昭, 益田秀樹, 応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 46th, 3, 1999年 - 酸素終端ダイヤモンド電極における電気化学的選択性の発現
八木一三, 近藤剛史, TRYK D A, 藤嶋昭, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 76th, 1, 1999年 - 導電性ダイヤモンド電極の表面修飾による新規電気化学機能性の発現とキャラクタリゼーション
野津英男, 八木一三, 立間徹, 藤嶋昭, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 77th, 1999年 - 各種溶液中での陽極酸化処理によるダイヤモンド電極の電気化学特性変化
野津英男, 八木一三, 立間徹, TRYK D A, 藤嶋昭, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 66th, 1999年 - 酸素終端ダイヤモンド電極における電子移動速度の評価
近藤剛史, 八木一三, TRYK D A, 藤嶋昭, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 66th, 1999年 - ダイヤモンド電極の光電気化学ダイナミクス
角崎健太郎, 八木一三, 藤嶋昭, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 76th, 1, 1999年 - 陽極酸化ポーラスアルミナへのダイヤモンド析出
柳下崇, 安井賢志, 渡辺光夫, 八木一三, RAO T, 藤嶋昭, 益田秀樹, アルミニウム研究会誌, 4, 1999年 - Electrochemical control of second harmonic intensity of self-assembled monolayers containing trans-ferrocenyl-nitrophenyl ethylene group on gold
T Kondo, S Horiuchi, Yagi, I, S Ye, K Uosaki, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 216, U703, U703, 1998年08月
AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 英語, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議) - ダイヤモンド電極による生化学物質の電気化学及びFT-IRによる表面観察
野津英男, POPA E, 八木一三, TRYK D A, 藤嶋昭, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1998, 1998年 - 酸素終端ダイヤモンド電極の電気化学特性
近藤剛史, 八木一三, TRYK D A, 藤嶋昭, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1998, 1998年 - 導電性ダイヤモンドの光電気化学と分光学的評価
角崎健太郎, 八木一三, 藤嶋昭, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1998, 1998年 - ダイヤモンドRDEによるアスコルビン酸/ドーパミン系の電気化学特性評価
野津英男, POPA E, 矢野尚, 八木一三, 藤嶋昭, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 65th, 1998年 - 導電性ダイヤモンド薄膜のホモエピタキシャル成長とその(光)電気化学特性
藤嶋昭, 柳沢政夫, 八木一三, 固体・表面光化学討論会講演要旨集, 17th, 1998年 - ダイヤモンド半導体単結晶薄膜の光電気化学特性評価
小松真治, 柳沢政夫, 八木一三, 藤嶋昭, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1998, 1998年 - 導電性ダイヤモンド薄膜のモルフォロジーと電気化学特性の評価
八木一三, 野津英男, 柳沢政夫, 藤嶋昭, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 65th, 1998年 - ダイヤモンド半導体電極の光電気化学応答
八木一三, 角崎健太郎, 藤嶋昭, 光化学討論会講演要旨集, 1998, 1998年 - 陽極酸化ポーラスアルミナナノチャンネルへのCVDダイヤモンドの析出挙動
益田秀樹, 安井賢志, 柳下崇, 渡辺光夫, 八木一三, RAO T, 藤嶋昭, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1998, 1998年 - 界面SHG法による清浄及び硫黄修飾Au(111)電極の表面電子構造評価
八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1997, 1997年 - 界面SHG分光法によるAu(111)電極表面上へのTe電析過程の追跡
八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 73rd, 1997年 - 界面SHG法によるAu(111)電極上への異種金属電析反応の追跡
八木一三, 中林誠一郎, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 64th, 1997年 - Electrochemical Atomic Layer Epitaxy of Semiconductor Thin Films
Function & Materials, 17, 10, 13, 22, 1997年 - Excitation Wavelength Dependent Three-Wave-Mixing at CO-covered Platinum Electrode(共著)
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 101, 38, 7414, 7421, 1997年 - In situ observation of anodic dissolution process of p-GaAs(001) in HCl solution by surface X-ray diffraction(共著)
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 429, 1/2, 13, 17, 1997年 - 非線形電極反応の光学的追跡
