宮治 裕史 (ミヤジ ヒロフミ)

歯学研究院 口腔医学部門 口腔健康科学分野教授
Last Updated :2024/12/06



  • 博士(歯学), 北海道大学


  • 歯科治療のためのバイオマテリアル開発やトランスレーショナルリサーチを医工・産学連携にて行っています.



  • 50372256


  • 生体活性ガラス
  • 骨補填材
  • レーザー
  • 歯根膜
  • ハイドロキシアパタイト
  • バイオミネラリゼーション
  • コラーゲン
  • リン酸カルシウム
  • 光線力学療法
  • 酸化グラフェン
  • トランスレーショナルリサーチ
  • 抗菌性
  • バイオマテリアル
  • ナノカーボン
  • スキャフォールド
  • 再生医学
  • 細胞・組織
  • 骨再生
  • ナノ材料
  • 歯周組織再生


  • ライフサイエンス, 生体材料学
  • ライフサイエンス, 生体医工学
  • ナノテク・材料, ナノバイオサイエンス
  • ナノテク・材料, ナノ材料科学
  • ライフサイエンス, 口腔再生医学、歯科医用工学
  • ライフサイエンス, 保存治療系歯学



  • 2024年04月 - 現在
    北海道大学, 大学院歯学研究院, 副研究院長(兼 副学院長,副学部長)
  • 2024年04月 - 現在
    北海道大学, 大学院歯学研究院口腔総合治療学教室, 教授
  • 2023年04月 - 現在
    北海道大学, 北海道大学病院口腔総合治療部, 部長
  • 2023年04月 - 現在
    北海道大学, 北海道大学病院臨床研修センター歯科卒後臨床研修部門, 部門長
  • 2023年04月 - 2024年03月
    北海道大学, 大学院歯学研究院臨床教育部, 教授
  • 2013年04月 - 2024年03月
    大阪大学接合科学研究所, Joining and Welding Research Institute, 共同研究員
  • 2022年04月 - 2023年03月
    北海道大学, 北海道大学病院歯周病科, 講師
  • 2009年04月 - 2022年03月
    北海道大学, 北海道大学病院歯周・歯内療法科, 講師
  • 2017年04月 - 2018年03月
    北海道大学, 高等教育推進機構
  • 2007年04月 - 2009年03月
    北海道大学, 大学院歯学研究科歯周・歯内療法学教室, 助教
  • 2006年05月 - 2007年03月
    北海道大学, 大学院歯学研究科歯周・歯内療法学教室, 助手
  • 2003年10月 - 2006年04月
    北海道大学, 北海道大学病院保存系歯科, 助手
  • 2003年09月 - 2003年09月
    北海道大学, 歯学部附属病院保存系歯科, 助手
  • 2001年07月 - 2003年08月
    北海道大学, 歯学部附属病院保存系歯科, 医員


  • 1997年04月 - 2001年03月, 北海道大学, 大学院歯学研究科, 口腔医学専攻, 日本国
  • 1991年04月 - 1997年03月, 東北大学, 歯学部, 日本国


  • 2024年11月 - 現在
    代用臓器・再生医学研究会, 常任世話人
  • 2024年04月 - 現在
    日本歯科理工学会, 代議員, 学協会
  • 2023年04月 - 現在
    北海道歯学会, 理事,評議員, その他
  • 2023年04月 - 現在
    日本歯科保存学会歯科保存専門医認定委員会, 委員
  • 2023年04月 - 現在
    国立大学附属病院長会議・歯科医師臨床研修問題ワーキンググループ, 委員
  • 2022年04月 - 現在
    日本バイオマテリアル学会, 評議員, 学協会
  • 2021年05月 - 現在
    北海道骨粗鬆症研究会, 評議員
  • 2009年04月 - 現在
    日本歯科保存学会, 評議員, 学協会
  • 2017年04月 - 2022年03月
    日本歯周病学会編集連絡委員会, 委員, 学協会



  • 2023年09月, 大阪大学接合科学研究所, 接合科学共同利用・共同研究賞               
  • 2018年11月, 日本再生歯科医学会, 優秀発表賞               
    西田絵利香;宮治裕史;蔀 佳奈子;眞弓佳代子;菅谷 勉;梅田純子;近藤勝義;古月文志
  • 2018年06月, 日本歯科保存学会, 奨励賞論文               
    Antimicrobial photodynamic activity and cytocompatibility of Au25(Capt)18 clusters photoexcited by blue LED light irradiation
    S Miyata;H Miyaji;H Kawasaki;M Yamamoto;E Nishida;H Takita;T Akasaka;N Ushijima;T Iwanaga;T Sugaya
  • 2018年05月, 日本バイオマテリアル学会北海道ブロック研究会, ポスター賞               
    眞弓佳代子;宮治裕史;降旗友和;金本佑生実;宮田さほり;蔀 佳奈子;赤坂 司;菅谷 勉
  • 2018年05月, 北海道歯学会, 北海道歯学会賞               
    Antimicrobial photodynamic activity and cytocompatibility of Au25(Capt)18 clusters photoexcited by blue LED light irradiation
    S Miyata;H Miyaji;H Kawasaki;M Yamamoto;E Nishida;H Takita;T Akasaka;N Ushijima;T Iwanaga;T Sugaya
  • 2017年11月, 日本総合歯科学会, 優秀賞               
    田中佐織;宮治裕史;西田絵利香;A. Joseph;NATHANAEL;中村真紀;大矢根綾子;田中 享;飯田俊二;高師則行;井上 哲
  • 2017年08月, 日本歯科保存学会, 奨励賞論文               
    Semaphorin 3A Induces Odontoblastic Phenotype in Dental Pulp Stem Cells
    S Yoshida;N Wada;D Hasegawa;H Miyaji;H Mitarai;A Tomokiyo;S Hamano;H Maeda
  • 2017年05月, 日本バイオマテリアル学会北海道ブロック研究会, ポスター賞               
    岡本一絵;宮治裕史;宮田さほり;川﨑英也;蔀 佳奈子;赤坂 司;菅谷 勉
  • 2017年03月, 田中貴金属記念財団, 奨励賞               
  • 2016年09月, 大阪大学接合研究所, 接合科学・共同利用共同研究賞               
  • 2015年09月, 日本歯科医学会, 優秀発表賞               
    赤坂 司;加我公行;宮治裕史;横山敦郎;吉田靖弘
  • 2009年, 韓国歯周病学会, KACD and JSCD 優秀賞               
    Bone Marrow Cell Sheet in BMP-applied Collagen Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering
    K Inoue;H Miyaji;H Fukuda;H Yokoyama;S Tanaka;T Sugaya;M Kawanami
  • 2006年, 日本歯周病学会, 第5回日本歯周病学会会誌賞(2006年度)               
    本郷哲也;宮治裕史;菅谷 勉;川浪雅光, 日本国


  • Fluoride-incorporated apatite coating on resin-based composite via laser-assisted rapid pseudo-biomineralization
    Nandha Kumar Ponnusamy, Ayako Oyane, Maki Nakamura, Tomoya Inose, Kazuo Onuma, Erika Nishida, Hirofumi Miyaji
    Applied Surface Science, 681, 161473, 161473, Elsevier BV, 2025年02月, [査読有り]
  • Ultrafast coating of fluoride-substituted hydroxyapatite layers on teeth by laser-assisted crystallization: Comparison of surface structure and composition among enamel, dentin, and cementum
    Kazuo Onuma, Miyabi Makino, Ikuko Sakamaki, Maki Nakamura, Erika Nishida, Saori Tanaka, Hirofumi Miyaji, Ayako Oyane
    Applied Surface Science, 674, 2024年11月15日, [査読有り]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), Functionalization of teeth surfaces has attracted much attention from the perspective of preventive dentistry. Laser irradiation (30 s) of the viscous light-absorber paste coated on the tooth substrate enabled ultrafast coating of orientation-controlled fluoride-substituted hydroxyapatite (HAP) rod layers, 150–500 nm thick, in a calcium phosphate solution. On enamel, the layers perfectly inherited orientations and structures of the crystals in the substrate, exhibiting two types of hierarchies at different scales. One was a submicron-scale hierarchy, in which an approximately 60-nm-wide rod comprised multiple thinner rods, approximately 20-nm wide, oriented along the c-axis. The 20-nm-wide rods exhibited another type of nanoscale hierarchy comprising incompletely assembled nanofibers < 5-nm wide. In dentin and cementum, c-axis-elongated HAP rods grown on the substrates displayed less arrangement in their elongation direction than those grown on enamel. Most rods on dentin were single crystals, unlike those grown on enamel. On the cementum, each polycrystalline rod (100–150 nm wide) comprised multiple single-crystal rods approximately 60-nm wide, forming a sub-micron hierarchy similar to that observed in enamel. The developed method may be useful in dental practice for protecting teeth surfaces and repairing microdefects in enamel, dentin, and cementum.
  • Natural Recovery of Very Limited Elbow Flexion After Rare Lateral Humeral Condylar Fracture in a 4-Year-Old Boy
    Koki Ohta, Yuichiro Matsui, Hiroyuki Kato, Daisuke Kawamura, Takeshi Endo, Daisuke Momma, Tamotsu Kamishima, Tatsunori Horie, Hirofumi Miyaji, Norimasa Iwasaki
    JBJS Case Connector, 2024年10月
  • Fabrication of Ciprofloxacin-Immobilized Calcium Phosphate Particles for Dental Drug Delivery
    Aniruddha Pal, Ayako Oyane, Tomoya Inose, Maki Nakamura, Erika Nishida, Hirofumi Miyaji
    Materials, 2024年04月26日, [査読有り]
  • Rapid regeneration of artificial enamel using laser-assisted biomineralization: With and without mesoscale hierarchy in hydroxyapatite rods
    Kazuo Onuma, Pal Aniruddha, Miyabi Makino, Ikuko Sakamaki, Maki Nakamura, Saori Tanaka, Hirofumi Miyaji, Ayako Oyane
    Materials Today Communications, 38, 108030, 108030, Elsevier BV, 2024年03月, [査読有り]
  • Fluoride-Incorporated Apatite Coating on Collagen Sponge as a Carrier for Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor
    Aniruddha Pal, Ayako Oyane, Maki Nakamura, Kenji Koga, Erika Nishida, Hirofumi Miyaji
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024年01月25日, [査読有り]
  • 最新の歯学 ナノカーボン材料「graphene oxide」による耐水透明コーティングと歯面の抗菌化               
    宮治 裕史
    北海道歯学雑誌, 44, 6, 9, 北海道歯学会, 2023年09月
  • Dopamine is involved in reparative dentin formation through odontoblastic differentiation of dental pulp stem cells.
    Shoko Fujino, Sayuri Hamano, Atsushi Tomokiyo, Risa Sugiura, Daiki Yamashita, Daigaku Hasegawa, Hideki Sugii, Shinsuke Fujii, Tomohiro Itoyama, Hirofumi Miyaji, Hidefumi Maeda
    Scientific reports, 13, 1, 5668, 5668, 2023年04月06日, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Conventional direct pulp-capping materials induce pulp cells to secrete various biomolecules in pulp tissues that promote reparative dentin formation through induction of odontoblastic differentiation of dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs). However, these biomolecules sometimes induce bone-like dentin with poor sealing properties. Therefore, exploration of biomolecules that allow tight sealing by tubular reparative dentin is required. We recently reported that dopamine (DA) is involved in dentinogenesis. Hence, we investigated the effect of DA on odontoblastic differentiation of DPSCs and reparative dentin formation. Both tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a DA synthetase, and DA were expressed in odontoblast-like cells in vivo. In vitro, their expression was increased during odontoblastic differentiation of DPSCs. Furthermore, TH-overexpressing DPSCs had promoted odontoblastic differentiation and DA production. Moreover, DA stimulation promoted their differentiation and induced tubular reparative dentin. These results suggest that DA produced by TH is involved in odontoblastic differentiation of DPSCs and has an inductive capacity for reparative dentin formation similar to primary dentin. This study may lead to the development of therapy to preserve vital pulp tissues.
  • 酸化亜鉛ユージノール系ペーストタイプ根管充填シーラーの材料特性ならびに生体親和性評価
    加藤 昭人, 宮治 裕史, 金本 佑生実, 蔀 佳奈子, 岡本 一絵, 吉野 友都, 浜本 朝子, 西田 絵利香, 菅谷 勉, 田中 佐織
    日本歯科保存学雑誌, 66, 2, 114, 123, (NPO)日本歯科保存学会, 2023年04月, [査読有り], [責任著者]
    日本語, 目的:酸化亜鉛粉末とユージノール液を主成分とする根管充填シーラーは,ユージノールの細胞毒性が懸念されてきたが,ペースト化による練和比率の適正化で細胞毒性の低下が期待される.本研究では,ペーストタイプのユージノール系シーラーであるキャナルスペースト(CaNP)とニシカキャナルシーラーユージノール系ノーマルE-N(NS)の材料特性およびラット皮下組織に埋植しての生体親和性を,粉液タイプのユージノール系シーラーであるキャナルス(CaN)と比較検討した.材料と方法:シーラーの硬化体を作製後,圧縮強度試験と寸法変化試験を行った.次に各シーラーの練和直後(0時間)の試料と練和後3時間および72時間経過した試料からのユージノール放出量を経時的に計測した.抗菌性試験としてシーラー硬化体にStreptococcus mutans,Enterococcus faecalisを播種,24時間培養後に濁度測定した.また細胞親和性試験として,シーラー硬化体に線維芽細胞様細胞(NIH-3T3)を播種,24時間培養後にwater-soluble tetrazolium salt(WST)-8活性を評価した.さらにシーラー硬化体周囲のNIH-3T3にvinculin/F-actin二重染色を行い,蛍光顕微鏡で観察した.生体親和性評価として,ラット背部皮下にシーラー硬化体を埋植し,術後10日に試料と周囲組織を取り出しCD68免疫染色を行い,発現強度を測定した.また術後10,35日の試料周囲の炎症性細胞浸潤について,組織学的観察とスコア化して比較を行った.結果:CaNPはNS,CaNと比較して有意に高い圧縮強度を示し,寸法変化は同等であった.ユージノール放出量は,練和後0,3,72時間の各条件においてすべての試料で経時的に増加し,CaNPとNSの放出量は同程度であったが,CaNは他と比較して有意に多かった.濁度測定の結果,2菌種ともすべてのシーラーで濁度が低下し,CaNが最も強い濁度の低下を示した.CaNPは有意に高いWST-8活性を示し,硬化体周囲において細胞の伸展が観察された.CD68発現強度はNSで有意に高く,炎症性細胞浸潤のスコアは35日においてNSは他よりも高い値であった.結論:CaNPは,NSやCaNと比較して良好な生体親和性を有することが示唆された.また,NSに比較して低い起炎性を示した.(著者抄録)
  • Water-resistant antibacterial properties of a graphene oxide/cetylpyridinium chloride complex formed on medical gauze fibers.
    Yukimi Kanemoto, Hirofumi Miyaji, Erika Nishida, Asako Hamamoto, Tsutomu Sugaya, Syun Gohda, Hironobu Ono
    Journal of oral biosciences, 65, 2, 202, 205, 2023年02月19日, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), OBJECTIVES: Graphene oxide (GO) is a nanocarbon material with a high aspect ratio (width:thickness) and abundant anionic functional groups on its surface. In this study, we attached GO to the surface of medical gauze fibers, constructed a complex with a cationic surface active agent (CSAA), and demonstrated that the treated gauze exhibits antibacterial activity even after rinsing with water. METHODS: Medical gauze was immersed in GO dispersion (0.001%, 0.01%, and 0.1%), rinsed with water, dried, and subjected to the Raman spectroscopy analysis. Subsequently, the gauze treated with 0.001% GO dispersion was immersed in 0.1% cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) solution, immediately rinsed with water, and dried. Untreated, GO-only, and CPC-only gauzes were prepared for comparison. Each gauze was placed in a culture well, seeded with Escherichia coli or Actinomyces naeslundii, and turbidity was measured after 24 h of incubation. RESULTS: The Raman spectroscopy analysis of the gauze after immersion and rinsing showed a G-band peak, indicating that GO remained on the surface of the gauze. The turbidity measurements indicated that GO/CPC-treated gauze (GO-treated and rinsed, followed by CPC-treatment and rinsing) significantly decreased turbidity compared to the other gauzes (P<0.05), suggesting that the GO/CPC complex remained on the gauze fibers even after water rinsing and showed antibacterial activity. CONCLUSIONS: The GO/CPC complex imparts water-resistant antibacterial properties to gauze and has the potential to be widely used for the antimicrobial treatment of clothes.
  • Rose bengal-decorated rice husk-derived silica nanoparticles enhanced singlet oxygen generation for antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation.
    Nanase Mori, Hideya Kawasaki, Erika Nishida, Yukimi Kanemoto, Hirofumi Miyaji, Junko Umeda, Katsuyoshi Kondoh
    Journal of materials science, 58, 6, 1, 13, 2023年01月25日, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), UNLABELLED: Rice husks are well known for their high silica content, and the RH-derived silica nanoparticles (RH NPs) are amorphous and biocompatible; therefore, they are suitable raw materials for biomedical applications. In this study, rose bengal-impregnated rice husk nanoparticles (RB-RH NPs) were prepared for their potential photosensitization and 1O2 generation as antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation. RB is a halogen-xanthene type's photosensitizer showing high singlet oxygen efficiency, and the superior photophysical properties are desirable for RB in the antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation of bacteria. To enhance the binding of anionic RB to RH NPs, we conducted cationization for the RH NPs using polyethyleneimine (PEI). The control of the RB adsorption state on cationic PEI-modified RH NPs was essential for RB RH-NP photosensitizers to obtain efficient 1O2 generation. Minimizing RB aggregation allowed highly efficient 1O2 production from RB-RH NPs at the molar ratio of RB with the PEI, XRB/PEI. = 0.1. The RB-RH NPs have significant antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mutans compared to free RB after white light irradiation. The RB-RH NP-based antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation can be employed effectively in treating Streptococcus mutans for dental applications. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10853-023-08194-z.
  • Periodontal tissue regeneration by recombinant human collagen peptide granules applied with β-tricalcium phosphate fine particles.
    Yuto Yoshino, Hirofumi Miyaji, Erika Nishida, Yukimi Kanemoto, Asako Hamamoto, Akihito Kato, Tsutomu Sugaya, Tsukasa Akasaka
    Journal of oral biosciences, 65, 1, 62, 71, 2023年01月17日, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), OBJECTIVES: Recombinant human collagen peptide (RCP) is a recombinantly created xeno-free biomaterial enriched in arginine-glycine-aspartic acid sequences with good processability whose use for regenerative medicine applications is under investigation. The biocompatibility and osteogenic ability of RCP granules combined with β-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) submicron particles (β-TCP/RCP) were recently demonstrated. In the present study, β-TCP/RCP was implanted into experimental periodontal tissue defects created in beagles to investigate its regenerative effects. METHODS: An RCP solution was lyophilized, granulated, and thermally cross-linked into particles approximately 1 mm in diameter. β-TCP dispersion (1 wt%; 500 μL) was added to 100 mg of RCP granules to form β-TCP/RCP. A three-walled intrabony defect (5 mm × 3 mm × 4 mm) was created on the mesial side of the mandibular first molar and filled with β-TCP/RCP. RESULTS: A micro-computed tomography image analysis performed at 8 weeks postoperative showed a significantly greater amount of new bone after β-TCP/RCP grafting (2.2-fold, P<0.05) than after no grafting. Histological findings showed that the transplanted β-TCP/RCP induced active bone-like tissue formation including tartaric acid-resistant acid phosphatase- and OCN-positive cells as well as bioabsorbability. Ankylosis did not occur, and periostin-positive periodontal ligament-like tissue formation was observed. Histological measurements performed at 8 weeks postoperative revealed that β-TCP/RCP implantation formed 1.7-fold more bone-like tissue and 2.1-fold more periodontal ligament-like tissue than the control condition and significantly suppressed gingival recession and epithelial downgrowth (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: β-TCP/RCP implantation promoted bone-like and periodontal ligament-like tissue formation, suggesting its efficacy as a periodontal tissue regenerative material.
  • 健康長寿社会を実現するセラミックス バイオミネラリゼーションの光制御と歯面改質応用
    大矢根綾子, 奈良崎愛子, 中村真紀, 宮治裕史
    セラミックス, 58, 9, 2023年
  • Fluoridated Apatite Coating on Human Dentin via Laser-Assisted Pseudo-Biomineralization with the Aid of a Light-Absorbing Molecule
    Ayako Oyane, Ikuko Sakamaki, Maki Nakamura, Kenji Koga, Kanako Shitomi, Saori Tanaka, Hirofumi Miyaji
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 24, 15981, 15981, MDPI AG, 2022年12月15日, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A simple, area-specific coating technique for fluoridated apatite (FAp) on teeth would be useful in dental applications. Recently, we achieved area-specific FAp coating on a human dentin substrate within 30 min by a laser-assisted biomimetic (LAB) process; pulsed Nd:YAG laser irradiation in a fluoride-containing supersaturated calcium phosphate solution (FCP solution). The LAB-processed, FAp-coated dentin substrate exhibited antibacterial activity against a major oral bacterium, Streptococcus mutans. In the present study, we refined the LAB process with a combination of a dental diode laser and a clinically approved light-absorbing molecule, indocyanine green (ICG). A micron-thick FAp layer was successfully formed on the dentin surface within only 3 min by the refined LAB process, i.e., dental diode laser irradiation in the FCP solution following ICG treatment. The ICG layer precoated on the dentin substrate played a crucial role in inducing rapid pseudo-biomineralization (FAp layer formation) on the dentin surface by absorbing laser light at the solid-liquid interface. In the refined LAB process, the precoated ICG layer was eliminated and replaced with the newly formed FAp layer composed of vertically oriented pillar-like nanocrystals. Cross-sectional ultrastructural analysis revealed a smooth interface between the FAp layer and the dentin substrate. The refined LAB process has potential as a tool for the tooth surface functionalization and hence, is worth further process refinement and in vitro and in vivo studies.
  • In vivo Assessment of Tissue Compatibility of Root Canal Sealer Containing Surface Pre-reacted Glass-ionomer Fillers
    Saori TANAKA, Hirofumi MIYAJI, Kayoko MAYUMI, Yukimi K ANEMOTO, Erika NISHIDA
    Operative Dentistry, Endodontology and Periodontology, 2, 1, 33, 39, 2022年12月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Sustained antibacterial coating with graphene oxide ultrathin film combined with cationic surface-active agents in a wet environment.
    Hirofumi Miyaji, Yukimi Kanemoto, Asako Hamamoto, Kanako Shitomi, Erika Nishida, Akihito Kato, Tsutomu Sugaya, Saori Tanaka, Natsuha Aikawa, Hideya Kawasaki, Syun Gohda, Hironobu Ono
    Scientific reports, 12, 1, 16721, 16721, 2022年10月18日, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Antimicrobial surfactants contained in mouthrinse have excellent efficacy, but are not retained on the tooth surface (are rinsed away) due to their low water resistance and thus do not exhibit sustained antibacterial activity. We have developed a new coating method using graphene oxide (GO) that retains the surfactant on the tooth surface even after rinsing with water, thus providing a sustained antibacterial effect. Ultra-thin films of GO and an antimicrobial agent were prepared by (1) applying GO to the substrate surface, drying, and thoroughly rinsing with water to remove excess GO to form an ultrathin film (almost a monolayer, transparent) on the substrate surface, then (2) applying antimicrobial cationic surface active agents (CSAAs) on the GO film to form a composite coating film (GO/CSAA). GO/CSAA formation was verified by scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and ζ-potential and contact angle measurements. GO/CSAA was effective at inhibiting the growth of oral pathogens for up to 7 days of storage in water, and antibacterial activity was recovered by reapplication of the CSAA. Antibacterial GO/CSAA films were also formed on a tooth substrate. The results suggest that GO/CSAA coatings are effective in preventing oral infections.
  • Bioactive Glass配合根管充塡シーラーの生体内における起炎性と表面組成変化
    加藤 昭人, 宮治 裕史, 吉野 友都, 金本 佑生実, 浜本 朝子, 西田 絵利香, 菅谷 勉, 田中 佐織
    日本歯科保存学雑誌, 65, 2, 145, 153, 特定非営利活動法人 日本歯科保存学会, 2022年04月30日, [査読有り], [責任著者]
  • Osteoclast formation from mouse bone marrow cells on micro/nano-scale patterned surfaces.
    Tsukasa Akasaka, Hiroshi Hayashi, Miho Tamai, Yoshitaka Yoshimura, Yoh-Ichi Tagawa, Hirofumi Miyaji, Ko Nakanishi, Yasuhiro Yoshida
    Journal of oral biosciences, 64, 2, 237, 244, 2022年04月07日, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), OBJECTIVES: Osteoclasts can sense the surface topography of materials. However, it is difficult to identify the structural factors that affect osteoclast formation and its function. Furthermore, we hypothesized that the type of osteoclast precursor cells also affects osteoclastogenesis in the materials. In this study, we investigated the effects of defined micro/nanoscale patterns on osteoclastogenesis from bone marrow cells (BMCs). METHODS: Various cyclo-olefin polymer (COP) patterns were prepared using nanoimprinting. The effects of shape, size, and height of the patterns, and the wettability of the patterned surfaces on osteoclastogenesis from BMCs were evaluated in vitro. RESULTS: Osteoclast formation was promoted on pillars (diameter, 1 μm or 500 nm; height, 500 nm). Notably, osteoclastogenesis from BMCs was better promoted on hydrophobic pillars than on hydrophilic pillars. In contrast, decreased osteoclast formation was observed on the nanopillars (diameter, 100 nm; height, 200 nm). CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated the promotion of osteoclast formation from BMCs on hydrophobic pillars with diameters of 1 μm and 500 nm. Some cellular behaviors in the patterns were dependent on the type of osteoclast precursor cells. The designed patterns are useful for designing the surface of dental implants or bone replacement materials with a controllable balance between osteoblast and osteoclast activities.
  • 耐水性の高い酸化グラフェン/抗菌・抗ウイルス剤複合超薄膜コーティング               
    宮治裕史, 郷田 隼, 小野博信
    MATERIAL STAGE, 22, 1, 44, 47, 2022年04月, [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
  • Biological modification of tooth surface by laser-based apatite coating techniques.
    Hirofumi Miyaji, Ayako Oyane, Aiko Narazaki
    Journal of oral biosciences, 64, 2, 217, 221, 2022年03月26日, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), BACKGROUND: Development of new clinical regenerative procedures is needed for the reconstruction of the connective tissue attachment lost to periodontal disease. Apatite coating on the affected root surfaces could improve root surface biocompatibility and promote the reestablishment of connective tissue attachment. HIGHLIGHT: We developed two novel techniques that use laser light for coating the tooth surface with apatite. In the laser-assisted biomimetic (LAB) process, a tooth substrate was placed in a supersaturated calcium phosphate solution and irradiated for 30 minutes with low-energy pulsed laser light. Due to the laser-assisted pseudo-biomineralization, a submicron-thick apatite film was created on the laser-irradiated tooth surface. Furthermore, we created a fluoride-incorporated apatite film on the tooth surface using the LAB process and demonstrated its antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans. In the laser-induced forward transfer with optical stamp (LIFTOP) process, a thin apatite film loaded with the cell-adhesion protein, fibronectin, was prepared beforehand as a raw material on the optical stamp (carbon- and polydimethylsiloxane-coated support) by a conventional biomimetic process. After irradiation with a single laser pulse, the film (microchip) was transferred onto a tooth substrate via laser ablation of the carbon sacrificial layer. The LIFTOP process requires only a short processing time and has a minimal heat effect on the film; thus, the film exhibits cell adhesion activity even after the LIFTOP process. CONCLUSION: The LAB and LIFTOP processes have the potential as novel tools for tooth surface modification in the treatment of periodontal disease.
  • Ultrasonic irrigation of periodontal pocket with surface pre-reacted glass-ionomer (S-PRG) nanofiller dispersion improves periodontal parameters in beagle dogs
    Hirofumi Miyaji, Kayoko Mayumi, Yukimi Kanemoto, Ichie Okamoto, Asako Hamamoto, Akito Kato, Tsutomu Sugaya, Tsukasa Akasaka, Saori Tanaka
    Journal of Oral Biosciences, 64, 2, 222, 228, Elsevier {BV}, 2022年03月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), OBJECTIVES: Surface pre-reacted glass-ionomer (S-PRG) nanofiller, an antibacterial ion-releasing bioactive glass, has been shown to adhere to tooth surfaces and reported to improve inflammatory parameters in experimental periodontitis. In this study, cementum substrate was irrigated ultrasonically with dispersion to examine in-vitro nanofiller adhesion and antibacterial activity. Moreover, periodontal pockets in a beagle dog were ultrasonically irrigated with dispersion to assess periodontal healing. METHODS: The morphology of human cementum irrigated with S-PRG nanofiller dispersion was examined by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry. The antibacterial activity of the treated cementum was tested using Actinomyces naeslundii. In addition, experimentally formed periodontal pockets in beagle dog were ultrasonically irrigated with S-PRG nanofiller dispersion. Periodontal parameters (gingival index, bleeding on probing, probing pocket depth, and clinical attachment level) were measured from baseline (0 weeks) through 12 weeks. Moreover, the effects of irrigation with S-PRG nanofiller on changes in periodontal microflora and bone healing were analyzed. RESULTS: After ultrasonic irrigation, S-PRG nanofiller adhered to the cementum and exhibited antibacterial activity. The periodontal parameters were shown to improve following ultrasonic irrigation with S-PRG nanofiller dispersion. Analysis by next-generation sequencing revealed that the ratio of red-complex species decreased in the pockets irrigated with S-PRG nanofiller dispersion. In addition, the S-PRG nanofiller showed the potential to promote bone healing. CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasonic irrigation with S-PRG nanofiller dispersion using an ultrasonic scaler system permitted delivery of the S-PRG nanofiller to the root surface, providing improved parameters in experimental periodontitis and modifying the composition of subgingival periodontal microflora.
  • Different micro/nano-scale patterns of surface materials influence osteoclastogenesis and actin structure
    Tsukasa Akasaka, Miho Tamai, Yoshitaka Yoshimura, Natsumi Ushijima, Shinichiro Numamoto, Atsuro Yokoyama, Hirofumi Miyaji, Ryo Takata, Shuichi Yamagata, Yoshiaki Sato, Ko Nakanishi, Yasuhiro Yoshida
    Nano Research, 15, 5, 4201, 4211, 2022年, [査読有り]
    研究論文(学術雑誌), The surface topography of a material can influence osteoclast activity. However, the surface structural factors that promote osteoclast activity have not yet been investigated in detail. Therefore, we investigated osteoclastogenesis by testing various defined patterns with different dimensions and shapes. The systematic patterns, made of a cyclo-olefin polymer, were prepared at a micron-, submicron-, and nano-scale with a groove, hole, or pillar shape with a 1:1 pitch ratio. RAW264.7 cells were cultured on these patterns in the presence of the receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL). Osteoclast formation was induced in the order: pillar > groove ≥ hole. The two-dimensional factors also indicated that submicron-sized patterns strongly induced osteoclast formation. The optimal pillar dimension for osteoclast formation was 500 nm in diameter and 2 µm in height. Furthermore, we observed two types of characteristic actin structure, i.e., belt-like structures with small hollow circles and isolated ring-like structures, which formed on or around the pillars depending on size and height. Furthermore, resorption pits were observed mainly on the top of calcium phosphate-coated pillars. Thus, osteoclasts prefer convex shapes, such as pillars for differentiation and resorption. Our results indicate that osteoclastogenesis can be controlled by designing surfaces with specific morphologies.[Figure not available: see fulltext.]
  • Periodontal tissue engineering using an apatite/collagen scaffold obtained by a plasma- and precursor-assisted biomimetic process.
    Yukimi Kanemoto, Hirofumi Miyaji, Erika Nishida, Saori Miyata, Kayoko Mayumi, Yuto Yoshino, Akihito Kato, Tsutomu Sugaya, Tsukasa Akasaka, Arputharaj Joseph Nathanael, Syama Santhakumar, Ayako Oyane
    Journal of periodontal research, 57, 1, 205, 218, 2021年11月16日, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In the treatment of severe periodontal destruction, there is a strong demand for advanced scaffolds that can regenerate periodontal tissues with adequate quality and quantity. Recently, we developed a plasma- and precursor-assisted biomimetic process by which a porous collagen scaffold (CS) could be coated with low-crystalline apatite. The apatite-coated collagen scaffold (Ap-CS) promotes cellular ingrowth within the scaffold compared to CS in rat subcutaneous tissue. In the present study, the osteogenic activity of Ap-CS was characterized by cell culture and rat skull augmentation tests. In addition, the periodontal tissue reconstruction with Ap-CS in a beagle dog was compared to that with CS. METHODS: The plasma- and precursor-assisted biomimetic process was applied to CS to obtain Ap-CS with a low-crystalline apatite coating. The effects of apatite coating on the scaffold characteristics (i.e., surface morphology, water absorption, Ca release, protein adsorption, and enzymatic degradation resistance) were assessed. Cyto-compatibility and the osteogenic properties of Ap-CS and CS were assessed in vitro using preosteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. In addition, we performed in vivo studies to evaluate bone augmentation and periodontal tissue reconstruction with Ap-CS and CS in a rat skull and canine furcation lesion, respectively. RESULTS: As previously reported, the plasma- and precursor-assisted biomimetic process generated a low-crystalline apatite layer with a nanoporous structure that uniformly covered the Ap-CS surface. Ap-CS showed significantly higher water absorption, Ca release, lysozyme adsorption, and collagenase resistance than CS. Cell culture experiments revealed that Ap-CS was superior to CS in promoting the osteoblastic differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells while suppressing their proliferation. Additionally, Ap-CS significantly promoted (compared to CS) the augmentation of the rat skull bone and showed the potential to regenerate alveolar bone in a dog furcation defect. CONCLUSION: Ap-CS fabricated by the plasma- and precursor-assisted biomimetic process provided superior promotion of osteogenic differentiation and bone neoformation compared to CS.
  • アパタイト(リン酸カルシウム)材料の応用 レーザーを用いたアパタイトコーティング技術による歯表面の生物学的改質
    宮治裕史, 大矢根綾子, 奈良崎愛子
    New Glass, 36, 3, 15, 17, ニューガラスフォーラム, 2021年11月, [招待有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
  • Bone Tissue Regeneration by Collagen Scaffolds with Different Calcium Phosphate Coatings: Amorphous Calcium Phosphate and Low-Crystalline Apatite.
    Syama Santhakumar, Ayako Oyane, Maki Nakamura, Yuto Yoshino, Mohammed Katib Alruwaili, Hirofumi Miyaji
    Materials (Basel, Switzerland), 14, 19, 2021年10月07日, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Surface-mineralized collagen sponges have attracted much attention as scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Recently, we developed amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) and low-crystalline apatite coating processes on collagen sponges. In the present study, we applied these coating processes to granular collagen sponges (referred to as Col) to compare the bone tissue regeneration capabilities of ACP-coated and apatite-coated Col (referred to as Col-ACP and Col-Ap, respectively) using a rat cranial bone defect model. According to micro-CT and histological analyses, Col-Ap enhanced bone tissue regeneration compared to Col, whereas Col-ACP did not. These results not only demonstrated the superior bone tissue regeneration capability of Col-Ap, but also indicated limitations of the in vitro simulated body fluid (SBF) test used in our previous study. Despite the apatite-forming ability of Col-ACP in SBF, it was ineffective in improving bone tissue regeneration in vivo, unlike Col-Ap, most likely due to the quick resorption of the ACP coating in the defect site. The present results clarified the importance of the coating stability in vivo and revealed that the low-crystalline apatite coating was more beneficial than the ACP coating in the fabrication of surface-mineralized collagen sponges for use as bone tissue engineering scaffolds.
  • 歯科応用のための抗菌性リン酸カルシウム薄膜・ナノ粒子の迅速合成技術の開発
    大矢根綾子, 中村真紀, 宮治裕史
    J Soc Inorg Mater Japan, 28, 412, 115, 117, 2021年05月, [査読有り], [最終著者]
    日本語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Photodynamic Activities of Lysozyme-Au Nanoclusters/Rose Bengal Conjugates.
    Ichie Okamoto, Hirofumi Miyaji, Saori Miyata, Kanako Shitomi, Tsutomu Sugaya, Natsumi Ushijima, Tsukasa Akasaka, Satoshi Enya, Satoshi Saita, Hideya Kawasaki
    ACS omega, 6, 13, 9279, 9290, 2021年04月06日, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Antibacterial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) utilizes reactive oxygen species such as singlet oxygen (1O2) and free radicals via photosensitizers, which are light and light-sensitive agents, to reduce bacterial infections. It has been utilized as a treatment for dental diseases in place of antibiotic therapies. However, aPDT does not always cause the desired therapeutic effect due to the instability of organic photosensitizers and the formation of bacterial biofilms. To promote the antibacterial and antibiofilm effects of aPDT, we have proposed a lysozyme (Lys)-gold nanoclusters (Au NCs)/rose bengal (Lys-Au NCs/RB) conjugate as a novel photosensitizer. This conjugate was found to effectively impede the growth of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria when exposed to white light-emitting diode (LED) irradiation. The photoexcited Lys-Au NCs/RB showed significantly higher antibacterial activity than photoexcited Lys-Au NCs or RB alone. The synergistic effect is a result of the combination of Lys (an antibacterial protein) and enhanced 1O2 generation related to resonance energy transfer (RET) in the Au NCs/RB conjugate. Photoexcited Lys-Au NCs/RB increased the effects of aPDT in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Furthermore, the photoexcited Lys-Au NCs/RB successfully decreased Streptococcus mutans biofilm formation. However, in contrast, it did not have a negative effect on the proliferation, adhesion, or spread of mammalian cells, indicating low cytotoxicity. Lys-Au NCs/RB is a novel photosensitizer with low cytotoxicity that is capable of bacterial inactivation and the suppression of biofilm formation, and could help to improve dental treatments in the future.
  • Antibacterial coating of tooth surface with ion-releasing pre-reacted glass-ionomer (S-PRG) nanofillers.
    Kayoko Mayumi, Hirofumi Miyaji, Saori Miyata, Erika Nishida, Tomokazu Furihata, Yukimi Kanemoto, Tsutomu Sugaya, Kanako Shitomi, Tsukasa Akasaka
    Heliyon, 7, 2, e06147, 2021年02月, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Objectives: Surface pre-reacted glass-ionomer (S-PRG) fillers release antibacterial borate and fluoride ions. We fabricated nanoscale S-PRG fillers (S-PRG nanofillers) for antibacterial coating of tooth surfaces and assessed the antibacterial effects of this coating in vitro. In addition, we creating a canine model of periodontitis to evaluate the effectiveness of S-PRG nanofiller application on tooth roots and improvement of periodontal parameters. Methods: Human dentin blocks were coated with S-PRG nanofiller (average particle size: 0.48 μm) and then characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX), and ion-releasing test. Antibacterial effects of dentin blocks coated with S-PRG nanofiller were examined using bacterial strains, Streptococcus mutans and Actinomyces naeslundii. Next, we created an experimental model of periodontitis in furcation of premolars of beagle dogs. Then, S-PRG nanofiller coating was applied onto exposed tooth root surfaces. Periodontal parameters, gingival index (GI), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing pocket depth (PPD), and clinical attachment level (CAL), were measured from baseline until 4 weeks. In addition, bone healing was radiographically and histologically examined. Results: SEM and EDX revealed that S-PRG nanofillers uniformly covered the dentin surface after coating. Dentin blocks coated with S-PRG nanofiller showed ion-releasing property, bacterial growth inhibition, and sterilization effects. In the experimental periodontitis model, S-PRG nanofiller coating significantly reduced clinical inflammatory parameters, such as GI (P < 0.01) and BOP (P < 0.05), compared to uncoated samples. In addition, PPD and CAL significantly decreased by S-PRG nanofiller coating (2 weeks: P < 0.05; 3 and 4 weeks: P < 0.01), suggesting the improvement of periodontitis. Micro-CT and histology revealed that bone healing of furcation defects was enhanced by S-PRG nanofiller coating. Conclusion: S-PRG nanofiller coating provides antibacterial effects to tooth surfaces and improves clinical parameters of periodontitis.
  • Evaluation of antibacterial and cytocompatible properties of multiple-ion releasing zinc-fluoride glass nanoparticles.
    Erika Nishida, Hirofumi Miyaji, Kanako Shitomi, Tsutomu Sugaya, Tsukasa Akasaka
    Dental materials journal, 40, 1, 157, 164, 2021年01月31日, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国内誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Zinc-fluoride glass nanoparticles (Zinc-F) release several ions, such as fluoride, zinc and calcium ions, through acid-base reactions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial and cytotoxic properties of Zinc-F. Antibacterial tests showed that a Zinc-F eluting solution significantly reduced the turbidity and colony-forming units of Streptococcus mutans and Actinomyces naeslundii, compared to that of calcium-fluoroaluminosilicate glass nanoparticles without zinc ions. In live/dead staining, Zinc-F eluate significantly decreased green-stained bacterial cells, indicating live cells, compared with the control (no application). Human dentin coated with Zinc-F showed suppressed S. mutans and A. naeslundii biofilm formation. Additionally, Zinc-F eluate showed low cytotoxic effects in osteoblastic and fibroblastic cells. Therefore, our findings suggested that Zinc-F exhibits antibacterial and biocompatible properties through multiple-ion release.
  • Laser-Induced Forward Transfer with Optical Stamp of a Protein-Immobilized Calcium Phosphate Film Prepared by Biomimetic Process to a Human Dentin
    Aiko Narazaki, Ayako Oyane, Hirofumi Miyaji
    Applied Sciences, 10, 22, MDPI, 2020年11月11日, [査読有り], [招待有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Featured ApplicationThis method presents a new way for the rapid and area-specific printing of protein-immobilized calcium phosphate, which could potentially be used for the surface functionalization of medical devices and human tissues.The rapid and area-specific printing of calcium phosphate with superior biocompatibility and osteoconductivity is a useful technique for the surface functionalization of biomedical devices. We recently demonstrated the laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) of a brittle calcium phosphate film onto a soft and shock-absorbing polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate. In this work, a new LIFT using an optically transparent PDMS-coated stamp, which we hereafter call LIFT with optical stamp (LIFTOP), was introduced to achieve the transfer of brittle films to harder substrates. Cell adhesion protein fibronectin-immobilized calcium phosphate films (Fn-CaP) were prepared on the optical stamp through a biomimetic process. Then, the irradiation of a single laser pulse transferred the Fn-CaP film from the optical stamp onto relatively hard substrates, polyethylene terephthalate and human dentin. As a result of this LIFTOP process, Fn-CaP microchips with a shape corresponding to the laser beam spot were printed on the substrates. Cross-sectional observation of the interface between the Fn-CaP microchip and the dentin substrate revealed good attachment between them without obvious gaps for the most part.
  • Antibacterial tooth surface created by laser-assisted pseudo-biomineralization in a supersaturated solution.
    Ayako Oyane, Ikuko Sakamaki, Kenji Koga, Maki Nakamura, Kanako Shitomi, Hirofumi Miyaji
    Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications, 116, 111170, 111170, 2020年11月, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A technique for implementing biocompatible and antibacterial functions to a targeted region on tooth surfaces has potential in dental treatments. We have recently demonstrated pseudo-biomineralization, i.e., the growth of an apatite layer on a human dentin substrate by a laser-assisted biomimetic (LAB) process, based on pulsed laser irradiation in a supersaturated CaP solution. In this study, pseudo-biomineralization was induced in the presence of fluoride ions using the LAB process in order to fabricate an antibacterial fluoride-incorporated apatite (FAp) layer on the dentin surface. After processing for 30 min, a micron-thick FAp layer was formed heterogeneously at the laser-irradiated solid-liquid interface via pseudo-biomineralization. A time-course study revealed that the LAB process first eliminated the pre-existing organic layer, while allowing fluoride incorporation into the dentin surface within 1 min. Within 5 min, FAp nanocrystals precipitated on the dentin surface. Within 30 min, these nanocrystals acquired a pillar-like structure that was weakly oriented in the direction normal to the substrate surface to form a dense micron-thick layer. This layer was integrated seamlessly with the underlying dentin without any apparent gaps. The FAp layer exhibited antibacterial activity against a major oral bacterium, Streptococcus mutans. The proposed LAB process is expected to be a useful new tool for tooth surface functionalization via facile and area-specific pseudo-biomineralization.
  • In situ precipitation of amorphous calcium phosphate nanoparticles within 3D porous collagen sponges for bone tissue engineering.
    Syama Santhakumar, Ayako Oyane, Maki Nakamura, Kenji Koga, Saori Miyata, Ko Muratsubaki, Hirofumi Miyaji
    Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications, 116, 111194, 111194, 2020年11月, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) plays an important role in biomineralization within the three-dimensional (3D) collagen network in human hard tissues, and exhibits osteoconductivity. Porous collagen sponges coated with ACP nanoparticles could be considered as potential scaffolds for use in bone tissue engineering. In this study, such composite materials were fabricated via homogeneous ACP precipitation using a supersaturated calcium phosphate (CaP) solution. Homogeneous ACP precipitation was induced in situ within the sponges by a temperature-controlled coating process composed of two steps. In the first step, the CaP solution was cooled to 4 °C to suppress precipitation until the solution penetrated fully into the sponge's internal pores. In the second step, the CaP solution was warmed up to 25 °C with continuous shaking to induce ACP precipitation within the sponges. The resulting sponges were therefore coated with ACP nanoparticles on their inner and outer surfaces. A simulated body fluid (SBF) test indicated osteoconductivity of the collagen sponges coated with ACP nanoparticles. Further, ACP-coated collagen sponges immobilizing basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) were fabricated using the CaP solution supplemented with bFGF. The fabricated sponges allowed the sustained release of bFGF in a culture medium and enhanced proliferation of osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. Such ACP-coated collagen sponges have the potential to be used as scaffolds in bone tissue engineering if pursued for further in vitro and in vivo studies.
  • Technique for simple apatite coating on a dental resin composite with light-curing through a micro-rough apatite layer.
    Yasushi Hibino, Ayako Oyane, Kanako Shitomi, Hirofumi Miyaji
    Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications, 116, 111146, 111146, 2020年11月, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Tooth root surfaces restored with dental resin composites exhibit inferior biocompatibility. The objective of this study was to develop a simple technique for coating apatite onto a resin composite to improve its surface biocompatibility. First, we fabricated a polymer film coated with a micro-rough apatite layer and pressed it (coating-side down) onto a viscous resin composite precursor. As a result of light-induced curing of the precursor through the overlaid film, the micro-rough apatite layer was integrated with the resin composite and, thus, transferred from the polymer film surface to the cured resin composite surface as a result of the difference in interfacial adhesion strength. The transferred apatite layer attached directly to the cured resin composite without any gaps at the microscopic level. The adhesion between the apatite layer and the cured resin composite was so strong that the layer was not peeled off even by a tape-detaching test. The flexural strength of the resulting apatite-coated resin composite was comparable to that of the clinically used resin composite while satisfying the ISO requirement for dental polymer-based restorative materials. Furthermore, the apatite-coated resin composite showed better cell compatibility than the uncoated resin composite. The present apatite coating technique is well suited for dental treatment because the coating is applied during a conventional light curing procedure through simple utilization of the apatite-coated polymer film in place of an uncoated film. The proposed technique represents a practical evolution in dental treatment using light-curing resin composites, although further in vitro and in vivo studies are needed.
  • Bone forming ability of recombinant human collagen peptide granules applied with β-tricalcium phosphate fine particles.
    Tomokazu Furihata, Hirofumi Miyaji, Erika Nishida, Akihito Kato, Saori Miyata, Kanako Shitomi, Kayoko Mayumi, Yukimi Kanemoto, Tsutomu Sugaya, Tsukasa Akasaka
    Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials, 108, 7, 3033, 3044, WILEY, 2020年10月, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Recombinant human collagen peptide, developed based on human collagen type I, contains an arginyl-glycyl-aspartic acid (RGD)-rich motif to enhance cell behavior and is anticipated as a xeno-free polymer material for use in tissue engineering. We fabricated granules containing recombinant human collagen peptide (RCP) applied with beta-tricalcium phosphate fine particles (RCP/β-TCP) as bone filling scaffold material and assessed the bone forming ability of RCP/β-TCP. Recombinant peptide was thermal crosslinked and freeze-dried to prepare RCP. An aqueous dispersion of β-TCP fine particles was added to RCP to obtain RCP/β-TCP. Subsequently, RCP/β-TCP were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX), and cell culture assessments. Furthermore, RCP/β-TCP were implanted into rat cranial bone defects for radiographic and histological evaluations. In SEM and EDX analyses of RCP/β-TCP, β-TCP particles dose-dependently covered the surface of RCP. Cell culture tests showed that RCP/β-TCP remarkably promoted proliferation and mRNA expression of various genes, such as integrin β1 and osteogenic markers, of osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. Histomorphometric assessment at 4 weeks showed that RCP/β-TCP significantly promoted new skull bone formation compared to RCP (p < 0.05) and control (no application) (p < 0.01). Accordingly, these findings suggest RCP/β-TCP possess bone forming capability and would be beneficial for bone tissue engineering therapy.
  • クリニカル・アドバンス,2ペーストタイプ根管充填シーラー「キャナルスペースト」の抗菌性,細胞親和性評価.               
    デンタルダイヤモンド, 45, 168, 170, 2020年08月, [招待有り], [筆頭著者]
  • Suppression of root caries progression by application of Nanoseal®: A single-blind randomized clinical trial.
    Hirofumi Miyaji, Akihito Kato, Saori Tanaka
    Dental materials journal, 39, 3, 444, 448, 2020年06月05日, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者], [国内誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The aim of this single-blind, parallel and randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the effect of Nanoseal® application on root caries progression. Adult patients (n=129, mean age: 66.4±10.1 years) with root caries were randomly allocated into three groups: high-frequency (HF, n=43; intervention: Nanoseal application at baseline and 1-5 months), low-frequency (LF, n=43; intervention: Nanoseal application at baseline and 3 months), and control (n=43; intervention: no application of Nanoseal) groups. Measurements of fluorescence laser values of carious lesions using a DIAGNOdent™ Pen (D-value) were performed for each subject before intervention (baseline) and at 3 and 6 months. Significantly lower D-values for the HF (p=0.017) and LF (p=0.034) groups were observed compared with the control group at 6 months. Nanoseal application would be an effective procedure to suppress root caries progression.
  • Photodynamic inactivation of oral bacteria with silver nanoclusters/rose bengal nanocomposite.
    Kanako Shitomi, Hirofumi Miyaji, Saori Miyata, Tsutomu Sugaya, Natsumi Ushijima, Tsukasa Akasaka, Hideya Kawasaki
    Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy, 30, 101647, 101647, 2020年06月, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (a-PDT) is a promising anti-infective technique for generation of singlet oxygen (1O2) to target dental disease. However, conventional organic photosensitizers have problems for clinical use in terms of cytotoxicity, quenching of a-PDT activity by self-dimerization, and the lack of long-term antibacterial effect. We herein propose silver nanoclusters/rose bengal nanocomposite (AgNCs/RB) as a novel photosensitizer with two primary antibacterial effects: (1) 1O2 generation by irradiated RB and (2) Ag+ ion release from AgNCs. AgNCs/RB irradiated with white light-emitting diode (LED) for a short irradiation time of 1 min significantly decreased the bacterial turbidity of Streptococcus mutans, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (P < 0.05). In SEM, TEM and LIVE/DEAD staining images, photoexcited AgNCs/RB reduced S. mutans colonization, destroyed the cell membrane, and increased the number of dead cells. The antibacterial efficiency of photoexcited AgNCs/RB was greater than that of AgNCs or RB alone (P < 0.05), suggesting a synergistic effect of 1O2 and Ag+ ions from photoexcited AgNCs/RB. By contrast, photoexcited AgNCs/RB did not affect WST-8 and LDH activities and morphology of NIH3T3 mammalian cells, indicating low cytotoxicity. Interestingly, the antibacterial activity of AgNCs/RB on S. mutans was maintained even after the cessation of LED irradiation, indicating a long-term antibacterial effect due to released Ag+ ions. The present AgNCs/RB photosensitizers provide effective synergistic antibacterial effects for dental a-PDT via 1O2 and Ag+ ions coupled with low cytotoxicity.
  • Comparative biological assessments of endodontic root canal sealer containing surface pre-reacted glass-ionomer (S-PRG) filler or silica filler.
    Hirofumi Miyaji, Kayoko Mayumi, Saori Miyata, Erika Nishida, Kanako Shitomi, Asako Hamamoto, Saori Tanaka, Tsukasa Akasaka
    Dental materials journal, 39, 2, 287, 294, 2020年03月31日, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者], [国内誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Surface pre-reacted glass-ionomer (S-PRG) filler releases several ions, such as fluoride, borate and strontium ions, to exert bioactive effects. We fabricated an endodontic root canal sealer containing S-PRG fillers (S-PRG sealer) and then evaluated the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of S-PRG sealer compared with sealer containing conventional silica fillers (silica sealer). Antibacterial tests showed that S-PRG sealer significantly reduced the turbidity of Enterococcus faecalis compared with silica sealer. Implantation of S-PRG or silica sealer blocks in rat subcutaneous tissue showed that S-PRG sealer decreased the proinflammatory response compared with silica sealer at 10 days post-implantation. In addition, immunostaining revealed that infiltration of CD68- and peroxidase-positive cells around the S-PRG sealer was significantly lower than that in silica sealer. Therefore, it was suggested that S-PRG sealer exhibits antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Laser-assisted biomineralization on human dentin for tooth surface functionalization.
    Ayako Oyane, Noriyuki Saito, Ikuko Sakamaki, Kenji Koga, Maki Nakamura, A Joseph Nathanael, Noriko Yoshizawa, Kanako Shitomi, Kayoko Mayumi, Hirofumi Miyaji
    Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications, 105, 110061, 110061, 2019年12月, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), A technique for tooth surface modification with biocompatible calcium phosphate (CaP) has huge potential in dental applications. Recently, we achieved a facile and area-specific CaP coating on artificial materials by a laser-assisted biomimetic process (LAB process), which consists of pulsed laser irradiation in a supersaturated CaP solution. In this study, we induced the rapid biomineralization on the surface of human dentin by using the LAB process. A human dentin substrate was immersed in a supersaturated CaP solution, then its surface was irradiated with weak pulsed laser light for 30 min (LAB process). Ultrastructural analyses revealed that the pristine substrate had a demineralized collagenous layer on its surface due to the previous EDTA surface cleaning. After the LAB process, this collagenous layer disappeared and was replaced with a submicron-thick hydroxyapatite layer. We believe that the laser irradiation induced pseudo-biomineralization through the laser ablation of the collagenous layer, followed by CaP nucleation and growth at the dentin-liquid interface. The mineralized layer on the dentin substrate consisted of needle-like hydroxyapatite nanocrystals, whose c-axes were weakly oriented along the direction perpendicular to the substrate surface. This LAB process would offer a new tool enabling tooth surface modification and functionalization through the in situ pseudo-biomineralization.
  • Bioactive micropatterning of apatite immobilizing cell adhesion protein by laser-induced forward transfer with a shock absorber
    Narazaki Aiko, Oyane Ayako, Komuro Saki, Kurosaki Ryozo, Kameyama Tomoko, Sakamaki Ikuko, Araki Hiroko, Miyaji Hirofumi
    OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS, 9, 7, 2807, 2816, OPTICAL SOC AMER, 2019年07月01日, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The additive patterning of apatite with good biocompatibility and osteoconductivity is a useful technique for the production and surface functionalization of biomaterials. We developed this technique through our laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) process using a laser-absorbing sacrificial layer in combination with a shock-absorbing polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) receiver. With the PDMS shock-absorbing function, even the brittle apatite and that immobilizing the cell adhesion protein fibronectin (Fn-apatite) were successfully transferred and micropatterned while maintaining their dense, filmy state. The laser pulse energy effect was investigated, leading to the optimum energy range just above the transfer threshold. The apatite and Fn-apatite micropatterns exhibited superior cytocompatibility compared to the PDMS surface, and could potentially be used for cellular micromanipulation. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
  • 銀ナノクラスターで被覆したヒト象牙質はStreptococcus mutansに対する抗菌活性を示す(Human Dentin Coated with Silver Nanoclusters Exhibits Antibacterial Activity against Streptococcus mutans)
    Shitomi Kanako, Miyaji Hirofumi, Miyata Saori, Nishida Erika, Mayumi Kayoko, Sugaya Tsutomu, Kawasaki Hideya
    Nano Biomedicine, 11, 1, 21, 28, ナノ・バイオメディカル学会, 2019年06月, [査読有り], [責任著者]
    英語, 虫歯の病原菌であるStreptococcus mutansに対して審美的(象牙質変色予防)作用と抗菌的作用を持つ成分として、直径2nm未満の銀ナノクラスター(AgNC)を調製した。このAgNCはS.mutansの濁度と生存性を顕著に減少させるだけでなく、LIVE/DEAD染色法にて殺菌効果が認められた。このAgNCをヒト象牙質に適用すると、フッ化ジアミン銀を適用した場合と比べて象牙質の変色は認められず、AgNC-処理象牙質はS.mutansによるコロニー形成に対する阻害効果を示した。これらの結果から、AgNCは抗菌的・審美的基質として、歯科療法で有望と考えられた。, 24539358
  • S-PRGフィラー含有根管充填用シーラーの生体親和性評価
    田中 佐織, 宮治 裕史, 西田 絵利香, 宮田 さほり, 加藤 昭人, 眞弓 佳代子, 田中 享, 井上 哲
    日本歯科保存学雑誌, 62, 2, 107, 114, (NPO)日本歯科保存学会, 2019年04月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 目的:多機能性表面処理ガラス(Surface Pre-Reacted Glass ionomer:S-PRG)フィラーは、イオン放出性を有することからさまざまな生体活性効果を示すことが報告されている。本研究の目的は、S-PRGフィラーと酸化亜鉛を基材としたS-PRGフィラー含有根管充填用シーラー(S-PRGS)の生体親和性を、ユージノール系シーラー(ZOES)および非ユージノール系シーラー(ZOS)と比較検討することである。材料と方法:S-PRGS、ZOESおよびZOSの硬化体へMC3T3-E1細胞を播種培養し、走査電子顕微鏡(SEM)にて観察、細胞生存性を測定した。次にラットの背部皮下に硬化させた各シーラーを埋植し、術後10日および35日の炎症性細胞浸潤の程度について光学顕微鏡で観察を行い、数値化して評価した。結果:SEM観察の結果、S-PRGS上には細胞の伸展がみられたが、ZOESおよびZOS上では細胞の伸展は観察されなかった。細胞生存性を測定した結果、S-PRGSはZOESおよびZOSと比較して有意に高い値を示した。皮下埋入試験の結果、術後10日ではすべてのシーラー周囲に炎症細胞浸潤が観察されたが、S-PRGSでは軽度であった。S-PRGS、ZOESおよびZOSの術後10日の炎症スコアは、それぞれ2.16、2.67および2.83であった。術後35日では、S-PRGS周囲に炎症性細胞はほとんど観察されなかった。術後35日の炎症スコアは、それぞれ0.00、0.67および0.67であった。結論:S-PRGSは、ZOESおよびZOSと比較して良好な生体親和性を示した。(著者抄録)
  • 重度歯周炎と精神遅滞を伴う成人上顎前突症例               
    菅原 由紀, 宮治 裕史, 佐藤 嘉晃
    北海道歯学雑誌, 39, 2, 137, 145, 北海道歯学会, 2019年03月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 精神遅滞と重度歯周炎を有する上顎前突症患者に、矯正歯科治療を含めた包括歯科治療を行うことで、安定した咬合を得ることができたので報告する。患者は33歳10ヵ月の女性。重度歯周炎による強い歯の動揺を主訴として来院した。上顎前歯の著しい唇側傾斜と空隙歯列、過蓋咬合を呈し、強い咬唇癖が認められた。歯周基本治療後、矯正歯科治療を開始した。歯周炎による歯槽骨の低下に配慮し、矯正力は弱く、歯科矯正用アンカースクリューを用いて上下顎前歯の唇側傾斜の改善並びに空隙の閉鎖を行った結果、前歯部の舌側傾斜による挺出と大臼歯の近心移動を防ぐことができた。動的治療期間は2年6ヵ月であった。保定は補綴物を連結した永久保定とし、保定8年が経過した現在も咬合は安定している。(著者抄録)
  • クリニカル・アドバンス 抗菌性イオンが口腔ケアをサポートするBioUnionテクノロジー!!               
    宮治 裕史
    DENTAL DIAMOND, 44, 3, 194, 199, (株)デンタルダイヤモンド社, 2019年02月, [招待有り], [筆頭著者]
  • Laser additive micro-patterning for biomedical applications using laser-induced transfer
    奈良崎 愛子, 大矢根 綾子, 宮治 裕史
    ICALEO 2019 Proceedings, -, 2019年
  • Fusion of RAW 264.7 macrophage cells on micro-scale fine pillar patterns               
    J Honma, T Akasaka, M Tamai, Y Yoshimura, T Taira, H Miyaji, S Yamagata, Y Sato, Y Yoshida
    Dig J Nanomater Bios, 13, 4, 1123, 1131, 2018年12月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Rapid and area-specific coating of fluoride-incorporated apatite layers by a laser-assisted biomimetic process for tooth surface functionalization.
    A Joseph Nathanael, Ayako Oyane, Maki Nakamura, Moumita Mahanti, Kenji Koga, Kanako Shitomi, Hirofumi Miyaji
    Acta biomaterialia, 79, 148, 157, 2018年10月01日, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Surface functionalization of teeth with fluoride-incorporated apatite layers displays great potential in treatments and prevention of dental disorders. In this study, we used a sintered hydroxyapatite (sHA) substrate as a model material of teeth, and established a rapid and area-specific coating technique of fluoride-incorporated apatite layers by using a laser-assisted biomimetic (LAB) process. In this technique, a sHA substrate was irradiated on the surface with a Nd:YAG pulsed UV laser for 30 min in supersaturated calcium phosphate (CaP) solutions with various fluoride concentrations. The fluoride concentration in the CaP solution was varied to control morphology, crystalline structure, and fluoride content of the resulting layers. Without fluoride in the CaP solution, an octacalcium phosphate (OCP) layer with a flake-like structure was formed on the laser-irradiated surface of the substrate. The addition of fluoride (1000 µM and 3000 µM) to the CaP solution led to the formation of fluoride-incorporated apatite layers with an enamel-like needle-like nanostructure. The fluoride-incorporated apatite layers adhered firmly to the sHA surface and reduced acid dissolution of the sHA substrate by acting as a protective covering. Additionally, the layers released fluoride ions for more than 24 h, and exhibited antibacterial activity relative to a caries-causing bacterium, namely Streptococcus mutans. Thus, our LAB process can potentially act as a new tool for functionalization of tooth surfaces. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: We used a sintered hydroxyapatite (sHA) substrate as a model material of teeth, and established a rapid and area-specific coating technique of fluoride-incorporated apatite layers on the sHA surface by using our laser-assisted biomimetic (LAB) process. In this process, pulsed laser was utilized to accelerate seeded crystal growth in supersaturated calcium phosphate solutions supplemented with NaF. The thus-fabricated fluoride-incorporated apatite layers consisted of enamel-like needle-like nanocrystals with c-axis orientation. These fluoride-incorporated apatite layers adhered firmly to the sHA surface, reduced acid dissolution of the sHA substrate by acting as a protective covering, and exhibited antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans through the fluoride release. Thus, our LAB process can potentially act as a new tool for functionalization of tooth surfaces.
  • Antibacterial Photocurable Acrylic Resin Coating Using a Conjugate between Silver Nanoclusters and Alkyl Quaternary Ammonium
    Chiaki Tominaga, Kanako Shitomi, Hirofumi Miyaji, Hideya Kawasaki
    ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, 1, 9, 4809, 4818, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2018年09月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Ligand-protected silver nanoclusters (Ag NCs) have been gaining interest as antibacterial agents because of their ultrasmall sizes (<2 nm), their high antibacterial activity, and the variety of ligand species. The incorporation of Ag NCs into polymer resins is a desirable approach to achieve high durability and the long-term antibacterial activity of Ag NCs-based antibacterial coatings. However, the Ag NC-based antibacterial agents reported thus far are all water-soluble, and they have not been employed to generate antibacterial resins coatings because of the hydrophobic nature of the resins. Herein, we report for the first time Ag NC-based antibacterial photocurable acrylic resin coatings prepared by incorporating the conjugate of dihydrolipoic acid-capped Ag NCs with tetraoctylammonium (TOA) (TOA-Ag NCs). Given TOA's organosolubility, TOA-Ag NCs readily dissolved in the acrylic resin. The Ag NC-based antibacterial resin coatings displayed efficient antibacterial activity descending from the double antibacterial action of Ag NCs and TOA. This activity was maintained for a long time even after exposure of the coatings to aqueous environments. The cytotoxicity of the Ag NC-based antibacterial resin coatings was evaluated by measuring NIH3T3 cell proliferation and the expression of F-actin and vinculin, and data supported the low cytotoxicity of the coatings. These novel Ag NC-based antibacterial resin coatings have promising potential biomedical applications, for instance in healthcare/medical devices, for hospital infection prevention, and in implantable devices.
  • Calcium phosphate coating on dental composite resins by a laser-assisted biomimetic process.
    A Joseph Nathanael, Ayako Oyane, Maki Nakamura, Kenji Koga, Erika Nishida, Saori Tanaka, Hirofumi Miyaji
    Heliyon, 4, 8, e00734, 2018年08月, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Objectives: Dental composite resins with better biocompatibility and osteoconductivity have been sought in endodontic treatments. This study aimed to develop a technique to produce the osteoconductive resin surfaces through calcium phosphate (CaP) coating using a laser-assisted biomimetic (LAB) process. Methods: Light-cured, acrylic-based composite resins were used as substrates. The resin substrate was subjected to a LAB process comprising Nd:YAG pulsed laser irradiation in a supersaturated CaP solution. The LAB-processed substrate was immersed for 3 days in a simulated body fluid (SBF) for the preliminary osteoconductivity assessment. Results: After irradiation for 30 min, the resin surfaces were partly coated with a newly formed CaP layer. The coating layer contained hydroxyapatite as the main crystalline phase and the coating coverage depended on the laser wavelength and the type of resin. The LAB-processed CaP-coated surface exhibited apatite-forming ability in SBF. Conclusions: LAB process is effective for CaP coating on light-cured dental composite resins and improving their osteoconductivity. Clinical significance: The LAB process is a potential new tool to create a cementum-like osteoconductive surface on dental composite resins.
  • Aggregation/Self-Assembly-Induced Approach for Efficient AuAg Bimetallic Nanocluster-Based Photosensitizers
    Daiki Hikosou, Sastoshi Saita, Saori Miyata, Hirofumi Miyaji, Tetsuya Furuike, Hiroshi Tamura, Hideya Kawasaki
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122, 23, 12494, 12501, American Chemical Society, 2018年06月14日, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Great efforts have been devoted to the exploration of potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications of thiolate-protected gold nanoclusters (Au NCs). One of the therapeutic applications is the photosensitized generation of highly reactive singlet oxygen (1O2) using Au NCs for photodynamic therapy. However, there is scope for improving the 1O2-generation efficiency of Au NC photosensitizers. In this study, we exploit three strategies to improve the 1O2-generation efficiency of glutathione-protected Au NCs: (i) doping with silver (i.e., using bimetallic AuAg NCs, (ii) achieving aggregation-induced emission (AIE) using a Au(I)-thiolate complex, and (iii) achieving self-assembly-induced emission (SAIE) using a polymer nanogel. The combination of these three effects dramatically increased the 1O2-generation efficiency and enhanced the luminescence of the glutathione-protected Au NCs, owing to the inhibition of the nonradiative decay pathways. Finally, the photosensitizers based on AuAg NC@nanogel composites were successfully used for antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (a-PDT) against oral bacteria. This study provides general insights into the molecular design of water-soluble Au NC photosensitizers for therapeutic applications.
  • Effect of a nano-scale fine hole pattern on the differentiation of RAW264.7 cells into osteoclasts               
    R Takata, T Akasaka, M Tamai, Y Yoshimura, T Taira, H Miyaji, Y Tagawa, S Yamagata, J Iida, Y Yoshida
    Dig J Nanomater Bios, 13, 2, 451, 458, 2018年04月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • 安全かつ革新的な骨疾患治療を可能にする高分子医薬の創出
    岩崎泰彦, 宮治裕史, 平賀徹
    技苑, 146, 219‐221, 2018年03月31日
  • Evaluation of tissue behavior on three-dimensional collagen scaffold coated with carbon nanotubes and β-tricalcium phosphate nanoparticles
    H Miyaji, S Murakami, E Nishida, T Akasaka, B Fugetsu, J Umeda, K Kondoh, T Iizuka, T Sugaya
    J Oral Tissue Engin, 15, 3, 123, 130, 2018年03月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Bovine serum albumin-capped gold nanoclusters conjugating with methylene blue for efficient 1O2 generation via energy transfer.
    Masaki Yamamoto, Kanako Shitomi, Saori Miyata, Hirofumi Miyaji, Hiroyuki Aota, Hideya Kawasaki
    Journal of colloid and interface science, 510, 221, 227, 2018年01月15日, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Bovine serum albumin (BSA)-capped gold nanoclusters (BSA-Au NCs) are attractive photosensitizers for efficient singlet oxygen 1O2 generation owing to their high-water solubility, low toxicity, and the broad absorption from UV to visible wavelengths, and the long lifetime of the electronic excitations (of the order of microseconds). However, the 1O2 generation efficiency of BSA-Au NCs is relatively low. In the present study, a conjugate of BSA-Au NCs and methylene blue (MB) (BSA-Au NC-MB conjugate) has been developed to improve 1O2 generation for antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT). The BSA-Au NC-MB conjugate demonstrated enhanced 1O2 generation compared to the case of BSA-Au NCs and effective aPDT ability under white-light LED illumination for only 1min due to the resonance energy transfer from the Au NCs to the MB in the conjugate. To the best of my knowledge, this is first report of Au NCs on the resonance energy transfer application for efficient 1O2 generation. Therefore, the BSA-Au NC-MB conjugate is a novel photosensitizer for 1O2 generation that shows great potential for aPDT, and the present study also develops a very simple strategy to fabricate albumin-based nanoparticles for PDT.
  • Near-infrared Irradiation and Graphene Oxide Film Fabricated on Dentin Surface Exhibit Photothermal and Antibacterial Effects
    Nagao Keishi, Miyaji Hirofumi, Nishida Erika, Akasaka Tsukasa, Miyata Saori, Shitomi Kanako, Mayumi Kayoko, Kato Akihito, Sugaya Tsutomu
    Journal of Oral Hygiene & Health, 6, 1, 231, 231, OMICS International, 2018年01月10日, [査読有り], [責任著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
  • Laser Lift-Off Process for Additive Micropatterning of Functional Particles and Films
    Aiko Narazaki, Tadatake Sato, Hiroyuki Niino, Yoshiki Nakata, Tatsuya Shoji, Yasuyuki Tsuboi, Ayako Oyane, Hirofumi Miyaji
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Laser lift-off is one of potential candidates for new additive manufacturing technologies since it would realize additive patterning in micron/submicron resolution under atmospheric and room-temperature conditions. We have developed a variety of laser lift-off processes towards electronics, bio-sensing and medical treatments. In this paper, two kinds of laser lift-off methods were introduced: Laser-Induced Dot Transfer (LIDT) for micro/nanodots printing and Laser-Induced Forward Transfer with optical stamp (LIFTop) for micropatterning of various functional films.
  • Preparation of micro/nanopatterned gelatins crosslinked with genipin for biocompatible dental implants.
    Reika Makita, Tsukasa Akasaka, Seiichi Tamagawa, Yasuhiro Yoshida, Saori Miyata, Hirofumi Miyaji, Tsutomu Sugaya
    Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 9, 1735, 1754, 2018年, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Background: Collagen is a basic component of the periodontium and plays an important role in the function of the periodontal unit. Therefore, coating with collagen/gelatin has been applied to enable dental implants to positively interact with peri-implant tissues. Although the micro/nanoscale topography is an important property of the surface of dental implants, smaller collagen/gelatin surface patterns have not been sufficiently developed. Furthermore, only few reports on the behavior of cells on gelatin surfaces with different patterns and sizes exist. In this study, we developed micro/nanometer-scaled gelatin surfaces using genipin crosslinking, with the aim of understanding the use of patterning in surface modification of dental implants. Results: Grooves, holes, and pillars, with widths or diameters of 2 µm, 1 µm, or 500 nm were fabricated using a combination of molding and genipin crosslinking of gelatin. The stability of the different gelatin patterns could be controlled by the degree of genipin crosslinking. The gelatin patterns at 20 mM concentration of genipin and 41% crosslinking maintained a stable, patterned shape for at least 14 days in a cell culture medium. A cell morphology study showed that the cells on groves were aligned along the direction of the grooves. In contrast, the cells on pillars and holes exhibited randomly elongated filopodia. The vinculin spots of the cells were observed on the top of ridges and pillars or the upper surface of holes. The results of a cell attachment assay showed that the number of surface-attached cells increased with increasing patterning of the gelatin surface. Unlike the cell attachment assay, the results of a cell proliferation assay showed that Saos-2 cells prefer grooves with diameters of approximately 2 µm and 1 µm and pillars with diameters of 1 µm and heights of 500 nm. The number of cells on pillars with heights of 2 µm was larger than those of the other gelatin surface patterns tested. Conclusion: These data support that a detailed design of the gelatin surface pattern can control both cell attachment and proliferation of Saos-2 cells. Thus, gelatin surfaces patterned using genipin crosslinking are now an available option for biocompatible material patterning.
  • Characterization and evaluation of graphene oxide scaffold for periodontal wound healing of class II furcation defects in dog.
    Kohei Kawamoto, Hirofumi Miyaji, Erika Nishida, Saori Miyata, Akihito Kato, Akito Tateyama, Tomokazu Furihata, Kanako Shitomi, Toshihiko Iwanaga, Tsutomu Sugaya
    International journal of nanomedicine, 13, 2365, 2376, 2018年, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Introduction: The 3-dimensional scaffold plays a key role in volume and quality of repair tissue in periodontal tissue engineering therapy. We fabricated a novel 3D collagen scaffold containing carbon-based 2-dimensional layered material, named graphene oxide (GO). The aim of this study was to characterize and assess GO scaffold for periodontal tissue healing of class II furcation defects in dog. Materials and methods: GO scaffolds were prepared by coating the surface of a 3D collagen sponge scaffold with GO dispersion. Scaffolds were characterized using cytotoxicity and tissue reactivity tests. In addition, GO scaffold was implanted into dog class II furcation defects and periodontal healing was investigated at 4 weeks postsurgery. Results: GO scaffold exhibited low cytotoxicity and enhanced cellular ingrowth behavior and rat bone forming ability. In addition, GO scaffold stimulated healing of dog class II furcation defects. Periodontal attachment formation, including alveolar bone, periodontal ligament-like tissue, and cementum-like tissue, was significantly increased by GO scaffold implantation, compared with untreated scaffold. Conclusion: The results suggest that GO scaffold is biocompatible and possesses excellent bone and periodontal tissue formation ability. Therefore, GO scaffold would be beneficial for periodontal tissue engineering therapy.
  • Laser-assisted wet coating of calcium phosphate for surface-functionalization of PEEK.
    Ayako Oyane, Maki Nakamura, Ikuko Sakamaki, Yoshiki Shimizu, Saori Miyata, Hirofumi Miyaji
    PloS one, 13, 10, e0206524, 2018年, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Calcium phosphate (CaP) coating is an effective method for surface-functionalization of bioinert materials and for production of osteoconductive implants. Recently, we developed a laser-assisted biomimetic process (LAB process) for facile and area-specific CaP coating. In this study, the LAB process was applied to chemically stable and mechanically durable poly(etheretherketone) (PEEK), which has become widely used as an orthopedic and dental implant material. The LAB process was carried out by irradiating pulsed Nd:YAG laser light (355 nm) onto a PEEK substrate that was immersed in supersaturated CaP solution. The CaP coating applicability depended on laser fluence, i.e., CaP successfully formed on PEEK surface after the LAB process at 2 W/cm2. Further increase in laser fluence did not result in the successful formation. At the optimal fluence of 2 W/cm2, the laser-irradiated PEEK surface was modified and heated to induce heterogeneous CaP precipitation within 10 min in CaP solution, followed by further CaP growth over the irradiation time (tested up to 30 min). The LAB process improved the cytocompatibility of PEEK surface with osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. Furthermore, the LAB-processed CaP-coated PEEK substrate formed a dense hydroxyapatite layer on its surface in the simulated body fluid, suggesting the osteoconductivity of this material. The present LAB process can be a useful new tool to produce osteoconductive PEEK-based implants.
  • Bone induction by α-tricalcium phosphate microparticle emulsion containing simvastatin
    A Tateyama, A Kato, H Miyaji, E Nishida, Y Iwasaki, S Fujii, K Kawamoto, K Shitomi, T Furihata, K Mayumi, T Sugaya
    Nano Biomed, 9, 2, 69, 76, ナノ・バイオメディカル学会, 2017年12月, [査読有り], [責任著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 骨移植材の分解性と操作性を改善するため、α型リン酸トリカルシウム(α-TCP)骨ペーストを基にした水-オイル懸濁液を調製した。親油性の抗高脂血症薬であるシンバスタチン(SIM)には骨形成促進作用が認められているため、SIM含有α-TCP骨ペーストを用いてラットの頭蓋骨欠損に対する骨形成効果を評価した。骨ペーストは固化後に多孔性構造とヒドロキシアパタイトの生成を示すので、頭蓋骨欠損部への移植後にX線画像解析と組織学的検査を行った。骨ペーストのSIM含有量は0、0.01、0.1および1mgとし、無SIMの対照骨ペーストと比較した。その結果、骨ペースト移植後に新たな骨形成が認められ、特に0.1mg SIM群では対照群に比べて骨体積が有意に促進され、術後4週では骨欠損部に骨ペースト残渣は見られなかった。以上より、SIM含有α-TCP骨ペーストは分解性であり、骨組織工学にとって有用であることが示唆された。
  • Dose effects of beta-tricalcium phosphate nanoparticles on biocompatibility and bone conductive ability of three-dimensional collagen scaffolds.
    Shusuke Murakami, Hirofumi Miyaji, Erika Nishida, Kohei Kawamoto, Saori Miyata, Hiroko Takita, Tsukasa Akasaka, Bunshi Fugetsu, Toshihiko Iwanaga, Hiromi Hongo, Norio Amizuka, Tsutomu Sugaya, Masamitsu Kawanami
    Dental materials journal, 36, 5, 573, 583, 2017年09月26日, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国内誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Three-dimensional collagen scaffolds coated with beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) nanoparticles reportedly exhibit good bioactivity and biodegradability. Dose effects of β-TCP nanoparticles on biocompatibility and bone forming ability were then examined. Collagen scaffold was applied with 1, 5, 10, and 25 wt% β-TCP nanoparticle dispersion and designated TCP1, TCP5, TCP10, and TCP25, respectively. Compressive strength, calcium ion release and enzyme resistance of scaffolds with β-TCP nanoparticles applied increased with β-TCP dose. TCP5 showed excellent cell-ingrowth behavior in rat subcutaneous tissue. When TCP10 was applied, osteoblastic cell proliferation and rat cranial bone augmentation were greater than for any other scaffold. The bone area of TCP10 was 7.7-fold greater than that of non-treated scaffold. In contrast, TCP25 consistently exhibited adverse biological effects. These results suggest that the application dose of β-TCP nanoparticles affects the scaffold bioproperties; consequently, the bone conductive ability of TCP10 was remarkable.
  • Treatment of infected root canals with 4-META/MMA-TBB resin
    T Sugaya, S Tanaka, H Miyaji, S Shimoji, M Kudo, H Takefu, T Washizu
    Hokkaido J Dent Sci, 38, 111, 121, 北海道歯学会, 2017年09月, [査読有り]
    英語, This review paper describes the various applications of 4-methacryloxyethyl trimellitate anhydride/methyl methacrylate-tri-n-butyl borane (4-META/MMA-TBB) and reviews research studies on the treatment of infected root canals using 4-META/MMA-TBB resin. 4-META/MMA-TBB resin exhibits good biocompatibility, polymerisation, and adhesiveness to dentine. As a result, it has improved the previously low success rates of root-end sealing, root canal filling, and perforation sealing in difficult cases. Root-end sealing of resected surfaces using 4-META/MMA-TBB during apicoectomy and intentional replantation prevents leakage from root canal and root resorption. 4-META/MMA-TBB can offer sealing for root canals with opened root apex in which pressure could not be applied during root canal filling. In this paper we will discuss clinical cases related to the application of this resin and the benefits of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin.
  • Antibacterial and cytotoxic effects of photoexcited Au clusters via blue high-power or white low-power light-emitting diode irradiation               
    S Miyata, H Miyaji, H Kawasaki, E Nishida, K Shitomi, T Akasaka, S Tanaka, T Iizuka, T Sugaya
    Biol Eng Med, 2017年09月, [査読有り], [責任著者]
  • In Vitro and in Vivo Analysis of Mineralized Collagen-Based Sponges Prepared by a Plasma- and Precursor-Assisted Biomimetic Process.
    A Joseph Nathanael, Ayako Oyane, Maki Nakamura, Ikuko Sakamaki, Erika Nishida, Yukimi Kanemoto, Hirofumi Miyaji
    ACS applied materials & interfaces, 9, 27, 22185, 22194, 2017年07月12日, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Three-dimensional (3D) porous scaffolds for supporting cell adhesion and growth play a vital role in tissue engineering applications. In the present study, three different collagen-based 3D sponges were functionalized by apatite coating. The sponges were coated with apatite on their outer and inner surfaces while retaining their interconnecting pores. To achieve this, we employed a vacuum degassing system in our plasma- and precursor-assisted biomimetic process using a supersaturated calcium phosphate solution. The resulting apatite-coated sponges (mineralized sponges) showed better cell adhesion properties in vitro for osteoblast-like MC3T3-E1 cells compared to that of uncoated sponges. The three mineralized sponges were implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. Upon histological evaluation after 10 days, the mineralized sponges showed cell in-growth rates that were approximately 4-fold greater than those of the untreated sponges without any notable inflammatory reactions. As these sponges are composed of clinically approved collagen-based frameworks and possess a 3D porous structure with a mineralized surface appropriate for cell adhesion and internalization, further in vitro and in vivo studies should be conducted regarding tissue engineering applications.
    T. Akasaka, H. Miyaji, T. Imamura, N. Kaga, A. Yokoyama, Y. Yoshida
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We investigated patterning with curable dental materials via micro/nano-molding as a screening trial. We used typical curable dental materials such as a composite resin (CR), acrylic resin, varnish, adhesive resin, restoration, sealer, cement, tooth desensitizer, and gypsum with either a cyclo-olefin polymer (COP) mold or polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) mold that had holes, pillars, and grooves with 0.5 mu m diameters and 1 mu m heights. The COP mold was suitable for patterning of holes and grooves with Bondfill SB after 2 h curing, while PDMS mold was suitable for patterning of pillars with Bondfill SB at the 0.5 mu m scale after 2 h curing. Most of the curable dental materials could be patterned using the COP or the PDMS mold. However, dental impression materials could not be patterned as required. In addition, the COP mold was suitable for many organic pillars, while the PDMS mold was suitable for inorganic pillars. Further, we achieved patterning on the curved surface of an artificial tooth with flowable CR using the COP thin film mold. We conclude that for the formation of uniform shaped patterns, it is important to cure within a suitable time and to select mold types depending on the type of curable dental material.
  • Periodontal tissue repair after sealing of the gap in vertical root fracture.
    Tsutomu Sugaya, Mahito Tomita, Youji Motoki, Khurshiduz Zaman, Hirofumi Miyaji, Masamitsu Kawanami
    Odontology, 105, 2, 202, 207, 2017年04月, [査読有り], [国内誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The aim of this study was to determine whether sealing of fracture gap using adhesive resin through the root canal can prevent inflammation of periodontal tissue, and resealing the incompletely sealed fracture gap from outside can resolve such inflammation in experimentally created vertical root fractures. Vertical root fractures were created in incisor of beagles. In the experimental group, the fracture gap was sealed through the root canal with adhesive resin. After 5 weeks, sites with the clinical attachment level ≥4 mm were further divided randomly into the poor-replanting group and the poor-untreated group. In the poor-replanting group, the tooth was extracted and replanted after resealing the fracture gap with adhesive resin from the outer surface. Sites with clinical attachment level ≤3 mm after 5 weeks were considered as the satisfactory group. The poor-untreated group and the satisfactory group were subjected to no further treatment. The clinical attachment level was evaluated at baseline and after 2, 5, and 9 weeks. After 9 weeks, histological measurements were made to determine the length of the epithelial downgrowth and the area of alveolar bone resorption. The clinical attachment level and the area of bone resorption were significantly smaller in the poor-replanting group and the satisfactory group than in the poor-untreated group (p < 0.05). The results indicate the possibility that periodontal inflammation along the fracture line can be prevented and improved if the fracture gap is sealed.
  • 安全かつ革新的な骨疾患治療を可能にする高分子医薬の創出
    岩崎泰彦, 宮治裕史
    技苑, 144, 221‐223, 2017年03月28日
  • Antimicrobial photodynamic activity and cytocompatibility of Au25(Capt)18 clusters photoexcited by blue LED light irradiation.
    Saori Miyata, Hirofumi Miyaji, Hideya Kawasaki, Masaki Yamamoto, Erika Nishida, Hiroko Takita, Tsukasa Akasaka, Natsumi Ushijima, Toshihiko Iwanaga, Tsutomu Sugaya
    International journal of nanomedicine, 12, 2703, 2716, DOVE MEDICAL PRESS LTD, 2017年, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) has beneficial effects in dental treatment. We applied captopril-protected gold (Au25(Capt)18) clusters as a novel photosensitizer for aPDT. Photoexcited Au clusters under light irradiation generated singlet oxygen (1O2). Accordingly, the antimicrobial and cytotoxic effects of Au25(Capt)18 clusters under dental blue light-emitting diode (LED) irradiation were evaluated. 1O2 generation of Au25(Capt)18 clusters under blue LED irradiation (420-460 nm) was detected by a methotrexate (MTX) probe. The antimicrobial effects of photoexcited Au clusters (0, 5, 50, and 500 μg/mL) on oral bacterial cells, such as Streptococcus mutans, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, and Porphyromonas gingivalis, were assessed by morphological observations and bacterial growth experiments. Cytotoxicity testing of Au clusters and blue LED irradiation was then performed against NIH3T3 and MC3T3-E1 cells. In addition, the biological performance of Au clusters (500 μg/mL) was compared to an organic dye photosensitizer, methylene blue (MB; 10 and 100 μg/mL). We confirmed the 1O2 generation ability of Au25(Capt)18 clusters through the fluorescence spectra of oxidized MTX. Successful application of photoexcited Au clusters to aPDT was demonstrated by dose-dependent decreases in the turbidity of oral bacterial cells. Morphological observation revealed that application of Au clusters stimulated destruction of bacterial cell walls and inhibited biofilm formation. Aggregation of Au clusters around bacterial cells was fluorescently observed. However, photoexcited Au clusters did not negatively affect the adhesion, spreading, and proliferation of mammalian cells, particularly at lower doses. In addition, application of Au clusters demonstrated significantly better cytocompatibility compared to MB. We found that a combination of Au25(Capt)18 clusters and blue LED irradiation exhibited good antimicrobial effects through 1O2 generation and biosafe characteristics, which is desirable for aPDT in dentistry.
  • 酸化グラフェンの医療応用-再生医療材料の創製と抗菌療法の開発-
    月刊Material Stage, 16, 10, 60‐63, 2017年
  • Effect of protein adsorption on alignment of human gingival fibroblasts on grooved composite resin
    Tsukasa Akasaka, Takuya Imamura, Hirofumi Miyaji, Naoyuki Kaga, Atsuro Yokoyama, Yasuhiro Yoshida
    e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 14, 225, 230, Surface Science Society of Japan, 2016年12月10日, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス), Groove patterns on the surface of implants act as an effective barrier to the apical migration of epithelial attachment, after which the grooves facilitate gingival fibroblast attachment. Cell alignment on grooves is largely influenced by the adsorbed protein type. However, cell attachment and cell alignment properties of micro/nanogrooved dental composite resins using osteoblasts and fibroblasts have not been investigated. Further, the effect of saliva-related protein adsorption has not investigated. In this study, we prepared composite resins with grooves that were 2 μm, 1 μm, and 500 nm wide and estimated the effect of pre-coating of some proteins, mainly mucin, on attachment and alignment of human gingival fibroblasts(HGF). In the cell attachment assay on mucin-coated grooves, the number of attached cells on mucin-coated planar or grooved composite resins was lower compared to that on both composite resins without pre-coating of mucin. Interestingly, the number of attached cells on grooves pre-coated with mucin was 5.7-fold higher than those on planar pre-coated with mucin. Grooves at the micro/nano level may act as a hook for floating cells during the cell attachment assay. Furthermore, the degree of cell alignment was strongly dependent on the pre-coating protein types. The cells were radially spread or round-shaped, but not have sufficient alignment on non-, mucin-, and albumin-coated grooves. Although the cells were attached on the grooves, they were not aligned along the direction of grooves. The cells on fetal bovine serum- or fibronectin-coated grooves exhibited good alignment in the groove direction, particularly on fibronectin-coated grooves. Thus, our patterning method creates an effective seal between soft tissue and dental materials to protect against microorganism invasion.
  • Periodontal tissue engineering by nano beta-tricalcium phosphate scaffold and fibroblast growth factor-2 in one-wall infrabony defects of dogs
    K. Ogawa, H. Miyaji, A. Kato, Y. Kosen, T. Momose, T. Yoshida, E. Nishida, S. Miyata, S. Murakami, H. Takita, B. Fugetsu, T. Sugaya, M. Kawanami
    JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, 51, 6, 758, 767, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2016年12月, [査読有り], [責任著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Background and Objective: Nanoparticle bioceramics are being investigated for biomedical applications. We fabricated a regenerative scaffold comprising type I collagen and beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP) nanoparticles. Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) is a bioeffective signaling molecule that stimulates cell proliferation and wound healing. This study examined the effects, on bioactivity, of a nano-beta-TCP/collagen scaffold loaded with FGF-2, particularly on periodontal tissue wound healing.
    Material and Methods: Beta-tricalcium phosphate was pulverized into nanosize particles (84 nm) and was then dispersed. A nano-beta-TCP scaffold was prepared by coating the surface of a collagen scaffold with a nanosize beta-TCP dispersion. Scaffolds were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, compressive testing, cell seeding and rat subcutaneous implant testing. Then, nano-beta-TCP scaffold, nano-beta-TCP scaffold loaded with FGF-2 and noncoated collagen scaffold were implanted into a dog one-wall infrabony defect model. Histological observations were made at 10 d and 4 wk post-surgery.
    Results: Scanning electron microscopy images show that TCP nanoparticles were attached to collagen fibers. The nano-beta-TCP scaffold showed higher compressive strength and cytocompatibility compared with the noncoated collagen scaffold. Rat subcutaneous implant tests showed that the DNA contents of infiltrating cells in the nano-beta-TCP scaffold and the FGF-2-loaded scaffold were approximately 2.8-fold and 3.7-fold greater, respectively, than in the collagen scaffold. Histological samples from the periodontal defect model showed about five-fold greater periodontal tissue repair following implantation of the nano-beta-TCP scaffold loaded with FGF-2 compared with the collagen scaffold.
    Conclusion: The beta-TCP nanoparticle coating strongly improved the collagen scaffold bioactivity. Nano-beta-TCP scaffolds containing FGF-2 are anticipated for use in periodontal tissue engineering.
  • Adhesion of Osteoblast-like cells (Saos-2) on micro-/submicro-patterned apatite scaffolds fabricated with apatite cement paste by micro-molding
    T Akasaka, H Miyaji, N Kaga, A Yokoyama, S Abe, Y Yoshida
    Nano Biomed, 8, 112, 122, 2016年12月, [査読有り]
  • Physicochemical fabrication of antibacterial calcium phosphate submicrospheres with dispersed silver nanoparticles via coprecipitation and photoreduction under laser irradiation.
    Maki Nakamura, Ayako Oyane, Yoshiki Shimizu, Saori Miyata, Ayumi Saeki, Hirofumi Miyaji
    Acta biomaterialia, 46, 299, 307, 2016年12月, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We achieved rapid, surfactant-free, and one-pot fabrication of antibacterial calcium phosphate (CaP) submicrospheres containing silver nanoparticles by combining physical laser and chemical coprecipitation processes. In this physicochemical process, weak pulsed laser irradiation (20min) was performed on a labile CaP reaction mixture supplemented with silver ions as a light-absorbing agent. The silver content in the submicrospheres was controlled for a wide range (Ag/P elemental ratio varied from 0.60 to 62.0) by tuning the initial concentration of silver ions (from 5 to 20mM) in the CaP reaction mixture. At the silver concentration of 5mM, we obtained unique nanocomposite particles: CaP submicrospheres (average diameter of approximately 500nm) containing metallic silver nanoparticles dispersed throughout, as a result of CaP and silver coprecipitation with simultaneous photoreduction of silver ions and spheroidization of the coprecipitates. These CaP submicrospheres containing silver nanoparticles (ca. 0.3mg silver per 1mg submicrospheres) exhibited antibacterial activity against major pathogenic oral bacteria, i.e., Streptococcus mutans, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, and Porphyromonas gingivalis. Moreover, the CaP submicrospheres dissolved and neutralized the acidic environment generated by Streptococcus mutans, demonstrating their potential as acid-neutralizing and remineralizing agents. The present process and resulting antibacterial CaP-based submicrospheres are expected to be useful in dental healthcare and infection control. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Nano- and microsized spheres of calcium phosphate (CaP) containing silver nanoparticles have great potential in dental applications. Conventional fabrication processes were time-consuming or weak regarding the size/shape control of the spheres. In this study, we achieved a simple (one-pot), rapid (20-min irradiation), and surfactant-free fabrication of CaP submicrospheres containing silver nanoparticles by pulsed laser irradiation to a mixture of calcium, phosphate, and silver ion solutions. The resulting CaP submicrospheres contained metallic silver nanoparticles dispersed throughout in a sequence of reactions: CaP and silver coprecipitation, laser-induced melting and spheroidization of the coprecipitates, and photoreduction of silver ions. These submicrospheres showed antibacterial activity against oral bacteria and acid-neutralizing property in the bacterial suspension, and hence are worth considering for dental applications.
  • Semaphorin 3A Induces Odontoblastic Phenotype in Dental Pulp Stem Cells
    S. Yoshida, N. Wada, D. Hasegawa, H. Miyaji, H. Mitarai, A. Tomokiyo, S. Hamano, H. Maeda
    JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH, 95, 11, 1282, 1290, SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC, 2016年10月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), In cases of pulp exposure due to deep dental caries or severe traumatic injuries, existing pulp-capping materials have a limited ability to reconstruct dentin-pulp complexes and can result in pulpectomy because of their low potentials to accelerate dental pulp cell activities, such as migration, proliferation, and differentiation. Therefore, the development of more effective therapeutic agents has been anticipated for direct pulp capping. Dental pulp tissues are enriched with dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs). Here, the authors investigated the effects of semaphorin 3A (Sema3A) on various functions of human DPSCs in vitro and reparative dentin formation in vivo in a rat dental pulp exposure model. Immunofluorescence staining revealed expression of Sema3A and its receptor Nrp1 (neuropilin 1) in rat dental pulp tissue and human DPSC clones. Sema3A induced cell migration, chemotaxis, proliferation, and odontoblastic differentiation of DPSC clones. In addition, Sema3A treatment of DPSC clones increased -catenin nuclear accumulation, upregulated expression of the FARP2 gene (FERM, RhoGEF, and pleckstrin domain protein 2), and activated Rac1 in DPSC clones. Furthermore, in the rat dental pulp exposure model, Sema3A promoted reparative dentin formation with dentin tubules and a well-aligned odontoblast-like cell layer at the dental pulp exposure site and with novel reparative dentin almost completely covering pulp tissue at 4 wk after direct pulp capping. These findings suggest that Sema3A could play an important role in dentin regeneration via canonical Wnt/-catenin signaling. Sema3A might be an alternative agent for direct pulp capping, which requires further study.
  • Modification of composite resin surface with carbon nanotubes enhances cell proliferation
    S Tanaka, H Miyaji, E Nishida, K Inoue, S Miyata, A Kato, I Kanayama, S Murakami, K Kawamoto, B Fugetsu, T Tanaka, H Takita, T Iizuka, M Kawanami
    Nano Biomed, 8, 27, 34, 2016年10月, [査読有り]
  • Influence of enamel matrix derivative on healing of root surfaces after bonding treatment and intentional replantation of vertically fractured roots.
    Sugaya T, Tomita M, Motoki Y, Miyaji H, Kawamami M
    Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology, 32, 5, 397, 401, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016年10月, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), BACKGROUND/AIM: The objectives of this study were to histopathologically evaluate cementum regeneration on root surfaces when an enamel matrix derivative (EMD) was used to bond a vertically fractured root and to evaluate the effectiveness of EMD in inhibiting root resorption. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 40 roots from 24 maxillary premolars in beagles were used. The root was vertically fractured using a chisel and mallet. Super-Bond was then used to bond the fractured root. In the experimental group, the root surface was treated with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and an EMD. The control group received no treatment. The root was then replanted in its original location. Histopathological observation and measurement using image-analyzing software were carried out after 8 weeks. RESULTS: In the experimental group, shallow resorption cavities developed on the root planed surfaces with new acellular cementum appearing over them. In the control group, no new cementum was seen on the planed surfaces, and there was connective tissue joining the roots. In some of the samples, resorption and multinucleated giant cells were seen. The experimental group showed a significantly larger volume of cementum formation (P < 0.001), and the volume of root resorption was significantly smaller (P = 0.004). CONCLUSION: When bonding and replanting tooth roots after a vertical fracture, the application of EMD was effective in regenerating cementum on root surfaces from which periodontal ligament had been lost in the area around the fracture line and in reducing the incidence of root resorption.
  • β-三リン酸カルシウムナノ粒子配合コラーゲンスキャフォールドのイヌ抜歯窩骨形成促進効果
    加藤 昭人, 宮治 裕史, 小川 幸佑, 百瀬 赳人, 西田 絵利香, 村上 秀輔, 吉田 崇, 田中 佐織, 菅谷 勉, 川浪 雅光
    日本歯科保存学雑誌, 59, 4, 351, 358, (NPO)日本歯科保存学会, 2016年08月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 目的:β-三リン酸カルシウム(β-TCP)は骨補填材として臨床応用されているが,吸収が遅いため組織置換に時間を要することや,残留材料の汚染による不良な治癒発現の問題がある.そこでわれわれはナノ化技術を応用し,ナノサイズ化したβ-TCP粒子をコラーゲンスポンジに配合したβ-TCPナノ粒子配合コラーゲンスキャフォールドを創製した.このスキャフォールドをラット頭蓋骨に応用した研究では,骨増生効果が認められ,またコラーゲンスポンジよりもすみやかに吸収されることが報告された.そこで本研究では,β-TCPナノ粒子配合コラーゲンスキャフォールドをイヌ抜歯窩へ埋植して骨形成効果を評価した.材料と方法:β-TCP粒子(平均粒径2.3μm)をナノ粒子に粉砕後,コール酸ナトリウムを分散剤として,β-TCPの水分散液を作製した.次にコラーゲンスポンジを分散液に浸漬した後,洗浄乾燥してβ-TCPスキャフォールドを作製した.ナノ粒子の付着状態を観察するために,スキャフォールド表面のSEM観察を行った.イヌ抜歯窩埋植試験はビーグル犬の上顎第一前臼歯抜歯窩に,実験群ではβ-TCPナノ粒子配合コラーゲンスキャフォールド,対照群ではコラーゲンスポンジの埋植を行い,経時的なエックス線写真撮影による評価,ならびに2,5週後における組織学的評価を行った.結果:SEM観察においてコラーゲンスポンジ線維表面に100nm程度のβ-TCPナノ粒子が認められ,スポンジ内部は粒子で埋まることなく維持されていた.抜歯窩埋植試験の結果,実験群のエックス線写真では対照群と比較して不透過性の亢進が早期に認められた.組織学的観察では,2週の実験群で抜歯窩内に既存骨から連続する新生骨が多く認められ,スキャフォールド内部に多量の細胞や血管を観察した.一方,2週対照群の新生骨はわずかであった.5週の実験群では抜歯窩内に残存スキャフォールドは認められず,中心部まで新生骨を認めた.対照群5週では新生骨が観察されたが,一部の標本では抜歯窩中心部が結合組織と残存コラーゲンスポンジで占められていた.2週における新生骨形成率は,実験群が対照群に比べて約3倍以上と有意に大きく,埋植材残存率は,実験群が有意に小さかった.結論:β-TCPナノ粒子配合コラーゲンスキャフォールドは良好な生体親和性・吸収性を示し,イヌ抜歯窩の骨形成を促進した.(著者抄録)
  • カーボンナノシート新素材『酸化グラフェン』の歯周病治療への展開
    宮治 裕史, 西田 絵利香
    日本歯周病学会会誌, 58, 2, 65, 71, (NPO)日本歯周病学会, 2016年07月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 歯周病治療において、新しい骨補填材やティッシュエンジニアリング法が開発され、多面的に新技術が応用されつつある。グラファイトから生成されるカーボンナノシート「酸化グラフェン」は、安全性が高く優れた理工学的特性を有するとともに、抗菌性やドラッグデリバリー効果、培養細胞へのポジティブな効果が報告されている。酸化グラフェンについて説明し、酸化グラフェンの細胞活性への効果、酸化グラフェンのティッシュエンジニアリングへの応用、酸化グラフェンの抗菌性評価について述べた。
  • Preparation of Chitosan-Gelatin Based Sponge Cross-Linked with GlcNAc for Bone Tissue Engineering
    Thitirat Chaochai, Hirofumi Miyaji, Takashi Yoshida, Erika Nishida, Tetsuya Furuike, Hiroshi Tamura
    Journal of Chitin and Chitosan Science, 4, 1, 1, 8, American Scientific Publishers, 2016年03月01日, [査読有り]
  • Graphene oxide scaffold accelerates cellular proliferative response and alveolar bone healing of tooth extraction socket
    Erika Nishida, Hirofumi Miyaji, Akihito Kato, Hiroko Takita, Toshihiko Iwanaga, Takehito Momose, Kosuke Ogawa, Shusuke Murakami, Tsutomu Sugaya, Masamitsu Kawanami
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Graphene oxide (GO) consisting of a carbon monolayer has been widely investigated for tissue engineering platforms because of its unique properties. For this study, we fabricated a GO-applied scaffold and assessed the cellular and tissue behaviors in the scaffold. A preclinical test was conducted to ascertain whether the GO scaffold promoted bone induction in dog tooth extraction sockets. For this study, GO scaffolds were prepared by coating the surface of a collagen sponge scaffold with 0.1 and 1 mu g/mL GO dispersion. Scaffolds were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), physical testing, cell seeding, and rat subcutaneous implant testing. Then a GO scaffold was implanted into a dog tooth extraction socket. Histological observations were made at 2 weeks postsurgery. SEM observations show that GO attached to the surface of collagen scaffold struts. The GO scaffold exhibited an interconnected structure resembling that of control subjects. GO application improved the physical strength, enzyme resistance, and adsorption of calcium and proteins. Cytocompatibility tests showed that GO application significantly increased osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cell proliferation. In addition, an assessment of rat subcutaneous tissue response revealed that implantation of 1 mu g/mL GO scaffold stimulated cellular ingrowth behavior, suggesting that the GO scaffold exhibited good biocompatibility. The tissue ingrowth area and DNA contents of 1 mu g/mL GO scaffold were, respectively, approximately 2.5-fold and 1.4-fold greater than those of the control. Particularly, the infiltration of ED2-positive (M2) macrophages and blood vessels were prominent in the GO scaffold. Dog bone-formation tests showed that 1 mu g/mL GO scaffold implantation enhanced bone formation. New bone formation following GO scaffold implantation was enhanced fivefold compared to that in control subjects. These results suggest that GO was biocompatible and had high bone-formation capability for the scaffold. The GO scaffold is expected to be beneficial for bone tissue engineering therapy.
  • Sealing the gap of vertical root fracture through the root canal               
    T Sugaya, M Nakatsuka, Y Motoki, S Tanaka, H Miyaji, M Kawanami, R Sakagami
    Dentistry, 6, 2016年01月, [査読有り]
  • Collagen Hydrogel Scaffold and Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Accelerate Periodontal Healing of Class II Furcation Defects in Dog
    Takehito Momose, Hirofumi Miyaji, Akihito Kato, Kosuke Ogawa, Takashi Yoshida, Erika Nishida, Syusuke Murakami, Yuta Kosen, Tsutomu Sugaya, Masamitsu Kawanami
    Open Dent. J., 10, 1, 347, 59, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., 2016年, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), OBJECTIVE: Collagen hydrogel scaffold exhibits bio-safe properties and facilitates periodontal wound healing. However, regenerated tissue volume is insufficient. Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) up-regulates cell behaviors and subsequent wound healing. We evaluated whether periodontal wound healing is promoted by application of collagen hydrogel scaffold in combination with FGF2 in furcation defects in beagle dogs. METHODS: Collagen hydrogel was fabricated from bovine type I collagen with an ascorbate-copper ion cross-linking system. Collagen hydrogel was mingled with FGF2 and injected into sponge-form collagen. Subsequently, FGF2 (50 µg)/collagen hydrogel scaffold and collagen hydrogel scaffold alone were implanted into class II furcation defects in dogs. In addition, no implantation was performed as a control. Histometric parameters were assessed at 10 days and 4 weeks after surgery. RESULT: FGF2 application to scaffold promoted considerable cell and tissue ingrowth containing numerous cells and blood vessel-like structure at day 10. At 4 weeks, reconstruction of alveolar bone was stimulated by implantation of scaffold loaded with FGF2. Furthermore, periodontal attachment, consisting of cementum-like tissue, periodontal ligament-like tissue and Sharpey's fibers, was also repaired, indicating that FGF2-loaded scaffold guided self-assembly and then re-established the function of periodontal organs. Aberrant healing, such as ankylosis and root resorption, was not observed. CONCLUSION: FGF2-loaded collagen hydrogel scaffold possessed excellent biocompatibility and strongly promoted periodontal tissue engineering, including periodontal attachment re-organization.
  • Friction behavior of network-structured CNT coating on pure titanium plate
    Junko Umeda, Bunshi Fugetsu, Erika Nishida, Hirofumi Miyaji, Katsuyoshi Kondoh
    APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 357, 721, 727, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015年12月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Friction behavior of the network-structured CNTs coated pure Ti plate was evaluated by ball-on-disk wear test using SUS304 ball specimen under dry condition. The friction coefficient was significantly low and stable compared to the as-received Ti plate with no coating film. CNTs coating film had two important roles; self-lubrication and bearing effects to reduce the friction coefficient and carbon solid-solution hardening to improve the abrasive wear property of Ti plate. The annealing treatment at higher temperature (1123 K) was more effective to reduce the friction coefficient than that at lower temperature (973 K) because the Ti plate surface was uniformly covered with CNTs film even after sliding wear test. This is due to TiC interlayer formation via a reaction between Ti plate and carbon elements originated from CNTs during annealing. As a result, a strong interface bonding between CNTs film and Ti plate surface was obtained by higher temperature annealing treatment, and obstructed the detachment of CNTs film during wear test. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Biological response to nanostructure of carbon nanotube/titanium composite surfaces
    E Nishida, H Miyaji, J Umeda, K Kondoh, H Takita, I Kanayama, S Tanaka, A Kato, B Fugetsu, T Akasaka, M Kawanami
    Nano Biomed, 7, 11, 20, 2015年06月, [査読有り], [責任著者]
  • Bone augmentation using a highly porous PLGA/β-TCP scaffold containing fibroblast growth factor-2
    T Yoshida, H Miyaji, K Otani, K Inoue, K Nakane, H Nishimura, A Ibara, A Shimada, K Ogawa, E Nishida, T Sugaya, L Sun, B Fugetsu, M Kawanami
    J Periodont Res, 50, 2, 265, 273, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2015年04月, [査読有り], [責任著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Background and ObjectiveBeta-tricalcium phosphate (-TCP), a bio-absorbable ceramic, facilitates bone conductivity. We constructed a highly porous three-dimensional scaffold, using -TCP, for bone tissue engineering and coated it with co-poly lactic acid/glycolic acid (PLGA) to improve the mechanical strength and biological performance. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of implantation of the PLGA/-TCP scaffold loaded with fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) on bone augmentation.
    Material and MethodsThe -TCP scaffold was fabricated by the replica method using polyurethane foam, then coated with PLGA. The PLGA/-TCP scaffold was characterized by scanning electron miscroscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction, compressive testing, cell culture and a subcutaneous implant test. Subsequently, a bone-forming test was performed using 52 rats. The -TCP scaffold, PLGA-coated scaffold, and -TCP and PLGA-coated scaffolds loaded with FGF-2, were implanted into rat cranial bone. Histological observations were made at 10 and 35d postsurgery.
    ResultsSEM and TEM observations showed a thin PLGA layer on the -TCP particles after coating. High porosity (> 90%) of the scaffold was exhibited after PLGA coating, and the compressive strength of the PLGA/-TCP scaffold was six-fold greater than that of the noncoated scaffold. Good biocompatibility of the PLGA/-TCP scaffold was found in the culture and implant tests. Histological samples obtained following implantation of PLGA/-TCP scaffold loaded with FGF-2 showed significant bone augmentation.
    ConclusionThe PLGA coating improved the mechanical strength of -TCP scaffolds while maintaining high porosity and tissue compatibility. PLGA/-TCP scaffolds, in combination with FGF-2, are bioeffective for bone augmentation.
  • Comparison of Fracture Sites and Post Lengths in Longitudinal Root Fractures.
    Sugaya T, Nakatsuka M, Inoue K, Tanaka S, Miyaji H, Sakagami R, Kawamami M
    Journal of endodontics, 41, 2, 159, 63, Elsevier {BV}, 2015年02月, [査読有り], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), INTRODUCTION: Comparing the epidemiology of fractures originating in the cervical and apical regions may help to understand the causes and risk of a vertical root fracture. We aimed to determine the frequency of vertical root fractures in different fracture sites and how the fracture site relates to fracture direction and post length. METHODS: Teeth diagnosed with a vertical root fracture were retrospectively surveyed for age and sex of the patient, type of tooth, a fracture region in the longitudinal axial direction, site of the fracture, and presence of a post. The fracture region in the longitudinal axial direction was classified as an incomplete fracture, complete fracture, and uncertain. Incomplete fractures were further classified into a fracture originating in the cervical region, a fracture originating in the midregion, and a fracture originating in the apical region. Posts were evaluated by loss of post and length of post. RESULTS: Fractures originating in the cervical and apical region occurred around the same frequency, whereas fractures originating in the midregion were extremely scarce. Of the fractures originating in the cervical region, 36.2% were in a mesial and/or distal site and 57.4% in a buccal and/or lingual site. Of the fractures originating in the apical region, 90.8% were in the buccal and/or lingual site. The number of cases of fractures originating in the apical region decreased with increased post length. CONCLUSIONS: Sites of fracture and post length differed greatly between fractures originating in the cervical region and the apical region, suggesting that risk factors for fractures originating in the cervical and apical regions are different.
  • Combination of Root Surface Modification with BMP-2 and Collagen Hydrogel Scaffold Implantation for Periodontal Healing in Beagle Dogs.
    Kato A, Miyaji H, Ishizuka R, Tokunaga K, Inoue K, Kosen Y, Yokoyama H, Sugaya T, Tanaka S, Sakagami R, Kawanami M
    The open dentistry journal, 9, 1, 52, 9, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., 2015年, [査読有り], [責任著者], [国際誌]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), UNLABELLED: Objective : Biomodification of the root surface plays a major role in periodontal wound healing. Root surface modification with bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) stimulates bone and cementum-like tissue formation; however, severe ankylosis is simultaneously observed. Bio-safe collagen hydrogel scaffolds may therefore be useful for supplying periodontal ligament cells and preventing ankylosis. We examined the effects of BMP modification in conjunction with collagen hydrogel scaffold implantation on periodontal wound healing in dogs. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The collagen hydrogel scaffold was composed of type I collagen sponge and collagen hydrogel. One-wall infrabony defects (5 mm in depth, 3 mm in width) were surgically created in six beagle dogs. In the BMP/Col group, BMP-2 was applied to the root surface (loading dose; 1 µg/µl), and the defects were filled with collagen hydrogel scaffold. In the BMP or Col group, BMP-2 coating or scaffold implantation was performed. Histometric parameters were evaluated at 4 weeks after surgery. RESULTS: Single use of BMP stimulated formation of alveolar bone and ankylosis. In contrast, the BMP/Col group frequently enhanced reconstruction of periodontal attachment including cementum-like tissue, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. The amount of new periodontal ligament in the BMP/Col group was significantly greater when compared to all other groups. In addition, ankylosis was rarely observed in the BMP/Col group. CONCLUSION: The combination method using root surface modification with BMP and collagen hydrogel scaffold implantation facilitated the reestablishment of periodontal attachment. BMP-related ankylosis was suppressed by implantation of collagen hydrogel.
  • Graphene oxide coating facilitates the bioactivity of scaffold material for tissue engineering
    Erika Nishida, Hirofumi Miyaji, Hiroko Takita, Izumi Kanayama, Maiko Tsuji, Tsukasa Akasaka, Tsutomu Sugaya, Ryuji Sakagami, Masamitsu Kawanami
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 53, 6, 1, 7, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2014年06月, [査読有り], [招待有り], [責任著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Carbon-based nanomaterials are being investigated for biomedical applications. Graphene oxide (GO), a monolayer of carbon, holds promise as a tissue engineering substrate due to its unique physicochemical properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a GO coating on cell proliferation and differentiation in vitro. We also assessed the bioactivities of collagen scaffolds coated with different concentrations of GO in rats. The results showed that GO affects both cell proliferation and differentiation, and improves the properties of collagen scaffolds. Subcutaneous implant tests showed that low concentrations of GO scaffold enhances cell in-growth and is highly biodegradable, whereas high concentrations of GO coating resulted in adverse biological effects. Consequently, scaffolds modified with a suitable concentration of GO are useful as a bioactive material for tissue engineering. (C) 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • Comparative study of bioactivity of collagen scaffolds coated with graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide
    Izumi Kanayama, Hirofumi Miyaji, Hiroko Takita, Erika Nishida, Maiko Tsuji, Bunshi Fugetsu, Ling Sun, Kana Inoue, A. Sako Ibara, Tsukasa Akasaka, Tsutomu Sugaya, Masamitsu Kawanami
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Background: Graphene oxide (GO) is a single layer carbon sheet with a thickness of less than 1 nm. GO has good dispersibility due to surface modifications with numerous functional groups. Reduced graphene oxide (RGO) is produced via the reduction of GO, and has lower dispersibility. We examined the bioactivity of GO and RGO films, and collagen scaffolds coated with GO and RGO.
    Methods: GO and RGO films were fabricated on a culture dish. Some GO films were chemically reduced using either ascorbic acid or sodium hydrosulfite solution, resulting in preparation of RGO films. The biological properties of each film were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy, calcium adsorption tests, and MC3T3-E1 cell seeding. Subsequently, GO-and RGO-coated collagen scaffolds were prepared and characterized by SEM and compression tests. Each scaffold was implanted into subcutaneous tissue on the backs of rats. Measurements of DNA content and cell ingrowth areas of implanted scaffolds were performed 10 days post-surgery.
    Results: The results show that GO and RGO possess different biological properties. Calcium adsorption and alkaline phosphatase activity were strongly enhanced by RGO, suggesting that RGO is effective for osteogenic differentiation. SEM showed that RGO-modified collagen scaffolds have rough, irregular surfaces. The compressive strengths of GO-and RGO-coated scaffolds were approximately 1.7-fold and 2.7-fold greater, respectively, when compared with the non-coated scaffold. Tissue ingrowth rate was 39% in RGO-coated scaffolds, as compared to 20% in the GO-coated scaffold and 16% in the non-coated scaffold.
    Conclusion: In summary, these results suggest that GO and RGO coatings provide different biological properties to collagen scaffolds, and that RGO-coated scaffolds are more bioactive than GO-coated scaffolds.
  • Bone augmentation in rat by highly porous β-TCP scaffolds with different open-cell sizes in combination with fibroblast growth factor-2
    H Miyaji, H Yokoyama, Y Kosen, H Nishimura, K Nakane, S Tanaka, K Otani, K Inoue, A Ibara, I Kanayama, T Yoshida, K Ogawa, E Nishida, M Kawanami
    Journal of Oral Tissue Engineering, 10, 3, 172, 181, 日本再生歯科医学会, 2013年, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), We prepared highly porous beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) scaffolds with different open-cell structure sizes. The aim of this study was to examine whether the open-cell size of the scaffold affected osteoinduction in combination with fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) in rats. Polyurethane foam was immersed in β-TCP slurry and sintered in a furnace. Porous β-TCP scaffolds were prepared in three cell sizes (0.6, 0.4 and 0.3 mm) and characterized. Subsequently, each scaffold with FGF2 was implanted to rat cranial bone. Histomorphometric analyses were taken at 35 days post-surgery. The results showed that each β-TCP scaffold exhibited fully interconnected porosity, and frequently allowed bone tissue ingrowth. The 0.4-mm cell sized scaffold significantly promoted bone augmentation compared to the 0.3-mm type. Resorption of the β-TCP scaffold of 0.4-mm cell size was frequently accelerated. In conclusion, FGF2-loaded β-TCP scaffolds with 0.4-mm cell size would be effective for bone tissue engineering.
  • Osteoconductivity and Biodegradability of Collagen Scaffold Coated with Nano-β-TCP and Fibroblast Growth Factor 2
    Ibara Asako, Miyaji Hirofumi, Fugetsu Bunshi, Nishida Erika, Takita Hiroko, Tanaka Saori, Sugaya Tsutomu, Kawanami Masamitsu
    Journal of Nanomaterials, 2013, 1, 11, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2013年, [査読有り], [責任著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Nanoparticle bioceramics have become anticipated for biomedical applications.Highly bioactive and biodegradable scaffoldswould be developed using nanoparticles of
  • Application of collagen hydrogel/sponge scaffold facilitates periodontal wound healing in class II furcation defects in beagle dogs
    Y. Kosen, H. Miyaji, A. Kato, T. Sugaya, M. Kawanami
    JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, 47, 5, 626, 634, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2012年10月, [査読有り], [責任著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Kosen Y, Miyaji H, Kato A, Sugaya T, Kawanami M. Application of collagen hydrogel/sponge scaffold facilitates periodontal wound healing in class II furcation defects in beagle dogs. J Periodont Res 2012; 47: 626634. (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S Background and Objective: A three-dimensional scaffold may play an important role in periodontal tissue engineering. We prepared bio-safe collagen hydrogel, which exhibits properties similar to those of native extracellular matrix. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of implantation of collagen hydrogel/sponge scaffold on periodontal wound healing in class II furcation defects in dogs. Material and Methods: The collagen hydrogel/sponge scaffold was prepared by injecting collagen hydrogel, cross-linked to the ascorbate-copper ion system, into a collagen sponge. Class II furcation defects (of 5 mm depth and 3 mm width) were surgically created in beagle dogs. The exposed root surface was planed and demineralized with EDTA. In the experimental group, the defect was filled with collagen hydrogel/sponge scaffold. In the control group, no implantation was performed. Histometric parameters were evaluated 2 and 4 wk after surgery. Results: At 2 wk, the collagen hydrogel/sponge scaffold displayed high biocompatibility and biodegradability with numerous cells infiltrating the scaffold. In the experimental group, reconstruction of alveolar bone and cementum was frequently observed 4 wk after surgery. Periodontal ligament tissue was also re-established between alveolar bone and cementum. Volumes of new bone, new cementum and new periodontal ligament were significantly greater in the experimental group than in the control group. In addition, epithelial down-growth was suppressed by application of collagen hydrogel. Conclusion: The collagen hydrogel/sponge scaffold possessed high tissue compatibility and degradability. Implantation of the scaffold facilitated periodontal wound healing in class II furcation defects in beagle dogs.
  • Healing of experimental apical periodontitis after apicoectomy using different sealing materials on the resected root end
    Kaori Otani, Tsutomu Sugaya, Mahito Tomita, Yukiko Hasegawa, Hirofumi Miyaji, Taichi Tenkumo, Saori Tanaka, Youji Motoki, Yasuhiro Takanawa, Masamitsu Kawanami
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), This study evaluated apical periodontal healing after root-end sealing using 4-META/MMA-TBB resin (SB), and root-end filling using reinforced zinc oxide eugenol cement (EBA) or mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) when root canal infection persisted. Apical periodontitis was induced in mandibular premolars of beagles by contaminating the root canals with dental plaque. After 1 month, in the SB group, SB was applied to the resected surface following apicoectomy. In the FBA and MTA groups, a root-end cavity was prepared and filled with EBA or MTA. In the control group, the root-end was not filled. Fourteen weeks after surgery, histological and radiographic analyses in a beagle model were performed. The bone defect area in the SB, EBA and MTA groups was significantly smaller than that in the control group. The result indicated that root-end sealing using SB and root-end filling using EBA or MTA are significantly better than control.
  • Influence of root surface conditioning with bone morphogenetic protein-2 on periodontal wound healing in beagle dogs.
    H Miyaji, T Sugaya, K Ibe, R Ishizuka, K Tokunaga, M Kawanami
    J Oral Tissue Engin, 8, 3, 173, 180, 2011年, [査読有り]
    Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) may play a major role in osteoinduction and osteoclast differentiation. The influence of BMP-2 conditioning in graded doses to root dentin surface on periodontal wound healing was examined.

    Twenty-four periodontal defects were surgically created on the buccal roots of four beagle dogs. The denuded root dentin surfaces were demineralized with 24% EDTA, 0.1 and 1.0 µg/µL BMP-2 solution (15 µL) was applied, and the groups were labeled as low-dose BMP (BL) and high-dose BMP (BH), respectively. In the control roots, phosphate-buffered saline was applied to the root surface. Specimens were histologically analyzed 16 weeks after surgery.

    Periodontal wound healing was stimulated by conditioning with BMP-2. Formation of alveolar bone and cementum-like tissue was observed; however, in BH group, ankylosis and root resorption were accelerated in the defect area, and there was little evidence of periodontal ligament formation between alveolar bone and root surface.
  • Root surface conditioning with bone morphogenetic protein-2 facilitates cementum-like tissue deposition in beagle dogs
    H. Miyaji, T. Sugaya, K. Ibe, R. Ishizuka, K. Tokunaga, M. Kawanami
    JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, 45, 5, 658, 663, WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2010年10月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Background and Objective:
    Modification of the root surface may play an important role in regenerating the periodontal attachment between the root and periodontal connective tissue. We speculated that bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) application to the root surface constructed a novel attachment by cementum-like hard tissue, although gingival connective tissue proliferated to the root surface. The aim of this study was to examine whether BMP-2 guided cementum-like tissue deposition on a BMP-conditioned root surface.
    Material and Methods:
    Root dentin on the buccal side of 24 teeth in four beagle dogs was surgically exposed. The denuded root dentin surfaces were demineralized with EDTA and washed with saline. Subsequently, 15 mu L of BMP-2 solution (loading dose, 0.4 and 1.0 mu g/mu L) was applied to the root dentin surface. In the control roots, phosphate-buffered saline was applied to the root surface. Specimens were analyzed histologically 16 wk after surgery.
    Formation of cementum-like tissue was frequently observed on the BMP-2-conditioned root at the coronal portion. Cellular cementum-like tissue was separated from the original cementum and encapsulated with gingival connective tissue. Cementum-like tissue formation with BMP-2 at 1.0 mu g/mu L was significantly greater than that in the control roots and those with BMP-2 at 0.4 mu g/mu L. Downgrowth of the junctional epithelium in the 1.0 mu g/mu L BMP-2 group was significantly less than that in the control roots.
    Root dentin surface conditioning with BMP-2 stimulated cementum-like tissue formation and inhibited epithelial downgrowth.
  • 最新の歯学 歯周組織再生への新しいアプローチ
    宮治裕史, 川浪雅光
    北海道歯誌, 31, 2, 121, 123, 北海道歯学会, 2010年, [筆頭著者]
  • Ectopic bone induction by BMP-loaded collagen scaffold and bone marrow stromal cell sheet.
    K Inoue, H Miyaji, T Sugaya, M Kawanami
    J Oral Tissue Engin, 8, 1, 19, 29, 日本再生歯科医学会, 2010年, [査読有り]
    英語, We combined the use of bone morphogenetic protein-2(BMP-2)-loaded collagen scaffold and cultured bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) sheet in order for developing new bone tissue engineering.Rat BMSC sheets were generated in the presence of dexamethasone, β-glycerophosphate and ascorbic acid. Four types of the grafts were implanted in the intermuscular region of rat femurs: control group, collagen sponge; cell group, BMSC sheet in collagen sponge; BMP group, BMP-2-loaded collagen sponge; and BMP-cell group, BMSC sheet in BMP-2-loaded collagen sponge. Four weeks after surgery, histological and histomorphometric analysis were performed.The BMP-cell group demonstrated abundant new bone formation compared to all the other groups (p<0.05) and marked resorption of the implanted collagen when compared to the control and cell groups (p<0.05).The combination of BMP-2-loaded collagen sponge and BMSC sheet appeared to successfully promote an osteoinduction.
  • Periodontal healing by implantation of collagen hydrogel-sponge composite in one-wall infrabony defects in beagle dogs.
    A Kato, H Miyaji, Y Kosen, H Yokoyama, R Ishizuka, K Tokunaga, K Inoue, M Henmi, S Tanaka, T Sugaya, M Kawanami
    J Oral Tissue Engin, 8, 1, 39, 46, 日本再生歯科医学会, 2010年, [査読有り]
    英語, The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of implanted collagen hydrogel-sponge composite on periodontal wound healing. One-wall infrabony defects (depth: 5 mm; width: 3 mm) were surgically created in three beagle dogs. The exposed root surface was planed and demineralized with EDTA. In the experimental group, the defects were filled with collagen hydrogel-sponge composite. Conversely, no collagen hydrogel-sponge composite was applied to defects in the control group. Histomorphometric parameters were evaluated four weeks after surgery. In the experimental group, regeneration of alveolar bone and cementum was frequently observed. Periodontal ligament tissue was reestablished between the alveolar bone and cementum. New bone height, new bone area, new cementum and new periodontal ligament in the experimental group were significantly greater than those in the control group (p < 0.05). These findings suggest that implanted collagen hydrogel-sponge composite facilitates periodontal wound healing in one-wall infrabony defects in beagle dogs.
  • Bone augmentation by implantation of an FGF2-loaded collagen gel-sponge composite scaffold.
    N Kobayashi, H Miyaji, T Sugaya, M Kawanami
    J Oral Tissue Engin, 8, 2, 91, 101, 日本再生歯科医学会, 2010年, [査読有り]
    英語, Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) plays a critical role in osteoblastic cell proliferation. Collagen gel-sponge composite is an effective scaffold for tissue engineering. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether addition of FGF2 to collagen gel-sponge composite promotes bone augmentation in rats.The rats were assigned to groups designated F0, F3 and F15, and received implantation of collagen gel-sponge composite containing 0, 3 and 15 µg FGF2, respectively, into a cranial bone defect. Specimens were prepared 1, 2 and 5 weeks after surgery for histologic and histomorphometric analysis.Newly formed bone area in groups F3 and F15 was significantly greater than that in group F0 at all stages. These results suggest that FGF2-loaded collagen gel-sponge composite scaffold stimulates bone augmentation and might provide a more effective bone engineering approach.
  • Bone Perforation and Placement of Collagen Sponge Facilitate Bone Augmentation
    Shinji Shimoji, Hirofumi Miyaji, Tsutomu Sugaya, Hifumi Tsuji, Tetsunari Hongo, Megumi Nakatsuka, Khurshid Uz Zaman, Masamitsu Kawanami
    JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, 80, 3, 505, 511, AMER ACAD PERIODONTOLOGY, 2009年03月, [査読有り]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Background: Bone perforation may induce bone marrow cell migration into a Collagen sponge onlay implant. This study investigated the efficacy of bone perforation and Collagen sponge onlay placement with regard to new bone formation.
    Methods: One hundred sixty femurs of 80 Wistar male rats were used in four groups: bone perforation and sponge (PS) group: after perforating the femur, fibrillar and heat-denatured Collagen (FC-HAC) sponges were placed on the femur; sponge (S) group: a FC-HAC sponge was placed directly on the femur without bone perforation; perforation (P) group: femur perforation without Collagen sponge placement; and control (C) group: neither bone perforation nor sponge placement was used. Histologic and histomorphometric analyses were performed after the surgery.
    Results: Numerous osteoblastic and fibroblastic cells were seen during the early repopulation in and at the periphery of the sponge in the PS group. These cells were seen only at the periphery of the sponge in the S group. In the PS group, angiogenesis was noted frequently, and it exhibited significantly greater new bone area compared to the other groups at days 14 and 28.
    Conclusion: The use of the FC-HAC sponge on the bone perforation area seemed to promote bone augmentation by possibly acting as a scaffold for the bone marrow cells as well as maintaining the space that is necessary for bone growth to occur. J Periodontol 2009;80:505-511.
  • コラーゲンハイドロゲル-スポンジ複合体のスキャフォールドとしての有効性とBMP併用による骨増生
    得永 佳介, 菅谷 勉, 宮治 裕史, 川浪 雅光
    日本歯科保存学雑誌, 51, 6, 659, 669, (NPO)日本歯科保存学会, 2008年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 本研究の目的は,コラーゲンハイドロゲル-スポンジ複合体を作製後,ラット頭蓋骨窩洞に埋植し,スキャフォールドとしての有効性と,BMPを併用した場合の効果を組織学的に検討することである.コラーゲンハイドロゲル-スポンジ複合体は,4%の線維化アテロコラーゲン-熱変性アテロコラーゲン複合体(FC-HAC)スポンジ(6×6×3mm)に,アスコルビン酸-銅で架橋した1.5%コラーゲンハイドロゲルを十分に浸透させて作製した.次にラットに全身麻酔下で頭蓋骨窩洞(4×4×0.5mm)を形成し,その後移植材料によって5群に分けた.BGS群ではBMP-2を含有させたコラーゲンハイドロゲル-スポンジ複合体を骨窩洞に移植した(n=18).GS群ではコラーゲンハイドロゲル-スポンジ複合体を(n=19),BS群ではBMP-2を含有させたFC-HACスポンジを(n=17),S群ではFC-HACスポンジをそれぞれ移植した(n=17).C群では何も移植しなかった(n=16).組織標本は術後5,10,15日目に作製し,組織学的観察および計測を行った.その結果,BGS群,GS群では残存するコラーゲンハイドロゲル-スポンジ複合体内に線維芽細胞様細胞や骨芽細胞様細胞の侵入増殖が認められ,コラーゲン複合体周辺にはわずかな炎症性細胞浸潤がみられた.15日後においてBGS群で顕著な新生骨形成が観察され,新生骨面積,および新生骨高さはほかの4群と比べて有意に大きい値であった(p<0.01).またGS群でもC群に比較して有意に多く新生骨が認められた(p<0.01).BGS群の残存スポンジ面積(p<0.01)および高さ(p<0.05)はS群に比較して有意に減少していた.以上のことから,FC-HACスポンジにコラーゲンハイドロゲルを含浸させることによって,細胞侵入性と組織への置換性,再生スペースの確保に有効で,さらにBMPを併用することで新生骨量を増加できるスキャフォールドになることが示唆された.(著者抄録)
  • 歯周組織再生療法の臨床研究の現況
    川浪 雅光, 齋藤 彰, 加藤 熈, 菅谷 勉, 小田島 朝臣, 宮治 裕史, 齋藤 恵美子
    歯科臨床研究, 5, 2, 71, 81, クインテッセンス出版(株), 2008年07月
  • BMPを用いた歯周組織再生療法の開発
    宮治 裕史, 菅谷 勉, 加藤 昭人, 齋藤 彰, 小田島 朝臣, 齋藤 恵美子, 川浪 雅光
    日本歯科評論, 68, 4, 39, 40, (株)ヒョーロン・パブリッシャーズ, 2008年04月
  • 1壁性骨欠損における歯根象牙質表面へのBMP-2塗布による歯周組織再生効果
    加藤 昭人, 宮治 裕史, 菅谷 勉, 川浪 雅光
    日本歯周病学会会誌, 49, 4, 296, 304, (NPO)日本歯周病学会, 2007年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 本研究の目的は、1壁性骨欠損における歯根象牙質表面へのBMP-2の塗布が、歯周組織再生に及ぼす効果を評価することである。実験動物にはビーグル犬7頭を使用した。先に下顎第一前臼歯と第三前臼歯の抜歯を行い、8週後に下顎第二前臼歯近心根と遠心根、および第四前臼歯近心根の歯肉歯槽粘膜を部分層弁剥離して骨膜を除去し、高さ5mm、近遠心幅3mmの1壁性骨欠損を作製した。露出した根面の歯根膜とセメント質を除去して、根面を24%EDTAで3分間脱灰後、BMP群ではBMP-2(1000μg/ml)を根面に塗布し、未塗布群ではBMP-2を塗布せずに歯肉歯槽粘膜弁を復位縫合した。観察期間は4週および8週とし、病理組織学的観察と組織学的計測を行った。その結果、8週において歯槽骨新生率は、未塗布群32.2±15.1%、BMP群70.0±12.9%、セメント質新生率は、未塗布群13.4±10.6%、BMP群45.4±10.0%、骨性癒着率は、未塗布群0%、BMP群13.1±10.0%で、いずれもBMP群は有意に大きかった(p<0.01)。接合上皮深部増殖率は、未塗布群8.4±10.0%、BMP群1.3±3.1%で、BMP群は有意に小さかった(p<0.05)。以上の結果から、1壁性骨欠損においてBMP-2を根面に塗布することは、歯周組織再生に有効であることが示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • 垂直歯根破折の接着治療
    菅谷 勉, 田中 佐織, 宮治 裕史, 富田 真仁, 長谷川 有紀子, 川村 直人, 田中 裕子, 元木 洋史, 中塚 愛, 川浪 雅光, 加藤 熈, 佐野 英彦, Sidhu Sharanbir K.
    日本歯科医学会誌, 26, 26, 47, 51, 日本歯科医学会, 2007年03月
    日本語, 垂直破折した歯根の治療法として、4-META/MMA-TBBレジン(スーパーボンドC&B)で接着する治療法の有効性が報告されているが、我々はさらに予知性の高い治療法とするために研究を行ってきた。まず、スーパーボンドC&Bのセメント質への接着強さと封鎖性を調べた結果、セメント質は象牙質とほぼ同様の値であり、セメント質とスーパーボンドC&Bの間に樹脂含浸層が観察されたことから、セメント質にも象牙質と同様に接着することが明らかとなった。一方、セメント質に対するスーパーボンドC&Bの引っ張り強さは2ヵ月間、色素侵入は4ヵ月間低下したがその後は一定の値を示し、接着耐久性は象牙質とほぼ同程度であった。次に、様々な条件下で重合させたスーパーボンドC&Bに対する炎症反応を評価した。空気中で重合させたレジン、セルロイドストリップスで空気を遮断して重合させたレジン、硬化後に研磨したレジンをラットの皮下に埋入した結果、レジン周囲の炎症の範囲に有意差が認められ、重合条件が生体親和性に影響することが明らかとなった。さらに、ラット頭蓋骨面にスーパーボンドC&Bを塗布し、1〜12ヵ月後に標本を作製して光学顕微鏡およびSEMで観察した結果、レジンは骨面に直接接着しており炎症もほとんどなかったことから、スーパーボンドC&Bは長期間骨に接着することが示唆された。また、根管内から破折間隙を清掃して封鎖する口腔内接着法は破折間隙の清掃と封鎖が不充分で予後が悪かったため、予後不良例の破折間隙をフラップ手術や再植法で再度清掃しスーパーボンドC&Bで封鎖する治療を行った。この方法は歯周組織の炎症や骨欠損の改善に効果的であったが、レジンの幅が広くなると上皮の根尖側移動が大きくなった。これらの研究成果などにより、垂直破折歯根の治療方法はかなり解明されてきたが、さらに予知性を高めるためには今後も多くの研究が必要である。(著者抄録)
  • The effects of collagen hydrogel implantation in buccal dehiscence defects in beagles.
    H Miyaji, T Sugaya, K Kato, N Kawamura, M Kawanami
    J Oral Tissue Engin, 5, 2, 87, 95, 日本再生歯科医学会, 2007年, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
    英語, Type I collagen hydrogel treated by an ascorbate-copper ion crosslinking system is highly biocompatible and highly degradable in the body. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of collagen hydrogel on periodontal wound healing in beagles. Sixty-four periodontal dehiscence type defects were created on the buccal roots of four beagles. Subsequently, collagen hydrogel was implanted in each defect in the experimental group and sutured, and, in the control group, the defect was sutured without any application of collagen hydrogel. The percentage of the length of new bone and new cementum in the experimental group was significantly greater than that in the control group at weeks 4 (p<0.01) and 8 (p<0.05). Significantly more junctional epithelium was observed in the control group than in the experimental group at weeks 2 (p<0.01) and 4 (p<0.05). These findings thus indicate that periodontal regeneration was stimulated by collagen hydrogel implantation in beagles.
  • BMP-2処理した象牙質表面におけるセメント質様硬組織形成のビスフォスフォネートによる抑制
    本郷 哲也, 宮治 裕史, 菅谷 勉, 川浪 雅光
    日本歯周病学会会誌, 48, 4, 285, 296, (NPO)日本歯周病学会, 2006年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 本研究の目的は、ビスフォスフォネートを投与して破骨細胞様細胞の機能を抑制することでBMP-2処理した象牙質表面における硬組織の形成や象牙質吸収がどのような影響を受けるかを検索することである。象牙質片を24%EDTA(pH7.0)に3分間浸漬後、0,100,400μg/mlのリコンビナントヒトBMP-2に10分間浸漬処理した。ラットを2群に分け実験群はインカドロネートを1μg/kg/day、3回/週を腹腔より投与し、観察期間終了まで継続した。対照群は生理食塩水を同様に投与した。各群のラット口蓋結合組織に象牙質片を埋植して、2,4,8週後に組織標本を作製し、象牙質吸収率と硬組織形成率を計測した。象牙質吸収率は実験群が対照群に比較して有意に低かった(p<0.01)。硬組織形成率も同様に実験群が対照群に比較して有意に低かった(p<0.01)。硬組織形成のうち80%程度が吸収面に形成され、20%程度が非吸収面に形成されていた。また、TRAP陽性細胞率はBMP-2濃度0,100,400μg/mlの全実験期間で両群間に有意差はなかった。以上の結果から、ビスフォスフォネートを投与すると、BMP-2処理した象牙質片において、破骨細胞様細胞の機能を抑制し、象牙質の吸収が減少するとともに、硬組織形成も抑制することが明らかになり、BMP-2による象牙質表面への硬組織形成には破骨細胞様細胞が重要な役割を有することが示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • BMP-2とコラーゲンハイドロゲルの歯根象牙質表面への塗布による歯周組織再生
    石塚 良介, 宮治 裕史, 菅谷 勉, 川浪 雅光
    日本歯周病学会会誌, 48, 4, 255, 266, (NPO)日本歯周病学会, 2006年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 本研究の目的は、BMP-2とコラーゲンハイドロゲルを歯根象牙質表面に塗布し、歯周組織再生に与える影響を検討することである。実験動物にはビーグル犬8頭を使用し、被験部位は上下顎前臼歯歯根(128部位)とした。頬側歯肉粘膜を部分層弁で剥離して骨膜を除去した後、高さ6mmの裂開状骨欠損を作製して歯根膜、セメント質を除去した。根表面を24%EDTAで脱灰処理後、4群に分け、未塗布群では何も塗布せず、Gel群では歯根象牙質表面にコラーゲンハイドロゲルのみ塗布、BMP群ではBMP-2(1000μg/ml)のみを塗布、BMP-Gel群ではBMP-2(1000μg/ml)を塗布後、コラーゲンハイドロゲルを塗布した。1,2,4,8週後に病理組織学的観察と4,8週後の標本について組織学的計測を行った。その結果BMP-Gel群の8週後において、歯槽骨新生率は87%で、未塗布群:29%、Gel群:41%、BMP群:65%と比較して有意に大きく、セメント質新生率は45%で、未塗布群:29%と比較して有意に大きかった。骨性癒着率は6.4%で未塗布群:0%と比較して有意に大きく、上皮深部増殖率は0.3%で、未塗布群:22%と比較して有意に小さかった。これらの結果から歯根象牙質表面にBMP-2とコラーゲンハイドロゲルを塗布することは、歯周組織再生を高めることが示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • Dentin resorption and cementum-like tissue formation by bone morphogenetic protein application
    H Miyaji, T Sugaya, K Kato, N Kawamura, H Tsuji, M Kawanami
    JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, 41, 4, 311, 315, BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, 2006年08月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), Background and Objective: Recent studies have shown that bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) stimulates mineralization and osteoclast differentiation. Osteoclastic resorption by BMP-2 application may play an important role in the regulation of new cementum-like tissue formation on the dentin surfaces. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effect of BMP-2 application on dentin resorption and cementum-like tissue formation at the dentin surfaces.
    Material and Methods: Seventy-two flat dentin blocks were prepared from rat roots and treated with 24% EDTA. Each block was assigned to group 0, group 100, or group 400, and immersed correspondingly in 0, 100, or 400 mu g/ml BMP-2. The dentin blocks were then implanted into palatal connective tissue of rats, and specimens were prepared 2, 4 and 8 wk after surgery for histologic and histo-morphometric analyses.
    Results: BMP-2 caused a dose-dependent increase in dentin resorption by osteoclastic cells. New cementum-like tissue was randomly formed on parts of the nonresorbed and resorbed dentin surfaces in groups 100 and 400. Dentin resorption in groups 100 and 400 was significantly greater than group 0 (p < 0.01). However, at 8 wk, new cementum-like tissue formed in 41.8% of group 100, as compared with 16.2% of group 400 (p < 0.05).
    Conclusion: Dentin resorption was stimulated by a high dose of BMP-2, and cementum-like tissue was induced by a low dose of BMP-2, effectively suggesting that BMP-2 application, at an appropriate dose, to a dentin surface may enhance periodontal regeneration.
  • 象牙質表面処理剤の違いがBMP-2による硬組織形成と象牙質吸収に及ぼす影響
    天雲 太一, 宮治 裕史, 菅谷 勉, 川浪 雅光
    日本歯周病学会会誌, 47, 4, 269, 279, (NPO)日本歯周病学会, 2005年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 本研究の目的は,象牙質面にBMP-2処理する前の脱灰方法の違いが,培養細胞のALP活性,および結合組織内での象牙質表面への硬組織形成と象牙質吸収に及ぼす影響を検討することである.実験1では,象牙質片をEDTA(pH7.0),塩酸テトラサイクリン(pH2.0),クエン酸(pH1.0)で3分間脱灰後,0,5,10μg/mlのrhBMP-2に10分間浸漬して,歯根膜細胞を播種,培養し,1,3,5日後にALP活性を測定した.実験2では,象牙質片をEDTA,塩酸テトラサイクリン,クエン酸,PBSに3分間浸漬後,0,100,400μg/mlのrhBMP-2に10分間浸漬し,ラット口蓋結合組織に移植して2,4週後に象牙質片上に形成された硬組織の形成率と象牙質の吸収率を計測した.実験1の結果,BMP-2が10μg/mlの場合にEDTA群のALP活性が他の2群と比較して有意に高かった.実験2の結果,硬組織形成率はBMP-2濃度が100μg/mlの場合にEDTA群が他の3群と比較して有意に高く,象牙質吸収率はBMP-2が400μg/mlの場合にテトラサイクリン群が他の3群に比べて有意に高かった.以上の結果から,象牙質面にBMP-2を塗布する前の脱灰液は,今回選択した中ではEDTAが最適であると考えられた(著者抄録)
  • 骨髄液の移植が骨増生に及ぼす効果
    辻 ひふみ, 菅谷 勉, 宮治 裕史, 川浪 雅光
    日本歯科保存学雑誌, 48, 6, 917, 925, (NPO)日本歯科保存学会, 2005年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 線維化アテロコラーゲン-熱変性アテロコラーゲン複合体スポンジをラット大腿骨上に移植するさいスポンジに骨髄液を含浸させ,骨増生に及ぼす効果を検討した.移植後,スポンジ内部に多数の紡錘形・楕円形・立法形の細胞および血管の侵入が生じ,骨増生が促進された
  • 骨髄穿孔とコラーゲンスポンジの骨上への埋植が骨増生に及ぼす効果
    下地 伸司, 菅谷 勉, 宮治 裕史, 川浪 雅光
    日本歯科保存学雑誌, 48, 6, 926, 938, (NPO)日本歯科保存学会, 2005年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, ラットの大腿骨に骨髄穿孔を施し穿孔部の上に線維化アテロコラーゲン-熱変性アテロコラーゲン複合体スポンジを埋植した群と,骨髄穿孔はせずにスポンジ埋植のみ行った群,骨髄穿孔のみ行った群,骨膜の剥離のみ行った群を作製し,骨増生の程度を比較した.骨増生の指標として新生骨面積と新生骨の高さを計測した.処置28日後の計測において新生骨面積,新生骨の高さとも骨髄穿孔+スポンジ埋植群が他の3群に比べて有意に高値であった
  • BMP-2の歯根象牙質表面への塗布による歯周組織再生
    伊部 敬介, 宮治 裕史, 菅谷 勉, 川浪 雅光
    日本歯周病学会会誌, 46, 4, 278, 287, (NPO)日本歯周病学会, 2004年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 歯周組織再生療法に応用する場合,歯根周囲には歯肉結合組織だけではなく,上皮,歯根膜,歯槽骨など多種類の組織が存在しているため,これらの組織が歯根象牙質表面への硬組織再生にどのような影響を及ぼすかは不明である.そこで,ビーグル犬の上下顎前臼歯歯根に人工的骨欠損を作製して歯根象牙質表面にbone morphogenetic protein(BMP)-2を塗布し,歯周組織再生に与える影響を病理組織学的に観察するとともに組織学的計測を行い評価した.歯根象牙質表面にBMP-2を塗布することは歯周組織の再生に有効であることが示唆された
  • 4-META/MMA-TBBレジンの硬化条件が組織反応に及ぼす影響
    川村 直人, 菅谷 勉, 宮治 裕史, 川浪 雅光
    日本歯科保存学雑誌, 46, 6, 853, 859, (NPO)日本歯科保存学会, 2003年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 標題の影響をラットで検討した.空気中でレジンを硬化させると,表面をストリップスで圧接して硬化させた場合や硬化後に表面を研磨した場合に比べて初期の炎症が強かった.骨面を表面処理しレジンを直接塗布して硬化させた場合には炎症性細胞浸潤が殆どみられず,12週後も骨とレジンがハイブリッド様組織を介して接していた.結合組織にレジンを直接塗布して硬化させた場合には結合組織とレジンの界面にハイブリッド様組織がみられ,経時的に炎症性細胞浸潤は消退したものの,多核巨細胞は12週後も残存していた
  • 4-META/MMA-TBBレジンの表面に対する組織反応
    川村 直人, 元木 洋史, 辻 ひふみ, 宮治 裕史, 菅谷 勉, 川浪 雅光
    日本歯科保存学雑誌, 46, 秋季特別, 46, 46, (NPO)日本歯科保存学会, 2003年10月, [査読有り]
  • 骨髄幹細胞のためのスキャホールドとして移植したスポンジ状コラーゲンの組成と濃度が骨欠損の治癒に及ぼす影響
    加藤 勝也, 菅谷 勉, 宮治 裕史, 川浪 雅光
    日本歯科保存学雑誌, 45, 6, 1032, 1043, (NPO)日本歯科保存学会, 2002年12月, [査読有り]
    日本語, 骨髄幹細胞や骨再生に働く細胞のスキャホールドとしての有効性を検討する目的で線維化アテロコラーゲンと熱変性アテロコラーゲンを用いて,組成と濃度の異なるスポンジ状コラーゲンを作成して規格化された人工的骨欠損に移植して骨髄液を浸潤させ,治癒過程に及ぼす影響を検討した.FC-HAC複合体の内部には術後1週では,オステオカルシン陰性の紡錘形の細胞や立方形の細胞が観察され,術後4週では紡錘形の細胞とオステオカルシン陽性の立方形の細胞や血管の増殖が観察され,実験期間を通して炎症性細胞浸潤が少なく,コラーゲン濃度が異なっても治癒状態に差はなかった.FCはコラーゲン濃度を上げるとコラーゲンの吸収が遅延して炎症が強く骨再生を遅延した.2.5〜5%FC-HAC複合体は骨髄幹細胞や骨再生に働く細胞のスキャホールドとして有効であり,歯周組織再生に応用できる可能性が示唆された
  • Hard tissue formation on dentin surfaces applied with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 in the connective tissue of the palate
    H Miyaji, T Sugaya, T Miyamoto, K Kato, H Kato
    JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, 37, 3, 204, 209, BLACKWELL MUNKSGAARD, 2002年06月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者, 責任著者]
    英語, 研究論文(学術雑誌), The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether hard tissue might be formed on dentin surfaces applied with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) in palatal connective tissue. Fifty-eight dentin blocks were prepared from rat roots, demineralized with 24% EDTA (pH 7.0), applied with 0, 50 and 100 mug/ml rhBMP-2. and labeled as groups 0, 50 and 100. The dentin blocks were then transplanted into palatal connective tissue of rats, and specimens were prepared at two and four weeks after surgery for histologic and histomorphometric examinations. The results showed that the percentage of newly formed hard tissue in relation to the total dentin block surface length in groups 0, 50 and 100 was 0.0%. 2.8% and 4.4% at two weeks. and 0.0%. 1.6% and 12.8% at four weeks, respectively. New hard tissue formation in groups 50 and 100 was significantly promoted as compared to group 0 (p < 0.01). These findings thus indicate that rhBMP-2 application to dentin enhanced new hard tissue formation on dentin surfaces in the connective tissue of the palate.
  • rhBMP-2で処理した象牙質が歯肉線維芽細胞のアルカリ性フォスターゼ活性と石灰化物形成に及ぼす効果
    宮治 裕史, 菅谷 勉, 加藤 熈
    日本歯周病学会会誌, 42, 4, 247, 254, (NPO)日本歯周病学会, 2000年12月, [査読有り], [筆頭著者]
    日本語, 歯肉結合組織によって根面に硬組織を形成する新たな歯周組織再生療法を開発する第一段階として,rhBMP-2で処理した象牙質が歯肉線維芽細胞のALP活性と石灰化物形成に及ぼす効果を検討した.その結果,rhBMP-2で処理した象牙質は,付着した歯肉線維芽細胞のALP活性と石灰化物形成能を上昇させることが明らかとなり,根面をrhBMP-2で処理することで歯肉結合組織が根面に硬組織を形成する可能性が示唆された



  • 再生医療用足場材料の開発と市場               
    宮治裕史, 西田絵利香, 近藤勝義, 梅田純子, 古月文志, 第1編技術・開発編,第13章ナノカーボンスキャフォールド.再生医療用足場材料の開発と市場
    シーエムシー出版, 2016年03月, [共著]
  • Advances in Oral Tissue Engineering.               
    H. Miyaji, M Kawanami, Chapter 4, Dentin conditioning with BMP for reconstruction of periodontal attachment.
    Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc., 2014年06月, [共著]
  • カーボンナノチューブ応用最前線               
    宮治 裕史, 第10章生体材料関連,1,CNTで表面改変したバイオマテリアルの生体応用
    シーエムシー出版, 2014年, [共著]
  • 歯周病と全身の健康を考える               
    宮治裕史, 川浪雅光, メインテナンス
    財団法人ライオン歯科衛生研究所, 2007年, [共著]


  • In situ artificial enamel formation via laser-assisted rapid pseudo-biomineralization               
    A Oyane, K Onuma, M Nakamura, S Tanaka, H Miyaji
    WBC 2024, 2024年05月
  • Laser-induced forward transfer of bioactive film and ink               
    A Narazaki, M Nakamura, A Oyane, H Miyaji
    OPL 2023, 2023年12月
  • Novel Gold nanocluster-based Photosensitizers for Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy               
    H Kawasaki, I Okamoto, H Miyaji
    ICPACKK 2022, 2022年11月, 英語, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Laser-assisted pseudo-biomineralization for tooth surface functionalization               
    A Oyane, A Narazaki, H Miyaji
    2022 CLEO conference, 2022年05月15日, 英語, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Tooth surface functionalization via laser-assisted pseudo-biomineralization               
    A Oyane, I Sakamaki, S Santhakumar, H Miyaji
    SFB+JSB joint symposium 2022, 2022年01月, 英語
    2022年01月08日 - 2022年01月10日
  • Delivery of protein-immobilized calcium phosphate microchips to a human dentin by laser-Induced forward transfer with optical stamp               
    A Narazaki, A Oyane, H Miyaji
    8th ABMC, 2021年11月, 英語, 口頭発表(一般)
    2021年11月28日 - 2021年11月30日
  • Secreted frizzled-related protein 1 promotes odontoblastic differentiation and reparative dentin formation in dental pulp cells               
    K Ipposhi, A Tomokiyo, T Ono, K Yamashita, MA Alhasan, H Miyaji, D Hasegawa, S Hamano, S Yoshida, H Sugii, T Itoyama, M Ogawa, T Sugaya, H Maeda
    The 19th JEA-KAE Joint Scientific Meeting, 2021年10月, 英語
    2021年10月29日 - 2021年11月04日
  • Aggregation/self-assembly controlled gold nanocluster - biopolymer conjugates for therapeutic applications               
    H Kawasaki, K Shitomi, I Okamoto, H Miyaji
    APT 2021, 2021年10月, 英語
    2021年10月11日 - 2021年10月14日
  • Gold nanocluster -decorated biopolymeric hybrid particles for antibacterial photodynamic therapy               
    H Kawasaki, K Shitomi, I Okamoto, H Miyaji
    ISST 2021, 2021年08月, 英語
    2021年08月05日 - 2021年08月06日
  • Characterization of human root cementum coated with a fluoride-incorporated calcium phosphate layer by the laser-assisted biomimetic process
    S Tanaka, H Miyaji, T Tanaka, S Inoue, A Oyane
    99th IADR, 2021年07月, 英語, 口頭発表(一般)
    2021年07月21日 - 2021年07月24日, 24539350
  • Gold and silver nanoclusters for biomedical applications
    H Kawasaki, Y Iwasaki, H Miyaji
    BMI 2021, 2021年05月, 英語, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
    2021年05月30日 - 2021年06月03日, 24539354, [招待講演]
  • The biocompatibility and eugenol release of two root canal sealers               
    K Ono, N Mitani, K Shitomi, H Miyaji, T Sugaya, T Kumagai
    98th IADR, 2020年03月, 英語, ポスター発表
    2020年03月18日 - 2020年03月21日
  • Laser-induced forward transfer of bioactive materials with PDMS-based optical stamp
    A Narazaki, A Oyane, H Miyaji
    Photonics WEST 2020, 2020年02月, 英語, 口頭発表(一般)
    2020年02月01日 - 2020年02月06日, 24539353
  • In situ fabrication of amorphous calcium phosphate nanoparticles within 3D collagen sponges for bone tissue engineering               
    S Santhakumar, A Oyane, M Nakamura, K Koga, S Miyata, K Muratsubaki, H Miyaji
    PACRIM13, 2019年10月, 英語, ポスター発表
    2019年10月27日 - 2019年11月01日
  • Additive Patterning of Fibronectin-Immobilized Apatite Micro-Chips by Laser-Induced Forward Transfer               
    A Narazaki, A Oyane, R Kurosaki, T Kameyama, I Sakamaki, H Araki, H Miyaji
    PACRIM13, 2019年10月, 英語, ポスター発表
    2019年10月27日 - 2019年11月01日
  • Laser-assisted pseudo-biomineralization on human dentin for tooth surface coating               
    A Oyane, I Sakamaki, M Nakamura, K Koga, K Shitomi, K Mayumi, H Miyaji
    PACRIM13, 2019年10月, 英語, ポスター発表
    2019年10月27日 - 2019年11月01日
  • Laser additive patterning for biomedical applications by laser-induced transfer               
    A Narazaki, A Oyane, H Miyaji
    ICALEO 2019, 2019年10月, 英語, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Bio-active patterning of fibronectin-containing apatite by laser-induced forward transfer               
    A Narazaki, A Oyane, H Miyaji
    LAMP 2019, 2019年05月, 英語, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Laser-induced forward transfer of bioactive apatite immobilizing proteins               
    A Narazaki, R Kurosaki, T Kameyama, I Sakamaki, H Araki, A Oyane, H Miyaji
    Photonics WEST 2019, 2019年02月, 英語
  • Laser-lift-off process for additive micropatterning of functional particles and films               
    A Narazaki, T Sato, H Niino, Y Nakata, T Shojo, Y Tsuboi, A Oyane, H Miyaji
    MHS 2018, 2018年12月, 英語
    [招待講演], [国際会議]
  • Calcium phosphate coating on human dentin and composite resin surface by laser-assisted biomimetic process               
    S Tanaka, H Miyaji, E Nishida, AJ Nathanael, M Nakamura, A Oyane, T Tanaka, S Inoue
    20th KACD-JSCD, 2018年11月, 英語, ポスター発表
  • Acid-resistance and antibacterial properties of laser-processed and fluoride-incorporated apatite layer               
    K Shitomi, H Miyaji, AJ Nathanael, M Nakamura, A Oyane, T Sugaya
    104th AAP, 2018年10月, 英語
  • Fluoride-incorporated apatite coating for tooth surface modification by laser irradiation in supersaturated solutions               
    A Oyane, AJ Nathanael, M Nakamura, K Shitomi, H Miyaji
    Bioceramics 30, 2018年10月, 英語, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Application of S-PRG nanofillers for novel periodontal therapeutic approach               
    H Miyaji, K Mayumi, E Nishida, S Miyata, K Shitomi, T Furihata, Y Kanemoto, T Akasaka, T Sugaya
    104th AAP, 2018年10月, 英語, ポスター発表
  • Aggregation/self-assembly-induced approach for efficient AuAg bimetallic nanocluster-based photosensitizers               
    D Hikoso, S Saita, S Miyata, H Miyaji, T Furuike, H Tamura, H Kawasaki
    ISST 2018, 2018年08月, 英語
  • Apatite coating based on laser-induced forward transfer for dental treatment               
    A Narazaki, R Kurosaki, I Sakamaki, A Oyane, H Miyaji
    LPM 2018, 2018年06月, 英語, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Apatite-coated collagen sponges for tissue engineering applications               
    AJ Nathanael, A Oyane, M Nakamura, H Miyaji, E Nishida, Y Kanemoto
    IUMRS-ICAM 2017, 2017年08月, 英語, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Biomedical assessment of titanium coated with carbon nanotubes               
    H Miyaji, E Nishida, J Umeda, K Kondoh, H Takita, T Iizuka, T Akasaka, S Tanaka, A Kato, B Fugetsu, T Sugaya
    Visual-JW 2016, 2016年10月, 英語
  • The effect of protein adsorption on cell alignment of human gingival fibroblast on the grooved composite resins               
    Akasaka T, Miyaji H, Kaga N, Yokoyama A, Yoshida Y
    AsiaNANO 2016, 2016年10月, 英語
  • One-pot Process for Fabricating Calcium Phosphate Submicrospheres Loaded with Silver Nanoparticles Utilizing Laser Light               
    M Nakamura, A Oyane, Y Shimizu, H Miyaji
    ABC 2015, 2015年12月
  • Bioactivity of Chitosan/ Gelatin Scaffold Cross-linked by GlcNAc System               
    T Yoshida, H Miyaji, E Nishida, A Kato, T Chaochai, T Furuike, H Tamura, M Kawanami
    93rd IADR, 2015年03月, 英語, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Biocompatibility of CNT-Ti composite surface with different nanomorphologies               
    E Nishida, H Miyaji, J Umeda, K Kondoh, H Takita, B Fugetsu, S Tanaka, A Kato, T Akasaka, M Kawanami
    93rd IADR, 2015年03月, 英語, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Bioactive titanium surface using carbon nanotube net film               
    H Miyaji, E Nishida, J Umeda, K Kondoh, H Takita, B Fugetsu, S Tanaka, A Kato, T Akasaka, M Kawanami
    Visual-JW 2014, 2014年11月, 英語, シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
    [招待講演], [国際会議]
  • Preparation and properties of gelatin sponge for biomaterial application               
    T Chaochai, H Miyaji, T Yoshida, E Nishida, T Furuike, H Tamura
    PETROMAT and PPC SYM 2014, 2014年04月
  • Graphene oxide for tissue engineering application               
    E Nishida, H Miyaji, H Takita, I Kanayama, M Tsuji, M Kawanami
    MNC 2013, 2013年11月05日, 英語, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Preparation of chitosan/ gelatin based biomaterial.               
    T Chaochai, H Miyaji, T Yoshida, E Nishida, T Furuike, H Tamura
    10th International Conference of the Asian Pacific Chitin Chitosan Symposium, 2013年10月04日, 英語, ポスター発表
  • Preparation and biological evaluation of titanium coated with CNT-net               
    E Nishida, H Miyaji, J Umeda, K Kondoh, B Fugetsu, S Tanaka, A Kato, I Kanayama, M Kawanami
    98th AAP, 2012年09月
  • The bone-forming effect of nano-β-TCP/collagen scaffold               
    A Kato, H Miyaji, Y Kosen, K Ogawa, T Momose, B Fugetsu, A Ibara, T Yoshida, S Tanaka, M Kawanami
    98th AAP, 2012年09月
  • Effect of β-TCP foam cell size on osteoinduction using FGF2               
    H Miyaji, H Yokoyama, Y Kosen, A Ibara, H Nishimura, M Kondo, N Kobayashi, K Tokunaga, S Tanaka, M Kawanami
    88th IADR, 2010年07月
  • Periodontal regeneration following BMP-root conditioning and collagen scaffold implantation               
    A Kato, H Miyaji, R Ishizuka, K Tokunaga, K Inoue, Y Kosen, H Yokoyama, S Tanaka, T Sugaya, M Kawanami
    88th IADR, 2010年07月
  • Bone marrow cell sheet in BMP-applied collagen scaffold for bone tissue engineering               
    K Inoue, H Miyaji, H Fukuda, H Yokoyama, S Tanaka, T Sugaya, M Kawanami
    11th KACD-JSCD, 2009年11月
  • Osteoinduction following implantation of collagen hydrogel-sponge composite               
    H Miyaji, T Sugaya, K Tokunaga, N Kobayashi, S Shimoji, K Inoue, Y Kosen, M Kawanami
    86th IADR, 2008年07月, 英語, ポスター発表
  • Properties of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin mixed with dentin powder               
    S Tanaka, T Sugaya, H Miyaji, Y Ibe, T Tenkumo, H Fukuda, T Washizu, Y Yoshimura, M Kawanami
    86th IADR, 2008年07月, 英語, ポスター発表
  • Healing after root-end sealing using 4-META/MMA-TBB resin following apicoectomy               
    K Ohtani, T Sugaya, M Tomita, Y Hasegawa, Y Motoki, H Miyaji, Y Takanawa, M Kawanami
    86th IADR, 2008年07月, 英語, ポスター発表
  • Effect of decortication and collagen sponge implants on bony augmentation               
    S Shimoji, H Miyaji, T Sugaya, M Kawanami, H Tsuji, T Hongo
    92nd AAP, 2006年09月, 英語, ポスター発表
  • Periodontal tissue reaction on BMP application to root dentin surface               
    H Miyaji, T Sugaya, K Ibe, R Ishizuka, K Tokunaga, M Kawanami
    84th IADR, 2006年06月, 英語, ポスター発表
  • Changes in biocompatibility of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin in vitvo               
    S Tanaka, T Sugaya, K Ohtani, H Miyaji, K Tokunaga, M Kawanami
    84th IADR, 2006年06月, 英語, ポスター発表
  • Prognosis of periradicular surgery using 4-META/MMA-TBB resin as root-end sealant               
    T Sugaya, H Noguchi, H Miyaji, M Kawanami
    81st IADR, 2003年06月, 英語
  • Dentin resorption and hard tissue formation following implantation of BMP-2 applied dentin               
    H Miyaji, T Sugaya, K Kato, N Kawamura, H Tsuji, M Kawanami
    81st IADR, 2003年06月, 英語
  • ALP and proliferation of gingival fibroblast on BMP-2 applied dentin               
    T Sugaya, H Miyaji, H Kato
    76th IADR, 2001年06月, 英語


  • 2023年09月 - 現在
  • 2022年12月 - 現在
  • 2022年08月 - 現在
  • 2021年02月 - 現在
  • 2014年04月 - 現在
  • 2010年 - 現在
  • 2010年 - 現在
  • 2002年 - 現在
  • 2000年04月 - 現在
  • 1997年06月 - 現在
  • 1997年 - 現在
  • 2022年04月 - 2025年03月
  • 2015年06月 - 2025年03月
  • 2010年 - 2022年03月
  • 2006年 - 2022年
  • 2009年 - 2019年


  • インプラント周囲炎治療のための抗菌・骨形成促進ナノ粒子の術中3次元デリバリー
    2024年04月 - 2028年03月
    中村 真紀, 奈良崎 愛子, 宮治 裕史, 西田 絵利香
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所, 24K03292
  • 天然歯・人工歯の表面へのパターン付与治療へ向けた歯周組織再生の形態ロジック構築
    2024年04月01日 - 2027年03月31日
    赤坂 司, 横山 敦郎, 吉村 善隆, 宮治 裕史, 牛島 夏未, 星 淡子
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 23K28422
  • 人工バイオミネラリゼーションの光制御と歯面機能デザイン
    2024年04月01日 - 2027年03月31日
    大矢根 綾子, 宮治 裕史, 西田 絵利香
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所, 24K03294
  • 天然歯・人工歯の表面へのパターン付与治療へ向けた歯周組織再生の形態ロジック構築
    2023年04月01日 - 2027年03月31日
    赤坂 司, 横山 敦郎, 吉村 善隆, 宮治 裕史, 牛島 夏未, 星 淡子
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 23H03733
  • 光再生治療~レーザーによる歯周病根面への人工セメント質構築
    2023年04月01日 - 2026年03月31日
    加藤 昭人, 大矢根 綾子, 宮治 裕史, 田中 佐織, 金本 佑生実
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 23K11821
  • 二段階光反応を利用したレジン修復歯面の強化エナメル改質と二次う蝕制圧
    科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
    2022年06月30日 - 2025年03月31日
    大矢根 綾子, 宮治 裕史
    当該年度(2022年度)は、上記(1)および(2)の技術開発をそれぞれに進めた。(1)では、研究代表者らの既報(Hibino et al., Mater Sci Eng C, 2020)をベースとし、リン酸カルシウム過飽和溶液(原料膜の合成液)にフッ化ナトリウムを添加することで、レジン圧接用(膜転写用)の透明高分子フィルム上にフッ素含有アパタイト原料膜を合成した。(2)では、研究代表者らの既報(Oyane et al., Inter J Mol Sci, 2022)をベースとし、硬化レジンへの前処理として表面にインドシアニングリーン(光吸収剤となる色素薬剤)を塗布した後、フッ化ナトリウムを添加したリン酸カルシウム過飽和溶液中で歯科用半導体レーザー(波長:808 nm)を照射した。その結果、一定の前処理・照射条件下において、照射面の一部に、フッ素含有アパタイトを成膜できることが分かった。レジン修復面の全面成膜・高機能化に向けて、足掛かりとなる予備的な結果を得た。
    日本学術振興会, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所, 22K19927
  • 抗菌加工根面を実現!~バイオミメティック法を応用した新規歯周病治療法の開発~
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2022年04月01日 - 2025年03月31日
    田中 佐織, 阿部 貴惠, 大矢根 綾子, 宮治 裕史
    本研究では,新しい歯周病予防法及び進行抑制法を開発,実現することを目的として,レーザー援用バイオミネラリゼーション法(Laser-assisted biomineralization process: LABプロセス)を応用し,歯周ポケット内の汚染セメント質に「抗菌加工」を行うことに着想した.LABプロセスは,擬似バイオミネラリゼーション(過飽和溶液中でのアパタイト析出反応)をレーザー光照射で促進する応募者らの独自技術であり,歯面に形成されるアパタイトに抗菌性を付与することが可能である.
    令和4年度はヒトセメント質を用いてLAB法(リン酸カルシウム過飽和溶液中に浸漬,医療機器認可済の半導体レーザー(808 nm, Power: 3 W, ファイバー径 300μm)照射)により最適なアパタイトの成膜を試みた.適切な条件設定を行い、物性評価を行い,さらに抗菌性を有するAgを複合化し,物性評価を行った.抗菌性物質の複合化の方法は,試料としてヒトセメント質を用いて,サホライド(フッ化ジアミン銀)とレーザー光吸収色素を塗布後,フッ素を含まない過飽和Cap溶液中でレーザー照射を行ったが,Cap膜の生成は確認されなかった.
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 22K09976
  • 2段階薬剤放出性第4世代スキャフォールドの歯周組織再生への応用
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2022年04月01日 - 2025年03月31日
    西田 絵利香, 宮治 裕史, 大矢根 綾子, 中村 真紀, 赤坂 司
    1層目として,アパタイトの難溶化(溶解性低下)と抗菌性の期待される生体微量元素(フッ素)を種々の濃度(0~1000 uM)でCaP過飽和溶液に添加し,スキャフォールド上にフッ素含有アパタイト層を作製した.
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 22K10012
  • 歯周病治療革新のための歯界面反応の光制御と歯面高機能化
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2020年04月01日 - 2023年03月31日
    大矢根 綾子, 宮治 裕史
    2022年度は、2021年度に実施した予備検討結果に基づき、本成膜技術の改良を行った上で、反応機構の調査、ならびに成膜歯面の機能評価を進めた。成膜に際しては、ヒト象牙質基材の表面に光吸収剤(インドシアニングリーン:ICG)を塗布した後、同基材をフッ素添加リン酸カルシウム過飽和溶液中に設置し、その表面にレーザー光を種々のエネルギー密度で照射した。レーザーとしては、歯科用半導体レーザー(波長:808 nm)実機を用いた。基材の表面・断面分析の結果、一定のエネルギー密度以上のレーザー光を照射すると、基材表面に塗布されたICGがアブレーションにより蒸散し、露出した象牙質アパタイトを核形成の足場として、加温された過飽和溶液中でフッ素含有アパタイトが迅速成長すると考えられた。
    以上の条件検討の結果選定された照射条件のもと、ヒト象牙質基材の表面にフッ素含有アパタイトを成膜し、非成膜基材を対照試料として、う蝕原因菌(S. mutans)の培養試験を行った。LIVE/DEAD染色の結果、成膜歯面の抗菌性を示唆する予備的な結果を得た。また、実験用動物の歯根部に対し同様のICG前処理・レーザー照射を実施した。照射面の分析を実施中である。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所, 20H04541
  • 超立体微細パターン付与だけで歯根膜再生を可能とするインプラント周囲炎治療技術開発
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2019年04月01日 - 2023年03月31日
    赤坂 司, 横山 敦郎, 玉井 美保, 吉村 善隆, 宮治 裕史, 星 淡子, 加我 公行
    ③動物実験:ピラーパターン化フィルム(直径1μm or 5μm、高さ10μm)をマウス骨膜付近や大腿骨に埋入し、4週間後に組織観察を行った。骨膜付近ではパターン表面での石灰化はあまり観察されなかったが、大腿骨中では石灰化が促進された。特にピラー直径1μm、高さ10μmで促進している可能性が示唆された。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 19H04461
  • 過飽和液中レーザープロセスを利用した強化エナメル再生と初期う蝕制圧
    科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
    2019年06月28日 - 2022年03月31日
    大矢根 綾子, 宮治 裕史
    まず、患者の同意を得て提供された抜去歯牙(通常治療において採取された歯牙)より、エナメル質を表面に露出させた基材(エナメル質基材)を切り出した。照射条件の基礎的検討のため、まずはフッ素無添加のリン酸カルシウム過飽和溶液を用い、得られた基材に対し過飽和液中レーザー照射を行った。具体的には、リン酸カルシウム過飽和溶液中に基材を浸漬し、同基材の表面にNd:YAGナノ秒パルスレーザー光(周波数:30Hz, 波長:355 nm)を非集光で30分照射した。未照射およびレーザー照射後の基材表面の形態、結晶構造、化学組成等を、薄膜X線回折分析、走査電子顕微鏡観察、エネルギー分散型X線分析、およびフーリエ変換赤外全反射分光分析等により調べた。その結果、適切なフルエンスのレーザー光を照射すれば、これまでに報告されている象牙質基材だけでなく、エナメル質基材の表面にも、本過飽和液中レーザー照射によってアパタイトを成膜できることが確認された。
    日本学術振興会, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所, 19K22991
  • 量子ドット音増感剤の開拓と難治性感染症治療への応用
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2019年04月01日 - 2022年03月31日
    川崎 英也, 山本 健, 宮治 裕史
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 関西大学, 19H02564
  • レーザー誘起ナノジェットによる物質デリバリー手法開拓と高機能人工歯面の創製
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2019年04月01日 - 2022年03月31日
    奈良崎 愛子, 中村 真紀, 大矢根 綾子, 宮治 裕史
    バイオインク調製においては、医療用注射液のみを原料としたone-pot合成技術を用い、リン酸カルシウムナノ粒子を合成した。ヘパリンナトリウムの注射液を分散剤とすることで、ナノ粒子の分散性を向上させ、一次粒子径が200 nm程度のナノ粒子を得ることができた。
    また、ナノ複合粒子の比較対象として、バイオミメティック法により生理活性物質としてフィブロネクチンを担持させたアパタイト原料膜を調製、同膜の生理活性(細胞接着活性)をin vitro細胞実験により確認した。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所, 19H02635
  • 光殺菌と組織再生効果を併せ持つ新しい歯周病治療用ゲル剤の開発
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2019年04月01日 - 2022年03月31日
    加藤 昭人, 川崎 英也, 宮治 裕史, 竹生 寛恵
    実験は,AuAgキトサンナノゲル水溶液とRB水溶液(0.1mg/mL)を任意の割合で混合し,RB含量の異なるAuAg/RBキトサンナノゲルを得た.特性評価として,複合化前後の蛍光スペクトルを比較してFRETの発生を検証した.また,一重項酸素検出プローブ(ADBA)を用いたUVスペクトル測定にて,AuAgキトサンナノゲルとRBの複合比率による一重項酸素生成効率の差異を評価した.次にう蝕原因菌S. mutans(Sm)の懸濁液へ各濃度(0.01,0.1,1mg/mL)のAuAg/RBキトサンナノゲルを添加(1:1)して白色光LEDを60秒間照射後,24時間の嫌気培養を行い,濁度測定を行った.
    AuAg/RBキトサンナノゲルとRB単独の一重項酸素生成効率の差異を評価した結果,複合比(AuAgキトサンナノゲル:RB)1:0.1において,RBの一重項酸素生成効率はAuAgキトサンナノゲルとの複合化により,1.7倍増大することが見いだされた.AuAg/RBキトサンナノゲルにおいて,AuAgのみを光励起したところ,AuAg NCsの発光に加えてRBの発光が観測された.これはAuAg NCsからRBへのFRETによるエネルギー移動を示すものであり,RBの一重項酸素生成効率を増大させた要因であると考えられる.抗菌性評価では,AuAg/RBキトサンナノゲルの添加によってSmの濁度の低下を認め,コントロール(添加無し)に比較して有意に抑制した.また,1mg/mL濃度は最も抗菌性を示し,0.01,0.1mg/mL添加に比較して有意に低く,濃度依存的に抗菌性を発揮するものと思われた.

    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 19K10102
  • 根面う蝕の撲滅を目指して!バイオミメティック法を用いたセメント質強化法の確立
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2019年04月01日 - 2022年03月31日
    田中 佐織, 大矢根 綾子, 宮治 裕史, 西田 絵利香, 田中 享
    試料は,患者より提供同意を得た抜去歯の歯冠部を切断し,歯髄と歯根膜線維を除去したヒト歯根セメント質とした.1mM NaFを添加した溶液中にて,照射条件355nm,6W/cm2でレーザーを根面へ照射後,各試料から3部位を選び,FTIR分析,SEM-EDX分析を行った.
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 19K10103
  • アパタイトナノ複合膜のレーザー迅速成膜による高機能化歯面の構築と歯周治療応用
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2017年04月01日 - 2020年03月31日
    大矢根 綾子, 奈良崎 愛子, 宮治 裕史
    アパタイト(歯の主成分)と生理活性物質のナノ複合膜を迅速成膜するための、2種類のレーザー技術[(1) 過飽和液中成膜技術、(2) 膜転写技術]の研究開発を行った。数種類の人工材料基材を用いて基礎的な条件検討・成膜機構解明を進め、迅速(30分以内)かつ簡便に、目的の部位にナノ複合膜を成膜する技術を確立した。得られた複合膜が、様々な機能(細胞親和性、抗菌性、耐酸性など)を示すことを各種in vitro試験により明らかにした。さらに、両技術をヒト象牙質基材(インフォームドコンセント後、提供された抜去歯牙より作製)に応用し、歯面へのアパタイト迅速成膜を実証した。
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所, 17H02093
  • 新規な歯周病再生用骨補填材の開発               
    2019年04月 - 2020年03月
    宮治 裕史
    AMED, 研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • 歯周ポケット内の持続的な除菌治療のための多機能性ナノ粒子の創製               
    2019年04月 - 2020年03月
    中村 真紀
    公益財団法人鈴木謙三記念医科学応用研究財団, 競争的資金
  • キトサンナノゲルと近赤外光を利用した光殺菌性歯周病治療法の開発               
    2019年 - 2020年
    宮治 裕史
    公益財団法人秋山記念生命科学振興財団, 研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • アパタイトナノ複合膜のレーザー迅速成膜による高機能化歯面の構築と歯周治療応用               
    科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
    2017年 - 2020年
    大矢根 綾子
    JSPS, 競争的資金
  • 生体内でレジン上に歯周組織形成を実現!~接着治療法の予知性向上を目指して~
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2016年04月01日 - 2019年03月31日
    田中 佐織, 宮治 裕史, 田中 享, 西田 絵利香, 大矢根 綾子, 中村 真紀, 加藤 昭人, 宮田 さほり, 眞弓 佳代子
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 16K11538
  • バイオミネラリゼーション法による歯周組織再生用ナノ材料の創製と応用
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2016年04月01日 - 2019年03月31日
    宮治 裕史, 田中 佐織, 加藤 昭人, 中塚 愛, 西田 絵利香, 大矢根 綾子
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 16K11822
  • 歯周病再生用骨補填材の開発               
    2017年04月 - 2019年03月
    宮治 裕史
    AMED, 研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • 抗菌光線力学療法のための新しい光増感性金ナノクラスターの開発
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2015年04月01日 - 2018年03月31日
    川崎 英也, 宮治 裕史, 大坂 一生, 田村 裕, 古池 哲也
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 関西大学, 15H03520
  • バイオミネラリゼーション法による歯周組織再生用ナノ材料の創製と応用               
    学術研究助成基金助成金 基盤研究(C) (一般)
    2016年 - 2018年
    宮治 裕史
    JSPS, 研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • 生体内でレジン上に歯周組織形成を実現!~接着治療法の予知性向上を目指して~               
    学術研究助成基金助成金 基盤研究(C) (一般)
    2016年 - 2018年
    田中 佐織
    JSPS, 競争的資金
  • 抗菌光線力学療法のための新しい光増感性金ナノクラスターの開発               
    科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
    2015年 - 2018年
    川﨑 英也
    JSPS, 競争的資金
  • マイクロナノ構造を有する薄膜を用いた新たなインプラント周囲炎治療法の開発
    科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究
    2014年04月01日 - 2017年03月31日
    横山 敦郎, 赤坂 司, 山本 悟, 宮治 裕史
    日本学術振興会, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 北海道大学, 26670829
  • ナノ技術を応用したレジン上への歯周組織再生を伴う接着治療法の開発
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2013年04月01日 - 2016年03月31日
    田中 佐織, 宮治 裕史, 井上 加菜, 田中 享, 谷野 美智恵, 加藤 昭人, 金山 和泉, 西田 絵利香, 村上 秀輔, 川本 康平, 宮田 さほり
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 25462943
  • ナノカーボンコーティングを用いた新規歯周病治療法
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2013年04月01日 - 2016年03月31日
    宮治 裕史, 田中 佐織, 加藤 昭人, 古月 文志, 西田 絵利香
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 25463210
  • 歯周病治療用材料の開発               
    2015年04月 - 2016年03月
    宮治 裕史
    研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • マイクロナノ構造を有する薄膜を用いた新たなインプラント周囲炎治療法の開発               
    学術研究助成基金助成金 挑戦的萌芽研究
    2014年 - 2016年
    横山 敦郎
    JSPS, 競争的資金
  • もみ殻由来ナノバイオシリカを用いた歯周病治療法の開発               
    西田 絵利香
    ノーステック財団, 競争的資金
  • 新規歯面コーティング法の開発               
    2014年04月 - 2015年03月
    宮治 裕史
    研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • 歯周病による重度組織破壊を再生する新規骨ペースト材の開発               
    加藤 昭人
    ノーステック財団, 競争的資金
  • in situでの骨治療に供するバイオアクティブ連通多孔質体の開発               
    2013年08月 - 2014年03月
    岩﨑 泰彦
    JST, 競争的資金
  • カーボンナノチューブネットフィルムで表面改変したチタンの生体応用               
    2012年04月 - 2013年03月
    宮治 裕史
    財団法人秋山記念生命科学振興財団, 研究代表者, 競争的資金
  • 骨再生用ナノコーティングスキャフォールドを用いた歯周組織再生療法の開発
    科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    2010年 - 2012年
    宮治 裕史, 古月 文志, 田中 佐織, 加藤 昭人
    日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 22791916
  • 組織工学を用いた接着性レジン上に歯周組織再生を伴う垂直破折歯根接着治療法の開発
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2010年 - 2012年
    田中 佐織, 菅谷 勉, 宮治 裕史, 下地 伸司, 吉村 善隆, 田中 享, 加藤 昭人, 大谷 香織, 井上 加奈, 福田 寛恵, 井原 麻子, 金山 和泉, 百瀬 赳人, 西田 恵利香, 宮田 さほり
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 22592108
  • 歯周組織再生を伴う垂直破折歯根の接着治療法の開発               
    2009年04月 - 2010年03月
    田中 佐織
    財団法人秋山記念生命科学振興財団, 競争的資金
  • コラーゲンスポンジの骨髄間質細胞シートに対するスキャホールドとしての有効性とBMP-2併用による骨増生               
    2008年04月 - 2009年03月
    財団法人北海道大学クラーク記念財団, 競争的資金
  • 根面のBMP塗布とコラーゲンスキャフォールド移植による歯周組織再生療法の開発
    科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    2007年 - 2009年
    宮治 裕史
    日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 19791606
  • 接着性レジン上にセメント質再生を伴う垂直破折歯根接着治療法の開発
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    2007年 - 2009年
    田中 佐織, 菅谷 勉, 宮治 裕史, 加藤 昭人, 吉村 善隆, 伊部 裕子, 天雲 太一, 大谷 香織, 中塚 愛, 井上 加奈, 福田 寛恵, 逸見 優, 光銭 裕太, 玉川 博貴, 本間 啓史, 横山 裕之, 鷲巣 太郎, 金山 和泉, 洲崎 真希, 中澤 篤志
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), 北海道大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 19592191
  • 根面へのBMP付着と歯根膜のスキャホールドによる歯周組織再生
    科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    2004年 - 2007年
    菅谷 勉, 土門 卓文, 宮治 裕史
    日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), 北海道大学, 連携研究者, 競争的資金, 16390610
  • BMPを歯根面に塗布しセメント質を再生させる新しい歯周組織再生療法の開発
    科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    2004年 - 2006年
    宮治 裕史
    日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), 北海道大学, 研究代表者, 競争的資金, 16791310


  • コラーゲン様ペプチド及びリン酸カルシウムの複合体並びにこれを含む生体組織修復材
    特許権, 宮治裕史, 西田絵利香, 宮田さほり, 降籏友和, 国立大学法人北海道大学
    特願2018-217792, 2018年11月20日
    特開2020-083796, 2020年06月04日
  • 亜鉛含有抗菌剤
    特許権, 宮治 裕史, 西田 絵利香, 蔀 佳奈子, 浜本 朝子, 小野 博信, 郷田 隼, 国立大学法人北海道大学, 株式会社日本触媒
    特願2018-207370, 2018年11月02日
    特開2020-070277, 2020年05月07日
  • 抗菌剤組成物
    特許権, 宮治 裕史, 西田 絵利香, 蔀 佳奈子, 小野 博信, 郷田 隼, 国立大学法人北海道大学, 株式会社日本触媒
    特願2018-207371, 2018年11月02日
    特開2020-070278, 2020年05月07日
  • 抗菌剤組成物
    特許権, 宮治裕史, 西田絵利香, 蔀 佳奈子, 小野博信, 郷田 隼, 国立大学法人北海道大学, 株式会社日本触媒
    特願2018-207371, 2018年11月02日
    特開2020-070278, 2020年05月07日
    特許第7177436号, 2022年11月15日
  • 亜鉛含有抗菌剤
    特許権, 宮治裕史, 西田絵利香, 蔀 佳奈子, 浜本朝子, 小野博信, 郷田 隼, 国立大学法人北海道大学, 株式会社日本触媒
    特願2018-207370, 2018年11月02日
    特開2020-070277, 2020年05月07日
    特許第7190132号, 2022年12月07日
  • 歯周病治療組成物およびそれを含む歯周病治療組成物キット
    特許権, 宮治 裕史, 宮田 さほり, 眞弓 佳代子, 中塚 稔之, 高橋 啓至, 笠場 秀人, 株式会社松風
    特願2016-154288, 2016年08月05日
    特開2018-020986, 2018年02月08日
  • 酸化グラフェンを用いた骨再生用又は皮膚再生用スキャフォールド
    特許権, 宮治 裕史, 西田 絵利香, 川浪 雅光, 新開 妹井子, 三村 邦年, 国立大学法人北海道大学, 三菱瓦斯化学株式会社
    特願2015-037521, 2015年02月27日
    特開2016-158680, 2016年09月05日
  • 抗菌性歯科用コーティング組成物
    特許権, 宮治 裕史, 田中 佐織, 川浪 雅光, 新開 妹井子, 三村 邦年, 国立大学法人北海道大学, 三菱瓦斯化学株式会社
    特願2014-206954, 2014年10月08日
    特開2016-074636, 2016年05月12日
  • 骨再生材料及びその製造方法
    特許権, 宮治 裕史, 川浪 雅光, 西村 浩之, 株式会社イノアック技術研究所, 国立大学法人北海道大学
    特願2010-156796, 2010年07月09日
    特開2012-016517, 2012年01月26日


  • コロナを越えて・健康寿命を延ばそう!-医科と歯科の力で!!-               
  • 北海道150年事業お口の健康公開講座.歯周病のこと,1から勉強してみませんか?-一生自分の歯で食事を楽しむためにー.               
    ロート製薬 北海道新聞
  • 歯の治療と研究の話               
  • 歯の病気と再生治療の研究               
  • 平成27年度北大病院実験教室               
    講師, 企画, 運営参加・支援
  • 歯科治療に理工学の技術を使う・医工連携               
  • 平成26年度北大病院実験教室               
    講師, 企画, 運営参加・支援
  • 平成25年度北大病院実験教室               
    講師, 企画, 運営参加・支援
  • 歯の病気と再生治療の研究
  • インプラントの予後-インプラントを長く持たせるための歯周病細菌コントロール-.               
  • 平成24年度北大病院実験教室               
    講師, 企画, 運営参加・支援

