Yamamura Takayoshi
Center for Advanced Tourism Studies | Professor |
Global Institute for Collaborative Research and Education | Professor |
Last Updated :2025/02/13
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- 人と人、過去と現在を結ぶ仕組みとしてのツーリズムに着目。特にアニメ等の現代文化(ポピュラーカルチャー)をきっかけとした人の流動が、地域の伝統文化の再生・再評価に果たす可能性について、内外のフィールドワークを通した研究を展開している。
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- AAJ-6433-2020
J-Global ID
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Research Field
Educational Organization
- Master's degree program, Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies
- Doctoral (PhD) degree program, Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies
- Apr. 2013 - Present
Hokkaido University, Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Professor - Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2013
Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, Associate Professor - Apr. 2004 - Mar. 2007
Kyoto Saga University of Arts, 助教授 - Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2004
Kyoto Saga University of Arts, 専任講師 - 2002
- Lecture, Department of Tourism Design, - 2001
- Joint Researcher, National Ethnology Museum - Apr. 1996 - Apr. 1998
株式会社三和総合研究所地域開発部(大阪), 研究員 - 1996 - 1998
Researcher/Analyst, Sanwa Research Institute - Kyoto-Saga University of Arts
Educational Background
Committee Memberships
- Apr. 2021 - Present
一般社団法人大槌町観光交流協会コンテンツビジネス戦略事業部会, 特別顧問, Autonomy - Apr. 2018 - Present
間野山研究学会, 会長, Society - Apr. 2018 - Present
間野山研究学会, 理事, Society - Oct. 2017 - Present
AAA (American Anthropological Association), 正会員, Society - Dec. 2016 - Nov. 2018
TTRA Apac, 理事, Society - 2003
AAS (Association for Asian Studies), Member, Society
Position History
■Research activity information
- Sep. 2017, 公益社団法人日本観光振興協会, 第65回日本観光ポスターコンクール オンライン投票部門
世界遺産の里;南砺;五箇山;制作・プロデュース - 2017, 公益社団法人日本広告写真家協会, 第45回公益社団法人日本広告写真家協会公募展APAアワード2017広告作品部門
世界文化遺産五箇山ポスター;制作;プロデュース - Jan. 2017, 北海道大学, 平成28年度研究総長賞(奨励賞)
山村 高淑 - Aug. 2005, 4th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Student Research in Tourism, Best Poster Award of the Year
Kohno, Junya;Takayoshi, Yamamura - Apr. 2002, 旅の文化研究所, The 1st Cultural Tourism Research Award
- Tourism
Takayoshi Yamamura, Philip Seaton
Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Japan, 401, 412, Taylor and Francis, 01 Jan. 2020
English, In book - Contents tourism: background, context, and future INTRODUCTION
Nelson Graburn, Takayoshi Yamamura
English, This introductory essay shows a brief overview of issues discussed by previous contents tourism studies to provide the basic theoretical framework on analyzing contents tourism phenomena in the age of transmedia, multi-use of contents. Contents Tourism is a Japanese word designating tourism which is stimulated by Popular Culture. Under the present circumstances, fan tourists, as well as contents businesses and local authorities/communities, are all expressing their creativity in the context of tourism and delivering their contents through a variety of media. These creative activities by each actor increasingly blur their previous relationships, resulting in the formation of relatively loosely-bound communities transcending affiliations and nationalities, sharing contents as a communication tool. In other words, the relationships between the host and guests are blurred and a community connected by contents and transcending previous differences has been formed. From this point of view, in this special issue, we will explore the development of contents tourism in Japan and its trans-cultural global influences, as well as comparable developments in other countries, focusing especially on the creativity of contents tourism and the growth of 'tribes' of fans. - Contents tourism and creative fandom: the formation process of creative fandom and its transnational expansion in a mixed-media age
Takayoshi Yamamura
English, Scientific journal, Today, as information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become sophisticated and media have become diversified, phenomena such as interactions between electronic media space and real space are rapidly developing in a borderless manner. Characteristic phenomena in such a situation include cross-border consumption, dissolution, and restructuring of pop culture contents by 'creative fandoms' (fans who act creatively) such as mixed-media developments and fanfictions of the same contents. 'Contents tourism', the approach that does not focus on particular media but focuses on the contents themselves to grasp the tourism phenomenon, is increasingly important on that very point. In this paper, using this concept of creative fandom, first the Comiket and its voluntary culture will be explored, then, the Washimiya case will be re-examined from the point of view of creative fandom, and finally in section five, the case of Taiwan will be analysed in order to investigate the establishment of international creative fandom. In particular, two kinds of relationships, the ones between hosts and guests and the ones between creators and consumers, are focused on, and the facts are presented with the conclusion that creative fandoms cause the breakdown of the two borders to produce new styles of tourism and cross-cultural exchange. - Introduction: Contents Tourism Beyond Anime Tourism
Takayoshi Yamamura
English, International conference proceedings - Travelling Heidi: International Contents Tourism Induced by Japanese Anime
Takayoshi Yamamura
English, International conference proceedings - Pop culture contents and historical heritage: case of heritage revitalization through ‘contents tourism’ in Shiroishi city
YAMAMURA Takayoshi
Contemporary Japan, published online, Apr. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Cooperation Between Anime Producers and the Japan Self-Defense Force: Creating Fantasy and/or Propaganda?
Takayoshi Yamamura
Journal of War and Culture Studies, 12, 1, 1, 16, ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Dec. 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal, © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group This paper presents examples of collaboration between anime producers and the Japan Self-Defense Force. By situating the transitions within the context of the broader trends in collaboration between anime producers and locations (namely, the development of contents tourism), the key turning point in anime producer — JSDF collaboration is be identified and explained. Then, the reasons why in recent years JSDF has been actively collaborating with the production of pop culture contents in the realms of fantasy and fiction with an anime fanbase will be discussed. What is happening in Japan today is a fantasization (= contentsization) and consumption of the military, rather than a ‘drift to the right’ or resurgence of militarism. The pressures to produce military or ‘moe military’ anime are driven by the market rather than the military. - Contents tourism and local community response: Lucky star and collaborative anime-induced tourism in Washimiya
Takayoshi Yamamura
Japan Forum, 27, 1, 59, 81, Routledge, 02 Jan. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal, Abstract: This article demonstrates how a local community succeeded in forming favourable relationships with fans and copyright holders in Washimiya, a town in which the anime television series Lucky star was set. Washimiya is now visited by fans from all across Japan as a so-called anime sacred site. Through interviews with fans, local people and the anime production company, participant observation and analysis of primary documents, the article outlines how the local community, fans and copyright holders formed relationships based on mutual consideration to the benefit of all. Mutual understanding and common goals emerged from their shared respect for the contents (Lucky star), a phenomenon that has received little attention in discussions about ‘contents tourism’. By viewing contents tourism not only as a licensing business or business between the host and the guest, but instead as communication between people in an actual space and time with contents at the centre of interactions, many important insights are gained into the potential for contents tourism. - Japanese Popular Culture and Contents Tourism – Introduction
Philip Seaton, Takayoshi Yamamura
Japan Forum, 27, 1, 1, 11, Routledge, 02 Jan. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal, This introduction to the special issue on ‘Japanese Popular Culture and Contents Tourism’ places the four articles in theoretical and contextual perspective. Contents tourism is a theoretical concept that originated in Japan. Its closest counterpart in the English-language literature at present is film-induced tourism or media-induced tourism. Contents tourism is placed within the theoretical context of cultural tourism and the rationale for its focus on narratives, characters and other creative elements over media format (for example, cinema) is explained. The article then gives a brief chronological overview of how contents tourism has worked its way into the official language of government economic and tourism policy up to and including 2013. - Revitalization of historical heritage using pop culture in Japan: Shiroishi City and the game/anime Sengoku Basara
Takayoshi Yamamura
Tourism Analysis, 20, 3, 327, 332, Cognizant Communication Corporation, 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal, This research note examines the processes of tourism promotion and local cultural heritage revitalization using the video game/anime Sengoku BASARA, focusing on the case of Shiroishi city in Miyagi prefecture, Japan. Through interviews with people directly involved in the tourism sector and local media or online sources, the unfolding of the tourism boom is described. The article looks especially at the involvement of three groups-fans (tourists), local community, and the anime/game production company-and divides the processes of tourism development and promotion into five stages. Participatory events are flourishing through the efforts of local citizens and fans, who join together in appreciating the historical heritage of the local region. These findings suggest that a key to the successful use of game contents to promote historical tourism for the game/anime to be treated as an opportunity, and to have the fans of the game/ anime become fans of the local region. Such a process encourages local residents to feel pride towards the history. An important factor in achieving this is to connect the present-day contents depicted in the game/ anime with the authentic historical contents in the local region. Finally, the attractiveness as well as the depth of the local region must be shown to the fans. It must be presented to the local residents that the fans of the game/anime are not just admirers of the work, but that they are actually admiring the historical character of the local region and the history of the local region. These suggestions imply the possibility of a new form of tourism where new cultures can be created by revitalizing the local heritage. - A Study on the Management and Utilization of the Guesthouses, Backpacker Hostels, and Inns in Japan
Ishikawa Misumi, Yamamura Takayoshi
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 49, 2, 140, 145, 日本都市計画学会, 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal, Recent times have seen an increase in the use of guesthouses as accommodations for tourists in Japan. However, this social trend has not been studied from the viewpoint of scientific investigation. Thus, this study has three purposes: 1) to clarify the management and utilization of guesthouses as tourist accommodations in Japan; 2) to consider the characteristics of this type of housing and then compare them with those of existing accommodations; and 3) to consider the background of the emergence of guesthouses in Japan. The paper adopted a questionnaire survey to obtain relevant data on the management and utilization of guesthouses. - The mediatisation of culture: Japanese contents tourism and pop culture
Sue Beeton, Takayoshi Yamamura, Philip Seaton
Mediating the Tourist Experience: From Brochures to Virtual Encounters, 139, 154, Dec. 2013
English - Background and status of the group-tour boom during Japan's high economic growth years: the case of shokuba-ryoko, company trip
