Iwashita Akihiro

Slavic-Eurasian Research CenterProfessor
Last Updated :2024/12/10

■Researcher basic information

Researchmap personal page

Research Keyword

  • Border Studies
  • ロシア外交
  • Russian Foreign Policy Sino-Russian Relations

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences, Local studies, Border Studies
  • Humanities & social sciences, Politics


Position History

  • スラブ・ユーラシア研究センター長, 2020年4月1日 - 2022年3月31日
  • 教育研究評議会評議員, 2020年4月1日 - 2022年3月31日

■Research activity information


  • 2011, 第24回地方出版文化功労賞               
    岩下 明裕
  • 2008, 日本学術振興会賞               
  • 2006, 大佛次郎論壇賞               


  • 進化するボーダースタディーズ:私たちの現場とツーリズム               
    岩下 明裕
    境界研究, 9, 91, 112, 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
  • ボーダースタディーズへの招待               
    岩下 明裕, 高木 彰彦
    地理, 61, 4, 68, 74, 2016
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • 構築される領土:竹島、尖閣、北方領土               
    岩下 明裕
    地理, 61, 11, 73, 81, 2016
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Inside and Outside Alliances: Russia's Eastern Frontiers During the Cold War and After               
    IWASHITA Akihiro
    Journal of Borderlands Studies, 32, 1, 55, 70, 2016, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • 国境離島の相克:ナショナリズムの向こう側
    岩下 明裕
    都市問題, 103, 8, 75, 83, 後藤・安田記念東京都市研究所, 2012
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • One Island, Two Countries : A Sino-Russian Bordering Disputed space
    岩下 明裕, 伊藤 薫
    境界研究, 3, 135, 146, 北海道大学スラブ研究センター内 グローバルCOEプログラム「境界研究の拠点形成:スラブ・ユーラシアと世界」, 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • An Invitation to Japan’s Borderlands: At the Geopolitical Edge of the Eurasian Continent               
    IWASHITA Akihiro
    Journal of Borderlands Studies, 26, 279, 282, 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • ボーダースタディーズの胎動               
    岩下 明裕
    国際政治, 162, 1, 8, 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • The Russian Far East's Views on China: 1996-1997
    Iwashita Akihiro
    Russian and East European Studies, 1998, 27, 74, 81, THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPEAN STUDIES, 1998
  • Europe : Contemporary : Eastern Europe (Historical Studies in Japan,1995)
    IWASHITA Akihiro
    SHIGAKU ZASSHI, 105, 5, 375, 380, The Historical Society of Japan, 1996
  • Note The Portrait of Schools in the Soviet International Law
    Iwashita Akihiro
    Seiji kenkyu, 42, 39, 69, Kyushu University, 31 Mar. 1995