中林誠一郎, 杉山直樹, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, コロイドおよび界面化学討論会講演要旨集, 205, 1-2, 269, 275, 1996年04月, [査読有り]
When a potentiostatically controlled polycrystalline platinum electrode is dipped into a sulfuric acid aqueous solution containing formaldehyde, the surface is covered by CO, which is formed as a result of the dissociative adsorption of formaldehyde. The kinetics of this dissociative adsorption process is investigated by the combination of the electrochemical and the laser desorption methods. The surface CO coverage is linearly increased as a function of time. This zeroth order kinetics is explained by the domino mechanism., ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 英語 - 光による自己組織化単分子層の構造および電気化学特性の制御
魚崎浩平, 近藤敏啓, YE S, 八木一三, ZHANG X Q, 柳田真利, 堀内信哉, 金井利仁, 固体・表面光化学討論会講演要旨集, 15th, 1996年 - フェロセニルニトロフェニルエチレン基を含む自己組織化単分子層における電気化学的SHG制御
近藤敏啓, 堀内信哉, 八木一三, YE S, 魚崎浩平, 光化学討論会講演要旨集, 1996, 1996年 - 界面SHG法による白金電極上でのCO酸化反応の追跡
八木一三, 中林誠一郎, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 70th, 1, 1996年 - 界面SHG法による金属電極表面反応の追跡
八木一三, 中林誠一郎, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 63rd, 1996年 - フェロセンを含む自己組織化単分子層における構造変化と電子移動との関係
近藤敏啓, 金井利仁, 堀内信哉, 八木一三, YE S, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1996, 1996年 - 表面X線回折法および原子間力顕微鏡によるGaAs(100)表面構造の追跡
鯉沼陸央, 近藤敏啓, YE S, 八木一三, 田村和久, 野口秀典, 竹下邦和, 松下正, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 63rd, 1996年 - p-GaAs(100)酸化溶解反応の表面X線回折法による表面構造観察
近藤敏啓, 鯉沼陸央, 八木一三, 田村和久, 野口秀典, 竹下邦和, 松下正, YE S, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 71st, 1996年 - フェロセンを含む自己組織化単分子層における構造変化による電子移動速度の制御
近藤敏啓, 堀内信哉, 金井利仁, 八木一三, YE S, 魚崎浩平, コロイドおよび界面化学討論会講演要旨集, 49th, 1996年 - メルカプトアルカンフェロセニルニトロエチレン自己組織化単分子層における電気化学的SHG制御
近藤敏啓, 堀内信哉, 八木一三, YE S, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 71st, 1996年 - 電解質溶液中におけるGaAs(100)電極の表面構造 表面X線回折法および原子間力顕微鏡による検討
鯉沼陸央, 近藤敏啓, 八木一三, 田村和久, 野口秀典, 魚崎浩平, 竹下邦和, 松下正, YE S, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 70th, 1, 1996年 - 界面SHG法による電極/溶液界面電子構造の評価
八木一三, 中林誠一郎, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1996, 1996年 - In situ optical second harmonic generation studies of electrochemical deposition of tellurium on polycrystalline gold electrodes
Yagi, I, JM Lantz, S Nakabayashi, RM Corn, K Uosaki, JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 401, 1-2, 95, 101, 1996年01月
The electrodeposition of tellurium (Te) on polycrystalline gold electrodes was studied using in situ optical second harmonic generation (SHG) at two different excitation wavelengths. On excitation at 1064 nm, the SH signal decreased dramatically with the first Te underpotential deposition (upd) and increased slightly with the second upd and the bulk deposition of Te. There was a linear correlation between the square root of the SH intensity from the surface and the surface coverage of Te, although the proportionality constant of this correlation for the first Te upd was different from those for the second upd and bulk