Mamoru Nishimoto, Haruhide Mori, Tsuneharu Moteki, Yukiko Takamura, Gaku Iwai, Yu Miyaguchi, Masayuki Okuyama, Jintanart Wongchawalit, Rudee Surarit, Jisnuson Svasti, Atsuo Kimura, Seiya Chiba
BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 71 (7) 1703 - 1716 0916-8451 2007/07
[Refereed][Not invited] cDNAs encoding three alpha-glucosidases (HBGases I, II, and 111) from European honeybees, Apis mellifera, were cloned and sequenced, two of which were expressed in Pichia pastoris. The cDNAs for HBGases I, II, and III were 1,986, 1,910, and 1,915 by in length, and included ORFs of 1,767, 1,743, and 1,704 by encoding polypeptides comprised of 588, 580, and 567 amino acid residues, respectively. The deduced proteins of HBGases 1, 11, and III contained 18, 14, and 8 putative N-linked glycosylation sites, respectively, but at least 2 sites in HBGase II were unmodified by N-linked oligosaccharide. In spite of remarkable differences in the substrate specificities of the three HBGases, high homologies (3844% identity) were found in the deduced amino acid sequences. In addition, three genomic DNAs, of 13,325, 2,759, and 27,643 bp, encoding HBGases I, II, and III, respectively, were isolated from honeybees, and the sequences were analyzed. The gene of HBGase I was found to be composed of 8 exons and 7 introns. The gene of HBGase II was not divided by intron. The gene of HBGase III was confirmed to be made up of 9 exons and 8 introns, and to be located in the region upstream the gene of HBGase I.