Iwama Norikazu

Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education Research Division for Higher EducationAssociate Professor
Office of AdmissionsAssociate Professor
Last Updated :2024/12/06

■Researcher basic information

Researchmap personal page

Researcher number

  • 70608900



  • Apr. 2019 - Present
    Hokkaido University, Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, 准教授
  • Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2019
    Hokkaido University, Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, 講師
  • Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2016
    The Japan Foundation, Japanese Language Testing Center, Researcher
  • Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2013
    Waseda University Media Network Center, 助手
  • Apr. 2004 - May 2004

Educational Background

  • Apr. 2008 - Dec. 2011, Waseda University, Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences, 人文科学専攻 心理学コース 博士後期課程
  • Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2008, Waseda University, Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences, 人文科学専攻 心理学コース 修士課程
  • Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2004, Waseda University, School of Letters, Arts and Sciences I, 総合人文学科 心理学専修

■Research activity information


  • Educational Evaluation Based on Reduced Peer Assessments
    Norikazu Iwama
    日本教育工学会論文誌, 47, 2, 237, 248, Jun. 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
  • 新科目「情報I」に対する高等学校等の反応―進路指導担当者の回答から―               
    岩間徳兼, 田村志穂美, 板東信幸, 飯田直弘, 池田文人
    高等教育ジャーナル―高等教育と生涯学習, 30, 17, 28, Mar. 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Planning and Implementation of Regular Surveys Related to University Entrance Examinations: Aiming to Build a Good Relationship with High School and Secondary School Ofiicials               
    Norikazu Iwama
    Journal of High Education and Lifelong Learning, 29, 121, 127, Mar. 2022
  • QQTestの開発と試行               
    池田文人, 岩間徳兼, 成田秀夫
    大学入試研究ジャーナル, 32, 35, 42, Mar. 2022, [Peer-reviewed]
  • 「コンピテンシー評価」から見えてくる入学者選抜における資質・能力評価への期待と展望-成果・実績によるportfolio評価との比較も含めて-               
    橋村正悟郎, 池田文人, 飯田直弘, 岩間徳兼, 鈴木誠
    大学入試研究ジャーナル, 31, 257, 264, Mar. 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Development of Competency Test Questions for Follow-up Surveys Connecting High Schools, Universities and Society               
    Fumihito Ikeda, Norikazu Iwama, Naohiro Iida, Makoto Suzuki
    Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning, 27, 27, 43, Mar. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
  • フロンティア人材評価システム―主体性を含む学力3要素のコンピテンシーに基づく多面的・総合的評価-               
    池田文人, 岩間徳兼, 飯田直弘, 橋村正悟郎, 鈴木誠
    大学入試研究ジャーナル, 30, 186, 191, Mar. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Japanese Language Learning Using Visual Contents Outside the Classroom: Analyzing Thai University Studentsʼ Language Learning Strategies               
    Tomohiko Iwashita, Mihoko Mikuni, Norikazu Iwama
    The Japanese Journal of Language in Society, 21, 1, 303, 316, Sep. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Effort to Cut Costs for Switching to Tests Based on Item Response Theory; Utilizing Simultaneous Equating Method for a Number of Latent Scales               
    Hideki Toyoda, Norikazu Iwama, Ayako Nakamura, Yasuhiro Saito
    Transactions of the Operations Research of Japan, 58, 122, 147, Oct. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Combining Trace Lines of Distractors on the basis of a Hypothesis and a Method to Verify It in an Error Analysis using an Item Characteristic Chart
    Takashi AKIYAMA, Hideki TOYODA, Norikazu IWAMA
    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, 14, 3, 443, 455, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Aug. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • A Method for Choosing the Number of Groups for Item Characteristic Charts Using an Information Criterion
    The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 62, 3, 209, 225, The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology, Sep. 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Item characteristic charts are important for analyzing test items.  These charts reveal characteristics of the items, including item difficulty and whether the items reflect an essential concept of the test.  To make an item characteristic chart, examinees must be divided equally into an arbitrary number of groups.  Because there is no established criterion for choosing the number of groups, the number has to be selected arbitrarily, or else decided on empirically.  Therefore, when an item characteristic chart is to be prepared, it would be useful if the number of groups could be determined on the basis of a statistical criterion.  In the present article, a method for choosing the number of groups for item characteristic charts is proposed, using an information criterion, and the applicability and advantages of this method are suggested through a simulation and examples of application to factual test data.
  • The Measurement of Customer Loyalty by Item Response Theory Using Geometric Distribution to Present the Days Taken to Repurchase
    Masatoshi Abe, Hideki Toyoda, Norikazu Iwama, Yumi Suzukawa
    Kodo Keiryogaku (The Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics), 39, 2, 67, 79, Behaviormetric Society of Japan, Sep. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, This paper proposes a new model that measures customer loyalty from the days taken to repurchase in a shop. This model is based on IRT (Item Response Theory) and geometric distribution. It enables us not only to estimate customer loyalty as latent trait variables of each customer, but also to quantify the ability to pull in customers of shops. Moreover these shops could be any selling segment, for example, brand stores, manufacturers, or articles. In order to check the validity of this model, it is applied to actual ID-POS (point-of-sale with identification) data. In addition, another model using exponential distribution is proposed as an alternative model.
  • Scheffé-type paired comparison models for examining correlations between individual preferences for alternatives
    Iwama Norikazu, Toyoda Hideki
    The Japanese journal of psychology, 82, 5, 442, 449, The Japanese Psychological Association, Dec. 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal
  • Using Non-Normal SEM to Resolve the ACDE Model in the Classical Twin Design
    Koken Ozaki, Hideki Toyoda, Norikazu Iwama, Saori Kubo, Juko Ando
    Behavior Genetics, 41, 2, 329, 339, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Mar. 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • 構造方程式モデリングによる信頼性係数と妥当性係数の計算(準備委員会企画ワークショップ)
    尾崎 幸謙, 中村 健太郎, 岩間 徳兼
    日本パーソナリティ心理学会大会発表論文集, 19, 4, 4, 日本パーソナリティ心理学会, 10 Oct. 2010
  • Model selection based on an asymptotically distribution-free method utilizing up to third-order moments               
    Hideki Toyoda, Norikazu Iwama, Megumi Takeshita, Hiroto Murohashi
    New trends in psychometrics, 471, 480, May 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
  • An exploratory positioning analysis method for increasing the number of targets and scales efficiently; Positioning of food at izakaya               
    Hideki Toyoda, Kazuya Ikehara, Norikazu Iwama, Saori Kubo, Yumi Suzukawa, Megumi Takeshita
    Advances in Consumer Studies, 15, 1・2, 19, 36, Mar. 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
  • The paired comparison method utilizing a multi sample analysis in SEM for the case of many objects: through an application to a naming test
    Hideki Toyoda, Norikazu Iwama, Yumi Suzukawa, Saori Kubo, Megumi Takeshita, Kazuya Ikehara
    Journal of marketing science, 15, 1・2, 45, 64, 日本マーケティング・サイエンス学会, Mar. 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Influence of time constraint on consumer purchase decision process: using eye tracking equipment
    MOROKAMI Shiho, IWAMA Norikazu, OKUBO Shigetaka, TAKEMURA Kazuhisa
    Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, 7, 2, 275, 282, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Dec. 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal

Other Activities and Achievements

Books and other publications

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • オンライン環境を活用した授業内課題の評価ー相互評価データに項目反応モデルを適用した実践事例               
    北海道大学高等教育推進機構オープンエデュケーションセンターオンライン勉強会, Jul. 2021
  • QQTestの開発と試行—学力の3要素の多面的・総合的評価を目指して—               
    池田文人, 岩間徳兼
    全国大学入学者選抜研究連絡協議会大会(第16回), May 2021
  • 質的変数を説明・予測するためのロジスティック回帰分析(シンポジウム「文系学生に対する心理統計教育―質的・カテゴリカルデータの分析」内)               
    日本教育心理学会第61回総会, Sep. 2019, Nominated symposium
  • フロンティア人材評価システム —主体性を含む学力3要素のコンピテンシーに基づく多面的・総合的評価—               
    池田文人岩間徳兼, 飯田直弘, 橋村正悟郎, 鈴木誠
    全国大学入学者選抜研究連絡協議会大会(第14回), May 2019
  • パッケージggplot2による作図とデータの分類手法(研修会「IRデータの基礎分析と可視化」内)               
    明治学院大学心理学部付属研究所2018年度研究・実務のための心理データ解析研修会, Nov. 2018
  • 大学入学者選抜改革推進委託事業『個別学力試験『国語』が測定する資質・能力の分析・評価手法に関する研究~記述式問題を中心に~』経過報告               
    岩間 徳兼
    日本テスト学会第15回大会, 20 Aug. 2017, Japanese, Nominated symposium
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 公的試験の運営機関においてデータ分析の専門家が担う役割(ラウンドテーブルディスカッション「データサイエンティストが直面する課題」内)               
    日本行動計量学会第43回大会, Sep. 2015
  • 3次積率を用いたSEM(ワークショップ「共分散構造分析[R編]」内)               
    日本心理学会第78回大会, Sep. 2014
  • RによるIRT尺度の等化(自主企画シンポジウム「Rによる項目反応理論-はじめの一歩のその次に-」内)               
    日本教育心理学会第55回総会, Aug. 2013
  • 情報環境利用に関する満足度データの項目反応理論による検討               
    岩間徳兼, 木村好美, 石田崇, 須子統太, 末松大
    大学ICT推進協議会2012年度年次大会, Dec. 2012
  • Rによる単回帰分析(ワークショップ「回帰分析はじめの一歩」内)               
    日本心理学会第76回大会, Sep. 2012
  • 多数の潜在特性尺度の同時等化を目的とした等化係数の周辺最尤推定法               
    岩間徳兼, 豊田秀樹, 中村彩子, 齋藤康寛
    日本テスト学会第10回大会, Aug. 2012
  • 3次積率を利用した構造方程式モデリング-共分散構造分析を越えて-               
    日本心理学会第75回大会, Sep. 2011
  • 早稲田大学における「User’s Guide for PCs and Networks 2011-2012」の改訂と展望               
    岩間徳兼, 星健太郎, 末松大, 和田知明, 楠元範明
    大学ICT推進協議会2011年度年次大会, Sep. 2011

Affiliated academic society

  • 日本テスト学会               
  • 日本教育工学会               

Research Themes

  • Development of evaluation standards and its testing environment for questioning abilities
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2023
    池田 文人, 鈴木 誠, 岩間 徳兼, 飯田 直弘
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering), Hokkaido University, 20K20420
  • CATにおける開発・運用コストの削減と汎用性向上に関する研究
    01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2023
    熊谷 龍一, 柴山 直, 岩間 徳兼
    本研究は,簡易型コンピュータ適応型テスト(CAT)について,1)そこから算出されるスコアに対して,テスト理論の観点からその特徴を解明すること,2) 簡易 型CATの仕組みを,紙筆テストのような項目固定提示形式のテストへと拡張すること,の2点を目的としている。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 東北大学, 19K03220
  • A proposal of a practical method for ability estimation based on group peer assessment
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2020
    Iwama Norikazu
    I examined ability estimation with the Item Response Model proposed in Uto and Ueno(2016) that can be used for analyzing performance assessment data. In this study, I assumed that students in a course assessed one another through group activities and conducted a simulation study. As a result of the simulation study, in which I set a limit on the number of assessments in an unbalanced incomplete block design, it was revealed that under the condition of 40 or 60 students, abilities of students could be estimated accurately even when 50 percent of assessments were missing.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Hokkaido University, 17K12940
  • -               
    Competitive research funding

Educational Organization