山村 高淑
Bulletin of the Institute for the Culture of Travel, 20, 9, 24, 旅の文化研究所, Mar. 2011, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - A study on the residents' viewpoints concerning their resident status and their ways to spend holidays: a case of residence type guesthouse in Tokyo
Journal of lifology, 16, 27, 38, 日本生活学会, 2009
Japanese, The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationships between resident status and resident interaction. The study will then consider the residents' viewpoints concerning their resident status and their ways to spend holidays. As a specific case in point, the study examines the Residence Type Guesthouse "Tokyo Guesthouse (Tentative)" located at Central Tokyo. As a result, the followings are found: 1) Over 80% of Tokyo Guesthouse residents are young workers. 2) Some of them pointed out that the merit of living in a residence type guesthouse is to be able to have the opportunity and space for a full conversation with other residents. 3) On the other hand, some of the residents try to prevent excessive interference with other residents. 4) Some of them often go out with other residents. - THE IMPACT OF THE USE OF TRADITIONAL HOUSES BY BECOMING TOURIST SITE : A case of the world heritage site, the old town of Lijiang, Yunnan province, China
J. Archit. Plann., 629, 1499, 1506, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, Jul. 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, The objectives of this research are to understand the use of traditional houses, to identify the associated tourism impact from the standpoint of maintaining houses in the World Heritage Site, the Old Town of Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China. This is part of an investigation of the problems related to the rapid development of tourism and its pressures on the Old Town of Lijiang, focusing on the use of traditional houses.<br> The findings revealed that the following three points were influencing the transformation of the use of traditional houses.<br>1) The place transformation of each function, such as living, guest room, and etc. in the traditional houses.<br>2) The area transformation of each function, such as living, guest room, and etc. in the traditional houses.<br>3) The social transformation surrounding the traditional houses in the Old Town of Lijiang. - A report of aspect of the houses along the tea horse road: Case of areas between the old town of Lijiang and the old town of Dali, Yunnan Province, China
Yosuke Fujiki, Megumi Kitayama, Takayoshi Yamamura
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 14, 27, 265, 269, 一般社団法人日本建築学会, Jun. 2008
Japanese, Scientific journal, The objectives of this research are to understand the actual status of traditional houses along the Tea Horse Road between Tibet and Yunnan province in China. This report focuses on to understand the peculiarities of houses around between The Old Town of Lijiang and The Old Town of Dali. The results can be concluded asfollows: Most of peculiarities are recognized on the facade design of the houses. However, it is also recognized that an impact of tourism on the houses, particularly around The Old Town of Lijiang. The impact of tourism disperses its own architectural peculiarities. - Study of birth and development of "dacred place for anime fans": discussion of tourist promotions based on animated work "luckey star" focused on Washimiya, Saitama Prefecture
山村 高淑
The journal of international media, communication, and tourism studies, 7, 145, 164, 北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, 2008
Japanese, This paper is a survey of how the town of Washimiya became the "sacred place" for anime fans ever since fans from all around the country rushed to visit the town after it was used as a setting for the animation "Lucky Star", leading also to the town successfully holding two events for these fans. The following three points were discussed. 1)The process leading up to the town becoming a "sacred place". 2)The process leading up to the town welcoming tourists. 3)The roles of tourist related corporations outside the town. As a result, it was found that in each process the local commerce and industry association played a central role. It was also found that withthe town's commerce and industry association at the core, a local shrine, local shops, fans, and corporations from outside the region (copyright owners and a tourist agency) were able to build a relationship of mutual benefit as a backdrop to the current success. - Cultural Tourism Development as a Regional Development Issue in Developing Countries : The Latest Trend of Issues and Studies concerning the Relationship between Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development
山村 高淑
国立民族学博物館調査報告, 61, 11, 54, 国立民族学博物館, Mar. 2006, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
Japanese, 本稿の目的は,これまでの途上国の観光開発に関する内外の議論を,地域開発論・計画論的観点から体系的に整理し,その論点・問題点を明確化することにある。具体的にはまず,これまでの途上国の観光開発に関する研究や議論が行われてきた時代的背景を大まかに捉え,時代区分の設定を試みた。続いて既往研究の論点を,観光開発がインパクトを与える対象毎に分類し,それらの議論の持つ意味と問題点について体系的に概観・整理した。そして最後に,文化遺産とツーリズムの関係性に関してどのような論点が形成されつつあるのか,今後の可能性について一定の方向性を提示することを試みた。その結果,今後最も重要となると考えられる論点として,持続可能な観光開発を実現することを挙げ,そのために必要な要件として,ホスト社会自身が,ホスト社会の営みに関係する全ての要素――すなわち文化遺産――を維持・継承すること,そしてそれと同時に,観光という文脈において文化遺産を再構築することで文化観光を適切に創出すること,を指摘した。さらにそのためには,地域の主体性が機能し,自律的な活動の展開が可能となる,ホスト社会に密着した形の,小さな規模の観光形態が求められることも併せて指摘している。The aim of this paper is to systematically organize the domestic and foreign discussion regarding tourism development in developing countries carried out over the last 40 years from the point of view of regional development and planning, and clarify these issues. In particular to begin with, the paper looks at the general background of this 40 year period in which research and discussion was carried out in regard to tourism development in these developing countries, and an attempt is made to establish this period into separate phases. Then, the contents of these previously made studies will be classified by subjects in which tourism development has made an impact. These are then reviewed and organized in regard to the problems and significance, which these discussions have. Then finally, the paper will attempt to offer one possible direction concerning what form continued future discussion will take regarding the relationship between cultural heritage and tourism. The result is that this increasingly important issue will bring about the realization of sustainable tourism development and as a necessary requirement the host community itself must maintain and continue to inherit all related elements of daily life in the host community, in other words, the cultural heritage. Then, at the same time, they must also create cultural tourism accordingly by the reconstruction of cultural heritage from the context of tourism. Furthermore, in order to do that, the paper also points out the fact that a small scale system of tourism will be necessary, which is closely related to the host community based on local identity and a movement of autonomous activities.文化遺産マネジメントとツーリズムの持続的関係構築に関する研究. 西山徳明編. - 民族衣装の新潮流--近・現代における中国雲南省麗江ナシ族女性の民族衣装デザインの変遷に関する基礎資料の収集
北川 恵美, 山村 高淑
紀要, 31, 70, 77, 京都嵯峨芸術大学, 2006
Japanese - Conserving the Comprehensive Image of Natural Settings for World Heritage Sites: A Case of the Yulongxueshan Snow Mountain as the Landmark for the Old Town of Lijiang
ZHANG. Tianxin, YAMAMURA. Takayoshi, FUJIKI. Yosuke
Internet Proceedings:ACCESSION NO: 15017. (ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1). URL:http://www.international.icomos.org/xian2005/papers.htm.(Paper No.1-40), 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
English, International conference proceedings - Dongba art in Lijiang, China: Indigenous culture, local community and tourism
Takayoshi Yamamura
Indigenous Tourism: The Commodification and Management of Culture, 181, 199, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
English, International conference proceedings - 100年後の森をデザインする : 中国長江上流域における政府・地域住民・学生の共同による森林管理の実践
山村 高淑, 和 愛軍, 高橋 勇一, 張 天新
京都嵯峨芸術大学紀要, 30, 68, 73, 京都嵯峨芸術大学, 2005
Japanese - 文化的景観と場所論 : 「文化的景観」概念の歴史的市街地保全への適用に関する考察
山村 高淑, 張 天新
京都嵯峨芸術大学紀要, 29, 21, 35, 京都嵯峨芸術大学, 03 Mar. 2004
Japanese - Tourism Development and Residents Participation in a Rural Area of China : A Case of Baihua Village in Huangshan, Lijiang, Yunnan Province
山村 高淑
Senri ethnological reports ; SER, 51, 13, 51, 国立民族学博物館, 2004
Japanese - The Actual Situation of the Tourism Industry based on the World Heritage and its Problems - An Analysis of the Shopkeepers and the Running Condition of the Souvenir Shops in Lijiang, China -
YAMAMURA Takayoshi, KIDOKORO Tetsuo, ONISHI Takashi
Papers on city planning, pp.257-252, 0, 247, 252, 日本都市計画学会, Oct. 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, In this paper, we examined the present state of commercial use of historical buildings in the old town of Lijiang, China, in order to investigate the problems of cultural-tourism development based on the World Heritage. In recent years, the uses of historical buildings built by the Naxis, the indigenous ethnic group of Lijiang, have drastically changed and now over 60% of shops are souvenir shops and restaurants for tourists. Furthermore, over 50% of the shopkeepers are temporary residents and a large majority of them rent rooms from indigenous owners. These findings suggest that the minority's residential location and their culture is rapidly changing as the tourism is developing. And they implicate that policy re-evaluation is essential for sustainable tourism-development. - SURVEY AND ANALYSIS CONCERNING COMMERCIALIZATION BY TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE HISTORICAL CITY IN CHINA : Case study on old town of Lijiang
YAMAMURA Takayoshi
AIJ journal of technology and design, 第12号, pp.191-194, 1474, 191, 194, 日本建築学会, Jul. 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, The purpose of this study is to clarify the process of social transformation in the historical city core in Lijiang, which is one of the World Heritages. The survey on residents and uses of the historical buildings were made and its results can be concluded as follows : In the process of tourism development, uses of the historical buildings built by indigenous Naxi-minority as residences have drastically changed and now over 50% of them are used for tourism industry. And 36% of the present residents of historical buildings are newcomers who came from outside of Lijiang. - The Actual Situation of the Tourism industry based on the World Heritage and its Problems:An Analysis of the Shopkeepers and the Running Condition of the Souvenir Shops in Lijiang, China
Yamamura Takayoshi, Kidokoro Tetsuo, Onishi Takashi
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 36, 247, 252, The City Planning Institute of Japan, 2001
Japanese, In this paper, we examined the present state of commercial use of historical buildings in the old town of Lijiang, China, in order to investigate the problems of cultural-tourism development based on the World Heritage. In recent years, the uses of historical buildings built by the Naxis, the indigenous ethnic group of Lijiang, have drastically changed and now over 60% of shops are souvenir shops and restaurants for tourists. Furthermore, over 50% of the shopkeepers are temporary residents and a large majority of them rent rooms from indigenous owners. These findings suggest that the minority's residential location and their culture is rapidly changing as the tourism is developing. And they implicate that policy re-evaluation is essential for sustainable tourism-development. - A Survey on the Features of the Public Street Use at the Residential Area in China - In the Case of the old Colonical Area, Hankou, Wuhan -
YAMAMURA Takayoshi, DOHI Hiroshi
Papers on city planning, 32, 0, 361, 366, 日本都市計画学会, Oct. 1997, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, This survey was carried out in Wuhan city, China, to understand how to use the public street in the residential area. As a result, it was found out that the public street is occupied by a lot of things and both residents and non-residents use this space. There is a relation between the use for the first floor of the architectures and the way of use of the street. These factors make some order of the use for the public space and it suggests the process of the formation of "gray-zone".
Other Activities and Achievements
- Contents Tourism in Sapporo
Yamamura, Takayoshi, Koarai, Ryo, Jin, Qian, 2, 1, 59, 10 Mar. 2023
2022年度北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院『コンテンツツーリズム論演習』成果物, 北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院2022 年度後期開講科目『コンテンツツーリズム論演習』(担当教員:山村高淑), Japanese - SURVEY REPORT ON ACTUAL SITUATION OF TRADITIONAL DWELLINGS IN A WORLD HERITAGE SITE, THE OLD TOWN OF LIJIANG, YUNNAN PROVINCE, CHINA IN 2017
藤木 庸介, 北山 めぐみ, 張 天新, 山村 高淑, 人間文化 : 滋賀県立大学人間文化学部研究報告, 48, 26, 32, Mar. 2020
滋賀県立大学人間文化学部, Japanese - 7449 中国雲南省麗江旧市街地における伝統的民家の現状 観光地化が世界遺産都市・麗江に与える空間的・社会的インパクトに関する研究 その18
藤木 庸介, 北山 めぐみ, 張 天新, 山村 高淑, 都市計画, 2018, 963, 964, 20 Jul. 2018
日本建築学会, Japanese - 7450 中国雲南省麗江旧市街地の主要街路における町並み変容の実態 観光地化が世界遺産都市・麗江に与える空間的・社会的インパクトに関する研究 その19
北山 めぐみ, 藤木 庸介, 山村 高淑, 張 天新, 都市計画, 2018, 965, 966, 20 Jul. 2018
日本建築学会, Japanese - コンテンツツーリズムによるインバウンド誘致 : 国の施策と地域が考えるべき基本的課題について (特集 異文化接触としてのインバウンド)
山村 高淑, 都市問題, 108, 1, 38, 42, Jan. 2017
後藤・安田記念東京都市研究所, Japanese - サブカルサプリ第29回 : アニメ聖地に大切なこと : 二つの熱い想いゆえの聖地
山村 高淑, 埼玉新聞, 11 Oct. 2014
埼玉新聞2014年10月11日版、特集「サイタマニア」、p.2, 埼玉新聞社, Japanese - サブカルサプリ第28回 : 土師祭に見るまつりの本質 : 地縁と趣味縁が併存
山村 高淑, 埼玉新聞, 07 Sep. 2014
埼玉新聞2014年9月7日版、特集「サイタマニア」、p.2, 埼玉新聞社, Japanese - ご当地キャラクターの背景にあるもの : "地元意識"のあり方と"幼稚さ"の意義について (特集 "地元"意識を考える)
山村 高淑, 都市問題, 105, 8, 18, 22, Aug. 2014
後藤・安田記念東京都市研究所, Japanese - サブカルサプリ第27回 : ゆるキャラ文化の進化論 : 「幼稚さ」の動物行動学的考察
山村 高淑, 埼玉新聞, 23 Nov. 2013
埼玉新聞2013年11月23日版、特集「サイタマニア」、p.2, 埼玉新聞社, Japanese - Contents Tourism to Be Learned from the Sacred Place, Wahinomiya Which Is the Central Location for Anime, "Raki-Suta" : Regional Developments through the Discussion with Anime Voice Actors, Chamber of Commerce Board Members and Researchers
Emiri KATO, Kaori FUKUHARA, Atsushi SAKATA, Shinji MATSUMOTO, Takayoshi YAMAMURA, Takeshi OKAMOTO, 総合社会学部研究報告 = Reports from the Faculty of Social Relations, Kyoto Bunkyo University, 15, 39, 62, 31 Mar. 2013
京都文教大学, Japanese - 弱点を分析し武器に、豊かな個性アピール : 多彩な観光プログラムで観光立県目指す : 埼玉県
山村 高淑, 日経グローカル, 216, 48, 49, 18 Mar. 2013
日本経済新聞社, Japanese - コンテンツ・ツーリズムの可能性と課題 : キャラクターやストーリーを地域で活用する際のいくつかの重要な論点
山村 高淑, 都道府県展望, 654, 7, 12, 14 Mar. 2013
全国知事会, Japanese - 住民・旅行者が一緒に踊る祭りの魅力 : 「上田わっしょい」に見る「連」の可能性 : 長野県上田市
山村 高淑, 日経グローカル, 214, 50, 51, 18 Feb. 2013
日本経済新聞社, Japanese - 大衆文化の揺籃としての神社を考える : なぜ神社がコンテンツツーリズムの目的地となるのか? (特集 森と社のコンテンツツーリズム)
山村 高淑, 環境会議, 39, 175, 181, 2013
宣伝会議, Japanese - キャラクターマーケティングの先駆 : 多層的展開で地域ブランドを確立 : 鳥取県境港市
山村 高淑, 日経グローカル, 210, 50, 51, 17 Dec. 2012
日本経済新聞社, Japanese - 地域住民と旅行者の双方を魅了 : 飽きさせない「ごった煮」感 : 名古屋市大須商店街
山村 高淑, 日経グローカル, 208, 50, 51, 19 Nov. 2012
日本経済新聞社, Japanese - アニメ作品とツーリズムの接点を地域から考える
山村 高淑, Oct. 2012
『知のフロンティア 第2号 北海道大学の研究者は、いま』, pp.200-201, 北海道大学アドミッションセンター, Japanese - 自治体・アニメタイアップの先進例 : TV放映前から連携、官民一体で推進委 : 千葉県鴨川市
山村 高淑, 日経グローカル, 196, 78, 79, 21 May 2012
日本経済新聞社, Japanese - 相次ぐ仕掛けでオタク層取り込む : コンテンツツーリズムの成功例に : 埼玉県久喜市鷲宮(旧鷲宮町)
山村 高淑, 日経グローカル, 194, 50, 51, 16 Apr. 2012
日本経済新聞社, Japanese - ツーリズムにおけるソーシャルタギングの意義と可能性
張 慶在, 岡本 健, 山村 高淑, CATS 叢書, 7, 289, 306, 31 Mar. 2012
観光資源としてのコンテンツを考える : 情報社会における旅行行動の諸相から = Current Issues in Contents Tourism : Aspects of Tourism in an Information-Based Society, 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター = Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, Japanese - 北海道のコミュニティ・ベースド・ツーリズム振興に果たす小規模宿泊施設の役割に関する実証的研究 : 農山漁村地域の民宿と都市部のゲストハウスとの比較分析
山村 高淑, 石川 美澄, 助成研究論文集, 229, 248, 2012
北海道開発協会開発調査総合研究所, Japanese - 巻頭言 : 旅するコンテンツに捧ぐ
山村 高淑, コンテンツツーリズム研究 : Journal of Contents Tourism Studies, 0, 4, 8, 31 Dec. 2011
コンテンツツーリズム研究会, Japanese - Indigenous tourism in the Network Society : A Case on Indigenous Heritage Tourism Project in Hokkaido, Japan
張 慶在, 山村 高淑, 日本観光研究学会全国大会学術論文集, 26, 413, 416, Dec. 2011
日本観光研究学会, Japanese - むすび
山村 高淑, Mar. 2011
『アニメで地域はもっと元気になれる! : アニメを活用したまちおこし活動事例集』埼玉県産業労働部観光課 地域資源・フィルムコミッション担当 編著 p.13, 奇玉県産業労働部観光課地域資源・フィルムコミッション担当, Japanese - 鷲宮町・幸手市の経験から学ぶ観光まちづくりのキーポイント
山村 高淑, CATS 叢書, 4, 71, 76, 20 Mar. 2010
次世代まちおこしとツーリズム : 鷲宮町・幸手市に見る商店街振興の未来 = Community Development and Tourism for the Next Generation, 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター、鷲宮町商工会 = Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, Washimiya Town Commerce and Industry Association, Japanese - 補記. 新たな観光のあり方に向けた視点のシフト : 「観光消費」から「観光創造」へ
山村 高淑, CATS 叢書, 4, 85, 87, 20 Mar. 2010
次世代まちおこしとツーリズム : 鷲宮町・幸手市に見る商店街振興の未来 = Community Development and Tourism for the Next Generation, 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター、鷲宮町商工会 = Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, Washimiya Town Commerce and Industry Association, Japanese - 鷲宮町・幸手市の経験から学ぶ観光まちづくりのキーポイント
山村 高淑, CATS 叢書, 4, 20, 26, 20 Mar. 2010
次世代まちおこしとツーリズム : 鷲宮町・幸手市に見る商店街振興の未来 = Community Development and Tourism for the Next Generation, 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター、鷲宮町商工会 = Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, Washimiya Town Commerce and Industry Association, Japanese - 鷲宮・幸手「まちおこし」年表(2004~2009) : 鷲宮町と幸手市における地域振興の展開経緯
山村 高淑, 岡本 健, 松本 真治, 坂田 圧巳, 山内 正明, CATS 叢書, 4, 77, 80, 20 Mar. 2010
次世代まちおこしとツーリズム : 鷲宮町・幸手市に見る商店街振興の未来 = Community Development and Tourism for the Next Generation, 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター、鷲宮町商工会 = Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, Washimiya Town Commerce and Industry Association, Japanese - 商店街とまちおこし "これまで"と"これから" : 観光まちづくりにおける「交流」の意味を考える
山村 高淑, 松本 真治, CATS 叢書, 4, 84, 84, 20 Mar. 2010
次世代まちおこしとツーリズム : 鷲宮町・幸手市に見る商店街振興の未来 = Community Development and Tourism for the Next Generation, 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター、鷲宮町商工会 = Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, Washimiya Town Commerce and Industry Association, Japanese - ブータンに学ぶ観光開発の哲学 : GNHとツーリズムの関係性についての一考察
山村 高淑, CATS 叢書, 3, 211, 216, 01 Feb. 2010
我々、北海道大学観光学高等研究センターは、2006年度より財団法人日本交通公社の特定研究プロジェクト「コミュニティ・ベースド・ツーリズムに関する研究」に共同研究の形で参画させていただいている。コミュニティ自身が自律的にツーリズムをコントロールし、自らの社会・文化の発展につなげていくための方策を、国内外の先進事例から探っていこうというものである。さて2007年11月24日から12月4日にわたり、この研究の一環として、ブータン王国での実地調査を行った。その目的は、ずばり「GNH(Gross National Happiness:国民総幸福量)とツーリズムとの関係性」について、調査団員各自の専門分野の視点から考察することであった。本稿では筆者の専門分野であるヘリテージツーリズム(文化遺産観光)の観点に偏ることをお断りしつつ、このブータン調査で得られた知見の一部を報告したい。コミュニティ・ベースド・ツーリズム事例研究 ~観光とコミュニティの幸せな関係性の構築に向けて~ = Case Studies of Community-Based Tourism : Towards a Sustainable Happy Relationship between Tourism and Community, 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター、日本交通公社 = Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, Japan Travel Bureau Foundation, Japanese - Anime Pilgrimage and Local Tourism Promotion : An Experience of Washimiya Town, the Sacred Place for Anime "Lucky Star" Fans
Yamamura Takayoshi, 北海道大学文化資源マネジメント論集, 14, 1, 9, 29 May 2009
This paper examines how the town of Washimiya has become a mecca for anime lovers ever since fans from all around the country rushed to visit after it was used as a setting for the TV animation series Lucky Star. As a result, the town has successfully hosted two anime-related events for these fans. As a result, it was found that the local Commerce and Industry Association played a central role in each process. It was also discovered that, with the town's Commerce and Industry Association at the core, a local shrine, local shops, fans and corporations from outside the region (copyright owners and a tourist agency) were able to build mutually beneficial relationships as a backdrop to the current success., Cultural Resource Management Laboratory, Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, English - 観光情報革命が変える日本のまちづくり--インターネット時代の若者の旅文化と新たなコミュニティの可能性 (特集 観光立国時代の地域づくり)
山村 高淑, まちづくり, 22, 46, 51, Apr. 2009
学芸出版社, Japanese - 観光革命と21世紀 : アニメ聖地巡礼型まちづくりに見るツーリズムの現代的意義と可能性
山村 高淑, CATS叢書 : 観光学高等研究センター叢書, 1, 3, 28, 25 Mar. 2009
メディアコンテンツとツーリズム : 鷲宮町の経験から考える文化創造型交流の可能性 / 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター文化資源マネジメント研究チーム編 = Media Contents and Tourism : An Experience of Washimiya Town and Neon Genesis of Tourism / Edited by Cultural Resource Management Research Team, CATS, Hokkaido University, 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター = Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, Japanese - おわりに : 21世紀のツーリズム研究に向けて
山村 高淑, CATS叢書 : 観光学高等研究センター叢書, 1, 129, 133, 25 Mar. 2009
メディアコンテンツとツーリズム : 鷲宮町の経験から考える文化創造型交流の可能性 / 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター文化資源マネジメント研究チーム編 = Media Contents and Tourism : An Experience of Washimiya Town and Neon Genesis of Tourism / Edited by Cultural Resource Management Research Team, CATS, Hokkaido University, 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター = Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, Japanese - La nueva relación entre la cultura popular/la subcultura y el turismo en Japón
Yamamura Takayoshi, 北海道大学文化資源マネジメント論集, 12, 1, 11, 05 Mar. 2009
Cultural Resource Management Laboratory, Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, Spanish, Castilian - 観光情報革命と文化創出型観光の可能性--アニメ聖地巡礼に見る次世代ツーリズムの萌芽 (特集 観光新時代の地域開発)
山村 高淑, 地域開発, 533, 32, 36, Feb. 2009
特集 観光新時代の地域開発, 日本地域開発センター, Japanese - 世界遺産と観光をめぐる近年の諸問題
山村 高淑, 北海道大学文化資源マネジメント論集, 5, 1, 5, 05 Jan. 2009
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院観光創造専攻文化資源マネジメント研究室, Japanese - 情報社会における観光革命--文明史的に見た観光のグローバルトレンド (特集 観光振興と情報技術)
石森 秀三, 山村 高淑, JACIC情報, 24, 2, 5, 17, 2009
通号94号, 日本建設情報総合センター, Japanese - 観光情報革命時代のツーリズム(その3) : 文化の集散地の可能性
山村 高淑, 北海道大学文化資源マネジメント論集, 3, 1, 5, 20 Dec. 2008
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院観光創造専攻文化資源マネジメント研究室, Japanese - 観光情報革命時代のツーリズム(その1) : 観光情報革命論(序)
山村 高淑, 北海道大学文化資源マネジメント論集, 1, 1, 10, 12 Dec. 2008
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院観光創造専攻文化資源マネジメント研究室, Japanese - A study on the impact of animated works on tourism development (part 1) Birth and development of anime pilgrimage
岡本 健, 山村 高淑, 松本 真治, Proceedings of JITR annual conference, 23, 349, 352, Nov. 2008
日本観光研究学会, Japanese - A study on the impact of animated works on tourism development (part 2) Development process of Lucky・star pilgrimage in Washimiya Town-Saitama and its visitors
山村 高淑, 岡本 健, 松本 真治, Proceedings of JITR annual conference, 23, 353, 356, Nov. 2008
日本観光研究学会, Japanese - A study on the impact of animated works on tourism development (part 3) Characteristics of Lucky・star pilgrims in Washimiya Town-Saitama and their travel forms
石川 美澄, 岡本 健, 山村 高淑, Proceedings of JITR annual conference, 23, 357, 360, Nov. 2008
日本観光研究学会, Japanese - 7452 Research on The Transformation of The Townscape on The World Heritage Site, Relation to social background. : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part.17
FUJIKI Yosuke, KITAYAMA Megumi, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2008, 2008, 959, 960, 20 Jul. 2008
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7451 Research on The Transformation of The Townscape on The World Heritage Site. : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part.16
KITAYAMA Megumi, FUJIKI Yosuke, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2008, 2008, 957, 958, 20 Jul. 2008
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - A report of aspect of the houses along the tea horse road: Case of areas between the old town of Lijiang and the old town of Dali, Yunnan Province, China
Yosuke Fujiki, Megumi Kitayama, Takayoshi Yamamura, AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 14, 27, 265, 269, Jun. 2008
The objectives of this research are to understand the actual status of traditional houses along the Tea Horse Road between Tibet and Yunnan province in China. This report focuses on to understand the peculiarities of houses around between The Old Town of Lijiang and The Old Town of Dali. The results can be concluded asfollows: Most of peculiarities are recognized on the facade design of the houses. However, it is also recognized that an impact of tourism on the houses, particularly around The Old Town of Lijiang. The impact of tourism disperses its own architectural peculiarities., Japanese - 文化の継承と創造に寄与する次世代型ツーリズムについての試案 : オープンラボ方式エコツアーの可能性と実践を中心に
山村 高淑, 大交流時代における観光創造, 70, 173, 193, 31 Mar. 2008
北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院 = Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University, Japanese - The geographical changes of architectural aspects in private houses of minority peoples: the example of the area between the old town of Lijiang and the old town of Dali
藤木 庸介, 北山 めぐみ, 山村 高淑, Bulletin, 33, 1, 7, 2008
京都嵯峨芸術大学, Japanese - A study on sustainable campus-tourism development (part 1)
岡本 健, 山村 高淑, 大谷 あやの, Proceedings of JITR annual conference, 22, 17, 20, Dec. 2007
日本観光研究学会, Japanese - Dissemination and Tourism Use of Ethnic Music in China : A Study on the Development Process and Future Challenges of the Naxi Ancient Music Tourist Concert in Baihua Village, Huangshan, Yulong Naxi Autonomous County, Lijiang, Yunnan Province
山村 高淑, 観光創造研究, 1, 1, 22, 20 Aug. 2007
本稿は、地域開発政策の下に急激な観光地化が進行している中華人民共和国の雲南省において、農村民俗観光開発で最も成功しているとされる麗江市玉龍納西(ナシ)族自治県黄山鎮白華行政村を対象として、少数民族ナシ族の民族音楽と民間音楽組織に着目し、その変遷過程と観光開発との関わりについて、実地調査および文献調査に基づき検証したものである。その結果、地域住民自身が自律的に伝統的組織の再構築を行いツーリストコンサートの実施には至っているものの、地域住民と地元行政との関係性や、マクロな経済システムとの調整を取る組織や方法が曖昧な情況であること、地域住民自身の意見を集約し、それを開発計画に反映する方法が確立されていないこと、などが課題として存在することが明らかになった。これらの知見を踏まえた上で、本稿の結論として、当地の伝統的民族音楽に基づくツーリストコンサートを持続的に発展させていくためには、伝統的な集落の範囲を重視した上で、当事者の意見集約が可能となる組織の設置が早急に望まれることを提言している。This paper examined the relationship between the process of transition and the development of tourism based on field researches and a bibliographic survey targeting Baihua Village, Huangshan, Yulong Naxi Autonomous County, Lijiang, that is considered to be the most successful in settlement tourism development, and focusing attention on the popular music organization and the ethnic music of the ethnic minority, the Naxi people. As a result, although this lead to the realization of the tourist concert with the local residents autonomously restructuring the traditional organization, the existence of some challenges came to light. These are the relationship between the local authorities and the local residents, the fact that the situation in which the method and organization that is to adjust this with the macro economic system are ambiguous, and that the method to reflect the consolidated opinions of the local residents into the development plan has not been established. In conclusion, this paper suggests that upon considering all this knowledge, in order to continuously develop the tourist concert based on the traditional ethnic music of this area, it is desirable to immediately establish an organization that will make the consolidation of opinions of all those concerned, possible, by putting emphasis on the area of the traditional settlement., 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター = Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, Japanese - 7397 The Actual Situation of Building Use and Distribution of Buildings in the Central Area of the Old Town of Lijiang : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part. 13
YAMAGUCHI Yoshihiro, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, KITAYAMA Megumi, KASHIHARA Homare, FUJIKI Yosuke, ZHANG Tianxin, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2007, 2007, 851, 852, 31 Jul. 2007
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7398 Investigation of Traditional House-Surface along the Main Streets in the Old Town of Lijiang, Part.2 : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part. 14
KITAYAMA Megumi, FUJIKI Yosuke, YAMAGUCHI Yoshihiro, KASHIHARA Homare, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, ZHANG Tianxin, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2007, 2007, 853, 854, 31 Jul. 2007
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7399 Administration Policy and Townscape in The Old Town of Lijiang : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijianga World Heritage Site, Part. 15
FUJIKI Yosuke, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, KITAYAMA Megumi, ZHANG Tianxin, YAMAGUCHI Yoshihiro, KASHIHARA Homare, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2007, 855, 856, 2007
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - Development process of "Lijinag Old Town Conservation Ordinance" of Yunnan Province, China, and its details: a survey of systems of conservation for World Heritage Cities
山村 高淑, 藤木 庸介, 張 天新, Bulletin, 32, 26, 32, 2007
京都嵯峨芸術大学, Japanese - A study of the development of souvenirs that utilize traditional motifs and arts and crafts techniques: collecting dyed textiles and leather products from the Old Town of Lijinag, China
北川 恵美, 山村 高淑, Bulletin, 32, 33, 39, 2007
京都嵯峨芸術大学, Japanese - Actual conditions of the traditional architecture on the World Heritage Cities: an actual measurement of the traditional architecture on the Old Town of Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China
藤木 庸介, 山村 高淑, 柏原 誉, Bulletin, 32, 40, 46, 2007
京都嵯峨芸術大学, Japanese - 7435 Transformation of Traditional Houses and the Way of Living in the Old Town of Lijiang, Part2 : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part.9
KASHIHARA Homare, YAMAGUCHI Yoshihiro, KITAYAMA Megumi, FUJIKI Yosuke, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, ZHANG Tianxin, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2006, 2006, 893, 894, 31 Jul. 2006
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7436 Transformation of Traditional Houses and the Way of Living in the Old Town of Lijiang, Part3 : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part.10
YAMAGUCHI Yoshihiro, KASHIHARA Homare, KITAYAMA Megumi, FUJIKI Yosuke, YAMAMUIRA Takayoshi, ZHANG Tianxin, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2006, 2006, 895, 896, 31 Jul. 2006
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7437 Investigation of Traditional House-Surface along the Main Streets in the Old Town of Lijiang : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part.11
KITAYAMA Megumi, FUJIKI Yosuke, KASHIHARA Homare, YAMAGUCHI Yoshihiro, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, ZHANG Tianxin, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2006, 2006, 897, 898, 31 Jul. 2006
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7438 Investigation of the Relation between Traditional Houses and a Townscape in the Old Town of Lijiang : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part.12
FUJIKI Yosuke, KITAYAMA Megumi, KASHIHARA Homare, YAMAGUCHI Yoshihiro, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, ZHANG Tianxin, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2006, 2006, 899, 900, 31 Jul. 2006
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 最優秀ポスター賞受賞 京の怪談遺産 第4回環太平洋大学院生観光研究フォーラム出展作品
河野 隼也, 山村 高淑, 鯛天 成雄, 京都嵯峨芸術大学紀要, 31, 31, 115, 118, 10 Mar. 2006
京都嵯峨芸術大学, Japanese - 麗江旧市街地の保全に関する社会文化的課題の考察--観光地化が世界遺産都市の空間および社会に与える影響の多角的分析(その1)
山村 高淑, 張 天新, 藤木 庸介, 紀要, 31, 1, 8, 2006
京都嵯峨芸術大学, Japanese - 麗江旧市街地における伝統的建築物の現状と保全に関する考察--観光産業が世界遺産都市の空間および社会に与える影響の多角的分析(その2)
藤木 庸介, 山村 高淑, 平田 隆行, 張 天新, 紀要, 31, 9, 20, 2006
京都嵯峨芸術大学, Japanese - 中国長江上流域における生態系の順応的管理と現代法正林の可能性について:ーー雲南省玉竜県石頭郷桃花村の集体林を事例として
和 愛軍, 山村 高淑, 箕輪 光博, 高橋 勇一, 日本森林学会大会発表データベース, 117, 0, 74, 74, 2006
日本森林学会, Japanese - The social and cultural impact of tourism development on world heritage sites: a case of the Old Town of Lijiang, China, 2000-2004
T. Yamamura, T. X. Zhang, Y. Fujiki, SUSTAINABLE TOURISM II, 97, 117, +, 2006
The objective of this paper is to clarify the spatial and social impact on a city caused by its being registered as a World Heritage Site and its transformation into a tourist destination. As part of an investigation of the problems related to rapid development of tourism and its pressures on World Heritage Sites, this study attempted to clarify the issues facing the tourist industry at the Old Town of Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China, a-World Heritage Site, by focusing on the tourist shops there and comparing these data as of 2004 with previous data as of 2000. ne ways in which both the existing indigenous society (a minority known as the Naxis) and the majority peoples, temporary residents, engage in commercial tourism-related activities were examined. As a result, it was found that, in recent years, the usage of historic buildings has drastically changed. At present, over 90% of shops are tourist-oriented souvenir shops and restaurants. Furthermore, over 50% of shopkeepers are temporary residents, mainly Han Chinese, with a large majority renting rooms from indigenous owners. These findings suggest that the location of the residences of the indigenous minority and its culture are rapidly changing as tourism develops., WIT PRESS, English - Can vernacular buildings survive with traditional life inside and tourism outside?
T. X. Zhang, T. Yamamura, Y. Fujiki, SUSTAINABLE TOURISM II, 97, 171, +, 2006
Tourism has positive as well as negative effects on the sustainable utilization of traditional vernacular buildings, especially in cultural heritage cities that have become important tourism destinations. Many of these cities improve the accommodation facilities by utilizing traditional vernacular buildings, while consequently meaning that these cultural heritages are in danger of losing their authenticity. On the other hand, tourism development also has positive effects in that it brings in funds that help restore and renovate the buildings which would otherwise face gradual deterioration. This is a dilemma that many historical cities face under tourism development, especially in developing countries. The authors categorize the development approach of cultural heritage tourism into two patterns. One is the "outside-in" approach, which means to dominantly satisfy the tourists' needs while sacrificing the local cultural character. The other approach is the "inside-out" approach, which means that the local community follows its own growth principle, and tourists come in mostly to enjoy and to learn from the local wisdom. We examine the two approaches by taking the current status of protected buildings in Lijiang city as a case study. In this famous Chinese world heritage city, some 140 important vernacular buildings face serious pressure of tourism oriented transformation both in form and in usage. We investigate the buildings and find they have changed their usage dramatically, accompanied with relevant changes in form, layout, and decoration styles. We further review the policy system and find that these changes in vernacular buildings are due to lack of proper standing in conservation policy system, lack of sufficient financial aid, and lack of full technical support., WIT PRESS, English - 7263 Transformation of Building Use and Local Community in the Central Section of the Old Town of Lijiang : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part.1
YAMAMURA Takayoshi, ZHANG Tianxin, FUJIKI Yosuke, KADONAGA Taku, HIRATA Takayuki, KASHIHARA Homare, JIN Shifeng, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2005, 587, 588, 31 Jul. 2005
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - 7266 Transformation of Traditional Houses and the Way of Living in the Old Town of Lijiang : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part.4
KASHIHARA Homare, HIRATA Takayuki, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, FUJIKI Yosuke, ZHANG Tianxin, KADONAGA Taku, JIN Shifeng, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2005, 2005, 593, 594, 31 Jul. 2005
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7267 Investigation of waterscape in the Old Town of Lijiang : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part.5
KADONAGA Taku, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, FUJIKI Yosuke, ZHANG Tianxin, HIRATA Takayuki, KASHIHARA Homare, JIN Shifeng, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2005, 2005, 595, 596, 31 Jul. 2005
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7268 Investigation of Traditional House-Elevation in the Old Town of Lijiang : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part.6
JIN Shifeng, FUJIKI Yosuke, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, ZHANG Tianxin, HIRATA Takayuki, KASHIHARA Homare, KADONAGA Taku, KITAYAMA Megumi, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2005, 2005, 597, 598, 31 Jul. 2005
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7270 Investigation of Traditional Houses in the Old Town of Lijiang : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part.8
FUJIKI Yosuke, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, ZHANG Tianxin, HIRATA Takayuki, KASHIHARA Homare, KADONAGA Taku, JIN Shifeng, KITAYAMA Megumi, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2005, 2005, 601, 602, 31 Jul. 2005
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7269 Investigation of Traditional House-Surface in the Old Town of Lijiang : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part.7
