Yamamoto Fumihiko
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Last Updated :2025/01/11
■Researcher basic information
Researchmap personal page
J-Global ID
Educational Background
Position History
- アイヌ共生推進本部長, 2022年4月1日 - 2024年3月31日
- 技術支援本部長, 2020年10月1日 - 2022年3月31日
- 教育改革室室員, 2022年4月1日 - 2024年3月31日
- 教育研究評議会評議員, 2014年4月1日 - 2016年3月31日
- 教育研究評議会評議員, 2016年4月1日 - 2018年3月31日
- 教育研究評議会評議員, 2018年4月1日 - 2020年3月31日
- 経営戦略室室員, 2021年4月1日 - 2022年3月31日
- 経営戦略室室員, 2022年4月1日 - 2024年3月31日
- 大学文書館長, 2020年10月1日 - 2022年3月31日
- 大学文書館長, 2022年4月1日 - 2024年3月31日
- 評価室室長, 2020年10月1日
- 附属図書館長, 2020年10月1日 - 2022年3月31日
- 附属図書館長, 2022年4月1日 - 2024年3月31日
■Research activity information
- An Essay on the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 : Over its historical Significance and Interpretation of the Treaty of Osnaburg
山本 文彦
北海道大学文学研究科紀要, 139, 135, 168, 北海道大学大学院文学研究科, 2013
Japanese - 12~15世紀ドイツにおける司教選出の諸問題:近世ドイツにおける聖界諸侯の予備的考察
山本 文彦
西洋史論集, 3, 31, 49, 北海道大学文学部西洋史研究室, 08 Mar. 2000
Japanese - 近世ドイツ帝国国制に関する一考察
山本 文彦
北海道大学文学部紀要, 48, 2, 79, 114, 北海道大學文學部 = The Faculty of Letters, Hokkaido University, Nov. 1999
Japanese - Die Reichskreise im spaten 16. Jahrhundert
Yamamoto Fumihiko
Shigaku zasshi, 100, 8, 1419, 1441, 1503, The Historical Society of Japan, 20 Aug. 1991
Japanese, Die Reichsexekutionsordnung von 1555 ist als Endpunkt der verfassungsgeschichtlichen Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der Friedenssicherung im Reich anzusehen. Sie ubertrug den Reichskreisen endgultig und abschlieBend die Aufgabe der Sicherung und Wahrung des Landfriedens. In dieser Arbeit behandelte ich die Tatigkeiten solcher Reichskreise im spaten 16. Jahrhundert - bei den Grumbachschen Handeln (1560er Jahre), den Soldnerunruhen (1570er Jahre) sowie den Turkengefahren (1590er Jahre) - und dazu betrachtete ich ihre Rolle im DreiBigjahrigen Krieg und im Westfalischen Frieden. Die Reichskreise beschahtigten sich aktiv mit diesen Problemen und erhielten damit seit 1555 einen bedeutenden Stellenwert in der Verfassung des Alten Reiches. So wurden die Reichskreise zum Exekutivorgan des Reiches. Zugleich erhielten sie einen "Doppelcharakter" als "Standebunde" und "Reichsverwaltungsbezirke". Damit botengerade die Reichskreise den Reichsstanden die Moglichkeit, an den Belangen des Reiches mitzuwirken. Die Reichskfeise stellten wichtige Einrichtungen des Alten Reiches dar. - H.Angermeier,Die Reichsreform: 1410-1555--Die Staatsproblematik in Deutschland zwischen Mittelalter und Gegenwart(1984)
山本 文彦
The Study of Occidental history, 14, p111, 121, 西洋史研究会, 1985
Other Activities and Achievements
- 瀬原義生『皇帝カール五世とその時代』
山本 文彦, 西洋史学, 253, 69, 71, Jun. 2016, [Invited]
Japanese, Book review - Book reviews: Hattori Yoshihisa, Agrarian uprisings in medieval and early modern alpine Europe
山本 文彦, 歴史学研究, 871, 50, 53, Oct. 2010
青木書店, Japanese - ハンス・K・シュルツェ著, 五十嵐修・浅野啓子・小倉欣一・佐久間弘展訳, 『西欧中世史事典II-皇帝と帝国-』, ミネルヴァ書房, 2005年11月, 256+37頁, 3,675円
山本 文彦, 社會經濟史學, 72, 3, 374, 376, 25 Sep. 2006
社会経済史学会, Japanese - MINAGAWA Taku, Tozokusei-kokka kara Kokka-rengo e (From Imperial Estate to Confederation : The Swabian League, A Blueprint for the Early Modern German State), Tokyo, 2005
YAMAMOTO Fumihiko, Shigaku zasshi, 114, 12, 二〇四六, 二〇五四, 20 Dec. 2005
The Historical Society of Japan, Japanese - 書評 神寶秀夫著「ドイツ領邦絶対主義形成過程における中間的諸権力--領邦都市マインツの場合」(『史淵』一三七、一三八、一三九、一四〇輯)
山本 文彦, 法制史研究, 54, 246, 251, 2004
法制史學會, Japanese - スティーヴン・オズメント著(庄司宏子訳), 『市長の娘-中世ドイツの一都市に起きた醜聞-』, 白水社, 2001年3月, 310+iii頁, 2,600円
山本 文彦, 社會經濟史學, 68, 3, 459, 461, 25 Sep. 2002
社会経済史学会, Japanese - SHIBUTANI Akira, Kinsei-Doitsu-teikoku Kokusei-shi Kenkyu, History of States Institutions in Early Modern Imperial Germany:Die standische Versammlungen and Das Reichskreiswesen, Kyoto, 2000.
