1 | Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences | Professor | HOKUDAI Taro | Natural sciences, Life sciences, Semiconductors, optical and atomic physics, Forest science | 半導体, テストキーワード(英) |
2 | President/Vice-Presidents | President | Kiyohiro Houkin | Life sciences, Neurosurgery | 血管内皮前駆細胞, human, Linkage analysis, Moyamoya disease, サイトカイン, Microsatellite analysis, Mitochondria, 遺伝子, 脳血管, cytokine receptor, Brain, Cardiopulmonary arrest, Apoptosis, Malignant glioma, もやもや病, growth factor, positional cloning, Bcl-2, Receptor, Neurofibromatosis type 1, 腫瘍免疫, cytokine, autocrine loop, gene expression, 脳神経疾患, Chromosome 17, イオンチャネル, 脳腫瘍, Neurosurgery |
3 | President/Vice-Presidents | Executive/Vice-President | | | |
4 | President/Vice-Presidents | Executive/Vice-President | Setoguchi Tsuyoshi | Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention), Architectural and city planning | Urban Design for Winter Cities, 住環境計画, 都市計画, environmental planning, urban planning |
5 | President/Vice-Presidents | Executive/Vice-President | TAKAHASHI Aya | Humanities & social sciences, Humanities & social sciences, Education - general, History - General | international exchange, international student support, higher education, グローバル人材育成, 社会史, ジェンダー |
6 | President/Vice-Presidents | Executive/Vice-President | Yamaguchi Junji | Life sciences, Life sciences, Applied molecular and cellular biology, Plants: molecular biology and physiology | carbon dioxide, proteomics, plant, 代謝, ubiquitin ligase, plant immunity, adaptation to environment, biomass, protein degradation |
7 | President/Vice-Presidents | Executive/Vice-President | Yamamoto Fumihiko | Humanities & social sciences, History - Europe/America | Holy Roman Empire, ドイツ中・近世史, German medieval and early modern history |
8 | President/Vice-Presidents | Executive/Vice-President | Yokota Atsushi | Life sciences, Applied microbiology | 応用微生物学, Microbial Biotechnology, Microbial Physiology, Applied Microbiology |
9 | Faculty of Science | Professor | Aikawa Masayuki | Energy, Energy, Life sciences, Natural sciences, Nuclear engineering, Quantum beam science, Radiology, Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics | Activation cross section, Radioactive isotope, Nuclear Data, Nuclear Reaction Database |
10 | Research Faculty of Agriculture Fundamental AgriScience Research Agrobiology and Bioresources | Professor | Aikoh Tetsuya | Environmental science/Agricultural science, Environmental science/Agricultural science, Environmental science/Agricultural science, Environmental policy and society, Environmental impact assessment, Horticulture | ランドスケープ計画, 公園計画 |