Nagano Katsunori

Faculty of Engineering Division of Environmental Engineering Division of Environmental EngineeringProfessor
Institute for the Advancement of Higher EducationProfessor
Last Updated :2025/01/11

■Researcher basic information


  • PhD, Hokkaido University

Profile Information

  • 【学歴】

    1983年 3月 北海道大学 工学部卒業

    1984年 4月 北海道大学 大学院工学研究科修士課程 入学

    1986年 3月 同上 修了


    1986年 4月 東京ガス(株)入社

    1988年 3月 同上 退社

    1988年 4月 北海道大学 工学部 助手

    1995年10月 北海道大学 工学部 助教授

    1997年10月 北海道大学 大学院工学研究科 助教授

    2006年 4月 北海道大学 大学院工学研究科 教 授

    2010年 4月 北海道大学 大学院工学研究院 教 授

    2013年 4月 北海道大学 役員補佐(国際本部)

    2014年 4月 北海道大学 総長補佐(~2017年 3月)


Researchmap personal page

Research Keyword

  • 潜熱蓄熱
  • 蓄熱
  • 調湿
  • PCM
  • アンモニア
  • 稚内層珪藻頁岩
  • 潜熱蓄熱材
  • トリメチルアミン
  • 空気浄化
  • 廃熱
  • 活性炭
  • 硝酸マンガン・6水和物
  • エネルギー回収
  • 省エネルギー
  • VOC
  • 床吹き出し空調
  • DSC
  • 水蒸気吸放湿
  • 硫化アリル
  • ジメチルジスルフィド
  • 床冷房
  • 躯体蓄熱
  • 吸放湿
  • 消化
  • 調理臭気
  • ヒートポンプ
  • ガス吸着
  • ハニカムフィルター
  • アンケート調査
  • CO_2

Research Field

  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention), Construction environment and equipment
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science, Environmental materials/recycling technology
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science, Environmental load reduction/restoration technology
  • Nanotechnology/Materials, Energy chemistry
  • Life sciences, Applied anthropology



  • 2006 - Present
    Hokkaido University, 工学院研究科, 教授

Educational Background

  • Apr. 1984 - Mar. 1986, 北海道大学 大学院, 工学研究科修士課程

Committee Memberships

  • 2019 - Present
    NEDO「再生可能エネルギー熱利 用にかかるコスト技術開発, 評価委員長
  • Jul. 2017 - Present
    ハルビン工業大学, 客員教授, Others
  • 2006 - Present
    一般財団法人ヒートポンプ・蓄熱センター, 主査, 委員
  • Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2021
    公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会, 北海道支部長
  • 2012 - 2018
    ニセコ町, 環境エネルギー戦略的アドバイザー
  • Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016
    北海道大学, 総長補佐, Society
  • Apr. 2015
    (公社)日本冷凍空調学会, 代表幹事, Society
  • Apr. 2015
    (公社)空気調和・衛生工学会, 北海道支部長, Society
  • 2010 - 2015
    (独)土木研究所, 土木研究所外部評価委員会委員, Society
  • Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2014
    北海道大学, 役員補佐, Society
  • Apr. 2013
    青森県地中熱利用普及研究会, 委員長, Society
  • Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2010
    (一社)日本太陽エネルギー学会, 理事, Society
  • 北海道次世代北方型居住空間モデル構想推進協議会, 委員, Society

Position History

  • 総長補佐, 2014年4月1日 - 2015年3月31日
  • 総長補佐, 2015年4月1日 - 2017年3月31日
  • 役員補佐, 2013年4月1日 - 2014年3月31日

■Research activity information


  • 2021, 一般社団法人 建築設備技術者協会, カーボンニュートラル賞               
    長野 克則
  • 2018, 公益社団法人 日本建築衛生管理教育センター, 平成29年度会長表彰(建築物の環境衛生管理事業功労者)               
    長野 克則
  • 2017, 一般財団法人ヒートポンプ・蓄熱センター, 一般財団法人ヒートポンプ・蓄熱センター理事長賞               
    北海道大学, 留寿都村
  • 2016, 経済産業省北海道経済産業局, 平成28年度省エネルギー・新エネルギー優良事業者等北海道経済産業局長表彰               
    長野 克則
  • 2015, China Award for Sience and Technology in Construction, 「華夏建設科学技術賞」二等奨               
    長野 克則
  • 2015, The 13rd International Conference on Thermal Energy Storage(Beijing), Best Paper Award               
  • 2012, The 2nd International Energy Storage Conference(Dublin), Best Paper Award               
  • 2011, (公社)空気調和・衛生工学会, 振興賞技術振興賞               
  • 2011, (公社)日本地下水学会, 学術賞               
  • 2010, (公社)空気調和・衛生工学会, 論文賞               
  • 2010, (公社)空気調和・衛生工学会, 振興賞住宅環境設備賞               
  • 2010, 産学官連携, 産学官連携功労者表彰(環境大臣賞)               
  • 2009, (一社)日本太陽エネルギー学会, 論文賞(押田賞)               
  • 2008, The 9th IEA Heat Pump Conference(Zurich), Best Paper Award               
  • 2008, (公社)空気調和・衛生工学会, 振興賞住宅環境設備賞               
  • 2006, (一社)日本太陽エネルギー学会, 論文賞               
  • 2003, The 9th International on Thermal Energy Storage(Warsaw), Best Paper Award               