deposition. This is possibly because of the stronger interaction of the first upd layer of Te than the second and bulk layer of Te with the substrate surface. However, on excitation at 585 nm, the behavior of the SH signal was more complicated, especially during the desorption process of the first Te monolayer. An increase in the SH intensity was observed with the first Te upd, but this increase in SHG still continued in the potential region in which no deposition of Te occurred. These results are interpreted by considering the existence of an optical resonance at the Au surface covered with a Te monolayer., ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA LAUSANNE, 英語 - SHG活性基を有する自己組織化単分子層の構築とその配向評価
堀内信哉, 八木一三, SHEN Y, 近藤敏啓, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1995, 1995年 - 表面SHG法による白金電極表面吸着COの「その場」追跡
八木一三, 中林誠一郎, 魚崎浩平, 化学反応討論会講演要旨集, 11th, 1995年 - 界面SHG法による白金電極上に吸着したCOの「その場」追跡
八木一三, 中林誠一郎, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1995, 1995年 - SHG活性種を有する自己組織化単分子層の構築とその配向評価
堀内信哉, 八木一三, 近藤敏啓, 魚崎浩平, SHEN Y, コロイドおよび界面化学討論会講演要旨集, 48th, 1995年 - 界面SHG法による金電極表面上への異種金属析出反応の追跡
八木一三, 中林誠一郎, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1995, 1995年 - 表面光第二高調波発生法による金属電極反応の追跡
八木一三, 中林誠一郎, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学協会大会講演要旨集, 62nd, 1995年 - 表面光第二高調波発生法による金電極表面上へのテルル電析反応の追跡
八木一三, 中林誠一郎, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 69th, 1, 1995年 - 光第二高調波発生法による金上へのCdTe単原子層積層過程の追跡
八木一三, CORN R M, LANTZ J M, 中林誠一郎, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学協会大会講演要旨集, 61st, 1994年 - 表面光第二高調波発生法による金電極表面上へのテルル電析過程の追跡
八木一三, 中村誠一郎, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1994, 1994年 - 金電極のSHG特性 酸化物形成とCdTe析出
八木一三, CORN R M, LANTZ J M, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1993, 1993年 - 電気化学水晶振動子マイクロバランス法によるチトクロムc/プロモーターの金/溶液界面での物質移動の検討
八木一三, 嶋津克明, 魚崎浩平, 谷口功, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1992, 1992年 - フェロセニルアルカンチオール単分子修飾金電極における電荷移動過程
八木一三, 佐藤縁, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 64th, 1, 1992年 - セルフアセンブリング法で形成した機能性有機単分子層の電気化学特性
佐藤緑, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, エレクトロオーガニックケミストリー討論会講演要旨集, 14th, 1992年 - 白金電極上のアルカンチオール単分子層: 電気化学水晶振動子マイクロバランス法による検討
嶋津克明, 八木一三, 佐藤縁, 魚崎浩平, 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1992, 1992年 - 白金表面でのフェロセニルアルカンチオール単分子層の構築とEQCM応答
嶋津克明, 八木一三, 佐藤縁, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 64th, 1, 1992年 - 電気化学水晶振動子マイクロバランス法による単分子層修飾電極/溶液界面での物質移動評価
嶋津克明, 佐藤縁, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 62nd, 2, 1991年 - 機能性官能基を持った長鎖アルカンチオールで修飾した金の電気化学的特性
佐藤縁, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 日本化学会講演予稿集, 62nd, 1, 1991年
- PEFCの内部現象・反応機構と評価・解析技術
犬飼 潤治, 米田 雅一, 唯 美津木, 石黒 志, 松井 公佑, 折笠 有基, 内本 喜晴, 上野 武夫, 矢口 紀恵, 清水 貴弘, 山田 裕久, 井上 元, 八木 一三, 徳増 崇, 棟方 稔久, 北原 辰巳, 杵淵 郁也, 宇高 義郎, 大徳 忠史, 是澤 亮, 西田 耕介, 村川 英樹, 杉本 勝美, 浅野 等, 竹中 信幸, 津島 将司, 平井 秀一郎, 墻内 孝祐, 原 正則, 東海林 篤, 近久 武美, 小川 邦康, 横内 康夫, 上野 明
S&T出版株式会社, 2015年08月28日, 4907002475, 247, [共著]