Other Activities and Achievements

  • ユーラシアとアジアの様々な三角形――国境政治学試論               
    家田修編著『講座スラブ・ユーラシア学:開かれた地域研究へ』講談社, 1, 197, 220, 2008
  • 上海協力機構と日本―ユーラシア共同体の構築に向けた連携―               
    上海協力機構―日米欧とのパートナーシップは可能か, 59, 64, 2007
  • フルシチョフ対日外交のインプリケーション               
    ロシア研究, 80, 45, 59, 2007
  • 「9.11」とユーラシアの四角形               
    日本比較政治学会年報 「テロは政治をいかに変えたか―比較政治学的考察―」, 1, 2007
  • The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Japan-Moving Together to Reshape the Eurasian Community               
    Toward a New Dialogue on Eurasia:The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Its Partners, 59, 64, 2007
  • 「北方領土問題」に関するアンケート・世論調査               
    『日ロ関係の新しいアプローチを求めて』21 世紀COE プログラム「スラブ・ユーラシア学の構築」研究報告集, 15, 1, 63, 2006
  • プーチン政権下の対中国アプローチとその特徴               
    『ロシア外交の現在 II』21 世紀COEプログラム「スラブ・ユーラシア学の構築」研究報告集, 14, 13, 23, 2006
  • Опыт российско-китайских пограничных переговоров: применим ли он к территориальному вопросу между Россией и Японией?               
    『Взгляд вне рамок старых проблем:опыт российско-китайского пограничного сотрудничества』「スラブ・ユーラシア学の構築」研究報告集, 6, 67, 80, 2005
  • An Inquiry for New Thinking on the Border Dispute: Backgrounds of “Historic Success” for the Sino-Russian Negotiations               
    Slavic Eurasian Studies, 6, 1, 95, 114, 2005
  • Вокруг проблемы российско-китайской границы               
    Казахстан в глобальных процессах, 1, 98, 109, 2005
  • The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and an Emerging Security System in Eurasia               
    Regional Integration in the East and West: Challenges and Responses, 41, 49, 2005
  • 中・ロ国境問題はいかにして解決されたのか?               
    法制研究, 71, 4, 597, 614, 2005
  • Вокруг проблемы российско-китайской границы               
    Мировая экономика и международные отношения, 2, 97, 104, 2005
  • The problem of the Russian-Chinese border               
    2, 97, 104, 2005
  • ロシアの対中国外交:「チャイナシンドローム」を越えて               
    東アジアのロシア, 67, 88, 2004
  • キルギスタン・タジキスタンの対外関係               
    イラク戦争後のプーチン政権の対中央アジア政策, 17, 30, 2004
  • 中俄在中亜的関係               
    第四次中亜形成與上海合作組織国際研討会論文集, 83, 87, 2004
  • 『CIS:旧ソ連空間の再構成』               
    国際書院, 2004
  • Sino-Russian relations in Asia               
    Fourth the Shanghai Cooperation Organization International Symposium Proceedings, 83, 87, 2004
  • The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Its Implications for Eurasian Security: A New Dimension of "Partnership"after the Post-Cold War Period               
    Slavic Eurasian Studies, 2, 259, 281, 2003
  • 9・11事件以後の中露関係               
    特集:9.11事件以後のロシア外交の新展開(松井弘明編), 85, 2003
  • CISとロシア:選択的重層アプローチの形成と展開               
    CIS: 旧ソ連空間の再構成, 185, 205, 2003
  • CISと国際関係:ウクライナ・コーカサス・中央アジア               
    CIS: 旧ソ連空間の再構成, 176, 184, 2003
  • 国境問題               
    『中央アジアの行方』, 84, 106, 2003
  • 中央アジアをめぐる中ロ関係               
    『中央アジアをめぐる新たな国勢情勢の展開』, 59, 78, 2003
  • The Initialization of Russo-Chinese Border Relations : The Russian Chita Region and Chinese Inner Mongolia
    IWASHITA Akihiro, Bulletin of the Faculty of International Studies, Yamaguchi Prefectural University, 7, 38_a, 25_a, 25 Mar. 2001
    Yamaguchi Prefectural University, Japanese
  • The Reality of the Chinese Dream for Tumen River Development : The Eastern Border in Sino-Russian Relations
    IWASHITA Akihiro, Bulletin of the Faculty of International Studies, Yamaguchi Prefectural University, 6, 114_a, 103_a, 25 Mar. 2000
    Yamaguchi Prefectural University, Japanese
  • Central Asia in Russo-Chinese Relations
    Iwashita Akihiro, Bulletin of the Graduate Schools, Yamaguchi Prefectural University, 1, 3, 17, 25 Mar. 2000
    This paper aims to analyze the key issues concerning Central Asia in Russo-Chinese relations after the Cold War. First, it reviews the Russian foreign commitment to Central Asia, which focuses on security items for the border and ex-patriots, which are vital to Russian interests. Second, it pays much attention to the Chinese attitude towards Russian policy on Central Asia, which China has recognized as a sphere of Russian influence. As its future is uncertain, China has supported the Russian presence there. It should keep close and stable relations with Russia to concentrate its resources for economic and political development as a "great power.", Yamaguchi Prefectural University, Japanese
  • The Russian Far East's Views on China
    IWASHITA Akihiro, Bulletin of the Faculty of International Studies, Yamaguchi Prefectural University, 3, 87_a, 75_a, 25 Mar. 1997
    Yamaguchi Prefectural University, Japanese
  • Beyond the "Post-Cold War Syndrome"--The Case of Russian Foreign Policy
    IWASHITA Akihiro, International relations, 111, 34, 50,9-10, 1996
    学術雑誌目次速報データベース由来, Japanese

Books and other publications

  • 変わる北東アジアの経済地図:新秩序への連携と競争               
    岩下 明裕, 中ロ接近が変える北東アジアの国際関係:米中ロ3角形と日口関係への影響
    文眞堂, Jul. 2017, [Contributor]
  • ボーダーツーリズム:観光で地域を創る               
    岩下 明裕
    北海道大学出版会, 2017, [Editor]
  • Japan’s Border Issues: Pitfalls and Prospects               
    IWASHITA Akihiro
    Routledge, 2016, [Single work]
  • 融解と再創造の世界秩序               
    岩下 明裕, ボーダースタディーズからみた世界と秩序:混迷する社会の可視化を求めて
    青弓社, 2016, [Contributor]
  • 入門 国境学:領土・主権・イデオロギー               
    岩下 明裕
    中公新書, 2016, [Single work]
  • 境界から世界を見る:ボーダースタディーズ入門               
    岩下 明裕, 解説
    岩波書店, 2015, [Contributor]
  • Border Disputes: A Global Encyclopedia               
    IWASHITA Akihiro, Sino-Russian Borders
    ABC-CLIO, 2015, [Joint work]
  • 図説ユーラシアと日本の国境:ボーダー・ミュージアム               
    岩下 明裕, 木山 克彦
    北海道大学出版会, 2014, [Joint editor]
  • 国境の島・対馬の観光を創る               
    岩下 明裕, 花松 泰倫
    北海道大学出版会, 2014, [Joint editor]
  • 領土という病               
    岩下 明裕
    北海道大学出版会, 2014, [Editor]
  • 北方領土・竹島・尖閣、これが解決策               
    岩下 明裕
    朝日新書, 2013, [Single work]
  • The Political Economy of Divided Islands: Unified Geographies, Multiple Polities               
    IWASHITA Akihiro, Bolshoi Ussuriiski/Heixiazi
    Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, [Joint work]
  • 日本の「国境問題」:現場から考える               
    岩下 明裕
    藤原書店, 2012, [Editor]
  • ユーラシア世界5:国家と国際関係               
    岩下 明裕, グローバル・ユーラシア
    東京大学出版会, 2012, [Contributor]
  • New Geopolitics and Rediscovery of the U.S.-Japan Alliance: Reshaping “Northeast Asia” beyond the Border               
    IWASHITA Akihiro
    Brookings Institution, Sep. 2010, [Single work]
  • 日本の国境:いかにこの呪縛を解くか               
    岩下 明裕
    北海道大学出版会, 2010, [Others]
  • 20世紀ロシア史と日露関係の展望               
    岩下 明裕, 『4でも0でも、2でもなく』再論
    九州大学出版会, 2010, [Contributor]
  • 日本の国際政治学3               
    岩下 明裕, 中域ユーラシア:国際関係の新たなパラダイムを目指して
    有斐閣, 2009, [Contributor]
  • Security Challenges in the Post-Soviet Space: European and Asian Perspectives.               
    The Polish Institute of International Affairs, 2008
  • 講座スラブ・ユーラシア学I               
    岩下 明裕, ユーラシアとアジアの様々な三角形:国境政治学試論
    講談社, 2008, [Contributor]
  • 上海協力機構―日米欧とのパートナーシップは可能か               
    北海道大学スラブ研究センター, 2007
  • "Slavic Eurasian StudiesNo.16-2 Eager Eyes Fixed on Eurasia:Russia and Its Eastern Edge               
    北海道大学スラブ研究センター, 2007
  • Slavic Eurasian StudiesNo.16-1 Eager Eyes Fixed on Eurasia:Russia and Its Neighbors in Crisis               
    北海道大学スラブ研究センター, 2007
  • Toward a New Dialogue on Eurasia:The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Its Partners               
  • 『日ロ関係の新しいアプローチを求めて』[21 世紀COE プログラム「スラブ・ユーラシア学の構築」研究報告集15]               
    北海道大学スラブ研究センター, 2006
  • 『国境・誰がこの線を引いたのか:日本とユーラシア』〔スラブ・ユーラシア叢書1〕               
    北海道大学出版会, 2006
  • 『ロシア外交の現在 II』[21 世紀COE プログラム「スラブ・ユーラシア学の構築」研究報告集14]               
    北海道大学スラブ研究センター, 2006
  • 4000 километров проблем               
    Восток- Запад, 2006
  • 4000 kilometer proglem               
    east-west, 2006
  • 北方領土問題:4でも0でも2でもなく               
    中央公論新社, 2005
  • 『ユーラシア国境政治-ロシア・中国・中央アジア-』[21世紀COEプログラム「スラブ・ユーラシア学の構築」研究報告集8]               
    北海道大学スラブ研究センター, 2005
  • Взгляд вне рамок старых проблем: опыт российско-китайского пограничного сотрудничества [21世紀COEプログラム「スラブ・ユーラシア学の構築」研究報告集6]               
    北海道大学スラブ研究センター, 2005
  • Slavic Eurasian Studies No. 6-1, Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Partners in the “Community of Asia”: Crossroads in Northeast Asia,               
    北海道大学スラブ研究センター, 2005
  • Slavic Eurasian Studies No.4, A 4,000 Kilometer Journey Along the Sino-Russian Border               
    北海道大学スラブ研究センター, 2004
  • 『ロシア外交の現在I』[21世紀COEプログラム「スラブ・ユーラシア学の構築」研究報告集2]               
    北海道大学スラブ研究センター, 2004
  • A 4,000 Kilometer Journey Along the Sino-Russian Border               
    北海道大学スラブ研究センター, 2004
  • 中ロ国境の旅~「4000キロ」の舞台裏~               
    東洋書店, 2003
  • Slavic Eurasia's Integration into the World Economy and Community,               
    北海道大学スラブ研究センター, 2003
  • 中・ロ国境4000キロ               
    岩下 明裕
    2003, [Single work]

Affiliated academic society

  • 日本平和学会               
  • 地域研究コンソーシアム               
  • ロシア東欧学会               
  • JIBSN               
  • JCBS               
  • ボーダーツーリズム推進協議会               
  • Associataion for Borderlands Studies               

Research Themes

  • Representations of "Territory" and Social Transformation in Northeast Asia
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2025
    岩下 明裕, 福原 裕二, BOYLE EDWARD, 黒岩 幸子, 益尾 知佐子
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 20H01460
  • Multi-Archival Analysis of Critical Junctures in Post-war Northeast Asia
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2024
    Wolff David, 李 鍾元, 岩下 明裕, 泉川 泰博, 楠 綾子, 井上 正也, 松本 はる香
    On October 15-18, 2021 a workshop on “Japan and the Korean Peninsula in the Cold War” was sponsored by Kaken A and held at the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies of Waseda University. Papers were prepared and presented by scholars from South Korea, the PRC and Japan, covering a range of topics concentrated in the second half of the Cold War.

    Cross-archival research made possible the connection of various initiatives not usually studied together. During the detente era, the Nixon opening to China brought on a brief period of relaxation on the Korean peninsula, as well as Japan’s outreach to China. The end of the Vietnamese war brought an end to this hiatus as Kim Il Sung prepared to turn the tide agains the “imperialists” in Asia. A few years later, Carter’s plan to withdraw US troops from South Korea also had implications and connections to Japan. Finally, the shifts of perestroika revealed a fluid conjuncture where, in Northeast Asia, the Korean peninsula was the focal point of new relations and missed opportunities. But the promise of Seoul’s Nordpolitik was never fully met, since it produced an opening to the USSR, but not to North Korea, the ultimate objective.

    A sponsored panel at the International Studies Association Convention went further to include analysis of all members of the incipient Quad, including India and Australia.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Hokkaido University, 19H00575
  • Chinese Cross-border Consumption in Northeast Asia: Impact on Economy and Politics
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    10 Nov. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2020
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, Hokkaido University, 17F17739
  • Comparative Study on Border Tourism in East Asia: Changing Society in Border Regions and its Impact on International Relations with Neighboring States
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2020
    Hanamatsu Yasunori
    Border tourism is promoted by borderlands (border regions) that take advantage of geographical proximity, mutual intimacy, political, economic and cultural “unfamiliarity” while being influenced by intergovernmental relations. Human interaction with tourists from neighboring countries brought by border tourism usually promotes the simultaneous interaction of de-bounding, re-bounding, and neo-bordering processes. In addition, the impact of border tourism on neighboring countries’ relations is an issue that needs to be clarified in the future when the basic condition for border tourism has been lost due to the deterioration of Japan-South Korea relations, Covid-19, and the Ukrainian War.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 17H02491
  • Borders in Global Relations
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2019
    岩下 明裕
    本研究は、グローバル化に関する諸問題を地域横断的に多様なディシプリンを用いて行うのみならず、境界を越え、世界規模で起きる現象の追跡と分析に目配りしつつも、重層的なグローバル化のもとで、絶えず消失し、再生される空間及び人と人の相関における領域化や境界付けを総合的に把握しようとするものである。本研究では、一見グローバル化とはネガの関係に見えるボーダー(境界)の問題群がグローバル化とコインの表裏の関係であることを前提に、旧来の研究視座では読み解くことのできない問題群と本質を逆照射し、かつ実践的な解析や対応策を見出そうと努めようとする。1)アジア・ユーラシアの境界事象(再領域化・囲い込み)とグローバル化した世界の相関を分析し、2)グローバル化するborderization とtrans-borderizationの相関を地域間比較によって試み、3)グローバル化と境界問題の理論的総合を目指す、という課題設定がそれである。
    最終年度にあたる平成30年度は上記の設定にかんがみ、本新学術領域研究で展開されている諸研究を鳥瞰し、当該研究成果の発信に努めた。Association for borderlands Studiesの第2回世界大会(ウィーン、ブタペスト)、世界政治学会(IPSA)(ブリスベン)などで政界の報告を行い、また福岡で開催された世界社会科学フォーラム(WSSF)で複数のパネルを組織した。成果の共有のために、モスクワ、ヘルシンキ、バーミンガム、ワシントンDC,シアトル、サンディエゴで関係する研究者と学術交流を行った。
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area), Kyushu University, 17H05120
  • New Developments in Sino-Russian Relations: Comprehensive Research on Strategic Partnership
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2019
    Wolff David
    This research project collected data on areas of Russo-Chinese cooperation and friction in order to evaluate the chances for rapprochement or even alliance in the next ten years under the Putin and Xi leaderships. In coordination with the National Institute for the Humanities Northeast Asia project, a symposium was held in Sapporo in summer 2018 on “Northeast Asia’s Faultline: One Hundred Years of Sino/Russian/Soviet Competitive Cooperation.” Papers are being edited for a special issue of Eurasian Border Review.
    The most important analytical result of this project is the conclusion that despite China’s caution about getting too close to Russia, Moscow’s steady support on key issues has led, in a very short time, to the US shift from thinking of Russia as the main enemy to a new and unfriendly focus on China. Although China appears to hold the strong hand, Russia’s long-term interest of pitting the US against the PRC has made progress.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 15H03319
  • The Transformation of Political Space and Prospects for New Governance in the Contemporary Phase of Globalization
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2018
    Yamazaki Takashi, IWASHITA Akihiro, SAKIHAMA Yasushi, FUKUMOTO Taku
    Upon a 'new' stage of globalization, this research project has grasped the transformation of political spaces, explored various movements and practices to reconstruct political subjects, and attempted to establish political geographies for the prospect of new governance models. On the basis of activities of the Political Geography Research Group of the Human Geographical Society of Japan, this project has hold eleven sponsored/co-sponsored public meetings (including two lectures given by an international guest speaker) and three international meetings in China and Korea. Some of the research outcomes have been published in Masashi Sato and Yosuke Maeda eds. "Local Governance and Region" (Nakanishiya, 2017) and will be published in "The Dictionary of New Geopolitics" (Maruzen, scheduled in 2019). Through the above-mentioned activities so that this project has contributed to the spread of theories, methodologies, and practicability of new political geography to the public.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Osaka City University, 15H03277
  • Reconstructing International Relations through Border Studies
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2018
    IWASHITA Akihiro, KAWAKUBO Fuminori, YAMAZAKI Takashi, YAMANE So, CHIDA Tetsuro, HANAMATSU Yasunori
    This research project has sought to move beyond the analytical methods used in international relations by focussing on the fundamental factors that define international relations, and to establish a new way of studying political geography that is based on the spheres of daily activity of people living in border regions.
    The project has been publicized abroad through panels organized annually with overseas researchers, and through publication in the Principal Investigator’s Introduction to Border Studies: territory, sovereignty, ideology (Chuko Shinsho-in Japanese), and Japan’s Border Issues: Pitfalls and Prospects (Routledge). Regarding border tourism, it has opened new ground for the field.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Hokkaido University, 26245018
  • General Overview of "Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia"
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    13 Nov. 2008 - 31 Mar. 2014
    TABATA Shinichiro, TANG Liang, IWASHITA Akihiro, UYAMA Tomohiko, UEGAKI Akira, YAMANE So, MOCHIZUKI Tetsuo, MATSUZATO Kimitaka, NAGANAWA Norihiro
    2.本新学術領域研究の英語での成果は,Routledge社から田畑伸一郎を編者とし,Eurasia’s Regional Powers Compared - China, India, Russiaというタイトルで,全14章から成る本として刊行することが決まった。執筆者は本新学術領域研究の6つの計画研究の研究代表者,研究分担者などである。そのための原稿の執筆を行い,ほとんどの原稿が3月末までに提出された。
    5.本新学術領域研究において2010年に行った国際シンポジウムの成果を,Comparative Studies on Regional Powers, No. 14として刊行した。また,本研究の支援を受けて実施された言語学の領域における研究の成果をSlavic Eurasian Studies, No. 26として刊行した。 6.本新学術領域研究は,世界諸地域の研究に関わる研究組織、教育組織、学会などをつないで, 情報交換や研究活動を進めるネットワーク組織である地域研究コンソーシアムから,第3回(2013年度)地域研究コンソーシアム研究企画賞を受賞した。
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area), Hokkaido University, 20101001
  • Northeast Asia in the Cold War: New Materials and Perspectives
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    2009 - 2012
    DAVID Wolff, AKITA Shigeru, IZUMIKAWA Yasuhiro, IWASHITA Akihiro, ENDO Ken, MATSUMOTO Haruka, YOKOTE Shinji, ROBERT Eldridge, KIM Sung-ho
    This Kaken has combined historians and political scientists to collect documents in and about Northeast Asia in the Cold War, especially Japan’s role and perspective. At workshops, conferences and international events, our members have made 80 presentations of new materials and conclusions during the last five years, more than half in English. The members made 70 publications during this period and many more will follow.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Hokkaido University, 21243013
  • Restructuring of the International Order
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    2008 - 2012
    IWASHITA Akihiro, ISHII Akira, ITO Toru, YOSHIDA Osamu, WOLFF David, NAKAI Yoshifumi
    The results of this research project was to analyze the influences that great powers in Eurasia such as Russia, China and India have on the international community, and to review the kind of new order that the international community will form with these regional powers. It did not simply look into the diplomatic strategies of those three countries, but also shed light on how the existing world order tackles the challenge offered by the Eurasian powers.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area), Hokkaido University, 20101002
  • An Emerging New Eurasian Order : Russia, China and Their Interactions toward Neighbors
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    2006 - 2009
    IWASHITA Akihiro, UYAMA Tomohiko, OBIYA Chika, YOSHIDA Osamu, ARAI Yukiyasu, ISHII Akira, NAKANO Junzo, KIM Sung-ho, ARAI Nobuo
    The practical results of this study is, firstly, that it proposed the applicability of the "fifty-fifty," or the Sino-Russian way for resolving a disputed territory on the basis of mutual acceptance (in most cases, the territory is divided) to other cases such as in the dispute over the northern territories between Japan and Russian. Secondly, it concludes that the border cooperative body, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, among Russia, China and Central Asia, that has developed within the context of the wider Eurasian community including South/West Asia in collaboration with the US, EU and Japan could pose as a formation of a new order in this region. The theoretical results of this study is, firstly, that Russia and China-a kind of "great border powers," sharing borders with various neighbors-coordinate their foreign relations in different ways than non-border powers such as the US. Secondly, it also features that the Sino-Russian relations, regulated by the borderland and its dynamics, are far from the US-Sino and the US-Russian relations that are not affected by the border. Finally, the study verifies how the Eurasian quadrangle (the US-Russia-China-India) functions differently depending on whether the sub-components or triangles, namely the US-Russia-China, the US-China-India and Russia-China-India, share a border or not.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Hokkaido University, 18203009
  • Unrecognized States in the Former Socialist Countries: multi-layered and Comparative Approaches
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    2005 - 2007
    MATSUZATO Kimitaka, MUTSUSHIKA Shigeo, HIROSE Yoko, MAEDA Hirotake, IWASHITA Akihiro
    In the academic year of 2005, we focused on domestic politics and political regimes of the unrecognized states, as well as on the issues in historiography, ethnic origins and the debate around "who began to inhabit first in the territory." We conducted fieldwork in Nagorno-Karabakh and other territories. In March 2006, we organized a seminar in Sapporo and Tokyo, inviting a historian from Transnistria.
    In the academic year of 2006, we examined how the issue of unrecognized states affected domestic politics of their former suzerains (Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Moldova). We conducted fieldwork in Abkhazia, Transnistria, and at the EU headquarter in Brussels. In February 2007, we organized a seminar on the aforementioned topic, inviting a political scientist from Germany. Moreover, we published a collection in Russian, titled "Historiographic Dialogue around Unrecognized States: Pridnestr, Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia, South Ossetia, and Georgia."
    In the academic year of 2007, we concentrated our endeavor to publicize the research results internationally. We organized a panel at the annual convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies in New Orleans, inviting specialists from England, Germany, and Mexico. We published a collection in Russian, titled "Transnistria in the Macroregional Context of the Black Sea Rims." This collection demonstrates the future direction of our collective research. Paying attention to the fact that all the post-Soviet unrecognized states emerged in the Black Sea Rims, we will analyze macro-regional backgrounds of this fact.
    During 2006-07, we conducted a contract research to collect biographic data of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 17330025
  • Russo-Chinese Cooperation and Its Implications for Eurasian Security in the Post-Cold War Period
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    2003 - 2005
    IWASHITA Akihiro, ARAI Nobuo, ISHII Akira, NAKANO Junzo, YOSHIDA Osamu
    The contributors of this project consist of researchers in the following fields : Sino-Russian relations, Sino-Central Asian relations, Russo-Japanese relations, Russo-Korean relations, South Asian-Russo-Chinese relations, and Southeast Asian-Sino-Russian relations. The goal of this project was to analyze an emerging Eurasian regional dynamism based on bilateral and multilateral relations. Our team of contributors basically focused their attention on Sino-Russian relations, which have been played out in the heart of Eurasia, and evaluate how these relations affected other relations such as Russo-Japanese, Russo-Korean, Russo-Indian and so on.
    The major result of the project is that it clarified an interaction among those relations, particularly on border cooperation. For the time being, the success of Sino-Russian border relations is contagious : the challenges of the Sino-Russian border were eventually overcome, providing hope that other similar border challenges in Sino-Central and Sino-Southeast Asia can likewise be overcome. The methods adopted for stabilizing border security and finishing border demarcation in the former was applied to the latter. This method could (and should) eventually be applied to Russo-Japanese relations or Sino-Indian relations in near future. A new regional order in Eurasia is on the horizon, and it is one based on the cooperative framework hammered out during tense boarder negotiations between Russia and China.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 15330030
  • Comprehensive Study on Integration of Russia into the World Economy
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    2001 - 2004
    TABATA Shinichiro, KUBONIWA Masaaki, UEGAKI Akira, NAKAMURA Yasushi, IWASHITA Akihiro, SUEZAWA Megumi
    This study revealed the key importance of the oil and natural gas in understanding the Russia's integration into the world economy through a thorough analysis of Russia's official statistics, including SNA (system of national accounts), input-output tables, balance of payments, flow of financial resources and budgetary statistics. Especially, we demonstrated for the first time in the world that profits generated in oil and gas sector were recorded in trade sector in Russia's statistics and they represented the sources for capital flights. We presented these results at the international symposium that we organized in Sapporo and also at panels in academic meetings in the US. These results were published in several international journals. Simultaneously, we investigated the soundness of the above-mentioned Russian statistics. These investigations were carried out as a joint work with statisticians of the Russia's statistical office, and results were also published in international journals.
    We put special emphasis on the role played by the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) organization in the process of Russia's integration into the world economy. We organized a group of scholars who studied the CIS from the standpoint of different disciplines such as international relations, securities, economics, politics, sociology and so on. Our contribution is a rather positive evaluation of the role of the CIS in these ten years after the collapse of the USSR, especially in the role of preventing large-scale international and domestic conflicts and of providing various opportunities for adjustment and negotiations. We published for the first time in Japan a book on the CIS and presented these ideas.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, 13303001
  • Russo-Chinese Regional Cooperation and Northeast Asia in the Post-Cold War Period
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    2001 - 2002
    IWASHITA Akihiro
    This research project has been set up to examine issues of the border demarcation and the Chinese migration in the Russo-Chinese relations. The head investigator has tried with foreign advisers to collect a fact of the territorial troubles over the 4000 km border and explore how Russia and China dealt with and succesfully resolved it for both interests. The research project concludes that the border issues between Russia and China has much determined Russo-Chinese relations than international affairs around Northeast Asia.
    All of the fruits of this project were already publishes as "the Russo-Chinese Border 4000 km" (Kadokawa Shoten), and will be introduced to Russian, Chinese and other international academic associations.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 13620100
  • 中国・ロシア関係と国境地域協力
    1999 - 2000
    岩下 明裕
    上記のように本研究は、内外でも未踏のものであるため、成果を世界に還元すべく積極的に発信を行ってきた。2000年度にはアメリカ(シアトル・ワシントンDC)およびロシア(ウラジオストク)で報告を行い、関連ペーパーをロシア語・英語で公刊した(研究発表1・2・6)。さらに本研究の成果の一部をハジバラ氏(山口県立大学大学院)の協力を得て中国語でも刊行した(研究発表 図書1)。
    日本学術振興会, 奨励研究(A), 山口県立大学, 11720054
  • Changes of Regional Relations in East Central Europe
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    1996 - 1997
    HAYASHI Tadayuki, YATABE Junji, NAKAI Kazuo, NAGAYO Suzumu, IEDA Osamu, ITO Takayuki
    1) This study focuses on the changes of international relations in East Central Europe of post-communist era, in particular :
    (a) eastward expansion of NATO and/or the EU,
    (b) sub-regional cooperation (e.g.CEFTA) in Central Europe
    (c) bilateral relations (e.g.ethnic minority problems) in the region,
    (d) relations between foreign policy and domestic factors in each country.
    2) We had interviews with the persons in charge of this matter in the governments and political parties of the Central and East European countries and Russia..
    3) We collected materials on :
    (a) the parliamentary elections (June, 1996) and the Senate elections (November, 1996) in the Czech Republic ;
    (b) Referendum on accession to NATO in Slovakia (May, 1997)
    (c) the parliamentary elections in Poland (June, 1997)
    (d) Referendum on accession to NATO in Hungary (November, 1997)
    4) The main points of the study may be summarized as follows :
    (a) Although Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary have secured their position as the future members of NATO and the EU,there remain many domestic problems to be solved by the time they join in the organizations.
    (b) Slovak democracy is unstable. Consequently, neither NATO nor the EU regard it a future member of them.
    (c) More careful attention must be paid to the effects of the NATO/EU enlargement on the politics of the Baltic countries, Ukraine and South East European countries. The enlargement may have some negative effects on the stability of these countries.
    5) The interim report of this study has been issued as an Occasional Papers of the Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University in March, 1998 and the final reports of this research project will be gathered into a volume in 1999.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research, Hokkaido University, 08041043
  • 地域間及び国家間協力関係の展開
    1995 - 1997
    林 忠行, 岩下 明裕, 秋野 豊, 横手 慎二, 伊東 孝之, 小泉 直美
    日本学術振興会, 重点領域研究, 北海道大学, 07206103
  • ユーラシア国境政治               
    Competitive research funding
  • Border Politics in Eurasia               
    Competitive research funding

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