Chi Hyunjoo Naomi
Faculty of Public Policy Public Policy Public Policy | Professor |
Arctic Research Center | Professor |
Last Updated :2025/02/13
■Researcher basic information
Researchmap personal page
J-Global ID
Research Keyword
Educational Organization
- Bachelor's degree program, School of Law
- Doctoral (PhD) degree program, Graduate School of Law
- Professional degree program, Graduate School of Public Policy
- Apr. 2024 - Present
Graduate School of Public Policy, Hokkaido University, Professor - Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2024
Graduate School of Public Policy, Hokkaido University, Associate Professor - Jul. 2011 - Mar. 2021
Graduate School of Public Policy, Hokkaido University, Assistant Professor - Sep. 2009 - Jun. 2011
Slavic Research Centre, Hokkaido University, Assistant Professor - Jul. 2006 - Aug. 2009
Graduate School of Law and Politics, Hokkaido University, Assistant Professor
Educational Background
Committee Memberships
- Apr. 2021 - Present
Association for Borderlands Studies, President - Apr. 2018 - Apr. 2020
Association for Borderlands Studies, Vice President - Apr. 2014 - Apr. 2017
Association for Borderlands Studies, Board of Directors - Oct. 2014 - Sep. 2016
Japan Political Science Association, International Liaison Officer, Society
■Research activity information
- Living Under Covid-19 in Asia: Tackling the Challenges of the ‘Shadow Pandemic’ in Japan and Indonesia
Annals of Public Policy, 16, 115, 142, Mar. 2022 - What the Global Pandemic has Revealed about East Asia: From Mistrust to Empathy
CHI Naomi
Annals, Public Policy Studies, 15, 87, 98, 北海道大学公共政策大学院, Mar. 2021
English - 新型コロナウイルス時代を生きる : 韓国・台湾の感染症対策と政治的課題を中心に (特集 コロナ時代を生き抜く)
池 直美
Posse = ポッセ, 45, 41, 49, Posse ; 2008-, Jul. 2020
Japanese - Japan's New Wave of Immigration? : Focusing on the Strategies of Local Governments in Japan
Chi Naomi
Annals, Public Policy Studies, 14, 43, 57, 北海道大学公共政策大学院, 2020
English - 'Walking in Her Shoes' : Prospects and Challenges of Marriage Migrants in South Korea
Chi Naomi
Annals, Public Policy Studies, 13, 83, 97, 北海道大学公共政策大学院, 2019
English - Where Migration Meets Gender in Northeast Asia : Marriage Migrants and Domestic and Care Workers in Japan and South Korea
Chi Naomi
Annals, Public Policy Studies, 12, 23, 38, Hokkaido University Public Policy School, 2018
English - Transformation of Welfare Politics in South Korea : Case Study of the Kim Dae Jung and Roh Mu Hyun Administration
Chi Hyunjoo Naomi
Annals, Public Policy Studies, 11, 55, 76, Hokkaido University Public Policy School, 2017
Japanese - What is at the End of the Rainbow? : Prospects and Challenges for Sexual Minorities in Japan
Chi Naomi
Annals, Public Policy Studies, 10, 75, 85, Hokkaido University Public Policy School, 2016
English - Contested Sovereignty : Humanitarian Aid and Visa-Free Exchange in the Southern Kuril Islands
Richardson Paul, Chi Naomi
Annals, Public Policy Studies, 8, 145, 153, Hokkaido University Public Policy School, 2014
Japanese - Home Sweet Home? : Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion and the Sakhalin Korean Repatriates in South Korea
MIAH Md.Dulal
Annals, Public Policy Studies, 8, 111, 124, Hokkaido University Public Policy School, 2014
Japanese - Recent financial crisis and enforcement experience of Korean competition law
許 宣, 池 (炫周)直美
Hokkaido Journal of New Global Law and Policy, 8, 129, 136, 北海道大学グローバルCOEプログラム「多元分散型統御を目指す新世代法政策学」事務局, Nov. 2010
Japanese, 特集 : 国際金融危機と東アジア経済法の現状 - Recent development of extra-territorial application of Korean Fair Trade Law
申 鉉允, 池 (炫周)直美
Hokkaido Journal of New Global Law and Policy, 8, 151, 174, 北海道大学グローバルCOEプログラム「多元分散型統御を目指す新世代法政策学」事務局, Nov. 2010
Japanese, 特集 : 国際金融危機と東アジア経済法の現状 - Social policies and "new politics" during the Kim Dae Jung Administration (4) The perception gap seen in the expansion of welfare and gender policies
Chi Hyunjoo Naomi
北大法学論集, 58, 3, 1103, 1133, 北海道大学大学院法学研究科, 2007
Japanese - Social policies and "new politics" during the Kim Dae Jung administration (3) The perception gap seen in the expansion of welfare and gender policies
Chi Hyunjoo Naomi
北大法学論集, 58, 2, 787, 857, 北海道大学大学院法学研究科, 2007
Japanese, 論説 - Social policies and "new politics" during the Kim Dae Jung administration: the perception gap seen in the expansion of welfare and gender policies
Chi Hyunjoo Naomi
北大法学論集, 57, 6, 1, 43, 北海道大学大学院法学研究科, 2007
Japanese, 論説 - Social policies and "new politics" during the Kim Dae Jung administration (2) The perception gap seen in the expansion of welfare and gender policies
CHI Hyunjoo Naomi
北大法学論集, 58, 1, 61, 110, 北海道大学大学院法学研究科, 2007
Japanese, 論説
Books and other publications
- Borders and Migration: The Canadian Experience in Comparative Perspective (Politics and Public Policy)
Michael J. Carpenter, Melissa Kelly, Oliver Schmidtke, Chapter 10: Border Control and the Migration Policy Puzzle in Japan
University of Ottawa Press, 10 Jan. 2023, 0776638068, 372 - Geo-politics in Northeast Asia
Iwashita, Akihiro, Ha,Yong-Chool, Boyle, Edward, Chapter 11: The Politics of (Mis)Trust in Northeast Asia: Social Inclusion, Empathy and Reconciliation
Routledge, 03 Aug. 2022, 1032263806, 240, English, [Contributor]
Research Themes
- Formation of discourse spaces and collective memories related to social movements and wars in Asia in the digital age
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2028
阿古 智子, 石塚 迅, 山崎 直也, 池 ヒョン周・直美, 川上 桃子, 徐 行, Edward Vickers, 許 仁碩
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Tokyo, 23H00787 - Sites of Contestation or Connection? Japan's imperial heritage and borders of memory
Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2027
BOYLE EDWARD, 古川 浩司, 飯高 伸五, バリガ マリア・シンシェア, 池 ヒョン周・直美, 清水 佳理, ブル ジョナサンエドワード, Ivings Steven
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 国際日本文化研究センター, 23H00781 - A Study on Regional Commons --- Comparing regional order formations in East Asia and Europe
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2020
Endo Ken
This research project compared regional order, or ‘commons’ formation in East Asia and Europe, from historical, theoretical and current-policy viewpoints, aiming at academic outputs as well as wider social proposals.
While the COVID-19 crisis slowed our research at the final stage, we have produced numerous books, articles and oral presentations. Notably, the team members published an edited book on state sovereignty, a book and articles on nationalism, and several articles about historical reconciliations, all of which could be the basis and obstacles for regional commons formation. In order to smoothly construct it, one would need to manage the complex politics involving security, functional cooperation, and civic reconciliations. This research project could be seen building up the theoretical and policy foundations for the comprehensive regional order formation.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Hokkaido University, 16H02001