KITAYAMA Megumi, FUJIKI Yosuke, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, ZHANG Tianxin, HIRATA Takayuki, KASHIHARA Homare, KADONAGA Taku, JIN Shifeng, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2005, 599, 600, 2005
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7265 Transformation of the way of living and the dwelling typology in the Central Section of the Old Town of Lijiang : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part.3
HIRATA Takayuki, FUJIKI Yosuke, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, ZHANG Tianxin, KASHIHARA Homare, KADONAGA Taku, JIN Shifeng, KITAYAMA Megumi, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2005, 591, 592, 2005
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7264 Current Status and Problems of Protected Dwelling-Houses in the Central Section of the Old Town of Lijiang : A Study on the Spatial and Social Impact of Tourism Development on the Old Town of Lijiang, a World Heritage Site, Part 2
ZHANG Tianxin, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, FUJIKI Yosuke, HIRATA Takayuki, KADONAGA Taku, KASHIHARA Homare, JIN Shifeng, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2005, 589, 590, 2005
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 北京における歴史的市街地保全の現状と課題--歴史文化名城保護計画とオリンピックに向けた伝統中軸線の保全・発展
山村 高淑, 藤木 庸介, 張 天新, 紀要, 30, 1, 15, 2005
京都嵯峨芸術大学, Japanese - 北京市における既存プロパティー利用の実態に関する報告--オリンピック開催へ向けた都市整備の途上、2004年10月時点において
藤木 庸介, 山村 高淑, 張 天新, 紀要, 30, 32, 39, 2005
京都嵯峨芸術大学, Japanese - 教育実践活動 100年後の森をデザインする--中国長江上流域における政府・地域住民・学生の協働による森林管理の実践
山村 高淑, 和 愛軍, 高橋 勇一, 紀要, 30, 30, 68, 73, 2005
京都嵯峨芸術大学, Japanese - Dongba art in Lijiang, China: Indigenous culture, local community and tourism
Takayoshi Yamamura, Indigenous Tourism: The Commodification and Management of Culture, 181, 199, 2005
ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, English - 都市空間を読解するという楽しみ : 麗江の山と水と神について
山村 高淑, まほら, 39, 14, 15, 01 Apr. 2004
普通、地図は街路網を示す。だから麗江旧市街地で地図を見ながら歩くと間違いなく迷う。そもそも街路網が都市構造を規定していないからだ。では何が麗江の空間構造を決定しているのか。それは山と水である。, 旅の文化研究所, Japanese - Indigenous society and immigrants: Tourism and retailing in Lijiang, China, a World Heritage city
Takayoshi Yamamura, Tourism, 51, 215, 234, 28 Aug. 2003
This paper examines the present state of commercial use of historical buildings, details of business categories, and descriptions of items on sale in the shops in the old town of Lijiang, China in order to investigate the problems of cultural-tourism development centered on World Heritage sites. In recent years, the usage of historical buildings built by the Naxis, the indigenous ethnic group of Lijiang, has drastically changed. At present, over 60% of shops are tourist-oriented souvenir shops and restaurants. Furthermore, over 50% of the shopkeepers are temporary residents, with a large majority renting rooms from indigenous owners. These findings suggest that the location of the minority's residence and its culture are rapidly changing as tourism develops. They also imply that a re-evaluation of policy is essential for the development of sustainable tourism. - Spatial structure of urban spaces in Lijiang City
Tianxin Zhang, Takayoshi Yamamura, Beijing Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 39, 467, 01 Jan. 2003 - 山村高淑著・金聖姫訳「景観の本質的な美とは何か?~文化的景観の再構築による観光地の魅力向上~」
『Our Planet』UNEP韓国事務所, 7・8月Special Issue, pp.16-17, 2003 - 張天新・山村高淑「麗江古城的日常生活空間結構解析」
北京大学学報(自然科学版), 第39巻・第4期, pp.467-473, 2003 - Yamamura, Takayoshi "Succession and Tourism-use of Intangible Cultural Heritage: the Roles of Local Government and Communities in the Old Town of Lijiang, China"
Proceedings of 7th International Symposium of the Organization of World Heritage Cities in Rhodes, Greece on 23-26 September 2003, 2003 - YAMAMURA, Takayoshi.“Indigenous society and immigrants: tourism and retailing in Lijiang, China, a World Heritage city”
TOURISM: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 51, No 2, pp. 215-235, 2003 - Yamamura, Takayoshi "Succession and Tourism-use of Intangible Cultural Heritage: the Roles of Local Government and Communities in the Old Town of Lijiang, China"
Proceedings of 7th International Symposium of the Organization of World Heritage Cities] in Rhodes, Greece on 23-26 September 2003, 2003 - YAMAMURA, Takayoshi.“Indigenous society and immigrants: tourism and retailing in Lijiang, China, a World Heritage city”
TOURISM: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 51, No 2, pp. 215-235, 2003 - 開発途上国における地域開発手法としての文化観光に関する研究
山村高淑, 東京大学博士学位論文, 2002 - Social Transformation and Tourism Industry: An Analysis of the Shopkeepers and the Running Condition of the Souvenir Shops in the World Heritage Site of Lijiang, China
Tourism Research 2002: An International Interdisciplinary Conference. Wales, THE UNITED KINGDOM, p.140, 2002 - Social Transformation and Tourism Industry: An Analysis of the Shopkeepers and the Running Condition of the Souvenir Shops in the World Heritage Site of Lijiang, China
Tourism Research 2002: An International Interdisciplinary Conference. Wales, THE UNITED KINGDOM, p.140, 2002 - 若者達の香港 : その新たなイメージ
山村 高淑, まほら, 28, 20, 21, 01 Jul. 2001
近年、映画をはじめとする様々なメディアが、香港にこれまでとはまったく異なる新たなイメージを付与している。若者にとっての香港の旅は、こうしたメディアを通して疑似体験した仮想現実を実体験する、そんな「リアルなイベント」である。, 旅の文化研究所, Japanese - 7020 場所論から見た麗江の都市空間構造と空間の意味について : 中国の世界文化遺産都市の保全に関する研究 その1(都市計画)
張 天新, 山村 高淑, 日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 II, 71, 265, 268, 05 Mar. 2001
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7021 「文化的景観」論から見た麗江の空間構造の保全・整備の考え方について : 中国の世界文化遺産都市の保全に関する研究 その2(都市計画)
山村 高淑, 張 天新, 日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集 II, 71, 269, 272, 05 Mar. 2001
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 場所論から見た麗江の都市空間構造と空間の意味について-中国の世界文化遺産都市の保全に関する研究 その1
日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集, pp.265-268, 2001 - A STUDY ON CONSERVATION AND SPATIAL CONTROL OF HISTRICAL DISTRICT IN OLD TOWN, LIJIANG, GHINA : Operation and problem of the reconstruction plan enacted after "2. 3" earthquake
YAMAMURA Takayoshi, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 1, 1055, 1056, 2000
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - A Survey on the Tourism Development Policy and Tourism Products Development in Singapore : A Case of the Development Policy based on "Tourisum21" and the Attraction of M. I. C. E. Tourists
CHANG Wenchuan, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 1999, 895, 896, 30 Jul. 1999
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 7072 A Survey on the Tourism Development Policy and the Definition of Ethnic Cultural Resources in China : A Case of the Tourism Development and the "Ethnic Taste" Concept in Yunnan Province
YAMAMURA Takayoshi, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, 39, 753, 756, 25 May 1999
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - A Survey on the Tourism Development Policy and the Definition of Ethnic Cultural Resources in Yunnan Province, China : A Case of the Process and the Policy of Tourism Development in Lijiang District
YAMAMURA Takayoshi, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 1, 893, 894, 1999
Architectural Institute of Japan, Japanese - A Survey on the Types and Features of the Occupation of the Public Street at the Old Colonial Town, Hankou, China
YAMAMURA Takayoshi, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 1997, 549, 550, 30 Jul. 1997
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - 24 中国都市における住宅外部空間の利用特質に関する研究 : 武漢市における住宅外部空間の利用特質と生活実態を通して(都市計画)
山村 高淑, 研究報告集. 計画系, 66, 317, 320, 01 Mar. 1996
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese - A Survey on the Development and Features of the Concession Space at Hankou, China
YAMAMURA Takayoshi, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 1995, 557, 558, 20 Jul. 1995
日本建築学会, Japanese - 2 景観の心理評価構造の分析 : リゾート地域の成立条件に関する景観的研究 その2(都市計画)
上山 輝, 田中 奈美, 鈴木 理恵, 飯塚 修弘, 土肥 博至, 沢田 幸枝, 山村 高淑, 研究報告集. 計画系, 65, 273, 276, 18 Feb. 1995
一般社団法人日本建築学会, Japanese
Books and other publications
- コンテンツツーリズム : メディアを横断するコンテンツと越境するファンダム
山村, 高淑, Seaton, Philip A., 編者、監訳
北海道大学出版会, Mar. 2021, 9784832968677, xv, 382p, 図版 [8] p, Japanese, 34279337, [Editor] - Contents tourism and pop culture fandom : transnational tourist experiences
山村, 高淑, Seaton, Philip A.
Channel View Publications, 2020, 9781845417215, xiv, 249 p., English - Contents tourism and pop culture fandom : transnational tourist experiences
山村, 高淑, Seaton, Philip A.
Channel View Publications, 2020, 9781845417222, xiv, 249 p., English - コンテンツが拓く地域の可能性 -コンテンツ製作者・地域社会・ファンの三方良しをかなえるアニメ聖地巡礼-
大谷 尚之, 松本 淳, 山村 高淑
同文舘出版, Sep. 2018, 449539021X, 176, [Joint work] - Japanese popular culture and contents tourism
Seaton, Philip A., 山村, 高淑
Routledge, 2018, 9780367029401, vii, 109 p., English - Contents tourism in Japan : pilgrimages to "sacred sites" of popular culture
Seaton Philip A, 山村 高淑, 須川 亜紀子, Jang Kyungjae
Cambria Press, 2017, 9781604979732, English, [Joint work] - Japanese popular culture and contents tourism
Seaton Philip A, 山村 高淑
Routledge, 2017, 9781138694088, English - メディア・コンテンツ論 (シリーズ メディアの未来)
岡本 健, 遠藤 英樹, 柿崎 俊道, 山田 奨治, 井手口 彰典, 岡井 崇之, 須川 亜紀子, レーナ・エーロライネン, 前田 至剛, 平 侑子, 増本 貴士, 鎗水 孝太, 山村 高淑, 岡本 健, 遠藤 英樹, 第14章: pp.235-251
ナカニシヤ出版, Jun. 2016, 4779509726, 272, [Contributor] - コンテンツ・ツーリズム研究の射程 : 国際研究の可能性と課題
山村 高淑, Seaton Philip A, 張 慶在, 平井 健文, 鎗水 孝太, 西山 徳明, 小栗 徳丸, 岩下 千恵子, 妙木 忍, 宗 ティンティン, 橋爪 紳也
北海道大学観光学高等研究センター, 2016, Japanese - Mediating the Tourist Experience: From Brochures to Virtual Encounters
Lester, Jo-Anne, Caroline Scarles, Chapter 9 (pp. 139-154)
Ashgate Publishing, Nov. 2013, [Contributor] - 観光資源としてのコンテンツを考える 情報社会における旅行行動の諸相から (CATS叢書 第7号)
山村高淑, 岡本健, 山村高淑, 岡本健, 釜石直裕, 谷村要, 玉井建也, 増本貴士, 木村めぐみ
北海道大学観光学高等研究センター, 2012, [Joint work] - 観光資源としてのコンテンツを考える : 情報社会における旅行行動の諸相から
山村 高淑, 岡本 健, 釜石 直裕, 道鎭 浩平, 谷村 要, 玉井 建也, 増本 貴士, 木村 めぐみ, 佐藤 翔, 森田 武志, 張 慶在
北海道大学観光学高等研究センター, 2012, Japanese - 先住民文化遺産とツーリズム : アイヌ民族における文化遺産活用の理論と実践
加藤 博文, 山村 高淑, 北海道大学アイヌ, 先住民研究センター
北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター, 2012, Japanese - 沖縄におけるガイドツアーの運営実態に関する事例調査報告書 : 北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター先住民エコツーリズム・プロジェクト
山村 高淑, 北海道大学アイヌ, 先住民研究センター先住民エコツーリズム・プロジェクト, 高崎 優子, 張 慶在
北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター, 2011, Japanese - コミュニティ・ベースド・ツーリズム事例研究 : 観光とコミュニティの幸せな関係性の構築に向けて
山村 高淑, 小林 英俊, 緒川 弘孝, 石森 秀三, 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター
北海道大学観光学高等研究センター, 日本交通公社, 2010, Japanese - コミュニティ・ベースド・ツーリズム研究 : 世界の実践事例に学ぶ成功の鍵
小林 英俊, 緒川 弘孝, 山村 高淑, 石森 秀三, 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター
日本交通公社, 2010, 9784902927351, 246, Japanese, [Joint work] - メディアコンテンツとツーリズム : 鷲宮町の経験から考える文化創造型交流の可能性
北海道大学観光学高等研究センター文化資源マネジメント研究チーム, 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター, 山村 高淑, 岡本 健, 嘉幡 貴至, 佐藤 善之, 今井 信治, 内田 純一
北海道大学観光学高等研究センター, 2009, Japanese - 大交流時代における観光創造
石森 秀三, 佐藤 誠, 宮下 雅年, 敷田 麻実, 筑和 正格, 内田 純一, 清水 賢一郎, 山村 高淑, 大平 具彦, 西川 克之, 吉田 順一, 山田 義裕
北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院, 2008, Japanese - 世界遺産と地域振興 中国雲南省・麗江にくらす
山村 高淑, 張 天新, 藤木 庸介, 山村 高淑, 張 天新, 藤木 庸介, 絹巻 豊, 筆頭編者、第1章、第2章、第5章、第7章
世界思想社, Dec. 2007, 9784790713029, 192, Japanese, [Joint work] - 文化遺産マネジメントとツーリズムの持続可能な関係構築に関する研究
西山 徳明, 山村 高淑, 江面 嗣人, 橋爪 紳也, 神田 孝治, 清水 苗穂子, 宇高 雄志, 下休場 千秋, 山口 しのぶ, 小林 英俊, 真板 昭夫, 河原 司, 海津 ゆりえ, 松岡 拓公雄, 森重 昌之
人間文化研究機構国立民族学博物館, 2006, 4901906399, Japanese - YAMAMURA, Takayoshi.「Authenticity, ethnicity and social transformation at World Heritage Sites: tourism, retailing and cultural change in Lijiang, China」
Derek R. Hall (ed.) 『Tourism and Transition: Political, Economic and Social Issues』CAB International, London. ISBN:0851997481, 2004 - YAMAMURA, Takayoshi.“Authenticity, ethnicity and social transformation at World Heritage Sites: tourism, retailing and cultural change in Lijiang, China”
Derek R. Hall (ed.) Tourism and Transition: Political, Economic and Social Issues, CAB International, London. ISBN:0851997481, 2004 - 文化遺産マネジメントとツーリズムの現状と課題
西山 徳明, 山村 高淑, 池ノ上 真一, 窪田 亜矢, 石川 厚志, 宮本 雅明, 森栗 茂一, 増井 正哉, 矢野 和之, 関 雄二, 海津 ゆりえ, 真板 昭夫, 西原 弘, 齋藤 雪彦
国立民族学博物館, 2004, 4901906267, Japanese - The Process of Social Transformation Associated with Tourism Development in the World-Heritage City, Lijiang China
Karl W. Wöber ed. 『City Tourism 2002』Springer-Verlag. Wien, AUSTRIA, 2002 - The Process of Social Transformation Associated with Tourism Development in the World-Heritage City, Lijiang China
Karl W. Wöber ed. 『City Tourism 2002』Springer-Verlag. Wien, AUSTRIA, 2002 - The Process of Tourism Development and the Influence of Tourism on the Historic Heritage in Lijiang, Yunnan, China
Görün Arun & Nadide Seçkin ed.『Studies in Ancient Structures』Yildiz Technical University Press. Istanbul, TURKEY, 2001 - The Process of Tourism Development and the Influence of Tourism on the Historic Heritage in Lijiang, Yunnan, China
Görün Arun & Nadide Seçkin ed.『Studies in Ancient Structures vol.2』Yildiz Technical University Press. Istanbul, TURKEY, 2001
Affiliated academic society
- 科学研究費補助研究『文化遺産管理とツーリズムの持続可能な関係構築に関する研究~東アジア諸国と日本の比較による』(採択番号:15402009)
2003 - 2005 - 「京都府美山町宝探しマップ作成事業」
2002 - 2004 - 国立民族学博物館共同研究会「文化遺産管理とツーリズムに関する研究」
2002 - 2004 - 「中国の歴史都市における観光地化のインパクトに関する研究」(日中共同研究)
2003 - 「文化観光の可能性-開発途上国の経済成長と伝統文化保全のより良い関係性を探る-」東京大学総合研究博物館『学位記展』
27 Jul. 2002 - Survey on tourism development and urban area conservation in Lijiang, China
1998 - 2002 - 移行期経済諸国における文化観光開発の実態調査(チェコ、スロバキア、ハンガリー、エストニア、ポーランド)
2002 - 中国雲南省麗江における観光開発と市街地保存に関する調査
1998 - 中国武漢市・大連市における歴史的市街地調査
1994 - 1995 - Survey on historic area in Wuhan and Dalian
1994 - 1995
Research Themes
- Study on international propagationof the "Heidi phenomenon": especially its reception in Asia
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
01 Apr. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2029
川島 隆, 山中 由里子, 山村 高淑, 葉柳 和則, 中島 亜紀, 新本 史斉
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyoto University, 24K00056 - Theoretical and Empirical Studies on Intercultural Conflicts and Creative Dialogue in Tourism
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2028
山村 高淑, 張 慶在, 渠 蒙, 中島 亜紀
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 23H03639 - Study on international propagation and transmedial circulation of the "Heidi phenomenon"
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2024
川島 隆, 伊藤 白, 山村 高淑, 大喜 祐太, 葉柳 和則, 中島 亜紀, 西尾 宇広, 新本 史斉
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyoto University, 19H01251 - コンテンツツーリズムにおける「戦争」の消費と歴史理解に関する国際比較研究
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2022
山村 高淑, P・A SEATON, 須川 亜紀子, 張 慶在, 藤木 庸介, vanderDoes Luli
2020年度は新型コロナウイルスの世界的流行により現地調査をほとんど実施することができず、文献調査を通した基礎理論の確立に専念した。また、当初2020年度に企画していた現地調査が実施できなかったことから、2020年度予算の半分近くを翌2021年度に繰越し、2021年度においては、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止に十分配慮しつつ国内調査を進め、北海道、福井県、兵庫県、徳島県、広島県、宮崎県等の現地調査を実施した。そのうえで、こうした現地調査ならびに文献調査の結果を、英文学術書War as Entertainment and Contents Tourism in Japanとして総合的にとりまとめRoutledge社より出版した。なお出版形式は、オープンアクセスの電子書籍ならびにハードカバー書籍のふたつの形をとっている。同書では、第1章で戦争関連コンテンツツーリズム(war-related contents tourism)を分析する際の理論的枠組みを提示するとともに、続く2章から23章で、日本の歴史上の戦争を題材としたコンテンツがどのようなツーリズムを生みだし、ツーリズムの現場においてどのようなコンフリクトが発生しているのかについて、各地の具体的事例とともに分析を行った。そのうえで、最終章において、戦争関連コンテンツツーリズムの分類を行い、ヘリテージツーリズム等のツーリズム様式との関連性について論じるとともに、戦争関連コンテンツツーリズムの抱える重要な課題のひとつが、コンテンツそのもの、ならびにツーリズムの現場における〈多声性(multi-vocality)の担保〉であることを示した。
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 19H04377 - アニメコンテンツをめぐる製作者・地域・ファンの関係の持続性に関する総合的研究
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
01 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2021
大谷 尚之, 山村 高淑
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 愛媛大学, 18K11842 - Research on Tourism in East Asia in the Era of Augmented Reality
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2020
Yamada Yoshihiro
The outcome of the present study can be summarized in the following three points. The first is to understand the current situation of the fusion of tourism and media through fieldwork. Carrying out fieldwork in East Asia, we have grasped the current situation in which the virtual world and the real world, or media and tourism are being fused together. Secondly, we investigated media discourse about tourism and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The third was a theoretical study on the framework for considering the above two surveys from the perspective of place/space theory and information media theory.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 17H02248 - Study on the impact of Japanese animation works on tourist destinations outside Japan
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2019
Yamamura Takayoshi
This study clarified that the impact of Japanese animation works on tourist destinations outside Japan can be categorised into two main patterns: First, by setting a specific site as a location model of anime, or going location hunting to actual physical sites, creators influence the formation of international tourist destination. Second, at a site without any relation to the work, fans conduct events related to the anime works or connect/tag the site with the work, thereby creating their own destinations. Through field research on the typical cases of these two types, the study specifically elucidated the situation of acceptance of anime image or narrative worlds by international tourists and locals, and the process of formation of international tourist destinations based on Japanese anime.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, 16K02066 - International Comparative Research on the Spreading and Reception of Culture through Contents Tourism
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2019
Seaton Philip, Beeton Sue
This research project defines contents tourism as “travel behaviour motivated fully or partially by narratives, characters, locations and other creative elements of popular culture forms, including film, television dramas, manga, anime, novels and computer games”. In over 100 research outputs, including 2 books and 2 journal special editions in English, the research group analyzed many examples of contents tourism in Japan. Using contents tourism theory and method as developed in Japan, the group also reexamined examples of tourism induced by popular culture outside Japan that had previously been discussed as examples of format-based tourism, e.g. film tourism. In the digital age, focusing on “the contents” and how they connect the three main tourism actors (fans, contents businesses, and local authorities) offers methodological advantages and is being increasingly adopted by international scholars. The project also offers policy recommendations for sustainable contents tourism.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 26243007 - コンテンツツーリズムを通した北海道の地域振興に関する比較研究
科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費
09 Nov. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2018
本研究の目的は、北海道の地域振興、とりわけ外国人旅行者誘致において、コンテンツツーリズムがどのような可能性と課題を有しているのかを明らかにすることであり、そうした目的を達成するために、国内外の類似事例、先駆的事例の広範な情報収集・分析、コンテンツ製作関係者へのヒアリング調査を実施した。なお、これら調査においては、具体的に以下のような共通の視座を有しつつ実地調査(文化人類学的手法に基づく参与観察、エスノグラフィーの作成)、ヒアリング、アンケート等を実施した。すなわち、旅行目的地イメージの形成と消費のプロセス(tourism imaginaryの構築プロセス)を把握し、とりわけコンテンツ自体の越境や旅行者の国際的移動(外国人旅行者の動態)に着目することで、国際化するコンテンツツーリズムが地域に及ぼす影響を浮き彫りにする、という視座である。
日本学術振興会, 特別研究員奨励費, 北海道大学, 15F15308 - Study on the Influence of Contents Tourism on Local Heritage Conservation
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2015
YAMAMURA Takayoshi, BEETON Sue, ZHANG Tianxin, JANG Kyungjae
The purpose of this study is to illustrate the influence of contents tourism on local heritage conservation, with particular focus on the way in which pop-cultural contents improve the emotive access of visitors to local cultural heritage value.
It was found that the motivation to visit sites is based on pop-cultural contents, while on-the-spot exchanges between the local community and visitors play a very important role in improving visitors’ emotive access to local heritage value. Moreover, it was pointed out that the following two points are necessary for sustaining such exchanges: developing a good relationship between the local community and copyright holders and establishing a system for visitors to participate in community activities and exercise their creativity.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, 24611001 - Establishment of Indigenous Archaeology and CRM in World Heritage site Shiretoko
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
2008 - 2010
KATO Hirofumi, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, ONO Yugo, SATO Takao, MINOSHIMA Hideki, HUDSON Mark, JYO Kouki, MATSUDA Isao, FUSE Kazuhiro, GONDAIRA Takuya, FRANK Gelya, WATKINS Joe, ELLICK Carol, UDGAARD Ulla, NICHOLAS George
This project constructed a basic framework for utilizing the archaeological heritage of the Shiretoko World Heritage site as a historical cultural resource. Through workshops and community participation in excavations, the project was able to support organizations planning local ecotours and to develop examples of the utilization of archaeological sites as cultural resources by the local community. The project also furthered debate over ways of utilizing archaeological sites as part of Ainu historical cultural heritage and was able to suggest directions for the future preservation and utilization of culture heritage in the Shiretoko World Heritage site.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 20320121 - A Study on the Possibility of Tourism Development in Collaboration with the Indigenous Ainu and Non-Indigenous People of Hokkaido
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
2008 - 2010
YAMAMURA Takayoshi
This study aimed to review the possibility of and issues related to carrying out tourism promotion activities in collaboration with the indigenous (Ainu) and non-indigenous people of Hokkaido. It clarified the points of contention and issues in indigenous tourism, analyzed previous cases in other countries, and extracted the issues related to Hokkaido sightseeing from the viewpoint of indigenous tourism. Subsequent to a careful consideration of these results, we proposed a collaboration method for tourism development and developed a heritage trail and a guide system to contribute to the correct understanding of the Ainu culture and cultural inheritance.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Hokkaido University, 20720220 - A Study on Sustainable Tourism Development in Chinese Historic Towns and Villages
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
2004 - 2006
YAMAMURA Takayoshi, FUJIKI Yosuke, HIRATA Takayuki
This study attempted to clarify the issues facing the tourist industry at the Old Town of Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China, a World Heritage Site. The ways in which both the existing indigenous society (a minority known as the Naxis) and the majority peoples, temporary residents, engage in commercial tourism-related activities were examined. As a result, it was found that, in recent years, the usage of historic buildings has drastically changed. At present, over 90% of shops are tourist-oriented souvenir shops and restaurants. Furthermore, over 50% of shopkeepers are temporary residents, mainly Han Chinese, with a large majority renting rooms from indigenous owners. These findings suggest that the location of the residences of the indigenous minority and its culture are rapidly changing as tourism develops.
The authors categorize the development approach of cultural heritage tourism into two patterns. One is the "outside-in" approach, which means to dominantly satisfy the tourists' needs while sacrificing the local cultural character. The other approach is the "inside-out" approach, which means that the local community follows its own growth principle, and tourists come in mostly to enjoy and to learn from the local wisdom. We examine the two approaches by taking the current status of protected buildings in Lijiang city as a case study. In this famous Chinese world heritage city, some 140 important vernacular buildings face serious pressure of tourism oriented transformation both in form and in usage. We investigate the buildings and find they have changed their usage dramatically, accompanied with relevant changes in form, layout, and decoration styles. We further review the policy system and find that these changes in vernacular buildings are due to lack of proper standing in conservation policy system, lack of sufficient financial aid, and lack of full technical support.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyoto Saga University of Arts, 16402033 - 文化遺産管理とツーリズムの持続可能な関係構築に関する研究(中国内陸部を中心とした東~東南アジア地域を対象として)
2003 - 2005
Competitive research funding - A study of the preservation and restoration of shrine murals and door paintings of the East Asian Shin Era (1616-1912) ; Restoration of a door mural at Kousaikyu shrine in Taiwan using Japanese classical painting methods
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
2003 - 2005
HAKOZAKI Mutsumasa, YAMAMURA Takayoshi, YAMAUCHI Akira, SUNAMI Soichiro, RI Reihou, RIN Genryo
Kyoto Saga University of Arts, Ganngoji Cultural Research Center and Taiwan National Cultural Assets Reservation Institute have conducted joint research on Taoism Temple's Shrine Kousaikyu designated as the third-grade archeological site located in Tainan City in Taiwan. The purposes of this project were as follows :
1.To research classical painting techniques and materials applied to the mural and door paintings.
2.To reproduce the mural and door paintings.
3.To study the preservation of mural paintings thereby providing a model case for future preservation projects.
1.As for the research, we focused on traditional techniques : groundwork with pig blood, wood oil painting, gilding swollen lines with gold leaf, and a technique for applying paint with a trowel. After we conducted interview surveys and literature research, we analyzed these techniques, comparing Japanese, Chinese and Korean methods, and then performed a series of practical experiments. The research would be valuable as a contrast of modern and classical techniques, at a time when modern techniques are replacing the more traditional ones.
2.In reproducing the door painting of Kousaikyu we applied the original techniques and pigments used in the Shin Era for the purpose of the reproduction of classical techniques. In the reproduction of the door painting of the Oh royal family shrine, we aimed to recreate the original images and colors. In cooperation with Kyoto Saga University students, we copied pictures painted with a technique utilizing a trowel thereby employing Japanese painting processes.
3.We made a rule for maintaining the status quo, and cleaned the surface of the paintings to prevent the paint from scaling off. We exhibited the achievement of the restoration and preservation of these cultural assets. The exhibition was highly evaluated in Taiwan as a breakthrough in the restoration of a cultural asset. We also gave lectures on the accomplishment of the research and exhibited the reproduction of paintings in Japan in 2003 and 2004.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyoto Saga University of Arts, 15401002 - Building a Sustainable Relationship between Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
2003 - 2005
(1)The research identified that ; cultural heritage management in Asia/Pacific region mostly deals with tangible heritage. However, the region doesn't have an idea to recognize values of and make use of intangible heritage or heritage produced as a result of mixture of tangible and intangible elements that defines characteristics of this regional culture for tourism development.
(2)Through our research in 2003,it was identified that the old capital of Levuka in Fiji is the case in which cultural heritage management and tourism have an outstanding relationship. This time, we have conducted three field researches of Levuka. Consequently following subjects were accomplished : collection of fundamental information of Levuka including history, maps and maps of land registration ; understanding conservation status of historic structures built between the end of 19^century and early 20^ century ; recognizing urgent necessity of developing a heritage management plan ; analyzing and compiling researches results ; submitting a report and proposal to Ministry of Heritage of Fiji, National Trust of Fiji and Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan ; based on the submitted proposal, considering a possibility of technical assistance by Japan in the field of heritage conservation ; establishing a relationship for research collaboration among governments of Fiji and Japan, and Kyushu University.
(3)Regarding a research of some case studies on constructing a relationship between cultural heritage management and tourism that are observed in tourism development policy or regional planning, we have conducted researches in City of Dazaifu, City of Hagi, Shirakawa Village and Taketomi Island. Through those researches, we have developed a model for sustainable relationship between cultural heritage management and tourism which are based on a series of method of identifying cultural heritage, developing database of heritage, and regional planning using a theory of field museum.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 15402009文化的安全保障としての文化観光のあり方に関する研究
Competitive research fundingStudy on cultural tourism policy, planning and management as national security
Competitive research fundingメディアコンテンツを資源としたツーリズムのあり方に関する研究
Competitive research funding