- 可視光応答型多層被覆電極による第一級アミンの脱水素化反応
姉帯一樹, 永井かなえ, 加藤優, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2021年
2021年 - 2021年 - 電位負荷環境下におけるPt-Niナノワイヤー触媒の形態変化と酸素還元反応活性
加藤優太, 井口誼美, ZHUANG Yu, 加藤優, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2021年
2021年 - 2021年 - 白金合金ナノワイヤーの酸素還元活性と電子状態
加藤優, 井口誼美, 李天馳, 庄宇, 八木一三
触媒討論会討論会A予稿集(CD-ROM), 2020年
2020年 - 2020年 - Nafion極薄膜/Pt(111)界面構造の解析
金内理矩, 齋藤僚, 加藤優, 田村和久, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2020年
2020年 - 2020年 - 異なる手法で形成したグラフェン/金属への電気化学的分子修飾
西山佳祐, 鶴飼里菜, 丹野駿, 加藤優, 田村和久, 保田諭, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2020年
2020年 - 2020年 - SAM修飾Au電極における金属酵素の吸着と脂質膜構築のその場観察
吉田生未, 鳴海旭, 増田侑也, 當舎武彦, 加藤優, 八木一三
日本表面真空学会東北・北海道支部学術講演会講演予稿集, 2020年
2020年 - 2020年 - 白金合金ナノワイヤー触媒の合成とその酸素還元反応活性
井口誼美, LI Tianchi, 加藤優, 八木一三
電池討論会PDF要旨集(CD-ROM), 2020年
2020年 - 2020年 - 金属微粒子を含まない(Cu,Fe)-Nドープカーボン触媒の酸素還元活性
阿部大輝, 藤林那月, 加藤優, 保田諭, 八木一三
電池討論会PDF要旨集(CD-ROM), 2020年
2020年 - 2020年 - SAM-Au電極における金属酵素吸着過程と脂質膜構築のその場観察
吉田生未, 鳴海旭, 増田侑也, 當舎武彦, 加藤優, 加藤優, 八木一三, 八木一三
日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2020年
2020年 - 2020年 - スズ修飾白金-パラジウム合金単結晶電極における硝酸還元
鵜沼佑規, 奥井学, 田口哲, 星永宏, 加藤優, 加藤優, 八木一三, 八木一三
日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2020年
2020年 - 2020年 - ホモシステイン修飾電極における電子移動速度のキラリティ依存性
岡紗雪, 加藤優, 加藤優, 八木一三, 八木一三
日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2020年
2020年 - 2020年 - 白金合金ナノワイヤーの酸素還元活性と構造変化
加藤優, LI Tianchi, 井口誼美, ZHUANG Yu, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2020年
2020年 - 2020年 - Pt/C触媒表面の分子修飾による電極触媒活性への影響
村松舜, ZHUANG Yu, 加藤優, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2020年
2020年 - 2020年 - Pt-Ni合金ナノ構造体の電極触媒活性に及ぼす担体の効果
中干場亮太, LI Tianchi, YU Zhuang, 井口誼美, 阿部大輝, 加藤優, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2020年
2020年 - 2020年 - FTO上にスパッタリングしたNiによるベンジルアミンの電気化学的酸化
姉帶一樹, 永井かなえ, 加藤優, 八木一三
日本表面真空学会東北・北海道支部学術講演会講演予稿集, 2020年
2020年 - 2020年 - 金属酵素-電極界面での人工脂質二分子膜形成挙動の追跡
加藤優, 加藤優, 鳴海旭, 増田侑也, 中川省吾, 當舎武彦, 八木一三, 八木一三
日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 脂質膜修飾電極における金属酵素反応の追跡
増田侑也, 加藤優, 加藤優, 當舎武彦, 中川省吾, 八木一三, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 多層被覆CdSナノロッドによる水の光電気化学的酸化
永井かなえ, 石原由貴, 加藤優, 八木一三
電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 酸素還元活性を示す白金合金ナノ構造体への担体効果
加藤優, 中干場亮太, 小倉和也, LI Tianchi, ZHUANG Yu, 八木一三
電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 白金合金ナノワイヤー触媒における酸素還元反応活性の向上
LI Tianchi, 小倉和也, 加藤優, 八木一三
電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 膜電極接合体を用いたグラフェンのプロトン透過能評価
保田諭, 寺澤知潮, 矢野雅大, 加藤優, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人
電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 金属上基板への分子修飾グラフェンの転写
西山佳祐, 鶴飼里菜, 丹野駿, 加藤優, 加藤優, 田村和久, 保田諭, 八木一三, 八木一三
日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - グラフェンの水素イオン同位体透過能の評価
保田諭, 寺澤知潮, 矢野雅大, 加藤優, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人
日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - アイオノマー被覆白金単結晶電極における膜厚と酸素還元活性との相関
金内理矩, 齋藤僚, 加藤優, 加藤優, 田村和久, 八木一三, 八木一三
日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 放射光と振動分光を駆使した酸素還元電極触媒のその場計測
日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - Pt-Ni合金ナノ構造体の酸素還元活性に対する担体効果
加藤優, 小倉和也, 徳田翔一, 中干場亮太, 李天馳, 庄宇, 八木一三
触媒討論会討論会A予稿集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 窒素ドープカーボン担体による白金合金ナノワイヤの酸素還元活性と耐久性への影響
庄宇, 中干場亮太, 李天馳, 加藤優, 八木一三
触媒討論会討論会A予稿集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 単層グラフェンへの構造規定欠陥の導入と電気化学水素ポンプ法によるプロトン透過能評価
保田諭, 寺澤知潮, 矢野雅大, 小河浩晃, 加藤優, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人
応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - グラフェン被覆Au(111)表面へのアニリン誘導体の修飾
西山佳祐, 鶴飼里菜, 丹野駿, 加藤優, 保田諭, 八木一三
日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 触媒担体表面への分子修飾によるアイオノマー配向制御と酸素還元活性への影響
村松舜, 加藤優, 長谷川直樹, 長谷川直樹, 北野直紀, 加藤久雄, 八木一三
日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - Pt-Niナノ構造体の電極触媒活性に対する担体効果
中干場亮太, LI Tianchi, 小倉和也, 藤林那月, 保田諭, 加藤優, 八木一三
日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - グラフェン-金属界面で形成されるナノバブルの水素同位体効果
保田諭, 田村和久, 矢野雅大, 寺澤知潮, 加藤優, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 自己組織化単分子層を介して電極上に固定した一酸化窒素還元酵素の分光電気化学
鳴海旭, 増田侑也, 中川省吾, 當舎武彦, 加藤優, 八木一三
日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - グラフェン被覆した種々の金属基板への電気化学的分子修飾
鶴飼里菜, 丹野駿, 保田諭, 田村和久, 加藤優, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 膜電極接合体カソードにおける電極表面酸素種の軟X線分光計測
石原知子, 石原知子, 加藤優, 加藤優, 新部正人, 徳島高, 堀川裕加, 堀川裕加, 永山まゆみ, 林灯, 植野一輝, 植野一輝, 橋本由介, 大浦正樹, 大浦正樹, 八木一三, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 酸性水溶液中での酸素還元活性に対する鉄-銅共ドープ効果
藤林那月, 加藤優, 加藤優, 保田諭, 八木一三, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 白金ナノワイヤーの調製と酸素還元触媒活性
LI Tianchi, 小倉和也, 加藤優, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - Pt-Ni合金ナノフレーム電極触媒の酸素還元活性および耐久性に対する担体効果
加藤優, 小倉和也, 徳田翔一, LI Tianch, 中干場亮太, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - 単層グラフェンのプロトン透過能と電気化学的手法を利用したグラフェン-金属界面への水素ナノバブル形成
保田諭, 田村和久, 矢野雅大, 寺澤知潮, 加藤優, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人
応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2019年
2019年 - 2019年 - Pt(111)電極上におけるアイオノマー膜厚の酸素還元反応に対する影響
齋藤僚, 二本柳聡史, 田村和久, 田原太平, 加藤優, 八木一三
電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD‐ROM), 2017年08月28日, 日本語 - 多核金属錯体埋込型カーボン電極触媒におけるin situ XAFS測定
松原直啓, 武藤毬佳, 加藤優, 加藤優, 八木一三, 八木一三
電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD‐ROM), 2017年08月28日, 日本語 - グラフェン‐Au(111)界面に形成した水素ナノバブルのSTM観察
保田諭, 田村和久, 佐藤祐輔, 加藤優, 丹野駿, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人
電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD‐ROM), 2017年08月28日, 日本語 - ナノレベルでの単層グラフェンのプロトン透過能評価
保田諭, 田村和久, 丹野駿, 佐藤祐輔, 加藤優, 八木一三, 朝岡秀人
応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2017年08月25日, 日本語 - 単層グラフェンの電気化学的プロトン透過能評価
保田諭, 中島浩司, 森本崇宏, 中島秀朗, 岡崎俊也, 田村和久, 加藤優, 丹野駿, 八木一三, 村越敬
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2017年03月17日, 日本語 - 多核銅錯体埋込型カーボン電極触媒の酸素還元活性と活性中心構造の解明
加藤優, 加藤優, 松原直啓, 武藤鞠佳, 上村洋平, 脇坂祐輝, 松村大樹, 高草木達, 朝倉清高, 八木一三, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2017年03月17日, 日本語 - Au(111)上に成膜した単層グラフェンへの電気化学的分子修飾
丹野駿, 佐藤祐輔, 中島浩司, 田村和久, 保田諭, 村越敬, 加藤優, 八木一三
日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2017年03月03日, 日本語 - Au(111)上に成膜した単層グラフェンへの電気化学的分子修飾
丹野駿, 佐藤祐輔, 中島浩司, 田村和久, 保田諭, 村越敬, 加藤優, 八木一三
日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2017年03月03日, 日本語 - Au(111)電極上に合成した単層グラフェンのプロトン透過能評価
保田諭, 中島浩司, 森本崇宏, 中島秀朗, 岡崎俊也, 田村和久, 加藤優, 丹野駿, 八木一三, 村越敬
応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2017年03月01日, 日本語 - カーボン担持銅二核錯体からなる酸素還元電極触媒のin situ XAFS観察
加藤優, 君島堅一, 柴田真里, 野津英男, 荻野和也, 猪熊喜芳, 太田鳴海, 小柳津暢久, 上原広充, 大場惟史, 上村洋平, 高草木達, 朝倉清高, 八木一三
表面科学学術講演会講演要旨集, 2015年12月01日, 日本語 - 機能性官能基によるシクロデキストリン混合単分子層の包接特性制御
伊藤翼, 磯村洵子, 高橋真, 八木一三, 嶋津克明
化学系学協会北海道支部冬季研究発表会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2014年01月28日, 日本語 - 界面振動分光法を用いた白金電極表面におけるアイオノマー吸着構造の評価
波田野智章, 中田耕, 嶋津克明, 八木一三
化学系学協会北海道支部冬季研究発表会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2014年01月28日, 日本語 - XAFS分光法による複核銅錯体における酸素還元反応の解析
八木一三, 君島堅一, 野津英男, 太田鳴海, 柴田真里, 荻野和也, 猪熊喜芳, 梅村瞬, 上原広充, 上村洋平, 高草木達, 朝倉清高
電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 2013年09月27日, 日本語 - In situ ATR‐SEIRASによるナフィオン側鎖モデル分子の電極表面吸着挙動の観察
野村芳, 太田鳴海, 野津英男, 近藤敏啓, 八木一三
電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 2012年03月29日, 日本語 - 白金マイクロバンド電極パターンを有するCOP製マイクロ流路型電気化学デバイスの作製と評価
荻野和也, 猪熊喜芳, 太田鳴海, 八木一三
化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会講演要旨集, 2011年11月17日, 日本語 - 電気化学測定が可能な液体セルによる電極上の水の軟X線発光分光測定
徳島高, 小林英一, 八木一三, 堀川裕加, 新井秀実, 原田慈久, 辛埴
日本放射光学会年会・放射光科学合同シンポジウム予稿集, 2009年12月10日, 日本語 - COLL 190-Preparation of mesoporous carbon membranes with perpendicularly ordered pore structure
Kimijima Ken'ichi, Hayashi Akari, Yagi Ichizo
2008年08月17日 - 2008年08月17日 - 軟X線発光分光法による金属電極/溶液界面の水の研究
小林英一, 八木一三, 徳島高, 堀川裕加, 原田慈久, 辛埴
日本放射光学会年会・放射光科学合同シンポジウム予稿集, 2007年12月20日, 日本語 - COLL 194-Optical recognition of naturally chiral metal surfaces by optical second harmonic generation
Yagi Ichizo, Chiba Masaki, Uosaki Kohei
2006年09月10日 - 2006年09月10日 - フェムト秒可視光ポンプ‐赤外光プローブ法による多核金属錯体における光励起ダイナミクスの追跡
勝本覚成, 八木一三, 阿部正明, 佐々木陽一, 魚崎浩平
光化学討論会講演要旨集, 2006年09月09日, 日本語 - フェムト秒可視光ポンプ‐赤外光プローブ法による多核金属錯体における電子励起緩和過程の追跡
勝本覚成, 米山達亮, 八木一三, 阿部正明, 佐々木陽一, 魚崎浩平
日本化学会講演予稿集, 2006年03月13日, 日本語 - フェムト秒可視ポンプ‐赤外プローブ分光法による多核ルテニウム錯体における分子内電荷移動過程の追跡
勝本覚成, 米山達亮, 八木一三, 阿部正明, 佐々木陽一, 魚崎浩平
日本化学会講演予稿集, 2005年03月11日, 日本語 - フェムト秒可視ポンプ‐赤外プローブ分光法によるCdSナノ粒子分散系および積層膜におけるキャリアダイナミクスの追跡
八木一三, 三上健介, 蝦名幸次郎, 魚崎浩平
日本化学会講演予稿集, 2005年03月11日, 日本語 - フェムト秒可視光ポンプ‐赤外プローブ分光法による多核ルテニウム錯体における分子内電荷移動過程の追跡
勝本覚成, 米山達亮, 八木一三, 阿部正明, 佐々木陽一, 魚崎浩平
日本化学会北海道支部研究発表会講演要旨集, 2005年01月21日, 日本語 - フェムト秒可視ポンプ‐赤外プローブ分光法による多核ルテニウム錯体における分子内電荷移動過程の追跡
八木一三, 米山達亮, 勝本覚成, 阿部正明, 佐々木陽一, 魚崎浩平
光化学討論会講演要旨集, 2004年10月25日, 日本語 - フェムト秒可視光ポンプ‐赤外プローブ法によるCdSナノ粒子中のキャリアダイナミクスと電荷移動過程の評価
三上健介, 蝦名幸次郎, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平
電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 2004年03月24日, 日本語 - 二重共鳴和周波発生分光法による金電極表面に吸着したアントラキノン誘導体の構造評価
八木一三, MCGIVEN W S, 飴沼紳一郎, 二本柳聡史, STEPHENSON J S, 魚崎浩平
分子構造総合討論会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2003年09月20日, 日本語 - Carrier and charge transfer dynamics at semiconductor nanoclusters.
K Uosaki, M Okamura, K Ebina, K Mikami, Yagi, I
2003年09月 - 2003年09月 - フェムト秒可視光ポンプ‐中赤外光プローブ法を用いたCdSxSe1-xドープガラスの光生成キャリヤーダイナミクス
蝦名幸次郎, 八木一三, 魚崎浩平, 三好正毅
日本化学会北海道支部研究発表会講演要旨集, 2003年01月31日, 日本語 - Optical second harmonic generation study on pd electrodeposition at gold single crystalline electrodes.
2003年 - 2003年 - Second harmonic generation study on the formation and reduction of anodic oxide on gold single crystal electrode surface of various crystal orientations.
2003年 - 2003年 - 光第二高調波発生分光法よる単結晶Au(111)及びAu(100)電極表面上へのパラジウム原子層電析に伴う界面電子構造変化の評価
粟谷正, 八木一三, 花岡一哉, 魚崎浩平
日本化学会講演予稿集, 2002年03月11日, 日本語 - ポーラスアルミナを鋳型とするダイヤモンドシリンダーアレーの作成
柳下崇, 安井賢志, 渡辺光夫, 八木一三, RAO T, 藤嶋昭, 益田秀樹
応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 1999年03月28日, 日本語 - ポーラスアルミナを鋳型とするダイヤモンドシリンダーアレーの作成
柳下崇, 安井賢志, 渡辺光夫, 八木一三, RAO T, 藤嶋昭, 益田秀樹
応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 1999年03月28日, 日本語 - 陽極酸化ポーラスアルミナナノチャンネルへのCVDダイヤモンドの析出挙動
益田秀樹, 安井賢志, 柳下崇, 渡辺光夫, 八木一三, RAO T, 藤嶋昭
電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 1998年10月, 日本語 - 光による自己組織化単分子層の構造および電気化学特性の制御
魚崎浩平, 近藤敏啓, YE S, 八木一三, ZHANG X Q, 柳田真利, 堀内信哉, 金井利仁
固体・表面光化学討論会講演要旨集, 1996年12月, 日本語 - p‐GaAs(100)酸化溶解反応の表面X線回折法による表面構造観察
近藤敏啓, 鯉沼陸央, 八木一三, 田村和久, 野口秀典, 竹下邦和, 松下正, YE S, 魚崎浩平
日本化学会講演予稿集, 1996年09月, 日本語 - フェロセンを含む自己組織化単分子層における構造変化による電子移動速度の制御
近藤敏啓, 堀内信哉, 金井利仁, 八木一三, YE S, 魚崎浩平
コロイドおよび界面化学討論会講演要旨集, 1996年09月, 日本語 - 表面X線回折法および原子間力顕微鏡によるGaAs(100)表面構造の追跡
鯉沼陸央, 近藤敏啓, YE S, 八木一三, 田村和久, 野口秀典, 竹下邦和, 松下正, 魚崎浩平
電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 1996年03月, 日本語 - 電解質溶液中におけるGaAs(100)電極の表面構造 表面X線回折法および原子間力顕微鏡による検討
鯉沼陸央, 近藤敏啓, 八木一三, 田村和久, 野口秀典, 魚崎浩平, 竹下邦和, 松下正, YE S
日本化学会講演予稿集, 1996年03月, 日本語
- 再生可能エネルギー総論
2019年04月 - 現在 - 環境物質科学基礎論I
2016年04月 - 現在 - ナノ環境材料化学特論III
2015年04月 - 現在 - 化学I
2013年04月 - 現在 - 自然科学実験(化学)
2013年04月 - 現在 - 大学院特別講義2
2020年04月 - 2022年03月 - 環境物質科学基礎論II
2014年10月 - 2015年03月 - ナノ構造制御化学特論
2014年04月 - 2014年09月 - 環境共生化学特別講義
2009年04月 - 2010年03月 - 構造物質科学特論
2008年04月 - 2009年03月 - 化学II
2003年04月 - 2005年03月 - 化学I
2003年04月 - 2005年03月 - 物理化学特論II
2000年04月 - 2005年03月 - 物理化学実験
2000年04月 - 2005年03月 - 電気化学
1999年10月 - 2004年03月 - 化学反応論
2000年04月 - 2003年03月 - 一般教育演習 物理化学の基礎
2002年04月 - 2002年09月
- PEMFCにおける酸素還元反応のための白金族金属合金ナノ構造の電極触媒作用
2020年04月24日 - 2022年03月31日
日本学術振興会, 特別研究員奨励費, 北海道大学, 20F19756 - PEMFCにおける酸素還元反応のための白金族金属合金ナノ構造の電極触媒作用
2019年11月08日 - 2022年03月31日
日本学術振興会, 特別研究員奨励費, 北海道大学, 19F19756 - 生体模倣電極触媒への展開を指向した金属酵素修飾電極におけるオペランド振動分光計測
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
2019年04月01日 - 2022年03月31日
八木 一三
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 19H02664 - 電極触媒反応を追跡する表面増強テラヘルツラマン散乱分光装置の開発
科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究
2015年04月01日 - 2017年03月31日
八木 一三
日本学術振興会, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 北海道大学, 15K13612 - 長距離伝搬型プラズモンを利用した電極触媒表面の高感度振動分光
2012年 - 2014年
八木 一三
文部科学省, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 24550002 - 界面反応計測に最適なプラズモニック結晶型基板の開発と赤外領域への拡張
2009年 - 2010年
八木 一三
文部科学省, 特定領域研究, 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 21020040 - 電気化学界面計測に利用可能なプラズモニック結晶型基板の開発
2008年 - 2008年
八木 一三
文部科学省, 特定領域研究, 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 20043038 - 時間分解可視ポンプ-赤外プローブ分光法による固/液界面電子移動ダイナミクス
2005年 - 2006年
八木 一三, 野口 秀典
文部科学省, 特定領域研究, 北海道大学->独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 17029002 - 金属ナノ粒子積層電極の電気化学的修飾とその(光)電極触媒活性
2005年 - 2006年
八木 一三
文部科学省, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学->独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 17750115 - フェムト秒可視ポンプ-赤外プローブ分光法による固/液界面電子移動ダイナミクス
2002年 - 2002年
八木 一三, 魚崎 浩平
文部科学省, 特定領域研究, 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 14050002 - プロチウム導入による機能性ダイヤモンド電極の電気化学特性制御
2000年 - 2000年
八木 一三, 武田 定, 魚崎 浩平
文部科学省, 特定領域研究(A), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 12022202 - 導電性ダイヤモンド薄膜における電気化学的選択性の発現と光電気化学ダイナミクス
1999年 - 2000年
八木 一三
文部科学省, 奨励研究(A), 東京大学->北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 11740383 - 光照射されたダイヤモンド電極による炭酸ガスの還元
1998年 - 2000年
藤嶋 昭, 八木 一三
文部科学省, 基盤研究(B), 東京大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 10480142 - ダイヤモンド単結晶電極の創製とその光電気化学ダイナミクス
1999年 - 1999年
八木 一三
文部科学省, 特定領域研究(A), 東京大学->北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 11118220 - グラファイト様B/C/N半導体電極の光電気化学
1999年 - 1999年
八木 一三, 藤嶋 昭
文部科学省, 特定領域研究(A), 東京大学->北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 11124211 - 異種基板上へのダイヤモンド単結晶電極の創製とその光電気化学特性評価
1998年 - 1998年
八木 一三
文部科学省, 特定領域研究(A), 東京大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 10131217 - 固液界面における超高速ダイナミクスの追跡
競争的資金 - 非線形分光法による電極表面反応の追跡
競争的資金 - ダイヤモンド電極の電気化学特性
競争的資金 - Ultrafast dynamics at solid/liquid interfaces
競争的資金 - Monitoring of the Electrochemical Reactions by Nonlinear Optics.
競争的資金 - Electrochemical Properties of Diamond Electrode
- 自立メソポーラスカーボン薄膜。
特許権, 君島 堅一, 八木 一三, 林 灯, 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所
特願2008-067013, 2008年03月17日
特開2009-221050, 2009年10月01日
201303051518701900 - 自立メソポーラスカーボン薄膜。
特許権, 君島 堅一, 八木 一三, 林 灯, 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所
特願2008-067013, 2008年03月17日
特開2009-221050, 2009年10月01日
200903055939166623 - 燃料電池用電極触媒およびこれを用いた燃料電池
特許権, 林 灯, 八木 一三, 君島 堅一, 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所
JP2008051406, 2008年01月30日
WO2008-093731, 2008年08月07日
201003079717811943 - 非線形光学材料およびその製造方法
特許権, 小島 秀子, 八木 一三, 魚崎 浩平, 科学技術振興事業団
特願2002-103075, 2002年04月04日
特開2003-295240, 2003年10月15日