Takase Katsunori
Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences Division of Humanities Department of History | Professor |
Archaeological Research Center | Professor |
Last Updated :2025/02/13
■Researcher basic information
Profile Information
Mail Address
- takase
Researchmap personal page
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Researcher number
- 00347254
J-Global ID
Research Keyword
Research Field
Educational Organization
- Bachelor's degree program, School of Humanities and Human Sciences
- Master's degree program, Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences
- Doctoral (PhD) degree program, Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences
- Apr. 2021 - Present
Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University, Department of History, Laboratory of Archaeology, Professor, Japan - Jan. 2024 - Feb. 2024
Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Affiliate Professor, Japan - Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2021
Hokkaido University, Laboratory of Archaeology, Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences, 准教授 - Oct. 2019 - Mar. 2020
Sapporo Gakuin University, Adjunct lecturer, Japan - Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2019
Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University, Associate Professor - Oct. 2017 - Apr. 2018
University of Washington, Department of Anthropology, Visiting Scholar - Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2011
Meiji University, Faculty of Letters, Associate Professor - Dec. 2009 - Dec. 2009
Kyoto University of the Arts, Adjunct lecturer, Japan - Apr. 2009 - Sep. 2009
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Adjunct lecturer, Japan - Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2009
Meiji University, Faculty of Letters, Lecturer - Apr. 2003 - Sep. 2007
Gakushuin Women's College, Adjunct lecturer, Japan - Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2007
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Research Asssociate, Japan - Apr. 2001 - Mar. 2002
Iwate Prefecture Agency for Cultural Promotion, Center for Rescue Archaeology, Researcher
Educational Background
- Apr. 1998 - Mar. 2001, Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Letters, 博士後期課程 日本史学, Japan
- Apr. 1996 - Mar. 1998, Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Letters, 修士課程 日本史学
- Apr. 1993 - Mar. 1996, Hokkaido University, Faculty of Letters, 史学科 日本史学専攻課程, Japan
- Apr. 1992 - Mar. 1993, Hokkaido University, 文I系
Committee Memberships
- May 2024 - Present
Iwate Prefecture Committee for the Protection of Cultural Properties, Committee member, Autonomy - Jul. 2023 - Present
Hokkaido University Society for History, Committee member, Society - Jun. 2023 - Present
Society for Archaeological Studies, National committee member, Society - Apr. 2023 - Present
Hokkaido University office for sustainable campus management, woking group for historical heritage, Member, Others - Apr. 2023 - Present
Publicity committee, Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University, Chair, working group for publicity events, Others - Apr. 2023 - Present
Archaeological Research Center, Hokkaido University, Director, Others - Jun. 2022 - Present
Committee for preserving the national historic site Kairnba, Chair, Autonomy - May 2022 - Present
石狩市文化財保護審議会, 委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2022 - Present
北海道大学大学院文学研究院考古学研究室, 研究室主任, Others - Apr. 2022 - Present
北海道大学化学物質等管理委員会, 委員, Others - Feb. 2022 - Present
文化庁 重要考古資料に関する懇談会, 北海道・東北地区 委員, Government - Jun. 2021 - Present
Hokkaido Center for Rescue Archaeology, Administrative board member, Others - Apr. 2021 - Present
Sapporo City council for cultural property, Council member, Autonomy - Apr. 2020 - Present
Japan Association for Culturel Properties Preservation, Associate member of the selection committee of Seiichi Wajima Award, Society - Apr. 2020 - Present
文化財保存全国協議会, 全国委員, Society - Aug. 2018 - Present
北海道立北方民族博物館, 研究協力員, Autonomy - Apr. 2016 - Present
北海道教育委員会, 北海道東部の竪穴住居群調査懇談会 委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2016 - Present
北海道大学大学院文学研究科北方研究教育センター運営委員会, 委員, Others - Mar. 2016 - Present
北海道大学総合博物館運営委員学術標本検討専門委員会, 委員, Others - Apr. 2015 - Present
北海道大学埋蔵文化財調査センター運営委員会専門部会, 部会員, Others - Dec. 2022 - Mar. 2024
Committee of experts on ancient settlements in Hokkaido, Education Board of Hokkaido, Committee member, Autonomy - Oct. 2020 - Mar. 2024
National Museum of Ethnology, Co-researcher, Others - Apr. 2021 - Oct. 2023
Working group for the international obsidian conference in Shirataki Geopark Consortium, Committee member, Autonomy - Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2023
Department of History, Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University, Senior Professor, Others - Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2023
北海道大学埋蔵文化財調査センター運営委員会, 委員, Others - Aug. 2019 - Mar. 2022
標津町文化財保存活用検討委員会, 委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2022
北海道大学大学院文学研究院考古学研究室, 教務委員, Others - Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2021
Arctic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Cooperative teaching staff, Others - 2019 - 2021
考古学研究会, 第66・67回研究集会コーディネーター, Society - Jun. 2019 - Mar. 2020
北海道大学埋蔵文化財調査センター評価委員会, 委員, Society - Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2019
北海道大学大学院文学研究科北方文化論講座, 教務委員, Others - Jul. 2015 - Jul. 2017
北大史学会, 運営委員会委員長, Society - May 2013 - May 2017
北海道考古学会, 運営委員, Society - Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2017
北海道大学大学院文学研究科, 広報誌専門部会員, Others - Jan. 2015 - Mar. 2017
北海道考古学会, 学会賞選考委員, Society - Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2016
明治大学日本古代学研究所, 2011〜2015年度 学外重点共同研究者, Others - Dec. 2014 - Nov. 2015
日本植生史学会, 大会実行委員, Society - Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2015
札幌市(仮称)丘珠縄文遺跡公園整備基本構想計画検討委員会, 委員, Autonomy - Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2015
国立歴史民俗博物館(縄文文化), 基幹研究共同研究員, Society - Dec. 2012 - Mar. 2014
札幌市(仮称)古代の里整備構想検討委員会専門部会, 委員, Autonomy - Oct. 2012 - Mar. 2014
札幌市(仮称)古代の里整備構想検討委員会, 委員, Autonomy - Sep. 2012 - Mar. 2014
北海道考古学会創立50周年記念行事実行特別委員会, 委員, Society - Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2014
国立歴史民俗博物館(柳田國男コレクション), 共同研究員, Society - Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2014
国立歴史民俗博物館(弥生文化企画展), 展示プロジェクト委員, Others - Oct. 2013 - Dec. 2013
北海道立埋蔵文化財センター指定管理者候補者選定委員会, 委員, Autonomy - Jul. 2011 - Jul. 2013
北大史学会, 運営委員, Society - Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2013
東北芸術工科大学, オープンリサーチセンター整備事業研究協力者, Others - Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2012
明治大学黒曜石研究センター, センター員, Others - Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2012
国立歴史民俗博物館(弥生文化), 基幹研究共同研究員, Others - 2007 - 2008
日本考古学協会, 広報委員, Society - Apr. 2007 - May 2007
日本考古学協会, 大会実行委員, Society - 2005 - 2007
北海道考古学会, 地域委員, Society - 2003 - 2004
岩手考古学会, 発掘調査の標準化に関する検討委員会委員, Society - Apr. 2002 - May 2002
日本考古学協会, 大会実行委員, Society - Apr. 1999 - Mar. 2000
国立歴史民俗博物館, 共同利用研究員, Others
■Research activity information
- Epi-Jomon culture
K. Takase
60th Anniversary of Hokkaido Archaeological Association: Review and Perspectives of Hokkaido Archaeology (Hokkaido Archaeological Association), 36, 45, May 2024, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society, 42081691 - Perspectives from the Arctic and Northeast Asia
Takase, K
The Outline of Archaeology: The Commemorative Issue of the 70th Anniversary of the Society of Archaeological Studies (edited by the Society of Archaeological Studies), 78, 79, Apr. 2024, [Invited]
Japanese, In book - Comparative archaeology across North Pacific: perspectives and issues
Takase, K
Indigenous Cultures of the North Pacific: History, Language, and Society, 59, 71, 31 Mar. 2024, [Invited], [Lead author]
Japanese, Research society, 42081691 - Epi-Jomon Culture
Takase, K
Hokkaido Kokogaku, 60, 57, 66, Mar. 2024
Japanese, Research society, 32392777 - Plant remains from the second investigation at the N434 site, Sapporo
Takase, K
The N434 Site (Second investigation), 95, 100, Mar. 2024, [Invited]
Research society - Phylogenetic and stable isotope analyses of northern fur seal remains from the Sakaeura Daiichi and Ohmisaki sites, Hokkaido: An examination of materials housed in the Hokkaido Museum
Takase, K, Nishita, Y, Ushiro, H
Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum, 9, 37, 52, Mar. 2024, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author]
Japanese, Research institution, 42081691 - Okhotsk Culture in the Kuril AIlands
Takase, K
Ancient Settlement Site in Hokkaido Forum IV, 21, 27, Mar. 2024, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society, 45526769 - The DNA and isotope analysis of northern fur seal and Pacific cod remains from archaeological sites
Takase, K, Nishita, Y, Tsutaya, T
23rd Research Association of the North Asia, 30, 31, Mar. 2024
Japanese, Research society, 45526769 - Diet of the Epi-Jomon culture using charred materials adhering to the pottery surfaces: with special reference to Central and Southern Hokkaido
Kunikida, D, Kosugi, Y, Takase, K, Watanabe, T
23rd Research Association of the North Asia, 43, 46, Mar. 2024
Japanese, Research society - Plant use at the Shimehikihara II and Ohkami sites, Annaka, Gunma Prefecture: an examination of Early and Middle Yayoi pottery using the replication method
Takase, K
Bulletion of the Laboratory of Archaeology, Hokkaido University, 3, 37, 46, Feb. 2024
Japanese, Research institution - The Okhotsk culture in the Kuril Islands
Takase, K
Ancient Settlement Site in HokkaidoIV, 10, 13, Dec. 2023, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society, 10957963 - Experimental archaeology: from a middle-range study method to a general study method
Takase, K
Jinruishi Shuho, 17, 11, 12, Jul. 2023, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - The onset of Yayoi agriculture in Northeastern Honshu Island, Northern Japan: a new perspective from handicraft production
Takase, K
Bulletin of Graduate School of Humanities and Human Science, 170, 59, 136, Jul. 2023, [Lead author]
Japanese, Research institution - Formation and development of the Kuril Ainu
Takase, K
Archaeology Quarterly (Supplementary Series) 42: Current Status of Hokkaido Archaeology, 42, 143, 145, Jun. 2023, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society, 10957963 - Relativizing the Epi-Jomon Culture
K. Takase
Current Status of Study on the Epi-Jomon Culture (edited by Hokkaido Archaeological Association), 21, 30, May 2023, [Invited], [Lead author]
32392777 - Earthwork burial circles in Hokkaido
Takase, K
What was the history driven? Vol.1: Natural History and Archaeology of the Paleolithic and the Jomon, 1, 217, 228, May 2023, [Invited]
Japanese, In book - Charred seeds from the Loc. Experiment and Training Facility of Center for Northern Biosphere, the K39 site
Takase, K, Shibano, H
Hokkaido University Campus Site XXIX (Hokkaido University), 70, 75, Mar. 2023
Japanese, Symposium - Seeds from the Kamiatsuma site, Atsuma, Northern Japan
Takase, K
Kamiatsuma Site (Education Board of Atsuma Town), 62, 67, Mar. 2023, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - Analysis of Yayoi pottery from Aomori and Akita Prefectures using the replication method
Takase, K
The Investigation of the First Half of the Yayoi Period at the Foot of the Mt. Iwakisan 2 (The Research Center for Archaeology of Northern Japan, Hirosaki University), 207, 215, Mar. 2023, [Lead author]
Japanese, Research society - From hunter-gatherers to farmers: a view from technocomplex
Takase, K
Archaeology Quarterly Supplementary Series, 40, 131, 134, Mar. 2023, [Invited], [Lead author]
Japanese, Research society - Reexamination of charred seeds from the Sakushukotonigawa site, Hokkaido, Japan
Takase, K.
The Beginning and Development of Food Production in Eastern Japan (Yuzankaku), 65, 80, Mar. 2023, [Invited]
Japanese, In book - Diet of the Satsumon Culture inferred from charred material adhered to pottery surfaces; examinations of materials housed in Hokkaido University
Kunikita, D, Takase, K, Eda, M, Takakura, J, Nakazawa, Y
22nd Annual Meeting of the Research Association of the North Asia, 61, 64, Feb. 2023
Japanese, Research society - Prehistoric plant use on Okushiri Island: An examination using the replication method
Takase, K, Shibano, H, Kato, E
22nd Annual Meeting of the Research Association of the Northern Asia, 21, 24, Feb. 2023
Japanese, Symposium - Reexamination of charred seeds fro the N434 site, Sapporo, Northern Japan
Shibano, H, Takase, K
Annual Report of the Okadama Jomon Site, 4, 30, 50, Feb. 2023
Japanese, Research institution - Prehistoric diet as seen from charred remains on the pottery surfaces on Okushiri Island
Kunikita, D, Takase, K, Inagaki,S, Yoneda, M
The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Scientific Studies on Cultural Property Abstracts, 208, 209, 2023
Japanese, Research society - A metric analysis of a human cranium from the Khatystyr Cave, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Moiseyev, V. G, A. V. Zubova, G. G. Boeskorov, K. Takase, A. D. Stepanov, T. A. Chikisheva, V. M. Dyakonov, A. N. Alekseyev, M. V. Shchelchkova, M. D. Tomshin, E. A. Kerb
Anthropology and Paleogenetics, 51, 2, 142, 152, 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal, 11219037 - Plant use of Jomon people
Takase, K
Kaihatsu Kouhou, 714, 20, 23, Jan. 2023, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - Exploring harvesting tools of the Yayoi Culture: Use-wear analysis of stone tools from the Daikoji-Shinjoato and the Izawa (1) sites, Aomori, Northern Japan
K. Takase
Bulletin of the Laboratory of Archaeology, Hokkaido University, 2, 25, 41, Dec. 2022, [Lead author] - Earthwork burial circles in Hokkaido
Takase, K
Quatery Archaeology, 161, 105, 111, Nov. 2022, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - The Origin of the Kuril Ainu: An Overview of Study History and Current Perspectives from Archaeology
Takase, K
国立民族学博物館研究報告, 156, 99, 134, Nov. 2022, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
Japanese, Research institution - Human ecology and historical ecology of Fabaceae
Takase, K
Japanese Journal of Historical Botany, 31, 1-2, 43, 57, Oct. 2022, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Human Paleodemography and Paleoecology of the North Pacific Rim from the Mid to Late Holocene
Fitzhugh, Ben, Brown William A, Nicole Misarti, Katsunori Takase, Andrew H. Tremayne
Quaternary Research, 108, 123, 149, Aug. 2022, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - The development of the Epi-Jomon Culture
Takase, K
Classical Japan in Regions (KADOKAWA), 67, 102, Jun. 2022
Japanese, In book - The subsistence and society of the Epi-Jomon Culture: For the examinations on the diversity in history
Takase, K
史学論集, 52, 1, 19, May 2022, [Invited], [Lead author]
Japanese, Research society - Charred seeds from the Tomisato 4 site
Takase, K
富里4遺跡(厚真町教育委員会), 47, 51, Mar. 2022, [Invited], [Lead author]
Japanese, Research society - Plant remains from the K556 and K557 sites
Takase, K
K556 and K557 Sites, 221, 224, Mar. 2022, [Invited]
Research society - A spindle of the Epi-Jomon Culture
Takase, K
弥生布の出現と展開―紡錘車と布目圧痕土器―(小林青樹監修,奈良大学), 40, 43, Mar. 2022, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - Archaeological significance of the Fuyushima site
Takase, K
Bulletin of Samani Folk Museum, 4, 45, 58, Mar. 2022, [Invited], [Lead author]
Japanese, Research institution - Power and authority of influential persons in hunter-gatherer societies: A case study in Hokkaido
Takase, K
Quarterly of Archaeological Studies, 68, 3, 36, 50, Dec. 2021, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
Japanese, International conference proceedings - Use-wear analysis of stone tools from the Kafukai 2 site, Northern Hokkaido
Takase, K
Bulletin of the Laboratory of Archaeology, Hokkaido University, 1, 17, 26, Dec. 2021
Japanese, Research institution - Functional analysis of stone tools from Yakutia
Takase, K, V. M Dyakonov
Актуальные Проблемы Изучения Дописьменной Истории Северной Евразии, 39, 46, Oct. 2021
English, International conference proceedings - Study history on the origin of the Kuril Ainu and the current perspective from the viewpoint of archaeology
Takase, K
Вестник Сахалинского Музея, 2021, 3, 118, 149, Sep. 2021, [Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author]
Russian, Research institution, 10957963 - Stone tool use of the Okhotsk culture in Northern Hokkaido: Functional analysis of stone tools from the Kafukai 1 site, Rebun Town, Northern Japan
Takase, K
Quarterly of Archaeological Studies, 68, 2, 43, 61, Sep. 2021, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Early agriculture in Northeastern Honshu as seen from the replication method
Takase, K.
Momi (Society for Yayoi Period Studies), 10, 129, 138, May 2021
Japanese, Scientific journal - Power and authority of influential persons in hunter-gatherer societies: A case study in Hokkaido,
Takase, K
67th Conference of Archaeological Studies, 15, 24, Apr. 2021, [Invited]
Japanese, Symposium - Late Holocene animal use in Southern Kamchatka
Katsunori Takase, Masaki Eda, Michael A. Etnier, Alexander I. Lebedintsev
Arctic Anthropology, 58, 2, 125, 153, Mar. 2021, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author]
English, Scientific journal, This study purposed to reveal animal use in southern Kamchatka by examining the largest archaeofaunal collections recovered by Tamara M. Dikova and Nikolai N. Dikov. Radiocarbon dates of charcoal and caribou antler demonstrated that materials for this study were dated during the past 1,600 years, including three cultural periods: Nalychevo Culture (the 15– 19th centuries AD), Tar’ya Culture (the mid-first millennium AD), and the intermediate period between them (the early second millennium AD). The taxonomical distribution suggested the significance of true seals and caribou as hunting games. Various roles of sites around Cape Lopatka for seasonal hunting, trade, and manufacturing bone tools were inferred based on bone composition. Caribou antlers, drift whale carcasses, and long bird bones were important materials for making bone tools. The first example of wolf eel and Steller’s sea cow remains associated with archaeological sites on the Siberian side of the North Pacific were also reported., 10957963 - Рыболовство на Хоккайдо (Северная Япония) в доисторическое время
Takase. K
X Диковские Чтения: Материалы научно-практической конференции, посвященной 65-летию Магаданской области (Магадан, 21–23 марта 2018 г.), 62, 75, Mar. 2021, [Lead author]
Russian, International conference proceedings, 10957963 - Investigation of impressions on pottery surfaces using the replication method
Takase, K, R. Moriya, H. Shitara
Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History, 227, 367, 368, Mar. 2021
Research institution - Use-wear analysis of stone tools from the Menashidomari and Horobetsu-sakyu sites
Takase, K
Esashi Kenkyu, 12, 13, 29, Mar. 2021, [Lead author]
Japanese, Research institution - Use of tongued scrapers in Central Hokkaido, Northern Japan: contribution of the lithic use-wear analysis to the estimation of historical significance of the Epi-Jomon culture
K. Takase
Theory and Practice of Lithic Traceology, 247, 268, Oct. 2020, [Invited]
Japanese, In book - Time period determination of the Kuril Ainu’s major withdrawal from Kamchatka
Takase, K
Japanese Journal of Archaeology, 8, 1, 3, 24, Oct. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Archaeological approach to animal resources as trade goods
Takase, K.
East-West Interaction of the Yayoi Period: Thinking Long-distance Correlation (Rokuichi Shobo), 177, 182, May 2020, [Invited]
Japanese, Symposium - Diet of the Kuril Ainu as evidenced from charred materials adhering to ceramic surfaces
Takase, K
Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Science, 15, 37, 47, Mar. 2020
English, Research institution, 10957963 - Archaeology of Yakutia: Cultural development from the Early Paleolithic to the Late Middle Ages
Diakonov, V. M., translated by Ato Kakiuchi, notes by K. Takase and M. Fukuda
Journal of the Center for Northern Humanities, 13, 175, 193, Center for Northern Humanities, Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University, Mar. 2020
Japanese, Research society, 10957963 - Archaeological sites of the Ainu in the Northern Kuril Islands and the Kamchatka Peninsula
Takase, K.
Ancient Settlement Sites in Hokkaido (Hokkaido Committee for the Promotion of Active Use of Cultural Properties), 17-20, 41-45, Mar. 2020, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited], [Lead author]
Japanese, Symposium, 10957963 - Charred seeds from the Horonai 8 site, Atsuma Town, Hokkaido
Katsunori Takase
The Horonai 8 Site, 189, 195, Mar. 2020, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - Functional analysis of chipped stone tools of the Epi-Jomon Culture: A case study of stone tools from Sapporo, Hokkaido, Northern Japan
Takase, K.
Annual Report of Okadama Jomon Site, 2, 33, 44, Mar. 2020, [Invited]
Japanese, Research institution - An examination of Jomon and Yayoi clay vessels using the replication method
Takase, K, Y. Okamoto
Bulletin of the Aomori Prefectural Museum, 44, 21, 24, Mar. 2020, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author]
Japanese, Research institution, 11297854 - Biogeography and adaptation in the Kuril Islands, Northeast Asia
Gjesfjeld, E., M. A. Etnier, K. Takase, W. A. Brown, B. Fitzhugh
World Archaeology, 51, 3, 429, 523, Feb. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal, 10957963 - Use-wear analysis of chipped stone artifacts from Göytepe
Takase, K.
Göytepe: Neolithic Excavations in the Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan (Y. Nishiaki and F. Guliyev eds.), 191, 208, 2020, [Invited]
English, Research society - Long-term marine resource use in Hokkaido, Northern Japan: new insights into sea mammal hunting and fishing
Katsunori Takase
World Archaeology, 51, 3, 408, 428, 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal, 10957963 - Transpolar regions of Yakutia during the Post-Ymyjakhtakh time (1st millennium BC-1st millennium AD)
Diakonov, V. M, K. Takase
V Northern Archaeological Congress (Khanty-Mansiysk), 159, 162, Dec. 2019
Russian, International conference proceedings - 北千島・カムチャツカのアイヌ遺跡
高瀬 克範
2019年度地域の文化財普及啓発フォーラム 北海道の古代集落遺跡, 11, 12, Dec. 2019, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - 植物利用の変化
高瀬 克範
考古学からみた北大キャンパスの5,000年(北海道大学総合博物館), 86, 87, Jun. 2019, [Invited]
Japanese - Prehistoric and ancient plant use in the Ishikari Lowland, Hokkaido, Northern Japan: Examinations of charred seeds and impressions on potsherds in Sapporo City
Sakakida, T, K. Takase
Nihon Kokogaku, 48, 1, 19, May 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Various aspects of useful grass plant use in Hokkaido
Takase, K
Archaeology of the Formation of Agrarian Culture Complex (I) (Yuzankaku), 91, 110, May 2019, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - Charred seeds from the N434 site, Sapporo, Northern Japan
Takase, K
N434 Site (Education Board of Sapporo City), 256, 260, 360, Mar. 2019, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - Charred seeds from the K435 site, Sapporo, Northern Japan
Takase, K
K435 Site (3rd Excavation)(Eduication Board of Sapporo City), 121, 123, 235, Mar. 2019, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - Report of study on impressions on the surfaces of pottery during the Early and Middle Yayoi Culture in Aomori Prefecture, Northern Japan
Takase, K
The Investigation of the First Half of the Yayoi Period in the Foot of the Mt. Iwakisan: Excavations of Sunazawa, Mawarizeki Reservoir (1), Shimiuzmori-Nishi Sites and Plant Impressions in Tsugaru Plains, Aomori, Japan, 183, 191, Mar. 2019, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - The occurrence and temporal change in habitat of the Kuril Ainu: perspectives from archaeology
Takase, K.
Proceedings of the 33rd International Abashiri Symposium, 25, 32, Mar. 2019, [Invited]
English, International conference proceedings - Dietary analysis using charred residues on pottery from the Epi-Jomon culture to the Satsumon culture in Hokkaido
Kunikita, D, K. Takase, T. Kumaki, H. Matzuzaki
Development of Agrarian Cultures in Eastern Japan (Hirosaki University), 58, 59, Nov. 2018, [Invited]
Japanese, Symposium - Development and epoch of millet use in Central Hokkaido as seen from charred seeds and impressions on the cenramic surface
Sakakida, T, K. Takase
Development of Agrarian Cultures in Eastern Japan (Hirosaki University), 54, 57, Nov. 2018, [Invited]
Japanese, Symposium - Preliminary report of paleoethnobotanical examinations using the replication method in Aomori and Miyagi Prefectures
Katsunori Takase
東日本における農耕文化の展開(弘前大学人文社会科学部北日本考古学研究センター・東京大学文学部設楽研究室), 18, 19, Nov. 2018, [Invited]
Japanese, Symposium - Functional analysis on stemmed scrapers of the Epi-Jomon Culture
Takase, K
Ronshu Oshorokko, 5, 13, 33, May 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Toward the problem on chronology of the Ymyyakh and Sugunakh cultures
Dyakonov, V. M, K. Takase
Human and the North: Anthropology, Archaeology, Ecology (Materials of all Russia Academic Conference, Tyumen’, 2-6 April, vol.4), 72, 77, Apr. 2018
Russian, Research society - Functional Analysis of Late Jomon Drills : A Case Study on Stone Tools from the Kiusu 4 Site, Hokkaido, Northern Japan
Takase, K
Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History, 208, 45, 82, Mar. 2018, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Plant seeds collected from the Shoroma 1 site, Atsuma City
Takase, K
Shoroma 1 Site (2) (Education Board of Atsuma City), 258, 264, Mar. 2018, [Invited]
Japanese, Others - Pit dwellings of the Nalychevo Culture in Southern Kamchatka and the Northern Kuril Islands
Takase, K.
Journal of Graduate School of Letters Hokkaido University, 13, 11, 33, Mar. 2018
English, Research institution - New categories of Naiji pottery from the Northern Kurils and Southern Kamchatka
Takase, K.
IXth Dikov Readings, 98, 101, Oct. 2017
Russian, International conference proceedings - The Yayoi Culture and the Sunazawa site
Katsunori Takase
The Sunazawa Site Symposium, 1, 10, Sep. 2017, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - Археологические исследования на острове Шумшу в 2016 году
Такасэ К, Шубина О.А, Фицхью Б, Этниер М, Тэзука К, Самарин И.А, Марков И.Г, Шепова А
Вестник Сахалинского Музея, 24, 21, 35, Aug. 2017
Russian, Research institution - Variations in the occupation area of human groups in the Kuril Islands and its background
Takase, K
Practice of Theoretical Archaeology I (Doseisha), 370, 394, Jun. 2017, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - A study of Jomon, Epi-Jomon and Satsumon clay vessels based on the replication method
Takase, K
SEEDS CONTACT (The University of Tokyo), 4, 11, 13, May 2017, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - Use-wear analysis of flaked stone tools from the Ishikari-Momijiyama site No.49
Katsunori Takase
Hokkaido Kokogaku, 53, 111, 130, Mar. 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - 二軒在家原田頭遺跡・上人見遺跡出土スクレイパーB類の使用痕分析
高瀬 克範
西横野中部地区遺跡群 二軒在家原田頭遺跡 行田二本杉原東遺跡 第3分冊』(安中市教育委員会), 1209, 1216, Mar. 2017, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - 札幌市K39遺跡事務局非常用自家発電設備地点から検出された種子
高瀬 克範
北大構内の遺跡XXIII, 29, 31, Mar. 2017, [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - An overview of the Kunio Yanagita collection
Kudo, Yuichiro, Huiromi Shitara, Katsunori Takase, Toshiaki Kumaki, Masahiro Fukuda, Yasuhiro Yamada, Shogo Osawa
Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History, 202, 202, 27, 99, 国立歴史民俗博物館, Mar. 2017, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Northern neighbour of the Yayoi Culture: the Epi-Jomon Culture
Katsunori Takase
What Was the Yayoi Period Like?, 114, 136, Mar. 2017, [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Use-wear analysis of stone tools in Kunio Yanagita collection
Katsunori Takase
Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History, 202, 202, 137, 156, 国立歴史民俗博物館, Mar. 2017, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - A travel to the Northern Kurils in 2016
Takase, K
北方博物館交流, 29, 7, 13, 北海道北方博物館交流協会, Mar. 2017, [Invited]
Japanese - The First Kuril Strait
Takase, K
北方博物館交流, 29, 表紙裏, 表紙裏, Mar. 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese - 「みちのくの遠賀川」再考
高瀬 克範
季刊考古学, 138, 59, 62, Feb. 2017, [Invited]
Japanese, Others - Preliminary Report of Archaeological Investigations on Shumshu Island
Takase, K., K. Tezuka, O. Shubina, I. Samarin, B. Fitzhugh, M. Etnier, I. Markov, A. Shepova
18th Annual Meeting of Research Associate of North Asia, 49, 52, Feb. 2017
English, International conference proceedings - 本州島東北部における稲作の開始とその考古学的位置づけ
高瀬 克範
弥生時代研究会シンポジウム 仙台平野に弥生文化はなかったのか—藤尾慎一郎氏の新説講演と意見交換—, 57, 62, Nov. 2016, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - Use-wear analysis of stone tools from the Oshokomanai site, Shari, Hokkaido
Katsunori Takase
Bulletin of the Shiretoko Museum, 38, 33, 39, Jun. 2016
Japanese, Research institution - Archaeological materials in Kunio Yanagita collection as seen from stone tool uses
Takase, K
(Shitara, Hiromi and Yuichiro Kudo eds., Shinsensha), 37, 39, May 2016
Japanese, Research society - Use of Resources and Land in the Epi-Jomon Culture: Perspectives Based on the Comparative Study with Adjacent Cultures
Takase, K
Subsistence and residences of the Jomon Period (Kobayashi, Ken'ichi ed., Doseisha), 51, 78, Apr. 2016, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - A report on 2015 annual meeting of Hokkaido Archaeological Society
Katsunori Takase
Hokkaido Kokogaku, 52, 52, 85, 88, 北海道考古学会, Mar. 2016
Japanese - Characteristic seed complex in Hokkaido as seen from the replication method
Takase, K
SEEDS CONTACT(Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo, 3, 4, 5, Mar. 2016
Japanese, Research society - A study on pottery from Southern Kamchatka in T. M. Dikova and N. N. Dikov collections
Takase, K, A. I. Lebedintse
Journal of the Graduate School of Letters, 11, 9, 36, 北海道大学文学研究科, Mar. 2016
English, Research institution, T. M. Dikova and N. N. Dikov collections, currently conserved in the North-EasternInterdisciplinary Research Institute(NEISRI),Far Eastern Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences,are the largest collections of archaeological materials from the Kamchatka Peninsula. Althoughceramic specimens in these collections definitely play a significant role in our approach to studythe early history of the Kuril Ainu,only a small number of potsherd in them have been publishedso far. In this study,we present a total picture of the pottery from Southern Kamchatka housedin these collections and demonstrate that a hypothesis on temporal change in the distribution ofNaiji pottery can be supported. - Archaeology along the coast of the Okhotsk Sea: Achievements, problems and perspectives
Takase, K
Proceedings of the 30th International Abashiri Symposium [the 30th Anniversary Meeting] Study of Northern Peoples for 30 Years; Progress, Challenges and Roles of Museums, 30, 39, 46, 北方文化振興協会, Mar. 2016, [Invited]
English, International conference proceedings - Column: Radiocarbon dating
Katsunori Takase
Classical History of Tohoku District 2: The Formation of Wa and Tohoku (Fujisawa, Atsushi ed., Yoshikawakobunkan), 44, 45, Oct. 2015, [Invited]
Japanese - Column: Lithic use-wear analysis
Katsunori Takase
Classical History of Tohoku District 2: The Formation of Wa and Tohoku (Fujisawa, Atsushi ed., Yoshikawakobunkan), 162, 163, Oct. 2015, [Invited]
Japanese - Archaeological materials from the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin housed in Hokkaido University Natural History Museum (Botanic Garden)
Takase, K
Учкеные Запиский Сахалинского Государственного Университета, 11&12, 132, 143, Oct. 2015, [Invited]
English, Research institution - Acculturation of paddy rice farming and the formation of agrarian culture
Takase, K
Classical History of Tohoku District 2: The Formation of Wa and Tohoku (Fujisawa, Atsushi ed., Yoshikawakobunkan), 11, 43, Oct. 2015, [Invited]
Japanese, Others - Symposium review: Revisiting the Sakhalin and Kuril Routes
Katsunori Takase
Newsletter of the Hokkaido Archaeological Society, 8, 9, Jul. 2015
Japanese - Preface
Katsunori Takase
Revisiting the Sakhalin and Kuril Routes, 2, 3, May 2015
Japanese - The Sakhalin and Kuril routes as seen from the northern Okhotsk Sea coast and the Kamchatka Peninsula
Katsunori Takase
Revisiting the Sakhalin and Kuril Routes (Hokkaido Archaeological Society), 61, 94, May 2015
Japanese, Research society - Archaeological materials collected by Kunio Yanagita
Shitara, Hiromi, Yuichiro Kudo, Toshiaki Kumaki, Katsunori Takase, Masahiro Fukuda, Yasuhiro Yamada, Masayuki Hayashi
81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Archaeological Association, 74, 75, May 2015
Japanese, Symposium - Microscopic observation of stone scrapers from Shumshu Island, the Northern Kuril Islands, VIII Dikov Readings, pp.122-124, Magadan.)
Takase, K
VIII Dikov Readings, 122, 124, Apr. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
International conference proceedings - Naiji pottery from the Southern Kamchatka Peninsula and Its Implications for History of the Kuril Ainu
Takase, K
Ronshu Oshorokko, IV, 17, 45, Apr. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Review: A. V. Ptashinski 2013 Eiji Nakayama: A resercher of the ancient history of Kamchatka
Takase, K
Hoppo Hakubutsukan Koryu, 27, 23, 23, Mar. 2015
Japanese - Preliminary report of the 3rd excavations at the Rebunge site, Tioyoura, Hokkaido
Kosugi, Yasushi, Katsunori Takase, Tsuzuri Watanabe, Izumi Kanda
Hokkaido Kokogaku, 51, 51, 85, 94, 北海道考古学会, Mar. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Others - Use-wear analysis of stone tools from the coast of Karaga Bay, Northeastern Kamchatka, Russia
Katsunori Takase
Journal of the Graduate School of Letters, 10, 10, 13, 25, 北海道大学文学研究科, Mar. 2015
English, Research institution, This study examined the functions of chipped and ground stone tools from the coast of Karaga Bay in Northeastern Kamchatka, Russia. The specimens analyzed include 27 stone tools restored after the excavations at the Karaga 6 (11th to 13th centuries) as well as the Karaga 10 and 13 (15th to 17th centuries) sites in 2012. The high-power approach of the lithic use-wear analysis was applied. Because of microscopic observations, six specimens displayed distinct use-wear polish. Polish morphology indicated that two utilized flakes and a retouched flake were used for hide working, while a side scraper exhibited a use-wear polish that was mainly generated by plant working. Two end scrapers also showed traces of plant working,whereas evidence of dry hide tanning was found on one specimen. The findings show that utilized or retouched flakes, not end scrapers, were the main tools for hide working from the 11th to 17th centuries C.E. in Northeastern Kamchatka. This result is extremely suggestive for the explanation concerning the diffusion process of the Paleo-Asiatic type scrapers that have been used by the indigenous peoples in Kamchatka. Finally, ethnographic implications regarding the long-term history of stone scrapers are discussed. - An analysis of potsherds from the Nakasuji site based on the replication method
Katsunori Takase
The Nakasuji Site (Education board of Yamamoto Town), 227, 233, Mar. 2015
Japanese - Use-wear analysis of stone tools from the Nakasuji site, Yamamoto, Miyagi
Katsunori Takase
The Nakasuji Site (Education board of Yamamoto Town), 235, 244, Mar. 2015
Japanese - Visiting the largest archaeological collections from Kamchatka
Katsunori Takase
Hoppo Hakubutsukan Koryu, 27, 17, 23, 北海道北方博物館交流協会, Mar. 2015
Japanese, Research society - Charred seeds from the Koidetate site
Katsunori Takase
Report of 2013 Exacavations at the Koidetate Site (Education board of Ofunato City, Iwate Prefecture), 55, 68, Mar. 2015
Japanese - Use-wear analysis of stone tools from the K39 site (Loc. Seminar Building, University Hospital)
Takase, K
Hokudai Konai no Iseki XXI, 144, 147, Mar. 2015
Japanese - Use-wear analysis of stone tools in the Kitakami River basin
Katsunori Takase
Kofun and Epi-Jomon Culture (Koshishoin), 195, 210, Oct. 2014, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society - Settlements with paddy fields, settlements without paddy fields
Katsunori Takase
What is the Yayoi Culture? (The National Museum of Japanese History), 101, 101, Jul. 2014, [Invited]
Japanese - The Sunazawa site, HIrosaki
Katsunori Takase
What is the Yayoi Culture? (The National Museum of Japanese History), 89, 89, Jul. 2014, [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - The Araya site, Hachinohe
Katsunori Takase
What is the Yayoi Culture? (The National Museum of Japanese History), 93, 93, Jul. 2014, [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - The Tareyanagi site, Inakadate
Katsunori Takase
What is the Yayoi Culture? (The National Museum of Japanese History), 94, 94, Jul. 2014, [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - The Takada B site, Sendai
Katsunori Takase
What is the Yayoi Culture? (The National Museum of Japanese History), 98, 98, Jul. 2014, [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Relativizing land and resource uses of the Jomon Cultures
Katsunori Takase
Chjuo University Academic Symposium "Perspectives of Archaeology", 40, 53, Jul. 2014, [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - From Jomon to Yayoi: A case in Northeastern Honshu Island
Takase, K
Weekly Shin Hakken Nihon no Rekishi (Asahi Shinbun Shuppan), 13, 13, Jun. 2014, [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Subsisitence of the Epi-Jomon Culture
Takase, K
Weekly Shin Hakken Nihon no Rekishi (Asahi Shinbun Shuppan), 5, Jun. 2014, [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - The early Yayoi Culture in Northeastern Honshu Island
Takase, K
Jomon: A 10000 Years Journey (Osaka Yayoi Culture Museum), 86, 93, May 2014, [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Radiocarbon Dating of Pottery from Karaga Bay Coast
Takase, K.
Journal of the Graduate School of Letters, 9, 9, 1, 27, Graduate School of Lettters, Hokkaido University, Mar. 2014
English, Research institution, This study aims to determine the age of prehistoric pottery from Karaga Bay coast,northern Kamchatka, Russia. From a typological viewpoint, pottery in this region is dividedinto four types:Ivashka type, Kavran type, pottery with clay rope ornamentation, and potterycovered by a square/rectangular-shaped impression. The ceramic set is classified into twopatterns:a composition solely consisting of Kavran type ("composition-I") and a compositionconsisting of various types as well as Kavran type ("composition-II"). According to AMS(acceleratormass spectrometry) radiocarbon dating,thetypological features ofKavran typewerelargelyunaltered from the11th to the17th centuryCE. However,ceramiccomposition can beaneffectiveindicatorofage;"composition-I"isdated to theolderstagebetween the11th and the13thcenturyCE, and "composition-II"can be assigned to the newer stage during the second halfofthe15th to thefirst halfofthe17th centuryCE. This chronological schemesuggests that culturalinteraction in the newer stage between Karaga Baycoast and adjacent areas is more active thanin the older stage. - Dates of pottery from the Karaga Bay coast, Northeastern Kamchatka
Katsunori Takase
15th Annual Meeting of RANA, 1, 4, Mar. 2014
Japanese, Scientific journal - The Bronze Age Culture in Northern Primorye, Russian Far East
Usuki, I, Yu. Nikitin, K. Takase
15th Annual Meeting of RANA, 77, 82, Mar. 2014
Japanese, Scientific journal - The beginning of millet farming in Western Kanto region
Shitara, Hiromi, Katsunori Takase
Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History, 185, 511, 530, Mar. 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Use-wear analysis of stone tools from the K39 site
Takase, K
Newsletter of the Society for the Lithic Use-wear Studies, 13, 5, 5, Mar. 2014
Japanese, Scientific journal - use-wear analysis of Mesolithic stone tools from the Russian Plain
Takase, K
Newsletter of the Society for the Lithic Use-wear Studies, 13, 8, 9, Mar. 2014
Japanese, Scientific journal - Use of resources and land in the Epi-Jomon Culture: Perspectives based on the comparative study with adjacent areas
Takase, K
Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History, 185, 185, 15, 61, 国立歴史民俗博物館, Feb. 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal, 続縄文概念の有効性の評価にあたり,隣接諸文化との比較からその異同性をさぐることは重要な手段となりえる。本稿では,資源・土地利用を中心とした経済の観点から縄文・弥生および一部古墳文化との比較をおこない,以下の点を指摘した。1)続縄文文化前半期には,道南部・道央部・道東部においてそれぞれ独自の方式で資源開発が行われたが,縄文文化期よりも魚類の重要性が高まる点ではすべての地域が共通している。2)道央部は続縄文文化期前半から外来系の物資入手力が相対的に高かったと推定され,そのネットワークとサケ科の利用を基軸とした経済が,後半期の道央部の優位性にも関係する可能性がある。3)続縄文文化後半の焼土遺構のなかには,居住施設が含まれている。移動性の高さについては明確な結論をすぐに出すことはできないものの,居住施設の簡便性にくわえて土器の広域分布,石器の段階的減少,重量ベースでサケが中心となる遺存体,偶像を埋め込んだ儀礼の場としての洞窟遺跡の発達などからみて,少なくとも一部には広域に移動して物資を運搬する集団が含まれていたと考えられる。4)東北北部の弥生文化は平野部で稲作を積極的に行うA地域と,平野部以外で狩猟採集に重きをおく生業を展開したB地域が複合して地域社会を形成する。このうち,続縄文文化が直接的に関係を有していた可能性が高いのは,B地域である。5)東北北部の弥生文化は中期中葉に生じた自然災害により稲作が中断し,A・B地域複合の崩壊,人口激減がみられる。この点が,弥生中期後葉の続縄文文化の分布域拡大とも間接的にむすびついている。6)後北C2‒D~北大式期の東北北部は,文化境界(帯)や文化遷移帯ではなく,異なる考古学的文化の雑居地帯(Mixed residential area,Mixed residential quarter)としてとらえ直す必要がある。これらの特色はいずれも縄文文化にはみられなかったもので,現時点で続縄文文化の括りには一定の妥当性を認めうる。Exploring similarities and differences in comparison with adjacent cultures can be a significant approach to assessing the effectiveness of Epi-Jomon concepts. This paper compares them with those of the Jomon and Yayoi cultures as well as part of the Kofun culture from an economic perspective, focusing on the use of resources and land. The result indicates the following:1)The early Epi-Jomon people exploited resources in southern, central, and northern Hokkaido in their respective unique ways though they had something in common in that they all placed more importance to fisheries than the Jomon people had done.2)In central Hokkaido, where more foreign commodities are presumed to have been available from the first half of the Epi-Jomon period, economy centered on this network as well as salmon fisheries may have led to the predominance of this area in the latter half of the period.3)Burned structural remains of the late Epi-Jomon culture include housing facilities. Judging from their simple structure as well as the wide spread of pottery, gradual reduction of stone tools, natural remains mostly accounted for by salmon on a weight basis, and development of ceremonial caves equipped with idols, at least some groups can be assumed to have moved around from one place to another, transporting commodities and resources widely, though it is difficult at present to clarify the frequency of migrations.4)The Yayoi culture in northern Tohoku formed a combined community consisting of two areas: Area A with lowland rice cultivation as its main livelihood activities and Area B with highland hunting and gathering as its primary livelihood strategy. Area B is more likely to have built direct relationships with the Epi-Jomon culture.5)In northern Tohoku in the middle of the Mid-Yayoi period, natural disasters interfered with rice cultivation, leading to the collapse of the community consisting of Area A and B and a sharp drop in the population. This indirectly caused the spread of Epi-Jomon culture in the latter part of the Mid-Yayoi period.6)The northern Tohoku area in the date of Kohoku-C2-D- and Hokudai-type pottery needs to be reanalyzed, not as a cultural boundary (zone) or a cultural transition zone, but as a mixed residential area, or a mixed residential quarter, of different archaeological cultures. None of the above features were observed in the Jomon culture. Therefore, at present, it can be considered appropriate to some extent to regard the Epi-Jomon culture as one unique culture. - Naiji pottery in Kono Collection housed in Asahikawa City Museum
Takase, K
Hokudai Shigaku, 53, 1, 16, 北大史学会, Dec. 2013
Japanese, Scientific journal - Revisiting baba Collection: A basic study on pit dwellings, pottery, and stone tools ij the Northern Kurils
Takase, K, S. Kenji
Bulletin of Graduate School of Letters Hokkaido University, 140, 1, 56, 北海道大学大学院文学研究科, Jul. 2013
Japanese, Research institution - Cultivated plant use from the Final Jomon to the Yayoi and Epi-Jomon VCulture periods in Eastern Japan as seen from the replication method
Katsunori Takase
Prehistoric Plant Use Strategy: An Archaeological Study as seen from Cultivated Plants, 29, 40, May 2013, [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Chronology and Age Determination of Pottery from the Southern Kamchatka and Northern Kuril Islands, Russia
Takase, K.
Journal of the Graduate School of Letters, 8, 8, 35, 61, Graduate School of Lettters, Hokkaido University, Mar. 2013
English, Research institution, This study aims to establish a chronological system of pottery with inner lugs,knownas Naiji pottery,which is found in the southern Kamchatka Peninsula and the Northern KurilIslands. Through examination of the typology,Naiji pottery can be divided into four subtypes:types Ia,Ib,II and III. Radiocarbon dating using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry(AMS)demonstrates that type Ia should be dated from the second half of the 15 th century to the first halfof the 17 th century,and that date of type II falls after the second half of the 17 th century. Althoughthere is still no radiocarbon date for it,type Ib likely can be assigned to the 17 th century becauseit is an intermediate type between types Ia and II. Type III is the last phase of this pottery thatis influenced by the Russian iron pan,suggesting that its date belongs to a period during the latterhalf of the 18 th century to the beginning of the 19 th century. The occurrence and distribution ofthis pottery indicate that the mid-15 th century and mid-17 th century are significant epochs of humanactivity in this region. - New frontiers of Archaeology in the Kamchatka Peninsula
Ptashinski, A. V, lated, K. Takase
Hoppo Hakubutsukan Koryu, 25, 10, 16, 北海道北方博物館交流協会, Mar. 2013, [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Visiting archaeological sites around the Karaga Bay coast, Northeastern Kamchatka
K. Takase
Hoppo Hakubutsukan Koryu, 25, 4, 9, 北海道北方博物館交流協会, Mar. 2013, [Invited]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Use-wear analysis of stone tools from the Shimizu Ten'nosan site
Takase, K
Hokudai Shigaku, 52, 1, 17, Dec. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese - New radiocarbon dates in the Northern Okhotsk Sea and Northeastern Kamchatka
Takase, K., A. I. Lebedintsev, A. V. Ptashinski
VII Dikov Readings, 139, 143, Oct. 2012
Russian, International conference proceedings - Use-wear analysis of stone tools
Iwase, A, K. Takase
Research on the Formation Process and Transfiguration of the Pleistocene Human Societies in the Northern Circum japan Sea Area (NCJSA) through the Obsidian Exploitation and Circulation, 152, 158, Oct. 2012
Japanese - Jomon Society
Takase, K
Dictionary of the Post-War Historical Study in Japan, 21, 22, Jul. 2012
Japanese - A study on impressions of plant seed using the replication method
Takase, K
Hakkutsu Tomisawa: Activities in Thirty Years, 58, 63, Jul. 2012
Japanese - A study on pottery from the Nishishiga site using the replication method
Takase, K
Bulletin of the Meiji University Museum, 17, 13, 25, 明治大学博物館事務室, Mar. 2012
Japanese - Use-wear analysis of informal stone tools of the Bronze Age in Korea
Takase, K
Newsletter of the Society for the Lithic Use-wear Studies, 12, 10, 11, Mar. 2012
Japanese - Use-wear analysis of stone tools from Shibetsugawa Kako Sagan 2 site, Shibetsu, Hokkaido
Takase, K
Shibetsugawa Kako sagan 2 Site (Shibetsu, Hokkaido), 104, 110, Mar. 2012
Japanese, Scientific journal - Regional complexes of the Yayoi Period
Takase, K
Bulletin of the Research Institute for Humanities Meiji University, 70, 52, 63, 89, 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Research institution - Change in land use at the Jomon-Yayoi transition in Northern Honshu Island, Japan
Takase, K.
PREHISTORIC EURASIA: on Aleksei N. Sorokin’s 60th birthday, 589, 600, 2012 - Endscrapers of the Old Koryak Culture: A case study of the Kamchatka and Taigonos Peninsulas
Takase, K.
Journal of the Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University, 7, 7, 31, 53, Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University, 2012
English, This study purposes to clarify the functions and uses of stone endscrapers of the OldKoryak Culture(ca. the 5th to 17th centuries C.E.) from the northern Kamchatka and Taigonospeninsulas. Through an examination of the "high-power approach (HPA)"of lithic use-wearanalysis, it has been found that all of the endscrapers with heavily abraded edges had been usedfor hide-working,and that there were also traces of hafting,probably into handles made of boneor antler. Furthermore, an interpretative model for estimating the direction of tool movementindicates that scrapers with relatively sharp edge-angle were used in a whittling motion, whilescrapers with blunt edge-angle were used in a scraping motion. This study also revealed thatworking edges of almost half of the endscrapers we examined were worn rounded to an extent thatmeasurement of use-angles was difficult,implying that many of these tools were used for a varietyof tasks in the hide-working process, tilted at varying angles against the hides. These resultsshow that although the Paleo-asiatic-type of scraper may have existed in this region prior to the17th century, it constituted only a part of the hide-working toolkit. The assemblage of hideworkingtools in the Old Koryak Culture was relatively varied and multipurpose. It is believedthat at some point between the period of the Old Koryak Culture and the beginning of the periodof ethnographic documentation of the region,a transition occurred whereby the toolkit was pareddown to a single tool―the Paleo-asiatic scraper. - Human occupation from the Final Jomon to Yayoi Periods in the Oga Peninsula and Hachiro Lake
Takase, K
Bulletin of the Research Institute for Classical Japan Meiji University, 17, 17, 43, 57, 明治大学古代学研究所, 2012
Japanese, Research institution - Preliminary report of the 2011 excavations at the Fugusawa site, Mutsu, Aomori
Takase, K
Journal of the Center for Northern Humanities, 5, 33, 39, 北海道大学大学院文学研究科北方研究教育センター, 2012
Japanese, 北海道大学大学院文学研究科北方教育研究センター - Preliminary report of the 2010 excavations at the Fugusawa site, Mutsu, Aomori
Takase, K, T. Osaka
Kokogaku Shukan (Meiji University), 7, 63, 78, 明治大学文学部考古学研究室, Oct. 2011
Japanese - Frontiers of Yayoi culture paddy farming in Akita
Katsunori Takase
Symposium The Beginning of Rice Farming in Akita (Education Board of Oga City, Akita), 21, 28, Oct. 2011
Japanese - Millets of the Final Jomon in Ina Basin
Endo, Eiko, Katsunori Takase
Kokogaku Kenkyu, 58, 2, 74, 85, 考古学研究会, Sep. 2011
Japanese - Domesticated plants in the transition from the Final Jomon to teh Yayoi Periods
Nakazawa, M, K. Takase
77th Annual Meeting of Japan Archaeological Association, 140, 141, May 2011
Japanese - An examination of impressions on the surface of ceramic vessels from the Final Jomon to the Yayoi and Epi-Jomon cultures using the replication method: a case study in Hokkaido and Miyagi
Takase, K
Hokkaido Kokogaku, 47, 33, 50, Apr. 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Scrapers of the Old Koryak Culture: A case study in the Kamchatka and Taigonos Peninsulas
Takase, K..
Vestnik Kraunts, 2011, 1, 13, 34, 2011
Russian, Research institution - How should we place the agricultural culture in Northern Tohoku District
Takase, K
Archaeology of the Yayoi Period, Volume 3, 114, 128, 2011
Japanese, Research society - An archaeological study on utilization of environment and resources of early agrarian society in the Shimokita Peninsula
Takase, K
Bulletin of the Research institute for Humanities, Meiji University, 68, 68, 41, 73, 明治大学人文科学研究所, 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Research institution - Agriculture in plains and mountainous areas: a case study of Sagami Province
Takase, K
Kokyo Suru Kodai (Tokyodo), 178, 198, 2011
Japanese, In book - Plant Use on Remote Islands in the Final Jomon and Yayoi Periods: An Examination of Seeds Restored from Potsherds in the Tawara Site, Niijima Island, Japan
Takase, K, E. Endo, H. Nasu
Bulletin of the Meiji University Museum, 16, 21, 39, 明治大学博物館事務室, 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Use-wear analysis of stone tools from the Yeongamsan site, Daegu and the Hwangseong-dong site,Gyeonngju
Takase, K
Kokogaku Ronso: 30th Anniversary of teh Laboratory of Archaeology Kyungpook National University, Korea, 77, 104, 2011
Japanese, Research institution - Plant Seeds Recovered from Potsherds of the Final Jomon and Yayoi Periods: A Case Study in Iwate and Yamagata Prefectures, Northeastern Japan
Takase, K
Meiji University Ancient Studies of Japan, 3, 41, 63, 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - 関東平野北部弥生時代の「打製石斧」の使用痕
高瀬 克範
石器使用痕研究会会報, 11, 6, 7, 2011
Japanese - K39遺跡北海道大学工学部共用実験研究棟地点出土黒曜石製石器の使用痕分析
K39遺跡北海道大学工学部共用実験研究棟地点発掘調査報告書, 299, 311, 2011
Japanese, 北海道大学 - Archaeological study on environment and resource use in the early agrarian society in the Shimokita Peninsula
Takase, K
Bulletin of the Institute for Humanities Meiji University, 7, 27, 57, 2011
Japanese, Research institution, 明治大学大学院 - 続縄文文化と縄文文化
高瀬 克範
縄文時代の考古学I 比較文化論による相対化, 166, 177, Jun. 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese - A basic study on prehistoric plant use by the replication method: A case study in Akita Prefecture,
Takase, K
Kaizuka, 66, 1, 18, 物質文化研究会, 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Use-wear analysis of stone tools from Etorofu Island, the Southern Kuril Islands
Takase, K.
Sundai Histroical Review, 140, 113, 134, 駿台史学会, 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Технология обработки шкур на Камчатке
Такасэ, К
Развитие Дальнего Востока и Камчатки: Региональные Проблемы, 39, 44, 2010 - Use-wear analysis of stone flakes and scrapers in the northern Kanto Plain
Takase, K
Ronshu Oshorokko, 3, 59, 74, 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Research society - Use-wear analysis of Etorofu type adzes
Takase, K
物質文化, 88, 15, 26, 2010, [Peer-reviewed] - A basic study on the prehistoric plant use based on the replication method with special reference to clay vessels from Aomori Prefecture
Takase, K, E. Endo
Bulletin of the Research Institute for Classical Japan, 13, 3, 22, 明治大学古代学研究所, 2010
Japanese, Research institution - Use-wear analysis of stone axes from the Kaminakamaru site, Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Takase K, E. Endo
Environmental History and Human, 3, 147, 159, 2010
Japanese, Research institution - An analysis of charred seeds from the Yayoi pit dwelling No.21 at the Tagoyama site Loc.31, Shiki City, Saitama
Takase K, E. Endo
Bulletin of the Research Institute for Classical Japan, 12, 3, 13, 明治大学古代学研究所, 2010
Japanese - Use angle and motional direction of end scrapers: A case study of the Palaeolithic in Hokkaido, Japan
Katsunori Takase
Asian Perspectives, 49, 2, 363, 379, University of Hawaii Press, 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal, This article examines the direction of tool movement of end scrapers used by Palaeolithic peoples for hide-working in the Japanese Islands. Specimens are approximately 400 end scrapers from three sites dated to the first half of the late Palaeolithic in Hokkaido, northern Japan. As a result of examination using a method combining the high-power approach of lithic use-wear analysis with a replication technique for measuring the edge angle and the use angle, it was clarified that end scrapers were used only for hideworking. They were classified into four groups: (1) relatively short end scrapers used in a pulling motion (group A)
(2) relatively short end scrapers used in a pushing motion (group B)
(3) relatively long and large end scrapers used in a pulling motion (group C)
and (4) relatively long and large end scrapers used in a pushing motion (group D). Groups B and D (i.e., for pushing motion) are dominant among whole specimens. This study will contribute significantly to the investigation of tool use strategies, curation systems, and the reduction sequences of end scrapers when compared with results of techno-morphological research. At the same time, the methodology performed for this article enabled to change of needs for hide products in prehistoric society. © 2011 by the University of Hawai'i Press. - 東京都新宿区落合遺跡(第14次調査)から採取された種子分析用炭化物試料について
落合遺跡V, 45, 45, 2010
Japanese, 学校法人目黒学園・大成エンジニアリング株式会社 - Charred seeds from the Tsukuijo site
Takase, K
Tsukuijoato II (Honjo Kuruwagun Chiku), 37, 39, 2010
Japanese, Others, (財)かながわ考古学財団 - 標津川河岸1遺跡出土黒曜石製石器の使用痕分析
標津川河岸遺跡―平成20年度標津川改修事業に伴う埋蔵文化財発掘調査報告書―, 125, 132, 2010
Japanese, 標津町教育委員会 - 青森県むつ市江豚沢遺跡の発掘調査(2003-2009)」
第11回北アジア回調査研究報告会, 37, 40, 2010
Japanese - 江豚沢遺跡(2003〜2009年)
むつ市文化財調査報告, 38, 17, 30, 2010
Japanese, むつ市教育委員会 - 個人研究第1種実施報告 下北半島初期農耕社会における環境・資源利用に関する考古学的研究
人文科学研究所年報, 50, 52, 53, 2010
Japanese, 明治大学人文科学研究所 - Prehistoric and protohistoric plant use in the Japanese archipelago
Meiji University Premodern Japan Research Exchange, 2010
English, http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/history/ppjusc/ - 石器が語る「使用履歴」
考古学の挑戦―地中に問いかける歴史学―, 121, 142, 2010
Japanese, 岩波書店 - 「クリルの地」の考古学
考古学ジャーナル, 605, 14, 17, 2010
Japanese - Millet cultivation and nuts consumption of the Yayoi Period
Takase, K
Archaeology of the Yayoi Period 5: Food Acquisition and Production, 213, 227, 2009
In book - Historical world of Northern Tohoku District in transition
Takase, K
東北学, 19, 50, 60, 2009
Japanese, Symposium - Grass plant utilization in the Jomon Period
Takase, K
雑穀研究, 24, 1, 7, 2009
Japanese, Scientific journal - ロシア連邦カムチャツカ地方アナヴガイ2遺跡の調査
A.V.プタシンスキー, 高瀬克範
第10回北アジア調査研究報告会, 17, 20, 2009
Japanese - 皮革利用史の研究動向―皮革資源への「複眼的」接近のために―
日本古代学, 1, 81, 106, 2009
Japanese - 坪ノ内 カマド土壌のフローテーション分析
湘南新道関連遺跡群IV, 335, 343, 2009
Japanese, Research society, (財)かながわ考古学財団 - 先史時代の植物利用再考―近年の研究成果から―
日本考古学2009, 1, 15, 2009
Japanese - 志木市西原大塚遺跡第108地点出土の炭化種子
西原大塚遺跡第108地点 埋蔵文化財発掘調査報告書, 69, 70, 2009
Japanese, 志木市教育委員会,図版11 - 考古学からみたカムチャツカ
カムチャツカ通信, 復刊56号, 8, 10, 2009
Japanese, カムチャツカ開発 - 縄文時代
デジタルブック最新第四紀学, なし, なし, 2009
Japanese, 日本第四紀学会 - 弥生時代
デジタルブック最新第四紀学, なし, なし, 2009
Japanese, 日本第四紀学会 - A study on functions and uses of polished stone axes/adzes of the Early Epi-Jomon
Takase, K
Chiiki to Bunka no Kokogaku (Rokuichishobo), 327, 344, 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Research society - Jomon-Yayoi transition in Northern Honshu: A case study in the Tsugaru Plain
Takase, K
Original Landscape of Tohoku District: Jomon, Yayoi, and Epi-Jomon, 30, 45, 2008
Japanese, Symposium - Use-wear analysis of stone knives from the Fukakusa site, Kyoto and the Uriwari site, Osaka
Takase, K
Sundai Historical Review, 134, 73, 94, 駿台史学会, 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Washing filling soil of pit dwellings: Current situation and problems of the water flotation technique to detect charred seeds of the Jomon Culture
Takase, K
Jomon Shuraku Kenkyu no Shinchihei (Zoku): Research Design for Investigations of Pit Dwellings and Settlements, 61, 70, 2008
Japanese, Symposium - Use-wear analysis of the Paleolithic from the Kamihoronai-Moi site, Atsuma, Hokkaido
Takase, K
Ronshu Oshorokko, 2, 49, 61, 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Research society - nd scrapers of the Old Koryak Culture: A case study in the Kamchatka and Taigonos Peninsulas
Takase, K
Kokogaku Shukan, 4, 1, 24, 明治大学文学部考古学研究室, 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Research institution - Marriage and rituals
Takase, K
Archaeology of the Yayoi Period 7: Rituals and power, 58, 71, 2008 - Archaeobotany of Barnyard Millet (Echinochloa) in the Jomon Period
Society for East Asian Archaeology 4th Worldwide Conference Abstracts, 154, 154, 2008
English - Sequence of behavior as seen from endscropers: a case study of the Kofun period
The archaeological journal, 575, 28, 31, ニュ-・サイエンス社, 2008
Japanese - 縄文・弥生時代の雑穀利用
弥生シンポジウム 食べ物からみた徳島の弥生時代―弥生の台所事情―, 1, 8, 2008
Japanese - Problems on the labrets: use-wear analysis of a material from the Avacha site, Kamchatka
Takase, K
Archaeology of the North, 69, 79, 2007
Japanese, Research institution - 実験磨製石斧の使用痕分析
人類誌集報2005, 65, 113, 2007 - Use-wear analysis of beak-shaped stone tools and halfmoon-shaped stone knives from archaeological sites in the biotechnology industry complex in Jinju City, Korea
Takase, K, Son Min-ju
Toa Munhwa, 2・3合輯, 57, 73, 2007
Japanese, Research institution - カムチャツカ州アヴァチャ1およびナルィチェヴォ9遺跡の調査
Ptashinski, A. V, 高瀬克範
第8回北アジア調査研究報告会, 7, 10, 2007
Japanese - 北海道中央部の年代測定結果とその検討
北海道における古代から近世の遺跡の暦年代, 32, 33, 2007
Japanese - カムチャツカ州ナルィチェヴォ9遺跡の年代測定について」臼杵勲編『北海道における古代から近世の遺跡の暦年代
北海道における古代から近世の遺跡の暦年代, 45, 47, 2007
Japanese - 北海道における続縄文〜アイヌ期諸文化の暦年代の想定
臼杵 勲, 熊木俊明, 高瀬克範
北海道における古代から近世の遺跡の暦年代, 48, 54, 2007
Japanese - Use angle and motional direction of endscrapers
72nd Society of American Archaeology Annual Meeting Abstracts, 404, 405, 2007
English - 弥生時代研究の動向
日本考古学年報, 58, 47, 53, 2007
Japanese - 弥生収穫具研究の最前線―使いかたからみた日本列島の特色―
日本考古学2007, 1, 18, 2007
Japanese - Excavated seeds of the Jomon and Yayoi Period in Northeastern Honshu
Takase, K
Japan Archaeological Association 2007 Kumamoto Conference Material Book, 58, 59, 2007
Japanese, Symposium - 日本2 東北地方
日本考古学協会2007年度熊本大会 ?分科会 列島初期農耕史の新視点種子出土遺跡地名表, 17, 81, 2007
Japanese - カマドおよび炉出土の炭化種子
湘南新道関連遺跡I, 371, 375, 2007
Japanese, Research society, (財)かながわ考古学財団 - 六ノ域(14-10),大会原(4-11), 炭化種実のフローテーションと同定
湘南新道関連遺跡III, 207, 208, 2007
Japanese, Research society, (財)かながわ考古学財団 - Characteristics of site location from the Final Jomon to Yayoi Period in the Kitakami River Basin
Takase, K
Mura to Chiiki no Kokogaku, 133, 146, 2006
Japanese, Research society - 晋州 大坪里 玉房 2地區 出土 石刀의 使用痕 分析
南江文物, 6, 51, 61, 2006 - Settlements from the Late Yayoi to the Early Kofun: An examination of coastal large type settlement
Takase, K
Kodai Bunka, 58, 2, 119, 131, 古代学協会, 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Ceremony and reciprocation: Instances in the Akita and Tsugaru Plains in the Early Yayoi
Takase, K
Kokogaku Kenkyu, 53, 2, 9, 23, 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Hideworking technology in Kamchatka: an ethnoarchaeological perspective
Man in History: Socio-ethnic processes in micro- and macro-history, 406, 413, 2006 - カムチャッカ半島東海岸,ナルィチェヴォ9遺跡の発掘調査
Ptashinski, A. V, 高瀬克範
第7回北アジア遺跡調査報告会, 61, 64, 2006
Japanese - Hide-working in Post-Socialism
World Archaeology Congress inter-congress: Osaka, 2006 Co-existence in the past, 97, 97, 2006
English - 岩手県上野場3遺跡出土の炭化種子
上野場3遺跡発掘調査報告書, 98, 102, 2006
Japanese, (財)岩手県文化振興事業団埋蔵文化財センター - カムチャッカ半島東海岸ナルィチェヴォ遺跡群を訪ねて
北方博物館交流, 18, 24, 27, 2006
Japanese - 住居跡覆土の水洗―縄文期の炭化種子検出を目的としたウォーター・フローテーションの現状と課題―
縄文集落研究の新地平4―竪穴住居・集落調査のリサーチデザイン―, 8, 9, 2006
Japanese, 六一書房 - 岩手県盛岡市熊堂B遺跡(第25次調査)出土の炭化種子
熊堂B遺跡(第25次調査)発掘調査報告書, 308, 310, 2006
Japanese, (財)岩手県文化振興事業団埋蔵文化財センター - 宮川焼畑ノート
人類誌集報2005, 47, 59, 2006
Japanese, 東京都立大学考古学研究室 - 考古学からみたカムチャツカの歴史
Arctic Circle, 61, 4, 9, 2006
Japanese - 浦項仁徳洞遺跡出土異形石刀の使用痕分析
浦項仁徳洞遺蹟, 347, 350, 2006
Japanese, 韓國文化財保護財團 - An Essay on Jomon burial activities (I),
Takase, K
Ronshu Oshorokko, I, 125, 148, 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Research society - Characteristics of site location in the Sendai Plain and adjacent areas
Takase, K
Kodai Bunka, 57, 5, 26, 35, 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Typology and genealogy of during the formation period of Esan type pottery
Takase, K
科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)(2)研究成果報告書, 63, 72, 2005
Research society - カムチャッカ半島の皮革加工
石器使用痕研究会会報, 5, 9, 10, 2005
Japanese - スクレイパーの運動方向と作業角度を考える
第6回北アジア調査研究報告会, 63, 66, 2005
Japanese - 道央・道南・東北地方における縄文晩期以降の放射性炭素年代の傾向と課題
科学研究費補助金(B)(2) 北海道における古代から近世の遺跡の暦年代 平成16年度研究成果報告書, 17, 18, 2005
Japanese - 千葉県安房郡鴨川・千倉における二ホンシカの解体実験
小野 昭, 高瀬克範, 石井 良, 塩谷風季, 清川香澄
人類誌集報2004, 46, 67, 2005
Japanese, 東京都立大学考古学研究室 - 高倍率法を中心とする磨製石斧の実験使用痕分析
人類誌集報2004, 102, 110, 2005
Japanese, 東京都立大学考古学研究室 - 青森県むつ市江豚沢(ふぐさわ)遺跡の発掘調査
高梨学術奨励基金年報 平成16年度, 69, 73, 2005
Japanese - 東京都狛江市田中・寺前遺跡出土の炭化種子
東京都狛江市田中・寺前遺跡―第3次発掘調査報告書―, 117, 119, 2005
Japanese, 城西商事株式会社・加藤建設株式会社 - 中野谷原遺跡出土の収穫具
中野谷地区遺跡群2, 163, 166, Mar. 2004
Japanese, 安中市教育委員会,CD-ROM PL.15 - Hide working of the Even and the Koryak: Ethnoarchaeological basic study in the Kamchatka Peninsula
Takase, K
Busshitsu Bunka, 77, 57, 84, 物質文化研究会, 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Use-wear analysis of the stone knives from the Doncheong-dong site, Daegu, Korea,
Takase, K, S. Shoda
Kodai Bunka, 115, 157, 174, 早稲田大学考古学会, 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Contemporary hide processing using chipped stone tools: Kamchatka and East Africa
Takase, K
Kokogaku Journal, 520, 11, 15, ニュ-・サイエンス社, 2004
Japanese, Scientific journal - Problems on study of charred seeds
Takase, K
Chubu Yayoi Jidai Kenkyukai Kaishi, 37, 42, 2004
Japanese, Symposium - 岩手県水沢市杉の堂遺跡出土の炭化種子
杉の堂遺跡発掘調査報告書, 161, 170, 2004
Japanese, 財)岩手県文化振興事業団埋蔵文化財センター - カムチャッカ半島中央部の獣皮加工
北方博物館交流, 16, 27, 29, 2004
Japanese - 「非文明」の作法」
日本考古学, 18, 149, 158, 2004
Japanese - 炉の焼土を洗う
多摩のあゆみ, 116, 70, 73, 2004
Japanese - 水洗選別と出土炭化種子の分析結果
高瀬克範, 山藤正敏
東京都あきる野市瀬戸岡古墳群, 67, 69, 2004
Japanese, 瀬戸岡古墳群市道地区調査会 - 東北地方北部における弥生時代遺跡の発掘調査
高梨学術奨励基金年報 平成15年度, 38, 41, 2004
Japanese - Millet farming of the Jomon and Yayoi periods
Kuroo, K, K. Takase
Zakkoku (Aoki Shoten), 29, 56, 2003
Japanese, Research society - Obsidian tools of the Kofun Period from the Nakahannyu site: Re-examination of materials from the pit dwelling No.105 in Loc. 1D
Takase, K, K. Maruyama
Kodai Bunka, 113, 165, 183, 早稲田大学考古学会, 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Use-wear of stone tools from the Shimaki site, Hokkaido
Takase, K
Paleolithic Culture and the Lithic Use-Wear Analysis: Methodological Problems and Perspectives, 32, 37, 2003
Japanese, Symposium - Food resource uses in Northeastern Japan
Takase, K
The 4th Joint University Symposium: Jomon and Yayoi, 51, 56, 2003
Japanese, Symposium - Esan type pottery of the Epi-Jomon Culture and the Yayoi Culture in Tohoku District
Takase, K
Yayoi Culture in Eastern and Northern (The 2nd Tokyo meeting of Kokogaku Kenkyukai), 20, 29, 2003
Japanese, Symposium - Archaeological sites of the Final Jomon and Yayoi Period in the Iwaki River Basin
Takase, K
Umi to Kokogaku, 6, 53, 72, 2003
Japanese, Research society - Research trend of archaeology in 2002: Hokkaido (Epi-Jomon, Okhotsk, Satsumon and later),
Takase, K
Kokogaku Journal, 502, 154, 156, 2003
Japanese, Scientific journal - Use-wear on drills from the Kiyotadai site
K. Takase
Report of the Excavations at the Kiyotadai Site (Artifacts), 315, 318, 2003
Japanese, Others, (財)岩手県文化振興事業団埋蔵文化財センター - Plant remains from the Kiyotadai site, Iwate Prefecture
K. Takase
Report of the Excavations at the Kiyotadai Site (Artifacts), 282, 283, 2003
Japanese, Others, (財)岩手県文化振興事業団埋蔵文化財センター - Use-wear analysis of ‘beak-shaped stone tool’ from Dongho-dong site, Daegu, Korea
Takase, K
Dongho-dong site, Daegu, 459, 462, 2003
English, Research society, 財団法人嶺南文化財研究院 - Subsistence of the Yayoi and Epi-Jomon Cultures in Northeastern Japan
Takase, K
Faculty of Letter the University of Tokyo Public Lecture Abstract Book: Subsistence in East Asia, None, None, 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Symposium - 日本列島北部の擦切技法
古代文化, 54, 10, 37, 46, 2002, [Peer-reviewed] - Farming implements in Hokkaido and Tohoku Districts
K. Takase
The Yayoi Culture and lithic use-wear: Use-wear of stone tools regarding farming, 48, 51, 2002
Japanese, Symposium - Lithic use-wear analysis of obsidian tools
K. Takase
Report of the Excavations at the Nakahannyu and Ezomori Kofun Sites, 349, 365, 2002
Japanese, Others, (財)岩手県文化振興事業団埋蔵文化財センター - Use-wear analysis of stone knives from the Amsa-dong site, Seoul, Korea: Functions and uses of Stone Knives in the Korean Peninsula
K. Takase
(財)岩手県文化振興事業団埋蔵文化財センター紀要, 21, 79, 92, 2002
Japanese, Research institution, (財)岩手県文化振興事業団埋蔵文化財センター - Research trend of archaeology in 2001: Hokkaido (Epi-Jomon, Okhotsk, Satsumon and later)
Takase, K
Kokogaku Journal, 488, 154, 156, 2002
Japanese, Scientific journal - Archaeological Investigations along the Sea of Japan coast in Northern Hokkaido (1999 and 2000)
Fukuda, M, Takahashi, K, Takase, K
Rishiri Kenkyu, 21, 93, 120, 2002
Japanese, Research institution - A Study on the Early Agrarian Society in Tohoku District
Takase, K
Ph.D. Dissertation (Hokkaido University), 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Master thesis - On pottery from the Irifune site: Pottery chronology from the terminal Jomon to the early Epi-Jomon in Central Hokkaido
Takase, K, M. Fukuda
Bulletin of the Yoichi Museum of Fishery, 4, 59, 68, 2001
Japanese, Research institution - On scrapers of the Yayoi period from Northern Tohoku District
Takase, K
Newsletter of the Society for the Lithic Use-wear Nalaysis, 2, 6, 7, 2001
Japanese, Research society - Preliminary Report of archaeological excavations at the Usu 6 site
Kosugi, Y, Takakura J, Takase, K, Ono T
Hokkaido Kokogaku, 37, 37, 115, 122, 北海道考古学会, 2001
Japanese, Scientific journal - 上杉沢遺跡の出土遺物に関する考察
上杉沢遺跡, 169, 175, 2001
Japanese, 浄法寺町教育委員会 - Composition of Kamisugisawa settlement and its temporal change
Hayashi, K, K. Takase
Kamisugisawa Site, 163, 175, 2001
Japanese, Research society, 浄法寺町教育委員会 - Research trend of archaeology in 2000: Hokkaido (Epi-Jomon, Okhotsk, Satsumon and later)
Takase, K
Kokogaku Journal, 473, 157, 159, 2001
Japanese, Scientific journal - Elements of Ongagawa type pottery in Early Yayoi pottery in Northeastern Japan,
Takase, K
Kokogaku Kenkyu, 46, 4, 34, 54, 考古学研究会, 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Formation process of Yayoi pottery in Northeastern Japan
Takase, K
Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History, 83, 83, 61, 96, 国立歴史民俗博物館, 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal, 東北地方における縄文時代終末期の土器編年は,とくに大洞A´式土器の理解をめぐって混乱が続いている。大洞諸型式の認識は,東日本の縄文時代晩期・初期弥生時代土器研究に大きな影響力をもつことから,この問題の整理が肝要である。ここでは,東北最後の縄文土器とされる大洞A´式の範囲を規定し,その後の土器群の変遷を小地域ごとにあとづけることで,この問題の再検討を試みた。山内清男による大洞A´式設定経緯と現在の資料とのつきあわせから,大洞A₂式の設定をみとめつつ,変形匹字文の沈線化をもって大洞A´式の上限を規定した。この際,当該期の文様を3つの系列に整理し,これまで考えられてきたような典型的な変形匹字文からだけではない変形工字文の多元的な発生を論じた。大洞A´式までの段階には,東北地方のなかに器形の面での地域性がみられるものの,文様に関しては規格性のたかい部分を保持していた。よってこの段階を,東北の一体性がたもたれていた最後の段階と考えた。つぎにその直後と考えられる土器群への変化を,東北北・中・南部の各地域ごとに検討した。その結果,東北北部における初期弥生土器とされる砂沢式には,大洞A´式とは型式として区分されるに充分な基準がみとめられ,青木畑式・御代田式といった東北中・南部の土器群と並行関係にあることを推察した。この成果を関東・中部・東海・近畿地方の広域編年に照らしあわせ,大洞A´期が畿内第Ⅰ様式中段階に,砂沢期が畿内第Ⅰ様式新段階に並行する編年観をみちびくにいたった。This paper deals with the chronology of pottery in Tohoku (the Northeast) district of Japan from the final stage of Jomon period to the beginning of the Yayoi period. First, the boundary of Ohora A' type pottery is determined, since this type is considered as the last of Jomon pottery in Tohoku district. Considering that the most important criterion of Ohora A' type is the triangular pattern called "Henkei-Koujimon", we should examine the developing process of this pattern. The writer of this paper has classified this pattern into three groups, and has pointed out the multiple occurrence of these groups in this district. In addition to that, just before Ohora A' type, we can find Ohora A₂ type, which features a kind of relief pattern. Ohora A₂ type at the same time provides the earliest bound of Ohora A' type. Ohora A' type can be seen throughout Tohoku district with some local variation of pottery shapes and patterns.The latest bound of Ohora A' type is demarcated with the recognition of the first Yayoi pottery in various parts of Tohoku district. At this stage, we can recognize regional differences: the northern part developed Sunazawa type, the middle part developed Aokibata type, the southern part developed Miyota type. Consequently we see two stages; one is Ohora A' type stage and the other is Sunazawa/Aokibata/Miyota type stage. After a comparative study of wide raging chronology of pottery in Japan, the former is considered to be positioned as the middle stage of the first style of Yayoi pottery in Kinai district (the center part of Japan) , and the latter is considered as the new stage of the same style. - Early and Middle Yayoi settlements in Northeastern Japan
Takase, K
Busshitsu Bunka, 68, 16, 31, 物質文化研究会, 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Surface collection from the Kabutono site, Kitahiyama
Takase, K
Hokkaido Kokogaku, 36, 36, 111, 116, 北海道考古学会, 2000
Japanese, Scientific journal - A report on the hervesting experiment at the Toro site (Experiment report 1)
Takase, K
Newsletter of the Society for the Lithic Use-wear Nalaysis, 1, 3, 3, 2000
Japanese, Symposium - Research trend of archaeology in 1999: Hokkaido (Epi-Jomon, Okhotsk, Satsumon and later)
Takase, K
Kokogaku Journal, 460, 154, 156, 2000
Japanese, Scientific journal - Characteristics of settlement reconstruction during the introduction of rice farming in Northeastern Japan
Takase, K
Annual Report of the Takanashi Foundation 1999, 31, 50, 2000
Japanese, Research society - Paddy field management in the Yayoi Period: Productivity and labor in Northeastern Japan,
Takase, K
Hokudai Shigaku, 39, 16, 31, 1999, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Dwellings and residential unit in Yayoi society of Northeastern Japan
Takase, K
Kodai Bunka, 51, 9, 1, 18, 古代学協会, 1999, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Mystery of fish-shaped stone objects
Takase, K
Shin Yayoi Kiko, 53, 53, 1999
Japanese, Research society, 朝日新聞社 - Pottery of the Terminal Jomon and Yayoi Period from the Kamisugisawa site, Joboji, Iwate Prefecture
Takase, K, I. Yamaguchi
Iwate Kokogaku, 11, 93, 97, 1999
Japanese, Scientific journal - Research trend of archaeology in 1998: Hokkaido (Epi-Jomon, Okhotsk, Satsumon and later),
Takase, K
Kokogaku Journal, 445, 159, 163, ニュ-・サイエンス社, 1999
Japanese, Scientific journal - Revisiting clay vessels from the Babatai II site, Ichinohe Town, Iwate Prefecture: Composition of potters in the middle Middle Jomon of the Tohoku District
Takase, K
MA thesis(Hokkaido University), Mar. 1998, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Master thesis - Formation, diffusion and social background of Esan type pottery and its background
Takase, K
Hokkaido Kokogaku, 34, 21, 41, 北海道考古学会, 1998, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Surface collection of the microblade industry in the Tokoro River Basin
Takakura, J, M. Izuho, Y. Nakazawa, K. Takase
Hokkaido Kyusekkibunka Kenkyu, 3, 15, 24, 1997
Japanese, Scientific journal, 北海道旧石器文化研究会 - Functions and uses of fish-shaped stone object in the Esan Culture
Takase, K
Busshitsu Bunka, 60, 60, 70, 1996, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Fish-shaped stone objects: Materials in the Historical Museum of Hokkaido collection
Ushiro, H, K. Takase
Bulletin of the Historical Museum of Hokkaido, 33, 11, 24, 1996
Japanese, Research institution, 北海道開拓記念館 - Fish-shaped stone objects from the Irifune and Okawa sites
Takase, K
Preliminary Report of Archaeological Excavations at the Irifune Site 1995, 39, 52, 1996, [Invited]
Japanese, Research society, 余市町教育委員会
Other Activities and Achievements
- Q24 Did Yayoi people eat acorns?
Takase, K, Introduction to the Yayoi Period, Teramae, N. and Shitara, H. eds., Yoshikawa-Kobunkan, 110, 113, Jul. 2024, [Invited]
Japanese, Introduction other, 10240833 - Could you tell me about the cultural interaction with northern regions?
Takase, K, Introduction to the Yayoi Period, Teramae, N. and Shitara, H. eds., Yoshikawa-Kobunkan, 210, 213, Jul. 2024, [Invited]
Japanese, Others - Q35 What kinds of tools were there for processing wooden tools?
Takase, K, Introduction to the Yayoi Period, Teramae, N. and Shitara, H. eds., Yoshikawa-Kobunkan, 130, 133, Jul. 2024, [Invited]
Japanese, Others - Report on the International Obsidian Conference Engaru 2023
Yoshimitsu Suda, Akira Ono, Nobuyuki Ikeya, Makoto Kumagai, Hinako Oshimo, Kyohei Sano, Naoto Seshimo, Kazutaka Shimada, Katsunori Takase, Jun Hashizume, Yoshifumi Matsumura, Satoru Yamada, and Keiji Wada, Natural Resource Environment and Humans, 14, 97, 108, Mar. 2024
Japanese, Meeting report - Spindles of the Satsumon Culture
Takase, K, Knitting and Weaving of Northern Peoples (Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples), 56, 57, Jul. 2023, [Invited]
Japanese, Others - Lithic use-wear analysis of Togeshita type microcores.
Takase, K, International Obsidian Conference Engaru 2023 Guidebook, 60, 60, Jul. 2023
Japanese, Summary international conference, 32392777 - Current status of Hokkaido archaeology
K. Takase, Archaeology Quarterly (Supplementary Series) 42: Current Status of Hokkaido Archaeology, 11, 11, Jun. 2023
Japanese, Others - Book Review: Shinsuke Hamada 2022 Exploring Yayoi Culture Vol.1: How have theories been changed?
Takase, K, 季刊考古学(雄山閣), 163, 116, 116, May 2023, [Invited]
Japanese, Book review - Celebrating Aleksandr Ivanovich's 70th birthday
Takase, K, Newsletter of Hokkaido Archaeological Association, 133, 19, 20, Mar. 2023
Japanese, Others - Book Review: Change and Development of the Epi-Jomon Culture in Hokkaido by S. Suzuki
Takase, K, Archaeology Quarterly, 159, 115, 115, May 2022
Japanese, Book review - Book Review: Arctic Crashes: People and Animals in the Changing North edited by Igor Krupnik and Aron L. Crowell
Takase, K, Bulletin of the Laboratory of Archaeology, Hokkaido University, 1, 63, 69, Dec. 2021
Japanese, Report research institution - An Archaeological Study on the Origin and Economic Change of the Kuril Ainu
Takase, K., https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-15H01899/, May 2020
Japanese, 11219037 - Power and authority of influential persons in hunter-gatherer societies: A case study in Hokkaido
K. Takase, Quarterly of Archaeological Studies, 66, 44, 25, 26, Mar. 2020, [Invited]
Japanese - What is power?: The relationship between group and infrastracture
K. Takase, J. Mitsumoto, Quarterly of Archaeological Studies, 66, 44, 24, 24, Mar. 2020, [Invited]
Japanese - 北極圏の牙と角
高瀬 克範, Arctic Circle (北海道立北方民族博物館), 112, 裏表紙, 裏表紙, Sep. 2019, [Invited]
Japanese, Others - Pit dwellings in the Botanic Garden
Takase, K, Hokkaido University Alternative Map (Jurosha), 38, 45, Jun. 2019, [Invited]
Japanese, Others - Agricultural settlement under Keitekiryo university dormitory
Takase, K, Hokkaido University Alternative Map (Jurosha), 31, 37, Jun. 2019, [Invited]
Japanese, Others - 書評 東北日本の旧石器文化を語る会編『東北日本の旧石器時代』
高瀬 克範, 季刊考古学, 145, 105, 105, Nov. 2018, [Invited]
Japanese, Book review - 北方考古学の研究の展望―米国滞在で得たひとつのヒント―
高瀬 克範, 北方博物館交流, 30, 28, 29, Nov. 2018, [Invited]
Japanese - Study on sustainable resource use in northern Japan based on archaeological records
Takase, K, Sustainability Report 2018: Toward Sustainable Campus (Hokkaido University), 9, 9, 2018
English, Others - 書評 原田 幹著『東アジアにおける石製農具の使用痕研究』(六一書房刊,2017年)
高瀬 克範, 六一考古通信, 79, 35, 37, Dec. 2017, [Invited]
Japanese, Book review - 千島アイヌ史の考古学的研究
高瀬 克範, 国際学術研究助成研究成果報告書(公益財団法人平和中島財団), 63, 65, Oct. 2016
Japanese, Others - 失われた千島アイヌの来歴と生活誌を復元する
高瀬 克範, 知のフロンティア—北大の研究者は,いま—, 3, 6, 7, Oct. 2014
Japanese - A Study on the Complexes of Regions in the Yayoi Period
高瀬 克範, 明治大学人文科学研究所紀要, 70, 64, 89, Mar. 2012
明治大学人文科学研究所, Japanese - 論文展望 伊那盆地における縄文時代晩期の雑穀
高瀬 克範, 季刊考古学, 118, 113, 113, Feb. 2012
Japanese - Comments and discussion
小杉 康, 高瀬 克範, 下垣 仁志, Quarterly of archaeological studies, 57, 3, 50, 60, 2010
考古学研究会, Japanese - 第23回研究会(2007年2月24日)参加記
高瀬克範, Drift Ice, 7, 1, 1, 2007
Japanese - 研究報告についての討議
高瀬克範, 考古学研究, 53, 3, 40, 47, 2007
Japanese - 韓國考古環境研究所を訪ねて
高瀬克範, 石器使用痕研究会会報, 7, 6, 6, 2007
Japanese - コラム ペトロパヴロフスク・カムチャツキーでの経験
高瀬克範, 考古学集刊, 3, 41, 42, 2007
Japanese - 下北半島における初期農耕集落の考古学的研究 (平成17年度 歴史学 研究助成成果報告)
高瀬 克範, 財団法人福武学術文化振興財団歴史学・地理学助成報告書, 2006, 43, 50, 2006
福武学術文化振興財団, Japanese - 仙台平野とその周辺における占地特性--縄文時代晩期と弥生時代の包蔵地群解析から (特輯 東北弥生文化研究の地平--遺構からみた様相)
高瀬 克範, 古代文化, 57, 5, 251, 260, May 2005
古代学協会, Japanese - 考古学の真価を問う―捏造事件以後の方向性
高瀬克範, 東京都立大学歴史学研究室談話会 談話会会報, 1, 5, 2003
Books and other publications
- Preliminary Report of 2024 archaeological excavation at the Kawanishi-Okhotsk Site, Yubetsu, Hokkaido
Takase, K.
Lab of Archaeology, Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University, Jan. 2025, 44555238, [Single work] - Quarterly Archaeology Supplementary Series: Current Situation of Hokkaido Archaeology
Takase, K. ed
Yuzankaku Press, Jun. 2023, [Editor] - Resource Use of the Epi-Jomon Culture
Takase, K
Yoshikawa Kobunkan, May 2022, 9784642093637, [Single work] - Illustrated Catalogue of Archaeological Materials from Kamchatka in T. M. Dikova Collection Preserved in the North-Eastern Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (NEISRI FEB RAS), Magadan, Russia
Katsunori Takase, Aleksander I. Lebedintsev, Chapters 2-7
Archaeology Laboratory, Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University, Japan and The North-Eastern Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute, FEB RAS, Russia, Feb. 2019, [Internationally co-authored], [Joint work] - Archaeological Materials from the Esanuka 2 Site, Sarufutsu Village, Hokkaido, Japan
Katsunori Takase
Laboratory of Archaeology Graduate School of Letters Hokkaido University, Sep. 2017, [Single work] - Fugusawa II
Katsunori Takase
The Fugusawa Site Research Group, Mar. 2016, 43, Japanese, Report, [Editor] - Illustrated Catalogue of Archaeological Materials – Archaeological Materials from the Kuril Islands
Katsunori Takase, Masaru Kato
Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University, Feb. 2016, 314, Japanese, Others, [Joint work] - Revisiting “the Sakhalin and Kuril Routes” as Prehistoric Cultural Corridors
Katsunori Takase
北海道考古学会, May 2015, [Editor] - 論集忍路子IV
高瀬 克範
忍路子研究会, Apr. 2015, 134, Japanese, Others, [Editor] - 江豚沢I
江豚沢遺跡調査グループ, Mar. 2012, 327, Japanese, Report - 論集忍路子III
高瀬 克範
忍路子研究会, Apr. 2010, 121, Japanese, Others, [Editor] - 青森県むつ市江豚沢遺跡発掘調査概報(2008年度)
高瀬 克範
江豚沢遺跡調査グループ, Mar. 2009, 39, Japanese, Report, [Editor] - ナルィチェヴォ9遺跡発掘調査報告書 Pезультаты раскопок на Налычево-9 (2006-2007 гг.)
A・V・プタシンスキー, 高瀬 克範
江豚沢遺跡調査グループ, Mar. 2008, 33, Japanese, Report, [Joint work] - 青森県むつ市江豚沢遺跡発掘調査概報(2007年度)
高瀬 克範
江豚沢遺跡調査グループ, Mar. 2008, 18, Japanese, Report, [Editor] - 青森県むつ市江豚沢遺跡発掘調査概報(2006年度)
高瀬 克範
江豚沢遺跡調査グループ, Mar. 2007, 41, Japanese, Report, [Editor] - 青森県むつ市江豚沢遺跡発掘調査概報(2005年度)
高瀬 克範
江豚沢遺跡調査グループ, Apr. 2006, 74, Japanese, Report, [Editor] - 東北日本先史時代における栽培作物利用の変遷と特質
首都大学東京, Mar. 2006, 122, Japanese, Scholarly book - 本州島東北部の弥生社会誌
六一書房, May 2004, 9784947743220, 404, Japanese, Scholarly book, [Single work] - 和野I遺跡発掘調査報告書
赤石 登, 高瀬 克範
財団法人岩手県文化振興事業団埋蔵文化財センター, Mar. 2004, 510, Japanese, Report, [Editor] - 青森県むつ市江豚沢遺跡発掘調査概報(2003年度)
高瀬 克範
江豚沢遺跡調査グループ, Mar. 2004, 37, Japanese, Report, [Editor] - 平成15年度町内遺跡発掘調査報告書 一戸城跡・御所野遺跡・野里遺跡
久保田太一, 高瀬 克範
Mar. 2004, 85, Japanese, Report, [Joint editor]
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Satsumon Culture revealed by the Kawanishi Okhotsk site: what and how do we aim to elucidate?
Takase, K.
Education Board of Yubetsu Town Public Lecture of Archaeological Sites 2024, 02 Nov. 2024, Japanese, Public discourse
02 Nov. 2024 - 02 Nov. 2024, 44555238, [Invited] - The onset of Yayoi agriculture in Northeastern Honshu, Northern Japan: a new perspective from handicraft production
Takase, Katsunori
The transition to agriculture at the edges of Eurasia: Neolithisation in the British Isles and the Jomon-Yayoi transition (University of Cambridge), 04 Jul. 2024, English, Nominated symposium
04 Jul. 2024 - 05 Jul. 2024, [Invited] - Phylogenetic and isotope analyses of archaeofaunal materials from Hokkaido, Northern Japan: a preliminary examination of northern fur seal and Pacific cod remains
Takase, Katsunori, Yoshinori Nishita, Yuka Shichiza, Takumi Tsutaya
Oceans Past Initiative X (University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, UK), 25 Jun. 2024, English, Oral presentation
25 Jun. 2024 - 28 Jun. 2024, 42081691 - Prehistoric Plant and Obsidian Use in the Japanese Islands, and the Significance of Comparison with Poland
Takase, K
Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział w Krakowie Komisja Archeologiczna, 16 May 2024, English, Public discourse
16 May 2024 - 16 May 2024, [Invited] - A study on the long-term human-fish relationship in Hokkaido using ancient DNA analysis of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) remains
Shichiza, Y, Takase, K, Ushiro, H, Thomas Royke, Dongya Yang
Integrated Bioarchaeology Workshop for Young Researchers (Hokkaido University), 29 Feb. 2024, Japanese, Others
28 Feb. 2024 - 29 Feb. 2024, 32392777 - The Okhotsk culture in the Kuril Islands
Takase, K
Ancient Settlements in Hokkaido IV, 23 Dec. 2023, Japanese, Public discourse
23 Dec. 2023 - 23 Dec. 2023, 10957963, [Invited] - Resource use studies in Northeast Asia: Introducing myself and Lab of Archaeology at Hokkaido University, and suggestions for future joint research
Takase, K
Polska Akademia Nauk Komisja Archeologiczna, 06 Dec. 2023, English, Public discourse
06 Dec. 2023 - 06 Dec. 2023, [Invited] - What is archaeology?: Another historical study practiced in universities
Takase, K
Guidance meeting of Faculties and departments in universities (Sapporo Higashi High School), 02 Nov. 2023, Japanese, Others
02 Nov. 2023, 10957963, [Invited] - Lithic use-wear analysis of Togeshita type microcores.
Takase, K
International Obsidian Conference Engaru 2023, 06 Jul. 2023, Japanese, Oral presentation
02 Jul. 2023 - 06 Jul. 2023, 32392777 - Diet of the Satsumon Culture inferred from charred materials adhered to pottery surfaces: examinations of materials housed in Hokkaido University
Kunikita, D, Takase, K, Eda, M, Takakura, J, Nakazawa, Y
22nd Annual Meeting of the Research Association of the Northern Asia (Hokkaido University), 12 Feb. 2023, Japanese, Oral presentation
11 Feb. 2023 - 12 Feb. 2023 - Prehistoric plant use on Okushiri Island: An examination using the replication method
Takase, K, Shibano, H, Kato, E
22nd Annual Meeting of the Research Association of the Northern Asia (Hokkaido University), 11 Feb. 2023, Japanese, Oral presentation
11 Feb. 2023 - 12 Feb. 2023, 11297854 - Prehistoric diet as seen from charred remains on the pottery surfaces on Okushiri Island
Kunikita, D, Takase, K, Inagaki, S, Yoneda, M
The Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Scientific Studies on Cultural Property, 2023, Oral presentation
2023 - Comparative archeological study on eastern and western coasts of the North Pacific: perspectives and issues
Takase, K
Public symposium "Prehistory, language, and culture of the indigenous peoples in the Circum-North Pacific Rim" (National Museum of Ethnology), 29 Oct. 2022, Japanese
29 Oct. 2022 - 30 Oct. 2022, 32392777, [Invited] - Ancient DNA analysis of Pacific Cod (Gadus macrocephalus) remains from Hokkaido, Japan
Yuka Shichiza, Katsunori Takase, Hiroshi Ushiro, Christine Conlan, Hua Zhang, Thomas C.A. Royle, Dongya Y, Y
ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group (Austrian Archaeological Institute), 23 Aug. 2022, English, Poster presentation
32392777 - Why was agriculture introduced in the Early Yayoi of Northern Tohoku?
Takase, K
88th The Japanese Archaeological Association (Waseda University, Tokyo), 29 May 2022, Japanese, Oral presentation
27 May 2022 - 29 May 2022 - 佐藤剛報告「yaunmosir島南西部地域のyubeot時代初頭から弥生時代中期の土器様式」に対するコメント
弥生時代研究会2022第2回学習会(オンライン実施), 12 Feb. 2022, Japanese, Others
12 Feb. 2022 - 12 Feb. 2022, [Invited] - Tracking the history of the Kuril Ainu the in the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands
Takase, K
Public seminar series, The Foundation of Ainu Culture (Hotel Royton Sapporo), 12 Jan. 2022, Japanese, Public discourse
12 Jan. 2022 - 12 Jan. 2022, 11219037, [Invited] - Change in agriculture of the Ainu: bridging the gap between ethnographical information and paleoethnobotany
Takase. K
National Museum of Ethnology research meeting, 04 Dec. 2021, Japanese, Others
04 Dec. 2021 - 04 Dec. 2021, [Invited] - The subsistence and society of the Epi-Jomon: for the discussion of cultural diversity in the historical studies
Takase, K
48th Komazawa University Society for Historical Studies, 27 Nov. 2021, Japanese, Invited oral presentation
27 Nov. 2021 - 27 Nov. 2021, [Invited] - Revealing the unknown history of the Kuril Ainu: history before documentation
Takase, K
Special exhibition "Life of the Ainu" public lecture series (Hokkaido Museum), 14 Nov. 2021, Japanese, Public discourse
14 Nov. 2021 - 14 Nov. 2021, [Invited] - Human ecology and historical ecology of Fabaceae
Takase, K
Symposium of the Japanese Association of Historical Botany "Domestication of Fabaceae in the Jomon Period" (Teiko University), 30 Oct. 2021, Invited oral presentation
30 Oct. 2021 - 31 Oct. 2021, [Invited] - Functional analysis of stone tools from Yakutia
Takase, K, V. M Dyakonov
Актуальные Проблемы Изучения Дописьменной Истории Северной Евразии., 29 Oct. 2021, English, Oral presentation
28 Oct. 2021 - 29 Oct. 2021 - Study history and research trend on the formation of the Kuril Ainu
Takase, K
国立民族学博物館共同研究会「環北太平洋地域の先住民社会の変化,現状,未来に関する学際的比較研究―人類史的視点から」, 05 Dec. 2020, Japanese, Others
05 Dec. 2020 - 06 Dec. 2020, [Invited] - Заполярные районы Якутии в постымыяхтахское время (I тыс. до н. э. — I тыс. н. э.)
Diakonov, V. M, K. Takase
V Northern Archaeological Congress (Khanty-Mansiysk), 12 Dec. 2019, Russian, Oral presentation
[International presentation] - Archaeological sites in the Northern Kuril Islands and Kamchatka
Takase, K
Ancient settlements in Hokkaido (Nemuro City Hall), 08 Dec. 2019, Japanese, Others
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Archaeological sites of the Ainu in the Northern Kuril Islands and Kamchatka
Takase, K
Ancient settlements in Hokkaido (Hokkaido University), 06 Dec. 2019, Japanese, Others
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Southern Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands in the Neolithic and the Development of Maritime Adaptations in Hokkaido
Takase, K
Workshop “Investigating Neolithic Trajectories in Northeast Asia", 04 Nov. 2019, English, Oral presentation
[Invited], [International presentation] - Preliminary report of the lithic use-wear analysis of stone tools from Yakutia
Takase, K
The Frontier of Archaeology in Yakutia (The University of Tokyo), 21 Mar. 2019, Japanese, Public discourse
[International presentation] - Perspectives for the Epi-Jomon Culture
Takase, K
Hokkaido Center for Rescue Archaeology, 16 Mar. 2019, Japanese, Public discourse
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 考古学は文字記録をのこさなかった人々の歴史復元にどのように貢献できるのか
高瀬 克範
国民との科学・技術対話 アカデミックファンタジスタ(北海高校), 21 Dec. 2018, Japanese, Others
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Dietary analysis using charred residues on pottery from the Epi-Jomon culture to the Satsumon culture in Hokkaido
Dai Kunikita, Katsunori Takase, Toshiaki Kumaki, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki
JSPS科研費16H01956基盤研究(A)「東日本における食糧生産の開始と展開の研究―レプリカ法を中心として―」(研究代表者 設楽博己)・JSPS科研費16H03503基盤研究(B)「冷温帯地域における稲作の歴史的展開」(研究代表者 上條信彦)ジョイント科研総括シンポジウム, 24 Nov. 2018, Japanese, Nominated symposium
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Development and epoch of millet use in Central Hokkaido as seen from charred seeds and impressions on the ceramic surface
Tomohiro Sakakida, Katsunori Takase
JSPS科研費16H01956基盤研究(A)「東日本における食糧生産の開始と展開の研究―レプリカ法を中心として―」(研究代表者 設楽博己)・JSPS科研費16H03503基盤研究(B)「冷温帯地域における稲作の歴史的展開」(研究代表者 上條信彦)ジョイント科研総括シンポジウム・特別展示「東日本における農耕文化の展開」, 24 Nov. 2018, Japanese, Nominated symposium
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Result of an examination using the replication method in Aomori and Miyagi Prefectures
Katsunori Takase
Development of Farming Cultures in Eastern Japan, 23 Nov. 2018, Japanese, Nominated symposium
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - How can archaeology contribute to restiring the history of people without wirriten records?
Katsunori Takase
国民との科学・技術対話 アカデミックファンタジスタ(札幌北高校), 31 Oct. 2018, Japanese, Public discourse
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - From the Jomon Culture to the Epi-Jomon Culture
Katsunori Takase
Okadama Jomon Public Lecture Series, 20 Oct. 2018, Japanese, Public discourse
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Chronology, occupation, and trade in Northern Japan and the Kuril Islands
Katsunori Takase
Interaction in the Circumpolar Pacific Sphere: 5000 BC to AD 1 (Trent University, Canada), 17 Sep. 2018, English, Nominated symposium
[International presentation] - Yayoi and Epi-Jomon interaction in NE Japan
Katsunori Takase
University of Toronto Mississauga Insructional Building, 09 Feb. 2018, English, Invited oral presentation
[Invited], [International presentation] - Revisiting the subsistence and the settlement system of the Epi-Jomon culture, Hokkaido, Northern Japan
Katsunori Takase
FAALS (Department of Anthropology, University of Washington), 17 Nov. 2017, English, Oral presentation
[International presentation] - Did Holocene variability in Aleutian low dynamics force oscillations in marine ecosystems and human subsistence harvesters?, GSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, USA.
Fitzhugh, Ben, Jason Addison, William Brown, Bruce P. Finney, N. Harada, Nicole Misarti, Kana Nagashima, Katsunori Takase, Andrew Tremayne
The Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, USA., 10 Oct. 2017, English, Oral presentation
[International presentation] - The Yayoi Culture and the Sunazawa site
Katsunori Takase
The Sunazawa site symposium, 30 Sep. 2017, Japanese, Keynote oral presentation
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - К вопросу о хронологии ымыяхтахской и сугуннахской пережиточно-ымыяхтахской культур и этнической принадлежности их носителей
Дьяконов, В. М. и, К. Такас
Международный научно-практический конференция “Народы Дальнего Востока России: проблемы комплексной реконструкции исторического прошлого”, 5 сентября, Северо-Восточный федеральный университет имени М. К. Аммосова, Институт гуманитарных исследований и проб, 04 Sep. 2017, Russian, Oral presentation
[International presentation] - Living in one of the world’s harshest sea and islands: Lessons from Kuril history, Umi no Takara wo meguru hito to kankyou; Umi to Nippon Project
Katsuori Takase
Umi no Takara wo meguru hito to kankyou; Umi to Nippon Project, 16 Jul. 2017, Japanese, Others
[Domestic Conference] - Integrating human paleodemography and ecology around the North Pacific Rim
Ben Fitzhugh, William Brown, Nicole Misarti, Katsunori Takase, Andrew Tremayne
2017 ESSAS (Ecosystem Studies of Subarctic and Arctic Seas) Open Science Meeting (13 June), Tromsø, Norway., 13 Jun. 2017, English, Oral presentation
[International presentation] - Result of an examination using the replication method in Aomori and Miyagi Prefectures
Katsunori Takase
JSPS 科研費16H03503「冷温帯地域における稲作の歴史的展開」ワークショップ「北東北の稲作文化再考」, 12 Jun. 2017, Japanese, Nominated symposium
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Preliminary Report on Archaeological Investigations on Shumshu Island, the Northern Kuril Islands. 18th Annual Meeting of Research Association of North Asia (19 February), Sapporo Gakuin University.
Katsunori Takase
18th Annual Meeting of Research Association of North Asia, 19 Feb. 2017, English, Oral presentation
[Domestic Conference] - Cultural exchange between the Epi-Jomon Culture and the Yayoi Culture in Northeastern Honshu Island
Katsunori Takase
katsunori, 14 Jan. 2017, Japanese, Public discourse
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Jomon/Yayoi transition in Northern Honshu and Hokkaido
Katsunori Takase
katsunori, 17 Dec. 2016, Japanese, Public discourse
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Pit dwellings in Kamchatka and the Northern Kurils
Katsunori Takase
katsunori, 13 Dec. 2016, Japanese, Others
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 本州島東北部における稲作の開始とその考古学的位置づけ
高瀬 克範
弥生時代研究会仙台平野に弥生文化はなかったのか-藤尾慎一郎氏の新説講演と意見交換-, 20 Nov. 2016, Japanese, Oral presentation
[Domestic Conference] - Jomon life and stone tools: Lithic use-wear analysis of stone tools from the Ishikari-Momijiyama 49 site
Katsunori Takase
katsunori, 03 Nov. 2016, Japanese, Public discourse
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 掘り出された札幌の文化財
高瀬 克範
さっぽろ市民カレッジ2016ちえりあ学習ボランティア企画講座 今話題の縄文から擦文文化〜発掘された遺跡は時代を写す〜(札幌市埋蔵文化財センター), 30 Jun. 2016, Japanese, Public discourse
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 北海道島における動植物利用の類型と持続性
高瀬 克範
小規模経済プロジェクト長期変化班班会議(総合地球環境科学研究所), 26 Jun. 2016, Japanese, Nominated symposium
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 縄文文化から続縄文文化に生じた社会変化〜丘珠縄文遺跡の意義〜
高瀬 克範
さっぽろ市民カレッジ2016ちえりあ学習ボランティア企画講座 今話題の縄文から擦文文化〜発掘された遺跡は時代を写す〜(札幌市生涯学習センター), 23 Jun. 2016, Japanese, Public discourse
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Revealing the use of stone drills: A case study of materials from the Kiusu 4 and Bibi 4 sites, Hokkaido, Northern Japan
Katsunori Takase
Monthly meeting of Hokkaido Archaeological Society, 18 Jun. 2016, Japanese, Oral presentation
[Domestic Conference] - Archaeological materials from the Japoan, the Kuril Islands, and Kamchatka in Sten Bergman Collection (Stockholm)
Katsunori Takase
北海道考古学会月例研究会, 19 Mar. 2016, Japanese, Oral presentation
[Domestic Conference] - Archaeology along the coast of the Okhotsk Sea: Achievements and perspectives
Katsunori Takase
The 30th International Abashiri Symposium Study of Northern Peoples for 30 Years; Progress, Challenges and Roles of Museums, 25 Nov. 2015, English, Oral presentation
[Invited], [International presentation] - Subsistence, Land Use and Resistance to Natural Disaster of the Prehistoric Society: A Case Study in Northern Japan
Katsunori Takase
「考古学からみた気候変動と食の多様性をテーマとした歴史生態学の国際ワークショップ」, 30 Jul. 2015, English, Nominated symposium
[International presentation] - 初めて明らかになったT.M.ヂコヴァ,N.N.ヂコフ・コレクションの内耳土器の全体像とその意義
高瀬 克範
北海道考古学会月例研究会, 24 Jan. 2015, Japanese, Oral presentation
[Domestic Conference] - 北日本における縄文文化の終末と丘珠縄文遺跡の意義
高瀬 克範
公開シンポジウム 是川石器時代遺跡と丘珠縄文遺跡, 20 Dec. 2014, Japanese, Others
[Domestic Conference] - 北海道,農耕ことはじめ
高瀬 克範
オフィスギャザリング, 15 Oct. 2014, Japanese, Public discourse - 日本列島,農耕ことはじめ
高瀬 克範
オフィスギャザリング, 06 Oct. 2014, Japanese, Public discourse
[Invited] - ロシア平原における中石器の利用法―モスクワ州域出土資料の使用痕分析―
高瀬 克範
北海道考古学会月例研究会, 21 Jun. 2014, Japanese, Oral presentation
[Domestic Conference] - ロシア沿海地方北部の青銅器文化
臼杵 勲, Yu.Nikitin, 高瀬克範
第15回北アジア調査研究報告会, 02 Mar. 2014, Japanese, Oral presentation
[Domestic Conference] - 資源・土地利用からみた続縄文文化の性格
高瀬 克範
北方島文化研究会, 22 Feb. 2014, Japanese, Oral presentation
[Domestic Conference] - 縄文文化の土地・資源利用の相対化
高瀬 克範
中央大学学術シンポジウム 考古学の地平をのぞむ 縄文文化の食と居住-考古学と関連科学の研究成果から-, 28 Sep. 2013, Japanese, Keynote oral presentation
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 北の大地を掘る・みる・聞く—最新考古学事情—
高瀬 克範
北大人文学カフェ, 20 Jul. 2013, Japanese, Others
[Domestic Conference] - キウス4遺跡と縄文後期集落・墓地研究
高瀬 克範
国立歴史民俗博物館共同研究 縄文時代における社会複雑化地域多様化の研究, 30 Jun. 2013, Japanese, Oral presentation
[Domestic Conference] - レプリカ法からみた日本列島東部縄文晩期〜弥生・続縄文文化期の栽培植物利用
高瀬 克範
北海道考古学会2013年度研究大会 先史時代の植物利用戦略—栽培植物から見た考古学研究—, 11 May 2013, Japanese, Oral presentation
[Domestic Conference] - 南カムチャツカおよび北千島における内耳土器の型式分類と年代
高瀬 克範
北方島文化研究会, 06 Apr. 2013, Japanese, Oral presentation
[Domestic Conference] - 伊那盆地における縄文時代晩期の雑穀
高瀬 克範
国立歴史民俗博物館展示プロジェクト「弥生ってなに!?(仮称)」, 31 Mar. 2013, Japanese, Oral presentation
[Domestic Conference] - ヨーロッパロシアにおける中石器の使用痕分析
高瀬 克範
第18回石器使用痕研究会, 30 Mar. 2013, Japanese, Oral presentation
[Domestic Conference] - ロシア・モスクワ州における中石器の利用法解明
高瀬 克範
平成24年度総長室事業推進経費(公募型プロジェクト研究等支援経費)「若手研究者自立支援」研究成果発表会, 22 Mar. 2013, Japanese, Oral presentation
[Domestic Conference] - H317遺跡の調査成果の位置付け
仮称)古代の里整備基本構想検討委員会, 2012, Japanese
札幌市役所本庁舎 - 高緯度地域の資源利用―東北・北海道・千島・カムチャツカ―
第9回鳥取大学と鳥取県合同シンポジウム 湖山池をめぐる歴史的環境, 2012, Japanese
とりぎん文化会館 - 初期農耕社会の穀物収穫行為―石器使用痕分析による日本列島と韓半島の比較研究―
北大史学会月例研究会, 2012, Japanese
北海道大学 - ギョイテペ遺跡出土石器使用痕分析結果報告
第86回アルジャジーラ研究会, 2012, Japanese
東京大学総合研究博物館 - 柳田国男コレクション中の石器の使用痕分析
公募型共同研究「柳田国男収集考古資料の研究」研究会, 2012, Japanese
山形県大江町中央公民館 - 札幌市K39遺跡出土石器の使用痕分析
石器使用痕研究会, 2012, Japanese
北海道大学 - 弥生と続縄文
国立歴史民俗博物館基幹研究・研究会,農耕社会の成立と展開−弥生時代像の再構築―, 2012, Japanese
国立歴史民俗博物館 - カムチャツカ半島南部出土土器の年代
北海道考古学会月例研究会, 2012, Japanese
北海道大学総合博物館 - 秋田の弥生稲作研究,最前線
船川港築港100周年記念行事男鹿市文化財シンポジウム 秋田の米づくりはじまる―2000年前から現代へ―, 2012, Japanese
男鹿市民文化会館 - 韓国青銅器時代における異形石器の使用痕分析
石器使用痕研究会, 2012, Japanese
首都大学東京 - 縄文晩期〜弥生時代移行期の栽培植物
日本考古学協会, 2011, Japanese
國學院大學 - Spatial Diversity and Temporal Change of Plant Use in Sagami Province, Classical Japan: An Archaeological Approach
Meiji University-USC Faculty and Graduate Student Research Exchange, 2010, English
University of Southern California, California, USA - アジアから日本文化の源流を探る 東アジアのなかの縄文・弥生文化―原日本の形成―
かわさき市民アカデミー, 2010, Japanese
明治大学 - 青森県むつ市江豚沢遺跡の発掘調査(2003-2009)
第11回北アジア調査研究報告会, 2010 - 青森県域における生業と地域構成-「弥生文化」の広がりを考えるために-
国立歴史民俗博物館基幹研究・研究会,農耕社会の成立と展開−弥生時代像の再構築—,, 2010 - 関東平野北部弥生時代の「打製石斧」の使用痕
第15回石器使用痕研究会, 2010 - レプリカ法による先史時代植物利用の研究
2009年度考古学実習成果報告会, 2009, Japanese
明治大学 - 考古学からみた先史時代の植物利用
高等学校出張授業, 2009, Japanese
明治大学 - ロシア連邦カムチャツカ地方アナヴガイ2遺跡の調査
第10回北アジア調査研究報告会, 2009 - 石製収穫具の使用痕分析-日本列島弥生時代と朝鮮半島青銅器時代の比較-
国立歴史民俗博物館基幹研究・研究会,農耕社会の成立と展開−弥生時代像の再構築—, 2009 - 東日本弥生農耕の新展開
考古学ゼミナール 古代農耕の新視点, 2009 - Prehistoric and Protohistoric Plant Use in the Japanese Archipelago
Meiji University Premodern Japan Exchange, 2009 - Prehistoric and Protohistoric Plant Use in the Japanese Archipelago
Meiji University Premodern Japan Exchange, 2009 - 京都府京都市深草遺跡・大阪府大阪市瓜破遺跡出土石庖丁の使用痕分析
2008年度考古学実習成果報告会, Dec. 2008, Japanese, Others
明治大学, [Domestic Conference] - 神奈川県横浜市大塚・歳勝土遺跡の見学―弥生時代研究における遺跡・遺構情報のもつ意義を考える―
2008年度考古学実習成果報告会, Dec. 2008, Japanese, Others
明治大学, [Domestic Conference] - レプリカ法による先史時代植物利用の研究
2008年度考古学実習成果報告会, 2008, Japanese
明治大学 - 神奈川県横浜市大塚・歳勝土遺跡の見学―弥生時代集落復元の手法を考える―
雑穀研究会, 2008, Japanese
明治大学 - 先史時代の植物利用再考
明治大学博物館友の会講演会 日本考古学2008, 2008, Japanese
明治大学 - 古コリャーク文化の掻器
どんぐり会, 2008, Japanese
明治大学 - Archaeobotany of Barnyard Millet (Echinochloa) in the Jomon Period
Society for East Asian Archaeology, 2008 - 縄文・弥生時代の雑穀利用
弥生シンポジウム 食べ物からみた徳島の弥生時代徳島, 2008 - Archaeobotany of Barnyard Millet (Echinochloa) in the Jomon Period
Society for East Asian Archaeology, 2008 - 弥生時代研究の到達点と課題―岩手県内における今後の調査を念頭において―
財団法人岩手県文化振興事業団埋蔵文化財センター平成19年度 埋蔵文化財発掘調査技術講習会, 2007, Japanese
岩手県工業技術センター - 実験考古学を通してみた歴史研究の魅力
高等学校出張授業, 2007, Japanese
神奈川県立追浜高等学校 - 本州島東北部における縄文・弥生期の出土種子
日本考古学協会2007年度熊本大会, 2007, Japanese
熊本大学 - 掻器の運動方向に関する一考察―北海道島後期旧石器時代前半期の資料を中心に―
どんぐり会, 2007, Japanese
明治大学 - 弥生収穫具研究の最前線―使い方からみた日本列島の特色―
明治大学博物館友の会講演会 日本考古学2007, 2007, Japanese
明治大学 - Use angle and motional direction of endscrapers
72nd Society of American Archaeology Annual Meeting, 2007, English
Austin Convention Center, Texas, USA - カムチャツカ州アヴァチャ9およびナルィチェヴォ9遺跡の調査
北アジア調査研究報告会, 2007, Japanese
東京大学 - 住居跡覆土の水洗―縄文期の炭化種子検出を目的としたウォーター・フローテーションの現状と課題―
縄文集落研究の新地平4―竪穴住居・集落調査のリサーチデザイン―, 2006, Japanese
駒澤大学 - 東アジアにおける初期農耕社会の石製収穫具―日本列島と朝鮮半島を中心に―
メトロポリタン史学会, 2006, Japanese
首都大学東京 - 儀礼と交換―弥生?期の秋田平野から津軽平野の事例―
考古学研究会, 2006, Japanese
岡山大学 - 2005年度 青森県江豚沢遺跡の炭素14年代測定
第8回AMSシンポジウム, 2006, Japanese
筑波大学 - カムチャッカ半島東海岸,ナルィチェヴォ9遺跡の発掘調査
第7回北アジア調査研究報告会, 2006, Japanese
北海道大学 - Hideworking in Post-socialism
World Archaeology Congress Osaka 2006, 2006, Poster presentation - Hideworking in Post-socialism
World Archaeology Congress Osaka 2006, 2006, Poster presentation - カムチャッカ半島東海岸,ナルィチェヴォ9遺跡の発掘調査
集落研究会, 2005, Japanese
川崎市市民ミュージアム - スクレイパーの運動方向と作業角度を考える
北アジア調査研究報告会, 2005, Japanese
東京大学文学部 - Implications of hideworking ethnoarchaeology for the modern socio-economic studies: a case of the Kamchatka peninsula
3rd conference on “Shirokogorov Studies”, 2005 - Implications of hideworking ethnoarchaeology for the modern socio-economic studies: a case of the Kamchatka peninsula
3rd conference on “Shirokogorov Studies”, 2005 - 炭化種子研究の課題
中部弥生時代研究会, 2004, Japanese
浅間縄文ミュージアム - 日本列島東部弥生時代・続縄文期研究の自画像
弥生社会談話会, 2004, Japanese
東京都立大学 - カムチャッカ半島における皮革加工
石器使用痕研究会, 2004, Japanese
新潟県埋蔵文化財調査事業団 - 日本列島東北部における弥生・続縄文期の食糧資源利用―
大学合同シンポジウム, 2003, Japanese
明治大学 - 考古学における社会関係論の整理―生産・流通論に関連して―
弥生社会談話会, 2003, Japanese
明治大学 - 縄文・弥生社会研究における「集団」の編成・関係について
弥生社会談話会, 2003, Japanese
九州大学文学部 - 北海道嶋木遺跡出土石器の使用痕
石器使用痕研究会, 2003, Japanese
相模原市立博物館 - 続縄文恵山式と東北弥生文化
考古学研究会東京例会, 2003, Japanese
東京都立大学 - 東北地方の弥生時代研究略史
弥生社会談話会, 2002, Japanese
大阪大学文学部 - 東北日本における弥生・続縄文の生業
東京大学文学部公開セミナー, 2002, Japanese
東京大学文学部 - 論評 秋山浩三1999近畿における弥生化の具体像
弥生社会談話会, 2002, Japanese
東京都立大学 - 弥生時代の石製農具 東北・北海道
石器使用痕研究会, 2002, Japanese
大阪府立弥生文化博物館 - 東北地方北部弥生時代のスクレイパー類について
石器使用痕研究会, 2000, Japanese
愛知県埋蔵文化財センター - 弥生時代のコメをめぐる問題
北大史学会, 1999, Japanese
北海道大学文学部 - 恵山式土器群における成立・拡散の背景
北海道考古学会, 1997, Japanese
かでる2・7ビル - 恵山文化の魚形石器について
北海道考古学会, 1996, Japanese
千歳市市民文化センター - 恵山文化の魚形石器の機能・用途
北海道考古学会, 1996, Japanese
- Archaeological study in Aisia
Hiroshima University
Feb. 2024 - Feb. 2024 - Archaeological study A
Hiroshima University
Feb. 2024 - Feb. 2024 - 考古学演習(サマーインスティチュート(日本における植物,民族,先住性)
北海道大学,University of Toronto - 考古学演習(実践研究論文読解A)
北海道大学 - 考古学演習(考古学の方法論B)
北海道大学 - 考古学演習(実践研究論文読解B)
北海道大学 - 考古学特別実習
北海道大学 - 考古学特殊講義(考古学と人類誌)
北海道大学 - 文化史の諸問題
札幌学院大学 - 考古学演習(サテライトスクール)(日本における植物,民族,先住性)
北海道大学,University of Toronto - 考古学演習(ラーニングサテライト)(カナダにおける植物利用と先住民)
北海道大学,University of Toronto - 考古学実習
北海道大学 - 考古学演習(考古資料整理の実践)
北海道大学 - 考古学(北海道の考古学)
北海道大学 - 考古学(東北アジア考古学特論)
北海道大学 - 考古学概論(理論と方法)
北海道大学 - 考古学演習(考古学の方法論A)
北海道大学 - 考古学特殊講義
北海道大学 - 一般教育演習(フレッシュマンセミナー)
北海道大学 - 研究倫理・論文指導特殊講義
北海道大学 - 北方文化論概論
北海道大学 - 博物館資料保存論
北海道大学 - 歴史の視座(論文指導)
北海道大学 - 歴史の視座
北海道大学 - 博士論文指導特殊演習
北海道大学 - 修士論文・特定課題演習特殊指導
北海道大学 - 北方考古学特別演習
北海道大学 - 北方考古学特殊講義
北海道大学 - 人文・社会科学の基礎(人文科学入門III)
北海道大学 - 歴史資産学4b
京都芸術造形大学 - 考古学特殊講義II
首都大学東京 - 考古学研究(演習)(大学院)
明治大学 - 考古学研究(講義)(大学院)
明治大学 - 考古学研究法IIB
明治大学 - 考古学研究法IIA
明治大学 - 卒業論文
明治大学 - 演習I
明治大学 - 考古学研究IIB
明治大学 - 考古学研究法IB
明治大学 - 考古学概論IB
明治大学 - 考古学概論IA
明治大学 - 考古学実習II
明治大学 - 考古学実習I
明治大学 - 基礎演習
明治大学 - 歴史資料論I
学習院女子大学 - 考古学研究(大学院)
東京都立大学,首都大学東京 - 考古学実習II
東京都立大学,首都大学東京 - 考古学実習I
東京都立大学,首都大学東京 - 考古学
東京都立大学,首都大学東京 - 考古学概論(学史と資料論)
北海道大学 - 考古学演習(考古学の基礎技術(石器研究法))
北海道大学 - 考古学(弥生文化の考古学)
北海道大学 - 人間学II
Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- Change in marine productivity in the Kuril Islands and its impact on humans
Grant in Aid for Scientific Research
Oct. 2024 - Mar. 2028
Kaoru Tezuka, Kai-hsuan Hsu
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (International Collaborative Research), Hokkaido University, Principal investigator, 24KK0010 - Factors of expanding distribution during the Satsumon Culture based on exploitation dynamics
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2028
國木田 大, 高瀬 克範, 熊木 俊朗, 太田 圭, 江田 真毅
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, Coinvestigator, 23K25386 - 北からの視点・考古科学分析・広域比較に基づく日本古墳築造の総合的研究
Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2028
菊地 芳朗, 藤澤 敦, 高瀬 克範, 太田 圭, 鈴木 琢也, 福永 伸哉, 村上 由美子, 佐々木 由香, 臼杵 勲
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 福島大学, Coinvestigator, 23H00010 - Study on the prehistoric human demography
Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2028
O. Nakamura
JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), Ristumeikan University, Coinvestigator, 23H04844 - Neolithic obsidian use in Poland
JSPS Bilateral Collaborations
Apr. 2025 - Mar. 2027
Dagmara H. Werra, Piotr Wlodarczak, Tomasz Oberc
JSPS and Polish Academy of Sciences, JSPS Bilateral Collaborations, Hokkaido University and the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Principal investigator - Did the northernmost rice farming culture cross the strait?: A study on the diffusion process of rice farming culture
Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2027
N. Kamijo, M. Yoneda, Tetsuo Udatsu
JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Hirosaki University, Coinvestigator, 23H00008 - Biomolecular Archaeological Approaches to Culinary Changes during the Transition to Farming in Northeast Asia
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
05 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2026
庄田 慎矢, 高瀬 克範, 新里 貴之, 村上 夏希
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, 21H04370 - Examining representations of Jomon foodways in archaeological research and public engagement (York University, Dr. Emma Yasui)
JSPS International Fellowship for Research in Japan (Short-term)
May 2025 - Jul. 2025
Takase, K.
JSPS, JSPS International Fellowship for Research in Japan (Short-term), Hokkaido University, Others - Long-term fluctuations of marine productivity in Hokkaido and its influence to humans
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)
Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2025
Yoshinori Nishita, Takumi Tsutaya, Naohiko Ohkouchi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, Principal investigator - Paleoethnobotany of the Ishikari River Valley: a Novel Approach to the Satsumon-Ainu Transition
Japanese Studies Fellowship
Aug. 2024 - Jan. 2025
Emanuele Guglielmini
Japan Foundation, Hokkaido University, Others - 稲作北限域における農耕化プロセスの研究
01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2023
上條 信彦, 宇田津 徹朗, 高瀬 克範, 田中 克典, 米田 穣, 宮田 佳樹, 田崎 博之
○研究実施計画ⅰについて: 遺跡出土イネの分析に適用できるマーカー開発を目的として,温帯・熱帯ジャポニカならびに日長反応に関わる遺伝子を対象とした分析を実施した。研究により、温帯・熱帯を識別可能なマーカーは開発困難であったが、日本の陸稲品種を温帯ジャポニカと分類しうるマーカーが開発できた。大阪府弥生文化博物館との共同研究に基づき、佐藤敏也資料炭化米塊のX線CT撮影を実施し、これを完了した。弘前市教育委員会の協力を得て、岩木山麓域出土大洞A´式~田舎館式期の土器の脂質・同位体分析を実施した。第38回日本文化財科学会で発表した胎土分析の成果「東北の弥生土器はどこで作られたか;類遠賀川系土器の胎土分析」において、ポスター賞を受賞した。
○研究実施計画ⅱについて: 昨年度に引き続き弘前市湯の沢遺跡の発掘調査を実施した。調査の結果、津軽半島では初となる弥生時代前期砂沢期の大型住居跡を検出することに成功した。また当該期に関する土器や石器などの貴重な資料を得た。コロナ禍で一般公開はできなかったが、報道公開し成果の還元を図った。平川市との共同研究により、杉館(1)遺跡、高樋(1)遺跡の試掘、研究者間の意見交換会を行うとともに、各層序のプラント・オパール定量分析を実施し、水田包含層の存否を検討した。各遺跡についてドローンを用いた三次元計測を行うとともに、微細地形解析を実施した。
○研究実施計画ⅲについて: 穀物の検出を目的として、三沢市小山田(2)遺跡出土土器を対象としたレプリカ法による調査を実施した。また、収穫具の発見を目的として、平川市井沢(1)・大光寺新城跡遺跡出土石器を対象とした石器使用痕分析を実施した。
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 弘前大学, 19H01334 - Insights into Jomon and Okhotsk diet and plant use in Hokkaido, Japan
Research Fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for Postdoctoral Researchers
Jan. 2022 - Jul. 2022
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, JSPS Short-term Postdoctoral Fellowship, Institute of prehistory, proto history and Provincial Roman Arrchaeology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Others - Human-Environment Relations of the Prehistoric Jomon: Sustainability in Prehistory?
Globalink Fellowship
2021 - 2021
Tyler Cantwell
Mitacs, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto Mississauga, Others - An Archaeological Study on the Origin and Economic History of the Kuril Ainu
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2020
Takase Katsunori
This study revealed that the Kuril Ainu, an indigenous people of the Kuril Islands, were formed by the immigration from Southern Sakhalin or the Southern Kuril Islands based on archaeological examinations. Also, this study demonstrated that their retreat from Southern Kamchatka was caused in the beginning of the 18th century although they mainly occupied Southern Kamchatka between the 15th century and the 17th century. Because terrestrial animals of Kamchatka had not been actively used in the Kuril Islands in this period, there was no significant change in their economy after they stopped using Southern Kamchatka in the beginning of the 18th century.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Hokkaido University, 15H01899 - An archaeological study on the origin and economic history of the Kuril Ainu
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)
Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2020
Takase Katsunori, Fitzhugh Ben, Lebedintsev Aleksandr Ivanovich
The Kuril Ainu emerged in the 15th century, and they occupied in a wide area in Southern Kamchatka. However, recent archaeological research reveals that their main habitation area moved to the Northern Kuril Islands in the beginning of the 18th century. Because of the differences in the amount and variety of resources, Kuril Ainu's economy must have been changed after their retreat from Kamchatka in the beginning of the 18th century. This study clarifies this economic change through examinations of the archaeofaunal composition and methods for manufacturing and using stone tools.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Fostering Joint International Research (B), Hokkaido University, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 15KK0031 - Exploring Jomon Period Food and Ground Stone Technology through Starch Residues in Southwestern Hokkaido, Japan
Summer Program(University of Toronto, Emma Yasui)
Jun. 2019 - Aug. 2019
Katsunori Takase
JSPS, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 東日本における食糧生産の開始と展開の研究―レプリカ法を中心として―
Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2019
日本学術振興会, Competitive research funding - An Archaeological Examinations on the Resource Decline in Prehistoric Hokkaido
Invitational Fellowship Long-term (Prof. Ben Fitzhugh, University of Washington)
Apr. 2018 - Jul. 2018
Katsunori Takase
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - An Archaeological Study on the Origin and Economic History of the Kuril Ainu (Fostering Joint International Research)
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Dec. 2016 - Mar. 2018
Takase Katsunori, Fitzhugh Ben, Lebedintsev Aleksandr Ivanovich
The Kuril Ainu emerged in the 15th century, and they occupied in a wide area in Southern Kamchatka. However, recent archaeological research reveals that their main habitation area moved to the Northern Kuril Islands in the beginning of the 18th century. Because of the differences in the amount and variety of resources, Kuril Ainu's economy must have been changed after their retreat from Kamchatka in the beginning of the 18th century. This study clarifies this economic change through examinations of the archaeofaunal composition and methods for manufacturing and using stone tools.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research), Hokkaido University, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 15KK0031 - 初期遊牧国家の比較考古学的研究
Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2018
臼杵 勲
日本学術振興会, Competitive research funding - Hokkaido University Professor with Special Apointments (Prof. G. W. Crawford, University of Toronto Mississauga)
Hokkaido University Professor with Special Apointments
Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017
Katsunori Takase
Hokkaido University, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 千島アイヌ史の考古学的研究
外国人研究者等招致助成 (Prof. A. Ptashinsky, Kamchatka State University)
Jun. 2015 - Jun. 2015
高瀬 克範
平和中島財団, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 千島・北海道東部出土遺物を用いた複合的な資料情報の収集・活用に関する基礎研究
Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2015
加藤 克
日本学術振興会, Competitive research funding - 植物・土器・人骨の分析を中心とした日本列島農耕文化複合の形成に関する基礎的研究
2013 - 2015
日本学術振興会, Competitive research funding - 柳田国男収集考古資料の研究
2011 - 2013
国立歴史民俗博物館, Competitive research funding - カムチャツカ半島出土土器の年代学的研究
2010 - 2013
文部科学省, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - A study on prehistoric cultural interaction between Hokkaido and Kamchatka
Invitational Fellowship Short-term (A. V. Ptashinsky, Kamchatka State University)
Jan. 2012 - Jan. 2012
Japan Socoety for the Promotion of Science, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - ロシア・モスクワ州における中石器の利用法解明
2012 - 2012
北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 弥生時代における地域複合体論の構築
2010 - 2011
明治大学人文科学研究所, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - Substantial Study on Cultivation Process of Plants in Prehistoric Far East using “Replication method”
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2008 - 2011
In Japanese archaeological studies it has been controversial for about one century that agriculture existed in Jomon Society. No reliable botanical remains which demonstrate the existence of plant domestication in Jomon Period has made the issue unsolved. To solve the problem we employed "Replication-SEM Method" for searching the correct domestications from Jomon and Early Yayoi Pottery. And we have an additional plan to establish the logical and methodological standpoint of the method in the botani-archaeological study.
During our study time we have examined about 400, 000 pieces of potsherds from 171 Jomon and Yayoi sites in Japan and 9 Neolithic sites in neighboring countries and discovered 552 seeds and insect impressions. Based on these evidences we have obtained more useful and correct information on the Jomon cultigens than previously have been thought.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Kumamoto University, Competitive research funding, 20242022 - 北端の「弥生文化」の生業と社会組織に関する研究
2009 - 2009
明治大学大学院, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 下北半島初期農耕社会における環境・資源利用に関する考古学的研究
2008 - 2009
明治大学人文科学研究所, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - Ethnoarchaeology of Hide Processing Technology and Socialism
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2006 - 2008
TAKASE Katsunori
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 18720213 - The formation of Chronology on Hokkaido Archaeology since Ancient age till Early Modern Times, by calibrated dates of radiocarbon dating
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2004 - 2007
USUKI Isao, TSURUMARU Toshiaki, KATO Hirobumi, SAKAMOTO Minoru, KUMAKI Toshiaki, TAKASE Katsunon
In this research, we intended to establish archaeological chronology defined by calendar dates, using the AMS radiocarbon dating and calibrated dates based on Intcal 98 and Intcal 04.
Dating samples were collected from various sites in Hokkaido.
In National Museum of Japanese History, those samples were processed appropriately by AAA method.
After that, radiocarbon dating of them were performed in some analysis organizations. Then, radiocarbon dates of them were calibrated in National Museum of Japanese History, and calendar dates of them were obtained.
Consequently, following results were obtained
1. In Hokkaido, the marine reservoir effects were identified by pottery adhesion carbon samples unearthed not only from coastal sites but also from inland sites.
2. Therefore, plant residues are the most effective as samples of radiocarbon dating..
3. The indicated ages were contained in the following times.
First half of Epi-Jomon Culture BC 4th century-AD 2nd century
Second half of Epi-Jomon Culture AD 2nd century-AD 4th century
Middle period of Ohotsk Culture AD 5th century-AD 7th century
Late period of Ohotsk Culture AD 6th century-AD 8th century
Final period of Satsumon Culture AD 13th century
Moreover, the conventional measurement result was collected and the radiocarbon dating database in Hokkaido was created.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), SAAPPORO GAKUIN UNIVERSITY, Competitive research funding, 16300288 - Experimental archaeology for the effect of artifacts and resource management
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2004 - 2007
YAMADA Masahisa, ONO Akira, TAKASE Katsunori
We had seven projects on experimental archaeology.
1. Butchering experimentation of a Japanese Sika Cervus nippon in Kamogawa and Chikura, Chiba Prefecture, Japan
2. Woodcutting experimentation by stone axes at the Goshono Jomon archeological park in Iwate.
Experimentation using by the Sakuramachi-type stone ax.
Comparative experimentation of stone and steel axes.
3. Preliminary study for the manufacturing traces of Jomon antler artifacts: An experimental approach.
4. Use-wear analysis on replicated stone axes used in the Experimentation: examinations by high-power methods.
5. Shooting experimentation by replicated bows and arrows intended for Jomon period.
6. An experimental study of Replicating Jomon canue.
7. The experimentation of wood-burning earthenware cooking and temperature control.
Next, we studied about a history of conveyance tools during modern time by ethnoarchaeological research in the Hida gorge. The study of conveyance tools has been strangely neglected by archaeologists. this study attempt to trace a history of conveyance tools during moderntimes by ethnoarchaeological research. Imconclusion, we have reconstructed a brief history of conveyance tools in Japan.
These trial research methods will make a new horaizon and change configuration of studies prehistoric economy.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Tokyo Metropolitan University, Competitive research funding, 16202019 - カムチャッカ半島南部遺跡の年代学的研究
2006 - 2006
パレオ・ラボ, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 下北半島における初期農耕集落の考古学的研究
2006 - 2006
福武学術文化振興財団, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 東北日本先史時代における栽培作物利用の変遷と特質
2003 - 2005
文部科学省, 若手研究(B), 首都大学東京, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 15720184 - Correlation of Chronologies between the Yayoi Pottery of North-eastern and Mainland Japan and the Epi-Jomon Pottery of Hokkaido.
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2004 - 2004
ISHIKAWA Hideshi, TAKASE Katunori, KUMAKI Toshiaki
The purpose of this study is to correlate various regional chronologies of the early and middle Yayoi Pottery (B.C.fifth to A.D.first centuries) and Epi-Jomon pottery distributed from eastern (Kanto) and northeastern (Tohoku) mainland Japan to Hokkaido. Ultimately, we intend to approach the nature of regional interactions ultilizing the chronological framework.
To achieve the goal, we have conducted careful and detailed laboratory analyses of pottery in these regions. For specimen of pottery that we consider as "indeces" of regional chronologies, we have compiled measured-drawings and rubbings of pottery surface, according to our fixed standard of comparison. These drawings and rubbings are reproducted in the report, and this compendium should serve as the foundation for future comparative studies.
Based on the results of these analyses, we have re-examined chronological frameworks of pottery in Fukushima Prefecture, Sendai Plain of Miyagi Prefecture, Kitakami river tributary region of Iwate Prefecture, Aomori Prefecture and Hokkaido Island. In this process, we have re-considered pottery classificatory schemes for the Sendai Plains and Kitakami river tributary region. This re-consideration and results of other analyses have made it possible to correlate various regional chronologies from the Kanto to middle Tohoku regions for the middle Yayoi Period. We have also aimed at correlating chronology of Hokkaido and Sahkalin. Scince we do not enough data for the late stage of the middle Yayoi Period in the northern part of Tohoku region, correlation between Hokkaido chronology and southern Tohoku chronology is not complete.
Our study has clarified that the Tohoku region of the Yayoi Period is featured by the development of locally characteristic pottery types. At the same time, pottery of these local areas interacted with one another from Kanto to Hokkaido.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Meiji University, Competitive research funding, 14310189 - 青森県むつ市江豚沢(ふぐさわ)遺跡の発掘調査
2004 - 2004
財団法人高梨学術奨励基金, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 東北地方北部における弥生時代遺跡の発掘調査
2003 - 2003
財団法人高梨学術奨励基金, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 石器使用痕分析による「亀ヶ岡文化」の解体と弥生文化の成立要因に関する研究
2000 - 2000
日本科学協会, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 東北地方における稲作開始期の集落再編の特質
1999 - 1999
財団法人高梨学術奨励基金, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 東北地方における弥生文化の伝播経路の研究
1998 - 1998
財団法人高梨学術奨励基金, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 縄文時代中期中葉における円筒・大木式土器の胎土分析
1997 - 1997
財団法人高梨学術奨励基金, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 極東古集団の形成・統合
臼杵 勲
文部科学省, Competitive research funding