Sato Taketomo

Research Center for Integrated Quantum ElectronicsAssociate Professor
Last Updated :2025/02/13

■Researcher basic information

Researchmap personal page

Research Keyword

  • Nitride Semiconductor
  • electron devices
  • wet etching
  • electrochemistry
  • porous structure
  • functionalization
  • photo-electric conversion
  • chemical sensor

Research Field

  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Electronic devices and equipment
  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Electric/electronic material engineering

Educational Organization



  • Apr. 2004 - Present
    Hokkaido University, Research Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics, 准教授
  • 01 Oct. 2001 - 31 Mar. 2004
    Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Engineering, 助手
  • 01 Apr. 2001 - 30 Sep. 2001
    Hokkaido University, Research Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics, 研究員

Educational Background

  • Apr. 1998 - Mar. 2001, Hokkaido University, 工学研究科, 電子情報工学専攻・博士後期課程
  • Apr. 1996 - Mar. 1998, Hokkaido University, 工学研究科, 電子情報工学専攻・修士課程
  • Apr. 1992 - Mar. 1996, Hokkaido University, School of Engineering, 電気工学科

Committee Memberships

  • Nov. 2021 - Present
    SSDM Sub-Committee Area Vice Chair (Area4: Power / High‐speed Devices and Materials), Society
  • Apr. 2021 - Present
    電子情報通信学会 エレクトロニクスソサエティ 電子デバイス (ED) 研究会, 電子デバイス (ED) 研究会専門委員会, Society
  • 2021 - Present
    Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics (TWHM), 実行委員, Society
  • Apr. 2020 - Present
    応用物理学会, APEX/JJAP編集委員, Society
  • Apr. 2018 - Present
    電子情報通信学会北海道支部, 学生会顧問, Society
  • 2016 - Present
    応用物理学会, プログラム編集委員「13.7 化合物及びパワーデバイス・プロセス技術・評価」, Society
  • 2020 - 2021
    Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM) 2021, 実行委員, Society
  • 2016 - 2021
    GaN研究コンソーシアム, 知的財産委員会 委員, Others
  • 2021
    2021年電気化学秋季大会, 現地実行委員, Society
  • Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2020
    ISPlasma, Program Committee, Society
  • 2015
    国際固体素子・材料コンファレンス(SSDM), 実行委員, Society
  • 2014 - 2014
    電気化学会2014年秋季大会, 実行委員, Society
  • 2014
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 実行委員, Society
  • Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2007
    応用物理学会北海道支部, 庶務幹事, Society

■Research activity information


  • Nov. 2000, 応用物理学会, 第61回秋期応用物理学会学術講演会『講演奨励賞』               
    佐藤 威友
  • Dec. 1997, 電気関係学会北海道支部会, 平成9年度『若手講演者賞』               
    In situ 電気化学プロセスを用いたショットキー障壁の形成
    佐藤 威友


  • Reduction in Gap State Density near Valence Band Edge at Al2O3/p-type GaN Interface by Photoelectrochemical Etching and Subsequent SiO2 Cap Annealing
    Yining Jiao, Takahide Nukariya, Umi Takatsu, Tetsuo Narita, Tetsu Kachi, Taketomo Sato, Masamichi Akazawa
    Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 2024
    Scientific journal, The process-dependent properties of Al2O3/p-type GaN (p-GaN) interfaces formed by atomic layer deposition at 300 °C after photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching are reported. For investigating the gap states at the Al2O3/p-GaN interface, metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) diodes are fabricated and examined by sub-bandgap-light-assisted and temperature-dependent capacitance–voltage (C–V) measurements. PEC etching prior to Al2O3/p-GaN interface formation is conducted with the etching depth varied in the range between 12.5 and 32.1 nm. The C–V characteristics of the MOS diodes without PEC etching indicate Fermi-level pinning due to the near-surface defect level in p-GaN at 0.7 eV above the valence band edge EV and a high density of gap states around the midgap. However, all samples with PEC etching exhibit C–V characteristics, indicating a reduction in the density of the defect states at EV + 0.7 eV and midgap states. Still, PEC etching after capless annealing at 800 °C for the activation of Mg acceptors cannot reduce the density of gap states near the valence band edge. On the other hand, annealing of a sample with a SiO2 cap layer at 800 °C after PEC etching can reduce the gap state density near the valence band edge.
  • Investigation of dominance in near-surface region on electrical properties of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures using TLM, XPS, and PEC etching techniques
    Ryota Ochi, Takuya Togashi, Yoshito Osawa, Fumimasa Horikiri, Hajime Fujikura, Kazunari Fujikawa, Takashi Furuya, Ryota Isono, Masamichi Akazawa, Taketomo Sato
    Applied Physics Express, 16, 9, 091002-1, 091002-2, IOP, Sep. 2023, [Peer-reviewed], [International Magazine]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Detection of defect levels in vicinity of Al2O3/ p-type GaN interface using sub-bandgaplight- assisted capacitance–voltage method
    Masamichi Akazawa, Yuya Tamamura, Takahide Nukariya, Kouta Kubo, Taketomo Sato, Tetsuo Narita, Tetsu Kachi
    Journal of Applied Physics, 132, 19, 195302-1, 195302-10, 16 Nov. 2022, [Peer-reviewed], [International Magazine]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Fabrication of GaN nanowires containing n+-doped top layer by wet processes using electrodeless photo-assisted electrochemical etching and alkaline solution treatment
    Michihito Shimauchi, Kazuki Miwa, Masachika Toguchi, Taketomo SATO, Junichi Motohisa
    Applied Physics Express, IOP Publishing, 06 Oct. 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Self-terminating contactless photo-electrochemical (CL-PEC) etching for fabricating highly uniform recessed-gate AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs)
    Masachika Toguchi, Kazuki Miwa, Fumimasa Horikiri, Noboru Fukuhara, Yoshinobu Narita, Osamu Ichikawa, Ryota Isono, Takeshi Tanaka, Taketomo Sato
    Journal of Applied Physics, 130, 2, 024501, 024501, AIP Publishing, 14 Jul. 2021, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author]
    English, Scientific journal
  • HfSiOx-gate GaN MOS-HEMTs for RF power transistor
    Tamotsu Hashizume, Ryota Ochi, Erika Maeda, Toshihide Nabatame, Koji Shiozaki, Taketomo Sato
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11686, 2021
    International conference proceedings, We have investigated AlGaN/GaN high-electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) with a high κ gate dielectric using hafnium silicate (HfSiOx). The (HfO2)/(SiO2) laminate structure was deposited on the AlGaN surface by a plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition, followed by a post-deposition annealing at 800 °C. The HfSiOx-gate HEMT showed good transfer characteristics with a high transconductance expected from its κ value and a subthreshold swing of 71 mV/ decade. In addition, we observed excellent capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics with negligible frequency dispersion in the metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) HEMT diode. The detailed C-V analysis showed low state densities in the order of 1011 cm-2 eV-1 at the HfSiOx/AlGaN interface.
  • Fabrication of Recessed-Gate AlGaN/GaN Hemts Utilizing Contactless Photo-Electrochemical (CL-PEC) Etching
    Masachika Toguchi, Kazuki Miwa, Fumimasa Horikiri, Noboru Fukuhara, Yoshinobu Narita, Osamu Ichikawa, Ryota Isono, Takeshi Tanaka, Taketomo Sato
    ECS Meeting Abstracts, 68th, 23 Nov. 2020, [Last author]
  • (Invited) Photo-Electrochemical Etching and Porosification of III-Nitride Semiconductors
    Taketomo Sato, Masachika Toguchi
    ECS Meeting Abstracts, 23 Nov. 2020, [Invited], [Lead author]
    International conference proceedings
  • Depth profiling of surface damage in n-type GaN induced by inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching using photo-electrochemical techniques
    Shinji Yamada, Kentaro Takeda, Masachika Toguchi, Hideki Sakurai, Toshiyuki Nakamura, Jun Suda, Tetsu Kachi, Taketomo Sato
    Applied Physics Express, 13, 10, 106505, 106505, IOP Publishing, 01 Oct. 2020, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Gate controllability of HfSiOx/AlGaN/GaN MOS high-electron-mobility transistor
    Ryota Ochi, Erika Maeda, Toshihide Nabatame, Koji Shiozaki, Taketomo Sato, Tamotsu Hashizume
    AIP Advances, 10, 6, 065215, 065215, AIP Publishing, 01 Jun. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal
  • Thermal-assisted contactless photoelectrochemical etching for GaN
    Fumimasa Horikiri, Noboru Fukuhara, Hiroshi Ohta, Naomi Asai, Yoshinobu Narita, Takehiro Yoshida, Tomoyoshi Mishima, Masachika Toguchi, Kazuki Miwa, Hiroki Ogami, Taketomo Sato
    Applied Physics Express, 13, 4, 01 Apr. 2020
    Scientific journal, Advanced contactless photoelectrochemical etching for GaN was conducted under the condition that the sulfate radicals (SO4•-) as the oxidizing agent were mainly produced from the S2O82- ions by heat. The generation rate of SO4•- was determined from the titration curve of the pH in the mixed solutions between KOH (aq.) and K2S2O8 (aq.); it clearly increased with an increase in the S2O82- ion concentration. The highest etching rate of >25 nm min-1 was obtained in the "alkali-free" electrolyte of 0.25 mol dm-3 (NH4)2S2O8 (aq.) at 80 °C, which was approximately 10 times higher than that reported by previous studies.
  • Self-termination of contactless photo-electrochemical (PEC) etching on aluminum gallium nitride/gallium nitride heterostructures
    Kazuki Miwa, Yuto Komatsu, Masachika Toguchi, Fumimasa Horikiri, Noboru Fukuhara, Yoshinobu Narita, Osamu Ichikawa, Ryota Isono, Takeshi Tanaka, Taketomo Sato
    Applied Physics Express, 13, 2, 026508, 026508, IOP Publishing, 01 Feb. 2020, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Fabrication of recessed structures for GaN HEMTs by a simple wet etching process
    Fumimasa Horikiri, Noboru Fukuhara, Masachika Toguchi, Kazuki Miwa, Yoshinobu Narita, Osamu Ichikawa, Ryota Isono, Takeshi Tanaka, Taketomo Sato
    CS MANTECH 2020 - 2020 International Conference on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Digest of Papers, 127, 130, 2020
    International conference proceedings, Photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching is a promising technology for fabricating GaN devices with low damage. In the simple contactless PEC (CL-PEC) etching process that includes K2S2O8 in the electrolyte as an oxidizing agent, a sample is dipped into the electrolyte under UV irradiation. In this study, we applied CL-PEC to the gate-recess process of GaN HEMTs on an SiC substrate. The etching depth of the recess showed considerable reproducibility by the self-termination feature, and the residual AlGaN layer thickness was approximately 5 nm. The Schottky gate HEMTs with a recessed structure showed the normally off characteristics, and the Vthvalue was +0.4 V with a standard deviation of ±3.8 mV.
  • Photoelectrochemical Etching Technology for Gallium Nitride Power and RF Devices
    Fumimasa Horikiri, Noboru Fukuhara, Hiroshi Ohta, Naomi Asai, Yoshinobu Narita, Takehiro Yoshida, Tomoyoshi Mishima, Masachika Toguchi, Kazuki Miwa, Taketomo Sato
    IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 32, 4, 489, 495, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE}), Oct. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Low-Damage Etching for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Using Photo-Electrochemical Reactions
    Taketomo Sato, Masachika Toguchi, Yuto Komatsu, Keisuke Uemura
    IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 32, 4, 483, 488, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE}), Aug. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Anisotropic Electrochemical Etching of Porous Gallium Nitride by Sub-Bandgap Absorption Due to Franz-Keldysh Effect
    Masachika Toguchi, Kazuki Miwa, Taketomo Sato
    Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166, 12, H510, H512, The Electrochemical Society, Jul. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Electrodeless photo-assisted electrochemical etching of GaN using a H3PO4-based solution containing S2O82– ions               
    Masachika Toguchi, Kazuki Miwa, Fumimasa Horikiri, Noboru Fukuhara, Yoshinobu Narita, Takehiro Yoshida, Taketomo Sato
    Applied Physics Express, 12, 066504-1, 066504-4, May 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Effect of photoelectrochemical etching and post-metallization annealing on gate controllability of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors
    Keisuke Uemura, Manato Deki, Yoshio Honda, Hiroshi Amano, Taketomo Sato
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 58, SC, SCCD20-1, SCCD20-6, May 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Simple wet-etching technology for GaN using an electrodeless photo-assisted electrochemical reaction with a luminous array film as the UV source
    Horikiri Fumimasa, Fukuhara Noboru, Ohta Hiroshi, Asai Naomi, Narita Yoshinobu, Yoshida Takehiro, Mishima Tomoyoshi, Toguchi Masachika, Miwa Kazuki, Sato Taketomo
    APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, 12, 3, 01 Mar. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Effects of a photo-assisted electrochemical etching process removing dry-etching damage in GaN
    Matsumoto Satoru, Toguchi Masachika, Takeda Kentaro, Narita Tetsuo, Kachi Tetsu, Sato Taketomo
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 57, 12, Dec. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
  • 新規製造現場での基盤技術 光電気化学反応を利用した半導体の低損傷加工と高精度エッチング技術
    ケミカルエンジニヤリング, 63, 6, 399‐405, Jun. 2018, [Invited]
  • Low-damage etching of nitride semiconductors utilizing photo-electrochemical reactions for electron devices
    植村圭佑, 松本悟, 渡久地政周, 伊藤圭亮, 佐藤威友, 佐藤威友
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 117, 331(ED2017 49-71), 23‐26, 26, 電子情報通信学会, 23 Nov. 2017
  • Precise thickness control in recess etching of AlGaN/GaN hetero-structure using photocarrier-regulated electrochemical process
    Yusuke Kumazaki, Keisuke Uemura, Taketomo Sato, Tamotsu Hashizume
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 121, 18, AMER INST PHYSICS, May 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The photocarrier-regulated electrochemical (PREC) process was developed for fabricating recessed-gate AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) for normally off operation. The PREC process is based on photo-assisted electrochemical etching using low-energy chemical reactions. The fundamental photo-electrochemical measurements on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures revealed that the photo-carriers generated in the top AlGaN layer caused homogeneous etching of AlGaN with a smooth surface, but those generated in the GaN layer underneath caused inhomogeneous etching that roughens the surface. The concept of the PREC process is to supply the photo-carriers generated only in the AlGaN layer by selecting proper conditions on light wavelength and voltage. The phenomenon of self-termination etching has been observed during the PREC process, where the etching depth was controlled by light intensity. The recessed-gate AlGaN/GaN HEMT fabricated with the PREC process showed positive threshold voltage and improvement in transconductance compared to planar-gate AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. Published by AIP Publishing.
  • Precise Structural Control of GaN Porous Nanostructures Utilizing Anisotropic Electrochemical and Chemical Etching for the Optical and Photoelectrochemical Applications
    Yusuke Kumazaki, Satoru Matsumoto, Taketomo Sato
    English, Scientific journal, A low-damaged wet process utilizing electrochemical (EC) etching and subsequent chemical etching has been developed for the fabrication of GaN porous structures. Superior controllability in depth and diameter could be obtained by achieving anisotropic nature of the vertical direction to the substrate by EC etching and horizontal direction by tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) etching, respectively. The optical and photoelectrochemical properties of GaN porous structures were very sensitive to the structural properties. Photoreflectance measurement revealed that porous sample had an effective refractive index that could be controlled by TMAH etching time. In photoelectrochemical measurement, the incident-photon-to-current conversion efficiency (IPCE) was dramatically enhanced to as high as 91% by the formation of porous structures. A series of experimental results were consistently explained by the change of thickness of pore wall and width of space charge region. (C) The Author(s) 2017. Published by ECS. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY,, which permits unrestricted reuse of the work in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. All rights reserved.
  • Low-damage Recess Etching of AlGaN/GaN Hetero-structure by Electrochemical Process
    熊崎祐介, 植村圭佑, 佐藤威友
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 116, 357(CPM2016 90-112), 45‐50, 05 Dec. 2016
  • Formation of GaN porous structures with improved structural controllability by photoassisted electrochemical etching
    Yusuke Kumazaki, Zenji Yatabe, Taketomo Sato
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 55, 4, 04EJ12, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, Apr. 2016, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, We aimed to develop a photoassisted electrochemical etching process for the formation of GaN porous structures. Pore linearity and depth controllability were strongly affected by the anode voltage. In addition, the use of light with an energy below the band gap played an important role in controlling the pore diameter. Spectro-electrochemical measurements revealed that the high electric field induced at the GaN/electrolyte interface caused a redshift of the photoabsorption edge. This specific phenomenon can be explained by a theoretical calculation based on the Franz-Keldysh effect. On the basis of the results of our experimental and theoretical analyze, we propose a formation model for GaN porous structures. We also note that the application of the Franz-Keldysh effect is useful in controlling the structural properties of GaN porous structures. (C) 2016 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • Electrochemical Formation of N-type GaN and N-type InP Porous Structures for Chemical Sensor Applications
    Taketomo Sato, Xiaoyi Zhang, Keisuke Ito, Satoru Matsumoto, Yusuke Kumazaki
    2016 IEEE SENSORS, IEEE, 2016, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, The feasibility of liquid-phase sensors based on n-type GaN and n-type InP porous structures was investigated. The response currents to the addition of H2O2 increased on the porous electrodes. The source-drain currents of ion-sensitive field-effect transistors having a porous channel changed with good response to the pH values. The sensitivities of two kinds of chemical sensors to ions were drastically enhanced by the implementation of the porous structures having large surface areas with good conductivity.
  • Interface control technologies for high-power GaN transistors - Self-stopping etching of p-GaN layers utilizing electrochemical reactions
    Taketomo Sato, Yusuke Kumazaki, Masaaki Edamoto, Masamichi Akazawa, Tamotsu Hashizume
    English, International conference proceedings, The selective and low-damaged etching of p-type GaN or AlGaN layer is inevitable process for AlGaN/GaN high-power transistors. We have investigated an electrochemical etching of p-GaN layer grown on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures, consisting of an anodic oxidation of p-GaN surface and a subsequent dissolution of the resulting oxide. The p- GaN layer was electrochemically etched by following the pattern of the SiO2 film that acted as an etching mask. Etching depth was linearly controlled by cycle number of triangular waveform at a rate of 25 nm/cycle. The AFM, TEM and mu-AES results showed that the top p- GaN layer was completely removed after 5 cycles applied, and the etching reaction was automatically sopped on the AlGaN surface. I-V and C-V measurements revealed that no significant damages were induced in the AlGaN/GaN heterostructures.
  • Large photocurrents in GaN porous structures with a redshift of the photoabsorption edge
    Taketomo Sato, Yusuke Kumazaki, Hirofumi Kida, Akio Watanabe, Zenji Yatabe, Soichiro Matsuda
    English, Scientific journal, Photoresponse and photoabsorption properties of GaN porous structures were investigated by measuring photocurrent and spectroscopic photoabsorption under monochromatic light with various wavelengths. The measured photocurrents on the porous GaN electrodes were larger than those on the planar electrodes due to the unique features of the former electrode, such as large surface area and low photoreflectance properties. Moreover, the photocurrents were observed even under illumination with wavelength of 380 nm, corresponding to photon energy of 3.26 eV, which is 130 meV lower than the bandgap energy of bulk GaN. A potential simulation revealed that a high-electric field was induced at the pore tips due to modification of the potential in the porous structures. The observed redshift of the photoabsorption edge can be qualitatively explained by the Franz-Keldysh effect.
  • Electrochemical formation and UV photoresponse properties of GaN porous structures
    Hirofumi Kida, Yusuke Kumazaki, Zenji Yatabe, Taketomo Sato
    IEICE technical report. Electron devices, 115, 170, 51, 54, 電子情報通信学会, Jul. 2015, [Domestic magazines]
  • Spectro-electrochemical characterization of GaN/electrolyte interface and its application to the nanostructure formation
    Yusuke Kumazaki, Akio Watanabe, Zenji Yatabe, Taketomo Sato
    IEICE technical report. Electron devices, 115, 63, 63, 66, 電子情報通信学会, May 2015, [Domestic magazines]
  • Interface trap states in Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN structure induced by inductively coupled plasma etching of AlGaN surfaces
    Zenji Yatabe, Joel T. Asubar, Taketomo Sato, Tamotsu Hashizume
    English, Scientific journal, We have investigated the effects of the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching of AlGaN surface on the resulting interface properties of the Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN structures. The experimentally measured capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics were compared with those calculated taking into account the interface states density at the Al2O3/AlGaN interface. As a complementary method, photoassisted C-V method utilizing photons with energies less than the bandgap of GaN was also used to probe the interface state density located near AlGaN midgap. It was found that the ICP etching of the AlGaN surface significantly increased the interface state density at the Al2O3/AlGaN interface. It is likely that ICP etching induced the interface roughness, disorder of chemical bonds and formation of various type of defect complexes including nitrogen-vacancy-related defects at the AlGaN surface, leading to poor C-V curve due to higher interface state density at the Al2O3/AlGaN interface.
  • Formation of GaN-Porous Structures Using Photo-Assisted Electrochemical Process in Back-Side Illumination Mode
    Akio Watanabe, Yusuke Kumazaki, Zenji Yatabe, Taketomo Sato
    English, Scientific journal, We investigated the structural features of gallium-nitride-porous structures formed using the photo-assisted electrochemical process in the back-side illumination (BSI) mode. The pore diameter and depth were strongly affected by the direction of illumination, where higher controllability was achieved compared with front-side illumination. The spectroscopic measurements revealed that illumination with photon energy below the bulk bandgap plays an important role in pore formation. We propose a formation model by considering the Franz-Keldysh effect that can consistently explain the obtained experimental data in which anodic etching occurs only at the pore tips under the high electric field induced in the depletion region. (C) 2015 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.
  • Bias-dependent photoabsorption properties of gan porous structures under back-side illumination
    Taketomo Sato, Hirofumi Kida, Yusuke Kumazaki, Zenji Yatabe
    ECS Transactions, 69, 2, 161, 166, Electrochemical Society Inc., 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, Photoabsorption properties of GaN porous structures were investigated by measuring photocurrent and light transmittance under monochromatic light with various wavelengths. The measured photocurrents on the porous GaN electrode were larger than those on the planar electrodes, and those were observed even under illumination with lower photon energy than the bandgap energy of bulk GaN. Moreover, the light transmittance that was measured in the back-side illumination (BSI) mode depended strongly on the applied voltage to the porous electrode with change of the photocurrents. The observed photoabsorption properties can be qualitatively explained by the Franz-Keldysh effect
    namely, the high electric field induced in the GaN porous structure easily causes a redshift of the photoabsorption edge.
  • Characterization of electronic states at insulator/(Al)GaN interfaces for improved insulated gate and surface passivation structures of GaN-based transistors
    Zenji Yatabe, Yujin Hori, Wan-Cheng Ma, Joel T. Asubar, Masamichi Akazawa, Taketomo Sato, Tamotsu Hashizume
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 53, 10, 100213-1, 10, Institute of Physics, Oct. 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, <b>38<sup>th</sup> JSAP Paper Award</b>

    <b>Spotlights 2014</b>

    <b>Selected Topics in Applied Physics, "Progresses and Future Prospects in Nitride Semiconductors"</b>

    This paper presents a systematic characterization of electronic states at insulators/(Al)GaN interfaces, particularly focusing on insulator/AlGaN/GaN structures. First, we review important results reported for GaN metal–insulator–semiconductor (MIS) structures. SiO<sub>2</sub> is an attractive material for MIS transistor applications due to its large bandgap and high chemical stability. In-situ SiNx is effective for improving the operation stability of high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs). Meanwhile, Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/GaN structures have high band offsets and low interface state densities, which are also desirable for insulated gate applications. We have proposed a calculation method for describing capacitance–voltage (<i>C</i>–<i>V</i>) characteristics of HEMT MIS structures for evaluating electronic state properties at the insulator/AlGaN interfaces. To evaluate near-midgap states at insulator/AlGaN interfaces, a photo-assisted <i>C</i>–<i>V</i> technique using photon energies less than the bandgap of GaN has been developed. Using the calculation in conjunction with the photo-assisted <i>C</i>–<i>V</i> technique, we estimate interface state density distributions at the Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/AlGaN interfaces.
  • Correlation between Structural and Photoelectrochemical Properties of GaN Porous Nanostructures Formed by Photo-Assisted Electrochemical Etching
    Yusuke Kumazaki, Akio Watanabe, Zenji Yatabe, Taketomo Sato
    Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161, 10, 705, 709, The Electrochemical Society, Aug. 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, We investigated the correlation between structural and photoelectrochemical properties of GaN porous nanostructures formed by photo-assisted electrochemical etching. The porous nanostructures were formed during light irradiation of the top-surface of homo-epitaxial layers grown on freestanding GaN substrates. The pore depth, wall thickness, and surface morphology of porous nanostructures were strongly influenced by the way holes generated by the light irradiation were supplied. Such structural features influenced the optical properties of GaN porous nanostructures. The photoluminescence peaks measured on GaN porous nanostructures were shifted to higher energies because of the quantum confinement in the thin GaN walls between pores. Formation of porous nanostructure decreased the photoreflectance of the GaN surface, and the smallest reflectance was obtained from the porous sample having large pores on its surface after the ultrathin layer with small pores had been removed by surface-etching. The photoelectrochemical response measured on GaN porous nanostructures in a NaCl electrolyte were drastically enhanced by the unique features of those structures, such as low photoreflectance and large surface area. The largest photocurrents were obtained from the sample from which H<sub>3</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> treatment had removed the ultrathin layer without thinning the pore walls.
  • III‐V族化合物半導体多孔質構造の形成と機能素子への応用
    佐藤威友, 熊崎祐介, 渡部晃生
    表面技術協会講演大会講演要旨集, 129th, 295, 297, Mar. 2014, [Invited]
    Japanese, Symposium
  • GaNパワー素子のための絶縁膜界面制御
    橋詰 保, 谷田部 然治, 佐藤 威友
    電気学会研究会資料. EDD, 電子デバイス研究会, EDD-14, 39-49, 13, 16, Mar. 2014, [Invited], [Domestic magazines]
  • Interface Characterization and Control of GaN-based Heterostructures
    表面科学, 35, 2, 96-101 (J-STAGE), 101, The Surface Science Society of Japan, 2014, [Invited]
    English, Scientific journal, Interface properties of GaN-based heterostructures have been characterized. Schottky contacts on dry-etched n-GaN layers showed leaky I-V characteristics. An anneal process at 400°C was effective in recovering the rectifying characteristics. To characterize interface properties of Al2O3 insulated gates on AlGaN/GaN structures with and without the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching of AlGaN, we have developed a C-V calculation method taking into account electronic state charges at the Al2O3/AlGaN interface and a photoassisted C-V technique utilizing photons with energies less than the bandgap of AlGaN. It was found that the ICP etching caused the monolayer-level interface roughness, disorder of the chemical bonds and formation of various types of defect complexes at the AlGaN surface, resulting in poor C-V characteristics due to high-density interface states at the Al2O3/AlGaN interface.
  • Photoelectrode properties of GaN porous structures formed by photo-assisted electrochemical process
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 113, 329(ED2013 64-89), 113, 116, Nov. 2013
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Investigation on optical absorption properties of electrochemically formed porous InP using photoelectric conversion devices
    Yusuke Kumazaki, Tomohito Kudo, Zenji Yatabe, Taketomo Sato
    Applied Surface Science, 279, 116, 120, 15 Aug. 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, We investigated the optical absorption properties of InP porous structures formed by the electrochemical process using photoelectric conversion (PC) devices formed on p-n junction substrates. The photocurrent measurements revealed that the current from PC devices changed in response to the incident light power and the thickness of the top layer on the p-n interface. Since the photocarriers contributing to the observed photocurrents are excited by the photons reaching the p-n interface through the top layer, the photocurrents give us information on the optical absorption properties of the top layer. The photocurrents observed on a porous device with a porous structure in the top layer were lower than that of a non-porous device, indicating that the absorption properties of InP were enhanced after the formation of porous structures. This phenomenon can be explained in terms of absorption coefficient, α, increased by the light scattering and the sub-bandgap absorption in the porous layer. © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • Photoabsorption and Photoelectric Conversion Properties of InP Porous Structures Formed by the Electrochemical process               
    KUMAZAKI Yusuke, JINBO Ryohei, YATABE Zenji, SATO Taketomo
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 113, 39(ED2013-27), 61, 64, May 2013
    Japanese, Symposium
  • 電気化学的手法によるInP多孔質構造の光吸収特性と光電変換               
    熊崎 祐介, 神保 亮平, 谷田部 然治, 佐藤 威友
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 113, 39(ED2013-27), 61, 64, May 2013
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Formation and Photoelectrical Measurements of Pt Schottky Interfaces on InP Porous Structures
    Ryohei Jinbo, Yusuke Kumazaki, Zenji Yatabe, Taketomo Sato
    ECS Transactions, 50, 37, 247, 252, Mar. 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, Schottky interfaces were formed on InP porous structures by the electrodeposition of Pt films. The coverage of the Pt film and its optical reflectance depended largely on the surface morphology of the porous structure. Removal of the irregular top layer formed at the initial stage of the pore formation effectively improved the coverage of the Pt film inside pores. According to <i>I</i>-<i>V</i> measurements, the Pt/porous InP showed higher photocurrents with lower dark currents than those of a reference planar sample.
  • Control of Insulated Gate Interfaces on AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures for Power Devices
    Yujin Hori, Taketomo Sato, Tamotsu Hashizume
    English, International conference proceedings, Interface properties of Al2O3 insulated gates on AlGaN/GaN structures prepared by atomic layer deposition have been characterized, focusing on the interface state density distribution at the Al2O3/AlGaN interface. We have developed a C-V calculation method taking into account electronic states charges at the Al2O3/AlGaN interface and a photoassisted C-V technique utilizing photons with energies less than the bandgap of AlGaN. These techniques were then applied to investigate the effect of the ICP etching of AlGaN on the interface properties.
  • Large photocurrent-response observed at Pt/InP Schottky interface formed on anodic porous structure
    Ryohei Jinbo, Tomohito Kudo, Zenji Yatabe, Taketomo Sato
    THIN SOLID FILMS, 520, 17, 5710, 5714, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, Jun. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, A photoelectric-conversion device-based on an InP porous structure utilizing the large surface area inside pores and the low reflectance on the porous surface-is proposed. The InP walls inside the pores are covered with thin platinum films that form a Schottky barrier yielding an electric field that separates photo carriers generated under illumination. The coverage of the platinum film and its optical reflectance depended largely on the surface morphology of the porous structure. Removal of the irregular top layer formed at the initial stage of the pore formation effectively improved the coverage of the platinum film, which showed a very low optical reflectance (i.e., below 3.2%). According to current-voltage measurements under illumination, the platinum/porous InP showed larger photocurrents and higher responsivity than those of a reference planar sample. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Electrochemical formation of InP porous structures for their application to photoelectric conversion devices(Session 2B : Graphene and III-Vs)
    OKAZAKI Hiroyuki, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    Technical report of IEICE. SDM, 110, 110, 85, 89, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 23 Jun. 2010
    English, Symposium, We report the electrochemical formation of porous structures on n-type epitaxial layers grown on p-type InP substrates in view of the application to the photoelectric conversion devices. We successfully formed the arrays of regular-sized pores whose diameter and depth could be changed by the doping density and anodic conditions, respectively. From the photo I-V measurements, we confirmed the optical absorption process in the porous layers whose photovoltaic response strongly depended on the structural properties.
  • Realization of an extremely low reflectance surface based on InP porous nanostructures for application to photoelectrochemical solar cells
    Taketomo Sato, Naoki Yoshizawa, Tamotsu Hashizume
    THIN SOLID FILMS, 518, 15, 4399, 4402, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, May 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Extremely low reflectance was obtained from InP porous nanostructures in UV, visible, and near-infrared ranges. Porous samples were electrochemically prepared on which 130-nm-diameter nanopores were formed in a straight, vertical direction and were laterally separated by 50-nm-thick InP nanowalls. The reflectance strongly depended on the surface morphology. The lowest reflectance of 0.1% in the visible light range was obtained after the irregular top layer had been completely removed. Superior photoelectrochemical properties were obtained on the InP porous structures clue to two unique features: the large surface area inside pores, and the large photon absorption enhanced on the low reflectance surface. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Low Reflectance Surface Observed on InP Porous Structures after Photoelectrochemical Etching
    T. Sato, N. Yoshizawa, H. Okazaki, T. Hashizume
    English, International conference proceedings, Extremely low reflectance was obtained from InP porous nanostructures in UV, visible, and near-infrared light ranges. The reflectance strongly depended on the surface morphology of the porous structures prepared by the electrochemical process, and the lowest reflectance of 0.1% in the visible light range was obtained from a sample after the irregular top layer was completely removed. Large anodic photocurrents were obtained on the InP porous structures that had low reflectance surfaces with deeper pores.
  • Electrochemical Functionalization of InP Porous Nanostructures with a GOD Membrane for Amperometric Glucose Sensors
    Taketomo Sato, Akinori Mizohata, Tamotsu Hashizume
    English, Scientific journal, The electrochemical functionalization of n-type InP porous nanostructures and their feasibility for biochemical sensor applications were investigated. The porous structures have extremely large surface areas, i.e., over 10 m(2)/cm(3), and superior electrical properties with conductive semiconductor substrates. As a first attempt at electrochemical functionalization, we successfully deposited a glucose oxidase (GOD) membrane onto an InP surface under an applied anodic bias of 1.2 V. With the addition of glucose, the response currents on the porous electrodes increased compared to those on planar InP electrodes due to their enlarged surface area. The sensitivity curves of the porous electrodes we used showed good linearity between the response currents and concentrations in a range from 0 to 5 mM.
  • Electrochemical Formation of InP Porous Structures and Their Application to High-Sensitive Chemical Sensors
    SATO Taketomo, YOSHIZAWA Naoki, OKAZAKI Hiroyuki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ED, 電子デバイス, ED2010, 35, 11, 15, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 2010
    Japanese, Symposium, We proposed a novel ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET) having a porous-gate structure. Porous structures were formed in n-type InP layers, working as channel layers, grown on p-type (001) substrates. The porous-gate ISFETs could detect the potential changes at the inner pores with a current signal whose value can be controlled by the back gate bias applied to the p-type substrate. Our proposed ISFETs demonstrated good performance for detecting pH values in the electrolyte, showing promise for high-sensitive chemical sensors.
    Hiroyuki Okazaki, Taketomo Sato, Naoki Yoshizawa, Tamotsu Hashizume
    English, International conference proceedings, We demonstrated to form InP porous structures on n-type epitaxial layers grown on p-type (001) substrates. The high-density array of straight pores with 150nm diameter and 5000nm depth was formed by the electrochemical anodization process, where the pore depth could be controlled by the anodization time in the n-type layer. The present p-n InP porous structures show the low optical reflectance in UV-, visible-and near-infrared region. The current transport properties clearly show the rectifying behavior. These features are very promising for practical application to high-efficiency photo-sensitive devices.
  • Fundamental Study of InP-Based Open-Gate Field-Effect Transistors for Application to Liquid-Phase Chemical Sensors
    Naoki Yoshizawa, Taketomo Sato, Tamotsu Hashizume
    English, Scientific journal, We prove with this paper that InP-based open-gate field-effect transistors (FETs) work well as liquid-phase chemical sensors. The open-gate FET clearly exhibited current saturation and a pinch-off behavior in the electrolyte, resulting in a rapid response to the gate bias applied via the electrolyte. A series of sensing measurements showed that the surface potential of the InP linearly changed with the pH values of the electrolytes in a pH range from 3.0 to 12.0. The pH sensitivity of the open-gate FETs depended on the ion species contained in the electrolyte. A Si3N4 layer was useful as an ion selective membrane for the InP open-gate FETs to improve the selectivity of H+ ions. (C) 2009 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • Report on "The 2008 Workshop for Refreshing Science in Sapporo (Hokkaido Univ.)"
    ARITA Masashi, SUGAWARA Yo, UEMURA Tetsuya, ADACHI Satoshi, SUGAWARA Hirotake, KASAI Seiya, MATSUDA Ken-ichi, SATO Taketomo, TAKAHASHI Yasuo, FUKUI Takashi
    応用物理教育, 33, 1, 25, 30, 31 Jul. 2009
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Integration of Zn-Cd-Te-Se Semiconductors on Si Platforms via Structurally Designed Cubic Templates Based on Group IV Elements
    John Tolle, Radek Roucka, Brandon Forrest, Andrew V. G. Chizmeshya, John Kouvetakis, Vijay R. D'Costa, Christian D. Poweleit, Michael Groenert, Taketomo Sato, Jose Menendez
    CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 21, 14, 3143, 3152, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, Jul. 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, This work describes the development and application of a new class of highly versatile Ge-Sn/Si (100) hybrid substrate systems for the integration of a broad range of technologically important II-VI optical materials on silicon platforms. GeSn buffer layers were grown directly on Si(100), via introduction of Lomer edge dislocations at the interface, and exhibited low densities of threading defects, atomically flat surfaces, and strain-free microstructures. Specialized cleaning protocols were first developed to obtain GeSn surfaces possessing superior chemical purity and single-crystalline, long-range orientation for subsequent heteroepitaxy. The quality of the resulting platforms was then validated using proof-of-concept fabrication of prototype AlGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structures, which exhibited optical properties comparable to those of analogs grown via homoepitaxy on bulk GaAs substrates. The application of these platforms in CMOS-compatible integration of the II-VI materials was explored using a progressive strategy based on the systematic epitaxial fabrication of simple binaries within Zn-Cd-Te-Se class. This culminated in the Formation of fully lattice matched ZnSc/'GeSn/Si(100) structures for the first time, as well as highly mismatched CdTe and CdTe/ZnTe systems directly on silicon. These successful depositions represent an important milestone en route to the ultimate integration of ZnSe, CdTe, Zn(1-)zCd(z)Te and Hg(1-x)Cd(x)Te with Si for applications in high-performance IR photodetectors, imaging technologies, and high-efficiency, low-cost solar cells.
  • Formation and application of InP porous structures on p-n substrates
    SATO Taketomo, YOSHIZAWA Naoki, OKAZAKI Hiroyuki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    IEICE technical report. Electron devices, 109, 97, 117, 120, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 17 Jun. 2009
    English, Symposium, We demonstrated to form InP porous structures on n-type epitaxial layers grown on p-type (001) substrates. The high-density array of straight pores with 150nm diameter and 5000nm depth was formed by the electrochemical anodization process, where the pore depth could be controlled by the anodization time in the n-type layer. The present p-n InP porous structures show the low optical reflectance in UV-, visible- and near-infrared region. The current transport properties clearly show the rectifying behavior. These features are very promising for practical application to high-efficiency photo-s...
  • Formation and application of InP porous structures on p-n substrates
    SATO Taketomo, YOSHIZAWA Naoki, OKAZAKI Hiroyuki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    Technical report of IEICE. SDM, 109, 98, 117, 120, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 17 Jun. 2009
    English, Symposium, We demonstrated to form InP porous structures on n-type epitaxial layers grown on p-type (001) substrates. The high-density array of straight pores with 150nm diameter and 5000nm depth was formed by the electrochemical anodization process, where the pore depth could be controlled by the anodization time in the n-type layer. The present p-n InP porous structures show the low optical reflectance in UV-, visible- and near-infrared region. The current transport properties clearly show the rectifying behavior. These features are very promising for practical application to high-efficiency photo-s...
  • Electrochemical formation and functionalization of InP porous nanostructures and their application to chemical sensors(Session8B: High-Frequency, Photonic and Sensing Devices)
    MIZOHATA Akinori, YOSHIZAWA Naoki, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    Technical report of IEICE. SDM, 108, 122, 327, 330, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 02 Jul. 2008
    English, Symposium, We investigated the electrocatalytic activity of n-type InP porous nanostructures and the feasibility of their functionalization for the biochemical sensor applications. The porous structures have extremely large surface areas over 10m^2/cm^3 and superior electrical properties with conductive semiconductor substrates. The response currents to the addition of H_2O_2 increased on the porous electrodes due to their enlarged surface area, and its sensitivity had good linearity with H_20_2 concentration. As a first attempt of the electrochemical functionalization, glucose oxidase membrane was su...
  • Electrochemical formation and functionalization of InP porous nanostructures and their application to chemical sensors(Session8B: High-Frequency, Photonic and Sensing Devices)
    MIZOHATA Akinori, YOSHIZAWA Naoki, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    IEICE technical report. Electron devices, 108, 121, 327, 330, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 02 Jul. 2008
    English, Symposium, We investigated the electrocatalytic activity of n-type InP porous nanostructures and the feasibility of their functionalization for the biochemical sensor applications. The porous structures have extremely large surface areas over 10m^2/cm^3 and superior electrical properties with conductive semiconductor substrates. The response currents to the addition of H_2O_2 increased on the porous electrodes due to their enlarged surface area, and its sensitivity had good linearity with H_20_2 concentration. As a first attempt of the electrochemical functionalization, glucose oxidase membrane was su...
  • Amperometric detection of hydrogen peroxide using InP porous nanostructures
    Taketomo Sato, Akinori Mizohata, Naoki Yoshizawa, Tamotsu Hashizume
    APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, 1, 5, 51202, JAPAN SOC APPLIED PHYSICS, May 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The electrocatalytic activity of n-type InP porous nanostructures was investigated in terms of their application to amperometric biochemical sensors. The current sensitivities for H(2)O(2) detection were strongly dependent on the structural properties of these porous nanostructures. A sample with deeper pores responsed more sensitively because of the enlarged surface area inside the nanopores. The removal of an irregular top layer also effectively improved the current sensitivity. The conductive porous nanostructures presented here were very promising for the direct amperometric detection of H(2)O(2). (c) 2008 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
  • Photoelectrochemical etching and removal of the irregular top layer formed on InP porous nanostructures
    Taketomo Sato, Akinori Mizohata
    English, Scientific journal, A photoelectrochemical (PEC) process was developed to remove the irregular top layer from InP porous nanostructures. After anodic formation of a nanopore array, the PEC process repeated in the same electrolyte under illumination. The etching rate of the pore surfaces was strongly associated with their structural properties, being greater in the irregular top layer. The irregular top layer was completely removed by monitoring and controlling the anodic photocurrents in the ramped bias mode. (c) 2008 The Electrochemical Society.
  • Electrochemical formation of InP porous nanostructures and its application to amperometric chemical sensors
    Taketomo Sato, Akinori Mizohata, Toshiyuki Fujino, Tamotsu Hashizume
    PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C - CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, VOL 5, NO 11 2008, 5, 11, 3475, 3478, WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, In this paper, we report the electrochemical formation of the InP porous nanostructures and their feasibility for the application to the amprometric chemical sensors. Our two step electrochemical process consists of the pore formation on a (001) n-type InP substrate and the subsequent etching of pore walls caused by changing the polarity of the InP electrode in A HCL based electrolyte. By applying the anodic bras to the Inp electrode, the high density array of uniform nanopores was formed on the surface Next, the cathodic bias was applied to the porous sample to reduce the wait thickness by cathodic decomposition of InP, where the thickness of InP nanowall decreased uniformly along the entire depth of the porous layer. From the amperometric measurements of the porous electrode, it was found that the electrocatalytic, activity was much higher than that of the planar electrode. Furthermore, the current sensitivity for the H(2)O(2) detection was much enhanced after the cathodic decomposition process. The InP porous nanostructure formed by the present process is one of the promising structures for the application to the semiconductor based bio/chemical sensors. (c) 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
  • Complete removal of irregular top layer for sensor applications of InP porous nanostructures
    Taketomo Sato, Akinori Mizohata, Naoki Yoshizawa, Tamotsu Hashizume
    ECS Transactions, 16, 3, 405, 410, 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, The photo-electrochemical (PEC) process was developed to remove the irregular top layer of InP porous nanostructures for the application to amperometric chemical sensors. The PEC etching rate of the pore surface was associated with their structural properties, resulting in the complete removal of the irregular layer by monitoring and controlling the anodic photo-currents. The porous electrode prepared by PEC process gave higher sensitivity for detecting H2O2 due to the enlarged openings of all pores with complete removal of irregular top layer. ©The Electrochemical Society.
  • Electrochemical formation of InP porous nanostructures and its application to amperometric chemical sensors
    Taketomo Sato, Akinori Mizohata, Toshiyuki Fujino, Tamotsu Hashizume
    Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 5, 11, 3475, 3478, 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, In this paper, we report the electrochemical formation of the InP porous nanostructures and their feasibility for the application to the amperometric chemical sensors. Our two step electrochemical process consists of the pore formation on a (001) n-type InP substrate and the subsequent etching of pore walls caused by changing the polarity of the InP electrode in a HCl-based electrolyte. By applying the anodic bias to the InP electrode, the high-density array of uniform nanopores was formed on the surface. Next, the cathodic bias was applied to the porous sample to reduce the wall thickness by cathodic decomposition of InP, where the thickness of InP nanowall decreased uniformly along the entire depth of the porous layer. From the amperometric measurements of the porous electrode, it was found that the electrocatalytic activity was much higher than that of the planar electrode. Furthermore, the current sensitivity for the H2O2 detection was much enhanced after the cathodic decomposition process. The InP porous nanostructure formed by the present process is one of the promising structures for the application to the semiconductor-based bio/chemical sensors. © 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &
    Co. KGaA.
  • Liquid-phase chemical sensors using InP-based open-gate FETs
    Naoki Yoshizawa, Taketomo Sato, Akinori Mizohata
    Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, 1305, 1308, 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, In this paper, we demonstrated that the InP-based open-gate FET worked well as a liquid-phase chemical sensor in acid electrolytes. The open-gate FET clearly exhibited current saturation and pinch-off behavior in the electrolyte, resulted in a rapid response to the gate bias applied via the electrolyte. A series of sensing measurements showed that the surface potential of the InP linearly changed with the pH values of the electrolytes, and their sensitivity was strongly dependent on ion species contained in the electrolyte. © 2008 IEEE.
  • 化合物半導体ナノ構造の自己組織化形成と高感度化学センサへの応用
    村田学術振興財団年報, 21, 222, 229, Dec. 2007
    Japanese, Research society
  • 陽極酸化によりn‐GaN上に形成された酸化膜の評価と応用
    塩崎奈々子, 石川史太郎, TRAMPERT A, GRAHN H. T, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 68th, 3, 1431, 04 Sep. 2007
  • Size-controlled porous nanostructures formed on InP(001) substrates by two-step electrochemical process
    Toshiyuki Fujino, Taketomo Sato, Tamotsu Hashizume
    English, Scientific journal, A high-densjty array of size-controlled porous nanostructures was formed on InP(001) substrates by a two-step electrochemical process using anodic and cathodic reactions. After the formation of InP porous structures by anodization, we subsequently applied cathodic decomposition to the reduction of the lateral thickness of the InP pore wall. The etching rate of the pore wall was extremely low and strongly dependent on the cathodic bias and crystal orientations of the wall surface. The thickness of InP walls could be precisely controlled in the range of 15-30nm by changing cathodic bias and cathodic decomposition time. From the PL measurement at room temperature, the porous structures showed strong blue-shifted emissions due to quantum confinement in thinner InP nanowalls.
  • Formation of thin native oxide layer on n-GaN by electrochemical process in mixed solution with glycol and water
    Nanako Shiozaki, Taketomo Sato, Tamotsu Hashizume
    English, Scientific journal, In this paper, we report on the feasibility of oxidizing n-GaN by an electrochemical process in a mixture containing an aqueous solution of tartaric a id and propylene glycol. Photons generated by UV illumination were supplied at the electrolyte-GaN interface during the oxidation process. In the constant-voltage mode, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis revealed that relatively thick Ga oxide layer formed on the n-GaN surface. However, the oxide surface was very rough. In addition, we found metallic Ga components in the oxide layer or at the oxide-GaN interface for longer oxidation times. On the other hand, a thin Ga2O3 layer with a smooth surface was grown by a constant-current process.
  • Electrochemical formation of size-controlled InP nanostructures using anodic and cathodic reactions
    Taketomo Sato, Toshiyuki Fujino, Tamotsu Hashizume
    English, Scientific journal, A two-step electrochemical process using anodic and cathodic reactions was developed to form size-controlled nanostructures on InP(001) substrates. After anodic formation of a nanopore array, the cathodic decomposition process was applied to reduce the thickness of InP nanowalls. The etching rate of the nanowalls was extremely small and strongly dependent on the cathodic bias and crystal orientations of the wall surface. Wall thickness could be controlled in the range of 10-30 nm by changing the cathodic bias and processing time. (c) 2007 The Electrochemical Society.
  • Performance of open-gate AlGaN/GaN HFET in various kinds of liquids
    KOKAWA Takuya, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    Extended abstracts of the ... Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 2006, 326, 327, 13 Sep. 2006
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Optical Properties of Size-Controlled Porous Nanostructures Formed on n-InP (001) Substrates by Electrochemical Process
    FUJINO Toshiyuki, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    Extended abstracts of the ... Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 2006, 728, 729, 13 Sep. 2006
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Selective molecular beam epitaxy growth of size- and position-controlled GaN/AlGaN nanowires on nonplanar (0001) substrates and its growth mechanism
    Sato Taketomo, Oikawa Takeshi, Hasegawa Hideki, Hashizume Tamotsu
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 24, 4, 2087, 2092, 26 Jul. 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Fundamental growth properties were investigated for the size-controlled selective MBE growth of AlGaN/GaN nanowires on the GaN (0001) prepatterned substrates both experimentally and theoretically. The lateral size of the present GaN nanowire was determined by two facet boundaries formed within AlGaN barrier layers. From the series of wire growth experiments, the growth selectivity and the measured angle of the facet boundary strongly depended on the Al composition and the initial crystalline facets of the mesa patterned templates. The experimental evolution of the cross-sectional structures...
  • Liquid-phase sensors using open-gate AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor structure
    Takuya Kokawa, Taketomo Sato, Hideki Hasegawa, Tamotsu Hashizume
    JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 24, 4, 1972, 1976, A V S AMER INST PHYSICS, Jul. 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Liquid-phase sensing characteristics of open-gate AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structures were investigated in aqueous solutions and polar liquids. In de-ionized water, the open-gate HEMT clearly showed good drain I-V characteristics with current saturation and pinch-off behavior, very similar to I-V characteristics of typical Schottky-gate HEMTs. We observed a fine parallel shift in the transfer curves according to change in the pH value in a solution, indicating the corresponding potential change at the AlGaN surface. The sensitivity for the potential change was 57.5 mV/pH, very close to the theoretical value of 58.9 mV/pH at 24 degrees C for the Nernstian response to, H+ ions. In the low drain bias region, the drain current linearly decreased with the pH value. This also indicated a systematic potential change at the AlGaN surface due to pH change. The present open-gate device showed a fast response to the pH change and a stable operation at fixed pH values. A possible mechanism for the pH response of the AlGaN surface is discussed in terms of equilibrium reactions of hydroxyls at the AlGaN surface with H+ in a solution. It was also found that the device was quite sensitive to changes in the electrostatic boundary conditions of the open-gate area by exposure to polar liquids. The drain current linearly decreased with increasing normalized liquid dipole moment. (c) 2006 American Vacuum Society.
  • Future of heterostructure microelectronics and roles of materials research for its progress
    Hideki Hasegawa, Seiya Kasai, Taketomo Sato, Tamotsu Hashizume
    English, Scientific journal, With advent of the ubiquitous network era and due to recent progress of III-V nanotechnology, the present III-V heterostructure microelectronics will turn into what one might call III-V heterostructure nanoelectronics, and may open up a new future in much wider application areas than today, combining information technology, nanotechnology and biotechnology. Instead of the traditional top-down approach, new III-V heterostructure nanoelectronics will be formed on nanostructure networks formed by combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches. In addition to communication devices, emerging devices include high speed digital LSIs, various sensors, various smart-chips, quantum LSIs and quantum computation devices covering varieties of application areas. Ultra-low power quantum LSIs may become brains of smart chips and other nanospace systems. Achievements of new functions and higher performances and their on chip integration are key issues. Key processing issue remains to be understanding and control of nanostructure surfaces and interfaces in atomic scale.
  • Future of heterostructure microelectronics and roles of materials research for its progress
    Hideki Hasegawa, Seiya Kasai, Taketomo Sato, Tamotsu Hashizume
    English, Scientific journal, With advent of the ubiquitous network era and due to recent progress of III-V nanotechnology, the present III-V heterostructure microelectronics will turn into what one might call III-V heterostructure nanoelectronics, and may open up a new future in much wider application areas than today, combining information technology, nanotechnology and biotechnology. Instead of the traditional top-down approach, new III-V heterostructure nanoelectronics will be formed on nanostructure networks formed by combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches. In addition to communication devices, emerging devices include high speed digital LSIs, various sensors, various smart-chips, quantum LSIs and quantum computation devices covering varieties of application areas. Ultra-low power quantum LSIs may become brains of smart chips and other nanospace systems. Achievements of new functions and higher performances and their on chip integration are key issues. Key processing issue remains to be understanding and control of nanostructure surfaces and interfaces in atomic scale.
  • Selective molecular beam epitaxy growth of size- and position-controlled GaN/AlGaN nanowires on nonplanar (0001) substrates and its growth mechanism
    Taketomo Sato, Takeshi Oikawa, Hideki Hasegawa, Tamotsu Hashizume
    JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 24, 4, 2087, 2092, A V S AMER INST PHYSICS, Jul. 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Fundamental growth properties were investigated for the size-controlled selective MBE growth of AlGaN/GaN nanowires on the GaN (0001) prepatterned substrates both experimentally and theoretically. The lateral size of the present GaN nanowire was determined by two facet boundaries formed within AlGaN barrier layers. From the series of wire growth experiments, the growth selectivity and the measured angle of the facet boundary strongly depended on the Al composition and the initial crystalline facets of the mesa patterned templates. The experimental evolution of the cross-sectional structures was well reproduced by a computer simulation based on the phenomenological growth model where the slope angle dependence of lifetime of adatoms was taken into account. The lateral width of present nanowires could be kinetically controlled by the growth conditions and the supply thickness of AlGaN layers. (c) 2006 American Vacuum Society.
  • Self-assembled formation of uniform InP nanopore arrays by electrochemical anodization in HCl based electrolyte
    Taketomo Sato, Toshiyuki Fujino, Hideki Hasegawa
    APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 252, 15, 5457, 5461, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, May 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Attempts were made to optimize the electrochemical anodization process for the formation of high-density, regular and straight nanopore arrays on InP. The structure, shape and size of the pores were very sensitive to substrate orientations, electrolyte concentrations and anodization voltages. Among (1 1 1)A, (1 1 1)B and (0 0 1) substrate orientations, the most uniform and most straight nanopore arrays were obtained on (0 0 1) substrates at anodization voltages of 5-7 V by using 1.0-1.5 M HCl electrolyte containing HNO3. The pore depth could be controlled up to 80 mu m by the anodization time. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Sensing mechanism of InP hydrogen sensors using Pt Schottky diodes formed by electrochemical process
    T Kimura, H Hasegawa, T Sato, T Hashizume
    English, Scientific journal, Hydrogen sensing characteristics of Pt/InP Schottky diodes fabricated by electro-deposition were investigated. Such diodes gave high Schottky barrier heights (SBHs) of 650-810 meV. Upon exposure to hydrogen in air, the diodes exhibited a remarkable increase in forward and reverse currents. The saturation current on a log scale and the transient speed changed in proportion to the square root of the hydrogen pressure, P-H2. Upon exposure to hydrogen in vacuum or in nitrogen, a much larger and much faster increase in current took place. However, the saturation Current was almost independent Of P-H2, and the current increase remained almost the same after the hydrogen was removed. The sensing mechanism is explained in terms of changes in SBH caused by interface dipoles formed at Pt/InP interfaces due to adsorbed atomic hydrogen. Transient waveforms and dependence of saturation current and transient time constant on P-H2 were explained quantitatively by a simple theory where processes including atomic hydrogen generation, transport; storage, adsorption, desorption, and reaction with oxygen are effectively included.
  • Embedded nanowire network growth and node device fabrication for GaAs-based high-density hexagonal binary decision diagram quantum circuits
    T Tamura, Tamai, I, S Kasai, T Sato, H Hasegawa, T Hashizume
    English, Scientific journal, The basic feasibility of constructing hexagonal binary decision diagram (BDD) quantum circuits on GaAs-based selectively grown (SG) nanowires was investigated front viewpoints of electrical connections through embedded nanowires and electrical-uniformity of devices formed on nanowires. For this, <(1) over bar 10 >- and < 510 >-oriented nanowires and hexagonal network structures combining these nanowires were formed on (001) GaAs substrates by selective molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth. The width and vertical position of the nanowires could be controlled by growth conditions for both <(1) over bar 10 >- and < 510 >-directions. By current-voltage (I-V) measurements, good electrical connection was confirmed at the node point where vertical alignment of embedded GaAs nanowire pieces was found to be important. SG quantum wire (QWR) switches formed on the nanowires showed good gate control over a wide temperature range with clear conductance quantization at low temperatures. Good device uniformities were obtained on the test chips, providing a good prospect for future integration. BDD node devices using SG QWR switches showed clear path switching characteristics. Estimated power-delay product values were very small, confirming the feasibility of ultra low-power operation of future circuits.
  • Precisely controlled anodic etching for processing of GaAs-based quantum nanostructures and devices
    N Shiozaki, T Sato, M Akazawa, H Hasegawa
    JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV, 132, 249, 253, EDP SCIENCES S A, Mar. 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, For controlled low-damage etching of AlGaAs/GaAs nanostructures. fundamental properties of an etching process consisting of anodic oxidation and subsequent oxide dissolution are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Anodic oxides formed on GaAs (001) and (111)B surfaces have the same composition and the same anodization parameters according to XPS, SEM and AFM measurements. The same applies to those formed on Al(0.3)Gi(0.7)As (001) and (111)B surfaces. The etching depth can be precisely controlled in nanometer scale by the anodization voltage. Selective etching was realized, using the lithography patterns. The surface morphology is much better than that in the standard wet chemical etching.
  • Precisely controlled anodic etching for processing of GaAs-based quantum nanostructures and devices
    N Shiozaki, T Sato, M Akazawa, H Hasegawa
    JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV, 132, 249, 253, EDP SCIENCES S A, Mar. 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, For controlled low-damage etching of AlGaAs/GaAs nanostructures. fundamental properties of an etching process consisting of anodic oxidation and subsequent oxide dissolution are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Anodic oxides formed on GaAs (001) and (111)B surfaces have the same composition and the same anodization parameters according to XPS, SEM and AFM measurements. The same applies to those formed on Al(0.3)Gi(0.7)As (001) and (111)B surfaces. The etching depth can be precisely controlled in nanometer scale by the anodization voltage. Selective etching was realized, using the lithography patterns. The surface morphology is much better than that in the standard wet chemical etching.
  • Electrochemical formation of chaotic and regular nanostructures on (001) and (111)B InP substrates and their photoluminescence characterizations
    Toshiyuki Fujino, Takeshi Kimura, Taketomo Sato, Hideki Hasegawa, Tamotsu Hashizume
    e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 4, 184, 191, 10 Feb. 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Attempts were made to form various nanostructures on InP substrates using anodization process. Surprisingly wide varieties of nanostructures were obtained. They included zigzag pore arrays and chaotic porous structures on (111)B substrate, and quasi-periodic straight nanopore arrays on (001) substrate. Straight pore samples showed blue-shifted peaks due to quantum confinement whereas no clear energy shifts were observed in (111)B samples. Zigzag and straight pore samples also showed red-shifted PL emissions probably due to emission from surface state continuum. © 2006 The Surface Science Society of Japan.
  • Growth simulation and actual MBE growth of triangular GaAs nanowires on patterned (111)B substrates
    Isao Tamai, Taketomo Sato, Hideki Hasegawa, Tamotsu Hashizume
    e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 4, 19, 24, 12 Jan. 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, Attempts were made to further elaborate our experimental growth method and the theoretical growth simulation method for formation of AlGaAs/GaAs QWRs on the (111)B substrates, paying attention to Al composition dependence of growth. A series of repeated growth experiments were carried out on simple one-sided mesa patterns, and from their analysis of the results led to determination of parameter values needed for computer simulation based on the continuum model. The experimental evolution of the cross-sectional structures was well reproduced by simulation, not only on one-side mesa, but also on mesa stripes actually used for wire growth. Finally, an optimum growth design was derived for growth of an array of GaAs triangular QWRs with 40 nm base width on GaAs (111)B substrate by the simulation, and the actual growth experiment confirmed its realization. © 2006 The Surface Science Society of Japan.
  • Dynamics and control of recombination process at semiconductor surfaces, interfaces and nano-structures
    Hideki Hasegawa, Taketomo Sato, Seiya Kasai, Boguslawa Adamowicz, Tamotsu Hashizume
    SOLAR ENERGY, 80, 6, 629, 644, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2006, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
    English, Scientific journal, Characterization methods and fundamental aspects of surface/interface states and recombination process in Si and III-V materials are reviewed. Various measurement considerations are pointed out for the conventional metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) capacitance-voltage (C-P) method, a contactless C-V method, and the microscopic scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) method, and general features of surface states are discussed. Surface states are shown to have U-shaped distributions of donor acceptor continuum with a characteristic charge neutrality level, E-HO. Rigorous simulation of dynamics of surface recombination process has shown that the effective surface recombination velocity, S-eff, is not a constant of the surface, but its value changes by many orders of magnitude with the incident light intensity and the polarity and amount of fixed charge. From this, new methods of surface state characterization based on photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence are derived. Attempts to control surface states and Fermi level pinning at metal semiconductor interface and free surfaces of nano-structures are presented as efforts toward "nano-photovoltaics". (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Performance of electrodeposited Pt/InP Schottky diode as a hydrogen sensing head for InP-based wireless sensor chips
    Takeshi Kimura, Hideki Hasegawa, Taketomo Sato, Tamotsu Hashizume
    English, International conference proceedings, Hydrogen-sensing performances of Pt/InP Schottky diodes and MESFETs are evaluated from a viewpoint of constructing a nanometer-scale hydrogen sensor head of a future wireless hydrogen sensor chip. To realize large Schottky barrier heights (SBHs), Pt films were deposited by a pulsed in-situ electrochemical process. Upon exposure to hydrogen in air, the Pt/InP Schottky diode exhibited remarkably large increase of forward and reverse currents. The sensing mechanism is explained in terms of SBH changes caused by interface dipole formed at Pt/InP interface due to the adsorbed atomic hydrogen. Quantitative relationships between response magnitude and speed have been established. The Pt/InP MESFET also showed hydrogen induced current changes, and their magnitudes were much larger than those of the Schottky diode. Based on these, a novel structure of a nanometer-scale hexagonal hydrogen sensing head is proposed.
  • Toward ultra-low power III-V quantum large scale integrated circuits for ubiquitous network era
    Hasegawa Hideki, Kasai Seiya, Sato Taketomo
    Frontiers in Electronics, 41, 2, 421, 436, 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Liquid sensor using gateless AlGaN/GaN HEMT structure
    IEICE technical report. Electron devices, 105, 326(ED2005 139-156), 39, 42, 07 Oct. 2005
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Fabrication of AlGaN/GaN nano wire network using selective RF-MBE
    IEICE technical report. Electron devices, 105, 325(ED2005 118-138), 89, 92, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 06 Oct. 2005
    Japanese, Symposium, For fabrication of AlGaN/GaN quantum wire network structures, we studied feasibility of selective MBE growth of AlGaN/GaN wire structures on pre-patterned GaN(0001) substrates. A mesa stripe type pattern and a hexagonal network type pattern were prepared by ECR-RIBE dry etching. As for the mesa direction, <1-100>-direction and <11-20>-direction were compared, and <11-20>-oriented mesa was found to be suitable for the selective growth of wire structures due to larger growth selectivity of GaN/AlGaN layers. Fabricated wire network structure showed strong CL emission, originating form wire structure. For the realization of precise size control of quantum wire structure, time evolution of cross-sectional features and Al composition dependence of the growth selectivity were investigated in detail.
  • Embedded Nanowire Network Growth and Node Device Fabrication for GaAs-Based High-Density Hexagonal BDD Quantum Circuits
    TAMAURA Takahiro, TAMAI Isao, KASAI Seiya, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    Extended abstracts of the ... Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 2005, 152, 153, 13 Sep. 2005
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Sensing Mechanism of InP Hydrogen Sensors Using Pt Schottky Diodes Formed by Electrochemical Process
    KIMURA Takeshi, HASEGAWA Hideki, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    Extended abstracts of the ... Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 2005, 218, 219, 13 Sep. 2005
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Growth kinetics and theoretical modeling of selective molecular beam epitaxy for growth of GaAs nanowires on nonplanar (001) and (111)B substrates
    T Sato, Tamai, I, H Hasegawa
    JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 23, 4, 1706, 1713, A V S AMER INST PHYSICS, Jul. 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The growth kinetics involved in the selective molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaAs quantum wires (QWRs) on mesa-patterned substrates is investigated in detail experimentally, and an attempt is made to model the growth theoretically, using a phenomenological continuum model. Experimentally, <-110 >-oriented QWRs were grown on (001) and (113)A substrates, and <-1-12 >-oriented QWRs were grown on (I I I)B substrates. From a detailed investigation of the growth profiles, it was found that the lateral wire width is determined by facet boundaries (FBs) within AlGaAs layers separating growth regions on top facets from those on side facets of mesa structures. Evolution of FBs during growth was complicated. For computer simulation, measured growth rates of various facets were fitted into a theoretical formula to determine the dependence of a lifetime of adatoms on the slope angle of the growing surface. The continuum model using the slope angle dependent lifetime reproduced the details of the experimentally observed growth profiles very well for growth on (001), (113)A, and (111)B substrates, including the complex evolution of facet boundaries (c) 2005 American Vacuum Society.
  • Effects of surface states and Si-interlayer based surface passivation on GaAs quantum wires grown by selective molecular beam epitaxy
    N Shiozaki, T Sato, H Hasegawa
    JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 23, 4, 1714, 1721, A V S AMER INST PHYSICS, Jul. 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Effects of surface states and surface passivation on photoluminescence (PL) properties of GaAs quantum wires (QWRs) are investigated. QWR samples were grown on (001) and (111)B substrates by the selective molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) method. For surface passivation, an ultrathin (about 1 nm) Si interface control layer (Si ICL) was grown by MBE as an interlayer. In both of the selectively grown QWRs on (001) and (111)B substrates, the PL intensity reduced exponentially with reduction of their wire-to-surface distance, being coexistent with a more gradual reduction due to carrier supply reduction. The exponential reduction was explained in terms of interaction between surface states and quantum confined states leading to tunneling assisted nonradiative recombination through surface states. Surface passivation by the Si-ICL method almost completely recovered PL intensities not only for QWRs on the (001) substrate, but also for QWRs on the (111)B substrate. (c) 2005 American Vacuum Society.
  • Investigation of Side-gating Effects in GaAs-based Quantum Wire Transistor (QWRTr) utilizing Nanosized Schottky Gates
    JIA Rui, KASAI Seiya, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    IEICE technical report. Electron devices, 105, 110, 31, 36, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 03 Jun. 2005
    English, Symposium, Side-gating effects inhibiting the high-density integration of devices GaAs-based quantum wire transistors (QWRTrs) with nanosized Schottky gates controlling etched nanowires were investigated experimentally. Side-gating behaviors depended on the distance between the side-gate and nanowire edge d_<sg>, and when d_<sg><500nm and nanowire mesa etching was shallow, the large side-gating effect occurred, which could not be explained by the electrostatic effect. At the same time, anomalously large side-gate leakage current due to electron tunneling was observed. Here, we propose a model for the ...
  • Surface Passivation Using a Si Interface Control Layer for AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Srctures Fabricated on GaAs(111)B Substrates
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 105, 110(ED2005 58-66), 25, 30, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 03 Jun. 2005
    Japanese, Symposium, We attempted to apply a Si-interface-control-layer (Si ICL)-based surface passivation method to the surfaces of quantum structures fabricated on GaAs(111)B substrates. The sample surfaces were investigated by an XPS study at each step of the fabrication process, and fabricated quantum structures were characterized by PL measurements. Shifts of surface Fermi level positions toward the conduction band edges at GaAs and AlGaAs(111)B surfaces were observed after the Si ICL formation. PL intensities reduced with reduction of distances between quantum structures and their surfaces. The surface passivation using the Si-ICL, however, recovered PL intensities for quantum structures.
  • Study on ECR dry etching and selective MBE growth of AlGaN/GaN for fabrication of quantum nanostructures on GaN (0001) substrates
    T Oikawa, F Ishikawa, T Sato, T Hashizume, H Hasegawa
    APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 244, 1-4, 84, 87, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, May 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, This paper attempts to form AlGaN/GaN quantum wire (QWR) network structures on patterned GaN (0 0 0 1) substrates by selective molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth. Substrate patterns were prepared along < 1 1 2 0 > - and < 1 1 0 0 >-directions by electron cyclotron resonance assisted reactive-ion beam etching (ECR-RIBE) process. Selective growth was possible for both directions in the case of GaN growth, but only in the < 1 1 2 0 >-direction in the case of AlGaN growth. A hexagonal QWR network was successfully grown on a hexagonal mesa pattern by combining the < 1 1 2 0 >-direction and two other equivalent directions. AFM observation confirmed excellent surface morphology of the grown network. A clear cathodoluminescence (CL) peak coming from the embedded AlGaN/GaN QWR structure was clearly identified. (c) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • Electrochemical processes for formation, processing and gate control of III-V semiconductor nanostructures
    H Hasegawa, T Sato
    ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 50, 15, 3015, 3027, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, May 2005, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
    English, Scientific journal, This paper reviews recent efforts by authors' group to utilize electrochemical processes for formation, processing and gate control of III-V semiconductor nanostructures. Topics include precise photo-anodic and pulsed anodic etching of InP, formation of arrays of < 001 >-oriented straight nanopores in n-type (001)InP by anodization and their possible applications and macroscopic and nanometer-scale metal contact formation on GaAs, InP and GaN by a pulsed in situ electrochemical process, which remarkably reduces Fermi level pinning. All the results indicate that electrochemical processes can achieve unique and important results, which the conventional semiconductor technology cannot realize, anticipating their increased importance in future semiconductor nanotechnology and nanoelectronics. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Surface-related reduction of photoluminescence in GaAs quantum wires and its recovery by new passivation
    N Shiozaki, S Anantathanasarn, T Sato, T Hashizume, H Hasegawa
    APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 244, 1-4, 71, 74, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, May 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Etched GaAs quantum wires (QWRs) and selectively grown (SG) QWRs were fabricated, and dependence of their photoluminescence (PL) properties on QWR width (W) and QWR distance to surface (d) were investigated. PL intensity greatly reduced with reduction of Wand d, due to non-radiative recombination through surface states. Surface passivation by growing a Si interface control layer (Si-ICL) on group III-terminated surfaces greatly improved PL properties. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Electrochemical processes for formation, processing and gate control of III-V semiconductor nanostructures
    H Hasegawa, T Sato
    ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 50, 15, 3015, 3027, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, May 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, This paper reviews recent efforts by authors' group to utilize electrochemical processes for formation, processing and gate control of III-V semiconductor nanostructures. Topics include precise photo-anodic and pulsed anodic etching of InP, formation of arrays of < 001 >-oriented straight nanopores in n-type (001)InP by anodization and their possible applications and macroscopic and nanometer-scale metal contact formation on GaAs, InP and GaN by a pulsed in situ electrochemical process, which remarkably reduces Fermi level pinning. All the results indicate that electrochemical processes can achieve unique and important results, which the conventional semiconductor technology cannot realize, anticipating their increased importance in future semiconductor nanotechnology and nanoelectronics. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Growth of AlGaN/GaN quantum wire structures by radio-frequency-radical-assisted selective molecular beam epitaxy on prepatterned substrates
    T Sato, T Oikawa, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, The feasibility of the selective molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of AlGaN/GaN quantum wire (QWR) Structures on prepatterned substrates is investigated. The detailed studies on growth features have revealed that size-reducing selective Growth is possible on mesa patterns having the (11-20)-orientation, but not on those having the (1-100)-orientations. The behavior reflects complex growth kinetics on high-index crystalline facets. The lateral wire width of QWR structures formed selectively on a top mesa can be controlled by adjusting the growth thickness and the initial size of mesa patterns. From cathodoluminescence (CL) measurements, emission from the embedded AlGaN/GaN QWR structure has been clearly identified.
  • Cross-sectional evolution and its mechanism during selective molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaAs quantum wires on (111)B substrates
    Tamai, I, T Sato, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, The mechanism of the cross-sectional evolution during the selective growth of GaAs quantum wires (QWRs) on (111)B-patterned substrates was studied in detail both experimentally and theoretically. For this purpose, growth experiments were carried out on <-1-12 >-oriented wires by systematically changing growth conditions and pattern sizes. A detailed investigation on cross sections of wires has shown that the lateral wire width is determined by facet boundaries (FBs) within AlGaAs layers separating growth regions on top facets from those on side facets of mesa structures. FBs were found to be planar or curved, depending on initial pattern sizes and growth conditions. Computer simulation based on a phenomenological growth model was attempted, taking account of the facet-angle-dependent lifetime of adatoms. The simulation well reproduced the experimentally observed growth features including the evolution of FBs, indicating that the cross sections of wires grown on (111)B-patterned substrates are kinetically controlled by the pattern sizes and growth conditions.
  • 量子細線ネットワークと論理回路応用
    長谷川英機, 葛西誠也, 佐藤威友
    応用物理, 74, 3, 320, 326, Mar. 2005, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Fabrication and Characterization of GaAs BDD Quantum Node Devices Utilized Selective MBE Growth Technique
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 104, 624(SDM2004 222-228), 19, 24, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 20 Jan. 2005
    Japanese, Symposium, For realization of future quantum-LSIs (Q-LSIs) based on the novel hexagonal binary decision diagram (BDD) circuit approach, quantum wire (QWR) switches and BDD node devices utilizing selectively MBE grown (SG) QWR networks were investigated. Fabricated SG QWR switches using <-110> and <510>-directed nanowires on GaAs (001) substrate operated as conventional FETs at low temperature up to room temperature and clear conductance quantization was observed at low temperature. Their gate control characteristics were studied by gate-dependent Shubnikov-de-Haas oscillation measurements and it was confirmed good gate controllability of SG QWR switches controlled by Shottky wrap gates (WPGs). Y-branch BDD node devices were successfully fabricated combining <-110> and <510>-directed QWRs and realized clear path-switching. Their speed and power performances were also estimated and values of switching speed τ=50ps and PDP=10^<-18>J were obtained.
  • Fabrication of AlGaN/GaN nano wire network using selective RF-MBE               
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,CPM, CPM2005, 134, 89, 92, 2005
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Electrodeposited Pt/InP Schottky barriers with large barrier heights and large hydrogen sensitivity for sensor chips using InP-Based uanturn wire networks
    T Kimura, T Sato, T Hashizume, H Hasegawa
    2005 International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, 533, 536, IEEE, 2005
    English, International conference proceedings, Pt Schottky diodes were fabricated on n-InP by pulsed electrodeposition, and their H-2 sensing properties were investigated. Deposition resulted in formation of Pt nanoparticles. As compared with diodes by vacuum deposition, electrodepositod diodes gave much higher Schottky barrier heights (SBHs) of 810 meV. They showed marked increase of the reverse current on exposure to H-2 gas in air. The magnitudes of current change and on-off transients depended on the partial pressure of H-2. The detection mechanism is explained in terms of SBH change caused by adsorption/desorption of atomic hydrogen at the Pt/semiconductor interface. Its behavior was strongly affected by the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere. Integration of the present sensor with a hexagonal quantum wire network is proposed for realization of a wireless hydrogen sensor chip.
  • ゲートレス型AlGaN/GaN -HEMTを利用した溶液センサ
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,CPM, CPM2005, 134, 39, 42, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 2005
    Japanese, Symposium, Liquid phase chemical sensors using gateless Al_<0.24>Ga_<0.76>N/GaN HEMT structure were fabricated, and their sensing performances including pH responses were investigated. The device was covered with a SiO_2 film except an open gate window which was exposed to various liquid solutions. Sensing characteristics were measured in a standard electrochmical cell with a potentiostat and a saturated caromel reference electrode, and the latter provided gate control of the device. The devices exhibited I-V characteristics similar to those of conventional HEMTs in various solutions, showing tight gate control and complete pinch off. The drain current in the linear region changed linearly with pH value of the solution, giving a surface potential variation rate of 50.4mV/pH value of the solution, giving a surface potential variation rate of 50.4mV/pH which is close to the Nernstian value. The diode also indicated feasibility of sensing of polarizable liquids through potential shift by dipoles.
  • Hexagonal binary decision diagram quantum circuit approach for ultra-low power III-V quantum LSIs
    H Hasegawa, S Kasai, T Sato
    English, Scientific journal, A new approach for ultra-low-power LSIs based on quantum devices is presented and its present status and critical issues are discussed with a brief background review on the semiconductor nanotechnology. It is a hexagonal binary decision diagram (BDD) quantum logic circuit approach suitable for realization of ultra-low-power logic/mernory circuits to be used in new applications such as intelligent quantum (IQ) chips embedded in the ubiquitous network environment. The basic concept of the approach, circuit examples showing its feasibility, growth of high density nanostructure networks by molecular beam epitaxy (NIBE) for future LSI implementation, and the key processing issues including the device isolation issue are addressed.
  • Growth of AlGaN/GaN Quantum Wire Structures by RF-Radical Assisted Selective MBE on Pre-Patterned Substrates
    SATO Taketomo, OIKAWA Takeshi, HASHIZUME Tamotsu, HASEGAWA Hideki
    Extended abstracts of the ... Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 2004, 814, 815, 15 Sep. 2004
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Cross-Sectional Evolution and Its Mechanism during Selective MBE Growth of GaAs Quantum Wires on (111)B Substrates
    TAMAI Isao, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    Extended abstracts of the ... Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 2004, 880, 881, 15 Sep. 2004
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Evolution mechanism of heterointerface cross-section during growth of GaAs ridge quantum wires by selective molecular beam epitaxy
    T Sato, Tamai, I, S Yoshida, H Hasegawa
    APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 234, 1-4, 11, 15, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Jul. 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The mechanism determining heterointerface cross-sections is studied for GaAs ridge quantum wires (QWRs) grown by selective molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Arrays of (-110)- and (-1-12)-orientated QWRs were grown on (001) and (111)B GaAs patterned substrates, respectively. A detailed investigation of cross-sections of wires has shown that the boundary planes appear on both sides of QWRs, keeping a constant angle, theta, with respect to the flat top of the substrate pattern, and they determine the lateral wire width. Their evolution mechanism has turned out to be a kinetic process, reflecting differences in migration and atom incorporation rates on different facets. Simple formulas for theta have been derived, and they have shown excellent agreements with experiment. This has led to precise kinetic control of the wire width by growth conditions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Growth kinetics and modeling of selective molecular beam epitaxial growth of GaAs ridge quantum wires on pre-patterned nonplanar substrates
    T Sato, Tamai, I, H Hasegawa
    JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 22, 4, 2266, 2274, A V S AMER INST PHYSICS, Jul. 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The growth kinetics involved in the selective molecular beam epitaxial growth of GaAs ridge QWRs is investigated in detail experimentally and an attempt is made to model the growth theoretically. For this purpose, detailed experiments were carried out on the growth of <110>-oriented AlGaAsGaAs ridge quantum wires on mesa-patterned (00 1) GaAs substrates. A phenomenological modeling was done based on the continuum approximation including parameters such as group III adatom lifetime, diffusion constant and migration length. Computer simulation using the resultant model well reproduces the experimentally observed growth features such as the cross-sectional structure of the ridge wire and its temporal evolution, its temperature dependence and evolution of facet boundary planes. The simple phenomenological model developed here seems to be very useful for design and precise control of the growth process. (C) 2004 American Vacuum Society.
  • Selective molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaAs hexagonal nanowire networks on (111)B patterned substrates
    S Yoshida, Tamai, I, T Sato, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, In view of applications to hexagonal binary decision diagram (BDD) quantum circuits, the growth of hexagonal GaAs nanowire networks was attempted by selective molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on (111)B prepatterned substrates. The basic feasibility of <112>-oriented straight nanowires was first investigated. GaAs nanowires were selectively formed on the top (111)B plane of AlGaAs mesa structures with high uniformity. The lateral width of the wires was determined by two facet boundary planes separating the growth regions on the top and the side facets of the mesa structures. The angle of the boundary planes remained constant during growth, resulting in the wire width being precisely controlled by the thickness of the AlGaAs barrier layer. Then, GaAs/AlGaAs hexagonal nanowire networks were grown on the patterned substrates consisting of three equivalent <112>-oriented wires for a (111)B plane. The results of detailed structural and optical studies showed that highly uniform and smoothly connected hexagonal nanowire networks having threefold symmetry were successfully fabricated by the present selective MBE growth technique.
  • 内部交差量子細線構造の深さ分解/面内分布カソードルミネッセンス評価
    石川史太郎, 及川武, 玉井功, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 51st, 3, 1540, 28 Mar. 2004
  • Formation of high-density GaAs hexagonal nano-wire networks by selective MBE growth on pre-patterned (001) substrates
    Tamai, I, T Sato, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, Attempts were made to grow high-density GaAs hexagonal nano-wire networks on (001) patterned substrates by selective molecular beam epitaxy. To form a hexagon, (110)- and (510)-directions were combined. By the growth of straight wire arrays in each direction, the growth mode, conditions and mechanism were investigated. The wire width was shown to be determined for both directions by the facet boundary planes resulting from the growth rate difference on different facets. By optimizing growth conditions, highly uniform and smoothly connected hexagonal nano-wire networks with a density of 3 x 10(8) cm(-2) were successfully formed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Formation of high-density GaAs hexagonal nano-wire networks by selective MBE growth on pre-patterned (001) substrates
    Tamai, I, T Sato, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, Attempts were made to grow high-density GaAs hexagonal nano-wire networks on (001) patterned substrates by selective molecular beam epitaxy. To form a hexagon, (110)- and (510)-directions were combined. By the growth of straight wire arrays in each direction, the growth mode, conditions and mechanism were investigated. The wire width was shown to be determined for both directions by the facet boundary planes resulting from the growth rate difference on different facets. By optimizing growth conditions, highly uniform and smoothly connected hexagonal nano-wire networks with a density of 3 x 10(8) cm(-2) were successfully formed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Fabrication and Characterization of Quantum Wire Switch for Hexagonal BDD Quantum Integrated Circuits
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 103, 631(SDM2003 213-221), 15, 19, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 30 Jan. 2004
    Japanese, Symposium, In view of applications to hexagonal binary decision diagram (BDD) LSIs, a first attempt is made to form quantum BDD node switches on selectively grown (SG) embedded quantum wires (QWRs) by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). SG QWR branch switches controlled by Schottky wrap gate (WPG) were successfully fabricated by MBE growth and subsequent device processing. Gate control characteristics were studied by gate-dependent Shubnikov-de-Haas measurements, and the behavior was found to be similar to that of devices fabricated on wires by etching. The switch exhibited clear conductance quantization at low temperature, and temperature dependence of the voltage slope of conductance jump was clarified. A Y-branch BDD node device using two SG branch switches was successfully fabricated, and they realized clear path switching characteristics.
  • Formation of GaAs Quantum Wire Networks on (111)B patterned substrates using MBE Selective Growth
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 103, 630(SDM2003 207-212), 23, 28, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 29 Jan. 2004
    Japanese, Symposium, In view of applications to hexagonal BDD diagram quantum circuits, the growth of hexagonal GaAs nanowire networks was attempted by MBE selective growth. The basic feasibility of <112>-oriented straight nanowires was first investigated. GaAs nanowires were selectively formed on the top of (111)B plane of AlGaAs mesa structures with high uniformity. The wire width was controlled by the growth conditions. Then, GaAs hexagonal networks were grown on patterned substrates. The results of detailing structural and optical studies showed that highly uniform and smoothly connected hexagonal networks were successfully fabricated by selective MBE growth technique.
  • Fabrication of BDD quantum node switches on embedded GaAs quantum wires grown by selective MBE
    M Yumoto, T Tamura, T Sato, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, In view of applications to hexagonal binary decision diagram (BDD) LSIs, a first attempt is made to form quantum BDD node switches on selectively grown (SG) embedded quantum wires (QWRs) by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). SG branch switches controlled by a Schottky wrap gate (WPG) were successfully fabricated by MBE growth and subsequent device processing. Gate control characteristics were studied by gate-dependent Shubnikov-de-Haas measurements, and the behavior was found to be similar to that of devices fabricated on wires by etching. The switch exhibited clear conductance quantization at low temperature, and temperature dependence of the voltage slope of conductance jump was clarified. A Y-branch BDD node device using two SG branch switches was successfully fabricated, and realized clear path switching characteristics. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Selective MBE Growth of Hexagonal Nano-wire Networks on GaAs Patterned Substrates
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 103, 117(ED2003 50-57), 29, 34, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 13 Jun. 2003
    Japanese, Symposium, Attempts were made to grow GaAs ridge nano-wires and hexagonal GaAs nanowire networks by selective MBE growth on (001) and (111)B pre-patterned substrates. Growth on mesa stripes produced embedded GaAs ridge quantum wires (QWRs) on the top of AlGaAs ridge structures. From the detail investigation on growth process, the size of GaAs ridge wires was geometrically determined by the difference of growth rate on two kinds of crystal facets of ridge structures, where the wire size can be kinetically controlled by growth conditions and initial pattern size. Uniform hexagonal nano-wire networks were successfully fabricated on hexagonal patterned substrates by combining <-110>- and two <510>-wire directions for (001) substrates and on hexagonal patterned substrates by combining three <-1-12> wire directions for (111)B substrates.
  • Selective MBE Growth of GaAs Ridge Quantum Wires for Formation of Hexagonal Nanowire Networks.
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 102, 640(SDM2002 244-251), 27, 32, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 10 Feb. 2003
    Japanese, Symposium, Attempts were made to grow GaAs ridge nano-wires and hexagonal GaAs nanowire networks by selective MBE growth on (001) pre-pattemed substrates.<-110>-and<510>-oriented mesa stripes produced embedded GaAs ridge quantum wires (QWRs) on the top of AlGaAs ridge structures. From the detail investigation on growth process, the size of GaAs ridge wires was geometrically determined by the difference of growth rate on two kinds of crystal facets of ridge structures, where the wire size can be kinetically controlled by growth conditions and initial pattern size. Based on underlying growth mechanism, uniform hexagonal nano-wire networks were successfully fabricated on hexagonal patterned substrates by combining<-110>-and<510>-wire directions.
  • Effects of surface states on control characteristics of nano-meter scale Schottky gates formed on GaAs
    A Kameda, S Kasai, T Sato, H Hasegawa
    SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS, 47, 2, 323, 331, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Feb. 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Effects of surface states on gate control characteristics of nano-meter scale Schottky gates formed on GaAs are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Special sample structures are used. They are metal-insulator-semiconductor structures having nano-meter scale Schottky dot arrays for capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements and metal-semi-conductor field effect transistor structures having nano-meter scale grating Schottky gates for current-voltage (I-V) measurements. Measured C-V and I-V results are compared with results of theoretical calculation on a computer.
    The effects of surface states are found to be two-fold. Namely, it is shown that control characteristics of nano-meter scale Schottky gates are strongly degraded by the presence of Fermi level pinning caused by surface states on the free surface surrounding the gate. It is also shown that a significant amount of gate-induced lateral charging of surface states takes place around the gate periphery, effectively increasing the gate dimension. These results indicate the critical importance of control of surface states in nano-devices using nano-meter scale Schottky gates. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Selective MBE growth of GaAs ridge quantum wire arrays on patterned (001) substrates and its growth mechanism
    T Sato, Tamai, I, H Hasegawa
    COMPOUND SEMICONDUCTORS 2002, 174, 3, 145, 148, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Selective MBE growth of an array of <-110>-oriented GaAs ridge QWRs was attempted on pre-patterned (001) substrates. Arrow-head shaped GaAs QWRs were selectively formed on the top (I 13)A facets of GaAs ridge structures. The underlying growth mechanism was clarified, and based on this, the wire width could be kinetically controlled by the growth process.
  • Prospects of III-V quantum LSIs based on hexagonal BDD approach
    Seiya Kasai, Taketomo Sato, Hideki Hasegawa
    2003 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, ISDRS 2003 - Proceedings, 482, 483, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, Explosive growth of intemets and wireless telephones starting in the late 20th century has opened up prospects towards an advanced ubiquitous network society. This also opens up new directions in the device research in addition to the continued efforts of scale down of Si CMOS device along the roadmap.
  • Electrochemical formation of self-assembled InP nanopore arrays and their use as templates for molecular beam epitaxy growth of InGaAs quantum wires and dots
    T Hirano, A Ito, T Sato, F Ishikawa, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, Attempts were made to optimize the parameters of the electrochemical process to form uniform nanopore arrays and utilize them as templates for molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of InP-based quantum wires and quantum dots. Template parameters such as pore depth, diameter and period were strongly dependent on anodization conditions. In particular, in the pulsed anodization mode, the pore depth could be well controlled in the nanometer range by adjusting the number of the applied pulses. InGaAs MBE growth was attempted using the nanopore templates. Growth of InGaAs in pores occurred at a substantial depth of about 20-60 nm. The measured photoluminescence (PL) spectra had a new peak at about 1.2 eV in addition to the PL emission from the InP substrate and that from the InGaAs top layer. The new peak was tentatively assigned to the peak arising from InGaAs quantum wire arrays embedded in InP pores with a possible alloy composition change.
  • Fabrication of GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wires and Quantum Network Structures using MBE selective growth.
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 101, 617(ED2001 224-231), 15, 20, 28 Jan. 2002
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Fabrication of porous InP structure by Electrochemical Process and itsApplication.
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 101, 617(ED2001 224-231), 49, 54, 28 Jan. 2002
    Japanese, Symposium
  • MBE選択成長法によるGaAs/AlGaAs量子細線の形成とその結合ネットワークへの応用               
    電子情報通信学会研究会技術研究報告, ED2001, 101/617, 15, 20, 2002
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Selective MBE growth of GaAs/AlGaAs nanowires on patterned GaAs (001) substrates and its application to hexagonal nanowire network formation
    T Sato, Tamai, I, C Jiang, H Hasegawa
    COMPOUND SEMICONDUCTORS 2001, 170, 170, 325, 330, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Feasibility of formation of GaAs/AlGaAs hexagonal nanowire networks by selective MBE growth on patterned (001) substrates is investigated. First, the process for forming <(1) over bar 10>-oriented straight QWR arrays is studied and optimized with respect to wire shape, size and uniformity. SEM and PL studies showed that arrow-head shaped GaAs nanowires can be formed on the top of (113) AlGaAs ridge with excellent size controllability and high uniformity. Feasibility study of hexagonal nanowire network formation by combining different pattern orientations has shown combination of <(1) over bar 10>- and <510>- directions is most promising.
  • Selective MBE Growth of <-110>- and <510>- Oriented GaAs Ridge Quantum Wires on Patterned (001) Substrates for Formation of Hexagonal Nanowire Networks               
    Sato Taketomo, Tamai Isao, Jiang Chao, Hasegawa Hideki
    The Second International Workshop on Quantum Nonplanar Nanostructures & Nanoelectronics, 283, 286, 2002
    English, International conference proceedings
  • 電気化学的手法によるInPポーラス構造の形成と応用               
    HIRANO Tetsuro, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    電子情報通信学会研究会技術研究報告, ED2001, 101-617/, 49, 54, 2002
    Japanese, Symposium
  • 電気化学プロセスによるInPポーラス構造の形成とその応用(2)
    平野哲郎, 佐藤威友, 伊藤章, 石川史太郎, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 62nd, 3, 1059, 11 Sep. 2001
  • Current transport and capacitance-voltage characteristics of GaAs and InP nanometer-sized Schottky contacts formed by in situ electrochemical process
    T Sato, S Kasai, H Hasegawa
    APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 175, 181, 186, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, May 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The electrical properties of nanometer-sized Schottky contacts which were successfully formed on n-GaAs and n-InP substrates by a combination of an electrochemical process and an electron-beam (EB) lithography. were characterized both experimentally and theoretically. The detailed I-ri measurements using a conductive AFM system showed nonlinear log I-ii characteristics with large n value in range of 1.2-2.0 which cannot be explained by a standard 1D thermionic emission model. A computer simulation showed that this nonlinear characteristics can be explained by a new 3D thermionic emission model where Fermi-level pinning on the surrounding free surface modifies the potential distribution underneath the nano-contact. Calculation of C-V characteristics showed an extremely small change of the depletion layer width with bias due to the environmental Fermi-level pinning. On the other hand, it was also found that Fermi-level pinning at the metal-semiconductor interface itself is greatly reduced, resulting in a strong dependence of barrier height on the metal workfunction. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 電気化学プロセスによるInPポーラス構造の形成とその応用
    平野哲郎, 佐藤威友, 伊藤章, 石川史太郎, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 48th, 3, 1378, 28 Mar. 2001
  • Electrical properties of nanometer-sized Schottky contacts for gate control of III-V single electron devices and quantum devices
    T Sato, S Kasai, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, The electrical properties of nanometer-sized Schottky contacts formed on n-GaAs and n-InP substrates by an in situ electrochemical process were studied both experimentally and theoretically to understand and improve their gate control behavior in single electron devices and quantum devices. From the current-voltage (I-V) measurements using a conductive atomic force microscope (AFM) system, the nano-Schottky contacts showed nonlinear log I-V characteristics with large and voltage-dependent n values which cannot be explained by the 1D thermionic emission model. The behavior was explained by a novel 3D thermionic emission model including 3D potential distribution modified by an environmental Fermi-level pinning. The depletion characteristics were calculated on the basis of the new model including the environmental effects. The results showed small changes of the depletion layer width with a bias underneath the nano-Schottky contacts due to the environmental Fermi-level pinning. Control of Fermi-level pinning is thus crucial to obtain nano devices in the quantum regime that exhibit good behavior.
  • Electrical properties of nanometer-sized Schottky contacts for gate control of III-V single electron devices and quantum devices
    T Sato, S Kasai, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, The electrical properties of nanometer-sized Schottky contacts formed on n-GaAs and n-InP substrates by an in situ electrochemical process were studied both experimentally and theoretically to understand and improve their gate control behavior in single electron devices and quantum devices. From the current-voltage (I-V) measurements using a conductive atomic force microscope (AFM) system, the nano-Schottky contacts showed nonlinear log I-V characteristics with large and voltage-dependent n values which cannot be explained by the 1D thermionic emission model. The behavior was explained by a novel 3D thermionic emission model including 3D potential distribution modified by an environmental Fermi-level pinning. The depletion characteristics were calculated on the basis of the new model including the environmental effects. The results showed small changes of the depletion layer width with a bias underneath the nano-Schottky contacts due to the environmental Fermi-level pinning. Control of Fermi-level pinning is thus crucial to obtain nano devices in the quantum regime that exhibit good behavior.
  • Effects of surface fermi level pinning and surface state charging on control characteristics of nanometer scale Schottky gates formed on GaAs
    A Kameda, S Kasai, T Sato, H Hasegawa
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Electrochemical formation of self-assembled nanopore arrays as templates for MBE growth of InP-based quantum wires and dots
    T Hirano, A Ito, T Sato, F Ishikawa, H Hasegawa
    English, International conference proceedings, In this study, attempts were made to optimize the parameters of the electrochemical process to form uniform nanopore arrays in order to utilize them as templates for MBE growth of InP-based quantum wires and quantum dots. Template parameters such as the pore depth, diameter and period were strongly dependent on anodization conditions. Especially, in the pulsed anodization mode, the pore depth could be well controlled in the nanometer range by changing the number of the applied pulses. InGaAs MBE growth was attempted using the nanopore templates. Growth of InGaAs in pores took place into a substantial depth of about 100-200 nm. The measured PL spectrum had a new peak at about 1.2 eV in addition to the PL emission from the InP substrate and that of InGaAs top layer. The new peak was tentatively assigned to be from InGaAs quantum wire arrays embedded in InP pores with a possible alloy composition change.
  • Unpinning of Fermi level in nanometer-sized Schottky contacts on GaAs and InP
    H Hasegawa, T Sato, S Kasai
    APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 166, 1-4, 92, 96, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Oct. 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Transport properties of two types of electrochemically produced nanometer-sized GaAs and InP Schottky contacts were investigated. One is macroscopic contacts containing many nano-dots and the other is isolated single-dot contacts. Macroscopic contacts showed near ideal thermionic emission characteristics with ideality factors close to unity. I-V characteristics of single nano-dor, contacts directly measured by a conductive AFM probe showed nonlinear log I-V behavior with large and voltage-dependent ideality factors. The latter was explained by potential profile modification due to Fermi level pinning on surrounding free surfaces. Both types of contacts indicated that Fermi level pinning disappears as the dot size is reduced, indicating that strong Fermi level pinning is not intrinsic to Schottky contacts. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Electrical properties of nanometer-sized Schottky contacts on n-GaAs and n-InP formed by in situ electrochemical process
    T Sato, S Kasai, H Okada, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, The current transport characteristics of nanometer-sized Schottky contacts were investigated from theoretical and experimental viewpoints. A theoretical calculation of the three dimensional (3D) potential distributions showed that the potential shape underneath the nano-Schottky contacts was considerably modified by the surface Fermi level pinning on the air exposed free surfaces, producing a saddle point in the potential. The curl ent-voltage (I-V) curves were strongly influenced by this saddle point potential and resulted in nonlinear log I-V characteristics. Experimentally, the Pt nano-particles were selectively formed using the in situ electrochemical process on n-type GaAs and n-type InP substrates patterned using electron-beam (EB) lithography. Their I-V measurements were carried out using an atomic force microscopy (AFM) system equipped with a conductive probe. The log I-V curves of the nano-Schottky contacts showed nonlinear characteristics with large n values of 1.96 for n-GaAs and 1.27 for n-InP and could be very well explained by the theoretical I-V curves considering the "environmental" Fermi level pinning.
  • Electrochemical formation of uniform and straight nano-pore arrays on (001) InP surfaces and their photoluminescence characterizations
    H Fujikura, AM Liu, A Hamamatsu, T Sato, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, Recently, (001)-oriented nanometer-sized pores (nano-pores) without side branches, unlike porous Si, have been realized by our group on (001) n-InP surfaces by means of electrochemical anodization in 1M HCl solution. However, they exhibit large structural nonuniformity including the presence of an irregular top layer, random pore positioning and wavy pore walls. In this study, attempts have been made to improve pore uniformity and to clarify their optical properties. Anodization in 1M HCl + HNO3 solution realized highly uniform nano-pore arrays consisting of square-shaped straight pores defined by four crystalline (011) facets. This improvement is explained in terms of preferential etching along the vertical (001)-direction at the pore tip due to the slow etching rate along the lateral (011)-direction as well as the uniform supply of reactant species to pore tips realized by the removal of the irregular top layer during the anodization process. The nano-pore arrays show strong blue- and red-shifted photoluminescence emissions at high and low temperatures, respectively. These are assigned as emissions due to the transition between electron and hole quantum states inside the pore walls and that involving a broad surface state continuum at pore wall surfaces, respectively.
  • Electrical Characterization on Nano-Schottky Contacts Fabricated Using the Electrochemical Process.
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 99, 616(ED99 306-318), 79, 84, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 10 Feb. 2000
    Japanese, Symposium, The current transport characteristics of nanometer-sized Schottky contacts were investigated from theoretical and experimental viewpoints. A theoretical calculation of the 3D potential distributions has shown that the potential shape underneath the nano-Schottky contacts is greatly modified by the surface Fermi level pinning on the air exposed free surfaces. This leads to non-linear log I-V characteristics which are different from a standard thermionic emission characteristics obtained on the macro-Schottky contacts. On the other hand, the Pt nano-particles were selectively formed using the in situ electrochemical process, their I-V measurements were made using an conductive AFM system. The log I-V curves of the nano-Schottky contacts showed non-linear characteristics and could be very well explained by the theoretical I-V curves considering the "environmental" Fermi level pinning.
  • Self-assembled formation of InP nanopore arrays by electrochemical anodization
    H Fujikura, AM Liu, T Sato, T Hirano, H Hasegawa
    English, International conference proceedings, High density, uniform arrays of (001)-oriented straight nanopores were successfully formed on (001) n-InP surfaces in a self-assembled fashion by electrochemical anodization in 1M HCl + HNO3 solution. Unlike porous Si, the pores do not have side branches and possessed nearly equal-sized square-shapes defined by four crystalline flat (110) facets. Preferential etching along vertical (001)-direction due to slow etching rates on (110) side facets may be responsible for formation of such a uniform structure. At low temperature, the nanopore arrays showed strong red-shifted photoluminescence (PL) emission probably due to a transition involving a broad surface state continuum at the pore wall surfaces. On the other hand, a strong blue-shifted PL emission was observed at room temperature, confirming presence of quantum size effect in the pore walls as expected from the structural observations.
  • Properties of nanometer-sized metal-semiconductor interfaces of GaAs and InP formed by an in situ electrochemical process
    H Hasegawa, T Sato, C Kaneshiro
    JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 17, 4, 1856, 1866, AMER INST PHYSICS, Jul. 1999, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The properties of GaAs and InP Schottky diodes having nanometer-sized metal dots were investigated in order to clarify whether or not strong Fermi level pinning is an intrinsic property of the metal-semiconductor interface. Macroscopic Schottky diode samples having many nanometer-sized metal dots as well as single-dot Schottky diode samples were prepared by an in situ electrochemical process which consisted of pulsed anodic etching of the semiconductors followed by subsequent de or pulsed cathodic deposition of the metal. Strong Fermi level pinning was not seen in the GaAs and InP macroscopic samples. The Schottky barrier height SBH values were strongly dependent on the metal work function and on the electrochemical processing conditions. Of particular interest, the difference in the dot size changed the SBH almost 340 meV in Pt/InP macroscopic Schottky diodes, indicating that Fermi level pinning disappears as the dot size is sufficiently reduced. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman measurements indicated that these interfaces are oxide and stress free. Use of an atomic force microscope with a conductive probe allowed direct I-V measurements on single-dot samples. The metal work function and dot size dependencies of the SBHs in these samples were similar to those in macroscopic samples. Large ideality factors observed in the single-dot sample were explained in terms of environmental Fermi level pinning which produces a saddle point potential. The metal work function dependence of the SBHs measured as well as the relationship between the SBH and the ideality factor were both far from what was found in recent predictions based on the metal-induced gap state model. All the experimental results were consistently explained by the disorder-induced gap state model which asserts that strong Fermi level pinning is an extrinsic property of the metal-semiconductor interface. (C) 1999 American Vacuum Society. [S0734-211X(99)04704-6].
  • Fabrication of Nano-Schottky Contacts on Compound Semiconductor by Pulsed Mode Electrochemical Process and Its Characterization.
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 99, 21(ED99 1-10), 39, 44, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 22 Apr. 1999
    Japanese, Symposium, Nanometer-sized Schottky contacts were successfully formed on InP and related materials by combining an in situ electrochemical process and a standard electron beam (EB) lithography. At the initial stage of the optimized electrochemical process, uniform Pt particles with diameter of 26 nm were formed in a self-assembled fashion on unmasked n-InP subdtrates, and this led to a highest Schottky barrier heights (SBHs) of 0.86 eV Under this optimized condition, a mushroom type Pt gate could be formed on EB patterned n-InAlAs substrates. Furthermore, regular arrays of Pt dot with a diameter of 30nm were selectively fabricated Within open circular windows. l-V characteridtics measured using a conductive atomic force microscopy (AFM) tip indicated that a single Pt dot formed a wel1-behaved nanometer Schottky contact.
  • Formation of size- and position-controlled nanometer size Pt dots on GaAs and InP substrates by pulsed electrochemical deposition
    T Sato, C Kaneshiro, H Okada, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, Attempts were made to form regular arrays of size- and position-controlled Pt-dots on GaAs and InP by combining an ir? situ electrochemical process with the electron beam (EB) lithography. This utilizes the precipitation of Pt nano-particles at the initial stage of electrodeposition. First, electrochemical conditions were optimized in the mode of self-assembled dot array formation on unpatterned substrates. Minimum in-plane dot diameters of 22 nm and 26 nm on GaAs and InP. respectively, were obtained under the optimal pulsed mode. Then, Pt dots were selectively formed on patterned substrates with open circular windows formed by EB lithography, thereby realizing dot-position control. The Pt dot was round to have been deposited at the center of each open window, and the in-plane diameter of the dot could be controlled by the number, width and period of the pulse-waveform applied to substrates. A minimum diameter of 20 nm was realized in windows with a diameter of 100 nm, using a single pulse. Current-voltage (I-V) measurements using an atomic force microscopy (AFM) system with a conductive probe indicated that each Pt dot/n-GaAs contact possessed a high Schottky barrier height of about 1 eV.
  • The strong correlation between interface microstructure and barrier height in Pt/n-InP Schottky contacts formed by an in situ electrochemical process
    T Sato, C Kaneshiro, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, In order to investigate the correlation between the microstructure of a metal/semiconductor (M/S) interface and the Schottky barrier height (SBH), Pt Schottky contacts were formed on n-type InP by an in situ electrochemical process under various electrochemical conditions; they were then investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements. Electrodeposition resulted in the formation of arrays of nanometer-sized Pt particles whose distribution strongly depended on electrochemical conditions. The SBH values exhibited a strong correlation with the particle distribution, leading to a high SBH value of 0.86 eV under the condition of the most uniform distribution of the smallest particles. The result is discussed from the viewpoint of the disorder-induced gap state (DIGS) model.
  • Electrochemical etching of indium phosphide surfaces studied by voltammetry and scanned probe microscopes
    C Kaneshiro, T Sato, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, Using voltammetry, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), in situ electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), ex situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) measurements, electrochemical etching modes for n-InP surfaces were investigated and optimized for uniform and controlled etching in an HCl electrolyte. The voltammograms indicated the presence of active and passive regions. The surfaces obtained in the active region were clean and featureless with an rms roughness of 1.8 nm. On the other hand, the oxide cove:red surfaces obtained in the passive region were nonuniform and porous. Etching characteristics of the d.c. photo-anodic mode and the pulsed avalanche mode were then investigated and compared. Both modes were found to be highly controllable and produced uniform and clean surfaces, consuming eight holes per molecule of InP. In particular, the pulsed avalanche etching mode realized an extremely high etch depth controllability of 3 x 10(-5) nm/pulse.
  • Realization of strongly metal-dependent Schottky barrier heights on n-GaAs by in situ electrochemical process
    C Kaneshiro, T Sato, H Hasegawa
    COMPOUND SEMICONDUCTORS 1998, 162, 585, 590, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 1999, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, K Ni, Co and Sn Schottky barriers were formed on n-GaAs by an in situ electrochemical process which consists of anodic etching and subsequent metal deposition in the same electrolyte. All the fabricated diodes showed nearly ideal thermionic emission transport. The Schottky barrier heights were found to be strongly dependent on the metal work function, giving a large value of slope factor of S=0.18-0.55. The result was far away from the recent prediction based on MIGS model. Based on SEM/AFK XPS and Raman measurements, the result was explained by the DIGS model.
  • GaAs-based single electron logic and memory devices using electrodeposited nanometer Schottky gates
    Hiroshi Okada, Taketomo Sato, Kei-ichiroh Jinushi, Hideki Hasegawa
    Microelectronic Engineering, 47, 1-4, 285, 287, 1999
  • Formation of Size- and Position-Controlled Nanometer Size Pt Dots on GaAs and InP Substrates by Pulsed Electrochemical Deposition
    SATO Taketomo, KANESHIRO Chinami, OKADA Hiroshi, HASEGAWA Hideki
    Extended abstracts of the ... Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 1998, 74, 75, 07 Sep. 1998
  • Formation and control of Schottky contacts on compound semiconductors by in situ electrochemical process.
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 98, 185(ED98 84-97), 55, 60, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 22 Jul. 1998
    Japanese, Symposium, Well-controlled Schottky contacts were successfully formed on compound semiconductors, such as GaAs, Inp and GaN, by an in situ electrochemical process. The fabricated diodes showed nearly ideal thermionic emission transport characteristics. In the initial stage of metal deposition, metal particles with a size of 20-30nm were formed on semiconductor surfaces. This process can realize oxide-, defect-, and stress-free metal-semiconductor interfaces, and Schottky barrier heights were found to be strongly dependent on metal workfunction.
  • Fabrication of the Metal dot array by Electrochemical Process.
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 98, 184(ED98 76-83), 21, 26, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 21 Jul. 1998
    Japanese, Symposium, Pt dot arrays were formed on n-GaAs by combining the electrochemical process with the electron-beam(EB) lithoghography. In order to define dot positions, dot-array windows were patterned on GaAs by EB lithography. It is possible to form the metal particles on only the opened areas of EB patterned substrates, thereby realizing precise dot-positions control. In this study, Pt particles with a diameter of 20nm could be formed in the center of each naked GaAs surface patterned with a period of 200nm. In the measurements by the AFM system with conductive probes, I-V characteristics of each Pt dots/n-GaAs contact showed rectifying behavior due to Schottky barrier formation.
  • Strong correlation between interface microstructure and barrier height in N-InP Schottky contacts formed by in situ electrochemical process
    T Sato, C Kaneshiro, H Hasegawa
    English, International conference proceedings, InP and related materials are attractive materials for high speed electronic and optoelectronic devices. Technologically, well-controllable metal/semiconductor (M/S) interface with high Schottky barrier heights (SBHs) in nano-scale are required for the realizability and the high reliability of nano-scaled electronic devices. However, metal/n-InP contacts generally produces low SBH values of typically about 450meV. SBH values can not be increased by using contact metals with large workfunctions due to so-called Fermi-level pinning. In contrast to this, we have recently shown that the SBH value of the Pt/n-InP contacts can be increased up to 860meV[1] by using an in situ pulsed electrochemical process. This process has also been shown to be useful for the Schottky gate formation for MESFETs and HEMTs[2,3].
    The purpose of this paper is to optimize the electrochemical process for high SBHs by investigating the correlation between the microstructures of metal/n-InP interfaces having nano-scale metal particles and the SBHs.
  • Highly controllable electrochemical etching of InP studied by voltammetry and scanned probe microscope
    C Kaneshiro, T Sato, H Hasegawa
    English, International conference proceedings, Electrochemical etching of n-InP surfaces is studied by using voltammetry, XPS, in situ electrochemical STM, ex situ AFM and SEM measurements in order to characterize and optimize the etching process. The voltammograms indicated occurrence of the active-passive transition. The surfaces etched by the optimal anodic condition were clean and featureless with an rms roughness of 2.5 nm, whereas the surfaces obtained in the passive region were porous. The optimum avalanche pulse etching mode realized an extremely high etch depth controllability of 6 x 10(-5) nm/pulse.
  • Electrochemical formation and characterization of Schottky in-plane and wrap gate structures for realization of GaAs- and InP-based quantum wires and dots
    H Hasegawa, T Sato, H Okada, K Jinushi, S Kasai, Y Satoh
    APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 123, 335, 338, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Jan. 1998, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, In order to realize high temperature operating quantum devices, this paper attempts to form nm-size Schottky in-plane gate (IPG) and wrap gate (WPG) structures on GaAs- and InP-based nanostructures by an in-situ electrochemical process. Pulsed electrodeposition of Pt was found to be optimal, realizing nearly pinning-free high Schottky barrier heights as well as fine and highly uniform nm-size grains with minimal stress. Using the optimized process, quantum wire transistors and single electron transistors were successfully realized on GaAs etched 2DEG bars and on MBE grown InGaAs ridge quantum wires. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
  • Control of Schottky Barrier Heights on Indium Phosphite-Based Materials by In-Situ Electrochemical Process and Its Mechanism.
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 97, 158(ED97 65-74), 13, 18, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 14 Jul. 1997
    Japanese, Symposium, Well-controlled Schottky barriers were successfully formed on InP-based materials by a novel in-situ electrochemical process. The Pt contacts by this process realized oxide-, defect- and stress-free Schottky interfaces, resulting in substantially increased Schottky barrier heights (SBHs) of 0.86eV, 0.50eV and 0.89eV for n-InP, n-InAlAs and n-InGaAs, respectively. The mechanism of the SBH enhancement was explained by the disorder induced gap state (DIGS) model.
  • Evolution mechanism of nearly pinning-free platinum/n-type indium phosphide interface with a high Schottky barrier height by in situ electrochemical process
    H Hasegawa, T Sato, T Hashizume
    JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 15, 4, 1227, 1235, AMER INST PHYSICS, Jul. 1997, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Recently, unusually high Schottky barrier heights (SBHs) have been realized by our group on n-type InP and related materials by an in situ electrochemical deposition of Pt. In an attempt to understand the underlying mechanism of the SBH enhancement, this article investigates in detail the evolution process of the metal (Pt, Ni, Co, and Ag)-InP interface during the in situ electrochemical process, using current-voltage, capacitance voltage, deep level transient spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman, atomic force microscope, and scanning electron microscope measurements. Pt deposition by the electrochemical process realized an oxide-free, defect-free, stress-free, and nearly pinning-free interface, whereas Pt deposition by conventional electron beam evaporation and sputtering processes as well as Ag, Ni, and Co deposition by the electrochemical process gave rise to stressed and pinned interfaces. The observed large process dependence of SBH can be explained by none of the metal induced gap state model, the unified defect model, and the effective workfunction model. It is explained here by the disorder induced gap state model. (C) 1997 American Vacuum Society.
  • Large Schottky barrier heights on indium phosphide-based materials realized by in-situ electrochemical process
    T Sato, S Uno, T Hashizume, H Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, Pt Schottky barriers were formed on InP-based materials by a novel in-situ, electrochemical process. electrical characteristics, surfaces and interfaces of the Schottky diodes were investigated by current-voltage (IV), capacitance-voltage (C-V), deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements. The mechanism for increasing the Schottky barrier heights (SBH) was explained in terms of possible ordered interface formation from the viewpoint of the disorder induced gap state (DIGS) model.
  • Formation of pinning-free Schottky barriers on InP and related materials by novel in-situ electrochemical process and its mechanism
    T Sato, H Hasegawa
    English, International conference proceedings, Recently the so-called InP-based materials such as InP, In0.52Al0.48As and In0.53Ga0.47As have become important materials for high speed electronic and optoelectronic devices. A common drawback of these materials is, however, that Schottky barrier heights (SBHs) on n-type materials are generally low. Typical SBH values are 0.45eV, 0.60eV and 0.20eV for n-InP, In0.52Al0.48As and In0.53Ga0.47As, respectively. Technologically low SBH values are problematic and impose severe limitations on the realizability of MESFETs and MSM photoditectors, and performance and reliability of HEMTs. In an attempt to overcome this difficulty, we have recently found that the SBH value of the Pt/n-InP Schottky diode can be increased up to 0.86 eV by using a novel in-situ electrochemical process,[1] and have succeeded in realization of well-behaved InP MESFETs[2] for the first time.
    The purpose of the present paper is further to understand and optimize the electrochemical process in view of its possible application to formation of fine Schottky gate electrodes for InP-based HEMTs utilizing InAlAs/InGaA s/InAlAs/InP heterostructures. First, electrodeposition conditions and metal selection were optimized for InP for higher SBHs. Then, applicability of the electrochemical process for formation of Schottky gate was confirmed directly on HEMT wafers. Finally, the possible mechanism for the observed SBH increase is briefly discussed.
  • High Schottky Barrier Formation on Indium Phosphide-Based Materials by In-Situ Electrochemical Process.
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 96, 352(ED96 112-119), 9, 15, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 08 Nov. 1996
    Japanese, Symposium, Pt Schottky barriers were formed on InP-based materials by a novel in-situ electrochemical process. The electrical characteristics, surfaces and interfaces of the Schottky diodes were investigated by I-V, C-V, DLTS and AFM measurements. The Schottky Barrier heights (SBHs) formed by this electrochemical process were much higher than those formed by the electron-beam (EB) deposition process. The mechanism for increase of SBH was explained by the disorder induced gap state (DIGS) model.
  • Enhancement of Schottky Barrier Heights on Indium Phosphide-Based Materials by In-Situ Electrochemical Process and Its Mechanism
    SATO Taketomo, UNO Shouichi, HASHIZUME Tamotsu, HASEGAWA Hideki
    Extended abstracts of the ... Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 1996, 106, 108, 26 Aug. 1996
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Fabrication of high-performance InP MESFETs with in-situ pulse-plated metal gates
    S Uno, T Hashizume, T Sato, H Hasegawa
    English, International conference proceedings

Other Activities and Achievements

Books and other publications

  • 半導体製造におけるウェット/ドライエッチング               
    株)ISTL 礒部, 服部コンサルティングインターナショナル 服部, 毅, グロスバーグ合同会社, 大山, 聡, 式田 光宏, アドヒージョン(株, 河合 晃, サムコ(株, 中野 博彦, サムコ(株, 扇谷 浩通, 浜口, 智志, 豊田 紀章, 唐橋 一浩, 江利口 浩二, 寒川, 誠二, 株, 日立製作所, 篠田 和典, 佐藤 威友, 有馬, 健太, 第4章第3節GaNの光電気化学(PEC)エッチング
    (株)R&D支援センター, Oct. 2022, 9784905507611, [Contributor]
  • Lateral Alignment of Epitaxial Quantum Dots               
    HASEGAWA Hideki, SATO Taketomo, KASAI Seiya, 24 Large-Scale Integration of Quantum Dot Devices on MBE-Based Quantum Wire Networks
    Springer, 2007, [Contributor]

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Self-terminating photo-electrochemical (PEC) etching for recessed-gate fabrication on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs               
    Takuya Togashi, Kosaku Ito, Taketomo Sato
    2022 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2022), English, Oral presentation
    26 Sep. 2022 - 29 Sep. 2022
  • Mgドープp-GaNを用いたMOS構造のC-V特性に対する光電気化学エッチングの効果               
    忽滑谷 崇秀, 玉村 祐也, 久保 広大, 佐藤 威友, 赤澤 正道
    第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, Japanese, Poster presentation
    20 Sep. 2022 - 23 Sep. 2022
  • 光電気化学(PEC)エッチングの自己停止とAlGaN/GaN HEMTのゲートリセス加工               
    富樫 拓也, 伊藤 滉朔, 越智 亮太, 佐藤 威友
    第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, Japanese, Poster presentation
    20 Sep. 2022 - 23 Sep. 2022
  • n型及びp型GaN表面の電気化学的評価               
    高津 海, 久保 広太, 佐藤 威友
    第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, Japanese, Poster presentation
    20 Sep. 2022 - 23 Sep. 2022
  • n-GaN加工表面に対するコンタクトレス光電気化学(CL-PEC)エッチング (2)               
    大澤 由斗, 大神 洸貴, 越智 亮太, 堀切 文正, 福原 昇, 佐藤 威友
    第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, Japanese, Poster presentation
    20 Sep. 2022 - 23 Sep. 2022
  • Effect of parallel conduction on the current linearity of AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs               
    Ryota Ochi, Tamotsu Hashizume, Taketomo Sato
    14th Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics (TWHM2022), English, Oral presentation
    29 Aug. 2022 - 01 Sep. 2022
  • Contactless-Photoelectrochemical (CL-PEC) etching on process-damaged n-GaN surface               
    Yoshito Osawa, Hiroki Ogami, Masachika Toguchi, Fumimasa Horikiri, Noboru Fukuhara, Taketomo Sato
    14th Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics (TWHM2022), English, Oral presentation
    29 Aug. 2022 - 01 Sep. 2022
  • 電気化学反応を利用した窒化ガリウムのウェットエッチングと機能性材料               
    佐藤威友, 渡久地 政周
    電子情報通信学会電子デバイス研究会, Japanese, Oral presentation
    27 May 2022
  • n-GaN加工損傷面に対するコンタクトレス光電気化学(CL-PEC)エッチング               
    大神洸貴, 大澤由斗, 渡久地政周, 堀切文正, 福原昇, 佐藤威友
    第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, Japanese
    22 Mar. 2022 - 26 Mar. 2022
  • AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTsにおけるパラレル伝導評価               
    越智亮太, 橋詰保, 佐藤 威友
    第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, Oral presentation
    22 Mar. 2022 - 26 Mar. 2022
  • Fabrication of Recessed-gate AlGaN/GaN HEMTs by Low-Damage Contactless Photo-Electrochemical Etching               
    M. Toguchi, K. Miwa, F. Horikiri, N. Fukuhara, Y. Narita, O. Ichikawa, R. Isono, T. Tanaka, T. Sato
    4th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials, English, Invited oral presentation
    06 Mar. 2022 - 10 Mar. 2022, [Invited]
  • 低損傷コンタクトレス光電気化学エッチングを利用したリセスゲーAlGaN/GaN HEMTsの作製               
    渡久地 政周, 三輪 和希, 堀切 文正, 福原 昇, 成田 好伸, 市川 磨, 磯野 僚多, 田中 丈士, 佐藤 威友
    電子情報通信学会電子デバイス研究会, Japanese, Oral presentation
    25 Nov. 2021 - 26 Nov. 2021
  • 光電気化学エッチング法を用いたAlGaInN/AlGaN HFETの作製               
    伊藤 滉朔, 小松裕斗, 渡久地 政周, 井上暁喜, 田中さくら, 三好実人, 佐藤 威友
    電子情報通信学会電子デバイス研究会, Japanese, Oral presentation
    25 Nov. 2021 - 26 Nov. 2021
  • HfSiOx-gate AlGaN/GaN MOS HEMTs with improved operation stability               
    R. Ochi, T. Nabatame, T. Hashizume, T. Sato
    2021 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, English, Oral presentation
    06 Sep. 2021 - 09 Sep. 2021
  • 光電気化学エッチング法を用いたAlGaInN/AlGaNリセスゲートHFETの作製               
    伊藤滉朔, 小松裕斗, 渡久地政周, 井上暁喜, 三好実人, 佐藤威友
    第68回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, Japanese, Oral presentation
    16 Mar. 2021 - 19 Mar. 2021
  • コンタクトレス光電気化学エッチングによるリセスゲートAlGaN/GaN HEMT の作製               
    渡久地政周, 三輪和希, 堀切文正, 福原昇, 成田好伸, 吉田丈洋, 佐藤威友
    第68回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, Japanese, Oral presentation
    16 Mar. 2021 - 19 Mar. 2021
  • Precise control in threshold voltage of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs utilizing a photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching               
    T. Sato, M. Toguchi, K. Itoh, T. Hashizume
    The 8th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-8), English
    01 Mar. 2021 - 03 Mar. 2021
  • Recessed-gate AlGaN/GaN HEMTs fabricated by photo-electrochemical (PEC) etching               
    T. Sato, T. Hashizume
    Virtual Workshop on Materials Science and Advanced Electronics Created by Singularity, English, Oral presentation
    01 Feb. 2021 - 03 Feb. 2021
  • Cathode-electrode on photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching for n-GaN on n+GaN substrate               
    福原昇, 堀切文正, 渡久地政周, 三輪和希, 大神洸貴, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2021
    2021 - 2021
  • 半導体ナノ構造を利用した高感度化学センサの開発(依頼講演)               
    第6回北海道大学部局横断シンポジウム, 19 Oct. 2020, Japanese, Public symposium
  • Fabrication of Recessed-Gate AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Utilizing Contactless Photo-Electrochemical (CLPEC) Etching               
    M. Toguchi, K. Miwa, F. Horikiri, N. Fukuhara, Y. Narita, O. Ichikawa, R. Isono, T. Tanaka, T. Sato
    2020 Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science (PRiME 2020), English, Oral presentation
    04 Oct. 2020 - 09 Oct. 2020
  • Photo-Electrochemical Etching and Porosification of III-Nitride Semiconductors (Invited)               
    T. Sato, M. Toguchi
    2020 Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science (PRiME 2020), English, Invited oral presentation
    04 Oct. 2020 - 09 Oct. 2020, [Invited]
  • GaN Wet Etching Process for HEMT Devices (invited)               
    F. Horikiri, N. Fukuhara, M. Toguchi, T. Sato
    International symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials, English, Invited oral presentation
    08 Mar. 2020 - 11 Mar. 2020, [Invited]
  • Characterization of ICP-RIE-processed n-GaN surface using an electrochemical method               
    武田健太郎, 山田真嗣, 山田真嗣, 渡久地政周, 加地徹, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2020
    2020 - 2020
  • Thermal assisted contactless photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching for GaN               
    堀切文正, 福原昇, 太田博, 浅井直美, 成田好伸, 吉田丈洋, 三島友義, 渡久地政周, 三輪和希, 大神洸貴, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2020
    2020 - 2020
  • Thermal-assisted generation of sulfate radicals for contactless photo electrochemical (PEC) etching of n-GaN               
    三輪和希, 大神洸貴, 渡久地政周, 堀切文正, 福原昇, 成田好伸, 吉田丈洋, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2020
    2020 - 2020
  • 電気めっき法によるGaNへのPt電極の形成と電気特性評価               
    小原康, 島内道人, 佐藤威友, 本久順一
    応用物理学会北海道支部/日本光学会北海道支部合同学術講演会講演予稿集, 2020
    2020 - 2020
  • Simple Photoelectrochemical Etching for Recess Gate GaN HEMT               
    堀切文正, 福原昇, 渡久地政周, 三輪和希, 成田好伸, 市川磨, 磯野僚多, 田中丈士, 佐藤威友
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 2020
    2020 - 2020
  • Simple Photoelectrochemical Etching of GaN for RF Application               
    F. Horikiri, N. Fukuhara, Y. Narita, T. Yoshida, M. Toguchi, K. Miwa, T. Sato
    Materials Research Meeting 2019, English
    10 Dec. 2019 - 14 Dec. 2019
  • Contactless Photoelectrochemical Etching of n-GaN in K2S2O8 solution               
    M. Toguchi, K. Miwa, F. Horikiri, N. Fukuhara, Y. Narita, T. Yoshida, T. Sato
    Materials Research Meeting 2019, English, Poster presentation
    10 Dec. 2019 - 14 Dec. 2019
  • Precise Control in Threshold Voltage of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs by Photoelectrochemical Etching               
    Y. Komatsu, M. Toguchi, T. Sato
    Materials Research Meeting 2019, English, Poster presentation
    10 Dec. 2019 - 14 Dec. 2019
  • Fabrication of GaN nanowires by wet processes using electrodeless photo-assisted electro- chemical etching and alkaline solution treatment               
    M. Shimauchi, K. Miwa, M. Toguchi, T. Sato, J. Motohisa
    The 9th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors, English, Poster presentation
    10 Nov. 2019 - 15 Nov. 2019
  • Evaluation of Radical Production Rate from S2O82- ions for GaN Etching               
    M. Toguchi, K. Miwa, F. Horikiri, N. Fukuhara, Y. Narita, T. Yoshida, T. Sato
    The 9th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors, English, Poster presentation
    10 Nov. 2019 - 15 Nov. 2019
  • Simple Photoelectrochemical Etching for GaN HEMT Application               
    F. Horikiri, N. Fukuhara, Y. Narita, T. Yoshida, M. Toguchi, K. Miwa, T. Sato
    The 9th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap SemiconductorsThe 9th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors, English, Poster presentation
    10 Nov. 2019 - 15 Nov. 2019
  • Precise control in recessed-gate etching for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs by utilizing photo- electrochemical reactions               
    Y. Komatsu, M. Toguchi, T. Sato
    The 9th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors, English, Poster presentation
    10 Nov. 2019 - 15 Nov. 2019
  • Wet Etching of III-V Compound Semiconductors – Focusing a Recent Topics on Nitride Semiconductors –               
    Taketomo Sato, Masachika Toguchi
    2019 第80回 応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会, 18 Sep. 2019, Japanese, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [Domestic Conference]
  • Fabrication GaN nanowires by electrodeless photo-assisted electrochemical etching and wet etching               
    Michihito Shimauchi, Kazuki Miwa, Masachika Toguchi, Taketomo Sato, Junichi Motohisa
    2019 第80回 応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会, 18 Sep. 2019, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Study on photo-electrochemical etching on high-doped n-type GaN substrates               
    Kazuki Miwa, Masachika Toguchi, Taketomo Sato
    2019 第80回 応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会, 18 Sep. 2019, Japanese, Poster presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Photo-electrochemical (PEC) etching on AlGaInN/AlGaN heterostructures (2)               
    Y. Komatsu, M. Toguchi, S. Saito, M. Miyoshi, T. Sato
    2019 第80回 応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会, 18 Sep. 2019, Japanese, Poster presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Contactless Photoelectrochemical Etching of n-GaN in K2S2O8/H3PO4 Mixed Solution               
    M. Toguchi, K. Miwa, F. Horikiri, N. Fukuhara, Y. Narita, T. Yoshida, T. Sato
    2019 第80回 応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会, 18 Sep. 2019, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Characterization of processed n-GaN surface using an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (2)               
    Kentaro Takeda, Masachika Toguchi, Taketomo Sato
    2019 第80回 応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会, 18 Sep. 2019, Japanese, Poster presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • GaN Wet Etching Process for Power and RF Devices               
    F. Horikiri, N. Fukuhara, H. Ohta, N. Asai, Y. Narita, T. Yoshida, T. Mishima, M. Toguchi, K. Miwa, T. Sato
    2019 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 05 Sep. 2019, English, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • Characterization of processing-damage induced on n-GaN surface utilizing electrochemical methods               
    Kentaro Takeda, Masachika Toguchi, Taketomo Sato
    13th Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics, 26 Aug. 2019, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Photo-electrochemical etching optimized for high-doped n-type GaN               
    Kazuki Miwa, Masachika Toguchi, Taketomo Sato
    13th Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics, 26 Aug. 2019, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • GaN Wet Etching Process               
    Fumimasa Horikiri, Noboru Fukuhara, Hiroshi Ohta, Naomi Asai, Yoshinobu Narita, Takehiro Yoshida, Tomoyoshi Mishima, Masachika Toguchi, Kazuki Miwa, Taketomo Sato
    13th Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics, 26 Aug. 2019, English, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • 窒化物半導体の電気化学エッチングとデバイス応用(招待講演)               
    日本表面真空学会 関西支部 合同セミナー2019, 05 Jul. 2019, Japanese, Invited oral presentation
  • GaN Wet Etching Process for Power and RF Devices               
    Fumimasa Horikiri, Noboru Fukuhara, Hiroshi Ohta, Naomi Asai, Yoshinobu Narita, Takehiro Yoshida, Tomoyoshi Mishima, Masachika Toguchi, Kazuki Miwa, Taketomo Sato
    2019 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices, 01 Jul. 2019, English, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • Damage-less Wet Etching for Normally-off AlGaN/GaN HEMTs using Photo-electrochemical Reactions               
    Taketomo Sato, Keisuke Uemura, Masachika Toguchi
    2019 International Conference on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, 01 May 2019, English, Invited oral presentation
    Minneapolis, USA, [Invited], [International presentation]
  • Electrochemical characterization of etching damage induced to n-GaN surface               
    K. Takeda, M. Toguchi, T. Sato
    11th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitride and Nanomaterials, Mar. 2019, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Low-damage wet etching for AlGaN/GaN recessed-gate HEMTs using photo-electrochemical reactions               
    K. Uemura, Y. Komatsu, T. Sato
    11th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitride and Nanomaterials, Mar. 2019, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • 光電気化学エッチングによる窒化ガリウムの微細加工の検討               
    島内道人, 三輪和希, 渡久地政周, 佐藤威友, 本久順一
    第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, Mar. 2019, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • AlGaInN/AlGaNヘテロ構造の光電気化学エッチング               
    小松祐斗, 植村圭佑, 佐藤威友
    第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, Mar. 2019, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • ペルオキソ二硫酸イオン(S2O82-)含有電解液におけるGaNの電気化学特性               
    渡久地政周, 三輪和希, 堀切文正, 福原昇, 成田好伸, 吉田丈洋, 佐藤威友
    第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, Mar. 2019, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • GaNの光電気化学(PEC)エッチングが有する可能性②コンタクトレスでのエッチング               
    堀切文正, 福原昇, 太田博, 浅井直美, 成田好伸, 吉田丈洋, 三島友義, 渡久地政周, 三輪和希, 佐藤威友
    第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, Mar. 2019, Japanese, Oral presentation
    東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス,東京都目黒区, [Domestic Conference]
  • Effect of Photo-electrochemical Etching and Post-metallization Annealing on Gate-controllability of AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors               
    K. Uemura, M. Deki, Y. Honda, H. Amano, T. Sato
    International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2018 (IWN2018), Nov. 2018, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Low-damage Etching for GaN-based Electronic Devices utilizing Photo-electrochemical Reactions               
    SATO Taketomo
    4th Intensive Discussion on Growht of Nitride Semiconductors, Nov. 2018, English, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • Fabrication of GaN Porous Nanostructures utilizing Electrochemical Reactions               
    T. Sato
    HU-SNU Joint Symposium, Nov. 2018, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Precise thickness control in recess-etching for normally-off AlGaN/GaN HEMTs using a photo-electrochemical reaction               
    K. Uemura, Y. Komatsu, T. Sato
    HU-SNU Joint Symposium, Nov. 2018, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Electrochemical Formation and Application of Porous Gallium Nitride               
    T. Sato, M. Toguchi
    Americas International Meeting on Electrochemistry and Solid State Science (AiMES 2018), Oct. 2018, English, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • AlGaN/GaNヘテロ構造トランジスタを基盤とする高感度化学センサの検討
    小松祐斗, 植村圭佑, 渡久地政周, 佐藤威友
    電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD‐ROM), 11 Sep. 2018, Japanese
  • 窒化ガリウム加工基板に対する選択的光電気化学エッチングの検討
    渡久地政周, 武田健太郎, 佐藤威友
    電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD‐ROM), 11 Sep. 2018, Japanese
  • 電気化学インピーダンス法を用いたn‐GaN加工表面の評価
    武田健太郎, 渡久地政周, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 05 Sep. 2018, Japanese
  • Recessed-gate AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) Prepared by Photo-electrochemical Etching and Post-metallization Annealing               
    K. Uemura, M. Deki, Y. Honda, H. Amano, T. Sato
    第79 回応用物理学会秋季大会、19p-CE-4(日韓ジョイントシンポジウム, Sep. 2018, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Control of Pore Depth in GaN Porous Structures Utilizing a Photoabsorption Process Under below-Bandgap Illumination               
    M. Toguchi, S. Matsumoto, T. Sato
    233rd ECS Meeting, May 2018, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Precisely-controlled etching of gallium nitride utilizing electrochemical reactions               
    T. Sato, M. Toguchi
    Nanotech Malaysia 2018, May 2018, English, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • 表面加工を施した窒化ガリウムの特異的光吸収特性と光電気化学エッチングの制御
    渡久地政周, 佐藤威友
    電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 23 Feb. 2018, Japanese
  • 光電気化学反応を利用した窒化物半導体の低損傷エッチングと電子デバイスへの応用               
    植村圭佑, 松本悟, 渡久地政周, 伊藤圭亮, 佐藤 威友
    電子情報通信学会 電子デバイス研究会, Dec. 2017, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Improved wet-etching processes for GaN-based electron devices               
    T. Sato, K. Uemura, T. Hashizume
    2017 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Nov. 2017, English, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • Photo-electrochemical Formation of Porous Nanostructures on n-type GaN utilizing Franz-Keldysh Effect               
    M. Toguchi, S. Matsumoto, T. Sato
    The 8th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS8), Oct. 2017, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Removal of reactive-ion-etching damage from n-GaN surface using a photoelectrochemical process               
    S. Matsumoto, M. Toguchi, T. Sato
    2017 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2017), Sep. 2017, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Franz‐Keldysh効果を用いた窒化ガリウムの光電気化学反応制御
    渡久地政周, 佐藤威友
    電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD‐ROM), 28 Aug. 2017, Japanese
  • 光電気化学反応を利用したn‐GaN表面層の低損傷エッチング
    松本悟, 佐藤威友, 成田哲生, 成田哲生, 加地徹, 橋詰保, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 25 Aug. 2017, Japanese
  • 光電気化学(PEC)反応を利用したリセスゲートAlGaN/GaN HEMTの作製
    植村圭佑, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 25 Aug. 2017, Japanese
  • Highly-controllable etching for AlGaN/GaN recessed-gate structures utilizing low-damage electrochemical reactions               
    K. Uemura, Y. Kumazaki, T. Sato, T. Hashizume
    12th Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics (TWHM 2017), Aug. 2017, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Precise thickness control in recess-etching for normally-off AlGaN/GaN HEMTs using a low damage photo-electrochemical reaction               
    T. Sato, K. Uemura, Y. Kumazaki, T. Hashizume
    12th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS 12), Jul. 2017, Japanese, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • 2段階異方性エッチングによる窒化ガリウム多孔質構造の形成と形状制御
    佐藤威友, 熊崎祐介, 松本悟
    電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 17 Mar. 2017, Japanese
  • GaN多孔質構造の形状およびキャリア濃度の違いとインピーダンス特性について
    伊藤圭亮, ZHANG Xiaoyi, 熊崎祐介, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 01 Mar. 2017, Japanese
  • 光電気化学反応を利用したn‐GaN表面ダメージ層の除去
    枝元将彰, 松本悟, 熊崎祐介, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 01 Mar. 2017, Japanese
  • 電気化学堆積法によるCu2O/InPヘテロ界面の形成(3)
    近江沙也夏, 熊崎祐介, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 01 Mar. 2017, Japanese
  • 電気化学的手法を用いたGaN多孔質構造の選択領域形成
    松本悟, 熊崎祐介, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会北海道支部・日本光学会北海道地区合同学術講演会講演予稿集, 07 Jan. 2017, Japanese
  • AlGaN/GaNヘテロ構造の電気化学的リセス加工における反応キャリア供給過程の影響
    植村圭佑, 熊崎祐介, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会北海道支部・日本光学会北海道地区合同学術講演会講演予稿集, 07 Jan. 2017, Japanese
  • GaN多孔質構造の形状によるインピーダンス特性の分析
    伊藤圭亮, ZHANG Xiaoyi, 熊崎祐介, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会北海道支部・日本光学会北海道地区合同学術講演会講演予稿集, 07 Jan. 2017, Japanese
  • Electrochemical formation of N-type GaN and N-type InP porous structures for chemical sensor applications               
    T. Sato, X. Zhang, K. Ito, S. Matsumoto, Y. Kumazaki
    IEEE SENSORS 2016, Nov. 2016, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Precise Structural Tuning of Porous GaN Using Two-Step Anisotropic Etching for Optical and Photo-Electric Applications               
    Y. Kumazaki, S. Matsumoto, T. Sato
    2016 Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemistry and Solid State Science (PRiME 2016), Oct. 2016, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Electrochemical Formation and Characterization of Cu2O Films on n-type InP Porous Structures               
    S. Omi, Y. Kumazaki, T. Sato
    2016 Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemistry and Solid State Science (PRiME 2016), Oct. 2016, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • GaN多孔質構造の選択領域形成に関する検討
    松本悟, 熊崎祐介, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 01 Sep. 2016, Japanese
  • 電気化学堆積法によるCu2O/InP多孔質構造ヘテロ界面の形成
    近江沙也夏, 熊崎祐介, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 01 Sep. 2016, Japanese
  • 金属有機化合物分解法によるGaN表面へのNiO粒子の形成(2)
    喜田弘文, 伊藤圭亮, 熊崎祐介, 渡久地政周, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 01 Sep. 2016, Japanese
  • 電気化学インピーダンス分光法によるGaN多孔質構造の評価
    伊藤圭亮, ZHANG Xiaoyi, 喜田弘文, 熊崎祐介, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 01 Sep. 2016, Japanese
  • AlGaN/GaNヘテロ構造の光電気化学特性と低損傷加工技術への応用
    熊崎祐介, 植村圭佑, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 01 Sep. 2016, Japanese
  • 電気化学堆積法によるCu2O/InPヘテロ界面の形成
    近江沙也夏, 熊崎祐介, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 03 Mar. 2016, Japanese
  • 異方性ウェットエッチングによるGaN多孔質構造の作製と光学特性評価
    熊崎祐介, 松本悟, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 03 Mar. 2016, Japanese
  • 金属有機化合物分解法によるGaN表面へのNiO粒子の形成
    喜田弘文, 伊藤圭亮, 熊崎祐介, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 03 Mar. 2016, Japanese
  • 光電気化学反応を利用したGaN表面の陽極酸化
    枝元将彰, 熊崎祐介, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 03 Mar. 2016, Japanese
  • Interface control technologies for high-power GaN transistors: Self-stopping etching of p-GaN layers utilizing electrochemical reactions               
    T. Sato, Y. Kumazaki, M. Edamoto, M. Akazawa, T. Hashizume
    SPIE Photonics West 2016, Feb. 2016, English, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • Photoelectric energy conversion in GaN porous nanostructures formed by electrochemical process               
    T. Sato, Y. Kumazaki, T. Hashizume
    Energy, Materials and Nanotechnology, Dec. 2015, English, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • Size-controlled formation of high-aspect ratio porous nanostructures on GaN substrates utilizing photo-assisted electrochemical etching for photovoltaic applications               
    Y. Kumazaki, Z. Yatabe, T. Sato
    2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Nov. 2015, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Effect of High Electric Field on Photoabsorption Properties of GaN Porous Structures               
    T. Sato, Y. Kumazaki, Z. Yatabe
    228th ECS meeting, Hyatt Regency Phoenix and Phoenix Convention Center, Oct. 2015, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Formation of Self-aligned Pore Arrays on n-GaN Substrates by Photo-assisted Electrochemical Etching Process               
    Y. Kumazaki, T. Sato, Z. Yatabe
    2015 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2015), Sep. 2015, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • 裏面光照射電気化学法によるGaN陽極酸化表面の分析
    枝元将彰, 熊崎祐介, 谷田部然治, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 31 Aug. 2015, Japanese
  • 電気化学堆積法によるCu2O/InPヘテロ構造の形成と特性評価
    近江沙也夏, 熊崎祐介, 谷田部然治, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 31 Aug. 2015, Japanese
  • Cu2O/GaNヘテロ構造の電気化学形成と光学的特性評価
    熊崎祐介, 近江沙也夏, 谷田部然治, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 31 Aug. 2015, Japanese
  • 光触媒水分解システムを用いたn‐GaN多孔質構造の光電気化学的評価
    喜田弘文, 熊崎祐介, 谷田部然治, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 31 Aug. 2015, Japanese
  • High-selective etching of p-GaN layers on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures by electrochemical process               
    M. Edamoto, Y. Kumazaki, Z. Yatabe, T. Sato, T. Hashizume
    11th Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics (TWHM 2015), Aug. 2015, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Electrochemical Formation of Cu2O Films on n-type InP and n-type GaN Substrates               
    S. Omi, Y. Kumazaki, Z. Yatabe, T. Sato
    11th Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics (TWHM 2015), Aug. 2015, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Photoelectrochemical characterization of n-type GaN porous structures for use in photocatalytic water-splitting system               
    H. Kida, Y. Kumazaki, Z. Yatabe, T. Sato
    11th Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics (TWHM 2015), Aug. 2015, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Influence of dry etching on Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN MOS interface properties               
    Z. Yatabe, J. Ohira, T. Sato, T. Hashizume
    11th Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics (TWHM 2015), Aug. 2015, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Electrochemical formation of GaN porous structures for photocatalytic applications               
    T. Sato, Y. Kumazaki, Z. Yatabe
    11th Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics (TWHM 2015), Aug. 2015, English, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • Electrochemical formation and UV photoresponse properties of GaN porous structures
    喜田弘文, 熊崎祐介, 谷田部然治, 佐藤威友
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 27 Jul. 2015, Japanese
  • Spectro-electrochemical characterization of GaN/electrolyte interface and its application to the nanostructure formation
    熊崎祐介, 渡部晃生, 谷田部然治, 佐藤威友
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 21 May 2015, Japanese
  • ドライエッチングがAl2O3/AlGaN/GaN構造のMOS界面特性に与える影響
    谷田部然治, 大平城二, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 26 Feb. 2015, Japanese
  • 電気化学堆積法によるCu2O/GaNヘテロ構造の形成と特性評価
    熊崎祐介, 近江沙也夏, 谷田部然治, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 26 Feb. 2015, Japanese
  • 電気化学エッチングによるGaN多孔質構造の形成
    渡部晃生, 熊崎祐介, 谷田部然冶, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会北海道支部・日本光学会北海道地区合同学術講演会講演予稿集, 09 Jan. 2015, Japanese
  • デバイス応用に向けた6H‐SiC上グラフェンの高品質・多機能化
    宮本貴雄, 小西敬太, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会北海道支部・日本光学会北海道地区合同学術講演会講演予稿集, 09 Jan. 2015, Japanese
  • Correlation between growth time and carrier density in epitaxial graphene on 6H-SiC               
    T. Miyamoto, K. Konishi, T. Sato
    The 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS2014), Nov. 2014, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Structural Properties and Control of GaN Porous Nanostructures Formed by Photo-assisted Electrochemical Process               
    A. Watanabe, Y. Kumazaki, Z. Yatabe, T. Sato
    The 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS2014), Nov. 2014, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Enhanced spin-orbit interaction in the hydrogenated epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide               
    K. Konishi, T. Miyamoto, K. Yoh, T. Sato
    27th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2014), Nov. 2014, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Electrochemical Formation of GaN Porous Structures Under UV-Light Irradiation for Photoelectrochemical Application               
    T. Sato, A. Watanabe, Y. Kumazaki, Z. Yatabe
    2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting, Oct. 2014, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • 電気化学エッチングを用いた窒化物半導体多孔質構造の形成
    渡部晃生, 熊崎祐介, 谷田部然治, 佐藤威友
    電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, 27 Sep. 2014, Japanese
  • III‐V族化合物半導体の電気化学エッチングと微細加工への応用
    佐藤威友, 熊崎祐介, 渡部晃生, 谷田部然治
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 01 Sep. 2014, Japanese
  • 6H‐SiC上グラフェンにおける成長時間とキャリア密度の関係
    宮本貴雄, 小西敬太, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 01 Sep. 2014, Japanese
  • 電気化学エッチングによるGaN多孔質構造の形成と形状制御の向上
    熊崎祐介, 渡部晃生, 谷田部然治, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 01 Sep. 2014, Japanese
  • Correlation between Structural and Optical Properties of GaN Porous Structures Formed by Photo-assisted Electrochemical Etching               
    Y. Kumazaki, A. Watanabe, Z. Yatabe, T. Sato
    The International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2014 (IWN2014), Aug. 2014, English
  • Interface Trap States in Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN Structure Induced by ICP Etching of AlGaN Surfaces               
    Z. Yatabe, T. Sato, T. Hashizume
    The International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2014 (IWN2014), Aug. 2014, English
  • Structural control of GaN porous structures for high-sensitive chemical sensors               
    A. Watanabe, Y. Kumazaki, Z. Yatabe, T. Sato
    The 6th IEEE International Nanoelectronics Conference 2014 (INEC-2014), Jul. 2014, English
  • Electrochemical Formation of III-V Semiconductor Porous Nanostructures               
    T. Sato, Y. Kumazaki, A. Watanabe, Z. Yatabe
    The 6th IEEE International Nanoelectronics Conference 2014 (INEC-2014), Jul. 2014, English
  • 電気化学的手法によるIII-V族半導体多孔質構造の形成と高感度化学センサへの応用
    SATO Taketomo, WATANABE Akio, KUMAZAKI Yusuke
    公益社団法人電気化学会第81回大会, 29 Mar. 2014, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
    佐藤威友, 渡部晃生, 熊崎祐介
    Chem Sens, 29 Mar. 2014, Japanese
  • GaNパワー素子のための絶縁膜界面制御
    HASHIZUME Tamotsu, YATABE Zenji, SATO Taketomo
    電気学会電子デバイス研究会, 13 Mar. 2014, Japanese, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [Domestic Conference]
  • 窒化物半導体異種接合の評価と制御
    佐藤威友, 赤澤正道, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 03 Mar. 2014, Japanese, Invited oral presentation
    [Invited], [Domestic Conference]
  • AlGaN/GaNヘテロ構造上に形成したp‐GaN層の選択的電気化学エッチング
    熊崎祐介, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 03 Mar. 2014, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • GaN多孔質構造の形状制御と化学センサへの応用
    渡部晃生, 熊崎祐介, 谷田部然冶, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会北海道支部・日本光学会北海道地区合同学術講演会講演予稿集, 09 Dec. 2013, Japanese, Oral presentation
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Photoabsorption and Photoelectric Conversion Properties of InP Porous Structures Formed by Electrochemical Process               
    SATO Taketomo, KUMAZAKI Yusuke, JINBO Ryohei, YATABE Zenji
    224th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society(CD-ROM), Oct. 2013, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Structural and Optical Characterization of GaN Porous Structures Formed by Photo-assisted Electrochemical Process               
    KUMAZAKI Yusuke, WATANABE Akio, YATABE Zenji, SATO Taketomo
    224th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society(CD-ROM), Oct. 2013, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • 電気化学的手法と裏面光照射によるGaN多孔質ナノ構造の形成
    渡部晃生, 熊崎祐介, 谷田部然治, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 31 Aug. 2013, Japanese
  • GaN多孔質ナノ構造の表面形状と光電気化学特性
    熊崎祐介, 渡部晃生, 谷田部然治, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 31 Aug. 2013, Japanese
  • Selective etching of p-GaN layers for normally-off AlGaN/GaN HEMTs by electrochemical process               
    KUMAZAKI Yusuke, AZUMAISHI Naoki, UEDA Hiroyuki, KANECHIKA Masakazu, TOMITA Hidemoto, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    10th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-10), Aug. 2013, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Electrochemical Formation and Optical Characterization of GaN Porous Structures               
    KUMAZAKI Yusuke, WATANABE Akio, JINBO Ryohei, YATABE Zenji, SATO Taketomo
    32nd Electronic Materials Symposium (EMS32), Jul. 2013, English
    [International presentation]
  • 電気化学的手法による半導体多孔質構造の形成と機能素子への応用               
    SATO Taketomo
    第 29 回ライックセミナー・第 19 回若手研究者交流会, Jun. 2013, English, Public discourse
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • 電気化学的手法によるGaN多孔質構造の形成と光学特性の評価               
    KUMAZAKI Yusuke, WATANABE Akio, YATABE Zenji, SATO Taketomo
    第 29 回ライックセミナー・第 19 回若手研究者交流会, Jun. 2013, English, Public discourse
    [International presentation]
  • Photoabsorption and Photoelectric Conversion Properties of InP Porous Structures Formed by the Electrochemical process
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 09 May 2013, Japanese
  • Electrochemical Formation and Optical Characterization of GaN Porous Structures               
    KUMAZAKI Yusuke, WATANABE Akio, JINBO Ryohei, YATABE Zenji, SATO Taketomo
    The 40th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS2013), May 2013, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • 電気化学的手法によるGaN多孔質構造の形成と光学特性の評価
    熊崎祐介, 渡部晃生, 神保亮平, 谷田部然治, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 11 Mar. 2013, Japanese
  • InP多孔質構造孔壁表面の機能化による光電変換素子への応用
    神保亮平, 渡部晃生, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会北海道支部・日本光学会北海道地区合同学術講演会講演予稿集, 11 Jan. 2013, Japanese
  • High-sensitive ISFETs Based on Semiconductor Porous Nanostructures               
    SATO Taketomo
    BIT’s 3rd Annual World Congress of NanoMedicine-2012, 01 Nov. 2012, English, Oral presentation
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • Photoelectric-conversion Devices Based on InP Porous Structure               
    SATO Taketomo, JINBO Ryohei, YATABE Zenji
    2012 Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science, 07 Oct. 2012, English, Oral presentation
    [International presentation]
  • Optical Absorption Properties of InP Porous Structures Formed by Electrochemical Process               
    KUMAZAKI Yusuke, KUDO, Tomohito, YATABE Zenji, SATO Taketomo
    2012 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 25 Sep. 2012, English, Poster presentation
    [International presentation]
  • pn接合基板上に形成したInP多孔質構造の光学応答特性の評価
    熊崎祐介, 工藤智人, 谷田部然冶, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 27 Aug. 2012, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • ポリスチレン微小球の自己組織化配列とリソグラフィ技術を利用した半導体加工基板の作製
    神保亮平, 今井雄大, 谷田部然治, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 27 Aug. 2012, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気化学的手法によるInP多孔質構造の形成と孔の位置制御
    神保亮平, 谷田部然冶, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 29 Feb. 2012, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Photo-electrical response of InP porous structures formed on pn substrates               
    KUDO Tomohito, SATO Taketomo
    Extended Abstracts of the 2011 International Symposium on Surface Science, Dec. 2011, English
    [International presentation]
  • Photoelectric Conversion Devices based on InP Porous Structures               
    JINBO Ryohei, KUDO Tomohito, SATO Taketomo
    Extended Abstracts of the 2011 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, Sep. 2011, English
    [International presentation]
  • 電気化学的手法を用いたInP多孔質構造の形成と光電変換素子への応用
    神保亮平, 岡崎拓行, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 16 Aug. 2011, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • pn接合基板に形成したInP多孔質構造の光応答特性
    工藤智人, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 16 Aug. 2011, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • ポリスチレン微小球の自己組織化配列とリソグラフィ技術を利用した多孔質構造の形成
    今井雄大, 神保亮平, 谷田部然治, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 16 Aug. 2011, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • ドライエッチしたGaNおよびAlGaN表面の評価と制御
    谷田部然冶, 東石直樹, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 16 Aug. 2011, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • ポリスチレン微小球の自己組織化配列とリソグラフィ技術を利用した半導体パターニング技術
    今井雄大, 岡崎拓行, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 09 Mar. 2011, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • InP多孔質構造を利用した光電変換素子の検討
    工藤智人, 岡崎拓行, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 09 Mar. 2011, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気化学的手法によるInPポーラス孔壁表面の機能化と電気的特性の評価
    岡崎拓行, 神保亮平, 佐藤威友
    化学系学協会北海道支部冬季研究発表会講演要旨集, 01 Feb. 2011, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • ポリスチレン微小球の自己組織化配列を利用した半導体マイクロパターニング技術
    今井雄大, 岡崎拓行, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会北海道支部・日本光学会北海道地区合同学術講演会講演予稿集, 07 Jan. 2011, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • pn接合基板上に形成したInP多孔質構造の光応答特性
    工藤智人, 岡崎拓行, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会北海道支部・日本光学会北海道地区合同学術講演会講演予稿集, 07 Jan. 2011, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • High-Sensitive ISFETs based on InP Porous Structures               
    SATO Taketomo, YOSHIZAWA Naoki
    The 61st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry(CD-ROM), Sep. 2010, English
    [International presentation]
  • 電気化学的手法によるInP多孔質構造の形成と孔壁表面の機能化
    岡崎拓行, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 30 Aug. 2010, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • ポリスチレン微小球の自己組織化配列を利用したマイクロパターニングと半導体微細加工への応用
    今井雄大, 岡崎拓行, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 30 Aug. 2010, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • InP多孔質構造の光吸収特性と光電変換
    佐藤威友, 岡崎拓行
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 30 Aug. 2010, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 多孔質構造を有するイオン感応性電界効果トランジスタ
    佐藤威友, 岡崎拓行
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 30 Aug. 2010, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • pn接合基板上に形成したInP多孔質構造の電気的評価
    工藤智人, 岡崎拓行, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 30 Aug. 2010, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Optical and Electrical Properties of InP Porous Structures Formed on P-N Substrates               
    OKAZAKI Hiroyuki, SATO Taketomo, YOSHIZAWA Naoki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    2010 International Conference on Indium Phosiphide and Related Materials, May 2010, English
    [International presentation]
  • 電気化学的手法を用いて形成したInPポーラス構造の電気的特性
    岡崎拓行, 吉澤直樹, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 03 Mar. 2010, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Optical and electrical properties of InP porous structures formed on p-n substrates               
    OKAZAKI Hiroyuki, YOSHIZAWA Naoki, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    2010 International RCIQE/CREST Joint Workshop, 01 Mar. 2010, English
    [International presentation]
  • InP‐pn接合基板へのポーラス構造作製と形状および位置の制御
    岡崎拓行, 吉澤直樹, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会北海道支部・日本光学会北海道地区合同学術講演会講演予稿集, 08 Jan. 2010, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • InP‐pn接合基板へのポーラス構造形成および電気的特性評価
    吉澤直樹, 岡崎拓行, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会北海道支部・日本光学会北海道地区合同学術講演会講演予稿集, 08 Jan. 2010, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Low Reflectance Surface Observed on InP Porous Structures after Photoelectrochemical Etching               
    SATO Taketomo, YOSHIZAWA Naoki, OKAZAKI Hiroyuki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    216th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society(CD-ROM), Oct. 2009, English
    [International presentation]
  • InP‐pn接合基板へのポーラス構造作製と形状制御
    岡崎拓行, 吉澤直樹, 佐藤威友
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 08 Sep. 2009, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • ポーラス構造を形成したInP‐pn接合基板の電気的特性
    吉澤直樹, 岡崎拓行, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 08 Sep. 2009, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Formation and application of InP porous structures on p-n substrates               
    SATO Taketomo, YOSHIZAWA Naoki, OKAZAKI Hiroyuki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    2009 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices(CD-ROM), Jun. 2009, English
    [International presentation]
  • pH Response Characteristics of Liquid-phase Chemical Sensors using InP Open-gate FETs               
    YOSHIZAWA Naoki, SATO Taketomo, MIZOHATA Akinori, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    2009 RCIQE International Seminar on "Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Devices", 02 Mar. 2009, English
    [International presentation]
  • Electrochemical formation and sensor application of InP porous nanostructures               
    SATO Taketomo, MIZOHATA Akinori, YOSHIZAWA Naoki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    2009 RCIQE International Seminar on "Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Devices", 02 Mar. 2009, English
    [International presentation]
  • pH Sensitivity of Liquid-phase Chemical Sensors using InP Open-gate FETs               
    YOSHIZAWA Naoki, SATO Taketomo, MIZOHATA Akinori, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    2008 International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology, Nov. 2008, English
    [International presentation]
  • Liquid-phase Chemical Sensors using InP-based Open-gate FETs               
    YOSHIZAWA Naoki, SATO Taketomo, MIZOHATA Akinori
    The Seventh IEEE Conference on Sensors, Oct. 2008, English
    [International presentation]
  • Complete Removal of Irregular Top Layer for Sensor Applications of InP Porous Nanostructures               
    SATO Taketomo, MIZOHATA Akinori, YOSHIZAWA Naoki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    2008 Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemicao and Solid-State Science (CD-ROM), Oct. 2008, English
    [International presentation]
  • InPイオン感応性電界効果トランジスタのpH応答特性
    吉澤直樹, 溝畑彰規, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 02 Sep. 2008, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • グリコール水溶液を用いた陽極酸化によるGaN表面の電気的・光学的安定化
    塩崎奈々子, 塩崎奈々子, 佐藤威友, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 02 Sep. 2008, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • InPポーラス構造を基盤とする電流検出型化学センサの作製
    溝畑彰規, 吉澤直樹, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 02 Sep. 2008, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気化学プロセスによるInPポーラス構造の形成と縦および横方向へのエッチング制御
    佐藤威友, 溝畑彰規, 吉澤直樹, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 02 Sep. 2008, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Electrochemical formation and functionalization of InP porous nanostructures and their application to chemical sensors               
    MIZOHATA Akinori, YOSHIZAWA Naoki, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    2008 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices, Jul. 2008, English
    [International presentation]
  • 電気化学的手法によるGaN表面酸化膜形成と表面安定化への応用
    塩崎奈々子, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 27 Mar. 2008, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気化学的手法によるInP表面の機能性修飾と電流検出型化学センサへの応用
    溝畑彰規, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 27 Mar. 2008, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Electrochemical formation and sensor application of highly-ordered InP nanostructures               
    SATO Taketomo, MIZOHATA Akinori, YOSHIZAWA Naoki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    2008 RCIQE International Seminar on "Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Devices", 03 Mar. 2008, English
    [International presentation]
  • 電気化学的手法によるInP表面の機能性修飾と化学センサへの応用
    溝畑彰規, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会北海道支部・日本光学会北海道支部合同学術講演会講演予稿集, 10 Jan. 2008, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 陽極酸化によりn‐GaN上に形成された酸化膜の評価と応用
    塩崎奈々子, 石川史太郎, TRAMPERT A, GRAHN H. T, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 04 Sep. 2007, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気化学的手法によるInPポーラスナノ構造の形成と化学センサへの応用
    佐藤威友, 溝畑彰規, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 04 Sep. 2007, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • グリコール水溶液を用いた電気化学プロセスによるGaN表面酸化薄膜の形成
    塩崎奈々子, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 27 Mar. 2007, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 二段階電気化学プロセスによるInPナノ構造の形成とサイズ制御
    佐藤威友, 佐藤威友, 藤野敏幸, 藤野敏幸, 橋詰保, 橋詰保
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 27 Mar. 2007, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • SiNx/CN/GaN構造を用いた炭素固相拡散の検討
    木村健, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 27 Mar. 2007, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Electrochemical formation and optical characterization of size-controlled InP porous nanostructures               
    SATO Taketomo, FUJINO Toshiyuki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    The 4th International Symposium on Ubiquitous Knowledge Network Environment, Meme-Media Technology Approach to the R&D of Next-Generation Information Technologies, Mar. 2007, English
    [International presentation]
  • Chemical sensors using open-gate AlGaN/GaN transistor structures               
    KOKAWA Takuya, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    The 4th International Symposium on Ubiquitous Knowledge Network Environment, Meme-Media Technology Approach to the R&D of Next-Generation Information Technologies, Mar. 2007, English
    [International presentation]
  • Electrochemical formation of high-density array of InP nanostructures               
    2007 RCIQE International Seminar on "Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Devices", 08 Feb. 2007, English
    [International presentation]
  • Electrochemical Formation and Sensor Application of InP Porous Nanostructures               
    2007 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices, 2007
  • Electrochemical Formation of InP Porous Nanostructures and Its Application to Amperometric Chemical Sensors               
    2007 European Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 2007
  • 電気化学的連続プロセスによるInPポーラス構造のサイズ制御
    藤野敏幸, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 29 Aug. 2006, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気化学プロセスを施したGaNおよびAlGaN表面構造の評価
    塩崎奈々子, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 29 Aug. 2006, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • ヘキサゴナルBDD回路高密度実装に適した化合物半導体ナノ細線デバイスの検討
    田村隆博, 葛西誠也, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 29 Aug. 2006, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • AlGaN/GaNオープンゲートHFETの溶液中でのふるまい
    古川拓也, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 29 Aug. 2006, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Ptショットキーゲートを用いた高感度InP水素センサーの検討
    木村健, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 22 Mar. 2006, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • AlGaN/GaNオープンゲートFETを用いた化学センサ
    古川拓也, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機, 橋詰保
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 22 Mar. 2006, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 陽極酸化エッチングプロセスを用いた化合物半導体微細構造の作製
    塩崎奈々子, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機, 橋詰保
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 22 Mar. 2006, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 加工基板へのGaN/AlGaNヘテロ構造の選択的MBE成長と埋め込み細線の形成
    佐藤威友, 佐藤威友, 及川武, 及川武, 長谷川英機, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 22 Mar. 2006, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • MBE選択成長GaAsヘキサゴナルネットワークの形成とBDD節点デバイスの集積化
    田村隆博, 玉井功, 葛西誠也, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機, 橋詰保
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 22 Mar. 2006, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気化学プロセスにより作製したInPナノ構造の光学的特性
    藤野敏幸, 木村健, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機, 橋詰保
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 22 Mar. 2006, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Optical Properties of Size-controlled Porous Nanostructures Formed on n-InP (001) Substrates by Electrochemical Process               
    FUJINO Toshiyuki, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    2006 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 2006, English
    [International presentation]
  • Self-assembled Formation of Uniform Arrays of InP Nanopores and Nanowires by Electrochemical Process               
    SATO Taketomo, FUJINO Toshiyuki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    210th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, 2006, English
    [International presentation]
  • Self-Assembled Formation of Uniform Arrays of InP Nanopores and Nanowires by Electrochemical Process               
    210th Joint International Meeting of Electrochemical Society, 2006
  • Selective MBE Growth of Shape- Size- and Position- Controlled GaAs Nanowire Networks on (111)B Patterned Substrates               
    TAMAI Isao, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, 07 Dec. 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • Self-Organized Formation of Chaotic and Regular Nanostructures on (001) and (111) InP Substrates by Electrochemical Anodization Process               
    FUJINO Toshiyuki, KIMURA Takeshi, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 14 Nov. 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • Growth Simulation and Actual MBE Growth of Triangular GaAs Nanowires on Patterned (111)B Substrates               
    TAMAI Isao, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 14 Nov. 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • Embedded Nanowire Network Growth and Node Device Fabrication for GaAs-Based High-Density Hexagonal BDD Quantum Circuits               
    TAMURA Takahiro, TAMAI Isao, KASAI Seiya, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    2005 Solid State Devices and Materials, 12 Sep. 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • Sensing Mechanism of InP Hydrogen Sensors Using Pt Schottky Diodes Formed by Electrochemical Process               
    KIMURA Takeshi, HASEGAWA Hideki, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu
    2005 Solid State Devices and Materials, 12 Sep. 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • MBE選択成長GaAs量子細線ネットワークの形成とヘキサゴナルBDD回路応用への検討
    田村隆博, 玉井功, 葛西誠也, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 07 Sep. 2005, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • RF‐MBE法によるGaN(0001)加工基板へのAlGaN/GaN成長と,その選択性
    及川武, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 07 Sep. 2005, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気化学プロセスによるInPポーラス構造の形成と制御
    藤野敏幸, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 07 Sep. 2005, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • (001)面メサ型加工基板への選択的MBE成長によるGaAs/AlGaAs細線の形成機構
    佐藤威友, 玉井功, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 07 Sep. 2005, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Pt/InPショットキーダイオードによる水素センシングのメカニズム考察
    木村健, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 07 Sep. 2005, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 陽極酸化とエッチングプロセスによるGaAs,AlGaAs微細加工の検討
    塩崎奈々子, 佐藤威友, 赤沢正道, 長谷川英機, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 07 Sep. 2005, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • MBE選択成長法を用いたGaAs(111)B加工基板へのGaAs/AxGa1-xAs量子細線の形成
    玉井功, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機, 橋詰保
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 07 Sep. 2005, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Precisely Controlled Anodic Etching for Processing of GaAs-based Quantum Nanostructures and Devices               
    SHIOZAKI Nanako, SATO Taketomo, AKAZAWA Masamichi, HASEGAWA Hideki
    10th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-10), 03 Jul. 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • Selective MBE growth ofAlGaN/GaN quantum wire structures on pre-patterned GaN (0001) substrates and its growth mechanism               
    OIKAWA Takeshi, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    8th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces Interfaces and Nanostructures, 19 Jun. 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • MBE Growth and Si-interlayer Based Surface Passivation of GaAs Quantum Wires               
    SHIOZAKI Nanako, SATO Taketomo, AKAZAWA Masamichi, HASEGAWA Hideki
    29th Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuit, 16 May 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • Electrodeposited Pt/InP Schottky Barriers with Large Barrier Heights and Large Hydrogen Sensitivity for Sensor Chips Using InP-based Quantum Wire Networks               
    KIMURA Takeshi, MATSUO Kazushi, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME, Tamotsu, HASEGAWA Hideki
    17th Indium Phosphide and Related Materials Conference, 08 May 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • MBE選択成長法によるGaN(0001)加工基板上へのAlGaN/GaNナノ構造形成メカニズム
    及川武, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 29 Mar. 2005, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • MBE選択成長GaAs量子細線ネットワークを適用したBDD量子節点デバイスの試作と評価
    田村隆博, 湯元美樹, 玉井功, 葛西誠也, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 29 Mar. 2005, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • GaAs(111)B加工基板へのMBE選択成長法による量子細線の形成とその形成メカニズム(2)
    玉井功, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 29 Mar. 2005, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • GaAs(001)および(111)B基板に作製したGaAs/AlGaAs量子細線の表面パッシベーション
    塩崎奈々子, 玉井功, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 29 Mar. 2005, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 〈-110〉方向に沿ったメサ型加工基板へのMBE成長とGaAsリッジ細線の形成過程
    佐藤威友, 玉井功, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 29 Mar. 2005, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • InP系材料を用いたPtショットキーダイオードによる水素ガスセンシング
    木村健, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 29 Mar. 2005, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Growth Kinetics and Theoretical Modeling of Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Growth of GaAs Nanowires on Non-planar Substrates               
    SATO Taketomo, TAMAI Isao, HASEGAWA Hideki
    2005 RCIQE International Seminar for 21st Century COE Program: Quantum Nanoelectronics for Meme-Media-Based Information Technologies (III), 08 Feb. 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • Investigation of Side-Gating Effects in GaAs-based Quantum Wire Transistor               
    JIA Rui, KASAI Seiya, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    2005 RCIQE International Seminar for 21st Century COE Program: Quantum Nanoelectronics for Meme-Media-Based Information Technologies (III), 08 Feb. 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • High-Density Hexagonal Nanowire Networks on Pre-Patterned GaAs (001) and (111)B Substrates by Selective MBE Growth               
    TAMAI Isao, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    2005 RCIQE International Seminar for 21st Century COE Program: Quantum Nanoelectronics for Meme-Media-Based Information Technologies (III), 08 Feb. 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • Effects of Surface States and Si-interlayer Based Surface Passivation on GaAs Quantum Wires Grown by Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy               
    SHIOZAKI Nanako, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    32nd Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces, 23 Jan. 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • Growth Kinetics and Theoretical Modeling of Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Growth of GaAs Nanowires on Non-planar (111)B Substrates               
    SATO Taketomo, TAMAI Isao, HASEGAWA Hideki
    32nd Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces, 23 Jan. 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • Self-assembled formation of InP nanopore arrays by photoelectrochemical anodization in HCl based electrolyte               
    SATO Taketomo, FUJINO Toshiyuki, HASEGAWA Hideki
    8th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces Interfaces and Nanostructures, 19 Jan. 2005, English
    [International presentation]
  • Growth of GaN Based Quantum Wire Arrays and Networks by RF Radical Assisted Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy               
    SATO Taketomo, OIKAWA Takeshi, HASEGAWA Hideki
    The 5th International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices (LDSD2004), 12 Dec. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Hexagonal BDD Quantum Circuit Architecture for Intelligent Quantum (IQ) Chips               
    HASEGAWA Hideki, KASAI Seiya, YUMOTO Miki, SATO Taketomo
    11th Advanced Heterostructure Workshop, 05 Dec. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Selective MBE Growth of High-Density Hexagonal Nanowire Networks on Pre-Patterned GaAs (001) and (111)B Substrates International Symposium on Nanoscale Devices and Materials               
    TAMAI Isao, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu, HASEGAWA Hideki
    206th Meeting of ECS, 03 Oct. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Design and Implementation of Ultra-Small and Ultra-Low-Power Digital Systems Utilizing A Hexagonal BDD Quantum Circuits on GaAs-based Hexagonal Nanowire Network Structures               
    KASAI Seiya, YUMOTO Miki TAMURA Takahiro, TAMAI Isao, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    International Symposium on Nanoscale Devices and Materials:206th Meeting of ECS, 03 Oct. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of GaAs- and GaN-Based Quantum Wire Arrays and Networks on Pre-Patterned Substrates               
    SATO Taketomo, TAMAI Isao, OIKAWA Takeshi, HASEGAWA Hideki
    7th China-Japan Symposium on Thin Films (CJSTF-7), 20 Sep. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Growth of AlGaN/GaN Quantum Wire Structures by RF-Radical Assisted MBE on Pre-Patterned Substrates               
    SATO Taketomo, OIKAWA Takeshi, HASHIZUME Tamotsu, HASEGAWA Hideki
    International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials 2004, 14 Sep. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Cross-sectional Evolution and Its Mechanism during Selective MBE Growth of GaAs Quantum Wires on (111)B Substrates               
    TAMAI Isao, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials 2004, 14 Sep. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Investigation of Current and Potential Control Characteristics by Nanosized Schottky Gate on AlGaAs/GaAs Surfaces               
    JIA Rui, SATO Taketomo, KASAI Seiya, HASEGAWA Hideki
    31st International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, 12 Sep. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Investigation of Current and Potential Control Characteristics by Nanosized Schottky Gate on AlGaAs/GaAs Surfaces               
    SATO TaketomoJia Rui, Sato Taketomo, Kasai Seiya, Hasegawa Hideki
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 01 Sep. 2004, English
    [Domestic Conference]
  • GaAs(111)B加工基板へのMBE選択成長法による量子細線の形成とその形成メカニズム
    玉井功, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 01 Sep. 2004, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • MBE選択成長法によるInP(111)B基板上へのInGaAs量子細線ネットワークの形成
    木村健, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 01 Sep. 2004, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Si界面制御層を用いたGaAs/AlGaAs量子細線の表面パッシベーション
    塩崎奈々子, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 01 Sep. 2004, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • ECRドライエッチングとMBE選択成長法による加工基板上へのAlGaN/GaNナノ構造の作製と評価
    及川武, 佐藤威友, 橋詰保, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 01 Sep. 2004, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • MBE選択成長を用いたGaAs BDD量子節点デバイスの試作と性能評価
    田村隆博, 湯元美樹, 玉井功, 佐藤威友, 葛西誠也, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 01 Sep. 2004, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • RFラジカル支援MBE法によるGaN(0001)加工基板へのGaN/AlGaNヘテロ構造の成長
    佐藤威友, 及川武, 橋詰保, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 01 Sep. 2004, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Selective MBE Growth of GaAs Hexagonal Nano-wire Network on Pre-patterned Substrates               
    TAMAI Isao, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    Hokkaido Univ. and Seoul National Univ. Joint Symposium, 08 Jul. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Growth Mechanism of GaAs Ridge Quantum Wires on Patterned Substrates               
    SATO Taketomo, TAMAI Isao, HASEGAWA Hideki
    Hokkaido Univ. and Seoul National Univ. Joint Symposium, 08 Jul. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Sidegating Effect Study in AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wire Transistors               
    JIA Rui, KASAI Seiya, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    Hokkaido Univ. and Seoul National Univ. Joint Symposium, 08 Jul. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • GaAs BDD Quantum Node Switches Fabricated on Selectively MBE Grown Quantum Wire Networks               
    TAMURA Takahiro, YUMOTO Miki, KASAI Seiya, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    46th Electronic Materials Conference (EMC2004), 23 Jun. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Controlled growth of GaAs ridge quantum wire network by selective MBE and its application to hexagonal BDD quantum logic circuits               
    HASEGAWA Hideki, SATO Taketomo, TAMURA Takahiro, TAMAI Isao, YUMOTO Miki
    12th Int. Symposium on Nanostructures Physics and Technology, 21 Jun. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Surface-related reduction of photoluminescence from GaAs quantum wires and effects of surface passivation using Si interface control layer               
    The 12th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, 21 Jun. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Study on ECR dry etching and selective MBE growth of AlGaN/GaN for fabrication of quantum nanostructures on GaN(0001) substrates               
    OIKAWA Takeshi, ISHIKAWA Fumitaro, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu, HASEGAWA Hideki
    The 12th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, 21 Jun. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • MBE選択成長を用いたGaAs量子細線スイッチの作製と評価
    田村隆博, 湯元美樹, 玉井功, 佐藤威友, 葛西誠也, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 28 Mar. 2004, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 加工基板を用いたMBE選択成長法によるGaAsリッジ細線の形成メカニズム
    佐藤威友, 玉井功, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 28 Mar. 2004, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • MBE選択成長法による高密度GaAsヘキサゴナル細線ネットワークの形成(2)
    玉井功, 吉田崇一, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 28 Mar. 2004, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • MBE選択成長による(111)B加工基板上への高密度GaAs量子細線ネットワークの作製と評価
    吉田崇一, 玉井功, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 28 Mar. 2004, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 内部交差量子細線構造の深さ分解/面内分布カソードルミネッセンス評価
    石川史太郎, 及川武, 玉井功, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 28 Mar. 2004, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Growth Kinetics and Modeling of Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of GaAs Ridge Quantum Wires on Pre-Patterned Substrates               
    SATO Taketomo, TAMAI Isao, HASEGAWA Hideki
    2004 International Seminar for 21st Century COE Program: Quantum Nanoelectronics for Meme-Media-Based Infromation Technology (II), 09 Feb. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Mechanism of Selective Growth of GaAs Ridge Quantum Wires on Non-planar Substrates during Molecular Beam Epitaxy               
    SATO Taketomo, TAMAI Isao, HASEGAWA Hideki
    31st Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces, 18 Jan. 2004, English
    [International presentation]
  • Prospects of III-V quantum LSIs based on hexagonal BDD approach               
    KASAI Seiya, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    10 Dec. 2003, English
    [Invited], [International presentation]
  • Selective MBE Growth of GaAs Hexagonal Nano-wire Networks on (111)B Patterned Substrates               
    YOSHIDA Souichi, TAMAI Isao, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 16 Sep. 2003, English
    [International presentation]
  • Control of Heterointerface Cross-Sections of GaAs Ridge Quantum Wires by Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy               
    SATO Taketomo, TAMAI Isao, YOSHIDA Souichi, HASEGAWA Hideki
    The 9th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-9), 15 Sep. 2003, English
    [International presentation]
  • MBE選択成長法を用いた高密度GaAsヘキサゴナル細線ネットワークの形成
    玉井功, 吉田崇一, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 30 Aug. 2003, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • (111)B加工基板上へのMBE選択成長によるGaAs量子細線ネットワークの形成
    吉田崇一, 玉井功, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 30 Aug. 2003, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • GaAs加工基板上へのMBE選択成長法によるGaAs/AlGaAsリッジ細線の形成メカニズム
    佐藤威友, 玉井功, 吉田崇一, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 30 Aug. 2003, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Formation of High Density GaAs Hexagonal Nanowire Networks by Selective MBE Growth on Pre-patterned (001) Substrates               
    TAMAI Isao, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    11th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures (MSS11), 14 Jul. 2003, English
    [International presentation]
  • Kinetic Evolution of Facet Boundary Planes during Growth of III-V Ridge Quantum Wire Arrays by Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy               
    HASEGAWA Hideki, SATO Taketomo, JIANG Chao, MURANAKA Tsutomu
    Symposium on Surface Science 2003 (3S03), 30 Mar. 2003, English
    [International presentation]
  • MBE選択成長法を用いたGaAs/AlGaAsヘキサゴナル細線ネットワークの形成とその評価 (2)
    玉井功, 吉田崇一, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 27 Mar. 2003, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • MBE選択成長法によるGaAs(111)B加工基板上へのGaAs系量子構造の作製と評価
    吉田崇一, 玉井功, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 27 Mar. 2003, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 加工基板を用いたMBE選択成長によるGaAs/AlGaAsリッジ細線の形成とデバイス応用
    佐藤威友, 玉井功, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 27 Mar. 2003, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Selective MBE Growth of GaAs Ridge Quantum Wires for Formation of Hexagonal Nanowire Networks               
    SATO Taketomo, TAMAI Isao, HASEGAWA Hideki
    2003 RCIQE International Seminar on Quantum Nanoelectronics for Meme-Media-Based Information Technologies, 12 Feb. 2003, English
    [International presentation]
  • Selective MBE Growth of GaAs Ridge Quantum Wire Arrays on Patterned (001) Substrates and Its Growth Mechanism               
    SATO Taketomo, TAMAI Isao, HASEGAWA Hideki
    29th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS2002), 07 Oct. 2002, English
    [International presentation]
  • GaAs上に形成したナノショットキーゲート電極のポテンシャル制御特性 (2)
    亀田篤志, 葛西誠也, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 24 Sep. 2002, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 加工基板を用いたMBE選択成長法によるGaAs/AlGaAs量子細線の形成と評価 (2)
    佐藤威友, 玉井功, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 24 Sep. 2002, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • MBE選択成長法を用いたGaAs/AlGaAsヘキサゴナル細線ネットワークの形成とその評価
    玉井功, 吉田崇一, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 24 Sep. 2002, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Selective MBE Growth of <-110> and <510>-Oriented GaAs Ridge Quantum Wires on Patterned (001) Substrates for Formation of Hexagonal Nanowire Networks               
    SATO Taketomo, TAMAI Isao, HASEGAWA Hideki
    The Second International Workshop on Quantum Nonplanar Nanostructures & Nanoelectronics (QNN02), 09 Sep. 2002, English
    [International presentation]
  • Mechanism and Suppression of Anomalously Large Reverse Leakage Currents in n-type GaN Schottky Contacts               
    SATO Taketomo, OYAMA Susumu, HASEGAWA Hideki
    26th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, 29 Jul. 2002, English
    [International presentation]
  • Selective MBE Growth of High Density GaAs/AlGaAs Hexagonal Nanowire Network Structures on Pre-Patterned GaAs Substrates               
    TAMAI Isao, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    2002 Electronic Materials Conference, 26 Jun. 2002, English
    [International presentation]
  • Understanding and Control of Current Transport in GaN Schottky Contacts with Large Reverse Leakage Currents               
    HASEGAWA Hideki, SATO Taketomo, OYAMA Susumu
    26th Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits held in Europe (WOCSDICE), 21 May 2002, English
    [International presentation]
  • MBE選択成長法により形成したGaAs/AlGaAs結合量子細線構造の評価
    玉井功, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 27 Mar. 2002, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • GaAs上に形成したナノショットキーゲート電極のポテンシャル制御特性
    亀田篤志, 葛西誠也, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 27 Mar. 2002, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気化学プロセスによるInPポーラス構造の形成とその応用 (3)
    平野哲郎, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 27 Mar. 2002, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 加工基板を用いたMBE選択成長法によるGaAs/AlGaAs量子細線の形成と評価
    佐藤威友, 玉井功, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 27 Mar. 2002, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気化学プロセスによるInPポーラス構造の形成とその応用(2)
    平野哲郎, 佐藤威友, 伊藤章, 石川史太郎, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 11 Sep. 2001, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 加工基板を用いたMBE選択成長法によるGaAsリッジ構造の形成と評価
    佐藤威友, 玉井功, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 11 Sep. 2001, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気化学プロセスによるInPポーラス構造の形成とその応用
    平野哲郎, 佐藤威友, 伊藤章, 石川史太郎, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 28 Mar. 2001, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 化合物半導体ナノショットキー接触界面の電気的特性とその制御(2)
    佐藤威友, 亀田篤志, 葛西誠也, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 28 Mar. 2001, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Effects of Surface Fermi Level Pinning and Surface State Charging on Control Characteristics of Nanometer Scale Schottky Gates Formed on GaAs               
    KAMEDA Atsuchi, KASAI Seiya, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    2001 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium (ISDRS2001), 2001, English
    [International presentation]
  • Selective MBE Growth of GaAs/AlGaAs Hexagonal Nanowire Network Structures on (001) Patterned GaAs Substrates               
    SATO Taketomo, TAMAI Isao, JIANG Chao, HASEGAWA Hideki
    28th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS2001), 2001, English
    [International presentation]
  • Electrochemical Formation of Self-Assembled Nanopore Arrays As Templates for MBE Growth of InP-based Quantum Wires and Dots               
    HIRANO Tetsuro, ITO Akira, SATO Taketomo, ISHIKAWA Fumitaro, HASEGAWA Hideki
    2001 International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM2001), 2001, English
    [International presentation]
  • 微小金属ドットを有する化合物半導体単電子デバイス構造(5)
    岡田浩, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 03 Sep. 2000, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 化合物半導体ナノショットキー接触界面の電気的特性とその制御
    佐藤威友, 葛西誠也, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 03 Sep. 2000, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 微小金属ドットを有する化合物半導体単電子デバイス構造(4)
    岡田浩, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 28 Mar. 2000, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気化学プロセスを用いて作製した化合物半導体ナノショットキー接触の電気的特性
    佐藤威友, 葛西誠也, 岡田浩, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 28 Mar. 2000, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Electrical Properties of Nanometer-Sized Schottky Contacts for Gate Control of III-V Single Electron Devices               
    SATO Taketomo, KASAI Seiya, HASEGAWA Hideki
    International Symposium on Formation Physics and Device Application of Quantum Dot Structures, 2000, English
    [International presentation]
  • Current Transport and Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics of GaAs and InP Nanometer-Sized Schottky Contacts Formed by in situ Electrochemical Process               
    SATO Taketomo, KASAI Seiya, HASEGAWA Hideki
    10 th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, 2000, English
    [International presentation]
  • Formation and Characterization of Nanometer-Sized Schottky Contacts on III-V Materials by In-SItu Electrochemical Process               
    SATO Taketomo, KASAI Seiya, HASEGAWA Hideki
    42nd Electronic Materials Conference, 2000, English
    [International presentation]
  • Self-Assembled Formation of InP Nanopore Arrays by Electrochemical Anodization               
    FUJIKURA Hajime, LIU Aimin, SATO Taketomo, HIRANO Tetsuro, HASEGAWA Hideki
    2000 International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM2000), 2000, English
    [International presentation]
  • ナノショットキー接触の電気的特性
    佐藤威友, 葛西誠也, 岡田浩, 長谷川英機
    電気関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集, 23 Oct. 1999, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 微小金属ドットを有する化合物半導体単電子デバイス構造 (3)
    岡田浩, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 01 Sep. 1999, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気化学プロセスを用いて作製したナノショットキー接触の電気的特性
    佐藤威友, 葛西誠也, 岡田浩, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 01 Sep. 1999, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 微小金属ドットを有する化合物半導体単電子デバイス構造 (2)
    岡田浩, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 28 Mar. 1999, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気化学プロセスを用いたInP系材料に対するナノショットキー接触の形成
    佐藤威友, 岡田浩, 長谷川英樹
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, 28 Mar. 1999, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • 電気科学プロセスによるIII‐V族化合物半導体表面・ショットキー界面の制御
    橋詰保, 兼城千波, 佐藤威友, 長谷川英機
    電気化学会大会講演要旨集, 24 Mar. 1999, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Properties of nanometer-sized metal contacts on GaAs, InP and their related materials               
    HASEGAWA Hideki, SATO Taketomo, KASAI Seiya
    Surfaces and Interfaces of Mesoscopic Devices, 1999, English
    [International presentation]
  • Electrochemical Formation of Nanometer-Sized Straight Pore Arrays on (001) InP Surfaces               
    LIU Aimin, HAMAMATSU Akihito, SATO Taketomo, FUJIKURA Hajime, HASEGAWA Hideki
    International Symposium on Surface Science for Micro- and Nano-Device Fabrication, 1999, English
    [International presentation]
  • Electrical Properties of Nanometer-Sized Schottky Contacts on n-GaAs and n-InP Formed by in situ Electrochemical Process               
    SATO Taketomo, KASAI Seiya, OKADA Hiroshi, HASEGAWA Hideki
    International Symposium on Surface Science for Micro- and Nano-Device Fabrication, 1999, English
    [International presentation]
  • Unpinning of Fermi Level in Nanometer-Sized Schottky Contacts on GaAs and InP               
    HASEGAWA Hideki, SATO Taketomo
    7th International Conference on Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces, 1999, English
    [International presentation]
  • Subnano-Scale Selective Etching and Nano-Scale Pore Array Formation on InP (001) Surfaces by a Wet Electrochemical Process               
    HAMAMATSU Akihito, KANESHIRO Chinami, SATO Taketomo, FUJIKURA Hajime, HASEGAWA Hideki
    International Conference on 1999 Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM99), 1999, English
    [International presentation]
  • Formation on Nanometer-Sized Schottky Contacts on InP and Related Materials by in situ Electrochemical Process               
    SATO Taketomo, OKADA Hiroshi, HASEGAWA Hideki
    11th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM99), 1999, English
    [International presentation]
  • Formation of Fermi Level Pinning Free Nano-scale Schottky Contacts on Compound Semiconductor and Their Application to Single Electron Devices               
    HASEGAWA Hideki, SATO Taketomo, OKADA Hiroshi
    Symposium on Surface Physics, 1999, English
    [International presentation]
  • Compound semiconductor single electron device structures having nano-metal dots.
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, Sep. 1998, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Formation of porous InP by anodization.
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, Sep. 1998, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Electrochemical etching of n-InP surface in an acid solution.
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, Sep. 1998, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Formation of metal particles and its application to metal/semiconductor nano-structure by erectrochemical process.
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, Sep. 1998, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Formation and characterization of metal nano-grain array by electrochemical process.
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, Mar. 1998, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Schottky barrier hights for a range of metals deposited on n-GaAs sureface by using electrochemical process.
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, Mar. 1998, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Photo-voltaic characterization of Pt-dots/InP surfaces in electrolytic solutions.
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, Mar. 1998, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Formation and control of Schottky contacts formed by in situ electrochemical process.
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, Mar. 1998, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Properties of Nanometer-Sized Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces of GaAs, InP and GaN Formed by An In-Situ Electrochemical Process               
    HASEGAWA Hideki, SATO Taketomo, KANESHIRO Chinami, KOYAMA Yuuji
    1999 International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces, 1998, English
    [International presentation]
  • Realization of Strongly Metal-Dependent Schottky Barrier Heights on n-GaAs by In Situ Electrochemical Process               
    KANESHIRO Chinami, SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu, HASEGAWA Hideki
    25th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, 1998, English
    [International presentation]
  • Surface Modification of InP By Photoelectrohcemical Process               
    HAMAMATSU Akihito, KANESHIRO Chinami, SATO Taketomo, FUJIKURA Hajime, HASEGAWA Hideki
    International Symposium on Electrochemistry of Ordered Interfaces, 1998, English
    [International presentation]
  • Formation of Size- and Position-Controlled Nanometer Size Pt Dots on GaAs and InP Substrates by Pulsed Electrochemical Deposition               
    SATO Taketomo, KANESHIRO Chinami, OKADA Hiroshi, HASEGAWA Hideki
    International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 1998, English
    [International presentation]
  • Fabrication of Regular Arays of Nanometer-Sized Pt Dots on III-V Substrates by Electron Beam Lithography and Electrochemical Deposition               
    SATO Taketomo, KANESHIRO Chinami, OKADA Hiroshi, HASEGAWA Hideki
    40th Electronic Matterials Conference (EMC'98), 1998, English
    [International presentation]
  • Highly Controllable Electrochemical Etching of InP studied by Voltammetry and Scanned Probe Microscope               
    KANESHIRO Chinami, SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    10th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM98), 1998, English
    [International presentation]
  • Strong Correlation Between Interface Microstructure and Barrier Height in n-InP Schottky Contacts Formed by In Situ Electrochemical Process               
    SATO Taketomo, KANESHIRO Chinami, HASEGAWA Hideki
    10th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM98), 1998, English
    [International presentation]
  • Formation of Pt Dot Array by erectrochemical process.
    電気関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集, 1998, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • In Situ STM obsersvation of InP surface in an solution.
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, Oct. 1997, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Photo-voltac characterization of Schottky contacts on InP-based materials.
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, Oct. 1997, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Fomation and control of Schottky contacts formed by in situ electrochemical process.
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, Oct. 1997, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Schottky Barrier Formation to Compound Semiconductors by in-situ Electrochemical Process and Its Controllability.
    電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集, Aug. 1997, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Preparation of sputter-deposited Pt/InP interfaces.
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, Mar. 1997, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Formation of Schottky contacts to InP-based materials by in-situ electrochemical process.
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, Mar. 1997, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Formation of Pinning-Free Schottky Barriers on InP and Related Materials by Novel In-Situ Electrochemical Process and Its Mechanism               
    SATO Taketomo, HASEGAWA Hideki
    9th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM97), 1997, English
    [International presentation]
  • Evolution of Nearly Pinning-Free Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces on InP and Related Materials by Novel In-Situ Electrochemical Process               
    SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu, HASEGAWA Hideki
    1997 International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces, 1997, English
    [International presentation]
  • In situ observation of InP surface in acid solutions by EC STM.
    電気関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集, 1997, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Formation of Schottky contacts by in situ electrochemical process.
    電気関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集, 1997, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Formation of Schottky contacts with high Schottky barrier heights to InP-based materials and its mechanism.
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, Sep. 1996, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Formation of Schottky barriers to InP based materials by In Situ electrochemical process.
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集, Mar. 1996, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]
  • Enhancement of Schottky Barrier Heights on Indium Phosphide-Based Materials by In-Situ Electrochemical Process and Its Mechanism               
    SATO Taketomo, UNO Shouichi, HASHIZUME Tamotsu, HASEGAWA Hideki
    International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 1996, English
    [International presentation]
  • Fabrication of high-performance InP MESFETs with in-situ pulse-plated metal gates               
    UNO Shouichi, Tamotsu Hashizme, SATO Taketomo, FUJIKURA Hajime, HASEGAWA Hideki
    International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM96), 1996, English
    [International presentation]
  • Formation of high Schottky barrier heights to InP-based materials by in-situ electrochemical process and its mechanism.
    電気関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集, 1996, Japanese
    [Domestic Conference]


  • 自然科学実験(物理学)               
    北海道大学 全学
  • 電気電子工学実験基礎               
    北海道大学 工学部
  • 情報エレクトロニクス特別演習               
    北海道大学 情報科学研究科
  • 機能デバイス学特論               
    北海道大学 情報科学研究科
  • 電子工学演習               
    北海道大学 工学部
  • 電子工学実験               
    北海道大学 工学部
  • 量子力学               
    北海道大学 工学部
  • 国際交流科目”Forefront of Semiconductor Electronics”               
    北海道大学 全学
  • 情報学               
    北海道大学 全学
  • 科学技術の世界「半導体エレクトロニクスの最前線」               
    北海道大学 全学
  • 電子情報工学実験               
    北海道大学 工学部
  • 応用数学1               
    北海道大学 工学部
  • 先端デバイス学特論               
    北海道大学 情報科学研究科
  • 応用デバイス回路学特論               
    北海道大学 情報科学研究科
  • 集積回路工学               
    北海道大学 工学部

Affiliated academic society

  • The Electrochemical Society               
  • 電子情報通信学会               
  • Japanese Society of Applied Physics               
  • The Electrochemical Society of Japan               


  • 電子情報工学実験 テキストの作成・更新               
    佐藤 威友, [Educational materials]
  • 量子集積エレクトロニクス研究センター ホームページの更新               
    佐藤 威友, [Web service]

Research Themes

  • 窒化物半導体異種界面パラレル伝導制御とマルチチャネル高周波トランジスタの開発
    01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2026
    佐藤 威友, 三好 実人, 赤澤 正道
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 23H01437
  • 超ワイドギャップAlN系半導体を用いたパワートランジスタの開発
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2024
    三好 実人, 佐藤 威友
    窒化アルミニウム(AlN)は、GaNの3.4eV、SiCの3.2eVを大きく上回る6.2eVという極めて大きなバンドギャップエネルギーを持つ究極的なパワーデバイス用半導体材料である。AlNの絶縁破壊電界は非常に高く、パワーデバイスとして利用した場合のOFF耐圧はGaNやSiCの約10倍にもなると予想されている。一方、AlNは、化学的安定性が高く機械的強度・硬度に優れることも大きな特徴となっているが、これらの諸物性は機能デバイスへの応用を考えた際の技術的困難さも生じさせている。本研究では、将来社会の省エネ化ニーズに応えるアイテムとして、GaN, SiC以上の超ワイドバンドギャップ半導体である窒化アルミニウム(AlN)系ヘテロ構造をベースとしたパワートランジスタを着想、その実現に向けた課題と方策を以下のように設定し、研究計画を策定した。
    (1) AlN系ヘテロ構造のエピタキシャル成長技術確立: 目標のトランジスタ構造を実現するために表面平坦で且つ所望の電気特性を示すAlN系ヘテロ構造のエピタキシャル成長技術を確立する。
    (2) AlN系トランジスタのデバイス化技術構築: デバイス化にあたってのキーとなるオーミック電極形成、およびノーマリOFF動作のための精密微細加工に係るプロセス技術を構築する。
    (3) AlN系トランジスタの試作と到達性能の確認: 上記2項目に対応したうえでデバイス試作と評価を進め、理想デバイスの設計と到達性能の理論推定を行う。以上のような学理的なアプローチを以て、AlN系トランジスタが既存品を超えて真に将来有望なデバイスとなり得るかを検証する。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 名古屋工業大学, 21H01389
  • Development of wet etching technology for nitride semiconductors using strong oxidizing agents and application to transistors
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2023
    佐藤 威友, 三好 実人, 橋詰 保
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 20H02175
  • Interface control of heterojunctions including singularity structures for advanced electron devices
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
    30 Jun. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2021
    Hashizume Tamotsu
    We have investigated interface properties of Schottky and MOS structures with a non-polar m-plane GaN surface and processed GaN surfaces by a plasma-assisted etching, an ion implantation and a high-temperature annealing. The detailed electrical characterization detected various kinds of electronic states created at the GaN surfaces. Then, a chemically stable HfSiOx gate with a high permittivity has been applied to AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs), resulting in excellent I-V characteristics with a slight fluctuation of threshold voltage. In addition, a recess-gate GaN MOS HEMT was fabricated using an electrodeless photo-assisted electrochemical etching. The DC characterization showed a precise control of threshold voltage in the I-V characteristics of the recess-gate MOS HEMT.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area), Hokkaido University, 16H06421
  • 省エネルギー社会の実現に資する次世代半導体研究開発(パワーデバイス・システム領域)               
    2016 - 2021
  • 社会実装を目指したGaN縦型パワーデバイス作製技術の確立               
  • GaNの光電気化学エッチングに関する研究               
    株式会社サイオクス, 北海道大学
  • GaNの光電気化学プロセス               
    三菱電機株式会社, 北海道大学
  • Low-damage Processing of Nitride Semiconductors Based on Self-stoping Oxdization and Transistor Applications
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2020
    Sato Taketomo
    The photo-electrochemical (PEC) process was developed for fabricating recessed-gate AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs). The photo-carriers generated in the top AlGaN layer caused homogeneous etching of AlGaN with a smooth surface. Self-termination phenomena observed under optimal PEC condition were useful for precisely controlling the etching depth in the AlGaN layer. Two types of HEMTs, i.e., Schottky-gate and metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS)-gate, were fabricated. A recessed-gate AlGaN/GaN structure fabricated with PEC etching showed positive threshold voltage, and its variation was very small. A recessed-gate structure with PEC etching showed better current transport controllability with a small subthreshold-slope than that of planar-gate and dry-etched-gate AlGaN/GaN structures.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 17H03224
  • Low-damage Processing of Nitride Semiconductors Based on Self-stoping Oxdization and Transistor Applications               
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2020
    SATO Taketomo
    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • GaNの光電気化学エッチングに関する研究               
    株式会社サイオクス, 北海道大学
  • GaNの光電気化学プロセス               
    三菱電機株式会社, 北海道大学
  • GaNの光電気化学エッチングに関する研究               
    株式会社サイオクス, 北海道大学
  • Visible light responsive photocatalysts utilizing nitride semiconductor-based nanostructures for artificial photosynthesis
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2018
    Taketomo Sato
    GaN-based photocatalyst electrodes utilizing electrochemically-formed porous structures have been developed. The precise control of pore diameter and depth has been achieved by optimizing the condition of electrochemical etching and subsequent wet-chemical etching. The decrease of photo reflectance and increase of the effective surface area of GaN porous structures lead to the improvement of the photo-electrochemical conversion efficiency. The functionalization utilizing NiO and Cu2O on n-GaN electrodes was very effective respectively for the improvement of corrosion resistance and the photoelectrochemical conversion in visible light region (400-600nm).
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Hokkaido University, 15K13937
  • 窒化物半導体周期的ナノ構造を基盤とした可視光応答型光触媒の開発と人工光合成応用               
    Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2018
    SATO Taketomo
    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • III-V族化合物半導体の酸化腐食に関する研究               
    2015 - 2018
    オルガノ株式会社, 北海道大学
  • Nanoscale control of nitride semiconductor surface using low-damaged process for high-sensitive chemical sensors               
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2016
    SATO Taketomo
    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • 絶縁膜物性・界面状態のGaNトランジスタの性能と関係性の研究               
    2016 - 2016
  • Nanoscale control of nitride semiconductor surface using low-damaged process for high-sensitive chemical sensors
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    2013 - 2015
    SATO Taketomo, HASHIZUME Tamotsu, MOTOHISA Junichi, YATABE Zenji
    Towards the higher sensitivity of ion-sensitive field-effect transistors (ISFETs) on nitride semiconductors, the porous-gate ISFETs has been proposed and its basic technology was established. The porous structures with a high-aspect ratio having a several 10 nm-diameter were successfully formed in a controlled fashion utilizing the electrochemical oxidation and etching process. It was found that the unique features of porous structures such as a large surface area and a modified potential involved with a high-electric field are very effective to detect the photo-electrochemical reactions with high-sensitivity. The correlation between the ion-diffusion in the pores and charging and discharging to the double layer were discussed on the basis of the experimental and theoretical results, leading to the new finding for the high-speed and high-sensitive chemical sensors.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 25289079
  • GaN HEMTのためのプロセス技術と接合界面評価               
    2012 - 2015
    トヨタ自動車株式会社, 北海道大学
  • Exploration of novel materials for photochemical water splitting based on semiconductor nanowires and nanostructures
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2014
    MOTOHISA Junichi, SATO Taketomo
    To explore novel materials for photochemical water splitting, we attempted the fabrication of GaN-based nanostructuers and their characterization of electrochemical properties. Growth of GaN and InGaN nanostructures were attempted by selective-area growth using RF-plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Hexagonal pyramidal structures of GaN were successfully fabricated and a use of alternate mask material for selective-area growth was suggested to be important to realized nanowires which is suitable for water splitting. We also investigated the photo-electrochemical properties of GaN by measureing current-voltage characteristics of GaN in electroryte with and without light irradiation. Furthermore, their characteristics was compared with porous structures, which were fabricated by photo-assisted chemial etching and had high-denstiy nanometer-sized pores on the surface, and it was found that porous structures allowed much lager photocurrent as compared to planar structures.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Hokkaido University, 24656196
  • Exploration of novel materials for photochemical water splitting based on semiconductor nanowires and nanostructures               
    Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    2012 - 2014
    Junichi MOTOHISA
    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Competitive research funding
  • High-density formation of functionalized nano-interfaces based on semiconductor porous structures for high-sensitive chemical-sensing technology
    Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A)
    2009 - 2012
    SATO Taketomo
    We proposed a novel ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET) having a porous-gate structure and established necessary basic technologies. The straight pores were successfully formed vertically on the substrate by the optimized electrochemical conditions. The functionalization of the pore surface was achieved by the deposition of the metal particles and organic molecules after the complete removal of the irregular top layer form the porous structures. Our proposed ISFETs with porous structures demonstrated good performance with a large current signal in the electrolyte, showing promise for high-sensitive chemical sensors.
    文部科学省, 若手研究(A), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 21686028
  • Reliability improvement of GaN transistors based on the control of electronic states and a nobel gate structure
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    2009 - 2012
    Tamotsu HASHIZUME, 古賀 裕明, 久保 俊晴, 佐藤 威友, 赤澤 正道
    To improve the operation stability of GaN-heterostructure transistors, we have carried out characterization and control of electronic states at insulator-semiconductor interfaces, fabrication and characterization of the multi-mesa-channel (MMC) transistors, and the related experiments. By applying the novel simulation and photo-assisted capacitance-voltage methods to Al_2O_3/ AlGaN/GaN structures, we determined the density distribution of electronic states at the Al_2O_3/AlGaN for the first time. It was also found that the MMC structure is very effective in improving the current stability of the GaN-based transistors.
    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 基盤研究(A), 北海道大学, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 21246007
  • 化合物半導体配列ナノ構造を基盤とする超接合光吸収体の創成と太陽電池応用
    Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    2009 - 2010
    SATO Taketomo, 橋詰 保, 本久 順一, 古賀 裕明
    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 21656078
  • 窒化物半導体混晶のバルク準位評価とナノ構造表面制御
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas
    2009 - 2010
    Tamotsu HASHIZUME, 古賀 裕明, 佐藤 威友
    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 特定領域研究, 北海道大学, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 21016001
  • 次世代センサーネットワークの実現に向けた化合物半導体化学センサの開発と高性能化に関する研究               
    2008 - 2009
    佐藤 威友
    小澤・吉川記念エレクトロニクス研究助成基金, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • Formation of three-dimensional quantum nanostructure networks based on compound semiconductor porous structuresq
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(若手研究(B))
    2007 - 2008
    Taketomo SATO
    電解液と半導体界面の電気化学反応により形成される多孔質(ポーラス)構造を利用し、少ない電子を局所的に閉じ込めて制御する「3次元量子ナノネットワーク」の基礎技術を確立した。本構造は、直径数100nm 深さ数μm の直線的な孔が配列した高密度ナノ構造が基盤となっており、非常に大きな表面積と優れた伝導特性および光学的特性を有し、高感度化学センサや高効率太陽光発電素子の基本構造として有望性を示す一連の研究成果を得た。
    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 19760208
  • III族窒化物半導体混晶の欠陥準位・表面準位の評価と制御
    2007 - 2008
    橋詰 保, 金子 昌充, 佐藤 威友
    発光素子の効率・安定動作・信頼性には、バルクの結晶欠陥とともに、ヘテロ界面での禁制帯内連続電子準位(界面準位)や端面での表面準位の特性が影響する場合が多いが、これらの特性は明らかになっていない。本研究では、GaNおよびAlGaNのバルク欠陥準位と表面・端面・ヘテロ界面における表面電子準位を詳細に評価し、その特性の理解と制御を目的として研究を展開した。1) Al組成26%のAlGaN混晶にショットキー接合を形成し、暗中および光照射下での過渡容量応答評価を行なった。伝導帯下端より1.0eVおよび禁制帯中央付近の深い準位からの応答を検出し、詳しい解析の結果、5-8×10^<16>cm^<-3>程度の比較的高い密度を有することを明らかにした。2) 保護膜高温熱処理によるp-GaN表面の特性変化を詳細に評価した。XPS解析より1000℃以上の熱処理によりGa原子の外方拡散とMg原子の表面偏析が明らかになった。また、電流-電圧測定とPL評価より深い準位の生成による表面抵抗の増大が観測され、Ga空孔や格子間Mgに関連する複合欠陥の存在が示唆された。3) 電気化学酸化によるGaNおよびAlGaNの表面制御を検討した。酸化膜を溶液除去した表面に金属接合を形成した場合、接合特性の均一性が向上することが確認された。また、ドライエッチングで形成したナノ細線側面を選択的に酸化した場合、細線の伝導特性が...
    文部科学省, 特定領域研究, 北海道大学, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 19032001
  • High-efficiency energy-conversion devices based on semiconductor nanostructures               
    Competitive research funding
  • 選択的結晶成長による窒化ガリウム系ナノワイヤ・ネットワークの作製               
    2006 - 2007
    佐藤 威友
    池谷科学技術振興財団, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • 化合物半導体ナノ構造の自己組織化形成と高感度化学センサへの応用               
    2006 - 2007
    佐藤 威友
    村田学術振興財団, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • Reliability improvement of GaN-based devices by controlling defects and interfaces
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
    2005 - 2006
    Tamotsu HASHIZUME, 葛西 誠也, 佐藤 威人友, 金子 昌充
    The purpose of the research is to improve the stability of the GaN-based devices by controlling defects and interfaces. We have characterized electronic states of defects and impurities in GaN and A1GaN, as well as their correlation with degradation phenomena in various kinds of devices, such as the current collapse, the gate leakage current, electric breakdown, etc.1)We performed deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) measurements on the Schottky contacts fabricated on the Al_0.26Ga_0.74N surfaces, and detected a deep electron trap with an activation energy of 0.9 eV and a density higher...
    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, Competitive research funding, 17360133
  • 半導体2次元電子ガスのプラズマ波によるミリ波・テラヘルツ進行波デバイスの研究
    2005 - 2005
    長谷川 英機, 葛西 誠也, 佐藤 威友, 賈 鋭
    文部科学省, 萌芽研究, 北海道大学, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 17656099
  • ギガ・ノード超高密度量子ナノ集積構造の作製と表面制御技術の開発
    2004 - 2005
    佐藤 威友
    文部科学省, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 16760239
  • Fabrication of Photonic Crystals by Selective-Area Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy and Their Application to Devices
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(A))
    2003 - 2005
    Junichi MOTOHISA, プリミーラ モハン, 佐野 栄一, 福井 孝志, 佐藤 威友, 楊 林
    We have established a method to fabricate two-dimensional crystals (2D-PhCs) and 2D-PhC slabs (2D-PhCs) by utilizing selective area metalorganic vapor phase epitaxial (SA-MOVPE) and investigated their optical properties. By doing SA-MOVPE growth on GaAs (111)B or InP(111)B substrates partially covered with periodic array of hexagonal masks, we have fabricated air-hole array of GaAs- and InP-based semiconductors. If the SA-MOVPE is carried out on sacrificial AIGaAs layer, For GaAs-based 2D-PhCs, we have succeeded in the fabrication of air-bridge-type 2D-PhCs and 2D-PhCs with line-defect and ...
    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 基盤研究(A), 北海道大学, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 15206030
  • 選択的半導体結晶成長法による量子集積回路作製プロセスの研究開発               
    2003 - 2004
    佐藤 威友
    ノーステック財団, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • 量子集積回路の実現に向けた高性能ナノショットキーゲート電極の開発
    2002 - 2003
    佐藤 威友
    文部科学省, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 14750223
  • Formation of Photonic Crystals by Selective Area Growth and Their Applications
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
    2000 - 2002
    Junichi MOTOHISA, 韓 哲九, 安 海岩, 藤倉 序章, 佐藤 威友, 橋詰 保
    We have developed a technique to form two-dimensional periodic array of hexagonal pillars and air-hole structures for the application of two-dimensional crystals (2DPCs) by selective area metalorganic vapor phase epitaxial (SA-MOVPE) growth. Firstly, SA-MOVPE of GaAs and AlGaAs was carried out on (111)B GaAs substrates partially covered with SiO_2 masks. Array of circular or hexagonal openings of the mask pattern was arranged to realize triangular lattice with periodicity of about 0.5μm. By optimizing the growth conditions, uniform array of hexagonal pillar structures consisting of vertical...
    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 12450117
  • 電気化学プロセスによる金属-化合物半導体界面の制御とその電子デバイスへの応用
    科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費
    1998 - 2000
    佐藤 威友
    日本学術振興会, 特別研究員奨励費, 北海道大学, 98J02746
  • Self-assembled formation of semiconductor nanostructures using electrochemcial process and its application to sensors               
    Competitive research funding

Industrial Property Rights

  • エッチング方法及びエッチング装置               
    Patent right, 佐藤威友, 熊崎祐介, 橋詰保
    特願2017-095458, 12 May 2017
    特開2018-195609, 06 Dec. 2018
    特許第6952983号, 01 Oct. 2021
  • 構造体の製造方法と製造装置および中間構造体
    Patent right, 堀切 文正, 福原 昇, 佐藤 威友, 渡久地 政周, 株式会社サイオクス, 住友化学株式会社
    特願2019-148874, 14 Aug. 2019
    特許第6694102号, 20 Apr. 2020
  • センサ及びセンサの製造方法
    Patent right, 佐藤 威友, 国立大学法人北海道大学
    特願2010-094012, 15 Apr. 2010
    特開2011-226800, 10 Nov. 2011
  • 半導体装置とその製造方法
    Patent right, 杉本 雅裕, 副島 成雅, 上杉 勉, 加地 徹, 橋詰 保, 佐藤 威友, トヨタ自動車株式会社, 株式会社豊田中央研究所, 国立大学法人 北海道大学
    特願2008-053543, 04 Mar. 2008
    特開2009-212291, 17 Sep. 2009

Social Contribution Activities

  • 公開講義(札幌南高等学校)               
    18 Oct. 2018
    Visiting lecture
  • 公開講義(札幌開成中等教育学校)               
    08 Aug. 2018
    Lecturer, Demonstrator
    Visiting lecture