Kawamura Hidenori

Faculty of Information Science and Technology Computer Science and Information Technology Synergetic Information EngineeringProfessor
Institute for the Promotion of Business-Regional CollaborationProfessor
Last Updated :2025/02/14

■Researcher basic information

Researchmap personal page

Research Keyword

  • 人工知能
  • ニューラルネットワーク
  • ディープラーニング
  • 機械学習
  • 進化システム
  • マルチエージェントシステム
  • データマイニング
  • ロボティクス
  • 観光情報学
  • 複雑系工学
  • Multiagent Systems
  • Tourism Infomatics
  • Complex Systems Engineering

Research Field

  • Informatics, Intelligent robotics
  • Informatics, Perceptual information processing
  • Informatics, Intelligent informatics
  • Informatics, Information theory

Educational Organization



  • Jan. 2016 - Present
    Laboratory of Harmonious Systems Engineering, Research Group of Synergetic Information Engineering, Division of Computer Science and Information Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Professor
  • Apr. 2007 - Dec. 2015
    情報科学研究科 複合情報学専攻 複雑系工学講座 調和系工学研究室 准教授
  • Oct. 2006 - Mar. 2007
    情報科学研究科 複合情報学専攻 複雑系工学講座 調和系工学研究室 助教授
  • 2006 - 2007
    Associate Professor
  • Apr. 2004 - Sep. 2006
    情報科学研究科 複合情報学専攻 複雑系工学講座 調和系工学研究室 助手
  • 2004 - 2006
    Research Associate
  • Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2004
    工学研究科 システム情報工学専攻 複雑系工学講座 調和系工学分野 助手
  • 2000 - 2004
    Research Associate
  • 1999 - 2000
    工学研究科 システム情報工学専攻 複雑系工学講座 調和系工学分野 日本学術振興会特別研究員
  • 1999 - 2000
    Postdoctoral Fellowships of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Educational Background

  • Apr. 1998 - Mar. 2000, 北海道大学, 大学院工学研究科システム情報工学専攻博士後期課程
  • Apr. 1996 - Mar. 1998, Hokkaido University, 大学院工学研究科, システム情報工学専攻修士課程, Japan
  • Apr. 1992 - Mar. 1996, Hokkaido University, Graduate School, Division of Engineering

Committee Memberships

  • Oct. 2005 - Present
    電子情報通信学会 ソサイエティ論文誌編集委員会, 査読委員
  • Apr. 2005 - Present
    日本ソフトウェア科学会 ネットワークが創発する知能研究会, 運営委員
  • Sep. 2003 - Present
    観光情報学会, 理事
  • Mar. 2003 - Present
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 北海道支部, 運営委員
  • Jun. 2002 - Present
    さっぽろ観光情報学研究会, 幹事
  • Jun. 2024 - Mar. 2026
    NoMaps実行委員会, 副委員長
  • Apr. 2024 - Mar. 2026
    北海道総合政策部地方創生局地域戦略課, 北海道創生協議会
  • Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2026
    国立研究開発法人海上・港湾・航空技術研究所 港湾空港技術研究所, 客員研究官
  • Jun. 2021 - Jul. 2025
    札幌市, IoTイノベーション推進コンソーシアム AI専門部会「Sapporo AI Lab」 ラボ長, Autonomy
  • Jul. 2024 - Jun. 2025
    北海道総合保険医療協議会救急医療専門委員会, 救急医療情報システム検討ワーキンググループ 臨時委員, Autonomy
  • Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2025
    北海道総合政策部地域創生局地域戦略課, 北海道創生協議会 構成員, Autonomy
  • Sep. 2021 - Mar. 2025
    北海道建設部建設政策局建設政策課, 北の住まいるタウン検討協議会 構成員, Autonomy
  • Jun. 2020 - Mar. 2025
    北海道総合政策部次世代社会戦略局DX推進課, 北海道Society5.0推進会議 委員, Autonomy
  • Oct. 2021 - Sep. 2024
    北海道経済同友会, 北海道デジタル推進委員会 アドバイザー, Others
  • Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2024
    北海道, 総合開発委員会 委員, Autonomy
  • Jul. 2020 - Mar. 2024
    北海道, 北海道宇宙関連ビジネス創出連携会議 アドバイザー, Autonomy
  • Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2024
    NoMaps, 実行委員会 委員
  • Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2023
    公立大学法人公立はこだて未来大学, 未来AI研究センター 技術アドバイザー
  • Mar. 2022 - Jun. 2022
    札幌市, 札幌市自治体情報システム標準化推進支援業務 企画競争実施委員会 委員, Autonomy
  • Nov. 2021 - Mar. 2022
    総務省, 消防庁消防防災研究会 アドバイザー, Government
  • Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2022
    財団法人日本食肉生産技術開発センター, マイクロ波食肉製品異物検出装置研究開発推進委員会 委員
  • Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2022
    総務省 情報流通行政局地域通信振興課, 地域情報化アドバイザー
  • Aug. 2019 - Jun. 2021
    北海道, 総合保健医療協議会 救急医療専門委員会 委員
  • Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2021
    総務省, 地域情報化アドバイザー
  • Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2021
    人工知能学会, 代議員
  • Jan. 2020 - Mar. 2020
    札幌市, 札幌市内における観光MaaS検討有識者会議 委員
  • Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2020
    北海道, 衛星データ利用ビジネス創出協議会 アドバイザー
  • Dec. 2019 - Dec. 2019
    加賀市, 加賀市の業務に対する人工知能技術の導入に関する検討会 アドバイザー
  • Sep. 2019 - Sep. 2019
    加賀市役所, AI俳句生成システム及びシステムによって生成されたAI俳句の有効な利用用法検討会 アドバイザー
  • Jun. 2018 - May 2019
    北海道, 総合保健医療協議会救急医療専門委員会救急医療情報システム検討ワーキンググループ 臨時委員
  • Jun. 2015 - May 2019
    人工知能学会, 編集委員
  • Dec. 2018 - Mar. 2019
    株式会社道銀地域総合研究所, xR関連有識者検討会 委員
  • Jul. 2018 - Mar. 2019
    株式会社三菱総合研究所, Web×IoTメイカーズチャレンジ運営委員会 委員
  • Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2019
    北海道総合保健医療協議会, 救医療専門委員会 救急医療情報システム検討ワーキンググループ委員
  • Jun. 2017 - Mar. 2019
    公立はこだて未来大学, 「AI/IoTを活用した生産と流通の最適化による持続可能な北海道水産業モデルの構築」研究開発推進委員会 委員
  • Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2019
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会北海道支部, 支部長
  • Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2019
    情報処理学会, 代表会員
  • Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2018
    一般財団法人北海道道路管理技術センター, 道路管理技術研究所 委員
  • Jul. 2017 - Dec. 2017
    札幌市, 札幌市エレクトロニクスセンター指定管理者選定委員会委員
  • Dec. 2016 - Nov. 2017
    独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科学研究費委員会, 専門委員
  • Sep. 2017
    合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2017 (JAWS2017), プログラム委員人工知能学会代議員
  • Aug. 2017 - Aug. 2017
    独立行政法人中小企業基盤整備機構北海道本部, 平成29年度中小機構北海道本部お客様懇談会 アドバイザー (2017.8.23)
  • Dec. 2016 - Mar. 2017
    財団法人さっぽろ産業振興財団, 札幌テクノパークのあり方意見交換会 委員
  • Mar. 2017
    日本ロボット学会・計測自動制御学会(システムインテグレーション部門)・日本機械学会 第22回ロボティクス・シンポジア, プログラム委員
  • Feb. 2017 - Feb. 2017
    北海道開発局, 北海道のサイクルツーリズム推進に向けた検討委員会 アドバイザー
  • Sep. 2016
    合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2016 (JAWS2016), プログラム委員
  • Aug. 2016
    札幌市, IoTイノベーション推進コンソーシアム運営委員会 委員
  • Aug. 2016
    ネットワークが創発する知能研究会2016 (JWEIN2016), プログラム委員
  • May 2014 - Mar. 2016
    北海道教育委員会, 「支援機器等教材を活用した指導方法充実事業」検討会議委員 委員
  • Sep. 2015
    合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2015 (JAWS2015), シニアプログラム委員
  • Aug. 2015
    日本ソフトウェア科学会 ネットワークが創発する知能研究会 第2回ワークショップ, プログラム委員
  • Aug. 2015
    観光情報学会 第11回研究発表会, 実行委員
  • Jun. 2015
    観光情報学会 第12回全国大会, 実行委員
  • Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2015
    人工知能学会データ指向構成マイニングとシミュレーション(SIG-DOCMAS)研究会, 主幹事
  • Nov. 2014
    観光情報学会 第10回研究発表会, プログラム委員
  • Oct. 2014
    合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2014 (JAWS2014), シニアプログラム委員
  • Aug. 2014
    観光情報学会 第9回研究発表会, プログラム委員
  • Jun. 2014
    観光情報学会 第11回全国大会, 実行委員
  • Mar. 2014
    日本ロボット学会・計測自動制御学会(システムインテグレーション部門)・日本機械学会 第19回ロボティクス・シンポジア, プログラム委員
  • Nov. 2013
    人工知能学会 2014年合同研究会, 現地委員
  • Nov. 2013
    観光情報学会 第8回研究発表会, プログラム委員
  • Sep. 2013
    合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2013 (JAWS2013), シニアプログラム委員
  • Aug. 2013
    観光情報学会 第7回研究発表会, プログラム委員
  • Aug. 2013
    日本ソフトウェア科学会 第9回ネットワークが創発する知能研究会, プログラム委員
  • Jun. 2013
    観光情報学会 第10回全国大会, プログラム委員
  • Mar. 2013
    人工知能学会 論文特集「データマイニングとシミュレーション」, 編集委員
  • Mar. 2013
    日本ロボット学会・計測自動制御学会 (システムインテグレーション部門)・日本機械学会 第18回ロボティクス・シンポジア, プログラム委員
  • Mar. 2011 - Feb. 2013
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 北海道支部, 幹事
  • Dec. 2012
    観光情報学会 第6回研究発表会, プログラム委員
  • Oct. 2012
    情報処理北海道シンポジウム2012, 実行委員
  • Oct. 2012
    合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2012(JAWS2012), プログラム委員
  • Aug. 2012
    観光情報学会 第5回研究発表会, プログラム委員
  • Jun. 2012
    観光情報学会 第9回全国大会, プログラム委員
  • May 2011 - Mar. 2012
    社団法人北海道観光振興機構, 情報システムワーキンググループ 座長
  • Mar. 2012
    日本ロボット学会・計測自動制御学会(システムインテグレーション部門)・日本機械学会 第17回ロボティクス・シンポジア, プログラム委員
  • Nov. 2010 - Nov. 2011
    電子情報通信学会 ソフトウェアエージェントとその応用特集号編集委員会, 編集委員
  • Nov. 2011
    観光情報学会 第4回研究発表会, プログラム委員
  • Oct. 2011
    合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2011 (JAWS2011), プログラム委員
  • Aug. 2011
    観光情報学会 第3回研究発表会, プログラム委員長
  • Sep. 2010 - Apr. 2011
    社団法人北海道観光振興機構, 創客委員会 委員
  • Mar. 2009 - Mar. 2011
    日本ロボット学会, 評議員
  • Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2011
    人工知能学会 知識ベースシステム研究会(SIG-KBS), 幹事
  • Mar. 2011
    日本ロボット学会・計測自動制御学会(システムインテグレーション部門)・日本機械学会 第16回ロボティクス・シンポジア, プログラム委員
  • Oct. 2010
    市民による図書館の魅力発見フェスタ, 実行委員
  • Oct. 2010
    合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2010 (JAWS2010), 実行委員長
  • Jun. 2010
    観光情報学会 第7回全国大会, 実行委員
  • Jun. 2010
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2010(ROBOMEC2010), 実行委員会幹事
  • Dec. 2009 - Mar. 2010
    財団法人さっぽろ産業振興財団, 道央中核自動車関連産業活性化人材養成等事業 アドバイザー
  • Mar. 2010
    日本ロボット学会・計測自動制御学会(システムインテグレーション部門)・日本機械学会 第15回ロボティクス・シンポジア, プログラム委員
  • Dec. 2009
    観光情報学会 第1回研究発表会, 実行委員
  • Oct. 2009
    合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2009 (JAWS2009), プログラム委員
  • Aug. 2006 - Jul. 2009
    札幌市, ようこそさっぽろ運営委員会 委員
  • Dec. 2008 - Mar. 2009
    財団法人さっぽろ産業振興財団, 道央中核自動車関連産業活性化人材養成等事業 アドバイザー
  • Mar. 2009
    日本ロボット学会・計測自動制御学会(システムインテグレーション部門)・日本機械学会 第14回ロボティクス・シンポジア, プログラム委員
  • Oct. 2008
    合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2008 (JAWS2008), プログラム委員
  • Oct. 2007
    合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2007 (JAWS2007), プログラム委員
  • Oct. 2006
    合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2006 (JAWS2006), プログラム委員
  • Sep. 2006
    日本ソフトウェア科学会 ネットワークが創発する知能研究会 第2回ワークショップ, 実行委員長
  • Jan. 2006 - Jul. 2006
    北海道総合通信局, 北海道の観光におけるICT利活用調査検討会 委員
  • Jun. 2006
    観光情報学会 第3回全国大会, プログラム委員
  • May 2005 - Mar. 2006
    北海道運輸局, ニセコ・羊蹄リゾート交通検討委員会 委員
  • Apr. 2003 - Mar. 2006
    情報処理学会 知能と複雑系研究会 (SIG-ICS), 幹事
  • May 2005
    観光情報学会 第2回全国大会, 実行委員・プログラム委員
  • Oct. 2003 - Mar. 2005
    北海道医師会, 総合情報システム推進委員会 委員
  • Jun. 2003 - Mar. 2005
    電気学会 最適化手法の新展開とその産業応用調査専門委員会, 委員
  • Apr. 2003 - Mar. 2005
    情報処理学会 北海道支部, 幹事
  • Mar. 2003
    観光情報学会 第1回全国大会, 実行委員
  • Mar. 2001 - Feb. 2003
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 北海道支部, 研究幹事
  • Dec. 2001 - Dec. 2002
    北海道医師会, 北海道医師会, 総合情報システム推進委員会作業部会 委員
  • Sep. 2002
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 秋季研究発表会, 実行委員
  • Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2002
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 40周年特別事業 統合オペレーションSG1: 「北海道『遊』産業の統合プロセス・マネジメントにおける戦略的情報技術の活用」, 幹事

■Research activity information


  • Dec. 2024, The 19th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems(KICSS2024), Best Student Paper Award               
    Proposal of a Haiku Evaluation Method Using Large Language Model and Prompt Engineering
    Shunki Tomizawa;Soichiro Yokoyama;Tomohisa Yamashita;Hidenori Kawamura
  • Aug. 2024, 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構主催「大学発ベンチャー表彰2024 ~Award for Academic Startups~」, 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構理事長賞               
  • May 2024, The Thirteenth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications(INTELLI 2024), Best Paper Award               
    Generation of Captions Highlighting the Differences between a Clothing Image Pair with Attribute Prediction
    Kohei Abe;Soichiro Yokoyama;Tomohisa Yamashita;Hidenori Kawamura
  • May 2024, 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Metaheuristics & Swarm Intelligence (ISMSI 2024), Excellent Oral Presentation Award               
    Hirotaka Ooe;Soichiro Yokoyama;Tomohisa Yamashita;Hidenori Kawamura;Mitsuo Tada
  • Mar. 2024, 第123回(令和5年度第3回)福祉情報工学研究会, WIT学生研究奨励賞               
    森 雄斗;横山 想一郎;山下 倫央;川村 秀憲;森 正人
  • Mar. 2024, 情報処理学会第86回全国大会, 学生奨励賞               
    大規模言語モデルとChain of Thought Promptingを用いた俳句の評価
  • Dec. 2023, 第95回 高度交通システムとスマートコミュニティ研究会(ITS), 優秀論文賞               
    清水 雅之;横山 想一郎;山下 倫央;川村 秀憲
  • Oct. 2023, 北海道大学, 第9回 北海道大学部局横断シンポジウム研究助成採択銅賞               
  • Oct. 2023, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2023, 研究奨励賞               
    冨澤峻己;岸田 武竜;横山 想一郎;山下 倫央;川村 秀憲
  • Jun. 2023, ソフトウェア・シンポジウム 2023 in 仙台, 論文奨励賞
    大倉 博貴;横山 想一郎;山下 倫央;川村 秀憲, 37019286
  • Jun. 2023, ソフトウェア・シンポジウム 2023 in 仙台, 論文奨励賞
    人物追跡手法とマッチングアルゴリズムを用いた路線バスにおける乗客 OD 推定
    西浦 翼;横山 想一郎;山下 倫央;川村 秀憲, 37020024
  • Mar. 2023, 情報処理学会第85回全国大会, 学生奨励賞               
    平田 航大;横山 想一郎;山下 倫央;川村 秀憲
  • Dec. 2022, The 17th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS2022), Outstanding student Paper               
    Implementation of Autoregressive Language Models for Generation of Seasonal Fixed-form Haiku in Japanese
  • Dec. 2022, 第91回 高度交通システムとスマートコミュニティ研究会 (ITS), 奨励賞               
    清水 雅之;横山 想一郎;山下 倫央;川村 秀憲
  • Nov. 2022, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2022, 技術研究賞               
    大江弘峻, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央,川村秀憲, 多田満朗(株式会社ゼロスペック)
  • Nov. 2022, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2022, 研究奨励賞               
    西浦翼, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 弓崎潔, 佐藤好美(株式会社シーズラボ)
  • Nov. 2022, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2022, 学術研究賞               
    右田幹, 横山想一郎,山下倫央,川村秀憲
  • Mar. 2022, 情報処理学会第84回全国大会, 大会優秀賞               
    平田 航大, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲
  • Mar. 2022, 情報処理学会第84回全国大会, 学生奨励賞               
    平田 航大, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲
  • Mar. 2022, 情報処理学会第84回全国大会, 学生奨励賞               
    マスク化言語モデル RoBERTa を用いた俳句の評価
    花野 愛里咲, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲
  • Oct. 2021, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2021, 優秀プレゼンテーション賞               
    阿部 涼介;横山 想一郎;山下 倫央;川村 秀憲
  • Oct. 2021, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2021, 技術研究賞               
    細川 万維, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 関屋 英理子
  • 2021, 総務省北海道総合通信局 令和3年度「情報通信月間」北海道総合通信局長表彰               
    川村 秀憲
  • 2020, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020, 研究奨励賞               
    EC サイト掲載商品の紹介文作成支援システムにおける複数文組合せ機能の開発
    阿部 涼介, 横山 想一郎 , 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲
  • 2020, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020, 技術研究賞               
    前腕支持型四輪歩行器の歩行支援機能の開発, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020
    森 雄斗,横山 想一郎,山下 倫央,川村 秀憲,森 正人,加藤 士雄
  • 2020, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020, 研究奨励賞               
    永田 紘也, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲
  • 2020, 第20回複雑系マイクロシンポジウム, 優秀プレゼンテーション賞               
    RC カーを用いた自動運転車両シミュレーション環境の構築
    織田 智矢, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 蕨野 貴之, 大岸 智彦, 田中 英明
  • 2019, 人工知能学会, 研究会優秀賞               
    吉田 拓海, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲
  • 2019, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2019, 優秀ポスター賞               
    自動運転車両の群制御に向けた RC カーを用いたシミュレーション環境の構築
    織田 智矢, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 蕨野 貴之, 大岸 智彦, 田中 英明
  • 2019, 一般社団法人情報処理学会, 山下記念研究賞               
    吉田 拓海, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲
  • 2019, 人工知能学会現場イノベーション賞銀賞               
    川村 秀憲;永田 紘也;横山 想一郎;山下 倫央;横川 誠;武田 清賢
  • 2019, 一般社団法人情報処理学会 調査研究運営委員会 研究会活動貢献賞               
    川村 秀憲
  • 2018, 人工知能学会全国大会, 学生奨励賞               
    Deep Q-Networkを用いた自動運転車のゆずりあいによる交通流の効率化
    小川 一太郎, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 酒 徳哲, 柳原 正, 大岸 智彦, 田中 英明
  • 2018, 2018年度7月電子情報通信学会, 研究奨励賞               
    木戸口 稜, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲
  • 2018, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2018, 優秀ポスター賞               
    桶 智輝, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲
  • 2018, The 22nd Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Best student paper               
    Prediction of Race Results and Generation of Predicted Articles in Keirin
    吉田 拓海, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲
  • 2018, 北海道科学技術奨励賞               
    川村 秀憲
  • 2016, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2016, 優秀ポスター賞               
    今野 陽子, 武田 清賢, 横川 誠, 鈴木 恵二, 川村 秀憲
  • 2015, 情報処理学会北海道支部, 技術研究賞               
    今野 陽子, 楳田 健斗, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二
  • 2014, 観光情報学会第8回研究発表会, 研究発表会奨励賞               
    小野 良太, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二
  • 2014, 第14回複雑系マイクロシンポジウム, 優秀講演賞               
    今野 陽子, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二
  • 2012, 観光情報学会第5回研究発表会, 優秀賞               
    村上 嘉代子, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二
  • 2011, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2011, 情報処理学会北海道支部学術研究賞               
    小林 佑輔, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二
  • 2010, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2010, 情報処理学会北海道支部優秀ポスター賞               
    森 翔平, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二
  • 2009, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2009, 情報処理学会北海道支部学術研究賞               
    辻 順平, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 池田 剛,幸島 明男, 車谷 浩一
  • 2008, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2008, 学術研究賞               
    山下 晃弘, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 大内 東
  • 2007, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2007, 学術研究賞               
    寺西 俊樹, 川村 秀憲, 大内 東
  • 2005, AFO’05 in Hakodate, 技術賞               
    皆川 良弘, 川村 秀憲, 山本 雅人, 高谷 敏彦, 大内 東
  • 2005, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2005, 奨励賞               
    皆川 良弘;川村 秀憲;山本 雅人;大内 東;高谷 敏彦
  • 2004, 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2004 (JAWS2004), 論文賞               
    西川 浩司, 川村 秀憲, 山本 雅人, 大内 東
  • 2001, 人工知能学会 ロボカップ・ジャパンオープン2001, JSAI賞               
    Team Harmony(橋本;圭輔;西村 絢子;山下 倫央;川村 秀憲;山本 雅人;大内 東)
  • 2000, 人工知能学会 ロボカップ・ジャパンオープン2000, JSAI賞               
    Team Harmony(飯塚;博之;平本 雅俊;川村 秀憲;山本 雅人;大内 東)


  • Formulation of Kerosene Routing Problem and a Rolling-Horizon Approach Based Heuristic
    Hirotaka Ooe, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Mitsuo Tada
    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 39, 6, AG24, B_1, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 01 Nov. 2024, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal
  • Development of a Passenger OD Estimation System for Route Buses Using Person Tracking Techniques and Matching Algorithms
    Tsubasa Nishiura, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Yoshimi Sato, Rei Hasegawa, Miyuki Hirasawa
    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 39, 6, AG24, G_1, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 01 Nov. 2024, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal
  • Development of Assistance Level Adjustment Function for Variable Load on a Forearm-Supported Robotic Walker               
    Yuto Mori, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Masato Mori
    Sensors, Vol. 24, No. 19, Oct. 2024, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Development of Automatic Keirin Article Generation System
    吉田拓海, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D(Web), J105-D, 1, 60, 74, Jan. 2022, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Estimating Distribution of End Prices Using Hierarchical Bayes Model in B2B Luxury Brand Goods Auctions
    Kohei Hatamoto, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura
    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 36, 5, AG21, C_1, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 01 Sep. 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal,

    Auctions have long been used to trade goods that do not have a fixed price. In recent years, with the spread of internet auctions, the number of goods that can be handled at a single auction has increased. The time required to make a bidding decision per product remains the same even when a large number of goods are traded, such as in wholesale. For this reason, a large time is required to determine the valuation in proportion to the number of goods. This causes problems for the auctioneer and the participants. It is difficult for the auctioneer to set the reserve price and for the participants to decide the amount and target of their bids. It is necessary to understand the value of a product and estimate the end price. Since there is no fixed price for a product sold in an auction, we estimate the distribution of end prices instead of point estimation. We focus on B2B luxury brand goods auctions, where the number of goods is large and the bidding decision cost per product is high. We estimate the distribution of successful bids on actual auction data of wristwatches, which have large transaction volumes in the auction. The performance of the proposed method was measured by MAE, RMSE, and MAPE, and was close to that of experts. The proposed method was able to capture the data distribution. Finally, we show that the end price distribution estimation can be used to support both auctioneers and participants in brand-name auctions with a large number of goods.

  • Analysis of the Effect of the Number of Bidders and Bidding Process on the End Price in a B2B Online Auction.
    Kohei Hatamoto, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura
    WI/IAT, 658, 663, 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
    International conference proceedings
  • Impression Estimation of Clothing Images by Semi-Supervised Learning Using CNN               
    Mizuki Kambe, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura
    Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Development of an autonomous forearm-supported walker for nursing facilities
    Yuto Mori, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Norio Kato, Masato Mori
    Artificial Life and Robotics, 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, Owing to technological advancements in medicine and nursing, an aging population has emerged in Japan. Consequently, the elderly need extra care and support from their caregivers. This study develops an autonomous forearm-supported walker for users who can handle the walker without any support. The three main functions of the proposed walker include moving with the weight support of the user, assisting the user in walking, and autonomous driving. These functions are expected to assist the patient in walking, hence reducing the burden on the nursing staff. In this study, we experimented on the degree of support in straight-line walking using the walking support function of the proposed walker. The effect of the walking support function was confirmed by measuring the muscle activity of five muscles of the subject’s lower limbs. In addition, we confirmed the accuracy of the autonomous driving function by checking the results of the self-position estimation during 90 turns and forward movement. Additionally, we conducted a route driving experiment that confirmed the possibility of driving without a significant deviation from the set route.
  • Development of a forearm-supported walker with walking support and autonomous driving functions               
    Yuto Mori, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Masato Mori, Norio Kato
    Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Detection of fish species in sonar images using CNN               
    Yudai Hirama, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki, Masaaki Wada
    Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning for Smooth Traffic Flow at An Intersection               
    Tomoya Oda, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Takayuki Warabino, Tomohiko Ogishi, Hideaki Tanaka
    Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Development of a Traffic-Simulation Environment Using RC Cars               
    Tomoya Oda, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Takayuki Warabino, Tomohiko Ogishi, Hideaki Tanaka
    The 1st International Workshop on Frontiers of Multi-Agent Systems, 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Generation and Selection of Haiku Poems Using Deep Learning
    横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲
    Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 34, 467, 474, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 01 Jul. 2019
  • Study on Evaluation Function Design of Mahjong using Supervised Learning
    ZHENG Yeqin, YOKOYAMA Soichiro, YAMASHITA Tomohisa, KAWAMURA Hidenori
    JSAI Technical Report, Type 2 SIG, 2019, SAI-034, 05, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 07 Mar. 2019
    Japanese, The evaluation function for an imperfect information game is always hard to define but has a significant impact on the playing strength of a program. Deep learning has made great achievements in several recent years, and already exceeded the level of top human players in perfect information games such as AlphaGo. Predicting opponents moves and hidden states is important in imperfect information games. This paper describes a model on building a Mahjong artificial intelligence with deep learning method and supervised learning theory. Four deep neural network for discarding and predicting opponents' waiting, waiting tiles and point changes are combined into one model and performs good during games. With improved feature engineering, our accuracies on validation data of these networks reach higher than Dr. Mizukami and Professor Tsuruoka's network.
  • Determining the Number of Tourist Arrivals from Travel Reviews: A Bivariate Correlation Analysis               
    Shuang Song, Tomohisha Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Junichi Uchida, Hajime Saito
    Proceedings of the 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference, 244, 248, 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Increase of Traffic Efficiency by Mutual Concessions of Autonomous Driving Cars Using Deep Q-Network
    Tomohisha Yamashita, Ichitaro Ogawa, Soichiro Yokoyama, Hidenori Kawamura, Akira Sakatoku, Tadashi Yanagihara, Tomohiko Ogishi, Hideaki Tanaka
    Intelligent Transport Systems for Everyone’s Mobility, 357, 375, Springer Singapore, 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, In book
  • Estimating Impressions for Clothing, Landscape, and Indoor Images Using CNN.
    Mizuki Kambe, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura
    Proceedings of the 23rd Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems(IES), 67, 78, Springer, 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Determining tourist satisfaction from travel reviews
    Song Shuang, Kawamura Hidenori, Uchida Junichi, Saito Hajime
    Information Technology & Tourism, 21, 3, 337, 36, 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Prediction of Race Results for Generation of Predicted Articles in Keirin
    吉田拓海, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲
    情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル(Web), 60, 10, 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Development of Efficient Request Method Using Messaging App for Substitute Fulfillment
    幡本昂平, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲
    情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル(Web), 60, 10, 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Development of entertainment balloon robot system for an indoor event venue
    Hiroya Nagata, Stefan Walke, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hiroyuki Iizuka, Masahito Yamamoto, Keiji Suzuki, Hidenori Kawamura
    Artificial Life and Robotics, 23, 2, 192, 199, 01 Jun. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, This project revolves around the combination of different state-of-the-art concepts to create balloon robots which can be used for entertainment purposes. The goal is having multiple robots perform a choreographed flight on preset paths to make use of the “dead space” over the crowd of an event, either as part of the show or displaying information and advertisements. As the balloon is flying on a defined trajectory, a tracking system for its position is needed. For this purpose, several infrared cameras monitor the position of a marker attached to the balloon. The main challenge is overcoming the instabilities of the system to ensure a smooth and precise flight, resulting from the balloons structure: the balloon is filled with helium to counteract the forces of gravity and, therefore, minimize the work needed to keep its momentum. Finding a way to achieve this optimization and the precision mentioned beforehand is the task that we will present and solve in this paper.
  • Haiku Generation Based on Motif Images Using Deep Learning
    YONEDA Koki, YOKOYAMA Soichiro, YAMASHITA Tomohisa, KAWAMURA Hidenori
    JSAI Technical Report, Type 2 SIG, 2018, SAI-031, 03, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 01 Mar. 2018
    Japanese, 近年, 深層学習を使用した芸術の作成に注目が集まっている. また, 日本で古くから親しまれている芸術として俳句がある. そこで, 俳句を作成する方法として一般的な「モチーフから俳句を作る」ということを深層学習を使用して行うことで, 芸術作成としての深層学習の有用性を示す.そのための方法として, 小林一茶をはじめとする俳人たちの俳句を大量に用意してLSTMに入力して学習し, 文字列を生成する. その後, 得られた文字列から俳句としての条件を満たすものをとりだし, モチーフ画像に適合するかどうかの評価値を算出する. 評価が高ければそのモチーフ画像にあった俳句として生成できたものとしている. その過程で,LSTMが俳句としてのルールを学習できているかを確認するための実験を行った.
  • Estimation of Fish Species Based on Echo Sounder Image using CNN
    HIRAMA Yudai, YOKOYAMA Soichiro, YAMASHITA Tomohisa, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, WADA Masaaki
    JSAI Technical Report, Type 2 SIG, 2018, SAI-031, 04, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 01 Mar. 2018
    Japanese, 近年、漁業の乱獲などによって水産資源の枯渇が問題となっており、魚種ごとの資源管理が課題とされている。しかし、受動的漁法である定置網漁法において、漁獲量を調整することが難しい。そこで、本研究は定置網漁場に設置された魚群探知機によって得られる音響画像を用いて、Deep Learningによる定置網内の魚種・漁獲量推定のアプローチを行い、推定モデルの有効性を検証する。
  • Generation of Predicted Articles Based on Arrival Order Prediction Using Neural Network
    YOSHIDA Takumi, YOKOYAMA Soichiro, YAMASHITA Tomohisa, KAWAMURA Hidenori
    JSAI Technical Report, Type 2 SIG, 2018, SAI-031, 02, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 01 Mar. 2018
    Japanese, 競輪の1日当たりのレース数を考えると予想記事の作成にかかるコストは大きい.よって本研究では,競輪の予想記事を自動生成することを目的とする.また,新規ユーザーの獲得という競輪業界の課題や既存記事が新規ユーザーには理解が困難であることを踏まえ,本研究では,新規ユーザー向けの予想記事の自動生成を行う.本研究では,機械学習による着順予測の生成と,生成された着順予測を解説する予想記事の生成を行った.着順予測については,予測のための入出力設定の比較,機械学習手法の比較,入力特徴量の比較を実施し,本研究での最良の着順予測を生成した.記事生成については,既存記事を参考に,生成する記事の満たすべき条件を設定し,その条件を満たす記事生成手法としてテンプレートによる記事生成を提案した.
  • Towards a New Method for the Investigation of Tourists' Needs
    SONG Shuang, KAWAMURA Hidenori, UCHIDA Junichi, SAITO Hajime
    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI, JSAI2018, 1B1OS11a03, 1B1OS11a03, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2018
    Japanese, Many travel surveys have been carried out in many tourist destinations to investigate tourist's needs. However, traditional survey methods can be time and money consuming. Meanwhile, the analysis of the massive and up-to-date travel reviews may be able to provide a low-cost and real-time substitute. There are many tasks before we can develop a method to perform the investigation automatically. This paper will explain the progresses we have made through manual analysis and show the remaining tasks for developing an automated method.
  • Towards a New Investigation Method for Tourists’ Needs: from Travel Survey to the Analysis of Travel Reviews               
    Shuang Song, Hidenori Kawamura, Junichi Uchida, Hajime Saito
    Proceedings of The First International Conference on Digital Practice for Science, 11, 16, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Identification of Fish Species in a Set-Net with Convolutional Neural Network               
    Yudai Hirama, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki, Masaaki Wada
    The 1st International Conference on Digital Practice for Science, Technology, Education, and Management, 84, 87, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • A PID Controlled Balloon Robot with Multiple Camera Positioning               
    Hiroya Nagata, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hiroyuki Iizuka, Masahito Yamamoto, Keiji Suzuki, Hidenori Kawamura
    The 1st International Conference on Digital Practice for Science, Technology, Education, and Management, 78, 83, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Implementation of Mutual Concessions of Autonomous Cars Using Deep Q-Network               
    Ichitaro Ogawa, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Akira Sakatoku, Tadashi Yanagihara, Tomohiko Ogishi, Hideaki Tanaka
    2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • The Substitute Worker Selection Method Using Agent-based Simulation               
    Kohei Hatamoto, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura
    The 22nd Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, 134, 141, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Prediction of Race Results and Generation of Predicted Articles in Keirin               
    Takumi Yoshida, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura
    The 22nd Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, 99, 105, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Content Analysis of Travel Reviews: Exploring the Needs of Tourists from Different Countries.
    Shuang Song 0004, Hajime Saito, Hidenori Kawamura
    Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2018(ENTER), 93, 105, Springer, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Self-Tuning Neuro-PID Controller for Indoor Entertainment Balloon Robot.
    Hiroya Nagata, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hiroyuki Iizuka, Masahito Yamamoto, Keiji Suzuki, Hidenori Kawamura
    J. Robotics Mechatronics, 30, 3, 390, 396, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Discriminating fish species by an Echo sounder in a set-net using a CNN
    Yudai Hirama, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki, Masaaki Wada
    Proceedings - 2017 21st Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, IES 2017, 2017-January, 112, 115, IEEE, 21 Dec. 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, Currently, the prediction of fish species and catches is based on the experience of fishermen. Echo sounders can support fisheries; however, they cannot identify fish species. A system for the identification of fish species with machines has not been established. The purpose of this research is to propose a new method for the identification of fish species using echo sounders attached to a set-net. From the results of an experiment, five fish species (yellowtail, salmon, sardine, squid, and juvenile tuna) were identified with an accuracy of 95%.
  • Recognition of snow condition using a convolutional neural network and control of road-heating systems
    Nozomi Koyama, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Kiyotaka Takeda, Makoto Yokogawa
    Proceedings - 2017 21st Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, IES 2017, 2017-January, 122, 126, IEEE, 21 Dec. 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, The conventional control method for road-heating systems, which is controlled mainly by snowfall, is the feedforward control. Therefore, the road-heating systems often operate in spite of no snow on the parking lots. In this paper, we introduce the method of feedback control for road-heating systems that detects snow condition on the parking lots, and turns road-heating systems on and off properly. To recognize the snow condition, we adopt images for recognition using convolutional neural networks.
  • Development of Real Time 3D Positioning System for Indoor Entertainment Balloon Robots               
    Hiroya Nagata, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hiroyuki Iizuka, Masahito Yamamoto, Keiji Suzuki, Hidenori Kawamura
    Eighth International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
    International conference proceedings
  • A Consideration of Utilization Possibility of Word2Vec for Event Notice Classifier by Deep Learning
    ONO Ryota, KAWAMURA Hidenori
    JSAI Technical Report, Type 2 SIG, 2016, SAI-025, 06, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 28 Feb. 2016
    Japanese, A purpose of this paper is considering usage of Word2Vec and Doc2Vec, which are text vectorization tools by machine learning, to classify event notice. Firstly, we calculate feature vector of several characteristic words relate to event notice by Word2Vec, and enumerate five highest similarity words. Secondly, in a similar way, we calculate feature vector of event notice's text by Doc2Vec, and consider five highest similarity event notices.
  • Interaction of Two Oscillator Aggregations
    Sho Yamauchi, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    INTELLIGENT AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS 13, 302, 1213, 1225, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2016, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, The main feature that keeps states and structures stable can be seen in living organisms. This adjusting and adaptive features are called homeostasis. This integrated adaptive feature is achieved by the cooperation of organs in living organisms. Living organisms in nature act dynamically due to this feature. Highly adaptive behavior caused by this feature is also observed in simple living organisms that have no neural circuits such as amoebas. Based on these facts, a method of control to generate homeostasis in robotic systems is proposed by assuming a robot system is an aggregation of oscillators and each parameter in a robot system is allocated to an oscillator. Especially, interaction between two independent robots as oscillator aggregation is focused in this paper.
  • 観光情報学と観光情報学会の取り組み
    川村 秀憲, 山本, 雅人, 鈴木, 恵二, 松原 仁
    サービソロジー, 1, 4, 36, 41, Oct. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
  • 特集「プライバシーフレンドリーシステム」投稿論文(Vol.6 No.2掲載分) SNSプライバシー保護とリスク管理の検討─ソーシャルモニタリングツールの開発に向けて─
    山下 晃弘, 上村 卓史, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二
    デジタルプラクティス, 6, 2, 150, 158, 15 Apr. 2015
    Japanese, 特集「プライバシーフレンドリーシステム」投稿論文(Vol.6 No.2掲載分)家族や友人のみならず,就職活動やビジネスにおいてもSNSの利用が一般化している.一方で,炎上やネットストーカーに代表されるプライバシーリスクも顕在化してきた.スマホのアプリやサービスの選択肢が増える一方で,それらの情報源から第三者が個人情報を容易に推測可能な環境が整いつつある.特定のSNS上では安全でも,それらが結びつくことで生じるリスクは目視や手作業での把握や管理が難しい.筆者らは,多様化するSNSにおいて,利用者がプライバシーリスクを正確に把握し,適切な管理下で安全に利用可能な環境作りについて検討してきた.また独自にソーシャルモニタリングツールを開発して運用し,SNSに内在するさまざまなリスクについて知見を得てきた.本稿ではその取り組みを紹介し,今後さらに多様化が予想されるSNS利用形態とプライバシーリスク管理の課題について検討する.
  • Extended Flocking Algorithm for Self-parameter Tuning
    Sho Yamauchi, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN, 98, 4, 44, 51, WILEY-BLACKWELL, Apr. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Flocking algorithms for a multiagent system are distributed algorithms that only have simple rules for each agent but generate complex formational movement. These algorithms are known as swarm intelligence and are robust and disaster tolerant for most cases. We consider that flocking algorithms that have these characteristics are the way to generate homeostasis in a system. We expect that by making use of this algorithm the system can tune its self-parameters and thus maintain a high performance. First, to apply a flocking algorithm to a system, we extended the flocking algorithm to form an arbitrary lattice for further flexibility. We then applied the extended flocking algorithm to position tracking camera system as an example. (C) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Control of oscillator aggregation for emergence of homeostasis in autonomous systems
    Sho Yamauchi, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 30, 1, 1, 11, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 06 Jan. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, The main feature that keeps states and structures stable can be seen in living organisms. This adjusting and adaptive feature is called homeostasis. This integrated adaptive feature is achieved by the cooperation of organs in living organisms. Living organisms in nature act dynamically due to this feature. Highly adaptive behavior caused by this feature is also observed in simple living organisms that have no neural circuits such as amoebas. In amoeba case, each cell acts as an oscillator and such behavior is explicable as synchronization phenomena of oscillators. Based on these facts, a method of control to generate homeostasis in robotic systems is proposed by assuming a robot system is an aggregation of oscillators in this paper. When a robot system is assumed as an aggregation of oscillators, a robot system tries to keep the value of the specific function that indicate its uncomfortable level small the whole time. To keep such function value small, a robot system stabilize the relationship between oscillators when its value is small and reconstruct the relationship between oscillators when its value is large. This behavior is also explicable as synchronization phenomena of oscillators. A redundant robot arm is made to confirm the effect of this control method to generate homeostatic behaviors in robotic systems.
  • Oscillator aggregation wheeled robot actively synchronizing with external environment
    Sho Yamauchi, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    2015 IEEE CONGRESS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION (CEC), 1438, 1443, IEEE, 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, The main feature that keeps states and structures stable can be seen in living organisms. This adjusting and adaptive feature is called homeostasis. This integrated adaptive feature is achieved by the cooperation of organs in living organisms. Living organisms in nature act dynamically due to this feature. Highly adaptive behavior caused by this feature is also observed in simple living organisms that have no neural circuits such as amoebas. In amoeba case, each cell acts as an oscillator and such behavior is explicable as synchronization phenomena of oscillators. Based on these facts, a method of control to generate homeostasis in robotic systems is proposed by assuming a robot system is an aggregation of oscillators in this paper. When a robot system is assumed as an aggregation of oscillators, a robot system tries to keep the value of the specific function that indicate its uncomfortable level small the whole time. To keep such function value small, a robot system stabilize the relationship between oscillators when its value is small and reconstruct the relationship between oscillators when its value is large. This behavior is also explicable as synchronization phenomena of oscillators. Wheeled robot with camera is applied this control method in this paper to confirm the effect of the method. Adaptive behavior is observed in the robot through the task to find the better position between the object.
  • Consideration of Scoring Algorithm for Event Notice Recommender System
    小野 良太, 山下 晃弘, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二
    観光と情報 : 観光情報学会誌, 11, 1, 23, 34, 観光情報学会, 2015
  • 地域密着型イベント情報サイト活用に関する事例と考察
    伊藤千輝, 篠田孝祐, 諏訪博彦, 小野良太, 平田圭, 川村秀憲, 栗原聡
    社会情報システム学シンポジウム学術講演論文集 21, 21st, 55, 58, Jan. 2015
  • Local Clustering Organization based subtour extract approach for large-scale TSP               
    Yohko Konno, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, AIPR 2014, Held at the 3rd World Congress on Computing and Information Technology, WCIT, 123, 133, Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2014
    English, International conference proceedings, "Traveling Salesman Problem" (TSP) is one of most difficult and important problems in combinatorial optimization on industrial circles. "Local Clustering Organization" (LCO) was developed to solve large-scale TSP high-speed. LCO is reasonable for implementation to general optimization problems, it has a simple framework based on the principle of "Self-Organization Map" (SOM) for TSP. However, LCO has the defect of operation that was easy to be caught in a local minima. This paper will elucidate the LCO behavior and show two improvements to lack of LCO that is necessary to solve large-scale TSPs. First, LCO operator is explained as compared with k-opt method that is a well-known effective operation in TSP. Two improvements are the extension of LCO operator, and the control of "concentrations of search" which computes on a large search-pace effectively. In analysis of LCO and k-opt method, it is proposed "Insert method" (IM) to "Extended LCO" (ELCO) as a new method of 3-opt type. For making a concentration of search, it is proposed the method that 1-tour is divided into sub-tours and bridges for "Sub-tour extract ELCO" (SELCO). The performances of LCO, ELCO and SELCO are analyzed using "usa13509" of TSP instances. The experiment shows the improvement in the accuracy of solutions and the concentration of searches.
  • Implementation of massive agent model using repast HPC and GPU
    Shinsaku Segawa, Shofuku Kin, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    WMSCI 2014 - 18th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Proceedings, 1, 262, 266, 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
    International conference proceedings, Agent Based Model (ABM) is efficient for analysis of various social mechanisms. Recently, there are many studies on massive agent model to explain more complex social phenomena. Then, we aim for implementation of large scale simulation model using Repast HPC toolkit, a platform for massive agent model. In this article, we build "Schelling Segregation Model" for spatial model using geospatial data provided OpenStreetMap, an open source project creating a free editable map. In this model, agents are located continuous space, not grid in original. When an agent is "unhappy" and migrates to new location, it costs agents some simulation time depending on distance between old location and new one. This article reports simulation results using Japanese cities and verification result about execution time.
  • Oscillator aggregation in redundant robotic systems for emergence of homeostasis
    Sho Yamauchi, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 274, 59, 69, Springer Verlag, 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, The main feature that keeps states and structures stable can be seen in living organisms. This adjusting and adaptive feature is called homeostasis. This integrated adaptive feature is achieved by the cooperation of organs in living organisms. Living organisms in nature act dynamically due to this feature. Highly adaptive behavior caused by this feature is also observed in simple living organisms that have no neural circuits such as amoebas. Based on these facts, a method of control to generate homeostasis in robotic systems is proposed by assuming a robot system is an aggregation of oscillators in this paper and each parameter in a robot system is allocated to an oscillator. Such oscillators interact so that the whole system can adapt to the environment. Also, a redundant robot arm is made to confirm the effect of this control method to generate homeostatic behaviors in robotic systems.
  • Statement-based cost estimate for co-utilization of service facilities
    Hidenori Kawamura, Ryota Ono, Keiji Suzuki
    Journal of Information Processing, 22, 2, 270, 278, Information Processing Society of Japan, 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, In this paper, we focus on allocating of social service facilities which are operated under the first-comefirst- serve rule. In such facilities, users cannot make a reservation in advance. To reduce congestion, it is desirable to adjust a schedule by communication devices. We propose the user-in-the-loop forecasting with the statement-based cost estimate, and apply to two types of facility allocation models, i.e., the theme park scenario and the highway scenario. The computer experiments show that the proposed estimate caused better results in both scenarios to reduce congestion. In particular, the users in the highway scenario could achieve a near user equilibrium situation without any advance experience of the system. © 2014 Information Processing Society of Japan.
  • Arbitrary Lattice Formation with Flocking Algorithm Applied to Camera Tracking System
    Sho Yamauchi, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    English, International conference proceedings, Flocking algorithms for a multi-agent system are distributed algorithms that only have simple rules for each agent but generate complex formational movement. These algorithms are known as swarm intelligence and are robust and disaster tolerant for most cases. We consider that flocking algorithms that have these characteristics are the way to generate homeostasis in a system. We expect that by making use of this algorithm the system can tune its self parameters and thus maintain a high performance. First, to apply a flocking algorithm to a system, we extended the flocking algorithm to form an arbitrary lattice for further flexibility. We then applied the extended flocking algorithm to a position tracking camera system as an example.
  • Tourism Informatics : Application of Information Technology to Tourism(Where System & Information Technology Meet Tourism)
    MATSUBARA Hitoshi, YAMAMOTO Masahito, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji
    Systems, control and information, 57, 8, 316, 322, システム制御情報学会, 15 Aug. 2013
  • Observation of synchronization phenomena in structured flocking behavior
    Sho Yamauchi, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 17, 5, 715, 720, Springer-Verlag, 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Flocking algorithms for multi-agent systems are distributed algorithms that generate complex formational movement despite having simple rules for each agent. These algorithms, known as swarmintelligence, are flexible and robust. However, to exploit these features to generate flexible behavior in an autonomous system, greater flexibility is needed. To achieve this, these algorithms are extended to enable arbitrary lattice formation. In addition, extended flocking algorithms can be assumed to be the aggregation of oscillators and observed the behavior of synchronization. It is difficult to explain the behavior of extended flocking algorithms as a consensus problem but, by assuming the flock as the set of oscillators, it can be explained as a synchronization phenomenon.
  • Extended flocking algorithm for self-parameter tuning
    Sho Yamauchi, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 133, 6, 1195, 1201, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Flocking algorithms for a multi-agent system are distributed algorithms that only have simple rules for each agent but generate complex formational movement. These algorithms are known as swarm intelligence and are robust and disaster tolerant for most cases. We consider that flocking algorithms that have these characteristics are the way to generate homeostasis in a system. We expect that by making use of this algorithm the system can tune its self parameters and thus maintain a high performance. First, to apply a flocking algorithm to a system, we extended the flocking algorithm to form an arbitrary lattice for further flexibility. We then applied extended flocking algorithm to position tracking camera system as an example. © 2013 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • Trend analysis for flaming of SNS.
    Seishi Yamagata, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration(SII), 370, 375, IEEE, 2013
    International conference proceedings
  • Sensor based operation of Google Street View in iPad.
    Ayumi Kanehira, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    2013 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics(AIM), 212, 216, IEEE, 2013
    International conference proceedings
  • An Indoor Autonomous Positioning and Navigation Service to Support Activities in Large-Scale Commercial Facilities.
    Takeshi Ikeda, Mitsuru Kawamoto, Akio Sashima, Junpei Tsuji, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki, Koichi Kurumatani
    Serviceology for Services(ICServ), 191, 201, Springer, 2013
    International conference proceedings
  • Application of flocking algorithm to attitude control of humanoid robot
    Sho Yamauchi, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 194, 2, 835, 842, Springer Verlag, 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, Flocking algorithm of multi agent system is robust and disaster tolerant even though agents face obstacles or destructed. In this paper, we focus on applying these mechanism to single humanoid robot by assuming that the robot is the set of agents. We extend flocking algorithm to be capable of using in single robot and apply it to humanoid robot to maintain standing posture. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.
  • Skill-Based Simulation Model for Optimizing Strategy in Golf
    Shogo Sugawara, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    English, International conference proceedings, Not only skill but also determination of strategy (choosing a club and a target) is important to improve golf scores. This study aims to optimize a strategy to help golfer's improve their scores. To optimize a strategy, first, we develop a simulation model that determines the drop position of a golf ball probabilistically. The size of a gap between a target and a position at which the ball actually falls changes depending on the skill parameters. Next, expected values of the score are calculated at every spot among the golf course by the Q-learning [9] using the simulation model. Finally, we check the capability to acquire a strategy through simulation that directs action to a golfer agent using optimized Q-tables. Results of the optimization show that when the shot distance of each club is the same but the shot accuracy is not, a club that has a shorter shot distance is more suitable for a golfer with low shot accuracy than a golfer with high shot accuracy. The strategy is optimized in consideration of course layout and golfer's skills.
  • Analyzing the impact of earthquake on tourists' activity: Travel blog mining
    Kayoko H. Murakami, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 4, 22, 239, 247, Dec. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, An intensive earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tohoku struck the greater east Japan area on March 11, 2011. The earthquake and resulting tsunami directly affected the international inbound tourism, and the number of foreign visitors to Japan suffered a great decline compared to the previous year. One important method by which we can explore how the crisis affected the international inbound tourism is the analysis of word-of-mouth information by foreign visitors. This paper examined text data collected from a major travel blog website from April 2010 to February 2012 and investigated if there were any tendencies that could be found in the tourists' activities before and after the March 11 earthquake. It found that the number of appearances of the term "earthquake" in the blogs was related to the seismic intensity of each earthquake and aftershock. Also, there were differences in the content of nouns in the blogs posted right after the March 11 earthquake. Earthquake-related words appeared with a high TF-IDF value. However, in the blogs of the following months, Japan travel related terms appeared as topic terms in the same manner as in the blogs before the earthquake. This paper suggests that effective and prompt actions need to be taken immediately following a disaster for the reconstruction of the tourism industry.
  • Tourism Informatics:3. Action Research in Tourism Informatics - Hokudai Gourmet Expo -
    Hidenori KAWAMURA, Keiji SUZUKI
    IPSJ Magazine, 53, 11, 1146, 1152, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 15 Oct. 2012
    Japanese, 観光情報学の実践フィールドとして,北海道大学周辺の約120の飲食店を舞台に二次元バーコードによる電子スタンプラリー「北大グルメエキスポ」を開催し,ログデータの解析を行った.本稿では,なぜイベント開催をフィールドとして研究を展開することに至ったのか,そしてイベント開催と観光情報学の研究を通して何を目指すのかについて述べる.
  • 北海道の観光情報における標準タグ普及の取り組みとキュンちゃんねるの開発
    情報処理学会デジタルプラクティス, 3, 4, 272, 280, 一般社団法人情報処理学会, 15 Oct. 2012
    Japanese, 北海道の基幹産業の一つは観光である.観光分野は独立した大小様々な事業者の集合体として観光客にサービスを提供しているため,個々の事業の範囲でマーケティング等はなされているものの,北海道全体としてITを利用した戦略的な観光情報の収集と発信はこれまでとられてこなかった.そこで,(社)北海道観光振興機構内に設置された情報システムWGでは,SNS上で北海道観光に関する標準タグを利用することを提案し,そのタグを利用した観光情報アグリゲーションの仕組みと情報提供のためのサイト「キュンちゃんねる」を開設することでインターネット上の北海道観光情報を組織化する取り組みを行っている.本論文では,この取り組みを通して得た情報流通の活性化に向けた知見や課題について述べる.
  • Earthquake's influence on inbound tourism: Voices from the travel blogs
    K. H. Murakami, H. Kawamura, K. Suzuki
    WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 161, 43, 53, WITPress, 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Since the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake damaged the major area of eastern Japan on March 11, 2011, the number of foreign visitors has drastically decreased. Japanese government tried to take urgent countermeasures against the loss. They spread the true information that Japan is safe by using media and Word-of-Mouth (WOM) such as influential bloggers. In this study, we investigate what WOM can be found regarding the earthquake through the blogs posted after the disaster. The blogs including earthquake-related words were collected and analyzed. Extracting the target data from the large number of data allows us to qualitatively examine the data. The text mining approach we used in this study includes morphological analysis and topic words analysis with term frequency-inverse document frequency weight. After that, the topic words and the words with high document frequency were used to find collocation of those topic words. As a result, the topic words "safe" and "normal" were found in the March 2011 blogs while they contained many other topic words about earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear crises. Moreover, gradually the number of earthquake-related words disappeared in the blogs and travel-related words appeared as time went by. In addition, we used concordance software to see the context where the topic words are used and found that the blogs written by the foreign visitors could convey true information about the disaster. © 2012 WIT Press.
  • Counter attack detection with machine learning from log files of RoboCup simulation
    Yusuke Kobayashi, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    English, International conference proceedings, Multi-agent systems have attracted a lot of attention recently. RoboCup Soccer Simulation is treated here as a testbed of such systems. This study aims to facilitate the analysis of team behavior and to clarify the role of different types of team possession in the game results of RoboCup Soccer Simulation. We construct a method of detecting counter attacks, which are one type of team possession, by analyzing the log files of games. To detecting the counter attacks, anisotropy feature and others are introduced. Based on these features, a support vector machine (SVM) based detector was able to achieve a 77% detection rate. The detecting method will be expected to reduce the burden of visually checking log data.
  • Extended Formation Algorithm for Combination of Subgroups
    Sho Yamauchi, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    English, International conference proceedings, Flocking algorithms for a multi-agent system are distributed algorithms that only have simple rules for each agent but generate complex formational movement. These algorithms are known as swarm intelligence and are robust and disaster tolerant for most cases. On the other hand, most of organizations are constructed from smaller groups, we call it subgroup here. It means activities of organization should be determined by its subgroups but flocking algorithm itself does not have such feature. To express this feature, we extend flocking algorithm to be able to contain subgroups of agents. Also we add flocking algorithm the term that indicates the relationship with other subgroups. By this extension, flocking algorithm is be able to form specific shape more flexibly.
  • 「観光と知能情報」外国人から見た日本旅行―英語ブログからの観光イメージ分析―
    村上嘉代子, 川村秀憲
    人工知能学会誌, 26, 3, 286, 293, 人工知能学会, 01 May 2011
    Akihiro Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    ADVANCES IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS, 14, 2, 133, 149, WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, Apr. 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, In many e-commerce sites, recommender systems, which provide personalized recommendations from among a large number of items, have recently been introduced. Collaborative filtering is one of the most successful algorithms which provide recommendations using ratings of users on items. There are two approaches: user-based and item-based collaborative filtering. Additionally a unifying method for user-based and item-based collaborative filtering was proposed to improve the recommendation accuracy. The unifying approach uses a constant value as a weight parameter to unify both algorithms. However, because the optimal weight for unifying is actually different depending on the situation, the algorithm should estimate an appropriate weight dynamically, and should use it. In this research, we first investigate the relationship between recommendation accuracy and the weight parameter. The results show that the optimal weight is different depending on the situation. Second, we propose an approach for estimation of the appropriate weight value based on collected ratings. Then, we discuss the effectiveness of the proposed approach based on both multi-agent simulation and the MovieLens dataset. The results show that the proposed approach can estimate the weight value within an error rate of 0.5% for the optimal weight.
  • 2 Tourism Informatics(New Informatics)
    KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, YAMAMOTO Masahito, MATSUBARA Hitoshi
    IPSJ Magazine, 51, 6, 642, 648, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 15 Jun. 2010
  • An IndoorPositioning System Based on Probabilistic Model with ZigBee Sensor Networks               
    Junpei Tsuji, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki, Takeshi Ikeda, Akio Sashima, Koichi Kurumatani
    Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Inteligent Informatics, 14, 6, 669, 676, 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Similarity Computation Method for Collaborative Filtering Based on Optimization               
    Akihiro Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Inteligent Informatics, 14, 6, 654, 660, 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Comparison Support Method for Analytic Hierarchy Process               
    Tadano Yumi, Kawamura Hidenori, Suzuki Keiji, Ohuchi Azuma
    ASOR Bulletin, 29, 4, 48, 59, 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Recognition of floating situation with neural network for small underwater humanoid robot               
    Shougo Sekiya, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    SCIS and ISIS 2010 - Joint 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 11th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, 1174, 1179, 2010
    English, International conference proceedings, We want to work humanoid robot instead of the person in the sea area. In this paper, for purpose of extending applied area of a humanoid robot, we aimed at the adjustment of a humanoid robot to an underwater area. In other words, it is thought humanoid robot substitutes instead of the person who is working in the sea area and underwater. The property of the action in the water is different compared with the property of the action in the land because the influence of resistance from the wave and buoyancy. Therefore, We think that humanoid robot should change the action between land and water. As a basic research, we examine proposal method to judge whether it is state that robot is floating.
  • Extended TSP model as conflicting resource utilizations by individual optimizers               
    Ryota Ono, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference, 1153, 1158, Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), 2010
    English, International conference proceedings, To deal with utilization method of goods by more than one person more applicative, this paper proposes Service Infrastructure Use Problem, and Social Utilization as a desirable condition of society on Service Infrastructure Use Problem. To make sure Social Utilization whether realizable or not, this paper formulates Service Infrastructure TSP as a specific model of Service Infrastructure Use Problem and an extended TSP model. Lastly, this paper does experiment simulation and verifies that. © 2010 SICE.
  • Pheromone-style communication for swarm intelligence
    Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki
    Multi-Agent Applications with Evolutionary Computation and Biologically Inspired Technologies: Intelligent Techniques for Ubiquity and Optimization, 294, 307, IGI Global, 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, In book, Pheromones are the important chemical substances for social insects to realize cooperative collective behavior. The most famous example of pheromone-based behavior is foraging. Real ants use pheromone trail to inform each other where food source exists and they effectively reach and forage the food. This sophisticated but simple communication method is useful to design artificial multiagent systems. In this chapter, the evolutionary pheromone communication is proposed on a competitive ant environment model, and we show two patterns of pheromone communication emerged through co-evolutionary process by genetic algorithm. In addition, such communication patterns are investigated with Shannon's entropy. © 2011, IGI Global.
  • Proposal of Rating Contribution in Recommender Systems Based on Collaborative Filtering
    YAMASHITA Akihiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, OHUCHI Azuma
    The IEICE transactions on information and systems, 92, 11, 1902, 1910, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 01 Nov. 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, ショッピングサイトなどでは,個人の興味や嗜好に適応して積極的にアイテムを提示する推薦システムが実用化されている.協調フィルタリングは,近年最もよく用いられている推薦手法の一つで,アイテムに対する格付けをユーザ全体から収集し,それをもとに個人の興味や嗜好に適合したアイテムを推走して推薦を行う.一般的に,多くの格付けを収集すれば適合アイテムの推定精度が向上し,システム全体の有効性が向上する.そこで実運用においては,メールなどで格付けを促すほか,特典やポイントなどのコストをかけて格付け行為にインセンティブをもたせる試みがなされている.しかし,収集したすべての格付けが均一に推定に寄与するとは限らず,また同じ格付けを収集する場合を考えても,推定精度の向上に必要な格付けをより早い段階で重点的に収集した方が効率的である.本研究では,各々の格付けが推定に寄与する度合(格付け寄与度)を定義し,それを利用した効率的な推定精度の向上方法についてシミュレーションや実データに基づいて議論した.その結果,格付け寄与度が高い格付けを重点的に収集することで,より効率的に推定精度が向上することを示した.
  • Performance Evaluation of Recommendation Algorithms Based on Rating-recommendation Interaction
    Akihiro Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Hiroyuki Iizuka, Azuma Ohuchi
    情報処理学会論文誌. 数理モデル化と応用, 2, 2, 47, 57, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 27 Mar. 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, The problem of information overload spreading across the Internet has been causing serious inefficiency in browsing and searching for information. As a way to overcome the problem, the recommender systems are recently used in many E-commerce sites. Many algorithms have been proposed to improve the accuracy of recommendation based on user ratings. The relation between recommender systems and users is rather interactive in the sense that recommendations decides which items are recommended to users and the results of ratings by users will affect the next recommendations. However, conventional ...
  • Cooperative control of multiple neural networks for an indoor blimp robot
    Hidenori Kawamura, Hiroyuki Iizuka, Toshihiko Takaya, Azuma Ohuchi
    Artificial Life and Robotics, 13, 2, 504, 507, 2009
    English, Scientific journal, We report on the cooperative control of multiple neural networks for an indoor blimp robot. In our research group, the indoor blimp robot has been studied to achieve various flying robot applications. The objective of this article is to propose a robust controller that can adapt to mechanical accidents such as the breakdown of propellers. In our proposed method, each propeller thrust is independently calculated by a small neural network. We confirm the advantage of the proposed method against the control by a single large neural network. © International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB). 2009.
  • Simulation and implement and verification for indoor balloon robot
    Toshihiko Takaya, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 129, 1, 24, 188, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, We report on cooperative control of multiple neural networks for indoor balloon robot. In our laboratory, the indoor balloon has been studied to achieve various applications. Our objective of this paper is to propose a robust controller that can adapt to mechanical accidents such as breakdown of propellers. In our proposal method, each propeller thrust is independently calculated by each small network. We confirm effectiveness of the proposed method compared to the method of calculating thrusts by a single neural network on the simulator. © 2009 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • Development of the Research Platform of Small Autonomous Blimp Robot
    Toshihiko Takaya, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi
    English, Scientific journal, Blimp robots are an attractive form of small flight robot. because they are maintained aloft by buoyancy, are safe, require little energy and have relatively long flight times. The development of a general-purpose blimp robot research platform allowing modular installation of a variety of hardware and software components will lower the barrier to the creation of new research projects and increase project efficiency. This paper describes the development of such a general-purpose platform and the testing of its suitability for research use. Experiments performed on the platform included: (I) testing of position maintenance capabilities, and changeover from a PID control software module to a learning control module; (2) testing of the ease and effectiveness of exchanging one hardware module (a microphone) for another (a camera); (3) installation of a new hardware module (a microphone) along with an existing module (a camera); (4) testing of addition of functions and performance of a topologic map generation experiment with addition of an ultrasonic sensor. The effectiveness of information fusion combined with a layered software structure was demonstrated in the experiments, indicating that the newly developed platform will be effective in promoting research on blimp robots. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electron Comm Jpn, 91(2): 1-13 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/ecj.10025
  • Tourism Information Recommender System Using Multiple Recommendation Algorithms based on Collaborative Filtering               
    Akihiro Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Azuma Ohuchi
    Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks, 18, 719, 725, 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
  • 利用者主導による主観と客観を考慮した個人向け観光情報推薦システム               
    山下 晃弘, 川村 秀憲, 大内 東
    観光情報学会誌「観光と情報」, 4, 1, 44, 56, 2008
  • Development of interactive recommendation system for time constrained tour planning
    丸山 加奈, 川村 秀憲, 大内 東
    観光と情報, 4, 1, 35, 43, 観光情報学会, 2008
  • Control of indoor balloon robot with time constraints
    Toshihiko Takaya, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 128, 9, 8, 1461, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Recent studies have been mainly engaged with movements by 2 or more autonomous robots. Especially, the development of autonomous robots utilized by the industrial manufacture has been advancing. However, the extent of these researches was limited to robots moving in 3 dimensional autonomous robots, such as airplanes or helicopters. On the other hand, regarding studies on small size indoor 3 dimensional blimp robots, characteristics of entertainment robots, indoor surveillance robots, object searching robots in disaster building have been subject to investigation. However, previous studies drew the attention to the difficulties arising when the cooperative behavior of 2 or more autonomous blimp robots is strongly presented depending on changes in the experimental environment, denoting the weak points of these systems. In this paper, 2 small size autonomous blimp robots were used, and basic experiments with time constraints of behavior control were conducted, examining possible coordinated movements of 2 small size autonomous blimp robots, for the purpose of high application achievement of utility. © 2008 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • プレミアム固定型顧客主導予約調整メカニズムとその効果検証
    川村秀憲, 大内東, 川村秀憲, 大内東
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, J90-D, 9, 2432, 2443, 01 Sep. 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Erratum: PID landing orbit motion controller for an indoor blimp robot (Artificial Life and Robotics (2006) vol. 10 (177-184) 10.1007/s10015-006-0385-9)
    Toshihiko Takaya, Hidenori Kawamura, Yoshihiro Minagawa, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi
    Artificial Life and Robotics, 11, 2, 227, Jul. 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Structural Design of Queueing Networks to Minimize Waiting Time(Network Quality and Control)
    IPSJ Journal, 48, 6, 2097, 2105, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 15 Jun. 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, The high-quality service provided by the large-scale tele-communication network constructed in the Internet such as the Gnutella is thought to be achieved by a certain feature network structure. Moreover, a feature structure is assumed to be generated with a certain simple generation rule in another research. This shows that there is a possibility that an effective design approach of the large scale network can be established if the design of the generation rule that generates the optimal structure becomes possible. Authors tried to archive a structural generation rule to make the communica...
  • Optimality of Generation Rules of Topologies for Growing Queueing Networks
    コンピュータソフトウェア, 24, 1, 40, 49, 26 Jan. 2007
    Japanese, When composing networks for a particular purpose, we previously designed optimal topology for that purpose. Many researches so far have focused on designing optimal topology under various conditions given statically. However, in more than a few cases, the network is used during its growing process because it is difficult to construct a whole network at a. burst when considering the construction of an actual network. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of building an optimal network from the aspects of the optimality and growth elements of topologies, We lead the optimal growing rules for some conditions and take up network models mentioned in the research of complex networks. Experimental results verify that optimal growing rules vary depending on the purposes and conditions of the building of networks and show that the selection of the growing rules makes it possible to build networks optimally.
  • A study on evaluation method in hotel classification system
    大柳 幸彦, 川村 秀憲, 山本 雅人
    観光と情報, 3, 1, 29, 35, 観光情報学会, 2007
  • Development of the research platform of small autonomous blimp robot
    Toshihiko Takaya, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 127, 9, 18, 1429, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, A blimp robot is attractive as an small flight robot and can float in the air by buoyancy and realize safe to the crash small flight with low energy and can movement for a long time compared with other flight robots with low energy and can movement for a long time compared with other flight robots. However, control of an airplane robot is difficult for the nonlinear characteristic exposed to inertia by the air flow in response to influence. Therefore, the applied research which carried out the maximum use of such in recent years a blimp robot's feature is prosperous. In this paper, we realized development of blimp robot for research which can be used general-purpose by carrying out clue division of the blimp robot body at a unit, and constituting and building for research of blimp robot, and application development. On the other hand, by developing a general-purpose blimp robot research platform, improvement in the research efficiency of many researchers can be attained, and further, research start of blimp robot becomes easy and contributes to development of research. We performed the experiments for the above-mentioned proof. 1. Checked basic keeping position performance and that various orbital operation was possible. And the unit exchange ease of software unit was checked by the experiment which exchanges the control layer of software for learning control from PID control, and carries out comparison of operation. 2. In order to check the exchange ease of hardware unit, the sensor was exchanged for the microphon from the camera, and control of operation was checked. 3. For the unit addition ease, the microphon which carries out sound detection with the picture detection with a camera was added, and control of operation was verified. 4. The unit exchange was carried out for the check of a function addition and the topological map generation experiment by addition of an ultrasonic sensor was conducted. Developed blimp robot for research mounted the exchange ease and the additional ease of a unit in hardware using an analog and digital I/F fomenting realized in the combination of the software module of a layered structure in software was performed. Consequently, an addition and exchange of a function were able to become easy and were able to realize the research platform of blimp robot.
  • Optimizing of Growing Queuing Network with Slight Reconstruction               
    Yusuke Matsumura, Hidenori Kawamura, Azuma Ohuchi
    International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications, 3, 1, 27, 34, 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Network design via flow optimization
    Yusuke Matsumura, Hidenori Kawamura, Koichi Kurumatani, Azuma Ohuchi
    English, International conference proceedings, In the network field, various researches have tackled optimizing flow in networks. As shown from previous researches, flow optimality is dependent on the link structure and the routing algorithm that controls the flow. Therefore, a research frame is desirable that optimizes each of them independently but still simultaneously handles both. This study proposes a new scheme called Optimal Flow Network Design Problem (OFNDP) and applies it to a queueing network system; flow optimization is also performed. In the experiment, the number of traffics and each service rate were given to nodes and between each node respectively, and then the flow of each traffic was decided to minimize waiting time by a flow control algorithm based on the dijxtra method. Link structure was also optimized by a genetic algorithm under the constraint of a limited number of links. As a result, sub-optimal flow was obtained with short average waiting time for each traffic.
  • Accuracy of Partially Exhaustive Investigation Monte Carlo Method and Automatic Adjustment of Threshold Parameter(Algorithm Theoty)
    IPSJ Journal, 47, 7, 2202, 2211, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 15 Jul. 2006
    Japanese, We focus on a method to calculate the estimated value for a probabilistic model in which each event is defined as a combination of several other independent events. The partially exhaustive investigation Monte Carlo method has been proposed by the authors for such model, and it can show higher performance than simple weighted sampling Monte Carlo method on the condition that the used sample number for estimating is limited. This method divides the event into two parts by a threshold parameter; one is composed by high-probability events, and another is by remaining events. To make this metho...
  • Multiagent analysis for effect of cogeneration spread in an electricity market
    H Kawamura, K Kurumatani, A Ohuchi
    English, Scientific journal, In this paper, in order to investigate the effect of scenarios in which cogeneration spreads in an electricity market we constructed a multi-agent model of an electricity trading market with power distribution and power generation agents. In this model, we analyzed the effect of reducing power generation surplus facilities on market price formation and stability through computer experiments. As a result of the experimental simulations, the market price was decreased by the increase of sell bids according to the demand reduction by the spread of cogeneration, and by the increase of commercial use of cogeneration facilities, the market price was more economical and stable because such agents supplied more electricity generated by surplus cogeneration. However, if power generation agents reduced the number of power generating facilities when the number of power distribution agents' cogeneration facilities was not significant, the fluctuation of market price grew larger. We confirmed that the spread of cogeneration played an important role in stabilizing market price formation. (C) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Cellular Automaton Model of a Tumor Tissue Consisting of Tumor Cells, Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTLs), and Cytokine Produced by CTLs               
    Toshiaki Takayanagi, Hidenori Kawamura, Azuma Ohuchi
    IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications, 47, SIG1, 61, 67, 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Cellular Automaton Model of a Tumor Tissue Consisting of Tumor Cells, Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTLs), and Cytokine Produced by CTLs
    Takayanagi Toshiaki, Kawamura Hidenori, Ohuchi Azuma
    ipsjdc, 2, 138, 144, Information Processing Society of Japan, 2006
    English, We propose a cellular automaton model of a tumor tissue consisting of a square lattice, tumor cells, cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and cytokine. Considering that CTLs circulate in vivo and migrate into a tumor tissue, the square is open and CTLs move through the square. By calculating the cellular automaton model, we obtained these results: the growth of a mass of tumor cells surrounded by CTLs; the rejection of tumor cells by CTLs; and an approximate equilibrium between tumor cells and CTLs. Analysis of the results indicates that the attachment between tumor cells and CTLs is important for the rejection of tumor cells by CTLs.
  • Cellular Automaton Model of a Tumor Tissue Consisting of Tumor Cells, Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTLs), and Cytokine Produced by CTLs
    Takayanagi Toshiaki, Kawamura Hidenori, Ohuchi Azuma
    IMT, 1, 2, 780, 786, Information and Media Technologies Editorial Board, 2006
    English, We propose a cellular automaton model of a tumor tissue consisting of a square lattice, tumor cells, cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and cytokine. Considering that CTLs circulate in vivo and migrate into a tumor tissue, the square is open and CTLs move through the square. By calculating the cellular automaton model, we obtained these results: the growth of a mass of tumor cells surrounded by CTLs; the rejection of tumor cells by CTLs; and an approximate equilibrium between tumor cells and CTLs. Analysis of the results indicates that the attachment between tumor cells and CTLs is important for the rejection of tumor cells by CTLs.
  • Analysis of Circular Tour Activity Based on GPS Log.
    Mitsuyoshi Nagao, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi
    Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, ENTER 2006, Proceedings of the International Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006, 87, 98, Springer, 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
    International conference proceedings
  • Proposal of Partially Exhaustive Investigation Monte Carlo Method and Application to Decision-making of the TAC Agent
    情報処理学会論文誌, 46, 12, 3218, 3227, 15 Dec. 2005
    Kawamura Hidenori, Ohuchi Azuma
    Transactions of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 48, 0, 48, 65, The Operations Research Society of Japan, Dec. 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, In this paper, we design a multiagent product market model with network externality, and evaluate the effectiveness of present strategy, which is one of sales promotion like that a sales corporation chooses customers in a market and gives him/her a product without compensation. The proposed multiagent model can explicitly involve customers' interaction network, and we can clarify the relationship between the effectiveness of network externality and the structure of customers interaction network. The customers interaction networks we prepared contain 4 types; random, regular, small world, an...
  • Development of an Entertainment Indoor Blimp Robot Based On Hovering Control
    KAWAMURA Hidenori, KADOTA Hisao, YAMAMOTO Masahito, TAKAYA Toshihiko, OHUCHI Azuma
    Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics, 17, 2, 203, 211, Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and intelligent informatics, 15 Apr. 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, In this paper, we report the development of the entertainment blimp robot which can make several reactive behaviors for user's appeal. The blimp robot has a wireless CCD camera and wireless microphone at the bottom of body, and rotates or goes upward/downward by trigger of user's handclap. To make variety reactions of the blimp robot, a sequence of robot behavior is generated based on the nondeterministic finite state machine. In addition, the stable flying behavior is achieved by the proposed hovering control based on grounded red circle landmarks. Throughout an experiment, we confirm that...
  • Market micro-structure analysis by multiagent simulation in X-Economy - comparison among technical indices
    K Kurumatani, H Kawamura, A Ohuchi
    INFORMATION SCIENCES, 170, 1, 65, 74, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, Feb. 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, We are developing an agent and server library referred to as X-Economy, by which we can execute multiagent simulations and network games for financial and economic systems. To this end, we analyzed the characteristics of network games in a financial context and compared them with traditional ones. X-Economy has also provided a new research direction in market micro-structure analysis. We executed several kinds of multiagent simulations for technical traders (indices) and obtained non-trivial suggestions regarding the relationship between the market randomness and the effectiveness of technical indices. For instance, the performance of complex technical indices seemed to deeply depend on the characteristics and nature of a market when a market became complex, i.e. it moved far from the Wiener process. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Motion Design for Indoor Blimp Robot with PID Controller.
    Hidenori Kawamura, Hisao Kadota, Masahito Yamamoto, Toshihiko Takaya, Azuma Ohuchi
    J. Robotics Mechatronics, 17, 5, 500, 508, 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal
  • Effect of congestion reduction with agents' coordination in theme park problem
    T Kataoka, H Kawamura, K Kurumatani, A Ohuchi
    English, International conference proceedings, In this paper, we verified the effect of the Distributed Visitors Coordination System in the theme park problem. The system solves the problem caused by time delay between decision-making and emergence of its effect. Its problem can happen generally in the area of congestion information system and causes the oscillation of the queue length in each service facility. In our system, some users register their next destination into a system server, the server estimates future state based on that information. Moreover, we made the exclusive queue for the agents registering next destination in each service facility to stimulate users' registration. According to the computer simulation, even if there were many agents registering excessively, the whole waiting time reduced greatly and the oscillation of queue length in each attraction moderated.
  • ホバリング制御に基づくエンタテインメントバルーンロボットの開発               
    川村 秀憲, 角田 久雄, 山本 雅人, 高谷 敏彦, 大内 東
    知能・情報・ファジイ学会論文誌, Vol. 17, No. 2, 29, 37, 2005, [Lead author]
  • Distributed visitors coordination system in theme park problem
    T Kataoka, H Kawamura, K Kurumatani, A Ohuchi
    MASSIVELY MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS I, 3446, 335, 348, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, A distributed visitors coordination system is proposed as an application of a massively multi-agent system. In the system, some agents register their next destination using an information device such as a cellular phone, and this information is used to reduce the effect of the time delay between decision-making and effect-emergence. This delay causes queue lengths to oscillate. However, it is troublesome for agents to continuously register their next destination. To compensate them, exclusive queues are made available to agents registering their next destination. Computer simulation of the theme park problem, showed that when all agents avoid the congestion by registering their next destination, the total waiting time is minimized and queue length oscillation is reduced.
  • GPSログマイニングに基づく観光動態情報の獲得
    長尾 光悦, 川村 秀憲, 山本 雅人 他
    観光情報学会誌, Vol. 1, No. 1, 38, 46, 観光情報学会, 2005
  • 顧客主導型予約調整メカニズムによる新電子予約システムの開発
    佐藤 博信, 村上 仁, 川村 秀憲
    観光情報学会誌, Vol. 1, No. 1, 64, 70, 観光情報学会, 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
  • A study on effects of market systems in an artificial market
    Hidenori Kawamura, Yasushi Okada, Azuma Ohuchi, Koichi Kurumatani
    New Generation Computing, 23, 1, 23, 32, 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, In an artificial market approach with multi-agent systems, the static equilibrium concept is often used in market systems to approximate continuous market auctions. However, differences between the static equilibrium concept and continuous auctions have not been discussed in the context of an artificial market study. In this paper, we construct an artificial market model with both of them, namely, the Itayose and Zaraba method, and show simple characteristic differences between these methods based on computer simulations. The result indicates the further need to model the market system by studying artificial markets. © Ohmsha, Ltd. 2005.
  • Emergence and stability of key currency in artificial international trade
    Tomohisa Yamashita, Koichi Kurumatani, Yuichi Sasaki, Hidenori Kawamura, Azuma Ohuchi
    New Generation Computing, 23, 1, 13, 22, 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, In this research, we tackled the emergence and stability of key currency when economic strength countries was equal. We propose an artificial international market model with currency credibility as the standard selected for payment. We constructed multiple markets based on the X-Economy System. Through simulations, we found the possibility that key currency could emerge in a symmetric situation, and market and the specialization of production could be stabilized by foreign exchange trade. © Ohmsha, Ltd. 2005.
  • Multiagent Analysis for Effect of Cogeneration Spread in an Electricity Market
    Hidenori Kawamura, Azuma Ohuchi, Koichi Kurumatani
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 125, 6, 956, 966, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, In this paper, in order to investigate the effect of cogeneration spread senario in electricity market we constructed a multiagent model of an electricity trade market with distributor and power generator agents. In this model, we analyzed the effect of reducing generators' surplus facilities to market price formation and stability through some computer experiments. As a result of the experimental simulations, the market price was decreased by the increase of sell bids according to the demand reduction by congeneration spread, and by the increase of commercial use of cogeneration facilities, the market price was more economical and stable because such agents supplied more electricity generated by surplus cogenerations. However, if power generators diminished power generating facilities in the situation that distributors' cogeneration facilities were not major
    the fluctuation of market price took large. We confirmed that cogeneration spread played the important role for stabilizing market price formation. © 2005, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
  • Development of Autonomous Balloon Robot System with Vision Camera and PD Position Controller(Application Systems)
    IPSJ Journal, 45, 6, 1715, 1724, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 15 Jun. 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Balloon robots have attracted attention as new type indoor robots for various applications, e.g., observation, guidance, and amusement flying. A balloon robot can float and move long time in 3-dimensional space by low energy. However, it is difficult to control positioning of a balloon robot because it has great inertia and is easily effected by a little air stream of a conditioner. Positioning control under usual indoor environment is key technology to realize an autonomous balloon robot. In this paper, we develop the indoor-type balloon robot system with a light wireless vision camera. Th...
  • 郡市医師会におけるテレビ会議システム導入可能性の検討―北海道医師会をモデルとした費用効果の試算―
    大内東, 栗原正仁, 三田村保, 川村秀憲, 宮腰昭男, 中川俊男, 宮本慎一, 山本直也, 柳内統
    医療情報学, vol. 23, no. 4, 293, 302, 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
  • An Automatically Generated Portal Site of Official Accommodation Web Sites
    Masahito Yamamoto, Koichiro Takagi, Masashi Nakatsugawa, Hidenori Kawamura, Azuma Ohuchi
    Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism(ENTER), 317, 325, Springer, 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    International conference proceedings
  • Design of Action-value Function in Motion Planning for Autonomous Blimp Robots
    Keiko Motoyama, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 124, 10, 1930, 1937, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The final goal of this study is to achieve an autonomous indoor blimp robot. While blimp robots are attractive entities moving safely in three dimensional space, they are hard to control autonomously as they are subjected to strong inertial forces and air resistance, and have many nonlinear characteristics. As blimp robots are used not only in vast halls but also in complex buildings with obstacles such as pillars and walls, they need to plan suitable motion for avoiding them. Furthermore, robots need to conserve energy with restricted power supply because they are unable to carry heavy batteries. We have to design an action-value function for planning motion in a blimp robot, considering constraints imposed by these characteristics of an actual robot. In this paper, we designed an action-value function for motion planning based on the potential field method, and evaluated its effectiveness in a simulated environment. © 2004, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
  • Investigation of Global Performance Affected by Congestion Avoiding Behavior in Theme Park Problem
    Hidenori Kawamura, Takashi Kataoka, Azuma Ohuchi, Koichi Kurumatani
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 124, 10, 1922, 1929, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, We focus on the simple theme park problem, where there are two attractions and visitor agents which select their destination attraction based on congestion disregarding behavior and congestion avoiding behavior. According to the computer simulation, the result shows that the growth of individual congestion avoiding behavior is not always effective for improving global performance, and this phenomenon is caused by the oscillation of successive selection switching of the same destination by many congestion avoiding agents. Although the model and setting of this paper is simpler than other related works, we consider each phenomenon in those works has the same characteristic based on the ineffectiveness caused by the homogeneity of congestion avoiding behavior and information sharing. © 2004, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
  • Modeling of Theme Park Problem with Multiagent for Mass User Support               
    Hidenori Kawamura, Koichi Kurumatani, Azuma Ohuchi
    Multiagent for Mass User Support, 3012, 48, 69, 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Complex Systems Engineering viewed in the Ligh of Harmony (Complex Systems and Collective Intelligence)
    Oouchi Azuma, Kawamura Hidenori
    Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 18, 6, 697, 703, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 01 Nov. 2003
  • Development of Autonomous Blimp Robot with Intelligent Control
    Keiko Motoyama, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi
    IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 112, 191, 198, Kluwer, 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
    International conference proceedings
  • X‐Economy System マルチエージェントの情報交換場としてのプラットホーム
    川村秀憲, 大内東
    システム/制御/情報, 46, 9, 555, 560, Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 15 Sep. 2002
  • Econophysics. X-Economy: Framework and Application of Simulation Platform for Artificial Economy and Artificial Market-Toward Progress in Complex Economic Systems Research.
    シミュレーション, 21, 2, 143, 153, Japan Society for Simmulation Technology, 15 Jun. 2002
    Japanese, Recently, the agent-based simulation approaches have been remarkable to study social, economic, and financial complex systems. In these approaches, a designed agent often has many parameters which characterize itself, and these parameters are dynamically changed according to the ability of learning, evolution, and adaptation. Thus, it is necessary to confirm the methodologies to design, represent, and evaluate agents and interaction ovjectively. To overcome these issues, we found X-Economy Project in which we try to investigate the economic complex systems based on agent-based simulation approaches and propose the methodology for such research style. Namely, we have constructed the simulation platform, called X-Economy System, for artificial economy and artificial market. X-Economy System is expected to become the simulation system like Linux for such type researches. Especially, we have developed some research programs using X-Economy System for gradual investigation of complex economic systems. In this paper, the concept of X-Economy Project, the outline of X-Economy System, some research programs based on X-Economy System, and the aim of researches have been reported.
  • Development of X-Economy system for simulation of multi-agent economy
    H Kawamura, A Ohuchi, K Kurumatani
    English, International conference proceedings, X-Economy project aims to confirm the forum of agent-based economics in order to clarify the principle of complex economic behavior. Especially, this project tries to provide the agent-based economic simulation platform, standard economic models, and research topics. Owing to share the common simulation platform, we can clearly exchange research paradigms and results with each other. We hope these efforts promote the advance of elucidation of economic complex systems. In this paper, we report the archtecture of prototype X-Economy system and two cases of research based on the system.
  • Design of Adaptive Self Navigated Airship in Simulated Environment               
    Keiko Motoyama, Keiji Suzuki, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi
    Operations Research/Management Science at Work, the International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 43, 205, 213, 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Exogenous Information and Endogenous Market Behavior with Artificial Learning Traders               
    Hidenori Kawamura, Daisuke Kanehira, Koichi Kurumatani, Azuma Ohuchi
    Papers from the AAAI Workshop, Multi-Agent Modeling and Simulation of Economic Systems, Technical Report WS-02-10, 40, 45, 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Emergence of Key Currency by Interaction among International and Domestic Markets               
    Tomohisa Yamashita, Yuichi Sasaki, Hidenori Kawamura, Koichi Kurumatani, Azuma Ohuchi
    Papers from the AAAI Workshop, Multi-Agent Modeling and Simulation of Economic Systems, Technical Report WS-02-10, 16, 21, 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Improved Multiple Ant Colonies System for Traveling Salesman Problems
    Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi
    "Operations Research/Management Science at Work" in the International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 43, 41, 52, 2002, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author]
  • 人工市場モデルのためのX-Economyシステムとその利用研究(<特集>マルチエージェント実験経済学)
    川村 秀憲, 大内 東, 車谷 浩一
    オペレーションズ・リサーチ : 経営の科学, 46, 10, 537, 543, 社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, 01 Oct. 2001
  • Investigation of Evolutionary Pheromone Communication Based on External Measurement and Emergence of Swarm Intelligence
    KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma
    計測自動制御学会論文集, 37, 5, 455, 464, 計測自動制御学会, 31 May 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Analysis of Norms Game with Mutual Choice
    Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi
    Proceedings of JSAI 2001 Internal Workshop on Agent-based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems (AESCS 2001), 174, 183, Springer, 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
    International conference proceedings
  • Multiple ant colonies algorithm based on colony level interactions
    H Kawamura, M Yamamoto, K Suzuki, A Ohuchi
    English, Scientific journal, Recently, researchers in various fields have shown interest in the behavior of creatures from the viewpoint of adaptiveness and flexibility. Ants, known as social insects, exhibit collective behavior in performing tasks that can not be carried out by an individual ant. In ant colonies. chemical substances, called pheromones, are used as a way to communicate important information on global behavior. For example. ants looking for food lay the way back to their nest with a specific type of pheromone. Other ants can follow the pheromone trail and find their way to baits efficiently. In 1991, Colorni et al. proposed the ant algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problems (TSPs) by using the analogy of such foraging behavior and pheromone communication. In the ant algorithm, there is a colony consisting of many simple ant agents that continuously visit TSP cities with opinions to prefer subtours connecting near cities and they lay strong pheromones. The ants completing their tours lay pheromones of various intensities with passed subtours according to distances. Namely, subtours in TSP tourns that have the possibility of being better tend to have strong pheromones, so the ant agents specify good regions in the search space by using this positive feedback mechanism. In this paper, we propose a multiple ant colonies algorithm that has been extended from the ant algorithm. This algorithm as several ant colonies for solving a TSP, while the original has only a single ant colony. Moreover, two kinds of pheromone effects, positive and negative pheromone effects, are introduced as the colony-level interactions. As a result of colony-level interactions, the colonies can exchange good schemata for solving a problem and can maintain their own variation in the search process. The proposed algorithm shows better performance than the original algorithm with almost the same agent strategy used in both algorithms except for the introduction of colony-level interactions.
  • A Study on Evolutionary Emergence of Pheromone Communication on Ants War               
    Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Keiji Suzuki, Azuma Ohuchi
    INTELLIGENT AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS 6, 527, 534, 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Analysis of collective behavior in Distributed Social Dilemma with meta-players
    T Yamashita, H Kawamura, A Ohuchi
    English, International conference proceedings, This paper deals with the extended social dilemma model "Distributed Social Dilemma". In order to emerge mutually cooperative behavior among non-altruistic individuals, we propose the solution based on the centralized organization, "meta-player". By comparison with some cases, we confirm the effect of competitive metaplayers.
  • Evolutionary emergence of collective intelligence with artificial pheromone communication
    H Kawamura, A Ohuchi
    English, International conference proceedings, This paper is concerned with the evolutionary emergence of collective intelligence and agents communication of artificial pheromone. As the stage of evolution, we introduce the ants war environment in which two colinies of ants compete in order to aquire more number of food items. Throughout simulation of evolution, we confirmed the emergence of sense of artificial pheromone and collective intelligence of artificial ants.
  • Harmony Team.
    Hiroyuki Iizuka, Masatoshi Hiramoto, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi
    RoboCup 2000: Robot Soccer World Cup IV, 449, 452, Springer, 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
    International conference proceedings
  • Ants War with Evolutive Pheromone Style Communication.
    Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Keiji Suzuki, Azuma Ohuchi
    Advances in Artificial Life, 5th European Conference, ECAL'99, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 13-17, 1999, Proceedings, 639, 643, Springer, 1999, [Peer-reviewed]
    International conference proceedings
  • Cooperative search based on pheromone communication for Vehicle Routing Problems
    H Kawamura, M Yamamoto, T Mitamura, K Suzuki, A Ohuchi
    English, Scientific journal, In this paper, we propose a new cooperative search algorithm based on pheromone communication for solving the Vehicle Routing Problems. In this algorithm, multi-agents can partition the problem cooperatively and search partial solutions independently using pheromone communication, which mimics the communication method of real ants. Through some computer experiments the cooperative search of multi-agents is confirmed.
  • Collective search algorithm with pheromone communication for Vehicle Routing Problems
    H Kawamura, M Yamamoto, K Suzuki, A Ohuchi
    INTELLIGENT AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, 587, 594, I O S PRESS, 1998, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, In this paper, we propose the collective search algorithm based on pheromone communication for Vehicle Routing Problems. This algorithm is designed using multi-agent system, in which agents autonomously and independently search the partial solution of given problem to decrease their searching load. Pheromone communication imitated from social insects, i.e., real ants and bee, is used as the communication method between agents to emerge the cooperative behavior. Throughout computer experiments, we confirm the effectiveness of proposed algorithm for view point of cooperative behavior.

Other Activities and Achievements

  • 衣服画像ペアの関係を表現する説明文の生成               
    阿部 晃平, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 画像ラボ 2023年10月号, Oct. 2023
  • 整数計画問題による家庭料理の献立表提案システムの開発
    細川万維, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 関屋英理子, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2022, ICS-206, 2022
  • 商品紹介文の作成支援における生成文評価機能の開発
    阿部涼介, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2022, ICS-206, 2022
  • RoBERTaを用いた俳句評価器の構築と性能評価
    花野愛里咲, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2022, ICS-206, 2022
  • Development of Collision Avoidance Function for Forearm-supported Four-wheeled Walker with Walking Support Function
    森雄斗, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 森正人, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2022, ICS-206, 2022
  • タブーサーチを用いた灯油配送計画の最適化
    大江弘峻, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 多田満朗, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2022, ICS-206, 2022
  • A Study on Person Tracking Using Deep Learning in Estimating Bus Passenger OD Data
    西浦翼, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 人工知能学会知識ベースシステム研究会資料, 125th, 2022
  • Application of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Path Finding of an Automated Vehicle
    清水雅之, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 萩谷俊幸, 大岸智彦, 人工知能学会知識ベースシステム研究会資料, 125th, 2022
  • Road Surface Image Recognition Using Deep Learning for Efficiency Verification of Road Heating Control
    大倉博貴, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 白井直樹, 長川大介, 宮脇雅史, 人工知能学会知識ベースシステム研究会資料, 125th, 2022
  • Smooth Traffic Flow at an Intersection in a Simulation Environment Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
    織田智矢, 山下倫央, 横山想一郎, 川村秀憲, 萩谷俊幸, 大岸智彦, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web), 121, 439(AI2021 26-36), 2022
  • 着衣人物画像に対する印象推定を用いた衣服推薦システムの開発               
    柳 公人, 川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎, 社会システムと情報技術研究ウィーク(RST2021), 2021
  • メトリックラーニングを用いたOD推定システムの開発               
    久保田 遼裕, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 弓崎 潔, 佐藤 好美, 社会システムと情報技術研究ウィーク(RST2021), 2021
  • 屋内エンターテイメント用バルーンロボットの自律制御システムの開発               
    永田 紘也, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 第20回複雑系マイクロシンポジウム, 2021
  • Transformerによる言語モデルを用いた俳句生成とその評価
    平田航大, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2021, IFAT-143, 2021
  • Estimating Distribution of End Prices Using Hierarchical Bayes Model in B2B Luxury Brand Goods Auctions
    幡本昂平, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 人工知能学会論文誌(Web), 36, 5, 2021
  • Rethinking of Autonomy, Versatility, and Emergence in AI
    栗原聡, 川村秀憲, 津田一郎, 大倉和博, 人工知能, 36, 5, 2021
  • Recognition of Snow Covering Condition in Road Surface Images by Semantic Segmentation for Control of Road Heating
    今原智広, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2021, ICS-201, 2021
  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムによる灯油配送計画の最適化
    椿康平, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2021, ICS-201, 2021
  • 料理レシピの構造化による家庭料理の食品ロス削減に向けた献立作成手法の提案
    小林直也, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 関屋英理子, 杉浦仁志, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2021, ICS-201, 2021
  • 深層強化学習による自動運転車両の円滑な追い越しの実現
    西佑希, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 蕨野貴之, 大岸智彦, 田中英明, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2021, ICS-201, 2021
  • 単語の分散表現を用いた俳句における取り合わせの評価手法
    平田航大, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2021, ICS-201, 2021
  • Fish Species Recognition Method Based on Sonar Image Using Deep Learning
    平間友大, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 画像ラボ, 31, 5, 1, 7, May 2020
    日本工業出版, Japanese
  • Involved in Editing Information Processing After 2050:20. Intelligent Systems in 2050
    川村 秀憲, 大知 正直, 清 雄一, 福田 直樹, 横山 想一郎, 情報処理, 61, 5, 482, 483, 15 Apr. 2020
    1991年の特集「30年度の情報処理」に掲載された人工知能研究の将来予測の記事を要約・検証し,それをもとに2050年に向けて人工知能研究の将来を予想する.1991年の記事は仮説推論システムをもとに人工知能による「発想」や「ひらめき」の実現しようというものである.その中で課題とされている知識獲得のボトルネックや処理の高速化と,現在の深層学習をはじめとした機械学習の隆盛とのかかわりを述べる.また,現在は30年前と比べ人工知能技術を利用したシステムが実用に供される場面が増えており,社会のなかで人工知能が果たす役割が重要となりつつある.複数の人間が集まって社会を構成するという人間の知的機能を人工知能が実現するための方法を考察する., Japanese
  • Construct Dataset for Impression Estimation of Clothing Image
    神戸 瑞樹, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 行動変容と社会システム vol.06, 2020, 07 Mar. 2020
  • Proposal of an Order Determination Algorithm for Substitute Attendance Requests
    幡本 昂平, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 行動変容と社会システム vol.06, 2020, 07 Mar. 2020
  • Support for Making Introduction Sentences for Items on E-Commerce Websites
    吉田拓海, 阿部涼介, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2020, 2020, 07 Mar. 2020
  • Automatic Content Generation for Purchasing Support of Bicycle Tickets
    吉田拓海, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 人工知能学会知識ベースシステム研究会資料, 119, 17, 22, 07 Mar. 2020
    人工知能学会, Japanese
  • B2Bブランド品オークションにおける落札価格分布の推定               
    幡本 昂平, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 第18回データ指向構成マイニングとシミュレーション研究会, 2020
  • 自動運転車両の交通流量増加に向けた動的パスプランニングの実装               
    西 佑希, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 蕨野 貴之, 大岸 智彦, 田中 英明, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020, 2020
  • 単語の分散表現を用いた俳句における取り合わせの評価手法の検討               
    平田 航大, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020, 2020
  • 灯油配送の効率化に向けた状態空間モデルを用いた灯油残量の推定               
    椿 康平, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020, 2020
  • 料理レシピの構造化とスケジューリング               
    小林 直也, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 関屋 英理子, 畠山 潤, 杉浦 仁志, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020, 2020
  • バス車内画像を用いた深層学習に基づく混雑状況推定モデルの検証               
    西浦 翼, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020, 2020
  • 医療時系列データにおける Attention を用いたイベント予測モデルの検証               
    大江 弘峻, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020, 2020
  • 服飾画像に対する印象推定を用いたファッション評価システムの開発               
    柳 公人, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020, 2020
  • バス乗客ODデータの収集に向けた同一人物判定手法の検証               
    久保田 遼裕, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 弓崎 潔, 佐藤 好美, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020, 2020
  • ECサイト掲載商品の紹介文作成支援システムにおける複数文組合せ機能の開発               
    阿部 涼介, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020, 2020
  • 前腕支持型四輪歩行器の歩行支援機能の開発               
    森 雄斗, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 森 正人, 加藤 士雄, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020, 2020
  • 屋内エンターテイメント用バルーンロボットの自律制御システムの開発               
    永田 紘也, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム2020, 2020
  • Proposal of Data Augmentation Methods for Echo Sounder Image Analysis
    JIE Min, YOKOYAMA Soichiro, YAMASHITA Tomohisa, KAWAMURA Hidenori, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 119, 469(AI2019 54-64)(Web), 2020
  • Tokenization Unit Slection on Haiku Generation using Neural Language Model
    横山想一郎, 高橋遼, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2020, ICS-198, 2020
  • Fish Species Recognition Method Based on Sonar Image Using Deep Learning
    平間友大, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 画像ラボ, 31, 5, 2020
  • State Recognition with In-Cabin Monitoring using Deep Learning
    木戸口稜, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 119, 469(AI2019 54-64)(Web), 2020
  • Development and Evaluation of Support System for Making Introduction Sentences for Items on E-Commerce Websites
    吉田拓海, 阿部涼介, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2020, DCC-25, 2020
  • Development of Road-Heating Controller with Image Recognition of Snow-covered State on Ground Surface by Deep Learning
    横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 武田 清賢, 画像ラボ, 30, 6, 27, 33, Jun. 2019
    日本工業出版, Japanese
  • 人工知能による文学創作
    松原仁, 川村秀憲, 電子情報通信学会誌, 102, 3, 2019
  • Application of XGBoost to Credit Scoring
    CHEN Ce, YOKOYAMA Soichiro, YAMASHITA Tomohisa, KAWAMURA Hidenori, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2019, ICS-194, 2019
  • CNNを用いた定置網内の魚群の有無推定
    平間友大, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 和田雅昭, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 118, 492(AI2018 53-59)(Web), 2019
  • 深層学習を用いた俳句の生成器および評価器の開発
    米田航紀, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 118, 492(AI2018 53-59)(Web), 2019
  • 自動運転車のためのDeep Q-Networkを用いた譲り合いの獲得
    小川一太郎, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 酒徳哲, 柳原正, 蕨野貴之, 大岸智彦, 田中英明, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 118, 492(AI2018 53-59)(Web), 2019
  • 畳み込みオートエンコーダを用いた工業製品の不良検査
    工藤郁弥, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 118, 492(AI2018 53-59)(Web), 2019
  • Joint Embedding Modelを用いた所持具材に応じた代替料理の提案
    桶智輝, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2019, ICS-194, 2019
  • 俳句生成を目的とした言語モデルに対するAttention機構の導入
    横山想一郎, 米田航紀, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2019, ICS-196, 2019
  • 深層学習による言語生成 深層学習を用いた俳句の生成と選句
    横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 人工知能, 34, 4, 2019
  • 深層学習を用いた路面の積雪認識によるロードヒーティング制御
    横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 武田清賢, 画像ラボ, 30, 6, 2019
  • 競輪における購買支援コンテンツのためのレース結果予測手法の検討
    吉田拓海, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 18th, 2019
  • CNNを用いた音響画像に基づく定置網内の魚種推定の精度向上
    平間友大, 横山想一朗, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 和田雅昭, 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 18th, 2019
  • CNNを用いた服飾・風景画像に対する印象の推定
    神戸瑞樹, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 18th, 2019
  • 代替出勤依頼における従業員の受諾確率推定
    幡本昂平, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 18th, 2019
  • Deep Learning Use Cases and Their Points and Tips:3. Discriminating Fish Species in a Set-Net Using a Convolutional Neural Network
    平間 友大, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 情報処理, 59, 11, 974, 977, 15 Oct. 2018
    本稿に示すディープラーニング活用事例は「FISH(Fisheries Intelligence System Hokkaido)」と呼ばれる,産学連携のプロジェクトの一部である.北海道の定置網漁でマグロをはじめとする漁獲量が制限枠を超過する問題を対象として,制限超過の回避策を講じるための情報提供を目的としている.現状では定置網内の魚種の把握にニーズがあるため,魚群探知機から得られる音響画像に畳み込みニューラルネットワーク(CNN)を適用した魚種推定モデルの開発を進めている.本稿では,マグロの有無に特化した魚種推定モデルを構築する際に利用している開発環境,教師データ,CNNの設定を解説する.さらに,感度マップを用いた誤判別結果の分析を行い,今後の改善を提案する., 情報処理学会 ; 1960-, Japanese
  • Learning of Driving Behavior in Automatic Driving : Acquisition of Mutual Concessions Using Deep Learning
    山下 倫央, 小川 一太郎, 横山 想一郎, 川村 秀憲, 蕨野 貴之, 大岸 智彦, 田中 英明, シミュレーション = Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology, 37, 3, 153, 159, Sep. 2018
    小宮山印刷工業, Japanese
  • 車載テクノロジー最前線 AI技術で目指す円滑な交通流 : ゆずりあうクルマの実現
    山下 倫央, 小川 一太郎, 横山 想一郎, 川村 秀憲, 蕨野 貴之, 大岸 智彦, 田中 英明, 車載テクノロジー = Automotive technology, 5, 6, 42, 46, Aug. 2018
    技術情報協会, Japanese
  • Development of Artificial Intelligent Technology for Mutual Concessions of Autonomous Cars
    山下 倫央, 小川 一太郎, 横山 想一郎, 川村 秀憲, 酒徳 哲, 柳原 正, 蕨野 貴之, 大岸 智彦, 田中 英明, 自動車技術 = Journal of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 72, 5, 53, 58, May 2018
    自動車技術会, Japanese
  • 蓄積情報からの特徴語抽出に基づく自動要約・提示システムに関する研究
    松林 圭, 山下 晃弘, 中村 拓哉, 吉田 優之, 川村 秀憲, 第80回全国大会講演論文集, 2018, 1, 277, 278, 13 Mar. 2018
    掲示板やSNSが普及してくるにつれ,日報やディスカッションなどの企業業務のナレッジマネジメントに応用をする動きが活発になっている.しかし掲示板やSNSはその特性上どの投稿がその話題の中でもっとも重要な情報であるかをユーザが把握しづらく,埋もれてしまう情報も少なくない.そのため,社内に蓄積された様々な情報を可視化する研究も多く,それらを応用した様々なサービスも存在する.本研究ではそのような大量のテキストデータから重要な情報を自動要約し,社内のナレッジとして有効活用することを目的としている.最終的に社内で活用されるシステムを目指し,複数のテキスト要約手法の比較や実データによる評価を行う., Japanese
  • 畳み込みニューラルネットワークを用いた服飾画像に対するアノテーションの推定 (人工知能と知識処理)
    神戸 瑞樹, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 117, 468, 1, 7, 02 Mar. 2018
    電子情報通信学会, Japanese
  • A Study of Document Summarization for Knowledge Presentation from Stored Information of Business Activities
    今野陽子, 中村拓哉, 吉田優之, 川村秀憲, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 32nd, 2018
  • テクノロジーと人との調和・未来の社会と生活人工知能最前線
    川村秀憲, 日本水産工学会シンポジウム要旨集, 2018, 2018
  • マルチエージェントシミュレーションを用いた代替出勤者リスト生成アルゴリズムの評価
    幡本昂平, 横山想一朗, 横山想一朗, 山下倫央, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2018, ICS-190, 2018
  • Development of Artificial Intelligent Technology for Mutual Concessions of Autonomous Cars
    山下倫央, 小川一太郎, 横山想一郎, 川村秀憲, 酒徳哲, 柳原正, 蕨野貴之, 大岸智彦, 田中英明, 自動車技術, 72, 5, 2018
  • Development of Automatic Haiku Generator Using LSTM
    米田航紀, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 32nd, 2018
  • Development of a Road-Heating Controller with Image Recognition of Ground Surface by Deep Learning
    横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 武田清賢, 横川誠, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 32nd, 2018
  • Efficiency of Traffic Flow with Mutual Concessions of Autonomous Cars Using Deep Q-Network
    小川一太郎, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 酒徳哲, 柳原正, 大岸智彦, 田中英明, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 32nd, 2018
  • Investigation of Alternative Attendants Selection Methods Using Multi-Agent Simulation
    幡本昂平, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 32nd, 2018
  • Prediction of Race Results and Generation of Predicted Articles in Bicycle Races
    吉田拓海, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 32nd, 2018
  • 深層学習による生成句判別
    米田航紀, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2018, ICS-192, 2018
  • 競輪予想記事の自動配信に向けた的中車券予測
    吉田拓海, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2018, ICS-192, 2018
  • Application of Optimization Techniques to Convolution Neural Network for Estimating Impression Words for Clothing Images
    神戸瑞樹, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 118, 116(AI2018 1-12)(Web), 2018
  • Detection of Abnormal Behavior Based on Driver Area of In-Car Movie by Deep Learning
    木戸口稜, 横山総一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 118, 116(AI2018 1-12)(Web), 2018
  • 交通のシミュレーションとAI 自動運転における運転行動の学習-ゆずりあいの獲得事例の紹介-
    山下倫央, 小川一太郎, 横山想一郎, 川村秀憲, 蕨野貴之, 大岸智彦, 田中英明, シミュレーション, 37, 3, 2018
  • 車載テクノロジー最前線 AI技術で目指す円滑な交通流-ゆずりあうクルマの実現-
    山下倫央, 小川一太郎, 横山想一郎, 川村秀憲, 蕨野貴之, 大岸智彦, 田中英明, 月刊車載テクノロジー, 5, 6, 2018
  • Verification of Fish Species Estimation Model Based on Echo Sounder Image
    HIRAMA Yudai, YOKOYAMA Soichiro, YAMASHITA Tomohisa, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, WADA Masaaki, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI, 2018, 1B2OS11b02, 1B2OS11b02, 2018

    The overfishing and depletion of marine resources including tuna have become problems in Japan. Managing to marine resource is necessary to increase catch amount. However, set-net is difficult to separate fish speceis. Therefore, this research used a sonar image obtained by an echo sounder installed in a set-net. We verify of fish species estimation model based on echo sounder image.

    , The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Japanese, Summary national conference
  • Examination of Response Method based Feature Word for Dialogue Agent on a Specific Topic
    今野陽子, 山下晃弘, 松林圭, 松原良和, 西谷雅史, 鈴木恵二, 川村秀憲, 井上祐寛, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2017, ICS-186, 2017
  • ディープラーニングの研究事例と産業応用の可能性
    川村秀憲, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 117, 46(RECONF2017 1-21), 2017
  • Response Method based Feature Word and State for Dialogue Agent System on a Specific Topic
    今野陽子, 山下晃弘, 松林圭, 松原良和, 鈴木恵二, 川村秀憲, 井上祐寛, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 31st, 2017
  • 畳み込みニューラルネットワークを用いた積雪状態の認識とロードヒーティングの制御
    小山望海, 武田清賢, 横川誠, 川村秀憲, 人工知能学会知識ベースシステム研究会資料, 110th, 2017
  • DCGANによるループ音源の学習と生成
    細川皓平, 川村秀憲, 人工知能学会知識ベースシステム研究会資料, 110th, 2017
  • ディープラーニングによるループ音源の自動生成
    細川皓平, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2017, MUS-116, 2017
  • 生産と流通の最適化による持続可能な北海道水産業モデルの構築
    和田雅昭, 松原仁, 鈴木恵二, 長崎健, 安井重哉, 高博昭, 川村秀憲, 山下倫央, 横山想一郎, 塩谷浩之, 岸上順一, 吉野正則, 半澤悟, 長部太郎, 日本水産学会北海道支部大会講演要旨集, 2017, 2017
  • 生産に役立つ漁獲予測システムの開発
    平間友大, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 和田雅昭, 日本水産学会北海道支部大会講演要旨集, 2017, 2017
  • CNNを用いた魚群探知機による魚種判別
    平間友大, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 和田雅昭, 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 16th, 2017
  • Proposal of Cooperative Learning to Realize Motion Control of RC Cars Group by Deep Q-Network
    小川一太郎, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 酒徳哲, 柳原正, 田中英明, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 31st, 2017
  • Development and Research of Event-Notification Service
    川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 人工知能 : 人工知能学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 31, 6, 844, 849, Nov. 2016
    人工知能学会 ; 2014-, Japanese
  • 畳み込みニューラルネットワークを用いた人物画像の認識と評価
    細川皓平, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, 78th, 2, 2016
  • 寒冷地住宅のコージェネレーションシステムのための電力需要予測と評価
    今野陽子, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 武田清賢, 横川誠, 古川聡子, 情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, 78th, 3, 2016
  • ソーシャルセンシングを用いた能動的イベント情報抽出手法の提案
    伊藤千輝, 篠田孝祐, 小野良太, 川村秀憲, 栗原聡, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 30th, 2016
  • Electricity and Hot Water Load Prediction Method and Evaluation for Cogeneration System Applied to Cold Region Households
    今野陽子, 武田清賢, 横川誠, 鈴木恵二, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2016, ICS-182, 2016
  • The Proposal and Evaluation of Sequential Assignment Method for Micro Task Based on Task Priority
    江川知樹, 小野良太, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2016, ICS-182, 2016
  • プロパティ交換法に基づく学習用ゲームの推薦方法の提案
    SONG Shuang, 斎藤一, 向田茂, 川村秀憲, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016, 2016
  • バルーンロボットにおけるニューラルネットワークを用いたPID制御
    永田紘也, 飯塚博幸, 山本雅人, 鈴木恵二, 川村秀憲, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016, 2016
  • ディープラーニングによるループ音源の学習と生成
    細川皓平, 川村秀憲, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016, 2016
  • ニューラルネットワークを用いたバルーンロボット制御
    永田紘也, 飯塚博幸, 山本雅人, 鈴木恵二, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2016, ICS-184, 2016
  • 3DCG画像を教師データとしたDeepposeによる人物姿勢推定
    宮森勇作, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2016, ICS-184, 2016
  • Watsonとホログラムを融合した観光案内システム
    MA Shabao, 川村秀憲, 電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016, 2016
  • K-041 A Study on Textbook Display Method for Visual Field Constriction by Tablet Device
    Uefuji Takayuki, Kawamura Hidenori, Suzuki Keiji, 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 14, 3, 563, 564, 24 Aug. 2015
    Forum on Information Technology, Japanese
  • An Evaluation of Strokes Gained Stats using Golf Simulation
    塩治龍三朗, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2015, 2, 1, 8, 23 Feb. 2015
    There are many researches about golf shot relating with distance and accuracy concerning golf. However when aiming to have a better score at golf, it is important not only to practice golf shots but also to correctly know the cause of not being able to get a better score and improving them. Furthermore, there are not many researches about this theme. In this paper, we studied a method to analyze golfers play data to improve skill by using golf simulation and a index called Strokes Gained Stats which evaluate golfers every shot., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • 探索の多様化と集中化を考慮した構造化局所クラスタリングの提案
    今野陽子, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 計測自動制御学会北海道支部学術講演会論文集, 47th, 2015
  • 屋内球技におけるチームプレー誘導に向けた床面情報提示の検討
    宮森勇作, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 29th, 2015
  • ガスコージェネレーションシステム利用における寒冷地世帯の熱需要予測
    今野陽子, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 29th, 2015
  • Ellis3A型冠動脈穿孔を生じ救命しえなかった1例
    源馬亜希, 増田新一郎, 川村隆貴, 伊東秀憲, 大島杏子, 佐伯仁, 渋井敬志, 畑明宏, 日本循環器学会関東甲信越地方会(Web), 235th, 2015
  • Risk Analysis and Monitoring System against SNS Flaming
    山下 晃弘, 中村 拓哉, 川村 秀憲, 知識ベースシステム研究会, 103, 19, 24, 20 Nov. 2014
    人工知能学会, Japanese
  • Structure Analysis for Large-scale TSP and Coordinated Control Based on Swarm Intelligence
    今野 陽子, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 58, 4p, 21 May 2014
    システム制御情報学会, Japanese
  • Statement-based Cost Estimate for Co-utilization of Service Facilities
    Hidenori Kawamura, Ryota Ono, Keiji Suzuki, 情報処理学会論文誌, 55, 4, 15 Apr. 2014
    In this paper, we focus on allocating of social service facilities which are operated under the first-come-first-serve rule. In such facilities, users cannot make a reservation in advance. To reduce congestion, it is desirable to adjust a schedule by communication devices. We propose the user-in-the-loop forecasting with the statement-based cost estimate, and apply to two types of facility allocation models, i.e., the theme park scenario and the highway scenario. The computer experiments show that the proposed estimate caused better results in both scenarios to reduce congestion. In particular, the users in the highway scenario could achieve a near user equilibrium situation without any advance experience of the system.------------------------------This is a preprint of an article intended for publication Journal ofInformation Processing(JIP). This preprint should not be cited. Thisarticle should be cited as: Journal of Information Processing Vol.22(2014) No.2 (online)DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2197/ipsjjip.22.270------------------------------In this paper, we focus on allocating of social service facilities which are operated under the first-come-first-serve rule. In such facilities, users cannot make a reservation in advance. To reduce congestion, it is desirable to adjust a schedule by communication devices. We propose the user-in-the-loop forecasting with the statement-based cost estimate, and apply to two types of facility allocation models, i.e., the theme park scenario and the highway scenario. The computer experiments show that the proposed estimate caused better results in both scenarios to reduce congestion. In particular, the users in the highway scenario could achieve a near user equilibrium situation without any advance experience of the system.------------------------------This is a preprint of an article intended for publication Journal ofInformation Processing(JIP). This preprint should not be cited. Thisarticle should be cited as: Journal of Information Processing Vol.22(2014) No.2 (online)DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2197/ipsjjip.22.270------------------------------, English
  • An Examination of 7 Billion Agent Based Simulation
    KIN Shofuku, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 113, 459, 31, 35, 03 Mar. 2014
    Multi-Agent Simulation (MAS) is efficient for analysis of various social mechanisms. Recently, there are many studies on massive agent model to explain more complex social phenomena. Then, we aim for implementation of large scale simulation model using Repast HPC toolkit, a platform for massive agent model. In this article, we build "Schelling Segregation Model" for spatial model using geospatial data provided OpenStreetMap, an open source project creating a free editable map. In this model, agents are located continuous space , not grid in original. When an agent is "unhappy" and migrate to new location, it costs agents some simulation time depending on distance between old location and new one. This article reports simulation results using Japanese cities and verification result about execution time., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • A Study of Measurement Method against Flaming of SNS Based On Case-Based Analization
    山形 聖志, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 知識ベースシステム研究会, 101, 13, 18, 02 Mar. 2014
    人工知能学会, Japanese
  • Localization in Real Laboratory Floor Using ZigBee
    Shogo Sugawara, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2014, 4, 1, 8, 23 Feb. 2014
    ゴルフに関する研究は様々な分野において行われてきたが,多くは飛距離や正確性などのスキルに注目しており,クラブやボールの落としどころを選択する方針である戦略についての研究はほとんど行われていない.本研究はゴルフのスコアアップにつながる戦略を獲得するためのフレームワークを開発することを目的とし,ゴルフをボールの位置が確率的に決定されマルコフ決定過程の性質を満たす確率モデルとして定義し,それをもとに期待スコアを最小化する最適化問題を定義して,Q 学習により最適化を行った.最後に,獲得された戦略を用いたシミュレーションを行うことにより,スキルとコースに応じた戦略が獲得されることを示し,フレームワークの応用例として,ゴルフ戦略における攻略ルートの支援ツールであるバーチャルゴルフコーチの機能と支援例について記述した., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Comparison and Evaluation of Scoring for Event Recommender System
    Ryota Ono, Akihiro Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2014, 3, 1, 6, 23 Feb. 2014
    This paper discusses about problems and solutions in event informations recommender system based on user's browsing history. This paper compares five methods, genre based scoring, provider based scoring, popularity based scoring, user-based collaborate filtering, item-based collaborate filtering. As a result, even in event information which user-item relation matrix is sparse, item-based collaborate filtering demonstrates superior performance., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • イベント情報推薦における異なるスコアリング手法の併用に関する検討
    小野良太, 山下晃弘, 平田圭, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 計測自動制御学会北海道支部学術講演会論文集, 46th, 2014
  • 大規模TSPの問題構造に対するヒューリスティックの評価
    今野陽子, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2014, 2014
  • 振動子群ネットワークの同期現象に関する考察
    山内翔, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 自律分散システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM), 26th, 2014
  • ハンドボールにおける戦術共有支援のためのボロノイ領域を利用したタブレット型アプリケーションの開発
    宮森勇作, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム講演論文集, 2014, 2014
  • 重症大動脈弁狭窄症と慢性腎不全を合併した93歳女性の慢性心不全急性増悪に対してtolvaptan継続投与が有効であった一例
    川村隆貴, 佐伯仁, 伊東秀憲, 増田新一郎, 大島杏子, 渋井敬志, 畑明宏, 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録(CD-ROM), 62nd, 2014
  • A Successful Case of Cardiogenic Shock and Ventricular Fibrillation due to Acute Myocardial Infarction
    金田俊雄, 渋井敬志, 川村隆貴, 伊藤秀憲, 大島杏子, 増田新一郎, 佐伯仁, 畑明宏, ICUとCCU, 38, 2014
  • フィンガープリンティング方式の屋内測位におけるフィンガープリント・ルータ配置の評価手法
    辻順平, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 計測自動制御学会北海道支部学術講演会論文集, 46th, 2014
  • 2P1-I04 Application of flocking algorithm for two-robot carriage task(Swarm Robotics)
    YAMAUCHI Sho, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013, "2P1, I04(1)"-"2P1-I04(4)", 22 May 2013
    Flocking algorithm of multi agent system is robust and disaster tolerant even though agents face obstacles or destructed. These algorithms are modeled to generate complex behavior such as flock of birds and fished by simple distributed rules. In this paper, we focus on applying these mechanism to single robot by assuming that the robot is the set of agents. We extend flocking algorithm to be capable of using in single robot and apply it to dog-shaped robot to convey baggage with other robots. In baggage conveying task, robots must deal with complex effects from its environment, the baggage and other robots., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japanese
  • Cloud Based Free Scale Mixed Media Software
    TSUJI Junpei, YAMAUCHI Sho, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 112, 420, 49, 52, 29 Jan. 2013
    In this paper, we propose media board software that is free scale and free media constructed on cloud computing platform We assume that the main interface is constructed on tablet computers and smart phones so we can draw pictures as it is on papers and it is able to paste contents such as pictures or photos By preparing the function to express the relationships between information, we call this function landmark and tour here, information in this media board are structured and shared among the users in groups We construct this media board as platform for people to discuss ideas online and generate collaborative ideas Also we try to make this media take place of current browser as new media platform., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • 大規模な二重円環TSPを用いたヒューリスティックの評価
    今野陽子, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 日本経営工学会秋季研究大会予稿集, 2013, 2013
  • Verify Nowを用いた血小板活性のモニタリングが有効であった遅発性ステント血栓症の一例
    増田新一郎, 佐伯仁, 川村隆貴, 大島杏子, 伊東秀憲, 渋井敬志, 畑明宏, 日本循環器学会関東甲信越地方会(Web), 230th, 2013
  • Discussion on Auto-calibration of Indoor Positioning System Using Signal Strength
    辻 順平, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究報告集, 15, 141, 146, 2013
    ヒューマンインタフェース学会, Japanese
  • Discussion on Auto-calibration of Indoor Positioning System Using Signal Strength
    辻順平, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 113, 227(MVE2013 19-31), 2013
  • イベント工学 : 人々を動かす技術 (観光情報学の実践)
    川村 秀憲, 山下 晃弘, 鈴木 恵二, 観光と情報 : 観光情報学会誌, 9, 1, 29, 38, 2013
    観光情報学会, Japanese
  • SNS炎上事例収集システムの設計と実装
    山形聖志, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム講演論文集, 2012, 59, 62, 06 Oct. 2012
  • ゴルフの戦略指示に向けたシミュレーションモデルの開発
    菅原翔悟, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム講演論文集, 2012, 131, 138, 06 Oct. 2012
  • タブレット型PC内のセンサを用いたGoogleストリートビューアプリの開発
    兼平愛弓, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム講演論文集, 2012, 165, 168, 06 Oct. 2012
  • クアッドローターによる群飛行に向けたシステム構築
    山内翔, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 30th, ROMBUNNO.1D2-3, 17 Sep. 2012
  • オープンストリートマップを用いたオンデマンドバスシミュレーション
    小野良太, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM), 22nd, ROMBUNNO.2A1-3, 30 Aug. 2012
  • 柔軟なエージェント群構造へ向けた拡張Flockingアルゴリズムとその適用手法
    山内翔, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM), 22nd, ROMBUNNO.1C2-3, 30 Aug. 2012
  • Q学習を用いたゴルフプレー戦略のシミュレーション
    菅原翔悟, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM), 22nd, ROMBUNNO.2B2-5, 30 Aug. 2012
  • 視点位置検出によるiPad用Googleストリートビュー表示アプリの開発―移動操作の実装―
    兼平愛弓, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM), 22nd, ROMBUNNO.2B1-3, 30 Aug. 2012
  • 大規模マルチエージェントモデルの実装
    金正福, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM), 22nd, ROMBUNNO.1B1-1, 30 Aug. 2012
  • SNS炎上事例解析手法の提案
    山形聖志, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM), 22nd, ROMBUNNO.2C3-2, 30 Aug. 2012
  • Methodology of embedding an IT service to the society
    川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 山下 晃弘, 日本ソフトウェア科学会大会論文集, 29, 129, 132, 22 Aug. 2012
    [日本ソフトウェア科学会], Japanese
  • 2A1-J03 Application of Flocking Algorithm to Attitude Control of Humanoid Robot(Robotic Systems Based on Autonomous Decentralized Architecture)
    YAMAUCHI Sho, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2012, "2A1, J03(1)"-"2A1-J03(4)", 27 May 2012
    Flocking algorithm of multi agent system is robust and disaster tolerant even though agents face obstacles or destructed. In this paper, we focus on applying these mechanism to single humanoid robot by assuming that the robot is the set of agents. We extend flocking algorithm to be capable of using in single robot and apply it to humanoid robot to maintain standing posture., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japanese
  • Simulation Evaluation for Designing Dial-a-Ride System
    小野 良太, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 26, 1, 4, 2012
    人工知能学会, Japanese
  • 社会サービスのプラグイン研究とスマートシティ
    川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 山下晃弘, 日本ソフトウェア科学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 29th, 2012
  • Monitoring position of child and staff in scientific events using indoor positioning system
    Tsuji Junpei, Kawamura Hidenori, Suzuki Keiji, Teramae Hiroki, 日本理科教育学会北海道支部大会発表予稿集, 2012, 23, 28, 28, 2012
    日本理科教育学会北海道支部, Japanese
  • オンデマンドバスシステム設計へ向けたシミュレーション評価
    小野良太, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 26th, ROMBUNNO.3F2-OS-10-5, 2012
  • ソーシャルメディアと観光振興
    川村 秀憲, 開発こうほう, 0, 581, 16, 22, Dec. 2011
    Mobile sensor localization technologies attracts attention for the purpose of goods management in large indoor commercial spaces etc. This study uses ZigBee RSSI for localization and aims to clear up the problems on localization using this method in real indoor spaces. This study made a localization system in a labolatory floor and tried to localize a mobile sensor in this floor., 北海道開発協会, Japanese
  • ロボカップシミュレーションにおける異方性評価指標を用いた支配タイプの検出
    小林佑輔, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム講演論文集, 2011, 25, 32, 01 Oct. 2011
  • 名詞の係り受け頻度を利用した自由回答文の格付け推定―楽天GORAのレビューデータへの適用―
    早坂透, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム講演論文集, 2011, 207, 210, 01 Oct. 2011
  • 道具としての付加構造と行動パターンに関する相互作用モデル
    山内翔, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム講演論文集, 2011, 177, 182, 01 Oct. 2011
  • ゴルフゲームにおける行動評価関数を用いた戦略の決定
    菅原翔悟, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 情報処理北海道シンポジウム講演論文集, 2011, 13, 18, 01 Oct. 2011
  • AHPにおける最良代替案の判定関数
    但野友美, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2011, 268, 269, 13 Sep. 2011
  • 2-E-4 AHPにおける最良代替案の判定関数(特別セッション 意思決定)
    但野 友美, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2011, 28, 268, 269, 13 Sep. 2011
    社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Japanese
  • マイクロブログにおける発話シミュレーターに向けた基礎研究
    新井雅也, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 情報科学技術フォーラム, FIT 2011, 483, 484, 22 Aug. 2011
  • 出現頻度に基づく自由回答文の格付け推定 楽天GORAレビューデータへの応用
    早坂透, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 情報科学技術フォーラム, FIT 2011, 485, 486, 22 Aug. 2011
  • ZigBeeに基づく屋内測位とその応用
    辻順平, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 池田剛, 河本満, 幸島明男, 車谷浩一, 情報科学技術フォーラム, FIT 2011, 399, 400, 22 Aug. 2011
  • サービス資源配分における利用者行動のモデル化
    小野良太, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 情報科学技術フォーラム, FIT 2011, 493, 494, 22 Aug. 2011
  • AHPにおける最良代替案判定関数を用いた一対比較の削減
    但野友美, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 情報科学技術フォーラム, FIT 2011, 413, 414, 22 Aug. 2011
  • A study of extracting user profile with microblog
    新井 雅也, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 知識ベ-スシステム研究会, 93, 0, 9, 12, 09 Aug. 2011
    人工知能学会, Japanese
  • 1A1-O15 Effects of Body Extension and Learning in Simulation Robots(Evolution and Learning for Robotics)
    Yamauchi Sho, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2011, "1A1, O15(1)"-"1A1-O15(4)", 26 May 2011
    Effects of body extension and its relationship to learning in robots is not clear even though lots of research have been done. In this paper, to reveal these characteristics, we make simulation robots and attach some rigid bodies to them in order to extend their bodies. Through the interaction in game, extensions increase the average winning percentage of some rule sets. But it does not affect the winning percentage of a specific rule set. Also, each extension has its own collision property and its average collision time is not proportional to the surface area of extensions. We use simulation environment which cause physical effects to robots by using physics engine., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japanese
  • 1A1-M05 Detection of possession type to RoboCup Soccer Simulation(Evolution and Learning for Robotics)
    KOBAYASHI Yusuke, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2011, "1A1, M05(1)"-"1A1-M05(4)", 26 May 2011
    Recently, multiagent systems has attracted much attention. RoboCup Soccer Simulation is treated as a test bed of these. In real soccer, the analysis of games in terms of team behavior has been studied, however, it has not been done in RoboCup Soccer Simulation. In this study, we aim to facilitate the analysis of the team behavior and to clarify the involvement of the team possession type in result of games in RoboCup Soccer Simulation. In particular, we construct a method of detecting counter attack, one of team possession type and we analyze the log files of games. After considering the feature quantities to detect, we detect counter attack using support vector machine based on four feature quantities. As a result, this detector can detect in 77%. Using this detector will reduce the burden of check the log data in visual., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japanese
  • Recommendation of Advertisement by Using Twitter Comment
    MATSUO JUN, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, SUZUKI KEIJI, 情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM), 2010, 6, ROMBUNNO.ICS-162,NO.4, 15 Apr. 2011
  • Analysis and Consideration about Social Utilization of Shared Resources
    ONO RYOTA, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, SUZUKI KEIJI, 情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM), 2010, 6, ROMBUNNO.ICS-162,NO.1, 15 Apr. 2011
  • 共有資源の社会的利用に関する分析と考察—Analysis and Consideration about Social Utilization of Shared Resources—知能システム(ICS) Vol.2011-ICS-162
    小野 良太, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 情報処理学会研究報告, 2010年度, 6, 1, 6, Apr. 2011
    東京 : 情報処理学会, Japanese
  • Modeling of course strategy in golf game
    中野 航, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 知識ベ-スシステム研究会, 92, 0, 23, 26, 07 Mar. 2011
    人工知能学会, Japanese
  • Discussion on an accuracy of fingerprinting-based positioning system using ZigBee
    辻 順平, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 知識ベ-スシステム研究会, 92, 0, 27, 32, 07 Mar. 2011
    人工知能学会, Japanese
  • Euclayptusを用いたプライベートクラウドシステムの性能評価
    平田圭, 山下晃弘, 新井雅也, 小野良太, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 人工知能学会知識ベースシステム研究会資料, 92nd, 33, 38, 03 Mar. 2011
  • 新聞記事における本文と見出しの関係に関する調査
    森翔平, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 110, 462(AI2010 58-63), 13, 16, 01 Mar. 2011
  • An Efficient Comparison Process for Analytic Hierarchy Process
    TADANO YUMI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, SUZUKI KEIJI, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 110, 462(AI2010 58-63), 27, 31, 01 Mar. 2011
    The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) proposed by T.L.Saaty is a method for decision making that takes into consideration uncertain situations or multiple evaluation criteria. In AHP, a decision maker gives values of pairwise comparisons between evaluation criteria and alternatives. Therefore the comparisons of all pairs are difficult when evaluating many alternatives. In this study, we propose a new method that named "comparison support method" for evaluating many alternatives when decision maker needs to decide the highest priority alternative. The comparison support method stops pairwise comparisons when only one solution, the highest priority alternative, is found even if all comparisons aren't compared., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Analysis and Consideration about Social Utilization of Shared Resources
    Ryota Ono, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2011, 1, 1, 6, 01 Mar. 2011
    To deal with utilization method of goods by more than one person more applicative, this paper proposes Service Infrastructure Use Problem, and Social Utilization as a desirable condition of society on Service Infrastructure Use Problem. To make sure Social Utilization whether realizable or not, this paper formulates Service Infrastructure TSP as a specific model of Service Infrastructure Use Problem and an extended TSP model. Lastly, this paper does experiment simulation and verifies that., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Recommendation of Advertisement by Using Twitter Comment
    Jun Matsuo, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2011, 4, 1, 6, 01 Mar. 2011
    Twitter, a popular microblogging tool has seen a lot of growth since it launched in October 2006. Now, Twitter is used to show an advertisement with a comment bookmarked URL. We suggest the model of delivery advertisements to show as many people as possible. In this model, the delivery service gives users an advertising which is provided a client. To realize the model, we calculate the click-through count by Twitter comment and advertisement article. In the experiment, we examine correlation between the calculated click-through count and the actual one., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Survey of Relationship between Article's Body and Title of Newspaper
    MORI Shohei, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 110, 462, 13, 16, 01 Mar. 2011
    本研究では新聞記事において本文を構成する単語と見出しを構成する単語の調査を行う.新聞記事は見出し,リード,本文から構成され逆三角形の構造をとる.よって見出しは記事の内容を簡潔に表す重要な役目を持つ.ここでは見出しには本文中では重要ではない平易な単語が入っていると考え,その特徴を調査する., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Analysis of Rakuten GORA reviews
    FUKUI Tomoko, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 110, 462, 17, 20, 01 Mar. 2011
    In these days, the internet, chat and weblog have lowered our barriers to the posting comments and information on Web sites. Because they are easy to use, their users are increasing yearly. These comments and information involve user's opinions, impressions and evaluations of certain objects, so there is a need for extraction of valuable information from these comments posted by many people. But it is harder to analyze those free descriptions quantitatively than to analyze numerical data. In this paper, we propose an estimation approach by using Rakuten GORA reviews. It estimates 5-point sc..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • An Efficient Comparison Process for Analytic Hierarchy Process
    TADANO Yumi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 110, 462, 27, 31, 01 Mar. 2011
    The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) proposed by T.L.Saaty is a method for decision making that takes into consideration uncertain situations or multiple evaluation criteria. In AHP, a decision maker gives values of pairwise comparisons between evaluation criteria and alternatives. Therefore the comparisons of all pairs are difficult when evaluating many alternatives. In this study, we propose a new method that named "comparison support method" for evaluating many alternatives when decision maker needs to decide the highest priority alternative. The comparison support method stops pairwise ..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • ブログによる口コミ情報の観光マーケットへの活用に関する研究
    村上 嘉代子, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 特別教育・研究報告集, 2011, 231, 234, 2011
    芝浦工業大学連携推進部, Japanese
  • 共有資源の社会的利用と解構造
    小野良太, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 25th, ROMBUNNO.3J2-OS10-1, 2011
  • ロボカップサッカーシミュレーションにおけるカウンターアタックの自動抽出
    小林佑輔, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 人工知能学会AIチャレンジ研究会(Web), 33rd, WEB ONLY B101-9, 2011
  • 小型水中ヒューマノイドロボットにおける陸上と水中の移動行動の自律的切り替えに関する研究
    関谷章吾, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2010, ROMBUNNO.1P1-D25, 13 Jun. 2010
  • 小型ヘリコプタにおける着陸制御に向けたビジョンベース位置推定
    木村卓哉, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2010, ROMBUNNO.1A2-C19, 13 Jun. 2010
  • A study on social utilization model of shared resource based on TSP
    ONO RYOTA, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, SUZUKI KEIJI, 情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM), 2009, 6, ROMBUNNO.ICS-158,7, 15 Apr. 2010
  • Beacon search flight planning with Multi Robot Helicopter
  • TSPに基づく共有資源の社会的利用モデルに関する研究—A study on social utilization model of shared resource based on TSP—知能と複雑系(ICS) Vol.2009-ICS-158
    小野 良太, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 情報処理学会研究報告, 2009年度, 6, 1, 8, Apr. 2010
    東京 : 情報処理学会, Japanese
  • Localization in Real Laboratory Floor Using ZigBee
    辻 順平, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 情報処理学会研究報告, 2009, 6, 1, 8, Apr. 2010
    情報処理学会, Japanese
  • 研究室環境下におけるZigBeeを用いた位置測位 (コンピュータシステム)
    辻 順平, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 109, 474, 529, 536, 26 Mar. 2010
    電子情報通信学会, Japanese
  • Localization in Real Laboratory Floor Using ZigBee
  • 研究室環境下におけるZigBeeを用いた位置測位
    辻 順平, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 池田 剛, 幸島 明男, 車谷 浩一, 情報処理学会研究報告. EMB, 組込みシステム, 2010, 74, 1, 8, 19 Mar. 2010
    大型商業施設などの屋内空間における,物品・従業員管理,顧客の動線情報の獲得を目的として,センサネットワークにおける移動センサ測位技術が注目を集めている.本研究では,低コスト・低消費電力を特徴とした ZigBee の RSSI に基づく測位手法を用いて,実環境での精度が保証された測位システム構築に向け,その課題を明らかにすることを目的とする.研究室における端末測位環境を構築し,環境を自由に移動する人の測位実験を行った., 一般社団法人情報処理学会, Japanese
  • Localization in Real Laboratory Floor Using ZigBee
    Junpei Tsuji, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki, Takeshi Ikeda, Akio Sashima, Koichi Kurumatani, IPSJ SIG technical reports, 2010, 74, 1, 8, 19 Mar. 2010
    Mobile sensor localization technologies attracts attention for the purpose of goods management in large indoor commercial spaces etc. This study uses ZigBee RSSI for localization and aims to clear up the problems on localization using this method in real indoor spaces. This study made a localization system in a labolatory floor and tried to localize a mobile sensor in this floor., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Localization in Real Laboratory Floor Using ZigBee
    Junpei Tsuji, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki, Takeshi Ikeda, Akio Sashima, Koichi Kurumatani, 情報処理学会研究報告. UBI, [ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム], 2010, 74, 1, 8, 19 Mar. 2010
    Mobile sensor localization technologies attracts attention for the purpose of goods management in large indoor commercial spaces etc. This study uses ZigBee RSSI for localization and aims to clear up the problems on localization using this method in real indoor spaces. This study made a localization system in a labolatory floor and tried to localize a mobile sensor in this floor., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • ZigBeeを用いた屋内空間ネットワークにおける通信の頑健性に関する考察
    松尾潤, 松尾潤, 辻順平, 辻順平, 川村秀憲, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 鈴木恵二, 池田剛, 池田剛, 幸島明男, 幸島明男, 車谷浩一, 車谷浩一, 情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, 72nd, 3, 3.341-3.342, 08 Mar. 2010
  • AHPにおける比較支援法
    但野友美, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 大内東, 情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, 72nd, 1, 1.305-1.306, 08 Mar. 2010
  • 3B-5 A Comparison Support Method of the Analytic Hierarchy Process
    Tadano Yumi, Kawamura Hidenori, Suzuki Keiji, Ohuchi Azuma, 全国大会講演論文集, 72, 1, "1, 305"-"1-306", 08 Mar. 2010
    人間の主観的な勘や経験等を数値化した意思決定支援手法にSaatyのAnalytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)がある.AHPは問題を階層構造に分解し,各レベルの項目間で親要素に対する一対比較を行い,全体の総合評価を算出する.そのため,代替案数が多くなると一対比較の総数が増え,全ての対を比較することが困難となる問題がある.本研究では最も良い代替案を一つ求める場合に注目し,一対比較が全て終わらなくても解が一意に求まる場合,それ以上の入力を省略することで,問題を解決する方法として比較支援法を提案する.入力数における解が一意に求まる入力パターン数を調査する実験を行った結果,全入力パターンの33%は従来の半数の一対比較を行った時点で解が求まる可能性があることが明らかとなった., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • 4ZB-3 A Study on the Robustness of ZigBee Networks in Indoors
    Matsuo Jun, Tsuji Junpei, Kawamura Hidenori, Suzuki Keiji, Ikeda Takeshi, Sashima Akio, Kurumatani Koichi, 全国大会講演論文集, 72, 3, "3, 341"-"3-342", 08 Mar. 2010
    我々の身近にある屋内空間において,空間内を利用するユーザの有する携帯端末が,空間内に構築された無線センサネットワークを介して,サーバと通信することで,屋内のナビゲーションや混雑緩和など様々なサービスの実現を考える.このようなシステムを実際に運用することを考えたとき,ネットワークの構成は大きな問題になる.本研究では,用いるセンサネットワークとしてZigBeeを採用し,携帯端末の台数を変えたときに生じる,ZigBeeルータのパケットロス率について検証を行った., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • A study on the planning of ZigBee network in indoors
    松尾 潤, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 知識ベ-スシステム研究会, 88, 0, 9, 12, 02 Mar. 2010
    人工知能学会, Japanese
  • Indoor remote positioning system for ZigBee sensor networks using RSSI
    辻 順平, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 知識ベ-スシステム研究会, 88, 0, 13, 18, 02 Mar. 2010
    人工知能学会, Japanese
  • A study of detection of human crowd behavior using ZigBee's RSSI in indoor space
    新井 雅也, 川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 知識ベ-スシステム研究会, 88, 0, 19, 25, 02 Mar. 2010
    人工知能学会, Japanese
  • A study on social utilization model of shared resource based on TSP
    ONO RYOTA, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, SUZUKI KEIJI, 情報処理学会研究報告. ICS, [知能と複雑系], 158, 0, 1, 8, 01 Mar. 2010
    複数の独立なサブシステムが,限られた共有資源の利用を最適化しようとする共有資源の利用問題を TSP の理論を用いてモデル化し,その意義と有用性について述べる.また,このような問題に対し効率的に解を求める社会的利用の例として行動調整アルゴリズムを提案する.さらに,小規模な例題を解くことでこの問題の解空間の構造をゲーム理論の観点から分析し,行動調整アルゴリズムによって得られる解の効率性について検証する.Model shared resource using problem that independent subsystems want to optimize limited shared resource on TSP theory and discuss this model's meaning and availability. And, propose the Action Coordinate Algorithm as an example of social utilization that can effectively provide good answers. In addition, analyze structures of solution spaces in this problem through solving small examples, and verify efficiency answers provided by the Action Coordinate Algorithm., 情報処理学会, Japanese
  • Beacon search flight planning with Multi Robot Helicopter
    UMEMOTO MASAYUKI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, SUZUKI KEIJI, 情報処理学会研究報告. ICS, [知能と複雑系], 158, 0, 1, 6, 01 Mar. 2010
    無人へリコプタはホバリング飛行や垂直離着陸といったヘリコプタ特有の飛行特性を有し,農薬散布や火山での観測といった用途に実用化され,開発が進められている.しかし,広域な作業範囲や複雑なタスクに対処する為には,単一機体での作業では限界があり,複数機体で作業する事で作業の効率化や耐障害性の向上が期待される.本研究では,自律制御された小型無人ヘリコプタが相互に通信し,取得したデータを共有・統合するシステムをマルチロボットヘリコプタシステムと定義し,その適用例として,広域を並列的に撮影する航空写真撮影や遭難者救助といった例が考えられる.ここでは遭難者救助,特に時間的制約が厳しい雪崩遭難者救助に着目し,雪崩遭難者救助に要する時間を短縮する事を目的とする.雪崩遭難者の携帯したビーコンをマルチロボットヘリコプタシステムを用いる事で,効率的に探索するフライトプランを検討した.This paper describes beacon search algorithm using multi robot helicopter. Multi robot helicopter is defined as multiple autonomous unmanned Helicopters using ad-hoc network. Unmanned helicopter has several abilities such as hovering and vertical takeoff and landing, Unmanned helicopter is becoming popular in actual applications such as search, recue and photographing. Avalanche rescue is hard time constrained in particular. The time to find and extricate victims is most crucial: once buried by an avalanche, survival chances drop dramatically after the first 15 min. So We apply Multi robot helicopter system to Avalanche rescue. We investigate system configuration, and design hardware configuration. Approach to autonomous unmanned helicopter, develop flight simulator, design a flight controller. investigate beacon search algorithm in simulator, The experimental results show the effectiveness of algorithm using Multi Robot Helicopter., 情報処理学会, Japanese
  • Analysis of History Database For Automatic Question Recommendation
    KATAYAMA RYO, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, SUZUKI KEIJI, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 109, 439(AI2009 42-52), 11, 16, 22 Feb. 2010
    Recently, the quest ion-answer (QA) site, such as Oshiete! goo Yahoo tiebukuro are in widespread use in our life. QA site is a place where anyone can post questions and answers and share knowledge among them. It gets more important as a flexible information search. In an existing QA site, it is necessary for repliers to retrieve attractive questions for themselves. Therefore we seek to recommend appropriate questions for repliers. In this paper, as a first step, we analyze questions which repliers answered, with a history data. Specifically we propose distance between a question and a history data, and compare the distance between questions which repliers answered and those else., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • ZigBeeセンサネットワークの受信強度を用いた屋内リモート測位システム
    辻順平, 辻順平, 川村秀憲, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 鈴木恵二, 池田剛, 池田剛, 幸島明男, 幸島明男, 車谷浩一, 車谷浩一, 人工知能学会知識ベースシステム研究会資料, 88th, 13, 18, 22 Feb. 2010
  • A Suggestion for the Comparison Support System of the Analytic Hierarchy Process
    TADANO YUMI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, SUZUKI KEIJI, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 109, 439(AI2009 42-52), 59, 63, 22 Feb. 2010
    The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) proposed by T.L.Saaty is a method for decision making that takes into consideration uncertain situations or multiple evaluation criteria. In AHP, a decision maker gives values of pairwise comparisons between evaluation criteria and alternatives. Therefore the comparisons of all pairs are difficult when evaluating many alternatives. In this study, we propose a new method that named "comparison support method" for evaluating many alternatives when decision maker needs to decide the highest priority alternative. The comparison support method stops pairwise comparisons when only one solution, the highest priority alternative, is found even if all comparisons aren't compared., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Design of Self-Management Functions for Distributed Networked Embedded System
    GODO YOSHIYUKI, HATA MASAYUKI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, SUZUKI KEIJI, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 109, 439(AI2009 42-52), 1, 5, 22 Feb. 2010
    Magnification of Embedded system is developed in recent years, and management is becoming difficult. Therefore self-management function is desired. The architecture which makes function management in removal of an element self-controlled is proposed in the distributed network type Embedded system by this research. As approach, Autonomic Computing Architecture, the SQL parser function is expanded. A prototype is made and contrived architecture is inspected., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Interactive Suggestion of Related Videos by Analyzing Users' Comments Based on tf-idf Scheme
    EBATA YUSUKE, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, SUZUKI KEIJI, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 109, 439(AI2009 42-52), 7, 10, 22 Feb. 2010
    These days video sharing site such as YouTube is being popular. With that, studies using comments of videos are also paid much attention. In this study, we show the related videos for which a comment of videos was used. Specifically, we regarded all comments of one animation as one document, and calculated feature vector on every document. We used the feature vector to show as related videos by calculating the similarity with the other videos., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Adaptive Design Method for Similarity of Collaborative Filtering based on Optimization
    YAMASHITA Akihiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, IEICE technical report, 109, 439, 29, 34, 22 Feb. 2010
    Collaborative filtering is one of the most popular and effective recommendation algorithms based on user-user or item-item similarity. Generally, distance metrics such as Pearson's correlation coefficient are used as the similarity. Although, effectiveness of similarity computation method was widely discussed from various perspectives, there are few considerations of computation methods for optimal similarity in collaborative filtering. In this research, similarity optimization problem were formulated by defining similarities between a active user and the other users as a vector variable. Then, a quasi-optimal solution was obtained and it was compared with Pearson's correlation coefficient. Additionally, we propose and evaluate similarity computation method based on optimization., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Design of Self-Management Functions for Distributed Networked Embedded System
    GODO Yoshiyuki, HATA Masayuki, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 109, 439, 1, 5, 22 Feb. 2010
    Magnification of Embedded system is developed in recent years, and management is becoming difficult. Therefore self-management function is desired. The architecture which makes function management in removal of an element self-controlled is proposed in the distributed network type Embedded system by this research. As approach, Autonomic Computing Architecture, the SQL parser function is expanded. A prototype is made and contrived architecture is inspected., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Interactive Suggestion of Related Videos by Analyzing Users' Comments Based on tf-idf Scheme
    EBATA Yusuke, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 109, 439, 7, 10, 22 Feb. 2010
    These days video sharing site such as YouTube is being popular. With that, studies using comments of videos are also paid much attention. In this study, we show the related videos for which a comment of videos was used. Specifically, we regarded all comments of one animation as one document, and calculated feature vector on every document. We used the feature vector to show as related videos by calculating the similarity with the other videos., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Analysis of History Database For Automatic Question Recommendation
    KATAYAMA Ryo, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 109, 439, 11, 16, 22 Feb. 2010
    Recently, the quest ion-answer (QA) site, such as Oshiete! goo Yahoo tiebukuro are in widespread use in our life. QA site is a place where anyone can post questions and answers and share knowledge among them. It gets more important as a flexible information search. In an existing QA site, it is necessary for repliers to retrieve attractive questions for themselves. Therefore we seek to recommend appropriate questions for repliers. In this paper, as a first step, we analyze questions which repliers answered, with a history data. Specifically we propose distance between a question and a histo..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Adaptive Design Method for Similarity of Collaborative Filtering based on Optimization
    YAMASHITA Akihiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, IEICE technical report, 109, 439, 29, 34, 22 Feb. 2010
    Collaborative filtering is one of the most popular and effective recommendation algorithms based on user-user or item-item similarity. Generally, distance metrics such as Pearson's correlation coefficient are used as the similarity. Although, effectiveness of similarity computation method was widely discussed from various perspectives, there are few considerations of computation methods for optimal similarity in collaborative filtering. In this research, similarity optimization problem were formulated by defining similarities between a active user and the other users as a vector variable. Then, a quasi-optimal solution was obtained and it was compared with Pearson's correlation coefficient. Additionally, we propose and evaluate similarity computation method based on optimization., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • A Suggestion for the Comparison Support System of the Analytic Hierarchy Process
    TADANO Yumi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 109, 439, 59, 63, 22 Feb. 2010
    The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) proposed by T.L.Saaty is a method for decision making that takes into consideration uncertain situations or multiple evaluation criteria. In AHP, a decision maker gives values of pairwise comparisons between evaluation criteria and alternatives. Therefore the comparisons of all pairs are difficult when evaluating many alternatives. In this study, we propose a new method that named "comparison support method" for evaluating many alternatives when decision maker needs to decide the highest priority alternative. The comparison support method stops pairwise ..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • 利用者によりコスト変動するマルチエージェント型拡張TSPのゲーム分析
    小野良太, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM), 20th, ROMBUNNO.S1-1-2, 2010
  • AHPにおける一対比較値パターンに基づく比較支援
    但野友美, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM), 20th, ROMBUNNO.S4-4-4, 2010
  • 群集移動によるRSSI変動の測定と応用
    新井雅也, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 24th, ROMBUNNO.3E3-2, 2010
  • ZigBeeのRSSI計測に基づく群集動態の推定
    新井雅也, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM), 20th, ROMBUNNO.S1-1-5, 2010
  • 小型水中ヒューマノイドロボットにおける浮遊状態の判別
    関谷章吾, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM), 20th, ROMBUNNO.S3-1-4, 2010
  • TSPに基づく共有資源の社会的利用モデルの提案と分析
    小野良太, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 24th, ROMBUNNO.2I1-OS5-8, 2010
  • 1A2-C19 Vision-based Position Presumption for Landing Control of Small Helicopter
    KIMURA Takuya, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2010, 0, "1A2, C19(1)"-"1A2-C19(4)", 2010
    In this paper, we propose a method of estimation position with camera for autonomous landing system of small helicopter. Since the small helicopter has limited payload, it can't put a lot of sensors or heavy sensors. In this study, The camera putting on the helicopter is used as the acquisition device of the position information. We constructed the system that in real time estimating the position of the helicopter, especially the position of the direction of height by using the camera and the landmark. We experimented and considered whether the system was able to be used to control the heli..., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japanese
  • 1P1-D25 Autonomous switching of movement action between land and water for small underwater humanoid robot
    SEKIYA Shogo, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2010, 0, "1P1, D25(1)"-"1P1-D25(4)", 2010
    We want to work humanoid robot instead of the person in the sea area. In this paper, for purpose extending applied area of humanoid robot, we aim at the adjustment of a humanoid robot to an underwater area. The property of the action in the water is different compared with the property of the action in the land because the influence of resistance from the wave. Therefore, We think that we should change the action between land and water. As a basic research, land or water is detected with the sensor. As a result, autonomous behavior switching is acquired to humanoid robot that put on wet suit., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japanese
  • Adaptive Fusion Method for User-based and Item-based Collaborative Filtering               
    The Fifth International Workshop on Emergent Intelligence in Networked Agents (WEIN2010), 1, 8, 2010
  • Interactive Comparison Support with Comparison Pattern Search for Analytic Hierarchy Process               
    24th European Conference on Operational Rsearch, Lisbon, 255, 255, 2010
  • Estimation of ZigBee’s RSSI fluctuated by Crowd Behavior in Indoor Space               
    Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2010 in Taiwan, cd-rom, 2010
  • ZigBee Based Indoor Localization with Particle Filter estimation
    Junpei Tsuji, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki, Takeshi Ikeda, Akio Sashima, Koichi Kurumatani, IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN AND CYBERNETICS (SMC 2010), 1115, 1120, 2010
    Highly-functional mobile devices, such a smart phone, have appeared. Location based services of the mobile devices are assimilated in a variety of ways. Then, Indoor localization sensor is necessary to access the location based services seamlessly. This paper researched the performance of indoor localization with ZigBee based particle filter. This paper showed this method can localize a resting target within 2.0 meter accuracy and can localize a moving target with an area levels localizarion. ZigBee based particle filter can be one of some options for location based services in indoor spaces., IEEE, English
  • Neural Network based Estimation of Crowd Behavior using RSSI in Indoor Space               
    The 14th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems (IES2010), cd-rom, 2010
  • Game Analysis and Modeling the Social Utilization of Shared Resources Based on Traveling Salesperson Problem               
    The 14th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems(IES2010), cd-rom, 2010
  • Performance evaluation of private cloud computing with Eucalyptus               
    Joint 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 11th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2010), SA-C1-3, 2010
  • Parameter Estimation Method Based on Simulated Recommendation Process for Collaborative Filtering               
    Joint 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 11th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2010), FR-C4-4, 2010
  • マルチロボットヘリコプタシステムに関する基礎研究
    梅本雅之, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2009, ROMBUNNO.1B1-1, 24 Nov. 2009
  • マルチロボットヘリコプタによるセンサネットワーク構築に関する基礎研究
    平田圭, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2009, ROMBUNNO.1B1-2, 24 Nov. 2009
  • AHPにおける多数代替案評価方法
    但野友美, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 大内東, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 19th, CD-ROM, ROMBUNNO.B4,1, 17 Sep. 2009
  • モバイル環境におけるセカンドライフへの接続
    YE Tao, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 19th, CD-ROM, ROMBUNNO.C5,2, 17 Sep. 2009
  • 協調フィルタリングに基づく推薦システムにおける類似度の最適性に関する検証
    山下晃弘, 山下晃弘, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 19th, CD-ROM, ROMBUNNO.B4,2, 17 Sep. 2009
  • 多様・大量の実データに基づく就職計画支援
    松村有祐, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 松村有祐, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 19th, CD-ROM, ROMBUNNO.B5,1, 17 Sep. 2009
  • 屋内空間構造に基づく人員移動計画向け経路生成アルゴリズムの評価に関する研究
    松尾潤, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 池田剛, 幸島明男, 車谷浩一, 松尾潤, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 池田剛, 幸島明男, 車谷浩一, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 19th, CD-ROM, ROMBUNNO.B3,3, 17 Sep. 2009
  • ZigBeeセンサネットワークを用いた確率推論に基づく屋内測位システムに関する研究
    辻順平, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 池田剛, 幸島明男, 車谷浩一, 辻順平, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 池田剛, 幸島明男, 車谷浩一, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 19th, CD-ROM, ROMBUNNO.B3,4, 17 Sep. 2009
  • Encouragement of Overseas Researcher Life(AI in the World, AI in Japan (14))
    Kawamura Hidenori, Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 24, 4, 568, 571, 01 Jul. 2009
    The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Japanese
  • Performance Evaluation of Recommendation Algorithms Based on Rating-recommendation Interaction
    山下 晃弘, 川村 秀憲, 飯塚 博幸, 大内 東, 情報処理学会論文誌数理モデル化と応用(TOM), 2, 2, 47, 57, 27 Mar. 2009
    The problem of information overload spreading across the Internet has been causing serious inefficiency in browsing and searching for information. As a way to overcome the problem, the recommender systems are recently used in many E-commerce sites. Many algorithms have been proposed to improve the accuracy of recommendation based on user ratings. The relation between recommender systems and users is rather interactive in the sense that recommendations decides which items are recommended to users and the results of ratings by users will affect the next recommendations. However, conventional studies have not considered the interactive aspects so much. Therefore, our aim of this paper is to propose a new evaluation model using multiagent modeling where the recommender system and agents (as users) interacts with each other. The properties of typical recommendation algorithms such as user-based and itembased collaborative filtering will be analyzed with our proposed model. Our results also suggest the possibilities to propose a novel and effective recommendation algorithm., 情報処理学会, Japanese
  • 観光動向におけるシグナリング効果
    寺西俊樹, 川村秀憲, 鈴木恵二, 大内東, 情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, 71st, 1, 1.389-1.390, 10 Mar. 2009
  • 3M-9 The effect of signaling on trend of tourists
    Teranishi Toshiki, Kawamura Hidenori, Suzuki Keiji, Ohuchi Azuma, 全国大会講演論文集, 71, 1, "1, 389"-"1-390", 10 Mar. 2009
    Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Adaptive Fusion of User-based and Item-based Collaborative Filtering-Empirical Analysis Using MovieLens Dataset-
  • Adaptive Fusion of User-based and Item-based Collaborative Filtering : Empirical Analysis Using MovieLens Dataset
    YAMASHITA Akihiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 154, 16, 105, 110, 23 Feb. 2009
    In many E-commerce sites, recommender systems, which provide personalized recommendation from among a large number of items, are recently introduced. Collaborative filtering (CF) is one of the most successful algorithms which provide recommendations using ratings of items by the users. There are two approaches such as user-based CF and item-based CF. Additionally an algorithm which improves recommendation accuracy by unifying both of user-based CF and item-based CF was proposed. In the algorithm, a weight for unifying is a constant which obtained empirically. However, because the optimal weight for unifying is actually different by the situation, the algorithm should estimate an appropriate weight dynamically, and use it. In this research, we propose an approach for estimation of the appropriate weight based on collected ratings. Moreover, we discussed the effectiveness by using Movie Lens data., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Adaptive Fusion of User-based and Item-based Collaborative Filtering : Empirical Analysis Using MovieLens Dataset
    YAMASHITA Akihiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report, 108, 456, 105, 110, 23 Feb. 2009
    In many E-commerce sites, recommender systems, which provide personalized recommendation from among a large number of items, are recently introduced. Collaborative filtering (CF) is one of the most successful algorithms which provide recommendations using ratings of items by the users. There are two approaches such as user-based CF and item-based CF. Additionally an algorithm which improves recommendation accuracy by unifying both of user-based CF and item-based CF was proposed. In the algorithm, a weight for unifying is a constant which obtained empirically. However, because the optimal weight for unifying is actually different by the situation, the algorithm should estimate an appropriate weight dynamically, and use it. In this research, we propose an approach for estimation of the appropriate weight based on collected ratings. Moreover, we discussed the effectiveness by using Movie Lens data., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Performance Evaluation of Recommendation Algorithms Based on Rating-recommendation Interaction
    山下晃弘, 山下晃弘, 川村秀憲, 飯塚博幸, 大内東, 情報処理学会論文誌トランザクション(CD-ROM), 2008, 2, 2009
  • 観光情報の国際的研究状況
    川村 秀憲, 伊藤 直哉, 鈴木 恵二, 観光と情報, 5, 1, 101, 104, 2009
    観光情報学会, Japanese
  • Indoor Positioning Method Based on RSSI Pre-Observation with ZigBee Network               
    13th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, CD-ROM, 2009
  • The Method for Evaluating Many Alternatives of Analytic Hierarchy Process               
    The 20th National Conference of Australian Society for Operations Research, 120, 2009
  • Termination Process of the Analytic Hierarchy Process               
    13th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, CD-ROM, 2009
  • 状態遷移量に基づく屋内小型自律飛行船の動作設計に関する検討
    高谷敏彦, 川村秀憲, 山本雅人, 大内東, Ricoh Tech Rep, 34, 119, 130, 01 Dec. 2008
  • 2-S-7 観光情報の国際的研究状況(観光とOR(1))
    川村 秀憲, 伊藤 直哉, 鈴木 恵二, 大内 東, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2008, 0, 136, 137, 10 Sep. 2008
    社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Japanese
  • 観光客の空き時間を利用した観光経路作成手法の提案と支援システムの構築
    丸山加奈, 大内東, 川村秀憲, 情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, 70th, 4, 4.455-4.456, 13 Mar. 2008
  • 2G-5 観光客の空き時間を利用した観光経路作成手法の提案と支援システムの構築(地域情報システム,一般セッション,コンピュータと人間社会)
    丸山 加奈, 大内 東, 川村 秀憲, 全国大会講演論文集, 70, 4, "4, 455"-"4-456", 13 Mar. 2008
    一般社団法人情報処理学会, Japanese
  • Analysis of Knowledge Accumulation Process in Consumer Generated Media
    SAKAMOTO HIRONORI, OUCHI AZUMA, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, 情報処理学会研究報告, 2008, 28(GI-19), 33, 36, 12 Mar. 2008
    In recent years, the number of Internet user is increased as the personal computer and the portable terminal spread. So the cases used Social Networking Service or Consumer Generated Media, etc. as an information exchange and a communication means have risen. A lot of research such as the community analysis and making to visible from the structure analysis, plot out a new mechanism and business model, information recommendation, have already been done to those media. However there are few researches that stares at the future like forecast and analyze the appearance of the development of new media. In this research, we tried to analyze how the knowledge accumulate on user participation media., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Tag game of Autonomous Flying Objects
    Autonomous Flying Object (AFO) is an autonomously controlled indoor robot that is developed to realize autonomous flights for an entertainment. The balloon robot can fly freely in a three dimensional space. In this paper, the tag game by two robots is concerned as an application of the entertainment flights. The complexity or highly technical strategy of behaviors for the game can be an important factor for the entertainment. The combination of genetic algorithm and neural networks is used to co-evolve the behavioral strategies for the robots, The complexity of the evolved behaviors and techniques is investigated in response to the space and motor characteristics., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Tag game of Autonomous Flying Objects
    Umemoto Masayuki, Nishioka Ryota, Yamagata Yoshihumi, Kawamura Hidenori, Ohuchi Azuma, Takaya Toshihiko, IPSJ SIG technical reports, 2008, 26, 37, 42, 07 Mar. 2008
    Autonomous Flying Object (AFO) is an autonomously controlled indoor robot that is developed to realize autonomous flights for an entertainment. The balloon robot can fly freely in a three dimensional space. In this paper, the tag game by two robots is concerned as an application of the entertainment flights. The complexity or highly technical strategy of behaviors for the game can be an important factor for the entertainment. The combination of genetic algorithm and neural networks is used to co-evolve the behavioral strategies for the robots, The complexity of the evolved behaviors and tec..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Self-Organized Multi-Flying of Autonomous Indoor Balloon Robots
    Autonomous indoor balloon robots cannot have enough battery for long flight, because they have limitation of payload. For this feature, it is important for indoor balloon robot to move efficiently. The air resistance greatly influences balloon robots flight. Birds also have this feature, By getting self-organized formation, birds are enable to move efficiently. In this paper, we aim to realize to get self-organized multi-flying suitable for efficient move by using learning method for neural network with genetic algorithm. In the experiment, we confirmed the realization of self-organized mul..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Analysis of Knowledge Accumulation Process in Consumer Generated Media
    In recent years, the number of Internet user is increased as the personal computer and the portable terminal spread. So the cases used Social Networking Service or Consumer Generated Media, etc. as an information exchange and a communication means have risen. A lot of researches such as the community analysis and making to visible from the structure analysis, plot out a new mechanism and business model, information recommendation, have already been done to those media. However there are few researches that stares at the future like forecast and analyze the appearance of the development of n..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Performance Evaluation of User-based and Item-based Collaborative Filtering by Multi-agent Modeling
    Information overload problem has expanded further more. A recommender system provides personalized recommendation for each user to reduce the problem. Many techniques to maximize the accuracy of recommendation based on browse history or purchase of certain products have been already proposed. Moreover, the recommendation result influences the user's behavior. Basically, the recommender system and the users are interactive, however, this dynamics had not been researched. In this research, we modeled the user as a purchase-rating agent, and analyzed the performance of the recommendation algorithm considering the system-user interaction. In this paper, we report a result of the analysis of user-based and and item-based collaborative filtering., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Performance Evaluation of User-based and Item-based Collaborative Filtering by Multi-agent Modeling
    Information overload problem has expanded further more. A recommender system provides personalized recommendation for each user to reduce the problem. Many techniques to maximize the accuracy of recommendation based on browse history or purchase of certain products have been already proposed. Moreover, the recommendation result influences the user's behavior. Basically, the recommender system and the users are interactive, however, this dynamics had not been researched. In this research, we modeled the user as a purchase-rating agent, and analyzed the performance of the recommendation algorithm considering the system-user interaction. In this paper, we report a result of the analysis of user-based and and item-based collaborative filtering., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Analysis of Knowledge Accumulation Process in Consumer Generated Media
    SAKAMOTO HIRONORI, OUCHI AZUMA, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 107, 523(AI2007 44-66), 133, 134, 27 Feb. 2008
    In recent years, the number of Internet user is increased as the personal computer and the portable terminal spread. So the cases used Social Networking Service or Consumer Generated Media, etc. as an information exchange and a communication means have risen. A lot of researches such as the community analysis and making to visible from the structure analysis, plot out a new mechanism and business model, information recommendation, have already been done to those media. However there are few researches that stares at the future like forecast and analyze the appearance of the development of new media. In this research, perceive these media as a network and node as an information public on the media, edge as a relationship between those nodes, then we tried the analysis of the network about how it grows., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Self-Organized Multi-Flying of Autonomous Indoor Balloon Robots
    Autonomous indoor balloon robots cannot have enough battery for long flight, because they have limitation of payload. For this feature, it is important for indoor balloon robot to move efficiently. The air resistance greatly influences balloon robots flight. Birds also have this feature, By getting self-organized formation, birds are enable to move efficiently. In this paper, we aim to realize to get self-organized multi-flying suitable for efficient move by using learning method for neural network with genetic algorithm. In the experiment, we confirmed the realization of self-organized multi-flying., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Self-Organized Multi-Flying of Autonomous Indoor Balloon Robots
    NAKABAYASHI YUTA, NISHIOKA RYOTA, YAMAGATA YOSHIFUMI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, OHUCHI AZUMA, TAKAYA TOSHIHIKO, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 107, 523, 91, 96, 27 Feb. 2008
    Autonomous indoor balloon robots cannot have enough battery for long flight, because they have limitation of payload. For this feature, it is important for indoor balloon robot to move efficiently. The air resistance greatly influences balloon robots flight. Birds also have this feature, By getting self-organized formation, birds are enable to move efficiently. In this paper, we aim to realize to get self-organized multi-flying suitable for efficient move by using learning method for neural network with genetic algorithm. In the experiment, we confirmed the realization of self-organized mul..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Analysis of Knowledge Accumulation Process in Consumer Generated Media
    SAKAMOTO HIRONORI, OHUCHI AZUMA, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 107, 523, 133, 134, 27 Feb. 2008
    In recent years, the number of Internet user is increased as the personal computer and the portable terminal spread. So the cases used Social Networking Service or Consumer Generated Media, etc. as an information exchange and a communication means have risen. A lot of researches such as the community analysis and making to visible from the structure analysis, plot out a new mechanism and business model, information recommendation, have already been done to those media. However there are few researches that stares at the future like forecast and analyze the appearance of the development of n..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • 筋萎縮性側索硬化症療養者における生体信号を用いたコミュニケーション手段の確立への支援
    中山優季, 小倉朗子, 松田千春, 川村佐和子, 川村佐和子, 大西秀憲, フランスベッド・メディカルホームケア研究・助成財団研究助成・事業助成報告書, 18th, 2008
  • 観光情報の国際的研究状況
    川村秀憲, 伊藤直哉, 鈴木恵二, 大内東, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2008, 136, 137, 2008
  • Load Balancing in Theme Park Problem with User-in-the-loop Forecastin
  • Autonomous indoor blimp robot motion design based on state value
    高谷 敏彦, 川村 秀憲, 山本 雅人, Ricoh technical report, 0, 34, 119, 130, 2008
    リコーグループ技術開発本部, Japanese
  • Cooperative Control of Multiple Neural Networks for Indoor Blimp Robot               
    The Thirteenth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2008, 131, 134, 2008
  • Learning landing control of an indoor blimp robot for self-energy recharging
    Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Toshihiko Takaya, Azuma Ohuchi, Artificial Life and Robotics, 12, 1-2, 116, 121, 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
    We report on learning landing control for the self-energy recharging of indoor blimp robots. Indoor blimp robots have potential applications in monitoring, surveillance, and entertainment. It might be necessary for blimp robots to fly for a long time to achieve these tasks. Since blimp robots cannot have a heavy battery, it is difficult to fly for long time. Therefore, we solved this problem by developing self-energy recharging control, i.e., docking to an energy charging station. We call it landing control. We introduce a way to learn landing control to tackle an unstable flying condition. The results of experiments show the effectiveness of the landing control. © 2008 International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB)., English
  • Simulation and implement of Memory-based PID control for indoor blimp robot               
    The thirteenth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2008, CD-ROM, 2008
  • Optimal Growth Planning Problem of the Queueing Networks
  • Optimal Growth Planning Problem of the Queueing Networks
    MATSUMURA YUSUKE, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KURUMATANI KOICHI, OHUCHI AZUMA, IPSJ SIG technical reports, 2007, 128, 69, 72, 20 Dec. 2007
    The complex network research in recent years revealed that growth process of real-world networks paying attention to growing networks. This paper proposes a phased network structure design problem in the standpoint of designing the growing network and a solving method based on the hill-climbing method. Effectiveness of the solving method was verified by a numerical experiment., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Optimal Growth Planning Problem of the Queueing Networks
    The complex network research in recent years revealed that growth process of real-world networks paying attention to growing networks. This paper proposes a phased network structure design problem in the standpoint of designing the growing network and a solving method based on the hill-climbing method. Effectiveness of the solving method was verified by a numerical experiment., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • ブログを用いたWebサービス型情報共有・推薦システム「HARMO」の開発
    山下晃弘, 川村秀憲, 山本雅人, 大内東, 情報科学技術フォーラム, FIT 2007, 349, 352, 22 Aug. 2007
  • セルの入出力観測に基づくセルオートマトンの定量的分析
    高橋春樹, 川村秀憲, 山本雅人, 大内東, 情報科学技術フォーラム, FIT 2007, 157, 160, 22 Aug. 2007
  • LF-006 Quantitative Analysis of Cellular Automata with Input/Output Data
    Takahashi Haruki, Kawamura Hidenori, Yamamoto Masato, Ohuchi Azuma, 情報科学技術レターズ, 6, 0, 157, 160, 22 Aug. 2007
    Forum on Information Technology, Japanese
  • F-007 HARMO : Information Sharing and Recommender System with Weblog based on Web Service
    Yamashita Akihiro, Kawamura Hidenori, Yamamoto Masahito, Ohuchi Azuma, 情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集, 6, 2, 349, 352, 22 Aug. 2007
    Forum on Information Technology, Japanese
  • Structural Design of Queueing Networks to Minimize Waiting Time
    MATSUMURA YUSUKE, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, OHUCHI AZUMA, IPSJ journal, 48, 6, 2097, 2105, 15 Jun. 2007
    The high-quality service provided by the large-scale tele-communication network constructed in the Internet such as the Gnutella is thought to be achieved by a certain feature network structure. Moreover, a feature structure is assumed to be generated with a certain simple generation rule in another research. This shows that there is a possibility that an effective design approach of the large scale network can be established if the design of the generation rule that generates the optimal structure becomes possible. Authors tried to archive a structural generation rule to make the communication efficiency on the telecommunication network considering these in this paper. Concretely, the network was modeled with the queueing network and a structural generation rule to minimize waiting time was investigated. As the result, it made clear that the generation rule can generate structures with small enough waiting time under som conditions., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • 2A2-A08 Development of Line Following Control System for Indoor Blimp Robot
    NISHIOKA Ryouta, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, TAKAYA Toshihiko, OHUCHI Azuma, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2007, 0, "2A2, A08(1)"-"2A2-A08(4)", 11 May 2007
    We report on line following control for indoor blimp robot. Indoor blimp robot can be moved to the altitude and the place with differences in the building. There are applications of the guide and the round in the building by using those features. It is generable target trajectory to put the one that becomes a landmark on the moved place. Therefore, we put the line as a landmark. The line is showing flat information in the target trajectory, and information of height can be obtained according to the width of the line. In this paper, we report the extraction method of the line in the camera i..., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japanese
  • 2A2-B02 Control for Indoor Blimp Robot Based on Flight Plan with Constraint Time
    KASAWAKI Hiroto, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, TAKAYA Toshihiko, OHUCHI Azuma, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2007, 0, "2A2, B02(1)"-"2A2-B02(4)", 11 May 2007
    This paper describes that an indoor balloon control system based on flight plan with constraint time. Indoor balloon robots have the features of using buoyancy to move three dimensional movements, moving less energy. Furthermore, balloon robot has high safety to crash, and can use it safely also in indoor space. For these features, indoor balloon robots have enormous potential for applications such as an entertainment flight, automatic surveillance. Our goal is synchronized flying. However, they have difficulties to control because of nonlinear thrust and air resistance. We develop of the c..., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japanese
  • Development of Line Following Control System for Indoor Blimp Robot
  • Control for Indoor Blimp Robot Based on Flight Plan with Constraint Time
  • Development of Restaurant Information Website with Weblog and Recommender System
    YAMASHITA Akihiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report, 106, 586, 75, 80, 15 Mar. 2007
    As the number of individual tourists increases, Web browsing is becoming one of the methods to gather tourism information such as restaurants and accommodations. However, it is difficult to search for necessary and valuable tourism information. Meanwhile, the services which are called Web2.0 dramatically increase. These features are information collection from users, information sharing and user adaptive recommendation. This information distribution form will extend increasingly, and the influence on the tourism industry will be significant. This research constructs user-centred tourism information system with objective information and subjective ratings. Then it innovates tourism website using Web2.0 technologies. This study proposes to use the Weblog interface for the system to collect much tourism information. Further, to recommend some products for users, it utilizes Collaborative Filtering Algorithm to resolve which products should be suggested. This paper introduces an application to a restaurant information website., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Schedule-sharing System for Congestion Reduction in Theme Park Problem
    Recently ubiquitous environment is being realized with the development of ICT (Information Communications Technology). The ubiquitous environment realizes a new type of supports called mass user support. In this paper, we proposed schedule-sharing system for congestion reduction, and apply to model of theme park problem. As the result, numerical experiment verified that the proposed system can decrease staying time in the theme park of whole visitor., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Development of Restaurant Information Website with Weblog and Recommender System
    YAMASHITA Akihiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 147, 26(ICS-147), 133, 138, 14 Mar. 2007
    As the number of individual tourists increases, Web browsing is becoming one of the methods to gather tourism information such as restaurants and accommodations. However, it is difficult to search for necessary and valuable tourism information. Meanwhile, the services which are called Web2.0 dramatically increase. These features are information collection from users, information sharing and user adaptive recommendation. This information distribution form will extend increasingly, and the influence on the tourism industry will be significant. This research constructs user-centred tourism information system with objective information and subjective ratings. Then it innovates tourism website using Web2.0 technologies. This study proposes to use the Weblog interface for the system to collect much tourism information. Further, to recommend some products for users, it utilizes Collaborative Filtering Algorithm to resolve which products should be suggested. This paper introduces an application to a restaurant information website., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Structure Optimization with Link Exchange in Queuing Network
  • Schedule-sharing System for Congestion Reduction in Theme Park Problem
    IMAKAWA Takahiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2007, 26, 1, 6, 14 Mar. 2007
    Recently ubiquitous environment is being realized with the development of ICT (Information Communications Technology). The ubiquitous environment realizes a new type of supports called mass user support. In this paper, we proposed schedule-sharing system for congestion reduction, and apply to model of theme park problem. As the result, numerical experiment verified that the proposed system can decrease staying time in the theme park of whole visitor., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Development of Restaurant Information Website with Weblog and Recommender System
    YAMASHITA Akihiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 147, 26, 133, 138, 14 Mar. 2007
    As the number of individual tourists increases, Web browsing is becoming one of the methods to gather tourism information such as restaurants and accommodations. However, it is difficult to search for necessary and valuable tourism information. Meanwhile, the services which are called Web2.0 dramatically increase. These features are information collection from users, information sharing and user adaptive recommendation. This information distribution form will extend increasingly, and the influence on the tourism industry will be significant. This research constructs user-centred tourism information system with objective information and subjective ratings. Then it innovates tourism website using Web2.0 technologies. This study proposes to use the Weblog interface for the system to collect much tourism information. Further, to recommend some products for users, it utilizes Collaborative Filtering Algorithm to resolve which products should be suggested. This paper introduces an application to a restaurant information website., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Structure Optimization with Link Exchange in Queuing Network
    Recent research revealed that the high quality service provided by large scale telecommunication network constructed on the Internet such as Gnutella is realized by characteristic structure of network. Another research found that these characteristic structures are constructed by simple generation rules. Up to now, the authors have been researching the method of designing the rule that makes the communication efficiency on the telecommunication network paying attention to these works. Authors propose the structural optimization problem with the link exchange, and examine the structure to ac..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Structure Optimization with Link Exchange in Queuing Network
    MATSUMURA YUSUKE, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KURUMATANI KOICHI, OHUCHI AZUMA, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 106, 587, 53, 60, 09 Mar. 2007
    Recent research revealed that the high quality service provided by large scale telecommunication network constructed on the Internet such as Gnutella is realized by characteristic structure of network. Another research found that these characteristic structures are constructed by simple generation rules. Up to now, the authors have been researching the method of designing the rule that makes the communication efficiency on the telecommunication network paying attention to these works. Authors propose the structural optimization problem with the link exchange, and examine the structure to ac..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Schedule-sharing System for Congestion Reduction in Theme Park Problem
    IMAKAWA Takahiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 106, 585, 1, 6, 07 Mar. 2007
    Recently ubiquitous environment is being realized with the development of ICT (Information Communications Technology). The ubiquitous environment realizes a new type of supports called mass user support. In this paper, we proposed schedule-sharing system for congestion reduction, and apply to model of theme park problem. As the result, numerical experiment verified that the proposed system can decrease staying time in the theme park of whole visitor., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • 北海道における地域映像活用調査検討報告書 北海道における「映像コンテンツ」の現状と活用例を探る!!
    武邑光裕, 梅村匡史, 及川純, 川村秀憲, 黒河内俊二, 五反田英利, 杉山幹夫, 田倉和男, 千葉孝志, 樋泉実, 中村卓三, 日浦正博, 見付均, 吉村匠, 北海道における地域映像活用調査検討報告書 北海道における映像コンテンツの現状と活用例を探る 平成19年, 100P, 2007
  • Effect of the number of users and bias of users' preference on recommender systems
    Akihiro Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Hiroyuki Iizuka, Azuma Ohuchi, INTELLIGENT DATA ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATED LEARNING - IDEAL 2007, 4881, 1112, +, 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
    Recommender System provides certain products adapted to a target user, from a large number of products. One of the most successful recommendation algorithms is Collaborative Filtering, and it is used in many websites. However, the recommendation result is influenced by community characteristics such as the number of users and bias of users' preference, because the system uses ratings of products by the users at the recommendation.
    In this paper, we evaluate an effect of community characteristics on recommender system, using multi-agent based simulation. The results show that a certain number of ratings are necessary to effective recommendation based on collaborative filtering. Moreover, the results also indicate that the number of necessary ratings for recommendation depends on the number of users and bias of the users' preference., SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, English
  • Development of User-Adaptive Tourism Website with Weblog and Recommender System               
    Work in Progress Proceedings of the 14th International ENTER Conference, 173, 181, 2007
  • A study on improvement of the surveillance system of an indoor robot               
    Toshihiko Takaya, Hidenori Kawamura, Yoshihiro Minagawa, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi, The Twelfth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2007 (CD-ROM), -1, 2007
  • Vision based control for line following blimp robot               
    The Twelfth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2007 (CD-ROM), -1, 2007
  • Self-Assessment System for Hotel Classification in Japan               
    Work in Progress Proceedings of the 14th International ENTER Conference, 183, 193, 2007
  • Relations Between Structure of Networks and Effectiveness of Mass-User Support System               
    In proceedings of International Conference on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents 2007 (ESHIA2007), CD-ROM, 2007
  • Self-Assessment System for Hotel Classification
    日本知能情報ファジィ学会, Japanese
  • Study of Tourist Activity Survey using Information Technology
    日本知能情報ファジィ学会, Japanese
  • Learning Docking Control of Autonomous Recharging for Indoor Blimp Robot
    日本知能情報ファジィ学会, Japanese
  • Round system of autonomous indoor blimp robot: 2)
  • Development of User Adaptive Tourism Website with Weblog Information Gathering
    YAMASHITA AKIHIRO, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, OUCHI AZUMA, ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM), 22, 827, 830, 06 Sep. 2006
    日本知能情報ファジィ学会, Japanese
  • Weblogによる評価情報収集と推薦システムの開発
    山下晃弘, 川村秀憲, 大内東, 情報科学技術フォーラム, FIT 2006, 139, 142, 21 Aug. 2006
  • 充電地点へのドッキングを行なう室内バルーンロボットの学習制御
    皆川良弘, 川村秀憲, 山本雅人, 高谷敏彦, 高谷敏彦, 大内東, 情報科学技術フォーラム, FIT 2006, 301, 303, 21 Aug. 2006
  • L_057 Evaluation Gathering with Weblog and Development of Recommender System
    Yamashita Akihiro, Kawamura Hidenori, Ohuchi Azuma, 情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集, 5, 4, 139, 142, 21 Aug. 2006
    Forum on Information Technology, Japanese
  • J_050 Leaming Control of Indoor Balloon Robot for Docking to Recharging Station
    Minagawa Yoshihiro, Kawamura Hidenori, Yamamoto Masahito, Takaya Toshihiko, Ohuchi Azuma, 情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集, 5, 3, 301, 303, 21 Aug. 2006
    Forum on Information Technology, Japanese
  • Accuracy of Partially Exhaustive Investigation Monte Carlo Method and Automatic Adjustment of Threshold Parameter
    KAWAMURA HIDENORI, ONODERA MASAKI, OHUCHI AZUMA, IPSJ journal, 47, 7, 2202, 2211, 15 Jul. 2006
    We focus on a method to calculate the estimated value for a probabilistic model in which each event is defined as a combination of several other independent events. The partially exhaustive investigation Monte Carlo method has been proposed by the authors for such model, and it can show higher performance than simple weighted sampling Monte Carlo method on the condition that the used sample number for estimating is limited. This method divides the event into two parts by a threshold parameter; one is composed by high-probability events, and another is by remaining events. To make this method for practical use, these are unclear appropriate threshold setting and a condition that this method works effectively. In this paper, we investigate the condition that this method works effectively, and propose the partially exhaustive investigation Monte Carlo method with automatic threshold parameter setting., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • 2-F-1 待ち行列ネットワークの複雑ネットワーク理論を用いた最適設計(情報・通信)
    松村 有祐, 川村 秀憲, 大内 東, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2006, 0, 204, 205, 14 Mar. 2006
    社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Japanese
  • GPSログデータからの周遊観光行動の推定及び分析
    長尾光悦, 川村秀憲, 山本雅人, 大内東, 情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, 68th, 4, 345, 346, 07 Mar. 2006
  • Desirable Design of the Queueing Networks excluding Linking Costs
    As the important product of the Complex Network research in recent years, many network dynamics lying on large scale networks are revealed by developing many network models, being affected by discovery of the Small-World and the Scale-Free networks. Although to understand current mechanisms is important, it's also necessary to discuss about features of desirable structure, when we have more engineered perspective. This research reveals desirable structure for various networks by use of knowledge obtained with the recent research, aiming to suggest knowledge of desirable design for developing small network which we never knew. For this paper, we discuss desirable designs for some queueing networks, constructing mathematical model of the Queueing Network excluding linking costs., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Desirable Design of the Queueing Networks excluding Linking Costs
    As the important product of the Complex Network research in recent years, many network dynamics lying on large scale networks are revealed by developing many network models, being affected by discovery of the Small-World and the Scale-Free networks. Although to understand current mechanisms is important, it's also necessary to discuss about features of desirable structure, when we have more engineered perspective. This research reveals desirable structure for various networks by use of knowledge obtained with the recent research, aiming to suggest knowledge of desirable design for developin..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Desirable Design of the Queueing Networks excluding Linking Costs
    MATSUMURA YUSUKE, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, OUCHI AZUMA, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 105, 509(AI2005 21-27), 1, 8, 05 Jan. 2006
    As the important product of the Complex Network research in recent years, many network dynamics lying on large scale networks are revealed by developing many network models, being affected by discovery of the Small-World and the Scale-Free networks. Although to understand current mechanisms is important, it's also necessary to discuss about features of desirable structure, when we have more engineered perspective. This research reveals desirable structure for various networks by use of knowledge obtained with the recent research, aiming to suggest knowledge of desirable design for developing small network which we never knew. For this paper, we discuss desirable designs for some queueing networks, constructing mathematical model of the Queueing Network excluding linking costs., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Desirable Design of the Queueing Networks excluding Linking Costs
    MATSUMURA YUSUKE, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, OHUCHI AZUMA, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 105, 509, 1, 8, 05 Jan. 2006
    As the important product of the Complex Network research in recent years, many network dynamics lying on large scale networks are revealed by developing many network models, being affected by discovery of the Small-World and the Scale-Free networks. Although to understand current mechanisms is important, it's also necessary to discuss about features of desirable structure, when we have more engineered perspective. This research reveals desirable structure for various networks by use of knowledge obtained with the recent research, aiming to suggest knowledge of desirable design for developin..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • 待ち行列ネットワークの複雑ネットワーク理論を用いた最適設計
    松村有祐, 川村秀憲, 川村秀憲, 大内東, 大内東, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2006, 204, 205, 2006
  • 北海道の観光におけるICT利活用調査検討報告書 北海道観光をより快適に...発信!発進!!ICTツーリズム
    大内東, 梅村匡史, 荒井功, 伊藤一, 稲村秀人, 岩田勝男, 片倉康治, 照井幸一, 川村秀憲, 沓沢正司, 黒河内俊二, 伊藤邦宏, 澤邊正彦, 杉山幹夫, 高橋道裕, 土屋敦司, 樋泉実, 馬場俊, 中田ヒロ, 堀清敬, 脇山潤, 高畑勝人, 簑島新一, 漁島直, 北海道の観光におけるICT利活用調査検討報告書 北海道観光をより快適に 発信!発進!!ICTツーリズム 平成18年, 71P, 2006
  • Motion control in three dimensional round system of blimp robot
    Toshihiko Takaya, Hidenori Kawamura, Yoshihiro Minagawa, Masahito Yamaruo, Azuma Ouchi, 2006 SICE-ICASE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-13, 5653, +, 2006
    Blimp robots are attractive as indoor flying robots because they can float in the air, land safely with low energy, and stay in motion for a long time compared with other flying robots. However, controlling of blimp robots is difficult, because they have nonlinear characteristics, are influenced by air streams, and is easy to be influenced of inertia. Therefore a robust and adaptive control system is needed for blimp robots. The applied research that paid its attention to the feature of indoor flying robot in recent years has prospered.
    Operating an indoor blimp robot for a long time is difficult for the payload is small, many batteries cannot be stacked. and the design of a thruster that has freedom and the entire blimp robot. Therefore, an autonomous charge that enables operation for a long time is needed.
    We developed a round orbit control to the Surveillance point for an autonomous of a blimp robot. The possibility of round surveillance three dimensional orbit controls was shown., IEEE, English
  • Docking Control of Autonomous Recharging for Indoor Balloon Robot
    In this paper, we propose a method of docking control of autonomous recharging for indoor balloon robot. Indoor balloon robot might be applied to entertainment flight in an event hall, such as synchronized flight of multiple balloon robots, interactive balloon robot. It might be necessary for long term flight to achieve entertainment flight. However, indoor balloon robot cannot load heavy battery for long term flight. To achieve long term flight, one approach is autonomous recharging. In the case of low battery remainder, indoor balloon robot moves to charging station for recharging. For autonomous recharging, we designed charging station and docking control for indoor balloon robot., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Docking Control of Autonomous Recharging for Indoor Balloon Robot
    Minagawa Yoshihiro, Kawamura Hidenori, Yamamoto Masahito, Takaya Toshihiko, Ohuchi Azuma, IPSJ SIG technical reports, 2005, 125, 1, 5, 17 Dec. 2005
    In this paper, we propose a method of docking control of autonomous recharging for indoor balloon robot. Indoor balloon robot might be applied to entertainment flight in an event hall, such as synchronized flight of multiple balloon robots, interactive balloon robot. It might be necessary for long term flight to achieve entertainment flight. However, indoor balloon robot cannot load heavy battery for long term flight. To achieve long term flight, one approach is autonomous recharging. In the case of low battery remainder, indoor balloon robot moves to charging station for recharging. For au..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Proposal of Partially Exhaustive Investigation Monte Carlo Method and Application to Decision-making of the TAC Agent
    KAWAMURA HIDENORI, ONODERA MASAKI, OHUCHI AZUMA, IPSJ journal, 46, 12, 3218, 3227, 15 Dec. 2005
    To design an autonomous-trading software agent for some kinds of game and electric commerce, the agent often has to cope with the situation that result of decision-making includes stochastic phenomena. In such case, it is necessary for the agent to consider expected evaluation value for possible results according to the probability of results, and Monte Carlo Method is generally used to calculate the expected evaluation value for such situation. In this paper, we suppose the situation that it is easy to enumerate high-probability results at low computation cost, and propose an improved version of Monte Carlo Method, i.e., Partially EXhaustive Investigation (PEXI) Monte Carlo Method. Moreover, we show the effectiveness of the proposed method by some computer experiments including the designing of TAC CLASSIC trading agent., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • A three-dimensional cellular automaton model of a tumor tissue
    TAKAYANAGI TOSHIAKI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, OUCHI AZUMA, 情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2005, 11, 107, 112, 11 Oct. 2005
  • Feature Analysis and Keyword Extraction for Automatic Classification of Web Site
    HONDA Takatomo, YAMAMOTO Masahito, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2005, 78, 1, 4, 01 Aug. 2005
    A website is considered to be belonging to a certain category such as accommodations, restaurants, facilities and so on, as shown in the directory-typed search engines. Generally, a website includes valuable information such as links to or from other sites, many files with extensions and many text data, in terms of the category classification. In this paper, we investigate whether many websites belonging to a certain category have some common features or not. In particular, we show that some keywords are very important to classify websites to the categories. By using these analyzed keyword ..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Extraction of Activity Information on Circular Tour from GPS Log
    NAGAO Mitsuyoshi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2005, 78, 23, 28, 01 Aug. 2005
    In this paper, we propose an extraction method of activity information on circular tour from GPS log. In this research, we focus on circular tour with rent-a-car. The proposed method extracts basic activity information which includes the information about destinations and movements from GPS log which consist of the position information on circular tour. The analysis for circular tour is performed on the basis of the extracted basic activity information. We confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method through the experiment using GPS log collected from actual tourists on Hokkaido circula..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Feature Analysis and Keyword Extraction for Automatic Classification of Web Site
    HONDA TAKATOMO, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 105, 224(AI2005 7-14), 1, 4, 25 Jul. 2005
    A website is considered to be belonging to a certain category such as accommodations, restaurants, facilities and so on, as shown in the directory-typed search engines. Generally, a website includes valuable information such as links to or from other sites, many files with extensions and many text data, in terms of the category classification. In this paper, we investigate whether many websites belonging to a certain category have some common features or not. In particular, we show that some keywords are very important to classify websites to the categories. By using these analyzed keyword information, we present that many websites could be classified to an appropriate category with high precision when three categories (museum, restaurant and accommodations) related to tourism are treated as examples., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Extraction of Activity Information on Circular Tour from GPS Log
    NAGAO MITSUYOSHI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 105, 224(AI2005 7-14), 23, 28, 25 Jul. 2005
    In this paper, we propose an extraction method of activity information on circular tour from GPS log. In this research, we focus on circular tour with rent-a-car. The proposed method extracts basic activity information which includes the information about destinations and movements from GPS log which consist of the position information on circular tour. The analysis for circular tour is performed on the basis of the extracted basic activity information. We confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method through the experiment using GPS log collected from actual tourists on Hokkaido circular tour. In addition, we analyze Hokkaido circular tour and discuss the analysis result., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Feature Analysis and Keyword Extraction for Automatic Classification of Web Site
    HONDA Takatomo, YAMAMOTO Masahito, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 105, 224, 1, 4, 25 Jul. 2005
    A website is considered to be belonging to a certain category such as accommodations, restaurants, facilities and so on, as shown in the directory-typed search engines. Generally, a website includes valuable information such as links to or from other sites, many files with extensions and many text data, in terms of the category classification. In this paper, we investigate whether many websites belonging to a certain category have some common features or not. In particular, we show that some keywords are very important to classify websites to the categories. By using these analyzed keyword ..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Extraction of Activity Information on Circular Tour from GPS Log
    NAGAO Mitsuyoshi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 105, 224, 23, 28, 25 Jul. 2005
    In this paper, we propose an extraction method of activity information on circular tour from GPS log. In this research, we focus on circular tour with rent-a-car. The proposed method extracts basic activity information which includes the information about destinations and movements from GPS log which consist of the position information on circular tour. The analysis for circular tour is performed on the basis of the extracted basic activity information. We confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method through the experiment using GPS log collected from actual tourists on Hokkaido circula..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Automated Topological Map for Indoor Blimp with Ultrasonic Sensors.
  • Flight Control of Indoor Blimp Robot with T-Engine System
    KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KADOTA HISAO, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, TAKAYA TOSHIHIKO, OUCHI AZUMA, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2005, 1P1-S-060, 09 Jun. 2005
  • 1P1-S-060 Flight Control of Indoor Blimp Robot with T-Engine System(Flying Robot 1,Mega-Integration in Robotics and Mechatronics to Assist Our Daily Lives)
    Kawamura Hidenori, Kadota Hisao, Yamamoto Masahito, Takaya Toshihiko, Ohuchi Azuma, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2005, 0, 89, 89, 09 Jun. 2005
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japanese
  • 2P1-S-059 Automated Topological Map for Indoor Blimp with Ultrasonic Sensors(Flying Robot 4,Mega-Integration in Robotics and Mechatronics to Assist Our Daily Lives)
    Minagawa Yoshihiro, Kawamura Hidenori, Yamamoto Masahito, Takaya Toshihiko, Ohuchi Azuma, Proceeding of The 2005 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, (ROBOMEC2005), Kobe, 2005, 0, 09 Jun. 2005
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japanese
  • Proposal of partially exhaustive evaluation Monte Carlo Method and application to the planning containing the uncertainty
    ONODERA Masaki, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 139, 0, 1, 6, 14 Mar. 2005
    In this paper, we propose the partially exhaustive evaluation Monte Carlo Method, which improves the accuracy of estimation of expected value, and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Moreover, we apply the proposed method to the Tour Planning Problem, which includes the uncertainty that a result to a single solution cannot be determined uniquely. From experimental results, it has been confirmed that the accuracy of estimation is improved by the proposed method, and as a result, the effectiveness of searching is improved., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • A Study on Adaptive Network Resource Allocation using Response Threshold Reinforcement Model in Social Insect
    MORI Yasunao, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, 情報処理学会研究報告. ICS, [知能と複雑系], 139, 0, 13, 18, 14 Mar. 2005
  • Proposal of CPU Resource Auction System with an Anonymous Protocol
    MATSUMOTO Takashi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, 情報処理学会研究報告. ICS, [知能と複雑系], 139, 0, 91, 96, 14 Mar. 2005
  • Multiagent Analysis of Reviewer Emergence Model with Meta Evaluation
    IMAKAWA Takahiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, 情報処理学会研究報告. ICS, [知能と複雑系], 139, 0, 97, 102, 14 Mar. 2005
  • Proposal of partially exhaustive evaluation Monte Carlo Method and application to the planning containing the uncertainty
    ONODERA Masaki, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2005, 24, 1, 6, 14 Mar. 2005
    In this paper, we propose the partially exhaustive evaluation Monte Carlo Method, which improves the accuracy of estimation of expected value, and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Moreover, we apply the proposed method to the Tour Planning Problem, which includes the uncertainty that a result to a single solution cannot be determined uniquely. From experimental results, it has been confirmed that the accuracy of estimation is improved by the proposed method, and as a result, the effectiveness of searching is improved., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • A Study on Adaptive Network Resource Allocation using Response Threshold Reinforcement Model in Social Insect
    MORI Yasunao, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2005, 24, 13, 18, 14 Mar. 2005
    In a distributed computer system configurated by some kinds of servers, it becomes pupular that the research and development of technology which allocate dynamically resource to each server adapiting to changing workloads. In this paper, We propose the dynamic network resource allocation system by using response threshold reinforcement model in social insects, and verify the effect by simulation., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Proposal of CPU Resource Auction System with an Anonymous Protocol
    MATSUMOTO Takashi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2005, 24, 91, 96, 14 Mar. 2005
    In this paper, we propose the auction system protocol which trading of CPU usage cycles among companies. This proposal system realize that anyone cannot identify bidder illegally unless the auctioneer and participants majority act in collusion, by using cryptographic technologies such like public key encryption, hash function and Secret Sharing Scheme. Moreover, this system is considered anonymous of bidder regarding the trading method and transmission method of bid. In addition, we developed an auction system with the proposal technique, and verified the proposal technique runs as a system..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Multiagent Analysis of Reviewer Emergence Model with Meta Evaluation
    IMAKAWA Takahiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2005, 24, 97, 102, 14 Mar. 2005
    Currently, there are various types of online community. Because of anonymity, it is difficult to evaluate the information on Web. It is expected that the problem gets worse as the number of users on Web increase. In this paper, we propose reviewer emergence model with meta evaluation and verify effectiveness of it., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Effect of Congestion Information Taken in Agents' Intention
    KATAOKA Takashi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2005, 24, 133, 138, 14 Mar. 2005
    In this paper, we propose a new congestion information system. There is a problem caused by time delay between decision-making and emergence of its effect in a general congestion information system. In our system, users register their next destination when they select it, and we try to solve its problem with providing congestion information taken in the registration information. Moreover, to stimulate registrations of many users, we propose to make the exclusive queue. As the result of having applied to Theme Park Problem, our system was effective of reduction of waiting time in any topology., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Proposal of CPU Resource Auction System with an Anonymous Protocol
    MATSUMOTO TAKASHI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 104, 727(AI2004 80-94), 37, 42, 08 Mar. 2005
    In this paper, we propose the auction system protocol which trading of CPU usage cycles among companies. This proposal system realize that anyone cannot identify bidder illegally unless the auctioneer and participants majority act in collusion, by using cryptographic technologies such like public key encryption, hash function and Secret Sharing Scheme. Moreover, this system is considered anonymous of bidder regarding the trading method and transmission method of bid. In addition, we developed an auction system with the proposal technique, and verified the proposal technique runs as a system and the effect of CPU resource trading., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Effect of Congestion Information Taken in Agents' Intention
    KATAOKA TAKASHI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KURUMATANI KOICHI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 104, 727(AI2004 80-94), 79, 84, 08 Mar. 2005
    In this paper, we propose a new congestion information system. There is a problem caused by time delay between decision-making and emergence of its effect in a general congestion information system. In our system, users register their next destination when they select it, and we try to solve its problem with providing congestion information taken in the registration information. Moreover, to stimulate registrations of many users, we propose to make the exclusive queue. As the result of having applied to Theme Park Problem, our system was effective of reduction of waiting time in any topology., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Multiagent Analysis of Reviewer Emergence Model with Meta Evaluation
    IMAKAWA TAKAHIRO, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 104, 727(AI2004 80-94), 43, 48, 08 Mar. 2005
    Currently, there are various types of online community. Because of anonymity, it is difficult to evaluate the information on Web. It is expected that the problem gets worse as the number of users on Web increase. In this paper, we propose reviewer emergence model with meta evaluation and verify effectiveness of it., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Proposal of CPU Resource Auction System with an Anonymous Protocol
    MATSUMOTO Takashi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 104, 727, 37, 42, 08 Mar. 2005
    In this paper, we propose the auction system protocol which trading of CPU usage cycles among companies. This proposal system realize that anyone cannot identify bidder illegally unless the auctioneer and participants majority act in collusion, by using cryptographic technologies such like public key encryption, hash function and Secret Sharing Scheme. Moreover, this system is considered anonymous of bidder regarding the trading method and transmission method of bid. In addition, we developed an auction system with the proposal technique, and verified the proposal technique runs as a system..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Multiagent Analysis of Reviewer Emergence Model with Meta Evaluation
    IMAKAWA Takahiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 104, 727, 43, 48, 08 Mar. 2005
    Currently, there are various types of online community. Because of anonymity, it is difficult to evaluate the information on Web. It is expected that the problem gets worse as the number of users on Web increase. In this paper, we propose reviewer emergence model with meta evaluation and verify effectiveness of it., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Effect of Congestion Information Taken in Agents' Intention
    KATAOKA Takashi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 104, 727, 79, 84, 08 Mar. 2005
    In this paper, we propose a new congestion information system. There is a problem caused by time delay between decision-making and emergence of its effect in a general congestion information system. In our system, users register their next destination when they select it, and we try to solve its problem with providing congestion information taken in the registration information. Moreover, to stimulate registrations of many users, we propose to make the exclusive queue. As the result of having applied to Theme Park Problem, our system was effective of reduction of waiting time in any topology., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • A Study on Adaptive Network Resource Allocation using Response Threshold Reinforcement Model in Social Insect
    MORI YASUNAO, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 104, 726(AI2004 71-79), 13, 18, 07 Mar. 2005
  • Proposal of partially exhaustive evaluation Monte Carlo Method and application to the planning containing the uncertainty
    ONODERA MASAKI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 104, 726(AI2004 71-79), 1, 6, 07 Mar. 2005
    In this paper, we propose the partially exhaustive evaluation Monte Carlo Method, which improves the accuracy of estimation of expected value, and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Moreover, we apply the proposed method to the Tour Planning Problem, which includes the uncertainty that a result to a single solution cannot be determined uniquely. From experimental results, it has been confirmed that the accuracy of estimation is improved by the proposed method, and as a result, the effectiveness of searching is improved., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • 社会性昆虫の反応閾値強化モデルを用いた適応的ネットワーク資源割当に関する研究
    森 康真, 川村 秀憲, 大内 東, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. AI, 人工知能と知識処理, 104, 726, 13, 18, 07 Mar. 2005
  • Proposal of partially exhaustive evaluation Monte Carlo Method and application to the planning containing the uncertainty
    ONODERA Masaki, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 104, 726, 1, 6, 07 Mar. 2005
    In this paper, we propose the partially exhaustive evaluation Monte Carlo Method, which improves the accuracy of estimation of expected value, and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Moreover, we apply the proposed method to the Tour Planning Problem, which includes the uncertainty that a result to a single solution cannot be determined uniquely. From experimental results, it has been confirmed that the accuracy of estimation is improved by the proposed method, and as a result, the effectiveness of searching is improved., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • A Study on Adaptive Network Resource Allocation using Response Threshold Reinforcement Model in Social Insect
    MORI Yasunao, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 104, 726, 13, 18, 07 Mar. 2005
    In a distributed computer system configurated by some kinds of servers, it becomes pupular that the research and development of technology which allocate dynamically resource to each server adapiting to changing workloads. In this paper, We propose the dynamic network resource allocation system by using response threshold reinforcement model in social insects, and verify the effect by simulation., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • 宿泊施設の公式サイト検索エンジン「オフィシャルゲート」の開発について
    川村秀憲, 本山恵子, 山本雅人, 大内東, 情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, 67th, 3, 83, 84, 02 Mar. 2005
    川村秀憲, 大内東, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会和文論文誌, 48, 2005
  • Development of Indoor Blimp Robot System and Autonomous flight control
  • Qualititative Analysis of Self-organizing Multiagent Interaction with Entropy and Mutual Information               
    Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 10th '05), CD-ROM, 2005
  • Evaluating a Solution of Tour Planning Problem Based on the Partially Exhaustive Exploration Monte Carlo Method               
    Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 10th '05), CD-ROM, 2005
  • Multiagent Simulation of Customer-driven Reservation Adjustment Mechanism               
    Proceedings of the 9th Japan and Australia Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems 2005, CD-ROM, 2005
  • GPS log mining method for tourism activity analysis
    M Nagao, H Kawamura, M Yamamoto, A Ohuchi, Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology, 285, 294, 2005
    Recently, tourism activity analysis has been required in order to construct effective tourism policy and strategy for personal tour which became the mainstream Of Japan. In conventional tourism activity analysis, the information for analysis, i.e., tourism activity information, is collected on each tourist by using questionnaire, and then the analysis is carried out on the basis of it. However, it is difficult to realize effective tourism activity analysis in conventional method because the difficulty in collecting accurate questionnaire-based information collection has and detailed tourism activity information. In this paper, we propose a GPS log mining method in order to implement effective tourism activity analysis. GPS can automatically and continuously collect the position information where the GPS receiver exists. It is likely that an effective tourism activity analysis can be realized by extracting accurate tourism activity information from the information which is collected by GPS. We confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method through the experiments using the GPS log data collected from actual tourists in Hokkaido., SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, English
  • CPU Resource Double Auction System with An Anonymous Protocol               
    Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 10th '05), CD-ROM, 2005
  • PID landing orbit motion controller for an indoor blimp robot
    Toshihiko Takaya, Hidenori Kawamura, Yoshihiro Minagawa, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi, Artificial Life and Robotics, 10, 2, 177, 184, 2005
    Blimp robots are attractive as indoor flying robots because they can float in the air, land safely with low energy, and stay in motion for a long time compared with other flying robots. However, controlling blimp robots is difficult because they have nonlinear characteristics, are influenced by air streams, and can easily be influenced by inertia. Therefore, a robust and adaptive control system is needed for blimp robots. The applied research that has studied the features of indoor flying robots in recent years has prospered. Operating an indoor blimp robot for a long time is difficult because the payload is small, multiple batteries cannot be stacked, and the design of a thruster that gives freedom to the entire blimp robot is difficult. Therefore, an autonomous charge that allows operation for a long time is needed. We have developed a method of landing with orbital control of the charge point that gives autonomy to a blimp robot. The possibility of landing with orbital control is shown. © ISAROB 2006., English
  • Entropy and mutual information analysis of collective behavior in slime Mold model
    K Nishikawa, H Kawamura, A Ohuchi, Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology, 316, 323, 2005
    In the research of a multiagent system, the indicators such as a task achievement ratio and a payoff have been used for analyzing a system. These indicators are important for the point that agents need to accomplish a task. However they are inadequate to make clear the entity of phenomena that occur in complex system, because they are specialized in the target system and the analysis is also specialized. In these respects the approaches that analyze a system quantitatively are begun to investigate in recent years. In our research, we propose the approach that analyzes a multiagent system quantitatively by focusing on the dynamics of a system and interaction among multiagents. We use two indicators, i.e., entropy and mutual information, for analyzing a system. Entropy estimates the behavior of an agent and mutual information estimates interactions between two agents. For verifying these propositions, we conduct verification experiment in the simple slime mold model. The result shows a relationship between agents ' behavioral patterns and two indicators, therefore our approach using entropy and mutual information is available for analyzing a multiagent system., SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, English
  • A Location-based Search Engine for Official Web-sites               
    IFORS2005 (17th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operations Research Societies), CD-ROM, 2005
  • Cellular Automaton Model of Tumor Immunity consisting of Tumor cells, cytotoxic T lymphocyte(CTL), and Substance produced by CTLs
    TAKAYANAGI TOSHIAKI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, OUCHI AZUMA, 情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2004, 12, 349, 354, 26 Oct. 2004
  • Vision-Based Motion Control of Indoor Blimp Robot(Featured Robot 1,Session: TP1-B)
    Kadota Hisao, Kawamura Hidenori, Yamamoto Masahito, Takaya Toshihiko, Ohuchi Azuma, The ... international conference on advanced mechatronics : toward evolutionary fusion of IT and mechatronics : ICAM : abstracts, 2004, 4, 47, 47, 03 Oct. 2004
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, English
  • 最適化手法の新展開とその産業応用
    安田恵一郎, 石亀篤司, 黒川太, 小木曽望, 北川慎治, 相吉英太郎, 飯間等, 貝原俊也, 加地太一, 川村秀憲, 北山哲士, 木村孝, 小あくつ成一, 小林容子, 坂本義行, 鈴木昌和, 田村公良, 西川昌宏, 福山良和, 藤川英司, 藤野篤哉, 宮崎道雄, 村山茂樹, 森一之, 森直樹, 安部恵介, 井出東, 岩崎信弘, 岡本卓, 金沢貴彦, 河野幸弘, 河原崎浩一朗, 岸田太一, 北村聖一, 桜内貴彦, 進藤静一, 袖子田志保, 塚田龍也, 中沢親志, 野原勉, 電気学会技術報告, 983 CD-ROM, 203P, 30 Sep. 2004
  • 『人工市場 市場分析の複雑系アプローチ』, 和泉潔著, 出版社 森北出版, 発行 2003年7月, 全ページ 212頁, 価格 3500円+税, ISBN 4-627-85011-5
    川村 秀憲, システム/制御/情報 : システム制御情報学会誌, 48, 8, 15 Aug. 2004
    システム制御情報学会, Japanese
  • Development of Autonomous Balloon Robot System with Vision Camera and PD Position Controller
    Balloon robots have attracted attention as new type indoor robots for various applications, e.g., observation, guidance, and amusement flying. A balloon robot can float and move long time in 3-dimensional space by low energy. However, it is difficult to control positioning of a balloon robot because it has great inertia and is easily effected by a little air stream of a conditioner. Positioning control under usual indoor environment is key technology to realize an autonomous balloon robot. In this paper, we develop the indoor-type balloon robot system with a light wireless vision camera. The balloon robot is controlled to keep at the target position based on simple vision processing and PD-controller. Vision processing is realized by perceiving a red circle on the floor as a landmark. In the experiments, several PD settings are investigated for positioning control, and we conclude the paper by that P-controller is suitable to keep at the target position and PD-controller successfully works to go in the direction of target from far position., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Development of the Ambiguous Searching System Using the Color Information in the Outdoor Sculpture Database
  • Verification on Effectiveness of Customer-driven Reservation Adjustment Mechanism by Multiagent Analysis
    SHINOHARA TOSHIO, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 103, 726(AI2003 99-109), 1, 6, 17 Mar. 2004
  • Multi-Agent Analysis of the effect of distributed generation spread in electricity market
    OKADA YASUSHI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KURUMATANI KOICHI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 103, 726(AI2003 99-109), 17, 22, 17 Mar. 2004
  • Effect of Congestion Information in Theme Park Problem
    KATAOKA TAKASHI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KURUMATANI KOICHI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 103, 725(AI2003 81-98), 47, 52, 16 Mar. 2004
  • Quantification of Interactive Behavior in Multiagent Systems
    YANAGISAWA NORIKO, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 103, 725(AI2003 81-98), 71, 76, 16 Mar. 2004
  • GPS Log Data Mining for Acquisition of Tourism Information
    NAGAO MITSUYOSHI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 103, 724(AI2003 76-80), 7, 12, 15 Mar. 2004
  • Design of action-value function based on Monte Carlo method with partial exhaustive investigation, and Application to TAC
    ONODERA MASAKI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KURUMATANI KOICHI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 103, 724(AI2003 76-80), 13, 18, 15 Mar. 2004
  • Evaluation of Present Strategies in Multiagent Market Model with Network Externality
    TSUJI MASAYUKI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 103, 724(AI2003 76-80), 19, 24, 15 Mar. 2004
  • GPS Log Data Mining for Acquisition of Tourism Information
    NAGAO Mitsuyoshi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2004, 29, 7, 12, 15 Mar. 2004
    In this paper, we propose a GPS log data mining method for acquisition of tourism information. Recently, the number of tourists which utilize rent-a-car has extremely increased according to shift of tourism type from group tour to personal tour. Therefore, in this research, we perform the extraction of personal behavior information which is effective for tourism information from GPS log data in rent-a-car tour. Currently, the position detection with high accuracy can be performed by using GPS because SA which leads to decrease of accuracy has been removed. However, when GPS is independently..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Design of action-value function based on Monte Carlo method with partial exhaustive investigation, and Application to TAC
    ONODERA Masaki, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2004, 29, 13, 18, 15 Mar. 2004
    About automatic decision-making by the software in fields, such as electronic commerce, the action-value function, which is in consideration of the uncertainty using the expected value, was designed. Moreover, as a way method which raises the accuracy of calculation of an expected value, Monte Carlo method with partial exhaustive investigation was proposed, and the validity was verified by experiment. At the end, the action-value function was applied to TAG CLASSIC, and the validity was checked., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Evaluation of Present Strategies in Multiagent Market Model with Network Externality
    TSUJI Masayuki, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2004, 29, 19, 24, 15 Mar. 2004
    In this paper, we design a multiagent market model with network externality, and evaluate the effectiveness of present strategy, which is one of sales promortion like that a sales corporation chooses customers in a market and gives him/her a product without compensation. The proposed multiagent model can clearly involve a customers interaction network, and we can clarify the relationship between the effectiveness of network externality and the structure of customers interaction network. In the computer simulations, we evaluate the effectiveness of two present strategies ; a simple present s..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Effect of Congestion Information in Theme Park Problem
    KATAOKA Takashi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2004, 29, 77, 82, 15 Mar. 2004
    Recently it is considered that the congestion information services will provide with a development of ubiquitous environment. But it has been cleared that congestion avoidance behavior based on congestion information is not always optimum. In this paper, we investigate effect of congestion information with multiagent simulation in theme park problem. Then we focus on degree of congestion and delay time between selecting destination and arriving, which is considered to affect the effect of congestion information., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Quantification of Interactive Behavior in Multiagent Systems
    YANAGISAWA Noriko, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2004, 29, 101, 106, 15 Mar. 2004
    In most presented researches on multi agent systems, the macroscopic system performance is discussed with such specific measures as gain or achievement. These measures are still important, but when we observe the complex system, it is impossible to understand the essentials of its behavior only using these measures. Therefore we propose an analysis method with entropy and mutual information, the essential terms to analyze the complex system related to macroscopic characteristics. Consequently, we verify the validity of quantitative analysis using entropy and mutual information., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Verification on Effectiveness of Customer-driven Reservation Adjusment Mechanism by Multiagent Analysis
    SHINOHARA Toshio, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2004, 29, 137, 142, 15 Mar. 2004
    Reservation systems, such as an airline ticket and a concert ticket, are first-come firest-served resource allocation mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a resource allocation adjustment mechanism which performs reservation adjustment by customer driven, and verify effectiveness of the mechanism for various demand structures by the multi-agent simulation., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Multi-Agent Analysis of the effect of distributed generation spread in electricity market
    OKADA Yasushi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2004, 29, 153, 158, 15 Mar. 2004
    In this study, we simulate the case in which distributed generations spread using the artificial electricity market by X-Economy System, and analize the surplus arose in power generation equipment of a power producer with distributed generations spread, the effect, the influence of at the time of cutting down and the level of the sale price in that case, and the influence on stability, consequently distributed power supplies. As the result, we found that competition in a market increased by that and a market price fell was obtained. Moreover, when the users who employ a distributed power su..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Verification on Effectiveness of Customer-driven Reservatioin Adjusment Mechanism by Multiagent Analysis
    SHINOHARA Toshio, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 103, 726, 1, 6, 10 Mar. 2004
    Reservation systems, such as an airline ticket and a concert ticket, are first-come firest-served resource allocation mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a resource allocation adjustment mechanism which performs reservation adjustment by customer driven, and verify effectiveness of the mechanism for various demand structures by the multi-agent simulation., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Multi-Agent Analysis of the effect of distributed generation spread in electricity market
    OKADA Yasushi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 103, 726, 17, 22, 10 Mar. 2004
    In this study, we simulate the case in which distributed generations spread using the artificial electricity market by X-Economy System, and analize the surplus arose in power generation equipment of a power producer with distributed generations spread, the effect, the influence of at the time of cutting down and the level of the sale price in that case, and the influence on stability, consequently distributed power supplies. As the result, we found that competition in a market increased by that and a market price fell was obtained. Moreover, when the users who employ a distributed power su..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Effect of Congestion Information in Theme Park Problem
    KATAOKA Takashi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 103, 725, 47, 52, 09 Mar. 2004
    Recently it is considered that the congestion information services will provide with a development of ubiquitous environment. But it has been cleared that congestion avoidance behavior based on congestion information is not always optimum. In this paper, we investigate effect of congestion information with multiagent simulation in theme park problem. Then we focus on degree of congestion and delay time between selecting destination and arriving, which is considered to affect the effect of congestion information., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Quantification of Interactive Behavior in Multiagent Systems
    YANAGISAWA Noriko, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 103, 725, 71, 76, 09 Mar. 2004
    In most presented researches on multi agent systems, the macroscopic system performance is discussed with such specific measures as gain or achievement. These measures are still important, but when we observe the complex system, it is impossible to understand the essentials of its behavior only using these measures. Therefore we propose an analysis method with entropy and mutual information, the essential terms to analyze the complex system related to macroscopic characteristics. Consequently, we verify the validity of quantitative analysis using entropy and mutual information., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • GPS Log Data Mining for Acquisition of Tourism Information
    NAGAO MItsuyoshi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 103, 724, 7, 12, 08 Mar. 2004
    In this paper, we propose a GPS log data mining method for acquisition of tourism information. Recently, the number of tourists which utilize rent-a-car has extremely increased according to shift of tourism type from group tour to personal tour. Therefore, in this research, we perform the extraction of personal behavior information which is effective for tourism information from GPS log data in rent-a-car tour. Currently, the position detection with high accuracy can be performed by using GPS because SA which leads to decrease of accuracy has been removed. However, when GPS is independently..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Design of action-value function based on Monte Carlo method with partial exhaustive investigation, and Application to TAG
    ONODERA Masaki, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 103, 724, 13, 18, 08 Mar. 2004
    About automatic decision-making by the software in fields, such as electronic commerce, the action-value function, which is in consideration of the uncertainty using the expected value, was designed. Moreover, as a way method which raises the accuracy of calculation of an expected value, Monte Carlo method with partial exhaustive investigation was proposed, and the validity was verified by experiment. At the end, the action-value function was applied to TAG CLASSIC, and the validity was checked., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Evaluation of Present Strategies in Multiagent Market Model with Network Externality
    TSUJI Masayuki, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 103, 724, 19, 24, 08 Mar. 2004
    In this paper, we design a multiagent market model with network externality, and evaluate the effectiveness of present strategy, which is one of sales promortion like that a sales corporation chooses customers in a market and gives him/her a product without compensation. The proposed multiagent model can clearly involve a customers interaction network, and we can clarify the relationship between the effectiveness of network externality and the structure of customers interaction network. In the computer simulations, we evaluate the effectiveness of two present strategies; a simple present st..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Mutliagent Analysis of Customer-Driven Reservation System               
    Proceedings of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference 2004, CD-ROM, 2004
  • A Study on Digital Archive For Field (Outdoor) Sculpture on Constructing Hokkaido Sculpture Web               
    Proceedings of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference 2004, CD-ROM, 2004
  • Vision-Based Motion Control of Indoor Blimp Robot               
    Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics -Toward Evolutionary Fusion of IT and Mechatronics- 2004, CD-ROM, 2004
  • Acquisition of Personal Tourism Activity Information Based on GPS Log Mining Method               
    Mitsuyoshi Nagao, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi, Proceedings of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference 2004, CD-ROM, 2004
  • Vision-based Positioning System for Indoor Blimp Robot               
    Hisao Kadota, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Toshihiko Takaya, Azuma Ohuch, Proceedings of 5th IFAC/EURON Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (2004), CD-ROM, 2004
  • Design of Vision-Based Motion Control System for Balloon Robot               
    Proceedings of The Ninth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, AROB 9th '04, 325, 328, 2004
  • An Efficient Collection Method of Official Websites by Robot Program               
    Proceedings of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference 2004, CD-ROM, 2004
  • Modeling of Theme Park Problem with Multiagent for Mass User Support
    Hidenori Kawamura, Koichi Kurumatani, Azuma Ohuchi, MULTI-AGENT FOR MASS USER SUPPORT, 3012, 48, 69, 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    We propose the Theme Park Problem as one example of test bed for mass user support. The objective of the problem's solution is to coordinate many visiting agents' behavior in a way that increases social welfare without reducing individual satisfaction. For the computer simulation, we design four types of basic coordination algorithms, and the simulation's results are used to discuss the basic characteristics of the problem., SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, English
  • Feasibility Study for Deployment of Videoconferencing Systems in Prefectural Medical Associations : Cost-Effect Estimation for Hokkaido Medical Association
    OHUCHI Azuma, KURIHARA Masahito, MITAMURA Tamotsu, KAWAMURA Hidenori, MIYAKOSHI Akio, NAKAGAWA Toshio, MIYAMOTO Shin-ichi, YAMAMOTO Naoya, YANAI Osamu, 医療情報学 = Japan journal of medical informatics, 23, 4, 293, 302, 01 Oct. 2003
    郡市医師会へのテレビ会議システムの導入可能性を,効果と費用の観点から定量的に検討するために,北海道医師会をモデルとした費用効果を試算した.テレビ会議システムの典型的なモデル仕様を構築し,北海道医師会における会議や集会の一定割合をテレビ会議に置き換えた場合の移動距離および移動時間の短縮を時間的効果として評価した.費用については,旅費,旅費削減率,システム構築費用,通信料,および置換率の5つのパラメータに基づいて,年次毎の費用節約の累積を評価した.その結果,置換率が100%のときは2年間,置換率が50%のときは3年間で,旅費節約の累積がシステム構築維持費用を上回るとの試算を得た.したがって,北海道医師会におけるテレビ会議システムの導入は,費用対効果の観点から望ましいと結論できる.In order to evaluate the cost and effect quantitatively in the feasibility study of deployingvideoconferencing systems in prefectural medical associations, we developed and applied acost-effect model to Hokkaido Medical Association (HMA). We introduced a ..., 日本医療情報学会, Japanese
  • An Automatic Collection System for Official Accommodation Websites
    TAKAGI Kohichiro, YAMAMOTO Masahito, NAKATSUGAWA Masashi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2003, 90, 99, 104, 14 Sep. 2003
    It is becoming increasingly difficult to find desired information from the World Wide Web (WWW) due to its rapid growth, and especially, to find web pages belonging to a certain category. For example, it is difficult for tourists to search for official accommodation websites such as hotels and pensions in the area that they will visit. Existing search engines are not suitable for this purpose because these search engines utilize some keywords to extract the information, and accommodation websites do not always contain the most common words. In this paper, we develop an automatic collection ..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), English
  • An Automatic Collection System for Official Accommodation Websites
    TAKAGI Kohichiro, YAMAMOTO Masahito, NAKATSUGAWA Masashi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 103, 305, 31, 36, 08 Sep. 2003
    It is becoming increasingly difficult to find desired information from the World Wide Web (WWW) due to its rapid growth, and especially, to find web pages belonging to a certain category. For example, it is difficult for tourists to search for official accommodation websites such as hotels and pensions in the area that they will visit. Existing search engines are not suitable for this purpose because these search engines utilize some keywords to extract the information, and accommodation websites do not always contain the most common words. In this paper, we develop an automatic collection ..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, English
  • A Study on Coordination Algorithm for Theme Park Problem-Toward Development of Mass User Support in Ubiquitous Environment-.
    KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KURUMATANI KOICHI, OUCHI AZUMA, 情報処理学会研究報告, 2003, 39(UBI-1), 57, 64, 25 Apr. 2003
  • A Study on Cooperation in Collective Behavior Poroblem Based on Tag Based Mechanism.
    HAMADA TAKAHIRO, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 102, 615(AI2002 47-60), 7, 12, 31 Jan. 2003
  • Verification of the Equilibrium Price in the Artificial Market which introduced the Learning Agent.
    KANEHIRA DAISUKE, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KURUMATANI KOICHI, IZUMI KIYOSHI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 102, 614(AI2002 33-46), 47, 52, 30 Jan. 2003
  • Regularity in Emergence of Key Currency.
    SASAKI YUICHI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KURUMATANI KOICHI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 102, 614(AI2002 33-46), 41, 46, 30 Jan. 2003
  • A Study on Coordination Scheduling Algorithm for Theme Park Problem with Multiagent.
    KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KURUMATANI KOICHI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 102, 613(AI2002 23-32), 25, 30, 29 Jan. 2003
  • Modeling and implementation of electricity market by X-Economy system.
    In this study, we make a model of electricity market supposing that power industry is separated into the power generation section and the power distribution section. We assume that electricity market consists of day-ahead market and realtime market. In order to research effect that consumer type has on the power distribution agent's tactics, we simulate electricity market. As a result, we found that power distribution agents that have consumers that demand much power of high costs choose tactics to buy much power in day-ahead market., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • A Study on Coordination Scheduling Algorithm for Theme Park Problem with Multiagent
    KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2003, 8, 25, 30, 29 Jan. 2003
    In this paper, we propose "theme park problem" as one of test bet problem with huge agents' scheduling problem. Especially, we develop typical Mass-User support with coordination shceduling algorithm, and investigate the possibility of mass-user support based on multiagent computer simulations., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Modeling and implementation of electricity market by X-Economy system
    OKADA Yasushi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, NAKAMURA Jinya, IZUMI Kiyoshi, KURUMATANI Koichi, KAWANO Koji, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2003, 8, 53, 58, 29 Jan. 2003
    In this study, we make a model of electricity market supposing that power industry is separated into the power generation section and the power distribution section. We assume that electricity market consists of day-ahead market and realtime market. In order to research effect that consumer type has on the power distribution agent's tactics, we simulate electricity market. As a result, we found that power distribution agents that have consumers that demand much power of high costs choose tactics to buy much power in day-ahead market., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Regularity in Emergence of Key Currency
    SASAKI Yuichi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2003, 8, 99, 104, 29 Jan. 2003
    In this research, we take up the key currency as an important factor of considering world economy and international trade. We propose an international trade model with the currency credibility as a criterion of selection of the payment method. We observe the process of emergence of key currency., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Verification of the Equilibrium Price in the Artificial Market which introduced the Learning Agent
    KANEHIRA Daisuke, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, IZUMI Kiyoshi, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2003, 8, 105, 110, 29 Jan. 2003
    Recent years. Much researchers study an agent base artificial market model. However whose model of the market built by research of these many was either the model of itayose system, or a model of a zaraba system. In our experiment which builds both the market of itayose system, and the market of a zaraba system as a market model. Supplies a study agent as a trader in it in this paper, and verifies the action of the market As a result of comparing the theoretical equilibrium price obtained from a demand curve and a supply curve with the agreement price actually obtained, in the market built ..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • A Study on Cooperation in Collective Behavior Poroblem Based on Tag Based Mechanism
    HAMADA Takahiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2003, 8, 145, 150, 29 Jan. 2003
    A simple model of tag-mediated decision making for players playing the one-shot prisoner's dilemma game is described. In our simulation, tags, which are visible from each other, and there is no relation between the player's tag and the one's strategy firstly. The player's decision making is based on the partner's tag, and the player's strategy is evolved within the same tag members. We examine the effect of the difference in the rate, which is the number of the members having the same tag, and consider which is more advantageous between the minority group and majority one., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • A Study on Cooperation in Collective Behavior Poroblem Based on Tag Based Mechanism
    HAMADA Takahiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 102, 615, 7, 12, 24 Jan. 2003
    A simple model of tag-mediated decision making for players playing the one-shot prisoner's dilemma game is described. In our simulation, tags, which are visible from each other, and there is no relation between the player's tag and the one's strategy firstly. The player's decision making is based on the partner's tag, and the player's strategy is evolved within the same tag members. We examine the effect of the difference in the rate, which is the number of the members having the same tag, and consider which is more advantageous between the minority group and majority one., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Regularity in Emergence of Key Currency
    SASAKI Yuichi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 102, 614, 41, 46, 23 Jan. 2003
    In this research, we take up the key currency as an important factor of considering world economy and international trade. We propose an international trade model with the currency credibility as a criterion of selection of the payment method. We observe the process of emergence of key currency., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Verification of the Equilibrium Price in the Artificial Market which introduced the Learning Agent
    KANEHIRA Daisuke, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, IZUMI Kiyoshi, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 102, 614, 47, 52, 23 Jan. 2003
    Recent years. Much researchers study an agent base artificial market model. However whose model of the market built by research of these many was either the model of itayose system, or a model of a zaraba system. In our experiment which builds both the market of itayose system, and the market of a zaraba system as a market model. Supplies a study agent as a trader in it in this paper, and verifies the action of the market As a result of comparing the theoretical equilibrium price obtained from a demand curve and a supply curve with the agreement price actually obtained, in the market built ..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • A Study on Coordination Scheduling Algorithm for Theme Park Problem with Multiagent
    KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 102, 613, 25, 30, 22 Jan. 2003
    In this paper, we propose "theme park problem" as one of test bet problem with huge agents' scheduling problem. Especially, we develop typical Mass-User support with coordination scheduling algorithm, and investigate the possibility of mass-user support based on multiagent computer simulations., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Modeling and implementation of electricity market by X-Economy system
    OKADA Yasushi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, NAKAMURA Jinya, IZUMI Kiyoshi, KURUMATANI Koichi, KAWANO Koji, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 102, 613, 53, 58, 22 Jan. 2003
    In this study, we make a model of electricity market supposing that power industry is separated into the power generation section and the power distribution section. We assume that electricity market consists of day-ahead market and realtime market. In order to research effect that consumer type has on the power distribution agent's tactics, we simulate electricity market. As a result, we found that power distribution agents that have consumers that demand much power of high costs choose tactics to buy much power in day-ahead market., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Learning control of autonomous airship robot for pursuit task
    NISHIMURA AYAKO, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, OUCHI AZUMA, 情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2003, 1, 13, 18, 13 Jan. 2003
  • Design and Modeling of an Indoor Balloon-type Robot
    YANAGISAWA NORIKO, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, OUCHI AZUMA, 情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2003, 1, 1, 6, 13 Jan. 2003
  • Analysis of the Competition in Electricity Market Using Multi-Agent Simulation Model               
    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Agent-Based Modeling in Conjunction with the 17th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 2003, 67, 78, 2003
  • Design of Adaptive Trading Strategy for Trading Agent Competition               
    Masaki Onodera, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Koichi Kurumatani, Azuma Ohuchi, Proceedings of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC) 2003, 337, 340, 2003
  • Development of autonomous blimp robot with intelligent control
    Keiko Motoyama, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 112, 191, 198, 2003
    The purpose of this study is to realize an autonomous robotic blimp. While this robot can pass over terrain that may be impossible for land-based robots to negotiate, it is hard to control autonomously because it is subjected to strong inertial forces and air resistance. We are now designing an autonomously controlled indoor blimp, which will be suitable for use in for inspections or monitoring tasks and as an amusement robot or guide robot. © 2003 by Springer Science+Business Media New York., Springer New York LLC, English
  • Investigation of Global Performance Effected by Congestion Avoidance Behavior in Theme Park Problem               
    Proceedings of 2003 Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems: Technology and Applications, 63, 70, 2003
  • Design of Evaluation Function in Motion Planning for Autonomous Balloon Robot               
    Proceedings of 2003 Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems: Technology and Applications, 190, 195, 2003
  • Vision-based Control of Autonomous Flying Airship Robot               
    Proceedings of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems,Computers and Communications(ITC-CSCC) 2003, 628, 631, 2003
  • 人工市場において市場制度がミクロ・マクロの挙動に与える影響
    岡田靖司, 川村秀憲, 車谷浩一, 大内東, 情報科学技術フォーラム, FIT 2002, 287, 288, 13 Sep. 2002
  • X‐Economyプロジェクトの紹介
    川村秀憲, 車谷浩一, 大内東, 情報科学技術フォーラム, FIT 2002, 71, 72, 13 Sep. 2002
  • OE1-5 Introduction of X-Economy Project
    Kawamura Hidenori, Kurumatani Koichi, Ohuchi Azuma, 情報科学技術フォーラム学術系・企業系予稿集, 2002, 0, 71, 72, 13 Sep. 2002
    Forum on Information Technology, Japanese
  • G-16 Effects of market system on micro-macro behavior in artificial market
    Okada Yasushi, Kawamura Hidenori, Kurumatani Koichi, Ohuchi Azuma, 情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集, 2002, 2, 287, 288, 13 Sep. 2002
    Forum on Information Technology, Japanese
  • 人工市場モデルのためのX-Economy Systemとその応用(マルチエージェントシステムとOR)
    川村 秀憲, 車谷 浩一, 大内 東, シンポジウム, 0, 48, 33, 37, 10 Sep. 2002
    社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Japanese
  • 特設G1「北海道「遊」産業の統合プロセス・マネジメントにおける戦略的情報技術の活用」研究グループの進行状況(2002)
    大内東, 川村秀憲, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2002, 70, 71, 27 Mar. 2002
    公益社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Japanese
  • 特設G1「北海道「遊」産業の統合プロセス・マネジメントにおける戦略的情報技術の活用」研究グループの進行状況(2002)(統合オペレーション(2))
    大内 東, 川村 秀憲, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2002, 0, 70, 71, 27 Mar. 2002
    社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Japanese
  • Stability of the Market in The International Trade Model Introduced Foreign Exchange Agents. Medieval Times Model of World Trade League.
    SASAKI YUICHI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KURUMATANI KOICHI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 101, 536(AI2001 68-81), 49, 56, 10 Jan. 2002
  • A study on the relationship between the information interpretation of learning trader and macro-structure of artificial market.
    KANEHIRA DAISUKE, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KURUMATANI KOICHI, OUCHI AZUMA, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 101, 536(AI2001 68-81), 57, 64, 10 Jan. 2002
  • A Study on Behavioral Structure of Artificial Market based on Adaptive Hyper-game
    HAMADA Takahiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2002, 1, 127, 134, 09 Jan. 2002
    In generally, we often play a game against the entity, which we do not know what really is. In the case, the result of the game is often dependent on the scale of participant and the other players' strategies, but we may not get their information. And all we can know is the result. We are to investigate the player's behavior and the behavior as a whole of players in such the environment. So, we make a simple model to study the behavior of players when against the entity whose decision-making system is not clearly known to them., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • Stability of the Market in The International Trade Model Introduced Foreign Exchange Agents Medieval Times Model of World Trade League
    SASAKI Yuichi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2002, 1, 143, 150, 09 Jan. 2002
    In this research we take up the key currency as an important factor of considering world economy and international trade. We propose an international trade model with the currency credibility as a criterion of selection of the payment method, and construct artificial international trade markets. In proposed model, we observe the process of emergence of key currency. In the simulation, we consider how the behavior of market would change, by altering combination of agents. The results of simulations show that the agents, which deal in currencies for speculation, not only stabilize currency ex..., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • A study on the relationship between the information interpretation of learning trader and macro-structure of artificial market
    KANEHIR Daisuke, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2002, 1, 151, 158, 09 Jan. 2002
    This paper describes the research about a relationship between complexity of information structure and behavior of artificial market with learning trader agent. We attempt three experiments with two kinds of traders, and adopt correlation dimension analysis in order to measure behavior of artificial market. As a result, we show the information structure is related with the macro behavior of market although the information is not related with the essential worth of the stock., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • A Study on Behavioral Structure of Artificial Market based on Adaptive Hyper-game
    HAMADA Takahiro, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 101, 536, 33, 40, 03 Jan. 2002
    In generally, we often play a game against the entity, which we do not know what really is. In the case, the result of the game is often dependent on the scale of participant and the other players' strategies, but we may not get their information. And all we can know is the result. We are to investigate the player's behavior and the behavior as a whole of players in such the environment. So, we make a simple model to study the behavior of players when against the entity Whose decision-making system is not clearly known to them., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Stability of the Market in The International Trade Model Introduced Foreign Exchange Agents : Medieval Times Model of World Trade League
    SASAKI Yuichi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 101, 536, 49, 56, 03 Jan. 2002
    In this research we take up the key currency as an important factor of considering world economy and international trade. We propose an international trade model with the currency credibility as a criterion of selection of the payment method, and construct artificial international trade markets. In proposed model, we observe the process of emergence of key currency. In the simulation, we consider how the behavior of market would change, by altering combination of agents. The results of simulations show that the agents, which deal in currencies for speculation, not only stabilize currency ex..., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • A study on the relationship between the information interpretation of learning trader and macro-structure of artificial market
    KANEHIR Daisuke, KAWAMURA Hidenori, KURUMATANI Koichi, OHUCHI Azuma, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 101, 536, 57, 64, 03 Jan. 2002
    This paper describes the research about a relationship between complexity of information structure and behavior artificial market with learning trader agent. We attempt three experiments with two kinds of traders, and adopt correlation dimension analysis in order to measure behavior of artificial market. As a result, we show the information structure is related with the macro behavior of market although the information is not related with the essential worth of the stock., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • An introduction of X-Economy System.
    KAWAMURA HIDENORI, KURUMATANI KOICHI, OUCHI AZUMA, エージェント合同シンポジウム(JAWS2002)講演論文集 平成14年, 423, 424, 2002
  • A study on behavioral structure of artificial market based on adaptive game
    T Hamada, H Kawamura, M Yamamoto, A Ohuchi, CEC'02: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2002 CONGRESS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, VOLS 1 AND 2, 101, 536(AI2001 68-81), 2011, 2016, 2002
    We analyze the behavior of players in the situation where they recognize an identical situation as a simple market-like place differently. In our. model a player considers the others as a representative player. We examine the player's behavior when with and without fluidity of players., IEEE, English
  • A study on behavioral structure of artificial market based on adaptive game
    T Hamada, H Kawamura, M Yamamoto, A Ohuchi, CEC'02: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2002 CONGRESS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, VOLS 1 AND 2, 2011, 2016, 2002
    We analyze the behavior of players in the situation where they recognize an identical situation as a simple market-like place differently. In our. model a player considers the others as a representative player. We examine the player's behavior when with and without fluidity of players., IEEE, English
  • Improved Multiple Ant Colonies System for Traveling Salesman Problems               
    "Operations Research/Management Science at Work" in the International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 43, 41, 52, 2002
  • X-Economy: A common simulation platform for artificial market and artificial economy
    H Kawamura, K Kurumatani, A Ohuchi, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH JOINT CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SCIENCES, 1069, 1072, 2002
    We propose a common simulation platform in artificial market and economy called "X-Economy," which provides common agent libraries and a server for multi-agent modeling and simulations in financial and economic systems. Multi-agent approach to economic systems have been successfully developing, and many simulation-based researches have been carried out. Since they basically lack compatibility about agent architecture and communication protocol design, it is difficult to examine and compare the works which are, achieved by others. In X-Economy, we provide a common communication protocol and agent architecture and we aim to increase easiness of exchanging agents used for modeling, simulation, and analysis of financial and economic systems. Especially, we introduce some research programs in X-Economy., ASSOC INTELLIGENT MACHINERY, English
  • Emergence of key currency in international trade by production and trader agents
    Y Sasaki, T Yamashita, H Kawamura, K Kurumatani, A Ohuchi, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH JOINT CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SCIENCES, 1073, 1076, 2002
    In this research, we observe the emergence of the key currency in the artificial markets model. The results of simulations show that the existence of the country without the extensive economic power is unnecessary to emerge the key currency., ASSOC INTELLIGENT MACHINERY, English
  • Complexity of information structure and behavior of artificial market with learning trader agents
    D Kanehira, H Kawamura, K Kurumatani, A Ohuchi, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH JOINT CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SCIENCES, 1077, 1080, 2002
    This paper describes research about a relationsip between complexity of information structure and behavior of artificial market with learning trader agent. We attempt Three experiments with two kinds of traders, and adopt correlation dimension analysis in order to measur behavior of artificial market. As a result, we. show the information structure is related with the macro behavior of market although the information is not related with the essential worth of the stock., ASSOC INTELLIGENT MACHINERY, English
  • A107 A Methodological Proposal of Simulation Platform for Multi-Agent Economics(Session : Basic theory of multiagent, simulation platform)
    KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, KURUMATANI Koichi, セルオートマトン・シンポジウム講演論文集, 2001, 0, 40, 44, 14 Nov. 2001
    The economic and finance systems related to dynamic real world are too huge complex systems to understand the principles of these behavior. Many researchers, i.e., economists, mathematicians, sociologists, computer scientists, and so on, have hoped for long time to model and clarify the inner meaning of such phenomenon. The one of difficulty for these researches is for lack of paradigm that describes the relationship between realistic economic agents with bounded learning or evolving rationality and the emergence macro behavior as aggregation of such agents. Since the first success of resea..., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japanese
  • A109 Macro-Structure Analysis of Financial Market consisting of Price-Prediction Agents with Different Learning Signals(Session : Muliagent artificial market)
    KANEHIRA Daisuke, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, KURUMATANI Koichi, セルオートマトン・シンポジウム講演論文集, 2001, 0, 51, 56, 14 Nov. 2001
    In the field of economics, it is said that a market price shows random-walk behavior and cannot be expected. The theory of "Efficient Market Hypothesis" is the basis of this behavior. This theory is considered that all traders are homogeneous. However, it is appropriate to a trader is heterogeneous. And price fluctuation like a bubble phenomenon in recent years is the phenomenon which cannot explain sufficiently in the economics. Then, the artificial market research by the agent base simulation is appearing as new approach for solving such a phenomenon. There are many factors, such as econo..., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japanese
  • A110 Study on Market Structure Changes by Introducing Agents which Make Decisions based on Portfolio(Session : Muliagent artificial market)
    YAMAMOTO Takahito, KAWAMURA Hidenori, OHUCHI Azuma, KURUMATANI Koichi, セルオートマトン・シンポジウム講演論文集, 2001, 0, 57, 62, 14 Nov. 2001
    In recent years, it has been popular that economic and financial system is researched by multi-agent approach of Artificial Intelligence. The representative system is Artificial Market. Almost all of the researchers report the behavior of macro market prices constracted by micro trading agents who invest in single investment. But market participants in real Market make decision on plural investment outlets. If we extends a market model dealing plural investments, the market participants can make the portfolio dealing with the plural brands. Portfolio means the composition of assets. If mark..., The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japanese
  • マルチエージェント実験経済学 人工市場モデルのためのX‐Economyシステムとその利用研究
    川村秀憲, 大内東, 車谷浩一, オペレーションズ・リサーチ, 46, 10, 537, 543, 01 Oct. 2001
  • X‐Economyシステムを用いた人工株式市場におけるニュースの情報価値に関する研究
    兼平大輔, 川村秀憲, 大内東, 車谷浩一, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2001, 252, 253, 01 May 2001
    公益社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Japanese
  • X‐Economyシステムを用いた人工国際市場における基軸通貨の発生に関する研究
    佐々木雄一, 川村秀憲, 大内東, 車谷浩一, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2001, 254, 255, 01 May 2001
    公益社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Japanese
  • 人工市場研究の為のX‐Economyシステムの開発と実装
    川村秀憲, 山本雅人, 大内東, 車谷浩一, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2001, 250, 251, 01 May 2001
    公益社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Japanese
  • 人工市場研究の為のX-Economyシステムの開発と実装(情報・経済)
    川村 秀憲, 山本 雅人, 大内 東, 車谷 浩一, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2001, 0, 250, 251, 01 May 2001
    社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Japanese
  • X-Economyシステムを用いた人工株式市場におけるニュースの情報価値に関する研究(情報・経済)
    兼平 大輔, 川村 秀憲, 大内 東, 車谷 浩一, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2001, 0, 252, 253, 01 May 2001
    社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Japanese
  • X-Economyシステムを用いた人工国際市場における基軸通貨の発生に関する研究(情報・経済)
    佐々木 雄一, 川村 秀憲, 大内 東, 車谷 浩一, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2001, 0, 254, 255, 01 May 2001
    社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Japanese
  • X-Economy: Design of Virtual Financial Market.
    KAWAMURA HIDENORI, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, OUCHI AZUMA, KURUMATANI KOICHI, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 100, 529(AI2000 41-55), 61, 66, 10 Jan. 2001
  • X-Economy : Design of Virtual Financial Market
    Kawamura Hidenori, Yamamoto Masahito, Ohuchi Azuma, Kurumatani Kouichi, IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2001, 1, 61, 66, 10 Jan. 2001
    In this paper, we report the prototype architecture of X-Economy System including X-Economy Server and Clients. X-Economy is the project aiming for foundation of standard problem as artificial social and economic systems. By X-Economy system, it will be possible to construct arbitrary system design for investigation of behavior of social and economic systems between micro scale agents and macro scale., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • X-Economy : Design of Virtual Financial Market
    Kawamura Hidenori, Yamamoto Masahito, Ohuchi Azuma, Kurumatani Kouichi, IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 100, 529, 61, 66, 03 Jan. 2001
    In this paper, we report the prototype architecture of X-Economy System including X-Economy Server and Clients.X-Economy is the project aiming for foundation of standard problem as artificial social and economic systems.By X-Economy system, it will be possible to construct arbitrary system design for investigation of behavior of social and economic systems between micro scale agents and macro scale., The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japanese
  • Effects of propotion of metanorm players on establishment of norm
    In this paper We introduce mutual choice mechanism into the norms game instead of direct penal regulation and reformulate the norms game with mutual choice. In order to examine how the proportion of metanorm players to all players influences on the establishment of norm in the metanorms game with mutual choice, we perform simulation under several proportions of metanorm players. We exclude the game theoretic assumption of uniformity as the metanorm player and observe thf frequency of the establishment of the norm. As a result, we confirm the robustness of mutual choice against insufficiency of the metanorm players., IEEE COMPUTER SOC, English
  • Analysis of Norms Game with Mutual Choice               
    Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Azuma Ohuchi, Proceedings of JSAI 2001 Internal Workshop on Agent-based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems (AESCS 2001), 123, 130, 2001
  • Development of X-Economy System for Introduction of Artificial Market               
    Hidenori Kawamura, Azuma Ohuchi, Koichi Kurumatani, Proceedings of JSAI 2001 Internal workshop on Agent-based Approaches in Economic and Social Complexs (AESCS 2001), 51, 58, 2001
  • Classification System for Care Insurance.
    KAWAI TAKASHI, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, OUCHI AZUMA, 医療情報学, 20, Supplement 2, 782, 783, 23 Nov. 2000
  • Construction of Infectious Disease Surveillance Network for National Level. About Database of Infectious Disease Incidence.
    TANAKA SUGURU, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, OUCHI AZUMA, 医療情報学, 20, Supplement 2, 664, 665, 23 Nov. 2000
  • Construction of Infectious Disease Surveillance Network for National Level : About Database of Infectious Disease Incidence
    TANAKA Suguru, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, 医療情報学連合大会論文集, 20, 0, 664, 665, 23 Nov. 2000
  • Classification System for Care Insurance
    KAWAI Takashi, KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, OHUCHI Azuma, 医療情報学連合大会論文集, 20, 0, 782, 783, 23 Nov. 2000
  • Design Method of Pheromone Communication for Coordinated Agents Systems(Special Issue:"Doctorial Theses on Artificial Intelligence")
    川村 秀憲, Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 15, 6, 992, 992, 01 Nov. 2000
    本論文は, 社会性昆虫における生物学的フェロモンコミュニケーションのマルチエージェント工学におけるモデル化と, その応用に関するもので5章よりなる.第1章では生物学と工学における関連研究を概観している.また, それらの研究に立脚してフェロモンの本質を場として捉え, ベクトル空間としてモデル化することでフェロモン型コミュニケーションに基づくエージェントシステムの統一的定義を提案している.続く第2章ではColorni等の最適化アルゴリズムであるアントアルゴリズムに着目し, その欠点を明らかにした上でその克服のため, 複数コロニーの概念とコロニーレベルフェロモン型コミュニケーションを導入したMultiple Ant Colonies Algorithmを提案し, 巡回セールスマン問題に対する性能評価実験によって有効性を示している.第3章ではフェロモン型コミュニケーションに基づく分散型協調問題解決アルゴリズムを提案し, 多目的最適の要素をもつ配送経路問題への適用でその有効性を示している.第4章ではフェロモン型コミュニケーションの自律的獲得に関して述べており, そこではニューラルネットワークと遺伝的アルゴリズムに基づくエージェントが, 動的な環境において進化的コミュニケーションと創発的群知能に基づいて問題解決が図れることを実験によって示している.第5章では一連の研究成果を取りまとめ, ..., The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Japanese
  • Evolutionary Acquisition of Pheromone Style Communication on Ants War.
    KAWAMURA HIDENORI, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, SUZUKI KEIJI, OUCHI AZUMA, 自律分散システム・シンポジウム資料, 12th, 17, 20, 21 Jan. 2000
  • Evolutionary Acquisition of Pheromone Style Communication on Ants War
    KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, SUZUKI Keiji, OHUCHI Azuma, 自律分散システム・シンポジウム資料 = SICE Symposium on Decentralized Autonomous Systems, 12, 0, 17, 20, 21 Jan. 2000
  • A study on evolutionary emergence of pheromone communication on ants war
    H Kawamura, M Yamamoto, K Suzuki, A Ohuchi, INTELLIGENT AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS 6, 527, 534, 2000
    In this paper, we focus on evolutionary emergence of communication among multi-agents. As the stage of investigation, we prepare the ants war which needs artificial ant agents to interact each other to win the opponent. Ant agents are constructed with 2-layers neural networks, and evolved by genetic algorithm. Throughout several trials of evolutionary processes, we observed the emergence of two types of pheromones, i.e., the attractive pheromone and the repulsive pheromone. The evolved pheromones were very effective when used in larger number of agents, and this fact represents the emergence of collective intelligence and pheromone communication. According to these results, the collective intelligence and communication among agents are discussed., I O S PRESS, English
  • Self-organization of communication method based on coordinated motions in Ants war game.
    TERASHIMA MASATO, KAWAMURA HIDENORI, SUZUKI KEIJI, OUCHI AZUMA, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 9th, 187, 190, 20 Oct. 1999
  • Self-organization of communication method based on coordinated motions in Ants war game
    TERASHIMA Masato, KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji, OHUCHI Azuma, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集 = FAN Symposium : fuzzy, artificial intelligence, neural networks and computational intelligence, 9, 0, 187, 190, Oct. 1999
  • Collinear Interaction between the SH-SAW and Optical Waves in ZnO/Y-X LiNbO3.
    北爪秀憲, 中村き良, 川村佳子, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 99, 314(US99 44-51), 1999
  • ZnO/Y-X LiNbO3構造におけるSH型弾性表面波の理論解析
    北爪秀憲, 中村き良, 川村佳子, 電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集, 1999, 1999
  • KNbO3単結晶平板振動子の電気機械結合係数
    川村佳子, 中村き良, 北爪秀憲, 電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集, 1999, 1999
  • Optimization Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problems Based on Autonomous Problem Sharing with Pheromone Communication.
    KAWAMURA HIDENORI, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, SUZUKI KEIJI, OUCHI AZUMA, 最適化シンポジウム講演論文集, 3rd, 255, 260, Aug. 1998
  • A Study on the Distributed Optimization Algorithm Based on Pheromone Information for Vehicle Routing Problems
    KAWAMURA Hidenori, YAMAMOTO Masahito, SUZUKI Keiji, OHUCHI Azuma, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集 = FAN Symposium : fuzzy, artificial intelligence, neural networks and computational intelligence, 7, 0, 501, 504, 10 Nov. 1997
  • A Study on the Distributed Optimization Algorithm Based on Pheromone Information for Vehicle Routing Problems.
    KAWAMURA HIDENORI, YAMAMOTO MASAHITO, SUZUKI KEIJI, OUCHI AZUMA, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 7th, 501, 504, Nov. 1997
  • A study on a neighbourhood of solution for the Vehicle Routing Problem
    KAWAMURA Hidenori, MITAMURA Tamotsu, OHUCHI Azuma, 全国大会講演論文集, 54, 1, 401, 402, 12 Mar. 1997
    配送計画問題 (Vehicle Routing Problem, 以下VRP) は組合わせ最適化問題の一つであり, 従来シミュレーテイッドアニーリング (Simulated Annealing, 以下SA) 法やタブサーチ, 遺伝的アルゴリズムなどによるメタヒューリステイック解法が提案されている. 本稿ではSA法を基礎とし, 探索の履歴を用いた近傍解の生成を提案する., Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese
  • A study on a neighbourhood of solution for the Vehicle Routing Problem.
    KAWAMURA HIDENORI, MITAMURA TAMOTSU, OUCHI AZUMA, 情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, 54th, 1, 1.401-1.402, Mar. 1997
  • Solution to flight scheduling problem by Simulated Annealing method.

Books and other publications

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 人工知能の未来 ChatGPTの先に待っている世界               
    北海道大学 関西同窓会 2024年通常総会、特別講演会, 19 Oct. 2024
  • 「未来AI社会」の協創を目指して               
    川村 秀憲
    特許庁、北海道経済産業局「令和6年度 つながる特許庁 in札幌」, 04 Oct. 2024
  • AI時代の学校教育               
    神奈川県立総合教育センター「令和6年度 学校経営力向上研修講座(県立学校)」, 19 Aug. 2024
  • 人工知能の未来 ChatGPTの先に待っている世界               
    株式会社北海道新聞HotMedia「北海道政経懇話会6月例会」, 12 Jun. 2024
  • ChatGPTを使い倒そう               
    国立大学図書館協会北海道地区協会 令和5年度企画事業, 21 Feb. 2024
  • ChatGPTの先に待っている世界               
    株式会社東急エージェンシー社内講演, 23 Jan. 2024, Others
  • 人工知能の未来 ChatGPTを超えて               
    北海道ミライづくりフォーラム2023, 02 Nov. 2023, Public discourse
  • 人工知能の未来 ChatGPTの先に待っている世界               
    第416回札幌日経懇話会定例会, 31 Oct. 2023, Public discourse
  • 人工知能の未来 ChatGPTを超えて               
    東レ株式会社「2023 東レ経営研究所 第35回特別講演会」, 30 Oct. 2023, Public discourse
  • 人工知能の未来 ChatGPTを超えて               
    日本創造学会 第45回研究大会, 30 Sep. 2023, Keynote oral presentation
  • ヒトとデジタル(AI)が共存する未来               
    公益社団法人日本包装技術協会・北海道支部総会「特別講演」, 12 Jul. 2023, Public discourse
  • 人工知能の未来ChatGPTを超えて               
    札幌商工会議所 政策委員会 主催セミナー, 06 Jul. 2023, Public discourse
  • 「ヒトとデジタルが共存するミライ」               
    川村秀憲, 三浦世子
    「NoMaps Conference 2022」, 19 Oct. 2022, Public discourse
  • 「札幌AIラボ のこれまでとこれから。 ~次なる成長に向けた地域エコシステムの発展を目指して~」               
    「札幌AI道場」開設式, 04 Aug. 2022, Public discourse
  • AI俳句から目指す、人とAIが調和して発展する動的システムとは               
    川村 秀憲
    ビジネス+IT Webセミナー「AI・業務自動化・RPA 2022春」, 12 May 2022, Japanese, Public discourse
  • DXによる社会構造の変革について               
    川村 秀憲
    令和3年度北海道水素イノベーション推進協議会, 17 Feb. 2022, Japanese, Public discourse
  • デジタルの力で課題『解決』先進地域へ               
    川村 秀憲, 三浦 世子, 舩越 裕勝, 丸山 哲太郎, 瓜生 淳史
    第2回Sapporo mirAI nITe, 01 Dec. 2021, Japanese, Public discourse
  • テクノロジーと人との調和-人工知能最前線-               
    川村 秀憲
    第45回日本血液事業学会総会, 11 Nov. 2021, Japanese, Public discourse
  • ポストコロナ社会に向けて-人工知能最前線と応用事例-               
    川村 秀憲
    日本学術会議北海道地区会議学術講演会, 03 Nov. 2021, Japanese, Public discourse
  • AIがもたらす“わくわくする未来” ~人工知能が俳句を詠む AI一茶くんの挑戦~               
    川村 秀憲
    クレスコフェア2021, Japanese, Public discourse
    11 Oct. 2021 - 31 Oct. 2021
  • 未来を描く人工知能〜AI俳句から語る人と機械の調和〜               
    川村 秀憲
    さっぽろみらいカンファレンス, 23 Oct. 2021, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能が俳句を詠む日~機械が知能を獲得するために~               
    川村 秀憲
    一般社団法人情報処理学会「第5回 AI,創造性,SF,その先に(1)」, 06 Sep. 2021, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • AIの産業実装の現状と将来展望               
    川村 秀憲
    AI実装によるDX推進(中小企業のAI技術活用セミナー), 15 Jul. 2021, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能が俳句を詠む:AI一茶くんの挑戦               
    川村 秀憲
    第5回情報法制シンポジウム, 11 Jul. 2021, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • 人工知能が俳句を詠む日~機械が知能を獲得するために               
    川村 秀憲
    NVIDIA GTC 2021, 14 Apr. 2021, Japanese, Public discourse
  • テクノロジーと人との調和 人工知能最前線               
    川村 秀憲
    札幌日経懇話会, 09 Apr. 2021, Japanese, Public discourse
  • テクノロジーと人との調和 - 人工知能最前線 -               
    川村 秀憲
    北海道総合通信局主催「ICTによる地域課題の解決×スタートアップ創出セミナー」, 11 Mar. 2021, Japanese, Public discourse
  • テクノロジーと人との調和 人工知能最前線               
    川村 秀憲
    ネットワンシステムズ株式会社、ソフトバンク株式会社共催Webセミナー「DXにおけるデータサイエンスの必要性」, 28 Jan. 2021, Japanese, Public discourse
  • ポストコロナ時代、AI、テクノロジーをどう活かすべきか               
    川村 秀憲
    日経BPデジタルイノベーション2020, 09 Dec. 2020, Japanese, Public discourse
  • Withコロナ時代に求められる暮らしに溶け込むサービスデザインとは?               
    川村 秀憲
    LIVING TECHカンファレンス2020, 29 Oct. 2020, Japanese, Public discourse
  • テクノロジーと人との調和 人工知能最前線と応用事例               
    川村 秀憲
    令和2年度食肉生産技術システム研究会, 09 Oct. 2020, Japanese, Public discourse
  • AI活用から新しい価値観をSOUZOUする~予測不能な経済社会環境をスマートに生きるために~               
    川村 秀憲
    北海道テレコム懇談会第77回ICTサロン, 11 Aug. 2020, Japanese, Public discourse
  • ポストコロナ時代、AI、テクノロジーをどう活かすべきか               
    川村 秀憲
    STARTUP CITY SAPPORO・経済産業省北海道経済産業局主催「SCSウェビナーシリーズ 北海道発 >> ポストコロナ時代に挑むスタートアップ特集 第1回 ITスタートアップ編」, 09 Jul. 2020, Japanese, Public discourse
  • withコロナを生き抜く~リテールストアチェーンはAIでどう変わるのか?               
    川村 秀憲
    フュージョン株式会社主催特別セミナー, 15 May 2020, Japanese, Public discourse
  • AI が紡ぎ出した札幌のスタートアップ企業群               
    川村 秀憲
    さっぽろ産業振興財団主催「Sapporo mirAI nITe」, 13 Feb. 2020, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能の最前線と応用事例               
    川村 秀憲
    第33回数値流体力学シンポジウム, 28 Nov. 2019, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • Harmony between AI and Humans               
    Hidenori Kawamura
    経済産業省北海道経済産業局・一般社団法人ロシアNIS貿易会主催「シベリア・イノベーション分野交流セミナー」, 19 Nov. 2019, English, Public discourse
  • Harmony between AI and Humans               
    Hidenori Kawamura
    The 22nd SNU-HU Joint Symposium, 14 Nov. 2019, English, Nominated symposium
  • 人工知能の最新研究事例とその可能性               
    川村 秀憲
    株式会社イー・ステート・オンライン主催「ESOテクノロジーサミット2019 in TOKYO」, 08 Nov. 2019, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 多様なAI技術の活用~AI俳句               
    川村 秀憲
    本田技研工業株式会社主催「集中経営フォーラム」, 05 Nov. 2019, Japanese, Public discourse
  • イスラエルはなぜスタートアップネイションと呼ばれるのか               
    川村 秀憲
    NoMaps2019, 18 Oct. 2019, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • Proposal of Mutual Concession Cars using Deep Q-Network               
    Ichitaro Ogawa, Yoshiki Hosokawa, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura, Takayuki Warabino, Akira Sakatoku, Tadashi Yanagihara, Tomohiko Ogishi, Hideaki Tanaka
    エヌビディア合同会社主催「GTC Japan 2018」, 13 Sep. 2019, Poster presentation
    14 Sep. 2019
  • AI俳句               
    川村 秀憲
    奥の細道サミットin金沢実行委員会, 13 Jul. 2019, Japanese, Public discourse
  • AIの最前線と未来~研究からビジネス応用へ、捉えるべき視点               
    川村 秀憲
    アクセンチュア株式会社主催「AI For Business Success 2019 in Osaka」, 27 May 2019, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能がもたらすもの -生産性の向上への大革命-               
    川村 秀憲
    一般社団法人札幌建設業協会2019年度総会特別講演会, 14 May 2019, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能の最前線とその応用               
    川村 秀憲
    株式会社北海道二十一世紀総合研究所2019年「北洋ビジネスクラブ新春講演会」, 29 Jan. 2019, Japanese, Public discourse
  • テクノロジーと人との調和 人工知能最前線               
    川村 秀憲
    公益社団法人自動車技術会第5回CFD技術部門委員会, 11 Jan. 2019, Japanese, Public discourse
  • AIがもたらす近未来の社会変化               
    川村 秀憲
    岩見沢商工会議所新春特別講演会, 10 Jan. 2019, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 社会に調和するAI               
    川村 秀憲
    JSAI合同研究会2018, 22 Nov. 2018, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • 人工知能の最新研究と応用               
    川村 秀憲
    財団法人沿岸技術研究センター コースタルテクノロジー2018, 21 Nov. 2018, Japanese, Public discourse
  • AIがもたらす近未来の社会変化~経営者が知っておくべき最近のAI事情~               
    川村 秀憲
    札幌商工会議所特別講演会, 12 Nov. 2018, Japanese, Public discourse
  • AI・ITの進化第4次産業革命               
    川村 秀憲
    上士幌町かみしほろ塾2018, 07 Oct. 2018, Japanese, Public discourse
  • ファッションAIで服の印象を理解する               
    神戸瑞樹, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲
    エヌビディア合同会社主催「GTC Japan 2018」, 13 Sep. 2018, Poster presentation
    14 Sep. 2018
  • 人工知能が俳句を詠む「AI一茶くん」               
    米田航紀, 横山想一郎, 山下倫央, 川村秀憲
    エヌビディア合同会社主催「GTC Japan 2018」, 13 Sep. 2018, Poster presentation
    14 Sep. 2018
  • 人工知能の応用と地域課題               
    川村 秀憲
    北海道総合ICT水産業フォーラム交流会, 15 Jan. 2018, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能の最新研究と応用               
    川村 秀憲
    港湾空港技術地域特別講演会, 11 Dec. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
  • ディープラーニングの発展とビジネス応用               
    川村 秀憲
    JISTA北海道支部・ITC札幌共催公開セミナー2017, 30 Sep. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
  • AIの適用について               
    川村 秀憲
    国立研究開発法人海上・港湾・航空技術研究所講演会, 25 Jul. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能の先端と応用               
    川村 秀憲
    JR北海道駅ビル協議会講演会, 13 Jul. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
  • ディープラーニングの研究事例と産業応用の可能性               
    川村 秀憲
    電子情報通信学会リコンフィギャラブルシステム研究会, 22 Jun. 2017, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • 人工知能の先端と応用               
    川村 秀憲
    北海道税理士会札幌中支部第38回定期総会, 09 Jun. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
  • Sapporo AI Labが描く未来 ~ AI社会実装を先導する都市「さっぽろ」を目指して ~               
    川村 秀憲
    札幌AIラボキックオフイベント基調講演, 01 Jun. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
  • AIによるイノベーションは社会をどう変えるのか               
    川村 秀憲
    NPO法人コンベンション札幌ネットワーク総会記念講演会, 17 May 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能の先端と応用               
    川村 秀憲
    日立ITユーザ会北海道支部第44回支部総会, 16 May 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能の現状とビジネスへの応用               
    川村 秀憲
    札幌青年会議所第1回理事長例会講演会, 28 Mar. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能の現状とビジネスへの応用               
    川村 秀憲
    北海道NEC C&Cシステムユーザー会, 14 Mar. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能の現状とその応用               
    川村 秀憲
    フュージョン株式会社上場記念講演会, 11 Mar. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能のインパクトとこれからの未来               
    川村 秀憲
    千歳市市民教養セミナー, 01 Mar. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能のインパクトとこれからの未来               
    川村 秀憲
    産学官金連携フォーラム, 中小企業家同友会, 01 Mar. 2017, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • AIの活用と地方創生               
    川村 秀憲
    サツドラホールディングス主催「はとの会新春セミナー」, 06 Jan. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能を取り巻く現状と観光分野への展望               
    川村 秀憲
    産学官CIM・GIS研究会 観光ICT地域活性化戦略セミナー, 08 Nov. 2016, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能のインパクトとこれからの未来               
    川村 秀憲
    情報産業エルム会セミナー, 26 Sep. 2016, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 人工知能のインパクトとこれからの未来               
    川村 秀憲
    エスピーアイ × albedo Japan × AI TOKYO LAB & Co. 共催セミナー, 27 Jul. 2016, Japanese, Public discourse
  • リアルタイム興味解析に基づく地域情報最適化フレームワークの提案               
    川村 秀憲
    ICTイノベーションフォーラム2017, 07 Sep. 2015, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • 視覚障がい者における読書支援環境 Light Studyの開発               
    川村 秀憲
    文部科学省委託事業「支援機器等教材を活用した指導方法充実事業」 第2回校内研修会, 07 Aug. 2015, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科調和系工学研究室               
    川村 秀憲
    共同研究発掘フェア in 北洋銀行ものづくりテクノフェア2015, 23 Jul. 2015, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • フェイスブック・ツイッターを活用した情報発信方法を学ぶ               
    川村 秀憲
    観光情報の効果的受発信に向けたIT活用塾, 31 Oct. 2014, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 観光地に求められる情報発信のあり方を理解する               
    川村 秀憲
    観光情報の効果的受発信に向けたIT活用塾, 09 Oct. 2014, Japanese, Public discourse
  • リアルタイム興味解析に基づく地域情報最適化フレームワークの提案               
    川村 秀憲
    戦略的情報通信研究開発推進事業(SCOPE) 成果発表会, 30 Jul. 2014, Japanese, Oral presentation
  • 観光情報学の実践的取り組み               
    川村 秀憲
    北海道ITS推進フォーラム, 21 Feb. 2014, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • 北大発ベンチャーによるO2Oサービスの開発と運用               
    川村 秀憲
    第2回ビッグデータと統計学研究集会, 04 Feb. 2013, Japanese, Public discourse
  • 社会サービスのプラグイン研究とスマートシティ               
    川村 秀憲
    ソフトウェア科学会全国大会, 22 Aug. 2012, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • 地域情報サイト あなた情報マガジンびも~る の野望               
    川村 秀憲
    GISフォーラム, 26 Oct. 2011, Japanese, Nominated symposium
  • 興味解析と流通調整に基づく受信者主導型情報配信システム               
    川村 秀憲
    ITベンダグループスタディ, 15 Dec. 2010, Japanese, Public discourse

Affiliated academic society

  • 電子情報通信学会               
  • ソフトウェア科学会               
  • 電気学会               
  • 人工知能学会               
  • 情報処理学会               
  • 観光情報学会               
  • さっぽろ観光情報学研究会               
  • 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会               
  • JSAIIPSJORSJSociety for Tourism Informatics               

Research Themes

  • 帝国議会議事速記録のコーパス化とテキストマイニングによる近代日本語史の解明
    01 Apr. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2026
    伊藤 孝行, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎, 川村 秀憲, 小木曽 智信
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 23K25329
  • 帝国議会議事速記録のコーパス化とテキストマイニングによる近代日本語史の解明
    01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2026
    伊藤 孝行, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎, 川村 秀憲, 小木曽 智信
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 23H00632
  • AIによるテクニカルライティング文章の作成(言語AIアルゴリズム構築)               
    Apr. 2023 - Dec. 2025
    山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 横山 想一郎
  • 除雪業務における労働時間削減に向けたAI・IoT活用に関する研究開発
    Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2025
    山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社堀口組, Coinvestigator
  • 人工知能技術を用いたバス車内カメラによる車内状況分析
    May 2019 - Mar. 2025
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社シーズ・ラボ, Principal investigator
  • 北海道のスマートエネルギーネットワーク構築とコージェネレーション等の有効活用に向けた基礎研究               
    Mar. 2017 - Mar. 2025
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    北海道ガス株式会社, Principal investigator
  • IoTと人工知能技術を活用したエネルギー供給の効率化に関する研究               
    Jun. 2020 - Mar. 2024
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    ゼロスペック株式会社, Principal investigator
  • 人工知能を活用したオークションの最適化戦略およびブランド品査定自動化に関する研究               
    May 2019 - Feb. 2024
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    バリュエンステクノロジーズ株式会社, Principal investigator
  • AIとIoTを活用したデータ駆動型灯油配送の実現               
    Aug. 2022 - Mar. 2023
    山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 横山 想一郎, 多田 満朗, 神 大地, 山中 繁幸
    財団法人北海道科学技術総合振興センター(ノーステック財団)研究開発助成事業 イノベーション創出研究支援事業 研究成果展開(発展・橋渡し研究)補助金
  • コネクティッドネットワークにおけるAI活用の研究開発               
    Oct. 2021 - Mar. 2022
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社KDDI総合研究所, Principal investigator
  • 人工知能対応先進的計算機システムを用いたAI俳句の機能深化               
    Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2022
    川村 秀憲, 横山 想一郎, 山下 倫央, 杉木 章義
    北海道大学情報基盤センター, Principal investigator
  • 料理の構造化に関する研究               
    May 2019 - Mar. 2022
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社ニチレイ, Principal investigator
  • 業界初!高齢者の生活に寄り添う自立走行・歩行支援の歩行器「 smartNexus®Walker」の製品化               
    Oct. 2021 - Feb. 2022
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社サンクレエ, Principal investigator
  • 競輪競技におけるデータ解析とシミュレーション               
    Mar. 2021 - Apr. 2021
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社チャリ・ロト, Principal investigator
  • 業界初!高齢者の生活に寄り添う自動運転の木製歩行器 smartNexus®Walker 試作開発               
    Sep. 2020 - Mar. 2021
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社サンクレエ, Principal investigator
  • 深層学習を用いたバス車内モニタリングシステムの開発               
    イノベーション創出研究支援事業 発展・橋渡し研究補助金
    Aug. 2020 - Mar. 2021
    山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 横山 想一郎, 佐藤 好美, 弓崎 潔
    財団法人北海道科学技術総合振興センター (ノーステック財団), Coinvestigator
  • コネクティッドカーの協調学習に関する検討               
    Jul. 2020 - Mar. 2021
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社KDDI総合研究所, Principal investigator
  • デジタルマーケティングのためのAI技術の開発               
    Mar. 2019 - Dec. 2020
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社セブン&アイ・ホールディングス, Principal investigator
  • 次期運輸業務システムにおける乗務員勤務の最適化導入に向けた検討               
    Nov. 2019 - Mar. 2020
    山下 倫央, 川村 秀憲, 横山 想一郎
    北海道旅客鉄道株式会社, Coinvestigator
  • ネットワーク運用自動化に関するAI活用の研究開発               
    Oct. 2019 - Mar. 2020
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社KDDI総合研究所, Principal investigator
  • 人工知能技術を用いた川柳自動生成システム               
    Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2020
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    日本放送協会, Principal investigator
  • 人工知能に関する人材育成教材開発               
    Jul. 2017 - Sep. 2019
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    AI TOKYO LAB株式会社, Principal investigator
  • コールセンター業務におけるシフト調整へのAI技術応用               
    Oct. 2018 - Jun. 2019
    川村 秀憲
    株式会社TMJ, Principal investigator
  • ヘルスケア商品の企画開発・販売における人工知能の活用に関する研究               
    May 2018 - Jun. 2019
    川村 秀憲
    ジェイフロンティア株式会社, Principal investigator
  • 深層学習を用いた定置網内魚種推定システムの開発               
    イノベーション創出研究支援事業 発展・橋渡し研究補助金
    Aug. 2018 - Mar. 2019
    山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎, 川村 秀憲, 泉 卓真
    財団法人北海道科学技術総合振興センター (ノーステック財団), Coinvestigator
  • AI技術を使った部品検査装置の開発               
    Aug. 2018 - Mar. 2019
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    シンセメック株式会社, Principal investigator
  • コネクティッドカーの協調学習に関する検討               
    Jun. 2018 - Mar. 2019
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社KDDI総合研究所, Principal investigator
  • 競輪競技におけるデータ解析とシミュレーション               
    Jun. 2017 - Mar. 2019
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社チャリ・ロト, Principal investigator
  • Development of regional tourism support tool with the perspective of foreign tourists and its verification
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
    Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2019
    Murakami Kayoko, Suzuki Keiji, Kawamura Hidenori, Oyabu Takashi
    The number of foreign tourists visiting Japan has been increasing. It is essential to analyze the needs of foreign tourists in order to promote inbound tourism in Japan. This research was carried out by analyzing word-of-mouth about Japan travel from Japanese tourists and foreign tourists to investigate the differences in destination image of a particular tourist attraction using a text mining approach. Moreover, the information in the official sightseeing websites was analyzed with respect to Japanese and English text data in order to compare the results of Japanese and foreign tourists’ destination images of the tourist attraction. The framework that extracts distinctive tourism information from three perspectives: Japanese tourists, foreign tourists, and tourism promoters was proposed for the purpose of developing regional tourism support tool.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Shibaura Institute of Technology, Coinvestigator, 25730197
  • CNNを用いた画像認識とタグ生成アルゴリズムの開発               
    Jan. 2019 - Feb. 2019
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社デジタルガレージ, Principal investigator
  • 安心を見える化する介護支援システム「smartNexus®Care」の研究開発               
    Nov. 2018 - Feb. 2019
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社サンクレエ, Principal investigator
  • 不動産販売のウェブマーケティングにおける人工知能の活用に関する研究               
    Sep. 2017 - Dec. 2018
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社イー・ステート・オンライン, Principal investigator
  • ディープラーニングを用いた運転動画の状態認識に関する研究               
    Jun. 2017 - Nov. 2018
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社サンクレエ, Principal investigator
  • 気象予報図におけるキャプション配置最適化に関する研究               
    Nov. 2017 - Aug. 2018
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社マイクロネット, Principal investigator
  • コネクティッドカーの協調学習に関する検討               
    Jul. 2017 - Mar. 2018
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社KDDI総合研究所, Principal investigator
  • 人工知能を用いたアパレル商品画像のタギングに関する研究               
    Jun. 2017 - Mar. 2018
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社TSIホールディングス, Principal investigator
  • 家電製品の販売予測               
    Jun. 2017 - Mar. 2018
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    ジーエフケーマーケティングサービスジャパン株式会社, Principal investigator
  • 人工知能によるマーケティングデータの分析アルゴリズム開発               
    Jun. 2017 - Mar. 2018
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    フュージョン株式会社, Principal investigator
  • SFAにおける人工知能技術の応用に関する研究               
    Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2018
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社インターパーク, Principal investigator
  • ディープラーニングによるAI融雪コントローラの開発               
    イノベーション創出研究支援事業 発展・橋渡し研究補助金
    Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2018
    川村 秀憲, 武田 清賢, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    財団法人北海道科学技術総合振興センター (ノーステック財団), Principal investigator
  • 物流倉庫管理の人工知能技術応用に関する研究               
    Apr. 2017 - Nov. 2017
    川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    株式会社PAL, Principal investigator
  • コネクティッドカーの協調学習に関する研究               
    Jun. 2016 - Mar. 2017
    川村 秀憲
    株式会社KDDI研究所, Principal investigator
  • Development of agent technology to simulate the global scale of 100 years of 7 billion people worldwide
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2017
    Kawamura Hidenori
    This research is a study on environment to execute large scale multi agent simulation. As a simulation target, Segregation model by Thomas Schelling is taken up, tens of thousands of agents select a place of residence in an environment constructed using data as an open street map, how residential areas are segmented by social status etc. We succeeded in large - scale agent simulation as to whether to go.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Hokkaido University, Principal investigator, 26540111
  • リアルタイム興味解析に基づく地域情報最適化フレームワークの提案
    Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2017
    川村 秀憲
    総務省, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • 北海道のスマートエネルギーネットワーク構築とコージェネレーション等の有効活用に向けた基礎研究               
    Apr. 2016 - Sep. 2016
    川村 秀憲
    北海道ガス株式会社, Principal investigator
  • コールセンター業務におけるシフト調整へのAI技術応用               
    Apr. 2016 - Sep. 2016
    川村 秀憲
    株式会社TMJ, Principal investigator
  • 機械学習の商業的利用へ向けた調査・研究について               
    Jan. 2016 - Mar. 2016
    川村 秀憲
    株式会社クレスコ, Principal investigator
  • ディープラーニングによる北海道イベント情報の特徴量抽出と応用               
    イノベーション創出研究支援事業 スタートアップ研究補助金
    Aug. 2015 - Mar. 2016
    川村 秀憲, 小野 良太, 今野 陽子, 中村 拓哉
    財団法人北海道科学技術総合振興センター (ノーステック財団), Principal investigator
  • 飛行船ロボット制御に関する研究開発               
    Jul. 2015 - Mar. 2016
    川村 秀憲
    株式会社キャンパスクリエイト, 日本ステージ株式会社, Principal investigator
  • 北海道のガス利用におけるコージェネ・スマートグリッドに向けた基礎研究               
    Sep. 2014 - Aug. 2015
    川村 秀憲
    北海道ガス株式会社, Principal investigator
  • リアルタイム興味解析に基づく地域情報最適化フレームワークの提案               
    Oct. 2013 - Mar. 2015
    川村 秀憲, 鈴木 恵二, 平田 圭
    総務省, Principal investigator
  • Comparing Computing Support in the AHP
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    2011 - 2013
    SUZUKI Keiji, KAWAMURA Hidenori
    The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a method for decision-making that considers uncertain situations or multiple evaluation criteria. In the AHP, a decision maker compares two elements between evaluation criteria and alternatives. Therefore, comparing all pairs is difficult when evaluating many alternatives. In this study, we present the comparison support method for evaluating many alternatives when a decision maker needs to decide the highest priority alternative. The comparison support method stops pairwise comparisons when the best solution, i.e., the highest priority alternative, is found, even if all pairs have not been compared. We represented a modeling of determine the best alternative using the AHP include comparison support system.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, Coinvestigator, 23500164
  • ツイッター分析による北海道の盛り上がりリアルタイム抽出               
    Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2012
    鈴木 恵二, 川村 秀憲, 山下 晃弘
    財団法人北海道開発協会, Coinvestigator
  • A multi-agent model of service utilization and plan coordination for a non-congested society
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A)
    2009 - 2012
    KAWAMURA Hidenori, SUZUKI Keiji
    In this research, we focused on the service infrastructure on a society, which is a set of facilities utilized by many citizens, and developed a simulation model with many citizen agents and service facilities for studying the way to reduce social congestion. In computer simulation model, the visiting plans of agents are shared via the central server and each agent plan is individually optimized by the information based on the server. Through the experiments, we showed that the social congestion is reduced by such information sharing.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A), Hokkaido University, Principal investigator, 21680014
  • Development of Topic Analysis Algorithm for Online News and Application of Algorithm to Harmful Rumor caused by Natural Disaster
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    2007 - 2008
    OHUCHI Azuma, KAWAMURA Hidenori, NAGAO Mitsuyoshi, SUTO Kazuhiro
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, Coinvestigator, 19500207
  • パラメータ制御方式による分子計算
    科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究
    2002 - 2006
    大内 東, 山本 雅人, 川村 秀憲
    日本学術振興会, 特定領域研究, 北海道大学, Coinvestigator, 14085201
  • テーマパーク問題におけるインテリジェントマスサポート理論に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    2003 - 2005
    川村 秀憲
    その結果から テーマパークのように限られた資源をたくさんのユーザで利用しなければならない場合,単純に均一的に負荷を分散させるよりも,わざと1,2のアトラクションにエージェントを集中させ,残ったほかのアトラクションでの資源利用効率を上げることが全体の混雑緩和に大きく寄与することがわかった.これは,特定のアトラクションの利用効率を悪化させても,残りのアトラクションの利用効率を上げることでシステム全体内のエージェントの数を減少させることができるので,結果的に全体の利用効率化を図ることができると言うことである.
    日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, 15700118
  • ハンディGPSを用いたレンタカー利用観光客の観光動態調査               
    社会科学研究支援事業 社会科学研究補助金
    Aug. 2003 - Mar. 2004
    大内 東, 山本 雅人, 川村 秀憲, 北山 憲武
    財団法人北海道科学技術総合振興センター (ノーステック財団), Coinvestigator
  • A Study on the Information Security System for Personal Genome Information based on DNA Computing
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    2002 - 2004
    OHUCHI Azuma, YAMAMOTO Masahito, KAWAMURA Hidenori
    In this research project, we proposed the new information security system at the molecular level for personal genome data. Important data such as Personal genome data can be stored as a DNA sequences, and can be readout when it is needed. In the proposed system, however, it is impossible or so hard to readout without the keys, because some kind of dummy DNA data are included in the pool with the stored data. We proposed two kind of security system.
    (1)Data lock by DNA modification
    Data is stored into DNA with some modifications, which can be removed only by the key primer. We demonstrated that the target data can be readout only if we can use the key primer by some chemical experiments.
    (2)Data lock by the hierarchical DNA memory based the nested PCR
    Data is stored with some DNA blocks, which are regarded as addresses of memory. In order to readout the data from the pool of these DNA memories including some dummy DNA, nested PCR with some key DNA are used. We verified that the target data can be extracted and readout from 27 kinds of DNA memories by some chemical experiments. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the target data can be extracted from 65,536 kinds of the pool of DNA memories.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, Coinvestigator, 14380152
  • 北海道観光産業の活性化のためのネットワークビジネス実現に関する提案               
    社会科学研究支援事業 社会科学研究補助金
    Aug. 2002 - Mar. 2003
    大内 東, 山本 雅人, 川村 秀憲
    財団法人北海道科学技術総合振興センター (ノーステック財団), Coinvestigator
  • 複雑社会系における仮想金融市場シミュレーションサーバの開発
    科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    2001 - 2002
    川村 秀憲
    日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, 13780348
  • 生物的組織行動に基づく最適化手法の生成に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費
    1999 - 1999
    川村 秀憲
    日本学術振興会, 特別研究員奨励費, 北海道大学, Principal investigator, 99J05536

Industrial Property Rights

  • 配信装置               
    Patent right, 蕨野 貴之, 酒徳 哲, 大岸 智彦, 川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎, KDDI株式会社, 国立大学法人北海道大学
    特願2018-65734, 29 Mar. 2018
    特許第 6900007号, 18 Jun. 2021

Social Contribution Activities

  • AI俳句の俳句コンテンツ提供               
    Oct. 2019 - Present
  • AI革命 建築業界の未来を考える(講師)               
    26 Sep. 2024
  • 【AI研究者・経営者 川村秀憲教授が語るAI時代の働き方】 『10年後のハローワーク』刊行記念 トークイベント 〜AIのトップランナーと考える、AIと人間が調和する10年後の未来〜(講師)               
    22 Jul. 2024
    AIスタートアップでのキャリア形成を志す社会人/学生向けの会員制コミュニティ「LINKS by KERNEL」
    AI Startups Career Night#3
  • 社会として人工知能とどう向き合うか~“ChatGPT”から“10年後のハローワーク”まで~(講師)               
    08 Jul. 2024
    Sapporo AI Lab 「札幌AI道場・第三期」開設式
  • ChatGPTのその先の世界(講師)               
    05 Jun. 2024
  • 川村秀憲のなるほどAI               
    Jul. 2022 - Mar. 2024
  • Sapporo AI Connect 2024 ~JDLA×札幌AI道場~(「札幌AI道場」成果発表会のクロストークセッション及びクロージング)               
    26 Feb. 2024
  • AI時代の学校教育/未来を生きるための能力:AIに取って代われない人間の価値               
    Jan. 2024
  • ChatGPTの先にある世界 ― AIがもたらす転換期に立って(サイエンスカフェ)               
    03 Dec. 2023
    Science cafe
    北海道大学 CoSTEP
  • チャットGPTのインパクト─ 我々はどう向き合い、どう活用すべきか ─(講師)               
    10 Nov. 2023
    一般社団法人 学士会
  • AIが変えるミライとセカイ ~サッポロミライナイトmeets TOKYO #2~(クロストーク)               
    31 Aug. 2023
    Venture Café Tokyo、STARTUP CITY SAPPORO事務局
    Sapporo Hokkaido Startup Night 北海道のイノベーションエコシステムの進化を目撃せよ
  • 北海道におけるスタートアップ経営支援の可能性(パネルディスカッション)               
    12 Jul. 2023
    一般社団法人AMA terrace
  • 「ChatGPT」AIの進化と教育の未来               
    01 Jul. 2023
  • 「『ChatGPT』との付き合い方 ~生成AI興隆の今、考えたいこと~」(講師)               
    26 Jun. 2023
    Sapporo AI Lab
  • 人工知能の未来 ChatGPTを超えて(講師)               
    25 Apr. 2023
    モノづくり日本会議 ウェブセミナー
  • AIの発展と未来               
    24 Apr. 2023
    北海道デジタル推進委員会報告書 「道内産業のデジタル化推進に向けて~デジタルの動向を知り道内産業のデジタル化を進めるためのポイントを探る~」
  • 道内市町村職員向け「まちづくり交流会」(講師)               
    15 Feb. 2023
  • 北大・川村教授に聞く AIを知ろう               
    06 Nov. 2021 - 10 Dec. 2022
  • スタートアップ・エコシステム拠点都市報告会(パネルディスカッション)               
    24 Aug. 2022
  • 「AI vs 人」の俳句対決 川村教授が説く 「AIは芸術家になれるのか」               
    23 Jun. 2022
  • ICTキャンパス「企業と連携してAI研究 成果を社会に還元する」               
    06 Jun. 2022
    月刊 教育家庭新聞 教育マルチメディア号
  • 培養した脳細胞にコンピューター接続 卓球ゲーム プレイ可能に               
    15 Mar. 2022
  • AI技術者採用 スタートアップが有利               
    15 Feb. 2022
  • 「人工知能」とは何か 抽象的目的に沿う情報処理               
    18 Jan. 2022
  • 米フェイスブック、社名変更 仮想世界の覇権に挑む               
    21 Dec. 2021
  • 昔思い描いた未来の入り口 技術の融合「革新」生む               
    26 Oct. 2021
  • いかに「人」とすみ分けるべきか AIで手が回らないこと担う               
    28 Sep. 2021
  • プログラムつくる、再定義               
    31 Aug. 2021
  • AI導入、2つの秘訣               
    03 Aug. 2021
  • 無形資産―スピルオーバーで利益得る               
    06 Jul. 2021
  • 「かわいい」など感性数値化               
    08 Jun. 2021
  • 婚活サービスにAI活用               
    11 May 2021
  • 人と見紛う文章力 高評価               
    13 Apr. 2021
  • AI俳句の俳句コンテンツ提供               
    05 Apr. 2021
    Media report
  • AI俳句の俳句コンテンツ提供               
    Apr. 2021
    国語の学習3(中学校教材, 2021年版)
  • AI一茶くんによる俳句コンテンツを提供               
    Dec. 2020
  • AI俳句の俳句コンテンツ提供               
    29 Nov. 2020
    Media report
  • バングラデシュICT人材採用・活用フォーラム(モデレーター)               
    02 Oct. 2020
  • 北海道学習センター面接授業(非常勤講師)               
    01 Apr. 2020 - 30 Sep. 2020
  • AI川柳の川柳コンテンツ提供               
    12 Apr. 2019 - 27 Mar. 2020
    Media report
    ニュース シブ5時
  • AI俳句「AI一茶くん」による俳句コンテンツ提供               
    14 Sep. 2019
    Organizing member
  • 大阪府 商工労働常任委員会 行政視察対応               
    26 Aug. 2019
  • AI川柳の川柳コンテンツ提供               
    13 Mar. 2019 - 27 Mar. 2019
    Media report
  • AI俳句「AI一茶くん」による俳句コンテンツ提供               
    02 Feb. 2019 - 24 Mar. 2019
    Organizing member
  • AI俳句の俳句コンテンツ提供               
    08 Mar. 2019 - 17 Mar. 2019
    South by Southwest (SXSW) 2019
  • AI俳句「AI一茶くん」による俳句コンテンツ提供               
    10 Oct. 2018 - 14 Oct. 2018
    Organizing member
    No Maps実行委員会
    Sapporo Creative Convention NoMaps~AIラボブース
  • S-NET(スペース・ニューエコノミー創造ネットワーク)北海道セミナー ~共に創る豊かな大地~」(パネルディスカッション)               
    21 Jul. 2017
  • 2045年:人工知能の旅「人工知能をビジネスに結びつけるには」(パネルディスカッション)               
    16 Oct. 2016

Media Coverage

  • 人工知能との共存、調和を 講師・川村秀憲氏(北海道大大学院教授)<琉球フォーラム> – 琉球新報デジタル(講演を紹介)               
    13 Feb. 2025
  • 琉球フォーラム12日に2月例会 人工知能の未来 ChatGPTを超えて 川村秀憲氏(北海道大大学院教授)(講演を紹介)               
    12 Feb. 2025
  • 中国発生成AIによる”DeepSeek”ショック(電話出演、解説)               
    30 Jan. 2025
    [Media report]
  • 「DeepSeek」って何だ? 「爆速処理」生成AIに世界がショック 記者が「天安門事件」を尋ねてみたら(コメントを掲載)               
    30 Jan. 2025
    紙面, [Paper]
  • 格安AI、ディープショック 巨額投資の前提、変えるか 中国企業「ディープシーク」(インタビューを掲載)               
    29 Jan. 2025
    朝刊紙面, [Paper]
  • ディープシーク、低価格で開発できた理由 識者「学習方法にセンス」(インタビューを掲載)               
    28 Jan. 2025
    デジタル, [Paper]
  • 人工知能、否定せず共存 北大大学院・川村教授講演 道新十勝政経懇(講演内容を紹介)               
    22 Jan. 2025
  • 「AI」ってなんだろう?高校生とひも解くAIの世界(インタビューを掲載)               
    20 Oct. 2024
    キャリアガイダンス vol.452 2024.10 特集「AIとどう向き合うか」
  • 2日連続でAI関連 ノーベル賞から考える最新技術との向き合い方(コメントを掲載)               
    10 Oct. 2024
  • AI時代「意思決定能力が重要」 特許庁が知的財産セミナー(セミナーでの講演を取材)               
    05 Oct. 2024
  • 【イベントレポート】AI研究者・経営者 川村 秀憲教授が語るAI時代の働き方 〜AIのトップランナーと考える、AIと人間が調和する10年後の未来〜(講演内容を掲載)               
    01 Oct. 2024
  • 「10年後のハローワーク」で考えるリスキリング 北海道大学教授 川村秀憲さん 中高年もまずAI使おう(著者とじっくり)(インタビューを掲載)               
    25 Sep. 2024
    3面, [Paper]
  • 「いい大学・会社に入りなさい」と教えられ、素直に勉強した子は10年後どうなる?【AI研究者が予測】(著書『10年後のハローワーク これからなくなる仕事、伸びる仕事、なくなっても残る人』一部紹介)               
    07 Aug. 2024
  • 現状にしがみつく人は生き抜くことができない AIによる変化をまず受け入れることだ(著書『10年後のハローワーク これからなくなる仕事、伸びる仕事、なくなっても残る人』一部紹介)               
    16 Jul. 2024
    AERA dot.
  • 幹部候補のはずが、いつの間にかリストラ対象になっていた AIの台頭でホワイトカラーは危機(著書『10年後のハローワーク これからなくなる仕事、伸びる仕事、なくなっても残る人』一部紹介)               
    15 Jul. 2024
    AERA dot.
  • ロボットに愛着を持つのは宗教観の違い? 意外にもAIとウマが合いそうな日本社会(著書『10年後のハローワーク これからなくなる仕事、伸びる仕事、なくなっても残る人』一部紹介)               
    14 Jul. 2024
    AERA dot
  • もう国語、算数、理科、社会、英語ではない 親が信じてきた社会の常識をこれからAIが変える (著書『10年後のハローワーク これからなくなる仕事、伸びる仕事、なくなっても残る人』一部紹介)               
    13 Jul. 2024
    AERA dot
  • 最終的にAIは人類を滅ぼすのか? 人工知能研究者が導き出した「意外な答え」人間にしか生み出せないものとは(著書『10年後のハローワーク これからなくなる仕事、伸びる仕事、なくなっても残る人』一部紹介)               
    26 Jun. 2024
  • 5時ナビ TVh道新ニュース(出演、「AI一茶くん」の最新の研究成果を紹介)               
    26 Jun. 2024
    [Media report]
  • 読み解く AIは人間の仕事を奪うのか 生活に急速に浸透 見えてきた役割分担(インタビューを掲載)               
    19 Jun. 2024
    朝刊紙面, [Paper]
  • 「高学歴の大企業社員」より「ユーチューバーのHIKAKIN」になりたい子どもを親が否定できないワケ(著書『10年後のハローワーク これからなくなる仕事、伸びる仕事、なくなっても残る人』一部紹介)               
    19 Jun. 2024
  • AIとの共存共栄必要に 北大大学院・川村教授が講演 札幌で北海道政経懇話会(講演内容を掲載)               
    12 Jun. 2024
  • 未来社会実現へ、AI活用を議論 今年度初会合 /北海道(「北海道Society5・0」推進会議におけるコメントを掲載)               
    12 Jun. 2024
  • AIは仕事を奪うのか 見えてきた人との役割分担 ドラえもんの日本は良好?<日栄デジタル委員が読み解く>(インタビューを掲載)               
    11 Jun. 2024
  • <AI化>が最も進むのはズバリ金融。「ロボアドバイザー」普及でさらなる人員削減も…AI研究家「意思決定者だけ残すことで利益率があがる」(著書『10年後のハローワーク これからなくなる仕事、伸びる仕事、なくなっても残る人』一部紹介 )               
    03 Jun. 2024
  • 自治体間競争の時代に向けたAI活用のポイントは、AIと人との役割分担の明確化にあり(巻頭インタビューを掲載)               
    01 Jun. 2024
    月刊J-LIS 令和6年6月号
  • 小売業は将来<店長以外はAIとロボットだけ>に?AI研究者「店長さえ不要になるかも。10年後の業界でAIに代替できないことは…」(著書『10年後のハローワーク これからなくなる仕事、伸びる仕事、なくなっても残る人』一部紹介 )               
    31 May 2024
  • 「行政の仕事」は今後<AI>がさばく?AI研究者が予測する<公務員の10年後>。「効率化が進んで少人数化。その分幹部は…」(著書『10年後のハローワーク これからなくなる仕事、伸びる仕事、なくなっても残る人』一部紹介 )               
    30 May 2024
  • マイ!Biz 著者に聞く(出演、著書『10年後のハローワーク これからなくなる仕事、伸びる仕事、なくなっても残る人』についてのインタビュー)               
    10 May 2024
    [Media report]
  • 特集:AIから探る人間の知性 AIに俳句の良さはわかるのか?(「AI一茶くん」の解説・取材協力)               
    25 Apr. 2024
  • AIに俳句の良さはわかるのか? 「AI一茶くん」の挑戦(「AI一茶くん」の解説・取材協力)               
    24 Apr. 2024
    日本経済新聞 電子版
  • クローズアップ北海道 ~半導体で変わる未来~(出演、人工知能・AI俳句・10年後の仕事についてのインタビュー)               
    13 Apr. 2024
    [Media report]
  • 10年後「生き残る仕事」「なくなる仕事」の境界線 今後においてもAIにできないことは何か?(著書「10年後のハローワーク これからなくなる仕事、伸びる仕事、なくなっても残る人」解説)               
    12 Apr. 2024
  • 小林一茶の故郷に「AI一茶くん」登場 心情でなくデータ元に生成(「AI一茶くん」紹介展示について掲載)               
    05 Apr. 2024
  • 【毎日書評】10年後になくなる仕事、生き残る仕事…どんな人なら必要とされるのか?(著書『「10年後のハローワーク これからなくなる仕事、伸びる仕事、なくなっても残る人』書評)               
    04 Apr. 2024
  • チャットGPTのインパクト─ 我々はどう向き合い、どう活用すべきか ─(十一月夕食会講演の内容を掲載)               
    01 Mar. 2024
    一般社団法人 学士会
  • AIで課題解決 企業の事例紹介 札幌で26日催し(登壇するイベント「Sapporo AI Connect 2024」の開催について掲載)               
    15 Feb. 2024
  • 見くびるな恋愛アプリ AIの提案、金融に生かす術 金融×AI⑥恋愛アプリ(エール・ゴエン)(インタビューを掲載)               
    01 Feb. 2024
    NIKKEI Financial(日経フィナンシャル)
  • 生成AI活用 西胆振の自治体で差 登別市 導入し業務削減/室蘭、伊達市 情報流出懸念(自治体の生成AI活用に関するコメントを掲載)               
    30 Jan. 2024
  • 課題解決に向けて、ビジネスにどう生かすか 生成AIと創る札幌の未来(札幌商工会議所会頭 岩田 圭剛 氏との新春対談を掲載)               
    10 Jan. 2024
  • 北大発AWL、調和技研と提携 AI活用を共同提案(創業に関わる両社の業務提携について掲載)               
    27 Dec. 2023
  • <日胆 はなし抄>人間の独創性、意思決定重要に 北大大学院情報科学研究院教授・川村秀憲さん(講演「AIの未来 ChatGPTの先に待っている世界」について掲載)               
    25 Dec. 2023
  • 日本のソフトパワーが生きる特化型AI デジタルクローンが代理で働く時代に(特化型AIについてコメントを掲載)               
    04 Dec. 2023
    特集「テクノロジーの最新動向からニッポンの未来を読み解く2024-2030 大予測」, [Paper]
  • 「対話型AI進化加速」 道新苫小牧政経懇 北大院・川村教授講演(講演「AIの未来 ChatGPTの先に待っている世界」について掲載)               
    29 Nov. 2023
  • AIもたらすパラダイムシフト「ゲームチェンジャーになろう」(起業支援やエコシステムの構築についてインタビューを掲載)               
    24 Nov. 2023
  • #207 ChatGPTはいかにして人と“対話”するか〜AIをテーマにサイエンス・カフェを開催〜(ゲスト登壇したサイエンスカフェの紹介)               
    23 Nov. 2023
    北海道大学 大学院教育推進機構 オープンエデュケーションセンター 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP)
  • 北海道とNTT東日本、札幌でDX・AIテーマにフォーラム(基調講演「人工知能の未来 ChatGPTを超えて」について掲載)               
    02 Nov. 2023
  • 国内AIの旗手、北海道大学の川村秀憲教授が川村研究所を設立されました(川村研究所の発足に伴う研究発表会について掲載)               
    01 Nov. 2023
  • JTB山北社長が語ったグループ戦略と未来、サステナビリティ経営から進化するAIへの対応まで聞いてきた(基調講演「人工知能の未来 ChatGPTの先に待っている世界」について掲載)               
    31 Oct. 2023
  • 人工知能の未来をテーマに講演 札幌日経懇話会(講演「人工知能の未来 ChatGPTの先に待っている世界」について掲載)               
    31 Oct. 2023
  • 業務に生成AI 札幌市がガイドライン作成へ 23年度中にも試行導入(自治体の生成AI導入に関するコメントを掲載)               
    27 Oct. 2023
  • 聞く語る 汎用的な能力はAIに任せ、ニッチな分野にこそ人の役割(AIの普及と社会変化について、インタビュー記事を掲載)               
    25 Oct. 2023
    6面, [Paper]
  • 生成AI リスクを抱え進化(AIの普及とリスクについて、コメントを掲載)               
    25 Sep. 2023
    3面, [Paper]
  • 生成AIが北海道に与える影響は コールセンター・ITに大きな打撃も 北大・川村教授に聞く<デジタル発>(生成AIに関するインタビューを掲載・後編)               
    01 Sep. 2023
  • AI時代は「さかなクン」を目指せ チャットGPTとの向き合い方 北大・川村教授に聞く<デジタル発>(生成AIに関するインタビューを掲載・前編)               
    31 Aug. 2023
  • 人工知能が俳句を評価する?(栗林浩氏による論考)               
    01 Aug. 2023
  • 生成AI活用探る自治体 当別町はチャットGPT実証実験 業務改善図り実用化へ<フォーカス>(自治体のAI活用に関するコメントを掲載)               
    22 Jul. 2023
  • 北のビジネス最前線「安全・安心な通信を目指して-最新技術でつくるサイバーセキュリティの未来- ~株式会社 網屋~」(共同研究に関する川村教授のコメントを紹介)               
    18 Jul. 2023
    [Media report]
  • スタートアップ支援の重要性考える 札幌で企業交流イベント(登壇したパネルディスカッションについて掲載)               
    12 Jul. 2023
  • 特集「飛躍する『AI×芸術』」(インタビュー)               
    01 Jul. 2023
  • 俳句の楽しみ方を変える? 人工知能「AI一茶くん」の実力とは(俳句評論家 栗林 浩氏のインタビュー記事による「AI一茶くん」の紹介)               
    26 Jun. 2023
  • 「チャットGPT」どう活用 札幌AI道場 第2期開設式で講演 (「札幌AI道場」第2期開設式の基調講演について掲載)               
    26 Jun. 2023
  • 社員100人以上に育った北海道大学教授(九州工業大学の井上 創造 教授との対談)               
    31 May 2023
    一般社団法人 情報処理学会
  • AI研究会「人工知能の未来 ChatGPTを超えて」(講演内容の抄録)               
    22 May 2023
    10面, [Paper]
  • TVh道新ニュース「5時ナビ」【なるほどくらし情報部】対話型AI「チャットGPT」って何?道内の企業でも活用広がる(出演、AIの使用に関するコメント)               
    18 May 2023
    [Media report]
  • Spotlight on Research: Issa-kun, the artificial intelligence haiku poet               
    18 May 2023
    北海道大学ウェブサイト 英語版
  • 【そもそも解説】ChatGPTの可能性 近づく「人間を超える日」(AIや「シンギュラリティ」に関するコメント)               
    18 May 2023
    朝刊紙面, [Paper]
  • 明日をキヅク(出演、AIやChatGPTに関するコメント)               
    14 May 2023
    [Media report]
  • 牧野蘭太郎とAI一茶くんの植物俳句対決(「AI一茶くん」の紹介)               
    08 May 2023
  • 一茶くんと句会を楽しみました(「AI一茶くん」の紹介、栗林浩氏による寄稿文)               
    25 Apr. 2023
  • 話題のAIサービス「チャットGPTって?」(出演、ChatGPTに関するコメントを掲載)               
    18 Apr. 2023
    [Media report]
  • (時時刻刻)生成AI、アートもデータ 対価なく模倣「道義に反する」(ChatGPTに関するコメントを掲載)               
    13 Apr. 2023
    朝刊2面, [Paper]
  • 対話AI、大学が注意喚起 チャットGPT 論文利用に指針も 誤情報や思考力低下懸念(対話型AIに関するコメントを掲載)               
    12 Apr. 2023
    26面, [Paper]
  • 【そもそも解説】ChatGPT、驚きの会話力がもたらす未来と死角(ChatGPTとAIに関するコメントを掲載)               
    12 Apr. 2023
  • チャットGPT禁止の大学も 一部では授業導入の動き(ChatGPTの使用と今後の大学教育に関するコメントを掲載)               
    12 Apr. 2023
  • 対話型AI 大学が規制 論文利用警告、在り方模索(ChatGPTの使用と今後の大学教育に関するコメントを掲載)               
    12 Apr. 2023
    28面, [Paper]
  • 人間の仕事 なくならない(「AIが人間に取って代わる未来は来るのか」について回答)               
    10 Mar. 2023
    3面, [Paper]
  • 特集「温故創DX 俳句編『俳人、AIが作った俳句と競う』」(鼎談、「AI一茶くん」の紹介)               
    Mar. 2023
  • 「即答」ChatGPTの利用急拡大、ただし過信は禁物…教育現場「正確さに懸念」(ChatGPTに関するコメントを掲載)               
    14 Feb. 2023
  • AI人材育て 課題解決(「札幌AI道場」の成果発表会、およびコメントを掲載)               
    09 Feb. 2023
  • 人はなぜ俳句を詠むのか 俳句生成人工知能は俳句をどこへ向かわせるか(『AI研究者と俳人 人はなぜ俳句を詠むのか』書評)               
    23 Dec. 2022
  • ソウミラ ~相対的未来情報発信番組~(ゲスト出演、解説)               
    22 Dec. 2022
    [Media report]
  • 新企画 AIが作ったものはどれ?               
    24 Nov. 2022
    [Media report]
  • 北海道農業、新興企業がけん引 クラウド飼育情報管理               
    15 Nov. 2022
  • AIと共作俳句高評価(「AI一茶くん」について掲載)               
    07 Nov. 2022
  • 俳句を作ったのはヒト!? 「見分けられない」京大実験で判明(「AI一茶くん」について掲載)               
    03 Nov. 2022
  • AIとヒトの未来議論 札幌でノーマップス開幕               
    20 Oct. 2022
  • エウレカ!北大 AI深層学習で俳句 (インタビュー記事を掲載)               
    05 Oct. 2022
  • SAPPORO AI LAB               
    19 Sep. 2022
    「シン・経営2.0 ―経営支援プラットフォーム最前線―」
    [Media report]
  • 「AI人材『道場』で育成産官学連携 市内に開設」(札幌AI道場の開設、および基調講演について掲載)               
    05 Aug. 2022
  • 「AI人材育成 産官学で『道場』『サッポロバレー」復活めざす』 (札幌AI道場の開設、および基調講演について掲載)               
    05 Aug. 2022
  • 【芭蕉vs.AI】感情を持たないAIが俳句を詠む『奇妙さ』がまた面白い(『AI研究者と俳人 人はなぜ俳句を詠むのか』書評)               
    01 Aug. 2022
    『熟読乱読 世相斬り』
  • 「AIと創作の未来」(AI俳句についての解説が掲載)               
    07 Jul. 2022
  • 『謎多き全貌』に光(『AI研究者と俳人 人はなぜ俳句を詠むのか』書評)               
    26 Jun. 2022
    俳句時評, [Paper]
  • 絵画と俳句 これまで、今、そしてこれから 「バンクシーとAI俳句」               
    Jun. 2022
  • 調和技研×AIの旗手 #1 :川村 秀憲教授(北海道大学)               
    Jun. 2022
    https://www.chowagiken.co.jp/news/20220615-2/, [Internet]
  • 『AI研究者と俳人 人はなぜ俳句を詠むのか』の書評を掲載               
    22 May 2022
    <書評>AI研究者と俳人 人はなぜ俳句を詠むのか, [Paper]
  • 「(サンキュータツオの「語る本」を読む)川村秀憲、大塚凱著『AI研究者と俳人 人はなぜ俳句を詠むのか』」(『AI研究者と俳人 人はなぜ俳句を詠むのか』書評)               
    21 May 2022
  • 『AI研究者と俳人 人はなぜ俳句を詠むのか』の書評を掲載               
    28 Apr. 2022
    連載「対話はつづく」, [Paper]
  • 「顧客ニーズAIが提案」にAIのビジネス活用について掲載               
    19 Apr. 2022
  • 「農業とAIを考える」にて人と人工知能の調和についてのインタビュー記事を掲載               
    02 Mar. 2022
  • 「東大・松尾研、起業熱再び 22年は10社前後が創業へ」に調和系工学研究室発のベンチャー企業について掲載               
    29 Dec. 2021
  • 「最優秀句は『香水を深めて…』恋の俳句王、AIの力作に驚きの声」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    07 Nov. 2021
  • 「俳句チャンピオン決定戦 恋の選句王大会2 ~AIは恋の俳句が詠めるのか?~」において人工知能による俳句生成を紹介               
    07 Nov. 2021
    [Media report]
  • 調和系工学研究室発ベンチャーの取り組みを掲載               
    Nov. 2021
  • 「フルポン村上の俳句修行・番外編 AIが作った俳句の価値は(座談会)」にてAI一茶くんにより生成された俳句コンテンツを掲載               
    15 Oct. 2021
  • 『人工知能が俳句を詠む AI一茶くんの挑戦』の書評を掲載               
    22 Sep. 2021
    文春図書館「著者は語る」, [Paper]
  • 「フルポン村上の俳句修行・番外編 人工知能「AI一茶くん」と三番勝負!」にてAI一茶くんにより生成された俳句コンテンツを掲載               
    10 Sep. 2021
  • 「道内文学 俳句 AI一茶くん驚きの進化」にAI俳句の研究を掲載               
    21 Aug. 2021
  • 『人工知能が俳句を詠む AI一茶くんの挑戦』の書評を掲載               
    09 Aug. 2021
    新刊, [Paper]
  • AI俳句の生成,画像認識によるロードヒーティングの制御をはじめとする調和系工学研究室のAI開発・利活用の取り組みを掲載               
    04 Aug. 2021
  • 「人工知能が俳句を詠む 句会に参加する日は来るか」に『人工知能が俳句を詠む AI一茶くんの挑戦』の書評を掲載               
    30 Jul. 2021
  • 「北大人図鑑No.9」に人と機械の調和についてのインタビュー動画を掲載               
    09 Jun. 2021
    北海道大学 大学院教育推進機構 オープンエデュケーションセンター 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP)運営ウェブサイト
  • AI一茶くんによる俳句コンテンツを提供               
    30 May 2021
    [Media report]
  • AI俳句の紹介記事を掲載               
    19 May 2021
  • 「テクノロジーと人との調和 人工知能最前線」と題した講演を掲載               
    09 Apr. 2021
    札幌日経懇話会、AI普及拡大へ 川村教授が講演, [Paper]
  • AI俳句の俳句コンテンツ提供               
    05 Apr. 2021
    [Media report]
  • AI一茶くんによる俳句生成の取り組みを掲載               
    01 Apr. 2021
    きぼうの虹 第393号
  • AI一茶くんによる俳句生成の取り組みを掲載               
    14 Mar. 2021
  • 調和系工学研究室の取り組みを紹介               
    14 Feb. 2021
    北のフロンティア 人に寄り添うAI 北海道大学調和系工学研究室
    [Media report]
  • 料理レシピを構造化するAIの研究を掲載               
    Feb. 2021
  • 「デジタルVS AI紡ぐ芸術、続々と」にAI俳句の研究を掲載               
    21 Dec. 2020
  • 「芸術に挑戦してこそ進歩に貢献『AI映画』来年公開へ」にAI俳句の研究を掲載               
    09 Dec. 2020
  • 「公民」の中学校副教材にAI一茶くんによる俳句コンテンツを提供               
    Dec. 2020
  • AI一茶くんによる俳句コンテンツを提供               
    29 Nov. 2020
    [Media report]
  • 「3社対談で解き明かす『コロナ禍における産学連携のススメ』」にてインタビュー記事を掲載               
    24 Nov. 2020
    eiicon company運営ウェブサイト
  • 人工知能による俳句生成を紹介               
    15 Oct. 2020
    [Media report]
  • AI一茶くんによる俳句コンテンツを提供               
    05 Aug. 2020
    [Media report]
  • 「スタートアップ経営者ら座談会 人・カネの壁 ITで挑む」に座談会記事を掲載               
    31 Jul. 2020
  • 「文化時評 人工知能に『文学の批評」は可能か』」にAI俳句の研究を掲載)               
    26 Jul. 2020
  • インタビュー記事を掲載               
    15 May 2020
    《北海道応援企画》激動の2020年を突き進め“北海道の底力”AI専門家集団として民間との共同研究を推進, [Paper]
  • 「暮らしのAI」においてファッションを理解する人工知能を紹介               
    23 Apr. 2020
    [Media report]
  • AI一茶くんによる俳句コンテンツを提供               
    12 Apr. 2020
    人間 VS AI
    [Media report]
  • 「『適正価格』AIが判断」にオークションメカニズムの研究を掲載               
    06 Apr. 2020
  • 「俳句遊びノススメ AI一茶くん」にAI俳句の研究を掲載               
    06 Apr. 2020
  • 人工知能による俳句生成の意義や生成の仕組みを掲載               
    17 Feb. 2020
    ゼロからわかる人工知能 増補第2版
  • 「意思なき想像最後は人」に国語・美術分野での人工知能の活用の一例としてAI一茶くんの取り組みを掲載               
    03 Jan. 2020
  • 「本物そっくりAIモデル 俳句でも素人超」にAI俳句の研究を掲載               
    03 Jan. 2020
  • 「AIで省エネ融雪 カメラが積雪判断、燃料費4割削減 北ガスと北大開発 20年度にも販売」に人工知能によるによるロードヒーティングの制御の研究を掲載               
    03 Jan. 2020
  • 「人間とAIの協働こそが社会課題の解決に直結する」と題した解説記事が掲載               
    12 Dec. 2019
  • 人工知能による俳句の取り組みやその周辺の紹介               
    05 Dec. 2019
    鷹 第五六巻第一二号
    俳句時評 人工知能が俳句を作るということ, [Paper]
  • 人工知能による俳句の現状としてAI一茶くんにより生成された俳句と生成の仕組みを掲載               
    25 Nov. 2019
    AIと作句の戦い, [Paper]
  • 「AI俳人・歌人 人の感性を詠む」にAI俳句の研究を掲載               
    11 Nov. 2019
  • AI俳句の研究の過程や背景について掲載               
    30 Oct. 2019
  • AI俳人が芭蕉ゆかりの俳句大会に、結果は?               
    18 Sep. 2019
  • 「AIが風景写真から俳句を詠む」において人工知能による俳句生成を紹介               
    17 Sep. 2019
    [Media report]
  • 「AI一茶くんに辛口評」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    16 Sep. 2019
  • 山中の風景でAIが作句 芭蕉祭全国大会で世界初「吟行」               
    15 Sep. 2019
  • 「俳句AIチーム山中温泉を視察」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    03 Sep. 2019
  • 人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    28 Aug. 2019
    芭蕉祭山中温泉全国俳句大会AIも参加する吟行句会, [Paper]
  • 「『AI俳句』研究」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    22 Aug. 2019
  • 「AIの俳句批評願います」に AI俳句協会の結成とホームページの開設について掲載               
    20 Aug. 2019
  • 「AIが恋の俳句 愛媛の俳人の評価は?」において人工知能による俳句生成を紹介               
    09 Aug. 2019
    [Media report]
  • 人工知能による俳句生成の発展状況としてAI一茶くんの生成した俳句を掲載               
    25 Jul. 2019
    解説- AI俳句とその周辺, [Paper]
  • 人工知能による俳句生成とファッションを理解する人工知能を紹介               
    23 Jul. 2019
    onちゃんキャンパスライフ 工学部編
  • 「AIに俳句が分かる感性を 道内研究者が協会 評価データを蓄積」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    20 Jul. 2019
  • 「AIが読んだ俳句を紹介 金沢の『奥の細道サミット』」に人工知能による俳句生成を紹介               
    13 Jul. 2019
  • 「AIの一茶くん『奥の細道サミット』で俳句詠む」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    13 Jul. 2019
  • 「AIが詠んだ俳句を紹介 金沢の『奥の細道サミット』」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    13 Jul. 2019
  • 「AIが詠む恋秀句は」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    07 Jul. 2019
  • 「AIに俳句が分かる感性を」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    03 Jul. 2019
  • 俳句チャンピオン決定戦 恋の選句王大会2019~AI一茶君に恋は詠めるのか!プロジェクト~               
    01 Jul. 2019
    [Media report]
  • 雑記帳 俳句を学習させたAI(人工知能)「一茶君」が詠んだ恋の俳句から…               
    30 Jun. 2019
  • 「恋」詠んだAIの7800句 人間が選句対決               
    30 Jun. 2019
  • 俳句チャンピオン決定戦 恋の選句王大会2019~AI一茶君に恋は詠めるのか!プロジェクト~               
    29 Jun. 2019
    [Media report]
  • 「AI、表現力も人以上?」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    23 Jun. 2019
  • 「俳句チャンピオン決定戦 恋の選句王大会2019~AI一茶君に恋は詠めるのか!プロジェクト~」の様子がYouTubeに公開               
    Jun. 2019
    [Media report]
  • 身近な科学技術の成果の一例として人工知能俳句の意義や俳句の生成の仕組みを掲載               
    Jun. 2019
    令和元年度版 科学技術白書
  • ファッション画像の印象推定に関する研究成果を掲載               
    20 May 2019
    洋服のかわいい度をAIが診断 ファッション業界向け新ツール, [Internet]
  • 人工知能による俳句生成の現状としてAI一茶くんの取り組みを紹介               
    14 May 2019
    特別企画「どう思う?AI俳句」, [Paper]
  • 「詠み人おらず 俳人チームに善戦したのは・・・かなしみの片手ひらいて渡り鳥」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    05 Dec. 2018
  • 「AIが人に挑んで五・七・五 北大育ち『一茶くん』愛媛の俳人に苦杯」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    05 Dec. 2018
  • 「AIが五感に挑む五七五 北大研究 愛媛の俳人と対決」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    03 Dec. 2018
  • 競輪界にAI予想が初登場…チャリロトが北大と共同研究               
    17 Oct. 2018
  • 「AIとの対局 文芸の意味問う」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    21 Aug. 2018
  • 「俳句でAIと人類対決」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    27 Jul. 2018
  • 「AIは文豪を超える? 小説や詩の創作にも進出」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    14 Jul. 2018
  • 「AIは文豪を超える? 画像認識し作句/文学賞選考を追加」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    13 Jul. 2018
  • 「AIは文豪を超える? 小説や詩の創作にも進出」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    10 Jul. 2018
  • 「AIは文豪を超える? 小説や詩の創作にも進出」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    08 Jul. 2018
  • 「AIは文豪を超えるか」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    07 Jul. 2018
  • 「AIは文豪を超える? 小説や詩の創作にも進出」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    03 Jul. 2018
  • 「AIは文豪を超える? 小説や詩の創作にも進出」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    01 Jul. 2018
  • 「AIは文豪を超える? 小説や詩の創作にも進出」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    30 Jun. 2018
  • 「写真から 学ぶAI 一句詠む」に人工知能による俳句生成を掲載               
    02 Jun. 2018
  • 「AI 一句読みます 一句選びます 一茶や子規五万句お手本」にAI一茶くんの取り組みとAI一茶くんにより生成した俳句を掲載               
    02 Jun. 2018
  • 「写真から 句を詠むAI 一茶くん」にAI一茶くんの取り組みとAI一茶くんにより生成した俳句を掲載               
    02 May 2018
  • AI一茶くんの研究過程およびAI一茶くんにより生成された俳句コンテンツを提供               
    26 Feb. 2018
    超絶 凄ワザ!
    [Media report]
  • 「道内文学 俳句 AI一茶くん驚きの進化」にAI俳句の研究を掲載               
    11 Aug. 2011
  • 人工知能による俳句生成の取り組みとAI一茶くんによる生成された俳句コンテンツを掲載               
    天声人語, [Paper]

Academic Contribution Activities

  • 株式会社Aill 取締役(非常勤)               
    01 Apr. 2020 - Present
  • 株式会社インターパーク 取締役(非常勤)               
    01 May 2019 - Present
  • 株式会社フュージョン(社外取締役)               
    08 Aug. 2016 - Present
  • 株式会社調和技研(取締役)               
    Apr. 2010 - Present
  • 株式会社ニッセイコム(技術顧問)               
    01 Jun. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2026
  • 助成事業(選考委員)               
    Oct. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2025
    公益財団法人 北海道銀行中小企業人材育成基金
  • 株式会社クレスコ(情報科学/人工知能(AI)研究者)               
    01 Oct. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • 株式会社アクセスネット(顧問)               
    01 Sep. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • 2024年度ものづくり開発・グリーン成長分野推進補助金(審査委員)               
    02 May 2024 - 31 Mar. 2025
    ノーステック財団(公益財団法人 北海道科学技術総合振興センター)
  • 株式会社HBA(アドバイザー)               
    01 Apr. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • みらいコンサルティング株式会社(顧問)               
    01 Apr. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • アチーブメント株式会社(顧問)               
    01 Jan. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • 株式会社マイクロネット(技術顧問)               
    01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • ザ・サン・ストラテジック・ソリューションズ株式会社(顧問)               
    01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • アイシン・ソフトウェア株式会社(技術顧問)               
    01 Jan. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • 株式会社グッドフェローズ(技術顧問)               
    24 Oct. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • AWL株式会社(技術顧問)               
    09 Jun. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • 株式会社イノベーションプラス(アドバイザー)               
    01 Jul. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • 株式会社ニッコー(AI研究アドバイザー)               
    01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • 株式会社サンクレエ(顧問)               
    01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • 株式会社ジャパンテクニカルソフトウェア(AIアドバイザー)               
    19 Jan. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • 株式会社PRES(技術顧問)               
    01 Jul. 2024 - 31 Oct. 2024
  • 株式会社クレスコ(情報科学/人工知能(AI)研究者)               
    01 Apr. 2024 - 30 Sep. 2024
  • 北海道デジタル推進委員会(アドバイザー)               
    01 Oct. 2023 - 30 Sep. 2024
  • 株式会社ディープコア(顧問)               
    01 Aug. 2023 - 30 Sep. 2024
  • バリュエンステクノロジーズ株式会社(顧問)               
    01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Aug. 2024
  • 2023 年度中小企業技術活性化助成事業(選考委員)               
    Sep. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2024
    公益財団法人 北海道銀行中小企業人材育成基金
  • 2023年度ものづくり開発・グリーン成長分野推進事業(審査委員)               
    10 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2024
  • GMOサイバーセキュリティbyイエラエ株式会社(技術アドバイザー)               
    01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2024
  • 穴吹興産株式会社(AI研究アドバイザー)               
    01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2024
  • ノザキ製菓株式会社(顧問)               
    01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2024
  • 株式会社Innovation BASE 北海道(技術顧問)               
    01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2024
    株式会社Innovation BASE 北海道
  • 株式会社スクリエ(顧問)               
    01 Oct. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2024
  • 株式会社クレスコ(情報科学/人工知能(AI)研究者)               
    01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2024
  • 株式会社ニッセイコム(技術顧問)               
    01 Jul. 2022 - 29 Mar. 2024
  • X-Tech Innovation 2023最終選考会(審査委員)               
    06 Dec. 2023
  • 2022 年度中小企業技術活性化助成事業(選考委員)               
    16 Aug. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2023
    公益財団法人 北海道銀行中小企業人材育成基金
  • 札幌型ものづくり開発推進事業(審査委員)               
    20 Apr. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2023
  • 株式会社ビッグ(顧問)               
    01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2023
  • X-Tech Innovation 2022最終選考会(審査委員)               
    08 Dec. 2022
    株式会社 北海道銀行
  • 北海道・大学等発スタートアップ育成プラットフォームにおけるDemo Day(審査委員)               
    06 Jan. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2022
  • 2021 年度中小企業技術活性化助成事業(選考委員)               
    30 Aug. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2022
  • QUALITY HOKKAIDO一般社団法人(アドバイザー)               
    07 Jul. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2022
  • アズミー株式会社(顧問)               
    01 Jun. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2022
  • SCORE研究開発課題審査委員会(審査委員)               
    17 May 2021 - 31 Mar. 2022
    公益財団法人 北海道科学技術総合振興センター (ノーステック財団)
  • ザ・サン・ストラテジック・ソリューションズ株式会社(顧問)               
    01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2022
  • 札幌型ものづくり開発推進事業(審査委員)               
    Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2022
  • INSIGHT LAB株式会社(顧問)               
    01 Jan. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2022
  • X-Tech Innovetion 2021最終選考会(審査委員)               
    09 Dec. 2021
  • ヤマト運輸株式会社(アドバイザー)               
    15 Jan. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • 学内審査委員会(外部有識者)               
    01 Nov. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • ビッグデータ・AIコンペティション(審査員)               
    01 Jun. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • 札幌型ものづくり開発推進事業(審査委員)               
    16 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • トヨタ自動車北海道株式会社(アドバイザー)               
    15 Oct. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • 株式会社スペックホルダー(アドバイザー)               
    01 Jun. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • 株式会社スーパーホテル(顧問)               
    01 Jun. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • 株式会社クレスコ(アドバイザー)               
    01 Jul. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • 社団法人さっぽろイノベーションラボ(顧問)               
    16 Mar. 2020 - 15 Mar. 2021
  • X-Tech Innovetion 2020最終選考会(審査委員)               
    17 Dec. 2020
  • 株式会社SOU Technologies(顧問)               
    01 Nov. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2020
    株式会社SOU Technologies
  • 札幌型ものづくり開発推進事業(審査委員)               
    15 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2020
  • 株式会社サンクレエ(顧問)               
    01 Sep. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2020
  • 株式会社ニッコー(アドバイザー)               
    01 Mar. 2019 - 29 Feb. 2020
    Competition etc
  • 株式会社ビッグ(顧問)               
    21 Dec. 2017 - 20 Dec. 2019
  • X-Tech Innovetion 2019最終選考会(審査委員)               
    11 Dec. 2019
  • 穴吹興産株式会社(アドバイザー)               
    01 Dec. 2018 - 30 Nov. 2019
  • 平岸ハイヤー株式会社(アドバイザー)               
    01 Nov. 2018 - 31 Oct. 2019
  • 株式会社サングリン太陽園内スマート農業共同体(顧問)               
    26 Nov. 2018 - 30 Sep. 2019
  • AI TOKYO LAB株式会社(顧問)               
    01 Jul. 2016 - 30 Jun. 2019
    AI TOKYO LAB株式会社
  • ザ・サン・ストラテジック・ソリューションズ株式会社(顧問)               
    01 Jun. 2018 - 31 May 2019
  • 小仕事株式会社(アドバイザー)               
    01 Nov. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2019
  • 札幌型ものづくり開発推進事業(審査委員)               
    19 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2019
  • 株式会社アイウェイズコンサルティング(技術顧問)               
    01 Jan. 2018 - 31 Dec. 2018
  • X-Tech Innovetion 2018最終選考会(審査委員)               
    06 Dec. 2018
  • 株式会社道銀地域総合研究所(テーマ評価分析アドバイザー)               
    20 Dec. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2018
  • HOKKAIDO学生アプリコンテスト 審査委員会(委員)               
    Jun. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2018
  • 札幌型ものづくり開発推進事業(審査委員)               
    19 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2018
  • クリプトン・フューチャー・メディア株式会社(顧問)               
    01 Dec. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2018
  • 一般社団法人北海道オープンデータ推進協議会(技術顧問)               
    Dec. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2018
  • 株式会社ネイン(顧問)               
    01 Mar. 2017 - 28 Feb. 2018
  • X-Tech Innovetion 2017最終選考会(審査委員)               
    30 Jan. 2018
  • ザ・サン・ストラテジック・ソリューションズ株式会社(顧問)               
    01 Nov. 2016 - 31 Oct. 2017
  • SAPPORO AWARD 2017 審査委員会(審査委員)               
    05 Jul. 2017 - 25 Sep. 2017
  • 株式会社インターパーク(顧問)               
    01 Mar. 2017 - 30 Apr. 2017
  • 株式会社澪標アナリティクス(技術顧問)               
    08 Feb. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2017
  • ITイノベーション人材育成モデルプロジェクト支援補助金審査委員会(委員)               
    29 Aug. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2017
  • HOKKAIDO学生アプリコンテスト 審査委員会(委員)               
    Jun. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2017
  • X-Tech Innovetion 2016最終選考会(審査委員)               
    24 Feb. 2017
  • HOKKAIDO学生アプリコンテスト 審査委員会(委員)               
    Jun. 2015 - Mar. 2016
  • 株式会社ABEJA(技術顧問)               
    Jul. 2013 - Jun. 2014


  • 2021 - Present