Tsubouchi Naoto
Faculty of Engineering Center for Advanced Research of Energy and Materials Labratory of Chemical Energy Conversions | Associate Professor |
Last Updated :2024/12/13
■Researcher basic information
Researchmap personal page
Home Page URL
J-Global ID
Research Field
- Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Catalytic processes and resource chemistry
- Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Chemical reaction and process system engineering
- Environmental science/Agricultural science, Environmental load reduction/restoration technology
- Environmental science/Agricultural science, Environmental materials/recycling technology
- Life sciences, Aquaculture
Educational Background
Committee Memberships
- Mar. 2024 - Present
日本鉄鋼協会『プログラム編成会議』, 委員 - Mar. 2023 - Present
日本鉄鋼協会『次世代環境調和型コークス製造技術研究会』, 委員, Society - Apr. 2022 - Present
日本エネルギー学会『企画委員会』, 重質油部会担当委員 - Apr. 2022 - Present
日本エネルギー学会『企画委員会』, 石炭科学部会担当委員 - Mar. 2022 - Present
日本鉄鋼協会『論文賞選考分科会』, 幹事 - Mar. 2022 - Present
日本鉄鋼協会『論文誌原稿審査分科会』, 幹事 - Mar. 2022 - Present
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan『Editorial Board (ISIJ International)』, Associate Editor - Mar. 2022 - Present
日本鉄鋼協会『編集委員会 (鉄と鋼)』, 分野担当幹事委員 - Mar. 2022 - Present
日本鉄鋼協会『論文誌編集委員会』, 幹事, Society - Dec. 2021 - Present
NEDO『鉄鋼プロセスに活用する CCU 技術の国際共同研究開発プロジェクトに係る有識者検討会』, 委員, Government - May 2021 - Present
石炭・炭素資源有効利用研究会, 諮問会議委員, Society - Feb. 2021 - Present
石炭・炭素資源有効利用研究会, 理事, Society - Apr. 2017 - Present
日本エネルギー学会『企画委員会』, 北海道支部担当委員, Society - Jan. 2016 - Present
JICAモンゴル工学系高等教育支援事業『Clean and Efficient Energy Technologies Based on Mongolian Heavy Hydrocarbon Resources』, 委員, Others - Mar. 2014 - Present
日本鉄鋼協会『グリーンエネルギーフォーラム』, 運営委員, Society - Dec. 2012 - Present
北海道エネルギー懇話会, 幹事, Society - Jan. 2012 - Present
日本エネルギー学会北海道支部, 庶務幹事, Society - Apr. 2007 - Present
日本エネルギー学会『次世代の石炭利用を考える会』, 委員, Society - Jan. 2024 - Mar. 2024
日本鉄鋼協会第 187 回春季講演大会, 学生ポスターセッション評価員, Society - Mar. 2020 - Feb. 2024
日本鉄鋼協会, 代議員, Society - Mar. 2020 - Feb. 2024
日本鉄鋼協会『サステナブルシステム部会』, 運営委員, Society - Mar. 2020 - Feb. 2024
日本鉄鋼協会『鉄鋼 CCU 研究会』, 主査, Society - Mar. 2016 - Feb. 2024
日本鉄鋼協会『グリーンエネルギーフォーラム』, 座長, Society - Oct. 2023 - Dec. 2023
日本食品工学会 AtoI プロジェクト, 講師, Society - Jul. 2023 - Sep. 2023
日本鉄鋼協会第 186 回秋季講演大会, 運営委員, Society - Aug. 2023 - Aug. 2023
日本製鉄技術講座『有機材料の科学』, 講師, Others - Jun. 2016 - Mar. 2023
北海道科学技術総合振興センター『札幌型環境・エネルギー技術開発支援事業』, 審査委員, Autonomy - Mar. 2019 - May 2022
『The 3rd ISIJ-VDEh-Jernkontoret Joint Symposium (Germany)』, Japanese Organizing Committee Member, Society - Mar. 2021 - Mar. 2022
NEDO『ゼロカーボン・スチール実現に向けたロードマップ策定に係る有識者委員会』, 委員, Government - Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2022
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan『Editorial Board (ISIJ International)』, Expert Member, Society - Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2022
日本鉄鋼協会『編集委員会 (鉄と鋼)』, 専門委員, Society - Aug. 2020 - Feb. 2022
日本鉄鋼協会『編集委員会 (鉄と鋼)』, 特集号企画ワーキンググループ委員, Society - Mar. 2019 - Feb. 2022
日本鉄鋼協会『資源拡大・省 CO2 対応コークス製造技術研究会』, 委員, Society - Oct. 2021 - Oct. 2021
サハリン国立総合大学主催・在ユジノサハリンスク日本国総領事館協力 『日本関連セミナー』, 講師, Government - Jan. 2021 - Mar. 2021
日本鉄鋼協会第 181 回春季講演大会, 学生ポスターセッション担当部会幹事, Society - Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2020
日本学術振興会『石炭・炭素資源利用技術第 148 委員会』, 運営委員, Government - Dec. 2012 - Mar. 2020
日本学術振興会『石炭・炭素資源利用技術第 148 委員会』, 委員, Government - Mar. 2016 - Feb. 2020
日本鉄鋼協会『環境・エネルギー・社会工学部会』, 運営委員, Society - Mar. 2019 - Dec. 2019
日本鉄鋼協会鉄鋼工学アドバンストセミナー, 講師, Society - Oct. 2016 - Oct. 2018
『The 14th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry (Sapporo, Japan)』, Japanese Organizing Committee Member, Society - Aug. 2018 - Sep. 2018
日本鉄鋼協会第 176 回秋季講演大会, 学生ポスターセッション評価委員, Society - Mar. 2017 - Apr. 2018
『The 2nd Australia-Japan Symposium on Carbon Resource Utilization (Australia)』, Advisory Committee Member, Society - Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018
日本鉄鋼協会第 175 回春季講演大会, 運営委員, Society - Mar. 2015 - Feb. 2018
日本鉄鋼協会『新規コークス製造プロセス要素技術研究会』, 委員, Society - Jul. 2017 - Sep. 2017
日本鉄鋼協会第 174 回秋季講演大会, 運営委員, Society - Jul. 2016 - Sep. 2017
日本鉄鋼協会秋季・日本金属学会秋期講演大会実行委員会, 委員, Society - Jul. 2015 - Sep. 2017
『The 2nd ISIJ-VDEh-Jernkontoret Joint Symposium (Kingdom of Sweden)』, Japanese Organizing Committee Member, Society - Dec. 2015 - Nov. 2016
『The 1st Australia-Japan Symposium on Carbon Resource Utilization (Australia)』, Advisory Committee Member, Society - Nov. 2013 - Sep. 2015
『The 13th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry (Dunhuang, China)』, Japanese Organizing Committee Member, Society - Sep. 2014 - Aug. 2015
日本エネルギー学会『大会実行委員会』, 委員, Society - Mar. 2010 - Feb. 2013
日本鉄鋼協会『劣質・未利用炭素資源コークス化技術研究会』, 委員, Society
■Research activity information
- 2022, 鉄鋼環境基金理事長賞
-製鉄プロセスに係わる水銀の発生挙動と排出抑制 - 2021, Certificate of Recognition (American Chemical Society, Publications Division)
-Valuable Contributions to ACS Publications Activity - 2020, 日本鉄鋼協会共同研究賞 (山岡賞)
-劣質石炭資源のコークス化技術 - 2019, Certificate of Recognition (American Chemical Society, Publications Division)
-Valuable Contributions to ACS Publications Activity - 2018, 鉄鋼環境基金理事長賞
-安価な低品位褐鉄鉱を用いるコークス炉ガス中の含窒素化合物の分解除去法の開発 - 2018, 日本鉄鋼協会第 176 回秋季講演大会優秀賞
-鉄鉱石の熱処理過程における水銀の放出 (Javzandolgor Bud、望月友貴、坪内直人) - 2018, Certificate of Recognition (American Chemical Society, Publications Division)
-Valuable Contributions to ACS Publications Activity - 2017, Key Scientific Article (Advances in Engineering, Canada)
-Steam Gasification of Low-Rank Coals with Ion-Exchanged Sodium Catalysts Prepared Using Natural Soda Ash - 2017, 日本鉄鋼協会学術記念賞 (西山記念賞)
-炭材反応時のヘテロ元素の挙動 - 2017, Certificate of Recognition (American Chemical Society, Publications Division)
-Valuable Contributions to ACS Publications Activity - 2016, Key Scientific Article (Advances in Engineering, Canada)
-Reactions of Hydrogen Chloride with Carbonaceous Materials and the Formation of Surface Chlorine Species - 2014, 日本エネルギー学会石炭科学会議優秀賞
-褐鉄鉱を用いるタール中窒素の分解除去:褐鉄鉱のピリジン分解性能に及ぼす共存ガスの影響 (小川歩、望月友貴、坪内直人) - 2012, Honorable Mention Technical Poster Award (29th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference)
-Effects of Nitrogen and Sulfur on Coal Fluidity during Carbonization - 2011, Outstanding Paper Award (13th Cross Straits Symposium on Materials, Energy and Environmental Engineering)
-Rapid In-Situ Steam Gasification of Low Rank Coal with Catalyst from Low-Cost Minerals - 2009, 日本エネルギー学会進歩賞 (学術部門)
-石炭利用時の窒素と塩素のケミストリーに関する研究 - 2007, 原田研究奨励賞 (本多記念会)
-高温プロセスにおけるハロゲン系有害汚染物質の生成機構と制御法に関する研究 - 2007, 日本鉄鋼協会最優秀英文論文賞 (澤村論文賞)
-Properties of Dust Particles Sampled from Windboxes of an Iron Ore Sintering Plant: Surface Structures of Unburned Carbon - 2006, 日本化学会年会講演奨励賞
-石炭ガス化複合発電用燃料ガス中の微量のアンモニアの分解除去に対する低品位鉄鉱石の触媒性能 - 2006, 多元物質科学研究奨励賞 (籏野奨学基金)
-低品位褐鉄鉱の高性能アンモニア分解触媒への転換利用に関する研究 - 2004, 日本エネルギー学会奨励賞
-石炭の昇温熱分解時における塩素の行方 - 2001, Richard A. Glenn Award (American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry)
-Approach to the Iron-Catalyzed Formation Process of N2 from Heterocyclic Nitrogen in Carbon by Use of XRD and XPS Methods - 1996, 北光会賞 (秋田大学鉱山学部同窓会学生奨励賞 (首席卒業賞))
- Selective Separation of Li, Ni, Co and Mn from Model Spent Li Ion Battery Cathode by Dry Processing Using Combination of Chlorination and Oxidation
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, In press, 2024, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Removal of Gaseous Hg0 by Cl-Loaded Carbonaceous Material Prepared from Rice Husk
Naoto Tsubouchi, Momone Yoshizawa, Javzandogole Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, In press, 2024, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Effects of Preheating and Alkaline Roasting on Gangue Removal during the Alkaline Hydrothermal Treatment of Low-Grade Iron Ores
Benchao Su, Yuuki Mochizuki, Reiko Murao, Kenichi Higuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, In press, 2024, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Process Optimization for Gangue Removal from Low-Grade Iron Ore by a Flow-Type Reactor with a NaOH Solution
Yuuki Mochizuki, Benchao Su, Kenichi Higuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Sustainable Resource Management, 1, 9, 1952, 1961, 2024, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Selective Separation and Recovery of Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Incineration Ash Using Chlorination and Carbo-Chlorination Methods
Naoto Tsubouchi, Jiaqian Liu, Yuuki Mochizuki
ACS Environmental Chemistry, 268, 4106239, 2024, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Recovery of Phosphate from Incineration Ash of Sewage Sludge by Chlorination and Carbo-Chlorination
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 206, 107645, 2024, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Pore Properties and CO2 Adsorption Performance of Activated Carbon Prepared from Various Carbonaceous Materials
Yuuki Mochizuki, Javzandolgor Bud, Enkhsaruul Byambajav, Naoto Tsubouchi
Carbon Resources Conversion, In press, 2024, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Co-Processing Method for the Stabilization of Aluminum Dross and the Production of Valuable Substrates via Hydrothermal Treatment
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 12, 13, 5263, 5271, 2024, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Selective Recovery of Phosphate from Hydroxyapatite and Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate by Carbo-Chlorination Method
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11, 111092, 2023, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Alkaline Hydrothermal Treatment for Model Compounds of Gangue Components Present in Iron Ores
Benchao Su, Yuuki Mochizuki, Kenichi Higuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Environmental Chemistry, 266, 3923140, 2023, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Effects of Various Factors on Gangue Removal in Alkaline Hydrothermal Treatment of Iron Ores
Benchao Su, Yuuki Mochizuki, Kenichi Higuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi
Minerals Engineering, 203, 108329, 2023, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Influence of Pretreatment on the Removal of Gangue Components during Alkaline Hydrothermal Treatment of Iron Ores
Benchao Su, Yuuki Mochizuki, Kenichi Higuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Environmental Chemistry, 265, 3818146, 2023, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Influences of Various Factors on the Removal of Gangue Components during Alkaline Hydrothermal Treatment of Iron Ores
Benchao Su, Yuuki Mochizuki, Kenichi Higuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Environmental Chemistry, 265, 3818126, 2023, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Production of High-Strength Coke by Pressurization Carbonization of Modified-Biomass Blended Coal
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yuting Wang, Saori Konno, Takahiro Shishido
ISIJ International, 63, 9, 1526, 1533, 2023, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Production of High-Strength Coke from Formed Coal Containing Low-Quality Coal by Pressurized Carbonization
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yuting Wang, Saori Konno, Takahiro Shishido
ISIJ International, 63, 9, 1508, 1518, 2023, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Preparation and Evaluation of Activated Carbon from Low-Rank Coal via Alkali Activation and Its Fundamental CO2 Adsorption Capacity at Ambient Temperature under Pure Pressurized CO2
Yuuki Mochizuki, Javzandolgor Bud, Enkhsaruul Byambajav, Naoto Tsubouchi
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 7, 1429, 1446, 2022, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Influence of Ammonia Treatment on the CO2 Adsorption of Activated Carbon
Yuuki Mochizuki, Javzandolgor Bud, Enkhsaruul Byambajav, Naoto Tsubouchi
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10, 107273, 2022, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Preparation of Coke from Biomass Char Modified by Vapor Deposition of Tar Generated during Pyrolysis of Woody Biomass
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
Ironmaking and Steelmaking: Processes, Products and Applications, 49, 646, 657, 2022, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Removal of Hydrogen Chloride from Simulated Coal Gasification Fuel Gases Using Honeycomb-Supported Natural Soda Ash
Naoto Tsubouchi, Ken Fukuyama, Natsumi Matsuoka, Yuuki Mochizuki
Fuel, 317, 122231, 2022, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Evolution of Mercury from Iron Ores in Temperature-Programmed Heat Treatments
Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
ISIJ International, 62, 1, 20, 28, 2022, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Evaluation of Mercury Form in Iron Ore through Sequential Leaching and Temperature-Programmed Heat Treatment Methods
Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
Fuel, 308, 121953, 2022, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Behavior of Mercury Release from Iron Ores during Temperature-Programmed Heat Treatment in Air
Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 66496, 66500, 2021, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Recovery of Phosphorus from Steelmaking Slag
Jiaqian Liu, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Environmental Chemistry, 262, 147, 2021, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Strength and Gasification Reactivity of Coke Prepared by Blending a Ca/C Composite and Coal
Yuuki Mochizuki, Miki Takahashi, Javzandolgor Bud, Yuting Wang, Naoto Tsubouchi
ISIJ INTERNATIONAL, 61, 8, 2200, 2210, IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN, 2021, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Mercury (II) ion adsorption performance of Cl-loaded carbonaceous material prepared by chlorination of pyrolyzed rice husk char
Yuuki Mochizuki, Javzandolgor Bud, Jiaqian Liu, Miki Takahashi, Naoto Tsubouchi
JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 305, 127176, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2021, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Adsorption of phosphate from aqueous using iron hydroxides prepared by various methods
Yuuki Mochizuki, Javzandolgor Bud, Jiaqian Liu, Miki Takahashi, Naoto Tsubouchi
JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 9, 1, 104645, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2021, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Influence of Additive Amount and Heating Conditions on the Strength of Coke Prepared from Non-Caking Coal
Naoto Tsubouchi, Ryo Naganuma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Hideyuki Hayashizaki, Takahiro Shishido
TETSU TO HAGANE-JOURNAL OF THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN, 107, 1, 35, 43, IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN, 2021, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Influence of Heating Conditions on the Strength of Coke Produced from Slightly-Caking Coal Containing Chemically-Loaded Thermoplastic Components
Naoto Tsubouchi, Ryo Naganuma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Hideyuki Hayashizaki, Takahiro Shishido
TETSU TO HAGANE-JOURNAL OF THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN, 107, 1, 24, 34, IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN, 2021, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Production of High-Strength Coke from Low-Quality Coals Chemically Modified with Thermoplastic Components
Naoto Tsubouchi, Ryo Naganuma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Hideyuki Hayashizaki, Takahiro Shishido, Atul Sharma
TETSU TO HAGANE-JOURNAL OF THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN, 107, 1, 15, 23, IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN, 2021, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Production of Silicone Tetrachloride from Rice Husk by Chlorination and Performance of Mercury Adsorption from Aqueous Solution of the Chlorinated Residue
Yuuki Mochizuki, Javzandolgor Bud, Jiaqian Liu, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS OMEGA, 5, 45, 29110, 29120, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2020, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Removal of Hydrogen Chloride Gas in Fuel Gas Using Honeycomb-Supported Natural Soda Ash
Yuuki Mochizuki, Ken Fukuyama, Natsumi Matsuoka, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Fuel Chemistry, 260, 369, 2020, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Removal of Gangue in Low-Grade Iron Ore by Hydrothermal Treatment
Yuuki Mochizuki, Jiaqian Liu, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Environmental Chemistry, 260, 147, 2020, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Effect of the Electronic State on Low-Rank Coals with Ca2+ Ion Exchange
Yuji Shinohara, Naoto Tsubouchi
Journal of Molecular Structure, 1218, 128544, Elsevier BV, 2020, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Quantum Chemical Study on Adsorption of Hydrogen Chloride on Zn-Doped Carbon Materials
Yuji Shinohara, Naoto Tsubouchi
Environmental Technology & Innovation, 19, 100883, Elsevier BV, 2020, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - High Performance of Honeycomb-Supported Natural Soda Ash in the Removal of Hydrogen Chloride Gas
Naoto Tsubouchi, Natsumi Matsuoka, Ken Fukuyama, Yuuki Mochizuki
ACS Environmental Chemistry, 259, 489, 2020, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Separation of valuable elements from steel making slag by chlorination
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Katsuyasu Sugawara
RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING, 158, 104815, ELSEVIER, 2020, [Peer-reviewed], [Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Production of high-strength and low-gasification reactivity coke from low-grade carbonaceous materials by vapor deposition of tar
Yuuki Mochizuki, Jun Ma, Yukihiro Kubota, Kazuya Uebo, Naoto Tsubouchi
FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 203, 106384, ELSEVIER, 2020, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Electronic State of Low-Rank Coals with Exchanged Sodium Cations
Yuji Shinohara, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Omega, 5, 1688, 1697, 2020, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English - Removal of hydrogen chloride gas using honeycomb-supported natural soda ash
Naoto Tsubouchi, Natsumi Matsuoka, Ken Fukuyama, Yuuki Mochizuki
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN, 156, 138, 145, ELSEVIER, 2020, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Evolution profile of gases during coal carbonization and relationship between their amounts and the fluidity or coke strength
Yuuki Mochizuki, Yohei Ono, Naoto Tsubouchi
FUEL, 237, 735, 744, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2019, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Removal of gangue components from low-grade iron ore by hydrothermal treatment
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
HYDROMETALLURGY, 190, 105159, 105168, ELSEVIER, 2019, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Upgrading Low-Grade Iron Ore through Gangue Removal by a Combined Alkali Roasting and Hydrothermal Treatment
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS OMEGA, 4, 22, 19723, 19734, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2019, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Release Behavior of Mercury during Iron Ore Sintering Process
Naoto Tsubouchi, Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki
ACS Environmental Chemistry, 258, 399, 2019, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Gasification of carbon/carbon composite prepared from pyrolyzed char of low-grade coke and low-rank coal
Yuuki Mochizuki, Yukihiro Kubota, Kazuya Uebo, Naoto Tsubouchi
POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 355, 782, 792, ELSEVIER, 2019, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Thermal Properties of Carbon-Containing Iron Ore Composite Prepared by Vapor Deposition of Tar for Limonite
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
English, Scientific journal - Influence of Additive Amount and Heating Conditions on the Strength of Coke Prepared from Non-Caking Coal
Naoto Tsubouchi, Ryo Naganuma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Hideyuki Hayashizaki, Takahiro Shishido
ISIJ INTERNATIONAL, 59, 8, 1419, 1426, IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN, 2019, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Preparation of pelletized coke by co-carbonization of caking coal and pyrolyzed char modified with tar produced during pyrolysis of woody biomass
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 193, 328, 337, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2019, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Influence of Heating Conditions on the Strength of Coke Produced from Slightly-Caking Coal Containing Chemically-Loaded Thermoplastic Components
Naoto Tsubouchi, Ryo Naganuma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Hideyuki Hayashizaki, Takahiro Shishido
ISIJ INTERNATIONAL, 59, 8, 1427, 1436, IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN, 2019, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Dynamic Behavior of Mercury Release during Coal Carbonization and Iron Ore Sintering
Naoto Tsubouchi, Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki
ACS Environmental Chemistry, 257, 393, 2019, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Production of High-Strength Coke from Low-Quality Coals Chemically Modified with Thermoplastic Components
Naoto Tsubouchi, Ryo Naganuma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Hideyuki Hayashizaki, Takahiro Shishido, Atul Sharma
ISIJ INTERNATIONAL, 59, 8, 1396, 1403, IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN, 2019, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Formation of surface chlorine species by low temperature reaction of HCl with metal-doped carbon
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yuji Shinohara, Akiyuki Kawashima, Yasuo Ohtsuka
FUEL, 246, 51, 59, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2019, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Some Factors Controlling the Formation of Hexachlorobenzene in the Process of Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ACS Environmental Chemistry, 256, 630, 2018, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Catalytic effect of ion-exchanged calcium on steam gasification of low-rank coal with a circulating fluidized bed reactor
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yuji Shinohara, Yuu Hanaoka, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Koji Kuramoto, Koichi Matsuoka
FUEL, 234, 406, 413, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2018, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Low-Temperature Reactions of HCI with Metal-Doped Carbon
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yuji Shinohara, Akiyuki Kawashima, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ENERGY & FUELS, 32, 6, 6970, 6977, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2018, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Influence of tarry material deposition on low-strength cokes or pyrolyzed chars of low rank coals on the strength
Yuuki Mochizuki, Yukihiro Kubota, Kazuya Uebo, Naoto Tsubouchi
FUEL, 232, 780, 790, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2018, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Production of Activated Carbon from Peat by with Natural Soda Ash and Effect of Nitrogen Addition on the Development of Surface Area
Naoto Tsubouchi, Megumi Nishio, Yuji Shinohara, Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki
Fuel Processing Technology, 176, 76, 84, Elsevier B.V., 2018, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Investigation of Strength and Reduction Reactivity during Heat Treatment in Simulated-Experimental Blast Furnace of Carbon-Containing Pellet Prepared by Vapor Deposition of Tar to Cold-Bonded Pellet with Large Particle Size
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Tomohiro Akiyama
Fuel Processing Technology, 176, 21, 32, Elsevier B.V., 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Influence of Inherently Present Oxygen-Functional Groups on Coal Fluidity and Coke Strength
Yuuki Mochizuki, Ryo Naganuma, Naoto Tsubouchi
ENERGY & FUELS, 32, 2, 1657, 1664, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2018, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Steam Gasification of Low-Rank Coal with a Nanoscale Ca/Na Composite Catalyst Prepared by Ion Exchange
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yuji Shinohara, Yuu Hanaoka, Takemitsu Kikuchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Energy and Fuels, 32, 1, 226, 232, American Chemical Society, 2018, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Fate of Nitrogen and Sulfur during Reduction Process of Carbon-Containing Pellet Prepared by Vapor Deposition of Gaseous-Tar and the Influences of the Hetero Elements on the Reduction Behavior and Crushing Strength
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Tomohiro Akiyama
ISIJ International, 58, 3, 460, 468, Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Fate of the Chlorine in Coal in the Heating Process
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yanhui Wang, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ISIJ International, 58, 2, 227, 235, Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, 2018, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Removal of Organic Sulfur in Hydrocarbon Liquid Model Fuel by Ni-Loaded Carbon Prepared from Lignite
Yuuki Mochizuki, Junpei Watanabe, Naoto Tsubouchi
ENERGY & FUELS, 32, 12, 12328, 12336, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2018, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Preparation of a Carbon-Containing Pellet with High Strength and High Reactivity by Vapor Deposition of Tar to a Cold-Bonded Pellet
Yuuki Mochizuki, Megumi Nishio, Naoto Tsubouchi, Tomohiro Akiyama
Energy & Fuels, 31, 9, 8877, 8885, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2017, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide in Simulated Coke Oven Gas with Low Grade Iron Ore
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
Energy & Fuels, 31, 8, 8087, 8094, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2017, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Fate of the Chlorine in Coal in the Heating Process
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yanhui Wang, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Tetsu to Hagane - Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, 103, 8, 443, 450, IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN, 2017, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Coprocessing of Pyrolytic Nitrogen Removal of Low-Rank Coals and Reduction of Limonite Ore
Tsubouchi Naoto, Mikawa Yusuke, Mochizuki Yuuki, Kikuchi Takemitsu, Ohtsuka Yasuo
Energy & Fuels, 31, 4, 3885, 3891, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2017, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Catalytic Performance of Limonite Ores in the Decomposition of Model Compounds of Biomass-Derived Tar
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Enkhsaruul Byambajav, Satoko Takahash, Yuu Hanaoka, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Energy & Fuels, 31, 4, 3898, 3904, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2017, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Steam Gasification of Low-Rank Coals with Ion-Exchanged Sodium Catalysts Prepared Using Natural Soda Ash
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Enkhsaruul Byambajav, Yuu Hanaoka, Takemitsu Kikuch, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Energy & Fuels, 31, 3, 2565, 2571, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2017, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Some Factors Influencing the Fluidity of Coal Blends: Particle Size, Blend Ratio and Inherent Oxygen Species
Yuuki Mochizuki, Ryo Naganuma, Kazuya Uebo, Naoto Tsubouchi
Fuel Processing Technology, 159, 67, 75, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2017, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide and Ammonia by Goethite-Rich Limonite in the Coexistence of Coke Oven Gas Components
Yuuki Mochizuki, Ayumu Ogawa, Naoto Tsubouchi
ISIJ International, 57, 3, 435, 442, IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN, 2017, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Leaching Behavior of the Boron and Fluorine in Fly Ashes Recovered from Electrostatic Precipitators of Pulverized Coal-Fired Plants
Naoto Tsubouchi, Kaoru Shibuya, Yuudai Muto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ACS Environmental Chemistry, 252, 680, 2016, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Preparation of Carbon-Containing Iron Ore with Enhanced Crushing Strength from Limonite by Impregnation and Vapor Deposition of Tar Recovered from Coke Oven Gas
Yuuki Mochizuki, Megumi Nishio, Jun Ma, Naoto Tsubouchi, Tomohiro Akiyama
Energy & Fuels, 30, 8, 6233, 6239, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2016, [Peer-reviewed], [Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Fluorine Release and Retention during Fixed Bed Combustion of Pyrolyzed Coal Chars
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoyuki Iwabuchi, Yuuki Akama, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ACS Fuel Chemistry, 61, 2, 750, 751, 2016, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Significant Evolution of Hydrogen Fluoride from Coal Chars after Apparently Complete Release of Carbon Dioxide
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoyuki Iwabuchi, Yuuki Akama, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Energy & Fuels, 30, 5, 4381, 4383, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2016, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Catalytic Decomposition of Pyridine with Goethite-Rich Limonite in the Coexistence of Fuel Gas or Coke Oven Gas Components
Ayumu Ogawa, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
ISIJ International, 56, 7, 1132, 1137, IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN, 2016, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Role of Nitrogen in Pore Development in Activated Carbon Prepared by Potassium Carbonate Activation of Lignin
Naoto Tsubouchi, Megumi Nishio, Yuuki Mochizuki
Applied Surface Science, 371, 301, 306, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2016, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Influence of Inherent Oxygen Species on the Fluidity of Coal during Carbonization
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Moohizuki, Ryo Naganuma, Kyohei Kamiya, Megumi Nishio, Yohei Ono, Kazuya Uebo
Energy & Fuels, 30, 3, 2095, 2101, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2016, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Reactions of Hydrogen Chloride with Carbonaceous Materials and the Formation of Surface Chlorine Species
Naoto Tsubouchi, Noriaki Ohtaka, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Energy & Fuels, 30, 3, 2320, 2327, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2016, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Reduction Rate and Crushing Strength of a Carbon-Containing Pellet Prepared by the Impregnation Method of COG Tar
Yuuki Mochizuki, Megumi Nishio, Naoto Tsubouchi, Tomohiro Akiyama
Energy & Fuels, 30, 3, 2102, 2110, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2016, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Reduction Behavior and Crushing Strength of Carbon-Containing Pellet Prepared from COG Tar
Yuuki Mochizuki, Megumi Nishio, Naoto Tsubouchi, Tomohiro Akiyama
Fuel Processing Technology, 142, 287, 295, Elsevier, 2016, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Functional Forms of the Unburned Carbon Present in Coal Fly Ashes: Role of Surface Oxygen Species in the Formation of Organic Fluorine Forms on the Carbon Surface
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ACS Environmental Chemistry, 249, 360, 2015, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Evolution of Hydrogen Fluoride during Coal Pyrolysis and Subsequent Char Combustion
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoyuki Iwabuchi, Yuuki Akama, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ACS Fuel Chemistry, 60, 2, 583, 584, 2015, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Reduction Behavior and Crushing Strength of Carbon-Containing Iron Ore Sinters Prepared from Tar Recovered from Coke Oven Gas
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Tomohiro Akiyama
Fuel Processing Technology, 138, 704, 713, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - High Catalytic Performance of Magnesium Cations-Added Limonite in the Decomposition of Ammonia in a Simulated Syngas-Rich Fuel Gas
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 407, 75, 80, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Fate of Boron and Selenium during Pulverized Coal Combustion
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Katsuyasu Sugawara
Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu, 41, 5, 340, 349, SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN, 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Catalytic Decomposition of Pyridine Gas with Fine Particles of Metallic Iron Formed from Limonite
Naoto Tsubouchi, Ayumu Ogawa, Yuuki Mochizuki
Applied Catalysis A: General, 499, 133, 138, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Chemical Characterization of Unburned Carbon in Coal Fly Ashes by Use of TPD/TPO and LRS Methods
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Tetsuo Yamada, Harumi Hashimoto
Environmental Science & Technology, 49, 8, 5189, 5194, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2015, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Reduction and Nitriding Behavior of Hematite with Ammonia
Naoto Yasuda, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Tomohiro Akiyama
ISIJ International, 55, 4, 736, 741, IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN, 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Formation of Molecular Nitrogen and Hydrogen Sulfide during High-Temperature Pyrolysis of Coals
Naoto Tsubouchi
Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 10, 1, 154, 162, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2015, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Steam Gasification of Indonesian Subbituminous Coal with Calcium Carbonate as a Catalyst Raw Material
Kenji Murakami, Masahiko Sato, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Katsuyasu Sugawara
Fuel Processing Technology, 129, 91, 97, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Sulfur and Nitrogen Distributions during Coal Carbonization and the Influences of These Elements on Coal Fluidity and Coke Strength
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yohei Ono, Kazuya Uebo, Toshimasa Takanohashi, Naoto Sakimoto
ISIJ International, 54, 11, 2439, 2445, IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN, 2014, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Behavior of Boron Release and Change in the Occurrence Mode of Boron during Fixed-Bed Pyrolysis of Coals
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Katsuyasu Sugawara
Fuel, 130, 54, 59, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Synthesis of BaTiO3 Nanoparticles from TiO2-Coated BaCO3 Particles Derived Using a Wet-Chemical Method
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Katsuyasu Sugawara
Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, 2, 1, 68, 76, Elsevier B.V., 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Adsorption Desulfurization of Organic Sulfur Compounds in Model Fuels by Ni-Loaded Carbon
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Katsuyasu Sugawara
Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu, 40, 1, 56, 64, SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN, 2014, [Peer-reviewed]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Effects of Solid Residence Time and Inherent Metal Cations on the Fate of the Nitrogen in Coal during Rapid Pyrolysis
Naoto Tsubouchi
Energy & Fuels, 28, 9, 5721, 5728, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2014, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Fate of Coal-Bound Nitrogen during Carbonization of Caking Coals
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yohei Ono, Kazuya Uebo, Naoto Sakimoto, Toshimasa Takanohashi
Energy & Fuels, 27, 12, 7330, 7335, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2013, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - The Fate of Sulfur in Coal during Carbonization and Its Effect on Coal Fluidity
Yuuki Mochizuki, Yohei Ono, Kazuya Uebo, Naoto Tsubouchi
International Journal of Coal Geology, 120, 50, 56, 2013, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Chlorine Release during Fixed-Bed Gasification of Coal Chars with Carbon Dioxide
Naoto Tsubouchi, Takeomi Saito, Noriaki Ohtaka, Yoshihiro Nakazato, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Energy & Fuels, 27, 9, 5076, 5082, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2013, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Selective Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Dy containing NdFeB Magnets by Chlorination
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Katsuyasu Sugawara
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 1, 6, 655, 662, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Catalytic Effects of Na and Ca from Inexpensive Materials on In-Situ Steam Gasification of Char from Rapid Pyrolysis of Low Rank Coal in a Drop-Tube Reactor
Li-xin Zhang, Shinji Kudo, Naoto Tsubouchi, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Koyo Norinaga
Fuel Processing Technology, 113, 1, 7, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Fate of the Chlorine in Coal Char during Fixed-Bed CO2 Gasification
Naoto Tsubouchi, Takeomi Saito, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ACS Fuel Chemistry, 58, 1, 864, 865, 2013, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Evolution of Hydrogen Chloride and Change in the Chlorine Functionality during Pyrolysis of Argonne Premium Coal Samples
Naoto Tsubouchi, Takeomi Saito, Noriaki Ohtaka, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Energy & Fuels, 27, 1, 87, 96, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2013, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Sulfur, Nitrogen and Chlorine in Coal: Analysis, Characterization and Pyrolytic Behavior
Katsuyasu Sugawara, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 92, 3, 283, 291, 2013, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited], [Corresponding author]
Japanese - Decomposition of Pyrrole and Pyridine with Iron Catalysts Supported on Carbons
Naoto Tsubouchi, Tetsuya Matsuyama, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ACS Fuel Chemistry, 57, 1, 169, 170, 2012, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Iron-Catalyzed Nitrogen Removal as N2 from PAN-Derived Activated Carbon
Yasuhiro Ohshima, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 111, 614, 620, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2012, [Peer-reviewed], [Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Catalytic Decomposition of Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds with Highly Dispersed Iron Nanoparticles on Carbons
Tetsuya Matsuyama, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 356, 14, 19, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2012, [Peer-reviewed], [Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Functional Forms of Nitrogen and Sulfur in Coals and Fate of Heteroatoms during Coal Carbonization
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yohei Ono, Kazuya Uebo
Tetsu to Hagane - Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, 98, 5, 161, 169, 2012, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Chemical Forms of the Fluorine and Carbon in Fly Ashes Recovered from Electrostatic Precipitators of Pulverized Coal-Fired Plants
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hidekazu Hayashi, Akiyuki Kawashima, Masahide Sato, Noboru Suzuki, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Fuel, 90, 1, 376, 383, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2011, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Ferroelectric Materials Based on Molecular Crystals
Takemitsu Kikuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi, Tomoyuki Akutagawa
Materials Integration, 24, 4-5, 242, 247, 2011, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
English - Chemical Characterization of Dust Particles Recovered from Bag Filters of Electric Arc Furnaces for Steelmaking: Some Factors Influencing the Formation of Hexachlorobenzene
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Noriaki Ohtaka, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 183, 1-3, 116, 124, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2010, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Leaching Behavior of the Boron and Fluorine in Fly Ashes Formed in Pulverized Coal Combustion
Naoto Tsubouchi, Kaoru Shibuya, Yuudai Muto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 89, 12, 1166, 1172, 2010, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
Japanese, Scientific journal - Recent Progress in Japan on Hot Gas Cleanup of Hydrogen Chloride, Hydrogen Sulfide and Ammonia in Coal-Derived Fuel Gas
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Naoto Tsubouchi, Takemitsu Kikuchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto
Powder Technology, 190, 3, 340, 347, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 2009, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
English, Scientific journal - Sulfur Tolerance of an Inexpensive Limonite Catalyst for High Temperature Decomposition of Ammonia
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Powder Technology, 180, 1-2, 184, 189, ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 2008, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Nitrogen Chemistry in Coal Pyrolysis: Catalytic Roles of Metal Cations in Secondary Reactions of Volatile Nitrogen and Char Nitrogen
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Fuel Processing Technology, 89, 4, 379, 390, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2008, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Chlorine Functional Forms of Argonne Premium Coal Samples and the Changes with Water Washing and in Slow Heating Rate Pyrolysis
Naoto Tsubouchi, Takeomi Saito, Masahide Sato, Noboru Suzuki, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ACS Fuel Chemistry, 52, 1, 78, 79, 2007, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Effects of Inherent Metal Cations on the Fate of the Nitrogen in Coal in the Fixed Bed Pyrolysis of Twenty Five Coals
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Naoto Tsubouchi, Zhiheng Wu
ACS Fuel Chemistry, 52, 1, 114, 115, 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Catalytic Performance of Limonite in the Decomposition of Ammonia in the Coexistence of Typical Fuel Gas Components Produced in an Air-Blown Coal Gasification Process
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Energy & Fuels, 21, 6, 3063, 3069, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2007, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Fate of the Chlorine and Fluorine in a Sub-Bituminous Coal during Pyrolysis and Gasification
Makoto Takeda, Akio Ueda, Harumi Hashimoto, Tetsuo Yamada, Noboru Suzuki, Masahide Sato, NaotoTsubouchi, Yoshihiro Nakazato, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Fuel, 85, 2, 235, 242, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2006, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Properties of Dust Particles Sampled from Windboxes of an Iron Ore Sintering Plant: Surface Structures of Unburned Carbon
Naoto Tsubouchi, Shunsuke Kuzuhara, Eiki Kasai, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ISIJ International, 46, 7, 1020, 1026, IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN, 2006, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Effect of Nitrogen-Containing Compounds on Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxin/Dibenzofuran Formation throughde Novo Synthesis
Shunsuke Kuzuhara, Hiroshi Sato, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Eiki Kasai
Environmental Science and Technology, 39, 3, 795, 799, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Formation of Hydrogen Chloride during Temperature-Programmed Pyrolysis of Coals with Different Ranks
Naoto Tsubouchi, Shinya Ohtsuka, Yoshihiro Nakazato, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Energy & Fuels, 19, 2, 554, 560, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2005, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Catalytic Decomposition of Ammonia Gas with Metal Cations Present Naturally in Low Rank Coals
Chunbao Xu, Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Fuel, 84, 14-15, 1957, 1967, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2005, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Functional Forms of Carbon and Chlorine in Dust Samples Formed in the Sintering Process of Iron Ores
Naoto Tsubouchi, Eiki Kasai, Katsuya Kawamoto, Hidetoshi Noda, Yoshihiro Nakazato, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Tetsu to Hagane – Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, 91, 10, 751, 756, IRON STEEL INST JAPAN KEIDANREN KAIKAN, 2005, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
Japanese, Scientific journal - High Catalytic Performance of Fine Particles of Metallic Iron Formed from Limonite in the Decomposition of a Low Concentration of Ammonia
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Catalysis Letters, 105, 3-4, 203, 208, SPRINGER, 2005, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author]
English, Scientific journal - Decomposition of Ammonia with Iron and Calcium Catalysts Supported Coal Chars
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Chunbao Xu, Dapeng Kong, Naoto Tsubouchi
Fuel, 83, 6, 685, 692, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2004, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author]
English, Scientific journal - Novel Utilization of Mesoporous Molecular Sieves as Supports of Cobalt Catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Yoshimoto Takahashi, Masato Noguchi, Takashi Arai, Satoshi Takasaki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Ye Wang
Catalysis Today, 89, 4, 419, 429, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2004, [Peer-reviewed]
English, Scientific journal - Effect of Alkaline Earth Metals on N2 Formation during Fixed Bed Pyrolysis of a Low Rank Coal
Naoto Tsubouchi, Chunbao Xu, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Fuel Processing Technology, 85, 8-10, 1039, 1052, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2004, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Several Distinct Types of HCl Evolution during Temperature-Programmed Pyrolysis of High-Rank Coals with Almost the Same Carbon Contents
Naoto Tsubouchi, Shinya Ohtsuka, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Energy & Fuels, 18, 5, 1605, 1606, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2004, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - High catalytic performances of low rank coal chars in ammonia decomposition at high temperatures
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Chunbao Xu, Dapeng Kong, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Division of Fuel Chemistry, Preprints, 48, 1, 304, 305, Mar. 2003
English, International conference proceedings - High Catalytic Performances of Low Rank Coal Chars in Ammonia Decomposition at High Temperatures
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Chunbao Xu, Dapeng Kong, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Fuel Chemistry, 48, 1, 304, 305, 2003, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author]
English - Nitrogen Release from Low Rank Coals during Rapid Pyrolysis with a Drop Tube Reactor
Naoto Tsubouchi, Miwa Abe, Chunbao Xu, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Energy & Fuels, 17, 4, 940, 945, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2003, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Fischer-Tropsch Synthsis with Cobalt Catalysts Supported on Mesoporous Silica for Efficient Production of Diesel Fuel Fraction
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Takashi Arai, Satoshi Takasaki, Naoto Tsubouchi
Energy & Fuels, 17, 4, 804, 809, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2003, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author]
English, Scientific journal - Carbon Crystallization during High-Temperature Pyrolysis of Coals and the Enhancement by Calcium
Naoto Tsubouchi, Chunbao Xu, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Energy & Fuels, 17, 5, 1119, 1125, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2003, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Utilization of cobalt catalysts supported on mesoporous silica for efficient production of diesel fuels by FT synthesis
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Takashi Arai, Satoshi Takasaki, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Division of Fuel Chemistry, Preprints, 47, 2, 492, 493, Aug. 2002
English, International conference proceedings - Nitrogen and Sulfur Release during High Temperature Pyrolysis of Coals
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ACS Fuel Chemistry, 47, 1, 196, 197, 2002, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Utilization of Cobalt Catalysts Supported on Mesoporous Silica for Efficient Production of Diesel Fuels by FT Synthesis
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Takashi Arai, Satoshi Takasaki, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Fuel Chemistry, 47, 2, 492, 493, 2002, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author]
English - Formation of N2 during Pyrolysis of Ca-Loaded Coals
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Fuel, 81, 11-12, 1423, 1431, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2002, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author]
English, Scientific journal - Nitrogen Release during High Temperature Pyrolysis of Coals and Catalytic Role of Calcium in N2 Formation
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Fuel, 81, 18, 2335, 2342, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2002, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English, Scientific journal - Catalytic decomposition of ammonia with iron nanoparticles supported on carbons
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Chunbao Xu, Dapeng Kong, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Division of Fuel Chemistry, Preprints, 46, 1, 151, 153, Mar. 2001
English, Scientific journal - Catalytic role of calcium in the release of volatile nitrogen during coal pyrolysis
Naoto Tsubouchi, Chunbao Xu, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ACS Division of Fuel Chemistry, Preprints, 46, 1, 148, 150, Mar. 2001
English, Scientific journal - Nitrogen Release during Pyrolysis of Coals with a Free Fall Type Reactor
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Combustion Technologies for a Clean Environment, 6, 2, 599, 602, 2001, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Catalytic Role of Calcium in the Release of Volatile Nitrogen during Coal Pyrolysis
Naoto Tsubouchi, Chunbao Xu, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ACS Fuel Chemistry, 46, 1, 148, 150, 2001, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author, Corresponding author]
English - Catalytic Decomposition of Ammonia with Iron Nanoparticles Supported on Carbons
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Chunbao Xu, Dapeng Kong, Naoto Tsubouchi
ACS Fuel Chemistry, 46, 1, 151, 153, 2001, [Peer-reviewed], [Last author]
English - Enhancement of N2 Formation from the Nitrogen in Carbon and Coal by Calcium
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuhiro Ohshima, Chunbao Xu, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Energy & Fuels, 15, 1, 158, 162, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, Jan. 2001, [Peer-reviewed], [Lead author]
English, Scientific journal - Approach to the Iron-Catalyzed Formation Process of N2 from Hetrocyclic Nitrogen in Carbon by Use of XRD and XPS Methods
Yasuhiro Ohshima, Ye Wang, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ACS Fuel Chemistry, 45, 2, 335, 338, 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Sulfur Behavior in Various Chemical Treatment of Coal
Katsuyasu Sugawara, Naoto Tsubouchi, Takuo Sugawara, Masayuki Shirai
ACS Fuel Chemistry, 45, 2, 344, 347, 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Approach to the iron-catalyzed formation process of N2 from heterocyclic nitrogen in carbon by use of XRD and XPS methods
Yasuhiro Ohshima, Ye Wang, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
ACS Division of Fuel Chemistry, Preprints, 45, 2, 335, 337, 2000
English, Scientific journal
Other Activities and Achievements
- 食用動物の鮮度と食べ頃の可視化装置『MIRASAL (見らさる)』
坪内直人, バイオインダストリー協会 "未来へのバイオ技術" 勉強会講演資料, Web, 2024, [Invited]
Japanese - 銀系化合物を用いる水素の活性化と CO2 のメタン等への転換
坪内直人, JST 新技術説明会講演資料, Web, 2024, [Invited]
Japanese - Selective Separation and Recovery of Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Incineration Ash Using Chlorination and Carbo-Chlorination Methods (Division of Environmental Chemistry)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Jiaqian Liu, Yuuki Mochizuki, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 268 (Web), 2024, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Sohail Keegan Pinto, Hokkaido University Website "Research Press Release", Web, 2024
English - 下水汚泥焼却灰からリンを選択的に回収~二次リン資源中のリンの選択的分離回収技術の開発へ~
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 北海道大学ホームページ『プレスリリース (研究発表)』, Web, 2024
Japanese - アルミニウムドロスからの有価物製造と不純物除去を同時達成~産業廃棄物のカーボンリサイクル型処理技術開発への貢献に期待~
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 北海道大学ホームページ『プレスリリース (研究発表)』, Web, 2024
Japanese - 二次リン資源中のリンの選択的回収技術
坪内直人, Nano Tech 2024 (第23回国際ナノテクノロジー総合展・技術会議), Web, 2024
Japanese - リンの高効率かつ高選択的な分離回収技術
坪内直人, JST 新技術説明会講演資料, Web, 2023, [Invited]
Japanese - 解説~日本鉄鋼協会「資源拡大・省 CO2 対応コークス製造技術研究会」成果報告~
鷹觜利公, 青木秀之, 蘆田隆一, シャーマ・アトゥル, 坪内直人, 野中寛, 則永行庸, 林潤一郎, 森本正人, ふぇらむ, 28, 755, 763, 2023, [Invited]
Japanese, Introduction scientific journal - Alkaline Hydrothermal Treatment for Model Compounds of Gangue Components Present in Iron Ores (Division of Environmental Chemistry)
Benchao Su, Yuuki Mochizuki, Kenichi Higuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 266 (Web), 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
English - クリーンコール技術と環境調和型製鉄プロセス
坪内直人, 日本製鉄技術講座『有機材料の科学』講義資料, 218, 1, 189, 2023, [Invited]
Japanese, Lecture materials - 魚の鮮度見える化システム
坪内直人, 篠原祐治, 日刊工業新聞電子版, 4-24, 2023
Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine - 魚の鮮度見える化システム
坪内直人, 篠原祐治, 日刊工業新聞, 4-24, 8, 2023
Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine - Influence of Pretreatment on the Removal of Gangue Components during Alkaline Hydrothermal Treatment of Iron Ores (Division of Environmental Chemistry)
Benchao Su, Yuuki Mochizuki, Kenichi Higuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 265 (Web), 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Influences of Various Factors on the Removal of Gangue Components during Alkaline Hydrothermal Treatment of Iron Ores (Division of Environmental Chemistry)
Benchao Su, Yuuki Mochizuki, Kenichi Higuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 265 (Web), 2023, [Peer-reviewed]
English - 魚介類の鮮度見える化システム「MIRASAL」の開発
坪内直人, 篠原祐治, 農林水産省『「知」の集積と活用の場』産学官連携協議会令和 4 年度発表会講演資料, Web, 2023, [Invited]
English - 日本エネルギー学会第 59 回石炭科学会議実施報告
坪内直人, えねるみくす, 102, 1, 87, 90, 2023, [Invited]
Japanese, Meeting report - 鉄鋼環境基金助成研究成果表彰式
坪内直人, 鉄鋼新聞, 9-14, 3, 2022
Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine - 鉄鋼環境基金が表彰式~受賞記念講演会も~
坪内直人, 日刊産業新聞, 9-14, 3, 2022
Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine - 鉄鋼環境基金の 22 年度研究表彰~理事長賞に坪内准教授~
坪内直人, 鉄鋼新聞, 5-30, 3, 2022
Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine - 鉄鋼環境基金 / 理事長賞に北大・坪内氏 / 助成研究成果表彰
坪内直人, 日刊産業新聞, 5-31, 3, 2022
Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine - 持続可能な開発目標 (SDGs) に資する日本のク リーンエネルギー技術および CO2 再利用技術
坪内直人, サハリン国立総合大学主催・在ユジノサハリンスク日本国総領事館協力 『日本関連セミナー』講義資料, Web, 1, 192, 2021, [Invited]
Russian, Lecture materials - 【北大発】魚の食べごろがひと目でわかる!「鮮度見える化システム」を北大の准教授が開発
坪内直人, HBC 北海道放送 WEB マガジン「Sitakke」, 12-6, 2021
Japanese - 誰でも魚の目利きに?魚の鮮度がすぐわかるシステムとは?
坪内直人, HBC 北海道放送「SDGs シーズ~未来を拓く研究」, 12-5, 2021
Japanese - A Scenario toward the Ammonia Reduction Ironmaking in Future
Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 3rd CFAA (Clean Fuel Ammonia Association) International Symposium, 3, 81, 85, 2021, [Invited]
English - 日本のエネルギー技術学ぶ~サハリンでセミナー開講~
坪内直人, 北海道新聞電子版 (どうしん電子版), 10-13, 2021
Japanese - 日本のエネルギー技術学ぶ~サハリンでセミナー開講~
坪内直人, 北海道新聞, 10-13, 8, 2021
Japanese - 魚の鮮度をシミュレーション~北大研究者らがシステム開発~
坪内直人, 篠原祐治, 北海道建設新聞電子版 (e-kensin), 9-19, 2021
Japanese - 魚の鮮度をシミュレーション~北大研究者らがシステム開発~
坪内直人, 篠原祐治, 北海道建設新聞, 9-16, 3, 2021
Japanese - 製鉄用原料ソース拡大を目指した低ランク炭と低品位鉄鉱石のアップグレーディング
坪内直人, 資源・素材 2021 (札幌) - 2021 年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会「鉱物資源を有効利用するための最近の研究動向と事例紹介」講演資料, Web, 2021, [Invited]
Japanese - アンモニアを用いる新製鉄法の検討
坪内直人, 日本鉄鋼協会第 182 回秋季講演大会「ゼロカーボン社会に向けた鉄鋼産業のエネルギーおよび資源効率」シンポジウム資料, Web, 2021, [Invited]
Japanese - 鮮度見える化システム『CACIKA』
坪内直人, JST 新技術説明会講演資料, Web, 2021, [Invited]
Japanese - Recovery of Phosphorus from Steelmaking Slag (Division of Environmental Chemistry)
Jiaqian Liu, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 262 (Web), 2021, [Peer-reviewed]
English - 資源拡大および省 CO2 を目指したコークス製造技術への挑戦
坪内直人, 化学工学会秋田大会講演論文集, Web, 2021, [Invited]
Japanese, Summary national conference - 製鉄プロセスのゼロエミッションを可能とする CCU プロセスの検討
坪内直人, 第 33 回環境工学連合講演会講演論文集, 33, 37, 40, 2021, [Invited]
Japanese, Lecture materials - アンモニア製鉄プロセスの検討
坪内直人, 第 6 回グリーンアンモニアコンソーシアムセミナー講演動画, Web, 2020, [Invited]
Japanese, Lecture materials - アンモニア製鉄プロセスの検討
坪内直人, 第 6 回グリーンアンモニアコンソーシアムセミナー講演資料, Web, 2020, [Invited]
Japanese, Lecture materials - Removal of Gangue in Low-Grade Iron Ore by Hydrothermal Treatment (Division of Environmental Chemistry)
Yuuki Mochizuki, Jiaqian Liu, Naoto Tsubouchi, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 260 (Web), 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Removal of Hydrogen Chloride Gas in Fuel Gas Using Honeycomb-Supported Natural Soda Ash (Division of Energy & Fuels)
Yuuki Mochizuki, Ken Fukuyama, Natsumi Matsuoka, Naoto Tsubouchi, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 260 (Web), 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
English - High Performance of Honeycomb-Supported Natural Soda Ash in the Removal of Hydrogen Chloride Gas (Division of Environmental Chemistry)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Natsumi Matsuoka, Ken Fukuyama, Yuuki Mochizuki, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 259 (SciMeetings Web), 2020, [Peer-reviewed]
English - 添加剤使用による石炭軟化溶融性とコークス強度の制御
坪内直人, 鉄鋼工学アドバンストセミナー講義資料, 27, 1, 58, 2019, [Invited]
Japanese, Lecture materials - Evolution of Mercury during Iron Ore Sintering
Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Abstracts of the 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, APCChE2019 Web, 2019
English - Quantum Chemical Study on Adsorption of Hydrogen Chloride with Zn-Doped Carbon Materials
Yuji Shinohara, Naoto Tsubouchi, Abstracts of the 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, APCChE2019 Web, 2019
English - Adsorptive Removal of Organic Sulfur from Hydrocarbon Liquid Model Fuel by Ni-Loaded Carbon Prepared from Lignite
Yuuki Mochizuki, Junpei Watanabe, Naoto Tsubouchi, Abstracts of the 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, APCChE2019 Web, 2019
English - Release Behavior of Mercury during Iron Ore Sintering Process (Division of Environmental Chemistry)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 258, 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Dynamic Behavior of Mercury Release during Coal Carbonization and Iron Ore Sintering (Division of Environmental Chemistry)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 257, 2019, [Peer-reviewed]
English - 鉄鋼環境基金助成研究表彰式・記念講演会を開催
坪内直人, 日刊日本金属通信, 10-5, 4, 2018
Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine - 鉄鋼環境基金助成研究成果表彰~表彰式・講演会開く~
坪内直人, 産業新聞, 10-5, 2, 2018
Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine - 鉄鋼環境基金助成研究成果表彰式
坪内直人, 鉄鋼新聞, 10-5, 2, 2018
Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine - Some Factors Controlling the Formation of Hexachlorobenzene in the Process of Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking (Division of Environmental Chemistry)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 256, 2018, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Steam Gasification Runs and Quantum Chemical Calculations of Low-Rank Coals with Exchanged Sodium Cations
Yuji Shinohara, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology, USB, 2018
English - 鉄鋼環境基金 2018 年度助成研究成果表彰者決定
坪内直人, 日刊日本金属通信, 6-5, 4, 2018
Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine - 鉄鋼環境基金助成研究成果表彰者決定
坪内直人, 産業新聞, 6-5, 3, 2018
Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine - 鉄鋼環境基金 2018 年度研究表彰~最優秀賞に北大・坪内氏~
坪内直人, 鉄鋼新聞, 6-5, 1, 2018
Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine - Fate of the Chlorine in Coal in the Temperature-Programmed Pyrolysis of Twenty Nine Coals
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yanhui Wang, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, USB, 2018
English - Mercury Release during Coal Carbonization and Iron Ore Sintering
Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 2nd Australia-Japan Symposium on Carbon Resource Utilization, USB, 2018
English - ナノ微粒子を用いる炭素資源由来の窒素の無害化除去
坪内直人, 北海道大学研究シーズ集, 5, 197, 2018
Japanese, Introduction research institution - タール由来炭素質物質による低品位コークスおよび熱分解チャーの高強度化
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 窪田征弘, 上坊和弥, 日本学術振興会石炭・炭素資源利用技術委員会研究会資料, 163, 61, 66, 2018, [Invited]
Japanese, Introduction scientific journal - Removal of Dibenzothiophene in a Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuel by Ni-Loaded Carbon Prepared from Lignite
Yuuki Mochizuki, Junpei Watanabe, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 14th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, USB, 2018
English - Preparation of Pelletized Coke by Co-Carbonization of Caking Coal and Pyrolyzed Char Modified with Tar Generated during Pyrolysis of Woody Biomass
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 14th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, USB, 2018
English - Production of High-Surface-Area Activated Carbon from Peat by Chemical Activation with Natural Soda Ash
Javzandolgor Bud, Megumi Nishio, Yuji Shinohara, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 14th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, USB, 2018
English - Quantum Chemical Calculations of Steam Gasification using Low-Rank Coals with Exchanged Sodium Cations
Yuji Shinohara, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 14th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, USB, 2018
English - Production of High-Strength Cokes from Low-Quality Coals Chemically-Loaded with Thermoplastic Components
Naoto Tsubouchi, Ryo Naganuma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Hideyuki Hayashizaki, Takahiro Shishido, Proceedings of the 14th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, USB, 2018
English - Removal of Hydrogen Chloride Gas Using Natural Soda Ash
Naoto Tsubouchi, Natsumi Matsuoka, Yuuki Mochizuki, Proceedings of the 14th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, USB, 2018
English - 第 2 回日独北欧合同シンポジウム (The 2nd ISIJ-VDEh-Jernkontoret Joint Symposium) 報告
坪内直人, ふぇらむ, 22, 12, 97, 99, 2017, [Invited]
Japanese, Meeting report - Preparation of High-Strength Carbon/Carbon Composites from Tarry Materials and Low-Grade Cokes or Pyrolyzed Chars
Jun Ma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Kazuya Uebo, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Energy and Material Efficiency and CO2 Reduction in the Steel Industry, USB, 2017
English - Release and Retention of the Chlorine in Coal during Pyrolysis and Gasification Processes
Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 17th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, USB, 2017
English - Halogen Chemistry in Coal Utilization
Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 2nd ISIJ-VDEh-Jernkontoret Joint Symposium, 119, 123, 2017, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
English - 炭材反応時のヘテロ元素の挙動
坪内直人, ふぇらむ, 22, 6, 69, 2017, [Invited]
Japanese, Others - 研究活動総覧「北海道大学大学院工学研究院エネルギー変換システム設計研究室」
坪内直人, 熊谷治夫, 望月友貴, 触媒技術の動向と展望, 2017, [Invited]
Japanese - Removal of Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide in a Simulated Coke Oven Gas with Limonite
Yuuki Mochizuki, Ayumu Ogawa, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 16th Korea-Japan Symposium on Catalysis, USB, 2017
English - 先輩研究者・技術者からのエール
坪内直人, ふぇらむ, 22, 7, 43, 2017, [Invited]
Japanese, Book review - ナノ微粒子を用いる炭素資源由来の窒素の無害化除去
坪内直人, 北海道大学研究シーズ集, 4, 172, 2017
Japanese, Introduction research institution - Production of High-Strength Carbon-Loaded Iron Ores from Tar and Limonite to Solve Energy, Resource and Environmental Problems in Commercial Ironmaking Processes
Jun Ma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of 2016 Annual Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, USB, 2016
English - Reactions of Hydrogen Chloride with Carbonaceous Materials and the Formation of Surface Chlorine Species (Energy & Fuels 2016, 30, 2320-2327)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Noriaki Ohtaka, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Advances in Engineering (AIE), 11, AIE Home Page, 2016, [Invited]
English, Introduction commerce magazine - Fluorine Release and Retention in the Fixed Bed Combustion of Pyrolyzed Chars
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yuuki Akama, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Coal Research and Its Applications, CD-ROM, 2016
English - Leaching Behavior of the Boron and Fluorine in Fly Ashes Recovered from Electrostatic Precipitators of Pulverized Coal-Fired Plants (Division of Environmental Chemistry)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Kaoru Shibuya, Yuudai Muto, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 252, 2016, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Fluorine Release and Retention during Fixed Bed Combustion of Pyrolyzed Coal Chars (Division of Energy & Fuels)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoyuki Iwabuchi, Yuuki Akama, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 252, 2016, [Peer-reviewed]
English - 研究グループ紹介「北海道大学大学院工学研究院エネルギー変換システム設計研究室」
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 日本エネルギー学会誌, 95, 3, 252, 254, 2016, [Invited]
Japanese, Introduction scientific journal - ナノ微粒子を用いる炭素資源由来の窒素の無害化除去
坪内直人, 北海道大学研究シーズ集, 3, 148, 2016
Japanese, Introduction research institution - Effect of Inherent Oxygen Species on the Fluidity of Coal during Carbonization
Ryo Naganuma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 4th Frontier Chemistry Center International Symposium – Future Dreams in Chemical Science and Technology: Bridges to Global Innovations, 4, 4, 55, 2016
English - Reduction Rate and Crushing Strength of Composites Prepared from Cold-Bonded-Pellet and COG Tar
Yusuke Mikawa, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 4th Frontier Chemistry Center International Symposium – Future Dreams in Chemical Science and Technology: Bridges to Global Innovations, 4, 4, 54, 2016
English - 研究活動総覧「北海道大学大学院工学研究院エネルギー変換システム設計研究室」
坪内直人, 熊谷治夫, 望月友貴, 触媒技術の動向と展望, 2015, [Invited]
Japanese - Utilization of Low-Valued Iron Ores as High Performance Materials to Develop a Novel Hot Gas Cleanup Method for an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
Naoto Tsubouchi, Ayumu Ogawa, Yuuki Mochizuki, Proceedings of World Engineering Conference and Convention 2015, 131, 2015
English - Reduction Behavior and Crushing Strength of Carbon-Containing Iron Ore Sinters Prepared from COG Tar
Yuuki Mochizuki, Rochim Bakti Cahyono, Naoto Tsubouchi, Tomohiro Akiyama, Proceedings of Asia Steel International Conference 2015, CD-ROM, 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Influence of Oxygen Element on Coal Fluidity
Ryo Naganuma, Kyohei Kamiya, Yuuki Mochizuki, Kazuya Uebo, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of International Conference on Coal Science and Technology 2015, USB, 2015
English - Reduction Behavior and Crushing Strength of Carbon-Containing Composites Prepared from COG Tar and Cold Bonded Pellets
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Tomohiro Akiyama, Proceedings of the 13th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, USB, 2015
English - Evolution of Hydrogen Fluoride during Coal Pyrolysis and Subsequent Char Combustion (Division of Energy & Fuels)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoyuki Iwabuchi, Yuuki Akama, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 250, 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Functional Forms of the Unburned Carbon Present in Coal Fly Ashes: Role of Surface Oxygen Species in the Formation of Organic Fluorine Forms on the Carbon Surface (Division of Environmental Chemistry)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 249, 2015, [Peer-reviewed]
English - ナノ微粒子を用いる炭素資源由来の窒素の無害化除去
坪内直人, 北海道大学研究シーズ集, 2, 110, 2015
Japanese, Introduction research institution - 炭素系資源のガス化複合発電用ホットガスクリーンアップ法の開発
坪内直人, 北海道大学工学系研究シーズ集 2014, 12, 31, 32, 2014
Japanese, Introduction research institution - Fluorine Release and Retention during Coal Pyrolysis and Subsequent Char Combustion
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Coal Research and Its Applications, CD-ROM, 2014
English - Effect of Indole Addition on Coke Strength
Naoto Sakimoto, Toshimasa Takanohashi, Yasuyuki Harada, Hidekazu Fujimoto, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Gasification and its Applications, USB, 2014
English - Decomposition of Ammonia and Pyridine with an Inexpensive Limonite Catalyst
Yuuki Mochizuki, Ayumu Ogawa, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Gasification and its Applications, USB, 2014
English - クリーン石炭への挑戦~燃やす前に有害物質除去~
坪内直人, 北海道新聞みんなでサイエンス, 6-26, 夕刊, 11, 2014, [Invited]
Japanese, Introduction commerce magazine - Decomposition of a Low Concentration of Ammonia in a Simulated Syngas-Rich Fuel Gas with Limonite-Based Composite Catalysts
Ayumu Ogawa, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 7th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology, USB, 2014
English - スーパークリーン・カーボン・テクノロジー
坪内直人, えんじにあRing (北海道大学大学院工学研究院・大学院工学院広報誌~特集・環境配慮社会をつくるための工学), 1, 397, 5, 2014, [Invited]
Japanese, Introduction research institution - Fate of the Chlorine in Coal Char during Fixed-Bed CO2 Gasification (Division of Energy & Fuels)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Takeomi Saito, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 245, 2013, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Sulfur Distribution during Coal Carbonization and Influence of Addition of S-Containing Compounds on Gieseler Fluidity
Yuuki Mochizuki, Yohei Ono, Kazuya Uebo, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 12th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, USB, 2013
English - Catalytic Performance of Limonite in the Decomposition of Pyridine at High Temperatures
Ayumu Ogawa, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of International Conference on Coal Science and Technology 2013, CD-ROM, 2013
English - Catalytic Decomposition of Pyridine with Iron Nanoparticles Produced from Limonite
Yuuki Mochizuki, Ayumu Ogawa, Haruo Kumagai, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Chemical Engineering incorporating with the 15th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, USB, 2013
English - 石炭利用時のハロゲンケミストリー
坪内直人, 日本学術振興会石炭・炭素資源利用技術委員会研究会資料, 140, 28, 36, 2013, [Invited]
Japanese, Introduction scientific journal - 石炭基礎講座「石炭中のヘテロ元素の挙動・解析」
菅原勝康, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫, 日本エネルギー学会誌, 92, 3, 283, 291, 2013, [Peer-reviewed], [Invited]
Japanese, Introduction scientific journal - Ultimately-Efficient Utilization of Fossil Fuels as the Best Way to Reduce CO2 Emissions
Naoto Tsubouchi, Haruo Kumagai, Yuuki Mochizuki, Proceedings of the 1st Frontier Chemistry Center International Symposium – Next Generation of Molecular Chemistry, 1, 1, 33, 2013
English - 研究活動総覧「北海道大学大学院工学研究院エネルギー変換システム設計研究室」
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 触媒技術の動向と展望, 2012, [Invited]
Japanese - Decomposition of Pyrrole and Pyridine with Iron Catalysts Supported on Carbons (Division of Energy & Fuels)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Tetsuya Matsuyama, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 243, 2012, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Effects of Nitrogen and Sulfur on Coal Fluidity during Carbonization
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yohei Ono, Kazuya Uebo, Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, CD-ROM, 2012
English - Change in Chlorine Functionality and Evolution of Hydrogen Chloride during Coal Pyrolysis
Naoto Tsubouchi, Takeomi Saito, Noriaki Ohtaka, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Coal Research & Its Applications, CD-ROM, 2012
English - Nitrogen Removal as N2 from Heterocyclic Nitrogen Compounds with Iron Nanoparticles
Naoto Tsubouchi, Tetsuya Matsuyama, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists, USB, 2012
English - 研究活動総覧「東北大学多元物質科学研究所ハイブリッド材料創製研究室」
芥川智行, 坪内直人, 菊地毅光, 触媒技術の動向と展望, 2011, [Invited]
Japanese - Catalytic Steam Gasification of Low Rank Coals Using Inexpensive Catalyst Resources
Li-xin Zhang, Toru Matsuhara, Shinji Kudo, Naoto Tsubouchi, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Koyo Norinaga, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Clean Coal Technology and Fuel Cells (CCT&FCs), USB, 2011
English - Rapid In-Situ Steam Gasification of Low Rank Coal with Catalyst from Low-Cost Minerals
Li-xin Zhang, Toru Matsuhara, Shinji Kudo, Naoto Tsubouchi, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Koyo Norinaga, Proceedings of the 13th Cross Straits Symposium on Materials, Energy and Environmental Engineering, USB, 2011
English - Secondary Reactions of HCl during Coal Pyrolysis: Studies on Reactions of HCl with Model Carbons
Naoto Tsubouchi, Noriaki Ohtaka, Akiyuki Kawashima, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of International Conference on Coal Science and Technology 2011, USB, 2011
English - Catalytic Effects of Na and Ca from Inexpensive Materials on the Steam Gasification of Nascent Char from Rapid Pyrolysis of Low Rank Coal in a Drop Tube Reactor
Li-xin Zhang, Toru Matsuhara, Shinji Kudo, Naoto Tsubouchi, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Koyo Norinaga, Proceedings of the 11th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, USB, 2011
English - Steam Gasification of Low Rank Coals with Ion-Exchanged Sodium Catalysts Prepared Using Natural Soda Ash
Yuu Hanaoka, Enkhsaruul Byambajav, Takemitsu Kikuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, CD-ROM, 2010
English - Formation of Hydrogen Fluoride during Coal Pyrolysis and Subsequent Char Combustion
Naoto Tsubouchi, Naoyuki Iwabuchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 10th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, CD-ROM, 2009
English - 石炭利用時の窒素と塩素のケミストリー
坪内直人, 日本エネルギー学会誌, 88, 4, 巻頭, 2009, [Invited]
Japanese, Others - High Performance of Limonite-Based Composite Catalysts in the Decomposition of Ammonia in a Simulated Syngas-Rich Fuel Gas
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, CD-ROM, 2008
English - 高温ガス精製用アンモニア分解触媒の開発
大塚康夫, 坪内直人, 日本学術振興会石炭・炭素資源利用技術委員会研究会資料, 114, 41, 50, 2008, [Invited]
Japanese, Introduction scientific journal - Chlorine Chemistry in Coal Conversion and Steel Making Processes
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Sustainable Materials Engineering, 115, 121, 2008
English - Catalytic Decomposition of Ammonia in Fuel Gas Components with an Inexpensive Low-Valued Limonite Ore
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of International Conference on Coal Science and Technology 2007, CD-ROM, 2007
English - Effects of Inherent Metal Cations on the Fate of the Nitrogen in Coal in the Fixed Bed Pyrolysis of Twenty Five Coals (Division of Energy & Fuels)
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Zhiheng Wu, Naoto Tsubouchi, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 233, 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Chlorine Functional Forms of Argonne Premium Coal Samples and the Changes with Water Washing and in Slow Heating Rate Pyrolysis (Division of Energy & Fuels)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Takeomi Saito, Masahide Sato, Noboru Suzuki, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 233, 2007, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Properties of Dust Particles Sampled from Windboxes of an Iron Ore Sintering Plant: Surface Structures of Unburned Carbon
坪内直人, 葛原俊介, 葛西栄輝, 橋本裕之, 大塚康夫, ふぇらむ, 12, 6, 442, 2007, [Invited]
Japanese, Others - XPS Study on the Changes in Functional Forms of the Chlorine in Coal
Naoto Tsubouchi, Takeomi Saito, Masahide Sato, Noboru Suzuki, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Coal Research & Its Applications, CD-ROM, 2006
English - Functional Forms of the Fluorine and Carbon in Fly Ashes Formed in Pulverized Coal Combustion
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hidekazu Hayashi, Masahide Sato, Noboru Suzuki, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 9th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, 41, 42, 2006
English - Chemical Forms of the Chlorine and Carbon in Dust Samples Formed in a Sintering Process of Iron Ores
Naoto Tsubouchi, Eiki Kasai, Yoshihiro Nakazato, Hidekazu Hayashi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking, 723, 726, 2006
English - Reactions of Hydrogen Chloride with Carbonaceous Materials
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yoshihiro Nakazato, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of International Conference on Coal Science and Technology 2005, CD-ROM, 2005
English - Release and Retention of Halogens during Pyrolysis and Gasification of Coals
Akio Ueda, Makoto Takeda, Noboru Suzuki, Yoshihiro Nakazato, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, CD-ROM, 2004
English - Catalytic Decomposition of Ammonia in Coal Gasification Products with Nanoscale Iron Particles Formed from Inexpensive Raw Materials
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Chunbao Xu, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Coal Research & Its Applications, CD-ROM, 2004
English - Catalytic Decomposition of Ammonia Gas with Iron Nanpparticles Produced from Iron Ores
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 10th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, CD-ROM, 2004
English - Efficient Production of Super Clean Diesel Fuels with Nanohybrid Catalysts
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Takashi Arai, Satoshi Takasaki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Sustainable Materials Engineering, 97, 100, 2004
English - Utilization of Low Rank Coals as High Performance Materials to Develop a Novel Hot Gas Cleanup Method for an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Naoto Tsubouchi, Proceedings of the 2nd Korea-Japan International Symposium on Materials Science & Resources Recycling, 131, 140, 2004
English - Formation of Hydrogen Chloride in a Fixed Bed Pyrolysis of Coals
Naoto Tsubouchi, Shinya Ohtsuka, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Coal Science, CD-ROM, 2003
English - Catalytic Performance of Binary Metal Oxides on Methane Coupling with Carbon Dioxide
Ye Wang, Takemitsu Kikuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 8th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, 143, 144, 2003
English - Effect of Alkaline Earth Metals on N2 Formation in the Devolatilization Process of Coals
Naoto Tsubouchi, Chunbao Xu, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 8th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, 193, 194, 2003
English - High Catalytic Performances of Low Rank Coal Chars in Ammonia Decomposition at High Temperatures (Division of Energy & Fuels)
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Chunbao Xu, Dapeng Kong, Naoto Tsubouchi, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 225, 2003, [Peer-reviewed]
English - 石炭・エネルギー・環境・新素材研究の最前線
大塚康夫, 坪内直人, 菊地毅光, 橋本裕之, CCT Journal, 7, 23, 28, 2003, [Invited]
Japanese, Introduction scientific journal - A Novel Method of Removal of Nitrogen and Sulfur by Use of Nanoparticles-Containing
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Naoto Tsubouchi, Chunbao Xu, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Proceedings of International Symposium on Development of Clean Coal Technology for Mitigating Global Warming, 69, 76, 2003
English - Utilization of Cobalt Catalysts Supported on Mesoporous Silica for Efficient Production of Diesel Fuels by FT Synthesis (Division of Energy & Fuels)
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Takashi Arai, Satoshi Takasaki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 224, 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Nitrogen and Sulfur Release during High Temperature Pyrolysis of Coals (Division of Energy & Fuels)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 223, 2002, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Formation of Molecular Nitrogen during Pyrolysis of Calcium Loaded Coals
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 7th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, 375, 378, 2001
English - Nitrogen Release during Pyrolysis of Coals with a Free Fall Type Reactor
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Technologies Combustion for a Clean Environment, 1, 599, 604, 2001 - Catalytic Role of Calcium in the Release of Volatile Nitrogen during Coal Pyrolysis (Division of Energy & Fuels)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Chunbao Xu, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 221, 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Catalytic Decomposition of Ammonia with Iron Nanoparticles Supported on Carbons (Division of Energy & Fuels)
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Chunbao Xu, Dapeng Kong, Naoto Tsubouchi, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 221, 2001, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Approach to the Iron-Catalyzed Formation Process of N2 from Heterocyclic Nitrogen in Carbon by Use of XRD and XPS Methods (Division of Energy & Fuels)
Yasuhiro Ohshima, Ye Wang, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 219, 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Sulfur Behavior in Various Chemical Treatment of Coal (Division of Energy & Fuels)
Katsuyasu Sugawara, Naoto Tsubouchi, Takuo Sugawara, Masayuki Shirai, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 219, 2000, [Peer-reviewed]
English - Catalytic Removal of Fuel Nitrogen as N2
Yasuhiro Ohshima, Ye Wang, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Fuel Chemistry News (Newsletter of the ACS Division of Fuel Chemistry), 79, 2, summer, 2000, [Invited]
English - 石炭の熱分解過程における硫黄と窒素の存在形態変化
坪内直人, 石炭利用技術情報, 21-5, 234, 15, 17, 2000, [Invited]
Japanese, Introduction scientific journal - 石炭燃焼時の NOx と N2O の発生挙動に及ぼす鉱物質の影響
徐春保, 坪内直人, 石炭利用技術情報, 21-7, 236, 12, 13, 2000, [Invited]
Japanese, Introduction scientific journal - 流通式連続処理装置を用いた選択凝集法による低品位炭のクリーニング
徐春保, 坪内直人, 石炭利用技術情報, 21-11, 240, 8, 10, 2000, [Invited]
Japanese, Introduction scientific journal - Desulfurization Behavior in Rapid Pyrolysis of Coals with Various Pretreatments
Katsuyasu Sugawara, Naoto Tsubouchi, Takuo Sugawara, Masayuki Shirai, Yoshiyuki Nishiyama, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Coal Science, 773, 776, 1997
Books and other publications
- CO2 の分離・回収・貯留技術の開発とプロセス設計 (ISBN 9784861049026) (劣質炭素資源からの CO2 吸着剤の開発 (pp.217-230))
望月友貴, 坪内直人
技術情報協会 (編集:技術情報協会), 2022 - 月刊 BIO INDUSTRY (ISSN 09106545) (魚介類の鮮度評価システム『MIRASAL』の開発 (pp.35-43))
篠原祐治, 永石博志, 坪内直人
シーエムシー出版 (編集:渡邊翔, 古川みどり, 品田篤), 2022 - JFE 21 世紀財団技術研究 (ISBN 9784909131089) (ガス状タールの気相蒸着による低品位鉄鉱石からの炭素内装鉱の製造 (pp.27-36))
JFE 21 世紀財団 (編集:JFE テクノリサーチ), 2019 - Advanced Gas Cleaning Technology (ISBN 4915245616) (Catalytic Decomposition of Ammonia in Fuel Gas Components with Inexpensive Limonite at High Temperatures (pp.483-487))
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
Jugei Shobo (Edited by Chikao Kanaoka, Hisao Makino, Hidehiro Kamiya), 2005 - Advanced Gas Cleaning Technology (ISBN 4915245616) (Scientific and Technological Progress in Japan on Hot Gas Cleanup of Halogen, Sulfur and Nitrogen (pp.375-384))
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Naoto Tsubouchi
Jugei Shobo (Edited by Chikao Kanaoka, Hisao Makino, Hidehiro Kamiya), 2005
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 魚介類の鮮度と食べ頃の可視化装置『MIRASAL(見らさる)』
北海道大学創基 150th 記念連携企画(エア・ウォーター × 北海道大学)「北海道のちから『技術・産学連携で切り開く、食のみらい』」, Dec. 2024, Japanese
[Invited] - 鉄鋼 CCU 技術:製鉄プロセスの脱 CO2 を目指した CCU への挑戦
日本鉄鋼協会熱経済技術部会発表会, Nov. 2024, Japanese
[Invited] - 酸素吹ガス化チャーと HCl の反応
望月友貴, 櫨木健太, 安冨寿徳, 坪内直人
第 61 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2024, Japanese - 食用動物の鮮度と食べ頃の可視化装置『MIRASAL (見らさる)』
バイオインダストリー協会 "未来へのバイオ技術" 勉強会「北大発:複合領域で切り拓く食料安全保障の新時代」, Oct. 2024, Japanese
[Invited] - 銀系化合物を用いる水素の活性化と CO2 のメタン等への転換
JST 新技術説明会, Oct. 2024, Japanese
[Invited] - ギンザケの鮮度予測モデルの構築
篠原祐治, 吉岡武也, 坪内直人
令和 6 年度日本水産学会秋季大会, Sep. 2024, Japanese - バイオマス製鉄④
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 林崎秀幸, 小堀竜一
第 4 回次世代環境調和型コークス製造技術研究発表会, Sep. 2024, Japanese - Selective Separation and Recovery of Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Incineration Ash Using Chlorination and Carbo-Chlorination Methods (ENVR)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Jiaqian Liu, Yuuki Mochizuki
The 268th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug. 2024, English - 超高鮮度管理システム「MIRASAL」
農林水産消費安全技術センター (FAMIC) セミナー, Jun. 2024, Japanese
[Invited] - 未利用リン資源からのリンの選択的回収技術
リン循環産業振興機構 2024 年度第 1 回機構セミナー, May 2024, Japanese
[Invited] - バイオマス製鉄③
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 林崎秀幸, 小堀竜一
第 3 回次世代環境調和型コークス製造技術研究発表会, Apr. 2024, Japanese - スルメイカの鮮度予測モデルの構築と妥当性の検証
篠原祐治, 吉岡武也, 坪内直人
令和 6 年度日本水産学会春季大会, Mar. 2024, Japanese - 鉄鋼 CCU 技術②
日本鉄鋼協会第 187 回春季講演大会「鉄鋼 CCU 技術」シンポジウム, Mar. 2024, Japanese - 量子化学計算による新触媒設計技術の確立⑧
篠原祐治, 林隆太郎, 坪内直人
日本鉄鋼協会第 187 回春季講演大会「鉄鋼 CCU 技術」シンポジウム, Mar. 2024, Japanese - 量子化学計算による新触媒設計技術の確立⑦
篠原祐治, 林隆太郎, 坪内直人
第 6 回鉄鋼 CCU 研究発表会, Jan. 2024, Japanese - 超高鮮度管理システム「MIRASAL」の開発 ~応用編~
坪内直人, 篠原祐治
日本食品工学会 AtoI プロジェクト, Dec. 2023, Japanese
[Invited] - 水産業の未来を拓く鮮度見える化システム「MIRASAL」の開発
坪内直人, 篠原祐治
第 17 回ロバスト農林水産工学「科学技術先導研究会」, Oct. 2023, Japanese
[Invited] - バイオマス製鉄②
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 林崎秀幸, 小堀竜一
第 2 回次世代環境調和型コークス製造技術研究発表会, Oct. 2023, Japanese - 超高鮮度管理システム「MIRASAL」の開発 ~基礎編~
坪内直人, 篠原祐治
日本食品工学会 AtoI プロジェクト, Oct. 2023, Japanese
[Invited] - リンの高効率かつ高選択的な分離回収技術
JST 新技術説明会, Oct. 2023, Japanese
[Invited] - アルカリ水熱処理後鉱石の鉱物粒子解析
村尾玲子, 樋口謙一, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
日本鉄鋼協会第 186 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2023, Japanese - 流通式反応器を用いたアルカリ水熱処理による鉄鉱石中の脈石成分の除去
蘇本超, 望月友貴, 坪内直人, 樋口謙一
日本鉄鋼協会第 186 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2023, Japanese - Alkaline Hydrothermal Treatment for Model Compounds of Gangue Components Present in Iron Ores (Invited Poster Session)
Benchao Su, Yuuki Mochizuki, Kenichi Higuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 266th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug. 2023, English
[Invited] - Alkaline Hydrothermal Treatment for Model Compounds of Gangue Components Present in Iron Ores (ENVR)
Benchao Su, Yuuki Mochizuki, Kenichi Higuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 266th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug. 2023, English - 鮮度見える化システムを活用した水産業におけるデジタルトランスフォーメーションの可能性
坪内直人, 篠原祐治
DX ゼミナール in 札幌 vol.4, Jul. 2023, Japanese
[Invited] - 量子化学計算による新触媒設計技術の確立⑥
篠原祐治, 坪内直人
第 5 回鉄鋼 CCU 研究発表会, May 2023, Japanese - バイオマス製鉄①
坪内直人, 林崎秀幸, 小堀竜一
第 1 回次世代環境調和型コークス製造技術研究発表会, May 2023, Japanese - 鉄鋼業特化 CCU システム
日本鉄鋼協会サステナブルシステム部会運営委員会, Apr. 2023, Japanese
[Invited] - Influence of Pretreatment on the Removal of Gangue Components during Alkaline Hydrothermal Treatment of Iron Ores (ENVR)
Benchao Su, Yuuki Mochizuki, Kenichi Higuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 265th American Chemical Society National Meeting (Virtual Meeting on Web), Mar. 2023, English - Influences of Various Factors on the Removal of Gangue Components during Alkaline Hydrothermal Treatment of Iron Ores (ENVR)
Benchao Su, Yuuki Mochizuki, Kenichi Higuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 265th American Chemical Society National Meeting (Virtual Meeting on Web), Mar. 2023, English - アイナメにおける鮮度予測モデルの検証
篠原祐治, 吉岡武也, 坪内直人
令和 5 年度日本水産学会春季大会, Mar. 2023, Japanese - 魚介類の鮮度可視化管理システムの開発
坪内直人, 篠原祐治, 都木靖彰
第 12 回ロバスト農林水産工学「科学技術先導研究会」(令和 4 年度「ロバスト農林水産工学研究プログラム」成果報告会), Mar. 2023, Japanese - 鉄鉱石中に含まれる脈石成分のモデル化合物に対するアルカリ水熱処理
蘇本超, 望月友貴, 樋口謙一, 坪内直人
日本鉄鋼協会第 185 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2023, Japanese - アルカリ水熱処理による鉄鉱石中の脈石成分の除去に及ぼす前処理の影響
蘇本超, 望月友貴, 樋口謙一, 坪内直人
日本鉄鋼協会第 185 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2023, Japanese - 新規乾留制御技術⑦
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 宍戸貴洋, 今野沙緒梨
日本鉄鋼協会第 185 回春季講演大会「炭素資源拡大・省 CO2 を目指したコークス製造技術」シンポジウム, Mar. 2023, Japanese - 魚介類の鮮度見える化システム「MIRASAL」の開発
坪内直人, 篠原祐治
農林水産省『「知」の集積と活用の場』産学官連携協議会令和 4 年度発表会, Feb. 2023, English
[Invited] - SDGs~働きがいも経済成長も~「産地漁港発」K 値予測による鮮度見える化漁師応援プロジェクト!
北海道大学大学院歯学研究院セミナー, Dec. 2022, Japanese
[Invited] - 魚介類の超高鮮度管理を目指したシステム「MIRASAL」の開発
坪内直人, 篠原祐治
秋田化学工学懇話会第 53 回ケミカルエンジニアリング交流会, Dec. 2022, Japanese
[Invited] - 「 MIRASAL 」! 魚介類の鮮度可視化管理システムの開発
坪内直人, 篠原祐治
農林水産省『「知」の集積と活用の場』産学官連携協議会令和 4 年度ポスターセッション (オンライン), Dec. 2022, Japanese - 「 MIRASAL 」! 魚介類の鮮度可視化管理システムの開発
坪内直人, 篠原祐治
農林水産省『「知」の集積と活用の場』産学官連携協議会令和 4 年度ポスターセッション (対面), Nov. 2022, Japanese - 分子軌道法を用いた Ca ドープ炭素質物質上における 塩化水素の吸着状態の推定
篠原祐治, 坪内直人
第 59 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2022, Japanese - バイオマスから調製した活性炭の CO2 吸着性能に及ぼす NH3 処理の影響
望月友貴, Bud Javzandolgor, 坪内直人
第 59 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2022, Japanese - バイオマス資源を含む成型炭からの高強度コークスの製造
坪内直人, 汪雨亭, 望月友貴, 今野沙緒梨, 宍戸貴洋
第 59 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2022, Japanese - 非微粘結炭を多量配合した成型炭からの高強度コークスの製造
坪内直人, 汪雨亭, 望月友貴, 今野沙緒梨, 宍戸貴洋
第 59 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2022, Japanese - Selective Recovery of Phosphorus Element from Steelmaking Slag
Jiaqian Liu, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
JIE Hokkaido Branch Seminar on Clean Coal Technology, Sep. 2022, English - Fluorine Release and Retention during Coal Pyrolysis and Subsequent Char Combustion
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Jiaqian Liu, Yuting Wang, Yasuo Ohtsuka
JIE Hokkaido Branch Seminar on Clean Coal Technology, Sep. 2022, English - Estimating the Adsorption State of Hydrogen Chloride on Ca-Doped Carbonaceous Materials using Molecular Orbital Method
Yuji Shinohara, Jiaqian Liu, Yuting Wang, Naoto Tsubouchi
JIE Hokkaido Branch Seminar on Clean Coal Technology, Sep. 2022, English - Surface Interactions between Heteroatoms of Petcoke and Metal Catalysts during Pressurized Steam Gasification
Enkhsaruul Byambajav, Javzandolgor Bud, Naoto Tsubouchi
JIE Hokkaido Branch Seminar on Clean Coal Technology, Sep. 2022, English - Quantitative Analysis of the Reaction of Hydrogen Chloride with Carbonaceous Materials Using Temperature-Programmed Desorption and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Naoto Tsubouchi
JIE Hokkaido Branch Seminar on Clean Coal Technology, Sep. 2022, English
[Invited] - 鉄鋼 CCU 技術①
日本鉄鋼協会第 184 回秋季講演大会「脱 CO2 を目指した鉄鋼 CCU 技術」シンポジウム, Sep. 2022, Japanese - 量子化学計算による新触媒設計技術の確立⑤
篠原祐治, 坪内直人
日本鉄鋼協会第 184 回秋季講演大会「脱 CO2 を目指した鉄鋼 CCU 技術」シンポジウム, Sep. 2022, Japanese - 製鉄プロセスに係わる水銀の発生挙動と排出抑制
鉄鋼環境基金理事長賞受賞講演, Sep. 2022, Japanese
[Invited] - ホッケにおける鮮度予測モデルの妥当性の検討
篠原祐治, 吉岡武也, 永石博志, 坪内直人
令和 4 年度日本水産学会秋季大会, Sep. 2022, Japanese - 量子化学計算による新触媒設計技術の確立④
篠原祐治, 林隆太郎, 坪内直人
第 4 回鉄鋼 CCU 研究発表会, Mar. 2022, Japanese - 製鉄原燃料の加熱過程における水銀の排出挙動
坪内直人, 望月友貴, Bud Javzandolgor
日本鉄鋼協会第 183 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2022, Japanese - 魚介類の鮮度可視化管理システムにおけるユーザインターフェースの開発
坪内直人, 篠原祐治
HSFC DemoDay, Feb. 2022, Japanese - 量子化学計算による新触媒設計技術の確立③
篠原祐治, 林隆太郎, 坪内直人
第 3 回鉄鋼 CCU 研究発表会, Nov. 2021, Japanese - A Scenario toward the Ammonia Reduction Ironmaking in Future
Naoto Tsubouchi
The 3rd CFAA (Clean Fuel Ammonia Association) International Symposium, Nov. 2021, English
[Invited] - 種々の炭素源から調製した活性炭の CO2 吸着性能
望月友貴, Bud Javzandolgor, 坪内直人
第 58 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2021, Japanese - 新規乾留制御技術⑥
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 宍戸貴洋, 今野沙緒梨
第 6 回資源拡大・省 CO2 対応コークス製造技術研究発表会, Oct. 2021, Japanese - 鮮度見える化システム『MIRASAL』の開発
令和 3 年度第 8 回食品産業エルム会例会, Sep. 2021, Japanese
[Invited] - 製鉄用原料ソース拡大を目指した低ランク炭と低品位鉄鉱石のアップグレーディング
資源・素材 2021 (札幌) - 2021 年度資源・素材関係学協会合同秋季大会, Sep. 2021, Japanese
[Invited] - 魚介類の鮮度予測モデルの提案
篠原祐治, 永石博志, 稲田孝明, 坪内直人
令和 3 年度日本水産学会秋季大会, Sep. 2021, Japanese - アンモニアを用いる新製鉄法の検討
日本鉄鋼協会第 182 回秋季講演大会「ゼロカーボン社会に向けた鉄鋼産業のエネルギーおよび資源効率」シンポジウム, Sep. 2021, Japanese
[Invited] - アルカリ水熱処理による鉄鉱石中の脈石成分の除去に及ぼす諸因子の影響
望月友貴, Ade Kurniawan, 能村貴宏, 坪内直人, 樋口謙一
日本鉄鋼協会第 182 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2021, Japanese - 鮮度見える化システム『CACIKA』
JST 新技術説明会, Sep. 2021, Japanese
[Invited] - Recovery of Phosphorus from Steelmaking Slag (ENVR)
Jiaqian Liu, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 262nd American Chemical Society National Meeting (Virtual Meeting on Web), Aug. 2021, English - 資源拡大および省 CO2 を目指したコークス製造技術への挑戦
化学工学会秋田大会, Jul. 2021, Japanese
[Invited] - 量子化学計算による新触媒設計技術の確立②
篠原祐治, 坪内直人
第 2 回鉄鋼 CCU 研究発表会, May 2021, Japanese - 製鉄プロセスのゼロエミッションを可能とする CCU プロセスの検討
第 33 回環境工学連合講演会, May 2021, Japanese
[Invited] - 新規乾留制御技術⑤
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 宍戸貴洋, 今野沙緒梨
日本鉄鋼協会第 181 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2021, Japanese - 炭素内装カルシウム配合炭から調製したコークスの強度とガス化反応性
望月友貴, 汪雨亭, 高橋美樹, 坪内直人
日本鉄鋼協会第 181 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2021, Japanese - 量子化学計算による新触媒設計技術の確立①
篠原祐治, 坪内直人
第 1 回鉄鋼 CCU 研究発表会, Nov. 2020, Japanese - 新規乾留制御技術④
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 宍戸貴洋, 今野沙緒梨
第 4 回資源拡大・省 CO2 対応コークス製造技術研究発表会, Oct. 2020, Japanese - Zn ドープ炭素質物質上における塩化水素の吸着安定性に関する量子化学的研究
篠原祐治, 坪内直人
第 57 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2020, Japanese - アンモニア製鉄プロセスの検討
第 6 回グリーンアンモニアコンソーシアムセミナー, Oct. 2020, Japanese
[Invited] - Recovery of Valuable Elements in Steelmaking Slag by the Chlorination Method
Jiaqian Liu, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
日本鉄鋼協会第 180 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2020, English - Removal of Gangue in Low-Grade Iron Ore by Hydrothermal Treatment (ENVR)
Yuuki Mochizuki, Jiaqian Liu, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 260th American Chemical Society National Meeting (Virtual Meeting on Web), Aug. 2020, English - Removal of Hydrogen Chloride Gas in Fuel Gas Using Honeycomb-Supported Natural Soda Ash (ENFL)
Yuuki Mochizuki, Ken Fukuyama, Natsumi Matsuoka, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 260th American Chemical Society National Meeting (Virtual Meeting on Web), Aug. 2020, English - 塩化揮発法によるもみ殻からの有用元素の分離とその残渣の水銀イオン除去性能
劉佳倩, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 29 回日本エネルギー学会大会, Aug. 2020, Japanese - 新規乾留制御技術③
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 宍戸貴洋, 今野沙緒梨
第 3 回資源拡大・省 CO2 対応コークス製造技術研究発表会, Apr. 2020, Japanese - High Performance of Honeycomb-Supported Natural Soda Ash in the Removal of Hydrogen Chloride Gas (ENVR)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Natsumi Matsuoka, Ken Fukuyama, Yuuki Mochizuki
The 259th American Chemical Society National Meeting (SciMeetings on Web), Mar. 2020, English - 塩化揮発法による製鋼スラグからの有価元素の分離
望月友貴, 劉佳倩, 坪内直人, 菅原勝康
日本鉄鋼協会第 179 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2020, Japanese - ハニカム担持天然ソーダ灰を用いる石炭ガス化燃料ガス中の塩化水素ガスの除去
望月友貴, 福山健, 松岡夏実, 坪内直人
第 20 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2020, Japanese - 石炭膨張性に対する有機化合物の添加効果に関する 分子動力学的評価
篠原祐治, 坪内直人
第 20 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2020, Japanese - 新規乾留制御技術②
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 宍戸貴洋, 今野沙緒梨
第 2 回資源拡大・省 CO2 対応コークス製造技術研究発表会, Nov. 2019, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 分子動力学シミュレーションを用いた有機化合物添加による石炭膨張性の評価
篠原祐治, 坪内直人
第 56 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2019, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - ハニカム担持天然ソーダ灰を用いる燃料ガス中の塩化水素ガスの除去
望月友貴, 福山健, 松岡夏実, 坪内直人
第 56 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2019, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 添加剤使用による石炭軟化溶融性とコークス強度の制御
第 27 回鉄鋼工学アドバンストセミナー, Oct. 2019, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Evolution of Mercury during Iron Ore Sintering
Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, Sep. 2019, English
[International presentation] - Quantum Chemical Study on Adsorption of Hydrogen Chloride with Zn-Doped Carbon Materials
Yuji Shinohara, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, Sep. 2019, English
[International presentation] - Adsorptive Removal of Organic Sulfur from Hydrocarbon Liquid Model Fuel by Ni-Loaded Carbon Prepared from Lignite
Yuuki Mochizuki, Junpei Watanabe, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, Sep. 2019, English
[International presentation] - 水熱処理による低品位鉄鉱石中の脈石成分の除去
望月友貴, 坪内直人
日本鉄鋼協会第 178 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2019, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Release Behavior of Mercury during Iron Ore Sintering Process (Invited Poster Session)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki
The 258th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug. 2019, English
[Invited], [International presentation] - Release Behavior of Mercury during Iron Ore Sintering Process (ENVR)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki
The 258th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug. 2019, English
[International presentation] - 軟化溶融成分を導入した劣質・未利用炭からの高強度コークスの製造
Sharma Atul, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 9 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jun. 2019, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 塩化水素と亜鉛ドープ炭素物質の反応による有機塩素種の生成に関する量子化学的研究
篠原祐治, 坪内直人
第 9 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jun. 2019, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 鉄鉱石焼結時における水銀の脱離挙動
望月友貴, Javzandolgor Bud, 坪内直人
第 9 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jun. 2019, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - クリーン・カーボン・テクノロジーの開発
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 篠原祐治
第 9 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jun. 2019, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Dynamic Behavior of Mercury Release during Coal Carbonization and Iron Ore Sintering (ENVR)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki
The 257th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Apr. 2019, English
[International presentation] - 新規乾留制御技術①
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 宍戸貴洋, 今野沙緒梨
第 1 回資源拡大・省 CO2 対応コークス製造技術研究発表会, Apr. 2019, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Release Behavior of Mercury during Heat Treatment of Coal and Iron Ore
Javzandolgor Bud, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 19 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2019, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 塩化水素と Zn ドープ炭素物質の反応に関する量子化学的研究
篠原祐治, 坪内直人
第 19 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2019, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - タール由来炭素質物質により高強度化した低強度コークスおよびチャーのガス化反応性
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 窪田征弘, 上坊和弥
第 55 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 安価な低品位褐鉄鉱を用いるコークス炉ガス中の含窒素化合物の分解除去法の開発
鉄鋼環境基金理事長賞受賞講演, Oct. 2018, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Removal of Dibenzothiophene in a Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuel by Ni-Loaded Carbon Prepared from Lignite
Yuuki Mochizuki, Junpei Watanabe, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 14th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, Sep. 2018, English
[International presentation] - Preparation of Pelletized Coke by Co-Carbonization of Caking Coal and Pyrolyzed Char Modified with Tar Generated during Pyrolysis of Woody Biomass
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 14th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, Sep. 2018, English
[International presentation] - Production of High-Surface-Area Activated Carbon from Peat by Chemical Activation with Natural Soda Ash
Javzandolgor Bud, Megumi Nishio, Yuji Shinohara, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 14th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, Sep. 2018, English
[International presentation] - Quantum Chemical Calculations of Steam Gasification using Low-Rank Coals with Exchanged Sodium Cations
Yuji Shinohara, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 14th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, Sep. 2018, English
[International presentation] - Production of High-Strength Cokes from Low-Quality Coals Chemically-Loaded with Thermoplastic Components
Naoto Tsubouchi, Ryo Naganuma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Hideyuki Hayashizaki, Takahiro Shishido
The 14th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, Sep. 2018, English
[International presentation] - Removal of Hydrogen Chloride Gas Using Natural Soda Ash
Naoto Tsubouchi, Natsumi Matsuoka, Yuuki Mochizuki
The 14th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, Sep. 2018, English
[International presentation] - Release Behavior of Mercury during Heat Treatment of Coal and Iron Ore
Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
JIE Hokkaido Branch Seminar on Clean Coal Technology, Sep. 2018, English
[Invited], [International presentation] - 鉄鉱石の熱処理過程における水銀の放出
Javzandolgor Bud, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
日本鉄鋼協会第 176 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Some Factors Controlling the Formation of Hexachlorobenzene in the Process of Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking (ENVR)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 256th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug. 2018, English
[International presentation] - Some Factors Controlling the Formation of Hexachlorobenzene in the Process of Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking (Invited Poster Session)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 256th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug. 2018, English
[Invited], [International presentation] - Steam Gasification Runs and Quantum Chemical Calculations of Low-Rank Coals with Exchanged Sodium Cations
Yuji Shinohara, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology, Aug. 2018, English
[International presentation] - 石炭の乾留および鉄鉱石の焼結過程における水銀の脱離挙動
Javzandolgor Bud, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 8 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jun. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 低品位鉄鉱石からの高強度・高反応性炭素内装鉱の製造
望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 8 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jun. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - ゼロエミッションを目指した資源変換技術の開発
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 篠原祐治
第 8 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jun. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Fate of the Chlorine in Coal in the Temperature-Programmed Pyrolysis of Twenty Nine Coals
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yanhui Wang, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 22nd International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Jun. 2018, English
[International presentation] - Mercury Release during Coal Carbonization and Iron Ore Sintering
Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 2nd Australia-Japan Symposium on Carbon Resource Utilization, Apr. 2018, English
[International presentation] - 褐鉄鉱へのガス状タールの気相蒸着による炭素内装鉱の製造
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 秋山友宏
日本鉄鋼協会第 175 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - カルシウムによるチャー中炭素の結晶化
徐春保, 坪内直人
日本鉄鋼協会第 175 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 天然ソーダ灰から調製したイオン交換ナトリウム触媒を用いる低炭化度炭の水蒸気ガス化
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 花岡裕, 大塚康夫
日本鉄鋼協会第 175 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 軟化溶融成分を修飾した劣質炭からの高強度コークスの製造
坪内直人, 永沼遼, 望月友貴, 林崎秀幸, 宍戸貴洋
日本鉄鋼協会第 175 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - タール由来炭素質物質による低品位コークスおよび熱分解チャーの高強度化
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 窪田征弘, 上坊和弥
日本学術振興会石炭・炭素資源利用技術委員会, Feb. 2018, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 石炭乾留時のガス生成とコークス強度の関係
望月友貴, 坪内直人
平成 29 年度日本鉄鋼協会・日本金属学会両北海道支部合同冬季講演大会, Jan. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の流動性とコークスの強度に及ぼす含酸素官能基の影響
坪内直人, 永沼遼, 望月友貴
第 18 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - ナトリウム担持褐炭に対する量子化学的検討
篠原祐治, 坪内直人
第 18 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭と鉄鉱石の加熱過程における水銀の放出挙動
Javzandolgor Bud, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
化学系学協会北海道支部 2018 年冬季研究発表会, Jan. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 軟化溶融成分増幅による劣質炭からのコークス製造プロセスの開発
永沼遼, 望月友貴, 坪内直人, 宍戸貴洋, 吉田拓也
第 7 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 次世代型石炭ガス化複合発電用ガス化触媒の開発~ナトリウムカチオンを担持した褐炭に対する量子化学的検討
篠原祐治, 坪内直人
第 7 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 地球環境問題の解決を目指した次世代型石炭利用法の開発
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 篠原祐治
第 7 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2018, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の乾留過程におけるヘテロ元素 (窒素と硫黄) の挙動解析
日本鉄鋼協会コークス部会発表会, Oct. 2017, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 褐炭から調製した Ni 担持炭素のモデル燃料中ジベンゾチオフェンの除去性能
望月友貴, 渡邉純平, 坪内直人
第 54 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Preparation of High-Strength Carbon/Carbon Composites from Tarry Materials and Low-Grade Cokes or Pyrolyzed Chars
Jun Ma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Kazuya Uebo
The 1st International Conference on Energy and Material Efficiency and CO2 Reduction in the Steel Industry, Oct. 2017, English
[International presentation] - 架橋反応抑制による軟化溶融成分増幅⑥
坪内直人, 永沼遼, 望月友貴, 宍戸貴洋, 林崎秀幸
第 6 回新規コークス製造プロセス要素技術研究発表会, Sep. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - ガス状タールの気相蒸着により調製した炭素内装鉱の強度と還元反応性
馬駿, 望月友貴, 坪内直人, 秋山友宏
日本鉄鋼協会第 174 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭乾留時における塩化水素の生成に及ぼす諸因子の検討
坪内直人, 望月友貴
日本鉄鋼協会第 174 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Release and Retention of the Chlorine in Coal during Pyrolysis and Gasification Processes
Javzandolgor Bud, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 17th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, Aug. 2017, English
[International presentation] - 泥炭からの高表面積活性炭の製造
Javzandolgor Bud, 西尾恵, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 26 回日本エネルギー学会大会, Aug. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐炭から調製した Ni 担持炭素によるモデル液体炭化水素燃料中の有機硫黄の除去
望月友貴, 渡邉純平, 坪内直人
日本化学会北海道支部 2017 夏季研究発表会, Jul. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の低温乾留時における水銀の放出
Javzandolgor Bud, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
平成 29 年度日本鉄鋼協会・日本金属学会両北海道支部合同サマーセッション, Jul. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - スーパークリーン燃料の選択的合成のためのナノハイブリッド触媒の創製
坪内直人, 望月友貴
北海道ガス研究討論会, Jun. 2017, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Halogen Chemistry in Coal Utilization
Naoto Tsubouchi
The 2nd ISIJ-VDEh-Jernkontoret Joint Symposium, Jun. 2017, English
[Invited], [International presentation] - Removal of Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide in a Simulated Coke Oven Gas with Limonite
Yuuki Mochizuki, Ayumu Ogawa, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 16th Korea-Japan Symposium on Catalysis, May 2017, English
[International presentation] - 石炭由来窒素の無害化除去と石炭利用時の塩素の化学
日本鉄鋼協会第 173 回春季講演大会学術記念賞 (西山記念賞) 受賞講演, Mar. 2017, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 乾留タールと低強度のコークスおよびチャーからの高強度炭素/炭素複合体の調製
馬駿, 望月友貴, 坪内直人, 上坊和弥
日本鉄鋼協会第 173 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐鉄鉱によるコークス炉ガス中の硫化水素とアンモニアの除去
望月友貴, 小川歩, 坪内直人
日本鉄鋼協会第 173 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 架橋反応抑制による軟化溶融成分増幅⑤
坪内直人, 永沼遼, 望月友貴, 宍戸貴洋, 吉田拓也, 林崎秀幸
第 5 回新規コークス製造プロセス要素技術研究発表会, Mar. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 北海道産ピートの化学的賦活処理による活性炭の製造
西尾恵, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 6 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - ゼロエミッションを目指した次世代型石炭利用法の開発
望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 6 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - ハイパーコールを用いる劣質炭からのコークス製造技術の開発
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 宍戸貴洋, 吉田拓也, 濱口眞基
第 6 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭転換プロセスにおけるヘテロ元素のケミストリー
第 9 回製鉄・資源に関する Workshop, Jan. 2017, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 低品位鉄鉱石を用いるコークス炉ガス中のアンモニアと硫化水素の除去
望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 17 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 北海道産ピートからの高表面積活性炭の製造
坪内直人, 西尾恵, 望月友貴
第 17 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - タールの気相蒸着による低品位褐鉄鉱からの高強度炭素内装鉱の製造
馬駿, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
化学系学協会北海道支部 2017 年冬季研究発表会, Jan. 2017, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - タールの気相蒸着法による低品位鉄鉱石からの高強度・高反応性炭素内装鉱の製造
望月友貴, 坪内直人
平成 28 年度日本鉄鋼協会・日本金属学会両北海道支部合同冬季講演大会, Dec. 2016, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Production of High-Strength Carbon-Loaded Iron Ores from Tar and Limonite to Solve Energy, Resource and Environmental Problems in Commercial Ironmaking Processes
Jun Ma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
2016 Annual Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Nov. 2016, English
[International presentation] - Reduction Behavior and Crushing Strength of Carbon-Containing Composites Prepared from a Limonite-Based Pellet and COG Tar
Yuuki Mochizuki, Megumi Nishio, Naoto Tsubouchi, Tomohiro Akiyama
2016 Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition, Nov. 2016, English
[International presentation] - 配合炭の流動性に影響を及ぼす諸因子の検討
望月友貴, 永沼遼, 坪内直人, 上坊和弥
第 53 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2016, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 架橋反応抑制による軟化溶融成分増幅④
坪内直人, 永沼遼, 望月友貴, 吉田拓也, 林崎秀幸
日本鉄鋼協会第 172 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2016, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Fluorine Release and Retention in the Fixed Bed Combustion of Pyrolyzed Chars
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Yuuki Akama, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 11th European Conference on Coal Research & Its Applications, Sep. 2016, English
[International presentation] - Leaching Behavior of the Boron and Fluorine in Fly Ashes Recovered from Electrostatic Precipitators of Pulverized Coal-Fired Plants (Invited Poster Session)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Kaoru Shibuya, Yuudai Muto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug. 2016, English
[Invited], [International presentation] - Leaching Behavior of the Boron and Fluorine in Fly Ashes Recovered from Electrostatic Precipitators of Pulverized Coal-Fired Plants (ENVR)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Kaoru Shibuya, Yuudai Muto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug. 2016, English
[International presentation] - Fluorine Release and Retention during Fixed Bed Combustion of Pyrolyzed Coal Chars (ENFL)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoyuki Iwabuchi, Yuuki Akama, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug. 2016, English
[International presentation] - タール由来炭素質物質による低強度コークスおよびチャーの高強度化
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 上坊和弥
第 25 回日本エネルギー学会大会, Aug. 2016, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭乾留時の流動性に及ぼす含酸素種の影響
永沼遼, 望月友貴, 坪内直人, 上坊和弥
日本化学会北海道支部 2016 夏季研究発表会, Jul. 2016, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - COG タールを用いる低強度コークスならびにチャーの高強度化
馬駿, 望月友貴, 坪内直人, 上坊和弥
平成 28 年度日本鉄鋼協会・日本金属学会両北海道支部合同サマーセッション, Jul. 2016, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 乾留過程における石炭の流動性に及ぼす含酸素種の影響
永沼遼, 望月友貴, 坪内直人, 上坊和弥
平成 28 年度日本鉄鋼協会・日本金属学会両北海道支部合同サマーセッション, Jul. 2016, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭利用時の窒素と塩素の挙動
日本鉄鋼協会製銑部会発表会, Jul. 2016, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - タールの気相蒸着により調製した炭素内装塊成鉱の強度と反応性
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 秋山友宏
日本鉄鋼協会第 171 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2016, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 架橋反応抑制による軟化溶融成分増幅③
坪内直人, 永沼遼, 望月友貴, 吉田拓也, 林崎秀幸
第 3 回新規コークス製造プロセス要素技術研究発表会, Mar. 2016, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Effect of Inherent Oxygen Species on the Fluidity of Coal during Carbonization
Ryo Naganuma, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 4th Frontier Chemistry Center International Symposium – Future Dreams in Chemical Science and Technology: Bridges to Global Innovations, Feb. 2016, English
[International presentation] - Reduction Rate and Crushing Strength of Composites Prepared from Cold-Bonded-Pellet and COG Tar
Yusuke Mikawa, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 4th Frontier Chemistry Center International Symposium – Future Dreams in Chemical Science and Technology: Bridges to Global Innovations, Feb. 2016, English
[International presentation] - タール含浸リモナイトから製造した炭素内装部分還元鉱の反応性と強度
三河佑輔, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 16 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2016, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - タール含浸法を用いる低強度コークスおよびチャーの高強度化
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 上坊和弥
第 16 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2016, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 地球環境問題の解決を目指した資源変換技術の開発~クリーン・カーボン・テクノロジー~
第 5 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2016, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - リグニンの炭酸カリウム賦活により調製した活性炭の著しい細孔発達に対する窒素の役割
西尾恵, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 5 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2016, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 高強度・高反応性製鉄原燃料の新規製造法の開発
望月友貴, 西尾恵, 坪内直人
第 5 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2016, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Halogen Chemistry in Coal Conversion and Steel Making Processes
Naoto Tsubouchi
JIE Hokkaido Branch Seminar on Clean Coal Technology, Dec. 2015, English
[Invited], [International presentation] - Utilization of Low-Valued Iron Ores as High Performance Materials to Develop a Novel Hot Gas Cleanup Method for an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
Naoto Tsubouchi, Ayumu Ogawa, Yuuki Mochizuki
World Engineering Conference and Convention 2015, Dec. 2015, English
[International presentation] - 化学気相浸透法で調製した炭素内装塊成鉱の強度と反応性
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 秋山友宏
第 52 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Reduction Behavior and Crushing Strength of Carbon-Containing Iron Ore Sinters Prepared from COG Tar
Yuuki Mochizuki, Rochim Bakti Cahyono, Naoto Tsubouchi, Tomohiro Akiyama
Asia Steel International Conference 2015, Oct. 2015, English
[International presentation] - Influence of Oxygen Element on Coal Fluidity
Ryo Naganuma, Kyohei Kamiya, Yuuki Mochizuki, Kazuya Uebo, Naoto Tsubouchi
International Conference on Coal Science and Technology 2015, Sep. 2015, English
[International presentation] - 架橋反応抑制による軟化溶融成分増幅②
坪内直人, 吉田拓也
第 2 回新規コークス製造プロセス要素技術研究発表会, Sep. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐炭の無害化脱窒素と褐鉄鉱の還元のコ・プロセッシング
坪内直人, 望月友貴社, 三河佑輔, 大塚康夫, 菊池毅光
日本鉄鋼協会第 170 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - COG タールとコールドボンドペレットから調製した炭素内装塊成鉱の圧潰強度と反応性
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 秋山友宏
日本鉄鋼協会第 170 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 微粉炭燃焼時のホウ素とセレンの分配挙動
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 菅原勝康
日本鉄鋼協会第 170 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐炭の熱分解脱窒素と褐鉄鉱の還元のコ・プロセッシング
三河佑輔, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
化学工学会第 47 回秋季大会, Sep. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 水素活用製鉄の実現を目指した炭素内装塊成鉱の製造
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 西尾恵, 秋山友宏
化学工学会エネルギー部会炭素系資源利用分科会炭素系資源の利用に関する勉強会, Sep. 2015, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Reduction Behavior and Crushing Strength of Carbon-Containing Composites Prepared from COG Tar and Cold Bonded Pellets
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Tomohiro Akiyama
The 13th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, Sep. 2015, English
[International presentation] - Evolution of Hydrogen Fluoride during Coal Pyrolysis and Subsequent Char Combustion (ENFL)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoyuki Iwabuchi, Yuuki Akama, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug. 2015, English
[International presentation] - 石炭の流動性に及ぼす酸素の影響
永沼遼, 神谷恭平, 望月友貴, 坪内直人, 上坊和弥
第 24 回日本エネルギー学会大会, Aug. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Effects of Sulfur, Nitrogen and Oxygen Elements on Coal Fluidity and Coke Strength
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
JIE Hokkaido Branch Seminar on Clean Coal Technology, Jul. 2015, English
[Invited], [International presentation] - Ultimately-Efficient Utilization of Fossil Fuels as the Best Way to Reduce CO2 Emissions
Naoto Tsubouchi
JIE Hokkaido Branch Seminar on Clean Coal Technology, Jul. 2015, English
[Invited], [International presentation] - 塩化水素と炭素質物質の反応による表面塩素種の生成
日本化学会北海道支部 2015 年夏季研究発表会, Jul. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - リモナイト鉱を用いる低炭化度炭の熱分解脱窒素
三河佑輔, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
平成 27 年度日本鉄鋼協会・日本金属学会両北海道支部合同サマーセッション, Jul. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 未利用バイオマスからメタン貯蔵用の高表面積・高細孔容積活性炭の製造
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 西尾恵
北海道ガス研究討論会, Jun. 2015, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Functional Forms of the Unburned Carbon Present in Coal Fly Ashes: Role of Surface Oxygen Species in the Formation of Organic Fluorine Forms on the Carbon Surface (Sci-Mix)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 249th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Mar. 2015, English
[International presentation] - Functional Forms of the Unburned Carbon Present in Coal Fly Ashes: Role of Surface Oxygen Species in the Formation of Organic Fluorine Forms on the Carbon Surface (ENVR)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 249th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Mar. 2015, English
[International presentation] - 架橋反応抑制による軟化溶融成分増幅①
坪内直人, 吉田拓也
第 1 回新規コークス製造プロセス要素技術研究発表会, Feb. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐鉄鉱を用いるコークス炉ガス中のピリジンの分解除去
小川歩, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
平成 26 年度日本鉄鋼協会・日本金属学会両北海道支部合同冬季講演大会, Jan. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の軟化溶融性能に及ぼす酸素の影響
神谷恭平, 望月友貴, 坪内直人, 小野洋平, 上坊和弥
化学系学協会北海道支部 2015 年冬季研究発表会, Jan. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 微粉炭燃焼時のホウ素とセレンの行方
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 菅原勝康
第 15 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - フライアッシュ表面での有機フッ素の生成に関与する要因の検討
第 15 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 製鉄原燃料への低品位鉄鉱石の有効利用法の開発~タールと褐鉄鉱から調製した酸化鉄炭素複合体の還元速度と強度~
望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 4 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 地球環境問題の解決を目指した資源変換技術の開発
第 4 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2015, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - コークス化性に及ぼすインドールの添加効果
崎元尚土, 鷹觜利公, 原田靖之, 藤本英和, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 51 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2014, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐鉄鉱とタールから調製した酸化鉄/炭素コンポジットの還元速度と強度
望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 51 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2014, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐鉄鉱を用いるタール中窒素の分解除去:褐鉄鉱のピリジン分解性能に及ぼす共存ガスの影響
小川歩, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 51 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2014, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 低炭化度炭の熱分解脱窒素と低品位鉄鉱石の還元のコ・プロセッシング
神谷恭平, 三河佑輔, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 4 回 CSJ 化学フェスタ 2014, Oct. 2014, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 炭素系資源のガス化複合発電用ホットガスクリーンアップ法の開発:安価な低品位鉄鉱石を用いる含窒素化合物の分解除去
北海道大学工学系イノベーションフォーラム 2014, Sep. 2014, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - タール含浸リモナイト由来の酸化鉄/炭素コンポジットの還元挙動
三河佑輔, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
日本鉄鋼協会第 168 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2014, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐鉄鉱とタールから製造した酸化鉄炭素複合体の還元挙動
望月友貴, 三河佑輔, 坪内直人
化学工学会第 46 回秋季大会, Sep. 2014, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Fluorine Release and Retention during Coal Pyrolysis and Subsequent Char Combustion
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yuuki Mochizuki
The 10th European Conference on Coal Research & Its Applications, Sep. 2014, English
[International presentation] - Effect of Indole Addition on Coke Strength
Naoto Sakimoto, Toshimasa Takanohashi, Yasuyuki Harada, Hidekazu Fujimoto, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 4th International Symposium on Gasification and its Applications, Sep. 2014, English
[International presentation] - Decomposition of Ammonia and Pyridine with an Inexpensive Limonite Catalyst
Yuuki Mochizuki, Ayumu Ogawa, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 4th International Symposium on Gasification and its Applications, Sep. 2014, English
[International presentation] - 燃料ガス中のアンモニアの分解除去に対するマグネシウム担持リモナイトの触媒性能
日本化学会北海道支部 2014 夏季研究発表会, Jul. 2014, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 安価な低品位鉄鉱石を用いる含窒素複素環化合物の分解除去法の開発
北海道ガス研究討論会, Jun. 2014, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Decomposition of a Low Concentration of Ammonia in a Simulated Syngas-Rich Fuel Gas with Limonite-Based Composite Catalysts
Ayumu Ogawa, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 7th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology, Jun. 2014, English
[International presentation] - 低品位褐鉄鉱の含窒素複素環化合物分解触媒への転換利用法の開発
鉄鋼環境基金技術交流会, Apr. 2014, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 低品位鉄鉱石のピリジン分解性能とキャラクタリゼーション
小川歩, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
化学系学協会北海道支部 2014 年冬季研究発表会, Jan. 2014, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐炭から調製した Ni 担持炭素を用い る液体炭化水素中の有機硫黄の除去
望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 14 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2014, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭ガス化複合発電用 Hot Gas Cleanup 法の開発~リモナイトを用いるピリジンの接触分解
小川歩, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 3 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2014, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 劣質・未利用炭素資源からのコークス製造技術の開発~石炭乾留時の軟化溶融性能に及ぼすヘテロ元素の影響
望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 3 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2014, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - クリーンカーボンテクノロジーの最新動向
第 3 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2014, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - タール中窒素のモデル化合物の分解に対するリモナイトの触媒性能
小川歩, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 50 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2013, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Sulfur Distribution during Coal Carbonization and Influence of Addition of S-Containing Compounds on Gieseler Fluidity
Yuuki Mochizuki, Yohei Ono, Kazuya Uebo, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 12th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, Oct. 2013, English
[International presentation] - Catalytic Performance of Limonite in the Decomposition of Pyridine at High Temperatures
Ayumu Ogawa, Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi
International Conference on Coal Science and Technology 2013, Oct. 2013, English
[International presentation] - ヘテロ元素挙動解析
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 上坊和弥, 小野洋平
日本鉄鋼協会・高温プロセス部会 -劣質・未利用炭素資源コークス化技術の展開-, Sep. 2013, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭乾留時のヘテロ元素の分布と流動性に及ぼす影響
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 上坊和弥, 小野洋平
日本鉄鋼協会第 166 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2013, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Catalytic Decomposition of Pyridine with Iron Nanoparticles Produced from Limonite
Yuuki Mochizuki, Ayumu Ogawa, Haruo Kumagai, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 9th World Congress of Chemical Engineering incorporating with the 15th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, Aug. 2013, English
[International presentation] - ピリジンの分解における低品位鉄鉱石の触媒性能
小川歩, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
化学工学会 3 支部合同盛岡大会, Aug. 2013, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭利用時のハロゲンケミストリー
日本学術振興会石炭・炭素資源利用技術委員会, Jul. 2013, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Fate of the Chlorine in Coal Char during Fixed-Bed CO2 Gasification (Invited Poster Session)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Takeomi Saito, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 245th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Apr. 2013, English
[Invited], [International presentation] - Fate of the Chlorine in Coal Char during Fixed-Bed CO2 Gasification (ENFL)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Takeomi Saito, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 245th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Apr. 2013, English
[International presentation] - アンモニアによるヘマタイトの還元および窒化挙動
安田尚人, 能村貴宏, Cahyono Rochim Bakti, 望月友貴, 坪内直人, 秋山友宏
化学工学会第 78 年会, Mar. 2013, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 低品位鉄鉱石を触媒原料とするピリジンの高温分解
小川歩, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
化学系学協会北海道支部 2013 年冬季研究発表会, Jan. 2013, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - チャーの固定床 CO2 ガス化過程における塩素の行方
第 13 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2013, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - バイオマスの触媒ガス化によるメタンの低温直接製造
坪内直人, 大塚康夫, Lily Jia, Sean Yuan, Charles Xu
第 2 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2013, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐鉄鉱を用いるピリジンの高温接触分解
小川歩, 望月友貴, 坪内直人
第 2 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2013, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - CO2 削減は一日にして成らず ~スーパークリーン・コール・テクノロジーへ~
第 2 回エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域シンポジウム, Jan. 2013, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Catalytic Steam Gasification of Woody Biomass for the Production of Synthetic Natural Gas
Lily Jia, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Naoto Tsubouchi, Sean Yuan, Charles Xu
Elementa SBA Meeting, Nov. 2012, English
[Invited], [International presentation] - 粘結材添加がコークス原料炭の軟化溶融挙動に及ぼす影響 (2)
熊谷治夫, 望月友貴, 坪内直人, 奥山憲幸, 宍戸貴洋, 堺康爾, 濱口眞基, 小松信行
第 49 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2012, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 熱分解チャーの CO2 ガス化時における塩素の脱離挙動
坪内直人, 斉藤丈臣, 大塚康夫
第 49 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2012, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の熱分解過程における窒素と硫黄の行方ならびに軟化溶融性能に及ぼす影響
望月友貴, 熊谷治夫, 坪内直人, 小野洋平, 上坊和弥
第 49 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2012, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Effects of Nitrogen and Sulfur on Coal Fluidity during Carbonization
Yuuki Mochizuki, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yohei Ono, Kazuya Uebo
The 29th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Oct. 2012, English
[International presentation] - Change in Chlorine Functionality and Evolution of Hydrogen Chloride during Coal Pyrolysis
Naoto Tsubouchi, Takeomi Saito, Noriaki Ohtaka, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 9th European Conference on Coal Research & Its Applications, Sep. 2012, English
[International presentation] - 石炭の熱分解ならびにチャーの CO2 ガス化過程における塩素の行方
日本化学会北海道支部 2012 年夏季研究発表会, Aug. 2012, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Nitrogen Removal as N2 from Heterocyclic Nitrogen Compounds with Iron Nanoparticles
Naoto Tsubouchi, Tetsuya Matsuyama, Yasuo Ohtsuka
International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists 2012, May 2012, English
[International presentation] - 石炭の軟化溶融性能に及ぼす窒素と硫黄の影響:熱分解時のガス状含窒素・含硫黄化合物の発生量と最高流動度の関係
坪内直人, 望月友貴, 上坊和弥, 小野洋平
日本鉄鋼協会第 163 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2012, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の軟化溶融性能に及ぼす窒素と硫黄の影響
望月友貴, 坪内直人, 小野洋平, 上坊和弥
化学工学会第 77 年会, Mar. 2012, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Decomposition of Pyrrole and Pyridine with Iron Catalysts Supported on Carbons (ENFL)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Tetsuya Matsuyama, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Mar. 2012, English
[International presentation] - 石炭中の窒素と硫黄の化学形態と乾留過程での行方
坪内直人, 望月友貴
日本鉄鋼協会高温プロセス部会資源・エネルギーフォーラム講演会, Feb. 2012, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 石炭中の窒素と硫黄のファンクショナリティと乾留時の行方
望月友貴, 小野洋平, 上坊和弥, 坪内直人
化学系学協会北海道支部 2012 年冬季研究発表会, Jan. 2012, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - アルゴンヌ標準炭中の塩素のファンクショナリティと熱分解時の形態変化
第 12 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Jan. 2012, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - CO2 排出量の削減を目指したエネルギー変換システムの設計
第 1 回北海道大学大学院工学研究院附属エネルギー・マテリアル融合領域研究センターシンポジウム, Jan. 2012, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Catalytic Steam Gasification of Low Rank Coals Using Inexpensive Catalyst Resources
Li-xin Zhang, Toru Matsuhara, Shinji Kudo, Naoto Tsubouchi, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Koyo Norinaga
The 7th International Conference on Clean Coal Technology and Fuel Cells (CCT&FCs), Nov. 2011, English
[International presentation] - Rapid In-Situ Steam Gasification of Low Rank Coal with Catalyst from Low-Cost Minerals
Li-xin Zhang, Toru Matsuhara, Shinji Kudo, Naoto Tsubouchi, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Koyo Norinaga
The 13th Cross Straits Symposium on Materials, Energy and Environmental Engineering, Nov. 2011, English
[International presentation] - CO2 排出量の削減を目指したクリーン・コール・テクノロジーの開発
日本鉄鋼協会コークス部会発表会, Oct. 2011, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 炭酸カルシウムを触媒原料とする低炭化度炭の水蒸気ガス化
佐藤仁彦, 村上賢治, 菅原勝康, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫
第 48 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2011, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 鉄系触媒を用いるチャーのガス化とタールモデル化合物の分解
村上賢治, 佐藤仁彦, 菅原勝康, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫
第 48 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2011, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の乾留過程におけるヘテロ元素の行方と軟化溶融性能への影響
坪内直人, 上坊和弥, 小野洋平
第 48 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2011, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Secondary Reactions of HCl during Coal Pyrolysis: Studies on Reactions of HCl with Model Carbons
Naoto Tsubouchi, Noriaki Ohtaka, Akiyuki Kawashima, Yasuo Ohtsuka
International Conference on Coal Science and Technology 2011, Oct. 2011, English
[International presentation] - コークス製造における硫黄分配率評価
小野洋平, 後閑和孝, 片小田茂樹, 坪内直人, 上坊和弥
日本鉄鋼協会第 162 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2011, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - コークス製造プロセスにおける窒素と硫黄の脱離挙動
坪内直人, 上坊和弥, 小野洋平
化学工学会 3 支部合同札幌大会, Aug. 2011, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐炭の in-situ 水蒸気ガス化特性に及ぼすイオン交換担持触媒の効果
張立欣, 松原徹, 工藤真二, 則永行庸, 林潤一郎, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫
第 20 回日本エネルギー学会大会, Aug. 2011, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Catalytic Effects of Na and Ca from Inexpensive Materials on the Steam Gasification of Nascent Char from Rapid Pyrolysis of Low Rank Coal in a Drop Tube Reactor
Li-xin Zhang, Toru Matsuhara, Shinji Kudo, Naoto Tsubouchi, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Yasuo Ohtsuka, Koyo Norinaga
The 11th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, Aug. 2011, English
[International presentation] - 石炭の熱分解ならびにチャーのガス化過程における塩素とフッ素の行方
第 11 回北海道エネルギー資源環境研究発表会, Feb. 2011, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - メソポーラス担体を用いた高性能 FT 合成触媒の開発
2010 高分子・ハイブリッド材料研究センター (PHyM) 若手フォーラム, Dec. 2010, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭利用時のハロゲンケミストリーの解明:熱分解チャーの燃焼過程におけるフッ素の脱離と濃縮
坪内直人, 大塚康夫
第 10 回多元物質科学研究所研究発表会, Dec. 2010, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Steam Gasification of Low Rank Coals with Ion-Exchanged Sodium Catalysts Prepared Using Natural Soda Ash
Yuu Hanaoka, Enkhsaruul Byambajav, Takemitsu Kikuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 27th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Oct. 2010, English
[International presentation] - 熱分解チャーの燃焼過程におけるフッ素の脱離と濃縮
坪内直人, 赤間佑紀, 大塚康夫
第 47 回石炭科学会議, Sep. 2010, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 循環流動床を用いる低炭化度炭の水蒸気ガス化における Ca 触媒の効果
松岡浩一, 倉本浩司, 花岡裕, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫
第 47 回石炭科学会議, Sep. 2010, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - ヘテロ界面を用いる劣質・未利用炭素資源のコークス化技術の検討
日本鉄鋼協会劣質・未利用炭素資源コークス化技術研究会, Sep. 2010, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 石炭利用時のハロゲンケミストリーの解明:熱分解および燃焼時のフッ化水素の発生挙動
坪内直人, 岩渕直幸, 赤間佑紀, 大塚康夫
第 9 回多元物質科学研究所研究発表会, Dec. 2009, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の熱分解ならびにチャーの燃焼時におけるフッ化水素の発生挙動
坪内直人, 岩渕直幸, 赤間佑紀, 大塚康夫
第 46 回石炭科学会議, Nov. 2009, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - ゼロエミッションを目指す次世代石炭利用技術
九州大学先導物質化学研究所講演会, Jul. 2009, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 石炭利用時の窒素と塩素のケミストリー
熊本大学大学院先導機構講演会, Jul. 2009, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - Formation of Hydrogen Fluoride during Coal Pyrolysis and Subsequent Char Combustion
Naoto Tsubouchi, Naoyuki Iwabuchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 10th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, Jul. 2009, English
[International presentation] - 製鋼用電気炉集じんダストの化学状態解析と HCB 排出制御
坪内直人, 大塚康夫
鉄鋼業環境保全技術開発基金研究討論会, Apr. 2009, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 石炭中のフッ素のフライアッシュへの分配を支配する要因の検討
坪内直人, 林英和, 佐藤正秀, 鈴木昇, 大塚康夫
第 19 回廃棄物学会研究発表会, Nov. 2008, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 製鋼用電気炉集じんダストの化学状態解析とヘキサクロロベンゼンの生成要因の検討
坪内直人, 橋本裕之, 大塚康夫
平成 20 年度化学系学協会東北大会, Oct. 2008, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭利用時の塩素の挙動:塩化水素と金属ドープ炭素物質の低温反応と表面塩素種の生成
川島彬之, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫
第 45 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2008, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - XPS 法を用いる石炭熱分解時の塩素の形態変化に関する研究
坪内直人, 佐藤正秀, 鈴木昇, Frank E. Huggins, 大塚康夫
第 45 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2008, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Chlorine Chemistry in Coal Conversion and Steel Making Processes
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 3rd International Symposium on Sustainable Materials Engineering, Oct. 2008, English
[International presentation] - 電気炉製鋼工程におけるヘキサクロロベンゼンの生成に関与する要因の検討
坪内直人, 橋本裕之, 大塚康夫
日本鉄鋼協会第 156 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2008, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - High Performance of Limonite-Based Composite Catalysts in the Decomposition of Ammonia in a Simulated Syngas-Rich Fuel Gas
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 25th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Sep. 2008, English
[International presentation] - アルゴンヌ標準炭の熱分解過程における塩素の形態変化と塩化水素の生成挙動
坪内直人, 佐藤正秀, 鈴木昇, 大塚康夫
第 17 回日本エネルギー学会大会, Aug. 2008, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 高温ガス精製用アンモニア分解触媒の開発
大塚康夫, 坪内直人
日本学術振興会石炭・炭素資源利用技術委員会, Jul. 2008, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 低品位褐鉄鉱を用いる燃料ガス中のアンモニアの分解除去法の開発
JST イノベーションプラザ宮城 ~材料・ものづくり分野講演会~, Jan. 2008, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - 電気炉製鋼工程におけるヘキサクロロベンゼンの生成と制御:集塵ダスト中の炭素の化学状態と塩化水素による炭素の表面塩素化
坪内直人, 橋本裕之, 大高典明, 川島彬之, 大塚康夫
第 7 回多元物質科学研究所研究発表会, Dec. 2007, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭中に元々存在する金属イオンと熱分解時における窒素化合物分布の関係
Zhiheng Wu, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫
第 44 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2007, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐鉄鉱を用いる燃料ガス中のアンモニアの分解除去に対するマグネシウムの添加効果
坪内直人, 橋本裕之, 大塚康夫
第 44 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2007, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 低品位鉄鉱石を触媒原料とする燃料ガス中のアンモニアの分解除去
坪内直人, 橋本裕之, 大塚康夫
平成 19 年度化学系学協会東北大会, Sep. 2007, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭中のフッ素のフライアッシュへの分配に対する未燃炭素の役割
坪内直人, 林英和, 大塚康夫
日本鉄鋼協会第 154 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2007, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 昇温脱離/昇温酸化法を用いたフライアッシュ中の未燃炭素の化学状態解析
坪内直人, 林英和, 橋本晴美, 山田哲夫, 大塚康夫
第 16 回日本エネルギー学会大会, Aug. 2007, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Catalytic Decomposition of Ammonia in Fuel Gas Components with an Inexpensive Low-Valued Limonite Ore
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
International Conference on Coal Science and Technology 2007, Aug. 2007, English
[International presentation] - 炭素のミクロ構造に基づいた残留性有害有機塩素化合物前駆体の生成機構と制御法の構築
東北大学多元物質科学研究所付属資源変換・再生研究センタープロジェクト平成 18 年度研究成果報告会, May 2007, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Effects of Inherent Metal Cations on the Fate of the Nitrogen in Coal in the Fixed Bed Pyrolysis of Twenty Five Coals (ENFL)
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Zhiheng Wu, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 233rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Mar. 2007, English
[International presentation] - Chlorine Functional Forms of Argonne Premium Coal Samples and the Changes with Water Washing and in Slow Heating Rate Pyrolysis (ENFL)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Takeomi Saito, Masahide Sato, Noboru Suzuki, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 233rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Mar. 2007, English
[International presentation] - 高温プロセスで発生する塩化水素と炭素物質の二次的反応
大高典明, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫
第 6 回多元物質科学研究所研究発表会, Dec. 2006, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Chemical Forms of the Chlorine and Carbon in Dust Samples Formed in a Sintering Process of Iron Ores
Naoto Tsubouchi, Eiki Kasai, Yoshihiro Nakazato, Hidekazu Hayashi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 4th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking, Nov. 2006, English
[International presentation] - 石炭の熱分解時の HCl の二次的反応:HCl と炭素物質のモデル反応に関する研究
大高典明, 坪内直人, 佐藤正秀, 鈴木昇, 大塚康夫
第 43 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2006, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - フライアッシュ中のホウ素とフッ素の溶出挙動
坪内直人, 渋谷薫, 林英和, 大塚康夫
第 43 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2006, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Functional Forms of the Fluorine and Carbon in Fly Ashes Formed in Pulverized Coal Combustion
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hidekazu Hayashi, Masahide Sato, Noboru Suzuki, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 9th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, Oct. 2006, English
[International presentation] - 燃料ガス中のアンモニアの分解除去に対する褐鉄鉱の触媒性能と耐硫黄性
坪内直人, 橋本裕之, 山根英和, 大塚康夫
第 98 回触媒討論会, Sep. 2006, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 炭素物質と塩化水素の反応による表面塩素種の生成
大高典明, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫
平成 18 年度化学系学協会東北大会, Sep. 2006, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - フライアッシュ中のフッ素の化学形態と溶出挙動
坪内直人, 林英和, 渋谷薫, 大塚康夫
平成 18 年度化学系学協会東北大会, Sep. 2006, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐鉄鉱を用いるコークス炉ガス中のアンモニアの分解除去
坪内直人, 橋本裕之, 大塚康夫
日本鉄鋼協会第 152 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2006, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - XPS Study on the Changes in Functional Forms of the Chlorine in Coal
Naoto Tsubouchi, Takeomi Saito, Masahide Sato, Noboru Suzuki, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 6th European Conference on Coal Research & Its Applications, Sep. 2006, English
[International presentation] - 石炭ガス化複合発電用燃料ガス中の微量のアンモニアの分解除去に対する低品位鉄鉱石の触媒性能
坪内直人, 橋本裕之, 大塚康夫
日本化学会第 86 春季年会, Mar. 2006, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 製鉄プロセスに係る粒子状物質 (SPM) のミクロ構造解析ならびに排出抑制原理の探索
鉄鋼業環境保全技術開発基金研究討論会, Mar. 2006, Japanese
[Invited], [Domestic Conference] - フライアッシュ中のハロゲンの化学:フッ素の未燃炭素表面への濃縮機構
坪内直人, 林英和, 大塚康夫
第 5 回多元物質科学研究所研究発表会, Dec. 2005, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 微粉炭燃焼時に生成したフライアッシュ中のフッ素と炭素の化学形態
坪内直人, 林英和, 大塚康夫
第 42 回石炭科学会議, Nov. 2005, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 熱分解チャーの固定床 CO2 ガス化過程における塩素の行方
斉藤丈臣, 坪内直人, 堀田卓秀, 佐藤正秀, 鈴木昇, 大塚康夫
第 42 回石炭科学会議, Nov. 2005, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 低品位鉄鉱石を用いる燃料ガス中のアンモニアの分解除去
坪内直人, 橋本裕之, 大塚康夫
第 42 回石炭科学会議, Nov. 2005, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Catalytic Decomposition of Ammonia in Fuel Gas Components with Inexpensive Limonite at High Temperatures
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 6th International Symposium & Exhibition on Gas Cleaning at High Temperatures, Oct. 2005, English
[International presentation] - Reactions of Hydrogen Chloride with Carbonaceous Materials
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yoshihiro Nakazato, Hiroyuki Kawashima, Yasuo Ohtsuka
International Conference on Coal Science and Technology 2005, Oct. 2005, English
[International presentation] - Scientific and Technological Progress in Japan on Hot Gas Cleanup of Halogen, Sulfur and Nitrogen
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 6th International Symposium & Exhibition on Gas Cleaning at High Temperatures, Oct. 2005, English
[Invited], [International presentation] - 燃料ガス中の微量のアンモニアの分解除去に対する褐鉄鉱の触媒性能
坪内直人, 橋本裕之, 大塚康夫
日本鉄鋼協会第 150 回秋季講演大会, Sep. 2005, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐鉄鉱から生成した金属鉄微粒子を用いる燃料ガス中のアンモニアの分解除去
橋本裕之, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫
平成 17 年度化学系学協会東北大会, Sep. 2005, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭のガス化過程におけるハロゲンの脱離と濃縮
坪内直人, 斉藤丈臣, 橋本晴美, 山田哲夫, 竹田誠, 植田昭雄, 大塚康夫
化学工学会第 37 回秋季大会シンポジウム -持続的成長を可能とする次世代エネルギー技術ー, Sep. 2005, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - XPS によるガス化チャーとフライアッシュ中のハロゲンの化学形態分析
坪内直人, 斉藤丈臣, 堀田卓秀, 佐藤正秀, 鈴木昇, 大塚康夫
第 14 回日本エネルギー学会大会, Aug. 2005, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭利用時のハロゲンケミストリー:炭素質物質と塩化水素の反応の解析
坪内直人, 中里嘉浩, 大塚康夫
第 4 回多元物質科学研究所研究発表会, Dec. 2004, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - ガス化複合発電用燃料ガスをシミュレートしたガス中における鉄鉱石のアンモニア分解能
橋本裕之, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫
第 4 回多元物質科学研究所研究発表会, Dec. 2004, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Utilization of Low Rank Coals as High Performance Materials to Develop a Novel Hot Gas Cleanup Method for a Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Naoto Tsubouchi
Korean-Japan International Symposium on Material Science and Resources Recycling, Dec. 2004, English
[Invited], [International presentation] - 石炭の熱分解およびガス化過程における塩素の挙動
山田哲夫, 橋本晴美, 植田昭雄, 竹田誠, 坪内直人, 斉藤丈臣, 大塚康夫
第 41 回石炭科学会議, Nov. 2004, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 褐鉄鉱を用いる石炭ガス化ガス中のアンモニアの高温分解
坪内直人, 橋本裕之, 大塚康夫
第 41 回石炭科学会議, Nov. 2004, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Efficient Production of Super Clean Diesel Fuels with Nanohybrid Catalysts
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Takashi Arai, Satoshi Takasaki, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 1st International Symposium on Sustainable Materials Engineering, Nov. 2004, English
[International presentation] - Catalytic Decomposition of Ammonia Gas with Iron Nanpparticles Produced from Iron Ores
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 10th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, Oct. 2004, English
[International presentation] - 鉄鉱石から生成した金属鉄微粒子によるアンモニアの高温接触分解
坪内直人, 橋本裕之, 大塚康夫
第 94 回触媒討論会, Sep. 2004, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Release and Retention of Halogens during Pyrolysis and Gasification of Coals
Akio Ueda, Makoto Takeda, Noboru Suzuki, Yoshihiro Nakazato, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 21st Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Sep. 2004, English
[International presentation] - Catalytic Decomposition of Ammonia in Coal Gasification Products with Nanoscale Iron Particles Formed from Inexpensive Raw Materials
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Chunbao Xu, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 5th European Conference on Coal Research & Its Applications, Sep. 2004, English
[International presentation] - 石炭の熱分解過程におけるチャーと塩化水素の反応
坪内直人, 中里嘉浩, 大塚康夫
第 13 回日本エネルギー学会大会, Jul. 2004, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 炭化度の異なる石炭の熱分解過程における塩化水素の生成
坪内直人, 中里嘉浩, 鈴木昇, 大塚康夫
化学工学会秋田大会シンポジウム -新しいエネルギー環境創成に向けて-, Jul. 2004, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 炭素低温酸化反応に伴う有機塩素化合物生成に対する金属塩素化合物の影響
葛原俊介, 佐藤寛, 坪内直人, 葛西栄輝, 大塚康夫
日本鉄鋼協会第 147 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2004, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 焼結試験時のダイオキシン類発生量が異なるコークスの性状比較
葛西栄輝, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫, 佐藤寛, 川本克也, 鈴木和将
日本鉄鋼協会第 147 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2004, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 焼結機ウインドボックスから採取したダスト中炭素質物質の解析
坪内直人, 葛西栄輝, 照井敏勝, 葛原俊介, 大塚康夫
日本鉄鋼協会第 147 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2004, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - ダイオキシン類の de novo 合成反応に対する尿素共存の影響
葛原俊介, 佐藤寛, 坪内直人, 葛西栄輝, 大塚康夫
日本鉄鋼協会第 147 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2004, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - ダイオキシン類の de novo 合成反応に及ぼす雰囲気ガスの影響
葛原俊介, 佐藤寛, 坪内直人, 葛西栄輝, 大塚康夫
日本鉄鋼協会第 147 回春季講演大会, Mar. 2004, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 鉄鉱石を触媒原料とするアンモニアの高温分解
橋本裕之, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫
第 3 回多元物質科学研究所研究発表会, Dec. 2003, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Effect of Alkaline Earth Metals on N2 Formation in the Devolatilization Process of Coals
Naoto Tsubouchi, Chunbao Xu, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 8th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, Dec. 2003, English
[International presentation] - Catalytic Performance of Binary Metal Oxides on Methane Coupling with Carbon Dioxide
Ye Wang, Takemitsu Kikuchi, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 8th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, Dec. 2003, English
[International presentation] - Formation of Hydrogen Chloride in a Fixed Bed Pyrolysis of Coals
Naoto Tsubouchi, Shinya Ohtsuka, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 12th International Conference on Coal Science, Nov. 2003, English
[International presentation] - 石炭の昇温熱分解時における塩素の行方
坪内直人, 王延輝, 大塚康夫
第 40 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2003, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - メソポーラスシリカ担持触媒によるメタンと二酸化炭素の反応
菊地毅光, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫
化学系 9 学協会連合東北地方大会, Oct. 2003, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - アンモニアの分解における鉄鉱石の触媒性能
橋本裕之, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫
化学系 9 学協会連合東北地方大会, Oct. 2003, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 鉄鉱石を用いるアンモニアの高温接触分解
坪内直人, 橋本裕之, 兼子隆雄, 重久卓夫, 大塚康夫
化学工学会第 36 回秋季大会, Sep. 2003, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の昇温熱分解過程における塩化水素の発生挙動に及ぼす支配因子
坪内直人, 大塚慎也, 川島裕之, 坂西欣也, 大塚康夫
第 12 回日本エネルギー学会大会, Jul. 2003, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - High Catalytic Performances of Low Rank Coal Chars in Ammonia Decomposition at High Temperatures (ENFL)
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Chunbao Xu, Dapeng Kong, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 225th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Mar. 2003, English
[International presentation] - 石炭の熱分解過程における塩化水素の発生挙動
大塚慎也, 坪内直人, 大塚康夫
第 2 回多元物質科学研究所研究発表会, Jan. 2003, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - A Novel Method of Removal of Nitrogen and Sulfur by Use of Nanoparticles-Containing
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Naoto Tsubouchi, Chunbao Xu, Hiroyuki Hashimoto
International Symposium on Development of Clean Coal Technology for Mitigating Global Warming, Jan. 2003, English
[International presentation] - 高温熱分解過程におけるチャー中炭素の結晶化とカルシウムの役割
坪内直人, 大塚康夫
2002 年多元研反応棟若手交流講演会, Dec. 2002, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の熱分解過程における塩素の脱離挙動
坪内直人, 王延輝, 大塚康夫
第 39 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2002, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - カルシウムによる熱分解チャー中の炭素の結晶化
坪内直人, 大塚康夫
第 39 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 2002, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の高温熱分解過程における炭素の結晶化と N2 の生成
坪内直人, 大塚康夫
化学工学会第 35 回秋季大会シンポジウム, Sep. 2002, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の高温熱分解時におけるヘテロ元素の脱離挙動におけるカルシウムの役割
坪内直人, 大塚康夫
日本エネルギー学会創立 80 周年記念大会, Aug. 2002, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Utilization of Cobalt Catalysts Supported on Mesoporous Silica for Efficient Production of Diesel Fuels by FT Synthesis (ENFL)
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Takashi Arai, Satoshi Takasaki, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 224th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug. 2002, English
[International presentation] - Nitrogen and Sulfur Release during High Temperature Pyrolysis of Coals (ENFL)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 223rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Apr. 2002, English
[International presentation] - 石炭の高温熱分解時における固体炭素質中窒素の脱離反応機構
坪内直人, 大塚康夫
2001 年多元研反応棟若手交流講演会, Dec. 2001, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - High Temperature Decomposition of Ammonia over Highly Dispersed Catalysts on Chars
Dapeng Kong, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
第 38 回石炭科学会議, Nov. 2001, English
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の高温熱分解時におけるガス状窒素化合物の生成機構
坪内直人, 大塚康夫
第 38 回石炭科学会議, Nov. 2001, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の急速加熱熱分解時におけるガス状窒素化合物の生成挙動
坪内直人, 阿部美和, 大塚康夫
化学系 7 学協会連合東北地方大会, Sep. 2001, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - アンモニウム分解用低コスト高性能触媒
大塚康夫, 孔大鵬, 徐春保, 坪内直人
第 10 回日本エネルギー学会大会, Jul. 2001, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Nitrogen Release during Pyrolysis of Coals with a Free Fall Type Reactor
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 6th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, Jun. 2001, English
[International presentation] - Formation of Molecular Nitrogen during Pyrolysis of Calcium Loaded Coals
Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 7th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, May 2001, English
[International presentation] - Catalytic Role of Calcium in the Release of Volatile Nitrogen during Coal Pyrolysis (ENFL)
Naoto Tsubouchi, Chunbao Xu, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 221st American Chemical Society National Meeting, Apr. 2001, English
[International presentation] - Catalytic Decomposition of Ammonia with Iron Nanoparticles Supported on Carbons (ENFL)
Yasuo Ohtsuka, Chunbao Xu, Dapeng Kong, Naoto Tsubouchi
The 221st American Chemical Society National Meeting, Apr. 2001, English
[International presentation] - Promotion of Nitrogen Release from N-Containing Carbonaceous Materials by Ca Addition
Chunbao Xu, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
第 9 回石炭化学コロキウム, Dec. 2000, English
[Domestic Conference] - カルシウムによるチャー中炭素の結晶化の促進
坪内直人, 徐春保, 大塚康夫
第 9 回石炭化学コロキウム, Dec. 2000, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭熱分解時における窒素の脱離挙動に及ぼす加熱速度の影響
坪内直人, 阿部美和, 大塚康夫
第 10 回東北大学反応化学研究所研究発表会, Nov. 2000, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の急速熱分解時における窒素の脱離挙動
坪内直人, 阿部美和, 大塚康夫
化学系 7 学協会連合東北地方大会, Sep. 2000, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - High Temperature Decomposition of Ammonia on Metal-and/or Metal Oxide-Carbon Composites
Chunbao Xu, Dapeng Kong, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
第 37 回石炭科学会議, Sep. 2000, English
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭熱分解時の揮発分窒素の脱離挙動とカルシウムの役割
坪内直人, 徐春保, 大塚康夫
第 37 回石炭科学会議, Sep. 2000, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Approach to the Iron-Catalyzed Formation Process of N2 from Heterocyclic Nitrogen in Carbon by Use of XRD and XPS Methods (Invited Poster Session)
Yasuhiro Ohshima, Ye Wang, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 219th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Mar. 2000, English
[Invited], [International presentation] - Approach to the Iron-Catalyzed Formation Process of N2 from Heterocyclic Nitrogen in Carbon by Use of XRD and XPS Methods (ENFL)
Yasuhiro Ohshima, Ye Wang, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
The 219th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Mar. 2000, English
[International presentation] - Sulfur Behavior in Various Chemical Treatment of Coal (ENFL)
Katsuyasu Sugawara, Naoto Tsubouchi, Takuo Sugawara, Nasayuki Shirai
The 219th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Mar. 2000, English
[International presentation] - Effect of Alkaline Earth Metals on Nitrogen Distribution in the Devolatilization Process of Coal
Chunbao Xu, Naoto Tsubouchi, Yasuo Ohtsuka
第 36 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 1999, English
[Domestic Conference] - カルシウム担持炭の熱分解における N2 の生成挙動
坪内直人, 徐春保, 大塚康夫
第 36 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 1999, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 高温熱分解における石炭中窒素の脱離挙動
坪内直人, 徐春保, 大塚康夫
第 8 回日本エネルギー学会大会, Jul. 1999, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の高温熱分解における窒素の脱離挙動
坪内直人, 大塚康夫
第 8 回東北大学反応化学研究所研究発表会, Nov. 1998, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 化学的前処理炭の急速熱分解による脱硫
坪内直人, 森山秀樹, 菅原勝康, 菅原拓男, 白井誠之, 西山誼行
第 34 回石炭科学会議, Oct. 1997, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - 化学的前処理と急速熱分解による石炭の脱硫
坪内直人, 菅原勝康, 菅原拓男, 白井誠之, 西山誼行
日本化学会第 73 秋季年会, Sep. 1997, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Desulfurization Behavior in Rapid Pyrolysis of Coals with Various Pretreatments
Katsuyasu Sugawara, Naoto Tsubouchi, Takuo Sugawara, Masayuki Shirai, Yoshiyuki Nishiyama
The 9th International Conference on Coal Science, Sep. 1997, English
[International presentation] - 溶剤処理と急速熱分解を併用した石炭中硫黄の除去
坪内直人, 森山秀樹, 菅原勝康, 菅原拓男
化学工学会第 62 年会, Mar. 1997, Japanese
[Domestic Conference] - Effect of Chemical Pretreatment on Behavior of Sulfur Forms in Rapid Pyrolysis of Coals
Naoto Tsubouchi, Hideki Moriyama, Katsuyasu Sugawara, Takuo Sugawara
第 7 回石炭化学コロキウム, Jun. 1996, English
[Domestic Conference] - 石炭の急速熱分解における硫黄の挙動に及ぼす前処理の影響
郡司知訓, 坪内直人, 森山秀樹, 菅原勝康, 菅原拓男
化学工学会第 61 年会, Apr. 1996, Japanese
[Domestic Conference]
Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- 製鋼スラグからの高効率かつ高選択的リン回収システムの開発
科学研究費補助金 (基盤研究 (B))
2023 - 2025
文部科学省, Principal investigator - 高温プロセス由来の水銀蒸気の排出制御システムの開発
科学研究費補助金 (挑戦的研究 (萌芽))
2023 - 2024
文部科学省, Principal investigator - 塩素ドープ炭素質物質を用いる安価な水銀蒸気除去システムの開発
科学研究費補助金 (挑戦的研究 (萌芽))
2021 - 2022
文部科学省, Principal investigator - 製鋼スラグ中に含まれるリンの選択的分離回収法の開発
科学研究費補助金 (基盤研究 (B))
2020 - 2022
文部科学省, Principal investigator - 塩素原子で表面修飾した炭素質物質を用いる安価な水銀蒸気除去システムの開発
科学研究費補助金 (挑戦的研究 (萌芽))
2018 - 2019
文部科学省, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - 残留性有機ハロゲン化合物の低温再合成機構の解明と排出量極小化原理の確立
科学研究費補助金 (基盤研究 (B))
2017 - 2019
文部科学省, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - キーエレメントの化学構造に基づいた有機ハロゲン化合物の生成機構と排出制御法の確立
科学研究費補助金 (基盤研究 (B))
2014 - 2016
文部科学省, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding - ate of the nitrogen and sulfur in coal during carbonization and the effects of these heteroatoms on coal fluidity
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2011 - 2012
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Hokkaido University, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 23656506 - Crucial factors controlling the formation of halogenated organic compounds during high-temperature combustion proc esse s
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2009 - 2011
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A), Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 21681008 - 製鋼用電気炉で非意図的に発生するヘキサクロロベンゼンの生成機構と排出抑制法の構築
科学研究費補助金 (萌芽研究・挑戦的萌芽研究)
2008 - 2009
文部科学省, 東北大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 20651016 - Development of a production system of clean diesel fuel from woody biomass
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2007 - 2009
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Tohoku University, Coinvestigator, Competitive research funding, 19310044 - Key Factors Determining the Formation of Hydrogen Chloride and Aromatic Chloride Structures during Coal Conversion Processes
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2006 - 2008
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A), Tohoku University, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 18681011 - 炭素のミクロ構造に基づいた有機塩素化合物の生成機構と制御法の構築
科学研究費補助金 (若手研究 (B))
2004 - 2005
文部科学省, 東北大学, Principal investigator, Competitive research funding, 16710043 - Development of a novel catalyst for direct conversion of low valued natural gas containing carbon dioxide to petrochemical feedstock
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
2002 - 2004
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Tohoku University, Coinvestigator, Competitive research funding, 14350422 - A Novel Method of Removal of Nitrogen and Sulfur by Use of Nanoparticles Containing Composites Produced from Inexpensive Raw Materials
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
1999 - 2002
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, Tohoku University, Coinvestigator, Competitive research funding, 11218202
Industrial Property Rights
- 石炭の流動性向上用改質剤の選定方法、石炭の流動性向上用改質剤、石炭の改質方法、及びコークスの製造方法
Patent right, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治, 松井貴, 野間洋人, 高嶋孝徳
特願2023-52160, 28 Mar. 2023
特開2024-140816, 10 Oct. 2024 - 水素燃焼反応用触媒、それを用いた触媒組成物、およびそれらを用いた水素燃焼方法またはメタンの製造方法、ならびにその触媒組成物の製造方法
Patent right, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治, 林隆太郎
特願2024-174751, 04 Oct. 2024 - 食用動物の温度推定システム、食用動物の温度推定プログラム及び食用動物の温度推定方法
Patent right, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治
特願2024-147675, 29 Aug. 2024 - 石炭の流動性向上用改質剤の選定方法、改質剤、石炭の改質方法、及びコークスの製造方法
Patent right, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治, 松井貴, 野間洋人
特願2020-137108, 14 Aug. 2020
特開2022-032852, 25 Feb. 2022
特許第7470598号, 10 Apr. 2024
18 Apr. 2024 - 鉄鉱石中の脈石及びリンの除去方法、及び鉄の製造方法
Patent right, 樋口謙一, 坪内直人, 望月友貴
特願2022-132556, 23 Aug. 2022
特開2024-30025, 07 Mar. 2024 - 食用動物における食肉温度把握用模擬装置及びその使用方法
Patent right, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治
特願2024-18831, 09 Feb. 2024 - 水素燃焼反応用触媒、それを用いた触媒組成物、およびそれらを用いた水素燃焼方法またはメタンの製造方法、ならびにその触媒組成物の製造方法
Patent right, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治, 林隆太郎
特願2023-202513, 30 Nov. 2023 - リンを回収する方法、及び鉄原子を除去する方法
Patent right, 坪内直人, 望月友貴
特願2023-005999, 18 Jan. 2023
特開2023-145335, 11 Oct. 2023 - 塩分含有水氷及び/又は水氷の製造量算出装置、塩分含有水氷及び/又は水氷の製造量算出方法、及び、塩分含有水氷及び/又は水氷の製造量算出装置を備えた塩分含有水氷及び/又は水氷製造装置
Patent right, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治
特願2021-137125, 25 Aug. 2021
特開2023-31563, 09 Mar. 2023 - 塩分含有水氷及び/又は水氷の製造量算出装置、塩分含有水氷及び/又は水氷の製造量算出方法、及び、塩分含有水氷及び/又は水氷の製造量算出装置を備えた塩分含有水氷及び/又は水氷製造装置
Patent right, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治
国際特願PCT/JP2022/010889, 11 Mar. 2022
国際特開WO/2023/026539, 02 Mar. 2023 - 食用動物における食肉温度把握用模擬装置及びその使用方法
Patent right, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治
特願2023-030203, 28 Feb. 2023 - 食用動物の鮮度・熟成度評価装置、及び、鮮度・熟成度評価方法
Patent right, 永石博志, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治
韓国特願KR10-2022-7034527, 04 Oct. 2022 - 食用動物の鮮度・熟成度評価装置、及び、鮮度・熟成度評価方法
Patent right, 永石博志, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治
欧州特願EP21764553.0, 30 Sep. 2022 - 食用動物の鮮度・熟成度評価装置、及び、鮮度・熟成度評価方法
Patent right, 永石博志, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治
米国特願US17/909459, 06 Sep. 2022 - 食用動物の鮮度・熟成度評価装置、及び、鮮度・熟成度評価方法
Patent right, 永石博志, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治
中国特願CN202180019153.9, 05 Sep. 2022 - 製鋼スラグを処理する方法、及び、製鋼スラグからリンを回収する方法
Patent right, 坪内直人, 望月友貴
特願2022-052137, 28 Mar. 2022 - 食用動物の鮮度・熟成度評価装置、及び、鮮度・熟成度評価方法
Patent right, 稲田孝明, 永石博志, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治
台湾特願TW110107808, 05 Mar. 2021
台湾特開TW202141037A, 01 Nov. 2021 - 食用動物の鮮度・熟成度評価装置、及び、鮮度・熟成度評価方法
Patent right, 稲田孝明, 永石博志, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治
特願2021-030109, 26 Feb. 2021
特開2021-139894, 16 Sep. 2021 - 食用動物の鮮度・熟成度評価装置、及び、鮮度・熟成度評価方法
Patent right, 稲田孝明, 永石博志, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治
国際特願PCT/JP2021/008597, 05 Mar. 2021
国際特開WO/2021/177433, 10 Sep. 2021 - 水産動物の鮮度・熟成度評価装置、及び、鮮度・熟成度評価方法
Patent right, 稲田孝明, 永石博志, 坪内直人, 篠原祐治
特願2020-037546, 05 Mar. 2020 - 炭素内装鉱の製造方法
Patent right, 村井亮太, 石渡夏生, 殿村重彰, 菊池直樹, 富田幸雄, 富崎真, 秋山友宏, 坪内直人, 望月友貴
特願2016-084092, 20 Apr. 2016
特開2017-193742, 26 Oct. 2017
特許第6414903号, 12 Oct. 2018
31 Oct. 2018 - 被処理ガス中の有機窒素化合物の分解方法
Patent right, 上坊和弥, 坪内直人, 望月友貴, 小川歩
特願2013-157078, 29 Jul. 2013
特開2015-024400, 05 Feb. 2015
特許第6070462号, 13 Jan. 2017
01 Feb. 2017 - ガスの精製方法
Patent right, 重久卓夫, 兼子隆雄, 大塚康夫, 坪内直人, 橋本裕之
特願2003-407491, 05 Dec. 2003
特開2005-162988, 23 Jun. 2005
特許第4299645号, 24 Apr. 2009
22 Jul. 2009
Media Coverage
- Hokkaido University Succeeds in Hydrothermal Treatment for Recycling Aluminum Byproducts - Simultaneous Production of Valuable Resources and Removal of Impurities -
14 Jun. 2024
Other than myself
科学技術振興機構 (JST) アジア・太平洋総合研究センター
Science Japan (英語サイト)
[Internet] - 北海道大学等从铝浮渣中同时提取有用物质和去除杂质
30 May 2024
Other than myself
科学技術振興機構 (JST) アジア・太平洋総合研究センター
客観日本 (中国語サイト)
[Internet] - アルミニウム副産物をリサイクル~有価物製造と不純物除去同時達成~
17 May 2024
Other than myself
[Paper] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
30 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Innovations Report (Germany)
[Internet] - Reusing Sewage Sludge Ash for Phosphorus Fertilizer
29 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
AZo Cleantech (United Kingdom)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
29 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Smart Water Magazine (Spain)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
29 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Money Haat (India)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
29 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
News Concerns (India)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
29 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Swift Telecast (India)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
29 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Todays Chronic (India)
[Internet] - Reclamation of Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
28 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Globe Echo (United Kingdom)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
28 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
World News (United States)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
28 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Blogs (Unknown)
[Internet] - Hokkaido University: Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
27 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Targeted News Service (Print Edition) (United States)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
27 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Science Daily (United States)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash to Address Problem of Diminishing Supplies of Phosphorus Ores
27 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
World News (United States)
[Internet] - 北大、下水汚泥焼却灰からリンを選択的に分離回収 再資源化技術
26 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
[Internet] - 塩化リンの分離回収に成功 北大大学院工学研究院、下水汚泥の焼却灰から
26 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
26 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
News R (India)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash to Address Problem of Diminishing Supplies of Phosphorus Ores
26 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Today Headline (United Kingdom)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash to Address Problem of Diminishing Supplies of Phosphorus Ores
26 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Sky News (United Kingdom)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash to Address Problem of Diminishing Supplies of Phosphorus Ores
26 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Phys Org (United States)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash to Address Problem of Diminishing Supplies of Phosphorus Ores
26 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
The Nation (Sri Lanka)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
26 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Alpha Galileo (United Kingdom)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
26 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Asia Research News (United Kingdom)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
26 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Mirage News (Australia)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
26 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
News Wise (United States)
[Internet] - Recovering Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge Ash
26 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
Eurek Alert! (Japan)
[Internet] - 地域商社主導の「漁業 DX」で魚の価値向上へ、千葉県いすみ市
02 Apr. 2024
Other than myself
日経 BP
新・公民連携最前線 ~PPP まちづくり~
[Internet] - 漁業を盛り上げる為に…いすみ市から ”漁業DX” を日本の漁業のスタンダードへ
12 Sep. 2023
Other than myself
千葉テレビ放送 (チバテレ)
海と日本 PROJECT in 千葉県
[Media report] - 漁業に DX ~鮮度見える化~
15 Jun. 2023
Other than myself
[Paper] - <トレサの芽吹き> 鮮度を見える化で地域活性
25 May 2023
Other than myself
日刊水産経済新聞電子版 (スイケイデジタル)
[Internet] - <トレサの芽吹き> 鮮度を見える化で地域活性
25 May 2023
Other than myself
[Paper] - 想像以上に深刻な魚離れ・・・千葉・外房で実験進む「鮮魚 DX」がスーパーの魚売場を変える!?
12 May 2023
Other than myself
[Internet] - 魚の鮮度見える化システム
24 Apr. 2023
Other than myself
[Internet] - 魚の鮮度見える化システム
24 Apr. 2023
Other than myself
[Paper] - 鉄鋼環境基金が表彰式~受賞記念講演会も~
14 Sep. 2022
Other than myself
[Paper] - 鉄鋼環境基金助成研究成果表彰式
14 Sep. 2022
Other than myself
[Paper] - いすみの魚鮮度 “見える化”~価値高め持続可能な漁業へ数値で食べ頃判断~
09 Aug. 2022
Other than myself
[Internet] - いすみの魚鮮度 “見える化”~価値高め持続可能な漁業へ数値で食べ頃判断~
09 Aug. 2022
Other than myself
[Paper] - 鉄鋼環境基金 / 理事長賞に北大・坪内氏 / 助成研究成果表彰
31 May 2022
Other than myself
[Paper] - 鉄鋼環境基金の 22 年度研究表彰~理事長賞に坪内准教授~
30 May 2022
Other than myself
[Paper] - 【北大発】魚の食べごろがひと目でわかる!「鮮度見える化システム」を北大の准教授が開発
06 Dec. 2021
Other than myself
北海道放送 (HBC)
[Internet] - 誰でも魚の目利きに?魚の鮮度がすぐわかるシステムとは?
05 Dec. 2021
Other than myself
北海道放送 (HBC)
SDGs シーズ~未来を拓く研究
[Media report] - 日本のエネルギー技術学ぶ~サハリンでセミナー開講~
13 Oct. 2021
Other than myself
[Paper] - 日本のエネルギー技術学ぶ~サハリンでセミナー開講~
13 Oct. 2021
Other than myself
北海道新聞電子版 (どうしん電子版)
[Internet] - 魚の鮮度をシミュレーション~北大研究者らがシステム開発~
19 Sep. 2021
Other than myself
北海道建設新聞電子版 (e-kensin)
[Internet] - 魚の鮮度をシミュレーション~北大研究者らがシステム開発~
16 Sep. 2021
Other than myself
[Paper] - 鉄鋼環境基金助成研究成果表彰式
05 Oct. 2018
Other than myself
[Paper] - 鉄鋼環境基金助成研究成果表彰~表彰式・講演会開く~
05 Oct. 2018
Other than myself
[Paper] - 鉄鋼環境基金助成研究表彰式・記念講演会を開催
05 Oct. 2018
Other than myself
[Paper] - 鉄鋼環境基金 2018 年度研究表彰~最優秀賞に北大・坪内氏~
05 Jun. 2018
Other than myself
[Paper] - 鉄鋼環境基金助成研究成果表彰者決定
05 Jun. 2018
Other than myself
[Paper] - 鉄鋼環境基金 2018 年度助成研究成果表彰者決定
05 Jun. 2018
Other than myself
[Paper] - クリーン石炭への挑戦~燃やす前に有害物質除去~
26 Jun. 2014
Other than myself
Educational Organization
- Bachelor's degree program, School of Engineering
- Master's degree program, Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering
- Doctoral (PhD) degree program, Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering