Faculty of Public Policy Public Policy Public PolicyAssociate Professor
Center for Experimental Research in Social SciencesAssociate Professor
Last Updated :2025/02/13

■Researcher basic information


  • Ph.D. (Foreign Affairs), University of Virginia

Researchmap personal page

Research Keyword

  • interstate war, public diplomacy, apology, post-war peace

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences, International relations, Conflict

Educational Organization



  • Apr. 2012 - Present
    Hokkaido University, Public Policy School, Associate Professor, Japan
  • Sep. 2010 - Mar. 2012
    Hokkaido University, Department of Law, Associate Professor, Japan

Educational Background

  • Sep. 2008 - Dec. 2014, University of Virginia, Department of Politics, Ph.D.(Foreign Affairs)
  • Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2008, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Law and Politics, M.A.
  • Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2006, University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, BA

Committee Memberships

  • Sep. 2024 - Present
    International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Editorial board
  • 2020 - Present
    Political Science Review, International advisory board, Society
  • 2020 - Present
    Japanese Association for American Studies, Councilor fellow, Society
  • Sep. 2020 - Jun. 2021
    International Relations of the Asia Pacific, Executive editor, Society

■Research activity information


  • Managing the Costs of Backing Down: A “Mirror Experiment” on Reputations and Audience Costs in a Real-World Conflict
    Shoko Kohama, Kai Quek, Atsushi Tago
    The Journal of Politics, 86, 1, 388, 393, University of Chicago Press, 01 Jan. 2024, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal
  • Do reconciliation events serve as a conciliatory signal?
    Yohsuke Ohtsubo, Toshiyuki Himichi, Kazunori Inamasu, Shoko Kohama, Nobuhiro Mifune, Atsushi Tago
    European Journal of Social Psychology, Wiley, 29 Dec. 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, Abstract

    A set of four vignette studies (total N = 1600) examined whether voluntariness, novelty, vulnerability and irrevocability of reconciliation events serve as conciliatory signals that communicate serious intentions for improved relations. Studies 1 and 2 manipulated the presence of the four factors in the reconciliation event initiated by the political leader of a country in a relatively disadvantageous (Study 1) or advantageous (Study 2) position. Studies 1 and 2 revealed that the presence of substantial concession (‘public announcement of abandonment of disputed region’ in Study 1 and ‘demolition of a military facility in the disputed region’ in Study 2) enhanced signal effectiveness (participants perceived these concessions reflecting the political leader's serious conciliatory intention). Follow‐up studies (Studies 3A and 3B), which manipulated the level of concession (high vs. intermediate vs. low), confirmed the main result: High and intermediate levels of concession enhanced signal effectiveness compared to low concession.
  • The Association between ideology and resistance to governmental apology depends on political knowledge
    Kazunori Inamasu, Shoko Kohama, Nobuhiro Mifune, Yohsuke Ohtsubo, Atsushi Tago
    Japanese Journal of Political Science, 03 Jul. 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal
  • Can Ingroup Opposition to Political Apologies Be Mitigated? Negative Evidence for Dissociation from the Past and Praise for the Present System
    Ohtsubo Yohsuke, Himichi Toshiyuki, Inamasu Kazunori, Kohama Shoko, Mifune Nobuhiro, Tago Atsushi
    Japanese Journal of Social Psychology, 38, 2, 25, 32, The Japanese Society of Social Psychology, 25 Dec. 2022, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Japan issued many political apologies after World War II, although these failed to foster intergroup forgiveness. One possible reason for these failures may be the presence of within-country opposition to government apologies. It has been suggested that some elements of political apologies may be intended to mitigate such within-country opposition. Two studies (total sample size=1,500) tested whether a statement that dissociates past injustice from the country’s present political system and a statement that praises the country’s present system would mitigate opposition to a political apology. The results did not support the mitigating hypothesis. Moreover, we tested whether these statements would be particularly effective in reducing the opposition of strong opponents (e.g., individuals high in Social Dominance Orientation). Although this effect was significant in Study 1, a preregistered study (Study 2) failed to replicate it.
  • Crafting international apologies that work: A conjoint analysis approach
    Shoko Kohama, Toshiyuki Himichi, Kazunori Inamasu, Nobuhiro Mifune, Yohsuke Ohtsubo, Atsushi Tago
    Conflict Management and Peace Science, 073889422210947, 073889422210947, SAGE Publications, 06 Jun. 2022, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, Apologies by political leaders to the citizens of a victimized country have attracted attention in recent years as a means of improving relations between nations. Existing studies have identified several elements that make such an apology effective, but from the politician's point of view, it is difficult to issue a statement containing all these elements, and they must then be chosen while considering domestic backlash and relations with countries other than the victimized one. However, it is not sufficiently clear how the victimized country's citizens weigh the elements of the apology when they accept it and how the nature of the harm caused changes this. Therefore, we conducted a survey experiment in Japan, adopting a conjoint design using scenarios depicting fictional US presidential apologies to Japan. Our experiment demonstrated three attributes particularly regarded as important in determining whether people would accept an apology: the reparation amount, whether the apology was official (formality), and the voluntariness of the apology. However, when something that people consider “sacred” has been harmed, reparation proposals are counterproductive, and the optimal apology form may depend on the nature of the harm.
  • South Korea–Japan FCR crisis and public opinion: Gathering survey data in real-time crisis development               
    Doi, S, Inamasu, K, Kohama, S, Tago, A
    Kobayashi T. and Tago A. eds, Japanese Public Sentiment on South Korea (Routledge), 18, 31, 2021
    In book
  • 日米関係:同盟をめぐる世論と政治エリート               
    久保文明ほか編『アメリカ政治の地殻変動』(東京大学出版会、2021年), 254, 265, 2021
    In book
  • 核抑止制度をめぐるサーベイ実験:第二撃の実行条件               
    鈴木基史・飯田敬輔編『国際関係研究の方法:解説と実践』(東京大学出版会、2021年), 285, 308, 2021
    In book
  • Resistance to the six elements of political apologies: Who opposes which elements?
    Yohsuke Ohtsubo, Kazunori Inamasu, Shoko Kohama, Nobuhiro Mifune, Atsushi Tago
    Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 27, 3, 449, 458, American Psychological Association (APA), 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Political apologies, which typically consist of (a) admission of injustice/wrongdoing, (b) acknowledgment of harm and/or victim suffering, (c) expression of remorse, (d) acceptance of responsibility, (e) offer of repair, and (f) forbearance, often meet opposition from the constituency of the apologizing government. This study investigated which of these 6 elements people would most strongly oppose. Eight hundred Japanese participants (400 men and 400 women, aged 20 to 79 years) indicated how much resistance they would feel to the Japanese government's expression of each of the 6 elements in a hypothetical political apology to an (unspecified) Asian country. The strongest resistance was associated with elements (a), (b), and (c), followed by elements (d) and (e), and the weakest resistance was reported for element (f). An exploratory cluster analysis identified the existence of a minority of the most resistant individuals (n = 64), whose mean resistance scores for elements (a) to (e) were greater than 5.5 on a 7-point scale. This group most strongly opposed elements (c) and (d), which were not the elements that the entire sample most strongly opposed. The most resistant individuals appear to have different sentiments regarding their government's political apologies than the rest of the population.
  • Bombing and Mining in War: Evidence from Cambodia
    Shoko Kohama, Kazuto Ohtsuki, Yasutaka Tominaga
    Journal of Global Security Studies, 5, 2, 319, 338, Oxford University Press (OUP), 01 Nov. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, Abstract
    This study explores the political-economic determinants of military strategy during civil war to explain the intensity of suffering that certain conflict zones and their inhabitants suffer due to aerial bombing and landmines. Adversaries seeking post-war rents consider distinct consequences of weapons use in the target society: bombing causes instantaneous destruction, whereas landmines cause persistent but fading negative externalities on human activities, such as labor. Thus, it is expected that economic rents with different characteristics are associated with the use of different types of weapons because the benefits derived from these rents after the conflict vary. By focusing on the nature of economic rents available in conflict zones, this study demonstrates that aerial bombing is more likely when the targeted territory relies economically on renewable resources and industries such as agriculture, whereas landmines are more likely to be used in territories endowed with perishable resources such as gemstones. An empirical analysis utilizing newly compiled geo-coded data on the locations of US airstrikes and landmine contamination during the Cambodian Civil War finds strong positive associations between agricultural productivity and the number of airstrikes, and between the proximity to large gem deposits and landmine contamination, holding major tactical variables constant. The results suggest that societies' economic structures have a sizable effect on the manner in which adversaries fight a war and, therefore, affect how people suffer from it.
  • Territorial acquisition, commitment, and recurrent war
    Shoko Kohama
    International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 19, 2, 269, 295, Oxford University Press (OUP), 01 May 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal
  • 広報外交の政治心理学実験:見えない危機における政府発言の効果               
    稲増一憲, 小濵祥子
    大渕憲一編『紛争と和解を考える:集団の心理と行動』(誠信書房), 98, 121, 2019
    In book
  • Social dominance orientation as an obstacle to intergroup apology
    Nobuhiro Mifune, Kazunori Inamasu, Shoko Kohama, Yohsuke Ohtsubo, Atsushi Tago
    PLOS ONE, 14, 1, e0211379, Public Library of Science ({PLoS}), Jan. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
  • To Denounce, or Not To Denounce: Survey Experiments on Diplomatic Quarrels
    Shoko Kohama, Kazunori Inamasu, Atsushi Tago
    Political Communication, 34, 2, 243, 260, Taylor and Francis Inc., 03 Apr. 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Despite widespread concern over heated diplomatic debates and growing interest in public diplomacy, it is still incompletely understood what type of message is more effective for gaining support from foreign public, or the international society, in situations where disputing countries compete in diplomatic campaigns. This study, through multiple survey experiments, uncovers the effect of being silent, issuing positive justification, and negative accusation, in interaction with the opponent’s strategy. We demonstrate that negative verbal attacks “work” and undermine the target’s popularity as they do in electoral campaigns. Unlike domestic electoral campaigns, however, negative diplomacy has little “backlash” and persuades people to support the attacker. Consequently, mutual verbal fights make neither party more popular than the other. Nevertheless, this does not discourage disputants from waging verbal fights due to the structure similar to the one-shot prisoner’s dilemma. We also find that positive messages are highly context-dependent—that is, their effects greatly depend on the opponent’s strategy and value proximity between the messenger and the receiver.
  • Information Sharing in Early Stage International Disputes: How China and Japan Communicate
    Shoko Kohama, Atsushi Tago, Kazunori Inamasu
    Suzuki M. and Okada A., eds. Games of Conflict and Cooperation in Asia, 57, 82, Springer Japan, 2017
  • Efficacy of Unilateral Defense in International Crises: A Mechanism of Tying-Hand Signaling               
    Shoko KOHAMA
    International Relations, 181, 74, 88, Sep. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Unsettled designs for peace and order in the Middle East: U.S. policies toward the Arab-Israel conflict, 1963-70
    小浜 祥子
    The journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences, 121, 9, 939, 999, 國家學會事務所, Oct. 2008
  • Dealing with precarious democracy: arms sales to Israel in the Johnson years, 1963-1966
    小浜 祥子
    Pacific and American studies, 7, 0, 141, 158, 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科附属アメリカ太平洋地域研究センター,Center for Pacific and American Studies of The University of Tokyo,東京大学大学院, Mar. 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, This paper aims to demystify the United States'decision to abandon its long-standing polisy of not being primary arms supplier to the Middle East through a case-study analysis of ""offensive"" arms sales to Israel under the Johnson administration, particularyly the years 1963 1966.//I argue that this policy shift was the result of US policymakers'determination : mindful of both the weakness of the relatively moderate pro-US government and generally volatile nature of Israeli domestic politics : that arms sales to Jordan were increasing the possibility of an Israeli preemptive attack. In other words, out of fear that the moderate pro-US best to sell arms to Israel.//This analysis hopes to offer a new perspective on policies toward Israel in the LBJ era, which to this day remains a highly debated period of US diplomatiac history. Based on my research, it is clear that past examinations of the US policy during the LBJ years have failed to realize the increased importance attributed to Israel's domestic politics. Additionally, it is my contention that this shift led to a concomitant reduction in the US influence vis-a-vis Israel, as the precariousness of domestic politics enhanced the Israeli government's bargining power.//Thus, it can be said that LBJ-era policy vis-a-vis Israel was based on an entirely different set of perceptions from those used under either Eisenhower or Kennedy, and in fact, any pro-Israel policy slant was greatly due to the Johanson administration's desire to avoid an Israel pre-emptive strike and the outburst of Arab-Israeli conflict.研究ノートResearch Note

Other Activities and Achievements

  • Ronald F. Inglehart, Cultural Evolution: People’s Motivations are Changing, and Reshaping the World               
    小濵祥子, 国際安全保障, 47, 2, 129, 133, 2019
    Book review
  • 小野沢透著『幻の同盟―冷戦初期アメリカの中東政策』               
    小濵祥子, 年報アメリカ研究, 52, 201, 206, 2018
    Book review
  • Stephen Biddle, Military Power: Explaining Victory and Defeat in Modern Battle (Princeton UP, 2006)               
    Shoko KOHAMA, The Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences, 122, 9-10, 241, 244, 2009
    Japanese, Book review

Books and other publications

  • America in the Post-Obama Era (in Japanese)               
    Takakazu Yamagishi, Masaru Nishikawa, Ch.8 "Foreign Policy"
    Daigaku Kyoiku Shuppan, 2016, 9784864293983, Japanese, [Contributor]

Affiliated academic society

  • American Political Science Association               

Research Themes

  • Analyzing the possibility of international cooperation and governance under interstate conflict
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2027
    鈴木 基史, 飯田 敬輔, 岩波 由香里, 栗崎 周平, 多湖 淳, 石田 淳, 小浜 祥子, 中山 裕美
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Kyoto University, 23H00039
  • International Collaborative Study on Dissatisfaction in IR
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    01 Apr. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2027
    多湖 淳, 三船 恒裕, 稲増 一憲, 大坪 庸介, 日道 俊之, 小浜 祥子
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Waseda University, 22H00050
  • Manipulation of Public Policies for Electoral Purpose: The Effects of Election on Public Policies
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    01 Apr. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2026
    清水 直樹, 東島 雅昌, 矢内 勇生, 鷲田 任邦, 禹 裕眞, 小浜 祥子
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), University of Kochi, 23K22079
  • Manipulation of Public Policies for Electoral Purpose: The Effects of Election on Public Policies
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    01 Apr. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2026
    清水 直樹, 東島 雅昌, 矢内 勇生, 鷲田 任邦, 禹 裕眞, 小浜 祥子
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), University of Kochi, 22H00807
  • 現代アメリカにおける政治的地殻変動:政党再編と政策的収斂
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
    05 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2026
    久保 文明, 山岸 敬和, 荒木 圭子, 宮田 智之, 平松 彩子, 前嶋 和弘, 西川 賢, 西山 隆行, 梅川 健, 中山 俊宏, 森 聡, 梅川 葉菜, 岡山 裕, 清原 聖子, 松井 孝太, 渡辺 将人, 中林 美恵子, 菅原 和行, 小浜 祥子, 杉野 綾子
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A), 東京大学, 21H04388
  • A study on political polarization
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2024
    久米 郁男, 荒井 紀一郎, 建林 正彦, 日野 愛郎, 久保 浩樹, 曽我 謙悟, 伊藤 武, 浅古 泰史, 横山 智哉, 村上 剛, 小浜 祥子
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Waseda University, 20H00066
  • International Collaborative Research on Political Information Transmission by Using Survey Experiment Methods
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))
    09 Oct. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2024
    多湖 淳, 松村 尚子, 小浜 祥子
    本研究は「サーベイ実験による政治情報伝達現象の国際協働研究」という大きなテーマ設定の下で、①国際組織の授権による対世論説得効果の分析、②見えない危機における政府声明の対世論情報効果の分析という二つの研究を行い、社会科学引用インデックス(Social Science Citation Index: SSCI)で評判の高い雑誌よりから複数の論文を刊行しようとするものである。
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)), Waseda University, 18KK0040
  • 人質による合意保証メカニズムの研究
    科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
    30 Jul. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2023
    小浜 祥子, 西 平等, 前田 亮介, 三船 恒裕
    次に、西欧における人質問題について、研究代表者である小濵を中心にKosto, A. J., 2012, Hostages in the Middle Ages (Oxford, UK: Oxford UP)などの先行研究を検討した上で、古代から近世までの人質の具体的についての事例収集を行った。さらに、東洋における人質の慣行について、分担者の前田を中心に、古代以降の漢民族と周辺民族との間の人質のやり取りから中世日本における人質制度の未成熟、そして16世紀半ば以降の人質の爆発的増加といった点について先行研究および事例を検討した。こうした多種多様な事例を参照しつつ、人質が当時の社会で果たしていた役割およびその成立条件について、分担者の三船を中心に集団間の信頼関係の醸成という視点から仮説の方向性を絞りこんだ。
    日本学術振興会, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 北海道大学, 20K20747
  • Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies on Group Apology
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering)
    01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2022
    Tago Atsushi
    Under the theme of "Intergroup Apology and Forgiveness," young researchers in psychology and political science collaborated on this research project to conduct a cross-disciplinary fusion research. By bringing together young researchers from such multidisciplinary fields as American politics, international politics, political psychology, social psychology, and evolutionary psychology, we were able to promote variety of fine social science research. In particular, we developed a theory of intergroup apologetics by integrating psychological metatheory with findings on group identity and historical context in political science, and constructed and demonstrated experimental scenarios and stimuli in which context and group characteristics were key. This allowed us to comprehensively unravel how the historical context in which groups are held inhibits general psychological predictions.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering), 20K20278
  • The Decline and Renovation of International Institutions: Political Economic Analysis
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    01 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2022
    Suzuki Motoshi
    This study analyzed the possibilities and limitations of international institutions as governance tools envisioned by prominent international relations theories. It employed prominent social science methods, comprised of game theory, quantitative analysis, text analysis, and survey experiment to analyze problems and prospects of institutions in the fields of security, trade, finance, development, and refugees. It created 11 single-authored and co-authored papers and published them as an edited volume, entitled “Methods of International Relations Research” from the University of Tokyo Press in September 2021. The findings of the study are useful for the revitalization of international institutions and the restoration of international governance that appears to be weakening due to conflict state preferences and interstate power struggles.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Kyoto University, 18H03623
  • Power of Words in the Early Escalation Stage of International Conflict
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2022
    Tago Atsushi
    We studied "verbal escalation" through empirical research on government announcements and media reports in the early stages of international conflicts. The research focused on the initial stages of international conflicts, such as scrambling of fighter jets and violation of territorial waters. We conducted content analysis of government announcements and international media reports. In addition, through various experiments using the information content of "typical government announcements," we examined how citizens of their own and other countries would react upon receiving the relevant information. We were able to confirm that blaming the other country, which makes invisible crises visible, is a powerful force in terms of increasing public support in third countries. In addition, a series of surveys on the Japan-South Korea radar targeting incident in 2018 revealed that verbal escalation dramatically increases distrust of the other country's government.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 17H00973
  • Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies on Group Apology
    2018 - 2022
    Atsushi Tago
    文部科学省, Competitive research funding
  • The Decline and Renovation of International Institutions: Political Economic Analysis
    2018 - 2022
    Motoshi Suzuki
    文部科学省, Competitive research funding
  • Power of Words in the Early Escalation Stage of International Conflict
    2017 - 2022
    Atsushi Tago
    文部科学省, Competitive research funding
  • Destruction and Contamination in War: The Logic of Weapons Selection
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    19 Jul. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2019
    KOHAMA Shoko
    This research explored a mechanism of weapons selection during a war to offer an explanation for why certain conflict zones suffer intensely from particular forms of war damage, such as destruction by bombing and landmine contamination. We first developed a formal model in which adversaries seeking post-war rents choose between destructive and contaminating forms of fighting, depending on the nature of rents and their political institutions. The implications of the model were verified by a statistical analysis using the data on the Cambodian Civil War. The analysis demonstrated strong positive associations between agricultural productivity and the number of airstrikes, and between the proximity to gem deposits and landmine contamination. We also conducted a survey experiment and confirmed that respondents’ decision of employing nuclear arms in the context of a hypothetical nuclear war depends on the nature of rents and the size of their winning coalition.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, 16KT0153
  • The Logic of Destruction and Contamination
    2016 - 2018
    Shoko Kohama
    文部科学省, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • Postwar Peace and Resource Management with Foreign Aids
    2015 - 2017
    Shoko Kohama
    This project investigated the mechanism through which ceasefires are maintained, with special attention to third-party involvement and using multiple methods such as formal modeling, quantitative analysis, and case studies. The main findings of the research are such that resource transfer during war destabilizes post-war peace and that third parties can promote post-war peace by managing adversaries’ resource use during ceasefire through foreign aids. One empirical paper was published in a peer-reviewed journal (with open access) and two more papers have been presented in domestic and international conferences and prepared for journal submissions.
    文部科学省, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 15K16998
  • グローバル・ガバナンスの変容と国家政策の政治経済分析
    2014 - 2017
    Motoshi Suzuki
    This research team conducted a collaborative research project for April 2014-March 2019. It focused on the relationship between the external conduct of states and international institutions and produced 24 conference papers, 23 journal articles and 6 books.A major achievement was publication of an edited volume, Games of Conflict and Cooperation in Asia, from Springer in March 2017. The edited volume compiled 11 articles written by members of the research team on the realms of regional security and economy. Several articles examined how institutions influence interstate conflict and cooperation in the region, while others analyzed how regional institutions are shaped through states'strategic calculus in light of power, interest, and global institutions. The volume uncovered that regional institutions involve flexibility and ambiguity to accommodate with the shifting distribution of power, while retaining behavioral constraints to promote limited interstate cooperation.
    文部科学省, 基盤研究(A), 京都大学, Competitive research funding, 26245020
  • An Interdisciplinary Study of the Origins and Development of American Conservative Regime in the Context of Globalization
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    01 Apr. 2011 - 31 Mar. 2014
    FURUYA Jun, KUBO Fumiaki, OTSURU KITAGAWA Chieko, NISHIZAKI Fumiko, KOHIYAMA Rui, SAKAI Keiko, MIYATA Tomoyuki, OZAKI Ichiro, ENDO Yasuo, KOHAMA Shoko
    This study has aimed to analyze how the conservative political regime of modern USA has evolved in the age of globalization after the 1980s. One of its major findings is the circulation system of neoliberal generic ideas through American domestic as well as international political economy. This circulation mechanism is maintained and promoted by the so-called Washington consensus composed by federal bureaucracy, conservative congressmen, financial and business community, and some public think tanks. The Washington consensus has been the heart of the present conservative regime and has been little affected by the changes of the governing parties and presidents. This study has found that modern political conservatives no longer adhere to the traditional or particularistic values but that they rather embrace universalistic neoliberalism.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkai School of Commerce, 23310175
  • Peace and Violence after Conflict
    2012 - 2012
    Shoko Kohama
    This research uncovers why certain ceasefire lasts longer than others, using scientific methods including formal modeling, statistical analysis, and in-depth case study. Precisely, this study demonstrates that resource transfer during conflict causes ceasefire to fail under certain conditions. The hypotheses of the model are tested against data on ceasefire after WWII and cases including ECSC and Sino-Vietnamese conflicts. This project yields the following published and/or presented studies: “Peace and Violence after Conflict;” “The Logic of Mass Destruction: A Political-Economic Approach;” “Unilateral Defense in International Crises.”
    文部科学省, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 24730135
  • 民主主義と外交政策:米・イスラエル間の「同盟条約なき同盟関係」の形成
    科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費
    2008 - 2008
    小浜 祥子
    日本学術振興会, 特別研究員奨励費, 東京大学, 08J10327