Aizawa Hisashi

Graduate School of Law The Advanced Institute for Law and Politics GlobalisationProfessor
Last Updated :2025/01/11

■Researcher basic information


  • Master of Laws with Honor, Northwestern University
  • Master of Laws, The University of Tokyo

Researchmap personal page

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences, Legal theory and history
  • Humanities & social sciences, Local studies



  • Apr. 2012 - Present
    Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Law, Professor
  • Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2012
    Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Law, Associate Professor
  • Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2007
    Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Law, Associate Professor

Educational Background

  • Apr. 1995 - Mar. 2000, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Law and Politics, 基礎法学専攻, Japan
  • Aug. 1998 - Jun. 1999, Northwestern University, School of Law, LL.M. Program, United States
  • Mar. 1995, University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, 第一類, Japan

Committee Memberships

  • Dec. 2021 - Present
    比較法学会, 雑誌編集委員, Society
  • Jun. 2016 - Present
    比較法学会, 理事, Society
  • 2007 - Present
    日米法学会, 評議員, Society
  • May 2005 - Present
    (公財)末延財団, 評議員, Others
  • 2001 - Present
    日米法学会, 雑誌編集委員, Society
  • Sep. 2016 - Jun. 2023
    日米法学会, 編集幹事, Society
  • Jun. 2016 - Dec. 2021
    比較法学会, 企画委員, Society
  • Mar. 2010 - Mar. 2019
    北海道消費者苦情処理委員会, 委員長, Autonomy

■Research activity information


Other Activities and Achievements

Books and other publications

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Procedural Foundations of Constitutional Litigations in the U.S.               
    比較法学会, 05 Jun. 2021
  • AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion, 563 U.S. __; 131 S. Ct. 1740 (2011) 連邦仲裁法が,州契約法上の非良心性法理に基づく(とされる)クラス仲裁の要請を専占するとした事例               
    会沢 恒
    日米法学会総会判例研究会, 08 Sep. 2012, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 第11分科会 民事裁判の活性化~財産開示の活用/損害賠償の充実へ~               
    日本弁護士連合会 第17回弁護士業務改革シンポジウム, 11 Nov. 2011
  • アメリカ不法行為法の展開               
    会沢 恒
    日米法学会総会シンポジウム, 12 Sep. 2010, Japanese, Nominated symposium
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 懲罰的賠償の現在               
    会沢 恒
    比較法学会第73回総会ミニ・シンポジウム, 05 Jun. 2010, English, Public symposium
    [Domestic Conference]
  • アメリカ最高裁による外国法・国際法の参照と援用               
    会沢 恒
    比較法学会第72回総会ミニ・シンポジウム, 06 Jun. 2009, Japanese, Public symposium
    [Domestic Conference]
  • いま、新たにホームズを読み直すこと               
    会沢 恒
    米法学会総会研究会, 09 Sep. 2006, Japanese, Nominated symposium
    [Domestic Conference]
  • レーンキスト・コートの連邦制法理               
    会沢 恒
    アメリカ学会年次総会, 11 Jun. 2006, Japanese, Nominated symposium
    [Domestic Conference]

Affiliated academic society

  • 法と経済学会               
  • アメリカ学会               
  • 比較法学会               
  • 日米法学会               
  • Japan Law and Economics Association               
  • Japanese Association for American Studies               
  • Japan Society for Comparative Law               
  • Japanese American Society for Legal Studies               

Research Themes

  • 現代アメリカ行政国家の動揺と「保守」の憲法観――大統領の人事権を手がかりに
    01 Apr. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2025
    会澤 恒
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 22K01107
  • Multi-layered Structure of Global, National and Local Laws and their Coordination
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2024
    原田 大樹, 藤谷 武史, 横溝 大, 浅野 有紀, 飯島 淳子, 興津 征雄, 大西 楠・テア, 須田 守, 田村 哲樹, 松尾 陽, 松中 学, 吉政 知広, 会澤 恒, 伊藤 一頼, 加藤 紫帆, 清水 真希子, 内記 香子, 加藤 陽, 濱 真一郎, 村西 良太, 山田 哲史
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Kyoto University, 19H00568
  • 「仲裁の消費者化」の法理・実態・展開過程:現代アメリカ「ビジネス保守」の法文化
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2022
    会澤 恒
    本年度は実定法規範の構造把握を中心に行った。まず、2010年台における連邦最高裁の連邦仲裁法をめぐる判例法について、中軸となっているConcepcion判決・Italian Colors Restaurant判決に焦点を当てつつ整理・分析した。社会の実態を軽視して形式論を重視した判断により、仲裁条項に「字義通り」の効力を与えるべしとして、これに対する司法的コントロールを無化するかのような判例法が打ち出されている。その上で、これは民事司法の縮小化というヨリ大きな動向の一環であり、アメリカ法(さらにはアメリカの政治・社会一般)の「保守化」というモチーフに統合し得るものであるとの仮説的な展望を示した。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 19K01242
  • Sources of Law and Legal Process in Modern U.S.: Statutory Interpretation and Common Law.
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2018
    AIZAWA Hisashi
    The process-based concept of law conceptualizes law as chain of interactions among institutions and distributes law making power according to each institutional competence. It was brought by the Legal Process School and has become established as frame of mind of lawyers and legal scholars in contemporary America. In that framework, legislature enjoys deference to its decision as primary institution of policymaking, but its vulnerability to interest politics sometimes produces distortion and bias in adopted rules. The role of judiciary is maintenance of process of continuing open deliberation; it is understood as an effort to pursue possible legal discourse in the context of fractured substantive values.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, 15K03073
  • Development and Background of "Tort Reform" in the U.S. --- Towards History of Modern American Civil/Private law
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
    2011 - 2013
    AIZAWA Hisashi
    Multiple forums of developments of laws, including legislature and courts, both at state and federal level, provide private actors with opportunity to switch forums in order to seek laws they want. This shows that weakness of the autonomy of American legal system, and it is closer to sub-system of the political system, especially at state level. With litigation tactics of the parties, tort law, which has been traditionally state law, has been "federalized" and "Constitutionalized," i.e., many aspects of tort law and litigation are impacted by federal statutes and the U.S. Constitution, but such impacts are fragmented and not consistent yet. Parallel trend is found in contract law and civil procedure in general, and the courts itself are "closing" doors of civil justice system under stark division of images of civil litigation. Empirical studies of law has had limited influence on actual legal practice.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Hokkaido University, 23730003
  • U. S. Federal Regulatory Preemption upon State Tort Claims in Areas of Product Safety and Financial Transaction.
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
    2009 - 2010
    AIZAWA Hisashi
    Preemption of state tort cause of action by federal regulation is recognized as part of "tort reform" measures. "Reformers" pursue their agenda by switching more than one law-making forum ; but such strategy may well bring tension among "reform" measures. Academically, the question is formulized as one of institutional choice, and such formulation itself (re-)confirms that the primary concern of American tort law lies in deterrence and the interest in compensation has been decreased.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Hokkaido University, 21730003
  • Study on Domestic Implementation of "UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples"in Japan.
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    2007 - 2010
    UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples enumerates individual and group rights necessary for the indigenous peoples in general. It also recognizes each and every indigenous peoples and countries to seek to realize the Declaration's rights according to their concrete conditions. Japanese parliament and government finally recognized the Ainu people to be the indigenous people of northern Japan in 2008. Based on intensive and interdisciplinary research, we assert that Japan's new Ainu policy should be based on the Article 13 of the Japanese Constitution stipulating respect for individuality and its purpose should be the materialization of a society where an ethnic Ainu can freely live with Ainu's identity.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Hokkaido University, 19203002
  • A Study on the Creole and the Agency Formation of Law
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)
    2005 - 2009
    HASEGAWA Ko, MATSUMURA Yoshiyuki, IMAI Hiromichi, SUZUKI Ken, TAGUCHI Masaki, MIZUNO Koji, SAITO Tetsushi, NAKAMURA Tamio, OZAKI Ichiro, AIZAWA Hisashi, HAYASHIDA Seimei, KUWAHARA Asako
    The research objective of this project was, while grasping a chained formation of legal order in the encounter/permeation/transformation of different legal systems as which is itself subjective and incessant creation of law, to construct an integrated model of which can articulate the multi-dimensional interaction of the four dimensions in value, action, institution, and integration for the cooperative dynamics of legal problem-solution, with thereby carrying out active theoretical and experiential analyses of the various historical-institutional cases in East Asia, Western Europe, North America, and Japan which hold certain homology in terms of legal formation. After intensive research for five years, a general model of was shown as the dynamic framework of legal formation which includes on one hand the three creole processes such as legal subjectivization, legal transformation, and legal amalgamation and on the other hand the development of the human drive of interpretive agency ; based on which the change of the mode of legal creole is theoretically and experientially demonstrated as depending the variations of legal problem-contexts such as the oppression from the ruling to the ruled, the pressure from the invading to the invaded, and the flow from the influential to the influenced.
    This result attains a novel dynamic viewpoint for researching the universal interactive process of different legal systems which has been neglected by existing legal scholarship ; which is to be shortly published in the book entitled as "The Interaction of Different Laws and Its Aspects". Also in the process of this research, the network of relevant scholars in Japan and other parts of the world has been created and the archive of relevant books and articles been constructed for the new world-wide research forum on the creole of law.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S), Hokkaido University, 17103001
  • 懲罰的賠償の法過程--私人による法実現の可能性と限界--
    科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    2005 - 2006
    会澤 恒
    本研究は、2003年のState Farm Mutual Automobile Ins.Co.v.Campbell連邦最高裁判決(538 U.S.408)が、米国における懲罰的賠償制度を限定的な方向で変質させつつあるとの理解の下に研究を開始した。そして、同判決を受けた下級裁判所における制限的な運用が観察される一方で、Campbell判決及びその直接の先例であるBMW v.Gore判決(517 U.S.559(1996))の理由付けの錯綜は解決されていないということも確認された。他方で、当事者の代理人弁護士も裁判所の制限的な運用を意識した訴訟行動を取る傾向が見られた。
    最高裁は2007年2月のPhilip Morris USA v.Williams判決(127 S.Ct.1057)において、懲罰的賠償にさらなる限定を加える判断を下した。同事件では、タバコ会社の虚偽広告によって安全と信じて喫煙を続け死亡した者の妻が起こした訴訟において、オレゴン州裁判所が填補賠償82万ドル強に加え、その100倍近い7950万ドルの懲罰的賠償を被告に命じたことから、被告タバコ会社が連邦最高裁へ上告していた。法廷意見は当該懲罰的賠償が原告以外の者に関する懲罰的要素を含んでいると考えられるとして差し戻した。ここでは、「私人による法実現」という考え方からの大きな方向転換が見られる。私人が「私的法務総裁」として社会全体の利益を志向して民事訴訟の原告となる、という政策実現のための懲罰的賠償の利用について、制約を越えて否定と言える判示を行っており、制限的な方向での懲罰的賠償の変質という予測が確認されたと言える。懲罰的賠償制度の終焉と言ってよい。
    以上の成果は会沢恒「懲罰的賠償の終焉!?--Gore・Campbell・Williams、またはBMW・State Farm・Phillip Morris」として北大法学論集に公表予定である。
    日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, 17730001
  • The Creole of Culture and the Structuration of Law---the Exploration and Furtherance of "Comparative Legal Formation"---
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    2002 - 2004
    In this research project, we tried at the first stage to search various significant materials in order to make relevant focuses on the research points for each member ; then at the second stage we tried to analyze the multi-level workings of the process of the creole of cultures and the structuration of law (We distinguished the dimensions of value, society, and institutional histories, and further did for the last dimension the Asian context, the European context, the American context, and the Japanese context.) ; and at the final stage we tried to integrate those various explorations by each member in a comprehensive scheme.
    As to the dimension of value, we explicated the role of connected critic in society and its role for the process of the permeation of values, concerning the transference of values and the change of the constitutional structure of society. As to the dimension of society, we explicated the factors for the disturbing gap between legal ideas in the state and social culture, with focusing on the paradoxical process of self-absorption in the popular protest against the dominance of the "empire". As to the dimension of institutional histories, we firstly explicated for Asia the possibility of the connection between two types of legal cultures, one the culture of gradation and the other culture of discontinuity, especially through the Chinese experience ; secondly explicated for Europe the vital interests of the noble class in the process of the establishment of the Carolina Criminal Code in the 15th century Germany ; thirdly explicated for the US the significance of the consensus on the rule of law and liberty rights in the multi-religious conflict situation today ; and finally explicated for Japan the process of the interpretive adaptation of the Chinese legal system by the noble poet-lawyers in the 6th century Heian period.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 14320001

Educational Organization