YAMAMOTO Fumihiko, Shigaku zasshi, 110, 1, 125, 133, 20 Jan. 2001
The Historical Society of Japan, Japanese - The Bischop -elect of Germany in the 12-15 Century.
The Journal of Western History, 3, 31, 49, 2000 - A Study of the Holy Roman Empire in the early modern ages.
The Annual Report on Cultural Science, 48, 2, 79, 114, 1999 - Europe : Modern : Germany(Historical Studies in Japan, 1996)
YAMAMOTO Fumihiko, Shigaku zasshi, 106, 5, 1014, 1020, 20 May 1997
The Historical Society of Japan, Japanese - Die Reichskreise im Sp(]E89E4[)ten 16. Jahrhundert
Shigaku$Zasshi, 100, 8, 1991 - The Kreis-Institution of the Holy Roman Empire in the Middle of the 16th Century.
The Studies in Western History, 156, 1990 - Reichstag und interst(]J1103[)udischer Ausschuβ in der ersten H(]J1103[)lfte des 16. Jahrhunderts.
REKISHI, 72,1-18, 1989 - Die Entstehung der Reichsexekutionsordhung von 1555
The study of Occidental History, 16, 1987
Books and other publications
- 国書がむすぶ外交
山本 文彦, 15-18世紀ドイツの旅と通行証
東京大学出版会, Jan. 2019, 329-333ページ, Japanese, [Joint work] - 食と文化
山本 文彦, 中世・近世ヨーロッパの食文化
Mar. 2015, [Contributor] - 旅と交流
山本 文彦, 郵便と旅行
北海道大学出版会, Mar. 2015, [Contributor] - ドイツ史研究入門
山本 文彦, 近世の神聖ローマ帝国と領邦国家
山川出版社, May 2014, 91-110, Japanese, [Contributor] - 近世ドイツ国制史研究
北海道大学図書刊行会, 1995 - Studien zur deutschen Reichsverfassungsgeschichte in der fr(]E88DB[)hen Neuzeit
1995 - 15・16世紀ドイツの帝国財政と帝国の国家性
ヨーロッパにおける統合的諸権力の構造と展開・創文社, 1994 - Reichsfinanz und Staatlichkeit in 15. und 16. Jahrhundert
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- Study of the Perpetual Imperial Diet in the history of the early modern Holy Roman Empire
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2015 - 2017
In order to comprehensively grasp the characteristics of the constitutional structure in early modern Roman Holy Empire, the "Perpetual Imperial Diet " held in Regensburg was considered.In addition to making a list of the envoys who had attended this Perpetual Imperial Diet, I also built a database that included the human relations between the envoys and the human relations with the Imperial Princes who send an envoy to the Diet.
Furthermore, with regard to the activities of the Perpetual Imperial Diet, the emperor election, the addition of the Prince-elector, the imperial war, the peace treaty, the imperial court, and economic policy, I sort out the documents of the emperor's chief agent about these six items.In the future, I am able to obtain important data to comprehensively consider the activities of the Perpetual Imperial Diet.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 15K02924 - Study of the Constitution and Cultural History of the Imperial Diet in early modern Holy Roman Empire
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2012 - 2014
I studied a function of the Imperial Diet in early modern Holy Roman Empire from a point of view of the Constitution and the cultural history. It is important to understand as the place that not only the assembly at that time was merely an organization discussing, but also reflects political order and human relations at the same period dynamically. I can read such relations in various ceremonies held parallel to Imperial Diet. It is important that I evaluate early modern Holy Roman Empire from the viewpoint of feudalism-like social position order.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 24520821 - Theoretical-historical comparative study of the empire model and the sovereign state model : interdisciplinary research of the supranational federalism
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
2007 - 2010
Takeshi GONZA, 守矢 健一, 今野 元, 林 知更, Masaki TAGUCHI, Fumihiko YAMAMOTO, Kenichi MORIYA, Yasuhiro ENDO, Hajime KONNO, Tomonobu HAYASHI
The trans-German character of the old Empire made the German state-building since 14^century externally opener, internally more aristocratic, and the Peace of Westphalia reconfirmed traditional rights of the old Empire as personally-combined feudal body. On the other hand, the sovereign-state model which the collapse of the old Empire introduced in the individual state contributed to liquidate the feudal character of the Empire by the process of secularization confiscating the church goods. The collapse of the second Empire brought the deficit of the empire model as the federal state to light and called forth the constitutional debate toward the unified state, but the federalist structure was kept intact in the Weimar Constitution.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 19330028History of Communication in Early Modern Germany
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
2006 - 2009
This study clarified the relationship between institutional development and cooperation of both the Empire-Post and Land-Post in Early Modern Germany and post was the most important communication tool in these days and clarified that the postal development brought a mail rout map and the spread of mail time schedules including a paved road. In addition,the postal development also contributed to changes in space consciousness and time consciousness was an important opportunity to bring change and awareness of modern time and space from the medieval sense of time and space.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 18520551Sovereignty and Empire, Multilateral Research on the Historical Precondition of the Concept of Sovereignty and its Formation in Germany
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
2003 - 2005
Takeshi GONZA, Fumihiko YAMAMOTO, Masaki TAGUCHI
This research attempted to explicate the origin and genealogy of the concept of sovereignty historically by tracing out it from the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire in the early 19^century, through the Peace of Westphalia which is supposed to have concluded the German civil war in the 17^ century, to the Golden Bull in the 14^ century which was caused by the conflict between spiritual and secular power.1.Masaki TAGUCHI searched for the medieval origin of the pluralistic imperial constitution in the political process of the Empire which brought out the Golden Bull of 1356 as its constitutional basis. He pointed out the leading role of spiritual princes in this process, the superiority of papal power resulting from it and the significance of the German relation with other realms, and elucidated the weight of spiritual-secular relation in the imperial regime as precondition of the confessional opposition since the 16^ century.2.Fumihiko YAMAMOTO confirmed the continuance of that German situation after 1648 where the sovereignty was divided between Empire and territorial states, on the basis of the Peace of Westphalia, and explicated the competing relation of Empire and territorial states (especially North German princes) about the unprescribed problem of ‘postal right', i.e.the competence of communicating means which was about to be established as the indispensable infrastructure of the modern state3.Takeshi GONZA investigated the German reception and formulation of the sovereignty-concept by Hegel in the context of contemporary experiences of the collapse of the Empire and the following reforms of Rheinbund after 1806, and proved that the sovereignty-concept which was recognized first in the agreement of 1806 had the operation of promoting modernization which wasn't seen in the Empire, above all on the basis of the controversy by Rheinbund-publicitsts and Hegel's sovereignty-theory 1817-1820
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 15530085GERMAN HISTORY IN THE EARLY MODERN AGE
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
2002 - 2005
Ryoichi NAGATA, 塚本 栄美子, Akira SHIBUTANI, Fumihiko YAMAMOTO, Yoshihiko ONO, Tomoji ODORI, Emiko TSUKAMOTO
Our purpose of research is to describe the new and integrated picture of Germany in the early modern age form the viewpoints of REICHSSYSTEM, KONFESSIONALISIERUNG and SOZIALDISZIPLINIERUNG, in order to make the process of Germany from the medieval age into the modern age more clearly.Our research results are as following :(1)Not only the FUERSTENTUM but also the REICHSSYSTEM was a important factor of the modern Germany.(2)KONFESSIONALISIERUNG should be understood as the reciprocal actions between governments and people.(3)SOZIALDISZIPLINIERUNG should be also understood as their reciprocal actions.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 基盤研究(B), 岡山大学, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 14310179Analysis of politics structure of the Holy Roman Empire in the 15-18 centuries
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
2001 - 2004
A purpose of this study is two of the following. Primarily I collect necessary fundamental data for future analysis and classify it, and it is to arrange it. Second it is to grasp politics structure of Holy Roman Empire studied abstractly as possible concretely. There is two work that I did for the first purpose. At first one is investigation and rearranging of an attendant and the agenda of Imperial Diet in the 15-18 centuries. It is for the second to examine the election situation of an archbishop and the bishop. The work that I did for the second purpose has two mainly. At first one examined the issue of Imperial Post in the 18th century from the 15th century. Postal services are done as a national business, and it is the theme that can regard relation of territorial states and Empire of those days concretely. It is for the second to examine the role that an archbishop and the bishop achieved in politics structure of an Empire. A large quantity of data provided by this study become the important basics of a future study.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 1361043715〜19世紀ドイツにおける聖界諸侯と皇帝
1998 - 1999
山本 文彦
文部科学省, 奨励研究(A), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 10710176中世後期・近世ドイツにおけるラントフリーデと帝国国制
1994 - 1994
山本 文彦
文部科学省, 奨励研究(A), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 06710216中世後期ドイツにおける王権と教会
Competitive research fundingKingship and Church in the late Middle Ages of Germany
Competitive research fundingEducational Organization
- Bachelor's degree program, School of Humanities and Human Sciences
- Master's degree program, Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences
- Doctoral (PhD) degree program, Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences