Kita Hiroyuki

Faculty of Information Science and Technology Systems Science and Informatics System SynthesisProfessor
Last Updated :2024/12/06

■Researcher basic information


  • Jun. 1994

Researchmap personal page

Researcher number

  • 30214779

Research Keyword

  • 電力系統
  • 分散電源
  • 信頼度
  • 競争環境
  • 周波数制御
  • ファジイ
  • 予防制御
  • 電源計画
  • 電圧制御
  • Q-learning
  • 蓄電池
  • PQ分離モデル
  • 独立系発電事業者(IPP)
  • 再生可能エネルギー
  • セキュリティ
  • ノーダルプライス
  • 電力工学
  • 相反定理
  • 支配度
  • セキュリティ制御
  • ATC
  • 送電混雑
  • 貯水池運用計画
  • 予備力
  • 電力市場
  • 予備力市場
  • 太陽光発電
  • 系統フレキシビリティ
  • 貯水池運用
  • 強化学習
  • 電気エネルギー工学
  • 電力系統工学
  • Electric Energy Engineering
  • Power System Engineering

Research Field

  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Electrical power engineering



  • Jul. 2005 - Present
    Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, 教授
  • Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2020
    Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, 研究科長
  • Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016
    Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, 副研究科長(総務・研究担当)
  • Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2014
    Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, 副研究科長(教育担当)
  • Apr. 2004 - Jun. 2005
    Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, 助教授
  • Apr. 1995 - Mar. 2004
    Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Engineering, 助教授
  • Apr. 1989 - Mar. 1995
    Hokkaido University, School of Engineering, 助手

Educational Background

  • Jun. 1994, 博士(工学)(北海道大学)
  • Apr. 1988 - Mar. 1989, 北海道大学大学院, 工学研究科博士後期課程, 電気工学専攻, Japan
  • Apr. 1986 - Mar. 1989, 北海道大学大学院, 工学研究科修士課程, 電気工学専攻, Japan
  • Apr. 1982 - Mar. 1986, Hokkaido University, School of Engineering, 電気工学科, Japan

Committee Memberships

  • Nov. 2022 - Present
    資源エネルギー庁, 令和4年度洋上風力発電の導入拡大に向けた調査支援事業有識者委員会委員
  • Oct. 2022 - Present
    NEDO, 再生可能エネルギーの主力電源化に向けた次々世代電力ネットワーク安定化技術開発/研究開発項目① 擬似慣性PCSの実用化開発検討委員会委員長
  • May 2022 - Present
    北海道電力ネットワーク, 再エネ大量導入時の周波数対策委員会委員
  • Feb. 2022 - Present
    国土審議会 北海道開発分科会計画部会委員
  • Oct. 2020 - Present
    日本学術会議, 連携会員
  • Aug. 2020 - Present
    電力広域的運営推進機関, 広域連系系統のマスタープラン及び系統利用ルールの在り方等に関する検討委員会委員
  • Nov. 2019 - Present
    NEDO, 技術委員
  • Oct. 2018 - Present
    文部科学省 卓越大学院プログラム「パワー・エネルギー・プロフェッショナル育成プログラム」, プログラム担当教員
  • Apr. 2010 - Present
    パワーアカデミー, 大学検討委員会委員
  • May 2020 - May 2022
    電気学会, 北海道支部代表理事(北海道支部長)
  • Sep. 2020 - Mar. 2022
    電気学会, 令和3年度電力・エネルギー部門大会実行委員長
  • Aug. 2019 - Mar. 2022
    環境省, 地域連携・低炭素水素技術実証事業「家畜ふん尿由来水素を活用した水素サプライチェーン実証事業検討委員会」委員
  • Jun. 2019 - Mar. 2022
    電気学会, 防災・減災のための電気エネルギーセキュリティ特別調査専門委員会委員
  • Sep. 2020 - Mar. 2021
    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構, 創発的研究支援事業アドバイザー
  • Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2021
    北海道総合開発委員会, 委員
  • Aug. 2015 - Mar. 2021
    環境省, 地域連携・低炭素水素技術実証事業「小水力由来の 再エネ水素の導入拡大と北海道の地域特性に適した水素活用モデルの構築実証」検討委員会委員
  • Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2021
    電気学会保護リレーシステム技術委員会, 1号委員, Society
  • Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2020
    電気設備学会, 理事・北海道支部長, Society
  • Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2020
    電気学会, 電力系統技術委員会委員長, Society
  • Jun. 2012 - May 2014
    電気学会, 電力系統技術委員会委員, Society
  • Jun. 2012 - May 2014
    電気学会, 不確実性を有する需給変動に係わる時系列データの解析技術調査専門委員会委員長, Society
  • Oct. 2011 - Mar. 2013
    電気学会, 平成24年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会実行委員会委員長, Society
  • 2008 - 2010
    電気学会, 電力系統の高度利用を実現するシステム技術調査専門員会委員, Society
  • 2007 - 2009
    電気学会, 北海道支部協議員, Society
  • 2009
    電気学会, 電気学会編修専門第1部会委員, Society
  • 2006 - 2008
    電気学会, 周波数リレーシステムによる事故波及防止技術調査専門委員会委員, Society
  • 2006 - 2008
    電気学会, 電力・エネルギー部門研究調査運営委員会副委員長, Society
  • 2008
    電気学会, 平成21年電気学会全国大会実行委員会幹事, Society
  • 2005 - 2007
    電気学会, 分散型電源の系統連系解析モデル調査専門委員会委員, Society
  • 2005 - 2007
    電気学会, 北海道支部総務企画幹事, Society
  • 2005 - 2006
    電気学会, 電力系統の利用を支える解析・運用技術調査専門委員会委員, Society
  • 2004 - 2005
    電気学会, 北海道支部会計幹事, Society
  • 2003 - 2005
    電気学会, 電力系統におけるインテリジェントシステムの実用化とその実態評価調査専門委員会委員, Society
  • 2003 - 2004
    電気学会, ICEE2004論文委員会幹事, Society
  • 2003 - 2004
    電気学会, ICEE2004運営委員会幹事, Society
  • 2003 - 2004
    電気学会, 分散型電源有効活用のための電力系統技術調査専門委員委員, Society
  • 2003 - 2004
    電気学会, 論文委員会幹事, Society
  • 2003 - 2004
    電気学会, 競争環境下の新しい系統運用技術調査専門委員会 委員, Society
  • 2002 - 2004
    電気学会, ICEE2004実行委員会幹事, Society
  • 2002 - 2004
    電気学会, 負荷供給系統保護リレーシステムの現状とその動向調査専門委員委員, Society
  • 2001 - 2002
    電気学会, 競争環境下における電力品質調査専門委員会委員, Society
  • 2000 - 2002
    電気学会, 電力系統へのメタヒューリスティクス応用調査専門委員会委員, Society
  • 2000 - 2002
    電気学会, 超電導電力機器の仕様と特性調査専門委員会委員, Society
  • 2000 - 2001
    電気学会, 電力機器と系統保護の相互協調調査専門委員会委員, Society
  • 1999 - 2001
    電気学会, 北海道支部会計幹事, Society
  • 1998 - 2001
    電気学会, 燃料電池発電次世代システム技術調査専門委員会委員, Society
  • 1997 - 1999
    電気学会, 電力系統における知識工学手法の実用化技術調査専門委員会幹事, Society
  • 1996 - 1999
    電気学会, 電力系統における超電導機器のシステム特性調査専門委員会委員, Society
  • 1996 - 1998
    電気学会, 燃料電池発電分散配置技術調査専門委員会委員, Society
  • 1995 - 1996
    電気学会, 保護リレーシステム基本技術調査専門委員会委員, Society
  • 1994
    電気学会, 論文委員会幹事, Society

Position History

  • 教育研究評議会評議員, 2018年4月1日 - 2020年3月31日
  • 副工学部長, 2018年4月1日 - 2020年3月31日
  • 大学院情報科学院長, 2019年4月1日 - 2020年3月31日
  • 大学院情報科学研究院長, 2019年4月1日 - 2020年3月31日
  • 大学院情報科学研究科長, 2018年4月1日 - 2019年3月31日
  • 大学院情報科学研究科副研究科長, 2014年4月1日 - 2016年3月31日

■Research activity information


  • 2010, 平成21年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門誌優秀論文賞               
  • 2010, BEST PAPER AWARD RENEWABLE ENERGY 2010               
  • 1997, 第53回電気学術振興賞(論文賞)               
  • 1997, 電気学会論文発表賞               
  • 1994, 電気学会論文発表賞               
  • 1991, 電気学会論文発表賞               


  • Proposal and Verification of Frequency Control Method for Multi-Terminal HVDC Systems
    中村綾花, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会論文誌 B, 144, 6, 356, 363, Jun. 2024, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Dynamics Strategy Making Use of Power System Stabilizer for Mitigating LFSM-Induced Power Swing Deterioration
    白崎圭亮, 白崎圭亮, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会論文誌 B, 144, 6, 376, 383, Jun. 2024, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Operation scheduling method in an off-grid considering frequency violation probability caused by short-term variation
    Takuto Ohsawa, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Energy Reports, 11, 5139, 5148, Elsevier BV, Jun. 2024
    Scientific journal
  • Linear Regression Analysis of the Fuel Cost Factors of The Concurrent Hydro-Thermal Corporation System
    豊嶋伊知郎, 竹内智紀, 原亮一, 百川涼平, 北裕幸
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web), 123, 334(MSS2023 52-69), 2024
  • Determination of estimation accuracy of voltage profiles required for proper voltage control by on-load tap changer in distribution systems               
    R. Akasaka, R. Hara, H. Kita, S. Sugimura, T. Kurihara
    Energies, 掲載決定, Dec. 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Variable DC Voltage Threshold-Based Control Considering Emergency Mode-Switching for MTDC System               
    Ayaka Nakamura, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Proc. of 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America (ISGT-LA), 175, 179, Nov. 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Modeling of A Grid-Following Inverter Considering the relationship between PCC and POC Voltages.
    Nobuaki Kawashima, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Hideo Ishii
    ISGT Asia, 1, 5, Oct. 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
    International conference proceedings
  • Model Reduction Method for Distribution System Including Smart Inverters with Grid-Forming Droop Control
    Nobuaki Kawashima, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Proc. of 2023 IEEE PES ISGT EUROPE, A9073NK, 5 pages, 5, Oct. 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Decoupling Approach for A Unit Commitment Problem with Thermal- and Hydro- Generator Units               
    Tomoki Takeuchi, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Ichiro Toyoshima, Ryota Mizutani
    Proc. of CIGRE Cairns International Symposium, 1252, Sep. 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • 停電対策用蓄電池の確率的運用計画手法—Probabilistic Operation Scheduling Method for a Backup Storage Battery for Power Supply Outage—電力技術/電力系統技術合同研究会 (1)電力技術・電力系統技術一般(2)分散電源・次世代グリッド・系統セキュリティ
    松永 洸樹, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan / 電力系統技術研究会 [編], 2023, 111-118・120-122・166-172・174-179・181-184, 113, 118, 電気学会, Sep. 2023
  • 地域の特徴がオフグリッド化のコストに与える影響の評価—Evaluation of the effect of regional characteristics on cost of off-grid configurations—電力技術/電力系統技術合同研究会 (1)電力技術・電力系統技術一般 (2)分散電源・次世代グリッド・系統セキュリティ
    高田 友弥, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan / 電力系統技術研究会 [編], 2023, 123-128・130・132-134・185-199・202・203, 25, 30, 電気学会, Sep. 2023
  • エリア間エネルギーキャリアとしての水素を考慮した脱炭素電源構成—Decarbonized Power Generation Mix Considering Hydrogen as Inter-Area Energy Carrier—電力技術/電力系統技術合同研究会 (1)電力技術・電力系統技術一般(2)分散電源・次世代グリッド・系統セキュリティ
    喜田 勇志, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan / 電力系統技術研究会 [編], 2023, 111-118・120-122・166-172・174-179・181-184, 147, 153, 電気学会, Sep. 2023
  • 再生可能エネルギーのLFSMによる電力動揺の減衰性低下と対策—A Proposed Solution for Damping Performance Deterioration of Power Swing Oscillations Resulting from Renewable Energy's LFSM—電力技術/電力系統技術合同研究会 (1)電力技術・電力系統技術一般 (2)分散電源・次世代グリッド・系統セキュリティ
    白崎 圭亮, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan / 電力系統技術研究会 [編], 2023, 123-128・130・132-134・185-199・202・203, 127, 134, 電気学会, Sep. 2023
  • Utilization of Electric Vehicles and Battery Energy Storage Systems for Enhancement of PV Hosting Capacity in A Distribution Network               
    Esau Zulu, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Proceedings of International Council on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2023) Conference, Jul. 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • An Efficient Hybrid Particle Swarm and Gradient Descent Method for the Estimation of the Hosting Capacity of Photovoltaics by Distribution Networks
    Esau Zulu, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    ENERGIES, 16, 13, MDPI, Jul. 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, With many distribution networks adopting photovoltaic (PV) generation systems in their networks, there is a significant risk of over-voltages, reverse power flow, line congestion, and increased harmonics. Therefore, there is a need to estimate the amount of PV that can be injected into the distribution network without pushing the network towards these threats. The largest amount of PV a distribution system can accommodate is the PV hosting capacity (PVHC). The paper proposes an efficient method for estimating the PVHC of distribution networks that combines particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the gradient descent algorithm (GD). PSO has a powerful exploration of the solution space but poor exploitation of the local search. On the other hand, GD has great exploitation of local search to obtain local optima but needs better global search capabilities. The proposed method aims to harness the advantages of both PSO and GD while alleviating the ills of each. The numerical case studies show that the proposed method is more efficient, stable, and superior to the other meta-heuristic approaches.
  • 太陽光発電とオンサイト蓄電池で構成されるバランシンググループの運用に関する研究—A Study on the Operation of a Balancing Group Consisting of PVs and On-site Storage Batteries
    沖 駿吾, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸, 赤塚 元軌
    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = IEEJ transactions on power and energy, 143, 5, 260, 269, 電気学会, May 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
  • A flexible stochastic PV hosting capacity framework considering network over-voltage tolerance
    Zulu Esau, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki
    ENERGY REPORTS, 9, 1, 529, 538, ELSEVIER, Mar. 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Integration of PV resources in distribution networks has become a world-wide trend. This has been necessitated by the ever-decreasing photovoltaic (PV) technology cost and the need for clean, carbon-emission-free power generation. Furthermore, the current situation which has resulted in high oil and gas prices has paved extra way for more integration of renewable energy (REs) technologies such as solar PV and wind. However, high proliferation of PV power has several negative effects for the grid. For example, there is a high likelihood of over-voltage occurrences in the network, potential reverse power flow (which can affect protection system operation) and line congestion which may lead to thermal capitulation of conductors and cables. It is, therefore, important to establish the limit of PV that can be injected in the network without stretching the system operating performance indicators into extreme violation, here-in called the PV hosting capacity (PVHC). PV hosting capacity is estimated either by deterministic means or by stochastic methods. Deterministic methods are very good at obtaining the siting and optimal sizing of mega PV plants. The weakness of deterministic methods is that they do not incorporate uncertainty in the load demand nor the uncertainty in the PV output. Thus, their models are mostly unrealistic. The stochastic methods are very good at incorporating uncertainties and model the system input random variables in a more realistic way. However, stochastic methods also suffer from unrealistically too many scenarios to be considered for an accurate analysis. This results in a huge computational burden and large memory requirement. Furthermore, in most of these estimations, the voltage limit is set as a hard constraint for estimating the PVHC. In this paper, we propose a 2-stage method employing both the deterministic and the stochastic approaches. The deterministic stage is used to obtain the optimum PV plant locations and the optimum sizing ratios. The stochastic stage is used for incorporating uncertainty in the input random variables. We also propose the use of probabilistic voltage violation framework to explore extra PV installation for slight voltage violation tolerant feeders or networks. This is then used to obtain output probabilistic maximum node voltages for different PV sizes, which are used to estimate the PV hosting capacity of a network. The efficacy and validity of the approach is demonstrated through numerical simulations conducted on IEEE test distribution networks. (c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
  • 電力系統安定化に貢献するマイクログリッド構築 : 需給調整力確保に伴う追加コスト—Microgrid Introduction for Stabilization of Power Grid : Evaluation of an Additional Cost for Procuring Balancing Capacity
    喜田 勇志, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = IEEJ transactions on power and energy, 143, 2, 157, 164, Feb. 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Cooperative Operation of Ridesharing MaaS and Microgrids
    LI Yida, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 安ヶ平裕介, 内垣内洋, 竹本享史
    電気学会研究会資料(Web), PE-23-131-211/PSE-23-123-203, 2023
  • Dynamic Microgrid Configuration Considering Intentional Islanding Operation in Switching Sections
    奥野典杜, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料(Web), PE-23-131-211/PSE-23-123-203, 2023
  • Examination of Determinants of Costs for Unit Commitment for Thermal-Hydro Plants
    竹内智紀, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 豊嶋伊知郎, 百川涼平
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web), 123, 264(CAS2023 60-81), 2023
  • Management and Economic Merits of Wide-area Cooperation among Microgrids Coupled with MaaS
    Li Yida, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 142, 11, 552, 560, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 01 Nov. 2022, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Microgrid (MG) would be a promising option to improve energy efficiency and resiliency against disasters. However, one of the biggest motivations for deploying MGs on a commercial scale is to bring stable economic benefits to MG operators and end users by reducing operating costs. This paper shows that shared electric vehicles (EVs) in the MaaS society can bring economic benefits to MGs by using them as mobile storage batteries. First, this paper proposes an “EV and Energy” Management system (E2MS), which realizes efficient energy supply with using shared EVs as mobile storage batteries while satisfying EV-sharing requests. Numerical case studies show that the proposed E2MS enables wide-area coordination among MGs and EVs and mobile energy storage function of EVs would have a superior economical potential over stationary storage batteries in MG application.
  • Impact of sector-coupling in microgrid to residual electricity demand properties
    Yushi Kida, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Electric Power Systems Research, 211, 211, 1, 8, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, Oct. 2022, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, This paper discusses how the contribution of microgrid (MG) introduction to the power grid depends on sector coupling. MG is designed to suppress the residual demand from the grid and its variation, under the cost constraint. In this paper, three levels of sector coupling are considered for electricity, heat, and hydrogen de-mand. In Lv.1, the MG supplies only electricity to the demand. The MG is equipped with photovoltaic (PV) and storage battery. In Lv.2, the MG equipped with PV, storage battery, heat pump, chiller, thermal tank, and hydrogen gas boiler to supply both electricity and heat to demand. For heat delivery, heat pipeline network is laid and used. In Lv.3, all electricity, heat, and hydrogen supplies are coupled at MG. From the obtained results, it is ascertained that the higher sector coupling can realize the higher flexibility in residual demand.
  • A Study on the Operation of a Balancing Group Consisting of PVs and on-site Storage Batteries
    沖駿吾, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 赤塚元軌
    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web), 2022, Sep. 2022
  • Effects of Consideration Period on Economic Efficiency Calculation for Direct Power Collection System with Tram Power Line and PV
    Kawano Haruki, Shimomachi Kentaro, Mishima Yuji, Hojo Masahide, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 142, 9, 433, 440, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Sep. 2022, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, In Japan, the introduction of photovoltaic systems, one of a renewable energy sources, has been encouraged by the government. A new energy supply system for tram power lines which can directly collect and use PV outputs is proposed as a method for PV utilization without relying on feed-in tariff. In the system, PVs are installed at public schools located along tram lines, and DC/DC interfacing converters are installed near tram stops. In this paper, a detailed algorithm and a brief algorithm are proposed to optimize the allocation of interfacing converters for the maximum economic benefits while considering fluctuations of PV output and tram load. The PV-converter systems and tram power systems were modeled as electric circuits in both algorithms. The brief algorithm can find the optimal allocation 0.487% of the time compared to the detailed algorithm while maintaining practical accuracy.
  • Effects of Dynamic Line Rating on transmission expansion cost reduction and RE generation hosting capacity enhancement
    加藤 匠馬, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会電力技術/電力系統技術合同研究会資料, 2022, 120・123-126・160-172, 13, 18, Aug. 2022
  • Evaluation of Economic Benefits of P2P Electricity Trading in a Multi-Microgrid by comparing total optimization with partial optimization
    會田 大志, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会電力技術/電力系統技術合同研究会資料, 2022, 120・123-126・160-172, 87, 92, Aug. 2022
  • Aggregation Method of Demand Side Resources in the Regulation Market Bidding
    中久木 晴生, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸, 宮脇 雅史
    電気学会電力技術/電力系統技術合同研究会資料, 2022, 112-119・147-149・151-153・155・157-159, 83, 88, Aug. 2022
  • Operation Scheduling Method in an Off-grid using Optimal Probabilistic Power Flow : Operation Method Considering Volt-Var Control
    大澤 拓門, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸, 佐藤 知一, 赤木 覚
    電気学会電力技術/電力系統技術合同研究会資料, 2022, 112・115-118・152-164, 81, 86, Aug. 2022
  • A sensitivity analysis of storage batteries capacities in a balancing group consisting of PVs with on-site storage batteries
    沖 駿吾, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会電力技術/電力系統技術合同研究会資料, 2022, 112-119・147-149・151-153・155・157-159, 61, 67, Aug. 2022
  • Introduction Effects of Synthetic Methane Utilization using Dynamic Optimal Power Generation Mix Model
    川野 温輝, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会電力技術/電力系統技術合同研究会資料, 2022, 104-109・111・134・135・138・139・142・144-146, 13, 18, Aug. 2022
  • Impact of sector-coupling in microgrid to residual electricity demand properties               
    Yushi Kida, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Power System Computation Conference 2022 (PSCC2022), Jul. 2022, [Peer-reviewed]
  • Impact of weather condition on optimal probabilistic power flow based operation schedule of an off-grid               
    Takuto Ohsawa, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Tomokazu Sato, Satoru Akagi
    CIGRE 2022 Kyoto Symposium, C00152, Jun. 2022
  • Analysis of the Accuracy on Model Order Reduction for A Distribution System Including Smart Inverters with Frequency-Watt control               
    Nobuaki Kawashima, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Hideo Ishii
    CIGRE 2022 Kyoto Symosium, C000168, Jun. 2022
  • Merit evaluation of peer-to-peer electricity trading between prosumers
    Tomoya Odashiro, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    English, Scientific journal, The enforcement of a feed-in tariff (FIT) program in Japan has increased the number of installations of photovoltaic generation systems in its residential sector. After the end of an FIT program, the surplus electricity of an individual prosumer is purchased by the utility company at a reduced price, which may have an economic impact on the prosumer. To avoid this adverse effect, peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity transactions among prosumers based on blockchain and smart contract technologies as well as introduction of residence-use stationary storage batteries are generating significant interest. In this study, the potential economic merit of P2P transactions and residential storage battery introduction are evaluated using a total optimization approach. For realizing a more practical perspective, this study also investigates the economic merit based on a partial optimization approach, in which an individual prosumer pursues its own profit. Furthermore, in this study, the grid-side merit of P2P electricity transactions among prosumers is examined. Comparison of the merits determined by the total and partial optimization approaches shows that the realization of P2P transactions could provide a notable economic merit to the participants and reduce both the required facility capacity and power flow variation. (c) 2022 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.
  • 多端子HVDCシステムにおけるDC-AVR運転端子の決定手法
    中村 綾花, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会新エネルギー・環境/電力技術/高電圧合同研究会資料, 2022, 84-95, 7, 12, Jun. 2022
  • Conference Report : 32st Power and Energy Society Annual Conference
    Kita Hiroyuki, Hara Ryoichi, Watanabe Masahiro, Takahashi Hirotaka
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 142, 2, NL2_2, NL2_5, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 01 Feb. 2022
    Japanese, The Power and Energy Society Annual Conference was held online from Hokkaido University in Sapporo, on August 24-26, 2021. The total number of papers was 274, and sessions were 45. A panel discussion and a special lecture were also organized during the conference period. The number of participants reached 1045. The conference was successfully completed with great contribution from all the participants. This report summarizes the conference.
  • A Proposal of a Scheduled Operation Method for VPP Consisting of PV and Battery to Reduce Output Suppression
    Oki Shungo, Akatsuka Motoki, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 142, 2, 91, 97, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 01 Feb. 2022, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, The renewable energy resources such as the photovoltaic generation and the wind turbine generation are rapidly being introduced. In order to compensate the surplus and shortage of those output, the energy storage system such as the battery is expected to become the key technology in the future power system. In this paper, we focus on the scheduled operation of the virtual power plant (VPP) which is composed by distributed photovoltaic generations and the battery. The battery was installed to reduce the imbalance of the generated output from the scheduled output caused by the forecast error in our previous study. As the additional role for the battery, when the transmission system operator commands the upper limit of the VPP output, charging the surplus output over the upper limit is taken into consideration. The annual computational simulation of the VPP operation is implemented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. To evaluate the performance, the accumulated value of the imbalance, the output suppression, the generated output and discharge are calculated.
  • Microgrid Introduction for Stabilization of Power Grid-Evaluation of an Additional Investment Cost for Procuring Supply-Demand Adjustment-
    喜田勇志, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料(Web), PE-22-023-044/PSE-22-043-064/SPC-22-071-092, 2022
  • Management and Economic Merits of Wide-area Cooperation among Microgrids Coupled with MaaS-Annual Estimates of MGs and Equivalent Storages Ratio of EVs-
    LI Yida, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料(Web), 142, PE-22-023-044/PSE-22-043-064/SPC-22-071-092, 552, 560, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2022
    Japanese, Microgrid (MG) would be a promising option to improve energy efficiency and resiliency against disasters. However, one of the biggest motivations for deploying MGs on a commercial scale is to bring stable economic benefits to MG operators and end users by reducing operating costs. This paper shows that shared electric vehicles (EVs) in the MaaS society can bring economic benefits to MGs by using them as mobile storage batteries. First, this paper proposes an “EV and Energy” Management system (E2MS), which realizes efficient energy supply with using shared EVs as mobile storage batteries while satisfying EV-sharing requests. Numerical case studies show that the proposed E2MS enables wide-area coordination among MGs and EVs and mobile energy storage function of EVs would have a superior economical potential over stationary storage batteries in MG application.
  • Operation Scheduling Method in an Off-grid using Optimal Probabilistic Power Flow-Development of Operation Method Considering Volt-Var Droop Control-
    大澤拓門, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 佐藤知一, 赤木覚
    電気学会研究会資料(Web), PE-22-023-044/PSE-22-043-064/SPC-22-071-092, 2022
  • 24 h-ahead wind speed forecasting using CEEMD-PE and ACO-GA-based deep learning neural network
    Zhuoyi Liu, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    English, Scientific journal, Given the fluctuations in wind speed, wind power is always accompanied by uncertainty. An accurate forecasting of wind speed is critical to the effective operation of a power system. A hybrid forecasting system for 24 h-ahead wind speed forecasting is proposed in this article. This system applies complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition to decompose wind speed data and uses permutation entropy to filter and reconstruct the decomposed components. Afterward, the ant colony optimization and genetic algorithms are used to optimize the initial parameters of the recurrent neural network containing the long short-term memory framework. This optimized neural network is then used to forecast the wind speed component and integrate the result. Numerical simulation results show that compared with traditional methods, this hybrid forecasting system has a better 24 h-ahead wind speed forecasting accuracy and a significantly higher forecast stability. This system is implemented by using the TensorFlow and Keras libraries.
  • Load response of biogas CHP systems in a power grid
    Shiho Ishikawa, Nicholas O. Connell, Raphael Lechner, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Markus Brautsch
    RENEWABLE ENERGY, 170, 12, 26, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Jun. 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Renewable energy (RE) sources like wind and solar power have been introduced to power systems to make the energy market more sustainable and environmentally friendly. For this reason, the supply demand mismatch in power systems is more severe than before, in terms of both frequency and magnitude. It is therefore necessary to reinforce the capability to make supply and demand adjustments in power grids. Here, we clarified the dynamic characteristics of biogas plants with combined heat and power (CHP) systems, that represent controllable RE power sources, and evaluated the possibility of using these systems as a new resource for supply-demand adjustments in the power grid. Additionally, the properties of the exhaust gas from the investigated CHP engines were measured as an environmental evaluation. We considered real-world biogas CHP systems operating in both Germany and Japan. Based on the results, biogas CHP systems have the potential to contribute to a long-term power equivalent adjustment such as tertiary control reserve (TCR) in Germany. However, these systems required several minutes between starting and stopping. Furthermore, increased emissions of methane and formaldehyde were measured when the CHP systems were starting up. We found that an operation with as few starts and stops as possible is therefore desirable.(c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Hybrid forecasting system based on data area division and deep learning neural network for short-term wind speed forecasting
    Zhuoyi Liu, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    English, Scientific journal, Wind speed forecasting is essential for the dispatch, controllability, and stability of power grids, and its accuracy is vital to the effective use of wind resources. In this study, a novel hybrid wind speed forecasting system is developed based on the data area division (DAD) method and a deep learning neural network model. The system consists of three modules: extraction module, data preprocessing module, and forecasting module. In the data extraction module, a large amount of valid historical data is extracted, filtered, and classified from the forecast location and the surrounding locations. In the data preprocessing module, complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition is used to decompose the wind speed data. In the forecasting module, a long short-term memory network optimized by using a genetic algorithm is used to forecast the decomposed wind speed data and integrate them into the final forecast results. Numerical simulation results show that (a) the forecast system maintains RMSE in the range of 0.2-0.6 m/s and MAPE in the range of 3.0-7.0% for short-term wind speed forecasts at different locations for different time periods, showing good stability. (b) For wind speed forecasting at different time intervals, the accuracy of wind speed forecasting at 10-minute and 30-minute intervals is better, while the accuracy of forecasting at a 60-minute interval needs to be improved, but overall, the forecasting system shows good generalizability. (c) The forecast system improves the forecast accuracy of short-term wind speed forecasting more effectively than other conventional methods, and the improvement of RMSE and MAPE remains in the range of 14-39% and 13-27% even compared with the hybrid forecast model that has better forecast accuracy. (d) For area-wide short-term wind power forecasting, the forecast deviation value of this forecasting system remains below 6% throughout the year, showing good practicality.
  • Two stage operation scheme for a microgrid including hydrogen production as a part of demand
    Yushi Kida, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Yuji Koguma, Akinobu Inamura, Kenichi Hamaguchi
    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN, WILEY, Mar. 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The authors focus on a microgrid (MG) including hydrogen production processes as a part of demand. The studied MG consists of a photovoltaic (PV), a battery storage system, two different type electrolyzers, and electric/fuel steam boilers and supplies for the electric, thermal and hydrogen demands. This paper proposes detailed operation scheme which consists of two stages, namely, the day ahead scheduling and the real-time (RT) control. The day ahead scheduling optimizes the operations of system components in the next day based on the forecasts for PV output and demands. The RT control provides the actual control command to individual system component based on the actual PV output and demands monitored online. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is ascertained through some computational case studies. Performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated in terms of the total energy cost, the curtailed PV output and the hydrogen production volume.
  • A Proposal of a Scheduled Operation Method for VPP Consisting of PV and Battery to Reduce Output Suppression
    沖駿吾, 赤塚元軌, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web), 2021, 2021
  • Optimum Allocation of Interfacing Converters on Direct PV Collection System with Tram Power Line
    川野温輝, 下町健太朗, 三島裕樹, 北條昌秀, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(Web), 2021, 2021
  • Management of Wide-area Cooperation among Microgrids Utilizing MaaS and Evaluation of Its Economic Merits
    LI Yida, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料(Web), PE-21-053-119/PSE-21-066-132, 2021
  • Proposal of Operation Scheduling Method in an Off-grid Considering Frequency Variation Focusing on Load Variation Characteristic
    大澤拓門, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 佐藤知一, 馬渕裕之, 庄司智昭, 吉永淳
    電気学会研究会資料(Web), PE-21-060-127/PSE-21-073-140, 2021
  • A study on piecewise linearization approximation for unit commitment of cascade hydropower plants
    原亮一, 北裕幸, 豊嶋伊知郎, 水谷遼太
    電気学会研究会資料(Web), PE-21-044-110/PSE-21-057-123, 2021
  • Verification of the Residual Demand Leveling Effect of a Microgrid-Effect of Power and Heat Supply Integration-
    喜田勇志, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料(Web), PE-21-060-127/PSE-21-073-140, 2021
  • Evaluation of grid-side merits of P2P electricity transactions among prosumers
    小田代朋也, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料, PSE-21-001-009.011.013-019, 2021
  • Model Reduction Method for Smart Inverters having Frequency-Watt Control
    Kawashima Nobuaki, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 141, 4, 307, 315, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2021, [Peer-reviewed]

    This paper proposes the model reduction method for smart inverters having Frequency-Watt control. The proposed reduction method consists of the following three steps: (1) derive the mathematical model of the smart inverter connected to low-voltage feeder, (2) combine the smart inverter mathematical model developed in (1) with the mathematical models for upstream electric circuits consisting of series impedances, line impedances, and transformers, and (3) aggregate the combined models found in (2) using the Padé approximation method or the Routh approximation, which can derive the aggregate transfer functions for the system with different poles. The proposed reduction method is also designed with the current limit of smart inverters. The proposed model reduction method can generate an equivalent aggregated dynamic model for smart inverters, seen from the distribution substation. The validity of the proposed reduction method is ascertained through computational simulation on the Matlab/Simulink environment.

  • Two Stage Operation Scheme for a Microgrid Including Hydrogen Production as a Part of Demand
    Kida Yushi, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki, Koguma Yuji, Inamura Akinobu, Hamaguchi Kenichi
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 141, 2, 113, 120, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2021, [Peer-reviewed]

    The authors focus on a microgrid (MG) having hydrogen production processes as a part of demand. The studied MG consists of a photovoltaic (PV), a battery storage system, two different type electrolyzers, and electric/fuel steam boilers and supplies for the electric, thermal and hydrogen demands. This paper proposes detailed operation scheme which consists of two stages, namely, the day ahead scheduling and the real-time (RT) control. The day ahead scheduling optimizes the operations of system components in the next day based on the forecasts for PV output and demands. The RT control provides the actual control command to individual system component based on the actual PV output and demands monitored online. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is ascertained through some computational case studies. Performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated in terms of the total energy cost, the curtailed PV output and the hydrogen production volume.

  • Operation Scheduling Method in an Off-grid using Optimal Probabilistic Power Flow:—Development of Operation Method Considering Short-term Fluctuation—
    Ohsawa Takuto, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki, Taima Tomoya, Mabuchi Hiroyuki, Shoji Tomoaki, Yoshinaga Jun
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 141, 2, 103, 112, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2021, [Peer-reviewed]

    Off-grid distribution system would be a promising option for a marginally viable community. However, technical challenge regarding photovoltaic generation employment in an off-grid distribution system is its uncertain and fluctuating generation output, which would require larger energy buffer and regulation capability. In this paper, it is proposed a probabilistic operation scheduling method for an off-grid considering the uncertainties in photovoltaic generation output and electricity demand. The proposed scheduling method uses both the probabilistic power flow analysis and the optimal power flow technique. Effectiveness of the proposed scheduling method is validated through numerical case studies for the assumed test off-grid model.

  • Voltage Profile Estimation using State Estimation in a Distribution Network
    Akasaka Riku, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki, Tanabe Takayuki, Sugimura Syuhei
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 141, 6, 440, 447, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2021, [Peer-reviewed]

    In distribution systems, a large amount of photovoltaic systems (PVs) is being introduced, which may make the voltage profile more complicated. In order to accommodate PVs as much as possible, more advanced voltage management scheme should be developed. For such purpose, online voltage profile monitoring would be helpful. however, it needs installation of many sensors into the distribution system. On the other hand, smart meters and IT switches are being installed in Japan. That is, the distribution systems are being rich-information circumstances. Based on the above recent trend, this paper proposes voltage profile estimation methods based on the state estimation technique. The numerical case studies for the distribution network model with 2,160 consumers were carried out to validate the estimation performance.

  • Voltage Profile Estimation using State Estimation in A Distribution Network : Detailed Analysis of Estimation Accuracy
    赤坂 莉空, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸, 田邊 隆之, 杉村 修平
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2020, 41, 47, 53, 電気学会, 24 Sep. 2020
  • Operation Method of a Microgrid Including Hydrogen Production Process as a Part of Demand : Proposal of a Model Predictive Control based Operation Method
    喜田 勇志, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2020, 49, 7, 13, 電気学会, 24 Sep. 2020
  • Operation Scheduling Method in an Off-grid using Optimal Probabilistic Power Flow : Study on Relaxation of Capacity Constraints
    大澤 拓門, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸, 佐藤 知一, 庄司 智昭
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2020, 49, 33, 39, 電気学会, 24 Sep. 2020
  • Study on Optimum Operation Method in An Off-grid Distribution System Considering Supply Reliability
    鈴木 隆之介, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸, 佐藤 知一, 庄司 智昭
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2020, 49, 41, 47, 電気学会, 24 Sep. 2020
  • Economic Evaluation of Demand Response by Home Heater Control in Power System Operation
    橋本 崇弘, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2020, 49, 67, 73, 電気学会, 24 Sep. 2020
  • Evaluation of potential economic merits of peer to peer electricity between prosumers
    小田代 朋也, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2020, 57, 83, 88, 電気学会, 24 Sep. 2020
  • Proposal of Energy Supply Business by Collecting Biogas from Dairy Cow Manure : Effect of Differences in Gas Properties on Business Feasibility
    松田 和樹, 石川 志保, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2020, 57, 119, 124, 電気学会, 24 Sep. 2020
  • Study on cooperative control method of biogas power generation and storage battery in a transmission line congestion area
    石丸 啓吾, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸, 石川 志保
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2020, 57, 125, 130, 電気学会, 24 Sep. 2020
  • Evaluation of available capacity as balancing reserve of distributed energy resources (DER) in consideration of influence on distribution system
    久井 智晴, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸, 酒井 誠二, 西島 栄伺, 平尾 宏明
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2020, 57, 131, 136, 電気学会, 24 Sep. 2020
  • 水素製造プロセスを需要として含むマイクログリッドの2段階運用手法               
    喜田 勇志, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸, 小熊 祐司, 稲村 彰信, 濱口 謙一
    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会,論文Ⅰ, 47, Sep. 2020
  • 最適確率潮流計算を用いたオフグリッド運用計画手法 -短周期変動を考慮した運用手法の開発-               
    大澤 拓門, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸, 泰間 智也, 馬渕 裕之, 庄司智昭, 吉永 淳
    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会,論文Ⅰ, 46, Sep. 2020
  • 周波数・有効電力制御機能を有するスマートインバータ群の縮約手法               
    川島 伸明, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    令和2年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会,論文Ⅰ, 24, Sep. 2020
  • Optimal daily schedule of reconfiguration of distribution system with interconnected photovoltaic generators
    Zheng Huang, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 13, 2, 262, 270, John Wiley and Sons Inc., Feb. 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, © 2017 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Network reconfiguration results in voltage deviations because of the time-varying nature of loads. Nowadays, with the integration of renewable energy sources with the power grid, the optimal configuration should be determined taking into account the variations in loads and distributed generations. In this study, a long-term reconfiguration method named the long-term extended flow algorithm, which improves the timeliness of configuration behavior on time-varying loads, is proposed to substitute for the previous short-term ones. Moreover, optimal reconfiguration instants are achieved by a novel approach of optimal daily schedule called accumulation of unbalanced load distribution based on the trade-off between switching operations costs and reduction in voltage deviations. The proposed methods were tested by case studies of two test distribution systems under real-time measured data with the interconnection of photovoltaic generators in the MATLAB environment. By applying the proposed methods, the total operating cost of the network is reduced significantly within reasonable computation time, and its efficiency is also improved compared to fixed configuration, online reconfiguration policies, and daily schedule proposed by previous authors. © 2017 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Evaluation of Economic Merits of Peer to Peer Electricity Transactions.
    Tomoya Odashiro, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe(ISGT-Europe), 324, 328, IEEE, 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
    International conference proceedings
  • Honorary Member in 2013, Jun HASEGAWA; Development of Power System Engineering and Internationalization of Academic Activities
    KITA Hiroyuki
    The Journal of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 140, 1, 24, 25, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2020



  • Study on Installation Design of Cogeneration Systems Contribute to Provide the Demand and Supply Regulation
    Nakamura Yuta, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki, Takeda Kiyotaka
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 140, 3, 219, 228, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2020, [Peer-reviewed]

    Recent growth of renewable energy (RE) generations with natural variability, would make the demand and supply regulation in a whole power system more difficult, and therefore, alternatives for demand and supply regulation resources would be required. The authors focus on co-generation system (CGS) owned by the consumers as one of regulation resources and have proposed a novel optimal operation strategy of CGSs to provide the demand and supply regulation. This paper discusses the optimal installation design including two configurations of CGS based on the economic viewpoints considering the energy supply cost and the financial incentive associated with the contribution for demand and supply regulation. The discussions are based on numerical case studies with the actual electrical and thermal demand profiles and equipment cost of CGS.

  • Development of Unit Commitment Scheduling and Intraday Operation Based on Stochastic Approach
    神山 修平, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2019, 116, 95, 100, 電気学会, 19 Sep. 2019
  • Study on the Supply and Demand Regulation Capacity by Cooperation between CHP and Battery
    小牧 祐太, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2019, 77, 131, 136, 電気学会, 19 Sep. 2019
  • Study on Operation and Control for An Off-grid using Storage Battery Group owned by Customers
    藤田 宏輝, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸, 泰間 智也, 庄司 智昭
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2019, 104, 51, 56, 電気学会, 19 Sep. 2019
  • Study on Suppression of Ramp Fluctuation of Wind Farms Output by a HP/BG Heat Supply System : Validity Verification of Scheduled Generation by Experimental Testing
    横山 凌, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸, 石川 志保
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2019, 130, 61, 66, 電気学会, 19 Sep. 2019
  • Wind Speed Forecast System using Recurrent Neural Network
    劉 倬驛, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2019, 130, 97, 102, 電気学会, 19 Sep. 2019
  • Fuel cell and Electrolyzer System for Supply and Demand Balancing in DC               
    Kentaro Shimomachi, Yuji Mishima, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Proc. International Conference on DC Microgrid, The 3rd IEEE ICDCM, 8-A-6, May 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Optimal operation of cogeneration system coordinated by aggregator for providing the demand and supply regulation capacity
    Yuta Nakamura, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Kiyotaka Takeda
    Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi), 207, 3, 23, 34, May 2019
    Japanese, Scientific journal, © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Recent growth of renewable energy generations with natural variability, such as photovoltaic generation and wind turbine generation, would make the demand and supply control in a whole power system more difficult, and therefore, alternatives for demand and supply regulation resources would be required. The authors focus on cogeneration system (CGS) as one of regulation resources. In order to procure adequate volume of regulation capability, an aggregator coordinates a number of CGSs efficiently and flexibly considering the wide variety of electricity/thermal demands of CGS owners. This paper proposes a novel optimal operation strategy of CGS coordinated by the aggregator considering the energy balance and operation cost of individual CGS owner. This paper also demonstrates the availability of CGSs for regulation capability by numerical case studies in which the actual consumption profile is employed.
  • Performance evaluation based on long-term operation results of biogas plant for livestock manure management
    Shiho Ishikawa, Kazunori Iwabuchi, Keiji Takahashi, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food, 12, 2, 155, 161, Apr. 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
    Scientific journal, © 2018 Asian Agricultural and Biological Engineering Association In this study, we report the long term operation results of analyses of characteristics of the Rakuno Gakuen University Biogas generation plant (BGP), which has been in operation since March 2000. We evaluated using data for the 11-year period between April 2000 (FY2000), when BGP was built, and March 2011 (FY2010). The average biogas production per unit showed substantial fluctuations during this period, increasing from 20 m 3 during the trial operation period in FY2000 to 30–40 m 3 in FY2001–FY2006, and then decreasing to 15–25 m 3 in FY2007–FY2010. The optimal methane fermentation facility temperature for steady methane gas production was approximately 40 °C. In FY2007, this BGP experienced its first localized functionality decline in energy use, including methane fermentation and power generation facilities. This resulted from changes in the substrate characteristics, inputs, and methane fermentation facility temperature, indicating that operations need to accommodate such changes in the long term.
  • 蓄エネルギー技術を用いた出力変動制御技術の開発
    蓮池宏, 日浦俊哉, 伊藤雅一, 林泰弘, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 高山聡志, 石亀篤司, 本間隆, 石川光浩
    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2019, ROMBUNNO.H6‐3.2, 01 Mar. 2019
  • Voltage Control in Distribution System Using Rapid EV Chargers with Communication Function : Update of Charging Schedule for Uncertainties
    宮坂 日和, 中村 勇太, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸, 長谷川 匡彦, 泰間 智也
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Power Systems Engineering", IEE Japan, 2019, 1, 15, 20, 電気学会, 22 Jan. 2019
  • Optimal Operation of Co-generation System Coordinated by Aggregator for Providing the Demand and Supply Regulation Capacity
    Nakamura Yuta, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki, Takeda Kiyotaka
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 139, 2, 56, 65, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2019, [Peer-reviewed]

    Recent growth of renewable energy (RE) generations with natural variability, such as photovoltaic generation and wind turbine generation, would make the demand and supply control in a whole power system more difficult, and therefore, alternatives for demand and supply regulation resources would be required. The authors focus on co-generation system (CGS) as one of regulation resources. In order to procure adequate volume of regulation capability, an aggregator coordinates a number of CGSs efficiently and flexibly considering the wide variety of electricity/thermal demands of CGS owners. This paper proposes a novel optimal operation strategy of CGS coordinated by the aggregator considering the energy balance and operation cost of individual CGS owner. This paper also demonstrates the availability of CGSs for regulation capability by numerical case studies in which the actual consumption profile is employed.

  • Study on Suppression of Ramp Fluctuation of Wind Farms Output by a HP/BG Heat Supply System : Optimal Plant Design Considering Fluctuation Suppression and Economic Performances
    秋岡竜太, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 石川志保
    電気学会研究会資料, 2018, 54, 97, 102, 電気学会, 26 Sep. 2018
  • Study on Suppression of Ramp Fluctuation of Wind Farms Output by a HP/BG Heat Supply System : Evaluation of control method by demonstration test
    市川翼, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 石川志保
    電気学会研究会資料, 2018, 54, 85, 90, 電気学会, 26 Sep. 2018
  • Schedule on Distribution Network Reconfiguration Considering LRT Operation
    釜谷光翔, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会研究会資料, 2018, 50, 61, 66, 電気学会, 26 Sep. 2018
  • Study on Suppression of Ramp Fluctuation of Wind Farms Output by a HP/BG Heat Supply System : Development of control method for Scheduled Generation considering device characteristics
    横山凌, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 石川志保
    電気学会研究会資料, 2018, 54, 91, 96, 電気学会, 26 Sep. 2018
  • Voltage Control by Rapid EV Chargers with Communication Function in Distribution System
    宮坂日和, 中村勇太, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 長谷川匡彦, 泰間智也
    電気学会研究会資料, 2018, 45, 35, 40, 電気学会, 26 Sep. 2018
  • Study on Optimal Configuration of Cogeneration Systems Contributing to the Demand and Supply Regulation
    中村勇太, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 武田清賢
    電気学会研究会資料, 2018, 59, 59, 66, 電気学会, 26 Sep. 2018
  • Investigation on estimation of voltage profile in a distribution network based on the smart meter data and IT switches measurements
    児玉有徒, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 田邊隆之
    電気学会研究会資料, 2018, 64, 59, 64, 電気学会, 26 Sep. 2018
  • スマートメータ情報を用いた配電系統の電圧分布推定
    児玉有徒, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2018, ROMBUNNO.MC5‐4, 05 Sep. 2018
  • Voltage Regulation Utilizing Electric Vehicle Rapid Chargers in a Distribution System
    Yuta Nakamura, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi), 204, 3, 21, 30, John Wiley and Sons Inc., Aug. 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. From growing interests in the environment issues, promotion of photovoltaic power generation (PV) is accelerated in the world. Meanwhile, rapid chargers (RCs) for popularized electric vehicles are being installed in urban areas. These two trends in distribution system might cause severer voltage fluctuation problems. On the other hand, a RC can provide the reactive power support, which is capable of voltage regulation. Based on this viewpoint, this paper proposes a new framework of voltage regulation, in which the reactive power compensation by RCs is actively utilized. The proposed voltage regulation method combines two different control functions with consideration for over-compensation avoidance. This paper ascertains the validity of proposed voltage regulation method through numerical simulations.
  • 発生バイオガスに及ぼす原料の影響~乳牛ふん尿スラリーと消化液との比較
    石川志保, 岡本英竜, 高橋圭二, 石田恭弘, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 岩渕和則
    日本畜産学会大会講演要旨, 124th, 202, 28 Mar. 2018
  • Study on Suppression of Ramp Fluctuation of Wind Farms Output by a HP/BG Heat Supply System : Modeling of the Demonstration Facility and Simulation
    市川翼, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 石川志保
    電気学会研究会資料, 2018, 1, 1, 7, 電気学会, 25 Jan. 2018
  • Outline and energy performance evaluation of methane fermentation system for dairy cow manure with technical solution of renewable energy output fluctuation
    ISHIKAWA Shiho, ICHIKAWA Tsubasa, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, IWABUCHI Kazunori, TAKAHASHI Keiji
    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 29, 0, 231, 231, Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2018
    Japanese, 筆者らが検討しているHP/BG併用熱供給システム(以下,提案システム)を乳牛ふん尿BGPシステムに併設し,RE電源の出力変動抑制技術としてみた場合のエネルギー性能評価を行った.提案システムのエネルギー性能評価は年間に亘る発電電力量,熱発生量等の実データを用いてその有効性を定量的に評価した.その結果,提案システムの発電・熱のエネルギーポテンシャルは提案システム無しのBGPと比較して大きく増加する結果となった.また,より詳細なシステム評価とするため,BG実機を用いた機器特性試験も行った.今後,提案システムの有効性について実運用の観点から検証・評価を進めるとともに,提案システムで発生した熱エネルギーを地域の農林業等において多面的かつ有効に利用する実用性の高い"Power to Heat"技術の構築を目指していくことが重要であると考えられ,今後の検討課題としたい.
  • Optimal WAMS hybrid configuration for voltage stability monitoring application considering the existence of conventional measurement
    Lesnanto M. Putranto, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    English, Scientific journal, The supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system is used in power systems worldwide because of its maturity and capability. However, the SCADA system is vulnerable to fast system changes. Wide area monitoring system (WAMS) based on phasor measurement units (PMUs), which requires high investment, is being thought of as one of the solutions in recent power systems. This paper proposes a procedure to upgrade SCADA into WAMS by installing sufficient numbers of additional PMUs without removing conventional measurements from the existing SCADA system. The WAMS hybrid configuration is focused on the optimal PMU placement and state estimation strategy for hybrid PMU-SCADA measurements. The optimal placement of PMUs is subject to the improvement in estimation accuracy. For guaranteeing secure operation, line contingencies and some important buses are considered as subproblems of PMU placement. The state estimation procedure manages the initial state variable and modifies the weighting factor strategy that is suitable for the hybrid system especially during fast system changes. The results show that the proposed WAMS hybrid guarantees better estimation accuracy and faster state estimation process than SCADA in both non-contingency and contingency conditions. In addition, the WAMS hybrid has the capability to perform preventive strategy for securing voltage stability, which was previously applied in the PMU-based WAMS system. (c) 2017 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Voltage Regulation Utilizing Electric Vehicle Rapid Chargers in a Distribution System
    Nakamura Yuta, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki, Tanaka Eiichi
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 138, 2, 107, 115, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, International conference proceedings,

    From growing interests in the environment issues, promotion of photovoltaic power generation (PV) is accelerated in the world. Meanwhile, rapid chargers (RCs) for popularized electric vehicles are being installed in urban areas. These two trends in distribution system might cause severer voltage fluctuation problems. On the other hand, a RC can provide the reactive power support, which is capable of voltage regulation. Based on this viewpoint, this paper proposes a new framework of voltage regulation, in which the reactive power compensation by RCs is actively utilized. The proposed voltage regulation method combines two different control functions with consideration for over-compensation avoidance. This paper ascertains the validity of proposed voltage regulation method through numerical simulations.

  • A Method for Determining a Scheduled Generation of Wind Farms by HP/BG Heat Supply Systems
    Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki, Ishikawa Shiho, Hirase Takayuki
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 138, 6, 521, 528, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal,

    Recently, a large number of renewable energy (RE) sources such as wind farms (WFs), photovoltaic generations (PVs) have been introduced to power systems as a solution for the worldwide environmental issue. On the other hand, with the deregulation of the electric power industry such as the full liberalization of retail sector, power producer and suppliers who own RE sources have traded the generated electricity in the electric market. However, power outputs of RE sources fluctuate every moment and it is impossible to predict the power output perfectly. Thus, to operate RE sources according to the generation schedule notified in the market while suppressing their power output fluctuation, cooperation of energy storage systems with RE sources are required. This paper proposes a method for determining the scheduled generation of WFs by cooperating the predicted WF power output and heat pumps (HP)/biogas engine generator (BG) heat supply system (HP/BG heat supply system) which is a new energy storage technology developed by the authors. The proposed methods consist of two steps. In the first step, optimal operations of HP and BG are determined by utilizing the predicted WF generation so that the flexibility of HP/BG system can be ensured. In the second step, the operations of HP and BG are modified based on actual WF outputs including predicted errors. The validity and effectiveness of the proposed method are investigated through some computational simulations using MATLAB.

  • Equivalent Energy Storage Capability of Combined Heat Pump and Biogas Engine Generator System
  • Extended Flow Algorithm for Online Reconfiguration of Large-Scale Distribution System with Interconnected Distributed Generators
    Zheng Huang, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Kazunari Ishibashi, Hirokazu Ito, Tsuneyo Sano
    English, Scientific journal, The interconnection of distributed generators (DGs) in a power system increases the difficulty of managing the system. The minimization of the voltage deviation by network reconfiguration is an important requirement for dealing with the issue. We had previously developed a reconfiguration technique, named the intelligent flow algorithm (IFA), for determining the optimum or suboptimum network configuration within a short computation time. In the present paper, we propose an extension of IFA, named the extended flow algorithm (EFA), for more effective determination of the optimal network configuration of a distribution system containing massive installations of DGs. EFA is a two-stage method in which the configuration that produces uniform power supply, referred to as the balanced configuration, is first generated, and then used to seek the optimal configuration using an improved branch exchange approach. Accordingly, EFA is more simplified to improve its computation speed on large-scale systems. The algorithm was tested by case studies of different test distribution systems in the MATLAB environment, and was confirmed to have high performance to cope with DG installations and large-scale systems. (C) 2017 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Investigation on estimation of voltage profile in a distribution network based on the smart meter data-Estimation of voltage profile considering reactive power-
    児玉有徒, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 田邊隆之
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-17, 63-67.69-71.73-75.127-137, 129‐134, Sep. 2017
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Worth evaluation for snow and ice cold source generation system considering reserved capacity and CO2 emission reduction
    森永成, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 田中英一
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-17, 51-57.59-62.115-126, 35‐40, Sep. 2017
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on Suppression of Ramps of Wind Farms Outputs by a HP/BG Heat Supply System-The Simulation Considering Characteristic of the Demonstration Facility-
    市川翼, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 石川志保
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-17, 89-100.152-164, 83‐88, Sep. 2017
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Best Power Generation Mix Considering Inter-area Transportation and Heat Utilization of Hydrogen
    藤山はるか, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 田中英一
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-17, 89-100.152-164, 27‐32, Sep. 2017
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study of Fair and Effective Curtailment Allocation for Renewable Energy Generations-Influence Evaluation of Prediction Error-
    北風玲太, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 田中英一
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-17, 101-107.109-114.165-176, 51‐56, Sep. 2017
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Proposal of Fluctuation Suppression for Variable Renewable Energy by Cooperating Partial Curtailment Control and Battery Energy Storage System
    森下雄斗, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 田中英一
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-17, 101-107.109-114.165-176, 111‐116, Sep. 2017
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Fundamental Study on Operation Scheduling of Multiple Co-generation Systems for the Supply and Demand Regulation-Evaluation for Regulation Capacity Considering Impact of Network-
    中村勇太, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 田中英一, 横川誠, 武田清賢
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-17, 51-57.59-62.115-126, 47‐53, Sep. 2017
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on Suppression of Ramps of Wind Farms Outputs by a HP/BG Heat Supply System-Study on Control Method for Multiple Systems-
    床本彩帆, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 石川志保
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-17, 89-100.152-164, 75‐81, Sep. 2017
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Coordinated control of OLTC and multi-CEMSs for overvoltage prevention in power distribution system
    Qiangqiang Xie, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    English, Scientific journal, The high degree of penetration of residential rooftop photovoltaic systems causes the overvoltage problem in power distribution systems. This paper aims to introduce demand-side management for a distribution system for overvoltage prevention. A real-time overvoltage prevention coordination scheme between an on-load tap changer (OLTC) and multi-community energy management systems (multi-CEMSs) is proposed. The main objectives of this control are to relieve the stress in the OLTC tap operation using household schedulable loads and to maximize customer profit in each CEMS. The load scheduling performed by each CEMS is formulated as a combinatorial, nonlinear, time-series scheduling optimization problem and is solved by a sequential search method named voltage-ranking-based load combination search algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated in a model distribution system with 1800 customers. (C) 2017 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • A Study on Optimal Operation of Battery with Contribution to Regulation Capacity based on Unit Commitment Problem
    赤塚元軌, 神山修平, 上田茂太, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(CD-ROM), 2017, ROMBUNNO.6, 25 Aug. 2017
  • Determination of the optimal DR capacity for a commercial building with chiller system and energy storage system
    Joonho Son, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    English, Scientific journal, Demand response (DR), which is used to shave the peak demand for securing supply reliability in a power system, is one of the promising constitutions for the end users. In a commercial building (COB), the most popular adjustable DR resource (DRR) is the chiller system. More specifically, its power consumption can be reduced by thermal mass control (precooling) in a specified DR duration. On the other hand, installation of energy storage systems (ESSs) is going on at an accelerated pace because of its high economic efficiency. ESSs have been used for peak-shift operation under the time-of-use (TOU) tariff. However, ESS can be also used as an attractive DRR because it can reduce the net load by discharging the ESS for a specified DR duration. Based on this background, this paper presents a method for determining the optimal DR capacity in a COB with a chiller system and ESS. In the proposed scheme, the optimal DR capacity (kW) can be determined so that the total expected cost of a COB becomes minimum by using the chiller system and ESS while avoiding the DR penalty threat adopted in the Korean DR market. Uncertainty in the ambient temperature, the amount of reduction, and DR durations are considered as the scenarios. The estimation and economic evaluation of the proposed scheme is ascertained through case studies. (c) 2017 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • 蓄エネルギー技術を用いた出力変動制御技術の開発
    蓮池宏, 日浦俊哉, 伊藤雅一, 林泰弘, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 高山聡志, 石亀篤司, 本間隆, 石川光浩
    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017, ROMBUNNO.1‐H7‐3.2, 05 Mar. 2017
  • 蓄エネルギー技術を用いた出力変動制御技術の開発
    蓮池宏, 日浦俊哉, 伊藤雅一, 林泰弘, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 高山聡志, 石亀篤司, 本間隆, 石川光浩
    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017, ROMBUNNO.1‐H7‐3.1, 05 Mar. 2017
  • Multistage preventive scheme for improving voltage stability and security in an integrated renewable energy system
    Lesnanto Multa Putranto, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 137, 1, 59, 70, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, The trend of renewable energy integration, power system size and complexity growth, occurrence of line contingencies, and more stressed loading conditions for power systems increase the threat of voltage stability, which has recently been among the main problems in power systems. This paper proposes a multistage preventive scheme based on voltage stability and security monitoring and control. A stochastic security-constrained optimal power flow considering voltage stability and renewable energy generation uncertainty, reactive power compensator tap re-operation minimization, and load-shedding minimization problems are hierarchically implemented in the proposed method. This method ensures voltage stability under the uncertainty of renewable energy generation and selected line contingencies considering their occurrence probability and/or voltage instability severity level for the upcoming time-slot. Several cases based on a modified IEEE 57-bus test system are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The simulation results show that the proposed method can make an important contribution to improve voltage stability and security performance under severe conditions, especially to handle the uncertainty.
  • Centralized Residential Load Scheduling with Consideration of Voltage Control in Future Distribution System
    Qiagnqinag Xie, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    English, International conference proceedings, In recent years, rooftop photovoltaic (PV) power generation, electric vehicle (EV) are developing quickly worldwide. However, high degree of PV penetration in residential area will cause overvoltage problem. A large number of EVs charging at the same time will cause low voltage problem. This research aims to introduce load scheduling method for voltage control in the distribution system. A day-ahead load scheduling and a real-time load rescheduling are proposed. The day-ahead scheduling is formulated as an optimization problem and solved by genetic algorithm (GA). In the real-time operation, a coordinated realtime voltage control of an on-line tap changer (OLTC) and community energy management system (CEMS) is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated in an 1800-customer distribution system model.
  • Initial Studies on Fuzzy PI Control for a Non-utility Generation Facility under a Demand Contract
    Toyama Atsushi, Tanaka Eiichi, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 137, 2, 124, 131, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal,

    This paper focuses on the minimization of energy costs for a factory with a non-utility generation facility, where exact load following is difficult. The factory purchases any shortfall in energy from utilities under a demand contract. In the demand contract, the amount of energy that can be purchased in a 30 minute period is limited. To reduce energy costs, we propose load follow-up PI control with bias and fuzzy PI control based on the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model. The fuzzy PI control method considers the elapsed time and purchasable energy during each 30 minute period. We also optimize the control parameters and the purchasable energy in the demand contract by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The evaluation function in PSO is the increase in monthly costs considering the energy cost per unit for the generation facility, and the purchasing price and basic contract rate for the utilities. The function is estimated by simulation using the available data for the factory. The optimization of the function is carried out using actual load data. The validity of the proposed methods is evaluated by comparing the approximate cost increase with that under fixed energy output from the generation facility.

  • A Method to Generate the Simulated Time-series of Wind Turbine Output with Conversion of Wind Speed by Location and Height based on Weibull Distribution
    Akatsuka Motoki, Ueda Shigeta, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 137, 8, 573, 580, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal,

    Computational simulation is essential to evaluate the impact wind turbine penetration on the demand and supply power control. The observed time-series of wind turbine output in entire power system is required as input data for computational simulation, but it is difficult to obtain. In this study, we propose the method to generate simulated time-series of wind turbine output with conversion of wind speed by location and height based on Weibull distribution. In particular, wind speed data published by Japan Meteorological Agency and Weibull parameter by NEDO are utilized.

  • Study on Suppression of Wind Farms Outputs Fluctuation by a HP/BG Heat Supply System
    Hamamoto Atsushi, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 137, 6, 446, 452, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal,

    The output fluctuation of renewable energy generation may disturb the stable power system operation. Against this issue, the authors are investigating the feasibility of Power to Heat (P2H) technology, in which co-generation systems and other heat-supply devices are utilized cooperatively to provide adjustable electricity generation/consumption. This paper introduces the heat pump (HP) and the biogas engine generator (BG) system as one of the P2H technology, and proposes the detailed control strategies. The proposed control strategies are composed of "day-ahead scheduling" and "real-time operation". Day-ahead scheduling decides operation schedules for HP and BG which minimize total output fluctuation using forecasted output of wind farm. Real-time operation revises the result of day-ahead scheduling to satisfy the control target using actual output of wind farm. Effectiveness of those proposed control strategies are evaluated computational simulations.

  • Study on Suppression of Ramps of Wind Farms Outputs by a HP/BG Heat Supply System-Study on Scheduled Generation-
    平瀬貴之, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 石川志保
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-16, 99-112.165-173.175.177, 73‐79, Sep. 2016
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on Optimal Expansion Planning for Stationary Energy Storage System and Transmission System Considering Mass Penetration of Renewable Energy Generations
    吉田匠, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 田中英一, 今久保知史, 小熊祐司
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-16, 47-55.57-59.113-114.116-119.121-125, 13‐19, Sep. 2016
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on Voltage Regulation utilizing EV Rapid Charger in a Distribution System-Optimal Design of Control Parameters and Impact of Voltage Fluctuation-
    中村勇太, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 田中英一
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-16, 47-55.57-59.113-114.116-119.121-125, 87‐92, Sep. 2016
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Development of EMS for Microgrid for Office Building
    Shimomachi Kentaro, Iwami Toshiyuki, Hara Ryoichi, Kita Hiroyuki, Noritake Masatoshi, Hoshi Hidekazu, Hirose Keiichi
    The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.B, 136, 4, 373, 381, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Apr. 2016, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, The concept of microgrid (MG), which can integrate a number of distributed generators and realize high efficient energy management, is attracting great attentions. The authors are investigating the feasibility and effectiveness of DC supplying MG (DCMG) for an office building, from the viewpoint of environmental-load reduction. In this paper, an optimal scheduling for DCMG, which can consider the PV forecast errors and their impacts on operation performance, is introduced. Additionally, second time interval operation algorithm is also introduced. Effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is evaluated through computational simulations using the actual data.
  • Evaluation of the Procurement Cost of Reserved Capacity by Co-generation System-Evaluation for the Relation Between Stand-by Reserved Capacity and Its Cost-
    澤田一真, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 横川誠, 武田清賢
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-16, 16-19.21-25.27-31.34-45, 41‐46, 08 Mar. 2016
  • Study on Voltage Regulation utilizing EV Rapid Charger in a Distribution System
    中村勇太, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 田中英一
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-16, 1-6.8-10.12-15, 13, 18, Mar. 2016
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A real-time cooperative overvoltage prevention control by a community energy management system
    Qiangqiang Xie, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering, 6, 1, 224, 230, Informa UK Limited, Jan. 2016
    Scientific journal
  • Hybrid Computation Approach for SCOPF Considering Voltage Stability and Penetration of Renewable Enegy
    Lesnanto Multa Putranto, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    2016 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC), 1, 7, IEEE, 2016, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, for stable operation of power system, preventive control based on security constraint optimal power flow is widely applied. Other than line contingency, recent penetration of renewable energy could become new threat, especially for the voltage stability issue. However, consideration of renewable energy uncertainty would increase the number of system states that should be considered in the preventive control, and as a result, the computation burden becomes heavier. This paper proposes a hybrid computation approach, which combines numerical and heuristic optimization techniques to approximate the sub-optimum operating point in a practical computation time to improve the voltage security and stability. IEEE 57-bus test system with multiple renewable energy generations is used to demonstrate the merit of the proposed method. The simulation results show that the proposed method can find the optimum solution consistently in reasonable computation time.
  • 等価的な蓄電機能を有するヒートポンプ/バイオガス発電併用熱供給システム
    電気設備学会誌, 36, 11, 778‐781(J‐STAGE), 781, The Institute of Electrical Installation Engineers of Japan, 2016
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Operational problems of biogas plants for livestock manure management
    石川 志保, 岩渕 和則, 高橋 圭二, 鈴木 崇司, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸, 干場 信司
    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 27, 0, 225, 225, 一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会, 2016
    Japanese, 家畜ふん尿管理用バイオガスプラント(以下,BGP)において,より安定的・効果的な運用を進めていくための課題を明らかにし,その対策後の効果について考察を行った.BGPの安定的な運用には,燃料となるバイオガスの安定生産が不可欠であり,これは,原料となるふん尿の量や性状の変動を可能な限り低減することで実現するものであった.この取組みは,BGP利用者の多くが抱える消化液貯留槽の容量不足等の課題解決にもつながるものであった.バイオガス発電機は,厳格な使用条件が設定されており,メタンガス濃度の変動は,バイオガス発電電力の供給安定性に影響するだけでなく,バイオガス発電機の維持管理の観点からも可能な限り低減することが必要であると考えられた.
  • WAMS Hybrid Configuration for Real Time Voltage Stability Monitoring Application
    Lesnanto Multa Putranto, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    English, International conference proceedings, Wide Area Monitoring System (WAMS) with Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) has the capability to do real time monitoring including fast system condition changes. On the other hand, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), which is vulnerable to that condition, are still widely used in wide world power system because of its capability and maturity. This paper proposes the framework in transforming SCADA into WAMS by installing required additional PMU while keeping the conventional measurement from SCADA. Moreover, the real time state estimation procedure in managing the initial state variable and weighting factor re-weight strategy is also proposed. The result shows that the proposed WAMS hybrid warrants better estimation accuracy and faster state estimation process than SCADA. In addition, the voltage stability monitoring as WAMS application can also successfully be obtained.
  • Series PMU Data-based State Estimation Technique for WAMS Application
    Lesnanto Multa Putranto, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    English, International conference proceedings, In a modern transmission system, wide area monitoring system (WAMS), which is capable to perform real time monitoring and control, is employed. State estimation process using PMU data is one of the important parts in WAMS since the current operating condition of the power system should be represented precisely. Practically, the measurement errors due to the communication congestion are existed and it may cause the estimation error. For this purpose, the novel state estimation method based on the least absolute value (LAV) is proposed. The proposed method requires series time slot of PMU data to minimize the measurement error effect. Then, the proposed method is used to enhance the WAMS preventive action scheme. The modified IEEE 57 bus system with multiple renewable energy (RE) generations and line contingency scenarios are used to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. Furthermore, the proposed method result is compared to the traditional weighted least square (WLS) and LAV, in term of accuracy and security. Finally, it can be concluded that the proposed method can effectively increase the estimation accuracy under the measurement error condition.
  • Real-Time Overvoltage Prevention Control via Multiagent based Community Energy Management Systems
    Qiangqiang Xie, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    English, International conference proceedings, High degree penetration of residential rooftop Photovoltaic (PV)systems will cause the overvoltage problem in power distribution system. In this study, a real-time overvoltage prevention control realized by multi-agent based community energy management system (CEMS) is proposed. The main concept of the proposed control is to suppress the overvoltage by managing the operation schedule of household loads. The scheduling of each CEMS is formulated as a combinatorial nonlinear time-series scheduling optimization problem in which the profit of each community is maximized. The effectiveness of proposed method is validated in a 1800-customer distribution system model.
  • Study on Capacity Evaluation of Lithium-ion Battery for Photovoltaic Generation Fluctuation Suppression
    佐藤翔平, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 今久保知史
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-15, 75.78-82.111-118.120-123, 41, 46, Sep. 2015
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on suppression of ramps of wind farms outputs by a HP/BG heat supply system
    濱本篤志, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-15, 59-66.125.127-139, 51, 56, Sep. 2015
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Improved battery control and discussion on the property of battery system in Wide-area operation system for distributed generation of renewable energy
    西岡亨, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 滝谷克幸, 山口浩司, 田邊隆之, 植田喜延
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-15, 75.78-82.111-118.120-123, 47, 52, Sep. 2015
    Japanese, Research society
  • 北海道における新エネルギーの課題と展望
    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集, 24th, X-XI, Jul. 2015, [Invited]
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Cooperative control and required capacity evaluation of multiple energy storage systems and biogas generation installed with renewable energy generation
    Yusuke Manabe, Kazuhisa Toji, Syun Hosoda, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Katsuyuki Takitani, Koji Yamaguchi, Takayuki Tanabe, Shiho Ishikawa, Takahiro Oomura
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 135, 6, 362, 371, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 01 Jun. 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, In this paper, a cooperative control of three energy storage systems (ESSs) and biogas generation for a stabilization of renewable energy generation output is developed considering the difference of characteristics such as the ratio of energy capacity to power capacity (energy/power ratio) and the dynamic response. The purposes of this system are 30-minute balancing between the actual and scheduled output based on weather forecasts and absorption of the short-term (less than 30 minutes) output fluctuation. This paper presents the basic study about an efficacy and best portfolio of a cooperative control of multiple ESSs and BG. This paper also describes ESS capacity and control parameters design procedure. Evaluation results of required ESS capacity conduces a planning method of scheduled output for SOC recovery. Additionally, it is understood that BG is effective as the substitute of sodium-sulfur battery (NAS).
  • 電気自動車の充電電力調整時の配電系統電力損失の検討
    佐藤孝太, 中村勇太, 三栗祐己, 井口傑, 三島裕樹, 原亮一, 北裕幸
    電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2015, ROMBUNNO.6-187, 05 Mar. 2015
  • 北海道の電力系統の展望と課題
    エネルギー・資源, 36, 2, 85, 89, Mar. 2015, [Invited]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • The Demonstration of the CO2 Reduction Effect of 400V Class DC Micro Grid for Offices
    M. Noritake, K. Yuasa, T. Takeda, K. Shimomachi, R. Hara, H. Kita, T. Matsumura
    English, International conference proceedings, This paper reports the experimental study of a 400 V class DC microgrid for an office building that has been constructed in Obihiro City, Hokkaido, Japan. The objective of this study is to develop a self-sustained distributed energy system by combining distribution energies, batteries, and appliances with DC power. This new DC energy system not only reduces the environment load and improves energy efficiency but also forms a community energy system that can become independent from utility grids and resistant to natural disasters. We have found that compared with AC power supply, the DC system, which uses power generated by solar panels as is, decreases CO2 emission more than 10%.
  • Experimental study of a 400 V Class DC Microgrid for Commercial Buildings
    M. Noritake, K. Yuasa, T. Takeda, K. Shimomachi, R. Hara, H. Kita, T. Matsumura
    English, International conference proceedings, This paper reports the experimental study of a 400 V class DC microgrid for an office building that has been constructed in Obihiro City, Hokkaido, Japan. The objective of this study is to develop a self-sustained distributed energy system by combining distribution energies, batteries, and appliances with DC power. This new DC energy system not only reduces the environment load and improves energy efficiency but also forms a community energy system that can become independent from utility grids and resistant to natural disasters. We have found that compared with AC power supply, the DC system, which uses power generated by solar panels as is, decreases CO2 emission more than 10%.
  • Comparison between DC and AC Microgrid Systems Considering Ratio of DC Load
    Kentaro Shimomachi, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    English, International conference proceedings, Due to recent growth of small-scaled distributed generators such as PV in demand-side, the local demand and supply system that called MG, becomes real possibility. MGs would be equipped with energy storage systems such as a battery. Since PVs and batteries primitively work with DC, advantages of DC supply system over AC supply might be emphasized. This paper proposes an algorithm for optimal design of MG including the selection of AC or DC supply system. This paper also qualitatively discusses the advantage of MG with DC supply, named DCMG through case studies for residential customer assuming four types of home appliances; constant load such as a refrigerator, lighting, air conditioner and the others. The results of case studies show the economic advantage of DCMG over ACMG.
  • Design of Time-series Model for Spatially-averaged Solar Radiation in Hokkaido Area
    電気学会電力系統技術研究会資料, PSE-15, 1-22, 45, 50, Jan. 2015
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Comparison between DC and AC Microgrid Systems Considering Ratio of DC Load
    Kentaro Shimomachi, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    English, International conference proceedings, Due to recent growth of small-scaled distributed generators such as PV in demand-side, the local demand and supply system that called MG, becomes real possibility. MGs would be equipped with energy storage systems such as a battery. Since PVs and batteries primitively work with DC, advantages of DC supply system over AC supply might be emphasized. This paper proposes an algorithm for optimal design of MG including the selection of AC or DC supply system. This paper also qualitatively discusses the advantage of MG with DC supply, named DCMG through case studies for residential customer assuming four types of home appliances; constant load such as a refrigerator, lighting, air conditioner and the others. The results of case studies show the economic advantage of DCMG over ACMG.
  • Operation Scheduling considering Demand Response in a Commercial Building with Chiller System and Energy Storage System
    Joonho Son, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    English, International conference proceedings, Demand response (DR), is one of attractive options for the end-users such as commercial buildings (COBUs), residences, and industrial facilities. hi a COBU, the most popular adjustable demand is a chiller system used in heating, ventilation and/or air conditioning loads, which can achieve load reduction in a specified duration by means of pre-cooling (time shift of chiller operation). On the other hand, the primitive motivation for an energy storage system (ESS) installation in a COBU has been improvement in economic efficiency by peak shift operation considering Time-Of-Use (TOU) tariff. However, under the DR scheme, the ESS can be also used as a DR resource (DRR). Based on this background, this paper proposes an energy management algorithm for a COBU with chiller system and ESS, considering the TOU tariff and the Korean DR market. The proposed method consists of day-ahead scheduling and rescheduling on the operation day. Uncertainties in ambient temperature and DR event are considered as scenarios. The validity of the proposed method is ascertained through case studies.
  • Risk-based voltage stability monitoring and preventive control using wide area monitoring system
    Lesnanto Multa Putranto, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    2015 IEEE EINDHOVEN POWERTECH, IEEE, 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, nowadays, power system tends to be operated in heavily stressed load, which can cause voltage stability problem. Moreover, occurrence probability of contingency is increasing due to growth of power system size and complexity. This paper proposes a new preventive control scheme based on voltage stability and security monitoring by means of wide area monitoring systems (WAMS). The proposed control scheme ensures voltage stability under major N-i line contingencies, which are selected from all possible N-i contingencies considering their occurrence probability and/or causing load curtailment. Some cases based on IEEE 57-bus test system are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The demonstration results show that the proposed method can provide important contribution in improving voltage stability and security performance.
  • A Study on Compensating Voltage Drop in Distribution Systems due to Nighttime Simultaneous Charging of Electric Vehicles Utilizing Charging Power Adjustment and Reactive Power Injection
    Yuki Mitsukuri, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiji Kamiya, Shoji Taki, Naoya Hiraiwa, Eiji Kogure
    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN, 189, 4, 9, 21, WILEY-BLACKWELL, Dec. 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, To reduce the environment load, electric vehicles (EV) have been attracting attention and expectations. since they can run with at good fuel efficiency and without exhaust gases. It is expected that EV will become more and more popular. Generally, EVs would be used for driving during daytime and be charged during the nighttime, considering lifestyle and time-of-use patterns. If most EV owners adopt this use pattern, feeder voltage profiles could be greatly affected, causing severe voltage drops. The battery charger for EVs described in this papers consists of a self-commutated inverter, which in principle can control not only active power but also reactive power. We propose a basic feeder voltage regulation algorithm, PQ control, using EVs which involves adjustment of the EV charging schedule and reactive power injection. In addition, we propose prediction control, which is based on PQ control and is takes account of prediction of the receiving voltage. Advanced communication control regulation algorithms, utilizing communication among EVs and the distribution system operator, are also proposed. The purpose of this paper is to confirm the effectiveness of the three proposed algorithms by simulations. (C). 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Generation Expansion Planning Considering Mass Penetration of Renewable Energy Generation and Supply Reliability
    Yusuke Manabe, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN, 189, 3, 1, 12, WILEY-BLACKWELL, Nov. 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, In the future, renewable energy (RE) generation systems will be constructed and interconnected to the power system by nonutility entities such as generation companies and residential customers. Therefore, generation expansion planning (GEP) should consider the effects of RE generation. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the best GEP from the economic, supply reliability, and environmental aspects considering the penetration of RE generation. For this purpose, this paper proposes a model of a utility's GEP process considering RE generation. The proposed method is based on stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) in which long-term uncertainties are modeled by geometric Brownian motion (GBM) and the binomial lattice process. The variation of RE generation output due to the weather conditions (short-term uncertainty) is also considered in the proposed method by means of the net load curve.
  • 電気自動車の有効・無効電力調整による配電系統電圧低下補償時の報奨金分配方法の検討
    中村勇太, 三栗祐己, 井口傑, 三島裕樹, 北裕幸, 原亮一
    電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2014, ROMBUNNO.39, 25 Oct. 2014
  • Study on Energy Management System for DC Microgrids for Office Building-Evaluation of CO2 Emission Reduction-
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-14, 66-73.77-78.80-81.142-143.145-154, 7, 12, Sep. 2014
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on Online Estimation of Load and Photovoltaic Generation Systems Output in Distribution System
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-14, 53-65.128-133.135-141, 25, 30, Sep. 2014
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on EMS for DC Microgrid for Office Building-Study on Effects of Operation Schedule Revision and Suppression of Voltage Fluctuation-
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-14, 66-73.77-78.80-81.142-143.145-154, 1, 6, Sep. 2014
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Wide-area Operation System for distributed generation of renewable energy-output schedule considering occurrence probability of output forecasted error-
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-14, 82-, 155, 160, Sep. 2014
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on Transmission Expansion Planning Considering Penetration of Renewable Energy Generation
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-14, 115-117.119-127.187-202, 121, 126, Sep. 2014
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on EMS for DC Microgrid for Office Building-Study on Real-time Operation-
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-14, 14.16-26, 15, 20, Mar. 2014
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Intelligent Flow Algorithm for Online Reconfiguration of Distribution System
    Zheng Huang, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering, 4, 1, 16, 22, Informa UK Limited, Jan. 2014
    Scientific journal
  • Preface to Special Issue on Analysis Technique for Time Series Data in Power System
    Kita Hiroyuki
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 134, 4, 275, 275, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2014
    Japanese, This article has no abstract.
  • 気象予測を用いた複数の蓄電池・バイオガス発電による間欠性電源の出力変動               
    真鍋勇介, 田路和久, 細田駿, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 滝谷克幸, 山口浩司, 田邊隆之, 石川志保, 大村剛宏
    平成26年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会, 2014
  • Static and Dynamic Characteristic Models of Global Solar Radiation Fluctuation in the Scope of Load Frequency Control
    Motoki Akatsuka, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Katsuyuki Takitani, Masami Saito
    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN, 186, 2, 10, 20, WILEY-BLACKWELL, Jan. 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Penetration of photovoltaic (PV) generation system into the power system may have some negative effects on stable operations of the power system; for example, on frequency control. Therefore, investigation of the short-term fluctuations of PV generation is important as a precaution for further PV penetration. Since PV generation is approximately proportional to the incident solar radiation, this paper develops static and dynamic characteristic models for short-term fluctuations of global solar radiation. The static characteristic model is a set of standard deviations which have been statistically estimated based on past observed data. The dynamic characteristic model consists of autoregressive models which are designed for actually observed time-sequential short-term fluctuation data. In both models, the clearness index is used to eliminate seasonal variation of solar radiation. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Voltage Stability-based PMU Placement Considering N-1 Line Contingency and Power System Reliability
    Lesnanto Multa Putranto, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    English, International conference proceedings, New PMU placement algorithm considering network connectivity, zero injection bus, reliability of N-1 line contingency and voltage stability performance (enhancing Voltage Stability Index) are proposed in this work. Reliability and voltage stability level are selected to determine the security level of Wide Area Monitoring System and priority bus. Optimization problem is formulated by minimizing the number PMU installed and maximizing the coverage N-1 contingency and solved using Binary Integer Linear Programming. For showing the performance of proposed method, IEEE 57-Bus test bus system is used as test system, which shows flexible result of PMU number and location depending on the desired reliability and voltage stability level.
  • Energy Management Considering Demand Response Resource in Commercial Building with Chiller System and Energy Storage Systems
    Joonho Son, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    English, International conference proceedings, One of the promising contributions from end-users such as commercial buildings (CBs), residences and/or factories is demand response (DR) in which the end-users reduce their electricity consumption upon a request from the utility. In CBs, consumption is reduced by fully or partially shutting down the chiller systems used in heating, ventilation and/or air conditioning (HVAC) loads. On the other hand, an energy storage system (ESS) which has been used for further improvements in energy and economic efficiencies and supply reliability also has a potential as a contributor for DR. Based on this background, this paper proposes an energy management algorithm for chiller system and ESSs considering the participations to Korean demand response resources market. Uncertainties in temperature and DR requirements are also considered as scenarios in the proposed method. The validity of the proposed method is ascertained through case studies.
  • Development of Energy Management System for DC Microgrid for Office Building -Day Ahead Operation Scheduling Considering Weather Scenarios-
    Kentaro Shimomachi, Masatoshi Noritake, Ryoichi Hara, Hidekazu Hoshi, Hiroyuki Kita, Keiichi Hirose
    2014 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC), 1, 6, IEEE, 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, In recent years, distributed generators (DG) with renewable energy (RE) are introduced to electric power systems for saving CO2 emission. Installation of DGs in user-side leads to the local demand and supply system, called microgrids (MGs). Since the some of DGs work in DC, advantages of DC supply system over the AC might be emphasized. The authors are investigating the merits of DC microgrid (DCMG) using the actual DCMG for an office building. Operation of the DCMG is organized by an energy management system (EMS). This paper proposes an optimal scheduling algorithm implemented in the EMS. Simulation using the actual demand data shows that the proposed scheduling algorithm can save 0.3 % CO2 emission during the simulation terms.
  • Cooperative Control of Energy Storage Systems and Biogas Generator for Multiple Renewable Energy Power Plants
    Yusuke Manabe, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Katsuyuki Takitani, Koji Yamaguchi, Takayuki Tanabe, Shiho Ishikawa, Takahiro Oomura
    2014 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC), 1, 7, IEEE, 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, The Ministry of the Environment of Japan is promoting a demonstration project named "wide-area operation systems for multiple renewable energy (RE) power plants" in which the authors have been devoted. In this project, the generation outputs from five RE power plants are monitored online and the fluctuation in total output is absorbed by a combination of three different energy storage systems (ESSs) and a biogas engine generator (BG). In this paper, a cooperative control of three ESSs and BG is developed considering the difference of characteristics such as the ratio of energy capacity [kWh] to power capacity [kW] (energy/power ratio) and the dynamic response. The purposes of this system are 30-minute balancing between the actual and scheduled output and absorption of the short-term (less than 30 minutes) output fluctuation. Additionally, this paper also describes capacity and control parameters design procedure based on the cross entropy method, which is one of the optimization techniques. Simulation results show that the wide-area operation system can effectively reduce the required ESSs capacity to stabilize RE output.
  • Study of Economic System at Compensation for Voltage Drop Utilizing Charging Power Adjustment of Electric Vehicles
    Yuta Nakamura, Yuki Mitsukuri, Masaru Iguchi, Yuji Mishima, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    English, International conference proceedings, A surge of needs for the low carbon society promotes a spread of electric vehicle (EV). EVs could be charged at night simultaneously, as a result, severe voltage drop may happen. The authors have proposed the method which can compensate the voltage drop caused by EV charging by means of adjusting charging schedules and controlling reactive power. However, though the method can avoid the voltage violation, the method includes the inequality between EVs in other words, the only EV which is in terminal node in distribution system where voltage violation is likely to occur has to decrease charging power because the method is autonomous distributed control which is based on only self-voltage information. In this paper, we formulate a convenience loss of EV owner due to adjust reactive power and charging power. We propose a method to calculate the benefit of the EV owner and the cost needed by the voltage control using the EVs.
  • Two control areas reliability assessment method based on the state enumeration method considering mass penetration of intermittent generation
    Yusuke Manabe, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 134, 4, 328, 335, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, This paper proposes a new reliability assessment method for two control areas interconnected by a tie line which can be used in the evaluation of the mass penetration effects of intermittent generation. The proposed method is based on the state enumeration method and can evaluate in short computation time with good accuracy. To investigate the validity of proposed method, the performance of this method is compared with a non-sequential Monte Carlo simulation. Furthermore some applications of the proposed method are shown. © 2014 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • Generation of time series of spatially averaged solar radiation in 10 km square area based on solar radiation at single location and evaluation by occurrence frequency of fluctuation range
    Motoki Akatsuka, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Tomoyuki Fukushima, Atsushi Sakahara, Takatoshi Matsumoto
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 134, 4, 311, 319, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Currently, the installed capacity of photovoltaic generations (PV) is rapidly growing from perspective of environment and energy security. However, unstable and unpredictable generated power variation from PV disturbs balance of total generated power and demand power across a power system, and as a result, deterioration in frequency control of a power system would be concerned. Therefore, magnitude of generated power variation of penetrated PV should be estimated to evaluate those deterioration before penetration of PVs. In this paper, as the basic study, we develops a method to generate the time series of spatially averaged solar radiation in 10 km by applying low pass filter which is designed to represent smoothing effect. © 2014 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • 再生可能エネルギーの直流連携によるオフィスの省エネルギー化検討
    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集(CD-ROM), 30th, ROMBUNNO.31-2, 2014
    Japanese, Symposium
  • 風力発電,大容量導入を可能にする系統技術の最前線 3 系統安定化・効率向上機器開発の最前線 風力発電等分散型エネルギーの広域運用システムの開発
    風力エネルギー, 37, 3, 323, 326, Japan Wind Energy Association, Nov. 2013
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Wide-Area Operation Systems for Multiple Renewable Energy Power Plants-Cooperative Control of Energy Storage Systems and a Biogas Generator and Required Capacity Assessment-
    電気学会新エネルギー・環境研究会資料, FTE-13, 45-50.52-53.55-69, 31, 37, Nov. 2013
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Estimation of the Effect of Huge Installation of Photovoltaic Generations under Wide Area Operation of Two Interconnected Systems
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-13, 43-45.47-51.150-158.160-163, 7, 12, Sep. 2013
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on Energy Management System for DC Microgrid for Office Building-Day Ahead Operation Scheduling Considering Forecasted Solar Radiation and Forecasting Error-
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-13, 52-56.59.84-92.94-96.98-100.102-103, 31, 36, Sep. 2013
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Supply Capacity Procurement by the Buyback Program for Surplus Power from Users with Co-generation Systems-Study on Supply Capacity Procurement Method Considering Economic Efficiency and Reliability-
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-13, 61-62.64-70.104-109.164-170, 23, 28, Sep. 2013
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • A study on Voltage Control in Distribution System with Photovoltaic Generations by Means of Demand Side Management Based on Real Time Pricing
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-13, 43-45.47-51.150-158.160-163, 101, 107, Sep. 2013
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • LRT Operation Based on Short-Term Voltage fluctuation forecast in Distribution Systems
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-13, 78-83.122-135, 25, 30, Sep. 2013
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Study on Voltage Regulation in Distribution System Using Electric Vehicles-Control Method Considering Dynamic Behavior               
    Yuki Mitsukuri, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Keiichi Watanabe, Kenjiro Mori, Yasuhiro Kataoka, Eiji Kogure, Yuji Mishima
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 478, 483, Jul. 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Flow Algorithm for Online Reconfigration of Distribution System               
    Zheng Huang, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 58, 63, Jul. 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Study on Voltage Regulation in a Distribution System Using Electric Vehicles -Characteristic of Coordinated Control -               
    Yuta Nakamura, Yuki Mitsukuri, Yuji Mishima, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Keiichi Watanabe, Kenjiro Mori, Yasuhiro Kataoka, Eiji Kogure
    Proc. of Cigre SC/C6 Colloquium, 169, 174, Jun. 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Generation Expansion Planning Considering Mass Penetration of Renewable Energy Generation and Supply Reliability
    電気学会論文誌 B, 133, 6, 505-514 (J-STAGE), 514, Jun. 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • A Study on Operation of Energy Storage System for Load Leveling and Voltage Management in Distribution System
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-13, 9-22, 63, 69, Mar. 2013
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Cooperation of energy storage systems and biogas generator for stabilization of renewable energy power plants
    Yusuke Manabe, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Katsuyuki Takitani, Takayuki Tanabe, Shiho Ishikawa, Takahiro Oomura
    2013 4th IEEE/PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT Europe 2013, 1, 5, 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings, The Ministry of the Environment of Japan has promoted the demonstration project named 'wide-area operation systems for multiple renewable energy power plants'. The purpose of wide-area operation system is to stabilize the total generation output of photovoltaic (PV) power plants and wind farms using energy storage systems (ESSs) and a controllable renewable energy (RE) generator based on the weather forecasts and online synchronized generation output monitoring. In this paper, detailed control strategy for ESSs and a controllable RE generator is proposed considering the energy/power ratios. The efficacy of proposed control strategy is ascertained through chronological computation simulations using actual observed and forecasted solar irradiance data at Wakkanai PV power plant. © 2013 IEEE.
  • A study on compensating voltage drop in distribution systems due to nighttime simultaneous charging of electric vehicles utilizing charging power adjustment and reactive power injection
    Yuki Mitsukuri, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiji Kamiya, Shoji Taki, Naoya Hiraiwa, Eiji Kogure
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 133, 2, 157, 166, 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, To realize reduction in environment load, electric vehicles (EV) have been attracting great attentions and expectations since they can run at good fuel efficiency without exhaust gases. It is expected that the EVs will become more and more popular. Generally, EVs would be used for driving during daytime and be charged during nighttime considering our lifestyle and time-of-use program. If most of EV owner adopt the use pattern, feeder voltage profiles could be greatly affected. It would cause severe voltage drop. In this paper, battery charger for EV consists of self-commutated inverter, which can control not only active power but also reactive power in principle. We propose a basic feeder voltage regulation algorithm, "PQ control", using EVs by means of adjustment of EV charging schedule and reactive power injection. In addition, we propose "prediction control" which is based on "PQ control" and is considering prediction of receiving voltage. And advanced regulation algorithms, "communication control", utilizing communication among EVs and the distribution system operator are proposed. The purpose of this paper is to confirm the effectiveness of the three proposed algorithms by simulations. © 2013 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • A Capacity Market Design based on Supply Reliability Indices Considering Mass Penetration of Renewable Energy Generation
    電気学会電力系統技術研究会資料, PSE-13, 1-13.16, 69, 74, Jan. 2013
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Estimation of Fluctuation of Spatially Averaged Solar Radiation in 10km Square Area
    電気学会電力系統技術研究会資料, PSE-13, 1-13.16, 11, 16, Jan. 2013
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on Demand Side Energy Management for Resolving Voltage Rises due to PV Installation in Distribution Systems
    電気学会電力系統技術研究会資料, PSE-13, 1-13.16, 39, 44, Jan. 2013
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Operation algorithm of DC microgrid for achieving local production for local consumption of renewable energy               
    Masatoshi Noritake, Hidekazu Hoshi, Keiichi Hirose, Hiroyuki Kita, Ryoichi Hara, Masaki Yagami
    INTELEC, International Telecommunications Energy Conference (Proceedings), 2013-, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2013
    English, International conference proceedings, This paper reports the experimental study of a DC microgrid for an office building that is now being constructed in Obihiro City, Hokkaido, Japan. The objective of this study is to develop a self-sustained distributed energy system by combining distribution energies, batteries, and appliances with DC power. This new DC energy system not only reduces the environment load and improves energy efficiency but also forms a community energy system that can become independent from utility grids and resistant to natural disasters. This paper describes the system configuration of the DC microgrid constructed in the city office, the characteristics of the developed equipment, the operational algorithm of the EMS. This research was conducted under the Technical Countermeasures to Global Warming Program of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan.
  • 調査研究委員会レポート:不確実性を有する需給変動に係わる時系列データの解析技術調査専門委員会
    北 裕幸, 原 亮一, 小杉 成史, 藤田 利和
    電気学会論文誌. B, 133, 10, NL10_5, NL10_5, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2013
  • 風力発電のポテンシャルと課題               
    北 裕幸
    季刊「躍」, 16, 37, 38, Dec. 2012, [Invited]
    Japanese, Research society
  • A Study on Adequate Level of Generation Reserve Margin Based on Stochastic Evaluation of Operational Cost with Large Penetration of Photovoltaic Generations               
    Masaru Asada, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering, 2, 4, 370, 376, Oct. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • The Analysis of Output from PV Power Station to Estimate Generation Reserve for Frequency Regulation               
    Motoki Akatsuka, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Katsuyuki Takitani, Koji Yamaguchi
    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering, 2, 4, 351, 357, Oct. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • A Study on Voltage Regulation Method in Distribution Systems Using Electric Vehicles-A Development of Control Method Considering Dynamic Behavior-
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-12, 52-53.55-64.66-67.69.71-74, 97, 102, Aug. 2012
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Analysis of Spatial Smoothing Effect of Short-Term Fluctuation of Global Solar Radiation Based on Data Including Quantization Error
    Yosuke Ue, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Yutaka Saito, Katsuyuki Takitani, Masami Saito
    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN, 180, 3, 55, 63, WILEY-BLACKWELL, Aug. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Photovoltaic (PV) systems are attracting attention as one of the promising countermeasures against global warming and the environmental issues. However, the generation output from PV systems is generally unstable and unpredictable. Therefore, large penetration of PV systems may cause some serious impacts on power system operation, such as load frequency control, voltage regulation, etc. Estimation of the influences of PV system installation is becoming important, but it requires simultaneous multipoint solar radiation measurements. The Japan Meteorological Business Support Center has provided 1-minute meteorological data observed in Japan, but its solar radiation data includes quantization errors. This paper proposes a regeneration method for solar radiation data including quantization errors. It also analyzes the spatial smoothing effect of global solar radiation fluctuations. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 180(3): 55-63, 2012; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/eej.21274
  • Generation Expansion Planning Considering Mass Penetration of Renewable Energy Generation and Supply Reliability               
    Yusuke Manabe, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2012), PP1-4, 802, 807, Jul. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Study on Voltage Regulation in a Distribution System Using Electric Vehicles - Optimal Real and Reactive Power Dispatch by Centralized Control -               
    Yuki Mitsukuri, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiji Kamiya, Shoji Taki, Eiji Kogure
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2012), TD2-1, 852, 857, Jul. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Study on Fault and Isolated Condition in Two Circuit Configurations of PV-ESS Hybrid System               
    Myo Htaik, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    ISRN Renewable Energy, Volume 2012, Feb. 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Voltage Control Strategy for STATCOM and Capacitor Banks using Wind Forecast
    電気学会電力系統技術研究会資料, PSE-12, 1-16, 93, 99, Jan. 2012
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on voltage regulation in a distribution system using electric vehicles-Evaluation of Optimal Real and Reactive Powers Dispatch Based on Voltage Prediction-
    電気学会電力系統技術研究会資料, PSE-12, 1-16, 87, 92, Jan. 2012
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Validation of Voltage Regulation Method in Distribution System Utilizing Electric Vehicles
    Yuki Mitsukuri, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiji Kamiya, Yasuhiro Kataoka, Shoji Taki, Eiji Kogure
    English, International conference proceedings, A surge of needs for the low carbon society promotes a spread of electric vehicle (EV). EVs could be charged at night simultaneously, as a result, severe voltage drop may happen. Typical charger for EV employs the self-commutated inverter, which can control both active and reactive powers in principle. The authors are investigating the availability of EVs for the distribution system operation qualitatively, and have proposed voltage regulation algorithms using EVs. This paper validates the performance of proposed algorithms from the practical points of view based on the Monte Carlo simulation.
  • Voltage Regulation in Distribution System Utilizing Electric Vehicles and Communication
    Yuki Mitsukuri, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiji Kamiya, Naoya Hiraiwa, Eiji Kogure
    English, International conference proceedings, Challenges for the low carbon society has brought a spread of electric vehicles (EVs). Most of EVs could be charged at night simultaneously. That could cause severe voltage drop along the feeder. On the other hand, EVs are able to inject/absorb reactive power by using interfacing inverter in principle. This paper proposes active and reactive power management which can regulate feeder voltages in the distribution system avoiding short in charged energy. This paper also proposes a communication scheme among EVs and distribution system operators to realize more effective voltage regulation in the distribution system.
  • Online estimation of load and PV output with power flow data in distribution system
    Akihito Yasunaga, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 132, 12, 942, 951, 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, In service restoration against a fault in distribution system, estimation of load flow is needed to avoid overloading of feeder and voltage violation
    this has been performed based on the load flow before the fault occurrence. However, in the distribution system with a number of photovoltaic generation systems (PVs), the load flows during the service restoration varies from ones before the fault occurrence due to the disconnection of PVs. Therefore, it is important to estimate the magnitude of actual load accurately before the fault occurrence. This paper proposes the method to estimate the actual load and PV power output online from the power flow data measured before the fault occurrence. The proposed method consists of two processes. The first process is tentative load and PV power estimation by means of the Independent Component Analysis with heuristic knowledge on PV power factor. Second process is correction of tentative estimation values based on the recurrence formula. The validity of proposed method is investigated through some computational simulations. © 2012 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • Online reconfiguration of distribution network system based on load information from sensors embedded in sectionalizing switches
    Takuya Ishitani, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiji Kogure, Yuki Mitsukuri, Eiji Kamiya
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 132, 10, 853, 861, 電気学会 ; 1972-, 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Distributed generators (DGs) would be installed in distribution systems. Penetration of DGs may bring some technical difficulties into distribution systems operation. To improve the acceptability for DGs dissolving technical issues, new scheme of system operation should be discussed. The authors have investigated active network reconfiguration in distribution systems utilizing IT switches. This paper presents two online network reconfiguration schemes under the normal operation
    one is distribution loss minimization and another is preventive operation for contingency in distribution system. In order to realize the latter scheme, this paper develops a restoration process for the contingencies. © 2012 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • Generation expansion planning simulation considering varieties of uncertainties and investment option
    Yusuke Manabe, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 132, 9, 1, 779, 電気学会 ; 1972-, 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, This paper proposes a new simulation tool for generation expansion planning (GEP) considering variety of uncertainties and investment options. The proposed simulation tool can treat plural uncertainties such as demand growth or fuel price in future, and select adequate investment options such as construction, decommission and reconstruction of generation plant. The proposed simulation tool can also treat the electricity market under the deregulated environment. The influences for several elements - plural uncertainties, investments and competitor's behavior on GEP are discussed through case studies using the proposed simulation tool. © 2012 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • Static and dynamic characteristic models of global solar radiation fluctuation in the scope of load frequency control
    Motoki Akatsuka, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Katsuyuki Takitani, Masami Saito
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 132, 7, 629, 638, 電気学会, 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Penetration of photovoltaic generation (PV) system into the power system may give some negative impacts to stable operations of power system
    for example, to the frequency control. Therefore, investigation on the short-term fluctuation of PV generation is important as a precaution against further PV penetration. Since the PV generation is almost proportional to the incident solar radiation, this paper develops static and dynamic characteristic models for short-term fluctuation in the global solar radiation. The static characteristic model is a set of standard deviations which have been statistically estimated based on the past observed data. The dynamic characteristic model is autoregressive models which are designed for the actually observed time sequential short-term fluctuation data. In both models, the clearness index is used to eliminate seasonal variation of solar radiation. © 2012 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • A Method to Estimate the Total Generated Power from Penetrated Photovoltaic Generations Based on Frequency Characteristics of Smoothing Effect Designed by Mesh Approach.
    電気学会新エネルギー・環境研究会資料, FTE-11, 29-31.33-41.43-49.51.55, 103, 108, Nov. 2011
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Techniques for Controlling and Operating Mega-solar Power Station using Energy Storage Systems
    Hiroyuki Kita
    スマートグリッド : 技術雑誌 = Smart grid : technical journal, 1, 1, 12, 16, 大河出版, Oct. 2011
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • A Study on Online Separation Technique for Load and PV Output in Distribution System
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-11, 52-54.56.86-91.93-94.149-159, 109, 114, Sep. 2011
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Investigation of dynamic response of seamless transition between isolated and interconnected operations in FRIENDS
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-11, 57-63.96-108, 101, 106, Sep. 2011
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Development of Reliability Evaluation Method Corresponding to Mass Penetration of Renewable Energy Generation
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-11, 80-85.130-137.145-148.166-170, 45, 50, Sep. 2011
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Generation Expansion Planning Simulation Method Considering Variety of Uncertainties and Investment Option
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-11, 80-85.130-137.145-148.166-170, 37, 44, Sep. 2011
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Basic Study on Voltage Regulation in Distribution System Utilizing PV Output Estimation Based on Online Feeder Voltage Information
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-11, 57-63.96-108, 107, 112, Sep. 2011
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Estimation of Power Spectrum of Total Short-term Output Fluctuation from Penetrated Photovoltaic Generation based on Utilizing Approach of Meshes
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-11, 52-54.56.86-91.93-94.149-159, 67, 72, Sep. 2011
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on Voltage Regulation Method in Distribution Systems using Electric Vehicles
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-11, 124-129.171-173.175-181, 91, 96, Sep. 2011
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Active Operation of Distribution Systems using Information from IT Switches
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-11, 57-63.96-108, 31, 36, Sep. 2011
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on Autonomous Decentralized Load Frequency Control Based On Financial Incentive
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-11, 52-54.56.86-91.93-94.149-159, 85, 89, Sep. 2011
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Scheduled operation of PV power station considering solar radiation forecast error
    Satoshi Takayama, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Takamitsu Ito, Yoshinobu Ueda, Yutaka Saito, Katsuyuki Takitani, Koji Yamaguchi
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 131, 3, 7, 312, 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Massive penetration of photovoltaic generation (PV) power stations may cause some serious impacts on a power system operation due to their volatile and unpredictable output. Growth of uncertainty may require larger operating reserve capacity and regulating capacity. Therefore, in order to utilize a PV power station as an alternative for an existing power plant, improvement in controllability and adjustability of station output become very important factor. Purpose of this paper is to develop the scheduled operation technique using a battery system (NAS battery) and the meteorological forecast. The performance of scheduled operation strongly depends on the accuracy of solar radiation forecast. However, the solar radiation forecast contains error. This paper proposes scheduling method and rescheduling method considering the trend of forecast error. More specifically, the forecast error scenario is modeled by means of the clustering analysis of the past actual forecast error. Validity and effectiveness of the proposed method is ascertained through computational simulations using the actual PV generation data monitored at the Wakkanai PV power station and solar radiation forecast data provided by the Japan Weather Association. © 2011 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • Estimation of battery capacity for fluctuation suppression of a PV power station output
    Motoki Akatsuka, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Takamitsu Ito, Yoshinobu Ueda, Yutaka Saito
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 131, 1, 10, 93, 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, International conference proceedings, Some MW-class PV power stations are now under construction and more PV power stations will be introduced in future. However, the penetration of PV power station may disturb a stable operation of the power system. The largest concerns are frequency variation and voltage variation caused by fluctuation of PV power station output. When these variations can not be eliminated by the conventional system operation and control schemes, installation of energy storage system might be needed. From this background, the authors have developed control method of battery system for fluctuation suppression of PV power station output. In this paper, battery capacity needed to satisfy the required fluctuation suppression level is estimated. In the estimation, two types of suppression control schemes
    one can save the required power capacity and another can save energy capacity. © 2011 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • Analysis of spatial smoothing effect of short-term fluctuation of global solar radiation based on the data including quantization error
    Yosuke Ue, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Yutaka Saito, Katsuyuki Takitani, Masami Saito
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 131, 5, 413, 420, 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, A Photovoltaic (PV) system is expected as one of the promising countermeasures for the global warming and the environmental issues. However, generation output from PV system is generally unstable and unpredictable. Therefore, large penetration of PV systems may cause some serious impacts to the power system operation such as a load frequency control, a voltage regulation, etc. Estimation of the influences of PV system installation is becoming important, however, it requires simultaneous multipoint solar radiation measurements. The Japan Meteorological Business Support Center has provided the 1-min meteorological data observed in Japan, however, its solar radiation data includes quantization errors. This paper proposes a regeneration method for the solar radiation data including quantization errors. This paper also analyses the spatial smoothing effect of the global solar radiation fluctuations. © 2011 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • A Basic Study on Separation for Load and PV Output in Distribution System Using Independent Component Analysis
    電気学会電力系統技術研究会資料, PSE-11, 1.3-15.17, 69, 74, Jan. 2011
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on time series model for short-term fluctuation of PV output
    電気学会電力系統技術研究会資料, PSE-11, 1.3-15.17, 81, 86, Jan. 2011
    Japanese, Symposium
  • The Analysis of Output from PV Power Station to Estimate Generation Reserve for Frequency Regulation               
    Motoki Akatsuka, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Katsuyuki Takitani, Koji Yamaguchi
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2011) (CD-ROM), 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Basic Study on Advanced Operation of Distribution Systems using Electric Vehicles               
    Yuki Mitsukuri, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiji Kamiya, Naoya Hiraiwa, Eiji Kogure
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2011) (CD-ROM), 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • A Study on Adequate Level of Generation Reserve Margin Based on Stochastic Evaluation of Operation Cost with Large Penetration of Photovoltaic Generations               
    Motoki Akatsuka, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2011) (CD-ROM), 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Study on Modeling and Simulation of Grid Connected PV Generation System with NAS Battery Model in Fault Condition               
    Myo Htaik, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2011) (CD-ROM), 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Study on Forecast Method of Photovoltaic System Based on Conventional Artificial Neural Network               
    Kentaro Shimomachi, Yuji Mishima, Jun-ichi Yamashita, Hiroyuki Kita, Ryoichi Hara
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2011) (CD-ROM), 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • A Separation Technique for Load and Photovoltaic Generation Output in Distribution System               
    Akihito Yasunaga, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Proc. of 17th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'11) (CD-ROM), 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • A Model for Short-Term Fluctuation of Total Generation of Multiple PV Power Stations               
    Motoki Akatsuka, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Takamitsu Ito, Yoshinobu Ueda, Yutaka Saito, Masami Saito, Katsuyuki Takitani
    Proc. of 17th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'11) (CD-ROM), 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Study on Isolated Operation of Grid Connected PV System with NAS Battery               
    Myo Htaik, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    Proc. of World Renewable Energy Congress-Indonesia (CD-ROM), 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Scheduled operation of PV power station considering solar radiation forecast error
    Satoshi Takayama, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Takamitsu Ito, Yoshinobu Ueda, Yutaka Saito, Katsuyuki Takitani, Koji Yamaguchi
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 131, 3, 7, 312, 2011, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Massive penetration of photovoltaic generation (PV) power stations may cause some serious impacts on a power system operation due to their volatile and unpredictable output. Growth of uncertainty may require larger operating reserve capacity and regulating capacity. Therefore, in order to utilize a PV power station as an alternative for an existing power plant, improvement in controllability and adjustability of station output become very important factor. Purpose of this paper is to develop the scheduled operation technique using a battery system (NAS battery) and the meteorological forecast. The performance of scheduled operation strongly depends on the accuracy of solar radiation forecast. However, the solar radiation forecast contains error. This paper proposes scheduling method and rescheduling method considering the trend of forecast error. More specifically, the forecast error scenario is modeled by means of the clustering analysis of the past actual forecast error. Validity and effectiveness of the proposed method is ascertained through computational simulations using the actual PV generation data monitored at the Wakkanai PV power station and solar radiation forecast data provided by the Japan Weather Association. © 2011 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • Evaluation of Contribution for Voltage Control Ancillary Services Based on Social Surplus
    Yuji Ueki, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Jun Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, Reactive power supply plays an important role in active power supply with adequate system voltages. Various pricing mechanisms for reactive power supply have been developed and some of them have been adopted in some power systems, but they are in a trial stage. The authors also focus on development of a pricing method for reactive power ancillary services. This problem involves two technical issues: rational estimation of the cost associated with reactive power supply, and fair and transparent allocation of the estimated cost among the market participants. This paper proposes methods for evaluating the contribution of generators and demands. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 174(2): 36-45, 2011; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/eej.21016
  • Stabilization of Wind Power Generation Output Fluctuation by Cooperative Control of Controllable Distributed Generator and Battery System
    YOKOI Kenji, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, ICHINOSE Masaya, FUTAMI Motoo
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 130, 12, 1049, 1057, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 01 Dec. 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Wind power generation is expected as one of countermeasures for the environmental issues and energy security crisis. However, uncertain and volatile fluctuations in wind power generation output may disturb the system frequency control. This paper proposes a fluctuation stabilization method utilizing a controllable distributed generator (CDG) and a battery system considering the actual technical requirement for a wind power generation system set by the Tohoku Electric Power Co. In the proposed method, the CDG plays a role of main compensator and the battery is used to support the slow dynamic response of CDG. In this paper, the validity of proposed method is ascertained and the necessary capacity of battery system is evaluated through some computational simulations.
  • Unit Commitment Considering A Large Penetration of Photovoltaic Generation System and Its Cost Evaluation
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-10, 77-79.81-84.86-92.101-109.158-165, 99, 104, Sep. 2010
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Scheduled Operation of PV Power Station based Solar Radiation Forecast Information
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-10, 77-79.81-84.86-92.101-109.158-165, 41, 46, Sep. 2010
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Estimation of short-term fluctuation of multiple PV power plants' output
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-10, 77-79.81-84.86-92.101-109.158-165, 81, 86, Sep. 2010
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Estimation Method of Short-term PV Power Station Output
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-10, 77-79.81-84.86-92.101-109.158-165, 47, 52, Sep. 2010
    Japanese, Symposium
  • 稚内メガソーラープロジェクト(7)~予測付帯情報を利用した計画運転手法の検討~
    高山聡志, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 伊藤孝充, 植田喜延, 齋藤裕, 滝谷克幸, 山口浩司
    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(CD-ROM), 2010, ROMBUNNO.143, 01 Sep. 2010
  • A Method for Balancing the Supply and Demand in an Isolated System Consisting of Voltage Control Type Inverters in FRIENDS
    Mitsushiro Ako, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Toshihisa Funabashi
    English, Scientific journal, The authors have proposed Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent ENergy Delivery System (FRIENDS) as a future power distribution system. In the FRIENDS, new facilities called quality control centers (QCCs), which consist of power electronics devices, distributed generators (DGs), energy storage systems (ESSs), etc., are installed between distribution substations and customers. By controlling and operating those devices in QCCs adequately, various functions can be realized. Particularly, when a power supply from the transmission network is interrupted, isolated local networks which consist of some QCCs are composed in order to realize uninterruptible power supply. In the isolated local network, the DG and ESS in QCCs are employed as backup generators. This paper proposes a novel distributed and autonomous method for balancing the supply and demand during isolated operation. This paper also investigates the effectiveness of the proposed method through some computational simulations using PSCAD/EMTDC.
  • 稚内メガソーラープロジェクト(5)~計画運転への予測誤差考慮手法~
    高山聡志, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 伊藤孝充, 植田喜延, 齋藤裕, 滝谷克幸, 山口浩司
    電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2010, 7, 157, 158, 05 Mar. 2010
  • A Study on the Installation of Distributed Generation Considering Supply Reliability
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-10, 31-45, 49, 54, Mar. 2010
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Suppression of large-scaled PV power station output fluctuation using sodium-sulfur battery
    Motoki Akatsuka, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Takamitsu Ito, Yoshinobu Ueda, Shuya Miwa, Naoya Matsuno, Katsuyuki Takitani, Masami Saito
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 130, 2, 223, 231, 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, The large-scaled photovoltaic generation (PV) system that called "mega-solar" is expected to spread for penetrating PV system. But penetration of mega-solar may impact to stable operation of power system such as the load frequency control. As the one of solution for this problem, energy storage system (ESS) is tentatively installed to absorb shortterm fluctuation of PV output. However, since the ESS is still expensive, it is favorable to reduce its required capacity of ESS for saving installation cost. In Wakkanai PV power station, sodium-sulfur (NAS) battery system is adopted as ESS and is operated to achieve suppression of short-term fluctuation and scheduled operation. In this paper, authors propose a control method of NAS battery system for reducing its MW capacity required for fluctuation suppressing based on characteristic of solar radiation.© 2010 the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • Estimation of Short-term Fluctuation Range of Multiple PV Power Plants' Total Output               
    Motoki Akatsuka, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Yutaka Saito, Katsuyuki Takitani, Masami Saito
    Proc. of Renewable Energy 2010 (CD-ROM), P-Pv-112, 2010, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
    Motoki Akatsuka, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Takamitsu Ito, Yoshinobu Ueda, Yutaka Saito
    English, International conference proceedings, Demonstration project named "Verification of Grid Stabilization with Large-scale PV Power Generation" has been conducted by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). In the Wakkanai PV power station, Sodium-Sulfur battery system is introduced to realize some additional functions. Since fluctuation in output of MW-class PV system may disturb the stable operation of power station, it is important to develop a fluctuation suppression technology. The authors have developed a fluctuation suppression using a battery system. In this paper, the relation between available battery capacity and fluctuation suppression performance is analyzed by computational simulation. This paper also estimates and discusses required battery capacity for fluctuation suppression.
  • 日射量予測誤差を考慮したメガソーラー発電所の発電計画変更手法の基礎検討
    高山聡志, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 伊藤孝充, 植田喜延, 齋藤裕, 滝谷克幸, 小倉勉
    電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2009, ROMBUNNO.79, 17 Oct. 2009
  • Study on the Rescheduling of PV Power Station Considering the Reduction of the Generation Cost
    高山聡志, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 伊藤孝充, 植田喜延, 齋藤裕, 滝谷克幸, 山口浩司
    電気学会電力技術研究会資料, PE-09, 140-153.155-157.159, 19, 24, 15 Sep. 2009
  • 大規模太陽光発電所における日射量予測に基づく発電計画作成手法
    高山聡志, 岩坂佑二, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 伊藤孝充, 植田喜延, 三輪修也, 松野直也, 滝谷克幸, 山口浩司
    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集(CD-ROM), 2009, ROMBUNNO.8, 18 Aug. 2009
  • 特集にあたって(<特集>エネルギーシステムにおける最適制御)
    北 裕幸
    オペレーションズ・リサーチ : 経営の科学, 54, 6, 社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, 01 Jun. 2009
  • Testing the Technologies Demonstration Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Projects in Japan
    Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Takayuki Tanabe, Hiroyuki Sugihara, Akira Kuwayama, Shuya Miwa
    English, Scientific journal
  • Evaluation of Costs for Procuring Reserve Capacity in a Deregulated Power System Using Multi-Agent Model
    Satoshi Suzuki, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, In this paper, we assume 2 models for securing reserve capacity. One is "Commitment-based Security Model" and the other is "Reserve Market-based Security Model." In Commitment-based security model, ISO commits procurement of reserve energy to a particular generation company. Meanwhile, in Reserve market-based security model, ISO procures reserve energy through reserve market. The main object of this research is to investigate which model will be preferable for the viewpoint of consumer's cost. To compare these models, two things are considered in this paper. One is bidding behavior of agents which bids to energy market and reserve market. To consider this, Q-Learning of multi-agent model is used. Also, the Unit Commitment (UC) is considered to calculate generation cost. This is to calculate the cost for securing reserve power more precisely. (c) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 167(1): 18-25, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/eej.20705
  • Evaluation of Cost and Reliability of Power Systems with Large Numbers of Distributed Generators
    Yutaka Sasaki, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, The authors have proposed the Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent ENergy Delivery System (called "FRIENDS"), which is a new concept for future power distribution systems. Also, a "micro grid" which is a similar concept to FRIENDS has been developed. In a micro grid, an independent distribution system can be constituted by a number of distributed generators. In this paper, FRIENDS, Micro grid, and conventional distribution systems are compared quantitatively in supply reliability and system cost through time sequential Monte Carlo Simulations. In addition, for cost evaluation, interruption costs are included to show risk incurred by unsupplied energy. Finally, the authors search for preferable form with install and operation of distributed generators and network composition according to social cost including interruption cost and system cost. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 167(2): 28-37, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/eej.20659
  • 稚内メガソーラープロジェクト(12)計画運転に対する最適計画変更手法
    高山聡志, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 伊藤孝充, 植田喜延, 三輪修也, 松野直也, 滝谷克幸, 山口浩司
    電気学会全国大会講演論文集, 2009, 7, 87, 88, 17 Mar. 2009
  • Design of the Optimal ULTC Parameters in Distribution System With Distributed Generations
    Miyoung Kim, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita
    English, Scientific journal, In order that the supply of electric power remain stable and sustainable, a certain level of power quality must be maintained while securing energy resources and resolving environmental issues. The distributed generation (DG) has become an essential and indispensable element of such distribution systems from both an environmental and an energy security perspective. However, the installation of DGs in distribution systems may cause variations of voltage on distribution feeder because the DG power outputs may change randomly and dramatically. Generally, the sending voltage at substation in distribution systems can be regulated by an under load tap changer (ULTC) designed to maintain customers'. receiving voltages within a predetermined range. Voltage regulation performed by ULTC calls for two parameters: the equivalent impedance and the load center voltage. Therefore, in distribution networks with DG interconnections, these parameters should be designed with attention not only to load variations but also to DG outputs. This paper proposes a method for designing ULTC parameters with reference to variations in DG output. The proposed algorithm is tested with IEEE 13-node system and Korean model network. The results demonstrate the validity of the proposed design method for varying DG distribution.
  • A study on the scheduling of large-scaled PV power station output based on solar radiation forecast
    Satoshi Takayama, Yuji Iwasaka, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Takamitsu Ito, Yoshinobu Ueda, Shuya Miwa, Naoya Matsuno, Katsuyuki Takitani, Koji Yamaguchi
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 129, 12, 1514, 1521, 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, International conference proceedings, Recently, photovoltaic generation (PV) attracts great attentions as a countermeasure against the global warming and the depletion problem of fossil energy resources in the world. However, it is known that a PV output fluctuates due to the insolation variation. Unstable power from a PV power station may cause some negative impact to the power system. Therefore, to utilize a PV power station in substitution for an existing power supply, improvement in controllability and adjustability of generation output is very important factor. In this paper, a new method for scheduling and rescheduling the PV power station output based on the solar radiation forecast are proposed. The scheduling and rescheduling method using NAS battery and solar radiation forecast from the economic perspective are proposed and the validity of the proposed method is ascertained through case studies using the data measured in the Wakkanai PV power station. © The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • A study on the scheduling of large-scaled PV power station output based on solar radiation forecast
    Satoshi Takayama, Yuji Iwasaka, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Takamitsu Ito, Yoshinobu Ueda, Shuya Miwa, Naoya Matsuno, Katsuyuki Takitani, Koji Yamaguchi
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 129, 12, 1514, 1521, 2009
    Japanese, International conference proceedings, Recently, photovoltaic generation (PV) attracts great attentions as a countermeasure against the global warming and the depletion problem of fossil energy resources in the world. However, it is known that a PV output fluctuates due to the insolation variation. Unstable power from a PV power station may cause some negative impact to the power system. Therefore, to utilize a PV power station in substitution for an existing power supply, improvement in controllability and adjustability of generation output is very important factor. In this paper, a new method for scheduling and rescheduling the PV power station output based on the solar radiation forecast are proposed. The scheduling and rescheduling method using NAS battery and solar radiation forecast from the economic perspective are proposed and the validity of the proposed method is ascertained through case studies using the data measured in the Wakkanai PV power station. © The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • "Study on Scheduling of PV Power Station Output Based on the Solar Radiation Forecast"               
    Proc. 24rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 4127, 4131, 2009
  • "Analysis on Fluctuation of PV Power Plant Output with Energy Storage System"               
    Proc. 24rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 4123, 4126, 2009
  • "Suppression of Fluctuation in Wind Power Generation Output by Controlling Distributed Generator"               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2009) (CD-ROM), I9FP0099, 2009
  • "Customer automation function of FRINEDS"               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2009) (CD-ROM), I9FP0606, 2009
  • "Study on the Effect of Rescheduling of PV output Considering Solar Radiation Forecast Error"               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2009) (CD-ROM), I9FP0134, 2009
  • Trend of R&D on New Electric Power System with Renewable Energy Resources               
    Jun Hasegawa, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Yutaka Saito, Hiroo Konishi
    Proc. of 7th Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Symposium (EMSES), K-2-K-5, 2009, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Study on Rescheduling of PV Generation Output Based on the Insolation Forecast of the Day
    高山聡志, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 伊藤孝充, 植田喜延, 三輪修也, 松野直也, 滝谷克幸, 山口浩司
    太陽/風力エネルギー講演論文集, 2008, 75, 78, 日本太陽エネルギー学会, 06 Nov. 2008
  • 太陽光発電所における日射量予測に基づく運転計画修正の基礎検討
    高山聡志, 原亮一, 北裕幸, 伊藤孝充, 植田喜延, 三輪修也, 松野直也, 滝谷克幸
    電気・情報関係学会北海道支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2008, ROMBUNNO.0053, 25 Oct. 2008
  • Installation Promotion Strategy intended for Various Distributed Generations
    SASAKI Yutaka, ZOKA Yoshifumi, YORINO Naoto, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2008, 121, 39, 44, Aug. 2008
    Japanese, Symposium
  • The Simulation of Generation Expansion Planning Considering Investment of Generation Companies Under Uncertain Environment
    MANABE Yusuke, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2008, 109, 1, 6, Aug. 2008
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Management of a group of distributed generators aimed at cooperation with the bulk power system
    Koichi Tanaka, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, Recently, the basic framework of electric power systems has been changed significantly by deregulation of electric power industry. Also, distributed generators (DGs) such as renewable energy generations, co-generations, and energy storage systems have been introduced into the demand sides not only for saving energy and the global environment, but also for compensating voltage drops and supply interruption. In the future power systems, a lot of small-sized DGs will supply the electricity with existing large-scale generators under a competitive environment. In this context, it is desirable that DGs contribute to stable, reliable and economic operations by coordinating with existing large-scale generators. For example, power from large-scale generators could be leveled if DGs are operated during the peak period. Also, ancillary services such as frequency control, voltage control, and supply of reserve capacity could be executed by controlling DGs directly or indirectly. Under these circumstances, the authors have proposed a new power distribution system: Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent ENergy Delivery System (FRIENDS). This paper investigates some kinds of power supply systems which coordinate DGs with existing large-scale generators including the concept of FRIENDS and considering how DGs are managed. The effects of DGs which contribute to supply the energy and/or the reserve in every power system are evaluated. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Evaluation of contribution for voltage control ancillary services based on social surplus
    Yuji Ueki, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Jun Hasegawa
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 128, 10, 6, 1251, 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Reactive power supply plays an important role in active power supply with adequate system voltages. Various pricing mechanism for reactive power supply have been developed and some of them are adopted in some power systems, however they are in a trial stage. The authors also focus on development of a pricing method for reactive power ancillary services. This problem involves two technical issues: rational estimation of the cost associated with reactive power supply and fair and transparent allocation of the estimated cost among the market participants. This paper proposes methods for evaluating the contribution of generators and demands. © 2008 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • "Fundamental Study on Scheduling of Generation Output from Large-Scale PV Generation Plant"               
    Proc. of 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 3409, 3411, 2008
  • New Type Power Delivery System "FRIENDS" and Its Energy Conservation Functions
    H. Kita, R. Hara, S. Suzuki, T. Funabashi, K. Nara
    English, International conference proceedings, This paper investigates availability of DemandSide Management (DSM) considering Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent ENergy Delivery System (FRIENDS) proposed by the authors. The proposed DSM is based on a Real-Time Pricing system (RTP) executed by owners of Quality Control Centers (QCC) in FRIENDS, which are facilities allocated close to consumers. More specifically, QCC owners procure electricity from spot market and/or their owned Distributed Generators (DG) and Distributed Energy Storage Systems (DESS), and sell it for their consumers with RTP. The optimal bidding strategy and RTP setting for maximizing the QCC owner's profit or minimizing the risk on profit are discussed.
  • "Distributed and Autonomous Reactive Power Control by Distributed Generators for Improving Voltage Estimation Accuracy of LDC"               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2008) (CD-ROM), O-087, 2008
  • "A Method for Balancing Supply and Demand in an Isolated System Consisting of Voltage Control Type QCCs in FRIENDS"               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2008) (CD-ROM), PN2-3-4, 2008
  • "Estimation of Capacity of Energy Storage System Required to Suppress Fluctuation of Photovoltaic Generation Output"               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2008) (CD-ROM), O-092, 2008
  • "ULTC Control Based on Remote Voltage Monitoring in Distribution System with Distributed Generations"               
    Proc. of the Eighth IASTED Interernational Conference on Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES 2008) (CD-ROM), 608-076, 2008
  • "Introduction of Demonstrative Project of 5MW PV Generation System Conducted at Wakkanai"               
    Proc. of 4th European PV-Hybrid and Mini-Grid Conference, 108, 115, 2008
  • A simulation of generation investment planning development under competitive environment
    Akira Matsumoto, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Jun Hasegawa
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 128, 2, 3, 406, 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Several new generation companies such as PPS (Power Producer and Supplier) and IPP (Independent Power Producer) are emerging due to the deregulation and liberalization of the power industry. One of the most important concerns after the deregulation is decline of investment for power plant construction due to uncertainties associated with the power market. Development of power stations should be planned considering short-term and long term trends of power market. This paper focuses on the power stations development issues under competitive environment and proposes a simulation method of power stations development. The developed simulation tool can deal the interactions among each player's both short-term and long-term strategies. © 2008 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • Optimal operation and value evaluation of pumped storage power plants considering spot market trading and uncertainty of bilateral demand
    Kenta Takahashi, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Jun Hasegawa
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 128, 1, 14, 128, 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, International conference proceedings, In recent years, as the deregulation in electric power industry has advanced in many countries, a spot market trading of electricity has been done. Generation companies are allowed to purchase the electricity through the electric power market and supply electric power for their bilateral customers. Under this circumstance, it is important for the generation companies to procure the required electricity with cheaper cost to increase their profit. The market price is volatile since it is determined by bidding between buyer and seller. The pumped storage power plant, one of the storage facilities is promising against such volatile market price since it can produce a profit by purchasing electricity with lower-price and selling it with higher-price. This paper discusses the optimal operation of the pumped storage power plants considering bidding strategy to an uncertain spot market. The volatilities in market price and demand are represented by the Vasicek model in our estimation. This paper also discusses the allocation of operational reserve to the pumped storage power plant. © 2008 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • A Study on the Installation Promotion Program of Distributed Generation with Load Curtailment Contract
    SASAKI Yutaka, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 128, 1, 111, 119, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 01 Jan. 2008, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, International conference proceedings, Distribution generation using new energy resources have been expected in the future power system. However, the interconnection cost and equipment cost of distributed generation (DG) are still expensive and stunt the growth of installed DG capacity. From the economic and environmental points of view, promotion of DG installation is indispensable in the future. This paper proposes a DG installation promotion program based on the load curtailment contract. In the proposed program, the load curtailment contract saves investments required for future power system reinforcement and induces the customers to install DG. Economical and environmental feasibility of the proposed program are discussed through numerical studies.
  • Proposal of smoothing method of generation output from large-scale PV system and investigation on effectiveness of insolation forecasting utilization
    AKATSUKA Motoki, ASANO Keiichiro, SASAKI Yutaka, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, ITO Takamitsu, SUZUKI Satoshi, MIWA Shuya, MATSUNO Naoya
    The Papers of Technical Meeting on Metabolism Society and Environmental Systems, IEE Japan, 2007, 1, 45, 50, 電気学会, Dec. 2007
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on DER Installation Promotion Program For Distributed Energy System Construction
    SASAKI Yutaka, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Papers of Technical Meeting on Metabolism Society and Environmental Systems, IEE Japan, 2007, 1, 35, 40, 電気学会, Dec. 2007
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A study on bid strategies for electric power suppliers in bilateral market considering spot market
    Tokuhisa Hayashi, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, As deregulation in the electric power industry has advanced in many countries, a spot market and a futures market for electric energy have already been formulated. In Japan, the foundation of a day-ahead spot market is scheduled for the 2005 fiscal year. This paper presents a method to evaluate the expected profit and risk for an electric power supplier considering both spot market and bilateral market. In this paper, the Vasicek model is used to represent the fluctuations in spot price and demand in a bilateral market, and additionally, Value at Risk (VaR) is used as a risk index.
  • Study on smoothing of generation output from large-scale photovoltaic system based on the insolation forecasting
    ASANO Keiichiro, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, ITO Takamitsu, SUZUKI Satoshi, MIWA Shuya, MATSUNO Naoya
    Proceedings of JSES/JWEA Joint Conference, 2007, 0, 393, 396, 日本太陽エネルギー学会, Oct. 2007
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on daily compensation of charging rate of NAS battery in smoothing of generation output from large-scale PV system
    AKATSUKA Motoki, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, ITO Takamitsu, SUZUKI Satoshi, MIWA Shuya, MATSUNO Naoya
    Proceedings of JSES/JWEA Joint Conference, 2007, 0, 389, 392, 日本太陽エネルギー学会, Oct. 2007
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Analyzing Technique of Power Systems Under Deregulation
    宮内肇, 北裕幸, 石亀篤司
    電気学会論文誌 B, 127, 10, 1056, 1059, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 01 Oct. 2007
    Japanese, Deregulation of the electric utilities has been progressing. Even under the deregulation, the reliability should be the most important problem of power systems. However, according to the deregulation, operation and scheduling of power systems are changing and new techniques to analyze power systems are introducing. To evaluate reliability of power systems, adequacy and security are well employed recently. This paper presents the new analyzing technique which will be realized in near future from the viewpoint of adequacy and security. First, simulation tool to evaluate adequacy is described. As an example of this tool, MARS and other methods are mentioned. Next, to evaluate the security, security constrained unit commitment (SCUC) and security constrained optimal power flow (SCOPF) are mentioned. Finally, some topics concerning ancillary service are described.
  • Investigation on DSM by Real-Time Pricing considering Energy Storage System and Bidding Strategy in the Spot Market
    FUJIWARA Yusuke, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2007, 87, 13, 18, Aug. 2007
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on Cost-based Pricing Method for Reactive Power Ancillary Services
    UEKI Yuji, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2007, 87, 7, 12, Aug. 2007
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Supply and Demand Balancing at an Isolated System Consisting of Voltage Control Type QCCs in FRIENDS
    AKO Mitsushiro, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2007, 113, 37, 42, Aug. 2007
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Effect of Balancing Control by PPS on Load Frequency Control in Interconnected Power Systems
    SAKUMA Tatsuya, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, TOYAMA Atsushi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2007, 17, 69, 74, Jul. 2007
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Evaluation of Voltage Sag and Supply Reliability in Multiple-Quality Power Supply System
    LANG Xuhui, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2007, 29, 43, 48, Jul. 2007
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on Reserve Allocation from Supply Reliability Analysis Considering Network Constraints
    YOKOHATA Keisuke, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2007, 75, 7, 12, Jul. 2007
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on the Installation Promotion Program of Energy Storage Systems Applied Load Curtailment Contract
    SASAKI Yutaka, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2007, 104, 31, 36, Jul. 2007
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Improvement in Voltage Estimation Accuracy of LDC by Distributed Generator's Reactive Power Output Control
    MATSUO Junichi, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会, 2007, 1, 31, 36, Feb. 2007
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Investigation on the Load Curtailment Contract for Promoting Installation of Distributed Generation
    SASAKI Yutaka, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会, 2007, 1, 13, 18, Feb. 2007
    Japanese, Symposium
  • 現代電力技術便覧               
    オーム社, 2007
  • "Investigation on the Load Curtailment Contract for Promoting Installation of Distributed Generation"               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2007) (CD-ROM), ICEE-401, 2007
  • "Design of the Optimal ULTC Parameters in Distribution System with Distributed Generations"               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2007) (CD-ROM), ICEE-454, 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Evaluation of costs for procuring reserve capacity under deregulated power system using multi-agent model
    Satoshi Suzuki, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 127, 3, 459, 466, 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, In this paper, we assume 2 models for securing reserve capacity. One is "Commitment-based Security Model" and the other is "Reserve Market-based Security Model". In Commitment-based security model, ISO commits procurement of reserve energy to a particular generation company. Meanwhile, in Reserve market-based security model, ISO procures reserve energy through reserve market. The main object of this research is to investigate which model will be preferable for the viewpoint of consumer's cost. To compare these models, two things are considered in this paper. One is bidding behavior of agents which bids to energy market and reserve market. To consider this, Q-Learning of multi-agent model is used. Also, the Unit Commitment (UC) is considered to calculate generation cost. This is to calculate the cost for securing reserve power more precisely.
  • A method for controlling non-utility generators under 30-minute balancing rule and its effect on load frequency control
    Takehiro Tsujimoto, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Atsushi Toyama, Jun Hasegawa
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 127, 1, 175, 182, 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, International conference proceedings, Recently, basic framework of electric power systems has been changed greatly by deregulation of electric power industry. Independent Power Producers (IPPs) or Power Producer and Suppliers (PPSs) as new entrants are increasing in the power generation division. For power system stability, conventional electric utilities and PPSs have to take a balance between supply and demand. More specifically, PPSs maintain the difference between energy supplied by generators and energy consumed by demand within fluctuation range of the 30-minute balancing rule and, general electric utilities eliminate its imbalance in the whole power system. This paper investigates PPSs' effects of retail wheeling from both sides of PPSs and a general electric utility. First, from the point of PPSs, it presents a control method of generators under the condition where PPSs produce electric power economically. And from the point of a general electric utility, it evaluates the generation capacity for load frequency control as effect of retail wheeling on the frequency control. The validity of the proposed technique and influence evaluation to the frequency control are shown by the simulation which MATLAB/Simulink is used for.
  • Evaluation of cost and reliability of power systems with large number of distributed generators
    Yutaka Sasaki, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 127, 1, 183, 191, 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, International conference proceedings, The authors have proposed Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent ENergy Delivery System (called "FRIENDS"), which is a new concept for future power distribution systems. Also, "Micro grid" which is the similar concept to FRIENDS has been developed. In Micro grid, on independent distribution system can be constituted by a number of distributed generators. In this paper, FRIENDS, Micro grid and conventional distribution systems are compared quantitatively in supply reliability and system cost through time sequential Monte Carlo simulations. In addition, for cost evaluation, interruption costs are included to show risk incurred by unsupplied energy. Finally, authors search for preferable form with install and operation of distributed generators and network composition according to social cost including interruption cost and system cost.
  • A Comparison Study of Control Schemes of a Power Converter for Grid Interconnection
    CHIBA Jungo, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, FUKUDA Shoji
    電気学会研究会資料. SPC, 半導体電力変換研究会, 2007, 21, 43, 48, Jan. 2007
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Basic Study on Incentive Designing for Promoting Distributed Generator Installation
    SASAKI Yutaka, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2006, 97, 1, 4, 10 Aug. 2006
  • Evaluation of Power Producer and Supplier's Contribution to Load Frequency Control under the Supply-demand Balancing Rule
    TANAKA Eiichi, KITA Hiroyuki, TOYAMA Atsushi, HARA Ryoichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2006, 33, 23, 28, Aug. 2006
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Method for Suppressing Line Voltage Deviation by Reactive Power Control of An Interface Inverter for Wind-Power Generation
    NAKAYAMA Yasuaki, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, FUKUDA Shoji, FUTAMI Motoo, ICHINOSE Masaya, OHARA Shinya
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2006, 97, 71, 76, Aug. 2006
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on Transmission System Planning under a Deregulated Environment Based on the Supply-Side and Demand-Side Reserves
    JIN Yukako, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2006, 116, 25, 30, Aug. 2006
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Operation Planning of Generation Company Considering Uncertainties in Market Prices and Power Demand
    TAKAHASHI Kenta, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2006, 116, 13, 18, Aug. 2006
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on Simulation of Development of Power Stations Considering an Investment Strategy of Generation Company
    MATSUMOTO Akira, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2006, 116, 7, 12, Aug. 2006
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Investigation on Installation of UPS Considering Voltage Sag and Supply Reliability
    LANG Xuhui, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2006, 69, 15, 20, Aug. 2006
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A study on Bid Strategies for Electric Power Suppliers in Bilateral Market Considering Spot Market
    Tokuhisa Hayashi, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    IEEJ Trans., 126, 4, 472, 480, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Apr. 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, As the deregulation in electric power industry has advanced in many countries, a spot market and a future market of the electric energy have already been formulated. In Japan, the foundation of a day-ahead spot market is scheduled for the 2005 fiscal year. This paper presents a method to evaluate the expected profit and risk of electric power supplier considering both of spot market and bilateral market. In this paper, Vasicek model is used as a fluctuation in spot price and demand of bilateral market, additionally Value at Risk (VaR) is used as a risk index.
  • A Method for Balancing between Supply and Demand Based on Distributed Autonomous Operation of an Isolated System in FRIENDS
    高橋一仙, 北裕幸, 田中英一, 長谷川淳
    IEEJ Trans., 126, 10, 1039, 1048, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2006
    Japanese, As a future power distribution system, Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent ENergy Delivery System (FRIENDS) has been proposed. In FRIENDS, various functions become realizable by installing new facilities called Quality Control Centers (QCCs) between distribution substation and customers. Moreover, in fault case of upstream power system, multiple QCCs become independent of distribution system and an isolated system is constituted by interconnected QCCs. Furthermore, an isolated system operation which uses Distributed Generators (DGs) and Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) which are installed in QCC as the main power supply will be performed. In an isolated system by QCCs, a method for balancing supply and demand based on Distributed Autonomous Operation of QCCs using a frequency deviation is proposed by applying the concept of frequency control which has been performed by the utility. Simulation results to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed method are shown in this paper.
  • A wind-power generation system having a function of suppressing line voltage deviation
    Y. Nakayama, S. Fukuda, M. Futami, M. Ichinose, S. Ohara, H. Kita
    English, International conference proceedings, Wind-power generation (WPG) tends to create voltage deviation in the distribution lines because wind speed always fluctuates. This paper proposes to add a new function to the interface converter of WPG, that is, generation of reactive power to suppress the voltage deviation caused by WPG itself. This paper also proposes a reactive power control strategy for the interface converter to suppress the voltage deviation. The validity is verified by simulation studies.
  • "Evaluation of Cost and Supply Reliability of Distribution Network Including Distributed Generators"               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2006) (CD-ROM), MS1-04, 2006
  • RPS market analysis based on reinforcement learning in power systems
    Takanori Sugano, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 126, 2, 217, 224, 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Deregulation and restructuring of electric power supply business are proceeding all over the world. In many cases, a competitive environment is introduced, where a market to transact electric power is established, and various attempts are done to decrease the price. On the other hand, environmental problems are pointed out in recent years. However, there is a possibility of the environmental deterioration by cost reduction of electric power. In this paper, the RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard) system is taken up as the solution method of environmental problem under the deregulation of electric power supply business. A RPS model is created by multi-agent theory, where Q-learning is used as a decision-making technique of agent. By using this model, the RPS system is verified for its effectiveness and influence.
  • The new technology of power system operation under competitive environment
    大山力, 岡田健司, 高橋理, 石亀篤司, 加藤政一, 北裕幸, 栗原郁夫, 斎藤浩海, 佐々木伸幸, 沢敏之, 柴田信之, 進士誉夫, 高橋順一, 但見収司, 塚本幸辰, 寺島一希, 中沢太郎, 野村宗訓, 林秀樹, 林泰弘, 藤本明夫, 松川勇, 三沢哲也, 三島裕樹, 宮内肇, 諸住哲, 矢野信彦, 横山明彦, 余利野直人, 佐藤泰司, 佐々木鉄於, 吉田誠治, 伊佐治圭介, 内田貢市, 柏木健志, 川内野寿博, 北岸延之, 小杉成史, 佐藤康生, 杉原俊雄
    電気学会技術報告, 1038, 156P, 10 Nov. 2005
  • Reliability and power quality evaluation of high-voltage supplied customers: Estimation of outage cost by fuzzy reasoning
    J Yoshino, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa, H Kubo, S Yonaga
    English, Scientific journal, Recently, consumers have shown concern about the reliability of electricity to be served. For example, some consumers need electricity with a higher reliability via automation of manufacturing processes. On the other hand, some consumers need electricity at a cheaper price even if the reliability becomes a little worse. Under such circumstances, it is necessary that power suppliers evaluate the needs of every consumer precisely and propose the most desirable measures for meeting their requirements. This paper develops a tool to analyze the reliability for high-voltage supplied consumers quantitatively. Further, this paper presents a method for evaluating the outage cost of consumers to help them choose the most appropriate measures for maintaining reliability. The proposed method applies the fuzzy reasoning approach. The validity of the proposed method is ascertained through some numerical simulations. (C) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • A Study on Management for a Group of Distributed Generators Aimed at the Cooperation with the Bulk Power System
    TANAKA Koichi, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 125, 7, 647, 654, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 01 Jul. 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Recently, the basic framework of electric power systems has been changed significantly by deregulation of electric power industry. Also, distributed generators (DGs) such as renewable energy generations, co-generations, and energy storage systems have been introduced into the demand sides not only for saving energy and the global environment, but also for compensating voltage drops and supply interruption. In the future power systems, a lot of small-sized DGs will supply the electricity with existing large-scale generators under a competitive environment. In this context, it is desirable that DGs contribute to stable, reliable and economic operations by coordinating with existing large-scale generators. For example, power from large-scale generators could be leveled if DGs are operated during the peak period. Also, ancillary services such as frequency control, voltage control, and supply of reserve capacity could be executed by controlling DGs directly or indirectly. Under these circumstances, the authors have proposed a new power distribution system: Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent ENergy Delivery System (FRIENDS). This paper investigates some kinds of power supply systems which coordinate DGs with existing large-scale generators including the concept of FRIENDS and considering how DGs are managed. The effects of DGs which contribute to supply the energy and/or the reserve in every power system are evaluated.
  • The electric power system technique for effective use of the dispersed generation
    横山隆一, 平井崇夫, 上村敏, 吉永淳, 月田自郎, 尾畑義雄, 堀井敏行, 佐々木裕治, 和田勝, 斎藤祐, 北裕幸, 斎藤浩海, 三島裕樹, 横山明彦, 大山力, 三谷康範, 野呂康宏, 河野良之, 中村知治, 舟橋俊久, 工藤謹正, 進士誉夫, 山口誠, 津繁光, 神津明, 石井格, 川崎憲介, 中西要祐, 武石礼司, 小柳薫, 上野昌裕, 奈良宏一, 吉田潔史, 白崎隆, 林正, 矢野信彦, 小林隆義, 本橋準, 田口聖
    電気学会技術報告, 1025, 112P, 30 Jun. 2005
  • Reliability evaluation considering customized power quality supply in FRIENDS
    Y Mitsukuri, H Kita, R Hara, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, The authors have proposed a Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent ENergy Delivery System (called "FRIENDS"), which is a new concept for a future power distribution system. One of the most important feature of FRIENDS is to be able to manage the reliability of power supply. In this paper, FRIENDS and a conventional distribution system are compared quantitatively as to supply reliability and cost through time sequential Monte Carlo simulation. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • New bidding strategy formulation for day-ahead energy and reserve markets based on evolutionary programming
    P Attaviriyanupap, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, In this paper, a new bidding strategy for a day-ahead market is formulated. The proposed algorithm is developed from the viewpoint of a generation company wishing to maximize a profit as a participant in the deregulated power and reserve markets. Separate power and reserve markets are considered, both are operated by clearing price auction system. The optimal bidding parameters for both markets are determined by solving an optimization problem that takes unit commitment constraints such as generating limits and unit minimum up/down time constraints into account. This is a non-convex and non-differentiable which is difficult to solve by traditional optimization techniques. In this paper, evolutionary programming is used to solve the problem. The algorithm is applied to both single-sided and double-sided auctions, numerical simulations are carried out to demonstrate the performance of the proposed scheme compared with those obtained from a sequential quadratic programming. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • A Real-time Pricing System for DSM in FRIENDS
    Shigeki Yoshikawa, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 125, 12, 1137, 1145, 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The authors have proposed the Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent ENergy Delivery System (FRIENDS) as a concept of future electric power systems. The concept of FRIENDS takes into account the deregulation of the electric power industry and progress of technologies such as power electronics, distributed generators (DG), distributed energy storage systems (ESS), information and communication. One of the most important characteristics of FRIENDS is that new facilities called Quality Control Centers (QCC) are installed between distribution systems and electric consumers. This paper presents a methodology for DSM based on a real-time pricing system through the information and communication network in FRIENDS. The economic use of DG and ESS in QCC is also considered in the proposed DSM. The sigmoid logistic function is used for modeling the real-time pricing system and a couple of parameters in the function are optimized by the Genetic Algorithm so that the profit of QCC is maximized. The effectiveness of the proposed DSM is ascertained by evaluating the profit or the load factor of QCC through simulations using model systems. © 2005, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
  • "Evaluation for Determining Optimal Amount of Cogeneration System to be Introduced Considering Demand Side Reliability"               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2005) (CD-ROM), DG1-09, 2005
  • Real-time Pricing System for Demand-side Management in FRIENDS"               
    Proc. of 15th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'05) (CD-ROM), 31, 4, 2005
  • A Study on the Cost Evaluation of Securing the Reserve Capacity under a Competitive Environment
    Tomonobu Monden, Hiroyuki Kita, Jun Hasegawa, Ken-Ichi Nishiya
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 125, 1, 73, 80, 2005
    English, Scientific journal, In this paper, the authors evaluate the cost to secure the reserve capacity from the view point of ISO under the competitive environment. It is going on the deregulation of electric power industry now in Japan, and it is assumed that many companies will get into the generation category newly and energy market will be established. So we have to secure the reserve capacity enough to maintain the supply reliability after the deregulation. Generally, it is supposed that ISO should have the responsibility of securing the reserve capacity. Therefore, in this paper we propose two types of ISO security model, one is “Reserve market-based security model” and the other is “Commitment-based security model”. The purpose in this paper is to compare with two models in terms of the cost for the supply security and research the better model for the customers. © 2005, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
  • An Evaluation of the Electricity Market in Consideration of the Motivation to the Transmission Line Extension Investment in Competitive Environment
    NAKADE Tetsuya, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2004, 114, 1, 6, Sep. 2004
    Japanese, Symposium
  • The Basic Study of RPS Market Analysis Using the Multi-agent theory
    SUGANO Takanori, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2004, 86, 45, 50, Sep. 2004
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Volatility Valuation in Electricity Price Forecasting
    RUIZ Jose, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2004, 129, 41, 46, Sep. 2004
    English, Symposium
  • Quantitative evaluation of Genco's expected profit and risk
    HAYASHI Tokuhisa, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2004, 129, 11, 16, Sep. 2004
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on Demand-side Management in FRIENDS
    YOSHIKAWA Shigeki, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2004, 102, 59, 64, Sep. 2004
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on Frequency Control by Cooperating Distributed Generators with Existing Large-size Generator
    KANAZAWA Takuro, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2004, 102, 53, 58, Sep. 2004
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A study of transfer switching for the purpose of fault detection in FRIENDS
    T Suzuki, R Hara, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa, Iyoda, I
    English, Scientific journal, The authors have proposed a new concept of a distribution system "Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent ENergy Delivery System (FRIENDS)" with intent to solve imminent operating problems faced by utilities in providing their customers with reliable supply of power at several levels of quality. The main idea of FRIENDS is to introduce new facilities, so-called Quality Control Centers (QCCs), which are installed very close to the customers for the purpose of implementing multiple functions, such as Customized Power Quality Service. In addition, these QCCs form a network for energy and information transmission at a level below distribution substations. QCCs make it possible to frequently change configuration of the network depending on the system and load conditions. These frequent reconfigurations of the network require fast and reliable Transfer Switching in the QCCs to ease an effect on customers. The reconfiguration for the purpose of fault area isolation also requires a fast Fault Detection feature.
    This paper presents a new method for controlling Transfer Switching and a method of Fault Detection in order to realize a fast and reliable reconfiguration of QCC network in a normal state, as well as under fault conditions. This paper also analyzes the methods in terms of instantaneous values calculated by PSCAD/EMTDC. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • A fuzzy-optimization approach to dynamic economic dispatch considering uncertainties
    P Attaviriyanupap, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, In this paper, the authors propose a fuzzy-optimization approach to dynamic economic dispatch, considering the uncertainties in deregulated energy and reserve markets. The methodology was developed from the viewpoint of a generation company wishing to maximize its own profit and to hedge its risks as a participant in the energy market and 10-min spinning reserve market. The uncertainties in the current paper were represented with fuzzy numbers, and consist of the demand and reserves required in each market, prices cleared in each market, and the probability that reserves are called upon in actual operation. The energy and reserve markets were coordinated by the generator ramp rate limits. The optimal amounts of power and reserve were determined by solving the optimization problem. Two reserve payment methods, payment for power delivered and payment for reserve allocated, were investigated in this paper.
  • Reliability and Power Quality Evaluation of High-Voltage Supplied Customer : Estimation of Outage Cost by Fuzzy Reasoning
    YOSHINO Jun, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun, KUBO Hiroshi, YONAGA Shigeru
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 124, 5, 723, 732, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 01 May 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, Recently, a number of electric consumers have concerned about the reliability of electricity to be served. For example, some consumers need the electricity with a higher reliability by the automation of manufacturing processes. On the other hand, some consumers need the electricity of a cheaper price even if the reliability becomes a little worse. Under such circumstances, it is necessary that power suppliers evaluate the needs of every consumers precisely and propose the most desirable measures for meeting their requirements. This paper develops a tool to analyze the reliability for high-voltage supplied consumers quantitatively. Further, this paper presents a method for evaluating the outage cost of consumers to help them choose the most appropriate measures for maintaining the reliability. The proposed method applies the fuzzy reasoning approach. The validity of the proposed method is ascertained through some numerical simulations.
  • Management Technology of a Group of Distributed Generators on Hybrid Type Power System of Convergence and Distribution
    TANAKA Koichi, KANAZAWA Takuro, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会, 2004, 1, 55, 61, Mar. 2004
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Interior structure of UPQC-type QCC at the low-voltage side in the FRIENDS
    T Noda, GB Wang, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, Recently, the worldwide deregulation of the electric power industry is progressing. Further, it is expected that a many distributed generation facilities and energy storage systems will be installed at the end point of the power systems. Therefore, the future power system must be able to cope with these various qualities of power in the deregulated situation. The authors have proposed the FRIENDS (Flexible, Reliable, and Intelligent ENergy Delivery System) concept as-a new distribution system that copes with a new framework of the electric power business in the near future. The most typical aspect of FRIENDS is the introduction of new equipment; Quality Control Centers (QCC) between distribution substations and customers. In this paper, the authors propose a concrete interior structure and investigate some control methods for realizing unbundling power quality supply and power conditioning using the proposed UPQC-type QCC. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed through the instantaneous value analysis using PSCAD/EMTDC. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 146(3): 26-38, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley. com). DOI 10.1002/eej.10243.
  • "A Study on Frequency Control by Cooperating Dispersed Generators with Existing Large-sized Generators"               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2004) (CD-ROM), OE8-3, 2004
  • "The Basic Study of RPS Market Analysis Using the Multi-agent Theory"               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2004) (CD-ROM), OF6-3, 2004
  • "Genco's Bid Strategy of Bilateral Market in Consideration of Spot Market"               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2004) (CD-ROM), OF6-2, 2004
  • "Installation Evaluation of Dispersed Resources Considering the Reliability in Regional Energy System"               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2004) (CD-ROM), OD4-1, 2004
  • Price Forecasting in the Day-Ahead Electricity Market               
    Proc. of 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, 1303, 1307, 2004
  • A Study on the Innovation Cost and Effectiveness Evaluation of Compensation Devices for Voltage Sags
    Xuhui Lang, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa, Hiroshi Kubo, Shigeru Yonaga
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 124, 3, 397, 403, 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, Due to the advancement of information technology and widespread use of power electronic devices in recent years, many customers in various fields have suffered from the voltage sag problem. In order to compensate voltage sags, sensitive loads have been primarily equipped with uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) by each consumer individually. Because consumers have many individual needs, this topic becomes an important problem to be considered by quality consultants in the electric utility industry. Based on this situation, we present the applications of UPS and dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) as compensation devices of voltage sags. By considering the need for power quality, we examine the cost-efficiency of both devices quantitatively. Simulations are carried out and the results are shown in this paper. © 2004, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
  • Reliability Evaluation Considering Customized Power Quality Supply in FRIENDS
    Yuki Mitsukuri, Hiroyuki Kita, Ryoichi Hara, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 124, 1, 43, 52, 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The authors have proposed Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent ENergy Delivery System (called “FRIENDS”), which is a new concept for a future power distribution system. One of the most important feature of FRIENDS is to be able to manage the reliability of power supply. In this paper, FRIENDS and a conventional distribution system are compared quantitatively in supply reliability and cost through time sequential Monte Carlo simulation. © 2004, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
  • Power Quality Evaluation of Ultra-High-Voltage Supplied Customer
    YOSHINO Jun, LANG Xuhui, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun, KUBO Hiroshi, YONAGA Shigeru
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2003, 13, 1, 6, Oct. 2003
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Management Technology of a Group of Dispersed Generators Based on Area Dispersion of Obligation to Serve
    TANAKA Koichi, KANAZAWA Takuro, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2003, 154, 101, 106, Sep. 2003
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on Application of Energy Storage System to Output Power Improvement of Wind Generator
    OSANAMI Yoshiki, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun, TANIMURA Arata, KOBAYASHI Masahiko
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2003, 179, 83, 88, Sep. 2003
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on the Power Supply Security by System Operator under Deregulation of Electric Power Industry
    MONDEN Tomonobu, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2003, 209, 31, 36, Sep. 2003
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Interior structure of a quality control center at the low-voltage side considering power conditioning by SMES
    T Sasaki, H Kita, R Hara, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, The authors have proposed FRIENDS-Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent Electrical eNergy Delivery System-as a future electric power distribution system. The most important idea of FRIENDS is to install new facilities called Quality Control Centers (QCCs) between the distribution substation and customers. By controlling QCCs appropriately, various purposes of FRIENDS can be achieved.
    It is indispensable to design the concrete interior structure of QCC in order to realize FRIENDS. This paper proposes the interior structure and control methods of QCC from the viewpoint of power conditioning functions by energy storage system in QCC. In this paper, it is assumed that SMES is used as the energy storage system in QCC. The proposed interior structure is based on the concept of UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply). In this paper, SMES is installed in the DC side of UPS. Further, this paper proposes control methods of SMES and PWM converters. The proposed control methods are used to satisfy various purposes, such as load fluctuation compensation, load leveling, and cooperation with dispersed-type generator. Finally, the validity of these control methods is confirmed through transient analysis PSCAD/EMTDC. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • A hybrid LR-EP for solving new profit-based UC problem under competitive environment
    P Attaviriyanupap, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, With the opening of the power industry to competition, the power system structure is changing. According to these changes, power system operation, planning, and control need modifications. In the past, utilities had to produce power to satisfy their customers with objective to minimize costs and all demand/reserve were met. However, it is not necessary in a restructured system. Under new structure, generation companies (GENCOs) schedule their generators with objective to maximize their own profit without regard for system social benefit. Power and reserve prices become important factors in decision process. This paper proposes a new tool, profit-based unit commitment (UC) considering power and reserve generatings. The proposed method helps GENCO to make a decision, how much power and reserve should be sold in markets, and how to schedule generators in order to receive the maximum profit. A hybrid method between Lagrange Relaxation (LR) and evolutionary programming (EP) is used for solving this problem. Simulations are carried out to show the performance of the proposed methodology.
  • Comments by the chairman of the power & energy section - A13 friends
    R Hara, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa, Iyoda, I, R Shirai, H Fujita
  • Turn-off scheme of thyristor switches for network reconfiguration in FRIENDS
    R Hara, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa, Iyoda, I
    English, Scientific journal, The authors have proposed-FRIENDS as a concept of the future electric power system. In order to realize FRIENDS, it is necessary to design the concrete interior structure and control scheme of the Quality Control Center (QCC) which is to be installed between distribution substation and customers. Hybrid-type transfer switches are assumed to be installed on the high-voltage side of the QCC to realize network reconfiguration. Some devices for handling power quality are also assumed to be installed on the low-voltage side to realize customized power quality.
    In this paper, a novel control scheme for shutoff of the thyristor switches by the power quality handling devices is proposed and the effectiveness of the, proposed scheme is investigated through momentary, analysis using PSCAD/EMTDC. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Market Mechanism for Line Congestion Clearance
    José Joaquín Ruiz Monroy, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 123, 8, 935, 946, 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, This paper proposes a mechanism for clearance of line congestion and power flow control in a deregulated market environment. The mechanism applies penalties to the bilateral transactions that cause line congestion by increasing the prices of such transactions. The market regulates itself by redefining the transactions and checking again for violations, applying penalties if necessary and repeating the process until all the demand is satisfied without causing line congestion to the system. A bilateral transaction matrix (BTM) creation algorithm developed by the authors and a DC power flow program are integrated as parts of the market mechanism proposed in this paper. The congestion is cleared by the market participants when they reschedule their transactions. This mechanism is useful to study the effects of bilateral transactions on a power system and helps the Independent System Operator (ISO) to create rules and market mechanisms for line congestion clearance and power flow control. © 2003, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
  • Bilateral transactions considering long term contracts
    JJR Monroy, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    English, International conference proceedings, This paper presents a method for calculating the effects of firm contracts in the day ahead bilateral transaction market, considering electricity as a heterogeneous product traded in bilateral auctions where both buyers and sellers can bid a price for electricity. In this paper, firm contracts represent long term bilateral contracts and the effects of these contracts on the day ahead market are studied by means of an algorithm developed by the authors. The algorithm includes a bidding process and a linear programming approach to find an optimal Bilateral Transaction Matrix (BTM) that satisfies all the demand. The simulation was made using the IEEE 300 bus system considering several scenarios for firm contracts. Results show the benefits that firm contracts have in the prevention of price volatility.
  • A fuzzy approach for dynamic economic dispatch under uncertain deregulated power system
    P Attaviriyanupap, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    IPEC 2003: Proceedings of the 6th International Power Engineering Conference, Vols 1 and 2, 1028, 1033, NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIV, 2003
    English, International conference proceedings, This paper proposes a fuzzy approach to solve dynamic economic dispatch under uncertain deregulated power system. This research is developed from the viewpoint of a generation company wishing to maximize profit as a participant in the deregulated power and reserve markets. We assume that the generation company participates in the day-ahead energy and spinning reserve markets. These markets are operated separately one day before the day of exchange. The coordination between two markets is managed by the ramp rate limits. We suppose that the spinning reserve must be loaded in 10 minutes. The uncertainty. in prices, demands, reserves and the probability that reserves are used in the real time are represented with fuzzy numbers. Then, the fuzzy concept is applied to formulate the problem. The optimal power and reserve quatities sold into energy and reserve markets are determined by solving optimization problem using evolutionary programming. Two methods of reserve payment will be studied in this paper.
  • Fuzzy Control of a Non-utility Generator Facility               
    Proceedings of IFAC Symposium on Power Plants & Power Systems Control 2003, 1155, 1164, 2003
  • Evolutionary Programming for Bidding Strategy in Energy and Reserve Markets               
    Proceedings of the 12th Intelligent Systems Application to Power Systems Conference (CD-ROM), ISAP03/029, 2003
  • Optimal Bidding Strategy in the Uncertain Energy Market               
    Proceedings of IFAC Symposium on Power Plants & Power Systems Control 2003, 109, 114, 2003
  • A Study on Transfer Switching in Consideration of Fault Detection in FRIENDS
    Toshihiro Suzuki, Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa, Isao Iyoda
    The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.B, 123, 3, 324, 332, 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, The authors have proposed a new concept of a distribution system ‘Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent ENergy Delivery System (FRIENDS)’ with a view of solving problems in near future and providing several services for electric companies and customers. The main idea of FRIENDS is to install new facilities named Quality Control Center (QCC) in the neighborhood of customers to realize various functions, e.g. Customized Power Quality Service. In addition, these QCCs make a network of electricity and information below distribution substations. The configuration of the network can be changed frequently depending on the system and load conditions. This frequent reconfiguration of the network requires fast and reliable Transfer Switching in QCC to ease an effect on customers. The reconfiguration with the aim of removing a fault wire also requires fast Fault Detection. This paper presents a new method for controlling Transfer Switching and a method of Fault Detection in order to realize a fast and reliable reconfiguration of QCC network in an ordinary state, and even in a fault. Besides, this paper analyzes the methods in terms of instantaneous values calculated by PSCAD/EMTDC. © 2003, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
  • Market Model Considering Bilateral Transactions in the Deregulated Electricity Market
    José Joaquín Ruiz Monroy, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.B, 123, 4, 490, 499, 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, This paper proposes an algorithm to simulate the transactions that take place in a free market of electricity. The algorithm presented is used for Bilateral Transaction Matrix (BTM) creation assuming that a day ahead load forecast is previously known. Bids can be made by both the generation side and the demand side to determine transaction prices, then the algorithm allocates the transactions according to market rules until the demand is satisfied. This creates feasible BTMs that can be used to study system security and to find future methods to regulate bilateral transactions through market mechanisms like the application of penalties to the transactions that affect the system's security. Results show that the proposed algorithm is a good option for electricity market analysis. The proposed algorithm provides system planners with a practical tool for data creation to further study the effects of bilateral transactions in a deregulated electricity market. © 2003, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
  • Interior Structure of UPQC Type QCC at the Low Voltage Side in the FRIENDS
    NODA Toshiyuki, WANG Guobin, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 122, 11, 1157, 1166, 電気学会, Nov. 2002
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Bilateral Transaction Auctions as Congestion Clearance Mechanisms in a Deregulated Electricity Market
    RUIZ Jose, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2002, 90, 43, 48, Sep. 2002
    English, Symposium
  • Reliability Evaluation Considering Customized Power Quality Supply in FRIENDS
    MITSUKURI Yuki, KITA Hiroyuki, HARA Ryoichi, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2002, 142, 41, 46, Sep. 2002
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Basic Study on Economical Efficiency of Renewable Portfolio Standard Using Power System Analysis Model
    ASHIMURA Yoko, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2002, 90, 13, 18, Sep. 2002
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Distributed and Autonomous Operation of QCCs for Voltage Regulation in FRIENDS
    TAKEMOTO Masahito, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2002, 151, 1, 6, Sep. 2002
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Hybrid Evolutionary Programming Technique with Applications to Electric Power Generation System
    Pathom Attaviriyanupap, Kita Hiroyuki, Tanaka Eiichi, Hasegawa Jun
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2002, 0, 40, 41, 社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Sep. 2002
    English, Symposium
  • Calculation of frequency response of thyristor-controlled series capacitor
    Ryoichi Hara, Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi), 139, 3, 35, 44, May 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, In this paper, we propose a method of analytically calculating an impedance of a thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC). The TCSC consists of a thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR) and a capacitor. If a small voltage component of frequency f superimposes the TCSC voltage of frequency fo, then current components of frequency (nfo ± f) flow through the TCR, where n takes even numbers. We derive theoretical equations for them. In the derivation, we consider an influence of odd harmonics in the TCSC voltage. We also consider deviations in its zero-crossing times due to the superimposed voltage. The current components flow through the capacitor and the transmission line, and produce new voltage components of frequency (nfo ± f). In order to count their influence, we introduce admittance matrices for the TCR, the capacitor, and the transmission line. By solving a network equation consisting of the matrices, we can obtain the distribution of the voltage and current components. We define the impedance of TCSC as a ratio of the voltage component of frequency f to the current one of the same frequency. The impedance analytically obtained corresponds well with that obtained by simulations. Its frequency responses vary with the firing method of thyristors. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr. Eng. Jpn.
  • Interior structure of quality control center on the low-voltage side for customized power quality service in FRIENDS
    R Hara, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, The authors have proposed the Flexible Reliable and Intelligent Electric eNergy Delivery System (FRIENDS) as a future electric power distribution system. In order to realize FRIENDS it is indispensable to design the concrete interior structure of the key facility, the Quality Control Center. This paper proposes an interior structure and control schemes for the Quality Control Center from the viewpoint of customized power quality service, which is one of the most important objectives of FRIENDS. The validity of the proposed structure and control schemes is confirmed through transient analysis using PSCAD/EMTDC. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • A hybrid EP and SQP for dynamic economic dispatch with nonsmooth fuel cost function
    P Attaviriyanupap, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, Dynamic economic dispatch (DED) is one of the main functions of power generation operation and control. It determines the optimal settings of generator units with predicted load demand over a certain period of time. The objective is to operate an electric power system most economically while the system is operating within its security limits. This paper proposes a new hybrid methodology for solving DED. The proposed method is developed in such a way that a simple evolutionary programming (EP) is applied as a based level search, which can give a good direction to the optimal global region, and a local search sequential quadratic programming (SQP) is used as a fine tuning to determine the optimal solution at the final. A ten-unit test system with nonsmooth fuel cost function is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method compared with those obtained from EP and SQP alone.
  • Investigation on Installing Dispersed Generators in Power Systems Based on the Mitigation in Environmental Impact
    KAMADA Hironobu, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 122, 3, 351, 358, 電気学会, Mar. 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • An Impact Analysis of the Reliability Differentiated Power Supply System Based on Integrated Resource Planning Model
    SUGIHARA Hideharu, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun, TSUJI Kiichiro
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 122, 2, 188, 196, 電気学会, Feb. 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • A new profit-based unit commitment considering power and reserve generating
    P Attaviriyanupap, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    English, International conference proceedings, Because of the revolution of power system structure nowadays, operation and control of generating unit must be modified. Energy price becomes an important parameter to make a decision in this restructured system. Unit commitment (UC) in such a competitive environment is not the same as the traditional one anymore. The objective of UC is not to minimize production cost as before but to find the solution that produces a maximum profit for generation company (GENCO). This paper presents a new profit-based UC formulation under competitive environment considering both power and reserve generation. A hybrid method between Lagrange Relaxation (LR) and Evolutionary Programming (EP) is applied to solve this new UC problem. The proposed approach is applied to a test system. Simulation results are compared with those obtained from traditional UC.
  • Market mechanism for transmission reliability
    JJR Monroy, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    English, International conference proceedings, This paper proposes a mechanism for transmission reliability considering line congestion, real power losses and MVA line flows for each bilateral transaction in a deregulated market environment. Transaction reliability is evaluated by means of a series of power flows used to determine the contribution that each transaction makes to the system and applying penalties to the transactions that violate system's constraints. A day ahead load forecast is used to create a bilateral transactions matrix (BTM) by means of an algorithm developed by the authors which is used as the transactions schedule for MUST, an application software for power system analysis; then penalties based on contracts are calculated. This process constitutes the market mechanism proposed in this paper and is helpful for the Independent System Operator (ISO) to understand the effects of bilateral transactions and create rules for a reliable transmission system operation that benefits all participants in the electricity market.
  • Multi agent based emergency operation of Quality Control Center considering uncooperative situation
    R Hara, T Muranaka, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    English, International conference proceedings, The authors have proposed FRIENDS as a concept of the future electric power delivery system. In FRIENDS, new facilities called Quality Control Centers (QCCs) are installed between distribution substation and customers and they constitute new high voltage distribution network in which QCC becomes node. One of the most important function of FRIENDS is to improve the reliability of power supply by utilizing the distributed generators as backup generators. In order to use DGs as backup generators, the fast and effective operation manner has to be developed.
    Under the above backgrounds, the authors have proposed the distributed autonomous emergency operation of FRIENDS network under the assumption that all QCCs are completely generous to cooperative emergency operation. This paper proposes the advanced operation algorithm which can correspond to the partially uncooperative situation and investigates the validity of the advanced algorithm through the Monte Carlo simulation.
  • Emergency Operation Based on Multi Agent Technology in FRIENDS               
    Proc. of 14th Power System Computation Conference (CD-ROM), Session 03, Paper4, 2002
  • Study on Distributed Autonomous Supply System in the Deregulation Power System
    UENO Fumiko, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 121, 12, 1757, 1769, 電気学会, Dec. 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Turn Off Scheme of the Thyristor Switches for the Network Reconfiguration in FRIENDS
    HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun, IYODA Isao
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 121, 12, 1642, 1651, 電気学会, Dec. 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Simulation of Power Price Volatility Using Power Market Model
    YAMAGUCHI Nobuyuki, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 121, 12, 1633, 1641, 電気学会, Dec. 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Emergency Operation Based on Multi Agent Technology in FRIENDS
    HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2001, 113, 61, 66, Oct. 2001
    Japanese, Symposium
  • An Investigation on the Interior Structure of UPQC Type QCC in the FRIENDS
    NODA Toshiyuki, WANG Guobin, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2001, 113, 25, 30, Oct. 2001
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on Equipment and Operation Planning of the Power System Considering Demand Side Management
    ONO Toshiyuki, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2001, 159, 43, 48, Oct. 2001
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study of Power Source Planning Considering Uncertainties Under the Deregulated Circumstances
    KANNO Ryosuke, YAMAGUCHI Nobuyuki, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2001, 159, 31, 36, Oct. 2001
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Design of Multi-agent System Model for Power System Analisys Under Competitive Environment
    YAMAGUCHI Nobuyuki, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2001, 159, 19, 24, Oct. 2001
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Interior Structure of Quality Control Center at the Low Voltage Side Consideringthe Power Conditioning by SMES
    Sasaki Takashi, Kita Hiroyuki, Hara Ryoichi, Tanaka Eiichi, Hasegawa Jun
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 121, 10, 1353, 1360, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, The authors have proposed Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent Electrical eNergy Delivery Systems, FRIENDS as one of the future electric power distribution system. The most important idea of FRIENDS is to install the new facilities called Quality Control Center (QCC) between distribution substation and customers. By controlling QCCs appropriately, various purposes of FRIENDS can be achieved.
    It is indispensable to design the concrete interior structure of QCC in order to realize FRIENDS. This paper proposes the interior structure and control methods of QCC from the viewpoint of power conditioning functions by energy storage system in QCC. In this paper, It is assumed that SMES is used as the energy storage system in QCC. The proposed interior structure is based on the concept of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). In this paper, SMES is installed in DC-side of UPS. Further, this paper also proposes the control methods of SMES and PWM converters. The proposed control methods are used to satisfy with various purposes, such as load fluctuation compensation, load leveling, cooperation with dispersed-type generator. Finally, the validity of these control methods are confirmed through transient analysis PSCAD/EMTDC.
  • Studies on Operation and Control of Non-Utility Generation Facility Considering Demand Contract
    Yoshida Takaaki, Kita Hiroyuki, Tanaka Eiichi, Toyama Atsushi, Hasegawa Jun
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 121, 12, 1699, 1707, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, The entry of Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and wheelings give various influences to electric power systems. IPPs may enter an electric power system selling surplus electric power to utilities. In this case, it is necessary to operate and control their own power plants appropriately, not breaching a contract with utilities. And now, customers who own non-utility generation facility and have the possibility of becoming IPPs use their own power plants for self-load buying the shortage from utilities. In this case, they must control their own power plants, keeping “demand contracts”. Therefore we can consider with same idea.
    This paper focuses on the operation and control of non-utility generation facility considering demand contract. Specifically considering that production facilities consume power irregularly depending on the sequence of production, we investigate a load forecasting method using load pattern recognition. Also considering an error between forecasted load and actual load, this paper proposes a new generation control system to keep the demand within the contract made with a utility. Furthermore, the validity of the proposed control methods is confirmed through a simulation using actual load data.
  • The Unified Power Quality Control in FRIENDS               
    Proceeding of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2001), 1066, 1070, 2001
  • Power Price Simulation in Artificial Power Market               
    Proceeding of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2001), 716, 720, 2001
  • Dynamic Economic Dispath using Evolutionary Programming Combine with Sequential Quadratic Programming               
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power System (ISAP2001), 137, 141, 2001
  • An Evolutionary Programming Solution to the Fuel Constrained Unit Commitiment Problem
    KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun, JUSTE Kouamenan Aska
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会, 2001, 1, 31, 36, Jan. 2001
    Japanese, Symposium
  • 分散型電源の系統連系における技術的課題 (特集 分散型電源の最新動向と将来展望)
    長谷川 淳, 原 亮一, 北 裕幸
    OHM, 87, 12, 22, 27, オ-ム社, Dec. 2000
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Analysis on Effects of FRIENDS in Demand Side Considering DC Distribution System
    KURI Koichi, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 120, 12, 1656, 1663, 電気学会, Dec. 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • An Evaluation of Wheeling in Power Systems from System Operation Viewpoint
    SUZUKI Dai, KITA Hiroyuki, SUGIHARA Hideharu, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 120, 12, 1646, 1655, 電気学会, Dec. 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • A Study on Wheeling Costs Allocation in Power Systems with FACTS Devices
    TAKAHASHI Issei, KITA Hiroyuki, YAMAGUCHI Nobuyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 120, 11, 1466, 1473, 電気学会, Nov. 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Interior Structure of Quality Control Center at the Low Voltage Side for the Customized Power Quality Seivice in FRIENDS
    HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 120, 11, 1451, 1458, 電気学会, Nov. 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • 「オープンアクセス環境下におけるFACTS機器に対する託送コスト算定に関する基礎検討」               
    高橋一成, 北裕幸, 山口順之, 西谷健一, 長谷川淳
    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門誌, 120-B, 11, 1091, 1098, Nov. 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
  • The Interior Structure of Quality Control Center Considering Transfer Switching Devices
    HARA Ryoichi, SUZUKI Toshihiro, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun, IYODA Isao
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2000, 138, 69, 74, 27 Sep. 2000
  • An Investigation on the Interior Structure of Quality Control Center in the FRIENDS : A Control Method of Quality Control Center including SMES
    SASAKI Takashi, HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2000, 138, 63, 68, 27 Sep. 2000
  • Evaluation of Introduction of Dispersed Generators Considering Cooperation with Concentrated Generators
    KAMADA Hironobu, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2000, 33, 67, 72, 25 Sep. 2000
  • Studies on Operation and Control of Non-Utility Generation Facility Considering Demand Contract
    YOSHIDA Takaaki, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, TOYAMA Atsushi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2000, 33, 55, 60, Sep. 2000
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on Evaluation for Introduction of Photovoltaic System Based on Carbon Tax and Best Mix
    WAKASA Masaya, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2000, 33, 13, 17, Sep. 2000
    Japanese, Symposium
  • An Impact Analysis of the Reliability Differentiated Supply System Based on Integrated Resource Planning Model
    SUGIHARA Hideharu, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun, TSUJI Kiichiro
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2000, 108, 79, 84, Sep. 2000
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Design for Estimation Model of Power Market Including Renewable Energy Resources : A Study on Change of Power Price
    YAMAGUCHI Nobuyuki, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2000, 92, 57, 62, Sep. 2000
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on Distributed Autonomous Supply System in the Deregulation Power System
    UENO Fumiko, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 2000, 138, 75, 80, Sep. 2000
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Preventive Control Strategy under a Competitive Environment Based on Incentive Prices
    YAMAGUCHI Nobuyuki, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 120, 7, 939, 945, 電気学会, Jul. 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • 「競争環境下における電力系統セキュリティ制御に関する研究」               
    山口順之, 北裕幸, 西谷健一, 長谷川淳
    電気学会電力・エネルギー部門誌, 120-B, 7, 945, 952, Jul. 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
  • An evaluation of the influence caused by the introduction of IPP considering the uncertainty of supply capability
    H Sugihara, H Kita, KI Nishiya, J Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, Recently, utilities have been able to purchase the electric energy supplied from independent power producers (IPP) owing to deregulation in the electric industry. This paper evaluates the influence of IPP uncertainty on the utility and/or customer. In general, the production cost of energy supplied from IPPs is lower than that of a utility, although the IPP energy has more uncertainty compared with the utilities energy. This paper analyzes the effects caused by IPPs from the following three points: (i) By modeling a process of determining purchased power price as a negotiation model, the authors evaluate the influence of its uncertainty on a potentiality to introduce IPPs through variation of the purchased price. (ii) The authors evaluate the difference of power system reliability between a system under the deregulated environment with IPPs and a conventional system without IPPs. It is assumed that the system reliability is determined by minimizing the sum of supply cost and outage cost. (iii) Finally, the authors evaluate how the customer's various requirements about reliability influence the introduced amount of IPPs. (C) 2000 Scripta Technica.
  • Life cycle assessment and economical evaluation of superconducting magnetic energy storage systems in a power system
    S Kamiya, E Tanaka, H Kita, J Hasegawa, T Shirasaki
    English, Scientific journal, In recent years, the introduction of superconducting magnetic energy storage systems (SMES) into a power system is drawing considerable research effort because of their high efficiency rate and large storage capacity characteristics.
    In this paper, the introduction of SMES into a power system and its effects on energy and on environmental issues are addressed. The analysis results show that the introduction of SMES can considerably cut down CO2 emissions without increasing the production cost if it substitutes for the operation of thermal plants during peak load period. However, to achieve this, nuclear plants are also needed for charging purposes. Thus, an algorithm to find the best generation mix, subject to CO2 emissions constraints and nuclear plant introduction constraints, is proposed.
    The inclusion of nuclear plant constraints increases the coal consumption, hence CO2 emissions. Nevertheless, in most of the analyzed cases, the introduction of SMES could attain important cost savings and environmental conservation. (C) 2000 Scripta Technica.
  • The effects of the transfer switching on the low voltage side of Quality Control Center in FRIENDS
    R Hara, T Suzuki, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa, Iyoda, I
    English, International conference proceedings, The authors have proposed FRIENDS as a concept of future electric power system. In order to realize FRIENDS, it is necessary to design the concrete interior structure of Quality Central Centers (QCC) which are installed newly between distribution substation and customers, and develop a method for controlling QCC appropriately. QCC is divided into two parts; high voltage side and low voltage side. Up to now, the authors have designed each part of QCC independently. This paper investigates the performance of QCC in more detail by integrating these two parts. Further, two kinds of novel method for transferring the power to be supplied from one feeder to the other feeder are presented. The effectiveness of the proposed method is ascertained through numerical simulation using the PSCAD/EMTDC.
  • 「FRIENDSにおける多品質電力供給を考慮した電力改質センター低圧側内部構成」               
    『電気学会論文誌B分冊』, 120-B, 11, 1451, 1458, 2000
  • Trasmission Network Operation in the Electric Power System under a Deregulated Environment Using Supply-side Reserve               
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2000(ICEE2K), 568, 571, 2000
  • A study of transmission planning under a deregulated environment in power system
    T Tachikawa, H Kita, H Sugihara, K Nishiya, J Hasegawa
    English, International conference proceedings, Under a deregulated environment, power system operators such as utilities have to expand and reinforce the transmission network so that all of participants can utilize the network equally and fairly. However, it is difficult for the power system operators to forecast how often the network will be utilized or which bus the users will connect to. Therefore, more uncertain factors exist in the transmission planning problem under a deregulated environment.
    This paper presents a method for evaluating the maximum power which can be injected to a bus and identifying some transmission lines which result in the bottleneck under the uncertain conditions. This paper also investigates a probabilistic load flow to consider the statistic characteristics of load change and line fault occurrence.
  • An allocation of wheeling costs in power systems with FACTS devices
    N Yamaguchi, Takahashi, I, H Kita, K Nishiya, J Hasegawa
    English, International conference proceedings, This paper presents an index for evaluating contribution of flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices to relief of network congestion under open access network environment. Since the proposed index can be obtained for each wheeling which causes the congestion, the cost for controlling FACTS devices can be allocated adequately considering the responsibility for the congestion. The characteristics of the proposed index are investigated using a revised IEEE 14-bus test system in details.
  • Proposal of the advanced control scheme of quality control center in flexible, reliable and intelligent electrical energy delivery system
    R Hara, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    English, International conference proceedings, The authors have proposed Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent Electrical eNergy Delivery System, FRIENDS as one of the future electric power distribution system. In order to realize FRIENDS, it is indispensable to design the concrete interior structure of the key facility called Quality Control Center. The authors have proposed the low voltage side interior structure of QCC based on the concept of UPS from the viewpoint of realizing the customized power quality supply. This paper proposes the advanced control scheme that can realize not only customized power quality supply but also compensation for the effect caused by the unbalanced three phase loads. This paper also confirms the validity of the proposed control scheme through momentary analysis using PSCAD/EMTDC.
  • The Low Voltage Side Interior Structure of Quality Control Center for the Compensation of the Unbalance Load in FRIENDS
    HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会, 2000, 1, 25, 30, Jan. 2000
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A comparison between single-reliability and reliability-differentiated supply system from the viewpoint of bus-based reliability assessment
    SUGIHARA Hideharu, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun, NISHIYA Ken-ichi
    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B, A publication of Power and Energy Society, 119, 12, 1554, 1555, 01 Dec. 1999
  • A Method for Economic Evaluation of Photovoltaic Systems Considering Dispersed-type Energy Storages Systems
    SUZUKI Satoshi, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 119, 12, 1383, 1392, 電気学会, Dec. 1999, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • A Basic Study on the Function of Power Delivery Network in the Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent Electric Energy Delivery System (FRIENDS)
    KAWAMOTO Tetsuo, MISHIMA Yuji, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 119, 12, 1374, 1382, 電気学会, Dec. 1999, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • An evolutionary programming solution to the unit commitment problem
    KA Juste, H Kita, E Tanaka, J Hasegawa
    English, Scientific journal, The present work was conducted with the aim of finding a general method for solving the Unit Commitment (UC) problem. The proposed algorithm employs the Evolutionary Programming (EP) technique in which populations of contending solutions are evolved through random changes, competition, and selection. In the subject algorithm an overall UC schedule is coded as a string of symbols and viewed as a candidate for reproduction Initial populations of such candidates are randomly produced to form the basis of subsequent generations. The practical implementation of this procedure yielded satisfactory results when the EP-based algorithm was tested on a reported UC problem previously addressed by some existing techniques such as Lagrange Relaxation (LR), Dynamic Programming (DP), and Genetic Algorithms (GAs). Numerical results for systems of up to 100 units are given and commented on.
  • Studies on Function of FACTS devices under Open Access Environment in Power Systems
    TAKAHASHI Issei, KITA Hiroyuki, YAMAGUCHI Nobuyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1999, 55, 27, 32, Sep. 1999
    Japanese, Symposium
  • The Evaluation of Potential Capacity of a Hybrid Power Supply System Composed of Concentrated Generators and Dispersed Generators
    KAMADA Hironobu, KITA Hiroyuki, YAMAGUCHI Nobuyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1999, 103, 85, 90, Sep. 1999
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Analysis on Effects of FRIENDS in Demand Side
    KURI Koichi, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1999, 103, 67, 72, Sep. 1999
    Japanese, Symposium
  • The Low Voltage Side Interior Structure of Quality Control Center for the Unbundled Power Quality Service in FRIENDS
    HARA Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1999, 103, 61, 66, Sep. 1999
    Japanese, Symposium
  • An Evaluation of Wheeling in Power Systems from System Operating Viewpoint
    SUZUKI Dai, KITA Hiroyuki, SUGIHARA Hideharu, NISHIYA Kenichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1999, 70, 83, 86, Sep. 1999
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Basic Study of Transmission Planning under a Deregulated Environment by Supply-side Reserve
    TACHIKAWA Tomoyuki, KITA Hiroyuki, SUGIHARA Hideharu, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1999, 70, 77, 82, Sep. 1999
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Economic Evaluation for the Synthetic Energy Supply System Considering Multi-Quality Energy Supply
    YOSHIDA Koji, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun, AKISAWA Atsushi, KASHIWAGI Takao
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1999, 70, 59, 64, Sep. 1999
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Operational Simulation of Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent Electrical Energy Delivery System (FRIENDS) Using PSCAD/EMTDC               
    Jun Hasegawa, Hiroyuki Kita, Yuji Mishima, Koichi Nara, Yasuhiro Hayashi
    Proc. of the 61st American Power Conference, 1, 518, 523, Apr. 1999, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • An evaluation of reliability differentiated supply system considering local characteristics
    SUGIHARA Hideharu, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun, NISHIYA Ken-ichi
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 119, 3, 354, 361, 電気学会, Mar. 1999, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • 「母線別供給信頼度の観点から見た単一信頼度供給方式と信頼度別供給方式の比較」               
    『電気学会論文誌B分冊』, 119-B, 12, 1554, 1555, 1999
  • An Investigation of Interior Structure of Quality Control Center in FRIENDS - Multi-Quality Power Supply by Dispersed-type Rotating Generator-               
    Proceeding of the Third IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, 300, 303, 1999
  • Calculation of Internal Components of Nodal Price using Fictitious Bus               
    Proceeding of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE'99), 387, 390, 1999
  • Proposal of Interior Structure and Operation of Quality Control Center in Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent Electrical Energy Delivery System               
    Proceeding of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE'99), 334, 337, 1999
  • A Method for Designing Reliability Differentiated Pricing Menu Considering Local Characteristics               
    Proceedings of Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'99), 104, 110, 1999
  • An Evolutionary Programming Solution to the Economic Dispatch Problem with Take-or-Pay Fuel Contract               
    Proceedings of Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'99), 850, 854, 1999
  • Preventive Control Strategy under a Competitive Environment Based on Incentive Prices               
    Proceedings of Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'99), 111, 117, 1999
  • Analysis of Quality Control Center in Frexible Reliable and Intelligent Electirc eNergy Delivery System(FRIENDS)               
    Proceedings of Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'99), 1315, 1321, 1999
  • An Evolutionary Programming Solution to the Fuel-Constrained Economic Dispatch Problem               
    Proceedings of the Intelligent System Application to Power System (ISAP'99), 106, 110, 1999
  • A Basic Study on the Network Functions in FRIENDS
    KAWAMOTO Tetsuo, MISHIMA Yuji, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PSE, 電力系統技術研究会, 1999, 1, 1, 6, Jan. 1999
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Life Cycle Assessment and Economical Evaluation of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Systems in a Power System
    KAMIYA Syunichi, TANAKA Eiichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun, SHIRASAKI Takashi
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 118, 11, 1302, 1311, 電気学会, Nov. 1998, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • A Proposal of Interior Structure of Quality Control Center in the Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent Electric Energy Delivery System (FRIENDS).
    MISHIMA Yuji, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 118, 11, 1292, 1301, 電気学会, Nov. 1998, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • An Application of Gaussian Machine in Neural Network to the Unit Commitment Problem
    CUI Yonghai, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 118, 6, 721, 727, 電気学会, Jun. 1998, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • An evaluation of the influence caused by the introduction of IPP considering uncertainty of supply capability
    SUGIHARA Hideharu, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 118, 4, 428, 436, 電気学会, Apr. 1998, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Economic Evaluation of Fuel-cell System in Electric Power Systems
    KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun, NISHIYA Ken-ichi
    電気学会研究会資料. FTE, 新エネルギー・環境研究会, 1998, 1, 31, 36, Mar. 1998
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Proposal of Interior Structure of Quality Control Center in the FRIENDS               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE'98), 346, 349, 1998
  • Economic Evaluation of Fuel-Cell System in Electric Power Systems               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE'98), 828, 831, 1998
  • A Method for Designing Reliability Differentiated Pricing Menu in Power Systems               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE'98), 103, 106, 1998
  • Evaluation of Active and Reactive Power Control Using Dispersed Energy Storage Systems
    SANO Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun, SATO Takashi
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1997, 110, 37, 42, 07 Oct. 1997
  • The Economic Evaluation Method of Photovoltaic Systems using Equivalent Load Duration Curve
    SUZUKI Satoshi, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1997, 110, 19, 24, 07 Oct. 1997
  • Energy and Greenhouse Effect Analysis of a Power System considering Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage System (SMES)
    KAMIYA Syunichi, TANAKA Eiichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun, SIRASAKI Takashi
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1997, 94, 1, 6, 07 Oct. 1997
  • Basic Study on Normal State Operation of FRIENDS from a Viewpoint of Multi-quality Power Supply
    MISHIMA Yuuji, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1997, 78, 59, 64, 07 Oct. 1997
  • A Basic Study of Method for Designing Reliability Differentiated Pricing Menu
    SUGIHARA Hideharu, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, SIRASAKI Takashi, SATO Takashi
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1997, 48, 53, 58, 06 Oct. 1997
  • A Method for Determining the Optimal Generation Expansion Planning Considering Uncertainties
    ISE Junji, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun, SUZUKI Yasushi
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1997, 16, 45, 49, 06 Oct. 1997
  • Fuel Constrained Unit Scheduling in Power Systems using an Adaptive Strategy
    ENRIQUEZ Jose, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1997, 16, 17, 21, 06 Oct. 1997
  • An Evolutionary Programming Solution to the Unit Commitment Problem
    KOUAMENAN Aska Juste, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1997, 16, 11, 16, 06 Oct. 1997
  • Study on Synchronous Generator Control Based on the Concept of Digital Acceleration Control
    TOYAMA Atsushi, YAMAMOTO Tatsuro, TANAKA Eiichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1997, 1, 55, 59, 06 Oct. 1997
  • A New Fuzzy Dynamic Programming Approach for Solving the Hydrothermal Scheduling Problem
    GIBSON Graeme, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 117, 4, 564, 571, 電気学会, Mar. 1997, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Voltage Regulation Methods Based on an Extended Approach and Neural Networks for Distribution Systems Interconnected with Dispersed Storage and Generation Systems
    RHO Daeseok, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIDA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 117, 3, 298, 307, 電気学会, 20 Feb. 1997
  • A Method for Determining the Economical Operation and Introduction Schedules of Dispersed Co-generation Sources Considering Energy Storage System
    Kuwayama Akira, Kita Hiroyuki, Nishiya Ken-ichi, Hasegawa Jun
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 117, 1, 19, 26, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 1997, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal, This paper presents an algorithm for determining an economical operation and introduction schedules of dispersed cogeneration sources in electric power systems considering energy storage systems (ESS). Generally, it is considered that ESS plays some important roles. More specifically, it works as a buffer for regulating the time gap between electric load and thermal load, and also as alternative peaking units. First, this paper defines an index for representing a possibility for introduction of the ESS considering thermal merits of FC system. Using this index, we can determine the optimal operation of the FC system including the ESS. Further, this paper develops an algorithm for determining generation mix considering both FC system and ESS. In this method, the whole generation mix problem is decomposed into two subproblems, i.e., an generation mix problem for generators and FC system and an operation problem of ESS, and each subproblem is solved successively.
  • Basic Study on Operation of Quality Control Center for Multi-quality Power Supply by FRIENDS               
    Proc. of The IASTED International Conference on High Technology in the Power Industry, 175, 180, 1997
  • An Investigation of Efficient Tariff for IPP Based on Incentive to the Global Optimality               
    Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE'97), 6, 9, 1997
  • Voltage Regulation Method based on Artificial Neural Networks for Distribution Systems Interconnected with Dispersed Storage and Generation Systems               
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power System (ISAP'97), 312, 316, 1997
    LEE Song-Keun, PRAK Jong-Keun, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 116, 12, 1454, 1460, 電気学会, Nov. 1996, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • Evaluation of Voltage and Reactive Power Control Using Dispersed Energy Storage Systems
    SANO Ryoichi, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun, SATO Takashi
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1996, 96, 79, 88, 11 Sep. 1996
  • Study on Generator Control by Nonlinear Regulator Using Neural Network
    KAKIZAKI Masaru, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1996, 13, 11, 20, Sep. 1996
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on Preventive Control Strategy and Introduction Schedule of Static Condensers for Enhancing the Voltage Stability Considering Contigencies
    TAGA Yasumasa, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun, MIZUNO Takahiro
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1996, 1, 21, 30, Sep. 1996
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Studies on Static Condenser Planning Based on the Preventive Control in Power Systems
    SATOH Kenmitsu, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun, MIZUNO Takahiro
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1996, 1, 11, 20, Sep. 1996
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Application of a Generator Control Method based on the Concept of Digital Acceleration Control to a Multimachine System
    TOYAMA Atsushi, TANAKA Eiichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1996, 72, 89, 98, Sep. 1996
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on Stabilizing Effects of Power-electonics Equipment in Multi-machine Power System
    TANAKA Takafumi, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1996, 60, 71, 80, Sep. 1996
    Japanese, Symposium
  • An Investigation on Effects of IPP Introduced in Power Systems
    SUGIHARA Hideharu, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1996, 49, 51, 60, Sep. 1996
    Japanese, Symposium
  • Study on Generator Control by Fuzzy Neural Network
    KURATA Yoshiyuki, KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1996, 72, 99, 108, Sep. 1996
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Novel Framework of Fuzzy DP Method and its Application to System Planning
    KITA Hiroyuki, GIBSON Graeme, HASEGAWA Jun, NISHIYA Ken-ichi
    ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集, 12, 0, 923, 926, Jun. 1996
    Japanese, Symposium
  • 電気事業における余剰電力買い取り交渉に関するゲーム論的考察(電力のOR)
    杉原 英治, 北 裕幸, 西谷 健一, 長谷川 淳
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 1996, 0, 38, 39, 社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, May 1996
    Japanese, Symposium
  • 対話型多目的計画に基づく電力潮流最適化に関する基礎検討(電力のOR)
    北 裕幸, 小田 祐士, 長谷川 淳
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 1996, 0, 36, 37, 社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, May 1996
    Japanese, Symposium
  • A Study on the Introduction Evaluation of Dispersed Energy Storage Systems : Based on Secondary Battery
    RHO Daeseok, KITA Hiroyuki, NISHIYA Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 116, 2, 187, 196, 電気学会, Jan. 1996, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • An Application of Gaussian Machine in Neural Network to the Unit Commitment Problem               
    Y.Cui, H.Kita, K.Nishiya, J.Hasegawa
    Proc. of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE'96), 1078, 1082, 1996, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • 発電機起動停止計画問題へのニューラルネットガウシアンマシンの適用(II)
    崔 永海, 北 裕幸, 西谷 健一, 長谷川 淳
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1995, 32, 19, 28, Oct. 1995
    Japanese, Symposium
  • 非線形ディジタル制御理論に基づく同期発電機の励磁系・ガバナ系協調制御に関する研究
    岡崎 泰充, 田中 英一, 遠山 篤, 北 裕幸, 長谷川 淳
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1995, 15, 95, 104, Oct. 1995
    Japanese, Symposium
  • 拡張NR型潮流計算の効率化と調相設備運用計画への適用に関する検討
    佐藤 憲光, 西谷 健一, 北 裕幸, 長谷川 淳
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1995, 1, 87, 96, Oct. 1995
    Japanese, Symposium
  • リアプノフ関数によるパワーエレクトロニクス応用機器の安定度向上効果に関する検討
    田中 隆文, 北 裕幸, 西谷 健一, 長谷川 淳
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1995, 114, 157, 166, Oct. 1995
    Japanese, Symposium
  • An Investigation of the Suitability of Fuzzy Dynamic Programming Techniques for Power System Operation Problems
    GIBSON Graeme, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun, NISHIYA Ken-ichi
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1995, 97, 61, 70, Oct. 1995
    English, Symposium
  • 分散型電源を含む配電系統の電圧調整方策に関する基礎検討(II)
    盧 大錫, 北 裕幸, 西谷 健一, 長谷川 淳
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1995, 177, 81, 90, Oct. 1995
    Japanese, Symposium
  • 分散型エネルギー貯蔵システムによる電力輸送力の向上に関する検討
    藤井 裕紀, 北 裕幸, 田中 英一, 西谷 健一, 長谷川 淳, 白崎 隆
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1995, 177, 51, 60, Oct. 1995
    Japanese, Symposium
  • 電力貯蔵を考慮した熱併給分散型電源の最適導入計画に関する検討
    桑山 顕, 北 裕幸, 西谷 健一, 長谷川 淳
    電気学会研究会資料. PE, 電力技術研究会, 1995, 177, 41, 50, Oct. 1995
    Japanese, Symposium
  • ニューラルネットガウシアンマシンによる発電機起動停止計画問題の解法(電力の最適化)
    崔 永海, 北 裕幸, 西谷 健一, 長谷川 淳
    日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 1995, 0, 142, 143, 社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Oct. 1995, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Symposium
    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN, 115, 4, 14, 26, SCRIPTA TECHNICA PUBL, Jun. 1995, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, This paper proposes a new dynamic preventive control strategy to maintain power system security, in terms of both transient and midterm stabilities. While the authors have already presented preventive control strategies for transient stability, a new problem has arisen in midterm instability in which some generators lose synchronism after 10 seconds or more from a fault clearance. It is clear that the cause of the instability is mainly post-contingency dynamic steady-state instability.
    This paper first shows a preventive control strategy for improving midterm stability using a dominant eigenvalue of post-contingency equilibrium point. This paper also presents a unified dynamic preventive control algorithm that can maintain both stabilities together. In this algorithm, the time domain for each stability problem is considered appropriately and the difference between the classical model and the detailed model is analyzed in detail. The effectiveness of the proposed method is examined with numerical examples for a model system.
    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN, 115, 1, 22, 34, SCRIPTA TECHNICA PUBL, Feb. 1995, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, This paper presents a method for obtaining preventive control strategies based on nonlinear optimization for power systems which will incur voltage instability when load demand increases. An algorithm is proposed to determine an appropriate and effective control action taking into account the operating constraints to widen the margin between the present operating point and a voltage collapse point, thereby improving the system state.
    The method proposed here is based on a complex-valued load-flow technique using the Newton-Raphson method which has been developed already by the authors. Consequently, the preventive control algorithm also can evaluate the voltage instability in the event the present operating point becomes closer to the critical point and the system state becomes unfeasible at increased loading point. Further, in optimization, two-types of objective functions are introduced so that voltage stabilization and dissolution of constraint violation can be attained simulataneously. In addition, this paper discusses the extension of the proposed preventive control to the successive control method which carries out the control action to avoid voltage collapse while the load demand is increasing. Numerical examples for various model systems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
  • Optimal planning for introducing dispersed generating sources in power systems based on an economical viewpoint
    Ken‐Ichi Nishiya, Hiroyuki Kita, Jun Hasegawa, Yoshihiro Haga, Kazushi Minagawa, Kenji Simazu, Hideo Nakamura
    Electrical Engineering in Japan, 115, 8, 68, 81, 1995, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, This paper discusses optimal planning problems for dispersed generating sources so as to provide a guideline for their introduction to power systems. First, a recursive method is developed from the viewpoint of supplying electric power only where solutions for one unit are superposed. The computational loads are decreased by selecting alternatives of buses based on the so‐called penalty factor. However, for effective utilization of dispersed generating sources, it is indispensable to consider their thermal merits in addition to electric power. After applying the Kuhn‐Tucker theory to the optimal dispatching problem including boiler fuel costs, thermal values of the dispersed generating units are evaluated quantitatively. Finally, the above‐mentioned technique for the optimal planning basically is also effective and is extended into this case. The validity of the proposed algorithms are demonstrated using a real‐scale model system. Copyright © 1995 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company
  • A study on the optimal voltage regulation methods in power distribution systems interconnected with dispersed energy storage and generation systems
    D Rho, H Kita, J Hasegawa, K Nishiya
    English, International conference proceedings
  • A Study on Introduction Evaluation of Dispersed Energy Storage Systems in Distribution Systems - Based on Secondary Battery –               
    D.Rho, H.Kita, K.Nishiya, J.Hasegawa
    Proc. of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE'95), 244, 247, 1995, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Operation of Reactive Power Suppliers Using a Genetic Algorithm               
    S.K.Lee, J.K.Park, H.Kita, J.Hasegawa
    Proc. of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE'95), 167, 170, 1995
    English, International conference proceedings
  • The Application of Fuzzy Dynamic Programming to the Hydrothermal Scheduling Problem               
    G. Gibson, H. Kita, K. Nishiya, J. Hasegawa
    Proc. of the International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC’95), 624, 629, 1995, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • Dynamic Preventive Control Strategies for Power Systems Considering Transient and Mid-Term Stabilities
    KITA H
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.. B, A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 114, 6, p569, 576, 電気学会, Jun. 1994, [Peer-reviewed]
  • The Application of Fuzzy Theory to Thermal Generating Unit Maintenance Scheduling in Power Systems
    Gibson Graeme
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. B A Publication of Power and Energy Society, 114-B, 6, 577, 585, 電気学会, 1994
  • Thermal Power Station Maintenance Scheduling Based on Fuzzy Theory               
    International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 2, 2, 99, 104, 1994
  • Assessment of Static Voltage Stability Limit Based on the Complex-valued NR Load Flow in Power Systems               
    Proc. of Bulk Power System Voltage Phenomena - III, Voltage Stability, Security & Control, 737, 742, 1994
  • Emergency Control Strategy for Enhancing the Transient Stability Based on the Energy Function               
    Proc. of IASTED International Conference High Technology in the Power Industry, 32, 35, 1994
  • Multipurpose Usage of Decentralized SMES in Advanced Power Distribution Networks               
    Proc. of the IEA Symposium on Use of Superconductivitiy in Energy Storage, 284, 294, 1994
  • A Method for Determining the Optimal Operation of Dispersed Cogenarating Sources in Coordination with Boilers
    Tamura Toshiyuki, Kita Hiroyuki, Nishiya Ken-ichi, Hasegawa Jun
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 114, 12, 1243, 1249, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 1994
  • Optimal Planning for Introducing Dispersed Generating Sources in Power Systems Based on an Economical Point of View
    Nishiya Ken-ichi, Kita Hiroyuki, Hasegawa Jun, Haga Yoshihiro, Minagawa Kazushi, Simazu Kenji, Nakamura Hideo
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 114, 12, 1257, 1264, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 1994, [Peer-reviewed]
    This paper discusses optimal planning problems for dispersed generating sources so as to give a guideline of their introduction to power systems. First, a recursive method is developed from the viewpoint of supplying electric power only, in which solutions for one unit are superposed. The computational loads are decreased by selecting alternatives of busses based on the so-called penalty factor. However, for effective utilization of dispersed generating sources, it is indispensable to consider their thermal merits in addition to electric power. After applying the Khun-Tucker theory to the optimal dispatching problem including boiler fuel costs, thermal values of the dispersed generating units are evaluated quantitatively. Finally, the above-mentioned technique for the optimal planning is also effective basically and is extended into this case. The validity of the proposed algorithms are demonstrated using a real-scale model system.
  • 電力系統のセキュリティ制御のための意思決定支援システムの構築(<特集>ORの計算環境)
    長谷川 淳, 北 裕幸
    オペレーションズ・リサーチ : 経営の科学, 38, 10, 522, 526, 社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会, Oct. 1993
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • Preventive Control Based on Non-linear Optimization Considering Voltage Instability               
    Proceedings of 11th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'93), 307, 313, 1993
  • Dynamic Preventive Control Strategies for Enhancing the Transient Stability of Multi-Machine Power Systems               
    Proceedings of 11th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'93), 97, 104, 1993
  • The Application of Fuzzy Theory of Generating Unit Scheduling Problems in Power Systems               
    Proc. of the International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC’93), 737, 742, 1993
  • Thermal Power Station Maintenance Scheduling Based on Fuzzy Theory               
    Proc. of Expert System Application to Power Systems, 50, 55, 1993
  • Preventive Control Based on Complex-Valued Load-Flow Technique for Avoiding the Voltage Instability in Power Systems
    Kameoka Naoki, Kita Hiroyuki, Tanaka Eiichi, Nishiya Ken-ichi, Hasegawa Jun
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 113, 12, 1362, 1370, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 1993, [Peer-reviewed]
    This paper presents a method for obtaining preventive control strategies based on non-linear optimization for power systems which will incur voltage instability when load demand increases. The purpose of this algorithm is to determine an appropriate and effective control action taking into account the operating constraints, in order to widen the margin between the present operating point and a voltage collapse point, hence improving the system state. The method proposed here is based on a complex-valued load-flow technique using the Newton-Raphson method which has been already developed by the authors. Consequently, the preventive control algorithm also can evaluate the voltage instability for the case that the present operating point becomes closer to the critical point and system state becomes unfeasible at increased loading point. And in optimization, two-types of objective function are introduced so that voltage stabilization and dissolution of constraint violation can be attained simultaneously. In addition, this paper discusses the extension of the proposed preventive control to the successive control method which carries out the control action for avoiding voltage collapse while the load demand is increasing. Numerical examples for various model systems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
  • Dynamic preventive control for power system using transient stability assessment based on pattern recognition
    Hiroyuki Kita, Ken‐Ichi Nishiya, Jun Hasegawa, Takahiro Mizuno
    Electrical Engineering in Japan, 112, 8, 44, 54, 1992, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal, To maintain power system security, the authors are developing an integrated security monitoring and control (ISMAC) system which consists of the three main functions: security monitoring, preventive control and emergency control. This paper focuses on the dynamic preventive control which deals with the transient stability immediately after the contingency has occurred. The proposed method is based on the transient stability assessment using the pattern recognition with two‐dimensional feature space. Therefore, a preventive control strategy can be obtained rapidly. An index which represents the severity of the contingency quantitatively (security index) is defined by the distance from a linear decision surface which divides a feature plane into a stable and an unstable region. Further, this method has also the advantage that it is possible to consider the effect of the control devices or damping to some extent and specify the operator demand for stabilization flexibly. The effectiveness of the proposed method is ascertained through numerical examples for model power systems. Copyright © 1992 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company
  • パタ-ン認識に基づく過渡安定度評価を用いた電力系統の動的予防制御手法
    北 裕幸
    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌, 111, 6, p611, 618, 電気学会, Jun. 1991, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • On-line Preventive Control Strategy under Urgent Condition in Power Systems               
    Proc. of IASTED International Conference High Technology in the Power Industry, 62, 66, 1991, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • エネルギ-関数法に基づいた電力系統のオンライン過渡安定度予防制御手法
    北 裕幸, 西谷 健一, 長谷川 淳
    電気学会論文誌. B, 電力・エネルギー部門誌, 110, 9, p745, 752, 電気学会, Sep. 1990, [Peer-reviewed]
    Japanese, Scientific journal
  • On-Line Pq Decoupled Emergency Control Strategy in Integrated Security Monitoring and Control System
    Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Ken-ichi Ivishiuya, Jun Hasegawa
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 109, 10, 467, 474, 電気学会, 1989, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • On‐line P‐Q decoupled preventive control considering the operating cost
    Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    Electrical Engineering in Japan, 109, 6, 17, 27, 1989, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal
  • On-line P-Q Decoupled Preventive Control Strategy for ISMAC (Integrated Security Monitoring and Control) System               
    Proc. of 1988 KIEE Annual Conference (Int. Sessions), 55, 59, 1988, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, International conference proceedings
  • On-Line P-Q Decoupled Preventive Control Considering the Operating Cost
    Hiroyuki Kita, Eiichi Tanaka, Jun Hasegawa
    IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 108, 10, 475, 482, 電気学会, 1988, [Peer-reviewed]
    English, Scientific journal

Other Activities and Achievements

Books and other publications

  • 深層を訊く あふれる北海道の再エネ               
    北 裕幸
    電気新聞, 01 Aug. 2022
  • 北海道から再生可能エネルギーの明日を考える
    吉田 文和, 荒井 眞一, 佐野 郁夫, 堀口 健夫, 吉田 晴代, 近久 武美, 江原 幸雄, 松田 從三, 北 裕幸, 安田 將人, 山口 佳三
    北海道大学出版会, 2014, 9784832968004, Japanese
  • 分散型電源導入系統の電力品質安定化技術
    大山 力, 北 裕幸, 太陽光発電システムのNAS電池による出力変動抑制
    S&T出版, 24 May 2013, 4907002173, 266, [Contributor]
  • メガソーラー事業戦略               
    北 裕幸, 「NAS電池へのメガソーラーへの適用」,「メガソーラーの各種装置と系統連系」
    情報機構, 2012, [Contributor]
  • 『電力自由化と系統技術』               
    電気学会, 2008
  • Autonomous Systems and Intelligent Agents in Power System Control and Operation               
    Springer, 2003
  • 電力系統工学 (電気学会大学講座)
    長谷川 淳, 大山 力, 三谷 康範, 斉藤 浩海, 北 裕幸, 電気学会
    電気学会, 01 Mar. 2002, 4886862322, 160, [Joint work]
  • 『燃料電池の技術』               
    オーム社, 2002

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.


  • システムマネジメント               
  • 電気制御システム演習1               
  • 応用電気回路               
  • 電気エネルギーシステム工学               
  • 電力システム特論               
  • 環境と人間 2030年エレクトロニクスの旅               
  • 情報エレクトロニクス概論               

Affiliated academic society

  • Present
  • Present
  • Present
  • Present
    The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)               
  • Present

Research Themes

  • HP/CGS併用熱供給システムを用いた防災型地域マイクログリッドに関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2024
    北 裕幸
    今年度は,防災型地域MGの内部構成・容量並びに対応する設備コストをエネルギーフローベースで算定した.すなわちMG内部には,太陽光発電と蓄電池,熱関連設備としてヒートポンプ,温熱から冷熱を作る吸収式冷凍機,蓄熱槽,地域熱供給配管,水素関連設備として水電解装置,燃料電池,水素専焼ボイラー,水素タンクの導入を考慮した.エネルギーの過不足に対しては電力あるいは水素の形で外部ネットワークに販売することもでき,PV の出力抑制や熱の大気放出による廃棄などをも認めている.
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 21K03992
  • HP/CGS System for Mitigating Variable Power Outputs of Renewable Energy System
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2018
    Kita Hiroyuki
    Variable renewable energy generations (RE) are being integrated into power systems in the world due to their environmental advantages. On the other hand, massive integration of RE would enlarge system frequency excursion due to variable and intermittent nature of RE outputs. For the supply and demand balancing control in a whole power system, introduction and application of energy storage systems (ESS) attracts great attention in the world. Usage of ESS is technically feasible, but is still difficult from economical viewpoint, due to their expensive installation cost and round-trip conversion losses. Therefore, as an alternative solution for fluctuation in generation output from renewables, the authors propose combined heat-pump and co-generation system such as gas-engine generator system, fuel cell system (CHBS). Major distinguishing idea of CHBS is to hybridize two heat supply devices, heat pump (HP) and CGS. Adequate control of HP and BG enables the apparent energy storage function.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 15H03954
  • 風力発電等分散エネルギーの広域運用システムに関する実証研究               
    Nov. 2012 - Mar. 2015
    北 裕幸
    一般社団法人日本気象協会, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • 自立・分散型エネルギー社会の実現に向けた直流方式による地域間相互エネルギー融通システムの開発               
    Jul. 2012 - Mar. 2015
    北 裕幸
    ㈱NTTファシリティーズ, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • Contribution Evaluation and the Cooperation Incentive of the Distributed Resource forPowerSystemFlexibility
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    2010 - 2012
    KITA Hiroyuki, HARA Ryoichi, TANAKA Eiichi
    Electric power systems with high penetration of natural energy systems such as photovoltaic generations, wind power generations are required to secure more flexibility than usual because those energy resources have intermittent and unpredictable characteristics depending on the weather condition. On the other hand, the new power suppliers or power consumers (distributed resources) can provide the flexibility to power systems because they own the small scale generators or controllable loads. In this study, we developed new framework in which those distributed resources can contribute to solution for some issues caused by high penetration of natural energy systems.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 22560260
  • MW級の大規模PVシステムの系統安定化対策技術の開発,数時間オーダーでの大規模PVの出力制御技術の開発               
    Oct. 2006 - Mar. 2011
    北 裕幸
    北海道電力株式会社, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding
  • Research on autonomous decentralized control for generation systems including renewable energy
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    2008 - 2010
    TANAKA Eiichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HARA Ryoichi, TOYAMA Atsushi
    Renewable energy such as wind power and solar power generates electric power intermittently and therefore requires backup generation or batteries. This research aims to develop the optimal control system for electric power supply including renewable energy based generators. For that purpose, system frequency control which maintains the real power balance between supply and demand was reviewed. The authors proposed a framework for dispersed local generators to contribute toward the frequency control and verified it with computer simulations. System voltage control system to maintain the reactive power balance on each node was also reviewed. The cooperative control method of conventional equipment and up-to-date one was proposed and verified.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 20560254
  • Assurance of Power System Reliability Based on Evaluation of Balance between Generators and Network
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    2007 - 2008
    KITA Hiroyuki, HARA Ryoichi, TANAKA Eiichi
    電気事業の自由化は世界的な潮流であり, わが国でも新規参入の発電事業者による電源の建設・運用が進んできている. 本研究では,発電事業者が建設・運用する電源が, 電力の安定供給にどの程度貢献するかを評価する手法を開発した. 開発した手法は, 電力を需要家まで輸送するための電力ネットワークを考慮しているため, 本手法により輸送設備が十分ではない地点の電源の価値が小さく評価される. 本研究では, 上記の価値に基づいて電力の購入価格を決定する手法や, ネットワークの増強・拡充を行う手法についても検討した.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Hokkaido University, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 19560273
  • Research on Technical Management of Distributed Generators based on Decentralized Supply Responsibility
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    2003 - 2005
    TANAKA Eiichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    This research project aimed to investigate a new framework for decentralizing supply responsibility among local independent system operators which control distributed generators within each community areas.
    The brief results are as follows :
    1. By introducing Energy Management Center (EMC) installed energy storage systems and power conversion devices between distribution network and customers, smoothing power outputs of distributed generators, maintaining specified voltages and continuing power supply within islanded area are enabled.
    2. Technical management of EMCs and customers to participate them in system operation by direct or indirect control using communication network was investigated. As a result, it was conformed that the liability of system operator for load frequency control could be reduced and load factor would be improved by EMC introducing real-time pricing of electric energy.
    3. Contribution method of distributed generators for power supply and reserves was simulated and evaluated quantitatively. As a result, it was revealed that the installed capacity prepared by system operator for electric energy supply and control could be reduced. It was also revealed that regulating reliability depended on customer's needs was more economical than regulating uniformly.
    4. Possibility of consulting service about introduction of distributed generators and energy storage systems was presented by developing evaluation method for local distribution system's reliability, power quality against system faults and cost reduction.
    5. Market simulation model based on essential trading rules was developed considering power exchange between local areas and system operator. Two basic solutions for the important issue to secure operation reserves under deregulation were developed and evaluated.
    6. Assessment of distribution network reliability was carried out in two cases that each EMC took responsibility for power supply directly and local independent system operator which supervised EMCs in the area took it. It was conformed that the former is favorable for social cost.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 15360144
  • Market-based Management of Distributed Generators in Competitive Power Systems
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    2003 - 2004
    KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    The purpose of this research is to investigate a framework of a market-based management where decision-makings of distributed generators are controlled indirectly through markets for selling and buying energy and service. The obtained results through this research are summarized as follows :
    (1)Model of Controlled Object : In the controlled object which is composed of large-scale generators and electric power network, a method for determining the optimal mix of large-scaled generators was developed under the condition where the reliability of power system in which distributed generators were introduced has the same value as that of the conventional power system.
    (2)Model of Market : Models for obtaining a optimal decision-making of distributed generators for given markets such as spot market, bilateral market, reserve market was developed.
    (3)Economical Analysis on Roles of Distributed Generators in Market : How large distributed generators give impacts on oligopoly market was investigated economically.
    (4)Management by Market for Selling and Buying Value of Environment : Market for selling and buying renewable energy credit was modeled by multi-agent theory and Q-learning, and some simulations using the market were executed.
    (5)Management by Market for Selling and Buying Value of Reliability (reserve) : Two kinds of models for compensating the energy in the fault occurrence were modeled and a desirable way for procuring the required reserve power was investigated in the competitive power systems.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 15560232
  • Study on Distributed Autonomous Power System under a Deregurated Environment
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    2000 - 2002
    HASEGAWA Jun, TANAKA Eiichi, KITA Hiroyuki
    This research developed a concept of new electric power supply system called Distributed Autonomous Power System (DAPS) under a deregulated environment including a lot of distributed generators. What is the most original idea in the DAPS is to divide the whole power system into two parts. One is the transmission system which consits of some large-sized generators and high voltage transmission network. The other is the distribution system which consists of some local areas. Each area has flexible, reliable and intelligent distribution network and some kinds of distributed generators or energy storage systems, and can determine the price of electricity and supply reliability indipendently. The following things concerning the DAPS clarified thorough this research.
    1. This research developed a method for determining the amount of distributed generators to be introduced and desirable supply reliability by minimizing the social cost in each area.
    2. This research presented some strategies to make the distributed generators in each area coordinate with the large-sized generators to resolve the environmental issues such as CO2 emission and too consumption of fossil fuels. It evaluated a desiable operation of the distributed generators by simulating the customers' behaviors.
    3. This research assumed the introduction of the quality control centers (QCC) in each area for management of the supply reliability. This research compared it with the case that the individual customer manages its reliability for itself.
    4. This research developed a concrete control system in QCC to make distributed generators in each area cooperate with taking a balance between supply and demand in the whole power system. Also, it investigated that how the operation for balancing the power in each time period of GOV, LFC and ELD should be shared between the transmission system and the each area.
    5. This research developed a multi-agent algorithm for the fault restoration or voltage regulation, in which every QCC in each area behaves autonomously by measuring system state and using information from the other QCCs.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 12450106
  • 注入可能電力を用いた競争環境における電力ネットワークの運用・計画に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    2000 - 2001
    北 裕幸
    日本学術振興会, 奨励研究(A), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 12750231
  • Research on Quality Control Center in Power Systems for Coming in Practice
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B).
    1999 - 2000
    HASEGAWA Jun, TANAKA Eiichi, KITA Hiroyuki
    This research project aimed to investigate a Quality Control Center (QCC), the core of a new power distribution system FRIENDS, for coming in practical use. The brief results are as follows :
    1. Configurations of connection between the high voltage side of QCC and network lines were investigated and the features of them were revealed.
    2. Transfer switching methods to realize flexible network reconfigurations were investigated. As a result, "Individual Thyristor Control Method" and "Transfer Switching Utilizing UPS" were developed. The latter is not effected by the system voltage magnitudes and phase angles before and after transfer switching.
    3. In an UPS type interior structure, a compensation method of the unbalanced three phase loads was proposed by controlling three phase voltage magnitudes and phases with PWM controlled converter independently.
    4. By dividing the load changes into quick and slow elements, a method for sharing and cooperating between PWM convertors and Dispersed Energy Storage Systems (DESS) was developed.
    5. To improve the value of renewable energy systems as power sources, a control method of DESS for cooperating with them was developed.
    6. UPQC (Unified Power Quality Controller) type configuration was proposed as one of interior structure of QCC.It can realize high quality power distribution under the voltage fluctuation in high voltage side and cancel the harmonics distortion and unbalances between three phases of loads as UPS type.
    7. The economical merit of DC power distribution for potential percentage of DC load was investigated. Estimation methods for necessaries of capacities and marginal cost of equipment in QCC were developed.
    8. Autonomous, decentralized and cooperative operation of QCCs was investigated and it was confirmed that the concept of multi agent would be promising.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)., HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 11555074
  • 競争環境下における電力系統セキュリティ制御に関する基礎研究
    科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    1998 - 1999
    北 裕幸
    日本学術振興会, 奨励研究(A), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 10750202
  • Research on Net Energy Analysis and Global Warming Effect Analysis of Energy Storage Facilities
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    1997 - 1998
    TANAKA Eiichi, KITA Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Jun
    This research project aimed to analyze net energy and global warming effect of energy storage facilities from a life cycle's viewpoint, For the assessment of net energy and CO_2 emission, not only energy storage facilities themselves but a power system including them was considered as a simulation model.
    The brief results are as follows :
    1. An algorithm to find the optimum power source composition including energy storage facilities, subject to constraints on CO2 emission and the amount of nuclear power plants, was developed.
    2. The load leveling effect by using superconducting magnetic energy storage system (SMES), which is one of the most efficient energy storage facilities, was confirmed under the condition that the load factor and the introduced SMES's MW and MWh capacities were given. If the efficiency of a energy storage facility goes down to that of storage hydro power plants (about 70%), we cannot expect sufficient effect.
    3. It was verified by simulations that CO2 emission is reduced by SMES and nuclear power plants though input energy increases. If the amount of nuclear power plants is restricted, however, CO2 emission increases substantially as coal fired power plants increase by economical reason.
    4. The guidelines for the optimum power source composition including energy storage facilities in the future were indicated by simulations of a power system with forecasted load pattern in the year 2030.
    5. The results of environmental protection cost assessment show that SMES can reduce CO_2 emission as economically as de CO2 system of LNG/coal fired power plants or 1/2 - 1/10 of renewable energy plants if the annual cost of SMES is less than Y50,000/kW.
    6. The study on the effect of improving the load factor by energy storage facilities reveals the relationship between the improved rate of the load factor and the amount of energy storage facilities.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 09650304
  • Superconducting Materials, Power Apparatus and Systems
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research
    1996 - 1998
    HASEGAWA Jun, HONMA Toshihisa, TSUCHIYA Takeshi, ONISHI Toshitada, S.Y.HAHN, J.K.PARK
    (1)Theoretical and numerical analysis of electromagnetic phenomena of superconductor : In pulsed field magnetization of a melt processed bulk high Tc superconductor (HTS), there exists a peak of the trapped flux as applied pulsed field was increased. Local heat generation is considered reducing the shielding current density. Nonlinear dependence of shielding current on dynamic magnetic field is considered by using the flux flow - creep model in the analysis of the pulsed field magnetization. Flow resistivity is also evaluated in the analysis. Since heat conductivity of the HTS is small, little heat diffuses to the surrounding liquid N2 during the magnetization. We can see that local heat generation at the edge region reduces the shielding current density and the trapped field.
    A magnet can be levitated on a bulk HTS.On the other hand, there is a toy with a magnetically levitated spinning top. Both levitations with spinning top and with HTS are discussed from Earnshaw's theorem. Horizontal stability of the spinning top is evaluate from eddy current analysis, and that of HTS is evaluate from pinning of fluxoid. Both critical state model and frozen field mode are applied to the analysis of the HTS, and they are useful for the evaluation.
    (2)Improvement on Stability in Superconducting Wire and Control Method for Superconducting Levitation System : A hybrid conductor consisting of both low and high temperature superconductors was proposed. A simukation model on the transient stabilities in the conductor was developed and the stabilized current was analyzed and shown to be fairly increased by adding a high temperature superconductor to a low temperature one. An active control method suppressing a vibration in the magnetically levitated body due to some transient perturbation was also proposed and was shown to be effective for suppressing a vibration.
    (3)Superconducting Fault Current Limiter : A magnetic shield type superconducting fault current limiter(named MSFCL) with active trigger coil was proposed. The current limiting performances were analyzed and shown to be considerably improved by its method. The MSFCL's with the magnetic shielding bodies composed with Bi2223 bulk, YBCO thin film, Nb3Sn wire etc. were also developed. Their current limiting characteristics, superconducting recovery ones and so on were investigated and a data base for designing a MSFCL was developed. The concepts of "multifunction" and / or "maintenance free" for the MSFCL was also proposed and the one with such a concept was shown.
    (4)Energy Storage System : The energy storage systems are considered to be a dispensable technology for future power systems because of their fast response and flexibility. Several new types of energy storage systems are researched and developed in many institutes. Considering that small-scale energy storage systems will be installed dispersively in power system, this study investigates the characteristics of voltage and reactive power control using dispersed energy storage systems. Further, this study discusses several characteristics of dispersed energy storage systems considering real and reactive power control during a day.
    (5)System Control : A new method is developed on simultaneous design of a control system and a controlled object utilizing an asymptotic characteristics of optimal control systems. The optimal control system approaches the decoupled control system in asymptotic situation. In the design of the decoupled control system, the time constant between the reference signal and the controlled variable is independent on the selection of the parameters of the controlled object. The characteristics are helpful for simplifying the procedure and reducing trial and error in the simultaneous design because the parameters of the controlled object can be compared by only the magnitude of the control input while the response speed is fixed. Further, the method is applied to the vector control system for an induction motor drive where the preview information of the reference signal and/or disturbance can be utilized to improve the control system performance.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 08045028
  • Research on a Novel Framework of the Fuzzy DP and its Application to Power System Planning
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    1996 - 1997
    KITA Hiroyuki, TANAKA Eiichi, HASEGAWA Jun
    As a method for solving multistage decision making problems in power system planning, the Dynamic Programming (DP) algorithm has been used. Here, in the time sequential decision making process such as the optimal future planning problem, uncertainty factors are necessarily included in the problem itself.
    In this research, the authors developed a novel framework of the fuzzy DP where the optimal pass can be deterimined by judging the superiority between the membership functions. This framework is based on the characteristics that objective function itself can be obtained as a fuzzy number by the direct consideration of uncertain data. In this novel framework the optimal solution obtained has a width which will be appeared necessarily as a result of data uncertainties. In other words, the optimal solution is determined as a set. Any decision making which belongs to this set are equal under the fuzzy environment.
    Further, in this research, the authors investigated characteristics and effectiveness of the developed fuzzy DP algorithm by applying it to the hydro-thermal scheduling problem and the generation planning problem which are typical planning problems in the power systems. In the hydro-thermal scheduling problem, the natural inflow to reservoirs and the power demand are given as fuzzy numbers. As a result, the authors could obtain the optimal operation of reservoir as the solution with a band. In the generation planning problem, the authors developed a method for obtaining the future optimal mix of generators as the solution with a band by defining the future costs (fixed cost and variable cost) as fuzzy numbers. Also, the developed method was extended so that the system planner can cope with any senario on the increase of power demand flexibly by setting the uncertainty of the demand as several scenarios. Further, the authors developed a method for determining the optimal generation expansion planning considering the time-lag from a determination of introduction to a start of the operation.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 08650324
  • Research on Synchronous Generator Control based on Nonlinear Digital Control Theory
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    1996 - 1997
    HASEGAWA Jun, TOYAMA Atsushi, TANAKA Eiichi, KITA Hiroyuki
    Improving the performance of generator control system is very significant for power system stability. In the application of the optimal control theory to generator control, controllers are generally designed for a model linearized at a certain operating point. Although these controllers are effective near the designed operating point, they may not necessarily be effective when the operating conditions change considerably.
    In this research, a nonlinear digital control method of synchronous generators in a power system is investigated. This method considers nonlinear dynamics of the controlled object by applying the concept of digital acceleration control. The feedback gain changes in accordance with the generator state variables, based on a nonlinear control rule. By using this control rule, the proposed method is independent of the operating point. The research results are summarized as follows :
    1.A formulation for the nonlinear digital control of synchronous generators based on the concept of digital acceleration control and an algorithm for the design of controller have been developed.
    2.The performance of the controller was investigated by using model systems, especially the influences of simplifying the model, parameter change, the movement of operating point, and limiters.
    3.We must give a lot of care to the sampling period in the proposed method because of the assumption on modeling. An appropriate sampling period was obtained by simulation.
    4.It was confirmed that the proposed method could be applied to rotating speed control of generator instead of the output control. Performance of the method is the same as that of the optimal regulator.
    5.According to the investigation into the influence of measurement noises, that on rotating speed is the worst. The low-pass filter is effective in the other measurement noises.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 08455125
  • セキュリティ監視制御システムにおける想定事故選択に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    1994 - 1994
    北 裕幸
    日本学術振興会, 奨励研究(A), 北海道大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 06750271
  • Power Systems under a Deregulated Environment               
    Competitive research funding
  • 電力系統における分散配置多目的SMESの評価
    科学研究費助成事業 重点領域研究
    1992 - 1992
    長谷川 淳, 西谷 健一, 北 裕幸, 田中 英一
    日本学術振興会, 重点領域研究, 北海道大学, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 04203202
  • 電力系統における超電導エネルギ-貯蔵システムの総合評価および導入計画に関する研究
    科学研究費助成事業 重点領域研究
    1989 - 1989
    長谷川 淳, 北 裕幸, 田中 英一, 西谷 健一
    日本学術振興会, 重点領域研究, 北海道大学, Coinvestigator not use grants, Competitive research funding, 01603503

Industrial Property Rights

  • 太陽光発電システムを有した配電系統における負荷量推定装置および負荷量推定方法               
    Patent right, 北 裕幸
    特願2014-195952, 26 Sep. 2014
    03 Aug. 2018

Educational Organization