  • Analyzing the Performance of Double Spiral Tube Ground Heat Exchangers in a Zero-Energy Building Using Measurement Data
    Kunning Yang, Takao Katsura, Shigeyuki Nagasaka, Katsunori Nagano
    Energies, 16, 19, Oct. 2023
    Scientific journal, A ground-source heat pump (GSHP) system is a renewable energy technology that effectively reduces greenhouse gas emissions and consequently mitigates the progression of global warming. The thermal efficiency of ground heat exchangers (GHEs) is a critical component in the GSHP system that must be accurately estimated for its long-term operationality. Therefore, in this study, the thermal performance of double-spiral GHEs incorporated within the thermal piles of a zero-energy building in Sapporo, Japan, was investigated using the actual measured data obtained from the site and a novel metric, namely, the coefficient of heat extraction/injection, for a more precise evaluation. Moreover, this study assessed the coefficient of performance (COP) of the GSHP units during various periods of cooling or heating. The temperature of the circulating fluid remained within an ideal operational range over an operational period of 2 years, and the COP calculations indicated a high operational efficiency. The results derived in this study substantially exceeded those of traditional U-tube GHEs, indicating the enhanced efficiency and superior performance of large-diameter thermal piles with augmented thermal capacity. Our findings suggest that GSHP systems with double-spiral-tube GHEs have superior efficiency than conventional GHEs.
  • Performance prediction of an adsorption chiller combined with heat recovery and mass recovery by a three-dimensional model
    Fang He, Katsunori Nagano, Junya Togawa
    Energy, 277, 15 Aug. 2023
    Scientific journal, In this study, a three-dimensional model was formulated to predict and analyze the performance of an adsorption chiller (AC) with heat recovery (HR) and mass recovery (MR). A new value factor index (VF) was proposed to determine the parameters for optimal system performance. This model was confirmed to be suitable for performance prediction. The coefficient of performance (COP) can be improved from 0.503 to 0.604 at a cycle period of 14 min, which is consistent with the results of our previous study. Based on the VF, an optimal HR period of 24 min was determined. Subsequently, MR was introduced. In cases where an MR of 1 s was utilized, the specific cooling power (SCP) increased from 0.389 kW/kg to 0.393 kW/kg, while the COP increased to 0.607 with the HR. In addition, as the mass recovery period lengthened, the COP decreased. The accumulated recoverable sensible heat was discovered to be shared by the HR and MR. The HR reduces the accumulated regeneration heat. MR not only reduced the regeneration heat but also enhanced the sorption process.
  • Development and application of a new calculation method for double spiral ground heat exchangers
    Kunning Yang, Takao Katsura, Shigeyuki Nagasaka, Katsunori Nagano
    Energy and Buildings, 291, 15 Jul. 2023
    Scientific journal, This study provides a new calculation method for double spiral pipe ground heat exchangers (GHEs) and involves the combination of the analytical, infinite line source (ILS), and infinite cylindrical source (ICS) models with the capacity resistance model (CaRM). Method adopts the concept of fin efficiency, enabling it to calculate underground temperature changes easily and accurately, followed by integration into a simulation tool for ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems. Verification was done by comparing simulation results with actual operating data, measured from a zero-energy building (ZEB) in Sapporo, Japan. Analyses conducted using the new calculation method prove that simulation results can be obtained with increased precision and validity. Under conditions of instantaneous large heat injection, significant differences were observed between the simulation and the actual measurements during the initial 50 h. The number of temperature nodes in the network was increased to effectively reduce the error between simulations and measurements. Moreover, it was seen that the efficiency of double spiral pipe GHEs can be potentially improved by shortening the spiral pitch. This study thus confirms that the proposed new calculation method can be applied to future designs of GSHP systems by using thermal piles with double spiral pipe GHEs.
  • Field studies on the energy consumption and thermal comfort of a nZEB using radiant ceiling panel and open-loop groundwater heat pump system in a cold region
    Minzhi Ye, Katsunori Nagano, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Hideki Sato
    Journal of Building Engineering, 67, 15 May 2023
    Scientific journal, Field studies were conducted in an office building in a cold region equipped with a radiant ceiling panel (RCP) and open-loop groundwater heat pump (GWHP) system. First, the indoor thermal comfort in a target office was evaluated based on the results obtained from the physical measurements and survey questionnaire. The results showed that the suspended RCP system could achieve comfortable indoor thermal conditions throughout the year. The indoor temperature was maintained within the range of 22–26 °C, the humidity was within 30–60%, and CO2 concentration was mostly below 1000 ppm. Second, the energy performance was tested simultaneously, and intermittent and continuous operation methods were compared. Under the continuous operation method, a stable indoor environment was maintained, and the COP of the GWHP system increased by 10%. The results showed the potential to further reduce energy consumption and maintain a high level of thermal comfort through the optimization of system operations. Finally, the annual energy consumption was calculated based on the recorded measurements. The results illustrate that this building can reach the ZEB-ready level in Japan. The primary energy consumption can be decreased by approximately 67% compared to the reference by applying the combined system.
  • Experimental analysis of vacuum pressure and gas flow rate in structured-core transparent vacuum insulation panels
    Takao Katsura, Takato Miyata, Saim Memon, Ali Radwan, Katsunori Nagano
    ENERGY REPORTS, 9, 1071, 1078, ELSEVIER, Mar. 2023
    English, Scientific journal, The notion that modern buildings should strive to be net-zero energy buildings (NZEBs) is widely accepted. One of the causes leading to high energy usage for space heating, resulting in avoidable carbon emissions, is heat loss via building windows. In order to improve window's insulation in existing buildings, structured-core transparent vacuum insulation panels (TVIPs) are proposed. TVIPs mainly consist of the structured core material, the low-emissivity film, and the transparent gas barrier envelope. TVIPs have high insulation performance and are inexpensive to manufacture and can be easily installed. Therefore, TVIPs have the potential to improve window's insulation in existing buildings at a low cost. However, it is necessary to overcome the issue of preventing the pressure rise inside TVIP after vacuum sealing. The authors constructed an experimental setup to quantify the effect of reduction of gas flow rate in TVIP after evacuation by applying the pressure-rate-of-rise-method. In this experiment, a gas barrier film with a straw was used as the vacuum chamber. This could reproduce the pressure increase in the TVIP after sealing and the gas flow rate in the TVIP is evaluated. The experimental result shows that the coated core material and the enclosing getter agent lowered the pressure rise and gas flow rate in TVIP by combining concurrent evacuation and heating. Furthermore, after extending the simultaneous vacuuming and heating period to 8 h and applying the coated core material, and enclosing the getter agent, the internal pressure in TVIP may be lowered to around 1 Pa after 30 min after halting vacuuming. It was confirmed that this pressure satisfied the performance required for TVIPs, and the result was much closer to the realization of TVIPs. (c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
  • Numerical and Parametric Study on Open-Type Ceiling Radiant Cooling Panel with Curved and Segmented Structure
    Minzhi Ye, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Katsunori Nagano
    ENERGIES, 16, 6, MDPI, Mar. 2023
    English, Scientific journal, A suspended open-type ceiling radiant cooling panel (CRCP) has been proposed recently. The main challenge is improving its cooling performance to overcome limitations for extensive use. Therefore, this study aims to optimize the design of CRCPs with curved and segmented structure to enhance heat transfer. A three-dimensional CFD model was developed to investigate the cooling capacity and heat transfer coefficient of the CRCPs installed inside a single enclosed room. Panel structure was determined based on four dependent parameters: the panel curvature width (L, m), the panel curvature radius (r, m), the void distance (d, m) between each panel or panel segment, and the panel coverage area (A(c), m(2)). The panel surface area (A(s), m(2)) and the ratio of panel curvature width to radius (L/r) were also examined. A total of 35 designs were compared under 7 different cooling load conditions, and 245 cases were carried out. The results show that the nominal cooling capacity and heat transfer coefficient rise with increasing curvature radius and decreasing curvature width. The void distance plays the most crucial role in influencing cooling performance. It is possible to simultaneously improve cooling performance, achieve uniform temperature distribution, and reduce the number of panels through structure optimization.
  • Evaluating Long-Term Performance of a Residential Ground-Source Heat Pump System under Climate Change in Cold and Warm Cities of Japan
    Yoshitaka Sakata, Yuma Akeyama, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    Energies, 16, 6, 2742, MDPI, Mar. 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, A residential ground-source heat pump system often requires a long payback time to recover the capital cost. Long-term uncertainty in such a system's performance increases as the climate changes. This study compares 20-years hourly heating/cooling demands of a typical residence in the present (2000-2020) and in the future (2076-2095) for two locations in Japan. This study also calculated soil temperatures as heat sources through 1D heat-transfer simulation based on the A1B climate scenario in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Special Report. System performance and simple payback times were compared in one cold and one warm city in Japan (Sapporo and Tokyo, respectively). Soil temperatures at a middle depth of a borehole heat exchanger were predicted to increase in the future by similar to 1 degrees C, with insignificant effects on a borehole heat exchanger. Seasonal performance factors increased in Sapporo because thermal demands would be kept even in the future, but decreased in Tokyo, which has a higher ratio of the energy used in operating the system in cooling mode compared with its small heating demand. The simple payback time was estimated at 16.2 and >20 years in Sapporo and Tokyo, respectively, both in the present and future, with the constant energy prices. If oil and gas prices doubled, the payback time would be halved in Sapporo to 8.4 years but remain around 20 years or more in Tokyo.
  • Field Study on Indoor Thermal Comfort of a ‘ZEB Ready’ Office Building Using Radiant Ceiling Panel Coupled with Open-Loop Ground Source Heat Pump
    Minzhi Ye, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Hideki Sato, Katsunori Nagano
    Environmental Science and Engineering, 2353, 2362, 2023
    International conference proceedings, A field study was conducted in a ‘ZEB ready’ office building using the radiant ceiling panel and open-loop ground source heat pump system in the cold region. The indoor thermal environment was evaluated based on the objective physical measurement and subjective questionnaire survey. Moreover, the energy consumption was calculated based on the record from the building energy management system. The system performances of intermittent and continuous operation methods were also compared in winter. The results show that the systems can achieve the required thermal comfort during the heating and cooling period, the indoor temperature is within 23–25 °C. More than 70% of staff declared ‘neutral’ in thermal sensation votes, which means most people were satisfied with the indoor thermal condition. Continuous operation leads to 19 kWh electric energy consumption per day more than intermittent operation, whereas the COP of the heat pump increases from 3.86 to 4.18.
  • Improvement of accuracy with uncertainty quantification in the simulation of a ground heat exchanger by combining model prediction and observation
    Yutaka Shoji, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    English, Scientific journal, With the utilization of shallow geothermal heat as a renewable energy source in recent times, several studies have focused on ground heat exchanger simulation. Ground heat exchanger simulation is an important factor that contributes to the design and control of shallow geothermal systems. Thus far, various models and parameter estimation methods have been proposed to represent actual phenomena; however, errors inevitably occur be-tween the model predictions and actual values. Hence, a method that can explicitly account for this uncertainty is desirable. Thus, in this study, we show that data assimilation-a method that combines simulation and obser-vation for more accurate state estimation and uncertainty quantification-can be applied to ground heat exchanger simulation. To this end, we perform an in situ transient heating experiment using a single-borehole heat exchanger, and we assimilate the actual observations using an ensemble Kalman filter for a reproductive simulation. The results of the data assimilation experiment indicate that the model parameter, i.e., the soil effective thermal conductivity, is modified from 1.19 W m-1 K-1 estimated from the geologic column to 1.70 +/- 0.05 W m-1 K-1, and it reproduces the standard estimate of 1.69 W m-1 K-1 from the thermal response test. Further, for the ground heat exchanger inlet/outlet temperature, simulation without data assimilation yielded a maximum error of approximately 2.0 K, whereas simulation with data assimilation produced a highly accurate state estimate with a standard deviation of 0.08 K. The proposed method allows a posteriori estimation of soil properties from the operational data of ground heat exchanger systems installed without thermal response tests as well as the correction of deviations between the model and observation values through statistical support and uncertainty quantification.
  • Hybrid ground source heat pump system capable of year-round heating and its application in liquid natural gas vaporization
    Takao Katsura, Yutaka Shoji, Kunning Yang, Hitoshi Akai, Jun Shishido, Mitsuhiro Ishikawa, Yuichi Yashima, Koji Tanifuji, Katsunori Nagano
    English, Scientific journal, One of the challenges in using a ground source heat pump (GSHP) system is the long-term increase or decrease in underground temperature due to an imbalance between heat extraction and injection. To eliminate this imbalance, we proposed a hybrid GSHP (HGSHP) system combined with air-water heat exchangers (AWHEs) capable of year-round heating and applied it to the hot water supply for liquid natural gas (LNG) vaporization in a satellite station. In this paper, the authors demonstrate the year-round heating capability of the HGSHP system and the energy conservation benefits of installing the HGSHP system for LNG vaporization. First, a field experimental apparatus was constructed for a gas vaporization system with the HGSHP; thereafter, an experimental proof of gas vaporization was obtained. The experimental results showed that it was possible to stably vaporize liquid nitrogen that was used instead of LNG by supplying hot water at 25 degrees C. Additionally, in the gas vaporization experiment with the HGSHP system in the summer season, the SCOP measured was over ten. A calculation model for the AWHE was then established using the field test data; thereafter, a simulation tool for the HGSHP system was developed by combining it with one for the GSHP system. The simulation results indicated that the average surface temperature of all GHEs in the HGSHP system decreases from first year to second year. However, the average surface temperature of all GHEs stabilizes at a reduced level after the third year. These results indicate that the HGSHP system can operate long-term for year-round heating because the average surface temperature stabilize in the long-term.
  • An inverter-driven heat pump with a multi-tubular tube-in-tube heat exchanger for domestic hot water supply
    Hongzhi Liu, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    English, Scientific journal, An inverter-driven heat pump prototype to supply domestic hot water (DHW) was built, within which a multi-tubular tube-in-tube counter-flow heat exchanger as condenser was installed including a desuperheater section and a condenser section. The heating coefficient of performance (COP) is reduced approximately 10% if the feed water temperature increases from 9 degrees C to 24 degrees C. When the inlet temperature of primary brine is 24 degrees C, the compressor frequency does not show any effect on the heating COP. While when the inlet temperatures of primary fluid are 5, 10, and 17 degrees C, the COP increases with the rise of the compressor frequency at first, but it stays almost constant when the compressor frequency is within 40-55 Hz. It is considered that the effects of opposite dependencies of heat transfer and the pressure drop in the condenser onto COP tend to cancel each other out to obtain a constant heating COP. When the produced hot water is 65 degrees C, the heating COP of our developed heat pump for DHW is the largest among those of other three different heat pumps.
  • MICS-ANN model: An artificial neural network model for fast computation of G-function in moving infinite cylindrical source model
    Yutaka Shoji, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    English, Scientific journal, Model of the temperature field around the ground heat exchanger is a critical part of shallow geothermal system simulation. Some models have not yet obtained an analytical solution due to the presence of groundwater flow or the complex geometry of the ground heat exchanger. For such models, numerical analysis is performed and the computational cost is an issue. Here we show a method to reproduce the finite volume method solution of the moving infinite cylindrical source model quickly and accurately using an artificial neural network. Using the obtained artificial neural network model, the hourly 20-year temperature response function of the moving infinite cylindrical source model can be computed in only 5.726 s. The mean squared error of the artificial neural network model for the finite volume method solution was 2.158 x 10(-6) in dimensionless temperature, indicating a sufficiently small error. The fast and accurate calculation of the moving infinite cylindrical source model is expected to contribute to the optimal design of shallow geothermal systems with a groundwater flow field. In addition, this method of reproducing a temperature response function by artificial neural network may be applicable not only to the moving infinite cylindrical source model but also to other models.
  • 地中熱オープンループシステムにおける井戸性能評価に関する研究(その4)札幌三建ビルにおける還元井目詰まり要因に関する実験的考察
    阪田 義隆, 長野 克則, 沖原 峻, 佐藤 英樹
    技術統括本部技術報告 = EMD research activity reports / 三建設備工業(株)技術統括本部 編, 29, 15, 22, 三建設備工業技術統括本部, 2022
  • 凹型天井放射パネルの冷暖房時の放熱性能と室内垂直温度分布に関する実験的研究
    長野 克則, 叶 敏之, 佐藤 英樹
    技術統括本部技術報告 = EMD research activity reports / 三建設備工業(株)技術統括本部 編, 29, 37, 40, 三建設備工業技術統括本部, 2022
  • Thermal performance improvement of AHP using corrugated heat exchanger by dip-coating method with mass recovery
    Fang He, Katsunori Nagano, Sung-Hoon Seol, Junya Togawa
    English, Scientific journal, This study focuses on the adsorption heat pump cooling performance enhancement. The corrugated heat exchanger (HEX) has been employed in recent years owing to its excellent heat transfer; however, its filling method require improvement. Therefore, a filling method called dip-coating method is introduced to improve its heat transfer and packing density. The dip-coating method is adapted to accommodate the Wakkanai siliceous shale composite adsorbent, and two types of adsorbent filled-HEX (ad-HEX), i.e., the dip-HEX and dip-filled-HEX, are compared with the conventional ad-HEX of the filled-HEX. The dip-HEX comprises a few mass transfer channels and has a packing density similar to that of the filled-HEX. Meanwhile, the dip-filled-HEX exhibits a 30% higher packing density compared with the filled-HEX. A basic performance experiment is performed, and the results indicate that the dip-HEX outperforms the filled-HEX owing to its higher coefficient of performance (COP) and specific cooling power (SCP). The dip-filled-HEX exhibits a slightly lower SCP than the filled-HEX; however, it exhibits the highest COP among three types of ad-HEXs. Subsequently, mass recovery is applied to enhance the cooling performance. In a typical mass recovery period of 10 s, the COP and SCP of the dip-HEX increases to 0.46 and 0.74 W/g, respectively. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Numerical investigation of the thermal performance of a radiant ceiling cooling panel with segmented concave surfaces
    Ahmed A. Serageldin, Minzhi Ye, Ali Radwan, Hideki Sato, Katsunori Nagano
    English, Scientific journal, Radiant cooling/heating (RCH) panel systems have recently received increasing attention because of their energy-efficient operation and improved comfort performance. Therefore, this study proposes a novel RCH panel with segmented concave surfaces. The new panel has the same surface area as a conventional flat surface panel. A series of laboratory tests were conducted to investigate the heat transfer characteristics inside a chamber equipped with the new panel. Moreover, a three-dimensional finite volume simulation was developed to investigate the heat transfer, fluid flow, and thermal comfort conditions inside a single room equipped with the proposed panel, and the results were compared with those of a conventional flat surface panel under the same operating conditions and cooling load. First, the curvature cord length ratio to curvature radius (L/R) was optimized in the range of 0 (flat) to 2. In all cases, the surface area was the same, but the coverage area ratio varied. In addition, the impact of different coverage area ratios from 55% to 81% and the influence of adding void spaces of 29 mm and 11 mm between adjacent curved segments were analyzed. The results showed that the simulation achieved good agreement with the experimental results with an accuracy of 98.9%. The coverage area ratio played an essential role in decreasing the indoor air temperature by 2 degrees C and reducing the floor temperature by 1.6 degrees C. When the L/R ratio changed from 0 to 1.5 at a coverage ratio of 81%, the average air temperature decreased by 1 degrees C. Moreover, increasing the L/R ratio from 0 to 2 with void spaces of 2.9 mm and 11 mm reduced the radiation heat transfer coefficient, h(r), by 31%, while the convection heat transfer coefficient, h(c), at the panel upper surface increased by 174%. Changing only the panel surface shape from flat to concave and segmented enhanced the thermal performance and thermal comfort inside the indoor environment.
  • The thermal potential of a new multifunctional sliding window
    Mostafa M.S. Ahmed, Ali Radwan, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Ahmed Abdeen, Essam M. Abo-Zahhad, Katsunori Nagano
    Solar Energy, 226, 389, 407, Elsevier Ltd, 15 Sep. 2021
    English, Scientific journal, Nowadays, new generations of building envelope need to manage the energy exchange between outdoor and indoor environment responsively and save the building energy. A significant amount of solar heat gain in buildings comes through the windows. The transparent envelope also must answer to visual requirements allowing for external vision but guarantying comfort conditions. In this framework, this article aims to test numerically the thermal performance of a new design of multifunctional glazed window combining the most recent technologies used in building envelopes. Five distinct window designs combing phase change material (PCM), vacuum glazing (VG), photovoltaic (PV), and air cavity were numerically tested for hot weather conditions. The proposed window designs slide inside the wall of the building. A comprehensive transient Multiphysics model coupling the thermo-electric model of the PV, melting and solidification model of the PCM, and the heat transfer mechanisms in the vacuum and air gaps are developed. The model is step by step validated with data in the literature. Various PCM types and PCM thickness are investigated. Among the five investigated window designs, the result showed that the window, including the air gap with PV, PCM cavity, and VG, is the optimal design for the indoor air's thermal isolation. Simultaneously, the PCM with a melting point of 35 ˚C and thickness of 50 mm is the best performance material in a hot arid region in summer at Cairo. The proposed multifunction window generated maximum electrical power intensity of 162 W/m2 at received solar radiation of 1000 W/m2.
  • Thermal performance of ceiling radiant cooling panel with a segmented and concave surface: Laboratory analysis
    Minzhi Ye, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Ali Radwan, Hideki Sato, Katsunori Nagano
    English, Scientific journal, Radiant heating/cooling systems are thermally efficient and economically feasible alternatives to conventional ventilated air conditioning. This study experimentally investigates the thermal performance of the ceiling radiant cooling panel (CRCP) with a segmented and concave surface by evaluating the thermal conditions inside a laboratory-scale room equipped with this new panel. The experiments were carried out under various operating conditions, where the fluid inlet temperature and fluid flow rate were controlled independently. The indoor air temperature, air velocity, and humidity ratio were recorded and analyzed, and the temperatures of the upper and lower panel surfaces and the surrounding surfaces were also measured. Subsequently, the heat transfer properties were calculated and summarized. When the inlet water temperature decreased from 24 degrees C to 15 degrees C at the same flow rate of 4 L/min, the average air temperature decreased by over 1.5 degrees C, and the total heat flux increased by 50%. The heat flux changed significantly with variations in the inlet water temperature, while changing the flow rate had a smaller impact. The radiant heat transfer coefficient of the panel was determined to be 5.0 W/(m2.K), while the convective heat transfer coefficient exhibited an exponential relationship with the temperature difference between the surface of the panel and the surrounding air. Moreover, the proposed panel enhanced the convective heat flux by 2.6 times and the total heat flux by 45%, compared with a flat panel, and achieve the same improvement as the panel with inclined fins, but with a smaller surface area. In addition, the panel achieved the same air temperature with a lower flow rate, which shows the potential for energy saving.
  • Life cycle cost analysis of ground source heat pump system based on multilayer thermal response test
    Hobyung Chae, Katsunori Nagano, Takao Katsura, Yoshitaka Sakata, Ahmed A. Serageldin
    Energy and Building, 261, 111427, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, Sep. 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The purpose of this study was to determine the life cycle cost (LCC) of a ground source heat pump (GSHP) system based on the results of a multilayer thermal response test (TRT). Previous studies by our research team suggested the possibility of significantly reducing the total borehole length, based on the results of the multilayer TRT to identify the partial groundwater flow. In the present study, it was validated that the borehole heat exchangers reduced by the results of the partial groundwater flow could operate with a sustainable performance of the GSHP system over an extended period. LCCs of the GSHP system for 30 years were analyzed in three areas with different climatic and geological conditions. Based on these results, the proposed method demonstrates a reasonable cost reduction advantage compared with conventional TRT analysis. The multilayer TRT analysis was validated using root mean square error and temperature error, obtained from temperature comparison between the numerical simulation results and the TRT data. The required total borehole length was achieved when the performance of the GSHP system attained the target performance for heating, after 30 years of operation. The GSHP system, designed by considering the partial groundwater flow, can reduce 30-40% of the total borehole length and 15-20% of the LCC, compared with the system designed based on conventional TRT analysis.(c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Evaluating Groundwater Flow Effects for Enhancement of Ground-Source Heat Pipes in the Case of the Toyohira River Alluvial Fan, Japan               
    Yoshikata Sakata, Johnson Chishimba, Masataka Mochizuki, Katsunori Nagano
    Hydrology, 8, 3, 135, Sep. 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Design and thermal analysis of a new multi-segmented mini channel based radiant ceiling cooling panel
    Ali Radwan, Takao Katsura, Lan Ding, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Ahmed I. EL-Seesy, Katsunori Nagano
    Journal of Building Engineering, 40, 102330, 102330, Elsevier BV, Aug. 2021
    Scientific journal
  • Numerical optimization of a novel ceiling radiant cooling panel combined with wall attached ventilation system               
    Minzhi Ye, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Katsunori Nagano
    Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 26, 101066, Aug. 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Parametric analysis, response surface, sensitivity analysis, and optimization of a novel spiral-double ground heat exchanger               
    Ahmed A. Serageld, Ali Radwan, Takao Katsura, Yoshitaka Sakata, Shigeyuki Nagansaka, Nagano Katsunori
    Energy Conversion and Management, 240, 114251, Jul. 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Nationwide determination of required total lengths of multiple borehole heat exchangers under variable climate and geology in Japan
    Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    International Journal of Geo-information, 10, 4, 205, 205, Apr. 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal
  • Evaluating variability of ground thermal conductivity within a steep site by history matching underground distributed temperatures from thermal response tests
    Yoshitaka Sakata,Takao Katsura, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Katsunori Nagano, Motoaki Ooe
    Energies, 14, 7, 1872, 1872, MDPI AG, Mar. 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, The variability of ground thermal conductivity, based on underground conditions, is often ignored during the design of ground-source heat pump systems. This study shows a field evidence of such site-scale variations through thermal response tests in eight borehole heat exchangers aligned at a site on a terrace along the foothills of mountains in northern Japan. Conventional analysis of the overall ground thermal conductivity along the total installation length finds that the value at one borehole heat exchanger is 2.5 times that at the other seven boreholes. History matching analysis of underground distributed temperature measurements generates vertical partial ground thermal conductivity data for four depth layers. Based on the moving line heat source theory, the partial values are generally within a narrow range expected for gravel deposits. Darcy velocities of groundwater are estimated to be 74–204 m/y at the borehole with high conductivity, increasing in the shallow layers above a depth of 41 m. In contrast, the velocities at the other seven boreholes are one-to-two orders of magnitude smaller with no trend. These high and low velocity values are considered for the topography and permeability. However, the relatively slow groundwater velocities might not apparently increase the partial conductivity.
  • Development of a new vacuum-based photovoltaic/thermal collector, and its thermal and exergy analyses
    Ali Radwan, Takao Katsura, Saim Memon, Essam M. Abo-Zahhad, O. Abdelrehim, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Mohamed R. Elmarghany, Asmaa Khater, Katsunori Nagano
    Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 4, 12, 6251, 6273, Dec. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, Photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) solar collectors convert solar radiation into electrical power and heat. Part of received solar energy can be lost to the atmosphere from the top surface of the PV/T module, especially in windy regions. Thus, in this study, a new vacuum-based photovoltaic thermal (VPV/T) collector is designed and comparatively analyzed with the conventional PV/T collector. The new design differs from the conventional PV/T design by including a vacuum layer above the silicon wafer. Besides, to enhance the heat dissipation from the silicon wafer in the VPV/T design to the thermal absorber, the thicknesses of ethylene-vinyl acetate and tedlar polyester tedlar layers underneath the silicon wafer are decreased. A comprehensive 3D conjugate thermal model is developed and validated. The comparison is conducted under steady and transient conditions. The effects of Reynolds number (Re), wind speed, glass emissivity, and vacuum pressure are investigated. And finally, exergy analysis results for both designs are compared. The results showed that the new VPV/T collector has accomplished a 26.6% increase in the thermal power without changing the electrical power gain at Re of 50 and solar irradiance of 1000 W m-2. In addition, the vacuum pressure degradation from 0.01 Pa to 10 Pa slightly decreases the gained thermal power of the new VPV/T collector. A further increase in the vacuum pressure from 10 Pa to 1.013 × 105 Pa significantly decreases the gained thermal power with a slight increase in the electrical power. Furthermore, the total predicted VPV/T and the conventional PV/T exergy efficiency are 39.6% and 32%, respectively. This journal is
  • Analysis of a vacuum-based photovoltaic thermal collector
    Ali Radwan, Takao Katsura, Saim Memon, Essam M. Abo-Zahhad, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Katsunori Nagano
    Energy Reports, 6, 236, 242, Dec. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, In this study, a new design of photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) collector is proposed. This design uses a vacuum layer above the silicon wafer and not exists in the traditional PV/T collector. This layer is used to decrease the heat loss from the top surface of the PV/T collector. The analysis is conducted using a 3D thermal modeling. The new collector design with the vacuum layer achieved a 26.6% increase in the thermal power while keeping the electrical the same at Reynolds number of 50 and solar radiation of 1000 W/m . In addition, the degradation of the vacuum pressure slightly influence the thermal performance while increasing the vacuum pressure from 0.01 Pa to 10 Pa. While further increase in the vacuum pressure from 10 Pa to 1.013×10 Pa substantially decreases the gained thermal power with insignificant increase in the electrical power. 2 5
  • Performance enhancement of borehole ground source heat pump using single U-tube heat exchanger with a novel oval cross-section (SUO) and a novel spacer
    Ahmed A. Serageldin, Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 42, 100805, Dec. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, This study introduces a new, efficient, and cost-effective spacer to maintain the space between the upward and downward U-tube legs of a single U-tube with an oval cross-section. Therefore, short-term and long-term transient numerical simulations were performed to compare the thermal and energy performance of the ground source heat pump system with both a single U-tube with an oval cross-section coupled with a novel spacer, and a conventional single U-tube with a circular cross-section. The impact of using different spacer cross-sections (circular cross-section, oval cross-section, and an oval cross-section with fins, double spacers with circular cross-section), materials, and length on the thermal performance was examined. Finally, a straightforward economic study was implemented to examine the feasibility of utilizing the proposed spacer. A single aluminum spacer with oval and fins cross-section decreases the borehole thermal resistance (R ) by 25 % and 28 % compared with single U-tube with an oval cross-section and single U-tube with a circular cross-section, respectively. Furthermore, it improves the coefficient of performance (COP) in winter by 9.5 % compared with single U-tube with circular cross-section. Thus, it saves 497 kW·h operating energy. Finally, the economic study shows that the simple payback period for using the single aluminum spacer with oval and fins cross-section of length 50 m is 3.8 y. b
  • Thermal performance analyses of a new multi-segmented minichannel-based radiant ceiling cooling panel
    Lan Ding, Takao Katsura, Ali Radwan, Katsunori Nagano
    Energy Reports, 6, 1409, 1415, Dec. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, In this study, a new multi-segmented radiant ceiling panel with different tilt angle is proposed. The effect of segments inclination angle and panel area increase for the same coverage ratio are investigated. A 3-dimension computational fluid dynamics model is developed and validated for these comparisons. It is concluded that increasing segments angle decrease the ratio between the radiation and total heat exchange. In addition, using the multi-segments allows the air to move from the plenum area to the central zone of the room. Further, the operative temperature for the ±45° is minimum with best value for the predicted mean vote and lowest value of predicted percentage dissatisfied compared with ±30°, ±75° and 90°. And increasing the panel area with 300% increased the panel cooling capacity by around 140% for the same indoor temperature of 25.3±0.2°C and the same ceiling area. This research found that the cooling capacity is proportional to the area of the radiant panel, but under the same ceiling area, when the area ratio exceeds a certain value, the thermal performance will decrease due to the reduction of the convection heat transfer coefficient.
  • Simulation on annual performance of solar adsorption heat pump system using composite natural mesoporous material in different metrological conditions
    Sung Hoon Seol, Katsunori Nagano, Junya Togawa
    Renewable Energy, 162, 1587, 1604, Dec. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, This paper presents research on the annual cooling performance of the solar adsorption heat pump (AHP), which applies a composite natural mesoporous material that is referred to as Wakkanai Siliceous Shale (WSS) as an adsorbent. One way to efficiently employ thermal energy is to reduce the sensible heat loss that occurs when changing the ad/desorption mode by extending the cycle time. The average temperature of the regeneration water for the half cycle time of 14 min was approximately 8.7 °C higher than that for the half cycle time of 8 min. In this case, the system with WSS + LiCl 20 wt% showed an increase in AHP cooling performance of approximately 15%. The higher adsorption capacity of the WSS composite enabled operation of the system with a longer cycle time. In terms of the annual operation of the AHP, although the achievable AHP cooling energy in Dubai was higher than that in Hawaii, much higher cost savings can be obtained in Hawaii than in Dubai because of the high electricity cost in Hawaii. The estimated payback periods in Hawaii and Dubai are 6.6 years and 15.6 years, respectively.
  • CFD simulation on the thermal performance of a novel radiant ceiling cooling panel (RCCP) system with segmented and concave surface combined with forced ventilation
    Minzhi Ye, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Katsunori Nagano
    ENERGY REPORTS, 6, 1519, 1524, ELSEVIER, Dec. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The radiant ceiling cooling panel (RCCP) system has been proved thermally efficient and economically but it cannot prevent hot air stream from window individually. Therefore, this study integrated a forced ventilation system with a new RCCP with a segmented and concave surface. In this study, a three-dimensional CFD model is developed and validated with the experimental results. Whereas, the indoor thermal comfort and cooling performance of the proposed coupling are numerically investigated, analyzed, and compared with the RCCP system with ventilation. The results show that the ventilation system is effective to prevent the hot air stream, and it also enhanced the cooling performance of the RCCP. Furthermore, the parametric study and sensitivity analysis are carried out to optimize the operating condition of these two systems to maximize the cooling capacity of the RCCP system and increases the panel surface temperature to mitigate the possible condensation. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • Current Problems for Shallow Geothermal Utilization and Approaches to Solve in Groundwater Researches               
    Yoshitaka Sakata, Katsunori Nagano
    地下水学会誌, 62, 4, 515, 524, Dec. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Erratum to “Method for calculation of ground temperature in scenarios involving multiple ground heat exchangers and groundwater advection” [Energy Build. 220 (2020) 110000] (Energy & Buildings (2020) 220, (S0378778819336564), (10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110000))
    Takao Katsura, Yutaka Shoji, Yoshitaka Sakata, Katsunori Nagano
    Energy and Buildings, 227, Elsevier Ltd, 15 Nov. 2020
    English, Scientific journal, The publisher regrets the following part was disappeared in the article published in Energy &
    Building, 220 (2020) 110000. <
    3.2. Experimental calculation In order to examine the calculation with the developed method, we conducted an experimental calculation of the underground temperature for the case with multiple GHEs and time-variable heat flux conditions. In this experimental calculation, we considered 8 GHEs, each of length 100 m. Fig. 11 shows the arrangement of the multiple GHEs. Table 3 indicates the soil properties considered for the experimental calculation. To compare the difference due to the groundwater flow existence, we conducted the calculation assuming the groundwater velocity conditions of 0 m year−1 and 100 m year−1. The hourly annual heat extractions shown in Fig. 12 were divided according to the number of GHEs, and the ground temperature was calculated by considering the divided values. The experimental calculation was conducted for 2 years (17,520 h). Fig. 13 shows the calculated hourly average temperature variation of the surfaces of the GHEs. The result for the case with groundwater flow demonstrates the restrained temperature variation compared to that without groundwater flow. With reference to the calculation speed, we used a popular laptop computer with a 2.8 GHz single core processor and 16 GB memory for the experimental calculation. The required calculation time of the experimental simulation with multiple GHEs and time-variable heat flux conditions was 94.0 s for the 2-year simulation period. Therefore, the results of the experimental calculation indicate that the calculation time can be significantly reduced by using the developed method compared to the numerical analysis. In addition, it is possible to use a simple interface, as shown in Fig. 14, if the developed calculation method is applied. In other words, we can input the conditions mentioned in this section without the need for a complex procedure. Also, it is easy to change the calculation conditions, such as the number of GHEs, their arrangement, groundwater advection velocity, and angle of groundwater flow.>
    The publisher would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.
  • Estimation of ground thermal conductivity through indicator kriging: Nation-scale application and vertical profile analysis in Japan
    Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    Geothermics, 88, 101881, 101881, Elsevier BV, Nov. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal
  • Experimental study and development of a low-cost 1 kW adsorption chiller using composite adsorbent based on natural mesoporous material
    Fang He, Katsunori Nagano, Junya Togawa
    Energy, 209, 118365, 15 Oct. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, This study aims to develop a low-cost and highly efficient adsorption chiller (AHP). A laboratory-scale AHP with a capacity of 1 kW and transparent body was developed to observe the valve's operation and condensed water. A natural mesoporous material, WSS impregnated with 20 wt % LiCl was used as an adsorbent to reduce the initial cost and filled into aluminum corrugated heat exchangers (HEX). Foundation performance experiments were conducted, and the COP of 0.45 and SCP of 0.41 kW/kg were obtained under the following experimental conditions: regeneration at 80 °C, condensation, and sorption at 30 °C, chilled water of 15 °C, and cycle time of 14 min. Further, heat recovery was introduced and experimentally studied to reduce the regeneration heat amount, and the heat balance for this AHP was evaluated. It was confirmed that two types of heat recoveries could improve the COP for this AHP up to 0.54 when the outlet temperature of both adsorbers was 55 °C. The COP could be further improved to 0.57, based on the calculation for the heat balance. This AHP has advantages of high SCP as compared with AHPs in other formal studies, although some details need to be studied in the future.
  • Thermal analysis of a new sliding smart window integrated with vacuum insulation, photovoltaic, and phase change material
    Mostafa Ahmed, Ali Radwan, Ahmed Serageldin, Saim Memon, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    Sustainability (Switzerland), 12, 19, 7846, Oct. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, A zero-energy building (ZEB) requires an innovative integration of technologies, in which windows play a paramount role in energy reduction, storage, and generation. This study contributes to four innovative designs of sliding smart windows. It integrates air-gap (AG), phase change material (PCM), photovoltaic (PV), and vacuum glazing (VG) technologies. These smart sliding windows are proposed to generate electricity along with achieving efficient thermal insulations and heat storage simultaneously. A two-dimensional multiphysics thermal model that couples the PCM melting and solidification model, PV model, natural convection in the cavity, and the surface-to-surface radiation model in the vacuum gap are developed for the first time. The model is validated with data in the literature. The transient simulations were carried out to investigate the thermo-electrical performance of a window with an area of 1 m by 1 m for the meteorological conditions of Kuwait city on the 10th of June 2018, where the window was oriented to south direction. The results showed that the total solar heat energy gain per unit window area is 2.6 kWh, 0.02 kWh, 0.22 kWh, 1.48 kWh, and 0.2 kWh for the double AG, AG + PV + PCM + VG, PV + PCM + VG, AG + PV + PCM, and the ventilated AG + PV + PCM + VG, respectively. The results elucidate the advantages of the integration of VG in this integrated sliding smart window. The daily generated PV electrical energy in these systems is around 1.3 kWh, 1.43 kWh, and 1.38 kWh for the base case with double AG, PV + PCM + VG, and the ventilated AG + PV + PCM + VG respectively per unit window area.
  • Development of simulation tool for ground source heat pump systems influenced by ground surface
    Takao Katsura, Yoshitaka Sakata, Lan Ding, Katsunori Nagano
    Energies, 13, 17, 4491, Sep. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, The authors developed a ground heat exchanger (GHE) calculation model influenced by the ground surface by applying the superposition theorem. Furthermore, a simulation tool for ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems affected by ground surface was developed by combining the GHE calculation model with the simulation tool for GSHP systems that the authors previously developed. In this paper, the outlines of GHE calculation model is explained. Next, in order to validate the calculation precision of the tool, a thermal response test (TRT) was carried out using a borehole GHE with a length of 30 m and the outlet temperature of the GHE calculated using the tool was compared to the measured one. The relative error between the temperatures of the heat carrier fluid in the GHE obtained by measurement and calculation was 3.3% and this result indicated that the tool can reproduce the measurement with acceptable precision. In addition, the authors assumed that the GSHP system was installed in residential houses and predicted the performances of GSHP systems using the GHEs with different lengths and numbers, but the same total length. The result showed that the average surface temperature of GHE with a length of 10 m becomes approximately 2 C higher than the average surface temperature of a GHE with a length of 100 m in August. ◦
  • Erratum to “Method for calculation of ground temperature in scenarios involving multiple ground heat exchangers and groundwater advection” [Energy Build. 220 (2020) 110000]               
    Takao Katsura, Yutaka Shoji, Yoshitaka Sakata, Katsunori Nagano
    Energy and Buildings, 227, 110409, Sep. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Experimental investigation on a vapor injection heat pump system with a single-stage compressor
    Hongzhi Liu, Katsunori Nagano, Takao Katsura, Yue Han
    Energies, 13, 12, 3133, Jun. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, In this study, a heat pump of 10 kW with vapor injection using refrigerant of R410A was developed. A vapor injection pipe connecting a gas-liquid separator at the outlet of the main expansion valve and the suction of a single-stage rotary compressor was designed. The heating performance of this vapor injection heat pump was investigated and analyzed at different compressor frequencies and primary temperatures. The experimental results show that for the heat pump without vapor injection, the heating capacity increased linearly with the compressor frequency, while the heating coefficient of performance (COP) decreased linearly with the compressor frequency for each tested primary temperature. The developed vapor injection technique is able to increase the heat pump system's heating capacity and heating COP when the injection ratio R falls into the range 0.16-0.17. The refrigerant mass flow rate can be increased in the vapor injection heat pump cycle due to the decreased specific volume of the suction refrigerant. The power consumption of vapor injection heat pump cycle almost remains the same with that of the conventional heat pump cycle because of the increased refrigerant mass flow rate and the decreased compression ratio. Finally, it was found that the developed vapor injection cycle is preferable to decreasing the compressor's discharge temperature.
  • Analysis of relaxation time of temperature in thermal response test for design of borehole size               
    Hobyung Chae, Katsunori Nagano, Takao Katsura, Yoshitaka Sakata, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Takeshi Kondo
    Energies, 13, 13, 3297, 3297, Jun. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Thermal and electrical performances of semi-transparent photovoltaic glazing integrated with translucent vacuum insulation panel and vacuum glazing               
    Ali Radwan, Takao Katsura, Saim Memon, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Makoto Nakamura, Katsunori Nagano
    Energy Conversion and Management, 215, 112920, May 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Method for calculation of ground temperature in scenarios involving multiple ground heat exchangers and groundwater advection               
    Takao Katsura, Yutaka Shoji, Yoshitaka Sakata, Katsunori Nagano
    Energy & Buildings, 220, 110000, 110000, Apr. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
  • A New Simulation Model for Vertical Spiral Ground Heat Exchangers Combining Cylindrical Source Model and Capacity Resistance Model
    Takao Katsura, Takashi Higashitani, Yuzhi Fang, Yoshitaka Sakata, Katsunori Nagano, Hitoshi Akai, Motoaki OE
    Energies, 13, 6, 1339, 1339, MDPI AG, 13 Mar. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Considering the heat capacity inside vertical spiral ground heat exchanger (VSGHEX) in the simulation is one of the most noteworthy challenge to design the ground source heat pump (GSHP) system with VSGHEXs. In this paper, a new simulation model for VSGHEXs is developed by combining the ICS model with the CaRM. The developed simulation model can consider the heat capacity inside VSGHEX and provide dynamic calculation with high speed and appropriate precision. In order to apply the CaRM, the equivalent length was introduced. Then, the equivalent length was approximated by comparing the results of the CaRM and the numerical calculation. In addition, the calculation model of the VSGHEX was integrated into the design and simulation tool for the GSHP system. The accuracy of the tool was verified by comparing with the measurements. The error between supply temperatures of the measurements and calculation is approximately 2 °C at the maximum. Finally, assuming GSHP systems with VSGHEXs, whose spiral diameter was 500 mm and depth was 4 m, were installed in residential houses in Japan, the required numbers of VSGHEXs were estimated. The results showed a strong correlation between the total heating or cooling load and the required number. Therefore, the required number can be estimated by using the simplified approximate equation.
  • Thermal performance analysis of a new structured-core translucent vacuum insulation panel in comparison to vacuum glazing: Experimental and theoretically validated analyses
    Takao Katsura, Saim Memon, Ali Radwan, Makoto Nakamura, Katsunori Nagano
    English, Scientific journal, The notion at which, nowadays, building sector is being recognized to be nearly zero-energy buildings (NZEBs) relies partly on the thermal performance of its fabric insulation. Vacuum glazing (VG) technology attracted the research interest as an option to reduce heat loss through windows. However, the total glazing thermal transmittance (U-value) for VG increases with the use of smaller glazing area due to the edge-seal effects, due to the thermal short-circuit around the edges and the overall construction cost of VG leading to an unaffordable option to deal with energy conservation of buildings. Therefore, this study aims to propose a new structured core transparent vacuum insulation panel (TVIP) to accomplish insulation for the windows without edge sealing effect, with lower cost and can be easily retrofitted to the conventional windows of the existing buildings. To do this, VG and TVIP were constructed and their thermal conductivity were measured using heat flow meter apparatus. In addition, a 3D finite volume model considering the effect of surface to surface radiation, gas conduction, and thermal bridges through the spacer material and sealing material is developed. The model is validated with the experiments in this work and with the data for VG in the literature. The effect of vacuum pressure increase is simulated to mimic the vacuum deterioration problem and the effect of glazing size on the insulation performance of both VG and TVIP were investigated. The results indicate that for a smaller glazing area of less than 30 cm x 30 cm, the TVIP accomplished lower U-value compared with the VG at vacuum pressure of 0.1 Pa and 1 Pa. While, at a vacuum pressure of 10 Pa, the TVIP attained a lower U-value over the entire range of the investigated glazing sizes. Further, the edge-seal effect in the VG is diminished with the use of TVIP. Furthermore, the material cost per unit area of the TVIP is three times less than the cost of VG at laboratory scale. The results of the current study can guide vacuum window designers and researchers to further enhance the performance of TVIP based window to compete for the VG in the markets.
  • Water sorption property and cooling performance using natural mesoporous siliceous shale impregnated with LiCl for adsorption heat pump               
    Junya Togawa, Asami Kurokawa, Katsunori Nagano
    Applied Thermal Engineering, 173, 115241, Mar. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
  • The Effect of Groundwater Flow on the Thermal Performance of a Novel Borehole Heat Exchanger for Ground Source Heat Pump Systems: Small Scale Experiments and Numerical Simulation
    Ahmed A. Serageldin, Ali Radwan, Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    Energies, 13, 6, 1418, 1418, MDPI AG, Mar. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, New small-scale experiments are carried out to study the effect of groundwater flow on the thermal performance of water ground heat exchangers for ground source heat pump systems. Four heat exchanger configurations are investigated; single U-tube with circular cross-section (SUC), single U-tube with an oval cross-section (SUO), single U-tube with circular cross-section and single spacer with circular cross-section (SUC + SSC) and single U-tube with an oval cross-section and single spacer with circular cross-section (SUO + SSC). The soil temperature distributions along the horizontal and vertical axis are measured and recorded simultaneously with measuring the electrical energy injected into the fluid, and the borehole wall temperature is measured as well; consequently, the borehole thermal resistance (Rb) is calculated. Moreover, two dimensional and steady-state CFD simulations are validated against the experimental measurements at the groundwater velocity of 1000 m/year with an average error of 3%. Under saturated conditions without groundwater flow effect; using a spacer with SUC decreases the Rb by 13% from 0.15 m·K/W to 0.13 m·K/W, also using a spacer with the SUO decreases the Rb by 9% from 0.11 m·K/W to 0.1 m·K/W. In addition, the oval cross-section with spacer SUO + SSC decreases the Rb by 33% compared with SUC. Under the effect of groundwater flow of 1000 m/year; Rb of the SUC, SUO, SUC + SSC and SUO + SSC cases decrease by 15.5%, 12.3%, 6.1% and 4%, respectively, compared with the saturated condition.
  • Thermal performance analysis of a new structured-core translucent vacuum insulation panel in comparison to vacuum glazing: Experimental and theoretically validated analyses               
    Takao Katsura, Saim Memon, Ali Radwan, Makoto Nakamura, Katsunori Nagano
    Solar Energy, 199, 326, 346, Feb. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Modeling of adsorption heat pump system based on experimental estimation of heat and mass transfer coefficients               
    Sung-Hoon Seol, Katsunori Nagano, Junya Togawa
    Applied Thermal Engineering, 171, 115089, Feb. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Evaluating Thermal Performance of Oval U-Tube for Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems from in Situ Measurements and Numerical Simulations
    Yoshitaka Sakata, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Takao Katsura, Motoaki Ooe, Katsunori Nagano
    Environmental Science and Engineering, 1483, 1491, 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    International conference proceedings, A new-shaped U-tube with an oval cross-section has been developed to boost the heat transfer inside the borehole heat exchanger and to reduce the heat exchanger depth and the drilling cost. In addition, it could fit efficiently inside tight boreholes, so it is fitting for installing GSHPs at urban areas. This research evaluated the effectiveness in situ by thermal response tests at total 20 borehole heat exchangers in three sites, Japan. The in situ borehole thermal resistances were about 10–30% smaller with the oval U-tube than the circle U-tube. However, the spacers had an imperceptible impact probably because of the soil pressure to the U-tubes. Also, transient numerical CFD simulations were carried out to calculate the long-term performance of a household GSHP system with oval U-tubes. It indicated that the required lengths of a borehole heat exchanger could be reduced by about 14% in the fine soils and 15–19% in the coarse soils.
  • Adsorption desalination using natural mesoporous material impregnated with chloride substances
    Mitsuki Izawa, Fang He, Katsunori Nagano, Junya Togawa
    Refrigeration Science and Technology, 321, 326, 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    International conference proceedings, Desalination is effective to solve problems of pure water shortage in many water stressed regions. However, the conventional technologies consume vast quantities of energy derived from fossil fuels, which cause increase of CO2 emissions and high operating cost. On the other hand, adsorption desalination (AD) employs the renewable energy sources and low temperature waste heat sources, which contributes to reducing fossil energy. This paper presents the performance of a laboratory scale AD whose thermal capacity is 100W using natural mesoporous material called Wakkanai siliceous shale (WSS) impregnated with chloride substances as the adsorbent. This material has been developed for the low-cost adsorption heat pump in our laboratory. The performance ratio (PR) and the specific daily water production (SDWP) are 0.41 and 25.0 m .t .day , respectively, at the half cycle time of 5 minutes. Finally, PR and SDWP were improved to 0.49 and 37.0 m .t .day , respectively with the cooling capacity recovery. 3 -1 -1 3 -1 -1
  • Heat transfer performance analysis of a novel curved surface radiant ceiling panel: Numerical approach
    Minzhi Ye, Ahmed A. Serageldin, Katsunori Nagano
    16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Creative and Smart Solutions for Better Built Environments, Indoor Air 2020, 2020
    International conference proceedings, Although many studies had investigated the heating and cooling capabilities of a flat surface radiant ceiling panel, and a few tried to change the surface structure as well. Yet no one examined the concave curved and segmented surface, which is considered in the present study. Different curvature cord length to curvature radius ratios (L/R) from 0 to 1.5 (5 cases) are examined. This study also includes a comprehensive heat transfer analysis and exhausting thermal comfort assessment for each case. Three dimensional CFD model is developed and validated against the experimental results in the literature, the model shows a good agreement with acceptable accuracy. As a result, changing only the panel surface shape can enhance thermal performance and improve the indoor thermal comfort.
  • Enhancement of cooling performance of metal ceiling radiant cooling system by a novel panel with a concave and segmented surface
    Ahmed A. Serageldin, Minzhi Ye, Katsunori Nagano
    Proceedings of the International Conference of Architectural Science Association, 2020-November, 481, 490, 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    International conference proceedings, This paper proposed a novel ceiling radiant cooling panel (CRCP) with a concave and segmented surface. Full-scale laboratory experiments are conducted to study the heat transfer characteristics extensively and thermal comfort conditions inside an environmental chamber coupled with four CRCP-s with a concave and segmented surface under various operating conditions. Moreover, a three-dimensional finite volume simulation was developed to study the conjugated heat transfer and fluid flow, as well as the thermal comfort conditions. The results show that the simulation achieves a good agreement with experimental results with an accuracy of 98.9 %. The proposed panel enhances the convection heat transfer by 61% and 23 % compared with the flat and inclined surface panels. The fluid inlet temperature of 18 ºC and the fluid flow rate of 1.5 L/min achieve the lowest temperature difference between the head and ankle level of 0.18 ºC; also, it shows the neutral PMV of 0. So, changing only the panel surface shape from ordinary flat to a concave and segmented surface gives a chance to use a lower fluid flow rate and higher inlet water temperature and maintains an acceptable comfortable level, which reveals the potential of energy saving by using this new panel.
  • Estimation of fast groundwater flow velocity from thermal response test results               
    Hobyung Chae, Katsunori Nagano, Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Takeshi Kondo
    Energy & Buildings, 206, 109571, Nov. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Energy Conservation using New Structured-Core and Transparent Vacuum Insulation Panels: Numerical Simulation with Experimental Validation               
    Takao Katsura, Ali Radwan, Zhang Yang, Makoto Nakamura, Katsunori Nagano
    Solar Energy, 193, 885, 905, Oct. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • 地中熱ヒートポンプシステムの間接型地中熱交換器必要長さ全国500 mグリッド算定と評価               
    阪田義隆, 葛隆生, 長野克則
    土木学会論文集G, 75, 5, I_177, I_183, Sep. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
  • A Study on Size Determination of Ground Heat Exchangers in Closed-type Ground Source Heat Pump System: Simulation-based individual Determination and its Nationwide               
    Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    Journal of Geothermal Research Society of Japan, 41, 3, 75, 89, Jul. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • 地中熱ヒートポンプシステム:北海道における導入可能性の評価
    阪田義隆, 葛隆生, 長野克則
    北海道自然エネルギー研究, 13, 13, 17‐26, 26, 30 Jun. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
  • 全熱交換素子および稚内層珪質頁岩ローターの臭気移行特性               
    外川純也, 青木智恵美, 長野克則
    日本冷凍空調学会論文集, 36, 3, 109, 119, Jun. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Demonstration of A Complete Non-condensing Desiccant Air Conditioning System
    鍋島佑基, 外川純也, 長野克則
    日本冷凍空調学会論文集, 36, 3, 97, 108, 日本冷凍空調学会, Jun. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
  • A new experimental method to separate interfacial and internal mass transfer on coated adsorbent               
    Sung-Hoon Seol, Katsunori Nagano, Junya Togawa
    Applied Thermal Engineering, 159, 113869, May 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
  • A design and simulation tool for ground source heat pump system using energy piles with large diameter
    Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano, Yohitaka Sakata, Hisashi Wakayama
    International Journal of Energy Research, 43, 4, 1505, 1520, Wiley, 25 Mar. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal
  • Study on building surface and indoor temperature reducing effect of the natural meso-porous material to moderate the indoor thermal environment               
    Tazia Rahman, Katsunori Nagano, Junya Togawa
    Energy and Buildings, 191, 59, 71, Mar. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    Yoshitaka SAKATA, Takao KATSURA, Katsunori NAGANO
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research), 75, 5, I_177, I_183, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal
  • Development of Design and Performance Prediction Tool for Ground Source Heat Pump System with Variable Water Volume and Variable Refrigerant Flow
    葛隆生, 中村靖, 長野克則, 阪田義隆
    日本冷凍空調学会論文集, 35, 4, 313‐324, 31 Dec. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Thermo-hydraulic performance of the U-tube borehole heat exchanger with a novel oval cross-section: Numerical approach
    Ahmed A. Serageldin, Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    Energy Conversion and Management, 177, 406, 415, Elsevier BV, Dec. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Importance of groundwater flow on life cycle costs of a household ground heat pump system in Japan
    Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air, 35, 4, 365, 365, Dec. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Life‐cycle‐cost based analysis of borehole heat exchanger lengths considering groundwater flow effects in a residence as a case study
    阪田義隆, 葛隆生, 長野克則
    地下水学会誌, 60, 4, 483‐494, 30 Nov. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Development of a probability‐based geoinformation system using water well database: part II: evaluation of an averaged hydraulic conductivity as a probability‐weighted average
    阪田義隆, 葛隆生, 長野克則, 丸井敦尚
    地下水学会誌, 60, 3, 273‐288, 31 Aug. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
  • 地中熱利用ヒートポンプシステム導入によるCO2排出量削減の全国評価:戸建住宅への暖房利用を例として               
    阪田義隆, 葛隆生, 長野克則
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 74, 5, I_359, I_367, Aug. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Development of Slim and Translucent Vacuum Insulation Panels: Part 1-Investigation on Core Material with Structural Calculation and Heat Transfer Calculation and Trial Production of Vacuum Insulation Panels and Their Performance Evaluation
    葛隆生, YANG Zhang, 相原昌博, 中村真人, 長野克則
    太陽エネルギー, 44, 2, 49, 57, 一般社団法人 日本太陽エネルギー学会, 31 Mar. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, <p>This study aims at developing the vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) with small thickness and light transmittance to contribute retrofitting insulation for existing buildings. The authors are focus on producing the slim and translucent VIPs with vacuum layer which hold by spacers. Firstly, the outlines of vacuum layer type VIPs were introduced. Next, the structural calculation was carried out as a mechanical analysis to determine the specific array of spacers to pillars supported type. Then, the heat transfer model applying the one-dimensional calculation was developed to predict the insulation performance of VIPs. After that, the authors conducted an experiment applying the guarded hot plate method in order to verify the apparent thermal conductivity of VIP according to the set pressure. The result showed that the apparent thermal conductivity was less than 0.1 W/(m<tt>・</tt>K) and was enough low. Finally, the VIPs with different core materials were trial produced and the apparent thermal conductivity were evaluated by the heat flux method.</p>
  • 全国地中熱ポテンシャルマップ構築への取り組み―大阪平野における地中熱利用の可能性と課題―
    阪田義隆, 葛隆生, 長野克則, 丸井敦尚
    地下水技術, 59, 2,3,4, 41, 50, 30 Mar. 2018, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
  • Development of adsorptiopn heat pump using natural mesoporous materials with Licl part-1 evaluation of water adsorption ability of adsorbent               
    Junya Togawa, Seiya Oomae, Hiroaki Kuroishi, Asami Kurokawa, Katsunori Nagano
    ACRA 2018 - 9th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (ACRA), 2018
    English, International conference proceedings, This study is a development of adsorption heat pump (AHP) using a natural meso-porous material of Wakkanai siliceous shale (WSS) impregnated with lithium chloride. In this paper, the powder of WSS impregnated with lithium chloride was prepared as the adsorbent for AHP. In addition, aluminum fibers were added into the adsorbent to improve the thermal conductivity. Water vapor adsorption performance was evaluated from the sorption isotherm curve at the various temperature. The theoretical adsorption amount was estimated as 0.33 g/g for the 20 wt % LiCl-WSS (Regeneration, evaporation and condensation temperature were 80, 15, 30 ºC, respectively). For the evaluation of cooling power, this adsorbent was filled in between the gaps of the fin tube of heat exchanger. The COP was increased with increasing the adsorption time. The COP cooling and SCP showed 0.44 and 398 W/kg, respectively.
  • Development of adsorption heat pump using natural mesoporous materials with LiCl Part-3 Optimum design and performance predictions of 10 kW AHP using 3-D numerical simulation program               
    Katsunori Nagano, Mayu Inoue, Junya Togawa
    ACRA 2018 - 9th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (ACRA), 2018
    English, International conference proceedings, This paper is the part three of the development of a cost-effective adsorption heat pump (AHP) using a natural meso-porous material which is Wakkanai siliceous shale (WSS) impregnated with LiCl. The optimum design of an adsorbent bed on a corrugate type heat exchanger and the prediction of the 10 kW scale AHP performances are examined by using a developed 3-D numerical simulation program. The actual effective thermal conductivity of the adsorbent mixed with aluminum fibers and its overall mass transfer coefficient are measured. The heat and mass transfer characteristics are analyzed through the calculating results and the optimum size of the corrugate type heat exchanger are discussed. The parametric analyses show that the largest volumetric cooling power (VCP) is 210 W/L and COP is 0.45 when the thickness of is 12 mm. Next, influence of an interval of a water channel is discussed. It is understood that a reasonable p is 6 mm. In this case COP and VCP is 0.49 and170 W/L, respectively.
  • Development of simulation tool for the shallow ground source heat pump system using vertical spiral ground heat exchangers and its application               
    Takashi Higashitani, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano, Hitoshi Akai, Motoaki Oe
    ACRA 2018 - 9th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (ACRA), 2018
    English, International conference proceedings, Vertical spiral ground heat exchanger(VSGHEX) is paid attention for cost reduction of ground source heat pump(GSHP) systems. However, VSGHEX has huge thermal capacity so that the temperature calculation around a VSGHEX needs to take account for the thermal capacity. In this paper, an approach based on capacity resistance model(CaRM) was presented. The model was validated comparing with numerical model. In addition, the case study of GSHP installation by VSGHEXs was carried out.
  • Simulation tool for ground-source heat pump system with multiple ground heat exchangers               
    Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    ASHRAE Transactions, 124, 92, 101, ASHRAE, 2018
    English, International conference proceedings, This paper discusses a developed simulation tool for ground-source heat pump (GSHP) systems with multiple ground heat exchangers (GHEXs) by combining the infinite cylindrical source (ICS) solution with the infinite line source (ILS) solution. In the developed tool, superposition of the temperature field in space was applied to calculate the underground temperature due to heat injection from multiple GHEXs. Then, the ICS solution was applied for temperature change due to heat injection of the considered GHEX and the ILS solution was applied for temperature change due to the heat injection of other neighboring GHEXs. In this paper, firstitis shown thatthe temperature response of the ICS can be regarded as that of the ILS in cases where the distance from the heat source to the considered point becomes larger. Next, the method for the high-speed calculation of temperature change due to heat injection of the multiple GHEXs is described. In addition, the advantages of the calculation method in the developed tool are introduced. Finally, considering the case of a GSHP system installed in an office building in Tokyo, the temperature change of the primary side of the heat pump is calculated, and its reproducibility is verified by comparison with measured values. The results show the difference between the calculated and measured values to be up to 5°C (9°F) and less than 2°C (3.6°F) in most cases, thus confirming the reproducibility of this tool.
  • Measurement of Temperature and Humidity Distribution in Desiccant Rotor
    NABESHIMA Yuki, MATSUURA Daisuke, KIMURA Ryushi, NAGANO Katsunori
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 35, 3, 181, 181, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 2018

    The objective of this study is to clarify the temperature and humidity distribution in the desiccant rotor. Thus we focused on the small sensors for "Internet of Things". By installing the small sensor in the desiccant rotor, continuous measurement inside the rotating material become possible. First part of this report, correcting method for sensor response delay when temperature and humidity input were changed was examined. We conducted an evaluation test to obtain the delay characteristics of the small sensors. The results of the test, the response delay showed the same characteristics regardless of the differences in air temperature and humidity. The correction equations for the temperature and humidity were obtained. Second part of this report, adsorption/desorption measuring test was conducted. To clarify the humidity distribution, a desiccant rotor with small sensors was created. Two sensors were buried at 5mm points from each surfaces of rotor. As shown in Fig.A-1, the amount of dehumidification increased by increasing the rotational speed. Fig.A-2 shows temperature and humidity distribution in the circumferential direction of desiccant rotor. In this case, it can be seen the temperature distributions were agreed with values measured with fixed thermocouples. In addition, the distributions of absolute humidity due to the change in rotational speed was clarified. The peaks of absorption/desorption are shifted backward by increasing of the rotational speed. Also, breakthrough was confirmed in the regeneration zone under the condition of 7 rph.

  • Investigation into Window Insulation Retrofitting of Existing Buildings Using Thin and Translucent Frame-Structure Vacuum Insulation Panels
    Zhang Yang, Takao Katsura, Masahiro Aihara, Makoto Nakamura, Katsunori Nagano
    Energies, 11, 2, 1, 13, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Multilayer-concept thermal response test: Measurement and analysis methodologies with a case study
    Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    GEOTHERMICS, 71, 178, 186, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Jan. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, A multilayer-concept thermal response test is proposed by incorporating the standard test with a pair of fiber-optic distributed temperature sensors in the U-tube. The heating exchange rates in any vertical segment are estimated from the sequential temperature data. The ground thermal conductivity of each sub-layer is calculated using the line heat source model, in which the heating exchange rates and the temporal temperature slopes are determined at their convergence as the thickness increases. The convergence analysis continues downward until reaching the borehole bottom to obtain the stepwise conductivity. A case study of Sapporo, Japan, is shown with the sensitivity analysis of the convergence threshold.
  • Development of Desiccant System using Wakkanai Siliceous Shale(9th Report)Study of Purge Zone Introduction to Reduce Supply Air Temperature
    鍋島佑基, 長野克則, 外川純也, 都筑和代
    日本冷凍空調学会論文集, 35, 1, 49, 59, 日本冷凍空調学会, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
  • 稚内層珪質頁岩を用いたデシカント空調の開発 ―第8報: 全熱交換素子と組み合わせたユニットの検討―               
    鍋島佑基, 長野克則, 外川純也, 都筑和代
    日本冷凍空調学会論文集, 35, 1, 11, 22, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Performance of LiCl Impregnated Mesoporous Material Coating over Corrugated Heat Exchanger
    Hongzhi Liu, Katsunori Nagano, Junya Togawa
    Energies, 11, 1565, 1, 5, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
  • 確率加重平均法による地盤の有効熱伝導率の推定に関する研究
    阪田義隆, 葛隆生, 長野克則
    日本地熱学会誌, 40, 1, 33, 44, Jan. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Development of numerical heat transfer and the structural model to design slim and translucent vacuum layer type insulation panels to retrofitting insulation in existing buildings
    Zhang Yang, Takao Katsura, Masahiro Aihara, Makoto Nakamura, Katsunori Nagano
    Energies, 10, 12, 1, 15, MDPI AG, 01 Dec. 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The authors develop slim and light-weight vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) by producing vacuum layers with spacers and plastic plates. The developed VIPs have the advantages of a low cost and easy installation, thus facilitating retrofitting insulation of existing buildings. In addition, one of the developed VIPs is slim and translucent so it can be easily used for windows in an internal installation. In this paper, the authors first propose a vacuum layer type slim translucent VIP and focus on a reasonable design method. Next, the authors introduce the design process in which the structural design is obtained with element mechanical analysis and a three-dimensional analysis is conducted for the VIP element. In the study, a heat transfer model is used to predict the insulation performance through finite element analysis (FEA). Subsequently, the authors perform an experiment to measure the thermal conductivity in a guarded hot plate apparatus to validate the performance prediction. Finally, case studies are performed to confirm how the different design conditions affect the insulation performance. The optimum design of the vacuum layer type slim and translucent VIP will have a sufficient structural strength to hold and maintain the vacuum layer. The thermal conductivity is approximately 0.007 W/(m · K), which can effectively improve the insulation performance in applications.
  • Facilities introduction planning of a microgrid with CO2 heat pump heating for cold regions
    Shin'ya Obara, Katsunori Nagano, Masaki Okada
    ENERGY, 135, 15, 486, 499, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Sep. 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Fulfilling heating requirements in cold regions using fossil fuels can create problems in terms of excessive greenhouse gas emissions, making the replacement of conventional heating systems with electric heat pumps powered by renewable energy sources a desirable goal. To help address this issue, this paper examines the introduction of independent microgrids consisting of natural gas combined cycle and large-scale photovoltaic (L-PV) generating sources accompanied by electric heat pump capacity. These results help to clarify the optimal output rate of L-PV to the overall output of such a microgrid. Furthermore, this paper examine a dynamic-characteristics model of a CO2 split cycle heat pump in terms of the error of the supply-and-demand balance. This paper show that introduction of the proposed microgrid can significantly reduce the environmental and economic impact. This study clarified the environmental capability and economical efficiency of the microgrid for cold regions under management of electric power quality. When an electric power unit price and CO2 emissions of the proposal microgrid are referred to the domestic price based on official announcements of the Japanese government, the amount of CO2 reduction and electric power unit price of the proposal system can expect 48% and 30% reduction in Sapporo, respectively. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 全国地盤物性データベースを用いた地中熱利用ヒートポンプ暖房システムの導入効果分析
    阪田義隆, 葛隆生, 長野克則
    土木学会論文集G(環境), 73, 5, I-89, I-98, Sep. 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
  • 井戸データベースを用いた地盤情報推定システムの開発:地質区分のクリギング推定と逐次パラメータ決定法
    阪田義隆, 葛隆生, 長野克則, 丸井敦尚
    地下水学会誌, 59, 2, 105, 123, Jun. 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Field Analysis of Stepwise Effective Thermal Conductivity along a Borehole Heat Exchanger under Artificial Conditions of Groundwater Flow
    Yoshitaka Sakata, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano, Manabu Ishizuka
    Hydrology, 4, 2, 21, 21, MDPI AG, 29 Mar. 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Energy Saving Effect of Desiccant Ventilation System Using Wakkanai Siliceous Shale
    Yuki Nabeshima, Jun-ya Togawa, Katsunori Nagano, Tsuzuki Kazuyo
    AIP Conference Proceedings, 1892, 160002, AMER INST PHYSICS, 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, The nuclear power station accident resulting from the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster has resulted in a constrained electricity supply. However, in this Asian region there is high temperature and high humidity and consequently dehumidification process requires a huge amount of energy. This is the reason for the increasing energy consumption in the residential and commercial sectors. Accordingly, a high efficiency air-conditioning system is needed to be developed. The desiccant ventilation system is effective to reduce energy consumption for the dehumidification process. This system is capable of dehumidifying without dew condensing unlike a conventional air-conditioning system. Then we focused on Wakkanai Siliceous Shale (WSS) as a desiccant material to develop a new desiccant ventilation system. This is low priced, high performance, new type of thing. The aim of this study is to develop a desiccant ventilation unit using the WSS rotor which can be regenerated with low-temperature by numerical calculation. The results of performance prediction of the desiccant unit, indicate that it is possible to regenerate the WSS rotor at low-temperature of between 35 -45 degrees C. In addition, we produced an actual measurement for the desiccant unit and air-conditioning unit. This air-conditioning system was capable to reduce roughly 40 % of input energy consumption.
  • A microgrid comprising an interconnected solid oxide fuel cell and hydraulic generator for use in a sustainable city
    Shin’ya OBARA, Katsunori NAGANO, Jorge MOREL, Takao KATSURA, Yoshitaka SAKATA, Kazushige KIKUTA
    Mechanical Engineering Journal, 4, 2, 1, 15, 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
    SAKATA Yoshitaka, KATSURA Takao, ZHAI Jian, NAGANO Katsunori
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research), 74, 3, 50, 60, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Sep. 2016, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese,  This study improves thermal response test (TRT) by using a set of fiber-optic distributed temperature sensors (DTSs) to estimate effective thermal conductivities in multi-layered formations. These sensors are installed into both inlet and outlet pipes (a U-tube) to obtain vertical profiles of heat transfer fluid temperature at TRT in more detail than those obtained by single DTS as in previous studies. When the borehole is constructed in a formation with several horizontally layers, this study analyzes the effective thermal conductivity in each layer under the assumption of line heat source. In the analysis, the slopes of fluid temperature on logarithmic elapse time are averaged within each layer, and heat exchange rate is calculated using a sum of linear slopes of temperature with depth in both inlet and outlet pipes. Offset and averaging span for DTS calibration are evaluated by laboratory sink tests at constant temperatures. Finally, an example of the proposed method at Asahikawa City, Hokkaido, Japan, is shown. In the example, the formation consists of three layers; unconsolidated gravel, clay, and pre-Quaternary shale. The solutions of the effective thermal conductivity in each layer are converged commonly when the thicknesses for analysis are larger than 20 meters. The conductivity in the upper-gravelly layer is about 1.5 times larger than those in the mid-clayey and lower-shale layers, probably due to groundwater flow advection. The thickness-weighted average of conductivities in the three layers is almost equal to the conductivity by conventional TRT with Pt100 sensors. The solutions are also valid in terms of total heat exchange rate. In addition, a series of effective thermal conductivities is invariable among the cases of DTS data: 1) calibrated in the heating period, 2) smoothed additionally by the FFT low-pass filter, 3) randomly sampled as the boot-strap method, and 4) calibrated in the recovery period.
  • 複層地盤を考慮した地中熱交換器のシミュレーションツールの開発とその応用
    葛隆生, 長野克則, 中村靖
    冷凍, 91, 1064, 399‐400, Jun. 2016, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Field measurement of indoor air quality and airborne microbes in a near-zero energy house with an earth tube in the cold region of Japan
    Yoonkyung Kang, Katsunori Nagano
    English, Scientific journal, This study was conducted to evaluate the level of microbial contamination of indoor air during 3years for two residences in one building equipped with heat recovery ventilation devices and located in Kimobetsu town of Hokkaido, Japan. This article documents a case study aimed at monitoring the microbes contaminations indoors for a safe use of energy saving ventilation devices and sanitary indoor air. This articles describes an investigative approach with three components. First, the authors evaluated the indoor air quality and microbial concentration by comparing the concentrations of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), carbon dioxide, and airborne bacteria and fungi of indoor air and outdoor air during spring, summer and winter. Second, the microbial concentration inside an earth tube and a fixed sensible heat exchanger was evaluated by measuring the airborne microbial concentration of the supply air. Third, the authors assessed the possibility of microbial contamination inside the earth tube using the fungal index and by measuring temperature and relative humidity at the tube's outlet airflow. The results showed that the total concentration of airborne fungi was higher in summer than in spring or winter and that the fungal genera Cladosporium sp. and Penicillium sp. were dominant in the samples. Additionally, it was found that the environment inside the earth tube allowed easy growth of fungi from May to September with the highest fungal index measured in August. It was also confirmed that the earth tube did not affect the supply air for a building constructed 4years ago.
  • A study of the energy consumption and airborne microbe concentration in the Sapporo underground walkway, in a cold region of Japan
    Yoonkyung Kang, Katsunori Nagano
    English, Scientific journal, The present study sought to evaluate the energy consumption, indoor air quality and concentration of airborne bacteria and fungi in the Sapporo underground walkway, which is in a cold region of Japan. The energy consumption, temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide concentrations of the underground walkway were investigated for 4years from its opening in 2011 (until 2014). The temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide concentrations were automatically detected using sensors and data from Sapporo city hall. To evaluate the microbial contamination in the ventilation system and indoors, the concentrations of airborne bacteria and fungi were measured on 2days (a weekday and a weekend day) during opening hours in both summer and winter. The concentration of airborne microbes in the supply air, indoor air, and outside air was compared. Species of airborne bacteria were identified using 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The energy use intensities were decreased in 2013, when the walkway temperature was changed during both winter and summer. The carbon dioxide concentration in the walkway was maintained below 1000ppm. The number of airborne bacteria and fungi in the supply air from the ceiling diffuser was lower than those in the outdoor and indoor air. These results indicate that both energy consumption and indoor air quality were maintained in the walkway throughout the 4-year period. This study could be helpful for developing the related standards for indoor air quality and for developing control strategies to properly operate air conditioning and ventilation systems in underground spaces.
  • Installing the low flow circulation ground source heat pump system in the technology center and its performance analysis
    Yasushi Nakamura, Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano
    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 21, 49, 1139, 1142, Architectural Institute of Japan, 01 Oct. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, The authors analyzed the low flow circulation ground source heat pump system, which has the variable water volume control in the primary side, in the office building. It is confirmed that the electric power of circulation pump was reduced as 85% compared to the constant water volume. The difference between the system COP including the circulation pump and the heat pump COP was small. Additionally, the effect of energy saving compared to the conventional air source heat pump system was 33%.
  • Development of Simulation Tool for Ground Heat Exchanger Considering Multiple Geological Layer and Its Application
    KATSURA Takao, NAGANO Katsunori, NAKAMURA Yasushi
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 32, 3, 335, 344, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Sep. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, The subject of this study is to establish design and operation method of the ground source heat pump system affected by ground water flow. In order to investigate relation between the ground temperature response around ground heat exchanger (GHEX) and ground water velocity, multilayered ground simulation model is developed. It was shown that heat medium temperature is not kept in steady state in thermal response test when the groundwater flow in all geological layer is not generated. It is suggested that the thickness of geological layer with ground water flow and the ground water velocity can be estimated by analyzing the apparent effective thermal conductivity, which is obtained by the thermal resp-1 onse -1test . Also, if the apparent effective thermal conductivity at elapsed time of 50 h is more than 4.5 W・m ・K ,the ratio of thickness of geological layer that have ground water flow with the velocity of 300 m・y-1 is more than 25 % in all geological layer.
  • Development of Simulation Tool for Design and Performance Prediction for Hybrid Ground Source Heat Pump Systems Combined with Cooling Towers
    KATSURA Takao, NAGANO Katsunori, NAKAMURA Yasushi
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 32, 3, 325, 334, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Sep. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, In order to investigate design and operating method of the hybrid ground source heat pump (HGSHP) system combined cooling tower, the authors developed a computer aided simulation tool for the system. Performance of the HGSHP system combined cooling tower, which has been installed in a new office building in Kitakyushu City, is predicted with the simulation tool. The result shows the HGSHP system can operate with high cooling seasonal performance factor (SPF) of 5.4. In addition, the authors investigated connection sequence and operation method of the HGSHP system. The result shows that the HGSHP system provides the highest cooling SPF when the cooling tower is connected in series with the ground heat exchangers (GHEXs) and the water as heat carrier fluid is circulated to the cooling tower ahead of the GHEXs. The system performance is additionally improved by using the simple cooling tower's activation control by the inlet temperature of heat pump unit.
  • Experimental testing of a small sorption air cooler using composite material made from natural siliceous shale and chloride
    Hongzhi Liu, Katsunori Nagano, Atsushi Morita, Junya Togawa, Makoto Nakamura
    English, Scientific journal, A sorption air cooler experimental setup including a reactor and fin tube condenser/evaporator was built The reactor was developed with inner copper fins and dual layers of curing copper meshes. Composite material made by impregnating LiCI into the mesopores of Wakkanai Siliceous Shale (WSS) micro-powders was packed between the intervals of two fins. Heat transfer was enhanced by the attached fins, and the dual layers of curing meshes installed between each interval of two fins were designed to improve the sorbate mass transfer. On the other hand, the fin-tube evaporator/condenser with fins outside is valuable for improving the convective heat transfer between the functional water inside the evaporator/condenser and the flowing outside heat transfer medium, air.
    The sorption capacity of the composite material increased dramatically after being impregnated with LiCI. Among the four tested samples, WSS + 40 wt% LiCl exhibits the best performance. A regeneration temperature of 80 degrees C appears to be optimal for obtaining both a high COP and high specific cooling power. A lower condensation temperature can increase the cooling power. The sorption and desorption times of 60 min yield a reasonable compromise between cooling COP and mass specific cooling powers. The developed sorption air cooler system using WSS + 40 wt% LiCl can store heat at temperatures below 100 degrees C and produce cooling energy with a cooling coefficient of performance (COP) of approximately 0.3. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Research and Development of Packaged Air-conditioners Intended to Improve Annual Efficiency
    YOSHIDA Yasutaka, NAGANO Katsunori, KOYAMA Masaki, TOKUSA Kenji
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 32, 3, 207, 219, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 2015
    Japanese, We developed a packaged air-conditioner that improves annual efficiency. The developed system has a highly efficient wide-range compressor that improves the heat pump efficiency in the low air-conditioning loads, a heat exchanger that is optimized for both a vapor compression refrigeration system and refrigerant natural circulation system, an adaptive controller that suppresses unnecessary start-and-stop compressor operation and a refrigerant natural circulation system that enables highly efficient operation under a low ambient temperature condition. For this developed packaged air-conditioner, we tested and proved that
    (i) the annual efficiency of the system was 1.51 times compared with that of the conventional one in a thermostatic chamber,
    (ii) the efficiency for actual use was 1.58 times for the collaboratory of Hokkaido University in Sapporo and 1.67 times for the CAE room of Hitachi Appliances, Inc. in Shizuoka at ambient temperature in 2012, and
    (iii) by revising the data the efficiency for actual use was 1.55 times for a common office in Tokyo at normal ambient temperature.
  • Research and Development of Packaged Air-conditioners Intended to Improve Annual Efficiency:-1st Report: Design of Packaged Air-conditioner
    YOSHIDA Yasutaka, NAGANO Katsunori, KOYAMA Masaki, TOKUSA Kenji
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 32, 2, 121, 133, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 2015
    Japanese, We propose a packaged air-conditioner that improves the annual efficiency by 50% compared with that of the conventional one. To achieve this aim, we developed (i) a highly efficient wide-range compressor that improves the heat pump efficiency in the case of 30-40% air-conditioning loads, (ii) a heat exchanger that is optimized for both a vapor compression refrigeration system and refrigerant natural circulation system, (iii) an adaptive controller that suppresses unnecessary start-and-stop compressor operation, and (iv) a refrigerant natural circulation system that enables highly efficient operation under a low ambient temperature condition. We evaluated the annual efficiency of the developed system and proved that it is 1.52 times more efficient compared with that of the conventional one in simulation studies.
  • A composite material made of mesoporous siliceous shale impregnated with lithium chloride for an open sorption thermal energy storage system
    Hongzhi Liu, Katsunori Nagano, Junya Togawa
    SOLAR ENERGY, 111, 186, 200, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Jan. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, In this study we developed a composite mesoporous honeycomb element based on Wakkanai siliceous shale (WSS) and lithium chloride (Lid), to act as a thermal energy storage medium that can directly contact the functional air in an open sorption thermal energy storage system. The mesopores of the WSS were filled with LiCl to improve its sorption capability as a new sorption thermal energy storage material. The honeycomb thermal energy storage element impregnated with 9.6 wt% LiCl was installed in the developed open sorption thermal energy storage experimental setup. The experimental results showed that this impregnated honeycomb element could be regenerated at a lower regeneration temperature, even at 60 degrees C, and also exhibited high volumetric heat storage density. Furthermore, at a certain regeneration temperature, the element impregnated with 9.6 wt% LiCl supplied air with a relatively constant high outlet air temperature compared to the element filled with 22.4 wt% CaCl2 under the same inlet air conditions in the sorption process, and the proposed element was less affected by the humid air flow rate. The sorption rate was observed to significantly affect the outlet air temperature during the sorption process. We confirmed that the developed composite material filled with LiCl exhibited good stability, boosting the possibility of its long-term use. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Numerical simulation of an open sorption thermal energy storage system using composite sorbents built into a honeycomb structure
    Hongzhi Liu, Katsunori Nagano
    English, Scientific journal, A new composite mesoporous honeycomb material was developed to be a thermal energy storage medium that can contact the functional fluid directly. In our previous study, this honeycombed composite material acted as a promising sorption thermal energy storage medium in an open system, exhibiting a lower regeneration temperature as 80 degrees C, high volumetric heat storage density, and high stability. In the present study, a one-dimensional transient model was used to predict both the heat storage process (desorption process) and heat release process (sorption process) occurring in the open sorption thermal energy storage unit. Our model was validated using the experimental results obtained in our previous experiments, and a close agreement was observed for the sorption process. Some discrepancy was observed in the desorption process, but it has been explained. The sorption and desorption processes were simulated repeatedly for 20 cycles, whose result was also compared with the experimental result. The operating parameters of the open thermal energy storage system were evaluated to determine its operation performance. Finally, our open thermal energy storage system was assumed to be incorporated into a paint-drying system, within which the heat storage unit is regenerated for 10 h by the exhaust heat produced by a blower in the daytime and releases its stored heat during the nighttime for 14 h. The simulation result shows that almost 51.3% of the blower's waste heat can be reutilized if the proposed thermal energy storage system is incorporated. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • The assessment of microbial contamination on energy recovery ventilation devices in the airtight-house               
    Yoonkyung Kang, Katsunori Nagano, Makoto Nakamura
    Indoor Air 2014 - 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 243, 249, International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 2014
    English, International conference proceedings, To evaluate the level of microbe contamination of indoor air in a building installed with heat recovery ventilation devices. This study carried out in a residential house located in Hokkaido, Japan using a two-fold approach. First, the microbial concentration for heat recovery ventilation devices evaluated by measuring of airborne microbes indoors, around the ceiling diffuser and outdoors for spring, summer and winter. The total concentration of airborne microbes in the ceiling diffuser was lower than indoors. Second, the possibility of microbial contamination in the EAHE was evaluated and calculated using the fungal index by measuring temperature and relative humidity at the outlet airflow of the EAHE. The highest fungal index in the year was in August. We predicted the fungal growth in the EAHE in summer. The study can also be the basics baseline research for microbial contamination of a building installed with heat recovery ventilation devices.
  • Development of Desiccant System using Wakkanai Siliceous Shale:-7th Report: Controlling Conditions for Variety of Air Conditions-
    NABESHIMA Yuki, NAGANO Katsunori, TOGAWA Junya
    Trans.JSRAE, 31, 2, 111, 121, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 2014
    Japanese, The objective of this study is to develop a desiccant system using Wakkanai Siliceous Shale (WSS). This article is the 7th report of the series. In the previously articles, we reported a developed desiccant unit to achieve the target amount of dehumidification. This unit consists of two desiccant rotors and two heat exchangers for precooling and two heat exchangers for regeneration. In this paper, the authors have made a mathematical simulator of this desiccant unit to estimate the supply air conditions. The input conditions for regeneration and precooling have been evaluated by using this program. Firstly, the calculation precision of the program is confirmed by comparison with experimental results. Secondly, to minimize the input energy for the desiccant unit, input temperature for precooling and regeneration are evaluated. The conditions are obtained by controlling of precooling temperature depression without occurrence of dew condensing on the heat exchangers. Finally, performance prediction was carried out to obtain the energy saving efficiency in various areas in Japan. As a result, the unit reduced the energy for dehumidification by 30 % to 18 % in comparison to dew condensing process.
  • Study on permeability of water vapor and odor substances through some kinds of the permeable film
    Yuka Kusama, Katsunori Nagano, Makoto Nakamura
    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 20, 45, 637, 640, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, This paper shows a study on permeability of water vapor and odor substances through six kinds of permeable film including viscos coated paper. The water vapor permeability can be indicated as proportional to the water vapor pressure difference. In addition, gas permeable barrier characteristics to odor substances such as ammonia and toluene were examined by using calibrated electrical gas sensors. It was concluded that the viscos coated paper has better water vapor and gas barrier performance compared to the others.
  • Evaluating the performance of a large borehole ground source heat pump for greenhouses in northern Japan
    Huai Li, Katsunori Nagano, Yuanxiang Lai, Kazuo Shibata, Hikari Fujii
    ENERGY, 63, 387, 399, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Dec. 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The objective of this study was to use both field data and a numerical simulation to examine the long-term performance and environmental effects of a large GSHP (ground source heat pump) system that heats and cools industrial greenhouses in a cold region. A large vertical GSHP system was installed in the city of Akabira in the north of Hokkaido, Japan to provide heating and cooling for 12 greenhouses. The system has a maximum capacity of 640 and 648 kW for heating and cooling, respectively. The system was monitored and analyzed from Oct. 2010 through May 2011. The system had a COP (coefficient of performance) of 3.0 and SCOP (system coefficient of performance) of 2.7. The average heat extraction rate of the system was approximately 27.7 W/m. In addition, the ground temperature at a depth of 40 m decreased from approximately 7.8 degrees C to 0 degrees C after 8 months of operation. A numerical model of the system was developed in FEFLOW to predict its future behavior under conditions where the demand for heating surpasses the demand for cooling. The simulation results suggest that the system could maintain the heat exchange rate for several years without significantly compromising its performance. The risk of operating the system under unbalanced heating and cooling loads was addressed via case studies. Groundwater flow decreases the risk of operating the system when the heat extraction was much higher or lower than the heat injection. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Dynamic Simulation of Absorption Chiller with Variable Water Volume Control
    FUJI Tatsuo, NAGANO Katsunori
    Trans.JSRAE, 30, 3, 191, 202, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 30 Sep. 2013
    Japanese, In the field of the central air-conditioning systems, variable water volume control (VWV) has been brought to attention to reduce the electricity consumed by water pumps, as well as to improve component performances. In the VWV of chilled water and cooling water passed through absorption chillers, what is important is the compatibility of energy saving and reliable operation while also controlling water flow rate and heat input. We dynamically simulated an absorption chiller to investigate this system. This chiller both calculates and transmits the controlled flow rate of chilled water and cooling water. Heat input control is simulated for both continuous and three position control. As the simulation result with assumption of cooling load profile, the estimated electricity reduction ratio is approximately 70% for the chilled water pump and 60% for the cooling water pump compared to the case of constant water volume system. On the other hand, cooling efficiency, defined as accumulated cooling calorie per accumulated heat input, is 99.5% of the constant water volume system, for continuous control. To improve the reliability of the operation, output temperature of chilled water is kept at 7±2°C in both continuous and three position controls.
  • Impact of control schemes of a monovalent inverter-driven water-to-water heat pump with a desuperheater in continental and subtropical climates through simulation
    David L. Blanco, Katsunori Nagano, Masahiro Morimoto
    APPLIED ENERGY, 109, 374, 386, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, Sep. 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, An application of a novel steady-state simulation of a monovalent inverter-driven water-to-water heat pump with a desuperheater is presented. The simulation is capable of modeling and managing the different operation modes of the system such as combined space heating and domestic hot water, in order to provide realistic results, from which four control schemes based on two electricity tariff plans were developed. The schemes were tested on a subject low energy house for Tokyo and Sapporo, in Japan, for the coldest day of the year and for the heating season. Emphasis was given to the short-term domestic hot water storage. The results show that the application of the schemes with a flexible electricity tariff had lower cost over the scheme that used the flat rate pricing plan. Moreover, it was shown that no unique scheme was able to minimize the cost and electrical consumption for both locations. Additionally, a tradeoff between lowest cost and lowest energy consumption was identified for Sapporo. The results of this research could be applied to develop a more robust control on monovalent heat pump systems. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • The performance improving of the ground source heat pump system that is combined with preheating make up water applying PHC foundation piles
    Hisashi Wakayama, Katsunori Nagano, Takao Katsura
    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 19, 42, 645, 648, 日本建築学会, Jun. 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, The subject of this paper is the heat source system with the Ground Source Heat Pump(GSHP) system in the PHC foundation piles. The thermal storage characteristics of the ground may be used to improve the GSHP system performance in this hospital by alternating the storing and restoring cycle on day-night basis in the summer season. The analysis during the commissioning shows the effectiveness of the GSHP system concept and improved system performance as a result of changing the operational condition.
  • Confirmation of the Sterilization Effect Using a High Concentration of Ozone Gas for the Bio-Cleanroom
    Takuji Iwamura, Katsunori Nagano, Toshihiro Nogami, Noritomo Matsuki, Noriyoshi Kosaka, Hideharu Shintani, Miyoshi Katoh
    English, Scientific journal, A high-level aseptic environment must be maintained in bio-cleanrooms used for the manufacture of sterile products. In the past, formaldehyde gas was most commonly used to sterilize bio-cleanrooms, but due to strict residual limitations there has been a need to develop a less toxic alternative choice. The authors have developed a revolutionary new sterilization system using a high concentration of ozone gas and used this system to sterilize an actual bio-cleanroom. This system integrates the ozone gas generator with the air conditioning system by proper control. The design specifications for the system included an ozone gas concentration of 200ppm or more, relative humidity of 80% or more, and a sterilizing time of 120min. Blow vents and suction ports were placed to ensure a uniform airflow which would extend through the entire room during ozone gas sterilization. Tests regarding long-term material exposure to ozone gas were conducted when the system was introduced to distinguish usable and unusable materials. In an actually constructed cleanroom, simulations were used to predict the evenness of the diffusion of ozone gas concentration and relative humidity during ozone gas sterilization, and measurements of the actual indoor ozone gas concentration, temperature and relative humidity during sterilization revealed that the ozone concentration and relative humidity needed for sterilization had been achieved generally throughout the entire environment. In addition, the CT value (mg/m(3)(=ppm) x min), derived by multiplying the ozone gas concentration during ozone gas sterilization by the sterilization time, was equal to or greater than the target value of 24 x 10(3) (ppm . min). When the results of sterilization in a cleanroom were confirmed using a biological indicator (BI), negative results were obtained at all measurement points, demonstrating that sterilization was being performed effectively in the actual factory at which the ozone gas sterilization system had been introduced.
  • Development of a low flow circulation ground source heat pump multi-split system: Part 1 outlines of system concept and investigation on the optimum circulation flow rate of LF-GSHP system by field experiment
    Yasushi Nakamura, Katsunori Nagano, Takao Katsura
    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan), 78, 684, 165, 174, 日本建築学会, Feb. 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, The summary of this report is shown as follows. These studies aim at development of a low flow circulation (LF) ground source heat pump (GSHP) multi-split system in order to reduce energy consumption of circulation pumps in the GSHP system. This system applies low flow circulation system in primary side and multi-split system in secondary side. This paper contributes Part 1 in the series of these studies. First, the system concept and development planning are introduced. Then verification test of operation reliability of a water source multi-split heat pump were carried out in the manufacturing factory. As the result, the authors confirmed heating operation reliability of the heat pump even on conditions of inlet temperature of 10 °C and low flow circulation in primary side of 30 L/min In addition, field test apparatus of the LF-GSHP system were constructed to investigate the optimum circulation flow rate of the LF-GSHP system and demonstrate the effect of reduction of circulation pumps' electric power consumption When the cooling output is around 14 kW, the maximum SCOP of 5.31 is obtained on the condition that the flow rate is 30 L/min On the other hand, the flow rate condition of 96 L/min provides the highest SCOP value of 3.78 in case where the cooling output is around 24-28 kW. These suggest that variable water volume (VWV) control of the circulation pump can reduce circulation pumps' electric power consumption the most.
  • Honeycomb filters made from mesoporous composite material for an open sorption thermal energy storage system to store low-temperature industrial waste heat
    Hongzhi Liu, Katsunori Nagano, Daichi Sugiyama, Junya Togawa, Makoto Nakamura
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 65, 471, 480, 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Today, a significant amount of low-temperature (<
    100 C) industrial waste heat is directly discharged to the atmosphere. In this study, a new mesoporous composite material was developed as a sorption thermal energy storage material by utilizing its sorption and desorption properties. The composite material was formed by adding calcium chloride (CaCl2) to a mesoporous ceramic honeycomb filter. The main component of this ceramic is Wakkanai siliceous shale (WSS), which is found in northern Japan. The material test results demonstrated the following: (1) the composite material can sorb more water than the original ceramic material without dropping the CaCl 2 solution
    (2) it can be regenerated at around 100 C
    and (3) after 25 repetitive regeneration/sorption cycles, no decomposition or cracks were observed. The sorption isotherm was also undamaged. An open sorption thermal energy storage system was proposed, and the experimental setup was constructed. A low regeneration temperature (80-100 C) of the storage medium was achieved with this open system. In the case of the 22.4 wt% CaCl2 supported with the honeycomb filter (926.2 g
    2 L), air was heated to a temperature greater than 40 C for a duration of 432 min by supplying air at 25 C at a flow rate of 3.0 m3/h when the regeneration temperature was 80 C. The volumetric heat storage density obtained was 272 MJ/m3, and the coefficient of the heat extraction performance during the heat release process was 65%. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Communication Problems and Solutions for International Students Speaking in Japanese
    YANAGIMACHI Tomoharu, NAGANO Katsunori, ENAI Masamichi, BABA Naoshi
    Journal of JSEE, 61, 4, 4_3, 4_7, Japanese Society for Engineering Education, 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Using the framework of conversation analysis, this paper examines the communication problems which international graduate students in engineering encounter when they have a Q&A session in Japanese after giving a presentation. This analysis focuses on (1) the phenomenon where international students fail to initiate a 'repair sequence' (Schegloff et al. 1977) to attain mutual understanding among participants when they do not understand a question from the floor ; and (2) why the conversational procedure of 'repair' is not employed by these students. Finally, this paper discusses what kinds of classroom activities can be introduced to solve these students' communication problems. These issues are also applicable to situations in which native speakers of Japanese use English or other foreign languages in engineering communities.
  • Experimental study on a monovalent inverter-driven water-to-water heat pump with a desuperheater for low energy houses
    David L. Blanco, Katsunori Nagano, Masahiro Morimoto
    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 50, 1, 826, 836, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Jan. 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, In this study, a novel monovalent inverter-driven water-to-water heat pump with a desuperheater was developed. in this unique system, domestic hot water is produced at a constant temperature controlled by a variable flow rate and stored in a tank. The heat demand is constantly matched by the system through the use of an inverter-driven compressor, which eliminates the need for a buffer tank. Three heating configurations of the system were examined with respect to variable climate conditions and two space heating target temperatures: space heating (mode 1), domestic hot water production (mode 2) and a combination of both (mode 3). Mappings of the performance variables per frequency were constructed for mode 3. For the other modes, the highest COP was identified for each examined climate condition. The difference between modes I and 3 was less than 5% for every variable. The space heating target temperature had a strong influence on both modes, showing an average difference of 29% in the COP between 35 degrees C and 45 degrees C. Mode 2 exhibited a considerably reduced COP compared to the other modes, as well as the lowest refrigerant mass flow rate and highest compression ratio among the three modes. From the previous results and the examination of the compressor, the compression ratio presents itself as a key parameter that can help to increase the COP if maintained at low values. The results of this research could be applied to the design of a control methodology for monovalent heat pumps. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Heat transfer of a horizontal spiral heat exchanger under groundwater advection
    Huai Li, Katsunori Nagano, Yuanxiang Lai
    English, Scientific journal, Groundwater flows at approximately 1-3 m under the ground surface in a given region. If groundwater flow is present, the performance of a horizontal ground heat exchanger (HGHE), buried in a shallow trench, is enhanced. Nevertheless, owing to the general depth at which groundwater is present, research regarding the heat transfer of a ground heat exchanger (GHE) under conditions with groundwater flow has mainly focused on vertical GHE systems. To the authors' knowledge, no such studies have addressed HGHEs. From a system design perspective, a prediction tool is needed to consider the groundwater flow, optimize the size of the horizontal heat exchanger, minimize the initial cost and maximize the operational efficiency. Therefore, in this study, a moving ring source model was established and solved analytically to describe the temperature response of a spiral heat exchanger with groundwater flow. In addition, experiments were carried out to study the soil temperature variation during the operation of a spiral heater with different water velocities. The validity of the proposed model was proven by the good agreement between the experimental and calculated results. The average virtual tube surface temperature variations of single ring sources in two different configurations are discussed. Furthermore, the average virtual tube surface temperatures of multiple ring sources extending from single arrangements were computed and approximation algorithms were introduced to reduce the calculation time. The approximation approach has been proven to run thousands of times faster than the initial method, and the calculation results are in 97% agreement with those of the initial method. In summary, this study provides a useful tool for the design of spiral heat exchangers. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Steady state vapor compression refrigeration cycle simulation for a monovalent inverter-driven water-to-water heat pump with a desuperheater for low energy houses
    David L. Blanco, Katsunori Nagano, Masahiro Morimoto
    English, Scientific journal, A steady-state simulation is presented for a monovalent inverter-driven water-to-water heat pump with a desuperheater. For design-oriented simulations, superheating or sub-cooling degrees are used as input. However, the proposed simulation only uses the system's refrigerant charge, environmental, and control parameters, which make it particularly useful for off-design evaluations, including the annual performance factor calculation. Block models were used for the compressor and electronic expansion valve, while novel adaptive zone models were used for the heat exchangers. A multivariable error minimization algorithm was used over a sequential component scheme to provide global convergence. The numerical calculations were compared with 118 experimental results. The resulting COP agrees within 10% for 95.77% of the data. The mapping results reveal a maximum COP deviation of 8.78%. Computational results for the studied system reveal that a constant degree of superheating might not always maximize the COP. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.
  • Effect of ground conditions and vertical distribution of air/globe temperatures on the stress of hot outdoor environments
    Kuwabara Kouhei, Yachi Makoto, Kubota Hideki, Hamada Yasuhiro, Nakamura Makoto, Nagano Katsunori
    Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Human-Environment System, 36, 269, 272, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Nov. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Black white globe and air temperatures tgl.b tgl.w ta were measured at the following places i) roof ii)grass and iii)street Environmental globe temperature tgle which is a globe temperature with the effect of long wave radiation excluding the effect of solar radiation was calculated from tgl.b and tgl.w The effect of long wave radiation on tgle was expressed as △trl(=tgle-ta)and the value of △trl at the grass was identified being smaller than that at the roof and street The mean skin temperatures of subjects at these places were predicted by applying the solar operative temperature top.sun a operative temperature with the effect of solar radiation including △trl
  • Planning of an environment conscious school that mimics the function of a big tree - Application of biomimicry in building planning
    Hisashi Wakayama, Takao Katsura, Yuji Ryu, Katsunori Nagano
    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 18, 40, 999, 1002, Oct. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, This paper introduces an overview of Ohori high school building built on Mar. 2010. This building was designed as an environmental conscious school that mimics the functions of a big tree. Leaf transpiration for roof top water spray, absorbing heat from roots for the Ground Source Heat Pump system, and rain water retaining for rain water storage, etc. This paper shows the planning concept and design features of the environmental conscious building introducing the concept of biomimicry.
  • A new model and solutions for a spiral heat exchanger and its experimental validation
    Huai Li, Katsunori Nagano, Yuanxiang Lai
    English, Scientific journal, A spiral heat exchanger was applied in a ground source heat pump (GSHP) system that is primarily used for residential indoor heating. Studies that have been performed on the heat transfer of spiral heat exchanger have focused on field measurements and numerical analysis; however, theoretical research on the subject is absent in the literature. In this study, a methodology is proposed to analyze the heat performance of a spiral heat exchanger. A ring source model was established and solved analytically to describe the temperature variation of the ground caused by a spiral heat exchanger. The validity of the model was examined by an experiment on the soil temperature variation with a spiral heater. The virtual ring tube surface temperature response of unit ring circle was calculated by a superposition of the contributions of the ring source itself and adjacent ring sources. Furthermore, a fast algorithm was created to compute the average tube surface temperature resulting from the dimensionless temperature rise at a point far from the ring source that is constant when the non-dimensional distance is less than 0.13. The author confirmed that the calculation time of this proposed algorithm decreased by a factor of 100 compared with the traditional integration method. A system designer will find this algorithm helpful when determining the size of a heat exchanger under a required heating load, particularly for different arrangement of spiral heat exchangers. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Evaluation of the Tolerance of Construction and Equipment Materials to Ozone Gas Exposure in the Ozone Gas Sterilization of Cleanrooms
    防菌防ばい, 40, 6, 333, 340, 日本防菌防黴学会, Jun. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Development of Desiccant System using Wakkanai Siliceous Shale-4th Report: Optimization of the Operational Conditions for the Desiccant System-
    日本冷凍空調学会論文集, 29, 1, 171, 178, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Mar. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, The objective of this study is to develop a desiccant system using Wakkanai siliceous shale (WSS). This article is the 4th report of the series. Two honeycombed desiccant rotors containing WSS powder with chlorides impregnated was made and evaluated. These rotors were applied into the test desiccant apparatus. It has an additional sensible heat exchange rotor (SHE). To regenerate the first rotor, hot water at 40 ℃ was supplied to HEX. In addition, cold water at 23 ℃ was provided to HEX for pre-cooling the second rotor. The amount of dehumidification was 5.7 g/kgDA at 1-1 rpm operation, and the condition of air temperature and humidity of the outside and room were 30 ℃, 75 %RH and 26 ℃ and 60 %RH respectively. (1-1 rpm: rotating speed of the first - second rotors) Though the amount of dehumidification didnt increase according to equipping a SHE rotor, we found that it was effective to reduce a used thermal energy for pre-cooling. As the result, the maximum dehumidification of 6.5 g/kgDA was obtained at 1-4rpm of first and second rotors with additional pre-cooling for outside air. This was 86 %RH of the latent cooling load between OA and RA.
  • Development of Desiccant System using Wakkanai Siliceous Shale-3rd Report: Evaluation of the Dehumidification Performance of Desiccant Rotor-
    日本冷凍空調学会論文集, 29, 1, 163, 170, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Mar. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, This article is the 3rd report of the series. The objective of this study is to evaluate the dehumidification amount of newly developed desiccant rotors by using paper containing Wakkanai siliceous shale (WSS) which is a natural mesoporous material in Hokkaido. The dehumidification amounts were evaluated at the following air conditions (OA: 30 ºC, 75 %RH, RA: 40 ºC, 27.3 %RH). The WSS rotor and a B type silica gel rotor (400 mm of the rotor diameter and 200 cpsi of the rotor cell numbers) showed same values of 3.1 and 3.2 g/kgDA at 1 rpm of rotation speed, even though the maximum water adsorption amount of the B-type silica gel is three times higher than that of the WSS. To enhance the dehumidification ability of the WSS rotor, an impregnation of NaCl and MgCl2 into the WSS paper was carried out, and it gave more than 3.8 g/kgDA. In addition, for the development of the compact desiccant system, dependency of the rotor rotation speed, the size of the rotor diameter, and a rotor cells number were examined. Finally, 4.7 g/kgDA was obtained at 500 mm diameter and 270 cpsi of the rotor cell numbers.
  • Development of Desiccant System using Wakkanai Siliceous Shale-5th Report: Examination for the Form of Desiccant Rotor-
    日本冷凍空調学会論文集, 29, 1, 179, 186, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Mar. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, The objective of this study is to develop a desiccant system using Wakkanai Siliceous Shale (WSS). This article is the 5th report of the series. In the first part of this paper, various parameters of the WSS rotor were estimated by the numerical calculation to find the higher dehumidification amount. An optimal rotor configuration was selected as 500 mmφ of the rotor diameter, 60 mm of the rotor thickness and 270 cpsi of the rotor cell number. In the second part, as a calculation model for the desiccant ventilation, an appropriate system, which consists of two rotors with two heat exchangers for pre-cooling and two heat exchangers for regeneration, was applied. To get over the target value of the dehumidification amount (7.6 g/kgDA), the numerical simulation was carried out based on the desiccant ventilation model. As a result, the maximum dehumidification amount of 8.6 g/kgDA was obtained at 0.5 rpm of each rotor rotating speed.
  • Development of Desiccant System using Wakkanai Siliceous Shale-6th Report: Study of System Requirement for Dehumidification Air Conditioner-
    日本冷凍空調学会論文集, 29, 1, 187, 194, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Mar. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, This study aims to develop and evaluate a desiccant ventilation system using desiccant rotors of the Wakkanai siliceous shale (WSS). The desiccant apparatus consists of two WSS rotors, two heat exchangers for regeneration and two heat exchangers for pre-cooling. The target for the system is to remove all of latent heat load from outside air (7.6 g/kgDA) without condensing. In the experiments, when 40 ℃ water supplied to one of the heat exchanger for regeneration, condensation was inevitable in heat exchangers for pre-cooling. The condition to dehumidify 7.6 g/kgDA without condensation was to run two rotors at 0.5 rpm and to supply 21.5 ℃ water to heat exchangers for pre-cooling and 45 ℃ water to another two for regeneration. Under the condition, enthalpy needed to dehumidify was reduced by 18 % compared to conventional dehumidification.
  • Improvement of water vapor adsorption ability of natural mesoporous material by impregnating with chloride salts for development of a new desiccant filter
    Saya Nakabayashi, Katsunori Nagano, Makoto Nakamura, Junya Togawa, Asami Kurokawa
    English, Scientific journal, The aim of this study is the development of a new adsorbent for the desiccant material which can be regenerated by the domestic exhaust heat by using natural mesoporous material, Wakkanai siliceous shale. To improve this shale's performance to adsorb/desorb the water vapor, lithium chloride, calcium chloride or sodium chloride was supported into the mesopores by impregnating with each chloride solution. Especially sodium chloride was effective to increase the water vapor adsorption amount 5-7 times of that of natural shale in the relative humidity range from 50 to 70%. Moreover, the appropriate impregnating concentrations were determined as 5wt% from the relationship between the maximum water vapor adsorption amount and the mesopore volume. Based on these results, a new desiccant filter has been developed by impregnated original paper with lithium chloride and sodium chloride. This paper contained shale powder in the synthetic fibers. The dehumidification performance of this filter was evaluated under the simulated summer condition in Tokyo. From the cyclic adsorption/regeneration test, this shale and chlorides filter could adsorb and desorb 60 g/h water vapor repeatedly at the regeneration temperature of 40A degrees C. On the other hand, a silica gel filter and a zeolite filter adsorbed and desorbed only 10 g/h and 25 g/h, respectively. These results suggested that the shale impregnated with the chlorides has the best dehumidification ability as a new desiccant material. Further, the desiccant filter made from the shale will achieve the effective use of the low temperature exhaust heat.
  • Effect of the wetness of clothing made of different materials on the mean skin temperature in a hot environment               
    KUWABARA Kouhei, KUBOTA Hideki, HAMADA Yasuhiro, NAGANO Katsunori
    Book of Abstracts of 14th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, 293, 296, Jul. 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Development of ground source heat pump units that is capable of air-conditioners and hot water supply in residential house
    Yasuyuki Ito, Katsunori Nagano
    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 17, 36, 593, 596, 日本建築学会, Jun. 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, We developed ground source heat pump unit that was capable of air-conditioners and hot water supply. This equipment utilized artificial waste heat generated by air-conditioners as the heat source for hot water supply. By carrying out a simulation, it was found that the air-conditioning system had high performance. As result, this system could reduce CO2 emissions.
  • A study on design method for the ground heat exchanger's specification of ground source heat pump system
    Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano, Yasushi Nakamura
    Journal of Environmental Engineering, 76, 659, 59, 66, 日本建築学会, 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, In this paper, the authors define the heat extraction or injection rate of ground heat exchanger (GHEX) per length and temperature difference as the coefficient of heat extraction or injection. Applying the definition, the heat extraction or injection performances of GHEXs are quantified corresponding to the conditions such as ground properties and GHEXs' specifications are changed.In addition, the authors compared to the quantified heat extraction or injection performances. When the flow condition of heat transfer medium in GHEX turns from laminar flow to turbulent flow, the heat extraction or injection performances of GHEXs increase 5~12%. On the other hand, the increase of heat extraction or injection performances of GHEXs in the range of turbulent flow is only less than 2% even in the where the flow rate is up to more than thrice. When the number of U-tubes is two and flow rate per the one U-tube is set at 6 L/min, the ratios of heat extraction performance of GHEXs using pre-casting concrete pile and steel pile compared to the borehole GHEX are 1.35∼ 1.58 and 1.29∼1.40, respectively.
  • The Evaluation of the Moisture Sorption Mechanism of Chloride-Impregnated Wakkanai Siliceous Shale
    Asami Kurokawa, Junya Togawa, Yuki Nabeshima, Katsunori Nagano
    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, 37, 5, 394, 399, SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN, 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Wakkanai siliceous shale (WSS) is a natural mesoporous material that has high performance of moisture adsorption/desorption in response to relative humidity. The authors have previously applied the technique of impregnation with chloride to enhance the water adsorption performance; and in the present study the moisture sorption mechanism with chloride impregnation was examined by DSC analysis. It was found that the adsorbed water in the pores was divided present in three forms: non-freezing water, freezable bound water and free water. The free water peak was not observed at water content below 320 mg/g. This water content was also consistent with the maximum amount of water adsorbed without surface wetting, which was estimated from color change of WSS surface at various water contents. In addition, from the measurement by a modified nitrogen adsorption method, it was visually shown that the mechanism of moisture sorption gradually proceeded from the smaller mesopores. Moreover, the NaCl impregnation was applied to other porous materials. From the experimental results, the impregnation of silica gel with NaCl is not effective, because of the structural weakness. Therefore the stability of the material to impregnation is an important factor.
  • The New Measurement Method of the Adsorbed Moisture Distribution in the Porous Materials
    Asami Kurokawa, Junya Togawa, Yuki Nabeshima, Katsunori Nagano
    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, 37, 6, 506, 511, SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN, 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Moisture absorption by porous materials with mesopores and micropores is generally evaluated by measurement of the water adsorption isotherm and analysis of the pore distribution by the nitrogen adsorption method using completely dry samples. In practical use, however, the adsorbent contains some water depending on the environmental conditions. To evaluate the pore distribution accompanied by the water adsorption, the nitrogen adsorption method was modified by using a frozen sample, which was dipped into liquid nitrogen after the water adsorption had reached equilibrium. Water adsorption was found to proceed from the smaller to the larger pores as relative humidity increased. The pore distribution at the relative humidity above which pores were completely occupied by absorbed water was shown visually on a histogram.
  • Development of dehumidification filter using natural mesoporous material
    Saya Nakabayashi, Katsunori Nagano, Makoto Nakamura
    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 16, 34, 1023, 1026, 日本建築学会, Oct. 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, A new dehumidification filter using natural mesoporous material, Wakkanai siliceous shale, was developed for effective treatment of the latent heat load. The dehumidification ability of the developed filter was evaluated. It was demonstrated that this filter performed as an air-toair heat exchanger under high rotating speed. The total heat exchange efficiency was 80% at 22 rpm. This filter removed 3.3 g/kg DA of water vapor at 1 rpm when the regeneration temperature was 40°c. Moreover the rate of energy reduction to remove outdoor air load was estimated to be 56% by a combination of this filter and a sensible heat exchanger.
  • Study on Effective Thermal Conductivity of Hydrogen Absorbing Alloys Bed for Passive Type Hydrogen Absorption and Desorption Systems
    SHIRATO Hiroyasu, HAMADA Yasuhiro, SUDA Takanori, OKA Yoshiaki, NAGANO Katsunori
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 27, 2, 67, 74, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Jun. 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese,   This paper indicates the effective thermal conductivity of the hydrogen absorbing alloys bed of the passive type hydrogen storing systems for residential energy systems or stand-alone power supplies by experimental measurement.
      The effective thermal conductivity of the alloys bed depended on the cylinder pressure and the H/M composition of the alloys. Moreover, the conductivity was linear to the H/M composition at Plateau area.
      The introduction of 15 mass% Cu wires to the bed for improving the heat transfer was effective to raise the effective thermal conductivity of the bed. 50% of void fraction of the bed was also useful. The use of MmNi5 resulted in raising the effective thermal conductivity compared to the use of MmNi4.50Co0.10Al0.15Mn0.25 at the same H/M composition and the void fraction.
  • A study on the energy evaluation of the building thermal mass storage system with the chilled water storage system
    Takuji Nakamura, Katsunori Nagano, Sayaka Kindaichi
    Journal of Environmental Engineering, 75, 649, 289, 295, 日本建築学会, Mar. 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, In this paper the energy characteristics of the building thermal mass storage system with the chilled water storage system is evaluated. A typical commercial building model is simulated by a computer and the influence of the regions, the daily weather and the heat load in the room is examined. The results show that the increase rate of the cooling load and the electricity consumption is high in the months of the low cooling load comparing with the non-storage case. And the building thermal mass storage system with the water storage reduces the primal energy consumption by 2.7% and the exhaust carbon dioxide by 10.4% in the optimized case in Tokyo.
  • Estimation of Appropriate Concentration of Impregnated Chloride Solution for Wakkanai Siliceous Shale from Surface Wettedness Evaluation and the Relationship between Maximum Moisture Sorption and Pore Volume
    Saya Nakabayashi, Katsunori Nagano, Junya Togawa, Makoto Nakamura, Asami Kurokawa
    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, 36, 5, 480, 485, SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN, 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Wakkanai siliceous shale, a natural mesoporous material, is impregnated with lithium chloride, calcium chloride and sodium chloride solutions to improve its moisture adsorption capacity. However, excess impregnation leads to elution of sorbed moisture from pores to the surface under humid conditions, and the surface of the sample becomes wet. To determine appropriate concentrations of impregnating chlorides, the surface wettedness of the chloride-impregnated shale was estimated from the surface color changes of samples exposed to 75% RH air by using a digital scanner. The appropriate concentrations of lithium chloride and calcium chloride for the shale were 4 and 5 wt%, respectively. Moreover, the maximum moisture sorption of the shale impregnated with the appropriate chloride concentration agreed with the moisture retention predicted from the mesopore volume. This indicates that, in order to avoid elution of the chloride solution to the surface, the maximum moisture sorption of the chloride-impregnated shale should be smaller than the mesopore volume.
  • Development of Desiccant System using Wakkanai Siliceous Shale-1st Report: Development and Evaluation of a Paper-Base for the Desiccant Rotor-
    日本冷凍空調学会論文集, 26, 4, 543, 550, 日本冷凍空調学会, Dec. 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Development of Desiccant System using Wakkanai Siliceous Shale-2nd Report: Development, Evaluation and Numerical Simulation of Rotor-
    日本冷凍空調学会論文集, 26, 4, 551, 558, Dec. 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Evaluation of the Water Adsorption Performance of Wakkanai Siliceous Shale Supported by Chlorides
    Saya Nakabayashi, Katsunori Nagano, Makoto Nakamura, Junya Togawa, Asami Kurokawa
    KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, 35, 6, 602, 607, SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN, Nov. 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Wakkanai siliceous shale (WSS) is a natural meso-porous material. This study aimed to improve its capacity to adsorb humidity. The shale's surface was supported by chlorides by being dried at 150 degrees C after impregnation with a chloride solution. The change in specific surface area, pore size distribution and the water sorption/desorption isotherm of the supported shales were investigated. From the water sorption isotherms, the amount of water sorption of WSS supported by LiCl 10% solution increased to 150 mg/g, while that of the natural WSS was 25 mg/g in the range of relative humidity from 30 to 60%. Similarly, WSS supported by NaCl adsorbed water about 7 times more water than natural WSS did. It was suggested that this improvement resulted from water transport into NaCl caused by capillary condensation of water in the WSS pores.
  • Study of the most suitable operation of ground source heat pump system for totally electrified heating and cooling system : - A practical example in a hospital -
    Hisashi Wakayama, Katsunori Nagano, Sayaka Kindaichi
    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 15, 31, 823, 826, Oct. 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, This paper indicates a heat source system which is installed in a totally electrified hospital built in April 2008. The heat source system consists of a high efficient screw type heat pump chiller with ice storage and another module type air cooled heat pumps. A ground source heat pump system is also introduced by using the foundation piles as ground heat exchangers. In this paper, seasonal and daily operation modes of the system are investigated. Measures for high efficient operation and energy saving in the whole system are finally proposed.
  • Calculation algorithm of the temperatures for pipe arrangement of multiple ground heat exchangers
    Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano, Shigeaki Narita, Sayaka Takeda, Yasushi Nakamura, Atsushi Okamoto
    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 29, 5-6, 906, 919, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Apr. 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The authors introduce calculation algorithm of the temperatures of the ground and heat carrier fluid in multiple ground heat exchangers for pipe arrangement of ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems. First, the outline is explained. Next, in order to investigate possibility for the operation of the GSHP system with steel foundation piles and validate reproducibility of the value calculated by the design tool including the calculation algorithm, field tests of heating and heat extraction were conducted with a residential GSHP system using 25 steel foundation piles of 8 m long as ground heat exchangers. From a result of comparison between temperatures of the measurement in the test and calculation by using the design tool, it was confirmed that the tool could predict the temperatures with acceptable precision and speed for utilizing as a design tool. In addition, performance of GSHP systems with steel foundation piles in long term is predicted with the design tool. In moderate climate region, since the GSHP systems using multiple ground heat exchangers with short length can operate with high efficiency as well as the GSHP system using a single ground heat exchanger with long length, the GSHP systems with steel foundation piles have possibility to become popular. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd, All rights reserved.
  • Experimental study of the performance of porous materials to moderate the roof surface temperature by its evaporative cooling effect
    Surakha Wanphen, Katsunori Nagano
    BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 44, 2, 338, 351, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Feb. 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The change of urban surfaces from permeable to impermeable materials, i.e. asphalt or concrete, has caused the rising of surface temperatures, particularly in densely developed cities. The consequences of this problem lead to higher energy consumption, especially for cooling purposes and other environment related issues. This paper aims to investigate the performance of several non-porous and porous potential roofing materials, to determine which ones might best be used to create a more effective system by utilizing their moisture absorption and evaporation capabilities. Here, four kinds of materials-pebbles, silica sand, volcanic ash, and siliceous shale-were tested to evaluate their moisture and thermal performance, including the effects from different particle sizes. First, the necessary physical properties and pore characteristics were obtained. Thus, each material, under simple boundary conditions, was evaluated in an evaporation experiment, to determine comparative moisture and thermal behavior. Next, cyclic experimentation was conducted, in which variations of temperature, relative humidity and simulated solar radiation were included. The measurement results showed that porous materials can satisfactorily lower surface temperature. Among the tested samples, siliceous shale of both small and large particle diameter was found to lower the daily average surface temperature by up to 6.8 and 8.6 degrees C, respectively. The better performance of large size particles could possibly be caused by the ventilation occurring within the material layers and high solar penetration through the large gaps between particles, which would release more latent heat when compared to materials of smaller particle size. Finally, analysis of surface energy balance suggested that water contents, solar absorptivity, and wind effects all have significant influences on cooling the surface temperature. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • An experimental study on thermal capacity of charge and discharge to building conpornents in thermal mass storage system
    Takuji Nakamura, Minoru Kawashima, Katsunori Nagano
    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 15, 29, 173, 178, Feb. 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, A series of experiment for building thermal mass storage system was carried out using the real-scale experiment unit which can reproduce the real condition. The experimental condition varies direction of blowing, flow rate, installation density of diffuser and flow temperature in order to clarify their characteristics of charging and discharging thermal storage into the slab. The result shows that the rate of charge to the building materials including slab is between 70% from 80%. And uniformity of supply air blowing is effective for charging to the slab.
  • 6-4-4 Development of Compact-sized Desiccant System using Low Temperature Exhaust Heat with Wakkanai Siliceous Shale
    NAKABAYASHI Saya, NAGANO Katsunori, NAKAMURA Makoto, TOGAWA Junya, KUROKAWA Asami, YOSHIDA Shigeo, NIKI Kosuke, OKAMOTO Atsushi
    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy, 18, 360, 361, The Japan Institute of Energy, 2009
    Japanese, This study aims at the development of the heat pump system in a small size for effective cooling, heating, and hot water supply combined with the desiccant ventilation system using a natural porous material of Wakkanai siliceous shale. The new desiccant material using a natural porous material could be regenerated with the exhaust heat from the heat pump.
  • Development of Desiccant System using Wakkanai Siliceous Shale-1st Report: Development and Evaluation of a Paper-Base for the Desiccant Rotor-:1st Report: Development and Evaluation of a Paper-Base for the Desiccant Rotor
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 26, 4, 543, 550, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Development of Desiccant System using Wakkanai Siliceous Shale-2nd Report: Development, Evaluation and Numerical Simulation of Rotor-:2nd Report: Development, Evaluation and Numerical Simulation of Rotor
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 26, 4, 551, 558, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, The aim of this study is to develop a desiccant system using Wakkanai siliceous shale. A honeycombed desiccant rotor containing this shale's powder and chlorides was made and evaluated. However a specific surface area and a pore volume were smaller than a silica-gel rotor or a zeolite rotor, the maximum amount of water adsorption was twice as other rotors. We have verified the function of this desiccant rotor concerning adsorption and desorption of moisture from the draft experiments. The rotor containing the shale could adsorb moisture stably in the cyclic test, and be regenerated by 40°C air under this experimental condition. This means that the exhaust heat from the heat pump can be used for regenerating rotor. Furthermore, the numerical simulation was carried out on the assumption that this rotor was used for a dehumidification for the residential air conditioning in Tokyo. This rotor could adsorb 37.1% moisture of the required dehumidification amount for the hottest day in 2008. When we employed a pre-cooling before dehumidification, the amount of adsorption increased to 66.2%.
  • Method of calculation of the ground temperature for multiple ground heat exchangers
    Takao Katsura, Katsunori Nagano, Sayaka Takeda
    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 28, 14-15, 1995, 2004, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Oct. 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, In this paper, the authors propose a method of calculation of the ground temperature for heat extraction or injection via multiple ground heat exchangers. First, a high-speed algorithm to calculate the ground temperature is described. Next, a variation of the ground temperature calculated by using this method is compared with the one obtained by applying spatial superposition principle of the temperature responses calculated by the theoretical equations. As a result, the method's preciseness was proved and the computation time was about 1/135 compared to the method with the theoretical solution. From these, it was shown that the method has appropriate precision and computational speed to use as a design tool. Additionally, if the ground heat exchangers are short such as when foundation piles of a building are used as ground heat exchangers, it is necessary to consider the heat transfer from the edge of the ground heat exchangers. Thus we devised a method, which uses the equivalent radius obtained by multiplying the ideal ground heat exchanger radius by a modification coefficient, to obtain the average surface temperature of the ground heat exchangers influenced by the heat transfer. The temperature calculated with the modification coefficient was compared to the one calculated without the modification coefficient. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • F-32 Model of Predicting Body Temperatures for Protecting Heat Disorder in Hot Environment -Part VII
    AMEMIYA Satoshi, KUWABARA Kouhei, KUBOTA Hideki, HAMADA Yasuhiro, NAKAMURA Makoto, NAGANO Katsunori, IKEDA Kouki
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 20, 2, 1181, 1184, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 08 Aug. 2008
    Japanese, We propose a new model for predicting heart rate and core temperature in hot environment considering individual cardiorespiratory capacity by applying our human model for predicting mean skin temperature. Core temperature as well as heart rate is defined as the function of exercise intensity and thermal stress expressed by deviation of mean skin temperature from that of thermal neutrality. Core temperature and heart rate begin to increase at a critical mean skin temperature; we have identified these critical values by using data from our experiments and literatures.
  • An experimental study on thermal characteristics of heating/cooling system with building thermal mass storage
    Takuji Nakamura, Katsunori Nagano
    Journal of Environmental Engineering, 73, 627, 639, 645, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, May 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, The real-scale experimental unit of HVAC system using building thermal mass storage for a commercial building was constructed and a series of experiment was carried out. The experimental condition varies direction of blowing, flow rate and density of diffuser in order to clarify their influence to the amount of charging energy into the slab. And the thermal storage capacity was analyzed making unit by differential of initial concrete slab temperature and blowing temperature. The result shows that the unit thermal storage capacity was proper, and the unit thermal storage capacity of horizontal blowing is larger than from 1.4 times to 1.9 times as vertical blowing.
  • Study on Evaluation of Present Performance and Future of Residential Cogeneration Systems in Cold Region
    太陽エネルギー, 34, 3, 51, 58, May 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Field Experiment on Heat Extraction or Injection from the Ground Affected by Ground Water Flow
    KATSURA Takao, NAGANO Katsunori, TAKEDA Sayaka, NAKAMURA Yasushi
    Transactions of the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 32, 127, 1, 9, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, Oct. 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, A steel tank which is 2.0m by 4.5m by 3.0m is installed under the ground in order to investigate increase of heat extraction or heat injection by ground water flow in the ground thermal energy system (GTES). First, the authors define unit heat transfer rate, which can clarify relative merit of heat extraction or injection performance. Next, it was confirmed that the unit heat extraction rate increases according to the ground water velocity even in the case where the ground water velocity is relatively small (100〜350m/year). When the ground water velocity is 1400m/year, unit heat transfer rate with a double pipe ground heat exchanger is 16.12W/m/K and more than three times larger than the one with a single U-tube ground heat exchanger. The result shows that using a ground heat exchanger with small internal thermal resistance is effective to increase the heat extraction from the ground. In addition, from the result that the unit heat transfer rate of measuring was larger than the one calculated with considering only forced convection, it was indicated that the free convection is generated in the sand layer. Thus the authors investigated about the effect of the mixed convection.
  • Exergoeconomic Evaluation of Low Energy Houses Equipped with Electric Generation Systems (Part 1)-Calculation Method of Exergy Load and Specific Exergy Cost-
    太陽エネルギー, 33, 5, 51, 59, 日本太陽エネルギー学会, Sep. 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Exergoeconomic Evaluation of Low Energy Houses Equipped with Electric Generation Systems (Part 2)-Exergoeconomic Evaluation of a model case-
    太陽エネルギー, 33, 5, 61, 67, Sep. 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
  • F-39 Model of Predicting Body Temperatures for Protecting Heat Disorder in Hot Environment-Part V
    KUWABARA Kouhei, NAKAYA Noritaka, KUBOTA Hideki, HAMADA Yasuhiro, NAKAMURA Makoto, AMEMIYA Satoshi, NAGANO Katsunori
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 19, 2, 1287, 1290, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 24 Aug. 2007
    Japanese, The aim of this research is to protect workers and exercising people from heat disorders by predicting body temperatures (both core and mean skin temperature) and sweating rate of human. In this paper, we have proposed a method for predicting "solar operative temperature" with black and white globe thermometers, and measured solar absorptance of white globe. The predicted mean skin temperature applied solar operative temperature which was obtained with globe temperatures has agreed well with those obtained from human experiments conducted outdoors.
  • Study of a floor supply air conditioning system using granular phase change material to augment building mass thermal storage - Heat response in small scale experiments
    K Nagano, S Takeda, T Mochida, K Shimakura, T Nakamura
    ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 38, 5, 436, 446, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, May 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, We have proposed a new floor supply air conditioning system, using phase change material to augment building mass thermal storage. A scale model was constructed for such a system. Granules containing phase change material (PCM), with a phase change temperature of about 20 degrees C, were made from foamed glass beads and paraffin waxes. Results from measurements simulating an air conditioning schedule in office buildings indicate that 89% of daily cooling load could be stored each night in a system that used a 30 mm thick packed bed of the granular PCM. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Environmental Evaluation of Low Energy House with its Roof Totally Covered by Photo Voltaic Modules
    太陽エネルギー, 32, 2, 53, 61, 日本太陽エネルギー学会, 31 Mar. 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Characteristics and consideration of required sweat rate standard of the previous ISO 7933
    T. Sakoi, T. Mochida, K.Nagano, K. Shimakura
    Journal of the Human-Environment System, 9, 1, 19-29, 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Experiments to determine the convective heat transfer coefficient of a thermal manikin
    K Kuwabara, T Mochida, K Nagano, K Shimakura
    Environmental Ergonomics, 3, 423, 429, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, In order to determine an equation for calculating the convective heat transfer coefficient in humans, that can be used in an outdoor environment, experiments using a thermal manikin were carried out at an air velocity in the range of 0.7-4.7 m/s. The convective heat transfer coefficient of the naked human body almost agreed with that of the clothed human body with two clothing ensembles. Empirical formulae of the convective heat transfer coefficient for the whole and 10 parts of the body were calculated using experimental data at an air velocity in the range of 0.1-1.0 m/s, which are applicable formulae at an air velocity in the range of 0.1-4.7 m/s. The thermal insulation of the two clothing ensembles decreased with increasing air velocity.
  • Effective radiant temperature including solar radiation
    K Kuwabara, T Mochida, K Nagano, K Shimakura
    Environmental Ergonomics, 3, 257, 262, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, An evaluation method for thermal sensations of the human body in an outdoor thermal environment was developed. Effective radiant temperature was proposed as the mean radiant temperature in an outdoor environment. The operative temperature and standard new effective temperature, SET*, in outdoor environments could be calculated using the effective radiant temperature. In order to examine the operative temperature and SET* based on the effective radiant temperature, experiments using subjects were carried out in an outdoor environment at Sapporo city. The SET* calculated from experimental data correlated well with the thermal sensation votes of the subjects. It was shown that a SET* based on the effective radiant temperature can evaluate the thermal sensation of the human body in an outdoor environment.
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 70, 587, 29, 35, Architectural Institute of Japan, Jan. 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Flocculated micro-capsule pellet phase change material (FMC-PCM) which has high latent heat amount is used to the floor supply air conditioning system with thermal energy storage for building structure during night. The load shifting effect can be determined by temperature conditions in the nighttime and daytime. The effect of radiation from the floor face allows the set temperature to be increased to 28℃ by using a FMC-PCM which shows phase change around 20 to 23℃. Thermal sensation indexes indicate the comfortable sensation under a condition with it. The use of the FMC-PCM also effects the improvement of the uncomfortable coldness in the morning in usual systems.
  • Thermal characteristics of a direct heat exchange system between granules with phase change material and air
    K Nagano, S Takeda, T Mochida, K Shimakura
    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 24, 14-15, 2131, 2144, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Oct. 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The authors have proposed a system of direct heat exchange between granules including phase change material (PCM) and air. The PCM granules consist of granulated porous media with particle diameters of about 1-3 mm and paraffin wax. At first, column experiments are performed with a packed bed of PCM granules. Temperature variations in the PCM packed bed are measured. It is demonstrated that heat exchange flux between the PCM granules and air can be kept large and continuous during phase change. Secondly, a computer simulation model is made using an assumption that the temperature of the PCM granules is the same as that of passing air throughout the packed bed. It is found the phase change period calculated by the model is in agreement with the measured one. Finally, heat transfer coefficient during phase change and the time required for phase change to be completed in the system are discussed by a numerical analysis. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 584, 584, 47, 52, Oct. 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Feasibility Study on Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System by using Digital National Land Information
    太陽エネルギー, 30, 5, 57, 63, 日本太陽エネルギ-学会, Sep. 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
  • On the Health Effect Mechanisms of Radon and its Short-lived Decay Products Part 1 : Radon Exhalation Rate in Sapporo and Simple Model of Respiratory Organ(Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
    ITO Tomonori, AOKI Tohru, HATAYA Koji, YOKOYAMA Shintaro, SHIMAKURA Kazumi, KURAMAE Masashi, NAGANO Katsunori
    Journal of physiological anthropology and applied human science, 23, 5, 182, 182, Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology, Sep. 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Computer Simulation of Whole Body Temperatures and Thermal Sensation and Comfort Votes of Flight Crew(Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
    BABA Hiroyasu, YAMAMOTO Noriaki, OZAKI Hirokazu, SHIMAKURA Kazumi, KURAMAE Masashi, NAGANO Katsunori, YOKOYAMA Shintaro
    Journal of physiological anthropology and applied human science, 23, 5, 182, 182, Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology, Sep. 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    日本建築学会環境系論文集, 69, 579, 21, 28, Architectural Institute of Japan, 30 May 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, A new floor supply air conditioning system, in which thermal capacity is augmented by latent heat storage compared to the general building structure thermal energy storage, is proposed. An experimental apparatus is constructed for the system. Granules including phase change material (PCM), which show phase change around 20℃, are made of foamed glass beads and paraffin waxes. Results from measurements simulated an air conditioning schedule in office buildings indicate that 89% of daily cooling load can be stored in the thermal energy storage period during night under a condition with a 30 mm thick packed bed of the PCM granules.
  • Experiments on thermal environmental design of ceiling radiant cooling for supine human subjects
    K Nagano, T Mochida
    BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 39, 3, 267, 275, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Mar. 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, This study aims to clarify the control conditions of ceiling radiant cooling systems for human subjects in a supine position. The results will be useful for the design of hospital rooms and bedrooms.
    Five subjects cooperated in these experiments. The subject put on bedroom attire typical of hospital patients. In total, 28 experiments were per-formed under various conditions. When SET* and PMV were calculated, mean radiant temperatures evaluated from the radiative heat transfer between the inside surfaces of walls, a floor and a ceiling, and the surfaces of a rectangular model of a human body were applied. As a result, it was clarified that SET* and PMV that gave comfortable thermal conditions were around 27.0degreesC and around 0.25degreesC, respectively, in these experimental conditions. On the other hand, reduction of skin temperature on exposed parts such as the instep reduced the favorable impression. However, there was no clear relationship between radiative sensation and favorable impression. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Performance of heat charge/discharge of magnesium nitrate hexahydrate and magnesium chloride hexahydrate mixture to a single vertical tube for a latent heat storage system
    K Nagano, K Ogawa, T Mochida, K Hayashi, H Ogoshi
    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 24, 2-3, 209, 220, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Feb. 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The authors focused on a mixture of magnesium nitrate hexahydrate as a base material and magnesium chloride hexahydrate as an additive to store and utilize urban waste heat from emerged co-generation systems, typically available at temperatures of 60-90degreesC. The second paper revealed that this mixture has good thermal characteristics as a PCM for latent thermal energy storage. In this study, heat charging and discharging experiments were done using a heat storage tank with a simple vertical heat exchange unit. These showed that effective use of the phase change temperature region resulted in an available enthalpy of 2.0-2.5 times that of sensible heat storage in water. In addition, corrosion tests were conducted and results showed SUS316 and aluminum can be used to build storage tanks and heat exchangers for this mixture. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Thermal characteristics of magnesium nitrate hexahydrate and magnesium chloride hexahydrate mixture as a phase change material for effective utilization of urban waste heat
    K Nagano, K Ogawa, T Mochida, K Hayashi, H Ogoshi
    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 24, 2-3, 221, 232, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Feb. 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The objective of this study is effective utilization of urban waste heat from emerging co-generation systems, typically available at temperatures of 60-100degreesC. The authors investigated latent heat storage by materials with phase change temperatures in the above range, and focused on a mixture of magnesium nitrate hexahydrate as a base material and magnesium chloride hexahydrate as an additive to modulate the melting point. Addition of 5-10 wt% of the latter resulted in a modulated melting point of around 80degreesC and a heat of fusion of about 150 kJ/kg. Increasing the mix ratio had little effect on heat of fusion, but allowed the melting point to be reduced to about 60degreesC. Repeated melting and solidification tests showed that the heat of fusion and melting point retained their original values after 1000 cycles. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Development of a ventilation system utilizing thermal energy storage for granules containing phase change material
    S Takeda, K Nagano, T Mochida, K Shimakura
    SOLAR ENERGY, 77, 3, 329, 338, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, We have developed an experimental ventilation system that features direct heat exchange between ventilation air and granules containing a phase change material (PCM). Measurement of outlet air temperature when the inlet air temperature was periodically varied to simulate changes of outdoor ambient air temperature showed that the outlet air temperature was stabilized and remained within the phase change temperature range. This effect is expected to be useful in practical ventilation systems. The potential of such systems for reducing ventilation load was examined through computer simulation for eight representative cities of Japan. This revealed how different temperature conditions would affect required heat storage capacity. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Field experiments and analyses on a hybrid solar collector
    H Saitoh, Y Hamada, H Kubota, M Nakamura, K Ochifuji, S Yokoyama, K Nagano
    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 23, 16, 2089, 2105, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Nov. 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, This paper describes the effectiveness of a hybrid solar collector that generates both electric power and heat. Experiments and analyses were conducted on power and heat generation characteristics of the hybrid solar collector.
    First, experiments under constant supply temperature of brine were made and it was found that conversion efficiency ranged from 10% to 13%, and that collector efficiencies at 20 and 40 degreesC brine temperature were from 40% to 50% and approximately 20%, respectively.
    Second, the efficiency of the hybrid solar collector was compared to those of a photovoltaic and a solar collector and it was clarified that the hybrid collector had an advantage in terms of exergy efficiency, though there is some lowering of collector efficiency.
    Evaluation of annual energy balance of hybrid solar collectors installed on a low energy house at Hokkaido University proved the hybrid solar collectors to have a high degree of feasibility. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Development of High Efficient Solar Hot Water Supply System Using Evacuated Solar Collectors with PCM/water Hybrid Thermal Energy Storage
    NAGANO Katsunori, HASHIMOTO Takashi, MOCHIDA Tohru, SHIMAKURA Kazumi
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 15, 2, 1077, 1080, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 20 Aug. 2003
  • Development of thermal-photovoltaic hybrid exterior wallboards incorporating PV cells in and their winter performances
    K Nagano, T Mochida, K Shimakura, K Murashita, S Takeda
    SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 77, 3, 265, 282, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, May 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The authors have developed experimental thermal-photovoltaic (PV) hybrid exterior wallboards that incorporate of PV cells. The clapboard-shaped hybrid wallboards permit modular assembly that can be more easily adapted for building applications than previous PV systems. Solar heat is collected in the form of heated air circulating in the air gap between the hybrid wallboard and the thermal insulation of the exterior walls. This paper presents an evaluation of both the electrical power generating ability and the solar heat collection capacity during winter of six variations of the experimental thermal-PV hybrid wallboard. In addition, exergy analyses were conducted. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
    NAGANO Katsunori, MOCHIDA Tohru, SHIMAKURA Kazumi, HANZAWA Hisashi, NAKAMURA Satoshi
    Journal of environmental engineering, 566, 566, 51, 56, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, 30 Apr. 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, A field experiment of large scale snow storage was conducted in Sapporo. Objectives of this experiment are to experimentally verify that the storing snow with adding water is effective for snow compression and for making high density without any mechanical machines. Snow was stored in a large underground pit, which has a diameter of 1.0 m and 6.7 m deep with or without adding water. It was clarified that water addition to the stored snow is very effective to compress the shallow layer of the stored snow. In this time, water permeated through stored snow layer and fell down into the bottom space. It means that added water can be used repeatedly for the compression when water in the bottom space is pumped up. The observed maximum dry snow density was 582 kg/m^3.
  • Development of a database of low energy homes around the world and analyses of their trends
    Yasuhiro Hamada, Makoto Nakamura, Kiyoshi Ochifuji, Shintaro Yokoyama, Katsunori Nagano
    Renewable Energy, 28, 2, 321, 328, Feb. 2003
    English, Scientific journal, This study aims to develop a database of low energy techniques for homes around the world, for use in systematically evaluating the low energy home in each region, where climate, culture and policy differ. First, a database was made for the purpose of the systemizing passive and active techniques. Data were input according to seven chapters and 155 items, and 66 homes in 17 nations have been recorded. Homes adopting super insulation, high airtightness and solar energy utilization are common in the each country. The thermal insulation performance of wall and window of the housing in Japan is somewhat inferior to that overseas. It was shown that exhaust heat recovery is rarely adopted in Japan and that the underground thermal energy utilization was seen in less than 10% of recorded homes. Second, recorded homes were categorized according to characteristics of adopted strategies, and the reduction rate of purchased energy versus the purchased energy for a typical home was calculated. This revealed the purchased energy reduction rate of homes with both solar heat utilization and photovoltaic power generation to be very high. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Thermal characteristics of manganese (II) nitrate hexahydrate as a phase change material for cooling systems
    K Nagano, T Mochida, S Takeda, R Domanski, M Rebow
    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 23, 2, 229, 241, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Feb. 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The imbalance of electrical demand in summer due to cooling system demand is a big problem in many countries. One promising solution is shifting peak demand from early afternoon to night by utilizing natural cold energy resources such as cool outside air during night or running a refrigerator driven by midnight power. In these cases, using the thermal energy storage (TES) of phase change material (PCM) which has a melting point from 15 to 25 degreesC is one of the most effective ideas. However, few suitable PCMs for this temperature range are at present commercially available. This study aims to evaluate the potential of Mn(NO3)(2).6H(2)O (manganese (11) nitrate hexahydrate) as a new PCM for the TES of cooling systems. First, experiments on the modulation of the melting point of Mn(NO3)(2).6H(2)O and reduction of super-cooling were made by dissolving small amounts of salts in the material. Consequently, MnCl2.4H(2)O was found to have good performance with regard to both modulation of the melting temperature and the heat of fusion. Next, a thermal response test was carried out by using a small cylindrical vessel. Results showed that the required temperature levels for charging and discharging the heat of this mixture were clarified. In addition, the price and safety of this material as a PCM are discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 9-8. Potential of CO_2 Reduction by Ground Source Heat Pump Systems in Hokkaido
    NAGANO Katsunori
    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy, 12, 426, 427, The Japan Institute of Energy, 2003
    NAGANO Katsunori, MOCHIDA Tohru, SHIMAKURA Kazumi, HANNZAWA Hisashi, NAKAMURA Satoshi
    Journal of architecture,planning and environmental engineering, 67, 562, 31, 37, Architectural Institute of Japan, Dec. 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, This study aims to experimentally evaluate the compression of snow during storage in a deep storage tank. First, small scale experiments related to acceleration of the compression of snow by means of water addition for three hours were carried out. Results showed that the addition of 20 wt% water was suitable. In addition, coefficients of viscosity of the compression for wet snow in a short term compression were evaluated. Next, long term experiments concerned with compression of dry snow for the wide range of snow density were done. When the initial snow density was high, the changes of coefficients of viscosity of compression with snow density were quite different from the previous empirical equation for the natural fallen snow. It was shown that the maximum dry snow densities were limited and each maximum density reached about 562 kg/m^3 independent of the initial density. Coefficient of viscosity of the compression was approximately 9.0 × 10^<11> Pas at this maximum density. A calculation method of coefficient of viscosity of the compression was proposed using this point for the wide range of the initial snow density.
    NAGANO Katsunori, TAKEDA Sayaka, MOCHIDA Tohru, SHIMAKURA Kazumi
    Journal of architecture,planning and environmental engineering, 67, 562, 61, 67, Architectural Institute of Japan, Dec. 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Authors have proposed a direct heat exchange system between granulated phase change materials (PCM) and air. In this paper, experiments are conducted with packed bed of granulated PCM when inlet temperature is changed periodically such as outdoor air temperature. Stabilization effects of supply air temperature are demonstrated by experiments and calculations. Results from a computer simulation program, which was shown in previous paper, can reproduce the variation of actual outlet temperature, which is always in phase change condition. Also, reduction of cooling load for ventilation is examined among 8 cities through the computer simulation. Suitable heat storage capacity is shown.
  • Study on design method of autonomous energy city by using Digital National Land Information : Applicability of underground thermal energy utilization system
    NAKAMURA Makoto
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 14, 3, 1273, 1276, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 08 Aug. 2002
  • Study on design method of autonomous energy city by using Digital National Land Information : Seasonal heat recovery characteristics and numerical analysis on space heating and cooling system
    FUCHIGAMI Shigeki
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 14, 3, 1277, 1280, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 08 Aug. 2002
  • An experimental study of thermal characteristics of phase change materials for effective utilization of urban waste heat
    ogawa Kenji
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 14, 2, 937, 940, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 08 Aug. 2002
  • A Study on Floor Supply Air Conditioning System in Building Structure Thermal Storage with Granulated Phase Change Materials
    TAKEDA Sayaka
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 14, 2, 869, 872, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 08 Aug. 2002
  • The evaluation of energy saving and thermal environment of the hybrid air conditioning with natural ventilation
    Hayashi Kengo
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 14, 3, 1641, 1644, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 08 Aug. 2002
  • Influence of natural convection on forced horizontal flow in saturated porous media for aquifer thermal energy storage
    K Nagano, T Mochida, K Ochifuji
    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 22, 12, 1299, 1311, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Aug. 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Estimation of the heat recovery rate in high-temperature underground storage (>50 degreesC) is required before such a system can be built. However, if high-temperature water is injected into and stored in the aquifer, large-scale natural convection could occur that might reduce the heat recovery rate. This study aims to clarify the universal quantitative condition under which natural convection appears and exerts an observable influence for a system with forced horizontal flow in the saturated porous medium. The authors investigated this using both experiments and computer simulations.
    A test section simulating an aquifer was made. Warm water was injected into the test section, which was filled with glass beads. The temperature distribution and the flow rate profile at the outlet were measured. The authors found that the limit condition at which natural convection influences the forced horizontal flow can be determined from the velocity profile and modified Rayleigh number Ra*. In addition, the heat transfer coefficients of the upper and the lower side of walls were estimated. A computer simulation was made for calculation of the temperature field and the velocity vector in the porous medium under natural convection and under forced convection. As calculated temperature fields and flow rate distributions at the outlet were similar to the experimental results, it is thought that this program can be applied to evaluation of the temperature and the velocity of aquifer thermal energy storage. In addition, an index expressing the degree of influence of natural convection on forced convection was proposed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
    NAGANO Katsunori, MOCHIDA Tohru, SHIMAKURA Kazumi
    Journal of architecture and planning, 67, 556, 39, 45, 社団法人日本建築学会, 30 Jun. 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, The authors have developed thermal-photovoltaic (thermal-PV) hybrid exterior wallboards that produce both thermal energy and electricity through solar collection and the incorporation of photovoltaic (PV) cells, respectively. The clapboard-shaped hybrid wallboards permit modular assembly that can be more easily adapted for residential applications than previous PV systems. Solar heat is collected in the form of heated air circulating in the air gap between the hybrid wallboard and the thermal insulation of the exterior walls. This paper presents an evaluation of both the electrical power generating ability and the solar heat collection capacity during winter of six variations of the experimental thermal-PV hybrid wallboard. In addition, exergy analyses were conducted using a computer simulation program written to evaluate the thermal energy collection ability of the hybrid wallboards.
    NAGANO Katsunori, TAKEDA Sayaka, MOCHIDA Tohru, SHIMAKURA Kazumi
    Journal of architecture and planning, 67, 556, 55, 61, Architectural Institute of Japan, Jun. 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Latent heat storage is a kind of heat storage technology and heat is charged or discharged through phase change, melting or solidification, respectively. Authors proposed a direct heat exchange system between granulated phase change material (PCM) and air. PCM is consisted from granulated porous media and paraffin. Its particle diameter is about 1〜3mm. Advantage of this system is that heat transfer coefficient is kept relative large and continuous during phase change. In this investigation, column experiments related with heat exchange between PCM and air were conducted. Also, a computer simulation program was made and phase change period was discussed by the proposal non-dimensional time.
  • ISO‐7933およびISO‐11079の改訂に向けての一提案
    佐古井智紀, 持田徹, 長野克則, 嶋倉一実
    人間と生活環境, 9, 1, 18, 26, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Apr. 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, It is important to clarify the applicable range and the characteristics of thermal indices for designing and evaluating a thermal environment. In this paper, from the viewpoints of thermal physiology, two indices stipulated by ISO, i.e., ISO-7933 for hot environments and ISO-11079 for cold-environments based on thermal equilibrium of the human body, were verified. The human model on ISO-7933 expressed in a linear multiple regression formula cannot always indicate the relationship between thermal physical states and sweat secretion in man. Therefore, this paper proposes that the sweat rate should be evaluated based on the thermal physiological state rather than the thermal equilibrium remainder. In addition, in order to make a new index based on the ISO-7933 concept, which deals with heat storage and dehydration as a measure for evaluation, the authors propose to deal with increase in body enthalpy and sweat secretion as they simultaneously occur. In an analysis of ISO-11079, a similarity is seen between IREQ (Required Clothing Insulation) for general cooling and the WCI (Wind Chill Index) for local cooling in outdoor environments from the viewpoint of thermal physiological engineering interpretation. Considering the scope of application of WCI stated in ISO-11079, it is proposed that thresholds of locally unpleasant or critical states be applied as the values for skin temperature in WCI calculations.
  • Experiment and Evaluation of Thermal Sensation in Outdoor Environment
    KUWABARA Kouhei, MOCHIDA Tohru, NAGANO Katsunori, SHIMAKURA Kazumi
    Journal of human and living environment, 9, 1, 10, 17, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Apr. 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Thermal sensation experiments on subjects were carried out in Sapporo in order to evaluate outdoor environments. The evaluation method for an outdoor thermal environment is verified by using operative temperature, standard operative temperature and standard new effective temperature based on effective radiant temperature indicating the effect of solar radiation. Mean skin temperatures of the human body correlated with thermal sensations, better within individuals than in combined data for all subjects. Comparing the standard operative temperature with the operative temperature, the thermal sensation correlated with the former better than the latter. This result means the effective radiant temperature can indicate the effect of solar radiation. Furthermore, the SET* values including the effect of solar radiation correlated well with thermal sensation.
  • Field performance of a Japanese low energy home relying on renewable energy
    Y Hamada, M Nakamura, K Ochifuji, K Nagano, S Yokoyama
    ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 33, 8, 805, 814, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, Oct. 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, This paper describes the construction and evaluation of an experimental low energy home assisted by a hybrid system using natural energy resources and unused energy. The home, for which a ground source heat pump (GSHP) system has been installed, was built on the campus of Hokkaido University, Japan in March 1997. The total floor area of the home is 192 m(2). This home is super insulated and airtight; the calculated coefficient of heat loss is 0.97 W/m(2) K. It has various passive strategies including direct solar heat gain and a ventilation system with an exhaust stack. Photovoltaic (PV) modules, wind power and solar collectors are adopted in order to achieve self-sufficiency in electric power and domestic hot water (DHW) supply. A GSHP is used for space heating and cooling. Two vertical steel wells are used as vertical earth heat exchangers (VHE). In summer, there is a floor cooling system using piped cold water from the VHE. Approximately 80% of the home's total energy was provided by IN modules, solar collectors, as well as underground and exhaust heat. The annual amount of purchased energy during the test period was 12.5% that of a typical home in Hokkaido. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • An experimental study on direct heat exchange between air and granulated PCM
    TAKEDA Sayaka
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 13, 3, 1501, 1504, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10 Aug. 2001
  • Experimental study on modulation of PCM for waste heat storage system and its thermal characteristics
    Ogawa Kenji
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 13, 3, 1497, 1500, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10 Aug. 2001
  • Study on Evaluation Method of Thermal Sensation at Sedentary Activity
    SAKOI Tomonori
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 13, 3, 1345, 1348, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10 Aug. 2001
  • Relationship between physiological-psychological reaction and effective radiant temperature in surrounded space by four walls.
    KUWABARA Kouhei
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 13, 2, 781, 784, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10 Aug. 2001
  • Fundamental Study of Weighting Factor for Calculating Mean Skin Temperature
    KUWABARA Kouhei, MOCHIDA Tohru, NAGANO Katsunori, SHIMAKURA Kazumi
    Journal of human and living environment, 8, 1, 33, 40, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, Jun. 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, It is said that mean skin temperature correlates closely with thermal sensation. As local skin temperatures are not uniform, when thinking about heat exchange between the human body and the environment and thermal sensation in the entire human body, we have to average local skin temperatures according to some method. Skin temperature is the result of heat exchange between the human body and the surroundings. When we calculate a formula for heat equilibrium between the human body and the environment, it turns out that the formula for mean skin temperature includes the ratios for both skin area and the combined heat transfer coefficient. Recently, a thermal manikin that expresses the heat characteristics of the human body was developed. In this study, we measured local combined heat transfer coefficients with a thermal manikin and calculated new weighting factors for the formula for mean skin temperature. The results obtained in the present study are as follows: 1) When the formula for mean skin temperature is used, the total combined heat transfer coefficient for the human body has to average local combined heat transfer coefficients according to the weighting factor for the surface area. 2) It was found that this weighting factor does not depend on both the air velocity and the difference between the skin surface temperature and air temperature. 3) A new weighting factor for mean skin temperature has been proposed.
  • A Novel Evaluation Method of Radiative Heating and Cooling System, and its Application to the Building Design
    TAKEDA Sayaka
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 12, 1, 357, 360, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10 Aug. 2000
  • Experiments on a Ground Heat Exchanger United with a Sewer Pipe, and its Application
    HONDA Kimihiro
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 12, 3, 1521, 1524, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10 Aug. 2000
  • Fundamental Study on Mean Radiant Temperature including Solar Radiation.
    Kondo Motomu
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 12, 3, 1605, 1608, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10 Aug. 2000
  • Numerical Analysis on Long-term Snow Storage and Heat Recovery Taking Consolidation of Snow and Moisture Penetration into Account
    MIYAZAKI Teruo
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 12, 2, 973, 976, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10 Aug. 2000
  • Relation between Equi-Thermal Sensation Line and Mean Skin Temperature-Skin Wettedness
    MOCHIDA Tohru
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 12, 3, 1213, 1216, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10 Aug. 2000
  • Fundamental Study on Estimation of Mean Skin Temperature
    SAKOI Tomonori
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 12, 3, 1209, 1212, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10 Aug. 2000
  • Experiments on influence of snowfall on photovoltaic power generation system in Sapporo
    MURASHITA Kazunori
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 11, 3, 1373, 1376, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10 Aug. 1999
    SADOHARA Satoru, NAGANO Katsunori, MIURA Masao, MURAKAMI Kimiya, MORIYAMA Masakazu, SHIMODA Yoshiyuki, KATAYAMA Tadahisa, YODA Hirotoshi, KITAYAMA Hiroki
    Journal of architecture,planning and environmental engineering, 510, 510, 61, 67, Architectural Institute of Japan, Aug. 1998, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, The purpose of this study is to clearify the possibility of diffusion of District Heating and Cooling (DHC) in Japan in the near future and its effects on global environment preservation. We selected potential supplied areas of DHC in all over Japan by analyzing heating, cooling and hot-water demand character. We investigated the sourrounding unused energy of the selected areas and analyzed its effect. As a result, total DHC demand is 259,933TJ/a (62,185Tcal/a), that is quivalent to 11.1% of total demand in Japan. By using unused energy as heat sources, 88,733TJ/a (21,228Tcal/a) of primary energy consumption and 1.78 mil.ton of CO_2 emission can be reduced per year in Japan. It means that the DHC promotion is very important and realistic policy in urban area for CO_2 emission which contributes to global environment preservation.
  • Improving Electrical Load Curves in Urban Buildings by Using Small Wind Power Generators
    HATANO Takasi
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10, 2, 865, 868, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10 Jul. 1998
  • Survey on Outdoor Clothing and Thermal Sensation
    KONDO Motoo
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10, 2, 965, 968, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10 Jul. 1998
  • Thermal Sensation Observed while Sitting Cross-legged on the Heated Floor
    TAKEDA Toyotsugu
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10, 3, 1425, 1428, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 10 Jul. 1998
  • Experiments regarding the relation among average skin temperature. wettedness and thermal sensation
    KATADA kenji
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 8, 1, 89, 92, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 01 Aug. 1996
  • Experiments on Low Temperature Floor Heating for Energy Saving and Human Acceptability : Part.2 The Thermal Environment and Heat Balance of the Room
    ISAKA mitsuo
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 8, 2, 661, 664, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 01 Aug. 1996
  • Observation of Soil Temperature Distribution under Natural Climatic Conditions in Sapporo : Part.2 Measurement of Specific Heat and Thermal Conductivity of Soil Sample
    HISAMITSU atsunobu
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 7, 1, 965, 968, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 01 Sep. 1995
  • Estimation of heat energy and its flow within urban water of Sapporo
    NARITA shigeaki
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 7, 1, 1149, 1152, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 01 Sep. 1995
  • Observation of Soil Temperature Distribution under Natural Climatic Conditions Sapporo : Part.1 An Outline of the Station and Observed Results
    NAKAMURA makoto
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 7, 1, 961, 964, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 01 Sep. 1995
  • Evaluation of District Heating and Cooling System by Using Exhaust Heat : Part 8. Optimal Scale and Design for Cogeneration System and Its Effect
    MORISHITA naoki
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 7, 2, 941, 944, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 01 Sep. 1995
  • Survey on energy consumption at business building in Sapporo
    MORISITA naoki
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 6, 3, 1157, 1160, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 01 Sep. 1994
  • Studies on Seasonal Thermal Storage by using Vertical Ground Heat Exchangers : Part.1 An Experiment on Heat Extraction and Cold Storage in Winter
    HAMADA Yasuhiro, HAMADA yasuhiro
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 6, 1, 273, 276, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 01 Sep. 1994
  • Studies on Seasonal Thermal Storage by Using Vertical Ground Heat Exchangers : Part.2 Analysis of Heat Extraction by Using Three Kinds of Heat Exchangers
    ASAGIRI daisuke
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 6, 1, 277, 280, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 01 Sep. 1994
  • Aproximation of surface temperature at a vertical ground pipe by Line source theory
    NAGASAKA shigeyuki
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 6, 1, 293, 296, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 01 Sep. 1994
  • Analysis and measurement of daylight and solar radiation for CIE : (part4) Luminous efficacy and estimation of daylight and solar radiation in Sapporo
    KAKIOKA naoki
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 6, 1, 249, 252, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 01 Sep. 1994
  • Study on effect of long-term heat storage in an aquifer
    YOSHIDA hiroshi
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 6, 1, 297, 300, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 01 Sep. 1994
  • The Study on Utilizing Waste Heat of The Sapporo Recycle Factories Zone
    SATO hideki
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 6, 2, 613, 616, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 01 Sep. 1994
  • Evaluation of District Heating and Cooling System by Using Exhaust Heat : Part 7. A Design for the System and Evaluation by Simulation
    WATANABE hidenori
    Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 6, 3, 1601, 1604, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning Sanitary Engineers of Japan, 01 Sep. 1994

Other Activities and Achievements

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.